#but maybe it is. because that is kind of how the main character feels about reading at this point?
thefooljester · 2 days
How would the creeps react to seeing someone pick on their s/o and maybe making them tear up?
Hii of course! I just didn't know how to interpret "the creeps" which is why i went with a kind of... basic character selection (meaning the main characters that are neither marble hornets charas nor proxies in the broadest sense)? I hope that its fine!!! <33 thanks for the request :3 (i'm so behind on requests oof i'm sorry guys, you may wait have to wait 2 days+ for a request to be published (I'm old and have a life though so... yeah r.i.p watch me write at work tomorrow to get through this) - - - - - - - -
reader is being picked on [and tears up]
features: slenderman, eyeless jack, jeff the killer
reader: not specified
warnings: none
You tear up after being picked on
Would lowkey ask you whether he could use his powers on you to take the edge off (and… if you’re in a bad mental state and truly in distress, then he would do so without asking for your permission)
I think he would just focus on your feelings and let you cry it out, take your rage out on him - you can cry and scream in his presence without worrying that he might judge you for it. Slenderman wants you to express yourself freely and without restraints and he believes that it’s better to release your emotions regularly rather than bottling them up and carrying them around for years.
However, he is also most likely to… pay your bullies a visit if their harassment is relentless. He is supernatural enough that people just pass his appearance off as a nightmare, which he takes full advantage off sometimes.
Most likely to react irrationally.
Jeff hasn’t had an easy upbringing and is so easily set off when it comes to stories about harassment and bullying… his sense of justice, though askew in many, many ways, is absolutely firm in that way and he has a no-tolerance policy.
I think he’s also the most likely to confront the people who’ve been mean to you rather than comfort you first. He’s just so blinded by rage upon seeing you shed tears for people who don’t deserve it that he’s stomping out the house and… doing this whole lecture-monologue in front of the person that’s been bullying you. I also think that he’d forget that he’s quite the frightening individual, especially when agree… so… it might breed some unexpected problems…
Feels bad for you because you’re precious to him, but would much rather talk about it and verbally guide you through your own feelings. Once the situation is clear to him, he’d comfort you with pep-talk and claim that whatever they’re making fun of is something he loves about you.
He hates seeing you cry and feels awkward comforting you. Doesn’t know what to do at first, but eventually offers to hold you and gently caress you.
Would try his best to help you get away from these situations - peacefully, and with no more hurt feelings.
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theslowesthnery · 1 day
I have THOUGHTS about the DLC but I want to start with saying we Mohg lovers are both winning and losing 😂 though it's great fodder for my fanfic and lore vids. What I will say is that I still love Miquella but in a totally different way now. This idea of his wisdom has been shattered, he has engaged in severe foolishness but I kind of love that? Like I know From has this story element where heroic characters or good characters experience some fatal flaw and fall, and I love that Miquella's fatal flaw ended up being an abandonment of what made him *Good*. Because depending on the timeline, I think taking Mohg's body happened AFTER he broke his great rune and therefore AFTER he abandoned his "love" and "doubt" in the St. Trina area (because Ansbach only mentions it after the great rune breaks meaning it didn't happen immediately).
Miquella sacrificed his body because of his shame of Marika's crimes but also sacrificed what made him kind; his heart, essentially, as he sacrificed his other self in Trina, who understood the suffering he would cause and endure if he became a god. I don't think he sent Malenia to kill Radahn like some people claim so he could take his soul and I don't think he took Mohg's body until after he was in his final steps to godhood. I think his promise has been kept in mind but the humanity behind it is gone and ironically his humanity made him better than any god, because the god version of him seemed to just be this blind delusion based on his original, pure desire for a kinder world, which may be what happened to Marika as well (given the DLC shows how tender her childhood was and how the path to godhood led her to commit the "original sin" Miquella was trying to undo).
