#but no it IS cool king!!
noughticalcrossings · 4 months
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Put thee not on Silent
[ID: A 4 panel comic made of digital paintings of a zoom meeting between the knights of the Round Table.
Sir Galahad, Queen Guinevere, Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot, Sir Bedivere, have their own individual screens, and one screen shows a conference room with King Arthur, Sir Mordred, and others who are not named.
Both Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere have their cameras turned off, and microphones muted, the entire time.
Panel 1 shows King Arthur with a few of his knights, with Sir Mordred brooding beside him in shadows, and a hand reaching from offscreen to steal snacks from a bowl.
Sir Galahad has his microphone muted, and is in a forest, looking up and to the side. He has brown hair up above his head and very pale skin.
King Arthur asks, "Sir Gawain, canst thou see the PowerPoint slides?"
Panel 2 shows Sir Gawain, who has brown skin, black hair, green clothes, and heterochromia, with one green eye and one dark, replies, "Verily I cannot, I think it be a miasma of the sight."
Behind him for the background is a section from the Green Knight manuscript, showing faded lettering and a green knight on a green horse standing in front of someone with a large axe while a crowd of spectators watch from the sides.
Sir Galahad's screen is now slightly motion-blurred, showing a reddragon's open mouth in front of Sir Galahad's face.
Panel 3 shows Sir Bedivere, labeled Tech Support, who wears a blue shirt and a plumed knight's helm, looking exhaustedly into the camera, pushing his helmet visor up with one hand. He is lit by blue light and has bags under his eyes, asking: "Hast thou sharest the screen?"
His background is of a library. Sir Galahad's screen is now taken up by the motion-blurred side of the dragon that is attacking him.
Panel 4 shows Sir Gawain turned slightly to the side, looking derisively at the camera, saying: "Yea, but I cannot hear Sir Galahad."
The only thing left in Sir Galahad's screen is the motion-blurred, spade shaped tail tip of the dragon chasing him.
End ID.]
Description very kindly added by @describe-things
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maureen2musings · 1 year
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King Arthur at Tintagel
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aj-acent · 1 month
Putting My Favorite Characters in Hades Part 1: Danny Phantom
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More info below!
Okay I REALLY like this style and so i’m excited to do a lot more characters but here’s what I’m thinking:
The upgrade Danny would give Zag would be sorta a mix between Zeus’ and Dionysus - like a fire charge that would hurt the monsters for a bit after the initial strike. Think the magma damage, but green.
ALSO CUJO AS A CHTHONIC COMPANION !!! He would do similar damage as Megara, but it would be a Ghostly Wail that damages all foes in a cone shape.
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also also better look at King Danny :D
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If you made it this far, comment what character I should do next!
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emacrow · 14 days
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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soosoosoup · 25 days
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Danny established the status quo and the disappeared for 20-60 years and the is summoned by Ra where he’s like “Dad you could’ve have called my personal phone you know that right?” And Ra’s like “YOU WENT OFF THE GRID FOR YEARS AND NEVER TOOD ME-!!??!? Now do you look different? Are you eating? What’s with comingoutthesummoningcirclefortheghostking? HMMM???”
“Ah- I knew I forgot something! Let me tell you all about it! I see you brought the whole fam and in laws let’s have dinner and discuss it- AWWWW THATS BABIES!!!” *Damian, Jason, Tim, and Dick being referred to as “babies”*
“Excuse me.” Danny then fucking tackles them in hugs and loves while dodging and/or holding their punches and kicks
"My maternal uncle is coming for a visit and likely evaluate my living arrangements.. We must be at our absolute best when he is here. " Damian announces one evening right as the family is finishing preparing for a night of crime fighting.
Everyone freezes from their respective stations, twisting around to stare at the young Robin in confusion. He doesn't notice; he is too busy making sure his katana is sharpened to perfection and balancing it on his fingertips.
"Baby Bat?" Dick calls, "What do you mean by that?"
Damian pauses in his prep work, approaching the eldest with a pretty impressive scowl. " Mother sent a messenger a few days ago about Uncle's plan audit. Should we fail it, I shall be removed into a different household."
