#but the MCU is a special case because it is just so big
oldtvandcomics · 1 year
I felt like it, so I rewatched two Phase 1 Marvel movies I haven’t seen in like two years (First Avenger and The Avengers), and like, they are actually very good?? Like obviously not the height of cinema, but very fun, well-made movies.
It’s just so sad, because in the past few years, the MCU has become synonymous with mediocrity, and it would be so easy to think that maybe we had it wrong all along and were just young and naive during the older stuff, but no.
We really had this nice thing and now it’s ruined.
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 5 months
The Everyman Problem
So, I've had a kernel of a Bionicle post rattling around in my for a couple weeks that I haven't quite been able to articulate, but I think I might have the angle to explain it now.
I'm an "old Bionicle fan": by which I mean, I'm old enough to have got into Bionicle in the "Mata Nui" era (2001-2003). A glance at the notes on my big [unfinished, looking abandoned] alt-canon fanfic shows that I'm old enough to have disliked the change of the Toa from Mata to Nuva... in 2002.
So, which that as background, remember that I'm old enough to remember a time when it wasn't known at all that Matoran, Toa, and Turaga were all the same "species."
Thinking back on it, I don't think I initially "noticed" the revelation that no only were the Turaga were former Toa, but the Toa (Metru) were Matoran before that--Takanuva too, but he was something of a special case. In 2004, I was really just absorbing that Vakama, Onewa, etc. were former Toa--that "Toa" might mean something other than "single demi-urgic hero of each element." I got there eventually, as far as acceptance goes, but it part of my age-related fade out of the Bionicle fandom.
2006, on the other hand, emphasized the other part that I'd ignored more during the LoMN/WoS era: that Toa came from Matoran. I still don't love this, but until last night I couldn't really lay a finger on how to express why.
I thought it might just be my habitual stick-in-the-muditude: you changed Jaller from Captain of the Guard! You changed Matoro from Nuju's stoic interpreter to a worry-ridden saviour.
I also thought it might just be the genre shift: it's all fantasy, of course, but it's a different thing from the island mythology-vibe of Mata Nui to the Lost City of Atlantis vibe of Metru Nui (and then the vibes beyond). I like the Toa more as unique elemental avatars than evolved Matoran, but that's not really it either.
Last night, though, I watched later era Marvel movie--it doesn't matter which one, because they all have this problem--and as the credits were rolling, I realised that the reason I don't really like the MCU is much the same as this "problem" I had with Bionicle: if just about anyone can be a superhero, you lose the "ordinary" members of the story.
Putting it another way, I realised I prefer "chosen one" stories to "X-men" stories. This is probably the Tolkien fan to some extent: you can have a world full of magic and heroes and super-powers, but if it also has "ordinary" folk, their specific importance in the story is that they ARE ordinary: Gandalf and Aragorn are heroes and amazing, yes, but Frodo never "levels up"--he is a greater person at the end of the story than the beginning, but it is the growth of an ordinary person.
Because superheroes are so common in the MCU (or DCU, etc), it's hard to have ordinary people be front and center--and harder still for them to stay ordinary people. And something like that is my problem with where Bionicle went that I don't think ever fully resolved for me: part of the wonder of Mata Nui, the whole storytelling point of MNOG is that the Matoran contribute to the victory too: they have no mask powers, no elemental powers, but they are there to help the heroes and do their part and its essential.
This already starts changing with MoL, it changes more with LoMN, and by the time we get to the Voya Nui arc, we've gone "Full MCU": everyone in the story can be a Toa.
I think, if the Inika had been "four or five" new characters and only one "already-known" Matoran, I'd have been much happier. But when you take the most prominent Matoran from every tribe and make them all Toa... who's left? The headcanons that the Chronicler's company become Toa too both satisfy and don't work for me for this reason. They satisfy me if they leave the Inika as Matoran, because I think that was a better way to go; they annoy me if they're BOTH Toa now, because that exacerbates what I think is the "problem" here.
It's not really a problem, objectively, but it is my subjective sticking point. And it's the reason that even though I might keep most of this lore, despite the grumbling, I'm willing to jettison completely and utterly the idea that "only some Matoran are destined to become Toa." Destiny is always a hard thing to make work in the story, but the Doylist result is that Matoran now come in two categories: Special Protagonist and Ordinary: and the Ordinary is now completely swept off the stage and I really don't want that: I want the story to include a real focus on some powerless, ordinary individuals.
So I'd rather it be that ANYONE can turn into a Toa: they don't, maybe, because the circumstances lead there, but every Matoran has that potential. Because if anyone COULD be a hero, then at least when they do become a hero, it's more ordinary.
But I'd still rather that none of them could--but I'm not sure that is a concept you could return to without retconning Gen-1 so far that you end up with Gen-2. And I don't think I want THAT either.
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Hi! I want to share what may be a controversial hot take with you, I don't know. But I would really like to know your opinion!
Is it just me, or should identity not be this much of an issue with characters who are gods? I mean, the MCU has Thor trapped in an endless loop of journeys of self-discovery. They have Loki trapped in an endless loop of self-sacrifice, now quite literally trapped. They have Sylvie moping around in bars and working at McDonald's, and they have Valkyrie cutting ribbons at ice cream parlor openings. Isn't all a little too mundane? I understand that they must feel a need to make these characters relatable to an extent, but to cut them down so low and make them so lowly that we're rolling our eyes and actually pitying them. Why?
These characters are gods! They should be embracing it, owning it, unapologetically! Thor should be king of Asgard by now! With Loki beside him, driving him crazy and keeping him on his toes, making wonderful chaos and mischief everywhere! Does Loki want power and a throne? So what if he does! He's a god! He is entitled to power and a throne! Whether anybody likes it or not, Loki IS the son of a king - TWO kings if you want to get technical - so why the F not? These characters should be wild and larger than life! Unmanageable and untamable. They should only be rising in power, not taking orders at Mickey D's or wearing ugly brown 3-piece suits getting pushed around by brainwashed mortals!
I just think the quest to humanize and normalize and make these characters relatable has completely ruined them. It took all the fun out. The wonder and magic is gone. The fantasy is gone. The escapism is gone. What do you think?
Hi honey! Sorry for the delay in answering.
I mostly agree with everything you say here. It's like they want these grand characters to be humanized so they can be relatable, but in order to do that they get rid of everything that makes them different from human characters so they all end up being pretty samey.
