#but that bitch is NOT a comrade lmao
innocentartery · 8 months
sorry this topic grates me a lot but imagine calling the most explicitly liberal character of all time a leftist or a republican 💀
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parme-san · 3 months
this video is making me realize dan and phil have developed an absolutely deranged taste in fashion since coming out
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rackartyg · 10 months
to imitate how animate dead works in tabletop i've installed a mod that makes its summons permanent and then every morning when the wizards are setting up everything else (mage armor, longstrider etc) i have cairie fire off a couple upcast ice knives to get rid of the spell slots she would've used for reasserting control. we're finishing off act 2 now so she's amassed a nice little squad of eight skellies, kept around for the price of two third level spell slots each morning. fun fact you can cast longstrider on summons
#she speaks#arctic plays bg3#the ruined battlefield is full of old skeletons obviously and most of them are raiseable#thought i'd have to make it to the thorm mausoleum to complete cairie's army but nope#picked up the last two on the way to oliver with halsin and i do wonder how that would've gone over#cairie's perspective on it is like. she sees dead bodies as fundamentally a different thing from the living#that's not a person anymore so the concept of 'desecration' doesn't get through to her#except you know she's not as intellectually pure as that and mainly it's actually about Liking Necromancy For Nerd Reasons and being#perfectly willing to discard a few moral qualms that get in the way of practising it#so she still does imbue her thralls with some emotional significance#enemies are fine to raise because like we already killed them! is this really so much worse??#also: if you can't beat me join me bitch lmao get wrekt#(we had great fun with goblin zombies back in act 1)#and for the skeletons from the ruined battlefield she'd feel she's giving them a (second) chance to fight back#or if they were sharrans she's making them pay for what they did by having them help her fix it#but like. these may be halsin's old comrades or neighbours she's raising#and even disregarding the corpse desecration#halsin cares about The Natural Order and in FR lore necromancy is depicted as *vile* from that pov#otoh it doesn't seem like halsin has any personal animus against necromancy even with his personal history with the shadow curse#idk i'm not a Halsin Knower i was just Struck By Thoughts#i'm going to romance him this pt maybe i'll feel more secure in my thoughts after that#dunno if it'll be canon for cairie but i wanted to try it
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jules-ln · 4 months
Once again there's a cow rotating in my head about the Iliad
This time I'm thinking about how Patroclus is generally more feminine in the Iliad
Now now, hear me out (with the disclaimer that I'm talking about gender in the modern way because I'm not an expert in gender in ancient Greece lol)
Like, I was thinking about how Patroclus cleans and cooks for Achilles, and I thought "Hehe, he's like Achilles's wife"
But then I was thinking that Patroclus IS presented in a more kind and nurturing way than Achilles in the Iliad. He takes care of the horses and his dogs, he heals wounded people when they need him, he's the one worried about his comrades dying
And even when Achilles calls him a crying little girl, Patroclus instead of denying it, hes like "and you're a heartless bitch" lmao
Of course he still kills a lot of men and is badass because, obviously, he's Homer's favorite
I think a modern perception of Patroclus as a feminine man isn't so out of reach, simply because everything that he is, now is associated with femininity in the modern society.
All of that to say
Let my man Patroclus wear a dress too, he deserves it
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
i'm about to be a bitch about alloyd so like. skip ahead if you're not into that ig.
the thing thats grinds me the most about alloyd is that,, we've seen lloyd plan out living the rest of his life at someone's side. we've seen him actively wish to spend the rest of eternity with someone. we've seen him think what sounds suspiciously like marriage vows about someone.
i am not joking or exaggerating here are the quotes:
That’s why, you bastard. I’m going to take care of you until the very end. Once I, your wise and older friend, solve the restoration of destiny problem, you’re going to enjoy the rest of your life by my side in peace. [...] He smiled at Javier and thought to himself. You’re my only friend, Javier. I couldn’t have overcome all the obstacles in front of me without your help. So, my trustworthy and reliable comrade, stick with me until I become a lazy lord and you become my personal guard. I hope we will be able to grow old together… -ch 327
Lloyd felt reassured by Javier's presence as he gazed at him. He could not have gotten this far without the knight. Therefore, he did not want to lose Javier and hoped they would keep bickering with each other for eternity. -ch 361
He thought he'd always be with Javier for the rest of his life. Just like now, he thought they'd spend all their time together moving forward. And like they always did, they'd be by each other's side during hard times. Happy moments. Relaxed days. They'd share all these moments as they exchanged insults and corny jokes, growing old as a lazy lord of a fiefdom and his knight. Lloyd always thought so. The thought just came naturally, without much effort from him, much like breathing. Lloyd believed that Javier would always remain by his side as that was how it had been until now. -ch 222
and at no point in any of those occasions has he ever sounded remotely afraid, threatened or uncomfortable with the idea.
so how come he is all of that when it comes to the idea of marrying what is supposed to be his canon love interest? like???
This is bad. Really bad. Terrible feelings struck his gut. Lloyd's lifelong wish was to find a rather ordinary woman to fall in love with, before getting married and having kids with her to lead an unremarkable family life. This was the extent of the luxury he had always dreamed of, not the frantic romance with the mightiest queen in the entire continent. I can see and feel it. I can sense it. This isn't good. Lloyd could see himself in the queen's pockets, like a scaredy cat in the presence of a ferocious lioness. -ch 390
Lloyd became speechless, even though he desperately wanted to call it an absolute abuse of power, tyranny, and dictatorship. But I'm kind of excited and glad... except what kind of marriage proposal is this threatening...?! But Lloyd couldn't bring it out in words, as his queen had already taken him by his hand. It was rough, yet warm. He could feel every heartbeat that was clearly pounding faster than usual. Ugh. There goes my dream of ordinary living. Lloyd quickly wiped off the tear that was about to fall from his eyes at the thought of the frightening romance. -ch 393
does this sound like someone in love???? like?? genuinely?? is this really what the main character should feel about his love interest???
i'm not even saying that the way lloyd feels about javier is inherently romantic, him feeling perfectly comfortable and hopeful about spending the rest of their life together is perfectly explicable by their close friendship.
but why make your protagonist sound so terrified of the idea of marrying what is supposed to be the love of his life?? when you never did that when writing about his other close relationship??
it's just. it's frustrating. to me lmao
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yuesya · 7 months
Mechamaru is a sad character, even though his anger at Shiki, to me, is honestly misplaced and more like self-loathing, envy, and commiseration.
It’s honestly sad what happens to Mechamaru because he did get the short end of the stick when it comes to Heavenly Restriction, didn’t he? He only wanted to have a healthy body, and in canon, he got it.
But what did it cost, really?
Because in the end, Mechamaru did in some way betray the jujutsu sorcerers. He can tell himself that he was desperate and he had the right to try and better his life when no one else cared to or was able to help him. He was in a shitty situation and tried fixing it first chance that presented it, but it doesn’t erase the fact that he betrayed his comrades. He indirectly (?)aided in the tragedy that happened by facitilating information to the curses, which HELPED Kenjaku’s plans, and he died for it. Here, he’s alive to suffer the consequences of ill-fated choices.
