#but some of stefans hate is ridiculous
fearlessfairy · 6 months
Damon killed Lexi - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon graped Caroline - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon killed Jeremy and attacked him seasons later - does not have to do anything to redeem himself.
Damon killed Tyler : nah, nothing
Enzo attempted to kill Stefan and terrorized Stefan and Elena : nothing
Enzo turns Ivy - nothing
Stefan almost drove Elena over the bridge : deserves to be single
Stefan killed Enzo - deserves to die to redeem himself, so his brother can live a happy life, also he did not love Caroline enough because he died. ....she better with Klaus, who died too, but when comes to stefan hate, no logic is needed
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apuckishwit · 1 year
See, it's a METAPHOR
A preview of Chapter 31 of Rolled a 1 on the Check, Rolled a 20 on the Save by APuckish_Wit on A03
The boys are acting weird.
Not bad weird or anything. He doesn’t think that anything’s wrong per se. They’re just super giggly and clearly are having private conversations in their Discord messages that they’re not letting him in on. Like…way more private conversations than they usually do during a gaming session.
It's their last gaming session before a two-week hiatus so he can attend Origins (and take a little side trip to Chicago to meet the man of his—increasingly explicit—dreams face to face for the first time and hopefully sweep him off his feet with his epic love confession), and he’s been planning an epic cliffhanger for the last month. He just needs to get Will or maybe Dustin to take the bait and convince the others to investigate the Upside Down version of the mysterious Apothecary Brenner’s estate. Ordinarily he wouldn’t care too much, besides being a little miffed that they aren’t giving his masterful storytelling its proper attention…but Steve’s acting weird, too.
He has been for the last couple weeks, honestly. Again, not so much a bad weird. He’s just been quieter than usual. Distracted, almost. Eddie kind of feels like Steve is only half paying attention to their conversations lately, but when he asks about it, Steve just says he’s fine. Has something on his mind that he’s trying to work out. Eddie tries not to be saddened that Steve hasn’t asked for his help or opinion…Steve’s his friend, not his significant other (no matter how much Eddie’s hoping, praying, and fantasizing that that might be different soon) and if Steve doesn’t want to talk about what’s bothering him, he doesn’t have to.
He tries not to let the weirdness get to him, and in the end it’s actually Lucas who takes the bait and convinces them to check out the apothecary in case there are any healing potions or herbs that could be useful. The boys howl in delighted outrage when Eddie springs his trap—dozens of the sentient vines that have been harrying the party bursting from the floor and walls of the apothecary as soon as they start searching the building and ensnaring Xerxes, Will the Wise, and Sir Stephen as loud, ominous footsteps descend from the building’s upper floor.
“And that, unfortunately, is where we’re going to have to leave it for the next two weeks,” Eddie announces gleefully, eliciting more howls and bright laughter from the boys. “I do thank everyone for joining us tonight, and don’t forget to check out my Twitch and YouTube channels for live streaming events from Origins next week! I’ve got a great panel planned and a few announcements about future projects!” For some reason, that sets off more laughter from Dustin before he quickly mutes his mic, and the boys all sign off much more quickly than usual, until it’s just him and Steve in the Discord.
“You excited for the convention?” Steve asks. In the background, Eddie can here pots and pans being moved, the clink of dishes and running water. He closes his eyes for just a moment, pretending that he’s right there with Steve, the two of them debriefing their day together over the remains of a nice dinner. God, what is his life that he’s fantasizing about clearing away dirty dishes?
It would be worth a fantasy if it was with Steve, though.
“So be honest—scale of one to ten, how fucked are we when whatever it is gets down those stairs?” Steve asks, and Eddie lets out a short bark of laughter.
“Eh, I’m not saying I’ll definitely get my first character kill in…but you might want to have a backup ready.”
“Already done.”
“Is it a human paladin named Stephano?”
“No,” Steve replies in mock-offense. “It’s a human barbarian named Stefan. Totally different.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie says, so much fondness coloring his tone he was sure someone looking at him would be able to see cartoon hearts circling his head. “Dustin will hate it.”
“You say that like it’s not my main motivation.”
Eddie laughs again, gathering his laptop up and heading out into the living room. Gandalf is waiting at the door to his recording room, immediately winding around his ankles as he makes his way over to the couch. A copy of Men at Arms he’d gotten from the local library is lying on the arm of the couch, face-down and open to the page they’d left off on a couple days ago. “You up for more of Sam tonight? We’re getting to the thrilling finale.”
“It’s his wedding—how much more chaos can there be?”
“Oh, Stevie, Stevie, Stevie—haven’t you been paying attention? There’s always more chaos in Discworld.”
“Hah, true. But, um—he and Sybil get a happy ending, right?”
Eddie tilts his head, curious at the sudden shift in Steve’s tone. He sounds almost…tentative. “I mean—do you want spoilers?”
“Maybe? Shut up, I know it’s stupid. I’m just…rooting for them. They’re so different, but they really love each other.”
Eddie can feel the soft, goofy smile splitting his face. “That they do. And yeah, I promise, they get a happy ending. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not perfect. Sam gets caught up in his work…kind of a lot now that I’m thinking about it. But they always make it work. Sir Terry wasn’t real big on fairy-tale perfection. His storytelling is so real. Sam and Lady Sybil…they have problems and challenges, but they just keep, I dunno, choosing each other? No matter what. So the differences don’t matter in the end, and the mistakes can be forgiven.”
Steve is quiet for a moment. “Choosing each other. I really like that.”
Gandalf leaps up on Eddie’s lap, and he absently scratches behind the cat’s ears. “Yeah,” he says softly. “Yeah, me too.”
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triplehmunson · 6 months
𝔓𝔒𝔙: Enemies to lovers with Stefan Salvatore (fem! Reader) ‼️warning⚠️: little smut! Mention of erotic things, cute very cute! there is no age difference, You're of age! Stefan is a cute and a little bit perv future boyfriend! Fem! Reader 🥰✨🫢 enemies to lovers!
You meet Stefan thanks Elena when you went to see her on the way out of the university.
You don't like Stefan at all, you feel like he's the typical Fuck boy that exists anywhere.
When you went to a game to see Elena and Caroline who were the cheerleaders of the team where Stefan was the captain, by "accident" Stefan hit you with the ball and instead of apologizing he laughed with his friends and made you look ridiculous.
Since that horrible day you hate him with all your being and even wish that something bad would happen to him, you know, Karma!
One night when you left the house to go shopping you discovered that Stefan was a vampire, you were shocked because you didn't believe they still existed.
You had a problem, is that you You hated vampires since they killed the love of your life, you swore that the night you were going to transform into a wolf you were going to kill those who took your boyfriend's life.
You had some strange dreams where Stefan was on top of you, he was biting you but you didn't scream for help, rather you moaned his name and asked for more, that made you wake up panting and sweating.
Every time you went to see Elena to help her with her relationship with Damon, who was your best friend, you always saw her with that "cocky idiot" as you had nicknamed Stefan.
When you tried to talk to her, he always interrupted you saying: "Come on, baby, you can't wait your turn to talk to Elena, oh I know! You're going to tell her that you touch yourself thinking about me" and you turn red from shame and anger… How dare he say something like that!
Unfortunately for you, you found out at a dinner with your friends, which included Damon, Elena, Caroline and her boyfriend Klaus Mikaelson, because Stefan, that "big idiot" was Damon's brother, your jaw literally fell when you saw that the boy who most you hated was the brother of one of your best friends, this couldn't be real!
Who knew that the hatred you felt for Stefan was slowly turning into love, since whenever you saw him with other girls you would get extremely jealous.
Every time Stefan bothered you or looked at you, the colors rose to your face, at first you didn't know why but you loved having his attention, it made you feel special.
Although you didn't admit it in front of him or your friends, you loved it when he called you names like: "baby" "princess" "annoying little thing" "sexy immature" "sweetie" "doll"
Y/n: Since I hate Stefan I want to hit him but at the same time I want to sleep in his arms while his pretty eyes look at me and his pretty lips kiss me.
You love his back madly since it is wide, it looks soft and how you want to scratch him when it becomes possible for him to make you his.
Stefan already knew you for a long time thanks to his brother.
You always caught his attention especially since you were short in his eyes, you were a cutie.
"He said or pretended" to hate you so as not to attract the attention of others and be described as weak, especially his friends, you know, he has to preserve his "popularity".
He loved when you got angry because you made a pout that made him want to eat you with kisses.
He once heard a rumor that you were in a relationship with Elijah Mikaelson, that made him extremely jealous, his nature as the "ripper" came to light every time he thought about you with another man other than him.
Despite his "angelic face" Stefan was very possessive of his "angel" that is, you.
His jealousy was not so extreme or possessive to the extreme, nor did he want to see himself as a monster, he wanted to be your protector, your safe place, the love of your life.
He did know that you were a wolf thanks to a conversation he had with Klaus since he knew the "boss" of your pack.
He was not ashamed to admit that he had erotic dreams about you, whenever he woke up sweating and panting he wished you were there to help him with his "problems."
One day at the gym where you went with Caroline (Stefan also goes to that gym) he saw that you were going to do yoga and when he saw you in those yoga pants he got hard and horny and he held on until he could not take you right then and there or take you away. to the bathroom to make you his until you're tired.