I think basically his self-sacrifice and goodness came from a real place but the moment he stopped doubting his own resolve, he ironically stopped being kind. He stopped thinking about it as a sacrifice and more as a goal at all costs, including doing terrible things like what he did to Mohg and Radahn. Because without his doubt and his love which could have *told* him this was wrong, he's able to justify it all.
All that being said; it's great that everyone basically agrees that what he did to Mohg was unforgivable. There's whole memes about it. On my end I'm inspired to write so much fanfic about how Miquella needs to realize that he's accepted his own propaganda a little too hard and has a moment of introspection due to Mohg 👀 I'm feeling the urge because I want to fix what Fromsoft broke with these characters (but in a good way because they intentionally write tragedies and I want to write a romance).
Tldr; Miquella is worse now and Mohg is seen in a kinder light because of it and while it's tragic in canon I'm itching to write fanfics where Mohg is the one to put a mirror up to his hypocrisy which no one else is able to do and Miquella as a result sees Mohg for how good he actually is, and sees his desire for a world full of love for what it is, and loves him for it. I LOVE that they made Miquella worse. It strips him of this delusion of perfection and purity, it's great. Also now I am obligated to write "you only want me for my body" in any future MohgMiq fics.
that would be all well and good, but if that was really the goal of their story, i think they fumbled the execution REALLY badly. i feel like just the inclusion of radahn and miquella's obsessiveness with getting him specifically as his consort to the point where it comes across as his main goal instead of just another step required in becoming a god, really ruins the idea of miquella who just wants to create a gentler, more compassionate world for everyone. it doesn't help that if you don't do either thiollier or ansbach's quest, the story really doesn't present you with a reason why you should be stopping miquella - just vague comments about him abandoning parts of himself that maybe he shouldn't have done - but no concrete reason why he should be killed and stopped. and for a lot of people, using and then desecrating mohg is acceptable in the name of the good that miquella is trying to do, or straight up acceptable because they think mohg deserved it.
like. not to be all "this story didn't make it clear enough that the bad guy is bad!" but the story really doesn't present much of anything miquella is doing as bad or a mistake. if the idea was "miquella has good intentions but loses sight of his ideals along with important parts of himself, and that's why he fails", they really didn't succeed in communicating that. they just point out that miquella abandoning parts of himself is bad but never actually explain - or really even hint at - why. only trina (whose quest is not mandatory) offers some reason, and even her reasons are concerns for miquella and not pointing out that, say, him becoming a god the way he's going about it will not result and what he thinks it will - that he will not be able to become a gentle god who creates a compassionate world. except a little bit in japanese, but that's lost in translation
and on a personal front, i'm annoyed by both the DLC and people online who i've seen talk about it focusing on the leaving behind parts of himself and vague "losing sight of his ideals" as miquella's wrongdoings, as the things that make him unfit to become the sort of god he supposedly planned on becoming, when the much more concrete and very real fact that he bewitched and manipulated mohg and - whether he originally planned to do it or not - finally even desecrated his body are right there. miquella isn't unfit to become a gentle god and create a gentler, more compassionate world because he "abandoned his love" or whatever but because he trampled mohg on his way there, used him like a tool and then threw him away, and then even desecrated his body. i wish people would focus more on that, but so many people still see mohg as someone who "deserved" it because he did questionable shit, as if every character in the game hasn't also done questionable shit.
i want to still like miquella, and if the story had played out the way you describe it, i probably wouldn't be so disappointed and upset. but miquella's obsession with radahn and how he treated mohg without even acknowledging him once - the only character who does is ansbach - just ruin the whole thing for me. it doesn't come across as a tragic tale of a kind-hearted, well-meaning person wanting to make a better, gentler and more compassionate world for everyone, even the hated and downtrodden, and losing his ideals and sight of what his goal originally was on the way there, it comes across as miquella just being obsessed with radahn and his childhood crush on him, and willing to do anything to make him become his consort, not matter who he has to hurt and use to do it. it makes miquella's supposed kindness and ideals come across as fake, a facade that the people he bewitched (which, it turns out, is a lot of them) regurgitate because, well, because they've been bewitched by him.
and like, on a personal note, i just really, really don't vibe with the radahn/miquella thing at all. the only way i can see myself shipping mohg and miquella anymore is by completely ignoring the DLC, because it made very clear that the only one miquella loves is radahn, and that mohg was nothing but a useful idiot for him that he remorselessly used and then walked away from without probably giving him another thought since. until he could use him again, that is.
