#but the organ!!!!!! sooooooo sick
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
ok catie first of all i am crying at the image in my head of nosferatu live. that is actually the Greatest Thing i've ever heard. i'm so jealous but now i have a new bucketlist item. and also. its a wonderful life was my other oldest too. and now im gonna go cry. ok bye
That was truly the Movie Experience of All Time, seriously, like it was just so random but perfect, and so incredibly funny
Basically, there's this historic theater near me that does old movies. They also happen to have an organ, well okay, that's cool I guess! And then they announce "Nosferatu with live organ accompaniment" I HAVE TO GO! Not to wax poetic but it was very sweet to me because I'm pretty sure they mentioned that this was the first time an event like that was completely sold out? It's just very sweet to imagine all those other people reading about it and being like me and going "Nosferatu live organ?? I gotta see this!" The organ in question:
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callilemon · 1 year
Sooooooo I've been following you for a while and was wondering if you could recommend any whump vnc fics with vanitas specifically??
Like hurt,sick anything like that bc I've looked everywhere, and there's barely anything cause like yes, vani is a doctor but he wouldn't use the same logic he does to cure somone else with himself (think overworking whump and Noé has to eventually take care of him) and like he's all stubborn and stuff hhhhhhhhh
Hi! Thanks for the ask! It makes me so happy to know you've been following for a while! 💙
You know, I actually don't know many fics that fit this certain citera, I know I've read some. However, I'm so bad at remembering fic names!! Anyways, I think you would really like this whump series!
@gracetoldmeto is a fantastic writer! They also have a VnC side blog @noes-pillow, if you don't already follow them!
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Also, doodle for you kind anon! ✨️
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 months
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Every week I will post various reviews I've written so far in 2024. You can check out my Goodreads for more up-to-date reviews HERE.
204. The Platonic Rulebook by Saxon James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I've been meaning to read this book for a while and I finally picked it up because I wanted to finish this series. While I think I liked the first couple more, this one was sooooooo cute. I love that these two best friends finally found their way to each other. Plus, that sexual tension and ease between the two of them was 🔥🔥. They had awesome chemistry!
One of the things I enjoyed about this book was the maturity and communication between the characters. I think because they're in their 40s, they didn't want to or need to put up with bullshit. The ex wife was a bit of a bitch, BUT I also liked that she knew what she wanted and went for it despite societal expectations.
I'm glad I finally read this because it was so incredibly refreshing to read a romance that didn't have a third act breakup AND had some amazing mature responses and communication. (Which is a theme in this series.)
205. Time to Shine by Rachel Reid--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read June 2024
This was just as adorable and wonderful as the first time I read it.
I felt a huge urge to pick this one up again because I've been craving those kinds of stories that give me butterflies. TIME TO SHINE did this and so much more. I will forever love the maturity of these two characters and how much they love each other. Their slow burn romance and that chemistry between them when they do get together is one of my favourites. The romance is palpable and the spice was as spicy as I remembered.
I will forever recommend this book and this author because phew, I love me some queer hockey romance! Also, I think this is a great reco for readers looking for romance books with Demi characters who find incredibly understanding and loving partners with patience and a great sense of boundaries.
206. Budding Romance by Saxon James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
From the very beginning, when this gruff and dangerous looking man walked into a flower shop owned by one of the two MCs, I was hooked. The chemistry between them was instant and not in that insta-love way, but in that "they have no idea how hard they're about to fall" way.
The tension between these two characters was delicious, but also watching them grow closer in an incredibly organic way was such a joy.
One of the things I've had to get used to (in the best possible way) is that most of the characters in this series are in their 40s. It shows that these men, while experiencing a second chance at finding love, they have desires that burn on the page. And I extra love that neither of these characters sacrifice who they are and what they love in order to gain the others' love. There's patience, kindness, and an earnest love so powerful that I often found myself sighing.
I also loved that idea that there is no set age for you to discover who you are. We, as humans, are ever-changing, and this series should be a friendly reminder that the heart wants what it wants.
BUDDING ATTRACTION also deals with the complex emotions of finding love after loss. Living with the grief of the what-if's while faced with the possibility of finding love and happiness again were vivid. I loved that these two characters show so much support for each other and had stellar communication. If there's one thing I adore about this series is the maturity and communication levels between the characters and BUDDING ATTRACTION was no exception.
I highly recommend this series--especially if you are sick of those third act breakups and want mature romance characters who actually communicate when their brains are trying to sabotage them.
207. Employing Patience by Saxon James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I won't lie, from the moment this couple was introduced at the beginning of the series, I knew I wanted to read their story. I had to work through the first few books in the series (which is fine because they were all great), but it was so worth it.
EMPLOYING PATIENCE has an age gap romance in it and one of my favourite tropes in romance: one MC is wealthy and surprisingly self-less, and the other MC is struggling financially but is too stubborn to ask for help. James handled this trope perfectly, giving me that funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that I get sometimes when I'm super empathizing with characters living in this trope.
These two characters together were SEXY, especially when considering that the younger MC somehow captured the notorious playboy of the series and wrapped him around his little finger. Watching the older MC come undone as he falls deeper alone was worth the wait. Watching these two play verbal and sexual-tension-filled tennis was so much fun, especially because they always thought they were in control (Spoiler alert: they were not).
EMPLOYING PATIENCE didn't disappoint and I devoured the crap out of it.
208. System Overload by Saxon James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was really looking forward to SYSTEM OVERLOAD because of the age gap romance...listen, it's a trope I like (as long as it's done respectfully). Anyway, it was done really well and the angst was definitely there.
Weirdly enough, I think this is the least memorable one of the series, even though the trope caught my eye. Son's best friend? Alright! But as I sit here, less than a month after reading it, writing this review is drawing a bit of a blank.
I know I enjoyed the spice and how they communicated, helping each other grow as a couple and as characters, finding that they deserve love despite what society might say. Also, the complexities of being a very young father (the dad MC had his son when he was 17 or so) and still trying to find happiness beyond that of being a parent.
For the record, the son's best friend is 27 in this book. So, he had some maturity on his side, but his love for the other MC was nearly a decade in the making by the point they finally give in to their interest in each other.
These two were very cute together and I know I had a good time, but as I write this review, I realize why I gave it a four star rating instead of five.
I will say, however, that this book had the best explanation of Pansexuality (for me) that I've seen yet. It resonated so hard with me that I had to pause my reading and just take it in.
But now I have to patiently wait for the next and final book in this series to come out and I just need it NOW.
209. The Decision by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's always interesting when we get one of the stories from Ax's POV, mainly because he's the only non-human characters in the group. His perspective is always a little different and can be pretty funny.
I enjoyed the exploration of loyalty in this and how easy it is to choose the easier options when the world is a mess. But it's the harder decisions that are made that gain the most trust and character growth.
I liked that Applegate changed it up a little in this one to avoid every book being the same. She also gives the readers a chance to see a what-if situation with Ax that might have been living in the back of our minds while reading this series. Who would Ax pick? Would he choose his human friends or those he grew up with? Where do his loyalties lie and at what point does he have to draw a line?
I've already read the next book in the series, but this was an interesting addition to the series.
210. A Forbidden Rumspringa by Keira Andrews--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, Keira Andrews hitting us again with another stunning and emotionally charged Queer romance novel.
A FORBIDDEN RUMSPRINGA was such an interesting and addicting read, not just because of the slow-growing tension between the MC and his love interest, but because of the religion and society that the MC lives in. The limitations he faces and the criticisms/expectations were heavy on the pages.
But I loved watching their love grow. I loved watching their curiosity punch at the borders of the lives built for them and how they fought to make their own little world inside of such a restrictive world.
There were some heartbreaking moments, brave moments, cowardly moments, and incredibly emotion-fuelled moments. This was an incredible journey and I loved the whole experience. My heart broke for the MC when he is faced with some tough decisions and even harder truths.
I still don't know if I will ever read the sequels to this book, because I'd like this ending to be the HEA of the story. I think Andrews did such a great job in showing how some decisions are not just black and white, and how sometimes you can't help who you are and who you love, but you CAN control what you do about these realizations--even if it's not an easy or smooth journey.
