#but oh my god have i starved for it
dryemiddi · 2 years
God I love the new life that has been breathed into this fandom again I’m feeling so nostalgic for this bro,,,
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panncakes · 3 months
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"If you look closely, you'll see that Latte is the only being Ongsa talks to."
23.5 (2024)
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Lil post about HSR men with religious themes for none have lead me into temptation I found the way myself-
This is for you @pix3lplays <333 (I was screaming at her about it, lol-)
I love???? Religious themed characters and the works that come out of that??? I have an Argenti smut fic in the works with heavy religious themes, but here's a mini ramble about Argenti, Sunday, and Luocha.
CW: blasphemy :))), religious themes, softcore gore almost but not really???, somewhat dark themes/dark romance
Yeah I grew up with church and stuff sorry if some of it does make sense to the general public lololol-
For Argenti (snippets from my fic I'm working on):
"He would sooner rend his mortal form to pieces than ever hurt you. Even a little. He would splay his torn shell across the canvas of stars that blanket the universe that was made for you for whatever other higher powers- whatever fate exists should there ever come a day in which his hands hurt rather than protect. So that they may judge what remains of his soul for his crime."
"At your behest he would present his heart, ripped from his chest, for you to take. You were his heart, anyways… Without you there was only a hollow cage within his chest where never again would the echo of a heartbeat reside. The fire nothing but ash where there was once a blaze of life and passion."
For Sunday:
It's either he makes you his church and his bride (talking about how the church is god's bride) or you make him your elohim your "I am". Perhaps both.
His penchant for control is perfect for this. He will be your only god for you are to have no false idols. Only he must remain in your heart for he is the owner of your soul, your life, your breath. He is the light and the truth. His word is law.
But of course, a god must tend to his flock. He will take good care of you for your devotion.
For Luocha:
The thorns. The almost rosary like item he carries, wrapped around his hand. The words he speaks. "Death is not the end. The dead will return."
Pix brought to my attention the idea that some have about Luocha carrying your body, devoid of breath and life, in his coffin.
And to that I respond:
"So devoted was he that not even the sacred soil of the earth would be allowed to have you. Even in death."
He would search until the ends of the universe to find a way to bring you back to him. Even though his god was made of flesh and blood as he, it mattered not. Only you could possibly be the divine for you were his cornerstone. Without you he would fall apart. God works in the waiting and surely this was his divine burden- His test from you to prove his devotion. He was sure he would one day complete this task for you and bring you back. You, the life beyond death. You the light in the midst of his darkness. His eloah, his elohim, his almighty.
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ironunderstands · 1 month
Genuinely I think headcanon edits are extremely fun, I just think people should stop trying to fight against the original art style like their life depends on it. Some great ideas get absolutely ruined when this happens. Like at least personally, I think drawing a semi-realistic nose on a cartoony face just won’t look good or make sense no matter how nice that nose looks disconnected from the whole drawing because it doesn’t suit the proportions of the original art.
Like be confident, make your own fanart! Your style is great, and trying to glue it to a different one does not do it justice at all! I understand drawing is hard, trust me I’m ass at it, but like, yall have talent, stop weighing yourselves down by the limitations of the original piece. Fuck it, redraw the face entirely, you can do better, I know you can :)
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ewwww-what · 3 months
I like to think that Gorgug hangs out with the seven the way Zelda hangs out with the bad kids. You know that horrible awkward feeling where you only know one person at a party? It’s like that but everyone else at the party is inseparable and they keep teasing you (in a good-natured way) with jokes you don’t understand, and all you can do is smile and nod and try so hard not to embarrass yourself in front of these people you perceive as way too cool for you.
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drysaladandketchup · 7 months
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crumbs crumbs crumbs crumbs crumbs
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Comte Election Story, 6th Anniversary Event (JPN 2023)
I managed to get Comte's collection story during the 6th year anniversary event in the JPN version of the game. As usual, my translation skills are rudimentary at best, so this is just a rough/general sense of the contents. Rest of the translation is below the cut:
Sweet and lovely, our everyday life is irreplaceable. After becoming a vampire, I’ve lived with him forever like this. I seek out more and more of the man I love than anyone else--
Comte: Good morning, MC. You’re up very early today.
