#but talking with friends who do notice and stuff. i just hit a bad point all of a sudden.
girlfox · 22 days
#𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 ⠀⠀(⠀ⅰ.⠀)⠀⠀𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑:⠀⠀ಇ⠀⠀oh-kae!#cw negative#tw negative#cw vent#tw vent#tagging this for people who don't want this kind of negative content on their feeds!#remember to protect urself first.#and i'll keep this super vague not to be like . . dramatic? but just because i only need to get this off my chest.#but i need to vent so badly because i'm reaching a breaking point. i can /feel/ the anxiety building up in my throat.#i've been 10000 % vibing on my own and really comfy here! i've been loud n' proud about that.#but ever since i've been active here it feels like old issues are rising up and it feels like borderline harrassment.#like. under the radar.#i know this isn't anything anyone is going to have noticed or seen or anything.#but talking with friends who do notice and stuff. i just hit a bad point all of a sudden.#i'm not going to openly talk about problems here on the dash of course.#but drags my hands down my face. i just want to do my own thing man.#i have more time to be here now that school is done for a couple months & i just wanna enjoy it to the fullest hah#i'm finally back into enjoying ahri the way i used to!#but. i dunno. i might bury my head into my inbox & retreat into some video games or something.#i don't really need reassurance or affirmations because this isn't a pity post or anything.#i feel validated by the amazing friends and interactions i get here as is! so thank you to all of you. seriously. ily#but good lord.#i dunno i just wanted to vent and i will delete this later.
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AITA for not having time to read my mutual's writing?
Met a mutual on here, bonded through fanfic, have been tight with them for a few years with pretty much no bumps in the relationship, just overall had a really good time hanging around them when I could. We both write a lot and share our writing, and occasionally we talk about that writing/workshop it in passing.
In the past few years I've gone through a ton of life changes. Most notably I went from a multi-person household to a single-person one, and I've been living alone in a prohibitively costly city for a while now working 40 hour weeks and barely scraping by. As soon as the transition started I spent the last of my free income on a shitty little laptop so I could still write, putting down words on my bus/train commutes in the morning and quite literally writing on my breaks at work because I feel insane when I can't create. I bring this up to really stress that I don't have the time for the hobby, I force myself to make the time and even then it never feels like enough.
The only thing I can really stand to do with my 3 hours of free time at night is hang out with my moots online. I'm an extrovert so being around people recharges me. If I don't have designated social time I get super depressed and can pretty much feel my soul withering away. I also feel like I should probably mention that I kinda have a slew of mental issues, personality disorders and PTSD and AuDHD and the works. Point being, shit is rough my dude, but I am a person who likes to work hard and face challenges head on and even though we strugglin, we doing it with a positive outlook.
But! I am an incredibly solution-oriented person and I have found what I personally believe to be a good balance. No one should have to live like this, but I do, and I have found a way to be happy. My writing and my social time is all load-bearing. It is not something I just choose to do on a whim, it's all planned and scheduled and I adhere to those routines very strictly because, I cannot stress this enough, I will go fucking bonkers if I don't.
I'm mutuals with a lot of writers obv, and I sadly don't have time to read their work anymore, unless I get some extra time on my days off or something gets cancelled or like, I end up taking a vacation. I carry a great amount of guilt for this, though, even though I logically know it's reasonable. I try to support them where I can, cheer them on when I see them writing and tell them how cool their ideas sound, hype them up even when I can't actually read & review.
One of the things I do is sometimes I leave a kudos on fic I haven't read. I'm not trying to be ingenuine, and if they asked me I'd tell them like 'Oh I didn't read it yet, just wanted to show support!' but to me it's kinda like ripping a paper tab off a poster so that other's feel inclined to do the same. Plus my pals get a little email and a hit of serotonin.
Except one of my acquaintances, the one I mentioned at the start here, saw that I left kudos on a couple pieces another mutual of mine wrote this year. They more or less blew up my DMs with a ton of accusatory (like, literally presented like a 'GOTCHA!') stuff about how I was selective in who's fic I read, more or less implying that I secretly held some sort of grudge or negative feeling toward them and was making the conscious decision not to read or interact with their writing because of. Something, I don't actually know what they were trying to say. They also told me they vented to their friends about this MULTIPLE times, but they never once approached me to let me know they were feeling paranoid or neglected, they literally just took the most bad faith reading of it possible and then presented that to me like it was something I intentionally did, while the whole time I was unaware.
I tried to explain to them the kudos thing, that I didn't do it to every story, just ones I caught/noticed in my busy schedule. And I laid all this out and asked, multiple times, what free time am I supposed to read with? They didn't answer, and doubled down, kept trying to show me 'proof' that I was shorting them and no one else. Once they started to realize how wrong they were they backed down, but they didn't really apologize, or admit they were wrong, and they tried to end our relationship and left every single server we were in together. Because of some other unrelated stuff going on in my life, I didn't really consider them to be a close friend, but they were someone I really held dear and would've walked through hell for if they'd asked.
I still feel like there is something I'm missing here, and that's why I wanted to ask if I'm TA. I'm a pretty good communicator but one of the things I told myself when talking down my disordered thoughts (guilt about this prior) was "no one in their right mind would use reading fanfic as a metric for friendship." Now that I've had that exact thing happen, I'm starting to think maybe those thoughts weren't so disordered. Maybe this IS a big deal, and I should think about it more, but I don't even know what the solution to that would be. I just. Don't have time to read something lovingly crafted and appreciate it for what it is. All the hours in my week are used up, I'd have to lose sleep for this and with my mental health the way it is that is not an option.
Feel free to be a brutal, my skin is thick. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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ot8archivesblog · 4 months
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꒰ ͜͡➸ Pairing: Minho x Female Reader
꒰ ͜͡➸ Genre: College AU, Smut
꒰ ͜͡➸ Warnings: (Obviously) NSFW content, alcohol, mentions of drugs, cigarettes, smoking, drinking, explicit content, overstimulation, fingering, pet names, praise (like good girl)
꒰ ͜͡➸ w/c: 3,5k
꒰ ͜͡➸Masterlist
So I read this request a day ago and thought of it as really interesting because I'm currently writing a story which is similar to that, so I wanted to give this specific scenario a go.
You haven't mentioned which Gender the Reader should have, so because of the roommate being female (and as far as I know there are no mixed rooms) I will assume that the Reader is female as well.
This is actually my first attempt to write NSFW so I hope it'll be good and let me know how you think of it.
Have fun <3
(Not proof read because it's 1 am and I was too lazy so please excuse any mistakes <3)
Request by @the-unknown-daisy
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Your bag hit the ground the moment you finally closed the door to your dorm room.
Your best friend was currently sitting on her bed, painting her nails, while you let yourself fall onto your bed.
"Everything okay?" She turned her head to you for a second, taking in the little ball you had curled into, before she went back to concentrating on the task ahead.
She knew you had been like this for a few weeks now and she didn't know what was bothering you.
You normally always talked with her about stuff like that, but this time you decided against it. Exam stress was getting to you and you felt as if you weren't doing enough, but it felt stupid to voice it like that.
You knew she would understand and support you, but you still didn't confide in her.
She had been so happy these past few weeks, always meeting up with Changbin and spending time with him, that you didn't want to spoil her mood with yours.
Changbin is a really nice guy and he was making her so happy, sometimes you envied her.
Of course you wished them nothing but happiness, but it often happened, that when you saw them interact, you wished to be able to have someone like that in your life too.
You weren't lucky with boys though. All your relationships had ended on a bad note and you were just annoyed by it at this point.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you getting ready for something?" Stupid question. It's Friday. There would obviously be a campus party somewhere.
Students could barely contain their desire to drink and party all week, of course no one would miss the weekend parties.
Normally you would go as well, not as often as your best friend, but also quite often. However you didn't really feel like it the past few weeks and you didn't want to drag anyone down with you.
"Yep, the party is at Changbin's dorm this time. I would have either spend the night with him or at a party anyway so it's pretty convenient." Your best friend answered, while she finally closed the bottle of nail polish.
"You're coming with me, by the way." She nonchalantly added, as she blew on her nails.
"Wait, what? When did I say yes to this plan of yours?" You tilted your head, confusion taking over your features.
Had you promised to go?
"Well you didn't. But I told Changbin I would bring you along. You've been quite down these past few weeks and I wanna cheer you up." She got up from her bed and went over to yours, sitting down next to you.
"Plus you know Changbin's roommate?" Of course you did. Who didn't know him.
"You mean Lee Minho?" Her face lit up at that.
"Exactly! Isn't that enough reason to come? He'll be hanging out with Changbin, I'll be hanging out with Changbin and you'll be hanging out with me." She beamed at you and you could only sigh.
Of course, like everyone, you thought that Minho was very attractive. Hell, their entire group of friends was. But you still felt rather down and meeting someone like him in this condition, wasn't going to get you any plus points with him.
You turned to your friend to tell her that you didn't want to come, when you noticed her smiling down at her phone.
"I'm Telling Changbin you're coming! He missed having you around too." At that point you couldn't say no any longer.
She was being so happy over the fact that you could spend the night together, that you didn't want to let her down again.
"Fine, I'll come."
The last few hours had been spend with getting ready and by now, you were already tired.
You didn't know how you'd get through the night, but your best friend was convinced that if you looked hot, you would certainly feel hot and she wasn't wrong.
You did actually feel better, if you didn't think about the tiredness seeping into your bones. An energy drink would fix that.
Your best friend was wearing a pretty white top, that stopped right above her belly-button and a short pinks skirt with high heels.
Her makeup was close to that, but not too much pink.
While you were wearing tight black jeans and a black top that had only one sleeve and also stopped right above your belly-button. However it was also V-formed, showing more of your cleavage than your besties top did.
The dorm wasn't too far so you made your way over there, slowly strolling through the night, which was immediately illuminated by the party lights.
The music was already at full power and you could nearly hear it on the entire campus.
Professors thankfully never minded, so they could keep doing their little parties.
You followed your friend, never letting go of her hand as she lead you inside the dorm, finally meeting up with Changbin.
"Hey baby, you're here." He pulled her closer by her waist and planted a soft kiss onto her lips, which probably would have turned more passionate if you hadn't been standing next to them.
"Hey there little one, I missed you." The taller male greeted you by ruffling your hair up.
"Missed you too." You replied while your eyes scanned the room.
It was already extremely full and it was only 11 pm. You didn't want to know how full it could get.
You had been to quite a few parties but you were always amazed how many people actually fit into these dorms.
They weren't small but they weren't exactly big either.
Changbin had been playing beer pong with some guys until we had interrupted him. So he resumed in doing so, while one of his arms was securely wrapped around your friends waist.
"Binnie." Your best friend whined and he chuckled.
"Sorry guys, finish without me." He turned to her and kissed her, before leading you two away.
"Minho just wrote me telling me he's on his way back with Chan." Changbin commented as he made his way through the crowd and into the kitchen, offering us something to drink.
"Where did they go?"
"They went to get the others. Jeongin was at his parents for a few hours and Chan and Minho went to get him." The older answered, while giving us two glasses.
Not even seconds after he had given them to us, the crowd outside got louder.
"Seems like they're back." Changbin chuckled and went to meet up with them. We followed him closely.
"Hey, look who is finally out of her prison." Chan joked as he side-hugged you.
You had become friends with most of them after your best friend started dating Changbin so this was pretty normal behaviour.
"Sorry, sorry, didn't know I was missed so much." You chuckled as you leaned into Chan's side, when your eyes found Minho's.
You never knew what he was thinking. Could never figure him out. He was a mystery to you and many others.
Chan left first, going to greet some friends while Changbin, Minho, your friend and you made your way to the terrace to get some air.
A lot of people were out here as well but you all sat down on the couch.
"Let's play a game." Someone suggested and everyone agreed on truth or dare. The typical party game that everyone loved to participate in when their brains were non-functional.
You were sipping on your drink while the game commenced.
Till now you had been playing it safe, mostly taking truth, as you knew not many would pick up on it due to being drunk. However someone did pick up on it.
"Three time in a row. You have to pick dare." Minho said as he leaned back on the couch, his eyes fixed on you.
It had been Changbin who had spun the bottle, so why was he interfering?
You said but complied, picking dare this time, which made Changbin grin.
"Kiss Minho."
You were left speechless for a moment. Of course you knew how the game worked, but you hadn't expected this from Changbin. He always went easy on you, which is why you hadn't really been worried when the bottle picked you.
"What, never kissed anyone? I won't bite unless you want me to." Minho commented, a smirk finding its way onto his lips.
You got up from your place, walking over to Minho.
People were sitting next to him so you couldn't do so to kiss him. While you were still contemplating what to do, his hand found your waist and pulled you onto his lap.
"Not so shy." How could you not be, when you were about to kiss the Lee Minho?
Your thighs were on either side of him, as his hands still kept a steady grip on your waist. You leaned in closer, stopping right before your lips could touch his.
At this point both of your eyes were fixed on the others lips and you could feel his smirk on yours.
"What are you waiting for, Princess?"
That's all it took for you to connect your lips.
The kiss was slow at first. Your lips still finding the perfect rhythm to move against each other. However, it didn't take long before the kiss got more heated. He bit your lower lip, asking for entrance which you immediately complied with.
His tongue found its way into your space, exploring your mouth while you tilted your head to deepen the kiss.
It didn't take long for his tongue to find yours, his hands moving up and down your waist at this point while you could feel that you were sitting atop his member, as he got hard.
Your hands found their way into his hair, holding onto him as you moved your hips for a second, making him bite your tongue at the movement which made you gasp in return.
You both parted from each other, a delicate string of saliva still connecting your lips to each other, as you tried to breathe in as much air as possible. This being the only reason you parted in the first place.
The game had commenced while you two had been shamelessly making out and you finally realised that you two weren't alone.
