#but the guy was imprisoned for centuries
snail-noodle · 8 months
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lol he played with his food for too long
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whoslazy · 10 months
hes so silly actually
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hoonietual · 10 months
hcq lore doesnt compute. why does yanqing recognize dan heng and why isnt dan heng like a couple centuries old and why does jingliu recognize yanqing . ????????
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
if I could draw and do the research needed for this. The Ideas I have for the rough andor but it’s a western/rogue one but it’s a Western extended universe
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delusional-mushroom · 2 months
Aaravos x reader where reader is also a startouch elf who was Aaravos’s lover but got imprisoned at the same time he did but in a different prison so instead of trying to lead Claudia and Viren to his prison he’s insisting they save his lover (but in his own ‘No! You can’t do it on your own you need this elf’s help!’ To avoid revealing something that would break his mystery facade- maybe reader had like a pet that guards their last residence and Aaravos is just like ‘oh yeah, that’s just ___ he bites.’ Feel free to add some plot to this it’s just a lil scenario that poofed into mah brain hole.
🌟 anon
Oh hello 🌟 anon. Thanks for the request >:3
Side note: sorry this was a bit rushed, especially towards the end. I’d be happy to part two it if you guys want.
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After Leola’s death, you and Aaravos shared your grief. When you had no more tears to cry, and the crater of her demise was full to the brim, you began plotting your revenge.
At first, everything was going great. No one suspected a thing.
But then, a human girl— A human girl, had the audacity to stick her nose into where it did not belong, and rat you two out to the arch dragons.
It all happened so fast, one moment Aaravos was shielding his lover from the onslaught of attacks; and then the next they were both enveloped in a crude, blinding light.
Your look of horror was the last thing he saw before he too was imprisoned.
The two of you were both granted a visage through intricate looking glasses, spared with only one shellshocked glance at each other before you were given to the arch dragon of ocean, Domina Profundis.
Every day, and every night, Aaravos cried in his prision.
First Leola, his kind and loving daughter, and now his spouse: the only thing he had left in this cruel world.
Everything seemed hopeless.
He might never hold you in his embrace.
You two might never see each other again.
That was until a middle-aged dark mage stumbled upon his looking glass. How it got from the clutches of Avizandum and Zubeia to the treasury of Katolis, he didn’t know. But old habits die hard, and Aaravos didn’t mind reusing some old tricks…
“Avizandum is dead.”
Avizandum, King Of The Dragons, the ringleader in his and his lover’s imprisonment. He was dead.
Aaravos felt a satisfaction he had not felt in a long time. Not only was this going to make his schemes easier, but hearing the news of his passing made Aaravos almost giddy with joy. Maybe he wasn’t the one to end Avizandum’s life, but knowing of his death was almost just as good.
Maybe this middle-aged, emotionally fragile man had potential. Maybe he would be a useful pawn.
Finally, after centuries in his prision, escape was within his grasp. He could leave this dreaded place. He could take revenge upon those wretched dragons and elves.
But in a final moment, he relented.
“What do mean ‘no’? We’re this close to freeing you!” Claudia squawked indignantly, pinching her fingers together to emphasise her point.
“You need to free someone else first. Someone just as powerful, and just as essential to the plan.” Aaravos insisted, his ghost-like apparition pointing a finger to a second dot on the map.
“And who would that be?” Viren inquired, Raising and an eyebrow in suspicion.
The star touched elf resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His use for the old man was beginning to dwindle. “You will see when the time comes.”
Reluctantly, he managed to get Viren, Claudia, and Terry to agree, though the earthblood elf didn’t really put up much of an argument.
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Roaring and ticketing sounded through the mountain where your prison was kept. Allegedly, the magic orb that contained you was imbedded into an ancient tree. In order to acquire it, the tree needed to be felled. Easy, right? Wrong.
The tree was guarded by a serpent-like dragon by the name of Mortem, who’s bite held enough venom to kill an archdragon.
“Don’t get bit.” Aaravos instructed.
He was so close to you. He could feel your energy radiating through the mountain.
And somehow, the earthblood elf managed to lead Mortem away and distract him long enough without getting bit for Claudia and Viren to cut down the tree and grab your prision.
The scrambled journey back down the mountain made his breath bait in anticipation. This was it. He was finally going to be able to see you again.
Once the ritual was complete, your giant form kneeled down to look the three mortals in the eye. Shrinking yourself down, his ghostly appearance caught your eye.
“Aaravos?” You ask incredulously.
“I’m here, beloved.”
I’m here…
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 18 days
Cinderella's Castle Lore:
Some interesting world building/character lore dropped in Cinderella's Castle that may be further explored in The Lands That Are:
There was a time when the sun was blotted out and Trolls controlled/had free reign over the lands that are. What happened to sun? how did humans bring it back?
The Fairy Queen of Sweet Dreams, The Goddess of All That is Green and Good:
So much to chew on from her scene:
She was 'caged' in the land of death, so who caged her there (killed her)?
There are Nine Good Gods worshipped in the Lands That Are, but when Ella names the goddess of love the Fairy Queen has never heard of her, implying these gods are false/don't exist. If they are a real power in this world, they aren't as old/powerful as the fairy queen.
The Lady Ashmore: was the stillborn she placed at the roots of the old oak her still born child (a sibling of Ella's?) if not where did she get the body? how did the Lady Asmore know of the goddess of all that is green and good? how long had she worshipped her? Finally if her version of the ritual had succeeded what was the sweet dream she wanted the fairy queen to grant her?
The Grizzwald Bastard: part of why Justine and Lucy believe Ella about her step mother is they know about Trolls because 'their bastard brother hunts them' this is just such a specific detail I feel like this brother has gotta come back in some way
especially interesting to note he slays trolls, when there's a whole scene with our Narrator and Master Dwarf spelling out that trolls are fucking hard to kill, so how powerful is this guy?
The Narrator: this one is super small, the type of detail that drives me insane but I don't know if anyone cares. At the very end of the play, when the peasants bow for Queen Ella Ashmore, the Narrator clearly bows to her as well. As the Narrator. What i mean by this is unlike say Kim, who is in that scene costumed as a peasant, the Narrator is in the same outfit he has always been,he is not a background peasant, he is still clearly the Narrator. But he interacts with the story. He bows to Ella. This is the only time he does this. What does this mean, if anything? That he met Queen Ella Ashmore? That he was there? Are you thinking about the implications?
Some Miscellaneous points, not from the show itself, but from cast/creator comments:
The Fairy Queen of Sweet Dreams wanting revenge against the King and Prince, and that being part of why she pushes Ella to her own revenge. This is a hint dropped i believe from Kim Whalen about the Fairy Queen's motivation in one of the promo vids about her character. Brings up the implication that the royal family was behind the Fairy Queen's imprisonment in the realm of Death. (or at least did something that infuriated her)
Jon Mattheson in a cameo to a fan mentioned the possibility of Sir Hop-A Lot...or his descendants returning in a future show. Ella wishes for Sir Hop A Lot to 'sire many tadpoles' and grants him the lands of the swamps (land that would pass to his heris). Interesting to think of the other Castle shows taking place in the Lands that are but centuries apart. (either centuries before or after Ella) some interesting themes about the nature of stories and myth could come from this. What are the stories of Queen Ella Ashmore in the Lands That Are hundreds of years after her reign? Could be cool to hear stories of the events of Cinderella's Castle and see how they differ from the version the narrator told us.
