#but of course some things are dramatized
lunarwednesday · 1 year
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Dr. Frost is such an underrated webtoon that deserves so much more attention -- please give it a read!
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btw i completely understand why some fanders are frustrated by janus’ current mischaracterization but i just want y’all to remember that the other sides changed a lot too, in the course of the series, and not necessarily because of organic character development or a planned out arc
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girlfox · 1 month
#𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 ⠀⠀(⠀ⅰ.⠀)⠀⠀𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑:⠀⠀ಇ⠀⠀oh-kae!#cw negative#tw negative#cw vent#tw vent#tagging this for people who don't want this kind of negative content on their feeds!#remember to protect urself first.#and i'll keep this super vague not to be like . . dramatic? but just because i only need to get this off my chest.#but i need to vent so badly because i'm reaching a breaking point. i can /feel/ the anxiety building up in my throat.#i've been 10000 % vibing on my own and really comfy here! i've been loud n' proud about that.#but ever since i've been active here it feels like old issues are rising up and it feels like borderline harrassment.#like. under the radar.#i know this isn't anything anyone is going to have noticed or seen or anything.#but talking with friends who do notice and stuff. i just hit a bad point all of a sudden.#i'm not going to openly talk about problems here on the dash of course.#but drags my hands down my face. i just want to do my own thing man.#i have more time to be here now that school is done for a couple months & i just wanna enjoy it to the fullest hah#i'm finally back into enjoying ahri the way i used to!#but. i dunno. i might bury my head into my inbox & retreat into some video games or something.#i don't really need reassurance or affirmations because this isn't a pity post or anything.#i feel validated by the amazing friends and interactions i get here as is! so thank you to all of you. seriously. ily#but good lord.#i dunno i just wanted to vent and i will delete this later.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
well. okay. maybe im not evil anymore it actually is really REALLY goddamn funny that the ATSV trailer framing Worked and there are like maybe Two People talking to each other abt The Spot for every seventeen individuals crying sobbing afraid of miguel. have to admit it Was very clever to use two c-listers so the more visually-intimidating one could be a scary red herring 4 the many audience members who know v little/nothing abt what either of them are like in the comics
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This quickly escalated from one slightly unhinged nerd dragging a more or less normal seeming person into his conspiracy theory to two unhinged nerds making each other worse.
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beliscary · 8 months
need to see pre-confession pining mess dion intensely & obliviously mooning after terence arghhhh
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imalayla · 1 year
Today's sniffer enrichment is sprinkling treats in differently layers in the toynlbox. And hiding treats in some of the toys themselves. Easy enough.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
During the 2020 shut-in era, I basically only listened to Coldplay and god the amnt of emotional nostalgia I get from listening to their music is so
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#the first 3 albums only btw 🥰🥰#theres some songs i rly like from their other albums#but nothing has the gut punch of their first 3 for me#and i listened to them a lot while developing my main oc ship#so listening to these im like SOB SOB ECLIPOIR SOB SOB SOB#i even drew art of them w the lyrics....#but now these songs are my go-to ship coded songs#so ofc listening to them now my brain is subconsciously trying to apply them to vettonso....#tho something i think is very funny is how this music is pretty basic right? not a bad thing!!! but like very well known normal music#but of course when i listen to it im making these over dramatic animatics in my head to them#and once i looked at the lyrics explanation for a song cause i was curious#and the reasoning was something super boring related to chris martin's marriage and it ruined the song for a bit LMFAO#i cant be thinking abt them in that context okay 😭😭 theyre the songs thsy form the tapestry for basically every ship i have#blah blah blah typical catie moment of 'i dont listen to these songs in the NORMAL way' calm down...#anyways getting emo as always over this music sob sob sob#I just love that music can instantly transport you back to a specific time in your life or a specific thing#i think I also was into rainbow six when i listened to this music mainly 😭😭 so now ofc theyre popping into my head#also my god: Spies would be such a good Bond song and i refuse to believe they didnt write it w that in mind ;;;;;#maybe i should put more thought into what songs of theirs i could apply to vettonso...#i really need to make a playlist for them sometime :D#catie.rambling.txt
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sysig · 1 year
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Yandere x Yandere is an underused trope imho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Yanderapy#Surprise surprise! They're both yanderes lol#That was actually the main element of the accidentally-combined-ideas - one of them was supposed to be not-yandere in one of them#Buuut I do stand by that yandere/yandere couples are underutilized for comedic and dramatic purposes and I'm only too happy to do it myself#In this case it's more on the comedic side because they're rather yandere-Lite™ - neither of them are interested in Hurting the other#Being weird and all up in each other's business and a little toxic and thinking about each other a lot? Yes lol#But also part of the comedy is that Because they're so into each other there's not really any need to escalate to violence#They just like each other too much!#And also Mitsuru was in therapy enough to pick up on some red flags of his own to curb so when he sees them in the wild he has workarounds#Ishida is pressing a boundary (and he knows it) to see if he can get Mitsu to agree to isolate himself#The thing with Mitsu is he's also a little dumb and innocent ♪ He's slow to pick up social cues and process new information#So he sees the behaviour (using negative-talk as a way to isolate) and instead falls back on his established skill (setting boundaries)#Without recognizing that Ishida meant anything malicious by it or that the response he was trying to illicit failed lol#He's a bit lovestruck as well so of course he's going to assume the best! Ishida also thinks it's cute so he knocks it off after a while lol#If I ever do go into drama with these two it's going to be interesting >:3c I do have some ideas just In General but them specifically hmmm#For now I'm happy to have them just be a silly comedic duo tho haha
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notvictims · 1 year
mikayla + cabin ten and aphrodite.
