#but tbf getting some of the scary stuff out of the way will be a relief and a confidence boost
badolmen · 1 year
Supermassive games made something that was almost perfect and then decided to make several much worse things before reeling it back to something decent that makes the same damn mistake the first game made without any of the first game’s charm and cleverness to make up for it. Like you’ve had the time to figure out this professional video game thing maybe you should start acting like it lol
#ra speaks#personal#sorry I’ve been in an until dawn mood lately and it’s like. gosh they were so close to making a game I could unironically say was amazing#their major flaw was the appropriation of Native American culture (like they could have been generic cannibal monsters you didn’t have to#call them that to make them scary that monster design was on point)#and then. in the quarry. which I dare to say is a decent sequel to until dawn.#MAKES THE SAME DAMN MISTAKE OF STEREOTYPING OOOO SPOOKY ROMANI TAROT MAGIC#like bruh do you. do you even call up somebody from the demographics you’re representing#and be like hey is this fucked up or nah?#like you’re a professional studio that’s a real thing you can do#and I don’t like the new cut scenes in until dawn they were PART of the story not some separate entity from it#anyways rant abt the bad stuff over gosh until dawn had such a fantastic story. the reveal and the twist are unparalleled.#literally my only issue is the monster cultural aspect like that’s such a solid game and story#and I guess the treatment of josh as a character but tbh the story of it seems fairly logical#these people got my sisters killed. I’m going to scare the hell out of them as revenge. no one will get physically hurt.#like yeah I would do that too dude. especially if I had a family background in film and practical effects.#and tbf his friends react pretty realistically for kids not knowing how to handle their friend having#a legitimate mental health crisis that stems from undiagnosed and erroneously medicated psychosis/schizophrenia#in addition to being hunted by literal monsters#the quarry was fun and campy the way until dawn was but there was no iconic bait and switch and also an antagonist uses the g slur so like#sorry it’s objectively not as good of a story
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sableeira · 1 year
girlbossing my way through programming languages I don‘t understand
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superfallingstars · 1 month
Hello, do you have any marauders fic recs? I’m a big marauders fan but I’m so tired of reading fics where they feel completely out of character, and I feel like you might know something I don’t
Aw man I’m the wrong person to ask for this, I don’t really read fics very often lol. I’ll try to enlist the help of some people whose Marauders opinions I trust and who might have better recs than me (tbh I’m also curious to hear), but I’ll share the few that I’ve come across, too. Apologies if you've already read them.
I think my most relevant rec is The Night Will Always Win by betweenfactandbreakfast, which is a canon-compliant Marauders era fic from 1975-1981. Admittedly I haven’t finished it – tbh I liked it so much that I had to stop reading it, which sounds so incredibly dumb now that I wrote it out, but I was legitimately getting pissed off that I had to do things in real life instead of reading it lmao. Time to take a step back...! Either way, I’ve really enjoyed it so far. And I’ve seen @seriousbrat's inbox turn into a battleground of endless Snape vs. Marauders discourse, so I know their feelings on the characters are pretty similar to mine lol (and hiii I know you have been in this fandom for much longer than I have, so maybe you have some good recommendations?). Basically this is a good fic if you want everyone to be a terrible person <3
The other fic I can rec is Have Your Cake and Eat It by cunegonde, aka my favorite fic of all time (that I could scream about literally foreverrrr but I’ll try to reel myself in!). This is a good fic if you want everyone to be a good person. Also this fic has time travel in it, so it’s like, kind of Marauders era, but not quite? Even though it’s kind of cliche, it’s also incredibly earnest and thoughtfully done, and it has interesting (and imo, realistic!) characterizations of each of the Marauders. Tbf I’m definitely biased toward this author’s work because they basically only write Snupin (my personal fave pairing), but reading their stuff is like, genuinely why are you writing Harry Potter fanfiction and not a full-length original novel, because holy fuck I think you could actually pull that off. Like, I loved this fic so much that I (person who doesn't read fanfic) immediately read everything else they wrote and finished it all in two days... Also this fic made me cry for literally an hour straight (probably the strongest emotional reaction I’ve had to any piece of media ever lol) – even though I knew what was coming. It was just that good.
Unfortunately that’s literally all I got lol. I’m going to tag some people who I think have similar takes on the Marauders as I do – @seriousbrat @remus-poopin @big-scary-bird @saintsenara – hiii, add on if you’d like. And anyone else who has recommendations of Marauders fics with good characterization, feel free to chime in!
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identityarchitect · 26 days
because im a nosy bitch who has distaste for current plural culture I'd love to hear your thoughts on current plural culture
(for me. the amount of information thats acceptable and expected to be shared will be the DEATH of my sanity)
Oh, jesus, where do I even begin. This got unexpectedly long so I'm going to put it under a cut.
Like you said, the amount of information shared is scary. Both because there are like 13yo recently discovered plurals who get this idea that it's a good or necessary thing to share as much information as possible about ones system, and nobody ever uses the privacy features on PK. It's one thing to keep track of info about headmates and another thing entirely to be posting a whole list of front triggers in a headmate-intros discord channel.
Speaking of headmate intros, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with the complicated description templates. On the one hand, I do like it when stuff is pretty. But on the other hand, there's a lot of kind of casual ableism/sanism in the plural community, as much as we'd want to pride ourselves on being relatively free of it. Fancy description templates, typing quirks, special characters in headmate displaynames, are all inaccessible to people using screenreaders or anyone with issues reading. And I try to be understanding to people with typing quirks because we have a few headmates with interesting ways of communicating and I get it, but like, you've really gotta provide a translation.
There's also just the way people interact with each other? Consistently using tons of tone tags, not asking about you& preferences (which tbf, in an ideal world preferences on you& are part of a generic introduction like preferences on headmates/alters/sysmates/parts and system/plural/etc). Trying to tag for every single possible trigger.
A lot of very large plural spaces (and frankly any large space that tries to account for triggers) end up with this issue where at some point, the trigger list is just too long. People aren't going to remember it, so anyone who is anxious about censoring correctly (which is everyone, because current plural culture has this way of making anxiety significantly worse) is going to be double-checking the list every five seconds, or just decide participating in conversation outside of more lax areas, like tw- channels, isn't worth it.
So they have to make a choice between cutting down the existing list, examining things and deciding if they're a common enough trigger (or bad enough, or if the user is in the server enough, or whatever the metric is) to remain on the list: or, they simply continue expanding the list and try to make it easier for people to censor or reference the list. But if they cut down on the list you inevitably have people who are like "wait, why is fires on there but not birthday parties? there's only one person in the server who's triggered by fires but five who are triggered by birthday parties", or "why did [obscure, situation-specific trigger] get removed? isn't it just as serious?" and etc.
And then there's moderation teams, which are... ok, let me make a venn diagram.
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(No shade to teenagers. There are probably good teenage mods out there. I just haven't met them.)