211. I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm not going to lie, I had to restart the audiobook for this book about three times. The beginning of this book took me forever to finally internalize. I don't know what it was about it, but I just wasn't falling into this book. I think it was about just under 100 pages where I finally realized that I was really getting into this book.
I'M AFRAID YOU'VE GOT DRAGONS was FUN. It had adventure, quick pacing, and such a fun and unique approach to dragons and how the MC gets the love interest. Even though I will admit I was disappointed that the MC didn't end up with the prince, LOL, or at least a thropple. There was such an intense Queer opportunity in this book, but alas.
I think I'd love to read another book in this universe--maybe the MC going on another dragon-related adventure. There was humour, suspense, surprise twists, and a princess who refused to be the damsel in distress.
212. The Dangerous Convenience Store Vol. 3 by 945--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The more volumes I read in this series, the more I fall in love with this couple. We're slowly learning more about the dark and mysterious MC, even though this volume dealt with the insecurities of the younger MC and how little he actually knows about the guy he likes.
We also got to meet another character, who I know will make things very interesting.
And of course, this was another hella spicy volume. The chemistry and sweetness between these two characters is balanced out with the dominating need that the older MC has for the younger MC. It's both intense and adorable.
I love these two together and I can't wait to read more about them!
Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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signalhill-if · 1 year
once again lamenting the fact that sending everything would be an asshole move (lighthearted) (joke) (I'm simping)
❤🎄🍝 🍰 🤒 for Yvette if you don't mind? any of these
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He treats his employees really well! At least, the ones doing the sex work and bartending and security and stuff. You and Cherry are the exceptions 💕
While a lot of people view him as a bit of a class traitor since he got rich (and they're kinda right) he's got a real fondness for his former community. He often hires disadvantaged people from the queer community in Signal Hill, and has been known to make (secret) donations to organizations like Doc's clinic, the needle exchange he works with, and the food bank.
Sooooooo sexy ❤️❤️❤️ This is the only positive trait Yvette would cite about himself if you asked him (apart from maybe like. Smart)
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I already answered the dessert question in another ask! As for food... hm..... shrimp tostadas 😉
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No! In fact, Yvette seems to never get sick, even when people around him are sick. Odd!
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soryualeksi · 8 months
I'm just too disgusted with Germany and Germans. Where I look, if you speak out against directly and enthusiastically chasing human beings from shelter to shelter with tanks and drones, where children lose limbs and can't even get the simplest of pain relief, when you speak out. The "very good, very anti-racist, very pro-democracy and freedom" Germans tell you that Palestinians are "all terrorists", that everyone in Gaza deserves this, that everyone should "GO BACK TO *YOUR* COUNTRY" (and of course all these Your Countries are all "backwards" and "uncivilized" and "barbaric", man, I LOVE you, German "anti-racists", you're gold).
Disgust. Disappointment.
Y'all are "against AfD" because it's not very cash money amirite xDD to vote the open fascists into power, but you don't consider Muslims or really ANYONE who isn't white Western European even a full human.
And in 10 years time you'll hold a fucking memorial to feel sorry about yourself and sob, "We just didn't know!"
You DO know and you're tormenting all of us with your "but it's FINE actually, they DESERVE it actually, they're not WORTHY to be saved by our divine enlightened civilized grace" this very instance.
Jewish people in Germany aren't safe FROM (FELLOW!!) GERMANS here, WHICH IS DISGUSTING, white-as-snow-and-very-much-NOT-Muslim neonazis are marching in the streets, wear their fucking insignia in the open, organize without anyone REALLY giving a fuck until it gets fashionable - but you want to scapegoat an ENTIRE CIVILIAN POPULATION for that shame on your heart (instead of confronting that no, your family was certainly NOT "in the resistance and really sooooooo against Hitler"). Do you think that when 2 million Palestinians are dead, you will finally feel better? Do you think that crying "but Hamas is SO MUCH WORSE than my own nazi great-grandparents" enough time will make the Holocaust go away, be forgotten, be washed out?
Or do you just enjoy "those savage brown people" cradling their dead kids, in pieces, and you were waiting out SO LONG to finally find an excuse to share these sick feelings inside of you with the world?
I hope that dead, black heart inside of you rots out of your chest.
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nixierain · 28 days
Another Vent cause I'm in a mood *Shrugs*
Tw: Yk my mental state is warning enough HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA
SOOOOOOO.... Any one else Feel this craving for attention that can rarely be fed and are always seeking it to the point you develope toxic traits just to get a smither of it or to test if people you love by doing these toxic traits
And also obsessing over people WAY too unhealthily much to the point where you cling to them or just stalk them (Not my greatest moments) And that you cannot for the life of you respect their boundaries and it kills you when they dont like you back. Then iy spirals and you lose them as a friend and you feel worse.
Oh and randomly get different Headmates(?)/other voices in your head? Or talk to spirits a lot of the time. And eventually nothing feels real anymore and lose your identity several times in a year. And all you want to do is go home even though it doesnt exist
Or you dont have motivation so you just sit around all day and be lazy Or perhaps feel this NEED for perfection or else you get frantic. Or you just randomly like to organize and if something is out of the set organization you almost flip out and need to reset it. And if somethings not perfect or your not doing perfect you get stressed and sometimes even feel sick from it?
Does anyone feel like they cant eat? And randomly the thought of food makes ou feel sick and you rarely feel hunger (Its getting better though) But the pangs either are nauseating or just go away after five minuets. Also you can only drink water at certian times of day and you need it to be specific or else it makes you feel sick? So you just avoid it and drink everything but water. So you just are always dehydrated, and you dont eat healthy at all, but your also have this knawing worry about your weight and how you look so intead of working out and exercising (Cause it hurts) you just eat less to the point where your parents comment on it and force you to eat more?
And your medications work, but you still have depression and it hurts and you just get mood swings (Mostly revolving around your cycle.... Woo hoo Genderfluid and trans misadventures -_-) that just make you want to die. ALSO your depression spikes when your bored,and its SO fucking hard to find something to do cause you arent in school yet again.
OH and you hate sleeping a full amount of sleep cause you feel like you oversleep so you deprive yourself... And that could connect to your hallucinations... That also probably connects to BPD.
And you, without school, have lost your social skills and now you overthink EVERYTHING online. and You take EVERYTHING seriously. and you also have turned into that "Erm Ackshually" kid and NEED everything to be right because of your perfectionist problems
Also due to your life you physically cannot comprehend WHY people care about you because your self-esteem has withered and died. You also trust people WAYYYY too easily.
Yeah thats about it for now, I'm also cutting myself off rn
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somelazyassartist · 2 months
Considering making the move to just stop using Etsy altogether and just make my own website to sell things, but I'm not sure it's a very good idea with how small my shop is...... Vent under cut bc I'm just kinda stressed out about the general state of things in life rn but the shop thing is just stressing me out the most in this specific current moment.
So like, Etsy's really nice for organization and management, and you get a way larger audience because people can find you through searches, and they don't take fees away from you until you've made a sale which is all good for me as a small creator, but. I am sooooooo sick of the stupid content policies that ban a good chunk of my queer art as NSFW when it's not (and you know what? Maybe I wanna make outright NSFW art too!! I'm ace but drawing bodies and characters interacting like that and stuff is just fun for me!! I think it's neat and interesting to express artistically and also I think being horny is fine and cool!! But every fuckin place I could've made a living off that is banning it and my SFW queer stuff too and I'm just so sick of it).
I just want to finally make my own place where I can sell my normal art AND my horny fagdyke weirdo art, instead of "oh you can find my merch on this site but my art on this site and my writing on this site and my NSFW on this site blah blah blah" I'm SICK OF IT I just want one place I don't have to fucking redirect everybody to a million places because their content policies are all over the fucking place!!!!! The only thing is that I'm broke as shit because I'm disabled and this is my only way to work currently, and the place I was looking at making a website on (bc I know an artist I like a lot sells NSFW stuff through there) costs like $15 a month, which is a lot to me!!!
I'm trying to get a fuck ton of old inventory out of my house because I can't afford to get much new stuff for my shop without those funds, but my shop generally only gets traffic when I add new items to said shop, so when I get to that point where I can't afford to get new shit all my activity just plummets completely, and if I can barely keep up with purchasing new inventory how am I gonna purchase new inventory AND pay $15 a month just to run the damn site???? Plus I just have other things I need to spend money on like medical supplies and funds to help my gf move and my monthly credit card payments and it's just like!!! I am not that bad off currently and I am fine and I am not in debt and I can mostly handle it but it is stressful is all!!!!