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definitelynotarabbit · 2 months
Things that would make me do unspeakable things to the HSR writers if I were just a little more unhinged: A Collection
At what rate do any of the long-life species age, like Yingxing referred to Jing Yuan as a "boy" but Jing Yuan was clearly a grown man by the sedition which was a maximum of roughly 30 years later so either he is legitimately younger than Yingxing or something is fucky
Why is Boothill white
How long was Dan Feng in the shackling prison before the forced rebirth because we have three options, either they let him live out what was basically his natural lifespan, Vidyadhara eggs take centuries to hatch, or Dan Heng is a LOT older than he looks and acts
For that matter is this Bailu's first incarnation after the sedition because that would mean the eggs just take a long ass time to hatch
Can Vidyadhara breath underwater??? If not wtf was the plan for the eggs in scalegorge waterscape? Like how are the pearl keepers gonna get to the kiddos??
Why is Boothill whiter than a Belobog snow drift
How did Sampo get to Belobog without anybody clocking him as an outworlder
Ardens Regia arranged for Dan Heng to be absolved of Dan Feng's crimes so how on earth was Dan Heng imprisoned? Ardens Regia, when I catch you
The only excuses I'll take concerning why the other high elders didn't save him is either they all reincarnated and all the preceptors are shit or there was threat of civil war
I get that the Aeons are beyond understanding, Qlipoth especially, but why on earth did THEY give the IPC power??? They have destroyed so much more than they have preserved
I also understand that telling Belobog the truth would have caused civil unrest and things would have gotten worse but how on earth is leaving them with a functional dictatorship the best option like wahoo we love Bronya but girl that's still a dictator. I mean I know that its not the astral express's job to fix that but jfc somebody get these guys an election
If I had a nickel for every time March interrupted a big moment for completely unnecessary comedic relief I would be able to buy Hoyo
What did Boothill ever do to the writers for them to make him so indigenous-coded but have less melanin than me, a northern-european melting pot of a human
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bones4thecats · 9 months
أهلا please can you write a story about Poseidon and his wife the goddess of moon, he love her so much but she lost her memory and forgot it and now he is trying to help her remember him despite his pain. Sorry for my bad language
Type of Writing: Request Character: Poseidon Name: Poseidon with Moon Goddess! Reader that Loses Her Memory Requester: @75rrgyt34
A/N: أهلاً بك! I hope that was right, I use google when it comes to languages I don't know fluently😅. I hope you do enjoy this, lil bubbles🫧!
⚠️ Content Warning: Trauma, severe wounds, child loss, trauma, and war ⚠️
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🔱 You were the Greek Goddess of the Moon, and the daughter of the Titan Goddess of the Moon, Selene, whom created you from a speck of the moon's dust
🔱 Due to the Titanomachy, or, as many nowadays call it, the Titan War, you and Poseidon started off on bad terms, since he had witness the fight your mother participated in
🔱 When she was taken away and imprisoned, you just watched while floating next to the brothers as she smiled at you and blew a kiss of stars, which now were littered throughout your hair, symbolizing the everlasting love your mother has for you
🔱 Poseidon would watch as you floated over the ocean with a small smile as a dolphin would jump up to try playing or when a whale tried to splash you with some water from their blowhole or a swing of their tail
🔱 While many would view those actions as a symbol that the Greek God of the Sea disliked you, he had no control over the animals, they were merely the ones living in his domain
🔱 He had control of the waves and how the weather surrounding the sea made it react, and it always seemed to go from rough and rage-filled to calm and filled with delicacy whenever you were around
🔱 You and Poseidon bonded quite well, as you were very quiet and peaceful like your mother, but you also had a darker side, one similar to Poseidon's normal mood
🔱 It took a very long time, and by a very long time, I mean around maybe a few centuries, for you guys to start courting one another, and another thousand or so years for you guys to get married and start a life together
🔱 In the first few months of your relationship, you had gotten pregnant and Hera said you were destined to have a baby boy, which you and Poseidon decided on the name Πρωτότοκος, or Protótokos, which means firstborn in Greek
🔱 Poseidon and you were extremely excited for the new chapter you were about to begin, but it all came crashing down when the Gigantomachy broke out
🔱 You were resting at home when Poseidon attending an important meeting with his brothers, Ares, and Hermes, and once it ended, he went home to prepare for battle, and to get you to Hermes and into protection
🔱 But, when he arrived at the palace, he didn't see you awaiting him in the front of the throne room doors like usual, and with the war, he felt a bit uneasy
🔱 Following his instincts, he fled into your shared bedroom and found you on the ground with many wounds dressing your once clean figure
🔱 The worst ones would have to be the big bashing your head had taken and the large stab sounds on your stomach alongside bruises
🔱 He froze and went to check your pulse, which was thankfully still there, and when you were stabilized by the nurses and doctors he ordered in to help you, he headed off to battle with nothing but pure rage in his heart
🔱 They may be able to hurt him, but nobody will ever touch nonetheless try killing the ones he holds closest to him, especially his wife and unborn child
🔱 When the war ended and he returned to hear the news of what happened to you, he was met with the horrible news of losing the child due to trauma, and your memories may not even be there, also due to trauma
🔱 Poseidon tried distancing himself as you awoke and began healing, but he couldn't leave you alone, besides, Zeus and Hades kept dragging him, more so Hades then Zeus, since Poseidon would skewer him
🔱 Seeing you look confused at him hurt, you were supposed to look at him with love in your eyes, not this distant unknowing of him and what you two had made and lost
🔱 He made it his life goal to help you restore your memories, no matter the cost, you were his wife, he made a pledge to you long ago that he'd be with you throughout any challenge that plagued your lives, and this was going to be the hardest one he faces, he hopes...
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
I've seen more than a few posts by now asking why Horikoshi doesn't just kill Dabi off by now, and frankly I agree with that question. Let's be honest, killing him would be a mercy at this point and in spite of everything he's done, I don't thinking another prolonged coma with sporadic moments of consciousness is a punishment that fits the crime. He killed 30+ people, caused mass destruction, and tried to overturn an entire society.
Giving some crossover insight, Light Yagami probably killed millions with the Death Note, and I don't think even he would deserve the fate Dabi got. His poetic justice was he was an arrogant psychopath who died a pathetic death in a warehouse. The vampires of Castlevania Netflix have killed and tortured millions of people over the centuries they've been alive and out of all of them, I think only Erzsébet Báthory might deserve that fate, and that's only because she's ascended to goddess status and may be unkillable at this point and eternal imprisonment might be the only option.
So why doesn't Horikoshi kill Dabi off already?
Well....Horikoshi does have a problem with killing off characters unless its for shock value. There's no reason Nighteye, Magne, or Midnight had to die other than shock value. Most other characters that are killed off are barely in the series long enough to consider them a noteworthy death.
You could argue that Magne's death was to show that Overhaul was a new villain that meant business, but given the fact Overhaul doesn't kill or maim any other character the same way unless it's one of his nameless henchmen, his power doesn't prove to be that much of a threat to the main cast.