Speaking from personal experience here, a lot of plural discord moderation relies on the current plural culture, which skews itself towards being extremely polite and nice and understanding so as to avoid unintentionally upsetting other people. (This is another one of the ways in which plural culture can and often does end up exacerbating anxiety & anxiety-adjacent behaviours/disorders like OCD.) So you have this discord server that doesn't really need moderation aside from admin stuff like adding channels or bots and pinning messages that regular users don't have the permissions to do. Then some person comes in and they're regularly talking about triggers out of the blue, acting aggressive towards other users, and because everyone wants to be polite and accepting, this user doesn't get dealt with for a very long time, especially because the mods just have no idea how to actually moderate. They don't have the confidence to make verdicts and use the power they have, and kick/ban users when necessary.
In essence, current plural culture wants to treat and trust every stranger like a close friend. You can run a discord server with little to no rules and give everyone admin permissions and whatever the hell: it's just got to be a closed friend discord server full of people that you know well enough to trust. And not only does this make plural spaces vulnerable to bad actors, it also makes them very uncomfortable to be in, as an aplatonic person who really doesn't want randos on the internet acting like we're childhood besties.
In that same vein, is it just me or does everyone and their mother seem to want a partner system? It's been actual years atp since I've been in a plural server that's actually active but there's this weird romantic overtone where any other system could be a potential partner system if you become emotionally close enough to them. Then if you're aro, or romance repulsed, or just not looking to date, or in a relationship already and not poly (which also, I get that dating as a system is a vastly different experience from dating as a singlet, but not everyone is poly), it feels like they just switch to a QPR instead of a romantic relationship? IDK, maybe that's me projecting since I'm QPR-repulsed. But it feels like the primary assumption for 'emotionally close' is 'romance or QPR' in plural spaces, in a way that feels different from regular amatonormativity. IDK it probably is just regular amatonormativity. But you'd think plurals would have deconstructed it even a little bit, right, since dating as a plural is such a vastly different experience. Whatever.
And canonmates. God. Ugh. Ughghhghj,. Look I get the inherent loneliness that comes with being an introject that has strong exomemories, but the resolution to this is not "try and start a relationship with a stranger who you only share one quality with (i.e remembering the same things from source)". Dear god. I have a not very good relationship with canonmates, since an ex of ours would in essence use them against us, but like. Augh.
And spiritual systems. The other day I saw a post on the plural subreddit that was like "Does anyone else live a double life?" and it was this introject describing the disparity between their IRL life and their in-headspace life. But they didn't clarify that it was in headspace and not like, an alternate world or something, so there was a comment being like "Uh, this is a dangerous lack of source separation." FUCKING source separation. I always get so mad at source separation.
I hate to label ourselves but our experiences most closely align with the general idea behind spiritual systems (this is as close as we will get to a concrete label). And it really seems to me that people will bring up spiritual systems as a gotcha against sysmeds and anti-endos, since the DSM technically validates spiritual systems by explicitly excluding them from the diagnostic criteria, and then turn around and act like spiritual systems either don't exist, or are delusional. (This is what I was thinking about earlier when I said the plural community has something of a sanism problem.)
Everyone assumes that in order for an introject to be healthy, they must have a degree of source separation, must be able to go "Yes, I know I am not my source, I recognise I will never be my source, etc". And if an introject can't, it's inherently dangerous and bad for them and the system must (even potentially against the introjects' will) make efforts to separate them from their source.
But even aside from all the sanist implications there, this completely falls apart when you think about spiritual systems. What about gateway systems, who do have headmates come from outside of the body? What about soulbonds, who are that character in their own universe? What about systems who don't want to prove that they're spiritual enough to be exempt from this 'if you think of yourself as your source in any way you are delusional and must be treated' BS?
Our V1 is literally V1 the robot from Ultrakill. This has never caused issues for it, or for us. I don't predict that it's going to.
Like, wasn't the general narrative around introjects "they have differing amounts of separation, differing opinions, and differing connections to their source. above all else, you should treat introjects like people, and ask them if you have questions about how they want to be treated!"? For ages it feels like that was the narrative, and now it's "introjects should be separated from their source, although they're allowed to have whatever opinion on it. in order to treat an introject like a person, you must acknowledge they're not literally a fictional character every fucking pictosecond".
There is definitely a lot more that I probably have to say on the topic but that's all I can think of right now.
Oh wait ok hold on I'm back because I remembered roles and origins and got mad again. Origins my most beloathed.
I could talk about the traumagenic/endogenic binary and how it's complete BS and even when we could be considered traumagenic we still had headmates that weren't traumagenic in origin, and how endogenic systems of all kinds can and often do have trauma that does and doesn't impact their system functioning, and trauma impacts systems in so many more ways than just if Sonic the Hedgehog showed up because you were being abused or just for the sake of being there, and 90% of the apparently well-meaning endo-ok sysmeds that talk about the necessecity of separate traumagenic and endogenic spaces are actually talking about disordered and nondisordered systems and EVEN THEN it's STILL a fake binary, but people more eloquent than me have probably gone over that.
I hate the assumption that every system has origins. We don't, and we're never going to. Even with the general idea being "nobody needs to tell you their origins and if you pressure them you're a dick" there's this expectation of knowing or labelling your origins. If you know your origins, you should be able to label them. If you don't know your origins, there are labels for that. What if someone doesn't give a shit? And again, what about spiritual systems, who don't have origins for other reasons?
Ok, I also just went and found some DMs with a friend so here's me quoting myself:
"it feels to us like the plural community doesnt strictly expect or want noncomplex plurality or a noncomplex relationship to ones plurality, but that these are sort of entry requirements to plural discord servers and other similar spaces"
"it feels like theres a collection of behaviours that you havr to perform like being in plural discord servers has always felt close to masking for us"
Roles are kind of similar to origins, imo, where it's this very simplistic and false structure and there's a pressure to box oneself and ones headmates into it. Like even when people acknowledge roleless systems, it feels like that's all they acknowledge, y'know? Like in their head there's systems where every headmate has a specific purpose and performs it to a T, and there's systems where this isn't the case. When it's so much more complex than that. For example: us! We're primarily roleless, and the things each headmate does is more like a volunteer job than a role, y'know. Except for this one headmate who found a role on Pluralpedia and went "that's me" and now it has a role.
It also feels like there's a specific set of roles each system should have, right? Like there's this idea that even if a system doesn't label or have roles, they still have the protective headmate who gets righteously angry on others' behalf, and the stressed and overworked caretaker, and the littles who use uwu-speak, and the serious and scary gatekeeper, and it's the nuclear family isn't it. They've recreated the nuclear family. One father and one mother and two and a half kids and the 'friendly' neighbourhood cop. Jesus. (The host can be the grandparents.)
And more than that there's... okay, right, how do I word this one.
Let's think about layers. Layers are distinct areas in headspace where different groups of headmates tend to reside. Beyond the base assumption that everyone has a consistent, laid-out, easily accessible headspace, there's this weird overtone that a system without layers is like, a system without layers yet, right? Like the two types of system are "systems that have layers" and "systems that don't have layers, but could" and there's no space for "systems that can't have layers". I think that's kind of what I'm getting at with the origins and roles bit, right? People nominally accept systems that don't have origins or roles, but there's this sense that what they're actually accepting is "systems that have origins" and "systems that have origins, just not public ones" or "systems that have roles" and "systems that have roles, and just don't label them".