"An audit? Removed?" Steph repeats, confused, but Damian has no idea why. He thought it was pretty apparent that Uncle Daniel would be scoring them, which would determine if Damian would be allowed to continue living within them. He has done so to all of Ra Al Ghul's offspring, and nothing his Grandfather has done has been able to stop him.
How could they think they would have more power than his grandfather?
"When shall Dusan be here?" Father asks, quickly switching on the home security. "What kind of attack should we expect?"
Damian scoffs, "Not the White Ghost. Uncle Dusan is on the other side of the world on a mission for Grandfather. No, Uncle Daniel will be the one conducting the suit. He is the eldest, after all."
Father's eyes narrow behind the white lenses of his masks. "I was unaware your mother had more siblings."
Damian considers the words, wondering how he could politely- at least he shames Alfred- remind his father that his grandfather has been around for hundreds of years. Staying at his peak through the usage of the Lazarus Pit, he has never been short of lovers.
And sometimes those lovers have given him children, many who aged and died naturally, as none has deemed worthy of the Lazarus. All except for one, the First Son, who has never needed the Pits but remained youthful and powerful on his own.
The perfect heir.
It's too bad he had abdicated long before Damian was even a thought.
"Grandfather has had many children, but Uncle Daniel is different. Special. He is the First Son."
"Capital letters," Todd cuts in, shaking his head. "It's never good when the League of Assiasans assigns capital letters. How strong is he?"
"He could easily best Grandfather and all under Grandfather's command," Damian replies, watching as the rest of the vigilantes grew uneasy by the information. It's good that they are wear of Uncle Daniel's power but they have nothing to fear of his wrath. "Uncle Daniel is a pacifist. He carries a protective core."
"A Al Ghul that a pacifist? I'll believe it when I see it." Drake droned as he was clipping on his utility belt. At once, Damian felt his body grew hot with rage. No matter what, it seemed Drake would always curse his family.
The way he says the family name drips with disrespect as if the other teen was saying a swear.
"My Uncle Daniel is a great man!" He shouts, gripping his sword so har his knuckles ache. Drake's face twists as if though he smelled something foul and the rage burning in Damian's chest spreads to his whole body.
He is just about to reach for his throwing knives when a familiar cold hand settles into his hair. "Aw thank you Little One. I love you too."
"Uncle Daniel!" Damian shouts excitably, forgetting the fool he was about to run his blades through. His uncle stands before him, the same darl night hair, warm blue eyes, and a crooked smile that had secretly comforted him in his youth.
"Where in the world did he come from!?" Damian hears one of Father's adopted brutes gasp but does not care to see who as his uncle quickly reels him in for a hug.
Hugging Uncle Daniel was like being wrapped in warm blankets in winter. He always ran rather cold, but it was lovely to be wrapped in his arms and surrounded by his protection.
It felt like nothing in the world could harm him from here.
"You seem well, Little One. Are you happy?" His uncle says. The delict of their native tongue is another comfort Damian can sink into.
"I am." He allows, snuggling his face against his stomach, as childish as it is. If only he could grow taller like his father.
"Wonderful. I'm so glad." His uncle then switches to English, ignoring all the weapons drawn and pointing at him from the Bats. Damian steps back to admire the man he wishes to grow into. "I'm terribly sorry for arriving so late, nephew. You must be tired. When is your bed time?"
"I do not have a bedtime." Damian scoffs. Uncle Daniel frowns, reaching into his chest to pull out a clipboard and a pen- he'll never get used to his uncle storing things within himself no matter how often he sees it. Damian is pretty sure he heard someone gag.
A soft click is heard as his uncle opens the pen and quickly scribbles something down. He is not tall enough to see what is written, but he can see clearly as day that his uncle selected the red ink of the muli-color pen he is using.
He only uses red when he is doing bad things. Damian breaks into a sweat. "What was that? Uncle what did you just write?"
"No bedtime. Tsk tsk." Uncle Daniel mutters, looking around the cave with disapproval. "No proper heating living space."
