#but ten days is the minimum amount of time 2 can take place over-
oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
y'know if you only count required time progression then all of the games take place in like a week or two- like. 2's the one i know best so using that as an example: chapter 1 is one day, chapter 2 is two days, chapter 3 is two days, chapter 4 is two days, chapter 5 and 6 are one day, chapter 7 is one day, and chapter 8, 9 and 10 are all one day. that's ten days-
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bestfoodprocessor2 · 2 years
3 Steps To Finding the right Food Processor
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best food processor reddit
Therefore it is come to that time all over again when your food pick is on her last legs and you simply desperately need to restore it with a brand-new shiny model.
best food processor reddit
The good news is for you, in today's on the internet e-commerce world, most people literally have tens of thousands of devices to opted from. No longer thinking of forced to shop in the local town. You possibly can make a purchase from any place you like and depend upon postage and shipping charges to do the rest.
Consequently now that you have made all the way up your mind that you need an exciting new food processor, the following are some important factors to think about just before rushing into at your residence purchase.
1) Amount: Price will usually function as a first factor you consider when wanting to buy the best foodstuff processor. Depending on that which you can afford, you will typically find that the better brands come with a higher price level.
You will find models which range from $60 all the way up up to $600.
Because of personal experience even though I wouldn't pay out any more than $350 for a new nutrition processor. I'm sure some $600 machine has to be great device, although I just don't think it's important to pay that much.
By means of today's competitive via the internet market, there are some substantial bargains to be found if you choose your research.
As a rule associated with thumb, I make an effort to stay in the $100-$250 range when choosing a new oven device like a cutting edge food processor.
Certainly there are some cheaper types out there, but require my word because of it, these models cannot last long and additionally before you know it you will be rear online where anyone started.
2) Customer comments: Reading what other families think is a necessary step in your buying decision. With running forums, and review web-sites, you have the necessary solutions to find custome reviews at the click from just a few buttons. Ensure that you do your homework and explore at least one site that you food design reviews. You will be rather grateful you made because people are usually keen to share ones own experiences with you whether or not they are good or even bad. Just looking through a few simple opinions can really save you spending your money and buying bad product. Make sure you purchase a model that at a minimum has a 4 because of 5 star standing. Any less, means that the feedback generally is a mixed bag which the product should be stopped.
3) Features: This can sound like an obvious a particular, but you would be shocked how often consumers will buy a meals processor that whether lacks the functions they need, or provides way more features when compared to they actually need. Should you be going to be taking on your hard earned money on a completely new device for your kitchen area, make sure you are choosing something that will do what you want it you need to do. How often considering planning on using your foods processor? Once a week, 3 times a week, or day-to-day? Decide on this component first and then know what kind of features you would like. Does your piece of equipment need to be machine washable because you are going to be utilizing it every day, or are you currently not too fussed about cleaning that yourself? Should your machine have multiple velocities because you are going to be considering elaborate dishes, or simply are you simply about to be using it for the moment and again to your kids food? You need to know what features you need before you make that each important purchase.
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angelanika · 4 years
How Bizarre Pt2
<<<< Part 1                                    Part 3 >>>>  
Chapter warnings: cursing, sugar daddy/baby relationships, sexual themes
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A couple hours after you left, Bakugou had finally woken up. He rolled his tired body over and his drowsy eyes peered at the bed-side clock,“tch. Already noon.” 
His red eyes looked sleepily around the luxurious hotel room, noting your absence. A teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, micro-minature part of him wished that you were still there.
 He pictured how your skin delectably contrasted the white bed sheets below him and how your pretty eyes gazed up into his own full of lust and desire. If only you had stayed a little longer...maybe he could’ve gotten another round in...
He groaned as he threw himself out of the bed and strolled towards the shower. The stress of the previous weeks were nothing some good drinks and hot sex couldn’t fix and as the water streamed down his toned body, he was already feeling more and more refreshed.
You, on the other hand, were as busy as a bee. 
After rushing home to clean yourself up and diving into a crowded train, you arrived at the Hara Estate with 2 minutes to spare.
You had only begun setting down your belongings in the small room near the massive kitchen when the lady of the house yoo-hooed out for you.
“Y/N!! Y/N!!”
You appeared in front of her.
“Oh great! Glad you’re here. I have so much for you to do today, everything has to be perfecttttt,” she sang while slapping a to-do list on the counter, “Hurry up and change dear then get to work. Ok?”
Her smile faded and she stared at you sternly.
“Yes Mrs.Hara,” you corrected.
Her matte pink smile returned as she gave the to-do list two light taps on the marble counter, “Well chop-chop.” 
Your blood boiled.
She turned on her pointed heels and she pranced away leaving you burning holes in the back of her dark, silky hair. 
Ma'am, you're grey roots are showing 🙄
Your job definitely didn’t start off like this. Hell, you weren’t even obligated to lift a finger but...shit happens...
You had met the witch's husband, Mr.Hara, at the daycare you used to work at. He wouldn't always be the one to drop his son, Prince, off but he made sure to pick him up in the evenings.
You worked at the tiny front desk, so you were always able to catch a glimpse of the visibly wealthy man when he came in.
Mr.Hara was a tall, slim Japanese. Fit and paired with shiny, black hair, always trimmed to perfection and silver streak in the front just for show. 
He worked somewhere behind the scenes in the Hero Commission...or Association...or something like that…. Let’s just say the man had impressive connections and money to spare!
He was clearly older than you, probably by a decade, but that didn't stop your eyes from roaming and your mind from wandering.
Saying that he hadn’t been eyeing you as well, would be a blatant lie on his part. 
One afternoon when he was signing the book after collecting Prince, he suddenly spoke up, "How much longer do you plan on working here?"
"S'cuse me?" You said, taken aback by the sudden and almost intrusive question.
He slipped his sleek, black and gold pen back into his suit pocket before closing the check-out book and handing it back to you, "Well I know that working here can't pay you that well and I'm sure you don't plan on doing this the rest of your life," he explained.
"My career plans are none of your concern Mr.Hara."
He chuckled at this and you cracked a small smile but you both knew that he was right.
You would think that working at a daycare for the rich and privileged would pay you just as elegantly, but boy were you wrong! It was minimum wage with a few toasted breadcrumbs and as much as you tried to deny it, you would soon need to find a new job.
"I'll tell you what," Mr. Hara began, " You come work for me at my place and I'll pay you ten times as much as you get here."
Your ears perked up. 
"Work for you?"
"Yeah. Trust me. It's not bad at all,” he stated while leaning over the counter and lowering his silky smooth voice, “Just come to my place a few days a week, cook, clean...entertain me."
Instant butterflies!
Your eyes went wide, “Entertain you?! I’m sorry Mr. Hara but I cannot sleep with you!!”      
   ...at least take me out for dinner first😏
He quickly straightened back up and waved his hands dismissively, “No No not like that. It just gets a little lonely in the house. That’s all...”
You stared at him suspiciously.
“I’ll tell you what,” he declared, “Here’s my personal number, we can discuss it more over the phone. You don’t even have to do the housework but just give me a call ok?”
“Oh..ok..thank you Mr. Hara,” you mumbled softly as you accepted the little note..
After fixing his dark sunglasses back in place and calling for Prince, who had been completely enchanted by whatever game he was playing on his tablet, he made his way to the exit, leading Prince through first.
 Then he suddenly stopped midway and turned back to you with a smirk...
“Oh and please, call me Kenji.”
Before you could even reply, he had disappeared through the heavy glass doors and into his BMW.
D-Did you just cop yourself a sugar baby position???
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Two days later, you gave him a call. 
He answered all of your questions effortlessly as if he had done this a thousand times and flattered you with the absurd amount he was willing to pay you for just keeping him company.
“...and what about sex?” you whispered timidly into the phone, ensuring that even the ghosts in your empty apartment couldn’t hear you.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he laughed. “So Y/N? What do you say?”
Exactly one week after that, you’re striding through the mansion gates.
Seeing that your new “job” had extremely flexible working hours, you decided against quitting at the daycare. The extra income was now seemingly unnecessary but the more the merrier right?
 It also grants you an easy answer to the inevitable question of “So what do you do for a living?” rather than having to explain your relationship with Mr.Hara or trying to avoid the question totally. 
You straightened out your burgundy blouse and picked at the little fluffs on your jeans, before entering the house.
He had told you to just let yourself in when you got there and that’s exactly what you did. 
When you finally strolled into the house, your jaw immediately dropped. 
Girls! Girls! Girls!
Girls of all different shapes, sizes and colours were littered around the living room, relaxing in the pool and snacking in the kitchen.
“Lonely my ass,” you thought. 
Your presence had quickly caught the attention of a particular blonde who sprinted towards you at lightning speed. Her piercing green eyes and strikingly long legs had even you mesmerized. 
You were definitely in the presence of a Victoria Secret model.
“OHHH you must be Y/N, Daddy told us to look out for you!!”
“He’s in his office. Come! Come!” 
After giving the door a few light taps, you heard the low timbre of Mr.Hara’s voice beckoning you to come in.
“Ah y/n. I see you’ve met Lada.” he chirps. 
The girl in question whose accent you have picked up to be Russian smiles down at you brightly. 
As Mr.Hara dismisses Lada, he calls out to another girl who suddenly appears from under the desk.
You nearly had heart failure.
She strides out with Lada, patting down her purple lingerie.
You physically had to bend over to pick up your jaw from the floor.
Mr.Hara smoothly turns to you in his chair, totally unfazed. 
“Glad you made it Y/N, welcome to your new job.”
* * * *
This chapter gives a lot of background but sit tight, the drama is comingggg 🤪
@jazzylove @blkirishima 
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
Could you write a Chenford prompt with this “You’re always number one.” ? Thank you!
Ok anon, this one was so much fun to write! Thank you for sending me this prompt! I hope you enjoy :) Send me a prompt from this list!
The sounds of car doors slamming filled the parking lot, the hot California sun bearing down onto the asphalt.  “Someone please remind me why we’re doing this again?” said Nyla Harper as she and Lila met the growing crowd in front of the building.
“Because Nolan said it’d be fun and none of us disagreed.”
“It’s also a bonding experience.” Piped in John Nolan.
Tim Bradford rolled his eyes. “As if we don’t spend enough time out of work as it is.”
“Alright,” said Angela Lopez, gathering the groups attention as she walked out of the building. “We’ve got 2 hours booked for us to play as many rounds as possible with a twenty-minute break after an hour. Wesley and I took the liberty last night of dividing everyone into teams already. Should someone feel as though it’s unfair after the first game then we will redo the teams. Alpha squad will be Wesley, Jackson, Tim, Lila and John. Bravo squad will be Sterling, Lucy, Nyla, Henry and myself.”
“Question, can we change our team names?”
“What are the rules?” asked Jackson.
Wesley raised an eyebrow. “Their rules or our rules?”
“Ours of course.”
“No removing your sensor to avoid being shot. Keep physical contact to a minimum. Climbing is allowed as long as you don’t get shot. If you are shot, then your vest will reset after thirty seconds. We have the room to ourselves so no worries about outsiders. An alarm will go off in an hour to signal the break. Most importantly, have fun. Everyone ready?” Angela told the group before moving towards the building.
“You’re going down Bradford.” Lucy gloated as they walked through the door.
“Is that what you think boot?”
Lucy scoffed “Think? I know. Remind me again who was Mid-Wilshire’s shooting champ this year?”
“There was a scuba diver!” Cried John.
“We know.” Voiced the group.
The group divided up into their teams, going into separate rooms to get their gear.
“Game starts in five.” Nyla said as she slipped back into her teams’ room after helping Lila into her gear. “The amount of trash talk coming from them… Don’t be shocked to see Lila and Nolan team up.” She told them as she began gearing up herself.
An alarm through their room, giving off the one-minute warning. Both teams lining up outside of their doors that led to the complex.
The next alarm sounded as the doors opened, the lights off and blacklight’s on making the place glow.
“Yippie ki yay Mother-“
“NOLAN SO HELP ME, DON’T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE.” Nyla yelled as she entered the room.
Each person began strategizing, Sterling being the first shot as Wesley rounded a corner.
Lucy was able to shoot John, who was helping Lila sneak under a platform, “Not fair Lucy!” he yelled as she ran away.
The first round went quick, the score almost even as the alarm blared, signaling their break, they congregated in one room, huddled around the TV screen showing points.
“How are they winning?” Cried Angela. “I know I shot Nolan at least five times!”
“It’s only by a few points honey.” Wesley smirked as he told his wife, taking a sip of water.
Angela glared, covertly flipping her husband the middle finger as Sterling wondered aloud. “How does a nine-year-old have more kills than me?”
Jackson laughed. “Because you play a cop on TV, Ster. Where as her mother probably gave her the good aim in her genes.”
“Wait, this says Tim and Lucy are tied as the top shooters.” Henry pointed out. “How is that possible?”
Everyone turned staring at the two as Lucy shrugged. “I told you, champion. Besides, I rarely win anything. Now Tim on the other hand, you’re always number one.” She said pointing a finger.
“Come on boot, Antonio won that one time!” he defended before explaining. “We do paintball once a month. Besides, Chen practically lives at the shooting range.”
“Only because you make me!” Lucy snorted before defending herself. “And I do have a life outside of work I’ll have you know.”
“Is that what you’re calling him? Because if I remember correctly, I had to buzz you in the other day at six in the morning wearing yesterday’s clothes because you ‘lost’ your keys.” Jackson pointed out causing her to blush. “And it wasn’t the first time either.”
Nolan propped his head on the fist of the elbow leaning on the table. “Tell me more tell me more did you get very far.” He sung.
“Shut up Nolan.” The group voiced as he raised his hands in defense.
The five-minute bell rang, half the group standing to head back to their room, Angela and Nyla moving to Lucy’s side as she began to put her device back on, shooting the test target in the room to check her gun.
“Is he a decent guy?” asked Angela.
Lucy smiled. “He is.”
“Have you done a background check on him?”
“I haven’t but I don't need to, he’s told me a lot.”
Nyla watched Lucy, her arms crossed over her chest. “You love him.”
“I do.”
Angela looked at Nyla before looking back at Lucy “Does he make you happy?”
Lucy looked at the two, her smile growing. “He does.”
“Then that’s all that matters.” Angela said. “If he hurts you, I hope he knows your family will help you kill him.”
Lucy laughed, “Not if I kill him first.”
The one-minute alarm sounded as each team re-assumed their entry positions.
Team Bravo was the first to strike in round two, Nyla taking Lila and Jackson down ten seconds apart.
Lucy quickly made her way to the second floor, finding the perfect corner that was dark enough to stay hidden with the help of her jacket hiding the glow of her target. She crouched down, keeping an eye out, watching the walkway that ran across the second floor, she knew Jackson was up here, having seen his white shirt go by in a blur as she made her way up from the first floor.
“Boo.” A voice whispered in her ear.
Lucy jumped to her feet, startled as she whipped around, pointing her gun at the person that was crouched beside her on the floor. “Didn’t your T.O ever teach you not to sneak up on someone with a gun?”
“It’s fake. And didn’t your T.O teach you to always stay aware of your surroundings boot?” retorted Tim as he stood, backing her further into the corner.
“How did you get there and how long have you been there?”
“Army crawled.” He said shrugging. “And not that long. So, who’s the guys ass I need to be kicking?”
“None of your business. But,” She told him, her tone playful as Tim stepped closer. “he’s about six foot four, blond hair, killer eyes.”
“Yeah? He sounds like a loser.”
“Well, someone has to counter his inner nerdiness.”
“Wanna play dirty?” he asked, as he moved closer, each hand grabbing for the belt loops of her pants as Lucy’s back hit the wall.
“Looks like we already are.”
“We are but,” he dragged out. “what if we teamed up to take down both sides?” he asked, leaning his body into hers.
Lucy bit her lip as she tilted her head back. “Conspiring to commit treason are we Sergeant Bradford?”
Tim moved his head down, his lips grazing hers as he whispered. "Conspiring to do something Officer Chen.” He said as he acted first, his lips capturing hers harshly, eliciting a moan from deep within as her body reacted to his touch. His fingers let go of the denim loops, hands slowly grazing the exposed skin where her shirt was riding up, causing her to shiver as she moved a leg, wrapping it around his backside.
“We’re going to get caught.” She said as someone yelled from the first floor. Tim moved his lips down her neck, his nose pushing her hair back as he sucked on the skin, a gasp escaping her lips.
“They won’t even know we’re missing.” He mumbled against her neck as his hands slid into the back pockets of her jeans, lifting her, pressing her harder into the wall as she wrapped her other leg around him.
“They’ll know when they see neither of us getting points.”
“We’re getting points.” He smirked, pulling back. “Just none they need to know about.”
Lucy fisted his shirt, pulling him into her in a hungry kiss, returning his earlier kiss with equal fervor before letting go, running her nails over his scalp as she grinded into him.
“Lucy!” Jackson yelled from the first floor, causing them to break apart. “I know you’re waiting for me!”
Lucy dropped down as Tim let her go. “How the hell did he get down there?” she asked, catching her breath as she grabbed her gun that was swinging by its tether.
“I guess you were distracted.” He told her, his tone light and playful.
Lucy moved around him, making the move to go after her friend.
“Wait.” he said as he pulled her back by the arm, twirling her into him as his lips found hers in the darkness, leaving her breathless.
Lucy moaned as she forced herself to pull away. “Later, we will finish this later.” She promised, retracting his hands from his waist as she stepped back. “And babe?”
“Yeah?” he asked stepping closer to her.
“Payback’s a bitch.” She told him as she pressed the trigger on her gun, the laser hitting the target on Tim’s chest.
Tim stood shocked as Lucy ran away. “What the hell Chen!”
Lucy’s laugh echoed off the walls as she ran down the stairs, taking out Wesley who was running up the steps “Oh Jackson.” She sung. “Wanna play a game?”
Fifteen minutes later the final alarm blared, signaling the end of the game.
“Alright, which team is ready to buy the brews?” Angela asked the group who stood waiting outside. “Drum roll please!” Lucy, Nyla and Lila, began beating their hands on their thighs.
“With 3400 points the winner is… Team Bravo!”
“In your face Bradford! Break out the money clip old man!”
Tim rolled his eyes at his girlfriend’s antics before stepping closer, “Twenty bucks says Jackson will be wasted by the end of the night.”
Lucy looked at Jackson who was pouting. “Make it loser pays for ice cream after paintball next week and you’ve got a deal.” She told him sticking out her hand.
“Deal.” He told her accepting her hand, lingering for what was probably too long for ‘coworkers.’
The next week Lucy smiled, handing a twenty-dollar bill over to the cashier before glancing back at Tim who was trying to stop the topping avalanche that was sliding down his double scope of Oreo ice cream. “You ready?” she asked as she pocketed her change, holding out the hand that held no ice cream.
Tim smiled, hints of ice cream on his lips as he took her hand, walking out the door. “With you? Always.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels: SHORT SERIES PART 4
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
Member: Lee Juyeon
Genre: angst and smut i promise (how can i not write smut with this gif right)
A/N: idk if you guys read my A/Ns... but look for the ** in this chapter, and play the bonus track i’ve linked. i apologise in advance if it hurts... it’s going to be a long chapter, so sit back and relax
Taglist: @muvtharecca​
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“you always try to hide the pain”
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kevin is sitting opposite you in a 24-hour convenient store, the scent of kimchi flavoured instant noodles wafting through the air. the snow outside was only making this hot, late-night supper even more endearing as if it wasn't already on its own.
the chopsticks snap away from each other with bare minimum energy while you pull off the flap and greet the cloud of hot vapour.
the day concluded with kevin and the interviewer thanking juyeon, and they must've known something was wrong because you shook his hand without a word.
they've never seen you try so hard to force out a smile.
"go ahead and eat, kev," you jam your chopsticks into the nicely cooked noodles, shaking the strands apart. "do you need an invitation?"
kevin is accustomed to your work ethics; he knows you don't like to talk about work outside the studio or the office building.
so he deems it valid to ask when he decides that there was something more than "work" between you and the guest they had today.
"so, lee juyeon," kevin mirrors your movements, watching you in some corner of his eyes. "he's an ex-boyfriend?"
the food masks your need to throw something at kevin, and frankly, you weren't really in the mood to go against your kind-hearted colleague. not just that, you were spent from the day.
the vast amounts of strength you had to summon from the witch scratching your insides out was enough to drain you. it feels like you had to entertain more than a guest today, when you only had one.
any other day and it would've been an easy day.
but not when it is lee juyeon. not when he has his lips on yours in your studio. not when you still love him.
"you can talk to me if you need to, y/n. it sucks to see you like this, and we've been colleagues for two years."
the hot noodles leave a scalding sensation on your lips when you slurp it up, but instead, a sourness wraps itself around the nerves in your nose.
"for context, if our boss was in the studio, he would not have condoned your behaviour. you know that," leaning forward, kevin tries to meet your eyes.
"but he wasn't, so case closed."
he sighs, shaking his head gently as he takes his first mouth of instant noodles.
it is a few minutes of silence that brings you peace. every now and then, one of you slurps and kevin's lips began to pink with the heat and spicyness of the food.
yet, when kevin breaks the silence to return to the topic, it is both a relief from the tension and an added stress to the fact that you have no clue how to run anymore.
