#but solar is 'older' than eclipse
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Question for your charming actor AU. Who is the younger twin between Solar and Eclipse?
Also, does KC rap to embarrass his sons as per actor shenanigans? Gotta put something into the SoundCloud rapper joke 🤣
KC isn't as good at rapping in the actor AU, it's more of a joke on set that he's just pretty good at rhyming without thinking about it and talking fast.
He does embarrass the twins regularly, though, by talking about his Tinder escapades with the older actors on set, who all routinely go through KC's Tinder (and Grindr) and all judge KC's potential matches with him.
The twins are actually complicated, they were born the night Daylight Savings Time falls back an hour at 2am. Eclipse was technically born first at 1:57 am Pre-Fall Back Time, then Solar was born thirty minutes later at 1:27am (Post-Fall Back Time). So Eclipse is somehow the firstborn youngest and Solar is the secondborn oldest.
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prncssberry · 6 months
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andoutofharm · 6 months
Tomorrow, April 8, 2024, there will be a total solar eclipse that will be visible in much of the united states! If you are planning on watching it through eclipse glasses, PLEASE make sure the glasses you’re using are not counterfeit! Using incorrect or improper glasses to view the eclipse can result in permanent eye damage or blindness.
This article has some tips on how to spot authentic glasses, and here’s what to look for:
The certification ISO 12312-2
List instructions for proper use
List the address of the manufacturer
The front should be a slightly silvery/chrome and the back should be completely black
Do not use eclipse glasses that have damaged lenses or that are older than three years old! Have fun and be safe!!
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bamsara · 1 year
Have you seen cannon Eclipse yet?? Will Ruin be effecting how you portray them in SL?
(Ruin spoilers) Long post!!! Sorry I rambled klsdhglksd plus I pulled out some of my older art so it's a bit of a ramble post about Eclipse and how I write/draw them / the duality of man (robot) / and SL's AU universe
Most likely not since a fully-booted-up Eclipse in SL wouldn't be too terribly different from what I could work with coming from Ruin. I've already made several art pieces and writing drafts about the 'scary looking but sweet' Eclipse type more than the murder murder murder scary kill kind having to do with the virus's invovlement, so I think this developement is actaully pretty steller for me
Not to say my Eclipse won't be a bit more intense than what was shown in the DLC, but I think it still works out
I mean Look at my doodles and writings of Post-Solar Lunacy Eclipse and how they act: you've got your spooky behavior that comes from Five Nights At Freddy's being a horror game + based off of the DCA's behavior + general alternate universe junk :
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and then your silly goofy:
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I've always adored the Duelity of Man (Robot)
So basically: Ruin DLC will probably not affect how I write Eclipse at all because from the short few lines we got from them kinda already alligns with how I see Eclipse behaving, at least Post - Solar Lunacy. Sweet boy.
Eclipse's dialect is a bit different in the ruin dlc then how I've had it planned but I think that's okay too, considering how I had their dialect/manner of speaking pretty down similar to how Sun & Moon were speaking in the DLC at least (the short sentences, phrases, occasionally long ones) although this is kinda just a writing flow choice / au character interpretation thing that's a personal preference, since I personally have Moon less verbal than Sun and Sun a lot more talkative in my fics than even the og Sun in Security breach.
Appearance wise? Nothing really changes! The hat and sunrays combo can switch inbetween having a hat or just having sunrays (like how arcade game Eclipse just has sunrays, but character model Eclipse has Moon's hat) and it really just depends on the scene and/or if the DCA was already wearing the nightcap as Eclipse makes an appearance.
I'm keeping the four-arms deal. Best thing the fandom came up with and love it when they do that for characters. Insert 'i just think its neat' image here.
Solar Lunacy has been and still is a AU universe so like said before, some aspects of canon are choosy to whatever I think makes a good entertainment story and all, so not too worried about sticking to canon all that much. Yippie for transformative and creative expression!
THAT BEING SAID, I absolutely fucking adore the glimpse of personality we got from the few scenes of canon Eclipse in the Ruin DLC and it fits an idea of character in my head for them, so I won't really need to divert from the original draft too much for Eclipse!
I'm really happy ahh!!!!
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starastrologyy · 10 months
Hi everyone! I thought i'd actually create a masterlist for all of my posts. I tend to post in a haphazard manner (i blame my mars dominance for this haha) as i truly started this blog as a hobby (and to share my astro knowledge). I didn't think anyone would see my posts. However, now that my blog has grown quite significantly, a masterlist makes it easier for people to find some of my older posts. Thank you all for your continuous support and encouragement!
General Astrology Observations
Astrology Observations 1
Astrology Observations 2
Astrology Observations 3
Astrology Observations 4
Astrology Observations 5
Astrology Observations 6
Astrology Observations 7
Astrology Observations 8
Astrology Observations 9
Astrology Observations 10
Astrology Observations 11
Astrology Observations 12
Astrology Observations 13
Astrology Observations 14
Astrology Observations 15
Astrology Observations 16
Astrology Observations 17
Astrology Observations 18
Astrology Observations 19
Astrology Observations 20
Astrology Observations 21
Astrology Observations 22
Astrology Observations 23
Astrology Notes 1
Astrology Notes 2
Synastry Observations 1
Synastry Observations 2
Synastry Observations 3
Composite Charts
Composite Observations 1
Composite Observations 2
Composite Chart Notes 1
Composite Chart Notes 2
Solar Returns
Solar Return Observations 1
Solar Return Observations 2
Solar Return Observations 3
Solar Return Observations 4
Ascendant in Partner's Houses
Sun in Partner's Houses
Moon in Partner's Houses
Eclipses in Astrology
Transits & Solar Return Aspects that can indicate a move
Careers in Astrology Part 1
Careers in Astrology Part 2
Indications of moving abroad in a natal chart
Indications in a natal chart that suggest you may have more than one college/university degree
Wealth Indications in Astrology
Indications of career success in the natal chart
Indications of marrying a foreign spouse
Paid Reading Reviews
Paid Reading Reviews 2
Paid Reading Reviews 3
Paid Reading Reviews 4
Paid Reading Reviews 5
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that-starry-freak · 1 month
Yknow what? I have to rant about this this has been eating me up for forever. Fuck confessions I'm going to do this here.