You immediately got off his lap and went back to your place, however your lips were still burning with the feeling of his on them.
The game got boring soon and most disappeared back inside, including Changbin and your friend, while you were now sitting next to Minho, still outside.
He was smoking a cigarette right now, accompanying it with a glass of vodka.
You never really smiled but at this point and the level of drunk you currently were at, you were curious.
"Let me try."
Minho turned his eyes to you, the cigarette still on his lips. He seemed to contemplate it for a moment, until a smirk formed on his lips.
"Sure, but allow me to try something." You didn't really mind. He is Changbin's friend so you trusted him as well.
He took a deep drag of his cigarette, before his long fingers found their way onto your chin, pulling you closer without a word. They put slight pressure on your chin, which made you part your lips and you immediately understood, parting them a little more.
He came closer to you, your nose nearly touching his as he leaned his head to the side, to blow the smoke inside of your mouth. You inhaled, but he didn't give you a lot of time to think as his lips smashed onto your again.
The smoke not being the only thing that went into your mouth as his tongue followed suit. You held onto his shirt, returning the kiss while his hands found their way to your ass, squeezing them for a second before he lifted you onto his lap by your waist.
You immediately adjusted to the situation, sitting up slightly. Your hands finding his neck as you returned the kiss. Your tongue finding his, the fight for dominance not taking long as Minho immediately won it.
You both parted again, out of breathe. It was way too hot between you two. And you both wanted nothing more than to taste the other.
Without a word he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as he carried you to his room.
His room was a no-go zone at parties like these. Everyone knew that. The moment he entered you noticed that the room was empty. He closed the door behind you two, locking it before he resumed his way to his bed, letting you fall on it.
Minho didn't wait for another second, his lips were on your neck this time, as his hands found your waist again. His lips were leaving butterfly kisses all over your neck before he finally found a spot he was satisfied with.
His lips latched onto the soft skin and he sucked on it. Gaining a sweet moan from your lips. He grinned, finally letting go of the skin, admiring the dark hickey that was forming.
"You're okay with this, right?" He asked, just to be completely sure, before you two went any further.
Your nod was more than clear, however that wasn't enough for Minho.
"I need your words, Princess." Those words went straight to your core and it needed a lot of self-control to not cum untouched.
"Yes, please." You didn't need to tell him twice. He removed your shirt from you, his hands immediately unclasping your bra as well as his lips found their way onto your chest.
Soft butterfly kisses littered it at first, before his mouth found one of your nipples catching them between his teeth. At first he softly licked it, watching goosebumps erupt all over your skin before he softly bit it, again pulling a moan out of your throat.
Your sweet sounds were going straight to his member but he tried to control his desires, wanting to prep you enough for him.
You could feel yourself getting wet and it only got worse the more he continued. You needed to feel him inside of you, but you could barely form thoughts, let alone words. Everything felt so good for your touch starved body. And it didn't help that Minho was so perfect at everything he did.
He stopped torturing your breasts, continuing his journey down, a soft kiss on your belly-button and you felt his teeth on the hem of your pants. His hands skilfully opened them before he pulled them down and threw them away.
Just as he had done with your shirt and bra.
"Already so wet for me. What a good little, Kitten." A whimper escaped your lips the moment you felt his hand on your inner thigh, moving closer to your heated core.
"Minho." You managed to moan but the boy only smirked as he moved your drenched panties aside to let one finger graze your folds. He was only rubbing them slowly, but this was enough for you to arch your back already. His fingers felt so good, you could barely wait for them to finally enter you.
"You want me so bad?" He looked up at you as you nodded as much as you could. "I will need your words, Princess."
"Yes, please Minho-..." A moan escaped your lips as his finger entered you. Your hands found the blanket behind you, as you had nothing else to hold onto.
He moved his finger slowly at first but the moment he felt you losing your mind his pace picked up, hitting all the right places.
You were so close to your release when you felt a second finger entering you. You pushed your head into the mattress, trying to ground your thoughts but everything felt so hot. You could barely wait any longer.
"I'm so close." You whined which only made him pick up his pace.
"The cum for me, Princess." Seconds passed after his sentence before your orgasm came crashing down on you. He helped you ride it out until he pulled out his fingers, licking them clean.
"you taste so good." He chuckled.
"You made such a mess, only because of my fingers?" You blushed. "Let's see what a mess you'll make for more." He knew he prepped her enough so he finally got rid of his clothes as well, letting his member finally out of its confinement and you understood why he had to prep you so good.
His member was a sight to behold and you could feel yourself getting wet again only at the sight of it.
He got on top of you, pulling a condom out of his drawer before you stopped him.
"It's fine, I'm on birth control." You needed to feel him inside of you, without a condom.
"Are you sure?" He asked, wanting to be completely sure that you were okay with this.
He threw the pack of condoms away, not wanting to waste another second on them before he connected his lips with yours again.
The kiss was as messy as the first ones but this time you could feel him positioning himself at your entrance.
He broke the kiss, his eyes finding yours. Analysing if there was any doubt before he pushed the tip in slowly.
Your warm walls immediately welcoming him.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He moaned as he slowly kept pushing his member deeper. You were holding onto him, your nails surely leaving marks on his back as your back softly arched. You needed him inside of you, all of him.
He finally bottomed in, giving you a moment to adjust to his size before he pulled out nearly completely only to push it inside a little more forcefully this time.
His groan and your moan mixed as he kept a fixed pace. Your back arched as his member hit your sweet spot every time he pushed it back inside of you. His hands holding your hips so that he could burry himself as deep as possible.
You felt so good around him, your pussy clenching around him as you felt yourself getting closer.
One of his hands moved to your clit, softly rubbing it as he thrust into you, making you scream his name out in pleasure.
You were happy it was so nosy outside, or everyone would have probably heard you two. It was impossible to contain your moans.
"I'm close." He notified, hid hold on your waist tightening.
"Please come inside." You moaned, wanting to feel the warmth of his cum inside of you, to fill you up with it.
"You you want me to fill you up with my cum?" You didn't have to look at him to see the grin.
"Such a needy, whiny brat. If I had known this we would have done this earlier. So good for me. You better take it all. Every drop." He chuckled as his thrusts got sloppier and harder.
You were close, your pussy clenching around his member which made him groan.
"Clenching so good around me, such a good girl."
This only threw you over the edge, your pussy clenching around him as you arched your back, your orgasm hitting you like a truck for the second time.
He helped you ride it out, his thrusts not faltering as his pace only picked up, indicating that he was getting closer to his release.
You felt overstimulated, your pussy was burning as you tried to match him but there was no need, as he came only a few moments after you had.
His hot cum filling your walls as he held your hips still to push his member as deep inside of you as he could.
His back was arched as he threw his head back, your pussy so tight around him that it felt as if it was squeezing every drop out of his members.
"So greedy." He chuckled as he pulled out, admiring the mess you two had made.
"I told you to take it all, Princess."
He teased as he noticed some of his cum sliding out of your hole, only to push int inside with his finger again, making you moan in the process.
Your clit was extremely sensitive and every touch felt burning hot.
"Min, mhh." His eyes focused back on your fucked out state and he grinned, pulling his finger out of you and in front of your lips.
"Taste our mess." You immediately parted your lips taking his fingers into your mouth and licking them clean.
"What an obedient Kitten."
You were exhausted at this point, hoping that he wouldn't make you leave now, but it seemed as if he had no intention to do so.
He pulled you closer to him, covering you both with a blanket.
"Rest for now, let's clean this mess up later." A soft kiss was placed onto the back of your neck as you back was pressed to his chest, his hands secured around your torso.
It didn't take long for your eyes to shut and for you to fall asleep next to him.
No one had ever made you feel as good as Minho had, and you were certainly hoping this wasn't the first and last time you did this.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
ok wait hold up can we actually just like talk for a second about Donnie's behavior in these last few pages??
Before he found out about the infection, Donnie was still very nonchalant about a lot of situations, but he always had a sense of care and compassion for certain things, like for example, his family and friends. He used a lot of sarcasm and was overall just the snarky autistic tech dude who had more love than he could even imagine giving. He had a relentless grip on his bad-boy image, was stubborn as all hell, but was a well-rounded, lovely guy!
And then the realization hit that he was going to die sooner than expected. Then...
Now he's just a shell (Hahaahahahahaha) of who he used to be. Now all he has for himself is a bunch of self-deprecating jokes, responsibilities to pass on to others, and a lack of hope that is just so incredibly unlike him. He still has the sarcasm, sure, but this time it's a lot more dry and emotionless. There's no brevity or lightheartedness to his words anymore, it's all just a monotone mess of half-assed goodbyes and thrown out dreams for the future. Any method of survival has seemingly been lost to time for Donnie, so now he's just kinda... Accepting the fact he's gonna die soon, which only leaves him with his own decaying body and a voice he doesn't even want anymore. And judging by the way he just ignores or shrugs aside everyone's concern, it's all basically just him saying, "Welp, guess I'll die. Here's my shit, no will required."
Also another thing I noticed is that Donnie is basically not allowed to really do anything anymore because he's at risk of dying sooner than he already thinks he will. If he gets more rest and works less, his death come significantly slower.
Meaning he must feel incredibly useless right now.
I think I've also pinpointed the time when this all started happening to Donnie btw. It's a very small moment and I don't have the screenshot on me rn but I think it was in the robo-Raph comic, specifically the moment when Donnie was zooming over to Casey and went "Past" that Kraang alien dude on the way. I imagine he didn't really go past and instead went through, because u know, he's Donatello. If given the chance to commit murder, he will commit, and he very much had the chance right there. I think he went through that Kraang alien, (Very plausible given how fast he was going like jesus- ) got its blood inside a cut or something, and it infected him via his veins or something. Kind of a stretch to assume this since it literally could've been something that took place before the time of this comic series, but this was the earliest instance of foreshadowing/possible infection that I can think of.
I also want to apologize for making all those jokes about like taking you to court and throwing you in jail and stuff because maybe they came off as mean or rude at some points. And for constantly flooding your inbox lol-
Thanks for existing and for making this comic, and congrats on beating the deadline at work! I think you deserve a cookie for that! *Gives a million more cookies* oh yeah and those are for you being you
Oh my fuckiNG GoD...
I don't even know what to say to that
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I guess I just want everyone else to be able to read it too because..oh shit...oh wow.
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peachesfather · 6 months
Can you mizu with a healer fem reader thats in lonfon and very jealous of taigen?? I want it very fluffy but also smutty if ur ok with it :) please and thank uu
thanks for this request !!
Doing way too much
mizu x black fem! reader blue eye samurai
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warning:+18, smut, fluffy, fingering, bad grammar, suggestive language, and jealous mizu is a way to put it.
I was the best healer in my store in London, i get a lots of praise from how good i am at healing people's wounds, the pay was very good for me and my mother who were very poor.
I swept the floor with a broom while listening to some jams on the radio, i signed and humed to the music, i heard the door open and paid it no mind at all i just continued to clean. i was abrupt by someone in front of me with their eyes being blue as the ocean but had a no emotion face along with someone else with them but he staring at my potions.
"what do you need?" i looked at his tall figure and waited for a response but no reply so i put my hand on their shoulder to tell them to reply for their request.
He snatched my hand from their shoulder and squezzed it very hard, i hissed and told them to stop.
"I just need to be heal thats fucking it, and also need resources for my travel" she let go of me and i basically rolled my eyes at her behavior. "You couldve just said that and not squeezed my fingers." i said while still being angry at this customer. (bby got issues wrong bitch tho)
"okay, sit in this chair please sir" he gave the other man who came along with him a sword and came my way to sit down in the chair. The guy who was holding the sword was looking me up and down while bitting his lips. i ignored him and shown eye contact towards the blue eyed man in front of me.
"Where does it hurt?" He pointed to where their gut is so meaning to where the injury is there. I closed my eyes to see if the energy of the wound could be healed, water has appeared on the gut to clean throughout and he hiss in the healing process, i patch him up. "you're finally done, that would be $50" he put the money in my hand and stared at me for few seconds and then snatched the sword from the other guy, "i be outside Taigen, grabbed the other resources for our travel" she put her glasses back on her face and left my store, the other grabbed the stuff he was told to buy.
"is that all?' he just stared at my face and told him again "IS THAT ALL SIR YOU STARING UP THE STORM" his eyes widned and laughed at my outburst. “You’re so cute what’s your name?” He said while staring behind the counter at my ass.
“Okay, I give you my name, it’s y/n.” I blushed and facepalm at how cringe of how I falling for this bullshit, I noticed a couple glances from the window outside the store, it was the guy who I healed he looked angry and pissed must be because of this fella right here, I think he’s talking himself or flirting idk what bro is still here for.
“The cost is $100, do you have it?” He paused and stopped talking about whatever mess he was going on about, he smiled and started to look in his pockets for his money or changes.
Me, being the nicest person that I’m going to be and letting this nigga off with his resources to getting out of my store, I told him he doesn’t need to pay for it under one condition is telling him and his friend to come over to my place for a meal.
He quickly agreed and said “yes, now we can get to know each other in a better way” he rubbing his fingers together while licking his lips I was disgusted but happy at the same time because he was leaving my store, I gave the guy outside a wink. He scoffed and looked away instantly. (I need her so badly don’t play to get pookie)
When the clock hits 5 pm, I was already done cooking curry chicken and rice for my guests, I clean the table and put the table cloth on to be proper.
I heard a knock on my door I was guessing it was them, taigen was smiling like he had done a whole crime while being very sketchy, he was nicely dressed with his hair down. However, for the mysterious man he was still in his old clothes doesn’t make him unattractive but he could’ve done something to spark his appearance. His eyes on the other has drew more attention.