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otaku553 · 2 hours
omg pjsk fan?? whats your fav song (chart-wise) and fav character??? maybe fav band if you have one?
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Piano forte scandal is the only one of these that I’ve full combo’d and I specifically enjoy it a lot because it’s a lot of very consistent tapping with minimal sliders and flicks I think. Honestly feel like it should be a 29 for now nice it is
Jinsei is just fun for some reason? The slow portion is almost always a combo killer but the fast tapping portions have some very nice satisfying patterns. Closest I’ve come to FCing is 2 misses I think
Invisible is difficult but it’s also a song I used to listen to a lot so some of the patterns just come intuitively with that lmao. Also the beginning part is fun.
I have sooooo many more favorites I’ve been a vocaloid fan since like,, middle school so I know a lot of the songs. But these are the ones I’m most actively trying to clear rn probably
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Past this point I’m just going to be rambling so here we go:
I’m very bad at picking favorites but if I had to say favorite character, probably Rui? I can probably write an essay on it but I enjoy how his dynamic with the group has developed and how despite how he comes across at first as a crazy genius type he’s actually incredibly considerate of safety and his group’s wellbeing. He strikes an excellent middle ground between characters in excitement and the creativity born from that as well as rationality and knowing when to tone things down
And then for favorite band, I honestly Cannot Choose between wondershow and n25. Wondershow is excellently well-balanced and I can see clear dynamics and foils in pretty much every possible pairing or trio in the group, as well as in the group as a whole. They’re very good also at balancing humor and angst along with plenty of character development— I’ve heard people cite emu as a weak point in the group but honestly emu holds quite strong as her own character with the dreamers event and her ambitions/motivations and traumas!
And nightcord, though focusing really strongly on Mafuyu, is also pretty excellently written imo. It doesn’t seem like it at first I think with the main storyline and the sort of “oh no she’s going off to produce her own music because she wants to be alone” sort of thing and they sort of are a bit cheesy about their depiction of mafuyu’s depression at time but the events have really fleshed out her conflict very well. I think what gets me about nightcord is that their later depiction of the relationship between mafuyu and her mother is scarily realistic, all the way down to the manipulation tactics her mother uses against her to make her decisions seem like her own choice and not something her mother has railroaded her into. It’s the way that mafuyu’s mother seems to never do anything out of malice, but out of a genuine desire for her daughter to grow up successful and satisfied with her life, while her daughter never pushes back because she’s been conditioned to never do so since childhood, so her mother never gets that crucial feedback to stop pushing, eventually breaking mafuyu in the process.
Idk I wasn’t a big fan of their early writing for mafuyu but they’ve built her up to the point that she is scarily relatable in how she’s grown up to become lost and directionless and you just can’t help but root for their friend group and hope that the support system they’re building for mafuyu works out. I think that really is what project sekai’s writing excels in: making friend groups that have realistic dynamics and that act as strong support systems. It’s kind of therapeutic to watch them interact with each other and help each other out
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sadkachow · 1 month
And Then It Is Monday - Why Sunday's plan did not (and could not) work
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So normally I don't really make longer analysis posts, but I kept seeing people on social media outright supporting Sunday's actions in 2.2, and I wrote something out about why I personally think that Sunday's plan is wrong. I don't know if this is an issue with tumblr as well, given that the people I saw supporting him were on different forms of social media, but regardless.
Before I begin, I'd like to pose a reminder that the opinions in this are mine and mine alone. If you agree, awesome! If not, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, so long as you're respectful! I have no idea if this is well written or will make any logical sense, but here we go!
