#but the immediate one after that with dadneto was Erik going
arysbruv · 2 years
I didn’t mean it
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Warnings and whatnots: ANGST. I love hate myself some Dadneto angst. I might do a part 2 but depends on the responses I get from this one.
People don’t expect that the Magneto was related to Peter Maximoff. They weren’t alike. Peter was a rambunctious kid who ran on impulse, while Magneto was a methodical man who thought through his actions. Even Peter himself was surprised at the revelation. He wasn’t sure that his father would quite believe him. Who would?
Peter jolts up, looking up to see Erik staring daggers into him. 
After everything, Erik decided to take up on his old friend’s offer. He stayed at the mansion, becoming the resident physic teacher. Much to Peter’s dismay. Peter wanted nothing more but to be as far as possible from him. Yet, for a man who can practically run anywhere, he never seemed to be able to run away from Erik. It started messing up his sleep schedule. He couldn’t sleep thinking about Erik and all the possible reactions to Peter telling him about their relationship. Would he be pissed? Overjoyed? Disgusted? He wouldn’t be surprised if Erik didn’t want to accept it. Erik didn’t seem to take any interest in him anyway. Peter was a handful and he was sure Erik didn’t want someone like him as a son. Still, he didn’t want to cause Erik to leave. Erik was loved by many in the mansion. It would be unfair for Peter to just shoo him away.
“Yes sir?” Peter asks uncertainly. He looks around, realising people were snickering at him. It was the third time this week he had fallen asleep in Erik’s class. Erik raises his eyebrow expectantly. Peter wanted nothing more but to run away.
The bell rings.
Peter sighs in relief as Erik announces that class was dismissed and that they were free to go. He quickly packs his things up. 
“Not you Peter. I would like to have a word with you.”
Peter stands frozen, staring at his chemistry textbook. He didn’t dare raise his head, even when the last person left the class; leaving Erik and Peter alone in the room. Peter glances at the door. He could run out in time.  
“If you’re thinking of running off, I’ve bolted the door shut.” 
Peter stares in disbelief at Erik Lehnsherr. Erik’s face was unreadable.
“I’m… I’m sorry sir but I… I have to get to the lab,” Peter says. 
“Sit down Peter. I’ll tell Professor McCoy you’ll be a bit late.”
Peter obeys hesitantly. Erik pulls a chair and sits in front of the silver-haired boy.
“Is everything alright Peter?” He asks. His voice surprisingly soft. Peter gulps.
“I’m fine,” Peter answers, faking a smile.
“Don’t lie to me Mr. Maximoff.”
“I’m not-“ 
“Peter I’ve seen your grades for physics from before my time here. They were amazing. Yet when I’m here, your grades have dropped. You’ve fallen asleep in my class thrice already, and that’s only this week.”
Peter gulps. How the hell was he going to say that he couldn’t focus due to the fact he was too busy worrying about what Erik would think of him? He glances at the window. He could jump from it, it wouldn’t be the first time. If he ran from the door and jumped, with his superspeed, he would be fine.
“Ever since i’ve gotten here, you have been avoiding me. You rarely talk to me after class and don’t think I don’t notice you immediately changing your route when you see me.” 
“You see me as a murderer don’t you?” 
“No! No, of course not!” Peter shouts, surprising both himself and Erik.
“Don’t lie to me!” Erik answers back. “Why else would you avoid me like the plague!”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t just assume what I think!” 
Peter didn’t know where this anger came from. It was some deep and hidden fury that laid siege in his heart. It was like a dragon that had slumbered peacefully in him but had been awoken abruptly. 
“I saved your life back there in the Pentagon! Did you forget that!”
“Oh come on we all know Charles and the others were the one who managed to convince you!”
“CAN YOU STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!” The voice rings around the empty classroom. Peter clenches his fist, staring defiantly at Erik. Erik’s eyes widen, not expecting the sudden outrage coming from the young boy.
“Peter I-“
“I… Peter what-“
Erik’s eyes widen. How had he heard that? He remembered that conversation. He was talking to Charles in the garden. He didn’t know how but the topic of Peter Maximoff started. He didn’t know that Peter had heard that. He didn’t even mean it in a bad way. He liked the fact Peter was like that. It reminded him of his younger self. Was that why he felt a random gush of wind pass through the both of them after he had said that?
Peter didn’t realise the hot tears that had started to escape his eyes. He quickly gathers up his belongings. He slings his bag over his shoulder before walking his way to the door, tears rolling down his face. Erik was left speechless, opening the bolted door for Peter wordlessly.
Peter’s mom had fallen for him? Is that why he hadn’t been focusing in class? But how? He had never met the woman before? Hadn’t he? 
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fouralignments · 2 years
What would a Phoenix Pietro even be like?
Everytime he runs Pietro accidentally sets shit on fire?
I guess not get put in a coma? Erik Kills Hank when he tries to go after Peter?
Peter sees Vox as white Basic Apocalypse and oblerated her on the spot when she approaches him because Erik stories of Shaw made hil prepare what was next?
Kill Stryker?
Kill Hank?
Set Moria on fire so she can feel her death?
Kill the humans when they arrive on Genosha? Because Peter thought they were after Erik and the quicksohn will give anyone deez hands if they mess with Dadneto
Or and personal favorite just go to a rave with David and dance to what is love by haddaway?Hardaway? The last one was for fun but it's a nice thought don't you think?
Fun note, Both the Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain were in Scenes in a Marriage.
Perhaps, Pietro was put into a coma after the phoenix goes into him, Charles watches over him and rapidly sees his injuries heal up and thus he wakes up as well. Unlike Jean, Pietro immediately asks for Charles's help in controlling his powers. Charles doesn't feel he can do it alone so they go to Genosha.
With all the psionic energies following through him, when Pietro touches Erik he goes to the brightest memories has Erik re-live them because feel so real. Pietro gets to see his family that were taken from him.
Erik and Charles take the time to train and allow Pietro to not be so overwhelmed by PF, controls himself. Wanting to know what's brothering him and just things out. Phoenix entity probably needs a shit ton of therapy after the multiple universe of worth of Jean Gray drama needs to talk shit out.
It is a phoenix entity, so why can't Pietro just go around restoring old growth forest, endangered species, give humanity fission power; it has the power of rebirth, so why the hell not??
Pietro is determined to help the entity understand mortal existence, tries to give it all the experiences including going to a rave with David as you do.
When Vox shows up demanding the Phoenix force on Genosha. However, the Phoenix after connecting with Erik, feels really shitty about itself and what it did. Ask Pietro if it can take his body out into space and to restore their planet. As a result the Phoenix moves away from mindless destruction for destruction's sake to what should always been a cleansing force like a fire clearing away old vegetation for new growth in a forest.
It depends on the writer, but it annoys be that this life/death entity gets mischaracterized in some adaptations and even forgets that it isn't purely destruction for the sake of it. This is why I enjoy Sailor Saturn more...if you look at it its a better version of the DP saga. That and Raven's Trigon arc from Teen Titans. The tension is never 'can they control their powers' but what 'what they are going to do with that power and how we stop that perceived bad thing from happening?' Its never a question of control and that sexist trope. Both Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn and Raven keep their agency.
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thischerik · 2 years
I like how most Cherik fics are like
“Charles is so short, he’s the shortest man Erik has ever seen, he’s so GoDDAMN SMALL, he’s like an infANT, he’s the tiniest man Erik will ever see in his life”
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xmcu-fietro · 2 years
Just got tagged in this by @fouralignments —perfect timing, because I just finished finals and have been writing a ton!
Game: Post the titles of your current works in progress. If someone sends one of those titles to you, explain the concept or post a snippet!
I went ahead and explained the concept for each, but if you send in an ask I can share snippets! I’m sorry in advance for how long these summaries are..... brevity has never been a strong suit of mine and I got a little excited.
1. Nobody - Dadneto fic - genre: angst, hurt/comfort
This fic deals with what happens after Peter is kidnapped and tortured just after X-Men: Apocalypse. With no memory of how he was harmed or even taken to begin with, he’s left to pick up the pieces using only the aftermath to draw on. His relationship with his father is quickly put under stress, as Erik found out about their relationship during the time Peter was away, and now Peter has to be okay with being taken care of as he struggles with many frustrating and exhausting effects of the torture. With no memory of what happened, it’s easy for him to think that he should be unaffected—but Erik is there to remind him that even hidden pain is still pain, and that family is a kind of bond that will never be broken.