mikayla was an only child when she was with her father, so when she was claimed by aphrodite and joined cabin ten, she had no experience with siblings. she wanted them and wanted nothing more than to feel less alone, especially when she never had a real familial relationship outside of her grandparents, who she barely remembered given how young she was when they died. had she been claimed by just about any other god, she would have been grateful to finally have a family. instead, she's the daughter of the goddess of love, so the vast majority of her siblings have love powers—they know she's a lesbian, which is something she's still not ready to accept at this point, so she avoids them. none of her siblings are stupid enough (or fucked up enough) to out her or confront her about it, which she knows, because it hasn't happened, but they scare her anyway.
she also just... does not fit in with them. she lacks any love powers, so her only abilities that come from aphrodite are her charmspeak and her beauty. even if she spent time with them, she wouldn't be able to participate in any of their stupid love pranks. she doesn't share the same interests as the majority of them, either. children of aphrodite are lovers, not fighters. even piper had to make the effort to train and get better at fighting, because it simply does not come naturally to them, but for mikayla, violence has always been second nature. she enjoys training, spending hours in the arena when she can, and often doesn't return to her cabin until she's covered in blood, dirt, or both. she doesn't make the effort to dress up, not because she doesn't care, but because there's no point. jeans and a t-shirt are more practical when she knows she's going to be either attacked or doing the attacking. there's a reason everyone had assumed she was going to be claimed as a daughter of ares; her interests align so much better with theirs. the biggest difference between her and a child of ares is literally just her charmspeak and the fact she's beautiful to the point where it's painful, while ares kids are just... painful. (obviously, this is all due to the fact she is related to them, but that's not the point of this.)
mikayla's never met her mom. that's pretty normal for most demigods, so it's not the biggest deal, but she's upset she's never received anything from her. not a dream, not a sign, nothing. the only time aphrodite ever acknowledged her was when she claimed mikayla at fourteen, but that was about it. again, not the biggest deal, not uncommon for people like her, but it's the fact that her mom knew what type of man her father was and then just left her with him. she's angry she was left alone, because she would have preferred to just be dumped at camp the moment she was born. she doesn't care that aphrodite was never in her life, just that she had to suffer for years because of the man she chose to sleep with. she's angry that the goddess of love, her mom, knows she's struggling with her sexuality and hates herself for something she can't control, but does nothing about it. all mikayla needs is for her to receive some sign that it's okay, because only her mom could undo the damage her dad did to her, but mikayla would never ask for it. she doesn't pray to her mom. she doesn't ask her for anything. if her mom's not going to send her anything, neither will mikayla.
basically, the most important thing, to me, about mikayla + her mom's side of the family is that her family is huge, one of the biggest cabins at camp, yet mikayla's still completely fucking alone.
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note-boom · 2 years
Okay, I just read Volume 20 of the manga and I have a lot of thoughts...but one that I really want to spit out is about Akutagawa's death.
During the fight, he CONTINUOUSLY brings up Dazai. How he wants Dazai's approval. How he's going to LIVE and make it back to Dazai. How he doesn't have much time left so he really needs that approval before he expires. Basically, him (ironically) associating living and Dazai together. To get Dazai's acknowledgement is to live.
And yet.
And YET.
His death wasn't an accident, at least not entirely.
Even Fukuchi acknowledged that from the beginning, taking into account the space-time sword, Akutagawa's plan was to let ONLY Atsushi escape.
Did Akutagawa know he would be instakilled? I think he strongly suspected it considering how Fukuchi was doing his best to kill them.
Essentially, what I'm saying is that provided all that context, Akutagawa basically CHOSE to die when throughout the whole fight his only thought was to live, live, live (for Dazai). The arc isn't over yet (and I honestly have little faith this will happen) but I'm gonna hope anyway that this is symbolic of Akutagawa finally letting go of his deep desire to live for Dazai's approval and maybe starting to build something new...a new reason to live?
As in, him choosing death - choosing ATSUSHI - was his way of saying, "Okay. I see only one of us can make it out...I can't fight this man and beat him (which he did say). I won't live for Dazai's approval now. I can't. So I'll instead choose to die so that there is a chance Atsushi can save the world and clear the Agency's name."
