#but similar enough for it to be a kinda funny coincidence
enchantedanimal · 1 year
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All of the QSMP eggs as dragons!
Now for my design notes/headcanons! (There's a lot lol)
- The color pallettes are (for the most part) based off of their parent/parents. In lore terms, l'd imagine that more time they spent around their parents before they hatched, the more their color developed to mimic them. It would usually be used as a survival strategy with their dragon parents, however sometimes their personality overcomes this and they develop their own color.
- Being dragonets, none of them can fly due to their currently underdeveloped wings.
- Tilin's yellow spots would make Quackity think that Wilbur was supposed to be the other parent.
- Tallulah's colors/features are close to that of a duck. It would likely be a coincidence, but it'd be enough to Quackity to feel like the island was mocking him.
- Tallulah's "hair" is feathers. She's the only one with feathers, and it may either be a cause or effect of her being left in the attic (possibly being mistaken to be an egg from a different species and not a dragon, or the coldness of the attic caused feathers to form).
- Tallulah and Tilin have the same colored eyes since Quackity once said that she reminds him of Tilin.
- Chayanne has fins bc he likes doing mlg water bucket clutches and fishing with Missa.
- Chayanne's tail fin, Leonarda's ear, and Richarlyson's wing are ripped in a spot due to loosing a life. Bobby lost one of his after I designed him but one of his horns would be chipped, and forgot Ramón only had one as well so let's just pretend he's got a scar on his left leg lol.
- Its kinda subtle, but Chayanne has protruding bottom canines, similar to my (and many others') Techno design.
- Fun fact that usually in my style I have the neck spines start from the top of the head. Ramon is purposely "bald".
- Ngl I don't have much to say about Trump bc he died so quick (rip) and I never saw much about him; but his hat is too big for his head.
- Bobby is a wyvern bc it's easier to slap everyone with his wings. He also headbutts and slaps ppl with his tail (those hurt more).
- Bobby's colors are less based after his parents, but the orange/blue complementary colors are kinda more of a nod to Jaiden being an artist (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense now idk my brain just defaulted to that), but feel they match his personality as well. Also his scleras (part of eye that's not the iris/pupil) are black unlike the rest who's are normal.
- Leonarda has a tiny mushroom pin on her hat and their back has mushroom-like spots for the hat she always wears.
- People keep saying that Leo somehow looks like Foolish which is funny bc that wasn't even intentional- in fact was worried that she would be one of the only ones who didn't resemble her parents enough. I did try to make her slightly taller but I'm going to guess that it's the jawline lol
- [Edit bc I just thought of it] Leo's wings are bigger bc they've grown faster due to using them more to glide off of Foolish's/Veg's builds
- Dapper is built to be more bipedal than quadrupedal (their dewclaws on their back feet act more like a normal toe for better traction/ stabilization). This makes it easier to grab (or steal) things for their collection. And hold a taser.
- Richarlyson is based after an iguana! thought it would fit well (it's kinda hard to base him off of 5 different people lol)
- Had to go off of a secondhand info + auto translations (I can understand a decent amount of Spanish but have no idea when it comes to Portuguese so this could be off) but think there was something about Richarlyson having a bad leg both in and out of rp, and think maybe Cellbit said something about him having a prosthetic for it and I thought that was so so cool! It's based semi loosely off of a dog hind leg prosthetic and a human running one; probably wouldn't actually be functional but tried to keep the general shape of the leg.
- Richas and his dads cover it in stickers :)
- Juanaflippa's tail and probably the lower half of her front legs (which aren't visible) are semi transparent from Charlie (yellow comes from Mariana), and it shifts around a bit! It looks more like slime than it feels like it. I've been calling her Bananaflippa endearingly
- Gegg intentionally looks like Juanaflippa a bit (but he's way more slimy)
- Gegg's inventory basically consists of him absorbing random things which are sometimes visible (he is so full of avocado toast). He's like Bob from Monsters vs Aliens or smth idk haven't seen that movie in forever.
There some smaller less exciting details and other headcanons I have for them (such as extra accessories they'd have like Tallulah wearing sweaters) but that's about it! Feel free to ask about anything I like talking about them lol
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
A lot of people were asking about the fussion trolls God tiers So here they are! Plus the dancestors
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In case you forgot them or haven't seen them this is them. They were born like that in this AU, and their hemospectrum it's smaler and has diferent colors as a result.
I'll cover the story of their game as well as their dancestors and ancestors in another post
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Here are the dancestors! Like in canon, they played their game and ended up scratching their game. But things went a little diferent for them...
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The Legido. Araeta has Aradia's aspect and Nepeta's class, while it's reversed with Damlin, who has Damara's class and Meulin's aspect.
There isn't much to say about them, in the alpha trolls session it was Araeta who ascended last moment and stoped Jack noir. Damlin ascended in order to sabotage the beta troll's session, like Damara did in the original story.
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Karlux Captas has Karkat's aspect and Sollux's class, while Mitkri has Kankri's class and Mituna's aspect.
In his session, Karlux took the role of the leader, his classpect Mage of blood should've made it easier to manage leadership (mage=understands aspect. Blood=Bonds) and the session went of well, for the most part, thos the ending was almost the same as the canon one, with them being traped in the meteor and people shooting left and right.
Mitkri was the seer of his team, but his vissions only consisted of fatidic scenarios, which his teammates often ignored due to his insistence geting in the way of progresing in the game. in the end, he lost his mind while using his powers in the final battle, losing conciousness. when he woke while his moirail restored his brain, his prediction had already been fulfilled and they had lost the game.
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Teraya has kanaya's aspect and Terezi's class, and Latrim has Porrim's class and Latula's aspect.
As a seer of space, Teraya was tasked with the creation of the genesis frog and was helped by Karlux.
Latrim, she was the secondary healer of the group and kept everyone's mind active
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Tavius has Tavros's aspect and Equius's clas, while Rufuss has Ruffio's class and Horuss's aspect.
This arrangement of class+aspect i did simply because the oposite of a heir of breath + rogue of void would've been a Page of void + Page of breath, and that would've been kinda ridiculous, plus i'm trying to have as many classes as i can.
Tavius literally has John's classpect now, he's more free than ever
Rufuss,on the other hand now has Roxy's exact aspect too, which is a funny coincidence. Like roxy he worked on manifesting things for his team.
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Dear lord this two.
Erizee has Gamzee's aspect and Eridan's class, while his dancestor Crolos has Kurlos's class and Cronus's aspect.
Due to the wierd conection between the Amporas and Makaras this two would've shared class one way or another, since Gamzee and Eridan have eachother's dancestor's class, with Eridan being a prince like Kurlos and Gamzee being a bard like Cronus, but having the rage aspect like Kurlos and eridan having the hope aspect like Cronus.
I decided against having too Bards because i felt like a price creates a straigther path to destuction. Since a prince not only destroys his aspect but with his aspect, wich means Erizee would've appeared Rageless during the game but exploded in the meteor.
Crolos on the other hand whould've been manipulative like Kurlos but ill intended and gaslighty like Cronus, appearing hopeless until he ended up destroying everyone's hope.
His ghost would've kept instructing Erizee on how to proceed when he reached the new session, Erizee doesn't like him.
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The heiresses to the throne of Alternia and Beforus.
again, to avoid having two thiefs (funny enough they would've been a thief of life and a thief of light) Vriezi is a witch of light and Meenea is a sylph of life.
when combining the two Serkets and the two Peixes you get a real interesting result, you get two very similar girls.
To me the fact that instead of them being thiefs, they both have "benevolent classpects" makes it all the more interesting. Makes you think how they can use good powers to cause harm.
