#but making sure my trans followers and the irl trans people i know feel loved and supported? thats so much more important.
befemininenow · 5 months
Tumblr media
My coming out as a trans lesbian. (A message to my followers.)
Yes, everyone. I am "gay", or should I say, I'm a lesbian.
This may come as a shock to some of you since I would talk about "hot men" and even make captions about attracting hunks and whatnot. If you notice an absurd amount of those kind of captions surfacing this past week until now, that's because I was dealing with comphet, short for compulsive heterosexuality. In reality, I do not like men nor am I attracted to masculinity.
Why until now? One, it’s because I wanted to wait for the right time to come out and it was coincidentally on Lesbian Visibility Day. Two, it’s something I've been questioning ever since I found out I was trans. This didn’t happen in a day or two. It’s been years and I would have thought I was just pansexual. However, I was not sure whether I genuinely liked boys or if I just liked their validation. It turns out it's only the latter and I was questioning whether I was really gay or just gynosexual. I admit that getting positive reception from them turned me on and I could see the kindness and affection they displayed towards other women (something that really made me euphoric). But the moment you would place me next them for more, say, intimacy (I'm trying to keep it PG), I felt that spark turn off. Don't even get me started when they're bare or worse, send me D-picks (it's so nasty).
Now, I've never did any of that IRL. But, I've tried to interact with them through social sites. Not just in Tumblr, but in other sites like Grindr. If you ever think of creating a Grindr to meet, don't bother. It's hot garbage! All of them were chasers and not a single one was attractive. Only one "guy" seemed to be "cute"; it was a femboy, who was commencing their transition into a woman. Those were the only men I thought I was attracted to, but the reality is: I was only attracted to their femininity, but not their body or intimacy. Femboys are still men and I'm not attracted to men.
That got me questioning: Am I really only liking people for their femininity or do I genuinely only like girls? To make a long story short, I've never felt so much better than imagining myself being the lovely girl... of another girl! I always loved women as a guy, but now that I'm about to transition, being into women as a girl feels so right for me! No more comphet for me!
I know this is not the norm on these kind of blogs as the majority tend to be attracted to masculinity. However, I do want to say that even trans lesbians exist on the feminization scene. That leads me to tell all of you for the next update: You won't be seeing anymore new straight trans girl captions after the first few days of the next month. That's why you saw those kind of captions bombard my blog these past few days. It's just my way of saying "Let me just get it done with". I'm actually glad you enjoyed them, but I just don't feel any connection to those kind of captions anymore. I'll try to upload them when I can since I've been busier than usual.
Anyways, I'm happy you read this very long post. Even if you're not a lesbian, I hope this note at least gives you an insight on not keeping your true feelings locked any longer. Everyone deserves to be themselves. You should too.
Sincerely, Nikki.
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woennix · 7 months
I wanna share some positive things the about the QSMP I personally see.
Of course this is just how I see it, but I feel like there's too much negativity and I need some positive stuff so if I don't see it I'll just make it.
The thing I'll highlight here is my favorite aspects of the LGBT relationships in the server in general (Mainly ships).
Firstly of ace character with qCellbit, I'll just say the moment qRoier accepted qCellbit as ace so fucking quickly it made me so happy, and in general I love their relationship and how they supported eachtother during their hardest times (Bobby's loss and qCellbit's whole arc where he pretended to betray everyone). Related to this I love how this doesn't diminish qRoier's friendship with qJaiden and they have such a strong relationship even after he marries qCellbit, she even is seen as part of their family (AS SHE SHOULD!!!!).
I also love qBagi and qTina, where they have a relationship and we can see qTina's insecurities and qBagi's patience for her. I love how qBagi opened up to her and they bonded on feeling alone and now they have eachother :(( (AND A DAUGHTER!!!! THEY WANTED A DAUGHTER AND THEY GOT IT!! W) I don't follow their story as much but their recent developments with qTina's lore is so cool and I'm so excited to see where that's going.
Obviously I love qFit and qPac (I say obviously bc it's all I talk about in my page), but the slow burn story was so good, for both characters where they have a lot to work through but support eachother though everything. My favorite part I guess is seeing them be the ''I am not marrying'' couple. They do not need a marriage to show their relationship and don't care that much about labels. I will say I know they might eventually marry and that's ok, but I for now, I really love how they don't want or care about marriage and that's ok, they're going on their own pace and that's ok too (they haven't had their first kiss yet). Idk I just love them.
The other ships don't catch that much my attention but!! I wanna say I also love the irl representation, with Mike being such an icon and defending the community (and being part of it with his partner Mine <3), Felps always defending it too, and many other. Tubbo, Bagi, Cellbit, also being queer people to look up to, and I am sure I am missing people. But in general I love the server for being so LGBT-friendly always.
I'll also always remember how quickily Slime and Mariana supported Juanaflippa her being trans. All the support she got in-story and outside of it was so nice. (And her as a character in general but that's another topic lmao).
And lastly I'll just say, as an aro-person, I love seeing how not everything is romance, most of my favorite dynamics are not ships, and there are so many found-family aspects on the server, it makes my heart full. Not everything is perfect in it but yeah!! This is an aspect I really love of the server.
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hero-israel · 7 months
hi, i hope this is not an awkward question, i'm only sending you this ask because your blog is a comfort to me and because i am isolated irl at the moment.
would it be appropriate for me to buy a rainbow pride flag with the magen david on it? i am not currently observant, was not really raised as anything particular, but I know that my mom's family is jewish. I got the courage to try and email my campus rabbi RIGHT before Oct. 7th. Now it's almost impossible to do anything with them (not blaming them. it's got to be hard to write emails when you're getting harassed.)
i only ask because i was told at one point that it would be "weird" or possibly even "appropriation" since I'm not fully observant yet. i just want something to make me feel less alone, i don't feel safe going to my campus LGBT club or center anymore. everything and everyone there made me feel like i wasn't a "good" gay/trans person if I felt uncomfortable around people calling for the literal eradication of israel and everyone there. I desperately want to graduate and find my jewish community.
I just want to make sure I'm not being disrespectful in any way by buying this. it'll just go up in a private part of my room for me to stare at when i feel depressed. thank you for your blog! (please feel free to delete this if it's too off-topic!)