2. Amnesiac - Agatha Harkness and Peter Maximoff fic - genre: light fluff/angst/comedy
After the Hex disintegrates, Peter remains trapped in his Hex persona thanks to Agatha’s magic. Problem is, Agatha can’t undo his mind control immediately because she’s stuck in her Hex persona, thanks to Wanda. They basically live as roommates for a while as Agatha tries to break free and Peter, who doesn’t even totally realize he’s trapped, tries to figure out why some things about himself post-Hex aren’t quite adding up. Eventually he is able to break free of the Ralph-mind-control, but, surprise—he’s got amnesia, and the only way to get his memories back and return to his universe is to help Agatha become un-hexed so she can (literally) work her magic.
3. Directed by Agatha Harkness - Agatha Harkness and Peter Maximoff fic - genre: angst/semi-horror(?) - inspired by the tv show Kevin Can F*** Himself in which a fed-up housewife snaps and decides she’s going to kill her oblivious, idiotic husband.
Agatha and Peter are both stuck in their Hex personas, although only Agatha is aware that she’s trapped. As time passes living with Peter Ralph, Agatha becomes bitter and exasperated; if he hadn’t failed in his mission to find out how Wanda’s magic worked, if he had just listened to her, maybe she wouldn’t have lost and become stuck as Agnes. It’s all his fault, and if divorce isn’t possible for the roles they have to play, the only way to get rid of him is a more permanent solution.
Agatha has had enough: she’s going to kill her husband.
4. For Nothing At All - Charles Xavier - genre: dark/angst (with Dark!Charles)
After the events of Days of Future Past go awry with Erik killing Raven and the government ultimately succeeding in using her DNA, Charles is left alone and distraught. So, he goes to Cerebro. He begins reading the minds of government officials, influencing them to subtly help the mutant cause without drawing suspicion. He gets their passwords too, using them to always keep him five steps ahead of the CIA. He starts to get unhinged as he spends all day hooked up to Cerebro, and eventually he’s at the top, in control of everything and everyone—alone. 
He can’t get back what he’s lost, but at least now he has no one to lose.  
5. Pietro Maximoff Goes by Peter - Clint Barton and Peter Maximoff - genre: angst, found-family
In the middle of a mission gone wrong, Clint prepares himself to say goodbye; there’s nowhere left to run, and he can’t fight back any more.
When he sees Peter Maximoff in the aftermath of moving bullets—a fast Maximoff saving his life, once again—his only thought is “Pietro?!”
Or: in which Clint recognizes that Peter is really Pietro, albeit from a different universe, and, overcome with a mix of shock, grief, and thankfulness, drags him back home to meet his wife and kids. Angsty conversations about family and loss ensue.
6. Untitled WIP focusing on Peter Maximoff, David Haller, Kurt Wagner, and their respective parent issues. I thought it was crazy that somehow Erik, Raven, and Charles all had secret kids they didn’t know about (or who didn’t know about them), and I thought that might be interesting to explore.
7. various WIPS that are partially posted---the next chapter of The City Rain, the second part to the Nina fic (not the actual title, but the real title is so long...oops), and a potential epilogue to Vilomah (still debating on whether I want to continue the story or leave it as-is, because the original plan was for it to end with Peter dying, but I’ve gotten requests for the aftermath). There’s also a “Peter Maximoff and Peter Parker become best friends after the Hex and the events of NWH” fic that @jadoue1999 and I are slowly working on :)
@jadoue1999 @spidey-sense-projections @you-see-something-strange-here @can-of-pringles @toodles-me-doodles
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Hiii! Can i request a dadneto where Peter has a secondary mutation that also makes him metallokinetic like Erik? And then when he finally shows the X-men, Erik finally connects the dots? 😳😳
Of course you can love I’ll never say no to dadneto ❤️❤️❤️ sorry for the wait I just started a new job. I hope you enjoy the story ❤️
Pairing: none
Warning: I drop the f-bomb a bit
Summary: When Peter and Scott get into an argument, Peter loses his temper revealing his secondary mutation.
Peter had always been really careful about hiding his secondary mutation. If people saw him moving metal it wouldn’t be hard to jump to the correct conclusion about his and Erik’s familial bond. It was just easier to keep that bit to himself. He wanted to tell Erik but he also didn’t want to be a 27 year old man trying to take the place of his dead 8 year old sister. He wanted to naturally build a relationship with his father, maybe then he could tell him.
They were supposed to be having a team building dinner that night. Peter knew why as well, he and Scott had been bickering constantly. It was obvious that Scott blamed Peter for his brother's tragic death. Scott had no way of knowing that the flames had already engulfed Alex. Peter also didn’t want to harp on that but too much Scott needed to grieve lord know he lashed out like an asshole when Wanda disappeared. If Scott needed to blame someone Peter didn’t mind being that person.
Everyone else thought it was obvious that Scott was being a major jerk wad and would often try to come to Peter’s defense. Scott rarely saw it but Peter would always wave off the defenders, often with comments of “let him have this” or “it’s okay, he needs to get these emotions out.” He could be the bigger person he was ten years older than Scott, it was just part of being a grown up.
The time came for the team building dinner and Peter’s mouth was already watering at the prospect of delicious ooey, gooey pizza. His mother had often told him his stomach was like a bottomless pit. Peter burned a hell of a lot of calories though and he had to constantly eat to make up for that.
He took his seat between Raven and Hank rubbing his hands together in anticipation. They looked at him with various looks of both disgust and amusement. Peter could care less pizza was the food of gods right behind twinkies.
It was no time before everyone had a seat at the table and Peter immediately started inhaling the Pizza. He was halfway through his 8th slice when Scott decided to open his mouth.
“That’s disgusting” he sneered and Peter could only grin at him.
“I burn a lotta calories plus Pizza is delicious!” Peter exclaimed brightly he was unbothered by Scott’s half hearted insult.
“Can you lay off for once this is supposed to be about team building,” Jean groaned, fed up with her boyfriend's childish behavior. Peter remained unbothered though, he knew what Scott was going through. It had been the same for him after Wanda disappeared.
“It’s fine Jean he’s just a kid, he doesn’t bother me,” Peter told the red haired girl light heartedly.
“Well it bothers me. Scott, what happened to Alex was not Peter’s fault, Alex was closest to the blast,” Jean shot out to her boyfriend obviously fed up with his shit.
“What bothers me is how nonchalant he is about the whole thing, it’s like he doesn’t even care” Scott was starting to get worked up and Peter wished that Jean could have just left it alone. He managed a glance at Erik who was ignoring everyone in favor of his newspaper. Charles who was beside him looked like he had a migraine starting. It was Charles idea for team building after all and Erik had the look of I told you so without even saying a word.
“You think I don’t care?” Peter asked, he didn’t want Scott to think he didn’t care. It weighed heavily on his mind that he hadn’t gotten there in time to save Scott’s brother. He was always too late for someone with super speed.
“I know you don’t fucking care!” Scott’s face was inflamed and red.
“Scott! Language!” Charles snapped.
“Well you’re wrong Scott I do care. I’m always too late and I’m sorry I didn’t get to Alex in time.” Peter was sincerely sorry that he hadn’t been in time. He would never wish the pain of losing a sibling on anyone.
“Well fuck you! You don’t know what it’s like to lose a sibiling! Alex was all that I had!” Scott screamed and Peter felt a trill of Anger run down his spine his fork started to vibrate subtly and Raven looked at it with wide eyes before looking at him sharply. Peter didn’t notice his mind was full of images of his sister.
“Don’t act like you know me Scott, the only reason I’ve let you go on and on like you have is because I know exactly what you’re going through.” Peter seethed and he knew he should be embarrassed that he let a seventeen year old goad him like this.
“Fuck You! Alex died, you didn’t save him. You don’t know what it’s like to lose a brother” Scott spat. By now Erik had lowered his paper watching the interaction with veiled interest. Charles had a look of anger at the boys for ruining his team building dinner.
“Oh I might not know what it’s like to lose a brother but I lost my twin sister when we were your age! She just disappeared. I have no clue if she’s alive or dead and I promise you that’s worse!” Peter spat and the silverware began rising into the air with his skyrocketing temper. If he had been looking he would have seen the color drain from Erik’s face.
“Erik you’re only making it worse!” Charles snapped thinking it was Magneto getting irritated and wanting to silence the boys. Peter realizing what he had done let the silverware drop with a metallic clatter. The anger drained rapidly.