(Spoilers for the 2.2 Trailblazer quest under the cut, if that wasn't already obvious)
So the first thing to get off the table: I feel Sunday is a very sympathetic villain, but a villain nonetheless. I understand the people that sympathize with him. I do too, to an extent. He was raised on unhealthy ideals and the belief that he was a "religious figure," one that people looked up to. Other people were allowed to just be, but Sunday always had to be better. He loved his sister, and the people around him, and he wanted to make a better world for them.
But that does not excuse what he did. Making a 'better world' can never come at the cost of taking away people's free will, because that world will never be "better". That's where Sunday's plan falls apart.
Because, yes, there are shitty people in the world, and yes bad things happen. Would it be amazing if we could stop all the bad things from happening ever again, and make the world a much better place? Yes! It would! I would love to live in a world where I don't have to fear for my life and my freedom for an assortment of reasons! But that world doesn't exist--in real life or on Penacony--, and getting it to exist shouldn't be the result of subjugating and controlling other people, because that in and of itself is violence. Albeit a different kind of violence, but violence nonetheless.
Not to mention that things like Sunday's plan and the concept of forcing everyone to act a certain way just to fit this "better world" to me almost serves as a condemnation of human nature and of the very act of choice itself. Your better world starts by saying that some choices are bad, so those choices get taken away, but where does it end? What if someone in charge views a harmless choice as a bad one, and takes away that one in return? Does it stop there, or does it continue, until no one at all is allowed to make any decisions, except those in charge? Who, really, does that benefit?
Consequences for certain choices exist. Generally, society says murder is bad (except for specific circumstances such as self-defense, which technically at that point is no longer even considered murder (at least where I live, it may be different in other areas, but I'm basing this off of my own experience)), so there is a concrete consequence to people murdering people--assuming that they don't get away with it. It doesn't stop people from murdering people, because the liberty of choice is still there, but it shows that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should or that you will escape without consequence.
People are going to do bad things. That is, unfortunately, how humans are. But our responsibility lies in holding ourselves accountable and in promoting growth and healing. That is how you build a better world. Not trapping everyone inside a dream world without any care for their feelings or beliefs, but in getting people the help they need, in fostering a society of positive change and human connection.
And that is why, as "golden" as Sunday's dream may have seemed, it was never going to work. In the end, as the story quest shows, human will and the desire for freedom wins out in the end. When there's a will, there's a way.
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clottedscream · 20 days
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Yearly redraw number 9!!!!!
[Image ID: A digital painting of a girl resting on a ledge. She strikes a casual pose, popping a bubblegum bubble and scratching the back of her head. She's dressed in a 2010s-skater-grunge sort of style with a pair of high waisted jorts, denim vans, mismatched slouchy socks, a black tank top, and a ratty, splatter-painted overshirt that says "PUKE" in bold block letters. In the foreground beside her, a skateboard with the same splatter-paint design, and mismatched wheels matching her socks, is propped against the wall. It's covered in stickers, including some cats, a lesbian flag, and a bumper sticker that says "defund the M****rfuckers" with asterisks. The background is a placid suburban scene in watercolor style, with trees casting dappled shadows over the foreground. The sun is low in the sky, as though it were both early morning and late afternoon at the same time. Her large yellow headphones and pink gum bubble create a visual link between her and the wheels of her skateboard, as though the skateboard were a part of her. END ID]
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hey so do you think wtv keiko had to deal with growing up with yusuke could be considered a type of parentification