I do believe that the journey of discovery can be done with any character, be it the most powerful ones or the non-powered humans, but the journey should be completely different... just like the outcome. A human can strive to discover who they are and own it by ending up working as a barista at a cafe. But a god (or a goddess in this case) should not be waiting tables at a McDonald's in hers. You can still make her relatable while keeping her godlike status!
At the end of the day, if you want the non-powered characters and the OP ones to go through the same path and end up in the same spot then... what's the difference between them? If you change Sylvie's name and she's called Victoria and she's a 26-year-old human from Italy, does the story really change that much?
What I mean is those stories should be personalized to each character so that the journey only makes sense for that specific character, but instead all those stories are pretty standard to the point that they would fit a god, a regular hero and a dumb citizen.
It was very painful seeing Valkyrie doing TV commercials while New Asgard is a freaking tourist attraction. Was that really necessary? Showing the Asgardians as just regular people now who dress like humans, work like humans, and their King is a celebrity who announces drinks on TV? That's not making them relatable, that's ridiculing them.
I don't mind Thor not being King of (New) Asgard because he gave up the throne in TDW and I like the idea of him giving up that power after he saw what it did to Odin... but why can't we have a scene where he says just that? Where he explains it? We just see him giving it up and handing it over to Valkyrie like it doesn't matter to him and that's a big disservice to his character and the story throughout his trilogy.
Unfortunately, Marvel has been on a path of normalizing anything magic - just see what they did to the Mirror Dimension in NWH. It's just geometry! Nothing special about it! It's super dumb! Ugh. (I'm still mad about that, as you can see lol). It feels like lazy writing, not enough focus on characterization and world building and an obsession with meme-making that actively goes against the story 🤷‍♀️
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cha0ticlesbian · 6 months
hi im going to ignore your warning and ask about your favs. why do you like carol i need to know. what drew you to her character. if thats the right wording
Hi hello! Thank you for letting me ramble and sorry if none of this makes any sense I’m just yapping lmao
I was first introduced to carol when she joined the mcu and I remember watching captain marvel and just being utterly AMAZED by her and so after that I decided she was my new favorite! After that I became obsessed and I looked up everything I could about her and the movie and I became obsessed with Brie because I just think she’s an amazing human.
But with Carol, what drew me too her was her story, I’ve been a superhero fan since I was a kid and I never got to see a female led movie as a kid and I think that her story was so well done, it’s a story about a woman who is this strong weapon that turns out be being manipulated and taught that emotions are weak and that because she experiences those she’s weak.
But then her whole world gets turned around and she finds out that’s not the case! She realizes that her emotions and the connections she has with people are what make her strong, she’s not strong because she can shoot fire from her fists she’s strong because she CARES and I really connected with that.
I also love how complex she is! She’s funny and she’s smart and she’s a airforce pilot and she has a cat and her family is chosen family and she’s best friends with nick fury! I just think she’s so cool and so silly and I love her so much and also she’s just very special to me because she was the first female led movie, AND she was honestly my gay awakening! I was very much in the mental closet (I had no clue I liked girls) but then I was just so in love with her that I was like “hold on… do I LIKE girls?” So she also helped me discover a big part of myself!
And recently I’ve been getting into her comics which are super cool! (It’s really cool seeing the similarities between the movies and comics) and she’s just one of my biggest special internets!
I absolutely LOVED the marvels! (I got to see it on opening night) and I just feel like that movie and this character were MADE for me lol :)
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Ps. Please tell why YOU love Carol🫶🫶🫶
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capsarcastica · 1 month
Deadpool & Wolverine Review
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This one is the weakest in the Deadpool series but also has so much to enjoy. It's more like the swan song of the Fox X-Men series rather than an MCU entry.
First the bad. It's pretty tame compared to the first two Deadpool movies. It may be because it's now under the official Disney-Marvel banner, or maybe it's because the Writers and Actors strikes during development. Whatever the reason, it seems like it's pulling its punches. It still has plenty of bite, but there's some obvious stuff the movie avoids going after.
Already, some of the worst of the MCU is bleeding in. Mostly, that it relies too much on other works. Don't know the entire history of Marvel movies including undeveloped ones then the cameos don't feel special. Some of the stuff can go over the heads of casual fans. Didn't see Loki on Disney+? Then a lot of the second half won't make any sense. Deadpool has always used references to other Marvel work, but this is the first time it's necessary to the plot to know this stuff.
Sadly, the supporting cast seems to have been tossed aside. There's the party scenes that bookend the movie, but they're entirely gone. None of the fun interactions with Colossus, Negasonic, Dopinder, etc that made the first two so much fun. There's a moment that seems like a set-up to a side story about them rescuing Wade, but nothing comes from it.
The movie doesn't have the emotional core that the earlier two did. The first was a love story and the second about family. They had personal stakes. This one is about the destruction of the universe, which is big but lacks that personal touch. It also doesn't connect to the end of the second film as far as where the characters are. Too much of the in-between has to be explained when it would've been easier to just rewrite some scenes.
There are two villains, but neither are interesting. Both seem to do whatever furthers the plot but not what makes sense. Neither have a plan that seems thought out, just to make the most problem at any given moment. The previous two had great conflicts, and this points to that lack of personal stakes.
And finally, the Multiverse. Marvel and DC Comics have made great use of alternate realities, What Ifs, and possible futures. The movies not so much. I love seeing Patrick Stewart, Michael Keaton, and Tobey Maguire back in costume. But bringing back beloved actors, and occasionally listening to fan castings, seems to be the extent of what the movies are doing. The Deadpool Corps are also wasted. The idea of dozens of alternate Deadpools coming together should be cinematic gold. Instead they're mostly treated as cannon fodder.
Now the good. The titular duo are amazing together. Reynolds and Jackman know how to bounce off each other. Both are in perfect form, showing the kind of rapport that's straight out of the comics. This is a team up that's been fifteen years in the making, and it doesn't disappoint in that regard. Though it's definitely more Wolverine's movie. It acknowledges how terrific Logan is, but gives this new Wolverine plenty of depth in what might be the best example of having its cake and eating it too.
The movie does for the X-Men movies what No Way Home did for Spider-Man. It expertly includes the previous movie into the MCU while making a great case for their continuation. The X-Men and Spider-Man movies are the reason the MCU even exists so it's nice to see them treated so lovingly.
