#but no bts ship is real anon
britishhusbands · 1 year
doesn't every shipper more or less believe their ship is real? at least two of five shippers wouldn't be "joking" about their ship. it's not about the amount of interaction, or if it's fanservice or it isn't, but it's just confirmation bias. bts have varying degrees of closeness, which anyone can use to justify why their favorite pairs aren't straight and have the potential to commit to each other on a deeper level, if they aren't already
hmm i don't think i necessarily agree with that, i don't think ever shipper believes their ship is 'real'. most just love that specific ship's bond or dynamic. like for example most hyung line shippers (yoonjin, namjin, sope etc) don't actually think they're in a relationship and are just ship them for fun. like when ppl say 'they're in love' or '[insert ship] is real' they usually mean it as a joke/meme.
BUT i would say with maknae line ships especially taekook and jikook this is where what you said applies, where if you ask if they think the ship is really 2/5 would say yes which contributes to the toxicity within the fandom. but i still think western fans apply western media principles and culture to korean idols when korean media and korean culture in general, is so different.
for sure there is confirmation bias and i think i saw tweet before that was interesting where the person who liked a rare pair/ship was like 'it's not fair cause more popular ships get content dissection where every single interaction has edits, slow mos, endless gifs and fics cause there are so many more fans who want to produce and engaged with that fan content so it's like a never ending loop cause less popular ones have less engagement etc'
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lukolabrainrot · 11 days
Long ask anon with an even longer ask (I truly don’t know how to make long story short, but I can do the reverse), sorry. I am dividing this in two parts in case you decide to post this, so it would not be such an essay.
Part 1. Intro
Something has been eating up at me for a while but I only recently gathered the courage to do anything more than lurking. I actually am quite new to this, mostly because I was not allowing myself to even get into this in the first place. I am a very chill person when it comes to celebrities, I truly couldn’t care less about their lives, don’t even follow them on SM (L and N included) (not that I use SM all that much to begin with), I don’t know why but it always seems strange for me to be invested in strangers’ lives. I am not big of a fan girl either, especially media wise, I am much more interested in books and have no patience for tv shows most of the time. All of this to say, this is unusual behavior for me, watching all of the interviews with repetitive questions (those poor actors having to repeat themselves over and over again), paying attention to actors (beyond just knowing their names).
Polin is one of the rare ships that captured my interest, so I was very excited to learn about s3 being them, and when the wait for even the slightest info seem to be dragging on endlessly those interviews served as a great entertainment. Until they were not, until I started noticing things I wished not to. What started as “oh, they are so cute, and charming, and their friendship is so endearing!” very quickly turned into “babes, WHAT THE F*CK DID I JUST SAW/HEARD?” At one point I was honestly thinking “did I miss something? Are they together? What is going on?” So I checked, out of curiosity nothing more, but found nothing OFFICIAL suggesting that (as in N nor L never claimed anything). So I moved on, watched the show, other interviews (my brows still rising at some points), and then post Part 2 premiere I saw the picture on IG.
Everyone on internet seemed to be screaming about Ls’ GF, and being absolutely vile to him, which I found so disgusting I immediately checked out of the situation and turned my attention back on fiction again. It would be insincere of me not to admit to a certain disappoint on such a development, but that was as far as it would go. Though I can also truthfully say that that girl was not giving me the best impression based on the picture, something just seemed off. I only saw one at that point, where it appeared as if they were holding hands, why did it seem off? Because L looked displeased, almost angry, his eyes averted from cameras, while she was boldly looking right on them smiling as if she was walking her red carpet. As I said that was that, just continued watching the show, reading Polin fanfiction, hung out on a Polin reddit account and some Polin Tumblr blogs. And then I stumbled upon your blog (it was already past papgate 2.0), and now I’m on this bloody ship, and can not seem to force myself overboard, because those two are so soulmate coded (and yes, I realize how cheesy that sounds).
What has been bugging me, is that most, if not all, in this fandom seem to be of the opinion that L is the primary reason why N/L are yet to develop into lovers phase of this friends to lovers arc. From outright blaming him to passive aggressively calling him a dummy for not going after N. And I comprehend that most of it comes from the presence of a certain adjacent. But putting aside the OBVIOUS, LOGICAL point that we, non of us, are privy to their real lives, and bts truth, I still don’t see where that point of view comes from. I know that everyone says L is most like his character, so perhaps part of it is projection of that, but for me it always seems that L is actually a Penelope of this situation. To me, he himself gives it away.
Same Anon... same!
I have never thought L was the hang up in this situation. I think N has been burned in love, is pretty closed off with this stuff, and a TOTAL workaholic. L DEFINITELY fell first (no one can convince me otherwise). L also seems to kind of be a hopeless romantic and public lover boy, which I don't think N is use to. But I feel like that is why they kind of balance each other out ❤️️
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jeonscatalyst · 9 days
Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ? I think antis got one thing right this time - the show is indeed so boring. CT was OK, jeju was typical run episode maknae line version while sapporo is just boring. Nothing intresting, no activities, no fun talks, nothing. Only boring talks between them because they have to do something for camera. I don't remember a single intresting moment happened in sapporo in the show itself let alone a 'jikook moment'. Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂
I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release. They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️
Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.
“Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ?”
Yes anon you are the only one.
Anon, you probably are not the only one who thinks the show is boring and that is why you should join the rest who don’t find the show interesting and stop watching. Do yourselves the favor.