He loved madly, your laugh was like music to his ears and your smile was like a drug for him, it was very addictive.
He plans to marry you and have a big family by your side.
The only person who can stop the actions of the "ripper" is you, since you are his angel, the love of his life.
Stefan loves your neck madly. In his eyes it looks so soft and flexible. Many times he has fantasized about fitting his fangs and feeding on you while he imagines that you moan his name asking for more.
Stefan: You're going to see my angel, very soon you're going to be mine, you're going to be in my arms and I'm going to kiss you and hug you and I'm never going to let you go... I'm going to protect you with my life if necessary.
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
I can't believe the topic of what happened between Damon and Caroline is still being debated, as if it should've ever been debated in the first place. Damon 100% raped and abused Caroline, and Elena 100% knew about it and still chose to be with him anyway, because she gave no shits about anyone else but herself and was a shit friend and a piece of shit in general. And you wonder why people hated Elena so much? For that exact reason right there and deservedly so. Stop being so stupid and in denial. And Caroline being the one to actively pursue Damon first and consenting to sex one time only doesn't make what Damon did null and void. The dude is still a fucking rapist and abuser. I get you hate Caroline, but come one now.
Jesus. Take a pill and calm down lmao, no one is attacking you.
There is no evidence of Elena being aware of the rape because the writers decided to act as if Damon never touched Caroline: I'm aware he did, he forced himself on her and the show never addressed or even recognized the trauma she endured. Just as they decided to act as if he didn't also rape Andy and as if Katherine hadn't raped Stefan and as if Klaus hadn't made out with Care in Tyler's body, which is no matter what sexual abuse all the same, especially because Caroline was gonna have sex with him - I don't think he would have went further with her, though.
I do agree however with the fact that Damon 100% raped Caroline, Stefan probably knew (as it's implied) and people pretending otherwise is just stupid and awful. This conversation says everything we need to know:
[Stefan: They are people, Damon. She's not a puppet. She doesn't just exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to.
Damon: Sure she does. They all do. They're whatever I want them to be. They're mine for the taking.
Stefan: All right, you've had your fun. You used Caroline, you got to me and Elena, good for you. Now it's time for you to go.
Damon: That's not a problem. Because... I've been invited in... and I'll come back tomorrow night, and the following night, and I'll do...with your little cheerleader whatever I want... to do, because that is what is normal... for me.]
But blaming Elena for it is straight up disgusting. As far as I know, the only time she brought up her "relationship" with Damon was in season four, some comment about how Caroline jumped in bed with him. She would have never said that if she knew he had raped her, and it's left ambiguous for a reason.
Liz was the best friend of the man who raped her daughter, Caroline got along well with the woman who raped her husband and Caroline herself was forced to get along with Damon, the man who abused her and traumatized her. Deciding if x person knew what had happened has always been our choice, the writers would never dare to address the sexual abuse this characters did simply because they were fan favorite.
Being honest it's quite stupid of your part to act as if Caroline herself wasn't also a bad friend. Everyone in the Mystic Falls gang was at one point. Hating Elena - and Matt - was literally a trend that started in social media and got out of hand because people got caught up in it, everyone was crying when Nina left and everyone hates season seven just because she wasn't on it, the character people despise so badly. And the fact that you're implying I've ever defended a rapist is fucking disgusting, I've never done that and I've never will, stop being stupid and grow the fuck up, the way toxic stans lose their shit because people don't like Caroline is ridiculous.
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alpineshift · 3 months
number 1 please!!! Maybe in the ‘the fixer’ verse? (mr motorbike - second in command to his mother’s empire jackie is 🔥)
the concept of powerful/brutal/ruthless/cold!Jack to everyone but his beloved Nico occupies serious real estate in my head. it's ridiculous! for context, here's 'the fixer'.
1. “Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?” 
The thing is, life with Jack by his side has always meant that Nico has someone he can lean on, someone he could always turn to, and, on occasions, someone who just...makes all the bad stuff go away. It doesn't matter who. It doesn't matter what. Somehow, Jack just. Fixes things.
In the past, Nico may have felt uneasy about it. There's an uncomfortable passing thought that he's taking advantage of Jack's generosity and time somehow, but over the years Jack's made it abundantly clear that he takes care of Nico because he wants to. It's that simple.
But lately, after the whole drama with getting rid of his terrible cheating ex (or lack of drama, considering Jack just made that asshole disappear from Nico's life overnight), Nico's getting a different kind of vibe from his friend.
You know. Clocking the subtle stares, noticing the soft lingering touches, keeping track of the unsubtle doting bestowed upon him, and only him. That kind of vibe.
Nico is ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure Jack likes him. Maybe more than likes him, because Nico's seen the way Jack treats the people he hates, people he tolerates, and the few people he likes. And everything that's happened since he evicted Stefan's poisonous existence from Nico's life transcends a simple like. Actually, Nico's ninety-nine-point-nine-nine percent sure Jack's in love with him at this point.
But Jack has never acted on it. Never hinted at it. Doesn't seem like he's ever going to acknowledge it.
Not that it stops him from pulling all the stops, treating Nico with care and adoration. Everything short of laying him out and kissing him senseless on the bed is fair game apparently.
Like: surprising Nico with dinner reservations at a five-star skyscraper restaurant with Quinn's longstanding MVP credentials. Getting dirt and dust all over himself cleaning out Nico's garage after finding out Stefan had promised for months to do it but never did. Picking Nico up from an interview on his motorcycle, with an extra helmet in Nico's size. An utterly spontaneous trip to the crystal clear waters in Malta simply because Nico was looking 'too gloomy' cooped up at home. Never mind that Nico's got plenty of his own fun money after those decent years with the NHL under his belt.
It's fucking ridiculous. And Nico says as much, the one evening they're hanging out in Jack's penthouse instead, Succession playing on mute in the background while they mess around with some thousand-dollar whiskey Luke sent over. Jack nearly spilled the whole bottle on his counter, uncharacteristically flustered as Nico presses him for an explanation, because he's losing his god damn mind over this little dance they've got going on and he wants answers, now.
"Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?" Jack finally shouts, throwing his hands up. "Do you want me to be the sleazy dirtbag that tries to make a move on his friend that's fresh out of a shitty relationship? Swoop in like a vulture, and you're a piece of meat? Like you're some toy to get passed around? Fuck you for thinking I'd do that, Nico, I swear--I can't have you, it's not--I can't--"
"But what if I want you?" Nico asks, and watches the myriad of expressions flash across Jack's face. Shock. Disbelief. Hope. Need. "What if I want you to be mine? What if I'm the one who wants to keep you?"
The whiskey sits abandoned on the counter for a long while after that.
send me a jacknico prompt!
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lazyrants · 2 months
The LazyTown Snow Monster (prod 210)
Original airdate: December 15, 2006
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary
Directed by Magnus Scheving
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion
Review of a Christmas special - valid because Christmas in July!
Sportacus is in his airship and he's playing with a katana. Oh, go ahead and motivate kids to play with sharp things, okay. He throws a strawberry in the air and catches it with his katana. Same with a grape, a lemon, another strawberry, and a blueberry. He decides to unlock/open the door, AND HE THROWS THE KATANA OUT.
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Then, he gets out a hook to bring the katana back up. The fruits are all in ice cubes, and he puts them all in a bowl. He calls them 'Sportscandy Ice Cubes' and puts them in a glass of water, and takes a sip.
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I should probably point out he calls them cool. I really hope that pun was intended. It's a lovely snowy day in LazyTown, and Milford seems to be looking for something when Stephanie comes in. Stephanie questions the smell ('Welcome to LazyTown' reference?), and it's Milford's bait for catching fish. He tells Stephanie he can't find his fishing hat. Whaddya know, he was WEARING IT. But Stephanie is looking for something of her own.
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It turns out to be a costume. The kids have been playing Catch the Snow Monster and Stephanie is the snow monster this time, so she needs a fluffy, scary, tremendously horrifying. What do you know, Milford's wearing it. So they do a hat swap.
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Stephanie looks ridiculous. Milford thinks he looks pretty. Self-love crosses into delusion, but OK. So the kids are playing Snow Monster on the field, when Steph sees Ziggy on the court, scanning in front of him for her. Then she scares him and he dives for some reason. Pixel has a device to catch her. (Why does he wanna catch his crush..?) And Trixie's going old-school, using a net (that she just found). And Stingy asks when it's his turn to be the Snow Monster. Meanwhile, Milford is fishing.
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He thinks he found a fish but he goddamn well knows he didn't. The kids are still playing Snow Monster when Stingy's whining about being it wakes up Robbie. He questions why they're playing outside in winter (If I was them, I'd be drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows next to the heater, watching a movie.. ah... these Americans, so lucky with their snow. IT'S WINTER WHILE I'M WATCHING THIS AND IT'S NOT EVEN COLD!!). He decides to check out what they're doing, and he sees the Snow Monster Steph, and RUNS AWAY while dabbing.
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Stefan Karl brought so much life to Robbie Rotten. Then he realizes snow monsters aren't real and reluctantly goes back to the periscope. He realizes it's just the silly kids. THEN he feels something coming. It's either a brilliant idea or his periscope hitting him in the back of the head.