If you have even one Jewish grandparent, you are sufficiently Jewish by descent. I am glad to hear you have reached out to your campus rabbi and are working on joining a community, and hope you will get the warm and loving welcome you deserve. I also recommend you keep following up with the rabbi: yes, they are under stress, but this is also their job and they know their community is under stress as well and they need to continue to be available to help.
There is nothing wrong with keeping a Pride flag with the Magen David on it, especially during a time when so many people try to police, remove, or actively destroy our identities. May it bring you comfort and be a milestone of greater engagement with the community.
More on antisemitism within LGBT spaces (in some cases specifically around the Pride flag with the Magen David):
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merriclo · 17 days
hihi!! i don't know exactly what to ask but i'm super curious. looking at you with my autistic eyes, if you want to talk about your religion, feel free to tell me any aspect of it that you want to talk about..,.,
AHAJJDKSK YAY OKAY !!!!!!!! i don’t get to talk about it irl because.. im the only person i know who practices it. so omg yippie
okay so i practice hellenic polytheism, which is just a fancy was of saying worshipping the ancient Greek Gods. surprise, their worshippers still exist!!!!!! tbh i completely understand why some people get freaked out or confused whenever they find out (another reason why i usually keep it under wraps most of the time) because.. it’s weird as fuck from an outside perspective. without any genuine knowledge of modern day hellenism, it’s strange seeming.
i’m personally a devotee to Lady Aphrodite, Goddess of love, beauty, and passion! it’s actually kinda fun how i came to worship her. a few years ago when i discovered hellenism, i was like woah.. this resonates…. and then that night i had a dream where a beautiful woman held my face and told me i was a follower of Lady Aphrodite. which was freaky and all woahhhhsjsjdjf what. the fuck? and now that i’m typing it out it sounds Very Strange. i promise im in the right state of mind i just have weirdly personal dreams sometimes
UHHANSNFK ANYWAYS. i love Lady Aphrodite very much and nothing makes my blood boil than seeing people spread hatred and bigotry in her name. i’ve seen a few TERFs claim her messaging and use her symbols as way to hate trans people and it’s like. whhat the fuck are you on about. have you even read her myth. do you even know anything about her. in certain theologies she was formed from a castrated penis and sea foam. and don’t even get me started on her children??????? anyways. Lady Aphrodite is not a fucking TERF for fucks sake
i’m actually not quite sure what else to say without getting into the real nitty gritty and personal stuff. if you have any more questions i’m so down to answer i love rambling about Lady Aphrodite
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dozingzzz · 5 months
intro post
hello, i don't really have one name online i use anymore, so whatever you want to call me, go for it. make up some stupid shit. call me zonked, i dont care.
im seventeen and a switch in the sfw tickle community. ive ran a few other blogs in the past, but abandoned them out of self-hate. i have not too recently accepted and embraced this about myself, and after lurking for a while, i have started a new blog.
i view tickles as a fun, silly, bonding activity for friends, lovers, or family, and just a cute part of the human condition. i adore seeing people laughing. i love laughs a lot. maybe a little too much.
i occasionally do tickle art and (rarely, but sometimes) tickle writing/scenarios. this blog will likely mostly consist of random thoughts, art, cute stuff i see or think, or other interactions within the community.
i love talking with others in the community like me, so never hesitate to dm me or anything. id love to chat and make a few friends here.
*unfurls a long scroll*
(bold = currently my favorites, strikethrough = dormant, italics = just got into it)
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
Little Big Planet
Sanders Sides
Critical Role (Campaign 2)
Fantasy Life (3DS)
Commentary Youtube
Studio Ghibli
Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
Pokemon (Sun/Moon or Sword/Shield mostly)
Avatar the Last Airbender (Animated)
my ocs + original universe
Big Hero 6
Wild Kratts
Gravity Falls
Delicious In Dungeon
Inside Out 1 + 2
The Lego Movie
9 (Movie)
Teen Titans Go
these change like.. every week, so definitely be sure to come back to it every so often. i usually bounce between all of these things, however, it's very rarely that the list will expand.
dni/other iffy things
if you apply to any of the following labels, please do not interact with me or my blog. thanks!
NFSW or partially NSFW blog (unless you have tags i can block)
age 30 or older. if i meet you before then and you are a good person and we know eachother when you turn 30, i can make an exception.
feet-centered blog or someone with a foot fetish. do you, i have no problem with whatever you like, but it is not my thing and makes me uncomfortable.
prefer solely/mostly heavy bondage or tickle torture and/or have a blog centered around it, again, you do you but it scares me lol
homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, sexist, etc. need i explain. i am under the trans umbrella and gay. so if you don't like it fuck off respectfully
think witchcraft/pagan religions are "of the devil". i am a practicing witch. i respect and try to understand all religions. please do the same to me.
proshipper or a proshipping supporter.
a vore enjoyer sexual or nonsexual. sorry and no personal hate to you but that stuff terrifies/disgusts me
enjoy/create irl tickling content. yes, this includes youtubers, actors, kpop groups, etc. they're real people and i feel that it is weird and icky to make that sort of content without their consent. thats a real person
these may change as i grow and i will likely do a post indicating it. thanks for reading all that.
anyways, even though im not technically new, i hope you all welcome me back to the community.
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Howdy! I am thinking of coming back to this blog because I feel like it was important to me. Will be using it at least for a little while.
About me:
Primarily worships the Theoi (Hellenic, or Greek, gods), with a few additions
I am not a reconstructionist. I take my religion seriously, but I take my cue from the gods, not internet randos or even tradition 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've have never had an issue when approaching the gods without having washed my hands or face (and I generally forget, even when I did decide to incorporate it into my practice) or such like that. I do follow guidelines for core things, like not offering blood, etc. But I play pretty fast and loose with the rules, so you've have come to the wrong place if you are looking for a resource on reconstructionism. If you harass me about not adhering strictly to tradition and ritual structure, I will block you.
I worship the gods, not work with them. I am not a witch at all! I occasionally do divination (which is not witchcraft) but that is it!
