#but plans will be changing like after i finish writing all the routes.
peacerisendove · 2 months
Wow time really does fly when you're having fun. I'm teaching myself how to build am interactive narrative/game in Twine and it's so much fun???
Also I've fallen in love with one twine game called: Rescue At Quickenheath. It's so charming that I genuinely would write fanfic of it, and I'm saying that even before I've finished. It's just sooooo good!!!
0 notes
missredherring · 2 months
Lap of Luxury
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(Moodboard made by @psychedelic-ink )
Liam (Nikita) x Fat F!Reader
Rating: M
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: He’d told himself that you were a distraction, a liability, a weakness he’d be foolish to give in to, but he hadn’t been able to stay away. He hadn’t been able to stop wondering what it would look like to press his fingers into your skin.
Contents: established relationship. pwp. grooming of body hair. mentions of canon-typical violence. insecurity. oral sex (f! receiving).
A/N: I started writing this in Sept... and then I got distracted, but finally finished it today.
There is no one else I've thought "what a weirdo"(affectionate) more than Liam, so I'm glad to finally share this thot with everyone.
@psychedelic-ink I've finally finished it! Sil made this amazing moodboard. Please look on it with awe, cos I sure am.
Thank you to @fhatbhabie for looking over this.
“Did you start without me?” You ask after finding him on the couch, naked except for a towel wrapped around his slim waist. You toss your keys into the catch-all bowl on the cluttered entrance table and send him a pout before going into the bedroom.
Tracking your route through the apartment, he admires the way you weave around obstacles you’d placed there yourself like the ottoman that’s used as a side table, currently stacked with a wobbly tower of books you checked out from the library. Photos and prints on the walls that you stop to straighten, not remembering how you’d bumped them askew when he’d pushed you up against the wall so his hands could do other things while he kissed you.
When he’d moved into this particular space it had been intended for a short stay. A place to fulfill his basic needs and then he’d move on. To the next city, to the next apartment; wherever the job took him. Then he’d met you. And kept meeting you, finding excuses and then planning run-ins with you during your routines. His path had always been straight and to the point, but now with you, it’s a meandering wander through the days. Liam finds he doesn’t mind the slow and indirect path with you by his side.
“No. I’m just setting up.” He says, raising his voice to reach you in the bedroom. 
He glances back to the pad of his thumb where he’d been testing the sharpness of his straight razor and notices that he didn’t startle and cut himself when you’d come in. His smirk is a prideful little thing. Even so, he makes sure to move the blade when you come out to join him. 
You’ve changed into some of the clothes he’d gotten for you to keep here before you’d officially moved in: a plain t-shirt made from soft cotton in the biggest size he could find. You swim in it and often tell him you couldn’t be comfier when you wear it. He takes in the slope of your shoulders, the way you roll your head on your neck, and the lines that crease between your brows; all signs of the day’s stress. 
Liam motions for you to join him on the couch and hands you the bottle of shave cream in exchange for a kiss. When you settle in with your body turned towards him, you reach for the towel he’d put on the coffee table and drape it over your plump thigh before popping the bottle cap open. 
It would have been unthinkable to have someone else handle the razor before. He’d had acquaintances in Division, and after he’d gone rogue there was no one he’d let close to him. Until you. You, with your civilian background, civilian job, and civilian life. You’d had no idea who he was or what he’d done when you’d smiled at him and offered your help in finding what he’d been looking for. 
He’d told himself that you were a distraction, a liability, a weakness he’d be foolish to give in to, but he hadn’t been able to stay away. He hadn’t been able to stop wondering what it would look like to press his fingers into your skin.
Now here you are, about to take part in a ritual that calms his nerves and soothes the paranoid voice in his mind when it speaks louder of men around every corner that are coming for him.
Removing all the hair on his body had been a necessity so he didn’t leave any genetic evidence on a job. He isn’t as anxious about it these days, able to leave the hair on his knuckles and toes, but it’s still comforting and he knows you take some comfort in it as well.
You warm the cream between your hands before you smooth it up his forearm, pressing down to massage the muscles underneath his skin. The back and forth of your hands lulls you both into a sense of calm and not for the first time, he marvels at how he doesn’t react when the blade is put to his skin. No offense or defense, Liam sits still in your care of him. It’s a luxury he’d never been able to afford. The first pass of the razor is done in silence and you both let out a breath when you lift the blade from his skin and wipe it on the towel.
From there on it’s an easy rhythm: the back and forth pass of the blade against skin, the reapplication of cream, and his thoughts are calmed and settled.
There’s a look of intense concentration on your face that he soaks in. It means that you’re taking every care with this task and with him.
The blade is warming up now. The scrape of metal louder over their quiet breathing in the apartment. 
Liam’s very aware of the places you have access to, the places he’s opening up to you. Even before Division he wouldn't have let anyone have this much access to the soft points of his body.
He idly catalogs all the points where you only need to press harder, deeper, into his skin to kill him. His wrist, the crook of his elbow, the thinner skin of his armpit, his neck. The next observation supplies the moves in sequential order he would need to perform to take the blade from you and kill you. It would be easy. He’s done it before and you have no defensive training to protect yourself against him.
You turn your head, exposing your neck to him, and he can see the faint throb of your jugular vein. Another vital spot that would be so easy to strike. 
Instead he puts his hand there, his palm protecting the thin vulnerable skin, and brings you to him for a kiss. For all of his self control Liam has never been able to limit himself to just one of your kisses. 
Mouths brushing together, his lips are dry and catch at yours until he licks them to ease the way. You sigh and lean into him. One of your hands brushes down his chest and touches the scratch marks you left behind the other night. It’s tender and the flash of nerves offers up a reminder of the way your eyes looked up at him with eyelashes spiked with tears. He’d only pressed his cock harder into your mouth and thought you beautiful when you’d gagged and accepted him as much as you could. 
The straight razor is held steady in your other hand until he takes it from you and sets it on the coffee table. The towel is tossed down next to it.
“Don’t you want to finish shaving?”
“Later. Right now I want to eat your pussy.” Liam says, chuckling at the way your eyes dilate and how your breathing picks up.
All you have to do is nod and he’s pushing you down on the couch, a hand on your leg extending it and giving him access to even more of your softness.
He strokes up and down your thighs, moving the hem of your shirt higher and higher with each pass. He takes his time watching, he’s always watching you, and tracks how your body reacts to his attention. You’re leaning back more and more, relaxing until he reaches where your shirt is bunched at the top of your thighs. Muscles tense when his fingers delve underneath the fabric to follow the line of your underwear around and under your ass cheeks. 
His biceps flex and it’s the only warning you have before he grips you and yanks your body towards him so you end up on your back.
Your shout of his name breaks down into sounds of delight. He tsks at you; by now you should know his slim build is deceptive, and if he’s strong enough to take on men bigger than him, he has the strength to move your body. 
Liam understands hang ups and those little voices that lie even when you see the truth with your own eyes, so he watches as the momentum of his action meets the momentum of your laughter and keeps your body in motion. He just wants to sink into you and keep you in motion for as long as you’ll let him. 
He begins to lift your shirt to remove it, but you stop him. 
“You don’t want me to take it off?” He asks. 
“Not today.” You say in a quiet voice. 
Another weakness so easily revealed. God it’d be easy to manipulate you into whatever situation he wanted. He knows the exact things to say and the right tone to use that would break you, but he’s surprised every time at how much he doesn’t want to. Not when you trust him to stay by your side when you’re feeling vulnerable and to be there when you’re ready to hold your head high again. 
The sheer amount of trust you have in him, whether he’s earned it or not, drives him insane with the need to reciprocate in some way. To shorten the distance between the sheer goodness of you and all the bad things he’s done.
So he pushes your shirt up enough to bare your hips and legs and strokes his thumbs along the sensitive skin there.
“Ok, baby.” He assures you, nuzzling the soft skin of your inner thigh and enjoying how it feels against his freshly shaven cheek and jaw, the way your pubic hair tickles his lips and nose, and how your scent offers a reminder of how you’ll taste when he finally opens his mouth to swipe his tongue through your folds. “Can I still eat this pretty pussy?” A kiss to one thigh. “Just a few licks?” A kiss on the other with just the barest scrape of teeth to make you shiver. “Just a taste?”
“Yes, please.” Your voice is still quiet, but firm, and he takes one more look at your eyes, studying them over the hem of your shirt and the hills of your stomach and breasts, before turning his attention back between your thighs. Holding your legs open, he picks up where he left off: nuzzling and kissing his way around the familiar territory of your vulva. 
He knows how to make you relax, how to have you blossom for him, your lips parting on their own as your legs open wider for him to reveal your clit and all the beautiful soft tissue that’s swelling under his careful ministrations. 
Satisfied with that start, he moves down from the couch to the floor to get a better angle. He takes the towel from around his waist and folds it a few times before kneeling on it, adjusting his growing erection into a more comfortable position between his legs. He can’t resist thumbing the bead of precum that’s gathered on the head and spreading it around while you too get into a better position on the couch, rocking back and forth to get your shirt out from under your ass and a throw pillow behind your back. When you spread your legs for him again with enthusiasm he dives back in.
Just like with his work, his perfectionist tendencies serve him well in the pursuit of pleasure. Where to touch, how much pressure to use, whether to go faster, slower, or to maintain his current pace; everything is lined up like a to-do list waiting to be ticked off. Or at least that’s how it’d been with his past partners. A transaction with agreed upon parameters before the encounter. 
It’s different with you. It changes from moment to moment, directed by your desires instead of the end goal. There’s an element of the unknown that he can’t anticipate, that he can’t pin down and define, but he can feel it creeping up his spine even now as he swirls his tongue over your clit. 
Your pleasure surrounds him, feeding his own desire and bringing it to new depths when your hips wiggle in an attempt to get the stimulation you want in the right area. He follows your lead and can just hear the moan you let out as your thighs start to shake against his ears. 
You're gasping now, one hand clutching a breast and making your shirt rise and reveal more of your body, but you don’t seem to care anymore, not with the way you’re trying to grab any part of him that you can reach. He takes that searching hand and entwines your fingers together. You squeeze them and sigh when he rests the two hands on your pelvis just above his head.
The twitch of your muscles, the sounds you make, the taste that coats his tongue and makes him salivate for more. It's all-encompassing and he's dizzy with it. He wants more, he wants to devour every drop from your body and then some.
He paints his name onto your cunt, his spit mixing with your slick. Centering the peaks and dips of the letters over your clit. Another way to leave his mark on you without a trace. Just like the bruises and marks that fade with time. He likes to see them, likes to watch you touch them with fondness when you find them, but more and more he wants them to last. He wants to stay in you, on you, with you. 
Another undulation of your hips presses his face deeper into you and he can't breath. The pressure builds in his lungs until you move back just enough and it releases, moving up from his chest and out of his mouth, pushing sounds with it.
He moans into your pussy, the sound strange to his ears.
"Liam." You answer his moan with one of your own and he's lost. “Do that again. Oh, fuck–”
"That's it, baby,” His voice is wrecked. No longer able to maintain it’s usual steady cadence. The tone of command is gone and he's begging you now, another moan punctuating the request. “Make my face messy with your pussy."
Your orgasm ripples through you, cum spilling out onto his waiting tongue to mix with the sounds his vocal chords are making. He can’t stop them so he gives them to you; tucking them away in your folds until the sensations are too much for you and you push him away. 
His cock lays pulsing in his lap with drips of precum rolling down the sides of his legs, but he makes no move to tend to it.
He feels exposed and suddenly there’s too much room around him. His bare back is too wide, too easy of a target to hit. His kidneys, his neck, the spinal cord between C1 and C7. 
Instead he rests his head on your lap, feeling the give of your thighs and the warmth of your stomach as he presses into it, allowing the softness of you to surround him, to hide him. Your free hand starts stroking over his short hair, moving lower and lower over his skull until your hand pauses on the back of his neck, gripping him there for just a moment, protecting that open target, and then you start again. The rhythm calms his racing heart as he breathes through his nose and tries to regain control of himself. 
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Lesson Learned
Lessons Series Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairings: Anthony Bridgerton x female reader, Benedict Bridgerton x female reader.
Summary: Sequel to The Lesson. Probably best to read that first. Anthony catches you and Benedict without him and teaches you both a lesson.
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Warnings: So many. 18+, minors dni, smut, threesome (FMM), d/s relationships, discipline (caning), spanking, hair pulling, dirty talk, fingering, handjob, edging/overstimulation, oral sex (f to m), deepthroat orgasm, vaginal sex. No incest. Please note this is not a marriage relationship.
W/c: 6.0K (wtf I’m so sorry)
A/n: Please read the warnings, like the first story, this one is spicy by request. This fic is a sequel request fill for @iboopedyournose and is dedicated to her. I hope I have fulfilled what you wanted for the follow up and that you enjoy. There are a couple of intentional POV changes during this story once to Anthony, once to Benedict denoted by “***”. Thanks to @makaylan for a quick beta.
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The day after your first encounter - well, threesome - with one Benedict Bridgerton, you find a notecard in the pocket of your robe. A hand-written note in beautiful looped writing. Thou art too dear for my possessing. Above there’s an address printed. You store the card carefully in the pages of your favourite book.
Changing the route of your daily walk to pass the address doesn’t necessarily signify anything. That, five days later, you forget to plan for the unpredictability of London weather doesn’t indicate any premeditation. That you now stand on the doorstep of said address, looking akin to a drowned rat, well, again, not your plan or fault. These things happen. 
It’s the choices you make after the door opens that are of consequence.
“You’ll need to change, or you’ll catch a chill,” he says after ushering you in and ordering some tea.
“Change into what exactly?” You ask pointedly, assuming a bachelor's lodgings are woefully under-equipped with dresses.
“You’ll have to borrow some of my clothes” he shrugs as if it’s the most obvious solution. “Just until yours are dry," he adds. His assumption you will stay for that long isn’t something you wish to dwell on. 
He disappears for a few moments before returning, handing you a towel, some trousers and a white shirt, and shows you to a bathroom. Your dress is soaked, and your undergarments too. Great. You will be spending time in the company of a man who has done unspeakable things to you (within minutes of your first meeting) without underwear. That doesn’t seem like a recipe for disaster at all.
You pull on the clothes he gave you and laugh at your reflection. You look like an actual clown. At least being too alluring won’t be a problem. 
Luckily your hat stopped your hair from getting too wet, so you just towel it dry and leave it loose. What’s the point in attempting proper appearance when he has already pulled you around by the same hair, his fingers inside you?
Making your way back to his drawing-room, you see Benedict painting on his easel in the bay window. You pad in quietly and take a seat, seeking solace in the warm tea waiting for you.
Surprisingly it’s not a tense atmosphere. You are relaxed, oddly at ease. After about five minutes, you have finished your tea and wish you had a book to read.