He wasn’t wrong to want it. He’s wrong because ultimately, his actions were an act of betrayal.
He feels remorse for his betrayal. He feels guilty. He feels angry at Shiki, because his gamble failed and here she stood as a shining bastion of a “perfect” life.
Though as seen in here, Shiki probably doesn’t give a single fuck about Mechamaru’s feelings. Only that his betrayal put the jujutsu society - and in turn, her family and friends - in jeopardy and that it went against the rules that Shiki was following ONLY because her family and friends wanted her too. Her moral and logic is pretty skewed, after all. Her first reaction to him being turned into a monster is to render him immobile VIA limbs breaking which honestly is NOT the first thing people do, but it’s admittedly in a twisted way the most optimal way to subdue transfigurated!Mechamaru.
TBH wrong is wrong. Betrayal is betrayal. Mechamaru isn’t an innocent victim who tried saving himself. How many more people would die and did die in the jujutsu world because he aided the curses? How many people died in Liyue because here the curses tried getting rid of Shiki?
Which brings me to another point: Whether it was voluntary or not, because of his betrayal which fed the curses informations and had Shiki hunting after them, Mechamaru ended up as a tool in the ambush against Shiki. Mahito tried using him as a shield, but unfortunately for him and the curses, Shiki’s reasoning is far too settled in pragmatic reasoning and logic to a certain point, after which she settled into brute force or death. She wouldn’t sacrifice herself for just Mechamaru, after all, nor be squirmish about breaking some limbs or killing some people.
Kinda shameless to be angry at the girl who you involuntarily aided in ambushing, no?
It’s just. The first time I read the short about Mechamaru (which was STILL amazing btw) I felt sorry for him.
The next few times I reread it though, I was like wait a minute, this doesn’t sound right, this guy is making Shiki to be the bad guy in interrogating him when he “just tried helping himself and he didn’t truly mean to betray the jujutsu society qwq!!!” because she has a perfect life but BITCH so many people just died LMFAOO Shiki here just doing her job and being hated, my poor girl (though she doesn’t care).
Mechamaru lost his gamble in using Mahito and turned into an even worse monster.
Likewise, the curses lost their gamble in trying to delete Shiki and were all basically wiped out in minutes lmao. They probably didn’t expect the Gojo Satoru Expy to actually be a Gojo Satoru 2.0 lol.
Shiki just doing her job, stuck in another world. :( And she had promised her cousin to make a detour to buy sweets, too rip. :(
(which brings me to another point i’m not gonna expand: Satoru and Shiki’s relationship? I LOVELOVELOVE IT!! The opposing powers they present! Satoru is not truly the sole “honored one”! Satoru has someone who somewhat understands the way he looks at the world! Who will stand by his decision and trust! Who’s willing to murder a bitch or a few for him! They’re two peas in a pod, sometimes HE has to be the moral compass for Shiki even! HIM! THE Gojo Satoru! A moral compass!!! 😂😂😂)
!! I am bouncing a bit in excitement from this haha.
Mechamaru! Is a very very unfortunate character. His attempt to outsmart Kenjaku and the Special Grade curses was not something that ended well for anyone. The information that he provided them allowed Kenjaku's faction to set up the test run at the Goodwill Event and break into the warehouse, stealing the Death Paintings and Sukuna's fingers. If we think about what happened in Shibuya, where Sukuna was able to cause as much devastation as he did because of ingesting the additional fingers... arguably Mechamaru played a definite role in allowing this situation to occur in the first place.
Mechamaru wants to be healed. He wants to have a normal body, and be a normal student of Kyoto High with his friends.
In exchange, he betrays the school -but he's not really betraying them, Mechamaru tells himself. Look, he's even been careful enough to extract a binding vow for his friends to be unharmed. And it's not as if he really intends to throw in his lot with Geto. As soon as he gets what he wants, he'll turn on them. Mechamaru doesn't need to kill them in order to win; all he needs to do is escape and find sanctuary with Gojo Satoru. And with the intel that he'll have in his hands, Gojo will definitely protect him. Then, they'll be able to counter their enemies properly from there-
We all know how that turns out in the end, though. The many casualties that result from Kenjaku's plans... Mechamaru might not be responsible, but he's certainly not blameless in allowing Kenjaku to set things into motion.
Mechamaru strikes me as a character who has a strong confidence and ego, which is balanced at the same time by a helpless sense of inferiority and anger. He knows that he's a powerful sorcerer, and he's the only sorcerer whose range covers an entire country -not even Gojo Satoru can do that! And Mechamaru is observant, and intelligent. He hates the limitations imposed upon him by his body, and he wants ever so badly to see for himself the world that he can only interact with through his puppets-
Shiki gets the brunt of that, in this particular AU.
Mechamaru lives. He lives, but he's angry and guilty and oh how he regrets, without truly regretting. Sorcerers are selfish creatures, and Mechamaru is no different.
Here Gojo Shiki stands in front of him, beautiful and powerful and perfect, looking down on him like Mechamaru means absolutely nothing. Given the turmoil that Mechamaru is currently experiencing... it's only natural that he lashes out at her.
(It's no excuse. But it is a reason.)
In contrast to Mechamaru's complicated feelings towards her, Shiki is fairly indifferent about him in return, despite his role as a lure in the 'ambush' for her. She simply protects him because she was assigned to retrieve Mechamaru for an interrogation. Shiki can't retrieve him if he's dead.
... So that just means she'll need to do her best to keep him alive, until she manages to find a way home.
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Tartaglia x reader nsfw 💦
fatui! reader,,, gender neutral until **** afab afterwards. might make an amab version tho. Not spell-checked or anything, this took me months to write lmao.
(this was written to satisfy my own blood kink, in no way am I implying this would happen irl or that I support this irl)
TW/CW: Wounds, blood, stitches, blood kink, pain kink, sadomasochism, dom/sub-themes, bottom(switch?) Tartaglia, blow/hand job, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, Childe cries, praise kink, sliiiiight degradation, overstim, use of the word pussy, uh reader cuts him >.>, multiple orgasms... I think that's it?
summary: Reader gets put with childe to babysit him and gets turned on when he gets hurt lmao. Then smut.
Words: 3,985
The bustling of Liyue harbor fades into the distance as you walk side by side with the 11th fatui harbinger, Tartaglia. Or Childe, as you were supposed to call him in public. The man wasn't like anything you’d heard about him. There was nothing cold or ruthless about him, and in the time you’d been accompanying him, he’d been nothing but gleeful and cheery. If anything at this point you were starting to think he was more of a nuisance than a threat.
Nonetheless, you continued to supervise this man-child of a harbinger, there was a promise of compensation waiting for you at the end of the two weeks you would be together and you’d be dammed if you’d give up a job like that.
