#but the slight chill at night makes me think it’ll all be alright
miniyeo · 1 year
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Snoopy October 🍁🍂
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sindirimba · 4 months
hii i have another prompt ficlet. many many thank yous to @saturrain for sending me this one 🖤
From the 101 romantic/mildly spicy prompts for brief fic snippets, I can specify between #13 or #92, but can u do something for BoN inspired of what he said in the video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr1QQ3ja/
you should watch that video because it's cute as hell and definitely inspired the vibe of this. as did those numbered prompts!:
13 Kiss After Kiss After Kiss 92 Kisses All Over
Finally, finally, the plane door opened and people began filing out, and he patted the phone in his shirt pocket by instinct and started walking to meet her midway across the field. The moment he saw her, wearing an orange coat and hauling her backpack over her shoulder and reminding him of spring’s very first blooms peeking out to face the sun, he hurried a little more.
When they were a few meters apart she broke into a grin, and then moments later she leapt into his arms and hugged him with all her might, making him laugh helplessly, stumbling only slightly from the impact. She really had a knack for embodying her entire self in all that she did, he thought.
“Hey!” she dropped back down to her feet, beaming at him, letting him take the pack off her back. “You didn’t have to wait outside for me, Book.”
“I don’t mind,” he said, smiling as they turned to head back toward the tiny airport she’d flown into. “Good flight?”
“Yeah, alright.” She leaned into his side, knocking him a little off balance again. He liked it. “Glad to be back on solid ground. Glad to start our vacaa-aation,” she sing-songed her words, making him feel warm all over. The chill in the air had disappeared the moment he’d seen her step off the plane, honestly. “You ready to build so many snowmen?”
“I think so,” he said with a slight laugh. “More interested in the fireplace, but...”
“Yeah,” she laughed too.
The ride from the airport to their little cabin in the mountains was long enough for her to tell him about her trip, to talk about being excited to learn how to snowboard, to just talk to him and fill his recently fairly solitary existence with life and joy.
Nile’d said he was in his hermit era, a phrasing he’d been incredibly amused by and had thought about often as he’d settled temporarily into an exceedingly mundane life the past few months. Just to remember what it was like, he supposed. To try to get a grip on himself and his complicated and complicating feelings. But Nile, she wasn’t content to let him be a hermit forever, and he’d barely go a few days before hearing from her, by phone usually and by postcard, occasionally. And now, she’d convinced him to take a break from sunny hot Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to go freeze up on a mountain with her.
He’d definitely frozen to death in worse circumstances.
Once they got to the cabin, they cleaned a little, got comfortable, settled in. They’d stopped on the way to get provisions, and so after the settling into the kitchen he went to work on dinner.
He was washing up in the sink when he heard her footsteps behind him, and he glanced over to see her smile as she came over to join him. “Ah, I thought you’d take a nap,” he said, drying his hands, then nodding toward the oven now cooking their night’s meal. “It’ll be a while before food’s ready.”
“Yeah, I tried,” she said, turning toward him, leaning her hip against the counter. “Couldn’t settle down really, I was thinking too much.”
“Oh?” He turned toward her, too, wondering about the expression on her face, the softness in her eyes. “Nothing bad?”
“Nothing bad,” she said with a smile. “Smells good in here.” He ducked his head in thanks, and started to move around her to the fridge for drinks. But she paused him with a hand on his arm, and he met her eyes again. “Y’know I... I really did miss you, Book.”
His concern dampened, and he felt himself smile. “Missed you too.” He paused, words catching on his tongue. What more could he even say? She deserved his honesty but he struggled with it. “I missed you.”
She curled her fingers around the sleeve of his shirt, holding instead of simply pausing now. The kitchen was warm from the oven, even warmer there between them. He thought of their first meeting so long ago, the way he could barely seem to fathom her existence. He still felt like that now, a little.
“And, uh, I’m glad you agreed to come up here with me,” she continued, and he nodded once. As if he could have or wanted to say no to her. “Because it makes everything a lot easier. You know?”
He didn’t. “Easier?”
“Yeah,” she said, half-grinning, and she tugged on his arm, easily pulling him closer. His throat felt suddenly dry. “If the next time we met up was with the others, I was gonna have to make a scene and I really don’t want to do that.”
He couldn’t even begin to start questioning what she meant by that. It didn’t matter. She leaned in, eyes so warm and dark and soft, and then she kissed him. He let out a harsh breath, surprised. Electrified. He brought his hands up, framing her face between his palms, returning her kiss with all the urgency and hunger he could while still standing on his own two feet. She wrapped her arms around him, lips curving into a beautiful smile as the kiss continued on and on and on. He’d imagined this so often, craved it and feared it, and now it was no real shock that the reality of it left him frankly rather brainless.
He broke from her lips, kissed the corners of her mouth, her cheek, beside her eye, her temple, back down to her mouth, and she laughed, buried her fingers in his hair, walking him backwards until his back hit the wall. He grinned, pulling back only far enough that he could see her whole face again, her big eyes, her smile. The mole by her mouth, the little curls of hair next to her ears. “Nile.”
“Was hoping you’d react like that,” she said softly, teasing him, delighting him. He kissed her. She laughed. “See? This would have been way worse with everyone else around.” He laughed too, and then had to kiss her, again and again and again.
“You’re right,” he told her, stroking his thumb over her cheek, her brow, feeling marvelled. She cupped the back of his neck, leaned forward again to brush her lips over his, and he pulled her ever closer. Another kiss and another one, and in between each kiss, she laughed. Music to his ears, and she had him laughing with her, just from sheer overwhelming joy. Sheer hypnotism, or maybe some kind of magic that he hadn’t felt in so very long. What a feeling, he thought, and kissed her again.
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frenchpuppycormier · 3 years
HI ZOË!!! angst #16 for that sentence starter post if you're still up for some writing. i love getting my feelings hurt 🤡
"Are you hurt?"
"Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
Kara doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
She waves at every animal she sees on her daily walks and patrols at night. She gives and gives to people without expecting anything in return. When someone is having a bad day or just really needs to talk, she listens, even criminals. Most of them aren't any different than the average person, they simply were dealt the wrong hand. She's extremely loyal and doesn't take anything personally. One time, Kara saved a fly that was trapped in a spider's web.
So yeah, Kara doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Which is why today is such an anomaly.
She's in the kitchen still dressed in her navy chinos and baby pink button up with palm trees from when she came home from work. Andrea made her rewrite an article thrice, Jeremy from accounting had broken the copier machine and politely asked for her help in fixing it, she stopped a bank robbery a few blocks down from CatCo when she realized the police wouldn't get there in time, and to top it all off she unwillingly skipped lunch after someone stole her sandwich from the staff fridge.
To say she was exhausted and starving was an understatement. Changing into her pajamas meant she had to walk all the way to the bedroom and Kara was too lazy, even for superspeed.
As she stirs her homemade tomato sauce she taps her phone screen and checks the time. 6:35 pm. Frowning, Kara doesn't see any missed messages or calls from Lena letting her know she's going to be late.
She shrugs to herself and thinks Lena must've gotten caught up in her lab and lost track of time. It happens more often than not, and Kara doesn't think it'll ever change, much to her chagrin. It's bad enough Lena forgets to eat lunch most days, but to continuously forget her phone and watch in her office? Kara knows her wife's a workaholic, but she wasn't aware until now, the fourth night this week, that it was getting this bad.
Kara strains the pasta and cuts the garlic bread while periodically stirring the sauce and checking her phone. She decides to finally turn on some music when the silence of the penthouse becomes too stifling and daunting.
She's in the middle of dancing to ABBA and plating the food when she hears a familiar heartbeat walking down the hall. Kara tries not to listen to it too often—she doesn't want Lena to feel like her privacy has been invaded—but sometimes she can't help it. Her wife's heartbeat is one of the most soothing sounds she's ever heard, and ever since she heard it for the first time, she's just been naturally drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.
Kara smiles as she hears it get closer until Lena's opening the door and walking through. "Hey, babe! I'm in the kitchen!" she yells, her energetic voice reverberating throughout the house.
There's no verbal response like there usually is, which is the first warning sign. The second is when Lena walks by—she has to in order to go to their room—it's with quick steps and careful avoidance. But Kara's been able to read her like a book since they've known each other, and she knows something's amiss by the way Lena doesn't even greet her with a kiss. She always does.
Her wife stops frozen in her tracks, head angled down, hair covering her face like a curtain. Lena's heart ticks up a beat, leaving Kara wildly concerned.
"Lena?" she steps around the island and stands in front of her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she mumbles.
Kara tilts her head to make eye contact, but Lena moves her head so she can't. "Then why won't you let me look at you?"
"It's nothing, I-I'm fine."
"And why does that not convince me?" Kara sighs. Lena doesn't move a muscle and she keeps quiet. "Are you hurt?"
"No." She still shows no signs of moving. It's like she's decided her next career move is becoming one of those marble sculptures at the museum people love to gawk at.
"Lena...you're scaring me." She tentatively reaches out and grasps Lena's fingers, tremendously thankful when she doesn't pull away. If there's one thing her wife is bad at, it's letting people in. But she also knows when she's feeling stressed or overwhelmed that holding her hand relaxes and grounds her. "Please..."
Finally, after standing there in an awkward and probably painful way with the way Lena's neck is positioned, she slowly looks up. Kara audibly gasps when she sees her, and what she sees ignites a fire in her chest and a fury in her eyes. "If you're not hurt, then why are there bruises all over your face?"
"Lena," she breathes and lifts her hands to gently cup her face, tears pooling in her eyes. Her breathing is significantly more ragged than before, and she mentally takes note of why that is. "What happened?"
"It's nothing," she repeats.
Kara frowns and backs away, crossing her arms. "Who did this to you?"
"Please, Kara. I don't want to make a big deal—"
"Who?" her voice is lower and angrier, sending chills down Lena's back. She grits her teeth, "Lena, tell me who did this to you now, so I can kill them."
"Kara, this isn't you," she reaches forward to calm her down, but Kara starts pacing.
"The hell it isn't!" Kara exclaims, fists clenching at her sides. "My wife was beaten for all I know, and she's acting like it's just another day at the office!" she gestures at Lena, exasperatedly. "How would you expect me to act?"
Lena flinches at her tone.
Kara notices, because she always notices when Lena's in distress, and she deflates. "Lena, you're the love of my life, my person, and when you're hurt I can't help how I act. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm overreacting or if I'm yelling, but it's you." She walks back into her space and places her hands over Lena's face, thumbs lightly grazing her cheekbones, careful not to bump her wounds. "It's you," she whispers.
Lena swallows thickly, and when she speaks her voice is soft and afraid. "It was an accident."
"Did someone do this to you?" Kara's jaw clenches as she lets go. She doesn't stray far though, crossing her arms in front of her chest to try and calm down.
"Kara, no," Lena sighs, tears pooling in her eyes. "I...I did it to myself."
"What?" Kara's arms drop to her sides. "What are you talking about?"
"I was in a board meeting," she clears her throat. "Um...I was presenting a new prototype for...for," Lena shakes her head and frowns tensely. She rubs her eyes with tight fists and with a shaky breath, she cries, "Kara, I—I can't remember!"
Kara steps forward and grasps her hands. "Hey, it's okay. Take your time." She rubs soothing circles over her knuckles with her thumbs.
Lena takes a deep breath and tries again. "I was in a board meeting, and I vaguely recall getting a terrible migraine. Everything after that is fuzzy," she sniffles and takes her hands back to wipe her eyes. "Jess said I fell and hit my head on the table on the way down."
Kara inhales shakily, "What?"
"I had a seizure, I guess," she says it with a slight lilt at the end like it's a question she doesn't want answered. "Uh, it lasted about five minutes until the paramedics arrived. They said I was lucky I wasn't doing something else, like driving. It could've been a lot worse."
"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone call me?," Kara looks at her with pleading but sorrowful eyes.
"I didn't want you to worry."
"We promised each other, remember?" squeezes her hands. "For better or worse," she says with all the conviction she has. Kara kisses her knuckles and asks, "What did the doctors say?"
Lena sniffles and bows her head. "They ran all these tests on me, but couldn't find anything serious as to why I had a seizure. It could be any number of things, but they can't really do anything for me until I have another one," she looks up at her wife, lips wobbling.
"Kara, I'm scared," she whispers. "This is—" her words catch in her throat, and it's hard for her to breathe. "This is—my mom," she cries hysterically, covering her mouth with her hands, "This is how my mom died, she—she had a seizure while she was in the lake and she drowned. I can't—I can't believe this is—this is happening," she hiccups into another sob.
"Shhh," Kara envelops her in a hug and rubs soothing hands along her back. Lena bawls uncontrollably into her neck, hands gripped tightly to the back of Kara's shirt. "I'm so sorry, Lena," she kisses her on the head and murmurs into her hair, "We're gonna figure this out, I promise."
"What if I have what she had?" Lena questions, voice muffled and watery. "Kara...I don't wanna die," her mind begins to fill with thousands of different scenarios and she spirals into a panic, her whole body shaking, "I don't wanna die, Kara!"
"Honey, no," Kara hugs her tighter, as much as she can without harming her, then pulls back and kisses her on the forehead. She pointedly looks into her eyes when she says, "You're not dying. Okay? Not today, not anytime soon, alright?" Lena's face is red and splotchy. She tries to reign in control of her emotions, and she exhales a shaky breath while managing to give a slight nod. "Good. We'll figure out what's wrong with you, and if we can't do that here, then...we'll go to Argo. Their advances in science are way ahead of Earth's, and if that's not enough then I'll personally travel to other earths or other planets until I find a solution. You're not going anywhere if I have anything to say about it."
Kara palms the underside of her jaw and rests their foreheads together, Lena's puffs of breath hitting her lips. "I promise," she presses their lips together in a chaste kiss and mumbles, "I love you." Kara kisses her again, "More than anything."
"I love you, too," Lena replies and buries her face in Kara's chest, her arms wrapped around her waist tight and what would be restricting if not for Kara’s invulnerable body. A calming minute passes for them in the aftermath of Lena's breakdown, when Lena quietly asks, "Is something burning?"
Lena feels her wife stiffen in her arms. "Shit!"
She pulls back and raises her eyebrows curiously, an amused glint in her eyes as she asks, "Did you just swear?"
Kara extracts herself from Lena's hold and stutters, "N-no, I said sh-sheet," she fumbles over to the stove and turns off the burner. Kara leans over the pot and frowns at the wreckage.
Lena chuckles with such fondness it's almost like their previous conversation has been forgotten. Kara beams at the sound, one of the reasons she fell in love with Lena in the first place; that girl can make laughter sound like music. Even her out-of-control snort laughs are adorable. At least to Kara's ears.
"There's no point in denying it, love, I heard you loud and clear," Lena smirks and joins her in the kitchen, poking her in the side. Kara squeals and feigns hurting by falling to the floor dramatically.
Lena playfully rolls her eyes and holds out her hand. "Baby, get up, the floor is a mess." Kara easily obeys and jumps to her feet with barely any help from Lena. "I married a weirdo," she shakes her head.
"Do you regret it?"
"Never," Lena states firmly. "You're my weirdo, forever."
"I like the sound of that," Kara blushes. Even after being married for five years, and knowing each other even longer, Lena still possesses the ability to fluster Kara on a daily basis.
"C'mon, let's order Chinese."
"You're speaking my language!" Kara kisses Lena on the nose and watches with pure affection as it scrunches. She grabs the takeout menu from the junk drawer before twining her fingers through Lena's and snuggling with her on the couch.
No matter her diagnosis, not matter the outcome, Lena will be more than okay with Kara by her side.
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Awesomest of Them All 2.0
Part 4 of 13
Word Count: 1809
Batman x Batmom!Reader
You know what the bat family needs? Someone to pull them together and give them all the love they deserve. Who better to do that than you? An author rising to stardom in Gotham who catches the eye of a billionaire with your standoffish attitude at a huge social gathering. You are yourself and never pretend to be more or less than that. Plus you're the most stubborn person in the world, refusing to let good things go without reason.
This is a rewrite of my story Awesomest of Them All, I wanted to see how much I've improved over 3 years.
"You're breaking up with me?" You say it like a question, offendedly and confused, from your point of view everything was going good, but apparently it wasn't.
"I am. I'm sorry y/n it's not you it's-"
"Nu-uh, Bruce Thomas Fucking Wayne you are not going end things with that cliche line," you say sounding pissed. "I love you and if you want to end things that is fine but you better as hell give me one good fucking reason why.
"But-no-were done y/n," he says, sounding confused as to why you're arguing with him. Why did you have to be so stubborn?! If anything it only made him love you more.
"No we aren't done at least until you give me a good reason. If you're going to end things with me then I deserve to at least know why when as far as I know everything is perfect according to Gotham standards," you cross your arms and pop your hip. This was the first real relationship you'd had in your life and him ending it without warning wasn't something you could handle. You needed to at the very least know why. Why had he invited you over? Why had Dick and Alfred greeted you normally? Just for him to try and end things? It made zero sense.
He looks away from you, with the angry tears in your beautiful eyes. You the first woman he has genuinely fallen head over heels for that he was currently trying to end things with. It was hurting him just as much as it hurt you, but he had a good reason. He didn't want you getting hurt because of his night job.
Both Alfred and Dick had tried to tell him you could handle it, and he knew they were right. You would be able to handle the fact that he was Batman, but he knew he couldn't handle you getting hurt. He knew that was his breaking point.
It's as you're staring at him with the tears beginning to run down your cheeks that he reaches his other breaking point. Seeing you hurting and confused, he couldn't bring himself to lie to your face another time.
"What?" You ask, seeing the slight changes to his posture and expression.
He takes a breath, "I'm trying to keep you safe y/n-"
"You're trying to keep me safe?" You ask your own expression softening. "Bruce," you reach a hand up to cup his cheek as you always had, but he catches it before you can touch him.
"Yes, I can't handle seeing you hurt. Even now, when I know I have good reasons for trying to leave you, I can't bring myself to actually do it because I can see how much it's hurting you even if you're yelling at me," his hand drops yours and comes to cup your cheek, a slight smile coming to his lips.
Your breathing hitches for a moment as he speaks, you can feel how genuine he is being, "Bruce-" actual tears begin to run down your cheeks at his proclamation of love. Your arms wrap around his torso and you lean your head against his chest, "Bruce, my love, that is the opposite of a good reason to break up with me. I hope you realize that."
His deep laugh echos through your ears, and his hand runs through your hair. "I know my dear, I can't do it. I can't bring myself to end things with you. If you had walked out after I tried the first time I would have, but I cannot bring myself to argue with you when I know deep down I'm wrong even if I like to think I'm keeping you safe."
"Well, as sweet as that is I'm glad you at least are acknowledging the fact that you're a dumbass for thinking it might work," you laugh gently and lean back to look at his face. "So, can I know what has you so convinced I'm going to be hurt if I continue my relationship with you?"
The two of you stand in silence for a few minutes just hugging each other before he says, "it'll be better for me t show you, as knowing you if I were to just tell you you would laugh and think I'm joking."
This of course causes you to laugh, "me? Laugh at you? What in the world makes you think I would do that?"
He laughs gently, "I don't know what would make me think that, dear." He doesn't wait for a real answer, instead taking your hand and leading you into the study and up to the beautiful dark colored oak wood grand father clock. He doesn't say anything as he moves the hands on the clock and it opens like a door revealing a staircase. He leads you down, still holding your hand.
You, are of course confused by this, because who the hell has a secret room in their house?! Well, billionaires, that's who. But that still doesn't tell you why he had a secret room. You look to him for an answer but he simply continues leading you down the stairs.
Once you reach the bottom of the stairs you stop, and look around amazed at the vast cave you found you were in. It's dark, and you can't see much so you revert back to default settings and ask, "you have a sex cave?"
He laughs, clearly amused with that question. The fact that he had expected any other reaction just showed him how often you surprised him. "No, y/n," he leads you a little further into the cave before letting go of your hand and saying, "wait here, I'm going to turn the lights on."
You nod, and wait as you hear him move off through the dark. Your mind was reeling, what in the world was this place? Whatever it was, it was important to him and he was trusting you with it.
It's after a few moments that the lights light up the large space. A gasp leaves you as you see on one end of the cave a huge computer screen built into the rock, on the other end a car, helicopter and a whole ass airplane. It's as you slowly turn in a circle that Bruce comes back over to you and catches you in his arms.
You were facing a taxidermy T-Rex as he leans down to softly say in your ear, "I'm Batman."
A chill goes down your spine and you know it's true, not that you could really question it when he has a bat-mobile and T-Rex in his basement. Your hands find their way down to rest on his, "I guess this would be a good reason to break up with me, if you're still wanting too."
He shakes his head, "I love you too much to do that to you. Plus, me telling you defeats the purpose of any of that stupidity," he says, grabbing your waist and pulling you into a deep kiss.
"So, this is why I couldn't spend the night?"
"Yes," he laughs softly and kisses you again as he picks you up. Your legs find their way to lock around his waist, as he carries you over to the chair in front of the computer. He sets you on the desk, kissing you deeply yet again, one of his hands traveling up your shirt to draw circles on your side.
How could he be the worlds greatest detective and also not have guessed that you, the woman he loves would argue with him when he tried to leave you? He had almost made the biggest mistake of his life that day and now all of his emotions were overcoming him, he wanted, needed you close to him.
Sooner than he wants you break the kiss and end the make out session. You gently kiss his lips one time and ask, "so, how much am I allowed to know?" You press another quick kiss to his cheek as you stand up, and say, "I love you."
He doesn't let you move far from him, sitting himself in the desk chair and pulling you into his lap. "Anything you want to know you can," he brushes your hair back from your face and tilts his head to press a kiss to your neck.
"Hey!" You laugh and push his face back from you. "I want you to answer my questions, not try and distract me!" You spin yourself to straddle him, a hand going to rest on his hip, "after questions, then maybe, I'll let you kiss me." You purse your lips in thought, "maybe I'll let you do more than just kiss me, but that depends on if you behave," you tease gently.
He laughs and shakes his head slightly, "alright, I'll restrain myself from kissing you anymore, until you have your questions answered. After that though," that smirk comes to his lips as he suggestively lets his hand go up the back of your shirt to rest on your shoulder blade.
You sigh dramatically, and roll your eyes gently, even if you were excited to see him like this. "Okay, I'll make it fast. Does this mean Dick is Robin? Is that Clark Kent guy actually Superman and that's how Dick knew him? Finally I'd like to formally apologize for doing your job that first time we met when Joker tried to shoot me and I went on autopilot and told him he had lipstick in his teeth."
Bruce laughs, "yes, Dick is Robin. I'm surprised you already put that together with Clark, usually Superman is far away so him wearing glasses works. And, my love, it is more than alright that you did my job for me. I couldn't have done it better myself, though I probably would not have fallen on top of Joker after flipping him," he teases gently and kisses your cheek, "but no, I should have known from that that you can handle yourself."
You smile and press a kiss to his lips, "well, at the very least I'm sorry for insulting you when I did thank you that night."
He laughs again, "y/n, I love every part of you and if I am honest with myself that is the night I started falling for you. You amaze me with your ability to laugh and stand strong in the face of danger, I save people every night and have never seen anyone else react like you."
You push a hand against his chest, "stop, you're making me blush."
He rolls his eyes and laughs at you again, before growing more serious as he looks at you, saying in a low, sexy, voice, "a deals a deal, y/n, I'm going to make you do more than blush tonight."
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
Hasty Encounters, Hasty Decisions
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Pairings: Yuta x Reader, ft. nct 127
Words: 10K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), drinking, slight smut, insinuation of sex
Y/N and Yuta meet for the first time and learn quickly of not only their attractions, but also their many more differences. Painful words and revelations leave a deep ridge between the two of them, that is until someone makes a shocking confession. Will they continue to make hasty decisions, or will they learn to forgive and forget?
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Yuna was the exact opposite of you. She was gorgeous, outgoing and such a party person. You’d rather chill at home and binge your favorite drama for the billionth time, and that’s exactly how you planned to spend this weekend, however, Yuna had different plans.
“Come on, this is the last one of the semester! The NCT frat house always has legendary end of the semester parties. Besides you haven’t been to one yet, you need to broaden your horizons.” She kept jabbing your side, as if that was a good tactic to make you agree to her idea.
“No, I already set up my computer for six straight episodes of Penthouse, it’s too late now.” You gave her a triumphant grin, as if that were enough to get Yuna off your case.
“Are you serious right now?” She rolled her eyes at you, “This is ridiculous, I get that the actors are hot and all, but these are the hot guys in real life! Stop pining over some made up character and get it on with a real guy!”
“Who’s getting it on with a real guy?” 
“Mark, Yuna keeps trying to take away my drama time, she’s trying to force me to go to a frat party.” You whined to him. Surely he would take your side, he’s a homebody just like yourself.
“The NCT frat party? I heard those are awesome. Why don’t you want to go?”
“Ugh, I can’t believe you Mark, you’re supposed to take my side unconditionally.”
“Right… Yuna why do you want her to go so badly?”
“Mark, don’t you want to go to the party? They’re even better than what people say.”
“Mark!” You tugged at his shirt.
“What? I’ve always wanted to go. You know you should really get out there more. I think Yuna’s right on this one.”
“See?” Yuna gave you a smug look.
“Mark, you’re not helping.”
He swung his arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer, “Maybe you should go to this one, I think it’ll be fun.”
“You’re only saying that cause you want to go.”
“Is it working?” He grinned at you before you shrugged his arm off your shoulder.
“No. I already told you, I’ve got a busy weekend up ahead.”
“Yeah of bingeing dramas.” Yuna put her hands on her hips in protest.
Mark tilts his head at you, “How about this? If you go this weekend, I promise that I will help you set up that editing software on your computer that you’ve been wanting.”
“Deal.” There was no hesitation. You’ve been dying for him to help you for months but he never got around to it.
“Damn, that was easy.” Yuna grinned, “I’ve got tons of stuff you can borrow for tomorrow night!”
“What’s wrong with my stuff?” You frowned.
“Umm… have you seen your closet?” There was a snicker from beside you, but it was quickly cut off when you elbowed him in the side.
“I agree with Yuna on this one too.” Mark said, rubbing his side where you had just jabbed him. “Your clothes just aren’t suitable for a frat party.”
“And how would you know?” You mocked him, knowing he’d never been to one before.
“I’ve seen many movies, thank you very much.”
“Not the same Mark, but regardless you both are coming with me.” Yuna spoke up, “My class is gonna start in fifteen and it’s across campus so I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you later. Don’t think you can ditch this one!”
She ran off in the other direction before there was room for response.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?” Mark chuckled, throwing his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, ever since she and Johnny broke up, it’s like she’s going there to make sure he sees that she’s doing fine. To be honest, I’m a little worried about her.”
“Everyone goes through different ways of mourning y’know? That’s just Yuna.” He shrugged, kicking the stone in front of him. 
You dropped it, feeling the mellow mood.
“Well, I should head to class then, I’ll see you at lunch yeah?” You nodded in response and with that he left.
“Sure.” Your eyes followed his back as he continued kicking stones out of his way.
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Beep Beep!
“Are you sure this isn’t too short? I’m pretty sure you can see all of my ass.”
“Y/N, that’s the point.” You shot her a look. “Besides you’ll be so drunk you’ll feel fantastic either way. You look hot.” She flashed you a smile and grabbed your arm.
“Now come on! Mark’s waiting.”
You groaned, dragging your feet in resistance. The couch looked so comfy right now.
Beep Beep!
“Yeah we get it Mark!” Yuna yelled, “Come on.”
You were pushed into the passenger seat and she slammed the door on you, sliding into the back right after. 
Yuna leaned forward resting her arms on the both of the seats in front of her. “Ready?”
You rolled your eyes, leaning your head against the window. You glanced at Mark, who was staring at the rear view mirror. You smiled at his face.
“Wow.” He cleared his throat, shaking his head and glancing at you. “You look great. You guys look great.”
You sent him a small smile, but went back to looking out the window. 
“Of course we do, we spent hours on this.” Yuna scoffed. 
“Right.” With one last glance in the mirror at Yuna, he started the car and headed to the address.