“There’s a small library next door if you wish," he mentions without looking away from his task.
Hmm, a coincidence of timing; surely he can't read your mind. Lots of people like to read.
You wander into the library. After perusing some spines, you decide to use the ladder and look at the books up high. The trouble is, the clown trousers represent a trip hazard. You shrug to yourself and pull down the braces, and they fall to the floor. You’re sure no one will come in and see you, so what’s the harm? You’ll only be out of them for a few moments. 
You climb the ladder about two feet up and reach for a book that catches your interest. Not thinking about how far up the shirt may have risen.
“If you need a recommendation…” he stops mid-sentence with a growl.
You curse under your breath and hug into the ladder, just trying to ride out your mortification. You didn’t think Benedict would follow you in here.
It’s far too quiet now. Somehow you don’t think to move; provide some sense of modesty; you’re frozen in place.
“What is your colour?” he grinds out.
You look confused for a moment. What is he talking about?
“Answer me, girl.” 
Oh, holy fuck.
There’s a flood between your legs. Unbidden.
“Green," you stutter and hold your breath, staring at the bookcase in front of you.
You should have said red, red, RED; your mind is screaming. 
You hear long strides across the room then two large warm hands seize your bare ass cheeks. 
“You are all I have thought about for days," he groans, burying his face into your lower back,  “Now I find you in just my shirt, no underwear. Dear girl, are you trying to kill me?”
He slides one hand between your cheeks, ploughing heavily into your slit. His breath stutters as he finds just how wet you are already.
“I need you now, here," he pleads, his middle finger circling your clit.
“Oh god, yes," you hiss.
He bodily pulls you off the ladder. Pushing your face-first against the bookcase, he crowds himself into your back. He wraps his hand around your throat and kisses your cheekbone. The other hand trails up your skin from under the hem of his shirt you wear, tracing your curves, around your hip, up your stomach to your breast that he cups and squeezes.
“Please kiss me, sir," you plead; he groans on the last word.
He spins you around and gives you a devastating crooked smile before his lips descend to yours. His kiss is masterful and everything you hoped it would be since Anthony denied you. You moan into his mouth as his tongue teases yours, and with a snarl, he deepens the kiss and grasps your hips, pushing you up higher into the bookcase. A warm thigh is slotting between your bare legs to take your weight, the wool of his trousers catching against your clit. Your hands slide into his hair. Oh fuck, you could get lost in this.
His fingers start to unbutton the shirt you wear - his shirt - but he stops halfway. 
“I want to fuck you while you wear this, my shirt,” he hisses possessively, one hand slipping inside to pinch your nipple as his mouth slides down your neck. You can feel his cock pressed into your stomach; this time, you crave to see it, touch it, and taste it. There’s no Anthony to stop you. 
Unbeknownst to you, Anthony has a key to every Bridgerton property, the privilege of being head of the family. He is known to drop by unannounced to check on family occasionally. It just so happens today he decided to visit Benedict to discuss his country cottage. 
Anthony shakes the rain from his hair and enters the drawing-room but, finding no one, continues to the next room. He freezes in the doorway. 
There he sees Benedict with a woman’s hands in his hair; her bare legs wrapped loosely around his knees, she’s pressed against the library bookcase as they kiss hard and heavy.
Good for you, brother, he thinks.
Until he hears your voice.
“Oh, sir.”
And every nerve in Anthony’s body is alight at once. 
You have never discussed terms of exclusivity, but Anthony just assumed you were all his. Every night, he comes to you; he still has your smell on his skin from this morning. 
But here you are with his very own brother. Doing the one thing, he forbade you from doing - kissing. The incandescent rage broils heavy in his chest, and he goes to speak, but something stops him. 
The anger is joined by a more unfamiliar urge, a salty tang of desire. Dear god, but he wants to watch you. Watch you be pleasured, be fucked. Watch your face as you get eaten out; your toes and fingers curl as you are pounded by a cock. Maybe not today, but someday. And he supposes if there is one person he would trust to do so, it’s his brother. So fighting his possessive instincts, he stays silent. Biting his tongue. Watching.
He watches as your hands card through Benedict’s hair. 
He watches as his younger brother rhythmically grinds his thigh between your legs, making you gasp.
He watches as Benedict hauls you off the bookcase and slips to the rug on the floor, you underneath him. You writhing in pleasure, little pants of breath between fevered kisses.
He watches his brother slide his lips down your neck, your breastbone, moving the shirt you wear to wrap his lips fiercely around your nipple. 
But your cry of pleasure pierces Anthony’s resolve. 
This cannot go unpunished; the desire to bring punishment itches. He also wants Benedict to suffer for taking what is his without asking permission. Anthony may have granted it with knowledge, but this? This is unacceptable.
Suddenly you sense something in the room, and your eyes fly open. In the doorway stands Anthony, his hands balled into fists at his side. His eyes flash a maelstrom of emotions as they lock with yours.
“My lord," you freeze, your voice edged with panic.
“It’s sir," Benedict admonishes, biting on the bud of your nipple.
“No," you gasp, wrenching him from your body with a rough tug on his head, “your brother”.
He tracks your line of sight, turns his head, and sputters as he sees his brother.
“Why stop on my account” Anthony seethes “it appears both of you want to break all the rules.”
“Brother I….” Benedict begins, pulling off you and rolling to sit next to you on the floor.
“Save it” Anthony raises a hand. 
You scramble to make yourself decent, but you’re only wearing Benedict’s thin white shirt, and you sense Anthony’s gaze between your legs, noting your lack of underwear. You sit up and try to cover yourself up.
“Is that his shirt?” Anthony sputters in disbelief.
“Yes. I’m so sorry I got caught in the rainstorm and Sir-… Bened-… Mr Bridgerton…” you cringe as you correct yourself, “he kindly lent me some clothes while mine dry” your words are rushed and stumbling. Your cheeks are burning. 
There is no way around this. You’ve both been caught red-handed.
“Do you know how many lines you have both crossed?” Anthony barks.
“I’m so sorry, my lord” you hang your head, truly ashamed. “Please forgive me," you whisper.
Benedict is silent next to you. He also won’t look up; he’s just as complicit. Your hand itches to take his; take mutual comfort in your collective shame. 
“My girl, there is only one way I will ever forgive you. And that is to punish you so hard you never forget who you truly belong to,” Anthony grinds out, flexing his hands.
Oh. Your body burns bright with a potent mix of hope, desire and trepidation. 
It makes you strip off Benedict’s shirt and scramble closer to Anthony. Kneeling up on your haunches completely naked, adopting a submissive pose. Head bowed towards him.
“Please, my lord, please punish me," you implore, utterly enthralled by him. 
Anthony growls and strides over to you, grabbing your hair close to your scalp and tilting your head up to look at him.
“Oh, my darling girl," you can see the war on his face. You bury your face into him, rubbing your nose over his cock through his trousers, desperate for his forgiveness and power. His hand rounds the back of your head and holds you there. You feel his heat and hardness increasing against your face, making your clit burn.
“As for you," you assume he is talking to Benedict. “You will not go unpunished either.” You don’t know what he could mean, but you almost don’t care as long as he absolves you both.
“You are both going to do exactly what I say,” he intones authoritatively, “then maybe you will be forgiven.”
You nuzzle happily against him, opening your mouth and dragging your lips against the outline of his now rigid cock. He gruffs and pulls your head back.
“It’s not my cock you’ll be sucking, my girl," he warns.
You and Benedict both inhale sharply at that. 
“Brother, go get your mahl stick," Anthony instructs him. Benedict looks confused but gets up and leaves the room to fetch whatever Anthony asked him for. While he’s gone for a few moments, Anthony reaches down and tweaks your nipple. “I’m not going to go easy on you today," he warns, “you will feel some ache for this.” 
Benedict returns and hands Anthony something. It’s a long wooden cane with a round leather pad on the end. You instantly know what he plans to use it for, and you start breathing unevenly.
“Colour?” Anthony demands as he taps the cane against his leg.
“Green, so green,” you exhale.
“On all fours, my girl," Anthony orders, pushing you down, “face away from me.”
You slowly turn around and adopt the position he wants. He’s never punished you with anything except his hand before. Your stomach roils with butterflies and a hot, oily fear. 
“Brother, take off your clothes.” You know this is a power play; he wants both of you naked and under his control.
You crane your head slightly to watch as Benedict strips almost perfunctorily. Oh gosh, he is beautiful, you think, as more of his flesh is revealed. His chest isn’t hairy like Anthony's, but he is toned and lithe. Then he drops his trousers, and you stop breathing for a second. He has a gorgeous cock; it must run in the family.
“Sit down on the floor," Anthony commands, “right in front of my girl. Legs between hers.”
Benedict does as bidden, and your faces come into alignment a few inches apart.
“I’m sorry," he mumbles guiltily, “I should have resisted earlier.”
You are touched that he blames himself for this. You could’ve said red, knowing he would have respected your every wish. But you didn’t because you wanted him as much as he did you.
“No," you whisper in return, “we both couldn’t help it.” His blue eyes look almost soulful, and you want to kiss him again.
“Go ahead," Anthony prompts from behind you, “kiss him.”
Your brow furrows in confusion, but you don’t question the change of heart from last time. You lean forward, and Benedict does the same. Your lips touch, and he sighs; you instantly melt into each other. Just as his tongue teases your lips apart, there is a crack of noise in the air and a searing pain across your butt cheek. 
You scream into Benedict’s mouth at the sensation. It’s not just the leather pad; Anthony is aiming the cane to glance over you as well. 
Benedict pulls back, taking your face gently in his hands, “it’s okay, sweet girl, I’m here; just scream into me; I know you can take it.” His praise has you whimper against his lips. 
“Did I say to stop kissing?” Anthony bites out.
Your lips meet again, and you hear the whistle of the movement a split second before the pain blooms across your skin. Benedict kisses it away from the best he can.
“Take hold of his cock, my girl," Anthony orders, lightly bouncing the cane across your cheeks.
You wrap a hand around Benedict, and his groan is guttural. He is so hot and hard, and he’s already leaking enough to lubricate, so you start to move your hand slowly, even without Anthony’s command; Benedict hisses right next to your ear. The next strike causes your fist to tighten, and Benedict cries out at the pressure you exert. 
“That’s right," Anthony preens, directing you like a symphony. 
“Oh god,” Benedict moans against your cheek, “this feels so good; please don’t stop.” He kisses you fiercely while the next blow rains down. You just whimper quietly, tears pricking at your eyes; the ache is starting to meld into one hot, burning experience. You sense yourself falling into another space. 
You barely react to the next hit. Just a slow, halting exhale. Benedict kissed your cheekbone, your temple, but your response is muted, far away, your hand on him slackening.
Anthony senses your change in demeanour and stops. He doesn’t want you slipping; he wants you to be present. He drops the stick and reaches for your throat from behind, leaning over you and pulling your chin up to look at him.
“Stay with me, my girl,” he warns, “I need you to feel this. You look so beautiful with all these red marks. You’re doing so well, good girl.” He knows his praise grounds you in his presence. He watches as your eyes come back into sharper focus. He guides one of your hands between your legs. “I see just how soaked you are. Use that. Make him almost come, my girl.” Anthony’s voice is like velvet.  
You return your hand to Benedict, who groans at the slick sensation you bring. His breath speeds up as you start to move your hand up and down slowly, squeezing gently on the way up, a slight twisting motion at the tip. This always works for Anthony, and it's working for him too.
Anthony stays close to your ear, his voice low. “I don’t think you've learned your lesson yet. How is your bottom feeling, my girl? Is it too raw for a spanking?”
“No, my lord,” you demure, pushing back against him, rubbing yourself unashamedly, like a cat in heat. “please.”
“Nuh-uh, not yet, you greedy girl," he tuts. “You get my cock when you’ve earned it, not before.” 
Benedict is moaning louder now as you continue to work him. He is so hot and heavy in your hand, leaking slowly.
“Oh god, I’m already so close,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Take your hand away, my girl," Anthony commands as his open hand descends onto your butt cheek.
You cry out from the sting but do as you’re told, and Benedict whines instinctually from the loss of contact. You can see his cock pulsing.
Anthony pulls your hair and wraps it around his wrist. “You touch him again when I spank you," he instructs.
His hand rubs slowly over your butt cheeks while Benedict pants desperately in front of you, both of you on tenterhooks awaiting Anthony’s next move. The next blow hits your other cheek lower, almost at the junction of your thigh.
“Two," you begin counting instinctively and capture Benedict’s cock again.
“Oh, such a good girl," Anthony praises, grabbing your hair hard against your scalp, "today we are going for twenty.”
“My lord, that's so many," you protest, concentrating your movement on Benedict’s head.
“Then don’t misbehave again," he replied curtly, letting go of your hair “if you want to be with my brother, you ask my permission, do you hear me?”
“Yes, my lord," you respond breathily, realising he’s not entirely forbidding you from Benedict, who starts to squirm under your ministrations.
“Don’t let him come,” Anthony warns, “not yet.” His next hit is to one side.
“Three," you take your hand away, watching the ripples up Benedict’s shaft. The noise he makes is almost inhuman. You can tell this is agonising him, being brought so close to the edge and then denied.
“I’m sorry," you murmur to him, locking eyes and seeing his pupils blown so wide as he gasps for air. He looks alluring, so far gone. 
Anthony’s hand smacks right across the spot he caned your hardest. 
“Four.” You keen at the sting and latch your lips onto Benedict’s. He instantly responds, capturing your face between his hands and kissing deep.
“Five” is muffled against Benedict’s tongue.
“Grab him again, girl," Anthony commands, and you obey.
“Have mercy,” Benedict whines, his thighs shaking under the strain of continued teasing.
“Don’t take what isn’t yours," Anthony gruffs back at him, then spanking you twice, once on each cheek.
“Six, seven," the words are challenging to bite out, the sting so strong. Your legs are heavy from strain.
“Remove your hand, girl,” you reluctantly do as bidden.
Benedict cries out in frustration again, moving his hand to relieve himself of the torture.
“Brother, if you touch yourself right now, you never get to touch my girl again,” Anthony threatens.
Benedict seethes at his brother but slowly puts his hands back on the floor.
Anthony rains down three blows in quick succession; every time Benedict tries something, Anthony spanks you more as if punishing Benedict through you.
“Eight, nine, ten… Please, my lord, can I have a break,” you beseech.
“Only for a little while, my girl” Anthony’s hands rub gently over your abused flesh.
You hang your head to centre your thoughts, but Anthony has other ideas. One of his hands slips from your cheek between your legs; his questing fingers start to tease you. You mewl quietly, protesting slightly. 
“This is you being taught a lesson," Anthony imparts before sliding his thumb inside you and pulling again on your hair until your face is upright and inches from Benedict’s.
