#but put me on the tube for an hour and I'll come up with something like this
violetrainbow412-blog · 10 months
Roses are red... [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 1.8k
[Timothée masterlist]
If you want to request something, leave it in my inbox!
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A noise in the distance was responsible for waking you up from your not-so-pleasant sleep in the hard, cold bed that you had been using for almost a year. Could it be Scrubbit? It was too late for her to be doing anything, you thought, much less in the bedroom section. With some curiosity you slipped your cold feet into the even colder shoes to turn on the lamp on your table and left the room with the intention of discovering what that was.
Hallways always made you nervous and the thought of encountering something unpleasant made you even more uneasy, but you tried to keep your mind occupied with something else as you moved forward step by step. Seeing nothing outside the rooms, you continued down the spiral stairs and that was where you finally observed the cause of the commotion: a crouching body that made you jump in surprise.
“Mr. Wonka?” you whispered when you noticed the burgundy coat and this time it was your turn to startle.
“Oh, it's just you,” he laughed, a little more relieved “What are you doing here?”
“The noise woke me up. What are you doing here?” you asked back, seeing him fully dressed and with his shoes on.
“Trying to get out. I need to get an ingredient to finish tomorrow's chocolates” he explained to you.
True, tomorrow would be the big day where you guys would do your best to present your friend's chocolates to the world. You had to admit that at first you hadn't been fascinated by the idea, but after seeing all the good things that this had brought for the entire group you were more than willing to continue supporting in whatever way you could. That was why the next day you would sneak into the gourmet galleries during the day to help operate the shop that Abacus and Noodle had managed to rent. And you could tell that Wonka could barely contain his excitement.
“How do you plan to go out at this time?” you asked, as it was obvious that your usual exit through the laundry tube wasn’t an option.
“There's a space big enough for someone to get out in that part, see?” he murmured, pointing with his cane at a gap above the front door “I just need to get a good grip on this rope and I can climb up there. I will pull it to the other side and before dawn I will climb again.”
“And what if Scrubbit sees you?”
“She won't,” Wonka whispered, completely sure of himself. There was a brief silence between you, where you just looked at him with a certain claim and he returned that look with an amused "Do you want to come with me?"
"What? No!"
"Come on! It will be fun"
“I'm in my pajamas,” you said through clenched teeth.
“Then put on different clothes,” he quickly resolved, with a smile that was too enthusiastic for your liking. Looking at your doubtful expression he added: “It will only be a few hours, don't you want to get out of here?”
Although you were a little hesitant, after thinking about it a little and with the help of the man's hopeful expression you ended up being convinced. Making as little noise as possible you went up to your room to dress properly and when you returned he was already sitting on a step, waiting for you.
“I hope you know what you're doing,” you whispered close to him, half excited and half scared to death by what you were about to do.
You had gone out before, of course, but you knew that doing it at night was even riskier for many reasons you didn't want to think about right now.
He went first, just to check that everything was safe, and then you followed him, albeit with a little less grace. When you were above the door he reminded you to pull the rope for the time to return and when you looked at the height at which you were the idea of going down became less promising than at the beginning.
“Jump and I'll catch you” he exclaimed, noticing your frightened expression and you took a moment to try to calm down by breathing deeply.
You analyzed your options and thought that in that position you would have to go down anyway, and it was preferable to do it outwards, so without thinking too much about it you made a sign to the boy and then threw yourself forward with your eyes closed. You heard him exhale in surprise and the next thing you felt were his arms holding you, perhaps too tightly, as he feared you were going to fall suddenly.
"Are you okay?" he laughed softly, quite close to your ear. Upon hearing that you opened your eyes only to meet his, as green and beautiful as a pair of emeralds.
“Yes, everything is perfect” you sighed, and then he gently placed you on the floor. Without even expecting it you had already giggled too.
“Okay, go ahead.”
Without questioning him, you began to walk behind him and when you were a couple of streets away you were able to breathe more calmly, as if the weight of your captors had been reduced on your shoulders. Due to the schedule of your visits abroad, you hadn’t had the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful lights around you and you were sure that at that moment you looked like a child fascinated by them.
“They're pretty, right?” Wonka asked, confirming your hypothesis completely. Seemingly he had been watching you look at the decorations.
“They are,” you answered timidly. “What precisely are we looking for?” you asked next, still a little distracted by the environment, but trying to get his attention away from you.
“Some young rose leaves to make an infusion for the chocolate roses. I saw a full garden near the park the other time, when we were returning to the laundry. I think they can be useful”
“Are you feeling nervous?” you murmured gently, giving him your full attention now as you crossed your arms to keep some warmth. “About tomorrow.”
“A little… well, a lot actually. But in a good way,” he smiled “The truth is that I have never felt so nervous and excited in my life. All this is like a dream come true”
“I hope it’s perfect,” you murmured and you said it with sincere faith.
You had tried so hard to achieve all this that you were not only looking to do it to pay off your debt with Scrubbit, but also to see your new friend happy. And how would you not want that? Seeing him happy was a wonderful sight.
"Are you cold?" he asked, noticing that your figure was slightly curled in on itself. Apparently he was noticing a lot more than you would like.
"Only a little"
You were going to add that you were fine with it, but suddenly he stopped you by jumping in front of you and when you were about to ask what was happening, he undid the scarf around his neck to wrap it around yours. His movements were careful and the closeness forced you to hold your breath, only for your nostrils to then be flooded with the boy's aroma combined with the cheap detergent with which he had surely washed the garment.
"Better now?" the man smiled and since you didn't have time to assimilate the situation you just nodded, without stopping looking at him just because he kept looking at you.
You thought maybe this was what it would feel like to hug the boy, even though you had never done it, and then you hid your nose in the soft fabric. It had purple and green patterns on a gray background, quite pretty actually.
“The… the park. It’s there,” you stammered, pointing to a point behind your friend.
When he turned around he could see the rose bushes in the distance and let out an exclamation of joy, while his warm hand sought your wrist to guide you in their direction, causing a shiver to run through your entire body.
When you walked through the place and reached the plants he knelt next to the bushes, starting to rant about how functional these flowers would be, whether it was their leaves, the color, the shape... he listed more and more qualities, but you just could focus on the feeling on your neck and the warm ghost of his fingers on your skin.
And in that moment it was as if you had suddenly noticed something about him that you hadn't noticed at first; that there was some tenderness in his features that made you feel nervous or maybe it was his thin, skillful hands walking through the branches or even, daring to sound exaggerated, you would say that you suddenly noticed how handsome he really was. How did you notice it until now?
He said something and then you asked him to repeat it, since you had been too busy watching him to pay attention to his words.
“I asked you if you think any would be useful,” he said again. You took a look at the bush in front of you and pointed towards the first specimen you found, hoping that the talk would take away the thoughts that had invaded your mind.
To your surprise it turned out that the rose you had pointed out was quite pretty and, according to the requirements you remembered, it was perfect for the man's purposes. After congratulating your choice, he took out some scissors from his hat and carefully cut out the flower, to keep it in the same piece of fabric as the others that he had already selected.
“These roses will make the best chocolates, I can already imagine it,” he said with some pride, looking at the pile of plants you had. You hadn't even looked when he cut so many.
"They are beautiful"
"Yes, they are. And this one is for you."
If you had managed to get rid, even for a moment, of romantic thoughts towards him, right now he wasn't being very cooperative. Not when he was offering you the prettiest rose with such a sweet smile.
Why was he doing that? You did not know. Maybe he was just being kind and grateful, like he was most of the time.
“Huh, thank you, Mr. Wonka…”
“Be careful, he still has some thorns,” he warned you, “And stop calling me Mr. Wonka. “We are friends and my friends call me Willy.”
A small smile invaded your face and it was lucky that you were able to hide the blush on your cheeks with the excuse of inhaling the scent of the rose. It was exquisite, by the way.
“Then thank you, Willy,” you corrected yourself, to which he showed a satisfied expression.
And then a pleasant tickling invaded your stomach because, whether they were real flowers or chocolate flowers, it would always be a pleasure to receive such a cute detail from such a cute boy.
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: The man on your train is a creep
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You hated taking the tube.
It was smelly and packed and made weird noises that freaked you out. You would get dirty looks all the time because you had to squeeze on with your kit bag and your schoolwork.
But, in particular, you hated this one specific man.
He looked to be more than twice your age, one of those middle-aged finance guys in a fancy suit and enough money to buy three houses but common sense enough to not drive through London during rush hour.
He got on at the stop after you in the mornings and the one just before you in the evenings.
With the strength of the crowd, he always ended up pressed against you during the morning rush, always a little too close for comfort.
The train car rocked violently as it moved out from the station and you immediately felt hands on your hips.
"Sorry 'bout that," He said, leaning down into your personal space," Just lost my balance there for a second."
But his hands stayed firm on your waist.
You tried to laugh it off. "Oh...er, yeah, no problem..." You were frozen in place, unable to really do anything in the packed train with this strange man pressed up against you.
You were lucky that your stop was next and you wiggled out of his grip to exit.
The feeling of his hands on your hips stayed with you as you walked from the station to the training ground. By the time training was over, you had forgotten all about it.
But, in the coming days, he clearly hadn't.
It was like the floodgates had opened. He always ended up pressed close against you, always touching you in some way and you could do nothing about it.
You thought about catching the bus to training but it would just take longer so you just stayed with the train. You thought about getting a later train but the last time you did that, you were a few minutes off being late and doing that more often just felt like tempting fate.
You could cope with it though. You only saw him twice a day (once if you missed the first train back home) and you could easily wedge yourself further away into other people if you really tried.
It was only when he started to show up to your matches that you got the feeling that something could go wrong.
"Fancy seeing you here." He leaned over the railing with one of those smirks that you think the girls with daddy issues at your school would be attracted to.
You didn't quite know how to respond to that so you just awkwardly laughed like you did the first day on the train. "Ha, yeah."
"Mind taking a picture with me? My mates didn't quite believe me when I told them that the fit girl from Arsenal gets my train."
His wording was strange and crept on the edges of creepy but it was an innocent enough request so you took his phone and leaned up against the railing, trying to get a good angle.
He leaned down, his chin resting on your shoulder and goose bumps of fear crept up your neck when you felt his breath there.
You jerked away instinctively as a familiar voice approached. Lia, usually smiling, held a slight grimace on her face as she walked closer. Her eyes flicked to the man then back to you, plucking the phone from your hand.
"Why don't we make it the three of us?"
She didn't let the man respond, easily slotting in next to you and resting her arm around your shoulders so he couldn't put his face so close.
It worked for the most part but, as you plastered a fake smile on your face, you caught him angling his face down to sniff at your hair.
Lia gave him his phone back, pulling you away with her.
"Did you know him?" Kim asked as she joined the two of you, having been only moments away from intervening herself.
You glanced back at him, yelping slightly when you noticed him still staring. "He gets on my train."
Kim looked back too, eyes narrowed. "Come on, I'll drop you home today. You need to be careful on public transport."
"I know."
True to her word, Kim dropped you home. In fact, she continued to drop you home every day after practice so you only had to deal with the man in the mornings.
But, it was on the one day that Kim was sick, that it all came to a head.
You pulled your hood over your head as you began your trek to the train station, huffing in frustration at every step due to the ache in your legs.
"Hey! Wait up!" Leah came barrelling over, swinging one arm over your shoulder and almost causing you to crash to the floor. "Where'd you think you're going?"
"Without me?"
You gave her a look. "Don't you own a car?"
"It's getting serviced. Thought that I would see how you do it."
You rolled your eyes, checking the time on your phone. "We're gonna miss the first train because of you," You told her," But if we get to the station in the next ten minutes, we'll be able to catch the next one."
You were right, of course. You arrived at the station just as the second train (thankfully much less packed than the first) pulled up. You slipped through the doors, talking aimlessly with Leah as you sat in the first seat you could find.
"Fancy seeing you here."
A shiver ran up your spine.
You hadn't even realised that you sat next to him until he spoke.
Leah narrowed her eyes.
"Oh, er, yeah. Just heading home."
"I haven't seen you in the evenings for a while now."
"I've been getting a lift back."
He nodded along, seemingly uncaring towards the fact that you were clearly leaning away from him. If there hadn't been an armrest in the way, you were sure that you'd have already tumbled into Leah's lap.
"The Arsenal training grounds aren't too far from where I work. We could take a cab back together sometime."
You shivered again, body going rigid as he flashed his too-white smile at you and, almost in slow motion, moved to rest his hand on your thigh.
Leah snatched his wrist out of the air, squeezing tightly until her knuckles were white. "You need to leave her alone," She said in warning, her voice low and dangerous like it was on the pitch," I don't want to see you anywhere near her. In fact, you're never going to see her again."
The train pulled into a station that definitely wasn't yours but Leah still yanked you up and got off with you, snapping a picture of the man on her phone as she went.
"How long has that been going on?" She demanded, not even waiting to get off the platform. "He seemed pretty familiar with you."
Shame flooded your body and you couldn't meet her eyes. "A few months. He crashed into me during rush hour."
Leah sighed, long and drawn out like she was trying to control herself. "Why didn't you tell someone?"
"What use would that do? Men are creeps sometimes. There's nothing I can do about it."
In an instant, you were pulled into her, arms wrapped tight around your waist as you were pressed into her neck.
"I'm so sorry, kiddo," She said," I'm so, so sorry that you've had to put up with that for so long."
"It's fine," You replied dismissively," It hardly matters anyway."
"It does matter. Don't pretend that it doesn't. I heard from Lia that some other creep was at the game against Bristol. Is it the same guy?"
You nodded.
Leah sighed again, finally letting you pull away but still keeping your hand tight in hers. "I'm going to send that picture to the girls and Jonas, alright? We're gonna have him banned from our matches."
"Thank you," You whispered.
"And we'll work out a schedule on who will take you to and from practice, so he can't corner you on the train again."
"Thank you," You said again.
Leah grinned, bringing you even closer than before. "Now that that's sorted out...Do you know how to get home from here? I'm not too sure where we are."
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cosmal · 2 years
"my favorite trope is when someone believes they’re hard to love and someone who loves them like it’s breathing" this as a prompt with james im begging
summary you think james is tired of you.
content james potter. x fem!reader, angst.
You wait for James outside the pub and try not to cry. You'd rather do it when he gets back. You'd rather not cry at all but it'll be easier with him. You'll only upset him and you don't want to. But the thought of not crying now seems impossible.
You hear the bell over the door ring and feel entirely relieved when you see him coming down the stairs. He finds you almost immediately and the first tear falls as he wraps you up in his arms.
You think it might be worse because you hadn't told him you were upset. That you must've said or done something inside to let him know how you'd felt.
He smooths a hand over your head and whispers something you can't discern. You let a sob free and then hear a, "It's okay, sweetheart. I got you."
The tears only worsen and you don't want them to. You feel embarrassed for making him leave and worse for crying outside into his pretty dress shirt. "I'm sorry," you manage to say. Voice sticky with hot tears.
"Don't," he says with a firmness you appreciate. He kisses and kisses into your hairline until you feel dizzy with his affection. You pull back to make sure you don't dirty his shirt with snot and catch his upset face. "Don't be sorry, it's okay."
