#but the rest is gennai kaiser
magpiejay1234 · 1 month
Episode 48.
This is Belial Vamdemon's proper debut.
Koushiro's phone ring is Entry of the Gladiators.
Oikawa reveals if he does not take the Dark Seeds, they will further grow into Dark Trees. The term used here is Ankoku no Jumoku, which can mean Tree of Darkness, or Woods of Darkness, as the term Jumoku can refer to a single (generally large) tree, or a wooded area.
Oikawa reveals the Dark Seeds inside Ken could adapt to him, but the copies cannot.
Oikawa uses Gennai's gate puzzle from OG Adventure to open the gate.
Oikawa explains the remaining plot threads:
***Ken was chosen to become the Kaiser, since he was a Chosen Child. Here, the meaning is likely meant to refer to the fact that he is a Crest-bearer, not just someone with a Digital Partner.
***Dark Towers originate from Dagomon's Ocean (this is a retcon, since Ken's Dark Tower was disrupting the Dark Ocean in Episode 13). Their main purpose is to change the digital environment.
***Oikawa needed to disrupt the Digital World to enter as a tainted adult, as Digital World would not accepted him. If he was a pure adult, he would presumably be accepted.
Instead, he used the Dark Seeds in children as a barrier to spoof Digital World's programming (Dark Seeds are pieces of Millenniumon, so they can alter reality, and cause dimensional disruptions.)
Kids' collective will allows the gate to be opened, and Dark Seeds serve as a barrier to protect Oikawa.
Oikawa, and children fail to get to Digital World, instead ending up in a subspace.
Vamdemon appears, and reveals his intentions.
Vamdemon reveals he created Evil Rings out of the data of Tailmon's Holy Ring. Tailmon calls out his spitefulness. This is a retcon, since Evil Rings were created by Ken, but we will discuss this in the commentary.
Vamdemon also reveals that he lied about Dark Seeds acting as a barrier, they were instead food for him.
Episode ends with Daisuke trying to pump up the cast against the impossible odds.
Vamdemon's Evil Ring reveal suggests part of him was inside Ken all along, but this is yet to become a plot point. For now, this is just a last minute retcon that is inconsistent with rest of the show, similar to other last minute retcons of this episode.
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macaroonmoogle · 7 years
*kaiser gennai merch spills from my pockets b/c there’s none of kaiser ken* ಥ‿ಥ
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Secrets of Ears:  Chapter 4
Daisuke tried to wrap his brain around what Gennai said. He’d been created? It had felt kind of funny when he’d first heard it from Koushiro but to hear all the details like this – it wasn’t all that funny anymore.
His stomach churned a little bit as he stared down at his hands, then looked up at the others.
“So what does all this mean?” He wanted to know. “I mean – I’m not going to start wanting to tear apart reality or something, am I?”
“Unlikely. Gennai shook his head. “As I said, while you weren’t intended to develop a mind or personality of your own, you did. Which means you make your own choices, just like any other human or Digimon. But you will have to be wary of your dark side.”
“Dark side?” Miyako asked, eyes narrowing a trifle. “What’s that?”
“Just what he said,” Yamato answered. “All of us who have Viral blood have a dark side. The part of us that’s pure viral and takes after our Viral parent.” He twisted his lips for a heartbeat. “All of us have Digimon names. Mine is Chiguumon. But my dark side is Anbumon. They’re – not quite different people, not quite us.”
Jou nodded. “My name is Jitsumon. Dark side is Fuseiimon.” He made a face as annoyed as Yamato’s. “He drinks a lot more blood than I do. I do it because I need to. He does it because he likes to.”
“Aikoumon,” Sora quasi-introduced herself. “And my other side is Akuenmon. She’s not really someone you want to meet.”
Ken’s ears were naturally paler than the rest of him. Right now, Daisuke thought that the rest of him wanted to catch up to his ears in paleness. He swallowed.
“So what about us? Or the others?” His eyes flicked between Miyako and Koushiro.
“We don’t have dark sides. I’m Vaccine and Data, Miyako is Vaccine,” Koushiro told him. “As for the two of you, I can’t honestly be sure. You’ll have to encounter those sides to know their names. As for your own names – you’ll learn them. They’re written into your data.”
Daisuke wasn’t that worried about it. Gennai had just said that he could make his own decisions, so he wasn’t going to fret about a so-called dark side. What he worried about was Ken and what Ken was probably thinking. Ken had mostly accepted his past and moved on from it. But to hear that there was a dark side in him just waiting to get out…
Nope. Daisuke wasn’t going to let Ken worry about that. He’d not done all that work to get him to feel good about himself to let it all go to waste now.
So he stood up. “Well, thanks for letting us know. Come on, Ken. I want some ramen. You want ramen?”
Ken was on his feet a moment later. “Yes. I would like ramen.”
“Before you go,” Koushiro spoke quickly. “You need to be aware of this. Your powers are linked to the Digital World. The more time you spend there, the easier they will come to you. But now that you’re aware of them, they could manifest at any point. The key seems to be strong emotion. Watch yourselves.”
Daisuke didn’t waste another moment. He wrapped one hand around Ken’s, and wasn’t even remotely surprised that Ken’s hand shook in his grip.
He squeezed Ken’s fingers and smiled at him. This was weird, yeah. But it wasn’t anything that they couldn’t all get through together, just like they did everything else.
They settled back onto the train, neither of them saying anything about what they’d found out. Ken stared up at the train’s roof, his eyes half-closed, his hand still firmly in Daisuke’s. Daisuke’s fingers itched to bury themselves into Ken’s hair and do everything he could to soothe Ken.
He held back, though. He wasn’t going to bother Ken’s hair or even get close to his ears in public. He’d made a promise.
They stayed quiet all the way until they were in the ramen shop that Daisuke had wanted to go to today. Their partners stayed with them, just as quiet, Wormmon snuggling around Ken’s shoulders, V-mon leaning a little against Daisuke’s side.
It was V-mon who broke the silence. “I always kind of thought you smelled like a Digimon,” he said. “But I thought that it was because of me.”
Daisuke blinked before a laugh broke out of him. “Guess not.” He playfully tapped at V-mon’s nose. “Guess you need to get your nose checked.”
V-mon pouted, playfully whacking back at him. Ken chuckled a bit, but it sounded strained. Still, the ice had been broken.
“I don’t care who your sire was,” Wormmon said, squirming around so he could stare soulfully up into Ken’ eyes. “You’re my Ken-chan no matter what.”
Ken’s cheeks reddened and he stared down into his ramen bowl. “I don’t want to be like that again,” he murmured, hands clenching together. He swallowed for a second. “Do we know – do we know anymore if it was the Spore or if it was – me?”
“Does it matter?” Daisuke asked, shrugging. “You’re not like that now and you’re not going to be ever again. You know better. You’re not going to hurt anyone innocent ever again.”
He wasn’t surprised that Ken was worked up over it. He’d probably stayed worked up over it for a while. Even with Daisuke and Wormmon and all of the others telling him over and over that he’d grown and didn’t need to be worried about it. Ken worried. It was what he did.
“Hey!” A vaguely familiar voice declared and someone dropped himself down on Ken’s other side. Daisuke glanced over to see Tachibana Noriaki sitting there, flashing that brilliant white-toothed smile. Daisuke wondered if he should ask which toothpaste company sponsored him. “Didn’t think I’d see you guys here.”
Ken tensed at once, shifting to be closer to Daisuke. “Why not?”
“I thought you were gong on a date,” Tachibana teased. “You are dating, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” Daisuke wasn’t going to deny that they were an item. “And we are on a date.”
Tachibana tilted his head. “You’re going out for ramen as a date? I took my girlfriend to the gardens. Saw some really awesome flowers there.” His eyes glowed warmly. “You should do something like that. Or to a concert.” He stopped, eyes suddenly focused on Ken’s ears. “Or would that be too much for those poor sensitive ears of yours?”
One hand flashed out and dug into Ken’s hair, squeezing his ears. He didn’t let go, even as Ken squealed and started to bat at him.
“Aw, it’s not that bad! You’re not a little kid anymore, are you? You should be used to people playing with your ears, especially if you’ve got a boyfriend!” Tachibana grinned, light glinting off of his teeth.
Daisuke was on his feet already. He didn’t normally get too angry; he’d never really felt the need. It had to be something horrible to really trip his temper. Seeing this jerk fondle Ken’s ears like that, when Ken so very clearly wanted to be anywhere but here, did it.
“Let him go!” Daisuke snapped, and he wondered oddly why his voice sounded different, deeper, darker. Not for a moment did he think about what he’d been told earlier.
At least, not until a gleam of something caught his eye and he saw a long, sharp sword resting in Ken’s hand. Ken’s grip tightened and when he turned towards Daisuke, Daisuke could see red flames dancing in the back of them.
They’d been told the process would take time. It seemed that time wasn’t very long at all.
Part of him – a part that he’d never been aware of before – stirred. Those rage-spawned flames were so pretty. Not that anything about Ak – Ken – was ever not pretty, but there was something special about them regardless. He wanted to curl up in those flames and bask there forever.
Instead, he rested one hand on top of Ken’s, where the sword waited. He shook his head. “No.”
Tachibana either hadn’t ‘heard or wasn’t paying attention. He rubbed harder. “Hey, can you hear really well with these things? They look so weird, you should get some kind of benefit from them, right?”
As fast as Daisuke was, Ken had always been faster. He leaped to his feet, knocking Tachibana away with one hand, and brought his sword around to point at the other’s throat.
“Touch me again,” he growled, voice sounding far too much like the Kaiser, “and I won’t hesitate.” The tip of his sword rested on Tachibana’s throat. “And I won’t care.”
Daisuke strolled to stand beside Ken. “And I’ll give him an alibi. Anything he does, you pushed him to it. We told you to stop. You’re not listening. Either leave us alone or pay the price.”
Tachibana looked, to tell the truth, as if he were about to wet himself on the spot. Daisuke wouldn’t have been surprised. In point of fact, he thought it would have been hilarious.
Wormmon hadn’t moved from around Ken’s shoulders. He rested one pod on Ken carefully. “You don’t want to hurt him, Ken-chan,” he murmured. “He’s not worth it.”
“No, he’s not.” Ken replied. “But if he doesn’t leave me alone, I will.”
Tachibana turned paler even than Ken’s ears. He stumbled back, eyes flicking all over. “You’re insane!” He spat the words out before ducking away and fleeing for the door as fast as he could.
They were the only ones there at the time – they’d stayed long enough at Koushiro's that most of the usual crowd had gone home. The ramen chef had stepped into the back. The timing really couldn’t have been better.
Daisuke closed his hand once more on Ken’s. “He’s gone,” he murmured. “You can relax now. It’s all right.”
Ken stared at him,, the bright ruby flames still burning. Then he swallowed, staring down at the sword as if he’d never seen it before in his life. Daisuke guessed that he really hadn’t.
“What did I do?” Ken whispered brokenly. “What did I do, Daisuke?”
To Be Continued
Notes: One chapter left to go! Sunday wraps it all up. I rather enjoyed writing the confrontation between Ken and Tachibana. Tachibana will probably run screaming if he so much as spies Ken across the street now. He’s lucky Akogimon didn’t fully awaken. Akogimon would have skewered him and laughed about. Think Kaiser, but worse. Much, much worse.
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variouscolors-old · 4 years
“You think I’m a bad guy, don’t you?” It was her question to Ken, after having a feeling that the boy and his friends had unmasked her quickly than the rest of them.
Ken’s fingers paused over the keyboard.
The kaiser chuckled, low and dark. Her? A bad guy? Oh they were well aware that she wasn’t as nice as she claimed to be. That she had secrets. But secrets were open knowledge to them. The kaiser after all, needed to know everything, even if he never told anyone else.
“It’s funny that you think you’re even a blip on the radar, Himekawa. Why don’t you just let me work so you can get what you want, hm?”
He snorted, still thinking it hilarious how she even thought she was a piece on the chessboard.
Ken shook his head and sighed, getting back to typing. “I need to focus, if you want, we can talk the hypotheticals of secret agents being bad later once the gate is open, okay?”