When Jikook spoke about this show, they said we were going to see them being their truest and most authentic selves so they are not acting a script here. They took the trip for themselves and to leave something for fans to watch while they are away. They are not putting any pressure on themselves to do more than what they normally do because the show is intended to show us them in their most authentic selves which is what we see.
“I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release.”
Expecting Jimin and Jungkook to talk about more than they already talk about on a show which millions of fans watch is kinda unrealistic in my opinion because they wouldn’t go on a show to start discussing their private matters now would they? Would you expect them to sit there talking about all the investments they make, or the family visits, or how many times they cuddle or other much private stuff? Did you want to hear Jungkook tell Jimin how much he wanted to kiss him or hug him on a show anon? Did you expect to hear Jimin and Jungkook gossiping about the stuff their friends tell them on a show anon? What exactly did you want to hear them talk about? If you want more thrill and fun then go watch run BTS where they just do activities that have been prepared for them to do. AYS is meant to be a healing show showing us how Jimin and Jungkook are on vacation.
I am not fond of shippers like you because people like you don’t know how to differentiate between a ship and real life individuals. You may ship jikook yes but you shouldn’t forget that they are real people who donot live robotic lives. Do you think Jungkook carries Jimin in his arms everyday in private? Do you think Jimin and Jungkook always do fun stuff in private? Do you think they must be talking about something interesting to like being in each other’s company? If that is how you view Jikook then why do you even ship them because you must believe their relationship is shallow as hell because if two people always need to fill the silence with noise or try thinking of interesting things to talk about before they can tolerate being around each other then that is kinda……sad.
“Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂”
You’ve spent so many years watching Jikook in moments when they were playful and chaotic that you don’t know how to feel when you see them in those moments when they are calm and domestic. Are you and you significant other always playing around and carrying each other in your arms anon?
“They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️”
Who is the “everyone” in question anon? Please speak for yourself because I am having ball watching Jikook being domestic as hell and reaching peak happiness with each other and I am certain thousands if not millions of other fans are. While seeing fun and chaotic and playful jikook is fine, I don’t mind sitting for 4 hours watching Jikook just eat, sleep, giggle and bicker. That is cinema to me. And they clearly enjoyed the trip. They enjoyed it so much that they want to do it till they are 50 so maybe you should take that up with Jikook themselves or better yet, do yourself a favor and stop watching.
“Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.”
One man’s yuck is another man yum anon so please do some of us who think AYS is Yum, a favor and not watch ok.
Please don’t take my response as me not respecting your opinion. I sincerely do and that is why I am giving you a very simple piece of advice by telling you to stop watching something you find boring, and not trying to convince you about how the show is interesting and how you must find it interesting. I don’t like your choice of words because they give me the impression that Jimin and Jungkook are some some prop to you but I guess we all have our freedom of speech. Ta ta anon💜
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stormblessed95 · 23 days
these past eps have atleast solidified that jikook arent dating esp with the ham and sausage thing , i mean i knew that one or the other thing is going to solidify after this show that they are dating or not now as a past jikooker who was new to bts and deep into jikook fandom this would have terrified me but after rm's album and tae and jennie thing i had seperated myself from jikook but now its fine bc i dont see any diff in the way tae and jk behave and jm and jk behave esp with the ham and sausage and the pool hairpul thing was so physically wierd that idk wldnt do that to a couple
Y'all motherfuckers. Lmfao I watched the episode. @namekings was correct that I'm putting everyone in timeout! The ham scene? Really? A little fake lunge? Fucking absurd. Jimin's done that to him before too!
Anyway, the cursing is whatever in regards to responding to a possible minor... But anon, this is why I need to know how old you are because I refuse to explain the inherent uh, "desire" that can come from (and after) play fighting and rough housing to you if you are a child. Because this reads like you are a child... Even straight couples do this
Same goes for talking about the hair pulling. Jkkrs aren't calling it kinky for no fucking reason. And it's not just because it's their ship. If you know, you know. And if you don't, you are probably too young to be participating in this conversation lol
But like this is the internet. If you aren't a child, you HAD to have at least stumbled across stuff.
Glad you don't care/it's fine though anon. Lol you don't care so much that you came here to tell me all about it. It's definitely proving that you are just fine about it all 😂
I'm not touching that I don't see a difference between tkk and jkk statement btw. Lol you are just trying to trigger people with that one 😂 you don't have to think they are dating to at least admit that every dynamic in various friendships can differ and change. So let's be so real there, okay?
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Honestly, you're a bitch to BuckTommy shippers, no wonder your stupid poll doesn't have any of us responding. Maybe you should stay in your toxic little anti-Tommy Kinard bubble and choke on your shitty takes.
Let’s check the bitch checklist real quick:
Making sure to always accurately tag my posts so bt shippers can avoid hate when looking on my blog/posts✅
Able to have and have had normal respectful conversations with bt fans and try to see certain things from the other perspective ✅
Doesn’t go into people’s inboxes to spread hate or call people names✅
Blocking people who I disagree with or ignoring them✅
Damn yeah I do all of those I must be such a bitch😔💔
oh wait a minute no all those things are the opposite of being a bitch to fans🥰
Also spoiler alert anon all these fandom polls are stupid, this is fandom stuff not the UN the poll is about Gilmore girls boyfriends and what you ship in 911 you think I’ll be offended over someone calling it stupid? It’s stupid
Fandom is stupid that’s literally the whole point
And if we wanna get technical a good amount of bt shippers HAVE responded but that’s cos not everyone is a petty bitch and they can just enjoy a silly little poll
“Choke on your shit takes” anon at least buy me dinner before you start talking about choking🙄
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lemotmo · 1 month
Well, THAT happened last night…
First time for everything, right?