I fucking hate old moon
Do I love his sass? Yes. Do I love how Reed plays him most of the time? Yes. Do I love how he interacts with other characters? Yes!
Do I like him as a "person" and for what hes done? Absolutley not. He abused Sun, and when he found out the daycare exploded his first reaction was to be upset because THE STICK HE WOULD ROUTINLY HIT SUN WITH was fucking destroyed. I'm sorry bitch what??? That's disgusting Moon I wish you burned in hell <3
I also absolutely hate that no one saves Nexus
Do I think it was Sun's fault? Absolutely not, he has had way too much shit to deal with. Do I think its Earth's fault? While I think Nexus was absolutely right for calling her out for not being a therapist, she has every right to be upset for him saying he'd kill her. Do I think its the families fault in general? No, Nexus pushed them away and hurt them, they did try.
You know who I do blame? Who should understand Nexus better than anyone? Who even admits partial responsibility for it, and pretty much denies any sort of redemption for Nexus?
Mother fucking Old Moon.
Old moon committed arson. He abused Sun routinely (forcing him to go to dangerous dimensions. Hitting him. Calling him stupid. Having a clear power difference between the two and abusing it). He put his killcode in Sun and is literally the reason Eclipse exists and terrified their family.
But no, Nexus is the one in the wrong. He's the one that will have to do soemthing huge and grovel to be redeemed. Because he threatened the family after having hallucination and literally going insane and mourning his best friend, and feeling like he wasn't good enough and spiraling cause he couldn't bring Solar back, and then joined Dark Sun whos known to be exteemly smart and manipulative. Not Old Moon, who did so much worse. No, he gets to rejoin the family after apologizing and promising to do better (and yes, he is doing better) sure, Sun doesn't forgive him (and im proud of him for admitting that <3 that's very strong of him), but still.
Plus, Nexus is literally the youngest family member. He's a lot younger than Earth and Sun and Moon and Lunar. He isn't Sun's twin, and he isn't Earth's older brother. He is the youngest. And that should be addressed, because that means he is much more immature. He hasn't had all the time to grow up like the rest of them have. Moon has had years to grow as a person. Nexus has had a year.
Anyway, tldr. I dont blame the family for what happened to Nexus, I blame Old Moon
Also sorry for bad spelling or grammar or autocorrect or whatever, I'm not rereading this
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copperbadge · 6 months
Hi Sam! You mentioned being in Texas. Did you get to see the total eclipse?
I did! That's actually why we were in Texas.
I have wanted to see a full solar eclipse since I was about 20, but I've never had the combination of time and means -- couldn't afford it, or couldn't get to where it was total, or couldn't take the time to get there. So two years ago I saw one was coming and said, "this time I'm making it happen." Two days later R called and said, "Do you want to meet up in Texas for the eclipse?"
Our plans had to shift over time, and I won't lie, that was stressful for all of us. I had originally planned to ask R and his wife to chip in half for the rental place, but decided to just cover it myself because they're either divorced or in the end stages of the legal divorce proceedings and R isn't making much money. I remember my mother being poor and trying to take us on nice trips, and I can afford it. Baby U didn't exist when we made these plans and he's traveling with her without a partner for the first time, which has caused wrinkles for all of us (he couldn't get a rental car because he waited too long, so he took a Lyft to Fuckall Nowhere, Texas, like a 2 hour drive, and now has to try and get one in FaNoTX to get to his next stop in San Antonio). The rental was a little more intense and uptight than we anticipated but the people seemed nice in person. I have had Some Stress.
And honestly, it was all worth it.
I don't think a full solar eclipse is life changing for everyone the way some people say, but I do agree that partial eclipse simply doesn't compare. They're too different as experiences. When totality hit and we could see it hit, everyone gasped and was silent for a second and the burst into noise -- cheers, swearing, exclamations. I almost started crying and then began laughing instead because next to me R said "OH MY GOSH" and U echoed softly "oh my gosh" even though she's too young to understand what's going on and was looking at her sippy cup, not the eclipse. We just stood there in awe. We were in a kind of shock for a few hours after.
I'd been dropping some "hot from a PBS documentary" eclipse facts on an older woman before the event, at the little lunch party our host threw, and she'd taken to calling us William Shatner (R) and Carl Sagan (me) and from behind me, halfway through totality, she said, "Carl Sagan, you didn't tell me it would be like THIS."
In future, I will do any travel with R very differently, but it was worth it to see him and the baby and experience that with them.
Also having coparented a toddler for the weekend, I am again glad I don't want and never had kids. She's a joy, but she's a very dribbly joy.
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the-violet-galaxy · 17 days
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Excited to show these two! They're from a new AU I'm calling the "Good Brothers AU" for now, an alternate dimension where Solar created Lunar as his brother!
I thought it'd be interesting to play with a scenario where a Solar created a Lunar, instead of an evil Eclipse the way it usually goes. (I call them Technically OCs; they exist in the same multiverse as canon, but are from a dimension not connected to the Show.)