She felt herself trapped in the kids’ web. Of course Ichijouji Ken would make an offer, and Maki already had the backstories of these four. A miraculous disastrous kid who never gives up until the end. A talented hacker girl able to surpass the high security programs installed in the Data Bureau’s network. A young yet wise boy. And the genius boy also the infamous Digimon Kaiser, holder of the Dark Digivice.
She wasn’t smiling, but observed cautiously him, his gestures and words. How could these four catch her that easily? However... She had her own tricks. Perhaps she can play dumb and lure them into the battle field, contact Gennai and let the man deal with these meddling kids.
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“I see, your group’s goal is to open the digital gate again” It was obvious their plan. Maybe they aren’t that smart like she thought “I can help you, and all I ask for is a little favor.”
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ladyanatui · 5 years
Daiken Ultimate Playlist, Pt. 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
This is the abridged version of my Spotify playlist for all things Daiken, organized from the start of 02 to…eventually.
Part 4 specifically covers from the episode where Paildramon first evolves to Imperialdramon through the end of the series (ignoring the epilogue obviously).
TRIGGER WARNING: This post discusses depression, suicide, emotional abuse, and PTSD quite a lot. Take care of yourselves, folks!
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Spotify Playlist
Click the song titles for YouTube links (apparently you can’t have more than five videos in a post), and otherwise, enjoy me rambling about Daiken.
One final note: Within the lyrics, I’ve emphasized meaningful words, such as night/nightmare, dark/darkness, miracle(s), kind/kindness, courage/bravery, friend/friendship, sun/star/light, fire/burn/ignite, angel(s), and words related to water/drowning.
“Take on the World” by You Me at Six
And it's the fight, and the fight of our lives You and I, we were made to thrive And I am your future, I am your past Never forget that we were built to last Step out of the shadows and into my life Silence the voices that haunt you inside
And just say the word, we'll take on the world And just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst Nobody knows you the way that I know you Look in my eyes, I will never desert you And just say the word, we'll take on the world
While the lyrics lend themselves to describe Daisuke and Ken’s relationship in general, I specifically associate this with episode 39 when the Chosen Children meet with Gennai at Koushiro’s and Daisuke goes to Tamachi to help Ken. This is the episode where Paildramon first evolves to Imperialdramon, who incidentally can fly fast enough to go around the world in seconds (why they didn’t just use him to destroy all the Dark Towers instead of splitting up, I’ll never know), and the next three episodes are the World Tour sequence.
But most importantly, this is episode marks the first time that Ken calls Daisuke by his first name. It’s a really big moment, especially for Ken, who has so much trouble getting close to people. And then, you know, they go pick up the rest of the group in Imperialdramon and literally take on the world (tour).
“Satellite” by Starset
Satellite Shine on me tonight I will be your gravity I will stay and never leave My satellite Are you here tonight? Shine your light and set me free Take the darkness out of me Shine on me
Because Starset only writes songs about space and the sun is a star, a lot of their lyrics are applicable to Daisuke and Ken. I’m not sure I really need to explain this one. The lyrics say enough.
“Enemy” by Eve 6
The autumn sun burning logic in my brain I'm asking why there is pleasure when there's pain I'm here to pay for my mistakes in a humiliating manner If there is a next time, I'll cover up I feel alone, I feel shaky and uncertain A kind man shakes my hand and draws the curtain In a word he saves my life, and then I exit out the enter door and smile
Okay, so then we skip over the World Tour because they’re separated for those three episodes. And what comes next?
Three of my favorite episodes in the season!
Demon/Daemon happens. Buses of children about to die happens. Oikawa kidnapping kids happens. And of course, Ken opening the gate to the Dark World happens.
This one focuses on Ken and his decision to go with Oikawa in an effort to the protect the kidnapped children. He knows how dangerous it is, he knows he’s being manipulated and used, but he has to go because there are young children who’ve been manipulated as well and need his help. (The final two lines of the quote refer to Daisuke when he finally manages to rescue him, but the following songs go in between.)
“Don’t Let Me Down” by The Chainsmokers ft. Daya
Crashing, hit a wall Right now I need a miracle Hurry up now, I need a miracle Stranded, reaching out I call your name but you're not around I say your name but you're not around
I need you, I need you, I need you right now Yeah, I need you right now So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
While Oikawa has him prisoner, literally tied up (which doesn’t seem to bother any of the kids who insist they weren’t kidnapped? what?), who do you think he hopes comes to save him?
Yep, it’s Daisuke.
Okay, he calls for Wormmon too, but Daisuke is first. Because Daisuke is his knight in shining armor, and he knows Daisuke will not rest until he has Ken safe again. He has such utter faith in him, and it’s beautiful. (And I probably don’t need to point out that the song says “I need a miracle” and the fact that Daisuke is the only person who uses the Digimental of Miracles and that miracles has basically become synonymous with Daisuke in the fandom, right?)
“The Last of the Real Ones” by Fall Out Boy
I was just an only child of the universe And then I found you You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you You were too good to be true Gold plated But what's inside you I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do
And here’s another song that puts Daisuke in the role of being the sun with Ken revolving around him and, of course, in the role of Ken’s savior. It’s a pretty damn accurate depiction of their relationship and of how Ken views Daisuke. As the leader of the 02 Chosen Children, Daisuke is a source of hope for the whole world, though, and while Ken certainly doesn’t begrudge the world for needing Daisuke (he is the one who basically saves the day by being his normal optimistic self in the final episodes), I’m not so sure he wants to share.
“Tidal Wave” by Owl City
I forget the last time I felt brave I just recall insecurity 'Cause it came down like a tidal wave And sorrow swept over me Then I was given grace and love I was blind, but now I can see 'Cause I've found a new hope from above And courage swept over me
This song always stands out to me on the playlist because it directly mentions depression and also uses water metaphors to describe things. Between Oikawa and Demon, Ken is absolutely terrified, and even though he’s helped the Chosen Children throughout the previous fifteen episodes or so, he has cast himself in this role of being very insecure and needing to make amends. But it’s finally time for him to start to truly move on from his past and accept that not everything was his fault. Part of that means facing Oikawa, who manipulated him into becoming the Digimon Kaiser, and part of that means facing Demon, who is a blatant symbol for the darkness that haunts him. And during all of this, he has Daisuke there to be his courage and his miracle and help him through it all.
“Dodging Raindrops” by 311
I'm letting go, giving up the control Yeah, I'm ready to go wherever the wind blows I wanna see where the road's gonna lead Time is ticking and the world is not waiting on me
I've been dodging raindrops for far too long These clouds over my head, they won't move on I've been dodging raindrops, trying not to get wet I've been dodging raindrops for far too long Dodging raindrops But they're all in my head, all in my head
This whole song is basically a giant metaphor for depression and deciding to stop ignoring the symptoms and actually deal with them. Because of that, it seems appropriate for the moment Ken decides to use the power of his dark digivice to open a gate to the Dark World. It’s an incredibly risky thing to do and he has no idea whether it’ll actually work, but he knows it’s the best chance they have and he’s willing to take the risk.
“Trials” by Starset
These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are We're motivated by the scars that we're made of These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are We take our places in the dark And turn our hearts to the stars
I think it’s pretty safe to say that all of the Chosen have trials to face in order to achieve what they do to battle the darkness. But no one faces more trials and tribulations than Ken, and that’s incredibly apparent to the other five when he forces open the dark gate, truly facing his darkness and fighting against it.
“Get Up” by Shinedown
If you were ever in doubt Don't sell yourself short, you might be bulletproof Hard to move mountains when you're paralyzed But you gotta try And I'm calling out
Of course, everyone comes to support Ken. He’s finally fully one of the group, but the order everyone comes to his aid is important.
First is Hikari, who probably understands Ken’s relationship with the darkness and the Dark World the best since it too called to her. Then Takeru, who has always felt so strongly about fighting the darkness, which is super obvious in this season (Takeru totally has PTSD and anger issues from Angemon dying in the first season, but really, at this point, which Chosen Child doesn’t have PTSD?). Next is Miyako, who was super hesitant about him joining the group, but once she was on board with the idea, she was fully committed. Last, of course, is Iori, who was the last person to accept Ken, and this moment feels like another moment that Iori realizes how far Ken has really come and accepts him even more.
But Iori isn’t actually the last person. For once, Daisuke remains behind.
“Light Up the Sky” by Yellowcard
I can't find a wall to pin this to They're all coming down since I've found you I just wanna be where you are tonight I run in the dark looking for some light And how will we know if we just don't try We won't ever know
Let me light up the sky Light it up for you Let me tell you why I would die for you Let me light up the sky Light it up for you Let me make this mine I'll ignite for you
Logically, it could be argued that Daisuke should have been the first one at Ken’s side to support him while he opens the dark gate. He’s Ken’s biggest supporter and closest friend, after all. It would be easy to assume they left Daisuke for last purely because he makes a big speech, and for the sake of story tension, that speech needs to come after everyone else already jumps in to help. It would be easy to assume that.
But to do so is to ignore who Daisuke is at his core.
Yes, story-wise, they keep his speech till the end to give the most impact, but it has to work on a character level as well. And on a character level, Daisuke--sweet, wonderful Daisuke--has always believed in Ken and will always believe in Ken. He believes in Ken with every ounce of his being, and it is because of that that he isn’t the first person at his side.
“Weight of Living, Pt. 1″ by Bastille
There's an albatross around your neck All the things you've said And the things you've done Can you carry it with no regrets Can you stand the person you've become Ooh there's a light Ooh there's a light
Your Albatross, let it go, let it go Your Albatross shoot it down, shoot it down When you just can't shake the Heavy weight of living
Daisuke believes Ken can do this because Ken is strong enough to face his demons (while quite literally facing a Digimon called Demon), and when Daisuke finally steps in to help, he does so with one of the most moving speeches in the whole series:
You’ve been troubled, suffered, and broke free of the power of darkness, right? Haven’t you atoned for what you did? So there’s nothing to fear anymore. Believe in yourself! You can’t lose to the power of darkness. We’re here for you.
It’s important to note that the majority of his speech has far more to do with telling Ken to believe in himself using a logic most people don’t assume he’s capable of. It’s only until the last line, after he’s already broken through to Ken, that he iterates the fact that the rest of them are there to support him.
To Daisuke, it’s most important that Ken realize he is strong enough to fight this, that he doesn’t need to be afraid anymore, that he’s changed.
“Dream” by Imagine Dragons
We all are living in a dream But life ain't what it seems Oh everything's a mess And all these sorrows I have seen They lead me to believe That everything's a mess But I wanna dream I wanna dream Leave me to dream
Unfortunately, there isn’t much time between the Daemon Corps and when the Chosen Children follow Oikawa and the kids into the Dream World. After BelialVamdemon reveals himself, he sends the Chosen into a trance-like state where they envision their deepest dreams. The others see illusions of their broken family becoming one, humans and Digimon living together peacefully, seeing their dead father, or getting all the attention they want from their parents, but what does Ken see?
“Dear Agony” by Breaking Benjamin
Suddenly The lights go out Let forever Drag me down I will fight for one last breath I will fight until the end
And I will find the enemy within 'Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin
Oh yeah. He sees himself as the Digimon Kaiser essentially getting lynched by all the Digimon he hurt while under the influence of the Dark Seed. That’s not fucked up at all.
Obviously, Ken still has a long way to go as far as dealing with his trauma, but there’s one really important thing to note: He sees the lynching from an outside perspective, as if the Kaiser chained to the Dark Tower is not actually himself. I’m sure whether to accept his actions as the Kaiser as his actual actions, knowing he was manipulated by the Dark Seed, is something he struggles with regularly.
“My Demons” by Starset
I cannot stop this sickness taking over It takes control and drags me into nowhere I need your help, I can't fight this forever I know you're watching I can feel you out there
Don't let me go I need a savior to heal my pain When I become my worst enemy The enemy
His vision is then interrupted by his brother Osamu coming onto the scene and telling him to forgive himself and move on, so this vision has some good points as well.
