#but luckily she just saw the cover and went like okay
donaviolet · 7 months
SOOOOO I was supposed to go on a movie date last week but my bf slept til noon and missed the time because he forgot to set up an alarm so we had to change it for today 💀
B U T this time it worked!! And since I came a bit earlier to the mall I had some time to take a look at the bookstore near the cinema and LOOK WHAT I FINALLY FOUND
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And btw we went to see The Boy and The Heron, this movie is a pure work of art 110% reccomend it
Best day ever 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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aamircoeur · 3 months
just distressed (not a damsel) - ultraman, ken sato.
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getting familiar with your robot-like saviour after his nth time of saving your life.
cw: brief mention of blood. sfw, female reader. UNEDITED
"hello again, little ma'am." the huge character looked down on you, his glowing eyes acting as a spotlight as he held you on his palms. a purple-colored, lizard-like kaiju had destroyed the top of the apartment building that you were staying at, and luckily, ultraman was there to save you.
only for, like, the sixth time this month.
"not causing trouble again, are you?" ultraman teased, and you just rolled your eyes, making the being laugh.
the first time was when you were on your first (and after that incident, also the last) date with a guy you met at a bar. he took you to sumida river for some sight-seeing, and a kaiju appeared from underneath the waters, targeting those who were at the bridge. out of fright, the people screamed and scattered like ants, including your date who left you to flee for his own safety.
upset, you took a moment to process the happenings around you while you stared at the back of the guy as he ran. without noticing, the kaiju creeped from behind you in an attempt to catch you off-guard and eat you for its lunch (you assumed). fortunately, ultraman was there in the nick of time, blasting the kaiju with his powers that came from the moon or something, you thought. you really didn't understand how he or his powers worked, and you really couldn't bother learning either.
being the only person to stay on the bridge, ultraman approached you after sending the kaiju back to where it emerged from. "uhm, hi," he said, looking down on you as he was wiping debris off of his shoulder. "you okay?" he tilted his head.
"yes, i am. thank you!" you shouted at him, hands cupped to both sides of your cheeks.
he nodded. "okay, get home safe, little ma'am." he said before walking away. you looked at him as he made his way through the water. you thought about the weird nickname and shrugged, thinking that everyone must be little to him when he's that big.
upon arriving home at your apartment, you saw a series of messages of apologies and excuses from the guy you went on a date with. you scoffed and blocked him without responding.
the second time that you were saved by ultraman was when you unfortunately got in the crossfire between him and a kaiju that looked like a dinosaur. you were underneath a separated car door after trying to run to safety, your left leg and forehead dripping with blood, and you were too light-headed from the blood loss to help yourself out of your current position.
after the shaking of the ground has stopped, assuming that the battle has ended, you opened your eyes only to reveal that everything was blurry. an elderly woman was crouched in front of you, slightly tapping your face before wiping the blood off of your forehead. "oh, you poor thing," she said. a tear made its way across your cheek, finally feeling the pain after the numbness had faded away. "you'll be okay," the woman said before standing up and walking into the middle of the street, and it was the last thing you saw before passing out.
the elderly woman had called for ultraman, waving her arms out as high as she could. seeing her from a few streets over, ultraman rushed to her, careful with his steps to avoid stepping on a car. "hello! is something the matter?" ultraman greeted.
"here, here!" the woman called and led her to where you were. shocked, ultraman knelt down and lifted the car door, placing it down on the sidewalk before scooping you up into his palms. "poor girl has been bleeding since i saw her." she added, her hands cupped together, worriedness heard in her voice. "if you rush, we might save her!" she exclaimed.
ultraman nodded and stood up on his feet, slowly moving covering you with his other hand. "thank you, madame. please, go home to where you'll be safe." he said before flying off.
hearing a constant beep woke you up from the hospital bed that you stayed in. you squinted your eyes as you adjusted to the light on the ceiling, you then saw your right leg with a cast. groaning, you took a deep breath before looking around more. there was a desk beside you with a folded piece of paper.
you reached for it and unfolded it, and there was a note in blue ink that said, "the bills have been covered. please, get well soon."
the third time of being saved by ultraman was when a kaiju attack has been reported near you once again and ultraman took you to safety via his palm because you couldn't walk properly with your cast.
by the fourth time, you simply greeted the character with a simple hello despite having yet another kaiju attack near you. ultraman greeted you back, laughing after realizing that he was getting used to seeing you when there's a kaiju attack and saying, "hello, little ma'am."
for the fifth time, you were in a restaurant for dinner that had unfortunately caught on fire because of a flame-spitting kaiju. although you had the opportunity to leave early the moment smoke was seen to guarantee your safety, you helped every person you could to leave the restaurant instead before helping the staff control the growing fire.
the fire department in the city was handling the fire in a hospital which led to their lateness in handling the one in the restaurant you were staying at. fortunately, the five million meters tall (your exaggeration) superhero was there, helping the humans put out the fire and successfully doing so.
as the staff were being interviewed by news reporters, you went on your way to a different restaurant instead to continue your dinner. a few streets down from where the restaurant was, you walked downtown to where the road was quiet and empty, and you just casually bumped into ultraman.
by casually, you meant that he almost stepped on you after not looking before taking a sharp turn. "woah there!" the huge being exclaimed, his robotic voice echoing throughout the evening. you had your hands in the pockets of your jacket as you looked up at him.
"wait, i know you." he said before going down on his knees and lowering his body to take a better look at you. "little ma'am!" he exclaimed, his bright eyes widening.
you squinted your eyes at the brightness and smiled sheepishly. "hey, ultraman."
ultraman sat up and held out his palm for you, which you accepted. you stepped on his finger before making your way towards his palm, and he then lifted you up before holding you in front of him as he looked at you.
"what brings you here?" you asked, crossing your legs on his palm, making yourself comfortable.
he let out a small chuckle at how used you were to stay on his palms. "uh, fire, in the uptown," he explained. your eyes widened as your eyebrows lifted. "woah, were you there?" he asked, worried.
you nodded. "yeah, i was supposed to have dinner but then the ceiling started burning. i tried to help some elderly people to head outside." you explained.
ultraman smiled down at you, happiness obvious in his robotic facial expression. "you've helped greatly." he said.
you laughed and swatted your hands in front of him. "nah, the cook and waitresses helped control the fire before you got there." you said.
"no way," ultraman shook his head. "don't undermine what you've done, because you've done great. i never would've dumped the bucket of water if i had known that there were people inside, and it would have been hard for me to help them out with my big size." he said. "really, thank you for the help."
you just smiled at him and scoffed playfully. "just another day for a super human," you joked.
you and him shared a laugh and continued your talk. "so, what're you gonna do now?" he asked you, now leaning on the office building behind him as he got more comfortable throughout the conversation.
"ah, i wanted to continue my dinner, but there's this big bug that just wouldn't stop pestering me," you joked, referring to him which made him drop his jaw playfully as if he was offended.
the two of you laughed. "what about you?" you asked.
ultraman tilted his head to the side and rested it on his shoulder. "oh, man, i am beat. i might nap for weeks after tonight, so i'm leaving the city-saving to the new superhero called "little lady". ever heard of her?" ultraman said.
"nah, never. she sounds cool though, probably pretty with big muscles, i assume?" you rode along with his joke, making him laugh.
"oh, yeah, definitely. really pretty thing," he said casually.
your laughter halted upon hearing what he said, making your cheeks and ears flush at the compliment. when he finally realized the words that came out of his mouth, ultraman fixed his posture and stuttered an excuse. you laughed and patted his palm. "don't worry, hypnotizing people to make 'em think i'm good-looking is part of my one hundred and three superpowers."
ultraman let out a hearty laugh at this, making your stomach warm by hearing it. "yeah? better get started to knowing each one."
you smiled at him and took a deep breath. your conversation had finally stopped, the two of you thinking about your own things. after a few more small talk, ultraman had decided to call it a night to let his body rest after the fight with the kaiju. you agreed and he let you down from his palm before standing up to his height that surpassed the building's.
"also, if you want dinner, tonkatsu tonki is the place to go." he said before waving off and flying off.
and the sixth time was now. "hey." you greeted, a tired expression visible on your face.
"always in the centre of the tornado, huh, little ma'am?" he said as he had you in his palms once more, walking you towards the evacuation center.
"lucky me," you sarcastically said.
"lucky you, my personal damsel in distress." he echoed you jokingly.
you rolled your eyes.
taglist: @ttulipwritezz @c-losur3 @saeyari @luvly-writer
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Predator and Prey
Yandere Various Beastmen/ women x Human Afab Reader
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You live in a world ruled by beast men where you are the lowest on the food chain. Sadly for you, you’re often treated like a play thing by your coworkers…
Tw: Breeding, lesbian sex, smut, mounting, predator/ prey dynamics, Yandere behavior, etc
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Leveret- Holland Lop
Leveret was your sweet childhood friend and loyal companion! He was incredibly shy to the point you’d always have to stand up for him. He has always looked up to you ever since you were kids… you were his hero!
Leveret is your standard pretty boy. Hyper feminine and lean, he often wears pastels. His fawn colored hair is usually a bit long and very fluffy, just like his floppy ears! Leveret is very cute but equally pathetic. He never stands up for you, but you’re never upset with him since he is a rabbit. What could prey do to a predator other than run away? It made his heart soar that you were never upset with him… Leveret wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you hated him!
Leveret went to work in the office with you so the two of you are together forever (just like you promised as kids). He doesn’t want to lose sight of his shining star!
Leveret love when you scratch his ears. He automatically thumps his foot which makes him embarrassed so you often reassure him. Leveret loves how sweet you are to him.
Leveret secretly idolizes you and has an entire shrine dedicated to you. He’s a pathetic man. He’s too scared to confess his overwhelming feelings so he settles for collecting keepsakes from you. Nothing you’d ever miss of course, but they meant the world to him!
Chapsticks, silverware, panties, it didn’t matter! It was all kept in a box under his bed for him to romance through when he felt especially pathetic.
Leveret often huffed and humped your soiled panties like the pathetic loser he was! He’d be over the moon if you saw him like this… if you told him how pathetic he was. It was his deepest fantasy! To be dominated by you! To have his small, pathetic cock inside of you. He’s a bunny so he could go for hours! Whatever you want…
Leveret often stalks you when you’re not around him and it turns him on to see you taken advantage by the other beast men, especially Amara.
He often wishes he was a predator so he could be more dominant and confident but he’s okay being a prey instead. You’re never suspicious of him this way… so it’s much easier for you to let your guard down around him
Amara- Spotted Hyena
Amara has a dirty blonde and black spotted wolf cut and scars from one side of her cheek to the other. Her whole body is covered in scars from her constantly picking fights.
Amara is a bully. She’s the meanest coworker to you just because of your species (human).
She often slams her shoulder into yours, knocks your papers out of your hands, or spills food/ drinks on your clothes. Luckily her bullying is only physically since the entire office dislikes her. Arielle is especially not fond of Amara.
You often see the African lion and spotted hyena get into spats
Her loud cackles always fills the office which raised the concerns of your coworkers. Arielle is often the one to come to your rescue. Which only makes Amara more agitated
Yet despite her cruelty to you, you’re not mean to her since you understand why she is the way she is. She had a hard home life since she was the youngest in her pack so you knew she was trying to seek power elsewhere
It’s when Amara hears you defend her to Arielle that the bullying begins to stop. “I know it’s just Amara’s nature and if it makes her feel like the leader then she’s fine picking on me. I’m just a human anyways, it’s not like I could ever defend myself.” You understood her instincts? Amara didn’t think a human would understand her more than other beast men would… it started her interest in you.
Amara will stop being physically mean to you since you’ve shown submission to her. Now she will share her lunch with you in an, albeit, forceful way. She will scare off your bunny beast man friend so she can sit with you in the break room instead. The hyena insistent that you needed more protein or you’d be too weak.
Amara is insistent on walking you home. Her hyenas ears flip back and forth on her head to listen to any danger. Her scarred and muscular form was enough to intimidate anyone away from you. Not to mention her 5’11” frame. She was definitely a predator not to be messed with.
Amara will become suffocatingly clingy to the point your boss has to separate the two of you in fear of your safety (and a lawsuit). But that doesn’t stop her from finding you during break time (and to rip you away from Leveret)
Be prepared for the spotted hyena to corner you in the bathroom, her hands grabbing you in every place she can reach as her nose is buried in the crook of your shoulder. How could she not votive how good you smell?!
It isn’t long before she has you bend over the sink, her pseudo penis pressed against your backside as she humps you. She may not be a male, but her organ is perfectly functional for mounting. Won’t you indulge her? Amara hasn’t mounted anyone yet and you said you understood her nature. So won’t you indulge her? It’s not like you could defend yourself, you said so yourself…
Amara may be a woman but she was sure she could please you just as much as a man! The two of you could be mates!
Amara is quite rough and her psuedo penis is quite big. She’s a true dom and has a biting kink. It’s best to avoid being alone with her… unless you enjoy being mounted
Arielle- African Lion
Arielle is a respectable figure in the office. Her ginger hair is usually kept in a pixie cut. She’s a handsome woman with a scar across the right side of her lip. She’s usually the best dressed in the office. She often has to shave her face and arms since she’s a trans woman. Arielle hates her mane that constantly tries to grow back and the excessive body hair (but she’d be over the moon if you tell her you like her hairy arms, she’ll keep them then),
Arielle was the first in the office to take you under her wing and to protect you from the others. She isn’t very fond of the way the others treat you. You’re a rare human! You should be respected…
Arielle often carries extra set of clothes on her so you have something to change into when Amara decides to make you wear a meal or beverage. As much as Arielle hates Amara, it satiates a part of her that adores you in her clothes. Something about it is sexy to her. Especially from how much smaller you are than her.
If you seek her out for help or guidance, you’re instantly in her good graces. You feel safe around her? She’ll keep you safe. You like her clothes? She’ll bring you more. You like her hairy arms? She won’t shave them anymore. You think she’s a beautiful woman? She’ll show you how beautiful she finds you.
Arielle is the most passionate amongst the beast men. She loves to trail kisses across your neck and chest. Her clawed hands are always gentle so she doesn’t hurt you. She’s so happy you don’t mind her genitalia. It makes her cry and purr to be accepted.
Arielle is a little sucker for praise of any kind. She’s quite a lax lover but don’t let that fool you. Arielle is quite protective of you and is willing to shed blood for you if she has to.
Arielle doesn’t mind sharing you with Eden but she’s not fond of the other workers. She especially dislikes Amara and Leveret.
She scents you more than the other beast men. You often find lion hair all over your clothes after a night with her…
Conan- Eastern Wolf
Conan hates humans so he avoids you like the plague. If you try to talk to the gray haired man, he will leave the premises.
Conan is a very attractive man with long gray hair and icy blue eyes. He’s usually quite stoic and quiet so no one ever knows what he’s feeling if they look at his face… his tail tells a different story.
Conan will eventually open up to you when he sees how hard you try to understand the beast men’s behaviors. You’re not a bad human like the others he met and it was rude of him to make such an assumption.
Conan will apologize to you but he still keeps you at arms length, until he notices a certain rabbit being odd. Hell, everyone was odd to you. And Conan didn’t like it.
Conan will offer you solace if the others start to be too much. He’s a bit higher up in the office so you can hide in his office to get away from the stage five clingers but it won’t be long until they find you.
Conan is great at giving advice and he is a great listener. He just never expected to grow fond of you as well… you were too nice for your own good.
Conan refers to you as little red riding hood. “Little red, don’t you think you should avoid someone like me?” And you’d always smile at him. “I think you’re nice though, Conan. You have such kind eyes… I’m happy you became my friend.”