"i know he followed you into the storage room, did he do anything to you inside? are you alright?"
"i'm fine."
you look up through your lashes and see that kevin is slurping a lone strand of noodles extremely slowly, squinting his eyes at you and shaking his head.
"i think you should know you can't lie for whack."
a scoff runs your warm throat dry, and you shove another good mouth through your lips.
"i know he was talking about you in the interview, y/n. why are you denying a bad break up? most couples go through this. so what if he lost you to another man? he said he wasn't prioritising you over his work.”
kevin knows you are trying to avoid the topic and you weren’t one to be aggressive with him. 
he chooses to pry.
“from what i got from the interview, it sounds like he was the one in the wrong.”
sure, he started it. 
but you were the one who slept with someone else.
“any normal girlfriend would’ve been upset, and of course if there was another, better guy in the picture, i wouldn’t have blamed her for moving on. i wouldn’t blame you.”
but you didn’t move on, did you?
“i highly doubt any of that was your fault--”
your attention pulls to kevin from the bowl and lock eyes with him. 
“i slept with someone else, kev.”
the silence is deafening, only the jingle from the entrance of the store interrupting the still air between the two of you. 
“...while you were with--”
“yeah,” your eyes gravitate back downwards, and a frown gets cemented into your forehead. 
the food no longer looks edible; it looks more like a bunch of dead worms floating in a pool of blood. 
you hear kevin suck a deep breath through his nostrils as you push the bowl away, your appetite shrinking by the second and then it disappears completely like dust in the wind. 
“is it...” someone pays for a cup of coffee and leaves the store. “...safe to say that the two of you were already estranged when you did it?”
more like non-existent.
“it felt like we broke up and i didn’t know about it. i don’t know how great of an analogy or explanation that is, but i know that it felt like that,” you pause, because it feels like you were going to hurl out half the portion of noodles you had. “we were on edge for like... months. four, five months. it’s like his phone got thrown out into the middle of the pacific ocean and he never bothered to get a new one or at least save my number and i just...”
you look up from the bowl because your eyes were welling and your lungs were beginning to collapse in on themselves. there was a look of pity and sympathy in kevin’s eyes. 
his lips were pursed and brows slightly furrowed; he doesn’t know what to say and you don’t blame him. 
“the other guy was just there for me in that time of... vulnerability. i just let myself fall for that temptation.”
your colleague is stunned, but never does he once look at you like it was your fault. it was extremely out of character for you to crash and break down in front of him, and you were sure he could tell you were putting in effort to keep yourself composed. 
“sorry,” a tear falls without mercy, and you hurry to get rid of it, simply offering a weak laugh to hide your feelings. 
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you emotional.”
“it’s alright,” you shake your head and sit up straight, eyes looking to the fluorescent lights above and blinking away the layer of tears in your eyes. “saw this conversation coming anyway.”
kevin pushes out a tiny, bare smile by pursing his lips. 
you let kevin continue with his food because you couldn’t eat anymore, and your attention gravitates back to the outside world where the snow was gently falling onto the pavements. 
bright white lights reflected off the snow on the floor looking like crystals from afar, and you just can’t find enough strength to push the memory of juyeon out of your head. 
the gush of wind that greets your face would’ve been refreshing had you not just been on the verge of crumbling infront of kevin. 
he thanks the cashier behind you and follows you out onto the streets, pulling his beanie over his ears. he watches you close your eyes, snow falling into your lashes and your hair over the back of your coat. 
“i know it’s not in my place to say much, but if it’s anything i learnt from being in a relationship, it’s that you need to face whatever haunts you.”
his words sink into your skin like a cold blanket of truth, because you know it’s right. the tip of your nose numbs with the cold weather when you open your eyes and look at kevin, his presence alone enough to comfort you. 
there was probably no other person you’d be this comfortable talking to about the biggest mistake you made in your life. 
“i know.”
he nods, and turns to the left, expecting you to follow because you stay just about a ten minute walk from him.
but when he notices that you don’t budge from the spot you were standing on, and two passerbys were visibly confused with your lack of movement, kevin returns to your side and gives you a pat on the head. 
“call me if you need anything.”
like before, a nod shakes your head before you could process the movement, and kevin walks away, giving you one last look before he disappears around the corner of the building.
it is taxing to hit the button on the lift panel, watch the numbers on the display screen decrease number by second. 
it is overwhelming when the doors open, and snow falls off your shoulders when you stroll in, finger hovering over the button.
“i didn’t know i needed her until i lost her, and i lost her to another man. it was the biggest mistake then, and it’ll probably be the biggest mistake i’ll ever make.”
your lungs fill itself with a deep breath, the cold air piercing through your pores and nerves as the button lights up with a displeasing shade of red light. 
i’ll believe you this once, lee juyeon. 
we both found a chance to slit each other’s throats open and we both did. 
the gears of the lift doors grind open and a door along the corridor is wide open as someone walks in after pulling off his shoes. 
you step out without much thought, that is, until that person’s head sticks out beyond the door frame and the striped shirt is glaringly familiar to you. 
juyeon picks up his shoes and naturally, his eyes follow his line of movement. 
the eye contact seizes you in your footsteps, and it freezes juyeon the same. his back was slightly bent over, very obviously surprised that you were standing in the hallways of his residence. 
it takes him a few moments to process your face, your hands that were covered in gloves and the handbag you had dangling around your waist. 
your hair, lashes and brows were sprinkled with bits of snow; your grip around the straps of your handbag tight with tension. 
juyeon slowly resumes a proper standing position, each shoe hanging on each of his index and middle fingers as he blinks at you. 
he doesn’t say a word and the lift doors close behind you, but his door doesn’t when he turns and disappears into his apartment. 
just this once.
apologise, and you’re through.
he is not good for you and neither are you, for him.
his apartment is cozy; shoe rack, dining table on the right and a small kitchen beyond, living room. carpet, television, sofa, hallway to the private rooms.
you use your feet to get your boots off, carefully placing them by the shoe rack after dusting off the bits of snow from the wool outside the door. 
the apartment smells like juyeon and it makes you sick to your stomach when it haunts you like a dream you never woke up from; when it rips you apart all over again after five years. 
he walks into view from the hallway, arms crossed tightly across his chest and he looks at you like he was expecting something from you. 
just say what you need to say and go. 
you do not owe him anything. 
“are you here to gawk at my apartment like it’s a showroom or are you here because you wanted to do something?”
it is surprisingly easy to contain the frustration now, because you were simply sick of it. there was no reason to remain annoyed with him, nor let him get to you all so easily when he was like this then; obviously he hasn’t changed that much. 
“i...” the neurons in your head struggle to piece the sentence together. “i came to apologise.”
kevin’s words repeat in your brain like a broken record when you look away, for juyeon was staring at you with slightly widened eyes now. he doesn’t even try to hide his surprise or shock -- or maybe he just couldn’t.
you apologising was probably the last thing he expected, yet you were here on your own initiative, spitting out words that he never thought he would hear. 
it requires a rather commendable amount of courage to look up back at juyeon again, his gaze tearing through you like a chainsaw through wood. 
“we had our differences and problems back then but i know it broke you when you found me... with sangyeon.”
you pause, thinking that he’d say something to piss you off or aggravate the situation, but his temples are tightened because he is hiding his feelings; his pain. 
“so... i’m sorry,” a pause. the muscles in your forehead contract and juyeon doesn’t move a single inch. “i don’t need you to apologise, because i don’t know what exactly happened... maybe something happened and i didn’t know but i know myself that i should not have slept with sangyeon, regardless the status of our relationship.”
at least say something, juyeon.
a car honks outside, the snow getting heavier and falling like feathers of doves being shot down from the sky. the city lights outside the window were flickering with the snow blocking your view of them, but the still atmosphere was holding you by the neck; the cold temperature a knife at your throat. 
there was a kind of pain and trauma in his face that feels like paper cuts on your heart. you know very well he was playing that fateful day like a movie in his head, seeing you in bed with another man. 
you would’ve stopped him right there and then, tell him not to think about it, but that’s what you were here to apologise for anyway. 
gravity pulls your chin down to the ground with shame, your jaws clenching and your temples tightening under your beanie. the skin around your knuckles whiten with the amount of strength you were offering the straps of your handbag, 
a soft shuffle snaps you out of your blank, yet panicking mind that glued its eyes to the floor, and you watch juyeon’s feet with his socks on enter your field of vision. 
your lids squeeze shut, his voice rumbling through your nerves like an internal earthquake and you suddenly berate yourself for thinking this was a good idea.
“did you mean what you said today?”
his touch on your chin forces you out of your mental escape, your jaw being pulled upwards so you could meet his eyes.
i still love you, and i don’t want to break you again... so please don’t break me anymore.
it feels like all your motivation and confidence had drained into him through his finger under your chin, and if you weren’t already beating yourself up inside for saying that to him earlier today, you would’ve probably passed out. 
the layer of glistening tears in his eyes feels like boiling poison in your stomach, because the realisation of his truth only hits you now. 
but you don’t want to hear it.
the last time you were in love with him and he was in love with you, it was like pairing a matchstick with a wax candle: both eventually die out because of the other. 
denial washes all over you like waves during a thunderstorm in the form of an abrupt, shake of your head, even under his touch. it ached more than you liked it to have to deny the truth in what you said today, but you cannot break juyeon again.
“no, i--” your chin shifts out of his hold and your eyes dart away from his face. “i didn’t mean it--”
but didn’t you?
juyeon has your jaw in his hands again, lips cushioned against yours. 
it feels like a spear had been driven through your face when you taste his tears between your lips. 
it tastes like toxins and rotten eggs and saltwater and it makes you want to hurl; not because you hated it but because you hated how much it was hurting him.
“juyeon,” your hands push him away but he grabs both your wrists, the seizure halting you in your movements. 
“what are you so scared of?”
the question is like a dump of cold water on you, and you see nothing but remorse in his eyes. 
“...breaking you... it hurts me to know that i can, and i don’t want to do it anymore. i did it once, i don’t want to do it again.”
your voice cracks under the pressure and a tear rolls down his cheek. the urge to reach up and wipe it off his face was so intense, your hands started to tremble in his grip.
“i meant what i said during the interview today. and if you meant what you said, then it means there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.”
life has just shoved you off an edge, an edge that you were standing on after running away from juyeon.
only for you to fall off and into his arms again. 
he shoves his lips between yours, almost violently, when he pulls you forward by your wrists. 
he guides your arms around his shoulders and behind his neck, while his hands find your waist and rest on your lower back, keeping the length of your body close to his. 
your hair under your beanie loosens when he pulls it off, and the next to go was your handbag that he slides off your shoulder and lays it somewhere on the ground. 
don’t make me close one more door
it still doesn’t feel too far for no return, until he takes your hand and rests it on his cheek while he kisses you softly. his lips part and so do yours, instinctively, but he doesn’t force himself into your mouth. 
i don’t want to hurt anymore
the warmth from his palm over yours on his cheek melts you like the snow outside, and before you knew it, he pulls away, looking to see if you were going to turn your back on him and run.
stay in my arms if you dare
yet, the want to run is no longer in control. 
or must i imagine you there?
there was no need to say anything, because it was written all over his face and in his eyes. 
he slots his lips between yours again like puzzle pieces, this time feeling much more whole, much less in pain, much more in love; in love again.
the supposedly dead doves on the street writhes to life as a familiar fire in your chest lights up again. 
don’t walk away from me
both his hands cup your cheeks and your hands are gripping onto the material around his elbows when he starts walking you backwards. 
i have nothing 
a wall meets your back, sandwiching you between the cold concrete and the warmth that was emitting from the length of his body.
if i don’t have you
his scent fills your nostrils like flowers in a field and it is almost nauseating to have it so near to you. not only were you smelling it, you were tasting it, and having it in your grasp was extremely surreal.
you break the kiss first and look at the skin on his neck before finding the courage to look back up at him. 
there is a mild frown on his forehead, his palms still holding your face so gently, it feels like you were cushioned in feathers.
the name rolls off your tongue like a song lost in time, and juyeon simply angles his head downwards to meet your lips again. 
you must’ve been a fool to believe that five years was enough for you to forget about juyeon, not when you’ve spent nearly the same amount of time being his significant other. 
either that, or you were just never meant to escape juyeon’s life, nor rid him from yours. 
maybe now you understand why people do stupid things when they are in love, because they just don’t think it’s stupid. they do it because their heart propels them to do so; they do it because nobody can replace the feeling that this special someone can offer, that only this person can offer.
so when he has you cushioned cozily into the pillows of his bed and your coat and winter wear long gone somewhere, leaving you in just the first layer of clothes you have on, you realise what he’s trying to compensate.
you couldn’t tell if juyeon was just childishly bitter about the fact that you lost your virginity to another man, or that he was still in disbelief about how he treated you back then. 
one thing was for certain though, he is showering you with kisses and caresses that you would’ve otherwise not expected from juyeon. 
the whines and sighs pouring out between your lips sound like a soft lullaby and  he was revelling in the fact that he should’ve given this to you sooner. 
instinctively, your fingers find the rim of juyeon’s top and riles it up, running your skin over the warmth of his skin and smelling more of his cologne when the material brushes across your face as he removes it. 
he looks down at you and his gaze causes goosebumps to erupt all over your body. 
they are loving and desperate for love. they are warm and cold with the memory of how you ended. they are full of desire and hungry for validation.
it doesn’t take him long to attach his lips to yours again once he’s done admiring the features on your face; features that he had lost for so long, he was worried he might forget them. 
as strange as it seemed, having him drag your clothes off you only to stop and stare at the shade of your skin makes you feel like you were truly exposed to him. it is alien and it makes you want to shrivel up under him, because he was not the person you slept with.
but before you could hide yourself away from him, he litters kisses all over your skin. your cleavage, your stomach. fingers brushing over the skin of your hips and thighs, encouraging your hand reaching down to look for his face.
when his cheek is brushed with your fingertips, he looks up through his lashes and it feels like this should’ve happened in place of sangyeon. 
the memory of sangyeon providing you the love and affection you needed engulfs you in flames and your chin tilts to the ceiling, silently begging the heavens to provide you enough strength to keep your tears in. 
juyeon, reading your body language, reaches to his nightstand and pulls out a black sash, something that looked like it belonged to his costume when you saw him at the club two weeks ago. 
“hey,” he leans forward and gives you a peck on the lips. pulling you upwards, he wraps his arm around your waist as he sits down. the position confuses you for awhile, until he pulls you onto his lap and lets you sit on his thighs. 
looking down at him while feeling the warmth of his legs under your rear is slightly unsettling; it has been way too long. 
“me saying sorry won’t cut it,” he slides the sash into your hands and brings them up to his face. “so i’m letting you do whatever you want.”
you decide that lee juyeon has lost his mind when he guides your hands and ties the sash around his eyes.
a frown draws itself into your forehead before you realise he can’t see your expression. 
your lips part in a bid to protest, to ask if he’s lost his fucking mind; but juyeon grabs your wrists and plants kisses into your palms.
your stomach is churning and your eyes are tearing up all over again when he starts trailing them down the inner side of your wrists and forearms. the intimacy of this entire ordeal draws a high on your consciousness, and you can’t help the sigh that escapes your lips when he pulls away.
if this is his way of earning validation, then you have no authority to keep him from being validated. 
your palms press flat against his shoulders, gently pushing him backwards until he’s lying down on the mattress with your knees straddling the sides of his hips. 
the scent that you remember wafting through your nose for so long, so long ago is strongest around his neck. fragile memory invites you to that very spot, dipping your nose into his skin and attaching your lips to the spot under where his jaw led up to his ear.
the heavy breathing from his inflated nostrils already sounds like frustration, and it begins to hurt in your chest that juyeon is punishing himself.
he’s letting you do it only because he thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
your fingers replace the spot where your lips were, and circles of innocent pain draws themselves into his skin. 
his adam’s apple bobs up and down when he gulps, and you try to contemplate your next move. 
it shouldn’t be this difficult.
it really shouldn’t. 
not when he deserves to suffer for what he did.
but you were the one who slept with someone else.
frustration builds up inside you like a pressure flask, or a volcano for that matter. 
juyeon and his affection were the only things you ever wanted.
punishing him would be as good as punishing yourself. even if it was valid, it was, unfortunately, driving a nail through your spine. 
it hurt to let the realisation of his self-punishment sink in. 
“juyeon,” you pull off the blindfold and shake your head at him. “i can’t.”
a muscle in his cheek twitches, and his bare chest heaving up and down under your palms allows you to feel his heartbeat. 
what was this? some dumb game of chess? were you too dumb to let up so easily or was juyeon just too petty about what happened five years ago? it feels like a game of push and pull that was never going to end.
that is, until juyeon opens his mouth. 
“i’m sorry.” 
your eyes dart around his, frantically searching for any sign of pretence or inauthenticity. 
but you are shocked when you see sincerity, and nothing but him wanting to prove himself. 
your heart is racing and thumping so hard, you were sure juyeon could hear it.
it feels like the weight of the world has crashed down on you, at the same time the heavens finally ridding you of the witch that has been peeling your insides and throwing them out of your body in the form of tears. 
the gravity of the apology sinks into you too soon, because you shove your lips between his before you could even process your own actions. 
digging his fingers into your thighs, he pushes you back so you were lying down again, never once breaking the kiss.
you wonder if you were giving in too easily when he slips his tongue through your lips without much effort, but feeling his heart rush against yours is a sensation to be reckoned with.
it does not feel real. it does not feel like you deserve it.
the friction of your pants being pulled off your thighs earns your attention, but he is drinking your moans and feeling you writhe under him. 
the cool air followed by a thud tells you that your pants are on the floor, leaving you in your lingerie and him in his pants. so your fingers run across his biceps and reach south, slightly aggressively undoing his belt. 
sparks fly when juyeon smiles into the kiss. 
oh, how much i missed you. 
he shifts around in a bid to get rid of his pants, breaking the kiss in the process. 
panting and trying to catch your breath from the excessive making out, juyeon slides his arm under you and flips you over carefully.
he doesn’t remove your bra, and maybe it was because he wanted to know he wasn’t doing this because he wanted sex, the way you accused him of it two weeks ago. 
chills run down your spine with every instant his lips are on the skin of your back, and then your inner thighs and you find yourself shaking under him.
not because you were scared, but because this was right. 
the mattress around your legs shift, a finger trails the skin near your core and the air meets your needy wetness you didn’t even realise was becoming prominent. 
the bedsheet gets crumpled in your hands when he pulls it off, lifting your legs for you to remove it. 
then his palms are gripping the back of your thighs and his tongue meets your entrance. 
a hiss runs through your teeth and you shut your eyes.
the bliss is overwhelming, and your entire body was tremoring from the sensation of him dipping his tongue into you. 
his fingers find your sensitive nub, making you pool more for him to lap up. 
just when it becomes too unbearable, he removes himself from your south. burying your face into the pillow, one of his hands grips the flesh of your rear.
it feels like a warm blanket when he leans down, chest against your back and his left arm supporting his weight next to your ear. “tell me if it hurts.”
he greets you at your entrance, prodding slightly and driving inappropriate thoughts into your head as if you weren’t already halfway there. 
so you nod, and he plants a kiss on your shoulder as he pushes into you. 
your temples tighten with the pain when you feel him stretching out your walls, your fingers gripping onto the bedsheet like you were strangling someone. 
his right arm is holding your stomach under you, his lips still leaving lingering dollops of love and care on your shoulders. 
he waits until the look of pain has vanished, and the thrusts start out light because you were still adjusting to him. 
but it doesn’t take long for the small winces of pain to turn into gentle mewls and moans of pleasure. 
you turn and bury your face into the pillow, trying to muffle out your own desperation. 
so it is a surprise when juyeon abruptly pulls out and flips you over on your back, and you provide him one extremely annoyed sigh. 
he smirks at you, and you don’t mind it one bit. 
“nothing to be ashamed of.”
he wraps his legs around his hips as he looms over you, arms on either side of your head against the mattress. the combination of him pushing into you and pressing his lips against yours is of immense bliss and satisfaction.
you have all of him now, and this was meant to be. 
hips hips roll against yours instead of rampant thrusting, so that he could maintain his lips on yours. he was careful and meticulous and he wants you to know that he still loves you.
if that is what he’s doing, he’s doing a damn good job at it.
his hips are grinding against your sensitive nub and the rolling was maximising the friction of his length inside you, so it doesn’t take much for him to help you reach your high. 
“i know,” he whispers to you, lips just about an inch away from yours when his eyes dig into your half-hooded ones.
you expected your body to regurgitate all the memories of sangyeon, but nothing comes to mind.
the only person in your head is juyeon, and you had absolutely no problem with it.
he helps you reach your high and your back archs off the mattress as he drinks the pleasure spewing out your throat. 
he pulls out, just after he helps you ride it out, and he releases on your stomach and your thighs with sweat sticking his gelled hair to his forehead. 
your arms slide under his pillows and your chest heaves from the intimacy. it takes you awhile to realise you are staring at his chest and collarbones and face before he crawls back towards you.
he angles his head to kiss you again, this time willingly smiling into the act of affection. 
“does this mean you accept my apology?”
you suck your lips between your teeth when he pulls away, his hands brushing your hair out of your face and stroking your cheek.