"It's not." You steal a hand from between your bodies and wipe your nose with the back of it. "I've ruined your night and I'm really sorry. Really, James."
James had been having a lovely night. He'd been in his element, laughing about stupid things with his friends. He'd chatted everyone's ear off for almost an hour before you'd decided it was too much. You'd gotten overwhelmed like you usually do. You'd surprised yourself you'd managed to last so long.
You thought you could just tell James you were leaving, he'd understand, you hate outings like this - much the opposite to him. He insisted he was coming with you. I'm not letting you catch the tube at 9pm, Y/N.
You're sick of ruining things for him.
"Y/N, sweetheart," he steals your face, warm hands resting over your even warmer cheeks, "it's fine, I promise. You weren't having a good time, I wasn't gonna let you leave by yourself."
You blink slowly and a stray tear rolls over his knuckles. "I should've stayed. I should've just put up with it."
"No, baby. If you're not enjoying yourself you gotta let me know, yeah?' He lets your face go in favour of your shoulders. Firm hands squeezing out the knots in your tensed muscles. He's an awful way of unwinding you. "It's better if you do."
You grasp his elbows and try not to cry again. He moves you away from being so close to the road. "I always," you try to steel yourself, taking in a shuddering breath. "I always ruin things. You're always having a good time and I freak and bail."
"It's okay," he says for the tenth time. You're yet to believe it.
"No, it's gotta be tiring, baby," you sniffle, wiping your face with a cruel hand. "It's hard and I'm sorry." For every It's okay he gives you, you give him and I'm sorry.
He hugs you again and you're sure it's more for himself. You think he's trying not to cry. "It's not hard," he says. Quieter than he's been all night. "It's not hard. Doing things like this for you, aren't hard. Loving you isn't hard."
"It will be eventually," you murmur into his shirt. He squeezes you harder.
"No," he shakes his head and his chin knocks against yours. "never. I'll never get over loving you, yeah?"
You tuck your face into his neck and kiss the skin there. Gently, to show the outrageous amount of love and appreciation you have for him. You squeeze as hard as you think you should. You hear his breathing skip. "I'll never get over loving you either, Jamie."
"I hope not."
By the time you've really calmed down, you've realised where you are again. You peel your sticky face away from his neck, grateful he stood on the pavement waiting for you to relax for so long. You're sure his arms hurt from holding you.
"Can we get crepes from the place down the street?" you ask once you think you've evened your breathing.
"You read my mind." He smiles.
fixing readmore glitch <3
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Switching up on me - Esteban Ocon x Lawyer! Reader
Plot: Busy days using an underground train system you aren't familiar too is stressful enough with all the people and noises, but your day couldn't get any worse when you switch bags with the person you bumped into on the platform.
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You were currently running around central Milan in a tizz, you were trying to find the underground station so you could make your way over to the building your client had sent through.
Usually your legal firm dealt with everything strictly in the UK, but this high profile client of yours was unable to make the travel from Italy to England. Your boss sent you off saying you'd have to meet him there to run through final things before you went to court. Everything was in a large duffle bag, all the private documents and confidential agreements and you were struggling holding it next to you.
Once you got into the subway system you placed the bag down next to you but close enough no-one would be able to steal from you. A gentleman came and stood next to you waiting for the next train that was supposed to come in about a minute.
What you didn't anticipate was Milan's sudden rush hour, some guy bumped into you making your trip over your bag. The guy who was next to you caught you and held you steady so you didn't fall onto the tunneled track.
"Thank you!" you smile up at him, and you guys continue to stare up at each other until the train comes into the station. People push their way off and the mystery man looks up at the train side and gasps when he notices it's his. He grabs his bag and jumps on while you watch in awe as the love of your life, your literal soulmate leaves the station on the train.
You wait knowing that one was heading out of the city and sit on a bench waiting for yours to come in.
You pick up the bag which feels slightly heavier than before but you don't think much off it. You get on the next tube which is luckily a lot quieter and manage to get a seat and have your bag on your lap. When you feel it, it feels a little odd, not as padded out in some areas as you remembered it being.
You slowly unzip the bag, seeing none of your things. No water bottle with turtle stickers, or university hoodie, no legal documents of your clients and no nice pair of heels you were supposed to put on before you got to the office after your train commute and small walk.
"No no no!" you whispers to yourself rummaging through finding a helmet, a suit and other various manly bits that weren't yours.
You then remembered the man on the platform and that you must have switched bags. You smiled at the thought that you guys had the exact same bags which just fueled your thoughts of the fact that the very attractive man that saved your life on the Milan underground was in fact your soulmate.
You get off at the next stop at a completely random place in Milan, where you see and advertisement for the F1 race in Monza. The guy must be something to do with that, he was heading that way and he had the helmet and race suit.
You pull out your phone and pull up your clients number before calling them.
"Hey Y/N!" they answer after one ring and immediately they sound a little guilty.
"Everything alright?" you ask.
"Well, you see somethings come up and I'm going to need to postpone everything until tomorrow and the day after, I'll pay for the flight for the inconvenience and your extra hotel expenses and you know what even through dinner on me tomorrow night. I'll take you to a nice place in Milan, but I'm so sorry I cant do it today!" she blurts out and a massive smile comes onto your face.
"That's no problem at all, I can er... do a little more research in the mean time and ... maybe explore the city!" you exclaim knowing you'd be heading on a tube straight for Monza.
"Ahhhh! Your a star I'm so glad the company sent you! I swear you are the only one I trust! But defiantly explore the city it's beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow babe but I really have to go! Okay goodbye!" she says before hanging up.
"You clutch the bag, looking around before you find your way to the nearest taxi service.
"Hello, could you take me to Monza? The er race track?" you ask having no idea if there was a specific name.
"130 euro!" he says and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at the price.
"Yeah, that's fine!" you grit your teeth.
You are there in no-time jumping out after paying the driver and looking at the map to try and find the most sensible place to go. You assume the paddock where it leads to the garages makes the most sense.
However as you get there and see the security and the pass entrance you start to panic. You walk up to one of the security with a friendly smile on your face which was almost sheepish.
"Hi, this is going to sound so bizarre but I think I've switched bags with a driver and I have their helmet and race suit. Can I get in to hand it back to him please and to get my bag back?" you ask and he laughs.
"Yeah sod off kid!" he laughs the one next to him joining in.
"No I'm being series look!" you say unzipping the bag. They look at it and look between each other.
"Radio it through to alpine" one of the says before walking off through the entrance. You awkwardly stand there waiting for someone to say anything.
"I've been told to bring her through!" the one on the walky talky says letting you go through. He walks with you until you come up to one place that has a big picture of the man you met in the subway.
"Esteban?" you ask pointing to his picture and the security guard nods.
"Apparently he went out to look for you, he's been called by his team to come back as you are here!" he smiles before walking off towards the front. Someone comes running out the front in team gear smiling at you.
"Hey, come with me can we get you anything to drink. You can wait in Esteban's driver room!" he smiles and you politely decline a drink, placing yourself on the sofa and waiting patiently.
"Hey!" a voice interrupts you from scrolling on your phone.
"Hey, I erm think I have something of yours!" you grin, holding up the bag and he sighs seeing his bag the exact colour and model that yours was.
"Thank god! That bag has my life in it!" he cries.
"I think i would have been fired if I actually lost mine!" you admit.
"Yeah, I just want you to know the minute I saw confidential i didn't look through anything. I only found the key card to your hotel room, that's where I was heading to in hopes you'd gone there to try make some calls.
"I worked out you must be a driver and that you'd probably be in dire need so i came straight here!" you smile and he nods.
"Well thank you for delivering the goods!" he smiles handing over your bag. You smile and thank him, before hesitating to exit the room. However you do with a sad sort of smile, knowing you'd probably never see him again.
"Wait!" a voice shouts making your turn round and you see Esteban stood there.
"Can I please have your number, or take you out to dinner as a thank you?" he asks looking over you, trying to get a read.
"Really?" you grin, not expecting him to have asked.
"Well, I think it's sort of fate right?" he asks with a little sly grin on his face.
"Yeah, I guess you're right!" you grin.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
HELLLOOOO can you write about the reader being at a house party (she's like 17-18 ish) and Toms her ex and uno CUT on Youtube and they play beer pong with the dares, so Tom and Georg are in a team and Y/n and make a friend up are in a team and when Y/n makes their cup the dare is 'French kiss your opponent" and Tom sits her on the tables and stands between her legs making out with her 😀
thank you bebe 😏
(and I saw your other request do add that the still love each other so don't worry 🤭)
Beer Pong romance
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
warnings- swearing, drinking
words- 1.5k
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"Y/n come on you've been getting ready for like fucking hours!" Lilly cried storming around my room "you look sexy now lets go!" I loved Lilly but she was a family friend- and those friends you can't get rid of...
"will you give me a fucking second I'm doing my lipstick and then we can go alright-" I snapped back seeing her huff "thank you" I finished my make-up and got up from the desk, my jeans clung to my hips just covering my heals, my tube top strapping around me, hair ironed and make-up as perfect as I could get it I was ready "come then" I said thudding down the stairs hearing her follow closely behind "Bye dad- be back soon" I waved seeing him just blow a kiss
"come on we need to hurry-" she began as I started my engine "its on Burns street" I nodded pulling from the drive and making our way to the party, music blasted through the car and we sung along to every song we knew until we finally saw the house "fuck thats lot more than what Henry said their would be"
"no shit-" I parked up and locked the car, Lilly and I walked in smiling to people we knew and made a bee line for the make-shift bar
"Y/n! Lilly!" a voice shouted over the music that was booming everywhere, we looked to find Henry the man himself holding a bottle of vodka loosely between his fingers along with a cigaret that wasn't lit
"hey babe" Lilly smirked walking over and pressing kiss to his cheek "thanks for inviting us" he held her waist whispering something into her ear making me roll my eyes as I poured some liquid into my cup
"I'll let you guys do whatever this is and I'll find you later alright" the girl nodded but I knew she wasn't listening, she was always so all over Henry it was repulsive, I moved through the crowd until I saw a familiar face smiling to me "Kira!" I hugged her, Kira was a friend that I just loved being around, she was just pure but dirty all at the same time
"hey hun! where's little Lilly?" I pointed back to the bar and she nodded "shagging her playmate?"
"of course" we laughed hitting our cups and taking a swig "who are you here with?" I asked leaning closer so she could here me
"oh I came with ..oh Georg! Georg come here!" Georg and Kira were like brother and sister but just not related and had a lot of sexual tension.. so not really like brother and sister but you get the gist. I watched was the long haired boy wondered over winking at a few girls until he reached us
"hey y/n" I smiled "looking good" he was always a flirt "anyway wanna come play a game of beer pong? we need two players" I looked to the girl who nodded grabbing my arm and dragging me as we followed Georg through a sea of sweaty teenagers, people shoved and yelled as we walked past and all I did was spit curses at them until we made it to the kitchen where the island had been made into a ping pong table, I saw Georg fist bump a boy and my eyes met with his
"fuck" I spoke seeing Tom- he was different now though, hair In long, black braids, bandana around his head and a huge coat covering his body
"oh- I forgot to mention he's with us" I fluttered my eyes agreeing to her words finishing my drink and putting the empty cup to the side "okay who's starting"
"ladies first" his voice hit my stomach, it shouldn't have had made me feel so uneasy, Kira grabbed the ball and went to throw "and and also you have to do a dare for every cup the other team make" of course, Tom couldn't play any game without some sort of consequence
"fine" she through the ball and it missed the table "shit" I laughed as she stomped her foot on the ground, Georg picked it up and through it straight into our cup "you're joking- whats the dare?" the boys looked to each other and whispered a few words before agreeing
"drink the cup at the same time" me and Kira rolled our eyes grabbing the cup and putting it between our mouths, beer spilled down our chins, rolling down our chests "nice view" we pulled the cup away and Kira chucked it at the boy
"perv" it was my turn, I lifted the ball and moved to the middle of the island, lining my hand up and with a small count down it landed in the centre cup "Yes Y/n!" Tom took it out looking to me waiting for me to speak
"take off that god awful coat Tom- and Georg you can drink" Tom huffed slipping his coat off revealing his toned arms against his black shirt and Georg didn't hesitate to drink. The game carried on until we both only had 3 cups to go, me and Kira were now stood in our bra's and I had Tom's bandana around my thigh, the boys however had no shoes on, Georg's hair was tied in a bun and Tom was having to have a bow in the end of his braid, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Lilly looking sweatier than before and lips redder "hey!"
"ohh beer pong!" she cheered
"were doing it with dares, wanna do the dare if Tom makes this shot, she hummed standing between our sides with a face that screamed she'd just been fucked somewhere in the house, Tom flung the ball and it landed in our middle cup
"woo!" he clapped watching as I took the cup to my lips, chugging the beer until it was empty "whats their dare?"
"erm... ah- Y/n French with Tom for...3 minuets!" my stomach dropped, head snapping to her "come on!" I looked back over the table waiting for Tom to interject but he wasn't there
"wha-" I felt hands go under my thighs and lift me onto the island, I looked down to see Tom stood between my legs looking up to me "are you crazy?"
"sure... come on you lost and the dare is you've gotta kiss me, not me kiss you" I sighed thinking through ever decision I ever made, that being becoming friends with Lilly and agreeing to come to this party
"come on Y/n you've got this!" Kira called standing next the Georg who came to watch "at least its your ex not a total stranger!"
"oh yeah because that makes anything better!- fucks sake" my hands came to cup his jaw and I leant down "we never speak of this again alright?"
"just get it over and done with sweetheart- it's only me" he smirked and before I could even looked at his shit eating face anymore I pressed my lips against his and everything came flooding back- every kiss, hug, every time he held me, every time I slept between his arms, I felt locked and I never wanted to let go Tom's arms curled around my stomach pulling me closer, I finally let myself relax into him, hugging his neck. I felt him smile as he took a breather before diving back in again and I couldn't help but smile back, it felt.. nice being so close to him again
"Time!" Lilly called hitting my leg but I didn't let go, and nor did Tom "hello! guys you can stop now"
"I think they may need to have a few moments" I herd Kira laugh and she was right- I'd missed Tom so much, everyday I'd look back on all our photo's, the videos, the times I went to his concerts, when he came to the airport to pick me up after not seeing him for weeks, I missed him too much. The group had walked away leaving me and Tom still intertwined with each other the kiss came to a natural end, our foreheads knocked together while we both panted for air
"I- I love you" Tom spoke through breaths making my heart flutter "we shouldn't have broke up, it was so stupid- I need you in my life Y/n" I couldn't speak, words wouldn't form and my head was cloudy of his voice saying he loved me "nobody has ever compared to you, and they never will"
"I love you too" with the mix of alcohol and adrenaline my whole world seemed to brighten when Tom smiled, not one of his side smiles or smirks, his real smile "kiss me again" his hand held my jaw loosely as he leant up to kiss me again, our lips fit like puzzle pieces, it all felt so right
"come here" his voice was breathy as he lifted me off the counter and to the floor, I forget sometimes how tall he is- he was towering over me, I craned my head up to meet his again, before I could reach he pulled off a little, his big brown eyes looked into mine before he spoke again "be mine again?....please"
"of course" I wrapped my hands around his back and slid my hands into his pockets dragging his body closer to mine, our faces met and a soon as they did our lips were attached again... maybe this party wasn't so bad after all
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after last night
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➷ Summary : there is something that Eddie couldn't find to forget about you after that night
➷ Word Count : it's one shot
➷ Warnings : 18+ MDNI‼️ Rockstar!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, no use of y/n, Eddie and reader are both (21), I made a bestfriend character named "Alexis", SMUT‼️, p in v penetration, both receiving, unprotected sex, aftercare, alcohol consumption, establishing a relationship, Eddie is a player in the past! reader is just an amazing gal and Eddie is so an awe to her, that's it!