“How long are we staying?” You asked, starting to get nervous.
“How ever long we want to. You know you could even stay the night.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you, but in vain.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Right. Just make sure you text me to let me know if you’re going home with someone.” She laughed, “That goes for all of us, I don’t want to be stranded without a ride home Mark.” 
Mark blushed and shook his head, not really replying.
There was a comfortable silence throughout the ride and you hadn’t noticed that you had already arrived until the echoing sound of music hit your ears.
“Alright! Are we ready!?” Suddenly you had a headache, and Yuna was not helping.
You were unceremoniously dragged out of the car while Mark, slowly clambored out of his side.
“Let’s go already.” 
“You know I can walk on my own right?”
“I know, but you’re a flight risk.” She gripped my arm tighter and pulled you to the front of the frat, skipping the large line that seemed to wrap around the street.
“Yuna! Pleasure to see you again!” And with that you were let in.
It felt as though you were entering a whole new world when you walked through that door. You saw many familiar faces, and many unfamiliar. 
“How about we start off with drinks?” She hooked her arms into both yours and Mark’s and dragged you to the makeshift bar. You held eye contact with Mark before letting out a sheepish grin. 
If there’s gonna be lots of alcohol involved, how bad could it be?
“Yuna! I’ve got special mixes for you, unless you’re here for the hard stuff. But you know how good my cocktails are. So what are we starting off with?” The man with silver brown hair at the table shouted over the music.
“Taeil!” Yuna smiled, giving him a small hug, leaving you and Mark feeling empty and vulnerable. “I’ll take you up on your mix, I know how many shots you can get into a cocktail. These are my friends, Y/N and Mark. Can you show them a bit of your magic?”
There was a friendly laugh as the man, Taeil, shot you both a smile. “Of course! Is this your first time here?” He asked whilst pouring his concoction.
You nodded silently, looking at Yuna for help, but she wasn’t paying any attention.
“Thought so, I would definitely remember someone like you.” He gave you a wink, handing the first one to you.
You immediately sipped it, not knowing how to answer his comment, evident in your blushing face. 
“Oh my god. This is amazing.” You looked up at him, actually confused at how you couldn’t taste the alcohol, seeing as you saw just how much he poured into that drink.
“That’s Taeil for you, he knows how to get everyone the most fucked up.” She grinned at him, taking both drinks from him and handing one to Mark, keeping the other for herself. 
He grinned, “Of course, come back when you’re done, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”
“You’ll be seeing plenty of me.” She sang back while dragging the two of you off again. She pulled you to a crowd of yelling people, and as curious as you were, you’d much rather sit on the couch and sip your drink.
“Okay but actually what’s in this?” Mark asked, he sounded as amazed as you felt and you laughed at his expression. 
“I don’t know, but it’s amazing right?” You took another sip, turning your attention to the loud cheers from the people around you.
Some unfortunate frat boy was doing a keg stand, held up by Johnny. “Jungwoo! Man, you good? That was a shit ton this time.”
The boy with fluffy brown haired grinned toothily, “I don’t know man, I’m feeling pretty good right now.”
“Alright, you go have fun then.” Johnny laughed, shoving the keg under a table. “Beer pong anyone?”
You rolled your eyes. Johnny and Yuna had dated for a short time earlier this year, but you never really liked Johnny. I mean in general he was a fun guy, everyone liked him, it was hard for you not to. But as a boyfriend? With Yuna? Nope. You saw what she went through and that wasn’t healthy. It’s not like you hated him, in fact you and Johnny had plenty of fun conversations, but he was too out there for you.
You sighed, turning away from the commotion of guys trying to earn the chance to play against Johnny.
“Hey where are you going?” Yuna asked, still staring at the table. You pointed to your now empty drink, “I’m gonna get more!” You yelled back.
She loosened her grip nodding, but you were sure she stopped listening.
“You want me to go with you?” Mark asked, but you could tell he wanted to stay with Yuna and watch. 
“No I’m fine. I’ll be back soon, I’ll probably get a drink and then some fresh air. I promise.” He nodded, frowning at you. At least he cared enough to look worried. 
You headed back to the familiar table, “Back so soon?”
“Yeah, I don’t even remember drinking all of it.” You laughed, “That probably means it’s working right?”
He chuckled, “It works wonders. So what do you want this time? Something strong or sweet or just something that’ll knock you out?”
You giggled at the offer, “You know, as tempting as that last one is, I think I’ll just go with sweet. Make it so I can’t taste it.”
“Right, coming right up.” 
There was another obnoxious cheer. “Yuta! Yuta! Yuta!”
“What are they up to? Beer pong?” He asked, back facing the crowd.
“Go figures, that’s the only game Yuta slaughters Johnny in.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“Hey can I get something?” The keg boy from earlier stumbled up to you, obviously having trouble standing still.
“Jungwoo, man what’s up?” Taeil chuckled, handing you your drink as he faced the boy. 
“I feel great.” The grin was so endearing that you felt the need to smile with him. 
“I’m sure you do buddy. You wanted a drink right?” Taeil reached down for a bottle of Vodka from under the table. You frowned, looking at the half full bottle still on the counter.
“Yeah,” The boy giggled, turning to face you. “Hi. I’m Jungwoo. You’re kinda hot.”
You blushed, sipping your drink. You shouldn’t have been affected, this boy was drunk out of his mind, he probably thought that anything with two legs was hot.
“Here you go buddy. I made this one good, you probably can’t even taste it.” Taeil walked around the table to hand it to Jungwoo, standing next to you.
Jungwoo sipped it, nodding his head contently. 
Taeil bent down and whispered in your ear, “ Don’t worry, it’s just pineapple juice mixed with water. He won’t even tell the difference.” He pulled back giving you a grin.
“Hey Jungwoo, why don’t you take this pretty lady outside for some fresh air, I think she could use it.” He winked at you and pointed his head in direction of the empty backyard. 
“Of course I will.” He grinned, sticking his elbow out for you to grab, to which you complied and sent Taeil a little smile on your way out. 
You sat on the stairs of the deck, Jungwoo landing next to you. He was having a little more difficulty trying to sit down without falling over. 
“So what’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You answered softly, taking another sip. It looked like this one was going to be finished just as fast as the last. You shook your head worried about future you.
“Huh. Cute.” He took a long sip of his.
Again you blushed. You really needed to stop doing that every time some guy talks to you.
“You know you’re kinda cute to be hanging out here.” He commented mindlessly, chewing on a block of ice.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like you’re hot, but you seem like you’re too sweet y’know, to be hanging out at a frat house.”
You giggled, “It’s not like I wanted to come here. But you know I’m not having a bad time.” 
Another sip.
“Yeah? That’s good. You a student here?”
“Cool. I’m a Sophomore, what are you?” He was a bit blunt, but you didn’t mind, the alcohol was kicking in and you were beginning to think everything was funny. Honestly, sober you would’ve probably thought this whole situation was funny too.
“I’m a Junior.”
He paused, thinking.
“You know I’m into older women.”
You laughed, throwing your head back. And he grinned at you, leaning back on his elbows, his drink long gone. 
“Well that’s a shame, cause I’m into older men.” He pouted at you. 
“People actually think I’m a lot older than I am.”
“I’m sure they do Jungwoo.”
He grinned at you.
“Hey, I kinda like the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth.”
Again, you couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter from erupting. 
“Jungwoo, you’re a total flirt.” You had your hand covering your mouth as you tried to stop the giggles, swaying towards him. 
He let out a little giggle. You lost your balance and fell towards him, leaning against his shoulder. Jungwoo could hardly manage to keep himself up let alone both your weights. The two of you tumbled flat on the deck, in giggling fits. 
You sighed, finally calming yourself as you rolled over staring at the black sky, not a single star in sight.
You turned your head sharply and faced Jungwoo, his nose only and inch away from yours. You could tell he wasn’t paying much attention to you as he eyes were trained on your lips. 
“You wanna dance?”
“I wanna dance. Are you coming?” You attempted to push yourself up, struggling for a good minute.
Jungwoo followed, “Yeah, only if you help me get up, I think I might be a little drunk.” He laughed to himself.
“A little?” You had no right to tease him.
Pulling each other up, you guys somehow managed to make it back inside. As you stumbled inside together Mark happened to find you, holding on to your waist to stabilize you. 
“Dude where were you? I’ve been looking all over for you.” You giggled, hanging on to both Mark and Jungwoo. He sniffed, smelling the alcohol on you.
“How much did you drink? You smell like a sketchy gas station.” His nose crinkled.
Jungwoo stumbled, pulling you and consequently Mark with him. 
“Woah man, maybe you should sit down.” Mark reached his arm out to grab Jungwoo.
“But I’m gonna dance with Y/N.” He whined, but nevertheless letting Mark lead him to the couch.
“Next time yeah?” 
Jungwoo nodded, gladly sinking into the cushion.
“Y/N how about you? You good?” Mark asked, leaning down to your eye level. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes for a bit. 
“Mmmmm? What’s that mean? You need something?” You shook your head, opting to wrap your arms around his waist. 
The two of you swayed there for a bit, until you started to feel dizzy. “Water?”
“Huh?” His head was resting on top of yours. “You want water?” He pulled away, once again looking you in the eyes.
He nodded slowly at you, “Okay, I’ll get you water, you just stay right here okay?”
You leaned against the couch and smiled at him nodding in response. 
He was only gone for a moment when you felt a presence invading your space. “Is that your boyfriend?”
You opened your eyes. 
He smiled at you, liking your reaction, “Woah?”
Your heart skipped a beat.
Your hand reached for the lock of blonde hair nearest to you. He chuckled, grabbing your hand, “I’m gonna go with no then.”
You looked up at him, wide eyed earning you a grin. “Wanna dance?”
There was nothing left to do but nod.
He grabbed your head, softly pulling you towards the space everyone was dancing on. From the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you saw Yuna making out with that guy from your Calculus class but you shook it off, there were more important things in front of you.
You were tugged against his chest, and the heat coming off his chest making you feel dizzy. After a few moments he turned you around, placing his hand under your chin, leaning your head back in the crevice of his neck. You closed your eyes. His hands once softly gripping your waist dug into your hips, dragging you closer if that was possible. As your bodies grinded against each other, you felt his lips make contact with your exposed neck. You gasped, stretching your neck more in order to give him as much access as you could. Already you could feel the spots where hickies would be impossible to hide the next day, but you didn’t care. 
Soon the kisses and licks turned into love bites and the grip on your waist grew firmer. It was becoming much easier to feel the growing eagerness of your partner. You rotated your hips, pushing back into him and he threw his head back groaning. 
“Fuck, how about we take this upstairs?” He moaned into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You felt your stomach clench.
Somehow you made it upstairs, stumbling through frenzied kisses and already swollen lips. He pushed your backwards through a wooden door frame and immediately turned you around as he slammed the door shut. He trapped you against the cool wood panel before attacking your neck once more, you let out a gasp, running his hands over his chest. His lips didn’t stop attacking until he found your sweet spot, you moaned, fingers tangling in his hair pulling slightly. He moaned into your neck before swearing and pushing you towards the bed. 
Before you had even made it there he managed to rid you of your dress.
“Fuck, you know that shit really wasn’t leaving much for the imagination.” He quickly pulled his top off and pushed you down, crawling you top of you to leave a trail of kisses down your body.
“God, you’re fucking hot.” He groaned as his lips traced the black lace of your bra that Yuna forced you into.
You sunk further into the bed, his body crashing into yours, unbelievably close, as his fingers left blazing hot trails on your body.
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You were wrapped around each other in the morning as you woke up. Your eyes opened slowly meeting the already awake eyes of the man next to you. For a moment you stared at each other in silence, relishing the peaceful moments before your hangover would kick in.
There was a loud clang from downstairs, causing you to flinch. The moment was over.
He pulled away from you harshly turning to throw on sweats and a shirt before moving past you to the bathroom. You wrapped yourself in the sheets sitting up and watched his back.
He hesitated for a moment before turning back to face you, “Don’t you know to leave before I wake up?” He gave you a one over while shaking his head at you. “It was just a fuck.”
You sat in silence, only jumping at the sound of the bathroom door slamming. Suddenly you felt sick. You scrambled out of bed to find the pieces of last night’s outfit scattered around the floor.
As soon as you were dressed and you cleaned yourself up as much as you could in the mirror, you ran towards the stairs. The smell of bacon wafted past you, making you wish you didn’t feel the nausea that was slowly rising. 
“Y/N?” Taeil turned to see you rush past the kitchen. You stopped, backtracking to the doorway and gave him a tentative smile.
He looked at his watch and frowned, “You’re still here?”
“She was with Yuta.” A boy with black curly hair and a grey hoodie said, munching on his apple. He spun in his chair before stopping in your direction.
Yuta? Well shit, you didn’t even know his name until now.
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Yuta usually makes sure his girls leave before he wakes up. Honestly, most of them don’t even get to spend the night, he just kicks them out after his little escapade. I’m Doyoung by the way.” He flashed a little smile and tilted his head at you.
“Oh.” You blushed looking down at your feet. “I was just on my way out.” 
He nodded, getting what you meant. 
“Oh? Y/N?” You turned to find a familiar face. 
“Jungwoo?” He smiled sheepishly at you, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry about last night. I don’t really remember much except us falling over each other. I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable did I?”
You blushed in response. “No, trust me I think it was mutual last night.” You laughed nervously, rubbing your arms, suddenly immensely aware of your less than modest outfit. 
“Here!” Jungwoo stripped off his blue hoodie, leaving him in a plain white tee. He stuck his hand out, offering you the jacket, which you took gratefully. Even though you weren’t planning on staying long, it was freezing outside and you’d have to wait for a ride to come get you.
Mark! You totally forgot to tell him, you mentally slapped your forehead, knowing that he wasn’t going to let this go too easily. 
The sweatshirt hung just above the length of your dress, not doing much for modesty down there, but it still felt more comfortable than before. 
There was a slam and a girl came running down the stairs and towards the door, she gave you a knowing glance before exiting the building.
You sighed, you should probably get going now, Mark was going to throw a fit but you knew he'd show up anyways.
A hand came down on your shoulder, the man behind it chuckling as he watched the scene. 
“You staying for breakfast Y/N?” He moved around you, grabbing a plate from Taeil and sitting down.
“Jaehyun.” You froze. You and Jaehyun were kind of friends. You had met through Yuna and Johnny. Actually you got along really well with him, you just lost contact after Johnny and Yuna broke up.
He flashed you a dimpled smile.
“No, I should get going.”
He nodded, already digging in, “You have a ride back?”
You paused. He noticed, looking up at you. 
“Give me five minutes, let me just finish this and I’ll drop you off. Okay?” 
You nodded and gave him a smile. Five minutes wouldn’t hurt right? Besides then you wouldn’t have to bug Mark so early. 
It was 11 am, but he was probably still knocked out. A ride with Jaehyun wouldn’t kill you. He patted the seat next to you and you took up his offer.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” Jungwoo set his plate down opposite of you.
You shook your head, “I don’t think I could keep it down.” 
“Right.” He paused, looking at his own food with hesitation before shrugging and taking a bite. 
Doyoung laughed, sinking into the seat next to the boy, “He’ll probably throw it up, but then he’ll say he made more room and eat again.”
Jungwoo shoved him whilst mid-bite before focusing on the task before him.
You looked at him, “How about you?” Referencing the lone apple in his hand. 
“Oh I don’t drink enough to get sick in the mornings, I’m just less of a bacon dude, more of an apple guy.” He grinned, taking a bite. 
“Johnny?” Taeil asked.
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair, grabbing the coffee Taeil just sat down. 
“Sleeping, you know how he is the day after.”
Taeil nodded, “Yeah, I figured, but I thought he’d smell the bacon and be the first one down.” He laughed to himself grabbing another cup of coffee and raised it in your direction.
You shook your head smiling. Jaehyun threw his arm around the back of your chair and you looked at him. He was sipping the coffee and frowning ahead of him.
“What are you still doing here? Did I not make it clear that you should leave?” Your eyes widened at the sound of the voice you heard this morning. 
“Yuta!” Taeil scolded, still setting down a plate for him. He shrugged in response taking the seat at the head of the table, farthest from you.
Jungwoo looked up intensely chewing and just as intensely glancing between the two of you.
You shrunk down in your seat, avoiding eye contact with him. Jaehyun glanced at you and set down his mug. 
“You ready?” He asked, standing up with a stretch. You immediately followed his lead. 
“Let me grab my keys real quick. You haven’t moved right?” 
You nodded, watching Jaehyun jog up the stairs for a moment.
Taeil came and stood next to you, cup in hand, “You guys close?”
You shrugged, turning back to face him. “We used to be.”
He nodded silently, watching Jaehyun reappear.
“Got everything?” He asked, opening the door as you started towards the exit. You nodded and turned back to the kitchen one last time, sending a wave and a smile. 
You didn’t miss Yuta’s scowl.
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“Don’t mind Yuta, he’s just usually cranky the night after.” Jaehyun reassured you, but it didn’t do much good. 
You looked out the window and nodded silently.
“Did you atleast enjoy last night?” He asked, attempting at rekindling the conversation.
“Yeah, I think I did. Honestly a lot of it was a blur.” You let out a strained laugh.
He joined you, “That’s what makes it so fun.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
There was a comfortable silence. The car jolted to a stop.
“This is you right?”
You had zoned out and missed half the ride back.
“Oh! Yeah, thanks for the ride. Mark would’ve killed me if I asked him to pick me up.”
He nodded, “No problem. I didn’t mind at all. We should hang out again, I’ve missed you.”
You grinned, “Same, we’ll definitely hang out, just let me know when and where.” 
“Will do.”
You shivered as you stepped out of the car and slammed the door. You stepped back, wrapping your arms around yourself and gave a short wave as he left before making your way to your door.
You let yourself in quietly, taking off your heels and turning around only to let out a startled scream.
“Yuna?! What the hell are you doing?! You scared the shit out of me!” 
Yuna was sitting on the couch staring at the front door, looking as if she had been waiting all night.
“Well? How was last night? I’m assuming things went well because here you are waltzing in at 11:30 in the morning.” She was taunting you.
You groaned, “At least let me shower first.”
She squealed, clapping her hands whilst bouncing on the couch.
You paused, “Last night… Mark…”
Her face scrunched up, “Yeah, he’s kind of pissed. We both forgot to tell him… but we’ll make it up to him. I was thinking we’d bring him lunch.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Wait?! Both forgot? Did you hook up with someone again?!”
She continued shaking her head with a bright smile and shoved you towards the bathroom. “Clean up first!”
She laughed at your protest but you eventually gave in.
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“Maaarrrk. Come on, we said we’re sorry. I mean honestly we were both drunk out of our minds, how could we have even texted you?” Yuna pouted at him, something she always did to get her way with him.
He looked away, staring at the cupcakes you had brought as a peace offering.
“If it makes you feel any better I made a complete fool out of myself this morning.” You said, still twiddling your thumbs. 
He cocked his head slightly, an indication that you had his attention.
“The guy I slept with totally threw me out.”
He frowned, looking at you, “Why on earth would that make me feel any better?”
You shrugged avoiding eye contact.
“Who was it?”
“What? Are you gonna beat him up?” Yuna asked, laughing as she stole a cupcake.
“Maybe.” He turned his attention to you, “So who?”
“Yuta? As NCT frat boy Yuta? Why would you sleep with him?” He asked, his voice increasing a decibel. 
“Umm.. Have you seen him? He’s hot as hell.” Yuna said, licking the frosting off her fingers before giving him a look. “I’m glad she did. It’s about time she got some action.”
“How can you be glad she slept with him? He’s a total asshole! Plus he kicked her out this morning!” He asked, reaching for the coveted cupcake. She slapped his hand away, taking a bite.
“Okay, but everyone knows when you sleep with someone at a party, you don’t stay the night, or you at least don’t stay long enough for breakfast in the morning. No offense.” The last part directed at you, but you just continued to stare at the floor.
“Well, wouldn’t you know?” Mark spat out, for once losing his temper. 
Yuna paused and gave him a look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It’s just that, just because you go sleeping around and know the ‘etiquette’ or whatever, doesn’t mean that someone like Y/N would know.” He turned around blocking himself off from her gaze.
“Whatever. I don’t need this.” She stood up grabbing her bag. “We came to apologize, I didn’t come to be attacked. You know I’m sorry I ditched you last night but I don’t need to be called a whore cause you’re still pissy about the whole thing.” 
She slammed the door on the way out, glaring at nothing in particular.
Well. There goes your ride.
Mark sighed, slouching into the cushion of his couch.
“I didn’t call her a whore. At least I didn’t mean to. It’s just she was totally attacking you, and you did nothing wrong. Except maybe sleep with a dickwad.” He groaned, rubbing his hands on his face. “I would never kick you out like that.”
“I know.” You replied, leaning into his side. “I don’t think she’s actually that mad, she’s just struggling right now. You know how she’s been since they broke up.”
“I just think she’s so desensitized, that she doesn’t even know how to be treated right.”
“I know.” You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
The two of you sat in silence for a while.
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They weren’t his frat brothers but you were sure he told them all about you and your mistake, judging by the way they were laughing at you.
“Screw them.” Yuna said, glaring at the group. “It’s not even that big of a deal, he should be honored he slept with you.”
You kept your head down, mentally cursing yourself for ever letting him get to you.
The semester had already ended and you had almost forgotten about the frat house and the embarrassment that followed, that is until Yuta and his friends sat themselves behind you in lecture today.
Yuna made a face at you, an attempt to brighten you up. A whole semester with them behind you? This was an actual nightmare.
“Where is Mark?” Yuna muttered checking her phone. “Look I’ve got to go or I’ll be late to my class but you’ll have Mark so don’t let them get to you alright?” 
You nodded, playing with the strings of your sweatshirt. With one last glare Yuna exited the back of the lecture hall.
You felt a presence next you and you stiffened.
“This’ll be fun, don’t you think?” You groaned, of course he would have the nerve to sit next to you only as soon as Yuna leaves. 
You chose to ignore him.
You didn’t have to look at him to tell that he was smirking, “Luck really was on my side-”
“That’s my seat.”
Both you and Yuta looked up and you sighed in relief seeing that it was Mark, “I don’t see a name on it.” Yuta cocked his head, the smirk still plastered over his face. 
Mark just stared at him, not moving. 
Eventually Yuta sighed, standing up and staring down at Mark, the height difference only enhancing the mood he was going for. “It’s a shame you’re no fun.” He moved to the seat behind yours and rested his feet on the back of your chair.
You grimaced as you felt the pressure, and rolled your eyes in annoyance. Mark sat down, turning to you.
“You good?” He asked, leaning in close to you.
Again, you nodded silently.
This was going to be a long semester.
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“Are you still coming over to my place tonight?” Mark asked, packing his notebook in his bag.
Nodding, you replied, “Yeah, I still have clothes there right? I’ve got to run to the library and get some stuff first, then I’ll just come over.”
“Yeah, if not, you can just borrow something of mine.” 
You nodded in agreement, watching as the last of his things were secured in his bag. 
“Alright, I’m gonna head out, text me if you need anything.” He waved back at you and made his way out of the hall.
You felt Yuta lean his head forward inches away from yours. You flinched away, bending down to get your things.
“You have plans tonight?” You frowned at his question, or rather statement. He had obviously heard the conversation between you and Mark.
You chose to ignore him, one of your greater ideas.
“Umm.. There’s a party this weekend, if you wanna come.”
You struggled to hold back a snort. Was this his new way of tormenting you? Why on earth would you go to another one of his frat parties?
“It’s for Jaehyun’s birthday.”
You froze, hand half way in your backpack. After a moment you stood up, clearing your throat, attempting to move towards the exit only to find him blocking your way.
You peered behind him, his regular clique of friends long gone, you frowned. 
“What?” You breathed out, tired of whatever mind game that he wanted to play.
He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, the ever present scowl replaced by a timid look.
“I think it’d be nice of you to go. Cause you’re friends and all.” He shrugged half heartedly, like he was struggling to ask you to go.
He glanced at your scrunched face, confusion written all over it. 
“It’s gonna be a small party, not like a huge thing. Just the boys and a few friends.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s gonna be really chill.”
You hesitated to ask for the date and time, but it was for Jaehyun’s birthday so you felt obligated. 
You and Jaehyun had gotten closer over the last few months, a small joy in a hectic semester. 
“It’s Friday, at seven. Don’t feel obligated to bring anything but yourself.” He sent you a small smile, one that sent an unsettling feeling through your stomach. 
You nodded, skeptical of the situation. Your mind was racing, an internal struggle overwhelming you.
By the time you had focused back in, there was a stream of students passing by you, already entering for the next lecture, Yuta no where to be found. 
You sighed, hiking your backpack up on your back and heading towards the library. 
It was hard to concentrate on the task ahead of you, especially when all you had was thoughts of what was to come this weekend. 
“Excuse me.” You flinched, nodding apolegitcally at the girl who reached for a book that you were blocking. 
You shook your head, trying to remember what you had come here for. After a half and hour of racking your brain you gave up, opting to just go to Mark’s.
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“So I didn’t find any of your clothes, but you’ve got your toothbrush here.” You weren’t focused on what Mark was saying, walking into his apartment in a daze. 
“Y/N?” You turned to face him, eyes slightly more alert.
“What are you thinking about so hard?”
You sighed, flopping on to the couch and closed your eyes.
He sat next to you, and you felt his intense gaze over you.
You sat up suddenly, facing him. “What would you do if you had a friend who wasn’t really on good terms with a friend of a friend and you were invited to this friend’s kickback but it would be awkward to bring your other friend, but then it would be wrong if you didn’t tell this friend about the party, but it would also be bad to not go to the other friend’s party cause it’s his birthday?”
You sighed, collecting your thoughts. “Jaehyun’s frat is having a party to celebrate his birthday and I was invited.”
“Okay... so?” He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“It’s supposed to be a small thing, like just the frat and a few friends.”
“Right? What’s the problem?”
“Mark, what do I tell Yuna? I can’t tell her that I’m going to a party cause she’ll want to come, but that would be weird because it’s a small thing, and you know,,, Johnny. I’m sure she’ll end up making a scene.”
Mark sighed, looking away from you. “Just don’t tell her, or do, and just say she can’t go. I don’t really care.” 
He stood up making his way to the kitchen. You groaned. Mark and Yuna haven’t quite been the same since the incident after the party. You haven’t found them willingly enter the same room, and even if they were forced to, they refused to interact. You were often caught in the middle of they’re snide remarks regarding each other.
“I don’t really want to go alone though. I’m not close enough with any of the frat guys to hang out there.” You griped, hands fiddling with your sleeves again.
“I thought you were cool with them.”
“Yeah, we’re friendly enough, but it’s still awkward.”
There was a poignant pause. 
“Mark?” You whined, hoping that he would catch the hint.
“No, I’m done with parties.” He held up a hand, waving it in refusal.
“But it’s going to be a small one, it’s not even a real party. Please?”
“Are you even allowed to bring anyone?”
You shrugged, “He didn’t say, but it doesn’t matter, they won’t make you leave. And if they do then I’ll just say hi to Jaehyun and then leave.”
He rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Who even invited you?”
“Yuta.” You whispered out.
“Yuta? Why would he invite you?” He frowned, deep in his own thoughts.
“He said it would be nice for Jaehyun. Plus I doubt he’s going to do anything, especially because it’s Jae’s birthday. You know as much as a dick he is to girls, he probably cares about his frat brothers.” You found yourself defending Yuta.
He shot you a look, before shaking his head. 
“You owe me.”
You grinned, pumping your fists in victory.
“Yes! I owe you a thousand times.” You stood up, “Where my sweats?”
“You mean my sweats.” He just shook his head and pointed towards his room, “They’re on my chair.”
You slid past his door, grabbing hold of the sweats that had been designated as yours. 
After changing a picture on his desk caught your eye. It was a photo of the three of you at the beach, a memory made last year during spring break. You smiled to yourself, eyes tracing over the bright smiles. Your eyes shook as they reached Mark’s profile, too busy staring at Yuna to focus on the lense of the camera. 