Vrieri being the heiress has Feferi's will to dethrone the condesce (wich was alternate-adult Meenea) but Vriska's savage aproach to fighting. And Meenea, like Vrieri, looked forward to dethrone her ruling ancestor (wich was alternate-adult Vrieri) looking to manipulate and eliminate those in her way.
By playing the game, they both lost the chance to do so
if this two cross paths, it'll be a deathmatch on sight
If you haven't realized by now, this means, the two teams of trolls together, compose a full team.
It also means the dancestor's session was unviable from the begining, due to the lack of time and space players. just like the canon Alpha kids session
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maplewozapi · 29 days
Hello! I have been following you for a while and first of all I want to say that your artstyle and character designs are stunning! You have a great sense of creativity and an eye for detail like I am always happy to see a new character of yours or their redesigns when they appear on my timeline (let's say that they make me really THINK about my own character designs and inspire me to always try and redesign them with more thought than before :D). I hope one day I will gather myself up and be able to commission you because I really wish to 😭
But my main question which had been in my mind for a while: You made a little post about explaining what Wojapi is a while back and I realized that it looks really similar to a food that my country (funny enough It's Czechia where we use the ž and š which you know but still I find it as a funny coincidence) has and specifically my smaller region where I live and we call it Žahour -> which is a not too sweet, not too sour, hot sauce made out of forest blueberries that is usually served either with pancakes or a HUGE puffy dumpling with no filling and usually no strong taste! I can tell you It's really good but I think you can imagine pretty well how it could taste like :D
I don't think they are in any way connected they just became their own things sepparated from eachother in each culture but still I think It's really nice and I wanted to thank you for kinda reminding me that Žahour exists since I haven't had it in a long time and I honestly miss it. That is all from me and I hope you have a nice day! ☀️
They you so much 🥺 that’s so touching, I love character design so much I’m so happy you enjoy it. idk if I talked about the orthography I used but it is Czech actually and I believe has the same rules. It’s a big controversy because it was made and owned but a “European, White, Czech, guy who has since copyrighted his orthography of the Lakota language. There’s many orthographies for Lakota it was never a written language I personally use the Czech one because of my dyslexia and it has indicators where the sounds are supposed to go, and I know people who worked on it. So the older orthography and more popular was “wojapi” and I used the Czech “wožapi” spelling not to come up in google searches for the food Wojapi lol. Boiling berries is definitely a universal dish, but I think žahour might be the closest to wojapi in texture and taste some of the pancakes even look like fry bread
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py-dreamer · 6 days
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Yea!!! Can you tell I have favorites lol
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so since it's the 20th in my time, it is officially my birthday today!
But I wanted to get this out regardless so kinda count it as the previous day's ig
I will be posting something later today probably but it will most likely just be a compilation of all the cakes I've done thus far.
Ok but um on with the cake!
It's like a cheesecake and I basically copied Tengen's cake with like a jelly filling with fruit suspended in it, peaches (obviously), strawberries and blueberries cause I like them and sod it I'll put them on this goddamn cake!
The thing Wukong's sitting on is one of those peach ice creams that's gotten so popular lately with the sprinkle of pink dust thingy on top.
On either side of the cake is the fillet from the journey and the hat from the brotherhood era, one from his reckless past and one from his redemption and I just think that's neat.
The blue puffy stuff is meant to be his nimbus clouds represented as cotton candy.
I have the baiju jar in there as reference to Wukong becoming immortal again due to the all the wine made from the peaches of immortality at the festival.
The staff as a little candle was so fun! And I like pocky so I chucked them on there to fill space and it looks good so sue me
The grey thing behind the staff and balloon is meant to be the Buddha's hand that trapped him under the mountain and a reference to his imprisonment under 5 phases mountain.
Peach popsicle! Of course I had too! A lil something from the present for our (shadow) peachy friend
Mk's stone as well, had to add his son in there too. The baby ever.
(probably just a cookie but it's the thought that counts)
The two sugar cookies are meant to be his logo (aka the lmk logo) and fireworks, again taken from Tengen's cake.
The sun is a candied/tanghulu esque orange thing. Like an orange slice coated in yellow melted sugar shaped like a sun and the phoenix feather cap since I consider it iconic enough to put in here. I didn't want to put it on him, blocking a lot of the decorations so I just hung it to the side and I think I'm happy with that.
A lot more monkeys here! It was very fun popping them in! I know I only gave Mac 1 but I mean Wukong's the monkey king for a reason. Let him be a loving grandpa and invite his subjects on the cake with him. He granted them immortality by ripping their names out the book of dead, let them have a place on the cake too
Also, yes that is the origami pilgims in the bottom left, I couldn't leave them alone could I?
Now the elephant in the room (or at least in my head), yes I did use @maplesleep's matcha pancake design for flower fruit mountain.
Cake on cake. Bit much but hey, I like cake and pastries better than candy normally so win for me.
And I couldn't just make cake about Sun Wukong without mentioning his home/origins of ffm. I do genuinely love the inginuity and adorableness factor of the pancake design and hope they don't mind me slapping it on my...cheesecake? Jelly cake? Jelly-cheesecake?
(also I have to ask @maplesleep, did you watch the 3rd emirichu anime cafe video, specifically the urusei yatsura cafe as inspiration for the 'sun wukong's strawberry sponge cake punishment' parfait thingy, gorgeously drawn btw I used those drawings as inspiration quite a bit for these cakes, or saw the urusei yatsura collab anime cafe
cause I couldn't help but notice the similarities between that and the 'shinobu's maiden strength parfait' cause if you didn't that be a pretty funny coincidence lol)
So what do you think? You think I could make it as another lmk food chef for lego? Can I join the club lmao?
I do realize in retrospect the disrespect I did Mk by making his cake so plain by comparison to his mentor's. But I think that's a testament to my improvement and attention to detail when making these cakes as the days have progressed!
I consider Mk's in particular to be the most lacking and I lowkey feel so bad for my boi for not giving him the main character status he deserves.
I might draw him again, idk. Not anytime soon though, like I said, I'm quite busy now more than before and I need a break, still glad I could serve y'all another slice of cake though!
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iridescentdove · 9 months
Helloo, I was thinking about a scenario with Nikolai and a twin sister reader who’s similar to Lynette if it’s possible. Tyy 💕
Nikolai Gogol x Lynette! Reader
Hello anon! I'm back ... again. I'm an on and off person in this app at this point lmfao. By the way, requests are closed for now everyone! But you can still ask me questions and other stuff. Let's start.
Lyney is a more reserved girl. She rarely talks to others out of her own accord, letting Lyney (in this case Nikolai) do the talking for her, and dissuades essentially any attempt to speak with her by saying bizarre responses. Whenever she needs to talk, she speaks briefly and frankly.
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Both of you are literally the polar opposites, it's kinda funny. Nikolai is that one fun dude at parties and you're just the one sitting in the corner watching him like 🗿
Nikolai: dumb bitch
You: dumb bitch's caretaker and sister unfortunately but whatever
Honestly he's not annoying, he's actually just cheerful around you and loves to hang around you. He's one of those rare actual good big brothers! <3
Often you're very reserved and prefer to keep to yourself, so he does most of the talking.
He doesn't let you see Fyodor, or even breathe in his direction. We all know why. And i'm pretty sure even Nikolai is sane enough to know he won't let anything happen to you. You're his precious little dove, aren't you?
People find you two a fun duo ngl
Like, you're also his assistant when he does magic and you both are unintentionally goofy as hell.
It's not even a coincidence at this point, I can totally see this guy being Lyney. Imagine he's just being down bad for Fyodor and you have to drag him away like "not again bitch"
He fr needs to chill. Like we know you want to kill him but tf that light skin stare for 🤨
I'd like to think that both of you take the time out of your day to have some fun together. Given BSD is just death, death and more death.
I totally headcanon Nikolai to love amusement parks.