“yes,” you nod subtly. “but only if you clean your mess off me.”
juyeon jabs the inner side of his cheek with tongue and looks away for a second.
he leans forward once more, kissing you on the forehead this time. 
“i love you.”
to be continued (final)
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Home for Christmas
This is my fic for the @aftgexchange winter round for @andreil-minyasten
I had so much fun writing this and I really hope this lives up to what you wanted! I actually had an idea for a part 2 to this from another bit of your prompts. If you want me to write that for you, feel free to message and ask, I’ll be quite happy to do so:)
December 22nd
“What the hell do you mean that you aren’t going to be here for christmas, Andrew?”
Neil was beyond, angry. He was pissed. Their holiday plans had been decided back in November. Andrew would come to Neil in Boston from New York and they’d host Aaron, Katelyn from the twenty fourth before they’d meet Nicky, Erik- who were spending Christmas with Eric’s family in Germany -and the rest of the foxes down in South Carolina to spend New Years with Wymack and Abby.
But apparently, that was all going to shit, now.
“I’ve tried Neil, but flights are delayed and there’s a storm coming in. I don’t know if I’ll make it, the Mas definitely won’t.” Now he was beyond consoling.
“If you had come two days ago like you said you would, this wouldn’t be a problem. We haven’t seen each other since September.” He missed his partner, missed soft touches when they’d reach for one another in the night, he missed laying his head in Andrew’s lap while the other man read one of his newest books. Overall, he just missed Andrew.
“How many times do I have to tell you that it was Kevin’s fault I couldn’t come out when I had planned?” Neil scoffed.
“What Kevin wants has never stopped you before. Whatever, Andrew, I’m going to bed.” He ignored Andrew’s reply, hanging up and flinging his phone onto his bedside table. He was so tired of everything. Neil carried out his nighttime routine quite aggressively, flinging back the duvet with force, ignoring the constant buzzing of his phone. Tonight, the bed felt uncomfortable, lumpy and cold, so awfully cold. It had been three years of this, of the long distance, scheduling time to see each other, of having to be without one another for the majority of the year after spending four years attached at the hip while they were at PSU. The two of them, being how stubborn they both were, had sworn that the distance wouldn’t be an issue. Neil had to play with the Bobcats for two years minimum, considering it was the best contract he could get straight out of college and the closest to Andrew’s team.
Everything was great at first, wonderful even, they saw each other on as many weekends as they could, called and texted every day, and Skyped at least twice a week. But then shit went down hill. Practice built up and up if the team’s performance declined, promotions and photo shoots and team signings started taking up their free time. It was shit, they knew it was shit but, what could they do? He hated this, he hated everything about it.
His sleep that night was fitful and restless, and he was wide awake when the sun rose the next morning, yellow and orange rays of light hitting the empty spot beside him.
December 24th
Neil hadn’t spoken to Andrew since he abruptly ended their phone call two nights ago. There were several missed calls from the blonde on his phone, and many unread texts. He saw them as they came through, sometimes just his name, sometimes they asked if he was alright and ‘why won’t you pick up the fucking phone, Abram?’
Every part of him wanted to, fucking god, did he want to, but he had no idea what his brain would spout from his lips. He was terrified that the anger, the hurt of the separation, would come back full force and he’d say something awful that he’d most likely regret. That was his personal default when he was mad, finding exactly what to say that would hurt and hurt hard. So, no, he didn’t pick up the phone, he just left it alone and listened to the odd buzz as it vibrated against the kitchen counter. It was almost 8:30pm and Neil was making, or hoped to be making, cinnamon sugar cookies that would with any luck, still be warm and not burnt by the time Aaron and Katelyn arrived. They were apparently Kate’s latest pregnancy craving and he wanted for her to have them on hand so Aaron wouldn’t have to leave at some ungodly hour to get store bought ones.
There was flour everywhere and he was pretty sure there was some cinnamon on his forehead somehow, on top of that, he’d used more bowls than were actually needed for the ingredients the recipe called for but he wasn’t exactly surprised. Anything to do with cooking or baking was Andrew’s area of expertise: Neil just liked to watch, a giddy smile on his face whenever his partner whispered ‘staring’ without even looking at him. Shaking his head before he started to wallow in his own self pity, the timer to the first batch went off just as the buzzer to the apartment did. Quickly pulling out the baking tray, he placed it on the side, barely taking note of how the shapes he cut out now resembled blobs as he rushed to the door and pressed the button for the speaker. “Hello?”
“Neil! It’s Kate, Aaron is just sorting the bags and told me to come up first.” He smiled despite his somber mood for the past week.
“Come on up, I’ll buzz you in. Do you want me to wait outside the elevator for you?”
“No, no, I’ll be fine!” He agreed and let her in, wiping his hands before propping his front door open and waiting for her anyway. Before long, he was greeted with an eye rolling Katelyn, but there was a grin on her lips nonetheless. “You’re nearly as bad as my husband, I’m surprised he even let me come up on my own, but thank you.” She said, as he held out his elbow for her to take. She had begun to waddle a little now with how big she had gotten. Neil supposed that having twins made the whole process a little different.
He helped her settle into the armchair in the living room and asked, “can I get you a drink?”
“Water would be great, thanks. Also, is that cinnamon I smell?” He felt his cheeks go hot and knew he was blushing.
“You mentioned at one point on the phone that cinnamon cookies are your newest craving and so I made some for you. They’re still warm if you’d like a few?” Katelyn nodded excitedly, murmuring how grateful she was at the thoughtful gesture and he hurried off, placing a few questionable looking snowmen and coming back into the other room just as the buzzer went off again. He left the pregnant woman to devour her food and admire his sparkly Christmas tree and went to let Aaron in. When the elevator opened up on his floor once again, he was met with a ruffled Minyard twin who was surrounded by bags.
“What the hell do you bring with you?”
“Shut your mouth and help me carry this shit, would you?” Neil kept his mouth shut and hefted a couple of bags into his arms. Most went into the spare room where the couple would be sleeping and then Aaron unloaded a big bag of presents to sit underneath the tree while he went back to put more cookies in the oven, and to load a few more onto Katelyn’s now empty plate. When he came back and sat himself on the couch, Aaron seemed out of breath, hugging as he lay on the wood floor.
“I’ll ask again, how much did you bring?” The woman stuffing her face giggled as her husband giggled and replied;
“We have your presents and Andrew’s presents from us, mine and Aaron’s that we’ve gotten each other, and we brought all the gifts for when we see the others next week. Also our clothes and my hospital bag even though I have about two and a half months left.” He nodded, though he was confused on the amount of clothes. They only lived an hour away from him and could go back for more clothes before they headed to South Carolina. Neil was about to mention just that when Aaron interrupted.
“Where is my brother anyway?” Ah yes, he’d forgotten to mention that. He let his face go blank as he told them what had happened. That Andrew kept pushing it back until he couldn’t come, that they’d argued and that they weren’t currently speaking. Katelyn had something akin to pity on her face and Aaron looked as though he was angry on behalf of Neil. “What the fuck? He’s seriously going to miss Christmas with his family, with you?”
“Looks like it.”
“But since when has what Kevin wanted ever mattered to him? Unless it benefitted his own needs of course.” It was weird slowly becoming friends with Aaron and seeing that occasionally, they could be on the same wavelength and agree with each other. It was a little bit dangerous, in his opinion.
“That’s what I said.”
“Is he still going to come to Palmetto next week.” He didn’t know what to say, because Andrew could still turn up at Abby’s despite not being here now. He also hadn’t spoken to him, so he hadn’t got the chance to ask. Neil stayed quiet. Aaron looked like he was about to press for more when Kate suggested that they watch a movie together and started setting up the tv without waiting for either of them to reply. Twenty minutes into the movie, Katelyn had picked A Christmas Carol because it was a classic, Neil got the final batch of cookies from the oven and cleared down the kitchen for tomorrow. Another ten minutes after that, Katelyn disappeared to put on pyjamas and Aaron grabbed him and Neil a beer from the fridge. By ten o’clock they were debating on watching one more film or going to bed when the apartment door opened and closed loudly.
The three of them half jumped out of their seats, turning violently to see Andrew Minyard standing in the doorway, and Neil’s breath caught in his throat. He was bundled up in a thick black coat, the collar pulled up around his neck, and his black knitted bobble hat Neil had brought him last year was pulled down over his ears that he just knew would still be adorably pink at the tips. One of his hands was tucked into his pocket and the other held a large duffel bag.
“Well well, look at what the cat finally dragged in.” Both Neil and Andrew glared at Aaron, who only rolled his eyes in response to their annoyance. Turning back to Andrew he gave him one last once over before standing slowly.
“Why don’t you go and sort yourself out,” he pointed to the bedroom where their en-suite was, “I’ll be in there in a minute.” Andrew gave a curt nod in confirmation and disappeared down the hall, bedroom door shutting softly. Katelyn was speaking to him, saying that she and Aaron were going to head to bed, kissing him on the cheek and pulling her husband along. Neil’s first instinct was to run to the bedroom, wrap his partner up in his arms, kiss him until they were breathless and then never let him go again but he was still mad at him. So, he cleared the few empty cans from the coffee table, and took Kate’s dirty glass and plate to the kitchen and dumped them in the sink. He locked the door and the windows out of habit and switched off all of the lights and slowly walked to his bedroom where he knew Andrew was waiting.
When he reached the door, he froze with his hand on the handle, closing his eyes and breathing deeply several times before he forced himself to step inside. As he suspected. Andrew was now in a pair of grey sweats and, he noticed with some satisfaction, one of Neil’s long sleeve cotton shirts. This one was a navy blue and Andrew had never looked more beautiful than he didn’t now, in soft clothes, hair ruffled and his nose and cheeks still a little pink from the cold air outside. He tugged on his withering self control and stopped himself from climbing over the other man and just holding him. His mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Taking that as a cue to start first, Andrew spoke, though Neil never expected for those words to ever come out of his partner’s mouth. “I lied to you.”
“What?” The blonde looked down at his hands, sighed, and then stood, walking and walking until he was a mere few steps away from Neil. Before, before there would be no need for that distance, because they’d healed and grown together and barely used ’yes or no’ unless it was a bad day or they were trying new things. Fuck long distance relationships.
“I lied. Kevin was never the one to keep me back in New York the first time, and there was no storm coming in to stop me from coming this time.” He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t fucking breathe.
“What the fuck? How could you lie, you swore you’d never lie to me. Why didn't you want to come, and why turn up at the last minute?” Andrew did step into his space then, on hand gripping his hip and the other linking their pinkie fingers together.
“Because there was something I was trying to sort out but those god damn stickball coaches are a pain in my ass.” Neil blinked, and then blinked a couple more times, before he was led to the bed where Andrew let go of him to dig out a stack of papers from his duffel bag and handed them into his scarred hands. “Merry Christmas, Junkie.” Okay, now he really was confused as he stared at the item in his hands with a furrowed brow. His anger was still there, but dying out slowly. He flicked through page after page eyes widening and mouth dropping open before he looked back at Andrew whose lips were quirking at his dumbfounded expression.
“You’re serious? You join the Bobcats when the new season starts?” His lover nodded.
“I’m tired. I’m tired of being away from you, of all the fighting. I’ve been working with your coach and mine to trade me with your goalkeeper, Angie. They hated it at first but I got there in the end. That’s why I’m so late, they were still hesitant about signing the damn forms.”
“So you started yet another fight with me?” In one swift movement there were hands on his cheeks and words were being breathed against his lips, sending pleasant, incredibly missed shivers down his spine as he wrapped his arms around Andrew’s waist.
“Not my finest moment, but I was trying to surprise you. Clearly, I’m not very good at it.” Neil chuckled wetly, and pressed their foreheads together.
“This is really happening?” He whispered gently.
“Yeah. I’ve still got to move all my stuff out here and things like that, but it’s real, Abram.”
“Then kiss me, you asshole, and make me forget your very bad surprise.” Andrew laughed then too, walking him backwards and pushing him down onto the bed, straddling his waist. They kissed for what seemed like hours, wrapped up and lost in one another. When they finally pulled apart, his lips felt tingly and his breathing came in pants.
That night, he fell asleep to warm sheets, a soft body behind him and cradled in a strong pair of arms. Despite the rocky start, Neil thought this might have been his best Christmas yet.
I really hoped you liked it and if you do want that part two, I’ll be more than willing. I’m actually quite happy with the idea:)
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kevkesblog · 4 years
Translation: Julian Brandt Interview for “11 Freunde” (June 18, 2020)
Attention: long post! Julian talks about overblown salaries in football, why he even stays at two-star hotels, why he thinks football should not be dramaticly reformed and why you won’t see him in Gucci clothing & more.
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Julian Brandt, what do you miss the most at the moment?
Ju:     Just going outside and sitting in a café with some friends. Enjoying a bit more freedom. But I think many people have the same wishes right now.
Yet, the break because of the Corona pandemic seem to have lifted you. You were involved in all four goals during the 4-0 win against Schalke.
Ju:     I would still have preferred it, without the break. I mean it’s like this: sometimes you need just a few days to arrive at a place, sometimes it takes months. Feeling well in a city, a club and with my teammates is important. I’m a football player that needs a comfortable environment.
How was it for you at BVB in the beginning?
Ju:     There were definitely no fireworks at the beginning. But honestly, I kind of expected to need more time. I think thats normal after five and a half years at Bayer Leverkusen. It was a great time there, but in the end it was a comfort zone for me. I switched to BVB because I wanted to do something new.
And because Marco Reus asked you.
Ju:     Many people were in favour of me going to Dortmund. Even my mother wore yellow pullovers astonishingly often, during the time before my transfer happend. And Marco asked me at the national team, that’s true. I felt honored, but I saw a chance playing for a team which plays competitively for the title until the end of the season and is represented in the Champions League regularly, those were the main reasons for my transfer.
What else is different in Dortmund than in Leverkusen?
Ju:     Dortmund is bigger in almost every regard. Even the stadium is enormous and it becomes even more imposing with people in it. Building such a stadium somewhere is one thing. Brining it to live however like in Dortmund – that’s an art in and of itself. You don’t get that very often in Europe. Leverkusen – and I have to be honest here – has never been on my radar for me as a boy. But it’s the perfect club if you want to develop as a young player. I already suspected this after I talked to Rudi Völler for the first time.
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I was told, you said „Rudi Völler has honest eyes“ to your father afterwards.
Ju:     He has a sincere attitude. I would have believed everything he said. And his promises became reality. We were playing attractive and successful football. And you don’t get so much pressure as a young player from the outside. The media landscape for example is much smaller in Leverkusen than elsewhere.
Do you miss the fans in the stadium in Dortmund?
Ju:     I was never that guy who was aware of stuff that happend on the stands. But after the game against Inter Mailand, where we were behind 0-2 before the break and won 3-2 in the end – I recognized how important football is for the people here and how much they were willing to support us. It was so honest, authentic and direct. One of the best games thus far.
Before that Michael Rummenigge critized you as „C-youth player“. That was after the Inter game where you scored as well. Was that a key moment?
Ju:     Everybody can voice their opinions that’s totally fine for me. I’m not a person who jumps on it.  And I wasn’t really satisfied with my game as well. Perhaps the 2-1 win against Gladbach a few days before was a turning point. Not only, because I scored twice, but rather because I was able to play on the ten for the first time. After that my game became better.
You said in the beginning of your time at BVB „Peter Bosz liked the risk. We don’t really have that here in Dortmund“. Did the way you play now changed?
Ju:     We play nice football under Lucien Favre. He likes an offensive tactic. Adding that, we score alot of goals. But Peter Bosz was a special coach in that regard because we played a modern version of football with a high amount of ball possesion – often over 80 percent. And we not only wanted to keep the ball all the time, while playing until our opponent gets tired like it’s the case with tiki-taka football. We were always on the attack. At BVB we put more emphasis on the defensive at the beginning. It was a change for me, since I wanted to have the ball and not running behind him all the time.
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Is football an elegant game?
Ju:     My room as child was full of „Bravo“-magazine posters with offensive players. Nedved, Robinho, Del Piero and the best among the best: Ronaldinho. I liked it whenever players carry their street football skills to the pitch. Whenever somebody is looking for something spectacular. I want to gamble and not just act in a rigid system.
Doesn’t modern tactics prevent something like this?
Ju:     You are basically being funneled at youth football academies with: receive the ball, passing, receiving, passing. There a strict requirements you have to follow. But I think good teams need self-confident players, saying „No, I won’t fit in, but I rather go into a one-on-one situation“. We have such guys in our national team. Leroy Sané or Timo Werner. Kai Havertz is a player who has a street football mentality too. Often it looks very easy, but it’s not. It just passed over into blood.
You are wearing the jersey number 10 at the national team. Like you also wore at Leverkusen. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     I feel lighter in some sense. Perhaps because I know that you have to earn the number ten. Not like in the past, but I do think it has a certain meaning yes.
We heard you don’t like to talk about your strengths. Why?
Ju:     I think, it looks like I’m a show off. I have enough self-confidence already.
Yet you do know that you can shoot really good. Who taught you?
Ju:     Many things happened because I just tried. I even knew as a ten-year old boy: if I want to become a great football player I have to be able to shoot well with both feet. So, for weeks I shoot with my left foot on our lawn. Shot, flank, pass. It helped a lot. I met Federico Palacios during my youth time in Wolfsburg. He taught me insane techniques. I had a phase were I was obsessively training my first contact: not trying to stop the ball between the lines, but rather take the ball without defender nor midfielder getting the ball instead.
What are your weaknesses?
Ju:     My headers. But I’m currently working on it and I often score. At least without opponent (laughs). Some people say I can work more on my defensive work. And yes, there is some truth to it, even after I already worked on it for quite some time. The thing is: I’m not an aggressive person, its not who I am. But of course, I understand whenever coaches say I need to have a certain minimum amount of aggressive behavior on the pitch.
Do you have a career plan?
Ju:     No, everything I do, I do spontaneously.
But everything you do looks so reasonable: youth football for your home club. Training at a football academy in Wolfsburg. Professional debut at Bayer Leverkusen, your transfer to BVB a year ago…
Ju:     Honestly: I could not have imagined going to VfL Wolfsburg as well at the beginning. Why should a boy do this, when he basically grew up just a 20 minute bike ride away from the Weser stadium in Bremen and was standing in the fan curve in his youth?
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Because Werder [Bremen] overlooked you?
Ju:     That’s not true. I even got invited to a try-out training. But then I looked at some other academies. I wasn’t only looking at VfL Wolfsburg. For example I looked at FC St. Pauli as well. Yet, I had the best feeling with Wolfsburg.
Especially during the ages 15 to 18 a lot is happening: you grow, your muscle mass is increasing, you slowly get to play with the professionals. On the other hand, many doors are opening. Your friends go partying for example. I liked being on a football academy for two and a half years. You couldn’t leave the campus after 11 o’clock in the evening. Apart from that we were very successful and won the German a-youth championship. But I can still remember how perplexed my parents were at the breakfast table, back when I told them about my decision to join Wolfsburg.
You are being called the “Anti-Star” of the business quite often. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     Many people seem to think it’s probably because I have no tattoos and my father is my agent. But to be honest: there are some football player clichées I fit in. I like fast cars. I like playing playstation and I have 40 pairs of shoes in my closet. I just try not to pretend to be someone else. I wouldn’t look good in a Gucci-pullover.
Others like to call you “premature”. You were allowed to train with the professionals at the age of 15 in Wolfsburg. How did you do that?
Ju:     That was insane and unreal. I was riding my bike to the training ground one day and the assistant coach Bernd Hollerbach took me to his side and said: “Introduce yourself to the coach”. So, I went into his office. “Hello Mr. Magath, I’m Julian from the under-17 team.” Of course, I was suspecting he already knew me otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten an invitation. But he was just staring at the television. After a while – it felt like an eternity – he looked at me, didn’t say a word, total silence and then he turned away. And then I was sneaking out of the room.
Magath wanted to test you?
Ju:     I was unsettled a bit, but I wasn’t thinking about it anymore on the pitch. It doesn’t matter who is on your side, or whether your opponent is twenty years older than you and who your father is.
Did you nutmeg someone?
Ju:     I would have been beaten for that. On the other hand: the pain fades away, the nutmeg stays (laughs). I remember I unintentionally shoot a ball into Marvin Hitz’s face.
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How many agents were lining up at your doorstep at the time?
Ju:     I stopped counting it after a while. I don’t think all agents are bad but I don’t need one at the moment. I have my father. He may not be Mino Raiola with thousands of contacts all over the world. But he doesn’t need them.
Nevertheless: this son-father-constellation also has it’s potential conflicts…
Ju:     Our family sticks together – we are very harmonic and strong. I can’t remember a time where we were had an argument. I lived together with my brother in Cologne. I also have a connection with my father because of football. He used to play for the first team at SC Borgfeld – which was also my first club. I still remember: we went into the clubhouse whenever the Champions League was on. It was the best day of the week.
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Now it’s about big business. Do you know your own worth?
Ju:     It was downgraded since the outbreak of the pandemic. I read that on so some sites.
But it’s still 40 million euros. What does such a number do with you?
Ju:     I can handle that because I can manage those numbers quite well. There is a lot money floating around in football. And I know its not easy to comprehend it with normal standards anymore. We live in our own bubble in that regard. The salaries in football are in no relation to what normal people earn – even with football being the greatest sport on earth. But why is that the case? Because sponsors are flushing so unbelievable high amounts of money into football. I think it’s important not to make the sport a luxury item. It has to stay affordable. In the stadium as well as in front of the TV.