This ties into the spiritual system bit, I think. It's not "psychological systems" and "spiritual systems" (which is still a false binary), it's "psychological systems" and "systems that believe they're spiritual systems" or "psychological systems whose spiritual beliefs impact their systemhood". Even when mentioning and talking about gateway systems and soulbonders people don't seem to be able to take those people at face value, regardless of their own personal beliefs on the matter. Maybe we're just hanging out in the wrong places.
The true originless roleless headspaceless spiritual system (i.e, US AGAIN) is a nonentity. There is no space for us to exist in the plural community because the predominant plural culture simply cannot comprehend that we exist.
Problematic introjects ... Like, how can you insist introjects must be treated like people, and must feel and consider themselves to be a distinct, separate entity from their source, and then also call them problematic? I hate the word problematic anyway but even moreso when the label is applied to every introject of whichever fucking minecraft youtuber turned out to be an abuser this time. Can't we just leave introjects alone? Fucking hell.
Anyway yeah. It sucks here.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
"And what will you do when I can't recognize you?"
Eyeless jack x reader angst but it's based around my specific hc that "jack is cursed bc cult stuff and hes forced to eat flesh; and his mind and body are degrading into something not.. human"
So yeah basically reader and jack trying to cope with his whole monster metamorphosis
Cw. For body horror, and tbh this is mostly me rattling on about my hcs of how jack became eyeless jack
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That was something he said to you one night, unprompted
Of course you both had a vague idea of what was happening to him; but neither of you had answers... let alone fully understood
Of course, he knew more than you. He was the one living with this... curse.. and he had it before the two of you met
But even now, it was showing how ugly things could get, and it was only the beginning
Obviously; his appearance was changing. His skin became.. cold, veins were showing, he simply looked like he was dying. Obviously, he had pits for eyes, which were constantly dripping this cold black ooze. His ears and teeth were now pointed, and his fingers ended in claws. But other than that; he more or less looked like a normal person, if you overlooked those silly details
Oh, his tongue.. no matter how you may feel about it, the process of how he "obtained" the monstrous thing is horrifying.
To spare the details, his original tongue essentially split into the half dozen tendrils it is today
Not good stuff, and he felt all of it
And of course there's the psychological and behavioral effects of the curse; to get the big bad out of the way, he can no longer eat normal food. No need to elaborate. Good news is, as of now, he doesnt need to feed often. But when he does, he runs the risk of losing control, almost becoming animalistic in the way he behaves
That's his main fear
He's expressed that those frenzies happen he finds it harder and harder to contain himself, or come back down
He worries that one day you'll be the one getting chomped on
Really, there's nothing either of you can do to stop this or lessen the effects of the curse
Bro only has two options; suck it up and become a monster that can't resemble anything of this world. Or die
There already were some nights where he may have snipped at you. He didn't mean to be aggressive, but he was trying so hard to keep it together. He needed you to leave the area and stay away for a while
Some days his memories begin to cloud, that's probably the scariest for him. It'd be scary for everyone, obviously
I dont typically like writing angst without adding some sort of comfort, or happy ending, but that sort of thing just. Doesnt exist here. Jack's fate is pretty much sealed, and what sucks is that he didnt ask to be dragged into this
This is all sorta based off that spin off backstory jack got (though tbf I dont recall if it was even made by his original creator, though my take is in a silly au), where he makes friends who are (unbeknownst to him) in a cult and had plans to use him
Bro didn't want this, and really the whole thing is tragic
Of course, I'll still try to add some comfort, as it feels wrong to just drag this man around like this
Smells seem to have a positive response
Makes sense; its said that the brain ties smells to memories, and associating it with certain things
So if you wear a certain perfume or use a certain detergent to wash clothing, he'll definitely remember and recognize it. It seems to help him come down after a bad spot
Journaling can help him keep track of the days; though you'll need to give him some time on that... hard to hold pencils when you have claws..
And of course, comfort him; be there for him
I wish I could end this kinda bummer hc ramble off on a lighter note, but the whole thing/this side of eyeless jack is just so
You know?
Anyways yeah I write all my eyeless jack stuff with these ideas in mind so
Yeah, that's why I tend to write EJ all gloomy and reclusive
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 11 months
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░a░p░e░x░ ░p░r░e░d░a░t░o░r░
(a second batman x venom crossover. i mean, they just kinda keep having similiar themes all around, an' with two my fav halloween freaks. i cannot just pass this chance, haha.
either way, jon n' jack havin' a swell time as you can see. they're at the bottom of the food chain quite literally. poor twinky ghouls are about to become a dinner in more ways, than one. how unfortunate for them! but what a feast for a nosferatu n' alien parasite. one drinks 🩸, the other love eatin' human 🧠, so it's no biggie that both jon an' jack are scrawny an' undernourished. their predators aren't after their meat or limited fat. they are after more individual body parts an' components.
so yes, this is my halloween 'special' thingy! a conjoined mash-up about big bad predator an' their twangy, evil prey. the sort of dynamic, that both pairs had going on at one point or another. less so 'canically' for scarebat, since that series of comics *where batman was a savage vampire* is technically a separate 'what if' reality. but still, jon n' jack had a very real brush with smth, that is way stronger than them. an' only one made it out alive, but oh well, this is what AUs n' other stuff is for. bc how about no, an' how about some more homoerotic take on those scenes? like, it was 'hot' to me in some ways. esp with words like 'territorial dispute' an' implication of batman givin' scarecrow good ole vampire succ, post morten or not.
i honestly always amazed, when the comics does smth very servicing for my tastes / interests, without actually ever tryin' to pander to people like me. it's prob one of the most 'erotic' things to me as to an author. it's like a possible wink wink to someone, who wants to see it. but generally, just a part of the story. not even a big one, but that's just a tasty bit anyways! i always had a weakness to predator/prey thrope, esp when it's less of fluffy, twinlight kind of romance, but instead a gore-ish sort of deal, where one party can end up actually dying even if by pure accident. it provides some pretty big stakes. not to meantion, that there is always an unspoken paralell between sex n' death in horror genre. including consuming / stabbing / sucking blood an' such. it's important for me as horror movies fan. i like there to be some 'love' in my horror, even if it's not traditional or on the nose. it gives all those exederated gore-y / deadly scenes more meaning, if one wants to impliment it there. an' it just makes for a memorable scene as well.
also while i'm not super into the heroes 'turnin' bad' stuff, in this case, there is an appeal of flash / bruce going feral. it's hard to resist the playful thought about how bruce n' flash find their foe tempting, *iresistably attractive*, but in a different manner now. jack n' jon aren't no rosy maiden, who usually gets the spot of main dish / love interest, but this what makes it even better. jon an' jack are walking ginger bread, an' that's that, really. but tbf, they're kind of weirdos, who would always partly dig it. their handsome, brooding *arch*-enemy wants to eat them an' not some random hussie. that's very scary, an' also sexy lol.
