#anti enzo
bonkai4ever94 · 10 months
I can't stand Enzo so his death had no effect on me but I did hate how they used his death as a torture device for bonnie character then to make her go to stefan and Caroline wedding after all that
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Then Caroline had the nerve to act like a victim 🙄 give me a break bonnie should have went to the wedding and waited until the vows said death do us part
And made stefan part and brought kai as her date because we all know he loves weddings
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fearlessfairy · 6 months
Damon killed Lexi - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon graped Caroline - he does not have to die to redeem himself
Damon killed Jeremy and attacked him seasons later - does not have to do anything to redeem himself.
Damon killed Tyler : nah, nothing
Enzo attempted to kill Stefan and terrorized Stefan and Elena : nothing
Enzo turns Ivy - nothing
Stefan almost drove Elena over the bridge : deserves to be single
Stefan killed Enzo - deserves to die to redeem himself, so his brother can live a happy life, also he did not love Caroline enough because he died. ....she better with Klaus, who died too, but when comes to stefan hate, no logic is needed
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imhereforthetryus · 11 months
Its 2 am and i just saw a caroline enzo ship edit and some comments saying they should have had one bed scene or something it bothering me sm because caroline has 1) more than enough love interest and 2) even if i dont like bonnie x enzo that much its still lowkey aggravating that bonnie cant even have her only decent love interest to herself idk im going to bed not worth getting worked up about
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vampire diaries season 7 is so bad that my binging of the show haltedto a stop for 3/4 days.. its just a boring confusing mess then i learn its killing off good characters while keeping annoying ones .. enzo.. around..bonnie/enzo when she had better chemistry nora am i gonna carea bout stefan killin enzo hell no i can't stand that guy should have died in season 6 def shouldn't have been with bonnie. that just came out of the blue.. as much as i didnt care for delena at least it didn't come out of thin air.. you can tell they were out of ideas in this season.. and why does each season since season 3 need a vampire hunter its getting boring.
and more annoying towards enzo. he kidnapped the huntress for.. i dont even know, she became young again and he asks damon for the sword telling him he'll tell bonnie elena was fried to a crisp only to then tell demona elena is fine.. if he never tried to blackmail damon, stefan wouldn't be cursed by the huntress, nora/mary wouldnt diee so his death in s8 .. . thats one thing i look forward too cant stand this man. bonnie can do better and she should hate enzo for.. strangling her boyfriend in seaso 5 anyway.. heck she shouldn't tell damon he's redeemable for killing a prego woman as much as i like their friendship.. im tired of woman forgiving men in this show for their eivl deeds. women do not exist to fix men.. such a sexist piece of trash this show turned into
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tateshifts · 1 month
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♯ this is the method that i found works well for me! it took me around 4 months to shift and i first shifted on October 30th 2020.
the method
╰┈➤ the void state & 5 senses method.
✮ . . . i lay down, flat on my back in bed & under the covers. i put on my headphones and play some white noise, i don’t close my eyes i just stare at a point in my ceiling.
✮ . . . the more i stare at my ceiling, the less i see. my vision starts to blur and then i see stars and then after 5 minutes my mind doesn’t focus on it anymore so i don’t see anything kind of? it looks black to me with a few stars when i direct my attention back to it. but just don’t focus on it- this is now the void state!!
✮ . . . i quickly count to 5 over and over in my head, as fast as i can count. once i feel myself become lighter, relaxed and less tense i start to imagine what i can feel, smell and touch in my dr.
✮ . . . i think about the feel of bedsheets i’m lying on, the smell of mattheo’s aftershave, the light sound of the waves crashing against the large floor to ceiling window coming from the black lake.
✮ . . . at this point i start to feel like im spinning or im floating and i try to ignore the feeling as much as possible so i don’t ground myself back to this reality.
✮ . . . i know i’m in my dr because my surroundings change drastically, the temperature, the bed, the air, the smell, EVERYTHING! so when i’m in my dr i just KNOW.
✮ . . . the method used to take me around 1 hour, but the more you practise the easier and quicker it gets. meditating also helps you practise the void state.