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Double dipper. Coincidentally and conveniently, Robbie literally already has a SNOW MONSTER COSTUME. Meanwhile while Milford is fishing, the ice starts to crack and instead of getting out of there he watches as it breaks. Or maybe he's waiting for Sportacus to save him, because the crystal beeps and he does exactly that. He drives the skutla over Milford and tells him to tie his fishing rope to the Skutla's wing thingy. And Sportacus turns over the skutla and drops Milford in a pile of snow. He pulls over in the air, puts on his scarf and checks on Milford.
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It turns out he didn't know how dangerous frozen lakes were because he didn't see Macaulay Culkin in 'The Good Son'. Sportacus tells him abut the danger of frozen lakes, then goes back to his airship. Milford puts up a sign. Back at the lair is a fourth-wall break, and I hate fourth wall breaks mostly because most kids shows have annoying characters talking to the camera and LazyTown wasn't the type of show for that and it never should've did that, and they didn't! Well, with some promos and LazyTown Extra as an exception. Anyways, Robbie was fourth-wall breaking in the worst way - talking to the camera.
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Robbie puts on the costume FINALLY. This disguise time doesn't rhyme unfortunately, it's just weather descriptions 'too rainy, too sunny..' Anyways, when he discovers it works he is extremely happy. It's Stingy's turn to be the Snow Monster, and he says no-one can catch him. Then someone catches him.
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Too soon. Sportacus flippity flops into the game to see what they're doing and they explain everything to him. Stephanie asks him what his favourite thing to do as a kid in the snow was, and he says it was building a snowman. They do so while performing 'Snow, Give Me Snow'. Then once they finish he goes back to the airship. Anyways, for some reason Pixel thinks they need some tunes so he goes to get his solar-powered boombox which is stupid because it's SNOWING. Anyways, the kids go in the fort, thus bringing us some funny dialogue. Ziggy says he wishes he could have a fort all year long, Trixie says it'd melt and become water, Ziggy says he'd just make it a water fort and Stingy says it would melt. While they're all having fun, the party diarrhea-er Robbie comes out the shell.
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As he falls down climbing over the wall, the kids hear him and wonder what it is. Stephanie goes outside to check what it was and she sees a 'The LazyTown Snow Monster' as she said at the beginning of the episode. Robbie says that was great after Stephanie hides in the igloo. Trixie wants to catch the Snow Monster, but Stingy says they need a bigger net. Then Stephanie decides a way to stop a SNOW monster is by throwing SNOWballs at him. ???? They think it's a good plan but the Snow Monster falls off the chair (I genuinely chuckled) so they can't put it in action.
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Meanwhile, Milford is on the field and he sees the igloo and decides to check it out. But the kids have their snowballs in their hands at they aim at the guy who runs the town. It takes them SIX SECONDS to figure out it's not a snow monster.
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He tells them that there is nothing to be scared of and they should come out. He tells them if there was a real snow monster there would be footprints. And the footprints he are talking about pop up TWICE. Then Milford has a nice surprise. He just needs to turn around. Which he does. And he screams. And he runs into his house and so do all the kids. Trixie decides to look out the window for the monster, Milford decides to lock the doors and Ziggy decides to run to Milford asking how much candy he has because apparently 'we need supplies until summer'.
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Anyways, Stephanie devises a plan (Julianna's acting is AMAZING in this episode.) - Ziggy wears the extremely terrifying white hat & jumps onto Milford's back. Stephanie covers them with a white sheet. This is supposed to apparently scare the Snow Monster away.
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Then they go outside, struggling to move. Trixie & Stingy are doubting the plan. And the two falling is the LAST STRAW for Trixie so she decides to go outside. Stingy asks to have her toys if she gets eaten. If I was Steph, I'd smack him. Anyways, when Robbie sees Trixie he starts to hide. When Trixie's close to him, he keeps on moving and falling down so that she can't find him. So if Trixie follows the sound he won't even be there, until Robbie decides to lie down until she comes. When she finds him she isn't so brave anymore.
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She runs and hides behind a tree. Meanwhile, at Milford's house, Stephanie and Stingy are convinced they're fine. Trixie is still hiding and Ziggy/Milford are still trying to scare away Robbie. Robbie is scared of them. They are scared of Robbie. Pixel has finally got the boombox (weren't you away for like ten minutes? slowpoke) but he doesn't know where they are. So while he is looking around he spots the Snow Monster behind him. Meanwhile, Trixie has literally CLIMBED THE TREE BRANCH and it's about to fall.
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Sportacus' crystal beeps, and it's seemed to be taking him the whole episode to get back to the airship. Anyways, he sees Milford and Ziggy and says 'A snow monster scaring the kids away! This is serious.' He flips his way over to Trixie. As he jumps over a wall, he calls for a snowboard and skis over to Trixie, catching her after she falls.
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Trixie notices and tells Sportacus the snow monster is getting away, so he decides to throw a snowball at the sign, whacking Milford's gyatt (why did I type this), and he falls over. Sportacus unveils the snow monster. Trixie tells him that's not the snow monster he saw, and then Robbie shows up.
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Robbie runs into the frozen lake and falls in. He grabs onto the sign and Sportacus gets the skutla. He attaches the hook to the sign and lifts him up. He drops him right outside Milford's house, where the head of the disguise falls off, and everyone knows it's him. His response? He admits it's cold, and he goes back to the lair. They sing Bing Bang. Back in the lair, Robbie is so cold, he's covering himself with two towels, putting one of those squishy bottles you put warm water on on his head, and his feet in BOILED WATER. He notices there's a fish inside his shirt somehow and takes it out.
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7.5/10 - It was better then the last Christmas special and acting was good.
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laughtosmilex · 2 years
rating tvd characters because i’m out here struggling with this show (up to s5)
for context: i’ve had this love-hate relationship with tvd since i was 12. now that i’m grown and not blinded by insignificant storylines and attractive 30-year-olds playing teenager roles, i’m rewatching and struggling. and i’m taking y’all with me.
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elena gilbert, 1/10
- banal
- whiny
- bad acting, got like two facial expressions
- annoying
- tries to be cool and tough, but to me she’s just cringe 99% of the time
- i don’t give her 0 just because she’s rarely funny and active (= not being a damsel in distress or a living ingredient for some witchcraft shit)
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stefan salvatore, 7,5/10
- boyfriend material
- love s1 stefan
- kind and caring, excluding the ripper personality
- comes up with good plans
- a lot of different phases of life, maybe too many
- transformative arch’s a bit confusing (up to this point), like one step forward and two steps back
- sometimes i feel like punching him in the face
- still i have a soft spot for him
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damon salvatore, 5,5/10
- king of bad decisions
- ridiculously down bad (relatable)
- comes up with either shit plans or excellent plans that resolve in the worst way possible
- funny and charismatic, but very moody
- cinic to say the least
- he doesn’t sit right with me, i don’t hate him tho
- still very iconic
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caroline forbes, <3/10
- cute
- kind
- witty
- adorable
- does everything for her loved ones
- her smile lights up the world
- the show did her dirty since episode 1
- she owns my heart
- i can make you happy, caroline, i swear
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bonnie bennett, 10/10
- underrated
- powerful af
- brave
- strong
- selfless
- the show did her dirtier than caroline
- always sacrificing everything for other people
- i love witches in tvd
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katherine pierce/katerina petrova, 4/10
- stereotypical
- manipulative
- annoying
- selfish
- her favourite singer would probably be ariana grande or something like that
- but she got flaws too
- she’s funny tho
- i like her at times, rare times
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(ni)klaus mikaelson, 7/10
- i would’ve given 10/10 when i was younger, but i have to rethink about that
- psychopath
- his whole family stuff is just creepy and somewhat nonsense
- “man, i love my family. what did you say, brother? i have to do the dishes?” *stabs you and puts you in a casket for 900 years*
- curb your millenary creature flirting with a 17-year-old
- pros: powerful, fascinating, charming, poetic, british accent
- i wish i could hear him call me “love”, just for once
- hybrid (they’re cool)
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matt donovan, 2/10
- give me a chair, because i can’t stand you
- if “i won last place” was a person
- he’s just boring and very mean at times
- i’m sorry that his life sucks so bad tho
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tyler lockwood, 4,5/10
- s1 tyler was asking to be kicked in the balls
- totally unbearable
- however his character grew so much and i’m glad
- i know i said hybrids are cool, but i liked him better when he was just a werewolf
- he went back to being intolerable when he was sired to klaus, but it wasn’t entirely his fault
- i’m mixed on this
- nah, he broke caroline’s heart, so fuck him
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jeremy gilbert, 9/10
- let’s ignore s1 jeremy, shall we?
- from emo teen to kick ass hunter
- lovely
- strong
- brave
- i can’t help being drawn to him every time he’s in a scene
- i don’t have anything else to say, i like him, period
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
People come up with the most ridiculous shit for the sake of hating on Elena. Klaus and Kol are the reason Kol had to die. I know some fans like to pretend Elena willingly killed him because she was desperate to get the cure, but no.
What happens when fans put all their focus on the sire bond and no mind on what Stefan flat-out told Caroline. He couldn’t give up on the cure even if he wanted to. Klaus wouldn’t let him. They literally got stuck between two Originals. Klaus was forcing them to continue, Kol was forcing them to stop. 
