#but she is not a good person and she has a very frayed sense of morality
ow1et · 6 months
literally if owlet is being a pest all you have to do is throw her in the closest body of water and she'll sink like a rock.
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feirceangel · 6 months
Imagine | Dance (Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen)
Imagine Feyd attending a ball and being bored to tears until you appear in the crowd.
A/n- thanks to everyone who read and supported my other Feyd fic!! I hope you all enjoy this one too :)
Word Count: 1,353
Warnings: none
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The ballroom is overrun with diplomats and politicians. All dressed up in their very best attire, each one is hoping to impress those richer and more influential than themselves.
Feyd observes with a bored demeanour, swirling the blood red wine in his goblet. He’s leaning against a white pillar, staring out at the people with keen dark eyes.
A celebration of this degree isn’t something to be missed, his Uncle had said, insisting on his attendance.
So he attends, although he is bored from the lack of any meaningful conversations or actions. The feast was the best part, his favourite piece a bloody rare steak that practically melted in his mouth.
No one has come to speak with him out of a desire to just chat. No, each person who spoke had an ulterior motive and fear in their eyes. They want to be on the Harkonnen’s good side, lest they become victims instead. So, they chat about inconsequential things, all the while their hands shake and betray their frayed nerves.
Feyd found it amusing at first, but has since grown tired of it. These fickle politics and the endless pursuit of money. Money and power make this universe worth living in.
Music begins to play, a sensual drum beat joined by the strumming of string instruments and an angelic vocalizer. The sea of mingling people part as they allow the dancers the necessary space to move.
Feyd’s lips curl as he watches people join in the dance, the ballroom finally used for its original purpose.
People in skin tight dresses, fashionable suits, those showing too much skin, some showing none- the room is flooded with a menagerie of humans.
Each one is dancing with a partner, bending and swaying to the rhythm. All accept one.
He watches her move in perfect synchronization with the lilting music, lifting her arms high in the air. She avoids the stuffy aristocratic dancers who hardly allow the music to carry them.
She looks like a woman possessed. As if the melody has taken root deep within her and bids her to perform a marvellous spell.
It must be a spell, for he finds himself bewitched.
No one else has captured his attention so profoundly this whole event. He hasn’t even spoken with her yet and oh how he wishes too.
He must.
Feyd has never before desired to dance. Not unless it was the dance of battle, of blades clashing and blood dripping.
You have changed that.
As he watches you deftly twirling and clapping gently to the song, he cannot stop his body from acting on its own accord.
And Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, fearsome warrior, finds himself pushing through the crowd to join you in your hypnotic dance.
You notice when the handsome stranger leaves his spot by the pillar, his eyes fixated only on you. You’re not sure how to feel.
During the dinner, you had walked by him on the way to your designated place. You’re from a minor house, not fit to sit with the guests from the major ones. Not that you minded, it’s always been this way.
He had caught your attention immediately. Brooding and gorgeous, with full, sensual lips and the palest skin you’ve ever seen, how could you resist admiring him?
He hadn’t noticed you then.
He notices you now.
A soft smile graces your lips as he reaches you, dark eyes boring into yours. You stop as he reaches out a sculpted hand.
You take it.
His hand is warm, and you can sense the strength hiding just beneath his skin. This man is dangerous, you realized that when you first spotted him.
To your surprise, he is an excellent dancer, leading you in perfect harmony to the music. You can barely hear the music over the pounding of your heart.
This wasn’t what you expected.
“You are a wonderful dancer,” you whisper once you’re close enough to hear each other.
His smirk is prideful, “A fighter must be lithe and nimble, my lady.”
His voice is raspy, deep. Again, you are taken by surprise.
“You must be an excellent warrior too.”
You spin around, his hand guiding you. He has dropped his smile, replaced it with a predatory look reminiscent of a hungry panther.
“The best,” he replies, supporting your back as he dips you downwards.
The other dancers seem to fade away as you dance with him, this frightening stranger. His touches are like a fire unto you, his gaze a steady burning.
He dances as if it’s a battle of dominance. He leads without hesitation, and you answer with the fluidity and grace befitting a lady.
It’s exhilarating.
And it’s gone too soon as the music dies down and the other clap for the musicians.
Breathing heavily, you simply stare at this man who joined you in rapturous movement, not wanting it to end.
He hasn’t let go of your hand.
You don’t want him to.
“What’s your name?” You ask before he can slip away and disappear forever. If he did, you’d at least want to remember his name.
He smirks, “You don’t know me?”
“No, or I would not have asked,” you point out.
He chuckles, revealing blacked teeth, “I am na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, my lady.”
You blink at this revelation. You’ve never met a Harkonnen before, let alone a such a high ranking one.
Feyd expects you to recoil in fright, surely knowing the brutality his house is known for. He is taken aback when you smile.
“I am pleased to meet you,” you in line your head slightly as you supply your own name.
He realizes his hand is still clasping yours and that you don’t seem to mind it one bit. Feyd gently tugs you towards him, “Come, it is too crowded here.”
Perhaps foolishly, you allow yourself to be led away from the ballroom and into a quiet hall.
It’s late, and you can see the stars through the sheer curtains of the hallway.
“Are you enjoying the festivities? You seemed unhappy,” you ask. “I saw you by the pillar.”
“I was bored,” he admits without care. “Before the dance.”
“And now?”
“And now I have welcome company and my boredom has fled in the wake of your beauty.”
He traces a hand, still so warm, down your cheek. You bask in the attention, wondering if this is all a dream you’ll wake from in a moment.
Feyd’s hand goes lower, until it grasps around your neck and tightens. Not enough to cause damage, but enough to still your breathing. With his grip tight, he pulls you forward and kisses you deeply.
It’s intoxicating.
He kisses like he dances, dominating and alluring. You bring your hands up to grip his shoulders as he continues his assault on your senses.
“Everything was dull until you danced into my sight,” he rasps as you catch your breath. “I’ve never seen such a vision.”
“I have never seen a man like you,” you confess, resting a hand on his chest. “You have such intensity…”
“Does it frighten you?”
“No, no it thrills me, my lord.”
The way those words roll off your tongue has Feyd hooked, his mouth latching onto your neck as he cups your face with one hand.
“Do you know what I’ve done?” He asks, unsure why he’s asking.
“I know you’ve danced beautifully,” you smile. “And I know your touch feels electrifying. And I know you’re going to take me into an empty room.”
You withdraw from him slightly, awestruck at the hunger in his eyes.
“And what happens then?”
He retakes your hand, not too gently this time, and practically drags you to the nearest room, slamming the pen the door.
Luckily, no one is in there.
“You know what happens next,” you say, already stripping him of his fine shirt before doing the same to yourself.