Gods I Worship:
Interested In:
Jesus (in combination with Dionysus, specifically)
Agathos Daimon (household spirit)
I'm am for sure forgetting someone, but brainfart lol
Some Personal Views:
Fuck terfs! The gods love trans people!
Fuck nazis, fuck white nationalists, fuck folkists! Hatred has no place in this community.
Fuck mythic literalism. Please pick up a book and stop lying about Persephone and Aphrodite hating each other. The Theoi don't have irl beef, you can worship any of them with each other—they are a *family.* Additionally, gods were often worshipped together *because* of their beef in the mythos. Persephone and Aphrodite, Athena and Poseidon, Athena was given Pallas' name as an epithet even though she killed her (though they were admittedly friends/adoptive sisters)
The gods aren't going to smite you. This is mainly from a hellenic perspective because I'm am most educated about it. If you don't give an offering in a long time or something similar, you don't have to grovel and beg for forgiveness or offer an extravagant gift. Just give them an offering, talk to em/them, and don't worry about it. Kharis can always be reestablished. An exception to this would maybe be if you broke an commitment to a god. THEN asking for forgiveness and giving a nice offering would be appropriate. But they won't kill you or anything. People've who've have done this have mentioned that the blessings gifted to them by the gods were simply revoked, maybe added some additional misfortune. Which is pretty easily rectified, from what I understand. You can make amends. The gods are deeply accepting, understanding, and forgiving. They are not human. We don't live in a myth, and you do not need to fear any real harm from them (*especially* physical)
Related to the above, you cannot offend the gods on accident. If you learn later that you did something that they would rather you not do (in relation to your interactions with them), that's okay! You can do better now, the gods won't hold it against you if you didn't know ^-^ Now if you INTENTIONALLY try to piss them off, disrespect them to spite them in a fit of anger, then it is apology time.
Finally, no DNI. Just don't be an asshole and we're golden.
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t4tfaggotry1 · 9 days
hi everyone, welcome to my account!
this blog deals with mature (18+) themes (sex, bdsm discussed below)
i use lowercase letters as a stylistic choice so as to not scare away anxious subs or tone-sensitive pets. i am 1.8m/6' tall irl plus my go-to docs but no need to be intimidated (unless you are~)
about me:
you can refer to me as alex (they/he). only my puppy is allowed to refer to me by titles.
i'm 19 and will not interact with anyone that is younger than 18 or does not specify anywhere in their bio their age.
i'm transmasc non-binary and everything i experience and will post about is through a transsexual lens. i'm hairy, big and warm.
my username is what this blog is about. if you're not interested in either as a whole and strictly combined experience, this blog is unfortunately not for you. my faggotry is open to all who fuck with gender: that means all trans, gq, gnc, intersex and decolonised indigenous identities are welcome if you find what i offer appealing.
i'm a top-leaning switch but will not bottom for anyone i don't have enough of a connection with.
i am the dominant partner in bdsm scenes and lifestyle play. i follow a service role, wherein i mostly gain sexual gratification from pleasing submissives without direct sexual attention needed on myself.
i can be romantically and sexually attracted to multiple people at once, however i'm focused on continuing to build a strong connection with my partner rn.
my topping actions and dominant kinks:
fingers, strap and cock fucking | fucker
fingers, strap and cock sucking | sucker
fisting | fister (when my boy does what i ask and keeps his hole nice and loose for me <3)
impact play
spanking | spanker
flogging | flogger (weapon of choice)
breath play
light choking | choker
usage of a gag | gagger
restrictive play
bondage (only silk atm)
miscellaneous kinks
D/s dynamics
petplay (hi puppy <3)
Owner/owned dynamics (pets only)
Daddy/boy dynamics (as a soft, caring figure)
height/size differences (fuck yes to fatness)
free use
degradation and praise
mess-making (body fluids only)
bootblacking (and leather as a subculture)
my bottom/switch actions:
i beg and bottom only for my puppy atm. his reactions just make it all the more better <3
about my puppy:
my good boy is shy and has asked not to be tagged but i will continue to make sure he knows he's very loved.
feel free to say hi, let's be friends. however, i do reserve the right to discontinue conversation if i don't like where it's going; harmless flirting is allowed.
that's all for now, enjoy! :)
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echolaliaplayer · 9 months
Long winding rant about bullshit under the cut, I warned you
what part of trans Tumblr am I even in. Every day I keep finding new [animal]girl[body part]s so I don't think it's that part of trans Tumblr. I refuse to post with any kind of seriousness so it probably isn't the theory girls as much as I appreciate them. I don't really hornypost much anymore although I'd like to change that. I guess it's largely up to how others see me. Why am I here?
I don't think I have the follower count to be clouted on here and frankly that seems hollow compared to the fun I had in just finding people (or people's accounts, as one such account pointed out to me) I could befriend or associate with to some degree. It's fun (? - wrong word but there's an enjoyability to it that makes it repeatable) to just care a little bit though I lack the proximity or resources for anything more than words with those people, so I get it might not be for everyone. I guess it's all I have in place of exchange of small trinkets with people met along travels I also don't have (although I do plan to exchange parcels or digital files with some of you and I'm looking forward to it). I'm worried there might be a critical mass at some point where I simply don't have time to meet new people because I have to keep up with old mutuals and balance real life friends and what not. If we're mutuals and you're reading this far and I haven't contacted you it's certainly nothing personal, you're recognisable to me most likely I just haven't had time/courage I probably think you're really cool.