Getting stuck between two Originals forced them to kill one of them. Kol was the obvious answer because everyone is of Klaus’ bloodline. Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Elena, Tyler, and Abby all would’ve died had they chosen to kill Klaus and stopped their search for the cure. 
Elena made a tough call, Kol only made it easier for her because he began threatening people she cares about. He went after Jeremy and Bonnie. Kol's arrogance got him killed. He underestimated Jeremy and Elena because that’s what Originals do... they underestimate vampires. 
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becomingpart2 · 2 years
why do you think cordy ended up being such a better character than caroline? they’re both mean girl characters but i like cordy way better (though i hate c*ngel)
Ohh that is an interesting question. My first instinct is to go with an obvious answer that we usually don't like acknowledging: bias. At least for me I know that played a huge factor. I have no real explanation for why I like certain mean girl characters more than others. Characters like Cordelia, Ruby Mathews from Sex Education or even Jackie from Yellowjackets are all popular mean girls (some more than others) that can grab my interest while others like Regina George invoke PTSD-like responses in me lmao
This ended up being huge so...
Speaking about those two characters in particular, Cordelia and Caroline are similar characters that occupied similar positions in their respective narratives. They also have similar personalities but while both of them are "vain" and have no filter, I think Caroline was always more "vulnerable" and "whiny" than Cordelia. Cordelia didn't show her vulnerability very often; when she did, we viewers were the only ones privy to it. She also didn't put her "failings" on anyone's account, the times she did accuse anyone, it was often Buffy, but those accusations were always so ridiculous that it was hard to take it seriously. I don't think they were ever to be taken seriously. And that's one of the things that made her more "palatable", imo, the obvious humorous tone in the way she acted and the things she said. I know people that do take her seriously and don't like her for those very reasons but honestly I never could. I think those things made her a fun character to have around.
Caroline, on the other hand, was meant to be taken seriously at least to some extent. We were supposed to empathize with her struggles living in Elena's shadow. So I think that's one of the main differences between them that could make people like one more than the other.
Even after both of them become "rehabilitated" by their narratives, I can still see Cordelia taking a more independent, leadership role in ATS; she often challanged Angel's ideas, she fought for respect when she felt she wasn't getting much from him, and she basically had her own life separated from him. When cangel started being a thing, there wasn't any manipulative 'uwu poor me' tactics from any party to get with the other, which is a big thing for me.
Caroline's independent phase didn't last longer than S3. Her character became very man-focused after that: a Stefan cheerleader in S4; then she was possessive and jealous of him when they weren't even a thing in S5; then there was the whole manipulative, guilt-tripping story in S6*. Her story with Klaus also didn't help her image and made her look like a big hypocrite in relation to everything she stood for and relentlessly preached (not to mention how unfair she was to Tyler through it all). It didn't help that both fandom and show seem to hold her to such a high level, almost as the protagonist of the show who could do no wrong while the actual protagonist was so relegated and shitted on.
One thing one could say Caroline had over Cordelia is that she got to be a more complicated (?), successful (??) character in the end. Cordelia suffered a lot from the misogyny in ATS, while Caroline kinda thrived on it.
But ANYWAY lol I think those are a few reasons that make Cordelia be a much more likeable character to me. Some of these are flat-out my own bias, some others have some canon justification (but still, rely on my bias in some extent) lol
*I didn't watch S7 or S8, so I can't speak for those.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
for the valentine ask meme: tvd #2, general: #8, 14, 30
2. Is there a ship you didn't like at first but ultimately started shipping? Bamon. I’ve written about it here
8. Your oldest ship; the one you've shipped for the longest time? Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Probably my first ship ever
14. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom? Forwood! They have their flaws but most of the arguments against them are ridiculous.
30. Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom? Stelena! Not all of them, I do have some amazing se mutuals that I love but it’s just the ones that put more blame on Elena in that relationship that bug me. Sure, Elena wasn’t perfect but personally I feel like they BOTH made mistakes in that relationship. Tho I’d argue that in se, Stefan was worse to elena rather than vice versa
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userlaylivia · 2 years
glad to find someone who don't like klaroline like me, most of the stans on this ship are so delusional, they act like they have like an epic love story, and are always trying hard to prove how they loved each other lol some are ridiculous, half a dozen lines that didn't have development and they already think it's an argument for something
hiiiii <3 yeah they are my most hated couple and watching them in s3-4 +5x11 and S5 of the originals was horrible for me!! if klaroline we're in love then people don't know what love is!! she said she hated him numerous times and just because she tried seeing good in him and slept with him doesn't mean she loved him lol she loved matt, she loved tyler, she loved stefan she NEVER loved klaus and imo his whole thing for her was obsession not love! he loved cami and even though it wasn't romantically he did love hayley as a friend and co parent to hope and family he didn't love caroline idgaf what they say lol if that's what they believe love is then they need a refresher course! their whole relationship was based on manipulation, candice herself said this! they had no development at all idc what they believe! also really tired of kc shippers saying I ship delena so I have to ship klaroline JUST NO!!!! they are two different ships!! damon ACTUALLY changed because elena believe in him and inspired him and he actually loved her and they had development and buildup! I don't have to ship anything lol just because I love one love/hate ship on tvdverse doesn't mean I have to ship kc just no!! sorry this was long lol
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My Rants about the 90s TV show Family Matters
I've recently just watched the entire sitcom "Family Matters" & I'm amazed (in a bad way) that when many of us, including myself, absolutely hate Laura, we r immediately referred to as "Myra Stans", but no honey. I haven't seen that many people talk about Laura's BS as much as they love to talk about Myra's red flags and now i just want to get it out of my chest.
I'm by no means what you would call a "Myra Stan" but i hate Laura from the bottom of my heart. Let me tell the reasons why. Many r too blind to see that this biatch is getting away by cheating on Stefan several times. When was cheating ok? And her excuse, u ask? Well, she said that she's confused and got feelings for both Stefan and Steve but is that a good reason to cheat? Absolutely effing not! There's never a good excuse for cheating and leading someone on. She's as horrible as her cheating brother. I thought she was a "goody two shoes", just like her dumb friends turn her out to be, at the beginning, that is. But all that changed, ever since i saw her begging Steve to be Stefan, as far as to ruin his transformation chamber, intentionally, so that Stefan could stay forever. She's shallow, conceited, selfish, fake victim and a gold digger. Why you ask she's a gold digger? Well, she once made a certain comment about how she would marry a guy who would buy her expensive jewelries.
Anyways, this show is my favorite and i admire the good lessons, humors, accepting yourself and loving urself as u r, wholesomeness but many things tried to sabotage this show a lot. I care about this show enough to actually criticize it . 🙂
Some examples include:
1) Harriet being played by a different actress right near the end of the series (believe me, it was so uncomfortable and weird for me to watch Carl kiss and hug a different woman that doesn't even look like harriet at all, even Reginald, Carl's actor, admitted that he felt weird and divorced),
2) then the writers actually took us, the audience, as a total fool, for thinking that we wouldn't notice that Judy disappeared (first, u bring one judy and then replace her with a different actress right after the first episode, but still that was fine by me, since it was only 1 pilot episode and we didn't get attached to that actress like Harriet or anything),
3) then you make richie be a toddler all of a sudden right after season 1 (which feels ridiculous). I know babies feel boring for the show but y bring a baby in the first place then.
4) then u show us Rachel being with one man for one episode and feeling guilty about dating ever since her husband died but again, like any typical sitcom, u make her date multiple guys from time to time without giving any logical explanation as to y did she break up with the first guy or the second, third, fourth and so on (Rachel did seem to have some chemistry with some of those guys too but every one of those guys appeared for only 1 episode ).
5) Next, you make Harriet's long lost dad appear for 1 episode and that's just it. Nobody ever felt the need to introduce him to the whole family or something, of course (and the show is supposed to be showing that family matters 🤦🏻‍♀️).
6) Eventually, u made everybody disappear (although Rachel and grandma appeared occasionally) and bring an annoying boring ass wannabe kid called 3J. Oh for the love of god, please 🙄😒. U removed judy, fired her because u couldn't have given her any sort of significant role and u thought that three's a crowd but yet u managed to add another male kid? It seems sexist to me, honestly, cuz apparently, all i saw was those stereotypical girls (Laura, Maxine )who r boy crazies, would be fine sucking any boy's lips, Maxine being that typical sitcom sidekick friend of the main character, having an obsessive stalker like myra and other than that, u had no idea of how to write that many female teens. It was either because u were stereotyping female teen characters or you were ignorant and lazy or u just didn't like judy at all to give her a different, non boy crazy role. On the contrary, look at how they made many male teen characters, there r a variety like Waldo (being a doofus yet skilled), Weasel, Eddie (being self centered, flirtatious and stupid), Steve (a nerd scientist) and so many more.
7) Also, they never gave any proper explanation as to y did Rachel left her son and went away, or y did Judy disappear (in my opinion, it would have been amazing if judy was kidnapped in s4 for being a cop's daughter and it was a real tragedy for the winslows but in S9, carl manages to finally find her and that would have been a way more amazing way to end the final season rather than that trash getting proposed by 2 guys). You never even seemed to give a proper excuse as to y did Waldo disappear. Ur just too good at making characters vanish from time to time. And yes, I absolutely despise 3j. He had no purpose in being there. It was stupid and annoying.