Explain to us: why does a professional football player negotiate whether he should get 10 or 11 million euros per year?
Ju:     It shows how greedy people can be sometimes. But that’s not football specific. It’s as unfair as the richest one percent of the world’s population owning more than half of the world’s wealth, right?
Could this crisis perhaps be a chance in order for football to calm down?
Ju:     Perhaps in the short term. For the next one or two years. If any. I can’t imagine a player like Mbappé being sold next year for 80 million euros. Someone will always pay those insane sums of money.
How do you ground yourself?
Ju:     Through my family and friends. Many are studying or doing an apprenticeship. It’s never about money when we talk, I just like having a great time with them. We don’t need a luxury vacation. But one time: we went to Mallorca for four or five days just as we qualified for the Champions League with Bayer Leverkusen. We stayed at a normal two-star-hotel, one room with a bed and a bathroom – that was it. We went to the beach and relaxed.
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Has there never been a situation where a friend or family member had to take you back to the ground?
Ju:     No. I can’t remember that I ever reacted arrogant or snooty. Or a situation where I thought: “Wow. That’s not who you are”. I’m fully aware of my very privileged life. In short: my greatest worry is whether we will win or loose on the weekends. It’s important to be thankful and to remind yourself what you got every once in a while.
Why do you have to remind yourself stuff like that all the time?
Ju:     In order for it never to become normal. I know cheese costs about 69 cents at the grocery store and a different one costs 1,29 euros. But if a tool or device breaks down I sometimes just buy myself a new one. Whereas in the past I would have repaired it by myself.
But is football still the same game you fell in love with as a kid?
Ju:     Absolutely. The game itself hasn’t really changed much. Okay, we have the goal line technology – which I support. And we got the video assistant referee, were people can argue. I abstain in that question. Once in a while, new ideas are being floated: like reducing the playtime to 60 minutes, new tournaments, elite leagues – I think it’s all bullshit. Keep football like it is. The way we learned it. With all its faults and tricky aspects. Even if something goes wrong.
Like during the World Cup 2018. Did you know that you could be the first DFB-team leaving the tournament after the group stage?
Ju:     At some point he heard of it. It doesn’t really look good on your vita but it happened. Perhaps we needed this in order for something new to emerge. You have to remember: other great football nations also failed in similar ways. Italy, Spain or France all crashed out of the group stage after they won the World Cup.
Did the photo with Mesut Özil and Erdogan brought some unrest into the team?
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Ju:     The fact that almost all reporting was revolving around that topic was irritating sometimes. Don’t get me wrong: I think its important for the media to cover political topics extensively and with background stories. But I remember after the game against Sweden – after we barely won because of Toni Kroos free kick: shortly after the game you get asked whether the poor performance during the first 75 minutes were due to the photo – and you thinking: why don’t we talk about the game? Mesut became the poster boy for the disappointing World Cup. That’s nonsense. We all played shitty.
During the Confed-Cup the year before, many young players were in the team. At the World Cup the established players came back. Did Löw put his trust into the wrong players in Russia?
Ju:     You can come to that conclusion afterwards, but you don’t know it in advance. I could fully understand Low though. He was loyal and in some cases he felt some gratitude. He couldn’t and he didn’t want to replace a World Cup winner from 2014 with a young player. The way we were defeated at the World Cup was not foreseeable. Because we also played great football between 2014 and 2018.
The team made it to the semifinals at the EURO 2016 and you became second with the Olympic football team in Rio.
Ju:     A great experience with a team that was just thrown together. A contribution of Horst Hrubesch.
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What makes him special?
Ju:     He is just great, the guy! He’s from a different generation which you can tell with a lot of things around him. Once he wanted to show me how to shot from the side. I almost tore my muscle fiber doing it. But he manages it very well forming a team with young players. He’s a very free coach and very direct. He always called me lazy (laughs). And he has a very nice and dry sense of humor.
An example?
Ju:     Me and the Bender-twins were sitting together shortly before the semifinal against Nigeria. He came up and said: “Guys, losing today doesn’t make any sense anymore.” A funny sentence, but also true if you think about it.
Julian Brandt, you made over 200 Bundesliga games, played Champions League and participated in one World Cup. You just turned 24. Do you even still have time to suck it all in and enjoy it?
Ju:     Football is quick. I can still remember coming to Leverkusen – as if it was yesterday: my first game for the under 23 team against Essen. My Bundesliga debut against Schalke a week later. That was a little more than six years ago already. Crazy. Veteran players always say: “Enjoy it, because quickly your career will be over.” But how should you enjoy it? A game every four or five days. New photos, new events. You don’t have an awful lot of time to let everything sink in for a moment. I usually do that on new years eve. On a friend’s balcony. I even get sentimental then.
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floofiestboy · 4 years
Haruhara Live Q/A Session via Text
Translations of past question corners:
- Question Corners #1-10
- Question Corners #11-20
- Question Corners #21-30
- Question Corners #31-40
- Question Corners #41-50
A couple days back, Haruhara asked people subscribed to his channel to send him questions via email. These are the answers.
Haruhara’s comments:
In this article, instead of a live Q/A session, I answer all the questions I got via email in text form.
Just like in an actual live session, I’ve answered the questions without carefully double-checking my notes and past chapters, so please take this as entertainment. Treat it as non-canon. Anything I haven’t explicitly talked about in canon shouldn’t be treated as such.
Senyuu has technically ended, and so now that’s it’s been over ten years, I’m even answering questions that made me think before, “If I answer this, it’ll affect how they read the main story...”!
Treat it separately from canon! These are just backstories, settings!
source: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1939122
Q. I love the BGM on the chapters on NicoNico, so I was wondering who composed them?
A. I don’t know either. Similarly, I don’t know who designed the logos either. But they are nice songs, aren’t they?
Q. Has Alba’s father been journeying since he was young? Did he live apart from Alba?
A. While he’s always been journeying, he came back regularly. If I compared it to a modern-day job, he’d be like a long-distance truck driver or a fisherman.
Q. Does Rchi still have her Mark of a Demon Lord? Do Rchimedes and the Second have the same mark?
A. She still has it, but since I keep on forgetting to draw it, I’ve decided it only shows up when she prays for it to appear. Rchimedes and the Second do not have it.
Q. What sort of job does Justice do in the Demon World?
A. Her job is to be cheerful. Since she’s strong, she has no problems living the way she does. Since the Demon World is still kinda a lawless land, being strong is enough to keep on living on.
Q. Are there only three Four Great Demons?
A. Yes, I just wanted to do a joke where there were a fewer (or greater) number of actual members than a title would make you think.
Q. Is the hole in the world still there?
A. To be honest, when I said that a hole had opened up in the world, what I actually wanted to say was “Something strange happened to the world.” I hadn’t thought about what the hole would be or anything. I bet a giant gate or something opened up for a moment, and monsters and stuff came over here from there. In that case, the hole would’ve closed already.
Q. Please tell me how demons age!
A. It really depends on the demon. Since demons are a race created by Rchimedes going like “Eh, whatevs”, their characteristics aren’t really consistent between each other. I think that demons have long lives because somewhere deep inside Rchimedes, he hated the idea of death and losing loved ones. Though he did play around and had demons fight each other and stuff. While on the surface level, it may have seemed like he fell into despair and raised havoc, I think he really did grieve about losing loved ones deep down.
Q. I’d like to hear more about the Loli 12 Organization and Loli Master the 5th (Master Go Rori).
A. To be honest, I just wanted to say gorori (T/N: onomatopoeia meaning ‘to lie down’). I’m sorry!
Q. Can we no longer see the BL route?!?!!?!
A. Huh?! What do you mean?! - was my first thought, but ah, I remember now. You’re talking about when I drew Ros getting jealous of Alba sleeping with Grandpa during season 2. Since you’re asking if you can no longer see it, I’m guessing you mean that you can’t? I myself have forgotten where I drew it and don’t have the file anymore.
There was a time in the past when I was super into AUs - I drew anything that hit my mind. But then I realized that readers tend to take anything the creator draws super seriously, so I stopped really doing it. 
Though lately when I still really want to draw something AU, I always make sure to put a disclaimer stating “This is unrelated to canon!” before it.
(T/N: Please tell me someone has the drawing mentioned here saved somewhere I need this I beg of you.)
Q. In Senyuu Season 2, Rchi keeping information about Creasion from Alba was treated as a joke and kinda just skipped over, but now that I think about it, unless Rchi had told Alba about it, Alba would’ve basically never found out about Creasion. (Since it was pure coincidence that he ended up in the Demon World and found out about it.)
I was wondering if Rchi really intended never to tell Alba about it even though they were working at saving Ros. 
If there are any such reasons, I would like to hear about how Rchi was actually planning to tell him once some more time passed, or about how she had some other reason and was really planning never to tell, etc.
A. Ros being the Demon Lord’s son isn’t directly related to saving Ros (via finding a way to free the Demon Lord.) Even if Alba found out the reason why Ros couldn’t defeat the Demon Lord, there wouldn’t have been anything he could’ve done about it. So since knowing the truth would just give Alba more to worry about, I think that Rchi decided it would be better to just stay on their journey and keep looking for information. I don’t think she had any particularly strong desire that would make her really want to tell him. 
Q. In F5 Ep. 11, I loved how Alba believed in Ros so easily, and how Ros declared with a smile, “The only person I punch for no reason is you, Hero-san!” How much deeper has their bond become since their early days?
A. How much deeper... how much deeper, I wonder? I feel like bonds aren’t the kind of thing you can measure in words. But I guess, compared to their early days, Ros trusts Alba enough to still be violent towards him even though he’s begun to realize that hey, “It isn’t really good to be violent.”
Q. How do you decide on the characters’ hair and eye colours? What do you use as reference when you draw their clothing and accessories?
A. Honestly, it’s always just whatever comes to me. Aside from the first few characters, I draw new characters vaguely at the storyboard stage, then draw them in properly at the manuscripting stage. For eye colours, in Senyuu I’ve decided that “people who can’t use magic don’t have red eyes.” That’s just something I’m trying to stick to, it doesn’t mean that “Everyone with red eyes in the Senyuu universe can use magic.” Cecily can’t use magic, after all.And there’s random citizens with red eyes out there too. I feel like people’s eyes turn red when they obtain magic because Rchimedes’ feelings towards Cecily were the trigger for magic’s discovery, even in Elf and Alf’s world. Cecily is an important character even though she hasn’t done anything.
Q. Elf and Ros haven’t really gotten the chance to really talk to each other thanks to their respective situations, but now that they work at the same place, I was wondering how close you think they are to each other. If you could expand on how their thoughts and impressions towards each other since their first meeting have changed, I would be really happy.
A. Elf used to think of Ros as someone to be pitied, but nowadays he’s realized that being pitiable isn’t something a bystander should decide, so he doesn’t think that any longer. The two of them aren’t particularly close, but they do chat normally. They’re like classmates who get along pretty well at school but never hang out on the weekends.
Q. If you have any thoughts on scrapped characters like Soldier Rosicks, the Season 2 Alba with the large sword on his back, cat-eared Rchi, etc., I’d love to hear them.
A. It’s less that I “scrapped” those characters and more that I just drew their appearances while I was drawing out all sorts of ideas, so they don’t have any particular backstories or settings associated with them. I’m the type to decide on things like settings as I move the characters around on a storyboard, so when I draw simple illustrations, they’re just empty shells.
Q. I’d like to know more about what happened with the first and third year Hero Academy students after Season 3. Also, how much do Sochi and her classmates know about “Lake’s little brother”?
A. I haven’t really thought about it, so if you’d like me to think about it I’d like to have at least two days for it, but I can’t take two days to think about this question, so the answer is “I haven’t really thought about it.” I’m sorry. Sometimes I can just think up answers on the spot, but I’d feel sorry to push entire lives onto characters based on ideas I thought up on the spot. So I’d like to think about what happens to characters “after” properly. Though I’ll decide things on the spot when it comes to random mob characters and aspects I don’t care about.
Q. The reason why Alba and Salt, who both obtained enough mana to affect the world around them, were able to leave prison was because they became capable of controlling their mana, not because their knowledge reached the level of say, Ros or Elf - would that be the correct interpretation? Additionally, what level of knowledge have Alba and Salt reached by F5, considering that they were getting 0% on even simple multiplication tests before?
A. Alba was released because he became capable of a certain level of control. His level of knowledge has not reached the levels of Elf and Ros. He hasn’t caught up to them, so unlike Elf and Ros, who’d use their knowledge and little tricks to turn 100 bits of mana into 200, Alba uses the bare minimum amount of knowledge to use 500 bits of mana as only 300. 
I’ve forgotten most of what I intended for Salt back them, so I apologize if I’ve given a different answer before which contradicts the one I’m about to give. Salt obtained great power, but he had no talent in keeping it within his body, so the mana was gradually released from him. I think he became so incapable of using magic that he was no longer an exceptional case, so he was eventually released.
Q. I have a question about the differences between Main Quest and the original canon. There are scenes in Main Quest that weren’t in the original canon, such as Rchi and Alba’s discussion in Part 2 Volume 4 Chapter 41, “Alba Expresses His Gratitude”, and Chapter 50, “Alba Is Stupefied”, where Mortmorte the 2nd offers to be sacrificed. I was wondering what your thoughts were when you added these extra scenes in.
A. While it isn’t as though I thought carefully about every new addition, when I drew Main Quest, my thoughts were along the lines of “Let’s go a little deeper into things.” I think that’s what I was thinking when I put in new lines. Also, typically I had a set number of pages I needed to draw for, so I think I moved around lines and expanded scenes as needed to fit the pages.
Q. I have a question about Teufel. In Season 1, Teufel only shows up in the extra chapters, but did you already intend to use him as the “Soul Manipulator” during the fight with Rchimedes in Season 2? Or was this something you decided as you got through Season 2.
A. That was something I planned from the start! If you’d like to know why Teufel appeared early, please read Filled It With My Feelings! There’s even a PDF version!
(T/N: *shills Haruhara* Filled It With My Feelings (Digital): hiaruron.booth.pm/items/2329424 Filled It With My Feelings (Physical, only available to order until midnight JST Sept. 3rd): tckc-ch.net)
Q. “The world isn’t at peace or anything! He isn’t! Meta Ros isn’t smiling!” So anyways, Meta Ros hasn’t appeared since the last episode of Senyuu+, but is he happy? Is he having fun with Meta Alba?
A. Honestly, I haven’t really thought too deeply about it since he’s just a joke character. But since he’s just a joke character, I’m sure he’s off doing his own thing somewhere, free and unrestrained by anything.
Q. Since Lym is a demon and Lake is from a thousand years ago, they don’t have last names, but does Salt have one? He is from modern times. If he does, what is it?
A. He does. I’ve also thought up names for Rchimedes the Second and his wife, but the thing is with manga is that you shouldn’t include everything you think up. It’s more interesting to the readers if you just include the information they need to know. Like how if you introduce yourself to someone in real life, you don’t tell them your whole life backstory, like- “My name is Tanaka Tarou! My father is Tanaka Katsuo. My mother is Tanaka Hanako, my grandma is-” You just tell them what they need to know, right? That makes things go more smoothly. Yeah.
So anyways, about his last name, I did think of one. Yeah. But I don’t remember where I wrote it down, and I can’t remember the name at all right now. I mean hey, even in real life, sometimes you forget people’s names when you just call them by a nickname all the time. It’s like that, etc., blah blah.
Q. Why was Ros the only one to be released from the seal even though he was sealed together with Rchiemdes? Who broke the seal?
A. Wasn’t it Elf who released the seal in order to give Alba some stimulus? Though Alba and Ros’ first meeting itself was a coincidence. Elf wanted to release Ros, or rather, the Demon Lord into Alba’s time in order to give Alba some stimulus, and to achieve that goal he teamed up with Dezember... wait, was this something I scrapped? Did I never write about it? I remember everything until Season 4 pretty well, since I drew a lot until there, but when I reached Season 4 I started feeling that sense of relief like “It’s all over~” and remember absolutely nothing...! I’d need to completely re-read Senyuu to know for sure... every, please re-read it for me! If there was something like that in canon, then I’ll go with that. If there wasn’t, then I must’ve scrapped it, or else I just had to cut back some parts that I wanted to draw. 
...Now I’m starting to feel like I scrapped it after all... because I thought that having Elf doing everything wasn’t a good plot device... I don’t know... 
Anyways, for now the answer to the question is “Wow, it’s really quite strange... I wonder who did it~”
Q. Foyfoy said that Ros was “a soldier from a country who doesn’t know war.” What kind of environment did Foyfoy grow up in?
A. While Foyfoy’s hometown is peaceful, Foyfoy spent time as a mercenary in wartorn countries in order to make money. It’s never been shown in canon, so it’s basically just a little backstory that was thought up at some point in the past.
Q. There’s other countries in SQ, but if there’s other countries in canon would Alba be seen as a threat?
A. There are other countries. But the King of the country that collected all those heroes is so powerful, Alba being a wonder of nature isn’t as important. If we say that Alba’s country is Japan, the neighbouring countries are on the scale of the Fukue Neighbourhood in Kurashiki City of Fukushima Prefecture. 
(T/N: You can see the exact scale on Google Maps by searching “岡山県倉敷市福江”, but essentially, incredibly tiny in comparison.)
Q. Is the King’s right-hand man Maine (Minister) still working at the castle?
A. He should be. He is.
Q. Crea awakened to his magic through contact with the Mana Maker, but can he no longer use it?
A. Crea doesn’t know how to use magic so he can’t. There’s no longer a Mana Maker in his body as well. There may be some mana left behind in his body, but he has no idea how to draw it out, so he can’t use it. At the start of Season 3, he tries to make a flower bloom with magic, but fails, after all.
Q. Hasegawara and Grandpa returned to their youths - did they continue living like that?
A. Since they did technically achieve their goal, they should’ve gone back to their original lives.
Q. In The Hero of the Port City, Guilty Justice says that she came because she sensed Creasion’s mana. What was she planning to do?
A. She probably came to fight him because she sensed some rare mana. Considering canon, it’s strange for Justice to appear in a place like that, isn’t it?
Q. How is Alf and Cecily’s relationship at the moment...? 
A. They don’t have one.
Q. Back in his Originia era, Crea was an orphan, so how did did he survive?
A. Back then, orphans weren’t uncommon. The villagers helped raise him - he lived a happy life.
Q. The princess from ‘Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess and Hime-chan have the same birthday and a similar hairstyle - are they related in any way?
A. The reason why their birthdays are the same is that when I went to write about the princess’ birthday, I thought, “Hm, did I decide on her birthday? Oh right, March 3rd.” and accidentally remembered it as Hime-chan’s birthday. The princess’ hairstyle is entirely Hira Kei-san’s design, I had no hand in it, but I don’t think it’s that similar to Hime-chan’s?
Q. It seems like demons have long lifespans, so does the Demon World have problems with overpopulation?
A. In order to birth a new demon, you need to have a fair amount of mana and a good amount of skill in manipulating it. Alternately, you need to meet someone who you’re really in perfect sync with. Because of that, their population doesn’t increase that much.
Q. I really really love the “three burrs” hairstyle - will Ros never wear his hair that way again?
A. That hairstyle was something done by the first hairstylist he went to after he was unsealed, so unless he goes to that exact hairstylist again, he won’t have that hairstyle.
Q. What is Dezember and Justice’s newlywed life like? Is Dezember the househusband after all?
A. Though Justice was getting things going with the wedding, Dezember ran away so their newlywed life hasn’t begun. Their dynamic is kinda like the one in Urusei Yatsura.
Q. Rchi is now over 12. How does Rudolf feel about this?
A. I thought that Rudolf was good with anyone below 13? Was it only until 10? But even if she grows past Rudolf’s age ceiling, he won’t really stop being kind to her. He would stop spoiling her so much though, in how he used to do whatever she asked with no strings asked. He would instead start saying that it’s important to try things out yourself too. That’s the only thing that would change.
Q. F5 is a regular manga, so are there any plans to release a physical volume for it?
A. Not in the slightest.
Q. Cecily and Lake were living alone together before reuniting with Ros, so how did their neighbours react to a young teenager Lake having a younger brother in his 20s?
A. Their neighbours don’t think of Ros as the younger brother - they more just think of him as Cecily’s son who came back home from afar. I think updating the family registry wouldn’t have been hard with the connections they have in the government.
Q. I would like you to tell me how Januar got into ninja and tomato farming.
A. He got into ninja because they’re cool, and he got into tomato farming because tomatoes are yummy.
Q. Elf and Alf were time travelling in Season 4 - I would like it if you made a detailed timeline of what they and other characters did. (For example, Alf erased Elf’s memories during X time, at this time Rchimedes and Creasion were doing Y, etc.)
A. When I was writing Season 4, I did make a timeline, but I’m not sure where it went... what Elf and Alf did is all written in the article before this one, “My Memos”. I don’t think things have changed much from the timeline there for Elf and Alf, so please figure things out from there!
(T/N: I’ll consider translating that article at some point... it’s a lot of text... and it’s all disjointed... 
Though I guess this Q/A is also a lot of text, I’m already at 3.5k words.)