You winced, recognizing the way that he looked at Yuna, your heart broke for him. It wasn’t the first time you noticed the way he watched her, but seeing it so definite made you hurt for him.
“Y/N? You coming? I’m gonna start the movie if you don’t hurry your ass up!” Mark shouted from the living room, and you tore yourself away, skidding back to the couch.
“Stop doing that, you’re gonna crash into something.” He laughed at you.
“What’s the point of having hardwood floors then?” You climbed over the back of the couch after dumping your clothes next to your bag. 
“Who said you got to choose?” You grumbled to yourself.
“Me, cause you owe me a thousand favors now.” You smiled cheesily at him, hoping to ease his irritation with the situation you dragged him into.
“Right. Do you want anything to drink, eat, possibly a foot massage that would appease you?”
He shoved you upon hearing your teasing tone. “Don’t make me regret this.”
You laughed, turning to focus on the screen ahead of you.
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You opted for something a bit more casual than what you wore the last time you entered the frat house, definitely a bit more modest. 
The mood was totally different the moment that you passed the door. 
“Y/N! You came!” You smiled at the familiar face.
“Of course I came, it’s Jae’s birthday.”
Jungwoo peered at Mark who stood next to you, taking in the house as if it was his first time seeing it. 
“Who’s this?” He frowned, racking his brain and trying to connect face to name.
“Oh you probably don’t remember.” You laughed at the memory, “This is Mark, he kind of took care of you at the party we met at.”
His eyes flashed at sudden recognition.
“Oh! Right, you were the one that stole Y/N away from me! I never did get that dance.” He grinned cheekily at Mark’s flustered expression.
“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on drinking that much this time.” He winked at you.
“That’s what you said last time.” A skinny boy with wide eyes interrupted him, throwing his arm around his shoulder.
The newcomer smiled at you, eyes turning into half moons. “I’m Taeyong, I don’t think we’ve met.”
“That’s cause you haven’t.” The familiar laid back tone answered before you a chance to. 
“You were out of town the last time she was here.” Doyoung faced you, giving you a brief smile before turning back to Taeyong. “You know if you stuck around and chilled like everyone else then you would’ve known.”
You felt the tension between the two of them, glancing at Mark who had the same expression on his face. 
“I’m here now, so what’s the problem?” The tone was less teasing than you expected, obviously things weren’t smooth between the two of them.
“It doesn’t matter, if you didn’t up and leav-”
“Her name’s Y/N.” Jungwoo interrupted, not caring that it wasn’t quite the right timing to introduce you.
The irritation washed off Taeyong’s face as he sent you a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He winked at your nervous expression. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I think I need a drink.” After sending Doyoung a glare he found Taeil close by.
“Sorry about that.” Doyoung muttered embarrassed, but he didn’t seem too genuine about his apology.
You smiled back at him, another awkward glance at Mark.
“Well drinks anyone?” Jungwoo asked, hoping to lighten the mood. 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” You giggled at him. 
He glared at you teasingly, “What are you trying to say?”
“Okay okay, here.” Taeil swept by shoving a handful of drinks in your direction.
“Well that was easy.” Jungwoo commented before moving to greet the next newcomer. 
With everything happening so quickly you hadn’t noticed that Doyoung had also escaped.
“See. I told you it would be awkward, if you weren’t here I’d be standing alone in a corner.” You shoved Mark’s side, handing him your drink.
“What’s this?” 
“I’m not drinking tonight. I don’t want to do anything stupid again, drink up.” He grinned at you.
“Well I guess this is payment enough.”
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It was some time later that you found yourself laughing alongside Jaehyun when you realized that you hadn’t seen Mark it a while.
“I’m gonna go grab a water.” You excused yourself and set out to find him.
“You came.” You jumped at the sound of Yuta’s voice, uncomfortably close to you.
You spun around, facing him. 
“You brought your little boyfriend though.” He was obviously drunk, more so than the last time. Or perhaps you were just more aware and now you could notice his tendencies. 
“Right. Have you seen him?” You asked curtly, trying to focus on the task at hand. 
“So he is your boyfriend?” The alcohol had definitely left him no control over his emotions as you frowned at the crestfallen look on his face. 
“No, Yuta focus. Have you seen Mark?” 
“I don’t like him.”
You rolled your eyes, starting to enjoy teasing him. “Why not?”
“He’s too touchy with you.”
You cocked your head to the side. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Only your boyfriend should touch you like that. You guys are like hugging and stuff.” He pouted at you, a new version of Yuta you had never imagined.
“You touched me.” You mumbled out, watching his reaction.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” 
You stepped back, nervous for the first time. This version of Yuta made you uncomfortable. You were so used to the asshole that made snide comments and teased you. You knew it was just the alcohol talking but you felt restless upon seeing this new side of him. 
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted your savior.
“Mark!” The boy spun around face bursting into a smile as he made his way over to you, slinging his arm over your shoulder. 
“Y/N where’ve you been? I lost you.” His smile faded as he noticed your company. “What are you doing here?”
His tone had turned cold and he pulled you tighter against him, an action not going unnoticed by Yuta.
“I’m having a conversation. And you’re not her boyfriend.” Mark glared at him, not appreciating the tone.
You cut in between their little stare down, moving to face Mark, “Hey, I already wished Jae a happy birthday and stuff, it’s getting kinda late. We should get going now if you’re ready to go.” 
You motioned towards the door in case he could understand you.
He nodded, not really paying attention, something that you were expecting. 
“Alright, let’s go say bye to Jae and then I’ll drive us home, okay?” You talked slowly, hoping that he would understand more easily.
You grabbed Mark’s hand, pulling him towards the patio, the last place you had seen Jaehyun.
“Oh.” You stopped and turned to face the boy staring at two of your hands. “Bye Yuta.”
His eyes whipped up to find yours, a small smile taking over his features. He lifted his hands and waved slightly, as if he wasn’t sure he was allowed to.
“What is wrong with him?” Mark muttered under his breath, face grimaced at the sight. 
You sighed, resuming your journey to Jaehyun. “He’s drunk.”
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You slammed the passenger door shut and slid into the driver’s seat, once more checking that all of Mark’s limbs were attached and in the car. 
“That was fun.” He laughed, staring at nothing in particular. 
You snorted at his reaction. “So I don’t owe you anything anymore?”
“I never said that.”
“Do you want me to stay over tonight?” You asked, taking a quick glance at him before regathering your attention on the road. 
You drove in silence for a while, and peeked over at him. He was so silent you were sure that he had fallen asleep. But his eyes were open, hooded, but definitely open. He was staring out the window, watching the buildings flash past him.
“Do you think Yuna wants to come?” 
You were startled by his sudden question.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mark.”
“I know. But I kind of miss her.” He sounded so upset, and you began to get angry at Yuna. 
“I know Mark. Things will get better though. She’s just being stubborn.”
He sighed, fogging up the window for a few seconds before it dissipated under the cold.
You hesitated to continue. 
“Hey Mark?”
He didn’t respond,
Your eyes found his sleeping figure slumped in the corner of the seat. 
You let out a deep breath, one you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
“How do you do it? Deal with her knowing that she’ll probably never love you back?” You asked no one in particular, listening to the silence that followed your harsh question.
You spent the last few miles of the ride with your mind involuntarily wandering back to Yuta. Now that you thought about it he had been acting weird since the day he invited you to the party. 
It wasn’t that you missed the nagging or teasing that he constantly made you endure. But it made you uneasy, reminding you why he starting doing so in the first place.
You shook your head, bringing yourself back to the road as you pulled into Mark’s designated spot. The car rocked to a standstill.
“It’s because I love her that I can do it.”
You turned to face the seemingly asleep boy, mentally cursing yourself for letting him hear your thoughts.
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“Yuna, don’t you think you’re being a little too harsh on him?”
She had just spent the last twenty minutes purposely avoiding Mark, stating that it would absolutely ruin her day to see him.
“He called me a slut, are you really taking his side?” Her tone had turned fierce as you expected.
“He didn’t call you a slut. Besides if it’s something you’re ashamed of, then don’t do it.” You muttered the last bit, trying to soften the tone.
She whipped her head at you. “What? So now you think I’m a slut too?”
“No, it’s just if you’re so upset with the way that people think of you, then why do you keep giving them reason to think that way?”
It was harsh, but you had finally given up on stubborn Yuna. It was time to finally hammer it into her head.
She was at a loss for words when you looked back at her. “I shouldn’t have to care about what other people think of me.”
You bit your lip, frustrated with the way she was thinking.
“Then why are you so mad at Mark? If you don’t care what other people think of you, why are you so mad?”
“Because it’s Mark. Of course I care what he thinks.” 
You stared at her, mouth slightly open, confused with her statement. But it seemed like you weren’t the only one, her eyes widened, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“I mean, he shouldn’t have said that because he’s supposed to be someone I can count on to not think of me that way. I’m supposed to be able to trust that he knows me, and has my back no matter what, not that he’d stab me in the back like that.”
“He didn’t stab you in the back. And he does have your back, no matter what. You know he’s never said one bad thing about you during this time? He just keeps asking if you’re doing okay.”You paused, thinking about your next words, hesitating for a moment. 
”You know I think it’s kind of embarrassing how much you’re bad mouthing him and avoiding him when all he does as make sure that you’re doing fine.” You glanced at her as she turned away from you, trying to hide the fact that she was furrowing her eyebrows. 
“Don’t you think it’s been long enough? For both of you? Would it be that hard to forgive him?” You raised your eyebrows in hopes that you would no longer be the split messenger between the two.
There was a deep sigh from her side. 
“I’ll talk to him later, just the two of us. I guess I owe him that much.” You smiled at her flushed face.
She grinned back, wrapping her arm in yours, “Now tell me about the party last weekend.”
You jolted your head to the side, wide eyed. “H-how did you...?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not mad. It’s not like I was invited. Besides it would’ve been weird right, for me to show up.” You smiled at her, thankful that she wasn’t upset.
“To be honest, it was fun. I missed hanging out with them.” She elbowed you in the side.
“Any one in particular you like hanging out with?” Wiggling her eyebrows, she sent a suggestive look your way.
You blushed, understanding her intentions. “No. They’re all fun.”
“Right. Did Yuta bother you much? I hope Mark didn’t leave you alone to be bugged by him.” She scrunched her nose, evidence that she was still annoyed by him.
“No. He didn’t bother me, he was pretty drunk.” You frowned, “He actually said something though that bugged me.”
“I don’t know, he just kept talking about me having a boyfriend.” You paused, eyes shaking at what you were about to say. “He asked if he could be my boyfriend.” 
Yuna made her scandalized face, teasing you as you cut in, attempting to save face for both yourself and Yuta.
“But he was really drunk, who knows if he even knew what he was saying.” You hurried out,  nibbling at your bottom lip.
“Didn’t you say he had been acting weird around you lately? Like not teasing you weird, but like he was actually kind of nice to you?” You nodded thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he was actually the person who invited me to Jae’s party.” 
“Really?” She asked, squinting in confusion. “That’s strange, I thought he would’ve been the last person to invite you.”
“Right?” You thought to yourself for a moment, “He wouldn’t do something would he?”
“No, I think he’s just gotten bored. Maybe he’s finally tired of teasing you.” You laughed at the thought.
“Sure, I’d die of happiness if that were true.” But there was a small part of you that you chose to ignore, that felt a little sad at the thought.
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“Do you want one?” You raised your eyebrow at the scene in front of you.
“I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Yuta gave you a small smile. “Taeil baked them, they’re to die for.”
You frowned at the muffin he was showing you, but eventually took it.
He nodded his head once, indicating for you to try it.
As you bit into the soft texture of the muffin your eyes widened. 
“I know. I’m not usually one for muffins, but I’ll never pass on one from Master Moon.”
You giggled at the title.
“No really, that’s what he calls him self, but I’m not one to argue.” A genuine smile bloomed over his face, the first time you had seen it.
Unknowingly you returned the smile, something about it making you feel better already.
He rubbed the back of his neck, an embarrassed smile, replacing the previous, “I’m sorry we got off on a bad foot.” He let out a big sigh, “I kind of let things get out of hand.”
You felt yourself closing off again, but realized that his words were genuine.
“I’m not gonna lie, the stuff you said and things you did hurt me. This class was hell because of you, I even avoided seeing Jaehyun because of you.”
You let out a sigh, and a heavy silence followed. You glanced at the worried expression on Yuta’s face, and you recognized the guilt.
There had been some point where your anger towards Yuta had faded. Perhaps it was the fact that he stopped bothering you, perhaps it was his confession, or perhaps it was the way that he started to look at you. You believed that there was something more to Yuta, and you wanted to get to know that side.
“But if you continue to bring me amazing snacks I’ll have no choice but to forgive you.” You laughed nervously, tearing anxiously at the empty wrapper.
“Then I’ll just have to keep bugging Master Moon.” He grinned, a reflection of yourself.
You felt your face heat up, blushing at his blatant flirting.
“Um.... I know I was like really drunk the other night. I’m not going to pretend I don’t remember pieces, because I do. And I want you to know that even though I was drunk I really meant what I said.” He glanced at you from the side, not brave enough to confront you.
“What do you mean?” You tried not to think of the way that he basically confessed to you, and you chose to ignore it.
“Uh... Do you... not remember?” He scratched his head, ruffling his hair into a more messy look.
“I’m not sure, you were saying a lot of things.” Biting your lip, you focused on the wrapper in your hand.
“Oh... I- uh...I like you.” You whipped your head to face Yuta, who was now avoiding eye contact.
“What?” It came out as a whisper, barely audible to him. You heart began beating faster, and you were worried that he would be able to hear it because it was so loud.
“I like you Y/N. Look, I know I have a pretty shitty way of showing it, but I promise that I’ll make up for it.”
You hated to leave him hanging, but you had no words. You wanted to give him some sort of reassurance, but the words were stuck in your throat.
“Will you go out with me? Or at least one date to show you I’m not a total asshole.” He wasn’t great at hiding the fact that he was nervous, and you giggled at the sight.
“Yeah. I guess one date couldn’t hurt right?” You smiled at him, boldly reaching for his hand.
He wrapped his hand around yours, pulling you close to his chest. you could hear the beating of his heart through his shirt, making you smile at the thought that you were the cause of this.
“I swear I’ll make it up to you. I’m done making stupid decisions.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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luffles424 · 4 years
In Between
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☼ Pairing: Jungkook x reader (x Jungkook ?)
☼ Genre: college au, twin au, smut, mostly pwp but there’s like, some plot at the end
☼ Count: 7.1K
☼ Warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe!), creampie, spit-roasting, double penetration, oral (m & f recieving), ass eating, hair pulling, some spanking (+ 1 (one) thigh slap), dom/sub undertones, threesome, tattooed JK (cause that’s a whole warning itself), thigh riding, marking, piercings 🤪, slight nipple play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, fingering, praise kink, dirty talk, manhandling, both shy jungkook and bad boy jungkook bc i’m clearly a glutton for punishment 🤪🤪, the boys don’t fuck each other, they’re solely there for READER
☼ Summary: When you agreed to go to Jeongguk’s frat party, you certainly hadn’t expected it to end with you end his bed. And definitely not the involvement of his twin.
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The bass thumps through the house. You press your back to one of the walls in the living room, cup clutched in front of you like it’ll protect you. You’re really not sure why you agreed to come to a frat party, a BTS frat party no less. Well, you kind of do, the sweet pleading look Jeongguk had given when he’d asked if you’d come had any resolve of yours very quickly and effectively crumbling. You definitely hadn’t expected him to be any part of a frat, let alone invite you to one of their parties. And you’re slightly unsure why he asked you here at all, but you have a few ideas. One you favor the most, backed by the way he stammered through asking you to come when you talked after class. You hoped he’d asked you here as a date, or at least to ask you on a proper date. 
The problem though, is now you are here at the party, abandoned by your friends as they slipped away to dance, and a certain boy missing. You’d looked for him when you’d arrived and made your way to get a drink, but you saw not a single glimpse of him. You figured you’d have better luck finding him if you remained in one spot, allowing the party to pass you, and hopefully Jeongguk as well.
You’re not alone for long when you feel a presence beside you. Turning, you see the man you’ve been looking for and you smile at him, before fully taking him in. He looks different than he did the day before in class. His glasses are gone and his hair seems longer and much more like he just rolled out of bed rather than being carefully styled. Or it could just be the way the hair is styled that makes it seem so much longer than before. His jeans are dark and ripped, and you’re not sure if there’s more skin or fabric. A dark T-shirt stretching tight over muscles draws your attention to his arm and the dark ink that covers the skin on display. 
Had he always had those? You rack your brain, trying to think if you’ve ever seen Jeongguk in short sleeves or if maybe you just weren’t very observant, though you think even if he had only worn long sleeves, you still would’ve noticed the letters inked across his knuckles. But did he really get all those tattoos in the day it’s been since you saw him last? He smirks at you as you look him over, obviously pleased to have already caught your interest. 
You reach out and poke a tattoo on his forearm. “How long have you had these?”
He shifts closer to you, leaning in as he speaks. “These? Had em for ages. Do you want to see the rest? They’re much more interesting, but we’ll have to go upstairs.” He winks. 
You frown, taking a small step back. He’s acting so different from how he acts in class and you don’t know how to handle him now. A call of your name has you turning, brows knitting together as you watch… Jeongguk(?) approach, clad in an oversized yellow shirt that seems much more typical of him. You turn back to the tattooed man for a moment as the other finally reaches you. 
He smiles, something that quickly drops once he sees who is with you and how close he is. “JK, leave her alone.” He huffs.
JK, apparently, chuckles, pressing closer to you and slinging an arm around you. “Chill, lil bro. She was pretty interested in my tattoos. I was just sharing.”
Jeongguk’s face twists as he turns to you. “I’m sorry about him. I think he was dropped on his head as a child.”
“You have a twin? How did I not know that?”
Jeongguk’s head tilts in confusion. “You didn’t? I was sure I’ve mentioned him. Well, probably complained about him.”
“You did, you complained about your brother. But you didn’t say he was your twin.” You stress. One Jeongguk was enough. But two? That was lethal.
“Y/n, huh?” JK pauses for a moment and you can hear the grin curling his lips when he starts speaking again. “Isn’t that the name of the girl you have your massive crush on? The one you asked me for advice on?” JK presses himself to your back, startling you slightly. “Oh, I can see why little Gukkie is interested.”
Jeongguk flushes red all the way up to the tips of his ears. He quickly shakes his head, holding his hands up. “That’s not true. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” He quickly babbles out. 
A flash of hurt goes through you, but it’s gone quickly when you really look at how Jeongguk is behaving. He looks nervous, eyes darting around, landing on anything but you and he was incredibly quick to deny it. You’re fairly positive that he’s lying. You want to go easy on him, but you can’t help maybe teasing him just a little bit. 
“Oh, no? That’s kinda disappointing. I was hoping you had asked me here to tell me that you felt the same way.” You pout.
You hear JK smothering a laugh behind you before his arm is snaking its way around your waist. He hooks his chin on your shoulder. “That’s a shame, little bro. But it’s alright. I can keep Y/n here plenty entertained tonight.” Something dark crosses Jeongguk’s face and JK steps forward, forcing you against Jeongguk and effectively trapping you between the twins. “Unless… You’d like to join us, hm? Because maybe you’re lying about having feelings for our cute little princess right here?”
Your entire body heats at the idea of having them both. While you like Jeongguk a lot, you can’t deny it would be incredibly hot to be fucked by them both. You look up at his face, his eyes are slightly glazed over and you think he might be thinking that same thing. Or maybe he’s just thinking about having you. He swallows and JK is reaching up to grab your chin, holding it as he pulls Jeongguk down and forces your lips together. 
There’s a gasp against your lips but JK doesn’t release either of you until Jeongguk finally gives in to the kiss, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. The kiss is far sweeter than how it started, JK’s fingers rough with each of you. But Jeongguk kisses you like you’ll shatter if he moves wrong and warmth floods you at the gentleness of him. You feel a rumble in JK’s chest where it presses to your back and then his lips are brushing against your ear.
“What do you say, princess? Wanna come upstairs with us? I’d say we don’t normally let a girl come between us, but I think we can make a special exception for you, given the circumstances. You look so pretty trapped in between us.”
You whimper, a sound that’s swallowed by Jeongguk as his tongue slips into your mouth, kiss growing heated with JK’s words. Your mind reels as two hands slip beneath your shirt, resting on the bare skin of your waist. Could you handle both of them? Would it fuck up whatever possibility there was between you and Jeongguk? Did you want to risk it?
JK chuckles in your ear. “Well, Gukkie? Think you can share for the night?”
Jeongguk finally pulls away from your mouth, eyes clouded with lust when he finally blinks them open to look at you. He searches your face for a moment before swallowing. “This isn’t how I wanted tonight to go.” He murmurs, dipping in for another kiss. 
You smile against his lips, hands sliding up his chest to rest on his shoulders. “You mean you didn’t have some grand plan to have a threesome with your crush and your twin?”
He makes a face, cheeks flushing. “No!” He pouts.
“If you really don’t want to, we don’t have to. I’m sure JK can go find something else to occupy himself with.” You hear a hum of confirmation from behind you. 
Jeongguk searches your face again and then glances behind you to look at JK. They share an unspoken conversation before JK is releasing you to take your hand, Jeongguk grabbing the other, and leads you up the stairs. 
The trek down the upstairs hallway is brief, JK pulling you both into a bedroom. There’s two beds on opposite walls and the way the room divides shows just how different the two occupants are from each other, although there are certainly some surprises, like the extensive camera equipment spread out on JK’s desk or the set of boxing gloves hanging on the back of Jeongguk’s desk chair. It makes you want to get to know them both more.
Your observation of their room is short lived as JK is quick to tug you over Jeongguk’s bed, at least you’re assuming it’s his bed since this side of the room uses more of the lighter colors that Jeongguk wears often and not jet black like the other bed. He pulls you close, hands cupping your jaw as he pulls you into a kiss. 
For all that the hands and lips on you are shaped the same, the kiss is wholly different from the one you shared with Jeongguk downstairs. JK kisses you hungrily, like he’s trying to absolutely devour you. There’s nothing tentative in his movements as his tongue swipes across your bottom lip to get you to open up to him. You whimper, hands coming up to fist in his shirt, desperate for something to help keep you a little more grounded. You get lost in the kiss, the rough press of his lips and the way his fingers dig into skin that you forget that Jeongguk is in the room too until he’s pressing himself to your back, lips trailing across your neck to your ear.
“You didn’t forget about me now, did you, princess?” 
You shudder between them, helpless to give any response as JK doesn’t relent in his pursuit to kiss you completely senseless. Teeth nip at your neck as Jeongguk chuckles and then hands are sliding beneath your shirt, skimming up along your ribs to rest just beneath your breasts. You squirm, or at least attempt to, because the second you try to shift to find any sort of relief, the hands under your shirt slide down to hold tightly to your hips as a foot nudges your stance wider and JK is settling his thigh between your legs. You moan as your clothed core is pressed to firm muscle and thoughts of cumming against the thick corded muscles fill your mind.
Jeongguk gives your hips a squeeze and then he’s guiding you in grinding against JK’s legs, damp panties adding to the drag and friction against your clit. Needy moans stick in your throat as JK finally pulls away from your lips, continuing your mindless, guided rutting against his thigh. His eyes are hazy and you watch with fascination as his tongue darts out to swipe across his kiss swollen lips. He winks when he catches your lingering stare. 
Jeongguk gives a firm grind of your hips and, now unmuffled by a kiss, you let out a loud moan that has JK’s gaze dropping to watch your jean clad center rubbing against his thigh. Your hips twitch, fighting to grind yourself against JK to completion, but Jeongguk is surprisingly strong and keeps your hips going at the pace he deems fit for you. 
Jeongguk chuckles in your ear. “I think someone is enjoying watching the show more than he is in participating. Maybe we should make him go sit on his bed and watch.”
JK’s eyes darken as he glares over your shoulder at his brother. He removes his thigh from between yours, leaving you whimpering at the loss. But he’s quick to move on, stripping your shirt from you and displacing Jeongguk from your back. His lips press to your cheek before trailing down your neck, leaving stinging nips as he reaches behind you to deftly undo your bra and slide it off of you. His hands are quick to replace the material, groping at the flesh. 
He looks over your shoulder with hooded eyes. “Give a guy a hand, Gukkie, and get her pants off?”
Jeongguk must make some sort of face at the request, or more likely the way it was phrased because JK smothers a laugh against your collarbone. Jeongguk complies though, hands brushing the bare skin of your waist before slowly sliding down until they are met with denim. He makes quick work of the button and zipper, fingers slipping beneath the fabric as he pushes it down your thighs as far as he can reach. You’re about to attempt to kick them off when Jeongguk’s finger skim lower as he drops to his knees behind you, breath ghosting across the back of your thighs, causing goosebumps to break out across your skin. He helps you out of your pants before his hands slide slowly back up your legs. They stop just below your ass, his fingers digging into the flesh and you gasp. 
JK laughs, nipping once at your neck before lifting his head to grin at you. He gives your breasts a squeeze as his eyes drop to stare at the flesh as it moves beneath his fingers. “You know, for all that we’re twins, we do certainly differ in some ways.” His following grin is lecherous as his eyes drift back up to yours. “Because while I’m more of a tits guy,” he punctuates this with a quick pinch to your nipples before continuing, “Gukkie is a huge ass guy.”
As if in response, Jeongguk’s hands slide just a little further up, groping your ass over the lace of your panties. One hand leaves before it’s quickly coming down in a slap, barely cushioned by the flimsy fabric still covering you. You hear a pleased rumble behind you, the hand back to rub over the stinging area before repeating the process just to watch the flesh of your ass jiggle. 
JK captures your lips in a kiss as one of Jeongguk’s hands slips between your thighs, fingers pressing against the soaking fabric coating your slit. You jump slightly when you feel his lips brushing your skin as he goes to speak, not realizing just how close he was.
“I don’t think she minds that we like different things, JK. In fact,” he presses his fingers to your clit and you gasp against JK’s mouth. “I think she rather enjoys it.”
JK pulls away to smirk at you before he’s dropping slightly to take a nipple into his mouth. His teeth tease at the bud before letting his tongue lav over it and sooth the slight sting and then he’s moving to give the other nipple the same treatment. He kneads your other breast, switching every few seconds from one nipple to the other. Never giving you time to get used to or fully enjoy his mouth on you. 
Jeongguk pulls his fingers away and you’d whine at the loss if not for the fact that he removes his hands to pull your panties down and off of you, leaving you completely bare between the two still fully dressed twins. There’s a groan, though you can’t tell exactly which twin it came from, as JK finally drops fully to his knees before you. His hands squeeze at your thighs before his thumbs pull your pussy lips apart to fully expose your glistening cunt to him.
He lets out a pleased hum. “My, Gukkie. You’re right, she seems to be enjoying it quite a lot.”
Jeongguk’s hands knead at your ass again. “Let’s see what else she enjoys.” He quips before his hands are pulling your cheeks apart and cool air is being blown across your asshole. 
You shudder and teeth nip at the flesh of your cheek. You’re fairly certain that if it wasn’t for the hands holding you up then you would’ve collapsed from the combined stimulation. JK presses a gentle kiss to your belly, drawing your attention down to him just as Jeongguk’s tongue presses hotly to your rim. A moan bubbles out and JK grins as he watches you struggle for words or coherent thought.
He holds eye contact as he adjusts his grip on your thigh and then your leg is being lifted and set on one strong shoulder. Jeongguk’s tongue circles your rim, face pressed closer thanks to the way the new position opens you up for them both. JK keeps one hand firmly pressed to the thigh on his shoulder to keep you stable as he leans forward to press his tongue to your clit and you’re helpless to do little more than moan. 
You slide your fingers into his hair, though you’re not sure if it’s to keep him close or to keep your balance and grounded as the two work in tandem to eat you out. The two work with a scary amount of synchronicity and you’re not sure if it’s because they do this often or if it’s just some twin thing. You can feel your orgasm steadily building the longer their mouths work and then someone’s fingers are circling your entrance before one slips inside. 