So! This Solar has ALMOST the same backstory as in canon: Sun fell into a fatal coma after deciding to separate, the original Moon died when his Killcode was extracted, and the Backup Moon abuses Solar while trying to fix Sun; Solar feels responsible and tries to hold everything together while searching for a way to fix them.  
From there, after months of being abused and alone, that's when he created Lunar as a brother and companion for himself.
The two are very close, and have a healthy relationship. Solar loves Lunar more than anything now; he just wants the best for him and for him to be happy, which is why he designed him to be carefree and playful. He indulges Lunar a lot when he wants something (even if his interests and whimsical mannerisms baffle and bemuse him a lot of the time), but he IS the older brother and has the authority to tell him “no”. The two play games or watch movies together a lot. They have the typical playful sibling dynamic as seen in the Show, teasing and having banter with each other; Lunar sometimes hangs out where Solar is working just so he can annoy him.
Solar is very protective of Lunar against Moon, who is volatile and easy to set off; he often stands in between Lunar and Moon if he comes around. Moon has never tried to hurt Lunar yet, but Solar knows he's is capable of it. Just looking at Solar’s face makes it clear what Moon has done before…
(But maybe, this mentality of him wanting to shield Lunar from harm doesn’t always go as planned.)
And Solar still thinks of Sun and Moon as their family, and wants to fix them so they can just BE a family. Solar wants Lunar to have a chance to meet Sun and knows Sun would accept him (he tells Lunar that Sun is their older brother; he emphasizes it.) And, for all his abuse, Solar feels responsible for Moon's current state, and just wants him to stop being an asshole.
But Solar and Lunar at least have each other! And they get up to all kinds of shenanigans in their dimension.
I’d love to talk about these guys more later! And I have other alternate-dimension-OCs like them I hope to delve into sometime.
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ask-the-roommate-au · 3 months
pspspspsspspsppspspspspspspsps here kitty cats (please don't kill me for that
I just very much happen to favor Eclipse and Solar, so opinions on both! :D
i actually have a lot of questions so a deeply apologize if im interrupt anything important D:
also eclipse! i made you a bracelet! i understand you do not like kids, but i thought a gift would be a nice start to try and befriend you at little bit C:
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Not funny. Didn't laugh.
We're not your little meow-meows.
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I like Solar! He's really nice and helpful, and he's a good older brother!
Eclipse is.... well, I'm getting used to being around him again. He's a lot better than he used to be.
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I don't really know Solar that well. At least, this version of me doesn't. I have one memory of him and it wasn't the best moment
As for me, well, I'm not much of a fan. I don't really care.
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Eclipse is one of my best buddies! My comrade, my pal!
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Solar is... Solar's really nice. I quite enjoy his company in the theatre and the daycare.
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O-oh. Thanks for the bracelet, I guess...
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basilbots · 7 months
May I ask if you have any Sun headcannons? (Or Eclipse HCs if you don’t)
This man gets to wear all the feminine clothing he wants gnc as fuck
Idc what the show says Sun is the "older" twin the eldest sibling vibes are strong with this one
Sun doesn’t take advantage of his nano stomach as much as the others even though he’s arguably the best cook. He sticks to drinks mostly, not really seeking out food and absolutely hating metal supplements
Sun has a temper, and he gets angry a lot more than others realize. He's just better at hiding it than Moon, more likely to direct it inward rather than at other people, and does his best to never let it evolve into physical violence towards others. The fact it takes so long for Sun's very emotionally charged magic to make itself known is a testament to his restraint, even if it's still not very healthy :'D
Sun, especially at the start, did not view Eclipse as his own person as much as the personification of something he fears. He assumes the worst: that Eclipse is all the horrible parts of Sun and proof of how horrible Sun would be with the killcode. Going out to kill Eclipse was just as much an act of killing the nasty parts of himself as it was getting rid of a threat. It's not until he actually gets to know Eclipse or Solar (depending on the AU) that it fully clicks for Sun that Eclipse is his own separate, messed up thing rather than an extension of himself
In fact in the Silly Celestials AU Sun is dead last when it comes to coming around to Eclipse, but this isn’t universal I think Sun is just as likely to reach out to Eclipse first in varying circumstances
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lizmindpalace · 6 months
So you know that we had an eclipse in North America today and I saw a post about the brothers never actually observing an eclipse before and I had to write this.
"I don't get what's the fuss with this moon thing, the damn thing is there all day and night long every day, every year".
Lucifer's fingers rubbed his closed eyes as a sigh left his body, it was always the same thing when it came to his young brothers.
"We do not have a sun, idiot, that's what makes the trick", the yawny voice of the youngest of the seven uttered with a notable tone of annoyance, his eyes were closed but had they been opened, a roll in them would show how much irritant he found his older brother's words. 
"I find it romantic". Asmodeus sighed, "Satan told me all about human beliefs in legends and books. It's like a kiss between two lovers separated in time and distance, so they can only see each other once in a lifetime and share a love kiss".
Another sigh and a giggle followed that statement, however, the effect those words had left in the group made them stay quiet ever since they had been informed about the assignment regarding the 2024 solar eclipse up in the human world. Lucifer had been mesmerized for a while, but it was the first one to notice the thoughts going through his brothers' minds.
"It should be a great occasion to visit the human world and get to see MC!"
Lucifer sighed once more, as he would usually do when they were around. 
"Yes!" The other five shouted. 
"And there will be food!"
"Wait, wait... hold on, you're not actually thinking on kissing MC? Are ya? Cus I'm not gonna allow it, no way under my watch".
"You're so predictable as always, loool". Leviathen mocked.
