#but roy kent finally getting therapy A++++
pinazee · 1 year
I mean honestly the only thing that bothers me about the finale is that the show teased roy/keeley getting back together and then ted and rebecca possibly having slept together only to have it not be the case.
And like, how dare they toy with my emotions like that.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Six
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Chapter Six: The Devil You Don’t
Plot: Y/n considers making a change and Richmond squares off against West Ham United.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: f!reader, language, (16+)
A/N: Missed therapy today, finished this. Silver linings, everybody…lol
Y/n sat at her dining room table, staring at a single piece of mail. It was from her rental company. They were informing her that it was that magical time of year. She could either choose to sign for another year or vacate. It was a decision she’d been putting off making.
Living in downtown London didn’t make much sense now that she worked at Richmond. The commute was longer and God help it if there was traffic. Y/n lacked the social life she’d had in college and she had no partner to stay near.
There was no longer anything tying her there.
Moving to Richmond meant she was fully committing to the club. She’d kept one foot out the door since arriving, knowing that things could go downhill at any moment. But it had been nearly three months and, though challenging, she had no reason to leave or believe she’d be fired. Was it time to stop holding her breath?
She couldn’t make a decision from her apartment. She had to get out.
Grabbing her keys and purse, Y/n left her building and hopped in her car. She made the drive to the last place she’d expected to be on her day off, but the only place she felt like being.
In the heart of Richmond, Y/n parked on the curb, just near the Crown and Anchor. There was a coffee shop around the corner from it that Keeley had recommended to her. It seemed as good a time as ever to try it and take a stroll around the neighborhood.
Something about Richmond that differed from London was the atmosphere. It felt very small-townish, while still being a decent sized borough. The people were kind, greeting each other as they walked past. Men tipped their caps. Children ran free in the park. Couples strolled hand in hand. Y/n had never been a Hallmark movie kind of girl, but it felt like the only comparison to be made. The city seemed to wrap its arms around its people, giving them a safe place to end each day.
Sipping what turned out to be one of the best coffees she’d ever had, Y/n contemplated it all. All practicality aside, and she could barely admit it herself, but she almost, kind of, sort of, possibly, maybe…wanted to live in Richmond.
She made her way towards the park, watching kids burn off their weekend energy and families taking their infants on morning walks. What she hadn’t expected to see was anyone she knew. A few feet away, Jamie was doing sets of burpees while Roy sat and watched. Out of politeness, Y/n had nearly approached when Jamie bent over, letting the contents of his stomach empty.
Roy sensed someone was near and twisted to find Y/n standing behind him. As awful sounds escaped Jamie, his coach smiled, as much as Roy Kent did smile, and nodded, “Morning.”
Y/n watched the scene with reserved concern and wild confusion. “Should I be worried about any of this?”
“No,” Roy answered, taking a bite of his breakfast sandwich in the most unbothered fashion, “He’s fine.”
Jamie’s body finally let him breathe and he glanced up, spotting Y/n. He gave her a quick nod before resuming his workout.
Y/n’s brows stayed creased as she raised her coffee cup to them, toasting the strange moment. “Okay,” she said, leaving them to the rest of their day.
There was a part of her brain that told Y/n it was crazy to move even a mile closer to the insanity that was AFC Richmond. Living further away gave her a barrier, an extra layer of protection. If she came to live there, she’d lose it.
And the other part of her mind decided that, much like with the job, it might be worth putting up with.
The next day, Y/n stopped by the KJPR office to grab some papers from Keeley. Something about an endorsement deal for one of the boys.
“Oh, I wanted to tell you,” Keeley said before Y/n headed back out, “Our backer’s coming to town and wants to come to the West Ham match.”
“Okay,” Y/n said, “Great.”
“And they want to meet us,” Keeley continued.
“Okay,” Y/n repeated with a shrug.
Keeley paused, waiting for some reaction that Y/n wasn’t giving her. “And I’m sort of freaking the fuck out,” she finished.
“What’s there to be nervous about?” Y/n asked, holding the folder of papers to her chest, “Corporate bigwigs are all the same. They’re barely even interested in meeting the people that make them rich.”
“Yeah, but I’ve never met any,” Keeley gestured to herself, “This is all new and I don’t know what I’m supposed to wear or say or do.”
As much as Y/n knew Keeley and her came from different backgrounds, they’d developed such a solid work relationship that Y/n sometimes forgot she’d never functioned in the corporate world.
“Look,” Y/n said softly, taking a seat across from Keeley, “It’s polite chitchat, making sure they’re having a good time and maybe dodging a few bad attempts at flirting if it’s an older guy.”
Keeley’s pouted lips finally cracked and she chuckled.
“It’s not a big deal,” Y/n reassured, “Really. Just be you and you’ll charm the metaphorical pants off of them.”
Keeley smiled as she reached over the desk and threw her arms around Y/n’s neck. Y/n nearly stumbled in her heels and grabbed onto Keeley for balance.
“Thank you,” Keeley said over Y/n’s shoulder.
A hug certainly crossed all professional boundaries Y/n had set up. But Keeley needed comfort more than Y/n needed to feel protected, so she patted her boss’s back and let it happen.
The big day had arrived.
Richmond vs. West Ham.
Y/n was up early, even though the match wasn’t till the afternoon. She went for a morning run, got a tea and returned home where there was nothing to do but anxiously fidget till it was time to get ready.
This wasn’t just Greyhounds against Hammers. This was Rebecca against Rupert. Ted, Beard and Roy against Nathan. All of AFC Richmond was being watched. And while Y/n was practically invisible, she was feeling the same pit in her stomach as if the tabloids were speculating about her.
Pulling up to the stadium, Y/n was in awe of its size. It was at least three Nelson Road Stadiums. She headed through the side entrance where VIPs and press came through and spotted Rebecca and Keeley waiting for her.
“Alright,” Y/n announced her presence as she passed through the metal detector, “Here we go.”
Keeley turned to Y/n, “You think I look alright, yeah? Good enough to impress Jack?”
Y/n scanned Keeley’s outfit, it was one of the first times she’d seen her out of her signature shade of pink. “You look great,” she replied.
“Shit, I’m nervous,” Keeley confided in the two women, “I think I need to go and reapply my lip liner.”
Something about the way Rebecca nodded and told Keeley they’d see her in the suite told Y/n there was more to her words.
“Men can have codes for the loo,” Rebecca shrugged, sensing Y/n had picked up on it, “Why can’t we?”
“Oh, that’s brilliant,” Y/n’s head whipped around to follow Keeley.
The two women shared a laugh before turning towards the escalator. Rebecca froze after her first step step and Y/n bumped into her, grabbing onto her boss to barely keep her balance.
“Hey, Rebecca,” Rupert greeted, a gorgeous, young blonde on his arm.
“Rupert,” Rebecca was quick to reply.
Y/n caught herself before she gave her shock away. This was Rupert?
“Wonderful to see you,” the man replied warmly, undertones of ice seeping through.
“Bex,” Rebecca nodded to her replacement, “Love the new hair.”
“I haven’t changed my hair,” Bex replied in confusion.
“Nor should you,” Rebecca saved herself, “It’s perfection. Uh, may I introduce our newest member of AFC Richmond,” she gestured to Y/n, “This is Ms. Y/n Y/l/n.”
Y/n hesitatingly stepped forward, trying to mask her disdain under a smile. “Lovely to meet you,” she shook Bex’s hand first before Rupert’s.