But sometimes you really consider throwing it all out the window and decking that son of a bitch right in the face.
“Comrade~!” A blob of orange crosses in front of your vision and you roll your eyes before focusing on the face now inches from your own. “You’d better pay attention or you’ll walk right into that hoard of hilichurls.” He points to the left and you follow his hand over to a mob of hilichurls bunched together and dancing about.
“Oh.” Is all you say and he laughs.
“Are you feeling well, comrade? It seems like your head's not in the game.” He lifts an eyebrow at you and continues before you can respond. “Don’t worry, you can sit here and rest while I defeat them.”
“Yeah like you can take 20 hilichurls at once,” you respond with a roll of your eyes, “I’ll help you, dumbass.” And you start to pull your sword out from where it sits at your side.
But Childe stops you with a hand and speaks again. “I don’t like that you underestimate me, comrade. I’ll handle it and you watch so you can learn a thing or two about how to take on a large number of enemies.”
“Whatever,” You sigh, “just don’t come crying to me when you get trampled.” And with that, he smirks and runs over to the mob of enemies.
Watching him fight is interesting, to say the least. For one, instead of trying anything with that bow he carries about, he goes straight for his hydro daggers and starts slashing this and that like a madman. He takes down three hilichurls at once with one calculated slash and laughs manically as blood splatters his clothes.
His dry cleaning must suck, you think before focusing on his movements once again. The hilichurls start to circle around him and close in and he kicks one to the side before putting his daggers together. In the process, a brave hilichurl reaches out and slashes his torso with one of its claws. Childe yells out in pain and for a moment, perhaps only a second or two, you see his jaw tighten and a glaze pass over his eyes. You’re awestruck with the image of his pain written on his face still in your mind long after he pours elemental energy into his weapon and takes out the whole lot of enemies in one move.
His cry of pain replays in your mind again and before you realize it your eyes have widened and your face has gone red. Childe, now standing in the murder scene, starts to turn towards you and you rush to fix your face and calm your racing heart before he can see you ogling.
When you see his face again he’s panting and out of breath, a smug smile still there despite his exhaustion. Your eyebrows furrow as you lock your eyes on the gash in his side, trying your hardest to push out the desire that floods into your mind as you study its severity.
“Learn anything?” He says as walks towards you again, and you make sure to note the strain in his voice for… medical reasons, before responding.
“Yeah, how to get yourself hurt while being reckless.” And you take one of his arms to pull over your shoulder.
“Don’t- be a prick,” He says despite the little breath of pain he lets out in the middle. It goes straight to your stomach and you look away while walking back onto the path.
“Shut up.” You say and an awkward silence settles between the two of you. The only sound filling up the lack of words is Childe’s ragged and unsteady breathing, which not only makes your heartbeat quicken but also feeds into the growing lump in your throat.
It takes a while before anyone speaks again, and this time it’s when the medical practice is in sight.
“You don’t have to do this you know,” Childe speaks quietly, a little hiss falling from his mouth when you startle from his words. “I’ve had worse wounds.”
You roll your eyes, “trust me I’m holding back from dropping you on the ground and leaving you there. I, however, have a conscience that would be a bitch to handle if I left you to rot.”
He laughs at that, a rough and breathy sound you’d never heard from him before. Something that made your annoyance with him soften in the slightest bit. He breathes in as if he’s about to say something but a nurse gasps and runs over to take him from you before you can hear it.
By the time you see Childe again, he’s back to his usual self, you know because the nurse is flirting with him as she hands him off to you and he’s looking at her with his signature grin. She tells you to clean his wounds before and after bed before flashing Childe one more smile and retreating back into the clinic.
“She was nice,” You say sarcastically and start walking towards Childe’s expensive house.
“Not gonna help me walk this time?” Childe pouts and you send him a glare. He seems to get the message because he starts to ramble about something while you walk to his place.
Luckily the walk to his house is short and you make it there just as the sun starts to slip out of sight. When he lets you in you take off your shoes at the door and follow him through the house.
It’s a bit awkward watching him walk into his bedroom fully expecting you to follow, even more awkward when he pulls off his shirt and throws it onto the queen-sized bed.
“Wanna get the first aid kit, comrade?” He says, and you stare blankly at him. “It's in the bathroom through that door.” You nod and walk over to the door, pushing it open and flicking on the light.
The bathroom is as expensive looking as the rest of the house, a huge bathtub and a shower with glass doors sit on one side of the room. A toilet and sink on the other. You head over to the bathroom counter with expensive-looking marble and sort through the drawers until you find the first aid kit.
When you walk back into the bedroom Childe is sitting on the edge of his bed, unwrapping the bandages on his torso. You take a moment to study him, the way his arms and back are filled with all sorts of scars. It makes something click in your mind. Makes your stomach flip over and your grip tighten around the first aid kit in your hands.
“Going to stand there all day?” He doesn’t even look up as he speaks. His fingers, now gloveless, run over the bandages on his stomach, he pulls the last of them off and looks up at you with a quirked eyebrow.
You are pulled from your daze when his sapphire eyes meet yours. You blink once before averting your eyes and crossing the room to get to him. You sigh as you realize the awkward situation to come, only praying the man in front of you doesn’t notice the redness at the tips of your ears as you kneel before him.
The process is wordless, you don’t dare glance up at Childe’s face, nor does he remark about your flushed state. You open the first aid kit and take out the antiseptic wipes, holding your breath as you reach up to touch his stomach. The wound is long and red, stretching from one side of his chest all the way down to the waistline of his pants, where the very end disappears under his clothes. You work carefully around the stitches, trying not to pay too much attention to the way his muscles twitch when you get a little too close. You shift positions, placing one hand on his thigh to stabilize yourself. His leg flinches slightly in response causing your hand to slip against his wound.
“Sorry,” You say and instinctively look up at his face for signs of pain. He sucks in a breath and when you see his face your stomach drops. He’s red, biting his lip and blushing furiously under half-lidded eyes.
“It’s fine,” He mutters through his teeth and you gulp as a pang of desire goes straight through you.
“Tartaglia,” You murmur, the hand on his thigh subconsciously squeezing as your lust grows.
“Fuck,” he breathes and it’s nothing like anything you’d heard him say before. Your eyes dart down to the slight bulge in his pants and then back up as if you couldn’t look for too long.
You set down the wipe in your hand and bravely reach up to touch his neck. He looks at you again, wide-eyed, with a whisper of your name on his lips.
“Can I…?” You trail off, not sure of what you’re asking for before he nods and you’re pulling him down for a kiss. Your lips meet in a rush, unsure at first before Childe grows restless and deepens the kiss while taking your face in his hands and tilting his head. It sparks electricity within your stomach and you reciprocate with just as much need.
When your tongue brushes against his lips, he opens his mouth almost instantly, eagerly accepting your tongue as it tangles with his. While your mouths dance together, you let the hand at the back of Childe’s neck trail down to his chest and run your fingers over his skin. He groans into the kiss while you roam your way around his body, eventually finding what you had been looking for.
