#but mostly ohmes-raht
tearlessrain · 1 year
proudest skyrim achievement: shooting this guy exactly in the knee from those cliffs over there
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cables-and-wires · 2 years
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started playing daggerfall unity like 2 weeks ago. no one told me unarmed is actually viable (unlike most other elder scrolls games)
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falmerbrook · 8 months
Ear Headcanons
So this was meant to be just my headcanon for the differences between the different mer races' ears (size, shape, if they can move on their own, etc.), but there's a tinge of just general visual differences between them in there too (because this ended up being really good face practice for me). I'll mostly talk about ears though. Obviously this is more meant to be general trends than hard and fast rules.
I'll start with the playable races.
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Tall and skinny ears that can move out and back a bit (moderate range of motion). They mostly are close to the head but can also stick out a bit.
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They have a wide variety of how their ears can be shaped; small, tall, wide, big, straight up, curvy, etc. The typically stick out more than Altmer's and have a larger range of motion.
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The largest variety of any of the races. Their ears can look like just about anything any other race has (except maybe Maormer) from any mer ears, to more human ears, to more animal-like ones. They have a large range of motion regardless of how they look.
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Small, almost human-sized ears, but they stick out more from the head than humans and can be wider. The pointed end tends to stick out. They can rarely move.
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Breton basically just have human ears with a little point at the top. I thought it would be fun to draw a sort of comparison to your average Nede and average Breton to highlight the subtle more merish look that I think Bretons should have too.
Ok now for non-playable races
Snow elves/Falmer
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Ok so I have terminal Falmer brainrot so I have a lot of completely made up headcanons for these guys sorry lol.
Snow elves have the least variety. They are usually shorter and closer to the head than the other mer races (which evolved as an adaptation to counter frostbite in my headcanon) and can't move. Conversely, I like to headcanon that falmer are on their way to evolving rudimentary echolocation, and therefore have huge ears that stick out far from their head, and are very mobile (this is also why their faces are covered in wrinkles). They can look more traditionally merish, or some of them have real funky shapes.
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Basically a mix between how the Altmer/Aldmer and current Dunmer look (both in their general appearance and ears). Think of it like the transition between the Aldmer look and Dunmer.
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Dwemer have relatively short ears (compared to other mer) and don't stick out much, but they can be wide along the side of the head. Their shape is usually pretty angular and have limited mobility.
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Your standard pointy fantasy elf ears. So I technically headcanon the Aldmer as many different (although similar) groups that are referred to as one group due to the nature of retelling history and some propaganda sprinkled in there, but in general, since the other mer of Tamriel descended from them, I see them as sort of generic. Nothing particularly notable in their ears. Minimal to moderate ability to move them.
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Curvy. They have Aldmer sized ears with twisting and curving in different directions. Limited movement, and not too much range in size (just shape). I have 0 reasons for thinking this, I just thought it would be fun and unique and maybe fit their aesthetics.
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I like that canon Maormer ears look fin-like but I want to turn it up to 11. Large variety of shape and size, but usually large and fin-shaped as a general trend. Huge range of movement.
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They aren't elves, but they are described as human/mer-like, so I figured I'd include the Ohmes. They usually have pointy, mer-esque ears, but less distinct than most mer. Despite being relatively small, they have a wide range of movement for their size (and move in similar ways to the way cats ears move for the rest of the Khajiit). They can be extra fuzzy or have little tufts at the end for Ohmes-raht.
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fantasiacafecat · 8 months
Most of my favorite skyrim modded followers and what I think what type of khajiit variant and furstock they'd be.
I picked a domestic cat breed and a wild cat breed for all of them. The descriptions won't have that much in it. It's more the looks I'm basing off on every character. I also picked a quad-ped and biped for each character too.
Inigo: Blue tiger/blue tabby. I mean since he's already a khajiit you can't really say you see him as anything else. But if he wasn't blue I think he'd be a white tiger variant and an American short hair. I think he would still be a Suthay and for the quad-ped he'd be a pahmar
Lucien Flavius: Orange and white tabby munchkin mix cat / Arabian sand cat.
Sometimes he reminds me of my cat named Mellow when she was a kitten honestly. I picked the Sand cat only because it's small and basically blonde.
I definitely think he'd be an alfiq mainly because I read something about them being more magically strong. I also think he'd be a Tojay or Suthay-raht.