#god chapters where barely anything happens except a character's realization about things can be hard ...#im writing another keiko pov chapter and it's hard because well!!#keiko was never really a main focus in the series and as time goes on she gets even less of a focus so i have to fill in these spots#in her personality and views that aren't really explored. im taking a lot of liberties lets say#and idek if it's gonna read as in character cos of that#anyway im tryna say that like. pre series keiko was basically this presence in yusuke's life and he saw her as a pain but he cared#she was there to scold him and cajole him into going to his classes and she was his only friend#now we know atsuko was negligent and idk how involved the yukimuras were in his life but i feel like keiko#whether directly or indirectly was given this duty like you have to keep him outta trouble#you're smart you're mature he needs someone like you. this responsibility just kind of put on her before she can understand the weight of i#and she can't really comprehend that weight until it's abruptly taken from her. yusuke dies and there's no one to shepherd#i feel like keiko should get to be mad about this. this realization of the nature of their dynamic. keiko planning things around yusuke#who's never done that in his life. not because he's purposely being thoughtless but bc he was never the one to have to plan#to think about what their future looks like. he just kinda drifted along and keiko tried to do damage control. it wasn't fair#yusuke is keeping secrets from her she is scared of high school and that he'll die again without her knowing why and it's unfair#so she should get to be mad also because girls getting to be mad is one of my favorite things 👍🏼#the realization that yusuke won't be lost without her so she shouldn't hinge her life on the expectation that he will be#she worries about yusuke a lot i think. especially after he comes back from the dead. and i think kuwa's presence would help ease that#dread in her heart. it doesn't have to be just me. there's someone who can be there with him always and it doesn't have to be me#the guilty relief of not having to be the sacrifice. but kuwa doesn't mind so maybe it's okay this way#idk just rambles about my fic while i puzzle out how to word it#character analysis#yukimura keiko#yu yu hakusho
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arty-cakes · 7 months
i finally got around to centaurworld's finale and holy fucking shit??? they can go that hard??
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
they werent lying that knuckles series barely has knuckles in it
#i pirated that shit Btw just so we're clear. also gonna talk about it a little bit in the tags#nothing too spoilery but also might not wanna read if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing? idk#anyway he WAS a main character still he was present for a decent amount of the first couple episodes#but the amount of screentime he gets just starts dropping after that . hes barely there at all in the second half ???#and it feels like theres a lot of scenes mostly focusing on wade and his problems and not near as many for knuckles and his whole deal#overall it feels more like a wade show with knuckles in it than a knuckles show with wade in it. which sucks#and human characters having plot relevance isnt the problem here i dont mind human characters at all i think they can be really fun#its the fact that the human characters are taking over the story and spotlight when the show is called knuckles#and all the marketing makes it look like knuckles is the main focus#and i also would have preferred if they just went with a differnet character to be knuckles' human friend#because i dont particulraly care about wade. and the knuckles (and sonic and tails) i know would not be friends with cops </3#well at least the story wasnt knuckles training wade to be a better cop like a lot of people were expecting but thats like.the bare minimum#also aside from the issues relating to knuckles' screentime (or lack of screentime) i thought the ending was unsatisfying#regardless of all that though there WERE some parts i enjoyed or found kind of funny or whatever. because knuckles so cutesy as always#knuckles being a cute little guy is the most important part of the show actually#and i liked the parts with sonic tails and maddie even if they were only there for like 5 minutes#(i really wish those three had gotten more screentime. i feel like they could have easily worked in at least one more scene with them)#and its a minor thing but the opening sequence is cute. was honestly expecting just a title card or something#overall the show is just . kind of okay i guess. not the worst thing ive ever seen but still disappointing ? idk how to explain..#my expectations also werent very high in the first place#so maybe im being a bit more generous than i would have been otherwise. idk#and i definitely would not recommend this to anyone who already dislikes the sonic movies . youll probably hate this more#like people who thought the human characters got too much screentime in the second movie would lose their minds if they saw this
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coquelicoq · 5 months
this epilogue better be damn good. i met my limit for escalations over a thousand pages ago and since then i've just been slogging through waiting for things to stop happening please dear god no more apocalypse battles i beg you. maybe i need to take a break and read a book that has no plot whatsoever as a palate cleanser...but i'm kind of afraid if i stop now i'll never finish. also if i stop now then apparently the world stops existing 🥺 if this story is supposed to make me feel weary and like reading is sort of a curse then it is working lol. but i feel like that is probably not exactly the effect it's going for??
