#but the ‘there’s the fear’ quote matchup???
fuckyeahheartstrikers · 11 months
I know in the Heartstrikers books there’s a lot of emphasis on how Chelsie (and Felicity) takes after her mother (“reeks of Bethesda,” as per Fenghuang), and i know how they're narrative foils to each other and all, but let’s take a moment to appreciate the similarities between Bethesda and BOB?!
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Look at this shit. This makes me insane.
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Bethesda being initially underestimated by her father and brothers before she successfully staged her coup, and Bob being fully embraced by Bethesda as her seer only to then ultimately betray her too?
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Plus with Amelia being in the “starter clutch” and lacking the green eyes, this means Bob is the first child to truly look like Bethesda.(well, since the rest of his clutch died)
Like mother, like son.
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
Your match is...
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— Bachira Meguru
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✦ I'm sorry, I checked your bio after checking your Picrew and…
✦ …I only had Chigiri in my mind throughout my reading.
✦ I think you two would look super cool, for real.
✦ But then I put my superficial side aside and thought logically.
✦ Some of your sentences caught my attention.
✦ "I like open-minded people" and mostly: "I like when someone is gentle, can talk but also listen, has a big heart, is not afraid to stand out and be a bit unconventional in society’s eyes."
✦ This is super Bachira-coded, you know. It's like summoning him.
✦ "I want to be seen and heard." It sounds like a powerful quote on a movie poster.
✦ Also: "Someone who’s their truest self unapologetically." I was thinking that you found the most perfect fandom for this one since every character in Blue Lock is led to reveal themselves in their truest aspects on the field. Especially because there is no other choice if they want to succeed, you know.
✦ So yeah, when thinking of the best match for you, Chigiri took a step back -- or rather, Bachira jumped to the forefront.
✦ (The fact that you speak Spanish also makes me think of FC Barcha, which Bachira is a part of.)
✦ From the little I know about astrology, one of the best matches for Libras are Leos. Air and fire elements stimulate each other in a positive way. It's like in reality; air helps fire to rise.
✦ …And without air, there's no fire.
✦ Very proud of your 95 to 99% score average in love, marriage, communication, and so on.
✦ "I like to do art too, from digitally drawing to hand embroidery, photography occasionally, and handmade crafts." We know that Bachira's mother is an artist, and I like to think that Bachira inherited his original side from his mom. He shows his creativity on the field, especially when dribbling. We all remember his superb comeback during the second selection match when he was on Rin's team, against Isagi's.
✦ His style is very dynamic and uncommon, and I'm sure you would love to see his new tricks on the field.
✦ "Tarot cards, spirituality, crystals, astrology." I don't really see him being into this kind of stuff, but I can totally picture him being curious about it. Asking questions like, "And what does this card mean?" "Can you see my energy color right now?" "Are we compatible?"
✦ I think, except when he's at Blue Lock, he totally has the habit of going to bed very late just to continue talking about something interesting with someone.
✦ Eventually, he falls asleep on your lap.
✦ Bachira is the most optimistic guy ever; don't worry about the bad vibes—you won't get them with him.
✦ I tend to say it's a positive trait, but someone who does their best to avoid real subjects, or those that can hurt, can be led to miscommunication in the long term. This happened to Bachira during his match against Isagi, Barou, and Nagi: he completely dove into the darkness, not knowing how to act so he wouldn't be left behind.
✦ He has an inherent fear of being forgotten and abandoned. Even more when it comes to his soccer skills.
✦ That leads me to the next point:
✦ "I like to give gifts and quality time." I'm sorry, but it's totally acknowledged in the manga that Bachira's favorite thing is to receive gifts.
✦ And the fact that you're good at giving a listening ear (that's how I interpret this love language, at least), I also think you could detect when he's down or in a bad mood but doesn't want to admit it.
✦ Of course, since our precious bee is strongly sensitive, Bachira would burst into tears once you realize he's not doing as well as he claims.
✦ Tears release endorphins, the feel-good hormone, so it's actually a blessing in disguise for him. For you.
✦ He ends up smiling, cuddling you warmly, cheeks all red.
✦ "Thanks, Lyra."
✦ Take good care of this big baby. <3
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A word about your match: Like I said, I initially thought of Chigiri, and I still think the two of you would look super classy together. So in terms of appearance, the red panther suits you very well. But when it comes to personality, it's all about you and our happy bee.
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yinyuedijun · 5 months
HI MAO! hoping and praying you go through with the matchup game because that's like the equivalent of god bestowing the story of my life upon me.
GRSLJFSDJF help not god LMAOOO... full disclaimer though i think id lack the brainpower to do a full story synopsis but just like. the character + story tags/genres + maybe a line/quote or a picture of the story vibe. i wish i were powerful enough to provide an actual plot...
i do think i will do it though!!!! because i love to inflict emotional violence on people ~_~ i am a small fry blog though so itll probably take a while to hit the appropriate milestone i fear lol
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Matchup #2.16: Ghetsis Harmonia (Pokémon Black and White) vs Jake Sisko (Star Trek)
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Round 2 finale!
On the left, we see Ghetsis Harmonia. What Fashion Crimes did he commit? I'll just straight up quote the nomination here, it was gold!
"he’s wearing what I can only describe as a Castle Snuggie. The eye patterns are bad enough, intimidating even, but you get to the battlement thing that rests on his shoulders and any sort of fear that the outfit might have previously incited goes out the window. It looks like he stuck on an oversized cardboard cup holder over his robe and called it a day. And that’s not even mentioning that it only comes down to his ankles. Thus, not only does he look like a paper bag, but he also has on display, at all times, his brown geriatric loafers."
