#but still wanna do it idk whatever whatever
omg hey i love ur work do you think you could write kk x fem reader who is like her polar opposite? just some cute fluff if you’re feeling up for it!!
tiktoks | kk arnold
“Y/N!” You can hear KK stomping towards your room.
You groan, putting your pillow on top of your head to cover your ears.
She barges into your room, holding her phone in her hand. “The audacity!” She says sassily, showing you the phone screen.
You give up on trying to get more sleep and sit up, squinting your eyes at the video she was showing you.
It was a tiktok that you and your friend had made the day before, dancing to the dance KK made.
“Okay, and?” You said, pulling up your blanket.
KK crawled onto the bed, next to you. “I’ve been begging and begging and begging for you to make a tiktok with me!”
“You can see in the video that I didn’t wanna make a tiktok.” You replayed the video, pointing at your face. “Besides, we did your dance.”
KK pouts, crossing her arms like a little kid.
You sigh, giving in and bringing her into your arms. “I’m sorry.”
KK, leaned into your shoulder, not saying a word.
You roll your eyes. “I’ll make a tiktok with you if you want me to.”
KK’s eyes brightened as she started to run around your room with a grin on her face. “Yes yes!”
“Don’t make me take it back.”
“Yes ma’am.”
notification: k2timez_ posted a new video!
caption: she finally agreed to make a tiktok with me 😁
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kkandpaigelova283: THE WAY KK LOOKS AT HER 😪
yourusername: dont be fooled i was forced to do this
paigebueckers: blink twice if you need help y/n
yourusername: 😐😑😐😑
k2timez_: 😞
hi anon!! sorry this is more of a drabble but i still hope u like it 😁 ALSO IDK IF THE POLAR OPPOSITE THING WAS LIKE SEEN OR WHATEVER BUT I TRIED MY BEST TO WRITE IT IN just try to see my vision 🙏
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asleepyy · 2 days
Hi! I'm a big fan of Oopsie!Omens. Also, your art is so good, tbh it's kind of inspirational <3
I've been missing the comic, which I say not to make you feel pressured at all but I guess just as a way to segway into this: mostly what I wanted to say is that although I really wanna see more because it's really good, I'm not annoyed/mad/whatever at the slow updates. Maybe it isn't necessary, idk, but I feel like a lot of the time fans of things can be super annoying and demanding when they don't have any right to expect things from the creator. So I want to do the opposite. Please don't feel pressured in any way to get updates out quickly; your mental health is most important.
And maybe you already know all that, but I do hope at the very least that some part of this was nice to hear :)
It was nice to hear, thank you!! I miss when I could update oopsie omens once a week HAHA but having a full time job and still trying to take care of myself and do other things I enjoy sucks up a lot of my time now ; , )
The next update is halfway complete, if that makes anyone feel any better LOL
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local-maenad · 1 day
Being spoiled about Porter does actually enhance my viewing of Fantasy High ngl like I wish I found out myself because it would feel so much more satisfying (and hilarious). But there’s something so funny about Fig/Emily going off about this hunch of her’s. It’s literally just one of the many running jokes they have. It’s been lasting for what it seems, like two whole seasons, only for her to have been right this entire time 💀💀. This girl was going off a technically unproven idea … and she was right??!?!
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piplup335 · 3 days
Subspace x reader! (angst lmao)
I know I said I’d work on requests, but I HAD to finish this up 😭
mainly because SOMEONE (I’M LOOKING AT YA, @sourle) decided to write Valk angst and I decided I’d probably hop on the bandwagon and write Subspace angst :D
this is my first time writing angst, so idk if it’s good ;-; ehhh, I did what I could LMAO
anyway, enjoy :D
honourable mentions here!
The crackling of the flames in the fireplace soothed your mind as you snuggled up to Subspace.
"Long day today, Subspace? How's work at the lab?"
The masked scientist glanced up at you with a groggy expression.
"Hm?? Oh...not too bad..."
He yawned.
"...just the usual lab stuff. There was also this chemical that somehow melted through the vial today...just a poison I'm working on currently. Reacted with another reagent and nearly burnt down the lab. It smelt funny too...but hey, the Biografts helped me clean it up!!"
You couldn't see it through his mask, but judging by his one visible eye closing and his cheekbones raising, you could tell he was smiling.
"I love you, (Y/n)...I feel so tired right now..."