Osamu: Ken, you have suffered enough. You have already paid for your sins. Ken: My sins have been paid for? Osamu: Yeah. Ken: It’s over. It’s over now.
He obviously still believes he deserves to suffer for what he did, but what he wants more than anything is to move on from that and not have it affect him anymore.
Wormmon, of course, is there to remind him that that isn’t possible, that we can’t live in the past (before Osamu died) and we can’t pretend the bad things didn’t happen. There’s too much at stake--not just the fight against BelialVamdemon, but to pretend those things didn’t happen means we don’t learn from our mistakes and we don’t improve.
“I Want to Live” by Skillet
All I ever needed was a reason to believe You help me hold on, you ignite the fire in me You always come for me, you know just what I need Don't make me wait for this, save me from this darkness I reach for the light
I want to live my life The choice is mine, I've made up my mind Now, I'm free to start again The way I want to live (to live) and breathe (and breathe) The way I want that's right for me I may not know nothing else But I know this, I want to live
Daisuke and Takeru show up then, and then the rest of the group, and they’re each there to support him, to show him they believe in him.
I find it interesting that all Daisuke says when he shows up is, “That’s right, Ken!” Once again, while everyone else says something that’s meant to lift his spirits and guide him in the right direction, Daisuke simply affirms Ken’s decisions and thoughts. He knows Ken will come to the right conclusion, and he doesn’t have to say any more than that.
Then, of course, they go back to the Dream World to fight BelialVamdemon for the final battle.
“King and Lionheart” by Of Monsters and Men
But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart And as the world comes to an end I'll be here to hold your hand 'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart
Obviously the world doesn’t come to an end because they defeat the bad guy and save the world and everything is magical again because Oikawa does something useful with his life (death), but the sentiment stands.
“Difficult Year” by Keane
Some days it seems okay Got some good friends around me But I'm still scared of losing my head I guess there's just something selfish about me
I've had a little bad luck Well, it's mostly my own making I thought I had it all sewn up But I was so badly mistaken
The series ends here, a little after Christmas but definitely before New Year’s, as New Year’s is a huge deal in Japan and, even around the climax, I don’t think they could get away with pretending it wasn’t happening. Considering the show started at the beginning of the school year, which is April in Japan, the series lasts about nine months, and boy has it been a trying year for all the Chosen Children.
Obviously, it’s been more than trying for Ken, and while he’s made tons of improvements throughout the season, he still has a long way to go to heal from his traumatic experiences, and Daisuke will be there with him along the way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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digitalgate02 · 5 years
Curious if you didn't post this already. What was your guess for Tri? Based on the old but awesome art it seems interesting.
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I saw the Imperialdramon on the pt2 poster on Dec 2015, and at the beginning ot 2016 the PV for the next part.
Since Imperialdramon colors were off and the Kaiser was a thing... I really thought that meant the 02 quartet would’ve been brainwashed or something like that. I believe more people thought of that, not only me.
The art of Daisuke in black clothes, however, was me imagining: If Imperialdramon is infected... Does it mean their human partners are too? And then... Maybe that could’ve explained why Ken’s Kaiser persona had returned.
The whole idea i had (and probably wasn’t the only one) was like, 02 kids were been infected and perhaps controlled by the villain. I wrote a thread with an old friend-mutual in which Dai & Ken got hacked by Hackmon to work for Alphamon. So I’ve developed a few things of that idea: The infection on humans transforms them into data, and their data had been corrupted. Sometimes they had been glitching, like if they were a computer error.
A friend of mine, after finishing pt2 on March, commented on our old group for the purpose of discussing & watching tri. together, that they believed it was a façade to fight Maki. It was a very cool theory, in which the 02 kids weren’t sane at all and pulled the villain card for the sake of evolving the Eight partners to Ulfimate (dub-Mega) and fight Maki. I loved that theory and defended it til pt3 showed it wasn’t Ken at all but a faker which also probably stole Gennai’s face as well.
I’m not sure why the Daisuke art had been rebloged/liked again, but I thought I should’ve posted the rest of that idea here to complete the “series” haha.
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[Angel of Miracle] 309 - What Fills You With Determination?
“Say WHAT?!” - Jun screamed on the phone - “Are you sure?! I can’t do that, my mom would kill me if she discover Daisuke is out of her range! He had a hard time to convince her to go visit our grandparents in America alone last year and to go on a trip this year!”
“I know, but he told me to say that…” - Taichi wasn’t happy with her screaming at him - “Because he’s in another world. Look, I know he does not want to make your parents and you worried, so this is why I’m planning to go there with the others.”
“I will go too.”
“No, you stay here and tell Miyako-chan’s sisters to please give us some help. We won’t take too much time. Also there’s Iori’s and Ichijouji’s families… I will call them later. Please whatever you think, do NOT try to dive into the Digital Gate alone. I know you’re older than us, but you need to hear me. I’m your senpai when it’s about digimon business.”
“Oh, senpai?” - she was being sarcastic now - “Right, Yagami-senpai. I will do what you want, but tell Kido-senpai I want a date with his oldest brother!”
“A-are you serious?!”
She hung up; at the Yagami household, Taichi was staring at the phone.
“That girl will end up doing something stupid” - he sighed.
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“Did you tell them?” - Yamato asked Taichi, once all the group were reunited in Koushiro’s room again.
“Yes… Jou, Motomiya-senpai said she wants a date with your big brother.”
“That’s not the right time for that!” - Sora interrupted them, like an angry mother - “Our plan is go to the Digital World and try to find a gate to that other world, isn’t it?”
“You were telling me to trust in the kids” - Taichi frowned - “Why the sudden change? Are you… Worried?”
“It’s not like I don’t trust them. It’s that I want to keep the gate open for their return!”
“So are we going or not?!” - Mimi snorted - “We need to decide!”
“We need to give them support, and this is why I want to… To go” - Sora answered.
“Yes, she’s worrying like a true mom” - Taichi nodded his head, arms crossed, eyes closed, a smirk…
“T-Taichi!!” - she blushed.
“Maybe we should go” - said Mimi - “We can at least keep the Digital World safe until they come back.”
“Safe from what?” - Jou questioned her - “The Digital world is safer than before. Oikawa-san’s seal… It restored it, if I remember correctly.”
“Actually not” - Koushiro interrupted them - “Gennai-san said there’s still stuff to be done. The Black War Greymon issue caused a great damage to the Digital World. The Holy Stones won’t grow that fast. The time Ichijouji-kun was the Kaiser, he unbalanced the Digital World with innumerous Dark Towers. The Digital World is far away from being ‘safe’ from the evil.”
“So… Are we still needed?” - Jou said it with a quiet voice.
“Yes, we are.”
“... We’re going” - Taichi announced - “We already talked to everyone’s families, Koushiro and Jou--”
“-senpai, please.”
“-- And Jou will stay here keeping the gate opened. The rest will come with me, we’re opening this gate to this unknown world and save the kids.”
“Will you ever call me by ‘senpai’ at least ONCE?!”
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“I have to go back,” - Diomedes announced - “There’s too much to be done, so please contact me once you’re ready, Warlock.”
“I understand…” - the little brother couldn’t keep him for a long time - “the kingdom needs you… And you’re the one responsible for the relationships of our allies.”
“Wow, he doesn’t look like Izumi-senpai at all” - Miyako whispered to Hikari and Takeru - “Izumi-senpai has social anxiety by what I noticed. Him being at the computer club was a big surprise to me, I’ve only talked to him by e-mail before.”
“Can we gather all the cores we got and focus on the missing ones?” - Dai asked - “Like, no one needs to stay with us if we have the cores. I think Helios and prince Diomedes have royal affairs to deal with.”
“True…” - the mage wondered - “I didn’t read anything about needing all cores to be activated. Before we get separated, we should do that.”
Everyone agreed, then they concentrated on their power, let themselves be guided by their aether and again the cores appeared in front of them. The only one who didn’t do that was Daisuke, because for an unknown reason he couldn’t do that.
Still… Daisuke felt upset with himself about it. Why? Why didn’t my core appear? Do I have a crest? And all the doubts invaded his thoughts. Warlock them muttered some strange words to the Chosen Children, but understandable for the others (and Daisuke too, but his case was he couldn’t translate it to the kids). After saying them, the cores went directly to Lance’s star pendant.
“Is it done?” - Diomedes asked - “I need to return now, I apologize.”
“We’re done for now” - Warlock said - “all the cores are with Lance now.”
“Including ours?” - Iori wondered.
“Not at all” - Takeru said - “Look at your hands. They’re still here…!”
“I think the enchantment just picked the ones from this world” - the wizard mused - “This never happened before, I mean having more cores than needed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Means you have more than needed, but it doesn’t matter… You’re unable to complete the requirements.”
A voice echoed in the room. Dai ran to the entrance of the castle, with the rest coming after him. There, they found…!!
“The Black Tailmon returned!” - Vee blinked.
“You will never finish it, Lance Duskstella. This world is fated to be engulfed by the darkness. No new life of yours will be able to save it. You and your outsider fellows will die here.”
“T-that’s a creepy thing to s-say…!” - Miyako was panicked.
“That’s strange…” - The mage bit his lips - “We never had a cat monster before.”
“What?!” - Dai and Vee were shocked - “So, she does not belong to the castle?!”
“No. And she must be…” - Warlock stared at the foe - “... Pandora.”
“Hmph, I knew he would recognize me” - Black Tailmon smirked - “Not bad for Dragon Who’s great grandson.”
“She is the evil witch?!” - the 2-Top duo couldn’t believe that. Neither Lia.
“Rebecca… Aren’t you Rebecca?” - she was in denial.
“Tsk tsk, you should’ve realized that all was a lie. I was keeping an eye on you… Because I saw a shard of your brother in this world, wandering and waiting for something. I knew he was about to come back someday. Humans are like monsters, they reborn. But differently from the monsters, they become differently from the past life.”
“If you’re the evil witch, I gonna…” - Daisuke clenched his fists - “defeat you!!”
“What? You think you have the power to beat me?” - she laughed next - “You never learned enough spells to do that. You even have the requirements for Dragon Who’s sealing spell. What will you do? Use your outsider friends and their monsters to fight me? I’m invincible!”
“You have no idea how strong we are” - Hikari shouted - “Daisuke-kun and I were willing to save this world, and we all here want it.”
“I agree with Hikari-san” - Ken added - “We are strong together, we’re going to beat you!”
“I see… You must be the ones from the other world to have the same cores from those people. I will give you a warning: Lance Duskstella was a bad person, he is. And he will be your ruin.”
“QUIT LYING!” - Takeru shouted - “We heard Lance-san’s story, and Daisuke-kun did a lot of good things. Don’t try to convince us he’s not a good person, or that he never had redemption!”
“Hmph, such brats…!” - Pandora changed her form to a woman and she released a wave against them. A black mist. Poisonous clouds.
Suddenly… the Chosen Children and Pandora had disappeared.
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“Everyone!!” - Daisuke called them - “Are you okay??”
“... Why are we still here?” - Miyako appeared behind him, her eyes darker than before - “If is Lance-san’s fault, why are we doing it? Daisuke can’t do anything by himself??”
“M-Miyako, that’s not true! Well not entirely…!!”
“Daisuke-san always gives us headaches.” - Same goes to Iori’s - “Now we’re trapped here.”
“H-Hey… I’m not--”
“Why does make Daisuke-kun the leader anyway?” – and Takeru’s - “He has no skills to lead a team. All he does is to boss around, to yell at me, to cause troubles…”
“B-But I thought--”
“Daisuke never was a tough rival” - Ken’s eyes were dark, but he also smirked - “He was nothing but an insect. He only beat me because he had luck, if he had used his skills he should’ve been my slave.”
“K-Ken-- I…!!”
“If he hadn’t said my name to Lia-san,” - Hikari’s eyes were as well - “I could’ve been far away from this stupid world! It’s all his fault!”
“It is… my fault?”
“See? Even your ‘friends’ think that about you” - Pandora was right in front him - “They were lying to you ALL THE TIME. They didn’t stay because of you, but because you obliged them to!”
“... No.”