"Im not! I mean if someone had to do it, then it'd have to be the great Mammon, for I was her first ". 
"Can you please stop talking about being the first as suggesting intercourse and clarify it's all about a pact and you were the first just because you're the most stupid of us?" Satan rolled his eyes.
"Hey whadayamean by that? Show some respect to your older brother, besides..."
"Stop all of you" the eldest nagged at them. "This is no time to avoid your responsibilities, and certainly it's no time for interrupting MC's daily occupations, furthermore..."
The buzz of a phone interrupted his course of thought, his sharp gaze led him to Mammon, and his body, as it was an automatic response, he took the phone from his grasp despite his complaints, however, he was surprised to see, it had not solved the issue and all his brothers had stopped paying attention to him, as their attention had been drawn by the device in their hands. 
Another buzz coming from his pocket finally made him look at the screen of his phone:
 >>> It's crazy, I remember that back in primary school my science book said this year there would be a solar eclipse, and I was like "I'll be more than 20!, That's a long time from here". And the time is here, guys. I'm so excited.
The message had started a discussion with replies from his six brothers, that didn't lack enthusiasm.
>>> I know you cannot be here, yet, I got something for you. 
Lucifer pulled up the attached picture and he smiled as in her hand, there were seven pairs of funny glasses that were probably made of cardboard, and each one was in a different colour. His smile grew wider as he saw every pair had a handwritten word in it: their names.
>>> It's some kind of silly souvenir. I'll give them to you once we get to see each other again. I wish you were here.
A feeling of dread and nostalgia struck the eldest and a sigh escaped his lips again, although immediately afterwards he felt a persistent gaze on him.
"Lucifer", his brothers harmonised, and he stopped himself from rolling his eyes at them, just because he knew he could use his pleads to get a double benefit. 
"Only if you guarantee that you'll improve your grades". 
The six of them nodded in agreement, a tiny accomplice smile bloomed in their faces. That was the first benefit he acknowledged their little trip would bring as consequence. 
Only a few seconds after the door had been knocked at, it opened. A shocked expression followed by the brightest of smiles they had ever known welcomed them; a warm embrace was the cherry on top. That was definitely the second benefit he had foreseen. 
An unexpected third arose when they were reunited in the local park, all of them surrounding a bench under a tree; the blue sky suddenly was losing brightness, it was as it was getting cloudy, but no clouds were around, it felt different, it was an odd kind of darkness. The birds started flying towards their homes, and they went quiet, the sunlight was soon hidden by the moon. The pretty spring day had turned into night for a moment. Lucifer looked at his brothers, impressed by the phenomena, he also stared at his human and her excited smile. 
It was a brief spectacle, but it felt magical; a shiver ran down his spine as the solar ring was drowned in darkness, it sort of reminded him to when he had fallen out of grace but in a better sense, despite being so old, he had never lived such a show of the immensity of nature... everyone, including his six demon brothers, was admiring in awe at the sun being swallowed by the moon, while wearing their black glasses, while a person with a speaker explained the science behind it. 
When the sun shone again over their heads, the girl opened up their arms to hug them, a hug which all of them returned.
For some reason they were grateful to be alive in that precise point of time where all they had got to know each other, to spend time with one another, they were all glad to witness the event of the century together. 
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vedgie-demynm · 6 months
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So, in this Au, Crafty is the only non-mythical critter, while the other seven are all different kinds of mythical creatures!!!
Here’s each character here!!!
Even if Crafty is a plain ol’ pony in this au, they’re still just as important and loving as the others; in fact, they’re the ✨protagonist✨! They stumbled their way into the Realm of the Myths while taking a stroll as they thought about somewhere they could paint, before they met DogDay and Bobby in the woods. During their three years in the Realm of the Myths, Crafty’s been careful, they’ve been loved, and they’re learning more each day!
DogDay is a Werehound, but instead of every full moon, it’s every Solar Eclipse he turns into a monster, while every Lunar Eclipse, he’s your good ol’ normal sun dog!
His younger sibling, CatNap, is a Sphinx, well, except without the “human face” part, lol… Much like his brother, they, too, can turn into a monster, except it’s more at will, and mostly during waxing crescent moons!
Bobby Bearhug is an Onikuma, although, she did use to be an average critter, like Crafty. She, along with Picky, brings in food for the others every night. She stays close by with CatNap because when she became a demon, he was right there by her side… d’awww!
Kickin’ Chicken is a Cockatrice, and since it doesn’t really specify what kind of dragon the rooster has to be, he’s part leviathan! He’s an expert at surfing, and is basically the “rich, popular kid” trope (except he’s the sweetest to his friends!) He and Bubba were best friends ever since they were toddlers, and Kickin wouldn’t want their flame to extinguish any time soon! He even talks about many different themes whilst baking with his sister, so that he doesn’t get too bored.
Bubba Bubbaphant is a Siren (mainly because none of the mythical elephants didn’t really fit ToT), but instead of singing and testing the limits of his beautiful voice (/j), he infodumps about one’s interests to try reeling them in! The nerd’s a bit meaner in this AU, since ocean sirens are usually that way, but he can tolerate his friends!
Picky Piggy is a Boar; she’s pretty violent, but that doesn’t stop her from having fun with her friends! In fact, she uses her violent tendencies to her advantage whenever she cooks! She’s Crafty’s best friend, and she’s the one who made them their “horn” out of a party hat! Picky’s the (adoptive) older sister of Kickin, and she makes sure he’s healthy, both physically and psychologically! (What a sweet sister… sob…)
And last, but DEFINITELY not the least, Hoppy Hopscotch, the jumping Jackalope! She’s pretty mischievous, in fact, to the point where DogDay made her own Time Out Chair™️! She even steals all of the coffee sometimes, so that she can have more energy than when she’s normally hyperactive; but, she is patient whenever she needs to — in fact, out of all of them, she’s likely the most patient.