Your hands tighten in JK’s hair and before you can wonder for too long as to whose finger is in you, the other joins and slips a finger in as well. Your toes curl in the carpet as their fingers move in counterpoint, each adding another finger as they go and the stretch adds to the pleasure coming from their mouths, the coil in your belly tightening. 
You whine, muscles tensing as you feel the telltale signs of your impending orgasm. JK smiles against you as his lips wrap around your clit and sucks. You cry out, knees nearly buckling as pleasure crashes through you. Jeongguk is first to pull away, giving your ass a quick nip, as his and JK’s fingers continue to pump inside you as you ride out your orgasm. They eventually slip from you and he stands, pressing himself to your back as JK continues to stretch your pleasure out for as long as he can until you push him away when it begins to be too much. 
He pulls away panting, looking up at you with dark eyes and a slick chin. His tongue darts out to lick his lips. “You cum so prettily for us, princess.” He coos as Jeongguk guides you to lay out on the bed, much to the relief of your shaking legs. 
He crawls between your legs, pressing kisses to your belly and up to your breasts where for every nip of the skin is followed by a soothing kiss. 
You tug at his shirt. “Guk…. You too. Wanna see you.”
He gives you a shy smile as he sits back on his heels and tugs his shirt off, dropping it to the floor. You blink at him, he’s far more bulky than his baggy clothes let on. Firm muscles making you want to sink your teeth into them. You push yourself up to your knees, eyes still fixed on his chest and your plan to mark up the pretty unmarked flesh is interrupted by a laugh from beside you. 
You look over, a rush of embarrassment filling you when you realize that you’d forgotten about JK, who seems to have realized that. When he sees that he has your attention back on him, he slowly strips his own shirt off. He’s as toned as Jeongguk, although from JK you had expected it more than the other, but where Jeongguk’s skin is smooth and unmarked, JK’s is covered in ink in a myriad of colors and shapes. The tattoos that you’d seen covering his arm stretch up and across a shoulder and back down his chest and ribs. There’s clearly multiple pieces, made up of different hues and styles, but on him they all mesh together to form one cohesive piece of nothing short of art. 
He smirks at your wide eyed staring and he makes a show of undoing the button and zipper on his jeans and slowly pushing them down thick thighs. Your eyes widen at the immediate unobstructed view of his hard cock that greets you the second the denim is pushed down far enough, thanks to his apparent dislike of underwear. He’s thick, more average in length, but you know that it’ll feel amazing once it’s inside of you. And as your gaze drags to the tip you gasp at the glittering silver piercing at the head of his cock that shines with precum. 
He smirks, kicking his pants off completely and then reaching for himself to give his cock a slow almost lazy stroke, thumb brushing over the metal and you’re fully enraptured by the glinting piece of steel. He comes closer and the only way you can describe it is that he’s stalking towards you. Cupping your jaw, he tilts your head up and brushes his lips against yours. 
“Did you like what you saw, princess?” You give a dazed nod and JK chuckles, tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, just barely grazing yours in the process. “Then I have quite the pleasant surprise for you.”
He climbs back up onto the bed, ignoring the questioning look you shoot him, and positions himself behind you. Hands gripping your hips, he pulls you flush against him, cock pressed firmly to the line of your ass and you can feel the warm ball of his piercing searing into your flesh. You’d rather it be your tongue that was touching it. He groans, indulging in a momentary pause to simply rut against you, relishing the friction against his aching cock. But as quick as he started, he stops, a monumental feat of self control and hooks his chin on your shoulder and directs your gaze forward towards Jeongguk, who’s staring at the both of you with a look that seems to be a mix of envy and lust. 
“Gukkie, why don’t you strip for her now.” It’s spoken like a request but it comes across as more of a command. 
Jeongguk looks shy for a moment, hands fidgeting before he’s standing from the bed and slowly shucking his jeans. But where JK pulled them down to tease and entice, Jeongguk is timid. He hesitates for a moment with his underwear before he takes a deep breath, squeezes his eyes shut and shoves them off. 
His thighs are just as thick as JK’s and they’d be so distracting if it weren’t for the glint of metal on the tip of his cock that catches your attention more. 
“Holy fuck…” You mutter, attention entirely taken by the sight. 
JK chuckles. “See, princess. Pleasant surprise, huh?”
You swallow and nod, words completely robbed from you as you watch Jeongguk start to fidget again as he stands there being devoured by your gaze. You finally gather enough brain cells to mutter a soft, ‘both?’ which leaves JK chuckling and Jeongguk looks mortified.
“I lost a bet! He thought it’d be hilarious if we got matching piercings. I didn’t know he meant this kind.” You can see his hands twitch like he wants to cover himself up as he explains and the flush resting high on his cheeks slowly stretches down his neck as he speaks. 
“Can I touch?” Your voice surprises both you and Jeongguk and he blinks at you for a moment before hesitantly stepping to the edge of the bed. 
You reach out, fingers trailing across his stomach before lightly brushing along his length until you reach the warm metal. You swallow, suddenly wanting nothing more than to lean forward and taste it, feel the tang of metal mixed with the saltiness of his precum. Instead, you wrap a hand around the base, giving him a full pump, thumb brushing against the piercing and you delight in the way that it leaves him shuddering. JK presses his lips to your neck as you slowly jerk Jeongguk off, making sure every upstroke has you brushing against the metal, an area that has clearly become more sensitive thanks to its new addition. 
JK’s hands trail down your stomach until he reaches your pussy, fingers lightly brushing against your still sensitive clit, causing your grip to tighten around Jeongguk. His smirk presses against your shoulder and his fingers travel further down to your entrance, slipping two inside. You moan, free hand reaching back to hold onto his thigh. 
He starts a slow pace with his fingers, lips trailing up to your ear. “What do you want, princess? You’ve got both of us to do whatever your little heart could desire.” He coos.
You whine, looking up at Jeongguk, whose eyes are squeezed shut as you work his cock. “Wanna suck Jeongguk’s cock,” you murmur. 
Jeongguk’s eyes pop open and he groans as he is met with the sinfully innocent way you blink up at him. JK’s hand tangles in your hair and he pushes you forward, stopping only when Jeongguk’s dick sits less that an inch in front of your parted mouth. Your breath ghosts over the tip and he shivers. 
“Go on, princess. Taste him.” JK instructs and your tongue darts out, swiping over the tip and you clench when your tongue bumps the piercing. 
Jeongguk gasps, hand joining JK’s in your hair and that’s all the encouragement you need to finally wrap your lips around the head of his cock. Your tongue circles the head once before finding its way to the ball of the piercing that sits at the tip and playing with it. Jeongguk hisses above you, hips stuttering like he wants to thrust deeper and pull away at the same time. Humming in delight, you sink further onto his cock, relishing the way the metal drags across your tongue. 
JK’s hand slides from your hair, trailing along your spine to rest on your hip as he drags your ass more firmly against his cock. His fingers continue to pump, eventually slipping a third into you. 
“What else does our princess want, hm?” He coos from behind. “Wanna get fucked while sucking Gukkie off? Be stuffed full by two cocks?” You whine, fingers digging into his thigh and he chuckles. “We need an answer sweetheart. Gotta tell us if you want it.”
You pull off Jeongguk with a gasp, taking a moment to breath as JK’s fingers refuse their relentless pace in your cunt. But it’s slowly becoming not enough for you. You need more. You push your hips back against him. “Fuck… Fuck me… Please, want it…”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, pulling his fingers free.
He lifts your hips, positioning himself at your entrance, just close enough that you can feel his piercing brushing against you with each slight movement. You can hear the smirk in his voice when you don’t move. “Don’t forget about Gukkie, princess. He needs your attention too.”
In response, Jeongguk’s hand tightens in your hair and he pulls your face close again, one hand wrapped around the base of his dick so he can press it to your lips. Your mouth opens and Jeongguk smiles at your obedience without evening being told first. Your tongue darts out to lap at the head.
He groans. “What a good girl you are. Didn’t even have to be told to open up for me.”
You preen under the praise, missing the smirk he shoots behind you. Hands manhandle your hips for a moment and then JK is thrusting fully into you, jolting you forward onto Jeongguk’s waiting cock, effectively stifling your moan as your walls stretch around his girth.
JK’s cock twitches where it’s buried balls deep in you, holding still while he lets you adjust to him. “Oh, dude. Fuck, she’s so wet. You like being between us, princess? Taking both of our cocks, hm?”
You gurgle an affirmative around Jeongguk’s cock, feeling helpless as two sets of hands start to direct your body, pushing and pulling, one cock always filling you. You squirm, trying your best to contribute something, but your movements only earn you a swift swat on the ass. 
JK’s hand soothes over the skin. “Just let us take care of you, princess. Just let yourself feel good.”
You whine, but comply, letting the pleasure from feeling so filled wash over you. One of JK’s hands leaves your hip and when it brushes over your stomach, you assume he’s going to play with your clit. A startled noise leaves you as his fingers completely bypass your clit, instead pressing at where your pussy stretches around his cock. You squirm at the sensation of his probing fingers and Jeongguk pulls you off of his cock, tilting your head up so he can watch the way your eyes squeeze shut and you moan as JK’s finger wiggles in alongside his cock. 
His mouth presses to your neck and you feel the hot air as he hisses when you clench. “You like being stuffed full, huh, princess?” At your frantic nod, he chuckles and continues as a second finger slowly gets worked in. “Do you wanna be stuffed completely? Think you could take us at the same time? Two thick cocks stretching your pretty pussy? Filling you to the brim?”
When you don’t respond, Jeongguk’s hand tightens in your hair and you blink blearily up at him. “You have to answer him, princess.” When all you do is nod, he tuts. “Use your words, princess.”
You swallow, words momentarily robbed form you as a third finger slips in. The stretch is so much, you mind blanks entirely. Until a hand comes down on your thigh and snaps you out of it.
“Answer, princess.” JK murmurs and it sounds like a threat.
“Yes, please… want it, want both of you… Please fuck me…” Once the words are past your lips, pleas flow quickly from you as you babble, overcome with the need of being stretched to a point you never imagined. 
Twin chuckles greet you and then JK’s fingers are slipping out of you, quickly followed by his dick. You whine at the sudden emptiness, wanting him back and filling you. Jeongguk cups your cheek, pressing a kiss to sooth you as JK moves away from you.
“It won’t be long, princess. Don’t worry, we just need to get you in a better position.”
JK moves towards the end of the bed, tugging you along with him and allowing room for Jeongguk to climb up and lay down. JK helps you straddle Jeongguk’s thighs, hovering over his cock. He shuffles close to your back so he can speak in your ear as you look down at Jeongguk spread out beneath you. He looks beautiful like this. Jeongguk’s hand comes to rest on your thigh as the other slips beneath you to grab hold of his dick, holding it steady as JK lowers you until you’re fully sat on it.
“He’s wanted this for so long. Waxed poetic about how pretty you are. I bet he thinks you’re stunning right now, sitting on his cock like this.”
Your hands come to rest on Jeongguk’s stomach, squirming with the urge to just fuck yourself on his cock. To ride him until you’re both boneless and sated. JK seems to read your mind, hands tightening where they rest and holding you firmly in place. 
You whine as the seconds continue to stretch and they both do little more than sit there. You dig your fingers into Jeongguk’s stomach. “You’re suppose to be fucking me.” You don’t mean for it to come out so whiny and petulant, but it’s hard not to when you're in your current position.
JK hums behind you. “I’m just letting Gukkie enjoy your tight little cunt before we make it even tighter.”
He lifts your hips until only the head of Jeongguk’s cock remains inside before forcing you back down, making both you and Jeongguk moan at the feeling. He keeps you going, keeping you at the pace he sets no matter how you try to make him speed up. His pace allows you to feel the drag of the piercing against your walls with every thrust, so similar but different from when JK was just inside you minutes ago.
When you begin to grow restless, he presses a kiss to your shoulder before pushing you forward until your chest is pressed to Jeongguk’s, who takes the opportunity to press his own kiss to your lips. Jeongguk’s eyes sparkle as he stares up at you, hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. JK shifts you around, pulling you most of the way off Jeongguk’s dick. 
His hand runs soothingly over your ass. “Princess, tell us if it’s too much, okay? We’ll go slow, we don’t want to hurt you.”
You nod and wiggle your hips. “I’m ready.”
There’s a snort and then you feel the blunt head of his cock pressing where you’re already stretched around Jeongguk. After a moment of prodding, the head pops in and you gasp at the extra stretch, burying your face in Jeongguk’s shoulder. A shudder wracks your frame and you take a deep breath to relax. JK doesn’t move an inch once he’s inside, giving you plenty of time to adjust and Jeongguk slips a hand between you to rub at your clit as a distraction. 
You pant, forcing your focus on the way Jeongguk’s fingers circle your clit and the pleasure that he’s slowly building up with the action. The stretch hurts just slightly, neither of them far enough in yet to truly be stretching you but it’s still more than you’ve ever had before. But beneath the slight ache, you feel so delightfully full and you know that once they’re both fully buried in you that you’ll feel even fuller. You almost wish that they would just push all the way in now, let you feel the full stretch already. You squirm, trying to get more of them inside of you and you’re met with twin groans. 
JK’s hands make a weak attempt at stopping you from sinking onto their cocks further. “Princess, go slow… Don’t hurt yourself…”
You shake your head quickly, lifting just slightly before sinking further onto their cocks. “Doesn’t hurt… feels so good…” You moan. And it’s true, Jeongguk’s fingers on your clit have effectively brought your pleasure to the forefront and all you want is for them to fuck you stupid. Neither seem inclined to do that just yet though, too focused on ensuring that you’re not hurt so you take it upon yourself to continue to fuck them deeper.
You glance over your shoulder at JK, drinking in the way he’s visibly tense to keep himself from moving. He alternates between squeezing his eyes shut and staring in wonder at the way your cunt stretches to take them. You wiggle your hips, sinking just a little further until they're both buried as far as they can get. You relish the clench of his jaw once he’s fully inside of you. It takes JK a moment, but when he notices your eyes on him, you smirk at him. 
“That all you got, tough guy?”
His tongue pokes at his cheek and his fingers dig into your skin. “Watch yourself, princess. Are you ready?”
“Fuck me already.” 
You turn back to Jeongguk, face contorted in pleasure much like JK’s. You’re about to speak when JK pulls almost completely out before slamming back in, robbing you of words as a moan is forced out of you. Jeongguk’s eyes trace over your face as JK starts a fast pace, drawing more moans and whines from you. One of his hands tangles in your hair and he pulls you down for a kiss, but you’re both far too lost in pleasure for the kiss to be good. It’s messy and uncoordinated, more of lips and tongues pressed together as you moan into each other's mouths. His other hand slips away from your clit to rest on the small of your back and you feel him shift slightly so he can thrust up into you, his pace much more subdued than JK’s, but the drag is wonderful all the same. 
Even with their different paces, they work well together, leaving you feeling full and pleasure making your toes curl. 
JK’s hand slips around your front, fingers quickly finding your clit and taking over where Jeongguk stopped. “Fuck, princess… you feel amazing… Can you cum for us again? Cum around our cocks and get us all nice and messy?”
You whimper as his fingers twist and if you weren’t pinned between their bodies, you would be writhing with how good they’re making you feel. A new orgasm quickly rising in you. Jeongguk tugs on your hair, pulling you away from his mouth once you can do little more than pant against his lips and tilts your head to the side so he can suck marks onto the skin of your neck. 
“Come on, cum for us, princess.” Jeongguk murmurs, tongue hot where it traces the marks his teeth left.
You whine at the overload of sensations, both cocks stretching you out and JK’s relentless thrusts, his fingers toying with your clit, Jeongguk’s teeth on your neck. You cum with a gasp, body shuddering at the sudden, overwhelming pleasure. Your mind goes delightfully hazy as your pussy gushes around them, clenching rhythmically as JK’s pace slows only marginally. You faintly hear someone swearing as you drop your forehead to rest on Jeongguk’s shoulder, strength nearly completely gone. You feel boneless and if it weren’t for the hands on you then you would just completely collapse atop Jeongguk. 
Jeongguk presses a kiss to the side of your head, seemingly amused. “Fuck, you did so well, princess. Think you can take just a little more for us?”
There’s a groan behind you and JK’s hips stutter, rhythm faltering for just a moment. “Fuck… You’re unbelievably hot. I’m actually a little jealous that Gukkie gets you all to himself after this.”
His pace picks back up and Jeongguk manhandles you so he can speed up his own thrusts, each man chasing his own high now. You whimper as overstimulation takes over, every drag of their cocks against your walls sending jolts of nearly painful pleasure shooting through you. 
You almost want to protest, but it still feels good, even with the slight too-much feeling that clings to every rock into your clenching core. The room is filled with your whines and the slick sounds of them fucking into you. JK’s thrusts pick up speed and you can feel another orgasm quickly rising within you again, nearly blindsiding you with the suddenness of it’s appearance. You didn’t know you could cum again so quickly.
You reach out blindly for Jeongguk’s hand, grasping it tightly once you find it. “Gonna…” you slur out, words abandoning you as they don’t slow their motions.
“Fuck, again? You already soaked us once. You gonna cum again for us, princess? Like our cocks that much?” 
You whine at JK’s words and Jeongguk gives your hand a squeeze. Jeongguk’s lips brush your ear. “Come on, baby. Let go for us and we’ll fill you up just like you want. All messy and dripping with our cum.” Your pussy clenches at his words and he groans beneath you. “You like that idea, baby? Be so full and dripping? Do you want that? To be our messy baby? You have to cum for us first.”
Your orgasm crashes over you, more intense than the previous two and you shudder almost violently as you squirt again, making a mess of the three of you. Jeongguk groans beneath you, hips slamming into you one last time as he cums, your name whispered into your hair. JK’s pace picks up, now unhindered by Jeongguk’s movements and a handful of thrusts later, just as Jeongguk begins to whine with sensitivity at the continued friction against his softening cock, cums. 
You all remain frozen like that for a while, breathing slowly evening back out. JK is the first to move, slipping out of you and climbing off the bed. You whine at the loss and the way the Jeongguk slips from you as well, leaving you feeling empty. You feel Jeongguk lift his head but you’re too tired to do anything else or see what he’s looking at, even as sweat is beginning to dry uncomfortably between the two of you and you can feel cum beginning to slowly drip from your abused cunt. Jeongguk’s hands rub comfortingly on your back as his head lays back down, seemingly content with whatever he was looking at. 
You startle when a moment later a damp cloth brushes gently against your folds, taking care to clean as much of the cum from your pussy and thighs with minimal touching to sensitive areas. You whimper slightly and both boys immediately shush you with comforting words.  
“JK’s just getting you cleaned up.” He chuckles slightly as he presses a kiss to your hair. “Did you know you could squirt?”
You shake your head shyly, letting the both of them shift you so you’re stretched out on the bed, JK’s hands rubbing along your legs to soothe any aches there may be, before his hands leave you. Jeongguk keeps you pulled close to him, hands seemingly reluctant to give up contact with you. JK drapes a blanket over you and Jeongguk, who fusses with it until he deems it to be covering you suitably. “I’ve never done it before.”
JK pipes up from somewhere behind Jeongguk. “Well you did it twice,” he groans at the memories. “It was hot as fuck.”
Silence settles then, broken only by the sound of fabric rustling and then a few moments later, JK is leaning over Jeongguk to press his own kiss to your head and then he’s playfully ruffling his brother's hair. “I approve very much of your prospective girlfriend.” You hear him move towards the door of the bedroom. “Don’t fuck it up, cause I will swoop in to steal her.” He pauses for a moment as he opens the door, the sounds of the frat party downstairs filtering back into the room. “Get some rest, princess. Good night.” He murmurs before slipping out and back to the party. 
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bloodorangesoup · 3 years
Work Song | B.B.
Request: Have you ever heard work song by hozier? It gives me such bucky vibes 🥺 like imagine him waking up from a nightmare & singing it to calm him down
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.05k (this was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away lol)
Warnings: Slight angst, fluff, bad singing (unless you can actually sing), Bucky being a big softy
My Masterlist
Notes: Anon you need to name yourself cause you obviously have good taste in music and I kinda want some moots on here. This song is so perfect for Bucky. I truly appreciate the suggestion, it gives me inspiration of what to write while procrastinating on works in progress <3
You were awoken when the sheets and comforter were yanked off of you, shocking you awake with the chill of the night air. You squinted your eyes open only to be faced with Bucky’s back as he was sat up in bed. You could see by the rhythmic curling of his spine that he was breathing fast and heavy, prompting you to sit up with him.
“Baby,” you groaned as you stretched your back and faced him, “you alright?”
His eyes stared forward, expressionless, until he snapped out of it and looked at you with a worried face. It was almost as if Bucky hadn’t even noticed you had sat up until he heard your voice. You wanted to kiss in between his eyebrows to smooth the lines that the furrow of them had formed. You leaned towards him and laid your hand on his back, feeling the expansion and deflation of his breathing, it had calmed a bit but you could feel the still rapid beating of his heart. He opened his mouth for a second, hesitating before releasing a breath and answering.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay. Sorry I woke you up. There's still a couple hours left before you have to get up, lay back down.” He said, motioning with his head towards your pillow. You simply shook your head and dragged your hand from his back up to his neck and around to his cheek. He leaned his head into your cupped palm, closing his eyes at the comfort your touch gave him.
“Can we cuddle then?” You asked, more for him than you. It was an unspoken declaration in the air of “you’re a terrible liar,” but by now in your relationship, Bucky knew that if he wanted to talk about his nightmares, you were always there and ready to listen. If he didn’t want to talk then you could at least try to get him back to sleep or calm his nerves.
He answered you with a nod. You grabbed his pillow and stacked it on top of your own, giving you a cushion to comfortably lay down with your back slightly elevated. He understood what to do and without hesitation crawled over to you and wrapped his arms around your torso, laying halfway on top of you and resting his cheek on the top of your breast, right over your heart. Both your bodies shifted a few times until they found the perfect interlock with each other, sinking down into the bed.
“Do you remember that song I showed you the other day, the one you said you really liked?” You didn’t know where you were trying to go with this conversation, but you figured that getting him sleepy again would be hard, so talking about whatever came to your head might help put him down. Bucky could feel the vibrations of your voice all throughout your chest. He wished in that moment that the two of you could stay like this forever, that he could feel your sweet voice like this for the rest of his life.
“The “take me to church” one?”
“Yeah, that one. The dude who sings that has another song I really love, it makes me think of you whenever I hear it.”
“What’s it called?” He mumbled weakly. You gave him a squeeze and continued.
“Work Song.”
“Hmm,” Bucky hummed against your chest, waiting a moment before speaking, “could you sing it for me, doll?”
“If you want, but I can’t promise it’ll sound pretty,” you answered with a breathy chuckle. You wanted to comfort Bucky, but you definitely weren’t a singer. It was difficult enough to be in tune with songs, you weren’t sure you could even manage with half his body resting on you.
“It doesn’t have to sound pretty, if you sing it it’ll be perfect. Please?”
It took Bucky a long time to be okay with asking for things and accepting that receiving favors didn’t equate to weakness. You knew that him asking you to do this for him was hard and you weren’t going to let him down.
“Alright.” You cleared your throat and breathed in before exhaling quickly, cutting the words out of your mouth as your brain tried to think of how the song goes.
“Well, it starts with a low piano note and this soft clap, and there's a harmony that goes ‘hmmm, hmm mmm’ and then another clap and ‘hmm mmm’,” you explained, emphasizing every clap with a light tap if your hand on his back. You looked down at him and lifted your other hand, weaving yo fingers through his hair to gently move back and forth over his scalp. You looked back up to the ceiling with your eyes open, imagining how the stars would look if the roof was gone.
“And that part goes on for a bit…” you said into the silence of the room. As you explained, Bucky had shifted his head to rest the underside of his chin flush against your chest and looked up at you. Due to the way your face looked up he couldn’t see it completely, but he could see how the light of the moon pouring into the room cast a glow across your cheekbones and jaw. He watched as you fumbled through the intro, trying to explain to him how the different sounds come together, and he swore you had never looked more beautiful.
He drank in the way the hums of the song rattled under his chin, how you would pause for a few moments trying to think of what came next in the song. He felt your heartbeat against his throat and the rise and fall of your chest with every breath you would take before letting out another hum. He was right, you could be singing any song and it would be perfect.
“And then he starts singing, he goes,” you took in a breath before singing.
“‘Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat’
“‘There's nothin' sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me’.”
He noted how the corners of your mouth tilted upward at that last line. You weren’t singing it exactly as the song went, the melody was a bit off and the pitch was much lower than it was supposed to be, but Bucky felt like every word you sang floated out into the world, carrying its refreshing life and coolness into his soul.
“And then there's this really deep bass note that hits and then the chorus goes,
“‘When, my, time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her’.”
Bucky thought of how he always seemed to crawl back to you. For once, he didn’t feel guilty for his presence in your life. He relished in the feeling of having you under him, in the knowledge that of all the people in the world, you would let him crawl home to you. If he had to crawl to someone, he would thank any and all higher powers that it was you.
“And then the song gets lighters and the hums come back,” you mumbled.
“‘Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin
I woke with her walls around me
Nothin' in her room but an empty crib’
“‘And I was burning up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear, I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did’.”
Memories swirled around in Bucky’s head of all the times he felt like ending it all. He knew he was perfectly capable of doing it, but there was always a stubborn sliver of hope splintered in his head that prevented him from going through with anything. He didn’t like to think back to those times, but hearing the words leave your lips made it clear to him that you were the sliver of hope, some force of the universe had kept him around long enough to reach you and hold on. He closed his eyes and listened as you gently worked through the chorus twice more.
“‘My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me’.”
Bucky’s brows furrowed as he thought of how unconditionally you cared for him. You weren’t blind to the troubles that came with loving someone like him, with accepting what he did and offering him sanctuary from himself. He didn’t know if he would ever be sure of the idea that he deserved love, but he was okay with being selfish if it meant having you by his side.
“‘When I was kissin' on my baby
And she'd put her love down, soft and sweet
In the low lamp light, I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me’.”
Tears had started to well in Bucky’s eyes. He looked up once again at your face, delicately bathed in moonlight, and thought of how he looked in the light, how you both looked together in the light. If you looked so beautiful and lovely, maybe he could too. He didn't feel exposed or ugly, he felt safe, he felt free. He was overwhelmed with emotion. His heart was pounding and he was choked up, he had never felt as completely and dramatically in love with you as he did in that moment.
You wrapped up the song, carrying it out with the same hums and claps that brought it in. Looking down, you saw Bucky’s face buried in the space between your breasts and could hear a sharp intake of breath, indicating that he was crying. You ran your hand that had been tapping his back up and down his spine. You took your hand from his hair and used it to push his disheveled hair out of his eyes and off his forehead, causing him to look up at you.
To Bucky, you looked like an angel. You both laid in silence, looking into each other's eyes, while Bucky simply hugged you closer and let his tears fall freely. You leaned down and placed a few gentle kisses on his forehead. He finally settled his breathing and sniffled a few times before speaking, he was ready to talk.
“I’ve killed enough people,” he sniffled before continuing, his voice croaky, “I’ve killed enough people to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.” He sighed and closed his eyes, feeling too shameful to keep looking at you.
You sank down lower in the sheets and tightened your hold on him, bringing his face and body up and closer to you.
“I’m so sorry, Buck. I wish there was more I could do.” You finally let go of the few tears building in your eyes, letting them roll down your cheeks to the corner of your lips.
“You’re here. You love me. That’s all I need,” he let out with a sob. You nodded your head and tugged on his body, signaling to him to come up.
He shifted himself higher in the bed, his face coming parallel to yours. You snaked your hand around his neck and craned him to look into your eyes. You observed the glassiness of them and how it accentuated the bright blueness within them. You thought of how, even when he was sobbing, he looked more beautiful than ever.
“I love you so much, y/n” he whispered with shaky breaths.
“I love you too, Buck, more than anything.”
You pulled him completely into you, your swollen lips gliding against one another, mixing your salty tears. You brought your hands to the sides of his face, rubbing your thumbs over his cheekbones, feeling how beautiful he was even with your eyes closed. You both pulled back slowly, only far enough to rest your foreheads together.
“I love you.”