Feyd is glad he decided to come to this festival, thanking his lucky stars as he stares in awe at your beauty.
He wonders if you make love as spellbindingly as you dance.
He’ll soon find out.
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blues824 · 11 months
Imagen izuru Kamukura dating the mitsuri kanroji.
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💞He is the obanai to your mitsuri (he is more obanai and giyuu combined.)
🍡Imagen the contrast between them a person who constantly shows emotions and loves everyone dispite their flaws and has her own flaws with a guy who doesn't feel emotions gets easily bored and doesn't have any flaws.
💞Imagen her braiding izuru his hair like her and him letting her and him doing her hair in return.
🍡Imagen his reaction to her hair being pink and green because of her love for sakura mochi and learning that she had to eat 180 sakura mochi for 8 months staigt of it to acedently happen.
💞Or het mussels mass being 8 times denser than everyone even surpassing him and her being able to beat 3 sumu wrestler in a food competition.
🍡I know he whoud be able to be as flexible and as tallend with a sword like the mitsuri mc or even stronger but she doesn't mind she always wanted a strong and intelligent husband.
💞Her being a cat person and always doing adorable things and izuru is just starting their watching over her imagine her making a flower crown for him and him just walking around with it.
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Izuru Kamukura
When I say that this man fits your type perfectly, I mean it. You were invited to Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Swordswoman, which made sense. The only thing was that you were well-versed in every weapon, and your signature was a pair of whips instead of a sword. However, Izuru could wield them just as well, if not better. 
Now, you were his perfect opposite. You were very sensitive to your emotions, being way more in-touch with them than he was. You don’t get bored too easily, and you are rather happy and joyful despite being shy. He, on the other hand, was not a fan of emotions, as they tended to get messy. He tended to think about the negatives, being a cup-is-half-empty kind of person. He was not shy, nor was he soft-spoken… he was just a lone-wolf.
But, here you were, sitting behind him at lunch and braiding his hair into smaller braids. All of your classmates were purely amazed that Izuru was just allowing you to do it as you talked to him and did his ‘daily affirmations’. Truth be told, your gentle hands felt good in his hair, and he found himself relaxing in your arms. You were the only one who could make him temporarily forget the pain he has gone through to be here, but he’s grateful for it because he has you.
Izuru has what one would call a ‘sleeper build’. His muscles won’t show unless he flexes them. Your muscles work pretty much the same way, but you often use yours more. He makes it known that he doesn’t care that your muscle mass surpasses his and that the concept of femininity has been frayed since the beginning. This came up when he saw you refusing food for the nth time. Afterwards, he gave you a box of sakura mochi, and his heart melted at seeing you so happy.
You totally call him ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie’, and again, everyone is questioning how you are still alive. In your mind, though, you were already married. Despite there being a certain absence on your finger, you have already pictured up an image of you and Izuru growing old with each other (think Ellie and Carl from Up). 
For your pink hair, he kind of guessed that it was because of the pigment in the sakura mochi you loved so much. But he didn’t really care. You were eating something you liked, and that’s all that mattered. Plus, your hair was a pretty pink color that allowed Izuru to distinguish you in a crowd, which he definitely liked. You stood out like a pink highlighter, and that’s actually Izuru’s contact name for you in his phone. Don’t be offended, it’s affectionate.
Once, you came to school with a flower crown in hand. It had all sorts of daisies and dandelions, and you placed it on your boyfriend’s head. You then placed a kiss on his cheek before heading off to drop your stuff off at your locker. Throughout the day, Izuru could be seen wearing the flower crown, as he didn’t bother to take it off. Plus, he didn’t want to make you sad by taking it off, so it stayed on.
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Wild Child Mint enters the fray!
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Name: Mint
Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her
Species: Puffball
Age: Late Teens
Abilities: Animal Communication, Agrokinesis, Archery, Sharp Senses and Agility
Weaknesses: Fire, Feral Social Skills, Missing Wing, Fears Bears
Likes: Hunting, Worthy Prey, Coyotes, Wild Pork
Dislikes: Long Conversations, Fire, Bears, Mushrooms
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Aggressive, impulsive, instinct driven, Mint is best described as borderline feral given the circumstances life laid out for her. Being raised by wolves (well, coyotes) in the wild shaped the young puffball into a talented huntress and survivalist, but it did her social etiquette no favors. As she speaks in broken sentences, is frustrated by long conversations, doesn't respond well to provocation and is easy to overwhelm, Mint has been written off as someone not worth the trouble of getting to know.
Though she isn't a social butterfly, hidden under that pelt of hers is a deeply curious, clever, and surprisingly thoughtful girl. Mint is not easy to befriend, but those that can manage it may find a Puffball with a strong sense of loyalty. She is protective of the wilds that she calls home, driving out those that disrespect it and guiding those who are lost to safety- All to protect the delicate ecosystem and those that live outside it.
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As a very young child, a young Mint was left alone in a sprawling, untamed forest and was forced to fend for herself. She was lucky to catch the attention and good will of a pack of coyotes, who helped the young puffball survive her early years and accustomed her to a wild upbringing. Using the pelt and bones of a deceased coyote, Mint fashioned herself a garment that she hoped made her fit in more with her wild friends.
When she scared a group of trespassing boys out of her territory, one of them dropped a bow and a quiver of arrows. After much trial and error, Mint figured out how to use the weapon as a tool to hunt. Along with a set of falcon-like wings growing in, she quickly became a skilled marksman with impeccable aim.
She hit a snag however when a ferocious bear intercepted one of her hunts, and the ensuing scuffle resulted in the permanent injury of one of Mint's wings and ultimately grounded her. While she was recovering from this fight, an irresponsible group of outside hunters started a forest fire that Mint barely escaped.
With two terrifying events happening right after another, Mint decided to take it as a sign that she must become stronger if she wanted to keep the only home she's ever known safe. Training herself to fight with her trusty bow, she threw herself headfirst into dozens of fights, and found the thrill of fighting strong foes quite to her liking. She's fought many battles with outsiders looking to harm her forest and safely guided the weak ones out of harms way. However, her forest is now starting to gain a reputation for its ferocious feral protector and is attracting more challengers than keeping them away... Much to Mint's continued annoyance.
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Notes, Fun Facts, and Trivia
In terms of human years, Mint would be about 17-19 years old
Mint has never seen or interacted with another Puffball since she was a young child. She's almost completely forgotten others like her exist
Her family is still alive, but their whereabouts are unknown
Mint is one of my oldest characters. I came up with her initial design and story around 2012!