"Awww...I love you too, Subspace...tomorrow's Christmas...wanna go to that one cat cafe? So you can catch a break?"
Subspace nuzzled into the crook of your neck. his warm breath lightly tickling your collarbone.
"I'd love that, dear..."
Subspace fell asleep in your arms as you lay on the couch, watching the flames dance around the firewood, the bright, formless shapes slowly reducing the wooden sticks to nothing but ashes.
The crackling of the flames and their mesmerising movements distracted you from the fact that your boyfriend was barely breathing.
The following morning, you woke up to your boyfriend still lying beside you.
He looked so damn adorable to you. His one visible eye was closed, and a few strands of his soft hair fell over his face. Sometimes you wished you could remove his gas mask just to caress his cheek…but he told you before not to do it, and you wanted to respect his wishes.
You gave your boyfriend a loving kiss on the forehead as you slowly slid off the couch, careful not to wake him up.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
You walked into the kitchen so that you could start preparing breakfast for the two of you.
Subspace couldn’t taste anything and always insisted on eating whatever was available, but you decided to change that today. You woke up earlier than him, and this time you'd get a say as to what he would eat.
And this time, you were determined to make him something a little more filling instead of just a slice of bread or two. You wanted to make him eggs and bacon- a dish he absolutely loved eating before the entire lab incident.
During those days, when you were cooking breakfast, Subspace would look at you with those pleading puppy eyes to make him bacon and eggs, completely disregarding and ignoring whatever alternatives you offered.
And you being you, you couldn’t resist his cute expression.
It was unlike him to enjoy such a simple dish, but hey- you still loved him.
As you were cooking in the kitchen, you felt a tug on your sleeve.
You turned to your left and was met with the sight of your beloved boyfriend standing next to you.
“Darling? Can we not have pancakes today? Do we have any more eggs left?”
You laughed, amused at his groggy, half-asleep expression.
“Subspace, you’ve been eating that same old thing for a week now. When will you ever get sick of it?”
“…never…so are there any eggs left?”
“Probably. But could you try something else for a change?"
Subspace hugged your side, his actions sluggish in his given state.
"I don't wanna...please, babe?"
He looked at you with those loving eyes...that loving expression on his face you could never resist.
You sighed, admitting defeat.
"Fine, fine, I’ll go prepare it for you later…I love you, Subspace. I always will.”
You couldn't say no to his request. To others, Subspace was a renowned scientist who made multiple contributions to Blackrock. They saw him as someone who had helped Blackrock advance their military, someone who had helped multiple residents improve their lives for the better. He was a hardened scientist who pushed through many sleepless nights to make Blackrock a slightly better place than the day before.
To you, Subspace was just an adorable bean you would not hesitate to kill for.
Your boyfriend was too adorable, too precious for this world...and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his figure in a hug.
"I love you, Subspace..."
Subspace didn't reply, but his actions said it all. You felt his arms slowly move from his side to wrap around your waist.
“…I love you too, babe…what’s that smell?”
A glance at the stove and the steady flow of smoke was all it took for you to get your answer.
“NO- my pancakes!”
You recalled the memory with such fondness. Even after the laboratory disaster your boyfriend went through, he was still the same loving demon you knew. Sure, he acted like a crazed scientist sometimes, but you knew your boyfriend was still the same sweetheart you knew all those years ago.
You spent more than an hour trying to make breakfast...because you spent 45 minutes looking back on and reminiscing about the past.
As you set the last piece of bacon on the plate, you smiled to yourself.
"Honey? Breakfast's ready!"
Usually, when you made breakfast for him, he'd immediately come rushing to the kitchen just to scarf down whatever you prepared for him with his signature grin on his face.
But just like you had different plans for Subspace, fate had different plans for the two of you.
This time, there wasn't a single sound coming from the living room. The fire was extinguished right before you fell asleep, but you wished the therapeutic crackling of the flames followed you into the early hours of the morning for a bit of comfort.
Still no response. Now you were concerned.
Was he okay?
You, being the concerned girlfriend you were, went outside to check on him.
You shook him.
"Subspace? Please...wake up!"
You half-expected him to jump at you with that big, goofy grin on his face that you loved seeing so much. You expected to jump backwards in fright from the scare, only for Subspace to catch you in his arms as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss.
But that moment never came. Upon further inspection, you mentally facepalmed at your ignorance, cursing at yourself for not seeing the signs that something was wrong.