“Look at him,” he commands. “Look at him while I make you come, my girl. But don't you dare kiss him or touch him. You never get to do that again unless I permit it.” His finger harshly circles your clit. All you can do is whimper staring directly into Benedict's eyes. His breath on your face, transfixed, watching you as Anthony presses his thumb harder into you. Anthony flexes at the knuckle, dragging against your walls. 
“You look so beautiful,” Benedict mouths silently as Anthony’s fingers drive you higher.
“My lord, oh god, please don't stop,” you cry out for Anthony.
“I want you, sir,” you mouth back at Benedict. His eyes are just a ring of blue around black, and you intuit how much his fingers are itching to touch you, to touch himself.
“Watch her, brother, don't touch yourself,” Anthony directs, his grip on your hair tightening as he changes the angle of his hand. He knows he is torturing you both. Face inches apart, forbidden from kissing or touching. You push back against Anthony, wanting more; you want him deeper inside you, reaching that spot that drives you wild.
“Look at you fucking yourself onto my hand, you filthy girl,” Anthony coos. “What are you?” he demands
“A filthy girl,” you parrot, watching Benedict’s breath hitch.
“That’s right. And whose girl are you?” The possessiveness is biting.
“Yours my lord, always,” you respond, chasing the sensation so hard as it notches up your body from your core.
“And yours, sir,” you mouth at Benedict, intoxicated to rebel against Anthony even as he punishes you for doing precisely that. Benedict growls, unfulfilled, in response, leaking painfully, so red and swollen.
Anthony’s fingers drag hard against your clit, his thumb digging deep to hit that spot, and you start to see stars as he exerts pressure. Your breath becomes laboured, and you cry hard, begging him not to stop, to just keep going. It burns so hotly as you start to experience little shockwaves. Just as the crest of your orgasm approaches, Anthony wrenches away his fingers and spanks you forcefully on the ass, trailing your wetness over your reddened skin.
“No! Please, please don't stop, my lord,” you cry in frustration, tears pricking your eyes.
“I’ll stop when I want, if I want,” Anthony glowers. “You better learn the lesson who is in charge here. Now, what’s your count?”
“Eleven,” you say quietly, resigning yourself to being teased with no sign of relief.
“Tell me, girl, what would your colour be if I made him come in your mouth?” Anthony questions, almost casually, his hands rubbing your ass.
“Green, my lord,” you gulp.
“Good because it's going to happen,” he answers, one hand trailing up your back and into your hair, pressing your head downwards. “Brother, lie back,” Anthony orders.
Benedict lays down and watches, burning with anticipation, as his brother guides you closer to his leaking, aching cock. Just a few days ago, he watched from between your legs as you took Anthony into your throat, struggling beautifully as he pushed your limits. By god, he has had dreams of doing the same every night since.
His breath catches as you lock eyes with him. Your lips are resting on the very tip of his cock. Warm and inviting.
Ohhh fuckkkkk, he watches as your lips widen out and take him in slowly. Your mouth is so hot and wet, and the suction intoxicates. Benedict fights the urge to close his eyes from how good this feels, but he doesn’t want to break eye contact with you. Fascinated as your eyes grow wider as you sink down. 
He groans loudly as he bumps the back of your mouth.
Anthony exerts pressure on the back of your head, and you change the angle of your jaw.
Benedict shouts as he slides right into the tight canal of your throat. The pressure on his cockhead is intense and wonderful, and oh god, everything he imagined it would be and more. He feels your struggle for breath. Sees tears form in the corner of your eyes. Still, he can’t look away. You are the most beautiful debauched thing he has ever seen.
“Stay down, my girl," Anthony dictates, pressing his hand into your hair. Not giving you any reprieve. "I can feel how much your cunt is dripping for this, so don’t pretend you don’t love to choke on his cock”
Good grief, brother Benedict thinks.
Anthony spanks you forcefully. Your responding moan and attempt to count twelve make Benedict’s vision almost white-out, feeling the vibration all the way to his root. He was already dangling so close to the edge before you took him into your mouth, and he can't stop the inevitable now even if he wanted to...
Your lungs burn for air as Benedict's hand shoots out to cover yours on the floor as a warning, him incapable of speech. You open your fingers and allow his to sink between yours, lacing your hands together—a sweet gesture, a moment of connection, amid a debauched tableau.
Then you feel it. Waves of motion start at your lips, rippling under your tongue and through your throat—his cries of relief, the choking sensation of salty fluids running down your gullet. 
“Yes, that's it,” you hear Anthony say, finally pulling you up. You gasp for air, choking slightly, moving to rub your face as saliva and Benedict’s come streak across your mouth, your nose, your chin.
Benedict just lays prone on the floor, panting hard, his whole body twitching. 
“Well done, my good girl, look what you have done to him,” Anthony compliments; he leans over you to whisper in your ear, “Would you like your treat now?”
“Yes,” you croak, your throat raspy and sore. 
Anthony spanks you again, making you jump and squeal.
“Thirteen,” the counting on autopilot now.
“What do you say?” he scolds.
“Yes, please, my lord,” you correct yourself. 
“That's better. Move up a little, my girl,” he says, nudging your hips forward, your hand unlacing from Benedict’s. 
You crawl over Benedict, who still has his eyes closed. “That's it; I want your face right over his.”
You shuffle until you are in position, realising Benedict will be lying trapped under you while Anthony takes you. More punishment, you presume.
Benedict's eyes open as he realises what is happening. He looks up at you, his face still a haze of satisfaction.
“I know just how beautiful she is. You can touch her and kiss her brother,” Anthony permits. “Clean up her face from your own mess, why don't you,” he smirks as an afterthought as you hear him unbuttoning his trousers.
Benedict's hands reach up and cup your jaw gently. “Thank you,” his voice is quiet and reverential, his thumb sweeping through the mess on your face and into the corner of your mouth. You snag the tip of his thumb with your teeth, tasting him as Anthony's cock teases your entrance. 
“Now, I've been patient all this time while I punish you and you satisfied my brother, but now it's my turn, so just take it like the good girl you are,” he says through gritted teeth as he sinks in deep, his girth stretching you and dragging forcefully against all your walls. You know that means he will be hard and unrelenting in his mounting of you; he’ll probably leave bruises and bite marks. 
“You can take it, can’t you, sweet girl, for me?” Benedict’s voice is honeyed.
“Yes, sir.” You nod down at him, his thumb still caught between your teeth. His crooked smile catches your breath as Anthony sinks all the way in.
Anthony spanks your left cheek painfully.
“Fourteen,” your speech muffled around Benedict's thumb, that you suck in earnest to soothe the pain of the sting.
“Good girl, just six to go,” Anthony reminds you, pulling back out to the tip and sinking fast back to the hilt.
You cry out at the sensation, letting Benedict’s thumb fall out your mouth, your legs heavy, tensing, your arms aching from holding up on all fours for so long.
“Come here, my girl.” Benedict moves his hands and brings your head down until it rests on his collarbone, giving your arms a break. You wrap your hands around his shoulders and breathe a sigh of relief. His skin smells woodsy and comforting, and you kiss his neck gently in thanks.
Anthony’s apparent jealousy manifests in two rapid spanks across the most abused part of your butt cheek…
“Fifteen, sixteen,” you exhale shakily against Benedict's skin.
… then Anthony plunges in roughly, his thrusts smearing the moisture from your face onto Benedict's neck.
“I thought I told you to clean her up, brother,” Anthony cautions, his thrusts turning shallower.
You look up to see Benedict frown, turn his face towards you and kiss you gently, then kiss all around your mouth, sucking gently at your skin, cleaning himself off you. As he pulls away, it makes you realise Anthony has not kissed you once today; you suddenly feel bereft of his usual affections.
“Please, will you kiss me, my lord?” You plead, looking over your shoulder towards him.
“Not yet,” he bites out bitterly, his hands digging deeper into your hipbones “this is your punishment; only my very good girl gets to kiss me after I forgive her,” he says pointedly.
“Please forgive me,” you beg, desperate for his absolution.
“Take your punishment like a good girl,” he grits out, his movement becoming harsh, spearing into you, hitting the spot that makes you scream. He spanks you hard yet again, each cheek taking two heavy blows.
“Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty,” you yowl, your knees dragging on the rug from his movements, feeling your skin burn.
Anthony wraps an arm around your throat and pulls you bodily off Benedict. Upright and tight against his body, still buried deep inside you. He smells of his spicy cologne that makes you salivate, his clothing rasping against your skin. He didn't even strip down today, taking you fully clothed.
“Well done, my good girl. You did so well,” he praises. His free hand snakes up from gripping your hipbone to grasp your breast and pulls roughly on your nipple, making you shudder and keen. Your hands grab onto his firm biceps, anchoring you against him.
“Do you promise never to be with my brother unless I allow it?” He growls breathily into your ear.
“Yes, my lord,” you vow, drunk on the sensation of him wrapped tight around you. His fingers pinch your nipples, sending shockwaves through your body directly to your core. It makes you clench down on him, he snarls, and his teeth sink into the skin where your shoulder meets your neck.
“Do you promise always to be MY good girl, only mine, no one else's?” He continues as he gives a gentle thrust. You realise the implication of what he is asking, making your heart soar and your breath catch.
“Yes, my lord, only yours,” you respond fiercely, panting as his teeth dig in more and he groans intensely.
“Good, then I forgive you, my good darling beautiful girl,” his voice endearing as he turns your jaw and captures your lips with his. He kisses you deep, his tongue running into your mouth, battling with yours, stealing your breath. He pulls away gently, speaking against your lips “now you may kiss my brother again if you wish,” he smirks, “but remember who you truly belong to, my good girl.”
“Always you, my lord,” you whisper, enchanted, basking in the warmth of his forgiveness. 
His hand slide heavily from your breast, over your body, down between your legs.  “Do you want to come, my darling girl?” He asks, his voice sinful.
“Oh yes, please, please, my lord, I want to come so much for you,” you entreat, utterly in his thrall, watching his face as his finger gently circles around your clit, teasing, not quite hitting the spot you need “please, my lord please” you hiss. 
You glance down at Benedict, whose hands now run gently over your thighs, teasing the skin there with gentle touches, watching Anthony's fingers play with your clit. 
“Now you know how I like you in this position, good girl, head down, bottom up,” Anthony intones, pushing you out of his grip. “You can come with me,” he adds.
Benedict welcomes you back to him with a quick kiss on the lips but then shifts lower, encouraging you to drop down onto your hands above his head, your face against the rug. His mouth latches onto your breast as Anthony's fingers drag directly onto your clit, and he starts to move again.
Oh fuck.
It’s too much sensation at once. Anthony is unforgiving with his pace now, plundering hard, fast strokes that steal the breath from your lungs. His fingers rubbing hard on your bud. You cry with every push and whine with every pull back, just a constant stream of noise you cannot stop. Benedict uses his teeth; oh, he remembers from last time what you like and, fuck, if he isn’t so good at this. You feel yourself hurtling fast, your vision narrowing, every muscle tensing.
“My lord, this is too much,” you voice your thoughts plaintively, “I’m going to come soon.”
“No, not yet,” Anthony orders gruffly. “You wait for me.”
“Please, my lord, I can’t hold it anymore; please let me come,” you babble, your forehead dragging hard on the rug, the burn distracting you, hoping it can hold off. Your whole body strung taught, dangling over the precipice.
He removes his hand from your clit. “I said no,” he commands. But Benedict keeps his teeth dragging on your nipple, alternating each one, pinching the other hard with his hands. You’re legitimately screaming now, every fibre of your being on fire. Anthony fucks you so hard for what feels like an eternity, you just hanging there, over a cliff edge facing the abyss. He groans hard and leans over you, his teeth sinking into your neck, making you clench hard.
“Oh fuck yes, that’s it, my girl, come on then, come all over my cock, you pretty thing,” he growls against your ear, biting your earlobe, his fingers back between your legs.
It tips you right over the edge. Your orgasm, denied for too long all afternoon, hitting you with a blinding force. Your hands and knees are scrambling with blisters, your teeth digging to the rug, the strength of your pulsing cunt pushing Anthony out of your body as you scream a litany of my lords and sirs, feeling Benedict’s teeth and Anthony’s splash all over your shuddering overheated back. 
Your hips collapse, and you land on top of Benedict inelegantly, his arms wrapping low around your thighs as he gently kisses your breastbone.
“Oh well done, my darling girl,” Anthony pants heavily, hands smearing his come into your skin possessively, moving to soothe the ache on your bum. Reaching down to kiss between your shoulder blades, his face is on the other side of your body from Benedict’s.
“I believe this lesson went well,” Anthony opines a few minutes later as he rebuttons his clothing.
“Are you sure she doesn’t have more to learn, brother?” Benedict teases gently as he pulls back on his trousers. “I’d be happy to help with the teaching next time. If you’ll allow it, of course,” he adds hastily.
Anthony barks a laugh. “I’ll allow it. After all, there are always new lessons to be taught, my girl,” his voice full of promise, pulling you into his arms for a kiss as Benedict reaches out and grabs your hand, bringing it to his lips.
Oh, these wonderful boys and their ideas.
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seraphinitegames · 2 years
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 18/Nov/2022
So I started this week determined to get Chapter 20 done.
I knew it was gonna be a serious push, but I was pumped to get it finished.
And I did!
The base writing for Chapter 20 is completed already!!
Not only am I over the moon with getting it finished earlier than expected, but I actually managed to add in an extra scene for each LI scene that varies depending on a certain choice made the MC! And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE them!!
Part of my push was also due to intense excitement because it meant I got to write a couple of majorly emotional scenes I've been waiting actual years to write!! I had, like, a folder of extra notes specifically for these moments that I’ve been writing towards it over the years, hehe :D
It was both amazing and somewhat cathartic to get them out and decide what was going in, what wasn’t, what needed to be adapted to account for unexpected changes in things that have happened over the other books, etc.
I was also really enjoying the differences of the LI’s thought processes depending on who they talk to in the extra scene that I added in.
For example, M is realizing what is going on with their feelings a lot faster in a certain BFF route just because that vampire doesn’t push. Where as in the others it’s not as easy or fast. Just really love being able to have that variation in there!! Takes a long time to add, but so worth it! 'Cause it means you could replay M’s romance and experience it differently even when playing it multiple times!
Nai has also been getting me hyped as she's been working on Nate/Nat's Love Interest trailer for Book Three...oh, it looks so good already... :D
But yeah, it was a serious push this week, but so proud to get that done.
Which means it's only the base writing for Chapter 21 to go! And I am determined to keep it on plan...I'll be working on some editing today and tomorrow, but will be getting straight into the last chapter on Monday!
Obviously there's all the editing, playtesting, beta testing, etc after that, but that all tends to go a lot smoother and faster!