still it's one of those moments in comics, where i wish that they kept the secenes going for a bit longer. just expanded on that suggestive possibility of them taking it step futher. but i also get why they didn't drag it out, cuz it wasn't the point of issue, anyways. just some lil fun moment. tho, i do love how batman *out of his mind or not* seemed to have enough mercy on crane to kill him off relativly quickly compared to the others. the riddler, pen-pen *yeah, i call oswald this* n' ivy had to suffer through the whole overdeal with full awarness, feeling their throats being ripped out, as they were still alive. jon was spared of such fate. the bat came, lectured him, broke his hand an' beheaded him. way quicker vs when you have to feel your meat and blood dripping all over ya. an' in venom's case, i loved how jack was so oddly forgiving of flash nearly decapitating him on the spot lol. flash *at that point* had already ate a fella or two. like bruce, he clearly wasn't proud of those times or enjoyd it, but out of all people, who managed to snap him out of the murder mode, it was jack. but hey, not on my watch! no one will die, but someone will be 'consumed', alright. that's just natural order of things or whatever. an' it's so bc i do make all the rules, haha.
as for more technical side of things, i did altered a few things. mainly with flash n' jack. i made flash's berserk venom form smalles an' all black, bc of well...uh, reasons. and also jack has an actual face here lol. also while at first, i wanted to draw him with his trade-mark messed up features, but kinda end up drawing him all 'dolled up' instead lol. so i suppose, along with all other au-ish elements, his face wasn't blown off in this universe either. an' on somewhat unrelated note, i like how both jack *even some of spiderman's ones* and jonathan are usually shown to be brunette or redhead. my pref will always be with those two being redheads, but still, it's a funny thing to ponder on. another technical bit is that, i wanted both jack n' jon being unable to use their hands / arms in one of the picture, since for me it's like snaring a 'prey' and then, they are kinda useless without it too. jon can land one hell of a kick for sure, but it won't help him to push away the vampire from his neck. also no fear gas to spray from his gloves, even if it would have acomplished nothing. in jack's case, it's similiar situation. he can throw / shoot lil flames from his gloves, the only thing that all symbiotes seem to detaste, besides specific levels of noise. but if he can't do it, and it's too risky to shoot flame from his helmet, welp, he's screwed lol. an' i also wanted to use venom's tongue as bondage tool lol. it was one of those things, that i always loved about venom symbiote / carnage looks an' anatomy, is how 'bendy' their bodies are. an' how creepy they can strech their body parts as well. both, bruce n' flash possess superhuman powers in this, so nor jon nor jack is actually a match for them. but taking away even the last of their defenses is a cherry on the top. jonathan is already always spooked animal, an' with someone as dumbly tunel-visioned as jack, it take a tad more to scare him shitless. esp bc he thinks, that he's such hot shit of a mercenary, haha.
so yups, this year batman n' flash got a treat. jack and' jonathan *in comparison* got tentacles and anemia respectively. can this count as trick? i mean, i guess lol. but on bright side, jonathan is kinda bruce's bf / blood bank in this one, an' jack is....well, he's a bitch. i mean, he touched the toxin, so now flash have to 'mark' him lol.
anyway, this is as pg-15 as i can go about it on here. i have two extra adult-ish artworks for these set ups. you can call it a follow up, if you want. here's the link, if someone is curious. but pls remember adults only. while there is no nudity in this one, there is still a clearly sexual cut in it. *also, i'm working on fics related to these set-ups as well. already workshoping vamp!bruce/crane one. sadly, had no free time to finish it all on halloween as well, but hey, it's always halloween on this blog!*)
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coldflasher · 2 months
5, 15, 27?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
For this fandom I don't think so, but other fandoms yes. I am a known and vocal destiel hater partly because I hate castiel but also because I think the spn fandom is so obnoxious about the ship (sorry destiel-shipping mutuals i don't mean you, but i have seen things...) Also I will come to hate ships from shows I've never even seen if the fandom is annoying/vocal enough. 911 fandom, i'm sorry, but i do not wanna see those firefighters ever again.
tbf that fandom seems to have calmed down lately, or maybe i just unfollowed or muted the people who post it excessively, but there was no escaping them for a while
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Season 4 of The Flash was actually really good. Most of you quit watching too early and didn't give that season a chance!! The huge ableism issues with Devoe aside, that arc was actually really compelling and ngl I find it frustrating that for YEARS we were like "PLEASE give us a non-speedster big bad!" and they finally did and everyone was like "no :) " and refused to watch it
Devoe was scary!! He was more than a match for Barry without being a speedster which I thought is what we all wanted! Plus season 4 is actually the funniest season. I hadn't seen it since it aired because the fandom had me convinced it was bad and then when me and my friend watched it we were CRYING during the first few episodes because the comedy beats were so impeccable.
Season 4 also had so many fantastic character beats for Barry, amazing conflict, CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS!! He literally got suspended from work because he was "harrassing" Devoe and broke into his house and it was SO interesting to see him face actual repercussions for letting Flash stuff bleed into his personal life! It gave us the prison arc! It gave us GOOD HAIR!
The actual downward spiral of the show began in season 5. Nora I love you but... that season had a lot of rough spots. Season 6 was also good! Now season 7 onwards deserves all the flack it gets but I maintain the show was still good way past the first 2-3 seasons that are held up as gospel and some of you are missing out on some actually really good television.
I think part of it is like... Coldflash besties, I love all of you, but The Flash was never Len's show. He was never a main character. And I think sometimes we get a bit caught up in acting like it was more Coldflash-centric than it was and like it was no longer worth watching as soon as Len wasn't in it. I get for some people (including me!) that the ship was a major part of enjoying the show but like. That was never the goal of the show. It was never trying to do that or tell that story, or even really focus on Len at all outside of a very minor big bad of the week role, and we do it a disservice by acting as if that ship was all the show had to offer, you know?
Some of my favourite episodes actually happened in the later seasons and I'd love to be able to share my love for those episodes and analyze them the same way we analyze the same 30 seconds of coldflash interactions but half of you wouldn't even know what I was talking about :( I could do it anyway and I still do, see my rant from the other day about Caitlin's s8 mad scientist necromancer arc, but it feels like shouting into the void sometimes... sigh
27. Least shippable character?
Hmm I'm tempted to say Caitlin. They put that woman in so many relationships and they were all soooo boring. Tbf I do quite like her and Ronnie (snowstorm?) but other than that... her and Jay? Boring. Her and Julian. Boring AND nonsensical considering he had such an issue with metahumans. Then there was that weird arc in season 8 where she goes on like 2 dates with a random dude and she's like "I want to tell him about Team Flash because I see a future with him and want him to be a part of my life" and then like one or two eps later she goes "nvm" and just dumps him. It was so funny. But all these relationships except with Ronnie were meh at best and by the final few seasons she was so detached from everyone anyway, they really didn't know what to do with her after Cisco left and instead of trying to have her bond more with the new characters they just shrugged and had her stand in the corner and do nothing
I have attempted to ship her with Iris in the past but it's hard work cos they gave us NOTHING. I wasn't sure if Danielle's acting was the issue and it was because she didn't have good chemistry with her love interests but I have no issue shipping Frost with people so? Idk what it is.
Kamilla is another one, which is ironic because her only purpose was to be Cisco's girlfriend but girl had no personality whatsoever, i'm sorry, she deserved better.