V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon, Patamon,Tailmon and Wormmon appeared and tried to attack the witch, but they had been repelled by her. They fell in front the goggle boy.
“It doesn’t matter what they say, Daisuke!” - Tailmon said - “They’re not saying the truth!” “Takeru wouldn’t never say that!” - Patamon added. “Neither Kenchan!” - Wormmon gave him a serious gaze
“Miyako-san admires your bravery and loyalty, Daisuke-san.” - Hawkmon confessed - “That’s all she told me once” “Iori likes you, besides him being a little strict. But he surely likes you and was missing your lead, dagya.”
“Daisuke!” - V-mon grabbed the boy’s hand - “Even if we get corrupted… Even if we say lies to you… You know the truth! You truly know we’re here because we wanted, because we want to help! And Because you’re our friend before our group’s leader!”
“They’re lying!”
“THIS IS NOT A LIE!” – the digimon shouted and they tried to hit her again.
“... They wanted to stay because of me, they wanted to help because of me…!!”
Daisuke’s eyes were shining in red crimson now. He summoned the glaive and dashed against Pandora. The digimon got repelled again, but they keep trying.
“They wanted… To save this world because of me!!”
He slashed her, but a forcefield was protecting the witch.
“Give up, Daisuke” - Ken said. “You’re done for” - Miyako chirped. “It’s over” - Hikari laughed. “Accept it, idiot” - Iori mocked him. “You’re a sore loser” - Takeru smirked.
“Kenchan, open your eyes!” “Miyako-san, fight it please!” “Hikari… You’re stronger than that witch, you know that!” “Iori!! Please stop it, dagya!” “Takeruu, don’t let her win!!”
“She won’t win because we’re united!!” - Vee roared - “Right, guys?!” “YEAH!”
“I’m impressed… Those monsters are stronger than my master’s power.”
“Your master?” - V-mon frowned - “Sorcerymon said the same… D-Daisuke, she’s not the real enemy! She might be corrupted just like everyone else…!!”
“Corrupted or not, I won’t allow her play with my friends!! Or with the people of this world…!” - He kept slashing the barrier - “At least we need to purify her just like Iori did with Sorcerymon!! But without Iori… We can’t do that…!”
“Don’t say we can’t! Where’s your courage? You were determined to save this world, you can’t give up now…!!”
“I am… I am determined and I will fight until I win! Because that’s what my heart tells me to do!!”
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A explosion of light threw Pandora away from them, and dissolved the mist. Little by little, the Chosen Children recovered their light. Confused, they just glanced at Daisuke and him consumed by a crimson aura. They also were “back” to Warlock’s garden.
“Is that…!!” - Lia gasped, once she saw them all. “The Core of Determination…” - Warlock commented - “... Has finally awakened.”
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keep-on-trying · 6 years
Answering the Lingering Questions from the first 5 Digimon Adventure Tri. movies + Exploring new ones from Bokura no Mirai
I think I’m capable of doing this now. This is gonna be a whole new post. I’ll post all the questions and see if we did get answers. :D This is a pretty long post so, continue under the cut! Spoilers ahead, so proceed at your own risk!
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What happened to the 02 kids?
Answer: They found out about Yggdrasil’s plans and were taken care off by Alphamon under the orders of Yggdrasil. Maki Himekawa was involved.
Who is Jou’s girlfriend?
Answer: Up for anyone’s imagination. We don’t know.
Is Alphamon behind the disappearance of the 02 kids? I don’t believe this has been properly answered yet.
Answer: Explained before.
How did the Chosen Digimon manage to come to the Real World? This isn’t that important of a question to me.
Answer: Wasn’t explained.
Theory: It’s just how summoning the Digimon work. It works when need be. : D
Is “the shadow of the real world“ meant to reference Dark Ocean in the beginning of the movie? I don’t think this has been answered yet. We only know the egg is Meicoomon’s and the black cube going inside of part of Apocalymon.
Answer: Wasn’t explained
Theory: I think it may have actually referenced Yggdrasil’s domain, or it’s view on the Digital World.
Digimon that die in the human world are supposed to stay dead? What exactly happened to Kuwagamons after being “killed off”. They dematerialized and went through a distortion.
Answer: Wasn’t explained :D
Theory: Whatever the case, the Reboot certainly revived them.
Alphamon is only after Meicoomon, doesn’t want to kill off the Chosen Children (even stops Kuwagamon from shooting the final beam at Garurumon). Yet he works for Yggdrasil. What was the goal here? O.o
Answer: Oh they just wanted to destroy the Real World, and Meicoomon happened to be the key. No interest in Chosen Children at all XD
What happened to the guns that were showcased during the first real world appearance of Ogremon? Will Part 6 showcase them more?
Answer: Bokura no Mirai showed the Army taking action against Ordinemon, possibly under the instructrions of Homeostasis, messaged by Hackmon. While the guns from this movie weren’t showcased, it’s safe to assume the Army had developed their weapons for such situation further at this point.
Who exactly sent the premonition of Ultimate/Mega evolution? I’m not 100% certain it was Maki.
Answer: It was indeed Homeostasis (thanks @jkdigi for correcting me :) )
Was the Imperialdramon here really the Jogress evolution of Wormmon and Veemon? It hasn’t really been answered. Or I’m just an idiot here.
Answer: Wasn’t explained really.
Theory: Considering we didn’t see the 02 digimons despite finding out about the 02 kids, I believe it really was. It could have been a random summoned Imperialdramon as well.
How did Maki get her hands on Ken’s D3 and the handheld communicator? Or is it some other D3?
Answer: She was in league with Yggdrasil, took care of the 02 kids, it is possibly why she got her hands of Ken’s D3 and communicator. Wasn’t directly explained, but it’s how I see it.
Why is Not-Gennai so obsessed with Digimon Kaiser disguise? We know his excuse on why he needs to use a disguise but, why Digimon Kaiser?
Answer: Wasn’t explained :D
Theory: He’s just a kid on the inside who wants to play.
Who is Not-Gennai really?
Answer: Wasn’t explained. !!
Theory: Either a split of Gennai who has the Dark Spore inside him, or it’s something else. Seen speculations of Milleniummon, Piemon etc.
What is the symbol on Maki’s digivice? It’s nothing like we’ve seen before. This hasn’t been answered.
Answer: Wasn’t explained. It’s up to anyone’s imagination at this point.
Can Meiko’s digivice summon her to the Digital World? It seemed like she actually was brought to Digital World when the Digivice was glowing, and then we cut to the Trailer, that is making the sound that it does when someone crosses the gate! Or so it seemed to do.
Answer: Wasn’t explained :D
Theory: What I explained before seems like the probable case. The way original Digivices work with summoning is a mystery, ever since Adventure.
Were these Dark Masters the same one from before, or just mere puppets?
Answer: Wasn’t explained
Who are the other three Original Chosen?
Answer: Wasn’t explained. :DD
Balance is indeed the theme in the series regarding Meicoomon. Will it be Meiko’s crest? (crediting @citrus-cactus for suggesting this in the first place! Great eye!)
They talked hell a lot about how partners balance each other out. Meiko and Meicoomon are struggling with it right now. It’s the darkness of balance: chaos.
Answer: Meiko didn’t explicitly have a crest but, an animation sequence showcased the possibility of her having some sort of crest, that got tainted in fear, chaos, however you want to picture it.
Will Maki be saved? Will Daigo be saved?
Answer: No. Maki is either dead in Dark Ocean or stuck there as bride to Dagomon. Daigo died a heroic death while saving 02 kids and Taichi. ;_______;
Where did Taichi and Daigo fall into?
Answer: They fell to the place where 02 kids were held in capsules, sleeping.
How will Hikari overcome her conflict?
Answer: Beautifully. Strongly. Independently. It’s a great arc, go see it yourself!
Will Meicoomon have true evolution shown?
Answer: No.
Theory: I’m screaming I want to know I can’t for the life of me to think of any legit good explanation!
Yamato’s character arc? How will it be handled? Seems to revolve around him coming over the death of the dearest friend to him? (I’m not that good at analyzing Yamato)
Answer: It was definitely about taking over the duty of his best friend and dealing with Taichi’s disappearance. A character arc done well. Go see it.
Will Tailmon survive?
Answer: Yes ;_; Thanks Hackmon!
Will Meiko and Meicoomon survive?
Answer: Meicoomon died, thou she is at peace now. Meiko survived and moved back to Tottori.
Is someone fucking gonna die???
Total of Questions: 29 Total of Answered Questions: 16
Rest of the questions have been given some own theories on what the case would be.
Now that the old questions I had lingering have been answered somewhat, let’s have a look at the new questions that are lingering from Bokura no Mirai.
Bokura no Mirai/Future
02 Kids are fine, but we don’t know what happened to their Digimon. We also don’t know what exactly happened before they were taken down by Yggdrasil’s forces.
Theory: Before the Reboot, Not!Gennai/Mysterious Man took control of their Digimon with the infection, thus the Imperialdramon appearance in Determination. I also think that Our 8 chosen were fine with killing them, because they were in the Digital World, meaning they’d get reborn.
Why did Yggdrasil spare the 02 kids? Why not kill them? Did Not!Gennai/Mysterious Man just want to play some sicko game? Maybe Himekawa didn’t want anyone to die, and managed to make the deal on keeping them alive?
Sequel hook was left with Mysterious Man/Not!Gennai teasing about wanting to play some more (he got away god damn it!) and wondering if it should be with Daemon/Demon or Diablomon next. I got chills. But like, will there actually be a sequel for this series, thus not answering all the questions?
The teasing of Daemon/Demon kinda leaves an open room for a comeback of Dark Ocean in larger scale. So, while it only showed for a short bit as a bad ending for Maki’s depression, it has a chance at being used in possible sequel.
Did Meicoomon have memories of just Chosen Digimons or did it have all of it?
My answer: It seems unclear for some, but I honestly intepreted it as Meicoomon having backup files on Chosen Digimons only. Thou, I admit that seeing the Digimon fly back to the Digital World after the memories had return from Ordinemon to the Chosen Digimons is sort of a confusing scene. It is possible that those memories reshaped the Digital World to how it used to be.
What happened to Alphamon? He didn’t appear in this movie at all.
Theory: Yggdrasil’s plan was already in a state where Alphamon wasn’t needed.
Courtesy of @tutomon: How the heck did Taichi manage to carry four unconscious teenagers (and Gennai?) to the hospital by himself? 
Theory:  I think he may have called for few Ambulances to pick them up? Thou Taichi’s Pod seemed to land in the Ocean, we don’t really see where the 02 kids’ pods landed. : D Although, I guess it could also be that some other people saw 02 kids + Taichi, carried them all to Hospital, and Taichi left early because world needs to be saved. : D Thus being late, according to Yamato. :D
It isn’t clear why 02 kids didn’t inform the 8 Chosen about Yggdrasil. It’s possible they decided to not want to involve them in this, or Himekawa explicitly denied them to tell them about it, with reasons that sounded plausable.
This post may get updated later on with questions I don’t remember right away but will at later date :)
People have been speculation quite a bit about lack of answers on some questions being due to development getting switched into taking a sequel into account. We have been given a teaser of a new project just few hours before Bokura no Mirai premiered.
Whatever the case, most of the important questions got answered.
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iggytheperson · 7 years
💕 Ken and Meiko
-The first time they meet, Meiko is nothing but intimidated by Ken. It’s not anything he himself does, it’s merely the notion of a younger peer who’s far more intelligent and capable than her that makes her feel uneasy. She’s more than aware that it’s stupid. Ken is nothing but nice to her and by all measurements a kind person who she has no reason to be afraid of. That doesn’t stop her from trying to avoid him.
-Ken isn’t oblivious and he absolutely notices that Meiko seems uncomfortable around him. He isn’t sure what he did to cause the reaction, but if his upperclassman wants to be left alone then…he should respect that.
-Unfortunately for the upholding of this arrangement, the other chosen aren’t blind either. They can see how the two of them avoid each other like the plague. Daisuke and Hikari team up to rectify this by the only means that they know of: locking both parties in a room together and telling them that they can’t come out until they’re braiding each other’s hair and crying about their feelings together.
