#but she looks disappointed and he still can't disappoint her
tanoraqui · 2 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I thought I wasn't going to have strong opinions about the Laios-Shuro fight, but...
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Laios was right about this! Yes, they had 2 physical fights first, but it's important to note that Laios was right about this!
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^ -man who would literally kill to stay in this room and observe this private conversation.
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Sir, your unfaltering little wide-eyed, amiable smile while seriously considering topics that are obviously un-smile-worth has charmed me utterly. I wish to study you like an climate-entomologist yearns for the butterfly that causes storms.
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She seems fine.
If I start screencapping Laios's and Marcille's faces in this fight, I will never stop because literally every panel is devasting.
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Kuro has done distinctly the most damage so far this fight, just stabbing and gnawing, and I think we should recognize and appreciate that fact.
I really miss the animation we got of Rin's lightning blast slicing narrowly past Laios.
I love how fast, if reluctantly, Laios accepts that if - not, that Falin is a true "monster", inhuman and hurting people relentlessly and unapologetically, and thus she needs to be killed before she kills them, like any other monster. I also love that Marcille doesn't accept this. Characters!
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+1 to qualification to kingship! Kabru is one again surprised (you can tell by how he's not smiling) (though this might also be due to the significant injuries he just took).
I do have several emotions about how Falin immediately yanks away and kills Kabru, without touching Laios. That's her brother!!
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I really like this little cluster because it says to me that Shuro still has very good "do what Marcille says when she abruptly shouts magic-related directions in combat" instincts. He's a mirror of the "You're already on the Christmas card, buddy" meme - more like, "You're still on the Christmas card." Just like Namari: no one really stops being fond of, and battle companions with, these weirdos.
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I think the most painful part of this probably is that Marcille isn't certain. Maybe this IS her fault. At minimum, she knows she might have mixed the dragon's soul into Falin's, which enabled this even if it didn't create it. But she can't 100% rule out the possibility that it's more her fault than that - which is, of course, the absolute worst thing to say to all of these people looking at her violently askance for using dark magic.
yeahhhhhh "Lunatic Magician" REALLY lacks the oomph of "Mad Mage"
ANGRY LAIOS! It's such a rare expression on him, it's exciting to see.
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Yesss look at my man Chilchuck use available tools in his environment and save this little goober who thinks it's cool to resent adults.
I really like how they show the social consequences of dark magic. Much beyond Shuro's anger: the other mages are now shutting Marcille down, especially where resurrection magic is concerned. She's made herself untrusted by her peers, whether or not the magic she used on Falin is truly "evil."
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I really enjoy the, like, narratively obligatory, not actually real (well, maybe to Rin) "will they-won't they" between Kabru and Rin. In the story that this isn't, where Kabru is the protagonist with his quirky gang of found family who are helping him save the island and prevent another bloodbath like in his angsty backstory, she IS the One (Human) Female on the Team who is obviously his love interest - often the first to challenge him, battle mage rather than healer ie a Strong Female Character who nonetheless doesn't use unfeminine brute force, forced by happenstance to kiss...
Alas! Kabru is not the protagonist of this story, so Rin shall remain disappointed.
Also this montage of people healing and reuniting while in the background Laios and Shuro whale on each other remains SO funny. Flawless comedic timing.
Alright, hot take time: I feel like all the debate I've seen about the Shuro/Laios fight depict it as revealing the friendship basically shattered, and never real in the first place. Whereas I'm mostly warmed by how real it clearly was despite everything that just happened?
Shuro is operating on no food and less sleep, desperate to save the woman he idolizes without truly understanding her loves, who is now apparently a monster who nearly slaughtered his most loyal followers. In the past like 2 weeks, Laios has: watched his sister die to save his life (his little sister, whom he is supposed to protect), walked headfirst into a nigh-unwinnable fight to get her back, held her skull in his hands, got her back and held her in his arms, lost her again about 6 hours later in an even more unwinnable fight, which was proven even more unwinnable when the Mage twisted the dungeon itself against them, saw her again but as a murderous monster now (which might be due to the magic he agreed to use to resurrect her), swiftly and sternly resigned himself to fighting and potentially killing her (his little sister! whom he is supposed to protect!), had her recognize him (and no one else!) despite her monstrosity, watched her be killed (again!) in part thanks to him distracting her, except it didn't work and then she fled.
This is an immature, ignoring-immediate-needs (ie, food, healing) knock-down drag-out fight between two men at the absolute ends of their ropes, who, sure, have built-up resentments against each other and the world, and an inciting incident pushing them over the edge - but mostly neither of them can punch in the face the fact that they can't save Falin. So they punch each other instead.
I won't even address the prologue to the fight, where Laios tells him about the black magic and Shuro promptly tries to strangle him then levels a sword at him. Kabru already nailed that: Shuro was worried about Falin - that the magic had hurt her, that the social consequences would be worse. Laios knew this enough that he didn't fight back, then. But now?
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The first shove is Shuro demanding, Don't you fucking DARE give me false hope.
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I cannot emphasize enough how hard I would also slap someone for suggesting that I wasn't taking the death and monsterization of my younger sibling seriously.
Shuro knows it, too. He doesn't respond to this, he just punches, and Laios punches back. Shuro doesn't speak again until Laios knocks him all the way down, and
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Shuro is at his absolute depth. The lowest point he (feels that he) can go. He cannot save Falin. He's shamed himself as a leader and heir by getting his people killed (they got better, but that's beside the point.) He's been beaten in hand-to-hand combat by this idiot northern peasant. He lets down his guard and pride enough to mutter this self-deprecation aloud...and the idiot northern peasant hears, compounding every shame - and it's infuriating especially because he doesn't even hear properly, just like he never hears properly - he's so frustrating in his friendly but oblivious constant irritation and THIS, Shuro can still be furious about, to avoid his grief/hopelessness/self-loathing/shame. This, he can still fight about!
So he does.
They're both wrong in this fight. They're both right. Laios was consistently inconsiderate; knowing this about himself - because it's not like by his early 20s he didn't know that he didn't Get people the way most people Get people - he should've made more of an effort, and picked up any of the hints Shuro was laying down. Shuro was too caught up in his own pride and out-of-place manners: when it was clear that Laios wasn't going to pick up on even the strongest "hint", he should've said something plainly instead of just letting his resentment build until he was effectively lying to Laios about, if not their entire friendship, certainly the shape of it.
But they were friends. They are friends. This isn't the posture or conversation of two guys who don't like each other.
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It's two guys who are still, in fact, fucking exhausted, physically and emotionally - but they just got rid of a lot of extra, furious, helpless energy, so they're finally satisfied to just sit. Their posture is relaxed and casual; their conversation straightforward and companionable, if serious.
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This is two guys who've sat like this many time at a campfire, in just these poses. Who've kept watch together late at night and stayed awake by talking.
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Laios cares about Falin more than anyone in the world, and even after the words and blows they just exchanged, he's still willing to put Shuro's suit to her. Shuro didn't tell Falin he was interested in her until he proposed to her, but he's telling it all to Laios. Admittedly, this is because Laios is, Shuro assumes, the closest he'll ever get to being able to tell it all to Falin...but still. And he admits vulnerability, which he clearly wouldn't have done before, even to his most loyal and loved companions as they urged him to eat and sleep.
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Yeah, they're buddies. If I had to describe it, I'd say: their relationship was built on unsteady, false foundations, but they built something sturdy on it anyway, and the sturdy thing survives even when the foundations shake and re-settle.
Lol at Shuro. "I'm going to report you to the local authorities for your crimes because it's the right thing to do. But if you survive, I'll totally use my power and influence to help you flee the country, and live peacefully on my estate beyond where an extradition treaty can reach you."
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suzukiblu · 2 days
Hi, can I still ask for more Krypton Lives please? I *need* to see Kara either get a red lantern ring, throw Clark off a building, or snitch to his mom already. The build up and waiting might actually kill me lol
He's an infant, technically, but physiologically he's a teenager, and he looks exactly like Kal did at his age except more muscular and less appropriately dressed. And Kal . . . well, it's not an exaggeration to say most of the eligible women in his age range were disappointed to hear about Lois Kal-El, put it that way. And also several ineligible women. And men. And–
A lot of people expressed actual visible disappointment about Kal being off the market, alright? Not that Kara ever wanted to think about her baby cousin's dating prospects, but Kal is objectively a gorgeous man, and given the visually similar evolution of their respective species, she can't imagine Earthlings not noticing that fact.
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lurochar · 20 hours
Relief in Falsehoods
Background Alastor x Reader, One-sided Vox x Reader, One-sided Vox x Alastor
Just wanted to try writing Vox. Hopefully I didn't mess his character too bad
This was a new low.
Even for him.
But how could he help it? He had no idea that old-timey prick and his companion (his lover? wife? Or in deer talk, mate?) had come back after a seven year absence.
It pissed him off.
Because deep down, he still felt that yearning that never extinguished, even after that oh-so brutal rejection he had gotten from Alastor.
Approaching you hadn't even been an option after that either, as Alastor had ‘kindly’ warned him to never step in your presence again.
And now here he was, standing in his penthouse suite, standing tall with his normal cold expression on his flat-screen face, but internally, he felt like the lowest of the low, a loser who couldn't get over his strange obsession over two people he should have forgotten about years ago.
Val had seen the anger and stress and provided him with a simple solution: he sent Vox two of his porn actors to give him the release he desperately needed.
And not just any regular porn actors, Val had gone out of his way to look for ones of this specific type and so Vox had damn better well be happy with it or–
“You're fucking joking, right?” Vox's eyes twitched. He glanced between the two shivering, scantily-clad whores already on their knees, waiting to take orders. 
Val had really sent him two deer demons, one male and one female, in an attempt to get him out of his pissy mood?
This just pissed him off more.
Had it been Alastor or Y/N, that would be a completely different story, but–
“I guess this is what role-play is for.” Vox muttered to himself before his eyes widened and it swirled with hypnotic waves and the two deer whores immediately stiffened as they fell under his trance.
“You,” Vox pointed towards the nameless doe, “until this is done, your name is now Y/N. Is that understood?” He moved to her, disappointed there wasn't much of a resemblance between her and you other than you both were deer demons.
“Yes, Mr. Vox, Sir! My name is Y/N!” She stated, absolutely beaming up at him and then shuddering when he reached down to stroke one of her ears.
“You always were such a sweet little doll, Y/N. Why you are with that radio fucker is beyond me.” Vox's screen glitched as he recalled the true you and how content you were at Alastor's side.
It could have been him.
It could have been all three of you.
Instead of Valentino and Velvette, it could have – should have – been him, you, and Alastor ruling as Overlords as a trio, owning thousands of souls, drowning in money, and just living a life of perfection.
But Alastor threw that all away.
Vox's screen turned red and he turned to look at the buck still on his knees, still looking blank under his hypnotism. “And you, your name is Alastor until I say.”
The buck quickly responded. “My name is Alastor. I understa–” Vox kicked him in the stomach, causing him to double over, though Vox just lifted his head up by his (not red and black) hair.
“Y/N is the lucky one. I don't have much of a grudge against her. But you, Alastor,” Vox sighed, reaching down with his free hand for his belt and the buck began to tremble despite the trance he was under, “this night isn't going to be very pleasant for you. I can't even guarantee you'll leave here alive.”
Hmm, maybe Val was right.
Maybe he really did need this…
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izelascendant · 2 days
Chapter 4 - Rigmarole
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Rating | Mature Summary | What happens between the four after Tashi's injury. Pairing | f!Original Character x Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig Tags | Competition, Love Triangles (Squares?), Jealousy, Plot, Emotional Baggage, Smut, Exes, Unresolved Tension, Complicated Relationships Word Count | 2K Author's note | Open ending? I hate having to fully close a chapter off, I want it to be able to be interpreted or imagine multiple ways.
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Part 1 of this series - Sportsmanlike
Unsportsman like on AO3 | Chapter 1 - Atlanta, Chapter 2 - Spring Blooms, Chapter 3 - À Trois, Chapter 4 - Rigmarole
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“Patrick?” Her voice comes out hopeful as he picks up her call. “I’m sorry to call you so late.”
Patrick's reply came in a low and smooth voice through the phone. "Hey, how are you doing?" A hint of surprise is evident in his tone.
She paused for a moment, taking a breath, before launching into her own question, ignoring his initial inquiry. "Are you busy?" she asked. "Can I see you?" The words seemed rushed and eager, as if she couldn't get them out fast enough.