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next Friday <3
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winwintea · 3 months
Blame it on my Disney Wish (Prologue)
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PAIRING ▸ wayv x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, crack, angst, acquaintances to lovers, disney park au, college au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, sexual jokes, alcohol consumption, chenle gets bullied a lot, kun also gets bullied a lot, everyone gets bullied a lot, 
SUMMARY ▸ kun takes the boys to disney world, funded by his sugar daddy chenle. however none of them were prepared for you to tag along, more or less even be affected by that cliche disney magic. but hey, maybe dreams really do come true? 
TAG LIST ▸ (send me an ask here if you’d like to be added! + those tagged will be in the tag list of all chapters of this series!)
RELEASE DATE ▸ no schedule haha... i work at my own pace guys!
WORD COUNT ▸ 1.1k words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ welcome to my first ever fic? this is a “choose your own route” kind of series, so no need to read in order! i’ll be updating one chapter at a time, finishing off all chapter 1’s before i move onto the chapter 2’s. this originally started off as a crack fic idea that turned into a romance. thank u for taking the time to indulge in my silly fic. i’m very into disney parks so this was very fun to write. PLEASE ALSO READ THE PROLOGUE BEFORE READING THE CHAPTERS!
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“Could we maybe go to Disney?”
Little did Qian Kun know, was that this innocent question would be the reason why Kun, and 6 other idiots were now at Walt Disney World with you.
That day, Dong Si Cheng, Kun’s roommate, asked a simple question. That had a simple answer: No. But what happened instead, wasn’t as simple. If it were any other one of his idiotic friends he would’ve turned them down straight away, but the request had to come from the mouth of Dong Si Cheng instead. There was no way Kun could resist the temptation of seeing those eyes look dejected after he rejected that wish of Si Cheng’s. 
“Sure, I’ll see what I can do.” Was what HE SHOULD NOT HAVE SAID. but he did.
As soon as Kun walked out of Si Cheng’s room, his smile quickly turned into a frown. How the hell was he going to accomplish this? They were pretty much broke college students, no freetime, and no clout. Actually the last part was a lie. They were pretty popular amongst most of the students of their school. Mingled with most people, went to parties, drank a lot, you get the gist. Yet, that wasn’t enough clout to magically grant them a Disney trip. That shit only happened in movies. Disney movies. 
“Couldn’t help but overhear that sad conversation.” Kun turned his head to see a familiar face, one that happened to belong to his ‘bestie’ Ten. He was using the term ‘bestie’ lightly. They’d known each other for years, but still bickered and teased each other over everything. Ten’s real name was ‘Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul’, but of course no one could pronounce that so everyone just called him Ten instead. It made life simpler. 
“Oh yeah? Like you could do anything better.” 
Ten cocked his head to the side, “What? Can’t stop being a people pleaser for once and reject someone for a change?” “I’d love to see you try. Why don’t you go tell him ‘no’ instead, so we don’t have to shovel out our own money to pay for this damn trip?” Kun knew Ten loved a good challenge, and that Ten was as equally broke as he was, so maybe he could convince Ten to persuade Si Cheng.
Ten looked at him for a few seconds, rolled his eyes, and walked right into Si Cheng’s room. Kun glanced at his watch, wanting to see how long it would take. 
“You don’t need to tell me Ten. I heard everything outside, I… understand.” Kun could hear Si Cheng’s faint voice from the door, and his heart ached a little. The sadness in his tone was very obvious. “I was being selfish… I’m sorry.” 
“N-Nononoofcoursenot!” Ten blabbered out. Suddenly Ten opened the door again, spotted Kun and pulled Kun back into the room with him. “Tell him Kun! We were just planning the dates right, weren’t we Kun?” 
Fuck this bastard. Kun could imagine it in his head. Right here, right now. His hands wrapped tightly around Ten’s neck. And when he was done, he would know exactly where to put the bo- Err… Just kidding. There would be a witness anyways. A witness that was currently giving him a puzzled look. 
“Uhm… yeah yeah… yeah right we were just booking flights that’s all. And if it… sounded like we weren’t gonna go uh… we were just… joking, right?” Kun looked at Ten for support. If Ten was gonna throw Kun under the bus then he needed all the help he could get.
“Yeah yeah. We’ll go to your favorite park!” Ten winked at Si Cheng, still nervously looking at Kun. “I like all of them though…” 
That’s it. Kun grabbed on Ten’s arm, as equally hard as Ten had done to him earlier, dragging him out of Si Cheng’s room once again. This time, Kun and Ten positioned themselves strategically in the kitchen where Kun’s beloved roommate wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation. However as they made their way into the kitchen to see a shorter boy standing at the sink peeling an orange. “Chenle, how the fuck do you keep getting into our dorm room?” Kun stared at Chenle as he was nonchalantly peeling his orange. 
The younger boy grinned at the two. “Si Cheng gave me his spare key. He wanted to learn how to play basketball, so I’ve been teaching him.”
Chenle was a basketball prodigy and had gotten into their school on a scholarship because of it. He was only 2 grades below Kun, but somehow they shared most of their classes with each other. Chenle would always pester Kun whenever he could and did anything he could to make his life miserable. “Okay, so why are you here now? Si Cheng did not look like he was about to play basketball at all.” Chenle popped an orange slice in his mouth. “Silly! I’m here for you! Well, see I originally was going to bother you like I normally do, y’know” He ignored Kun’s glare and continued on, “But then… I was hungry so I got a snack.” He motioned to the orange in his hands and ate another slice, “Also whoever made that Pumpkin Pie, that was absolutely fire.” 
“Fuck you that was my last slice” Ten crossed his arms, and joined Kun in scowling at the younger boy.
“Yeah well. Sorry. I guess. Not really. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Regardless, while eating the pie I witnessed your little disney dilemma and I have a proposal to make.” Kun eyed Chenle suspiciously as he continued on, “I’ll pay for your little trip. Flights, Tickets, Fastpasses, Food, everything!” 
Kun completely forgot that Chenle’s family was loaded. He glanced at Ten then back at Chenle. “And what do you want in return? Is there a catch?”
Chenle looked at them with a more mischievous grin in comparison to the ones he had been giving them before. “No catch! You just have to take me and my best friend, y/n with you.”
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steamberrystudio · 10 months
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13/08/2023 Devlog
Hallo! It is time for the bi-weekly Tumblr update once again
Sprite art finished and imported (all sprites are now in the game)
All CG art completed
50% of CGs coded
The Ramble:
So here is the quick ramble for Gilded Shadows.
I finished all the remaining sprite art and got that imported into the game. 
And I finished all the CG art. I have not finished coding the CGs as some of them take a bit longer due to Morgan. So I have a few more of those left to do.
I really did not expect to be finished with the CGs by this point but somehow managed to finish them by the end of Friday without killing my hand.
I've definitely been...uh...feeling it the past couple of days though. Ha ha. 
Fortunately the art is done now so my hand will have plenty of time to rest through beta testing! 
Upcoming Weeks:
Beta testing! 
I have a few more things to wrap up, including coding the rest of the CGs and then Yuu's route will move into the beta testing stage which will last a few weeks; but I'm not sure how long.
So yeah. We're nearly to the final release for Gilded Shadows. 
Even after release, I still have some KS related loose ends to tie up but the game is kind of the main thing to complete and we are nearly there.
Anyway, that's all for now on Gilded Shadows. By next update we should be mid-beta testing and I'll probably be working on some of the KS loose ends while waiting for feedback.
When Stars Collide:
For those following updates on this project:
I have received one new background since last time and a new sketch.
I have also done a fair bit of writing but since this is just my side project I've actually been tracking my word count progress a little less meticulously than usual. I don't know how many words it was at my last update so I don't know how much progress I've made since then. LoL!
I have one more short scene for Yren chapter 5 left but I also worked on the new chapter 3, which I had planned out but not started last time. So it looks like I wrote right at 10,000 words based on how long the scenes I know I wrote are. 💪
I also wrote Kav's first actual scene and appearance (well, it's part of the new chapter 3, not a separate scene.)
I've done a few other small things - worked on potentially re-designing the flowchart screens, changed up some character lore for a few characters. Changed a few character name spellings too (there are reasons for this; it wasn't just a whim. LoL)
And a few other minor things.
I also improved my WSC word count spreadsheet.
Keeping a detailed spreadsheet of my progress - including a specific goal system and progress tracker really helps keep me focused so that my forward momentum stays at a steady pace.
I'm not a naturally organised person - in fact, my natural state as a writer is quite chaotic and disorganised. But I have learned during Changeling that chaos does not serve me well in the development process and that I do better if I make myself use organisational tools to stay on track.
I haven't been meticulous with writing spreadsheets for WSC since it has been my side project until now. But as GS wraps up, it will become more of my focus so I want to be sure I have the tools in place to stay focused.
Hence...better spreadsheets. 💪💪
Side note. But did you lens flares are actually required when something is set in space? That is how you know it's sci-fi.
I don't make the rules.
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shuttershocky · 11 months
So I just finished the Remake. Absolutely loved it; I always felt the original VN was far too edgy and callous with its writing and too ambitious for its budget, and both of these problems were almost completely resolved with the budget. That said, I do have a lore-related question. (1/2 since Tumblr is being a little fucky rn)
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That's the cool part; he actually does! It's just that Shiki's reaction to Arcueid (and Akiha) differs greatly from Vlov.
Shiki's Nanaya instincts push him to kill Arcueid by surprise as it's the only way he could ever take on a being on her level, while with Vlov (who attacks Shiki and Arcueid first at the hotel), it looks like Shiki's mind recalculates for a different monster that knows he is there and is armed, even if the monster doesn't quite know what threat he poses just yet. It appears to be a state that is much more stable, as Shiki's normal personality sometimes resurfaces like when he has to talk to Arcueid, but the way his internal monologue changes and how cruel and calculating he becomes makes it no doubt this is also his Nanaya instincts.
You can first see it when Shiki is attacked by the fire dogs at the hotel. He panics in fear and kills on survival reflex, but when Vlov himself arrives at the floor, Shiki SHOULD be running for Arcueid, but instead readies his knife and begins focusing on Vlov's lines despite the plan being for Arcueid to take on the vampire herself.
You then see it in full swing during the fight with Vlov at the park in the Arcueid route. As Shiki rushes into the pit, his narration begins to change. He starts counting more and more variables: the time he can last inside Vlov's blizzard before he freezes to death, the distance between him and Vlov, the number of projectiles Vlov is able to create and how many he can cut out of the air if he just thinks of the projectiles as "prey", all these sorts of thoughts that are unthinkable to Shiki the normal highschool boy.
And even as Shiki's narration says how it's clear this fight is impossible and a vampire on Vlov's level is more of a natural disaster for humans to avoid rather than fight, a glimpse of Shiki's reflection in Vlov's ice shows him grinning. He's enjoying the opportunity to finally let loose his repressed instincts on an acceptable, impossible target. He loves that his blood is freezing over and the countdown in his head keeps ticking down, his normal self is so freaked out at the idea of dying here that he almost completely disassociates. It's only when he sees Arcueid take an icicle to the face, shrug it off, and throw a massive boulder back that his ordinary self resurfaces (his incredulity at Arcueid's durability snaps him out of it) and he asks Arcueid for help.
And even then, after he and Arcueid fight together, he slips back into his calculating self. He thinks about how this move will leave him paralyzed for the rest of his life, but he doesn't care as he is not human, but a killing machine whose only objective is his target. He quickly identifies the two possible points in his move that could go wrong, as well as the number of seconds it would take for Vlov to react. When he sees Vlov attempt to draw a sword in the latter's desperation to survive, all Shiki can think about is how much he hates Vlov as a rival murderer.
You know, incredibly normal thoughts by incredibly normal boys.
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xpao-bearx · 4 months
Alrighty, my fellow Astarion fangbangers!! I've got a 🔥SPAHCY🔥 oneshot idea~
This is an idea that's been a parasite in my teeny brain for a while now and at first, I didn't wanna share it cuz I wanted it to be a surprise for when I actually write and post it. But to those who follow me, y'all know I just LOVE to ramble so I couldn't keep it a secret anymore 😂
And sooo here it is: A smutty oneshot of Spawn Astarion x Fem!Reader x Ascended Astarion!
Now you might be thinking... How the HELLS would a threesome with Spawn Astarion and Ascended Astarion ever work??? O_o
Well, lemme ramble some more! 😆
Throughout your adventure, Astarion ascended and made his lover (you, dear reader ❤️) into his dark consort. After saving Baldur's Gate, you go to live with Astarion in his palace and start anew with your life of immortality.
At first, everything was going well. Astarion relished in the power he's craved so much and you stood by his side as his most prized treasure. And yet... There was a suffocating emptiness in your heart.
You were happy. Or...you should be. You were going to spend a wonderful eternity with your lover and you only gave Astarion what he's always wanted...right?
But as time passes, Astarion changes more and more. You still loved him, you will never stop loving him, but you couldn't deny that his dominance and possessive nature over you...unsettled you a bit.
Anyhoe, long story short, while you are just wandering around the palace one night and rethinking all your life choices that led you to this very moment, some ✨️magic✨️ happens and Astarion appeared.
Only...this was Astarion from the past. Before he ascended.
This story is still a work in progress so forgive me that this is all a mess, but basically this other Astarion is spawn Astarion! Spawn Astarion comes from another dimension where he never ascended. In that dimension, Baldur's Gate has also been saved but at the cost of spawn Astarion's lover's life--your life.
Astarion couldn't handle the tragic loss of his one true love so he became obsessed in finding something--anything--to be with you again, even at the cost of his soul. I'm still working out the details, but Astarion ended up finding something which made him transport to where you are now!
You are obviously baffled by spawn Astarion and can't quite believe it, but he's just so fucking happy to see you--to be with you--again. And maybe...just maybe...
You wanted to be with him, too.
But of course... There's ascended Astarion.
Beautiful, foolish treasure... Did you really think you could ever forsake your master?
Expect quiiite a bit of angst with this oneshot but, OF COURSE, some real nasty smut too! 😉 I plan to hopefully write and post this story after I finish the game and have experienced both spawn and ascended routes!
Also, I REALLY hope this doesn't cause any discourse! I, personally, prefer spawn Astarion but I also ADORE ascended Astarion (✨️nothing✨️ will stop me from simping for this vamp dork)! I know everyone has their own thoughts and opinions for both and which one is "better", but for me I just live and let live! Let everyone be happy with their own preferences, please 🥰
And I hope no one steals this idea of mine! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen anyone else have an Astarion fic like this so I would assume I would be the first to have this specific idea. If you were inspired by the premise and wanna write something similar, PLEASE credit me for the inspo but also tell me if you post it cuz I would absolutely read the SHIT out of it!! \(^o^)/ But yeah, just please don't copy the WHOLE thing cuz, like I said, I do plan on eventually writing this fic myself!