“Lovely to meet you,” Rupert replied, his eyes sliding down Y/n’s figure before coming back up to meet her eyes, “How are you liking Richmond?”
Any negative thoughts Y/n had about the job or her co-workers left her head. No ammunition could be given, nor was she going to let the man who was checking her out while holding his wife’s hand feel validated in anything.
“It’s exceeding all my expectations,” Y/n lied with a grin that could have fooled anyone.
“Ah,” Rupert smiled back, watching his ex-wife’s new hire like a bird did its prey.
Rebecca could sense the additional discomfort and changed the subject. “So, how’s the little one?”
“Oh yeah, Diane,” Rupert replied proudly, nearly coaxing a liquid-less spit take from Y/n, “She’s already walking. Can you believe that? Yeah, drooling and pooing around the house.”
“Takes after her father,” Bex spoke up.
Rebecca managed to maintain her composure better than Y/n, who made sure to share the laugh with Bex.
Rupert looked less than thrilled with the joke and moved on quickly. “Well. Hey,” he looked back to his ex-wife, “Take it easy on us today.”
“No promises,” Rebecca said as the couple walked off.
Standing a bit awestruck at the barely concealed audacity of Rupert, Y/n stood beside her boss, trying to process the interaction.
“Thoughts?” Rebecca asked.
Y/n paused to think over her reply, “I feel like I need to strip out of my skin.”
“Yeah,” Rebecca breathed, “That’s about right. Let’s go.”
With that, they headed for the elevator up to the suites. While riding up, Y/n said a prayer to the higher power of football that the Greyhounds would be particularly ruthless on the pitch. A man like Rupert could not be allowed a win.
Up in the suites, Rebecca and Y/n spotted Higgins standing with Barbara, Shandy and a short haired brunette woman.
“Ah, Y/n, Rebecca,” Higgins flagged them down, “May I introduce, Ms. Jack Danvers.”
Once again, just barely concealing her surprise, Y/n immediately went into business mode, firmly shaking Jack’s hand.
“It’s great to meet you, Jack,” she smiled.
“You as well,” Jack replied, her lips forming an ‘o’ after, “You wouldn’t happen to be the same Y/n that headed up the managerial team at Microdom, would you?”
Y/n’s eyes widened, “I would be.”
Jack chuckled, “Gary Lawson’s a family friend. He sang your praises over a dinner once.”
“Well, nothing pairs better with red wine and chicken than talking about your employees,” Y/n quipped, dropping Jack’s hand.
“On the contrary,” Jack smiled, “I feel much better knowing the money’s going toward hard-working hands.”
“Hard-working,” Barbara spoke up, grinning uncharacteristically big, “Absolutely. She’s a wonder.”
Out of all the odd moments so far in the day, a cheery Barbara was the strangest, Y/n decided.
“Oh, yes,” Rebecca placed a hand on Y/n’s shoulder, “Y/n is extraordinary. One of our hardest workers.”
Y/n smiled up at Rebecca, she wasn’t used to her bosses being so willing to help facilitate her success.
“Well, Keeley’s really the one you need to meet,” Y/n passed the kindness on, “The brain behind the whole operation.”
“She’s absolutely fantastic,” Rebecca added.
“Oh, here she is now,” Barbara grinned.
Y/n and Rebecca split to make room for Keeley.
“Keeley?” Barbara gestured to her boss, “This is Jack Danvers.”
“Hello,” Jack stepped forward, “I believe you have something of mine.”
“Oh, fuck,” Keeley exclaimed, “You’re Jack? This is a bit embarrassing.”
Y/n could only imagine what that meant.
“Yeah, we all thought you were a man,” Shandy interjected.
“Yeah, that too,” Keeley agreed.
“It’s like that old riddle,” Higgins added.
“What riddle?” Rebecca asked.
“You know, always a tricky one, this one,” Higgins continued, “A father and son are in a car wreck. Dad dies instantly, the son is rushed to an emergency room. A surgeon walks in and says, ‘I can’t operate on this boy. He’s my son.’ How is it possible?”
The women all gave various answers, none of which Higgins had been waiting for.
“Right, yeah, I guess that’s a bit dated now,” Higgins recovered, “So, I assume ‘Jack’ is short for Jacqueline right?”
“No, it’s short for my father wanted a boy,” Jack answered.
0 for 2, Higgins turned to the group, “I’m gonna go and sit down now, outside. Now.”
Y/n stifled a laugh while Rebecca invited Jack to get a drink, Barbara trailing very close behind them. Y/n hung back with Keeley and Shandy.
“Barbara’s obsessed with Rebecca,” Shandy leaned in to tell them, “I hope she doesn’t try and kill her and wear her skin as a suit.”
Shandy raised a knowing eyebrow before heading off to join the women at the bar, leaving Keeley and Y/n dumbstruck.
“What the fuck?” Keeley whispered.
“Hey,” Y/n nudged Keeley with her elbow, “Breathe.”
Keeley squeezed Y/n’s arm in silent thanks as they went off together.
It wasn’t until the Greyhounds came onto the pitch that Y/n truly felt the sympathy nerves. Finally enjoying attending the matches mixed with finally having experienced Rupert’s arrogance and assholery had sparked a flame within her. It was a fraction, she suspected, of what Rebecca felt.
Throughout the game, Richmond held their own, but couldn’t seem to get past the Hammer’s defense. Zoreaux, who was going by Van Damme for unknown reasons, managed to block a goal. At one point, Jamie attempted to make a goal himself when it was clear an extra pass should have been made to Zava.
“Zava was wide open,” Rebecca exclaimed as the ball bounced off the net.
Y/n sighed, remembering her and Jamie’s conversation earlier in the week. That one was entirely on him.
Nearing the end of the first half, the Hammers managed to sneak one more goal past the Greyhounds, securing a 2-0 score. Y/n watched Ted, Coach Beard and Roy panic from their side of the field while Nate Shelley screamed in victory.
“Shit,” Y/n muttered, sinking back in her seat. She glanced out the corner of her eye to where Rebecca’s eyes were trained to see Rupert, arrogantly giving a shrug.
Rebecca grabbed her purse and stood to her feet, purpose in her movement. “Excuse me,” she growled.
Y/n tucked herself in as her boss stalked down the aisle, she knew better than to stand in Rebecca’s way when she was on the hunt.
Halftime passed with polite conversation between the KJPR team. A perky Barbara was something neither Keeley or Y/n were used to, but they adjusted. Most of the time, Y/n was spent in anxious hope that Shandy wouldn’t say too much and plant any seeds of doubt in Jack’s head about the company’s abilities.
When Rebecca returned, she looked to be in much better spirits. Y/n waited expectantly for an answer, Rebecca simply smiled and settled back into her seat.
The coaches returned to the pitch.
West Ham next.
Then Richmond.
Even with a great distance between them, the anger was visible in each of the Greyhound’s posture. They stalked past Nate, their former kitman, as if they were just barely holding themselves back from jumping the man. The moment was ripe with every kind of bad energy.
Then it got worse.
The Greyhounds became feral on the pitch. They were straight up attacking the Hammers, earning themselves red card after red card.
“What the fuck?” Y/n mumbled. This wasn’t the type of ruthless she’d wanted them to be.