The once hot pink crystal floating above Subspace was nothing more but a dull pink, most of the colour gone. The once gleaming radiance of the crystal was now nothing but a dull glow.
You immediately checked his pulse. It was there...but barely. You sprinted to your phone, nearly tripping over your own feet in a frenzied panic. A quick dial later, you were arranging for an ambulance to the nearest hospital.
All you could do then was simply cradle your boyfriend's near-lifeless body in your arms and pray to whichever deity would listen.
The steady sound of the hospital monitors filled the room. It had been like that for the past few hours or so.
When the doctors in the ambulance did a more thorough check on him, they determined that Subspace needed emergency surgery. You were not sure why, but they said that it was due to "severe poisoning".
Now, here you were, seated on a chair next to your still-unconscious boyfriend, waiting for the doctors to return with whatever results they had to offer. You sat in your chair, glancing at your boyfriend from time to time, hoping that the crystal between his horns would shine bright like it once did.
The sound of the door opening pulled you out of your thoughts. One of the doctors walked into the room...and he had a grim expression on his face.
"Doctor! How is he?"
The doctor let out a sigh. One that carried not hopes for the future, but carried acceptance- a sign that they had tried everything, and yet...
"I'm sorry. Your beloved will not make it."
And that was the nail in the coffin for you- the statement that confirmed your worst fears.
"Can I say goodbye to him, at least? Will he wake up?"
"No. He won't wake up. We've done a thorough and complete checkup on him. His given condition- his rot, that is, somehow reacted with more fumes inside his body. We've investigated them, and it seems that these fumes were inhaled quite recently. Regardless, it has worsened his state, causing the majority of his body to either shut down or stop working entirely. You have two choices. He does not have any known family members, so we'll leave this decision to you."
At the doctor's next words, you did not want to say anything. You did not want to accept that this was your reality- these were two decisions that you could not choose between. You knew that none of these choices would be a correct decision...they would all have harsh downsides.
"Either we pull the plug now and he dies a peaceful death, or we can give him further treatment to try and save him. The chances of his survival from this point on are low, and even if he does survive and wake up, the rest of his life will likely be painful for him to endure."
You loved Subspace...you loved him so much, and you didn't want to let him go just yet. There was so much you wanted to do with him. You wanted to finally stay with him instead of one of you just staying over at the other’s house for sleepovers now and then. You wanted to travel the Inpherno with him, just to see all the marvels the world had to offer. You wanted to be by his side for the rest of your life and wake up by his side just to hug him close to you, praising the gods for such a wonderful spouse.
And now you couldn't. Not with Subspace's condition.
You didn't want to let him go just yet.
But then again, you loved him. You wanted the best for him.
And the best route for him to go down wasn’t one where he’d be suffering for the rest of his life.
You wanted him to live happily, not live in constant pain.
You knew your decision.
December 31. Almost a week after you made your decision.
Snowflakes fell from the sky outside, coating the ground in a layer of snow.
Within the comfort of your house, the flames crackled in the fireplace, consuming everything it touched.
But even the mesmerising movements of the flames couldn’t distract you from your thoughts. Not after what happened.
That final, high-pitched sound. That damn, cursed sound. You knew that single beep would haunt you for years to come. What you did was for your boyfriend’s sake, but at what cost?
“5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”
You could hear the cheers of Blackrock’s residents from your home as fireworks were launched into the air, painting the black canvas of the sky with bursts of vibrant colour.
“Happy New Year, Subspace…”
A tear trickled down your cheek as you hugged a small photo frame to your chest.
It was the last photo you had of Subspace. A photo you took with him one day before his death.
“…I’ll always love you.”
aaaaand that’s another story down! hope u guys enjoyed! :D
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transmascaraa · 17 hours
I’m submitting another request right after my last one was published, but I have no complaints
Since I found out you write for Danganronpa, I wanted to ask for headcanons where/how different male characters would react if the reader gave them different forms of affection (hugs from behind, kisses, etc.) while [character] and reader are early in a relationship.
The specific characters I am requesting are Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara, Hajime Hinata, Makoto Naegi, and any other characters you feel like writing for!