"Oh, and, to make it worse: his in-game battle sprite is wearing green socks"
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Right side, we have Jake Sisko, wearing a truly fascinating shirt. His Fashion Choices in general can be noted for:
clashing patterns and colors
yeah… that other thing below…
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Day 259: Sunday September 15, 2024 - "A Classic"
It was one of my favorite fantasy teams Ive ever had, and I had a pretty low stress fantasy summer thanks to a consistent regular season run but I finally found myself "beat" half way through the second week of this first round playoff matchup with my Dad, suddenly complaining to "Little Brother" about how my bats had just gone cold, after leading the league with .270 all week. I schemed my way back in, and held a comfortable leading going into the last day. And while I had already had to come to terms with the idea that I was most likely getting beat this year, here, by my Dad - it seemed only natrual then on that last morning, today - I kind of was pulling for him to pull it out. You just never know! And so instead of sitting my pitchers down, and playing it safe - I decided to let it roll and see what comes of it. And throughout the day, the Bulls on Parade proudly showed out, just enough to give me a pretty comfortable feeling lead going into Sunday Night Baseball - despite the fact that we both had several guys still going on the last game of the night. The game started and I was sitting comfortable at 7-4-1; some real theatrics would have to happen. My Dad was so done with it he was watching re-run Spartan games instead.... but I was paying attention. Waiting to see if, as I had predicted, the Baseball Gods would find some fun way to work this out for us. A cosmic Rock-Paper-Scissors. But roughly two and a half hours had passed, and the scorecard hadn't changed but I knew there was something in the air. I knew there was one way that this could all go down - if my closer comes in and gives up home runs to his guys, that could flip all this on its heads. And with 2 outs in the 9th inning, when it was close it out and go home, or create one for the history books, the Baseball Gods finally showed out and settled this in the most dramatic way. Back-to-Back HomeRuns. Whats more improbable? The ever inconsistent Max Muncy closed it out for him, on a 3-2 Pitch. He'd only hit 14 Homers all season. What are the chances and a now blown-out-game that he would even attempt for the fences. It maybe wouldn't have otherwise mattered, and in fact, when I called my Dad and made him watch it with me, I hardly believed him at all when he muttered "home run" over the phone slightly ahead of us apparently there in Michigan - but an instant later, the most perfect swing and I was never so happy to have lost before - to lose in that fashion, to be a part of that great story, that my Dad and I will replay for years. Unbelievable. Classic. Thats baseball. Fantasy or Not. Its made to break your heart - its made to make you believe that this impossible turn could be true....even with a full count, with 2 outs in the 9th, of the last game of the series. Tip of the hat - not so much to my Dad, who did deserve to win - but to the Baseball Gods who had their hand in letting the chips fall in a pretty special way. Now I just hope he goes and wins it all so I can send him a trophy for it all!
Quote: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward.”​ — Amelia Earhart
Song: Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar
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stunie · 1 month
Evie evie I'm here for anon matchup!! I'll give you some very random things that are floating in my brain for this one. If that's not your vibe I can give you a more traditional about-me so just lmk!
Current favorite words: incandescence. kallistos. incendiary. Currently listening to: "fine china" and "melancholia" by lana del rey. Current lyric: "it's not love that keeps me here." Current quote: "you are everything that has not yet been lost" Current insecurity+fears: my capacity for improvement fizzling; finding out the answers to questions i have regarding my own abilities.
hi hi nonnie !!! 🤍 hope you’re having a super lovely day ^ ^ oo i love the random facts very much actually!! they were super interesting to read :> i saw ur other ask too!! so im thinking of ….
akaashi keiji from haikyuu ?! i went to take a listen to the songs (and google the words bahahaha) AND I WAS OOOO HIMHIMHIM !! i think the vibe i get from you fits him so well. fine china in specific is so pretty …. am just imagining you two together n he’s writing while your head rests on his shoulder.., a very soothing pair. very aesthetic. very pretty. LOVE THAT. also i love that you have favorite words in general. i think akaashi would love to hear about them too ^ ^ you know that super soft smile he has ?! he’ll be making that face when you explain what the words mean :’) AAA . love love love !!
he remembers everything you tell him btw. listens very intently. has every obscure fact about you memorized and can recite it back to you at any given time ^ ^ because of that … he’s gotten really good at knowing what things you’re likely to dislike .. things you’ll probably like …
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3416 · 6 months
Yesterday when all those discussions of 'where would marner slot in once he returns' were going on i, riding the high of 'matthews has made it very clear he wants to play with marner and marner is happy to do it :)', confidently said where else would he go? right back to being beside his guy duh what an obvious conclusion what a useless discussion. And then i see the lines from practice and its like keefe is determined to turn me into the joker as we speak WHY is fuckass domi on the top line tavares needs a playmaker too he can have him get him offf my lineee
JFLKDSJFKLDSFKJLSD..... i fear i got too cocky, but those quotes from elliotte came at the worst time bc now i'm flabbergasted like. what do you mean they have to play without each other the second mitch is allowed back? i need them back there throwing TANTRUMS OK....
in all seriousness, i know keefe is just messing w the lineup on this stretch to the playoffs to test what works so we're not doing that mid-playoffs, but. i was really hoping i'd get to see mitch help get auston to 70, so this is not fun news to me (though i suspect he'll be back on the top line in a couple games ngl lol). and i know both bert and domi have some playoff success in the past, but domi has not played top line minutes and matchups to much success there so lol. he was third line center for dallas last yr like... as for splitting up the big 3... i feel like we would have done it by now if we thought that's what worked.. it ends up limiting some of their minutes at times i think... i actually don't mind willy on the third line, esp if calle comes back bc they have some really good chemistry usually and calle can be a defensive rock on that line but like .... who is gonna be with jt that can playmake but will also stop that line from getting scored on fjkdlsxz...... god. anyway, i could probably talk about my thoughts on the lineup for days beyond my initial 1634-only based annoyance but lol.