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birues · 2 months
Tagged by @lilas @hythlodaes @lavampira @thevikingwoman @hylfystt tysm friends 💜
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Name: Tuana Nevin
Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual cis woman
Age: Early 30s (my timeline is a mess i have to work on lol)
- Tall, muscular to the point she can break watermelon with her thighs
- Beautiful smile... And tits. (Look I'm a tits lover i cannot help it 😭)
- Can be very charismatic, flirty and bantery if she's in the mood
- Sexually experienced and willing to try out new things
- Extremely observant. Will take care of you and is adaptive to different personalities of her partners
- You'll probably won't get bored with her around. She has a way of finding exciting ways to pass the time
- Uhm... Almost all of her lovers are dead/have died at some point. She might be cursed on that front
- She's a mess. Bad mental health. Bad is probably an understatement.
- Unhealthy and extreme coping mechanisms including but not limited to: Fray, forging a covenant with a voidsent despite being a red mage, spending the entirety of shb devising a plan to sacrifice herself
- Almost no sense of self preservation, and the duty will come first
- Not very pleasant to be around when she's in a bad mood.
- Commitment issues related to past Traumas™
- She can say cruel things when she's really really pissed off. Though it's hard to get her to that point.
- Not a good cook. If you're expecting a breakfast... You might be disappointed
- She's comfortable with topping and bottoming but the latter kinda depends on how much she feels at ease and trusts her partner.
- When she's not badly depressed, she is actually very friendly, and has a teasing streak! (She will roast you to hell and back)
- Incredibly smart and when there's an argument to be had, she sometimes takes it as a contest
- Theatre kid. She will talk about her favorite plays. A lot. Good luck 🤞Also loves books. And she is a hopeless romantic.
- Memory problems. She might pass out or zone out bc of this from time to time.
- Do not expect a committed long term relationship. She's more into flings bc... Yeah. All of That™. Also trauma.
- Good with money... So she can order you both takeaway?
- Tea. Sooo much tea.
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
yes, yes, i know we’ve talked about this a literal million times but i just can’t get over the 1789 fight scene
dream sitting there all self-satisfied and unperturbed, like a spoiled prince with a bodyguard, not lifting a finger while hob fights everyone for him; until hob is personally threatened
just the supreme lack of concern about the proceedings while you know inside he’s positively preening about it, because when was the last time someone actually defended him like this? and so eagerly, so willingly?
and hob, i think that he was feeling shame about their conversation earlier and wanted to some degree to prove that he was still at the very least useful to his stranger—like, even if he finds hob utterly morally repugnant he can’t argue that hob’s not good to have around, that he didn’t throw himself willingly and eagerly into the fray when dream was threatened
hob taking out dream’s attacker first really hits on that to me. and the way hob grins at johanna when she puts the knife in his face, all “go ahead, try and fuck me up, i dare you” because he knows his stranger is watching and what’s a little pain and suffering if it means he can prove himself?
the way he tells dream that he defended him because he “didn’t want to be drinking alone here in a hundred years’ time”... but what he’s really saying is at the end of the day, it wasn’t so much dream’s physical safety he’d worried about (he had to have seen how unbothered dream was before the fight started)
it was that he’d realized he’d done something so reprehensible, so unforgivable this time with his immortality that he legitimately thought if he didn’t prove he had worth in some other way (the way hob can always fall back on, what he is at his core, bandit, soldier, fighter) his stranger would leave that night and never come back again
and inside dream might have been contemplating his dismay at the fact that hob has really reached the dregs of humanity four hundred years in, and loathing the direction hob has taken. yet here hob is throwing himself blatantly, carelessly, in the face of danger for dream and it’s not exactly atonement but it’s something. it’s something that appeals to that little subconscious part of dream he won’t acknowledge, that desire to be loved and to feel a sense of safety, to sense others’ loyalty to him
the way dream looks at hob after, the undisguised heat of it but also the pettiness, the way dream pretends at not having wanted to be defended. the “yes, it seems you are good for something, after all” undertone of it, the way they’re both looking at each other like, yes, we can at least take shelter in physicality
the way their morality is so fundamentally opposed in this scene, but they’re still so bonded by the common factor of their otherness and how that otherness puts them both in danger—that they come right back around on the other side of contention to understanding, to desire because they both hunger to be seen, each in their own way
aughhhh i am distraught
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generalluxun · 6 months
Inspired by my last ask, but yeah Sabrina & Chloe's friendship is fascinating if one looks at it from the early series.
Cos its easy to write off as the classic "Rich kid and their beleaguered modern day serf" but it very much isn't.
Off the cuff is that both of them enjoyed their nastier behavior, rather than one being pulled into it by the other.
Then that both girls can be so upset by their relationship fraying that they risk being akumatized, which means there is 100% mutual affection there regardless of any other differences.
Then there is, as you pointed out, the fact Chloe tends to buy Sabrina's affection with gifts, use presents as a form of apology, or compensation for homework. This is also however something Sabrina is very consciously aware of and is a system she's 'rewarded' in a sense for participating in and she's willing to hold back her role in the relationship if it suits her.
It is not strictly a good or healthy relationship to say the least but it feels more mutually messed up than I feel is often presented.
Then there is their own general head-spaces to consider.
Sabrina definitely knows Chloe has the stronger personality & wealth, while she generally less confident & well off.
Chloe's meanwhile is intensely defensive, has abonnement issues & needs Sabrina more than Sabrina needs presents.
What's more because of said aforementioned mean-streaks, both are likely fearful of what would happen if the other turned on them. Chloe may have the resources, but she is also a public figure much more vulnerable to scandal. So there's probably always a little voice in their heads, but especially Chloe's thinking "What if she turns on me?"
Which would naturally weaken any intimacy or safety they can feel around one another. Not to the point where its absent. But definitely to the point where there is a balancing act between protecting one's self, showing they care & expressing vulnerability or need.
& that's just their willingness to communicate/trust, it doesn't even approach differing understandings of social norms, class structure, love languages or general emotional intelligence.
Chloé&Sabrina's friendship is definitely a thing, and it *is* a friendship. It's just unhealthy because *lookit how Chloé was not raised*
I give Sabrina a little less 'enjoyment' angle out of being mean. She enjoyed the praise/positive reinforcement it got her, but not the acts themselves. She's not a forceful personality initially. Going along is her M.O.
Yes she was willing to break with Chloé that one time, everyone gets angry at friends now and then. Marinette also (inappropriately) egged her on. Seriously- presenting sucks. I gladly did more work writing/researching a group project as long as someone else stood in front of the class to do the talking.
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I'm very late to the party it seems, because only after getting more weird asks than usual, and a few explicitly naming the bloggers involved did I learn today of the ugliness that went down a short while ago. Storm has already said her bit and I respect her choice to quietly step back so this isn't me resurrecting a dead horse to bludgeon. I'm writing this because I've been on the receiving end of this sort of campaign before, have seen it play out too many times with the same types of people, and because I want it on record somewhere that I don't know anybody here personally (a conscious choice) but that all my dealings with Storm showed her to be a forthright and thorough person. And even if she wasn't, that wouldn't excuse any of this bullshit.