Dani, the human embodiment of sunshine, was practically spitting on the other players. Sam, an actual angel, got uncharacteristically aggressive. Richard downright hurled the ball at one of the Hammers. Isaac had to rip him away. Richmond had lost three players due to the display of pure rage.
Y/n glanced down at the coaches as Isaac proceeded to shove one of the Hammers to the ground. Ted had his head in his hands. Nate Shelley was looking on smugly. What the hell had happened during halftime to inspire this behavior?
Finally, the match came to an end, 4-1. Zava had managed to score one goal and West Ham had snuck in two more amidst the chaos.
“Shit,” Rebecca muttered, spotting Rupert victoriously hugging his wife while locking eyes with his ex, “Shit. Shit.”
Keeley tried to stop Rebecca from leaving, but she needed to be alone to lick her wounds. Y/n glanced over to Higgins who puffed out his cheeks with a heavy breath.
“Right,” Y/n turned to Keeley, who was trying to make cheery conversation with Jack and Barbara, “Want me to handle interviews?”
“You sure?” Keeley asked.
“You stay here,” she nodded towards Jack, who was talking to Barbara, “Make us look good. I’ll deal with the rest.”
“Yeah, probably best,” Keeley agreed, “Thank you.”
Higgins and Y/n set off downstairs to the locker room to collect the players they needed.
“Probably best not to pick any of the boys that got red carded,” Higgins suggested as they headed down the hall.
“Oh, I’m not picking any of them,” Y/n retorted with barely concealed frustration. She knocked on the door and opened it a crack, “Everybody dressed?”
When there was no reply, she opened the door and took a step in, coming face to face with the team. They were all wallowing in various degrees of shame and rage.
“Hey, Y/n,” Ted said, lacking his usual enthusiasm, “Who do you need?”
Y/n scanned the faces that cheerfully greeted her each day. Some, like Colin and Sam, avoided her watchful gaze. Jamie watched her expectantly. Quite frankly, she didn’t feel like dealing with any of them.
“Zava,” Y/n turned to the star player, “Do you mind?”
“I do not,” he replied, rising and joining Y/n in the doorway. He didn’t leave until he looked back on the team once more, shaking his head like a disappointed parent. Y/n didn’t bother to hide her dismay either as she shut the door.
With Zava having done his interviews and Ted having addressed the press himself, Y/n could retire for the day, though relaxing was a ways off.
She came back to join Keeley and Jack, who were sipping champagne and chatting. Hopefully Keeley had made them look a lot better than what they’d presented.
“All good?” Keeley asked.
“As good as we can be,” Y/n answered, coming to stand beside Jack, “Whatever Keeley’s told you about how the team usually carries themselves, I’d like to second it.”
“Loud and clear,” Jack smiled.
Shandy came through the press room door, “Well, that was a shit show. Anyway, good news. Bantr’s trending.”
“It is?” Keeley asked.
“Yeah,” Shandy answered, “Pretty sure the change to the bio line helped.”
“Wait,” Y/n interrupted, exhausted by the day, “We changed the bio line?”
Keeley looked just as surprised as Shandy held up her phone. Her eyes widened as she took the mobile, before passing it to Y/n.
It read: Wanna Bang a Celebrity?
“Wha…” Y/n failed to form words.
“Who did this?” Keeley asked.
“I did,” Shandy answered proudly, “This afternoon after I uploaded the vids. You’re welcome.”
Y/n was too tired to mask her horror, she didn’t even have the strength to try. As Keeley tugged Shandy a few feet away, Y/n stayed beside Jack and lifted the corners of her mouth.
“We’re, uh, all a little off today,” she explained.
“Well, you’re hiding it very well,” Jack whispered, lightening the mood.
As soon as she saw Shandy’s face change from pride to offense, Y/n knew she couldn’t stay any longer. She was frustrated, tired and had plans for the night that needed her more.
“It was lovely to meet you,” she bade Jack farewell, “Give Gary my best.”
“You as well,” Jack smiled. The one takeaway from the day was at least KJPR’s backer wasn’t an asshole.
Y/n nodded to Keeley and avoided eye contact with Shandy as she left the press room, hastening her steps as soon as she was out of the room.
There was an unspoken understanding at the Crown and Anchor. It filled each weekend Richmond played. If they won, it would stay busy all night. If they lost, it emptied as soon as the tabs had been settled.
Suffice it to say, Y/n was sitting in near solitude.
She sat at the bar, picking at an order of chips and going through one-sheets. There were a surprising amount of apartments available in Richmond and she was overwhelmed by the options.
“All good, love?”
Y/n looked up to Mae, who was bringing her a fresh glass of water. “If you’re referring to the food, it’s great. If you’re referring to the-“
“We’re not speaking of that,” Mae interrupted, shutting the topic of the match down. Y/n had come to learn the bar owner took her Greyhound games as serious as life itself.
“I won’t fight you,” Y/n replied, going back to flipping through her papers.
“See you’re looking for a place,” Mae pointed towards the sheets, “I take it the job’s working out okay.”
Y/n snorted, “All evidence contrary to today, yes, it’s working out.”
“I told you,” Mae said with the pride of someone who knew how wise she was, “Just had to give it time.”
Y/n laughed a little, “I’ll learn to trust you eventually.”
Mae matter-of-factly nodded before leaving her patron be.
Y/n flipped through a few more papers, each property bleeding into the other till they all looked the same. She was ready to let her head drop to the counter when the papers in her hands suddenly became illuminated. She traced the light behind her, coming face to face with a blinding bulb.
“Fucking hell,” Y/n cursed, covering her eyes. She rubbed them until she could see again, Jamie’s silhouette coming into view, “What are you wearing?”
“Can’t run if I can’t see,” Jamie answered without feeling like like any further explanation was necessary.
“Why are you running at 8 o’clock?” Y/n asked in confusion.
“Three workouts a day,” Jamie replied, “Roy’s got us starting at 4AM.”
“Well, there’s light in here, so…” Y/n gestured around them.
Jamie switched off the headband’s lamp and took it off, smoothing his hair down after. He pointed to the stool beside Y/n, “You waitin’ on anyone?”
“Please,” Y/n gestured to the spot, she was too tired to fight against company.
The pub was quiet enough that the chances of Jamie being spotted didn’t require him to hide in a booth.
“I’m assuming this unholy schedule doesn’t pertain to the whole team?” Y/n asked, already suspecting Jamie’s motivation.
“Eh, no,” he answered, crossing his arms across the bar, “Just me.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n replied just as Jamie flagged Mae down and asked for a water.
“Roy’s got me on a diet,” he explained when he caught the confusion on Y/n’s face, “Only one drink and only if we win a match.”
The five letter word had them finally meeting one another’s eyes, waiting for the other to address the benched elephant in the room.
“Right,” Y/n let the sheets in her hand fall on the counter, “What the fuck happened today?”
Jamie exhaled, rubbing a hand across his face. There was so much history behind the events of the match, he wasn’t sure where to start.
“You know that sign in the locker room?” Jamie gestured to the space above them, “Above the coach’s office?”
“The ‘Believe’ one?” Y/n replied.
“Yeah,” Jamie folded his arms again, “So…it’s a whole thing but, it means a lot. And when Nate left,” he inhaled to go over that bit of the past, but Y/n stopped him.
“I know who Nate is,” she said. His smug smile was still burned into her brain from earlier in the day.
“Right, so,” Jamie sighed, his tongue poking at his cheek in frustration, “We won last season, Nate stormed out and quit. But Roy and Beard put on this video for us during halftime of him…tearin’ up the sign.”