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osmus · 7 months
Hi there ^^ how are u doing? Can I please hv a... saturn from your event?? Fandom is genshin if its okay with you
My favorite aesthetic is retro and vintage... Anything that reminds me about classic old time, really
For the song... Psycho by red velvet. I know I know the song is not about a healthy relationship, but I feel like I won't be able to build a healthy relationship? Idk okay perhaps thats tmi
One fact about me, aaa hmm I'm protective by nature. When I'm with someone, I unconsciously keep my eyes on them. For example... I guide them to avoid holes on the street, or wrapping my arm around them when we're walking through a crowd. I also usually walk a step behind, so I can see clearly and not lose the person.
I hope this is sufficient... Thank you for making the event. And thank you too for accepting requests and working on them. You are so cool 💪💪
+ hi dear!! i'm doing quite well—how about you? and yes you may! i absolutely adore your aesthetic omg—my journals are filled with vintage washi tape. and i absolutely get what you mean about not being able to build a healthy relationship. i hope you eventually will get that healthy relationship, though! you definitely deserve one!
+ here's your matchup!
(want a matchup? check out my milky way event!)
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matchup ⋮ kaeya alberich.
okay so like i truly believe kaeya wouldn't be able to build a healthy relationship. he's the type to run when True Feelings are involved. he'll flirt, he'll date, he'll be sweet and a gentleman, but as soon as actual feelings start appearing, he'll run. however! that doesn't mean that's the end of the relationship between you two. there's something about you that has him coming back and he has to face his fears of a true relationship. but with you, it would be worth it. the relationship between the two of you would start off unhealthy but it will end up being a healthy one. because kaeya decided loving you was worth it and that it's what you deserve.
ideal date ⋮ painting date.
it's a bit random, i know but . . . hear me out, please! imagine it—he plans it for a night when the two of you aren't busy with work and other things. he takes you out to dinner than surprises you with a painting class. the two of you decide to do a couples painting, each choosing a scenery that you think the other would love. the entire time you two are talking and giggling with each other. kaeya goes to swipe his brush on your nose, but of course you see it and move away with a playful offended exclamation. i can see you two getting banned from the class afterwards. and here's the thing is, kaeya isn't a painter—i'm not sure if you are, but it would be amusing either way. back to kaeya, so he decides to paint you an old retro cafe. EXCEPT all paint colors merge together and it's a mess. you can't even tell what it is when he shows you and he knows it's a mess, but the time you two had together was the fun of it all. the two paintings get hung up on the wall.
lyrics / quotes ⋮ sweet by cigarettes after sex.
"and i would gladly break it. // i would gladly break my heart for you...// it's so sweet knowing that you love me."
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i hope this was what you expected! thank you again, for requesting and i truly hope to see you around! i also hope you get that healthy relationship because you deserve it.
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hymn-of-muse · 1 year
deepest, DEEPEST apologies, i should've consulted to your pinned first and foremost, i will blame my excitement on this one. once again, apologies love.
i came from your star rail matchup post! and let me tell you, you're amazing at your choice of words and skilled at invoking giddy, blushy feelings 🤭 i would love to request a honkai star rail matchup! now, i don't exactly know what information you seek, but i hope mine is acceptable and not too long for you
either call me grace, or chiyo, & i'm nineteen
— unfortunately, short (5'2 - 5'3) pear shaped physique, basically small tits, and plump lower body (gotta have something else for my lack of chest, so i worked out very hard 🥹)
— i have a neutral colored skintone, more on the lighter side, himecut hairstyle currently, i dress professionally, vintage like, wardrobe consists of black, red and white, silver/golden accessories of rings, a variety of earrings etc. this is when i'm outside anyways to formal events or just my plain aesthetic. i dont try to wear makeup, but when i do, its usually the dark feminine kind
— i'm an ambivert, but i'm not afraid to talk when its necessary or important, but i'm overall eerily quiet, observant, terrifyingly analytical that it threatens my feminity at times (quoted by my mom) i listen, and listen well. too well.
— my... demeanor and aesthetic is very contrasting to how i act around heavily attractive men. i flinch, i hide, i avoid their gazes, i stutter, my resolve fails. i falter — blush visibly in their compelling, appealing gaze. i'm a duality and i don't know if i should be proud or shameful about it.
— however, when i get past my shyness, i'm a tease, an open, affectionate flirt, but i don't flirt to hurt, i flirt to invoke, positive feelings, to make them feel wanted. but when i'm serious about them, it's the opposite, i'm silent, but overly, overly so observant of them, i spectate from afar, i blush from afar, and i seethe from afar when i get jealous, and its visible on my face as well, i'm posessive (and not in a jealous way, i just know what's mine, and mine only)
— and when they're mine. i'm an overly physically touch starved person, so i will shower them with endless touches of love and words any chance i get. i reaffirm their worries automatically, i will take care of them, love them with all my heart, that is of course... if its the same with them. and i dont mind showing love, my vulnerability and patience at all.