It only takes the slight brush of your thumb against the tie of one of his stitches for him to moan in pain. He breaks away from the kiss to sigh into your mouth, the kind of exhale that shakes and begs for another breath right after.
“Does my pain amuse you,” He says against your lips, delight in his voice despite the lack of smile on his face.
“It's not amusement,” You reply with a harsh swipe of your finger against his wound. You savor the way he cries out before finishing your response. “It’s lust.”
“Sadist,” He accuses with a grin and you smile back at him, your hand falling from his injury down to the desire pressing hard against his pants.
“Masochist,” You tease back, pushing your hand down gently on his crotch.
“Hah-“ His head falls to your shoulder, his hands clutching the fabric of your shirt. “I guess I’ve been found out.”
He pulls you into another desperate kiss before you can respond and you happily accept it. You push down on his crotch again and his hips buck into your hand. You hear him whine when you pull your hand away. His lips part from yours, his eyes lazily pleading with you to touch him again.
“Aw, look at that, you’ve pulled your stitches,” You coo and he hisses in pain when you gather the blood leaking from him on your finger. You’re entranced at the sight of his blood on your hand, the crimson liquid staining your skin.
“You look beautiful when you’re bleeding you know.” His eyes widen at your statement, following your hand as you reach for the spare dagger strapped to his thigh. You pull it from its sheath and tap it against his skin.
He breathes your name again, a hand coming down to touch himself.
“Ah-ah,” you tut, pressing the knife harder against him. “I’ll help you with that later. If you bleed for me.” He closes his eyes and furrows his brows as if debating whether he could wait that long.
“Fuck, fine, just hur-” you interrupt him with a pull of his dagger, watching his face contort as you drag it across his torso.
His breath catches and you savor the way it sounds while your eyes dart back down to watch the red liquid fill the shallow cut you had made.
“That's not so bad is it?” You give the wound a little kiss and he tenses under the touch of your lips, the feeling of your chest pressed against his desire making him restless.
“I- cant take it,” He pauses, “I need you so bad, god, please.”
You sigh and while you had wanted to draw more blood from him, the sound of his plead led you to comply. “When you ask like that how can I refuse?” You mumble, putting his knife back in its rightful place before making your hands busy on his belt.
His own hands fumble to help you while murmuring his thanks. When his belt is tossed to the side somewhere in his massive room, you unzip his pants and take his length out of its confinements. He moans when he feels your skin against his own, almost sobbing when you close your hand around him and roughly jerk upwards.
“So good, so so good.” He’s whispering as you start to find a satisfying rhythm. His hands fist the bed sheets and he starts to rock his hips with the pull of your hand.
“Ah- just like that,” He gasps out and you take the opportunity to overwhelm him. You lean towards him, kissing the tip of his member before opening your mouth and licking his slit.
He lets out the most elicit moan you’ve heard so far and opens his previously shut eyes to stare down at you. There’s a glaze over his eyes and he twitches at the sight of your mouth on him.
He breaks when you suck on his tip and his pleasure pours into your mouth in thick ropes. You don’t take the time to let it sit on your tongue before you’re swallowing and releasing him from your mouth with a pop. You move to stand in front of him, tilting his head to look up at you with his hazy blue eyes.
**** afab reader ****
“I helped you out so now you’re going to help me too, yeah?” You smirk as his eyes widen and then narrow again. “It's only fair after all.” You watch the haze leave his eyes and the desire pour in.
“Gladly.” He murmurs before slipping his hands under your shirt and sliding it up. It's stripped off you in seconds, his hands tracing your waist up your chest, and then down your shoulders. You shiver at the touch of his warm hands on your skin, the softness of his fingers, and the way he glides down your body like flowing water. You let out a shaky breath as he reaches the waistband of your pants, his fingertips slip under and all too quickly he's pulled them down and you’re entirely bare in a matter of seconds. He pulls you down to sit on his lap your privates just inches away from his.
You share a breath together for a moment gripping his shoulders as you settle into a new and heated position. Your thighs are pressed against Childe's, his chest pressed against yours. You're both bare and vulnerable, exposed for the other to see.
And then his fingers find their way to your clit, a small gasp escaping you as he starts to rub it in circles. It's sensitive at first but soon pleasure starts to rush up your stomach and down your legs.
“Did seeing me in pain make you this wet?” He teases and you have to choke back a moan when he gathers a bit of slick from your hole.
“Shut up and do what you’re told harbinger,” You mumble, hand coming up to grip the hair at the back of his head. But he just grins in response and slips one of his fingers into your heat. Your grip tightens with the sudden invasion sending a burst of pleasure down your thighs. A moan rips its way through your throat.
"Fuck- Tartaglia," you can't help but whisper as his finger curls inside you. Your head falls back, lips parting as you soak in the pleasure. He seems to hit all the right spots making your head spin and your vision blurry.
"Is this good enough for you sweetheart?" He says and you can't help but groan in annoyance.
"Don't- be a tease," your voice comes out shaky but you take the opportunity to tug his hair harshly.
He whines in response and another finger finds its way into your heat.
"Good boy." You praise and his fingers start to pick up the pace. You lean into his frame as the pressure building up in your stomach gets more intense.
"God, don't stop." You moan out, mind far too lost in the feeling of his fingers inside of you to care what you say. Your release is getting closer and closer as his fingers hit all the right spots. All it takes is the rub of his thumb against your clit and you're seeing stars.
Your thighs squeeze together and a chill runs through your whole body. Faintly, in the back of your mind, you're aware that you've clamped down on childe's fingers, which now struggle to move inside you.
When you're finally able to see straight you look at childe's blue eyes and lazily smile at him.
He grins back, "That feel good, baby?" He murmurs and you huff a little laugh in response.
"Better than good," you pant out and rest your head on his shoulder.
"God you looked so hot like that." He mumbles almost as if to himself. That's when you notice the pressure against your thigh and the fact that he's painfully hard again.
You place a hand on his chest and whisper, "Lay down, I want more." You don't fail to notice the way his lower part practically jumps at your words or the way he quietly groans at the thought.
Nonetheless, he grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer to him before he leans back as you had told him to do.
You grin at him while you straddle his hips and hover above him. Childe moans when your body makes contact with him, watching the way you slowly take him into yourself. When you finally bottom out Childe's hands fly to your hips, gripping them hard enough to leave bruises. He let out a sort of choked noise, his eyes closed and mouth open. He was truly the picture of sex, hair messy and cheeks flushed, his muscles all tensed with need.
"Don't move." He chokes out and it's raspy and strained, undeniably attractive. So much so your stomach drops and you clench around him.
The moan he lets out from your action is louder than any of his others. "Don't!" He cries and takes multiple deep breaths, trying his best to calm down and get used to the sensation of being inside of you.
