#cripple joy
crazycatsiren · 3 months
No, you don't need to list your disabilities/illnesses in your bio or anywhere on your blog/profile.
No, you don't need to tell anybody anything when they ask you what your disabilities/illnesses are.
You have the say on what/how much you disclose about yourself. Nobody is entitled to your personal information.
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justsomerandomgay · 7 months
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The narrative that “you should care about disabled people because one day that’ll be you” is ableist in and of itself.
You should care about disabled people’s rights because you should care about the disenfranchisement of a marginalized community.
Becoming disabled is not a punishment. Becoming disabled is not a threat. Becoming disabled is not cosmic retaliation for being ableist. Becoming disabled is morally neutral.
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Disability positivity is recognizing your disability, and adapting to it. It is the small wins each day, the things you accomplish.
Getting out of bed is an accomplishment.
Completing that task, however small it may seem, is an accomplishment.
Reading that book, is an accomplishment.
Making that thing, is an accomplishment.
Cooking dinner, is an accomplishment.
And even when you can't do all of that, just remembering to have patience with yourself and that productivity does not equal to your value as a person, is an accomplishment.
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nondivisable · 9 months
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[Image ID: A person standing in a forest, leaning on two forearm crutches. He has short, curly, split colored hair - left side pink, right side brown - tied into space buns. He's wearing a grey crop top, dark grey pants and black combat boots]
in honor of my anger induced post about dynamic disability, and also my somehow really famous post about disabled people being allowed to have hobbies
this is me after a 3k hike, I really love hiking and am so grateful for my crutches and my family who help me be able to keep doing it, even with chronic hip issues <3
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manyminded · 7 months
seeing people above the age of like. 20. who are transgender or queer or disabled or fundamentally like me gives me so much hope. like…I have a future. I have a future. this rules
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crippl-hacker · 5 months
I was at a career fair and I was talking to one of the recruiters. She offhandedly mentioned that she was deaf in her right ear. I went “Omg, me too except in my left ear!”. When she went to respond I turned my right ear towards her to be able to hear what she said and she started laughing because she does the exact same thing with her good ear.
I love disabled solidarity and joy.
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Disabled connection and joy is so so wonderful and im lucky i get to experience it. I want more irl disabled friends (more friends in general would be great) but i know friendships take time and I moved here less than 2 months ago. Those fleeting moments of connection, of knowing glances, of smiling to each other, of complimenting each other's aids, basically all that?? means the WORLD to me right now.
Me and the wheelchair user in walmart with bright purple hair grinning at each other because holy shit! we're both people with mobility aids and bright colored hair AND we are both buying cheese!
The person I see on the accessible pathway I take to class who compliments me and I compliment them back
The person in their power chair who always has the absolute coolest pants I've ever seen. who i absolutely love seeing around campus because i may not know their name but i know a cool person when i see them
The person who walks with a limp that I pass once in a blue moon on my walk home. every single time we smile to each other.
The cane user I saw walking around who without even knowing it, gave me the confidence i needed to actually use my cane in public instead of forcing myself through horrible pain
The person with hot pink decals on their wheelchair that i want to talk to more than anything bc there are not many things i love more than decorated mobility aids and hot pink
The person I keep running into who always looks at my cane with curiosity, but without any sort of judgement or hint of malice. and they always have something kind to say.
I think about these people so much! i hope they are having a good night and I hope tomorrow will be a good day for them. I might just be some guy in strange outfits that they see around every so often (i am that to many people). but they mean more to me than they know.
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alien-til-i-stage · 17 days
me: wow i love alnst, but i would also like to explore more shows where there isnt doomed relationships and just more happiness in general, just to see :D
the shows i watched: hfjONE, The Nightly Manor, Inanimate Insanity, Omniscent Reader’s Viewpoint
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crazycatsiren · 3 months
Don't derail posts about physical disabilities to try to make them about neurodivergence. Just don't. Nobody's saying being neurodivergent doesn't count as being disabled. Plenty of us physically disabled people are also neurodivergent. But let people talk about things, and make your own posts for what you want to talk about. Some things are just not about you, and that's ok. That's going to happen.
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justsomerandomgay · 4 months
im going to cry, im so happy, i genuinely can’t remember the last time i could walk that far
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Disabled joy looks like me zooming down the streets in my powerchair at full speed, fall leaves crunching under my wheels.
18 year old me, sobbing as I was forced to crawl up the ice-coated steps of the local youth homeless shelter, could have never dreamed of this.
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Your disability is real, no one can tell you otherwise. It isn't all in your head.
Your disability does not define who you are, you are worthy of love and happiness.
Your disability does not make you value less, you are valuable for the simple fact that you are you. And that is beautiful
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cr-pplepunx · 2 months
im finally recieving treatment for my hEDS (physical therapy and several medications) and i feel. SO MUCH better. the difference is night and day. i used to often be unable to even bathe myself, but now i can go to the gym! i still need my crutches and a wheelchair some days and for certain activities, but im eternally grateful for the quality of medical care ive recieved in the face of such a backwards system.
i just wanted to share that somewhere. i hope you all get the treatment and accomodations you deserve <3.
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wishful-seeker · 1 year
I can tell most people look at my life from the outside and feel sad.
My family members mourn for the loss of my abled body.
Some of them avoid speaking to me because hearing about my life scares them.
They completely ignore the joy i am capable of feeling, even stuck in bed almost 24/7.
They see me as a tragedy
And i used to see myself that way too
When i was able bodied, i rock climbed, and hiked, and even completed a triathlon at 18. And i considered my physical ability my worth.
My family wishes i was a rock climber again
A hiker again
But i cannot express the love I've gained for my life, through the big and small moments.
I cannot express the joy i feel when i feel well enough to soak up the sun, or walk with my cat.
Or the joy i felt when i finally got diagnosed, when i found meds that worked, when i got to see one of my doctors reaction to my diagnosis when he believed i didn't have it.
Joy i was not experiencing with a healthy body.
Losing everything i valued was the hardest thing I've ever been through.
But im not mourning my old body anymore
And i wish people could see the value in my current life
And not just my past one.
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 months
just saw Inside Out 2 and i will be suing for emotional damages
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