Basically, I'm playing on the age old death and rebirth motif to say Akutagawa dying for Atsushi rather than living for Dazai's approval is his way of growing from his past obsessions and perhaps beginning to build a new reason to live (by dying for it heh...).
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leothil · 1 year
Honestly I agree that both Buck and Eddie deserve to have break ups that aren’t traumatic or super over due!! Like give me “we broke up off screen but it was nothing dramatic we just decided we are better off friends.” Give me Buck and Natalia deciding they aren’t on the same page as to what they want for the future and mutually deciding to break up rather than drag out it. Give me Eddie and Marisol realizing they don’t have much in common and breaking up amicably.
On screen, off screen, whatever, but they both deserve to experience a breakup that's mutual and/or amicable and has nothing to do with any traumatic situations at work.
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Tbh ppl here are so weird about tiktok users
#like yes tiktok bad and its kind of funny when ppl say things to get around an algorithm that doesn’t exist on here#but ppl being like ‘if youve ever said unalive I never want to talk to you’ need to get some perspective#like… they were on a platform where they had to say that shit sometimes to talk about things#they were the ppl being censored and thats how they got around it#(it wasnt just used for ‘im gonna unalive myself’ jokes ya know? its also used to talk about police killing ppl which tiktok often censors)#(like it was used to talk about important issues to spead information in a way that would get around censorship)#why are you acting like its their fault?? that does absolutely nothing to hurt tiktok?? and you are just kicking someone while they are down#just inform them that they dont have to do that#stop assuming you’re smarter than everyone I promise you are not <3#also anyone saying tiktok doesn’t actually censor things and its just users being dramatic is lying#or is spreading misinfo#cmon ppl use your brains#YouTube has ‘protections’ for users speech that it breaks all the time we know this#it is inconsistent with who it does and does not censor#why would you think tiktok is any different?#of course the Washington post doing a ‘study’ isnt going to get censored because its a well known company#and censoring THEM would be massively reported and make tiktok look bad#not to mention the possibility that it was a mutually beneficial ‘test’#tiktok would get a massive news company ‘disproving’ all the alligations of censorship#which is good for bezos who ownes the WP because people post videos of Amazon’s work place violations that get taken down#and now they’ll look less reliable if they talk about censorship which will then make everything they say seem less reliable
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imalayla · 1 year
Today's sniffer enrichment is sprinkling treats in differently layers in the toynlbox. And hiding treats in some of the toys themselves. Easy enough.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
You ever think about how Actually Pretty Damn Strong Zac must be? As in, in actual beybattle. The hobby of choice for 99% of the characters in this hobby anime.
We already know he’s hypercompetent at destroying people psychologically and trashing reputations, etc., and the confirmed existence of Casual Bey Magic probably means he can deep-fry you extra crispy with Zeus Lightning, so he’s Actually Hardcore Scary And Threatening, but he’s also apparently really good at just embarrassing you by spinning his spinny top better than yours. I guess it’s just not really emphasized because he very pointedly prioritizes his job as an idol over his spintop hobby – Zac was using beyblading stunts as a means to drum up the attention + enthusiasm of a crowd that he could then direct towards his concerts.
We know he’s one of The Four Spin Emperors in s1, but he never showed back up in the anime in later seasons. Probably busy doing idol stuff. In the manga, however, we continue to see him occasionally even as late as Sparking. And, at one point in Sparking, he’s shown as part of a mix that appears to be the global top 15 beybladers. He’s up there chilling in a WBBA meeting with people like Shu, Lui, Free, and the protags.
[...I can’t read Japanese, but judging by which characters these are and the type of meeting that appears to be going on, I’m PRETTY SURE “these guys are the Global Best 15″ is what’s being indicated here. Correct me if I’m wrong.]
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So even in spite of Zac explicitly not focusing on beyblading – it comes firmly second to his career – he apparently has not stagnated. More than that, he’s maintained his ranking as One Of The Best, even as New Challengers Appear over the seasons.
HE’S A BUSY POP STAR/ROCKSTAR GUY, meaning he’s not even putting all [or even most] of his time and effort into this, and yet he evidently STILL makes time in his schedule to go beat ass at plastic toy battling, frequently and savagely enough to still be this relevant, YEARS into the series. This is an adult man at this point, with a VERY DEMANDING JOB, so beyblade is literally just a hobby to him, Just A Fun Thing To Do On The Side, and yet he’s still THIS EXTRA about it. He is One Of The Best, at something that does NOT even have his full attention. No Such Thing As Casual. Rather, this IS Zac’s version of “casual.” No Mercy.
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A few gifs from Leave the Revenge to Lupin (Part 2 Episode 84) which despite mostly being a “serious” episode had some very cute moments.
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