"No, no." Patrick's response comes quickly, his voice tinged with a hint of playfulness, clearly intrigued by her request. "Why? What do you have in mind?"
She speaks quietly, her eyes darting around as she says, "Can you come pick me up somewhere? Cambria Hotel, White Plains."
She stands outside, shivering slightly as the wind picks up. Arms crossed tightly over her chest, she tries to process her thoughts, scolding herself internally. She enjoyed her encounter with Art and Tashi, that was true, but there was still a pang of regret. She curses herself silently for letting her emotions get the best of her once again
Despite the conflicting emotions swirling inside her, she knows deep down that Patrick is the only person she can truly turn to. With only a few close people in her life at the moment, she needs the comfort of a familiar shoulder to lean on.
As she steps into the passenger seat, her gaze meets Patrick's, and she can't help but notice the familiar smirk on his face. Just as she moves to face him, he's already leaning in for a kiss, his intentions clear.
“Patrick—” His gaze flickers up to her hand as she raises it gently, stopping him in his tracks. “I didn’t call you to fuck you.”
Patrick's voice carries a tinge of disappointment. "You didn't?" He shifts in his seat, his eyes searching hers as he tries to figure out why she called him.
She lets out a small sigh, her gaze shifting from the hotel to him again. "Can you just drive, please?" There's a pleading note in her voice.
As he steers the wheel and gets back on the road, Patrick notices her anxiousness and teasingly asks, "You in trouble or something?"
Her breath audibly escapes her as she pinches the bridge of her nose, and she hesitates before speaking again. "I don't even know if I should tell you this."
Patrick lets out a slight chuckle and glances at her with a smirk, his eyes flicking over her quickly before returning to the road. "It’s gotta be something good for you to call me like this." He says, his tone playfully suggestive. "Did you fuck somebody?"
Her silence speaks volumes as she bites her nails, clearly avoiding the question. Patrick's smirk wavers slightly as he takes in her nervous behavior, silently assessing the situation.
He studies her appearance for a moment before commenting. "You look the same as the night we spent in Atlanta. You've got this look to you." His gaze flickers over her, gesturing as he speaks.
"What?" She can't help but smile slightly at his description of her current state.
He smiles, satisfied that he's managed to lighten her mood a little. "Like a post-sex glow, you know?" he chuckles, his eyes flickering over her once more. "So, are you gonna tell me about it, or are you just here for a free ride?" His tone is laced with playful curiosity, teasing her a little.
She keeps her eyes on the road, leaning her head back against the car seat's headrest, her voice lowering as she admits, "Would you be surprised if I told you it was Tashi?" The words come out slowly, almost as if she's testing his reaction.
Patrick raises an eyebrow and pauses for a moment before responding, his tone betraying a hint of surprise. "Surprised because it's Tashi?—no. Surprised because she's a married woman? A little, yeah." He shoots her a sidelong glance as he absorbs this information.
She lowers her gaze, biting the inside of her cheek as she braces herself for his reaction. "What if I told you Art was involved too?" The words hang in the air, and she waits for his response, her body tensing slightly.
There's a beat of silence as he keeps his eyes on the road, and then he erupts into laughter. "So, what, they like—tag teamed you?" he manages through his laughter, struggling to keep his composure.
She rolls her eyes, frustrated by his reaction. "Patrick, I'm serious," she says, her tone growing a hint more serious. "Why aren't you, like, freaking out right now?" She looks at him expectantly, searching his face for some indication of anger or disgust, but finds nothing but amusement.
He shrugs nonchalantly. "Your sex life is none of my business." He keeps his gaze fixed on the road, seemingly unfazed by the revelation.
"But—it's Art and Tashi ." She can't understand why he's not more shocked by the information, and she studies him closely as he continues to drive as if nothing unusual has happened.
"Been there, done that." He replies in a low voice, a smirk slowly creeping up the corner of his mouth.
She blinks in confusion. "Okay, wait—pull over." Her voice is firm, and she looks at him intently, demanding his attention.
“Why?” he shrugs, seemingly unfazed.
She leans forward, her eyes locked on him. "They did the same thing to you?" Her voice is tinged with disbelief and a hint of desperation, as if she's itching for answers.
Patrick finally pulls over to the side of an empty road, chuckling at her eagerness. "Hold your horses, I didn't say it was both at the same time," he clarifies, a sly grin playing on his lips.
“But—you and Art?” She continues to ask, her eyes widening as the pieces come together.
Patrick leans back in his seat, raising an eyebrow at her question. "Are you really surprised? I swing both ways, just like you." He states matter-of-factly, a nonchalant shrug accompanying his words.
They sit in his car in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. "It's just," she begins, her voice tinged with exhaustion, "Tashi said they didn't invite you to their wedding because of Art. Because he's still holding some sort of grudge against you."
"He's fragile." Patrick says with a nonchalant shrug. "I don't think he could handle the thought of having been with a guy." Despite the bitter undertones, there's a sense of acceptance in his words, as if he's reconciled with the knowledge.
She pauses for a moment before speaking again, her tone gentle and sincere. "I'm sorry." Her words hang in the air, a soft apology for the complex emotions stirred up by their conversation.
His smirk widens as he teases her. "Getting soft on me now?" He enjoys the banter, relishing in their familiar dynamic.
"Do you take anything seriously at all?" She lets out a small laugh at his attitude, appreciating his ability to keep things light.
He leans in a bit, his eyes sparkling with playful curiosity. "I do–as a matter of fact—tell me more about this amazing hookup," he says, his voice tinged with teasing intrigue. "Who did what?" His words coax her to share the intimate details of her encounter with Tashi and Art.
She nudges him playfully and rolls her eyes, recalling his earlier statement. "What happened to 'your sex life is none of my business' , huh?" She chuckles, her tone lighthearted but teasing.
He grins, enjoying their playful banter. "Come on, now," he teases. "What did you call me for then?"
Her tone turns bittersweet as she admits, "I didn't have anyone else to call." She looks at him, a hint of guilt in her eyes. "Did I ruin your night?"
He responds with a sincere tone that contrasts with his usual playful demeanor. "Very much the opposite," he assures her. "I'm glad you called."
"Even though I don't want to sleep with you?" She looks at him, a playful smirk playing on her lips.
"I'll get over it." He replies, matching her playful tone.
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That night, she invites Patrick to spend the night at her place. Unlike the night they once spent together in Atlanta, nothing happens between them. Instead—they simply sleep through the night—feeling at ease and comfortable. There's no tension or urgency to leave or have to kick the other out the next morning.
She feels a sense of comfort, waking up with Patrick sleeping in her bed. There's freedom in the lack of pressure this time around, and the aftermath of the prior night's events hangs in the air. As she gets out of bed and grabs her phone, a text from Tashi appears, but she makes a deliberate decision to ignore it.
Her gaze falls on Patrick, his face hidden in one of the pillows, as he remains deeply asleep. She ponders the question in her mind, wondering if she could get used to having him around or if she's simply feeling lonely, and he's merely filling a temporary void for her.
The questions continue to swirl in her mind. Could either Art or Tashi ever fill that void? Tashi had always been her top priority—does she still feel that way deep down?
Maybe what she truly needs right now is some time away from them.
Patrick spends a few more nights staying over at her apartment as they enjoy each other's company. There's a sense of irony as she reflects on how much she once hated him, now sitting together eating pizza on the couch and even falling asleep in each other's arms.
Her work responsibilities consume her time, and she prepares to travel again. Patrick graciously offers to give her some space by moving back to his own place, but she stubbornly insists that he stay. Despite the distance she tries to maintain, she secretly enjoys his presence more than she would care to admit.
She locks the door behind her and steps into the street, where Patrick is waiting, looking a bit groggy and sleepy. A smile forms on her face as she takes in his appearance.
"You called a cab?" Patrick asks, his voice laced with a yawn. "I could've driven you to the airport."
The taxi driver steps out and takes her suitcase, placing it in the trunk of the car. "It's fine," she assures Patrick, offering him a warm smile. She turns to face him fully, her expression reflecting appreciation for his offer.
He gazes at her, his attention captivated by her radiant demeanor so early in the morning. The rosy tone of her cheeks and the subtle freckles in the soft glow of the sunrise paint a beautiful picture before him.
She extends her hand towards his face, gently caressing the side of his jaw before standing on her tiptoes and pressing a tender kiss to his lips. As she pulls back, his eyes widen in surprise, taken aback by her unexpected display of affection.
"What was that for?" He asks, his surprise slowly giving way to a smile on his face.
"My way of thanking you." She says softly, her eyes meeting his with a gentle gaze. She then glances over at the taxi driver, who's now entering the driver's seat, ready to take her to the airport. "I'm gonna miss you." She says hurriedly, giving his hand a quick squeeze before ducking into the car.
Patrick stands there, watching her wave goodbye as the cab pulls away onto the road. He's left standing in the street, still processing the unexpected kiss and departure. The car vanishes down the street, taking her with it.
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She sticks to her decision to spend some time away from Art, Tashi, and Patrick, recognizing the benefits of a breather. The time also allows her to rediscover her love for tennis, indulging in a few sessions on the court—free from any external pressures from the outside world.
After taking some time to focus on her interests and clear her head, she even writes another paper about Art's recent tennis victory. Eventually, she decides to break her silence and texts Tashi back, asking, "What should I get Lily for her birthday?"
One night, when she finds herself feeling lonely in a hotel room far from home, she picks up her phone and calls Patrick's number. Her familiar need for companionship and conversation drives her to reach out to him.
"What a surprise." He responds, the smooth timbre of his voice coming through loud and clear. "So you really did miss me, huh?" He asks with a smirk that is almost audible through the phone.
They banter easily for a while, sharing tidbits about work, travels, and other casual matters. However, the conversation eventually veers towards Art and Tashi, almost inevitably, as if an invisible thread were tugging them in that direction.
"Believe it or not, I talked to Art." He shares, catching her off guard. She wasn't expecting it, given their history.
"You did?" she inquires, her curiosity piqued. Laying in the spacious bed of her hotel room, she listens closely as he responds. "At a sauna, believe it or not. He was in New Rochelle for a tournament we were both playing in."
"A sauna?" She responds, her chuckle breaking through the phone's receiver. 
"I won't lie, it was a bit tense." He admits. "But—hey—we managed to work things out."
"Worked it out? Is that some sort of double meaning?" She can't help but tease him a little, her playful tone coming through the phone.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” Patrick jokes and laughs softly, "No, no double meaning. Not what you're thinking, at least. We just had a civilized conversation like adults, believe it or not."
A moment of silence stretches out between them, the only sound being the gentle hum of the phone line connecting them across the distance.
"What are you doing right now?" Patrick's deep yet velvety smooth voice breaks through the silence, cutting through the silence with a hint of raspiness in his tone.
She smiles as she rolls over in her bed, the soft sheets shifting beneath her. "I'm in my hotel room," she says, her voice a soft and soothing note, "fresh out of a nice bath." Her words carry a smoothness matching his own tone.
"Hm," he says, the smirk audible in his tone. There's a playful undertone in his response, knowing exactly the effect his reaction will have on her.
"Too lazy to put any clothes on." She says, feeling a spark of confidence in her voice.
His response is just as bold, his voice dropping almost huskily. "Keep talking," he purrs into the phone.
The phone line is soon filled with the sounds of their heavy breath and soft moans, punctuated by teasing words, lustful words, and affectionate names. Each whispered phrase and low gasp adds to the growing tension between them, the miles that separate them feeling almost irrelevant.
"Come back to New York." Patrick's voice is thick with desire, his words pleading, almost begging through the line.
A smile tugs at the corners of her lips, the effect of his words rippling through her.
As she reflects on the idea of returning to New York and reigniting the cycle with Patrick—or even inserting herself back into Art and Tashi's marriage—she finds herself stuck in a familiar and addictive pattern. It's a cycle that seems to never end, but why change something that has become a habit? Does it really need to change? 
After all, she, Tashi, Art, and Patrick are tied together in a way that seems impossible to escape.
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angy-grrr · 10 hours
i understand ppl getting disappointing over today's ep, even tho I was expecting something like that it still look me by surprise too. But honestly, we got spoiled -we have been for a long time.
It means a lot to me the parallels between ep 7 season 7 and the memories ep where Izuku can't use black whip against Katsuki. Its so, so crazy. In this chat about romance, Midoriya gets extremely embarrassed over the concept of being someone's boyfriend, and Present Mic (one of the common narrators of the show) adds a little build up: he is really amazing and has earned great achievements, but for all of his triumphs, he is still, just a damn nerd.