“Charles it’s not me.” His tone was choked as he stared at the silver haired mutant with new eyes. Peter unsure of what to do in the rising tension decided the logical answer was to bolt from the room.
He was by the fountain in second trying to calm his ragged breathing and approaching panic attack. The cat was truly out of the bag now. He placed his head between his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Inside Erik was still staring at the spot Peter had just disappeared from. His mind was trying to catch up. He had another child, a living child. Peter was clearly Magda’s son, he had her sunny disposition, he obviously hadn’t inherited that from him. Then his stomach sank again. He had twins and one of them was missing for over ten years. Peter had been dealing with this pain on his own.
“Fountain,” Charles' voice whispered in his head, “go to him he needs you. He’s afraid you’ll reject him.”
Erik wondered how such a brilliant person like Peter could ever think that he would reject him. If anything Erik wasn’t worthy of the boy, he was such a bright beacon in the dark miserable world. He began to walk to the fountain, his mind replaying a very specific memory. Almost ten years ago a silver haired teenager had broken him out of his prison with a grin and a sharp wit. He had also made an off hand comment.
“So you can control metal?” Peter had asked and Erik who was still disoriented had only nodded.
“That cool my mom knew a guy who could do that,” the statement had been so off handed and nonchalant. Erik should have known then but he had been distracted by a walking Charles who promptly punched him square in the jaw. The off hand comment had been pushed to the back of his mind.
He found Peter with his head between his knees close to a panic attack. He sat next to the boy and laid a hand on his shoulder. Peter jerked looking at him in surprise.
“Your mother was Magda,” it was a statement not a question. Peter only nodded with wide brown eyes. His mother’s eyes, it felt like a punch to the gut.
“I’m not trying to replace Nina, I swear!” Peter choked out, “I wouldn’t want someone to try and replace Wanda.”
“You’re not replacing anyone my boy, you are your own person. A good person that I don’t deserve. You’re my son and I love you. I may not have known you for very long but family is forever,” Erik declared and Peter sniffles before throwing himself into his fathers arms like he was five and not twenty seven. Erik hugged his son back as they both fought back their tears.
“Forever” Peter agreed and one of the cracks in his heart healed. He wasn’t whole but he had one more person to add to his list of loved ones. He only hoped he could find Wanda one day. Erik would love her; they were both so much alike.
Thank you for reading feel free to drop a request.
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18, 16, 25, and 32 my darling ^-^
Why thank you Nio-🐝 :D (and don’t worry about asking me stuff I’ve already answered, that’s just the way it works with ask games) 
Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Please define wild 😂 Well, surely the dadneto!opossum fic you’ve read is one of the examples which comes to mind immediately. It’s just so silly and I didn’t expect it to get so much positive feedback! Then there was that one time I wrote wlw smut for a friend even though I had never seen the show with the ship and was flying blind when it came to characterisation - or that one time I started a fic tag on AO3... with a tentacle sex fic. Yay me. 
Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Most dirtybadwrong smut fics I guess 👀 Or crossovers when two characters played by the same acting person have a go at each other - just fancy masturbation after all, innit? 
Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay yes this one I’ve already answered twice :) As I said, either a Cold Iron sequel exploring more fantasy world-building, or trans!Robbie and Cecilia adopting some kids. 
Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Now this is harder than it looks. Um. 
Charles Xavier seduces divorcee Erik Lehnsherr over flowers and coffee. 
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Pairing: fem!reader x Peter Maximoff
Warning(s): Pregnancy, fluff
Word Count: 2.2K
Request: Hi Darling! I just wanted to say I really really LOVE your last fic of Peter M that I read at least once everyday. Thank you so much again for accepting my request! My mood for Peter is still ongoing and I just had this idea for quite some time and it might be related to the last fic as well. So it's after Dark Phoenix and by that time Peter and the reader are married for like 7 years or so. When they married, they agreed to not have kids bc Peter was not sure/confident/ready to be a dad. Reader loved kids but she was okay with that and just happy being with Peter. Somehow Dadneto issue was resolved. One day Peter says he's kinda ready and wants to have kids with her only if she wants. They try and it's a long process so they decide to be patient. She loves coffee and Peter always brings coffee from her favorite cafe when she asks. One day Peter comes back with coffee and she says she might need hot chocolate or smt and Peter is confused. She reveals she's pregnant. I'm so sorry it's very long. You can change the idea as you wish. Always thank you for your time! - by @evanpeters-petermaximoff
A/N: Thank you again lovely for your amazing mind sending ideas to little ole me. I appreciate you so much  💖
Masterlist     Requests Open
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“One Americano, as requested.” Your husband places your order down in front of you, presenting you with his cheek and only sitting with his own coffee after you’d placed a peck upon it. A small smile rests upon his lips, as it always does after receiving a kiss from you, as he takes the first sip of his caramel latté. This is how you loved to spend your Saturday mornings, sitting side by side on the couch you had all but claimed at your favourite coffee shop down the road, sipping your drinks in relaxed silence.
When you had first moved in with your now husband Peter you had gone on a quest to find the best coffee in town. He liked his sweet whereas you preferred your coffee dark, so you’d had to find a place that did both well. You’d wanted to try as many of the cafés around as possible, however you’d stopped two cafés in as you’d tried ‘Brew’, your now weekly coffee stop. Being only two blocks away it was close enough that you could walk there, strolling down the footpath hand in hand to remind him to keep pace with you, lest he jetted off as he’s known for doing. You only ever really both had the time to go together on Saturday mornings, so throughout the week Peter would bring you a takeaway cup with your piping hot Americano. Sometimes he wouldn’t even get one for himself, going out of his way to bring one for you, making you wonder how you were lucky enough to have a husband that was still so thoughtful seven years into marriage.
You rest your head on Peter’s shoulder, waiting for your cup to cool down before taking a sip, when a family comes through the door. The two excited little girls burst through the door first, followed by their parents instructing them to slow down so they wouldn’t crash into anything. The girls slowed down by a fraction but did not cease in their game of tag. You look over at the mother to see that she was wearing a front pack which had the smallest little face staring at you from it. You had to supress a squeal. His face was scrunched and wrinkled, his small hands balled into fists against his mothers chest. You watched as the miniscule boy opened his mouth in what was proportionately a large yawn before closing his tired eyes.
The smile on your face speaks for itself and as you take your head off Peter’s shoulder to reach forward and grab your cooling mug. You peer at him, noting he must have been watching you looking at the family.
“Sorry, I was staring wasn’t I? They’re just so sweet”, you say, blowing on your coffee and tentatively taking your first sip. The fact you loved kids was no secret, you adored them, taking every babysitting opportunity that you could growing up. When you’d imagined your life as a little girl it had always been with children scampering around. You hadn’t accounted for meeting Peter then though.
He was a big kid himself, so when you’d first started getting serious with him you’d thought it went without saying that he’d want them too. Surprised was an understatement when you found out that wasn’t the case. At first he’d been guarded about it, laughing it off or changing the subject when you’d asked, but eventually you pieced together the truth. He was afraid he’d be like his father.
You had known fairly well immediately after meeting Peter that he didn’t have a father growing up, being raised by a single mother. You’d been shocked to say the least when he’d confided in you that the Magneto was his father. You saw the way this man was feared, how he’d put people’s lives in danger again and again. You saw how this affected Peter, how he wished his father was someone he could look up, someone to be a role model for him. He’d never found that in Erik, and while all of that was behind him now and he and Erik had sorted things out between them, those memories still wreaked havoc on his disposition towards kids.
You understood that if you stayed with Peter that he didn’t want kids for the foreseeable future, and that he very well might never want them, but you’d been surprised when you realised you were okay with that. Your friends had been concerned you were sacrificing too much when you’d married, having mentioned to them about him not wanting kids, but you didn’t see it as a sacrifice. You weren’t giving up your dream, simply realising a new one. As long as you were with Peter you were happy, kids or not.
“Pretty sure you’d have to have a screw loose to not look at that baby”, he says with a smile, trying to get a glance at the hardly a few weeks old baby himself. It’s now your turn to watch Peter, seeing how he poked his tongue out and bulged his eyes in an attempt to get the baby to smile. “I think he’s a bit young for that Peter”, you say while supressing a laugh at his antics. He shrugs at you, claiming no one is too young to find him funny before you settle down to finish your coffees, your eyes never truly straying from the happy family of five.