BTW!!! You can ship anything in this AU, but I have only 3 simple rules:
Nothing Problematic
Nothing that would be in Alabama
And each ship should be to each character’s romantic interest
For example, on what each critter is (of course, there are all headcanons):
Crafty is Lesbian (they/them)
DogDay is Bigender and Bisexual (he/her)
CatNap is Non-Binary and Bisexual (he/they)
Bobby is Transfem and Pansexual (she/they)
Hoppy is Questioning her Interests as of now (she/they)
Bubba is Bisexual (he/him)
Kickin’ is Transmasc and Gay (he/him)
Picky is Transfem and Lesbian (she/her)
That’s all, Folks! Love y’all!
(platonically, of course—)
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Twin Eclipses- (Yandere!Illumi x Reader)
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Warnings; yandere, mention of abuse, coercion, threats, mention of being threatened, unfair situations, female bodied reader, mention of past noncon, mention of birthing troubles,
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You stood on your porch, watching your rambunctious pair of little ones run and play. It was tough being a single mom and having twins- tougher than anyone can imagine- but you loved your kids and all their wonderful quirks.
The village you currently lived in was tucked away in the mountain side and thankfully there were plenty of retired elderly folk who just adored your sons. The extra hands to help care for your boys made your life somewhat easier, allowing you to have much more freedom than you would have otherwise. You were content where you lived and you were thankful for the people who lived around you.
The two were both boys; born about 12 hours apart from one another. They were a unique pair in both personality and temper.
From their births you knew they would be special, the very celestial bodies oddly timed to the both of them. A solar eclipse occured when your first son was born, his white hair turning black and blue eyes burning a red-orange. Twelve hours later a lunar eclipse occured when your second son was born, much like his older brother going from white and blue to black and red-orange. When their individual eclipses faded, their hair and eyes returned to how they were prior as you realized both of your boys used nen moments out of the womb.
The story of your life? Well, that one was more than a little rough, and you truly wanted to forget what happened and why you had to come to this village in the first place. At least you escaped your personal hell and managed to leave before anyone caught wind of your pregnancy. It was difficult to do so due to your mangled ankle, but you had still managed despite your struggles.
As you watched your pair play, you did your best to keep the dark thoughts out of your mind and just live in the moment. You still jumped when shadows fell over you and any sudden noise made fear strike into your heart, but it seemed they would actually allow you and your boys to live freely. Returning would mean imprisonment and your boys would be taken from you, so for now you were content to hide even if you were so close to danger.
Shadows played at the edge of your vision and you caught yourself glancing around every now and again just in case your mind wasn't playing tricks on you. So when you caught a flash of white from your left side among the trees, you felt almost frantic.
"Boys! It's time to come in!"
Despite the unison whine of disappointment, your two five year olds both shuffled inside, neither taking note of your increased panic. But of course, life wasn't going to pull any punches for you. Before you could enter your home, a man that was all too familiar emerged from the trees.
His white hair and piercing blue eyes pinned you to the spot as three others emerged as well. Nothing could stop your heart from flying into a panic as you observed the four men who now silently watched you. Some level of relief filled your mind when you didn't see him join the group, but his absence only slightly lessened your fear.
There certainly would be no running, because you already knew they would easily catch you and your sons would never be able to keep up. That left you two options to choose from, first; stay where you were and allow the men to approach, or second; go to them.
A rather strong part of you argued against approaching the dangerous men, but you approaching kept your sons farther away from harm. The choice was clear, even if you didn't like it.
Closing your door, you mentally psyched yourself up for what you feared would happen, forcing your legs to begin moving. You could feel the eyes of the four men trained on you with predatory precision as you approached, only heightening your stress as you limped towards the group. When you came within ten feet of them you finally stopped, staring at each man in turn.
"(Y/n), it certainly has been a while, hasn't it?"
"Yes, it certainly has been, sir."
"Come now, there's no need for such formality. After all, you don't work for us anymore."
"Force of habit, sir."
The first to greet you was an old and familiar face, his eyes wrinkled at the corners and his stature was quite small in comparison to his associates. You knew the man well as you had primarily worked under his command when you worked for the family.
What family, you may ask?
Why, the Zoldyck family, of course.
Maha, the eldest of the family, had been the one you worked with the most out of the rest of the family members and so, he was the one who you were most familiar with. Standing among him were his grandson Zeno, his great-grandson Silva, and your father, Gotoh. Where you would have been thrilled to see your father after so long, the reunion was bitter due to the rather unfortunate circumstances that led to you fleeing the house of Zoldyck.
"I take it you found my message?"
"Yes. Quite the clever hiding place, he would have never thought to look there."
"Does... Does he know about... Them? About me?"
"No. Illumi has not been informed and has been kept out of the loop, so to speak."
"Then why are you here?"
Dread was weighing heavily in your heart and your more accusatory words only served to deepen that dread, not at all feeling the confidence your voice held. You knew what they were capable of and you didn't want to give them a reason to be upset with you, but what choice did you have? It wasn't only you at risk now.
"I believe you already know the answer to that. Your boys, both having white hair and blue eyes, they are clearly of the Zoldyck bloodline. With Killua away from the family and having no interest in returning, the family is put at jeopardy without a potential heir to the mantle that is head of the family."
Your heart thudded with a hollow feeling in your chest, fear flooding your veins. You knew there was a possibility of them coming for your sons, but you had always hoped they would just let you and your family be. Of course they would be interested in your boys, they did hold a clear familial resemblance after all.