Curse you. Curse you and your kindness. Your gentle scratched behind his ears and your soft words that made his tail wag. Conan began to crave you more and more until all he wanted to do was to breed you like a proper mate should.
Conan will try to stay away from you when he’s in heat by locking himself up in his office. If you choose to ignore the “do not disturb” note on his door because the others are scaring you, he cannot guarantee he won’t pounce on you.
Conan would apologize the entire time as he stuffs you with his knot. But this was your fault. You should know not to get too close to a predator. Didn’t your family ever warn you about the big bad wolf, little red?
Eden- Grizzly Bear
This giant woman was in love with you at first sight. You’re so small compared to her and that meant you needed to be protected!
Eden is the tallest amongst the other people in the office. She’s built like a powerlifter with strong arms and a strong back but has a tummy on her. Her hair is in a chocolate brown mullet and she’s covered in tattoos. She is also openly lesbian.
Outside of work, Eden wears flannels and resides in a cabin in the woods. She enjoys hikes and wood cutting. You jokingly call her a lumberjack.
She loves to talk. Eden is the office chatter box with a gregarious personality. She’s quite boisterous but she’s not a bad person. Eden is thrilled that you don’t mind her incessant chatter, you’re one of the few people…
This giant woman often greets you with a toothy grin and shoves Amara away from you. She’s one of the few people in the office that likes humans. 
Eden will share all her snacks with you from the get go and she will be so happy if you share yours! Sharing is caring after all!
Eden loves honey straws that are supposed to be used for tea. She sucks on them like suckers any chance she gets. You often stress concern for her and her love of sweets but not to worry! She’s a grizzly bear! She will be perfectly okay!
She may seem like an idiot but she’s far from it. She notices the way Amara changes her beat around you in a second. And she doesn’t like it. If you build a strong bond with Eden, Eden will go to the bathroom with you and she will pull Amara off you. A bear is not to be messed with, especially not a grizzly.
Now you have this tank of a woman following you around work. Eden offering you snacks and protection in exchange for you talking with her. She’s a lax Yandere save for her over protectiveness.
Eden will take you on hikes and foraging in the woods. She will even teach you which berries and mushrooms are edible! Whatever you want, she will be happy to oblige.
Eden is perfectly okay with just being friends too. She doesn’t mind! Eden just likes being around you. But if you want more with her or if you want a third, she’s open.
Eden is a very giving lover. You will be her cute little princess pillow almost every time. She’d rather do all the work so the two of you can cuddle and watch movies but won’t reject you if you want to go down on her. She gets especially riled up if you offer to suck her strap. How naughty
Eden wouldn’t mind sharing with her best friend, Arielle. She finds it kind of hot to have you crying and moaning under her and the lioness. She’s kind of jealous that Arielle would be able to get you pregnant while she can’t, but she’s still happy to stuff your cute pussy with her strap or her fingers. You’re so fucking cute. Won’t you stay with her forever?
The two (or three) of you could live a pretty efficient life in the woods. So why don’t you just stay here where she can properly protect you?
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sugarushwriting · 18 days
ot7 vampire enhypen and their human blood bank (you) part two
ni-ki went rogue (yikes)
sfw with some innuendos (the nsfw is coming i promise)
not proof read
reblog, like, and let me know your thoughts! please don’t repost or translate.
kinda like a filler part (?) but still interesting and the next few parts get more interesting (?) please trust me and bare with me!
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
jay had picked you up and brought you straight to the house (actually mansion) the boys lived in. it was in a historic part of downtown, which happened to be no more than a 30 minute walk (5-7 minute drive) to main campus.
historic brick home, built in the 1800s and renovated to fit modern style but also kept the original charm and character. you loved the bookshelves and home library the house had. jay made sure to let you know you were welcome over whenever and that would be your safe space. when you were in the library, none of the boys would bother you. even if they had to feed, they would use the blood bags before bothering you.
5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a finished basement for entertainment. the newbies all share a bedroom. apparently jay was currently searching for a bigger house.
entering the house, sunoo and jungwon were waiting for you and jay to arrive back.
“where’s ni-ki?” you asked barely above a whisper.
“he’s downstairs with sunghoon and jake.” jay answered.
“and heeseung?”
“went to check on the girl in the hospital.”
you let out a big sigh of distress. you hope she was okay, you really did. but would she remember what happened? would she tell the cops on ni-ki and jeopardize the boys secret?
“what—what happened?” you asked looking at all three boys attentively and walked to were jungwon and sunoo sat. both immediately grabbed your hands in their own as jay sat on the coffee table facing you to explain what happened.
jay and sunghoon, the two being the oldest members (in vampire age) had always reiterated to the newbies how feeding on a human for the first time isn’t something to take lightly. it can be deadly for both sides, as well as the newbie losing control due to lust.
there was a curfew for the newbies. be home by 8 pm, if they needed to be out later, sunghoon or jay had to be with them. absolutely off limits was being alone with someone. not just a girl, but a guy too. a newbie will feed on any human with a heartbeat. you did learn though, whichever the newbie is attracted to though, the longing and lust would be stronger.
sunoo had warned ni-ki not to break the rules, but ni-ki insisted he would be okay. he had snuck out around 12 to go meet the girl. sunoo immediately told the olders when he awoke seeing ni-ki’s bunk below his empty around 1:30 am.
jay and sunghoon went out to find ni-ki, and luckily, it didn’t take long as sunoo had ni-ki’s laptop and saw the messages where they were meeting.
the girl had somehow cut her hand earlier that day, and while out with ni-ki her wound reopened. ni-ki smelt the flesh blood. his eyes changed and before the girl could even scream, his teeth had been embedded into her wrist. his other hand had gripped her other wrist so hard, his nails caused a cut, and he fed on that too.
while jay pulled ni-ki off, ni-ki, covered in blood on his face and shirt, smirked and ran off, leaving a trail. jay went after him. sunghoon stayed back to make sure the girl’s memory was erased from the last 30 minutes. he made sure she repeated,
“ni-ki and i said goodbye. he was not the cause of my accident.”
“how—what happened when you caught him? why did sunghoon leave the girl?”
“sunghoon wasnt going to leave her, but he heard someone coming.” jay explained, “i caught ni-ki in no time. although i’m and elder and he’s a newbie that was hyped on his first feed, i am still faster and stronger.”
jay explained how with ni-ki’s behavior right now, an elder needs to be with him at all times, as he wouldn’t be able to manipulate them. ni-ki also doesn’t have the ability to manipulate the one who changed him—hence why jake and sunghoon was with him.
“can i see him?” you asked standing up.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea, love.” jay shook his head but you pouted.
“please jay.” you begged. “i won’t be scared, i promise.”
“it’s not you being scared of him i am worried about. it’s how his behavior will be towards you.”
“what do you mean?” you crossed your arms. it couldn’t be that bad, could it?
“love, he’s very hungry, thirsty, lustful, right now. he’s chained in our basement in a small, hidden room we have for reasons like this. never thought we’d need it. if he smells you, heck he probably smells you now, he will literally not be able to control himself. his mind, emotions, words, all of it.”
“no, i will not allow you to see him right now. he’s also very angry cause we are denying him of blood, and draining his body of the human thirst.”
your face dropped, “draining?”
“more like, detoxing. he won’t have blood, well, good, fresh blood for a while. the next day or 2, we will be giving him old blood, that doesn’t taste good, but will keep him alive.”
“and that will help him?”
jay nodded, “yes. it could take 12 hours or it could take 12 days.”
“what about school?”
“it’s already been taken care of, okay?” jay tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, then cradled your cheek. “are you hungry?”
you shook your head. “no just tired.” it was still early in the morning from being woke up out of your sleep.
“go lay in my bed. you can sleep in some of my clothes if needed.”
you smiled. “thanks jay.”
as you went up the stairs, jungwon turned to jay with panic in his eyes. “how am i supposed to feed on her now? i don’t want to hurt her, jay.”
“and you won’t because you’ll have me and one of the others with you, okay? we’ll guide you.”
jungwon shook his head with a sniffle, “i don’t want to lose control.”
“jungwon, if i didn’t think you could, i wouldn’t even had mentioned it as a possibility.” jay soothed, “you have the best control as a newbie that i’ve seen and i mean that.”
you woke up next to an empty bed around 10 am. you sat up and stretched with a groan, your bones popping.
going to jay’s ensuite, you brushed your hair and teeth, before going downstairs to a quiet home.
you walked around looking for life (haha) but when you found no one, your eyes turned to the door leading to the basement. your heart picked up as your hand reached for the doorknob.
“baby doll, what are you doing?”
you jumped with a squeal hearing sunghoon behind you. he had a smile on his face showing his natural pointy k-9s.
“i, uh, i was looking for someone.” you scratched your head. “i walked around the house and didn’t find anyone.”
“that’s because we’re all still asleep.”
“why aren’t you?”
“i sensed you were up to no good.”
“what about jay? he’s not in bed.”
“he’s with ni-ki.” sunghoon said. “and jay made it very clear you are to not go in the basement, no matter how many times you pout and bat your eyelashes.”
you groaned. “fine.” your stomach grumbled. “can you fix me breakfast?”
“you know i’m not the best cook.”
“you’ve been dead slash alive for how long and you still can’t master it up like a chef like jay?”
“no matter how long we’ve been living, there are just some things you’ll never be good at.” sunghoon laughed and he led you to the kitchen.
“what do you want, baby doll?”
“mhmm, pancakes?”
“that, i can do.”
“can i help?” it was jungwon’s voice who joined you both in the kitchen, with sunoo right behind.
“sure. i thought you two would still be asleep.” sunghoon said, then explained how newbies usually sleep most of the day away for at least the first 6 months as they’re building up their strength.
“too worried about ni-ki.” sunoo sighed and sat at the barstool next to you.
“he’s fine.” heeseung’s voice was next to say as you heard the basement door shut.
you quickly turned around. “you were down there with him and jay?”
heeseung nodded. he kissed the top of your head with a “hi pretty,” greeting.
“how do you define, fine?” you challenged.
“he’s not dead—again.”
you smiled at the joke and nodded. “how long have you and jay been down there?”
“just about 3 hours.” heeseung yawned.
“you must be tired!” you gasped and turned to sunghoon, suddenly feeling guilty of having him make you breakfast.
“it’s no worries, okay? i’ll sleep after breakfast is done.” and sunghoon did just that. after finishing the pancakes to feed the whole house, he went back to to his room to sleep.
heeseung explained to sunoo and jungwon that he would be taking them out today to learn to control their urges while in public.
“where are we going?”
“fighting match.” heeseung smirked.
“so violent!” you screwed your face in disgust.
after those three left, jay was still downstairs with ni-ki, jake was still fast asleep, and sunghoon was asleep in his room.
you took the opportunity to go to the library and find a book to read. eventually you fell asleep on the big couch that was in the library.
ni-ki, it was ni-ki. but why were you in the basement?
“help me.” ni-ki pleaded and you went closer to him. poor boy looked pathetic. he was extremely pale and looked as if he hadn’t eaten in years!
“i need to feed or i’ll die.” he said. your feet moved before your mouth. his eyes changed, and his fangs came out.
“feed on me.” you said.
ni-ki’s smile did not look welcoming. his smile looked creepy. the basement light flickered and the next light, ni-ki was covered in blood staring at you. “don’t mind if i do.”
just as ni-ki went to attack, you awoke startled, you too out of breath to even scream. you were gasping desperately for air, and looked around your surroundings.
you were still in the library. the book fell to the ground. your hand went to your head as you felt a headache forming. “what the fuck was that?” you whispered to yourself.
“you okay?” sunghoon asked from the doorway to the library.
you turned with a startle, but smiled and nodded. “i’m good.”
“are you done reading?”
you nodded and got up from the couch putting the book on the shelf. “you need to feed? it’s been a while.” you asked.
sunghoon nodded, “if you don’t mind doll.”
“i don’t.” you said truthfully. another thing you learned is that the older vampires (jay and sunghoon) can go longer in between feeds, especially since their feeds are more intense.
once you reached the doorway to the library, sunghoon intertwined your hands together and led you to his bedroom.
you got in a spot on his bed lying down. you were still in your (jays) shorts, so sunghoon would have no trouble accessing your right thigh. just like jake, his favorite place to feed was your upper thigh.
in no time, sunghoon had his teeth sunk into you. you let out a quick groan of pain with the initial feeling, but it didn’t last long. as sunghoon fed, your mind with fuzzy, and your head fell back on the bed. you don’t remember sunghoon gripping your other leg to make sure you stayed open for him. you don’t remember him finishing, his face stricken with panic as he noticed you weren’t responding to him.
“baby doll, open.” you faintly heard him say.
“what’s wrong with her?” it was jake’s aussie accent.
“i don’t know.” sunghoon said with genuine concern. the guys always made sure you had enough energy and strength before feeds, and they made sure that you knew that. if you didn’t feel well, you were supposed to tell them.
your mouth was opened by jakes fingers and a thick drink was poured down your throat. it was some kind of protein shake to hopefully get your strength back up.
your breathing resumed to a normal rate. you don’t know how long you were out, but you had the same nightmare about ni-ki.
this time when you startled awoke, sunghoon and jake were there. “baby doll, what happened?”
“nightmare.” you said, but sunghoon and jake demanded you told them about it. and when you did, sunghoon wasn’t happy.
sunghoon stormed off out of his room, down to the basement, ignoring jays confused face as he opened the door to the single blocked off room. ni-ki was there, smirk on his face.
“aw man, you’re not who i wanted to see.” he chuckled.
“leave her alone!” sunghoon yelled.
jay rushed in beside sunghoon. “what happened?”
before either boy could speak, they heard your footsteps coming down the basement steps. your eyes glazed over in almost a trance.
“she wouldn’t stop! i didn’t want to hurt her.” jake voiced with worry from behind you.
both sunghoon and jay turned to ni-ki who still had an all knowing smile on his face. “what?” he clicked his tongue. “looks like she wants me to feed on her.”
“ni-ki.” was all you said. before you could step closer, sunghoon slammed the door back, and jay rushed to your side.
“wake up.” he commanded. you did so. his tone was dark and deep, which was probably his authority as head vampire.
“huh?” you looked around confused. you noticed you were in the basement when you saw the pool table. then you panicked looking at jay. “jay,” you began but jay cut you off.
“no worries love. go upstairs and pack an overnight bag. jake, go get jungwon to meet in the living room with an overnight bag as well.”
you didn’t question or argue and went straight upstairs with jake right behind you.
sunghoon and jay discussed amongst themselves. the detox wasn’t working quick enough. ni-ki smelt you from the moment you walked in that door. with sunghoon feeding on you, it got stronger, your smell.
ni-ki had tried to use mind control to let him feed on you. that’s why you were drained so quickly from sunghoon’s feeding.
“i knew it was a bad idea bringing her here, sunghoon.” jay explained. “i’m taking her and jungwon to a hotel overnight.”
“make sure she eats really well.” sunghoon warned, not wanting earlier events to happen again.
jay and sunghoon have decided, it was time for jungwon to feed.
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹♡
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st4rgzer · 9 months
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WHEN I NEED YOU matt sturniolo
summary: when things get too much, Matt is there for you when you most need it.
genre: angst and fluff
cw!: problems with food, anxiety, panic attack
a/n: requested!!
Matt was there when I needed him the most, that is why I love him.
I stared at the blank ceiling above me, surrounded by the tiles of the bathroom floor, which were cold on my legs, uncomfortably cold.