-Meiko can’t believe that they’re doing this and Ken is terrified because he can absolutely believe that they’re doing this and he knows that there’s absolutely no way that he’s getting out of this. It still takes about ten minutes for him to work up the courage to say something.
-Meiko soon finds something she didn’t know she needed. Awkward Nervous Wreck Solidarity. And it’s the second that she realizes that Ken Ichijouji is not in fact perfect that the rail line switches to send them speeding towards friendship.
-She really feels bad for being so cold to him, now. He was such a nice guy. And Meiko was at least partially responsible for almost getting him killed. Ugh, she’s the worst person.
-Ken insists that this isn’t true. He jokingly says that while he doesn’t know that much about her, he’s at least sure that she can’t possibly be the worst person because that was already him. Meiko takes this way too seriously and scolds him for saying such things about himself and it takes quite a while for him to convince her that he hadn’t really meant that and that she didn’t have to worry because he’d already moved past all that guilt crap, so calm down ok!?
-Meiko is so weirded out because what on earth would such a nice person ever have to feel guilty about? Ken is very, very confused. Gennai had shown up looking like the Kaiser, right? The others never…told her?
-Ken decides that he’s going to strangle Takeru and Hikari for never explaining any of this to her and leaving it up to him to retell the worst part of his life.
-Meiko is completely horrified. Not just by the almost unbelievable story, but by the obvious pain and regret in the younger boy’s eyes. It’s too familiar for her to ever mistake. So she knows that she’s being told the absolute truth. And she also knows that Ken is definitely as sorry as he says he is. And when he apologizes over how he’s probably just freaking her out and making her scared again, she decides to hug him.
-Daisuke unlocks the room after a half an hour and is very pleased at the sight of the two of them involved in a teary heart to heart. He knew these two nerds were going to get along just fine!
-And from that day forward Ken usually chooses to talk to Meiko at full group parties. The other younger chosen actually whine about it sometimes, but he shoves them off saying that he spends practically all of his free time with them anyways and it’s good to hang out with the older chosen for a change.
-Both of them are very good listeners, and horrible talkers. Between the two of them, they can sometimes manage to figure out how talking is supposed to work.
-Meiko honestly prefers telling Ken about her anxieties over anyone else. He never tells her that she’s wrong for thinking those things or dismisses them by saying that she’s amazing and that she’ll do fine and that everything will be ok and that she doesn’t have to worry about anything. She likes to think that she’s doing a good job repaying the favor.
-They jokingly say that ‘no positivity’ is their magic rule. No matter how ‘perfect’ and ‘wonderful’ people will say they are for the rest of time, hanging out together is a special time where they’re both allowed to be garbage.
-Wormmon hates this idea a great deal but Ken reassures him that he doesn’t really mean it and that it’s just a cathartic thing. Wormmon still doesn’t really get it and he still doesn’t like it but if it’s actually making Ken happy then he isn’t going to say anything about it.
-Time passes, and Hikari drags Meiko into more and more of the younger group’s meet ups. It turns out that Meiko is the best at video games. All the video games. Ken compliments her on this and Meiko almost forgets that they’re around other people and that she isn’t supposed to be garbage right now and she has to stop herself halfway through yelling “TAKE IT BACK!”
-Meiko doesn’t think anything of it when one day, in a crowded street, Ken grabs her hand and starts trailing behind her nervously as though trying to hide himself. She actually doesn’t register it happening until after they escape and Ken anxiously apologizes. She brushes it off saying it’s fine. She thinks she remembers Ken ranting at one point about how big crowds totally turn him into an anxious mess.
-Ken is actually the last chosen to switch over to saying Meimei. It just sounds weird to him. It’s not unreasonable, she’s way older than him! She’s practically like an older sister!
-Meiko never comments on this but she’s honestly overjoyed by the sentiment. She always wanted to have a younger sibling. Ken doesn’t even seem to notice that he said it, though. So she’s not going to say anything (He might take it back after all…). She’ll just be happy by herself.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure/02/Tri ~ x Kagerou Project / Mekakucity Actors “ NIGHT TALES DECEIVE ” AMV ( original version/video: HERE ! ) a.k.a: “ Yobanashi Deceive ” [ music ( C ) Jin ] (originating series info here) featuring implied DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)]
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record/ Shounen Brave / Outer Science / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast REPEATVERSE/EXTENDED STORY INTRODUCTION: HERE ( *note: extended summary contains some spoilers for the fic ) [ however, it also explains the worldbuilding involved and plot setup ! ] ( * It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” AMV, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ]
- part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kage-pro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s NOT a direct parody (but v[ERY] inspired) (if you can’t tell) - watching it in HIGH(ER) QUALITY at the original Youtube link is encouraged! - to do so, go to the original youtube link, click “HD” button, then “ 1080p ” !
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- slight Tri spoilers through to “Our Future” (Movie #6) are in here - HOWEVER they are mostly super-short “aesthetic”-like scenes ( in amv ) - regardless, they do contain some slight plot spoilers re: significant moments - in this amv, more specifically, a certain Taichi moment
- short version of implied story/plot of this series: T I M E L O O P S - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - KOUSHIRO IZUMI VOICE : ( ‘ W H Y ’ ) - DO THEY MAKE IT TO THE END - @ TAICHI & KOUSHIRO, ARE YOU SURE YOU /WANT/ TO ——- - TBH HOW MUCH do KOUSHIRO or TAICHI even REALLY REMEMBER - MUCH LESS THE REST OF THEM - who even knows after a certain point anymore - timeloops are fun !! ! ! ( this particular AMV also explains SOME of it … )
TAICHI kind of … uh … acidentally, THE TIMELINES … ( GREAT JOB TAICHI )
Gennai to RYO AKIYAMA: In the summer of 1999, Taichi, Yamato, and the others, along with Agumon and others, came to save the Digital World. The Digital World became peaceful after the defeat of Apocalymon. However, Mugendramon [“Machinedramon” in US dub] and Chimeramon, barely surviving, became a new Digimon. They became Millenniumon. By going back in time, Millenniumon would throw the adventure of Taichi and the others into chaos. That you prevented. Gennai: Millenniumon was destroyed by your power, but he revived again and again. However, through the efforts of you and the Digimon, he has been obstructed every time. That's right. You fought together with the Digimon Kaiser-- rather, Ichijouji Ken. However, during the last battle, you and Millenniumon were blown away in an explosion. You to the world of the past, him to the world of the future. It's said that Millenniumon already dominates the world of the future. But for complete dominance, the source of the Digital World, the ENIAC, must be completely destroyed so that he may remake history to his liking and achieve total domination.
- Gennai, in Brave Tamer
A certain other EVENT may have happened … to, TAICHI ? .. here, as well … at … SOME … POINTS …
… But, you know, if SkullGreymon is there, doesn’t that mean Taichi’s. COURAGE. has become. corrupted ?? ? ?
How can he possibly keep the timelines from collapsing while stuck in this state ?? ?
WELL. He can kinda. Uh. GO. DARK. ROGUE? HIMSELF. m A Y B E AKA THIS VERSE IS A DARK CHOSEN CHILDREN VERSE MAYBE - previously also heavily implied in “ Daze ” AMV!
( It’s also possible a CERTAIN OTHER VILLAIN or two may be involved in all of this … )
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( LATER ON ) … ALPHAMON. VOICE:       C L O N E S ( “ Thank you for the info [on how to defeat THE CHOSEN], Mugendramon ” )
- Trigger Warnings for this song: Tbh … it’s kind of hard to describe ? Maybe a bit creepy ?? ? The singer is kind of extremely cynical ?? ( HE HAS HIS REASONS THOUGH ???? ) The singer is someone who is forced to lie often, and begins to doubt himself because of it. Thus, his outlook on things seems kind of unhealthy, but considering his “story”, cAN YOU blame… him… - ( WELL, HE’S kind of TRYING at least … ) - Warnings For the AMV itself: VARIOUS PAST PSUEDO-DEATHS IMPLIED
- HOWEVER the song itself is also QUITE COOL and FUN / UPBEAT
- “ TAICHI ” seems to be HAVING FUN during parts of it as well ?!?? - ( “ TAICHI ”, WHAT ARE YOU UP TO … )
- WHO is “ TAICHI ” speaking to here, exactly? - the Adv!Koushiro from Ep #24 who has lost his “ INQUISITIVE HEART ”?? - well, the scenes are from Tri / Kyousei, so, or it could be, - wHAT IF IT WAS A CERTAIN ( MEIKO …. ) ( IS SHE THERE ... ) - or what if it was A DIFFERENT Koushiro - ( at some point he probably confesses to Koushiros in OTHER TIMELINES what’s going on, and this also happens in the fic itself, so … ) - or wHAT IF IT WAS . WELL.                           Y O U
Notes regarding editing for the AMV editing itself under the ’ read more ’ !
- originally I was having trouble filling in some of the instrumental portions and basically debated leaving in the original scenes from the Kagepros version, I decided against this in the end and threw in whichever filler I could find that worked, later on, I plan to go back and time things better / possibly use some different scenes to smooth less impressive parts out!
- Koushiro originally only appeared a few times: 1) on the computer screen during "Input", 2) " a boy who hates lies ", 3) and towards the end, when Taichi confesses in ep48 - I ended up throwing in a bit more Koushiro filler to smooth it out / emphasize the Taishiro, but for once he wasn't there as much originally!
- re: a " girl " " who hates the / disappearing night " showing Taichi; this was also a part I had slight trouble with / contemplated different things for. In the original, the Kagepros boy actually has A CANONICAL FEMALE FORM who shows around this point. ( the blonde )
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Taichi does ... NOT... have a canonical female form. So, I contemplated throwing in an alternative anime character that fits my view of a Female!Taichi, ( basically: if you took ponytail!Haruhi Suzumiya, that'd be Fem!Taichi. High ponytail, dark brown hair, sassy look, etc., that’d be it. )
... but in the end I also decided against this and instead more simply took from another Taishiro scene (Piemon battle scene).
May also relate to a portion of a certain Tri interview in which Taichi was canonically referred to by the Tri staff as, " THE HEROINE " ... but they also kind of didn't make that great a reference to it, so this is kind of my way of making a slight "dig" back at them for that. At the same time, I greatly appreciate Tri and the Tri staff, and know they probably didn't mean it that poorly. Don't take this "dig" too seriously, please. - MY BLOG IS TRI SUPPORTIVE. THIS ISN’T AN INVITATION FOR TRI HATE
- " Is that another lie? " / " No, I'm serious ": directly referenced the Kagepros original for this bit + made it semi-work with some panning editing!
Kagepros original video for comparisons purposes is here !:
( If you play them at the same time as each other, you may SEE WHAT I DID THERE ) [ BE WARNED, KAGEPROS IS ANGST-FILLED ]
* Later on I’ll do a comparisons video of my own + add it here when ready!
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fizzingwizard · 7 years
Wait, so the 02 kids aren't gonna show up at all? Surely they'd have to because of the intro of the first Tri movie? Or is this just gonna be Meiko and Friends for the rest of the time? 😒 I like Meiko but this was supposed to be about the Adventure Kids, not her. At least all out anyway. But they're really pulling out all the stops so that she's highlighted as the main girl when there's another three she should be sharing the spotlight with. She's not Tai or Matt...
We don’t know that. Now as before, I don’t think there’s a chance Tri will end without addressing 02. I do think it is the single biggest oversight in the whole series, though. It’s nonsensical. In Saikai, I thought maybe something had happened to erase the kids’ minds of 02, especially since Takeru and Hikari don’t even think of armor evolving as an option, it seems. But with the appearance of Kaiser!Gennai, and Hikari and Takeru trying to visit Ken, obviously that’s not the case.
It still could be that something’s gone odd. Whoever defeated the 02 kids - we have suspected Alphamon but given Kyousei events it could have been that they ran into the devastating side of Homeostasis first - will show themselves. I am afraid that we may not see the reunion with them until after the battle’s over. But I really do hope there’s some explanation for how in the world no one would think to involve them throughout Tri, because this is just nuts.