Despite knowing that begging would do nothing to sway them, you couldn't help the pleading tone your voice took.
"Please... They're just boys. They don't know anything about their heritage. Please don't take them from me."
"(Y/n), I know it was not your choice to have them in the first place but you must understand, the future of the family comes first."
"They aren't members of the family. They're bastards."
"A bastard is still family by blood. Even you can't deny the similarities. They are Zoldycks, the both of them. Their Nen alone proves their familial ties."
There was little more that you wanted to do other than run, taking your boys with you, even if you knew you wouldn't get very far. You had hoped that because your sons were bastards, the rest of the family wouldn't be interested in them, but clearly that was just wishful thinking.
"Please.. You- you just don't understand why I can't hand them over."
"I do understand, child. They are your sons as much as they are Illumi's and you care for them greatly."
"That's not all..."
"What is it then?"
"Illumi will kill them."
A silence fell over the clearing as Maha's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise, clearly not expecting your words. It was then Silva spoke up, his deep voice sending terror straight down your spine.
"Illumi wouldn't lay a hand on them. He doesn't harm family."
You surprised even yourself with the humorless and dry bark of a laugh that escaped you, the fragile illusion of confidence quickly dissolving around you. Memories of those cold doll-like eyes flashed through your mind, each horrible thing done to you replaying in your head. His low hissed threats ringing in your ears and turning your blood to ice.
"Yes. Yes he will. I didn't get injured due to some freak accident like he forced me to claim... He..." You slowly pulled your lame ankle towards your other leg, "he did this to me. He said it was so I couldn't run from him anymore. He knew what he was doing to me was wrong but he didn't care. Every day, he threatened to kill any child I may have if I ever tried to run. You know as well as I that Illumi doesn't just casually threaten unless he intends to follow through. I ran, he will kill them, that's why I took such extreme measures to ensure he wouldn't find that letter."
You looked over your shoulder towards your home, two pairs of eyes glimmering from the windows. There's no way your boys could even know the danger that was before them or the fact that the four strange men who had arrived at their home were members of their family. You hadn't spoken much to your boys about their family and you honestly dreaded the conversation you would one day have to have with them.
"He can't harm them if he can't get to them."
"What do you mean?"
You looked back at the second oldest Zoldyck, Zeno, as he closed his eyes in contemplation.
"If they are protected by the family, he can't hurt them, not without extreme consequences."
"Yeah, but he's welcome to hurt me as much as he wants."
Your words held a certain level of venom to them, thinking back to the hell that was your life for the last year you worked for the family. It was hard to not be bitter, knowing that even if you had spoken up about the abuse you suffered at the hands of Illumi, no one would have believed you. It was hard to ignore evidence of that abuse now though, as there were two new lives that resulted from it.
"Child, you know I would have sided with you had you come to me about it."
"No, you wouldn't have and you damn well know it. The family comes first, right? What's the word of some expendable worker when put up against any member of the family? No one cared. Countless others heard and even saw what he did to me, no one said a word."
Maha stood in silence at your harsh reply and you already knew you were right. You didn't have to call him on his bluff to know you were right.
"You are their mother, and they clearly love you," Maha nodded towards the window of curious eyes, "so you would be protected as well."
"Someone should tell that to Illumi."
"He won't be able to get to you-"
"Oh, like he wasn't supposed to be able to rape me? Not like it happened every day- oh, wait. It did. Every day I screamed and begged for mercy, every day he told me no one cared and that I was as useful and expendable as any other fuck-toy."
"No. I was in labor for too long to say I didn't suffer in agonizing loneliness for the sake of my family. I gave birth to the both of them while I was alone in a freezing cabin before anyone came to help me. I cut both umbilical cords myself. I almost died because I was too exhausted and weak by the time the second one arrived to feed them before the neighbors decided to check on me. The elderly folk in this village are more family to them than any of you. I raised them to be better than the monsters you call children. You want another heir? Make one yourself! Leave my sons and I out of your robotic murderous clan!"
You were surprised at the way you actually snapped at the assassins, your pain and anger far outweighing your fear of the men. Honestly, you'd sooner die fighting than let them take a single child from you. They seemed to realize you were not in the mood or place to agree to anything, let alone give up your sons for them to train as killers.
They were smart, and they knew eventually you would be unable to keep going as you had been and would truly need them, especially with the way your ankle had been mangled. To some degree, they understood your anger and sympathized with what you went through. Though you had not been married into the family, you were still one of the most trusted of their workers and now you were the mother of the next generation. You are family.
Maha and Silva were both particularly fond of you when you worked for them, Silva even telling you how much he trusted you with his family. You practically served them your entire life before you ran, and they had failed to see what was being done to you. But, there was no doubt they truly respected you after all you went through and all you did to protect your sons despite the great toll it took on you physically and mentally.
Your now mostly silver hair was a testament to how much you had sacrificed for your children and how great the toll had been. Though your face was still youthful, the darkness around your eyes told of hardship and endless sleepless nights. They would have to tread carefully while deciding what course of action they were going to take. On top of all of that, they also needed to ensure your safety and the safety of your sons especially regarding Illumi.
It truly seemed to be out of character for him to threaten his own progeny or a member of his family. Then again, so were the deplorable actions that Illumi chose whenever he caught you alone.
The proof was there with your hidden letter, clips from security cameras in the estate, all time-stamped and compiled. Literal days worth of footage showed the depraved actions of the eldest Zoldyck son towards you. When you collected all of it, you even debated throwing it all out to save what tiny shred of dignity you clung to, but you needed the truth to be known.