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Ok, this is the post where i'm going to get potentially stupid and sinful (for tumblr) and mix politics and fandom. and it might suck. Obviously we don't live in a world with this brand of supernatural shit, this is just a metaphor, an you're welcome to say 'this is a bad metaphor" and disregard it, or argue, or argue about any other aspect of it. And in a sense i think this works because The Magnus Archives is about fear and all that icky shit. So maybe it only works that far. So if you've listened to TMA...
this is also basically a response to this post https://landofspaceandrainbows.tumblr.com/post/716770248396800001/jambeast-captainjonnitkessler and this post https://jambeast.tumblr.com/post/716765867387617280/ok-i-think-i-figured-out-what-the-fuck-is-going on @jambeast 's blog and that whooole discussion.
but basically, this is an interesting discussion, but there's a lot of fraught bs going on, elsewhere in the chain - and a lot of it is basically ok, it's argument.
ok, this is kinda falling apart here, i'll try to put it back together. I'm seeing at least two threads here.
first part: somewhere along the reblog chain there's bringing up the idea that some people may just be seeing their culture as "default" and "less religious" and therefore "less scary" and other cultures as "less familar" "more religious" and "scary" which is - sort of a good point in many cases. there's a rather neat sounding line about "the call to prayer sounding unfamiliar, but the sound of church bells sounding as comforting background noise" cool, or semi-cool. and genuinely well said. but then it connects it to "being privileged which... ehhh. that's when things get dicy.
but i'll be coming back to that way later.
Ok, back to the magnus archives.
Thinking about Gerry Keay and Agnes Montague.
Thinking about Jared Hopworth and Mike Crew and Jon Sims.
Like the fire, the lighters, all that jazz. Like i think it can be easy to wonder why would anyone talk about leaving families, communities, books behind except as an act of coercion. "why would anyone burn a book?" "why would anyone burn a house?" "why would anyone leave a family or community unless it's some sort of forced plot?" but what if you grew up in Mary Keay's library? Or in Hilltop House? Would you walk in then? Would you find a volume to burn?
Likewise, i don't find the boneturner's tale and ex altiora frightening. I bet Jared hopworth doesn't mind the boneturner's tale too much I bet mike crew enjoys ex altiora. The statements, properly organized hepl people research, understand, and hunt down problems, and help keep Gertrude Robinson and Jon Sims going more viscerally.
But you might say, that's a fucked up implication because those are all monsters. and separately from being monsters, they all hurt people. Which, fair. But it's a metaphor, and maybe a bad one. And plus we all sort of like them. Jon, yes, gertrude, michael, helen, mike crew - maybe. And as above, Agnes? also a monster. and Gerry - hopped up on so much weird shit, just dripping with Eyes, so whatever. If we respect them, we might be able to extend that.
But basically all the above have reasons to team up when Fucked UP shit is about to go down, no one likes the Eternal Circus of The Extinction. We've seen it work.
Anyway, there's reasons not everyone is gonna like the web or the desolation or whatever, there's reasons why people don't like being infested with bad community and oppositely why people aren't gonnal like the idea of the stuff they like going away - and why they'd fear it's burning, even when it's not particularly likely to happen at that exact moment, because fear goes deep like that.
So in my ideal world, all the cosmopolitan atheists can go watch MAG 169: Fire Escape (which tbf, i almost couldn't watch straight through because it shows a deep connection and comfort that at this point I cannot have, except in little bits hedged about with nomadism and desolation. - but it's good!)
And all the people who have found a tradition they like can go listen to MAG 4: Page Turner and MAG 59: Recluse and MAG: 67 Burning Desire
And both could listen to Scrutiny, ig.
But anyway, like, even normies don't always like dumbshit hegemony. atheists and agnostics and freethinkers wouldn't benefit from more normative religiosity, and neither do members of minority religions. even normies and christians hate jacked up abortion bans, and even if they don't hate them they can still suffer under them.
In any case, i remember the messed up stuff i saw, and am getting away from. and it's mostly bad atheist shit. so sometimes atheists raise my hackles up, but i suspect now that's because i'm my own kind of "off". we probably don't want to hear from eachother all that much.
but anyway, back to the beginning. sometimes people fear cute little bugs because they aren't familiar. there's cute little bugs everywhere and they're mostly harmless, and they're even there being cute in horror movies. But if someone's afraid of fire, or someone's taking a flamethrower to cute little bugs, sometimes it's because they're "privileged" and never went camping or out of bug spray or had a cockroach in their house. But they could have seen fucking Jane Prentiss or have lived at Hilltop House. And assuming things can be ok in most circumstances until it gets really fucking weird.
And this is the fucking weird everybody's hurt website.
and none of this makes hurting bugs ok - but it does require A Different Response, JFC.
Most of the time, the people who have the most reason to hate and fear church bells are the ones who grew up hearing them. And the ones who fear the call to prayer may have grown up hearing it. And there's a separate issue of what it's ok or not ok to do about that.
Ok stepping down from the metaphor, holy hell the assumptions. And the republican agenda now sucks.
But basically when some hardcore "burn the past" type on here calls something "surface level fun" it's basically a compliment - though you may disagree or find the worldview twisted. because the "deeper than surface level stuff" in their experience is always UGLY. Likewise when someone speaks of "culture" and "underpinnings to everything" they can be talking about something that's been genuinely nice to them.
But it's gonna be hard to work together, if it's even worth it, because like, when you hear "of course people are going to leave their communities and families" if you have a nice place - there's a history of forced removal and so that's gonna bring up some very ugly questions about "WHY they would leave". But if you've been in a rough circumtance, "the second the door opens, people will walk out, and resources open that door" will make sense because you walked out. And people going "of course the Suffering is worth it for our stability and continuation." is gonna sound SUS as hell, because.... that's also what every sketchy relationship on the fucking earth is justified by. But sometimes it's more a matter of a minor suffering for something wanted. etc.
But there is a reason that if we ever do form an Atheist - Theist alliance (and given they're ok with dumb insular in-jokes) i'd like it to be called
Leitners & Lighters
or the Gerry Keay and Mike Crew society.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
okay ANOTHER THING I FUCKING HATE is when people make really weird and scary threats to random strangers. they’ll be like “if you do x harmless thing i’ll bite your head off” because it’s just fucking rude and also i believe them. i take everything very literally and everytime i see something like that (which is literally like. every other fucking post) i get sweaty and my heartrate spikes because i believe them. and yes, i’m aware that i’ve made some not okay threats to strangers before (never death threats, just saying i would bite/hurt exclus, which tbf they’re not harmless and they deserve to be confronted with their bs and i don’t owe them comfort but thats besides the point i am going to stop with the threats and stuff) but like. it’s not the same. it’s understandable why i, an mspec xenogender nonbinary lesboy who’s been relentlessly bullied and driven away from almost all my safe spaces for being myself, would get angry and say something bad out of anger. it’s not understandable why you would threaten to maul someone because you think they should rb your stuff and not just like it. some of the things i’ve said have crossed a line, yes, im not trying to be hypocritical but jfc people are so aggressive and rude for no reason other than thinking it’s “cool” but it just fucking scares me and i assume it’s also that way sometimes for schizospec ppl too like. it’s just pointless and annoying just stop. being a dick isn’t cool being an asshole for aesthetic purposes isn’t cool none of it is cool just be a nice person.