Kaidan: Brown siberian cat/ Panther.
I picked what I thought was the most intimidating cats at the top of my and mind and picked these two. I would have given Kaidan the Maine Coone but they aren't intimidating at all and are one of the most gentle cats to have.
Definitely gives Cathay-raht or Senche-raht vibes.
Auri: Abynissian/ Cinnamon Caracal.
I picked both of these because these cats are known to be wild and energetic and they can also be seen with as red so ginger red head gang.
Definitely Ohmes-raht and Dagi vibes. Dagi for climbing and living in trees and normally I'd pick ohmes since the bosmer and phmes are very closely related, but I picked ohmes-raht because of Auri's wild nature matching with her having more cat like features.
Caryalind: Yellow Ragdoll / Asian Golden cat
The ragdoll is seen as one of the sweetest cats in the world and the fact their are ones with golden coats just scream caryalind. The Asian Golden cat is picked it just because of the golden.
He's like Dagi-raht and Ohmes vibes.
Nebarra: Fat Golden Persian / Pallas Cat.
I have a whole story of Persian Catbarra being found in an abandoned barn starving and almost dead from being mauled by wolves. When he's living with his 'savior' he has the biggest attitude but he low-key has the biggest heart.
There is art of him as a khajiit, somewhere. But it portrays him as a Pallas cat and now no one can convince me otherwise it's his spirit animal.
I gave him Suthay and Senche variants.
Khash: Russian Blue/ Rusty-Spotted Cat.
If khash was a cat I think she'd be quite Russian Blue, just because.
Tiny and dangerous. Only reason I picked the rusted-spotted cat
I think she'd be Tojay-raht and Dagi
Taliesin: Siamese / Serval. My mom always told me the Siamese had the attitude of every cat breed in the world.
And Taliesin being a high Elf with dark hair matches the servals gold fur with dark spots, and the first serval I seen had the biggest attitude I've ever seen. I think
Taliesin would be an Suthay-raht and Alfiq.
Xelzaz: Scottish Fold / Jaguar. Scottish folds are so cute and their name just sounds so mature and determined.
When I was younger I thought jaguars and leopards were the only big cats that liked water because if a video I saw of a jaguars swimming for fun.
Xelzaz gives me Suthay-raht and Alfiq vibes.
Lucifer: Oriental Short-haired / Iriomote wild cat I was either gonna pick the Cornish Rex or the 'dobby' cat for Lucifer mostly as a joke but I honestly do think that out of every cat breed he would be that.
The Iriomote-yamaneko is known for the meaning "that which has flashing eyes". If you look at the cat you'll notice it has eyes kind of similar to to Lucifer, and the fact that it's critically endangered and my lack of knowledge of this species reminds me that I barely no anything about Lucifer.
I think Lucifer would be Tojay-raht and Alfiq-raht
Remiel: Greyish/Brown Mackerel Tabby / Black Tiger (yes there was 10 found in India, look it up *beware there was a dead tiger was on the search*)
I honestly thought that her cat Numi was a Brown Mackerel tabby mostly because I thought the mackerel tabby looked the most like how I imagine Remiel.
When I think of Remiel and which colors resonate with her. I think warm dark colors mainly of Orange, red, and black. Which kind of reminded me of tigers the most, but I didn't want to give her the plain Bengal so I look to see if black tigers were a thing.
I think Remiel would be a Tojay and a Dagi mainly too climb in dwemer cities safely.
Gore: Tortieshell Tabby / Female Lion
I think the tortieshell matches Gore's beauty a lot honestly that's the only reason I picked the tortieshelk for him. I think if he'd have cats he'd have a torieshell and a Bengal.
I'm specifically saying a female lion mainly for the fact that Gore is someone who is drawn to packs and is more of a hunter and not like how Male lions are portrayed as the leader.
Gore is definitely a Suthay or Tojay-raht and Pahmar-raht. Normally I'd pick Cathay for Gore but in the conversation where he asks that you don't see him as a great-sword wielder because of him not being a someone who's super muscular and tall, it makes sense to give him a smaller body furstock because it stick to his character.
Eris Light and Shade: Nebelung (german cat) / Lynx
I only picked Nebelung because of the name and the color of its coat.
The lynx is seen as one that's very reserved and quiet. Only keeping to itself, which matches a lot with Eris's personality
I see her as an Alfiq-raht and an Ohmes.
