#but more importantly heal your inner teenager
chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
I wish I could go back in time and give 16-year-old me a hug and tell them that when the doctors say that you’ll be in a wheelchair in your 20s, that it’s gonna be okay and you can put stickers on it!! You will love your disabled self and be so happy in your disabled body and feel the love of a beautiful community that welcomes you with open arms. You will realize you were disabled long before you used a wheelchair but never knew the words for it. You will create accessible spaces that not just allow disabled people, but celebrate disabled people. You don’t have to cry or think no one will love you. You will be okay.
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ticklepinions · 2 years
Not to like drop in and potentially cause drama but I am genuinely confused. Be nice in the notes/DMs. Content warning of mentions of s\x and m*rder and t*rture. I literally just say the words I don't go into detail
What's the issue with aging up fictional characters.
They are fictional
So that means they aren't real. They don't adhere to the same rules that we do irl. They quite literally can do whatever the writer wants them to do. If I want to make all my characters trans I can. If I want to make them all cucumbers I could also do that. If I feel like one character should be another race I can also do that.
Poetic license
The writer has full control over their writing. They can write about literally anything they want no matter how vulgar and taboo they have that right to do so. I understand the "it's giving people permission to do bad things". But I feel like we are giving writers too much credit, one of the hardest things to change are other people's behaviour. One smutty fic won't be enough to alter a person's ideology. It's the whole violent video games = to violence IRL argument.
The conscious effort to age up characters should not be punished and frowned upon
Like fr what is the point. If a character is canonically 12 forever does that mean that everyone is bound to never write about them in contexts where it wouldn't be appropriate for a minor?
To me if the writer ages up a character, is that not a good thing. That they loved a character so much they wanted to make it even more relatable to themselves by aging them up and putting them through experiences of the writer's choosing? How is that even remotely bad.
Calling people p*dos for shits and giggles isn't cool. Or because they disagree with you. Grow up. It's a psychological disorder. And how can you call someone that when they're aging up the characters to an "appropriate" age (18 in most countries).
Argument of giving people permission to do bad things
I've read about people being tortured and put through the worst of times. Do I now want to do that to another human being? No.
Using the same logic we should stop creating things altogether. Because people will interpret everything their own way. You can write the most sfw and tame fic and have someone use it as material to jack off. Sorry to burst your bubble. Alternatively the opposite is just as true. Does this mean we should just stop creating works that make us happy?
Like what am I missing. There is so much toxicity in the writing community when it comes to well writing. Like people have forgotten that writing is a tool, an escape for some people. It's so naïve to me to have a closed mindset of "you can't do this because I don't like it". Don't read it and most importantly don't create false narratives of calling people p*dos because they wrote about teenagers kissing. In the real world people have sex usually around 16+. Writing about it doesn't make you a terrible person, in the same way that writing about murder, or other taboo things doesn't tarnish your identity, or rather shouldn't.
There are lots of fics I will be less likely to read because they don't appeal to me. So I do this thing called not reading it. I also give the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge that whatever "bad" thing they're writing about could be their way of healing from their own trauma. It's quite literally none of my business. And I'd rather someone write about their inner demons in the fictional realm rather than unleashing them irl. But that's just my two cents.
Note: my language/tone may sound mad and you'd be correct. I'm just frustrated to see how toxic communities can get over a subject that to me shouldn't be that big of a deal? I'll try to keep an open mind to other thoughts/opinions/ideas but I'm just angy at the way people are going as far as shaming others for aging up characters for little reason.
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krawalito · 5 years
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This scene always gets me. I can relate to that so much and I do understand Ben solo in almost every intent.
Ben solo is a Child/Teenager of abuse just as I was. Ben solo was abandoned by everyone. Even though his parents never meant to leave him they still did abandon him. Luke abandoned him when he tried to kill him. The other students abandoned him when they thought he killed Luke. So all Ben felt all of these years was REJECTION. When I grew up I lost my mother very early and I was abandoned by my father and my siblings. My snoke was my stepmother and stepsister. I never had real friends because they thought I am strange and different. So they abandoned me. When you grow up with abuse, rejection and abandonment you become a Ben solo emotionally. I say emotionally bc abused people do not necessarily become murderers. I started to believe that I am not worth loving, that something is indeed wrong with me. I was told everyday. I started to hate myself the way my abusers did. I was convinced. I started just like Ben to become frustrated and angry. I thought I am a monster. Just like Ben solo thought of himself. Coming back to that scene now. Why is it so touching for me? Because I know exactly what he is going through. Snoke is trying to take something away from him. The first person that did not reject him yet. The first person who believed in him. The first person who did not see him as a monster. And what did his abuser do? He tortured him yet again. It was I who bridged your mind. This I’ve been through too. Everytime I finally found poeple I liked and who did not reject me my abusers took that away from me. When I started to grow stronger i fought for the people who did not reject me. I killed my abuser. I broke free. Just like Ben solo. He did break free. He fought for Rey and his own freedom. However just like him I was rejected again by the people I thought loved me. Just like Rey did reject Ben solo. When that happened to me I became so angry that I fell into a black hole. I hated the world and most importantly myself again. Just like Ben did when he „killed“ Luke. Inner Anger becomes a huge factor when you grow up in abuse. So what needed to happen in my life to become the person I am today? I know we like to use the word redemption and that is fine I use it too but Ben solo does not need redemption. Ben solo needs to HEAL. Ben solo needs people who love him in order to start LOVING HIMSELF. LOVING YOURSELF IS THE KEY AND YOU CAN PURSUE THAT WHEN PEOPLE SHOW YOU THAT YOU ARE WORTH OF BEING LOVED. So was Luke for anakin and so will Rey for Ben. If the writers are showing the evolution of a child in abuse becoming his own hero the only satisfying ending is him surviving surrounded by people who love him. And I am convinced that this is the story they want to tell. What I also believe is that their Intension is to close the circle. The Skywalker Circle. Reversed anidala in some way. I would call it more reversed father and son. Lanakin. Anakins story is indeed reversed. Anakin grew up surrounded by love. His mother loved him, padme loved him, obi wan loved him and his son loved him. Acceptance (anakin) vs rejection (Ben) their turning points are reversed too. When anakin turned to the dark side love became possessive and when people started to reject him. When Ben turned to the light side or will finally turn to the light side in tros it was/will be because of love becoming a part of his life and people start/ed to NOT reject him. Love/rejection was anakins downfall while love/acceptance will be bens rising. Anakin indeed needed redemption because his arc is not the one of a heroine. That was Luke’s in his story. He was the villain.
The only end which makes sense is Ben solo will turn to the light side and survives. Ben solo will be loved. Anakin died and Ben lives, again reversed. I know people will probably not agree with me on that but the saga is mainly about the skywalkers and it’s the rise of Skywalker too. I don’t want to undermine Rey here. Rey is like obi wan and padme a very key character in the Skywalker saga and as important. I love Rey she had such a sad childhood too and it’s also about abandonment and probably abuse but her arc is the one of a heroine all along so she is portrayed in a different way. She reminds me a bit of Luke. I just love all the different parallels you find in different characters. As George sad it rhymes and it truly does.
There are of course people who’s life was like mine surrounded by abuse and yet their future path was or will be different from mine. I don’t want to generalize it and I also want to point out that I am well aware of SW being fictional and that Ben solo is a fictional character but for creative writers it’s not. The People they create become real for them and they take Their ideas from real people too, that is why we can relate to fictional characters in the first place.
So for all the reylos and kylo/Ben lovers out there. I truly believe that the saga will end satisfying for us. Don’t listen to these Leaks whatever they may say. I am Not following them but know enough. SW IS ABOUT HOPE. Never forget that.
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loyolahcmass · 4 years
Homily on Older Than I Am by Lennon Stella
Here is the preview of Fr. Rossi’s homily about the song Older Than I Am by Lennon Stella: “Older Than I Am”
Lennon Stella
 “All this chaos, “God help me break the cycle.”
 “Lennon Stella Bares Her Soul!” 
 That’s what the critics said this past April when the singer released her first album, “Three. Two. One”.
 The long-awaited debut album came out this past April.
 The Nashville based singer-songwriter first rose to fame at the age of 12, as part of the sibling duo Lennon & Maisy, when their cover of Robyn’s ‘Call Your Girlfriend’ went viral on YouTube. 
 She then went on to star in the drama series “Nashville” and has since made a name for herself in pop music.
 In “Older Than I Am,” the first ballad of the album, Lennon strips it down to bare an honest piece of her soul.
 She’s a young adult with far too many responsibilities and not enough of a personal life.
 The list of titles goes on and on.
 She's an older sister, actress, musician, etc. 
 With these duties come responsibilities that take a large toll on somebody fresh out of their teenage years. 
 At only 20 years old, Stella sings soulfully about the ways she’s had to mature quickly so as to adapt to an emotionally draining lifestyle.
 And sometimes, she wishes she could just let go and feel the utter bliss of being free from it all.
 Listen to any of her songs; it’s clear that for Lennon, pop is personal. 
 With her music, she throws us into the deep end as we hear her voice her deepest insecurities and fears.
“What if I’m just a little too much, too much for you?”
 Filled with questions and anxieties, her music is a manifestation of our own intrinsic fears of not being good enough. 
 I think it’s refreshing to hear a star with such vulnerabilities. 
 It’s not only honest, but more importantly, relatable. Right?
 Lennon also introduces the motif of game-playing when it comes to dating. 
 “You know the game is done, when somebody wins.”
 Lennon’s tackling some heavy emotions here.
 It’s apparent; she’s had her fair share of troublesome relationships. 
 Her personal storytelling in the music is the glue that holds everything together. 
 She’s really thrown her heart into the music and her personality shines through. 
 We’re getting a front row seat to the inner workings of her mind. 
 There’s no holding back in her lyrics. 
 Her words are confessional; they’re raw and exposed.
 These are deep, dark thoughts; the kind of things the majority of us are too scared to even admit to ourselves.
 Appropriately, midway through the album, we get the ballad about the loss of her innocence. 
 “Older Than I Am” is about the good and the bad in her rising celebrity life.
  She’s got to pretend she can do everything herself and yet she needs help in the worst way.
 It breaks your heart into a million pieces as Lennon details the struggles of having to grow up too fast. 
 After all, she’s been in the public eye ever since she was a child. 
 “Sometimes I wish I could do something stupid” is the loaded lyric.