"Awh is my pussy too much for this big strong harbinger?" You tease and he grits his teeth. "Relax baby, you can come as many times as you want inside me."
He just groans in response too lost in the bliss of you all around him, invading his senses.
Naturally, you long to see him completely fucked out and start to move despite his words. Slowly raising yourself up with your legs and dropping back down onto him, hitting just the right spot every time.
"Fuck, I- I'm gonna cum if you do that." He's barely able to think clearly as he rushes to say what he can.
"Go on then." You start to pick up your pace, "Fill me up real good, pretty boy." Your voice is strained by now, but the slap of your skin and the wet sounds that fill the room drown you out anyway. Besides, you both are a moaning mess, desperate to reach as many highs as you can take.
Just as he warned Childe reaches his climax quickly and he's so fucked out, he uses his strength to slam you down and hold you there while he pours all he's got into your pussy.
He cums hard, squeezing his eyes shut and arching his back while he digs his nails into your skin. The pain is a nice mix with the throbbing of your heat and the warmth flooding into your body.
You watch in awe as he rides it out, little tears and gasps escaping him when you move even slightly. You know he's done when his hands fall from your hips and he relaxes into the bed with newfound exhaustion.
"Don't tell me you're already spent?" You murmur, leaning forward to move his hair sticking to his forehead, his sapphire eyes blinking open and wincing with the shift of your hips.
"C'mon baby, I know you've got more in you." You whisper against his lips, eyes half-lidded staring into his, as you start to roll your hips.
He inhales sharply and his hands move to grip the bedsheets. "Too much, fuck, too much too much." He whines it out, his face contorting in pain.
"Awh does it hurt baby boy?" And you fake a little pout to hide the grin that threatens to spread on your face.
"Yes!" He chokes out between moans eyes brimming with tears. "More, hah, please."
You let go of the smile, sitting back up and roughly bouncing up and down on him.
It's painful at first to take him so roughly so suddenly but you push through it knowing pleasure was on the other side. And after the pain numbs the pleasure comes cascading over your body. It's overwhelming just how much floods your senses. The way your hips become desperate and wild, the way all your muscles tense in anticipation.
And then it all crashes. You cry out as you hit your high falling onto Childe's chest and clenching down on his length. Your vision goes white, and you gasp and gasp for air while your body trembles and shakes. And though you're too lost to notice, Childe cums right after you hugging you against him while you both come down from the high.
When you can finally breathe you manage to separate your body from his and fall to the side of him. Instantly relaxing into his expensive and comfortable bed.
You both lay there for a moment just breathing next to each other and processing what just happened.
"Holy shit." Is all Childe says, and the tension snaps, laughter falling from your lips despite your soreness. Childe soon joins you with his own soft chuckles, taking your hand in his.
The night ends in a fit of giggles and shaky legs as you clean up each other. Finally re-bandaging the wound that started it all, and the bonus one next to it.
You fall asleep on Childe's big comfy bed together, savoring the way he feels in your arms. (and the way his big ass bed is probably memory foam and so damn soft)
hope you enjoyed :3
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smokerswifey · 5 months
This may be a weird ask... but bear with me please. Imagine this in this scenario What if chion says something really offense (it could be anything) to Percival but this time around Percival gets really mad almost attecking chion. How do you think percival friends, Donny Nasiens, Ann and Lancelot will react and do to calm percival,etc? And how think Tristan(especially), Isolde, and will react and do to fix the fignt.
Percival dosent really seem like this type of percival that gets angry often. I think it very rare to see him angry....🤔💭
Lmao Percival isn't really the type of person to get violent when offended especially with people who sees as comrades like Chion but I'll humour you and try to imagine...
If Percival actually retaliated against Chion with violence one day I think that the squad would be a bit worried tbh .
Sure I think Anne and Donny would be a little proud to see Percy humble Chion's yapping ass for once but they know that Percy isn't a violent kid and doesn't like to throw hands with anybody .
Lancelot would instantly know that something is up, probably even before Percy would attack Chion.
And Nasiens too, I think he would probably try and tell Chion to be quiet, since he would obviously see that Percival was not in the mood to be annoyed rn .
The squad would probably restrain him, I can see Nasiens trying to pull him away to calm down, to talk, etc...
Lancelot would probably stare down at Chion in disgust and amusement for like five seconds before going to check on Percival .
Anne and Donny would probably yell at Chion, telling him that it was his fault that he bitchslapped for acting like a bitch...
Isolde would probably rush to help Chion up, muttering to him " I told you that fat mouth of yours would get you in trouble..." while pulling him to his feet .
And I feel like Tristan would be upset that Percival was violent towards Chion but he would probably know that he had it coming so he would probably ask Chion if he's okay before telling him to stop being rude to Percy and make him a apologise.
And I think he would check on Percy too after he's calmed down asking if he's okay and everything and apologising for Chion .
This was an odd but interesting ask lmao thank you mert- I mean thank you anon ! Please keep the asks coming everybody
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sonicstalker123 · 4 months
I imagine some genshin characters saying…
“Lmao what a mood”
(If he had a partner without a vision) “Visionless behavior” (to troll)
“Lol no vision??” (To troll)
“Haha, relatable”/“can’t relate”
“That’s my beloved comrade”
(If somebody saw his partner get hurt/saw that his partner was hurt) “Oh boy is it on sight.”
“This person here is a massive bitch”
*surprised pikachu face*
“This snow is beautiful and sparkly, it’s a shame that my Fatui duties are making me change its color to crimson.”
“It’s all good here, compadre”
“You good?”
“It’s all good ‘round here.”
“Dude did you see what I did with those Lavender Melons, it was kickass, I kicked them for the lols and they went flying like 60 feet”
“That’s my partner, they’re so badass”
“Yeah no Kuki had to get me out of this tricky situation last week involving Heizou”
“Dude, I’m so proud of you for doing that thing you were afraid of doing!”
“Eat shit, Raiden Shogun!”
“Bro did that really just happen??”
“Lol/lmao, how did you trip over that rock?”
*surprised pikachu face*
“Duuude, look at this crab!”
“Nightmares are just horror movies that your mind makes up as you sleep.”
“Dammit, here comes the fun police.” (Referring to Kuki, Heizou or Sara)
“Don’t do that again you idiot” (he says “idiot” in his own weird loving way)
“Yes, dear, you’re my idiot and nobody else’s.”
“Oh my partner? What about them. You got something to say about them??”
“What a nuisance.”
“Yes, this is the first time that somebody has acknowledged who I am, these feelings are new to me.” (“These feelings” can be seen in a friend way or romantic)
“Yes, the Fatui can eat sand for all I care.”
“Watching this snow fall in Dragonspine is rather peaceful.”
“Rain is just water, it can’t hurt anything 😒”
Adeptus Xiao
“Yes, dear, you called?”
“Darling, our pet cat is okay, she’s right here.”
“Our cat is so cute.”
“Your friendship/romantic relationship with me is something I’ll cherish forever.”