And hey, if ya wanna be tagged for when I post this fic, please don't hesitate to tell me! 💕
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stormgardenscurse · 2 years
h ghe hheh,,, for the drabble/headcanon event,,, you are the villain of an otome game and you either die tragic deaths or suffer fates even worse in all the routes. you reincarnate one day with this knowledge and decide to change your destiny, whilst doing so you accidentally catch the interest of ace and deuce, two of the romanceable character, an they try to win your affection instead of the main heroine's
Event is still open for submissions here!
General things:
Since I do love my otome villainess manhwas, I’ll be basing this AU in a typical royalty setting!
You’ve played this game before, so you vaguely know the plot - but things are very different because you got isekaied before the canon game’s start point.
As such, the only logical thing to do is prepare for what will come next year, right? When your fate will truly be thrown into the hands of the storyline, and you’ll have to try your best to not end up dead.
No matter what world you were in, having money is one of the essentials if you plan to escape from the academy you’ll be enrolled in 1 year from now, where the game story starts to take place. You’ll need to pay for transport after all, and loose lips can only be sealed with an adequate amount of gold coins…
As the story’s villain, you do indeed have a wealthy noble background, however just relying on that won’t get you very far if you planned to survive on your own after running away. Thus the first thing you try to do is start connections within the merchant circle, and potentially expand to commissioning mercenaries.
Perhaps you could find one that’s skilled enough to be a hired bodyguard? That’d certainly be helpful in case one of the love interests tried to attack you to protect the protagonist… (Many things are up in the air at this point, so it can’t hurt to be flexible).
You’re exiting a tavern after a meeting when you bump into Ace - literally, as he pickpockets your pouch and walks away. If it wasn’t for the important magic trinket inside of it, you might not even have reached for said pouch to check if it was there and connected the dots, breaking into a chase after the thief.
You didn’t recognise Ace as himself at first (you didn’t manage to finish playing his route, though your friends loved to gush over him), and was surprised to find that he was the one that stole your belongings.
Suffice to say, by surprising Ace (calling out his brother’s name), you managed to tackle him to the ground and demand your items back.
Seeing as he didn’t just teleport away (a signature move he used to save the player once), you deduced that Ace hasn’t had his magic training yet, and seemed to be living as a thief before being found by his master? He was dressed well though, so you believed there might be more to the story than meets the eye.
What would your friends have called this… ah, a secret route? Or was it a DLC? Anyways, you supposed that finding out more about Ace wouldn’t hurt your survival prospects, thus you threw your pouch of coins back to him after you retrieved the most important item inside.
You’d frequent the city after all. If Ace is as curious as you remembered, you’d be meeting him many more times after this even without a contract or deal.
He’s surely wondering how you knew his brother of all people, and will only grow curiouser when his brother tells him he’s never heard of anyone like you~
Honestly speaking, Deuce was one of your comfort faves when you played the game. So when you see sign-ups open for a knight apprenticeship that you recognised the name of, you’re quick to write your name onto the form with bated breath.
All you knew is that Deuce trained here under the same master. You weren’t sure if he was still here though since the storyline is only a year away - he might’ve graduated already and was preparing for the academy’s entrance exam.
You later learn that Deuce is your senior as you spot him during a training drill, and he surprises you by flashing you a friendly smile. When you’re practicing alone (modern muscles were not meant to train like this), he walks over and you think you can hear your heartbeat in your ears, only for the anticipation to shatter as he offers you a drink. 
Right. He doesn’t know who you are, and you’re in the villain’s body of all people - Deuce probably just wanted to say hi because he’s just that nice, not because you caught his eye or anything.
(You actually did catch his attention; you’re a member of higher nobility, but despite how you could easily afford private mentors you chose to train here instead. Deuce gives you the benefit of the doubt and assumes you’re hard-working, since why else would you be running drills even after your session ended?)
He sees a bit of himself in you (the desire to improve quickly), but advises you to not push yourself too hard since he’s hurt himself before by overworking his body. Yet when Deuce invites you to have lunch together with his friends something irks you at the back of your mind. Despite your better judgment, you let it slip from your mouth:
You ask him if he’s here out of pity, since it’s evident that your peers have been avoiding you in light of your gaps in status. It comes out coldly and causes surprise to flicker through Deuce’s eyes, but he’s quick to smile and shake his head instead.
That might’ve been the case a moment ago, but your words are catching his interest; you seem to have something else lingering on your mind despite standing before him, and Deuce somehow feels inclined to offer his company to you.
Strange, it’s as if he was talking to someone he met a long time ago… Must be his imagination, right?
Additional thoughts/comments are at the end of my tags, if you're curious!
Commissions are also open for September if anyone's interested in AU type things like these 👉👈 (might take 2-3 weeks to write though, depending on wordcount and how busy I am!)
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falloutjuli · 1 year
Time to post some Johnny content, since that man has been my brainrot for the past few days since I finished SBR. Its also my first time posting anything for JJBA so Im hella excited to share (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
I hope you too get a kick out of this, I wanted it to be winter themed for the occasion. I apologize for any spelling or grammar erros, english isnt my first language, but I do try my best. 
Without further ado, Johnny x Reader - Warm me up
Johnny and you share your sleeping bag to stay warm together
"Holy shit it's cold." You moaned, as you were sure your fingers were frozen by now despite the gloves.
"Agreed. We better soon make a fire and take a break." Gyro agreed and went to look for a nice place to set their camp up. Johnny trotted besides him, looking equally cold. "Would ya mind gathering some firewood?" Gyro asked you, and you agreed, just wanting to get off of your beloved horse and take a break. 
You slid of the saddle, lading with a "oomph" sound in the thick snow. "I see a little cave up there, we set up camp there, yeah?" Gyro said and began making his way. Johnny smiled at you before following his friend.
  Walking was a nice change after having been on horseback all day but after a while, that sucked too, so you were happy once you found a last good piece of wood to use and made your way to the little cave. It wasn't deep at all, it gave just enough cover from the snow and wind. 
Johnny and Gyro had already unpacked their sleeping bags and were seated on them, discussing their plans for the route tomorrow. When the Italian spotted you with the wood under your arms, he smiled. 
"Finally! We're freezing over here!" "You could have helped, then I would have been faster." You rolled your eyes and Gyro laughed and got up to start the fire once you dumped the wood on the floor. Then you unhooked your own bag from h/n and set it up next to Johnny. 
Finally you were able to rest. Your limps sprawled out and a deep sigh escaped your lips. "You alright there?" Johnny inquired, leaning over to you. "Now I am. Finally some rest ya know." You answered, opening your eyes to look at him. You were surprised that his face was so close to yours as his eyes scanned your face for every little detail. Heat crept up in your face. 
"True, the break is welcomed." With that he withdrew from your personal space. You continued to watch him from the corner of your eye as he pulled out his little nite pad and pen to write something. 
"Hey Gyro!" He called out to your friend who just got the fire started. "Why didn't your teddy eat dessert?" "Tell me Johnny." "He was stuffed." Gyro laughed wholeheartedly, while Johnny chuckled.
 "Holy shit, you two are so unfunny." You groaned and hid your face with your hands. "You just can't appreciate true genius." Gyro retorted and began humming his Pizza song while making his sleeping place more comfortable. His teddy of course finding place too. Whole traveling with the two guys you had heard so many stupid jokes, songs and conversations, but that's also why you liked them so much. 
And while you held both dear in your heart, your heart had the habit of occasionally skipping a beat whenever you and Johnny got close. It was a little crush you had developed over the time, but who could blame you, he was a kind and beautiful young man who had captured your heart and thoughts by storm. Sometimes you wondered if he looked at you with the same admiration and love you held form him. 
"We better get some sleep in tonight, I wanna leave early in the morning ladies!" Gyro declared, earning an eye roll from his companions. "You overslept last time!" Johnny retorted. "I couldn't sleep, because you two kept talking and giggling like little girls the whole night!" Not wanting to use the little energy you had left for arguing with Gyro of all people, you just rolled on your side, pulling the blanket of the sleepingbag up to your nose and shut your eyes shut. "G'dnight guys." You just mumbled and began drifting off, only hearing Gyro and Johnny faintly in the distance.
You awoke hours later, freezing. With sleepy eyes you looked around, spotting the died down fire that only had ember left. Gyro was snoring peacefully, Johnnys back was turned to your but you could savely assume that we was sleeping too. The wind must have picked up again some time ago as it was significantly colder than earlier. 
"Fuckin' shit." You mumbled and climbed out of the bag to drag it a bit further inside, hoping to escape the cold. Just when you had finished moving the bag, you got almost scared to death when a sleepy Johnny asked what you were doing. "Don't scare my like that!" You whisper yelled at him as you sat back down. 
"I moved a bit because I'm freezing over there. The wind picked up." You explained. Johnny also moved out of his bag to your surprise, and went to move next to you again. "It is infact too cold. Can't wait until we get into warmer territory again." He mumbled, as he went back In. You copied what he did and also got comfortable in the bag again. 
Silence lingered in the air as time passed you kept shivering, turning from time to time. "Still too cold?" Johnny asked next to you. "Yeah. I'm not made for this weather." "Me neither." He chuckled. A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again. "You know we... We could share."
"What?" You question, wondering if you had heard and interpreted correctly. Johnny hesitated for a moment before elaborating. "Share a bag, ya know. It'd probably be warmer then..." You blinked a couple of times, wondering if that was a smart idea being that close to Johnny. "Y/N?" 
"Eh sure. I mean, everything is better than freezing my ass off." You tried to overplay your nervousness. "Then make space for me." He said and scooted over to you, waiting for you to let him in. Thanks to the limited space in there, you were pressed up against Johnny once he got all settled in with your help. A nervous laugh escaped your lips as he wrapped his arms around your figure, pressing you face further into his chest. You couldn't see it but Johnny did have a blush on his face just as you did. But it was warm. Very much so even. If it was thanks to cuddling with Johnny or being flustered and embarrassed thanks to cuddling with Johnny you didn't know.
"If you get uncomfortable, do say darlin'." You blinked. How dare he make you even more flustered by calling you that? How rude of him. "No no, I'm all fine." You mumbled against his shirt, unsure where to put you arms. Eventually you too put your arm around him, just above his waist. "Are ya warm enough?" You nodded. "And are you comfortable?" You questioned back. "Yeah, with you I am." Then it was silent again. 
Neither of you knew what to say or do so you just remained in that position until you did feel a little uncomfortable. You moved a little upwards, leveling your faces now, so you didn't have to constantly breath against his shirt. In the dark you could still make out his features thanks to remains of the fire a few feet away and the spare moonlight. Johnny looked pretty, with the slight smile that adored his lips and his tired eyes that looked right back at you. 
"Johnny?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for keeping me warm." "No problem at all, darlin'." And again your heart skipped a beat at the nickname. Your hand began to slowly travel from his waist, over his side and shoulders up to this face where it then rested as you pressed your lips onto his in a hasty kiss. Much to your surprise, after the initial hesitation due to surprise, he did kiss back, moving his hand from your back away, much to your dismay. You however didn't mind it anymore when he used his upper body strength, to flip you onto your back with him on top of you. 
Your kiss grew more passionate, with tongues meeting and dancing around one another, hands roaming the others body. After what felt like an eternity, he slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. The sapphire blue eyes you adored so much were closed as he breathed heavily against your lips. 
"Where did that come from?" Johnny whispered, his hands coming up to cup your face. "I don't know. You just got me wrapped around your finger like that." "I do?" He inquired and you nodded. Your fingers went to to entangle themselves into his blond hair, pushing his hat off. 
"Look at you! Pretty face, beautiful eyes, soft hair, your strong arms, you're just perfect... You're the best price I could have scored in this race." Johnnys heart threatened to burst out of his chest, all thanks to your softly murmured words of praise. Instead of replying with words, he simply pressed his lips against yours again, this time slower and softer. "I always thought about you the same way." He then finally confessed against your lips. You couldn't help but smile at his words, finally having the confirmation, that he did feel the same way about you. 
"You have no idea how glad that makes me." Johnny chuckled and pressed a kiss against your forehead. "As much as I would love to show you just how much I adore you, if we don't sleep we will have Gyro complain all day tomorrow that we're tired. But i promise I will make it up to you sweetheart." The way the nicknames rolled of his tongue with his southern accent just had you weak. Just when you thought you couldn't love him more, he showed you there was still plenty of room. "You better."
Morning came way too fast. Of course it was still pleasant, waking up in Johnny's arms holding you close to him made it already the best morning you ever experienced so far, but knowing you'd probably be all day on horseback again, with little to no breaks had you feel dread already. 
You carefully wiggled yourself out of Johnny's grip to sneak out of the sleeping bag and get yourself some water and a snack from your provisions bag. Just as you had finished a piece of your favorite snack, you heard shuffling behind you. "Morning Y/N." Gyro said, as he was already beginning to gather and pack up his stuff to store it on Valkyrie later. "Mornin'." You replied, watching him a bit.
 "What's Johnny doing in your sleeping bag?" He eventually questions and just by the smile on his lips you knew he already had a story himself as to why. "We were both cold and so we shared to stay warm. Nothing special." You commented offhand, trying to seem nonchalant. "Uh huh." A moment passed before he spoke again.
  "So you just shared for the warmth yeah? Were your lips cold to or why you got Johnny's blue all over them?"
And just then you knew this ride today just got ten times worse because there was no way in hell Gyro wouldn't bring it up at least fifty times.
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junipermonkey · 1 year
Summary: Remus follows his crush into the room on requirement
Remus lupin one shot, hozier, fluff, angst, Remus being in love, he falls first and harder, just fun little romanticizing
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
    So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Remus nimbled on his already abused fingertips. The orange beams of light hitting him in the golden affair of the day. The outside corridors inhabited by a group of boys settled on the ledges on the piazza of Hogwarts. I should say this to her, write her something. No. A grind of his teeth and locked tight fist. Bitter trepidation of his mind, battles with the perturbation of his heart.
Anastasia on the other hand was not spending her Thursday contemplating and romanticizing sonnets. She was livid and drawn with a vexed attitude. Storming her way through the open-aired corridor with a miffed expression and shoulders pulled close to her body.
“Is it that time of the month Fox?” Sirius teased watching her come down the hall towards the four boys. Anastasia snapped her head in the direction of the cocky boy she hadn't noticed before. Halting her journey in front of the four and pointing her finger in the direction of the insolent teen.
“I am gonna take a knife and gut you like a fish. Huh, did you here that I fucking gut you and those bloody Hufflepuffs.” And with that threatening comment she continued her driven route into the school.