➷ What to Expect : SMUT‼️ and FLUFF! this is just literally hot steamy delicious smut really hehe, you'll see an worried Eddie here, this is set in Modern era but it still screams 1980's
➷ Note To Reader : basically, I am literally using my favorite artists songs into an Eddie fic at this point, DON'T Y'ALL LOVE THIS SONG?!? 😩🤌🏻
➷ Author Note : I can't believe y'all liked my last post "you ain't woman enough" I didn't expect all of you to enjoy it and I wasn't even satisfied with it but wow y'all reassured me it was okay! SO THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT! 🥺🫶🏻✨
"I have plus one, you have to go with me!" Alexis holding up the two invitation cards with a look that says "please, I beg of you"
"I'll think about it" you glanced at her as you jotted down notes for tomorrow's class
"yeah, you'll think about it after a million years" she goes to your side and leans on the wall looking at you
You shut your eyes while you're holding both of your hands in front of you
You know she won't stop bugging you until you say "yes"
"Girl- please, this is Corroded Coffin! not anyone is lucky enough to be on their first music listening party!"
"Can't you bring someone who is dying to get there?" you mocked your reply to her as she rolls her eyes
"They don't matched my vibe and besides I love your company!"
"I may be loud, only to you but in that zone? I'll be sitting alone in the couch throughout the night"
She scoffs "Oh, please, you're so very well spoken once you get comfortable with the person you're talking to"
"it's not an immediate connection! I've had to warm up to them first" you say as your keyboard makes clacks sounds as you type at the background as her eye twitches in annoyance
"It's lucky when something else sparked" you narrow your eyes at her as she huffs
"Come on! Please?!? it's only a few days left and we're gonna go home to Hawkins and we haven't tried or experienced something like this!"
You sigh without looking at her as you turned your head at her as she softly chants "please, please, please"
Wouldn't it hurt to have some fun for once?
"Alright! Alright fine! I'll go with you!"
"Yes! I knew you would come to your senses" She happily jumps and she hugs you and you chuckled as you roll your eyes playfully
"I'll go ready my outfit and you should too!" The smile is still intact to her lips as she takes her leave goes straight to her closet
You're so indecisive
You're so indecisive that you can't pick an outfit
"Oh my god, you've been staring at those three outfits for an hour!" Alexis exclaims at you in the reflection as she puts Velcro rollers over her hair
"Let me think"
"No- you can't think when you can't decide!"
"You're not helping, Alexis"
"Do you want me to choose for you?"
"No" you're staring so sternly at the two outfits
The colors are pretty much all black but the one outfit is a set of leather tube top and skirt with fishnet stockings and some edgy accessories, the next outfit is very dainty-ish top because of the ruffles all over the neckline with black ripped jeans, and lastly, it's literally the one you've been staring hard for too goddamn long
It's a black velvet dress, it screams "femme fatale" but still remains the elegance of the dress, it got a nice trim over the edges and it will fits you so well, it's a bit short since it ends just above your knees
The thing is that
The chest part design? is too revealing, it's a. cute strap sweetheart top and maybe, you'll be so overdressed since not only that is your problem
It's also backless
"If we come late to this party because of you, god- I forgot how hard it is for you to pick an outfit" she takes the cap off from the lipstick liner as she outline her lips, she's still talking to you at the reflection of the vanity mirror
You're thinking a lot of it deeply until you remembered something
You have this black glittery short blazer and this will be perfect with your black Stiletto Black Ankle Strap Pumps
"Wait- I got it" you snap your fingers, you raised the dress that you picked and Alexis squeals in excitement
"Oh my gosh, you'll look so hot!"
You chuckled as you shake your head
"Okay, so, there's Jeff the bass guitar, Gareth the drummer and-"
She turns off the engine of her car as she recites the band members names again
"Eddie, the lead singer and guitarist, yeah- I know" you tug up a smile at the end as she beams at you, she claps her hands
"Well, look at you! you remember it!"
"Of course, I remember it, you keep yapping about them all day to me"
You both get out of the car as she rolls her eyes at you, she locks the car as both of your heels starts clicks the pavement
"Do you listen to their music?"
"I did"
"I thought you didn't like that kind of music"
"Alexis, I just don't have the time to listen to it that doesn't mean I don't like it"
"But you did listen to it?"
"Some of it, yeah"
"It's really good, right?"
"Yeah, it is"
Once you both got in the front, the door swings open a curly short haired boy with red checkered vest and a black denim pants happily greets
"Hey there, baby!" He opens up his arms as your bestfriend rans into him
"How are you?"
"I'm good"
"Let me take a look at you"
"You're so stunning!"
The boy is grinning very widely at your bestfriend as you watch them both with a small smile at your face and when you and him looked at each other, your bestfriend introduced you
"Um- Gareth, this is my bestfriend in college and my plus one"
"Oh, hello" he offers his hand for you to shake as you gladly accepted it as you say your name
"I think Eddie is going to like you"
"Excuse me?"
"Gareth! Don't start the traffic at the front door-"
He stopped when he saw his friend and you
"Oh hey"
You shyly wave at the young man behind Gareth
"This is Jeff!" Your excited bestfriend pulls Jeff out as they both share a laugh
You shake hands at Jeff "Nice to meet you"
"You too"
You're amused at how Jeff kicks Gareth inside as you both walked inside of the house
They act like silly little kids that you almost forgot that they're famous rockstars
Now, you can feel little by little that your shy demeanor is fading slowly
"Isn't that right? Jeff?" Gareth asks as he throws his arms around at your bestfriend
"Right about what?" Jeff stand beside you as he furrows his eyebrows at his friend
"That Eddie will like her" Gareth points at you and Jeff looked at you with both of his eyebrows raised
"Yeah, definitely" Jeff says with his eyes wide as you get even more confused why they keep saying that
"Where is he? anyway?"
"You know Eddie, he's always late" Jeff crossed both of his arms as he goes to the front facing the three of you
"Ladies, feel free to help yourselves at the food and drink at the table, I know y'all both starving" Gareth squeezes Alexis to his side as he joins Jeff walking into a different direction of the house, they both said they'll be back
"Okay, no wonder why you feel comfortable with them, I see, I get it now" you sigh as you smile in disbelief
"I told you so!" she giggles as she takes your hand leading you to the dining table
You both came in early, so, there's only a few people inside, there's a distant music playing at the background
Gareth is not lying to what he just said to the both of you that you just realized you we're indeed hungry until you eaten one of their meals
Ever since you started college, you haven't had a decent meal
Both of you are stuffed and full, you ask at the bar for a drink
"One bottle of Heineken, please"
"Me too!"
"Cheers to finding yourself a boyfriend"
You snorted but you shrugged "I guess, cheers to that then?"
"I haven't told you where I met them, so, I first met Gareth at a convenience store and I don't know something really else clicked between the two of us, so, we hang out and then he gave me an invite"
"So, this is the man that you're talking about since last week?"
"And you're officially his girlfriend"
She blushes "yes"
"Wow" you take a swig of your drink as you turn away from your bestfriend
"What is it?"
"I'm happy for you, I really do, but it seems so fast?"
Before she can reply, "You know what, I'll stop being protective, I'm just concerned- that's all"
She smiles at you as she nods to your words
"You're just like him"
"Like who?"
Oh, there goes that name again
"What about him?"
"He's a really really nice guy, I'm not even kidding! he's also a gentleman"
You piqued an interest to that as your bestfriend Alexis smirks at the look that you just gave her
Gareth calls out to her name but Alexis hesitates to leave you all alone
"You can go ahead"
"Are you sure? I don't want-"
"I'll be fine, Alexis, just also look out for yourself, okay? go have fun"
She sadly smiles as she hugs you before she left and went to his drummer boyfriend
You deeply sighs as you finish your drink, you decide to take a look around the house
The guests are growing bigger and bigger as you started strolling around in the place
Every inch of the house feels so expensive, it's spacious, the white and gold furniture and the paintings all over across the room, you like how it styled
Much to your fascination, you bumped over the person whose quickly running that you fall back down on the floor
"Shit, my bad- I am so sorry" he reaches out for you to hold his hand
You clutch at your chest and winced at how hard it is but you dismissive your hand anyways and took his hand
"I'll survive, don't worry about it" you give him a small smile as you got back up on your feet
The male chuckles, you take him in, his hair is long brown curl locks and slightly long bangs and he's wearing a black Ray-Ban sunglasses and a pair of Metallica muscle tee and leather pants and black boots
"Why are you in such a hurry, anyway?" You ask him, you dusted yourself off
He ignores your question instead he ask you this "Would you accompany me in there?"
You tilt your head at him and looked over the crowded room
"I-I wouldn't-"
"Please, it would mean so much to me?" he opens his arm for you to hold but you still hesitated but sigh in defeat as you take it
On the way there, he speaks up again
"Did you come here alone?"
"Uh- no, my bestfriend from college, Alexis, used her plus one on me, I think you knew her already"
He chuckles again "Oh yeah, Alexis, she's a fun gal, I didn't know that she has fine bestfriend"
You knit your brows together, the moment he turns to look at you and he smiles, you became shy under his gaze
"Have you met everyone?"
"Yeah, I met Jeff and Gareth, they're cool but-" you replied to him and you notice some of the guests that you both passed while walking are waving at him
Who is this person?
"I haven't met Eddie" you say as you watch him open the doors
The moment the both of you step inside and the people roared in cheer, you startled by the joyous screams of all the guests
He laughs as he turns around back at you and takes his glasses off
"You already met him, darling"
Oh my god
Oh my fucking god
Why are you so clueless? You've been with him?!?
He's THEE Eddie Munson?!?
You're stunned and your mouth is agape as you stare at him in shock
He smirks as he places his Ray-Ban sunglasses on top of your head as he hold the tip of your chin raising it slowly to meet his gaze
"I'll see you later, sweetheart" he winks at you as he turns his back at you leaving you completely speechless
You know Corroded Coffin
Of course, you know the band name members
Yes, you listen to their songs
You didn't watch their music videos that's why you have no idea what they're look like
You're so occupied with your set of tasks that you didn't have the time to look at their faces
There, you see him again, talking to somebody else as he glances at you wiggling his fingers as you cupped your mouth in embarrassment as you shyly wave at him
He chuckles as he goes back talking to other person
Alexis pulled your hand in the corner as you both giggled to each other
"Girl- oh my gosh, you did not just come in with Eddie!"
"I have literally no idea! Alexis!"
"See? I told you he'll like you!" Gareth came into her side as he holds a drink into his hand as he points at you
"He's probably not" you deny him as Gareth rolls his eyes at you
"It's clear as day that you came in with him!" Jeff exclaims
"I think he was just being nice because he accidentally bumped on me earlier"
Alexis covers her mouth as the three of them looking at the person behind you
"It's my fault, I know" he tuts as he slinks his arm around your waist, you're surprised at the sudden action before you can even look at the person behind you
You pursed your lips together as you look down
"Mind you if I steal her from you guys?" He pulls you to his side as your eyes go wide at your bestfriend
She raises both of her hands with her face that says "Sorry, I can't help you"
"Yes, by all means!" Gareth aggressively nods as he shoos the both of you away
Jeff flashes you an eat-shiting grin at you as Eddie starts walking while still holding you closely to him
"Uh- rude of me, by the way, I did not quite catch your name"
You tell him your name as he nods but not leaving you with a dashing smile
He walks you through his room and you suddenly immersed in it's glory
It's captivating and it's so like him
He closes the door behind him and you roam your eyes around the area
"Wow, your room is so amazing"
"Thanks, you know all of this I just saved a lot of money to get all of this stuff that I wanted- uh- what's your favorite part?"
You smile as you point out the biggest window, you've ever seen
"Oh, that" both of you walked closer to it
He sighs at the scenery outside "Same"
You took the sunglasses from your head that he placed before
He pushes your hand away and lets his hold linger in there
"Keep it"
One of the crew/staff member starts knocking at the door telling Eddie someone is looking for him and it's urgent
"Can you stay here until I get back? You can do whatever you want in here"
"Um, sure" you say and smile as you nod at him
Before he closes the door, "Don't go anywhere? Okay?"