I have a couple of things to get off my chest, but once this is posted I’m moving on to regular fandom stuff again. I’m not going to come back to any of this, because frankly it isn’t worth my time or energy.
So without further ado:
Thank you so much to all the lovely people who have been sending me and the other people involved in this mess non-stop kind messages in support. I appreciate it. I won’t be responding to each and every one of you, because there are just too many at this point. But know that you helped me a lot. It’s great to see that no one actually believes any of these terrible accusations.
Negative comments (very few of them) have been read, taken note of and deleted, with the sender blocked. I’m not engaging in fruitless discussion and arguements with anyone who is only here to cause trouble and rage bait. You won’t get any kind of attention from me.
I’m also not going to accuse any side of any fandom of this garbage posting. Mostly because I have no idea who is responsible for it and I don’t feel comfortable accusing a group of people or a person of something I’m not sure of. I wouldn't want to do what has been done to me yesterday.
As of this moment, I am done posting about anything else but Buddie or Tommy in function of Buck’s narrative. I will of course also post about all the other characters and the show as a whole. I have always tried to maintain respect when it came to Tommy and the BT fandom. I never used any of the tags this fandom frequents, because that would be disrespectful. Yes, I sometimes gave my opinion and talked about the more radical aggressive stans who for example, harassed other people over many platforms, but I have always maintained that there are a lot of BT fans and multi-shippers in fandom that have nothing to do with this toxicity and I still stand by that. Case in point, the two kind anon messages I got from BT shippers who didn't buy the lies either. Thank you by the way. I appreciate your support. I don’t care what anyone ships or doesn’t ship. Just like I expect other people to not care what I ship or don’t ship. Ultimately, the characters we ship are not real. They are fictional people in a fictional world. It's fun to ship them yes, but they aren't worth all of this insane drama. Drama that affects REAL people in the REAL world by the way!
Yes, I am aware that there are also radical aggressive Buddie stans and yes, I have a lot of them blocked as well. I don’t discriminate on what fandom you’re in. If I see someone suggesting to someone else to do harmful things to themselves, I react by blocking that person instantly, no matter what fandom they are a part of. We are all still living and breathing human beings behind our blog. No one should get things like that thrown at them.
I will continue to post Ali’s posts (anonymous blog I love), but I’m going to ask the anons that send me her posts to only send me messages that have to do with either the show as a whole, other characters, Buddie, Buddie speculation or Tommy and Tommy speculation as a character. He is still a part of Buck’s narrative for now, so I can’t ignore him, even when I really really really want to.
I won’t respond to any asks about any part of the BT fandom and more specifically about those radical stans anymore. So far I have been polite about all the drama, but I am tired of all of it. I don’t wish to spend one more second giving attention to these stans. If you want to still send me something related to that topic, you are free to do so and I will certainly take a look at it, but I won’t respond publicly to anything.
The fact of the matter is that the insane levels of toxicity that have popped up in this fandom have only been here for a couple of months. There was always some level of toxicity, but not to this amount. Like Tim said, it got ugly. I know because I have personally been in this fandom for years now and things have never ever gotten as bleak as what me and two other fans were subjected to yesterday. Do with that information what you will.
Finally, I wonder what drives people to do something like this and I fail to comprehend this kind of behaviour. I sincerely hope that they see the light and put all of their energy in doing something more productive in life, because this is not a healthy way to live their life. I wish them only the best.
All right, now on to normal fandom stuff:
I predict Buddie canon in season 8! 🤞😉
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I actually agree quite a bit with the other anon regarding TH/JK hyung/dongsaeng relationship. You say they don't have that stereotypical relationship, but I think that's more because JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away. I think JK has always been kind sensitive to boundaries, but I think as he's gotten older, he's gotten even more strict about setting boundaries (which includes with fans based on stuff he said during his livestreams).
I think TH's personality naturally does not always respect boundaries, but with JK, I think he can push it further because of him being the hyung, so he does. But as we know, JK doesn't want to be "cute", he wants to be acknowledged as having matured and I think sometimes the way TH treats him disrespects that, him probably feeling more mature than TH probably exacerbates that feeling too (plus being in a group without a strict age hierarchy that never forced him into a maknae role). I don't know about posting, but a lot of the babying or disrespecting boundaries stuff TH does to JK, he would never be allowed to do towards the older members. They give him grace because they obviously love him, but there are limits.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out. I don't think TH feels close to hyung line much beyond them being like older brothers (compare to like JM who gets along with all of them and has JH especially close, or JK who also get along with most of them, but also is very close to jin). Over the years, the maknae line dynamic shifted a ton, with TH ending up kind of the outsider, and with JK specifically pulling away from him (IMO for the reasons I mentioned above). Now JM and JK enlisted together and have a travel show coming out, and I do think he probably feels pretty left out. To me, if he did post those photos for a negative reason, it wasn't about shippers or attention, but feeling left out and maybe a little petty. He probably also feels a little defensive of his relationship with JK, not so much to fans, but even internally. Weirdly, although they hung out more in 2023, I don't know if I can tell they actually bonded or got closer? Like JK leaving the movie premier to go live on his own or them going on trips, but with other people and to do specific activities. I understand why jkkers think they hung out more because JM was busy, because tbh, that's kind of the way it looks. And I mean that outside of any shipping discourse, I think JK's preferred person to hand with in bts is JM most of the time (base don the things he says and how much time we hear about them spending together behind the scenes). Maybe we'll see some strongly renewed bond between TH and JK after military service, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't. And I wouldn't be surprised if TH felt a little insecure about that, like he wanted or tried to reconnect with JK and I'm sure they had fun, but it didn't go any deeper. I'm not saying they don't care about each other, but I do think their personalities kind of inhibit the sort of closeness some of the other members have.