Anastasia had offered her help to the overwhelmed Lily the week before. The redhead had been juggling taking extra classes, doing all of the prefect duties because of her less than contributive partner, and with the head boy and girl of that year who had put all the tasks on the younger ones. She was troubled beyond belief. In one of her agitated rants to the girls she had mentioned having to plan a mural that the first year Gryffindors were meant to paint along with the other houses. Anastasia had kindly taken the task from Lily.
She was only now regretting it on today of all days. A day she just wanted to get through to keep herself busy to ward off the forlorn thoughts warping her mind. The Hufflepuff prefects had taken all of the yellow paint provided to Gryffindor for the mural. Now she was left to figure out how to help the eleven year olds paint a red lion next to the already finished house murals and then face Lily’s wrath when she sees it.
“Is it weird that kind of did something to me, got a full semi right now.” Sirius asked, watching his friends turn to him with disgusted expressions.
Remus took himself off the perched position of the railing standing tall, using the thin poetry book and smacking Sirius in the head, not bothering to hold on to it. Letting the book fall onto the flinched boy's chest. He rushed off in the direction of Anastasia.
“What, so I'm the bad guy? I can't help that. It's a natural bodily reaction.” Sirius yelled out only to be ignored by Remus. Throwing his hands up and turning to James. “Am I the bad guy Prongs?”
“I still don’t know how you get girls.” James said, shaking head in disbelief and continuing on in his quidditch playthroughs.
The alarm and hesitation in Remus’s head was loud. He didn’t know what he was doing chasing after her, he didn’t know what he would do when he would find her. Though flexing his hands and legs staggering with his natural reaction of returning, retreating had sent in, he continued on. Telling himself he would just see if she was all right, that was all. And so he followed in suit only catching up to see her slipping through an unfamiliar door.
Anastasia’s back to the door, her body sitting in the middle of a huge trampoline inside a room equal in size to the great hall. The room was decorated in detailed architecture similar to Hogwarts' large pillars, only more embellished with lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes carved into the stone, surrounding them were rock flowers and pictures of nature. The windows, only shown on one side of the walls built with stained glass hues of reds, oranges, and blues dancing on Anastasia’s billowy white shirt. The windows painted stories of wizards Merlin and Arthur. Tales of the sacred 28 and the founders of Hogwarts.
It was a beautiful and confusing sight, one that needed to be breathed in, looked at through the microscope of a photo but Remus was only given a moment before the sight grew in beauty, her face.
“I um.” He let his confusion grow. A trampoline in Hogwarts? “I just wanted to see if you were all right.” His whispers could be heard through the silence and echo of the empty room.
Anastasia watched him, if Remus had been any closer he would have seen the surprise in her eyes. “I’m just a little miffed is all.”
He flexed his hands. “I could beat up Sirius.” He smiled. I made her laugh. Her giggles ricochet through the room into his ears.
“No, no. Sirius’s comments though stupid isn’t really the cause for my….” Her mouth opened and closed and a shrug was her answer. Depression felt dramatic, anger wasn’t the right word and frustration she crude in the subject of her feelings.
Remus nodded he understood the strife of choosing the words to describe the complexity of your feeling layers and all. There was a pause in their stares, maybe a moment to think or just to observe.
“Come here.” She whispered and so he did, moving to climb onto the trampoline. “Nooo take off your shoes first.” And he did, fumbled with the laces of the muggle sneakers placing them next to her toppled over ones and a straight line.
Anastasia leaned over stretching her arm out to help him on, though he didn’t need it. Maybe it was her way of telling him to sit closer not wanting to say it, to speak her want of his proximity into words.
They sat in silence, legs crossed. The silence was not deafening for Remus; it was more comforting the room, her presence surprisingly and the domestic feeling of it all. For Anastasia it compelled her to think to speak once more. 
“It's my fathers birthday today.” She was surprised herself she admitted it. It sounded so normal without context, a positive connotation of the words that depressed her greatly.
“Oh.” Remus was confused again. Did she miss him alot or something? 
“How are your parents?” Was this the reply he should have given he didn’t know but judging by the fast movement of Anastasia head turning to look at him it was not.
“My parents are dead, Lupin.” She said it in a way as if she felt bad for him and not herself, like she was not the victim but the bearer of bad news. Oh something.
“I’m so sor-” He looked horrified but she cut him off before he could say the words she had heard far too many times.
“It's alright. I just… thought everyone knew. Especially you.” Of course Anastasia had assumed he knew, she had seen him the day of, hell he had been a house down from it. Remus lowered his head in guilt. 
He remembered her parents well, his own stories of Anastasia’s father and him. A man he had seen in all his dazzling glory and  a shiny picture of him etched into his mind. Her mother a scary woman in her natural intimidation only to reveal her kind nature. He remembers looking at the couple and imagining himself having that kind of love, no burden son to take care of, or unspoken problems, just pure love.
“It’s kind of nice to know that's not what everyone thinks of me.” Anastasia whispered. It was nice, she knew the pitiful stares and the apologies.
She remembers her first year well, her scars much more striking. She remembers her eleven year old self theorizing all the possibilities into why Remus didn’t want to be her friend anymore, at first it was because he had boy friends now and was embarrassed, and then it was that he no longer recognized her because of the scars now but that was quickly ruled out in her name have been called in the hat ceremony. And then she settled on that he had known what had happened that night and feared her.
Anastasia stood up beckoning him up and holding out her hands which he took kindly. Anastasia started first but with their bound hands Remus followed in suit. The sight was childish for the tall teen and the grown girl. Flying in the air and a plunge into the fluid fabric. The room was loud now, heaving breaths, metal springs contracting, giggles from the two when they would fall into each other or slip with the smoothness of their socks, and the loudest of all their heartbeats. 
The jumping continued for how long the two didn’t know but thought of self doubt and fear of the unknown had fled. And grave thoughts of past and frustration of minuscule problems were breathed out through laughter.
And now the panting was loud. The fast rising and falling of chests layed next to one another in the now dim room, the lighting gave only blue hues on their faces. The catching of breath gave them time to indulge in the ceiling. It was painted similar to the ones of Italian churches. Angles, demons, harpies, serpents, gods and lovers.
“I found this room second year.” A pause. “I was crying and it showed me a trampoline.” There was a joking manner in her tone about how silly a trampoline is what a crying girl needs. Remus understood now too caught up to realize this was the Room of Requirements.
Her words held a serious thought in them. “You shouldn’t go exploring this room though. There's things that will just make you sad and tell lies.” She recalled her second year well also how she would sneak into this room for another reason then the play of the trampoline but an object that held her victim as well.
“I’ve only ever read about it.” Remus whispered so close to her ear.
Anastasia smiled at his words. “Well of course you have the bestest of friends, you don’t need a silly room.”
Remus didn’t understand what she had meant. “Don’t you have Lily, Mary, Marlene, Alice even?”
Anastasia pursed her lips for a moment. How was she to word this? It felt rude to the girls and the impact they have on her. “I adore the girl but we don’t talk about anything serious or at least I don’t….” He turned to look at her now, her side profile close to his own. Remus could feel the stray strands of her hair underneath his turned cheek.
“Well who do you talk to?” Remus hadn’t given himself the time to think before he spoke; his words were not meant to call her out, only curiosity plaguing his intent.
“Suppose there's a reason why this room is always open to me.” The paradox in her words was strong.
It was funny the door had stayed open for Remus as if it knew he was required in Anastasia’s need in her moment of weakness. 
The October day was one remembered by Remus well. It gave him humility to the romanticized idea he had of Anastasia in his mind. And though this a test to his feeling for her it only had them grow the once roots of their childhood and the stems of his unseen pinning and observations had now grown leaves and parts for buds of new stories. Rather than scare him of her reality not so prim and perfect but now - pure.
And when he entered his room that night with his curtains drawn he wrote her a poem addressed to her with hope that in time he would give it to her.
Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns like rum on a fire
Hot and fast and angry as she can be
I walk my days on a wire
It looks ugly but its clean 
Oh mama, dont fuss over me
 The way she tells I’m hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
Her fight and fury is Fiery
Oh, but she loves like sleep to the freezing
Sweet and right and merciful
I’m all but washed in the tide of her breathing
And it’s worth it, it’s divine.
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IF YOU LIKED IT. This is just a chapter from my fanfiction so read Seven (R.L) by freddiemercuyscat on Wattpad <—— linked
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melancholy-marionette · 4 months
Hi hi! I'm a fan of your yandere games and I just recently found out about your Tumblr account while hunting for fandoms of your games X3 I just finished playing Solipsism Reigns after letting it just sit there somewhere on my laptop for a whole year cuz I got attached to Kuro XD Ik your hands are already full from the amount of visual novels you've been creating so far but would you consider re-creating SR if you can? You don't have to feel obligated to ofc, I'm already impressed with the amount of visual novels you've cooked up XD (I'm quite nervous asking this cuz SR is so underrated and it's rarely talked about these days)
Hey hey! That’s awesome :D Super glad to hear it <3 
Yeeeeah, I mean, I don’t know for sure cos I’ve never looked, but I can’t imagine there's much in the way of fandoms for any of my games since they tend to fly under the radar x3 (my own fault for being incapable of using social media to promote stuff, I know T_T haha)
Since my following is mainly concentrated on itch I guess maybe that doesn’t help since other devs tend to post stuff in places like this and interact with people more. Heck, one of my supporters was even kind enough to make me a Discord server, which is incredible! But even with that, I struggle to use it regularly cos I can’t cope with live conversations very well >.< My social processing power is extremely limited T_T
The most frustrating thing is that I would like to be more active with social stuff, I just can’t handle it very well thanks to my ASD :( It only takes a little bit of social media for me to become completely overwhelmed and have to force myself to come off it so I don’t shut down, haha. It sucks.
Anyways, I’m rambling, sorry x3
That’s so cool you played SR :D my original baby, haha. It looks so old now T_T Every time I see it on my itch dashboard I end up thinking of all the things I would change now I have more experience as a dev! It makes me a happy bunny to hear that you got attached to Kuro though ^-^
Funnily enough... I had already planned to remake SR at some point :D 
As much as the project will always have a special place in my heart with it being my first-ever VN, there are many things about it that bother me too, haha. 
My hope is to eventually remake it from scratch (I kinda have no choice in that anyhow since I no longer have the old Tyranobuilder project files x3) in Naninovel :3 Cos I know Tyrano was kinda clunky >.< In Nani, I could make it all work more smoothly + add more in the way of visual FX and stuff too.
On top of that though, I plan to go over all of my writing because there’s sooooo much I’m not happy with (mainly glaring at the student route >.>) + with any luck add an entirely new route as well that I cut from the original release due to a lack of time to write it properly when I found out Kuro’s VA was going to be moving to another country and putting voice acting on hold, haha. 
There was also a BxG version in the works that’s currently on hold but features redesigned sprites by LazyPolarBear + CGs for a male protagonist x fem Kuro.
I’m not sure what I want to do about the music in the project because I feel like I chose the tracks well to fit the game, BUT, I’ve heard those same tracks in soooo many other people’s games now that I kind of hate that I used so much from Incompetch, haha. Kevin’s music is incredible, but since it’s very generously free to use, it does mean it’s kind of overused in games >.< I didn’t have any other option at the time cos I couldn’t make my own music and I didn’t have any money to buy asset packs.
Now that I tend to create my own OSTs, it would seem kind of insane not to make one for SR in the process of a proper remake. It’s just it would require me to make a lot of tracks x3 I’ll probably give it a go though + maybe keep a handful of Kevin’s ones that I really like too much to let go of, haha.
So yeah, my hope is to eventually remake the original otome version of SR in a different engine with edited + new writing, some new art, new UI, new FX, possibly an OST, and I guess new VA to go with the new writing :D 
I don’t really know when because I need to finish CiQ, DD, and Blue Blythe’s route in Bitter/Sweet before I tackle any more long-term projects x3 So it won’t be any time soon. Once I’ve managed to finish all of those though, I’ll probably make it my next long-term priority project :3
I’m genuinely flattered that you actually liked SR enough to even ask this! It always amazes me when anyone leaves a positive word about SR because I assumed that it had kinda just been lost to the sands of time at this point xD I know it’s definitely showing its age, haha. It’s nice to know there are still people out there who are willing to give it a chance if they happen to come across it somehow ^-^
I feel like my games are probably rarely talked about in general, haha. I mean, since I’m a fan of yandere games and play them myself, I do lurk in some communities + sometimes look at recs threads other people post to get ideas for things to add to my own playlist, and it’s not often that I see any of my games mentioned on recs or being discussed x3
I always kinda hope it’s cos people don’t know they exist rather than it being a case of them thinking they’re not worthy of mentioning xD Either way isn’t exactly great though I guess, haha. 
I just can’t promote stuff for the life of me cos I find it too overwhelming & exhausting + I don’t really have the self-confidence to try and put my games in front of people anyways cos I always feel like what I make isn’t good enough >.< I’m basically 100% reliant on other people sharing my games for anyone to even discover them x3 Either that or searching the yandere tag on itch, but even then, they might be kinda hard to locate cos they’re not super near the top since I don’t get as many people rating my games as other devs do. SR is my oldest game and it doesn’t even have 100 ratings yet on itch xD
If you search the yandere tag on itch and sort by ‘top rated’ 14 Days With You is first with a whopping 1238 total ratings as of searching right now while I type this… my first game to appear is Darling Duality as the 13th result with a mere 427 ratings by comparison, haha. And I’m pretty sure DD only got rated that much because of Manly’s video x3 Bitter/Sweet is next with only 228 total ratings by comparison.
I know people can just click on my itch profile if they happen to find and like 1 of my games and maybe want to see if I’ve made others, but a lot of people don’t realise you can do that, or they don’t know that I primarily make games with yanderes in x3 So they just go unnoticed.
Heck, Dawn of the Damned is related to Darling Duality, and even though DD is my most popular project, I can’t seem to get people to check out Dawn of the Damned, haha. At this point, the tiny demo for DD has 44.7k downloads (this still blows my mind o.o), and yet despite Dawn of the Damned being a completed project and set in the same universe featuring future DD characters, it only has 4036 total downloads as of today x3 If I can’t get the majority of my own followers to check out a game I made that’s set in the same universe, I have no hope of getting them to find my other yandere stuff T_T and even less hope of getting my games in front of people who have never heard of me as a dev, haha.
I’ve even had a handful of people tell me that they think Apartment No.9 is my best game, and that Doyle is their favourite ever yandere guy, but the project only has 3680 downloads x3
But yeah, my analytics on itch are really skewed cos pretty much all the numbers are for Darling Duality and my Yandere Heaven fandub. I may have somehow managed to get a fair few followers on there over the years, but I think probably something like 90% of them (possibly even more than that) are waiting for DD and aren’t interested in my other projects.