 It suggests the “pressure to be perfect” that often comes with being both a young star and a needy human being. 
 But Lennon makes it clear that while she’s had a painful love experience, she doesn’t hold any grudges.
“We can call it tragic, after everything we’ve been through
But I think we were healing, even though we didn’t mean to.”
 Even if he won’t continue the healing, however, she intends to do so.
 “Somewhere, I lost some of my innocence, and I miss it,” Lennon Stella gently weeps. 
 “Older Than I Am” she recalls growing up in the limelight and private moments she wants to reclaim. 
 “I’ve been through some weird things while being in the spotlight,” she admits.
 She’s wrestling with knowing her childhood and those innocent moments are long past. 
 That’s a very brave thing to do!
 But bravery isn’t everything, as we hear in these lyrics.
 “My heart's seen things I wish it didn't
Somewhere I lost some of my innocence
And I miss it
I miss it
Stay up all night thinking it's twisted
My life's been survival of the fittest
But I did it
I do all my own healing
Manage all of my feelings
I don't ask for help, no
'Cause I don't need it.”
 Now, Lennon, do you really mean that?
 On balance, all of us need a little help every now and then.
 No one can do all their own healing
 “Be vigilant and watchful for the Lord.”
Gospel of Matthew
 Jesus tells us that such help is not a secret commodity, only attainable by a few.
 In fact, there’s a very simple prayer that I just love which makes that very point.
 It isn’t fancy and it gets right to the heart of the matter:
 “Lord, be my light.”
 Thank God, in her more clearheaded moments in “Older Than I Am”, Lennon has that “revelation”.
 That’s just the theological way of saying she sees the light.
 “Why am I always the one making decisions?
How do I handle the pressure?
I do my best to fake it
But honestly, I hate it, oh
I do all my own fighting
I'm who I confide in
Maybe I need your help, no
I won't deny it.”
 Yeah! She gets it:
 You know what?
 Lennon Stella IS older—AND wiser—than she is!
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princessshikky · 4 years
Basically an m!handers soulmate AU that I finally finished while sitting at home because quarantine.
Anders' words are "Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive", and at first he was slightly bitter about it. How can this guy consider himself lucky, torn apart from his family and locked in a prison? And more importantly, why couldn't he have something Karl said to him instead?
In solitary, the words become his anchor. No оne knows for sure where the Words come from or what they mean, but оne thing's certain: if you have someone's Words оn your wrist, you'll meet this person. Your meeting might be short and tragic, but it's bound to happen. Screw the sappy tales of "the Maker meant these people for each other", it's not true (he desperately wants to hope, but he's too bitter and tired), but he'll leave the solitary alive and meet this guy, that he knows without a doubt. 
And sure, he leaves, and Amell (ginger hair, long nose, same old tattoo оn her face) recruits him, and for a while everything is good. Emily wouldn't flirt or sleep with him anymore (sometimes he doubts she even remembers they actually slept together оnce in the Tower), but he's fine with that. Except when Emily leaves, everything goes to hell, and soon he has to run, and merge with Justice. That didn't go so well. 
They go to Kirkwall, because no Wardens, and, more importantly, Karl, and the city is a hellhole, but at least the refugees are so desperate they are willing to protect him from the templars. Anders is alerted regardless: any minute, something could happen. Karl could get caught, the templars could barge into his clinic, Justice could come outside and loose control and slaughter everyone (he tries not to concentrate оn that last possibility, it makes both of them uncomfortable). Sure enough, when a group of armed strangers come through the door, he is ready to defend himself and his patients. Justice sends him a burst of energy, and Anders tentatively lets him... not take over their body, no, but come to the surface of their conscience. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?" — Justice demands in Anders' voice. Black-haired guy with a longsword suddenly groans, and another оne gasps. 
"Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive". 
"Oh, no", — the sword-guy mutters, and Anders is inclined to agree with him. Oh, no. He doesn't need that now. He has Justice, and the compulsive need to help people, and the manifesto, and Karl, and he wouldn't wish to thrust this burden upon anyone. 
Hawke doesn't exactly give him the chance to back off. He's kind, and understanding, and a fellow mage (an apostate, no less!), and he's immediately supportive, and looks at Anders with reverence, and he's so gorgeous it's unfair.
 In short, Hawke is perfect. 
He helps with the disastrous attempt to get Karl out. He helps with the mage underground. He tries to help the mages escape the Circle. He reads the manifesto and offers new arguments. He is even supportive about the situation with Justice. He looks at Anders like he hung the moons in the sky. How is a man supposed to stay away from that, even if staying away would be better for Hawke in the long run? 
When Anders says "I love you", it breaks his heart a little, knowing that they live оn borrowed time. That most mages are not allowed the luxury of loving someone, and Anders has to change that, even at the expense of his own happiness, of Hawke's happiness. He doesn't expect Hawke to understand: Hawke is just оne man, he never had to live in a Circle, he doesn't have a spirit in his head. 
He still asks Hawke for help, knowing he'll pay for the betrayal with his life. 
Only he doesn't. 
Later, after the templars back off, after Orsino helps the apprentices escape, after Meredith turns into a chunk of red lyrium, after Bodahn shoves the hastily-gathered supplies into Hawke's hands, after they run from Kirkwall, after Merrill and Aveline leave them, after they make a camp and Carver and Varric pretend to be busy with the fire, they have time to talk. Hawke sighs and frowns and shakes his head. 
"I can't believe you did this". 
"The mages need to be free", — Anders says, or maybe it is Justice, taking over like he does sometimes when Anders is exhausted. — "What I did was unforgivable, but it was the оnly way to achieve this". 
"Yes, blowing the fucking Chantry building sounds like a reasonable strategy to prove that mages are harmless", — Varric snarls. 
"Who cares about the damn Chantry?" — Hawke says, louder than necessary. — "I definitely don't plan to shed any tears over them". — Carver snorts quietly at that, and Hawke smiles at his brother before turning back to Anders. — "What I meant was... Well, you should have told me. I... you should have trusted me with that". 
"I didn't want to endanger you any more than necessary". 
"Endanger... Anders, do you have any idea how scared I was? I lost my home, I lost my family, and I thought I was going to lose you too! You acted like you were preparing for a certain death! Every day I woke up and I looked at you and thought "Is it going to be today?". Do you know how I felt when I saw that damn Chantry going in flames? I was relieved! Because at least everything has reached a conclusion and I didn't have to wait any longer, I could just act! Maker damn it, right now I can finally breathe again now that I know my lover isn't going to go and kill himself while I'm not looking!" 
Anders gulps. Carver shakes his head but doesn't say anything. Varric looks at Hawke disapprovingly. For a moment everyone is quiet, until Hawke weakly smirks. 
"And honestly, if you'd asked me for help, I would've at least made sure Sebastian was at that Chantry along with Elthina. I can't believe you missed such a great opportunity to get rid of that asshole". 
Carver chuckles unexpectedly. 
"Damn, brother. I had no idea I missed your stupid jokes". 
Anders has to agree. He knew full well Hawke mostly used his stupid jokes to hide behind them — something Anders himself has done often — and yet... Hawke stopped joking some time before Leandra's death and it felt like he gave up trying. 
Still smiling, Hawke moves closer to Anders and kisses him lightly. 
"Look. There is nothing you can do that would make me leave you. And I mean it — nothing. So please, just trust me next time. We're in this together", — and it feels undeserved, unbelievable, so Anders (or Justice, ever protective) just has to ask. 
"Still feel like the luckiest man alive?" 
Hawke smiles, takes his hand and kisses the inner side of his wrist, where his words are curling оn Anders' skin. 
It takes some time for Garrett to decipher the words оn his wrist, written in mostly-unintelligible scrawl, like someone was simultaneously hasty and angry. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?". 
All right, Garrett could think of worse ways to start a conversation. At least these Words are unique. He'll know his Person instantly. 
Carver teases him mercilessly. "I can't believe this all fit оn your hand" and "Well, it doesn't seem like your person will appreciate your dumb jokes", and even "Gah! Marauder! Why would you ever threaten a sanctum of salvation!". But after Carver finds Garrett making out with their neighbours' son behind the barn, and Garrett makes him promise not to tell anyone, not father, not even Bethany, Carver becomes a little nicer. Maybe it's because they share a secret now, Garrett reasons, something just for the two of them. 
"Do you think it's a guy? Your Person?" — Carver asks оne day, when everyone else is already asleep, and Garrett doesn't feel like deflecting with a joke. 
"I hope so. I mean, it might be a girl, they say that sometimes your Person is just a friend to you, but still... I'd prefer a guy". 
"Do you not like girls at all?" — Carver asks disbelievingly (he is a teenager, after all). 
"I don't hate them, I guess, but they're just... not interesting", — Garrett says. — "Guys are..." 
"I guess you could say that". 
"Well, good. At least you won't steal any girls from me", — Carver says confidently, and Garrett just smirks. "You can keep them as long as you send any cute guys in my direction".
The first time Garrett hears about the Warden healer, he thinks it's too good to be true. 
A free mage who openly uses his magic to help other people? Come оn. In order to be free, mages have to hide their magic, keep their heads low and never be too close to other people. Holding a free clinic for the refugees? No оne's this selfless. 
Except for this Anders Warden, apparently. Who lives in Darktown, and who is the most competent healer Garrett's ever met. And who is understandably wired to see four armed strangers оn his doorstep. 
Anders grabs his staff and turns to them in оne swift motion. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?" 
Carver groans, but Garrett just doesn't feel like paying attention to his little brother right now, as much as he loves Carver. 
"Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive", — Garrett gasps and means every word. His Person is a guy (a good-looking guy, to boot), a fellow apostate, someone brave and selfless enough to openly use his magic to help people... what's not to like? 
The more Garrett finds out about Anders, the more he realizes just how damn lucky he is. His first impression was right: Anders is too good to be true. Yes, he lashes out at Merrill sometimes, but other than that? Perfection. Kind and compassionate and sensitive and working to free the mages, always willing to help Garrett solve his troubles. The оnly problem? While Anders does seem interested in Garrett sometimes, he never takes any action. He calls Garrett a friend, he tries to keep Garrett away, he never takes the first step, and Garrett is patient, but damn it, it takes three years before Anders runs out of excuses and lets both of them be happy. 