i'm being so real when i say anon you hit it right on the nose. i've been trying to form my own thoughts on this and i really love hearing other opinions on tae in relation to jikook.
JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away.
this perfectly encapsulates how i feel about tae in that he always takes it a step too far and doesn't have the awareness to understand why that is. i think you clarified a point from the first anon about if tae were to post disrespecting boundaries of other members, it wouldn't go over well. it just doesn't sit well that tae gets a hyung card pass to kind of post about jungkook in the way he does. of course its kinda harmless and i don't think jungkook will do anything about it, but to me its clear he doesn't feed into the relationship like tae does.
my mind goes straight to the conversation they had in the first in the soop (where jimin had to go fetch jk for tae), and jungkook spoke about how him and tae drifted apart. but also that tae pushed for jungkook to drop honorfics and jungkook was very strict in that he does not want to. tae is always looking to push the envelope further.
also i think its funny that tae posts like he does about jungkook, but jungkook doesn't even have instagram anymore to actually interact with the posts. i have no clue if tae lets jungkook vet the posts before he posts them. from what we can understand, it is tae crafting the narrative around current t@ekook, not jungkook. and that enables tae's power over jungkook's wishes even further.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out.
i've sensed this for a long time and it goes back to old 2019 lives where tae asks jimin to join him, but jimin says he's with jungkook so he can't. it just always feels like he wants in on jimin and jungkook, separately and together, but often is fresh out of luck. i think the telltale sign that tae and jungkook's relationship did not go any deeper last year was 1. jungkook never talked about him and 2. it was always with a group of friends.
plus from other asks too and what you said, i don't think tae has strong relationships with the hyung line, expect for hobi (but even hobi seems closer to jikook). so his only tie to bts is clinging to this newfound relationship he is trying to build with jungkook by pushing for him to join his friend group, and broadcasting it to the whole world.
thank you for putting so much attention into this ask anon, because the emotional difference between tae and jk really wasn't illuminated for me until now. jungkook i think has progressed past tae's immaturity, making him a better match for someone like jimin anyway.
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Vent post as I'm tired of it and it's now been weeks of this, feel free to vent with me. Inbox open. Will the bad takes from the BT side never end? Tommy's snide remarks aren't dry humour they are just snide. My humor is sardonic but also time and place people. And also not conducive for a good relationship if that's all you giving outside kiss scenes. And don't start with just with just multiship with me either. People can not like ship, you can't force people to settle. And this is coming from a guy who loves to multiship. Got 5 different ships for Obi-Wan alone that I adore. If people don't vibe with it they don't and that should be it, don't clog the tag saying how people should ship it since it canon. ( I grew up when queer ships were fanon alone so that is wild take to me ) Sorry to vent but it never seems to end and I just want to enjoy show in peace but I can't even make posts inquiring what do fans think of XYZ narrative choices without comments saying it's because you are "delusional buddie shipper" and inbox anon hate ( telling a queer person they are homophobic for not liking your ship has been surreal time for me I have mostly found it just funny but seriously it not okay to harass real queer people over your fictional queer ship )
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
I had to see it and suffer and now others must know as well. There is a gifset that one of T's fans made, I kid you NOT, the gifs of Buck they used are dead ass from the 'you wanna go for the title' kitchen scene with Eddie and then they added gifs of L from some show other than 911. And the comments are legit shit like...."I will never get over the way Buck looks at him' and 'oh that boy is so in love with his man' and 'that belt grab he wants him so bad' and the best of all...'as if he would ever look at anyone else including Eddie the way he's looking at Tommy here'
I can't
I'm legit terrified of these people. They absolutely know that is a Buddie scene and Buck is looking at and talking to Eddie in that scene. They've just decided to pretend and headcanon it as a BT scene. And have decided to gif it as if it's real! and tag it as their ship name. WHAT?!?! HOW THE HELL DID WE GET HERE!?!?! They're just out here straight up changing scenes to be about T and just expecting everyone to think that's normal. I'm terrified. This is cult level shit.
it absolutely is borderline cult activity from some of the fans.
now in the spirit of being fair it is not all of them, but the unfortunate fact is that the people coming across as having this cult-ish worship of tommy and lou ferringo jr are the loudest among them so we have to see their shit front and center.
i have blocked so many people and filtered out so many tags to prevent seeing that stuff bc at the end of the day it’s either just pure delusion or rage bait, so i’ve found best to ignore it and not give these people a platform.
i know it’s hard to, and i am definitely guilty of not ignoring some of the crazy stuff, but when you do it can relieve so much stress.