“Why are you friends with me? I’m a Conqueror of Demons, I may hurt you.”
“All I’ve wanted in my days is somebody who I can be close to, regardless if it’s friendship or a partner.”
“Allow me to accompany you… please?”
“I will be gone for a while because of my adepti duties, I’ll miss you. Please wait for me. Say my name if you need me for anything.”
“Hi, sugar pea! Wanna go get some dim sum together? 😁”
“Dude, that dude over there needs to chill out and like drink some tea for real”
“I can’t believe it’s supposed to rain this bad, this wasn’t supposed to happen!”
“I’m about to go training for my Wushou Performance next week, wanna go?”
“Wanna go to the pride parade next week?? It’ll be my first pride parade I’m going to and it’d be fun to go with somebody!” (I hc him as bi)
“Wow, it’s really hot out today! Make sure you have water so you aren’t dehydrated! I care about you, ya know?”
“Wait, huh? What do you mean they can’t come with me?! They’re my partner and I want them to be with me, regardless if it’s training or not!!”
“Morning, sugar pea! Did you sleep well? Have good dreams?? 😁”
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unohanadaydreams · 2 months
five comfort characters, five tags
I was tagged by @srtruth here and @bleachbleachbleach here. (Linked so you can go read their answers!!!)
Thank you both! I'm historically bad at remembering to do these, so I appreciate you even tagging me lol.
To me, a comfort character is one I can fall back on when I want to write or read or see something familiar and do so consistently with that character. What Would Blorbo Do? I know exactly what they'd do and so it's easy to include them in things I write. In general, Blorbo Soup for the Soul, I guess lmao.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi. My favorite blorbo. His terrarium is costly, expansive, and in view at all times. He's so theatrical & contradictory, yet at his core there's this simplicity of what he wants to be and how he views himself. And I just don't get tired of it! Definitely a beetle undergoing reconstructive surgery to better fit it's aesthetics of evolution and choosing the life of a caterpillar instead. Dug his way out of the dirt and said 'that's not who I am, actually, I'll never be that again.'
Kenpachi Zaraki. Probably the oldest blorbo of this list, tbh. A verified onion. Huge angst potential, let alone the angst fulfilled in canon. He's like if Icarus made it and laughed the whole way there, even as the Sun started to do irreparable damage to his foresight and burned everyone who made it with him to ash. He's like if the Minotaur knew the way out the whole time but continued to wander because he was so, so scared to find out the sun and stars and the sea breeze wouldn't be everything he dreamed they'd be and if they were, that they'd disappear just as he was starting to realize how wonderful it all felt.
Retsu Unohana. Second oldest blorbo after Zaraki. I just really love that you can FEEL how much she wants to live as simply as Zaraki, but she genuinely can't. She's dedicated herself towards too much. She can't ever go back. She slammed that fridge door on herself with zero hesitation. Queen of being a two-faced bitch telling herself she's one missed meditation away from going back to hunting down worthwhile fights in the middle of nowhere, but really she's just going to make the 4th division a nightmare hospital visit for anyone who pisses her off too much that day.
Giselle Gewelle. One of the newest blorbos! I love that she's a simple character with such complicated baggage. What does she want? To live! How does she want to live? With her bffs! How is she going to do that? By turning everyone into hyper-dependent undead puppets who are forced into a symbiotic relationship with her the moment they cease to live, forced to feel the same pain of stagnation as her, forced to realize that their life was a gift and her being content to let them live was a gift, that she can bleed so easily and that she didn't for so long was a Gift. You know! Just girly things. <3
A tie between Akon & Nanao Ise. Newer blorbos, for sure. Fellow workaholics who can stay sane under insane conditions & highly unreasonable employers. The hyper competent duo whose squads are being held up by their ability to maintain a straight face toward their captains when most would quit in less than a week. Definitely average less than 10 days of PTO used a year. Not just blorbos, but comrades.
Tagging with peace and love and no pressure: @wing-ed-thing @stupid-sloot-headcanons @tuliharja @a-libra-writes @j-u-u-z-o
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beevean · 2 years
The virgin everything in Other M vs the chad "slowly getting ill and corrupted by this wretched doppelganger that just wont die, seeing your comrades succumb to this madness and having to kill them and see their corpses be consumed" (including the shock on samus's face when gandryada takes on her form while she's getting dragged away by dark samus) in Prime 3
Prime 3 my beloved
Say what you want about how easy that game is, but its story is presented masterfully in my opinion, even as someone who doesn't really care for the other hunters so didn't shed a tear for their deaths.
It's just. Samus vomiting Phazon on screen. Seeing her face being corrupted the further you are into the game. The ship no longer recognizing her by the end. I genuinely felt worried for her, even though I knew that of course she'd survive.
And yes, in P2 I didn't really care for Dark Samus, but in P3 I thought multiple times "that bitch" lmao, for her sheer pettiness and sadism.
P3 has a great story. And the game is immensely more fun than OM. And way prettier despite being 3 years older. Go play P3 :)
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tabibitto · 2 years
Oathbreaker | Giyuu x Demon Reader Oneshot
CW: Angst no comfort, mentions of blood and death, main character death, probably bad writing bcuz its like 2 am lmao
A/N: yk Lilith wouldn't be Lilith if she didn't write an angst oneshot right after a fluffy one.
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Giyuu was never afraid. Not of demons.
They were like any other wild animal that needed to be killed, they preyed on the innocent and needed to be extinguished. Nothing more or less. He never trembled, he never flinched nor did he hesitate in slaying a demon.
It was humans that made his skin crawl.
Yet he had made an exception for a blood-sucker. Once.
A little girl who had the misfortune of being away from her older brother, ended up being massacred along with her family, only she remained after the scene, as an eternal being that had to harm others in order to save itself.
At least, by the book that's the definition of a demon.
Nezuko Kamado had made do with sleeping and not once had she harmed a person. The connection between her and Tanjiro had been obvious
So why now, as he stood in front of the women he planned go spend his life with and retire to, did he wish you were like that small child.
An exception.
Why couldn't you feel his warmth to you, or maybe you did. The way you stared longingly at the wounds that he purposely didn't avoid receiving at him
The way your mouth drooled, the way your once pretty human eyes widened at his frame. Suddenly your kimono was not torn but ironed and neat, your big and happy face staring at him when he returned home.
You were not the same, you had no special relationship with him once you died. Contrary to what you had always said. Once a vampire you didn't care that you once loved him.
You were hurt. You needed to feed.
And he needed to kill you.
A laughable thing really, how he failed to protect you, how he failed to be happy, how he failed to keep you happy.
Giyuu really believed that he could be like his comrade Tengen, definitely not collecting bitches like candy but he thought maybe he could also have someone to love and come home to after a hard day at work.
Hah, no.
His eyes swelled with tears, and he found his own reflection in your own, transforming into that of a shivering boy with a hatchet. He was no better then 12-year old Tanjiro, trying to explain to a hashira that his sister was no killer. And having to face the undeniable truth that Demons could go as far as eating their own kin for blood.