He cannot stop trolling. The moment you're not looking he's out here making children CRY
You have to drag him away to stop him from getting kicked out or something.
Nikolai isn't overprotective, but he's not chill either. I'd like to believe that he trusts you, but at some point if someone even so much as looked at you weird–
They'll be in the seventh circle of hell pretty quick.
He honestly loves how chill and seemingly reserved you are, the fact you're so patient with him, he appreciates a lot.
But will be very dramatic when it comes to showing love to you. Come on now, he's a clown. what did u expect
"My dear sister says she is on her period. I am too. It's uterUS." "That doesn't mean you can wear my PADS"
... 😐
Okay nevermind, sometimes he does get overbearing. But you guys are the perfect siblings anyway.
Sorry if I couldn't do a scenario, I had no idea what to do. Writers' block still has me.
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infini-tree · 1 year
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walks in. ponifies the characters. walks out
(+ some notes)
the kids' ponified names are just based on Vibes/keeping the same first letters as the original. i kept playing with the idea that the "Heart" part of pony!harold's name should be a compound word, to keep the same number of syllables as Hutchins, but i already broke the "same syllable count" rule with george, so Heart it will stay
the kids' cutie mark is just as straightforward. melvin's is science-y, while george and harold are meant to parallel each other-- at least with the 'pencil drawing part of the cutie mark' motif. the spiral in george's is me being a bit cheeky.
why is it every time i do an au that's more of a design challenge than anything with a concrete plot, george just is the hypno-ring that made krupp cu /j
krupp and captain was the most difficult out of all of them to design since if i had to design one of them, it had to be fitting for the other too. the more natural colors (in comparison to the others) was meant to be more of a reflection of krupp's character, but the neutral color palette also worked for captain too so his accessories popped.
the coat pattern was also there to make sure he doesn't seem too monotonous, but then i learned about horse coat patterns-- specifically blanket patterns... that basically meant captain's underpants is just built into both their coats. its less obvious on krupp since he has a shirt (blue now, since white on white wouldn't look good).
as for krupp's ponified name, it was also a similar struggle since there were no K words that fit his vibe. it was initially "Key" for the longest time (read as: i had to sleep on it), but i decided on "Keeper" since it still evoked that trapping feeling, but it could have more positive connotations in a... protector/caretaker/teacher sort of way.
as for the "Bantam" part, i had wanted to keep a similar enough word to "ben". and having it be shortened to "Ban Keeper" was too good to pass up. bantam is a kind of chicken (which fits krupp's farm past as established in tetocu), but bantam also meant "small and feisty person", which krupp is. but is also what the children he's "keeping" are.
so basically you can read krupp's name as "keeper/caretaker of unruly kids [in detention]", "controlling one's unruly nature", or "farmer keeper", which i personally think is fun
don't worry about krupp hiding his cutie mark! its fine. he's fine.
captain is captain! you know him. you love him. he has changeling motifs due to the nature of the "radiation". apparently, characters gaining radiation/magic based wings and horns are a thing that happened in G5, which i didn't know until recently, so funny coincidences.
captain's cutie mark is underpantyworld. his cutie mark is different from krupp (stares at the changeling motifs)
edith, thankfully was straightforward. her ponified name is just a food name, specifically a type of cheese. her cutie mark is a ladle with some sparkles around it. i changed her dress to just a shirt, and her gloves to be some galosh sort of deal.
and as a bonus since you can pry alien!edith from my cold dead hands, there's a bonus reformed changeling form since that's the closest thing to aliens in this world! "Stemmata" is a type of insect eye, to fit in with the changeling naming convention of naming them after bug body parts, but also eyes because of the whole Two Blue Eyes thing. she was originally supposed to be called "Ocellus", but there's already a character that exists with that name...
i imagine edith defecting from a small hive and accidentally unlocking her reformed form, and she thinks she can't go back even if she wanted to so she just kinda... stays,
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marunalu · 4 months
Hi just want to say I love your theories especially the President of USA is actually AFO's disguise or rather Hisashi real AFO's disguise in America that I remembered something from chapter 422 where we saw the president again. I found it interesting as I remember before the heroes of America were prohibited from intervening in the war going on Japan because they were busy with their own villains aka AFO's friends. Stars and Striped just broke that rule and went to Japan anyway. Funny how now that a certain green haired kid is fighting AFO is when the president changes his mind and sends the heroes of America to fight in Japan but only after seeing its Izuku who's fighting. I mean could be a coincidence maybe they already dealt with their own situation in America and only then decided to assist Japan but I don't think the manga ever showed that situation in America being solved. But then the president looked absolutely panicked in that panel and Inko was shown in the same panel. What do you think?
First, thanks for your kind words. I love this kind of theorys, even if they dont turn out true in the end. Its so fun to speculate what could happen. I have no idea why so many people react so deeply insultet as soon as people talk about dfo or other theorys. Its not a big deal. We are just having fun.
About the theory if the us president is afo aka hisashi in disguise. Its a fun thought and when @lurking96 @psychomurderz and I came up with it, we were for the most part just joking. I swear if it turns out true I will eventually die of laughter! 🤣 Just imagine, right now most of the readers believe dfo is debunked because "afo doesnt love izuku" (as if all parents on this planet actually care about their children, there are enough who dont) and because he seems dead for good, but then in the last few chapters hori gives some subtle hints or even confirms that hisashi is afo and on top the president of the united states. The fandom would explode! 🤣
Fact is, afo has the ability to change his appearance, to change his dna, can have any quirk he wants, said himself he never leaves traces that could lead back to him, did hide in america for many years, is pretty popular in america as well and whos best buddy is a mad doctor/scientist with the ability to dublicate every quirk and also was in the possession of a clone quirk. So I think, people believing that afo couldnt have a clone (no matter if hisashi is the real afo or not) is kinda dumb. Hori hyped hisashi up to be someone of importance in interviews and refuses to talk about him because of "to big of a spoiler" and I dont think he was lying. Dfo is debunked when the last chapter comes out and its to 100% confirmed there is no connection between afo and hisashi not sooner or later, so I dont get why so many dfo fans have given up already.
And yes, I too think that its weird how the us president was at first against his own heroes helping japan out with afo, but as soon as he sees izuku fighting he orders all heroes to go to japan to help and when this one guy pointed out "but what if afo wins and we are the next target?" And the president SCREAMS "I dont *fucking* care!" On the same page inko is on! I mean HELLO?! Of course it could be just an coincidence. But why was the president at first against it and was like "sorry, guys but my heroes have enough to do with our own villains. You are on your own" but as soon as he sees izuku he is like "screw that! Send EVERY SINGLE american hero to japan to help that boy! I dont fucking care what meanwhile happens to the country Im responsible for!" Yeah, weird reaction.
It was pointed out that afo has his hands and influence in every single country. Has "friends" all around the world in the governments. If afo similar to garaki had a clone of himself there is no way afo wouldnt try to take control of the most powerful nation of the world. Im still positive about dfo and I dont care what any anti says. Dfo is debunked when the manga is finished and hisashi really is just some other dude of no importance what already contradicts what hori said about him! Remember, how hori used hagakure as a red herring for the traitor reveal and readers were like "I KNEW IT!", just for aoyama confirmed to be the true traitor. Hori had no qualms to put red herrings in his story just to come with a twist in the end. Seems like a lot of readers still havent learned their lesson!
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gukiefics · 1 year
And that's the twist of life; Ldh 🐻
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Pairing: husband! Haechan (이 해찬)× reader
Warning: offensive slang words
Word count: 3.2k
Note: the story is purely a fiction and I have no negative feelings towards the characters and idols I used in the story. The storyline is without a doubt mine and if the story is similar with any other, then it is purely a coincidence because this story is made up solely from my imagination.