When Midnight reacted to Majestic's death, I legitimately asked, "Who?"
Endeavor confronts Dabi about killing Snatch and even Dabi asks, "Who?" (Also, why? Did Endeavor even know Snatch? Why bring that up?)
Why did Star have to die? To showcase how strong an opponent AFO/Shigaraki was? Uh, we already knew that...? To show why no other nations were getting involved in the fighting in Japan? A simple doomsday message from multiple nations that says, 'You're on your own,' would have sufficed. AFO could have been blackmailing world leaders into staying out of it. There could have been an international conspiracy of corrupt leaders who were in on it. They could have been having the same issue with mass prison breaks and couldn't help out. There was no need to invent a whole new character for any of that, so her death was a waste.
Arguably, Twice is the only character I can think of at the moment whose death was plot relevant. Realistically, how else was that fight going to go down? He and Hawks spend the entire battle in a weird standoff?
So either Dabi's current state is the result of creator cruelty or:
In the last couple chapters we have left, we're going to find out Eri's Quirk is not as damaged as everyone thought it was and she comes in clutch to save everyone. It's a cop-out ending, but I tentatively think this one might actually happen yet, mostly because it would neatly fix Bakugou's destroyed hand and some of the other characters who were maimed in Final War to the point their Quirks are barely usable.
Dr. Garaki cuts a deal where he biologically engineers a solution that saves everyone in exchange for a reduced sentence. Also a legit possibility. Would not be shocked if President Hawks visits the guy in prison and says, "Listen, a lot of people got really messed up in that last fight, so we've got a proposition for you." Saving both heroes and ensuring the villains actually live out a life sentence.
That unknown figure wandering around the wasteland does prove to be Shigaraki and he's got some unknown Quirk from AFO that could potentially save his comrades and we're headed for a Harry Potter Musical 'It's Not Over Yet' twist ending.
If the rumors about My Hero getting a sequel series are true, Horikoshi may be keeping Dabi around in case he has a use for him there. I don't know how that would even be possible, but I do admit the possibility of this conversation does make me laugh a little:
Pro Shouto: The plan couldn't have gone more wrong. Deku was in the wrong place. Bakugou was being Bakugou. Yaoyorozu had a relapse in nervousness and just created those weird dolls of hers instead of the materials we actually needed. The whole thing made the civilians laugh though. Not mean laughter, they were entertained and that's important, but if we were still in school, Aizawa would have expelled us all for sure.
Dabi: ...as much I just love our bi-weekly challenge of how long we can keep a conversation going before that heart monitor goes off and they put me back to sleep, do I have to listen to you bitch about work?
Pro Shouto: You said you wanted to hear about the outside world.
Dabi: Yeah, the fucking weather and shit.
Pro Shouto: You want a full forecast or--
Dabi: Don't make me come down there.
Realistically, none of those four scenarios are gonna happen, but the sequel rumors are preventing me from discounting them outright.
I would say there's no point in having that last minute 'everyone is saved' because that's it, that's the end, but then I remember Zuko's last line in Avatar is, "Where is my mother?" and opened up that whole subplot for the graphic novels.
So I don't know anymore.
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wuxiaphoenix · 4 months
Worldbuilding: Outliving Emperors
There’s a common tendency in a lot of fantastic fiction portraying long-lived races or individuals interacting with shorter-lived types. It often defaults to, “they have a mindset of slow and patient consideration in the face of Problems. After all, they have plenty of time.”
(Until, of course, they don’t, and the Evil Overlord obliterates lots or possibly all of them.)
It’s a valid way to portray a fantasy race, I guess. But I think it misses a critical consideration of sapient life. And that’s pattern recognition.
To boil it down - if you’ve lived a long time, and you pay attention to what’s going on around you, sooner or later you will recognize when things are about to go nastily sideways. The river-folk down there and the mountain-folk up there have had a new generation grow up without bloodshed; sooner or later some young buck out to make a name for himself is going to dig up the old feuds all over again. Or, we’ve had three years of bad harvests in a row, I bet the nomads think we’re weak now, let’s watch for raids. Or (and much worse), this guy is making speeches about a Glorious Past and Restoring the Nation to its Rightful Place in World Affairs... right, time to duck, world war incoming.
If you’ve had time, you’ve seen things happen. If you’ve had enough time, and survived it, and even a little breather afterward, you can sift back through the history leading up to When All The Maps Got Arrowy, and try to see what set the whole mess off. So if you see similar precursors go off again....
Slow and patient consideration might not actually be your preferred plan. Instead, you might opt for, find the bastards and shut them down, fast.
Someone slaps you? Walk out now, no matter what anyone else thinks. Squatters on your land? Find them and toss them out on their ears so hard they bounce. Sabers rattled your direction? Make it absolutely clear there will be heavy weapons firing back - as soon as fired on, not “two years later after we’ve deliberated it to death”.
Because if you’ve lived for a while, and you anticipate living a lot longer - think about it. “I’ll be a slave for a decade, then die,” is bad. “I’ll be a slave for a century, and that’s only if they let me die-”
Yeah. That’s worse.
With a long lifespan, the number of Bad Things that can happen to you automatically increases, just by virtue of your being alive to have them happen. Why would you want to give any avoidable Bad Thing a chance to happen?
 Wouldn’t it be possible that an elf, cultivator, dragon, or other creature who might live centuries, might actually be quicker to act than regular humans?
I have found this in one fantasy setting. In Lejentia, by Flying Buffalo Games, the Aelvan Nations finally beat down and imprisoned the Hyl Sudiar (Hellish Seducer) and the demon who possessed him, and breathed a sigh of relief. Some centuries later, said demon persuaded another person to become the next Hyl Sudiar... and the Aelvan Nations declared war immediately.
Human kingdoms: “Whyfor you do that?”
Human kingdoms a few centuries later, after despite all efforts the Hyl Sudiar’s armies have conquered half the world: “...Oh.”
I have to think about this, given I have a story that has at least one nearly three-hundred-years-old vampire, and a somewhat younger cultivator who has still outlived three emperors and is working on a fourth. (Zhengle, Jiajing, Longqing, and Wanli, if you’re interested.) They’ve seen threats to their people. They know, over and over again, what it is to lose people to the actions of evil men. What it is to live on, while those you love die, and it never stops hurting....
Long life might not mean slow and deliberate action. Just a thought.
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tulipsforyourlips · 5 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (6)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 4K
WARNINGS: slight angst
A/N: okay brace yourselves ladies it's a long chapter. and slow paced too but i genuinely loved writing this chapter and showing intimate conversations between dream and her. its a slow burn after all the chemistry has to be right.
PART 6 ✧˖°.
"Morning lads," you greeted the pair sorting through the daily mail.
"Mornin- woah what happened?" Charles' eyes motioned to your hand.
What? How were your injuries from your dreams transferring into real life? Well, technically that happened outside your dream. Whatever, you had no energy to mull over the technicalities of the realm differences, that was better left to the Endless.
"Eh nothing. Just slightly cut my hand open on the bed railing."
"How did that even- you know what nevermind."
"How's Jesse doing?" You changed the subject.
The boys had been monitoring her full night.
"The demon did peek through but for like half a second. Too brief for us to use our incantations and extract him out," Charles answered. "Poor kid. Must be suffering."