I clutched my phone as I was curled in a fetal position, scrolling down more comments, my heart clenching every time I saw any “somewhat” negative comment, I hate my sensibility, it’s not anybody’s fault, just mine.
I debated calling anyone, Matt explicitly told me to call him every time I felt down, any time I felt like I needed him. It became a habit to call him up when my mind felt crowded. But I felt like now wasn’t the time, I didn’t deserve to be comforted.
Short breaths started leaving my mouth, rapidly increasing their pace. Hot tears kept rolling down my cheeks, as sobs echoed through the empty bathroom. My hand fell onto my face in frustration, as I continued to fail at slowing my breathing, trying to reject the start of a panic I knew was coming, ones that weren’t rare, nevertheless, I hadn’t had one in months, I felt guilty about losing me streak, about failing myself and the people I promised i’d get better to.
My chest rose and fell, again and again, I clutched it in an attempt to get a hold of myself. I clumsily scrolled through my contacts and clicked on Matt’s, bringing the phone to my ear.
“Matt? Matt, are you there?” My voice broke almost immediately, covering my mouth to prevent another sob, to prevent him from knowing.
“Yes, baby, I’m here, what’s?- are you okay? are you crying” His tone instantly changed as soon as he put the puzzle pieces together in his mind. I could hear him grab the keys, ushering away from his brothers swiftly, as the door squeaked open.
“no, i- yes, yes, but nothings wrong, i’m not going to do anything stupid, I just needed to hear your voice” I managed to blurt out, my voice shaky as I tried to explain the situation to him, he could tell I was lying.
“okay baby, just stay on the line with me, tell me about what you did today, okay?” He consoled me. His car door clicked, I heard him start the engine, even though I didn’t want him to come, I know i needed him to do so.
“I- well, I had lunch with my friend, we went to a new diner near mine” The words came out of my mouth clumsily, trying to focus on forming sentences, helping my mind to distract itself and slowly, helping my breathing to fall back into rhythm.
“that’s great honey, what did you eat?” I could tell by his voice he was trying to sound relax, but I knew he was terrified, by the slight shake in his words, the fear of that, when he stopped talking, I wouldn’t respond.
“I ate- um, I ate pasta, butter pasta with shrimp, I didn’t get the alfredo cause I felt bad you couldn’t eat it with me” I sniffed, laughing slightly, the tears and the strain in my chest slowly stopping.
He laughed along with me, as if he wasn’t fucking terrified that when he came to mine, his favourite person wouldn’t be there. Still, he felt a tiny bit better hearing my laugh.
“that’s great, did you get any dessert?”
I remembered feeling guilty, I remembered that’s when this started. My friend got a salad, and she didn’t have any dessert, yet I picked a brownie. She stared at me, I could tell she was judging me, belittling me in her head. I felt sick all of the sudden, and a knot in my throat, the same one I felt when my mother asked if “that’s what you’re having? i could never.” The same knot I felt when the other kids got picked before me.
Matt felt a shift in my mood, a sudden pause and silence that indicated I was caught back into the trance.
“fuck” Matt muttered under his breath, cursing to himself for not being more aware of what he was saying. Luckily, he’d finally pulled up to my house, and parked in the driveway, practically running towards my door and pulling out the spare key I gave him for emergencies like these, well, not like these , but nonetheless, important.
I heard his footsteps stomp up my stairs, getting louder as he reached my bedroom, opening the door and looking around.
“y/n? y/n, where are you baby?” he spoke softly, trying not to startle me any more.
He peeked into the bathroom, I saw his face drop and soften as he saw me curled up on the bathroom floor with wet cheeks and frazzled hair. He’d always promised himself to take care of me, to hold me like nobody’s ever done before, to love me as if it were breathing, so it physically pained him to see me in such state.
He kneeled down and reached out to cradle me. I held onto him like my life depended on it, sobbing into his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut as the sounds he always dreaded the most left my mouth.
He did the only thing he knew I needed in that moment. To hold me, to hold me so close and dearly, until his heartbeat and our slow breaths were the only thing that could be heard through these four walls.
So he did. Until my crying ceased, until my heart didn’t ache anymore, until I fell asleep in his arms.
“I love you, so much” He whispered and kissed my forehead softly, running his fingers through my hair.
He picked me up and placed me on the bed, tucking me in, and laying right next to me, where I could feel him there, so I knew I wasn’t alone.
He sighed and kissed the top of my head, wrapping his arms around me, guarding me, gently, how I needed to be held.
taglist: @dwntwn-strnlo @iha8you @stvrni0lo @gabbylovesreading @lovelysturniolo @ssturniolo @strniolo @sturniolol @eyelessdemon
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heavyhitterheaux · 7 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 4: If Your Girl Only Knew (Slight NSFW)
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Synopsis: Jack invites you to one of his shows, and everyone is excited to see you, especially him. However, he had to warn you that the time had finally come for meeting the infamous Kelsey face to face.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Ever since that lust filled night when Jack came to visit, you were longing to see him again and be in his presence. During different times of the day, your thoughts would go back to that moment and how much pleasure he had brought you. So much that in more times than you could count, you found yourself having a river form in between your thighs and often found yourself putting your vibrator to good use. That would have to do at least until you saw him again.
Luckily a few weeks later, an opportunity arose when he called you on Facetime and asked you if you would want to come to one of his shows. Surprisingly, you hadn’t seen him perform since the two of you called it quits and thought it was long overdue.
You had kept tabs on him throughout the years and still supported him, but you simply did it from a distance.
“You busy this Friday?” He asked and all you did was eye him.
“Depends on who’s asking.” You answered while eating your chocolate covered strawberries that was from an edible arrangement that Jack had sent to your house earlier.
“Well I’m asking because I have a show I’m performing at in L.A. and I want you there with me.”
“Hmm, I guess I can fit you in my schedule.”
“What do you mean you guess? Stop acting like you don’t want my face buried between your thighs again. And I definitely want to be one of those strawberries right now. Why are you eating it like that? Getting me bricked up and shit.”
“Jackman! Cut it out, he’s downstairs.” You exclaimed while getting up to close your bedroom door.
“Like I give a flying fuck about that. He doesn’t deserve you anyway. Don’t act shy now, or did you forget what happened last night when I called you?”
You instantly got a smirk on your face remembering how Jack asked you to get off in front of him and all you remember was the camera view becoming blurry as he hit his peak and his cum went flying everywhere as he watched you.
“I see your phone survived what you put it through.”
“Look, it was your fault and I’d do it again too with no hesitation.”
“I know you would.”
Jack then got quiet and you looked at him curiously wondering what was on his mind.
“Jackson, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?”
He simply sighed before answering you.
“Kelsey is going to be there too.”
“Jack, that’s your wife isn’t it? I would expect her to be with you sometimes.”
“Yes, but….”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll play nice and be on my best behavior and I might give you a private show once you’re done with your own.”
“Oh, do tell.”
“Nope, you just have to be patient and wait and see. But, why am I worried about someone that clearly can’t give you what you want or satisfy you? From what everyone says about her, she obviously doesn’t compare to me.”
“Doesn’t even come close.”
“Isn’t it almost two in the morning over there? And where is she now?”
“It is and I have no idea where the hell she is and I don’t care. Probably out spending all my got damn money.”
You stifled a laugh and he simply shook his head.
“Well Clay does call her the wicked witch of the west for a reason.”
“And now I’ve really started to see why over the last two months.”
“We’ll talk about it later, but for right now you need to go to sleep and get all the rest you can get for Friday.”
“Oh, and why is that?”
“Because you’ll have two performances to put on. One for your fans and the other one is for my eyes only. How do you think Kelsey would feel if we had a few minutes to ourselves after the show?”
“I can arrange it and make it happen and she can get the fuck over it.”
Friday was now here and you were on your way to the venue and made sure to leave a bit early so that being stuck in traffic wouldn’t become an issue. As you were driving, a facetime call came through and you saw it was Clay and quickly answered. You were now suddenly concerned and was hoping that everything was okay with Jack.
“Clay! Hi boo, what’s going on? Everything okay?”
“Please tell me you’re still coming, but hi to you too!”
“What the? What’s wrong?”
“Jack is in a mood again and you can guess why because there is literally only one answer at this point.”
“Oh, goodness.”
“I wish she would have stayed home but NOPE. So here we are and everyone is miserable so PLEASE tell me that you’re almost here. I don’t know how much more of her we can take.”
“Of course I’m still coming and I’m actually almost there. I left a little early because I knew traffic was going to be crazy.”
Just then Urban popped into the frame and was waving at you.
“Hurry up and get your ass here. I’ll meet you outside and bring you to where everyone is. But uh, did he warn you about….?”
“Yes, I know.”
“Okay good. Didn’t want you walking into any surprises.”
“I’ll see you two in about ten minutes.” Without another word, you hung up and turned your attention back to the road ahead.
As promised, Urban met you outside and led you backstage where everyone was. As soon as you walked in the room, all attention was on you and Clay was the first one to capture you in a hug.
“We’re saved, we’re saved.” He whispered in your ear and you couldn’t help but laugh. When you looked over at Urban, he was laughing too so he obviously must have heard what Clay said.
“Y/N! Clay, move and stop hogging her!” Ace exclaimed while trying to get in between the two of you.
“Hiii Ace.”
“Hello, Y/N, and we need to talk business. As in business being your older sister.”
“ACE!! Leave the girl alone! She just got here! At least let her settle in before you start harassing her! Hi Y/N, I’m Neelam and I’ve heard such good things about you from Jack. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” So, this was the famous Neelam that everyone talked about.
“It’s so nice to meet you too!” You responded while returning the hug that she was giving you.
You scanned the room and didn’t see Jack or Kelsey so you assumed that they were together and sure enough right on cue, they both entered. Jack was walking in front of her and clearly pissed off about something as she was following behind him like a lost puppy and there was an obvious pout on her face.
“Kelsey, drop it. I’m done talking about it.”
When Jack looked up and saw you, his grim mood turned the corner for the better and immediately ran over to you and picked you up as you began to laugh.
“Hiii boo. I see you’ve missed me.”
“You have NO idea.” He said loud enough so that only you could hear and squeezed you tighter. 
“When you left, I lost a part of me. It’s still so hard to believe, come back baby please cause weeee belong togetherrrr.” Clay started to sing when the two of you embraced and it was giving everyone in the entire room the hardest time in order not to laugh.
“I just love Mariah Carey. One of my favorites. Yall think she’s going to do a Vegas residency soon?” Clay asked as he was scrolling through his phone.
“I’d definitely come with you if she does.” Urban responded while shrugging and Neelam was eyeing the two of them.
She quickly mouthed ‘Behave’ while trying not to laugh herself.
Once Jack had placed you back on your feet, you suddenly felt a presence next to you and turned around to be face to face with Kelsey herself.
“Babe, who’s this?” She asked Jack and he clearly looked annoyed at the fact that she was even talking to him.
“Y/N, this is Kelsey, Kelsey this is Y/N, we went to high school together. She lives here and I asked her to come.” He answered while not taking his eyes off of you and his left arm was still around your waist which she was quick to notice. 
“It’s so nice to meet you.” You said as you held your hand out towards her, but she examined it before she took it.
“Oh, someone’s jealous.” Clay whispered to Urban and he immediately nodded.
“I didn’t realize you two were so close and had no idea you would be here tonight. I feel that is something important that you should tell your wife, don’t you think, Jackman?”
“Here she goes.” Clay quietly said while keeping his focus on his phone.
“They’ve been a lot closer than she thinks.” Urban muttered next to Clay and they both began to laugh.
“Kelsey, don’t start. So I have to tell you about every single person that I went to high school with and decided to reconnect with them?”
“I didn’t even mean it like that.”
“Well it sounds like you did.”
“Damn, 100 points to Gryffindor. He got her good with that one.” Ace said from behind you as you were simply standing there because it was now awkward.
Kelsey then turned back to you and gave you the fakest smile that she could muster. There was something about you that she couldn’t put her finger on, but she already knew for a fact she didn’t like you.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.”
“Okay, is she settled in now Neelam? Y/N! Let me at Janelle!” Ace said as he was now at the snack table and all you did was shake your head at him.
The time waiting for Jack’s set was spent with you goofing around with everyone backstage and getting to do a mini photoshoot in the hallway with Urban taking the pictures in order for you to be able to post them on your instagram later.
When you were across the room talking to 2fo with Jack right beside you, Kelsey went and sat next to Clay who had a confused look on his face when he noticed her.
“Uhh? Did you need something Kelsey?” He politely asked as he was silently cursing Urban for leaving him there by himself.
“How does Jack know her?”
“He told you earlier. They went to high school together. Didn’t you hear him?
“And they were just friends?” She asked, trying to find out more information about you.
“Don’t you think that this is a conversation for you and your husband to have?” Clay asked while finally turning to look at her.
“He doesn’t want to tell me anything anymore.”
“Hmm, I wonder why. Evil ass.” Clay muttered to himself so that she wouldn’t be able to hear.
“You still need to ask him and not me.”
“Is there…. Is there something I should be worried about?”
“Meaning what exactly?”
“Jack hasn’t taken his eyes off of her since he saw her when she got here.”
“Well.. they haven’t seen each other in a long time and they were really close.”
“How close?”
“Kelsey, ask my brother.”
“But obviously you know something, but aren’t telling me.”
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re a little jealous? You’re the wife, right? So you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”
“I’m not jealous! It just seems like everyone adores her and all of the attention has been on her.”
“She’s an amazing person. Always has been. Our parents absolutely love her too.”
“Wait, she knows your parents, too?!”
“Like I said before, they were extremely close.”
Soon there was only about twenty more minutes until it was time for Jack to go on stage and you wanted to give him a small gift since you still hadn’t gotten him anything for his birthday. You knew deep down that he didn’t care and was simply excited to see you, but you still wanted to do something nice for him. As he was about to head to his dressing room, you grabbed his arm to stop him.
“Hey, I have something to give you, but I want it to be when we’re by ourselves.”
“Hmm, is it what I think it is?” He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows and you quickly smacked his arm.
“Behave! And no, but… if we can make our way to your dressing room now, I can give you a good luck kiss and maybe a little more?”
All he did was smirk and start to play with the ends of your hair which Kelsey was very quick to notice and was quick to interrupt.
“Babe, isn’t it time for your good luck kiss since you’re about to hit the stage?”
“Gag me with a spoon.” Quiiso said to 2fo who was trying not to laugh.
“Um, sure in a minute. Let me go get dressed first. And Y/N had something to show me so we’ll be back.”
He put his hand on the small of your back and guided you down the hallway to his dressing room as Kelsey was left sitting there fuming at what just happened.
Once the two of you got to his dressing room, he closed the door behind him and locked it then his lips were instantly on yours.
“Mm, I’ve missed that and this.” He said as his hand went to cup your ass in the skirt that you were wearing.
“You definitely made that clear on our facetime call earlier this week.”
“So, what did you want to give to me? Is it another purple thong? Because at this point I’m about to start collecting them like infinity stones.”
“I literally CANNOT with your ass.” You said while laughing and Jack pulled you closer to him so that he was able to kiss you once more.
“Look, I figured I’d ask and when I collected all of them it would unlock some type of bonus scene.”
“Jackson PLEASE stop talking.” You responded as you continued to laugh.
“What?!  What’d I say?!”
“Anyway, for starters, it’s not a thong because I’m not wearing anything under my outfit at all.” You whispered against his lips and grabbed his hand to place it underneath your skirt.
His fingers grazed against your core and you were getting wetter by the second. He then inserted two of his fingers and slowly moved them before putting them in his mouth and sucking on them. Just like he did the last time the two of you saw each other.