So that also leads me to the question of my current Tumblr use pattern. This stuff is mental cigarettes for me. I'm on here hourly at least if I'm not completely preoccupied by, like, sleep, driving, sex, showering, random activities that require my full attention. Eating alone or shitting are not sacred frankly. Not sure that's very good for my cognitive health or just like. Life experience. How I relate to people IRL. That's had issues long before this account so it isn't the sole culprit but it's something to keep in mind. It reinforces a tendency for easy stimulation that I think can thwart conversational ability; it turns the other party's words into one-sided consumption with little consideration for reply (although my job does this as well, it's the whole point of it) and frames how you approach responses in a way that is less about a meaningful reply and more about. Idk. Generating something someone undefined approves of - no that's wrong. I just no longer feel in the moment in a lot of conversations, absorbed to a degree by time with another. I desperately want that back. This isn't really about Tumblr at all is it. This is about the very short loop that my brain goes through that prevents me from acquiescence to a moment. Nothing feels lived. It hasn't in a long time and I'm only getting flickers of it with HRT. Clearly dysphoria hasn't been my only problem for a long time but how would I know? My hormones haven't been right and
It's such a tough loop to even approach. Probing it mentally causes nausea. I was acutely aware of it the last time I was on psychedelics and I spent the whole time feeling ill. During it I could occasionally lose myself in something and then I would be dragged out by physically disgusting feelings in my gut and just anxiousness about it. But I notice "seed thoughts" for it now. I feel it before anything physical. It's odd. The thought is leaving my head now and I'm tipsy after day drinking. Where was I? "Love you all, talk soon", I think. Seems nice to end this on that.
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pocket-lin · 7 months
hii <3
4, 11, 16 and 19 for the fandom asks??
(almost just wrote a plea for you to answer all of them but managed to restrain myself😅)
hi hi hi!! thank you for asking me these, this is so much fun!! reading back on these answers after I've written them is shocking because I really can just go on and on about stuff, huh? I really don't talk that much irl so I didn't know I had all this in me hahaha I'm so sorry!! I'm actually so embarrassed 😅 I'm gonna put the answer to 11 in a separate post so I can actually attach the picture I'm proud of!
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
the one ship that's jumping out to me is dramione. I am a huge hater of this ship (sorry sorry sorry if you're reading this and it's your thing I love you and support you!!!) but you guys make some really cool shit and I'm happy you have a community you can share it with!! I've poked around in the ao3 and tumblr tags and its absolutely not for me, but there's some really beautiful and horny stuff out there for this ship and I so genuinely love that for all of you!
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
if I'm being totally honest with you, I haven't interfaced with the harry potter canon in a very long time. i already own all the movies and books and stuff, so I wouldn't even be giving jk money by rewatching/reading them, but it just kind of makes my stomach hurt when I think about supporting her in some way. I've had to work through a lot of complicated feelings in regards to jk and harry potter in general, as I'm sure many people have had to do! her words and actions and how I feel about it are not complicated at all, but what to do in the aftermath of it was something I had to figure out. I mean, I have a hp tattoo on my ankle!! my pinned post is about this specifically, but where I've ultimately landed on it all is this: I don't want to let her steal any more joy from me than she already has. there are so many queer and trans people in this fandom creating such incredible stuff, and I just don't want to lose that! I got off on a whole tangent here and definitely have a lot more I could say on the topic, BUT all this to say, I can't really think of tiny hp details anymore!! and in this specific fandom, I'm totally okay with that!
19. your current fandom(s)
the fandom that I interact with the most is definitely harry potter, but I have a bunch of other stuff I'm super into!!
the whole reason I got back into any fandom–and the entire reason I logged back into Tumblr for the first time since 2018–was because of our flag means death!! I've loved rhys darby since flight of the conchords and was so pumped that he was a lead in an hbo show! I was totally shocked when ofmd turned out to not be queerbait!! something about that first season just flipped a switch in me and I looked for fan fiction for the first time in like, 10 years!! I actually didn't even know about ao3 and tried to go to ff.net and it was a whole thing. getting back into fandom was very intimidating, I'm not gonna lie. (wow I really could just talk forever huh?)
my other fandoms are: the sandman, the witcher, good omens (I was so late to that show but jumped on right before the second season completely on accident), check please!, disco elysium, red dead redemption (especial rdr2), the x files, the walking dead, the rivers of london series, and d&d: honor among thieves.
and then there's some stuff that I don't even know how I got into!! like, the spideypool ship. gang, I've barely seen any marvel movies, I haven't read very many marvel comic books. and I honestly don't plan it because I just don't like marvel (once again, could go on about this forever, I was a manager at my local comic shop and have many opinions). but someone I follow posted about a fic (and I am not immune to beautiful fan art) and then I fell down the rabbit hole!! def have recs if anyone is interested!
another one is the ted lasso fandom. I genuinely don't remember why we never finished watching the second season but then the reviews for the third season was kinda mixed so I never went back to it. and then I saw a writer I'm head over heels for had a ted lasso fic (other lives by @andthepeople) and WHOOPS I fell down another rabbit hole!! i also have ted lasso recs!
essentially, if ya boy's read/watched/listened to something, you know he's gonna go look at what the freaks (affectionate) are posting on ao3.
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months
Hi, Australian Jew here.
Sending this anonymously because I'm not openly Jewish on Tumblr, however I am considering doing so in the short-term.
I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you're open to it (feel free to ignore this if so). Just so you know, I'm asking the same questions of the Jewish bloggers I follow who post regularly - both those who blog about the current Israel/Palestine situation, and those who identify as Jewish but post mainly fandom/other content.
Do you or have you receive/d abuse for being Jewish, or for your stance on the war? If so, how often? How do you respond to any hateful messages? Do you post them publicly or answer them privately? How much would you say your mental health is/has been affected by any messages, or by the content you see on your feed? Have you developed any strategies for handling social media during this time?
Thank you for reading. :-)
I've received maybe half a dozen antisemitic hate anons since 10/7. I wanna say maybe 2 or 3 between june 7, 2020 (when I created this blog) and oct 7, 2023. I think I've posted the hate anons publicly once or twice, but after that I just screenshotted, blocked them, and sent them to one of my jewish friends for mocking. honestly they didn't bother me that much. a lot of them were low effort. nobody even threatened to kill me. the terfs put more effort into harassing me and I'm not even trans. frankly the antisemites need to step up their game.
while the messages haven't hurt me... yeah... the war in general has affected me. I've lost a lot of faith in the strength of my relationships with goyim. several of them have left me. every time I post about the war I'm certain I'm going to lose another friend, and that hurts. it's been a little nerve-wracking discussing it with my irl goyische friends, but to my massive relief all of them are normal about the situation. however, about a month ago, me and a friend of 15 years got into a small tiff about it, and when they went radio silent all day, visions of them hating me filled my head and I had to send a super annoying socially anxious text to make sure they don't hate me now. thank gd they do not. I love them deeply and want them to be in my life for as long as we live. we still have to come up with a gender-neutral alternative to aunt/uncle for my kids to call them someday. if they decided to cut me off that would've been the last straw for a mental breakdown, actually.