Just like the original Deadpool did, the movie expertly brings the R rating to the MCU. In fact, there's more blood, swearing, and carnage than the other Deadpool movies. The only thing I know they couldn't do is hardcore drug use, and this makes for some fun scenes with Blind Al. This may be under the family friendly Disney banner, but Marvel seems to realize it's best for some franchises do their own thing.
Deadpool has always had fun with Easter eggs, cameos, and references. This one more than most. The fight at the 20th Century Fox logo being a big one. It brings back a lot of characters from the franchise, and some from others like the Russian guy from the Thomas Jane Punisher movie. It may be more in-your-face than the previous two, but it's a lot of fun for the hardcore fans.
This one feels like Avengers: Endgame. Too many problems to really match up to the previous entries, but too much good stuff to be bad. The MCU has been in a rough spot, but if anything this movie proves that Marvel can acknowledge that and work to fix it. Hopefully this won't be the last we see of Deadpool and Wolverine.
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moviewarfare · 8 months
A Review of “The Marvels (2023)”
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I found the first Captain Marvel movie to be relatively enjoyable. I had a lot of gripes with it but it was okay for the most part. However, Marvel Studios has been in a sort of downward spiral since Endgame so my hopes weren't high for this. So is this a Marvellous entry or another to add to Marvel's recent dumpster?
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One of the big issues in the first Captain Marvel was how incredibly stoic and bland Captain Marvel was. There was nothing emotionally engaging about her character. The sequel does improve upon this aspect by making her less stoic. She has more of an emotional and some actual proper reaction to things occurring. She also shows a fair amount of emotionally vulnerable moments, especially concerning her relationship with Monica and her mother, Rambeau. There are 2 strong scenes with her. One is a flashback and another where she is opening up is something I wish the film had more of.
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A key element of this movie is that if Captain Marvel or Monica or Ms Marvel use their powers at the same time then they will swap places. The first act of this movie is very entertaining because of this. There is a great action set piece in the first act where all 3 end up fighting in different locations but keep swapping during it. The biggest highlight of this film is Iman Vellani as Ms Marvel. She is extremely likeable and her performance is wonderful. She is enjoying every moment in every scene and it feels like the actor is having fun. It also has a kind of cool mid-credit scene.
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Unfortunately, this is where the praises end. The plot is incredibly paper-thin. The hero has to stop the villain, that is it. There are no layers or depth to anything in the plot or proper character development or arcs. The plot is so bland that the movie adds a pointless side quest that adds almost nothing to the main narrative. We have a planet where everyone sings and it is as stupid as it sounds. It happens and it is just so out of left field. It's not funny, if anything it is very cringy. I hoped that they would at least do something special with the singing planet, maybe they would fight by singing or have special singing weapons or something. However, they just fight normally, so what was the point? There is also a side plot with the Flerken, the alien cats, that comes out of the left field and is a pointless distraction that has nothing to do with the villain.
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On that note, the villain Dar-Benn might be the worst villain in the MCU. She is the new leader of the Kree as her planet was put into chaos due to Captain Marvel destroying the Supreme Intelligence. This could have been an interesting element as from her perspective, Captain Marvel is the villain that destroyed her planet. If they showed more of her struggles at being a leader, how terrible the planet has become and how she is genuinely doing this at the goodness of her heart for her home, she might have been interesting. Sadly this is not the case, despite having a sympathetic motive, she is just overly aggressive to everyone, including her allies. She is a one-dimensional villain who never becomes much of a real character with any depth. She is also somehow able to fight all 3 protagonists and has a hammer-like Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy despite having no Power stone which is never explained.
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My biggest disappointment is Monica's, Ms Marvel and Nick Fury's role in this movie. Monica doesn't do much at all apart from spouting exposition and being a MacGuffin. Her now sour relationship with Captain Marvel is only touched upon a bit and barely explored. She just ends up following Captain Marvel for the whole movie and doing some things near the end. This is also the same for Ms Marvel who is also very underwritten. Her being a big fangirl of Captain Marvel is the only reason she is here. She has no character arc or development. This is a shame as she could have been used in more effective ways. She could have been the contrast to Captain Marvel. A naive, idealistic hero vs a battered and burnt-out hero. Ms Marvel could help Captain Marvel to lighten up and be more hopeful again while she learns how it isn't all fun and games and there are a lot of responsibilities with being a hero. Unfortunately, she is just comic relief and that is it. Nick Fury is just kind of there. The movie is just very tonally inconsistent. We can go from a quite moving scene to something so incredibly dumb and stupid within minutes.
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Overall, what an absolute shame this movie ended up being. It is so gut-wrenching to see what MCU has become since Endgame. All the heart and effort put into their films are nowhere to be seen any more. I do have a small glimmer of hope that they are going to do better in 2024 onwards. They only have 1 MCU movie in 2024 which is making me hopeful that they are slowing down and putting effort into their future project. If Captain Marvel 3 even happens, I hope they write a plot this time.
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wenellyb · 2 years
am i the only one mad at what marvel is doing for the cast of thunderbolts? why does it have such a great known cast meanwhile i feel like canwo's only big stars are Mackie and Harrison obviously. and the fact that it follows right after canwo, it pisses me off. feige better give us another famous name cast apart of Harrison. not that Mackie and Harrison aren't enough, they are but c'mon, you gotta bring in big names so people go to see a movie, specially when it comes to marvel because it seems like everyone's tired of them but if you've got a cast mainly known with a big fan base then it shouldn't be such a big issue but here we are
Hi Anon!!!
It's the first time, I'm seeing this take because so far, I've seen have the opposite vision. A lot of people were unhappy with Harrison Ford being in the movie because they were afraid Sam would be sidelined in his own movie, but personally I don't feel like that would be the case.
I don't mind and I think he'll be a great addition to the cast, but it doesn't mean that I want to see more actors joining the main cast.
I've heard so many rumors about Cap 4, rumors that the Humk might be joining.
We'll see how it goes but anyway, I'm sure Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, Carl Lumbly and Harrison Ford will do a great job!
The strength of Marvel movies isn't only the cast but the marketing done around the movie, that's what makes people want to go. So it will all depend on what kind of marketing Disney/Marvel decides to do. The Eternals had thé greatest cast of any mcu movie ever, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Gemma Chan and 2 of the Game of Thrones brothers and still didn't do as good as other mcu movies, on the other hand, Shang-Chi had a cast with actors that were mostly unknown to a lot of people(except Tony Leung) and did better at the box office than Eternals did. I liked both movies but I just meant that big names aren't the only think the audience will look for.