You chuckled "I won't, don't worry"
It's been 45 minutes since he left as you glanced over the clock as you finished looking at his achievement wall and shelf, you shift on your stance as you decided to take off your blazer
You walked through his vinyl collections, you run your hands on it until you saw "Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" you picked it up and looked over the cover
You looked at the door for one last time
"I can wait for him" you shrug as you take the jacket off and holding the platter very gently as you placed it down and raised the tonearm needle and pressed the play button
A smile grows on your lips as you hear the familiar tune
Your head starts bopping and you sway your body into the song
"I'm sorry, I'm late, sweetheart" Eddie came inside of his room, finally, but you're so lost in the music
You didn't even hear the door click closed
You're about to see him behind you but you're still dancing into the song
Eddie's mouth slowly hanging open as he is so enthralled to what he is watching right now
You took the pin off from your hair updo as you shake your head slightly, so, it falls, god- his heart just dissipated
The soft smile from your lips, and oh so freaking gorgeous gorgeous dress and he just wanna take your hand and marry you right away
The moment you turned around you open your eyes, you saw him standing in there, you didn't see how he is so entranced by you
You laugh in shock as lovely gasp giggles that came out from your mouth as you held your chest and you threw your head back
The time felt slow as he just stands there
He never want this night to end
"Oh, you came back!" You say as your laughter died down
Eddie, come on, man, speak up, he blinks rapidly as he clears his throat as he shoves his hands into his pockets "Y-Yeah, I'm back" he winced at how he stuttered
"I hope you don't mind me playing one of your precious vinyls" you walk over through his vinyl player and you're about to stop the music until he grabs your wrists as he slowly reaches to hold your hand, you're now looking at him with your hair beautiful laying down on your shoulders
"Don't stop the music yet" he says as he beams up and tug you on the center of his room as you giggled in the process as he starts dancing with you
"My love is alive (woo)
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
Just as fast as I can
Don't you know that there"
He takes you by his arms, he twirls you around, he held you close to his chest as he start making dance moves that will make your stomach hurt
He stares at you as you happily dance with a big smile on your face
He moves closer to you, you raised your eyebrows as he stops you from moving as he holds both of your forearms
Your eyes goes all over his face, you saw his eyes flit right back to your eyes and to your lips
He leans forward and then boom, he pulls you close to place a kiss on your lips, your eyes are wide but flutters shut as you cupped both of his cheeks as your lips moved along with his
The kiss was so soft and sweet until he walks forwards as you walked backward pinning you on the wall, he grabs you by the waist as you mewl into the kiss, you placed your palms over his shoulders as it slowly crossed your arms around his neck
He is now flushed into your body inhaling every scent of you, the both of you got out of breath as he starts suckling the skin from your neck and your collarbones
You tug at his hair as he groans, the music behind is now ignored and coming to an end, you hum at the sweet spot that he found earning a moan out of you
"Oh, you sound so good" his voice is suddenly deeper and lower than before
He caged you in the middle as he plant his palms on either side of your head as he licks his lips as he looks at you from up and down
You looked at him with those sickening eyes that he can't wait to see it squeezing shut from pounding at you so hard
You reached at his tattoos as you traced your fingers at them, he watches you intently, a sudden confidence went through you as you think of something
"Maybe, your friends will be looking for you?" You say without making your voice sound like a honey-glazed tone, you look over to his shoulder as he turns his head around it
"Nah, they won't be needing me-"
He stopped talking when he felt you putting something inside on his pocket
You smirked at him as he gotten amused as he reaches down and turns out to be your black laced panties his eyes almost bulge out of his skull as he raised it in front of you
You bat your eyelashes on him acting all coy and innocent as he bits his bottom lip
"Real smooth, princess"
"I don't know what you mean by that"
He scoffs as he chuckles while shaking his head, he clicks his tongue at the sight of you
He caught you off guard when he carries you by the hip, you shrieked at the action immediately as you wrapped your arms around his neck his free hand swiftly taking off his pants
Carrying you got your dress riled up in the process as he didn't waste a minute any longer, he didn't give you a time to adjust as he enters your hole and you feel him pulsing inside of you, you take a sharp breath as you close your eyes as you throw your head back
"Jesus fucking christ" he grunts as he starts from a slow pace until it becomes quicker
Making you a cockdrunk mess as you clench around him, you moan when he starts to get rougher, you hold him close tightly making him rest on the crook of your shoulder
You whimper "E-Eddie, oh- you're good" you kiss him again surprising him as he gladly kisses you back but this time it was more lustful and desperate as your both of your teeth clashed
You're sliding up and down against the wall as he fucks you deeper making you gasp as he hit the spot both of you are heavily breathing as Eddie's contorts into pleasure, the way your cunt swallowing him so easily is driving him nuts
"You're so goddamn wet" your breath hitches as you crossed your legs around his waist
He sheaths once more until you screamed as you came undone
You pant as he carries you again leading you into his bed, he takes himself out of you making you whine on the feel of emptiness, the male laugh as you huff and puff at him
He takes off your heels and his muscle tee, you used your elbows to move backwards at his bed
You're in awe at him completely naked in front you as he leans down his fingers playing the hem of your dress his eyes are asking for a permission as you hold a finger up
He watches you as you start to take off your dress, he gulped when he saw how absolutely eternal you are
All is bare on display for him
Only for him
Your shy demeanor came back when he looks at you like that but he removes that as he starts to kiss you once again, you yelped as you kiss him
While kissing you he is now positioning himself between your legs as he lets himself inside of you again
You moan into his mouth as he starts to goes lower until he's on your chest he places love marks all over it
He held your hips as he pounds into you harder, your mouth making an "0" shape as he smirks
Your cunt squelch as he pulls himself in and out of you, he pulls you down earning a high-pitched moan from you as he raised your one leg and as he plunges himself inside of you making your back arched
"W-where do you want me, sweets?" He says as he growl when you start clenching at him again
His eyes went bigger when you changed the position, now, you're on top of him
You move your hips keeping up the pace as you watch his eyes rolled squeezing it shut
"Inside of me, I need you to fill me up" it's the only you managed to say
He doesn't know if his mind playing tricks on him
Did you really say that to him?!?
Eddie became frantic as he can't bust inside of you just yet as you grin at him evilly
You roll your hips as your moan become louder and louder as Eddie starts to squirm beneath you
"Fucking hell, yes, use me- j-just like that" he reveled as he sits up holding you and pulling you closer to him
He kneads your breast as he watches you touching yourself down below making him groan
The bodies slapping is the most unholiest that you ever heard in your life as you kiss him while your hands went through his hair, you got him distracted by the sudden sweet sensation
As you can feel your body shaking and the heat forming and building up, he shudder when you pin him down on the bed, the mattress springs starts to squeak as you fuck him
Oh, he is a goner
You screamed in pleasure as he shoots his load inside of you, he didn't let you down as he fills you up into the brim, you can feel it dripping as you collapsed at him
Your whole body is spent as he chuckles lowly
You softly moan when he still fills you up as he moves his hips
Both of your body feels sticky from the sweat but you didn't mind and neither does he
You start to wobble as you remove yourself from his laying beside him as he smiles lazily at you
You gave him a sweet loving smile at him
"Was I good for you?" you ask him he doesn't missed the way your eyes flashes with wonder
He raised both of his eyebrows with a look that says "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I-I don't know what you, what you did, but you did it, girl, see- normally I don't stutter but you d-d-do it to me!" He loses it, he got frustrated to fix his words as he let it be
Ever since he laid his eyes on you, he is staggered by your beauty
You crack up a laugh that he wishes he could hear it forever as he pulls you beside him
You both stayed like that for a while as you can feel your heavy eyes begging for you to go sleep, Eddie slipped off of you as he wore his boxers and pulls in his drawer a clean cloth
He opens the blanket as he takes care of you nicely, you're appalled, really, you've never had this level of intimacy before, you blushed
He saw your face as he smiles, "You're so adorable, baby" he chuckles as you hide your face with both of your palms
He brings back the blanket to cover you as you went into your side again
He kisses the top of your head as you wrapped your arms around him
He massages your scalp as it lulled you to sleep as you drift away
Meanwhile, Eddie, saw a shooting star as he looks at his window, says a prayer and hope it comes true
You woke up in the morning and you're still in the same position as it was before, he holds you close to him, you stare at him, he is so pretty with his long eyelashes and specks of freckles across his face
You take his arm off of you carefully, you slide off from the sheets as you picked up the discarded clothes all over the floor as you start dressing up
You saw your reflection in the mirror
Wow, damn, you didn't really who were you last night
There's something about him and that made you feel, you sigh in content with a smile on your face
You saw what time it is as you quickly put on your heels but before you headed out to the door
You smile so fondly as you placed a kiss on his lips and into his cheek, you giggle quietly when it leaves a mark because of your lipstick that you put on earlier
But, of course, you kept his sunglasses
"I wonder what's gotten to them" Jeff sips his coffee as he writes a new song for the band
Gareth chows down his favorite cereal, it crunches as he speaks "I think I heard someone left earlier in the morning but maybe that's just-"
Both of them can hear the loud pats of his barefeet as he runs quickly into the kitchen, even they're aware of his incoming presence, they both still get startled by him
"Where is she?!?" Eddie's voice starts cracking up like someone killed his loved one, he appears with his maroon robe
"Who?" Jeff takes a full gulp from his coffee as he analyzes his friend
Gareth still munching onto his cereal as he furrows his brows in confusion
"Her! Th-The girl with Alexis yesterday!"
"Oh, her" Jeff flashes a teasing wink to Eddie as his face drops in annoyance
"I think she left, Eddie"
"Earlier in the morning, I heard the front door and gate opened"
Eddie starts pacing around at them back and forth, Gareth and Jeff eyes followed him as they both looked at each other because-
Eddie is only behaving like this when he doesn't have no idea for D&D campaign, when he can't write a song or when something happened to his beloved guitar
"I-I need to see her again, I can't- I have to- I want to see her" he rambles into his friends
"Man, are you alright?" Jeff asks him as walks over through him with his arms crossed
"No, I am not- I just really want to see her-"
"Gareth, do you have Alexis phone number?"
He nods but his expression changed as he remembers something, he even stops mid-chew
"Oh god, what does that mean?!?"
"She told me that they're going home"
"Home?!? Where?!?"
"She doesn't say, dude, they're college students, I think they're just here for it"
Eddie's eyes became glassy as he goes down and sat on the floor
Jeff slowly turns his head to Gareth with a face "Are you seeing this?!?"
"My life is over"
The line alone grabbed the both men's attention to him
"It's over, I'm finished!" He throws his hands up as he runs his palms through his face
Jeff squatted down in front of him as he hesitates at first but went it with it anyways as he placed his palm over his shoulder
"What happened?"
"She changed the game, Jeff"
"Ah" he shows a knowing look to Eddie making him huffed as rocks back and forth
Whining as to why you left all so sudden?!?
But, he knew you'll left sooner or later but not like this?!?
He has literally no idea where you from, he doesn't have any single contact that he can reach you, the worst fact is that
He doesn't even know where you are
Do you think of him like this?
Did you like him? Or was it just a one-night stand with you?
Do you also hope that you both shared the same feelings like as he did?
Do you wonder what he was doing after last night?
3 weeks had passed
A frown is evident on your face, but, sure, you already knew the moment you stepped on that line, you shouldn't be surprised when tabloids and it's all over the news about the headline
"A player rockstar"
You we're elated with him and your mind won't shut up thinking about him all the time ever since that night
It couldn't get any worse when you overheard other people talking about him, the radio, the television, the posters that are smacked every inch of the building you passed through, the billboards you saw, he is everywhere, everywhere you go, everywhere you went, even if you're so far away from him now, you can't never avoid him if you try
A part of you hoped and wished that he somehow also felt what you feel for him
You cursed through your breath when you forgot to left a phone number but you trash that idea since
He never asked for it
So, you left
"You wonder where he is now, huh?"
"Hmm?" You say as you play with his sunglasses that he gave to you
"Don't play coy with me, you know who I'm talking about" she saids as she takes a sip from her coffee
"He's probably with someone else now"
She scoffs as she leans down to narrow her eyes at you "Well, the people say he might be a player but you know all of this junk is false, you know they twist their words to make it sell, right?" She throws the clippings away from you as you released a deep sigh
A hope in your eyes are noticable as she smiles softly at you "How about you and Gareth?"
"We're doing great but we decided to take things slowly for a while, I took your advice"
"No, I shouldn't said anything"
"But I'm glad you did and you we're right"
You tug up a small smile on the corners of your mouth
"This isn't about me, it's about you, I may not knew Eddie that a lot but when he lets you hold him and didn't want you to stop to care for him? He is so madly in love with you"
"There you go again feeding my delusions"
"Look, I'm serious, just listen, Eddie loves you and you'll thank me later"
You let out a small chuckle "Okay, Alexis"
"There's someone for you at the phone" Jeff went into the studio room as he watches his friend tuning his guitar
"Who?" He asks
Oh, he remembers her all right, but he cringed as he looks at his friend as he slowly stands up and placed his guitar on the stand as he whispers
"Tell her that I am not home"
"Well, I'll be damned, that's the 4th girl that you just dismissed!" Gareth throws the music sheets as it flies everywhere making a mess as Eddie glares at him
"I don't want them in my life anymore"
Jeff studies his friend as he realizes that he is sooooo determined to see you again, if only, he can see you again
He knows that his friend won't stand for it, he won't stay still, he ain't gonna calm down until he reunites with you again
"Right, so, you just met some girl-"
"He is not some girl, Gareth"
Gareth knows he is already pissed, so, he held his hand up in surrender
The phone rings again and Eddie thinks it's the most annoying sound ever as the ringing tone bleeds through his ear
He stands up fast as he yanks the phone wire ending up breaking it as his friend's watches in shock as he threw the telephone across the room
"W-Why did you do that?!? That could be important!" Jeff walks over to the destroyed telephone as he goes to the kitchen awaiting for the next ring and Eddie is about to- but he stops him by holding his chest
He picks it up as he answers, "Hello?"
Jeff pinches his nose bridge as he grimaces at Eddie who is now wearing a smug look on his face
"It's Josephine"
Jeff is about to end the call but Eddie snatches the phone as he spoke
"Hello, dear, I'm sorry but stop trying to call me, Goodbye, don't ever call me again" he slams the phone back on its place
His voice is still remains the softness but it's firm dictating the words very clearly
Jeff raises his eyebrows he thought he'll screech at the young woman over the telephone but he didn't, he just politely declined whatever the girl wants
"Dude, look at him! Not a fucking single regret on his eyes" Gareth gestures his hands as he points out to Eddie
"I'm gonna throw out any phone if someone else tries to call me again, there's no player in me anymore, a-and it was dead ages ago!"
"But the media still thinks that you are" Gareth snorts but Jeff pokes his stomach with his elbow
"That's all some crap that they made up"
"What makes you think she'll believe you?"
"If you ever encountered her again"
"Then I'll say the truth and that's the only night that I ever slept with someone for so long and I wouldn't join anyone in a bed or in a freaking house that isn't her"
Jeff nods along with a enigmatic smile on his face as Eddie shakes his head at him but he smiles
"I also wonder Alexis been doing, I haven't talked to her for a month?"
"Didn't you say they lived in a province? Or like a small cities?"
"Yeah? They could be everywhere in the world?!? I think she forgots to mention the name of their town, but wait- I think I saw her I.D hanging around her neck once, I took a glimpse on it"
Gareth pulls his brows together as he tries to remember the memory
Jeff and Eddie looks at him waiting for the anticipated answer
"Indiana? I don't know what part in Indiana?"
Eddie claps both of his hands, "we should make a tour over there and convinced our manager to make it happen"
"Why didn't you say this before?"
"Hey, Don't take this on me! I only just remembered it! y'all should be thankful that I can recall it"
The phone rings once again and Eddie is ready to yeeted it out of the window
Both of the men panicked as they rushed to Eddie to stop him by breaking another phone
"No- Eddie!"
The boys we're surprised that their idea is acceptable
They toured on every part in Indiana, even he needs to rest and he needs to sleep but every show they did before and after, he never stopped looking for you anywhere
He has turned the whole places of Indiana upside down just to look for you
He finds nothing
No, sign of you anywhere
But, he's not giving up hope, he would rather die just to be with someone who isn't you
He would never ever date or marry someone else that isn't you
Eddie is now starting think that you might be not a human being after all, maybe, you're just this angel that came down or even a magical entity that came into his life and that's why you disappeared all of the sudden
He thanks himself for being so attentive with your friend Alexis as she talks about you to him before, you sounded so wonderful with her stories but meeting you in person? It's more fantastic
He went every record store in the place, he grows sadder when some other places didn't have any, he knew that you liked his vinyl collection, so, he supposed that somehow you we're there looking at the records
But as always the result is none
He is rooting for the last place that they'll visit
Even you don't want him anymore, he'll still be happy just to see you again for one last time
A bunch of youngsters are awestruck of the café that you and Alexis usual spot to hang out
"Do the people of Hawkins just finally realized that the coffee is good there or what?" Alexis says as she clutches her purse tightly as you both approach a sea of people
"What are they screaming about?"
Some adults overheard you as they replied "A rock band just visited our town are having a show at Hawkins High"
Your eyes light up of what you just heard "A rock band? Really?"
"Oh my god, me and my bestfriend went there to highschool together!"