Thank you, Nyx!! 💖
(I wonder if I’m the first DR headcanon request 👀)
multiple characters headcannons!
characters: rantaro, shuichi, hajime, makoto x gn!reader
author's note: YUPPPP YOUR THE FIRST DGR REQUEST^^(idk how many of you guys will even read it but i hope you like it if you do i suppose) so like i've been busy for the last few days blah blah blah finally done with elementary school therefore sorry for the lack of posts😭 but hopefully i'll finish these reqs asap lol i've kinda missed writing(a bit ig??) either way enjoy lmao(lmk if it's ooc at all btw)
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✿ Rantaro
-he LOVES when you're affectionate
-a LOT
-and I MEAN IT.
-he thinks it's adorable when you show him physical affection, especially while you shower him compliments and all
-like literally he adores it all
-if it's kissing, he'll kiss you just as much in return
-if you wanna cuddle, he'll cuddle with you for however long you want
-if it's random hugs, he's gonna hug you when he gets the chance
-he doesn't show it DRASTICALLY or DRAMATICALLY in public or anything he just likes it wholesome
-also i think he's also into quality time probably since he thinks it "strengthens" the relationship
♡ Shuichi
-alright he's probably my fave from v3(also a huge lover of miu and kaede— and kiibo)
-so he's not into pda at all bffr
-and like at first he's pretty surprised when receiving such affection from you
-both surprised and flustered
-so he's kinda gonna have to get used to it if he wants to be in a relationship with you
-aka someone who is really physically affectionate.
-PLEASE compliment him
-he'll compliment you back dw js let him regain himself after whatever you told him
-deep down he absolutely loves it when you hug him/ask him to cuddle or smthn
-kissing him is his weak spot definitely
-just a small peck on his lips and he's freaking out inside
✧ Hajime
-i feel like he'd also really like it but not in the same way as rantaro
-yes he'd pay you back for all of it but i still feel like he wouldn't like to show it in public AT ALL
-and if you did he would just kinda get flustered and quietly scold you "what if other people see us??!!?!?!!!??!?!!?"
-tell him to chill cuz his "scolding" won't stop you
-but definitely, when you're home alone, he's almost as affectionate towards you
-he WILL buy you something that you really want cuz he isn't an EXPERT at showing it in the same way
-not saying he's bad at it, he's just not professional in it.
-but definitely, after some time in a relationship with you, he gets used to it and SPECIFICALLY ONLY showers you with affection and compliments AT HOME
-so good luck with him ig (for some reason i can't imagine him being extremely affectionate or smthn)
⑅ Makoto
-ooh okay so likeeee
-he adores it when you're affectionate as well
-because he's affectionate towards you too^^
-unlike the last 2, he's kinda like rantaro when it comes to pda
-sure ofc js nothing too much
-but while at home DEFINITELY be ready to receive the same amount of affection in return
-cuz he's happy when you're happy and all
-has probably tried to rant to byakuya about you but it was the first and last time ever
-anyways, even throughout building the relationship, he's still the same
-he just loves it when you two cuddle or hug, especially kiss
-absolutely loves kisses before either him or you go out somewhere
-recommended imo tbh it's nice
idk it's not too bad if you ask me(don't ask me)
feels nice writing something again(hoping to get his by a truck of motivation these days)
| @run-dennys-is-on-fire | @mariaace <3
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louisisalarrie · 2 days
hey I think my ask got eaten by tumblr but if you've seen it and were planning on answering later or something just ignore this lol. I was asking what owning the name means for the boys. like legally. and what would it mean for sc to own it, what rights would he have
hello my love, it probably did get eaten lol this app has been closing randomly and telling me im unauthorised sometimes… truly bizarre.
anywho, 1d owning their own name is HUGE for them, and im sure SC will put a clause in to own the name of the next “big boyband” he’s trying to put together, because he is pissed off hahahha. I already figured they owned the name, but it’s nice to have it confirmed and watch that man beg to own it to make some more money to get more Botox.
without all the legal jargon and carryons, essentially, if SC owned the name, he could still exploit it to this day. it’s a brand. so he could, as he said in the interview, “make an animation” which yikes, but could also still be selling merch under the name, release idk a picture book, any kind of merch or content etc., like, we probably would’ve gotten special 1d 10 year anniversary t shirts and exclusive mugs and tea towels and every item under the sun, and that little cash grab would be going into SC’s pocket.
Back in the day, after they signed the contracts, 1d also created 1D Media Ltd, which is a company that they were directors of, to be able to share the profits evenly (there are also lawyers appointed to it obviously), and then commission is paid out to SC/everyone else who earns a % off their cash. So that’s a massive bonus, right? It goes to them and then it’s shared.