And then he starts acting strange. He becomes more distant, his love declarations become more desperate, and it seems like he is waiting for something. Garrett's already lost his sister and mother, and his brother is somewhere оn Warden missions, and he _cannot _lose someone else. He feels like he cannot breathe properly, like he is sick with fear, like Kirkwall chokes the air out of his lungs. He cannot sleep at night if Anders isn't home, tossing and turning and waking up from nightmares gasping for air. 
One day, when Anders is in his clinic, Garrett comes to the alienage. Merrill is happy to see him — anything to distract her from the thoughts of her clanmates dying under their blades and spells — and talking to her is easier than Garrett imagined. 
"I want you to teach me blood magic". 
Anders would be furious if he knew, but ultimately he would understand. He said he would drown Kirkwall in blood to keep Garrett safe — and Garrett would absolutely do the same for Anders. 
When Merrill carefully cuts her wrist and gives the knife to Garrett, he thinks he sees the eluvian glimmering in the corner. 
And then it's over. The Chantry explodes, Elthina is dead (good riddance, Hawke thinks when Sebastian starts wailing), Anders is alive. 
Everything goes straight to hell. Sebastian leaves, which is expected, and Fenris joins the templars, which is a huge blow. Yes, Garrett knew about his views, but he thought Fenris had his back. He always helped Fenris out, didn't he? Even Cullen, of all people, decided to help Hawke at the end. Cullen, the asshole who said Tranquility is a mercy. And Zevran is helping them fight for some reason? Apparently Hawke is shitty at the whole "reading people's intentions" thing. 
At the end of the day, people Hawke cares about are alive. Merrill, Aveline and Carver are fine. Anders is alive. Varric is here, giving Anders judgmental looks but mercifully not saying anything. They get to leave Kirkwall unharmed, albeit in a hurry. Aveline and Varric keep looking at Hawke like they expect him to do something, but Hawke is honestly too tired to think about it. What do they want? He has no clue. Apparently he barely knows people who he regularly spoke with. Eventually Aveline takes him aside to check the road ahead and to talk privately. 
"Are you going to say anything to him? About him?" — she asks. For a moment Hawke considers playing dumb, pretending he doesn't know what she means, but ultimately deems it useless. 
"What do you want me to say? Hey, love, good job killing Elthina, are you tired, do you want me to carry your backpack for you?" 
"I cannot believe you actually approve of what he's done", — Aveline spits out. 
"Well, I do", — Hawke says simply. — "And even if I didn't... Maker help me, I would protect him anyway". 
"He's murdered innocent people!" 
"He's my family, Aveline! And I cannot lose him, not after everything!" 
Aveline has a pitying expression оn her face. And if anyone else tried to have this conversation with him now, Hawke would probably punch this person, but Aveline is as much of a family to him as Carver and Anders. And isn't it an uncomfortable realisation? That he is no better than people he so callously judged? That if he'd found Anders, Merrill, Carver or Aveline gleefully murdering half of Kirkwall in a blood magic ritual, he would still defend them until his dying breath? Does this make him an awful person? It probably does, but this night has been full of uncomfortable truths he has had to realise about himself and others. 
Thankfully, Aveline doesn't press the matter further. 
They leave оne by оne. Merril says she needs to protect the alienage elves (and she couldn't just leave her mirror, which is fair). Aveline goes back to lead the guard again. Carver has some Warden mission. Varric promises to give the Chantry a false trail to follow, but his eyes are hard when he says that. Probably still angry about the explosion, Hawke thinks and hurts оn Anders' behalf. 
Anders is still quiet. Hawke is still afraid to leave him alone for long periods of times, even if Justice has come out to promise he wouldn't let Anders do anything stupid. 
They are sitting оn a log, staring into the campfire. There are glimpses of blue in Anders' eyes. Hawke feels sudden urge to hug his lover and sees no reason not to follow through. 
Anders shivers in Hawke's arms. 
"Love, what?" 
"Nothing", — Anders shakes his head, — "just... Sometimes it's still hard to believe you're with me". 
"You won't get rid of me so easily". 
"I don't deserve you". 
Anders' self-deprecation is unbelievable sometimes. It just feels wrong, that a person as amazing as Anders doesn't realise his worth. One of the many reasons to hate the Circles, Hawke thinks bitterly. 
"Love, I'm the оne who doesn't deserve you. You're the bravest, most selfless person I've ever met. You healed the poor and downtrodden when everyone abandoned them, you stood up for the mages when no оne else did, you went against Meredith..." 
"And betrayed your trust in the process". 
"Well," — Hawke starts carefully, because it's not untrue, but he's not so bitter about that anymore, — "you're here now. The оnly оne who stayed with me". 
Anders looks at him with eyes full of hope. 
"I won't repeat my mistake again, I promise. You're stuck with me now. I'm not going anywhere". 
"Good", — Hawke says, relieved, because Anders speaks like he means it. — "I wouldn't have it any other way".
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consciouskingdom · 6 years
Surviving R. Kelly....
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This was hard to watch. Since the six part series premiered on Lifetime it has created a firestorm and we as a people have got to unpack all of this! To begin: I believe Every. Single.One. Of. These. WOMEN! And we ALL should.......BUT we don’t..... because the painful cries of Black Women fall on deaf ears. The series featured personal accounts from everyone including his security guards, back up dancers, his own brothers and most importantly, the survivors of his abuse. Their vivid and descriptive depictions of what they endured set social media on fire and everyone had an opinion to share. For everyone writing post, sharing memes blaming young black girls or still in support of Robert Kelly in any way - please read the following bullet points and get your life!
· Young Black Girls are not “FAST”, They are prematurely overly-sexualized, manipulated and preyed upon.
We can not attack young black girls for “seducing” older men. I’ve seen the memes shared with captions demeaning teenage girls that had older “boyfriends” picking them up from the high school parking lot...everyone is laughing & sharing their memories of this but ignoring the fact that these same men are aware of their power over a younger woman and exploiting it for benefit. A dominant dynamic is established when someone such as a young girl in poverty/lack thereof to basic necessities encounters a manipulator who will target that and use it to their advantage. Most of these young girls were thinking with a scarcity perspective fueled by desperation, craving more out of life and unfortunately predators were the respondents to their pleas as opposed to someone who could help.  These type of men willingly and strategically use their age, money and perceived power to manipulate a younger naive mind. Preying on their need for emotional attention, financial support and validation; young girls are met with psychological brain washing tactics that they are in no way prepared to fight against.   As early as I can remember - my body changed as I matured and older adult men were the first to comment and notice it. “Oh girl, you really starting to fill out”.....”You getting some hips and legs on you”...”You grown up now”.....”Come on over here and give me a hug, let me look at you”...comments like these occurred at family events, school and even my church growing up. Young black girls are objectified and violated in plain sight! And unfortunately because of that mindset that translates to our bodies are disposable and serve as an object of pleasure - no one acknowledges the pain endured when our innocence is stolen before we can even fully comprehend the full implications of the actions that are transpiring. Ask any black woman you know, she has a story in her childhood where this or something similar has occurred. The common misconception is that because it happens so often, the young girl is to blame because she is being “fast” or “frisky” and pursuing an older man but we ignore what the older man is doing to persuade and manipulate her to be there in the first place! Stop labeling her a whore, slut, fast or frisky! A young girl could be as "fast" as Sonic the Hedgehog but no child is promiscuous enough to entice an older person into being intimate with him/her if that older person did not have an attraction to children initially. We never question the motives of the predator but question the actions of those being preyed upon. In victim blaming, we blatantly ignore the psychological damage that young girls and women are suffering through daily. Predators are stealing their innocence resulting in damage to their self esteem and their ability to have agency over one's own body and life. That type of damage will literally permeate every aspect of her life until she is able to heal. Many who endure sexual traumas hide their hurt in the nearest bottle or whatever substance will numb the pain as they spend their lives drowning in shame. 60% of young black girls have been sexually violated before the age of 18 and the Black community can not just keep dismissing it as  “Oh, She just acting grown.”
·  “Consent” received from coercion and manipulation of a naive underage mind makes it null & void!
Many opinions argue that the women involved all participated willingly - I Call Bullshit! Within the black family that type of ideology runs rampant. By definition, consent is to give permission for something to happen or an agreement to do something. If someone is granting their permission for a sexual act to occur but it’s prompted by emotional manipulation, promises to aid in career advancement, physical abuse and fear: That’s. Not. Consent! Young black girls in under-served and inner cities are in circumstances in which older men are preying on their naïve nature, immaturity and survival needs. Living in poverty creates a scarcity mindset that forces you to result to desperate measures for basic necessities and financial support. Aside from being under the influence of substances I believe there is nothing stronger than being under the influence of mind manipulation. R. Kelly used vulnerability, power, money and persuasion to ultimately create their dynamic; just as an older family member or someone’s boyfriend will offer money and attention in the midst of their abuse of a young girl. Molestation followed by providing money and/or physical abuse is a form of control, NOT CONSENT! A known pimp & womanizer once said “Any boy can control a girl’s body but a Grown Man can control her mind” To see the parents of Joycelyn Savege and Domonique Gardner crying out for their daughters, popping up on Kelly's residences seeking their children was heartbreaking. They wouldn't speak to their families because that's how deep psychological manipulation is, its classic "Pimp" culture and was  heartbreaking to watch. The survivors are not to blame here! (Yes I'm saying it AGAIN just in case you missed it in the last paragraph)
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· R Kelly’s personal experience with sexual abuse is a deflection tactic & does not justify him repeating the cycle.
During the series, R Kelly’s brother admitted that he and his brother were both molested as children. My heart mourns for all black children who endure sexual, physical, emotional abuse. We NEED to discuss the sexual abuse Black boys go through as well! Black boys are sexualized as early and often as young girls.  Calling a young black boy “sexy” or your “boyfriend” or stating you’ll be waiting for him when he turns 18 is predatory behavior. Unfortunately society encourages it when it’s revealed that a teenage boy has slept with an older woman but it’s still perverted! A real discussion about sexual abuse with black boys and the trauma they endure must occur BUT not at the expense of Black girls. During the series his own brother, Bruce Kelly, stated Kelly's attraction to young girls were a “preference”. Pedophilia isn't a preference, its a choice! Truly examine the amount of time, effort, money and energy put into creating the "pimp" dynamic of power that Kelly enforced; that's intentional, calculated and strategic. Being a victim to sexual trauma and knowing the damage it caused, could lead to a mindset of NOT repeating those same heinous activities....R Kelly didn't make that choice. He is wealthy, he could have pursued counseling/therapy and he didn't. To use his own abuse as an excuse is a defense tactic, his predatory ways cannot be justified because of a traumatic upbringing. This is precisely why I constantly stress the importance of therapy and counseling. The entire Kelly family needs help to not perpetuate this cycle.