Taichi is highlighted as much as if not more than Meiko and Yamato does pretty well too. I understand fans of other characters feeling disappointed though.
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Secrets of Ears:  Chapter 3
Ken tugged his hair back down over his ears, quickly arranging it so the tips couldn’t be seen. He ducked his head down and tried to get his thoughts sorted out. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted them to be – nothing like this had ever happened to him before.
I have a brother. Again. He couldn’t say he was all that fond of the reason why. He’d never met Piemon and everything he heard told him that he didn’t want to. But he knew Yamato was a good person and from what he’d heard from Takeru, a good brother, if kind of overprotective at some times.
He swallowed and glanced up again towards Yamato. “Hi,” he muttered. He truly wasn’t certain of how to react to any of this. A tiny part of him had always felt as if the Digital World were far more his home than the human world. He’d attributed it to the lingering legacy of the Kaiser and did his best not to pay attention to it. He wanted to stay with his parents – the parents that he knew and loved.
“We can talk later,” Yamato assured him. Ken managed a quick nod. He didn’t know what he wanted to say but he knew that he wanted to talk.
Koushiro coughed politely. “Now. Daisuke-san. You’re a very special case.”
Ken could have told him that. He'd always known there was something different about Daisuke, from the first moment he’d laid eyes on him. He’d not thought about what it was, only that it attracted him in multiple ways.
Daisuke tilted his head, curiosity evident in every breath he took. “What do you mean?”
“Have you ever noticed anything unusual about yourself?” Koushiro asked, bright black eyes resting on him. Daisuke tilted his head backwards now, face scrunched up.
“Well, not really.”
Koushiro nodded. “Exactly. You don’t have any physical tells. You blend in. But you are very clearly a Digimon.” He turned his laptop around to display a Digimon Analyzer screen. Everyone leaned a bit closer to read it, even Ken.
Actual name unknown. Level: Perfect. Ancestry: unknown. Status: Created Digimon.
Daisuke blinked, shaking his head. “Created?” That didn’t make any more sense to Ken than it did to Daisuke, or any of the others.
“I don’t have the full information on your nature as of yet. I’m hoping as you develop more, we can learn together,” Koushiro told him, a tiny smile on his lips. “But what I have managed to learn from the Analyzer and the scans is that some unknown force or being brought you into existence. You were crafted – for hat purpose we don’t know.”
Daisuke slowly blinked even more as the information sank in. Ken bit his lip. He’d never been so glad that he learned this now and not in his younger days. He knew exactly what he would have done with that knowledge. It wouldn’t have been pretty, at all.
Koushiro continued. “It is possible that Gennai knows more about this. I’ve been trying to get in touch with him but he hasn’t answered me as of yet.”
Daisuke finally shook his head. “Someone made me? I mean, like, put a bunch of stuff in a bowl, threw it in the blender, and hit a button and out came me?”
“Something to that effect,” Jou agreed. “But I think with perhaps more detail.”
“More like someone wrote a computer program, similar to an egg-hatched Digimon, and shaped it into the form of a human, so you look the most human of us all, but you are a Perfect level Digimon with the capability of evolving to an Ultimate. Exactly what your powers will be I don’t know yet. We’ll only know what you can do after you all begin to develop them,” Koushiro added. He glanced at Ken. “With you as the exception. Because you and Yamato are half-brothers, you will probably share certain powers and abilities. Which ones we can’t know yet.”
Ken nodded. Honestly, all of this left him rather numb. It didn’t feel real – or perhaps it would be more right to say that it felt too real. As if he’d known all along and only now heard it put into actual words. He hadn’t made any real progress on trying to figure out what he wanted to think about any of this.
I’m half-Digimon. My – sire – was an evil Digimon who tried to take over the Digital World.
Somewhere in the very back of his mind he wondered if Piemon would have been proud of his efforts as the Kaiser. His stomach churned and he closed his eyes, tightening his fists. His fingers crushed into his palms and he forced every thought he had to center on Daisuke instead of his own problems.
“Is there anything that I can do to help?” Ken wanted to know. He didn’t have the same talents that he once had but he had a lot of experience and he knew a lot about Daisuke. Whatever he could do to uncover answers, he would do. Daisuke deserved to know about himself as much as they all did.
“We can use every hand we can get on this, actually,” Koushiro told him, warming Ken’s heart with a quick smile. It wasn’t nearly as bright or warm as one of Daisuke’s, but that wasn’t a surprise. There were very few smiles that could reach the same level of warmth and pleasure that Daisuke did with just a quirk of his lips.
Daisuke laced his fingers behind his head, rocking back and forth as he thought. “Mom and Dad have pictures of me as a baby,” he said. “I wonder if they know about me.”
“No, they do not.” An unexpected voice spoke. Everyone shifted backwards as Koushiro’s laptop screen glowed a little, and out of it there emerged Gennai. He looked much as he had the first time that Ken had ever seen him – a young man wearing a brown robe, with a hood that he’d just lowered to reveal his face. Takeru had mentioned once that the Gennai that they first knew had been an old man, but he’d never gotten the full story on why Gennai now appeared young
“Gennai!” Koushiro’s eyes lit up at the sight of him. “I wasn’t expecting you!”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t contact you sooner.” Gennai said with an apologetic tilt of his head. “I would have answered your e-mail but other matters held me back.” He didn’t seem inclined to explain what those other matters were as he returned his attention to Daisuke. Ken wondered if he actually looked nervous or if that were his own worries coloring his thoughts.
“You know something about me?” Daisuke asked, eyes open and eager to learn about himself. Gennai nodded, settling down into the chair that Koushiro vacated.
“I was the one who located you when you were still freshly made, and brought you to Earth to grow up, to keep you safe from those who would have attempted to use your unusual nature for their own purposes.” Gennai regarded him quietly before he continued. “You are a special case, more so than any other half-Digimon or born Digimon that I’ve ever encountered Those are few and far between enough. But you – you were created for one purpose. A purpose I suspect that you would not wish to fulfill.”
“What’s that?”
“First, let me explain about who it was that created you.” Gennai turned towards the older Chosen. “I’m certain you all remember Apocalymon.”
Taichi shifted a little. “As if we could ever forget.”
That was something that Ken didn’t think he’d heard about. The others had told them stories over the years about the various enemies they’d fought, but he didn’t remember that name.
Miyako must have felt the same way, since the next words out of her mouth were, “Who is that?”
“A powerful Digimon, created from the remnants of all of those Digimon who failed to achieve proper evolution,” Gennai replied. “For eons his existence was hidden from everyone, and was mostly responsible for the human world and Digimon World having time dilation between the two. But he did more than exist – he desired. He desired not merely the end of all things, but to ensure that no matter what, he would always be able to achieve his goals.”
Ken liked what he heard even less with every word that came from Gennai’s mouth. Daisuke didn’t look as if he were enjoying this either.
“To achieve that end, he observed Digimon and human life. Behind his firewall he could see everything but affect very little. I think in some ways – he was also bored. He had little else to do aside from put together the bits of data had drifted to him. He was able to fuse them, to take them apart, and make them into what he wanted them to be. So bit by bit, he spun together a new vessel for his consciousness. It would only be useful if his body failed him, or were destroyed.”
Gennai regarded the elder Chosen then. None of them looked very happy at this point. Ken wasn’t surprised. He knew very little about what they were talking about, but clearly this wasn’t a battle they enjoyed recounting.
“He was destroyed. But long before that, I had found his location, and I could detect the presence of another being in there. It wasn’t easy to get in there and find a way to retrieve that new being, and I did not at all expect that what I found was the form of a human child – or so it looked to the eye. I could also feel the presence of enormous Digital power. Apocalymon had created a son. The perfect vessel for his essence, to carry on his legacy of destruction when and if he were defeated. The vessel wasn’t ever intended to develop a consciousness or a personality of its own, or to become its own independent person. And yet you did all of that, and so much more.”
Once more he returned to Daisuke. “You are his son, Motomiya Daisuke. You are the son of Apocalymon.”
To Be Continued
Notes: So now they know! At least the basics. Still two more chapters and I hope you didn’t forget Tachibana from the first chapter. I have Plans! See you Friday with chapter 3 !
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tsumiscribe · 8 years
About Digimentals, Crests, and Jogress
So, imagine that one day, after hearing about the experiences of the original eight chosen, some of the younger chosen (particularly Ken) get tired of all the unanswered questions: What’s the difference between the Crests and the Digimentals? Where did the Crest of Kindness come from, and why wasn’t it a part of the original eight.   What’s up with all that time that Ken can’t remember?  
So Ken and Daisuke get a wild itch, and go ask Gennai.  And Gennai, surprisingly, finally tells them Everything:
“This may surprise you, but the digimentals existed first.  The ones we knew of, which held the digital world in balance, were the original Eight -- Courage, Friendship, Love, Purity, Knowledge, Faithfulness, Hope, and Light.   Each of the four Holy Guardians of the Digital World ruled over two digimentals each.  Courage and Friendship, Love and Purity, Knowledge and Faithfulness, Hope and Light.   For the sake of the digital world, my comrades and I created the Crests -- items drawing from the Digimentals of old, and intended to focus the innate abilities that dwelled within the Chosen Children.  You might say, they were chosen not only because of their bearing witness to the original incident in Hikarigaoka, but because they also embodied the traits of the Digimentals.   We also created the digi-eggs that would hatch into the Children’s partners, and who would be tied to the crests from their conception.
As I’m sure Hikari has told you… things didn’t exactly go as we planned.  
Eventually, they were all united with their partners, the Crests and Tags recovered, and their potential realized.   But then of course, we had to call them back, and ask them to give up that which they’d unlocked.  We needed the power of their crests to strengthen and stabilize the digital world. And it helped, for a while.
But then, there was Milleniumon.
Ryo had become a strong ally already.  But you, Ken… you were a surprise.   Ryo’s destiny was a complicated one, and one he could not handle entirely alone.  We could not bring any of the 8 original Chosen back, they had already sacrificed their strengths for our stability. They would have been, I’m sad to say, very little help, with Digimon that couldn’t evolve.  We did not anticipate you being a crest-bearer -- the Digimentals we knew of had all been bestowed, and returned.  But it was Wormmon who brought to my attention, the depth of the Kindness you possessed.  There was a prophecy of sorts… “Kindness will release the Golden Light.”   (Daisuke says, “Wizarmon said the same thing!”) Yes, and I will get to that.   You see, I thought, perhaps, it was possible to create a new digimental.  A Crest was, after all, only meant to draw out the chosen’s inner strengths.  So, I set about creating the crest for you.  Instead of drawing from the Digimentals, I instead linked it to Wormmon, and through him, to you.   (And Ken says, “So, the Crest of Kindness--”) It comes from you.  From both of you.  We used your digitized code to create a new digimental. (And Daisuke asks, “Is that why… it could talk to me?”) Yes.  Because of it’s… unusual nature and origin, it possessed an odd sort of sentience.  Because, it drew from deep inside of Ken, and Wormmon. But I was unable to give it to you, before…. The incident.   After Milleniumon… I believed I had misinterpreted the writings. I dared not destroy it for what it might do to either of you.  Instead, I hid it.  Sent you home, obscured your memories of your time here.  I thought it was for the best.  For you, and for the Digital World.    After Ryo passed from this realm to his fate, much of the memories surrounding his existence went with him.   It is why, even now, you cannot entirely remember him.  It is as if he never existed here.  Ryo was gone, and I believed we would never call you back again.