He catches my glances and looked away in annoyance. I signed and ask his name because i wanted to get know him better. He looked me in the eye and said “my name is Mizu”
That’s a cute name awee” I said that brought me and him in awkward silence until taigen grabbed my chin to rizz me up or whatever saying “ma, you look good tonight in them jeans and showing your figure very nicely.
I kinda blushed at him complimenting my body, his way of words were blinding from getting to know mizu. Taigen gave mizu no emotion face that became a snickering expression towards him to letting know that he trying to get to have me. Mizu smirked and smiled at him for being too foolish.
We was eating the curry chicken and rice at the table, taigen was tearing my food up and said It is good and wanted seconds. I gotten up just to give him more.
Mizu was looking me up and down from knee from how my jeans looked on me, she squeezed her thighs and looked at taigen who was staring back at her already.
“Aye, stop looking at her she is going to be mine, bitches like her cannot resist me.” Taigen said while crossing his hands by giggling at how easy you are. However, Mizu was disgusted of how he talking about you , even though she barely knows anything about me to care.
I came back to table so happy about someone being grateful about my cooking. Taigen grabbed the plate from me and said thank you. Mizu was staring into my soul, I was confused but I sat down and looked at taigen finishing his second plate of curry chicken.
“Y/n, yo if I was your man bro I wouldn’t never disrespect how bad of cook you is” he said while staring at mizu then laughed at how fucked mizu looked.
“You wanna be my man? Well, you must want to take good care of me” I said while lovey dovey staring at him
“I take care of that ass of yours real good” he said while chewing. Mizu started to shake the table and ask to go where to bathroom. I told him that it is upstairs I got up and walked himself to the bathroom.
She stops mid way, it made me confused until she grabbed me and push closed the door in the bathroom.
“What the heck mizu” I was pushed against the wall and was held by my hands from mizu who showing no emotion to the situation of having me like this.
“You want to stay quiet or what, I know you want me all this time you fucking brat” she stare at my face who was resisting her touch.
“I need you so badly please..” you said while bringing your hands to her hands to guide her to you hips, she grabbed a chunk of your ass and lean in to kiss your lips that had lipstick onto them.
“You don’t know how much I have done to get to fuck you like this” she said holding onto me while locking eyes with me I stare back with her with a nervously smile.
She slip her hand in my jeans while standing up with spreading me out with her fingers, I grasp and moans “. fuckkk..mm mizu your fingers” I was literally dripping mess under her. Me and her touched heads while she fingered me at a quick pace while she laughing at me.
I screamed in my hand while she thrust her fingers in out of me out one last time. I wrap my hands around her neck to give her lips a peck, she snickered and kiss me back. We sat in comfortable silence till leaving the bathroom together.
Okay, this was very bad you guys can diss this onee !!
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rhondafromhr · 4 months
I normally don’t like social media/youtuber AUs but I just came up with a really unhinged one that I feel compelled to subject y’all to.
So, Stephanie’s a podcast girlie. She started one to rebel against the constant pressure to stay out of the public eye and not do anything to make her dad look bad by saying a bunch of things she know will enrage the public (like “peanuts the pocket squirrel is overrated”) and having controversial guests. As it took off, she really started to enjoy the financial independence and attention/validation it brought her, eventually moving to LA to do it full-time.
Grace has a fundamentalist channel (not unlike Girl Defined) where she basically just spouts purity culture bullshit. She’s controversial and while she does have a decent amount of people following her unironically, most of her views are hate watches and she gets a lot of her engagement from commentary channels dunking on her. One of those channels is run by none other than Peter Spankoffski - most of his content is nerdy/science based stuff and that’s his real passion, but he needs to make rent and the videos about Grace are what get views and money.
Stephanie decides that having them both on her podcast would make for one hell of an episode and they agree to do it. She asks questions she knows will get them riled up and cause arguments. It escalates to an all-out screaming match at some points, but the second the cameras are off Grace completely switches up, just totally calm and unbothered. Then she hits on Stephanie, which really confuses the other two. It turns out she’s a grifter - she hasn’t bought into the things she preaches on her channel in a long time, but she keeps it up for the money and because she’s been doing it for so long she doesn’t know what else she would do. Steph and Pete both get it so they’re just like “oh, cool, respect.” Pete invites them to a party hosted by his friend Ruth - an aspiring actress and popular lifestyle vlogger. Her real dream is live theater, but she has a lot of anxiety and she’s way more comfortable talking to a camera and posting online than performing in front of a crowd. The few roles she has gotten have been less about her talent and more about using her following to sell tickets, which is a big insecurity of hers.
At the party, they run into Max, who has one of those awful prank channels where he’s an absolute menace to the public and Richie, his camera man (they met and became unlikely friends in college. They started the channel when Max got an injury that kept him from playing football and had a crisis over what to do with his life). Richie can’t believe this is what he’s using his film degree for and he constantly tries to get Max to pivot to more serious content. The six all get to talking and realize they all grew up in Hatchetfield (Max went to Sycamore in this universe. He was still a literal monster and bullied everyone there, but Hatchetfield High was safe). They talk for hours about all the strange occurrences they noticed back home and the fact that they all suspect some sinister, supernatural forces are at work there. Eventually, they decide to travel back there, investigate and exploit their findings for content in the most epic collab the world’s ever seen.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
I was curious so I looked at the prologue (yah I know whatever side-eye me but anyway)
*spoilers ahead*
I'm going to talk about this in bullet points because this is more like a curiosity read instead of a "I'm going to invest in this" read.
Levi Childish Jealously Overall Thoughts:
First, now I get why they said "chlidren's day" It is because MC was talking about Minhyeok and them hanging out each children's day together and their fond memories of such
Also, Levi are you fucking srs why are you checking up on MC with a damn crystal ball as if your ass can't stand the fact that they're out smiling with the Gehenna besties like????
I clicked on the prologue and his ass was already mad and it made me laugh because see??? see what I mean by he's always mad about something? lmao
Also he made Foras go out and help him do the spying like? Ok
He made Foras feel bad about suggesting to go nerf Minhyeok if Levi wished it and this man is like "oh a sudden death that will make one miss the other forever" and he's referring to Solomon here and Foras was like "fuck" (HONESTLY Levi he only suggested that to make you feel better like don't do that .-.)
Learned some stuff about the devil named Seere, who can travel anywhere and through dreams too in a blink of an eye (reminds me of someone from another fandom...) and that's the one who produced the memory manipulation spell and it seems he just does this any way to cause mischief on Earth (so if anyone experiences deja vu blame him /j)
So the rules are, Levi can't alter things too much or it messes with each others minds or causes both of them or just Levi to wake up out of the dream if I'm getting that right
also Satan is about to get pissed the fuck off because they also got a sleeping spell/poition from Seere and everyone in the palace was asleep LMAO. The fact that he pretty much knocked everyone out so he could do what he wanted without pushback goodness.
NOW i'mma go over the dream events:
Minhyeok looked so ready and adorable in his uniform, confirmed this is high school Minhyeok and MC.
Minhyeok saw Levi just standing in his room and was like o______o the fuck? And Levi literally snapped his fingers and erased him.
Imagine the nightmare Minhyeok had as a teenager and was like "a demon fucking erased me from existence omfg" and his parents were like ???? and his brother was like "lol wut"
anyways moving forward, MC noticed the changes but didn't challenge them (Levi is hot wow gonna forget my friend ig /j)
Already this man is mad at MC for tripping and not tying their shoes...plz???
Also for whatever reason MC is very clumsy here, like everything reads to me like a Kdrama where every moment MC is falling, tripping, forgetting shit and Levi is getting annoyed and pissed off at every mistake and it's sending me because dude it is not that deep please relax
Cool Levi moments though is when he ties the shoes, blocks MC from getting hit by a volleyball, lends his gym clothes, gets a cream bun for MC, and takes MC to the nurse because they sprained their ankle
WTF Levi moments is....him basically glaring at the teacher who didn't challenge him, choking another fucking student for almost hitting MC with the volleyball, shoving students (actually I like that and wish I had someone to shove people out the way to get me stuff)
everything else was pretty tame and a good set up though for a highschool au, ASIDE from the sexual stuff? (again personal preference so don't axe me in the mentions)
Next, some screenshots of Levi doing the MOST
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You see this? This is you all's king btw because he and I would have been boxing...like? don't fucking call me stupid for forgetting shit like a bitch has ADHD so yeah I fucking forgot damn.
But again this is good material for how he would act in a school au setting, I do remember doing a childhood au with him and the other kings and he reacted similarly by finding everything they did annoying, kept to himself, and caused an issue that nearly killed everyone because he couldn't control his powers just yet, so if I do decide to do a highschool au with Astra I'll remember Levi's reactions for reference
Oh and a couple other things
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this is our official room in Gehenna?
I'm giving Satan extra smooches this room is gorgeous? Do we fuck in here too? I would. (i'm a sucker for canopy beds with ornate designs)
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Just some mini lore about Seere. Also something about him being under Asmodeus or this being mostly monitored by Asmo? (someone help here I was speed reading) So that's interesting.
Overall, everyone that likes schoolboy role play sexy time, have at it. My journey stops here at the sfw part.
Justice for Minhyeok though he is just in the void somewhere like
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a funny thing before you all go look at Glas' name
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it's usually Glasyalabolas, right? I was cracking up because he's never beating the Ikea furniture name allegations.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 2
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
Warning: my writing, I don’t know how to fully play chess so it’s a bit weird haha, very awkward, a little rushed if you come back tomorrow sometime after twelve it should be better
Word count - 3.1k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
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“So,” Lyle starts as you move a piece across the chess board and look up to him then back down at the half played board. “You mean to tell me you ran into Jenna Ortega—“ he says through gritted teeth and puts his hands together and leans his forehead against them.
“—and you didn’t know who she was? She’s known world-wide after her recent show on Netflix!”
Why was he so surprised? He knew your parents situation and how it was critical that your mothers family didn’t find her.
Why would you want to be on social media so much anyway? All the drama involving celebrities and people switching up on them after finding some stuff they don’t like.
Hell people could even find information to black mail or threaten you with, that would just be your luck.
It was better to not get caught up in all of that. All you had was Instagram that had nothing to do with the last name and TikTok with no post that you barely used.
“You know I don’t watch a lot of TV.” You mumble watching him move the white piece taking your black on the board between the two of you. “Dude,” Mj starts looking up from pride and prejudice.
“We all used to watch her on stuck in the middle in sixth grade at Rosa’s place before Marco moved.” She says, clearly uninterested in the conversation yet wanting to be right.
You knit your eye brows together making Lyle stare at you like you were some kind of idiot. “She played Harley, middle child AKA stuck in the middle.” You continue to stare dumb founder.
The large man only groans and Mj scoffs at your lack of knowledge. Dru is then seen, holding a pile of games he wanted to try out.
“The chick with the hot sister who used her for an invention with her boyfriend.” He hums, placing the games next to the computer nearby.
Realization hits you like a brick and you nod, now knowing who they were talking about and the seeing the resemblance.
She both sounded and looked older now, you noted before moving a chess piece.
“If that’s what it takes for you to remember things then we’re all doomed.” Mj states as she pulls her legs up to her chest.
“Okay, when did she come exactly?” Lyle stares at the board, eyes clearly focused but keeping his attention on the conversation.
You think back to the interaction as he makes his move. “A few hours ago, right after lunch when people usually come in.”
“Wonder how she got here without getting noticed.” Mj wonders out loud. This girl must have been a big deal if she can’t get away without being noticed.
“Check,” Lyle hums and your eyes snap back to the board to see him move his piece. You narrow your eyes at the board for a moment and huff out.
You two had decided to create your own set of rules after playing together for so long it had become a bit boring. With his idea, you both made the game a little more interesting and complicated.
“She probably has little disguises, you know to specifically get away from the paps.” Dru mumbles, face inches away from the screen.
You grimace at the sight, now seeing why he needed glasses yet he was still doing it with them on.
“He has a point.” Lyle replies watching you make your move before his smile grows. “Checkmate.” He flaunts making you groan as he snatches your king.
“Your slacking, Y/N, do better.” He shakes his head before putting all the pieces back in place.
His teasing only making you groan again, louder this time making him chuckle.
“You’re making me feel like a sin getting scolding by his father after a bad game.” You mumble before sitting up again and making the first move.
“Good,” he laughs watching you make the same move as before. “You need it.” He says in response.
“Fuck the game, what are you going to do about Jenna Ortega?” Mj speaks up closing her book and slamming it on the table.
Usually, you’d scold her for doing so but it was after hours and no one was inside to bother.
Lyle huffs. “Never say that again, this game is very important.” Mj rolls her eyes in response, everything was important to him.
“What would you have me do? Send her a quick text and ask her to come back?” You laugh at the thought.
It would have to be a miracle to get any celebrities number, it would have to be a god send to get her phone number.
“You’re such a pessimist.” Lyle snorts and you send him a glare. “I would be if a cute celebrity showed up and I never saw her again.” Dru calls out making you huff.
“I will see her again, actually. I think, at least.” Mj perks up at this. “Oh? How so?” She asks, leaning forward on the table.
You send her a glare and lean away. Why was she suddenly acting like a fourth grade friend who finds out about your crush.
“She borrowed the book, so she kind of has to come back.” You grumble scooting your seat farther away from her.
You didn’t really think you’d actually be excited for someone to return for a book. Sure, there were cute people that came in and out of the library all the time. But none had really had any real affect on you like she did.
Though the interaction was short and quick, it was probably one of the most interesting ones you had with a customer.
You’d do anything to see those freckles in person again.
The clicking sound of a phone brings you out of your thoughts as you glance up to Lyle whose holding up his phone.
“Sorry,” he mumbles as he begins angry typing. “You just looked so aesthetic with the chess board, I gotta post it to Insta.”
You roll your eyes before they move to Mj who paces back and fourth.