Y/n rested her head on her hand, listening intently.
“And…” Jamie grasped at the air, “It’s a big deal. To us. To the team. And I think we all just feel…” he paused, “Fuckin’ betrayed or somethin’. That he turned on us. But that sign…” Jamie shook his head, “Fuckin’….”
During her various trips to the locker room, Y/n had noticed the yellow and blue paper. She hadn’t thought anything of it, just another motivational decoration. She hadn’t realized that it held such a deep meaning to the team.
“So the solution was to get…” Y/n shrugged, “What was it, four red cards?”
“Hey,” Jamie pressed three fingers to his chest, “None of ‘em were me.”
Y/n chuckled, Jamie had managed to stay on the field the entire time. She suspected that might not have been the case a few years prior.
“I get it,” Y/n nodded, “Team loyalty. I mean, I think we’d all have preferred you channeled your anger a little more productively, but…”
Jamie bobbed his head, shame over how they’d dealt with their feelings had begun to set in over the last few hours. But he still couldn’t say he regretted it. Not fully.
“Well, Sky Sports is going to have a field day with you all,” Y/n sighed as she fished through her chips.
“All they’ll be talkin’ about is Zava,” Jamie made his voice more nasally when he uttered the name, “Since he’s the only one of us you wanted today.
Y/n quirked an eyebrow at him, “Well, I was slightly worried that Isaac might dropkick the camera man or Dani might bite a journalist or something.”
Jamie twisted his lips, half-smiling. He couldn’t fault her that.
“Let’s just categorize this day in the ‘suck’ column and move on,” Y/n said, slipping a one-sheet to the back of her pile.
“I’ll second that,” Jamie agreed, stretching his neck to look at the papers, “What’re you looking for a place?”
“Yeah, figured since I’m not going anywhere anytime soon,” Y/n tried to organize the pile somewhat, “Might as well cut down on the commute.”
Jamie held out his hand for the paper in Y/n’s. He examined the square footage, but mostly the street name.
“Oh, this is a shit area,” he commented, reaching for the Sharpie Y/n had laying nearby.
“I don’t think there are shit areas of Richmond,” Y/n shot back, watching as Jamie made a large ‘x’ across the picture of the apartment, “Wait, what-“
“I’m saving you from overpaying for a crap flat,” Jamie capped the marker and gestured for the other sheets, “Lemme see the others.”
Y/n looked between him and the pile, confused as to what was happening.
“C’mon,” Jamie wiggled his fingers.
She slid half the stack across the bar to him, keeping the other half for herself.
Jamie began to read the details of the first listing over. “This one’s on the other side of town,” he stated.
“I don’t care about that,” Y/n replied, “So long as it’s in town. Plus, it’s got a balcony.”
Jamie held up the next paper and compared the two. “This one’s shit too,” he reached for the marker again, predicting Y/n’s reaction, “Just trust me.”
The two of them sat at the bar, scooting their stools together until the pile had been thinned out and the day had ended more pleasantly than it began.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sabelcities
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
royjamie headcanons i’ve loved seeing so far:
brazil is too far for 2 codependent guys to handle so roy joins jamie, keeley (and barbara!)
as a result roy and jamie end up taking real vacations alone together during the off-season
the club has more international matches where jamie always plays roy’s tour guide and sightseeing together becomes their thing
phoebe makes them matching tie dye/bracelets
roy gets phoebe a bike and they both teach her
phoebe and jamie connect wonderfully and he lets her do his makeup/nails/braid his hair
roy is a good cook after helping raise phoebe, enjoys homemaking balanced meal plans for jamie’s training, and shares a whole other language with stepdad simon in the kitchen
roy and jamie have tea time after training and just talk and share more personal things they haven’t really told anyone else, since they share an intrinsic understanding of their baggage
jamie’s things gradually accumulate in roy’s home with every passing overnight training (a poor excuse), one day he’s accidentally moved in entirely and roy lets him
jamie steals roy’s shirts/hoodies/joggers, him dressing in black transforms into a positive tone
roy invites jamie to infiltrate his yoga nights
they almost always keep in contact whether it be shoulders touching, hands or feet under the table, etc. roy isn’t much into pda and jamie meets him in the middle
jamie is koala lap-sitter cuddle climber level clingy and it is warmly welcomed, just like roy giving him minimum 5 ft of distance indoors
roy never gets sick of jamie wanting talk to him and share fun facts/memes all of the time
when roy and jamie stop hiding their relationship, the media don’t take it seriously and call them brotherly/paternal
the team already assumed they were together before it even happened. my favorite is colin’s “so windmills wasn’t a euphemism?”
jamie makes fun of the fans by saying he has a daddy kink, but then it’s not quite so funny anymore because [censored feral activities]
subverting the expectation that roy and jamie would instantly start their relationship with the rough/kinky dynamic (which is all good and fun), they instead begin gently and slowly to set up securely exploring those interests with time
roy and jamie do couples therapy to healthily cope whenever adjusting to big life changes together
roy waits out in the car for moral support if jamie ever visits his dad at rehab, and is fiercely protective and angry on his behalf
trent crimm is trusted to write press releases for them, as well as individual biographical novels
jamie changes the world by being the first out bisexual player
jamie has owned a roy kent chelsea jersey for years and now wears it with pride (and eager encouragement)
jamie convinces roy to grow his hair back out a bit again
jamie/roy propose to each other at the kebab shop or in amsterdam under the windmill
jamie chooses chelsea as the club he ultimately retires in as a tribute to roy, or spends some time there before finally finishing home at richmond
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My thoughts about the Ted Lasso finale (no particular order)
The end montage was obviously Ted’s dream for the future and not even subtly so jot that down
Actually just gonna add that this is the show’s way of telling us the potential these characters have and what Ted wishes for them but without his presence it’s up to them now
Roy mouthing alone to Goodbye, Farewell broke me because he’s clearly the one who put together the choreography
Also Dani singing? My most beloved
Jaime and Roy clashing one last time might have pissed some people off but this was always a rock in their shoe that they needed to address and we see that their relationship can and will survive it
I like Rebecca’s romcom ending even if I wanted her to end with Ted.
Ted going back to his son was necessary and the whole point. He always blamed his father for abandoning them. When he came to Richmond he was all but running away from his family in hopes things would magically fix themselves. Instead, he put in the work and healed. But his biggest triggers were always connected to him missing his son’s life. In the end, Ted’s growth was the point so he could go back to them and be the best version of himself for them and for himself.
Ted not talking while Rebecca rambles was actually perfect. Old bitter Rebecca would’ve never opened up like that. But old Ted would’ve also rushed to reassure her or try to make a joke or cheer her up. This time, Ted lets her speak and then sticks to his guns, even if the truth is uncomfortable for others. He allows himself to do this for himself and not to please others.
Beard staying for Jane was foreseeable given the toxic codependent nature of their relationship. Happy perfect endings don’t exist. His story is still developing.
Furthermore, the real growth came from Beard letting himself choose something regardless of what Ted is doing and breaking himself free from a cycle of guilt and feeling in debt.
I know it was in the dream but god I hope Roy gets therapy. We did see the roots of him wanting to change and be better and accept the help he needs so he’s in the right path.
Keeley/Roy/Jamie is still endgame in my heart. Eventually. Once all three are in the right place.