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wanders-in-stars · 7 months
more random Tamar thoughts: her appearance changes depending on the phases of the moons, and how long it's been since she last fed.
half-moons &/or recently fed = absolutely zero visual indicators of the beastblood; green, non-glowing eyes, normal teeth, no claws, normal amount of body hair, looks like your average human new and full moons &/or somewhat hungry = mostly human but with a few telltale beastblood features; bright hazel eyes that glow in dim lighting, noticeable fangs and claws, thicker body hair all over, slight fur tufts on her ears, and has a faint but distinct scent of wolfish musk starving = man-beast; fully human body but covered in true fur, reflective amber eyes with a slant, wolf ears and sometimes tail, mouth and nose morph to a more bestial shape (think Ohmes-Raht in-universe; Na'vi out of universe), oversized claws, sharp teeth, and protruding fangs akin to orc tusks.
Because of the weirdness of Masser and Secunda's phases, this means that usually, there's only a couple of days each month where Tamar looks fully human, or immediately after she's fed. Most of the time though, she'll be in her new/full moon appearance, which is the one seen in most of her pics except the body hair cause i can't find any racemenu overlays for it, cowards
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kityote · 1 year
Today a reminder that in the Elder Scrolls lore, there is a couple of types of Khajiit that looks mostly human, called "Ohmes" and "Ohmes-Raht". Due to them being born with little to no fur, and maybe with a tail, it is said that they use make up and tattoos to make themselves look cat-like. LITERALLY THERE ARE KHAJIIT WHO ARE RUNNING AROUND LOOKING LIKE THE CAST OF CATS!
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anoteofcalcium · 3 years
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Been too long since I've finished any art, so time to post a quick Dar'Masha - another Khajiit of mine (but this time, Ohmes-Raht 🙃)
• ESO era; based on a Sphinx cat
• From a tribe of predominantly Dagi and Tojay Khajiiti necromancers in Tenmar Forest, Elsweyr; Acts as an Agent to keep an eye on Aldmeri Expansion efforts into Elsweyr and gather intel for the other hermetic tribes
• Masquerades as a bard to better spy; met Phyfin this way - they're boyfriends
• Very charming and smooth-talking, but his pragmatism and nationalism tends to color a lot of his actions
• Paints his claws bright red, which I didn’t bother drawing, of course
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sothasil · 3 years
hihhiihi i adore your work so much you have no idea, 2 things, 1; do you have any khajiit headcanons or the sort youd like to share? your thoughts are so fucking cool to me id love to hear more, 2; how the fuCK do you pronounce do'kataj?? is it like,kaht-ah-juh, kaht-jay? i love this shit.
I do have an idea because I've caught you sneaking in my notes for 4 year old posts :P thank you so much!
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do you have any khajiit headcanons or the sort youd like to share?
I'm going to share everything related to explaining everyone's favorite girl Ma'Jahrann and her design!
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[1] Earring: Given to her during her second naming day.
Khajiit don't celebrate birthdays in the modern western sense of the term. Instead, they celebrate someone's new name. Now, Khajiit canon naming conventions are as follows: no family name, but one name, and a prefix/suffix. My interpretation is as follows: the first name day is when the child is born, and given their first name. During their childhood, they'll go as Ma'/M', and their second name day is celebrated, this time bigger and with the whole community, to welcome them in, and stays their name until until they reach puberty. At this time, a second name day is celebrated as they lose the M(a)'. In adulthood, names are also changed, but based on the feats of someone's life. The base name can be changed to an earned nickname, and if it is, you guessed it, celebration! A prefix or suffix can be added if the person deserves it, and again, you celebrate! Older khajiit who have accomplished the most will almost always have a particle to their name, while young adults with peaceful lives will go by just their base name with nothing fancy around it, until they solidify their existence in the world.
The purpose of these naming day celebrations are to inform the community of the person's name, and to party hard about it. They are meant to be memorable and serve as benchmarks in your life. For Ma'Jahrann, her parents gave her a solid gold earring when she was introduced as well, Ma'Jahrann! She wears it constantly.
[2] Fur color, unsual and eye catching.