[when i discovered the void state it was very accidental. i just zoned out and stared at patterns on my wall until i chose a certain spot and concentrated on it for 15 minutes and then my vision went black and i felt nothing! so cool lmao]
let me know if you try it & if it works for you!! thanks for reading ❦。・:*:・゚ follows, likes & reblogs are appreciated x
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etherealnott · 17 days
"enzo wouldn't actually act that way!"
do i look like i gaf? it's my dr and i do want him to give off golden retriever vibes and be the sweetheart of the group.
and the whole "he's a slytherin after all," argument is bs. characters are more than just their houses, and if you can't understand that i seriously don't even know why i'm still talking to you.
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(look at him and tell me he would kill a fly)
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mythorhuman · 3 months
What about Bonnie's canon ships? Do you think they had potential?
Soooo, I'm rarely on here these days and I'm super inconsistent with checking my inbox. I have no idea when this was sent. Sorry!
Anyway, screw them. I can't put into words how much I hate Bonnie's canon ships. The way people completely disregard Jeremy's disloyalty and infidelity makes me sick. The devil tried to rewrite Jeremy/Anna as some love story just so Bonnie experienced pain. Anna was using Jeremy the same way she was using Ben. Bonnie revived this loser and he cheated on her with the same vampire that kidnapped Bonnie. She revives him again with the expense of her own life just for him to cross relationship boundaries again with Liv Parker. Beremy was a shit relationship because Jeremy has the maturity of a toddler, constantly walking himself into danger cluelessly with Bonnie playing the mother who needs to protect him. Almost every single man who showed interest in Bonnie did so to use her (Ben, Luka, Shane). Bonnie didn't even like Jamie which is why she ditched him immediately.
Her relationship with Enzo brought a regression of Bonnie as a person. She was reckless for the sake of love. He was carelessly poisoning her to death which mirrored their entire dynamic. Bonnie wasn't even Enzo's first choice nor was she his second or even his third. He was supposed to be the "love of her life" and yet everything about them revolved around Damon. The devil wasted Bonnie's love on the most irrelevant characters to give them substance. Even in her relationship, she's written as a tool. Firstly, she's used for keeping Jeremy safe. Secondly, she is used for making Enzo matter and persuading people to care about him as a character (no matter how many storylines they threw him into, no one cared). Her relationships are all about Bonnie serving a purpose for the betterment of the men and Bonnie gets absolutely nothing out of it.
The devil = Julie Plec for clarification
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xeyesofstardust · 3 months
I just don’t ship Bonnie with Enzo. I’m not against them being together and probably would have shipped them if Julie Plague had bothered to give us a slow burn, instead of just throwing them together in a time jump.
I like Bonnie and believe she deserves to have her own romance plotline.
Caroline had many romance lines that went on too long. I mean, they were practically throwing her with a different guy at one point.
Instead of doing that they could’ve given us some decent scenes with Bonnie and her budding relationship with Enzo. But they didn’t.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 3 months
listen the main reason I just Cannot ship Steroline is the Way Stefan makes her cry. like. this girl crying by herself in her car? Stefan calling her a control freak who's lost control and that's what love is 🥴 makes me VIOLENT. my girl deserves someone to sweep her off her feet into a whirlwind romance and not someone who sized her up against his ex-girlfriend and made her CRYYYYY
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
What do you think about Enzo? I find him Boring 😭
In short: I don't like him that much. None of that is MM's fault lol.
Long Answer: To me the writers never knew what to do with Enzo really which is why he has that long phase of disliking Stefan, Lily problems, Caroline/KC.20 and then being placed with Bonnie. He's different characters all wrapped up into one. Sometimes he's Damon other times he's Klaus. When Damon and Klaus are already very similar to their cores.