The himbos singing made me cry. A lot.
Even if it was in the dream, if Jamie actually chose to reconnect to his dad somehow I think it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He would get to do it on his terms and only because he chose to have him in his life to some degree. Which might simply be being civil and talking from time to time, so long as his father keeps putting in the work to better himself and takes steps to make amends and apologize and acknowledge all his wrongs. Who knows. It’s an open ending.
Loved everything about the match.
Glad Van Damme got closure from Rani Dojas and that Dani acknowledged his part in what happened and tried to make amends.
CANT believe they made me feel sorry for George.
The cold open was a tease but I loved to see what could’ve been (and who says Ted and Rebecca didn’t find each other while running away from all that noise and one thing less t another…)
I wish we’d seen Sam’s restaurant and his cute chef one last time.
Actually wish we’d had a little bit of all the other himbos.
And finally
I… don’t think it was the series’s finale. I don’t know. I might be wrong but lately all interviews from the cast suggest deep down they hope something else will come and maybe they’ll be like “you know what, this story isn’t over” or something.
That last scene and the musical cue with Ted’s final shot felt so dissonant to me. Like there’s something still unfinished there.
I, like Roy Kent, have all my fingers crossed.
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camgoloud · 1 year
the montage being (at least in my mind) all just ted’s dream of what the future looks like for the people he left behind in england rather than necessarily What Really Happens is so funny actually because it means that ted was literally like “and my best friend gets a nice wedding with the whole team present :) and my former player gets to achieve his childhood dream and play for his country’s national team :) and roy kent gets a therapy session finally jesus fucking christ! and afc richmond gets a successful women’s team :) and”
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x09, part 2.
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As you should!! Queen!! Whip his ass!!!
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Strings that bind us? That one definitely hurt.
Jamie and Sam being besties. <3
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That's what you chose to focus on? Really? :D For real though, I still don't understand where the show is going with Roy. One step forward, three steps back. If this is the last season, it's weird.
Rebecca is theeee queen. <3
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They're not messing around with that password. Also, theft in the locker room? Interesting.
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How to deal with 'friendly' teasing? Like this :D King :D
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I LOVE this moment. I love that Trent is casually drinking tea and eating his orange, and Colin went straight up to him with 'Isaac knows" with no prelude. I LOVE that in Amsterdam it was Trent that asked Colin, "How do you do it?" as in asking for knowledge, and in here it's reversed. It's Colin coming to Trent. I love this bonding soooo much. It's so important. An older queer with a younger queer.
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I love him, you honor. Imagine having Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso, and Jamie Tartt as your good friends that you can go to ans talk. Goals.
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Queen!! Also, I love how Rebecca is often working with tea and/or biscuits on her desk. A foodie that isn't afraid to show it. She's come so far since s1, but then again, it's been said multiple times that real Rebecca is silly and wonderful, so I love seeing real Rebecca <3
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She talks like Ted. :) More straightforward, but yeah. With Ted, Roy opened up on his own.
"But I guess I'm not that person." "Not yet."
In here, he feels threatened, vulnerable, so he shoots that "I just wanna be left alone" and hopes she lets it go. I see you, protective layers. I see you. I wonder if it's some kind of trauma/issue from childhood that he's so repressed. Bc I've been there & sometimes I still fight that or feel ashamed to talk about some things so I keep quiet or don't explain properly, but it's sooo much better to talk it through. And I guess Roy won't go to therapy, so Rebecca being like This is his way of therapy. She just doesn't want to deal with that bullshit.
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I love her. She's great.
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I need Nate to get his big boy trousers on and stop sucking up to Rupert. I hate Rupert so. fucking. much. Is there a thing as an anti fanclub? Because I feel like I'm in it during moments like this. Rupert's ego is already higher than the sky, but Nate is making it even worse. Ew.
When will Nate finally leave Rupert and gets back to Ted? Huh? Or stays with Rupert but actually fights him on that and say that Ted is actually great and should be allowed to go to their matches if he wants to. Like, ughhhh. It's so frustrating.
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That's the worst idea EVER. He'll ruin you, Nathan. On the other hand, maybe you'll finally understand how evil he is.
It's been 16 minutes in this episode & so many things happened already? I'm surrprised. It feels like 30 at least.
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Mae <3 The joy of having an older lady on the show that knows what she's worth.
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I'll just leave it here. The way Rebecca doesn't hesitate to physically comfort Keeley. It was in s1? When she said she's not a hug person. She totally is. The real her. She's like female Roy Kent that is less repressed and will do anything for her people. Seriously, as soon as things shifted for her in the show, she had my heart. I saw her potential before things shifted & I loved that for her. She's amazing.
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I feel like Jamie is best friends with the entire team. Look at them. They love him. They were playing before Ted interrupted them. No idea how it's called in English, only in my native language, but that's so sweet.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Some people have been taking the "red rope" moment as foreshadowing for Roy Kent beating up Jamie's Father later this season. But now I have a suspicion that TED is going to go ape and throw punches at James Tartt Sr. in the next encounter, probably in tomorrow's episode (and Issac attacking the fan makes that an even likelier possibility for me).
So many people have been seeing the build up and are speculating to a full mental breakdown for Ted, and this would be such an unnerving but brilliant way to execute it: all of his own issues and ordeals left unresolved coming up to catch him, festering inside until the sight of the player he most gravitates towards as his own son is subjected to even more tormenting from his father, especially after Ted has already twice walked away without intervening.
It's not the Ted we're used to or the Ted we would like to see, but he's been struggling more this season than ever before, and everybody has a breaking point, no matter the quality of their support system. Even if he succeeds in scaring Tartt Sr. away, it would generate a complete media blowout with condemnation and support alike. Imagine how Rupert could use that information/display to get others to laugh at Richmond...
Well, as much as I do not want to be like "Well, I disagree with all of your points"...I sort of do disagree with all of your points, anon.
I think if James Tartt Sr. does make an appearance this episode, it will be a more isolated incident and not something that happens in front of the whole team. We had that last season, for one. For two, surely, even if Richmond can't ban him from other stadiums, they've absolutely taken precautions to ensure he doesn't get near the dressing room or Jamie during or after a match again. He might be at the Man City game, but I don't realistically envision a confrontation there.
I do think it is very very likely James Sr. is brought up and discussed and involved somehow in the episode's events. Like maybe he starts berating Jamie via texts and calls again, Jamie is off-kilter because he knows his dad will be at the game, or he's afraid he'll run into him in Manchester, etc; BUT...
I imagine if there is a face-to-face confrontation, it's going to be largely Jamie facing it down again, I would hope backed by some of his support system, yes. In this case I think the most likely candidates are Keeley & Roy (& possibly his mother??) because we know already they are a part of his storyline this episode.
I don't think Ted has been spiraling towards full mental breakdown? Since Amsterdam, and then especially since We'll Never Have Paris, we've seen Ted makes leaps and bounds of progress. he's been shown keeping up with therapy, he's working through his Michelle & Henry stuff and making significant changes to his mindset, and he's finally finding joy in coaching again.
To me the state of Ted's mental health was by and large the worst in s2, and the consequences of that breakdown extended into the first part of this season, but he's now well on his way back up. It would not make much sense to have him at his absolute lowest in the penultimate episode of the entire show.
I strongly disagree that Ted gravitates towards Jamie like his own son. I've already discussed that at length in response to a different ask this season, so I'm not going to go into it again here. but yeah, I just don't see it.