“So they were the cutest huh?” Peter asks you as you’re walking home, talking about the family he’d noticed you couldn’t stop smiling at. “Oh Peter, those wee girls were so cute! Did you see how the one with the pigtails kissed her baby brother on the forehead? I could’ve dropped dead right then.” You say it all with no agenda. You’d never try to change Peter’s mind, but you can’t help gushing.
He falls silent as you reach home after the short walk, him unlocking the door and letting you step inside first. He watches as he take your scarf off and hang in on the coat rack at the door, seeing how your hair falls daintily around your face and how your cheeks are a little flushed from the walk. He could never stop looking at you, sometimes he was so enraptured in watching you that you had to snap your fingers at him to pull him out of his trance.
It’s true, he hadn’t wanted kids. In the years since he’d worked things out with Erik though he’d felt a change. Something shifted, as if the worry he’d turn out removed like his own father had started to fade when he’d finally gotten to talk to him. Lately he’d noticed he was looking at kids just as much as you, thinking how great it would be to have a little Maximoff running around.
“Hey Y/N?” You stop on your way to the kitchen, turning around to look at Peter while humming to indicate you’d heard him. “You know I love you, don’t you?” You scrunch your eyebrows at the way he was speaking rather awkwardly, walking over to him and putting your arms around his neck. “Of course I do, I love you too.” Nows the time, looking into your eyes he couldn’t be more sure of it.
“I’m ready”, he speaks, having to continue when he only sees confusion on your face, “for a family. I want to have a kid.” You don’t speak for a while making Peter wonder if he’d said something wrong or if he’d chosen the wrong time. “Are you serious?” You whisper, a wide grin spreading larger across your face with every word you speak. He nods his head at you, his signature grin coming out at your happiness.
“Do you mean that?” You ask, still unable to shake your utter shock at his announcement. He nods eagerly once more, eliciting an excited squeak from you as you tighten your arms around his neck, him reciprocating by wrapping his around your waist. You stay there for a while, too excited to release him.
When you do, you quickly squeeze his shoulders before sliding your hands down his arms to connect your hands with his. Simultaneously you start stepping backwards with him in tow, leading him towards your bedroom. “C’mon Mr. Maximoff, put a baby in me”, you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes. He laughs full and excited, “I don’t know that it happens that fast.” He says, even though he continues to follow you. “Well we won’t know unless we try.”
“Whatever you say Mrs. Maximoff.”
You sit on the closed toilet seat, absent-mindedly scrolling through your phone as you wait for three minutes to tick past.
It’s been eight months. Eight months of trying, false alarms, and looking for symptoms that weren’t there. The both of you knew going into this that people don’t get pregnant immediately, a lot of the time it takes a fair bit of trying. You just couldn’t help how impatient you were. You’d gotten used to the fact that you might never have kids, now that you were trying for one you had been impatient.
The time on your phone rolls over to 5:48pm, marking three minutes passed. You sigh and pick up the little white stick, expecting another negative. When you look at first you only see one strong red line but then beside it a very faint second line stares back at you. You don’t believe it, pulling out the instructions and reading that no matter how faint, two lines indicated a positive result. You grab another from the box and repeat the process over. 5:53pm you check again, seeing the same thing, one strong line and a fainter second one. You clap your hands over your mouth out of excitement. You were pregnant. You and Peter’s child was in your womb as you stood there gobsmacked. It was probably only the size of a bean or grape, but you look down at your still flat stomach anyway, a comically large smile on your face.
The door slams announcing Peter’s arrival home, followed by him calling out your name down the hall. You grab both tests and shove them into your pocket, opening the door and walking out to see Peter at your dining table with a takeaway cup in his hands and another in the seat opposite him. You kiss him on the cheek before taking your seat across from him, cupping the warm vessel in both hands.
You idly chat very briefly as Peter sips at his drink. You raise your cup to your lips as you intend to take a sip before you stop dead and put the cup back down. Aren’t pregnant people not supposed to have coffee?
“What’s wrong with your coffee?” Peter asks, noticing you haven’t drunk any, “Don’t tell me you’ve gone off Brew, I think I’d cry if we had to find a new favourite spot”, he says dramatically, adding “ugly crying too.” You giggle at him, reaching across the table presenting your palm to him. He reaches back and clasps your waiting hand, smiling as your thumb rubs back and forth.
“First of all we’re never leaving Brew”, you say with a cheeky quick squeeze of your hand, “but I think I need to start laying off the coffee, maybe switch to hot chocolates or something.” He furrows his brows as he takes another sip. “Why?”
“Well”, you start, your excitement now bubbling to the surface, “I hear you’ve gotta be careful how much caffeine you drink while pregnant.” “Pshh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it babe, don’t torture your-”, he stops himself mid sentence as he realises what you said, eyes snapping to your grinning face. “Are you, are you...” He fades off when you produce the two sticks from your pocket and place them in front of him. “We did it. I’m pregnant.”
His reaction is far more immediate than yours. He holds up your hand in his, kissing the back of it before quickly shooting up and hugging you tightly in a flash. You laugh at his eagerness and your own excitement, hugging him back just as tightly.
He pulls back, placing a hand on either side of your face and kissing your forehead. “We have to tell everyone!” He exclaims, you laughing at him. “We’re not supposed to until three months.” He agrees to keep quiet for the mean time, although he did try to convince you to let him tell one person which you absolutely declined despite how much you wanted to tell people too.
“Look,” he says motioning out to the lounge with his arm around the back of your chair, “soon we’re going to have a little Peter and Y/N running around here.” You smile, being able to picture Peter playing on the floor with your child.
“You do realise this means you’re going to have to deal with me not being able to have an Americano for nine months right?” You say teasingly. “Yesh, it’s going to be rough,” he says, you doing nothing to disagree. You look up into the face of the man you love and the man who has made you the happiest you’ve ever been.
“It’s going to be worth it though”, he says with sincerity. You smile with him in agreeance.
“It sure will.
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hiddleloki · 6 years
Masterpost of Dadneto and Quickson fics
Because let’s be real, we all need them. They fill my heart with warmth and joy while the movies continue to tear it apart.  UPDATED AS OF 19TH JULY (the newest/latest included fanfics are at the bottom of the post)
Somewhere Like Bolivia by iberiandoctor (jehane), Words: 8175 (COMPLETE) After Cairo, after the school is rebuilt, Erik has every reason to leave. Charles and Peter think about giving him a reason to stay.
To Boldly Dress (Like Those Who Might Have Gone Before) by iberiandoctor (jehane) (COMPLETE) Erik doesn’t do Halloween costumes. Peter and Charles try to change his mind.
Humanity by palmtreedragons, Words: 3676 (COMPLETE) Peter and his father were as different as two people could possibly be. But, heck, they're still family, and family sticks together, or whatever. Spans pre-FC to post-XMA
Immediate Family by Glass Shoe, Words: 175534 (COMPLETE) This is the story of how Peter Maximoff loses his mother, reconnects with his father, and finds something that he didn't know he'd lost in the first place.
That’s My Boy by oneiromancer242, Words: 1113 (COMPLETE) Erik is terribly proud of his son - as Charles and Raven are about to find out.
Peter Maximoff: a Loving Son Who Couldn’t Have Brought Up That Fact Sooner by Blueci1234, Words: 4848 (COMPLETE)  Peter was a tiny bit angry that he was going to die before telling Magneto that the all powerful ex-horseman-of-the-Apocalypse-and-a-giant-frienemy-slash-love-interest-of-Charles-Xavier named Erik Lehnsherr contributed as a sperm donor (not really) to the birth of the great-not-so-great Quicksilver circa 1960 c.e., the time of mutants.
Erik Lehnsherr and His Rotten Luck with His Children by Blueci1234, Words: 2208 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO PETER MAXIMOFF: A LOVING SON WHO COULDN’T HAVE BROUGHT UP THAT FACT SOONER What do you do when your children die?
Vati by naasad, Words: 254 (COMPLETE) Erik Lehnsherr is a man of many names.
A Million And One by Sam the Wise, Words: 1186 (COMPLETE) Peter tells Erik the truth, and that changes things.
Best - Laid Plans by rebecca-in-blue, Words: 2046 (COMPLETE) "Erik recognizes him immediately: the silver-haired mutant boy who broke him out of prison." My take on Erik, Mystique, and Peter post-Days of Future Past.