At this point (especially with clownery like that) it’s probably best to just block the user and ignore it… bc at that point, that’s just blatant stupidity that they’re watching buddie scenes and trying to act like it’s s scene between their ship 💀💀
i definitely understand it’s annoying to see and hear all the time but that’s why i stay away from fandom twitter and instagram, and keep my tumblr dash to strictly my mutuals/people i’ve intentionally followed… yes sometimes things leak through the cracks but it’s often much less impactful that intentionally seeking it out (if that makes sense)
just take a deep breath and keep your head up, anon. these people will be proven wrong sooner or later, we just need to be patient and ignore their bullshit the best we can 💕💕
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valenschmidt · 18 days
Thanks for answering my ask! Yes, that's very true, Ryan has been consistently hated/viewed with suspicion and skepticism for years, so the majority of buddie fandom (who are Oliver stans) wouldn't want to ship him with Oliver. I distinctly remember one particular post (in Ryan's tag) a year or two ago that was like, "ugh if buddie goes canon i feel sorry for oliver having to kiss that man" 🙄
Lol yes I guess we have to thank bt shippers and their OTT vitriol for turning the tide somewhat. It's been nice to see a recent influx of vocal Eddie/Ryan fans join the fandom. So refreshing and entertaining.
Yes also I remember the super cute bts vids that popped up during/toward the end of s6, and some people tagging positively about Ryan (albeit begrudgingly!). But definitely a lot more people were on edge about rpf compared to now.
Ooooh so about Oliver being single, that's what I thought too! But someone else I sent an ask(?) to a while ago said that he didn't actually say anything concrete in his insta live, and that he is still with his gf 🤔 does anyone have any further confirmation either way? I'd love to know!
"this happens quite a lot when ships are about to go canon. People start projecting the ship onto the actors, especially when chemistry is REALLY huge " - this is a really interesting phenomenon you've pointed out!
No provblem anon! I love receiving asks!!
YES!!! I completely understand why people were really mad back then, especially black people and I also understand if there are still black people who haven't quite forgiven him and it's totally valid, because what he did was not ok (even if he never said that word he was still trying to justify his then wife's actions and that should have been a big no no) the problem is that people let it get a tad too far and spreading things that were NOT true to new fans in the recent years out of anger, making him seen like a terrible person who is a racist and hates black people when that is not true... Aisha and Angela were really mad back then but they both clearly have forgiven him (since Angela invited him to his anniversary party and Aisha to his wedding) and he has never done anything remotely similar again so I think he truly changed and has become better so I really believe people have started to see that and the bt being awful to him probably was a changing point to most of the fandom (not all because some still hate him) but well you can't change someone's views on people changing...
Also yes anon! A lot were completely against it calling it awful and whatnot and now are the biggest ryliver shippers (and getting viral over it when less than 6 months ago they would cancel you) and taking everything as ryliver signs but whatever I just hope they don't take things too far
To the Oliver thing... I watched that interview live and I'm 100% sure he said he's single but I can't for the life of me find a clip of the interview (if anyone finds it please send it to me!!!) But I remember that he said he was single and then kind of shaded his ex (lol) so yeah
As for the last thing... yup not many notice but it happens quite a lot. Just like how actors tend to fall in love with eachother (which doesn't happen all the time but it happens) in fandom it also happens that they believe they fall in love. Take heartstopper for example... Kit and Joe plan Nick and Charlie who are very in love but in reality they're just very good friends but people insist on shipping them or the Bridgerton actors that play Colin and Penelope as well... people project the feelings of their characters into their real life personalities because of the chemistry the actors have together. It's hard to comprehend the idea of acting so close to someone and play lovers and have so much chemistry but not falling in love
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Wow now that was quite a lot 🤣
Sorry anon I got carried away
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mimikoolover · 4 months
Anon, its not just shippers. Locals have even questioned if Jikook are more then friends. People outside BTS are left speechless when they do stuff. When it came out Jimin left a hickey on JK, Kiss Mark and Hickey were trending #1 worldwide & #1 trending in Korea. If you searched those tags, literally NO ONE was shocked it was Jikook. Different fandoms even chimed in and most of them were like oh, we should have seen this coming with Jikook. Cause they see it. You might not want to label it as something, but you still see it. Unlike Tae and JK who is the bigger ship who have both verbally made it clear there is nothing between them and shut down shippers, with Tae actually snapping at them and telling them to get out of their imagination and JK making it clear he and Tae just were awkward with each other, when their shippers were claiming they were hidden. Almost all tkk are Tae biased jealous women who force the ship, cause they don't want Tae with a woman. keep that in mind. And since Jikook have not shut down their ship like that, when that hickey incident happened, it just casted an even bigger question ? mark on them. Which was already there to begin with because of Jk releasing a video centered around Jimin with a queer love song playing in the video. Most shippers usually ship based on looks and popularity and who they like best together. If they shipped duos based on real evidence that points to them being a couple, then they'd all be Jikookers, since they are the only members of BTS who spend couple days together with each other and not other members. And they'd be Taennie shippers too, since its proven that is who Tae was dating since 2021, with their private pics being leaked in 2022 and him going public with her in 2023. So I always say, how can your ship be real if your ship is spending couple days with other people and not each other? And how can your ship be real, when one half of your ship is publicly dating another person, holding their hand in front of the world? No one is saying we know for a fact Jikook are real, but there is real evidence backing up that suggests they could be more then friends and a 100% backing up that they are NOT dating other members. Please watch original content. Its overwhelming, but its the only way you'll see the real truth. I can promise you, if you do that you'll get a clearer picture.