One thing I wanted to mention to is that it makes sense that Thunderbolts would be adding names because it's an ensemble cast, wheareas Captain America 4, has one character who's clearly the lead? ( I don't know if this makes sense😂)
Long story short: I like that Harrison Ford will be in the movie but that's more than enough, I don't want them to add any more actors. I appreciate you sending me this ask because I'm always happy to have these discussions and have insights from other people.
Captain America 4 doesn't need to add more "Big shot" actors to the list, Anthony will deliver but Disney also has to do their job and do the marketing properly as they would do it for any other of their movie.
Anybody has thoughts on this?
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sophia-sol · 2 years
It's fascinating sometimes to look back at my own history of fandoms I was once obsessed with, and notice the wide variety of possible current feelings about them.
Mostly there are three axes of note: do I ever bother to seek out fanworks for it or see myself doing so in the future, or am I no longer moved to do so? If a fanwork that looks like it has promise happens to cross my path, will I read it/watch it/look at it, or just scroll on by? Do I think of the fandom with fondness and nostalgia, or do I think to myself "well glad THAT'S out of my life now"? Within these three spectra, many options are possible; and there are even some special fandoms that break the system!
A tour of some of the big ones that fit my main schema:
Sutcliff fandom; Les Miserables; sparklefandom (hungarian musical theatre): no longer actively seek out, but I still love it dearly, and if I find myself reading a good fic for this fandom again, allllll my feels return instantly and I go feral over it again for at least the length of time it takes me to read the fic
The Witcher: Remember it fondly, and every now and then feel moved to go searching for more content because it's what I happen to be in the mood for, but if I'm not in the mood I won't bother to read the things that happen to cross my path
Highlander; Man from UNCLE (both original tv series and the movie remake); Star Trek; Star Wars; Yuri on Ice: won't seek out, but if something fun crosses my path, I'll take a look with pleased nostalgia
Bandom; Due South; Good Omens; Hamilton; American Idol RPF; Inception; The Sentinel; Stargate Atlantis; White Collar: won't seek out, unlikely to read even if something crosses my path, but I remember it with fondness
Teen Wolf: won't seek out, won't read if it crosses my path, am glad it's out of my life, and yet still remember it fondly
Hockey RPF; Sports Night; Supernatural RPF: yeah no.
Special cases:
Fairy tales: my first and forever fandom, I will never not care about it. I read folk tale collections semi-regularly still, and am always delighted to find good fanfic for any particular tale or for the genre in general.
Harry Potter: won't seek out, won't promote without major caveats, probably won't read, but if something unusually interesting crosses my path, I'll take a look with a sort of exhausted knowledge that it's the fandom that made me and it is dug deep into my psyche
MCU: totally burnt out on, will no longer read the fic, can no longer even put myself in the headspace of how I could have once cared, and yet still have a lingering fondness for Thor and the Thor movies
Fake News: ahahaha oh god. the horror of american politics since then makes the heyday of jon stewart's daily show and stephen colbert's colbert report feel like a different world, one I can no longer access
Doctor Who: Once upon a time it broke my heart in a very real way which took me years to get over, but now I have a very reasonable relationship with this show as my ex. I remember the good times fondly, and smile when I see a gif go by on tumblr, and am happy to hear that it has been doing fun and interesting things in recent times, and I scroll on by.
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courtneysmovieblog · 2 years
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I posted 2,650 times in 2022
455 posts created (17%)
2,195 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,645 of my posts in 2022
#chucky - 268 posts
#thor love and thunder - 233 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 187 posts
#sharon carter - 150 posts
#godammit mcu - 130 posts
#stranger things - 108 posts
#multiverse of madness - 104 posts
#rip - 80 posts
#seriously - 72 posts
#encanto - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 44 characters
#reblogging because i want this bitch to lose
My Top Posts in 2022:
I have no problem with Lightyear and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command co-existing in the same universe because it wouldn’t be the first time a movie was kid-ified into a cartoon that had little to do with the original story. Case in point: Beetlejuice.
142 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Post on a message board: “I wonder how Jane will become worthy of Mjolnir. They made such a big deal about Steve being able to hold it in Endgame, and Jane wasn’t even interesting or special in the last two Thor movies.”
*left eye twitches*
“Worthy” Endgame Steve proceeded to abandon Bucky and Wanda, screw over Sharon, and rearrange history just so that he can hijack Peggy’s life, and people are questioning that Jane isn’t good enough for the hammer?!
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254 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Thor and Jane had a way better love story than Steve and Peggy, but nobody is ready to admit it yet.
838 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Top 10 favorite moments in “Hocus Pocus 2″
1. The Sandersons getting a way bigger entrance than they did in the first movie, complete with a musical number. “Who are they performing for?” All of us.
2. The Walgreens scene. Laughed my butt off that even though they didn’t know what a photo was, they were quick to pose.
3. Young Winnie, who was absolutely perfect casting. Also, Hannah Waddingham as Mother Witch, which was perfect casting.
4. Winifred and Mary’s horrified reaction to Siri, aka the “woman trapped in a box.”
5. The costume contest. The Sandersons might be evil, but even they don’t seem to have a problem with drag queens.
6. “One Way or Another.” Not the same as “I Put A Spell On You” but having the Thriller-like dance made up for it.
7. Sarah briefly standing up for herself. 
8. All the callbacks to the original movie, including “Amok, amok, amok...”
9. Gilbert’s subplot of thinking the sisters were “misunderstood,” which actually it’s a pretty clever way of throwing shade at Disney’s villain apologia trend.
10. Tony Hale as the mayor. All the poor guy wanted was a candy apple...
856 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jane and Valkyrie just chilling and enjoying naked Thor like
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2,122 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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“thats true about the cast definitely knowing scripts and arcs ahead of time. in most cases, for an actor to do the best work, they need to be aware of their arc and not going in blind. how can they truly understand their character otherwise?”