“Okay, so that would probably be your only chance at actually talking to her.” She says as if she were talking to herself.
“She’s so delusional
“That is if you don’t fuck it up,” she mutters that last part with a as she continues pacing making you point to your face that is clearly unamused.
“But how will you do that? You’re a horrible flirt, that much is true and your humor is as dead as Lyle’s hair.”
“Hey!” He quickly goes to cover his purple hair with his large arms. “There’s no hiding that atrocities.” Mj rolls her eyes, once again for the hundredth time tonight.
“I say you just go for it.” Dru says tapping his computer key quickly and you notice the game to be ‘cookie clicker’, an online game that is not any of the games in his pile.
“Be yourself and you’ll be fine, if she doesn’t like that oh well.” He says inching closer to the screen, glasses almost touching it.
“Wow DD,” Lyle says, looking up from his screen that was suddenly getting lots of notifications. “I never thought you could be so poetic.” He teases and Dru sends him a side eye glare.
“That wasn’t even poetic, just common sense.” He replies, eyes traveling back to his screen.
Lyle sticks his tongue out at the older man who doesn’t even notice.
“I want sushi,” You say standing up watching the abandoned chess pieces fall from their place. “Let’s go get some.”
“Right behind you,” Mj says eagerly as she grabs her book and jacket, Lyle not too far behind her.
“Wait, give me a second!” Dru calls but you just laugh and continue your way to the door.
“Wait! I want sushi too! Stop!” He calls out louder as Lyle holds the door open. “Just abandon mission dude! Sushi is way better.” Lyle says as you begin walking down the street, Dru coming out not long after making sure to lock the door.
You carefully pull books out of the return section as the beat of your music rings through your ears making you bop your head lightly.
You glance over to Lyle who sat in the desk chair, playing Call Of Duty mobile on his phone. You wouldn’t usually be allowed to do that but it was a particularly slow day.
It had been two weeks since Jenna had last came to the library and to say you were disappointed was an understatement.
You knew it could be months before she would have to return the book and you would have to charge her for it if she really didn’t and that is what you didn’t want to do.
Mj made sure you didn’t forget either, sending you cheesy pick-up lines and ‘how to flirt’ website which only aggravated you and hurt your ego.
You did look at a few though and had to admit some were actually good while others made you skin crawl.
You don’t notice the sound of the bell ringing or the way Lyle quirks up slightly glancing toward you
Jenna looks up to him as her body guards walk to a side table in front of the window allowing her a little freedom to walk after seeing there weren’t many people.
He makes his lips into kissy form and a small ‘ooh’ leaves before turning to you, back turned as you sort through the books.
He looks back to Jenna who is now standing at the front desk contemplating to help her or not.
He decides against it but doesn’t want to leave the celebrity waiting. He stands up and quickly grabs the closest thing to the back room door before putting his finger to his lips.
“Shh..” He says, eying her as a playful threat before chucking the item at you and rushing through the door.
The thing hits your head and you whip around, barely missing Lyle as your eyes land on Jenna who held her books, glancing between the storage room and you.
“Did you..” you say, pulling your headphones out and picking up a mouse key that had been ripped off from the cord. “Did you just throw a mouse key at me?” You ask with playful tone as you walk toward her.
Jenna thinks back to Lyle’s silence threat before speaking. “You weren’t paying attention, it’s bad customer service.” She just shrugs.
“Oh, my bad.” You say putting your hands up in defense and her smile grows. “I’m sorry I was doing my job,.” You say shaking your head before playing glaring at her.
Be confident, all girls like that!
Mj’s words ring through your head making you cringe slightly.
Not too confident, that’ll get you punched.
Dru had stated after and your lips pull up at the memory of Dru getting punched at the skating rink during you tenth grade year.
You think of all the pick-up lines that actually seemed subtle and weren’t cringe worthy but decided against it as she pushes the books toward you.
“So, what’d you think?” You ask taking them and scanning the under the red light and pressing the ‘return’ button on the computer screen.
“I actually enjoyed between shades of gray surprisingly even though it was pretty dark,” she says shyly and you nod. “But the other wasn’t really good.”
“Just shows I have better taste than you.” You tease lightly, attempting to flirt but realizing it wasn’t actually flirting.
You were starting to realize how bad of a glitter you really were and Mj was right.
You feel your phone buzz go off multiple times at a time as Lyle comes out of the storage closet with a box full of old tapes you had just put back in there a little while ago.
He takes his seat and watches through the corner of his eye, looking through the black blocks clearly acting like he was doing something as he ease-dropped.
You roll your eyes before leaning against the counter, rolling your thumbs around each other, becoming nervous by the sudden pressure of his gaze.
“Does he always stare at you like that?” She suddenly asks, amusement clear in her voice making you snort.
“Unfortunately yes,” you say and his head yanks toward you, fake offense taking over his features. “He’s always been weird but I guess that’s what makes us friends.”
He forms a heart with his hands before blowing you a kiss making you grimace at the large man.
“So,” you say looking back up to her, noticing her biting the inside of her lip slightly before looking back to you. “Looking for anything else or should I just get back to work?” You ask, smirking slightly as you look up toward her.
You hear a quiet snort come from Lyle and send him a mental glare in the process. Oh how you wished it was Dru here instead, hell even Mj would do.
“Actually, yes.” She says, perking up slightly at your mention. “I was hoping to get another suggestion from you, since you know.” She finishes making you raise an eye brow and hum to yourself.
You think through the hundreds of books you’ve read before coming to your conclusion and standing up straight.
“I have one,” you say and she nods. “I figured.” She replies as you pass through the low door and around the counter.
“It’s sort of the same as Between Shades of Gray, same time frame.” You say walking toward the historical section. “I will need to help get it though,” you snort to yourself, feeling glare in the back of your head.
“I’m actually six foot two if you remember correctly, it’s just the angle your looking at that makes me look shorter.” She argues and your smile grows.
“I’m sorry, I completely forgot I hope I haven’t offended you too deeply.” You tell her, bowing slightly as she passes you walking into the aisle with her head high.
“But in all seriousness,” you say scanning over the the spines of the books. “What made you think the name ‘Top Shelf’ wouldn’t be quite literally the top shelf.” You reach out and grab the book ‘The Book Thief’ before turning to her.
“I thought it was like a metaphor or something.” she mumbles taking the book from your hands, reading the cover.
“Oh definitely, especially with the owners being tall themselves.” You say, laughing at her glare at you through her eye lashes.
She rolls her eyes before moving past you and toward the front desk.
You follow after her quickly and go behind the desk again before pushing past Lyle who was messing with the computer.
“Excuse you,” he stares at you wide eyed as you click back to the search bar. “Your fault you were in my way.” You mumble only giving him a glance.
“Name?” You asks glancing toward and you can almost feel the glare Lyle gives you.
“You’re joking?” She asks, clearly unamused. “It’s policy.” You send her another playful smile watching huff out.
“Jenna Ortega.” She says before Lyle pinches your side making you jump slightly. “Stop that,” you whisper before kicking your leg back at him, you miss completely.
“Burrowing or buying?” You ask and she again, rolls her eyes. “Burrowing.”
You feel Lyle pinch your other side and you send him a glare, clearly wanting him out of your bubble and away from your conversation. “You’re so annoying.” You say before watching him stick his tongue and move back to his seat.
You look back toward Jenna who was, once again, chewing her lip.
You take her credit card and swipe it quickly, using your hand to keep him a safe distance away from you.
“Anything else?” You ask, glancing up to the girl who is already staring at you.
“Actually,” she mumbles quietly as Lyle pinches your arm pit making you elbow his chest and he lets out a hard huff.
“You seem pretty cool and I was wondering..” she hesitates for a moment, trying her best to maintain eye contact which makes Lyle stop, chest against your back.
She continues you hesitate as you bag the book and slide it toward, you fidgeted slightly as anxiety creeps up to your core.
“If I could have your number? Or maybe I could give you mine?..” there’s a sort of shyness in her voice and she begins to bite the inside of her lip again.
You stare at her dumb founded a second, not fully expecting that.
But then again it was very obvious it was coming from the first part of her sentence, that was clear especially to Lyle who glances between you two.
The two wait for your response that seems to never come which makes Lyle’s eye twitch and Jenna to shift on her feet.
“You can say no, of course I just thought I’d ask.” She says, voice even quieter which makes Lyle decided to take matters into his own hands.
He snatches the phone from your pocket and sends you a small knowing smirk before turning to the girl. “Excuse her, she’s not used to these kind of interactions.” He says unlocking you phone and opening your contacts and going to the number screen.
“She is, after all, a librarians daughter. She just has no game what’s so ever.” He shakes his head and clicks his mouth. You quickly snap out of your dazed state to glare toward him.
“Yeah, sorry but I’d actually love that.” You say before watching her smile grow and all the nervousness leave her body as she begins to type.
“Cool,” she says before handing you your phone back. “Very cool.” Lyle states as he nods and gives you a knowing look.
“Text me,” she says before picking up her bag and walking toward the door. “I mean it!” You watch her stern look as her body guards stand and open the door for her with a goofy smile on your face.
“I will!” You call out as the door shuts behind her.
“Holy shit,” Lyle mutters watching her walk down the street. “Holy shit.” You repeat, still a little shocked by the whole situation.
“Jenna Ortega thinks my best friend is cool and gave her her number.” He says pulling out his phone and typing quickly before you feel a buzz in come from the phone in your hand.
You open the text messages in the group chat and see a series of text between Lyle, Mj and Dru. They had to have been spamming the entire time.
You read over the last text and snort.
My best friend is cooler than you, you also owe me twenty bucks <3
Read next part here!
A/N: Lyle being R’s wingman is in fact canon🫶🏻
Also, while you’re here why don’t you request something for different characters. I have some drafts for other things I’m working on but I would let to create some you guys ideas!
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rv3rblog · 9 months
hey champ you up for writing a gaz x omega male reader when they were teens? not asking for smut (as kids shouldn’t have sex), but just some cute stuff between the two when they were like high schoolers or something, even as still just friends. perhaps they just presented and the reader just asks gaz to sent some stuff for him , idk how your abo things work
sorry for wasting your time and thanks for your attention
omg no u r not wasting my time !! i have so many thoughts abt alpha!gaz u dnt understood. dnt hesitate to make requests !!
alpha!gaz x omega m!reader
warnings: abo rambling and military inaccuracies
word count: 1k
i want to say that you presented first between the two of you. i think that presenting is like another form of puberty, so you’re around 14/15 when it happens.
when first presenting i think you only develop your scent/mating glands and your body develops the same way it does during puberty. another thing is hormones and instincts.
when you first present you build a nest, your first couple of heats aren’t sexual but instead filled with the need to be surrounded by the scents of your pack/family. you build a nest with some article of clothings of your family but it feels wrong, incomplete. it confuses you so bad until your mom chuckles a little and asks if you perhaps, want something of kyle and you do.
you text kyle, still unpresented and ask him to come over with something of his for your nest.
he comes over so fast because he can basically feel how distressed you are. he comes with a couple used shirts and he even offers to scent you (even though he hasn’t presented yet)
kyle presents a couple weeks after you, 2/3 weeks to be exact.
alpha ruts, like an omega’s heat isnt sexual at first but instinctual. he’s more possessive with his things (and you) as well as always butting heads with other alpha’s who want to court you but he drives them away.
“he’s my omega, not yours. fuck off.”
you of course, don’t notice. a little too overwhelmed with being able to smell everyones scent because for the first three months of presenting y’all aren’t allowed to wear scent blockers (patches).
because the ruts and heats aren’t sexual, teens are required to still go to school because they aren’t physically hindered. so, imagine a bunch of teens.. basically on steroids bc of their hormones.
kyle, who is extremely possessive over you, scents you constantly, always nuzzling against your scent gland and you do the same to him.
you both have a crush on each other it drives everyone around you guys insane, im so serious rn.
like i said in the first alpha!gaz post, you guys are toeing the line between just friends and courting.
he’s constantly giving you gifts, scenting you, around you like a guard dog up until the point he leaves for basic training.
always calling you his pretty boy too.
kyle nuzzles against your scent gland as soon as he sees you. his lips against your neck as he continues to scent you. he whispers against your forehead, calling you his, his pretty boy, his sweet omega.
and you’re as equally possessive. one day you overhear another omega talking about wanting to give kyle a gift to see if he’d be open to courting and you snarl at them. it catches both of you off guard and you get flustered and walk away.
kyle can sense your mood dropped, your scent not as sweet but more sour. he nuzzles against your head, whispering and asking what’s wrong and you confess that a classmate wants to court him and that it upset you.
(which sounded silly to you as soon as you said it)
kyle smiled softly, now knowing that you were just as possessive over him the same way he was over you. he scents you and whispers against your head.
“don’t worry darlin’ no one can take me from you. ‘m yours and only yours.”
never really hits you that he means it.
also, he never calls you by your name. even when yall where just kids it was always some variation of a petname.
sometimes, the two of you stay on the phone at night.
you’re whispering as you hold the phone against your ear, curled up in your nest. somehow, kyle can tell something is bothering you even through the phone.
“what’s the matter pretty boy?”
you huff out a breath and nuzzle deeper into your covers.
“come on pretty, i won’t judge you.”
you mumble it against your blanket and he tilts his head and asks you to repeat yourself.
“…my nest doesn’t smell like you.”
and like, realistically it should smell like him. especially since you always smell like him but for some reason it doesn’t and it upsets you.
he chuckles a little and smiles sweetly, “i can give you another shirt pretty boy, would that work?”
and yeah, he’s like really cocky about it. enjoys seeing that you smell like him even though he hasn’t personally scented you yet.
this man is always calling you his. i know i said it before but his personal favorite things to call you?