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lin-nin · 4 years
Tribulation & Tenderness - Chapter 10
Ship: Main Technoblade x Reader, some Dream x Reader
Plot:   You're a princess in a Kingdom suffering a years long famine. In a   desperate attempt to help your people, you accept one simple offer:   Marriage to the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom. Anything to help  your people survive. Surely it can't be too bad, can it?
Chapter List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Disclaimer:   Cross-posted on Wattpad (discontinued) and Ao3. This is based off of everyone's CHARACTERS. I do not write fanfic based off the actual people.
Chapter 10: Wedding Plans
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Your first night at the new kingdom was rough. You laid in your bed for hours, your blanket pulled to your chin. You wanted nothing more to sleep- it sounded like a blessing at the moment. It didn’t come easy, and you eventually moved to look out the window instead. The blanket hung around your shoulders as you did, a quiet sigh spilling from your lips. The view outside felt completely different at night, the soft glow of the moon spilling over the land. In the surrounding city you could make out the warm glow from the lamps. It was surreal, feeling so much more different than your home.
You pondered about what your life here would entail. Techno hadn’t really said too much. You figured you would be told as the days went on what to expect. You figured most of your time as of current would be dedicated to preparation for the wedding. Maybe even some training, if Techno found time to do so. You didn’t know what his duties would entail, and how similar they would be to George’s. You’d adjust inevitably. Exhaustion was weighing heavy on you, your gaze once more shifting to the bed longingly. You weren’t entirely sure if you would be able to fall asleep just yet. You pondered going to the library, but decided against it. That was on the other side of the castle. You didn’t have the confidence to go alone at night, either. Beyond Techno and his brothers, you didn’t know who to trust.
So, with a defeated sigh, you trudged back to the bed and wrapped the blanket tight around you. Might as well try to sleep. Absorbing yourself into your thoughts would only lead to exhaustion tomorrow. Which wasn’t what you really wanted. You knew tomorrow would inevitably be busy. The wedding had been mentioned multiple times, you knew there needed to be planning for that.
It felt like you had only blinked, head full of thoughts of the wedding, when you were cracking your eyes open. Light spilled into the room through the window you had gazed out of earlier, making you sigh. Breakfast. The thought made your stomach turn a little. This would be your first proper introduction to the court. Sure you knew plenty of people, but you had managed to evade dinner last night due to the tour. You couldn’t as easily escape the obligation of breakfast. If you did, your body would make you pay dearly later. Besides, you couldn’t avoid it forever.
You peeled yourself out of bed, wandering towards the closet. You wanted to make a good impression on everyone, without being so horribly overstated. You freted, before settling on one of your simpler dresses. You set it aside, thumbing through your jewelry for something to wear. You briefly ran your thumb over the necklace Dream had given you, marveling it. It was almost tempting to wear it, to have that comfort and security you had always felt with the blonde. Yet you decided against it, choosing something less understated that your mother had given you on one of your birthdays.
Once satisfied with the choice in clothes, you stole away to the bathroom. It had been a couple of days since you last bathed, and you figured it wouldn’t hurt. You did skeptically eye the full bath, trying to guess when servants had slipped into your room to fill it. No matter. Steam rolled along the surface of it, and you couldn’t help but sigh as you slid into it. It worked rather quickly to relax your muscles and nerves. You definitely needed that. You eyed the small shelf by the tub, picking up a few of the bottles to smell them.
One smelled of vanilla, which you deeply considered. The other you smelled carried the scent of rose and lemon, a scent you easily recognized. It was hardly different from the one you used at home, which you had forgotten to bring. The only thing that seemed to be missing was the base note of patchouli, and you did miss the earthiness just a touch. All the same, you were content that this was here, wherever it came from. You quickly used the bottle to help freshen yourself up. A quick run over with a damp cloth ensured you were rid of any dirt. As the water began to cool, you finally pulled yourself up and out of the tub to dress.
You lingered in the room, fingers running over your dress a few times. Nervously. You really didn’t want to walk into the dining hall alone. As if to answer your silent pleas, there was a knock on your door that you quickly answered. Techno stood on the other end, peering down at you through his glasses. You offered a soft smile, trying to hide your nerves.
“I figured I should walk with you to breakfast. Since we missed dinner and all,” He explained, but you only nodded. You stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind you as you did so.
“Right, sorry about that, still. I appreciate you walking with me.” Your hands once more smoothed down over your dress, almost fussing on if your appearance was perfect. Who all would be there? Perhaps just a few other nobles, maybe the King’s advisors. It shouldn’t be too big, should it?
“Making things seem distant between us would only give people reason to dislike you.” The words only served to make you shudder, a frown on your face. You easily recalled Philza’s words of the advisor, the thought causing your stomach to turn. This was going to be a rough breakfast, you already knew.
“Right. Some people aren’t exactly excited about this. That’s fine. I’m prepared for that,” You muttered in an attempt to reassure yourself. Techno reached up, giving a reassuring pat against your back.
“They’re harmless. It doesn’t matter what they think,” Techno muttered as the pair of you descended the stairs. You sighed but nodded. He was right, honestly. It wasn’t like the king hated you, and the rest of the royal family seemed to at least not hate you. So long as they didn’t hate you, you hoped you could stomach the rest. From down the hall you could already hear Tommy making a fuss, causing you to smile. That helped ease your nerves. It was a different environment than you were used to.
You glanced at the table as you walked in, relieved by the familiar faces around the table. Techno moved towards his father, pausing to pull out one of the empty chairs and motioning you into it. Your eyes scanned the few unfamiliar faces as you sat down, trying to ease your anxiety.
“Mornin’ Techno! Mornin’ Techno’s wife!” Tommy called as Techno sat between you and his father, causing the pink-headed prince to glance at his brother.
“She’s not my wife yet, Tommy,” he simply clarified, sounding far from amused.
“How’d you sleep, kiddo?” Philza detracted the attention from his rambunctious nephew, offering you a smile. You relaxed a little, appreciating the older man’s words.
“I slept alright,” You murmured, offering a feeble smile. You hadn’t slept great, or all that much, and you had a feeling it showed on your face.
“It’s a new place, that’s always rough. I’m sure it’ll get better soon.” You could only nod at his words, thankful for the reassurance. He was nice, and truthfully you enjoyed that about him. He felt very much fatherly. Techno slid a cup in front of you, steam billowing from it. You smiled thankfully, offering a quiet thank you as you picked it up. Tea was definitely acceptable this early in the morning, especially as a slight chill clung to the castle.
The man sat beside Philza cleared his throat, offering a gentle smile. Your attention quickly turned to him, brow furrowing a little. He wasn’t someone you recognized- definitely didn’t meet him yesterday. “A pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Eret- cousin to those three.” He motioned to the prince’s as he talked, and you nodded slightly.
“Nice to meet you. Techno never mentioned having a cousin.” You set down the cup in your hands, glancing at Techno briefly. He furrowed his brow, a soft ‘heh?’ leaving him.
“He likes to forget about him.” Wilbur spoke up, causing Tommy to laugh. You sighed, shaking your head with a small laugh.
“I don’t know how! Eret’s been here since he was little,” Tommy spoke between laughter, making your gaze turn back to the brunette across from you. He seemed almost embarrassed, shrugging.
“I’m sure Techno had a lot on his mind whenever he spoke of the kingdom, there’s a lot of people to remember here.” Eret didn’t seem too bothered by the lapse of information, and you shrugged.
“He mentioned Tubbo, though. Is he forgetful enough to mention a family friend as opposed to his actual family?” You teased, throwing a sly grin at Techno. It was easy to slip into this with the egging on of his brothers.
“Oh- Did he really? I mean, I practically did grow up with Tommy,” Tubbo asked, head popping up.
“You’re like a little brother to us, Tubbo. You were always there, Eret didn’t come to the kingdom until Techno was almost seven, remember?” Wilbur pushed, and the brunette seemed to purse his lips in thought.
“Not well, no. We love Eret anyways!” The man between Eret and Tubbo scoffed, a hand holding his head. Tired brown eyes stared at his plate, a glass bottle in hand. He looked rough, stubble lining his jaw and brown locks falling into his eyes. You eyed the brown liquid within the bottle as silence fell over the table.
“That’s Schlatt, the advisor Philza spoke of yesterday,” Techno’s voice came quietly against your ear, making you jump in surprise. When the hell had he gotten there? Your attention quickly turned back to the man as he took a drink from the bottle. Was that alcohol?
Physically, you could see the similarities between him and Tubbo, but that was about it. Even now, the younger brunette seemed largely uncomfortable next to him. It made your chest pang, wondering what all had happened to cause the rift in their relationship.
Schlatt stood up with a grunt, sloppily pushing in his chair. “Come on, Tubbo. We’ve got work to do,” Schlatt called. There was a drawl in his voice that made you rather uncomfortable. You didn’t like him, and you had a feeling it was similar to the way the princes felt towards him.
Tubbo looked down to his plate, seemingly steeling himself. “Yes, Schlatt,” he muttered softly. What had Schlatt done that had made the brunette become so quiet? You didn’t like it one bit. Before Tubbo could even move to follow his father, you spoke out.
“Actually, I was hoping I could borrow Tubbo for today!” Tubbo’s head snapped up at that, eyes wide. You blinked, not even sure what you were saying. Schlatt stopped his walk, bottle hanging from his hand as he turned to look at you. Perhaps glare was a better word? You swallowed, steeling yourself as you continued, “I’d really appreciate his input on the wedding plans.”
“The wedding,” Schlatt sneered, eyes narrowed. His gaze moved from you, to Techno, then to his son. “Whatever, take the bastard for the ridiculous wedding. Like I give a damn.” With his words, he took a swig from the bottle before sauntering out of the dining hall. With his leave, the tension in the room seemed to dissipate.
A relieved sigh escaped Tubbo’s lips as he slumped in his seat, closing his eyes. “Thank you so much,” He mumbled into his hands. You sighed, shaking your head a little. Not exactly what you had expected, but you’d take it. 
“I hate that he keeps calling you that,” Tommy grumbled, while Wilbur just patted his shoulder.
“It gets him away from Schlatt for today, so what’s it matter?” Wilbur offered with a shrug. Tommy just continued to grumble under his breath while Tubbo offered a weak smile.
“You don’t actually have to help with the wedding. I just didn’t feel right leaving you to go with him.” You brushed it off with a smile. It was true, though. You truly didn’t want to send Tubbo off with Schlatt. The man gave off a bad vibe you didn’t like in the slightest. So, coming up with an excuse seemed the most feasible. The king sighed and shook his head, otherwise staying quiet. You had a feeling this wasn’t too different from a normal morning.
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind helping! If everyone doesn’t mind,” Tubbo sheepishly chimed, moving to rub the nape of his neck. Tommy groaned dramatically, slouching in his chair.
“Tubbo, come on. You’re gonna make us do stupid wedding planning all day? With Eret and Wilbur and Techno? At one time?” You snickered a little as he complained, head shaking. Wilbur smacked him in the back of his head in response to his dramatics.
“Your opinion doesn’t count, Tommy.” His voice was so plain, even as the young blonde whined and rubbed the back of his head.
“I’ll show you what does count! I swear, I’ll beat you so hard you won’t be able to remember your own name!” He shoved at his brother, and you shook your head.
“I don’t mind if you tag along, Tubbo. I’m sure the input will be appreciated,” You spoke over the ruckus of Wilbur and Tommy as the two pushed at each other. The words seemed to make Tubbo glow with excitement, almost as if the whole thing with Schlatt hadn’t ever happened.
“Alright, boys, go outside before you break a plate or the table. Go on, do your fighting there.” Philza spoke from behind them, and your head popped up. He must have moved while you were focused on Tubbo. Tommy was stuck beneath Wilbur’s arm, the older yanking him around. Philza unceremoniously pulled out the chairs they sat on, forcing them apart as he shooed them away. He looked exasperated, but fond of their antics all the same.
“I’ll judge!” Tubbo called, standing up hurriedly. He gave a brief, sloppy bow towards the king before running after the two princes.
“Is it like this every morning?” You sat down your utensils, reclining in your seat.
“Not every morning, but a lot of them. It wasn’t always this way,” Eret shook his head but smiled. You turned to Techno, where he stared towards the door with an affectionate look in his eyes. It was almost sweet, seeing the way he gazed after the rambunctious trio.
“It only started to get like that a few years ago. Not quite becoming of princes, but they don’t seem in a rush to behave like royalty.” Techno’s voice had the same fondness his gaze did, and you hummed in acknowledgement as you sipped the last of your tea, cradling the cup close.
“Not anymore, at least. We should go and start doing some planning ourselves,” Philza muttered, turning towards the king. The man nodded, slowly rising from his seat.
“Please see to it your brothers don’t destroy anything this time, Technoblade.” He gave him a pointed look, making him sigh and nod. The king walked away, Philza tailing behind him. Leaving you, Techno, and Eret sitting.
“Well, let’s get started? There’s no telling how long it’ll take. Especially since Wilbur is currently in the process of fighting Tommy.” Eret shook his head as he spoke. You nodded, moving to stand. A hand entered your vision before you could even get to your feet. You shook your head, unable to help a laugh.
“Should I get used to you not letting me get out of my seat on my own?” You managed a lighthearted jab at him as you took his hand, allowing him to gently pull you up.
“Yes.” The way he said it was so flat and monotone, you couldn’t stop the laugh bursting from your lips. You just shook your head, giving a lopsided grin.
“Thank you, Techno. Wanting to teach me to fight but not letting me get out of a chair without hovering.” His lips pursed at that, eyebrows furrowing. Like he saw nothing wrong with it. Not that there truly was, it just seemed almost contradictory. Eret even seemed equally amused, though he didn’t poke at his cousin the way you did.
“I’ll go ahead and get the boys before they destroy each other. I’ll meet you in the ballroom with them.” Techno gently pushed you towards his cousin, before striding off in front of you. You shrugged, walking alongside Eret towards the ballroom.
“It’s gonna be an interesting day, isn’t it?” You questioned, glancing up at Eret. Of course he was tall. It really did run in the family.
“Most likely, yes. They’re never quiet, and Tommy gets antsy quick,” Eret said with a laugh, making you smile. You didn’t think you would mind too much if it made it lively. It would take care of the uneasiness you felt regarding the wedding. A relief to the tension you had a feeling might form if it were just you and Techno.
“You didn’t always live here at the castle?” You broached the silence that had spread over the pair of you, and he hummed a little.
“No. I came around the time I was eight. Their mother was my aunt, and some things happened with my parents. Philza ended up adopting me, so I’m just a cousin on their other side now,” He chuckled, and you nodded. That made some sense. It just seemed the castle was hardly lacking in boys to run the place.
“I see. I imagine that keeps it rather busy here.” You shook your head, following as Eret opened the door to the ballroom.
“Very. Right! This is where the majority of the wedding will be held. The celebrations, namely. The formal ceremony will be held in the gardens, we’ll go through those in a little bit.” Eret clapped his hands together, leading you through the ballroom. He pointed to various spots, explaining the plans he had for the celebrations. You would nod along, pitching in your own opinions when you felt it necessary.
“I think you should go to the brothel and get some women,” A new voice chimed in from near the veranda, making you jump.
“I like the way you think, Big Q! It’s not a party without some women!” Tommy responded, and you turned towards the voices. You blinked at the new person standing among the princes, a lopsided grin on his face. His black hair was splayed messily on his head, smudges of dirt along his face. You had a feeling he had been messing with the other, who also had dirt on their faces and bodies. What a mess. Tubbo and Tommy even seemed to have a few forming bruises on their arms, Tommy’s hidden by the same green bandana he had worn in the portrait you saw in the dining hall. 
“I don’t think the princess is fond of the idea of there being whores at her wedding, Quackity,” Wilbur piped up upon seeing your rather deadpan face. The expression was similarly mimicked by Techno, who stood behind the four of them.
“Princess? Oh- shit!” Quackity did a double take, before giving a hurried bow. Seemingly remembering exactly who he was talking to. Amusement at the almost embarrassed look on his face caused your lips to twitch up into a smile.
“Right. Yes. I would prefer there to not be women from the brothel at my wedding, Quackity.” You tested his name out carefully, and he slowly stood up from his bow. Tommy snickered from behind him, failing to hide his amusement at the fool he seemingly made for himself. He rubbed the back of his neck, laughing softly.
“I would also prefer to keep it that way,” Techno said as he stepped around the group, back towards you. He stood on your other side, leaving you in the middle of the two men. Which made you feel incredibly small.
“You two are so boring, what’s the fun without women?” Tommy groaned, trailing behind Wilbur and Tubbo as they wandered over as well. 
“You’ll have fun anyways, Tommy. You always manage.” Tubbo barely looked at his friend, eagerly listening to Eret as he went over what he had been telling you once more. The group gathered around you, but you hardly minded right now.
“I was thinking, Tubbo and I could do some of the music. We’ll have other musicians too, but I think it’d be nice to be able to play. It’s not every day your little brother gets married,” Wilbur talked, grinning over to Techno. Techno huffed, head shaking as the older affectionately threw out the term.
“Oh, that’d be wonderful!” You lit up with a smile, fully on board with the idea. Wilbur smiled back, seemingly fond of your approval.
“And,” he started, his grin turning almost mischievous, “I think it would be even better if our groom here plays a piece himself. You do play violin after all, Techno.” The words made your hopeful gaze turn towards Techno. He looked almost neutral, though his eyebrows were furrowed and a faint flush painted his cheeks.
“Well, I-” He grumbled, looking down to you and your soft smile. He gave an almost frustrated sigh, looking away. “Fine. I’ll play something.” He huffed a little.
“Perfect! So we’ve got rough plans for the ballroom decorations and the music.” You clapped your hands together, grinning.
“What the hell, Techno? You never play for anyone!” Tommy whined, eyes wide as he looked between you and him.
“It is his wedding, Tommy. It’s only fitting he plays,” Tubbo defended. Tommy, Tubbo, and Quackity bickered about Techno’s playing as Eret led that large group towards the veranda. Techno held your hand as you went down the stairs. Tommy made a mocking gag sound, and Quackity simply imitated Techno, holding his hand out for Tommy.
“Quackity, stop it, I’m not holding your hand,” Tommy complained, nose wrinkling. You shook your head, eyes rolling. They really were like children. 
You peered at the flowers as you walked to the gardens, looking for any you recognized. Eret spoke about the plans, and you absently nodded along. At least until he showed you where the ceremony would be held. “Here?” You murmured curiously, looking at the flowers. Your fingers ran over the petals, trying to note the flowers you did see. The easiest to identify was the roses- why was it always roses? Red bled into the white from the edges, and you smiled just slightly. They were pretty, most of the ones back home were either red, white, or yellow. Rarely hybrids. The only time you received a hybrid of one was from dream, but they were never red and white. Always red and yellow.
Curled near the roses stood a plant with broad green leaves and occasional clumps of pink flowers. It was faintly familiar, and you struggled to place it. You remembered Dream stating that they weren’t the best flower, trying his best to remove it from the gardens. You had no idea why, though, as it seemed to be doing just fine here. A hand grabbed yours as you went to run your fingers along the leaves, tugging it away.
“Careful,” Techno mumbled. He dropped your hand, lifting the leaves carefully. Behind them was a thick branch, coated in thorns. You had barely noticed them, stretching out about an inch. You had been so focused on the flowers.
“Thank you,” you murmured, turning back towards Eret with a soft smile. “This’ll do wonderful. What’s next?”
“That’s most of the basic stuff for decoration at the moment. I think Nihachu wanted to discuss catering? I have to get some stuff together for your dress, but I can come find you when I have,” Eret explained. You nodded, seemingly content with the idea.
“Do we have to come along?” Tommy groaned loudly, clearly growing bored with all of the proceedings. You laughed, head shaking.
“You never had to, Tommy. I think the only people obligated are Techno and I.” You shrugged, letting the group move back towards the castle.
“Come on then, Tubbo. Let’s get out of here, this is so damn boring.” The brunette looked towards you as if for confirmation, and you simply waved your hand. You didn’t expect them to truly tag along for too long. Especially Tommy, he didn’t seem the patient type to deal with planning.
“I’ll come check in later!” Tubbo tried to offer as Tommy, and Quackity, practically dragged him off. For what, you had no idea, but you didn’t want to ask questions. This thinned out the large group, allowing you to let out a soft breath. It was less crowded, which you definitely appreciated.
“Nihachu said she’d be in the dining hall with some samples of food for you to try,” Wilbur spoke, pausing at the top of the veranda. He watched Techno help you up, Eret slipping away from the three of you to go do what he needed.
“Sounds good with me,” You hummed. This might be one of the longer parts of the day, but you didn’t mind. Food was important, especially for a wedding. Even if it was stunning with beautiful music, you knew it would feel empty without proper food. As most celebrations would. Inside the dining hall was the same woman Wilbur was with the day prior, fussing over various plates on the table.
“Nihachu!” Wilbur called, causing the blonde to look up. She grinned up at him, practically bounding over to him to give him a hug. 
“Staying to taste the food?” She asked, focusing on him for a few moments.
“I’d never miss an excuse to eat it outside of meals.” He ruffled her hair, making her wrinkle her nose. She turned towards you and Techno, grin softening to a smile as she curtseyed slightly. 
“I’m Nihachu, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” She greeted warmly. You couldn’t help but return the smile, almost relieved to see another woman among the boys you seemed constantly surrounded by.
“You too. It’s a blessing to have someone who isn’t a prince to deal with.”
“Hey!” Wilbur gasped in offense, echoed by Techno’s quiet ‘Heh?’ of confusion. Nihachu only laughed, covering her mouth with a hand.
“Come on, there’s lots to try and discuss. Everything can be mixed and matched, as well. We have plenty of time between now and the wedding to refine everything.” She motioned the three of you towards the table, pointing to various dishes and explaining them to you. Some of them were unbelievably good, and you made sure to point that out. She seemed pleased with the praise each time, making note to include whatever you praised into the catering.
As she pointed to one of the dishes, you noted the ring on her finger, piquing your interest. “Are you married?” You asked without much thought, motioning to the simple band. Nihachu glanced to the ring, cheeks reddening slightly.
“Oh-! No, not yet, at least. It’s a ring my girlfriend gave me to promise she only had good intentions,” She murmured in embarrassment. Wilbur laughed beside her, trying and failing to hide the fact. She pushed at him slightly, trying to bring the focus back to the food instead. 
After a couple of hours of tasting and discussing, it was finally finished. She seemed content with the feedback, promising she would make sure everything was perfect. She actually seemed quite ecstatic to have the job she did. She simply took the paper she made her notes on, running off towards the kitchens once more.
“Right, all that’s left is the dress. Eret is setting up in one of the spare rooms,” Wilbur informed, motioning towards the exit. “I’m going to help Nihachu clear this.” You looked on in amusement as Wilbur began picking up plates, finding it hilarious that a prince was taking care of dirty dishes. All the same, you didn’t say anything and left the room with Techno. He was quiet as he led you towards the spare rooms, eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you need me to help with the dress?” He murmured, not exactly looking at you as he hovered outside the door. You blinked a little, processing the information. He didn’t want to help? Then you realized you were probably getting measurements taken, and who knew what else. Was he too embarrassed to help?
“I should be fine. Why don’t you go talk to your father about getting Tubbo a room here? Get him away from Schlatt,” you offered an alternative with a smile. A look of relief flooded his eyes, and he nodded.
“I’ll come get you in a while,” He informed, watching as you slid into the room. Eret smiled at you from where he was hovering over various fabrics, motioning you towards the middle of the room.
“I see everyone decided to abandon you,” he joked, picking up a strip of paper and walking towards you. All too familiar with the process that was about to happen, you lifted your arms. Eret took the paper, placing it against your arm and marking it.
“Wilbur decided to stick with Nihachu, and Techno really was trying to find a reason to not come in here,” You laughed, watching as Eret moved around, taking various measurements and marking them onto the strip he was using.
“That sounds like him. You send him off?” He leaned down, wrapping the strip around your waist snuggly.
“Told him to talk to his father about getting Tubbo one of the spare rooms in the castle, the boys mentioned it yesterday and I see why.”
“Schlatt is questionable at best. It would do Tubbo good to get away from him. I need to measure your legs,” He murmured, eyebrows furrowing. His cheeks painted pink, and he seemed to have only just realized what it entailed.
“It’s just measurements, Eret. It’s not scandalous,” you muttered reassuringly. You shifted the skirts of your dress as needed. Eret fell silent, seemingly embarrassed as he crouched in front of you to do the needed measurements on your legs. You tried your best to not laugh at how flustered he seemed, keeping any comments to yourself.
“Right, okay,” he cleared his throat, standing up and walking back towards the fabrics. You followed, peering over his shoulder. “Is this everything you were hoping for?”
“It’s… not, no. I never really planned to have a wedding with the prince of another kingdom, let alone one who was to become king. I thought I’d marry a noble in my own kingdom and live out my life there,” You explained. Eret picked up one of the white fabrics, holding it against your body and examining it. For what, exactly, you weren’t sure. Still, you let him do as he needed.
“That makes sense. Are you disappointed with this, though?” He seemed to want to talk, but you weren’t entirely against it. Not many people had cared to ask you how you felt about this whole thing. 
“No, not at all. It presents options I was never granted back home.” Eret held up a delicate lace, layering it over a fabric to hold against you.
“Good. Hopefully everything turns out as you want it to. I think that should be all now? There’s not too much to be done until the dress is actually made,” He murmured, setting the fabrics down.
“Perfect, just call on me whenever you need me to check in or anything.” You beamed, only glancing at the fabrics as he continued to shift through them. You truly trusted him on whatever he was deciding to make. Everyone here seemed competent enough, though it made you feel a little useless. You supposed all you could do truly was offer feedback, which they seemed content with. 
Techno was leaned against a wall outside the room, glancing up when you opened the door. You smiled at him, and he simply pushed off the wall, motioning towards where your rooms were. “Get changed, put on pants,” He said flatly, making you arch an eyebrow at him.
“What for, exactly?” You questioned, following him all the same.
“Unless you want to learn to fight in a dress.” He glanced at you, eyebrows raised in question. Your stomach flipped in excitement, and you desperately suppressed the urge to run to your room.
“I think pants would be better for that,” you laughed, nerves leaking through the sound. Finally, you were going to learn to fight. Next Chapter | >
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I Melt With You - Bakugou Katsuki
All Parts:
Part 7:
You don’t see him for nearly four weeks.
Apparently, Bakugou actually listening to your request was a one time deal- and you’d already used it up a month ago.
You watch him though- once again leafing through newspapers and headlines and hero highlights. Day by day he looks a little more angry, high-strung and volatile as he brushes aside nosy press and zealous citizens. He’s never mean to them, Dynamite never is, but he is short- no longer sticking around to bask in the praises so many seem to heap onto him. You begin to think that maybe that’s a hint of Bakugou showing though; a bit of whoever he is when he shows up at your door. The thought leaves you checking your balcony at night, hoping and praying not to see him standing there half-dead.
You think you understand now: no matter what he agreed to, Bakugou was still trying to fix his problems himself. And that’s perfectly fine, you know full well you’re not anyone special, but still, a part of you can’t help but hurt for him. Can’t help but wish he wasn’t so intent on running himself ragged for the entire world to see. 
When you see him next, Bakugou is knocking on your balcony door. Knuckles against the glass, sluggish and slow as he wraps another arm around his abdomen. He’s still in costume, but forgoing the mask- it’s hard to miss the purpling under his eyes, even harder to miss the blood dried up across his forehead.
“C’mon, did we not just have this conversation?” You sigh, ushering him in quickly. “The whole reason I told you to start coming over more often is because of this. Believe it or not, but I actually take no joy out of seeing you hurt.”
“Yeah. Whatever. Stop complaining. It’s a few busted knuckles and some blood- no need to bitch about it like I’m fuckin’ dying.”
Bakugou shuffles past you, hunched over and slow. He’s grunting, huffing in pain, twitching fingers clutching at the seared edge of his costume. There’s a hole burned through the material. His exposed ribs are covered in pink, angry skin.
“No, it’s burns too. Apparently.” You tell him, hovering just behind him. You help him settle on your couch. “Sit tight, I’ll go get the first aid kit. Maybe a few damp towels too.”