You gulped down some water and nodded.
"So? I was in-"
"Hell for seventy years." Charles and you finished his sentence.
"Oi turn up the volume a bit," you said as the television screen displayed some news in the background.
"As you can see around us ladies and gentlemen, the sleepy sickness has indeed made a comeback. We have Shiara's parents with us right now who has been diagnosed with the same, just one victim out of the thousands being affected," the lady reported from a hospital.
Shit shit shit. This was bad.
"Will the number soon soar to millions like it did around a century back?" The reporter continued.
You had obviously read about it. And Morpheus himself had told you how his imprisonment had befallen this plague on the waking world.
"That's..intense," Edwin said.
You never heard Charles' reply because your brain was busy trying to comprehend what you had just heard. You needed to see Dream. In response to your plea, Matthew pecked against the window.
"I will be right back," you told the guys. "Need some fresh air." You grabbed your coat and hurried out.
Dream was waiting for you in the alley behind the building.
"The sleepy sickness is back," you said as you approached him.
"I know."
"But-I-," you stuttered, "I don't understand. I thought things were supposed to move in the healing direction after last night. Atleast not worsen."
"You are coming to the Dreaming with me."
"Right now?"
In answer, Morpheus fetched his sand pouch from his cloak. You knew he could easily transport you through his cloak disappearing trick. But he seemed determined to avoid any direct contact between you two. Except when he had bandaged your hand. Ugh not the time to be a hopeless romantic. Sand enveloped you in a tornado and took you to the Dreaming. Your heart shuddered when you took in the scene awaiting you. Ruins littered the ground everywhere which in turn bore fresh cracks. You revolved your head around, assessing the damage. You took a step back, bad idea. Your feet connected with nothing and you fell, would have if not for the sturdy arm wrapped around you. Something in your guts uncoiled, partially from the apparent death, and partially from the proximity of him. This close you could see the crystal blue of his sapphires for eyes. Loose rocks fell into the crevice, showing you your alternate fate. He uprighted you on secure ground before withdrawing his hand from your waist. That was the third time he had contacted you, willingly or not. Were you keeping track? For fuck's sake you almost fell to your death and that's the part you want to fixate upon?
Shoving your flustered state deep down, you asked, "How did this happen?"
"Honestly, I dont know," Dream spoke, "What I know is we need to take another approach, a more direct and dangerous one. It is our only shot at saving humanity." He looked down at you, his eyes imploring you to trust him and validate his decision.
Had he so little faith in you? "When do we start?"
You were flopped on the couch alongside Jesse watching some lame ass family movie. The boys were on some haunted house case according to the note scribbled in Charles' ugly handwriting. On the screen, a daughter hugged her mom and you tasted a palette of emotions- jealousy for being denied what others had for granted, lonely for having no one to call your own, frustration for not remembering anything. Even though you had accepted the erasure of your past, you couldn't help but grieve who you were. Who were you? Someone who mattered so little that her family and friends didn't even bother looking for her? Didn't deem her worthy of putting themselves through the trouble.
The door busted open and Charles stormed through.
"Where's Edwin?"
"Fuck knows." Was all he said before shutting himself in his room.
Okay something was seriously wrong. The door creaked on its hinges as you opened it.
He was sat on his bed, whimpering softly.
"Hey? What happened?" You asked in a whisper and sat down beside him.
He shook his head. You gave him time to gather his thoughts. "He just doesn't understand."
Charles sniffed, wiping his tears away. He took a deep breath and started, "There was this family. The husband murdered the wife and children."
You inhaled a bountiful. You were aware of his traumatizing past starring his abusive dad. That fucker. The first time he had told you about him, a rage you had never been familiar with before had tightened around your veins. If that sick brute hadn't already had departed the waking world, you would have hunted him down and done that.
"I am so sorry." You intertwined your fingers in his.
"I tried to intervene but apparently had some strong emotional response to it and got sucked into the situation itself. I am aces now-"
He continued on, "but that didn't stop Edwin from yelling at me for getting involved in the first place." He sucked a breath. "I couldn't help it Hazel, I just couldn't. When I saw his ghost murder-" he choked on his words. New tears escaped his eyes and burned at the back of yours.
You cupped his face in your hands and swiped your thumbs across his cheekbones, dampening his tears. "Look at me Charles." 
He reluctantly met your gaze. "I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't even begin to grasp what that might have felt like. That's simply fucked up. But you have to know, if there is one person who understands you, it is Edwin. He cares for you more than any other person or ghost on this Earth. The only reason he yelled at you was because he was scared Charles." You didn't release your hold on his face. "Of losing you."
Charles' eyes softened.
"He loves you. We both do."
"I know." A hint of a smile graced his lips.
You kept tossing and turning in your bed. Charles' tearstained face kept flashing in your mind. You had found Edwin at the bottom of the stairs, equally devastated at his outlash. He had explained to you what you already knew, that he was worried for Charles, of losing him. Oh these boys were going to be the death of you,  provided you survived long enough.
"You are late," Dream declared when you appeared in his realm.
"Sorry, trouble at home."
"Nothing serious," you added to erase the crease in his brows.
"I want to show you something."
"Lead the way your Highness!"
You followed him to Holy shit. You'd thought you'd toured through every phenomenon in the Dreaming, been fascinated by every miracle it had to offer. You were proved wrong as you titled your head backwards to witness the dazzling fabric of sky warping around you. When you propelled it downwards the same enchanting sight glimmered. The water was coated in the sheen of the starry night. An admiration blossomed deep in your core for the Endless standing at your side, the creator of the spectacles you had witnessed in the realm, the cause behind all your fascination. These docks just being one example, perhaps your favourite yet. After your very own dream of course.
"And this, mortal, is where the magic happens."
He extended his arms and the sea waters responded to their master's call. It roared to life from its dormant state and danced to the tunes of the Endless' hands. Spiral of waves loomed from the sea, stray droplets settling on your skin as you watched the Dream lord at work. Globes of water bounced on the ocean's surface. An assortment of objects and beings went about in their respective bubbles. In one such bubble, through its foggy exterior you recognised a dream you had gotten to trust mere days ago. And then it dawned on you, you were watching people's dreams. You were staring at the collective unconscious of the living world. There was no horizon visible as far as sight took you, the sea and the sky effortlessly blended into one entity. You were in infinity itself. Where you stood was sacred ground. And Morpheus had brought you here, to a special rendition of his soul. He trusted you. No, he had no other option but to, with the waking world now in turmoil too. Unknown to your captivated self, Dream was taking in each and every shift in your expression.
He came up just beside you. "Dip your hand in it."
You peered through the mist swathing the globules of dreams floating in front of you. Seeing your apprehension, he went first. His skin immersed the film and once he was halfway through, he rotated his head back. An invitation.
"You will be fine," he said.
"You promise?"
A thousand emotions collided in his eyes all in a fraction of a second. "I promise." And he disappeared into the globule. You followed suit and landed on your butts on solid ground. The Endless at your side who was standing on both his feet having failed to make a clown of himself unlike you, paid no heed to your graceful landing. You were on your feet in a quick motion. Butterflies fluttered their wings around you and you extended your arms for them to rest upon. A giggle left you as one plopped itself on your nose.
"What is this place?" You couldn't keep the wonder out of your voice.