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Alright it's been a week and my hands have recovered!!! With that said, it's still September and I've still got 💀👻🎃Halloween🎃👻💀 on the brain, so!!!!
Fair warning there MAY be spoilers, unlikely though.
Doctor Who Spookylist (Part 2)
S05E08&09 The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood - Now this is another one based on my own phobias... the ground collapsing under your feet and everything is a big one. But like you can't tell me that the introduction of the silurians isn't sooo horror coded.
S05E10 Vincent and the Doctor - Because you're just wrong if a tortured artist haunted by an invisible monster doesn't scream Halloween at you. Also keep the tissues close hand, I've been informed that even people who don't cry get sad for this episode. At this point in the list I am dehydrated and chugging water as fast as I am losing tears.
S05E11 The Lodger - This episode has plenty of horror tropes, but it's played as comedy so hard that you're not even paying attention lmao. We deserve a light hearted heart acher after Vincent saw his art in museums. Anyway this makes the spookylist for shits and giggles!
S06E03 The Curse of the Black Spot - Infection horror!! Again!! (Kind of.) Also spooky siren stuff, and pirates are certified Halloween shit, my Halloween pirate dress I wore for like four years proves it. But mostly this episode is on the list for fear of the unknown shit.
S06E09 Night Terrors - You just straight up don't know what you're talking about if this one doesn't make the spookylist. Another kid with far too much power, another stressed out parent, and a haunted dollhouse full of horrors. Also literally there's monsters in the closet. SpookyList material if I ever heard of some.
S06E11 The God Complex - This one's on here mostly 'cause I can't make myself rewatch it. I have a fear of puppets, it's a whole thing. There's another tick on the list of phobias for ya! But also the fact is that this episode is so extremely unsettling to watch even without the horror puppets. It's on the SpookyList because I'm gonna have my face buried in my partner's shoulder the whole time this episode is on... but it'll be on. And tbf the epiosde is about worst fears, lol. Happy Halloween!
S06E12 Closing Time - Sorry, sorry, I've tried to avoid robot episodes, because they feel too sci-fi, but they're just... just always so on brand. "Cybermen aren't robots" no but like they also are, so... anyway, I put this one on the list because it has almost all the same tropes and stuff as the Lodger, it's prequel. Also we need something lighthearted after the previous episode and I love a power of love episode.
S07E6 The Snowmen - These snowmen are scary as hell and you'll have to deal with it. The monster rebuilds itself too, absolutely horror movie vibes. Just have fun with it! Happy Halloween!
S07E10 Hide - Oh my goooooddddd HAUNTED MANSION!!!! Psychics and ghost busters and HAPPY HALLOWEEN AAAAAAH!!!
S07E11 Journey to the Center of the TARDIS - Okay full disclosure I made this list a few years ago, and I'm not a Clara fan so I don't rewatch her episodes a lot. All that to say I can't remember why this one's on the list. Maze trying to kill you horror maybe? Is this the episode with the burned up future selves? That's probably why it's on the list.
S07E12 The Crimson Horror - You know why. If you don't know why then you haven't seen it. It's horrific in a fantastic way. It might even be more horror tropey because the Doctor and Clara are mysteriously missing. Good shit.
S08E01 Deep Breath - Again I tried to avoid robots for the SpookyList but the idea of flesh wearing enemies that you need to NOT BREATHE AROUND is a nightmare. Idk maybe it's my asthma talking, but like I already can't breathe sometimes. Not to mention the sheer abandonment Clara feels at the darkest point of this episode.
S08E04 Listen - This one isn't a horror story, if I remember correctly, but it's literally about the Doctor insisting it IS a horror story. That there IS a monster. And then it turns out: nah actually. There isn't a monster under your bed, but it's okay that you're still scared.
S08E08 Mummy on the Orient Express - Again! Even if this episode wasn't scary, it'd make the list. A classic monster like a mummy? Definitely SpookyList material. Luckily it's also TERRIFYING! A scarier, deadlier version of that siren episode lmao.
S09E03 Under the Lake - Ghosts! It's a ghost murder time crunch or something! So spooky, so scary, so terrible!
S09E09 Sleep No More - Found footage storytelling of monsters that are made of what appears to be nightmares but super isn't. Have fun! I actually do love this episode. Though it did aggravate my insomnia via my paranoia for like 22 hours.
S10E02 Smile - I kinda gave up on not including robots by now I think. Anyway the terror of coming upon a dead colony and discovering what killed them is so spooky.
S10E04 Knock Knock - You know that one kid's movie, Monster House? This is that but like scarier. And aliens. SpookyList for sure!
S10E05 Oxygen - This episode is similar to Silence in the Library except that the scariest parts are capitalism and the fact that anxiety costs you! Have fun not breathing apparently!
S10E10 The Eaters of Light - Ghosts again heehee! This time it's scottish mythology ghosts, so even more fun for the whole family!
I've gone and hurt my hand making this list somehow so part 3 TBD again ig
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Do be so interesting to read fandom history cause while i did gain interest in fandoms really early for my baby self, it also mainly took place in a ru**ian speaking part of the internet
And the fun part about being a country that just doesnt generate any revenue or is uniteresting to basically anyone. Is that while yeah i was paranoid to keep all separate (which could have been better but whatever) its also blessedly so free of any and all lefal rights. For multiple reasons, tbf, its not only the fact that people were greedy and didnt want to pay. Soviet union just didnt have proper laws about intellectual property, and people just got access to the internet, and, more importantly, everyone was poor as shit. The piracy was thriving in parts because no actual people wanted to go into Ukraine and try to restrict the internet. Like hell we were buying discs of games and such, but those were pirated too
But torrent sites were so abundant it was not even funny. They still are, just a bit prettier, and less likely to give you a malware you purge for the next three days from you pc. Like when i tell you i was surprised you can get fined or smh over streaming from the wrong site i was flabbergasted. Yeah. The same thing with fandom content, the cursed ru**ian site i was on simply did not care. No one cared about any ownership. Hell, this was technically positioned as a social medie but became really dark at some point, doxxing was way too common. And there were ‘asks’ which is basically you take on a role of a character and answer questions and post. In the later years they also got littered with legal rules but for the longest time it was just. Nothing
It do be funny how its all connected not even to the fact that Ukraine is a new country or the fact that our government just refuses to police internet (aside from when it comes to our neighbours. Thsi yeah). Its all deeply connected to the simple fact that a) all fun content wasnt in english 2) we are simply not making any money to the creator regardless. How are you going to send cease and desist to a country where that shit doesnt even work
Like yeah there was a lot of scary shit. If your family/friends/people in your city would found out that you were queer or were writing queer? Oh yeah that could result in losing basically everything. But even that was more common in our neighbour and ukraine is simply just. Idk. People are very tired and deeply do not care because even if youre not participating in stuff like that your lifelihood is dangling on a threat every day cause economy is shit and everything is shit. Most people are genuinely too tired to go and doxx someone, and im not joking rn. I would love to say its better rn but its deeplt deeply not now we are at warl
To be completely honest, i do think fanfiction writers deserve to have commisions and everything and have the option to be given shit for their work. Fanartists do, and the main reason writers dont is because for whatever reason, legally speaking, it can be argued that the person is paying for the artist’s interpretation or a charater so its not a crime. Idk it may vary between different countries its just what i heard people at mine say. Its always much more finicky when it comes to writing and there is no walking around it which sucks ass but whatever i guess. I think it was just a bit more of a pressing issue in my circles due to everyone being sad depressed poor and writing to take control of their lives in any way possible but not much space to be actually creative and try to live on writing books
Damn sorry this is not a rant just an observation of how different fandom experience is. Due to me being like in A Lot of asks i was speaking with a lot of writers and with no one who draws so idk their part of the story. Drawing asks were also there btw, can still see people occasionally post the “hi ask me questions” art. So yeah i kinda. Was marinating in this
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healthy level of detachment anon, tbf I feel lime I worded myself poorly there because don't get me wrong i am still very invested in matty and the band and i am also still nosy about their relationship but i try not to get upset about any of it because to me matty's feelings on it are more important than mine of that makes sense? i am very partial to a it of gossip myself but i don't want to get too caught up in it y'know. they are a band i love and anything they do i will probably also love which extends to their personal things too I guess
Oh, yes, for sure!! Like, no matter how this makes us feel(and I say that as someone who really, really wishes that he would come back online) I don’t think what we feel should have any baring on his decision-making. It would be unhealthy for him to think “what would the fans think?” Before doing something. I think he sort of talked about that very early on in his career. How he used to treat every fan like he’s our friend but then discovered that it was mentally and emotionally exhausting. So, like, I think he should date who he wants to date. Feel however he wants to feel, no matter what we as fans think of the situation.