Unless it’s Marvel. Marvel tells their actors nothing lol cause they don’t want spoilers to leak. I think Tom Holland had a big influence on this lol (and we all know Noah is the Tom Holland of ST)
Then there’s the HP thing, where I’m pretty sure JKR (😡) only told Alan Rickman about the whole deal with Snape and not the other actors so it could influence Alan’s performance and also keep the state of confusion for everyone else. I wonder if that would be the case for Byler and Noah and Finn? But then again, the actors were young and not super established, adult actors so idk
This is what I'm used to!! The fort knox level secrecy and lockdown of details with the MCU. Which is why maybe my approach to the ST fandom seems counter-active to how a lot of people seem to be engaging with the fandom. Believing every little leak while I am the world's biggest skeptic. I mean, I never really sought out leaks and rumors for Marvel because I honestly also just saw it as a waste of time? Since there were so many movies and content there wasn't this sense of impatience and anticipation, other than Endgame really, for me. It was a pretty even ride in that fandom, despite the other issues inherent. So I'm used to hearing about super strict NDAs, actors not even knowing what other actors might even be in a scene with them, redacted and minimal scripts, the barest tiny details spoiled, etc. So seeing all the constant leaks chatter for ST has been a bit of culture shock, if that has insight to my mindset during this wild filming era.
That's no way to make movies though, part of the reason I started to distance from the MCU as my big interest. Reading how secret and dehumanizing the filming was for some actors and just thinking about how those movies were made lost the magic and made them less fun in retrospect? Idk.
But I really wonder if there was something similar with Finn with being told stuff earlu and separately!! If he had special direction for certain reactions, facial expressions, motivation. He seems down to earth enough that he could maintain an aloof air all these years, reveal after the season's out that he was one of the few aware of end goals and big reveals. I mean, he's been pretty savvy to guessing a few things the Duffer's are thinking already, he's operating on a certain level and it wouldn't be a shocker if something like that is revealed later down the line.
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely my most recent Christmas fic, to lay in your arms when the world is burning, where River is grieving her parents. (Can be found here.) I don't know how to explain what happened while I was writing this, but there were so many turns of phrase where I went, "Somehow this is exactly what I was trying to communicate," and I genuinely felt...so accomplished and emotionally fulfilled when it was done. Anything I write about grief or loss will be incredibly special to me, and this fic is probably the predominant example of that. :)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I remember being particularly proud of this one (also from to lay in your arms...) when I wrote it:
She’s not going to muddy up an occasion he’s particularly fond of by wallowing in the past and trekking its dregs all over the carpet.
In the interest of not making all of these answers about the same fic, here's one from tricking ourselves nice:
But. Such a small word, yet it prevented him from sleeping, from enjoying food or wine, from focusing on how to rebuild his life, after Stannis and after Jon Snow and after the White Walkers. The word sticks to his mind like wax to paper, turning any reassurance he might have been able to offer himself into shit.
(^^^ I like this one because it's a play on Ned's line "everything after the word 'but' is shit.")
I was also proud of this line, from the A/H wip:
How do you tell someone that you want to live in the grooves of their grey matter. That you want to thread yourself through every single one of their braincells, until the only thing they ever think about is you. That you know that’s impossible and utterly insane and deeply, deeply unhealthy, but you don’t care, you want it anyway. How the fuck do you even begin to tell someone that, she’s surprised she can even say it to herself.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I honestly feel like I write just as much canon as not-canon? Most of my stuff leans toward characters studies, which means a lot of referencing canon and working within it. There are some things I have that I would consider a straight-up AU, like my Cersei/Melisandre fic, the GoT performer AU I'm working on, and the "Natasha lives" MCU fic (I'll get back to you someday, I promise). But I feel like most of my Adlock or Doctor/River stories are rooted in the confirmed events we see onscreen. (And there are definitely a number of WIPs that involve exploring the characters' psychological reactions to canon events, even if it ends up diverging a bit). So, in short, yes, I am in favor of me writing something canon.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
OH MY GOD. I...would be honored if someone made ANY art of my work at all!! There are so many things I could choose. Melisandre giving Cersei a hug in you opened up the things I shut. The "actually, I go by Annie" moment in the ghost possession OCD fic. Davos picking up the leaf in tricking ourselves nice. Irene's subtle (and successful) attempts to get Sherlock to write off his brother's assignment in Let Not Light See My Black and Deep Desires. Clint pilfering Natasha's case file in my haunted heart is uneasy. But I'm going to be really boring and say that, if I had to pick one (1) scene, it would be the one in to lay in your arms... where Twelve holds River.
(My pipe dream is that someone makes art of an upcoming scene of c2g, where a Big Emotional Development happens, but a) this fic is very much not for everyone, and b) I don't want to spoil what happens.)
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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marisbuzi · 1 year
introductory post <3
i am marina (or mar) and this a blog i made to track my progress in learning languages and studying for uni, in hopes that i will actually stick to a schedule and be more productive bc this ain't it my dudes...
here are some things about me, in case my blog caught your attention:
info about me
i am 19 and i use she/her/they
sun in virgo, istp (changes every trimester tbh)
cat person<333 (i adooooore dogs as well but cats have a special place in my heart)
just finished (as of summer 2023) my first year in uni! i am studying computer science and it is boring af (for me) but three years left yoohoo!
i started teaching myself italian during quarantine but it got overwhelming because i couldn't maintain a schedule so i dropped it after six months
i started spanish lessons on october of 2022 and i am currently moving from a1 to a2 level
i also have a c2 level proficiency in english yay me for being gay and on ao3
speaking of gay, i am probably aroace (or i have major attachment issues but who knows)
things i'll post about
reblogs of advice and posts about the languages i am studying, computer science etc. you can find these kind of posts here (the link is https://marisbuzi.tumblr.com/tagged/reblogs)
my own original posts about the languages i am learning and computer science. mainly advice, memes etc (you can find these posts here for languages and here for computer science (correspondingly, https://marisbuzi.tumblr.com/tagged/mar-lang and https://marisbuzi.tumblr.com/tagged/mar-compsci)
progress tracking posts. hopefully, each week. worst case scenario, two times a month (you can find these posts here (the link is https://marisbuzi.tumblr.com/tagged/mar-progress)
media i am consuming
films/series: good omens (i am not talking about this series without a lawyer), used to be a huge supernatural fan, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (both the 1980 series and the 2005/1995 movies), BARBIE, CAPTAIN MARVEL and BLACK WIDOW (best mcu movies istg), STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE and so on and so on
games: currently i am obsessed with sims 4 (and the mods. the mods.). also i started playing genshin impact in 2022 and despite being quite awful at fights with big bosses, i cant spend hours going after slimes, hilichurls and exploring. god i love exploring.
books: i am currently under a severe reading slump (seriously send help) but i became obsessed with all for the game by nora sakavic two years ago and if i get sick if i don't reread all three books every month<3 0/10 awful books but i would die for them and their characters. my main blog isn't @fuckyeahjeanmoreau for no reason! i also love pride and prejudice and a bunch of ao3 fics<33333
music: right so i listen to pretty much everything as long as its lyrics are decent (see not sexist/homophobic etc). what i listen depends on my mood but take a look at my spotify if you want and let me know if we have songs in common! some favourite albums include: preacher's daughter by ethel cain (i am convinced it's the best album in the history of albums), folklore/evermore by taylor swift, melodrama by lordre, and the whole discography by bts (and each member's solo activity)
(if we have anything in common i'd love to talk to you and scream over it in dms so don't hesitate to reach out or send an ask!)
adiós, mar <3
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anika-ann · 2 years
Love on the Brain - masterlist
MCU x Criminal Minds crossover
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, (slight allusions to past Spencer Reid x reader)
Summary: You found menacing pictures of you friend, colleague and neighbour Steve in your mailbox.  