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maydaydiaz · 1 month
bts are saying all the focus on rg in the behind the scenes content means we’re getting means rg leaving in S8 and they think lfj is going to take his spot and get a series regular promotion they claim to have it confirmed
honestly anon what they fail to tell you is that it was, in fact, their cousin's mum's long-lost auntie's son's goldfish who confirmed it.
no but for real, they're just jealous that ryan is loved and adored by the entire cast and crew. he's the people's princess.
they hate that he's happy. we all know the kind of things they've been saying about him irl and his character and it just makes them more annoyed that their crusty man hasn't been seen in any s8 bts yet and that when he was in s7, he looked like he'd never known what fun was and would rather be talking to himself on a video.
their hate campaign is failing spectacularly, their ship is sinking and their holier-than-thou saviour lou is off somewhere begging for another role for his 10 seconds of fame like the d-list actor he is so they're trying to stir up things to make other people feel just as worried and anxious as they are now.
if they were confident he was coming back for s8, or that bt were endgame like they claim they believe, they wouldn't be stirring anything up.
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jeonscatalyst · 17 days
Hello i am new to fandom and while trying to catch up on content I found out about shipping and also found out that Taekook and Jikook are the biggest ships in BTS but didn't Taehyung have a girlfriend? I asked someone about it and was told that it was media play set up by the company to promote Jennie's new show. i sent an ask to a taekook blog about it but their answers made no sense to me so I wanted to get things from another perspective. Do you think it was media play?
Hi anon,
Taenni being media play or a PR relationship is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard from the cult and trust me, i’ve heard many.
One thing you need to know about taekookers is that they are gifted at blaming third parties when Tae or Jungkook do anything that debunks that nonexistent romance they are willing to kill for. Tae and Jk say they grew distant/awkward, the cult blames the company. Tae is seen on a romantic walk with his girlfriend in Paris, the company gets blamed. Jk says he doesn’t see Tae on his birthdays the company gets blamed. They have created a win-win situation for themselves where anytime taekook do or say anything that doesn’t go in line with what they want to believe they blame the company or Jimin but when taekook do or say something they like they carry on as if they didn’t juat claim that the company was trying to shove Jikook down people’s necks while trying to hide taekook.
Any taekooker who continues claiming that taennie was mediaplay or a PR relationship just doesn’t want to accept the truth. Listen, I would have understood where these people were coming from if we had never heard or seen anything about tae and Jennie yet jusy got hit with them strolling together in Paris but since 2021, we’ve been getting little bits of information about them.
It started with Tae “accidentally” following Jennie on Instagram. Then we got leaked intimate photos of them and while I do agree that some of those pictures might have been photoshopped, not all were. Those pictures of them in Jeju were real af unless someone wants to explain to me what magic Gurumi had to put Tae in a pair of pants we had never seen him in before and only saw him in months after those pics leaked? Or the scar on his leg, Jennie’s clothing or, or the fact that none of them ever denied those photos? Didn’t YG put out a statement threatening to sue gurumi for invasion of privacy which indirectly meant that the pictures were real? If those photos were photoshopped then why would they be trying to sue the hacker for invading Jennie’s privacy? Also why was Taehyung quiet? Tkkrs claim that Tae is a no nonsense kind of person and someone who likes to sue so how come he sat quiet about it?
The walk in Paris is the one that annoys me the most because Taekookers have done everything in their power to spin things around. Before Jennie posted those pics on her instagram which proved that it was her in Paris, tkkrs claimed they were cosplayers. After that, they claimed it was media play but I am yet to see anyone tell me what those two benefitted from the media play. All they both got was an insane amount of hate, especially Jennie plus kpop entertainment isn’t Hollywood. It isn’t kpop’s idols style to fake romantic relationships to drum up publicity because kpop idols habe always built parasocial relationships with their fans.
These companies are very aware that most of these fans imagine themselves with these idols and that is what keeps them fans of the idols. They are also very aware of ships in kpop and guess what the biggest ship in kpop is, TAEKOOK. Jenlisa is also the biggest ship in Blackpink so which companies are dumb enough to piss off these many people in the name of some publicity? This would be a very stupid thing to do and if they really wanted to so media play to gain the media’s attention why didn’t they use a bigger or more famous paparazzi? Why was it some unknown, local paparazzi from Paris who didn’t even capture the footage with his camera but instead gave us some microwave quality footage?
How do they explain the fact that tae’s and Jennie’s friends run in the same circles? There’s just so much that proves that taennie was/is a real relationship but trust taekookers to always find a way to make themselves more delusional.
Some of them are convinced that Tae couldn’t be dating Jennie because he didn’t defend her when his fans were hating on her so I wonder how they would look at him when we eventually get more decisive proof that he did date her? Besides, even if it was actually media play no one put a gun to his head and forced him to walk around holding hands with Jennie did they? He did it voluntarily and it would have been an agreement they both had so what kind of a person does that make him if he still sat down and let his fans tear that girl to shreds knowing that they had an agreement and both agreed to do it? They really don’t see how terrible their narratives make Tae look.