Author POV 
"Now you may kiss the bride!" A loud cheer was heard for the new wedded couple. Both of them wore a beautiful smile on their face. The crowd congratulated them and wished for a happy prosperous married life which the couple was grateful for. Among the smiles of happiness, there was a displeased one, Mina, your sister, faking her smile, jealousy building up inside her seeing the couple being happy in each other's arms.
That smile should be mine. That embrace should be mine. That man should be mine. I hate you till the core of my heart, Kim Y/n.
The girl's inner soul screamed at you, looking at you with full hatred. But when you both made eye contact, she fake a smile. Unaware of her personal feelings for you, you showed her a sincere happy smile. You slowly walked up to her with your newly wedded husband, Lee Haechan.
"Are you enjoying the wedding Mina?" She nodded and left. You became a little disappointed but shrugged it off.
Time skip; (still in a/n)
"Jagiya aren't we thankful for Mina? If she didn't ask me to train her, I couldn't have met you and fallen in love." Haechan exclaimed as he snuggled into you, after the exhausting activity (if you know what I meant 😏) "You are right hyuck. If it wasn't her we could never be together and live a happy life like this." You smiled recalling your first time meeting.
Mina is a model, and according to the beauty standards, a model should have a good face and an admirable body. Since she already had a beautiful face, she thought having a personal dance trainer would be favourable to her, resulting in Lee Haechan, one of the best trainers of South Korea to be her personal one. The first meeting of you guys was kinda funny. 
On the first day of him being Mina's personal trainer, after they were done with their training session, Mina insisted him to take a shower in your bathroom, thinking you weren't at home. At first Haechan declined but she was stubborn enough, so he finally agreed. Since the bathroom was soundproof, he couldn't hear the shower, he headed inside the bathroom.
Oh! How did he get in? Unfortunately, you forgot to lock the door.
Entering the bathroom, Haechan's eyes immediately fell on your naked figure through the shower glass and his eyes widened. "Shit!" He cursed and tried to get out of the room but he couldn't open the door, because destiny was on your side and the door was jammed.  "Omg!!" He prayed hoping he would get out of the room unnoticed by you. But God had other plans. Hearing some noise you turned around. Your eyes widened seeing a man. You screamed and tried to cover yourself with your hands as your stupid self also forgot to bring your towel.
Of course it's y/n we are talking about.
"How the hell did you enter?" You screamed at him while Haechan couldn't look at you. "Look I didn't know that it was your room and bathroom. Mina suggested me to take some shower and she showed me this bathroom and the door wasn't locked. I thought no one was there. And now sorry to break this news but I think the door is jammed now." He explained it all flustered. You frustratedly  yourself. "Stupid pig!" Your inner self insulted you. Sensing you had nothing to cover yourself, Haechan handed you his towel. You thanked him.
You both stucked at the bathroom for an hour until Mina came to check and found out you both were stuck inside. Exciting part was that you and Haechan got to know each other real quick. After the first meeting, you started to grow feelings for each other, then got into a relationship and after 3 years of being in a relationship, you both finally got married.
But little did you know that a big storm was coming into your both lives
Time skip
Two months later
Anything wasn’t fine between the couple. Three weeks after their marriage, Y/n and Haechan are expecting a baby. YES!! She became pregnant after their 3 weeks of marriage, she was carrying the fruit of love in her womb. She was very delighted to deliver this news to everyone and so was Haechan.
But from some days, he started to behave really weird. He will very oftenly wake up in the middle of the night and go straight to the washroom, not aware of you being awake and next thing you will hear was his sobbing cries. And after an hour or so, he will come out with puffy eyes and directly cuddle you so tightly, like you will disappear when he wakes up the next morning.  
His behaviour all changed. He barely opens up with anyone, looks gloomy and if you try to bring up this topic, he will always avoid it by making excuses and always ask you the same question, “Baby what will you do if I try to hide a big secret?” and this will always be your answer to him.“Hyuck,I know you won’t, you won’t do anything which can affect me or our baby. I know you won’t ever.” 
Present time
Today your families decided to visit you both, since they think it has been a while to meet their daughter and son but unfortunately your sister came with another motive. Your mother and mother in law brought so many toys for the little life inside you, which you were grateful for. Your mother in law was a real sweetheart like Haechan, she loved you like her own daughter and probably made you so comfortable that you can share any of your secrets with her, same with your mother, whom you loved very much.
After the mouth watering dinner, everyone was in the backyard, seeking warmth from the bonfire, chilling happily. Until Mina decided to ruin it. “Um..guys I know it kinda will be shocking for you guys, but this should be revealed to everyone for the sake of truth.” Everyone was eager to know what she was about to tell, except for Haechan who looks to be worried. Nervousness written on his face. 
Mina sighed, “I am pregnant.” your whole family was shocked to hear this. “What?! Wasn’t it yesterday when you told me you told me you don’t have a boyfriend when I asked you?” Your father was furious. 
“Who is the father Mina?” your mom asked. After a half minute later, she replied, “Haechan is the father -!!” The sound of your mother slapping your sister was heard to everyone. “How can you be that shameless? How can you accuse your brother in law of doing this dirty? I know he will never. Never in his lifetime.” Haechan’s mom and your mother yelled at her in unison. You look at Haechan with teary eyes.
“Haechan is she is saying the truth?” he looked at you, guilt started to eat him up. If he only told you the truth, Mina won’t even dare to say these words..she said today. “Haechan I asked you something. Did you cheat on me with my sister?” he immediately shook his head. “NO baby. I swear to God I never cheated on you. Baby she’s the one who made me uncomfortable by flirting with me whilst knowing I am being married to you.”
“Oh Haechan, you can lie to your wife and family but what about these photos huh?” Your sister fumed in anger and the pictures on her hands were thrown to you guys.
Your husband making out with your sister in his office cabin..
You look at your husband who had a horror look on his face...but scanning his face...no hint of guilt. He looked so innocent that you could tell he did nothing. Then you turn your head to your sister, she too looks like she is telling the truth. You were in a dilemma, you didn't know who to trust, the sister who was a best friend figure to you or your husband whom you loved dearly for 3 years. 
Everyone was silent until you broke it. "Let's do a paternity check. Right now I should and have to trust only the proofs. If the test reveals that Haechan is the father, I will divorce him and cut all my contacts with him and Mina..and if the test turns out negative and if the photos are fake, the results won't be great for you, Mina." Everyone agreed with your suggestion and left to your private clinic.
(Wait did I mentioned that Y/n is an Obstetrician? If not, she is one and she do own a private clinic.)
Coming inside the clinic, Mina seemed very confident about Haechan being the father of her child but again Haechan was also confident that he was innocent and didn't dare to touch your sister or look at her in any intimate way, making you very confused. Who was faking? Your assistant did all the tests and it was taken for checking. In the meantime, you scanned the photos again and again..soon you can feel the difference between the photos...even though all the features matched with Haechan, but the constellation of moles on his cheeks, which can never go unnoticed by you wasn't there, making it clear that Haechan did told you the truth. You sighed as you were sure that Haechan didn't cheat on you. 
But what makes you curious about who was the father of Mina's child? You saw Haechan coming and sitting besides you. "Y/n I know it's kinda late to say this but this is really important. Look baby I seriously didn't cheat on you with anyone not even Mina. I swear I didn't look at any girl like I look at you. The father of Mina's child is-" he was cut off when all of you saw Mina and the nurse coming out from the checking room. The nurse had the test results and Mina had a satisfactory smile.