sometimes it gets really tough to see this stuff on my dash. I've gotten better at just filtering out all the blocked posts that pass me by. to be perfectly, 100% honest with you, if tumblr didn't allow me to block content so thoroughly and I had to see every single post about the war put onto my dash... I would've left tumblr months ago. or just unfollowed 95% of the people I follow. I could not handle that. I'm sorry. this war did upset me enough to the point where I decided to take a two-day break from tumblr (I... have a problem... you all know how much time I spend here...). I've lost a close friend on tumblr of several years that made me cry. as for other social media? I only look at two people's instagram stories these days. one of my friends, who posts her outfits daily and basically nothing else, and con o'neill. I don't trust anyone else not to put stuff that will upset me in front of my eyes. I've unfollowed a couple of people on instagram because I can't block stuff as thoroughly there. I'm also just... not on ig that much.
the past several months have also made me deeply disillusioned with the state of the left. why should I care about unrelated leftist movements when I know all of my comrades there would turn on me in a millisecond if they knew that I thought israel should keep existing even though it's done horrible things? it's turned me off of activism... seeing these "pro-palestine" protests quickly turn into "harass jews" protests and the way these college students discuss these issues, fetishizing palestinian pain and not knowing a single thing about it, is just... it makes it all feel so fake and hollow. these privileged college kids are comparing themselves to gazans and I'm supposed to believe they actually care about gazans and don't just want to feel like righteous heroes? these people verbally and physically harass jews and I'm supposed to believe they're the good guys? I don't like feeling this way. I wish I didn't feel this way. but right now the only political action I give a shit about is voting. I'm gonna vote. I'm always gonna vote. but why on earth would I get involved with people who say "punch nazis" until nazis are on their side and increase their numbers then suddenly it's all "uwu nazis are hard to get rid of 🥺?"
I understand why you're hiding your jewishness. I've started hiding it too. I stopped wearing my magen david on october 13th. I recently had my first paid film gig (yay for that at least), and whenever I was telling a story that involved my jewishness in some way, I bent the truth to go around that tidbit and told no one. someone asked if I was irish. I answered I was eastern european. a year ago I would've said I was jewish without a second thought.
I'm tired. I want the war to end. I want there to be a peace deal. I want innocent civilians to stop dying and be safe.
I don't think I'm brave, or anything. I'm a safe lil american thousands of miles away. I don't know what palestinians and israelis are living through right now. my pain is a single molecule of sand compared to the pain people actually affected by this war have gone through. all I want is for people to listen to us. I don't speak up to be brave, I speak up because knowing a jew is the only inoculation against the hatred spreading through the pro-palestine movement. because if you know me, then jews aren't foreign. noa's a jew. noa's my friend. noa likes billy joel. noa writes silly incorrect quote posts. noa's a person. she's not some scary unknown. she's my friend.
I wish people still wanted to be my friend.
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feralattentionwhore · 2 years
Get to know the blog:
So apparently my horny posts are something worth following for so I guess I'll do a bio and about me thing that definitely won't turn into a random ADHD ramble about shit
About me
I'm Feral, 19 and I never learnt how to read ✌️
^^ I'm leaving this up because I think it's hilarious but I'm 20 now
Living in the UK but not white
demisexual as fuck, preference for women but honestly I'm more interested in how we vibe than any gender. I tend to identify most with lesbian/sapphic labels because I feel most comfortable in this community.
fuck knows my gender either, I mostly present femme atm but I just identify as *all* I'd say I'm more nb/w or nb/nb & t4t but just in love with queer people in general. I am a girl but I'm also a boy, I'm not cis. You aren't straight if you're attracted to me
Owned, completely and utterly in love, technically poly. I'd rather start off as friends and see how it goes (benefits available if we vibe)
-Dni and more under than the cut-
I'm saying this now, I love y'all but minors please get off my page *respectfully*. This includes blank blogs without your age/ age range
Cis men-Age regressors-People who fetishise trans people, s*ssies and cross dressers-Gender/sexuality correction-terfs/homophobes etc-
Oh and PSA this fucking includes people who gatekeep LGBT labels, including but not limited to hating on butch lesbians who transition, nb&he/him lesbians. Just honestly if you aren't accepting of the ✨ENTIRE✨ LGBT+ community and how people choose to identify please leave. No buts no ifs no maybes
How to give attention:
Asks are completely okay, if you want to talk through anon regularly pick an emote and I'll be sure to tag it so they're easy to find. Flirt with me or ask questions, just keep it within my limits please.
Requests are also totally okay along with reblogs of any of my posts. They're always appreciated!
Unless we've interacted before please don't randomly DM me. Mutuals are obviously always welcome to chat, for non moots I prefer asks as I get a lot of anxiety
I tend to check out profiles that reblog/follow so if you want to be moots then that's the way to go
I can't believe I have to say this, but if you're only messaging me to sext or roleplay or whatever you call it you can leave. It makes me uncomfortable, and will most likely make me feel weird about talking to you again in the future. I'm happy to flirt but unless we've talked about it nothing more.
Safe words and talks about boundaries and limits are non negotiable in kink. If you're not respectful of that you're not a dom, if you don't have complete understanding of how this works and expect to engage in anything sexual with someone without doing proper preparation you're practicing unsafe and frankly dangerous kink. Kink is something serious and you need to know what you're doing
I'm demisexual, with a partner and require actual communication before I engage in anything other than flirting. If you're literally only talking to me bc I'm hot or for sex n stuff you're going to be disappointed
I also have a shit tonne of anxiety, so I will disappear if something makes me feel unsafe. If I don't reply, don't make it worse by getting upset. I'm sorry but I really just don't have the energy to deal with things, especially when we don't really vibe.
About ✨whore✨me:
I'm a sub mostly, total bottom and complete mess irl. thought I was ace until this year and basically innocent af (I mean significantly less as of v recently but still fairly shy). Also kinda a hermit so I'm very touch starved.