I think it's important to remember that by the second to last episode of the show, arcs are winding down, not starting up. I don't foresee a big media blowout with Rupert using it to tear down the club, because we're past the point of return for any of that. I just generally don't see major threads being introduced in the second to last episode when we already have soooo much to wrap up. That's why I think Jamie's storyline is going to be more of a continuation/follow-up to last season's Man City episode rather the introduction of new problems for him. This is the ending, not the beginning.
Not to down on your speculations, anon. Who knows what's going to happen! But my personal belief is that Ted & Jamie's plots aren't really going to intertwine all that much this episode. My like, big hope for them is ONE scene towards the end of the episode where maybe Ted knows Jamie's been struggling lately and he pulls him into his office to check up on him, and they get an opportunity to discuss things like Ted walking away from Jamie & his dad those times. I want resolution for them, I do, I just don't think their relationship is as big of a plot point as others think it is.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 3 months
not that kind of man
https://ift.tt/rIw3el1 by BestDeadFriendsForever “I can’t get ‘im outta me ‘ead sometimes. I can ‘ear what he would say to me if he could seen me right now and I just- sometimes I can ignore it, yeah? But then…” Jamie grimaced and he turned his face into Roy’s collar for the familiar comfort that Roy’s skin brought him. “You talk to David about this?” Roy asked and rubbed Jamie’s back softly. “Yeah. Talk about me dad loads,” Jamie said and let his disdain shine through. He hated how much time and energy he’d spent thinking and talking about his fucking dad. “But you’ve not seen him recently.” “Too much goin’ on, Roy. Can’t seem to find the time,” Jamie said tiredly and scrubbed a hand over his face. Roy made a disapproving noise. “Then we need to make the time." Jamie goes to therapy and I finally explain the title of this series ;) Words: 5700, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of not that kind of man Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Sharon Fieldstone, Keeley Jones, James Tartt Sr., Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Trans Jamie Tartt, Trans Male Character, Jamie Tartt goes to therapy source https://archiveofourown.org/works/57175411 July 07, 2024 at 03:25AM
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lapetitechatonne · 2 years
dp/dc ship week 2023 ideas
so, with ship week coming up i'm sure a lot of us are stumped on what ships we want to write. i know for me, i wanted to use it as an excuse to write ships i haven't gotten around to yet, or that have taken me by the throat. as the Batpham Server's Patron Saint of w|w and poly ships, i bring to you some rare pairs and ideas for ship week. these can be platonic or romantic!!!
Jazz Fenton/Dick Grayson (Nightbirds) - you could play off how they're the first sibling, and if you want to make it angsty, how they're the last ones in their family to die.
Arranged Marriage AU
Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas (Will-o-Whisps) - Duke reads off of an artifact he found in the unused part of the manor and accidentally gives himself in marriage to the ghost king. after they figure it out, Danny decides he's pretty cute and asks him to coffee.
Holding Hands/Kiss
Dani Phantom/Lian Harper (Trick Shot) - it's hard to hold your girlfriend's hand when she makes you so nervous you turn into goo.
Soulmate AU
Valerie Gray/Kara Zor-El (Valkyrie) - for so long, when Valerie would write on her arm, no one would respond. when she decides that soulmates are a scam and she had bigger things to worry about, like keeping a roof over their heads, she finally gets a message in an unknown language.
Dan Phantom/Tim Drake (Bad Ending) - with all their friends and family dead, a young Dan and Tim find themselves drawn together. with Dan's power and Tim's brain, nothing can stand in the way of this Bonnie and Clyde retelling.
Coffee Shop AU
Dani Phantom/Tim Drake (Travel Photos) - Tim didn't expect to find a girl on top of his favorite coffee shop when he snuck up to take photos of Batman and Robin. he gets her to trust him enough to go downstairs for a late-night hot chocolate and muffin.
Jazz Fenton/Cassandra Cain (Speech Therapy) - Jazz promised Danny she would keep living after his death but she doesn't know how. Cass promised herself she'd never kill again, but if she isn't a killer what else is she? broken and conflicted, they meet each other.
Wings AU
Paulina Sanchez/Kara Zor-El (Star Struck) - Dragon!Paulina (whether she just kept some of the powers or was given the necklace by Dorathea) is flying around the midwest when she's spotted by another flying girl. naturally, they hit it off.
Secret Identity/Danger
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley/Tim Drake (Everlasting Insomniacs) - Tim is visited by a time god and given a mission to stop the catalyst of the end of the world. it starts with tutoring.
Friends to Lovers AU
Dani Phantom/Irey West (Short Circuit) - it's not abnormal to see a speedster in the Zone, in fact, you could even call it a normal occurrence. Dani's favorite visits are from a cute, sassy, redhead.
Sam Manson/Zatanna Zatara (Black Rabbit) - Zatanna didn't mess with necromancy. there were just some things magic shouldn't meddle in, and she knew that, so when the Justice League called her to interrogate a known necromancer, she's weary. Sam is at the same time exactly what Zatanna expected, and nothing like she thought. (fills the prompt because necromancy is the opposite of healing, which insinuates necromancy can heal too.)
Enemies to Lovers AU
Tucker Foley/Tim Drake (Techno Geek) - Tim is constantly trying to stop Hacktavist TooFine from breaking into the Wayne servers. it becomes something of a game, and Tim finds himself enthralled in the puzzle.
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd/Roy Harper (Street Smarts) - Jason and Roy find themselves getting sacrificed by a cult to the Ghost King as his eternal servants. they weren't expecting Queen Regent Jazz to decline their offer.
No Capes AU
Danny Fenton/Clark Kent (Last Suns) - Danny always believed in aliens. it was part of the reason he became an astronaut. he never expected to actually meet one. he also never expected them to be a farmer.
this post has been such fun to make, i love a good rare pair and these prompts are killer. i won't be doing any of these, i have mine planned out already, but let me know if you'd like a sneak peek ;) or if you'd like more variations on the prompts. happy creating!!!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
Under the Surface
by SomebodyIUsetoKnow The overall aim of Analytical Music Therapy is to encourage expression of unconscious thoughts and feelings one might otherwise not know how to face. Since the Bats are notorious for not talking about their feelings, maybe its time they start listening. Dick finally lays it all out for his family and tells them everything that he has struggled with since becoming Robin. He just doesn't know that they're there. Words: 14523, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), DCU (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dinah Lance, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucifer Morningstar (Vertigo Comics), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Diana (Wonder Woman), Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson (DCU), Rick Flag, Mark Richards, Cody Driscoll, Koriand'r Relationships: Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson (Past), Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Everyone, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Roy Harper Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Past suicide attempt (mentioned), Past Sexual Assault (mentioned), Songfic, Sort Of, Everyone Needs A Hug, Dick Grayson Gets a Hug, Bruce Wayne Gets a Hug, Hopeful Ending, 100 Percent Self Indulgent Fic, DC Let Dick Grayson Be Happy Damnit!, DC Let the Batfam Be Happy Damnit!, Not Barbara Gordon Friendly, Just never liked her for Dick, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bats are always Bad at Feelings via https://ift.tt/wThdKDR
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carrotjuicepdf · 1 year
I think Roy joining the diamond dogs and then getting the chance to see him in therapy was the final proof that Roy Kent IS a good person, he is willing to better himself even if it’s hard for him to ask for help. If anyone needed more convincing, this was it
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vasilissadragomir · 1 year
the finale got mixed reviews but tbh i feel like the goal of the episode wasn’t to be the conclusion of afc richmond’s story. so much of it was wrapping up ted’s story while leaving everyone else’s open-ended. here’s a few reasons why i think that while ted lasso may have ended, this is not the last we’ll see of the lasso universe:
-before the season premiere and throughout the season, there have been partnerships with major brands (nike, the FIFA game, man city, etc) which are undoubtedly a huge money-maker for apple tv. i don’t think they’re ready to give all that up yet just because jason sudeikis is leaving
-ted himself did not have much screen time for several episodes this season. this season was focused heavily on the rest of the cast, and honestly felt like an ensemble dramedy/comedy more than a show with a titular MC
-afc richmond itself has some big moves to make—they dedicated a lot of time this episode to explaining that afc richmond is now part of the champions league, which was not strictly plot-necessary. we’ve not seen many players get shuffled around the league, and many of their stories have wrapped up. there’s an opportunity for fresh characters and understanding how they fit into the established environment created by the lasso leadership, especially in the new kent era. i think that’s the biggest plot-based signal that the team’s story isn’t over yet
-rebecca found her foretold “love” and potential daughter, but there’s still so much of that story to be told. also, she chose her family at afc richmond as her new ambition, and is excited to work with keeley on the prospect of a richmond women’s team. what does this new and improved rebecca look like without rupert hanging over her head?