As you might have seen on my post with the Ohmes concept art for Beyond Skyrim, I draw khajiit with a huge variety of skin and fur colors, just like humans, but I like to incorporate some cat inspired genetics in there too. Ma'Jahrann's coloring is based on "strawberry" or "golden" big cats, which is a type of melanine deficiency. In her case, her father has normal fur colors (brown and black, on a light skin), and her mother is melanistic, with extremely light colored hair and a light golden skin. Ma'Jahrann inherited a bit of both, with her dad's patterns but her mom's lack of melanin, and she ends up with this unusual golden and red fur color.
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This being quite rare on top of looking striking, she's considered quite beautiful, since coat colors and markings are important for how Khajiit look at the beauty of their peers! In human equivalents, it'd be like seeing someone with a gorgeous skin color and the shiniest natural hair you've seen that perfectly compliments it. Her older brother got the short end of the genetics stick and looks very much like his mother but with his hair a bit darker. If he had fur, he would have no to very slight patterns.
[3] Long, thick tail.
Ma’jah is a tojay-raht, a type of Khajiit said to be at great ease in the trees. She has a long flexible body, short limbs, and a long strong tail to reflect this. I don’t have other tojay-raht OCs and have never drawn others, but they would share the same traits! However, the fluffiness is mostly just hers. She’s a great climber.
[4] Hair bangles
I’ve detailed these headcanons in my Elsweyr Style Guide before, but hair styling is very important to Khajiit style, and they favor braids, locks and updos in general, often very ornate! Ma’Jahrann styles hers in thick rows of braids close to her head, who end in a rag wrapped around four heavy metal rings. The shape of these rings is a lunar one. This style is done very tight and meant to last very long.
how the fuCK do you pronounce do'kataj??
Absolutely nothing in it schwaed, so clear those "uh" vowels from your mind! Pronounce the "a" and "o" like you would say Mario. The apostrophe works as a short pause/glottal stop (like when you say uh-oh! instead of uhoh), and the trickiest part is the last "j" - it's closest equivalent, assuming you are a native english speaker, is the "sh" sound (but voiced)
To get technical, it's [do.kataʒ], or [doʔkataʒ]. Channel your inner weeb for the first vowel but a shoddy english pronunciation would be dô kaht-ash! Rojatha’a would be rôshah tha-ah. There are no stresses.
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dawns-beauty · 3 years
Hi it’s me again, it’s not about fenn this time but khajiit. Aside from khenarthi who was depicted in a tapestry, what do you think the rest of the khajiiti pantheon would look like though khajiit depictions. Would love to hear your thoughts
Ohhh this is such a fun ask, thank you!
Also, I hope you're ready for a lot of thoughts lol.
So the Khajiiti pantheon is organized a little differently than the Imperial one, so I'll go by UESP's lineup, with different kind of classifications of Spirits. Also, huge disclaimer, I’m not the most well-versed in the actual Pantheon Lore ™, so definitely take these as headcanons instead of anything actually lore-compliant.
I imagine that each god can take any of the forms of Khajiit, so they are often accompanied by symbols to make it clear who is who. I also headcanon that gods are predominantly displayed with all their claws unsheathed and always five on each hand/forepaw (being depicted as five-clawed is a form of honor.)
Sky Spirits
Azurah- she has two canonical depictions- a tri-faced goddess (with a Khajiit, human, and elf face) and a star-eyed cat. I think the latter is the older, pre-Imperial depiction. She is always seen with stars (later depictions can include a moon as well.)
Jode and Jone- I think they're pretty straightforwardly moons.
Khenarthi- I really love her Spynx-like form from that tapestry, though I kinda lean towards her face being more obviously Ohmes (elfish ears, cat-like markings) before the Imperials arrived (it seems weird that Khajiit would include a human-faced deity in their pantheon, right?)
Magrus- usually depicted as the sun, but for more illustrative works, he could mostly be seen as a Dagi or Alfiq, wearing a crown of sunrays.
Wordly Spirits
Hermorah- I'm not sure his depiction really changes from Hermaus Mora (though he could look a bit more trippy, as if influenced by Skooma?)
Hircine- pretty much the same, though Khajiiti. Perhaps most often seen as a Suthay weaing an animal skull mask- pre-Imperial it was less likely to be a deer and more likely to be some fauna native to Elsweyr like a terror bird, antelope, etc.
Nirni- a slumbering Alfiq, curled into a ball. Her markings are the continents of the world, making her depictions are easy to date, as they follow the Khajiit knowledge of the world layout. It's pretty common for fancy Khajiit world maps to have the world to be depicted as Nirni.