"We have to grab a coffee, first, Alexis"
"I already feel so energized! I wonder who it is"
You murmur "Excuse me! We're passing through"
You both finally made it inside as you take your orders
Unbeknownst to you, a certain man on the other side is also drinking coffee
That's where all the noise coming from
A familiar laughter shoots through his core, oh boy, he felt weak in the knees as he heard it again
Despite the crowd being so loud, he still heard it
He thought was only hallucinating but he heard it yet again
Eddie turns around almost drops his cup of coffee as he shakily breathes
There you are with Alexis as you're about to leave as you take your coffee and a small paper bag
But, as soon as he gets up, the people are starting to get frenzy as the bodyguards couldn't handle the situation
He is stuck with all of the fans surrounding him
God, he is like fighting with his life at this very moment
He tries to walk ahead but no to avail as many people are dying to get close to him
Jeff and Gareth are politely telling people to give them personal space and to back off
They both follow their friends gaze as Jeff put hands over his head as Gareth eyes softens that he saw his girl again
"Please, don't leave!" He yells as he puts his hands on either side of his mouth as he shouts for your name
Making the crowd went completely silent, the rest of the people follow where he's staring at as you can hear the distant whispering
You froze as you stop your tracks to that voice
The voice that you thought you couldn't hear again
"They're here, I-I can't believe it!" Alexis sobbed as he saw Gareth who is teary-eyed
Eddie finally made his way over to you slowly as the people watch him, you're just about to turn around to face him
The second you looked at his eyes, your body shook that you can swear that Eddie can see it that you're nervous and confused
There's a unreadable expression on his eyes that you've never seen before
Maybe, you avoid yourself for letting him in, for staying in denial
But, the truth is, you still love him
"Hey, sweetheart, it feels so nice to finally see you again" He breathy laughs as he pulls up wide smile as his eyes goes all over your face
Your hair is different, shaggy haircut but still long, you're wearing a baggy long sleeve shirt as he can see the peek of your sports bra strap and denim skirt, a pair of sneakers but as always, you looked prettier on every kind of style
He had some changes too, I mean- he is always stylish but you didn't expect him to be even more confident, he wore a freaking mesh tee that you can see through his tattoos, he is so insane for wearing it and leather pants with boots
All you wanted to do is to throw yourself at him but you have a respect for yourself
You don't want him to give the satisfaction that he wants, so, you remained the wall that you build up
"Hello" you nod as you plastered a fake smile
His expression changes as he saw that you weren't pleased to see him again
But, then again, of course, why would you be happy
"Fucking tabloids" he thinks to himself
The swarming fans went wild as they tried to get to Eddie
Eddie jerks his head at the backdoor as you turn your head at it even you think if this was a bad idea to let him get into you again
Still, you want him to talk
The bodyguards blocked the way, so, both of you can have a privacy, you heard the people talking about you
"Who is the mystery girl?" As they all say
Alexis gave you an encouraging smile and a hug before she left you with him
She glares at Eddie who swallowed nervously
He tails behind your back as you went outside, he closes the door blurring out all the noise inside
He doesn't even know where to start as you wrap your arms around yourself ducking your head down, his hands are itching to touch you
"Uh, how are you?"
"I've been good" you lie, you missed him
He nods but if this painfully short conversation ends up like shit, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself, so-
"After that night" he brings it up, you get tensed as you look at his hopeful eyes
"I-I think I'm in love you" he said without a single trace of doubt on his voice
Your eyes are glistening to his confession but you take a step back at him as you slowly shake your head
"Eddie, y-you have a quite a reputation" you laugh in disbelief as you tried not to breakdown and cry Infront of him
Does that mean he felt the same way? Like you did?
He knows what you mean by that and he is never proud of it
He doesn't have anyone who looked at him in the way that you looked at him
They only want him because of his rockstar personality but you?
You're aware that he's a big artist in the industry but you treated him like he always wanted to be treated
Is to feel seen and you just interacted him not only he felt the connection but also spiritually
Meeting you was the best refreshing moments of his life
"That's all the in past now, please, I need you and I want you, can you just listen what I have to say?!"
"Are you doing this because you're already tired all of the girls that you have? Am I going to be one of them? No-"
"I tried to forget about you!"
He curses himself when he saw the hurt expression on your face
"I tried, I really really tried, I woke up in that morning and I don't even know what you did to me! I can't seem to get you out of my head!" He takes a step closer to you
"After that night, I don't know what to do with myself like how am I going to see you again?!"
That's how much he misses you? the tears well up in your eyes
Your chest tightens as he moves closer to you as he held both of your forearms
"I woke up every single morning and you're the only one who runs through my mind" he says to you very softly, a voice sounds so small and vulnerable
He cradles your cheek as swipes the fallen tear that runs down
You still haven't responded to him as he kept on going
"I'll give whatever you want, just say something, whatever you need, I'm going to give it to you and I guarantee that you'll be happy and I won't ever make you cry and feel hurt, we'll be together" he pauses as whispers the last line
"I-If that's what you want, if you'll have me" he rests his forehead against yours
"W-What a-about the girls?"
"Those days are over, baby, I only want you nothing more"
You quietly sniffle to his another confession as you look straight into his eyes
"And even you don't want me, I'll fucking die alone"
"Eddie- I"
"Also that night, I've never been with anyone else for so long that it feels like an eternity but when I met you, god, you change me, you put me on like I've never felt before and I still need more, I need you and I want you in my life permanently!"
It's true, his eyes fixed on you as he gauges for your reaction and verdict
"Sweetheart, I-"
You slam your lips over to his as he hums while kissing you back
Gosh, you both missed this
He cuts it off as he furrow his brows at you, looking at you in confusion
"Is that a yes?"
You let the happy tears fall as you hug him "Yes, Eddie, I love you"
You embraced him as you bury your face on his neck as you stand on your tippy toes
He sighs of relief as he carries you and circles you around as he pulls you back to kiss you once again
"I love you too so much" he says as you finally saw the glint of adoration on his eyes that you're terrified to see before
This time, he won't be worry not seeing you again
Because you'll stay forever with him on his side
Like you always wanted in the first place <3
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ebongawk · 7 months
oooh hellcheer hc is that eddie goes into fully nurse mode whenever chrissy’s sick. she has a cold? he’s fussing over her, making soup from scratch thank you very much bc he’s actually a great cook. cramps? he buys out her favorite chocolate from the corner store, he’s got three different types of heat packs ready, he’ll massage her belly for hours if that’s what it takes to make her feel better
Here's the thing: Chrissy was never home when Eddie got out of the studio on Wednesdays.
Wednesdays were their short days. The band's self-proclaimed 'recharge' days. The midweek break they all pretended to need that they'd written into their contracts so the fucking producer wouldn't throw a fit when Jeff dipped out at eleven to go meet his girlfriend at the train station, because Marie was in Boston Saturday night through Wednesday morning for work.
Eddie usually wandered in after a fast food lunch and a grocery run around one o'clock. Chrissy wasn't even off most days until four. So when he walked in the front door and was greeted with the curdling scream of horror queen Janet Leigh on the tube?
Yeah, Eddie about had a heart attack. Like full-on hand-over-the-heart terror.
"Sorry," Chrissy croaked from the couch as she frantically turned the volume of her vintage horror flick down. Psycho. Classic. Eddie hadn't even noticed her, she was so bundled up in blankets. A Chrissy burrito that could've passed for a rumpled throw blanket. "Sorry, sorry. You came in at the worst part."
Shit, she sounded awful.
"That's my specialty," Eddie breathed, dropping the excess number of grocery bags in the foyer and tripping over his own feet to make it to her side. "What's up, buttercup? How come you're home so early?"
Shit, she looked awful. All curled up and shivering despite the throw around her shoulders and the duvet she'd dragged in from their bedroom. Eddie automatically put a hand on her forehead, hissing at the burn beneath his palm.
"Think I caught the bug that's been going around on the publishing floor," Chrissy said, covering her mouth with the throw as she talked. Trying to breathe on him as little as possible. But her sinuses were so full, he doubted she could take in any air from her nose. "Editors were next, I knew it, but everyone insisted it'd stay quarantined upstairs."
"Morons," Eddie huffed, eyes raking over her face. Her blotchy, feverish cheeks; her bloodshot eyes ringed in the purple bruises of exhaustion. Her lips were dry, and Eddie sighed, hopping up and pressing a kiss to her forehead that she protested.
"You're gonna get infected," she grumbled. Eddie just shrugged, more firmly wrapping her up in her blankets.
"Did you take anything?"
"Grabbed some cold medicine from the pharmacy that's next to the office," she said, still covering her mouth. Exhaling a couple of rough coughs into the fabric. "Probably should've eaten something, but nothing sounds good."
Her sentences were choppy and slurred, which was how Eddie knew that this was serious. Having majored in English at BU, Chrissy's articulation refined to a fucking knife's point over the years. Ready to stab anyone who looked at her with a modicum of doubt when she explained what she did for a living.
His poor little Supervising Editor.
"Alright," Eddie said, hopping to his feet and pressing another kiss to her crown – this one not quite as protested as the first – before he rounded the couch to collect the grocery haul he'd bought that was entirely inadequate for a sick Chrissy. "Lemme get some water in the kettle, yeah? I'll make you some ginger tea and run to the bodega for soup supplies."
"Love, really, I'm fine––"
"Don't you I'm fine me, Cunningham," he called from the kitchen. Even though her last name had been Munson for damn near five years now. He loved the dopey little smile she still got when he reprimanded her with her maiden name. The eye roll. The huff of, That's Munson to you, Mister.
The huff never came this time. She was too tired to argue, he knew.
He started some prep work for what they had on hand while the water heated up. Mincing up a metric fuckton of garlic, grabbing some chicken breast from the fridge, grating most of a knob of ginger. They had some frozen chicken wing tips, but Eddie wasn't sure he had the time or patience to make broth from scratch. He mentally added store bought shit to his list, along with spinach and carrots.
Once her tea was ready, Eddie departed after stealing another kiss – this one to her cheek, which she yelled at him for as well as she was able and which he laughed at when her voice broke.
Another forty-five minutes later, after hauling ass to the store and back, Eddie had soup simmering on the stove, orange juice in the fridge, and three other types of medicine lined up along the coffee table to be taken after she'd eaten.
"I should go to the bedroom," Chrissy sighed as Eddie exchanged her empty mug of tea for a glass of juice. "Give you veg space so I don't get you sick."
Eddie scoffed. He'd grabbed The Two Towers from their nightstand, carefully depositing it on the arm of the couch before gently easing Chrissy's juice from her hands. He crouched down in front of her, leveling her with as withering a stare as he could muster around the worry he could feel lining his face.
"What kind of husband do you think I am, sweetness? To abandon his queen in her most desperate times of need?" She rolled her eyes, cheeks turned up in a slight smile. Eddie grinned, reaching up to pinch her cheek. Broadening her smile as much as she was able. "My fair lady needs her noble knight's assistance now more than ever! I ain't just gonna abandon you to squalor, baby. You know better than that."
She made a little noise of distress, and Eddie knew it was because she was terrified of getting him sick. Even though he played backup to Jeff, fucking his vocals could fuck the whole timeline for their next album.
He couldn't have given less of a fuck.
Tucking the blanket more firmly around her, Eddie carefully wedged his arms under her slight body, hoisting her up with a cracked little squeal from her raw throat before settling himself lengthwise on the couch, Chrissy in his lap.
"Shh, baby," he said, grabbing the book behind him and opening up to the bookmark. Picking up where they'd left off the last time he lulled her to sleep, just the night before, when she'd still been perfectly healthy. Harboring this bit of sick down deep enough that her body was still attempting to fight it off.
His voice, she'd told him once, was her favorite lullaby.
"So it was," he began to read, "that in the light of a fair morning, King Theoden and Gandalf the White Rider met again on green grass beside the Deeping-stream."
An hour later, Chrissy was out like a light. Breathing deeply through her mouth, with a little dribble of drool spilling onto his shirt and making him chuckle. He leaned down, kissing her hair and brushing it back over her ear.
"My poor little peach," he murmured, pressing the words into her scalp. The scent of ginger and garlic wafted through the air, and Eddie knew he should extricate himself from her embrace. Slip into the kitchen and turn the stove off.
But Chrissy let out this scratchy little snore, and Eddie figured he could give her another half hour.
"Love you, sweet," he said. And by the way she hummed in her slumber, snuggling even closer against his chest until her ear was pressed right up against her heart, Eddie thought, fuck, maybe she'd heard him.
(inspo ask)
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My updated GMMTV 2024 lineup in order of my preference: (these are only the QLs. Most of the het shows fall under my Indifferent category. If I feel like it, I'll watch them.)
The Heart Killers. Pretty sure this is #1 on most of y'alls lists and for good reason too. My reasons? Pretty simple. I love action, mafia and romcom and this is all in one. And also FirstKhao and JoongDunk so-
Peaceful Property. After TayNew outdid themselves in the beautiful soft little thing that was Cherry Magic Thailand (anyone wanna join my Cherry Magic Th propaganda?), I can't wait for this series. Also: if they give me besties, it'll be a hard pill to swallow but I'll be fine, but if they give me bromance, I'll commit homicide.
Pluto the series. A GL? With NamtanFilm? I'm in.
Revamp. Previously: The Vampire Project. Love me some vampires <3. Also, BounPrem.
Sweeth Tooth, Good Dentist. The plot sounds super fluffy and cheesy, so of course I'm in. And no way I'm missing Mark Pakin first lead. (Also, as a dessert-loving person who had many teeth-related problems as a kid, the premise just sounds too relatable. Except the falling in love part with your dentist obviously.) But... JittiRain. I have complicated feelings for her works.
ThamePo/My Heart Skips A Beat. It seems soft and sweet, though it does have the secret/forbidden relationship overtones.
Ossan's Love. I found the trailer hilarious, but trailers, especially pilot trailers lie. Also, I'm not hearing the greatest things about the original, but I haven't watched it so I will reserve judgement. If I like it I'll like it I guess.
Us the series. You might ask how a GL ended up so low in my list. Personally, it's a bit jarring to see BLs have this safe space/bubble for their gay bois, but GLs are proclaiming love between women as "taboo" off the bat. I also saw this in 23.5, and yeah okay I get it, wlw is seen in a much harsher eye sometimes, but in 23.5 all Ongsa did was go on repeating "But we're both girls..." without explaining the why and resolving it properly. For now, I will not think too much into it, and worry about it when the time comes.
Perfect 10 liners. What put me off in the trailer itself is the clear discrimination based on looks/physical appearances. It also seems like at this point they're just trying to give each pairing some screen time this year but have run out of plots, and are thus shoving pairings into series like it's the metro/tube/subway/whatever you call it in your country during rush hour. Will I like it? We'll see. After New Siwaj gave me the masterpiece that is We Are, and crushed my doubts like mosquitoes, I'm willing to give Perfect 10 Liners a good strong chance. The premise still bothers me a bit, but I'm keeping an open mind.
Finished Airing:
We Are. It's absolutely great for my tastes and I get to detox once every week. Love it. Has absolutely no plot but has loads of fluff, and it's something I didn't know I needed in my life until I had it. It's one of my favourite BLs ever, and it's definitely going on my comfort shows and re-watch list. It will forever live on in my memory. I definitely keep coming back to this. Very high on my list and my #1 comfort show.