Ian vouched for Michael M. which is why he stayed longer than season 5. BE is more about what Enzo needs than Bonnie. They were together for years, yet Damon is so centered in their relationship because he screwed them both over. I probably would have supported them if the relationship if it was done because the writers cared for Bonnie romantically but that isn't how it is presented. Bonnie's "epic" romance is told all in one episode and then the rest is half of a season with the remaining episodes of her fawning over a ghost. Never mind the stockholm syndrome that forced them together anyway. Even in fan edits Enzo is given more reasons to like Bonnie than she is of him. They were never granted a "sex scene" but even that one moment has Bonnie doing the work. Kat Graham is 5ft2 you mean to tell me Michael couldn't carry her to a bed or something?
It's just annoying when other women were fawned over: Elena, Caroline, Cami, and Hayley were giving one or multiple interests those relationships were done with intent due to having some compassion towards those women. Those relationships center so much of those women. Bonnie gets a half-assed romance with a non-fleshed out character as a "here damn" ship.
You asked about Enzo, and this turned into anti Enzo/Bonenzo rant. Sorry, but BE is the only time his character had some consistency which was adding onto the many ways the series doesn't value Bonnie. Yes, it's nice that Bonnie got some happiness but in the end it just aided into her suffering. Enzo could be lined up with Bonnie's other romances and I swear outside of him lasting 3 seasons you wouldn't see much a difference: Luka M, Ben and Jeremy. All side characters or unimportant because the series doesn't see Bonnie as such.
Kat amazing acting in Enzo's death, and the fact that a future with Enzo was dangled over Bonnie's head like a toy is part of the reason people mourn them so much to me. The show wrapped and we never hear about Bonnie's life for the rest of the franchise.
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andreal831 · 7 months
the subtle racism portrayed by Julie Plec and TVDU (especially Klaroline fans) fans as well towards Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood) is something that will always irk my soul. Both the actor and the character were done SO BADLYYYYYY. I know that since Tyler is written as a white character, technically his writing wasn’t “racist”, but I have reason to believe that Julie may have written him the way she did due to her issues with Michael Trevino.
What do you think about Tyler Lockwood? I think he definitely is one of the characters with the most potential besides Bonnie, etc. Most of the POC in the show (actors/characters) had the most potential and were sidelined.
IN FACT, I can say the same about Enzo! Yeah, Enzo St John is a canonically white character, but Michael Malarkey is a mixed race man (Italian/Palestinian-Lebanese), and we know how Julie is towards POC.
Like I’m not trying to blame all the bad writing on racism and discrimination, but all the POC actors/characters have shitty storylines and a lot of them are racist.
Lucy, Sarah Salvatore (the black Salvatore), Enzo, Tyler, Marcel, Vincent, Bonnie, Qetsiyah, etc.
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Whenever I discuss race, I do want to preface it by saying, I am white so I am speaking from that point of view. If you disagree or have another perspective, I would love to hear it.
That being said, I don't even think we can call what happened on the set and in the show "subtle" racism. There was such overt racism throughout the show that it is hard to discuss the show in any way without discussing racism. Just because Julie Plec doesn't view her actions as blatantly racist, it doesn't mean they are not.
Just the fact that they had two actors who are ethically not white but were portrayed as white is telling. Both Michael Trevino and Michael Malarkey were made to appear white in the show when there really wasn't a necessity for it. Tyler being Mexican could have added to the history of the wolves or it could have even come from his mom's side, allowing them to cast a Latina woman. For Malarkey, his race isn't really discussed but it would have been so easy to show him making Bonnie a nice Lebanese meal when they were staying at the cabin (cause lord knows the zionists running the show wouldn't allow him to be Palestinian). I also personally just like Tyler and Enzo more than Damon. I would have been fine with killing Damon off earlier to allow more screen time for them.
A year or so ago, my friend began watching the show for the first time and by the time we got to The Originals, as soon as Sabine walked on screen, she said "Does she get killed this episode?" People of color, especially women of color, were treated as disposable by the network. To the point that Tyler and Enzo likely only survived as long as they did because they were "white" characters. But it is also still obvious how much worse they were treated than any other side characters. Tyler and Enzo are both killed in such nonsensical ways and then they have no justice or even mourning. Tyler was a lifelong friend of the Mystic Falls gang and yet Damon isn't even sternly lectured for killing him for zero reason. Tyler had escaped the supernatural world. What was the point of dragging him back on the show just to kill him and have Damon suffer no consequences. He was Caroline's first epic love and she just forgives Damon for it? And what was the point of Enzo's death? Just to make Bonnie suffer more? Just to make her attend the wedding of his murderer? I know Stefan had his humanity off, but that doesn't change the fact that Enzo was dead and Bonnie was still grieving.