— i have a deep affinity for reading, playing games, fictional men (cough) art of all kinds, all kinds of music, anime, italian food, all kinds of desserts, and i love silence, dim lighting, elegant surroundings, and martial arts
— oh and i love when men call me mean nicknames such as "dumbass." "idiot." anything like that toned with affection, you can probably guess one of my main type already just by this info. right continuing, my type of man is so... flexible? it ranges from literal ruthless morally bad characters like blade, scaramouche, to people like welt, nanami, LYNEY. i'm so confusing.
but traumatized, immortal, older men, mature + mean, vulgar little shits? scrumptious, delectable.
— i heavily dislike misunderstandings, so i do my best to inform, and i try even harder to inform when i'm upset, i try my best to avoid conflict, to be silent. as for my case... conflicts usually arise because i'm too analytical, too obsevant, and that isn't a great pair with my severe anxiety and overthinking at all.
once again, sincerest apologies. i assumed you would be able to read with small font, and i fear i made this too long, hell, the one with small fonts had more details- so i toned it down here a bit! but i'm still kind of overthinking that this was too long for you, so if you decide to take on my request — thank you, for taking your precious time for me.
love, hiraeth
ah no worries!
darling youre a sweetheart thank you <3
i skimmed over what i could and at first himeko and kafka came to mind but youre specifying men so i think they'd just be your good friends, like someone you hang out with that matches your vibe to a t.
if youre on the trailblazer side, i say welt. he'd try and hide it through small mannerisms like adjusting his glasses or how he's holding his cane, clearing his throat and changing the conversation topic, but you know exactly how to really make him flustered. he's the type to try and be smooth and formal with his flirting but never expects the comebacks you retaliate with so hes always caught off guard and flustered by you.
he'd be down for some playful banter here and there too.
welt would certainly enjoy spending time in the lounge of the train with you, reading, having tea, maybe occasionally having a cup of himeko's coffee, and generally discussing topics of interest. he's more than happy to listen to you talk and answer any questions you might have.
he's also very quick to act if youre in danger and will affectionately scold you afterwards whether you were being cautious or not in the first place. he'll call you an idiot for running into danger then gently kiss your hand or forehead and tell you he's glad youre alright.
however, if youre on the side of the stelleron hunters, i'd say blade is your fit. i'm quite behind and dont know blade as well as most players now adays but he's absolutely your type.
constant banter, affectionate bullying, pet names that sound like harsh name calling but really are just him not being able to express himself better. that and he's too stubborn to admit how soft he can be for a person.
unlike how welt would be outwardly soft with you, blade is blunt and monotonous, straight forward and acts more like your shadow to make sure you dont end up in trouble or hurt.
he's the kind of person to tease back when youre flirting but also the kind to get jealous quick. he's not normally a pda person but he is one when hes jealous and never really minds you being close or clingy so long as there isnt a fight or something going on.
he's a bit indiferent on how he spends his time, but he does prefer quiet and calm activities.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
I'd like a matchup please and thank you!
Love language: Physical touch
Personality: I'm generally a laid-back, open-minded, caring, and friendly person. I'm not the type to just start talking to a stranger unless needed to though. I joke a lot to the point that people say I'm never serious. Sometimes I come off as insensitive because I joke too much regardless of the situation or when I don't react strongly/appropriately to a situation as a "normal" person would. Ironically, I like to act overdramatic about minor things. I've also been told that I'm odd due to choosing to do things unconventionally or just being weird in general. I'm family-oriented and usually put them first before anything else. I also like going along with people's shenanigans as long as it's entertaining, doesn't hurt others, and I don't get into trouble.
Likes: Mangoes, rings, receiving praise, kids, napping, spicy foods
Dislikes: Spiders, mold, cheese, hot weather, entitled people, sour foods (except mangoes)
Hobbies: Rhythm games, taking quizzes, indie games (I'm too scared to play the horror genre of games by myself though)
Ideal Date: Amusement park; movie watching is my least preferred date
Talent: Getting invited to places I shouldn't be in the first place
Something I'd Like to Improve On: Ice skating and trombone playing
Bio/Quote: "At the root of jealousy is fear and sadness."
And I'm cool with being matched with staff!
You enter the matchmakers tent, looking for your match...
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Lilia seems like the perfect match for you, he'll enjoy your humor, yet will take you seriously if need be, not to mention he himself is a family oriented person with a love for kids and children!
He'd cater to your overdramatic tendencies as well, often times for his own pleasure as he enjoys your reactions thoroughly, he'll tease you about it as well.
As for your ability in not reading the room well, it'll be fine.. Lilia, is ok with that! He knows it's difficult reading the room, and he'll help you improve on that skill if need be.
Praise, Lilia will make it evident when he's proud of you, and will remind you how much he loves you often, his teasing can be a bit too much at times, but he truly loves you.
As for date's, he's willing to do anything really! If you want to go to an amusement park? Then sure, 'Let's go to an amusement park'!
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Sorry if this isn't what you expected!!
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
Hey congrats on your milestone!!! If it isn't to much trouble may I have (male) obey me matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. My height is 5'0. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 7 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Somethings I dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk.I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. My ideal relationship would be with someone who is loyal and supportive. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you:)
thanj you! you are not bothering me at all. dw, your ask and grammar are fine!