One thing that I came to realize is that many of them know the truth. Deep down when they really think about it they know the truth but they want taekook to be real so bad that they fight what they know and continue to believe in the voices in their heads. Some of them are just here to fight with Jikookers so when they feel like they have enough points against the rival ship, they come back from their hiding places to fight and prove how real taekook is. I noticed that many taekookers on here went dormant and some even deleted their accounts around when Jimin and Jungkook enlisted together but when Tae posted those pics of himself and Jk in hawaii, they came back like they never left because they now had some material to fight jkkrs with. If something huge happens again in jikookers’ favor, they would disappear again and reappear again when they feel like they have enough amo. It’s just a useless cycle.
Anyways anon, this shipping thing is like an escape for some people. An escape from reality or the real world and it’s issues and some people who are normally very reasonable get sucked into it so much that they lose any sense of logic. Some people become so emotionally invested to the idea of two strangers having this perfect love story that they cannot bear to part with that belief so they choose to challenge and question the bitter reality instead of the sweet fantasy. I feel like that is where so many taekookers are at (some jikookers too)
Someone once told me that anyone who gets into shipping so much that they find themselves fighting against the truth and reality, only do that because there is some void in them that shipping fills and they cannot bear to part with the fantasy/lie because they don’t want to go feeling empty again and I couldn’t agree more.
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peachjagiya · 21 days
Wow so it turns out taehyung is military police and they allow tattoos so jungkook could’ve been with him. Also the special forces jungkook wanted to join was 4 years and 3 months not the same as what y’all tried to manipulate it to be. Taehyung could’ve went to the front lines with jungkook but it seems their interests almost never align. The only thing stopping a couple or two people more than friends enlisting together is if they’re out. And since y’all say they aren’t i don’t understand why y’all believe they couldn’t have enlisted together. Next you’re gonna say something about them being sex freaks and not being allowed sexual relief because that’s how y’all see queer people. There’s no risk in enlisting as friends. Which is what all of bts are to each other outside of very specific shipping spaces also known as the real world. You need a reality check. The support they could’ve provided each other under the guise of being just friends would’ve been immense and probably change their entire ms experience. Yet you a woman far too old to be obsessing over young men and their sexual lives believes they couldn’t have enlisted together due to your own fantasies and projections. Need i remind you thousands of you prayed for taehyung and jungkook to enlist together despite believing they’re in a relationship and in a homophobic country but since it didn’t happen and it happened with your rival ship all of a sudden you care about the risks they would’ve endured and now you don’t want it. Do you see the hypocrisy? Cannot believe in 2024 y’all continue to exist but i believe if i stay in the fandom long enough I’ll be saying this in 2034 too. Also to add on to this that reporter confirmed again about taehyung and Jennie’s rendezvous in Paris.
let’s do this line by line cos you caught me in the mood.
Wow so it turns out taehyung is military police and they allow tattoos so jungkook could’ve been with him.
Is this news to you? I knew this in December?
Also the special forces jungkook wanted to join was 4 years and 3 months not the same as what y’all tried to manipulate it to be.
what did I try manipulate it to be? Quick. Find examples. Show your research.
Taehyung could’ve went to the front lines with jungkook but it seems their interests almost never align.
none of them have an interest in being in the military. Taehyung was clear he had goals he wanted to achieve, Jungkook is doing something he enjoys. But it’s beside the point: Why do you think couples are facsimiles of each other? They overlap in places, differ in others like… most people who get on?
The only thing stopping a couple or two people more than friends enlisting together is if they’re out. And since y’all say they aren’t i don’t understand why y’all believe they couldn’t have enlisted together.
don’t preach to me about queerness. It’s my life.
Next you’re gonna say something about them being sex freaks and not being allowed sexual relief because that’s how y’all see queer people.
This is what they call a straw man argument. You are forming your attack on a stance I’ve never expressed. You came up with that. You are quite literally getting mad at your own brain, anon.
but if you do think I think that:
Find examples. Show your research.
There’s no risk in enlisting as friends. Which is what all of bts are to each other outside of very specific shipping spaces also known as the real world. You need a reality check.
So deeply entrenched in the real world that you’re on my shipping blog writing essays about thoughts you erroneously think I have. You literally just made up an argument to have with yourself. The call is coming from inside the house.
but be honest, anon. Come on, you can tell me… you’ve been a shipper, haven’t you? Has your ship recently hit an iceberg? Are you feeling a way? Are you now pretending shipping is stupid anyway and you’re too big for it?
The support they could’ve provided each other under the guise of being just friends would’ve been immense and probably change their entire ms experience.
Is it a guise or do I need a reality check? Make your mind up.
Yet you a woman far too old to be obsessing over young men
Oh! Critical hit! Right in the age.
and their sexual lives believes they couldn’t have enlisted together due to your own fantasies and projections.
I have very little interest in their sex life. Again, you’re inventing a person to be grouchy about.
Need i remind you thousands of you prayed for taehyung and jungkook to enlist together despite believing they’re in a relationship and in a homophobic country
Find examples. Show your research.
I hoped they’d enlist at same time, which is what happened minus a day. I never expected, hoped or wanted them to go together.
but since it didn’t happen and it happened with your rival ship all of a sudden you care about the risks they would’ve endured and now you don’t want it.
As you pointed out, I’m old. My internet history is nearly 30 years long and for at least twenty of those, I’ve been banging on about queer rights and injustices perpetrated against queer people. You don’t know me.
but let’s just rewind to your own words:
And since y’all say they aren’t i don’t understand why y’all believe they couldn’t have enlisted together.