“pretty boy” “sweet omega” “pretty omega” “darling” and the rare (very rare one he reserves for your heats) “baby boy” (or when he extremely possessive)
now, moving on to when he enlists? bro you are so fucking devestated. your omega screaming at you that your alpha is leaving you :( your scent sour whenever kyle brings it up :(
and it upsets him so bad to see you upset
“what’s wrong daring? talk to me.”
but the things is, you don’t. you’re a little too stubborn to admit that you’re gonna miss him and your little fantasy. the thing is he already knows.
“i’m gonna be fine. i promise.”
he scents you deply before he leaves the first time. nuzzles against your scent glands, gives you his bedsheets and shirts he wore recently.
you add the bedsheets to your nest. when he leaves you don’t leave your nest for a couple days.
he calls you when he can.
“i miss my pretty boy.” he whispers against the phone. “i miss you a lot, my baby boy.”
(he’s pouting as he talks to you)
when he comes back from basic training and spends a while with his family he bee lines to you. everyone around thinks you two are courting and he doesn’t correct them.
“my pretty boy, missed you a lot.” as he scents you.
he can smell your scent sweeten as he scents you and it drives him insane. playfully nips at your neck like when yall were kids.
overall, before officially courting you two drove everyone insane bc yall r so in love w one another and were already basically courting. like everyone at ur school knew better than to try to court either of you bc yall wld snarl at them or growl !! love sick teens who just presented <3
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deafsignifcantother · 2 months
the baby
♥ summary: almost loosely based off of this by @ukor02. This is really just a small little writing thing I did at 4am. ♥ relationship: no direct romance really, just some cute stuff between Lucifer and reader. ♥ word count: 1.6k ♥ notes: no childbirth mentioning and this is written like just as summaries of the situation tbh, almost like a bullet point format without the bullet points, the entire cast are characters, hospital scene, I made Alastor a main character and her main bestie because of course I did, reader is happy to be a mother
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You wanted to give your baby a chance to get into Heaven, even if it meant they'd leave without you. Hell is no place for a child. Both you and Charlie knew that.
"What a pleasant surprise," you sign to Alastor when you see that damn smiling demon right outside your hotel room.
He laughs; aw, you're describing his arrival as pleasant. Did he make a good impression on you when you saw him last when he introduced himself in person in Pride Sign Language? You never seemed to have paid any mind to him, giving one motion signs as responses whenever he tried starting a conversation. But even when you interacted with him like that, he couldn't help but wonder why you always looked at him with your sweet, shy gaze. It's not on purpose, which is the worst part.
Pleasant, you called it a pleasant surprise.
"It's good to see you too, my dear!" He signs, bowing a bit and pushing past you into your room. "What have you been up to?"
What an obnoxious question.
You close the door, squeezing the doorknob tightly. This is going to be a long evening. When you turn back to Alastor, he's in your living room examining the decor, your random art pieces taped to the walls and organized together, though not concisely.
He waves his hands. "I love what you've done with the place."
"I've been bored." You sign with a slight nod to yourself. It's awfully isolating, which is obvious. Still, it has never hit you as hard as it does now as you watch another person walk through your chambers.
"I'm glad I can be in your company then." His smile widens, and the static he emits gets heavier. His ear twitched a bit, which you noticed but tried not to directly look at. Was it a good or bad thing?
"But it's often relieving to be alone," you start and look him up and down.
"You're quite used to being alone, aren't you?"
Your lips tighten, your hands stiff, and you are unable to finish your sentence. Absentmindedly, you rest them on your plump, pregnant belly. Alastor does his best not to let his eyes draw down to analyze it. Still, his head tilts, even just a little. He hates looking at your hands when you touch your stomach. Did his mother hold her belly like that when he was inside of hers?
"Don't you have others to talk to?"
"They're out on their little journeys, you know them."
"Of course."
Alas, he lets his eyes trail down to your stomach. It's not quite full, but it's obvious enough to gain attention from others. Charlie will put her hands on it every day, waiting for the baby to show its presence. She can feel the heartbeat, and so can you and Vaggie, though everybody else can't feel a thing. Alastor refuses to put a hand on your stomach. Life is precious and loud, and the few who were never human understand that differently than the others.
"I wanted to check in on the baby."
A twitch of your eyebrow makes his smile widen.
The day before, Lucifer arrived.
You try on your best clothes, laying them flat against your front, looking at your belly in the mirror. For the king, should you try to hide it or show it proudly? He has a daughter, but does that affect his thoughts about Hellborn pregnancies? Gosh, what do you have to worry about? So stupid.
With the other people, your new friends, you stood with your head proud.
He swirled with the dragons and hugged his daughter as if he hadn't seen her for years. What a kind man, unusually kind. His eyes... Those soft, precious eyes. And when they landed on you, your heart almost stopped. He looked at you as if you were an angel. When his lips started to move, the smile you didn't even know you wore faded.
Charlie put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him. And there came Alastor, saving the day.
"The idiotic king was just telling you how happy he is for you." With the signs came the grinding of his teeth.
Lucifer approached, his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. He addressed Alastor with aggressive hesitance. 'Tell her...' he said.
Charlie smiled excitedly, Nifty kept nodding, and Sir Pentious's eyes started tearing up.
Alastor grimaced. "He's asking if he could feel your stomach."
As always, you've put a thorn in the flow of interactions.
Still, you put on a smile. "Of course."
And there you stood, the King of Hell's hands gently holding you. You could feel the cold of his touch even through the fabric of your shirt. The heartbeat vibrated through both your body and his. The baby was alive and well; you could tell through the pure glee that spread across his face. Beyond your tiny ounce of worry, you knew he'd find hope within your baby.
Alastor watched with a terribly strained smile.
"Why?" You ask again when he doesn't answer. "What's with the sudden worry?"
"Worry? No, no." Alastor waves you off. "More like..."
You watch with interest as he trails off, a vulnerability you love.
He squints his eyes and clenches his fists, but only for a moment. His lack of vocabulary kills him. "...Intrigue."
You crack a smirk. "Are you finally gonna feel my stomach?"
Another pause. Alastor considers it, but all he can imagine is his claws accidentally drawing blood.
"That's okay." Again, your hands rest on your stomach.
Alastor has been watching it grow, but so has Lucifer. Charlie's father scarcely visits, and you've convinced yourself it's to see you. Every time he enters the hotel, he asks how you are. He tries to lift his hands to sign but finds no words forming. A language was created in his world, and he has yet to learn how to learn it.
Whenever he presses his hands against your belly, he can feel the liveliness of the soul forming inside you, and he can feel your appreciation at his care.
Begrudgingly, he always has to ask Alastor for advice on communicating with you. Alastor always has a cocky smirk when he teaches.
Charlie has to ask Alastor for help, too, but more willingly. Alastor raises his chin and squares shoulders when people ask him for help. Charlie went to him for help on a conversation you knew she was going to start with you:
"You're not going to stay here for the battle."
"I know." There was no argument on your behalf. Charlie's cheeks still went pink.
"But I have to figure out where it's safest for you. Alastor told me Cannibal Town, but uhh... Maybe not."
"They'll all be here anyway. Maybe they'll distract the angels from going over there."
Her bright eyes widen a bit. "Do you think so?"
"I can stay over there, even if they try to eat me." They won't, and even if they try, they know Alastor would end their lives, don't they?
She fiddles with her fingers before lifting them up again. "I suppose..."
She's so quickly convinced it's cute. You're right, though, of course. Cannibal Town might be the safest place, specifically under the hands of Rosie, who Alastor had previously told you would be more than willing to help you. You can imagine her smile at seeing your belly, twice the size as when Alastor first told you about her. Unbeknownst to Charlie, he's been planning this for a while.
Your stress for their safety irks you more than you expected.
You place a hand on Charlie's, lifting your other one. "I'll be okay."
Before you left for Cannibal Town, you met Lucifer once again, a more loving side of him. He cradled your head and held the back of your neck as he did. His cold body felt like warmth to you. He whispered things to you; you could only tell from how his breath constantly brushed against your ear in sing-songy waves. Was he singing to you? A lullaby? He pulled away and finally signed to you. "You're going to be a great mom."
A moment before, Alastor finally put his hands on your belly. His hands were warm. Like Lucifer, he was whispering to himself, holding silent words from you. In another life, you'd imagine they were prayers. At that moment, only an instinct, you put your hands on his, and he allowed it.
The stress of their safety worsened when they were left alone in Cannibal Town without a word of winning or losing.
The winning of Hell was all you wanted to focus on when you noticed the contractions getting worse, spaced out in purposeful ways. Oh goodness, you found yourself thinking, oh my God.
What if Lucifer dies on the same day your child is born?
But after the battle, he was right there to cradle the baby in his arms, his heavenly grasp relaxing the tiny baby. The rest of the group sat in your room, Sir Pentious absent, tears in their eyes at both the birth and the death.
Beyond Lucifer's cradling, Husk was the only one who touched your child that day. He placed his furry paw against the baby, feeling the body heat that they admitted. Life could be beautiful, he decided.
Vaggie's sense of revenge deepened. She sacrificed Heaven to save a child, and now she's even more than willing to kill her sisters to save yours.
While Charlie stares at your baby with tears, Alastor smiles warmly at you. He knew you could do it: birth something beautiful and worth protecting.
Your eyes are locked on Lucifer. He's an amazing, supportive dad to Charlie, and your heart begins to swell. Your heartbeat increases, and a blush weakly forms on your already flushed face. His rough hands hold a forgiving softness. He's beautiful.
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st4rc4t · 3 months
hasan piker x weed smoking reader hcs
disclaimer! i do not condone underage marijuana usage!! this is just something silly for ppl who do/have smoked weed before. if ur under 21 in the united states don’t do it !!!
cw: marijuana usage, friends to lovers sorta idk the situation is weird, autistic coded reader ? it kinda just happens, semi pining, gn!reader
wc: 1.1k+
a/n: just me and my 3 weed smoking gfs
most of his friends in the youtube/twitch scene also smoke weed so he doesn’t really care
he smokes occasionally but only at night to help wind down a little bit
he doesnt mind the smell but he really hates when his clothes and hair smell like it
so when he’s around you make sure you’re either outside or blowing it out of a window
you never smoke inside his house
he didn’t ask you not to, you just assumed he wouldn’t like it
he doesnt and it makes him blush a little at ur consideration
whenever you get high and he doesn’t, he never says “omg ur so high” while ur trying to talk
cus like . yeah obviously that was the point ! and its not like ur completely different while high, just a little floatier and it takes you a minute to get thru ur sentences
but you talk about pretty much the same stuff and he loves talking to you
and u laugh a lot he likes that too
dont tell anyone tho
you looove getting high with him its such a special treat
ull be gathering ur paraphernalia to take out on the patio and he wanders out of his stream room looking like the sad hamster
he sees you getting ready, getting a bottle of juice and such and asks if he can join u
gasp of course he can !!!!!
asking how fucked up he wants to get so you know the best method of smoke delivery
he wants to sleep Good tonight so indica in the bong it is !
he’s nervous ab the bong so u bring out a bowl too incase he gets cold feet
he watches you get comfy in your seat outside, a comfortable warmth from the california setting sun
arranging everything ready on the table
“you look like a tweaker”
“im gonna make you a tweaker if ur not careful”
he laughs but he keeps watching you carefully pick out a healthy portion from the large bud you have, pushing it into the prongs of your grinder and twisting the two pieces against each other
he watches you pour the contents of a reusable water bottle into the large glass piece, eyeing the level of water
he watches you stop and put it to your lips, taking a pretend hit and making sure the water level is good
he watches you carefully pack the ground up flower into both bowl pieces, using your fingers to pat it level and dusting the excess back into the grinder with each one
you notice him staring but dont say anything until you’re already done
you make him an offering, bong and bowl in each respective hand. eyebrows raised as if to say, “which are we feeling?” but when he continues staring at the contents of your hands, you actually speak.
“dude are you already high, whats going on?” you laugh cautiously, genuinely a little worried but keeping it light hearted. he seems to snap out of it at your voice.
his eyes dart around for a second as he reenters his surroundings, chuckling when your word’s finally register, “no, yeah- sorry… really long day today,” his words fizzle out as he goes along. you cant help but feel bad, you dont know how he deals with streaming sometimes. you also feel weird about giving him a mind altering substance while he already seems spaced out.
setting the pieces down safely on the table, you look at him seriously before speaking, “are you sure you wanna do this? you’re kinda out of it,” you’re hard trying not to sound condescending, but you doubt he can read your tone that well right now anyway.
he smiles the most minuscule amount and looks away, but you see it. “yeah, im sure,” he sighs out gently before continuing, “i need to empty my brain,” he finishes by looking back to you with already tired eyes. you nod in understanding, relishing in knowing exactly how to fix his problem.
picking up the little glass bowl and a lighter, you hand both to him. they instantly look tiny in his hand and you’re not sure how he’s gonna actually do this. after realising you gave him green hit, you remind him to take a small hit. he just rolls his eyes sarcastically and scoffs, like of course he would, but you both know he would’ve blown a lung.
you watch him fumble with the glass, trying to get a good grip that covers the carb and wont burn his hand when he lights it
he eventually gets it and takes a little corner hit
a bit bigger than he was expecting tho so he does that thing where u cough the smoke out
just awful btw
u give him some water hes fine but boy does he love to complain
u just laugh at him and take ur own hit
breathing in deep, holding it for a second, and letting it go watching it escape into the open air
when he sees other people smoke it usually feels more rushed and energetic, like they were trying to ingest as much thc in as little time as possible
but you take your time. gathering everything and getting comfortable, settling into the ritual of the action. you take your time and let yourself feel it, you take your time and make sure he’s fully prepared before offering him anything
oh no he likes you !
he does end up hitting the bong but like the smallest baby hit so it doesn’t even count
he is sooo silly when hes high loves to laugh
he will def devolve into political rants if you let him, but you’re pretty good at making him laugh and redirecting him when hes like this
bc he smoked an indica this time his eyes are even more droopy than they were before and you can tell he’s getting tired
you clean up and follow him back inside amd he goes completely baby mode at the sight of kaya sleeping on the couch
petting her and pressing his face into her fur, going on and on about how soft she is
you laugh and sit on the other end of the big sectional covered in pillows and blankets
when hes done melting into kaya he sits down next to u with his arm around the back of the couch
real smooth .
it works 1000%
watching smth stupid like family guy (genuinely my fave show while high i will not elaborate)
chilling until he decides to go to bed at like 8:30
he convinces u to sleep on the couch bc ur both too high to drive and he would freak out at the thought of u in an uber rn
okay i have to be done i basically wrote a oneshot in the middle bye bye
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Aita because I asked my friend to not name his kid the same name as my abusive dad because it triggers me?