Only Boo. I kinda like it, but I have zero idea where they plan to go with the current storyline. Fluffy and cute, I'll keep watching, but it probably won't end up high on my favourites list. I'm behind on a couple of episodes (I'll catch up before ep. 12, no worries) and I was right. I do like it. It's something new, and I'd like GMM to explore this more, but it's not ending up very high on my favourites list.
Wandee Goodday. My favourite fake boyfriends with benefits! I'm behind a couple episodes with this too (sorry, my brain has been a little too obsessed with We Are T~T) but overall, I really like it. It's P'Golf, so I never had any doubts, but I do worry a little about the angst. It's bearable till now, so fingers crossed. I really like it! College has reopened, so I'm behind on the last two episodes, but I'm hoping I'll be able to complete it by this week. Final update: I've finished Wandee Goodday! All around, it's a very good BL. It dared to explore, and I'm impressed. Top 20 BLs.
Currently Airing:
My Love Mix Up! Thailand. I'm still skeptical, not gonna lie. But it's GemFourth. And I didn't feel much about the first few eps of MSP either, and look what happened with that. I still don't know how hard the original will clash with Thai BL's specific style, but I'm willing to take the chance. Please don't disappoint me. I like where this is going. They are so cute and lovely, and that high school vibe is evident. All I need now is for ep 11 curse to not happen. (From what happened in MSP, I think there will be some sort of conflict in the last ep, but as long as I don't have to wait one whole week for it to get resolved, I'm okay with it.)
The Trainee. Well, it's OffGun's usual tsundere seme/innocent uke. Office romance though- that's new. I guess they finally graduated from university 😭😂 I don't feel anything about it right now, but let's see what happens when it starts airing. Rating changed. It's only been four episodes (and I missed today, that is ep 4, because I have college early tomorrow) but I like where this is going. I think it's going to be the typical 5-7 romance ep pattern, but as long as they don't bring back the ep 11 curse, it's all good.
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sketchedboba · 10 months
"A Green Queen" AU
Chapter XI
TW: Verbal Abuse
"They increased security? That's not something, oh right..", the princess recalled. She'd been on the ship for a few hours mainly to rest and recollect herself on the events that happened. Bowser was really dead and despite this threat being resolved, she still felt anxious about how the army, HIS army, was running smoothly.
The yoshi, now named Daffodil, slept beside her and while she did want to bring him along, she knew it would be best to let him rest a bit longer.
"I'll be back!", she exclaimed quietly as she placed a blanket over the snoring yoshi. "And with Mario.."
She peeked out into the hall and saw four parakoopa flying around the main hallways and the ones that guarded the doors were standard foot soldiers.
"Great... I can't cause a scene. Maybe if I-"
Before she finished, she ducked back into the box from the voices she heard around the corner.
"Your highness!", the soldiers exclaimed as they bowed.
Luigi nervously scratched the back of his neck, the spikes poked as he tried to avoid them. "No need to bow every time, I'm just here to see the... To see my..."
Kamek stepped in and took a deep breath, "We're here for the boy's father. Let him through."
The soldiers nodded and slowly opened the door. As they did, Luigi felt Junior's claw tighten around his own, and gave it a gentle squeeze back.
'He is just a child...'
Daisy peeked out slightly then she watched them enter and the doors shut behind them. "Isn't that. What the fuck is going on here?!"
Junior hid behind Luigi as they stepped into a dimly lit room, wires and cord all connected to a central area behind rounded purple curtains. The machinery with dials, pulse readers, tubes, and buttons sat on each side of the bed.
It loudly hummed which left Junior with a worried look on his face. Parakoopas and goombas hurried alongside the few magikoopas that tirelessly worked and flipped through their books. They delicately lifted and examined shell pieces as they tried to congregate and put them back together.
"Junior, it wasn't...", Luigi spoke. His hand started to shake, he let go of the young prince's hand. "I explained how he ended up here, but he... He died saving me from someone awful, and all I could do was watch."
Kamek stepped over and patted his back, "Despite him being a prisoner here, he chose to stay and defend us. Junior, he-"
"Coward!", he cried.
Luigi flinched, he didn't dare turn around once he heard the boy's cry. "I'm sorry..", he whispered.
The room got quiet as Luigi was inches away from the young prince, who hiccuped through his painful tears.
Kamek nervously looked at Junior's face then at Luigi's remorseful one.
"I'm just as lost as you are right now.", he cried. "Every minute I'm reminded that I'm not welcomed here, but I'm staying because as much as I despise it. No one deserves to be left defenseless ESPECIALLY when I can change it. I was a coward that ran, I KNOW THAT! THIS-" , he yelled as he held the spiked collar, Bowser's wristband, towards him in tears. "Reminds me every day, EVERY HOUR, of what I've done."
Junior turned away once he got closer and cried. Kamek stood in front of Luigi, "I think he gets it.. please calm down, sire.."
Luigi straightened his posture as he watched the young koopa shake.
Junior sniffled and continued to stare at the ground. Kamek walked over to him and rubbed his shell to comfort him, only for the prince to hug him as he cried.
Luigi cried silently when he turned away and focused on the curtains, Bowser's cracked yet dark silhouette shining through it. He walked up to the bedside and punched a dent into the frame, tears filled his pink stained eyes. He was exhausted.
Kamek lifted up Junior who cried himself into exhaustion and turned to the King. "Your highness.."
"I'll take the prince to his room in the castle and come back when you've calmed down.."
In a dry voice, he replied, "Thank you.". He also ordered everyone out of the room for a moment as Kamek left.
Daisy watched the room flood out with curious eyes as well as the guards leave to tell the next shift to arrive. "Yes!"
She swiftly dashed into the shadows and made her way into the room. As she looked around in awe, her attention turned to Luigi. She hid herself into a shadowy area in the entrance and watched. 'He doesn't look like much of a threat..'
Luigi groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes with his hand and sat on the floor. He rested his head on the dented frame as he looked down at his hands.
"You stupid tortuga....", he started. "You really punished me good, huh? Leaving me here to run a kingdom, watch your children you love so dearly.... Take advantage of my heart..", he sighed.
Daisy could barely hear a word and slowly inched forward.
"And my brother, Mario.. I snapped at him too. I bet you would've loved to see that... I didn't mean to, I just..."
Daisy paused when she heard his name.
'So he's alive! Damn shorty, thought I lost ya!'
"And Junior, I should probably apologize to him too. I don't blame him for thinking the way he did, but I was just scared. You literally threw my brother across the hall THEN choose to save my life?! I don't get why you didn't just TELL me.. Why are you always so quiet?"
Daisy's eyes gleamed as she heard his lament, "You think that guy is quiet?! Have you heard him belch before?"
Luigi turned quickly as he gasped, "W-Who, how'd you get in here?!"
"You shouldn't leave yourself defenseless, your highness.", she mocked. "But really, tell his guards to schedule their shifts better. They all just left you, y'know."
"That doesn't answe-"
"Oh right! The name's Daisy, a pleasure! I'm sure. Anyways, you said something about a "Mario"? Right?"
"Um...yes.. My brother, but how do you kn-"
"Glad you asked! I'm not sure if he mentioned a travel buddy or anything, but we were on our way to Sarasaland and y'know how traveling islands can be, right?! Then again, you probably aren't traveling by foot or by yoshi. Speaking of do you mind if I-"
"Wait, wait. Let's peddle back a second, y-you travelled with Mario? Wait... The friend, YOU'RE-"
"You catch on quick, boss!", she chuckled and started to walk over to him.
He tried his best to keep calm as his thoughts raced, "Are you here for my brother...? If you are, he's in no condition to be moving, and frankly, your injuries tell me you shouldn't be either."
Daisy looked at her leg then back at him, "I just wanted to make sure he's ok before I- uhm-, go to...a..party?"
Luigi blankly stared at her, "Right... You can visit, but if you both were at the palace, then where were you after the explosion?"
"You mean the one you caused to kill Bowser?"
"I didn't-"
"C'mon! You don't have to be modest, I saw you standing over the rubble looking down at his body. Congratulations on overthrowing him by the way!", she smiled.
"So you were there!", he mumbled.
"Only after I woke up again." , she shook the thought. "Regardless, you were saying something about him being quiet? That doesn't sound like the King of the Koopas. Boy, can that guy brag!"
Luigi turned back to the curtain, "Yup... And for the record, I didn't kill him... on purpose?".
"So did you or did you not?"
"I don't know! I'm tired, can you please just..."
She sat down next to him and crossed her legs and her cloak laid over them. "You know, I usually listen to stories when I feel down. I can tell you one if it helps."
Luigi glanced at her before he gave a slight shrug.
She smiled a bit before she played with her fingers, "Well, there was a little girl who had a very loving father and mother. Every day they would play games and puzzles with her, making every one of them a tiny adventure for her. But one day the father told the mother he no longer wanted to play games or make puzzles and left the mother to build puzzles and play games for her daughter to share with the world. For years, the mother looked for her husband, but with trying to keep her daughter entertained, she fell ill. Not too long after, she passed her duties onto her daughter, her last wish being "Make sure to have fun, play as many games as you like, but make sure you can solve the puzzles just as well as you play the game.". The daughter promised and in the end played for days, for years... Looking for a game she couldn't beat."
"Then? Did she ever find one?"
Daisy sighed, "She did.. it ended up costing her more than her life though...".
The two sat in silence, Luigi reached out his hand to touch hers but she immediately moved, "Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, your highness. Can I pleeeaaasseee, see your brother?"
He smiled a bit as he retracted his hand, "Of course, thank you for the story..". He said as he got up and dusted himself off.
"My pleasure! I can tell you some other ones while we walk there."
"I think I'll be fine..", he laughed nervously. "Thanks thoOOOUU- WAIT YOU SNUCK ONTO THE SHIP!!"
Daisy was already halfway to the door, "And? I see no issues here, we resolved the misunderstanding."
Luigi sighed and rubbed his forehead as he walked over to her, "I have to file a report and tighten security.."
"Sounds like a headache, dude. Must suck.", she smirked.
"Don't....you caused this-"
"I think you mean, you're welcome stealthy stranger for making sure that my castle and ship will now have the top defenses!", she said snickering.
Luigi laughed a bit, "Sure, I wonder if my brother would think the same."
"Eh, I think he wouldn't mind! Especially if he gets to see me again!", she boasted.
"Look who's bragging now.", He laughed.
The two bantered as they made their way out the door. The koopas were in confused awe as they saw their new king escort a cloaked princess down the hall.
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hutchersonsgurl · 4 months
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Father's daughter - Mike Schmidt part 1
Paring x fem afton reader and Mike Schmidt
Warnings : 18+ MNDi , smut fluff, violence cussing Not EDITED
Synopsis :Your whole life, you have known you were adopted, but you are grateful for your mom and dad, growing up with Mike, and eventually falling head over heels for Mike, who's now your boyfriend and adores his little sister Abby. You are in the hospital with a stab wound and a breathing tube down your throat because the night before you stood up against your father, William Afton, and saved Mike and Abby from harm's way, you and Vanessa did everything in your power to stop him, but you had the help of the animatronics to stop him.
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Mike sighs and sits down next to you. "Please wake up," he whispers as he holds your hand. "I need you. I can't lose anyone else." Mike sobs as he holds onto your hand.
Abby walks into the hospital room with your mom, and she goes over and sits on the bed and gives you a stuffed animal. It's a cute little gray cat.
"Please wake up. We still have lots of princess tea parties to do, and who else is going to help me deal with Mike?" Abby says
"Hey!" Mike responds with a chuckle in his voice.
Vanessa walks over to the bed, sits on the other side of your hospital bed, and takes your other hand.
"You have to believe me that I didn't want you to get hurt, I didn't even know I had a sister. Dad never mentioned you or anything at all. The only thing he'd ever say was how much he hated mom and that if I loved him, I'd help him, so that's what I've done," Vanessa says.
Mike looks at Vanessa.
"The fact is that she's still here; she's alive, and that's what matters," he responds, still holding your hand.
Mike looks at Vanessa.
"The fact is that she's still here; she's alive, and that's what matters."
"She'll wake up. She has to," he continues, looking down at you.
Mike smiles softly, watching Abby crawl over to you. She gently sits beside you, looking at you with her sad brown eyes, and cuddles into your unconscious body.
"She'll be okay. She'll wake up soon. As sure as I am about anything, I know she'll do anything for you and Abby," your mom says, walking over to Mike, who is on the hospital bed, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks for being here for us," Mike says with a smile on his face.
"We're family, all five of us," your mom says with a smile
Vanessa, on the other side of the bed, shifts uncomfortably.
"I'll be back in a little bit. I'm getting a little hungry," she says with a croak in her voice.
"Are you okay?" Abby questions
"I'm fine, I promise. Just keep an eye on her for me," Vanessa replies before leaving the room.
Vanessa walks out of the room and walks over to the vending machines, picking out something to drink and eat.
As Vanessa pressed the bottle of water and stood back up, she saw Mike standing there.
"Hey, are you alright? I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. We've just known each other for a long time, you know. Mike explains that he is shifting his feet uncomfortably.
"It's a little awkward." I mean, 24 hours ago, I didn't know I had a little sister. I thought it was just me, and when you jumped between me and our dad with the knife and she took the blow for me, I just can't believe she took the stab that was meant for me. I can't believe my sister is laying in a hospital bed strapped because of me. I was a coward and just being Daddy's little girl," Vanessa said sharply.
"Look, it's not your fault. You were doing what you thought you needed to do. I'm not happy that you lied to us, but you helped me and saved my sister, and as far as I'm concerned, she saw the good in you like she does in everyone else. Mike responded, putting his hand on her shoulder.
"I just feel so guilty that I should be laying in there." Vanessa cried
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Part 2 coming soon
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Midnight Strikes (Robert Sheehan RPF)
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: strong language
a/n: Just letting everyone who left me a request know, I'm working on them and thank you so much for all the lovely ideas <3
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I can't wait to get out of here, it's so fuckin hot!
Your boyfriend texted around seven. It was your one year anniversary, but he had to work. Of course you understood, his job was demanding, but he loved it and so did you. Robert was meant to be home by eight, so you had everything ready for the celebration. 
There was a lasagna ready to go in the oven, homemade garlic bread, and cake for dessert. You prepared the bathroom with candles and a bath bomb so he could relax after dinner, the whole flat was spotless and you picked his favorite dress to wear. 
Twenty minutes passed, you put your romantic dish in the oven and set a timer before heading to the bedroom to get ready. The dress was blue and looked like something Donna would wear in Mamma Mia, very light and flowy. The makeup you chose was very simple and discreet, and the hair was also not too extravagant. You even got a new set of lingerie matching the dress for the occasion. 
Rob's gift was waiting for him on the sofa, a few books he'd been talking about in the last few months.
You waited until the lasagna was done and turned the oven off, leaving it in there so it would be nice and warm. You checked if the champagne you got for the celebration was chilled and set the table. 
When it was all prepared, you looked at the time on your phone, it was 8:05. You grinned in anticipation, deciding where you wanted to sit to wait for your boyfriend who should be coming through the door very soon.
Unfortunately, that's not how it went... 8:05 turned into 8:45, turned into 9:20, turned into 10:00. By then the lasagna was for sure cold and it wasn't even time for dinner anymore. 
You sent texts during this time, but there was no response, which elicited a mix of worry and anger stirring in your chest, adding to the hunger that was pretty bad already. 