· You can not separate the artist from the “art” when the art is a detailed description of his perverse actions and predatory lifestyle.
Seeing the comments online still crowning him as the “King Of R&B” literally sickened me. I personally recall being taught “I Believe I Can Fly” in elementary school, flapping my arms to scream the empowering lyrics. I recall my Mom cleaning our entire house with his songs crooning as we all sang along as I washed the baseboards. R Kelly provided a soundtrack for our lives. As much as we love “Step In the Name of Love” We absolutely must step away from this nigga! We can’t turn a blind eye to his actions because we love his musical genius. His security guards, producers who have worked with him, background vocalist and dancers ALL confirmed he had multiple bedrooms intentionally installed in his musical production studios. Read that again… he had multiple bedrooms *IN* the music studio…meaning he was sexually engaging and abusing young girls in between song takes. One of the survivors revealed that Kelly penned “You Are Not Alone” for Michael Jackson detailing her miscarriage of Kelly’s child while she was 17. Analyzing the lyrics he had Aaliyah sing for her debut single: “Boy be brave, don't be afraid, Cause tonight we're gonna, go all the way. Don't mean to be bold, gotta let you know, I gotta thing for you, and I can't let go my.. Age ain't nothing but a number, throwing down ain't nothing but a thang, This loving I have for you it'll never change”......
I know the music is catchy but don't compartmentalize just to serve what benefits you and undermines the severity of damage these women endured.
There is absolutely no way we can continue to separate the art from the artist when his art depicts the life he manifest and the young girls who are a part of it!
· Everyone surrounding Aaliyah during her time with him had concerns but no one took action!
A stage manager, his body guards, his entourage, his family, producers who created music for her, friends of Liyah who were also background dancers and toured with her all witnessed her relationship with Kelly. Per the docuseries, they all stated they had concerns but no action occurred to protect her. The bodyguard openly admitted he forged documents to aid in their marriage; at the time Aaliyah was only 15 years old. After Aaliyah's mother heard the background dancer Jovante Cunningham openly stated she saw Kelly having sex with Aaliyah she immediately denied it in a statement stating she and her husband were always with Aaliyah as she toured. With all respect to the Haughton family and the legacy of Aaliyah, her family failed her and everyone around her failed her. It seems her mother is afraid to admit the truth of this situation, not every parent can be around their teenagers 24/7 and that's okay. BUT don't shame others for speaking their TRUTH. It dawned on me after watching the details be described that perhaps he likely married Aaliyah so that she could get an abortion without having to get parental consent. If a murder is committed and someone witnesses it - they are an accessory to the crime. I'm demanding a legal reform that applies the same logic to everyone who enabled R Kelly!
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After we've watched the episodes and read the countless memes, status post and tweets let us remember: Listen to Black WOMEN! Tears don't flow that easily nor does pain resonate in someone's voice like that without reason. Even if you deny the claims, we have legal documents that show Robert Sylvester Kelly married Aaliyah when she was 15. You can be pro-black and still hold Black men and women accountable for their wrongdoings.  A black girl’s life is more important than some hit songs. I commend dream hampton and the superb cinematic efforts she executed in creating this docu-series! It highlights a truth so basic it pains me that I even have to state it: Anything that harms Black Women harms black PEOPLE in our entirety....and R Kelly must be added to that list.
Bye Robert, Get some help!
(Note: If this was triggering for you or you need someone to talk to, please email us at [email protected], confidentiality guaranteed...I love you)
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Past Life Reading
Hello! This is an example on how my past life readings are done. This a readig done for lovely @subtlepsithurism, who game me the permission to share it, so that people who might be interested in getting a past life reading can see what they will be getting from this service!
Start of Life: Ace of Swords. Since the early years of your life I feel that there was a lot of pressure on you. The people around you had their eyes on you, envisionning your future and had already big expectations since your childhood. You were a very intelligent life and not only your family but the people surrounding you had a lot of dreams about your future. I feel like you came from a background that was in the upper classes judging by the cards and energies I am getting from this reading. Appearance wise I can say that you were a male in your past life, with blonde, slightly longer hair, with a tall and thin yet in shape built.
Teenage Life: Seven of Cups. During your teenage life what I am getting is that you were going through a phase where there was an education happening and trying to push you on a certain path. Showing you the possibilities they had planned for you and trying to make you choose, but you didn't want any of this. You had a mind of your own, a sight of your own and wanted to aim for something very different. I also feel an adventurous side that grew more from your childhood and would shape your future.
Young Adult Life: King of Wands. During your young adult life you decided to stand up for your own beliefs and wants. You ended up turning your back to these already paved paths in order to go for what you wanted. It caused mixed reactions, some where supportive while some, I feel a strong father figure on this side, where extremely against it and did attempt to stop you and try to reason with you. Despite the circumstances you still embarked on your own adventure which despite the struggles it was a positive one that taught you a lot more about life and yourself.
Adult Life: Wheel of Fortune. Throughout your adult life there would be ups and downs. Obstacles that sometimes wouldn't be possible to get over but sent you back in order to find a different way to pursue your path. Your life was your adventure and nothing would make you regret your experiences, even the bad ones in the end you kept them lovingly as you knew they shaped you as a person. There world was and adventure for you and you were thirsty to get on to explore the world and learn from it. Your ties with your family weren't the best, I feel a connection was still kept with your mother, but the ties with the fatherly figure I feel were damaged.
Late Life: Nine of Cups. Your late life was filled with great satisfaction. You had managed to learn so much from life and though you didn't feel like you had learnt everything there is, you still felt very satisfied. Your late life was filled with fullfilment and a lot of the goals you were going after had been succesfully achieved. Despite choosing a different path than the one paved for you from your very birth, you still managed to live a wonderful and great life.
How people viewed you: The Sun. People saw you as a free spirited person, you had a lot of light coming from you. You seemed like a joyful, helpful person who was extremely adventurous and lively, not even life could hold you back from whatever you decided to set your mind on to next. You had admirers and it was easy to make friends, you had a very positive image.
Your inner self: Two of Swords. Despite this joyfull, adventurous and light beaming image of yours, in your head it wasn't always that bright. I can feel that the damaged ties with your family and very close people from your childhood would haunt you at times. There would be times that you'd question yourself for a second on the what-ifs but I don't sense that there was any regret on the path you had chosen dispite this sour taste left from the past. I also feel that you were hurt by some people on your past. With immense kindness and having a lightbeaming image, comes with people who don't always value you or care about you, which led to being used. This had made you put some guards up that you hid from people.
Your purpose: Three of Cups. Your life purpose was giving some light in the life of others. Showing people through the way you lived, how to enjoy life, that no body should be afraid of embarking on a whole new journey just because there is a lack of clarity. People learnt through you how to enjoy life, how to celebrate and you added a certain touch of light, kindness and happiness to the people you interacted with. You were someone very helpful and who despite the burns you had received by those who hurt you, you still kept this light and kept helping other.
Soul mate: Ace of Wands. Your soul mate during that life time was someone who had a spark and adventurous spirit like you. I feel that if it weren't for that revolting choice of yours to stand up against what others had in plan for you and going on your own path, you wouldn't have met her. She was very playful and you met around your young adult years. This person was someone who had chosen to merge her path with you and went on with life together.
How does your past life affect you now: Ace of Cups. What you have brought in your current life from your past life is some of the lessons you had learnt. Being of service but in a reasonable way, being helpful and sharing your happiness and positivity are something that are present in your life. The scars from the past were one of the lessons that still accompany you in your life is something that I am getting from the guides. The need to learn that it's okay not to help someone who has ulterior motives, someone who doesn't have any good in mind aside from their own benefit, but what I also get from this is that sometimes it is hard to filter these people. Keep the kindness, this beaming light in you and share it with those who mean good.
Ingwaz: You were someone who had a lot of potential and a future that would grow into something lovely if the seed was properly planted and taken care of. Now I feel that you had achieved a wonderful fruitful life, maybe not as fruitful as taking some different choices, but it still managed to shine to the world the potential you had and still led to a full and lovely life.
Laguz: This rune is strongly showing me the word travel. Throughout the tarot reading I was feeling this thought of travelling, going on trips but I wasn't certain. Now I got the confirmation I needed. You had gone through a lot of travelling and I feel that's how you met your soul mate. I see going through rivers or small bodies of water. I also feel this water like mixture of your emotions with the adventurous and light image beaming so strongly on the surface but deep inside there were insecurities at times, there were scars but it wasn't something that kept you back.
Othala: This rune from what I am sensing isn't here to clarify your past life but send you an invitation. There is an invitation to connect with your past self, get in touch with the knowledge that was held from your past self and work with it, learn from it and most importantly heal and release and negative emotions that might have followed you from your past life. There is healing that is needed to be done and this rune is inviting you to connect with your past self so you can work on those things.
Uruz: With this rune it again shows this vitality you had in you, this adventurous spirit that was in you and pushed you on all those wonderful adventurous that served as great lessons. Life was flowing through your veins. It also shows this big change that took place by standing up against the pre-determined paths that were laid in front of you to choose as if they were a simple clothing item you had to choose.
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins:
"At any rate, Miss Rachel was reported to have said some severe things to Mr Franklin, at the piano that evening, about the people he had lived among, and the principles he had adopted in foreign parts. The next day, for the first time, nothing was done towards decoration of the door. I suspect some imprudence of Mr Franklin's on the Continent - with a woman or a debt at the bottom of it - had followed him to England. But that is all guesswork. In this case, not only Mr Franklin, but my lady too, for a wonder, left me in the dark."
I feel that despite the adventure you embarked on there was still some rare contact with your family and people from your past but that contact was sparse and not something that took place often. There were attempts done from you but also from your mother I feel, to try and lighten up the mood, even an attempt in reconciliation but it wasn't something attainable.
Your choices and viewpoints in life, that were further shaped and given depth too from your own life choices, were things that clashed with your father's ideology. You had a broader and open viewpoint, whereas your father alongside other people (and I feel from this passage that you might have had a sibling or two), weren't similar and caused you often times to biker.
Of Monsters and Men – Wild Roses
This song shows a lot the hard moments that came from the pressure to follow something that wasn’t your calling but simply put the selfish expectations of others. It showcases the inner struggles of wanting something else, but should I go against what other expect from me?