Hiding the envelope and its contents so Maha would find it but Illumi would not was no easy feat to accomplish. If you were caught there would be no escape for you or the life that had already begun to grow inside of you. You left the first chance you got, but ensured to hop places several times before settling in a village on the far side of the same mountain range as the estate. The hope was that Illumi would dismiss any nearby area after his initial search, making it a safe-zone between where he searched and where he lived.
You chose to be close to danger because Illumi expected you to want to run as far as possible.
Just as the men had appeared, three of them practically vanished with hardly a trace. Only Gotoh stayed for a moment longer, his eyes full of sorrow and regret now that he finally knew your reasoning after you disappeared. He must not have been told the full story or shown the collected videos- not that he would want to see them anyway- and they must have decided that learning your fate would hurt less coming from you. Ever the emotional stone walls, not even family matters seemed to bother or surprise the Zoldycks, but you and your father were far more human.
In the end, he could find no words that would not add to the embarrassment, stress, or sorrow you had to live with. What could he say? He was so relieved to hear you were alive and relatively well, having given up hope a year after your disappearance. But to have the first meeting after so long be colored by his worst nightmares come true.
It was bitter-sweet, and you knew there were so many things that should have been said, but neither of you could voice them. He followed his masters, ever the faithful servant, away from your home and your sons. You knew it wasn't going to be your last time seeing them, you knew how they worked and how persistent they could be. They would need to back off and reassess the situation they now had on their hands.
This left you standing alone, trying to figure out what you could do to explain these events to your sons. You wouldn't put it past the Zoldycks to try and kidnap your boys, so you knew you needed to warn them to not trust anyone approaching them. Though it would be difficult for you and your two sons, it still needed to be done and you needed to keep your little family safe however you could. Even the feeling of being watched did little to deter you from returning to your boys who awaited you inside.
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WIBTA if I refused to hang out with my ex even though we are trying to still be friends?
🐟 so I can find it
So I (27M) met my ex (26M) when I had just turned 18 and he was 17 - we met through a mutual friend, and ended up in a long-distance relationship. Both of us had mental health issues that put a lot of strain on the relationship over the course of the several years we were together, and eventually the spark we had kind of inevitably died - when we broke up, it was pretty much mutual. We were young when we met and had realized as we grew older that we wanted different things out of life. We had a couple of disagreements over the years, but for the most part there was no animosity, although I will admit I had let some resentment build up (I rarely expressed this out loud - we struggled to communicate feelings like that).
Both of us ended up getting into new relationships pretty soon after - for me, I ended up finding a new partner (25M) whom I've been with ever since (it's been a number of years and we are very committed by this point - there is no possibility I would choose my ex over him). Meanwhile, my ex went through a series of short relationships and I'm uncertain of his current status - he hasn't mentioned his partner in a while, and I know he's had a couple of breakups after me. I do know he started using drugs/alcohol after we broke up despite previously being very straight-laced and never having anything stronger than caffeine (more on that later).
When my partner and I first got together, it was very soon after my ex and I broke things off, and I had a bit of a bad habit of badmouthing him. I said some pretty uncharitable things - nothing that was untrue per se, but things that were very much interpreted from my point of view and not his e.g. attributing certain things to malice that were probably just incompetence, neglecting to mention ways I had behaved badly, etc. i had just ended my longest ever relationship - in retrospect, obviously I was feeling some type of way and trying to work through it as best I could. But because of all that, my partner knows these stories about my ex and has formed his own opinions - I try not to talk about him so much anymore, but I can tell my partner does not like the idea of him and does not trust him. I don't think it's jealousy either, because I've explained that I will never go back to my ex and I'm certain he believes me - I think he's just gotten the impression that my ex is a threat somehow (he's not, tbh) and probably won't ever see it any other way. He's fine with me still talking to him and I'm fully honest about that - he respects my autonomy, he just has no interest in meeting the guy.
So anyway, my ex and I didn't talk very much for a while after the breakup because I wanted to put some distance between us because my feelings were pretty raw over it for a while, but in the last year or so that's been changing as he's been messaging me a lot more - 90% of the time, it's him initiating, although I do occasionally send him memes or whatever if it's something that reminds me of him.
The messages have been increasing in frequency and now I get them almost daily where I used to only get a few per month before. I respond to him and I'm friendly and casual in my responses, as I have no desire to be mean or inauthentic, but I'm getting the vibe that he's trying to start being friends in person again and that he wants to meet up. Last week he asked me if I had contact with an old friend I had bought drugs from once (I do not and have not had a contact for that drug in years, but it sounded like he was trying to coordinate a sesh if I had said yes).
This week, he asked me about my plans for the upcoming solar eclipse. My family and I and my partner made plans many months in advance to go to a particular city in the path of the totality, which I explained. Then my ex drops that he was considering visiting a very nearby neighboring city (like ~30min driving distance) at the same time but didn't have firm plans, I guess maybe trying to coordinate a meetup or something (I don't know where he expects to be able to book a hotel this late, but that's not my problem honestly so I didn't bother to ask). He is very into astronomy so maybe he was just sharing his interests, but I'm kind of scared he's going to ask me to hang out or view the eclipse together, or worse, ask if we have spare room at our hotel or something. Knowing him, it's possible he will make a request like this very last minute, maybe even the weekend of the eclipse, because he has probably not actually bothered to check if any hotel/motel has any vacancies (given how things were around the 2017 eclipse I would be completely shocked if anywhere has any availability at all).