“There’s definitely more where that came from, but we have to save it for later.” He quietly said, but all you did was get on your knees without breaking eye contact with him and started playing with the waistband of his sweatpants.
“You definitely don’t need a good luck kiss from Kelsey, but will good luck head be acceptable?”
All he did was nod his head as you pulled down his sweatpants and boxer briefs and immediately took him in your mouth.
“Ahh shit.”
Jack didn’t want to mess up your hair so he simply pushed it back out of your face as you continued to pleasure him.
“I’m definitely going to need you to sit on my face after this later. FUCK!”
Because you knew that he didn’t have a lot of time, you were trying to move as fast as possible in order to get him to cum and you could tell that it was working seeing as Jack’s eyes were now closed as he threw his head back in pleasure and was trying to lightly force you down on him.
“My girl looks so pretty taking all of me in her mouth. That’s it baby, that’s it. I’m close.”
You hearing him say that he was close made you move even quicker with a sense of urgency because the last thing you wanted was for him to be late for his set.
“Fuck!” Was the last thing you heard as he came in your mouth and you swallowed it without wasting a drop.
When he was finished coming down from his high, he looked down at you and smiled before helping you to your feet and kissing you.
“I want to return the favor.”
“But… we don’t have a lot of time.”
“We have as much time as I say we have. I’m the headliner and calling the damn shots.” Was all he said before leading you to the couch and immediately pulling your shirt down to expose your breasts that he began to play with them, lightly sucking and biting.
“Babe, that’s going to leave a mark.” You whined and he simply shrugged.
“I’m marking my territory.”
He didn’t waste a lot of time before pulling your skirt up to your hips, spreading your legs and diving in head first.
By the time that Jack had gotten dressed and you had given him his gift, which was an exclusive Rolex that was personalized and had his initials on the band inside, he was only a minute late. 
“I’m definitely wearing this onstage. Thank you Buttercup.” He said as he leaned down to kiss you and you were simply admiring his outfit as you helped him put on the watch. 
His outfit was your favorite color.
“Hmm, you wore this outfit on purpose, didn’t you?” You asked and all he did was smirk.
“What ever do you mean, baby?”
“Such a fucking tease.”
As you were in the front and standing off to the side watching Jack perform, Neelam came up to you and smiled. You returned the smile and the two of you watched him in silence before she turned back to you to say something.
“Y/N, I just wanted to tell you how much the people around him see how much happier he’s been since you two reconnected.”
“Well you can thank Clay for that.” You said thinking about when he first asked you.
“I.. look.. Jack is not only my client, but someone who I consider my little brother. He has talked about you non-stop and all I want is for him to be happy and I know that his happiness is wherever you are. Kelsey isn’t good for him and we could all see it from the beginning. He just didn’t want to listen. ”She said, being completely honest.
“That seems to be the running theme of what everyone keeps telling me. He’s definitely important to me and I want the best for him. I just wish sometimes that we never broke up because I always think about how our life might have turned out differently.”
“Well the two of you reconnecting wasn’t by chance and it was definitely meant to happen. I just want you to know that whatever that you two have going on because I know that there is something there because my big sister radar is going off, I support it. I just want him to be happy again. That’s all we literally all want.”
“I wish it was that simple.” You replied while sighing.
“Well, why isn’t it?”
“You said Jack told you a lot about me, but did he mention my husband?”
Neelam looked at you dumbfounded before she responded.
“You act like the word divorce doesn’t exist?”
“And that’s my problem.”
“What is?”
“I love Jack like if he would have asked me to elope when we were eighteen, I would have without a second thought and that is still true as we speak, but I also love my husband as fucked up of a person that he is and I’m having second thoughts about divorcing him.”
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, neelamthadhani, claybornharlow, thenursecorner, and 450,831 others
anesthesiabae: friends supporting friends
jackharlow love you forever and I will always be proud of you 💖
jackharlow: so happy you came tonight, thank you 😘 claybornharlow: reunited and it feels so good yungskylark: aye! y/n lemme get Janelle's number!!! anesthesiabae: jackharlow any time you need me, I'm here urbanwyatt: mariah carey- anytime you need a friend jackharlow: anesthesiabae so this means I can ask for my hoodie back now right? anesthesiabae: ACE... NO! and jackharlow if I didn't give it back and 12 years have now passed, what makes you think that you'll get it at all? jackharlow: anesthesiabae closed mouths don't get fed, now do they? neelamthadhani: so happy that I finally got to meet you! jackharlowsource: oohh she's pretty! jackharlow spill! who is this pretty lady?!
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sp-by-april · 5 days
Dying To Know - 01. A Quiet Place
Okay, so this is a slasher/yandere fic. It's also like, the first chapter and mostly laying the groundwork for everything to come.
It's Eric, Kenny, Kyle, Stan x F!Reader. No Smut this chapter, but I promise we will get there. 😭
Summary: There's a slasher on the loose and students at South Park High are being taken out one by one. You're at the center of it all, and it doesn't help that each of your four best friends is acting weird.
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[Chapter Two] [Read on Ao3] [South Park Master Lists]
Heidi Turner was scared. She’d been stalking – No, investigating The New Girl again. Heidi followed her home as she walked with Stan, Kenny, Kyle and Eric. They were completely stupid about that chick, constantly following her around like fresh hatchlings that imprinted on the wrong creature. It made Heidi sick.
They walked her home, argued about walking her home – who said what, who touched her where or too much – and then they split up. Eric headed to his place, Kyle and Stan to the Broflovski’s and Kenny to… wherever the fuck of several places Kenny liked roam to instead of going home.
She considered approaching Kyle first, but she went to Eric instead.
“The New Girl isn’t what you think,” Heidi pleaded with him, but Eric waved her off.
He called her a jealous psycho and it made Heidi’s blood boil. She stalked home and fumed the whole way. As she stepped onto her front porch, Heidi heard a familiar chime from her purse. It was a text message. She pulled out her cell, (a trendy, freshly purchased LG Chocolate) and opened the text.
It said only two words: Come back.
She rolled her eyes. It was 2006 and cell service was supposedly improving but the shit was still consistently spotty in Park County. Of course she didn’t get the text until she was already home, that was just her luck.
Heidi turned around and headed back to Eric’s.
🕐 🕕 🕚
High school is tough for everyone, but I had an especially rough junior year. My father died, and my mother moved us back to her hometown. I think it was a comfort thing for her. It was a bumfuck place in some flyover state that I’d only ever been a few times to visit extended family members that I never liked or cared about.
South Park, Colorado. There were two temperatures, cold and colder. Almost everything was covered in a layer of melting ice that somehow never finished thawing. Snow crunched under my heels like skeletons of the friends I left behind.
Once we moved, my mother completely checked out. I was pretty much left to fend for myself. The whole thing was overwhelming. Luckily, I ended up with a group of new friends.
Eric Cartman was…. Weird. I thought the guy hated me most of the time. He would always make subtle digs about my family, something I said, or an item of clothing I was wearing. It took an embarrassingly long time for me to realize that he was pretty much negging me. I couldn’t escape the guy, either. He was in most of my classes and for whatever reason if there was a group project, we always got paired up. At first, I only put up with him because I liked his other friends so much.
Stan Marsh was hot in an obvious way. Great body. Started a band called Crimson Dawn and they played gigs regularly. He had this kind of tortured artist vibe that I really dug. He reeked of inner turmoil, you know what I mean? I was always a sucker for that kind of thing.
I got close to Stan first, and fast. He would walk me to class. Eat lunch with me. Invite me to shows. It was actually at one of his bands shows that I started getting close to Kenny.
Kenny McCormick was an interesting guy. Obviously, I saw him around school and knew him through Stan, but he was surprisingly social. He got along well with everyone. One night we got drunk and just talked about how much our parents sucked. He was so easy to talk to and he’s a really funny guy. I like him a lot. As I got to know him more, I realized that one of the things that made Kenny special was that he had secrets. I tried not to pry too much
As a matter of fact, all the guys were pretty easy to get to know.
Except for Kyle.
Kyle Broflovski was kind of an enigma at first. A basketball player at the top of his classes. He didn’t start fights, but he’d finish them. He had a bold streak that I really admired. I don’t know what his deal was, but it seemed like he had kind of a wall built up. He was hard for me to get to know at first. I always felt awkward around him.
Which sucked, because I was crushing really hard.
I always thought Eric would be the one keeping me out of the friend group, but from what I heard, the resistance came from Kyle. It was a huge blow to my ego.
I’m not trying to brag when I tell you this, but I’m a pretty girl and I’ve never really had trouble when it comes to guys. Attention from men is so easy to come by, it’s practically worthless… You know what I mean?
But Kyle was withholding. It just made me crush harder.
Once I was informally part of the friend group, I didn’t fit in like a missing puzzle piece or whatever poetic metaphor that would’ve completed the fantasy… It was more like we were all a bunch of feral dogs that latched onto each other for safety while we navigated the perils of young adulthood.
When senior year started, things were pretty normal. It was our first day of our last year and I was at the bus stop with the guys. Stan was smoking a cigarette and Kenny was unsuccessfully trying to get him to share. Eric was ranting about something some celebrity said, while Kyle and I were doing our best to ignore him. I was wearing an unseasonably short skirt with a comically large sweater. The leaves were crunching under my maryjanes while I did a dance familiar to any girl who once pretended she wasn’t freezing her ass off for the sake of being cute.
Then I heard something. Like screaming. It was coming towards us.
Kyle exchanged a look with me, and Kenny’s head shot up. Stan glanced around. Eric finally got the memo but by then we all saw him.
Butters was running right for us, yelling something indecipherable. 
By the time he reached us, he was panting so much that we still couldn’t understand him.
“Hyhe!,” Butters panted as he bent over and rested his palms on his knees, “Hyhee’s gone,”
Eric frowned at him, “Try it again, but this time say it in English,”
“She’s dead” Butters continued and we all understood that.
Kyle took a step towards him, “Who’s dead?
Butters looked up, his eyes darting between Kyle and Eric, “...Heidi Turner,”
It was like the oxygen had been sucked right out of the atmosphere. I only knew Heidi because we were both on the A-Squad in Cheer, but I guess her ties to my friends ran a lot deeper. 
I’d been in town six months, but I still had a lot to learn about everyone. 
The bus ride to school was illuminating. I sat in between Stan and Kenny. Eric and Kyle sat in front of us. Neither of them said a word. Every student around us was buzzing, discussing Heidi’s death and theorizing about the hows and whys.
“It’s a twisted mess,” Stan said quietly as his eyes rolled to the sky, “She bounced back and forth between them for like two years,”
Kenny put his arm around my shoulder and his mouth hovered over my ear, “Until you showed up,” 
“Weird coincidence,” I said, tugging at the hem of my sweater.
“Maybe,” Stan lifted Kenny’s arm off of me and he leaned back against the seat, “Maybe not,”
My eyes narrowed, “What the hell does that mean?”
Stan sighed and shook his head.
Kenny’s head tilted as he looked at me, “You’ve gotta kn–”
“Shut up,” Stan groaned.
Kenny frowned and did just that.
He crossed his arms and we were as silent for the rest of the ride as Eric and Kyle were.
I know it was selfish, but I was frustrated. I had only just started making headway with Kyle and now his ex-girlfriend had to go and die. It’s kind of the worst time in the History of Everything to ask a guy out.
When we all piled out of the bus Principal Victoria was there. She pulled aside Eric, Kyle…. And me.
We sat in her office with Sergeant Yates. It was the most awkward I ever felt in my life. To make things worse, I couldn’t figure out why I was there. I was sure there had to be some mistake.
There wasn’t.
Cartman crossed his arms, “Look – Heidi died and we all knew her. We don’t need a counseling session,”
Kyle slumped back in his chair and agreed with Eric for once, “He’s right,”
Yates looked between the three of us, “No talking,”
Kyle’s face twisted up and I could tell he was resisting the urge to push back. Honestly, so was I.
The door opened and Detective Murphy’s head popped into the room, “Okay, we’ve got the cheerleaders,”
Yates pointed to me, “Take this one,”
“Is she the one–”
“Yeah,” Yates gestured for me to stand and I obeyed.
Murphy had a distinct grimace on his face as I walked towards him. His facial expression combined with the way they talked about me didn’t inspire confidence.
Waiting in the hall were my other squad members, Nichole Daniels, Bebe Stevens and our captain, Wendy Testaburger. We followed the Detective to our counselor’s office. We stood around for like a half hour and he ushered us outside and into a police van. 
They drove us down to the station and finally brought us into an interrogation room.
I sat next to Bebe and tried to ignore her as she pulled a nail file out of her purse and went to work. Nichole looked at me nervously, “Do they think we’re suspects?” “I doubt it,” Wendy said emphatically, “We still have all our belongings”
Wendy was right. They would’ve taken our backpacks and purses, but they didn’t. So what did that mean?
We waited for what felt like hours until Yates could come back to the station and talk to us. He wasn’t alone – He’d brought our parents.
He looked between us nervously, “I’m gonna cut to the chase. Heidi Turner was murdered,”
Gasps, groans and a heavy air of fear fell over the room like a shroud.
“What’s this got to do with our daughters?” Mrs. Daniels said, “Surely you don’t think they’re capable–“
“We think they could be the next victims,” He continued.
Dead silence.
“We can’t divulge too much information on a current case but we found trinkets belonging to each of you, scribblings that appeared to be satanic – and an obsession with one of you in particular,”
“Who?” Mr. Testaburger asked.
Yates pointed directly at me. 
My mother was aghast. He gave no more details. He just told our parents to lock us down, and to get out of town if we had the means. ‘Think of it like a short vacation,’ I think were the words he used. Then he sent us home. 
None of us went back to school that day.
It didn’t matter, because about an hour later the students at South Park High were informed that the day had been cut in half and they were going home. About an hour after that, word started to spread that there would be a county-wide mandatory curfew for anyone under 18.
It was about another hour after that that I heard something tapping at my window.
I had been staring at my bedroom ceiling listening to the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album, just rotting in bed. I hopped up and struggled to open the misshapen window. Once I had it up I saw the guys standing below me. Stan waved, Kenny grinned and dropped a handful of pebbles to the ground, Eric gave me a dismissive nod and Kyle had his back to the house.
I hung half way out the window so I could talk to them without my mother hearing, “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t hear?” Stan blinked as he looked up at me, “They canceled school,”
“The real question is what’re you still doing up there?” Kenny asked.
“You didn’t hear?” I playfully mocked Stan’s previous tone, “I’m on lock down,”
Kyle turned around and looked up at me. I think my heart skipped a beat as he stepped towards my window. I had an instant fantasy in my head of him climbing up the trellis.
“Do they think you’re in danger?” He asked.
“Yeah,” I glanced away from him as I sheepishly admitted the truth, “Apparently they found some creepy shrine to me or something,”
The guys all exchanged a series of looks. I thought I caught most of it, but honestly a lot of their short-hand still went over my head. 
Kyle frowned at Kenny. Kenny shook his head and then looked up at me, “When’s your mom leaving?”
“Twenty minutes give or take,” I shrugged, “Assuming she doesn’t catch you guys out here,”
Stan nodded. Kenny saluted. Kyle turned back around and Eric followed suit. I’d never seen those two so in sync. 
What a weird fuckin’ day.
It was about to get a lot weirder.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
kinda famous - d.s
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summary: after your debut album charts in the top 100, you somehow get invited to the obx3 premiere. you went there to make connections- but maybe not the exact kind you ended up leaving with.