Peter, I Am Your Father by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 5576 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff knows he should tell Magneto, big-bad-but-not-that-bad-all-the-time-I-can-sense-there-is-good-in-him-Charles-always-insists-terrorist-guy, that he's Peter's father. But it's painfully difficult to bring himself to do so.
A Knife In The Gut by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 3081 (COMPLETE) - sequel to Peter, I Am Your Father "Every smile Peter warily offered him, every joke made at his expense, every midnight conversation pained him like a knife twisting in his gut." After Erik finds out the truth about the young man who once helped break him out of the Pentagon, he tries to connect with his son. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
That Whole Father/Son Thing by mysterytour, Words:  3054 (COMPLETE) Part of Erik doesn’t wasn’t to climb out of the well of depression and live in the world without Nina and Magda. How can he smile or laugh again when they can never smile or laugh ever again? He feels like ash caught in the chimney stacks. Everything is exhausting. Peter and Erik bond over food. Erik and Jean bond over tomato plants. Jean and Peter bond over prog rock.
Bad With Names by Cyane, Words:1469 (COMPLETE) Erik sighed. "Pietro-"He froze. Jesus Christ, did he just call him Pietro?!
The Day will Dawn by Cyane, Words: 11227 (COMPLETE) Four times someone else was there for Peter, and the one time Erik was.
We Live in a Beautiful World by Cyane, Words: 8405 (COMPLETE) His heart was screaming at him, telling him that he couldn't save all those people. He couldn't save his precious Nina, he couldn't save his lovely wife. He couldn't save any of them- he didn't. He lost that chance. What remained of his family was dead. Everyone. But he had the chance to save Peter.
The Five Times Peter Called Him Dad, And The One Time He Meant It by thecattydddy, Words: 5183 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff has known that Erik is his dad for a while now, but knowing something and admitting something are two very different thing.Classic Exactly What It Says on the Tin.  
Silver by thecattydddy, Words: 1609 (COMPLETE) Peter's about to die and as he stares up into the face of death, he can't help but wish they had been wrong about his father. That they had just misunderstood, but it was becoming apparent by every second ticking by that they had been right. Erik Lehnsherr - Magneto - was nothing more than a monster.
Woodstock 83 by blarfkey, Words: 7373 (COMPLETE) Peter's mouth runs just about as fast as his legs. No secret is safe from him! Except his own, apparently. The Universe hands him opportunities to confess on a silver platter and Peter just cannot freaking spit it out.
The Sun Will Shine When Morning Comes by blarfkey, Words: 5352 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO WOODSTOCK 83 If Erik and Peter were a Venn diagram, their circles would not intersect. Erik thanks God every day for it. Peter has no temper. He has no rage, no tragedy. He is light where Erik is a shadow. Right now he is moaning piteously on the couch because his medicine has worn off and his headache has returned. “I’m dying,” Peter croaks. “Dad, I’m dying. I’m not gonna make it. I’m going to the spirit in the sky.” Erik rolls his eyes. There is a certain twisting in his gut, both thrilling and painful every time Peter calls him “dad.” It snags like a hook.
Jail Break by blarfkey, Words:  Words:5717 (COMPLETE) It's totally normal in Suburban America for the dad to pick up his rebellious teenager from jail, right? Even when it's the Pentagon instead of the local police station, and your dad is a Mutant Supremacist Assassin and America's Most Wanted who didn't post bail so much as murdered all the guards? Whatever. Peter will take what he can get at this point, even if it means the most painfully awkward road trip in the history of the universe.
Two Lonely Souls In A Fish Bowl by blarfkey, Words: 14033 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK There are tons of fun activities in Peter’s new life at Westchester. You know, like the never ending cleaning and dusting of all four floors of that gigantic mansion, trying to arrange Charles’ old clothes into outfits that wouldn’t get Peter’s ass kicked in a theoretical high school, getting home-schooled by a genius telepath who always knows when Peter cheats, and Peter’s favorite: midnight visits from his crazy terrorist father who may not be as awful or crazy as Peter thought.
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right by blarfkey, Words: 15735 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK & TWO LONELY SOULS IN A FISH BOWL “Look man,” Peter says, “you don’t wanna fuck with me, ‘kay? My – my dad’s gonna find me, he’s gonna kick your ass. He’ll kill everyone in the building. He’s fuckin’ nuts.” The Man smirks. “Aren’t you a little old to be depending on your old man to save you?” Before Peter can give a witty retort, The Man pats his cheek and leaves. No one is going to come for him. He is going to die here. Alone.
Shine On You Crazy Diamon by blarfkey, Words: 24335 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK & TWO LONELY SOULS IN A FISH BOWL & CLOWNS TO THE LEFT OF ME, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT Five years later, Peter has gotten his college degree and settled into life as a P.E. teacher at Charles' school. He's got his whole routine mapped out: combat training with Erik and Raven in the mornings, running the Baby Mutants ragged on the field until they start planning his assassination in the afternoons, mixed in with calling Hank every variation of "nerd" American slang can provide and staring at Raven's butt when she's too busy to kick him in the throat. After all the crazy shit he's had to go through, he finds comfort in this new-found stability, even if it means he's officially a Boring Adult who shops for prunes and wheat bread. And then Wanda blows up a car.
Luke, I am your father! by PalauMaggot, Words: 2365 (COMPLETE) Okay seriously. He could have done so much better than that. Facing off with his father who gave him the best line to come clean about being related to him and he goes and says, ‘I’m here for family too.’ Yeah it’s serious and the truth and vague and everything else but come on. The guy had his wife and only child (that he knew about) killed in front of him. So he guessed that springing the whole “You have a son!” on him during the ending of the world probably would have done more harm than good. Erik might have thought they were trying to manipulate him or something. OR: How Peter tells Erik that he's sort of his long lost son.
Like Father, Like Son by leahx, Words: 4191 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff might not have his father's name, but evidently, he has more than enough of the infamous Lehnsherr genes, including the ones that will one day be responsible for Charles' inevitable breakdown. Or the time, after the Apocalypse, when Peter screws up and accidentally ups the population of Lehnsherr/Maximoff-ville to plus one. And Charles isn't amused.
7 Tries by krispool, Words: 741 (COMPLETE) The 7 or so tries it takes Peter to talk to his father.
And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one by AryYuna, Words: 25946 (COMPLETE) “She’d never really allowed herself to think about coming back to Westchester, lest she’d end up abandoning everything in exchange for the safety of that place. The mission was too important, more than her comfort, more than everything. Safety was for the others, for the dreamers like Charles, for the kids she rescued, but someone had to live in the real world so that others could hide – her brother, Erik, Hank.” Apocalypse has destroyed everything, but they can repair it. Together.
Late Again by Bravo_48, Words: 70931 (COMPLETE) The "Apocalypse Incident" has taken its toll on Erik Lehnsherr as the aftermath of the battle has left him hollow and lost on what to do with his life. He's been from a wanted terrorist to playing the role of a henchmen to a god, but nothing felt as important to him as being a father, but even that ended with tragedy. Bless Charles' heart of gold for helping him piece himself together, but he still feels so lost........ Peter Maximoff has always lived for the thrill (and speed) of life, but that doesn't mean he can always handle it. It took him a week for his brain to register that "Magneto" was his father and a month to fully accept it. The guy didn't seem so bad. Without Erik, Peter would have never found out how to break into highly secured prisons or how great it is to be an X-Men! Too bad Erik doesn't know how much of an impact he created in Peter's life... Funny part is that even with his ludicrous speed, Peter always seems too late to tell him so. (And always picks the worst times to try.) Especially when his life decides to turn upside-down in the process.
It’s Not So Black And White by Nishloo, Words: 6913 (STILL UPDATING) Peter Maximoff is an already complicated kid - boy turned x-men, a plethora of night terrors, and the inability to look his father in the eyes. When can a guy get a break? or Peter is an angsty teen with some major PTSD who can't tell Erik he's his son.
Grace Under Pressure by IreneADonovan, Words: 604 (COMPLETE) Father- son bonding over good music and bad beer. Set at least a year after Apocalypse.(The album Peter's listening to came out in September of 1984.) Peter has finally told Erik he's his dad, and Erik has returned to the mansion to see him.
Better Men and Better Beer by IreneADonovan, Words: 451 (COMPLETE) - sequel to Grace Under Pressure Bonding, act two.
Power Windows (aka The Road Trip) by IreneADonovan, Words: 226 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Grace Under Pressure & Better Men and Better Beer Just a little set-up scene for the road trip...