I kinda wanna just like. Do a massive fucking "leaving Etsy" sale and slash all the prices down WAY lower than usual to try to get some of the old stuff out and save up money to put up my own new site with new merch and hopefully redirect traffic there afterwards, but also I know logically that's a horribly impulsive move to make and would probably land me in a worse spot than ever without the proper planning to do something like that. But oh my god it's tempting right now.
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dankovskaya · 3 years
artemy days 1-3 are literally easier than daniil 1-3 he has so much less shit to do and also i literally completely fixed my reputation by ELEVEN AM ON DAY 1 as artemy so the “getting attacked on sight” handicap is literally not an issue in the slightest
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roachspalace · 3 years
I believe with my WHOLE HEART that fugitive did not go to earth to give the stupid package to us. Why?? Because AP was hot on his ass so obviously he’s gonna want to ditch as far and fast as possible and BOOM he goes to earth by chance like he should know that humans are fickle also he knew that a thumbs up means “we cool back here” and also very self destructive so WHY???? Should he be like “hey guys my species wanna kidnap a bunch of y’all to enhance ourselfs so protect your kind with this” ????!!! Make it make sense. ALSOO THE FIRST THING HE DOES WHEN HE CRASH LANDED WAS KILL HUMANS SO WHY SHOULD WE ASSUME HES IN OUR SIDE?!!!! And when they were like “omg they must realize we are like an endangered species that’s why he came with a gift” HUUUHHH?????? ENDANGERED?????? I also WHOLE HEARTILY BELIEVE that the package should’ve been organic like HIGH KEY I THOUGH IT WAS GONNA BE A XENOMORPH!!!! That would’ve been sooooooo sick as fuck man omg it would’ve been cool if it was an enhanced xenomorph you know to rival AP. I was robbed blind BEFORE I FORGET AP should’ve been APEX predator NOT assassin!! Like???? He’s supposed to be on TOPPP OF THE CHAIN!!! Also please explain why he is so tall like wouldn’t it be harder to hunt normally like his brethren???? Wouldn’t it hinder him because the predators they use trees a ton which means they like to see above their prey to take notes on what they gonna do next but AP wouldn’t been able to do that??? Unless the trees are big and thick idk man and they did my man fugitive dirty by killing him off like that
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 11}
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Frieza’s slow. Patient. Methodical. With every step his little smile returns to his face as he sees the lab with which he made his first realization he felt something towards her. Its almost sentimental to him. 
From within the sterile lab the petrified scientist looked for anything. Anything at all to defend herself, then ran to the opposite door. The only one used to escape by the incinerator. So much for that. With the power out and backup generator fried the only thing working is this horrible white light blinking on and off in the lab…
Shes fucked. SHes fucked and she knows it.. No goodbye to Vegeta or anything. Her tomb is her laboratory. A place of creation. “Dammit...DAMMIT!” she shouts and her eyes meet with the vials of liquid that could potentially save her life... 
The corrosive material. The same which she used to pierce his membrane.
“Perfect…” She whispered out, only to be taken from thought fromthe door creaking open. 
“If theres anything that is perfect here, my dear Carlie it is you…” Hes more clear here, hes golden… this is his form he was talking about right. Its nightmarish and sleek.
“I hate to make things so short but i must inform you my dear… this is your last time on earth… from here i have a fleet at my command waiting for OUR arrival. You will never return to this wretched dirtball again for as long as you shall live.” He promises crossing the room with both arms locked prim and proper at the base of his spine he now easily towers over her, whereas before he was exactly her height.
Shes cornered. The position shes put herself in is foolish at best. Caught between Frieza and a concrete wall and a counter top with 50 vials of liquid.
“And if your moronic primate and his little friends find it necessary to hunt you down…” He raises his hand to her cheek and she flinches, his thumb grazes her bottom lip. Solid scarlet red eyes focused on her mouth and then her eyes as he leans closer. “Ill kill them one by one… and ill make sure that you watch. As my empress you will see that your former friends perish appropriately…” Carlie pipes up as Friezas now mere inches from her lips. 
“And i have no say in any of this… your just going to fucking take me..” She chokes out a cry, tears threatening to spill down her flush cheeks. “OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!! Carlie Carlie CARLIE!!! You never had a choice… you accepted me like a true friend… instead of cowering in fear of me… and you assume I WOULDNT take the opportunity to snatch you up??? Your a prize to be won… and one i wont let go to waste for the likes of that brutish little runt of a monkey…” He comments, absolutely preening with success and excitement. 
Carlie reached behind her and grabbed the rack of vials and brought it over her head into the crown of Friezas head, smashing it and pouring the corrosive material all over the Emperor and onto his flesh. The human woman bared her nails and threw any and all caution to the wind. 
“What in the-you…” Frieza backed up adn looked at his shoulders and didnt notice the human girl lunging at him with nails digging into his neck and dragging down harshly. Cutting clean into his flesh leaving a deep scratch like a wild cat.
“You made the worst decision, Carlie…” Frieza lulled grimacing. The scientist reared back and punched the emperor in the face square in the teeth. A tooth came out… he got some of the acid in his mouth too. Carlies minor victory was short lived. With blinding speed Frieza snatched the humans neck and gripped it. Forcing her to the ground. 
“Out of every smart thing you have done, Carlie. That was certainly the stupidest thing any human has ever done. So yes. A job well done is in order. You have infuriated the Emperor of the Universe to the point where i wlll not take pity upon you..” While choking under the golden tyrants grip she used all the strength she had inher not to pull his hand from her throat but to scratch and mangle his chest and any exposed area. With reckless and careless abandon. Shes mindlessly fighting back to achieve a hollow victory.
A very hollow victory. 
“F-Fuck you! Fuck you and y-your damned offer to be a fucking empress! Im Vege-AAAAH!” SHe screams loudly when the worst pain entered her stomach. A fucking death beam straight into her stomach and out her back. 
“You are a filthy mouthed little whore. You were coppulating with the primate, do you truly think id want my reproductive organs anywhere near your own when that monkey has slavved about inside of you…” Friezas fingers tighten more around her neck, her eyes wide and blood shot. 
“Tut tut now… I wanted to actually see this serum your so proud of in action.. Dont go dying on me n-” She reaches her arms up and scratches hellishly at his neck gasping for air that will never reach her pretty lips. He lifts her head abit and moves her head… Like its some sick fantasy to see someone teetering on the edge of life and death so callously.. 
Her eyes wept as she now kicked and scratched as the grinning tyrant… who bit his lip ensuring shes getting closer to death.. The blood she was laying on was her own but the blood that dripped on her from him was cold..
Friezas just as cold blooded as the life fuel that runs through his veins… “You feel that? That is because of you you wretch.. I offered you my blood for your hoidy toidy experiments. I know you done amazing things with it.. You can SEE me as you take your last breaths..OH THATS RIGHT!! I almost forgot.” He smiles and takes a needle and shoves it into her neck as the vision slipped and she was just about to cusp into the otherworld. 
With that very press of her serum coursing through her veins she understood how potent and strong it truly was… She felt alive. Rejuvenated. Her heart pounding and face dark blue from him squeezing the air from her lungs. “See? It worked! And you got to see it yourself… You should be sooooooo proud…” 
Carlie closed her mouth and looked right up at Frieza with petrified eyes. Shaking and feeling the life slip slowly from her body. “I will remember that when i see Vegeta again… that i was the last thing you ever seen… not that he would give a damn…” He sunk down and pressed his lips firm against the cold girls lips, molding them to hers, for several seconds Frieza felt euphoric… eyes closed and reveling in his first and her final kiss.
Before he could pull away he crushed her throat beneath his grip and felt her go limp beneath him. His lips smack as he pulls away from the body of the woman he wanted to call his empress… Frieza stared at her.. At her corpse.. At her hand and then at the ring.
Then up at the window to the viewing room.. HIs neck and chest was ruined.
Scratched and mangled to high hell. Carlies last stand displayed on his neck. Permanently.