Short long summary of my kinks.. To be continued..
- Praise and nicknames, specifically cute ones that start with "my"
- Exhibitionism Mostly being uh, fucked in front of people and stuff
- hands and fingersJust god, everything to do with them. In my mouth? Yes, Pulling my hair? Yesss, choking me?? Yesssssssss, hurting tf out of me?? Please
- being manhandled, strength, just be stronger than me and throw me around pls&ty
- being a simp for me and letting me get away with pretty much anything?? Yes
- being controlled and posessiveness Like a lot, like probably more than a healthy amount
- being teased, constantly
- marks.. Just fucking marks feeling owned and having proof of it with collars and stuff
- and also pain, pain and more pain all the hard kinks
- voices, dirty talk, the way they beg, and moan, and call me a good girl, the way their voice drops when they tease me. Everything about voices
- corruption.. 👀 😤
- being free use, letting friends fuuck me, being a whore for everyone. Them sharing my nudes with their friends, them letting their friends fuck me? Yes please
- affectionate domination / soft doms but rough sex
- most of this is just the long way of saying I have a massive kink for my pretty ass girlfriend though.. Just everything about them.. Mostly their hands, and their voice and uh.. Yeah just them
-degradation, any way shape or form,I'll most definitely cry. Acting like you don't like me, hurt me because you love me not because you think I'm worthless
- pet play, Ddlg and that kind of vibe aren't for me
- I don't quite know how to explain it but the strict af, black suit and tie, academy / high protocol/training style/straight people bdsm. It's just way too nonpersonal for me and not fun. I prefer messing around and stuff plus my gf looks way better in a skirt
- discipline, punishments and other things that make me think you hate me (see: I'm a big ass baby and sensitive af)
- refering to my uhh *anatomy* just uh it gives me dysphoria like a lot so please don't
- body fluid shit, incest, feet, tickling, hypnosis
- other things that I'm not perticularly comfortable talking about here, you don't need to know unless we're talking
Tags I use:
Yes I'm insanely bad at tagging things, yes I'm trying, no it's not working. If I forget to, just get mad at me in asks or something. I'm sorry ADHD just kind of does that
#feral asks - all asks that I've answered
#feral music - music recommendations because I have a god complex about music
#feral in love - direct posts about my gf/wife/partner/Dom/love of my life
#feral tmi - random personal shit about myself and figuring out my body
#feral reblogs - stuff I reblog, I have a separate account where I keep most of my reblogs but sometimes I can't help it
#needy feral - me begging for attention on Tumblr
#feral exposed - photos of me
#tw feral - depressing shit, mute the tag if you don't want to see that shit
#dark feral - hard kink shit, mute if you'd rather not see it
#feral complaints - shit that bothers me
#feral blogs - thoughts, updates and questions for you all about the blog
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aceaceace144616 · 1 year
Welcome, Caller
by M Dean Wright
my thoughts in a nutshell: "oh no hes just like me fr"
ok i dont really review books or anything, thats my friend's job (cheeky promo alana_the_bibliophile on instagram) nah yeah but this one was just so good.
firstly, as a neurodiverse bi trans dude i related so hard to Malcom (the main character) with the overloads and insecurities and just everything. i may or may not have to get this entire transcript tattooed upon my person cos it just hits so close to home in places i didnt even realise until the book brought them to my attention.
like the whole thing about Malcolm not going after things that will make him happy (Peter) just cause he feels like hes so fucked up ± messing something up on purpose before you can mess it up by accident vibes. i literally said (in a squidward impression cos that is important information) "oh no hes just like me for real" out loud on a bus (but it was a loud bus so no one heard) (hopefully). also another thing, Peter telling Malcolm about his auDHD and what he likes + dislikes about sensory stuff. and Malcolm believing and respecting him. i just. its such wish fulfilment. that along with the rest of the story, its all just wish fulfilment. having multiple queer and neurodiverse friends that help you when youre struggling and will beat up your unsupportive family members. (also having a dude think youre hot. wouldnt mind)
secondly, it was just a good read. like i really enjoyed reading it, which hasnt happened for a while. it made me smile and laugh in public (which i never do). fr i was having a giggle on the bus, in class, in doctors waiting rooms, everything. i actually looked forward to reading it as well and i had to trudge through other stuff just so i could get back to it.
lowkey gives love simon vibes (from what i remember of the book when i read it in like 2018), just chock full of natural and believable sounding dialogue and references to things im sure ill actually like. (in my notes app on my old phone i went through the book and wrote down all the references made in love simon and it was pretty extensive (and now i have to do this for this book. oh no guess ill have to read it again oh this is so sad whelp better start now see ya)).
and like the friendship between the characters, the dialogue never felt too forced and they talked like actual people id talk to. swearing at and bullying your friends is a love language and it was done pretty well in this, and also the sending of memes being like an important step in a friendship is too real. also the revival of interest in records, my cousins poor bank account is a testament to that being relatable.
thirdly, the story. we got enemies to friends to lovers, we got 'there was only one bed', we got a road trip, we got a sickfic, and so much more and you know that i ate it up every time.
that as well as the epic highs and lows of making friends in your 20s (lol).
the book follows Malcolm slowly becoming friends with this irl dude Peter while falling for this 'mysterious' radio host Rebo, with his friends supporting him the whole time.
like i dont really go for romantic style stories but this was just so good (but then again ive barely read anything since back when i used to inhale books at like age 12) + the chemistry between Malcolm and Peter was just chefs kiss so good man.
also, the name Goby (one of his friends) kinda got me tho ngl, gobby is australian slang for… something, and i got a jump scare whenever they showed up lol.