Manhattan Project by IreneADonovan, Words: 1548 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows Erik and Peter make their first stop of the road trip in Hell's Kitchen...
Grand Designs by IreneADonovan, Words: 507 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows & Manhattan Project Erik and Peter share a moment on the road...
Emotion Detector by IreneADonovan, Words: 566 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows & Manhattan Project & Grand Designs A little more father/son interaction, post-XMA... 
Peter is Going To Tell Erik, Really...by ChasingAfterMidnight, Words: 4702 (COMPLETE) Peter thinks the secret of his parentage is safe, until Charles announces that Erik is going to be living at the mansion from now on. How long can Peter keep Erik from knowing? Just until the time is right... He'll definitely tell him. Totally.
Glowing Embers by Magnolie, Words: 5719 (COMPLETE) How do we move on from a shattered life? How do we rebuild bonds, trust and friendship? How do we go on, carrying those we have lost with us? There is no one right answer to these questions, but returning to those we love, endowing them with small acts of kindness and finding ways to fit in again is. Picks up right after the end of X-Men: Apocalypse and follows Erik, Charles, and the rest of their new-found family as fathers and sons grow closer and feelings that have long been forgotten slowly begin to bloom again.
Bonding by ontaunt, Words: 710 (COMPLETE) Peter finally tells Erik.
Let Yourself Fall Ill by valancysnaith, Words:  23763 (COMPLETE) Narrative blank spaces/missing scenes post-XMA. Erik comes down from a metal-high, gardens. Jubilee deserved better. Raven drinks too much, spills secrets. PSYLOCKE.
Hanging in the Stars by porcelainsimplicity, Words: 49769 (COMPLETE) note: if you want a good father/son bonding moments, along with the revelation, this one’s for you As En Sabah Nur faded from existence, Erik slowly floated down until his feet hit the ground and he could finally let go.
What Would You Have Me Do? by WhatTheWentz, Words: 860 (COMPLETE)
Peter Has Daddy Issues by Forever_A_Thief, Words: 10807 (COMPLETE) X-Men Days of Future Past through Peter Maximoff's eyes. Peter doesn't know who his dad is, but when guys show up talking about a guy who can control metal, he knows he has to check it out. But Peter definitely has some issues with the guy that turns out to be his dad...
Things That Travel Faster Than the Truth by d__aia, Words: 1597 (COMPLETE) Elizabeth meets Erik’s son.
You ARE the Father by Justbrowsing, Words: 862 (COMPLETE) Erik learns that Peter is his son.
whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one by murdershewrote, Words: 442 (COMPLETE) That day in Cairo, Peter can’t bring himself to introduce himself to his father, so instead he tells Magneto about his daughter.
Timestretch (Close Your Eyes And Count To (Mach) 5) by Marvelite5Ever, Words: 68838 (COMPLETE) Time stretches, reality alters, and Peter tries to tell Erik that they're related.
Something Rather Wonderful by GinnyGinger, Words: 2585 (COMPLETE) "So you'll rather go your whole life wondering?" Erik asked and damn if that wasn't a question Peter had asked himself enough already. Peter Maximoff has for months been trying to work up the courage to tell Erik the truth. Maybe today is the day.
Here For My Family (here for you) by PotterheadAvengerDemigod, words: 1364 (COMPLETE) “I’m your son!” Peter squeaks out. “Don’t kill me!”
I Miss You, I Miss You, I Miss You More by afrocurl, Words: 2108 (COMPLETE) It's only so awkward to divulge a big secret in the middle of other emotional trauma, but that's the only option Peter sees right now.
Peter’s ‘Terrible but Some Good Kind of Comes Out of it’ Day by SuperAwesomePandaKitty, Words: 20164 (COMPLETE) Set two weeks after X-Men Apocalypse, Peter's leg has finally healed. The Professor has a mission this evening but Hank doesn't want peter to go on any missions just yet as he still wants Peter to take it easy for at least a week so he's on babysitting duty. Wanda has no powers in this one, there's also a ten year age gap between them.
Peter’s Stepdad by nzeedee, Words: 30043 (COMPLETE) Peter takes his time to observe and learn more about Erik as he works up the courage to make a family connection. Soon he realizes that Charles is a valuable asset in Erik's life and they may come as a unified pair.
A Million Little Gods Causing Rainstorms by Inkjade, Words: 25704 (COMPLETE) Charles rolls forward for another few feet, looks back. “I wouldn’t be asking if I had better options,” he says quietly. Then he waits. He doesn’t need to say more: the weight of all that Erik owes him is pressing against the very air. “Verdammt,” Erik mutters, but follows.
Birthday Gift by still_lycoris, Words: 1109 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't mind if Erik doesn't come to his birthday party. Honest. 
Sweet Dreams (aren’t made of what you’d think) by rimle, Words: 32484 (MISSING LAST CHAPTER) Charles convinces Erik to stay and train the x-men. He soon finds himself falling for his old friend. Meanwhile, Peter is trying to spend more time with his father, struggling to tell him the truth about his lineage. Erik misunderstands the boy's attention as somethings else, and eventually turns to Charles for help.
Little Monster by Quicker Than Silver, Words: 48387 (COMPLETE) When Peter goes missing his mother contacts Charles who in turn contacts Erik in the hopes of convincing his friend to carry out a rescue. What happens however when Peter's true parentage comes to light? How will the other mutants, especially Erik, react to the news? Set after XM-DOFP
Patience by RobineBlack, Words: 1450 (COMPLETE) It was a well-known fact that Peter Maximoff didn’t do patience. Or slow. But he knew that when he would tell Erik that he had another family, patience would definitely be needed.
Holiday Dadneto by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 4589 (COMPLETE) Through Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Peter and Erik get to know each other a little better and build their relationship as father and son.
Crystal Ball by oneiromancer242, Words: 1131 (COMPLETE) Magda gives Erik something very precious to take care of.
Daddy Issues by glanmire, Words: 7170, (COMPLETE) I have a son," Erik says from the rubble. He truly is the master of dramatic entrances. or, That time Erik got wasted and crashed into the side of the mansion.
Daddy Killed The President by mokonahapuuuuuu, Words: 937 (COMPLETE) It's not everyday the guy who shot the president's your dad.
Running Time by mokonahapuuuuuu, Words: 460 (COMPLETE) Time was running out. Well, more for Peter than for him...
Fathers, Sons and Brothers by thefuzzyone123, Words: 105619 (COMPLETE) Dadneto fic! Erik aka Magneto discovers he is a father. Set a year on from X-men: first class. Can Erik rescue his son from imprisonment before it's too late?
Get him! by oneiromancer242, Words: 2704 (COMPLETE) Mistakes can be very destructive when made in a houseful of superpowered kids, and sometimes, everyone finds that out the hard way. Pure silliness.
Premature Grays by monkeygirl77, Words: 4557 (COMPLETE) Having Peter as your son is no easy task. However, Erik finds that he would never trade it for anything in the world, even if the boy insists on giving him grays before the age of 40.  Or, the many moments of Erik and Peter; where they are most certainly Father and Son.
Sick Day by oneiromancer242, Words: 6666 (COMPLETE) We all get sick, some of us needing a little more TLC than others. Lucky that Peter has his devoted Dadneto to look after him.
Sins of the Father by movieholic, Words: 11425 (COMPLETE) In which Erik Lehnsherr learns that he is, in fact, the father.
Strangers by oneiromancer292, Words: 24298 (STILL UPDATING) Erik isn't usually the first to figure things out - but just for once, when a boy comes to rescue him from the Pentagon, he gets there first. Slight AU from a reader prompt, plenty of Dadneto and Teen!Peter.
Tested by oneiromancer292, Words: 1645 (COMPLETE) Erik doesn't think his son is ready for combat. The only way to find out is to try out his moves in the training room himself. Short, not entirely serious Dadneto one-shot for a reader prompt.
The Beginning Of Something Familiar by HawkDramione, Words: 10705 (COMPLETE) Post Apocalypse. Quicksilver paid Magneto a quick visit before he left, struggling to save his relationship with his father and to fix his troublesome family.
Best I can by oneiromancer292, Words: 1643 (COMPLETE) There's nothing worse than being by yourself and feeling left out on a special day. Erik tries to make it right.
Protection by Neocolai, Words: 389 (COMPLETE) Thoughts on what might have been running through Erik's mind during the scene with En Sabah Nur and Quicksilver.