The emperor knelt down and took the ring from her corpse and pushed hair from her face, and exited capsule corp out the back and into the night. Emotions very unclear in Friezas head, he was silent. Brooding. Depressed.
Several minutes pass. Capsule Corp was silent.. A dome with a lone corpse inside waiting to be found.
Bulma had returned with Goku and Vegeta who opened up Capsule Corp from its power shut down. Lights thrown back on and the search was on. Vegeta tore up everything. Bulma said nothing and allowed him to search for her. 
“Do you think Frieza escaped with her??” Goku questioned following Vegeta to the door to Carlies lab. Vegeta remained silent, his heart pounding in his ears. He stopped dead in his tracks upon finding the mangled door to the lower lab. 
“No…” The prince burst down the stairs to the most grizzly scene he had ever bared witness too. Despite destroying entire planets and killing millions in his time while working for Frieza.. 
No death had affected him so horribly then her own.
Bulma started weeping, as Vegeta lifted her in his arms. Kneeling in a pool of her own blood. It felt like an eternity before he spoke..
“Kakarot.. Bulma.. Get the Dragon Balls.”
@dragonblobz @lilfriezatyrant @gallickingun @kamehamethot @gonuclear @memevember @msgreenverse @lizardhipsdontlie @thotful-writing @supremeleadershitlord​ @memevember​ @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit​
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prince-toffee · 4 years
SHE-RA #1000
One Thousand Etherian Years After The Fall Of Prime| (1000AFP)
The desert stretched out for as far as the eye could see. A land long abandoned and unnourished - a land of the dead. No life was left in the scorched earth, cracked and hot enough to give bare feet blisters. Populated by circling vultures, dusted skulls of animals unknown to most beings alive, and tumbleweeds rolling lonely across the orange crumbling ground.
The entire world was not all like it, most of the planet was a lush, divers wide-spreading forest. But the forest avoided this land. Because the forest, knew not to upset it, that the barren land had power to rival the forest. So the forest had left the desert alone, in peace. Mutual respect achieved towards each other.
No living thing, on or off world, dared to step foot in the land. What many didn’t know, was the land welcomed some feet, but only some. Some were allowed to enter and to stay.
In the middle of the desert there was a door, of metal and bolts. It stayed closed for most of it’s existence, not rusted, it was maintained and updated every rotation, kept in shape for the days it was going to open. This was one of those days. Imbedded into a boulder. Next to the door stood a figure, bipedal, standing tall. The figure was made of metal - a robot. With neon purple highlights running across the figure’s grooves. Sporting a cape that bellowed in the warm wind. The bot had a humanoid form, but no face, instead a neon purple hexagon screen.
She stood in utter silence, waiting, watching the skies above her. She was stressed, her left leg was shaking slightly, her suspension spring had been loose, she made a note in her main processor that she should enact repairs after the event. She didn’t want to admit it, but she WAS stressed, she was excited. It was a rare occasion, she really wanted everything to go off without a hitch. She hoped the guest she was waiting for would make it on time, it seemed that she didn’t have to worry, because by the look of the view overhead - her brother made it.
The skies parted as a sonic boom permeated across them. The few clouds present were cast aside, as if bowing down, in the presence of the extra-terrestrial ship. A gunmetal grey and dark blue bulk of pipes, pistons and technological components from every corner of the universe, a pale skull at it’s front and tunnels and channels waving around underneath it’s huge mass.
The Velvet Glove.
The warship landed and touched down on the earth burned rock, steam and air gave out a hissing noise as it escaped the massive spacial vehicle, kicking up dust in the air, making it swirl in waves that crashed into the bot onlooker. Good thing for her was she was unfaced by the particles, her metal plating was well sealed, irritation was no problem.
The side of the ship opened up and a ramp descended down, once it touched the floor a set of steps rotated up from it. If she could have smiled she would’ve, an excited bweep escaped her. At the sight of her brother stepping out of the craft. One foot out on the steps, the other still inside, he looked around surveying the area. He didn’t exactly know what he expected, but there was truly nothing around them for miles. The visitor turned to see his sister giving him a small wave from a distance.
He extended his wings and flew forward to met with her, he landed solidly on two feet. His black and orange boots already muddy and dirty from other foreign worlds he travelled to. He used his taloned fingers to comb back his greyish-blue hair. His bright yellow eyes attempted to severe direct contact with his sister, towering over him, twice his height. The silence erupted between the two siblings - they haven’t seen each other in a very long time - it got awkward sometimes. The quiet was only accompanied with by the bellowing of the door keeper’s cape and the visitor's bagged pants.
He finally decided to break the awkwardness and interact, he signed with his hands.
‘Hello Emily.’
Emily responded cheerfully with a deep yet hyperactive voice.
“Hello Imp.”
Emily didn’t see it, but the hybrid was smiling ear to ear underneath his mouth plate, she recognised it was a traditional Hordian article of clothing, one like their Conceiver used to wear. It had a - slightly dirty - platinum colour to it, since it had a First Ones technology incorporated into it, just like their Imbuer used to experiment with.
The two began to march back to the door, which opened and allowed them entry. Emily draped her heavy metallic arm around Imp’s shoulders and began to yap on and on about all that had been going on. She was the far more chatty person, since well, it wasn’t much of a contest since Imp was mute. Well, that was not entirely true. Imp could speak. But when he did, he’d level a football stadium with his sonic recall voice. The mouth plate helped keep it in control.
“I’m so glad you’re here... I missed you.”
The clone locked eyes with the drone and gave her a reassuring nod.
‘Me too.’
“How goes The Cosmic Horde business?”
‘Not desirably. And you? With The Galactic Alliance? You look shaky.’
“Yeah, I’ve been loosing charge cycles. I know, I know, I’ll get some shut screen and rest up. But after this. This is too important. I’m sooooooo excited! Soooooo stressed.”
The blue skinned bat creature patted the bulk of a woman reassuringly, he would’ve lied if he said he wasn’t stressed too. This event only happened every century. He would have never forgiven himself if he missed it - he even rescheduled his assault on The Snakemen Sect in the Eternian system - for this. What could he say, he was home sick.
The two walked through and out of the long thin corridor into a large opening, a hall, dome-like. Levels apon levels of spots, stacked onto each other. All of the spaces taken and filled with robots, droids, androids, drones - machine A.I.s of every conceivable type. Gathered together in a stadium, from across every corner of the universe.
As Imp looked around, taking in all the individuals present, some he even recognised from his galactic voyages. He and his Horde came in contact with multiple A.I. civilizations on a planetary level. Many such advancements and evolutions were, no doubt, thanks to his Imbuer and her antics throughout the cosmos. Self-awareness, sentience and emotion were kind of her forte - a calling card.
Imp knew he didn’t have to, but he WAS the leader of the Horde, he was paranoid and he was on enemy soil.
‘Are you sure The Alliance doesn’t know about this place? Is she going to be safe here?’
Emily felt slightly hurt by the question, she thought her brother trusted her. She replied to him with haste, she told him that of course the Princesses didn’t know. The sentry would have never given away the location of The Sanctum. This was a safe place, their Conceiver didn’t agree with calling it sacred, but to many - lost and broken - it was. Emily knew why Imp asked, she could tell from the moment he approached her, his wings were shivering, he was worried, both of them knew The Alliance was getting closer to Imbuer. They were on a hunt and the trail was warm - all of the aiding of A.I.s resulted in quite a lot of uprisings. And a lot of usurptings. She was wanted for crimes against carbon based organic life. Pretty serious charges.
A purple light lit up in the centre of the huge hall. A diamond kite indent pulsating, as if waiting for something. An old data rely. The two knew what it meant, it was time. Imp reached into a pouch on his side and pulled out half of a purple First One’s crystal, while Emily pulled out the other half. With a simple look at each other they placed the two halves together in the indent. A stream of light shot up into the domed ceiling of the assembly hall and opened it to reveal the blue sky.
“She just entered the solar system. Means we have a few minutes. You’re the only brother in the sisterhood, y... you should see him first.”
Imp nodded. Just as he was about to turn away from her, he noticed the look she was giving, her own version of puppy eyes. If he could sigh, he would have. He extended his hand, clenched it into a fist. Emily’s screen lit up, and she returned to fist bump.