*drumroll* i match you with
used to the ruckus at HOL because of his brothers, your shyness feels like a breath of fresh wind. with time, when you start opening up to him, he feels special that you are comfortable around a being of wrath who usually instills fear. the feeling that you allow him to get closer to your heart while accepting all of him is too beautiful to express in words.
he is not one to mention appearances but he can't help but find your height cute. of course, if it bothers you, he never mentions it again but if you are fine with it, he gets playful. he will ask you to sit on his lap and then tease how his chin fits perfectly in the crook of your neck because of the height difference.
if your interests lie in roller and ice skating, better believe that this man researches about those feverishly and masters those to accompany you. he thinks that it's cute to catch your partner just when they are about slip while skating so he is secreting wanting you to slip into his arms just like you slipped into his heart.
he's a major show-off, but only so that he can impress you. he needs to show you his best side, and his knowledge regarding the stuff that you are interested in. he is too cool for the world, isn't he? *twirls hair* that's his mating call \(0_0)/
reading time together! he finds nothing more romantic that being in the same room and doing what you love. recommending books, discussing them, marking quotes that reminds him of you, whispering romantic lines that he feels perfectly describ his feelings are common in your relationship.
satan enjoys watching documentaries with you, and keeps introducing you to new ones. the devildom has a bunch of amazing documentaries that only a dedicated dork like him could have found.
oh tell him about it! books are sacred even for this demon, so he understands your sentiments. once mammon damaged one of his books while stealing it and let's just say it wasn't lucifer who scared the second born that time. being a good listener and genuinely interested in what you have to say, satan listens to you and offers his own opinions enthusiastically. he has a warm regard for your intelligence and will memorise every word you utter to learn more about you. hell forbid that someone speaks over you in front of him. if you feel too awkward to speak up, he subtly asks you to finish, making the interruptor stop and feel a little foolish so they pay you attention. he catches on your discomforts pretty easily but he doesn't interfere always. he wants you to stand up for yourself!
you two often listen to music together using one earphone, arms brushing against each other and smiling inwardly.
this man will be loyal and supportive in whatever endeavour you choose to dedicate yourself to. any help you need, he will be there to provide it- be it resources or moral support.
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rye-views · 11 months
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Alice in Borderland. 今際の国のアリス. 7.8/10
I would recommend this manga to my friends. I wouldn't reread this manga.
We really were so quick to adjust to this new world. It's really crazy to think about someone risking their life to save yours. Like, in manga form, it seems normal, but if you think about it irl. Crazy.
Karube is so hot still. I completely respect Chouta when a younger him tells Arisu that he can blame the window break on him. I don't have that kind of attitude. Chishiya's first game is so fun. The cheater mentality is interesting. I truly do think Kuina is so cool. Arisu and Usagi's relationship is more likable in manga form. I reaaallly like Kyuma. I feel we would really get along despite me never having met someone like him. I really like the Chishiya and Kuzuryuu matchup and the Yaba and Banda matchup. Honestly, this manga is so intelligent and existential. I love the author for everything.
Arisu choosing to become heartless in the game of hearts disgusts me a bit because his reasoning is so that he can endure. But, it's really at the cost of others. I understand being heartless to endure but hurting others is another thing. I like Chouta even less in manga format. He's so perverted.
Lmaoo at the depression shirt Usagi got Arisu. Lmaoo at Kuina taking her bra off and being like you can't get it up because I'm a man yah right?
Why do they even have so many fire arrows to throw?
Memorable Quotes: "Flawless victory mode." "Those who want to die, raise your hands." "Even in hell, I'll do the same." "After all, I'm just bad at giving up!!" "On the mountain, there are no illusions." "If you have the resolve to kill then you have the obligation to eat." "To 'live' and choose not to 'die' is a freedom." "I just can't hold back when it comes to bastards who have no standards." "It's not that you can't stop yourself" "It's that you no longer have a reason to stop" "You don't need safety or security...If your own strength falters...you just return to the soil" "There seems to be no salvation..." "I just...want to experience something nice...Something that would make us feel that there's a reason for us to continue living..." "A fresh start varies by person." "After all, the only things idiots can do is mimic others" "Are you simply someone who lives being thankful to others?!" "I hope you'll find it soon" "Something true to yourself. A reason for living." "You two be good to each other until the end" "You no longer need to work so hard." "far more terrifying than death. That fear is called agony." "Humans, when presented with the unintelligible think 'Surely someone will be able to make me understand' They shut down their active thinking and become passive about the situation." "If you are not an aristocrat, you are not a person." "Have you ever thought about leaving for somewhere? Just anywhere?" "It was like I existed to show just how empty a human can be..." "It is because one seeks an answer that one suffers." "The further you step into the darkness, the better your opponent can see your mind."
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tigreblvnc · 13 days
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — @anglefish3008
Your match is...
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— Bachira Meguru
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✦ Coco, you remind me of a disco ball.
✦ The kind that spins, spins endlessly, loves to party but only lights up at certain hours — at night.
✦ And I know the one who will dance with you at any hour of the day and night, whether you shine brightly or need to rest.
✦ 🐝🐝🐝
✦ Your likes section screams Bachira so loudly that I had no one else in mind :)
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✦ What’s funny is that both of you radiate a very sunny energy on the outside. There’s a lot of liveliness in the way you carry yourselves, in your words. People sometimes tell you that you talk too much… That you think of too many random things with no connection…
✦ In this world, where most people can’t keep up with your creativity, it must’ve felt so refreshing to have found each other in the middle of this jungle we call society.
✦ Like, you saw each other, locked eyes… And you just knew.
✦ There are some connections that don’t need to be confirmed with words; they happen through the gaze alone. That little thing that turns two strangers into two best friends.
✦ You’re typically the kind of duo that people would think have known each other for ten years, even though you just met two hours ago.
✦ I also sense a lot of anxiety and uncertainty behind your sunny façades; it’s an aspect where you find common ground.