-keeley chose herself and her ambitions over her love interests, and roy decides to earnestly work on himself by going to therapy, but their love story—and, of course, jamie’s role in it—is still very up in the air
-nate, beard, and roy are now in charge of richmond, but in what capacity? sure, nate had a redemption arc, but will he be satisfied in the long-term not being in charge when just last season he was running his own club? especially since he’ll be subservient to roy, who he saw as a strong threat to his authority in season 2?
-on the cover of trent’s manuscript, ted literally suggests changing the name because it was never about him. the show is named after him, too. if afc richmond’s success wasn’t about him, then that’s a signal it’s time for a new direction with the story
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Ted Lasso Season 3, episode 12 spoilers
1. What on earth is this beginning?
2. Isaac being judge is great but also the callback to Jamie and Nate with the money box was something I did not expect
3. God I hate Jane so much.
4. Roy Kent I love you.
5. Rebecca I swear to god what the fuck. You literally said that Richmond is your family and important
7. Loving how Nate has just been welcomed back. Nate The Great is back baby
8. I'm going to miss the Pub Lads
9. Trent is an anxious little bean for his book 🥺
10. Roy opening up?? Being vulnerable? Not liking Roy vs Jamie at all. Did not like how Jamie brought up the sex tape. I understand why they had the conversation because Roy was actually not wanting to hurt Jamie but I didn't like it
11. Oh finally. They got their shit together a bit and figured out they're idiots but also yay for the two still being friends
12. Micheal!!
15. Crying over the clip Beard made
16. Michelle's new man has such an annoying vibe
17. Wait they all kept part of the sign 😭
18. Isaac my boy!!!! So proud of that goal
19. When even George is like wtf?? At Rupert
20. I just cried over a fake football match
21. Colin got to kiss his fella on the pitch 😭
22. You're right Ted, air con is a privilege (God I wish it was a thing in the UK)
23. I love Beard staying in England and his plan is flawless but I hate that he's staying for Jane
24. Oh ffs not the Dutch guy
25. Roy being manager is perfect. Sam being part of the Nigerian club! Not sure how I feel about Jamie and his dad.
27. Roy getting therapy, I'm so proud of him
28. Fuck the Jane and Beard wedding but I love how the team is there. Is Roy his best man?
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Stepping Stones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/eilMdxu
by xSeeingStarsx
Jason Todd has finally come home. Red Hood is intent on staying in Gotham permanently, even if it means playing by Batman’s rules. But Gotham has changed since he left, no more so than the dynamics at play at Wayne Manor. Who are the Williams siblings? And how are they connected with one of Black Mask’s clients?
Petra Williams' life didn’t feel like her own, hell, even her name wasn’t her own, it was a carefully-crafted facade to keep her and her brother safely hidden. But maybe there was a way to get her life back, and Red Hood was going to help her, whether he liked it or not.
 Fic updated every 3rd Saturday of the month
I would also like my lovely friend m_e_winters here on AO3 who has put as much work into this fic as I have with my consistent pestering them, bouncing ideas off of them, and their reliable help with editing.
Words: 2185, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU, DCU (Comics), Bat - Fandom, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days, Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Original Characters, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Batfamily Members, Roy Harper, Talia al Ghul, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Clark Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Lois Lane, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Roman Sionis
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Red Hood/Original Female Character, Batfamily Members & Original Character(s), Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Batbrothers Bonding (DCU), Batfamily (DCU), Slow Burn, Falling In Love, no graphic smut, Implied/Referenced Sexual Content, Fade to Black, Implied/Referenced Child Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Get In We Are Finding Love And Emotional Healing, Everyone Needs Therapy, Only once character actually is in therapy, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce is a tired dad™ trying, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne is an Unreliable Narrator, Projecting my mixed feelings about Bruce Wayne, Vigilantism, Murder, Psychological Trauma, Tim Drake and Jason Todd are Best Bros, Talia Al Ghul as a Maternal Figure, meta-humans - Freeform, Metahumans, unethical medical experimentation, Child Soldiers, Puts Favorite DC Media in a Blender: Cannon? What Cannon?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/eilMdxu
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Is it alright to request a “future child scenario” with Artemis where said child’s middle name is either the initial letter “W.” or “Wallace” as like a way of honoring Wally?
I understand if you choose to not do this request and I will respect that.
Artemis Crock when her Future child comes to the Present
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Dick Grayson Ver. | Jason Todd Ver. | Tim Drake Ver. | Damian Wayne Ver.  | Bruce Wayne Ver.
Conner Kent Ver. | Wally West Ver.| Roy Harper Ver.
Artemis took a long time to get back into a relationship after Wally passed
She wasn't even expecting to find love again
But uk after a few years of feeling like crap, she finally decided to get some therapy
It's not like she was incredibly depressed or anything
But she did feel this immense guilt whenever she thought someone was emotionally attractive
Or if she thought of going on a date
Or if someone asked her on a date and she declined but then regretted it
So, when she met you, she was hesitant to go on a date and then get into a relationship
But you completely understood where she was coming from
And you didn't force her into anything that she wasn't ready for
Eventually she was able to get emotionally intimate with you without feeling guilt
And your relationship grew stronger
You were actually considering asking Artemis to marry you
But when you brought up the idea of marriage and children to your girlfriend
She completely freaked out
Probably got scared once again
And you didn't want to hold it against her because she's been through so much
But damn, you really thought you were doing so well
And you tried to explain that to her
You tried to have a mature conversation
But Artemis totally panicked and said that she might not ever want kids and that you just had to deal with it
She didn't really mean it
Tbh she had never thought about having kids
But she didn't know if she did 100% want them
So, in a panic she just said she didn't
It was a huge fight
And you both were in tears
"I think, I need to be with someone who wants the same things I do."