But I also feel like it’s fine for everyone to react the way we’ve been reacting. It’s weird. A first for him. We’ve never been in a place like this before. Especially with him not being “available” to set the record straight or let us know that he’s okay/ how he feels about swifties making him out to be some evil demon, etc. like, there’s this confusion of “well he’s not here to speak for himself so should we speak for him????” “Does this mean he’s gonna be detached from us now??” “Are we going to get less random/ genuine moments from him cuz he’s gonna spend less time with us if he has security around him and stuff?” Like he went for walks with fans when he was in nyc. He took like 15 minutes of whatever it was to listen to the Asian American fan who wanted to explain to him how the podcast thing affected her. He listened, understood, explained his side, etc. surely he won’t be able to do that when he’s gotta be more private now. You know? So, it’s a scary time for everyone. It’ll pass though.
We’ll adjust. Figure out a new dynamic, and things will calm down. Just a stressful phase of limbo in between lol.
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suhnnyskiess · 2 years
Hehe yessssss I love flowers very very much!! And those are exactly it!!!
In terms of cosmos flowers, they are a symbol of beauty and love in Chinese culture.
Oh also! one of my fav flower facts is the legend behind the name of the “forget-me-not” flower. Apparently it’s named after this tale of a knight walking down a riverbank with his lover. she saw these beautiful blue flowers by the bank and he bent down to pick them for her but slipped and fell inside. so he tossed the flowers over to her and yelled “forget me not!” as he got carried away by the water currents since his armour was too heavy for him to get out. It’s so sad but such a pretty story.
I also love the fact that the same flowers but with different colours can have different meanings. Like hydrangeas! Pink ones are for heartfelt emotions so they’re given as confessions, white are for purity but can also be for vanity, purple is for a deep desire to understand someone, and blue are for apologies!
And haha…. yeah… I do hope you’d like my fics when my identity is revealed. Tbf you’ve read a few HAHAHAHHAH so I’ve got high hopes!
OH NO THE KING TALE MADE ME GASP OUT LOUD THATS SO 😭😭😭‼️ LIKE its both so dramatic and sad yet very very interesting I actually had no idea the flowers had such a background story like that 🥺🥺
And the facts about hydrangeas makes sense!! and they are so pretty!!and I say it makes sense (as I said before I have no understanding of flowers 😭‼️) bc I remember I posted a picture of purple hydrangeas my mom had brought home and I think I posted with some song or something bc a friend messaged me if I was okay or hurt and I was like so confused bc I simply liked the flower 🧍‍♀️but uhhhh now that I see what they can mean it makes sense my friend approached me 🤪🤪
You made it all sound so pretty and interesting! Like I knew flowers could be very meaningful but I think I never put into thought how much they could be 💗‼️
also I'm quite embarrassed to know you know I've read yr stuff not bc I am ashamed or anything but like, bc I never quite make sense when leaving reviews or anything and i always have typos 😭😭‼️‼️ but hey, nice to know I do know you in a way, it makes this experience less scary HAHA
Anyways, sending you a big hug fella<3! 🫂
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shenyaanigans · 3 years
man. i rly think what makes makoharu so compelling is they have every opportunity to be bad for each other, but they’re so aware of the way in which the other is codependent on them, they actively choose not to be.
haru relies on makoto to be his executive function, on some level, and makoto knows it. makoto wakes haru up and pulls haru out of the bath and the pool, and most importantly if they have places to be or things to do, makoto is the one that’s on it and making sure they’re on time (ESFJ boy). because makoto so often speaks for haru in these instances, it’d be easy for makoto to say things he wants haru to say, or to control haru’s time in a nefarious way, but he doesn’t. makoto is always listening to what haru wants for the most part, so his oversteps are typically small, like trying to wipe haru’s face at a restaurant or stopping haru from jumping into an aquarium tank. they annoy haru a lot, as one does when you’ve loved someone for a long time, but it’s pretty standard stuff.
this aspect of makoharu is further explored in season 3 with the foil that comes out in hiyori/ikuya, because that is exactly what hiyori does. hiyori speaks for ikuya not to say what ikuya would like him to say, but what hiyori wants ikuya to say, because hiyori projects the insecurity he has for his relationship with ikuya into every facet of said relationship. interestingly, i think hiyori’s desire to actually be loved by ikuya, while it comes out in a toxic way, has a better overall self image than the one makoto has, because makoto is only able to do right by haru by assuming and accepting that what he gets from haru is what he gets, regardless of whether that’s actually good enough or even fair to him. which i think is where this reverses.
up until the end of eternal summer, makoto would go anywhere, do anything, be anyone for haruka; he just wants to be with haru, and he makes that pretty clear. it would be extremely easy for haru to take advantage of makoto and suck him dry or force him to put up with shitty behavior because he knows makoto is a sure thing—actually, haru DOES do this from time to time: the fireworks fight in season 2 where haru snaps at him unfairly, the first episode of season 1 where haru is being an asshole to makoto the whole way to school, parts of the high speed film where haru is feeling sad about rin so he takes it out on makoto and his teammates. haru is allowed to act spoiled because makoto will allow him that space to do that, because makoto loves haru that much to put up with behavior like that. but the thing is, especially as the series progresses—and especially when it becomes clear that haru could actually lose makoto—haru starts doing the work of walking back and actually apologizing for the bad that he does, and also, tbf, haru does try his best to not push makoto on things that he knows will actively hurt him. he never makes fun of makoto for not liking scary things or for hiding behind haru, and in fact, haru jumps at the chance to protect makoto when it’s presented to him. when makoto is scared, haru always holds his hand through it. when presented with an opportunity to do whatever he wants at makoto’s expense, haru doesn’t take that chance.
i think that’s really interesting, because we’re really walking a fine line here—this doesn’t work in any other iteration. it has to be them. it has to be two people who are so committed to understanding each other that they actually can depend on each other to the degree that they do without destroying one another. and they come right up to that line but they somehow manage to never go over, which is fascinating to me.