✦ "People tell me they can’t imagine me ever getting angry at someone or something." I can’t imagine Bachira falling into a similar state either. And in fact, I can’t remember it happening even once in the manga — it’s more about the fear of being abandoned rather than anger towards someone. Moreover, I think Bachira is more likely to direct anger towards himself than others.
✦ "It’s the best feeling to make someone smile or laugh in my opinion, it’s what I strive for!" This reminded me of the times when Isagi gets down because he can’t figure out a complicated situation. Bachira is often the one who comforts him, even indirectly, lighting up his mind and giving him the faith to rise again. Like you, Bachira is a little living, pocket-sized sun, fluttering from one place to another.
✦ Your endless source of optimism :)
✦ "He thinks his strong point is being optimistic and being able to have fun in any situation. He thinks his weak point is not worrying about things enough." Do I need to add more?
✦ The fact that you dance… I can only imagine Bachira LOVING it. Like, seriously, I see him doing breakdancing or hip-hop, street-style dancing.
✦ "LOVE CHILDREN AND IM AWESOME WITH THEM!!" Honestly, Bachira is still very much the child he was, who learned to survive school by playing football.
✦ "It’s yellow, I had to buy it." “Coco, that was 30 dollars.” “IT’S YELLOW I HAD TO BUY IT.” It’s my favorite color, and I’ve been told the color reminds people of me." ….. :D Need I explain?
✦ The connection with art is also obvious, and even though I don’t see Bachira spending a lot of time drawing like his mother, he certainly has the mindset. He’s very creative, free, original, loves doing things his own way, and follows his intuition. I think when he encounters someone who is sensitive to art, it’s already a sign to him that something good can happen.
✦ "My favorite animals are cats and orcas/any whale or dolphin." I think I’ve read the wiki of the entire Blue Lock cast at least once, and there are always a few elements that stick with me because they come a bit out of nowhere. The fact that the dolphin is also Bachira’s favorite animal…
✦ "We love to play video games and cry together when it has a sad ending." I’ve noted that Bachira is one of the few characters who openly admits to crying regularly. To me, this implies that he is very in touch with his emotions and doesn’t try to hold back. When it needs to come out, it comes out. His openness about his emotions makes him communicative, transparent, and truly honest.
✦ Your gray eyes… A passion for him.
✦ I quote: "He has a fetish for eyes. He thinks that they are where you can see a person’s heart the clearest."
✦ The fact that you share many common points gives you the advantage of knowing how to handle the other during moments of hesitation, discomfort, fear, or sadness. I see you as people who need emotional comfort rather than cold, logical solutions. You’re on the same wavelength in this regard.
✦ I see Bachira as a kind of little brother to you. I get that you have a very "best friends" relationship with yours, and I feel that’s the type of bond you have with Bachira. A strong and unbreakable connection.
✦ "Don’t know if you play Splatoon, but all Splatoon music is my favorite genre." I know the concept of this game, and I think it really fits Bachira’s aesthetic — very colorful, nervous, and fast-paced. This type of music suits him because it reflects his style of play.
✦ "Bullies are the worst."
✦ "Don’t really have a huge preference. I like all of them! Whatever way you like to express affection I will EAT UP." Bachira’s primary love language is physical contact, but I think it’s something he easily gives to anyone he feels comfortable with. We can also add quality time, as shown whenever he stays close to Isagi to give him a boost. On his end, he’s very much in need of words of affirmation! He’s a big baby who needs reassurance when he thinks his skills aren’t enough or when he’s stuck. It was even the absence of comfort that led him to a big down on the field during his match against Isagi.
✦ "My wallet is empty purely because I love giving anything and everything to the people I like." Hmm, can we talk about this detail in Bachira’s info… "He likes when he is given gifts, no matter what they are."
✦ And I keep saying this, but on a more astrological note, fire signs, in theory, tend to get along well because they adopt and understand a similar dynamic. Typically, Sagittarius for you and Leo for Bachira; this leads to an explosive, energetic relationship between two profiles who love to travel, try new things, laugh, have fun, and push themselves.
✦ OVERALL: you’re a bonfire in the hearts of your friends <3 even people who don’t know you well find you endearing, even if they think you’re a little weird. They might quietly whisper about your parents' presence in your upbringing but end up saying it doesn’t matter because, after all, you’re both radiant today.
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✦ Bachira doesn’t read much, but he likes books with pictures. It’s more explicit, more alive for him. While you read sports manga indoors during the summer, he’s outside, living out everything you read through the pages. Your shonen in real time, visible from your window. And it’s funny, but that’s how you predict events happening to him.
✦ Summer being his favorite season, it’s the only real time of the year where everything opposes you. He prefers to exhaust himself under the summer sun, training his dribbles, making trips across the city to beat his record and improve his performance while you lay on the cool tiles, enjoying the chill indoors.
✦ When he comes back, he’s completely drained but with a huge, grand smile on his face because he had fun, and he plans to do it again the next day.
✦ Totally the annoying type who never closes the windows and lets everyone get eaten alive by mosquitoes.
✦ At the same time, he can never sleep when it’s that hot, so he watches movies with you. Lots of movies. And crying over sad films gives him the feeling of being less hot.
✦ Probably a soft heart when it comes to Titanic.
✦ And very sensitive to Dumbo, whose difficult situation reminds him of his own childhood. He always ends up in tears within the first few minutes of the film; it hurts so much.
✦ At the same time, you understand, and you don’t judge at all; you comfort him by taking him into your arms, letting him collapse onto your lap, even if it leads to an impromptu nap.