But you returned on your own, in the guise of the Kaiser, and bringing with you the dark towers born of knowledge from Dagomon’s Ocean.  Perhaps the link was too strong.  The crest was drawn to Wormmon, and you found it, oblivious to its true nature or purpose, and put it to use powering your base.    And, you had created something new. You had turned your Digivice into something much greater.  You were able to exert control over elements of the digital world, using the power you had brought over from the Dark Ocean.  You inhibited the power of evolution.  I began to think, I had done the digital world a disservice in blotting out your memories, for they might have aided you in fighting off the influence that had fallen upon you. We needed the power of the Digimentals again.  Through research, we found that there were a few digimon who were capable of utilizing the Digimentals directly, and achieving Armor Evolution.  In order to utilize the digimentals, there were Several factors that needed to coalesce.  The first, was to have a Digimon who would utilize Armor Evolution.  The second, was for that Digimon to be partnered with someone who possessed the trait represented by that Digimental. The human partner needed to be able to connect with the digital world counterpart.  Patamon and Tailmon already possessed this ability, but none of the other six partnered Digimon could.  We found only three other Digimon capable of Armor Evolution;   Armadimon, Hawkmon, and Veemon.  In order to make the greatest use of armor evolution, these digimon had to be partnered with someone who could embody two or more of the digimentals. That’s why Iori, Miyako, and you, Daisuke, were chosen for the task.  Among the hundreds of children who had witnessed the newest incident in 1999, and the battle against Diablomon on the net, only you three had the potential we most needed.    We replicated Ken’s D-3, allowing you to traverse between your world and the Digital World at will, the same as he could.  
Ken, when you began creating Chimeramon, we knew things were taking an even darker turn.  We feared that, given Milleniumon’s origins, you may be on the track to creating him anew.  Although we could not reclaim the Crest of Kindness ourselves, the Holy Guardians were capable of manipulating it.  Around the corrupted crest, they fashioned the Digimental of Miracles.  Daisuke, did you ever wonder about that Digimental, and why you were able to obtain it, and for only just a short time?  Or why it is that Wormmon was able to bestow his powers to Magnamon? (Ken and Daisuke just stare, waiting for the answer to a question they’d never really had)
You see, Veemon and Wormmon have a history.  For a time, though not in exactly the same way, Veemon was temporarily partnered to Ryo.   (And cue the shocked expressions “?!”) The two of your Digimon already shared a bond, that due to Ryo’s transition, neither of them remembered clearly, if at all.  The same phenomenon that wiped Ryo’s existence from this world and yours, completely dissolved their connection. But it was through a combination of Wormmon’s connection to the crest of Kindness, and Veemon’s connection to Wormmon, combined with your own innate traits, courage, and friendship, that you, Daisuke, were the only one who could obtain and utilize the digimental of miracles -- a digimental created from the uncorrupted heart of the Crest of Kindness -- to release the golden light, and fight against the darkness that had invaded.  To have the courage to stand against the Kaiser, but also the capacity to befriend him? Well, that would in fact, take a true miracle.
But, that is why they are Jogress Partners… and that in turn is why you are jogress partners.   You’re both aware of Omegamon’s existence, of course.  Jogress had long existed in various forms, but it was the use of Tailmon’s Holy Ring that allowed for us to assist more digimon Jogress Partnerships forming between the digimon partners of Chosen Children.   We could create more potential, with the right codes.   Love and Purity would resonate with Light, and Knowledge and Faithfulness resonated with Hope.    Between you two, Courage, Friendship, and Kindness… but it was more complex, more layered than that which we helped forge between your comrades.  That is why, Paildramon -- Imperialdramon --why they’re so different.  Why YOU are so different.  You bear a closer resemblance to Agumon and Gabumon’s formation of Omegamon, than to Sylphymon or Shakkoumon.” And the boys just look at each other, and they don’t really know what to say.  It answers a lot, but also brings up more questions.  About Ryo, about the other Chosen around the world... But their brains are having enough trouble digesting all of this. The rest can wait for another time.  
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jolteonjordansh · 8 years
Thoughts on Digimon Adventure tri.: “Confession”
Well, I was putting this off a bit because this “movie” is a bit longer than the others and a lot of the content itself has more depth, so there’s even more to talk about than the last two. But I need to hurry up and get this one done because the fourth entry, “Loss” is coming out this week and I’ll be talking about that too. By then, I should finally be able to spare some time on Tamers. So if “Confession” is longer and just has more content in general, how does it hold up? Well, let me start talking about it under the break.
I mean, that’s my personal opinion anyway.
There is one thing I do have to see about Digimon Adventure tri that I haven’t said so far, but as of now it only applies to entries 1-3 since I can’t make judgment on future ones: The series gets better and better with each set of episodes.
“Reunion” had a slow start and didn’t even have the best battles or animation, but it had some nice moments and it was good to see the DigiDestined with their Digimon again. “Determination” was indeed a lot of filler, but it began to improve on the animation and had some really strong moments of character development when it called for it, as well as having my favorite battle scene so far.
“Confession” does a lot of things that tri was really beginning to need, which may explain why there was a bigger gap between it and “Determination” than there was with “Reunion” and “Determination”. It finally begins to get the plot rolling, the animation is at its best as of this point in the series, the character interaction and development is powerful and it’s overall a really good watch--one that might have you bawling and needing a buddy to hug it out like I did. Still, it’s not without its own flaws that I’ll get to later.
When I say the plot gets rolling here, I mean the stakes really start to get high. Yes, the previous episodes established that there are distortions causing Digimon to enter the real world and they’re rampaging irrationally due to some sort of infection. There’s also the fact that the Digimon Kaiser seems to have suddenly returned and may or may not be the cause of these events. But we didn’t get any sort of answers or details on these things, and going on this long with almost nothing is pretty frustrating and gives a really slow and unnatural pace for the plot. Here, it kicks into full gear and it was necessary by this point.
I feel like most people who know me would be ready for me to complain about Kari once again being used as a vessel for Homeostasis to do a plot dump. But somehow... it’s really not that bad here. It’s arguably no different than what was done in the original Digimon Adventure, except in that Kari unfortunately still had almost no character established at that point and it was not only used as plot exposition but also as a plot device to stop Tai and Matt’s fight in that episode. And while we did need some answers when this happened in the original series, here it was needed even more than ever because tri had been keeping its own audience so in the dark about almost everything. Arguably, tri’s execution of not telling us much of anything is worse, but the timing of Homeostasis doing said plot exposition was still better and the stakes feel higher with all of the Digimon partners’ safety and memories being in danger compared to Tai and Matt having another fight (this isn’t to say I thought their conflict wasn’t powerful, but the former clearly has more emotional weight over the latter for the audience).
Again, somehow I’ve warmed up a lot more to Kari in this series than I ever did in the original or Adventure 02. She has moments that feel more like she has the trait of good intuition rather than the sueish “Oh no I can feel the sadness of some mysterious creature nearby that I have never seen or interacted with before in my entire life”. Maybe if I were to rewatch both series, I wouldn’t feel the negative stigmatism I have had towards her as much in the past, but she’s still overall better in tri. She just feels like an actual human being, so she doesn’t really feel tacked on like in previous seasons.
Now as for the main plot that begins to roll in throughout “Confession”, it not only starts to get good and interesting, but it also hits like a truck. By having Izzy working on keeping the Digimon safe from infection towards the beginning, we already can tell that the infection is going to happen. But rather than just building up the possibility of it for a majority of the episodes, the writers cut to the chase with Patamon being infected and uncontrollably biting and hurting T.K., while T.K. tries to get him to stop. And after seeing this happen, T.K. becomes overly protective of Patamon and takes him home. But it doesn’t take Patamon long to find this out himself, and the two have a powerful heart-to-heart together.
This heart-to-heart is arguably the most powerful and heart-wrenching moment of tri so far, and honestly one of the most in the Digimon Adventure series’ history. Even the animation for it is gorgeous and really well done, even with it being so tragic. The build-up works really well, and hearing and watching Patamon acknowledge his infection to T.K. with a smile honestly made me think this was going to be a nightmare sequence T.K. was experiencing. But no, Patamon was just keeping a strong face and was already prepared for the worst, even asking T.K. to “finish him” if he starts to hurt others due to his infection. And then the two simply hold and hug each other while crying together.
I have no idea what it is about T.K., whether it’s how his character has been established or what, but somehow it feels like the writers always know how to handle his character, and they handle said character magnificently. He has had incredible moments of development and action in all three series, whether he continues to make a great duo with Patamon, overcomes his own fears or inner demons, is being a badass, or just breaks into pieces. I’d honestly argue that he’s the most well-balanced character in the series. I don’t know how the writers or even T.K. does it, but perhaps he’s just one of those characters that simply writes himself.
Basically, “Confession” moves the whole infection plot. Sure, it was around since the beginning of the series, but it only really became central until the end of “Determination” and becomes downright personal in these episodes. We see all of the partner Digimon are gradually becoming infected, and Homeostasis reveals the whole “reboot” plot point in which every partner prepares for the worst and begins to spend their best time with each of their human partners as possible. It honestly hurts to watch, with some of them knowing the worst that could happen and are hiding their feelings behind smiles, and then... T.K. holding Patamon as his infection spreads because DAMMIT, THE WRITERS KNOW HOW TO HURT ME!
Along with the intense feels and moving along the whole infection plot, the Digimon Kaiser is confirmed to be... Gennai? Maybe? It’s at least something, even though it was pretty clear that the Digimon Kaiser couldn’t have been the Ken we know considering the beginning of “Reunion” and that in one of these episodes, T.K. and Kari actually visit Ken’s apartment, but he’s not there. Still, Gennai... was the last thing I was expecting. Granted, I was wondering where the hell he was, but this isn’t what I was thinking. Still, we don’t even know if this is actually the real Gennai or if he’s being controlled in some way or if this is one of those weird things he does. If he actually were evil though, it’d really change a lot of my perception of Digimon and I don’t think it’s something the writers should just go and do blindly. Sure, Gennai has always been shrouded in mystery, but doing a “lol he was actually evil!” plot would just be there for cheap shock value. I definitely think there’s something deeper going on here, as well as for Himekawa. It’s clear she’s an antagonist, but I think she could have some genuine motives behind her actions. But this also makes me curious whether Daigo is involved with this, was dragged into it, is completely unaware, or will do anything to go against Himekawa, since it’s clear the two have had different agendas from the beginning. That, or he could just end up being a third wheel, but I’m hoping that’s not the case.
Not to mention, I think there’s more depth to this whole “reboot” thing. While it does seem like the main Digimon partners have lost their memories, there’s still some suspicious things going on and the fact that Meicoomon still remembers Meiko... somehow. I really don’t know if the memory loss is going to be permanent. For some people, their memories coming back would probably seem like a cop out. But on the other hand, I feel like their memories being gone changes a lot about the relationships of the DigiDestined and their Digimon. Sure, they can rebuild new relationships, but everything before? Gone. A lot loses significance in the process, and I hope that it’s not all lost. It kind of feels false to really have everything forgotten forever otherwise. A lot of the strong development that the DigiDestined have had with their Digimon in the past would not have strength and relevance for the rest of tri and on. Maybe things would still feel strong for the DigiDestined, but not so much for the Digimon, and I feel really mixed because of that. Whether the Digimon actually retrieve their memories or not, I think that either way, the writers are going to have to handle things very carefully from here on out. They can’t just pretend that everything is the same once the DigiDestined form new bonds with their Digimon, and they can’t just give the Digimon their memories back without some good explanation.
On the note of good explanations... I’m just going to get Meicoomon and Meiko out of the way now, even though there are a few good plot bits I have left to discuss. I’ve been really trying to give both a chance, but despite that Digimon Adventure tri continues to improve with each entry, Meiko seems to get worse with each one in the process. Not even original Kari is this bad. As bland as original Kari was, she at least felt important and relevant, despite feeling a bit tacky. Meiko only continues to feel further shoved into this entire world, and Meicoomon somehow retaining memories unlike the other Digimon partners definitely gives the “special snowflake” feel, unless they have a damn good explanation for it. 
I can’t help but feel the writers were trying to give me reason to care about Meiko in these episodes, and I honestly want to believe that. But at the same time, I feel like it only made me start to hate her. Yes, I’m reaching hate territory for this character now. I wasn’t against some of her despair over losing Meicoomon and seeing her Dark Digivolve. That makes sense. But after the reboot, her reaction to the whole thing makes her an almost downright despicable character. I feel like maybe they were trying to give her flaws here, but these are not the kind of flaws you should throw onto new characters who already have mixed reception from the audience and have barely had any other development beforehand. The fact that she’s “glad” the Digimon situation is over because of the reboot not only makes her come across as really selfish but also insensitive towards the other DigiDestined. It did not make me like her more by seeing flaws slapped onto her--it made me even more resentful because they’re flaws that honestly make her a rather ugly character. I didn’t pity her. I couldn’t pity her. I honestly tried to. I felt like the writers crossed a line that they shouldn’t have for her character. And yet, I still want to give her character a chance. Maybe this is all leading to an inevitable reform that she grows strong from, but it still doesn’t take out the bad taste in my mouth from her awful behavior. It’s not one of those situations where “a bad person makes a good character”. We’re supposed to like Meiko, and yet I can’t bring myself to like her despite my efforts to try to understand just what the hell the writers are trying to do.