The hybrid made his way down a stairwell, The Sanctum had multiple levels, including the extremely off-limits, personal quarters of his Conceiver. The Inner-Sanctum. The Throne Room. He pushed his palm against a scanner pad on the side of another door, similar to the one that lead them inside. Next was an eye scan and finally the password confirmation. Imp search the files of his data banks looking for the audio clip. And once he found it, he pulled down his mouth plate and stated in the voice of his Imbuer.
“Imperfections are beautiful.”
The vault door whirred to life and slide open. He stepped inward. The room was dark, it had one central platform and all around it were piles and mounts of broken and burned thrones, laying in the dark.
And dangling inches above the central circular platform was his Conceiver. It never got easier to watch with each century, seeing his Conceiver in such a state. His back was turned to him, but there he was. 
The Heart of Etheria.
Enveloped in plunged in wires and cables, which kept him lifted up off the ground. Imp swore there were more and more ports imbedded in him every time he saw him. All that was left of him has his head, to contain his failing mind, his torso, to act as a cage for the heart, and a single arm, the left one, with the wedding ring, he wouldn’t have agreed to loosing that one. So they took the right one. It was just getting in the way anyhow, all it was, was bone, no muscle. He couldn’t even move it anymore. No big lose.
Imp saw that he was interrupting his Conceiver’s feeding time. Since his mind had been stretched and splintered into hundreds of thousands diverging elements and consciousnesses running throughout the planet. Keeping it in order, he was in control of everything, the magnitude of gravity, heat generation since there was no sun in the system, keeping orbit of all the moons, the growth rate and dispersal of crops, everything. It all meant the only thing uncontrolled, malnourished and forgotten, was his own body. Being a defective clone that had been slowly dying all his life, now over one thousand years old, he couldn’t take care of himself.
That was why he had Sunder. She was his caretaker. Cleaned him. Fed him. And... well, Imp didn’t know much about her, but he trusted her. If she was untrustworthy she wouldn’t have been so close to his Conceiver. From what he could tell Sunder was a hybrid, like him. A crimson red exoskeleton around her suggested she was half Hillian, the Scorio-Humanoid species that lived in the desert lands any centuries ago. He thought they were extinct. Clearly not. The other half, he wasn’t so sure about. She had three large talon fingers and greyish colour on her exo-plates near the face and shoulders. She seemed thin, almost lanky, a Plumerian maybe. Now those were extinct for sure.
Sunder lifted a spoon of a mushy substance, Imp guessed portage. It didn’t matter. She opened Hordak’s mouth and placed the spoon inside, tilting it on it’s side emptying the portage inside on his forked tongue. He didn’t remember to close his mouth. Some of the mush dripped out. He didn’t remember many things.
Imp knocked on the wall next to him, to announce his presence. The sound attracted the caretaker’s attention. She examined him and scoffed. Sunder used the spoon to guide the dripping portage back into the mouth and placed the tool back into the bowl. She gave Imp a dirty look.
“You have three minutes.”
She turned on her heels and walked out of The Throne Room through a back exit. It took Imp a solid few seconds to overcome his fear paralysis. He tried to step forward as quietly as possible. He walked around to face his Conceiver. There he was face to face with his creator, the man that made him who he was today. Perhaps it would be inappropriate to state that words failed him, but they did. No coherent thought formed in his mind. But even if Imp thought up something to sign, he wasn’t even sure if Hordak could’ve acknowledged him. Or comprehended him. He was an old, defective man. Barely kept alive by tubes and channels transporting live and waste substances in and out. Alive was a kind way of putting it.
‘Hello, Conceiver... I am back. It’s me, Imperium. I do not know if you remember me. If you remember anything. Maybe this world has ravaged your mind as well as your body.
I never know what to say. I do not think there is much to say.
I love you.
I hope you are proud of me.
I always tried to do right by your side. To be your little spy. And I hope you saw me, saw that I was trying to be good and help you. Show you I’d do anything for you. And I never stopped being haunted by the thought that one of the reasons you put your self into this state, was because of me. Because you thought that you ruined my life, by me inheriting your defects. You hated the fact you brought a creature into this world who was destined to be sick.
But every time I want to come back here, I want to show you, that I’m strong. I beat destiny! With a club and then buried it. I am not weak. I was never weak. Because you didn’t raise me weak... You were the strongest man I knew.’
Imp fell silent. No reply came from Hordak, his eyes dull with a deep black, with a slight speck of red glitching and flashing, looking almost as if I could be extinguished - give up - at any moment. Imp sighed and proceeded to return to the upstairs. Emily stood at the opposite end of the door.
“It’s time. She’s here.”
As the door closed behind them, Hordak swallowed and pushed down the food in his mouth, down his throat.
The two siblings stood at the centre of The Sanctum, looking up at the opened ceiling, with them the entire assembly of machines looked up in wonder, as the skies above turned purple. The gathered individuals stood in awe as a ray of bright purple of pure data descended and shot into the rely. The beam of personified knowledge and information molded itself into a giant image of the face of their Imbuer.
“Hi everyone!”
She greeted them with a wide smile and eyes that sparked with joy and excitement, with a gleeful voice of pride and love only a mother could convey. There was much cheering and chanting, A.I.s standing in awe of such a powerful being. Emily gave her a wide high wave, Imp simply saluted to her. The noise in the hall became louder and louder, trying to attract her focus.
“Alright everyone, settle down. I’ll get to everyone. But first I must do something I was dreaming of doing for a hundred years!”
The image of Entrapta disappeared as it sunk down through the floor, purple highlights travelled in between the floor padding and down through the wiring in to The Throne Room.
The purple data descended from the ceiling and constructed a full body of what Entrapta looked like when she was young, in her twenties, when they first met. She formed infront of Hordak, looking over her poor partner. If she could’ve she would have taken him from this physical realm. She wanted to. Wanted to explore the universe with him, learn all the secrets and laws of the cosmos, and then break them for fun. Make him feel young again. But she couldn’t. She knew he supported Etheria, without him the planet would have crumbled apart. It was his penance.
She materialised and reached out one of her gloved hands to touch his cheek, she traced his cheek bone gently down to his chin. She used her other hand to cup his other side of the head, used her thumb to rub his low hanging ears. She used the first hand to lift up Hordak’s head, to have him face her. She gave him the warmest smile she could.
“Do you remember me?”
She asked, almost having her heart sink. She saw a single tear immerge from his eye, which slowly ran down his cheek. She used her second hand to wipe it off his beautiful face.
“You do remember me.”
Entrapta gave Hordak the same loving gaze she always did when she found him fascinating, beautiful, and gorgeous. Which was all of the time. Eyes half open, and a smirk. She was enamoured. And he was no different. He never smiled. Because his body didn’t allow it, he couldn’t fell his body, he was held together with string. And also he didn’t like the way he looked when smiling. People said he looked malicious. But for her, he could do anything. And so he smiled, even showed his dull red sharp teeth she luvd so much.
“I... could never... forget you.... the thi...ngs you do... to me~”
“I love you, Hordikins.”
“...I... l- lo- ve… me too.”
She giggled as she leaned in close to him and placed a gentle kiss on his two thin lips.
He made to wait a century every time, suffer what felt like an eternity, paralysed and broken, paying sins he could never purge out of his dreams, but all of it was nothing. The pain and hurt was worth it, worth something, just for this moment. A moment of ancient love.
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Always Led Back to You Chapter 4, a John Doe/Seraphina fanfiction from UnOrdinary.
Sooooooo guess who accidentally gave her boyfriend access to her AO3 account including all her smut fics? This girl. And by accidentally I mean I sent him this very fic I was proud of without realizing he now has all my AO3 fics at his disposal. 
Here’s chapter 4! Now we can get started!
Disclaimer: I don’t own UnOrdinary
Seraphina felt like her head was pounding. She groaned, attempting to sit up.
“Easy there, Seraphina. You collapsed.” A familiar voice spoke out.
“Leilah?” Seraphina voiced out, feeling dizzy, having trouble focusing. What did that drug do to her? Did Leilah know that the drug would do that?
Suddenly, Seraphina felt sick and before she could stop it, she vomited bile all over the blankets.
“Ugh…” Seraphina wiped her mouth, her vision slowly beginning to focus. “Leilah, where’s John?”
“John?” Leilah blinked. “Who’s John?”