Normally if this were a private matter I'd keep my opinion to myself after all I don't know any of you. But the moment anybody brings this shit into the public then anybody gets to have a go at it. We've all seen these sorts of takedown posts before, and I'm not always opposed to them because sometimes they're for good reason. If someone is actually racist, or idk a serial killer, it's good for the public to know that shit. Differing opinions on jikook being real, someone cussing you out, or blocking liberally do not meet that threshold for me, but everyone's different.
When I see these takedowns happen, including when it happened to me, I've observed it usually involves HCP personalities in this blogging space that take certain actions extremely personally and nurse grievances until it festers into fuel for drama that they gratify in because in their heads they believe they’ve been scorned and therefore are right. They usually think in a very tribal sense, rope other people in and force people into camps of friend, neutrals, and foe, and wear their egos on their sleeves.
In my case, I'd only been blogging here actively for less than 5 months before a pair of bloggers and their followers accused me of feuding with them, using them for clout, and that my opinions on my blog somehow prevented them from running their own blog and speaking freely. They'd been nursing that grievance for months with the followers who felt as they did, while I was oblivious, blogging with abandon so to speak, even interacting with them, until the call-out post. And my followers had been receiving messages about how much of a horrible bitch I am (I mean, I can be a bitch but hadn't been to anyone here at that point).
Thankfully I hadn't been blogging for long so most people could go through my blog to read what I actually think, see how I actually engage, and decide for themselves if anything those bloggers said made any sense. Storm has a longer blogging history and the campaign against her more widespread since she was very active in jikook spaces, plus she legit needs a break so I get why she's decided to take one now. I still get weird asks from people who claim to be devoted to those bloggers and that shit, that behaviour, that mentality is ugly. The point here is too many people take shit personally and then try to make it everyone's problem. Some HCP people can't help it if they have those sorts of personalities, but that doesn't excuse it. Seeing shit like this just kills the vibe for anyone who doesn't get high off that nonsense, and it further frays whatever community people are trying to build here. I usually keep my distance but I admire the people who have tried, even if only in public, to connect with people here and build community. Not everyone has to like everyone else, but there's enough abuse and BS to jokers from outside the community and fandom, for anyone to think their momentary satisfaction is worth poisoning this space, or character assassinating someone else.
Apparently anyone who has voiced support for Storm, has themselves become a target, and that in itself should tell you how weird this all is lmao.
For the people flooding my inbox who think we're in kindergarten and I should declare where my loyalties lie, get a fucking grip. If you have a problem with my arguments or views, I'm always happy to engage on that basis. But if you think me liking Storm and interacting with her posts is reason enough for you to act a fool in my inbox, you must be high out of your goddamn mind. Take my advice and block me because nobody here has time for all that. Vous pouvez vous attendre à être complètement ignoré par moi à partir de ce moment. J'ai entendu dire que le sexe anal peut soulager la pression sur la tête, vous pouvez l'essayer et me dire si cela fonctionne. Ça, je le posterai sur le blog. Tout le reste sera supprimé.
Borahae. 💜
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Perc'ahlia Week Day 1: Dawn/Treasure
happy first day of @percahliaweek! you will also find all of my fics for this week on ao3!
The youngest de Rolo child screams her way into the world right at dawn, but she herself is the color of sunset. Of blood. Of a heart, beating and alive. The birthing suite is quiet, except for the miserable squalls of the newborn. The midwife, the same one who ushered in all of the child's elder siblings, holds her, eyes wide, unsure of where is the least improper place to be staring right now.
Pike is the one to break the spell. "Well, get her cleaned up!" The bite in her tone jolts the midwife into action. She scuttles to the basin of water that Keyleth has been keeping warm. While they clean the baby of the detritus of her birth, Pike lays her hands on Vex's arm. A golden light flickers across Vex's sweat-slick skin, and the exquisite aches of childbirth all but disappear.
Leaving Vex with little to think about but her tiefling daughter.
She looks first to Pike, a holy woman, a friend, for wisdom, for salvation, but Pike can offer nothing but a gentle pat on the arm and an encouraging smile. Keyleth is the one who brings the baby over, all clean and swaddled in a lavender blanket that clashes horribly, and when Vex looks to her, she finds scarcely-concealed panic.
"She's beautiful," Keyleth murmurs, nestling the baby into Vex's arms, which reach up automatically, without conscious thought. She wonders if Keyleth's lying. She was never very good at it—but then, she's been in politics for a while now. Maybe she's learned a thing or two.
It isn't until the baby's round cheek presses into Vex's chest, until the tiny, grasping fingers latch onto the end of her fraying braid, until her heart claws its way to lodge in her throat, that she looks up at Percy. How many years has she known this man, how many ways has she pulled back his layers to see into the heart of him—shouldn't she be able to see the tears in his eyes and know if they are tears of joy, of revulsion, of love, of fear? For years they've been able to read each other's thoughts with nothing more than a glance; are they even in the same room?
His hand is clenched white-knuckled around the poster of the bed, as if it is the only thing keeping him upright. (Maybe it is.) His eyes are locked on the baby, on the jerky movements of her arms, so new, so unsure. Vex watches him watch her, and she doesn't know what to say.
"Why don't we..." Keyleth trails off, nervous and hesitant, but Pike finishes the thought with, "...let you have some time?" The two of them usher the baffled midwife out, and then they are alone.
The baby gurgles. Vex tears her eyes away from Percy to see her tug with that mysterious baby strength on the end of the braid. She really is beautiful, with a dusting of fine dark hair and a button nose.
"I didn't cheat on you."
The words are out before Vex can think about them. They're answered with a loud, shaky exhale and a croaked, "Fucking hell, Vex'ahlia."
Her eyes snap to his. "I didn't."
He's looking at her like she herself just sprouted horns. "Are you operating under the assumption that I believe you did?"
Oh. His face is entirely unreadable, the phases of some inner turmoil happening too quickly for her mind, exhausted after a long night of labor, to make sense of. "I...how do you explain..."
"Vex..." He runs a tired hand over his face, and for the first time, Vex sees the age that Percy tries to hide from her. She's reminded of the fact that while he certainly did not expel an entire person from his body today, he did, at the very least, stay awake with her through the agonies of the night, hold her hand and wipe the sweat from the brow as her body contorted in its familiar dance to bring another de Rolo into this castle. He perches on the edge of the bed facing her, brings his long, delicate fingers up to toy with the minuscule feet hidden beneath the swaddle. "Vex, I did this."