Okay, that chip is off my shoulder, because there are still some other great story elements in this. Izzy actually gets some really good character development towards the end, feeling helplessness and frustration for not having the sufficient knowledge to analyze the infection despite his efforts. While it’s kind of similar to Joe’s own struggles, Joe was more focused on how he didn’t want to be involved as a DigiDestined but didn’t know what was right because he also wants to focus on being a normal person, but he hates himself for not doing anything. Izzy on the other hand, wants to be involved but simply cannot find the answer, and it’s because of that he feels useless. While Izzy did get a fair amount of development in past series, this is another one of those instances where I felt he got some that he always needed.
This also applies for Tentomon as well. Again, this isn’t to say Tentomon hasn’t had development before, but he’s definitely an underdog among the Digimon partners and has served as more of the “guide” character than anything. Tentomon not only shows to be very supportive of Izzy in his time of weakness, he also takes on some leadership in the final (and pretty much only) fight in “Confession”. His selfless actions of trying to preserve the memories of all of the other Digimon, despite having become infected, is a pretty strong moment for him and it was a great way to execute his evolution to HerculesKabutarimon. Though it’s the only fight in “Confession”, it’s painful to watch each Digimon fight each other as well as fight their infection, especially seeing Patamon fly into battle willingly against T.K.’s wishes, and man does it hurt. It makes the countdown to reboot all the more painful with how slowly it moves, in complete silence, and you can’t help but want to believe there’s a chance their memories could have been preserved. But seeing the Digimon disappear at the end just made my heart sink, knowing HerculesKabuterimon tried to save everyone, knowing the Digimon have lost their memories, knowing they wanted to spend their best moments with their human partners... Even if it’s not the most “badass” fight, it’s certainly one of the strongest but also hardest to watch.
Despite how long it took for the plot to really get moving, I have to applaud it for some of its foreshadowing, especially the coding due to the infection. Immediately while watching “Reunion”, I noticed the code using 0′s, 1′s but also 2′s in the Digivolution animation. I found it strange that it wasn’t binary code, especially since binary was used towards the end of the original Digimon Adventure, but considering it was just shown for Digivolution animations, I decided to shrug it off as just an aesthetic choice. The fact that this was actually a plot point snuck in from the beginning was really clever and I have to give credit where it’s due. It sustains the feeling that certain plot points don’t feel like asspulls and it just helps the plot and story feel cohesive overall rather than disconnected since a lot of these episodes are separated into “movies”.
One theme that I also really like that I’m seeing is this sort of theme surrounding adulthood. It’s natural that this would be covered in a Digimon series targetted for an older audience, but it honestly resonates really well, especially in “Confession”. Throughout tri, the DigiDestined have been struggling with the fact that they’re growing up but still remain as the DigiDestined. But after losing their Digimon partners, they can’t bring themselves to move on. They want to see them, even if their memories are lost. But it’s not necessarily a theme about not growing up, but rather you can grow up but still cling to the things that were precious to you as a child and continue to make you happy. And considering what Digimon Adventure tri is, that’s a really clever and strong theme to have. This is more of my own speculation than anything, but it’s the vibe I feel, and since a lot of tri’s audience are young adults who watched the show as children, it’s a relatable theme to go with.
Honestly, the story really takes the show when it comes to “Confession”. The animation is really good, with its occasional weird in-between frames as all animation has but it’s nowhere near as obvious as in “Reunion”. A lot of expressions are really well down and movement is fluid. The lighting of scenes fit when necessary--bringing in the lights at happier moments (though in all honesty those are a bit more few and far in-between) and bringing in the darker and less vibrant colors when it wants to break your heart. I will say that the Digital World doesn’t feel quite as pastel or crayon-like as it does in Digimon Adventure, but I still appreciate that it’s going to be an actual prevalent location in tri. I was concerned that all of it would pretty much take place in the “real world”.
There’s not much to say about the soundtrack either, other than that it remains powerful. I really liked the use of Butter-Fly as an insert song when the DigiDestined decide they want to see their Digimon again. But at the same time, I really wonder what the dub will do with that because just hearing “Digi Digi Digimon” over and over simply will not work for such an emotionally powerful moment. But this isn’t about the dub that may not even happen for another couple of years. The music overall is still really good, and is especially moving for me during Patamon and T.K.’s heart-to-heart and the final battle with HerculesKabuterimon.
“Confession” definitely isn’t perfect, but a lot of things aren’t. It’s still incredibly good when it comes to making you feel emotional turmoil, and I’m glad that it finally gave a plot with more depth when tri was seriously lacking a strong main plot and seemed to be focusing more on sub-plots for quite a while. It really emphasizes on some of the strong bonds between the DigiDestined and their partner Digimon, which has always been one of my favorite parts of Digimon as a whole.
I won’t deny that with as much of the good “Confession” has done, it makes me really skeptical of how “Loss” will be handled. While I’m definitely looking forward to watching it, the writers will need to be incredibly careful with a lot of plot elements from here on because they’re working with a lot of risky material at this point. I’m going to try to have a positive outlook for it, but there’s no real way to be certain. I can only hope for the best, which I really hope “Loss” provides. I hope it makes me happy, tugs at my heart strings just right, and continues to keep me enthusiastic for Digimon Adventure tri.
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higuchimon · 4 years
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹
Oh, someone wanted a lot! Well, here we go!!
YGO Zexal: Beyond All Beauty: Mizael could smell the blood in the air. And the fire. And hear the screams of those who weren't lucky enough to survive and some of those whose luck was even worse and they did.
Digimon Adventure 02: What's Mine Is Mine: He looked around himself and groaned when he saw what was going on. Almost every Ringed and Spiraled slave that had been in the city now stood between him and where he guessed the rest of his friends were.
This did not look good at all.
“Hello, Motomiya.”
And it just got worse.
YGO Zexal: Gifts That Give Themselves: Kaito didn’t even bother to sigh. He’d given them as much of a chance as they deserved. He wasn’t going to bother with anything more.
In the space of a heartbeat he stood on his feet, eyes open, sword in his hand. He could see them now, outlined in the moonlight, a half-dozen burly outlaws, most of whom hadn’t made the acquaintance of a razor in far too long, and all of them needed a good long soak in whatever bathing facilities would allow them past the door.
He could see them. If he could see them, then they were dead. It was that simple.
Digimon Tamers: Risk of Death: Explosions weren’t unknown in town. Alchemists, mages, and random Digimon caused them on the average of once a week. The only difference would be how much destruction said explosions caused.
Explosions would be a lot easier to deal with, Ryou reflected, bouncing across a row of neat, quiet cottages. He darted to one side, rolling to avoid the slender black dart he couldn’t see. Only the faintest prickle along his shoulders warned him something – or someone – targeted him.
At least with explosions, he could keep better track of what was going on. And that’s probably why they’re not blowing things up.
Digimon Adventure 02: Thicker Than Water: “You recall Gennai and his schemes, I’m certain?” They both nodded, two heads of identical jet black. “It seems he’s taking another step. He’s recruited humans.”
Anbumon and Akogimon exchanged the quickest of glances before Akogimon looked back at him, a twisted smirk on his lips. Piemon so approved.
“This won’t take long, father,” Akogimon promised, violet eyes shimmering with glee. He’d always taken the most pleasure in bringing harm to others. Piemon adored his sadistic son. “I can dispose of them in a night.”
Anbumon rolled his eyes. “You can, but will you? Gennai knows about us, Akogimon. And Fuseiimon and Akigaramon. And Akuenmon. You think he hasn’t made plans to stop us?”
“Making plans won’t matter once we finish them,” Akogimon pointed out. “We won’t need them either.” He paused, that grin twitching again. “Except maybe Akigaramon.”
Digimon Adventure 02/YGO GX: Alliance of Fear: “I suppose I should thank you for returning my property to me.” His gaze flicked over to the redhead who stood closest to him, violet eyes darkening in restrained anger. “He continually tries my patience.”
The black armored warrior waved one hand, the visor on his helmet pushed upward to reveal a face that should’ve been made to smile, and did smile, but only in a way that would bring terror to everyone around them.
“It was my pleasure. I did have to work a little so he understood he wasn’t going to get away from me, of course.”
“Of course.” The words fell with a hint of anger but no more. “Now, what is it you want in return, Haou? I know you. You don’t do anything for anyone without getting something for yourself in return.”
Haou waved his hand again, the tips of his lips curling upward. “My dear Kaiser… did you know one of my slaves has a title similar to yours? Or he did, before I made him a slave. Of course, not the Digimon Kaiser.” He shrugged. “Anyway, I can’t say that I want anything from you.”
YGO Arc-V: Kept In Shadows: Why can’t I see? What did he do? Try as Shun might – and he tried with every ounce of his soul – he couldn’t see anything in this place. That didn’t feel right. He’d never had good night vision – no falcon, born or shapeshifter, did – but the darkness around him was more than just darkness. More than the shadows cast when doors closed and shutters closed over windows.
Here, there was nothing Not the faintest hint of anything that wasn’t a shadow. Not a single sound, no matter how much he shrieked an angry falcon’s cry. All he could feel were the clothes on his body and the manacles on his wrists.
... I might have gotten a little carried awwy. Oh, well!
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure(s) x 02 x tri AMV ~ x Kagerou Project “ OUTER SCIENCE ” AMV [ music ( C ) Jin, singer: IA / Vocaloid ] featuring CHARACTERS / IMPLIED: KOUSHIRO(U) IZUMI + TAICHI YAGAMI (w/bonus background Taishiro) + the rest of the main 8 Adventure Chosen + DIGIMON ADVENTURES VILLAINS ENSEMBLE ( this amv initially completed on January 11, 2019 )
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave ( * It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV “ Outer Science ” ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from “Kagerou Daze” though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ]
- part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kage-pro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s NOT a direct parody (but v[ERY] inspired) (if you can’t tell) - WATCH THIS IN HIGH DEFINITION ( click the ‘HD’ / 1080p on the player !! )
- I'M STILL WORKING ON THIS ACTUALLY - THIS IS THE UNEDITED 1ST DRAFT - I MIGHT TRY TO FIT THE REST OF THE VILLAINS IN TOO - I also need to replace some small subbed scenes etc - might fix some transitions later and replace filler placement scenes
- " OK TBH WASN'T PUPPETMON THE ONE WITH THE-------- " - " ok no I'm not gonna go there " - “ MY VERSION IS NOWHERE NEAR THAT ----- ”
- Lyrics / Translations under the ‘ read more ’ !
LIVING A LIFE IN SLIGHT MISERY The dead are knocking on the door, aren't they? The small master cannot watch indifferently,
" It's an unpleasant story "
Can't lick up any more DARKENED SPIRITS
original translation inspiration from one of the 1st subbed uploads here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wg2OgJgSQ0 ^ THIS IS THE ORIGINAL KAGEPROS VERSION [ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED IF YOU COMPARE / WATCH IT ]
redone/updated translation with Japanese lyrics for easier following from here: https://kagerouproject.fandom.com/wiki/Outer_Science ^ I basically combined both translations, using lines I felt fit better from the 1st and 2nd versions while comparing them to the Japanese lyrics * The last line is one I’ve also seen thrown around in other translations over the years!
- I ALMOST DIDN’T POST THIS THING OUT OF FEAR MAYBE IT WAS A BIT TOO VILLAIN-Y .................................................
* The lyrics are also HILARIOUSLY chuunibyou and others in the original fandom this song came from have described it as such too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABniby%C5%8D
- i’m sorry
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