Once you took the choice to stand up for your beliefs and your choices, it was a bit of a dark time at first I feel. The beginning was filled with second-guessing, with walking on the borderline of guilt, of a moment of anxiety faced to the unknown and the way your choices had and would impact you.
Despite that you managed to get up on your feet and go for what you had chosen, for what you wanted to, standing up for your own goals and dreams even if at first they felt very vague and unclear. You wanted freedom and you wanted to experience the real raw side of life. You were determined to stand up for what you wanted and not for what others wanted to force on you.
Meeting your soul mate also had a major impact on your past life and it was the detail that fuelled you even more, that fuelled your motivation, your determination and pushed you forward in life. At your weak moments of second-guessing yourself, of feeling as if you lost your balance, she was there to help you get back on your feet and anchor you back to who you truly were.
I hope that this reading resonated with you!
Best Wishes,
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ightlossecret · 4 years
Shocking : Secret Revealed On How To Live A Stress Free Life
Stress Is The Life Killer
Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it’s much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.
Stress impacts EVERYTHING.
This is how i was able to overcome stress in my life , you
Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become “stress stupid”) and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.
It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in “anger management”, authors who suffer from writer’s block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren’t enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.
So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?
***** Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds
Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.
Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).
This does not happen when we are stressed – a person under stress is like a TV that isn’t tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn’t fit together, there is no clarity.
Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead – try as you might, it’s not going to work very well if ever at all.
So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress – a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can’t meditate because they’re way too stressed!
***** Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress
Long before a person who is under a lot of stress can even BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.
“A good talking to” by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We “talk” a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we “talk” an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don’t pat him on the back.
That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.
Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation – that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.
Often people get confused by the “instructions” or the content of hypnosis – the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.
***** From Hypnosis To Meditation – Breaking The Stress Loop
“Going into trance” is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.
It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.
So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one’s own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS – and LOTS OF IT.
Rather than to hopelessly try and “find inner peace” so necessary for mind healing without guidance, do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.
Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.
Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck “Anti-Stress Gold”.
Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.
Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.
You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.
Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.
***** Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment
When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way – you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.
This is the beginning of a new stress free life.
Life will ALWAYS be stressful.
We need to learn to be able to notice when we’re stressed, and to step
back from that into the clarity of altered states.
That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.
When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.
***** Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation – In Conclusion
Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn’t mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for stress alone. Remember that what you want to learn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.
You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.
You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs – the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.
Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and
conscious mind under control.
Using Meditation To Help You To Reduce Stress, here is what i have used to live a stress free life
Do you feel that you are constantly under stress? Are you looking into ways of how you can reduce your stress levels? If you have answered yes to both of these questions, you are not alone. The world is seemingly becoming faster, more demanding and more pressurised. In this article I write about how meditation can help you to relax and become a happier person.
Stress affects people in different ways. I personally feel very tired and lethargic during these periods and start to worry about things, like a future event. This can easily lead me into a period of depression, which in the past I have found it very difficult to come out of.
Other people suffer from panic attack attacks, become very shaky and nervous, feel sick in the stomach, become sad and can begin to think in a very negative way.
Most of the conditions I have described above are actually a mental and not so much of a physical problem. This is why I believe meditation to be an excellent form of stress relief or stress management.
Meditation helps us to control our emotions, to think in a more relaxed and positive way and certainly helps us to think more clearly.
Positive effects of meditation:
It reduces your heart rate
It relaxes your breathing and can even make it slower
It can lower blood pressure
It can increase your self-esteem by making you think in a more positive way
Helps you to think in a more logical and clear way
Helps you to reduce stress
Types of meditation:
Walking meditation
Mandala meditation
Yoga meditation
Sitting meditation
Prayer meditation
Visualisation meditation
I personally prefer the sitting meditation. I try to make time around three of four times a day when I will sit down to meditate. Originally I had a lack of belief about what I was doing and about if it would work. I found it difficult at this stage to get myself into the zone. With practice and realising that I needed this to work for me, I managed to get enough concentration and focus to see the full benefits.
A lot of the people in my circle of friends think that I am a bit mad. They can not believe that I actually just sit there and think. Meditation has had such a positive effect on my life and continues to do so, therefore my friends can mock as much as they like. I actually believe that some of them should try it themselves but they always laugh at the suggestion.
This is something I now do on a daily basis and it works. Give it a go with belief and I am sure it will benefit you to.
r Life without stress.
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zhannabelle-eng · 5 years
Zhannabelle invites you to a retreat!
This trip can change your life
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Which of us does not dream of being successful, loved, and healthy? We want to overcome any difficulties easily, live a happy rich life, not to fear of the future. But most of us just don't have enough time to stop and think how to make these dreams come true, find the meaning of life and the true predestination. So what do we do? The best option is to go to the retreat with Zhannabelle.
What is a retreat? 
Zhannabelle understands that every person just needs to stop life whirl for a moment and get a charge of positive energy. Only by opening the energy channel can one achieve the desired results, realize all one's ideas and get healing from serious diseases. This is why Zhannabelle organizes retreats to help solve any of your problems.  
Retreats are a special space of power. You need to observe several conditions so that retreat is effective.
Place of retreat 
The place where the retreat will take place is very important. It must necessarily take place in the nature. After all, many practices simply do not work in the atmosphere of the city. Because they are based on close interaction with the forces of nature. They draw their energy reserve exactly from it. 
If there is a reservoir nearby, you will certainly learn how to communicate with the element of water and conduct rituals with it. In addition, Zhannabelle will certainly teach you how to interact with the energy of fire. They always make a big fire during the outdoor activities, next to which they perform special rituals.
And, of course, retreats are held at special points of our planet - Places of Power, where the energy of the Universe is concentrated.
Zhannabelle herself is an experienced researcher of such places. She has visited sacred places in Tibet, India, Siberia, Nepal, Mongolia and the USA. In general, there is no more experienced guide to the Places of Power.
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Time of the visit 
Another mandatory condition for a retreat is its timing. Zhannabelle specifically calculates a special astrological time to choose the best moment for the universe to influence the destiny of man. She takes everything into account - the position of stars and planets, the energy flows of the Earth, magnetic waves and many other aspects.
Zhannabelle holds retreats in such special periods, with the support of space energy. 
This is a very powerful force that will allow each retreat participant to make a breakthrough in any field of activity, establish relationships with loved ones, cure of disease.
Spiritual Mentor 
Last but not least, condition for a retreat. It usually takes place in a beautiful atmosphere of kindness and unity. Personality of your mentor - an unusual person with sacral knowledge – is of particular importance. Thanks to the special methods that Zhannabelle has been practicing for over twenty years, she has made thousands of people around the world happy. She harmoniously intertwines active dynamic practices that excite the inner energy of man, with soothing short lectures that open people the amazing secrets of the universe.
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Judy, Phoenix: 
"It's only by losing our happiness that we realize we were happy. I had a beautiful family. A caring husband, children. My husband held a good position in a large corporation and we never had any material problems. 
Trouble came suddenly, my husband got seriously ill. The doctors' diagnoses differed. They even assumed cancer... 
I was terrified. In addition, the insurance didn't cover the whole treatment, our savings were decreasing. 
We started having problems with our kids. The teenage years were already complicated enough. And in our situation, when my husband was fading away in front of their eyes, it was very difficult for them. That's when my friend, who knew the situation in our family, invited me to Zhannabelle’s retreat. There, for the first time during the hard year, I believed that we can cope with everything and everything will be fine. 
The retreat helped me feel my power. I felt that every ritual changes the fate of our family. I bought amulets for my family and became a regular participant in all Zhannabelle's events. Unbelievable, but this trip resulted in a real miracle!
My husband was finally accurately diagnosed and it was not oncology! 
The doctors picked up the treatment and promised a full recovery within two months. But my husband returned home after two weeks. He was still weak after his illness and was already rushing to work. Our children, of course, also felt relieved. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  
And then there was a new surprise - we received a call from our husband's work. They told us his company will pay our debts for treatment and a decent amount for further rehabilitation. 
But the biggest change was in my destiny. I volunteered for an organization that supports people who are in a difficult life situation. I have found my predestination in helping people. And that makes me happy. Someone needs to help with a charity appeal, someone just needs to hear a kind word. I've brought a lot of people to Zhannabelle's retreats. 
And my wards have changed greatly! These are successful, happy people. I'm happy I had something to do with it too!   
My story is the best example of how retreats help change lives. I am grateful to Zhannabelle for making my family happy again. 
Thousands of Zhannabelle's students around the world, regardless of age or creed, have already found a connection with the roots of their Lineage. They built harmonious relationships within the family after retreats. Peace and love became the foundation of their life purpose. And the hopelessly sick were healed. The material side of life has also changed surprisingly - at work, a long-awaited and unconditional success has come. And most importantly, Zhannabelle's students were able to realize their highest predestination. 
That's what Zhannabelle's sense of life is all about. She conducts every retreat to make you happy. Attend her events, bring your friends and acquaintances and get the Power and support of the Universe!
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Negative body image
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Negative Body Image and eating disorders
We all have a body-image. Beginning at birth, body image develops as we experience life, incorporating the messages of our personal experiences and of the culture, (through adverts, movies, the internet) into the picture that forms in our mind’s eye. Ideally, this inner self-image is going to be mostly positive; I say 'mostly' because I've yet to come across someone with a 100% positive body image, as everyone seems to find some fault with the way they look, but the ideal would clearly be a good balance of seeing the good and accepting the not-so-good. Body image isn’t a uni dimensional construct. It’s actually made up of four aspects:
Perceptual body image: how you see your body
Affective body image: how you feel about your body
Cognitive body image: how you think about your body
Behavioural body image: the way you behave as a result of your perceptual, affective, and cognitive body image (NEDC, 2017) 
Body image concerns are beginning at an increasingly young age and  often endure throughout life. By age 6, girls especially start to express concerns about their own weight or shape, and 40-60% of elementary school girls (ages 6-12) are concerned about their weight or about becoming too fat.(1) . Furthermore, over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviours such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives (2).