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: no warnings! just a meet-cute :), drew x musician!reader
February 16th, 2023
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Not a day went by this past year where you didn't consider yourself incredibly lucky. Your debut album saw some medial success, landing you in the Spotify top one hundred with the help of a TikTok trend to some of the lyrics from your first single. You could hardly believe it was real, sometimes. What always helped, however, is having connections.
Your best friend was a makeup artist to the stars. Working on movies like Avatar and even a few marvel films, but most notably and most recently, she's been working with Madelyn Cline. They've taken a liking to each other, having been in touch about every event, shoot, and movie she's been working on in hopes of having her new friend styling her look for the occasion. Luckily for you, your best friend is your number one fan- and hardly ever does she have a client who isn't forced to sit through your album while she's blending out the makeup on their faces or curling their hair.
Madelyn, apparently, had taken a liking to it. In the words of your best friend, "She was just gushing over it! She requests your music every time she's in my chair. I swear." So that, is how you ended up at the OBX3 premiere, shaking hands with one of the most beautiful actresses of your generation while she complimented both your dress and your music.
"I am seriously such a big fan. B/F/N put me on and I am literally obsessed." Madelyn smiles, dropping your hand.
"Oh my god, you're such a sweetheart- stop." You laugh, waving her off.
She smiles and leans in, resting her hand on your shoulder as she whispers in your ear. "Between us, I can't confirm anything just yet, but I'm working on getting you a soundtrack offer for season four."
You gasp, your hands flying up to cover your mouth to hide your shock. "No- you're literally joking!"
The blonde smiles and shakes her head, giggling and clapping her hands together excitedly. "We all listen to you on set- it's growing on the producers I think."
"Oh my god- Obviously I am so down! Allegedly, of course." You smile, winking at her.
"Yes, of course, Allegedly." She laughs, matching your wink. "I have to run, but we'll jump in for some photos together on the carpet, yeah?" Madelyn grins, giving you a quick hug and brushing past you in the direction of the curtain where everyone lines up for photos.
Feeling absolutely giddy, you're quick to lift your dress and shuffle over to the makeup room, where B/F/N was still working with some other clients doing some touch ups. "Oh my god!" You smile as you approach her chair, where she's just wiping up. You cringe internally at the sound of your music playing over her desk speaker, hearing the way you swore that the man you wrote this song about was the love of your life, and you'd be a fool to let him go. It wasn't long after the release that you ended up having to, discovering he was cheating on you with a girl from his hometown.
"Y/N! Hey girl! Did you get to talk to Mads?" She asks, looking back at you over her shoulder.
"Yes! And I have some serious tea to tell you later. Well- not serious, but good! It's definitely tea." You explain vaguely, knowing she'll understand.
"Yay! Okay, we'll debrief after." She nods. "Did you talk to anyone else?"
You instantly shake your head as she turns to face you. "God, no, I'm petrified." She doesn't answer, holding her finger up in your face and digging through her kit and pulling out a brush.
"Look up." She says, pointing to the ceiling and you oblige as she touches up the shadow under your eyes and brushes away some flaked mascara while she talks. "You need to. You've got to make some more connections- I can't carry you forever." She teases, placing the brush back in her belt when she's done. "They're a lovely cast, trust me."
You nod a little, taking a deep breath. "I just like... don't know what to do. Do I just walk around and talk to people?"
"That's the beauty of it! You're already doing it. Just show that stunning face of yours to the cameras with this beautiful dress, smile, make small talk, and opportunity will fall into your lap. I know you- everyone will love you regardless." She muses, quickly adjusting the waistline of your dress. "And report back to me- of course."
"You're not gonna come? I want some pictures with you. The world needs to see the artist behind this face." You grin, gesturing to your face of makeup and wiggling your eyebrows.
"Yes, of course." She giggles, smacking your shoulder playfully. "I'll change and come find you."
You smile and clap your hands together, bouncing in your heels. "Let's go together! I think I have to because I'm basically your plus one."
"No- absolutely not." She dismisses you quickly, closing up part of her kit and doing some quick organization. "You, my dearest Y/N, need to prove your independence in the industry. Just because you put out your Lover Era album doesn't mean you can't stand proudly on your own after the breakup. Your energy will draw all the cute boys to you. I just know it." She jokes at the end, but you know she's serious about her sentiment.
Your breakup wasn't fresh anymore- she was right. It didn't hurt and keep you up all night over heartache that you had assumed would never get better. You're thriving now, you feel like yourself again. "That's not why I'm here and you know that." You giggle.
"Of course not... It just would be a nice bonus." She shrugs. "Now shoo! You're distracting me. I'll see you in a few." She pushes you away, winking at you before returning to her cleanup duties.
You take a few breathes as you turn around, making a conscious effort to smile as you walk over to the curtain where crew is organizing people and sending them out onto the carpet.
Luckily, you spot the bar not far away, and quickly make your way over to grab a quick glass of wine before you have to step out. You try to sip on it casually, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but craving the buzz and freedom that comes with being a little tipsy around strangers.
"You're Y/N L/N, right?" Someone approaches you, and you quickly turn to the source of the voice.
"Yes, that's me." You smile, securing your glass in one hand before holding out your hand to shake. The woman takes it, smiling politely as she shakes it.
"Lovely. We're ready for you whenever, just go check in with that lovely gentleman by the curtain and you're free to walk when you're ready." The woman smiles, quickly taking off to go deal with more crew business.
You lean back against the bar, nursing your drink still and glancing in the direction of the dressing rooms and hoping your best friend would walk out in time to join you. You give it another minute as you finish your drink, feeling adequately warmed by the alcohol in your system before approaching the curtain.
"Hey! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N." You greet the man with the clip board and he nods, giving you a thumbs up and holding the curtain back for you to step out. You take deep breaths and focus on smiling (and not tripping) as you take the few extra paces behind a wall before you'll be in view of the many cameras you can already see flashing at the cast and their friends standing already in their full view. You hear lots of voices as you walk up, but they somehow get a million times louder as you step into the lights.
This isn't your first red carpet, but it is your first premiere. Besides the backdrop curtain, they have a variety of props from the show, including the Twinkie itself, making you giddy with excitement. You make a mental note to yourself to not leave without a picture of you behind the wheel for your instagram.
"Y/N! Look over here!" You hear a dozen voiced calling your name and you decide your best move is to smile and wave, stopping and placing one hand on your hip and just glancing across the whole crowd of camera men and interviewers behind the small fence. You give it a few moments to capture hopefully enough photos for their portfolios before an interviewer pulls you over to chat with them.
"Y/N! So nice to meet you. You look absolutely stunning!" They grin, shaking your hand and holding the mic up to your lips.
"Hello! And thank you so much! It's lovely to meet you too. What's your name?" You ask, smiling at them and giving a quick wave to the cameras still flashing in your face as they record you with one closer up.
"I'm Noah. I'm with Netflix just documenting everyone here tonight." He grins. "So, we were all excited to hear you would be coming tonight! Are you a fan of the show?"
"Oh my god, I'm a huge fan." You gush, looking around at the other people on the carpet. "I was just so lucky to be invited- I was ecstatic when I got the invitation from Madelyn. So nervous, though. So, so nervous."
"I can't imagine!" He chuckles, agreeing with you. "If it makes you feel any better, we've heard from a few members of the cast that they were looking forward to meeting you."
"That does actually help a lot, thank you." You giggle, a blush covering your cheeks. "You mind telling me who, though? I'd love to know who wants to talk to me and who I should probably not bother." You joke.
"Oh, nobody to avoid here. This is one of the nicest casts I've ever worked with." Noah assures you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "That being said, the boys seemed extra keen." He winks, making you laugh.
"Oh god, okay, I'll keep that in mind." You go along with it, looking around and seeing the rest of the cast goofing off a little ways away.
"So, I have to ask, Y/N- keep in mind you don't have to answer if you don't want to, about your breakup- how are you doing? Your album is absolutely amazing, you told a beautiful story, but we've all heard about what happened afterwards." He says, and you glance down nervously, trying to maintain your smile as best you can.
"Yeah, totally. Uh-" You pause for a second. Your ex has never been in the public eye- you were highschool sweethearts, which gave your album a sense of purity and authenticity that was almost rare in modern music. With that, however, comes a responsibility to keep him out of public scandal in the fallout of the albums success. "I am doing really well. I believe my ex is as well. Of course he was always a huge inspiration for me, and he always supported me and my dreams, so I know he's still cheering me on, which is a nice feeling." You nod, smiling as Noah drops his arm from around your shoulders, patting your back.
“Well, you’re stronger than I am because I would want him to be punching the air right now.” Noah laughs.
“No! God, no, I’d never want that for him. I wish him all the success in the world, which just means something different for both of-“ You try to explain, when you get bumped from behind and stumble slightly forward. You let out a little squeak and try to turn to look what happened when someone steadies you by your waist.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to knock you there.” A man chuckles, making sure you’re steady before letting you go. You’re met with blue eyes that reflect the lights and the matching colour of his suit just beautifully, and you quickly recognize him as Rafe- quickly racking your brain for the actors name. Drew- yes. That’s it.
“No! No you’re fine- I was in the way.” You say sheepishly, laughing it off and adjusting your dress again.
“Drew, Welcome back! While I’ve got you both here,” Noah says, holding the microphone up to him as he nods, leaning down a little in anticipation of the question. “Have you listened to Y/N’s album? We were just talking about it.”
Drew nods, smiling and locking eyes with you again briefly. “Yes, of course. It’s both Maddie’s favourites right now, they’ve always got it playing on set. If it wasn’t so good I’d be sick of it.” He chuckles.
“Aw- thank you!” You grin. “Thanks for listening even if it’s against your will.” Your eyes connect again and you feel yourself blushing once more, he just has this aura about him that shows he’s really listening and really cares what you have to say. “Not to plug it here or anything, but we’re almost at ten million streams on spotify so I’m feeling really proud of it, it truly was a passion project for me. Sorry…” You explain, looking back at the interviewer again, trailing off when you realize you’re acting selfishly.
“No, don’t apologize. You worked hard on it- you deserve to talk about it.” Drew cuts in before Noah can speak. “Everyone stream it- you won’t regret it.” He says, pointing to the camera.
“Yes, absolutely.” Noah agrees. “We won’t take up any more of your time, but I’ll let you know we’re all looking forward to your next album already.” He smiles, giving you a quick hug.
“Thank you!” You wave as him and his crew are quick to move onto someone else. You take a deep breath, turning and jumping slightly when you see Drew still standing there, looking down at you as you clasp your hand against your chest. “Oh, gosh. I didn’t know you were still there.” You giggle, quickly adjusting your hair.
“Sorry.” Drew chuckles, holding his hand out to you. “We haven’t properly met. I’m Drew. Or you might know me as Rafe, I guess.”
You smile, taking his hand and shaking it. “Y/N. You might know me as the girl who got cheated on right after releasing an album about how amazing her relationship is.”
This makes him laugh, dropping his head back as he lets go of your hand. “Hey, it’s good to have a sense of humour about it I guess.” He says, locking eyes with you again. His charisma is truly captivating- it’s rare you meet someone in the Hollywood scene who seems to care about anyone other than themselves.
“I’m coping.” You shrug, laughing it off with him.
“Let’s grab a few pictures together, then maybe a drink?” Drew suggests, guiding you back towards where the rest of the cast was taking photos with the beat-up van parked on the carpet. “I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
“Yeah! Yeah- thank you.” You smile, glancing over your shoulder and seeing your best friend stepping out. She quickly waved at you, giving you an excited look and a thumbs up, which you return behind his back.
No doubt the pictures of this moment will embarrass you tomorrow, but at least the debrief with your best friend in the uber home will have a lot of good things to cover.
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taglist: @slut4drudy , @madelynie , @mutual-mendes , @sadfury (i just tagged some mutuals who like my other stuff so if you want to be added or removed lmk!!)
reblogs and feedback are very appreciated as always :)
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sciderman · 1 month
saw your tags- how goes the surgery recovery?
obbgh, it's rough. it's rough. my body kicks up a very big fuss about things that used to be very easy for me - and lets me know that i'm pushing my luck. i'm not in a great deal of pain - luckily - but every now and again when i'm feeling weak i have to remind myself, hey wait, sci - you were impaled four times, and there's a whole bit of you that is missing.
a whole bit of me! gone! no wonder my body is trying to make sense of it. a whole bit of my body is gone!! they took a piece a me. yoinked it right out of me. my right adrenal gland is gone. she's GONE. i look down at my tummy, covered in bandages and scars and think. hoh god. there's a bitta me missing.
my body hates wearing clothes. my binder is a big NO NO, and i cry about just about anything. i cried this morning about needing to take the train to get to the hospital for a doctor's appointment. i cried hard enough that my dad is going to drive me there. i know i will cry later about having to take the train back. but i'll be okay. i'll also cry about the car ride being too bumpy.
i went to a play two days ago and laughed so hard it hurt. it hurts to laugh. makes me feel all achey the next day, like a hangover.
it's nice that a lot of people in my life are worrying over me right now. that feels nice. a lot of people who i didn't think would be around. i feel simultaneously like they shouldn't worry but - of course they should worry. it's nice to be worried about. if they didn't worry about me, i wouldn't feel so strong.
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d0enti · 1 year
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Genshin impact—“I love you endlessly”
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➵Summary:Reader finds out Lyney is with the Fatui
➵Warning:mention of dead
➵A/N:since I got Lyney so I had to write something for him
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You and Lyney were partners for 5 months the full city knew about that and Lyney made it obvious you two were dating, he would always give you rainbow roses, call you "Mon ange" he also would give you a free v.i.p Lynette and Freminet knew you very well because Lyney always talking about you, this happened on one of his shows. Lynette and Lyney were performing and Lyney made his hat float in the air, he then hit the top of it and cards fell from it he walked around it and kept pating the hat and cards were falling out when he stopped he put his hat back on and a dove came out of it flying away, then he stared doing more cards tricks he made 5 cards appear and they fell then he made 5 more and let go of them smiling and he spoke again with his charming voice
"But this isn't what you came for"
"These little tricks? You've seen them before"
He wasn't lying, you all seen these tricks before and you especially since you always watched his rehearsals after you started dating, you kept listening to you lovers voice his calming voice
"So it's time for something truly extraordinary"
"Don't you think?"
You and everyone were getting intrigued you didn't know which trick he's gone do and you were interested in the trick he's going to do, the only thing you knew is that Lynette gone be in it since she didn't appear earlier so you kept watching
"this one's a little tricky"
He put his hand together and opened them dove flying out of his hands It flew up to a water tank on which Lynette was sitting on top of it and started waving the crowd was clapping but continued listening to Lyney talking
"Using this water tank, I shall make my sister vanish completely"
"right before your very eyes"
Lynette finished waving and jumped into the tank she did a little twirl to show she's in actual water and waved again, everyone was clapping and so were you you saw this trick already but it still amazed you one way or another
"it's actually quite simple"
"she'll just turn into air bubbles and float right out of the top"
The tank then closed and locked Lynette looked like she was surprised and so were you, you saw this trick multiple times and the tank isn't supposed to lock itself Lynette tried to open the tank and Lyney then noticed that too
"oh no, I told them to check all the props carefully"
Lyney walked towards the tank and Lynette swam down a little bit
"With the lid on, even air can't escape... An amateur magician would be getting very nervous right around now"
Lyney then chuckled and looked at the crowd and made a silly pose that made you laugh inside
"Luckily it's me on stage!. So let me show you what a true virtuoso can do"
Lyney then snapped his fingers and bubbles started showing up in the tank Lynette seems surprised until there's so much bubbles she needs to cover her face, then the only thing you can see in the tank are Lynette clothes everyone starts talking and clapping even the Hydro Archon seems surprised
"Lynette. Are you still there?"