✨👶🏼 so I notice myself, sorry but I have a mental disability so my grammar isn't great. Sorry if I sound weird.
So let's just call my friend Fred (23,he/him, trans man)and I'll call my dad's name Sven. Fred has one other child(1,m) who I'll call Winston and Fred's newest child (Unborn lol, we know its another boy) is with one of his partners Brooke(22, They/She, transfem nb girl). I also offhandedly mention my partner Rosey(25, Any pronouns, Genderfluid) a few times, Fred's other partner Alan (20s?, He/him, Trans man), and lastly Me (24, He/she, Genderfluid).
Me and Fred have been bffs for like 7 or 8 years and I and Rosey are godparents to Winston and Fred got pregnant again. This time from one of his partners Brooke , Winston's other dad isnt in the picture. Me and Fred are super close (nearly dated at one point but it was before Fred and Brooke got together the first time and we are no longer interested in each other like that.) and I've been following both of Fred's pregnancies just to make sure everything is ok (I'm not encroaching, I just get text updates on appointments and stuff. Fred's first pregnancy was rough.).
Without going into a whole timeline, Fred and Brooke dated a couple years ago for about a year but Brooke raised a hand to hit Fred (never made contact nor any other physical abuse however they used it as a threat) and was controlling over him, they broke up and lost contact and over the last year/year and a half, rekindled and Brooke says they've changed and Fred trusts them again. I still don't like Brooke for obvious reasons but I'm being civil and trying to let them earn my trust again. So far their relationship is fine and it's not my place to muddle so until Fred sets off alarms that Brooke has gone back to their old ways, I'm trusting my friend's judgement. Brooke has been doing great through this pregnancy.
Fred knows the gest about what my dad put me through and how abusive he was to me. He knows I can't even be near cigarette smoke because it reminds me of him. However, Fred doesn't know his name. It's not because Fred doesn't want to, my dad's name just never came up and i didnt realize he didnt know his name till a few hours ago.
Me and Rosey sat in a call with Fred, Brooke and Alan while Fred and Brooke were brainstorming name ideas (They wanted our input). Brooke suggested the name Sven. I wanna be clear, Brooke doesn't know my dad's name either so I don't think this was a way of attacking me or something sinister. The name Sven is standing in for is a very common name in my country, though it's not popular for us gen Zers, it is common for my dad's generation.
I obviously froze up a bit due to the mention of his name and although Rosey tried to bring it up, Fred and his partners are kinda known for interrupting (Usually not viciously) and they didn't hear her. Fred and Brooke chatted happily about what a handsome name Sven was and how they might just decide to stick with it here and now but they wanted to hear other options. I waited out till the end of the call when Alan left (I don't know them so I didn't want to accidentally tell them personal things about my history of abuse) and told Fred that Sven was my dad's name.
Fred gasped and quickly said he wouldn't choose Sven and that he was sorry he forgot his name. Brooke however said that that was not a good enough reason to not consider a name they both dearly loved not 10 seconds ago. I tried to tell Brooke about why my dad was a bad person and some of the lighter things he'd done (not in a trauma dump explicit way, just in a he did *insert form of abuse* way) but they shut me down and said it was their kid to decide the name of. Fred told him he was also a vote in the name and he didn't want to upset me unnecessarily. Brooke said they were done with the conversation and Fred said they'd talk about it later. Fred then said to me and Rosey that he'd handle it and ended the call.
After about 30 mins, I got a couple of texts from Brooke and Alan that I was a jerk for trying to push my triggers onto other people and causing a fight between them and Fred and it wasn't my baby to name. (Alan doesn't live with Brooke and Fred so Brooke told Alan first what happened.) I decided not to answer for an hour or so because I was already worked up and they both essentially called me an asshole for overstepping. Fred just says hes gonna handle them but now I'm just confused.
I can see where I might of overstepped but I wasn't trying to be controlling and even if they would of picked Sven, i would of still respected it and tried my best to get over it as best i can. Was I pushing my problems on others or was I just letting a friend know what that name might be a bit painful for me when the name was just a suggestion? I don't think I'm TA but I wanna see if I'm missing something?
(I just realized rereading this that there is some important context to be added; Sven is not a sentimental name to Fred, Brooke or Alan. It's not a parents or grandparents name that might need carried on, it was just a name they liked. I checked with Fred to see if that explained Brooke's anger or something and Fred said no, they just liked Sven. There also hasn't been any hostility before this with Brooke or Alan so I'm not sure where all this anger came from.)
What are these acronyms?
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hxney-lemcn · 7 months
i wanted to ask if you could do brett hand x gn! reader but angst? like stuff with his family and its getting worse. hope its not a bad idea
have a good night/ day hun!!
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summery: reader tries to cheer Brett up. They find out just what is making Brett feel down and fluff ensues.
tw: toxic family relationships, hurt/comfort
a/n: ...teehee, so I'm pretty sure this was requested like...a year ago...uh...sorry for the late upload?? LMAO! If you're still interested here you go 💀
wc: 1.2k
Master List
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I couldn’t focus on the shitty 80’s movie playing when I had Brett curled into my side. I noticed he seemed to be down at work, and offered to host a sleepover. Yes it may be childish, but after learning about Brett’s shitty family and how he never really had a childhood, I thought it would be nice. 
Brett didn’t hesitate to agree. Although his demeanor was enthused, his brown eyes still showed unhappiness. Which led to our current situation. Watching classic 80’s movies and cuddling on the couch. I kept sneaking glances down towards the brunette, his eyes glued to the tv. His head rested on my chest, and my arms wrapped around his back.
At one point, his eyes started watering, which led me to pausing the movie. Clearly something was eating at him and I wasn’t gonna just watch him suffer. 
“Why’d you pause-”
“What’s wrong Brett,” I said, interrupting him. I wasn’t gonna let him bat around the bush.
“N-nothing, why do you ask?” He deflected, eyes darting all over the place. He was a terrible liar.
Bringing a hand up, I ran my fingers through his hair, which made him relax almost immediately. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I soothed. “But I don’t want you to hold it in either. You can talk to me.” He fell limp, admitting defeat as I gently scratched at his scalp.
“It’s…” He stuttered slightly. “I-its my family.” I tensed when they came up. I’ve only met them once, and it was not a pleasant meeting. I mean, Brett literally took a bullet for his brother and he’s once again on their shit list. Which I could never understand. Brett was the sweetest man I had ever met! He listened, he cared, and he’d do anything to make his friends happy…well more like anyone happy (clearly coming from his family trauma), but still! He was an absolute sweetheart. 
All in all, I did not like his family. In fact, you could even say I hate them. I couldn’t tell Brett that though, as he still loved them dearly. Something they did not deserve. 
“What did they do this time?” I asked, trying to keep myself from letting my distaste show in my tone. 
Brett nuzzled further into the crook of my neck, “Just the usual, called me a disappointment and I never deserved to have even been considered for the 1st ranked sibling. How they don’t understand why I even bother to show my face around them anymore.”
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I know family is important, but if my parents did that, I’d be out the door and never come back. I have no clue how Brett could be strong enough to endure his parents' neglect and emotional abuse. I know his family is important to him, but there's a certain point that people should just cut ties.
“Oh Brett,” I muttered, nuzzling the top of his head. “My sweetheart. My sweet little boy.” Brett’s hold on me grew a little tighter at the nicknames, and I felt tears hit my neck, but I paid it no mind. “You deserve so much better. They should be the ones begging for your love and attention, not the other way round. You are so accomplished, loved, and overall amazing. You’re a boss at the shadow government, you’ve got a team who loves you! …in their weird little ways of course. Not to mention that you are just a caring and loving person.”
Brett sniffled, “Then why are they so mean?”
My heart churned, feeling my own eyes water at just how beaten he sounded. 
“I’m not exactly sure of their history, but I assume it’s because that’s how their parents treated them,” I replied, trying to think how people could be so cold to their own children. “That and a mix of them not having the capacity to actually care for you and your siblings. When they look at you, they see a commodity, not a person.”
I winced as Brett let out a sob mixed with a whimper. Did I make it worse?
“But you’re not a commodity,” I muttered, pressing a kiss to his temple. “You’re an amazing, beautiful person who deserves the love you get and even more. I know you care for your family, but I think the best thing you can do is let them go. I mean you have a work family who do care for you, who want to see you succeed. I hope I’m not overstepping, but I feel like your family is holding you back. I know you can grow so much more if you learn that their affection and approval isn’t worth the pain and hurt. Because there are other people willing to give you that affection and approval.”
Brett let a sob escape him, his arms squeezing the life out of me, but I wasn’t gonna stop him. He was babbling things I couldn’t make out, but I think it was things of gratitude and love. I didn’t need to hear what he was saying to know that he was grateful. I was just glad I seemed to have gotten through to him.
“Th-they found someone to m-marry me off to,” He stuttered. “A-and I didn’t want to disappoint them, b-but I don’t want to marry them! I want to marry you! A-and I told them that, and that's when they started t-to insult m-me.”
My eyes widened at his bold proclamation, my hand halting its ministrations in his hair. They wanted to marry him off? I guess that wasn’t out of their reach. But he actually said no? Because he wanted to marry me?! I felt myself fluster at the thought. I couldn’t help but picture us standing at the altar, or podium, in front of the sea? Maybe in the woods? I wasn’t sure where, but a beautiful place, with us exchanging our vows of love, and then becoming wedded. 
I snapped out of it when Brett’s teary eyes met mine. They were big and watery, almost like a sad puppy. He seemed to be freaking out, eyes frantically searching mine.
I cupped his jaw, brushing my thumb over his cheek, “I would be honored to marry you.”
His eyes widened, cheeks warming under my touch, a bashful smile gracing his face. A tear fell down his cheek, and I wiped it away.
“I would be honored to marry you,” Brett emphasized. 
I chuckled, feeling elated, “I guess we’d be honored to marry each other.”
Brett giggled back, the brightest smile I’d ever seen on his face, “Yeah.”
Pulling his face down, I littered his face with kisses, causing his giggles to continuously fall out of his mouth. I nuzzled our noses before leaving one last kiss to his lips. He hummed in content as I wrapped my arms around his neck, the kiss being a slow, passionate, loving one. 
“Do you wanna continue the movie?” I asked after we pulled apart.
Brett’s eyes were glued to my lips, “Could…we do that again…please.”
I blinked, an explosive laugh falling from my lips, “Brett this isn’t our first kiss.”
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peachfruitcake · 3 months
did you hear about what Martin said about Susan and Linda on the Twitter space he hosted on the 27th? i thought of you instantly when he started talking about them and have been waiting for you to post your thoughts! :-)
Now for those who didn’t listen to that space, Martin said that Linda called her to say goodbye but never specified how it went of course. Besides “hey Susan I’m leaving sorry this is really impacting my mental health” “gaaaaaaaaaaey”/j
This is all a personal headcanon but I like to think that their friendship grew incredibly distant ever since Linda married Felix, Susan probably stopped talking to her altogether for a while and it would leave Linda very confused and upset. They might’ve started talking to eachother again a little bit as the series of events began to approach but only very brief small talk, maybe Linda complaining a little and giving Susan a few life updates and them both talking about stuff they’ve been noticing with others lately (especially Felix’s drinking), but nothing deeper than that.
I see Susan being extremely emotionally closed off to most people except maybe a select few that she knows very closely, so if you were to ask her what’s going on in her life she’d give you a very vaguely watered down version and not what’s actually going on or how she’s really managing herself emotionally.
So basically she used to be more open with Linda, but during that period she sort of just started treating her like a stranger.
So when Linda called her first to tell her that she’s finally leaving, Susan acted how she usually would, keeping it calm, understanding and respectful and wishing her luck, but she won’t really show any more than that. Or that she cried later and felt pretty bad that they couldn’t be so close anymore and that she’ll probably never be able to make up for herself acting so distant for the past many years again.
Of course this all comes from how I view Susan as a character myself though and also the fact that I refuse to pass up the idea that she has feelings for Linda. I like to think that she introduced her to Felix cuz Linda was getting more desperate to find a relationship and Susan was getting weird thoughts so in a panic she shoved her off to him so she could avoid the urges. They’ve been boiling within her since highschool and she always was able to push them aside or excuse them as “she’s just my very close friend I don’t have many close friends so she feels extra special” and as the years went by they began distracting her a lot from her work and were growing stronger and more unavoidable aaand they were really beginning to affect how she’d interact with Linda and you see Susan hates feeling like another has any control over her and Linda just wouldn’t shut up about hooooow badly she wants a relationship and hoooow many dates keep failing and Susan was at the point to where she was starting to get the kind of dreams that make you stare up at the ceiling in horror when you open your eyes in the morning so one day when she overheard Felix speaking about being single and wanting to start looking around, she decided to introduce her to him. Susan allegedly never finds a problem she can’t fix in some way so that was her solution.