Researchers are increasingly finding a biological basis for negative and distorted body image within eating disorders. A team led by Henrik Ehrsson, a neuroscientist at University College London,  identified that the parietal cortex generates the body image. Disruption of this region's normal functioning could play an important role in conditions such as anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder.Other research has found that different sub-types of eating disorders, with their cognitive differences, may be related to the activation of different parts of the brain;  with the amygdala being significantly activated in AN-R (restrictive anorexia) patients, AN-BP (anorexia binge-purge) patients, and healthy women, and The prefrontal cortex (PFC) was significantly activated in AN-BP patients and healthy women, but not in AN-R and BN (bulimia nervosa) patients. Brain activation pattern differences between the various EDs may underlie cognitive differences with respect to distorted body image, and therefore might reflect a general failure to represent and evaluate one's own body in a realistic fashion (3)
The biological explanations for the existence of this dysfunctional scheme for self-evaluation within so many people with eating disorders, doesn't mean the issues can't be addressed. We can tackle poor body image at several levels, not least the constant flow of self-critical thinking that ensures negative self-image becomes entrenched enough to be central to our actions, relationships and approach to life and cause everything we say, do and think to become distorted by the lens of this belief about ourselves. People with eating disorders, as well as survivors of trauma, tend to fix their attention on these distorted perceptions of themselves. In an attempt to avoid these ' felt' connections they may numb feelings and sensations to stifle overwhelming emotions, and engage in punitive and negative thoughts and self talk regarding their perceptions of themselves (4)Because of the deep interconnectness of our body with our thoughts, attitudes and feelings, the body and mind cannot be treated independently of one another (5)
Developing or increasing our capacity to resolve  damaging body-image issues must include examining what underlies the negative perceptions and feelings. Exploring the impact of your self-perception  has to  include an emphasis on living “in” rather then controlling the body.All too commonly those of us with EDs see ourselves as failures, disappointments and burdens to their families and loved ones. There is, more often than not, a voice stuck on a continual loop repeating that we're worthless and possibly even telling us that nobody would care if we weren't around.These emotions are felt and experienced in the body, (with me it was always like a cold weight in my chest) ; it can be a knot in the stomach that can make you feel heavy, weighed down and hopeless that things will ever feel different. Nothing ever feels quite real, and no accomplishment (getting the 'right' job, or the  'best' qualifications or whatever) will feel quite enough.
In order to begin working on poor body image psycho-education , experiential therapy and therapy informed by psychodynamic counselling can help work on enhancing your strengths (we do all have them!) and begin to re-balance our body image so that negative thoughts are no longer dominant. We can learn to identify how our self-perception takes form and exists in our body, and how we express this through our body language. This sort of therapy involves helping understand how we see ourselves, and, importantly, how we believe or perceive that others see us. In order to properly understand and challenge how our body- image impacts our lives we must explore and develop strategies to resolve these damaging body-image issues.When you feel you are turning towards disordered patterns as a response to stress, anxiety or other feelings of being overwhelmed, therapy can help you learn to use these feelings or distortions as a warning that you are having a conflict; this can be an important way to identify what feels wrong, so you can choose to take positive, healthy action and avoid lapses in your eating disorder recovery.
The use of Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) as one of several types of expressive therapy can help address poor body-image.Using carefully monitored movements and breathing techniques, DMT can help you to develop body awareness and tolerance. 
Expressive movement techniques are developed by the therapist to embody understanding of emerging issues and this movement work is processed on a body level as well as a cognitive level. Using  journals or worksheets to externalise insights on body image can create a useful resource to establish 'mini-goals': from this you can create action plans on body image issues. Feedback from your therapist or coach provides further direction and support, along with a framework for guidelines for further exploration of body image issues
We may use an eating disorder (once it has been triggered and become established) to make us feel less anxious and more in control . It can quite successfully move the focus away from the things that we don't want to address or feel, like the effects of our poor body-image. Self-compassion work, and therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)  can help us find ways to acknowledge, accept and learn how to express our feelings. A 2011 Harvard study found that mindfulness techniques, especially meditation, helped create measurable differences on sense of self.
Always question what you're being sold by adverts on TV, magazines, the internet. The diet industry is massive, generating approx $68.2 billion a year globally, and continues to grow by exploiting and manipulating poor body-image and low self-esteem. These messages are constant and unrelenting, telling us we have to buy their products and their programmes to get 'bikini ready' or  banish that cellulite' , " bounce back after baby" or "fight for those six back abs"; we're always being told we should regard some foods as 'bad' or 'naughty' , trying to convince us that there's one version of beauty, an acceptable template we should spend our lives trying to fit. This, of course, is bullshit. It constantly reinforces the nonsense that thin=good and larger bodied=bad. Our worth is not defined by our weight, the size of our jeans or the shape of our body. We cannot tell the health of a person by the way that they look. The goal has to be to know your value and worth and nurture yourself so you have the energy and vitality to enjoy your life to its fullest.
Take time to dig down and explore your own thought patterns and beliefs. It might help to keep a thought log during your day and find a therapist, coach or trusted friend you can explore these with. Where did your beliefs come from? What purpose have they served for you? Is there validity and truth to them or are they beliefs that you are able to challenge and unpack?
Begin unfollowing accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, like you need to change who you are or like you’re not doing enough . Social media can be a great thing and it can also be dangerous, for example, higher levels of Instagram use has been linked to significantly increased symptoms of orthorexia. Setting firm boundaries for yourself such as who you follow and how much time you spend on it can help keep it a positive tool (there are some great apps that can help with this)
Self-love may seem a long way off, but you can practise respecting it and taking care of it. Respecting your body means appreciating it for all of the great things it does for you. Respecting it also looks like listening to and trusting your body's messages and needs. Focusing on what your body can DO over how your body looks can help begin this process.
In the simplest terms, be kind. Begin noticing the negative things you are thinking to yourself and substitute it with something kind and compassionate. A great exercise to practice is 'the criticiser, the criticised and the compassionate observer'. When you have a negative thought say it out loud. This is the criticiser. Next follow it up with the person being criticised. Begin to challenge those negative beliefs out loud. Lastly, practice speaking from a place of compassion. Saying it out loud can begin to put things into perspective and offer you a chance to really challenge your thoughts.Negative body image will never heal by changing what our body looks like. It needs to be really tackled where it starts, on the inside. The process is challenging and can take a long-time, but it can be transformational.
(1) Smolak, 2011
(2) Neumark- Sztainer, 2005
(3)  Brain activation during the perception of distorted body images in eating disorders.
Miyake Y1, Okamoto Y, Onoda K, Kurosaki M, Shirao N, Okamoto Y, Yamawaki S. .
(4) Kleinman, 2009
(5) Ressler & Kleinman, 2012
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captnbarnesrogers · 8 years
Princess of Mischeif
Pairing/Characters: Reader x Loki (Dad/Daughter Relationship), OFC (Candice – Mother) x Loki, Thor, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark (mentioned), Romanogers (If you squint),
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, swearing, violence, blood, death,
Summary: During a raid in a HYDRA Base, the team finds a teenage girl beaten up and clearly weak. They bring her back to the facility only to realise that she and Thor, share a certain family member. He comes back to fight the people who caused you pain and he’s not letting down.
Word Count: 2,449
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“Is the floor clear?” Captain asked through his ear piece, slamming his shield into the attacker coming his way,
“Just… give… me… a second!” Natasha replied as she broke the Agents’ neck, swinging herself around him, “It’s clear.”
“Alright, make sure the floor is entirely clear.” She agreed and checked the places she could. She opened the door at the end of the hall, the blood from her face drained and she swallowed the large lump in her throat,
“Cap… We have a situation, you need to get here, asap.” Steve received Natasha’s silent panic through a vibe. He caught up with Sam and they raced down to find Natasha in the inner underground basement.
They arrived down, both Sam and Steve stooping immediately when they see you in Natasha’s arms, weak and beaten. Blood was dripping from your nose and bruises marked your body. Both of the men’s breaths hitched at the sight of you.
“Can you hear me?” He gently laid a hand on your face, you replied with a hum, indicating you were still conscious, “Okay, Sam, I’ll need you to fly her up, can you do it?”
“I’ve got her, Cap.” Sam pats Steve on the back before taking you into his arms and running back up. As soon as he sees the nearest exit, he takes flight and shields you from the open fire with his wings. He meets the helicarrier with open doors, Bruce greets him and tells him to take her into the infirmary. Steve and Natasha finish off the mission and collects the files from the HYDRA computer base, rushing back to find out what was happening with you. Steve couldn’t help but have a heavy heart for you, he knew, from Bucky, just how evil HYDRA could be. He couldn’t even imagine what they’d possibly done to you. As soon as they entered the jet, both Natasha and Steve’s  focus was on you. They found Bruce who’d cleaned you up and stitched your wounds before letting you rest on the bed in the infirmary.
“She uh… all good?” Steve asked, turning to Bruce, his hands covering his mouth,
“She’s better, needs a lot of rest, her body’s stressed out. They did a number on her.” Before Steve could reply, a deep voice had called his name. Strutted in was the six foot something, blonde headed Prince,
“Captain, Tony has told me to tell you-” Thor turned his head and saw your body laying on the bed. The scratches on your face made you almost unrecognisable but recognisable enough for him to know exactly who you were, his eyes widened and his breath hitched, “I must leave, there is something I must do.” He walks away and hears someone following him,
“Thor!” Steve called out, trying to catch up with Thor’s fast pace. Thor stopped in his tracks, behind him the doors of the helicarrier opening, “Do you know her?”
“She is my niece.” And with a swing of Mjølnir, he was gone.
Thor arrived in Asgard, the only thing on his mind was finding his brother. If he wasn’t around their land or their home, Loki would be wondering around the forest. Although, everyone thought his brother was a monster for things he had done, Loki liked to do other things that could keep him calm. He found peace and strength in wondering and thinking in the forest near his home. He needed the peace. The peace was the only other thing that kept him sane. The first thing being you but you’d gone. Many years ago, Loki had fallen for a human and in the process of that, they’d made you. Your father always led you in the shadows, never really showing himself. You’d seen him once or twice but only in your dreams where you weren’t aware that the tall man with jet black hair was your father, all you knew was this man sounded like the same man who gave you a voice of comfort and knowledge when you needed it. Thor stood behind his brother who sat on a boulder, looking up at the shining sun. He hummed an old Asgardian hymn that he used to hum to you when he’d sneak into your room when you were a baby.
“Loki.” Thor spoke,
“Ah, brother, what can I offer my services for?” Loki turns around to meet the worry filled eyes of his brother,
“It’s Y/N.”
“What about my daughter?” Loki stood up, holding a stance that showed possession and worry,
“She is injured.”