Sagiin- a pale cat of any furstock, with a red-stained chin as if he just consumed wine or blood.
Y'ffer- depictions vary, sometimes he's a Khajiit, sometimes a Bosmer, but he's always crowned with branches growing directly from his head. Sometimes shown holding out the first flower that he created for Nirni when he's in Khajiit form.
Wandering Spirits
Ahka- I'm not really sure on him, he's considered the First Cat, so perhaps a large Senche-type cat with a regal mane?
Alkosh- golden dragon, but with distinctly catlike feature (after all, what is a dragon but a real big cat?) Something kinda like:
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Alkhan- similar to Alkosh, though with darkened scales and larger
Boethra- often seen as an Ohmes/Ohmes-Raht, but can and will take any other form
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Mefala- a cat with many eyes to see and many hands to guide
Dark Spirits
Namiira- one of the most fearsome Khajiit spirits, her depictions are shrouded in darkness. As all Khajiit can see in the dark, the thought of something that's so dark even they can’t see it is terrifying... but also compels them, like any curious cat, to want to investigate. For Khajiit musical traditions, she has her own leitmotif to represent the infectious beat of the Bent Dance.
Noctra- a cat with pitch-dark fur and raven-like wings which she used to flee from Azurah into the Void.
Varmiina- a dark catlike shape made of mist, accompanied by a snake
Adversarial Spirits
Merid-Nunda- a blindingly bright light orb with eyes of many colors and bird wings
Merrunz- a Khajiit toddler with an extra set of arms, adorned with a crown of fire and blazing eyes
Molagh- not much differently than Molag Bal’s usual depictions, as even Khajiit consider him a demon
Orkha- a hulking, furless, deformed cat with teeth protruding from its mouth like tusks
Sheggorath- I can’t add to this purrfection
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kinara-the-khajiit · 3 years
“The Khajiit take on unique forms depending on which moon phases they are born under. At birth all Khajiit are more or less identical, but within a matter of weeks it becomes evident which type of Khajiit the child is.
One important thing to note, is that the Khajiits' connection to the moons is in no way related to Lycanthropy.
Unlike the disease that Lycanthropy is, the form of a Khajiit is neither contagious nor temporal. A Khajiit will retain its form of birth throughout their life and the moons, although they affect in what form the Khajiit will be born, do not affect it after that. Furthermore, there are no known shapeshifting Khajiit.
There are rumoured to be up to twenty different forms although some have never been seen by the other races.
Out of these twenty, one of the types considered to be most common is the "Suthay-raht".
The Suthay-raht Khajiit are of similar size and build as Men. Their colouring ranges from dark brown and orange, to light yellow, both with and without stripes and spots. Suthay-raht are often referred to as "Ja'Khajiit" (meaning "kitten") by members of the other races, to the confusion of the Khajiit themselves.
As an example of how the phases of the two moons affect the Khajiit, Suthay-raht are born when Masser is new and Secunda is waning, whereas another common type of Khajiit, the Ohmes, are born when Masser is new and Secunda is full. The difference being that, where Suthay-raht bear a resemblance to Men, the Ohmes are mostly hairless, without whiskers and look a lot like the Bosmer.
Perhaps the most important aspect (to the Khajiit) of this unique relationship to the two moons, is that the leader of the Khajiit, the Mane, is only born when a special celestial event occurs.
When Masser and Secunda align, creating a "Third Moon", the Mane is born, he is rumoured to be the same soul born in a new body (Similar to the Dalai Lama), forever destined to rule Elsweyr.
Throughout recorded history there has never been a struggle for power between two Manes, and little is known about what happens to other Khajiit born during this bizarre event.
The primary effects of the moons are physical, but they can also affect the Magicka of the Khajiit.
One type can become the size of a horse "with the strength to carry fifty Altmer". Another has the form of a large domestic cat, unable to speak, but capable of understanding most languages. There are even two of the types of Khajiit that have a natural affinity for Magick, that the other types do not share.”
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tearlessrain · 4 years
there’s surprisingly little consistent information about ohmes-raht khajiit specifically. I know more about cathay and cathay-raht by now than I ever wanted to but that doesn’t really help me much.