Broken Wing by Neocolai, Words: 1973 (COMPLETE) In the aftermath, Erik tends to the wounded and Peter almost confesses. (Part 2 in the Protection series)
Troublesome Patiens by Neocolai, Words: 894 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't take well to lying in bed all day. Magneto accidentally helps. (Part 3 in the Protection series)
Stay by Neocolai, Words: 652 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't want him to go. Erik doesn't have time to argue. (Part 4 in the Protection series)
Called Back by Neocolai, Words: 1640 (COMPLETE) Magneto had no intention of returning to the academy. Plans change. (Part 5 in the Protection Series)
Strike Out by Neocolai, Words: 463 (COMPLETE) Erik tries to appreciate Peter's effort. He really does. Some kids just can't take constructive criticism. (Part 6 in the Protection Series)
Oblivious by Neocolai, Words: 383 (COMPLETE) Erik still doesn't get it. (7th in the Protection Series)
Little Misfits by Neocolai, Words: 1314 (COMPLETE) Charles finally intervenes. (8th in the Protection Series)
Safe by Neocolai, Words: 1612 (COMPLETE) Erik checks up on his newest charge. (9th in the Protection Series)
Little Lost Bird by Neocolai, Words 931 (COMPLETE) Peter wants to know about his little sister. (10th in the Protection Series)
Newspapers and the Uses Thereof by Neocolai, Words: 783 (COMPLETE) Erik takes up the role of father. Peter is not happy. (11th in the Protection Series)
Differences by Neocolai, Words: 1492 (COMPLETE) Peter is impatient. So is Erik. (12th in the Protection Series) 
Little Genius by Neocolai, Words: 2463 (COMPLETE) Peter does the math. Literally. (13th in the Protection Series)
Jaded by Neocolai, Words: 7414 (COMPLETE) Peter discovers the memorials for those killed in the Apocalypse, and Charles is forced to mediate between two self-righteous parents. (14th in the Protection Series)
Family DIscussions by Neocolai, Words: 1541 (COMPLETE) Erik plays catch and remains oblivious. (15th in the Protection Series)
Torn From The Nest by Neocolai, Words: 6570 (COMPLETE) Peter has a no good horrible really bad day. Good thing Magneto's looking for him. (16th in the Protection Series)
Welcome to Mutant High by Neocolai, Words: 950 (COMPLETE) Charles thinks Erik should introduce his son to the newest member of the team. Erik wants to trip up his wheelchair. (17th in the Protection Series) 
You Have More Family Than You Know by Natileroxs, Words: 624 (COMPLETE) “Oh, my, god, Peter!” She hissed. “Just tell him!” X-men Apocalypse Canon Divergence because Peter should have told Erik the truth. Or at least, someone should've.
Tel Aviv by Glass_Shoe, Words: 5760 (COMPLETE) Peter leaves Cairo in shock, not because he's surprised that the incredible clusterfuck of a rescue operation cooked up by Raven and Hank and the rest of team Prevent World Destruction actually sort of worked, but because he's actually in shock, like, he's shaking and sweaty and pale. You know: shock, because you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs and you can't save the world without someone getting their knee completely shattered by a bald blue demi-god. A prequel to Immediate Family
Sometimes It Helps To Scream by SunnyMimi, Words: 1733 (COMPLETE) Peter was tired of it. For three years in the same vicious circle. Every day these damned missions against the Brotherhood. He was fed up. So, yes, it was time to scream at Magneto.Or...An overdramatic Peter, who thinks it would be a good idea to yell at his diva father during a fight against him.
How to Spend Time With Family by RockerRema13, Words: 27265 (STILL UPDATING) Erik is having a difficult time accepting that his tragic and cursed life now includes a long lost son. Meanwhile, Peter (his son!) seems to be getting along with everyone else at the mansion.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of... by talkativefangirl13, Words: 34493 (COMPLETE) Peter didn’t instantly jump into conclusion when he saw Erik from afar, he’s probably having a relaxing swim or a soothing ‘me time’ contemplating about life and his stupid choices while facing down on the water, literally not moving. Nope this guy’s dying. Or where Peter always saves Erik and that one time Erik tries to saves him.
Never Gonna Be Alone (I Knew I Loved You) by Redrink91, Words: 15417, (COMPLETE) In which there is hurting and healing, and many song lyrics, as Charles and Erik move forward together. 
Boogie Woogie Woogie by BananasofThorns, Words: 118 (COMPLETE) "I have a song stuck in my head," Peter said, appearing beside Erik. "Wanna hear?" 
hold your head up (to prevent whiplash) by zedille, Words: 18981, (COMPLETE) Peter makes it to Poland in time to save his stepmother and sister. Not that he knew they existed. This is the last place Peter expected Magneto to be. No wonder he’d never found him in all his time searching. Why isn’t Magneto out agitating for mutant rights, or trying to kill Reagan on live television, or living it up at a Renaissance Faire with his cape and armor and helmet, or shacking up with women under a false name and having children — Right. Well.
Revealed by Sophie21011995, Words: 3026; (COMPLETE) After the events of "X-Men Apocalypse" Peter finally finds the Courage to tell Erik that he's his son.
The Great Mix-Up by fairyScorpicus and kraefandoms, Words: 2255, (STILL UPDATING) Erik knows Peter is related to him. All the facts are there: they have the same type of colorblindness, they have the same blood type, Erik's got it all figured out. "Charles." Erik says, sitting up in his bed at three in the morning. "I've figured it out about Peter. I've connected the dots." Charles groans, not bothering to open his eyes as he uses his telepathy. "You haven't connected shit." "I've connected them!" Erik protests. "Peter is my nephew." "No."
From the Ground Up and the Foundations Down by cjr2, Words:  21853, (COMPLETE) While rebuilding the mansion, Erik realizes he's just starting to come to terms with the guilt of having been the one to put Charles in that chair. He's also just starting to come to terms with the fact that something about Charles in a wheelchair is the sexiest thing he's ever seen.
better off without by olivemartini, words: 1743, (COMPLETE) If Erik had thought what his long lost son would look like, he probably wouldn't have thought that they would look like this. Or that they would have a kleptomaniac streak a mile wide. Or that his son's best friend would be blue, and with a tail. But then again, children very rarely match what their parents intend them to be. Erik doesn't think that Peter is overly impressed with the dad he had been dealt, either, so maybe they're even. ~or~the one where Peter finds Erik leaving the academy and stops him by telling him that he's his son
Insult to Injury ft. Dadneto (Peter Maximoff - X-Men) by whumptasticwednesday, Words: 6299 (COMPLETE) If there’s anything Peter Maximoff knew in this moment, it was that not being able to do the one thing your body was genetically enhanced to do, sucked. A lot.
What'd Ya Do? by fairyScorpicus, words: 22688, (STILL UPDATING) Peter was a loser, but losers couldn't break into the Pentagon so if he could maybe he wasn't a loser. Erik isn't dumb. The boy was clearly his son, and looked so much like Magda it hurt. "They told me you can control metal." says the boy. "You know, my mom knew a guy who could do that." and yeah, Erik believes him. ----- Basically: what-if Erik had more than one braincell and figured out Peter was his son?
5 Times People Found Out Peter Smoked, and One Time Peter Told Someone by Isapunk, Words: 2595, (COMPLETE) Peter may seem like a chill calm and collected mutant and even though he seems alright he isn’t always. *Takes place a year after Apocalypse NO Dark Phoenix spoilers! NOW completely edited*
Five Times Quicksilver Doesn’t Tell Magneto He’s His Son and the One Time He Does by evilauthoroverlords, Words: 11855, (COMPLETE) It's not like Peter doesn't want Erik to know that he's his father. He wants to tell him, really ....Next time.
Hermes, god of...Sweet Dreams & Thieves by Webbtrinsic, Words: 10633, (COMPLETE) In which Erik is a good dad, who'd do anything to bring his brainwashed sixteen year old home. And kill Stryker and the freakish doctor who took advantage of his son along the way.
realisations. by steelatoms, Words: 1550 (COMPLETE) Dark Phoenix sort of Fix-It where I actually give these two their well-deserved storyline.