You follow a quick routine, gathering your med kit, and dampening a few towels with cool water. You’re back at his side in record time, cracking and shaking an instant cold-compress between your fingers. You wrap it in a towel, handing it to him.
“Just hold it. And don’t fight, please. If your knuckles swell up anymore it’s just going to be an even bigger mess for me.” You stare him down until he relents. “Actually, on second thought- wait on that. Take your shirt off first.”
“What the hell? No.”
“What do you mean, no? You’re wasting time, just take it off already. The burn isn’t gonna clean itself up and I can’t help you if all the fabric is in the way and I-“ 
You pause, looking up at his face. Bakugou won’t meet your eyes but he’s blushing. Just slightly, but you see it and you roll your eyes.
“Seriously? Now is literally the worst time for shame. Just do it. I don’t care. I see people’s bodies every day of my life.”
It’s Bakugou’s turn to roll his eyes, but then he huffs, sitting taller. He sucks in a harsh breath, biting out a curse as he shifts, arms rigid and tight when he shucks the costume off.
Under normal circumstances- you would probably be flustered. Although you were telling the truth, you did see people’s bodies every day, theirs never looked like Bakugou’s. Never looked like his defined pectorals and utterly ridiculous abs. Fortunately though, this wasn’t normal circumstances. Instead of smooth skin, Bakugou was covered in a large burn. A nasty looking one sprawling wide across his ribs, lines of irritation continuing to crawl red and angry up his back. You wouldn’t focus on anything but that.
“Sorry if this hurts. Really. But I have to.” You mutter, pressing a cool rag to the burn.
Bakugou sucks a breath, hissing before he screws his eyes shut. You try to apply gentle pressure, but even so, you’re sure it still hurts. It must if he’s hardly even fighting your treatment.
“The good news is, it’s only second degree.” You murmur, removing the rag gently, careful not to accidently drag it against his skin. “But, it’s across your ribs so it’ll probably hurt while you’re doing just about anything.”
“Coulda told you that my fuckin’ self.”
“I’m just saying. Just telling you what I think. Can I- can I ask you something though?”
He opens his eyes, squinting for a moment before he nods.
“It’s- I’m not sure how to say this, but these look identical to the burns you cause. Did you- did you do this to yourself?” You ask softly, delicately. “Are these from your quirk?”
Bakugou’s glare seems to intensify, red eyes seething and angry. You try not to shrink up, but truth be told, Bakugou cut an intimidating figure. A moment passes, and then he relents- eyes softening just a tiny bit as he averts them.
“Villain had a stupid quirk. Called it repel or some shit. Got blasted before I even knew what was happening.”
“So they’re yours, sort of, but not really. That’s alright. I only asked out of curiosity. Wasn’t trying to insinuate anything.”
“Yeah whatever, leech.”
“Hey, can you at least try to be nice to me?”
“Yeah, probably should’ve guessed you’d say that.” You sigh, before backing away from him. You turn, digging through the first aid kit to find some gauze and medical tape. “Alright, sit up for me.”
Bakugou grunts, but does as he’s told. He hisses when the burned skin shifts, and you feel sorry for him all over again. It truly did look painful.
“Hey- uh, do you,”
“Spit it out already.”
“You barely let me even start- actually, you know what? Never mind. What I was gonna ask was,” You pause, looking up at him. “It looks like it hurts. Do you want my help? Like, my quirk I mean.”
“Fuck no.”
Bakugou’s face contorts into a sneer, jaw set and lips drawn thin across sharp teeth. He looks wild, and the tiredness in his eyes isn’t helping.
“Okay- okay, I get it. I won’t. I was just asking.” You assure, pressing some gauze lightly over the burn. Bakugou hisses again, and you wish he’d just let you help him already. “But really, it looks like it hurts, and I can see how tired you are on top of that. The option’s open, is all I’m saying. I wouldn’t mind.”
He just nods tightly before averting his eyes. You try to smile reassuringly at him, but something still doesn’t sit right with you. Maybe it’s the way his eyes look panicked, darting and tracking every shadow of your apartment, or maybe it’s the slight tremors you can feel under your fingertips. You wonder what happened- if he’d even tell you at all.
You shake the thought from your head, making quick work with the gauze. With gentle pressure you cover the large burn, securing the cloth with thin strips of medical tape. Under your hands, Bakugou seems rigid. He’s twitching and tensing, muscles contracting with every breath, his hands fisting the fabric of your couch. You watch him bite back another wince, squeezing the couch cushion until his knuckles go white. You finish covering the burn, resolving to try your earlier question again.
“Burns are one of the most painful injuries, you know. And yours is nothing to laugh at. So even if it’s only a little, just my skin and not my quirk, I’d still like to help you.” You start, sitting back on your knees to look up at him. “Only if you’d let me, though.”
Bakugou just stares, breathing slowly. His eye twitches, and then he speaks. “Why do you keep helping me?”
You blink back at him, the wind almost knocked out of your lungs. You’d already answered a similar question, several times, but this didn’t feel like those other times. Now his voice was quiet, defeated and grumbling, bitten out through uneven breaths. He wasn’t asking about everyone else- Bakugou was asking why you kept helping him.
You begin to wonder all over again- where he’d been, who he’d been fighting. Whoever if was seemed to still sit with him; puppeting him into asking things the Bakugou you knew would never ask.
“Because I meant what I said earlier. I don’t like seeing you hurt- especially not when I know I can help you.” You sigh, crossing your arms around your stomach. “I don’t like seeing anybody hurt, you know? And I mean, I know I’m not exactly saving people on the scale you are, but I still like to try. In my own way.”
Bakugou seems to just look at you for a moment, before his shoulders are slumping.
“Fine. Leech.”
“Take your glove off.” He says flatly, hardly even blinking as he regards you. “One. And don’t use your quirk.”
You straighten a bit, nodding minutely. Bakugou watches you with intense focus, tracking you as you slip a glove off. You’re not sure what to do next, but then he’s grabbing hold of your wrist, curling his slightly shaking fingers around it. For a moment you assume the tremors must be residual adrenaline- but the feeling coursing through your veins next feels anything but that.
Your side feels hot, a burn crawling across your ribs to mirror Bakugou’s; but almost as soon as the heat rises, it’s snuffed out. Instead of the subtle warmth you’d come to associate with him- it’s cold. A chill through your veins as if you’d been out in the snow for too long. It’s not overwhelming, but you feel it, shivering slightly as goosebumps claim smooth skin. It’s fear- but more than anything else, it’s sadness. Something slow and sluggish. Makes your blood feel like gelatinous sludge until he lets go of you.
You feel a little sick, a little nauseous, and when you look at Bakugou it only makes the sinking feeling worse. He’s got his eyes closed, huffing a deep sigh of relief. Something that covers his entire face in solace and has your heart shattering.
You didn’t use your quirk- but you could tell, from a single touch, that whatever he was feeling, whatever he was dealing with, should’ve taken just about anyone out- but there he was. Solid and stubborn like always.
You wonder where he gets that strength from. What possible reserves Bakugou could possibly have left to drawn from.
He must see the look on your face because then he’s averting his eyes. “Don’t fuckin’ say anything. I already know, and I’m not gettin’ into it with you of all people.”
His insult hardly holds any bite, just defensiveness and strange apprehension. You steamroll right on past it.
“It’s- are you sure? Bakugou, that’s- I’ve never,”
His tone is steel, eyes boring into yours with a resolve you’d never seen before. Bakugou seems unmovable in that moment, unbreakable, even as his body nearly collapses from exhaustion. It’s an impressive thing; to watch a fire catch on embers you could’ve sworn were doused already.
You think there’s a quiet strength in that- a power all his own that has nothing to do with explosions, or shouting, or fists.
“Yeah. Okay.” You nod. “That’s- I get it. Not tonight.”
Bakugou seems abated by that as he sinks back into the couch. He looks at you expectantly, and then flicks his eyes back to his bruised knuckles.
“Gonna fix this shit or not?” He grumbles. “It’s your fuckin’ job isn’t it?”
And just like that you’re shocked back to life. You slip your glove back on, pulling his bruised hands toward you.
His hands are a mottled mess of bruises and burns and scabbed over scrapes. They’re warm, nearly pulsating with heat, and you try your best to handle them delicately. Luckily, the cold compress seemed to have helped the swelling, and all you have left to do is press a few butterfly bandages into the larger cuts. It’s quick work and before you know it, you’re wrapping his knuckles up with an ace bandage.
“Hey, I have a question.” You start, carefully weaving the bandage around his hand. “You don’t have to answer or anything, but I am curious.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, but he looks a little more tired then before. Less combative. “Go. Ask.”
“It seems like you’ve always got these bruises? Do you not wear gloves?”
“No. Course not. How the hell am I supposed to make a massive fuckin’ explosion wearing those piece-a-shits?”
You look at him, and Bakugou’s eyes are a little more lidded than before. His voice sings sincerity though. More conviction than ever.
“Yeah. I didn’t think of that.” You laugh under your breath. “Sorry- dumb question, I guess.”
“You’re not supposed to agree with me!”
“Had to. It was true.” He just shrugs, watching you intently. Then he’s sitting up a little, shifting to get more comfortable. “You fucked up the left one. Do it again.”
“I- I just finished that one!”
“Yeah? And? I’m telling you to do it again.”
“And I’m telling you it’s fine.”
“God, you fuckin’ suck at this. I’m a pro-hero, aren’t you supposed to kiss the ground I walk on?”
“No. Tried that already, remember? You still didn’t seem to like me when I was playing nice at work.” You roll your eyes, but start rewrapping his hand anyway. “You know, if all of the pro-heroes are as difficult as you, I might as well just quit now.”
“What- you haven’t fuckin’ met ‘em yet?”
“Nope. Just you.”
Bakugou doesn’t say anything, but when you glance up at him, he’s not looking at you. His eyes are staring straight past, focusing on a spot on the wall. It might just be the low lighting, but you swore you could’ve seen a smile edging at the corner of his lips.
“Not missin’ much.” He says, clearing his throat. “They’re all losers compared to me.”
You nearly balk at that- the brazen tone catching you by surprise almost as much as the words themselves did. You’re about to scold him, for his hubris and for his attitude, but when you look at him he’s smiling openly. A grin that only widens when you scrunch your eyebrows up.
“You’re too easy, leech.” Bakugou smirks. “Could say anything and you’d flip shit.”
“I would not!”
“What the hell do you call that then?” He nods in the direction of your hands, the way one of them is curled into a fist. “Look pissed to me.”
“That’s not even- and who even gave you the right- you hypocrite!” You sputter, almost growling when Bakugou’s smile just widens. “God, you know what, no- I’m not giving you the reaction. I know that’s all you’re after anyways. Jerk.”
“Been called worse. Gotta up your insult game, dumbass.”
“No, I think jerk suits you fine.” You finish with his bandage, placing his hands on his lap. You stand. “It’s a good name for someone who actively enjoys watching the world burn.”
“To fuckin’ ashes.”
You just rolls your eyes at his confident tone, trying not to screech as he suddenly tips to the side. Just a little, just a teeny bit, but more than enough for him to almost rub the dried blood on his forehead into your cushions.
“Oh my god- where you raised in a barn?” You scramble to tip him back upright, careful to avoid his burns. “You’ve got somebody’s blood! All over your face! Don’t just lay down on my couch!”
“What the hell do you want me to do?” He grumbles tiredly, rubbing a bandaged hand down his face. “Not- ‘m not gettin’ up again.”
“Your stupid quirk fuckin’ zapped me, leech. Your fault, you fix it if there’s such a fuckin’ problem.”
“There is a problem!”
“Okay- so you fix it.”
“You’re- seriously?”
“Oh my god, you’re irritating.” You sigh, muttering a swear under you’re breath.
Then you’re heading towards your kitchen, tossing the rags you’d already used aside, and grabbing new ones. These are just as soft, because you’re way nicer than deserves, and you run them under warm water. Because, once again, you are way more considerate and kind than he deserves.
You squeeze the excess water out, striding back over to him. You stop behind the back of the couch, gently guiding his head back until he’s looking up at you. In any other situation, you’d probably just tell him to take a shower, but now you can see Bakugou wasn’t kidding- he didn’t look like he was getting up any time soon. Not if he continued to be as boneless and pliant as he seemed at that moment.
When he nods at you insistently, you roll your eyes. You think it’s rich that he’s trying to speed along a process that he’s entirely uninvolved in.
“Jesus, did you have to get so much of it all over you?” You gripe, gently pressing the rag to his cheek. “What’d you do? Stab the guy?”
“No.” He mutters darkly, almost pouting. “And it was a woman. A stupid woman who I had to use my fists against! Bitch could repel my quirk.”
“Okay- well, let’s maybe not call women bitches please-“
“What’s the big deal? I call you a bitch all the time-“
“Yes! I know! That’s the problem!” You sigh, already knowing it was a lost cause. “But still- this is a lot of blood. You really didn’t have to bash her brains in like that.”
“Didn’t. Hit her once- in the nose. Not my fault she fuckin’ sprayed everywhere.”
“No- I’m pretty sure that’s exactly the definition of your fault.”
“Yeah. Whatever. Shut up, leech.”
Then he’s squinting his eyes, falling into silence. You almost want to talk again, but once the quiet settles you find that it’s nice.
He’s a lot calmer now, tilting his head slightly to accommodate wherever you were cleaning. Bakugou mostly keeps his eyes closed, only peeking them open occasionally. It’s a rare glimpse, and he’s careful only to look when you’re not, but you don’t need your quirk to tell what he’s feeling. There’s vulnerability there- the same type of surrender you’ve seen from so many patients before.
You wonder if that would anger or soothe him- the fact that, at his core, Bakugou wasn’t all that different from the people he saved.
“I see you opening your eyes.” You speak quietly, dabbing at a spot of blood near his hairline. “Not falling asleep this time?”
“Really? Because your eyes are closed right now.”
“Kinda makes it seem like you’re falling asleep.”
“I- ‘m not. Shut up.”
You just smile a little bit, wiping away the red staining his forehead. You try your best to be gentle, but a part of you doesn’t think it really matters all that much anymore. Bakugou seemed to be entirely relaxed, going soft and languid into the plush cushioning of your couch.
“You’re lucky I’m nice.” You say, running the rag over a particularly persistent spot of blood. “And that I’m not making you do this yourself.”
“That’s all you got? Nothing else to say?”
“Nope. Tired.”
“Go to sleep then. I won’t mind- nothing’s stopping you.”
“Nah.” He breathes out, eyes fluttering beneath his lids. Bakugou goes quiet, so quiet you nearly believe he’s actually fallen asleep, but then he’s clearing his throat, grumbling slightly. “‘s nice.”
“Nothing. Shut up.”
“Fine. Fine, whatever you want. You know, since you seem to be pretty intent at making yourself at home here anyways.”
He smiles a little at that, but it’s soft and quickly fading. You think he looks like a different man in that moment- someone much softer and smaller than he really was.
“Stop.” He mumbles. “Stop complaining.”
“Says the man who uses his oxygen to bitch more than he breathes.”
“Oi-“ He peeks an eye open lazily, red eye focusing on you intently. “Watch it, leech.”
“What’re you gonna do? Bleed all over my apartment again- oh, wait.” You joke softly, moving your rag so just the tips of it brushing over his closed eyelids. The way his eyes flutter at that makes you smile. “You already did that, didn’t you?”
“That’s fuckin’ it.”
“What is?”
“Say your prayers.” He threatens vaguely, voice hardly more than a grumble. “You’re dead when I wake up.”
“Meet me at 3 PM in the school parking lot?”
Bakugou cracks another small smile at that, but then he’s smoothing it out. Just as he always does. “Show up late ‘n I’m killing you twice.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You know where I live, right?”
“Damn straight, woman.”
“Not gonna add shitty in front of that?” You laugh indulgently, swiping the rag near his ear. “Usually that’s your tagline.”
“Nah. Not bein’ that shitty- right now. Still too nice though.”
“Hey, everyone is too nice compared to you- I really don’t think you’re a fair judge.”
“I am.”
“Because you say so, right?”
“Yep. Kill ya if you disagree, so watch your mouth.”
“Colorful threat. I’d almost be scared if you didn’t slur your way through the entirety of it.” You smile, dabbing away the last bit of blood and soot on his cheek. “All done now- so go to sleep. Stop fighting it.”
Bakugou nods. He’s still, much more still than you’ve ever seen him, but there’s still fight in him. He seems determined not to let sleep catch up with him, rubbing loosely at his eyes with a fist; blinking away the bleariness as he regards you once more.
“Thanks.” Is all he mumbles, before closing his eyes, falling back entirely boneless once more.
You’re shocked- rooted where you stand just few inches above him.
“Did- did you just-“
“Say anythin’ and it won’t happen again.”
His tone is a little harsh, but the sleepy grin stretched across his face betrays him. Helps you see through the name calling for what it really is: childish mischief.
You think that’s rather fitting. The Bakugou you’d come to know was rather juvenile, after all.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, I’m a bloodsucking parasite. You gotta come up with new material, man.” You flick his forehead lightly. He has almost no reaction, doesn’t even flinch when you make contact. “Alright, now go to sleep. Because, and I mean this with full offense, Bakugou- you look like shit.”
You wonder if you’re toeing the line, playing with dangerous fire, but Bakugou just grins again. A tired, lazy, unbidden thing, that licks rolling warmth at the heels of his next words.
“Only look like shit because I keep associatin’ with you. Rollin’ in it at this point.”
“That’s- Hey!” You sputter, indignant as he peeks an eye open. “Don’t be rude!”
“Kiddin’, leech.”
“You better be.”
“Mhm. Now go away. I’m fuckin’ tired.”
When he tips sideways again, you let him. Bakugou’s still in the bottom half of his hero costume, sure, but he’s not disturbing the bandages on his ribs. There’s no more blood either, so you count it as a win. It takes all over seconds before he’s out, and you wonder just how long he’d been fighting it. Why he’d even do such a thing in the first place.
There’s still something biting at you though- a bit of that cold he’d left you with earlier. Something sympathetic in you aches, and your fingers itch in your gloves. Almost without thinking, you grab the blanket for him. Bakugou hardly reacts when you tuck the cloth around his shoulders, just barely flutters his eyes and snuffles a bit. He pulls his limb in a bit, nestling into the couch and mumbling something you can’t hear.
A part of you knows it pointless, but still, you hope whatever he’s dreaming about is warm.
sorry about the wait y’all!! had exams n felt a bit burnt out :// 
all good now tho!! refreshed n excited haha,, i hope u all enjoyed!!
taglist:  @fluffyviciousbunny @definitelynottrin @imsuperawkward @i-need-air @ahbeautifulexistence @brennabooz @jazzylove @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @katsuki-bakubabe @sorrythatspussynal @bakugouswh0r3 @cloudsgathering @un-limit-edd @thekatsukisimp @pollayra21 @the2ndl @officialtrashbusiness @waffleareniceandfluffy @monempathieetmoi @koiwoshinai @christianagrace9  @the2ndl @the-shota-king-masayuki @shy-panda02 @devastyle @shoto-supremacy00
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sapphirelass · 4 years
I’ll be by your side - Remus LupinxDaughter!Reader
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Hi!! Wooow I’m a slow writer XD To be fair though, I am graduating in June, so there’s...quite a lot to do. Anyhow, this is part 3 of my imagine deal? so I’d recommend reading that one and part 2 first. Remus is my favourite HP character, so this mainly focuses on the relationship between him and his daughter, but I guess it’s slight HarryxReader as well ;)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3)
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
You probably already know this, but still:
Y/N - Your name
Y/N/N - Your nickname
Y/H - Your house
Word count: ≈ 2200
Warnings: Battle of Hogwarts, Angst, Blood, Death :(
Enjoy! :)
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“But, dad! You can’t go yourself and then expect me not to come along!”
“Yes, (Y/N/N), I can, and I will!”
He was desperate to go join the rest of the Order, and searched frantically for his old coat.
“Darling, listen, this is not your fight, okay? You’re staying with Tonks and Teddy this time, and I’ll-”
She had grabbed his coat and was holding it behind her back, out of her father’s reach.
Remus stopped for a moment and took a proper look at his daughter for the first time since receiving the message about the upcoming battle.
“Look, I’m seventeen years old. I’m an adult now, and most of my younger friends are fighting. There’s literally no reason for me not to!”
“There is a perfectly good reason and you know that! Besides, your age is completely irrelevant! It wouldn’t matter if you were fifteen or seventeen, twenty or thirty, I don’t want you fighting!”
His voice was stern, which admittedly wasn’t too uncommon, but it lacked the normal comedic undertone and not even a ghost of a smile could be seen on his face. This did make (Y/N) feel quite uncomfortable, but she was not giving up. She couldn’t leave everyone else and just sit quietly on the sidelines. Surely he understood that, right?
“Well, I’m sorry, but it’s not your choice to make. I know you don’t like it, but I’m going.” 
She gave her father his coat and picked a jumper for herself, but stopped abruptly when approaching the front door. Remus had stepped in front of her, and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Please, darling… I can’t have you injured again - or worse! Stay.”
“Dad, I promised you two years ago that I would pick my fights more wisely. We made a deal. And I am choosing this one.”
“(Y/N), it’s not the same! Seeing you hurt back then caused me more pain than you could possibly imagine, but this will be worse. Far worse. An-”
“Don’t you think I know that?” It wasn’t her intention to snap at him, but they didn’t have time for this argument. People were waiting. “I know it’s for real this time, it most definitely was two weeks ago, but I honestly thought you would have more faith in me. I’m not five, okay?!”
“(Y/N/N), don-”
She pulled out of his embrace, tied her shoes and apparated. Leaving him in the middle of an argument like that broke her heart. She knew the chances of them both making it out alive were low, unharmed close to none. They did, however, not have a choice. There was no time to waste. Voldemort could be attacking the castle this very moment, and Harry, Dumbledore’s army and the rest of the Order would need all the help they could get…
(Y/N) ran down the stairs, desperately searching for any familiar faces, and eventually spotted one she had really longed to see.
He turned at the sound of his name and smiled - really smiled - when their eyes met. They weren’t more than a few feet away from each other, and it didn’t take long before they met in the middle.
“(Y/N/N)! You alright?” They hugged each other tightly and enjoyed the feeling of safety, if only for a few seconds. “What happened to your arm?”
She followed his gaze and found her sleeve torn and shoulder covered in blood. It wasn’t too bad though, she hadn’t even noticed it before Harry pointed it out.
“I-I don’t know, it’s fine. How are you feeling?”
He looked down at her and used a bloodied and scarred hand to push some of her hair behind her ear. He wanted to say “fine”, but it would have been a lie.
“Scared”, he admitted, “But also ready. Let’s finish this, once and for all?”
She nodded. “You’re right! How can I help?”
“Well, some people are trying to evacuate all the younger students through the room of requirement, think you could lend them a hand?”
“Sure! Good luck Harold, see you!”
He shook his head at the nickname, but smiled nonetheless.
“Right, good luck. And (Y/N/N)?”
“Stay alive, will you?”
“I’ll do my best on one condition.”
“You do the same”
He gave her a nod before continuing up the stairs.
“And Harry, we don’t have time for the full story, but if you run into my dad, let him know I’m sorry, will you?”
Sure, (Y/N) loved Hogwarts, it was her second home, but this was proper chaos! Most of the younger kids were finally safe, but the battle was far from won. There were death eaters everywhere. She stumbled behind suit of armor, narrowly avoiding a flash of red light, and suddenly remembered something her dad had said the other night: 
“It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers” 
She knew it was meant to work as motivation, but thinking about it now just made her feel sad. How could she be so stupid? She fought her way through the corridors, but after turning a corner, she found herself facing an empty hallway? A chill went down her spine as the booming voice of Lord Voldemort could be heard all throughout the grounds. He was ordering his followers to back down, hoping to get Harry to come directly to him. Great! Now she had two people to find before it was too late...
Entering the great hall this time felt nothing like it had almost seven years ago. There were people everywhere. Students, teachers, children, former graduates and parents - all in this together, mourning, comforting and healing.
(Y/N) would have noticed Fred Weasley surrounded by the rest of his family. Neville and Oliver Wood carefully moving Colin Creevey out of the way. She would have seen all of them, had it not been for a certain old, brown coat in her peripheral vision. 
Her world fell apart, she found herself unable to breathe and didn’t realize she had sprinted towards her father before she felt two, strong arms wrap around her. (Y/N) struggled and tried to push them away, but didn’t have enough strength to do so. She crumpled to the ground and was pulled into a tight embrace.
“(Y/N/N)…”, a soft voice mumbled. “I’m so sorry. Can you try to breathe slower, please? Deep and easy, alright.”
She realized that someone was speaking to her, but she didn’t recognize the words. They held no meaning, almost as if he spoke a different language, or stood very far away. (Y/N) eventually stopped hyperventilating and tried to ease the shaking as she slowly turned to check who it was, sitting with his arms around her. Her eyes met a pair of emerald green ones.
“Harry.” she whispered, still crying but trying to keep her focus on him. There was so much more she would have wanted to say, but she was unable to find the right words. “Please tell me.... Tell me he’s no-...”
“‘m sorry”
They sat for a few minutes before Harry picked a small vial from his pocket and asked if she’d be okay.
“(Y/N/N), I’m sorry, but I have to go. It’s not over yet.”
She took a deep breath.
“It’s fine, I get it. Go. I’d love a moment alone anyways.”
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She sat by her father’s side for a while, but felt unable to look at him, not wanting to fully accept the reality of the situation. It was when the fifth person came up to her to give their condolences that she got up and left the great hall. She couldn’t take it, and besides, it should be fine. The death eaters had left.
She walked the familiar path towards the (Y/H) common room, but nothing seemed... real. It felt like a nightmare, only this time she couldn’t talk it through with her dad over a cup of tea. This time, nobody would be there to convince her it was just a bad dream. 
This time, no one would wake her up…  
The very moment that thought crossed her mind, a dark chuckle shattered the otherwise eerie silence.
“Avada kedavra”
She barely had time to register Antonin Dolohov with his wand pointed in her direction before an intense flash of green light caused her world to go dark.
This time, she wouldn’t wake up.
*A flicker of light*
*A flicker of... hope*
It was a weird feeling. She didn’t feel happy, but rather… at peace. She sat up slowly and let her eyes adjust to the brightness as two voices simultaneously asked:
She turned around and found herself face to face with a rather tall, red haired wizard, and a slightly older man with longer brown hair.
“Fred? Sirius?”
Fred skipped over and held out his hand, helping his younger friend to her feet. He immediately noticed her dried tears and pulled her into a tight embrace. Sirius remained a few feet away with a pained expression on his face, but was unable to stay quiet for long.
“What happened?”
(Y/N) pulled away and met her godfather’s worried gaze.
“I… It’s my fault. I thought all the Death Eaters had left the castle. They were waiting for Harry in the forbidden forest and I just needed some air...”
“Did Harry go?”
A couple (Y/N) had only seen in pictures, but knew to be James and Lily Potter, had appeared behind Sirius.
“I’m not sure. He left for Dumbledore’s office about fifteen minutes earlier. I’m sorry I didn’t even try to stop him but, with all due respect, he would have gone anyways. It’s impossible to change his mind once he decides on something.”
To her surprise, none of Harry’s parents looked very worried, but shared a smile instead.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N/N).”, said Lily gently, “He’ll know what to do when the time comes.”
“You’ve both come so far”, added James, “Things will be fine in the end, and if they’re not fine, then it’s not the end.”
“I hope you’re both right…”, she mumbled quietly, “sorry, but is dad…?”
James smiled sadly and nodded before turning to call his old friend over, however Sirius got there first.
“Oi! Moony! Get over ‘ere.”
Remus had been discussing something not too far away, and Sirius’ comment made him chuckle as he approached the other marauders. 
“Easy, Pads, you make it sound li-”
That was all he had time for, as two arms wrapped themselves tightly around his torso. He would have known who it was even without looking. He’d recognize that hug anywhere. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry, but all it took was one word.
one. single. word.