"Oh no! I do not live down here. This is merely the training grounds. We live upstairs" Damian quickly says, waving his hands frantically in the air as his uncle's unimpressed look. Curses, the auduit just began and already he got bad markings.
"Would you care for a tour? I shall not be going on patrol-"
"He forces you to fight crime? At your age?" Uncle barks, throwing a look of utter disgust at Father. It's the same one he gives Grandfather whenever the older man tries to raise child soldiers.
Even Damian had not been sent on any missions. His childhood had been intense training but nothing that was life-threatening.
"I volunteered to go!" He tries to defend Father, but his uncle only clicks his pen and scrambles more red ink on his paper.
Drat and Damian were actually enjoying living at the manor. He will likely have to say goodbye to it all and be moved to some house Uncle deemed more child-friendly.
"What is your diet here? Have you been taken to the doctor? Any form of therapy?" His uncle fires each question quickly, walking through Todd and Cain when they try to apprehend him without a glance.
His uncle is, and not to sound like the fools of his school, so cool.
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ruubesz-draws · 4 months
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(Shimo is a prankster)
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Ghidorah every time Godzilla gets a new enemy.
True frienemies right there!
I was going to make a Godzilla animatic of this exact scene but discarded the idea later (wasn't sure whether we were allowed to use the audio without getting a copyright strike idk)
I LOVE the Mickey Mouse Shorts lol
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
anyway, so the hermit permits: this feel VERY MUCH like the hermits going “we did not like how little we used the shopping district in 8 and 9, we want to create a mechanism that not only brings it back but hopefully forces more collaboration by preventing one guy from having the super shop”. I’m here for it! interested in seeing how it plays out going forward, it definitely at the very least intrigues me! as does iskall mentioning that if he doesn’t keep up with demand the other hermits are allowed to rebel and take his rocket permit, sir what does that mean,
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dragondawdles · 7 months
this has taken me SO long. Hi. has youtube link aswell
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The face of a lad who's about to cause problems on purpose.
Return of the Ghost Physics Cloak; ft. One unnecessarily large portal (show off), the Crown of Frost, ice spear, and most importantly, Snowflake, the War Horse.
Link to my RedBubble Store!
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offline-nobody · 9 months
heres my thoughts on f+c ep 6
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soaptaculart · 9 months
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Zelda & Link 🫶
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luzity · 1 year
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watching and dreaming
new scenes from the official trailer
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cococaffeinated · 8 months
Anyway, I can't stop thinking about this scene in the pilot with Jax, Kinger, and Gangle—
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🎪TADC Pilot Spoilers Below🎪
I'm so f#cking insane, guys! I know I'm simply overthinking (as one does when they hyper-fixate), connecting dots to make a non-existent unicorn... but hear me out~!
Remember this part where Jax ran so fast, leaving Pomni and Ragatha in the dust, after seeing Abstracted Kaufmo and grabbing a bowling ball?
I was 100% assuming Jax was gonna hide and save himself but he seemingly just rushed to Kinger and Gangle, cos he STOPPED RUNNING WHEN HE FOUND THEM.
And my a$$ at the time, trying to be SO NORMAL ABOUT THESE THREE, was like:
"Okay LMAO neat, they've just given away the best place to hide, Jax is totally gonna f#cking jump in there without them and those two are gonna comedically get trampled on maybe??"
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And then, Jax hears Kaufmo growling in the distance and what does he do???
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Like, do y'all see?!?!? why iM sO inSAnE (affectionately) about these three?!?!
And later Jax tries to play it off like, "I'm not even here for the adventure, I'm just here to hide from the—"
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amnhnyc · 2 months
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You might know about wombats, but what about numbats (Myrmecobius fasciatus)? These Australian marsupials are picky eaters with a taste for termites. Using their long tongues, these specialists can slurp down 20,000 of the insects in a single day! Unlike many mammals, the numbat’s mouth is filled with dull, peg-like teeth. But that doesn’t stop this critter, because it doesn’t chew its food anyway.
Photo: seashalia, CC0 Content, Pixabay
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kettleghost · 8 months
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are you happy, fionna?
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