8) Did I forget to mention that how you ruined Steve character? And no, it's not because Steve became the main character but because of how he treated Myra. Hear me out. He did say at the beginning that if that "thing" ever feels the same way about him, then he's gonna ditch Myra, right at that moment. But, what type of a selfish, cold hearted absurd offer is that? It's like ur saying that I'm just gonna hang out with u, kiss u up until my crush loves me back cuz I'm lonely but if my crush ever return my feelings then I'm gonna ditch u right there, right then. And yes, Myra was insane enough to agree to that but deep down she thought that she could change his mind, which is not okay as well.
You see, it's not just that "offer" or "condition" that Steve offered but he was a cheater as well. Ugh. He was a cheater because he said that if his crush feels the same way, then he's gonna stop dating Myra right? But Steve was cheating way before his so called crush liked him back and he was already taken by Myra. In the prom, he was kissed by that snob and instead of pushing her away, he actually accepted it (even if that's ur crush kissing u, it was cheating nevertheless). It seemed like the writers had a fetish of putting Laura and Steve into compromising or any sort of situations together while make Myra have almost zero romantic moments with Steve where they r both enjoying each other's companion, mutually. Most of the moments we have from Steve and Myra r where Myra forcefully shoves her face down to Steve's throat, lol.
I could tell this right from season 1, that the writers decided to put Laura and Steve together as a couple no matter what (based on all the situations they were enjoying putting them into). You would have to be a dumbass if u actually got shocked that Laura liked Steve or something cuz certainly although there was no romantic tension between them but the forceful situations that they got themselves into was enough to make that happen.
Anyways, Laura kissed Steve while she was under the influence of love potion, alcohol but did he ever said anything about being taken by Myra or being faithful? Well, no, absolutely effing not. He also got kissed by that french girl but even then he didn't push her away and he literally forgot Myra's name. Ouch. All I'm saying is this series highlights many issues on the surface but has a serious problem of normalizing infidelity.
We r supposed to be believing that Steve is not perfect but has a heart of gold but how can we do such when we have seen him break multiple stuff, and isn't that much sincerely apologetic or anything, for most of the time, then even more importantly, being a cheater. Remember, once Steve was dating another girl, back in season 2, well, what did he do that time? That time, instead of being disloyal, he introduced the girl to some hot guy and then the girl left him. Well that's way more better than the way he treated Myra who was so much into him for himself, his personality, attire and Hobbies. Plus, he was so manipulative cuz everytime he broke something, screwed up, instead of properly apologizing and being humble, he would just use some sad pitiful words with the cute puppy eyes and expect the Winslows to forgive him, everytime and if they (Carl) didn't then he would often challenge Carl to a fight or something. And also, Steve was a hypocrite for being pissed at Myra while he himself stalked the Winslows for so many years, even as far as to go in their bedrooms! (and I'm aware that Myra was a bit more extra, didn't respect his personal boundaries but still, he was a stalker too but it's ok for him to do such since apparently he was a main character. ) Ok, well, enough about Steve.
9) Now, the tramp, Laura. Well, what can I say. I just don't know that what did Steve see in her. She's so basic, manipulative little piece of shit. I don't usually hate characters that much to actually write about my hatred on the internet but gosh she makes me sick. Now she was ok in s1, s2 and I still didn't like her at that time but I also didn't hate her but then I started to hate her ever since the Stefan thing happened. She's pathetic. Her character got ruined as well, thanks to the writers.
You see, I lost my patience when I saw her cheating on Stefan with Curtis while Stefan was working and her telling Harriet that she's not gonna be hurt for being a slut and cheating on 2 guys. Like really? That's the first thing that comes to ur mind? Sorry sis, but ur sick. It would have still been fine if u were a kid but no u were about 18 or 19 years old. Steve went through so much to give u a boy toy but u can't even be faithful to him and then all you can think of when being confronted is that u r not gonna be hurt. Talk about falsely victimizing urself. And the fact that she even said yes to Stefan's proposal at Disney world (that may have happened when she was a teen) but the least u could do is be faithful if ur not gonna actually marry him, duh.
She broke up with Ted cuz he complimented/ flirted with another girl. And that's cheating in her eyes. Well then what was she doing with Curtis, Stefan and Steve? And also why didn't she get the karma of being confronted and y didn't every boy that she ever used just ditch her right at the spot? Talk about hypocrisy and main character pros.
Also, she wasn't just a cheating slut but also a very bad friend. She often treated Maxine like trash even though Maxine treated her so good. Once Maxine warned her about a guy who only dates girls for sex and Maxine, herself, dated that guy, once. Yet that conniving bitch didn't bother to believe her, brushed her aside, made her feel like she's nuts, didn't care about her feelings and then saw it happen right then. I mean, it happened in s2. Imagine how mature Maxine was for that age of not being jealous of ur so called best friend dating ur ex and instead give her advice for her wellbeing. And what does this bitch do as an adult? She fights with Maxine cuz Maxine was dating her ex boy toy, Curtis, ridicules Maxine's ambition of being a beautician. Again, an egoistic hypocrite. Also remember how many times, she told Myra that she's her friend, well, which "friend" makes out with their friend's boyfriend while they are still dating each other? She also assured Myra that she's never gonna have romantic feelings for Steve, but lookie here. Not only did she have feelings but she made Steve break up with Myra. Not defending what Myra did, but her fear of losing Steve and going through extreme measures to make sure that it doesn't happen was really reasonable and understandable, especially when Steve started to live with that bitch and everything. I can't blame Myra for being so insecure cuz guess what, eventually, her fears did come true, unfortunately when she was not even being a psycho (back in the prom) and behind her back. 😢
Laura may have good sides (like the times, she stood up for Steve, being patient with Steve although he was being an obsessive stalker, help Maxine once when she was dating a drug dealer in s9) but it's as the saying goes " everybody has some good traits". So, she may had those good traits but that didn't make her an overall good person. Also about the drug dealing bf, I think the writers were just running out of ideas and that's y they thought of repeating that same type of plot from s2 (where Maxine warns about the guy who dates girls for sex) with boring lame S9 (where Laura warns Maxine about an older dude who sells drugs).
10) now about Eddie Winslow. Well, he, like many other characters didn't have that much of a character development. He was always selfish, shallow, surrounded himself with any random pretty girls, had no sense of loyalty or self awareness whatsoever, always got himself into some big troubles for how much stupid and naive he was, was very easy to manipulate and couldn't make time for his dad, many times, apparently cuz of how much "busy" he was despite being a weak student. I got nothing to say about him except him wanting to be a police officer was so fuckin forced. There was no development for that interest whatsoever. Once, back in s1 or s2, Carl decided to take Eddie with him and show him how police force works or something like that. But he didn't go. It was Steve as usual who went (I also felt like the writers wanted to make Carl be close to Steve than his own freaking THREE kids!). Well that's the only thing we know of Eddie ever being close to be a cop and he wasn't interested at all.
When he said that he didn't know what he wants to do with life, in s9, it felt so relatable for me. I also don't have any goals, am 20 years old, still going to boring college, not performing well as I did back in O levels, and have no friends or anything. So for me, it was a slap in the the face when I saw Eddie suddenly thinking that he's gonna be a cop just by thinking about it for 1 night. And the fact that he just started being a cop and yet got shot immediately cuz apparently the fake Harriet was scared that he might get hurt.
All I'm trying to say is that whenever someone warns someone else about something in this series, it just literally actually happens to them right after a few minutes which makes it boring and very predictable.
11) whatever happened to Rachel's place and Steve and Laura working there? It Was never answered. Whatever happened to lieutenant murtaugh? He was a funny good looking guy, in my eyes. I missed him so bad ever since he left and Weasle. Lieutenant was way better than that boring old captain savage or that other old dude, commissioner. Another thing was, Carl was never developed as a character as well. He was always hot tempered, which is ok but also sexist and it remained that way till s9, like come on. Also what happened to Stefan after he proposed that bitch for the second time? Like where did he go without proper confrontation?
12) Stefan character was so boring. I wish we didn't see him at all or if we did, then we saw him only once and not that many times cuz it took all the amusement of watching a nerd turn into a hot guy. We should also note that Stefan, like any other humans, do have flaws, so saying that he's selfish and that's y whatever that bitch Laura did to him was ok is actually never ok. He deserved someone way better than that trainwreck. Also, remember that Stefan is not a normal human but a clone of Steve, an experiment and so he's supposed to be having way more flaws than a normal person but alas, we saw none of that.
All we know is that he was self centered at first but then Steve fixed him and then he just became a one dimensional character who can only sweet talk people, do cool stunts, recite romantic poems and overall be a lover boy. He could be narcissistic or even be a womanizer and cheat on Laura's back while he was modelling. He could also be workaholic but we barely saw any flaws ever since Steve "fixed" him. He did say though that he's not gonna leave Laura ever again after coming back to her (although it was her who insisted that he pursues his career) from France and being fired from his job but yet he went to Italy. See, I really hate inconsistencies. So, that lie is supposed to be his flaw or was making a simple deal with Myra was his flaw? Who knows. But I definitely am not fond of this character, however, I don't hate him and he certainly didn't deserve all that.