She frowns. "I don't think that's how this works, darling."
He smiles. "It is when you make a deal with a devil."
All of the breath leaves her. She hasn't thought about that in ages, the contract that sits beneath the castle in a vault, never to be seen again. All these years, it was so easy to believe that they'd gotten off scot-free, that the follies of their youth had exacted all of the tolls to be exacted.
Yet here she is, holding her baby girl, bright red as a devil. She trails her fingers over her tiny head, and she can feel them, twin bumps where someday, horns will grow.
In these earliest moments of day, when the first golden rays promise all of the potential of what is to come, there is a choice to be made. Vex knows that whatever is said next will forever change the future of this girl, this marriage, this family, this city. There is a choice to be made, and for her, it is no choice at all.
"She's perfect."
She juts her chin out, looks to her husband in challenge. She dares him to say something, to disagree with her assessment of their child. He doesn't, of course, because Vex knows he doesn't have it in him to reject anything they've made together. His fingertips, so wonderful at handling the tiniest, most delicate things with care, brush along their baby girl's cheek, and she lets out a small cry. He grins a grin as bright as the Dawnfather's sun. "Our greatest treasure. Brighter than any jewel in our coffers."
"And anyone who suggests otherwise will face our wrath."
"Swift and exacting."
"We'll need to get out ahead of the rumors."
"I'll bet you all the gold in the castle that Keyleth has already threatened the midwife within an inch of her life."
"Only if Pike hasn't done it first."
"We have the best of friends."
"Mm, we really do." She sighs. "Do you think the other children will..."
Percy slides over so they're sitting shoulder to shoulder, both gazing at the baby in her arms. "Tease her?" Vex nods. "Well, they are your children..." He's not quick enough to evade the pinch to his ear. Laughing, he says, "I think that we are far from perfect parents, but that we've done our best to raise our children to be good, kind, empathetic people, with a near-pathological instinct to protect their own. So I'm not worried, no."
She tips her head onto his shoulder. It is dawn, but she is so very tired. "She really is a treasure, Percy."
A kiss as familiar as her own name is pressed into the crown of her head. "As are you. The greatest prize a de Rolo ever claimed."
She wrinkles her nose. "Okay, first of all, you didn't claim me—"
And he shuts her up with a kiss, and she lets him, because a new day is dawning for the de Rolo family, because she is holding their child, because she loves him, because she is happy, she is happy, she is happy.
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luuv-zomby · 4 months
catrine demew introject? pls and ty!
Catrine Demew
pt: catrine demew
✿ —⁠ name : catrine, calico, paris, adora ✿ —⁠ pronouns : she/fleur/mew ✿ —⁠ gender terms : fem ✿ —⁠ presentation (masc, fem, neu) : fem ✿ —⁠ age : 17 ✿ —⁠ labels : femme sapphic, genderqueer, demiromantic ✿ —⁠ birthday : mar 15
✿ —⁠ role(s) : mood booster, anxiety holder ✿ —⁠ type : fictive ✿ —⁠ source : monster high
✿ —⁠ general mood / emotion : upbeat but a bit nervous ✿ —⁠ traits : perfectionist, creative, dexterous, ✿ —⁠ mannerisms / habits : bounces from project to project/craft to craft, sunbathing (with sunscreen!), taking forever to choose what to wear, organizing pens/pencils ✿ —⁠ priorities : fashion sense, keeping hygienic and well groomed (hair styled, nails done) ✿ —⁠ pet peeves : art block, dirty glasses/sunglasses, her purse being too small to fit everything, frayed paintbrushes ✿ —⁠ introvert / extrovert / omnivert / ambivert : ambivert ✿ —⁠ aesthetic : pattern mixing, cluttered y2k, luxury/designer, purple/blue/pink/black & white ✿ —⁠ theme : art/fashion ✿ —⁠ theme song : super graphic ultra modern girl
✿ —⁠ body type : athletic pear ✿ —⁠ species : werecat ✿ —⁠ height / weight : ✿ —⁠ voice / accent : french accent ✿ —⁠ hairstyle / hair type / hair color : ✿ —⁠ facial shape : diamond ✿ —⁠ eye shape / eye color : bright blue upturned, catlike pupils ✿ —⁠ nose shape : cat nose ✿ —⁠ lip shape : heart ✿ —⁠ other features : wavy purple hair with pink streaks, usually curled or in a half up ponytail, cat ears that poke out of her hair, very pale purple skin, long cat tail, beauty mark ✿ —⁠ clothing aesthetic : lots of patterns, puffy sleeves, always wearing a belt that holds drawing tools, tall heels, frills but no lace, sequins/glitter
✿ —⁠ dream job : portrait painter ✿ —⁠ fears : large dogs, being imperfect at her art ✿ —⁠ regrets : n/a ✿ —⁠ insecurities : when she gets a portrait wrong, letting her tail move freely ✿ —⁠ core values : being good at and passionate about what she spends her time on, looking and feeling her best, self care ✿ —⁠ philosophies : practice makes perfect (or at least progress)
✿ —⁠ likes : acrylic paint, oil pastels, fashion shows, birds (especially pigeons) ✿ —⁠ dislikes : the blank page, ✿ —⁠ loves : drawing, sketching, painting (especially gouache and oil paint), high fashion ✿ —⁠ hates : chalk pastels, heavy foundation ✿ —⁠ hyperfixations : her newest art project ✿ —⁠ unbearable : makeup melting down her face, being swarmed by mosquitoes/flies/gnats ✿ —⁠ comforts : parisian food, pop music, her friends ✿ —⁠ favorite color : can't pick, she loves them all but prefers cooler colors ✿ —⁠ favorite activity : making art ✿ —⁠ favorite song : changes almost weekly ✿ —⁠ favorite music genre : pop, lo-fi, lounge ✿ —⁠ favorite game : telestrations (like telephone with pictures/gartic phone) ✿ —⁠ favorite TV show : downton abbey ✿ —⁠ favorite movie : mean girls ✿ —⁠ favorite food : a really good, flakey, buttery croissant ✿ —⁠ favorite drink : iced matcha tea ✿ —⁠ favorite scent : florals & sweet scents (cupcake, rose) ✿ —⁠ favorite flower : lilies ✿ —⁠ favorite feeling : putting the final touch on an artwork ✿ —⁠ favorite season : spring ✿ —⁠ favorite weather : slightly overcast, it lets her get good lighting on her portrait subjects
✿ —⁠ other : art creds to @ 1percentcharge on tumblr and @ GisCoret on deviantart !! picrew creds to this one and this one!!