"This is Fiddler's green. One of my proudest creations, I confess."
"I don't blame you." Your eyes raked past the waterfall and the pure greenery of the place.
A boy, just a child, hopped a few feet away from you.
"Why are we here?" You asked finally.
"To try our new approach."
"Dream you really have to start being elaborate."
"We need him to wake up. He has been here for a while."
"Wouldn't really hold it against him. Have you looked at this place?"
Dream looked at you. Of course he had. What kind of stupid rhetorical question was that to ask the person who had made the effing place.
"I mean it's beautiful."
He brushed past your compliment and said, "Hazel he has the sleepy sickness."
"Oh. But how am I supposed to get him to wake up?"
Nightmares weren't the only ones running wild. Dreams even as pleasant as the one you were currently in, were drifting from their original purpose to serve humankind. They used their beauty and kindness as an added advantage to lure humans into staying in a fragment of their mind forever. You'd known humans' resolve was fickle, being one of them. And provided with an opportunity to escape, no one would ever turn it down. Even the strongest wills would shatter with the passage of time. And that was why you listened intently to what Morpheus had to say.
"Invoke trust in the Fiddler's green as you did with others. Without hope, their sense of their purpose is growing corrupt. They are feeding on humanity's innate desire to run away from reality. Your trust has to fill in the void left by the absence of hope."
"What if I can't?"
"You don't have a choice."
"Dream but I- what if I am not the person for this? This was Hope's job. It was never meant to be mine."
"Will you tell his parents that they can stop visiting his bed every second of the day, quell their prayers, and say goodbye to their son because you were afraid to try?"
Brutal. But the impact was necessary. "No."
"Then the fate of the world is in your hands mortal."
No pressure then.
"Oi where are you going?" You asked Dream's retreating figure.
"This is your fight Hazel. I will see you when he wakes up."
"If you think you can just leave me here- " He definitely thought so because you were standing alone on the grassy landscape, except the jovial boy chasing butterflies.
You looked at him, airy giggles erupted from his throat. You sat down, feeling the grass beneath your palms. And closed your eyes until the beating of your heart was all you were aware of.
The dream collapsed as back in the waking world, the boy began to stir, accompanied by exuberant cries of his parents. You found yourself back on the docks, completely drenched. Beads of water dripped down from the hair sticking to your face.
"You look pathetic."
You swirled around to face the Endless who had spoken those words.
"A thankyou, you did remarkably well. Yoo hoo you are saving the world and I am indebted to you. And I apologise from the bottom of my heart which I am not even sure if I possess one, for abandoning you back there, would be nice but you know whatever," you rambled. "Wouldn't want to disrupt this whole emo vibe you have going on," you vaguely gestured to his hair and robes.
Your sour mood immediately dissolved as a smile graced his lips, his perfect cherry lips, you didn't deny it this time. An actual smile, fleeting but it was there. As real as the wind blowing through his hair, bestowing an air of ethereality upon him. A god, an Endless, who had just smiled at you.
"It's time for you to wake up mortal. The sun has already risen in your land. We have a lengthy path to walk, Fiddler's green was just one on it."
"Has anyone ever told you that you're one massive buzzkill?"
You didn't think so with the authority he owned and his general 'you dare say anything to me?' demeanour but the reminiscent twinkle in his eye made you doubt otherwise.
"Goodnight Hazel."
You were lying in your bed since you had woken up, which was seconds or minutes ago, brooding over stuff, enjoying the quiet laziness before one of the guys would barge into your room and drag you out of bed. They were late today. The faint ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room when a sudden scream interrupted the monotonous ticking followed by a loud thud. You dashed through your room to the living room where an unconscious Jesse was slumped on the carpet. Charles and Edwin were both lying on the floor next to a book on incantation and Charles' pandora's box, as you liked to call his bag of tricks.
"Oh you are alive," Charles addresses you.
"What the fuck happened?"
"The demon happened," Edwin exhaled in a breath.
"Don't worry we had it contained, like forever." Charles jiggled an opaque jar in his hands. "No thanks to you," he quipped.
"I-" You were dumbfounded. "You could have woken me up."
"Oh we tried mate, but you were sleeping 'like a log' won't do it justice. We thought you were dead for a moment."
"Or worse, that you had the sleepy sickness. But before we could assess that for certain, Charles had to pee and then Jesse got possessed so we kind of had our hands full."
It was because I was in someone else's dream you gits. But it isn't like you could explain that to them. And you did have a history of sleeping like someone who had just been introduced to the concept, so you let it pass.
"But we are obviously super relieved to see you fit and aces."
"I can see that. Charles you chose pee over me!" You cried.
"Mate it was nothing personal. It was really urgent."
Okay that was the last straw. Your hands were around his neck in a second, your knees pinning him down as he tried to wiggle free from your grasp.
"Careful with the jar, you two." Edwin said flatly, unconcerned if you would strangle the ghost.
What would happen if you did? Could ghosts die again? A part of you wanted to find out badly, but a sympathetic loser  part of you took pity on his reddening face and let go. You fell down on the space next to him, both of you heaving air into your lungs.
"I hate you," Charles huffed, his earring still dangling from the aftermath of your force.
You patted his shoulder. "Don't fret it son. I hate you more."
You were headed back to the agency with arms full from your grocery trip. A yapping Charles trailed on in front of you. Jesse had moved out, to your ghost friend's dismal and ranting about it was his way of dealing with it, unfortunately.
"And she said Edwin-that Edwin had a better fashion sense than me! Can you believe it?"
"I can."
He stopped and you took the lead. "What?" He blinked.
"Come on Charles you can't be serious. His taste is impeccable. I would have stolen his wardrobe a long time ago if he wasn't a ghost."
Passers by gave you judgmental glances, but you were used to it.
He caught up to you. "Hazel, this." He gestured to his baggy jacket. "And this." He flicked his earring.
"Yes even after this and this."
"I can't believe girls sometimes, scratch that, all the times." He fastened his pace, muttering to himself.
You brought your wrist to your hand to see the time when you got knocked off balance as someone bumped against you. Your groceries spilled out of the paper bag onto the road.
"Oh I am so sorry," a stranger's voice apologised.
You both were on your knees, gathering your escaped items.
"No it's okay my fault. I wasn't lookin-" You looked up and golden eyes met you. Wow. That was one rare iris.
"Oh shush now darling. Mistakes happen," they cooed.
You both scrambled to your feet as they handed you your bag. "Thankyou."
"You're welcome Hazel."
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh I overheard you and the boy talking," they said with an unnerving smile.
They could see him? Well quite a many people could, guaranteed that they'd had a similar bump in with death, not the Endless. You watched Charles distant profile walk on far ahead still seemingly mumbling to himself. You turned your head back to ask them if they had been in a near death incident, but they were already gone. Weird.
"Haz are you coming?" Charles shouted, realising you weren't with him.
You forsake the encounter with the golden eyed person and made your way towards your impatient friend.
Cool water lapped around your ankles where you had dipped your feet in them. The past week you'd fallen into a routine, a tedious and rewarding one, as you helped more and more people get rid of their eternal sleep. You had learned to manoeuvre the waters on your own, invading people's dreams while Dream devoted his time in mending his realm. Some days he'd join you after your daily targets and you'd both sit together, relishing each other's company. Today was one such day.