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orion-disease · 3 years
orions mostly non-canon compliant tes height list
okay its not super lore breaking but i only really eyeballed it from exaggerated heigh mods and eso
just wanted to post this bc theres a lot of differing opinions on heights and stuff, and my tes designs are very specific i feel?? idk enjoy my lame content
*note that these are the Averages, not concrete at all so you can mess w them as much as you want
*i only did the bipedal khajiit bc uhh i dont know how animal heights work<3
Race | average height (male) | average height (female)
Altmer: 6’5” | 6’5”
Argonian: 5’10” | 5’9”
Bosmer: 5’3” | 5’7”
Breton: 5’9” | 5’4”
Dunmer: 5’9” | 5’6”
Imperial: 5’9” | 5’5”
Khajiit :
- Pahmar-raht : 8’5” | 8’4”
- Pahmar : 7’5” | 7’4”
- Cathay-raht : 6’1” | 6’0”
- Cathay : 5’9” | 5’9”
- Suthay-raht : 5’7” | 5’7”
- Suthay : 5’5” | 5’5” 
- Ohmes-raht : 5’4” | 5’4”
- Ohmes : 5’3” | 5’7”
- Tojay-raht : 4’9” | 4’9”
- Tojay : 4’5” | 4’5”
Nord : 6’2” | 5’10”
Orsimer: 6’1” | 5’11”
Redguard : 6’0” | 5’9”
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khajiitanswers · 4 years
Ear and tail movements
Khajiit mainly rely on ear and tail movements to see what others emotions are! Ear movements especially!
Khajiit ear movements are very close to housecat ear movements just with some more movements!
First up is basic ear movements!
A relaxed and chill khajiits ears would be somewhat pointed to the side but mostly front facing! The ears are also slightly slanted!
A khajiit thats alert and a listening intently would have ears directly up and forward! This movement could also indicate being playful or excited in khajiits!
A khajiit thats agitated or nervous would have their ears straight up and twitching a lot, also turning when they hear a sound! Twitching also means theyre doing something they know theyre not supposed to, like lying or tresspassing! Twitching ears are a key indicator to know if a khajiit is lying!
A khajiit who is angry or frightened would have their ears flat against the back of their head! Theyd also be growling and hissing but thats not important here
If a khajiits ears are moving back and forth and to a bunch of places, they are most likely trying to asses a situation or question! Its also a small indicator of a lying khajiit!
When khajiits ears are just backwards and not against their head they are most likely annoyed or suspicious of danger
Now onto tail movements!
If khajiits tail is straight up means they are in a friendly mood! Possibly even very friendly! If their tail is curled while straight up though it means they are unsure of many things around them!
If a khajiits tail is puffed and very very very fuzzy it means they are angry and aggressive of a situation or person
When a khajiits tail is straight up and shaking or wiggling it means they are very very very happy, commonly from seeing someone they love or adore!
If a khajiits tail is about halfway from being straight out(its pretty fun to see a khajiit with their tail out like that) or straight up it simply means they are unsure and are pretty ok with the situations around them!
Now if a khajiits tail is straight out like i had just explained they are amicable or not aggressive or fearful!
If a khajiits tail is straight down it means they are potentially aggressive, very annoyed, or upset about the situation or person they are dealing with
If a khajiits tail is thumping around and swinging around aggressively they are excited or irritable, they could also be annoyed!
If a khajiits tail is straight up but moving back and forth it means they are derisive or mocking another, or making fun of another person. It also could mean they are ridiculing them
If a khajiits tail is like the shape of the way you start writing a cursive m it means they are aggressive but in a defense mode!
If a khajiits tail is in between their legs or curled around one of their legs means they are submissive or shy about something!
If a khajiits tail is straight until the end where its wiggling upwards means they are alert or interested!
If a khajiit wraps their tail around another or rests their tail on another it means they greatly trust them! If a khajiit rests your tail on you it is a great thing! They trust you very very very much! Always appreciate it!
If a khajiits tail is down close to the ground it means they are doing something they know they shouldnt be doing! Its often used when a khajiit is lying!
Now, it is very difficult to control these for khajiit, their emotions control their ears and tail much more than they do! If a khajiit is lying theyd have to empty their brain and go stonefaced. Its very difficult to control these motions!
If a khajiit is an ohmes or ohmes raht they will mainly rely on tail movements depending on if they have one and normal other races eyebrow movements!