Q. In the extra chapter in Season 2, “Right Before Episode 60″, Foyfoy asks if Marl wants to come to the castle with him, but do the two of them actually live in the castle itself? Or do they live near the castle?
A. Marl does live in the castle because she thinks it’s cool to live in a castle.
Q. Why are Elf and Alf not returning to their original time (ignoring the new future timeline after their changes) and are instead working at Alba’s research center?
A. Because they look up to Alba and want to help him out.
Q. Do you have any thoughts on how Alba watches over all kinds of worlds out there?
A. I do think, “That seems rather dangerous, doesn’t it?” But I also think, “Well, it’s Alba-san, he’ll be fine.”
Q. Personally, I feel like Senyuu. has a lot of whiplash between comedic scenes and serious scenes. Is there any particular scene you drew while specifically considering this whiplash?
A. Senyuu, is a work I drew as an amateur out of sheer willpower alone, so it isn’t that it has a lot of whiplash between comedic and serious scenes - it’s just that I didn’t understand a thing. “Woo hoo! This seems fun!” was the only thing on my mind. As a bystander, you may wonder, “How can he zoom right into that corner at that speed?” while watching me cruise along in my vehicle, but in reality, you just didn’t know that I was unaware of the fact that zooming into that corner at that speed could result in death. If I wrote Senyuu. the way I am now, I think it would end up being a much tidier manga, much easier to read as well, but I doubt it’d have that same speed and power to it.
Q. I had a question about Rchimedes the First’s character design. Did you give him black and white hair because you personally thought it was really cool? And then you thought it was too cool for him so you made his clothes super lame as a compromise?
A. It was all just from powering through drawing him. I did think “Wow, his clothes are lame!” but I immediately ignored it and continued drawing.
Q. Somewhere along the line, cellphones have spread among the masses - does Ros have one? And really, who’s making them?
A. From the very start, I planned for Senyuu. to be unconstrained by the chains of fantasy and include technology. Even in the start of Season 1, there’s a picture of Ros holding a DS at one point. Since it’s a manga, I completely intend to ignore real-life technological development timelines.
Q. Ros has pretty lax shifts - six day weekends and only needing to come in from the afternoon. Does he really only go to work once a week?
A. He doesn’t even go to work once a week. He does no work but wanders over to the research center to loiter around when he feels like it.
Q. In Senyuu+, Alba seems pretty tired sometimes. Is working at the research center actually pretty bad? As in, does it require a lot of overtime?
A. It isn’t bad, Alba is just going ahead and doing the work he wants to do, then going ahead and getting all tired because of it. From the perspective of the government running it, even just having the world’s hero Alba owning a research center they manage is good enough. It would be fine even if Alba never showed up at the research center at all and never did even one iota of work. Alba is just doing his best for everyone’s sake. Lately, he rests properly.
Q. Boss seems to have accessories and clothes other than his hoodie. Does he buy all of them himself?
A. Yes, he does. I talk about this in the doujinshi Filled It With My Feelings as well!
(T/N: If you enjoyed reading any of this tidbits, please consider supporting Haruhara by purchasing the original article on his channel: ch.nicovideo.jp/haruhara-ch/blomaga/ar1939122)
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coincodecap · 3 years
Is the Huobi Trading Bot Profitable?
Huobi is a famous cryptocurrency exchange that offers various services like margin trading, staking, and lending. In addition, the site provides its GRID trading bot. In this post, we'll go over all of the features of the Huobi trading bot as well as how to use free crypto trading bots.
What exactly is Huobi?
Huobi Global is a global cryptocurrency trading platform with over 130 nations using its services. According to CoinMarketCap, the platform is ranked second in spot trading. It also provides a variety of goods, including the GRID Trading Bot. Read our Huobi review to discover more.How does Grid Trading operate, and what exactly is it? One of the various trading methods accessible is grid trading. It allows you to purchase cheap and sell high in a set price range automatically. Grid Trading robots will also ensure that this approach is executed flawlessly. The grid trading bot will also continue to trade as long as the coin price does not break beyond the defined range. Grid trading will be halted if the price falls below a certain level. The bot will continue to run till the coin returns to its range price.
Modes of Huobi Trading Bot
There is two order opening types in the Huobi Grid Trading bot: manual and automatic.
Manual Mode: This is where you specify the grid settings, such as the upper/lower limit, grid number, and digital assets invested, among other things. You may also select the Stop Loss and Trigger Price in manual mode. This is the ideal method for skilled traders.
In Auto Mode, the system at Huobi determines the most optimal parameters based on previous data, as the name indicates. You have to do now is pick the investment price. 
The Stop Loss, on the other hand, cannot be changed. As a result, it should be preferred by novice traders with little or no experience.Take-Profit Price: When the price of a crypto asset climbs to the Take Profit Price, the Huobi bot closes the order automatically so that it may profit before the price falls.
 This Take-Profit price should never be less than the maximum price. Stop-Loss Price: The stop-loss price must be lower than the current market price. If the trading crypto price goes below the Stop Loss Price, the bot will begin selling the assets it has purchased at a loss to avoid further losses.
Profit Margin Per Grid: After you select the settings, it is determined based on backtesting
Knowledge Exam: You must pass the knowledge test before you can use the Huobi grid trading bot.
What is the Huobi trading bot, and how can I use it?
How can I sign up for Huobi?
Huobi's signup process is straightforward and takes little time. To register, follow the steps below:
Go to Huobi's official website and click "Sign Up" in the upper right corner.
Complete the blanks. Please choose your nationality carefully, as you will not be able to alter it.
Click "Sign Up" once you've completed the form.
You will get a verification code. After that, you must enter the OTP.
 Go to the top right corner of your screen to your profile after logging into your account.
Select "Identification" from the drop-down menu.
For the verification procedure, upload your document and scan your picture.
Your account will be verified within 24 hours.
Please note that foreign users must submit their passports for verification.
Instructions on how to utilize the Huobi Grid Trading Bot
To build up a grid trading bot on Huobi, follow the instructions below:
Log in to your Huobi account first.
Click "Spot Trading" and then "Trading bot" in the top menu.
From the drop-down menu, choose "Trading bot."
Choose the currency pair you want to exchange.
Enter the settings in the Auto section on the right-hand side.
In the investment textbox for that individual currency, Huobi indicates the minimum investment amount.
Continue by clicking the "Continue" button.
A dialogue box will open; read the information, including the bot's approach, and then click "Confirm."
Please keep in mind that the auto-filled settings are based on the pair's 7-day backtest data.
Fees for Huobi Trading Bot
Huobi's in-house crypto bot is completely free to use. You will, however, be responsible for the trading fees. The maker and taker fees are also determined by your 30-day volume trading and HT token holdings.
Withdrawal Limit on Huobi Trading Bot
The withdrawal limit for confirmed users is 100 BTC, while the limit for unverified users is 1 BTC.
Trading Pairs That Are Supported
Huobi Global now offers 32 trading pairs, including popular ones like BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, and HT/USDT. Huobi launched about ten trading pairs to Grid Trading in April 2021, including MATIC/USDT. Furthermore, the maximum amount a user may invest in each trading pair is 5,000,000 USDT.
Huobi Trading Bot: Page Ranking
On its ranking page, the site also rates the top 20 trading bot tactics. Additionally, this rating is based on three distinct factors: Smart parameters, Profit rate rankings, and Profit rankings.
However, the site advises that these rankings be used solely as a guide and not investment advice.
What are the dangers associated with utilizing the Huobi trading bot?
Scenario 1: The grid bot will cease placing orders and create losses if the trading pair's prices fall below the range. Furthermore, the grid strategy will be terminated if a stop-loss price is specified and it is triggered.
Scenario 2: If the price rises beyond the range, the grid bot will stop placing the order, but if the price falls within the field, it will resume. You won't be able to benefit from the increased price this way.
Scenario 3: Huobi's grid approach sets an order based on the grid quantity and price range. If the grid quantity is set very low and the price varies between the two points, the system will not place an automated order since the capital usage efficiency is poor.
Pros and Cons of Huobi Trading Bot
Huobi's grid trading bot supports 32 crypto pairings.
The trading bot does not require a membership fee.
Furthermore, the platform is entirely secure.
Customer service is available around the clock.
Because the bot is still in its early phases, there isn't much variation.
Huobi Trading Bot: Final Thoughts
Huobi is a famous cryptocurrency exchange that just began selling its own trading bots. The Huobi Grid trading bot is easy to set up and use, and it is suitable for both novice and expert traders. In addition to Grid Trading, it provides a quick FAQ assistance system to help users with their questions.
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imaginesofeverykind · 4 years
Uncharted: Forged [Re-Write]
y’all the Sam Drake feels are hitting HARD, im replaying all the games atm and I reread my old fic from 2017 and decided I love Melissa so much so we’ll give this a red hot crack! <3 xx Majority of the fic is the same, i’ve mainly updated wording and layout, but of course some lines and inner thoughts have been changed to add more to the fic if you’ve already read the original! <3
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OC x Sam Drake
Summary: It always went without saying that where you found the Drake brothers, Melissa Bridges wasn't far behind. More correctly, wherever you found Samuel Drake; Melissa Bridges wasn't far behind. The pair were quite literally as thick as thieves, partners in crime, their very own Bonnie and Clyde. It was short lived between the two of them. Sam's death struck a chord with Melissa, what she chose to do with the grief is the question. Better yet, what does Melissa do when straight from the 'grave' fifteen years later she is reunited with the oldest Drake brother?
Warnings: Swearing(?) Dorky as fuck Sam Drake,
Word Count: somewhere in the high 2000’s
|PART 2| PART 3||
Samuel Morgan had a reputation. Not only exclusive to the Orphanage he grew up in, but also to the sister Orphanage several blocks away; Sister Margaret's. He caused fights, disrupted the peace and was caught doing illicit activities on the building grounds. But believe it or not; he never truly used to be as much of a delinquent. In fact, his behavioural changes can be traced back to ten months ago when he met Melissa Bridges. As innocent she may seem, her bad influence on Sam caused quite a turn of events in his life, some good, some bad, some ugly. But when it came down to it, Samuel and Melissa were always there for each other.
[1] Boston: A Bad Influence
Every day like clockwork, Samuel Morgan would peer out his window, looking beyond the gates of the Orphanage to catch a glimpse of her as she walked by. Her hands always seemingly shoved into a denim vest that looked miles too big for her as it covered what appeared to be a faded pink dress.
On the days he managed to see her while he was out in the courtyard, he spotted smaller nuances and details missed from afar. The boots she wore looked as though they had stopped fitting several years ago, long exceeding their lifespan judging by the soles flapping with every careless step she took. Her hair was always tied up neatly in a ponytail to gather her long dark locks.
Some days — he noted — she was accompanied by groups of girls. Most days she would stride on her lonesome but regardless, alone or not; every day at Midday, Melissa Bridges would pass by the Orphanage in a direction that didn’t quite add up.
It confused Sam, considering Sister Margaret's was in the opposite direction and there was evidently nothing in the direction she was headed. If he wasn't so chicken shit to do so, he would find a way out just to talk with her for even five minutes, maybe even a polite ‘hello’ or ‘how are you?’
He spent an embarrassing amount of time watching her, understanding her routine to the point he questioned if his motives were borderline criminal. His curiosity and infatuation with the mystery that shrouded the peculiar girl always kept him from pulling away from her. When he told himself; let it go for today, he’d catch himself looking out the window at just the right time, like it was a habitual instinct he somehow developed.
On weekends she would walk by not just at midday but once more, later in the evening between seven and nine. The few times he mustered up the courage to finally leave, he got as far as opening the window before deciding against it. Despite slight behavioural issues, he was top of the class, rarely did anything out of line despite the occasional fistfight between other boys in the home.
One night in particular, however, Sam decided he was finally going to do it. Go beyond the gates and finally speak to Melissa, a girl he only knew from the distant affections via observation. Did he know her name? No. Did he know anything about her? Aside from her being in an Orphanage, no. Did he know her eye colour? Not at all, but he would like to.
Despite knowing less than the bare minimum about her, his infatuation with curiosity constantly drove him to the brink of madness, urging himself to find the answers he sought out. He wanted to know why she would walk so braisingly confident, in clear sight of St. Francis undeterred by the Nun’s there and where she was heading that was apparently so important she ditched her classes. What was she doing at said place— if she was even going to a destination. Most importantly, he wanted to know how she managed to pull a fast one on the Nuns, knowing how their eagle eyed scrutinous gazes fell on the boys here.
His watch beeped, displaying the time as seven o’clock. It’s time, he thought to himself, taking a deep breath before opening the window. The frosty Saturday night breeze spilling into the room, the chill bite prickling his cheeks. The boys would be attending dinner in the hall at this time of night which is why he decided now was the time to make a break for it.
Sam had a clean record...ish... He had high hopes that in the event he was caught out, he would only merely get off with a warning and maybe forced to write some convoluted, meaningless essay.
He vaulted out of the window and dangled over the ledge, recollecting the plan he had rehearsed in the forefront of his mind. It wasn't a special night or anything, simply the night Sam decided to finally 'grow a pair' and talk to her, this marking the first night he even got as far as dangling out of the window.
Sucking in a breath, he released his tight grip from the ledge and dropped down a few feet, hitting the brick roof of the lower level. The loose brick slates cracked under the sudden strain, however, absorbing most of the sound which came as a pleasant surprise. His heartbeat quickened as he chuckled to himself, "I'm actually doing this," the thrill of potentially being caught hung in the back of his mind as he scaled the side of the building. Reaching the front chapel and administration block, he stopped momentarily, his arms burning from the sudden intense activity.
On the streets below — like every Friday and Saturday evening — Melissa walked along the dirty streets, keeping her head down and hands jammed into her pockets as she strayed in relative proximity to the street lights. Leaves crunched under her boots, accompanied by the sounds of the loose soles slapping the sidewalk. She hummed to herself a leisurely tune — having listened to the beastie boys most of the day — she rounded the familiar corner where Saint Francis Orphanage stood.
It was always much more peaceful to pass it in the evening given that similarly to Sister Margarets; Dinner was around this time.
This night, however, as she finally strode by the fenced-off Orphanage she couldn't shake the feeling of being followed. Something lingered behind her, more so, someone. She cursed under her breath, not wanting to turn to see the figure on the principle of merely acknowledging it. If she didn’t look, it wasn’t there right?
Many scenarios crossed her mind, perhaps it was a Nun that had followed her out of the Orphanage, they were always watching her like she was on the brink of committing a major felony. Nevermind that their concern wasn’t an underreaction by any means. But if it were a Nun, they’d have her by the ear and on their way back now.
It could perhaps be a drunken stray from the pub she passed a block ago, this occurrence was regular more often than not. Of course, in her experience, the drunkards were quite lovely and just wanted some quaint company on their journey home.
Or... it could definitely be someone not as kind as the drunken strays and not as merciful as the Nuns. That thought crossed her mind too, it often did. Being a young woman, regardless of looks and attire, she was on her lonesome which made her an incredibly vulnerable target.
Or so many people thought.
She was positive someone was tailing her, their footsteps would stop every time she did and would start back up again when she proceeded. Around the corner she rounded, there would be fewer street lights, instantly darkening the streets actively causing them to look far more menacing. This hadn’t deterred her, though, she was hardly bothered by a lot. But the prospect of someone snatching her up from the street was something that bore into her mind and chipped away the panic that simmered inside of her.
Stopping just shy of the safe glow emitting from under the streetlamp, she waited in anticipation, counting quietly to herself before whipping her hands out her pockets. In a swift motion, she spun around, connecting her fist with the lurking figure behind her in an impressively powerful sucker punch. They groaned, stumbling backwards into the light. "Oh shit," She uttered, apologetically after catching a glimpse of the person she punched. Just a kid from Saint Francis.
Despite being punched by her, Sam couldn't deny she was as attractive close up as she was at a distance. Being even prettier than he imagined her to be, glancing through his eyelashes to look at her bright green eyes, tanned skin and plump lips. He had seen a lot of girls in his time, but none that took to him quite like Melissa had.
Samuel Morgan had just been sucker-punched by a girl, that would be quite the story to tell his younger brother Nathan. He was stunned as he held the side of his face in a dazed state, did that actually just happen to him, or was it a dream? Both fortunately and unfortunately for his ego, yes indeed it did happen.
"Crap. I’m so sorry, my bad..." Melissa's face softened as she stepped slowly toward Sam, outstretching a hand to touch his shoulder comfortingly, "I thought you were following me." she stated, a panicked chuckle falling through her lips, the sound was music to his ears.
"Uh-uh, I mean... Yeah, I was — well no, not like that! I mean — just put me out of my misery and hit me again." He stumbled on his words making Melissa laugh, squeezing her hand on his shoulder, offering yet another apologetic smile at the welt forming on the side of his sun-kissed face.
She clicked her fingers once recognising his features in better detail, once the light hit it at the right angle, "you're uh, that kid from Saint Francis, yeah?" They hadn’t met prior but he looked so familiar to her, perhaps they had sat near each other when both Sister Margarets and St. Francis’ homes came together twice a month for communal mass.
He stood upright at her question. Having always imagined what it would be like to finally meet the strange girl surrounded by a unsolvable paradox, none of the scenarios he thought of began with her sucker punching him in the middle of the street. He caught his bottom lip in between his teeth to stifle the minor laugh, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "there's a lot of kids at Saint Francis you're gonna have to be more specific." His tone was laced with a hint of sarcasm, a trait he was blessed with after years of dealing with the Nuns dull and humourless personalities.
Melissa rolled her eyes subtly as a smile ghosted her lips, the way he spoke was seemingly more familiar to her. Then it hit her. She recalled the last communal mass just a little over a week ago where the boy was dragged away by the Nuns for misbehaving during silent prayer. His name passing their holy lips as if it was a curse word while they dealt with him.
"Uh... Samuel something, right?" She tilted her head on the side and shrugged, her memory wasn’t all that great but she did recollect thinking how amateur it was of him to get caught like that. The fact that he got caught at all was amateur in itself.
"Samuel something?" He repeated, a smile pulling on the sides of his lips as his heart fluttered. She knew him. After thinking for quite some time she had no idea who the hell he was, this was a revelation that couldn’t help but make him giddy. His grin appearing more genuine as the palms of his hands began to perspire.
With a nod and a smirk, she quirked her eyebrow at him, "you got kicked out of church last week, yeah? I know because I was thinking how funny it was that you got caught… Rookie mistake,” Her tone was purely in challenge of his efforts, he too recalled being whisked away by the Nun’s and forced to write an essay on something he’d long forgotten.
He mustered up a laugh, bashfully nodding. His mind fixated on the thought of him getting her attention completely unintentionally, but thankful that it happened in the first place. What did she think of me? Was the question that flooded his mind, almost like it was flashing in neon lighting to keep his attention on it. “Clearly we’re not all good at getting away with everything — or does that come naturally to only you?”
The minute the words left his lips, he regretted them. Overthinking the tone of his voice, cringing at how much more sarcastic and blunt it came across than intended. When she merely scoffed at him, he felt relieved that she quite clearly had more tolerance to sarcasm than he originally anticipated, taking up the opportunity to feebly point to himself, “I’m Uh… Sam, Sam Morgan.”
She clicked her fingers yet again, instantly recognising the name, “Samuel Morgan, that’s right… I know you — our history papers get graded together and I know for a fact that you almost got a higher mark than me." She raised her eyebrows, a mischievous smirk on her lips. She drew out the ‘almost’ as it taunted him with her acute sense of pride.
Sam looked at her, in awe almost. He spent many of his waking hours thinking about what she would be like, she was much more confident than he imagined and that factor alone seemed to make her all the more desirable. A history buff and confident, not to mention the way her frame was highlighted by the street lamp behind her made it look like she was otherworldly. He was convinced she was merely a figment of his imagination, but the bruising on his cheek and slight blood nose stated otherwise.
"You must know a thing or two about history to beat me," he chuckled, shifting awkwardly once he found himself staring at her for too long, this night was not panning out like he had planned or visualized. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.
"Only a little bit." She smiled, gesturing with her pointer finger and thumb, attempting to repair the boys already significantly damaged ego. Although she knew based off the report she snatched from one of the Nun’s offices; she had beat him by a landslide.
"What's your name, sorry?" Sam asked, clearing his throat. He ignored the proud smirk she wore as she kept her thoughts to herself, he knew she was a lot smarter than she admitted at the expense of keeping his hubris intact. The fact she hadn’t been caught sneaking out yet also lent itself to her sharp awareness and intelligence.
Melissa perked up, dismissively apologising as she gestured to herself, "Melissa, but you can call me Mel... Follow me, I know somewhere to get your face all cleaned up pretty boy — once again... Sorry."
Pretty boy. His gut twirled in a nauseating fleeting motion, something he hadn’t felt before but he knew it wasn’t a bad feeling. She waves her hand, indicating for him to follow her as she slinked into the darkness of the street they were on.
Sam was stunned— albeit, incredibly intrigued and infatuated with the idea of her. Eager to savour the rest of the evening in her presence, he shook his head but followed her, "So...." He trailed off, walking in sync beside her, "where are we going?" Was all he could think of, wanting to hit himself for asking such a basic question in comparison to the myriad of ones he kept stored away, why was he so mundane? "I uh... I watch you— I mean, I see you...sometimes walking past the Orphanage..."