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forcedhesitation · 2 months
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oh? something mizora said actually being worth listening to??
this is an interesting bit of foreshadowing to ansur being dead/wyll being the true "heart of the gate!"
#bg3#thoughts about media#I have to wonder if they considered draconic sorcerer wyll at all...#I don't believe there are really any stipulations for how a draconic sorcerer obtains their power from the dragon.#maybe they DID consider it- but decided against it because they didn't think/didn't have time to make it so that wyll would-#-automatically be the one chosen to speak to ansur were he in the party. that would have been a cool potential path for him honestly!#like if he was in your party- he would get auto-selected to speak to ansur and if you chose certain dialogue options-#-he could gain the powers of a sorcerer! it would work well to build upon the twist in his fairy tale-like story!#is it because of the bad reputation sorcerers have? or because mizora is technically classified as one?#or maybe it's because they didn't want to have wyll and the durge to BOTH be sorcerers. since they're both origins...?#idk. I'm kind of the opinion that durge is somewhat...overrated. I'd rather wyll get the fancy magical dragon powers.#I feel like they should have just...not added durge as a character and focused on REALLY polishing the 6 main origin companions.#because even with a character like star. who has a lot of material-- the writing feels...directionless? at certain points?#in a better world. we would have 6 main characters with more cohesive stories of relatively equal length and complexity.#in a better world. wyll would be treated as THE main of the main characters that he is. he and lae'zel.#they are like the CORE of the story imo.
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
Throwing my hat in the relationship chart ring. 1bit/beat charts credit to @//likesaly and @///silvercrane14, if this bothers either of you please let me know so I can delete it!
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1bit relationship spaghetti breakdown:
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#Also feel free to ask for elaboration on anything#pieceofcake.txt#Saying Koza is related to the cats is weird but I didn't want to put “pseudo-familial” for Merue and Shitsuna so whatever#adoptive family is family(cats count)#Replaced the close friends line with respect but in hindsight 'friends' could range anywhere from besties to#spoke a couple of times and got along pretty well. Oh well#the 1bit one in particular's timeline is wonky because I don't think a lot of these characters would know each other /during/ 1bit but that#it also leaves out a lot of relationships that would have formed by the timeskip/relationships that would've developed and changed by then#Was tempted to add the main characters to the 1beat chart but(if my 1bit chart wasn't apparent enough) I'm very flippant about how#I want the main character relationships to go#There wouldn't be much change tbh. More of them would be friends maybe.#I did say Izuchi was familiar with the Blue Sun trio to an extent but I lied#which is to say I forgot that they said Blue Sun College of Music and not just a general college#Going to run with it having other branches in the area so maybe he's /heard/ of them or has even watched them perform before#But they're not like schoolmates or anything#I kind of want Sora to be friends with the cats because he shares a va with one of them but I have no idea what circumstances#would lead to them meeting#Also intrapersonal relationships between the fatcats but I haven't decided on those#Got a little too silly with the ''dislike'' lines for Sora and just ended up opting to remove them entirely#they're there in spirit though
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volivolition · 3 months
what's the theme you're fucking going for here voliiii!!! what are you fucking getting at!!! what are you trying to say, what's the point??