"When do we begin with the nightmares?" You had only focused on the sweet dreams till yet. Dream was insistent on it, forbidding you from trespassing through any others.
"Not yet," he said.
"Don't you ever get tired?" You asked after some time.
"Of what Hazel?"
"Of being immortal."
He raised his eyebrows at you, "Would you?"
"Fuck no!" You bit your lip. "Sorry. I mean knowing your time is always running out, does generate a new appreciation for life. But that life seems to be gone in a blink of an eye. Too brief, to leave a mark, to have your existence mean something. Time becomes the most precious and most despised instrument at play," you spoke. "But being immortal, it's-it's something else. Imagine the wonders you could witness, could be a part of. An eternity of just living, carrying the past of the world with you into the future. I like having a particular destination to swim to, but I would rather be lost in the infinite ocean, you know?"
Dream listened to your words intently. "I have a friend back in the waking world. Hob Gadling."
"I didn't strike you as that."
"As what?"
"As someone having friends. But go on."
"We met in the fourteenth century. Death and I visited this pub together and there he was, proclaiming humans could cheat death."
"What did you do?"
"Death granted him his wish."
"What?" What?  "So does that mean he is still alive?"
"Yes. In fact we meet up every century."
"Hold up hold up. The devil meeting with an immortal man in the pub, that has nothing to do with this right?"
Dream's lips twitched imperceptibly.
"Will you ever cease surprising me?"
Quiet ensued you both.
"So this Hob Gadling, does he enjoy his immortality?"
"To my initial surprise, yes. I had thought after a hundred years, he would surely be begging me to take the curse back but he seemed to consider it a boon. Even after centuries had gone by, his zest to live never died, hasn't died. He reminds me of you. Or, you remind me of him."
"Oh careful Dream lord, are you implying I am your friend?" You nudged his shoulder lightly.
"Now let's not get too ahead of ourselves."
You let out a half suppressed laugh.
"Perhaps," he said.
You titled your head towards him, "Eh. I don't think I'm ready to promote you from acquaintance just yet."
"Is that how it is?"
A shooting star dived through the sky, cutting a blaze of fire through it.
"What do you wish for Dream?"
He glanced at you.
"Come on. It appears every day without fail, in the abode of your creations. You made it. What do you wish for everyday?"
He was silent.
"And here I thought we were friends."
"I created it in memory of Hope."
That was the first time he had willingly mentioned her. 
"Do you miss her?"
He took his time to answer. "Sometimes."
You drew your feet out of the water and hugged your knees. "Well. Tragedy does birth-"
"The most beautiful things."
You looked at him to find his eyes already on you, a quiet yearning displayed in them.
"Ok mind reader," you scoffed.
"I do not posses those powers, unfortunately."
"Oh a creep then?"
When you looked at him again, his lips imitated the crescent moon in the sky on his perfect face. It wasn't like any of the fleeting twitches, no matter how treasured, he had given you before. The smile reached his cheeks. His teeth glittered under the moonlight, his skin washed in it. A weak crinkle formed at the end of his eyes. Your heart lurched in its rib cage, wanting to join another. No. You won't fall for him. You won't fall for an Endless. You won't fall for the pompous goth guy. You won't fall for him. You weren't falling for him. You weren't falling for him. You weren't falling for him. You were not falling for him. Shit. You were falling for him. 
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myboyherodotus · 7 months
BSD Chapter 113 Historical Analysis
Basically, I can put my History and Religious Studies Degree and put that shit to use and do some good for society
Essentially, I think chapter 113 left us clues for hinting at the bigger themes of Bungo Stray Dogs and possibly some insight into Fyodor's motivation for being caught by Bram. This might get long so buckle up bitch.
Okay, so the first thing to understand is the contemporary events mentioned in Chapter 113. The guards and Bram mention King Matthias, the Sultan, and the Holy Crusaders.
The Crusades, for those of you who don't know, are a series of so-called Holy Wars whose main objective was the "reclamation" of the Holy Land. However, not all crusades had this objective. There were several crusades within Europe itself. These wars, like the Cathar Crusade, were aimed at driving out paganism or "heretical” sects of Christianity. While the main Crusades happened centuries before the Dungeon scene took place (the first official Crusade happening in 1095) there existed later Crusades that often sought to limit the authority and scope of the Ottoman Empire. Which is also mentioned in the chapter with "Sultan"
Now the Sultan mentioned is Mehemed II, often referred to as the Father of Conquest. He was in power when King Matthias (Matthias was the King of Hungary and Croatia) ruled and often fought to expand Ottoman territory into the lands Matthias ruled.
Now, you know who else was a contemporary ruler? Our boy Vlad Dracul, the inspiration behind Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Now, Vlad Dracul was the ruler of Wallachia, which is basically Romania today. Now it is my belief that Bram Stoker. like a lot of characters in BSD, is inspired by the tale of Dracula and not the actual Bram Stoker. But, I think instead of using the character of Dracula, Asagiri is using Vlad Dracul (also known as Vlad Tepes) as Bram's inspiration. This is for two reasons. 1. The castle depicted in the manga is the same castle Vlad ruled from 2. Bram states that he wants Fyodor skewed like a little shrimpy on the grill. Vlad Dracul got his bloodthirsty reputation by impaling his enemies and leaving their heads on pikes outside his castle for several months at a time. In fact, I forget the exact quote, but a visitor of the castle during Vlad's reign said you could smell the decaying rotten flesh for miles before arriving at the castle. This is why Bram Stoker wrote Dracula based on Vlad Dracul.
Now as for the specific year the memory takes place, I personally believe it takes place in the year 1462, either summer or early fall. Once again this is based on the textual evidence given in the manga... The guards are clearly nervous about the sultan, who we have established is Mehemed II. This guy is responsible for the downfall of the Byzantine (or Eastern Roman Empire) and founded the Ottoman Empire. He also has beef with Vlad since Vlad brutally killed Ottoman envoys sent to Wallachia in an attempt to make Wallachia a vassal state for the Ottomans. Moreover, 1462 was the year that Vlad was imprisoned by King Matthias till his release in 1475. During this time Wallachia was essentially conquered. Vlad died between 1476 and 1477 (the sources don't have a specific date).
Now historically speaking there is reason as to why King Matthias imprisoned Vlad. A letter, which a lot of scholars think was made up, allegedly claimed Vlad pledged his allegiance to the Ottomans to help them conquer Hungary and Croatia. Now, strictly speaking for the events of the manga, having Bram imprisoned and/or taken out of power sounds like something Fyodor would do. So it makes sense that in the manga he would have something to do with Bram being imprisoned. If Bram is imprisoned that is to say since we still don't have clear motives for that.
It should also be noted that Fyodor warns Bram that the "Gods of Warfare come from the West”. historically speaking it was the Ottoman Empire that caused Wallachia problems and not the Holy Roman Empire aka the Romans mentioned in the chapter. The only reason I can think of the guards and Bram suspecting "holy crusaders" and "Romans" is because of their differing religious beliefs. Now Wallachia followed Orthodox Christianity while Romans obviously followed Roman Catholic traditions. Protestantism wasn't a thing yet, but these two groups were already tense and there have been several major conflicts (like the Crusades I mentioned earlier) and schisms within the church.