They hit it off, Susan’s solution isn’t working for some reason cuz she doesn’t feel any relief at all and in fact feels worse but just sucks it up and just focuses on her work and looks the other way. Linda and Felix get married, Susan feels like throwing up the entire day and now feels somehow even more worse by now and suddenly whenever Linda wants to chat she’s suddenly always “busy” every time. Susan’s often busy anyways but you know yourself when there’s a difference between “shit I’m busy that day, let’s do Sunday instead” and “Sorry I can’t, I’m busy”, “I don’t know when I’ll be available.”
While Linda and Felix were dating, Susan probably assumed that she was just jealous that she couldn’t have a little fun at her age herself. When they got married, Susan told herself that she’s probably so depressed over it cuz it’s making her feel like she’s fallen behind others her age and that maybe she feels bitter that all of these people are moving on and going through these important life stages while she remains behind. Which made no sense otherwise cuz Susan couldn’t give any less of a fuck about starting any sort of family or going out. But that’s what Susan would tell herself that she feels so she wouldn’t have to think about it any further. By the time Susan thinks she’s over whatever it was, she begins having brief talks with Linda occasionally. Not often and still a bit distant, but way better than before.
So yeah can you imagine how shitty and guilty Susan felt that whole time of her weird bitterness toward Linda being in a relationship and not being able to approach her much anymore or how Felix turned out to be such a shitty husband.
If this headcanon is aligned with twf’s canon, she’d probably be dead before she even gets to actually acknowledge and accept her feelings as they are. Such is life though. Not like she could’ve done anything about it.
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sensei-venus · 9 months
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(Unedited) (Bullying, Kyler being Kyler, Happens before Miguel shows up, Bully!Reader is lovely-dovey down bad for a nerd, Hates herself for it but she can't help it, Reader doing illegal shit to Kylers car because she's a menace to society.) ( @gemini-sensei )
Recently thinking about this because of Bully!Reader.
What if Bully!Chubby!Reader, who is just a straight-up asshole to just about everyone, is kind of a loner, is new to school.
The minute she steps into school everyone just knows something's up. She's kinda punk like (maybe slimy like S1 Robby) and she walks around like she knows what the fuck she wants.
The first time she lays eyes on little Eli she just knows, she wants that dude.
She stares at him from across the room, maybe during lunch. Her eyes just dig into him, but he doesn't see her because he's too busy with talking to Demetri. They're too caught up in some nerd conversation about a new comic or something. She's just staring right at him while picking at her food. A sick little twisted smile on her lips.
But as the day goes on she happens across one of the many “Kyler” events where he's bullying Eli and Demetri. She takes more notice of the fact he likes going after Eli more than Demetri.
She doesn't like that one bit.
She wants to claim him.
For the next week, she basically stalks Kyler around the school maybe even outside of it. This leads to her finding his car, and let's just say that one day some very nasty stuff happens to his lovely car. Said thing involves major property damage.
While she's doing all of this, at the same time she racking up her own little “hits” of kids she messes with. Unlike Kyler she doesn't have a list of specific kids she goes after. Their random and just kids that piss her off in one way or another. Everyone gets the fact that she's doing her picking and bullying at random. No one wants to get in her way or on her bad side.
One day she finds Kyler and his goons once again messing with Eli. This time she catches him physically messing with the boy. Picking him up and getting in his face. Eli is scared shitless, halfway off the ground. They laugh at him and making nasty comments. From not only his body but about his lip. This sends Reader over the edge making her snap. She rushes over to them and physically pulls Eli away from Kyler’s grasp. He falls to the floor with a thud, rolling away, and pushes himself up against a wall. Too scared to even try and run off. He just sits on the floor with wide eyes.
Reader gets in Kyler's face spewing threat after threat. Each new sentence has his goons stepping back. Finally she gets to the point.
“Moskowitz is mine from now on. I'm call dibs on the little shit. Your going to stop fucking with him, unless you want another “accident” to happen with your car again? Maybe next time it will be something worse.” she grins at the way his posture changes. His eyes go wide just a little and he takes a small step backwards.
“What the fuck that was you-”
“I don't think you want to find out.”
He huffs before pushing his goons to leave. They slowly walk off, leaving him behind for just a moment.
“You can have the freak for now! But just for no— your fucking lucky bitch!” and he takes off to follow his friends.
She rolls her eyes and scoffs before turning back around to find her prize. She smirks as she looks down to find her prize. Still on the floor shivering in fright, he stares at her and loudly gulps. He knows her reputation. He has to be her newest victim. Whatever she said to Kyler was able to scare him off which wasn't at all easy.
She bends down, her cleavage right smack down in his face. He's too scared to pop a boner but he's happy about that. Clearly, she just called dibs on him, and Kyler’s bullying privileges have been revoked. She smirks down at him saying “Your mine now dude.” she laughs which sends a chill up his spine. He gulps down a huge spitball.
Apparently, he was trading in bullies for this semester.
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(Part two to this is going to be ✨freaky✨😈.)
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imsadstuff · 1 year
Loving You Is Red - A Jeon Jungkook Fic -Epilogue
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Synopsis: Jeon Jungkook's name was unheard on the Formula 1 paddock till he got a chance to drive a Mercedes car as a reserve driver. His 2020 starts looking brighter as he signs with Ferrari and meets you, his team mates little sister. So many cliched tropes, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, dating brother's best friend, and most importantly Jeon Jungkook looks smoking hot in a Ferrari! Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life and humor Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, my mother got hospitalized and I couldn't find the time to finish this. This took a lot of time and energy, so I hope you enjoy reading this. If you do please leave me a like or comment, please don't be a ghost reader! Word Count: 4.6k+ (I reccomend reading on a desktop if possible!) Warnings: Sexual themes, drinking, and just a whole lot of fluff.
Link to my masterlist if you want to check out my other stuff : here
Link to the main fic if you haven't read it yet here
AO3 link incase you prefer that: here
Race 14 Monaco Grand Prix 2029
“Cooking with your mother was disastrous. I couldn’t even chop properly and I’m sure I ruined her batch of kimchi but she was still super kind” you share as Jungkook chuckles in the car beside you.
“I promise you it isn’t as bad as it is in your head” Jungkook tries and reassure you as his hand intertwines with yours.
“And if she doesn’t invite you to make kimchi next year, we’ll know for sure” Jungkook says with a teasing tone and you swat his hand away as you simmer in last week's embarrassment.
“Ignoring the massive disaster, I was with your mother, how was fishing with my dad and Phillip. Phillip sent me a bunch of drunk texts saying how I was all grown up, did you say something weird?” you ask, turning to look at him and Jungkook brushes it off, taking a hold of your hand again.
“We were just talking about us dating for the first time and how young we were, that might have caused that” he says as he drives the car into the parking lot.
“Also, Phillip is a little shit who and told me that I shouldn’t go easy on your father, and to put it simply, I beat your father at chess and now I know where Phillip and you get the competitive gene from” he says as he unbuckles the seatbelt and you look at him all confused.
“What did my father do to you and what makes you think I’m competitive?” you ask with a pointed tone and Jungkook snickers, very sarcastically.
“Your father doesn’t ever want to play any games with me for the sake of our relationship and don’t you remember the Mario Kart incident? Because that remote almost hit me” he complains as he pulls you closer by your hand.
“Oh will you drop the Mario Kart incident, I was eating chips and my hands were all oily and I can’t believe you’re-” Jungkook shuts you up with a soft peck on your lips, followed by a deeper one as he bites your lower lip.
“Baby, I might be competitive but not as much as you.” you whisper against his lips and he chuckles, finally pulling away.
“That is true. Now come on, I gotta win this race!” Jungkook says and you snicker, he’s definitely more competitive.
“So, the first date was great, superb actually. We connected, there was this undeniable chemistry and why are you making that face?” Lando stops talking when he notices the dubious smile on your face.
“Did Lily tell you something else? Did she not have a good time? Oh my god is that why she hasn’t texted me since the last half an hour?” Lando is starting to panic and Jungkook and you share a knowing smile, getting a kick out of your friend's misery.
Lando and Lily hit it off at Jungkook’s last birthday dinner and Lando didn’t hesitate at all before asking her out.
“I just want it put in writing that you and Lily will not bother us with your relationship troubles” you say sternly as the three of you make way to the hospitality area. Lando moved to Ferrari about a year ago, Jungkook and him have been a great team. 
“Relationship, so she said something good, what did Lily say ___?” Lando asks with agitation and Jungkook giggles as his hand intertwines with yours.
“I’m sorry best friend, best friend privilege” you tease and Lando groans, only making Jungkook laugh louder. Lando isn’t the type to doubt himself when it comes to relationships, so this is quite amusing.
“Just chill my man, focus on the race for now” Jungkook says tapping Lando’s hand and he distractedly nods.
“Would you guys be up for brunch at my place tomorrow, a double date?” Lando asks reading something from his phone, probably a text from Lily.
“Sure-” “We can’t actually, we have a thing” Jungkook interrupts you, but you just tag along.
“Yeah we do, let’s plan for some other time” you say and Lando nods understandingly, before he walks off as he’s texting someone.
“We have a thing tomorrow?” you ask as the two of you slip into Jungkook’s driver room. Jungkook’s quiet for a second as he pulls off his polo, ready to slip into his driving suit.
“I was hoping we could spend the day decorating our apartment, we could build the bookshelves that are still in boxes” he says with a small smile as he takes a seat to get rid of his shoes. The two of you moved in together a few months ago but hadn’t gotten to decorating yet.
“Aren’t you such a romantic, but you and I both know I can’t be participating with building stuff, I broke my hand the last time and your very expensive coffee table” you say and Jungkook chuckles, pulling you in his lap.
“Counter offer, you sort the books in our guest room and I build the bookshelf, like the provider I am” he offers with a big smile as his arms circle around your waist.
“Are you sweet talking me into doing chores Jeon?” you ask in an accusing tone and he only laughs louder.
“Maybe,” he says, pecking your lips softly. “What about tonight? Are we doing your winner's dinner?” you ask, smiling against his lips.
“I am infuriated that I can’t eat icing off your tits tonight, I have a work dinner thing” he grumbles and you run your hands down his back.
“We can do winner’s breakfast instead, it’s all about improvising baby” you say in an attempt to lift his spirits.  “saranghae” you whisper looking in his big, brown eyes, you had started picking up a few Korean words here and there, dropping them casually and amusing Jungkook. “I love you” Jungkook says, pulling away to look you in the eyes. He takes a deep breath to really take in the moment.
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The race started and ended quickly for Jungkook after reliability issues in lap 10. You sigh as you sit opposite your father, winning is important for Jungkook, it really it, but he’s also gotten great with compartmentalizing it.
“Too bad the car isn’t supporting him” you father says and you nod, watching on the tv’s as the camera’s follow Jungkook walking into the garage.
“At least he’ll get to rest during the summer break” you say, looking forward to the next few weeks of vacation.
“Where are you guys going?” your father asks as he turns to look at you. It wasn’t going to be a vacation per say.
“Jungkook bought a house in Busan, it’s by the ocean, kinda close to the one his family used to live in. We’ll leave Thursday, and just spend a few weeks there, I’ll work, he’ll train, just our usual days but in Busan” Jungkook had proposed this weeks ago, and you immediately agreed.
“Sounds romantic” your father says with a big, bright smile, “Jungkook really makes you happy doesn’t he” he continues talking, this isn’t a question but more like a statement.
“Life is better with him in it” you say as your eyes catch his across the room, immediately, you flash him a comforting smile and he mimics one too as he walks towards you.
“Next race will be better son” your father tells Jungkook as he takes a seat beside you.
“Hopefully we’ll be done with the engine issues” he sighs with frustration and your hand finds his, interlocking them immediately.
“Issues like these are so threatening to my championship chances, so utterly out of my hand” Jungkook voices his concerns and your father listens intently, knowing all about it.
“It so much worse because you can’t fix the issues and it threatens the team morale” your father says and Jungkook nods intensely. Soon, Namjoon comes over too, the three of them talking about the issues in length while you sit there quietly, while Jungkook rubs his thumb across your hand.
“You’re meeting is at around 8 at Blue Bay, and they’ve scheduled a post-race meeting at 6:30” Namjoon reminds Jungkook before he stands up to leave. Your father left earlier too, saying something about having dinner appointments.
“You’ve been awfully quiet” Jungkook says, turning around to look at you.
“I’m kinda tired” you say resting your head against his arm. Jungkook is really tempted to cancel his dinner thing and go home with you, but you talk him out of it.
“I promise I’ll call you if I don’t feel any better after dinner,” you tell him and he grumbles, bringing his arm around your waist.
“Did you get your test results back? I know you’re all weak because of deficiencies, that’s why your hands are always cold” Jungkook sits for a few more minutes, knowing full well the meeting is going to start any moment now.
“The doctor will call me when it’s done, just will you go and do your work. One of us needs to make shit load of money, we have expensive taste” you tease him in attempts to lighten the situation.
“Call me if you need anything-“ he says as he sneaks a quick peck on your lips, “or nothing, just call me” “I will” you reassure him with a soft pat on his cheek.
Jungkook isn’t a fan of talking one on one with reporters, but Namjoon assured him a couple thousand times and somehow made him agree to this dinner.
What he wasn’t expecting was an excited, senior writer for Vogue Korea, Jung Hoseok. They click immediately, talking endlessly about anything and everything under the sun.
“So, this is your ninth year at ferrari and you’ve decided to move to mercedes, what motivated the move?” Hoseok asks and Jungkook takes a big sip of his drink, this question is the reason this interview was set up. The move hasn’t been announced, yet.
“My years at ferrari have made me the champion I am, I won seven world championships with them but I’ve also felt a little stagnant in my career. The move is a way to challenge myself as a driver and also making a profitable move as a driver” Jungkook explains calmly and Hoseok scoffs.