"Miss Bae. is test result out?" The nurse nodded her head as answer. "Is it really Lee Haechan's?" Your mom asked the nurse. "I am really sorry but the child Miss Mina is carrying is not Mr.Lee's. The test results are negative. " Mina's smile turned to a frown, she turned to the nurse and screamed at her. "Wait! HOW CAN'T THE BABY'S NOT BE HIS?? I, MYSELF, DRUGGED HIM AND WE HAD SEX AND HE LOADED IN ME!!!" The entire atmosphere was awkward. But not for your mother, multiple slaps were landed on Mina. "I can't believe I raised this kind of a child. How can you do such disgusting things?" Your mother weeped on your father's shoulder.  "But then who's the father?" Mrs.Lee asked Mina, the question which was on everyone except Haechan 's mind."It's me auntie. The father of Mina child is me"
"Lee Hyunsook..?"
His parents were shocked to see him. You look at Haechan, he looked calm. "Who is he?" "My cousin. " he answered. You look at his cousin, he looked somewhat like Haechan, mostly on his cheeks and nose. "Son what are you doing here!? And what are you saying!? How can you be the father of the child. It's impossible you even never met her and-" "Actually auntie I did have met her." "What? how!?" 
"Mom I will explain everything, but let's not argue here. Let's go home and discuss the matter properly. " Haechan's words made them realise they are in public and if the news reaches out in public, their reputation may get disgrace. But Mina scoffed, "Oh is this one of your plans to save your marriage Haechan?" "Mina, we will discuss this at home. Let's go." Your mom tried to hold her, but Mina yanked her hand. 
"No. I am pretty much sure that the child is Haechan's and the reports and this man is just his plan to save his marriage and I- ARGH!!" She screamed at the top of her voice, all of a sudden. 
Your eyes widened, you saw blood flowing down on her legs. "MINA!! MRS BAE BRING OUT THE STRETCHER. " The nurse and the other staff immediately act out in your call. Mina was taken to the observation room and soon started checking. 
Time skip
You came out the room and everyone rushed to you. Even though what Mina did was wrong, everyone was extremely worried. "Y/n ah what happened? Is Mina ok?" You let out a disappointed sigh . "I am so sorry but the baby cannot be saved. She had consumed lots of things which were very harmful to the baby. I am really sorry mom. I tried my best..Right now I gave her some sleeping dose. She will be sleeping for a while. Let's go to my cabin and we'll discuss this matter there."
They all agreed and everyone settled at your cabin. "So tell me what exactly is going on?" Mrs.Lee started the discussion. Haechan and Hyunsook looked at each other. "Mom, dad, last month Hyunsook came to my cabin to apologise for not making it to my wedding, explaining his situation and stuff. And we talked about stuffs in my cabin,  since I was free that day like you know, no training sessions for anyone. During our conversation, Y/n called me and she said it was urgent, do you remember that day baby? I told you I met my cousin." You nooded. He continued, "So I excused myself but I did asked Hyunsook if he wanted to come with me but he refused, cause he wanted to explore the gym and all. So I went to see Y/n."
Hyunsook continued, "After Haechan went to meet his wife...Mina came to his cabin and offered me a drink. She looked drunk but I took it because I didn't want to seem rude. After drinking it, I felt really drowsy but I was sober..she started to flirt with me, seducing me..it was not clearly Mina's fault, since I am a man, it's just I got a little horny and we did it. But after that she ran away and I never saw her and since I didn't know her so I didn't take it seriously and just thought of it as a one time thing. And I next day told Haechan about this and I saw Mina's photo on his wedding day and I got to know I did that with my cousin's wife's sister…"
But I never knew that she was going to be pregnant.."
It's been 6 months since that incident. Mina is sent to asylum to cure her psycho side and criminal mindset. Yours and Haechan’s life was normal now. Everyone was excited for today’s baby shower party . Today you will reveal your baby’s gender. Haechan can’t help to feel excited and as a result he was panicking during the preparation of the party. Coming out the washroom after getting ready, you saw him standing in front of the dressing table, fidgeting on his tie.  
You suppressed your laugh and went to him and turned him around towards you. “Let me help you.” you examined his face and he looked handsome and perfect. You still can't believe this man is your husband now. You tipped your toes up and kiss him gently. He was quite taken aback but he replied and sliding his hand to your waist..he pulled you closer to him. After a long sweet kiss, he hugged you. “I am really nervous. What if I am a bad father to our child?”  you chuckled. “Yah silly. I am not giving birth today. And I am definitely sure, you are going yo be the beat father ever to our child. We are only gonna reveal our baby’s gender. Now stop panicking and let’s go down. The guests are waiting for us.” He gave a peck on your forehead.
“Ready?” “I’m. Always.” you both nodded and popped the balloon.
Pink confettis spread out the hall.
“We are having a daughter!!!!!!!”  Haechan picked you up and spun around. “Hyuck! I am getting dizzy.” You both laughed and he put you down. Guests congratulated you guys and gift you baby gifts and you can’t be more happier than that. The event went to end with great laughter and happiness and now you were spending quality time with both of your family. “I am so excited for our little doll. I even started knitting a sweater, and I am gonna make it super pretty.” Your mom exclaimed and hugged you. “And I am gonna spoil my daughter in law and my granddaughter with delicious meals and sweet desserts.” Haechan's mom smiled as you squealed in excitement.
 Haechan’s heart melted, seeing you so happy without any worries or stress and he prayed that you are like this for your whole life. During this happy moment, a knocking disturbed that.
“Who could be this late? I will go and check.” Haechan went to the main door. After a long pause he came inside but he was not alone. Mina came in besides him. “What is she doing here?” your mom roared at her. Mina looked at you with teary eyes, your gaze softened but your mom and others didn’t. 
Mina sighed, “I know everyone is here is probably hating on me for the actions I have done before fast months and now I, myself looked upon om my deeds and I feel so ashamed of myself and that’s why I am here to apologize and I don't expect you guys to forgive me but….Y/n I am really sorry. I felt so ashamed to be called a sister. Because of my obsession I tried to ruin your marriage, tried to harass your husband and I almost sinful thing, snatching the father of an unborn child. I promise from now onwards I will never interfere with your life. I just wanted to apologize for my deeds. I will get going now.” Mina wiped her tears and turned around to leave but you held her hand. “I forgive you Mina. I know you made a mistake but you accept your mistake and also look upon how to correct yourself. I know you will overcome your past and become a great person again.” You both hugged each other and soon your family was back to normal.
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.
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ohfugecannada · 1 year
My idea for Daisy in a Mario movie follow up (spoilers for the Mario movie, of course)
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So I finally caved and went to watch the Mario movie with my sister. It wasn’t amazing but I think it’s a pretty good adaptation of the games overall. I’d love to see a sequel or spin-off in this new universe if it’s done right. (which being realistic I highly doubt they will given Illumination’s track record with sequels but that’s another story)
It got me thinking about how other characters that didn’t appear in the film could be incorporated into sequel or spin-off movies. And I thought of one of my favourite characters; Daisy!
Click the readmore if you don’t mind spoilers for the movie.
Now, before watching the movie I liked the idea of Daisy showing up in a sequel or spin-off movie. Like some kind of princess peach solo movie/princess team up movie. Or maybe in that rumoured Luigi’s Mansion spin-off.
However, once I actually watched the movie, though, I feel like adding Daisy may prove problematic for story reasons.
Like, let’s look at Daisy and what her deal is: a princess from Sarasaland who’s a cocky, loud mouthed Tom boy who’s super into sports, has a good relationship with her dad and is super competitive.
She makes for a great addition in the Mario games since her bombastic personality shines through in the more tone down and fairly generic personalities of the rest of the cast (in the sports titles anyway).
In the context of the Mario movie though… I’m not so sure.
You can’t have her be the athletic proactive action girl princess since the movie already has that with their version Peach.
You can’t play up her cockiness and competitive nature and relationship to her dad either since you get some of that with movie Donkey Kong.
There are already two characters who fill both niches she provides, so putting her in the movie as is, with no changes, would just make her redundant and a pointless addition.