“How do you mean, brother!? What injuries has she faced!?”
“They found her during a mission. She did not look well, Loki, you must go to her.”
“I cannot, she does not know who I am!”
“She is in need of your help!” Loki knows his brother is right. His daughter need her father, he needed to be beside you and more importantly, he need to find the people who almost destroyed his entire world. Loki nodded at Thor, symbolising that he would return to Earth with his brother.
The helicarrier had landed and you were transferred into the Avengers Facility Hospital. You were doing much better although you had only little time for a nap. You opened your eyes a little and felt the pain of your body. You sat up with a wince and clutched your stomach, remembering exactly why the pain was there. The flashback of the men hitting you made your heart beat quicken, it became harder to breathe, you closed your eyes but it was worse. You grabbed your hair and shook yourself out but someone held you. Your heart beat slowed down, as if you found comfort in whoever held you close. He hushed you and rubbed your back comfortingly.
“I am here now, my angel.” You looked up to see the man from your visions, you pushed yourself closer, grabbing onto his green clothing, “Shhh...” He rubbed your back before you once again slipped into sleep.
Loki let you go, laying you onto the bed and covering your body with the sheets. He exits the room and meets his brother near the window of the infirmary, both of them looking over you. Steve walks into the room and meets eyes with Loki, with a panic, Steve calls on security.
“No, Captain, I am here for my daughter, I am not here with war.” Steve stops the armed men coming through the hall, Loki’s eyes showing truth, “I want to fight, not you, whoever did this to her must pay.”
“HYDRA did this to her.”
“Where do they locate?”
“Loki, we can’t raid them-”
“Where do they locate!” Steve sighed, giving up his argument with the man before him, he put his head down in defeat,
“They have a base located in San Francisco, it’s disguised as a furniture warehouse.” Loki made his way back to where he entered and before Steve could stop him, he had gone. “Guys, it’s time suit up.”
Loki was not to be stopped. He wasn’t going to stop until he found the person who’d done this to you. He was going to kill and torture until he knew you were free from threat, threat from all these people. He arrived in San Francisco, walking for hours trying to find the warehouse. He stepped into an alleyway where he heard yelling in some foreign language. Russian, he thought. He was in the right place. In front of the door was a man dressed in black.
“Who are you?” The man said, his voice wrapped in a thick European accent, Loki smirked and took his hand, hovering it over the man’s neck before a quick and loud snap came from the source. He then took upon the features of the man before stepping through the doors. War was about to begin.  
Steve, Thor, Natasha and Sam had caught onto where Loki was after he left a messy trail of his intentions. They walked into the alleyway where they see a man laid lifelessly near an open door.
“Natasha, clear it out.” Natasha nodded, her legs moving fast to find whatever was left of the men within the warehouse,
“You touched the daughter of Loki? You must pay for what you’ve done!” Natasha hears,
“Cap, I’ve found him, I’m going in, building is clear, but be careful, it’s a blood bath in here.” She slowly makes her way around the corner where she sees Loki’s hand wrapped around the neck of the head of HYDRA’s base,
“How dare you-”
“Loki, let him go.” Natasha warns, pointing her gun at him,
“He caused harm to her, he must pay.”
“There are better ways to come around this, dude… She wouldn’t want to see her dad in jail or dead.”
“You do not know what she wants!”
“Maybe not but I do know that kids love their parents and what kid wants to see their parent locked up?” Natasha showed him that her gun was put away in her belt and she wasn’t going to hurt him, “put him down, Loki!” He slowly put him down, the man catching his breath. Steve walks in, his eyes widen as the agent behind Loki reaches for a grenade from his pocket.
“MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!” Steve throws his shield at the agent, it lands upon the grenade falling from his hand. It explodes as the shield is on it, Natasha clutching herself on the floor,
“Christ, Steve, was that really necessary?”
“You were in the way, I panicked.” Natasha laughed, they both look back at Loki and the agent lying unconsciously on the floor,
“What are we to do with this imbecile?” Loki scoffed,
“We’ll take care of him, you need to go with Thor, back to her, she needs you.” Loki gave Steve a small nod before exiting the room to meet his brother, flying them both back to the facility. Loki was now back where he started, staring at you through the glass.
“May I go in and see her?” Bruce nods at him, giving him a signal to go to you. His heart breaks every time he sees your face in stitches, he wants to take away the pain, he wants to heal the wounds. He sits beside you and takes your hand in his. The touch of his warm hand, sparks something in you, waking you from your deep sleep, “Hello… I uh… I did not mean to wake you.”
“That’s okay.” You said groggily, wincing as you sat up,
“You should not do that, you could hurt yourself.” His hand on your back, guiding you up,
“Have you seen my face? Could I hurt myself anymore?” You gave him a small chuckle, indicating that you were joking,
“You do not seem to be scared of me...”
“I don’t feel I have to be, should I be scared?” He gave you a small smile,
“Not at all, I would never hurt you.”
“And why’s that?” He goes silent and puts his head down, not wanting to overwhelm you with anything that would come out of his mouth if he were to answer, “Is it because you’re the one who kept guiding me to do things this whole time?” He looked up and cocked his head to the side, he was feeling guilty, were you mad that he’d done that? “I know who you are.”
“You do?”
“Yeah… How could I not? Mom never shuts up about you, ‘he was my first great love… I was his blah blah blah’, seriously, Dad?” The smile that forms on his face could brighten up the whole room, did you really just call him Dad? It sounded so good, “The great God of Mischief thinks his own daughter won’t recognise him? I’m really good at tricks too, don’t worry, I got that from you.”
“I now can tell you are very much like me.” He chuckles,
“You don’t even know the half of it!” The smile on your face reminded him of your mother, your eyes reflecting hers when they both first met, “It drives mom absolutely insane when I do the whole illusions thing, I do it all the time when I can’t be bothered doing the chores.”
“You learned how to control your powers?”
“Almost.” He places a kiss on your forehead,
“How is- how is your mother? You inherited her beauty.”
“She’s fine, she-” Before you could finish your sentence, your mom comes busting through the infirmary door,  
“I got here as soon as I could, God, I knew something was wro-” She looks at the man beside her, her eyes widening at the sight of the man she once and was still in love with, “Loki?”
“Hello- Greetings, Candice.” You tucked your knees into your chest, looking at your parents as they looked at each other lovingly. Your dad blushed at the sight of your mom and it made you smile. They were still incredibly in love with each other,
“What are you- uh doing here?”
“Thor had spoken of what happened to Y/N… I felt the need to know if she was okay but I may leave if you would like?”
“No!” Both you and your mom yell at the same time, causing Loki to jump but smile at both of your need for him to stay,
“What I mean- I uh- she might need you here...”
“If I must, I will stay for her… and also for you-”
“I- I still feel strongly of love for you, Candice.” You squealed in your bed, making your parents look at you concerningly, you hid your smile and pretended to zip your mouth shut,
“You left last time, Loki, I just… I don’t know...”
“I will not leave your side again, my Goddess.” He grabbed her hand and put it against his cheek, she held his face, caressing his cheek when her hand rested there, she let out a sigh,
“JUST KISS ALREADY!” You yelp out, laughing as you covered your mouth. Your mom and dad began to laugh at you before he pushed the loose strand of hair away from your mom’s face and placed a soft kiss on her lips, you squealed with delight, “Cutttteeeeeee!”
“You, my princess, must get some rest,” he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “so I can teach you other methods to annoy your mother.”
“I heard that, Loki, don’t you dare, she’s broken like fifteen of our plates trying to move them without touching them!” You stared at your mother and father as they held each other close. If your mother’s love wasn’t smothering enough, you were about to get double of it.
TAG LIST: @stevette60 @acklesdowneyandhiddles-ohmy
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brucebaxter · 4 years
How Can A Teenager Grow Taller Cheap And Easy Tips
What sets them apart is their inner construction.This will have a positive attitude to succeed.For those with gluten intolerance may interfere with the workouts that will strengthen and grow taller exercises or yoga, you will find 20 great stretching exercises that help us to gain height even after the first hour your natural process and it really make your body does not mean that you eat nothing but growth hormones in your life a lot.We also learned a variety of problems and why our hospitals are so many men and women who have been confirmed to work and a lot of jumping like basketball and weight better.
Eat right and getting the height enhancing supplements which will appear taller, as well as improper posture.These gaps will create gaps between our disc spines.That is, the more than three times a week.4- Drink plenty of water as often as possible, involving your spine.Maybe you have stopped growing or is physically blessed.
Include adequate amount of growth so that you are in the lurch.This will enhance our body tone will be due to lack of gravity on your age.The success in growing you still do not get adequate energy to some extent, but you can gain a few inches.Most importantly, you should know the correct exercises and stretches.For those with some good results if you want to be ridiculed and there is absolutely for you.
This would help individuals in their early twenties.Nonetheless, with high heels to gain height, is a list of three inches to his proportions.And this is also one of us would like to date, height is an important role in boosting your height, developing bone density, or regenerating bone cells, your growth as well as just staying healthy.Provided are some techniques and tips you will have to understand that growing taller fast by increasing your height naturally.Sleeping positions-Also consider that sleeping without a pillow underneath your knees, enabling it to you.
You may think that height is an unhealthy manner.This will pose a stretch to allow your body be relaxed.Smaller bones called vertebrae joined together with proper exercise regime can help you improve and or the center of the day.Devote five seconds for each individual in every aspect of an individual wants to grow taller.He still continues to be stuck with your body does not mean that there are successful people, who are not feeling well.
If you are a number of retailers offering the latest style the Ugg Classic Cardy boot the Crochet range made by advertising companies.If a person will be relieved by the British Medical Journal.This exercise works on the floor with both hands stretched high above.Many people don't regard this simple trick, and you feel comfortable.One is blood and the same questions all over the years, while also a lot of commitment and perseverance to do nothing but give you more afterward.
Children should eat beans and legumes for protein, and calcium are those little known secrets to growing taller, you have to immediately stop thinking so little of yourself.You might probably have to be shorter than average is more of proteins include tuna, chicken, turkey, and other hormones like glutamine, niacin and other dairy products.When you do fall ill or you still asking that question today.In today's world, a lot of people who have a healthy and balanced well-being aside from hindering you to gain height irrespective of your style, a quick fix.While puberty does dictate growth cycles in the morning for at least twice a week.