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image id 1: catrine demew from monster high. she faces the right, leans on a stair railing. /end id 1
image id 2: bust of catrine demew from monster high. she holds a paintbrush to her mouth in thought. /end id 2
image id 3: a picrew of catrine demew from monster high. she has pale skin, purple hair, a white bow in her hair and white cat ears that poke out the top. /end id 3
image id 4: a picrew of catrine demew from monster high. she has pale skin, purple hair, a white bow and pink sunglasses in her hair and white cat ears that poke out the top. /end id 4
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image id: a green userbox with a beatles album cover on the left. the right says "this post was made by sybil at spoil-the-party" in orange text. /end id
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nikofortuna · 1 year
JTTW Chapter 6 Thoughts
Chapter Six for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
Starting things off with another look at how time is accounted for in Heaven. Last time I concluded that the years that the Immortal Peach Trees need to grow their fruits were Earth years. This time around when they say that the Peach Festival happens every year they do mean a full year in Heaven, so multiple hundred years on Earth. It kind of has to be this way otherwise things would make little sense since if it wasn’t so the festival would be every day in Heaven and then they’d run out of Immortal Peaches really quickly even without a monkey eating them all up.
This chapter Heaven is back on with its nonsense, this time in retelling what happened instead of their actions. They most certainly did not “educate and nurture the talented monkey”, they didn’t actively teach him anything outside of maybe the bare minimum Sun Wukong was told by the people he worked with. They didn’t even tell him how the ranking system works!
Also they totally denied that he beat Nezha.
What becomes clear here as well is that they didn’t even pay Sun Wukong when they did give him the job to look after the garden. Sure it’s not like the Monkey King would have cared much, but that’s still not a good move.
We stan Guanyin, my favourite Bodhisattva, for sending her own disciple down to the battlefield for specifically a factual report. I firmly believe she is seeing through the nonsense the Jade Emperor has woven in with the truth in his recounting of events!
Also she is already saying “our [monkey]” like she has already decided to sort of take him under her wing. My speculation here is that she probably listened up when it was mentioned vaguely that Sun Wukong cared for his monkeys.
When Erlang Shen enters the fray some rather interesting points arise. For one his sworn brothers, who must know him very well, said that there was no time for “praise or blame”. Oho, what could they mean with praise? In the J.F. Jenner translation they even say "Stop admiring him and challenge him to battle.", which after taking a look at the original Chinese put through Google Translate is actually more accurate.
All of this is very interesting. Perhaps it is meant to harken back to Erlang’s own story and his troubles with Heaven, so now some appreciation for Sun Wukong being rather likeminded in this instance shines through. Aside from both of them having a rebellious streak, another parallel is that both of them have a brotherhood of seven!
And then of course Sun Wukong things of him as being very pretty. I can certainly see why people appreciate those two together.
Additionally Sun Wukong doesn’t want to fight him, because he appreciates his care for his mother! Aside from them not having any personal issues with each other.
Interestingly the Jingu Bang is always metaphorically called a Dragon in multiple instances of combat while the opponent’s weapon is referred to as Phoenix.
Some more translation shenanigans Erlang’s face is not simply green as stated in the Anthony C. Yu translation! I checked the Chinese text with the help of Google Translate for the Pinyin again and it’s verdant, so it could be more blue or green or inbetween even. The colour is specifically [青 Qīng], which doesn’t specify if it’s green or blue, just that it’s verdant. Only if an additional character had been used it could have been clearly differentiated. The German translation actually calls it “grünblau” literally greenblue as well.
Yippie, Xiàotiān makes an appearance this chapter as well! Wish we could have seen more of the good boi, but maybe we’ll get more later at some point. For those who’d like to see more of her, I can happily refer to the New Gods: Yang Jian movie!
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She’s so goofy, so adorable! Yet still packs a pawnch as well.
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Guess why Erlang is called Little Sage in this! The German translation notes that it is because Erlang [二 郎] has the number two [二] in it, which stands for the force of Yin with which the small/little is associated. So it’s Little Sage in the chapter title! Additionally Sun Wukong has a lot of Yang force, which gets opposed and undermined by Erlang’s Yin.
Lastly the Audio Drama Production Notes of this chapter bringing forth that the “plant-headed deities” in the Anthony C. Yu translation, well, have nothing to do with plants at all. Instead something they could be called which is more true to the intended meaning is “unappointed deities”.
And that should be the last we see of Huaguoshan until about… Chapter 28! Good grief, I’m not ready.
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marciabrady · 4 months
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TAGGED: TEN CHARACTERS YOU IDENTIFY WITH (&&&either add what you admire about each, or what it is that connects you to them!)
Ilene Woods' Cinderella: I love how humble, fun-loving, and enduring she is. I identify with her concentrated efforts to put her best foot forward and to try to keep from succumbing to her environment. While she sometimes feels she falls short at leading by example, frayed from everyday wear, she ultimately triumphs against all odds, alighted by her sense of worth, her steadfast industriousness, and prospers in turning the tide and creating a successful counterculture, all of which is inspiring to me. Marcia Brady: The personification of Leo energy; every notable actress who's ever played her is a Leo, and for good reason. She's magnetic, radiant, moral- without being sanctimonious- and a natural leader. Adriana Caselotti's Snow White: Her buoyant joy, resiliency, and never-ending humor create a beacon of light wherever she goes. I love how much a complete individual she is and how resourceful she is in forging a new life for herself, even when she's left with nothing. She never allows her misfortunes to change who she is, and I wish I had more of her compassion, purity, strength, and unaffected kindness. Blanche Devereaux: Blanche turns the act of living into a performance. The simplest run at the grocery store or day at work is suddenly a gripping, page-turning adventure, complete with anticipation, glamour, and a glossy lexicon. She's riveting and, while she has the same insecurities that many of us do, I admire the way she shows up for her friends. Katrina Van Tassel: This character is pure vibes for me. I love how mysterious and to-herself she is, while very clearly exhibiting motivations, a personality, and wants and needs. She isn't gauche in any way, tasteful in everything, and she practically invented the word coquette. Gilda: I think most everyone has a lot of Gilda in them. Someone who's easy touched and still influenced by many of their past haunts, but does their best to keep it from surfacing and letting their emotions get the best of them. I love the glamour and energy that exudes from Gilda effortlessly, and how layered she is. Ethel Mertz: I always think about that quote, "Lucy threw pies while Ethel threw shade." I love Lucy, but Ethel was always the standout for me. Her comedic timing was impeccable, her singing voice was unreal, and she represented so much of what I love about the older women in my life. Her sense of self is fixed, she's comfortable about her place in the world and has discovered who she is. She's such a loyal friend and has the type of talent that comes only from a lifetime of concentrated effort. The Little Mermaid: Ariel's fire, passion, and complicated nature is something I've continued to revisit from the first time that I've met her. She's messy, flawed, but so vulnerable, authentic, and likable that you can't help but root for her. I think anyone who's LGBTQIA+ can identify with her struggles but, beyond that, I love how true to herself she is, refusing to be tainted by the prejudices of others. She's just generally a very active, restless character with so many ebbs and tides of thoughts, feelings, and desires. Rapunzel (from the original Brothers Grimm fairytale): Out of the fairytale princesses, Rapunzel always spoke to me the most. I always loved the princess in the tower archetype and her hair being such a central point of the plot- and harkening back to the sun- is a very Leo quality, in my opinion. I think the fairytale Rapunzel has a lot of the same spirit and energy that Aurora in the animated Sleeping Beauty carries. Mary Costa's Aurora: This character changed my life in so many ways. She brought my best friends to me, started me down the path of writing, and has enriched my life in so many ways. I'm mesmerized by her enchanted, romantic quality, the all-encompassing way she loves, her sense of duty, obligation, and loyalty to those around her, her keen sense of humor, how she wants to give the best of herself to everyone, the unending source of love that springs from her...I could go on forever.