Someone might play it off as a bad joke, but you were an agent for the Avengers Initiative and a former FBI agent. You’ve seen cases like this and you were taking no chances. Not with Steve of all people.
But you were going to need help; enter the BAU.
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Characters to appear: Steve Rogers, ‘reader’, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia...
Setting: slight AU, before Avengers: Age of Ultron and Criminal Minds season 7
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Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 3  
Part 4 
Part 5 
Part 6.1 
Part 6.2
Part 7
Part 8 
Part 9
There shall be more - one-shots, two-shots... maaaaaaby a sequel, we’ll see
Taglist open🥰 divider by firefly-graphics 😍
A/N: If you have trouble seeing some of chapters, it might be because of your community labels settings - some chapters are given a MATURE label because of violence or other mature content. 
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ONE/TWO SHOTS (post Love on the Brain storyline; in chronologic order, not in order of posting):
Cookies and Spark(le)s ...you earn your nickname (PREQUEL)
Paperweight...Sparkles is helpful during drool-worthy work out (PREQUEL)
(Love)Sick ...Sparkles gets sick
Missing Home ...Steve goes on a mission while Spakles is stuck recovering
No pressure part 1 // part 2* - ...the teams celebrate, you and Steve need to talk... and f*ck at last
Look Out *(ish) ...training goes awry
Hot Boy Summer *(ish) ...Steve it is pretty hot by the private Tower’s pool
Cracks in Foundation ...Steve’s PTSD sends him spiralling into a flashback
DIRTY HEADCANONS* (and a drabble) with no precise timeline
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A/N: You don’t need any particular knowledge of Criminal Minds to read this (though you’ll understand better if you watched, of course). 
Just know that the BAU is a specialized FBI unit: profilers. They deal with nasty crimes commited by ‘unsubs’ – unknown subjects – whom they track based on their victims and crimes.
I’m working under assumption that more people aren’t familiar with Criminal Minds rather than with the MCU, so I made little something for you to put face to the name. I tried to make them fun, because despite the darkness in the show, there are big ‘team as family’ vibes and their quips are the highlight of the show for me 🥰
Pics and descriptions under the cut:
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(to the CM fans - yes, these are simplified... I could gush around each of the characters and the ones from other seasons for hours)
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
A little check in on Lawyer! George
Warnings: Smut (18+) pussy slapping, sir kink, just porn with little to no plot (?).
a/n: Sorry I haven’t posted anything but mental health sucks sometimes and mine as been in pieces. This a little check in on Lawyer George. Also for anyone reading I will probably write other stuff that is not Fred or George. But doesn’t belong in the harry potter world. I’m very into Loki and bucky and steve rogers from the mcu world so yeah :) i will keep doing stuff for them to. just adding a little bit of spice. Also sorry for any mistakes! 
This is based on this story. 
In a lifetime, a lot of things can happen. y/n just never thought that for her it would be the fact that she’s dating one of the most successful lawyers England has ever seen, or that she would sleep with him, spend so much time at his apartment that it’s also now kinda of hers…
But it happened to her. And it wasn’t easy. Although they had Fred’s approval, when word got around in the office, things got hard for her. The gossip became harsh and eventually some people who worked closely with y/n turned on her because ‘she was sleeping with her boss’. It took her a while to grasp her new reality, but the truth was, she was head over heels for the ginger boy, and if people around her couldn’t understand they were in love, then let them be. If there was someone who was good at separating work from relations was her. After their heated encounter in Fred’s office, it never happened again in the work place. There were times where it was close calls, but it was all George’s fault given his cock was hard twenty for seven, given he had to look at the woman he loved work hard, and effectively and honestly that was a big turn on for him.
But y/n always stopped before it could get any more heated. Always excusing herself with a ‘I’m sorry sir’ and then turning around to go on her way, shamefully hiding her smirk from her boss, who had to stand in the middle of whatever place they were in, hard, and sweaty from their heated make out session.
George never quit trying tho. Even in the days y/n came to the office from his home, and they probably had some time together that morning, he just couldn’t get enough of her.
“y/n, thank you. Would mind just reminding George of the meeting we have in ten? He’s been a little lost today.” Fred said, looked at y/n for a mere moment to take the documents she was giving him and then looked at his work again. Cases had been flooding non stop ever since they had win one of the biggest cases ever. y/n, now a permanent lawyer at the firm was more than happy about it.
She smirked a little, taken the fact that Fred wasn’t looking then turned to walk to the door.
“Sure boss.” She joked, hearing Fred groan at the name. Then, as smoothly as she could went to George’s office, knocked on the door, and didn’t even expect an answer before barging in.
Only to catch her boyfriends with a hand on top of his pants massaging his hard cock. She then had confirmation that the outfit she chose did do it’s wonders. She always wore suits, but usually the blouses she wore underneath were work appropriate, but recently and after talking to a friend outside work she thought she would change a bit, make it a little harder on him. After all, she’d taken notice how much more intense their sexual encounters would be. Today with her suit she chose a lace black body, it was still work appropriate, specially in the way she did her suit jacket, but George had definitely seen it this morning when it was not so appropriate.
“See your brothers right, then.” She closed the door behind her, and rested her body against it with her hands behind her back, looking at George, with his head back, and his hand almost squeezing his cock had hard as he could.
“Baby.” He sighed loudly, his head turning to look at her his hand still in the same place. “You look…” he couldn’t finish is thought, she was consuming everything in him. His thoughts, and now his scent given she was just a few meters away. “Please help me.”