He is still Izuku, that awkward kid whose childhood friend considers too nerdy to see or understand concepts like romance, boyfriend, and him getting involved in them. This call back to Katsuki is unnecessary, even more so considering he is not the narrator, but still, Present Mic considered the best way to describe him is to use the words his closest person says. With Izuku getting confessed, and him explaining what he considers to be a boyfriend's role, Katsuki's presence is still part of the scene. But what's even more interesting is the way he is also linked to the other part of the scene: what Izuku thinks about admiration and love.
When the word boyfriend comes out of Himiko's mouth is like his whole brain can just think about cheesy, typical movie stuff (thats what a boyfriend is, right? someone you hold hands with, share crepes and go to the amusement park with, right?) instead of feelings. Idk about how different the idea of love is in Japan compared to the one im used to, but Izuku seems to not know that, to be a boyfriend, first there are usually some feelings that make you want to become that -affection, curiosity, even love*. That word, boyfriend, is associated with many concepts, and instead of asking "boyfriend?! Like someone who makes you feel butterflies in your stomach?!" he focuses first on actions the boyfriend does -boyfriend is the one you hold hands with, the one who you share crepes with, the one who goes with you to the amusement park**.
But once Himiko explains her own idea of love and admiration he gets to focus on the latter part of the conversation, he does get what it feels like, but not like her. When its not associated with romance, its almost like he is allowed to express more freely about his emotions and opinions about love; he actually reveals some interesting stuff.
So first of all, Izuku seems to start thinking about it more deeply when Himiko explains that to her, being a couple means becoming the person she likes. That immediately reminds him of his own feelings towards his mentor -he does want to be like him, he gets that satisfaction, but not how that could be romance duh lmao, and he is the one who brings up the admiration aspect. He doesnt see it as a couple thing, or a romantic feeling, because he immediately associates it to pure admiration.
"Yeah I want to be like All Might my biggest idol, so I get how great it is to try it". That's his way of connecting to her, creating a bridge of understanding each other's perspectives -"I get this part, but I cant understand how you could not want to share the feelings of the person you love".
Then he follows it with "I dont want to hurt the person I love".
So, for Izuku, there's something more going on than just being completely clueless about everything -he does have an idea about what he wouldnt want to do to the person he loves, and an idea about what he does.
When he focus on the boyfriend or couple side, he gets all flustered, because those are embarrassing topics, and immediately jumps into a general, superficial idea about what those mean. Because... he doesnt get it when is described with those names -those names are related to things that look so unapproachable for a nerd like him. However, when he has something he relates to ("becoming the person... oh! like the admiration I have for All Might!"), he has a chance to actually explain his feelings and opinion about her confession.
Once this reaches an emotion he does understand, he spills how he wants to share the feelings the person he loves has. Which is... not that different from what Himiko feels. After all they both want to be closer to the people they love by having something the person has in common*** He also wants that kind of connection on a deeper, emotional level, rather than the superficial description he gave before; he is more free to express this when he can ignore the big name and connotation "couple" or "boyfriend" has.
When Izuku thinks about love without thinking about Love, he has an idea of what comes natural to him: to get closer to the person. Maybe thats why he doesnt think about Tenko the way Ochako does with Himiko -he feels empathy for his past and terrible present, currently he feels guilt over not being able to do more, reach out sooner, save... but he doesnt talk about feelings he wants to share with him like that. So, it makes sense thats how he views it.
For him, love is not only understanding the other, is sharing feelings of love. And the other key to Izuku's love is one Himiko cant ever reach: not wanting to hurt the person he loves.
This paralleling extra content shouldn't be that important, but considering Izuku is unable to use black whip when remembering Katsuki's sacrifice to him... doesnt it sound relevant?
Izuku confesses he doesnt want to hurt someone he loves, and it parallels a scene of him being... scared of hurting Kacchan the way AFO did, and deciding not to -wether it was consciously or not, black whip decided to not attack him.
He can train with him perfectly okay until his own quirk reminds him of Kacchan hurting.
Am i crazy? EDIT: alright I think I see some stuff about Izuku’s idea of love, and this will be the short, quirk version of this whole thing:
Admiration and wanting to be like someone, solely, it’s not enough for Izuku to consider it love —that’s what he does when it comes to All Might, and he knows he doesnt feel that way.
However, sharing the same feelings and not wanting to hurt them, thats way more important to him when it comes to love. Those, at least right now, are cores to his perspective of love.
He rejects Himiko's love because it has nothing to do with his from his point of view: she wants to hurt the people she loves, the biggest deal breaker, she doesnt share the same feelings as him, and she also considers imitation and admiration good enough to be considered love.
*it doesnt have to be romantic love, as platonic and queer platonic love and relationships can also start and continue to date and be wonderful for the people involved. Im adding this just to clarify there are multiple possibilities for a feeling of love, and its completely okay.
You can also date anyone for any reason really, including being confused by your feelings, expectations, social and peer pressure, etc., but im talking about what in theory would be the best case scenarios.
** This is in case we take into consideration the original meaning from the manga. In the anime, if the phrasing is actually different in Japanese as the subs suggest, then it would be "what a couple does".
*** The main issue that separates them is the abuse Toga has suffered that led to her seeing herself as a unlovable monster. For her, deep inside, she has to become the other person in order to be loved, bc she sees the goodness and precious things in others, and the only way she could ever be that... is if she literally stops being herself AAAAA MY POOR BABY
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missvelvetsstuff · 14 hours
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
Chapter 10
Warnings: swearing, angst
Notes: I'm sorry this update took so long. I had a big dramatic scene in the meeting with Nick Fury planned but I wrote and rewrote it for three days and it just never hit right so, hopefully this works.
Lemme know what you think, I live for likes, shares and notes.
Nick Fury landed at the compound late Monday afternoon and went straight into Maria Hill's office to meet for over two hours. He left to go back to his quarters for food and sleep.
Maria immediately logged on to her computer to send a meeting invite to the Avengers for the next morning.
The team discussed the email over dinner in hushed and worried voices. Even Tony and Steve seemed concerned. Sharon was done with her treatment and appeared to be back to her normal self, even if she did act like the ankle monitor she was wearing weighed a ton. There was an ongoing investigation into when Antonia first gave her the serum, before or after Sharon became the Power Broker, so the ankle monitor helped Friday keep track of her and prevented her from going outside of the residence floor, common room and medbay.
Sharon grabbed the seat next to Bucky and was flirting with him, although more subtly than previously. Bucky moved his chair over as far as he could to get away from her until Sam elbowed him in his ribs. Sharon didn't get the hint and tried playing footsies with Bucky until he 'accidentally' kicked her in the shin while still wearing the steel toed boots he had on when he was playing keep away with Sam's shield earlier.
Sharon yelped "What the fuck Barnes? Are you wearing steel toes? You nailed me right in the shin. It's not bad enough that my other leg has that stupid monitor which makes my leg ache, if anyone cares."
Bucky shrugged "Shouldn't have been trying to play footsies." He smirked at her "and, No, no one cares. Maybe deciding to become a crime lord wasn't your best call, huh?"
Sharon shook her head as she felt her face heat up and stammered out "B-b-but I, I w-was just uh st-stretching mmmy legs."
Sam choked on his drink as he tried not to laugh "Fuck! Sorry, went down the wrong way."
Bucky smirked as Sharon glared at Sam then looked down swearing under her breath. "I helped you assholes and ended up an enemy of the state, I should have let Ross deal with all three of you."
Steve cleared his throat and looked at them like a disappointed father whose kids are acting up during dinner, which made Sam laugh out loud.
Tony sighed "Alright children. A little play to ease the tension is fine but this shit is serious. Fury is going to come down on all of us and I don't feel like taking his abuse for something that I wasn't involved with. You!" He pointed at Bucky and Sharon "And Romanoff, are the reason Cookie left so I vote for you taking the brunt of his anger."
Bucky looked down at his plate as he moved the food around. "I know and I plan on accepting responsibility for my part in it. I've been trying to figure out how to convince her to come back but I'm stuck. I'm open to any ideas."
Tony nodded, unconvinced "Riiight, good luck with that.
Well if anyone's interested, Romanoff is still in a holding cell while medical takes care of her. She's reportedly a difficult patient but seems to be improving."
There was a collective groan before Bucky shook his head "Pffft, not interested."
Sam snickered while Steve gave Bucky that dad look again to which Bucky just shrugged. "Well, I don't care. She's caused me too much trouble."
Steve sighed "She was being controlled, Buck. You can't hold her completely responsible."
"Maybe not but that doesn't mean I'm interested in her condition. I'm sure that the medical team will take care of her and it's not my problem. She was being weird even before all this drama. She tried to restart the whatever we had in the Red Room and I don't want her." His face dropped and he muttered sadly "I just want Cookie."
"Right, jerk." Steve looked around "It's getting late, we should all get some rest so we're up to dealing with this meeting tomorrow."
The others nodded and mumbled agreement before getting up to clean and heading to their rooms. Sharon tried again to talk to Bucky but he strode away too quickly for her to catch him.
Bucky tried to sleep but couldn't, like most nights since he pushed Cookie away he laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. Looking at the 'glow in the dark' galaxy and blue twinkle lights that Cookie decorated his room with. She said it was too impersonal and decorated with posters, soft pillows with matching blankets and such. All space related, galaxy patterns. Usually it was calming but not right now.
Now he spent most of his time either in therapy, writing to Cookie or wallowing. Feeling angry at being controlled again, feeling sorry for himself, feeling empty because she wasn't here.
He got up to sit at his desk and write another letter to her. The letters started as declarations of his love and apologies for his actions, whether he was in control of himself or not. Now they were a running commentary of each days events and activities, plus whatever topics branched off from that, like they used to have in the evenings after dinner. They would lay on his bed with his music playing softly, holding hands and staring at the galaxy overhead, talking about their day and whatever else came to mind. Sometimes they had stayed awake talking until the sun came up.
Bucky fell asleep at his desk as he was writing, only to be jolted awake by Friday. An alarm and reminder of the meeting in 1 hour. A hot shower didn't help wake him up so he headed to the kitchen for coffee. He grumbled the entire way, Fury scheduling a meeting at 5am was just cruel and unusual, Bucky knew it was just the beginning of the punishments they would endure until things were set right.
Just to ensure that this day was shit from the gate, the first face Bucky saw was Nat, in the kitchen. He sighed and cursed his luck.
Nat smirked "Morning Barnes, you look like you haven't slept. I can come by later and help tire you out." She practically purred.
Bucky scoffed "Hard pass." Proud of himself for remembering some of the current slang that Cookie had been trying to teach him. As he looked down he noticed Nats ankle monitor and chuckled "Nice jewelry you've got there."
Nat scowled at him "Fuck you, Barnes."
Bucky smirked "In your dreams" as Nat stomped off.
He poured himself a cup of coffee and headed towards the conference room where Steve was already waiting. He grunted a greeting to Steve and took a seat. The rest of the team trickled in until a few minutes before 5 when Nick Fury strode in, Maria Hill following right behind. Tony ambled in shortly after and sat down.
Three hours later, everyones ears were ringing from the yelling. As they walked out of the conference room, Bucky and Sam were arguing over how many times Fury hollered "mother fucker/s" over the course of the meeting.
Sam just shook his head "I've never met a man who could yell for that long without losing his voice." He looked at Bucky then towards Sharon and Nat
"All y'all better get your acts together because if I ever have to sit through 3 hours of being yelled at by Nick Fury for something I didn't do again, someone's gonna pay."
Fury had cancelled all leave, every extra perk the team had and assigned additional training and chore duty. None of them would be having much fun anytime soon.
Every day Cookie came home from work there was another letter from Bucky. She ate dinner alone, staring at the stack of letters, afraid to find out what they said.
Every time she thought about it she started thinking he was ending their friendship for good, then argued with herself that he wouldn't keep writing if that were the case.
On Friday night she sat on the couch eating takeout with the news on in the background. It almost felt like the letters themselves were calling out to her. Once she finished eating she cleaned up her mess and poured a second glass of wine. She sat back on the couch, turned the news off and turned some soft jazz music on before looking at the stack and sighing.
Cookie took a long drink of her wine before finally picking up the first letter. She looked over it for a few minutes, searching for any hint of what was said inside but it was just a plain envelope with Bucky's writing.