"Don't go too far. We don't wanna use up all our magic"
"Hi, I'm back"
Lynette then starts walking on the stage and everyone is clapping and you are relieved that Lynette was okay and joined the crowd in clapping, after a while the twins bow. Then it was time for the second trick and Lyney needed an assistant that wasn't Lynette he used the number generator and number 75 won the woman walked towards the box with the help of Lyney's assistant, then Lyney explained how the crowd needed to count down and entered the box
୨⎯ "Time skip" ⎯୧
It was time for Lyney to come out of the box so you stood up and looked at the box in the middle of the opera and it worked he came out
"Ta da!"
The light then went towards the other box you were getting excited since you loved that trick the box was about to open until the tank fell onto the box everyone was shocked and so well you, you turned around to look at Lyney and you noticed how he seems to be paralyzed you wanted to run up to him but Neuvillette stops you from doing so you look at the stage and notice it was Lyney's other assistant that died not the girl after Neuvillette left and the others, you ran over to Lyney and hugged him tightly trying to calm him down a little bit and it worked Lyney relaxed but was still scared especially since he knew he's about to be put in trial with his dear sister Lynette
"Lyney are you feeling a little bit better?"
"yeah... yeah can we go somewhere else please?"
"yeah of course let's go behind the stage"
You and Lyney went behind the stage and sat down you were rubbing Lyney's back to calm him down at least a bit more than before, finally he relaxed
୨⎯ "Time skip" ⎯୧
It was the time for the trial you were standing between Lyney and Lynette willing to prove that they did no wrong, you knew they did nothing wrong you could see in Lyney's eyes the fear of what just happened you saw it all you could tell that man is inccocent but will you think like that again after he lied...?
"tell me aren't you and Lynette actually from the House of the Hearth"
"that's irrelevant.Our identities have nothing to do with what happened"
Lyney's voice was breaking, he noticed your reaction, the reaction of betray...
He could tell you were about to cry he already saw the tears
"you honor may I request a break from the trial"
"Permission granted"
Before Lyeny could speak you already left and went to sit on the stairs in the main entrance thinking about what just happened you were confused or maybe angry with him? You honestly don't know, you knew Lyney for a while and felt so special with him he wouldn't lie to you would he? You were honestly confused did he ever love you? Or was it all an illusion created by the magician Lyney?
୨⎯ "With Lyney" ⎯୧
Lyney was sitting behind the stage on a couch crying his eyes out he wanted to tell you he really did he was planning to but he was too late lady Furina already exposed him and he could tell you hated him with a burning passion, after all the Fatui did take away you family from you... while he was crying Lynette was watching she felt bad she knew he loved you a lot so she decided to look for you, she quietly left the backstage and started looking for you for Lyney's dear Mon ange she would only do it for him and you nobody else, nobody else other than her brothers and you matter to her, Lynette was walking towards the main entrance and noticed you sitting on the stairs and walked up to you if she's begin honest she also felt embarrassed about the situation like Lyney, you were her best friend and she didn't tell you either she sat next to you and spoke.
"[Y/N] I know you are mad at me and Lyney I fully understand that, I know we didn't tell you but we had our reasons Lyney loves you and he wanted to tell you he really did"
"then why didn't he tell me? I'm so confused right now since when and why?"
"It's not me who should tell you that please go talk to Lyney he's behind the stage crying his eyes out you will understand everything later on so please go and talk to him before the trial starts again"
And that's what you did you stood up and walked towards the backstage you were still wondering if you were making the right choice do you actually want to go up to Lyney and talk? Or maybe you just want to end your relationship, you are very confused on what to do but you keep walking ready to be met with Lyney still worried what to do will you guys break up or stay together that's something you and Lyney need to talk about eventually you arrive behind the stage and see Lyney crying his eyes out you decided to walk up to him and hug him to make him feel better, Lyney hugged you back and was crying even more
"I'm so sorry mon Ange, I'm really sorry"
"Lyney please tell me why"
"Where should I start I guess I start from that me and Lynette used to be homeless, it was hard for us to get food, from watching outside performances I learned how to do magic and got some money eventually a noble man took me and Lynette in after he saw me and Lynette performed one day when we were returning I didint see Lynette anywhere and I asked the man... he said somebody got a liking to Lynette and send her over to him as a present, he had multiple young girls there and he was gonna hurt them and Lynette when I got there he was already dead, Lynette was saved by Arlecchino as a thank you I joined the Fatui, I swear Mon Ange we not trying to destroy Fontaine we want to help it"
"Alright I get it but why Didn't you tell me before?"
"I wanted to but lady Furina did it before me I'm sorry Mon Ange"
"it's fine, I believe you, now let's get the trial done and prove you are innocent but firstly you need to tell me the full truth"
୨⎯ "Time skip" ⎯୧
You and Lyney won the trial you both were really happy Lyney hugged you and spined you around from Happiness and eventually kissed you on the lips with all his real love
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unseelie-courtesan · 7 months
It's been a pretty good day at the hotel, all things considered. Charlie wanted to do another round of trust falls, positive that they'd all come up with new and deeper secrets as they grew closer together. And hey, she wasn't wrong, Nifty actually got caught this time! But one thing Angel couldn't help but notice was that after the trust falls, Husk had been acting a little more snarly than usual. He couldn't figure out why at first, it wasn't like he had shared anything personal enough to be a big deal, and he had been caught after grumbling out that he preferred the taste of cheap booze over the expensive stuff, but he was nursing his bottle more intently than usual all through the rest of the day, and even turned in early. That was when Angel noticed it properly. As Husk walked up the stairs, thinking he was out of sight, he went to rub at one of his shoulders, wincing in the process.
So maybe he slinked off to join him. Maybe he just happened to slide into Husk's room before the kitty cat could close the door, needing to let that long tail in behind him doesn't exactly mean he can slam it quick. Husk's gruff "What-?" turned into a falter when he saw Angel, only to turn into a groan as he walked over to the bed. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for your games tonight kid."
"They're only games 'cause you ain't said yes yet." It's automatic, a flirt, a tease. Not even instinct, it's a full on reflex, out of his mouth before he can think about it. Husk's scowl made Angel wince, but he pushed on regardless, holding out his hands in front of him in the universal gesture for surrender. "Besides, that ain't why I'm here. Honest. Just wanted to know what's going on, you doing okay?"
There's a moment where shock crosses that gruff face, and he covers it up quickly enough Angel almost thinks he imagined it, but after a beat or two Husk just gave a shrug as he grumbled that it wasn't anything to worry about, just his back acting up, and why wasn't there a decent fucking chiropractor here in hell? Angel couldn't help his grin as he listened to the complaining, all too aware that just a month ago he definitely wouldn't have gotten an honest answer out of Husk, and as soon as he got the chance he stepped in a little closer.
"Well, luckily for you, you've got the best set a' hands in hell right here to help you out with your little problem." One pair rested on Husk's shoulders as he spoke, the other taking those pawlike hands as he winked. "They don't call my fingers magic for nothing baby."
This time when he's glared at, it's easy to laugh it away. It took a little effort, a little coaxing, but eventually he managed to convince Husk to at least hear him out and go along with his idea. To lay down on his stomach, resting his head on his crossed arms as he let his wings relax out to the sides. It didn't take long at all before Angel was joining him, climbing onto the mattress and climbing onto those thighs.
With Angel straddling Husk's hips from behind, the jokes are just too easy, low hanging fruit, like any time Pentious opens his mouth, and he can ignore it easily. Instead he clapped both sets of hands together and rubbed them together for a few minutes, warming them up with the friction. When he finally got to work properly, the reaction was immediate.
One pair began up at Husk's shoulders, working the heels of his hands deep into the muscle tissue while the other pair began to explore, carefully, at the join where Husk's wings met his back. At first, all Angel got in response was Husk tensing up beneath him. Every muscle in his shoulders knotted up worse, and those wings went so stiff that he began to wonder if this was a bad idea after all. But as Angel worked, keeping his commentary to himself for a change, he slowly started to see the difference as bit by bit, Husk managed to make himself relax into the stead, firm pressure.
One thing that quickly became clear was that while Husk's posture was terrible, there was a reason for it. Those wings of his were heavy. He's slouching forwards at least as much to keep his balance every day as he is because of how he feels beat down by the world. There's knots so stiff and tense under his fingers that Angel is pretty sure they've been there since the guy was alive, and the extra set of complex joints right in the middle of the bastard muscles in his back certainly weren't helping matters. It's no wonder he hasn't seen Husk flying around anywhere, he's not sure how well he can actually move those wings.
Bit by bit, Angel worked on massaging out the stress. The pain. The tension. The noises Husker let out weren't quite moans, and there were more than a few hisses of pain here and there as Angel's deft fingers found an exceptionally stubborn knot of muscle and worked on it until the fibers loosened and it settled into place. But eventually, once Angel had worked his way down Husk's back past his wings, kneading ever closer to the base of his tail, he heard a new noise. Something he's never heard from Husk before.
He heard purring.
It's a low, raspy sound. Deep in the old man's chest, more sensation rumbling through his body than truly audible. It sounded like something Husk hasn't done in a long time, like he's almost forgotten about the concept. It's such a surprise that Angel very nearly blurted out a laugh, but instead he bit his lip as he grinned silently, still silently working his way down that knobbly spine.
He never thought he'd be on top of another guy, straddling their thighs, and not be jumping straight into fucking them. But maybe there's something to be said for a little gentle intimacy too.
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driftsuki · 10 months
Strawberry Bunny - Jungkook
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• Warnings: Hybrid, sex, p in v, creamy, cum inside, a lot of semen, belly bulge, Jungkook calls the reader "mommy”, obscenity, just obscenity.
A few years ago I had found a white baby bunny in a box while you were returning from school, at that time you were only 10 years old, he gave you so much tenderness as he moved his nose so you decided to keep him, you called him "kook", but with Over time, you realized that it wasn't a simple rabbit... it was a rabbit hybrid.
You discovered it when you had just come home from school, a large lump was under the covers of your bed, obviously it was not your cute kook bunny, you let out a scared scream, luckily your parents were not at home, that scared lump fell from your bed, You got closer and saw a naked boy, his hair was black, his teeth looked like those of a rabbit, the strangest thing was that he had furry white ears and a white tail.
“w-who are you and what are you doing in my bed!” You screeched “How did you get in?!” scared you saw it.
“I-I, excuse me,” she said with tears in her eyes, “but I'm Kook, your bunny, please don't throw me out on the street,” she sobbed, you were shocked, how was it possible that that child, no more than 6 years old, was your bunny.
“k-kook?…is that you?” You gasped and ran to your closet to get some clothes for him to get dressed. “Don't worry, you'll stay here with me, okay?” You hugged him and let him get changed.
As time went by, they became inseparable, obviously you didn't tell your parents anything, and Kook decided that it would be better to call him "Jungkook." He explained to you everything that had to do with hybrids and you paid attention to him, he was only 6 years and you are 11…
Years later you decided to move into an apartment near your studies and clearly you took Jungkook with you, he had changed so much, he became tall and muscular but he was still the same innocent bunny you met.
You had turned 22 and he was 17.
You noticed changes in him, every time he saw you he would blush and his body would sweat, he would play with his hands and get nervous, he would lock himself in the bathroom for HOURS and that worried you.
You investigated and found out that he was going through his first heat, you were surprised because you never imagined any of this.
You saw him run towards the bathroom and you went after him.
“Jungkook? baby, open the door for me okay? calm down, trust me” your voice sounded so calm that he felt a little relieved.
“y-you're going to be mad at me, I don't want mommy to be mad at me” he sobbed “h-it hurts a lot.”
“Calm down darling, open it for me, okay?” I'll help you…"
He slowly opened the door and you saw him, his red cheeks, tears running down his face, you looked down and saw a large bulge in his pants, you let out a gasp when you saw it, it was big...
“come with me honey, calm down” you took him by the hand and led him towards your room “you are in heat my beautiful jungkook, you need to relieve yourself and I will help you with that”
“p-please mommy, I'm scared…” he sobbed “trust me, you'll like it baby” you sat him on the bed and you lowered his pants along with his boxers, he blushed and instinctively covered himself “love… let me see, don't be afraid.” shame yes?” He slowly removed his hands and you saw his big cock standing upright, the pink tip of it leaking liquid, you could swear his cock was about 30cm long.
You took it in your hands and began to massage it, Jungkook let out squeals of pleasure.
“m-mommy, it feels good…” he panted sweating and ended up laying down on the bed “yes honey, you'll feel better soon, just let me help you” your panties started to get wet, you needed to have him inside you, hitting you over and over again, it was a necessity, you quickly took off your clothes, throwing them somewhere in the room, Jungkook looked at your plump breasts and his mouth watered just by seeing them.
“Honey, sit for a moment…” you gasped, taking off your panties and laying down on the bed, you spread your legs telling him to get between them, Jungkook gasped and obeyed, he got between your legs and quickly put your breast into his mouth, sucking it hard. while he moved his hips looking for more contact.
“A-ahh, mommy, you taste so delicious, p-please, I need you… my cock hurts mommy” he sobbed, sucking on your breast. “My cute kookie… I love you so much” you took the base of his cock and lined it up with your vagina, little by little you put it inside you… fuck, it was so big.
Jungkook let out a gasp as he felt you around him, your walls sucking him hard, his cock began to throb “M-MOMMY!” He screeched, pushing his hips as he looked into your eyes with tears. “Do you like it? Wait a little…” You moaned, getting used to his large size. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pushing him against you. You felt so full, his cock buried. In your womb, you gasped, wrapping your arms around his back.
“M-mommy, m-I'm going to cum,” he squealed, embarrassed, hugging you, “honey, you haven't even moved and you already want to cum?” You giggled and kissed his soft cheek, your baby was precocious.
“I-I'm sorry mommy, but it feels so good…” he said with tears in his eyes “start moving baby” you gasped and Jungkook obeyed, he began to move his hips slowly, moving in and out of you, he felt blinded with pleasure. , his vision became blurry but he never stopped moving, he lay on top of you, his face hidden in your neck while he moved his hips in a circle giving you more pleasure, he began to bury himself again and again in your womb.
He was piercing your insides, you could feel every vein in his cock, the bulge in your belly disappeared and reappeared.
“J-jungkook?! baby, yeah… right there!” You screeched, scratching his back, Jungkook screamed as he felt a pressure on his abdomen, he was about to cum “m-mommy!! p-please…” he let out tears as he stopped, you looked at him confused “I-I'm sorry, I don't want to cum quickly…” you looked at him tenderly and gave him a kiss on the forehead “honey, keep going, it doesn't matter if you cum quickly, yes.” ?” You gasped.
He unsurely obeyed again, starting to move his hips “a-ahh!! y-yes, it feels good mommy! "and-almost almost" he screamed as he attacked you messily. taking out “m-mommy…” he gasped exhausted with his eyes half-closed, his cheeks red “honey, calm down, it's over” you agitatedly caressed his back and kissed him, it was a tender and soft kiss, he laid his head on your chest, he never let go. After moving his hips, he gently rubbed his semen making an obscene noise, rubbing his hips in circles while trying to regulate his breathing.
“Honey, are you better now?” You said, watching how he clung to your body, “I have to clean myself, kookie.” You stroked his hair, waiting for him to come out of you, but it was the opposite. He pressed his hips hard against yours and you let out a scream.