I went down to the dining room a few hours before dawn--only to find Comte nursing a teacup gracefully at one end of the table.
MC: Good morning. I managed to wake up somehow…how about you?
Comte: Actually, I just got back.
When I asked, he told me that the host of the party started talking to him all night, and they didn’t part ways until after midnight.
Comte: I was going to finish this cup of tea to unwind, and then try to rest til noon.
He runs a hand through his freshly washed hair and brings the cup to his mouth in a series of elegant gestures that makes me fall in love with him all over again. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been up all night, but my heart readily starts beating faster.
Even Comte seems to notice my reaction…
Comte: …looking at me like that, are you seducing me?
Comte's eyes narrowed mischievously and he left his cup behind to approach me. A beautiful beast gazed at me as if to take aim at his prey, and he drew me in with supple hands.
MC: I didn’t intend it that way but…it’s true that I'm captivated. Your damp hair and lovely gestures are so sexy that I’m at a loss…
Comte: Saying such a thing…you’re a naughty woman, MC. Even though I tried to quell my ardor with a cold shower and hot tea...I’m glad to hear it, even though I’m far from calm.
When I raised my head--having looked down in bashful embarrassment--I can see burgeoning in Comte’s eyes an indisputable, feverish desire…
MC: Ah, mm…
His soft lips playfully brushed against the nape of my neck.
Comte: No one else would be awake at this hour…though we could be interrupted any moment. Make sure to keep your voice down.
He chuckled a little before a hot sigh caressed my skin, dropping kisses one after another. He circled around the usual place he’d sink his fangs into me, and every brush of his lips made heat gather low in my body…
MC: So impatient…Abel…
Comte: …I’ve been waiting for you to give it to me
The corners of his lips lifted a little, before he buried his fangs into my neck.
MC: Mn, ah…aaaahh…
Comte: I love you so much...and whenever we aren't together, I’m starved of you. We were miles apart all night yesterday. I’ll show you just how much I missed you.
His voice--half-intoxicated with the ecstasy of my blood--was sweet and husky with his desire.
Comte: Before you, I’m always a love-starved beast.
As I gaze into those eyes burning with emotion, an electric sensation tingles down my spine. 
(Ah, I’m just the same. It’s not only my heart, my body is always seeking you out too.)
MC: Me too…all day and night, I’m always thinking about you…
Comte: --Come here. Take as much of me as you want
At his encouragement and incitement, I sink my fangs into him.
MC: ah, ha…
Pleasure washes over me in an endless cascade, every sensation in my body heightened and sharp. I clenched my hands tighter through his wet hair, and dug my fangs into him greedily to devour that wellspring of ecstasy. 
Comte: I'm happy to be able to share love with you like this, as a vampire.