Melissa looked to her odd new companion, a smile tugging on her lips. "You've never been outside the gates before have you?" Her smile gradually turning into a grin, everything about Sam screamed goody two shoes yet here he was, outside against the strict rules the Nuns abided by.
Sam frowned and put his hands up defensively, "Of course I've been outside the gates before—."
She cut him off, shaking her head, "no, I mean outside the gates without supervision and outside of curfew." Her eyebrows were raised as she waited to get an answer from her newfound friend, he merely shook his head coyly, her grin grew wider and she had a bounce in her step. "Well, pretty boy… when we get you cleaned up, are you ready to have the most fun you’ll ever have living in this shit hole?”
Sam thought for a moment, the nagging at the back of his head, the rules he was currently breaking would have severe consequences, but the rush and thrill of it all was so appealing. Melissa was appealing. And his insatiable need to fulfil his curiosity often always bettered his own moral compass. "Hell yeah." He commented enthused, kicking himself for being a little too enthused. She quickened her pace and motioned for Sam to pick up the pace as well.
Melissa was an addict, a thrill addict. Although she went to Sunday Church every week with the other Orphaned girls and went on bible retreats; it was a facade. She craved adventure, close encounters and thrill-seeking. On this particular night was the night Samuel Morgan's addiction to adventure had begun. Awakening that feeling deep within him, reminding him of the stories their mother would tell them before bed, the artefacts and trips they went on. He was aching to break free, and finally, he did.
And there was no turning back for him.
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penguiduck · 4 years
The Relationship Between Online Readers & Writers: Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Implementation
Introduction | Part 1: What is this Relationship? | Part 2: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Readers | Part 3: A Day in the Life of… | Part 4: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives | Part 5: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Implementation | Part 6: How to Write the Best Feedback |  Part 7: Where Does This Leave Us?
Previously, I provided some perspective on why writers require feedback and a sense of appreciation. I believe fostering empathy for the writing process is vital in this relationship between readers and writers online, so understanding why it’s important is the first step. In this chapter, I would like to discuss the implementation of how to show your favorite writers appreciation and provide them motivation so they may continue to update the work that you so enjoy. I will mostly be focusing on feedback in the form of comments or reviews, but will mention a few other alternatives.
First, I’d like to provide a quick breakdown of why leaving feedback should matter to you:
1. It’s polite. It’s common courtesy. If someone took time out of their day to provide you with content you enjoy free of charge, then you should take a few minutes to show your gratitude. For more information on why, refer to Chapter 5: Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives.
2. If anything, it can only help the writer — as such, this directly benefits you, the reader. Feedback is essential to the writing process. If writers do not receive feedback, they may not feel any incentive to continue writing or, at least, continue posting their work online.
3. This is your currency, your contribution to the online community. One-sided relationships are not healthy or productive. To maximize benefits for both parties, writers and readers, readers must also partake. For more information about currency, please refer to Chapter 2: What Is This Relationship?
With that said, let’s continue with things you can do for writers.
1. Leave feedback. This can come in the form of comments or reviews, notes, or even Facebook chats. The medium doesn’t matter so much, though I have heard from some writers that they prefer their feedback to all be in one place, not only for their reference, but also so that others may see it.
Nevertheless, feedback should be personal, specific, and thoughtful.
When constructing a comment, the content of what you write is important. This is your opportunity to show how much you appreciate and admire a writer’s work. You’ve probably heard of the age-old adage “quality over quantity,” and it applies here. Receiving a comment that says “Great! I love this!” or “I like this! Excited for next update!” is nice, but these comments don’t really tell the writer anything. For all they know, these comments could be copied and pasted from one source to the next — there isn’t any evidence in generic comments that readers have even read your work.
Think about something that you love, a hobby perhaps.
Let’s say you’re an artist, and two viewers leave comments on your work:
a) Pretty! Love seeing your work!
b) Oh, wow! Your art is breathtaking. I really love the vibrant colors you use to paint the background. Your characters always have the most expressive eyes — they’re like a portal to the soul. You clearly put a lot of love and effort into this, and it shows.
Which one would more likely motivate you to paint again? See what I mean?
Or, let’s assume that you’re a dancer. You have a performance, and two friends say:
a) That was great!
b) Your performance was amazing. I thought you were absolutely stunning in that dress, and your music selection is spot-on — it really matches your personality. I’d love the opportunity to see your next performance!
Which one would more likely give you warm fuzzies?
All options above took me less than a minute to type, which is far less time than a writer would spend on creating content for you. I encourage you to put yourself in the writer’s shoes when providing feedback. If all you provide are generic comments, do you think writers feel special at all?
How often should you leave feedback? Well, that depends. If the writer updates often, as in multiple times a week, perhaps a comment every other or every few chapters would suffice — I’m sure you are busy, to0, after all, and while I very much appreciate and enjoy reading all comments (they are always so nice to open my email to!), I don’t expect them every update. Then again, if you tend to leave shorter comments that take you no more than two or three minutes to compose, could it really hurt to brighten a writer’s day? If the writer updates less often, once per month, perhaps, then I think it’s good practice to leave a comment each time.
Consider this: I have a fuel tank for my inspiration when it comes to writing. I can run on a near-empty tank, but it’s difficult for me to do, and I struggle with creating content. It’s far easier for me to write and put out quality work when my inspiration tank is full. Every piece of feedback I receive fills it with a certain amount of inspiration.
A quick “Hey, this is really great! Every time you update, I get so giddy!” perhaps adds one measurement of inspiration.
A more detailed “Wow, I liked how you wrote [character name] in that scene — it was spot on! I feel like his personality is so hard to get right, but you really nailed that thought process. His interaction with [character name] really proves that he’s a lot softer than most people think he is!” perhaps adds three to four measurements of inspiration.
Then, a thoughtful “You know, I’m always so impressed with your depiction of [character name]. The cogs in his mind are always turning, and he’s so introspective. I felt that you captured his strategic disposition well here, and I’m eager to see how he’s going to use this newfound information to approach [character name]. I would think that he’d be a little more soft-spoken, though I’m also eager to see him kind of angry and protective. Looking forward to your next update! Your writing is always a treat to read!” could add ten measurements of inspiration.
Ultimately, readers should provide feedback as often as they’d like, knowing that each comment contributes to that inspirational fuel tank for their writers in varying degrees. If you want high quality, muse-filled updates, this feedback is absolutely essential to contributing to that process. This is why writers ask for feedback and are overjoyed to receive it — it is a precious resource that can only come from their dear readers.
One struggle I often hear from readers is that while they appreciate and enjoy my work, they don’t know what to say. But fear not! In the next chapter, I will go into detail on how to write these personal, specific, and thoughtful comments.
2. Leave likes, kudos, loves, whatever the medium of approval is. I would argue this is bare minimum, equivalent to a “Thank you. I like this.” If you received any amount of enjoyment from someone’s hard-wrought work, you owe them this. It is literally a click of the button and will take a fraction of a second.
I’ve seen notes from readers who say that they will never leave a kudo on AO3 content unless the work is finished. This thought process is asinine. I would compare this to you volunteering to help paint a friend’s house over a few days. You offer your labor free of charge, from the kindness of your heart, and your friend refuses to say thank you, buy you lunch, give you refreshments during the week. “I’ll only show you gratitude when you’re finished,” your friend says. This is toxic relationship. DO NOT do this. Give your writers the appreciation they deserve while they are hard at work, not just when they’ve finished. Do not be so emotionally deprived that you refuse to perform a simple task that can only make writers feel good about themselves and their work.
3. Bookmark, subscribe, and follow on social media. While this isn’t direct feedback, per se, each of these adds to a metric and can grant your favorite writer a following.
I normally wouldn’t say that bookmarks show appreciation because they’re more for the reader’s benefit that the writer’s, but I will say that I’ve seen some comments written on bookmarks on my works on AO3 that have really made me smile. Subscribing, again, is more for the benefit of the reader. However, adding to that number does denote a certain level of popularity for that piece of writing. Following your favorite writers on social media is much the same.
4. Fanart. If you are creatively minded, then perhaps you’d like to express your appreciation through artistic means. This goes without saying, but sending a writer a piece of art inspired by their work is flattering. 10/10 will give warm fuzzies. For me, I always welcome fanart and am thrilled to receive it.
5. Word of mouth and referrals. Market your writer’s content for them. You can tell your friends about it or recommend it via social media. It’s always wonderful to hear when new readers find and enjoy your work, and it’s the ultimate compliment, knowing that another reader referred them. If a writer has a Tumblr or Twitter, follow them and reblog or retweet their updates. I think this is a phenomenal way to show that you appreciate them and the hard work they put into their writing.
Of course, these are just a few ways for readers to express appreciation and motivate their favorite writers. If you have any other suggestions or practices, please feel free to leave a comment!
Next up is a tutorial on how to write quality comments. Stay tuned!
Also posted on AO3.
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20 Reasons You Need to Stop Stressing About FreedomSoft
ten Best Landlord Personal computer program Strategies for Consumers & Property Supervisors
As you own leasing real estate residence, it might be much way too a straightforward endeavor to possess anything fall throughout the cracks. Even slight stuff like failing to make sure to routine a repair service or not distributing a hire settlement could potentially cause dissatisfied renters and improved vacancy quantities, contributing to lower cashflow and a residence below finishing up.
On this webpage, we'll examine how landlord Computer system program helps both equally very little assets investors and massive house controlling providers Increase functions and increase the In general general performance of lease authentic-estate buys.
Exactly what's Home operator Personal computer software package?Residence owner program application permits lease professionals to deal with each and every aspect of any lease house which contain:
Screening and managing tenantsResponding to servicing requestsScheduling program house inspectionsProcessing on the net hire paymentsTracking performing expensesGenerating monthly P&L and cashflow statementsCompiling calendar yr-conclude taxation-ready financial promises
How Landlord Program plan Operates & Some fantastic advantages of Using ItLandlord program is usually bought in two several versions: one) Laptop or computer-centered software package program is downloaded and therefore are powered by your desktop computer, notebook, or pc pill. two) World wide web-centered landlord software package runs within the cloud and offers on the internet entry from the World wide web-connected unit any place on this planet.
Some home owner program alternatives also offer smartphone transportable apps that securely get in touch with Net-based Laptop program to observe expenditures and watch household functionality with iOS and Android applications.
Depending on the 2021 Issue in the home Administration Statement lately released by Buildium, there are actually five finest methods renters foresee landlords to offer:
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Speaking by means of text information or emailPaying retain the services of onlineSubmitting routine servicing take care of desires onlineElectronic leasingAccess to the citizen portalEven although the desire for rental home reaches all-time levels, with frequent one particular-household lease occupancy expenditures at ninety five.3Per cent, the Levels of competition to locate excellent whilst maintaining very good renters is even Substantially more robust. The normal time period a renter carries on for being in only one-relatives hire is three years, and landlords are acquiring technological innovation to produce the best possible rents while holding tenants quite a bit more time.
The simplest assets owner application application aid you to definitely efficiently operate your seek the services of corporation, satisfy the wants of your own renters, and maximize the fiscal efficiency of your respective invest in home:
Boost your on the internet tenant software package technique to reduce software program errors, take care of the complete renting tactic on the net, and improve candidates on her or his app position. Online lease payments collection like many various retain the services of payment selections, timetable repeating monthly payments for renters, and programmed retain the services of settlement reminders to lower late obligations and enrich revenue.Monitor servicing requests for tenants and strategy repairs with companies to boost tenant complete satisfaction, hold occupancy amounts good and renter turnover reduced.Automating your property house business with residence proprietor program enables you to cut again time on varieties and regimen challenges moreover far more time expanding money by scaling your lease house selection.
Very best Program application for Minor House proprietors and large Dwelling ManagersThere are usually two major styles of landlord computer software method:
More compact buyers with from one leasing device to a dozen properties or maybe more generally need capabilities together with monitoring Houses While using the portfolio amount and home phase, automating income and fees, arranging files, and running reports.
Qualified home administration enterprises with large quantities of attributes beneath Manage demand a lot more sophisticated – and expensive – landlord program solutions for varied different types of home kinds which incorporates sizeable condo constructions, scholar real estate, HOAs, and business factors.
In this post are one of the best leasing household managing software accessible for both compact property homeowners and large wholesaling houses info home managing corporations.
Residence proprietor program for lesser traders 1. StessaStessa aims to generate use assets spending budget straightforward by assisting The 2 novice and complex brokers maximize earnings via smart cash administration, computerized income and expenditure checking, and personalized-built confirming.
Costs are fully totally free and consists of features as an example unrestricted home monitoring, profile and house-levels dashboards, computerized earnings and cost monitoring, genuine-estate document organization and storing, limitless regular monthly scientific tests, and export of taxation-absolutely Prepared monetary data. Stessa does present optionally out there high-quality services to traders for a cost, to aid with rent evaluation, home finance loan loans, and buyer investigation.
two. AvailAvail gives program plans exclusively designed for the do-it-oneself landlord. The Company offers a total group of devices and academic content articles that can assist you the tiny investor become a confident and expert assets proprietor.
There are 2 premiums alternate options for landlord computer software plan from Take advantage. A no cost Unlimited Approach features a limitless variety of lease types with professional companies for on-line rent month-to-month payments, regime maintenance retaining monitor of, tenant screening and track record checks, standing-unique leases, and syndicate listings for vacancies.
The Unlimited On top of that Program is $five for each unit monthly and consists of more providers such as up coming-working day use payments, personalized made tenant application and leases, and the development of a home Web page.
three. CozyCozy has joined along with Flats.com to provide the very small traders with property owner application that includes ailment-of-the-artwork on the net rental Regulate machines and renter verification scientific studies. The business's aim is always to assist leasing household proprietors be a lot better assets owners, and provides equally landlords and renters reassurance.
Pricing for landlord software package plan from Comfortable is delivered without cost for home owners, Even though renters obtain such things as tenant screening reviews and lender card obligations. Renters insurance prepare for tenants can also be available via Comfy using an standard insurance policies coverage price of about $20 every month.
Inviting home proprietor software delivers a wide array of remedies which incorporates over the internet lease computer software, tenant evaluating, seek the services of selection, examining of residence charges, and doc uploading and storage.
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four. Rentec DirectRentec Straight focuses on giving landlord computer software solutions for landlords and home executives with tiny rental house portfolios. Landlords with ten traits or a good deal a lot less have the choice of selecting a no cost Computer system software package product, and the business can offer residence managing application and tenant screening companies for homeowners with as many as five,000 items.
The two principal compensated for landlord software tactics from Rentec Speedy. Rentec Pro for landlords is valued at $35 a month, while Rentec PM is perfect for home executives and listed at $40 every month, Every and each owning an infinite quantity of tenants and Attributes.
Both programs include on-line hire choice, repairs requests, and bookkeeping. Tenant verification bundles include anything at all from $seven to $15 per offer offer, which incorporates nationwide felony and sexual intercourse offender look for queries, eviction queries, plus a TransUnion credit history report.
5. TenantCloudTenantCloud is an outstanding match for brand-new house house owners, supervisors and dwelling administrators with any exactly where from 1 device to five hundred products below controlling. The business enterprise also provides a no cost cease-to-close home handling procedure with all-in-just one features inside of a price-absolutely free Simple Software that features checking of rental facts, offering and attaining hire obligations, and program upkeep handling.
Charges choices for TenantCloud home operator application include a cost-free Conventional system for up to seventy five styles, a typical $nine per 30 days strategy for as many as 150 models, and an Ground breaking system costed at $35 every month. Landlords and managers can also decide providers solutions like renter verification, rental records, insurance policy coverage, and QuickBooks On the net at additional fees.
Residence proprietor computer software plan for professional Management firms one. AppFolioAppFolio is mostly a potent application system for Qualified household administrators, giving many different types of abilities and the potential to deal with diversified Instrument sorts which includes single-home and multifamily attributes, condo Attributes and pupil housings, residence owner businesses (HOA), and in some cases combined-use and professional characteristics.
The corporate expenditures a start-up charge, in addition to a minimum regular demand of $250. AppFolio software package features require bookkeeping software application, lease payments series strategies, servicing calls for, advertising and marketing and promoting machines to marketplace unfilled designs, tenant tests Experienced providers, and customizable over the internet tenant software package and leases, applicant credit rating score and lease heritage checks, and renter and proprietor portals.
2. BuildiumBuildium offers Similarly home home administration Pc computer software and homeowner relationship Manage software and it is ideal for landlords or executives with fifty or maybe more units. The enterprise is a specialist in a variety of asset kinds which include household house, pupil assets, and cheap house residential spots.
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Pricing commences at $50 a month for about twenty models and is also break up up into two divisions, Essential and Development. Buildium has extra costs for issues for instance on-line obligations and electronic lease signing.
Program characteristics include retain the services of administration, on-line rent payments obligations, upkeep requests, comprising income and expenses, and property discussion boards.
three. MRI SoftwareMRI Real-estate Application concentrates on big expert residence executives and Expert landlords and professionals, with the target of increasing occupancy and reducing Doing the job expenditures. The Firm is an expert in a lot of different types of asset varieties like sizeable property portfolios, industrial traits, features administration, and open up community and economical assets.
Pricing is tailored to the private necessities of every client. MIR house owner software contains options for on the web employ the service of collection, tenant verification and rent templates, program maintenance requests, built-in details processing, resident conversation and supervisor agreement, and credit score historical past Hazard taking care of.
4. PropertywarePropertyware features program options to specific-household property entrepreneurs and residential professionals with portfolios of 250 properties or more. Even though the assistance is for large portfolios, This system is considerably less sophisticated Because the focus is on solitary-loved ones Houses.
Rates divisions vary from $250 to $450 with a every month basis or higher dependant on the quantity of units and remedies, together with a 1-time execution fee. Propertyware landlord Laptop software package contains remedies for renter promotion and screening, on line repayments, inspections, dealer portals, and repairs challenge management.
5. Yardi BreezeYardi Breeze roles itself remaining a refreshingly basic program response for tiny, and midsize landlords and residence directors who require aid streamlining techniques. The business is an authority in modest and midsize portfolios of residence devices, professional versions, and merged-use Attributes.
Wind rates starts at $one for every product per month, that has a bare minimum month to month demand of $100 for dwelling portfolios. Wind Premier rates commences at $2 for each unit per 30 days, having a bare minimum amount monthly charge of $200 for commercial and blended-use portfolios.
Yardi Breeze residence operator application is made up of methods for marketing and advertising and advertising and marketing and leasing, lease assortment, schedule upkeep demands, home management, bookkeeping, and profiles payable.
Wrapping UpRental property making an financial commitment may very well be energetic, passive, or in some cases a range of both equally. Energetic real-estate investors who might have more than enough time and complete understanding necessary to cope with daily facts of every assets may possibly select landlord program supposed for specialist residence supervisors.
Conversely, unaggressive traders might opt for a far more cost-effective landlord software plan, even while they use the area home manager to take care of the leasing home in Just about every marketplace location They are buying.
Using Laptop or computer software program aids the smaller, unaggressive house entrepreneur combine info for each residence and route the efficiency of the whole hire house profile.