“You know I won’t baby, but you can always help yourself.” She smiled, walking closer to his desk and leaning on the other side of it, her breasts came into better view.
George had always understood why she didn’t want to it, but today when she had chosen this outfit out of all the others he couldn’t help but get more frustrated.
“You can’t do this to me y/n you know that.” Dominance had taken over his voice a little bit more. He took his hand out of his cock, and then got up. She stiffened, turning her head to the side to see him come up to her. His hands came on either side of her arms and squeezed. “Walking around in that lacy body, no bra, unbuttoning it only when I’m around, knowing people around here know about us. You know what you’re doing, and yet...” he came closer, his breathing in her neck, she shivered. “yet you still don’t let me take you.” He kissed her just on the spot he knew she liked. “Right here baby, on my office, in my desk, I’ll make it quick, you know it.” His voice was raspy, filled with list.
y/n was close to loosing it, her voice already trembling. “F-fred said you have a meeting in ten. He a-asked me to w-warn you.” Her hands that supported her body on the tip of the desk turned white from the force she was putting on them.
“Great then, I have ten minutes to make us both cum baby, do you think I can do it?” One of his hands came to unbutton her jacket and then came down a little bit more and stopped at her pants, asking for permission.
In that moment y/n knew she couldn’t hide it. It had been always hard to deny him in the work place. It had been so good when they did it the first time, she had just gotten so paranoid with everyone else, to think about how good they both had felt.
“Please, sir.” She murmured, body coming to meet his. George took the hand close to her pants and forced her body down against the desk. Their back turned to the door, that was unlocked.
“You will stay like this, and you will take my cock and make no sound, understood baby?” he whispered raspy. “Can’t have some noise asshole coming in here seeing the way I’m ruining you.”
“Yes, sir.” y/n’s hands had come up to rest next to her head. George took no time and undoing her pants pulling her underwear down, while also taking a look at the wet spot they had.
“How long have you been wet?” He asked, she didn’t answers right way, the coolness of the air of the office hitting her wet, hot pussy was to much for in such a vulnerable state. He slapped her pussy, not hard, just enough and the way she liked it to have her body squirm beneath him. “I said, how long had this pussy been wet?” he had to control the tone in his voice to not become so loud that anyone passing outside the door could hear.
“Since this morning, sir.” She murmured.
He laughed, jokingly at her. “This morning? You pathetic little baby, wet since this morning? And what made you wet ahm?”
“You sir, wet from the shower.” She said above a whisper, her pussy so wet her juices were starting to cover her pussy lips and coming down her inner thigh. George brings his hand again close to her pussy and plays with her clit, thumbing around it, playing with it before giving it a slight pinch making her moan. He slaps it again, but not hard, just as a waring.
“I said, be quiet.” He heard her little ‘sorry sir’ and then continued the assault on her pussy. Two of his fingers circling her wet entrance before thrusting in hard, brushing her g-spot making y/n bite her knuckles to contain her moans. George’s fingers had always stretched y/n out the best way possible, and they were long enough to hit the spots only her vibrator could, but never her own little fingers. George always teased her about it.
George twists his fingers in just the right way to caress her velvety walls in the way he knows she likes, and then scissors his fingers inside her making her knees buckle and shake.
“S-sir please.” She murmured.
“Baby, so little time and so many things I wanna do to you. I always do you know it don’t you?” She nodded. “You always love my fingers, you always love to fuck yourself on them. You love to suck on them like you suck on your favorite lollie… my cock.” She clenched hard on his fingers from his dirty words and George let out a small moan at the feeling. “And I always have to stretch you baby, you are always just the snuggest little thing ever. Always.” He had been avoiding with his fingers her g-spot, just to make her more needier for him, but this times he hits continuously, make y/n have to hold her moans by biting hard on her lip. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers warning him of her orgasm. He pulls out, his fingers covered in her juices, and spreads it around her pussy, bringing them to his mouth to taste her.
“Always taste the best dirty girl.” He smirks, and then brings his hands to undo the belt of his pants pulling it down, along with his boxers making his cock spring free. His cock had been hard since he entered the office this morning minutes after his girlfriend, and so by now and after having his finger in her pussy, he his licking from his tip, he his read and swollen and twitching from the pleasure.
He rests one hand on her back to keep her in that position while the other comes to his cock, strokes it two times before bringing it close to her pussy and thrusting inside her. Her pussy engulfs his cock, tightens around him as he sinks himself as deep inside her as he can. He thrusts into her over and over again, his cock being hugged by her smooth and velvety skin makes him groan lowly, the hand on her back dents her skin there because he also has to be quiet and it’s hard when she feels so good.
“Just, the dirtiest pussy, baby.” He whispers, the sound of his balls hitting her filled pussy it’s all that can be heard in the office and for a moment she’s scared people outside can hear it. But George’s dirty words and his movements take that thought way just as quickly as it came. Her hips push back to meet his making him bottom out on her, and he stops for a moment, and so does she, both trying to remain calm and quiet but he’s completely inside her and it feels too good for both of them.
“Please, George, fuck me, hard.” She tries t say it quietly but her voice breaks around moans.
He doesn’t answer and just gains his force again to keep fucking his cock in her soaked pussy, that’s so wet squelching sounds can start to be heard.
“You are so close baby.” He says, his hand coming to gather at her head forcing it down on the table. “Squeezing me nice and tightly like you can, letting me know I’m owning this pussy just right.”
And that’s when y/n explodes around him, she tightens so much that she pushes his cock out of her, her body quivers all over and the tips of her fingers tremble form the orgasm, trying to hold onto to something. George forces his cock back inside, chasing his own orgasm that’s even closer now that he just saw his girl cum the way she did. He doesn’t need much time, just the right movements and the squeezing of her pussy and he’s emptying himself inside her. y/n almost cuming again from how intense and hot his orgasm is. And how he groans close to her ear, her name, and the pet names he as reserved to her.
He pulls out, cock now soft and all wet from her juices and his cum, her pussy ruined but fulfilled and smiles on both his faces.
“What were you scared of exactly?” He asks after a while trying to regain his composure.
It takes a bit longer for /n to come back from the place she was in. She was still laying on his desk and George had to bring her up carefully, he kissed her jaw and then slowly turned her to him. She was ruined and he would have been worried were it not for the smile on her face.
“I love you.” That’s all her brain could master. More words than that was hard, and after anything they did y/n always felt immense love for the man in front of her.
“I’m taking that as a ‘we’re doing it again’ no?” he said, smugness evident in his voice. With the force she had she slapped his chest.