She carefully opened it and pulled the papers out. She took another drink to calm her nerves and unfolded the papers, gasping when something fell out, onto her lap. She looked down and her eyes grew wide as she picked up Bucky's dog tags. He never took them off, being one of the few items left from his past, he was very attached to them.
Cookie looked at the tags only to notice a second pair of tags. They were nicer than the set the Army gave Bucky when he enlisted. They had his full name and nickname, birth date with his birthstone and instead of his serial number it said 'Property of Y/N Y/L/N, bka Cookie, please call or return to the Avengers compound.' She laughed and couldn't hold the sob in.
With tears running down past the smile on her face, she put the dog tags over her head, held them against her heart and started reading.
Dear Cookie,
I'm not sure where to start, I have so much to say and the words keep getting mixed up in my head.
I miss you, more than I ever imagined missing someone. This place feels empty and cold without your warmth, your smile lit up my days and now everything seems dark.
I'm so, so sorry for everything, I never wanted to hurt you. I've only ever wanted to love and worship you like the goddess you are.
You probably already found my dog tags, I want you to have them. The other set were kinda meant as a joke but it's true. You own my heart and I think you always will.
I knew, that first day we met, that you were it for me. I know it might not have seemed like it at first but you scared me. The way my body reacted to your simple handshake scared the Hell outta me. I was a mess and you were so beautiful and smart. And caring, patiently waiting for me to come out of my shell. I know you deserve a better man than me but my time with Doctor Raynor has taught me that I do deserve happiness and good things.
The night we spent together was the best night of my life. I was finally feeling like I could be the man you deserve and even if you hate me and never want to speak to me again, I will Always hold the memory of that night, of being with you, making love to you, that feeling that everything is exactly how it's meant to be. I'll never let that go, even if I live another 107 years.
I'm sorry that our bliss was destroyed so quickly but if you let me, if you want to, we can rebuild it into something stronger.....
The letter went on with an update on life in the compound and Bucky's thoughts about everything. Cookie skimmed through that part, Sam had been keeping her updated on the gossip so she barely paid attention.
The letter finished....
I hope you are happy where you are now and I'm sorry for avoiding you. I didn't think I deserved your forgiveness or grace but now, I'm hoping I can earn both and prove to you that nothing is more important to me than your happiness.
All my love,
Cookie held the letter and dog tags to her chest as she cried herself to sleep, a deep restful sleep like she hadn't experienced in a long while.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella @hiireadstuff @winterschildren8
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briarlovesclara · 9 hours
do you think it'd be kind of... weird for Rose to see 15?
Like, it's her uncle, but it's not quite. He hugs her similarly to 14, but not quite. He's seen the future, her future, lived through her life and come out the other side-- well, come out the same side, really. Presumably, he's seen her parents die, seen her graduate, but he still asks how Donna is. Is he trying to place her along her timeline, or does he just really care? She loves him so ferociously, but does it feel hollow to him to look at her and remember things they haven't done yet? Is it disappointing to not have their in-jokes from 5 years in the future?
And he's changed. 14, her uncle, he's told her about changing, and how it can feel like you're dying. How odd, to wake up one day completely different, and even those closest to you don't know you yet. Donna is The Doctor's sister, but is Rose The Doctor's niece? She's never felt so small as seeing 15 and then going home to her uncle.
She can't bear to ask either of them if they'll love her forever.
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 1 day
Jake x fem reader
Warnings: sexual content, oral sex (m rec), fingering, period sex etc . 18+ mdni
"goddamn it baby , what the fuck do you want me to do about it!? Huh?" Jake yells, slamming the door open as the argument from the car commences into the house .
"there's a limit Jake. That girl almost had her mouth on yours" you state , tired and frustrated.
"Jesus- i can't help it okay?! I didn't know she was gonna-" Jake slams the car keys on the coffe table as he kicks off his shoes.
"you didn't even push her away! And don't fucking throw your shoes around the living room I'm not your fucking slave!" You cut him off , finally screaming as you picked his shoes up and walked over to put them away with yours .
"you know how it would've looked if I pushed her away! " He screamed back , looking over the couch at you before standing up and making his way over to you
"and I give you every goddamn thing! So don't ever fucking say I treat you like a slave!" He points at you , screaming so loud it shuts you up.
"if anyone's a slave it's me! I work and tour all the time and come home and give you everything you could ever want and you still want more!? What the fuck do you want me do!? Shove her away and destroy my reputation?!" He screams at you as you take in a shakey breath .
"You know part of my job is entertaining those women right ? and haven't i told you enough that it means nothing to me?! I tell you everyday! You just can never trust me can you ?!" He screams but he softens immediately after when he notices the look on your face , immediately sympathising with you. You were mortified to have upset him so much.
He sighs and looks at the floor , his hands on his hips . the sigh was thick with disappointment and mostly tiredness but also guilt. He was tired from the show he just played and there was no way he could've know that fan would lean in to kiss him like that, he had little to no time to deal with the situation.
He walks awayas he started unbuttoning his shirt. He probably wanted to change and crawl into bed and sleep you thought . But instead he walks over to the home studio. He would always lock himself in that room for hours after an argument.
You walk in after a while, hearing the strumming of the beautiful blues notion he was playing. blues always got you in the mood. He knew you'd entered but he kept playing, standing by the amp , shirtless with his guitar on him , back facing the door.
"Jake" you call softly as you approach him but he doesn't respond, first you thought he couldn't hear you.
"baby" you humm as wrap your arms around his waist as you approached him from behind, pressing your lips to the side of his neck. He knows you've come to apologise , but he ignores you . You realise he's playing hard to get.
You let him go and walk in front of him and he still doesn't even bother to look at you , busy looking down at the fretboard as he played.
You immediately drop to your knees . You wanted him , but this would also be a test on how much he loves you , the best reassurance was to watch how much you could do to him . If you had to be honest , you were quite petrified he might not even want it or might not even get hard, or show little to no reaction to it.
He never faultered in his playing, playing flawlessly, not even budging , not even looking at you as you looked up at him , his guitar rested on his right upper thigh, leaving just about enough room for you to reach his crotch.
You rested your hands on his legs , slowly moving up till your fingers barely touched his crotch . You were careful but deliberate.
"fuck" he muttered as he hit a wrong note , but almost immediately continued again. You smirked to yourself, your confidence now building up.
You took the liberty to gently paw him through his pants , feeling him getting hard under your touch , you watched his face as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, pretending he was into the song , but you knew he was enjoying what you were doing. He was trying to ground himself.
You knew he was watching you even though he wasn't looking at you , pretending to be busy looking at the fretboard. You decided to put an end to his silent treatment.
You leaned in , opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out , running it against his zipper , his bottom half was fully clothed and you knew he could barely feel it but he was definitely dying you watch the show you were putting on for him.
You let your teeth sink gently into his hardening bulge making him involuntarily jerk forward while completely going out of tune. He knew there was no way he was winning this battle but he wanted to see how far he could push you .
So he kept ignoring you , going back to playing the riff again. You roll your eyes before pulling away , grabbing at his belt and unbuckling it , you accepted the challenge he was throwing at you.
You were not gentle as you pulled his pants down , almost disrupting his playing but he worked around it as you pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles, revealing his hard cock that screamed for more attention.
You didn't touch him yet , your hands slid behind his legs as you kissed his length before swallowing him into your mouth , humming around him. The guitar restricted room for you to use both your hands and mouth on him , so you decide to just use your mouth .
His chest was heaving and he was damp with sweat , fighting the urge to drop the guitar and grab your head and fuck his cock into your mouth. But he was stubborn, putting all his focus into what he was playing, thought it was sloppy and he knew it . He mentally cursed at you for having such an effect on him.
Your fingers caressed his legs and dug into his soft flesh as you worked him with only your mouth , knowing it would work him up but leave him wanting more . You sucked on his length, deepthroating him before pulling off and teasing his tip with your tongue , moaning and drooling on him and continuing it over and over till you felt his legs trembling , he'd almost stopped playing completely.
You pulled back and pepperd kisses all over his length and exposed thighs . You heard him let out a shaky sigh as you finally met his eyes , half closed and lust blown , his eyebrows pinched together . He looked defeated . You couldn't help the smirk that formed on your face . He'd stopped playing at this point, unable to bare it anymore. His right hand resting on the body of guitar as he gripped the fretboard tightly in his left .
You stuck your tongue out again circling his tip before teasing the underside, you felt him trembling again . You took him fully into your mouth as he took the guitar off his shoulders and rested it on the stand next to him , his hands almost immediately slipping into your hair and gathering them in a make shift bun for you , caressing your face in the process.
You watched him as he thew his head back , his eyes rolling back and his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed.
You perked up when he let out a pained moan, pulling on your hair as he pushed himself deeper into you, making you gag on him causing him to moan again.
You loosened your jaw and placed your palms on his thighs with your cheeks sucked in and tight around his cock as he began fucking your mouth with small jerks of his hips , throwing his head back but looking back down at you immediately , letting his hair get messy as he began rutting his hips into you , like how he did with his guitar on stage.
He was panting, let out moans with each breath , getting higher in octave as he came closer and closer to his high .
"god fuck baby- fuck!" He froze, his body tensed up as his muscles contracted while releasing into your mouth, pushing your head down on him again and you gagged around him again , swallowing him down clean.
He let go of his grip on your hair but you kept sucking him dry making him whimper. Till you pulled off and he let out a whine . you held onto him when standing up.
"fuck baby you take me so well" he panted , his voice desperate and whiney as he grabbed your jaw , squishing your cheeks together and with his other hand , pulling you against him by your waist. you were drunk on how fucked out he looked . He looked like this everytime he got off the stage .
"please" you beg , not sure what for ,as his grip on your jaw made your lips purse out.
He crashed his lips into yours, the both of you almost tripping as he walked you backwards , stepping out of his pants that were at his ankles.
his hands grabbed the ends of your slimfit black dress that he'd been wanting to tear off you the minute he saw you in it, and pulled it up to your waist.
"Jake" you stop him and part from his lips to speak , immediately grabbing his wrists as he reaches for the waistband of your panties. He looked at you in a daze but he was concerned as to why you want him to stop.
"I'm on my period" you say , your were dying to kiss him again, your eyes half open and lust blown.
"ohh is that why you've been acting so cranky" Jake states in realisation. You roll your eyes and kiss him again , sloppy and desperate as his hands reached to pull your panties down again and you stopped him , again.
"I'm on my period" you reminded more sternly.
"now when has that ever stopped me baby?" He asks in a quick mumble, not even waiting for an answer before he resumed pulling your panties down and kissing you , not even caring about the pad you had on.
He continued walking you backwards , till your legs touch a chair behind you , you almost tripped in your panties that were at your ankles but quickly kicked them off.
"sit." He breaks the kiss as he pushed you to sit down on the chair , which you did immediately. He got down on his knees along with you , barely breaking the kiss as he lifted your legs to rest over each armrest.
"jake- it's gonna make a mess" you mumble against his lips. It wasn't the first time you and Jake had period sex , but it was usually in the bathroom or somewhere more sensible for that activity, not his home studio.
He ignored you and felt his hand slip into your hair by your neck , grabbing a fistfull of your hair and wrenching it back making you wince as your head flew back , his lips immediately attacking your neck in sloppy open mouth kisses, groaning as he tasted you .
His other hand your felt caressing your inner thigh , squeezing the flesh slightly before his fingers dipped into your soaked cunt .
"Jake" you gasp , feeling his cold fingers on your sensitive clit as you eyes rolled back. Your abdomen and back ached from your period and Jake knew the only way to help that.
He slipped his thick middle finger into your hole, you could almost hear the squelching. And you could smell iron in the air from the blood , you could almost taste it . It seemed to turn Jake on more than anything.
"fuckk" Jake whispered to himself shakily as he parted from you to watch his finger slide into you , getting coated with your dark red slick .
You screamed out a moan when Jake finally curled his finger up , sending a jolt of pleasure through your body , easing all the discomfort and pain you were feeling. You threw your head back and arched on the chair , grabbing his shoulders to ground yourself as you spread your legs wider for him.
"that's it baby give it to me" Jake mumbles as he starts pumping his finger into you and curling it up simultaneously , perfectly in your gspot . His strong fingers were to die for , the way they pulled you to an orgasm with little to no effort.
"you're already squeezing me" he huffs with a small smirk as he slipped another finger in , keeping them tightly together as he curled them up into your gspot , almost making your ass lift off the chair as you let out pornographic moans .