Moving on to how the fandom treats them. There is honestly so much hate in this fandom sometimes, and you're right, there is definitely a racial element to it. The way Tyler is treated by the fandom is so telling. I don't know if a lot of the fandom even knows Michael Trevino's ethnicity, but he is clearly seen as "other" or "less than" by the fandom. We also have to acknowledge how his "angry outbursts" are seen as unacceptable but when Klaus does it, it is because he is just so "passionate." The scene where Caroline keeps pushing Tyler to forgive her for sleeping with his mother's killer comes to mind. He snaps but he makes no move to touch her, and this is after repeatedly telling her to leave and her pushing his boundaries. I have seen the fandom call him "disgusting" and an "abuser" because of this, celebrating the fact that Stefan punches him. Stefan uses physical violence against Tyler's words, yet Tyler is the abuser? Then we have, Klaus, who runs her through with a coat hanger and bites her because she said something slightly rude to him and he is praised for "saving her life." It's hard to believe there isn't a racial element here. I often say Klaus gets pretty privilege, but why isn't that awarded to Tyler? Because we can't deny that Michael Trevino is attractive (I'd say more attractive than Joseph Morgan but y'all will come for me).
There was so much left of Tyler's story. The fact that they even had the Lockwoods as the protectors of Inadu's bones in TO would have been a perfect way to bring him back. Can you imagine Hayley or Klaus having to go beg him for help? It would have been such an amazing moment. But no, instead they bring Matt Davis onto the show to make sure he could infect every single spinoff.
You mention all of these characters and that's just in TVD. TO was no better. One of my mutuals recently got into a Twitter 'discussion' with one of the writers and the writer attempted to claim that the Mikaelsons were white supremacists and that was the point of TO, to show it was bad. Yet, when did they do that? How did they show being a white supremacist is bad? The Mikaelsons were at the top of the food chain the entire time. Yes, they constantly had people coming for them, yet they always won and the writing was always done in a way to make the audience root for them to win. How many POC characters were sacrificed in order to prop up the main characters throughout the shows?
Whenever we talk about racism in the show, we have to talk about Bonnie. Bonnie was constantly having to sacrifice her own wants and happiness in order for her white friends, and even enemies, to get what they want. Often when she set a boundary, the fandom villainized her. According to the writing and the fandom, her entire purpose was to serve the white characters. That is blatant racism.
But it's not just Bonnie. It's her entire ancestry. The fandom seems to believe Emily is Katherine's friend in the flashbacks, but she is clearly either being enslaved or at least some type of servant to Katherine. We can go all the way back to Ayana who Esther stole her spell to create the vampires. Or to Qetsiyah who was cheated on and used in order to aid the white doppelgangers. These things separately may not raise any flags, but the fact that we see it happen repeatedly throughout the show tells us it's more than just a coincidence.
Let's not forget Damon was not a confederate solider in the books. Julie added that. And yes I know he deserted but he says it is basically because he was missing Katherine, not because he morally opposed what he was fighting for. They added the founding families and yet didn't make the Bennetts apart of it even though they had been there longer than anyone. They were actively celebrating slave owners. Tyler's mom makes a passing comment of why they have the chains in the cellars and everyone just moves on. They chose to have the Mikaelsons live on a plantation in New Orleans. They chose to hire a very white cast and make it even whiter by white washing and killing off POCs.