A single word before hot, salty tears filled his eyes. It wasn’t possible!? He was completely lost for words. Didn’t know how to react, what to say or what to do. He just stood there, his arms wrapped around his only daughter, unable to process the fact that she was… dead. They both were.
“Dad, I’m so so so sorry! I shouldn’t have shouted, I shouldn’t have taken my anger or fear out on you and above all I shouldn’t have left!?! I… I..”
“And now Teddy won’t have his father-”
“And I swear I tried to find you, but I couldn’t and then it was too late and it’s all my fault a-”
“(Y/N) Lupin!!!”
She fell silent but didn’t let go.
“I’m s-”
“Darling, calm down! What’s done is done, alright. I still wish you hadn’t gone, especially given the apparent outcome, but I understand. Are you okay? Nothing broken?”
“No, I’m good, actually… Nothing hurts at all, but-”
“Good!” He pulled away and put his hands on her shoulders. “Would you mind letting me in on what happened?”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, not really wanting to talk about the last few hours, yet knowing she owed her father that much.
“I… I entered the great hall and saw… you. I don’t quite know what happened, I just… broke. Then Harry showed up and we just hugged, I guess?”
Lily and James looked at each other and smiled.
“Then we both left and Dolohov appeared out of nowhere and… well that’s that.”
Remus shook his head sadly, immediately understanding the true meaning of his daughter’s words. HE was duelling Dolohov earlier that night. HE lost that duel. Had he won then maybe, possibly, she would still be alive too. His fault... as always
“Remus? Rem?”, James mumbled, putting an arm around his friend’s shoulders, “It’s not your fault. You tried, and that’s the best either of us can do.”
Things didn’t go according to plan, but perhaps they were the way they were always meant to be.
Her body next to her fathers, as they rested peacefully in the great hall. Her soul next to her father, as they wandered through the deep valleys of Nangijala, awaiting the day lost friends and lovers would come join them. No matter in this life or in the next;
I’ll be by your side 
~ L
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xgummibearx · 3 years
Fatgum x Freader-Rescued
y/n: (X)
summary: You were walking home after a late shift when someone decided to mug you. Taishiro saves you and insists on making sure you get home safely. You're so shaken up you ask him to stay the night.
Warnings: mentions of violence, possible angst but mostly fluff.
(lemme know if you guys like this, I'll see if I have time to write more)
(X): insert name
The florescent lights made her eyes sore, a slight dull headache only adding to the frustration. "I missed the last bus.." (X) cursed under her breath, stepping away from the bus stop. "Cabs too expensive..." She added with a grumble, shuffling her heavy aching feet. There was a possible chance of storms according to the weather alert; however luck seemed to be taking pity on her as she walked down the dark streets without a single drop of rain.
She walked around a corner, zipping up her hoodie. The early spring air still had a chill to it, at least there was a possibly of biking and walking more since the cold of winter had passed. With this thought (X) turned and started walking down a dark empty street, she grit her teeth and slipped her keys between her knuckles. She suddenly felt pair of firm hands grip her shoulders, and before she could even scream (x) was lying on the pavement. "Weren't you taught to never walk around by yourself?" A tall man stood over her, kicking her in the side sharply. (x) felt the pain shoot up, a plea for help ringing into the air as she was grabbed by the arm and pressed into the wall behind her. "Now..." He flicked open his switchblade and lifted it towards her. The blade glowed in the dim light of a single street lamp, "hand over your wallet or this will get messy pretty damn fast."
With the cold cement wall against her  back (x) stared into the face of her attacker, the dark shadows casted down on him made it near impossible to identify him; she was scared unable to move, unable to speak. He growled, in impatient frustration he gripped her shoulders and pushed her harder into the wall. He pressed his knife to her throat, "I don't have all night sweetheart now give it to me!"
(x) was reaching slowly into her purse for her wallet with trembling hands as all the colour drained from her face. She felt dizzy, hardly able to breathe when the pressure of the knife was suddenly lifted with a painful but small scratch. (X) screamed as loud angry shouts erupted from the mugger, she slid to the ground unable to stop shaking as her head swirled. In the dim light of the street lamps she saw flashes of yellow, and could only hear shouts as fists collided with flesh. In seconds there was silence, and a huge figure stood over her. "Are you alright miss?" The male who spoke had a soft voice, (x) could just barely make out a gloved hand gentle stretching out towards her. "A police car is on their way, can you stand? I'm afraid that they're going to have ask you some questions but don't worry it won't take long." She nodded slowly as he spoke, taking a hold of the hand as she leaned against the wall. She couldn't stop shaking. With the lights she was able to see her rescuer, she had seen him on patrol here and there many times; Taishiro Toyomitsu.
Fatgum had the perpetrator engulfed in his fat, was almost a comical sight watching Tai pluck him out and hand him over to the police. With a gentle smile he sat her on a nearby park bench, "here I'll just talk with the officers for a moment then we should be able to-" As he checked (x) over he noticed the cut on her neck. "Oh miss you're bleeding, it isn't deep thankfully...I'm so sorry it must have happened when I grabbed him..."
(X) could barely make out what he was saying, he sounded muffled as her vision blurred. He looked concerned, seeing her swaying and the colour still drained from her face. "It'll be right...it's going to be alright." Fatgum made sure to be quick as he went to speak with the officers again. She hardly noticed, but when she looked up (x) tried to focus on his yellow hoodie, trying to stay conscious as she took deep breaths to clear her head. "She's in shock...I don't think she should require any questioning, it just sounded like he was trying to rob her." The officer shut the door on the attacker and listened carefully.
"Very well, we need to make sure that she gets home safely then." Fatgum nodded,
"I'll see to it, you just take of that guy." Taishiro left the officers to drive off and returned with the ointment to clean the cut. "Are you okay?" Her voice was still shaky but she let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, just...just peachy!" Fatgum still looked concerned, wiping the small cut carefully. It only stung a little but (x) didn't notice, her heart racing with adrenaline. She looked over at him with a smile, "thank you...I, I didn't know what he was going to do." Fatgum shrugged, shoving the ointment in his pocket.
"I'm just glad I got there when I did, now where's home? I can call you a cab-" He pulled out his phone to pull up the number but she shook her head.
"No no it's fine, I think if I get in a car I'll get sick..." She mumbled, still light headed as she stood, she didn't even know what she was saying. "I'll be good! Real good!" (X) lazily waved, then bumped into a trash can. Fatgum stood, he was very concerned.
"Did she get a concussion? Or is this just shock?" He wasn't sure but either way he couldn't just leave her like this to wander the streets. He checked the time, there was only a few minutes left for his patrol at least.
"Uhm...okay, I'll just walk you home then." He suggested, shoving his phone in his pocket. (x) was standing still, nodding slowly.
"Y-yeah that's...that's probably a good idea." She held her arms, feeling the cold air hit her as she trembled. They walked in silence, the fear gripping her with each step and her eyes glancing at every dark corner twice. Fatgum put a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"You're safe...no one else is going to hurt you." (X) didn't understand why she was still scared, she knew he was right but her head was still spinning when they reached her home. Taishiro lead her up the stairs to her apartment, a hand on her back. "I could carry you if you want..." She shook her head sleepily. When she stood at the door she thought of her dark, empty apartment that was far too quiet. (X) left her hand on the door handle hesitantly. Tears were welling in her eyes a little, the weight of the night's events made her feel like she was crumbling from the inside as she leaned against the door.
"I...I don't have anyone living with me...I..." She could hardly speak, she was shaking violently. "Would you be able to stay the night possibly?..." She realized what she had said, her head pounding but she was so tired she couldn't think straight, her heart was still racing. Tai nodded,
"of course, you've had a long night...where are your keys?" She handed the keys to him, almost dropping them.
Taishiro opened the door, trying his best to keep her steady as they stepped in. He kept his head hunched, a little tall for the ceiling of the entryway. He set (X's) shoes aside, helping guide her to the couch. "Is there anything I can get you?" She shook her head, resting her head in her hands.
"No, you've done so much already." He went to the kitchen and grabbed her a cup of water.
"It isn't a problem, let me help you..." He picked up a blanket that hung on the back of a  chair. "It's what I'm here for after all." He smiled gently, draping the blanket over her shoulders. She was terrified, he could see it.
(X) held the glass tighty, her shakes made the water in the cup ripple.  "I..." Tears built up in her eyes once more, and they finally began to trickle down her face. "I don't know?!" She hunched over, quietly sobbing. Fatgum took the cup and moved a little closer.
"I'm sorry...you shouldn't have to deal with this on your own." He wrapped an arm around her, the promised rain began to fall gently outside. The sound was soothing as (X) found herself returning his embrace. She lay against him, her sobs made her shoulders shudder. "It's okay." Tai carefully pulled her closer and held the back of her head. "You're safe, I promise..."
Her heartbeat slowed as she softly cried, her face pressed into his comforting chest. He was so warm, she listened to his steady as her breathing regulated. (X) cuddled closer to him, exhausted. "Thank you..." Her hand was gripping his hoodie gently. "Please don't go..."
He felt a small chill go down his spine as he felt (x) holding on to him. He took a deep breath, slowly wrapping his arms around her. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere." He stroked her shoulders, "I'm here..." Sleep came easily to them both as she settled against his soft form, and as the sun creeped into the small living room she was still in his arms.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | six
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, begging, rough sex, doggy style, hair pulling, very slight dirty talk, slight hints of jealousy, very brief moment of spit play, oral (f. receiving), breast play, cum eating, fingering, multiple orgasms, marking/hickeys, cussing/mature language, angst, cuddling/after care, mentions of car accident/death, insecurities, unanswered questions, dont really know wtf this is or where it’s going, love triangle mess
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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The Uber ride is silent, and part of you started to question whether or not you should continue. But, before you could really talk some sense into yourself, you had arrived at Jin's house.
You remember him dropping his address into your text thread after Chance's death anniversary, in case you ever needed anything. For which specific reasons, you had no idea what. Maybe for times like these? You were beginning to think this is what he planned all along.
As you slowly walked up to the front of his perfect family sized home up in Orinda, you felt a little weird seeing his car and what you assume is Grace's car. You also remember him briefly saying Grace would be in New York, but you double check your receipts just to make sure [on some serious hoe shit]. If anything, you could just make up some weird, bullshit excuse and run away, right? Pull the drunk student card. Hopefully, you wouldn't have to.
You ring the doorbell once and stand there awkwardly. You didn't hear any movement in the house, although the lights were on, so you hit the doorbell once more, the cold settling into your skin as the minutes go by. This was the moment you started to really question your decision. Like what the fuck, Y/N? What are we—
Lo and behold, Jin answers the door. He looks like he had just hopped out the shower since he showed up in sweats, a white longsleeve and damp hair.
"Sorry, I just hopped out the shower." He steps aside to let you in, almost like he already expected you to show up.
"It's alright." You fiddle with your fingers.
"It's freezing, are you cold? Do you want a sweater?" You look down at your leggings and the thin sweater you grabbed.
"I'm good, thanks." You say softly as you follow him deeper into the house. It's quiet for the most part, and you feel incredibly awkward walking behind him like a lost child. He stops in his kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water.
"Water? Or anything to drink? Eat, even? I might have something I could whip up for you really quickly." You chuckle.
"No, don't worry."
"Soooo, wanna tell me what you're doing here Y/N?" He chuckles at you.
"Don't flatter yourself, Jin."
"Can't help it since Jungkook doesn't seem to live here." He smirks, his hands now dug deep into the pockets of his sweats. You can't help but marvel at the sight of his long, veiny arms and the way his collarbone is poking out from his longsleeve. Oh, the thought of his hands wrapping around your neck.
"Ha-ha, very funny." You say sarcastically, crossing your arms.
"Just going along with your game." He's now closer and towering over you, subtly biting his bottom lip as he looks down at you. "You have fun with my stepbrother tonight?"
"And if I did?" At this point, your knees are buckling and you're about ready to pounce on this man with the way he's been acting.
"So then let me ask again - what are you doing here, Y/N?" His voice slightly deepened as his finger rose your chin for you to look him in the eye.
"Why ask when you know?"
"Cause I wanna hear it."
"You really wanna hear why?" You say, almost at a whisper.
"Yeah, I do." He edges his face closer to yours, the lust very apparent and strong as hell between the both of you. "Or you can show me." You suddenly can no longer hold yourself off, forgetting the events that played out until this moment. You instantly throw your bag aside and jump onto him, kissing him as he wraps his arms tightly around you to hold you up. He doesn't break the kiss as he's making his way up to the bedroom.
He gently lays you on the bed, taking off his shirt before aiding you with yours. You bite your bottom lip as you gush at the sight of his upper body, your panties feeling more soaked by the minute. You wanted every bit of him, and you were ready to get filthy, fulfilling every need Grace couldn't. He snatches your leggings off, tossing them across the room. His large hands are feeling down your entire body as he deeply kisses you. His lips move down to your jaw, then down to your neck, his tongue swiping across your skin before nipping and sucking on the surface to leave his mark. You let out a moan while your hands are in his hair.
"Fuck me, Jin. Pleeeease." You mewl as he's sucking on each breast, his tongue toying with your nipples before gently sucking and nibbling on them. He makes his way down your stomach and to your inner thighs, his long fingers hooking onto your panties and shoving them aside.
"God, Y/N. You have no idea how bad I've been wanting to fuck you." He says lowly before he lowers his mouth onto your wet pussy. He instantly swipes his tongue down your folds, sucking all the wetness that leaks out. You let out a breathy moan when the sensation hits you, sending chills and goosebumps down your body. He inserts two digits, biting his lip at the sound your pussy makes every time he curves upwards and picks up the pace.
"Ohhhhh my god." You moan as you slightly arch your back and palm your breasts, toying with your own nipples as he continues to finger you and suck on your clit like no tomorrow. "Mmmmmm, fuck!" You almost yell as one hand is gripping the sheets, trying your hardest to hold on for as long as you could, but this man was really about to make you cum right at this moment.
And so he does. He makes you cum so fucking hard your body needs to be held down from how bad you're trembling. All you want is more, and he knows you want more. He pulls you to the edge of the bed, ready to line himself up with your entrance but you take his cock in your hand and jerk him off for a bit. His cock is long, and the perfect thickness. His tip red and angry, pooling with pre-cum that your thumb is swirling around and playing with. Your free hand is grabbing his other hand and inserting the two digits he used to finger you into your mouth, sucking each digit slowly. He can't even fucking bear this sight right now, or else he'll probably blow his load right onto you. His eyes are rolling to the back of the head and all he can think about is fucking you so hard that the headboard almost breaks the wall.
He wanted you so fucking badly, and you were being the biggest, dirtiest tease.
You finally insert the tip into your entrance, gasping and smirking at how good it'll feel when he completely fills you up. He wastes no time pushing himself into you, completely bottoming out until he's thrusting into you harder than you imagined. Your body is moving upwards, titties shaking and bouncing from how hard he's going. One hand is gripping your thigh tightly as you wrap your legs around his torso, the other is around your neck.
"Jin! Fuck, you're gonna make me cum again." He groans, closing his eyes as he continues to thrust hard, going deep every time he pulls back, hitting your core with the sudden movement.
"You think my brother can make you feel this way?" He lets out breathily.
"N-no." You whine, tears streaming down your face at the overwhelming sensation.
"Seemed like you thought so earlier." He has this look in his eyes, the same look he had when he was hungry for you at the club. Except this time, it was ten fold more being he was in between your thighs, fucking you until he couldn't anymore. And honestly, this shit was boosting his ego because Jungkook had you wrapped around his finger all night and he hated it. Jungkook was a really good looking dude, who was good at a lot of things, and Jin couldn't help but feel a little competitive against his own sibling.
But here he was, getting you all to himself.
"N-no!" You beg. "Only you. Only you can make me feel this way. Please make me cum." He groans, his thumb now working circular motions onto your clit until you're letting your climax take over your entire body once again. You're so out of breath at this point, but Jin doesn't stop and instantly gets you on your fours. He swipes his hand down your pussy, making you suddenly jolt at the sensitivity. You feel his spit dribble down your folds, causing your breathing to hitch. It was obvious Jin was letting out this pent up sexual tension or whatever the hell it was, but you honestly couldn't care less. He could use you all he wanted, especially if he made you cum the way you did just these past two times.
At first, he was gripping your hips, holding onto you as he hammered into your pussy from the back. You started following his movements with his, making him pause just to feel you move along his cock. He gives your ass cheek a good smack, causing you to yelp at the heat pooling at the spot. He grips your ass, spreading it just enough to continue burying himself deeper into your core.
"Just like that." You moan. "Hohhhhhgod, just like that!" You're almost crying. He grabs a hold of your hair, tugging it back so that he can see your face.
"Let me see you play with yourself." He spits out. You reach down for your clit, your hands rubbing in circles as he continues to fuck you and tug on your hair. You let out a loud moan, the headboard really damn near about to create a dent into the wall. "Yeah, that's it. You're fucking naughty." He says in your ear. You feel yourself spiraling for the third time tonight, and this third time has you weak, causing you to collapse down onto the bed as he continues to thrust into you and fill you up with his seed, his hand pressing your face down against the bed ever so slightly.
"Ohhhhggfuck!" You groan, twitching at the last minute aftershocks running through your body.  The only sounds filling the room are you and Jin catching your breaths. He slowly slips out of you, grabbing a tissue on the nightstand to clean you up before cleaning himself up and throwing on his sweats and shirt.
"You okay?" He slightly chuckles, handing you one of his shirts to slip into. You weakly get into it, running your hands through your hair and fixing yourself up. Your panties and bra are still off to the side, along with the clothes you came in.
"You wanted to know why I was here, right?" He smiles, his cheeks tinted a rosy color.
"I'll get you some water, but is there anything else I can get you?" He asks, holding onto the door frame, fine as fuck doing the bare minimum. You shake your head and he disappears out of the room.
You can't believe this happened. So much for keeping distance. But did you regret it? Honestly -absolutely not.
Jin comes back with two glasses of water and sets yours on the nightstand next to you, which also has a picture of him and Grace. Ironic. He sits right next to you on the edge of the bed, watching as you yawn before sipping some water.
"Yeah, it's been a really long night."
"Tell me about it, Miss 'I'm trying to keep my distance from you.'" You shake your head.
"Yeah yeah, keep it up. It's exactly what I want." You sarcastically joked.
"I'm kidding." He places a hand on your covered leg and gently gives it a squeeze. "For the record, I'm happy you swung by."
"I am too, but I should probably make my way home soon."
"What? No, stay. It's late. Plus, you're tired."
"A-are you sure? I-I mean, I don't wanna--" He shakes his head to cut you off.
"I honestly would really like you to. Besides, I don't know why you expected me to let you go back home this late." It was weird. You honestly thought he'd fuck you then send your ass home, but here you were, cuddling into his sheets and getting warm. But this was Jin - the same guy who didn't go home until you had a chance to spill out your feelings and made sure you were okay. The exhaustion hits you, being that it's 3-4am or something like that, you don't even care to know.
"Okay." Is all you say, sinking deeper into the sheets that smelled like lavender Downy detergent.
"I just need to clean up a few things, alright? Go to sleep. I'll be back in a minute." You quietly nod as you lie on your side, examining the photo on the nightstand. Fantastic job keeping up with your end of the deal, Y/N. Although your friends would probably make jokes about it at first, they'd be so disappointed beneath the surface.
You shake your head and turn the other way to erase your thoughts. You start to feel comfortable, enough to the point where you find yourself falling asleep pretty quickly.
Meanwhile, Jin is cleaning up his kitchen and living room before shutting off the lights and heading back upstairs. By the time he's back in the room and shutting off the bedroom lights, he sees you fully asleep. He smiles to himself and slips into the bed, careful to not wake you, but he's unsuccessful as he feels you stirring and getting closer to his body. Jin welcomes it, throwing his arm around you and allowing you to snuggle up onto his chest, gently running his fingers down your sides. Your skin felt like butter.
"Are you not sleeping yet?" You mumble into his chest.
"I'll sleep soon." He says softly, flipping through the channels on the TV in front of him.
"It's late, though."
"It's a Sunday morning. I'll be okay." He smiles at how cute you were being. "Go back to sleep, cutie."
"Hmph, suit yourself." You say, making him silently laugh to himself. Attitude still on na-na even half asleep. He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head and brings the covers up to make sure your entire body is covered completely.
This felt right for him, no matter how fucking bad or wrong this all went down. No matter how he tried to look at it, or anybody else. He felt deeply for you after tonight and there was really no way of hiding it. Why shit came about this way, he won't ever truly understand, but he always looked at you as some sort of sign. Some kind of blessing in disguise. He knew what he wanted for himself. He had to do what was right for him, whatever that meant. He was the only one who could truly understand.
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You shot up from the bed, grabbing your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing. You had just experienced the worst nightmare you had ever experienced, the only part of it you remembered was seeing Chance behind the wheel as soon as the truck came head on first.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jin asks in a deep, sleepy voice, slightly raising his head and eyes barely open. You feel his hand against your back, gently caressing it.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Bad dream?" He's now yawning and sitting up against the headboard, his fingers still lightly caressing your hips.
"Wanna talk about it?" You shook your head.
"I just saw Chance behind the wheel before the oncoming car came on head first."
"I'm sorry." He says softly as he pulls you in.
"It's no big deal."
"Wanna make sure you're okay, though." Is all he says. He doesn't press you for details, or anything along the matter and simply sits there in silence, caressing you and holding you close. He knew you and Chance had a strong relationship, just based off of the way you talked highly about him, and that it was taken away from you unexpectedly. He wouldn't expect you to be completely over it. He would never understand the pain or how it feels, but he could do his best to be here for you. "You know I'm here if you need me."
"I know. Thank you." He smiles.
"Would you like some breakfast?"
"I'll cook something." He places a small kiss on your temple before getting up to get this Sunday started. You took a couple of deep breaths, still a little shaken up from the dream you had. But, you brush it off and get up to meet Jin downstairs. You slip on your panties, still walking around in Jin's shirt, and pass by his walk-in closet only to see Grace's clothes against one wall. You suddenly start to feel weird, so you hurry on by and get downstairs before you could start falling into a rabbit hole about your feelings. Jin was already at the stove, whipping up some eggs and getting some waffles into the toaster. He looked good doing so, his shirt doing a damn good job of outlining his back muscles and broad shoulders. You honestly wouldn't mind another round of last night.
You sit on the stool in front of the kitchen island and fiddle with your bag to grab your phone. It was still pretty early, so it wasn't surprising to see no texts from either of the three. You were sure you were going to hear from Ryujin soon, and you were going to make sure you would be home by the time she called. Hopefully, at least. However, there was a text from an unknown number, and your heart slightly sank when you realized who it was.
[unknown number] 3:02am: had a lot of fun tonight. probably the best birthday yet. thanks cutie :) hope you got home safely.
"Friends blowing up your phone?" He raises his eyebrow as he watches you stare at your phone. You slightly chuckle and tuck it aside, making a mental note to respond when you got home. Yup. This shit is messy already.
"Not exactly, thank God." You rest your chin on the palm of your hand. "Sorry about earlier, by the way."
"Sorry about having a bad dream? Y/N, don't worry about it."
"And thank you for letting me borrow your shirt and for cooking breakfast." Jin smiled as he began to plate your food. It was the little things that he appreciated, the little things like the way you said thank you for everything.
"Of course." He walks over to your side and puts the plate down in front of you. You raise yourself up a bit in order to kiss him on the lips, knowing you weren't gonna stop that kiss right away. "Your. food." He spits out in between kisses, making you laugh.
"Okay, okay." He chuckles as he sits next to you, digging into his own plate. The both of you start talking about plans for the day and week, with no mention of Grace even though you knew your alone time with Jin would come to an end. No discussion about what this was, or what you both intended for this to be, especially in the long run.
"Why don't you come and stay the night again?"
"I got some work to do." You pouted.
"Then bring it over."
"Bring it over and then what, get distracted by you all night?"
"Maybe." He smirked.
"Mmmm, we'll see." He pouts.
"Fine, I'll let you do your own thing." You chuckle.
"You're a baby."
"I just got you to myself." You shake your head and quietly poke at your food. Suddenly, you felt the need to ask the question. You were just dying to. Like.. what now? What happens when Grace comes back? Nothing? You didn't know what to expect, you should've known this couldn't be much with Grace being back soon.
"So." You poked at your eggs.
"Hm?" He continued to eat, his cute, bug eyes occasionally glancing at you.
"God, I really don't know how to ask this."
"Just ask, Y/N. It won't hurt." He gave you a small, reassuring toothless smile.
"So, what happens when Grace gets back?" He shrugged. Really? Just a shrug?
"Honestly, I don't know."
"Look, I know I can't ask for much right now but are we just going to continue living our own lives after all this? Are you just going to keep me here with Grace around too?"
"I know I can't promise anything but it's not my plan to keep both of you around like that. I'm going to talk to Grace because I just don't think this is working between us anymore."
"How are you so sure? What if Grace comes back and you realize how much you truly do love her?" You felt stupid for asking but you were also dying to know. Your thoughts were everywhere and right now, it felt like your mind was your biggest enemy. You really didn't know what to do, and part of you [majority of you, really] felt like this was completely and painfully temporary and that he was never going to leave her. He had no plans to. You were just filling this void.
You couldn't be mad at it though.
"Y/N, please don't worry about this, okay? I'll take care of it." You simply nodded, knowing you couldn't settle on this too quickly because you didn't even know what that meant. Maybe, this is what it was. Just this. You couldn't expect more. Besides, you still had Jungkook around. You didn't even know what you were trying to do with that either, cause he was fine as hell. A sweet soul too, with the way he handled you at the club, careful to not overstep boundaries and disrespect you in anyway.
Too bad you were too wrapped up in his stepbrother.
Obviously, these things were never easy.
"Okay." is all you say before you continue to finish up your food. Once finished, you do what you can to help clean up the dishes and the kitchen before changing back into your clothes so Jin can drop you at home.
On the way home, Jin has his hand on your thigh while you looked out the passenger's window. Last night replayed over and over in your head and you had to bite you bottom lip to prevent yourself from smiling too big.
"Oop." You say as you jump from the vibration of your phone. "Oh shoot."
"Everything okay?"
"It's just Ryujin, hang on." He nods silently. "Hello?"
"Girl, I'm hungover as fuck. Let's get coffee or walk around somewhere. I need fresh air."
"Sure, I'll be home in a minute, I can meet you up in the next hour or so."
"Where the hell did you go this early?"
"Run errands, workout." You lied. But did you really? You kind of did get a workout in early this morning.
"Run errands and workout after a late night at the club?" She snorted. "Okay. I guess we clearly handle the morning after way differently."
"Yeah, just wanted to avoid the crowd." You glance over at Jin, who's smiling and silently chuckling go himself.
"Mmmkay." She yawns. "Hey, did you ever get that guy's number? I forgot his name." You subtly roll your eyes because you know damn well she wasn't gonna try and make you say Jungkook's name right now. She was drunk as fuck and flirting with Jin's friends when you had given him your number. Of course she couldn't remember for the life of her.
"Yeah, he asked."
"What's his name though? It's bothering me, cause I feel like I knew it all night but now it's not coming to me."
"Does it matter?"
"Of course it does, especially if you're planning to continue seeing him and throwing your pussy at him." You deeply sigh.
"Jungkook." You take another glance at Jin, but this time his smile had slightly faded. "Look, I'm about to get home, okay? Just text me where to meet you."
"Alrighty, we're continuing this conversation though. See you soon." And with that, the call ended. It was silent for a minute and you were unsure if you should apologize, or bring up the whole thing about Jungkook.
"Ryujin doing okay?" He asks, giving you a small smile. You simply nod and look back out the window without saying anything else. Maybe you both just didn't know how to approach the Jungkook thing. You sure as hell didn't, not around Jin.
You finally get to your apartment building, with Jin sending you off with a quick peck on the lips. You take a long, hot shower before hopping into some warmer and more decent clothes for your walk with Ryujin. You also had just remembered to text Jungkook back now that you were alone.
[y/n] 9:47am: sorry, had such a long night and knocked out. but yes, got home safely. i'm glad you had a great birthday. :)
[jungkook] 9:53am: she's up! goodmorning beautiful. hope you're still down for our date.