Just for the hashira in question to eat his own words.
Why couldn't he do that now? Why could he scoop you up and take you to HQ, show everyone that your worth keeping alive. Prove that he found love, and despite everything that's happened, he gets to keep you.
Because you weren't special. You never were. An ordinary human with no special background nor heritage. Had the unfortunate ending of being brought back to life as a monster.
There was nothing wrong with you, nor complicated necessity that you required from him. Just his love, affection and presence
And even at that he failed.
He failed to keep you safe, he failed to listen to your complaints that you felt like you were being watched, that you wanted him home, holding you close and safe from harm.
Now you weren't the same person, a rabid animal that would return the pain he probably inflicted on you ten-fold.
All because of him.
Giyuu dropped his sword and stared tearily, bitterly at your ragged form. Time slowed, and suddenly every snowflake that fell by was within his vision.
The beautiful, intricate detailed as it fell by your bloody face. How it fell and melted into the white snow, it's blank sheet ruined by maroon drops that propelled towards him.
he closed his eyes and his knees weakened before he fell forwards into you.
Tears fell down his cheeks and he let out a low moan of pain as your face buried into the crook of his neck
How many times had you done that? Sitting by the fireplace and snuggling up to his form for warmth, or out in the city, playfully burying your stone-cold nose in his warm neck to annoy him.
Giyuu melted down, down into the snow. Covering the beautiful, clean snow with his filth.
He was an oathbreaker. Bards would tell of his hypocrisy and failure. Birds would sing of how he let himself fall into the hands of a demon, all because he once loved then in life. True, human life. Demon Slayers would utter his name in punishment, in lectures to other people.
Maybe, he could make something right.
One day, when you join him. He won't abandon you again.
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silver-wield · 7 months
This is so funny lol. During that nightmare dream,
Present A is a c /a shipper (c /a fans)
Subconscious A is a hardcore confused af Zerith shipper
Cloud is a hardcore c /a HATER and a hardcore Zerith shipper. This is true throughout the whole game too lol. Also he's the president of Cloti. As well as President of c /a HATER's club. Dude just wanna be friends/ comrades lmao.
All of this kept fighting hahhhaha for control.
Cloud worked so hard in this game everyone to kill this LTD, if there's one thing, he is not useless nor is he disloyal in any capacity or in any imagination & what ifs fanfics. That's not him. His heart ONLY belongs to Tifa Lockhart.
What's funny is it's her dream, her dream date, but everything goes wrong and Cloud friendzones her, so even using her super speshul magical powers she can't win. Even the planet and all the dead of S5 are against her.
And then she dies and stays dead.
She should've just been normal and not a two faced bitch who tried to steal Tifa's bf and then maybe we'd care a bit more about her 🤷
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youre-ackermine · 8 months
hi Val, hope you're doing well <33 how about #1, 6, 11 for the aot ask game?
Hi Flo ✨
I'm doing well & I hope you do as well!
1- Who are your top three favorite attack on titan characters? Why?
Levi was the first character I appreciated. His strength, his confidence but also his concern & kindness for his comrades made me love him almost instantly.
Hange’s easy-going nature, their intelligence & determination, their boldness, their concern, kindness & friendliness for everybody made them my second blorbo. They’re amazing!
I also like Erwin, whose personality reminds me a lot of my husband’s lmao, because of his superior mind. He’s a great strategist, he sees what the others don’t see yet & he’s determined to go on no matter what.
Well, the three of them are also extremely handsome hehe 😉
6- Most heart-wrenching death?
Very difficult question, because all deaths in SNK are horrible. All the Vets’ deaths really made me sad but I can’t get over Hange’s sacrifice. I cried for hours when I read the manga, I cried for hours after the episode was released + several weeks after (even in front of my boss at the office 🫣). I still have tears in my eyes when I talk about their death. It feels like I lost a real person. It hurts like a bitch!
11- Favorite minor character?
I’ll say Moblit, for his constant support & dedication to his Buntaicho & their research. He is loyal, discreet & caring. It would have been nice to know more about him.
Thanks for sending an ask Flo ✨
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madraleen · 9 months
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The Promised Neverland - Kaiu Shirai/Posuka Demizu Vol. 16-20: A “YOU STUCK THE LANDING!” Commentary + Overall Thoughts
-the seven walls are time and space? very interesting.
-smol emma jumping out of the cupboard and screaming RAAAYYY is the epitome of emma.
-jeez, hayato is adorable
-wth, ayshe's and demon's story is heartbreaking
-one thing i have to commend the manga for is structure. it stops the action and moves away to keep the tension- but just so. just for long enough. not too long so that it becomes frustrating or that you've forgotten what's happening.
-julius' comrades as first food offers?! JEEZ!
-hayato is a snitch.
-Iss should ask for emma's family, right? the most important thing to her? i call the being "Iss," yes. i don't know what to do with the lettering
-okay, clearly the reward is an emma sacrifice, but i don't believe for a second that emma will get an unhappy ending so how are we solving this
-oi! OI! NORMAN IS COUGHING UP BLOOD, OI, STOP THAT! i figured he might have been experimented on too, but oi~
-omg ray's so happy to see sonju and mujika
-low-key cathartic that emma calls norman a liar that she can't trust. yes, girl, say it. it's the same thing, always the same story, it goes beyond this manga. the positive traits when someone is your ally become negative traits when they become the opposition, even though the person themselves hasn't changed at all.
-norman's "i'm scared" inner thoughts are heartbreaking
-the part where norman asks ray and emma to help him, heartbreaking
-norman: gives the most honest and vulnerable "i want" speech of his life. ray: got it. the brevity, the simplicity, i love it.
-with all those lil lines on his face, i'm just imagining norman permanently beet red at this point. and i love the idea that extreme determination and single-mindedness can actually be a cry for help. i haven't seen it put so bluntly before, and it's very true.
-now that norman's opened up, he looks like emma and ray's age. it's cool
-why did they give norman a bow, that boy can't shoot to save his life
-yes, oliver, slay! we love to see it
-damn there's such good moments in these final volumes, i'm starting to worry about s2 of the anime. is any of that there?
-YES ISABELLA YES! YES! she looks so chipper when she explains she'll betray the farm, lol.
-i know i'm obsessed with aot, but at times i legit think the promised neverland is the deliberate antithesis of aot. and i have no problem with that.
-leuvis is also a sibling? did we know that? if so, i forgot.
-ray's scarf is blue?! i imagined it maroon
-ugh, they shot minerva in the back. somehow that feels worse
-SMEE?! SMEE?! SMEE KILLED MINERVA?! NORMAN'S SMEE?! (*in retrospect, norman’s smee is never explored, oof. an oversight)
-ray and norman are having a sweet moment in the panel where everyone's celebrating the end of the farms, it's adorable
-aah okay, not gonna lie, i teared up at emma and phil's reunion
-ray's expression when he says sorry and thanks to phil, they nail it.