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coffeecityusa · 4 years
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Gutters Cary NC
Gutter Installment in Raleigh, North Carolina If you're comfortable on a ladder and you do not mind obtaining your hands unclean, then unclogging your gutters isn't difficult within the least. Unclogging your gutters can stop problems afterward, saving you an honest amount of cash in repairs. Preventative measures are occasionally the only DIY alternatives. All you would certainly like, as soon as that ladder has been protected, could likewise be a hose and also handwear covers. After withdrawal method dry debris, sluicing the gutters with the pipe will certainly aid keep the water flowing efficiently and also maintain the lots off the structure. Another fast as well as simple option is to place in gutter covers. If water isn't draining pipes towards your downspouts, as well as thus the guttering is or else clean and clog-free, after that it's probably as a result of incorrect positioning of the seamless gutter. Done appropriately, positioning isn't typically visible but rain gutters are really tilted a little for correct drainage-- not directly. Straightening could also be a fairly simple task, so right here's how! To sustain the section of guttering that has actually reached be straightened, drive long nails right into the fascia board at the back side of the seamless gutter, at routine periods. Next off, get rid of the rain gutter assistance braces. Link off a length of string from one end of the fascia to the other, guaranteeing it falls towards the downspout. the autumn should be a fifty percent inch for every ten feet of seamless gutter. Place the brackets replicate, adhering to the lean of the string. Rust must be away from your seamless gutters as soon because it's found, before it results in more destructive troubles. Leaks in plastic rain gutters are virtually always found at joints, where 2 areas are linked to a minimum of each other. These joints are made water tight with rubber seals or gaskets. When these become worn or pried apart by dirt and debris, leakages end up being evident. If you have actually a loose downspout, it isn't the greatest of the planet-- or your guttering. Initially just examine to figure out if there is a linking brace that has functioned itself loosened. If that is the case, just replace the bracket slightly higher or but its original placement, utilizing brand-new pilot holes. Failing that, it would certainly be a loosened electrical outlet. Changing these and also re-affixing the screws or nails can likewise be a get in the park and might take just a few of moments. Electrical outlet aren't always utilized, nonetheless, in these instances 1/4 ″ or 6.5 mm galvanized screws will certainly suffice. You probably don't offer your gutters a lot thought, yet you've them to thank for every door, framework and strip of exterior siding that isn't decomposing from water damages. Your gutters are additionally in charge of securing your structure from splits and also your cellar from flooding. So, it's a massive deal when they're not functioning appropriately. Fortunately, you do not reached disperse heap to fix seamless gutter problems. With the subsequent reminders, you'll establish the method to manage the four commonest residence seamless gutter repairs the Do It Yourself means. Over time, gutters can sag due to particles pileups, high winds or other inevitable weather issues. It is necessary to repair rain gutters that are retreating from your house to prevent drain troubles that could dispose water on your foundation. Thankfully, fixing drooping seamless gutters is pretty easy. Utilize a claw hammer, crowbar or pliers to advise obviate the spikes holding your seamless gutters to your home. If your gutters are lingered by screws rather, use a drill to loosen them. If your rain gutters were safeguarded by spikes, buy seamless gutter screws to trade them. Screws supplies a tougher hold. If your rain gutters were protected with screws, change any type of that are curved or damaged. Line your seamless gutters duplicate with the dominating holes and utilize a drill to drive within the screws. lookout to not drill so deeply that you merely simply dent the seamless gutter. Dripping seamless gutters are a recipe for water damages and also foundation concerns. this is usually virtually constantly brought on by 2 areas of gutter pulling apart at the seam during serious weather condition or temperature changes. Fixing gutter joints takes slightly of time, but it's a straightforward job most DIYers can manage. Utilize your utility knife to chip away at the caulk around the screws connecting the two leaky gutter pieces. Eliminate the screws along side your screwdriver and pull the items apart. Use your utility blade to advise obviate any type of caulk left on either side of both pieces. If there's rust on either gutter piece, use your cord brush to junk it away. After that smooth the earth with sandpaper, use paint and also dry entirely. Utilize the caulking weapon to use your silicone sealer to the within lip of the most affordable seamless gutter piece, discussed since the "downhill.". Meticulously reduced the best item, or "uphill," right into area as well as press both items firmly together for concerning 30 secs. Change the screws as well as apply sealant around them. Realty Roof Covering Done Right. PROPERTY ROOFING CERTIFICATION AND ALSO INSPECTION. CIGARETTE Building and construction works with land agents and also their clients to supply land roofing qualification and also land roofing assessment delivering a detailed inspection record. This report consists of a detailed summary of the roofing system, findings, suggestions, as well as anticipation. Roof covering certification examinations are carried out within 1-3 business days of an order or on a thrill basis when required. CIG Building and construction will certainly give a verbal explanation of the roofing inspection to the agent, typically an equal day we are out. A full record prepared with photo documentation is ready and also emailed. If repair is suggested, an estimate are going to be offered. When repair is allowed, CIG Building and construction will schedule the repair services on your requested day, weather permitting). As soon as we complete the job, we'll provide a "Notice of Conclusion". Rain Go Outsides Seamless Gutter Services. We are one among just a couple of roofing companies within the Northwest to concentrate on servicing the vital Estate and Residential or commercial property Administration Industries. This website is offered you and also your customer at on the house for basic information as well as particular detail. A lot of the jobs we submit proposals for are amidst pictures, which enables you to establish the locations resolved within the quote. In addition to a customized info service, we will finish the particular project construction for you. We work for you and also your client promptly as well as properly. we'll meet/discuss with a proprietor, buyer, vendor, real estate agent, examiner, private, city or state, and/or the other individual associated with your task at no charge before, during, and after the completion of your job. Our goal is to attempt to whatever is necessary to answer your questions and address your concerns, then complete your task in an inexpensive and prompt way. We are a complete roofing as well as gutter business, offering specialist examination as well as analysis of your homes at no charge to you or your clients. All propositions are prepared with digital pictures describing the extent of labor needed for a chosen residential property and also are offered to you devoid of charge through email within 24-48 hours, following our examination. Specializing within the land market has actually permitted us to focus our solutions as well as supply special programs made especially for the Real estate professional as well as Building Supervisor. Probably the leading usual factor for getting a qualification is that an appraiser is searching for one. When the evaluator inspects your home and is afraid that today roofing system is reaching the top of its life time, they're mosting likely to usually include a roofing system evaluation by a licensed roof inspector. Depending upon the sort of loan the consumer is trying to get, the roof examiner are going to be asked to accredit the roof's remaining lifetime for a certain number of years, typically for a period of from two to 5 years. Sometimes purchasers will certainly welcome a roof covering qualification or perhaps the vendor will provide one to help induce buyers to develop a suggestion on an older home. No matter why the roof assessor offered a certification, you would love to understand the bounds of the assessment and accreditation. Certifications aren't guarantees or warranties. An accreditation is far like an evaluation. It's nothing rather an opinion given by an expert within the field. Just like 2 just as qualified appraisers can disagree about the worth of a home, 2 roofing assessors might disagree regarding the remaining life time of a roofing. Nevertheless, that doesn't indicate one among the examiners is wrong and therefore responsible for the mistaken prediction. The legal question is whether or not your seller's roofing system examiner was negligent in his inspection. Simply put, was his prediction sensible; albeit not inevitably accurate? Besides, the assessor probably earned money around a $150 for doing the inspection. If the examiner was needed to provide a five-year assurance that a roofing will last that long or he'll replace it absolutely free of cost, the value of certifications would necessarily be too high. Let's face it. Your roofing lasted nearly 5 years, also thinking the water invasion was triggered by an entirely eliminated roof, which it 'd not are. Nevertheless, roof coverings leak for a spread of reasons, many caused by something that's an easy solution. That implies the assessor did a fairly great work of forecasting the roof's lifetime. Consequently, I really feel rather comfortable in suggesting that you merely likely haven't any kind of premises to think the inspector was negligent. Leaking roofs are an intrinsic threat of homeownership, a bit like clogged drainpipe lines and peeling paint. As an Atlanta service, you'll not provide your roofing system much idea-- up until it starts to leak otherwise you produce other problems. As trusted experts in industrial land roof analyses, all of us recognize there are a number of vital reasons to have your roof covering examined or analyzed, not the tiniest quantity of which is expense savings from having little troubles attended before they become substantial, pricey headaches or call for complete roofing replacement. What's involved in industrial land roof assessments? It can vary from one business to succeeding, nonetheless you would like to choose a firm who does an extreme assessment. In Atlanta as well as throughout the Southeast there's commonly tons of rain in spring months, to not discuss too much moisture during both late springtime and also throughout the summer season. Water and also wetness are incredibly damaging to roofing systems, as well as might damage every one of the elements including the structural deck, insulation, as well as much more. Having a conversation is important for our roof professionals to advise the "whole picture" with regard to your residential or commercial property. as an example, we'll gather some details from you concerning whether the maker's warranty is in situ, just how old the roofing system is, number of layers, etc. There might also be some inquiries you don't have the response to, which is not any trouble. A visual examination of the roofing is critical to a whole evaluation; without taking a careful check out every one of the elements, it's hard to work out what condition the roof is in or whether fixings reached be made. Normally the main thing commercial roofer search for is water damages or proof of leakages. That stated, albeit there's no indicator of leaks it is necessary to require into consideration anything that would create a leakage within the future. Some of the elements checked during a signboard roof covering analysis consist of:. - Flashing. - Skylights. - Vents. - Aesthetics (utilized to support or install fans, vents, and so on). - Penetrations. - Electric Pitch Pockets. - HEATING AND COOLING (heating and air) equipment. Having the roofing of your industrial property analyzed is crucial not only in discovering and also avoiding roofing system leakages, which protects the structural stability of the building as well as every little thing under the roofing, but it's likewise essential for pleasing the insurance coverage firm additionally, within the occasion of a true estate purchase.
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starmangos · 4 years
Ten Tips for buying Rental Properties
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This article will provide the top ten tips for buying rental properties. Buying rental properties is a good way to increase your assets. However, choosing the right rental property will be challenging. Here are a few things to check for prior to buying rental property.
Buying rental properties is a good way to increase your assets. However, choosing the right rental property will be challenging. Here are a few things to check for prior to buying rental property.
1. Location - Most people don't want to live in the boon docks. The location of your rental property will determine how easy it will be to rent. If you have a lot of vehicle traffic, you may receive a greater response from a sign at the location than you will from a newspaper add.
Tenants want to live in nice neighborhoods close to all the amenities. They want to be close to the schools, stores, recreational locations, hospitals, and work.
I haven't met anyone who wants to live in an undesirable neighborhood or drive 15 minutes for a gallon of milk.
2. Numbers - When buying rental property you want to check the numbers. Make sure you have all the expenses associated with that property and make sure it still has a positive cash flow.
Take into consideration the maintenance issues, any utilities not covered by tenant and amortize the cost of the big projects like furnace replacement, new roofing, siding or landscaping.
These projects only happen once every 15-20 years but you may be coming in to this in the 10th year of that cycle. Remember to calculate your expenses high and your income low. This can save you some surprises down the road.
Expect the unit to be empty at least one month per year due to turn over. You will have to repaint and clean the carpets the first 2 weeks, then advertise and show the next 2 weeks. You should only count on 11 months of rent per year.
3. Lower Maintenance Buildings - You want to avoid homes that will require expensive routine maintenance. Some examples would be homes that have cedar-shake shingles or siding, wood sided buildings, wood frame windows, brick driveways, cedar decks, etc.
Try to look down the road and determine the future maintenance needs. Remember the lower the maintenance the less headaches and larger profits.
4. Higher Home Prices - Check in towns with higher home prices, because this increases the demand for rental property. Look for the ugly house on the block that has a lower price, enabling you to purchase within the margins.
After some interior and exterior paint, a little light landscaping and new curtains, viola', a house that will get premium rent because of the class of neighborhood.
If people can not afford to buy a home in this class they will have to rent. This will create a demand for rental property.
5. Below Market Rent prices - When buying rental property, look for rental property which has rent prices that are below current market rents. This will allow you to raise the rent and increase the value of the property. As per above, this may just need a little fluff to enable raising the rental price.
Rental property market value is determined by the amount of income received by the rental property. However keep in mind, if the rental property has renters when you purchase it, they may not like it when you raise the rent. Also check to see what type of lease is in place. The lease goes with the sale.
If the current renter is paying a substandard price and has 1 1/2 years left on the lease it could turn out to be a losing proposition.
There is only one way to cut a lease short as a new owner. You must remodel the place. Check with the local housing commission to see what the minimum cost requirements of remodeling are for immediate eviction of current lease holders. It is usually as little as $10,000.00 in remodeling cost to get a remodeling eviction. By the way, you didn't hear this from me!
6. Good Rental History - Whenever buying rental properties, you must check the rental history. Check to see on average how long tenants are staying and do they pay their rent on time. Some areas of town are naturally quick turnover times. Near airports, loud bars or nightclubs, near military bases, etc.
7. Complies with Zoning and Fire Codes - Make sure you check to see if there are inspections required by local officials for rental properties and does this property pass those inspections. You never know the real reason the current owner is selling the property.
It may need extensive repairs to pass the inspections. A quick red flag would be if the electricity has been turned off for over 90 days. They will usually require an inspection before restoring power, especially if it is a known rental.
8. Less Than Twenty Years Old - This is self explanatory, if you restrict your selection to buildings that are less than twenty years old, you will limit the chances that the building will have any building code or maintenance problems.
The building could be near the maintenance cycle for roof, paint and possibly furnace but the structure will be sound and not needing upgraded windows, siding or cement repair.
9. Out of State Owners or Managers - When buying rental property, look for properties that are owned by out of state owners. It is hard to manage rental property from out of state and when these come up for sale, the owners are usually more concerned with selling quickly than getting top dollar.
In order to rent a place quickly you must live near by so you can show it at the caller's request. Often times they will ask to see it in the next 20 minutes or so. Cater to their requests and show it quick. Most renters need a place within the next week or so and will not wait to see your place until next week because you are busy.
Most times they will make a decision before tomarrow when it would be more convenient for you to show it. This has happen to us to many times.
Never give out the address for drive bys. Prospective renters will ask for the address to do a drive by and just look at the place. Don't waste your time with these folks. Insist on showing it in the next 30 minutes or you will not give out the address as a courtesy to the neighbors.
10. Neighborhood is stable or improving - obviously avoid neighborhoods that are declining, look at the writing on the walls and stay out. Although these may look good due to the low purchase price, they are very difficult to collect the rents.
By finding neighborhoods that are stable or improving, it will be easier to rent the property and you will be able to increase the rent. The general consensus is, the better the neighborhood the higher the purchase price and the higher the rent prices, therefore the margin for profit is greater. The poorer the neighborhood the lower the purchase price and lower the rent prices reducing the profit margins.
Do not be afraid to buy nicer places for rental properties. The people that can afford $1000.00 a month are more likely to be able to come up with the rent on time versus someone that can only afford $350.00 a month. One little upset in the latter case and you will not get your rent on time, if at all. There is far greater stability in renting high end places versus being a slumlord!
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50 things I’ve learned this year during a global pandemic/general life advice from your local teenage train wreck :) (Pt. 1)
1. It’s okay to let go. Of things, people, old interests, even your past self. It doesn’t matter. If it isn’t benefiting you anymore, it’s okay to let things go.  
2. No relationship is worth pursuing that doesn’t match your energy. If someone’s not matching the love you give them, pull back to match their energy. That way, you save your energy for the people in your life that do. Most times, the people who do match your love and energy are the one’s that are in it for the long run and will be there for you. 
3. Stop caring what other people think about your interest. Often times we have so much shame for liking what we like. Why is that? If it isn’t hurting anyone, then why does it matter that you have an obscure taste in music, books, movies, etc.? Stop apologizing for what you like!
4. It’s okay to not want to grow up, even if that’s all you wanted to do as a kid. You don’t have to grow up. 
5. Going off of that, if you’re a “gifted” or “mature” kid, it’s okay to mourn your childhood you never had. Watch that show that you never did as a kid and fall in love with it. Finger paint with no exterior motive. Read way below your reading level. Reread Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series. Play outside. You deserve it. 
6. “Kids” shows, including atla, lok, etc. often have more complex and interesting plots and characters than most “adult” shows these days. Don’t dismiss something just because it’s geared for a younger audience. Watch and learn from them. 
7. The changes you want to happen don’t suddenly happen. They’ll happen after many months of trial, error, and consistency. Take baby steps and celebrate small victories. 
8. You’re body will always be imperfect, and it’s okay. You’ll eventually learn to accept it once it doesn’t change so fast during adolescence, but don’t feel pressured to. It’s okay to not like how you look, just don’t let it keep you from enjoying life and your body from serving it’s purpose. 
9. Most high school guys don’t want a serious, long term relationship yet. They all have to mature a little bit for that, and it’s normal to feel frustrated about it, but don’t blame them too hard for it. You matured at a faster rate then them, and they still need a little more time. The best thing to do it wait for it. 
10. Questioning your sexuality is a normal part of life. You like guys? Good! You into girls? Great! It literally doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t really care either. There’s nothing in the Bible against it, and he made you that way right? Why not embrace it! Asami was your first gai crush? WONDERFUL! me too! Want to label yourself? I’ll respect and support whatever your decision is! Don’t know or don’t want to? Also perfect!
11. God (or whatever you believe in, or don’t!) made you imperfect for a reason: to embrace those imperfections and grow through them, to improve. Why would God put you on this earth if He didn't think that you had a reason to grow closer to Him through your imperfections? Make sure you use and acknowledge your imperfections, because they’re your lifeline to Him in prayer. It’s what you need to improve on, and ask help for, and that’s okay! (Spoiler alert, even when you do this stuff and work super hard, you’re human, and you’re still gonna mess up and make mistakes! Perfection wasn’t intended for humans, and I don’t believe it ever will be!)
12. When summer rolls around, get a summer job. Go down to the local ice cream place and ask if they’re hiring. Get an application and fill it out nicely with good handwriting. Then, take it back and wait. If they say yes, great! If not, that’s good too! Keep looking! Once you’ve found a place, settle in. Learn how things work. Learn how to do your job good and effectively. Immerse yourself in it. Then, have fun. Name the machines. (Big Bertha the waffle iron, or Fernanda the flurry machine, etc.) Name the ice cream flavors after your favorite fictional characters based on what they’d order (Aang is cookie dough, Obi Wan is mint chocolate chip, etc). Make new friends there and schedule your shifts with them. Get them in on your games too! It makes it more fun. Take time to show them your names for the ice cream flavors and machines, and maybe start using the names as abbreviations to make orders more efficient. Make sure you work only how much you can handle, even if that’s once a week or seven days for nine hours each. Whatever makes you happy! If you work in customer service, make them smile. Give the little kid extra sprinkles for wearing a fun mask or stickers if you have them. If there’s a tired mom, help her out by prioritizing her order to get out fast if possible. Whatever helps them. Thank the customers that tip! Then, get your paycheck in the mail and save all your tips. Put it in the bank and save it for college or when you need it. (Make sure to buy yourself something nice with the money sometimes too!)
13. When in school, don’t feel pressure to over achieve all the time. It’s okay to do the bare minimum sometimes. If you have an A, why are you worrying about if it’s a 95 and not a 98? It’s still an a, and that’s great! School is there to help you learn, so don’t force yourself to do extra busy work for a little extra credit (unless you absolutely need it!).
14. Take time to learn and do other things outside school that you may not be getting credit for. They’ll serve you in the long run! You like to write fan fiction? Keep writing! It’s helping! You love a sport? Good! It’s keeping you healthy while teaching you real life skills. Most of these things are gonna stick with you forever, so keep doing them and don’t let you passion fade away.
15. Write letters to your friends that live far away. Even if they don’t respond, they will appreciate having something that’s harder to lose or accidentally get deleted. Make the letter nice with pretty paper or colored pens or stickers, and spray your favorite scent on the envelope. Then seal it with a sticker and send it off. They really will appreciate it. 
16. Splurge on your own Spotify premium account and make a playlist for each mood. Make one for studying, working out, singing at the top of your lungs, one for when your happy, sad, etc. (You can also search my name, Hana Zainea, to listen to any of my playlists and see if we have the same music taste. If so follow me there and I’ll follow back to see your playlists!) Listen to your music and take time to enjoy it. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes just to do that. Let it flow through you and wake your soul up. 
17. Learn how to make handmade gifts. Wether that’s learning to make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, crochet, knit, or even make a nice card with hand lettering, learn how to make at least one solid handmade gift. It’ll give you a new skill as well as let the other people in your life that you love them. Handmade gifts are valuable and kept forever no matter how good they look. 
18. If your best friend lives far away like mine does, plan a monthly bsf subscription box. You can send each other a letter and a few little self care gifts once a month. It’s soooo fun and I can’t recommend this enough. 
19. Have photos that you like printed in physical form and hang them on your wall even if it’s just with tape. You’ll like being able to see and access happy thoughts and memories easily and have them hanging on your wall instead of sitting in your camera roll. 
20. You don’t have to keep up with social media. Delete it if you want, or limit your time on it if you want. Sometimes the “connection” we experience through social media isn’t always healthy, so monitor your use. 
21. Have a screen time widget on your phone and keep track of it. Try to cut your usage down by half an hour every week and eventually reduce it to the amount of time that you’d like to spend on your phone without being excessive, whatever that looks like for you. 
22. Meditate. This isn’t anything religious or spiritual, and it brings many benefits. It’s basically you setting a time aside to think for yourself. You can use one of the hundreds of guided meditations on youtube, or listen to theta waves/meditation music or just find a quiet place. Find a place where you know you won’t be disturbed, and then start to let your mind wander. What’s bothering you. When you turn off you mind, what’s the first thing that pops up? What keeps you from just being? What do you need to focus on in order to help yourself feel better? What are some things that you regret that are weighing on your heart? Now, what is your desired reality? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to meet/live with? What do you do? What do you act like? What do you have to do to make this happen? If you pray/are a christian, ask God for help with this desired life. (Remember, ask and you shall receive!)
23. Get yourself a hydro flask or any other durable water bottle, specifically a 16 or 32oz one. This way, it’s way easier to keep track of how much water you are drinking. A 16oz bottle is one pint and a 32oz one is a quart. Four of the 32 and eight of the 16oz are a gallon. Start by trying to drink a quarter of a gallon (2 16 oz or 1 32 oz) then a half, then three quarters, and eventually you’ll be drinking a gallon plus of water a day. (Put stickers on it to motivate yourself. Trust me it works wonders having fun stuff on there. Makes it enjoyable) 
24. If you’re able, make and give gifts often. It brings more joy than expected. 
25. Get rid of clothes. Toss all the old ones out. Reinvent yourself. Invest in pieces of clothing that are timeless (crewneck sweaters, cable knit sweaters, tan and brown colored dress pants, nice wool coats and sweaters, etc.) You’ll have these forever. 
26. Maintain your physical appearance. Make sure to change your clothes, follow proper hygiene, use lotion, etc. You’ll feel much better, trust me. You don’t have to use expensive products or put on a full face of makeup either, but putting some effort in will make you feel much better about yourself. 
27. Find a tea that tastes good to you. (Preferably without caffeine so you can drink it whenever.) Try everything! Then get yourself a nice mug and have some at a dedicated time each day. Relax and enjoy a constant in your life. 