13) Myra didn't deserve that treatment but she wasn't a good girl either. She was infact a psycho and I'm not defending any of these female characters. I only love Harriet, Estelle and Rachel (gotta love Rachel's beautiful voice).
Look, I have to give credit where it is due. So, I give it to the writers for showing us the early red flags that Myra had from the very beginning which eventually led up to the events in s9. But still I feel like things were a bit blown out of proportion or got far fetched.
She did have stalking behavior developing as she got older but we also saw that she was trying to befriend Laura and got stabbed in the back. Laura and Steve kissed multiple times but did she know anything about it. Absolutely no. They never told her anything. Two cheaters flocking together. Steve was kissed by a french girl without his consent but he enjoyed it and accepted it and forgot about Myra. Well, did he ever told that story to myra? Absolutely fuckin not. No wonder she went psycho and put a cam on his glasses. Her sudden extreme personality seemed like an exaggeration, even more, since she started to trust Steve and be a bit more less of a stalker ever since that nude art incident. But yeah, that girl got no self respect since she accepted the condition for dating Steve even though she was obviously not ok with it. I would have loved it if at the end Myra and Stefan dated each other or something.
14) last but not least, this series highlights many important issues like drinking, drugs, gang, gambling, racial issues, coercion, peer pressure and so many other stuff but it also portrayed many harmful stuff in a positive way.
For starters, one of them being, you stalking ur crush and helping them would mean that even if it takes years, still they r gonna fall for you. That's a very harmful message. In reality, most of the time, nobody's crush r gonna return their feelings. You trying too hard to impress them, be on their best side is either going to end up with you being used and taken advantage of and being hurt or you being miserable since ur crush barely know that u even exist and r in love with someone else.
I would have loved it if this happened: if Steve was just single at the end of the series. He dumps Myra for being obsessive psycho and maybe that other bitch Laura may come back crawling to Steve but by that time, Steve had already moved on. He was happy being single and he wants nothing to do with Myra and just be friends with Laura. Nothing more than that. Steve realizes that he's too good to love and take someone who rejected him for years and only came back because they got no better boy toy. Steve realizes his worth, he self improves himself not for being more desirable by women but just for himself. He also never cheated on any women he dated, which was mostly one woman and that's Myra. I've seen many say that Myra should have Steve since she accepts him as his true self but she also didn't allow him to breathe, so I don't think accepting someone for themselves is everything that matters.
Another thing I hated and didn't find funny at all was how Steve's parents treated him. We don't see them, again a common thing that happens to certain characters in any sitcoms, but they did abuse him, left him all alone and then we hear a stupid laughing track everytime he mentions something awful that his parents did to him.
All in all, I really loved Steve, at least at the beginning but after seeing him being disloyal but not held accountable in any form, I don't know anymore. I wanted to love him. He's too funny and cute but writers destroyed him and made him whiny and annoying. I hate the writers so much for these drastic changes and decisions. The ratings decreased for a reason. It was their lazy ass's faults. Not jaleel white's or any other actors' fault for that Matter. Jaleel white pulled out so many characters in 1 series and made it seem effortless. I love that guy. He's super talented and I love Jo Marie's sassiness and that savage strong voice. All the actors and actresses did a wonderful job. But not the producers, writers, studios, whatever. I blame them for creating tension between jaleel and other cast mates and the declination of the plot. I, myself came up with Many interesting things that they could do for s9, so obviously they could as well, if not better but they didn't care enough to do such. They really didn't seem to give a fuck about the audience anyways. Since they were ignorant, they could simply stop and end the series while it was still in it's prime like end it after s6 or s7. Anyhow, I just felt like ranting cuz I love this series (at least the first 8 seasons) but not that many characters in it and mainly because I hate inconsistencies and all.
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astharoshebarvon · 6 months
I was seeing Vampire diaries season 1 and 2 cause I never really bothered with it before and i was bored. and wow. Damon was so so horrid, I dont understand why people wanted the girl with him. then again elena turned into right garbage in 3/4 seasons. the rotten element was present from beginning but there were times she was good with Stefan. i felt sorry for stefan. imagine having such a shit brother and a shittier girlfriend.
no wonder they killed him off. he was better of that way, because caroline was another rotten character. she and klaus deserved each other cause they were both gross. even tyler. this series can have a competition on who is the worst. pretty sure only stefan, bonnie and matt will not top the list. there was also that very off putting thing going on with school kids with cougars, like seriously? ew.
when i first saw this show i  felt the same and still i feel that mere minutes of silas and amara portrayed more love and affection between two people than whatever delena was or any other couple in this series. all characters were bad but some were way way too gross. matt, bonnie and stefan were at least a bit decent. others, no way.
elijah was good but turned into right freak with that hayley crap. honestly, they all deserved to be alone and die cause they were that horrible. i am glad i was never much invested in this show. it was just bad with villains getting happy endings.  The way this show creator’s killed off hayley’s husband, didn’t let silas and amara be happy even in death. We got it, you hate stelena and actual decent people.
say what you want, at least twilight gave the good guy happy ending. edward was weird that one time but he deserved his HEA. Not to mention the twilight shade going on in it. Why? Hell, a lot of stuff was copied from twilight. Please, shut up.
then people say dont dislike female characters. well, if they are trash like this they will be disliked and ridiculed.  
I actually laughed at elena’s words to Stefan. That she loves him, it will always be him. Always, its only them. Where the hell did those feelings go?
Is this show from where people took inspiration and wrote in their stories same phrases then showing one half of ship waxing poetic about third wheel, telling proudly how many people they slept with, hell in some cases had kids with others, belittle their supposed love, the other half.
Then say in end, its always you.
No, that is not how it works. It really isn’t.
 Not gonna deny, I liked when she told daemon off in those few good scenes of the first two seasons.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Klaus mikaelson x reader - pride aside
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A/N: this is based on a dream I had last night ngl but like I changed it a bit
Seeing everyone at the ball dancing and laughing was great, but it hurt you a little bit.
Sitting on the stairs, you sighed softly and leant back on your hands as you tilted your head up to look at the sky instead.
“Not one for dancing?” A smooth voice asked.
You looked to your side to see Klaus stood there with some random girl attached to his arm.
“No one to dance with.” You shrugged.
“Come on now, I’m sure there’s a guy who’s just as lonely.”
With that, he smiled and walked away and you clenched your jaw in frustration.
That hurt, deeply. Is that how he saw you? Lonely?
Is that how everyone saw you? Just the lonely person that couldn’t find a date to a stupid ball you’d been waiting to attend since last year?
You only came back so you could help Bonnie practice some new spells, it’s the only reason you came to mystic falls again. You were happy at your families home a few states over.
Getting up, you made your way to the main doors and you slipped out and headed back home to throw on some more comfortable clothes and went straight to bed.
The next day, you were met with knocking on your door, so, with a small sigh of you walked over and unlocked it, letting everyone trickle in.
“When did you get home?” Damon asked, “I was supposed to bring you back.”
“Yeah, I left early.” You smiled.
“Are you okay?” Caroline frowned.
You nodded and smiled a little more, trying to force it as much as possible.
“Yeah, I was just tired was all.”
“She was sad and lonely.” Klaus mused.
You glared at him.
“Leave her alone Niklaus.” Elijah sighed.
“It’s true though, right love? You were lonely because no one wanted to dance with you.”
“Klaus!” Stefan snapped.
They bickered for a few moments and you decided to just ignore them.
“Oh come on! No one was desperate enough to ask her to dance! That’s why she left!” Klaus snapped.
And you snapped.
Raising your hand, you pinned him to the wall.
“(Y/N)!” Jeremy yelled.
You raised your other hand, gesturing for them all to be quiet as you locked eyes with the original hybrid.
“You know what Klaus, I’ve tried! I have tried to be nice, tried to be patient and understanding with you while all of this shit is going down. I have tried to protect you and Elijah as well as everyone else so you can all bring down the stupid ass witch that’s trying to destroy this whole place! But I’ve had enough!”
You swiped your hand to the side and sent in flying into some furniture.
“I have tried time and time again with you! And I’m done! I’m sick and tired of all of this, being ridiculed because unlike everyone else I don’t have anyone by my side to protect me! Because the one person I want to protect me is a pretentious dickhead who only cares about himself!”
You stared at him, and his hands covered his ears as he groaned in pain and no one dared to stop you.
“I’m done with you Klaus Mikaelson, and you know what? You’re going to die alone because you clearly can’t tell when someone loves you! At least I’ll be able to find someone unlike you.” You snarled.
Grabbing your car keys you made a gesture with you hands and a light blue barrier appeared in front of the doorway, blocking them all in.
“I can’t believe I was stupid enough to fall in love with you. I hope you get staked.”
Everyone begged you to let them go and you shook your head.
“It’ll fade in a few hours, don’t follow me.”
With that, you left and sped away from the town with fury burning through your veins and sadness dee0 within your soul.
How you even fell for him was beyond you but you hated it, you wanted to just go back and move on, find someone knew who would actually love you and care for you.
You were going to go home, and forget all about mystic falls.
You were done with that place and the memories it had.
Racing down a background, you mumbled out a spell and watched as a portal appeared in the middle of the road and you drove through it, driving up a dirt driveway.