Sure TVD is set in Virginia, but Virginia is only 65% white. So why was the cast 99% white? Then they create a whole show in New Orleans where 59% of the population is black, yet we still have a majority white cast? And when they introduce POCs it is usually to serve the white cast. Both Vincent and Eva were brought on so there bodies could literally be used by the white characters. Eva and Vincent's trauma were completely neglected and Eva was even killed off to allow Rebekah to use her body as she pleased whenever Claire Holt wasn't available to be on set. I've already discussed the difference in how Aurora is treated versus Celeste by the show and the fandom. You can read that here. Marcel is constantly belittled and sidelined, even after he is upgraded. There are so many witches of color in New Orleans, yet Davina is the most powerful? Why couldn't she have been played by a POC?
The show repeatedly dehumanizes people of color, especially the women. It's not a coincidence. It is pure racism. And because the show does it, the fandom does it. I am not taking responsibility away from the fandom. Each individual person should know better. But media is supposed to influence society. If we grow up with media that glorifies and celebrates different races, cultures, ethnicities, the fandom will begin to as well. Julie had no desire to do that. All she cared about was ratings and her own racist viewpoint of the world. She could have done more research, or hell, even just listened to her cast, but she chose not to. The writing of the show suffered because of it, but even worse the actors and even fans suffer because of it.
There are so many great creators in this fandom who are POCs and I highly suggest following them. They are able to give better insight in the discussion of racism in the show. But please keep in mind, they do not owe you their time or energy. It is up to each of us to do our own research and learn.
Thank you for the ask! I hope I answered it. Sorry it was so long.
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rosedforbes · 1 year
PLEASE DON'T CREATE DRAMA UNDER THE COMMENTS OR UNDER THE REPOST. if you don't agree, just block me. ( these photos are from my editing acc on tiktok bc I'm too lazy to rewrite all of the things). ALSO! there are some things that I already said in my recent post but well yk it's won't hurt anyone if I add them again. last but not least, some of these are inspired by @margueritetheduchess05 's post I re-blogged yesterday. sorry for bad English but it's not my native language <3
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if you agree please lemme know! and if you don't, well idc just scroll and ignore or just block. have a good day :)
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bonkai4ever94 · 4 months
Enzo was a weird choice out of all the characters to keep around there wasn't nothing for him to do his obsession with stefan and 🙄damon was not only weird but annoying they loved having all these characters obsessed with these salvatore brothers when bonnie was right there
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kodiak-shifts · 4 months
So I changed my waiting room a little bit, instead of me having a different name and everything about myself. I am exactly like I am in my cr (even the thought of that scares me) because I hate myself and I don’t like my body but I scripted my 3 bfs from my HPU dr (Mattheo, Enzo and Theo) into my waiting room and I want them to love me for who I am, not who I want to be.
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I can't stand enzo bro should have died by Matt x jermey in s6 after all his bs. He kills stef gf then whines when stef gets revenge so has to involve innocents and whine about Stefan having an easy life do he wants him to suffer he just feels like damon 2.0 . s1 damon could at least be scary . enzo is just annoying yet the show ships him with Bonnie cause she wants the man who strangled her ex boyfriend makes sense.
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vitrisimbre · 4 days
suggesting kai is worse than enzo is already a pretty generous statement if you make a list of their amount of kills and also break down their character arcs
kai is only worse in that we’ve seen him target children (his own family) on screen. but what’s nice about kai is there’s no pretense— the show treats him like he’s a bad person instead of sucking him off and ignoring the evil shit he did like with damon and enzo
also bonnie is capable of (and did) overpower kai and win. she has killed him before. she has multiple arcs that are morally dubious. katherine is explicitly a villain while bonnie was made to be a martyr hero, but like? 😭 that doesn’t mean bonnie needs to be handled with kid gloves and be the only one exempt from a dark ship out of all of the main girls. and if you only feel that way about bonnie but ship the other girls with klaus or damon or whatever then that’s really weird imo
it doesn’t help that enzo was basically the finch to bonnie. bonnie fans begged julie to put her with the mikaelsons (give her a ship like elena and caroline had) and they spat in their faces for years and then dropped enzo down on her as a consolation prize (AND THEN KILLED HIM 😭) right after he was done trying to fuck damon’s mom… dawg.
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