But then, I had an idea;
You know how in the movie, it’s revealed Peach wasn’t originally from the mushroom kingdom, but a human that stumbled into one of the inter dimensional warp pipes as a child and was taken in by the Toads?
Well… what if, instead of a kid coming from a human world to a fantasy world like what happened with Peach, what if was the opposite way around? What if, instead of being raised in Sarasaland, Daisy was separated from her homeland via warp pipe when she was very young and ended up in the regular human world. What if she wasn’t taken in by anyone and had to fend for herself on the streets for a good portion of her life? Perhaps with her only escape being sports? Never knowing for the longest time her true birthright as the heir to an entire kingdom?
So yeah! That’s my idea for Daisy; a princess who was born in Sarahsa Land but ended up on earth and became a scrappy tomboy loner.
To me, this idea of Daisy’s backstory being a mirror to Peach’s would be the best of both worlds; you’d still stay true to daisy as the tomboyish princess, but with a backstory and slight edge that makes her distinct and be able to bring a niche to the cast that isn’t filled by other characters. Maybe with this version of Daisy, they could play up her moxie, anger issues and attitude, since she grew up in a rougher environment. Kinda like her attitude in Super Mario strikers. Plus, her discovering she’s a princess and learning how to be a leader could make for an interesting character arc.
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And yes, I know the whole “Daisy being royalty that got teleported to the regular human world from her original dimension” thing was kinda already done in the 1993 Mario Bros movie. Funny enough, I actually hadn’t realised this until I brainstormed the idea with my sister after the movie. Me thinking of such a similar idea was actually a complete coincidence. But I think my take on it was different enough from the 93 movie anyway.
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eepyb33 · 1 month
Chapter 1
This is just a story that I'm gonna be posting gradually. None of this is based on real events, and anything that is similar or coincides with real events is a coincidence.
TW: implied sa, borderline stalking, loneliness (kinda?), non-consensual picture taking, mentions/implied abuse
This started when I was in high school, freshman year. I became friends with this girl who was a year older, and in my choir class. She called herself CG. We weren't really close until halfway through my freshman year, though.
She seemed nice enough at first. She had a nice smile, a funny way of phrasing things to make me laugh, she was sweet. She was way taller than me, but that never really bothered me unless she brought it up to poke fun at my height.
The first time I met her was a big shock to me though, despite how nice she seemed, it was strange. Within our first conversation, she told me her entire life story, from her concerning home situation, to her escape called school.
She and I were friends, in every way girls can be best friends.
I lost almost all my previous friends that year, including two people I had known for more than ten years. They pretended like everything was fine between us, but I knew it wasn't. Nothing was really fine, because why would it be?
How could it possibly be fine if they didn't talk to me for more than six months, ignore my quiet presence in the stairwell that they were the cause of?
They caused me to be alone. They caused it. I stayed in that stairwell reading to escape from that loneliness. That was my escape. CG, the one I had met in choir, seemed nice, so I turned to her. I mostly hung out with her.
It was a school friend situation where you only talked in school, not through text, and maybe calling for plans outside of school once in a blue moon.
I remember when the joke started. It was the rare time when I actually invited someone over. CG came over and we were killing time before going to the movies, she wanted to put on a show, so I let her. I remember being so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open, but I tried to watch for her.
That week I had been doing so much, and I needed a break. My mom had been the one to suggest CG coming over, and me having a sleepover with her. Mama said I was stressed, and that a girls night would make it go away. So I invited her over.
The first few minutes of the show went by fine, but then I fell asleep. I woke up maybe twenty minutes later to CG waking me up, telling me to pay attention to the show. It was obviously pretty important to her, even though I didn't really follow along with the storyline or the characters.
I fell asleep, again. By the time I woke up, it was time to go to the movies. CG was laughing over something in the car on the way there. It was pictures of me sleeping from various different angles. I thought it was funny at first. She said she'd delete it if I wanted, but I brushed it off. I thought it was a one time thing.
Then it happened again on a field trip. I fell asleep on the bus, and she took more photos. I still thought it was funny.
Then it happened, again and again and again and again.
At sleepovers with friends, all the way through sophomore year. She made a collage of these photos. I began to think it was incredibly weird at this point in time.
I was the second most pictured person in her photo's on her phone. Which was a lot of photos. She had many thousands of photo's. She had a whole album dedicated to me.
This was the point when she began to remind me of Ash- and ex-friend of mine. Ash was similar to CG in many ways, but Ash changed at a point in our friendship. And Ash took a dark turn. Ash and CG being so similar is actions should've raised a red flag in my head.
CG began holding my hand randomly, despite telling me she hated touch. CG began hugging me, and being more touchy. She began joking that we were the two gay girls that were best friends, but everyone thought was dating. I laughed it off.
Then something bad happened, and I found comfort in my new friends. My new friend group with CG. New school year, new me, new friends I guess.
I was comforted by my new friends though. They were nice, and made me feel seen. I cried and they hugged me. It was nice. About a week later, CG asked me to date. I said yes, and we only dated for a little bit before going back to just friends.
I was in a musical, and one of my friends, Tal, was running tech. It was getting closer to opening night, and I was spending more hours at the school. It was verging on fifteen hours a day (tech week led me to eighteen plus hours).
"What's up between CG and Lillith?" I asked Tal, both of us having a break in the long hours of theater. Lillith was in the friend group too, and both of them were having a falling out.
"Everyone is dropping CG, haven't you heard?" Tal asked me.
"No... not really. What's... uh... what's going on with her?" I said slowly, my phone vibrating from many messages, probably from CG. CG messaged me so much, that it could be considered concerning.
"CG has been a jerk to Lillith. Well, more specifically Lil's mom. CG has just been so rude to her." Tal went into more detail about what CG has been saying. "People have also been dropping her because she's been a bit obsessed with you."
"What?" and I swear my heart was beating in my brain. It was in my throat, pulsing through my veins instead of in my chest. "She doesn't really... what do you mean?"
"All she talks about is you in conversation with us, she only texts you, she has a concerning amount of pictures of you. There is so much more." Tal said.
"I'm just having..." I brought my panicked breathing down a bit, and stopped my hands from shaking. I wiped some tears from the corners of my eyes, all within a few seconds. Some commotion happened and I noticed another girl breaking down. She was in my choir class this year, and I developed a slight crush on her throughout sophomore year. "Looks like everyone is having a rough night," I commented humorously.
This was when I realized CG was obsessed with me. I realized not only that, but I had allowed this to happen, and that in order for it to stop, I had to remove myself from her.
That was the night I stopped viewing her as a friend.
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lunadreamscaper · 5 months
Shattered Reality Theory?
- taleblrlorekeeper
Hi yes hello. I’m about to go autism hyper fixation mode let’s go
I call it that as if it’s a well known theory BUT ITS nOt bc I haven’t shared it yet
So basically this theory explains a lot of continuity errors and contradictions and the faulty way the VT world works Imo. (Which irl is only like that bc the irl creators didn’t keep track of everything but that’s fine) But basically what I believe/vibe I get is that the main dimension where all the main event happens is a larger fragment of a reality that’s now shattered. And other dimensions like the 13th Dimension like the Anti-challas for example (and the hundreds of other numbered dimensions 😭) are other shards of that reality. So basically the whole thing is barely functioning.
And also, it might not have a proper after life or “ghost dimension” … or “veil” and that’s why ghosts are so common and capable of ridiculous things??
Also an alternative minor theory attached to this one is that sometimes the reason that characters come back from the dead is because there’s no space for like more souls in the afterlife(?) or where ever ghosts are supposed to go. But also I’m kinda iffy on that one.
Basically the VT world(s) is like a broken world- similar vibe to when a planet is thrown out of orbit.