"Mommy, I'm not going to take it out, it feels so good... you squeeze me so much, please, I want to be like this" he let out a grunt, grabbed your legs and made you surround his hip, it started to get cold and you grabbed a blanket covering his Bodies united, Jungkook didn't want to move away even an inch and he stayed there, you didn't refuse and you caressed his soft hair until he started to fall asleep.
It was a unique experience, you had never felt such strong chemistry, you loved him with all your heart so much that you couldn't tell him that you hadn't come and you let him enjoy it completely...
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I’ll do anything
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: the day of the final battle, after Wednesday killed Crackstone and Thornhill showed up, things didn’t go as expected and you were there to protect Wednesday from being shot. (You two had already been dating but hadn’t defined you relationship yet.)
Warnings: blood, hospital stay
Pairing: Wednesday x Fem!reader
Hey there! Second short story with Wednesday! This is something I’ve been wanting to read but haven’t found it anywhere so I decided to make my own! I hope you like it✨
You reached the quad soon after Wednesday had disintegrated Crackstone. You thought you wanted to hug her, but she didn’t allow you to yet. As of now she only allowed you to stay close to her, but when you two were alone she would let you hold her hand. She was still getting used to this whole relationship thing.
You soon got to where she was and she turned around having heard your steps and your voice “Wednesday! Are you okay? Does your shoulder hurt!?” You asked her worriedly, unconsciously and gently putting a hand on her cheek, the one not covered in blood, And she surprisingly let you do so.
However she never had time to reply because suddenly you heard a noise you knew too well, the noise of a gun. Wednesday turned around to look at the redhead woman holding a gun onto her. “You brought a gun to a sword fight. That’s probably the first smart decision you’ve made today” the braided girl said with determination, to which the teacher replied “I might not get to kill every outcast, but at least I get to kill you Wednesday” she got the gun ready.
Unluckily it wasn’t like In every movie where someone would come rescue you, and luckily you were quick enough to react when the woman pulled the trigger. You pushed Wednesday away, taking the bullet that was meant for Wednesday. “(Y/N)!!” You heard Wednesday yell as you took some steps backwards and Thornhill giggled “well I guess two is better than one!” She was about to shoot again but this time Eugene came to the rescue with his bees.
As Eugene attacked Thornhill with his bees, you had the time to realize what had happened. You had taken a bullet in your stomach, and you did it for Wednesday. You did it for the girl you loved.
You were in your history class when the class eavesdropped and started talking about sacrifice with your teacher. You weren’t really paying attention to what they were saying, as you were doodling on your notebook. You were drawing all kinds of things but you put a lot of effort in one specific drawing, a cello. Not just a random Cello, Wednesday’s Cello. Recently you had been going in her and Enid’s room a lot to hang out with them, and because well, you wanted to be with Wednesday. She enjoyed your presence, even though she didn’t show it much.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the teacher talk “I would never take a bullet for someone-“ he was about to add more to the conversation, but you interrupted him. “I would” everyone’s eyes turned on you, saying you were crazy for even wanting to do that and sacrificing yourself for someone else. “Why would you, (Y/N)? Do you not want to live your life to the fullest?” He asked crossing his arms, thinking you would take back everything you said.
“I do, yes. But at the same time I would rather sacrifice myself for someone I truly love and watch them live their life to the fullest. It wouldn’t be fair, to just be standing there and watch them die. If you love someone you’d do everything for them, taking a bullet at their place is one of those things. I know life should be worth living, but why live it with the remorse of not having done everything you could for your loved one?”
The class went quiet. Somehow everyone agreed with you now, and they looked to their loved one, except for you. Wednesday hadn’t wanted to make everyone know that you were dating, but with the tail of your eye you saw her expression soften, very slightly hinting a smile.
You fell on the ground. You fell on the ground and immediately put a hand over the wound. You didn’t know if the bullet had gone out from the other side but the only thing you could do to prevent loosing too much blood was put pressure on the bullet wound. You watched as your clothes started becoming a reddish color and tried to breathe regularly, but it was so freaking hard because of the pain.
Wednesday rushed to your side and she immediately moved you to see if you had an exit wound. You didn’t, the bullet was still inside of you and you were pressing it further inside of you. Having known her for a while now you could see a hint of worry in her eyes as she carefully moved your hand to see the wound.
“(Y/N)! What the hell did you do?” She asked with a mix of worry and anger, trying to find ways to prevent more blood from coming out. She couldn’t press on the wound or she would risk hitting some vital organs but at the same time there was nothing much she could do to help you.
“I t-took a bullet for you… I couldn’t just stand there and watch you die” you saw how she tried to keep her composure, but deep down she was going crazy. “Eugene go call for help, NOW!” Wednesday commanded. She was trying so hard not to freak out. You started whimpering more in pain even though you tried to be strong in front of her, but Wednesday could see how much you were in pain. She wanted to take it away from you, she wanted to be at your place because even though she enjoyed so much seeing someone in pain, seeing you in pain no, she couldn’t stand that.
“Wednesday it hurts-“ the pain was becoming unbearable and tears formed in your eyes. You looked at her deep in the eyes, you just wanted to feel her close to you. You slowly felt as strength was slipping out of your body. Wednesday looked at you as you said so, she was slowly starting to lose it: You were the first person she loved, she couldn’t have you die but right now she just had to wait for help to come your way. “I’m right here” Wednesday replied in her unusual soft voice tone, tears forming in her eyes as well as she took a hold of your hand which you held on tight to immediately.
Her free hand went up to your face, she delicately moved away some strands covering your eyes, then she wiped your tears and eventually kept a hand there on your cheek to comfort you. It was just the two of you, so she could afford to do so. You leaned into the touch of the girl you loved as you kept staring deep in her eyes. If you wanted to see one last thing before you die, it would be her.
Your breath was also slowly slipping out from you and you coughed, blood coming out of your mouth which made Wednesday even more worried “I’m tired…” She knew this was a bad sign. The tears she was refusing to let out became even more as she gently hit your cheek because you closed your eyes “No, no you have to keep your eyes open (Y/N)! Open your eyes!” Wednesday’s voice tone was getting even more panicked as she moved you to lay in her lap. You did open your eyes but it was unnoticeable “I l-love you Nes… s-so much…” this was the last sentence before you exhaled your last breath, and you had called her with the nickname she only allowed you to use.
“No you’re not doing this to me! Wake up!” She shook you by your shoulders and even tried slapping your face “(Y/N)! I swear to god if you die I’ll kill you! Even if you live I’ll kill you because you can’t leave me like this” she said, by now panic had taken over her and she couldn’t control her emotions… finally, a couple tears left her eyes and just when help arrived she recomposed herself and dried her tears, hoping no one would see she showed emotions.
She stood aside as she watched you being taken away to the hospital, the doctors trying to reanimate you as they said they heard a heartbeat. Enid ran to Wednesday “Wednesday! Are you okay?” The blonde asked as the brunette in front of her looked at the floor, most specifically at the place you had just bled out on. “You can cry you know..” she talked again. Wednesday looked at her, some tears were still in her eyes and Enid could see that, but she refused to let them go. “She will be okay right?” The brunette asked, back to her normal and emotionless voice tone. She had already explained to Enid why she wouldn’t cry. “We just have to hope she will.”
It had been hours by now and Wednesday had gone at the hospital with Xavier, Bianca, Enid, Ajax and everyone else, all of them worried and anxious to hear news about you. Wednesday was the most anxious of them all, she hadn’t sat down once and had been roaming around the waiting room. Her friends knew it was useless to tell her to sit down because of course she wouldn’t.
Eventually the doctor went to them and Wednesday was the first one to go up to him and listen to what he had to say. “She’s fine, but not as fine as we hoped.” The doctor started “and what does that mean?” Xavier was the one to talk, Wednesday even if she didn’t show it, was too shocked to even breath. “The bullet damaged some of her vital organs and we had to pur her in a coma to give her organs time to recover and regenerate the missing parts. Though we expect her to make full recovery within a couple weeks” he said before leaving. Everyone’s eyes turned to Wednesday, who soon walked away from the rest of them to go into the public bathroom. Everyone else told Enid to go check on her.
“Wednesday? Are you okay?” Enid said as she walked in the bathroom. Luckily it was empty and it was just the two of them. “It’s my fault Enid. It’s my fault she’s in this state” the short girl started. The build up of emotions was getting too much even for her “Nes it’s not your fault-“ she interrupted her “don’t call me that! Only she gets to… and yes it’s my fault, I brought this onto the school and I brought this onto her” tears were forming in the brunette’s eyes again. She only trusted Enid and (Y/N) with her emotions.
“Wednesday listen to me!” Enid said, pulling Wednesday out of her shock state as she put both her hands on her shoulders “she’s fine now, sure she needs to get better and wake up, but she’s fine okay? She’s not dying anytime soon. So now just go to her and talk to her. She’s in a coma and she must be scared as hell, she needs you”
For once, Wednesday took her friend’s advice and soon enough she was in your room. Seeing you attached to all of those machines and seeing the painful look on your face didn’t make her feel good at all. However she sat by you, holding your cold, lifeless hand and just like last time, moving some hair out of your face.
That week Wednesday was a mess. She did go to class but she was always thinking of you, she wanted and needed you to be okay, her friends constantly trying to cheer her up, but to no avail. The following week was even worst, until Enid received a call from the hospital saying that (Y/N) had waken up. Of course Wednesday was the first one to go there, and as soon as she entered your room, a wave of relief washed over her as she ran over to you, immediately taking a hold of your hand as her eyes filled with tears again.
“It’s okay to cry, you know” you told her which made her smile slightly, a tear escaping her eyes and rolling down her cheek “why did you do that?” She asked you, meaning why did you take the bullet for her “like I said that day In class, I would take a bullet for the person I love the most. And I love you, so…” you said smiling as you raised your hand up to caress her cheek and wipe the tear that had stained it. “You’re an idiot.” She said snd that made you giggle “wow I save your life and that’s the thank you I get?” You pouted jokingly and looked away from her, crossing your arms.
In that moment a weird atmosphere filled the room, that’s until Wednesday got closer to you and put a delicate hand on your cheek, turning your face to look at her “I love you too, (Y/N)” her voice was very low, only for you to hear. In the next second she closed her eyes and leaned in for a very soft kiss. Her cold, soft lips meeting your warm ones in that sweet action from Wednesday day. Eventually both of you pulled back for air, both your faces so close as the love of your life looked at you with nothing but love and lust with your eyes.
“I should get myself hurt more often if this is what I get next” you said smiling, this was the first time you two kissed and you couldn’t ask for anything better. “Shut up” she told you and sealed your lips in another kiss, just as soft as the other one.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
omgg can u do gavi caring for a sick reader? <3 lots of love
I re-posted Sunburn story yesterday and will do similar idea only with reader getting sunburns and Gavi taking care of her. :)
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"Where is mi chica??" Pablo asked his sister when he saw that you were not packed and ready to go to the boat when he came back from the grocery store with the guys.
"She's still in your room, hermano" Aurora said before leaving for the kitchen to check if boys got everything from the list.
Pablo scrunched his eyebrows and went to the shared bedroom knocking softly before getting in seeing you snuggled up in the blanket.
"Amor? Que haces? It's almost time to go to the boat" he said but sitting besides you on the bed he saw that your eyes were watery and your face was red.
"Que pasa mi preciosa? Are you crying??" he said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear feeling the heat radiating off your body the more he came closer.
"It hurts Pabloo.." was all you muttered and he got worried wondering weather you've gotten hurt while he was gone but Aurora didn't tell him anything about it which was strange.
"Tell your Pablito what hurts you so he can make it better for you princesa?" Pablo said and she moved a little pulling off the blanket and showing his the red skin of her shoulders, legs and stomach..those were some nasty sunburns!
"Aww mi amor got sunburns huh?" Pablo said and you pouted adorably nodding your head before pulling the blanket over your shaking body again. It felt so cold if you tried to get out of the covers.
"It's okay preciosa..I will take care of you today" he said pecking your lips gently before walking to the door and telling the rest that the two of you won't be joining them today.
When they left, Pablo came back with some anti-burn gel and nice cup of coco you loved so much.
"I'm sorry I ruined our vacation amorcito.." she said sadly when he sat down placing the cup on the nightstand.
"Princesa, it could happen to anybody..it's okay. I will take care of you today and tomorrow you will be like new, I promise" Pablo said touching your forehead to check for fever which you luckily didn't have. Your whole body was aching badly tho.
"Let' take those clothes off princesa and I will put some of this gel on your skin" Pablo said which made you shy but he reassured you that it was okay and that it was only the two of you here. You did as he asked feeling shivers of coldness move down your spine as you sat in your panties when he moved the blanket to the side.
"It's cold!! So cold!!" you whined when he put some of the gel on your stomach and he giggled kissing your lips to distract you which certainly seemed to work. Soon enough, he put gel over all of your burn and got you his hoodie to wear to keep warm.
"Come here now preciosa" he said laying down shirtless and you nuzzled close to him pulling on his body head and sighing in pleasure..it felt so good to feel warm again!
"How do you feel now mi amor??" Pablo asked softly while playing with your hair and you smiled happily while looking up into his gorgeous eyes.
"So warm.." you said and he smiled kissing your forehead and then your lips before you cuddled up to him again stealing a glance of the warm hot coco on the night stand.
"Can I have my hot coco now??" you ask with a pout and Pablo's heart melted at how adorable you were when you were sick as he nodded his head helping you sit up comfortably before giving you the cup of the sweet beverage.
"You can have whatever you want preciosa" Pablo said kissing the side of your head while you blew the hot beverage.
"It's so sweet and yummy!" you say after the very first sip and Pablo chuckled cleaning up your chin which made you blush a little but smile through it.
"Just like you princesa!" he said kissing the side of your neck and you giggled laying your head on Pablo's shoulder while swirling your hot coco and thinking to yourself how fortunate you are to have him in your life..<3
A few days later...
Now that you felt all better, you were excited to go on a boat ride at the Formentera Island.
The moment you stepped on it, you took off your cover up ready to jump in the ocean but was interrupted by your boyfriend.
"Pump those breaks preciosa! Sunscreen first!!" he said running after you with a spray making everyone including yourself laugh at his protective nature.
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fix You Part 4/10
Part 5 and 6 are out on my Patreon!
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Summary - Reader is hired as Ruben's assistant nurse after receiving head trauma during a football game. He has fallen into a deep depression on his road to recovery and does not accept much help from Reader as she only reminds him of how incapable he is.
He should have never given you a day off, Ruben thought. You had been gone for hours, without telling anyone where you went. Ruben woke up that morning to an empty apartment. Okay, Max was there but he was an early riser and always went out for a morning run. You, on the other hand, wasn't an early riser. You'd wake up around the same time Ruben did. He would listen to your footsteps puttering around the kitchen while he lay in bed. By the time you knocked on his door to give him his shot, Ruben had been awake for hours, thinking about you and how he would do anything to feel your hands against his face again.
"Do you think she's gone missing?" Ruben asked Max.
"I thought she said that she had an audition this afternoon?"
"A what?"
"An audition. She's an actress, you know? A really good one too."
"Y/N, an actress?" Ruben found it very laughable. Actors and actresses possessed the skill of lying to the world. That night, looking into your eyes as you held his face, Ruben saw nothing but the truth in them. The truth that you were indeed the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen.
"Yeah, apparently she's studied at one of the best acting schools in London."
"Oh, yeah? Then how come I haven't seen her in any movies?"