“You’re so amazingly media trained, the answers are given by a PR person aren’t they” the reporter notes and Jungkook laughs out loud.
“My manager, he’s the reason I talk so well” Jungkook answers candidly.
“So, the move is not because of the reliability and strategy issues?” “Those reasons obviously played a part in the decision making. Ferrari has been struggling for the last two years since they changed their engine producer, and I wanted to stick with my team through the pain, but I’m not 20 anymore, I’m almost 30. I told my manager after the first three terrible races last year, ‘We’ll stick with them for a year, give them time to work out the kinks, they deserve patience from me, at least for a year’. But again, the since the start of this year, it hasn’t been that great, so after lengthy discussions with my manager, parents and girlfriend, I decided to make the move” Jungkook answers honestly, and Hoseok is a little stunned by it. They go on to discuss the move to mercedes more, talking about going back to where it all started.
“You don’t talk about your girlfriend much to the press or media, your relationship is extremely private even missing from each other’s social media, is there a reason for that?”
“I’ve kept my relationship with ___ private because the more public I make it, the more people feel like they have a say in the relationship. And I don’t want people’s opinions or thoughts guiding our relationship, and honestly, I can’t bear losing her again”
“This might be an odd question, but how do you think being in love has changed you?” this question sticks with Jungkook for a while, he thinks it over for a good few minutes.
“It has made me a much more, stronger, and confident person. I think being loved by someone you love endlessly is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. She doesn’t love me despite or because, she just loves me for being Jungkook and that’s, um, something that’s really helped me grow and change as a person for the better.” Jungkook sighs the more he thinks about you, he wonders if you are still feeling sick.
“Can I ask you a few more questions about your relationship? You can say no” Hoseok asks and Jungkook strangely encourages him. Most reporters he’s talked to are always looking for a scoop, this is the first time a reporter seems to be taking actual interest in him.  
“Were the two of you set up by your former teammate and now close friend Phillip Lee or did it just happen naturally?”
“Phillip didn’t even know we’d been dating till we broke up” Jungkook says and chuckles, thinking back to the before the first race of 2021, Phillip literally cornered him in his drivers room and asked him what was wrong with him.
“Back in 2020, there weren’t a lot of people my age on the paddock. I really needed a friend, so I reached out to ___. We were friends for a good few months before I realised, I was in love with her. Luckily, she felt the same way” Jungkook has the widest smile as he thinks back, just makes him realise how much time has passed.
“You talk of a break up, did it affect you as a driver?” Hoseok asks as he sits up straight.
“As much as I hate admitting it, it did, I’m human after all. What’s going on in my personal life usually doesn’t affect me as a driver because I’m great at compartmentalizing, but losing someone I love, so abruptly, and especially when I couldn’t do anything to stop to let her slip away, it frustrated me to no end and it affected my performance as a driver, initially at least” Jungkook confesses and the reporter passes him an encouraging smile.
“The two of you have been dating for four years-“ “Five in total” Jungkook corrects him and the two of them chuckle out loud. “The two of you have been dating for five years now, does the future of your relationship affect your future as a driver? To bring up Phillip again, he retired a few months after his first son was born and has been living a quiet life away from F1 since, do you see yourself going down that road too? Putting your relationship and family ahead of anything by your mid-thirties?”
“Just last week I was facetiming Phillip, and he was building a dollhouse, surrounded by his kids. Phillip was obviously, very happy as a f1 driver, but being a father has made him content like never before. I don’t know what it’s going to be like with us, but I know ___ and I will come to a decision that’s best for the two of us”
“Talking of retirement, what do you see yourself filling time with when retired?” Hoseok asks, relaxing a little as he sits back in the chair.
“Sometime during early 2019, I knew I didn’t have a contract for the next year so my sister and I really started thinking of plan b’s outside of racing, and we narrowed down on the option of me going to college and taking the traditional route. I have always wondered, what would life be right now if things didn’t end up the way they did, and even though I was and am ecstatic that I landed in ferrari back then. I would like to take the college route too, see how it shapes my future. I really enjoyed being a student, and I think I’d enjoy going back to it. My girlfriend also thinking that I can sing pretty well and be a musician, but I think love has made her a little delusional” Jungkook jokes about the last part, making the reporter laugh too.
“To tie up the interview, this is your last year with ferrari, last year to win the championship in red. Endings are usually the time one gets reflective, how do you reflect back at the last eight years?”
“I look back and I’m filled with gratitude, so much gratitude. I am sure you’ve seen the video from my first karting championship win, an interviewer asking me what my dream f1 team would be, I remember saying ferrari with that excited high-pitched voice. I truly did want to drive for ferrari but at the same time as I made my way through F3 and F2, the dream started looking unattainable. Just minutes before I sighed the ferrari contract, ___ congratulated me on signing with ferrari, that’s when it really sunk in. I went into my hotel room and cried because of how overwhelmed and excited I was to be achieving a lifelong dream. My time at ferrari has shaped me into the man and driver I am, the ups, downs, agreements and disagreements have taught me so many invaluable lessons. I met the love of my life, got the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people, won seven world championships, all because of my time at ferrari, and I truly know it in my heart that none of it would have happened if things didn’t go exactly as they did.”
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Jungkook made a bet with himself, if he found you asleep on the sofa with your glasses still on and aggressively clutching a book, he’d buy you flowers tomorrow morning. He would have even if he lost the bet. But he audibly awes when he does win the bet, he’s found you like this a few thousand times, but it always endears him somehow. Jungkook quietly takes off your glasses and puts the book away. Crouching down, his eyes level with your tightly shut ones, softly, he grazes your face.
“You really hate falling asleep in our bed all by yourself, don’t you” he says to himself as he pushes some of your hair away from your face. Jungkook doesn’t struggle one bit when he picks you up bridal style, and lays you on the bed. He notices how your hand instinctively reached for his, holding onto him tightly.
Jungkook’s exhausted from the race and the day he’s had, all he wants to do is lay down and get some shut eye, but he sits by the you for a few too long, afraid him moving is going to wake you up. But he does eventually pry his hands out of your grip and jump into the quickest shower of his life.
“When did you get home?” you ask turning to face Jungkook as he dries his hair with a towel.
“20 minutes ago?” he says abandoning the towel and picking up the hair dryer now that you’ve up.
“How did the interview go?” you ask as you sit up to drink some water.
“Surprisingly well, I talked about you. A lot” he says from the dressing table and you give him a quizzical look.
“Why?” you ask as your eyes follow him around the room. Jungkook just smiles and looks away as he shuts the hair dryer off.
“He asked the right questions” Jungkook says massaging his torso as he walks to bed, he takes slides into bed, leaning in for a quick kiss.
“___” he whispers your name against your lips and you sigh, running your hands through his hair.
“I am so looking forward to summer break, just you and I relaxing. Maybe if you feel like it, we take a dip in the ocean or you watch me swim in the ocean. I could do a slutty Baywatch style walk for you-“ you shut Jungkook up by sliding into his lap.
“You ramble when you’re tired” you note with speed as you lean down to kiss him, fiercely, leaving Jungkook a little breathless. In the middle of making out, your hands travel to his chest, hoping to tug off his t-shirt when you notice something.
“Why is your heart beating like crazy” you ask noticing his erratic heartbeat. His lips flatter to a shy smile as realisation dawns on the two of you.
“Oh my god, Jungkook you’re going to make me cry” you say cradling his cheeks and he grumbles pulling you closer.
“I’m sure your heart beats for me like that too” he says reaching for your chest under the t-shirt.
“Babe, you’re just grabbing my tit” you note sarcastically as his finger grazes your hard nipple.
“I can’t help if your heart is behind your tit” he teases you, tugging on your nipple and getting the exact kind of moan from you.
“But really, it does. Even if my words and actions are lacking sometimes, my love for you grows each day” the tender words catch Jungkook a little off guard, not that you aren’t vocal about it, maybe he really needed this kind of confirmation from you today
Soft sunlight is peeking through the curtains, illuminating your face. Turning around to avoid the sunlight, you snuggle even closer to Jungkook, nuzzling in his chest. Jungkook’s been awake for a few minutes now, but he isn’t ready to let go of you yet. His alarm goes off, and he struggles to turn it off, but he does.
“Babe, I really need to go, Namjoon hyung is probably waiting for me downstairs” he grumbles but at the same time doesn’t let go of you. Training is intense as a F1 driver, and Jungkook takes it seriously.
“Kook is summer break” you complain as he detaches himself from you. He chuckles as you continue to whine as he gets dressed as quickly as he can.
“I promise I’ll pick up breakfast on my way,” Jungkook says mid brushing his teeth. Wiping off his face, he changes into a fresh set of clothes, ready to be out the door.
“You stay put, I’ll be back in forty minutes and we’ll resume the activities of last night” Jungkook insinuates as you turn around in bed to face him. There are butterflies in your stomach just thinking about last night, and they only intensify as he holds your jaw tight as he kisses you, tugging on your lip.
Jungkook feels giddy as he makes his way to Namjoon, continuing to stretch as he walks over to his hyung.
“I’m thinking we go by the church today-“ “I think I’m going to propose to ___” Jungkook interrupts him and Namjoon looks at him dumb founded.
“Um, that’s wonderful. The two of you are really-“ “Yeah, I know we’re pretty darn cute, but I’m thinking about proposing today, more accurately by breakfast” Jungkook says very calmly as Jungkook continues to stretch.
“Okay, so, um-“ “I have had the ring for a few months now and I was looking for the perfect time, and I thought I’d do it while we were in Busan but I don’t think I can wait any longer.” Jungkook says, taking a deep breath.
“This morning, I was looking at ___’s left hand, and I just knew, I had to propose right away. It just feels like the right moment” Jungkook explains and the panic is starting to build, panic mixed with a shit ton of excitement.
“I don’t know if we’d be here if I didn’t advise you to break up with ___, but I’m glad we’re here” Namjoon says patting Jungkook’s arm.
“Hyung you gotta stop beating yourself up about that,” “I know, but I am seriously, so happy for you and ___” Namjoon says and Jungkook smiles widely.
“I know, now I gotta get going with breakfast and flowers before ___ wakes up” Jungkook says running a hand through his hair, it’s a nervous tick. “Remember to set up a camera, you’ll want pictures”
Jungkook hears the shower turn off as he plates the breakfast Most people would want a grand proposal, but Jungkook knows you’ll want a private, lowkey one more. He knows you’ll want to cherish this moment, without a crowd and attention around. He fixes the flowers as you step out the washroom, drying your hair as you walk across the room. Jungkook knows you aren’t going to dry your hair right away, no matter how many times he asks you to, he knows you’re going to be walking into the living room any moment now.
“Jungkook, are you back already?” you shout from the room, hearing some noises come from the kitchen.
“Yeah, I cut the run short, come out here” he yells, locating the ring. Before you can reply, your phone rings and you pick it up immediately.
“Um, okay” you reply to the call as Jungkook checks the camera, making sure it’s recording.
“Yeah, 1 pm works for us, we’ll be there” you reply as Jungkook calls out for you again.
“Alright, I’ll see you later” you mutter turns to walk towards the living room, and realising,
Jungkook’s waiting for you, on a knee. You mutter a oh my god as realisation sets in, Jungkook anxiously bites his lip, waiting for you to say something. The silence is starting to eat Jungkook, he’s starting to regret this, you’re going to say yes, right?
“I feel amazing each morning I get to wake up next to you, and a few months back, I decided I wanted a lifetime of it. I was waiting for the right moment; I came so close to asking you after we finished that trek in Australia. It was perfect, the view, the feeling, but I knew you would never forgive me for proposing me while you were all sweaty” he jokes and you giggle, the tears starting to form in your eyes.
“Then I thought, I’d do it in Busan, I even got a planner and everything but something changed this morning. Your hand reached for mine, like it does every morning. I felt your ring finger, and I just knew I couldn’t wait any longer.” Jungkook’s a little teary eyed too as his hand swiftly open the velvet box, revealing the ring, and you gasp, like you weren’t expecting it.
“Will you marry me ___?” Jungkook feels a little breathless he finally asks the question. The smile on your face widens like you’re going to say yes to him, but Jungkook is absolutely shocked by what you say next.
“I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant!” you say and the color completely drains from Jungkook’s face as you pull him up. “What?” his voice is barely audible as he asks you that. “The, um, doctor just called, the tests they ran last week. Turns out I don’t have any deficiencies, turns out I’m pregnant” you retell the events of the phone call and he gasps with shock.
“Oh my god, we’re going to have a fucking baby!” Jungkook shouts with excitement as he pulls you close for a kiss, and a few more.
"um, yeah the doctor asked if we could go in for the first sonogram today afternoon, that's fine right? You don't have anything planned right?" you ask as you pull away from him a little, Jungkook wants to hug you tight, like he wants to let you know just how intensely he's feeling, but he doesn't.
"___, we're having a baby, nothing is more important than you and the baby" he says running a hand through your hair, sensing some tension from you.
The two of you just stand in each other's embrace for a while, letting the moment soak in.
“Wait, um, you didn’t give me an answer” Jungkook asks as his forehead leans against yours.
“Yes, Jungkook. Of course, I want to marry you. I want to be your wife for the rest of my life” you say and he slips on the ring.
People always assume that the fairy-tale ends when the couple gets married. But for the two of you, the fairy tale is always going to be on going. It’s going to keep going through every date night, every quiet morning, every small moment with your child, it’s going to be forever going. The love you two have for each other is forever going.
Tag List: @blancflms @nadzzzblog @kookiewhtaee @jksoftiitii @oiseul @elisaaru @coralmusicblaze @tearyjjeonn @moonchild1 @jungkooksseuphoria @cookysstuff @ohyeahjk @bobakkoo @whoa-jo @kooromiwrld @littlelandalp @marvelover3000
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