So, this is the only thing I could think of, but I'm not sure of what Fyodor's play is at here. Maybe he's an immortal being wanting to rid the world of abilities and having Bram Stoker in chaos would help in advance that goal. Maybe he can take people's life forces away like I've seen a lot of people suggest. I don't know. And the whole "come from the West" quote is the one thing throwing me off. Overall, I would love to know if Asagiri used any sources from the period to influence this memory scene, and if so...I wanna know which one's bestie!!
Please let me know what you think! If I just rambled or if my sleep-deprived thoughts and research make any semblance of sense. I would also love to know any fun theories and/or facts you have about this chapter or BSD in general. Also, would pictures be helpful?
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extremely-judgemental · 2 months
Okay, I just found out SJM hinted a betrayal in the next book..? And there are theories about Amren, Morrigan and Azriel turning a traitor.
Amren showed her cards when she tricked Feyre into using the Cauldron to release her true form. She's feeding Rhysand the idea of becoming a High King. She's also the one who rallied for Nesta's imprisonment manipulating Feyre.
For someone with the power of truth, whatever the fuck that means, Morrigan lied about part of her identity for five centuries. And there's enough clues that she's lying about her history with Eris. She could be lying about so many other things. Also, she only cares about herself.
Azriel is just. . .there. Very little is mentioned in the books that he seems mysterious (I just think SJM didn't have much use for him to give him enough screen time) It's a good theory since he's a spy. He doesn't trust Amren and has the wraiths spy on her even after Rhysand's orders which implies he wouldn't hesitate to break the rules when he sees fit. And given his trauma, he could be very well on the road to become a traitor.
All are good reasons. But they all seem obvious. We can already see it coming if it was one of these characters.
So, have you guys considered. . .Elain?
Her sisters and IC believe Elain is the sweetest angel. Feyre and Nesta would do anything to keep her safe. IC takes Feyre's word and never doubt her. Elain is always a shadow in the house. Most conversations happen without her in the room. But she spends her time with the wraiths who would know all the gossips and happenings everywhere. Elain is known to gel well with people and it's seen with their human servants. She'd know things that others might not want her to know. She is also manipulative and self-serving. She does everything to protect herself including throwing her sisters in the crossfires without hesitation. But no one suspects it or even bats an eye. She's called kind and sweet over and over again, but we haven't seen it in her actions in the books. And her recent admission that she wants to be seen. Feyre is High Lady and parades like she owns the world. Nesta is super powerful. Her sisters always being on the front could lead her to do something vicious.
Here's the good part. She's established herself as a reliable seer during the war. If she were to turn a traitor, she could manipulate them more and play god. And the IC will be eating from her hand. Even if she doesn't have those powers anymore. No one would question her if she was wrong, going as far as to believe it was a misinterpretation. Until Elain whips out an evil maniacal laughter, no one would see it coming. Feyre and Nesta would be devastated. Rhysand and IC would blame themselves for missing the signs. Azriel would be losing his mind since he trained those wraiths and they fucked up.
Now, that screams betrayal.
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chiefesskatara · 1 year
"Aang never supported Katara…" Book One: Water
An argument that is constantly used against the relationship between Aang & Katara is the lack of support from Aang’s side. “Aang never respected, cared or comforted Katara”, This is blatantly false to the point where it is laughable, we have three seasons of both of them being nothing but supportive to one another.
I'll present all of the moments where Aang was supportive of Katara & how she inspired him to become a better person. This thread series will be divided into three parts: one part for each book. 
(All images on this thread are edited by me. If you do use them please give credit.) 
1.1 – The Boy in the Iceberg
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Aang: Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa and I can give you a lift. [Aang airbends himself onto Appa.] Katara: We'd love a ride! Thanks! [Katara runs to the side of the bison.]
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Aang: But you forget, I have a flying bison. [He happily points at himself.] Appa and I can personally fly you to the North Pole. Katara, we're going to find you a master!
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Katara: [Happily.] I haven't done this since I was a kid! Aang: You still are a kid!
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Katara: Think about it. The War is a century old. You don't know about it because, somehow, you were in there the whole time! [Aang's expression changes to one of comprehension.] Katara: It's the only explanation. [Aang backs away and slumps to floor in shock.] Aang: A hundred years! [Saddened by his new discovery.] I can't believe it. Katara: [Squats beside him.] I'm sorry, Aang. Maybe somehow there's a bright side to all this ...
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Aang: [Cheerfully.] I did get to meet you.
1.2 – The Avatar Returns
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Kanna: [Worriedly.] Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship! Now we could all be in danger! Aang: [Sorrowfully.] Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault.
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Sokka: Katara! Would you really choose him over your tribe? [Shows shot of the entire Southern Water Tribe.] Your own family? A side-view-shot shows that Katara had stopped in her tracks, right between Appa and her tribe. Close-up of Katara, who looks down sorrowfully as Aang approaches her with a sad look upon his face. Aang: [Understanding.] Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family.
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Aang: If I go with you, [He holds his staff in front of him as an offer, making sure Zuko understands that he does not wish to continue fighting.] will you promise to leave everyone alone? The camera cuts to a side-view of the area, Zuko's men still surrounding him, spears poised. After a brief moment of hesitation, Zuko erects himself and nods in agreement. Aang is apprehended by Zuko's men, who take his staff. Katara runs forward as they lead Aang away. Katara: [Sadly.] No! Aang, don't do this! Aang: [Surprisingly calm.] Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay. [He gasps when he is shoved on the walkway. Katara's face contorts with sadness and fright.] Take care of Appa for me until I get back.
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Katara: [Brightening a bit.] Well, if we go to the North Pole, you can master waterbending! Aang: [Turning to face her, smiling and brightening up completely.] We can learn it together!
1.6 – Imprisoned
Aang: You must have really inspired him.
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Katara: We can't abandon these people! There has to be a way to help them. Aang: Maybe she's right. What do you say, Sokka?
1.7 – Winter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World
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Aang: You're the spirit of this forest! Now I understand. You're upset and angry because your home was burned down. When I saw the forest had burned, I was sad and upset, but my friend gave me hope that the forest would grow back. [He shows it the acorn and leaves it at his feet. The spirit picks it up and reverts to the panda form. It walks away peacefully. As it exits, a series of branches grow, and three villagers and Sokka emerge from it.]
1.9 – The Waterbending Scroll
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Katara: [Surprised.] Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly. It took me two months to learn that move. Aang: [Shrugs shoulders.] Well, you had to figure it all on your own. I'm lucky enough to have a great teacher. Katara: [Smiles.] Thanks.
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Aang: Hey, you did the water whip! Katara: I couldn't have done it without your help.
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Katara: Aang, this is all my fault. Aang: No Katara, it isn't.
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Sokka: We'd need a team of rhinos to budge this ship. Aang: A team of rhinos, or two waterbenders. Cuts to Aang and Katara pushing and pulling the water until the boat rises up.
1.14 The Fortuneteller
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Aang: [Rises to his feet.] Not tangled. Woven! I made you a necklace, Katara. I thought since you lost your other one ...[He pauses in mid-sentence and displays the necklace, holding it between his hands as he flashes a toothy grin.] Katara: [Smiling and approaching him.] Thanks, Aang. [Takes the necklace.] I love it.