"comon baby" "that's it doll" he coaxes as he watches you try to calm yourself and take deep breaths . But he picks up his pace while his thumb pushes into your folds , starting small circles making you dig your fingers into his shoulders, your legs threatening to leave it's place on the arm rests and wrap around Jake instead.
Your breath was out of your control and you were a mass of sweat , panting and moaning out Jake's name mindlessly as he worked you with skill and commitment.
His eyes met yours as a devious smirk forms on his face , like he'd just gotten some idea . Just then you felt the two fingers he had inside you spread apart and scissor you before curling up , making you throw your head back with your jaw hanging open and your eyes fluttering closed as he repeated it , making your legs tremble and bringing you to the brink .
"fuck! Jake!- I'm coming!- fuck-!" You whine and moan as you thash around in the chair before one last deep curl of his fingers had you gushing all over them.
"fuck" you whine as you look down at Jake , he had his eyes peeled on the way your juices squirted out from around his fingers , feeling the way you clenched around him so hard . You couldn't help but feel horrible at the mess it would've made.
Tears brimmed your eyes for a reason you couldn't point out and when Jake pulled his fingers out you felt a huge save of emptyness wash over you, causing the tears to roll out .
Jake couldn't get his eyes off your cunt but when he finally did look up at you, his expression immediately turned to worry.
"what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asks immediately , his voice dripping in fear.
"baby say something" he shook your knee, his clean hand cupping your face as he moved closer to you , still on his knees in front of you.
"I'm so sorry jake- you do give me everything and i- I'm sorry for what i said today- i just can't stand the way those girls look at you. I know there's nothing you can do and-" you start to blabber but he stops you.
"hey" Jake shushed you, his voice stern as he brushed his thumb over your cheek , wiping the tears.
"nothing's going to ever seperate us" Jake says, shaking his head as he stares deeply into your eyes.
"You're my girl. nothing is going to change that" he said , almost like it was a demand. His words broke you down even more . He had a slight smile, knowing he was going to make fun of you for being so dramatic later.
"c'mere" he murmurs as he pulls you into him , hugging you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his hair.
He whispered softly comforts as he turned his head to press his lips against the side of your head , stroking your hair and back while you sobbed softly.
With that he picked you off the chair as you instinctively wrapped your legs around him , carrying you to the bathroom so the two of you could have a nice hot shower.
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noirsfantasy · 3 days
𝕽𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊 | 𝖕𝖙. 2
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Jonathan Majors as Dame Anderson x Black!Plus-sized Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Smut
𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪 ➛ Creed
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛4.2k
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛After not hearing from Adonis for a week, you realize that, maybe it really was just a fling. So, you decide to get your mind off of him. And the one who just so happens to be there is Dame…
𝔞/𝔫 ➛Y'all thought the first one was wild? Well, get ready for this next one, hehe.
𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰 ➛ @cardi-bre91
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I'm out with my girls on a Saturday night, turning up in a club. I was thrown ass on my girl, Ari, and my other girl, Liyah, is recording and hyping us up. We're all tipsy, enjoying ourselves as the music bumps loudly in the background. I don't usually go clubbing, but when I do, it's to get my mind off of something. And tonight I wanted to forget about my disappointment with men.
See, I'd recently been hooking up with this guy, Adonis Creed. He's a famous boxer, but that wasn't why I was interested in him. I truly enjoyed being around him. He gave me a touch of passion that made my body quiver. But all good things come to an end, don't they?
Enough about that. Tonight is all about getting drunk and forgetting about all my troubles. As I sway my hips against my friend, giggling as we dance the night away, I feel eyes on me. Men are staring, their gazes burning with desire. I smirk and ignore them, but I do enjoy feeling wanted. Under the glow of the neon lights, I dance the night away, as Liyah and Ari cheer me on.
Taking a break, we make our way back to our table, giggling and carefree.
"I can't believe you can move like that in that dress, girl." Liyah chuckles as she slides into the booth. I laugh as I slide in after Ari, laying my head on the table.
"Girl, ion even know, but that shit was movin'!" I reply.
"You shoulda seen all the guys you had drooling over you." Ari adds and I shake my head.
"Hey, I'm tryna get my mind off of guys tonight, remember?" I remind them and Liyah rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, we know." She takes the bottle from our table and downs the rest of it.
"Liyah, seriously?" Ari asks disapprovingly.
"What, girl? There was barely any left." Liyah raises her hands in defense. I giggle and stand up, a bit tipsy but still able to function.
"Chill out, I'll go get us some more drinks." I say, sliding out of the booth. "Be back before you know it."
"How 'bout I get you ladies another round?" I hear a deep, sexy voice rumble from behind me. As I turn around to see who it is, I come face to face with a tall, handsome man looking down at me with interest. I recognize him as the current heavyweight champion, Dame Anderson. I know he and Donnie had a bit of a falling out and that they were preparing for a title fight. I'd only ever heard about him through media, but we've never actually met. So I have no idea what he's doing here, talking to me.
"Holy shit, is that Damian Anderson?" Ari slurs in surprise and he smirks at her.
"The one and only, but y'all beautiful ladies can call me Dame." He winks at them and then his eyes shifts back to me. I have to stop myself from biting my lip at the sight of him. He's a total stud— ruggedly handsome with an intense gaze and a muscular frame. My friends look at me with anticipation, sensing the attraction between us.
"That's very kind of you, Dame," I purr, looking up into his eyes daringly. "But we can't have you paying for our drinks all night. We might end up owing you in return." Damian cracks a lopsided grin.
"That' doesn't sound all that bad to me." he says, leaning in a little closer, talking over the music. The scent of his cologne wafts over me as he continues to speak. "I'm pretty sure there are plenty of ways you could pay me back." He says, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh yeah? How?" I ask with a bit of challenge, stepping closer to him. My friends giggle girlishly as they watch. A confident, yet sly grin spreads across Dame's face as he leans in to whisper a low, suggestive response in my ear.
"How 'bout a dance?" As he pulls back, his eyes linger on me for a moment longer before he glances at my friends and looks back at me. "Whaddaya say, sweetheart?"
"Sure, why not." I respond, not having to give it much thought as I move past him, towards the bar. "And it's Y/n, by the way." I correct him, looking him up and down. A flicker of surprise crosses his eyes as he bites his lip, turning to follow me.
"Y/n," He repeats, testing out the sound of my name on his tongue. Although, something about the look in his eyes says that he already knew what my name was. After we stop by the bar and order a round for my table, we head out to the dance floor, the bass from the speakers vibrating through the room.
As we get to the dancefloor, Dame pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. Mine instinctively wrap around his neck and our bodies move in sync to the music. Our bodies mold together perfectly, his hard planes against my soft curves. As we dance, he whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck.
"You know, you really caught my eye earlier, Y/n."
"Is that so?" I ask, gazing up at him as I grind my hips against his, causing a low groan to escape from him.
"Yeah, you did." Damian replies as his arms tighten around me for a moment before relaxing again. "I know you was fuckin' with Donnie. you've been on my radar." He smirks, leaning in a bit closer. I raise an eyebrow at him, somehow not surprised he's known about me.
"So what? You just been stalking me?" I inquire, causing Dame to chuckle at my response.
"Nah, just keeping an eye on who's eyeing my rival." He says, his eyes not leaving mine. "I had to know for myself what the fuss was about." I roll my eyes and turn away from him, feeling him press against my back as his hands migrate to my hips.
"It ain't like I'm his girl or anything," I say as I grind my body against his, feeling his grip on my hips tighten. His eyes follow the movement of my body, appreciating the way my curves fit against him.
"Good. Cuz I ain't really the sharing type" Damian smirks down at me.
"So, you only want me cuz he had me at some point?" I turn in his arms and he pulls me in closer.
"Oh, there's plenty of reasons why I'd want you, sweetheart." His eyes trail over my body for a moment before meeting mine again. "And if it happens to piss off my rival, that's just the icing on the cake."
His words send a spark of excitement through my body. Damian wants me and he isn't afraid to show it. This man, with his intense gaze and powerful presence, is hungry for me, and it makes my desire for him grow stronger. I can't help but bite my lip as his gaze pierces through me.
A part of me wants to at least be offended by him basically using me for his games. Although, the other part of me, the part that likes to live on the edge, doesn't give a fuck. I do what I want and who I want. And who I want right now is Dame. I smirk as I place my hands on his chest, pulling him close enough for me to whisper in his ear.
"You're gonna get me in trouble." A sly grin spreads across his face as I speak.
"Oh, I think you can handle it." He responds, his hands running up my sides, lightly touching my soft skin through my dress. "In fact, I bet part of you likes a little bit of trouble."
"Mm, you think you know me?" I ask teasingly as I lean in close to his face, looking at him through my lashes. He leans his face even closer, our lips nearly touching.
"I know enough." He admits with a smirk, his hands gliding over my hips. "And I know you like that I want you, even if it's to get under Baby Creed's skin." He chuckles softly. "But that doesn't mean I don't actually want you." His eyes lock on mine, a mixture of desire and challenge burning in his gaze. The world seems to slow around us as our bodies sway to the music.
"What exactly is it you're proposing?" Dame slides one hand around to the small of my back, using the other to gently tilt her chin toward me. Our faces are inches apart, and his eyes hold a mix of hunger and playfulness. A cocky smirk crosses his face as he answers my question with a low, gravelly voice.
"How 'bout you come find out, sweetheart?" He challenges. I decide not to waste any more time on words and I pull him towards me, crashing my lips into his. As our lips meet, it's as if a spark ignites between us. Dame responds to the kiss with a fierce intensity, our mouths moving against each other hungrily.
His large hands roam over my body, pulling me closer as he devours my lips. The sounds and lights of the club fade away as I lose myself in the moment, the taste and feel of him fueling my desire. My breath hitches as he bites my bottom lip, demanding more.
We break the kiss after what feels like both seconds and an eternity. I look into his eyes and they're dark with desire and a bit of challenge. Damian leans in close to my ear and whispers with a chuckle, "Let's get out of here. I want you all to myself."
I don't need any more convincing. Taking his hand, we make our way out of the club, waving to my girls as my heart pounds with anticipation. The night air is cool on our skin as we walk, the city lights illuminating our path. During the ride to his place, he keeps a firm, possessive grip on my thigh that sends tingles to my core. As we arrive at his luxury apartment building, Dame guides me inside, our bodies feeling electrified with desire.
As we step into the elevator and the doors close behind us, he gets a ravenous look in his eye. He presses me against the wall, my back coming in contact with the cold metal as his large frame presses against me. His mouth crashes into mine in a hungry kiss, his hands traveling to grasp either side of my ass. I ball my hands into the fabric of his shirt, moaning into the fiery kiss.
A low groan escapes Damian's lips as I pull him deeper into the kiss, our tongues tangling in a dance of desire. My body is on fire, the tension between us palpable. As the elevator reaches his floor, he reluctantly breaks the kiss, leading me into his penthouse apartment.
Our lips aren't parted for long as he lifts me up by my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist, claiming my lips in another heated kiss. The feeling of being manhandled by this ruggedly handsome man sent sparks of excitement through my body. My heart races as he walks slowly towards the living room, his lips never leaving mine. He lays me down on the plush rug in front of the fireplace, the dancing flames casting an erotic glow over the room.
Dame gazes down at me, chest heaving. "Damn, baby. You feel even better than I imagined." He growls, his fingers tracing my curves. His eyes are dark with lust as he takes in the sight of me sprawled out beneath him.
I run my hands up his muscular arms, biting my lip coyly. "Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet." I purr, rolling my hips against him. A low groan rumbles in his chest as he dips his head, his lips trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down my neck. His large hands slide up my thighs, bunching my dress up as he goes.
"I plan on seein' and feelin' a whole lot more." He murmurs against my skin, teeth grazing my sensitive neck. I shiver with anticipation, my hands moving to grip his shoulders as he continues his sensual assault.
Damian's fingers hook into the delicate fabric of my panties, his intent clear. I arch my back, silently begging him to take what he wants. This is what I came here for - to be devoured by this confident, powerful man. And I have a feeling he's more than ready to oblige.
His eyes darken with pure lust as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of my panties, slowly dragging them down my legs. "That's it, baby. Let me see all of you." He growls, voice thick with desire. His gaze rakes over my exposed skin hungrily, drinking in every inch.
With one swift motion, he tugs my panties all the way off, tossing them aside. His calloused palms glide up the silky smooth skin of my thighs, parting them slightly. "Fuck, you're gorgeous." He murmurs, pure want radiating from him. Lowering his head, his stubble-lined jaw grazes the sensitive skin of my inner thigh, eliciting a sharp gasp from me.