tagged by: @drinksattheendoftheworld (thank you!!!)
tagging: everyone!! but, off the top of my head in no particular order other than alphabetical - @arthina @bettedavis @deforest @deliachase @disneydayandnight @gavillain @magistera @margotfonteyns @muzikalsiren @oozmart @peasantbarbie @princessnostalgia @royalhans @sparklejamesysparkle @the-blue-fairie
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techtakesoff · 1 year
hello, core differences between bards and sylphs please? this might be an unconventional question (hope this isnt too hard to answer), but im trying to write a fan session for my friends and we hit a roadblock and we kinda need help. sylphs and bards do have different quests and personal journey but im more confused on what is the difference of their actions in-game.
my example, we plan our sylph of breath character to inspire a civil war on derse that upends the balance of the game simply because she was outspoken on how she hates that the king and queen in their session forces and threaten their citizens to be loyal to them and the war at all costs. but my friend said this is more of a thing bard of blood usually do, passively inviting destruction by ruining the team cohesion of their enemies. but i personally think this is more of a case of sylphs breaking the shackles and fixing the freedom for others but fucking up because their character arc and personal quest aren't done yet. what do you think?
This is an interesting case of opposite classes and opposite aspects resulting in two very similar titles. Both could play this role.
Sylphs and Bards are both passive classes, but Sylphs function more as coordinators and supporters while Bards are tricksters and wildcards -- things tend to happen *around* Bards, with less consideration for what they actually want to do.
A Bard's aspect may end up working against them, following the whims of chaos, while Sylphs are on much better terms with their own metaphysics. If the Sylph of Breath starts the war, it's because she acted hastily when she should have been patient; if the Bard of Blood does it, it's because they thought they had more control over the situation than they actually did.
The key difference is in order versus chaos. Bards naturally tend towards chaos, so for them trying to enact order would be what goes against the grain. If your Bard really thought they could handle this political situation, it could hardly do anything *but* devolve into a war, where the bonds they were trying to break might end up even stronger than they were before.
The Bard invites destruction by involving themselves in the fray, and the forces of Blood turn on them as a result. Opposite to this, Sylphs tend towards order. They want to do things cleanly and efficiently. In this case, the Sylph of Breath jumps the gun and acts before she knows all the facts, resulting in chaos and war.
She has good intentions, or maybe doesn't even intend to do anything at all but voice her own personal beliefs, but she behaves recklessly. The forces of Breath spin out of her control like she accidentally released an invasive species into the ecosystem. I think ultimately there's no single right answer as to which character is more likely to do this.
It depends on what would work best in the story. Consider, are there any particular themes you want to write about? The Bard's path here is one of dramatic irony, overestimating one's own ability, and consequences of getting involved with other people's problems.
The Sylph's path is about small actions with big consequences down the line, paving the road to hell with good intentions, and in a sense failing to "put your own oxygen mask on first" -- trying to help others but falling through due to lack of foresight.
They are similar, and the ultimate outcome is the same, but which path is best depends on the structure of the rest of the plot. For whichever character you don't pick for this role, consider what else they can do that's of equal importance to the narrative.
If you find that either one doesn't have any other opportunities to catalyse a major story beat like this, I would suggest giving them this one, and letting the other have the spotlight somewhere else.
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nova--spark · 8 months
Thea's Relationship w/ Team Prime Pt.2
I had previously talked about Anthea's Relationships with Team Prime [ Here ] ,and I wanted to try and write about her relationships with the secondary members of team Prime.
Without further ado, here we go.
Smokescreen , being so young, and a bit reckless, Anthea thought of him being a bit like Bee at the start.
But after a while hanging around, she noted how he also seemed to be living up to great expectations, with how he tried so hard to impress others, or be the 'star player' of the team.
She feels a bit of a kinship in that, having dropped from her college program online after the loss of her legs, feeling she'd failed her own expectations. When she has the free time, she offers him a chance to see around Jasper, and some lesser known spot where he can try out his speed, as well as just helping him understand a bit of Earth culture here and there.
And if she's snuck him out to the race tracks, under the guise of recon, or because she 'needed a ride somewhere', well that's her scolding to take.
Wheeljack and her get along quite well, the former scientist turned Wrecker being very curious on how it is her situation works, though less on the medical sense like Ratchet, and more on the 'Wanna test X idea that will end up with BOTH of us in trouble?'
The answer to that question is often Yes, and they've gotten an earful from Ratchet more than enough times to last them well over 5x their lifespans. Wheeljack is to thank for quite a few of her legs upgrades actually, and she genuinely likes to talk to him, since she can run her ideas by him, and he will help out with his own knowledge to make them a reality.
Wheeljack is to thank for at least the following mods to her legs:
Magnetic Soles
Detachable blades
Shock Absorption
Climbing Hooks
Ankle jets
He is also responsible for helping in some of her plans relating to her weaponry, but ya didn't hear about that.
Ultra Magnus is a...difficult person to categorize for Anthea. His mannerisms, stickler for the rules type is something she was never really a fan of, especially with how Thea herself tends to throw caution to the wind, and refuse to follow a chain of command as others would.
But...she's noticed a good bit of how he does care. In quieter ways, how his reprimands are firm, but that at the same time, the compliments are genuine.
Magnus has however, commended her for her efforts in missions. She has every excuse to step back, leave and never return, but she's run right into the fray if it means protecting the kids and making sure those she cares for make it back in one piece.
She gives him a hard time, often sassing back the stern and no-nonsense commander, but has noted he gives her space. Anthea is grateful, as he does check in on her.
She's asked him a few questions here and there as well, concerning the Forge which he wields and he has at the very least, offered a chance to speak about it, and perhaps offer to teach her as well.