Artemis left that morning to Will's place, saying that she'd have someone pick up her things
And you were completely prepared to let her go
Even if it felt like your heart was getting ripped in your chest
A couple days of just wallowing in your home and being depressed
You heard the doorbell ring
You were both scared and excited to open it
Scared because it could have been someone to help pack Artemis' things
And excited because it could have been Artemis telling you that she made a mistake
You didn't want to pressure her into getting married or having kids
But oh god, wouldn't it be so great if she realized it for herself?
When you opened the door
Someone you didn't know was standing on the other side
A teenage boy stood there, smiling brightly at you
"Hi, there! I'm Nathaniel Wallace Crock!"
Crock? As in Artemis Crock? She told you she didn't have any family
"Uh, you're related to Artemis?"
"Kinda. I'm from the future. I'm yours' and Artemis' son."
Holy shit
There was a crazy person standing outside your apartment
He seemed to realize that you were about to slam the door in his face
And the next thing you knew, he was inside your apartment
"Listen dude. If you want money, I have a whole 27 dollars in my wallet and pizza coupon from 2012."
Nathaniel rolled his eyes
"I don't want your money, mom. I really am from the future."
"You know what, I'm gonna just give you the 27 dollars."
The door slammed open and in came Artemis, red faced and panting
"My god, this kid is fast."
He scoffed, "Yeah, no duh, it's part of the 'super' in superspeed."
Your ex-girlfriend's eyes widened, "You have superspeed?"
"Yeah, I used the intelligence I didn't inherit from either of you and recreated an experiment using the documents I stole from both of you."
"I'm sorry, I'm a little lost."
Apparently, Nathaniel made a stop at Artemis first before coming here
He told Artemis he was her son too and she obviously didn't believe him
Now, both you and Artemis were sitting on the sofa, watching Nathan pace in front of you
"Okay, so my moms, which is future you, sent me to the past to get you two back together. They didn't really give me any instructions so I'm just winging it." He explained
"I don't believe you. We literally just had a fight about how Artemis didn't want kids."
His eyes widened at her, "God, mom, you're really making this difficult for me."
Artemis was half convinced
I mean, she had dealt with Bart before
She knew coming from the future was very much possible
But it wasn't like she was just going to take his word for it
"Any proof?"
And 4 hours later, you both were wide eyed
"Wow he had so much proof."
"A ridiculous amount. I thought he said he was winging it."
And you're staring down Nathan like how is this even possible
"So....you're our kid? How does that happen?"
"Well, when two people love each other very much--"
"I gotta say, this is making me want to have kids a little less."
Artemis laughed, "Ironically, it's actually making me think that having kids won't be so bad."
Your eyes widened, "What? Really?"
Artemis gestured to Nathan who seemed a little too pleased with himself
Just sitting happily on the couch and watching the both of you with a bright smile
"Well, I guess I was scared because there's just so many things that could go wrong. But, I mean, this kid is our son, and he seems okay. So, I think it might just work out."
She spared you a glance, "I mean, if you still want to."
You beamed, "Are you kidding?! Of course, I want to!"
The next few days while you tried to figure out what exactly to do with Nathaniel was fun
With him constantly reminding you that when he's 15 and he crashes Artemis' bike, you need to let it go because he got you two back together
You both just rolled your eyes at him
It was odd how you both just sunk into the whole parenting thing
Like it was weird
You both just suddenly had maternal instincts?
Like what?
Artemis was actually a natural, considering she took care of Lian since she was born
Though you imagine a baby girl and a teenage boy aren't exactly the same
But Nathaniel is just the sweetest
A little rough around the edges
And even though he's adopted, he has traits similar to both of yours
Like your clumsiness
And Artemis' ruggedness
And it actually makes your heart swell
Because damn, that's your kid
And he's the perfect combination of yourself and the woman you love the most in the world
Apparently future you and he have a tradition of waking up every Saturday to watch a morning drama
You couldn't imagine why because waking up on a Saturday morning felt like death was upon you
And waking up to watch a romance show with your son was even weirder
But you definitely understood the appeal
You figured this particular instance was the reason the tradition arose in the first place
He was also very used to rough housing with Artemis
Like it wasn't a surprise to see them wrestling on the couch
And you're just sipping tea on the side like 'I live with two animals now.'
Brucely isn't counted because he has more braincells than both of them combined
And you loved seeing Artemis interact with him
Because yes, she was a little cold and standoffish
But you knew that she could be the warmest, cuddliest, loving person
And she really reflected that while spending time with Nathaniel
Being raised by two women is not that different from any other parenting team
But it definitely means that your son is a little more flexible and accepting of mood swings and emotional vulnerability
You know the phrase written by a woman?
Well Nathaniel was literally raised by 2 supportive, intelligent, powerful, and independent feminists that it never even occurred to him that there was some difference between men and women
That made you swell with pride
Because raising a kid to embody your principles and such is difficult
Especially with so much influence from the outside world
But the fact that you raised a respectful, smart, kind but also self-secure person made you feel relief
Like you did a good job
Basically, Nathaniel coming into your life a little early was the best thing that could have happened
So, when he did leave, you both were saddened to see him go
But also, you were very excited for the life that was going to come
Of course, you and Artemis pick up where you left off
And in a couple years you do get married
A small ceremony, of course with only close friends and family
And then in a couple years when you both are completely comfortable with it and financially stable, you look into adoption
The process is a little difficult and taxing
The anticipation and waiting and constant disappointment were a little discouraging
But luckily you both already knew that something great was coming to you
So, you kept the memory of Nathaniel close to your heart and waited
Until one day the adoption agency described a baby boy with features that resembled your baby boy
You both shared gigantic grins, knowing that it was your son
"Are you both interested?"
"(Y/N) this isn't an auction, control yourself. But yes, we're both incredibly interested in adopting this baby boy, please let us adopt him. And ignore my wife here, she's a little excited."
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destinationtoast · 2 years
Okay, look. I love so many of the characters in Ted Lasso. But I am here most of all for Roy Kent. If you are also attached to Roy, and if you have ever wondered any of the following, I recommend Dauphine by @wildwren .
How did Roy get so emotionally repressed?
What does it feel like inside his head and his body when he's holding onto his sadness, not letting any of it out?
What are the dangers of him being overly reliant on one single person for absolutely all his emotional support?
What happens when Roy has an exceptionally shitty month, and that one person isn't supporting him?
How mean can Roy be to Ted and have Ted still see through him and keep showing up for him?
What combination of events/characters could compel Roy Kent to finally go to therapy?
This story has a somewhat hopeful ending, but in the meantime, Roy goes through hell, and he reflects a bunch of that toward his friends when they try to help him out, including both Ted and Jamie (you'll never guess which one of them is more graceful about being on the receiving end of Roy lashing out). In addition to Roy's excellent interactions with Ted and Jamie, I appreciated the portrayals of several other relationships -- Roy & Sharon, Roy & Phoebe, and Roy with his sister and one of his early teachers. And, of course, Roy & Keeley, though those scenes were also agonizing, because this is, in part, a fic about them potentially breaking up.
Content warnings: This fic is dark in ways that I would have noped out of if they were handled with less skill. There is an (off screen) cat death in this story, which is one of the nope-iest possible things for me. Also some mentions of suicidal thoughts. Roy and Keeley are both more messed up and currently-not-good-for-each-other than they usually are in fic (but tbh, I often find them too perfect and too soft in fic, and this was a welcomely different take). To me, this fic handled that all well enough, was emotionally real enough, and ended on a satisfying/cathartic enough note, that I was very glad I didn't nope out.
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