Edit: they Goby on my Gumby till I Cheese. I'm so fucking sorry I had to write that down I couldn't get to sleep.
the only bad thing about the book (not that its bad bad, just like if i had to pick something) would be that the ending was made out of like 3 epilogues with indeterminable time skips between them. unless i missed something idk. im just more about the 'the characters kept on living' kinda ending, less 'albus serverus potter' style stuff, not that it was even like that tho.
but also wanting to own and run an incredibly specific cafe+store with your partner is just so fucking gay. oh my god. fanfiction shit right there /pos.
lastly, i haven't read heaps of books in the last couple years, preferring movies and shows more than my childhood self who lived in books series, almost like i didnt like reality or something (unthinkable ik)(i literally had this printed out and hung on my wall)(and on me liking movies more, thats a whole nother fucking topic and a half so ill complain about it in another post)(but anyway).
like honestly, i think that i might get back into reading, even though i forgot how many hours just fly by when i read, cos this was just great. (dont tell my mum she'll throw a fucking party)(again, different topic).
also admittedly, i did sotra kinda maybe slightly pirated it and read it off a pdf BUT! cos i like it so much im probably going to buy a physical copy (for almost 40 fucking dollars including shipping Jesus fucking Christ)
ik not a single person but me will see this review but i dont care. this book was made for me about me
Tumblr media
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any chance I could request some positivity for boys who are also girls?
I've been feeling very isolated amongst my community both irl and online lately (in person because of some trans people who aren't very healthy for me). but online I think it's because many people in the trans community still have the mindset that men and women/"he" and "she" are sort of 'opposites', so people who identify with both and not as nonbinary or neutral confuse them. (I have a lot of thoughts on this but it's not the point.) It also sucks to see (random example) stuff like artists selling really inclusive sets of pronoun pins or stickers with lots of combos and several sets of neopronouns... that basically never include he/she or she/he.
Anyways. I just have hardly seen this type of positivity on tumblr and I'm only just coming to terms with this part of myself (after thinking I was just a binary trans man), so it would be really nice to see. Np if you just don't want to, or feel like you're not the person to write it. I'm a longtime follower and I just know you've spread a lot of varied positivity over the years :) 🖤
(I don't want other people to start discourse on your blog about this, just wanted to request, so you don't have to publish this ask)
Apologize for stunted talk and typos, hand real bad rn. Id love 2 and be honored 2 make u some boy girl positivity. Is there language u sould perfer me to use/avoid? I want 2 make sure I don’t accidentally make u uncomfortable or any thing. Might take a bit, gonna get my brace and wIt 4 hand to calm down so no typo/is good quality post 💙
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[TW: sex discussion, consensual underage sex mention, CSA as a concept]
I don't get my deal with sexuality and I'm starting to realize I behave like a survivor except I have no memory of anything of that nature, and I was wondering if anyone could shed light on why I'm like this or how I could find out the truth?
As a child I masturbated constantly and had an intense curiosity about anything sexual, but I also had a major fear of pedophiles and didn't want to be left alone with an adult even my own family - I read a lot including newspapers so I can't tell if something happened that I repressed or just being so aware of sex crimes as a concept gave me that paranoia.
The older I've gotten (I'm 27) the more confusing sexuality has become - as an autistic person the stigma around disabled folk and sex has been a constant weight, but I genuinely was a 'late bloomer' irt attraction to others and I'm still pretty lukewarm. I had sex once at 15 with my then-gf and I just went numb and dissociated even though I wanted to do it, since then I've only had LDRs and it scares me if I meet my current bf irl the same thing will happen as it's already wildly variable when I enjoy sexting and when it just makes me anxious. I once had a sobbing panic attack when he wanted to do stuff on skype (which I'd done before just fine) and that doesn't happen to a healthy adult, right? He's not overly pushy, just has a more normal drive than me, but when he initiates I never know how I'll react and I hate he has to deal with that.
I'm a trans man, and frankly if I got to go on T the change I'd be most excited for is my sex drive increasing so I won't feel so freaky as I'm always skating a line between sexual and repulsed, feeling uneasy hearing people I follow discuss their sex lives and seeing most NSFW content besides stuff that doesn't involve another real person like written fantasies or 'character x reader' content. I have a decent amount of fictional/famous crushes and self-contained fantasies to an extent that occasionally verges on hypersexual and I still masturbate a lot, so asexuality doesn't seem like the answer, besides every asexual I know loves who they are when I detest being this way.
If nothing happened I should be more normal, but I can't remember anything of that nature and it hurts to not have an explanation. I just don't wanna be broken and weird and afraid when I'm not sure I even have an excuse to act like this and if I do I don't know how I could ever find out.
Hi anon,
It's important to remember that everyone's experiences with sexuality are unique, and it's okay if you don't fully understand your own feelings and behaviors around it. You may not have experienced sexual trauma, but if you have, it could be repressed.
I want to preface by saying that when it comes to exploring possible trauma, it's essential to have the guidance and mediation of a mental health professional such as a therapist. Someone with expertise in this area could get a better sense of who you are, what you've been through, and help you explore some possible trauma. It can be very dangerous to your mental health to dig around for potentially repressed memories, because memories that are repressed are repressed for a reason. If you find something you aren't psychologically and emotionally prepared to handle, that could have a great impact on your mental health and safety (from yourself). But also, if you for whatever reason don't have trauma, it would be similarly dangerous to implant the notion that you do. And so, a therapist would be able to assist you further in finding out whether or not you have trauma, and how to process that in a healthy way.
A question that I find helpful to ask for individuals who are trying to understand sexual behavior they displayed as a child is, where did you learn what you were doing? Because while it may be expected for a pubescent child to masturbate, it's less expected for a prepubescent child to masturbate. Respectively, while "Stranger Danger" is often shoved down children's throats, it doesn't necessarily explain your major fear of pedophiles, which makes me wonder, how did you know what they were? These may be questions you don't have the answer to, and that's okay, but these could be things to explore with the help of a professional.
I also just want to say that it's okay to identify as asexual if you feel the term is fitting for you, even if you feel hypersexual at times (I'm also ace). Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, meaning to someone in particular, which means that you can still enjoy sexual acts sometimes, they just aren't necessarily centered around a specific person. You may also already know, but asexuality is a spectrum ranging from sex-repulsed to sex-positive, and it's okay to fluctuate between these. If you feel that trauma has a role in your sexuality, you may resonate with the term caedosexual.
Please know that you are not broken or weird for having these feelings and experiences. It's okay to take the time to explore and understand your own sexuality, and seeking support from a professional can be a helpful step in that process.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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minheeskitten · 1 year
Vent post. Dont read if you dont want to see the following.