Parking your car, you got out and walked up to the large house, kneeling in front of your porch you placed a hand on the ground and whispered a spell.
To stop them from being able to track you.
Then you whispered out another, watching as blue borders appeared around the edge of the place.
Any humans who didn’t know about the supernatural would just appear on the other side, and that do know or any supernaturals won’t be able to get in without your explicit permission.
With that, you walked inside.
“Back so soon?” You dad asked.
“I’m done with that place.”
“Is that why you warded the place?” Your mom asked, arms crossed over her chest.
You looked up at her and gave a small shrug.
“I’m taking precautions. I don’t want them to come near or find this place.”
“What happened?” You dad sighed.
You simply shook your head at them and went upstairs, hoping a bath would help erase some of the stress from the day.
For the next week your phone was blowing up with texts and calls, but the only person you would respond to was Bonnie, since you had a promise to keep.
Sitting on the front steps, you had your laptop on your lap as you spoke with her.
“Spells aren’t always about the words bonnie, you can still practice magic without reciting like you know. It’s not about who’s been doing it the longest, it’s about willpower. As long as you’re willing to protect, nature will provide.”
“We need the barrier spell you use, it’s the only way we can trap her.”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“Bonnie.. that’s a spell my family created years ago to trap vampires.”
“Will it work for other witches?”
“It worked on you right?” You smirked slightly.
She laughed and nodded her head.
“I’ll teach it to you, but I’ll need you to come here.”
“And where is here?” She asked.
“Simple, turn around.”
You hung up and stood up, making your way down the steps, you opened a portal and waved her through it.
She was unsure at first but she slowly stepped through in amazement.
“Another spell my family made. But it can only be open for a few seconds.”
“Why?” She asked.
You closed it and turned to her.
“Essentially we’re cutting a hole in time and space, allowing us to move from one place to another. We can open it as often as we want, but we can’t have it open too long otherwise we’ll loose control.”
“Is thag how you got here so fast? Where is here?”
“In the middle of nowhere lovely, everything here is run by magic.” Your mom smiled.
She greeted Bonnie with a hug and handed you the family grimour.
“Teach her everything she needs.”
“Of course mom.”
“We’re heading out on business, but you know what to do.” Your dad smiled.
Nodded, you waved them off and you got to work.
Over the following week you had Bonnie practice trying to break out the barrier you put around her, but she couldn’t even crack it.
“It’s all about having nature on your side, you try.”
Bonnie recited the spell, a barrier appeared around you, and she smiled happily.
You gave a light knock on it and hummed with a small hug.
“Quite sturdy, I think you’ll be able to trap her.”
“I just need to keep practicing, right?”
“How do I bring it down?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.”
Placing your hand on it, it shattered and you beamed and it.
That’s when you felt it, a disturbance at the far end of the one you set up, and you turned in its direction.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Someone is here.”
“Want me to come?”
“Yes please, I may need your help.”
Opening a portal, you both jogged through and down the hill to the end of the barrier, but as you got closer you could see who it was and all you did was sigh.
“Klaus?” Bonnie asked.
His head shot up.
“Leave this place. I don’t know how you found it but you’re not invited.”
“Not until we talk.” He said.
“We’ve got nothing to talk about.”
“I’ll stay here if I have to, but I’m not leaving until we talk.”
“Bonnie you can head back, remember what I taught you?”
“Yeah. I’ll get dinner ready.”
Smiling thanks, you waited for her to leave before turning back to the hybrid.
You walked over and stood right in front of him, arms crossed over your chest.
“What do you want?”
He stepped back and held out his hand with a small smile on his lips.
“Dance with me?” He asked.
“Excuse me?”
“Dance with me.” He repeated.
“I thought no one was desperate enough to ask.” You snapped.
He flinched back slightly and sighed, letting his hand fall back to his head.
“No one is. But I am.”
“You’re desperate?”
“Yes. In fact, I’m desperate for you love. I want you, actually, rather, I need you. So no one may be desperate enough to ask, but I’m glad they’re not, since I’m desperate and perhaps foolish enough to ask after what I ask and did to you.”
“You’re right, you are foolish. Get away from my house.”
You started to walk away.
“What can I do to prove it?” He called.
You scoffed.
“Maybe if you got on your knees and beg mikaelson.”
His pride and ego was too big to let him to that. You were waiting for some sarky comment or an angry remark.
“If that’s what it takes.”
In shock, you turned around.
His eyes locked with yours as he slowly got down on his knees, hands in his lap as he stared at you.
“Here I kneel, my pride aside, for you. So I can tell you that I do in fact love you, but I wasn’t aware you felt the same, I didn’t want you to get hurt, and in the process I hurt you, and I never meant to. I will stay here all night if you wanted me to. If you told me to stay here I would, if you told me to walk to the ends of the earth for you I would.”
You were speechless, you didn’t think he’d actually get on his knees, you didn’t think he was capable of saying anything nice.
Staring at him for a few seconds, you walked a little closer.
“If you want me to beg for you then fine. I am begging you (Y/N), right here and now, to say you love me.”
He stayed on his knees and never moved and inch.
Turning around, you stared walking again.
You heard Klaus sigh, and mumble something about leaving you alone.
“Come on.” You called.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“Come on.”
You stopped and turned to face him.
He was unsure at first, and he placed his hand on the barrier to show he couldn’t but he stumbled through it, and within a second he was right in front of you, your face between his hands.
“I will love you from now until the end of my life.” He whispered.
Leaning down, he softly kissed you and you quickly responded, arms going around his neck to pull him closer.
Klaus pulled away first, kissing your nose and forehead, before he smiled softly down at you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t dance with you.” He whispered, “and I’m sorry for everything I did and said.”
“I won’t forgive you so easily, but you can start making it up to me.”
“Anything sweetheart.” He smiled.
You nodded and took his hand in yours, opening a portal to take you both back to the house were Bonnie was waiting outside with a small smile on her face when you guys approached.
Klaus looked at you, and he couldn’t help but smile.
He hurt you, yes, but he was going to do anything he could, anything you asked to make it up to you. Even if it meant getting on his knees for the whole world to see and begging for your forgiveness
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sevilemar · 3 years
You've sorted the main characters of TVD, but what about the others: Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Katherine, Jeremy, Matt, Alaric, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah?
This one has been sitting in my inbox for a long time. And let me tell you, sorting with the sorting hat chats system is hard, especially for a show that is so ridiculously snake primary biased as TVD, while fighting my own snake bias. I had to get in reinforcements, and therefore I had to wait until @wyrdnis has seen at least the first three seasons. Now they have, and we discussed it, et voilá:
Sorting "The Vampire Diaries"
Bonnie Bennet: Bonnie has already been sorted as a double lion, and we don't see any reason to go against it. She stands firm in her convictions, and she's not afraid to stand alone because of it. When she decides on a course of action, she does it. Simple as that.
Caroline Forbes: Caroline is a lion/bird with a nice badger model. Her convictions are felt, and like Bonnie, she is not afraid to stand up and/or alone for them. Unlike Bonnie, when she is stressed out, she makes lists and organises everyone like an army general. Just look at the way she copes with her mother's death, or the way she has her humanity-free life completely planned out, right down to the day she's going to flip it back on. We do not see it often, but she does a lot of volunteer work, organizing events, etc. That suggests some kind of badger influence, either primary or secondary.
Tyler Lockwood: Tyler is a badger primary who dehumanises a lot in the beginning, but who learns to open up throughout the show. He was in a lot of sports teams at the beginning, and later he's in neck deep with the hybrids, or leaves Caroline to help a werewolf pack. His lion secondary is very loud and very obvious and in your face.
Katherine Pierce/Katarina Petrova: She's a double snake, a house match to Damon. It's why they get each other and hate each other so easily. Her primary is burned, and unburns a little throughout the show, first for Stefan, then for Nadja.
Jeremy Gilbert: Jeremy's sorting gave us a lot of grief; we finally decided on double bird for him, with a lion secondary model. Bird primary because he is very good at accepting earth-shattering new facts when he is not grieving his parents. He has no real problems accepting that vampires are real once he has researched them on his own from multiple sources, and Elena's revelation that she is adopted doesn't faze him much, either. He needs the outside information, which is also why he is so pissed when people conceal things from him. His system is pretty people-centric and snakey, or at least gets that way throughout the show. Bird secondary for the way he plays the long game with Anabell in season 1, all for a chance to be with Vicki forever. And he keeps secrets, a lot, but not in a snakey way. Lion secondary model because there are these moments of charge-taking and using the right moment.
Matt Donovan: We sorted Matt as a double badger. It's difficult to tell, because the show does not give us much interactions with groups of any kind. But he goes from bartender to sheriff because he believes that Mystic Falls, or more accurately the human population of MF needs protection. He has a hard time accepting Caroline as a vampire in the first place, and starts to other vampires in the later seasons (since they are a different species, it's somewhat justified). Badger secondary because he is dependable, he does the work, and he believes in doing things the right way, be that helping a friend or an enemy, or protecting the town.