My poor Yandere Heaven fandub has received some attention (in fact, it’s actually beating DD on total downloads somehow), but there has been a lot of negativity + a looooot of 1* and 2* bad ratings on itch because, for some reason, people don’t realise it’s a fandub even though I put that very clearly on the page T_T So they rate the game badly with comments saying the story sucks, or that having no choices is stupid, the characters are dumb, or that it’s too goofy and OTT. None of which is even my fault since I’m trying to faithfully recreate the original content. All I wanted to do was make a Japanese drama CD into a VN fandub game >.< haha. 
I can’t believe I’ve rambled so much anyhow xD I’m so sorry, haha. It’s just one of those things that causes me a lot of confusion x3 I know I can’t handle social media very well and I fail at promo, but I can’t understand why a majority of my projects receive so few views/downloads in comparison to DD >.< I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s so appealing about DD and not my other stuff, haha. Unless it’s literally just cos Manly played it x3
Before I go though, I just wanna say a big thank you for playing my stuff :3 It really means a lot! I hope you get to have a super duper year ahead <3
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deus-lapidis · 2 years
Modern boyfriend hcs: Valentine’s day edition (writing trade)
Characters: Kaeya, Childe x fem!reader
Genre: fluff
A/N: this was my writing trade for @/rulaineyu 's birthday and Valentine’s day!!
This is a repost! Here's a short explanation why
He goes all out for Valentine’s day and when it’s your birthday as well, how can he not go those great lengths to show you his love?
His malewife levels are quite high, so you can expect a home cooked breakfast in bed early in the morning. Maybe heart shaped pancakes with fruit and chocolate sauce? Or waffles with hand whipped cream? Maybe fried eggs with homemade condiments and fresh bread, if you were to prefer something hearty. Whatever you wish for he will grant you on your sweet day!
So he wiggles back into the blankets with you after peeling of his apron to share some nice breakfast in bed. He put so much effort into it trying to make small animals out of various foods and shaping hearts.
He’d totally feed you tbh
So when you finish up, he decided to let you relish in his warmth for about whole ten minutes before he ultimately just pulled you out of bed to “make the most out of your special day!”
Will absolutely pamper you, definitely forced you  beforehand to take a break for the whole day and just spend it with him.
He also bought you new clothes for today’s date, but it’s really up to you whether you’re gonna wear them or wear something of your preference!!
So he’ll go to a theme park with you and if you wanna go on rides, he’ll definitely accompany you(has a blast on big rollercoasters). Will buy fun snacks for you two to share and totally did not choke on a churro no no no—
He won you a cute plush and some plastic roses and peacocked so much that you eventually just stuffed the left over churro into his face <3
He will pout a little, but the longer you two hold eye contact the less serious you can stay, so you just end up bursting into a giggle fit, grinning goofily at each other.
Lastly you two got home again to rest up together and he’ll definitely indulge in some affections as soon as you hit the mattress. You can feel his chest rumbling when he pulled you on top of him to snuggle you to sleep.
This man is poetic in a very strange way, he will absolutely go the sappy cliché romance route, but he’ll be ten thousand times more extra. When I tell you extra, I mean extra. Especially when it’s your birthday as well!!
So while you were sleeping, he’d stumbled out of bed to fetch you some fancy strawberry cake to greet you when you get up and he prepares the pretty bouquet he bought the previous day.
Banned you from trying to work for your social medias for the day and just wants you to celebrate yourself and the day of love. He knows you enjoy it all, but he really really wants you to have a break from writing, filming and wushu for the day.
Would also feed you (with a spork) while still not wearing a proper shirt mind you (yes i had to include that bc it’s very Kaeya), his nose scrunching up at how cute you look.
He kinda planned a fancy outing for the day, taking you to a beautiful botanical garden to take some nice pictures with beautiful flowers of his beautiful flower :)
He holds your hand the whole time, swinging them back and forth slightly while you two visit the different greenhouses.
You both just look like such a charismatic couple because you just absolutely look adorable and he looks like bitchy pretty boy with sunglasses of a toddler while also making it all look good.
Hands down would flirt with you through cheesy flower names(refuses to call them puns because he’s too sleek)
You two got a bee plush in the souvenir shop as well for it to live on your shared bed hehe
bUT ADDITIONALLY, he made you change once more, because he made reservations at some very high end, glamorous restaurant, ‘cause he just want to treat you to some really nice food and a lovely experience!!
So in the end you’re both too full to really do anything other than laze around at home in bed again. Cuddles becoming the primary activity for the rest of the night, lazy kisses exchanged while you joke about how good the food was and how snooty the people were.
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juno-box · 8 months
Okay then! Moving onto your ideas for a fix-it time travel style fic for TWDG, do you have any concrete ideas so far of what you'd want to do with it? Who'd be going back in time, how drastically things would change, plot points, that sort of thing? If you don't mind sharing of course, I'd understand if a lot of that would be spoilers should you decide to actually write it.
Would you believe I’ve spent the better part of last night thinking of this very fic idea? I couldn’t land on WHO the heck would I send back.
I’d send them back as the age they were during that time, so Clem going back to S1 from S4 would be 8-years-old all over again but with the mind and knowledge of 16/17-year-old Clem.
Clementine would be an obvious choice, right? As a character from the start to finish, she could easily make the most change. Depending on what point she travels back from in the series, she could very well change a lot of things. For starts, Clem from any season after S1 could:
Not talk to the stranger over the walkie.
Knowing her folks are dead, and probably want to avoid Savannah all together.
Be aware about the St. John’s, not trust them and campaign for them not to go. But then comes the fact that she’s a child and possibly the only person who would take her seriously would be Lee. So that could be something she might not be able to fully change.
If she doesn’t or can’t stop the event of EP2, then there could be a chance that she can intervene on Ben’s deal with the bandits. She would have to keep an eye on him specific pay attention to him whenever he leaves the inn or is on watch, which she’ll have to do w/o raising any attention.
If she can do that, and convince Ben to listen to her, even if she’s just a kid, they might be able to warn the group and get out of dodge before the bandit’s raid begins, so they could leave for the road a few days early.
If that happens, Lilly’s meltdown might not happen. If Larry died during EP2, then she’d still be depressed and in mourning of course, but not paranoid since there’s not a conspiracy going around the group about betrayal. Meaning Carley/Doug might not get headshot.
This also means Katjaa & Duck survive for now, and thus Kenny doesn’t have his complete character arc in S2 if his whole family is alive, since that loss played a huge part in his arc.
That also means that Lilly might stick around longer, and we may not get a Delta!Lilly.
They still take the train, as Clem can’t do anything about the train being in the way.
But then Clem realizes the train rolls right through Savannah, and there’s no avoid it anymore.
But Clem knew not to listen to the Stranger, so her sneaking away to meet him only to be kidnapped possibly won’t happen.
Meaning… We don’t lose Lee, which would’ve been Number 1 on Clem’s list of things to fix.
If that happens, the group has no reason to leave the house, meaning Vernon and the cancer group can’t get the boat.
Speaking of the boat… it’s WAY too small for their group.
Lee, Clem, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Chuck (since our group is big, I doubt they’d let him die the way he did), Lilly, Carley/Doug, Ben, Christa & Omid? That’s 11 people on this boat meant for at most like… 4 or 5.
Cue the talks of changing their plans. And much to Kenny’s chagrin, Katjaa agrees.
The group decide to put a pin in the boat plan and mull over their next move. This is where Clem chimes in and says they should head for the country, and get out of the city ASAP.
At this point, Lee would be way more trusting of Clem’s intuition and agree, so would Christa. Katjaa, Lilly, Doug/Carley, Ben would agree with the majority, and Omid would pick whatever he thought was best for Christa and their unborn baby.
They gather their bearings and plan their route out of Savannah over the night. The next day they discover the boat’s gone. So, Kenny really has no choice but to agree with their plan.
I feel like once the group is out of Savannah, and Clem has time for, well, downtime, she’ll want to think about how she’ll get back the other important people in her life like AJ, Javi and his family, and the Ericsons kids (especially if she romanced Louis or Violet). She wants to see them again, albeit not in the same circumstances as before.
On the other hand, is would I send back Lee? Another start to finish character (at least for S1), Sending Lee back from the end of EP5, Lee could make changes as well, his only hold up would be protecting Clementine even more since she really is 8-years-old:
He’d probably train her earlier, like between EP1 and EP2.
EP2 is the hardest to change, because it’s a group choice. It would probably go down similar to that deleted scene of them voting, where Lee would vote against going but be out voted by everyone else.
He doesn’t trust the St. John’s in the slightest, and when he goes back with Mark to check the perimeter, he tells him keep his guard up and watch the trees. Since Mark’s a bit more attentive, Mark gets grazed by the arrow instead of full impaled, and the scene plays out the same.
They make it back and Mark’s still a bit injured but not remotely as bad as before, so he’s able to attended dinner without having to go through Brenda’s, ahem, “check-up”.
So, who’s for dinner then?
Mr. Parker! Mmm, barbequed band teacher-
Let’s for back a bit, during the hunt with Lee, Mark & Kenny. They find Ben, Travis & Mr. Parker.
They don’t cut him out in time, but this time Lee doesn’t try to hack his leg off, remembering last time how he still bled out and died by time they made it back.
Lee instead tells Mark and Kenny to grab the boys and go. Before they can protest, the walkers are coming in, not many, but enough.
Travis makes a go at Mark’s rifle, but Mark shoots him in the leg. So now they have to carry him back.
So, Ben and Travis live! And Mr. Parker… for now.
Hypothetically, let’s say the dairy boys got to Mr. P before the walkers did.
So, he’s for dinner.
Dinner scene plays out the same, but this time Parker takes Mark’s place.
The Larry in the locker moment plays out differently. Since Mark is there, he’d help Lilly revive Larry.
Unfortunately, leaving Lee to argue with Kenny about not killing Larry. He’s trying to prevent as many unnecessary deaths as possible.
I believe Kenny and Lee would actually tussle over this, but Kenny would lose.
And by some miracle, Larry would win. As in he’d live.
Rewinding to where Lee was investigating the farmhouse, in the cabinet he found the morphine and wire in, he’d also find nitroglycerin pills. Lee kept them on the chance the moment in the locker happened.
Rest of the scene plays out the same until they make it out the locker.
Lee meets Carley/Doug, Ben & Travis outside the barn.
Since Mark’s arm is still a bit injured, Lilly shoots Andy.
Fight goes the same. Lee spares Andy and leaves him to his fate.
Interesting change, when it comes to the Stranger’s car, Lee purposely tries to distract the group from hearing the car.
Unfortunately, Mark sees it.
Lee is adamant about not taking from it, and doesn’t give Kenny the keys.
This almost prompts another Kenny v. Lee fight, until Larry steps in and argues they need it since the dairy was an absolute bust.
Lee uses Clementine’s argument that it’s more than likely someone’s car, and they might not be far. Since he knows it’s the strangers, he’d mention it probably belonged to a family.
A dreaded vote, and it’s Lee, Clem and surprisingly Lilly vs. Kenny, Katjaa, Travis, Carley/Doug, Mark and Larry.
Outvoted, Larry snatched the keys from Lee and they pillage the car. Doug/Carley comes up to Lee with batteries for Clem’s walkie, but Lee takes them instead, saying they might need them for something important.
EP2-3, Lee is aware that at this point the bandits are going to attack the inn because of Ben’s deal. So, Lee decided to nip the bud and go to Ben directly. He’d say something along the lines of “Don’t talk anyone in the woods, especially bandits who claim to have his friend.”
Sprinkle in a little, “Or else” because Lee’s DEAD serious on nothing that happened in EP3 happening twice. And Lee’s threat worked…
For Ben, at least. Because the difference between this time and last was Ben’s deal with the bandits.
He didn’t account for Travis being made the same deal.
So, color Lee terrified when Lilly comes to Lee about missing supplies.
He didn’t think she’d be paranoid, now that her dad was still alive.
He knew everywhere to check by the back of his hand, the signaling system, the chalk, all of it.
First, he trucked it over to Ben and immediately called him off the RV. Ben climbs down and Lee lays into him (well, where only he and Ben could hear) and accuses him of being guilty.
Ben’s confused more than defensive, which throws Lee off. Ben asks is it about what he warned him about a week ago, and says he hasn’t seen or talked to anyone outside the inn after he warned him about the bandits, and is generally confused as to what Lee’s blaming him for.
Lee apologizes and leaves. He checks the grate and what’s in it. Meds, of course.
He brings it to Lilly. The motel gets held hostage, but this is different; when they get held hostage, Mark taps on the window Lilly would exit from and warm them before they eventually hear for themselves.
While Lilly tells Lee to stall them, Larry does something stupid. Stubborn as an idiot, he refuses to be held up like he just was a week ago and goes for one of the bandit’s guns, getting shot in the process, causing all hell to break loose.
Lilly leaves her vantage point and goes to get Larry while Mark takes her place, the group splits up like they did before.
Lilly manages to pull Larry behind cover and tries to save him, so Mark has to deal with the bandits and keeping enemies off of her while she’s distracted.
The fending off goes the same, each group gets inside the RV, Duck is still bitten.
Lilly has to leave Larry, so now freshly mourning, and losing the inn, Lee knows all hells about to break loose.
Lilly pins it on Carley if she’s there, or Ben if Doug’s there.
Lee would defend Ben, saying he thinks it was someone else, and for the first time asks Travis.
Travis gets immediately defensive, just as Ben did before. Lee knows he did it.
But Carley/Doug would tell Lee to lay off him. Lilly would believe Lee’s claim that it was Travis since he’s helped her before.
Travis pins it on Carley/Doug.
Ben defends Travis, getting hi back under the microscope.
RV hits a walker, they’ve got to stop. Everyone exits.
Lilly shoots Travis in the head.
Lee knew it was Travis. But even so, the act alone caused the group to vote to leave her behind.
Katjaa calls Lee up front and tell him Duck’s bit.
Lee is angry that he’s failing to stave people this time around.
The train scene goes the same, they meet Chuck, Duck and Katjaa die, but instead of training Clem, since he already trained her a bit more and cut her hair, he decides he should tell Clem the new plan for Savannah.
Chuck compliments Lee on teaching the girl to survive.
He tells her that even though Kenny’s deadest on finding a boat, he thinks their best bet is getting out of the city ASAP and making it to the countryside.
Clem wants to find her parents, but Lee tries to gently tell her that they’ve been gone for so long that the chances of them being there or alive are slim to none.
Clem hates that answer.
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
Well, at least that radio won’t be a problem.
They meet Christa and Omid. The next morning, Lee is horrified to hear Clem’s radio go off.
She’d been talking to him again.
Kenny says he thought the thing was broken, to which Carley/Doug will admit they gave her batteries for it when she’d asked.