-Ashirra Adavi
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mazurah · 7 years
Morrowind Fanfic Series “Child of Azurah” Main Cast Dossiers
Contains minor spoilers for some of my future plot ideas and the Julan Ashlander mod, Thief Companion Constance mod, and Jasmine Companion mod, and contains information included in the White Senches Race Mod. This is mostly for my own reference, but I’m not averse to sharing.
Read the Fanfics?
Ma’zurah (Indoril Hlaalu Ma’zurah Nerevar Mora)
Race, Class, Occupation: Khajiiti mage or mystic, breed: moon cursed (should have been Alfiq), Imperial Blade, House Hlaalu, Mages Guild, and Thieves Guild member
Sex and Gender: Intersex and Non-binary, uses she/her pronouns
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age, Date of Birth and Starsign: Age 22, Born 14th Sun’s Height 3E 405, The Apprentice
Known Relatives: blood relatives unknown; raised by tribe Clan Mothers, and mentored by Clan Mother Dra’nassa (an elderly trans woman who objected to Ma’zurah’s exile from Elsweyr)
Place of Origin: Elsweyr, Central Tenmar Forest
Languages Known: Ta’agra, Cyrodiilic, Some Dunmeris
Religion: Khajiiti Pantheon and The True Tribunal
Special Attributes and/or skills: Nerevarine and Dragonborn, but doesn’t know that yet
Personality: friendly, chipper, compassionate, devout, optimistic, intelligent, curious, outspoken, mischievous, playful, fearless, shameless, sensual, hedonistic, unscrupulous, impulsive, insensitive, selfish, vindictive, arrogant, proud, vain, ambitious (as in strong “will to power”), greedy (draconically so), holds a traditional Khajiiti communistic worldview
Additional Comments: Ma’zurah was adopted by a small tribe in central Tenmar Forest after being abandoned at birth; she was dedicated to Azurah and given her name which means “Child of Azurah”. She was outcast from Elsweyr at age 16 by regional leaders because of her moon cursed status despite the tribe Clan Mothers’ protests, and moved to the Imperial City with Clan Mother Dra’nassa, where she stayed for six years. Clan Mother Dra’nassa mentored her in the ways of the Clan Mothers until her death four years later, and Ma’zurah began attended the Arcane University to study Mysticism and a respectable mix of all the other magickal schools until her imprisonment and deportation to Vvardenfell two years later. She was imprisoned on mistaken charges of illegal prostitution because of her friendship with the workers at a local brothel.
Likes: sweet foods, dancing, learning, books, stories, mysticism magic, esoteric lore, Khajiiti and Velothi culture, Azurah and the True Tribunal
Dislikes: slavery, insults to physical appearance, bitter foods, electricity, thunderstorms, being asked to sing, Sixth House bells
Physical Description: 5’10” thin athletic build, whole body covered in short white fur with black tiger striping; intersex with a combination of both usual sets of genitalia; small breasts (A-B cup); blue eyes; very fine, straight, light cream colored hair, cut to chin length; merlike or Ohmes-raht facial structure and ears; always wears mismatched red and blue crystal earrings (red on right, blue on left) hung from near the point of the ear; whiskered cheeks and eyebrows; retractable claws on hands; digitigrade feet with cat hind paws
Julan Kaushibael
Race, Class, Occupation: Dunmeri warrior, Velothi Ashlander, outcast
Sex: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, but really hasn’t figured it out all that well
Age, Date of Birth and Starsign: Age 22, Born 7th of First Seed 3E 405 (actual date unknown, celebrates on First Planting), Sign: The Lord
Known Relatives: Mother is Mashti Kaushibael, a mabrigash in the Grazelands
Place of Origin: Morrowind, Vvardenfell, Grazelands
Languages Known: Velothi, Dunmeris, Cyrodiilic
Religion: The True Tribunal, but mostly Azura
Personality: Personality: fun loving, compassionate, honorable, dutiful, snarky, quick tempered, paranoid, judgmental, idealistic, immature, whiny, inexperienced, possessive, loyal, devout, a romantic
Additional Comments: Thinks he’s the Nerevarine; delusional False Incarnate
Likes: books, poetry, Queen Barenziah, drinking at taverns, Ashlander traditions, learning about foreign cultures (NOT Imperials)
Dislikes: decadence, slavery, bureaucracy, The Empire, House Hlaalu, the Tribunal and Tribunal Temple