Yet you a woman far too old to be obsessing over young men and their sexual lives believes they couldn’t have enlisted together
firstly: was I hoping they did or believing they couldn’t? It can’t be both really.
secondly: if I didn’t care about the risks prior to Jimin and JK’s enlistment news, why do you assert twice that I believed they couldn’t enlist? You’re not making sense.
Do you see the hypocrisy?
Do you see that you’re firing every single argument you can think of, contradicting yourself as you go, at what you believe to be a Taekook monolith of enormous size and yet still can’t make one land?
Cannot believe in 2024 y’all continue to exist but i believe if i stay in the fandom long enough I’ll be saying this in 2034 too.
How will I know who to look out for in 2034? I don’t know your name! You’re real mouthy but you’re also anonymous. It’s almost like directionless ranting and anonymity have a correlation…
Also to add on to this that reporter confirmed again about taehyung and Jennie’s rendezvous in Paris.
ah well I’m converted then. Could you let me know which of his stories we are going with so I can be sure I get it right when I go spread the Ta3nnie gospel?
enjoy the real world, anon. I hope the cool non-shipper kids let you into their clubhouse after this!
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juliapark13 · 9 months
Y'all be like kids istg hjshsjsj💀
Taejoon decided to go together real afffff
Not a tkkr here. Remember that not all ppl who come here as a matter of eye opening to you, is a tkkr. There're many people who aren't shippers. Nor "supporters" bc there's literally nothing to support here. As of now,there's no official couple of bts. Many people don't support headcanons and assumptions. Bc simply it's none of our business and it's really uncertain thing to dedicate time for, wich also, not everyone has this much time for.
May you stay delulu if this keeps you sleep at night. The fact none of armys know anything personal about the members and each of armys look at things in a certain way and see anything as something "eyebrow rising" or a "sign" or whatever while it simply be to fuel shipping propaganda (especially when ml ships are pretty popular In korea and internationally even) and also something not as deep or "romantic" in their life as YOU make it so.
I hate seeing you guys being as toxic as tkks but you're always somehow covered with the fact that you're not actually a tkkr. Since toxicity is only directed to tkks, but this is not actually true. Toxicity exists in jkks and jnkks too. As far as I saw.
I'm actually one of your followers, and many other jkk blogs. That's why I'm writing you here this to express the way I'm sick of y'all. Y'all are grown up right?
Taejoon decided to enlist as companions to be together for whole 18 months too? 😮 I had to miss it anon, my apologies 🤧
Sometimes I wonder if you’re this stupid for real, or you just can’t find anything to say anymore, so at the end it only makes you toxic and look like you aren’t grown up.
They don’t have to be official couple for me to believe they are, because it can’t be more obvious they are. They were showing it without actually saying it for years.
I really don’t care if people think they’re only friends unless they don’t downplay everything they do. And you know why they do it?
When we say everyone sees what we see, but it makes them uncomfortable because they are either homophobic or y/ns or ship them with someone else, it’s not a joke. They feel jikook is too real, so they have to downplay their bond every single time.
For example everyone saw the „bite mark” was a hickey and everyone knows what it means. They were shocked and they could never accept it. If they truly believed Jungkook and Jimin are only friends, they wouldn’t have such a huge problem specifically with them.
They don’t even want them to be friends, that’s why they were furious when they found out Jungkook and Jimin are going to enlist together as companions.
Lastly, the only BTS ship pretty popular in Korea is jikook, because koreans aren’t blind and they know their culture.
Happy unfollowing me 👋🏽
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outrunningthedark · 29 days
The way I read your post, guessed people were claiming the RG bts stuff was because Buddie is going canon, went looking and yup. That's the current theory lol.
TBH, I wasn't planning on being serious about this ask, but it's motivating me to get something off my chest. (Nothing to do with anon, just a general overview of where things stand.) I'm about to say something that might come off as (unintentionally) mean? (I cannot control how anyone will interpret this), but I also don't know how else to describe what I've been feeling. I know that recently we (collectively) discussed sunk cost fallacy as a big reason for why people cannot let the idea of Canon Buddie become go, but to me...it's become deeper than that for some, and it's honestly...alarming. You know how it's common for people to use social media sites as an "escape" from real life/the real world? Yeah. I think we've reached that stage with a fictional ship. Some (not all!) fans are, IMO, using Buddie as an "escape" from whatever's going on in their lives outside the internet. (Real life putting your mental health in the gutter? Just ignore all of that and focus on the happy stuff instead. In this case, Buddie.) Their happiness has become dependent on being right about a ship going canon. So they can have this one good thing. And while I can sympathize with the motivation behind certain actions (look at me with WWE and other sports - sports make me happy), I worry about those who don't want to face the fact that the joy over Buddie (possibly) going canon will be short-lived in the long run when real life doesn't get better as a direct result of what happens in fiction. There's also the flip side of the coin, the darker side. If someone's happiness is dependent on Buddie ending up together in canon, what's going to happen if/when they never get together at all? How will fans cope? (I think we've already seen some of the above, though. The longer it takes Buddie to go canon the more people we find are on "hiatus" from the fandom or have deactivated their accounts entirely and gone MIA. They don't know how to find joy in the show or the fandom experience unless they're getting exactly what they want.)
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