Tw: Dysphoria, Negative self talk. S/h ideation. Asexuality talk, arospec talk, queer struggles. suicidal ideation
Something about being on the asexual specturm.
I have the thoughts. I want to be able to write more of them.
But i always feel i write smut best when horny, you know?
Except i dont get that way often, so my reach massively drops every time i stop posting
I do love writing but the asexuality can make it hell to feel inspired to write smut.
Ive stopped wriring as much because my asexuality hits me like a truck. I dont get as wxcited as i did before.
Purity culture fucked me over so bad i cant even be normal about sexuality. Makes me feel broken for being ace.
My full queer identity is as follows, Transmasc genderfluid. Aroflux, panromantic, lithsexual, demisexual, bisexual.
Being so deeply aroace makes it hard because i feel like i dont fit in, you know?
And being transmasc in a sea of comfortable femme afab readers and writers just makes it hard for me to feel involved wheni wanna write things id absolutely enjoy.
Rhe dysphoria also hits really hard because of being someone who if you saw irl without any knowledge of my identity, youd go 'oh a woman.'
Feeling pretty dysphoric lately and been rhinking about trying to get onto Testosterone.
Most of my moots are afab and use feminine pronouns and im out here like the only transmasc here.
Im worried that people dont interact because they cant relate or cant find me. But if its not relating then how do i fix the issue? Being trans is integral to who i am. And i feel bad because of how little i can post and talk to others.
Honestly i hate being inactive. I loved my followers on my old account but i dont know how to get rhem back, because they followed me for the x reader things that i do not do anymore.
I dont do x reader because it feels wrong weiting for fem readers when im transmasc and incredibly dysphoric some days.
I cant write afab often because it makes me uncomfortable in my skin. Maybe if i get top surgery ill feel better.
Im hoping i can top surgery and be on T. Because im incredibly dysphoric as of late and just dont want to have my tits anymore. I want to be a guy.
I dont want bottom surgery that doesnt make me dysphoric its just my breats being so large.. Double D cups are not fun especially when you're trans.
Sometimes i just want to cut them off and never aee rhem again. But i know that i cant DIY that sort of thing. That would be deadly. And i dont want to abandon all of the friends ive made on here and other places.
I feel like my body was wasted on me, because i cant appreciate it the way it is. Makes me feel incredibly awful about myself. My self image is terrible.
I feel like dying would be better some days yet i dont want to leave any of my friends. They mean so much to me. Anyone who interacts means the world to me.
Rhe idea of death is a concept ive found intriguing for years. But im not sure id be able to commit. But it always starts with a bit of seld harm, doesnt it?
Sorry if this was something sad on your dash today coming from a smut blog. I dont think you were expecting that from me today.
I dont know if ill make rhis sort of vulnerable post again, but i hope that this at least gives you some of my perspective.
If you read this, thank you for taking the time to read this.
I know rhis was a vent post but like. I needed to say it.
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j1mmyr · 2 years
Oop I seem to have gained some new people! Sorry I’ve not been too active lately XD
UH…a small “get to know me” though I guess!
- My IRL name is Jonny so you may see close people using it but my online name/art name/alter ego is Jimmy sometimes stylized as J!MMY and it comes from a long story inside joke! Sometimes I tack on my last initial (R) depending on the situation
- I’m a guy, my pronouns are he/him/his!
- I’m trans and have been out since 2013! I’m 5-6 years on T (I honestly forget the exact year off the top of my head) and am almost two years post-op! I don’t label myself as a “trans guy” exactly though and usually just say “guy” because frankly trans or cis doesn’t matter because I AM A GUY lol
- I’m an artist first and foremost and draw…well, kink and nsfw mostly XD I have an original comic about two fat BDSM gimps in a cyberpunk world that fall in love…sort of :U It’s complicated. They’re names are Scream and Candy and they’re my main OCs. You can see more of them and my art at my art blog @electropuz or send them asks at @spandexspaceman though that blog isn’t exactly ready yet!
- Other hobbies include writing, RPing, and cosplaying! And sometimes making said cosplay though my skills aren’t great so I usually end up buying cheap cosplay and fixing it up lmao. I also like gaming sometimes and wanna stream myself playing them or do “let’s plays” as a side thing for fun!
- Possible trigger warnings! I am mostly “spiritual” but openly identify as an atheistic Satanist! I also am a heavy drinker and a stoner so it’s hard for me to always tag things like drugs and alcohol! I’m also pro-kink BUT within limits!! I DO NOT support pedophila, incest, and other such things! Just keep all this in mind before following and minors DO NOT INTERACT at all! Btw if you’re a minor and I interact with you first out of accident first just tell me and I will quit right away!
- Otherwise I have three (technically five…long story) awesome cats that I love very much and put before all else! They’re names are Cirice (black, female, we pronounce it Cirrus due to a Ghost video we watched early in the fandom years ago), Dewdrop (cream/light orange, male, named after the unofficial name for Ghost’s lead guitarist), and Mochi (sphynx/hairless, male, named because he looks like he has rice ball skin lmao). The other two cats mentioned are cats I had when I lived with my grandpa and had to leave behind when I moved out! I still visit them frequently and make sure they’re well cared for though! They’re names are Wade (fluffy gray and white, male, named after Deadpool because he’s my hero) and Bruce (white, male, named after Batman to match Wade being Deadpool). All are spayed/neutered and three are shelter rescues!
- My personal triggers are cat deaths, harm, etc. so please tag them if we become mutuals! It’s not that other forms of animal death/abuse aren’t important (they bother me too), they’re just not a full blown trigger. Cats specifically send me into episodes of severe anxiety and depression
- My “just talking” tag is “the rest is all bullshit” so feel free to blacklist that if you’re just here for cats or memes or something!
ANYTHING ELSE?? I guess just ask me! I love to talk and my favorite things are currently the band Ghost, Walt Disney World, Ghostface (both Scream and DBD), and talking about my OCs! Also aside from Ghost my big fandoms are OFF, TF2, Rick and Morty, and MHA! There’s also a handful of nostalgic fandoms (like Homestuck) and various characters I adore, it’s just hard to list them all right now XD
OKAY I THINK THAT’S FINALLY IT!! Welcome to my blog!
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