Running. by NaomiPT, Words: 2079 (COMPLETE) Peter was always running from his problems, granted most of them began with 'Erik' and ended in 'Lehnsherr'. After his encounter with Jean, Peter finds himself avoiding people more, but perhaps all he needs is the person he's been avoiding the most. Or better put: Dadneto! Dadneto! Dadneto!
don't go wasting your emotion by zedille, Words: 2894, (COMPLETE) Peter has a few things he'd like to say. (XMDP crackfic/parody/fixit where Peter shows up in New York to call out Erik & give Jean a pep talk)
Mistakes were made. by Quill18, Words: 1214, (STILL UPDATING) DARK PHOENIX SPOILERS! Kurt and Hank Mcoy bring an injured Pietro to Genosha. Magneto reflects on his son and realizes Pietro is best off staying with him. AU/Slight Fix-It Fic.
The Eagle and the Hummingbird by DigestedHuman, Words: 5851, (COMPLETE) "Let's say they get a really special delivery, not like some dirty feathers or dead worms. From a bird god. That's cool. A really cool bird with rainbow feathers with a colorful basket full of eggs, that would grow up to be another bird, any kind of bird that they couldn't have ever thought of and- maybe a big stinky surprise by a lizard, or a puny little-“ “What has that got to do with anything you want to tell me?” Erik was fully annoyed at this point. Peter was talking to him like a child having the talk about bees and butterflies for the first time, and he didn’t like it. Erik clearly wanted to get over with this quickly .---In which Peter thinks he’s prepared, but Erik is not.
More Family Than You Know by leahx, Words: 11116, (STILL UPDATING) “Hank, where are we going?” “You don’t want to know.” He didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but it was the truth. Had Peter known where Hank was headed before he had boarded the jet, he strongly doubted he would have joined him on this journey. “Why not?” Peter’s alert gaze was fixed on Hank as he waited for his response. Hank sighed, enjoying the last moments of peace. "We're going to Genosha." ...or the fic where Peter, instead of being in a coma for the entire movie, joins Hank on his revenge quest to Genosha, where he's forced to face none other than his father, who may or may not already know the truth about the cheeky speedster.
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Maybe Superheroes by The script for Peter Maximoff if you'd feel like writing something for it? 😄💕 thinking about X-Men everytime I hear it haha it's so amazing
I hope you like it, it’s a little angsty. Thank you so much for requesting and following.
Song: Superheroes by The Script
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x female!Reader
Warning: violence, and an f-bomb or two. It also has some dadneto
Words: 1336
Summary: When you are kidnapped, Peter tears the world apart to find you.
Song Fic Masterlist
When you started dating Peter it had been like breathing air. Kissing and loving was as natural as breathing air or drinking water. He was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
Things were amazing and you didn’t think anything could bring you down. Peter made you laugh so much he was so goofy and good natured. He brightened your world like a kerosene lantern in a thunderstorm. The only thing you guys ever argued about was whether or not he should tell Erik that he was Peter's biological father.
You were adamant about this, you had lost your own father when you were still a teenager. You didn’t want Peter to have any regrets; especially with how reckless Erik was.
Things didn’t stay amazing though, now that Strijer knew where the school was he had teams of people watching for someone who might be leaving alone. You hadn’t thought at the time that going to pick Peter up a birthday present would lead to you being kidnapped by some shady government officials.
You woke up to a hazy migraine and blinding fluorescent lights. You went to get up but you realized with panic that you were securely tied to the metal cot.
“Time to wake up mutey!” A man’s harsh voice barked at her.
“W-where am I?” You stuttered, finally getting a look at the severe man.
“I’m colonel Striker, and you’re somewhere they will never find you mutant!” He spat as if mutant was a dirty word.
“Now tell me your mutation and what can you tell me about Charles Xavier” He demanded and you had to bite back a shiver of fear.
“I would never give up my family” you declared determined to keep quiet. Peter and the x-men would find you.
Peter was beginning to get concerned it had been a good three hours since he had last seen y/n. He began zipping all over the school looking for her. He then ran into the next town and they were nowhere to be found. The panic began to set in as he ran as fast as he could back to the professor breaking the sound barrier.
“Professor! Do you know where y/n is!” Peter all but shouted to the startled professor.
“No I believe she was going into town but I haven’t seen her since,” the professor replied evenly trying to calm the panic in Peter’s voice.
“Can you look with cerebro, I looked over every inch of the town?” Peter asked, his voice still fraught with anxiety.
“Of course Peter,” Charles conceded and two of them made their way down to the basement of the school.
Charles looked for y/n for over an hour, each minute stabbing Peter in the gut with fear. The ring box in his jacket pocket felt like a lump of lead against his heart. When Charles pulled out of cerebro with a deep frown on his face, peters stomach fell out to his feet.
“Peter, I couldn’t find her. It was like there was a void. It’s similar in feeling to Erik’s bloody helmet,” Charles said watching the silver haired man’s face crumble. Tears streamed steadily down his cheeks.
“We have to find her!” Was all that Peter could choke out his tongue feeling like rubber.
“We will Peter. I'm going to search for her face in other people's minds, please tell Hank to get the X-Men ready to go,” Charles told Peter, trying to convey his reassurance.
Peter ran to Hank telling him what was going on as quickly as possible. He needed to recruit one more person. Magneto had contacts that could help him get Y/n safely home.
Peter arrived in Genosha uninvited and out of breath. Erik had immediately walked out guarded but not hostile. Peter looked into his fathers eyes, his own brown ones frantic.
Erik couldn’t help but notice that the silver haired man had eyes that were very much like his mother’s.
“I need your help!” Peter all but demanded, afraid for his lover’s safety.
“I would normally love to help another mutant brother or sister, but I am quite tied up with getting this community off the ground” Erik waved at the shipping containers he was using to construct small homes.
“No I need your help they took her, someone took her and I need her. Please!” Peter begged, his voice broken.
“Peter you are emotional, I’m sure there are plenty of x-men that can help you” Erik walked closer to the boy laying a hand on his rather clad shoulder.
“You don’t understand, I need your help, they won’t be enough!” Peter snapped looking up at his father achingly.
“I’m sorry Peter, they will find her” Erik repeated and Peter felt a chill of anger go down his spine.
“Maximoff!” Peter snapped and Erik’s eyes went wide before narrowing in suspicion.
“Excuse, me, Erik said gruffly, pulling away from Peter.
“Where did you learn that name?!” Erik’s voice held a hint of anger. He had always tried to push the wife who had left him out of his mind.
“It’s my name, I was born Pietro Django Maximoff on February 10, 1955” Peter was desperate. He would do anything to find his lover, even if that meant fighting his demons he had kept since the day Erik had tried to off Nixon.
Erik felt his face drain of color, his mind whirling. This boy who broke him out of the pentagon at seventeen. This boy whom he had almost let die at Apocalypse hands. He had almost lost another child and he would have never known it. It was obvious that Peter had no intention of ever telling Erik of their relationship.
“Your mother, what was her name?” Erik asked just to confirm and Peter snorted unhappily.
“You tell me,” he lamented.
“Magda,” Erik uttered and while Peter didn’t confirm he also didn’t deny. Now that Erik was looking he could see that Peter had taken after his mother’s side of the family. He looked strikingly like Erik’s late uncle. He knew immediately without a doubt he would do anything for this boy. He would walk through the fires of hell for Peter.
You woke up to a sharp kick in the stomach causing you to write in the corner you were huddled in. They had taken to beating you until you would talk. You wouldn’t though, Peter was there and he was your whole world.
“You ready to talk yet Mutie” The guard taunted and you spat at him, blood and spittle staining his fatigues.
“Go fuck yourself,” you gasped out as he kicked you again.
“We have a Code M, all units respond,” the guards radio garbled. A flash of fear crossed the guards features before he ran out of the room not even bothering to cuff you back to the bed.
You could hear screaming and banging getting closer and you could only hope that the cavalry had arrived for you. You needed to see Peter, you never wanted to leave his side again.
Your half swollen eyes widened when the door to your cell burst open and a silver blur darted to you. A magenta clad man stood outside the doorway as well killing anyone who tried to enter.
“Y/n,” Peter breathed touching your face like you were made from glass.
“I knew you’d come for me” You cried collapsing into his arms sobbing.
“I’ve got you baby and I’m never letting you out of my sight again” Peter sounded determined and more mature than she had ever heard him be.
“I love you” you gasped, pressing a bloody kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I know,” he grinned and you slapped his shoulder lightly. He would find a way to drop a silly movie reference even at a time like this.
“Let’s get you home” Peter murmured and before you knew it you were strapped into a seat on the jet, ready to go home.
Requests are open if you have something you’d like to request. Thank you all for reading ❤️❤️❤️
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