"Dame..." I breathe, fingers threading into his short hair. He pauses, eyes flicking up to meet mine.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm gonna take real good care of you." He promises in a low, raspy tone before burying his face between my legs. I gasp with pleasure, my back arching a bit as the feeling is more intense than anticipated.
Damian's expert tongue swirls and licks, sending electric shocks of pleasure through my body. I let out a desperate moan, my fingers tightening in his hair as I arch into his mouth.
"Oh fuck, Dame..." I gasp against his talented ministrations. He hums in approval, the vibrations sending tingles through my core. One of his large hands grips my thigh, keeping me spread open for his voracious appetite.
Just when I think I might come undone, he pulls back slightly, gazing up at me with lust-filled eyes. I whine as I gaze down at him.
"You taste so goddamn good, baby girl." He growls, voice rough with desire. Before I can respond, his mouth is on me again, creating a suction of pleasure around my clit.
My toes curl and my back arches as the coil of pleasure tightens within me. Dame's skilled tongue and lips push me higher and higher, the world fading away until all I can focus on is the mind-numbing sensations he's drawing from my body.
"Holy shit, holy shit!" I exclaim as I come undone faster than I intended, squirting forcefully into his mouth. I had expected to make a huge mess all over the carpet, but Dame laps up every last drop eagerly, savoring my sweet taste. His eyes flutter shut as he drinks me in, relishing the sounds of cries of ecstasy.
When I've finally ridden out the last waves of my climax, he pulls back slightly, gazing up at me through hooded eyes. His lips and beard glisten with my arousal, and he licks them slowly, not letting a single drop go to waste.
"You taste so fucking good, baby." He growls, his voice raspy. His large hands caress my trembling thighs as he repositions himself, settling between my legs. "And I'm just getting started."
With that, he leans back down, his face disappearing between my thighs once more. His tongue delves deep, stroking with a single-minded focus on my pleasure. One of his hands moves to my sensitive bundle of nerves, rubbing in firm, sensual circles.
I squirm and squeal under his touch as he holds me in place, keeping me from fleeing. "You can't run, sweetheart. I'm gonna make you come again and again and again." His words only serve to fan the flames of my desire and I know I'm in for a long night.
I can't make an intelligible response as I'm overstimulated, my hips bucking and my nails digging into his harms, drawing blood.
"Damian-" I gasp, my mind clouded. "It's- It's too much!" I manage to say, my body no longer under my control. Dame pauses, his intense gaze shifting to one of mischief.
"Too much, huh?" He murmurs, his strong hands stilling my shaking thighs. A devilish smirk spreads across his lips. "Don't worry, babe. I know just how to take care of you." With that, he shifts his position, strong arms wrapping around my waist as he pulls me up onto his lap. Our bodies are pressed flush together, his clothed length evident against my sensitive flesh. One hand tangles into my hair, tugging my hair back gently.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby," he whispers, his warm breath fanning across my neck. "Just let me take control." His lips find mine in a searing, consuming kiss, swallowing any protests I was about to make.
As the kiss deepens, his other hand caresses my body, igniting sparks of sensation. A guttural groan rembles ing Dame's chest as he feels my arousal soaking through the fabric of his pants. He breaks the fiery kiss, dark eyes smoldering with desire as he drinks in the sight of me flushed and panting in his arms.
"Mmm, you're so fucking wet for me." He husks, one hand trailing down my side to grip my hip possessively. "I bet you're lacking to feel me inside you, aren't you?" His hips roll up, pressing his hardness against my slick heat.
Unable to form a coherent response, I whimper and nod desperately, my body betraying just how badly you crave his touch. Damian lets out a low, satisfied chuckle.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm gonna give you exactly what you need." With that, he pulls his shirt off, exposing his large, defined muscles. I don't get much time to take him in as he quickly unbuckles his pants and lifts me effortlessly, positioning me over his throbbing length. Slowly, torturously, he lowers me down, stretching and filling me in one smooth motion.
The feeling is indescribable, a perfect blend of pleasure and sweet, delicious pain. I let out a strangled moan, my nails sinking into his broad shoulders as I savor the sensation of being so completely and utterly full.
"Shitttt~ Take me just like that, baby. You're doing so good." Damian praises, his voice strained with restraint. His hands grip my hips, guiding my movements as I start to ride him with desperate, rhythmic motions. I whine with desire as I stretch around him. This feels different than with Adonis. Donnie could barely push all the way into me with how long his cock was. Although, Damian could fill me just right. Not only that, his girth was thicker. I look down, watching myself slide down onto his length as I let out a high pitched moan.
"Please, please, please~" I beg with desperation as I pull his chest against mine, my brows knit together in ecstasy. Dame groans, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of my hips.
"Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me, baby." He growls, his hips snapping up to meet my motions. I yelp as he fills me, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the air. I can feel the coil of pleasure tightening once more, only spurring me on further. "Ride me like that, baby. I wanna feel you come undone on my cock." He whispers.
I press down and grind against him, his cock straining against my walls. Damian's eyes darken with pure lust as he works his cock deeper inside me, thrusting his hips up with more force. His hands slide down to where we're joined, his calloused fingers finding my sensitive bundle of nerves. He rubs firm, sensual circles, eliciting a strangled cry of pleasure from my lips.
"Dame~" I Whimper, my walls fluttering around his impressive girth. "I'm so close..." He let's out a feral groan, his tempo increasing as he chases both of our releases.
"Come for me, baby." He demands, his teeth grazing my neck as his arms tighten around me. I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning my head back as I bounce on his dick, my tits finally falling free of my tight dress. Damian's mouth latches onto one pert nipple, sucking on it with an insatiable hunger.
I let out a strangled gry of pleasure, my nails raking down his back as the sensations threaten to overwhelm me. Dame's cock stretches and fills me perfectly, each movement sending electric shocks of bliss ricocheting through my body.
"I- I'm gonna~" I don't finish my sentence as I gasp loudly, my movements becoming frantic and erratic. He matches me, his thrusts becoming more deep and punishing as his mouth crashes into mine. My vision whites out as the most intense orgasm rips through me, my body convulsing in Dame's arms. He swallows my cries of ecstasy as he continues to move within me, drawing out every last aftershock of my release.
"That's my girl," he praises, his voice strained with his own impending climax. He continues to rub relentlessly at my clit and I can do nothing but become putty in his hands.
"Dame!" I squeal, biting my lip hard as I try to take it.
"That's right, baby. Say my name," He says lowly, his thrust becoming harder and random. He pulls me flush against him with each punishing thrust until the tension within him finally snaps. With a guttural groan, he spills himself deep inside me. His hips stutter and jerk as he rides out his climax, his grip on me bordering on bruising.
As I feel his warmth fill me, I can't help but sigh heavily, laying my head on his shoulder. Damian lets out a deep, contented sigh as I lay my head on his shoulder, our bodies still intimately joined. As I pant heavily, he gently brushes a stray lock of hair from my face.
"That's right, sweetheart. Just relax." He mumbles, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. HIs arms wrap around me, holding me close as the last tremors of our shared release subside.
"You did so good." Dame breathes with a note of awe in his voice. "I mean, I knew you'd feel incredible, but you've just... You're a goddess." He says as if he's just realizing now that he's met an angel in disquise.
"That was…" I start, unable to find the words. He chuckles warmly, pulling me close against his chest as his fingers trace soothing patterns along my spine. He softens inside me, pulling out slowly as he lays me down on the couch. Standing up, he goes leaves the livingroom briefly. My body relaxes as I lay on the couch, waiting for him to come back.
Damian returns with a warm, damp washcloth and gently cleans me up, his touch tender and caring - a stark contrast to his earlier intensity. As he wipes away the evidence of our shared intimacy, something stirs inside him.
He'd only known about me, because I was seen with Adonis. And, honestly, he only went after me to get back at him and throw Donnie off of his game. But seeing me like this, all he wants to do is take care of me and treat me right.
There was something so wrong about this. He'd slept with many women before and he had plenty of women still lined up that wanted him badly. After all, he's the champ. But as he gazes over me, my beautiful form on the edge of sleep, he can't help but feel something. He doesn't know what it is, but it's definitely not something he's felt with anyone else.
His hand comes up and brushes against the soft skin on my face. He pauses slightly as he wrestles with the unfamiliar emotions swirling within him. Something about me has reached past his carefully constructed walls, and Dame finds himself wanting - no, needing - more than a simple one night stand.
But he pushes those thoughts aside for now, focusing instead on savoring the moment. Once he's finished cleaning up our mess, he tosses the cloth aside and gathers me into his arms, cradling me against his broad chest. His fingertips trace feather-light patterns along my bare skin, sending pleasurable shivers through my body.
"I could hold you like this all night," he murmurs, dropping a soft kiss to the top of my head. "But I'm sure you're exhausted after that." I nod, my cheek pressed against his chest as I melt into him. The corner of his mouth turns up as he caresses my curves.
"Why don't we get you cleaned up and into a nice hot shower, hm? Then we can go to bed." He suggests, a loving look in his eye.
"Can we do that?" I ask, looking up at him wearily as my voice is barely above a whisper. His gaze softens as he looks down at me.
"Of course, baby." He scoops me up effortlessly, carrying me towards the bathroom as my head rests against his chest. The care and tenderness in his actions makes my heart flutter, and I can't help but wonder, where this is going to go. But I push that thought to the back of my mind as I just want to enjoy the moment.
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aetheternity · 1 year
"Venti stans are low key annoying complaining about Venti not being the main focus of the Windblume festival."
First off we do not care. Second off ok???? Literally every character stan complains about their fave not getting enough screen time hop off.
It isn't even about screen time for me. It's about the fact that Venti hasn't truly felt like Venti in several updates. The last time he truly felt like himself was during Weinlesefest but even then he still didn't feel like the Venti we met all the way back during the first archon quest. And I don't wanna hear "hE hAd cHaRaCtEr dEvLoPmEnT." Cause no that isn't what happened, he regressed as a character. He's becoming fanon Venti in game. He gets used for alcohol jokes and Paimon calls him lazy then he dips. 🙄
"He was just in the Lantern Rite.." Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut all the fucking way up! He was terrible in LR and honestly if you cut Venti out of LR you basically have the same event. He did literally nothing of substance and he shouldn't have been there at all.
The first Windblume festival centered around Venti and showed us more of Venti being Mondstadt's archon. The second Windblume festival has barely anything to do with him. Excuse us if we're fucking disappointed, we have every right to be. Like I said literally every character's stans complain about them not getting enough screen time. Yeah sure if every Mondstadt event centered Venti it'd get old but the biggest problem is they decided to center a MONDSTADT EVENT around fucking SUMERU CHARACTERS. Fucking Collei gets more screen time than any Mondstadt character. Which wouldn't be a problem but this is a main Mondstadt event. Even though Venti was in LR 3 he wasn't a main focus he was a background character to the rest of the cast. Which is what Collei should've been cut out Tighnari and Cyno.
Mondstadt has so many underutilized characters and their screen time got spliced for the Sumeru fuckers who already have too much screen time. The entire last five updates have had Cyno in almost everything and Tighnari as well and while Collei has less screen time than them she has yet to be under used. If this was about Collei meeting up with Amber again they could've had that in a different event. If this was about Collei facing her anxiety it could've happened in a different event. They should've just had Sucrose helping Mondstadters cause guess what? You think this is going to be the last time a nation's event gets characters bombarding in? Hell no Fontaine is coming soon we're one hundred percent going to get nation festivals with random characters that have nothing to do with anything probably until the end of the game.
We'll see how happy ya'll are when your fave gets less screen time for some randos that have nothing to do with the nation you care about.
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Ahhhh second first date! Second first date! Of course i need to know how it goes!!
"And the server was definitely super jealous of me."
Thena laughed again. That was all she'd been doing since they left the house, she was quite sure. Since Gil 'picked her up', that was to say.
It was very sweet. He had showed up at her guest room door, dressed up and with a charming smile, even making an attempt to look nervous. He asked if she was ready, offered his arm; he was the perfect gentleman for their first date.
Her second chance.
Of course she had to know more about their first-first date. And Gil was happy to elucidate her once she insisted enough that telling her that much would not cause her brain to catch fire (as the doctor seemed to have implied in some way).