#still working on this drama chapter in Swept Up. they're. confusing to work with? from an empathy standpoint at least.#skill who is trying to honestly understand the other skills VS skill who is just always lying and putting on an act.#and then theres the whole thing that im not going to spoil yet but the dynamic. fuck man. i dont even know what im trying to say here#lying is bad? no i dont care about that. honest communication is important maybe? i feel like i need a central theme for this.#and i dont want the theme to be ''empathy good'' because low-empathy people are also good and i love them!! and also:#empathy is a flawed character!! i try to portray this. i dont like moralism/centrism which empathy believes in and is the main skill for#empathy you stupid centralist (affectionate) i know this is just because you don't know how to make everyone happy. who can fix this?#you dont think you can fix this! you feel too much debilitating sadness to make meaningful change!! responsibilite to others more capable#still. i do depict empathy as often kind on a small level because i think that's in character. empathy just helps you understand.#i guess this fic is also a ''empathy doesn't mean kindness. kindness is a choice you can make afterwards but empathy just means empathy''#but that's not a centralizing theme that all the chapters share. its also about vulnerability and the mortifying ordeal of being known#urgh. i'll think about it some more. knowing me its probably another ''love (in all forms) is the meaning to life'' type story lmao <3#i need to make a skill chart for this harry. all i know is that Volition is his skill signature but Empathy is his highest stat#hyper-empathetic harry with the rsd that comes from adhd!! haha!! suffering. everybody fucking hate you. this is based on me btw lmao#i was working on voli's chapter which has a flashback and child empathy! new to the mindspace looking out through harry's eyes and crying#the world is full of sad people and it's just too much for a lil guy! the backstory i have planned for this like. huh okay. wild. anyway!!#oh shit ive made a fucking breakthrough with the drama chapter. its not a theme but its something i figured out at least. we stay winning!!#chemi chats#task: swept up
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theygender · 1 year
Yeah sure growing up abused may have left me with permanent scars on my psychological state that I'm still working to unpack, but on the bright side it gave me the ability to give a thoughtful in depth analysis of Roald Dahl's Matilda and all of its adaptations
#rambling#i love matilda so much. its such an important story to me. its literally just an abused childs power fantasy#where she gets to get back at the people who hurt her and protect other kids and then get a new loving family and everything is alright#my gf and i just watched the movie adaptation of the musical and we have Opinions on it. some good and some bad#so weve been discussing it and analyzing different parts of it#and its kinda nice to get to use my history for something good#to be able to give thoughtful analysis on how the changes they made in this adaptation have changed the allegory for abuse in the story#from the perspective of someone who grew up with that#and to just. have that be normal. my gf knows my history and its not gonna stop the conversation if i say#'this change works well for trunchbull's character bc it makes her seem more like a real life abuser'#'this detail is very subtle but it really captures some tiny part of the experience of growing up with an abuser'#'i dont like this bc it detracts from the narrative of the main character feeling alone and makes it less relatable to abused kids'#'i dont like this because while it IS something that happens under abuse it detracts from the fantasy where the kids all win together'#idk. of course everything that happened to me as a kid was awful and should not have happened but like#for a long time i had this problem where i didnt know how i was ever supposed to be okay about that#like no matter how much therapy i go through it will never UN-happen. it will always still have happened and it will always have been awful#and i couldnt figure out how i was supposed to recover from that besides 'bury it and try your hardest to never ever think about it'#and. i think maybe this is it. yes the abuse i went through was awful. thats kind of the whole thing about abuse#but. its also just a fact of my life. im better NOW. but that will not change what happened then#the abuse was awful. but the fact that i am an abuse survivor is a neutral fact. the same as any other fact from my childhood#its just a fact. a part of my past. and maybe being able to talk about it that way is... good for me#i dont have to break down when i think about it bc im okay now. my partner doesnt need to stop me and express sorrow for me bc im okay now#i can talk about my past in a neutral way and use my life experience to analyze movies#the same way that i used my experience of growing up in arkansas to analyze hollywood hillbillies when we watched it together#theyre both just two facts of my life. and analyzing movies is fun#that woman has no power over me anymore and hasnt for many many years. im okay now#abuse mention#child abuse mention#request to tag
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bmpmp3 · 9 months
(falls to the floor holding my head in my hands) i can't keep making all my ocs the same vaguely eastern european vaguely indo carribean mixed race guy i cant keep doing this
(looks up. eyes glowing red. levitating with unknown power) or can i..................................................