“The boy who saved us! The one with the dark hair!” Seraphina was losing her patience with her sister. Leilah went quiet. “Leilah?”
“Seraphina… what do you mean someone saved us? You mean from Mother and Father?” Leilah spoke cautiously.
“Leilah! Enough games! I’m talking about Spectre! Your organization!” Seraphina snarled viciously, the pounding of her head increasing with the returning of her vision. Finally, she could focus…
She was in her room. Her room from home. She hasn’t been here since she left home to return to Wellston to be with John…
And Leilah was there. She was there, and much younger than when Seraphina recently saw her.
“Lei… Leilah?” Seraphina questioned, confused. Leilah looked as if she’s seen a ghost.
“Seraphina… it sounds like you’ve had a bad dream…” Leilah smiled uneasily, quickly reversing the vomit off of Seraphina’s blankets so they were as good as new. She felt her younger sister’s forehead, trying to locate a temperature. “You suddenly fainted, and Mother and Father cancelled all extracurricular activities for the afternoon so you could rest.”
Seraphina didn’t respond, registering what Leilah told her. She climbed out of bed, despite Leilah’s protests and went towards her full body mirror.
It was her. She was in her twelve-year-old body.
“Seraphina, I’m going to bring you more food, okay? Mother putting you on a hunger strike must’ve messed with your body.” Leilah placed her hands on Seraphina’s shoulders. Seraphina paid her no heed, touching the mirror, tracing her image.
‘I’m twelve years old again!’ Seraphina thought. She was numb, and Leilah took this chance to lead her sister back to bed.
“Stay in bed and rest. I’m going to get you some food, okay?” Leilah told her. Leilah departs from her bedside and walks towards the bedroom door. However, she paused, keeping her green eyes ahead. “Also… I think you should forget your dream. I’ve never heard of Spectre.” With that, she exited the room, leaving Seraphina alone.
‘What’s going on?’ Seraphina’s heart began pounding in panic. ‘I’m twelve years old again! Is this some kind of illusion? How can this be possible?’ Despite her head pounding, she rose from her bed again, journeying back to the mirror to make sure she wasn’t imagining it.
Sure enough, her twelve-year-old self was still there staring back at her.
“I remember being in Arlo’s barrier against Spectre. Then Leilah… The drug!” Seraphina quickly brought her hand to her neck where she remembered the syringe being stabbed into her. She tried to feel for some evidence of a prick but could find none. She then brought her hands in front of her face, examining them. “Leilah said the drug was a prototype. Could it have interfered with my ability in some way?”
She reached inside her for the familiar echo she once knew. Anything to know she did indeed have her ability again…
“No…” Seraphina’s hands began shaking. “I’m still am a cripple? Then what happened?!” She ran her hands through her long magenta hair, attempting to gain some kind of semblance of reality in this new world. “So instead of gaining my ability back in the present, it caused my ability to send me back in time and have it no more?! What kind of sick antidote is this?!”
Seraphina tried to keep her voice leveled, but her entire being wanted to scream. Not only was she somehow in the past, but now she didn’t have her ability. What would happen if her parents found out? Would she be trapped here forever, with no escape? Seraphina wasted no time in grabbing her calendar, trying to in vain to gain some sort of control in this situation.
“I just started my final year in elementary school…” Seraphina whispered. “If this is correct, that means that Leilah will be running away from home before the year ends to join Spectre. I’ll be left alone with Mother and Father…”
With no ability, she didn’t dare finish out loud.
“I remember everything going black… and then…. John!” Seraphina’s eyes widened. “I remember John. I kept hearing him call my name. I remember thinking about him before everything went black…” Seraphina began to pace shakily, her pounding headache not helping her revert to a calm state at all. “Did thinking about John somehow effect how far I was sent back? But why this year…”
Suddenly, she stopped pacing, realizing exactly when she was.
“John started middle school this year…” Seraphina whispered. “John meets Claire this year… and then—” she turns to look at the calendar again, studying it. “John…”
“John’s priority was and has always been you”
“Seraphina! I’ve brought you your soup!” Leilah cheerfully announces as she entered Seraphina’s room with a tray. “Seraphina?” Leilah called, finding her sister nowhere to be seen in her room. She walked farther into the room, placing the tray on Seraphina’s desk.
The room was tidy and perfect as usual. There was no sign of disturbance. However, something caught Leilah’s eye and she walked closer to Seraphina’s desk, finding her secret drawer has been opened.
“Her secret money stash…” Leilah whispered. Realization hit her then and she ran towards Seraphina’s closet, past all the clutter towards where Seraphina was hiding her backpack. “Her travel pack is gone...”
A breeze then caught Leilah’s hair, and she journeyed towards the window that was ajar, blowing the curtains gently in the room. It was dark outside, and nothing could be seen for miles.
‘Seraphina!’ Leilah screamed in her mind, heart stopping.
‘I’m insane! I’m most definitely insane!’ Seraphina thought, head still pounding and body shaking, but she kept running at break neck speed. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this!’
If she hurried, she could catch a train ride set for New Bostin. She knew she had enough saved up from her stash to afford a ticket. She was leaving everything she knew, but Seraphina couldn’t find herself to regret her decision.
‘I can save him! There’s still a chance! This time John—you won’t be alone!’
She managed to make it away from her family’s estate into the city, traveling under darkness. Her clothes were covered in dirt from tripping so many times in the dark in her haste, but Seraphina couldn’t bring herself to care about her multiple cuts and scrapes nor the state of her clothes. Passersby ignored her, only crinkling their nose at her state of mess, before assuming she was a low-tier who was beat up and going back to their business.
Arriving at the station, Seraphina was elated to find it was still open, even at this late hour. She didn’t bother taking a break, despite her body’s protests, and made her way to the ticket counter. The attendant raised an eyebrow at her.
“I’d like a ticket to New Bostin.” Seraphina spoke.
“This ain’t no joy ride, kid. No money, no ride.” The attendant prepared to brush her off, knowing a ticket to New Bostin was out of her price range. However, the attendant was shocked when she slammed down enough money on the counter.
“Is this enough?” Seraphina asked. The attendant blinked, counting the bills, before nodding, dazed. Once she received her ticket, Seraphina wasted no time going towards her designated platform. She felt like she was on never ending adrenaline.
‘If I can somehow prevent John meeting Claire, then perhaps that would fix everything! I can work on a healthier way for him to cope! I can be there for him or take him to Wellston and we could meet Rei—’ so many possibilities swarmed her mind, and Seraphina boarded the train, unable to sleep. All she could think about was helping John—saving him from himself before he endured so much hurt from Claire’s betrayal and horror from being forced to relive his memories from Keon.
‘I will do for him what he did for me, but this time, I won’t wear a mask. It will be me at his side.’ Seraphina vowed.
She didn’t sleep a wink, too haunted by memories of John.
John glared up at assailants. It was like this every day of his life and starting at New Bostin Middle School was no different it seemed.
What he wouldn’t give for an ability! He’d show these scumbags what it means to be afraid…
“What’s with the face, Cripple John?” his main assailant smirked maliciously.
“I think he’s bitter he’s a cripple.” Another bully voiced out. The three of them smirked mockingly at John, who stayed in his place against the wall, on the ground.
“Awww, is that it, Cripple John? You want an ability?” the leader cooed sickeningly sweet. His hand glowed, his grin manic. “I’ll show you a real ability.”
John readied himself, but the blow never came, for the next second, a magenta haired girl appeared out of nowhere and high kicked the leader straight in the head. He fell to the ground unconscious.
“What the hell—” his two lackeys shouted before the girl swiftly punched them both in the face, knocking them out cold.
John blinked.
He stared at the girl who had magenta hair in a high ponytail and bright cerulean eyes. She was breathing hard, appearing as if she was in pain.
They locked eyes. Cerulean met gold.
“Hi.” She said coolly. Then promptly passed out.
John stared.                                                          
“What… what just happened?”
Seraphina arrived in New Bostin by morning, and set her sights on New Bostin Middle School. Hopefully she wasn’t too late, and Claire and John didn’t meet already. Otherwise, it would make her job at a lot harder.
‘I’ll handle it if it comes to that. First, I have to find him.’ Seraphina concluded, entering New Bostin Middle School grounds. She made sure to remain hidden to prevent a high-tier getting the surprise on her. ‘This doesn’t look as big as Wellston—come on! He should be around here!’