"But it was a nice dinner, then I walked you back to where you were staying at the end of the beach," he recounted, his eyes completely starry. "I had never gotten to actually have a romantic walk on the beach, before. Total bucket list stuff."
"It sounds lovely," she remarked mildly, without much choice with no memory of it for herself.
"The moon was out and everything, and it looked really pretty with your hair and your white dress, and the shawl thing-y you had on over it." Gil gestured vaguely to simulate the flowing garment she had worn over her bare shoulders. It certainly painted a picture, and she was quite sure she knew what he was referring to, having glimpsed a long white shawl in their closet.
She tried not to laugh too hard, mindful of the gentle atmosphere of the bakery. The tables were really just for people waiting for orders. They didn't have a fancy coffee machine, or an official barista. But Gil did bring out cups of real, boiled hot cocoa from the back--a secret only for their own, of course. They were waiting on their fresh baked pastries to come out and cool.
"I was so distracted by you that I didn't even realise when we were back at your doorstep," he sighed, but his comedic tone faded. He looked at her more softly, leaning his cheek against his hand. "I told you flat out that I was having such a good time I wished you were staying further away."
Thena attempted to laugh into her mug, this time.
"You laughed at it then, too." He sounded more wistful now. "But I told you I was serious and asked if I could see you again. I don't know why you were so surprised."
Probably because she had never been one to be asked out by someone like him. Men, sure, but not very sweet, very funny, very honest gentlemen like Gil. Just...men. She wasn't approachable enough for someone as sweet and charming as Gil.
She still thought that, to a degree.
"But you agreed, and I asked if I could kiss you too," he at least smiled at this part of the story, although his longing for the past remained. "You said I didn't have to ask, which wasn't a yes, but I guessed I was supposed to read between the lines."
Again, the Thena in the story and Thena herself in the present were different people. But she felt her stomach clench faintly at the idea.
"I did kiss you," Gil sighed, returning to his lighter, more jovial tone. "And it totally blew my mind. I mean if I wasn't in love with you already, that would'a done it."
"Gil," she admonished lightly, partly laughing and partly sheepish at the description of this passionate kiss she couldn't remember at all.
"What?" he chuckled before taking a sip of his own hot chocolate. "You wanted to know. And that date changed the rest of my life, sweetheart."
She liked it when he called her that. She nodded, looking down at her mug. "I suppose I did. It's a nice story."
"Yeah," Gil concluded, although his sigh felt a little heavier.
She still didn't have any memories of her own to contribute. But she attempted to jump over that wave of guilt, trying to put a smile back on his handsome face. "What was our second date like?"
He clearly knew what she was trying to do, but he kept quiet about it at least. He pulled himself up in his seat and started his next story. "Well, we were still on vacation. I asked a little more about you, and you at least told me you were an artist, and you were there on leave because you found teaching wasn't really your thing."
Thena winced faintly. She was sure that was an understatement. She did have memories of teaching before moving to their current residence, and none of them made her glad to have them instead of memories of Gil.
"I told you that I had been a boxer in college, and that I was just working some boring office job and also wanted," he paused to shrug and make a face, "a change of scenery."
They were both in the midst of becoming different people when they met. How fascinating, Thena mused. Although she was quite sure Gil had always been sweet and charming and funny. Just a feeling.
"It was actually you, on that date, who asked what I liked to do for fun," he admitted much more quietly. He looked down at the table, picking at a chip in the lacquer. "I told you I liked baking and you said I could try working part time in it, just to see if I liked it enough to make it my job."
"It sounds like something I would suggest," she agreed. It was hard to imagine the man she knew now doing anything else, really. Although it was almost funny to imagine him stuffing those muscles of his into a regular office suit.
"I said I'd give it a try," he chuckled, reaching for her hand. She gave it reflexively, sense memory knowing Gil much better than her own mind. He kissed her knuckle. "And now I have the best job in the world."
She smiled down at their adjoined hands as well, feeling as if the weight of the world were on top of them. "The date, Gil?"
"Right, right," he chuckled, allowing her to move the story away from the more emotional of the topics. "Well, you suggested that, and I asked about your art some more. And since the restaurant looked kind of full, and I didn't think that was your scene, I asked if you wanted to walk along the boardwalk a little first."
"We walked by a bakery there, and you asked me what everything was, since I was 'the expert' and all."
That also sounded like something she would say; Thena attempted not to roll her eyes at herself.
"I pointed out the regular stuff," he shrugged and even looked at the pastry cases in front of them in the moment. "Croissants, cupcakes, they had some tarts. You asked about one in particular."
Thena tilted her head as he paused, but she leaned back as he did, having been so sucked into the story that she didn't even notice Ajak coming over with two small plates.
"Thanks," Gil smiled at the petite woman, obviously familiar with her.
"Thank you," Thena added, keeping her eyes on the woman who only smiled and waved in response. Ajak knew her, Thena was aware, but Gil had been determined that they could meet formally when Thena felt more ready to reintroduce those parts of their life to herself.
"This is called a petit four, just a small cake," he chuckled, turning his own plate so she could admire the little dessert from all sides. "It's pretty old school, but you asked me about it when I pointed it out to you. I bought one so you could sample it, even though you told me not to."
Thena eyed the little dessert. It seemed to be vanilla, small and glazed completely white. There was something on the top of it.
"I add just a little sea salt to mine. Call it a secret ingredient."
It was just a hint of salt, but it sank into the sweetness immediately. Just like on that day five years ago, she had tasted the saltiness of the ocean air around them as she took a bite. She could remember the wind on her skin, and how warm Gil's hand was in contrast. The smell of the little shop and the breeze around them, and Gil's cologne wafting gently over to her.
Thena whipped her head up at him. He blinked at her sudden movement but didn't say anything. He was trying to read the expression on her face.
She didn't have any other memories of it. Just that one moment had jumped out at her as she had tasted that same taste--perhaps an improvement upon it. She could remember Gil's smile as she had told him that she liked it.
"You promised."
She blinked, trying not to cry over a silly little cake. "You promised you would make me one sometime. I told you I expected it to be better, since you were indeed, 'the expert'."
Gil teared up immediately. Of course he did, the gentle hearted giant. "Y-You-"
She looked down at her cake again, the pressure immediately mounting. "It's just that one moment. I can't remember past that. But-"
Thena startled as he launched from his seat across the tiny cafe table from her. He caught her lips at a funny angle, but they both tasted like chocolate and vanilla and sea salt. Her eyes fluttered.
"Sorry," he chuckled, offering a sheepish grin as he seated himself, ignoring the worried glances of other bakery patrons. "Couldn't help myself."
"Hm," she pursed her lips faintly, and he returned to his cake, unable to keep himself from staring at her. She dabbed at her lips, resisting the urge to fan herself. She still had her coat on, but it felt far too hot now in their little corner by the window. "Whatever happened to asking?"
"You told me I didn't have to ask."
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hussyknee · 1 month
Been meaning to bathe the kittens but kept putting it off bc the last time I bathed them was when they were much tinier and more forgiving. But today I nearly stepped on a decapitated mouse they had dragged upstairs, so into the tub they all went. They're now fresh, kissable, and heartbroken. 💔
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i love final fantasy.
#🌙.rambles#like. uh. mostly ffxiv rn i just can't think straight bcs i just love ffxiv too much fuck but#other ffs too 😭😭 i was looking through some of my notes again n. i'm. it. IT MADE ME SO HAPPY#like yk those twt stuff from sqex or wtvr. i love squall n rinoa sm n then tidus n yuna n then#THE REST OF THEM N#n. w ff7 uh. fuck the fanwars just enjoy what you like i hate how ppl put others down. those adults can't even be mature or open-minded#n it's so disappointing but uh that aside! personally. this is for me okay. i just have a certain fondness of ships w aerith#no i don't want to talk abt ships but i didn't want to say this following thing without some context 💀#nah okay here i don't have super strong feelings abt any of those ff7 ships but i do like the charas n the tropes#like. i like the ones w aerith more in general bcs yk she's just. gentle. i like her 🥺 but i relate to tifa quite a lot actually#OH. I DIDN'T MEAN TO RAMBLE ABT THAT WAIT#w tifa just made me rmb along w. smth in shb made me think of hehe. yk w the wol w the uh.. spoilers but smth Bad happens#i'm gna go off-topic again if i talk about emet-selch in those scenes. bro the love he has for azem n hyth n. amaurot n how he#all those. lonely thousand of years n. remembering.. 🥹 n then the honesty w the wol n he#he. hdkafjsdlkf his va's rlly did well w him n the writing made me love him so much his character's so dear to me#wait. i went off-topic again. oh w smth that happens to the wol. like w wol n the tifa can i just have a dream too of like. being saved#like no ultimately i'll save myself but c'monnnn just once 🥺#writing the word once just always reminds me of zack fair damn hdlfkajsdfk one of my favs too hehe#head in hands i'm still so proud of alphi's chara development. n then. yk w thancred n minfilia n ryne.#n that talk w minfilia n ryne. hit. too personal. i remember. oh my god#alr i've just been rambling as i always have but atp i don't know what i'm writing abt anymore help#🥹🫶🏼 just love ffxiv so much fr. like not just ffxiv but yk what i mean. uwahh what a relief to. feel like this again at least#still stressed i just wna get that essay asap tho 😭 but yk it's lovely at least i'm rlly happy i remember again.#ffxiv's always. helped guide me in a way to rmb myself. so. please. please just listen to ffxiv's ost fr.
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arabella-s-arts · 4 months
Scenes/Things in Supernatural that genuinely don't make sense to me if Dean was straight:
The confession booth scene.
Sam just rolling with the fact that Dean's siren is a guy while still thinking sirens infect people through sex.
Dean being flustered by several men: Gunner Lawless, Aaron, Doctor Sexy, etc.
All the parallels between Destiel and other couples. (A big one being "last night on Earth" bc how do you do that accidentally.)
Having all the gay jokes be on Dean instead of Sam.
Paralleling Sam meeting his childhood celebrity crush with Dean meeting Gunner Lawless.
The boner Dean got when Cas cleaned up.
Dean gulping after Cas does an impression from a Western movie.
Charlie, a lesbian, calling Castiel "dreamy."
The way Mary looks at Dean and Cas when they hug.
Dean wondering why everyone assumes he's gay, while Sam not caring.
The logic that Charlie can't flirt with guys because she's only attracted to women, but then having Dean flirt with the guy for her.
Dean seeming disappointed when learning that Aaron's flirting was fake.
The amount of time Dean and Cas spend staring at each other.
Dean canonically having an orgy with Crowley.
A woman saying that she knows when someone's pining for someone else to Dean, just for us to learn that Dean was never in love with Amara.
The set design and script choices that lead to a cross in the background while Dean said "I do." to Cas after he came back to life.
Edit: To the people who say I can't use the siren as an example because the siren is supposed to be his brother, and therefore his siren being a man doesn't work. If you reread that bullet point, then you will realize that I didn't put it down as just simply Dean's siren being a man. I recognize that the siren is supposed to be his brother. It's the fact that Sam still thinks the siren infects people through sex, not knowing that it's actually through saliva when he realizes who the siren is. So when he sees that Dean's siren is a guy, he had to assume they had sex, and he does not seem surprised by this at all.
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evilminji · 5 months
"DO BETTER!" Says Now Televised Fanboy
He, Dash Baxter is a Phan-Stan!! It's kinda his thing. See, he's a fancy ass talk show host now. Married Paulie, moved out of Amity, actually DID something with his life. His parents? Did not approve. Long n short of it? He got kicked out.
Paulie's parents were PISSED.
Retaliated by giving him all the help he needed getting EVERY scholarship he qualified for. He went to a really nice college. Missed his girlfriend like mad. But she was off in Metropolis, terrifying weaker men. Conquering the fashion scene.
And SOMEHOW? Thanks to that long talk he had with Phantom (*incoherent fanboy gibbering noises* SO COOL!) he's worked to be... more of a LEADER, you know? Less of an asshole. Cause he's popular. People copy him. He can't be an asshole.
So, somehow, when he's punching out some try-hard that thinks he's hot shit for bullying a Nerd? He and the nerd get talking, right? Cause the guy got his glasses completely fucked up. And it's what Phantom would do.
But GET THIS? Guy's never HEARD of Phantom! Is super curious, cause he runs a small time Hero's show on the web. And, Dude? Is it your LUCKY DAY! Cause you just met THE number 1 fan of Phantom, hands down!! He makes his VERY spirited case, about why Phantom is THE best Hero to ever have lived. And this guy?