Finally, at 10:25 the door opened and Rob walked in looking like hell. He was sweaty (more than usual), his hair was messy, there was eyeliner smeared around his eyes and he grunted as he usually did when his back was in pain. 
"So nice of you to join..." you said, looking up from your book 
"Shit, I knew I was late but I didn't know it was that bad," he checked his phone. "I didn't even see it, I just ran as fast as I could when they said I could go home, the tube was packed."
"There's bath stuff in the bathroom, but the candles are probably all melted by now," you folded your arms, absolutely furious even if you knew it wasn't his fault. 
Robert left his shoes by the door, walked up to the couch, and sat on the floor in front of you. He had that puppy look on his face, but didn't talk at first, knowing you probably had more to say.
"I worked on this shit all day for us to have a nice time and celebrate, by the time you're done with your shower and everything else we'll have an hour left in our anniversary at best!" Your voice cracked as you spilled the words. "That isn't fair, I know it was work and you didn't have a choice, I'm just frustrated! I already have to share you with the world, I can't even get a proper anniversary dinner."
He listened quietly as you let out your anger and on your own arrived to the conclusion that there was nothing he could've done to make things different if he wanted to keep his job. He then made sure you were done before taking your hands in his and kissing each knuckle. 
"I understand how frustrating that is, I'm sorry things didn't work out."
"I know... I am too," you sighed, seeing him so calm kinda forced you to calm down as well, it was quite nice actually.
"If you wanna celebrate another day with something different, I get it. But if you'd like to try, I can shower really quickly and we can have our dinner. Tomorrow I have the day off and I'm not leaving your side. I'll even hold your hand as you go to the toilet."
You laughed, he just knew how to de-escalate the situation. He wasn't always like that, but the talent to make you no longer mad was definitely there. 
Robert took a shower and changed into something nice, not a suit, but nice by his hippie standards. He even put on a scarf and fixed his hair to look just the way you like it. 
"You look so handsome," you smiled, holding out the gift box for him. "I hope you like it."
He opened it and his eyes lit up. "Thank you, y/n! So comforting to know you're listening when I'm rambling about books and movies and shit," he chuckled. "Now it's my turn."
Rob opened his bag by the door and pulled out a plastic bag, not a very promising wrapping job, but when you opened it, you forgot all about that. Inside there was the white and blue coat Klaus wears for season two of Umbrella Academy. Every detail was perfect, even the embroidery work. 
"Robbie! This is so beautiful, I can't believe you did this."
"You always mention how much you love these outfits so I had a replica made in your size," he grinned proudly. "I was between this and the black furry one from season one, but I'll get that one for your birthday."
You pulled him into a fierce hug, he really put so much care into it, he certainly looked forward to this night as much as you did. Suddenly, the time didn't matter anymore, all that mattered was that he was there.
"Thanks for being understanding today," Rob murmured, taking your hand as he happily ate his dinner. He was clearly starved from waiting so long.
"It wasn't your fault, don't worry about it."
"Hey, can I tell you a secret?" He asked with a little smirk.
"What?" You chuckled, half expecting some joke or gag, but he just took your hand and brought it to his lips again. 
"It was past midnight when I asked you to be my girlfriend." 
"What? No it wasn't!" You gasped.
He nodded as he chewed, completely sure of what he was saying. "I'm serious, my bedside clock was wrong, I remember cause I had to change it after I was late for work the next day. So technically, it's still our anniversary."
"Oh... happy anniversary then." 
"Happy anniversary, love."
Tag List: @salvador-daley @seanfalco @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @badsext
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toomuchracket · 1 year
okayyyy hear me out. d word matty sick fic either before or in the early days of them getting together officially. matty spotting u at work Clearly unwell and having to physically drag you out, insisting all the while ur fine despite yacking in the work toilet like 5 minutes prior. confiscating your laptop so you cant try go answer emails. dodging ur attempts at work chat for the next couple days as ur getting better
oh yes ok so you're like right on the cusp of dating matty - you've hung out a couple of times and it's been sweet but platonic and quite frankly you're both desperate to see each other more often and more seriously. which makes it all the more awkward when you take ill at work and he clocks it - he rocks up like 2 hours after you start to find you sitting at your desk, skin greying a little bit, wearing your cardigan and denim jacket indoors yet still shivering, despite it being literally early june. and he's immediately side-eyeing like "you alright, sweetheart?", to which you're like "mhmm just chilly", and matty's like "hmm ok"; it's a tuesday and it's really quiet in the office, so he sets up his laptop at another desk nearby and keeps an eye on you while he responds to emails and whatnot, unconvinced that you're actually alright. and he's right to think that and be concerned - you're visibly shaky walking over to file something, and then at one point without warning you clap your hand over your mouth and run to the bathroom. when you come back, looking horrid, matty's like "you're not alright, darlin', i think you should just go home", and you're shaking your head like "nope it's fine i'm fine i'll stay. i think i just ate something weird a couple of days ago. no big deal", but literally three seconds later a wave of nausea hits you so hard that you have to grab the bin from under your desk in case you throw up again; you don't, but it's enough for matty to put his foot down and say "nope, i'm giving you a lift home right now". and you're like "no really it's fine. if i have to go i'll just get the tube" and matty's aghast like "you're going to get the tube when you feel like shit? do you want to fucking die? come on, babe". he's got a point - the thought of puking on the tube is a horrible one - but you're still like "i just don't want to inconvenience you, matty. and also, like, what if i yosh in your car? that would be awful", and matty says "you're never an inconvenience to me, sweetheart, really. just want to make sure you're ok". you swear his eyes soften when he says that, and your heart flutters as the two of you smile sweetly at each other - the moment ends quickly, though, as you double over with a stomach cramp and matty's like "actually, maybe bring that bin with you to the car, just in case", before he helps you gather up your shit and ushers you out to his car. you tell him your address (you're quite excited and a bit relieved to hear him say "oh, that's not too far from me! this is the way i'd drive home anyway, babe. and we're on the same train line"), and thus begins the journey; it takes slightly longer than expected because of roadworks and traffic, which matty repeatedly apologises for, but you're both secretly grateful for the extra time spent together, listening to one of matty's insane playlists and chatting, so much so that you actually feel sad when he turns onto your street.
he parks outside your house and carries your bag to the door for you sweetly; less sweetly, though, he does make you forfeit your laptop "so you can't sneak on and work while you're meant to be getting better. don't you try to argue, sweetheart, i know what you're like". you blush at that, which makes matty giggle - after that, he hugs you and kisses your head, running back to his car before you can even react to the affection and promising to check in with you later. and he does; he calls you after dinner that night to see how you're feeling, and you can hear him rolling his eyes when you say "good. haven't eaten, but i've stopped puking, at least. should be fine to come to work tomorrow". matty's like "oh my god please just focus on feeling better, babe, work can wait. in fact, i'm putting a moratorium on work chat. tell me what you thought of my playlist in the car instead", which makes you laugh, and the conversation is just unprofessional after that. he even pops round with flowers on his way home from work the next day - you berate him for going out of his way just to see you, but you're very touched that he would (and lowkey mortified that this is how he's seeing the flat for the first time, you being an invalid). when you tell matty as much (not the bit about the flat), he blushes and shrugs like "like i said, sweetheart, you're on my route home. and i like seeing you, and talking to you" - he takes a nervous drink of his tea and then says "maybe we should start commuting to work together, once you're feeling better. makes sense, if we live near each other. and i know my mornings would be better if you were the first person i saw after i woke up". you smile back just as shyly like "i'd like that. get you on the half 8 train tomorrow?", and matty's like "it's a date" <3
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Dynaco Repair Post No. 6: The Glow Renewed
Tuesday evening, 12-26-23
I was completely caught off guard by the box by the front door when I got back from Bunny Duty/Safeway/Post Office errands today. Things are supposed to be delivered starting tomorrow, three different packages, but nothing was scheduled to come today.
Busted out in a big grin as soon as I saw it was from my bud in SC: The EL34s got here two days early! So...I was completely (and delightedly) doing something much different this evening than I had planned!
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In the box were five tubes, all of them "good spares" I had personally pulled out of working ST70s I had. I'd de-tubed them before I sold them on eBay. They went to afore-mentioned friend who was going to use them in HIS Dynaco, but hadn't yet. He sent 'em back to me, four of the square-bottled Mullards (three of 'em original Dynaco-branded actual Mullards), and one "Winged C" (the Russian iteration), and a JJ as a spare. These had been in one of the systems I'd set up for ANOTHER of our buddies (my bestie who died in 2021). Old, but good, solid tubes with lots of life left in 'em.
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The 5AR4 I have is the original one. The silvering at the top is almost non-existent. It's a US-made Mullard clone:
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Gorgeous, ain't it?
SO...I got the ST70 ready for relaunch. Put it on the bench and hooked it up to my trusty old Micronta variac, set to "Zero Volts", got the fuse in, and switched it on.
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Started out slowly turning it up to 10V, and waiting 15 minutes, and then turned it up another 10V to 20V, and waiting 15 more minutes, lather, rinse, repeat, until I got it up to about 117V.
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At about 40V I began to see the barest glow in all but one tube (that Winged C). At 50V, it began to glow as well. So far so good. After about an hour, I'd nursed it up to 70V, every tube glowing strong. I let it sit at 70V for about a half hour, and then just slowly turned the knob on the variac up to 117.
Every tube came up like a champ. The ST70 Glows once again!
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I let it sit and burn for about an hour, and checked the bias voltages. I had set the two adjustment pots to their center point. The left channel needed the slightest of increase (probably due to the Winged C) to get it up to the correct voltage, but the right channel was dead-set-centered on 1.56V. Boom. Rock solid. Done.
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Now that the repairs are done, and I know everything is working, I will start tomorrow on re-connecting and re-arranging all the components in the system. I'm kinda spent at the moment...it's been quite a day! I'll post more tomorrow, but for tonight I call it a victory. All of the thanks go to my buddies @misfitwashere (who got me the parts) and our old compadre "Harbourmaster" on the East Coast, who sent the tubes.
More tomorrow, and to all a bitchin' Good Night.
Wednesday Night, 12-27-23
Well, it took awhile, but I finally got things re-wired and in position. Got the turntable and the FM3 hooked up and both work splendidly. I found a super-shielded RCA cable for the turntable specifically, and it sounds better...there's almost no need for the turntable ground wire now!
First, tho', I have to show off my speakers. These started their lives as Pioneer boxes, Model CS-44, to be exact. I got them at the thrift store for $25.
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BUT: the 8-inch woofers and tweeters in them were garbage, so I replaced them with new components: A pair of 8" butyl-rubber surround, poly-cone woofers (they will never need reconing), and a pair of genuine Danish SEAS Tweeters, salvaged from a working pair of Dynaco A-25s.
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The result? The 8-Inch Dynaco Speaker That Never Was! The A-10s had 6-inch woofers, and all the others had 10-inch woofers.
And the sonic result? A pair of mid-sized bookshelf speakers with rock-solid bass and the clearest, most well-defined mids and highs you could ever want to hear! And they don't look bad, either!
Here is everything finally in place:
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And that about wraps it up! I've finally got my music back. I'll finally be able to continue my vinyl transcribing, and won't have to worry about my equipment for another good long while.
Many thanks again to my bros @misfitwashere and Harbourmaster. I couldn't have gotten it accomplished without y'all's help.
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ohforficsake · 2 months
Pedro Party time thanks to @sp00kymulder! Somehow Frankie (I'm suspecting with a little help from Santi and Benny) convinced Audrey to join him at the party for a little bit. While she is talking with some people, Frankie goes off to fetch them both a plate of food. What would he get for her, and would he have guessed correctly what she'd like to eat? Also, about what did Audrey and Santi end up having a heated debate?
🤣 I cannot tell you how happy this question makes me!! Also I guess this turned into a drabble because you cannot ask me a question about these two without me going on for at least 500 words...
I think Frankie would survey that table for “things that go well with gin.”
So, nothing too sweet or that’s just going to be a bad time. Pizza is pretty safe, something with meat on it because she probably wants some kind of protein, but not the buffalo chicken pizza, she said once she hates that, but she will eat buffalo wings, are there buffalo wings? No, she’s going to want something she can eat with one hand, there aren’t really surfaces here to put things down on, nothing that needs a fork. Okay pizza, sausage or pepperoni? One of each, I’ll take whichever one she doesn’t want. And—tater tots? Are they even still hot? There’s no other finger food really, that taco dip looks questionable as fuck, what else. Cocktail shrimp. Sauce on or sauce on the side? Does she like the sauce? I think she likes the sauce, but I’ll just—
And he’ll return to just her and Santiago, because Benny has already found a girl to impress, and Frankie will fit his hand to the small of her back with an apology for it being a weird selection and she’ll look down at the plate and up at him with a huge smile and a "thank you, baby."
Because he picked all of her favorites.
She’ll grab the slice with sausage and fold it in half by the crust and tell Santiago that he’s a hundred percent wrong.
“It’s the same thing, Moose."
“It is NOT the same thing you need to try it and then come back and say that to my face. You can’t.”
And Frankie will just watch the two of them argue, holding the plate between him and Audrey, munching on his pepperoni slice until she says "go ahead, touch it. Just feel it and then tell me yours feels better."
Immediately Frankie's on high alert.
Santi reaches out a hand and pinches one of her curls between his fingers.
"Actually touch it, Santiago."
And he does, putting his whole hand in the fluff of her hair.
"Sorry, what are we talking about?" Frankie subconsciously shifts so that his thigh touches hers.
"Santi asked for my advice on hair products."
"She's trying to tell me that her $50 curl cream is better than the one I get for $9 at Publix." And Pope runs his fingers through over-greased, weighted-down curls that have grown out nearly to his shoulders. "You don't even have anything in your hair right now," this to Audrey.
She shifts her stance to press up against Frankie. "That's EXACTLY what I'm saying."
"You don't."
"I do."
"She does," Frankie says around his last bite of crust as he wipes his hand on his jeans, "I saw her put it on this morning. Oh also, I used some, I hope that's okay."
"Of course babe, I can't have you looking like that," tipping her chin towards Santi.
"Okay, low blow?" Santi steals a tater tot off of the plate Frankie's holding.
"Nah, she's right," Frankie pops one in his mouth, surprised that it is actually still hot, "you look like a greaseball."
"You know what, fuck you both—"
"Santi, you have great hair, it looks great longer, you're just not doing it justice," Audrey says with kind eyes.
"Fine, you shell out the $50 and then I'll try it."
A Sephora delivery shows up at Santi's house two days later and he pulls out a dark green tube of something that smells like the lobby of a fancy Italian hotel.
Audrey gets a text an hour later.
Fine. It's not the same.
You're welcome, Santiago.