Like drops of water moistening desiccated earth, every crimson drop fills us to the brim--
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp saint germain#ikevamp comte#ikevamp mc#comte propaganda#if you can't already tell from the contents of this one--i straight up died after reading it#THE IMPLICATIONS. FOAMING AT THE MOUTH.#the way they're both dancing around it. MC trying to be strong and endure properly (girl same) and. comte.#THE WAY COMTE BASICALLY STARTS SHAKING HIS ASS LIKE ONE OF THOSE BIRDS OF PARADISE. I AM UNWELL (AND ECSTATIC).#THE WAY HE WANTS HER TO WANT HIM AS INTENSELY/DESPERATELY AS HE DOES HER. THE WAY HE RELISHES HER BITING HIM HARD.#IM NEVER GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS ONE#ive legit just been that ace attorney meme with phoenix holding his head in his hands for DAYS#dare i even mention 'make sure to keep your voice down.' SIR. SIR ARE YOU SRS RN#man the way in purple moon event he was like 'oh nooooo haha no hank pank in public where we might get caught that's too inappropriate~ owo#I SEE YOU ABEL. I SEE YOU MONSIEUR LE COMTE DE SAINT GERMAIN.#I SEE THAT U SIT UPON A THRONE OF L I E S#i hope whoever writes comte as unhinged as possible over at jpn cybird gets a god damn raise#i have never in my life been so directly catered to in one chara i swear#'loved-starved beast' ILL DO YOU ONE BETTER COMTE JUST LET ME IN. LET ME IIIIIIIIN!!!!!!#straight up ive said it before and ill say it again#that's my emotional support softcore yan meow meow golden retriever#every event im like 'hope this doesn't awaken anything inside me.' and then immediately its just 'failed step one.'#although all jokes aside i do find it endlessly fascinating about the purebloods how like#while they don't experience as much bloodlust there is this acute sense of biting as a vital expression of romantic interest and/or claim#i dont think its a throwaway line that comte says at the end--id actually argue a lot of his desire for intimacy when she's human (cont.)->#is because he feels a level of insecurity in his connection to her caused by the lack of shared/reciprocated biting#you know now that has me wondering if that's part of why other purebloods frown so heavily upon the idea of a pureblood/human couple#basically because they can't fulfill the most basic tenet of what it means to be coupled in that community's perception#yeesh ikevamp really went 'welcome to normative vampire politics' and im like 'I Am So Normal About This. (lie + analyzes)'
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miniagula · 4 months
charlie's daddy issues atm are my favoriteworst thing ever. the charlastor potential makes me nuts but also LUCIFER WHEN I GET YOU LUCIFER WHEN I GET YOU
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whilomm · 23 days
the whole "would you rather be alone with a man or a bear in the woods" thing is so fucking infuriating from all sides like on one hand u got the MRA cunts getting waaay too angry over it and proving that they specifically are Bad People to be alone in the woods w, like yeah no 99% of men id see on a hike who gives a shit but U Specifically are worrying. and on the other hand u have the genuinely worrying notion that some ppl are either so terrified of strangers conceptually that they think the very common occurance of "passing a stranger on a hike" is the beginning to one of their spicey true crime murder horror stories, which as much as i hate to say it Says A Lot About Society (general fear of strangers/lack of community fostered in the U.S.A. and shit and that leads to obsessions with security theatre/further isolation in the name of "safety" blah blah blah u kno the drill) meanwhile when ppl who actually go hiking see this they are just like "uhm idk when i see random dudes i just like. nod at them as i pass by" bc tbey actually Go Outside and realize being alone w a strange man on a hike just. happens. a lot. passingly. OR the possibility that some of these are people who are the reason why they have to plaster "DONT FEED THE BEARS" signs everywhere. which. well there are studies showing that quite a few americans are convinced they could take a bear in a fight, i wouldnt be surprised if a lotta ppl have a skewed idea of How Dangerous Bears Are.
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terminallybrainrot · 1 year
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This is the exact reaction i was looking for.
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
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thought of you when i saw this
i am famously a hater of tacos its true
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rakshaspeaks · 2 months
I'm 24 years old. I've been sitting in the car waiting on my mom for AN HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES!!!!!!
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orcelito · 5 months
Admitting defeat and making the smut fic into a series bc I have two other SHORTER!!!!!! things I wanna do for it
I'm physically incapable of doing a true one-shot......
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shelobussy · 5 months
im slorping you sloppy
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talesofsymphoniac · 1 year
You know, something that I think is less in Patho 2 as compared to Classic is the sense that other people are scheming and plotting behind your back and you are unaware of their machinations. Which is funny, since the Patho 2 characters seem more active and like they're interacting with each other and have more established relationships with each other. Maybe it's because there's no Bachelor route yet, and he's the one who really gets screwed over by that kind of stuff?
Was thinking about this because I was thinking the main person who DOES pull that kind of scheming on Artemy in Patho 2 is CAPELLA. God, the big dick energy of just going behind his back to work with Khan and get all the kids in the Polyhedron for safety. And you get the hints if you look for them! But she does NOT tell you unless you seek them out.
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transsexualutopia · 3 months
Trying to not have an episode but my friends who still live with their families rent free are acting like the world is falling down because of homework
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