✦ But tomorrow is a new day, and that day belongs to football. For you, to dance.
✦ As you spend more time together, you start to pick up on each other’s athletic abilities. He begins to pull off crazy tricks on the field, inspired by your movements in the studio, while you become more and more creative and skillful with your legs, having followed Bachira’s training sessions.
✦ At some point, no one will be surprised to see him casually replace you during one of your sessions.
✦ I also think he gets along very well with children, and probably many of them adore him when he comes to see you at ballet. He’s the one around whom all the kids gather, and you always find Bachira with five kids clinging to him in all sorts of ways — on his back, his shoulders, and his legs.
✦ If he plays video games, it’s probably the ones where you have to move a lot physically, like Just Dance. All this to a pop-rock background while you coach him through the steps.
✦ Visit to the giant aquarium to watch the orcas and feed the dolphins…
✦ ^ His dream date.
✦ He spends the entire afternoon with his face pressed against the glass, watching the schools of fish. Curiously, Bachira is very quiet, so focused on the ever-moving display.
✦ When he speaks, it's to call you over and ask, "What's this species called? And that one? And that? And the one over there? Why is it doing that? Can it come up to the surface? How long can it stay underwater? Does it sleep with its eyes open?"
✦ You and him never leave this place.
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Bachira sticks his head through the doorframe but finds no one.   He doesn’t hear anything either.
In his arms, he holds a box with a closed lid.   Something seems to be moving inside.
"Coco, are you there?"
Usually, you're always here in the summer. You don’t like going outside, so… It’s easy for the bee to find you.   But not today.   Weird.   Where have you gone?
Still holding the box, Bachira heads upstairs. He walks past the bathroom and stops in front of your bedroom door.   He knocks and waits.   But nothing.   One minute,   two minutes…   Time stretches, and Bachira leans in to skillfully open the door with his elbow without dropping his package.
"Coco, it’s me."
Your silhouette appears, seated at your desk.   Bachira walks up behind you, smiling when he realizes your headphones are blocking out all sound.   He props the box on his left arm and gently pulls your headphones back, freeing your ears.
"Surpriiiiiiise!"   "Bachi!"   "I called you, but you didn’t hear me, so I let myself in. What are you up to?" "I’m listening to a new album that just came out, it’s pop, you might like it."   "Probably! Hey, I need to ask you something."   "What?"   "I was on my way back, and right after the bakery, I found this."
He places the box in front of you.   Intrigued, you spin your chair around and open the box, revealing three little furballs.
"Oh no… Kittens…!"   "I looked for their mom, but they were all alone, and it was really hot outside. I didn’t know what to do, but I know you like taking care of them."   "We need to call the vet. Can you get a towel? We’ll find them a cozy spot in my brother’s room."
He wasn’t home for the weekend, and until a more permanent solution could be found for the little ones, his room would become a refuge for the three little angels.
"Don’t worry, I got it. You think they’re hungry?"   "Hard to say, but they don’t look too skinny. Alright, I’m heading downstairs; I’ll be right back."
While you go to the kitchen to grab what’s needed, Bachira sets up a makeshift home for the litter, their tiny paws twitching in the air.   When you return with the supplies, Bachira is crouched down, watching the tiny felines, looking fascinated.
"So, how do they seem?" You ask. "I think they’re alright. The two small ones won’t stop fighting. The third one is still sleeping."   "That’s pretty strange, though. You said they were abandoned near the bakery?"   "Yeah. I didn’t see anyone around."   "I bet they haven’t been there long; otherwise, someone else would have picked them up. Their abandonment is probably very recent. Did you check if they were hurt?"   "The two seem fine, but I’m not sure about the one that’s sleeping. We’ll need to check the other side of its body. Did you call the vet?"   "No, I’m about to. Can you keep an eye on them for me?"   "Got it."
And while you were dialing the number,   Bachira leaned in a little closer to the lively trio.
These weren’t the first orphaned cats to end up at your place, and likely not the last.   Bachira looked over at you and smiled, whispering.
"What you do for them is really amazing, Coco."
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A word about your match: A bee and a disco ball dancing under the sun :) By the way, I looked at your blog at the end of the matchup and: Did I meet a fellow Frenchie? :D
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jklovu · 2 years
hey!! could i possibly get a homestuck
matchup for matesprit?🦐 meow
my classpect is rogue of light
i’m 5’3 afab non-binary with no preference for gender 💥 i’m also autistic and struggle socializing and like expressing myself
i have a special interest in marine biology like i can literally go on and on about it
megladon overrated livyatan whale better
i like madoka magica and land of the lustrous too
my love language is quality time and gift giving
here r some like quotes from
me 😭 cuz i don’t know how else to describe myself
“i’m tired of doing y’all’s side missions😒😒
“😭😭this is the world we live in
i cant do this🐺
who is stabbing me”
“💣💣hi hi chai
💥💥bye bye chai”
“don’t krill me please‼️‼️🦐”
“whale whale whale isn’t it carlos
“ 🙄🙄just facts man
i also had a crush on gamzee when i was 11 so that was a thing
idk what else to put here i’ve never done a matchup b4 sorry
i match you with....
Feferi Peixes!
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let me explain,
The Rogue of Light is basically THE rambling classpect, and is all about learning and stealing information. The Rogue of Light is FULL of useless information that they are BEGGING to share. They steal very diverse sources. They may have a terrible memory, but have a memory of a certified expert when it comes to their hyperfixations. One can even call this classpect "neurodivergent-coded".