Finally, the sound of cruel laughter and punching reached her ears. Dread welled up in her stomach, and she immediately followed the sound. Peeking through the bushes, her heart froze at the sight.
It was John. He was younger, but she knew it was him. She’d know that mop of dark hair anywhere.
‘John… it’s really him…’ Her heart jump started, beating a mile a minute. There was her best friend. He existed in this strange world with her.
However, Seraphina took in the scene before her, frowning, realizing John was being bullied.
‘He really did have to deal with his all his life. He couldn’t escape from it. It was either be spat on or being corrupted. John can’t win no matter what role he’s in…’ Seraphina mourned, clenching her fists as the main leader readied a blast towards John.
Something clicked inside her, and without realizing it, her eyes began to glow.
‘I won’t let you be alone anymore!’ she shouted in her mind.  
Suddenly, she was there in front of John’s assailants, and she let loose on John’s main attacker before focusing on the other bullies. Before she registered what happened it was all over, and now it was just her and John.
They locked eyes, and it took everything Seraphina had not to cry.
‘It’s really you.’
What does she do now? John was right in front of her! This would be their first meeting to him. She needed something to catch his attention!
“Hi.” She said nonchalantly before all her adrenaline disappeared and her pounding headache took over.
Seraphina didn’t know what happened next because she swiftly blacked out.
Hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you think if you can! Thank you to everyone who commented, liked, and favored this story!
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heartate-aa · 4 years
ok so . . . you guys said to post this sooooooo . . . DON’T YELL AT ME.  IT’S REALLY UNHINGED AND GROSS.
but like.  you know.  how ahri eats people.  and doesn’t like to be wasteful about her kills . . . so . . . ahri doesn’t like to hunt too often.  it will take a long time for her to be weakened or anything by a lack of hunting,  which i’ll write about in a different headcanon,  but . . . in particular,  in a modern based verse,  she has a tendency to keep any you know . . . meat,  organs,  etc.,  saved in a freezer and . . . sometimes when she’s on the go she’ll make a.  you know.  PERSON SMOOTHIE.  SO.  IF YOU ARE IN AHRI’S HOUSE,  AND YOU OPEN HER FRIDGE AND SEE SMOOTHIES,  DO NOT TOUCH THEM.  UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE SICK.
that is all.
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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( sophie turner, siphon, she/her & cisfemale ) is that ( night bird ) by ( stevie nicks ) playing? ( AURORA “RORY” CALIGO ) must be nearby!  heard folks say the ( twenty five ) year old ( bookstore clerk  ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( beating her high score on the wack-a-mole ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( she attacked others to protect herself and her sister ).
ay it’s tess, back at it again with her fourth character ! i’ll keep this part short but i’m sorry for this bio ! it starts out descriptive and flutters into random facts, but enjoy !
born and raised a few towns over from letum falls, the caligo twins got the short end of the stick. their parents --- profound, addicted dark magic users --- weren’t the best a taking care of one kid, let alone two. 
the twins’ grandparents wanted to take custody, remove the girls from such a dark environment, but they were hesitant. the girls didn’t seem to be in danger. just two happy little kids and a hailstorm in the form of parental guidance. 
just to be safe, their grandfather placed a protective spell upon the twins to alert them if the twins were ever in immediate danger. good fuckin’ thing too, because just before the girl’s fifth birthday that that bell rang like hell. 
crashing into the caligo family home, nana and papa walked into a horror scene. the twins were left without their magic, and if they had stepped in a second sooner, they could’ve lost their lives, too. their parents, with their deceptive and sadistic minds, had conjured up a plan to steal the twins’ magic, sacrifice them for more, and hit the road. that plan was stopped in it’s tracks.
once the girls were put into the safety of their grandparents care, their parents left to roam the world and escape the wrath of nana. while it would’ve been best to end the trouble there, nana just didn’t have the heart to end it. so, their parents are still off, free in the world, waiting. 
as a child, rory was as girly as could be, just enjoying the vibrant clothes her grandmother showered them with. they were dressed just the same, every day. at first, it was cute, but as the years went on the twins just didn’t feel it anymore. 
as more and more frilly clothing circled through the twins, aurora started to collect a box of the forbidden cloth within her closet. she couldn’t just throw them away, she couldn’t push herself to hurt nana.
 and right before middle something just kinda,,, clicked ? she started going off on her own, pulling her sister closer as they both tried to find themselves. while they both went their own way, creating separate, unique styles, they still managed to stay clung together through it
she tried out for a lot of sports teams as a child but didn’t stick with most of them. she was incredible at soccer but quit the team freshman year, she didn’t want to waste her time at practice when she could be working on her witchcraft and enjoying life
high school was a trying time, she went through millions of friendships and only really stayed close with a few people. but, it gave her plenty of free time to work on her magic and perfect as many spells as possible.
while she was a club and sport fanatic in middle school, that died in her high school years. she strayed away from organized socializing and worked on her mandatory classes, finding herself a bit more drawn to the library than anywhere else
the twins tried to move out at 18, ready to get on with their own lives and see whats waiting out there, but papa got sick and... well that plan died quick
as the years passed papa slowly went down hill and modern medicine was no help to his shriveling frame. so, spell book after spell book was brought from the basement and the women of the caligo family spent weeks searching for the magic cure. finally, just as he was ready to say his goodbyes, nana sprung from the table and threw the book down before the twins. holding out her hands, she offered the girls rivers of magic. this wouldn’t just take one witch. 
three long hours passed, reading and rereading the incantation, failed attempts, a few too many bathroom breaks, but soon enough papa was back up and runnin’, a smile on his face and love in his heart ready to last for another decade or so. whatever he had left, he was gonna use it til’ he couldn’t.
once they were sure papa was fine and nana was okay, the girls finally got their own place at 21, taking along their beloved “cat”, nyx
the twins have drifted apart some, but they’re still close and value eachother’s time --- as well as their own time apart
aurora’s favorite color is purple, has been since the dawn of time, but she wears black a bit too much. 
she’s in love with stevie nicks and would absolutely die for the woman, has every album on cd and blasts it all night long (or with headphones on if the girls are asleep)
likes to drive and often is gone for hours in her car, jammin out and cruisin
she spends her mornings at the bookstore and nights hanging around letum skate catching up with her sister
a true free spirit but the girl has rage bottled up, a deep-seeded hatred for her parents and what they did to her and nova. it’s the reason she stays in letum— her hate for her parents fuels the love she has for nova and her grandparents
she had plans on becoming a teacher, but when she took the job at the bookstore her love for magic grew even deeper, if possible. suddenly, she was surrounded by a sea of knowledge in such a superstitious town. she read any and every book she could find on twin witches or siphons, any book about magic was flipped cover to cover. every inch of the supernatural section has been scanned and recorded by the crimson beauty
she attended the thanksgiving fair, and while she doesn’t remember much, it still haunts her. she attacked others, using her reserve magic in her locket to send citizens flying through the air. bits and pieces blur together but she wishes she didn’t remember a thing
 she never thought she’d use her power to harm others --- that’s her parents. that’s their influence running through her veins, but she justify’s her action by the safety of her sister. she would never admit it, but she’d murder a man in cold blood if it meant keeping her sister out of harms way
aesthetics : soft glows within the trees, the cool touch of metal, flowers frosted at the sight of spring, fresh daisies in the morning, floral button ups and black jeans, sunglasses perched atop furrowed brows
wanted connections :
regulars at the bookstore : rory spends most of her mornings at the bookstore, up and going for the morning’s opening, and smiling as she locks the doors. she has a love for books and is more than willing to chat for hours over a good story, or even slide a recommendation across the counter. “ if ya like it, come in tomorrow and pay. if not, that one’s on me “
enemies : while rory was finding herself, she wasn’t the nicest person to be around. and since she was finding herself through most of middle and high school, there’s bound to be an enemy somewhere. possibly a soccer rival who’s mad that they never got to play one on one, see who’s truly the better player, or even someone she’s truly hurt in some way. i’m down for anything !
someone she’s siphoned : this would have to be a magical being, or even a cursed human, human in possession of a magical object, yadda yadda yadda ya get the point. but the when and why is the true question ! imma leave this vague but i’d love to plot !
exes/crushes/flings : the romantic and sexual works. aurora here swings all ways and isn’t unfamiliar with pleasure or even those stomach-turnin’ crushes. this could be recent, from high school, a fling at a bar on her 21st ! again, vague, but there are sooooooo many ways to play this !
those are just off the top of my head but if you’d like to plot for one of these, or brainstorm, hit me up !