1.15 – Bato of the Water Tribe
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[ Zuko sends him three firebending blasts. Aang jumps to the other side of the well to dodge them. Zuko sends another fire blast at him. Aang ducks and notices Zuko is carrying Katara's necklace.] Aang: You've got something I want.
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Aang: I wish I could give you a little piece of home, Katara. Something to remind you ... Katara: I'll be okay. Aang: Still, just a little trinket. Maybe something like ... [Holds up Katara's necklace.] this? [Closer shot of the necklace.] Katara: [Takes the necklace.] Aang, how'd you get that?
1.16 The Deserter
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[Katara enters the cottage to find Aang sulking.] Aang: Jeong Jeong tried to tell me that I wasn't ready. I wouldn't listen. I'm never going to firebend again. Katara: You'll have to eventually. Aang: No, never again.
1.18 The Waterbending Master
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Pakku: Here, the women learn from Yagoda to use their waterbending to heal. I'm sure she would be happy to take you as her student, despite your bad attitude. Katara: I don't want to heal, I want to fight! Pakku: I can see that. But our tribe has customs, rules. Katara: [Furious.] Well, your rules stink!
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Aang[Also just as angry.]: Yeah, they're not fair! If you won't teach Katara, then ... Pakku: Then what? Aang: Then I won't learn from you! Pakku: Well, have fun teaching yourself! I'm sure you'll do a great job.
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Sokka: No, it's Princess Yue. I don't get it, one minute she wants to go out with me, and the next, she's telling me to get lost. [Changing the topic.] So, how's waterbending training? Aang: Master Poophead won't teach her because she's a girl.
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Aang: [Bending up some water.] Master Pakku said this move is all about sinking and floating. [Sends the water to her.] Katara: [Bending the water.] I got it! [The water suddenly shoots upward.] Aang: That was amazing!
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Katara: [Determined.] You can't knock me down! [Some of the crowd cheers.] Aang: Go, Katara!
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Aang: Good to see you here. Katara: You, too.
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
How I imagine Katai taking the news of Kunikida's imprisonment after the Cannabalism arc.
Atsushi: worried Katai... I have something to tell you.
Katai: Wereboy, hey what's up?
Atsushi: Kunikida's in jail!
Katai: Oh, I thought he had that scheduled for the 14th.
Atsushi:... What...? Kunikida was planning on getting arrested?!
Katai: chuckles Something like that. I'm guessing this wasn't planned?
Atsushi: Huh... No it wasn't explains
Katai: Gotcha, leave it to me. I'll bail his ass out of trouble.
Atsushi: Really? You can do that?
Katai: Sure, I mean snorts wouldn't be the first time.
Atsushi:... Has Kunikida been arrested before?
Katai: Understatement of the century kid.
Atsushi: But... How? He's soo... Him.
Katai: snorts You wouldn't think so would ya? Smiles Doppo's got a big heart, he always has. He also has a temper, and it used to land him in a lot of trouble.
Atsushi: Was it because of his ideals?
Katai: Bingo. He was always doing something. Going to protests on the regular. I could never deal with the crowds but I was always there in spirit.
People were always telling him his ideals were ridiculous or stupid, he didn't take that well. And you guys think he's passionate about them now.
Atsushi: Sounds intense.
Katai: Yeah but he made up for it by being a massive softy. He'd be at protests fighting for change and reforms.
But Cop's liked to push his buttons. He wouldn't have cared so much but than they started attacking other protesters. And well I'm sure you can imagine he wasn't happy about that.
Atsushi: snorts No, I can't imagine he was.
Katai: smiles That's our Doppo, always gonna fight for what he believes in.
Atsushi: Yeah frowns But this... He's blaming himself but it's not his fault.
Katai: softens I know, he always had a habit of talking everything on his shoulders. But, that's why he's got us to lighten the load, right?
Atsushi: nods Yeah he does.
Katai: He may have given up on himself, but we ain't giving up on him. He'll be out before we know it.
Atsushi: smiles Thanks Katai.
Katai: No worries kid, it's my job.
Atsushi: amused Bailing Kunikida out of jail?
Katai: laughs I was gonna say being his best friend, but you know what that works. Maybe I should get a little plaque for it.
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slavonicrhapsody · 4 months
did the Volcano Manor existed before Rykard?
I think it’s quite possible! The existence of the Serpent-Hunter essentially tells us that there has already been a concentrated effort to hunt down the Great Serpent:
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“Weapon that serves as both greatsword and spear. Thought to have been used to hunt an immortal great serpent in the distant past, it manifests a long blade of light when facing such a creature. When their master's heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed, his men searched for a weapon with which they might halt their lord.”
We also know that Mt. Gelmir’s ancient serpent-worshipping civilization died out a long time ago…
“Curved sword fashioned in the image of an ancient serpent deity and tool of a forgotten religion practiced on Mt. Gelmir.”
…so we have to ask ourselves, what happened to them? They may very well have been purged by the Golden Order, who created a weapon specifically to destroy their serpent god. The Golden Order considers the serpent to be a traitor to the Erdtree, so it makes total sense that they would have carried out a purge against serpent-worshippers in such close proximity to the capital… and maybe erected a fortress around the volcano to ensure the serpent god never returned. The question is, was this hypothetical conflict the reason why serpents are considered traitors (and the Golden Order was simply doing what it does best — eradicating any civilization that might pose a threat to their own), or did the Golden Order already despise the serpent because of a different reason? (we might find out in the DLC… looking at you, Messmer)
Anyway, I can see this fortress over time becoming less focused on hunting the Great Serpent, as it doesn’t seem like it resurfaced for an extremely long time, and more focused on being used as a dungeon where criminals and heretics were sent to be imprisoned and interrogated. What better place to send prisoners than a long-abandoned castle on top of a volcano? Unfortunately for the Golden Order, the guy they made Praetor, though being very good at his job, also happened to really enjoy committing heresy himself.
Volcano Manor also has some architectural details I find interesting; they might not actually be intended to imply a timeline, but I feel like mentioning them nevertheless: Volcano Manor is a Gothic-style castle (at least the outside is; the inside is actually pretty Neo-Classical), but it’s always struck me as inspired by 19th-century Gothic-revival palaces more so than genuine Gothic fortresses from the Middle Ages... the scale of the Manor, with its many intricate spires and chimneys and massive walls covered in windows, reminds me more of the likes of Neuschwanstein Castle and Hohenzollern Castle, which were built by 19th century nobility as luxurious showpieces… you know what, maybe that’s why it’s called Volcano Manor rather than something like “Volcano Castle”!
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This idea seems to go against the idea that Volcano Manor is extremely old, but at the same time, this is a video game, so historical architectural styles can’t technically be used to prove or disprove a theory. Also, castles can be rebuilt! The current Hohenzollern Castle was built right on top of the old castle after it fell into disrepair. Who’s to say Rykard didn’t take on an entire remodeling of an old castle to meet his own architectural tastes… it’s certainly in character. I’d also bet that he added that giant mechanical bridge that we raise up out of the lava:
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Anyway, tl;dr I think it makes a ton of sense for the fortress to have already been there, but if it was, Rykard probably did some remodeling.
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