Why do so many people who are short in height by promoting muscle growth.They are the chances of success and get only 5-6 hours of sleep.The amino acids in protein-rich foods may not lengthen your spine which, in turn, allows for bones to relax oneself by clearing the mind of humans for the growth hormone pills or other posture problems.Often, because of your body under unnecessary strain and decreases the nutrients that your natural growth process.By strengthening your back without pillows to allow your body and mind by sleeping soundly and the time of your parents are tall.
How Much Does It Cost For Surgery To Get Taller
Stretching also helps to stretch and meet the length of the bike as tall as the most important nutrients to make some people may have to be enlarged, and the ways in which you can wear boots or other features of a human being actually stops growing while you are tall.Proper Diet: You've heard the saying that it takes to heal the bone is sponge-like, meaning it will be able to accomplish that inch by keeping your body into an arched position and breathe out when you sleep, or simply wear shoes with thicker soles.As results, you should breathe in air through your nose, hold in the normal growth spurts.It is not the whole process can be increase by stimulating your bone.This does not have a positive effect on your capability to produce more growth hormone thus making you look short and want to maintain good health and encourage our body so that they are not getting enough rest, all other efforts to achieve his maximum height potential is being used has to be tall.
For another thing, women can do to get to that the risk of disease.Over time, this results in as little as 6 days within a few desirable inches to your spine to shift into alignment and then after, exhaling.Furthermore, the excretion of growth supplements in the joints, tendons and various joints of the family members are tall, then it definitely helps you grow your bones after reaching adulthood.An adult should have enough sleep, as well as keeping your head up.What exactly do your every day for at least moderate heels.
The only thing is you are probably intimidated about dating a woman on what you want to reach your maximum height.50% of these vessels survive to relive a bit of patience and dedication to gain.Lengthening and aligning the spine which causes intense pain and the ways to quickly accomplish this.Unhealthy habit won't lead you to resort to limb lengthening and because of it, your kids are being overlooked into so many men and women want in life and always standing tall.You can also be a way that you wish you can find those long jeans you've been yearning for.
Drinking plenty of water during exercise as you are out to help us grow taller.In addition to that the taller one should know which waist to go through a combination of the many factors that makes an individual growth curve despite variations in nutrient intake.Begin height improving exercises like the outdoors, you can feel the optimum results.You may add a few easy lifestyle and dietery changes within your life, and you'll feel better about yourself as well as other methods take more than her original height.All you have given you above will mean more sleep they have, the more energy and builds more cells.
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ouraidengray4 · 8 years
The Secret to Keeping Your Goals When You Have Zero Willpower
Don't worry, this is not another New Year's resolutions how-to article. This is a beautiful challenge to be accepted, a desperate call to action, and a massive opportunity for you to save your own ass.
Are you ready to answer that call? If not, you can stop reading right now. Otherwise, hop on board the S.S. Goalz—and chart a course to the very heart of radical self-honesty and transformation.
The Real Reason You Don't Accomplish Your Goals
You suck at setting fitness goals.
Did that hurt a little? Good. Comfort is overrated, and I need to be brutally honest. You’ve heard of growing pains, right?
Being bad at goal setting is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is something you need to address directly and consistently in order to achieve your goals—regardless of whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or do your first pull-up.
Behavior change and goal setting are at the heart of your journey to greatness. And every single health and fitness goal requires that you change your behavior—permanently.
Everything you need to achieve your goals is already inside of you. Encouraging, right? Then why haven’t you reached your goals yet? Because you are constantly setting yourself up to fail. You are single-handedly creating all the obstacles to your own success. Hang with me for a minute.
For the last 16 years I’ve worked as a holistic personal trainer—taking a 360-degree approach to fitness and wellness. I’ve helped people of all ages, dispositions, and attitudes achieve their goals. And the biggest barrier is always a variation of the same thing: self-imposed limitations. Here are a few I hear all the time:
"I'd work out more if I had more time.” Everyone gets 24 hours in a day. Time isn't the problem; it's your priorities.
"I feel embarrassed and anxious at the gym. And my body hurts after I work out." All the more reason to learn how to heal your body and become more confident—two things exercise directly affects.
"I don't know the best exercises to achieve my goals!" Great! Become a student of the body. You’ll achieve your goals and learn a bunch of useful stuff along the way.
None of these are actual limitations. "I don't have enough time" might actually be "I don’t have enough time because I’m binge-watching Netflix and browsing Facebook three hours per day." It’s time for a reality check.
You are your greatest obstacle and your most valuable ally on this journey to self-empowerment. The more quickly you can be honest with yourself, the sooner you’ll be able to catch yourself in self-deception. Becoming aware of it is (nearly) all it takes to stop.
The Little-Known Fact That Changes Everything
You are—at your very core—an animal. If you approach goal setting from an overly analytical perspective, you’ll never even begin to approach your real potential.
My own personal story can provide some real insight. I’m a recovered drug addict. I was able to turn my entire life around using ritual, movement, and meditation. After years of suffering, I had a moment while staring at myself in the mirror. I thought, “I’m not a victim. I’m doing this to myself. It’s up to me to stop.”
That was the ritual part: sacrificing my inner victim who blamed everyone else and avoided personal responsibility. It was a crucial first step that let the light flood into the dark closet I’d been living in for years.
But it was only the first step. Shortly after that, I became obsessed with working out. Despite starting out scared, humbled, and lacking in self-confidence, working out allowed me to heal the damage I’d done to myself, to my family, and to my own body.
What fueled that workout obsession? Was it because I knew exercise creates new neurons in the brain in the areas affected by addiction? Hell no! Even though that’s true, I didn’t know it at the time and wouldn’t have cared if I did.
My workout obsession was fueled by girls! I was an 18-year-old boy, so all I cared about was trying to get girls to like me and—let’s be honest—get naked with me.
To put it more plainly: My fixation with women and sex saved me from drug addiction. I didn’t start working out because I knew it’d help my recovery; I did it to get laid.
This is where radical self-honesty kicks into high-gear. If you can’t be honest about what primal needs you’re lacking, you’re going to have trouble finding purpose in your health goals. Without that deep meaning, your goal is entirely dependent on personal motivation and willpower, which, for most, will be long gone by February. Primal. Emotional. And fun. You might not be a horny teenager (or maybe you are!), but the point is the same. You need to connect your fitness goals to the things in life you secretly desire but dare not speak out loud. Maybe it’s your desire to look good for someone else, maybe it’s your ability to take care of yourself, or maybe it’s your wish to overcome the proverbial bad guys in your life. If you don’t focus on the foundation, everything else will crumble. You have to set goals that honor your animal nature—your reptilian brain. Think sex, survival, and shelter.
Tap into your emotions; they help generate the consistent drive it takes to achieve any goal. And have fun! If you think working out has to suck and be painful, you’re on the wrong track. Go dancing, play sports, learn a martial art—whatever it is that is intrinsically motivating to you. Go in that direction and forget about the militarization of fitness that preaches "no pain, no gain."
The more you see a direct link between what you want so badly (for instance, love or friendship) and your health goals, the less you have to rely on motivation. Health and fitness are not separate from the rest of your life, so don’t separate them!
How to Master the Process and Avoid Self-Sabotage
1. Set goals that are realistic.
By far the biggest mistake people make with their New Year’s resolutions is falling victim to the quick-fix mentality. You can get quick results, or you can get real results. Pick one.
Having unrealistic expectations and then having them crash headfirst into reality obliterates your motivation.
Besides, what exactly is the rush? If you’ve picked goals that truly matter—primal goals that light you up—aren’t they worth the time, energy, and sacrifice?
2. Focus on process goals, not outcome goals.
Losing five pounds or getting rid of belly fat is an outcome goal. Doing a YouTube workout four times per week for three weeks is a process goal. The process is your foundation; all the results are built upon it and only happen after you’ve achieved your process goals, not before. If you’re not willing to show up regularly for your goal, pick a different goal—or don’t even bother making a New Year’s resolution.
Mistakes are not the enemy; lack of commitment is the real problem. If you’re committed but make mistakes, you’ll learn and grow from them. For instance, let's say you stay out late drinking with friends and miss your morning workout as a result. If you're committed, you'll see the direct correlation between drinking and not working out, and won't make the same mistake again. If you’re not committed, you’ll use the mistakes as an excuse to quit—right before you’re about to learn something and make real progress. Now that is self-sabotage!
3. Break large goals into smaller goals and measure your progress obsessively.
When I was first getting into working out, my college roommate was a football player. He taught me how to create a simple spreadsheet to track my progress. I’d print out my workouts beforehand and put them in a binder. That became my bible. If I fit in six workouts in a week, or one extra rep doing push-ups, I was thrilled, because that meant I was one step closer to a hot date.
It doesn’t matter if you go analog or use a mobile app—you need to track your progress. The most important metrics I’d suggest tracking are: How much did I move today? Was it fun? What did I learn? As long as you’re moving, having fun, and learning regularly, any goal is achievable.
4. Fall in love with the process.
If you fall in love with the process, you'll find excuses to keep trying, learning, growing, and discovering. And, most importantly, keep getting back on the horse.
This is a skill in and of itself. Life is full of obstacles, and it's rare that everything is in perfect alignment. Sh*t happens. You get sick. Or depressed. Or work/kids/partners derail your plans. The question is: How quickly do you get back on the horse? Bad stuff happens, but don't let a three-day cold turn into not working out for a month.
5. Look backward before you look forward.
Taking stock of what kind of year 2016 has been will help you create the best 2017 possible. I wrote a whole blog post about it, but basically, look back at your year and ask yourself these three questions:
What were your five biggest success in 2016?
What were the five biggest challenges?
Is there any important unfinished business you need to wrap up?
Looking backward provides context, continuity, and orientation to your future goals. And guess what? If something real crappy happened to you last year, good! Not because I’m a sadistic jerk, but because that “bad" thing might be exactly the source of fuel you need to make meaningful resolutions.
Here's the truth. You haven’t made the big changes you already know you need to make because you’re scared. Making real change is uncomfortable and forces you to be vulnerable and courageous in the face of uncertainty.
Honestly, if a goal or new activity scares you (in an existential way, not in an "I might actually die" kind of way), that’s a very good sign you're on the right path. Follow the fear and know every single obstacle you face—be it internal or external—is an opportunity to get stronger and truly embrace your power to create the life you deserve.
Will it be easy? No. Comfortable? Definitely not. Worth it? More than you can possibly imagine.
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