Physical Description: 5’11” athletic build, mid-tone ash grey skin, bright red eyes with red sclera, shoulder length dark brown (almost black) hair, no piercings, tattoos, or tribal scarification
Race, Class, Occupation: Bosmeri Thief
Sex: Cis Female
Sexual and Romantic Orientation: Asexual, Aromantic; Not sex-repulsed
Age, Date of Birth and Starsign: Age 21, Born 28th of Rain’s Hand 3E 406, The Mage
Known Relatives: Uncle is Balgoth, a thief in Seyda Neen
Place of Origin: Wayrest, Daggerfall, High Rock
Languages Known: Cyrodiilic, Some Dunmeris
Religion: Nonreligious
Special Attributes and/or skills: Knows how to enchant some scrolls
Personality: energetic, playful, silly, friendly, attention seeking, fun loving, outspoken, impulsive, irreverent, immature, whiny, mischievous, insensitive, unscrupulous, compulsive thief, possessive of her stuff,
Likes: expensive things, her bow, dancing, drinking and taverns
Dislikes: rules, large male strangers, the dark, people sexualizing her
Physical Description: 5’5” mid dark tan skin, blue eyes, shoulder length curly yellow-blonde hair, no piercings or tattoos
Race, Class, Occupation: Redguard scout, Ex-Imperial Legionary, retired to become a writer
Sex: Cis Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age, Date of Birth and Starsign: Age 26, Born 17th Midyear 3E 401, The Steed
Known Relatives: father, mother, and younger brother live in cottage outside Ebonheart
Known Friends: Seyda Neen’s resident Blade scout, Deandre the Breton bard, who can usually found in the Eight Plates, Balmora
Place of Origin: Hammerfell
Languages Known: Cyrodiilic, Some Dunmeris, Some Yoku
Religion: The Imperial Nine Divines
Personality: contemplative, compassionate, reserved, detached, quiet, mature, serious, skeptical, private, polite, caring, gentle, sensitive to others, meticulous, careful, hesitant, sarcastic, derisive
Additional Comments: Has a creepy stalker ex-husband; had an affair with Deandre the Bard; owns a house outside of Seyda Neen; knows Ma'zurah is a Blade from the beginning
Likes: books, poetry, Yokudan lore, cleanliness, simple comfort, family
Dislikes: stalkers, slavery, wasting time, nonsense, disrespectfulness
Physical Description: 5’8” muscular build, mid dark brown skin, significantly lighter natural lip color, slightly coarse straight black hair down to her hips which is usually worn loose, brown eyes, wears kohl on eyes on a regular basis, no tattoos or piercings
Shani (Shanishilabi Zainsubani)
Race, Class, Occupation: Dunmeri archer. Velothi Ashlander of the Ahemmusa Tribe
Sex: Cis Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age, Date of Birth and Starsign: Age 20, Born 8th Evening Star 3E 407, The Thief
Known Relatives: Father is Adibael Zainsubani in Location Unknown, Uncle is Hassour Zainsubani in Ald-ruhn, Aunt is Gunta in the Ahemmusa camp with her girlfriend Lanabi, Cousin is Hannat Zainsubani in Location Unknown
Place of Origin: Morrowind, Vvardenfell, Grazelands
Languages Known: Velothi, Dunmeris, Cyrodiilic, only partially literate
Religion: The True Tribunal
Personality: cheerful, energetic, dutiful, fun loving, snarky, shameless, mischievous, proud, defensive, selfish, vain, hedonistic, insensitive, greedy
Additional Comments: Shani is Julan’s ex-girlfriend and childhood sweetheart
Likes: scrib jelly, exotic flowers, Almalexia, painting, causing hijinks
Dislikes: Red Mountain, guards, thunderstorms, getting yelled at, sitting around, not getting her way
Physical Description: 5’1” unusually pale ash blue skin, bright red eyes with red sclera, bright red hair which is usually worn in two braids tied high on her head that hang down to her waist, likes wearing red lip stain made from fire petals, wears two long thin red crystals hung from her ears, ritual Ahemmusa scarification, no tattoos
Dossiers are subject to change. I just thought they might be interesting to somebody.
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tsabiira-blog · 9 years
{i just logged back in to a crap load of new followers omg hello friens welcome to the blog (hardbittenhearts thank u for the promo it made my day!! ahhh bless u<3) 
go ahead and send me an ask if u want to plot/start a thread!! thank you for following :D}
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