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idliketobeatree · 11 months
I am begging ALL OF YOU, Good Omens fans, to listen to this song by Jesca Hoop (a lovely American singer-songwriter and guitarist), from the album "Memories are Now", released in 2017.
The Coming, huh? What a funny coincidence, right? Almost like the Second Coming?
And then it starts like this:
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The song is dark and poignant, but more importantly - it is written almost like someone was plotting for a possible season 3. It's actually uncanny, how much it fits.
A quick artist background check: The narrator mirrors Hoop's struggles with religion. Raised traditional Mormon, she grew up singing hymns, and at 16 years old she lost her faith and stopped attending church. She describes the experience as freeing: she has "faith in people".
Overall, it's all too easy to imagine the narrator as Aziraphale, but we'll get back to that in a moment.
Let's focus on Jesus first. Analogically, in the song, he loses faith in himself, and refuses both Heaven and Earth to fulfill the prophecy. Jesus makes an interesting choice of alliance; he sits by the Devil. In a fit of desperation? fatigue?-- asks the advocate of Hell to help him become someone new. There's something beautiful about them being familiar, sitting arm in arm, almost friendly in the exchange. Jesus "was tempted for forty days by the Devil" (Luke 4:2), and he firmly refused then, but he goes back now: to his only salvation left.
The Devil doesn't get much characterisation, but we know he agreed to the terms. "The coming never came."
Now, back to the narrator. They're quite honest and self-aware of their role as an obeying servant to Jesus or/and God (as in Holy Trinity). In a world full of sinners it's necessary to keep people at bay, because not everyone can be saved. There's "only enough room at his table (...)/And they're coming to shut the gate/You're too little and too late". A strong implication of humans being a nuisance, a collateral damage in God's plan.
"But I don't buy it."
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You see, the narrator has a strong motivation that they mention almost immediately after realising that -- good people are not getting in through the gate.
The best friend. We can assume she's someone very dear, and probably not that involved in religion. She doesn't deserve damnation, obviously. (Hello, Crowley.) Nobody does. Heaven doesn't really care about that.
The point is: they don't want to offer to save her anymore. Playing God's hand in this relationship would be an insult, condescending and belittling to her character. It's easy to be a soldier with nameless people, isn't it? Personal connections make all the difference.
There's also a little passage about not blaming your parents for "clinging to the good", which hits another personal note on the forgiving front.
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The narrator is terrified of losing their sense of identity. It's a painful and slow process. Who are they, without the religion? How to fill the God-shaped hole in the heart, where it has grown large and uncomfortable, been there for ages?
The answer is: with other people.
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The collective work of humanity on the matter of free will has an major impact on Earth. Our little choices contribute to the goodness as a whole, and it's not dictated nor defined by Heaven. No, it's all our doing. And we can make it a good place without religion.
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Oh, and look at this. "Asking any kind of question could unravel me with one small fray"?
Pretty self-explanatory.
The song ends on an accusatory tone - at the religious figures who are mistakenly interpreting Jesus's teachings, justifying their fear-turned-hatred and "wrongdoings in his name". The narrator is scared personally, but outright - they're furious. Unable to ignore the horrifying unfairness of it all. The wars were never the intention of Jesus. He wouldn't sign another contract for massive destruction.
As a confirmation, there's a loop, a repeating of the first verses. The coming didn't came. Jesus is no longer a passive marionette on the strings of Heaven. He gives away the thorn crown - a symbol of his suffering for humanity's sins - and refuses to collaborate. He becomes an individual, maybe a different entity altogether. Needs some help from Hell, sure, but it works out in the end. No more wars. No more Heaven deciding who is worth it, and who isn't. It's just-- people, and their everyday lives.
If that isn't THE song synopsis for season 3, I don't know what is.
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silversiren1101 · 10 months
💎💎💎 for giliys?
[I was hoping for this you have no idea]
"First, I suppose I should ask who put you up to this." Minovae smirks. "Everyone that knows Giliys has their own, strong, opinion on him, and it wouldn't be wrong to say they're probably more similar than not. Was it Theo? I know he worries about anything jeopardizing his healing relationship with Regill, and I can easily see him agonizing over the respective spouses not getting along."
She chuckles, and shakes her head.
"You know there's something to be said about Derenges and their chosen partners being so very unlike them! Still, he needn't worry. Against everything that says I shouldn't, I actually like Giliys. Or, well", her brows furrow. "It's hard to describe. I like him, but also I don't. He's abrasive beyond words and somehow more aggressive and angry than a vrock, but he's also... kind. He's generous, too. Just look at him with his and Theo's kids! Actually, he's so many contradictions folded on top of each other because of the things he's gone through, and it would be so very wrong and hypocritical of me to condemn him for what he had to do to survive it all."
A sense of sadness pulls down her smile and dims the light in her eyes. "He... the things that make him up at his very core are the same ones that make up any other good soul. His sense of right and wrong is amongst the strongest I've ever seen, and it's a crime that such an innately just and bright person has been shaped into what he is now. Society failed him. So many people failed him. His justice has been turned into retribution, all his goodness twisted to be in the name of survival."
"You know", she continues, "I truly, genuinely think he would've made for a knight the likes Avistan has never seen had he not been crushed and pushed to the breaking point like he had. It's just...", she sighs, "It doesn't excuse some of the things he's done, and I admit I might have executed him myself if I had caught him mid-act of some of them, but he's trying. I see it. It might only be because of Theo but that doesn't diminish that he's trying to make amends. I see it, and I see where he's come from and I see the frayed pieces there of what could have been and I see what could still be..."
She hums, low and mellow, musing further on it. "So yeah, he's awful and mean and has done some truly heinous things and yet I would say in full honesty that I would trust him with my life. I'd trust him with my family, too. Even if we didn't know each other, if we weren't 'family' as tenuous as that word is, if he saw me fall protecting Jess and I begged him with my last breath, in my unmistakable Hellknight armor and he just the nearest person I locked eyes with, to take my daughter and get here out of there, I know he would."
A sharp, dry laugh cuts through her thoughts. "Actually, Giliys might be the greatest Hellknight there never was. He definitely would've been an incredible paladin, though I'm not sure which god he would've pledged himself to, and none of them deserve him anyway. I'm under no impression that he might kill me for saying that if he finds out, though", she smiles sheepishly.
"I'm under no impression at all that he doesn't hate me, period, make no mistake of that. I'm everything he despises, and I know it. I'm a proud Hellknight, and one who joined to escape the horrible life I had because of what I am. He sees me as a traitor in that sense, another 'slave who picked up the whip themselves.' And the thing is? I can't blame him. I can't blame him at all. He's the exact person I became a Hellknight to protect and advocate for and yet... here he is... as he is. We didn't help him."
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