This would extremely harsh my vibe. to be blunt, I really just don't want my ex to be there because I feel like I wouldn't have a good time if he was - this is probably the last time I'll ever see an eclipse in my lifetime and I don't want weird tension between my ex, my partner, and my parents (I have a strained relationship with my dad and have gone low-contact with him since moving out - it is already going to be hard to deal with, and my ex being there would make it exponentially worse because my dad and ex got along extremely well and I know my dad would use his presence as ammunition).
I feel kind of bad though, and I don't want to just turn him away and refuse for no reason, because he's done nothing wrong and I know he's really looking forward to seeing the eclipse, and that he values the time we spent together and wants to be able to be friends with me. And I still want to be friends with him too, honestly, because he has a lot in common with me and I know him extremely well - I just don't really see a way that his presence is compatible with my life right now, particularly at this time. He will want an explanation if I try to refuse to see him, too, and I just don't have any good ones.
TL;DR ex is trying to come back into my life and might ask to hang out at an event I've been looking forward to for months. I have nothing against being friends with the ex, in fact I have told him before that I do value his friendship, but don't want his presence to mess up my time. WIBTA if I refused to see him if he asks?
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metakazkz · 8 months
Me and my Moonside Characters Ref ( new characters update )
Katherine Ref
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Moonside ref
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James ref
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Sunside ref
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Kevin ref (update )
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Meet Kevin's animal friend, Nicodemus or Nick ( his nickname ). He is albino great horned owl.
Eclipseside ref
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(Solar) Eclipse (update )
Eclipse true form
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Officer Thomas Watson and Detective Tyson Watson
Information: Officer Thomas Watson and Detective Tyson Watson work for the city's police department. Thomas and Tyson are brothers, Tyson the older brother and Thomas the younger brother.
Officer Thomas Watson was known for being the fastest and do parkour to stop criminals from running away.
Detective Tyson Watson is not much active than his brother. But he pay attention to details, analyze the situation just like any detective does. When he is on the case. He wont let go until the case solve.
The ' Me and my Moonside ' Fnaf DCA Au fan comic is officially start. If you are not sure what this comic is about . Check on the link of How this idea of the comic as started Click right here
What this Me and my Moonside story started Click here
funfact. Katherine the character was suppose to be me for my avatar. But later, I decide to turn her into her own character.
Me and my Mooside. Katherine, James, Kevin, Sunside, Moonside and Eclipseside , (Solar) Eclipse, Officer Thomas Watson and Detective Tyson Watson (me) Metakazkz
DCA Sun, Moon and Eclipse (FNAF )
Artwork by me Metakazkz
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justdrawlynn11 · 2 months
Another part to this proposed Tsams au:
Sun and Moon are twins and the oldest siblings, they were around 16 when the triplets were created.
Sun is the oldest sibling, he will be the Aleena in this au(minus being the triplets mom). He gained the throne very shortly after the triplets were created.
Moon is the second oldest, he will either be the one to foresee an awful fate for the triplets, or ‘Uncle’ Chuck. Both can still work, they wouldn’t be mutually exclusive in this au.
The triplets were all separated at the age of about one and a half years old.
Due to wheel of names on both single spin and best out of three, The creator is Robotnik.
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How is Sun a dethroned King if his dad was the one who overthrew him? I’ll have to figure that one out.
Lunar, Earth, and Nexus are the triplets of this au, as the Sonic, Sonia, and Manic respectively.
Lunar was raised by Eclipse
Earth’s surrogate family is undecided.
Nexus was raised by Kc then, I guess?
The triplets meet when they’re all 14, they’ll reunite with their older brothers when they’re about 16, making Sun and Moon 32 when they reunite with all of their little siblings.
Monty is Knuckles and is about a year and an half older than the triplets, and Moon occasionally visited Monty while he was growing up. Due to royal ties, shelter, and safety reasons. Sun used to come along but stopped around the year him and Moon fought.
Creative liberties:
Sun(around 31), whilst still in hiding takes in a baby deer, who he named Dazzle Evelyn as to not expose his last name whilst he’s still hiding.
If Solar’s in the au then there’ll be some work arounds, as he has no character to put himself into place. He’s about 6 months older than the triplets and joins the group when they’re all 15.
Jack is here, he was a clone of Solar, and no Solar didn’t clone himself. Jack is about 6 months younger than Dazzle. Jack is a clone baby, he is not physically the same age as Solar.
Creator was dethroned and exiled shortly after the triplets were made, but his kids remained heirs to the throne, forcing Sun to takeover the role as king at such a young age.
Sun has dangerous magic, magic that the creator wanted to exploit for evil purposes, the creator will even use and harm his youngest children as a way to exploit Sun. So to prevent that fate Sun decided the best course of action would be to separate practically all of the siblings to ensure the creator couldn’t find them.
The creator forcefully took over the throne once again.
Moon secretly visited Lunar, as Lunar was the only triplet he knew the location of at the time. He hadn’t seen Sun in six years after an argument about keeping everyone safe, where Sun ran away and Moon could never find him. The triplets were 8 years old when this argument occurred.
Moon was captured by the creator and locked in his own head while ‘roboticized,’ his body was also altered, but after the creator of this au was defeated Moon eventually got control of his body back. Wow I somehow managed to mess with roboticization while keeping Moon’s consistent trauma, I actually don’t know how I managed to do that.
Sun’s probably only got about a decade after the reunion before he probably dies due to his magic slowly poisoning himself
Sun has the false last name of Evelyn while in hiding for 14 and a half years. What is his actual last name? I don’t know yet.
Joke concept: Trashcan man was the King before Sun and all of the siblings second ‘parent,’ he was divorcing the creator and the creator killed him, leading to his exile and need to overthrow his own children. This one is funny to think about, tragic, but funny!
Should I give the triplets magic instruments?
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