If SC owned the name, it would go to him, and then he would hand out the % to the boys & others. It leaves a lot more room for exploitation (the bad kind), SC pocketing extra cash, and all the other yucky things that can happen from a label/manager/whoever is not the actual artist, owning the name.
On top of this, if SC owned the name, he would be able to… uh… well… it would’ve been fucking awful and I hate thinking about it, but he could’ve replaced Zayn once he left. He could’ve introduced a new member to the band. When 1d called it quits/hiatus, he could’ve continued to use the name for a new boyband and idk… call it a legacy or something, ya know? But this way, if 1d tour, they (ot4) have to all agree to tour.
I believe Z backed out of this Agreement when he left initially, but still gets profit shares/royalties, but doesn’t have the right to use the name/has any ownership over it. Because like… imagine you’re in a band, right? And your guitarist leaves and it’s a bit of a bad breakup. If you don’t amend the ownership of who owns the name, your guitarist can start a new band under that name and technically get away with it (depending on the Agreement, they’re all so different, but it’s happened before, and Z wouldn’t even wanna do this because he wanted to pull away from the brand big time).
So that’s basically and very roughly put, what it is. If SC owned the name, he could continue to put out 1d branded merch/cartoons/whatever the hell, and make money off of it. But 1d own the name, meaning they choose what to do with it.
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rowanisawriter · 4 months
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heartorbit · 4 months
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i'm sending this endless melody to a nameless you
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
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LOVE LOSES !!!!!!!!!!!!
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shuploc · 8 months
Since it's probably been done a million times already, would it be kinda stale if I drew my own version of the "Fallen Angel" painting (that famous one of Lucifer) but with Astarion?
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mintypsii · 8 months
watched usopp's little arc with defeating sugar and wow it took A LOT for him to turn back after running away to fight them again. but then later he finds out that she's awake and thinks about how he'll lose his memories of Luffy if he doesn't take care of her again, and IMMEDIATELY makes up his mind to shoot her from SO FAR AWAY?
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storfulsten · 7 months
Hey, I hope that I'm not crossing any boundless with this but I would appreciate it if you could draw a picture of bf and gf? Thank you ^^
lol it's fine, since you're nice about it no worries ha. don't have anything new to offer but found this old doodle that I just added some color to the lines to, hope it's ok
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silly vibes only
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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civetcider · 4 days
Hey girl how do I make a fursona
You just do it
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seri-tonin · 12 days
Y'all gotta stop immediately jumping to calling asagiri a misogynist for killing off a single female character
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fleouriarts · 8 months
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feeling bad about my art lately. will probably not post for a while. but i wanted to at least dump some stuff here before i retreat into my hidey hole
#hivemind tv#hmfcu#riley savage#graydon weaver#quadeca#jane remover#eden burke#my art#2023#fanart#doodles#furry#its like. augh. longtime fleouriarts followers are familiar with my eternal tango with posting art online#doing this since i was 11 has like rotted my brain and made me rely wayyyy too much on external validation to motivate myself#and every year or so it gets bad enough that i take a break. but the break usually only lasts a month before i miss the feeling#and come back and then the cycle repeats#its probably worse now bc this is a fandom where getting seen by the creators is not really that hard#so there have been times where im like 'well idk if i wanna draw this. but if i do maybe hivemind will rt it :-)'#NO!!! THATS NOT WHAT ART IS ABOUT!!!!! i cant keep letting myself get addicted to the numbers going up man i gotta get out of here#and i was reading a quad interview from around when idmthy got released. cus hes also brain poisoned like this. but he managed to get out#and now just kinda comes online to release music and then leave#i need to be like that. i need to take a break from art posting thats so long that i come back as a changed man odysseus style#idk. its been so long since i drew stuff that no one gets to see but me. all the art i keep to myself is just out of embarrassment#i need to relearn how to draw stuff just for the love of creation and not “maybe people online will like this one”#or “this new thing came out i need to prove my love of it by drawing it”#sometimes it leads to good art but more often than not it just makes me feel worse#whatever. if any of yall are in the hivemind jane or quadeca discord i MIGHT still post stuff there. but otherwise ill keep to myself and m#friends for a while i think#woooooo this is queued to post while im in orgo lab everyone wish me luck with my thin layer chromatography
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