-oooh you're killing off isabella? i didn't expect it, but it makes sense.
-yeah, of course they love isabella and isabella loves them. it's not as black and white as ally and enemy.
-ray continues to be my favorite and most nuanced character, followed by norman. but ray is number one by far. by far far far
-I CALLED IT, THE REWARD MUST BE EMMA'S FAMILY! i don't know what that means yet, BUT I CALLED IT because the story abides by its logic, love that for it
-lmao imagine how terrified all these children/adults who knew nothing must be, just whooshing out of existence into another world
-AHAHA EMMA'S NOT HERE! NICE! what did she do and how do we save her
-yes, that's a good reward. true to the story. i mean, bad for everyone, but narratively good. amnesiac emma
-emma feeling the void in the space inside of her where her family was, very well-expressed
-ah. final chapter. please stick the landing.
-ASDJHKSFJK THEY FOUND HER, WHAT A GREAT PANEL, RAY AND NORMAN AND EVERYONE. she must be terrified. they're all strangers.
-my boy ray shines, i love it
-aww norman "thank goodness," what a soft boy. also he's crying, have we ever seen him cry before? he didn't cry for isabella
-the lambda group thriving :'))) they have effective medicine for their side effects :')))
-dang it, norman's speech is giving me the feels
-"why does it feel warm but also painful in my heart?" is literally a summary of the final chapter.
-ah, bb ray is crying now too
-mujika looks happy, and sonju looks sonjuish :)
-not sure if the old man knows it, but he's just been adopted by fifty thousand children
-okay, i am so happy. this is a perfect ending. this is just. it's so good. it tooketh and it gaveth and now the mini torettos can all live together. i'm so happy with the ending.
~ ~~ ~~~
-i'm so happy in general that i read the manga. we started off neutrally, then things got rough and i genuinely thought if it might be better to quit, but from around the midpoint and onward it just got better and better. the story is exactly what it promises to be, very true to itself, and it pays off in every aspect.
-ray is my GOAT in this manga. norman is as nuanced as ray, i just vibe with ray the most. but i consider them both good characters. emma, on the other hand, is a very straightforward character, very static, but she works. she is the pillar of the story and she's exactly what she's meant to be. i like that she pushes everyone towards kindness, and when *they* can't be kind, she takes care of the issue herself from a place of kindness so that they won't have to fight from a place of unkindness. it's an interesting approach. and then, i have a soft spot for oliver and hayato for some reason.
-one thing that made me roll my eyes was that in such a huge cast, everything is so unanimous. the norman and vincent incident aside, there's no fights, no real resistance, no dissent. but it's not the kind of story where there would be, where there would be a point to be, so i don't feel like holding that against it. and it tried to give it that aspect too, with emma going against her fam to find Iss and all that.
-everything abides by the logic and tone of the story. and the ending just elevates the whole thing even higher, because it stuck the landing so well imo.
-now on to the anime, to finally hear their voices. i fear for the dreaded s2, and dare i say, i am also a little intrigued.
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
Drift: Empire of Stone
Empire of Stone 1
okay now jump to the present. Honestly, love that Drift is out here not knowing what the fuck to do with himself but at least trying his best to do good in the meantime. Like, he could've gone back to Cybertron but god knows he feels like he's ruined all his chances with all sides of the Cybertronian populace, so drifting it is
love that Drift is simply better than Grit lmAO he's come a long way from getting tossed around by Wing
“be shoosh,” he says. Shut up nerd lmAO
“When's the last time you went in for repairs?” “The shuttle's fine.” “I wasn't talking about the shuttle.” ehehehehehe
“I like being out here, doing this,” he lied, trying too hard to look cool in front of his crush
sorry I went and said that as a joke and then I remembered that they get canon married so that's like. Actually not a joke lmfAO Ratchet actually is his crush and I still even now am fucking floored by that
gfdsjka love Grit's comrades being like “ooh, ooh, I'll rat!” “I'll rat as well, please”
“There's no point in living if you have to sacrifice everything you are to do it.” hell yeah
Empire of Stone 2
honestly I kinda like that we're facing the consequences of Drift's past actions as Deadlock in a way other than “someone wants to kill him for either defecting or for something he did as Deadlock”
also love that Drift folds immediately once Gigatron starts even mildly hurting Ratchet, gayass
“Decepticons don't slaughter their own kind for no good reason at all.” they like. Extremely do lmfAO there's an entire Justice Division that is known by literally all Cybertronians for doing exactly that but go off
gfjhdjks I will admit the humor in this miniseries is really hit or miss, but the jokes that hit are still so good, love Ratchet's attempt to escape jail by having Drift play dead and how it does not even slightly work
“You've got your own issues, I get it, don't put 'em on me.” Yeah, I bet Drift does see a lot of Deadlock in Grit, especially with how much faith he has in the Decepticon cause
Love Ratchet not taking one more second of Drift's self-sacrificing heroics. “Did kicking you out of the Autobots really have this much of an impact on you?” is a fucking excellent question to ask him. I don't think it was any kind of special attachment to the Autobot cause that made his exile hurt this much, but more just him being rejected by a community he was almost starting to finally belong in. Like if the Circle of Light had kicked him out, it would've made him just as much of a mess
Empire of Stone 3
I was gonna make a joke about Hellbat embarrassing Drift in front of Ratchet by bringing up something awful he did as Deadlock but it actually is really sweet how that doesn't deter Ratchet from bringing him back to the Lost Light at all. He knows damn well what Drift has done and he's already come to his own conclusion, thank you very much
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love this fuckin panel so much :')
I did not have a lot to say about this issue but honestly that's because I don't have a lot to say about the whole conflict what with Hellbat using the stone army to kill everything ever because I do not care lmAO I'm here for Drift and Ratchet and maybe a little Grit, he's pretty good
Empire of Stone 4
maneuver seven is just tossing a bitch
hell yeah, Drift, you assert that self worth
I'll be honest, I have not given a single shit about Hellbat or Gigatron this whole time, but there is something about their inability to move on from the war, their choice to kill and die in battle for the sake of it, not even for any cause, just killing and dying because it's all they can do. Drift was close to falling into that same trap, flying around and defeating rogue Decepticons because fighting is all he can do, but Ratchet's presence and Wing's memory helped him finally move on and let himself start to be something else
yeah this is kinda what I mean when I say the humor is really hit or miss lmAO this was a really good moment for Drift, finally realizing his worth as a person and I really wish it wasn't met with “that's pretty stupid.” Like I get that Ratchet was just jabbing, but like. You couldn't have had him say “it's about damn time” or something??? he's been waiting for Drift to have this realization for four million years, come on lmAO
good for Grit for moving on, too. Shame he never shows up again, at least not that I remember lmfAO I know for sure he's not in MTMTE or Lost Light, maybe he showed back up in another series and I just don't remember
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