Just straight up BEGS him to join his show. Cause apparently? He was BORN for it. Which? Yeah. He HAS been giving speechs to the team for YEARS now. And Talking at fan meet ups. Leading fan meet ups. Hosting parties... actually, now that he thinks about it? He DOES do a lot of public speaking? Huh.
But still, he's about to say "no", when?
Dude mentions? He'll get to talk about Phantom.
It. Blows. Up. Absolutely EVERYONE is in love with his pretty face, hot bod, and STRONG opinions. But they ALSO have no idea who Phantom is! Paulie! This is CRIMINAL! Horrifying! What is going ON!?
Some bullshit information black out, apparently. At least according to her... friendly Nemesis? The Goth Dweeb. Who's engaged, apparently? So good for her. Unsurprisingly, it's too the OTHER Dweebs, but still. Bout time she started planning to drag them to a court house. She's the only one with any spine in that group! If she waited for THEM to propose?
Not even as Ghosts, man.
They'd get distracted by shiny nerd shit and whimp out.
Still... a world where NO ONE knows how Awesome, Phantom is? Not on HIS watch!
So he works it in. To every segment. It becomes "his thing". Oh? Super man saved a kitten from a tree? Cute. Well PHANTOM saved a bus full of Ghost Puppies from a shady, rouge, Goverment agency. Do BETTER, Superman!
The Flash, who is a cheap knock-off and stole his name, took down an Ice Villian? Adorable! PHANTOM stopped a Rouge WINTER SPIRIT with the help of YETI WARRIORS then assisted in giving FREE medical care for anyone who needed it! Here's a picture of him making GHOST ICE SNOWMEN for small children! Do BETTER, Knock-off!
What's THAT you say? Wonder Woman fought a GOD in down town paris?
Excellent work Wonder Woman. Flawless as always. But YOU, god-boy, are a disappointment! All that power! And WHAT do you use it for? Are you even supposed to BE here?? PHANTOM uses his power to HELP people! Is awesome and knows TONS of better gods! You're just salty you didn't make the cut!
And obviously? No one believes him. There's no record of this "Phantom" guy. The pictures look fantastical and vaguely glitchy/glowy. Not quite right. They GOTTA be photo shopped. Manipulated somehow. But? As a shtick? A fake "perfect Superhero" is kinda funny and unique.
And it's one hell of Fake Hero!
A Dead Champion? Who fights gods and monsters? Rouge agencies? Sassy and tragic? With a mysterious past? Pretty cool! There's even an Offical Comic from some guy that went to the same high-school as Baxter!
Of course, as Baxter get more and more popular? The "meme" hero, Phantom, get more well known? People get more interested in where Dash grew up. You know, just a bored Google. Maybe see if the hero was based off a local legend or something. But... huh...
The Town website?
Weirdly? Sanitized.
Like... like aggressively sanitized. All smooth edges and no details. Very "move along, citizen". Ha ha... it's part of the joke right? They get it! They'll just look up local restaurants or som-....
Hey, guuuuys?
Are you finding ANYTHING?
And! Nothing. And I do mean NOTHING! Triggers the "oh? Secrets???" Instincts of a Hacker, like finding a hard blank wall of "KEEP OUT". Especially when it's somewhere it rightfully shouldn't BE.
All it would take? Is ONE person, of decent skills and an account on Certain Forums, getting bored enough to Google the Dude On The TV(TM)? For the GIW's lil walls to come crashing down. Because yeah, you can stop ONE hacker. Even two. Probably five or six.
But how about thousands?
Hundreds of thousands?
From every time zone. Competing. Just to see what you HAVE and don't want them to see. Maybe they do something with it, maybe they don't. But fuck it, you're being RUDE and now they're CURIOUS. And THEN? Oh. Oh holy shit.
Not a meme.
Very real.
Not a joke.
The walls come crumbling down, down, down. Ripped apart by hundreds of hands. Emails sent to every sort of agency. The JLU line inundated with emergency tips. Not a joke. Not A Joke. Holy Shit, IT WASN'T A JOKE!
Phantom is REAL!
And there, on TV, stands the Man. The signal FINALLY breaching containment. Fighting off the invading God of the week. Built like statue, hair like an aurora borealis of white fire held almost delicately in place by a CROWN of ice, a suit made of void and starlight. Inhuman. Beyond human.
Here to help.
A laugh that crackles like ice and the snap of winter, rolls through the air like coming storms, rich and somehow warm. A smile that bares teeth, yet turns so KIND when he looks upon humanity, as though we are precious and worth fighting for. A living star.
A... a once living star.
And in the center of it all? Wearing his BESPOKE, custome made, Number 1 Phan full body outfit? That's right. Dash Baxter. Ha! You fuckers doubted him! Behold his blorbo and WEEP, ya fuckin casuals! The BESTEST of boys! The FINEST of Heros! Superman? Could NEVER.
And now? The weather!
@babbling-babull @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @hypewinter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation
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astonmartinii · 4 months
passion for fashion | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem it girl!reader
she's everything and he's just ken (in a red bull shirt)
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 490,233 others
tagged: yourusername
vogue: it's the start of the f1 season, you know what that means... y/n y/ln fashion season is in session
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user1: @yourusername make sure you're windows are bolted shut tongiht... you're on my rob list
user3: her and lewis hamilton are the only real ones in that paddock
user4: the way they're still besties despite what went down in 2021 >>>
lewishamilton: me and y/n 🤝 making the paddock our runway
yourusername: someone has to make it interesting around here
lewishamilton: see @maxverstappen1 even y/n is bored of you winning everything...
maxverstappen1: womp womp
lewishamilton: womp womp ???? have some decorum
maxverstappen1: jokes on you i don't know what that means
user5: i wish i looked that good candidly
user6: at what point do we stage an intervention for max's wardrobe
user7: babe if the girlfriend effect still hasn't hit then it's terminal
user8: especially when your girlfriend is Y/N Y/LN
maxverstappen1: i'd do anything for her <3
yourusername: even wear something other than red bull merch?
maxverstappen1: let's not get too far ahead of ourselves
user9: i love them your honour
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 1,209,445 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: max verstappen wins, water is wet
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user11: water is wet and i will be drowning myself in it tonight
user12: me after hearing the dutch national anthem one too many times
landonorris: tell him he has too many already and he should let his best friend have a go
yourusername: he said that's not possible because i don't know how to drive an f1 car
landonorris: nuh uh you can't be his best friend and his girlfriend that's not fair
maxverstappen1: welp, idk what to tell you buddy
landonorris: i feel BETRAYED
yourusername: i'm sorry i'm just that loveable lando... i see how it is
user13: max terrorises them on the grid and in the paddock they maximise their joint slay to terrorise everyone in a two mile radius
user14: they slay so much i can't even be angry at it
danielricciardo: so that's why i was kicked out of the elevator
yourusername: you weren't kicked out it was your floor?
danielricciardo: why did i not make the post? I THOUGHT I MEANT MORE TO YOU
maxverstappen1: just because we both had teenage crushes on you doesn't make you special. you'd have to fight seb and jenson for real special treatment
yourusername: throw fernando and kimi in there as well.
danielricciardo: i was confident in my fighting chances, but i'll leave nando and kimi to it
maxverstappen1: pussy
danielricciardo: EXCUSE ME
yourusername: idk how we got here but don't talk to my boyf that way daniel 😔
danielricciardo: i'm blocking both of you
user15: i am so baffled
user16: IT couple for real
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,034,448 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: clocked in for my shift as the trophy husband to the prettiest girl in the world
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user17: max verstappen why is there a whisper meme in your photo dump
user18: his ass acting like he wasn't at one of the most prestigious galas in the world
charles_leclerc: YOU got an invite and that's the best you could do
maxverstappen1: you better take that back right now y/n dressed me tonight and i look SEXY and COOL
yourusername: charles :( he looks very handsome
charles_leclerc: my bad y/n i wasn't aware that was your pick
charles_leclerc: ??? no
yourusername: wow. you really aren't a girls girl charles. i am disappointed
maxverstappen1: does our history mean nothing charles? i have no issue recreating the inchident at the next race
charles_leclerc: FINE. you look very handsome max
yourusername: more passion please
charles_leclerc: you look very handsome max!
yourusername: more! give the lestappen girlies some crumbs to feed on
charles_leclerc: YOU LOOK VERY HANDSOME
maxverstappen1: thank you 😊
user19: ignoring what ever the fuck that was ... MAX IN A SUIT WHAT THE FUCK MAX IN A SUIT
user20: y/n y/ln the woman you are
user21: so how can we implement this willingness to wear a suit into his paddock fashion
lewishamilton: you might have to waterboard him
charles_leclerc: i volunteer as tribute !
yourusername: 🤨
maxverstappen1: 🤨
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liked by user24, user25 and 11,029 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 & yourusername
f1paddockfashion: max verstappen in non-red bull attire? MAX VERSTAPPEN IN NON-RED BULL ATTIRE? also y/n slaying as per.
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user24: this is - i don't know how to feel
user25: maybe the real max verstappen in non red-bull attire was the friends we made along the way
user26: i am CELEBRATING but ladies do remember it's still alpha tauri 😭😭😭
user27: please let us have this while we can
user28: it's not plastered with sponsors so we'll take it
user29: idk about you guys but i think this means y/n should be knighted for her services
user30: i actually think prying the red bull merch out of max's hands might be the hardest thing in the world
user31: call me crazy but those jeans look kinda baggy 😳
user32: omg they definitely are
user33: death to the skinny jeans? fuck it first child named after y/n
user34: can we maybe get y/n in charge of max's merch cause the shit he sells should be considered criminal
user35: for real we need babe in the board room asap
user36: fuck it get her in the red bull board room as well
user37: go all the way and get her with the f1 execs
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 1,506,339 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i love him even if all he wears is red bull
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user39: so ... who made the inchident shirt?
charles_leclerc: and how do i get one?
maxverstappen1: i got it made and considering you DON'T think i'm handsome you can go fuck yourself :)
charles_leclerc: GASP. that is my face you have to make me one
maxverstappen1: boooooo no i don't
charles_leclerc: can i copyright my face? i'm sending you a cease and desist
maxverstappen1: fine. but you will never look as hot as y/n in it
charles_leclerc: so you can call me ugly? @yourusername ???
yourusername: it was a compliment to me so soz
user40: the way she's fashion's IT girl and she still loves him even though his whole wardrobe should be burned
user41: real love
maxverstappen1: i love you. i wear my red bull merch to give you the runway
yourusername: sureeeee ... i love you too xx
maxverstappen1: let me live 😭😭😭
yourusername: the girls are dragging your name babe i need them to know HOW SEXY YOU ARE
maxverstappen1: i don't care how sexy they find me, as long as you love me that's all i need
yourusername: you're SO FUCKING CUTE I LOVE YOU
maxverstappen1: I LOVE YOU TOO
user42: can they chill? some people on here are lonely
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,033,461 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: my closet looks like this, so her's can look like this :)
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user43: max verstappen i misunderstood you. i was unfamiliar with your game.
user44: he's the standard now i fear
user45: a man who wears the same three outfits so you can have the whole walk-in for your collection >>
yourusername: thank you babe. you are god's strongest soldier
maxverstappen1: i AM. that room is scary. there's too much that i don't understand. so many shoes, so many straps i can't navigate it
yourusername: that's okay baby. there's your red bull draw and that's all you need
maxverstappen1: no the people don't understand. i went in there once and i swear i ended up in narnia
yourusername: you passed out with the AC on the highest level and jimmy and sassy sat on you. you were not in narnia
maxverstappen1: oh. well...
user46: this is the closet y/n deserves the rest of that house is defo a mojo dojo casa house
user47: fighting all the trophies, helmets and framed race suits with her narnia closet
lilymunhe: may i request a trip to the narnia closet x
yourusername: omg yes! come over next time you and alex are in monaco - the boys can entertain themselves
alexalbon: what if i want a closet tour as well?
maxverstappen1: don't do it alex you'll never find your way back out
alexalbon: (i was going to strategically leave a pair of albon athletics shoes in there)
yourusername: alex i already own a pair i bought them release day!
alexalbon: OMG ... one instagram pic so my sales can go platinum?
maxverstappen1: don't try and pimp my gf out
alexalbon: ???
yourusername: max 😭 and sure alex!
note: thank you for reading soz for the long waits between posts a girl has been BUSY but i hope you've all enjoyed! happy galentines day or palentines day to all that celebrate and thanks for 4.7k!! xx
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