This was SO much fun! Thank you to @sp00kymulderr for starting the Pedro Party! I've been off of here a bit so I'm very sorry to be late, but this is such a fun idea. And thank you so much to @for-a-longlongtime for such a cool question! 💚
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kentokrazy · 11 months
a/n: i went shopping for more makeup recently and couldn't stop thinking about this
warnings: none really, maybe choso being a *little* creepy? but i don't rlly think so
choso x gn!reader
strawberry lipgloss
"this color or this color?" choso doesn't really get this stuff. the tubes of lip gloss (he just learned that a few weeks ago) look the same to him. the one on the left is glittery and the one on the right is just as glittery. but their looking at him with such earnestly and wonder that he's stuck trying to give an answer.
he doesn't want to lie but he also doesn't want to discourage them. they were so happy when choso asked to come with, their eyes lighting up and the little giggle in their voice when they got closer to the makeup store.
they had makeup before, back in his era but it had been so long that he couldn't tell you exactly what they put on their faces and he most definitely remembered not wearing it.
but they liked makeup and that was enough for choso.
he followed them around, hand holding theirs and the other holding the basket slowly being filled up with product. he asked each time something was added, wanting to know exactly what they were buying and what they were going to do.
foundation, concealer, eyeliner and now they were looking at lipgloss. once he saw the tubes he knew exactly what it was, it made their lips shiny and sometimes bigger. it changed the flavor of their kisses and even the hue.
"which one?" they ask again.
crap. "uh," choso shifted. "the one on the left," yeah, sure, that feels right. they giggle again and although choso loves the noise he furrows his eyebrows. "what?"
they toss the tube into the basket. "i knew you'd pick that one," they tuck the other one back in its spot. "you kiss me more when i wear it," choso tilted his head down and looked at the tube. he couldn't tell anything about it besides it was glittery and maybe a little pink. "it's supposed to be like strawberries,"
oh, that one.
yeah he definitely remembered that one.
they had bought it for the first time a few months ago, choso remembers because they had gone on a picnic when the cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom. he had packed them a light lunch and when he greeted them with a kiss he tasted it for the first time.
it didn't actually taste like strawberries, not really. but there was something so sweet that made him lick his lips afterwards. he couldn't help himself after that, noticing whenever they'd reapply it then kiss them again, desperate to taste it once more. it almost tasted and smelled more like a candy strawberry.
that day choso had been walking around with his own lip gloss until they finally stopped him and through laughter wiped it off his face. (he kissed them immediately again.)
"okay," they declared. "this is it,"
choso looked down at the basket. "okay," he echoed.
"doin' okay?"
they squeezed his hand and choso's eyes flickered up to theirs. he nodded and kept his gaze steady on them. his chest felt warm the longer he stared, but in a good and relaxing way. he could stand here for hours, hand in theirs and heart rate steady.
"choso?" they ask.
"yeah?" he answers.
"you doin' okay?" they repeats. he nods, of course he is. how couldn't he be doing okay? he was with them. they always calmed him down, brought him back and even grounded him. their hand in his brought back his senses and reminded him where he was. their presence was enough for him to be okay forever.
"mhm," he hummed. "done?"
"yeah," they said sweetly. "didnt need much today,"
"y'got your perfume?" he asks, still staring lovingly at them. "weren't you running out?"
they shake their head. "i'll be okay until my next paycheck," choso frowned and looked down at the basket then back up at them. "what?"
"go get it,"
"choso i sai-,"
"i'll buy," he squeezed their hand and stepped closer. their hips touched and choso's shoulders dropped. he exhaled contently and squeezed their hand again. "let's get it," he doesn't give them a chance to argue and instead he pulls them towards the fragrances. "it's...," they go to pick it out when choso sets the basket down and grabs the bright blue bottle. "this one?"
"hey- yeah, you know which one?"
"smells like you,"
"wait what?"
choso gently put the bottle in the basket and nods. "smells like you,"
"how could you possibly smell that," his ears get hot and he feels like he's been caught. how could he even begin to explain this? being a half curse came with a lot of changes. his senses were heightened, all of them. touch, seeing, hearing and most definitely smelling. he could smell almost everything in the store, on the street and a mile away. so when he walked into the store he could instantly smell the perfume, on them and on display. choso liked smelling them, as ashamed as he was to admit it. the light and fresh notes were calming, grounding and reminded him of them. he'd never admit it out loud, but sometimes if he missed them bad enough he'd smell the bottle, a sweater and even a pillow. he could spot that scent anywhere, anytime and there was nothing that could change that.
he shrugged and looked away from them his ears as hot as fire. they giggled again and choso couldn't resist looking to them as they did. his nose twitched and choso stared at their lips, the smile they had wasn't very big, but it didn't need to be for choso to be happy staring at it. they continued to laugh, shoulders slightly shaking and the mischievous noise filling the silence between them.
he tipped his head down and kissed them gently. his heart soared at the touch and his hand squeezed theirs even tighter. his cheeks burned brightly and choso exhaled against them. when he broke away he licked his lips and once more they giggled. he wasn't sure if his heart could take it, hearing the noise. but he could solve that easily, seeing as the strawberry flavor he loved so much coated their lips.
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finkinthisfrew · 1 year
Anything (Pt.8)
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cw: sexual tension and horniness, erection, being naked together
Chapter 8 I shut the door to my apartment and leaned my back against it, my lips still tingling from the kiss we shared before Matty hopped into a cab to get to his meeting which he was now late for. He had changed back into his date clothes from the night before, leaving his hoodie and sweatpants behind.
We'd spent the rest of the morning in bed cuddling while chatting, laughing and eating cereal. Eventually, after much protesting from Matty, I convinced him not to cancel his day of meetings and interviews. He obliged only after I promised him I'd come over for dinner later that evening.
I walked back upstairs, still in a daze, and started making my bed. I had once again been lost in thought when I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand.
I'm not particularly enjoying being apart from you :(
My heart fluttered as I read his text and my phone buzzed again.
If you get out of the studio early, will you please come straight to mine?
I couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. It wasn't just that it was flattering, but something about his unabashed honesty was so comforting. He wasn't afraid of this, which helped me feel unafraid too. I sat down on the edge of my bed and began to type.
I'm also not enjoying being apart from you :( I want to come over straight after, I really do, but I need to go home to shower and change out of my studio clothes first. If I don't... well, if you saw me like that then let's just say you'd probably enjoy being apart more lol
It didn't take long for Matty to respond.
You could sprout a tail and 3 extra heads and I'd still be utterly obsessed with you. Come over straight after- you can wash up at mine. If it helps I promise I won't look at you when you first get here (that's a lie btw)
I rolled my eyes at his message and I couldn't help but giggle- he was so funny and clever. As I began to type a response, I got another text from him.
Not to pressure you. Sorry, I'm being very selfish here. I've just got a bit of a crush, that's all :)
I took a moment to think before I wrote my next couple messages.
Wellllllll, when you put it like that... as long as you don't mind me taking a quick shower at yours before we eat then sure, I'd love to :)
I can text you when I'm heading over. I'll probably be done by 5:30/6:00 pm- maybe even sooner. Should only take me 15 min to get to your place from the studio
I couldn't help but blush when I read his response.
Amazing. See you then <3 Text me whenever you miss me plz
The little heart emoji made me shimmy with giddiness. I was so excited to see him again- and we'd only been apart for... three minutes? Four? It felt insane, but the connection we had felt so deep so immediately. I hopped up from my bed, running to my wardrobe to get dressed as quickly as possible so I could get to the studio right away. The sooner I got my work done, the sooner I'd be able to see Matty again.
The next several hours I spent at the studio working on a new piece as well as finishing up some older ones. Somehow, by some miracle, the day had flown by and I'd finished just a few minutes after 5 pm.
We'd texted throughout the day, updating each other when we found time, but we could both tell we were missing each other desperately already.
As soon as I finished loading my last piece into the kiln, I sent Matty a text letting him know I was heading over and I all but ran out of the building and onto the tube.
I didn't even care that I was covered head to toe in dried clay and glaze with my hair in a dishevelled little bun on the top of my head. I looked my absolute worst, and somehow I felt my best the second I opened Matty's door, which he'd let me know was unlocked. Jogging up his steps, I called out his name. As soon as I reached the top of the steps I barely saw Matty appear before I was swept up in his arms, enveloped in a deep and longing kiss. I greedily kissed him back, which only made him kiss me harder. Our hands ran over each other urgently, taking in each other's presence in every possible way. We tried to break off the kiss after several minutes of making out, but failed every time, going back for more as if we'd been starved of each other.
The sound of a timer going off eventually convinced us to stop, earning a grunt of annoyance from Matty.
"One moment, stay right here," he said before disappearing down the hallway. "Stay perfectly where you are, darling," I heard him yell from the kitchen. Reappearing moments later with his arms already reaching out for me, we pulled towards each other like magnets, embracing once again. After a few more moments of passionate kissing, I pulled away.
"Before we continue," I said giggling as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my face all over, "I really want to take a quick shower. Do you mind?"
He was just kissing my neck, sending tingles down my spine and making me shiver, when he retreated and said, "Actually, I hope you don't mind, but I had something else in mind for you... follow me."
We walked into his bedroom hand in hand. Then he pushed open his bathroom door, revealing a bathtub full of thick foamy bubbles and candles lit all over. A plush white bathrobe hung on the wall, and a bottle of wine with a large wine glass sat on the stool next to the tub.
I was speechless.
"Hopefully you have everything you need, but if not, just give us a shout and I'll grab you whatever you need. I'll be in the kitchen when you're done," he said giving my hand a squeeze. He leaned down and kissed the side of my nose, to which I turned to face him fully before taking his face in both my hands and kissing him on the lips.
"Thank you," I said softly.
He looked at me sweetly so happy with my reaction as he walked out the door, our fingers parting only when our arms could no longer reach. As he began to close the door, he paused saying, "It's such a comfort to have you here in my home, knowing you're just down the hall... It's really lovely to be home together."
I smiled back at him as he shut the door behind him.
I walked over to the sink and washed my face and cleaned my fingernails of the caked-on clay. I slowly peeled off my clothes, reflecting on what Matty said. I felt so at peace knowing he was here. This wasn't my home, but I felt at home here, because he was here.
I lowered myself into the tub, enveloping myself in the lavender-scented suds. The water was the perfect temperature, soothing my sore body which ached from hunching over the pottery wheel for so long. I poured myself a glass of the chilled wine and sunk deeper into the suds.
My mind drifted back to the last memory I had of Matty in this bathroom- soaked from spraying each other with the showerhead, his shirt clinging to his muscled and toned body, water dripping from his damp curls onto his parted lips. I remembered the tension I'd felt at that moment- the tension we felt. I remembered his face perfectly, the way he looked at my lips, then back into my eyes, panting slightly from our water fight. If I hadn't been so nervous... I wondered what would have happened.
I let myself steep in that memory, and after a while, I couldn't tell if I was getting hot from the bathtub water, or from the memory itself.
Without thinking, I called out Matty's name. He appeared at the door a few moments later, his head poking in. "Yes, darling?" he asked, averting his eyes for my own modesty.
"It's okay, you can look. I think you put enough bubbles in here for a months worth of baths," I said with a lighthearted laugh.
He allowed his eyes to slowly turn and look at me laying in the bath, bubbles covering everything below my collarbone.
"Fuck..." he said to himself quietly. "You are painfully gorgeous, Anna."
I blush at his candidness. "Thank you, Matty." I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear before remembering why I called him in in the first place.
"Are you doing anything super involved in the kitchen right now, or would you possibly want to keep me some company?" I asked.
He all but skipped over to the stool next to the tub and sat down, leaning in to kiss me.
"Of course, darling. Anything for you." He said as he rolled up the sleeves of the flannel shirt he wore. I could see a spatter of red sauce from whatever he'd been cooking staining his shirt underneath.
He saw me notice his soiled shirt, face turning red as he said "Things got a bit more involved in the kitchen than I anticipated."
"Actually, I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to join me?" I asked, my boldness faltering only briefly from the sweetness of our kiss.
He blinked at me, processing what I'd just asked him.
"It seems like you could do with a soak too," I added tentatively, gesturing at his shirt, my voice a question mark.
"Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
I smiled at him. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want it. I promise."
"Well as long as you're sure..." he pulled his flannel off as he stood up to undress.
I looked away as he pulled his stained t-shirt off, allowing him some privacy while undressing. I could feel his eyes on me, his movements measured from the corner of my eye, watching to make sure I was okay with every step he took.
He lowered himself slowly into the tub across from me. The tub was wide enough that we could both lay with our legs stretched out side by side. Matty gently lifted one of my legs to rest on his chest and began to rub my foot. My eyes practically rolled back into my head from bliss. I sighed audibly.
"Now there's a sound I could live for," he said with a smile.
I frowned from pleasure, my eyes closing.
"Are you sure you're not an angel, Matty? You treat me way too well- if you keep this up I don't know what I'll do without you once my placement ends."
Matty's hands paused for a moment. He fell silent, and I wondered if I'd said something wrong.
"I know it's quite irresponsible, but can we pretend that you aren't leaving in a few months? Just for tonight?"  He returned to rubbing my foot, looking me straight in the eyes. "I don't think I can think about that right now. Actually, I don't think I can think about it ever, but just for this one evening... I want to imagine this never has to end."
I couldn't tell if my heart had stopped, or was beating so fast that I could no longer feel it.
"Is that okay with you?" He asked, a look of innocence on his face.
"Of course," I said with sympathy, because I knew exactly what he meant, and I felt exactly the same way.
He kissed my big toe with a giant grin, making me laugh.
I sunk deeper into tub, relaxing, admiring the crinkles beside Matty's eyes as he smiled, taking extra time to memorize each one. I loved the way his eyes squinted when he smiled, the way he always spoke so earnestly with me. I loved that he always asked for consent. I loved how he would get carried away with his excitement, then always pedalled back to make sure I was in the same place as him. And I always was. I'd never fallen into step with someone like this before, every stride matching. I had never felt so safe with someone before. Or so turned on.
"Matty," I said, sitting upright, leaning towards him.
"Yes, dear?" He answered, eyebrows risen innocently.
"Kiss me. Please?"
"Anything for you." He said, rising from the tub, suds slowly dripping down his tattooed chest.
Our lips met, heat radiating from each other, dampness from the steam of the bath and our sweat intermingling. Our tongues met, dancing lightly with each other at first, then building intensity the longer we kissed.
I wrapped my arms around his naked torso, running my hands over his back, skin soft and slippery from the water. He gently placed one hand on the back of my neck, the other around my waist under water.
I couldn't get close enough to him, shifting myself onto my knees and straddling him, sitting down on his stomach as he reclined.
I was hungry for more. I kissed him deeper, and he pulled me in close against him in response, our bodies now touching everywhere.
"Is this okay?" He asked breathlessly, pulling away briefly to check in with me. I was so touched by his concern, which only made me want him more. I kissed his cheek, his jaw, then nibbled his ear. He moaned softly.
"Yes. Very, very okay." I said, my lips returning to his. We kissed even deeper, heat building.
He kissed me with even more intention now, his strong hands grasping at my hips. I ran my nails down his back, to which he responded "Fuck, Anna. I can't get enough of you."
I felt bold, so I pulled away, looked him dead in the eye and said, "So have me. Have all of me."
With that I shimmied further down his body, his erection now hard against my backside. I watched Matty's jaw drop as he processed what I'd just said and done. I maintained eye contact with him as I did it.
"... are you sure?" He asked slowly. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything just because I've got a bit excited."
I shook my head. "I mean it. I want you."
He shook his head in disbelief, eyes glazed with passion, "I need you." before he pulled me in with full force.
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