“Yes.” She murmured resting her head on his chest. “And you’re late to the meeting, lucky Fred didn’t barge in here or anyone else and saw what we were doing.”
“You mean, me fucking the life out of this pussy and claiming it as mine?”
“George, you’re disgusting.” She said, but they both knew she was playing.
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I've seen some people saying that Marvel made their black gay character responsible for the Hiroshima. I think that mostly of those people didn't watched the movie tbh. Cause he was not responsible for it. He taught humans technology, the first technologies, he did not created the bomb, he blamed himself because he gave humans the knowledge that gave the possibility for them themselves created, like humans do. He actually gave up on humans, on try help humans because of it, because humans only destroy. It might was a wrong move, but I remember one of the person behind the movie, don't remember if was Chloe, saying that regarding representativity they tried and was aware that they didn't got it all right, cause it was their first, but that they would get better next time. And honestly I loved hear this. Maybe was just a defensive move, but is important to not throw hate on creators that try do rep, specially when they know they didn't do it all right and are willing to learn. I'm a writer and book stan and I see a lot of authors saying that they don't put much rep on their books cause they're afraid of don't do it right and get cancelled for it. I feel that try put rep even if is badly is better than no trying at all, and is through mistakes that we learn. Some creators do badly on purpose, but I feel mostly don't, and in this case the fact that the person behind the movie admitted not be all right I truly feel was not ill intentioned, and if was not ill intentioned I feel is okay. I'm sorry, truly am if the way any rep was putted on the movie hurted someone, but please let's remember we are humans and we learn through mistakes. The movie was beautiful, is the first mcu movie with so many rep. See a gay character who is a powerful hero, see a disabled woman who is a powerful heroin and have an amazing action sequence scene btw, see non white characters as powerful heros, on Marvel is something big and to be acknowledged, they'll do it better next time I'm sure of it, but for now I'm happy for what we've got. If you hate super heroes movies, Marvel, mcu and is a supporter or part of the community or part of any of the groups rep, don't put hate on this movie just because you hate them, you might not like, but for people who are part of those groups and likes those movies, Eternals was quite a thing. And again I would ask to people in general just give a chance for the creators to try and do it wrong and get it right. Is okay point at them, you should point at them all the mistakes that were made, but with respect, not throwing hate. People can learn and grow. And this is actually the message of the movie and considering is the first mcu movie with truly rep I feel there's a certain cinematography poetry on this, how they're learning and growing, finally.
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Hi everyone! I'm new on Tumblr and would like to make a proper introduction, mainly so that my first post won't be something incredibly random 😆 Well, I don't want to get too personal with age, gender, looks, sexuality or social security numbers, so here are a few, certainly not all, of my fandoms (or rather fandoms that I would like to be a part of), in no particular order: Before I begin: it's important to note that quite often my opinion of a content is separated from my opinion of the creator. Most often I simply don't know or don't have the time to research what the creator does outside of their content so I wouldn't even know that someone else might think I support a certain opinion because I express my joy over someone's content.
So, here are some of the things I like: 😊
•The MCU (though these days there's too much content for me to watch so I just watch things with my favourite characters from the last phases)
•sometimes X-Men (mostly Cherick, one of my many ships)
•The Wizarding World (mainly Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, but I've also read The Tales of Beedle The Bard). I still love the worldbuilding and the many characters even though I've been a bit distanced to it the last few years.
•The Umbrella Academy. I love a good soundtrack, lovable characters with family issues and awesome fight scenes. In the beginning I thought that Viktor would stay my favourite character but now there are so many others I love.
•The Picture of Dorian Gray (so far I've enjoyed the book and watched the beginning of the 1945 adaption)
•The Hunger Games universe, with the prequel not entirely read because I could only read an extract and after that I dindn't have much time to read. I like dystopias, as long as they don't lean too much towards the horror genre.
•The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I read the first book this year and am currently reading the second one. The plot just reminds me positively of: •Knives Out. The early reveal of the "killer" made this murder mystery something special along with the amazing acting & the realistic family dynamics.
•BBC Sherlock. I do like mysteries and detective stories as long as they are consistently entertaining and not just towards the end
•The Great Gatsby. I prefer the book but Baz Luhrmann's adaption has its good sides too.
•Snowwhite and the Huntsman/Winter's War: The Huntsman and the Ice Queen/hopefully 🥺 a next film (as long as it isn't just an out of character cash-grab) because these fairytale films are magical and awesome and look great and the theme of the second film-
•The Three Musketeers 2011. I haven't read the book but I'm sure it isn't supposed to be an accurate adaption anyway. Oh, how I love this film! The story, the characters, the soundtrack, the costumes *chef's kiss*! ❤
•The Selection series by Amy Ewing. I like the plot idea of the Bachelor but I prefer it to be openly "scripted" instead of being a fake reality show (I've still watched a lot of seasons though🤫).
•Eragon. The film. 2006. Just kidding, I thought a short comedy break may be needed after so many Fandoms 😊. Or is this just me being tired of writing them down? 🤭 Whoooa, no, I scrolled upwards and this is a lot! Sorry if this is too much for you reading this. 😶 Anyway, don't be sad if you actually happen to have liked this film; it's still better than a lot of others. Though I've never heard of someone who liked it. I'd be curious to know though... In any case: good luck to all Inheritance Cycle fans on the new adaption. 🍀
•The Witcher (Netflix TV series, otherwise I don't know much except for some random facts like Triss' hair color in different types of media 🤣)
•The School for Good and Evil series by Soman Chainani (who knows what the Netflix adaption will be like?). I particularly like the first three books.
•How I Met Your Mother. The way it ended made me sad but I still liked it overall.
I may also write about things that I'm not a big fan, or any fan of, but I don't need to list these here.
If you want to you can ask me about my perception, opinion, theory or maybe even explanation (maybe of something less complex 😅) about something from these Fandoms. When you do so, could you please mark spoilers, especially if you're referring to a Fandom with a lot of content? 🙏 Even if I've seen/read said content, others have maybe not and it would be a shame to spoil a part of experiencing a film/book for the first time. Perhaps I won't respond quickly: don't take this personally, I don't plan on checking tumblr regularly (hopefully I won't distract myself too much with Tumblr😮) and when I see a notification I can still be a little shy so it may take some time to formulate an answer I'm content with. 🤷
Anyway, a lovely day to everyone who's reading this🤗
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