Alaric Saltzman: We are unsure of his primary. I think he might be snake, because of his fixation on Isobel, Jenna, Meredith, Jo; they all feel like they've been his person, or he's tried to make them his person. @wyrdnis thinks he might be badger because of the way he takes over guardianship of Elena and Jeremy after Jenna's death, even though he's not really that close to them initially. We tentatively agree on badger secondary, because let's face it, when he is in his right mind, he is the dependable one, always there to save the day even though he said he wouldn't. And there's a fun bird secondary model, collecting all those weapons, doing all the recon on Damon before he corners him about Isobel. Maybe he is actually bird secondary, it's hard to tell.
Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson: We agree on his lion secondary, because it is rather obvious. I think he might be a burned badger primary, with all his focus on his hybrids, and becoming a king in New Orleans. @wyrdnis thinks he is a burned snake because he only cares for very few people, and he mistrusts everyone.
Elijah Mikaelson: Elijah was also a puzzle. We think he's a very chivalrous bird primary, with a very primary-influenced, sedate lion secondary. Like Jeremy, he accepts new facts easily and with an almost detached curiosity. His system is based around his family, especially Klaus. He can be persuaded by a well-reasoned argument, even after the people who made it have just betrayed him. There is not much charge-taking; he prefers to let Klaus lead. But he can make split-second decisions if he has to, which points to an improvisational secondary, and his weird way of telling everyone exactly what he is going to do and then doing it feels liony.
Rebekah Mikaelson: Rebekah is easy. She's a snake lion who wears her heart on her sleeve and tries to prevent herself from burning her primary at any cost.
And to complete the cast:
Elena Gilbert: double lion who develops an impressive snake primary model over the show.
Stefan Salvatore: double snake in denial, with a lion primary model with badger values. Between Damon, Klaus, and Rebekah, he burns his secondary in season three and never really recovers.
Damon Salvatore: unapologetic double snake.
In short:
Bonnie Bennet: double lion
Caroline Forbes: lion/bird with badger model
Tyler Lockwood: badger/lion
Katherine Pierce: double snake with burned primary
Jeremy Gilbert: double bird with snakey system and lion secondary model
Matt Donovan: double badger
Alaric Saltzman: snake or badger/badger with bird secondary model
Klaus Mikaelson: burned snake or burned badger/lion
Elijah Mikaelson: bird/very primary-influenced lion
Rebekah Mikaelson: snake/lion
Elena Gilbert: double lion with developing snake primary model
Stefan Salvatore: double snake with lion primary model (badger values) and later burned secondary
Damon Salvatore: double snake
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lazyrants · 4 months
Secret Agent Zero (prod 126)
Original airdate: October 21, 2005
Story by Magnus Scheving, Gudmundor Thor Karason
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Jonathan Judge, Magnus Scheving
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
I don't have much expierence with spy related media except watching 'Enter the Dragon' & 'Spy Kids'. So I'm expecting some kung fu moves and over the top villain plans in this episode.
The episode starts with a pretty over the top cold open. Sportacus is brushing his teeth then he accidentally (accidentally my butt, the door was open, who leaves it like that??) throws it out the door AND HE JUMPS OUT OF THE SHIP (he lands on the sky chaser, durr) to get this toothbrush. And he gets it and puts in his shirt.
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Then he goes back up with complete satisfaction that he has a TOOTHBRUSH. Pretty over the top already. Satisified with the Spy Kids aspect. Agent Pink, Agent Candy, and Agent Mine are in Pixel's house in their spy outfits. Communicating on their walkie talkies (they're right next to each other?????), they ask each other if they're ready, and Agent Candy is ready... after one more lick of his lollipop.
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They go spying, but nothing is happening.. until Robbie comes in and starts yelling about how much he hates the sports equipment on the field. He plans to remove all the equipment off the field so Sportacus stops flipping and stuff like that. He kicks a basketball (dude..) out of anger, and it bounces back and he does a ridiculous jump.
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Truly LOLed. Well, not truly. Anyways, he starts to move the basketball hoop until Milford catches him, questioning what he is doing. Milford says he can't do that, and Robbie asks why he should listen to him (this is ridiculous, you've been living in LazyTown since like what, the 1999 play and you still don't know who the mayor is?), then the Mayor says because he's the Mayor. WORLD SHATTERING NEWS. Then Stephanie says 'Way to go' after Robbie leaves and Milford over-hears her.
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Milford thinks he is being watched so he asks Sportacus for help via a letter. Meanwhile, Robbie thinks he should run LazyTown and he has a plan to do so. Then he gets into his Fordmill Meansbad costume. Make that blue and I would rock it all the time.
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So, anyways, Sportacus comes, Milford tells him the issue, Sportacus flips onto a wall and he sees Ziggy, and then he leaves. The spies tell Milford he's spying.. well.. they're spies, what the hell did you expect me to say, they're writing a novella? Then they ask what he does as mayor but Fordmill Meansbad answers it for him and also says that he is the new mayor. So then they have a vote (yellow paper = Milford, purple paper = Fordmill), and everyone votes for Milford.
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..Except.. Bessie, the rat! Now since Robbie has one vote, he lies that the majority voted him and now he is mayor. He bans Sportscandy first thing and he goes over to his office. Milford is sulking with the rest, and everyone is confused as to who'd vote Fordmill.. then they all look at Bessie, whose excuse is.. 'he had such fancy clothing'. The same logic as all the people who crush on Hans Gruber. Ziggy enthusiastically says he can be a secret agent.
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They start off with gadgets. Off to French Fry Hair Boy's house! First up, they have a pen with a built in mini camera, a shoe with a built in phone, and Bessie rings him to test. Then we got two cufflinks.. and if you press one of them.. you get hit in the face.
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So he decides to press the OTHER cufflink and gets LAUNCHED UP IN THE AIR. Bessie, the idiot who started the entire thing yells at him to get down from there. You know the drill, crystal beeps, Sporty flips, and he saves Milford.
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So Fordmill makes an announcement banning sports, and the kids tell Sportacus everything. Bessie says that gadgets are fine, but you also need style. Then they perform Man on a Mission. The song ends with Milford screwing up (pressing his cufflink..) and Steph asks Sporty to go with Milford. He does, being the nice guy he is. Meanwhile, Fordmill is really getting into being mayor, playing with a mini set of LazyTown and driving the sports equipment away with a truck.
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Meanwhile, Sportacus has devised a plan while they are crouching down a wall - flip in, get box, flip out. But Milford falls down doing the signature move.. which is honestly pathetic. So, anyways, he goes into the town hall, and he stands on a trap-door. He has a very.. unique greeting.
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Gudmondor Thor made this ugly looking puppet in 1999 for Wit Puppets. Thank the heavens he made new puppets for the 2004 show, because if not, I would be reviewing DORA THE EXPLORER. Anyways, Sportacus shows no fear considering it's a.. y'know.. puppet. So, anyways, the real Fordmill stands up and pulls a lever. He has trapped Sportacus!
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Anyways, Milford is also greeted by the puppet, and the puppet says that's a puppet. Puppetception. Also hypocrisy. So, anyways, Robbie stands up and he is ready to pull the lever, trapping Milford too. But Sportacus' crystal beeps so he handstands.
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Robbie starts chasing Milford around the office. But the chase is interrupted when Bessie calls to say hi to Milford.. Bessie is unironically my least favourite character and she should be yours too.
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The chase continues until Milford says that Sportacus'll save him, but Sportacus is 'incommunicado', 'no longer able to be with us', and 'stuck in a dark place with a lid on it'. Milford doesn't understand it. And this guy is STILL mayor of the town. Maybe the town'd be in a better state with Fordsmill. So, anyways, he steals Milford's pen and writes down 'Sportacus is trapped' and throws the pen out. By now, Bessie is super mad (she started it!!!), the phone is still on, and she tells Milford to give Fordmill the phone.
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So, she warns Fordmill not to touch a single hair on Milford's hair, and Fordmill says that he doesn't have any hair. LOL! Ridiculed he is talking to a phone, he breaks it.
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In retaliation, the secret agent does.. nothing. In fact, he lets Fordmill (probably off-camera) tie him in ropes, upside down, risking getting biten by an angry fish and also breaking his precious flower (Gloria, which was also the name of David Matthew Feldman's mother, Gloria Feldman.)
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The kids decide they have to help Milford. Meanwhile, Sportacus spots an apple on Milford's desk that can fit in the trap door hole. So he knocks the door until the apple falls in the trap door and he energizes, jumping out of the trap door.
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The rope breaks just when Sportacus grabs onto it, pulling it up so that Gloria lives and Milford doesn't have a fish bite. Meanwhile, Fordmill is in the town hall, celebrating that Sportacus is trapped until Agent Pink turns the chair around.
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Her two partners also appear, and Agent Candy calls him a cheater pumpkin eater before pulling the lever. Milford and Sportacus show up and Agent Pink tells him she trapped Fordsmill. So he gets him out of there, and Candy asks who he is (after he explained it so much earlier in the episode..). He winks and his eye thingy falls off. The disguise is revealed.
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They check the votes and Milford has won by a landslide. To celebrate, they sing the Bing Bang song. In the lair, Robbie is sulking, but then the puppet turns over, saying the catchphrase.. 'So, character, we meet again'. In the French dub, Robbie talks about his confusion for who is controlling the puppet (which is ultimately better then the dialogue in the English version).
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Then the episode ends.
It was missing a lot of Kung Fu moves. 7/10
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