Rogues start out with the mindset that they don't have a lot of their aspect. For the Rogue of Light, they start out thinking that their very stupid. They aren't. You aren't. The Rogue of Light assumes the worst about the knowledge they have gained, they fear being wrong and don't do anything about it. They also go to great lengths to prove to others around them that no, they aren't very smart. Even if they are.
The Rogue of Light has the hardest time seeing what’s in front of them, and what’s in front of them is that they are very very smart. Those surrounding a Rogue of Light know that the Rogue is super intelligent.
Feferi LOVES hearing about your knowledge about marine biology. You guys could go on and on talking about marine biology together. She got you a livyatan whale plushie once (they look so silly!!!)
She likes magical anime girl anime!! and lotl???? please lets mako this matespritship offishal already!!! Binge watch magical girl anime with her!!
Loves giving and receiving gifts !! cherishes all of the ones you give her <3 and loves just..hanging out with you. your hive or hers, dinner date,,,you name it and shes probably on board!!
overall, 10/10 would love to see
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Matchup #4.4: Miuccia Miuller (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) vs Ghetsis Harmonia (Pokémon Black and White)
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Last but not least! Final matchup of the quarterfinals!
On the left, stands menacingly Miuccia or Miu Miu, from the most recently animated Jojo part. Curious what her nomination listed among her Fashion Crimes?
her skirt has upside down text that says "h8t" and "shotfud"
are those eyeballs???
her eyebrows,,,
her coat looks vaguely like intestines (or brain I guess??)
her hair "looks like a bolt hit her in a cartoon"
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On the right, we see Ghetsis Harmonia,who just barely pulled through last round. What Fashion Crimes did he commit? For newcomers, I'll just straight up quote the nomination here, it was gold!
"he’s wearing what I can only describe as a Castle Snuggie. The eye patterns are bad enough, intimidating even, but you get to the battlement thing that rests on his shoulders and any sort of fear that the outfit might have previously incited goes out the window. It looks like he stuck on an oversized cardboard cup holder over his robe and called it a day. And that’s not even mentioning that it only comes down to his ankles. Thus, not only does he look like a paper bag, but he also has on display, at all times, his brown geriatric loafers."
"Oh, and, to make it worse: his in-game battle sprite is wearing green socks"
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
i'm really short, skinny but in a athletic kinda way, blonde, brown eyes. i had a cleft palette as a baby, but i had a lot of surgeries to get rid of it. my super power is that i can't get brain freeze after eating ice cream because the nerve endings in my mouth were messed up from all the surgeries. i'm kinda insecure about my face and body though. pretty sure i have body dysmorphia. i was adopted. i have an adopted little brother too. we're both from russia. i love ballet and i used to dance when i was in school. besides dance, my other passions are animals and kids. i want to work as a vet or as a pre-school teacher one day. i also love chocolate a lot. i'm a pretty quiet person. i love inside jokes with my friends and i have a really snarky sense of humor. i can sometimes come off as mean if i don't get what i want but my main fear is that i'll end up alone in life and that i need someone to love me in order to feel worthy.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
Darrell "Shifty" Powers
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Ship dynamic:
In Love & Unaware Of It™
«Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror, no feeling is final.»
Bet he pins you as a preschool teacher the first time he meets you; he finds that endearing and he's pleased when he learns he was on the right track.
He's good with kids —good with people in general, dare I say—, so that's something you got in common.
He adores to see you interact with kids, like, I just know that puts a beam on his face every single time.
The whole company thinks you're dating. Shocker, you're not. Yet.
You just act around each other like you're the most lovesick couple ever since minute one, and you're not even together yet.
When you eventually start dating it gets somehow less couple-like??? Until you start to get fully comfortable.
While Shifty will absolutely love you and make you feel the most loved you've ever been, he's going to make you unlearn that you need THAT to feel worthy.
It's gonna be a long haul, but I'm sure this angel will manage.
He also teaches you that you don't need to be mean in order to get what you want; as Cinderella would say (and probably Shifty too), you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I know it's not an original Cinderella quote shush
He shows you how you can get your way much easier with kindness and sweet words, and you eventually pick up on doing that, which makes you look much better even though you're doing the same.
Shifty never thought much of ballet until he met you. You saw him how graceful and beautiful it is, and now he loves it.
You two go to ballet shows everytime you can.
This man BEGS to see you dance for a long time. He'll only give up if you a) give him a taste of what you learned from those ballet classes, or b) show him photographs, you choose.
He also likes to slow dance with you.
Shifty finds absolutely outstanding and impressive that you can't get brain freeze from eating ice cream.
Like, he will genuinely gasp in shock, it'll definitely be hilarious.
He buys you ice cream a lot, just because he loves to see you not get brain freeze— someone explain why is he so adorable?
Cue ice cream dates.
This cinnamon roll is confused at first about the way you see your own body and face; he can't wrap his head around the idea of you not seeing yourself in an accurate way.
Like, he sees you; you're gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, amazing. Then he hears you and he just??? does not compute???
He'll eventually understand and try to help you the best he can. Having a distorted version of yourself is not an easy thing to deal with, but if someone can hold your hand while you walk through it, that's Shifty.
Lots of caressing, specially in your face; he loves to stroke your cheeks while you two smile like two idiots.
I'm getting falling asleep on each other's shoulders vibes.
I'm also getting comfortable silence when you two cuddle vibes.
Tons of inside jokes that tear quiet laughs from both of you while you're in a group, leaving the others clueless.
You two are lovely to watch, the definition of wholesome OTP.
Please, get married.
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