28. If you’re into it, research and try reality shifting. I’m not going to go into depth in this post (that would take awhile) but if you’re really needing an escape but can’t go on vacation due to money, time crunches, etc, you can shift to any alternate reality that you’d like. Further in depth post about this to come. 
29. Read. Anything. A book, and article, the paper, the news, even the back of a cereal box. Think about it. What did you learn? Anything? 
30. Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice. 
31. Call your parents if you live away from home. If not, spend more time with them. They love and miss you. 
32. Same with your siblings. 
33. And grandparents.
34. Find a way to remember your home town. Know it like the back of your hand. 
35. Read Shell Silverstien poems. They’re funny. 
36. Have a piece of jewelry that you never take off. Keep it to remind yourself of your sanity and to remember yourself. 
37. Cry of you need to. It’s bad to hold it in. 
38. Series you should read (even though some are nerdy): Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Red Queen Series, The Giver Series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. 
39. Standalone books you should read: The Book Thief, The Fault in our Stars, They Both Die in the End, Where the Crawdads Sing, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The DaVinci Code, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Out of my Mind, Love that Dog, The Unfinished Angel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet
40. Shows you should watch: Avatar (Even if you’re a casual fan of the fandoms) : The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, The Mandalorian, The Office, The Clone Wars, Parks and Rec., Stranger Things
41. Standalone Movies/Series you should watch: The Notebook, any of the Disney classics (specifically Lion King, Hercules, and others during that era), the Harry Potter movies, the Hunger Games movies, The Star Wars Movies, All of the Pixar movies (specifically Soul and Coco), Ten things I hate about you, the perks of being a wallflower, Clouds, If anything happens I love you
42. Artists to listen to: Norah Jones, James Taylor, John Denver, Anson Sebra, Ed Sheeran, The Paper Kites, The Artic Monkeys, Conan Grey, L. Dre (for Lofi) Song recs are on my Spotify haha (Hana Zainea) 
43. Invest in good supplies for art. It’ll make a difference.
44. When something feels off, clean your bathroom. Not your depression cave of a bedroom. Your bathroom. Trust me. It helps so so so much to have on clean space. 
45. Have a cohesive scent. Like lavender? Buy lavender everything. Use it in lotions, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, candles, etc. You’ll have a scent that people will now associate with you and you only. 
46. Learn how to cook while your at home. Ask your parents if you can go to a nutritionist and learn what foods nourish your body the best. Eat them and let yourself feel good about what you put in your body. 
47. Learn how to do basic home improvements while still at home. Fix toilets, clogged drains, clean ovens, showers, sinks, etc. You’ll be grateful. 
48. Don’t do drugs/drink. It’s not worth dulling your senses to miss out on your wonderful life. 
49. Annotate your books. It makes you engage more and you’ll like looking back on them. 
50. If no one is looking, you should totally cart surf down the isle at the grocery store. It’s the little things that count. 
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anakinsbugs · 4 years
How To Care For Goldfish
New Post has been published on https://walrusvideo.com/how-to-care-for-goldfish/
How To Care For Goldfish
On This Page
How to Clean a Goldfish Bowl
I bought 2 goldfish, how exactly do I take care of them?
Caring for Your Goldfish in a Fish Bowl Without an Air Pump
Comet Goldfish Breeding, Care, Feeding Care Guide
F eeding Comet Goldfish
Aquarium mates of Comet Goldfish
How To Look After Fancy Cold Water Goldfish
How to Take Care of a Goldfish in a Bowl
Looking After Goldfish: Pet Care for Healthy Fish
Beginner’s Guide to Caring for Goldfish
Aquarium Care for Fantail Guppies
Shubunkin Goldfish: How to care for them properly
What Do Shubunkin Goldfish Look Like?
How to Clean a Goldfish Bowl
Many pet goldfish may not live as long as they should. Goldfish have the potential to live a decade or more, not a year or even just months. The reason for this shorter lifespan is due to improper care. Two common mistakes are overfeeding, and irregular water changes.
Can Betta fish live together with goldfish? Goldfish shouldn’t be kept with other tropical fish either. Since goldfish are very dirty, they need frequent water changes. First of all, they are both irritable species. This is because a typical goldfish grows up to 12 inches.
That was five years ago. It lived for a year or two, often less. Just because they can survive does not mean they should be subjected to this kind of treatment. I plan to buy a common goldfish from the shop, but I need to know the minimum tank size! What size tank do goldfish need?
Common goldfish (the ones you can win at folk festivals) are actually one of the largest goldfish species, reaching over 18 inches in length and weighing up to ten pounds. Even the smallest goldfish species reach between four and seven inches in length as adults. They are best suited to aquariums with a capacity of 20 gallons or more, not fish bowls. The size of your goldfish’s aquarium will affect its growth to some degree. Would-be are other factors to consider, such as the fish’s diet and its environment’s cleanliness. Dependent on the species and the factors mentioned above, a goldfish can grow up to one metre long or as small as two inches.
I bought 2 goldfish, how exactly do I take care of them?
Many of us can remember our childhood goldfish, won at the fair or bought from our parents, who carefully replaced dead fish with identical replacements hoping that we would never notice. As a result, many people still consider a jar to be a suitable environment for a goldfish. Although the term goldfish jar seems as obvious as a rabbit hutch, dog bed or cat flap, it is one of those labels, along with terms like bullfight and mousetrap, that refer to animals in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The best way to transfer a new goldfish to its new home is to leave it in the oxygen and water-filled bag that the pet shop employee put your new pet in. Just put it directly into the goldfish tank or tank and wait until the water temperatures are the same. Don’t forget him in the bag as he only has so much oxygen and if you leave him in there too long, he will probably suffocate and die. When the water temperatures are the same (10 to 15 minutes), carefully release the fish and the bag water into the new tank.
I did not buy this tank, but be careful if you do. This is a 10gal tank which is barely big enough for 1 goldfish. Goldfish can grow to an 8-12 inch depending on the species and should be kept in a 20gal, if we are honest. But if you decide to put a goldfish in here, only put one in as they produce large amounts of ammonia. Putting more than 1 in at a time would spell death in less than 2 weeks. If you decide to use a schooling fish, do not put more than 5 small fish such as barbs or guppies
Caring for Your Goldfish in a Fish Bowl Without an Air Pump
When you have many goldfish you have in a tank, more oxygen is needed to keep them healthy. Try adding an air pump to move the surface of the water. The air bubbles don’t really add oxygen, but moving the surface will help. The best solution to maximise the water’s oxygen is to follow the rule: The larger the surface area, the more oxygen in the water. For this reason, you should prefer a wide goldfish bowl to a tall, narrow one.
Although goldfish can make great pets and are easy to care for, it is important to recognise the signs of a sick or dying fish so that you can look after it. If your goldfish is just below the surface of the water or is gasping for air bubbles, it may be having trouble breathing. If this is the case, use a freshwater test kit to see if there is enough oxygen in the water. If not, you may need to repair or replace the air pump. You should also see if your fish has stopped interacting with things or is just resting on the bottom of the aquarium, which may be a sign of illness.
When caring for fish, goldfish need large, spacious tanks with clean water. Goldfish need filters and occasional air stones. Goldfish are related to carp and other cyprinids and don’t really need heating. Can I keep a goldfish in a tank? Do I need an air stone for my goldfish? Do goldfish need heating? Can a goldfish live without a filter or air pump? What do goldfish eat?
They are also practically schooling fish, which means you need to keep them in a group of about 5 or even more. White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Rosey Red Minnows and some Danios can comfortably share a goldfish tank. Goldfish are largely classified as cold-water fish by experts. Disadvantages of keeping pinto barbs with goldfish: Pinto barbs are just big enough, at about 2 inches, to live safely with goldfish. So look for goldfish breeds that are an excellent match.
Comet Goldfish Breeding, Care, Feeding Care Guide
Goldfish are sociable, show schooling behaviour and exhibit the same types of feeding behaviour. Goldfish can show similar behaviour when responding to their reflection in a mirror. Goldfish have a learned behaviour, both as a group and as individuals, derived from the behaviour of native carp. They are a generalist species with multiple feeding, breeding and predation avoidance behaviour that will contribute to their continued success. As fish, they can be described as “friendly” to each other. Very rarely does a goldfish injure another goldfish, nor do males injure females during breeding.
Feeding Comet Goldfish
Shubunkin goldfish spawn in the spring months. To simulate this natural tendency, lower the breeding tank’s temperature to 60°F (15.5°C). A good idea to increase the temperature by 3 degrees each day over the next few days until you reach 22°C. The colours of the males become brighter, and they chase the females. The males then poke the females into the plants (or pugs), which encourages them to lay their eggs.
Goldfish are one of the most popular group of fish in artificial tanks. They are particularly popular in the East. Thus, the Chinese tradition of keeping these fish goes back to ancient historical periods. There is no other fish species that has such a wide variety of breeding morphs. In our country, too, goldfish have been known for a long time (remember at least the goldfish from the story by A. S. Pushkin) and are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity.
A swim bladder is a gas-filled sac inside most fish that controls their buoyancy in the water. Problems with the swim bladder cause fish to have difficulty swimming, which is common in fan-tail goldfish. Bacterial infections and air swallowing are thought to be common causes of swim bladder problems. Feeding a varied diet can help with prevention. Swim bladder problems are usually not life-threatening but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. If a fish is suffering badly for more than a day or two, it may be worthwhile to use a swim bladder medication.
A varied diet will maximise the health of your goldfish (Carassius auratus). A mixture of special goldfish flakes and granules
Aquarium mates of Comet Goldfish
When temperatures are high, nobody keeps coldwater fish. Likewise, in areas of the planet where the climate means even an unheated aquarium runs at tropical temperatures, it’s often common practice to stay fancy goldfish in with surprisingly different tank mates like a discus. Given the fragile nature of a number of the highly bred sorts of goldfish, we will see that a pleasant warm tank may be a great environment for them and that they will often thrive.
Goldfish are probably the most misunderstood aquarium fish out there. Even though it is the most popular aquarium fish in the world, few people have a clear understanding of these fish. Nothing demonstrates this more than the topic of tankmates. It immediately generates a reaction of ‘nothing can go with goldfish, they are coldwater’. This is wrong in many ways.
The comet goldfish, also known as Carassius auratus auratus has been with us since the end of the 1800s. Hugo mulertt is credited with the selective breeding program which led to the creation of this fish from wild Prussian carps. Since then it has taken the aquarium hobby by storm and this shows no signs of stopping. They are well received in the hobby because of their hardiness and vibrant colours. A healthy comet can live up to 14 years old and grow up to 12 in length.
Plants for goldfish like tank mates are tricky. You have a number of things working against you when it comes to them. Because goldfish like cold water that is 7-8 in ph, this eliminates the majority of tropical aquarium plants available for sale. Goldfish also love to gobble up plants. They will eat just about any plant you stick in the tank. Another factor is that goldfish stir up the substrate, which means that if you have any rooted plants that need to be established in your substrate, it is likely that your goldfish will dig it out.
How To Look After Fancy Cold Water Goldfish
Q: How much can a goldfish weigh? a: Adult goldfish can weigh up to 4.5 kg (10 lbs), but this is rare. However, it is not unrealistic for a goldfish to weigh 2.25 kg (5 lbs). Q: Do goldfish have ears? a: Goldfish have ears, but not like you and me. They have inner ear bones called otoliths that can feel vibrations. Avoid tapping on the glass as this can stress or even kill them. Q: Do goldfish have lungs? a: Goldfish do not have lungs. Goldfish breathe by sucking in oxygenated water through their mouths.
Many potential aquarium mates are ruled out right off the bat because they cannot sleep in a similar temperature range as goldfish. Goldfish are classified as “cold-water fish”. Technically this term is incorrect, but most people within the hobby refer to them as temperate fish that prefer to live in a temperature range between 65° and 75°f (18°-24°c).
I have had 2 armoured catfish in my goldfish tank for two months, and they get on well together! Is this ok? Corys need to be kept preferably in a group of at least six to feel comfortable. I wouldn’t recommend it for keeping them with goldfish, but I’m no expert either. Good luck! Beautiful fish. I think peppered corals do well in colder water temperatures. I would double-check that the species you have likes the temperature of your tank, to be sure. Goldfish should not eat them as corals grow large and have these spines.
A fish with a characteristic arched back, prolonged, sensitive to temperature parameters, does not tolerate cold. All species of goldfish are targeted in spacious open or artificial reservoirs. The optimal temperature is 20. 25 degrees Celsius. The ph-value should be 6. 9-7. 2. water hardness. From 8 units. Among the goldfish, there are cold-blooded individuals. These include the telescope and some other elongated subspecies.
How to Take Care of a Goldfish in a Bowl
If you think of the goldfish you saw in bowls as a child, at a friend’s house, or even at school, they were probably subjected to the “classic goldfish care”. This care was essentially water + fish + bowl, and then they were done! Of course, the other side of this “care” was replacing the goldfish every 1-3 months after it died.
Don Hurst estimates that he has given away millions of goldfish at fairs over the last 25 years. Fairgoers win a fish in a plastic bag by throwing a ping-pong ball into a bowl. Since Hurst sells eight balls for a dollar and 20 for two dollars, the odds of winning are pretty good. Hurst believes that most of the fish he puts out will make it home. But how long they live afterwards depends on how they are cared for. Optimal conditions include a tank with a cover, the right kind of water, a filtration system and sunlight.
The fancy goldfish has been misrepresented over the years. People believe that it needs little or no care and can thrive in a tank. In reality, however, the goldfish has just as many needs as any other tropical fish: good water quality, temperature, good filtration and good food. It is important to understand the needs of your goldfish to keep it happy and healthy.
Looking After Goldfish: Pet Care for Healthy Fish
Answer: Feed quantity and quality is the key to correct goldfish care. It has a direct effect on your fish’s health. When goldfish food is analysed, it has been found to contain more carbohydrates than others, and it contains less protein than other fish foods. Local pet shops already have ready-made goldfish food, so you shouldn’t just take any food. Can be the form of flakes, pellets or a mixture of both.
There is no clear answer to this question. In their natural state, these fish eat small meals throughout the day and are healthy. Smaller meals at shorter intervals are easier on the digestive tract. Small meals include a few flakes or pellets per fish. Observing behaviour during feeding time will help owners know if their animals need more food. If the goldfish still seem to be in a frenzy when all the food is gone, they may need a little more at the next feeding. It is important to watch all the fish individually to see if they are getting their fair share.
Fish used to be sold as low-maintenance pets, but the reality is that keeping them and keeping them healthy requires a lot more care than the average cat. If you are getting a fish for a child, be aware that the costs involved can exceed those of the average family mogul who needs good food, a few vaccinations, flea and worm treatments and a warm lap.
Beginner’s Guide to Caring for Goldfish
Goldfish are undoubtedly among the most popular aquarium fish globally and are typically the first to enter to the mind of beginners when they consider setting up an aquarium. And for a good reason. Goldfish are extremely common, making them cheap and easy to find, and information about their care is readily available. With that being said, people who are more likely to venture into the world of tropical fish keeping are often left wondering if one goldfish or more could survive in their tropical tank, and the answer, as with many things, is not really that simple.
After reading this guide, you should know if the Comet Goldfish is the right fish for your aquarium. They bring both a vibrant personality and bright colours to your aquarium. Just remember that they can grow substantial, although they can be as small as 2 inches as juveniles. While they are not demanding to keep, they require a large tank, which generally means they are not suitable for beginners.
Provides simple information on caring for a goldfish, including feeding, cleaning the tank and what to do if they are sick.
Fish are the jewel in any pond. Their beautiful colours will brighten up your garden oasis, and you, your children and your guests will love watching them dart around the rocks and plants. And they are the easiest pets you will ever own. Pond fish like koi and goldfish don’t require much more than food and shelter for all the fun they provide.
Aquarium Care for Fantail Guppies
The care of ornamental goldfish is very similar to that of other goldfish, except that they can be kept quite easily in aquaria. Goldfish ideally should be kept at least in pairs, and a 29-gallon tank is a minimum for two smaller goldfish, such as pearl scales, fanfish or ranchu. On the other hand, some ornamental fish, such as orangas, reach 10 or more inches in length and require a 40-gallon minimum.
Freshwater aquariums are very colourful. The planted plants, including ornamental fish, snails, crayfish and shrimp, swim and play make it a real water garden. Are crustaceans suitable in a fish tank? Aquarists recommend carefully selecting fish that is placed in a freshwater shrimp tank. The compatibility of shrimp with guppies, some species of catfish and zebra danios have been proven. Shrimp is a delicious delicacy for much freshwater fish. So you want to create a friendly aquatic nursery in your own home where there is no room for hunting and hostility, read the information on who is acceptable for shrimp.
The Ryukin goldfish from the Ryukyu Islands is a popular goldfish bred in Japan. It looks similar to the fan-tailed goldfish but is set apart by a distinctive hump on the head’s back that raises the dorsal fin. The long tail fins can have three or four lobes, with the three-lobed ryukin having what the Japanese call a “cherry blossom tail”. There are several goldfish species of ryukin, the Yamagata Kingyo, Sabao and Tamasaba, which have been bred to have only a single caudal fin.
Guppies are another common tropical aquarium fish. Other names they are called by are million fish and rainbowfish. They are one of the best beginner fish for pet owners or hobbyists to start with. Their colourful bodies add excitement to aquariums. They are inexpensive and also fairly easy to keep. Guppies can live happily in a 5 gallon to 10-gallon size tank.
Shubunkin Goldfish: How to care for them properly
Goldfish kept alone need a lot of space. Common goldfish is best not to keep comets and shubunkins together with ornamental goldfish. Also, some ornamental goldfish such as Orandas, Black Moors and Fantails should not be kept together with other ornamental fish species such as Ranchus. The main reason for this is that the faster fish may eat all the food before the slower, more delicate species can get their share. Nipping fins can also be a factor and something the more petite and slower goldfish cannot avoid.
Having goldfish is great. They swim around in their tanks and are so happy as if they don’t have to worry about anything in the world. Of course, in most cases, they don’t. As long as you look after them, anyway. They don’t have bills to pay, they don’t have to hunt for food themselves, and they don’t have to worry about disposing of their waste. What better life could a fish ask for?
Goldfish have wonderful personalities that really shine through when you look after them properly. They are also intelligent enough to recognise their owners and get particularly excited when begging for food.
Caring for your goldfish should be done according to their basic needs. Even though they are recommended for beginners, these magnificent representatives of the underwater world have their own peculiarities of the aquarium contents. It would be best to take care of each representative of the different subspecies in its own way. There are only native goldfish for which the temperature of the environment and their other characteristics are important. Consider how to keep each species properly and who can survive outdoors.
What Do Shubunkin Goldfish Look Like?
Obtaining a regular goldfish is one of the easiest ways to give your goldfish a new aquarium buddy. Your fish may need another goldfish to combat loneliness. You can add different varieties of goldfish to the tank if you are looking for variation. Goldfish come in a large range of colours. You may have seen one in orange, yellow, red, gold, silver and white. Regular goldfish, shubunkins and comets are all excellent choices for building a community tank.
There are three main types of goldfish that have only one tail: Common, Comet, Shubunkin. The common goldfish are the classic orange ones you see at fairs or pet shops for 7-20 cents. Comet goldfish tend to have the same colour variations as common goldfish, although there are a few more white and yellow ones or ones with coloured spots.
Goldfish are hardy fish. However, like all other fish, they are attacked by Ich. The nasty parasite also shows up in shubunkins. You will notice your fish scratching at the tank walls and decorations, trying to scrape off the white spots. These white spots can spread, open and cause further infection from the water’s bacteria if you do not treat them immediately.
The best-known goldfish breeds to date include the veil tail, riukin, telescope, lion head, redcap, pearl mussel, shubunkin. They are popular mainly because of their undemanding nature and ability to live in conditions with low temperatures. Goldfish Compatible Fishes Socialising other cold-water fish with goldfish is not a simple matter of going to the pet shop, buying anything that can survive in cold water, and socialising it with goldfish. A whole world of problems awaits those who think it is anything other than advanced goldfish keeping. It is worth pointing out that narrow-breasted and thick-breasted goldfish species should ideally not be kept together. The narrow-breasted goldfish, such as common, comet and shubunkin, will have eaten all the food before the fat-breasted goldfish (most ornamental goldfish) realise it is time to feed.
Caring for your Fish Not every goldfish will stay small. Comet goldfish, Sarasa, shubunkin and koi are pond-dwelling fish that outgrow smaller environments quickly. A goldfish housed in a tank that is too small will develop life-threatening health problems. The average size of an adult comet, Sarasa or shubunkin, is 18 – 25 cm (7 – 10 in). Double-tailed or fan-tailed species can be bred in small aquariums, provided they are not overpopulated. There are numerous species from which to choose. They will have egg-shaped bodies with numerous different fin shapes. The colours range from red to orange, white or black, calico or any other combination in a fish.
The shubunkin goldfish comes in two varieties (London shubunkin and Bristol shubunkin). Its body looks similar to that of the common or comet goldfish, but its colours are very similar to fancy goldfish. It has a caudal fin, a dorsal fin and paired pectoral and pelvic fins. The Bristol is larger, and its caudal fin is rounder than that of London.
The post How To Care For Goldfish appeared first on Our Animal Friends.
The Article How To Care For Goldfish First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
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