#sorry to be mixed on main again but im working on some rough draft ocs. i saw myself making the same dude again. i keep making him.#i know as a kid with a combination of the classic mixed kid feelings of alienation as well as being really really into cartoons#i vowed to myself that I SHALL make all the mixed race cartoon characters since i wasnt seeing much in the cartoons i loved#it was a little dire in like 2008 when i vowed this. its less dire now#maybe i can rest.....or maybe not...maybe its still more dire than i think............#im in an interesting place rn living in a somewhat diverse area attending a pretty multicultural university so i got used to#kind of blending into the crowd but recently i was in an art history class. like one of the first i had been in person in years#(you know how it is) and outside of my vaguely ambiguous situation there was like one other non white person#and everyone else was white. and it became very apparent how white the class was very quickly because as art history students#race is kinda like. a big thing in visual culture studies HJKFKJLSDJD and like they meant well but it was getting a little dire because#so many of my white peers kept centering whiteness and white discomfort in like every discussion or brushing past the topic entirely#im biased because race is one of my main interests in art history but MAN i was like. oh god. i need to. intervene#gotta be more annoying about being mixed race in class. rolls up sleeves#gotta bring up every uncomfortable topic about representation and perception and power and dehumanization and intersectionality that i can#because no one else but me the other student of colour and the professors even think about it orz#sorry i know its obvious but sometimes it doesnt quite hit me that like. oh god. do white people really not think about any of this?#at all? unless its brought up? not even a little bit? i dunno its just kinda alien to me orz but i shall keep going#i shall continue on with my deep interest in orientalism within art history and its impacts we see daily#and also making the same guy in my funny little cartoons DJSKHJKSJFKD#(jkjkjk i dont JUST make that same vaguely beige guy. i also make a bunch of other guys. who are also mostly all multiracial too HGKJDHJFR)#(its what i do. its what i do)
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread
Na Viro
Pasifikafuturist sci-fi/fantasy
after graduation, a young navigator woman chooses to stay on earth instead of going to space
but after her sister is sucked into a space whirlpool, she must overcome her fear of deep space to save her
set in Aotearoa, the pacific, and in space
complex mother-daughter relationships
aliens & sentient nanobot swarms
cool water/ocean-based tech 
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shiningstages · 2 years
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Okay so haha I’m not gonna do things on here or Diantha until Friday, because while I’m very invigorated after doing bunches of chores, I’m really in a drawing mood finally??
But um very random, but yo um read “Whisper Me A Love Song”; I just bought the first volume at B&N after trying to find some stuff, and it was very cute and the art is gorgeous?? And also the “My Senpai Is Annoying” manga, but I probably don’t have to tell people to read that; I think it’s popular though that could just be my slight love for it talking.
#;big bubble blowing baby! ( ooc )#( but like legit Whisper is v good so far????? i'm very shocked how much i got drawn to it and like it#wars if you're reading this i finally found a manga where i wanna voice a character again!!!!! it's v exciting!!!!!!#like both main girls are pretty endearing; and i like how the love feels very normal and the different meanings of love??#like the first volume doesn't go too into it; but i like how they play off 'love at first sight' to have different meanings#^ how the love feels normal in the sense that it isn't the 'does she like girls?' or 'do i like girls?' conflict#at least not in this beginning volume; though i'm expecting himari to go through that turmoil a little#but like i said; it's about the different interpretations and meanings of love; it makes the whole thing of#'oh a lot of this is unsureness and misunderstandings' that happens in romance anime / manga feel kind of unique!!#because yori is a loner who doesn't think love is for her until she's confessed at by himari#and himari is very much a very affectionate person who uses very affectionate terms of endearment for the things she likes#i'm really endeared to himari in that genki attitude of hers; i reminded me a lot of honoka love live and i can't shake that v nice feeling#and i'm endeared to yori by how fast and hard she has fallen for himari; but how earnest she is in it as well#the one flaw is that time-wise the pacing is super fast; like vol1 is just in one week (or seems like it from the order of events)#the time between when they start hanging out on the roof after school everyday to the first time it rains could maybe be a bit of a#time jump? but it also could just happen very fast#either way i'm still endeared to this manga!!!!! i wanna read more!!!!! but i want more money first )
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