Funny enough though is that in the VT 5 year anniversary stream Johnny Ghost from the future/Alt time line tries warning Present Day P.I.E. (Ghost was retired at the time) that they need to get their Ghost to rejoin P.I.E. Because in future Ghost’s future Housekeeper “shatters reality.” But that implies it hasn’t happened but will- so idk but genuinely is a fascinating coincidence (there’s SO MUCH lore in that stream btw bahsjd)
I do believe that the Divine One (a canon deity made of 13 beings that also created Housekeeper) may have tried fixing or adopted their shattered reality?? And maybe housekeeper got mad and/or jealous and started causing problems idk tbh 😭
Also another part of how i picture this broken world is that sometimes it tries to fix itself (either that or it’s the divine one) so it’ll like repeat events and it’ll change what happened (which would explain certain contradictions. Example: Ghost originally being afraid of birds. Then way later Ghost is completely unphased by birds but Toast is terrified of them?? That happened in an anniversary stream too but it was either year 3 or 4)
Basically a bunch of cosmic horror / reality stuff 😭
(I picture it a lot like a dirty/scratched/broken CD that’s bouncing around, replaying or stuttering or skipping around in the cd player kinda lol but also it’s floating through space deeper and deeper into the void while grabbing the attention of interdimensional higher beings that see it as a cool toy)
Also Acalacams (if you know what those are) kinda tie into this as well as the Divine One but I’ll get to that later
This is also my personal headcanon but I’m curious to see what others think :3
God I hope this made sense 😭😭
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lautakwah · 7 months
omg jing yuan !! as soon as i met him i knew he was gonna be a fav of mine, and his deal with the finches just sold it. i really love his cn va. he was also really fun to play as for that little stint he was part of your party, i got the awakened dan heng card Right before that final battle which felt perfect and now they have this guy and im like i NEED him his mechanic lags my entire laptop. the xianzhou luofu has been very fun to get to know so far, i do love what dan heng/dan feng and jing yuan have going on, and i guess blade is part of that? i love edgy characters but ironically he's felt like the most boring of the cast so far... but that means i still have two of the quintet yet to meet i think! i cannot guess who theyd be right now. the timelines theyre working with are so funny to me like i guess dan hengs supposed to be 700 years old but also still a teenager? being eternally 17 sounds like some horrific curse. which im still not entirely sure of what he did but that seems undeserved. speaking of which reincarnating (?) and then ending up befriending someone who looks more than passingly like your old life's old friend (the trailblazer and jing yuan's visual similarities are a coincidence im sure but its funny to me) is such a neat concept i hope they touch on. + SEELE AND BRONYA!! they were an amazing part of that storyline i want them on my team so bad. I just got the missions to go back and see whats up with them so i'll have to check it out... when i first continued the story to get to the xianzhou seele was visiting and i thought the game would make her disappear after the warp but she was still there... i was like we've taken this kid 500 million light years away from her home planet we've committed a crime here. ANYWAY this is a mile long i hope u have a good weekend nd get rest o7
yeaaahhh jing yuan's va is so good!! i love playing on cn tbh the other dubs dont hit the same idk... i dont have him tho (f) and both times his banner was on i didnt have enough jade to pull for him 😭 first time bc i spent everything on seele, second time bc of sparkle KHFDKJGFDG literally my roster is almost all the girls (not you topaz. and silver wolf was bc i lost 50/50 💀) and barely any guys (i have dhil and luocha and dr ratio bc he was free... all the others i skipped and im gonna skip aventurine as well LOL) can u tell im a lesbian :'))
and i thought dan heng was like in his early 20s??? but none of it rly gets explained so KFDJKDG we do know viyadhara when they reincarnate become children again and then age up before they go through the whole egg-reincarnating thing again. but like in his prev life he was several decades old and looked the same anyway, yet blade/yingxing at the time was like. an old man (the only "mortal" among them 😭). and then baiheng and jingliu were around the same age as jing yuan? wait actually jingliu is older since she's his master but yeah. it IS interesting to see how their dynamic has shifted tho but you'll see (if you havent gotten to that part yet in any case, i think if you finished the tingyun/emanator of destruction part you should've already known abt most of this due to companion quests!)
also YEAH KDFJHKJFDGD it's so funny that characters from different planets can visit the astral express even when they're not on/near their home planet like oh... i guess we kinda abducted you, lol. although, hey, look at it like this: you can show them entire fields of grass or something which they don't have on their home world...! (and obvi you can just take them back to their home world in a snap 😌)
also my weekend was great!! went to a film festival and talked to friends and had a good time overall fdkjghfkjdg idk if i already said this but saw zhu yilong on screen twice (!!) and also met the director of the movie he was in it was super fun <3 def needed that lol
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robocatfan · 8 months
Hello! Hello! Just stopping by to say a few things!
Firstly I wanted to say that I love your Small Incident AU, and I thought it was really funny that I had just read it when I got Madeleine in the game.
I don't know if you accept AU ideas, but there's something I didn't see (or maybe I just didn't look for it properly, I just started the game, I didn't play enough to know much about the story) about CookieRun, which would be about the Cookies meeting witches (or humans in general).
It would be cool to see a story about the Cookies venturing into human territory, after all, some of them, like Gingerbrave, have had direct contact with witches, but there are many Cookies who only know about them through stories.
First of all: AWWW THANKS FOR ENJOYING MY FIC!! It’s nice to see that others enjoy my very niche aus (also what a funny coincidence)
And about that au: yeah it’s kinda weird that we don’t see much of it (there is an upcoming game about the witch, but it’s less about her and more about exploring her home)
BUT, I do have a story idea about that, but I haven’t touched it for a while ( the premise is similar to what you said, but is more like a witch being the one coming across the cookies and helping them in some way)
Right now I have plans for my other aus (the borrower and mermaid ones) but time will tell if I revisit that story some day
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kaffeebaby · 1 year
wait pls expand on lalo being a yassified chuck!!!!!
Sure thing! Cut just for those who don't wanna read a post about Chuck and Lalo
I was mostly being a bit jokey about it, but I honestly think that Lalo and Chuck have a lot in common when it comes down to the details. It's really no coincidence that as soon as Chuck leaves the show, we're presented with Lalo, who ends up bullying Jimmy into the exact opposite direction Chuck was. They're both incredibly selfish, they're the main man in charge, and they both seem to act like they can't stand not getting their way. They're one-track minded and stubborn to reach their goals, even to the point of their own destruction. They both have this level of emotional coldness, like they feel nothing, even though they have quick tempers. Kinda like nothing matters, except for the stuff that they want to matter.
In my opinion, Lalo is much more extreme in this way, just due to the fact that he actually kills people and puts others' lives at risk without even thinking twice. When he sees Nacho run into the building that's about to be taken down by the DEA, Lalo is just amused and entirely neutral to whether Nacho is going to make it or not. He's happy when Nacho makes it back, but I doubt he'd have cared at all if he hadn't, even though it's a dangerous situation and Nacho is way too high up to be risked at all like that. It's a genuinely high-stakes moment and Lalo is just sitting there humming and whistling, which reminds me a lot of Walt right after Drew Sharpe was murdered tbh. And similarly, I think Chuck used Howard as Jimmy's punching bag for years in this way, completely ignoring any pain or stress it would have caused Howard because that's what Howard was "supposed to be" doing, exactly what Chuck told him to. They both have such callous natures when it comes to playing with other people's lives, right down to casually disrespecting others. Like, they both devalue everyone around them just by the casual nature of their refusal to give a shit about anyone else.