It was a slow day in the park. However, Max refused to bring out the tennis balls. Despite the surgery, it was obvious that Ruben's conditions had yet improved. He feared that it was getting worse. And with that thought his creeping depression would return to him with the thoughts of never playing football again. That, and the fact that going blind forever meant never seeing your eyes again.
"I dunno, she said something about the movie industry being misogynistic and unfair to women." Max explained.
Ruben snorted. "Sounds like excuses to me."
He was an asshole at heart. Ruben knew that. But you didn't, or at least pretended not to notice. It's the reason why he hired you. You had an attitude like no other, an attitude that was reflected in your snapping tongue. Whatever Ruben put you through, no matter the insult, you always looked at him the same. Not with pity like his mother. You looked at Ruben as if you could see right through him. See through the pain in his heart and the many many failed attempts to better himself. You gave him the illusion that he might be good enough for you. However, the whole world knew that he wasn't. Not with his broken mind.
The sun had gone down by the time you got back to the apartment. Ruben and Max returned from the park hours ago. You had missed dinner and Ruben didn't like that. Did you have dinner somewhere else? With someone else? If that was the case, the two of you really needed to talk.
It was right on cue that you knocked on his door. You had made it a habit to check on him before you retreated to your own room. Ruben would never admit it, but this was the favorite part of his day.
"Come in." He said, sitting up in bed. He perked up even more seeing you appear in the doorway, your face painted with makeup, wearing a tight black dress that hugged your shape in ways that struck his sinful imagination. No bandages covered his eyes during these hours and luckily you wore a coat over your naked shoulders, preventing Ruben from completely losing his mind at the sight of you.
"Hey, I just wanted to check on you." You said.
"Well, like all the other nights you've checked on me, I'm still alive."
His cheesy comment made your smile fade. Good job Ruben, he thought. Even in the dark he could see your distaste for him.
"I mean, do you need anything before I go to bed?" 
"Oh, okay."
You lingered in the door frame, perhaps feeling forced to make small talk. "Max told me that you guys went to the park today, did you have a nice time?"
An awkward silence followed. If you would only step a little closer to the bed so that he could see you clearly. Ruben's vision got a bit blurry where you stood, since his eyes still needed time to adjust, even to the dark.
"Did Max let you exercise again?" You asked.
Ruben snorted. "No." 
"I'm sorry about that."
Perhaps you felt guilty ever since his little fumble in the park, where Ruben's heart topped the average rate. Max refused anymore advanced brain exercises after that. The reason for Ruben's newfound restlessness. Nevertheless, he didn't blame it on you.
"It's not your fault." Ruben said, looking at his hands. "We'll start again in time."
You nodded. "You will get better in time, Ruben, your doctor said so himself."
You had started taking him to his weekly appointments. Although you were much better company than Ruben's mother, he didn't like the look of pity that you gave him as the doctors would pin all those needles in him to run their many many tests. You would never see him for the man he really was, a football player.
"Where were you?" Ruben asked, pleased to change the subject.
"Out with who?"
Your arms folded. "Why do you assume I was out with someone?"
"You were out alone?"
"Yes, yes I was. Believe it or not."
"Why were you dressed like that?"
You looked down on your dress. The light from the hallway reflected off of the little specks of glitter, putting dots on Ruben's walls, making it look like little stars roamed above their heads.
"What's wrong with the way I dress?" You frowned.
"Nothing." He shrugged. "It just looks like you were going on a date or something."
"And if I were?"
Ruben's reaction made you smile. "Yeah, if I did in fact go on a date, what's it to?"
"I don't....." 
He choked on his words and you laughed.
"Relax Ruben. I'm only dressed like this because the audition I went to required it."
Of course, he thought. Max told him about your acting pursuit, although he still doubted that you were a good one. However, Ruben was curious. "How did it go?"
"Shit." You sighed and to his surprise stepped into the room. "The directors wanted me to run lines in a scouse accent. Like, who even knows how to do that?"
Ruben laughed. He thought about the many times he had been scolded by the Liverpool fans. He never managed to understand a word of what they were saying to him. He doubted anyone knew what they were saying, not even themselves.
"All I'm saying is thank God for this job, otherwise I'd probably be on the street begging for leftovers."
"I'm sure you'll get your breakthrough." He said and really meant it. If it wasn't in your heart to work for him it could turn ugly very quickly.
"I dunno?" You sighed and to Ruben's surprise, felt comfortable enough to take a seat on his bed.
His legs stirred under the covers to distract him from the blood rushing to parts of his body that he really didn't want to come alive right now. Luckily, the room was dark and you sat on the foot of his bed. Nevertheless, your silhouette was enough to send him off. You were beautiful beyond the light, and if he was ever given the pleasure to touch you one day, he'd forsure make it memorable.
Fuck, he thought. You must have caught him staring.
"Yes?" He replied, cupping his groin under the covers.
"I want you to be honest with me."
"Before I go to bed...."
Yeah, he's done.
"Of course." He said, clearing his throat.
"Do you need my help getting to the toilet?"
You avoided his eyes out of cheer embarrassment. "You know...." You said. "To help you pee?"
If only God did drive-by's. "No, Y/N." He sighed. "I'm good to go on my own if I have to."
"You sure?"
"Of course I'm sure. It's my body, isn't it?"
"I'm just saying. Last time..."
"Last time was a first."
"Right." There was a hint of a smile on your face. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
Ruben's heart sank, seeing you leave his bedside. "Y/N?" He exclaimed, stopping you at the door. 
You turned around, eyebrows raised. 
"Erm...you look beautiful."
Your face lit up. "Thank you."
"Yeah, um....goodnight, I guess." Ruben was quite desperate for you to leave.
"Goodnight Ruben."
He fell onto his back once the door shut. And an odd surprise awaited him as he slid a hand down his sweatpants. Ruben had been told that parts of his body could remain permanently affected by his injuries. Like the next man he wondered if that meant his abilities to perform in other places than just the football pitch, and unfortunately the answer was, yes. Like the next man Ruben had tried watching porn in all kinds of outrageous themes. However, nothing had done it for him. But now here he lay, with a full fledged erection and one person on his mind. 
As he began stroking himself, Ruben thought of stripping you of that dress of yours, touching you in ways that would pleasure you to a point of rapture. Oh how he would love to rip you apart, to hear you moan his name.
As much as he wanted to make the moment last, Ruben was too horny to maintain a steady pace. He stroked his dick like his life depended on it. As if his mother could burst into his room at any minute.
Ruben ground, succumbing to his own temptations. He felt pathetic afterwards. Like an animal unable to control his urges. Nevertheless, he made a promise that the next time he came, it would be inside of you.
Part 5 and 6 are out on my Patreon!
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~stomach bug~
Summary: Vaggie gets a stomach bug while she's staying over at Carmilla's. luckily, her mother figure takes care of her makes her feel loved.
“Thanks for letting me stay the night,” Vaggie told Carmilla when she went to say goodnight.
They usually had training sessions in the morning or afternoon, but Carmilla was a bit busy during the day and they needed to do one at night. With all the exercise she was getting and how late it was, she became exhausted. Not to mention she had managed to get a few bruises. However, Carmilla was very kind and offered to let Vaggie stay the night. She knew how tired the girl must’ve been. Not to mention how dangerous it was at night. If she wouldv’e walked home, there was a huge chance she could get mugged or hurt badly and couldn’t fight back because of exhaustion. 
“You’re welcome, Vaggie. If you need anything during the night, don’t hesitate to wake me up.” Carmilla replied, walking into her own room. She wanted vaggie to feel safe with her and like she could go to her with anything, no matter the time.
Since Odette and Clara were already asleep, Vaggie knew she should get some rest too. She had already showered and gotten into some of Carmilla’s actual daughter's old pajamas since they were the only ones that would fit her. Unfortunately, the only room available for her to sleep in was her babysitting room. The room where she was babysat by Carmilla whenever she felt small and couldn’t get Charlie to take care of her, or just wanted Carmilla to.
It was a little weird since the bed looked a lot like a children’s bed. The blanket covering it was a cute pink and white one with butterflies on it. Vaggie would just have to deal with it though.
It wasn’t long before Vaggie fell asleep. She was beyond tired from the intense workout she went through.
When Vaggie woke up the next day, she was greeted with a horrible stomach cramp. She knew it wasn’t her time of the month so what could it be? She whimpered as another wave passed through her. It was really bad. Something inside her told her that she needed Carmilla.
However, Vaggie couldn’t get up. The pain made it impossible to move if she didn’t want to aggravate it even more. So she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone, hoping Carmilla’s hellphone was nearby. She hit call and waited for Carmilla to answer. But she never answered. Instead, she heard footsteps coming towards her room. The door opened and the overlord stood in the doorframe. She saw Vaggie curled up and whimpering and rushed to her side.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked. The way she asked was so soft and gentle that Vaggie’s headspace took a dip. Whenever she got sick in heaven, no one would show her this kind of motherly love. She was heavenborn and never knew her mom. The only people to take care of her were nurses and herself. And the nurses never treated anyone as kindly as Carmilla was treating her right now.
“Tummy hurts…” Vaggie whined. The use of the word ‘tummy’ instead of stomach, gave away the fact that she was slipping.
Carmilla put a hand to her forehead and checked her temperature. She felt a little warm, but nothing too concerning. Probably a low-grade fever. 
Vaggie whimpered again as another wave of pain ran through her. She was starting to feel nauseous as well. 
“It’ll be okay, sweetie. How about I go grab you some medicine and see how you feel?” Carmilla asked. But Vaggie shook her head.
“Don’t wanna be alone…” she mumbled. It was scary to be by yourself while in such a vulnerable state.
Carmilla sighed. The only thing she could think of that would make her feel better would be medicine. But the girl was also feeling really small at the moment.
Suddenly, Vaggie shot up and pulled the covers off, seemingly trying to rush somewhere. However, she couldn’t even make it off the bed before she threw up. Stomach water and bile fell onto the sheets and her pajamas. She cried, humiliated that she had just puked in front of someone and on herself.
“No, no, don’t cry! It’s okay, I’m not mad,” Carmilla put a hand on her back and rubbed it soothingly as she retched once more. 
Carmilla could now tell what was going on. Vaggie probably contracted a stomach bug.
Once she was done, Carmilla comforted her as she cried. She knew how bad and embarrassing it must’ve felt.
After she had finished crying, Carmilla lifted her up and onto the floor. The movement had caused her stomach to cramp up again, prompting Vaggie to whimper. If the girl was in that much pain from moving, then there was no way she’d be able to make it to the bathroom. So as Carmilla got her out of her soiled pajamas, she put her in a diaper and onesie so it would be easier and quicker to change her. The room had all of Vaggie’s little gear in it that Carmilla had bought for her. She liked to give her small gifts whenever she did something good.
Once she was done, she grabbed a red stuffed bear with small devil horns off of the stuffed animal hammock in the corner of the room. She handed it to the girl, who was curled up on the floor.
Due to all the commotion and crying, Clara had woken up. She walked into the room and saw her mother gently trying to soothe Vaggie as she was softly crying on the floor.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Vaggie contracted a stomach bug and slipped into her little headspace,” Carmilla explained. Then she got an idea.
“Could you stay here and look after her while I change her bedsheets and get her medicine?” she asked.
“Yeah, I can do that,” She replied. Clara was always happy to help her little sister. She and Odette were very supportive of Vaggie’s regression and often helped out their mother whenever she was caring for her. Whether it was getting her a new bottle and just looking after her when Carmilla needed a break, they loved to help take care of her.
As Carmilla took the bedding downstairs, Clara tried her best to comfort the crying girl. She had whimpered that her eye was also starting to hurt as well. Clara guessed that it must be a phantom pain from the stress of getting sick.
She dug through the nightstand drawer and found a couple of pacifier cases with pacis inside. She picked out one she thought Vaggie might like and a clip. She attached it to her onesie and popped it into her mouth.
The pacifier helped her a little bit, but not much. She was still in pain and Clara didn’t know what to do. But she did get an idea. Sitting next to her, she pulled her little sister in her lap and held her. It actually seemed to help calm the girl down. 
When Carmilla returned, she had a baby bottle with water in her hands and new bedsheets, as well as a vial of medicine syrup. She set the bottle and medicine on the nightstand before putting the new sheets on the bed. She stepped over to the closet to get new covers and put those on the bed as well.
Clara left the room soon after to let Vaggie be taken care of by her mama. 
Carmilla lifted Vaggie from the floor and placed her in the bed. Once putting the bed guards up, she placed a trashcan on the opposite side of Vaggie, leaning against the bars. She held Vaggie sit up so she could give her some medicine.
“No!” Vaggie pouted once Carmilla poured the syrup into the tiny cup the vial came with.
“Mija, it’s going to help you,” she tried to explain.
“Is nasty!” she complained.
Carmilla sighed. 
“I’ll let you pick out a new toy when you get better~,” She sing-songed, trying to convince Vaggie to take the medicine. She was going to get her something anyways, so why not use the fact to get her to take the syrup.
Vaggie looked skeptical but took the cup and downed the syrup. She made a disgusted face once she was done and handed the cup back to Carmilla. 
Carmila then climbed into the bed with the bottle in her hands and pulled Vaggie into her lap so she could help hydrate her. Once Vaggie finished the water, she curled up against her caregiver. She was so small compared to Carmilla that it actually felt like she had a toddler/baby in her lap.
Carmilla held her little as she waited for the medicine to kick in. However, Vaggie’s stomach kept growing and making noises. She would whimper as well whenever it would happened. Suddenly, she started to move, trying to get to the trashcan. Carmilla knew what was happening and quickly shoved the can under her chin.
“In here, bebe, it’s okay,” she told her as she heaved aggressively into the garbage. It looked really painful and Carmilla took pity on the poor girl. Unfortunately, the medicine came right up. That’s when she remembered that Vaggie was an angel, not a demon. That meant her body could react differently to demon products.
Once she was finished retching,Carmilla put the trash can to the side before picking Vaggie up. She noticed the girl had an accident during the heaving and needed her diaper changed. She heaved really hard, it made sense that her bladder gave out on her.
When she finished taping the new padding up, she gave her little tummy kisses, hoping to help her feel better. It made her giggle happily. 
It wasn’t long until that happiness turned into sadness. The pain was back again. This stomach bug really hated her. So Carmilla picked her up again and cradled her in her arms while she cuddled her in the bed, trying to provide the most comfort she could.
Carmilla knew that vaggie would likely have to stay the whole day or at least until she got better. So she used vaggie’s phone to text Charlie that her girlfriend was sick with a bug and was feeling small.
Not even 15 minutes passed and Charlie was already outside of the warehouse, a basket in her hands. She was let in by Odette and went up to the room that Vaggie was in.
When Charlie saw them, she couldn’t help but awe. It was always adorable to see Vaggie little but it was even more adorable to see so clingy towards this famous overlord. 
“Aww, hey, you two,” She whispered, not wanting to disturb Vaggie. She seemed like she was trying to sleep but wasn’t unconscious just yet.
“What are you doing here? Carmilla asked quietly, also not wanting to bother the tired girl.
“You can’t expect me to not show up when you tell me my girlfriend is sick and slipped,” she explained. She set the basket down and took out a baby blanket. She draped it over Vaggie’s shoulders before turning back to the basket. She took out two thermoses, one named “Broth” and the other named “milk”. Both cups felt really hot.
“These are for when she feels up to eating,” She explained. She knew that whenever Vaggie got sick, she would not have much of an appetite. It wasn’t healthy and she usually needed to practically force her to eat. But some of the few things she would consume was warm milk and ramen broth. 
“Thank you, princess,” Carmilla thanked her.
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