Without a second thought, Lee angrily chucked the radio out the train. He’d be damned if that bastard gets his hands on Clementine again.
The they get to Savannah. Molly tolls the bell, they make a break for it. Ben runs from Clem, Chuck saves her and gets split from the group.
They get to the house. And get inside, Doug/Carley keeps watch. Everything plays out the same. Clem goes to Crawford with them. Carley/Doug actually gets killed instead of Brie, however.
Lee saves Ben at the bell tower.
Since Ben isn’t guilty, Kenny has no ill will toward Ben, but also threatens that if he leaves Clem like that again he and Lee will tag team his ass. Ben gets the message quick.
Vernon still offers to take Clem. Lee knew it was coming but isn’t as mad as he was at the suggestion to give away his adoptive daughter. He still declines.
I should note that Clem has definitely notice her walkie’s missing, but Lee says she might’ve accidentally dropped it while they were one the train. She’s really sad about this, and a bit anxious.
Clem asks Lee if they’re going to get on the boat with Kenny. Lee says they might. Due to him trashing the walkie, cutting off all contact with the Stranger, they may be able to all get on the boat; He, Clem, Kenny, Christa, Omid and Ben.
Clem asks if they’ll have time to look for her parents, Lee tells her what he said on the train.
She cries and leaves the room.
Since the group is downstairs, Lee lets Clem have her space. She’s probably really upset with him.
He tries not to fall asleep, but dozes off for a bit.
Lee jolts awake when he realizes. He looks around and doesn’t see Clem near him before remembering she’s downstairs.
He turns and looks out the window, expecting to see Kenny working on the boat.
Instead, his blood runs cold as he sees Clementine, standing outside the fence, talking to someone beside a car.
A station wagon.
A station wagon that looked horribly identical to the one from the woods.
From the one that was parked in front of The Marsh House.
He could’ve sworn his heart stopped beating for a minute as she willfully climbed inside the backseat.
Lee booked it downstairs, nearly falling as he slammed through the backdoor as the car peeled off down the street. Lee runs out the back yard but is too late.
And that’s all I have for now! I spent a minuuuute conjuring this all up! Keep in mind, this is all a rough idea of what I could try, not definitive!
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claudiajcregg · 4 months
Tell Other People About Your WIPs
make a list of all your WIPs with a brief description of each and then people can ask you questions about them and then tag other people.
Tagged by both @onekisstotakewithme and @miabicicletta 💜💜💜 Thank you, guys <3 I don't know who to tag that hasn't been tagged already. Interested? Tag, you're it! :) (Please do know that there are no set sections. Pick whatever you want. I went the deranged route.)
I have an outdated WIP list, and many others unaccounted for. This is just a selection of stuff I could see myself posting or editing/retooling to write something new. I love talking about my WIPs, about as much as I hate being perceived because they are not remotely interesting. (I also love knowing which ones people are interested in! I have an incentive to work on them!) (Instead of snippets, part of my feedback loop is sending actual rough drafts to get a sense of whether it's worth working on more.)
Multichapters, different levels of completion.
S5 Pregnancy AU. My main WIP. Can you believe I’ve had this idea for a year… almost to the day? I’ve been stuck since November bc I don’t know how I want this one to end, beyond a birth. (As I’ve mentioned in the past, I feel like this has legs to become a fluffy universe. I have ideas! Timelines!) Gist of it: CJ gets pregnant circa Zooey's kidnapping. How does it change S5? It's less angsty than you think.
Campaign bars, aka campaign conversations sometimes happened at bars in the 1998 campaign. Fun stuff. I need to pick it right back.
What Once Was Ours or the IM AU (2021), aka IM ends with a breakup. Not a WIP. Not a UFO. A secret third thing. (“Finished” but not edited, and I’m doubtful people would be interested. Probably bc of some bittersweet ~memories~ attached to it. I mean, I shared a third of it to discord and people couldn’t care less, at least after a while. Now, better IM AUs are being posted these days; I'm not in a rush.) 33 chapters. 150k words. I do reread it every once in a while, and I cannot put it down. But its 'age' takes me aback. If things had been different, I'd have posted this in H2 2021/Q1 2022 (or even the planned Q2-3 2021). But alas.
The “Almost Ready, question mark” Category
Another SVD prompt meme claim: what if CJ has the crush first. The thing is, I tend to write her as having a relatively obvious crush on him at first until something makes her wise up. So this is just some ridiculous, post-first-meeting thoughts. Most of it was written in one sitting! It kinda fits with something in the campaign bars fic, too.
Post birth, hospital story: A couple of hours after their bb girl is born. Pure fluff. Recently reworked it to make it less wordy. Still failed, but it’s better focused now.
Many ficlets – the few I did post on Tumblr that haven’t been posted to the story I’m collecting them in, plus a couple more. I'm thinking the ice skating one, Jan 22, a few post-eps I wrote last year, etc.
Ambitious Projects I don't think are happening right away (or ever), but probably have a detailed outline somewhere
(I put this up instead of last, because the next category has faves, but it's also a long one.)
Danny is back a bit earlier on s7. Toby leaks (or tries to leak? I always wavered) the shuttle to him, as he and CJ are getting closer.
Simon lives. How does his relationship with CJ evolve post-honeymoon phase? What is it like when Danny returns?
You’ve got mail AU. This outline had two ways the climax could go. I had fun.
Epistolary collab (?) fic. Probably an X + 1 fic. The only one with nothing written; don’t rule out writing it individually at some point.
And because this is so long already (but not as long as it could be)… A few more under the cut – more "I just want to make sure I like them" and "this meme reminded me I meant to pick those back up." And they are still not all. (How do you summarize seven years of writing?? I've only posted 20-something of them, lol.)
“Almost Ready (but I feel like I want to make changes to them) (might just redo them altogether)”
Haunted by the Notion, 2007 edition. My beta Ruth suggested this when she edited the other story, and I wrote it around then. It’s another Christmas dinner at Filomena, and, eight years later, things are different. I feel like it hits expected beats, and is just missing some oomph. Maybe. (As much as I do like it, half tempted to make it 2009. Or later.)
Heaven’s here…: A interrupted proposal. I’ve written many proposals over the years, and I love toying with different ideas and setups. Danny takes the lead here, but I’ve been intrigued by the idea of having CJ do the final twist.
5 to 6 am 'me' time. Another story inspired by last year’s rewatch that I wrote right at the start of it (so Jan 2023?). It has five short parts with five different years of what CJ describes in the pilot as her “me time.” This is one when I think one per year would be fun, but I don’t want to repeat myself.
One bed, “sexy” edition. An AU to a sort of AU (one of the drabbles from this summer) and… it's what it says on the tin. The world does not need to read my attempts at smut. If I didn’t put it in the previous category, it’s because I am not sure that I want to post it. (All the previous attempts are locked somewhere; unfortunately, someone loves this one and noticed when I tried to do that, lol.)
First baby kick: I remember writing this while in grad school (so, late 2017? First half of 2018) but I lost it, along other fic, when my laptop had to be reset because I used Bear to write back then, but didn’t have sync across devices. I rewrote it, and I feel like it's not the same, but still. It's sweet! Includes: Danny talking to the baby, domestic fluff, and… baby kicks!
“This meme reminded me they exist and I love them, so don't be surprised if they are posted before anything in a previous category”
(Lbr, if I added something about them in this post at all, it’s because they sparked some memory.)
Mosaic broken hearts: CJ, circa S4, jealousy. Prompted by a former fandom friend, back in my productive era (first half of 2021; before that friend just ghosted me.)
I can’t believe I captured your heart (pancake breakfast, three words and eight letters). For a while there, I edited it so much but then I fell off. iirc, it was part of some morning-related prompts I saw around that I tried to fulfill in 2018? 2019? And they had like internal progression. But this one was the best of the 3-4, and I kept tweaking it.
Green light of forgiveness (IM-ish) — there are many other IM/IM-Tomorrow snippets I’ve written over the years. I’m not sure if this one makes much sense, but I liked it enough.
Distance — I recall liking this one! Might have to bump it up. CJ is in Africa, Danny is at the Farm and sulking because they left off on some sort of argument. There is some Danny-Abbey friendship goodness here. I even have a second file that is “Distance - shorter version (it’s not)”
Danny writes fiction, shows it to CJ during her pregnancy and she’s into it. Technically written. I would probably try to take another stab at it. Third time might be the charm?
San Andreo phone call/fallout from ID. I just had the idea of CJ reaching out once things calm down. This is one of those fics I’ve written a version of every year or so, but I think there was one I liked quite a bit.
Terrible taste in men — a run-in with an OC ex of CJ. It was so dumb.
Fka Impatience - actually beta’d three years ago (by that fandom friend I've mentioned twice before… actually, three times) and “done”. I just think I’d change so much about it these days. It started being something else but ended up being a CJ-Toby friendship story in which they have lunch and catch up. But I would want to rewrite most of it now, and not just because it’s from like… 2019 (but finished in 2021).
I forgot this one initially! he's passing by, rare as the comet in my sky - 2? 3? times CJ thinks she sees Danny somewhere, and one time she does. (Which tried to work in the 'I remember shunning you' line.) I even wrote some sort of sequel later! Probably useless.
I said I would post a lightning round with fics that are either also done but not ready for me to mention them, or just… not done at all. The length of this post and how much I've spent on it is embarrassing. To give a general overview: in line with the nonsense I've been mentioning, includes phone calls at the end of S7, also a few friendship-focused fics around that time, too; present-day stuff; anniversaries; Hollis fundraisers; weddings; many ficlets, introspective thoughts, a “yes day” fic that's super sweet but needs better dares, the third memoir idea (the original one!!!!) that I had three years ago… And those are mostly the ones I had preselected, lol.
If you're interested, I can screenshoot this part in the notes app if you message me!
Anyway, this is embarrassing, and the worst part is that it's not all. fml.
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nani-nonny · 11 days
Tbh, never thought a new chapter would be dropped and you dropped it without any hints that there may be a new chapter soon xD tho it was a great surprise.
So we start off as Leonardo begin hungry and believe me, this so canon! After begin sick and in bef for days? You gotta go hungry at one point! And it made me giggle at how Mikey and them were doing the funny stare off contest xD
The moment Mikey left to get his family i knew his sandwich is as good as gone to F!Leo's stomach 😂 if i were him i would have enough shame to apologize or ask for somebody to make for me something 😭
And baby Lou under him begging for that lettuce was just heart melting 🥺🥺 i saw it and immediately went "JUST GIVE HER THE LETTUCE DAMN IT!!" Ahahaha!✨🤍
Finally after finishing the sandwich Mikey return to see what only left which it's bread crumbs and i can imagine Mikey doing this meme
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And finally after so much prolonging things AFTER 9 chapters!!! F!Leo is gonna speak of everything and explain! (Btw, April entering the medbey with bag as her shield and pen as her weapon was silly if i were her i would have 3 pens and look like Wolforin😂)
And i wasn't wrong thinking after the explanation little Leo would be guilty (as he should/aff/p), after all he was the one who lost the key and almost get everyone in the same fate the elder had to go through. So it wasn't a surprise to see them all cry and hug each other for comfort (and for Donnie to slip out of the hug shirty because this isn't for his emotional bad boy image).
And here comes the moment "You ARE the father!!" I never thought you would use the "Maury show" as a reference 😂😂🤩 i personally love it and i also watched multiple videos of the show before.
And this... THUS shocked me
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Leo was having the... You know *ahem* love making...
Also whoever said the 'Never speak to me again' is a pure asshole! Am glad they died in the war!! >:((
Then there's the big think about draxum (lol loved how he's trying to take care of him beauty) But seeing baby Lou knowing him is making me imagine F!Draxum begin so happy to have baby lou.
I don't know if i said this before (maybe i did in the very first ask that created baby tot and peepaws) but i feel draxum created baby lou because he couldn't be in the kids's lifes or be part of fatherhood because he started bonding for like what? a year? And then BAM! Apocalypse! Surely he wanted to take care of the baby tho i feel this wasn't the real reason... Maybe creating a real warrior to help winning the war (a side plan from F!Draxum he went with).
In my defense! The “teaser” came out as snippets and vague posts about how the writing process was going hehe (I think the most recent “teaser” was a vague post about F!Leo spiraling lol) but I believe the best teaser was a vague post prior to posting the chapter about the word count going from 3.4k to 4.1k! (I don’t think you saw those hehe)
Anyways! Chapter review from sniper, yippee!!!
Poor Mikey lol all he wanted was a sandwich but instead he was shocked to see Leonardo’s awake and standing at the doorway with the baby and CJ just as surprised to see him
Baby Lou is hungry, growing little girlie! She wants what her papa is eating, especially because it must be good if he’s scarfing it down hahaha!
rip Mikey’s sandwich, it didn’t last a second with Leonardo lol
April ready to fight when the portal pops up makes me laugh, she knows hahaha! You can count on her to back you up
Poor Lil Leo, forced to realize he may be just as much as a jerk as his future self is, and maybe there wasn’t that big of a change. And maybe… just maybe… he wasn’t exactly right about Leonardo being a total assface. Lol
I thought about different ways Donnie would break it to Leonardo that the baby is indeed his, but this route was much funnier. And faster lol. And I think it’s very on brand for Donnie hahah! Maybe I’ll post a snippet of how it would have gone in a different route… i don’t know.
And I love the memes that come from the Maury show! Although, I’ve never watched an episode except for small clips. The cameramen run really fast haha!
I don’t usually include my peepaws’ love lives so blatantly like (a)paf, mainly because I don’t really see them all that sexually active. Sometimes I like to think that, despite being absolute heartthrobs and “most wanted bachelors”, them being virgins makes it all the more funny. (That and I don’t have interest in writing sexual themes with the turtles… Bruce on the other hand /hj)
But in (a)paf’s case, I didn’t want anyone thinking he truly is a deadbeat dad who got knocked up and tosses a kid aside or, vice versa where he knocks someone else up and tosses a kid aside. He simply wasn’t aware of what Draxum was doing behind closed doors.
But aside from that, I think it’s nice that he got some experience in sex. He’s a big man, he can take part in carnal pleasures.
And about the person who said not to meet again… that was Leonardo. Lol. One night stand wasn’t as good as it could have been haha! On a side note, a lot of his one night stands were understandable agreements that no relation of any sort other than business was to be expected.
Anyways, again, Draxum deserves to feel pretty :) he got a face mask from April’s mom! He definitely wasn’t expecting any Hamato-related shenanigans, he just wanted a peaceful night to himself hahaha!
And Baby Lou so delighted to see Draxum? :(((( she’s such a cutie patootie :((((
And I like your theory! Totally understandable to think that! Now the real question is whether you’re right or not mwahahahaha! I wonder….
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