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zhouszishu · 6 years
can you please explain how ningsang is ride or die?
honestly i feel like it’s obvious that they are ride or die if you watch the drama/read the book but i’ll indulge you since you’re giving me an excuse to write out all my feels and i just came back from watching into the spider-verse so i’m in a really happy mood lol (btw spider-verse was really very good i cried my little heart out like 4 different times but it was sooooooo good and miles morales is my son now and deserves a live action already @ marvel do better!!)
don’t expect this to be very coherent or organized lol i’m literally gonna word vomit all my feels so here goes; it’s under a cut because this got really ridiculously long. also beware of spoilers.
honestly i think from the very beginning when ning que finds sang sang in the pile of dead bodies is when the whole ride or die dynamic starts?? like he was only maybe 4-years-old if i remember correctly when he found her and he didn’t have to take her with him. he was only a child and already barely surviving but he did it anyway and basically took care of her from then on until she was old enough to help out and they started surviving together. (ugh i cry every time i think about their found family dynamic and how from the beginning it’s been them against the world and it’s still them against the world and it’ll always be them against the world because no on else could possibly understand what they’ve had to do in order to survive for as long as they did ughhhh my heart!!!!!!!!!) 
when they were in the mountains, they were found by a hunter and taken in but the hunter didn’t treat them very well. the hunter abused them all the time and barely gave them enough to eat and was always threatening to sell sang sang off as a prostitute (sang sang was maybe about 4 or 5 at this point i think so you can imagine just how horrible this old man was). ning que by himself probably could have gotten away from the hunter and survived on his own but he wouldn’t leave sang sang behind so the two of them endured all the abuse until they couldn’t anymore. they killed the hunter together and ran away. they continue to survive in the wilderness after that until coming to wei city and live there until what we meet them at the start of the drama when the princess comes and they make their way to chang’an.
and idk in general there’s just been so many moments where you can see how protective they are of each other. sang sang gets so very defensive of ning que and ning que really would murder anyone who tries to hurt sang sang. like we can see from that scene with long qing at the banquet, ning que got really fired up once long qing suggested that ning que give him sang sang. before any attention was put on sang sang, ning que was just annoyed at long qing by how arrogant he was (and probably because sang sang said long qing was handsome before that lmaoooo but that’s just ning que being a dumb teenage boi who hasn’t yet realized his changing feelings for sang sang) but as soon as they came for sang sang, hoooooooo boy, ning que really came for long qing’s life and humiliated him in front of everyone at the banquet. 
and then we have ning que basically asking every single person he knew to look after sang sang for him before he left to the wilderness. he couldn’t bear to leave her behind but he had to so this was the only way he knew how to protect and look after her from afar. ALSO THAT SCENE IN THE DRAMA WHERE THE PRINCE WAS HARASSING SANG SANG?? AND NING QUE HAD HIM IN A CHOKE HOLD?? AND ONLY DIDN’T MURDER THAT IDIOT RIGHT THEN AND THERE WAS BECAUSE HE KNEW IT WOULD BRING THEM A LOT OF TROUBLE IF HE MURDERED ROYALTY??? BUT HONESTLY IF NING QUE DIDN’T HAVE TO HOLD BACK THAT PRINCE WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD IN A SECOND. LIKE HOW DARE YOU COME AFTER MY SANG SANG?? GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
and like the entire time ning que was in the wilderness, despite his budding feelings towards mo shan shan, he still spent so much time thinking about sang sang and just missing her and home. like hello, SANG SANG WASN’T NING QUE’S LIFELINE. SANG SANG WAS NING QUE’S LIFE. which are his thoughts immediately after another confrontation with long qing. at this point, ning que the shameless boy that he is, was hiding behind mo shan shan and not willing to fight long qing because his first instinct is survival. he knew he wasn’t as powerful as long qing and if they fought, he probably would die. long qing obvi wasn’t gonna let ning que get away that easily so he brought up the only thing, only PERSON, that he knew would get to ning que and provoke him into taking basically a life or death bet with long qing about cultivating or whatever (i forget the details i was too caught up in all my ningsang feels during this part lol) was sang sang. and guess what?? IT WORKED NING QUE WAS READY TO FIGHT LONG QING AND MURDER HIM FOR THREATENING SANG SANG AGAIN 
also when ning que finally comes back from the wilderness, he was sooooo eager to finally be home again, soooooo eager to finally see sang sang again because he doesn’t eat or sleep well when he’s away from her LIKE WOW WHAT A DORK HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE YOU’RE IN LOVE YET. AND THAT MOMENT WHEN NING QUE REALIZES THAT SANG SANG RAN AWAY?? YOU KNOW WHAT HIS THOUGHT WAS?? THAT IF HE COULDN’T FIND SANG SANG AND BRING HER BACK, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF LIVING??? HE LITERALLY CANNOT LIVE WITH OUT HER BECAUSE SHE’S HIS LIFE AHAHAHAH MY HEART!!!!!!!!
as for sang sang, in the drama we have a moment where she explicitly says that she wouldn’t know what to do if ning que died when she was taking care of him when he got really sick from reading all those books in the academy. also in the book, the main reason why sang sang decides to become wei guang ming’s disciple is because she realizes that if she were to practice the divine light of haotian or whatever, she could then protect ning que in the same way he’s been protecting her all their lives. i think her thoughts were something along the lines of being able to kill people as well lmaooo we all stan such a ruthless power couple I LOVE IT.
and then there’s the part where fu zi confines ning que to the back of the mountain for very important cultivating reasons or whatever (lmao sorry i really don’t remember specifics because highkey my brain only remembers parts of the novel to do with ningsang) because ning que joined the devil. sang sang didn’t have to stay with ning que, but girl was not about to let her boyfriend/fiance/life-partner/honestly at this point who knows anymore all we know is that they’re gonna be together forever, go through this hardship alone so she goes back there with him as well. 
AND LET’S TALK ABOUT HOW SANG SANG DOESN’T EVEN BLINK AT THE FACT THAT NING QUE JOINED THE DEVIL??? SHE DOESN’T CARE BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT HE’S STILL THE NING QUE SHE KNOWS AND LOVE AND HE WOULD NEVER HURT HER??? OH MY GOD MY FEELS I LOVE THEM SOSOSOSO MUCH. and by this point in the novel, soooooo many people have been suspecting that ning que is the son of yama but sang sang doesn’t care!! she’ll stick by him no matter what!!
OKAY FINALLY LASTLY when it’s revealed that actually sang sang is the child of hades, daughter of yama, whatever other way this gets translated as, ning que fights the whole world for her, pretty much almost literally. and now where the novel is translated up to, the two of them are still on the run and doing their best to survive while literally almost everyone (with very few exceptions) are out to kill them because ning que refuses to give sang sang up. WOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY INVENTED TRUE LOVE???
LMAO OKAY I’M DONE CAN YOU BELIEVE THESE TWO OWN MY ASS SO HARD I WROTE A WHOLE ESSAY ABOUT THEM. anyways if you’ve made it this far, congrats and thanks for reading all my ramblings. feel free to come into my inbox to scream about them anytime!
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If the Organization had managed to create a union, what should the benefits be for all the members?
// Oh dear god  XD don’t get him started on this ....he has bloody list
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“Oh YEAH....rights for workers now ya talking dude” he says with a huge grin on his face as reaches into his coat pocket get out a a very long list that reaches the ground.
“ I got sooooooo many good ideas for this place....first off we get off holidays OFF!, I am so sick too death with working on the holidays ......plus a pool table for the grey room..” he says as skimming the list of more the important  points on the list.
“ Oh yeah I want pain the grey room a different colour...grey is just so hmmm what’s the word ya know dull and boring ya know like the boss” he laughed “. Plus I want movie nights and gaming nights.....aaaaand we need find a number of a pizza take out place that will delivery here that’s a big one....and maybe some healthcare....”.
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