It makes sense that Lalo wouldn't really see the value of other people's lives, given the world he's always lived in, but I always saw the two of them as having similar levels of entitlement, pettiness, spitefulness, and callousness. But Lalo has a lot more likeable traits than Chuck does. He's cooler, he's more composed, the people around him treat him with utmost respect, he's suave and a funny character... Whereas Chuck is genuinely needy and annoying and nagging and "lame." Lalo is a hot guy with blood splattered on his face and Chuck is basically like if a crazy old cat lady was a guy obsessed with his charismatic younger brother that everyone else likes more. This is what I mean by "yassified," like he's more conventionally attractive and ideal even to straight guys, he's what they want to be like, even if his actions are usually considered more monstrous.
The only major difference other than personality traits is that Lalo willingly breaks the law and Chuck refuses to, meaning that all of Chuck's actions are more within reality to viewers, which I think makes him seem more like a real asshole and less like a badass evil cool guy. I think this is a major factor as to why people like Lalo but not Chuck. You can easily view yourself as Jimmy, being berated by a holier-than-thou asshole who thinks you're scum, but how easily can you picture yourself as Fred from Travel Wire, innocently trying to help some stranger and being murdered during your shift at your job that doesn't pay you enough? It's like a classic example of the idea that characters killing people is okay because fictional lives are made up, but characters being annoying is bad because the audience's annoyance is real. Lalo could gruesomely skin someone alive on screen, but people would still hate Chuck more because he's mean and annoying and sucks to the average viewer. It doesn't really matter that his actions never reach the moral lows that most people would agree Lalo's do. Lalo is kinda like the anti-Chuck in the sense that even if Chuck did something great, everyone kinda already made their mind up about him and would still hate him anyways. You know, the sort of behavior that the show advocates against via it happening to Jimmy his entire life.
I hope this makes sense and isn't too rambly lol. TLDR: Lalo is more conventionally ideal and Chuck has too few redeeming qualities, so even though they're both awful, people like Lalo more, thus making him "basically yassified Chuck"
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euyrdice · 2 years
hi !!! im happy to see ur response n dw about taking ur time school has just started for me too so i dont anticipate being too free myself!! btw i loved ur izuki hes very cute regardless ^O^ im gonna reply kinda out of order hope its ok!! also dw at all i feel ur personally very insightful too n as for writing u shdnt avoid ur personal taste n opinions !!
i think since u know what direction u want u shd definitely lean into this angle of having a morally grey villain or someone who portrays them as such or may not even be aware of either extent or their morality! either ways its a rlly good thing to know what u want and how u want to express ideas!! ^W^ no matter what type of writing clarity is important
also mm yea personally i dont read a lot of stories w villains i realised? i like tokusatsu where theres a lot clearer good vs bad but i havent watched a lot of the recent entries w more moral ambiguity so i couldnt offer much on a personal front. i guess i like them because theyre evil n nasty n interesting sometimes n like also i like magneto too!! :D i find i pesonally agree w his ideas but i also think how different writers portray magneto, his beliefs, background and try to skew them rlly reflects interestingly on how they view the ideas he represents, just off topic but neat stuff.
although i do think yea in writing n commentary villains can serve actually a rlly important role in reflecting peoples opinions, biases ect. back on them ah but thats getting off topic
in response about the enemies to friendsish thing actually i encountered the same issue!!! :DDD albeit it was cough a knb ship (i dont think anyone knows what it is) so if i may offer my personal insight i think having obv similarities always works. for me i found my two characters were more similar than theyd liked to admit but when in their usual environments surrounded by their peers they were super unlikely to interact so i put them in a different environment! sometimes what u need is smth to kickstart their interest in each other! an encounter that exposes smth worth talking about. like for me the more villainous character realises the more "heroic" character is actually more than a boring farce n finds an opportunity to corrupt him n the heroic character wants to resist this but himself returns because of the villains intelligence n their similar points. it leads them to enter a sort of cat n mouse game into each others minds. but thats cuz my characters i was working w were more intellectual
BUTTT the gist is basically ur allowed to do a little deus ex machina or have smth thats out of their control give them the opportunity to choose to interact n stuff. not all the time ofc important advancements n influence shd be made frm autonomous actions of the characters but a little coincidence never hurts!
ive briefly dipped my toes in writing before but ive never had enough clarity to write anything good tbh!! but i do like helping others edit if i can!!
anyways it means so much that i can give u something to chew on tbh!! ^w^ ur inquisitive nature is lovely! also yes itll always be okay to pop in !!
hi lab!!!! how r u!!!! thank u for this reply!!!! 
i for sure get that about liking clearer bad/evil characters!! i really can’t think of any i also don’t read a lot of villain stories i realize! but for knb hanamiya is so hard for me to look away from he’s so funny and i really wanna know why he’s the way he is dhjdshfj. magneto!!!! love that ur a comic fan!!!!! my last url was eriklehnsherrgf hes the best heh. ooo that’s really interesting about different ways writers portray him and his beliefs representing their own views… i also think our writing and thoughts on characters and which we’re drawn to and which we dislike can reflect a lot, especially biases. i really like talking about it; why myself and others are drawn to certain characters and dislike others… what do we find in them and what are we looking for. and our own art we create is so often a self-portrait, right?
a knb ship oooooo! are you writing a fic for them? so u ARE a writer!!!!! or a future writer!!! fdjfdfgjh but that sounds so cool lab! i really like the detail about how in their usual environments w friends they’re unlikely to interact despite being quite similar… i don’t know how to articulate it but i really find this interesting in fiction/media… two people who could have a close relationship if they were just to go outside of their usual environment, and the significant role being surrounded by their peers in said environment plays. and then something pushes them out of the familiar, often by force, and our story begins, right? i love the “an encounter that exposes something worth talking about” line, so lovely. something worth talking about!
much of it is about change, and putting your characters in situations that force change, and thus character development? it’ll be fun to see what the new situation/environment brings out in your characters, what they bring out in one another when they’re finally able to interact alone. i wonder if there are things only the other person can bring out in themselves. 
i love characters seeing one another in a different light, realizing there's more to the person they disliked then originally thought. ESPECIALLY when its the more villainous character seeing something that draws them into their heroic counterpart. OO THE OPPORTUNITY TO CORRUPT HIM im getting nervous nd excited!! so theres a unignorable interest there on the villianous characters side!! i wonder what makes them want to corrupt the “heroic” character!! a more sort of twisted, self-interested and self-indulgent desire to bring out something darker in them or more genuine interest in the heroic character.. or both or something else?… hm!!!!
wait wait is one of them hanamiya? the intelligence and want to corrupt part made me think of him. teppei and hanamiya? dfjhjsdf anyways u dont need to tell me anything this just sounds so so cool and i love how deeply and intentionally you’ve thought about their relationship. thank you for sharing your plans with me, really wonderful and im excited for how it comes along!!!!
yeah!!!! you've given me a lot to think ab!! giving them a little push to interact.....
really love talking with u, i genuinely feel like i learn a lot from you wow. as always, thank you for your thoughts and kind words!!! and thank you for your encouragement ab my work!!! always value your feedback and opinion on things, you’re so very articulate and open-minded. 
i hope u’ve had/have a good day!!!! 🌟💌
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
Even though I share a name with the guy I literally didn't know who quentin terentino was when i picked the name lol, but if anyone says its an unusual name (in negative way) i can say i was named after him lol
Quentin can be pronounced like Quinton, or it can be pronounced more like "k-wen-tin" (sounds really similar, but the different pronunciation between the two spellings depends more on a person's accent? Like my french teachers pronounce it noticeably different (though that could just be them being french lmao)
I'm from canada, I kinda chose the name on a whim. I had a list of other names I wanted to pick that were more common but for various reasons I wasn't able to use them
I was pronouncing it K-wen-tin because to me Quinton and Quentin are spelled JUST different enough to warrant a different pronunciation.
I asked mostly because I have a transmasc character named Quinton and that'd be a funny coincidence. but i also guess Quinton isn't that rare of a name.
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