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I always get a little bit frustrated when people say "The Magnus Archives would have been better if they just did the short stories and done away with the meta narrative". This isn't a "the meta is superior you just don't get it" post. If you don't like the direction TMA went and miss the more anthology side of things, that's perfectly fine. I get it. To each their own.
But to say it would be better as just a horror anthology, regardless if you prefer the statements from season 1, misses the fact that for TMA, the horror is built into the meta plot. You can’t have one without eventually having the other. 
S1's statements are great, don't get me wrong. But they were always meant to be a taster to the greater meta narrative. They were written to be built off of later on, from some introduced characters, to the entities, to some of the theming that would show up, to some statements’ plot points, they wouldn’t have been written the way they were if they were just standalone stories. (Which tbf, S1 statements are more standalone than most of the rest of the series, but the building blocks were there). 
So yeah, I totally respect if people don't like the metaplot and just wanted spooky short stories, but TMA would fundamentally be an entirely different show if it was just the horror stories. I can't say it would better or worse as a show, it would be so different there isn't much of a comparison. It wouldn't be The Magnus Archives. 
That being said, now that I’ve rambled on a bit, if you're looking for some short horror stories without meta plots, here's some podcasts (not all of these have links):
PseudoPod: Horror fiction anthology that’s been going on for over a decade. One of the creators is Alasdair Stuart, better known by TMA fans as the voice of Peter Lukas. 
The Something Scary Podcast by Something Scary: “Do you wanna hear something scary? Join Markeia every week as they bring you the creepiest ghost stories, urban legends, and folktales.” Got recced this one multiple times, so check it out~
No Sleep Podcast: Another long running, famous horror anthology. Not much else to say, bunches of stories all designed to make you scared. 
NIGHTLIGHT: A horror anthology all written by black writers. Like the previous one, good and scary horror anthology stuff.
So yeah, check them out!!! These aren’t the only spooky horror anthology podcasts out there, but these are a good start. Feel free to reblog and add more that I missed if you’d like! I just want to say that it’s perfectly alright if TMA doesn’t fill the type of horror you’re looking for bc there are bunches of other writers out there that certainly can. 
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kkoongiee · 4 years
txt reactions — first christmas with your family ‹𝟹
prompt, Can I request TxT Doing Christmas with their s/o family this year who live in the states. I can just imagine how nervous that plane ride would be 🤭
notes, gender-neutral!reader, merp beomgyu has been bias wrecking me all week,, sooo yes i just based his off wat my family would do LOLOLOLOL hope u like this,, i feel like i kinda strayed away from the prompt so um
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yeonjun would definitely be nervous yeah 😭 he wants to leave a good impression on your parents + he knows they have seen videos of him from time to time, which he doesn’t believe you when you say they think he’s nice. jun is worrying over his outfit, his expressions, and the way he talks. you have to reassure him, even when you’re at the doorstep of your childhood home, he’s nervous to talk or even look at them. it’s alright though because your parents are super nice!! they have early gifts for him 😭 they also did their research so they could cook for him, yeonjun is so surprised that they did all this and were trying to impress HIM 🥺 ur just like, ‘i told u so..’ and he gives u a little swat on the arm before talking some more to your parents. jun is so excited to open presents with your distant family and talk to them now, ur family is so nice 😭😭 they love him and go on and on about how handsome he is!!!! he feels LOVED and wow u have so many little cousins, he just is not used to SO MANY people in the house 🧍 yeonjun loves them all, literally he’s received a good fifteen hugs that night
tbf all of them are nervous, but soobin is the MOST. he’ll have his leg bouncing next to you, his hand all clammy and he’s worried about when you two will be there in the next few hours. bin is so scared when he sets down the presents, americans are competitive with gifts and its kinda scary when your family describes their time spent on getting the perfect present 🧍 soobin needs a push to start talking, but he will quickly warm up to them 🥺 all ur parents want is some mf love from him because they LOVE him???? not your parents being txt stans 😭 bye they both stan soobin after finding out that he was a kpop idol, they will send you pictures with their albums and photocards 🧍 yeah they love him & he rly doesn’t need to worry about it!!! they talk to him and set down their rules ofc, but then all they wanna talk about is him 😭 soobin is their ultimate favorite,, they might even just love him more than u
beomgyu idk why but i keep picturing him with a hispanic 🧍 like he’s nervous but so excited to meet them cause ur always talking ab how nice and fun they r to be around!! gyu can hardly contain it when he comes into the house n sees all ur family already there 🥺 he’s like wow .. they r all here and im just getting to the party 😭 beomgyu is so HAPPY!!! he forgets all about that nervousness as soon as your mom wraps her arms around him, bring on the hugs and the cheek pinches,, gyu is the tiniest cutest little thing and all of ur family just wanna cherish him 😡😡 ofc, they gotta lay down their rules too but they knew he passed the test as soon as he walked in. does anyone else family call like mijo and mija to random people, mine does 😭 beomgyu feels special af because he’s being called mijo so he’s happy. beomgyu sad af when he has to go off to bed with u, but wow he never wants to leave here and he doesnt want ur family to leave!! yeah but ur family feeds him & makes sure their newest addition to the family is well taken care of 🥺
taehyun walks in and ur house is very dainty, modern styled and simple. he has this very exciting family and ur house is so .. quiet compared to ur personality. but then ur mom and dad come down, four mini you’s coming down and two older you’s coming as well, now filling the air with screams and laughs. like WOW ur family is big 😳 taehyun is so happy because they r all so cute and so small, they r crawling all over him and he is ELATED he’s never had so many small children in one room there!!! they r all showing him their toys n stuff they got before christmas day tomorrow, taehyun succumbing to the cuteness and taking a seat on the floor to play with them. cue ur younger siblings crying because taehyun has to go,, hes so SAD 🥺 but he definitely wants to visit again bc he now adores ur family and ur siblings love him too!!!
huening kai probably is trembling at the thought of ur family not liking him 🧍 he deadass thinks dear god help me, i am not prepared for this and when u ring the doorbell and he sees the small family u have, he’s like whew, less to impress. hyuka is still scared to sit down or take off his jacket like they tell him to, he rly does not get it 😭 he’s never been here and the way they talk and their ways in the house are not the same .. he’s so confused poor thing. he finds his way when your mom invites him in the kitchen, getting along well. she is probably blabbing on about her child and how these little things happened when u were younger, huening kai gaining bits of knowledge on how it works over there in the states 🧍 he is super excited to open presents tho, mostly cuz u told him ur parents and family were trying to impress him so this year was a battle for his heart 😭😭 KAI LOVES THEM
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