[jungkook] 9:54am: (sends picture of him laying down in a hoodie and glasses which makes you smile to yourself cause he's cute as fuck)
[y/n] 9:56am: of course i am. just let me know time and place.
[jungkook] 9:58am: time? yes. place? no. i'll keep it a surprise. :-) is it okay if i call you later?
[y/n] 10:02am: sure!
[jungkook] 10:03am: k, i'll talk to you later then. gotta run errands and stop by my brother's spot really quickly. have a good day today!
Whew, just imagine if you had run into him at Jin's house. What would you do then? Lie and tell him you came over for some homework help? Bitch, please.
The heavenly being above was on your team right now, but you knew that wouldn't last long with all this sinning.
After getting a good, quick shower in, you hurriedly got into your car and drove off to your destination, making it just on time to catch Ryujin stepping out of her car. She already has coffee for you, so you both start walking around Lake Merritt, revisiting last night's festivities and the fun you both had. The cold air was still nipping at your skin, cause you to rub your hand on your neck to try and provide some warmth. Suddenly, Ryujin grips your wrist and furrows her eyebrows at your neck.
"Y/N, what is that?" She points. Then it suddenly hits you - the hickeys Seokjin left on your neck. "Are those hickeys?!" She gasped.
Well, fuck.
"Keep your voice down." You say as you zip your jacket all the way up.
"Did you and Jungkook fuck last night? Is that where you actually were? You didn't run errands or go to the gym early this morning, did you? You actually just ended up going back home from his spot early this morning?" She threw questions left and right, her eyes wide and very suggestive.
"No, no! I didn't go home with Jungkook."
"So, did you guys do shit in the club or something? I'm confused, but also impressed if that's the case cause it's bold. I didn't know you got down like that, but I kind of like it." She pinched your side.
"No." She raises an eyebrow.
"Then why the fuck do you have hickeys on your neck? Who else could you have—" She stops in her tracks, hand over her mouth as she slowly approaches you again. "Y/N, who gave you those hickeys?" You simply look at her, your eyes already giving off the answer. "D-did you hook up with Seokjin?" She pulls out his first name, knowing 'Mr.Kim' was not appropriate for this matter.
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The Sanguine Web - Part 2
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: Alright, here’s part 2, I hope you guys like it. Part 3, the finale, is coming soon! Let me know what you guys think or if you wanna be tagged in the next chapter. Love you all xx
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, angst
Summary: The clocks ticking and you’re trying to get over Peter
Part 1
The last person I expected to see when I showed up for therapy was Peter. Well maybe not the last person, but he was certainly up there. And I couldn’t help the uncomfortable feeling bubbling in my stomach when my eyes met his.
“Hello (y/n),” Dr. Morrison smiled at me.
“Hi,” I blushed as I looked between them, “What’s going on?”
“I just had a few questions,” Peter blushed, "I wanna make sure I'm doing everything I can."
I appreciate the gesture, I know he just wants to help, but I don't like that he came out to see my therapist. It just feels wrong, and I'm worried about what she may have said to him too…
"Right, that's, um, great, but I'd really like to get started if you guys don't mind," I turned my attention to Dr. Morrison, "I've got a lot to talk about."
She nodded, "Of course. Peter if you decide you want to make an appointment you can call in. It was lovely to meet you."
"You too," he smiled back at her and squeezed my upper arm, "Call me when you're done?"
I just nodded, "Yeah, I'll call."
I followed Dr. Morrison back to her office and waited nervously for her to settle in to address me.
“Sorry about that, he stopped by just a bit before you came,” she sighed and took a seat across from me, “How have you been?”
“Good…” I blushed, “What did you two talk about?”
“He just wanted to know some of the things he could do to help you through this, he’s very sweet,” she smiled, “(y/n) we have a confidentiality agreement, I promise I would never tell him anything about you or your condition. I just told him some of the things he can do to help.”
“Like what?”
“Well I told him the most important thing he could do was just listen to you, that he should give you space when you ask for it, and support whatever decisions you make about this.”
“Did he seem receptive?”
“Very, he seems like he really just wants to help you anyway he can.”
“Did he ask about the surgery or anything?”
“No, but he did ask if I thought you’d be able to get over this.” “A-And what did you tell him?”
“I told him if the people around you are as supportive as him then I think your odds are great.”
“Oh,” I sighed and let myself relax about the situation, “I’m glad you think so.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Hey,” Peter smiled as he took the seat across from me, “So, you wanna tell me how it went now?”
“Everything was fine,” I smiled back, “I just wanted to talk to you face to face.”
He nodded, his expression quickly turning worried, “Is something wrong?”
“Oh, you mean besides the plants growing in my lungs?”
He rolled his eyes, “That’s not funny.”
“I’m trying to lighten the mood,” I sighed, “Peter I know you had good intentions, but it made me really uncomfortable that you were asking Dr. Morrison about me.”
His cheeks flushed instantly, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean t-”
I cut him off before he could start word vomiting, “It’s okay, I know you're just trying to help, but I really need you to take a step back here. I can’t get better if you're hovering over my shoulder all the time.”
“I just wanna help.”
“I know, and I know you’re used to being a hero and helping everyone all the time, but it isn’t your responsibility to save everyone.”
“I know that, but it is my responsibility to save you.”
“You can’t.” I hated watching the way his jaw clenched when I said it, but he had to hear it. “Nothing Spiderman can do is going to help me. I have to do this myself, and the best thing you can do for me is be my best friend and be here for me in the ways I ask you too.”
He hesitated, taking a few moments to think over his answer, he sighed before he finally answered, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone to talk to her. I just wanted to know how to help, but she told me the same thing. I just wanna be able to do more for you.”
“Well you’re gonna be there with me when I tell everyone right? That’ll be a big help,” I smiled, trying to cheer him up, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be harsh Peter. You know I’d trust Spiderman to save me from most things, but I just need Peter okay?”
“You aren’t being harsh,” he sighed, “It’s just…” he hesitated again, “I don’t wanna lose you and not be able to do anything about it, again.”
“You won’t,” I promise before placing my hand over his, “I’m gonna be fine, and you’ll help me get better just by being here for me. I promise if I need anything from you, I will tell you.”
“Okay,” he looked down at our hands, “So you still want to tell everyone soon?”
I nodded, “Yeah, like within the next couple days. I think it’ll be better if they all know soon,” it was my turn to blush then, “I hope everything’s okay with you and MJ, thank you for not telling her though. I’m sorry I made you guys fight.”
“You didn’t make us fight,” he squeezed my hand and returned both of his to his lap, “We’ve just been butting heads over everything lately.”
“I’m sorry P, you can tell me about it if you want.”
“It’s alright, I don’t want to stress you out.”
“You won’t,” I assured, “Peter I’m your friend too, if you need to vent I’m here.”
He leaned back in his chair and yet another sigh left his lips, “I don’t know, we just can’t seem to agree on anything lately. Every tiny thing makes us fight, I mean just the other night we started yelling at each other because we couldn’t even decide where to get dinner.”
“I’m sorry Peter, did you guys have some big fight that started it or something?”
“No, not really, er, kind of? I don’t know, you remember when we went out to that bar with Betty and Ned? And we were out like really late?”
“The one with the mechanical bull?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, that one. Anyways, she just got really upset we were out so late, I guess we’ve just been fighting ever since.”
“Well obviously I’m not really one to give relationship advice, but there’s always ups and downs, I’m sure you guys will get better.” It’s hard to comfort him because part of me doesn’t want them to get better, and another part of me hates me for letting that thought cross my mind. “Is she still just mad about that night?”
“I don’t know, but I’m not apologizing for spending time with my friends,” he hummed, “I love her and everything, but she just hasn’t been very fun to be around lately.”
“Have you asked her what’s going on?”
He glances up at me and purses his lips, “Let’s talk about something more fun.”
“Okay,” I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the slight tickle before it becomes something more, “You wanna see the xray of my lungs?”
He frowned and shook his head, “No, surprisingly I don’t think your terminal illness is a very fun subject.”
“I think I forgot how to have fun,” I reached for my drink, taking a big gulp to drown out the incoming cough, “Honestly I don’t think I’ve thought about anything else since I was diagnosed.”
“Are you okay?” he knit his brows in concern.
I nod quickly, “I’m fine, just a little tickle.”
He opens his mouth to say more but stops himself, “Okay, well, since I can’t punch the problem away for you, how about I show you how to have fun again?”
“Hmm,” I tapped my lip, pretending to think it over before nodding, “Okay, but no strenuous aerobic exercise.”
“Alright so no mechanical bulls this time,” he winked and stood, offering me a hand up, “Come on, I’ve got a couple other things in mind.”
I just rolled my eyes and let him help me up.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Are you okay?” Betty raised a brow at me, returning to the kitchen with pizza in hand.
I nodded, “Yeah, just a little nervous.”
“Nervous? It’s just dinner with our friends.”
“I know, I’m still just a little nervous.”
“Okay…” she pursed her lips as she placed the pizza on the table in front of me, “You’re not pregnant or something are you?”
“What?” I flushed, “No, I’m not pregnant.”
She shrugged, “I don’t know, you haven’t been feeling well and you’re all nervous about dinner. I feel like you’re gonna tell us all that you’re pregnant.”
“I’m not,” I assured.
A knock at the door interrupted our conversation, “I’ll get it,” she offered, “Try to chill baby mama!”
“I’m not pregnant!” I snapped.
The door opened to reveal Peter, Ned, and MJ, with cupcakes and soda. It’s like we’re having a party, too bad I have to tell everyone I’m dying.
“Hey guys,” I greeted them with a smile, “You’re just in time, the pizza just got here.”
“Great,” MJ smiled to me, setting the cupcakes right beside the pizza, “I’m starved. Did you guys pick out a movie?”
Betty nodded, “Yeah, (y/n) said she had something picked out.”
“Yeah, I was thinking we could watch the movie after dinner though, it might be nice to sit at the table for once,” I laughed awkwardly, I think everyone could tell something was up.
“Sounds nice,” Peter squeezed my shoulder, “How are you?”
“Fine,” I assured, “Just hungry.”
“Let’s get you some food then,” he practically shoved me into one of the chairs at the table and took a seat besides me, “Well come sit down you guys.”
MJ raised a brow at him, “You good.”
“Yeah, I’m great,” he nodded, “I’m just really, really hungry.”
“Okay, you said you weren’t hungry in the car though,” she rolled her eyes as she sat at his other side.
“Well I got hungry.”
“Guys come on,” Ned groaned, “You fought the whole car ride here, can’t you guys just wait until you’re alone?”
Peter blushed, “Yeah, sorry. This is about (y/n), we shouldn’t be fighting.”
Betty knit her brow in confusion, “What do you mean about (y/n)?”
His blush spread up to his ears, “Nothing! Nothing at all! I just mean cause she suggested we have a movie night! Not like I know something you guys don’t or anything…”
“Oh my God Peter,” I sighed, hiding behind one of my hands. “Sorry,” he sank into his chair.
“It’s fine,” I sighed, “I have something to tell you guys.”
“You are pregnant!” Betty accused with a smile, “I knew it!”
I rolled my eyes, “No, I am not pregnant. It’s not something nice or happy or anything good, that’s why I was planning on waiting until after we ate.” Everyone was silent and all eyes were on me. “I’m sick, um, really sick,” I can seem to get the words out so I look to Peter for help.
“She has Hanahaki’s,” he sighed, “I only know because I caught her coughing up a flower.”
They stayed silent, I think they were all just taking it in for a minute. Finally Betty spoke.
“So when you went to the doctor a few weeks ago…”
I nodded, “Yeah, and Peter’s known for almost a week now.”
“They haven’t gotten you in for surgery yet?” MJ knit her brows in confusion.
“I’m not getting the surgery.”
Betty frowned, “Why not?” “There’s a chance that I wouldn’t be able to fall in love again if I did, I don’t wanna risk it.”
“She’s been going to a therapist,” Peter added.
“Who is it?” Betty demanded.
“I’m not telling anyone who it is, I don’t want anyone blaming him for anything.”
“Well have you tried to talk to him?” MJ frowned, “Maybe this is just a big misunderstanding.”
I blushed, “He’s seeing someone. He doesn’t feel the same way. I’m gonna be okay though, I’m gonna move on.”
“Okay it’s great for you to try that, but you need to at least be considering the surgery,” Betty shook her head, “You sound insane right now.”
“Betty,” Peter shot her a glare, “She’s doing her best, and she already heard it all from me.”
“Well she’s still trying to pass up a life saving surgery so I think that talk went awesome,” she rolled her eyes.
“I’m not going to die,” I tried to defend myself, “I’ve been going to therapy and I’m making good progress, I’ll be able to get over him and be just fine.”
“Is it moving quickly?” MJ frowned.
“So far I’ve been on the slower end, I have my three week check in in a few days and they’ll see if it’s gotten any worse.”
“Well what can we do for you?” Betty sighed, “If you really don’t want surgery…”
“You don’t need you to do anything. I just thought you guys should know.”
“I guess if it’s slow there’s still time for you to try moving on,” Betty reasoned, “Maybe when it gets worse we can talk about the surgery again.”
“It’s her decision.” I was surprised when MJ jumped to my defense. “If she doesn’t want the surgery she shouldn’t get it.”
Peter frowned, “Don’t encourage her.”
“I’m not encouraging her, but it’s her choice. We shouldn’t try to push her into a surgery she doesn’t want.”
“Okay in every other case you’re right, but not when the alternative is dying.”
“Well she said she can get better, and she’s the sick one, so I think she knows what she can and can’t do better than you can.”
“I didn’t say she couldn’t, we’re just saying if she can’t then she should consider the surgery.”
MJ turned to me, “(y/n) didn’t you just say that you didn’t want the surgery?”
“Why are you making this a fight? And why are you bringing (y/n) into this? She doesn’t need to stress out about some pointless argument.”
“Stop babying her for fucks sake Peter she’s a grown adult, not your daughter,” she rolled her eyes.
“Okay so you find out our friend is dying and you still don’t want me to spend time with her?”
Part of me liked watching them fight, and I hate myself for ever letting those thoughts enter my mind. I want them to be happy, both of them, and I don’t want them to fight, not really. Even if some evil part of me likes it.
“Guys I-” I cut myself off with a cough, I try to drink something and force it back down, but I’ve got no such luck. I know what’s coming, I can feel them tickling my throat, so I got up from my chair and stumbled over to the kitchen sink. I leaned over it and coughed not one but three flowers up, along with a heavy amount of blood. It’s the most I’ve ever coughed up at once.
“Are you okay?” Peter rubbed my back, his eyes swimming with concern.
I nodded, “I’m fine, I just need some water.”
Everyone’s eyes were on the sink, they were all just staring until Betty cleared her throat, “Just go lay down, I’ll clean this up.”
“Guys I’m okay,” I insisted.
“No, she’s right, you should sit,” MJ grabbed my shoulders, directing me towards the couch, “Peter get her some water.”
He nodded, “R-Right, on it.”
The rest of the night went about as expected, the fight was dropped and everyone babied me until they went home, then Betty babied me until I went to bed.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Dr. Shaw was silent as she examined my charts, she didn’t look happy, so I could only assume it was bad news. “It’s getting worse isn’t it?”
She nodded, “It’s made a significant jump from last week, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting better, it’s just the nature of the disease. How’s therapy going?”
I sighed, “I don’t know, it’s hard to say. I feel like it’s going well until I’m around him again, then it just kind of hits me.”
She pursed her lips, “Well I don’t know so much about the psychology of it, but I’ve seen a lot of patients get better after a confession, whether that be through reciprocation or just being able to move on.”
“How much longer do you think I have?”
“It’s hard to say, you were progressing slowly but then you had this jump. If it continues at this new pace I’d estimate we’ll have to hospitalize you within the week, if it slows down again we’ve maybe got another two or three weeks.”
“Alright,” I sighed, “I’ll, uh, try to get better I guess.”
She gave a forced smile, “(y/n) we can still get you in for surgery if you change your mind.”
I shook my head, “No, no I can do this.”
“Alright,” she scribbled some things onto notepad, “I’m upping your prescription, we’ll see if we can slow it down again.”
“Thank you doctor.”
I debated what to do on my way out, finally deciding that I’ll need to see Dr. Morrison more frequently and see Peter less frequently. Then I decide I want to go talk to MJ, I think if I can feel less guilty it will help, and I’ll feel less guilty if I can help them get along again. So I swing by her house before I go to get my prescription. It’s a little awkward, we’ve never hung out alone, it’s always with Betty or Peter or someone else, I guess we aren’t that close really.
“Hey,” she greeted as she opened the door, “Come on in.”
I followed her inside, my hands clasped nervously in front of me, “I’m sorry to bug you, I just wanted to apologize about movie night.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” she assured, “Peter and I have been fighting anyway.”
“Yeah, he told me,” I blushed, “But I am sorry, and I wanted to thank you too, you’re the only person who’s been on my side about the whole surgery thing.”
She nodded, “Yeah, I mean it’s your choice in the end, but if I were you I wouldn’t make the same one. I’ve been in love, I’ve dated people I’m in love with, and if I were in your shoes, I mean like, if I had to pick between Peter and a life saving surgery, I would pick the surgery everytime,” she smiled and I worried that she may know, “But you know, even if I don’t agree with your choice, you deserve to have someone on your side.”
“Thank you,” I glanced down at my hands, “Sometimes I think I’m making the wrong choice too, but I don’t want to never feel like this again… Anyways, I really wanted to make sure you and Peter are okay. And if I’m putting any kind of stress on you guys I wanted to say I’m really sorry.”
She sighed, “I don’t really know what we are right now, we just can’t seem to see eye to eye on anything lately.”
“I’m sorry MJ, you know I could talk to him if you needed m-”
“No, no,” she laughed, “The last thing I need is for you to talk to him about it. He’s still mad that he thinks I stressed you out the other night.”
“I’m sorry, you didn’t though, I just stressed myself out.”
“He’s just worried, he doesn't want to lose anyone else,” she shrugged, “I think he’s taking it worse than you actually, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him if you don’t end up getting better.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, I’m gonna be okay.”
“It’s good that you’re being optimistic, but if you’re really refusing the surgery then there is a chance you don’t get better,” she sighed, “Sorry, you shouldn’t be thinking about that, but it’s just a possibility. And it’s harder for us to be sure you’ll be okay, we aren’t you, we don’t know how you're feeling on the day to day.”
I nodded, ‘Yeah, I, uh, I just gotta stay positive. It’s not easy though, you know I think I’m okay and then I see him again and suddenly I’m not, o-or I see his girlfriend and I just feel so guilty…”
“(y/n), can I ask you something?”
I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and nodded, “Yeah.”
“Is it Peter?”
It’s like the whole world slowed down as I tried not to go tense or blush or do anything that would give it away. “No, of course not, I wouldn’t do that to you, we’re friends.”
“I’d understand if it was, I know you can’t help forming feelings, and I wouldn’t get mad either. I know you wouldn’t try to make a move or anything.”
“It’s not him,” I coughed into my hand and glanced down at my phone, “I’m sorry, I need to get to the pharmacy before they close. Thank you for talking with me.”
“Of course,” she was still frowning when she stood up, “I’ll walk you out.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
I’d secluded myself after my doctor’s appointment and awkward encounter with MJ, telling everyone I just needed a few days alone. I only left the house once, to go to therapy, where I think I did make some progress, but then realize I didn’t as soon as Peter showed up at my place again. I wanted to send him away, I really did, but I just couldn’t.
“You still haven’t told me how the doctors went, or therapy,” he smiled as he returned to my room, a tub of popcorn in hand.
“Therapy was fine,” I sighed, “The doctors weren't so great, she said it got a lot worse since my last appointment. She upped my medication though.”
His face dropped instantly, “How much worse?”
“She said I’d be hospitalized in a week if it continued at that rate, but like I said, she upped my meds. Hopefully that will help slow it down again, then I’ll still have two or three weeks.”
“Only two or three?”
“That’s still good Peter, most people don’t even last a month.”
“Do you think you can get better by then?”
“Yeah, I think so,” another sigh fell out of my lips, “It’s a little weird, I know we’re never going to be together but that isn’t enough, I have to just not be interested. I know I’ve moved on from people before too, but it’s like I suddenly can’t remember how to do that.”
He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into him with a frown, “You’ll do it, I know you will,” he let his head fall against mine, “It’ll just click, and you’ll get better.”
“I know,” I took a couple of pieces of the popcorn and decided it was probably best to move on, “So, did you and MJ make up.”
He shook his head, “No, but you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Peter we just talked about how we both know I’m going to get better, so you can’t baby me.”
“I don’t know, she was mad that I was being so clingy to you, and I thought she’d drop it once she knew what was going on, but she didn’t. And I’m mad she’s mad about that, and I’m mad she thinks it’s okay that you’re refusing surgery, and you know, we were already fighting before, but this is just making it worse.”
“I’m sorry,” I felt that wave of guilt again, “I’m really sorry, I don’t want you guys to stress out over me or anything, it’s really not worth it.”
“Don’t apologize, you can’t help being sick, and you aren’t making anything worse. It was all already there. I’m just really upset, she isn’t taking this whole thing as serious as she should be,” he kissed the top of my head.
“She is, you’re just handling it in different ways.”
“I’m supposed to go over there later so we can talk,” he turned his attention to the tv with a sigh, “I don’t even know what to say, I think we’re just drifting apart.” “Don’t say that Peter,” I scolded, worrying that I may be causing a bigger issue than I thought, “It’s just a rough patch, and my whole situation is making it worse. I’m sorry, I should have kept it to myself.”
“You aren’t making anything worse (y/n), the whole surgery thing is just another problem to add to the pile, it’s got nothing to do with you, none of our problems do. Please don’t think that or stress yourself out over us, the only thing you need to worry about is getting better,” he cupped my face, “And you absolutely should not have kept this to yourself, you’re my best friend and I need to be there for you through this, it’s my problem just as much as it is yours.”
“She doesn’t think I shouldn’t get the surgery,” I tried to deflect because if I really thought about what he said I’d start to cry, “She told me she thinks I should get it, but she just wanted me to have someone on my side.”
“I know what she thinks, that’s what the whole issue is. I’m on your side, all of us are on your side, but you’re wrong here, and she shouldn’t even be saying there are sides in the first place. She shouldn’t tell you it’s okay for you to choose dying over the risks of the surgery either. Whether she means it that way or not, I just feel like she’s saying she’s okay with you dying, and I really needed her to side with me on this but she won’t even think about it. Maybe I’m being selfish, but if pressuring you is how we get you to have that surgery then I’m fine with that,” he looked away for a minute, I think he was about to cry too, “I love you, and I just want you to get better more than anything. I don’t want you to be focusing on anything else either, all of your energy needs to be focused on getting better. So please don’t worry about us, whatever happens will be fine just as long as you are.”
I did start crying, and I felt ten times worse because it made him start to tear up too, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” he pulled me into his chest, rocking me lightly, “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
The movie was discarded in favor of sitting quietly while Peter tried to make me feel better. It worked eventually, but I just ended up passing out. I would have thought Peter would have just left after that, but when I woke up he was still right beside me, dead asleep with his head on my shoulder. I freaked out because I remembered he was supposed to go to MJ’s, so I shook him awake as quickly as I could.
“What’s wrong?” he frowned at me, “Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” I assured, “But we fell asleep, and you were supposed to go to MJ’s, you gotta call her.”
“Right…” he sat up slowly, picking his phone up off my nightstand with a frown, “Yeah, it looks like she’s been calling, I should probably head over there…”
I nodded, “Yes, you most definitely need too, and you need to go now, I’ll text her and explain too.”
“You don’t need to do that,” he ruffled my hair and smiled affectionately, “You just lay right here all day and you focus on getting better alright?”
I furrowed my brow but nodded, “Okay… But it would only take me a second.”
“It’s fine (y/n), just focus on you,” he kissed my forehead before climbing out of my bed, “I’ll swing by later to check on you again, try to start hating him while I’m gone okay?”
I blushed and nodded, “I’ll give it my best shot.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Peter never came back, never even texted me. I wouldn’t think anything of it if he didn’t lead a double life as Spiderman, but he did, so I was worried. I texted him once, a simple ‘you good?’ but got no reply. It was really nerve wracking, but around midnight he finally replied.
‘Got busy on patrol, be there soon.’
It relaxed me a lot, but I couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. I was curious too, I didn’t want to be nosey, but I wanted to know how things went. I wanted to make sure they were okay. At least until Peter slammed into my window, scaring me so bad that I fell out of bed and decided he could fall off the building for all I cared.
“Screw you Parker,” I snapped as I opened the window, “I’m sick, scaring me like that is totally unethical.” He laughed, “You keep telling me not to baby you,” he reminded, “Can I come in?”
I rolled my eyes and got out of the way so he could crawl inside, “God, can’t you just use the front door?” “You’re jealous,” he teased, drawing my blinds so he could take off his mask, “So, do you hate him yet?”
“Not even a little,” I sighed, “Was she mad?”
He nodded, “Yeah, we had a big fight.”
“I’m sorry,” I frowned, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
He stayed quiet for a long time, staring at the wall in front of him before finally speaking, “We’re taking a break.”
“L-Like a break up break?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I mean maybe we’ll fix things eventually, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.”
Butterflies filled my stomach, happy, nervous ones. They made me sick.
“Oh,” I didn’t really know what to say, “I’m sorry Peter, are you okay?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I think we’ve both known it was coming. I should have called you, I just wanted to blow off some steam first.”
“That’s okay.” I knew I shouldn’t have let Peter spend the night, I should have made sure he went to see her on time. “I’m really sorry Peter, I could try to talk to her if you wanted.”
“It’s okay,” he wore a small smile, “I think this is better for both of us. I mean we’ve been dating since high school, and we’ve changed a lot since then. I think maybe we’ll work better as just friends… In the future I mean, I don’t really want to see her right now.”
“I’m sorry.”
I know it’s my fault, at least in part. I know he won’t say it because he’s trying to protect me, but I know it. I know that I stressed them both out, especially Peter, and that couldn’t have done anything but make things worse.
“Quit apologizing, you didn’t do anything,” he fell onto my bed with a sigh, “You know what would make this all feel better?”
“If you got all better so we could go do something fun.”
“We can do fun stuff now.” He shook his head, “No, I want to go to the amusement park again, like we did last summer, but just us this time,” his small smile fell to a frown, “But you can’t go until you get better, so you need to get better soon.”
“I’ll try my best,” I promised.
He shook his head, “No, not trying your best,” he sat back up suddenly, “I need you to promise me you’ll get better.”
I nodded, “I’ll get better.”
He pulled me into a hug, quickly kissing my head, “Good. Now I think I’m gonna go on patrol for a little bit again. Call me if you need me okay?”
I nodded, “I will.”
“Good,” he pulled his mask back on and drew my blinds again “And now that I’ve met my quota of visiting sick kids for the night, I’ve got to get back to the real superhero business.”
I rolled my eyes, “Glad I could help, be careful out there Spiderman.”
I locked up after he left and felt good for about one minute, then the guilt set in. I couldn’t avoid it anymore, I couldn’t push it down any longer. I didn’t know what to do about it, I just had to get it out. So I went to Betty’s room in hopes of just trying to vent a bit, luckily she was still awake.
“What’s on your mind?” she smiled at me.
I shrugged, “I don’t know, a lot I guess.”
“Okay,” she scooted over and patted the spot besides her on her bed, “Tell me what’s up.”
“Well I’m still dying,” I blushed as I sat down, “I don’t think I’ve gotten better at all actually.”
She frowned, “Just because you aren’t better yet doesn’t mean you haven’t gotten better at all.”
“But I haven’t gotten better Betty, I know I haven’t,” I stopped myself with a sigh, “Peter and MJ broke up.”
She nodded, “Yeah, MJ’s been texting me, how’s Peter?”
“He seems okay,” I was trying so hard not to cry, “It was my fault.”
“What?” she laughed, “(y/n) you had nothing to do with it.”
“Yes I did, I put all this pressure on them and I made things so much worse and I-” I lost the battle with my eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“You aren’t putting pressure on anyone, and even if you did, it was just something else on the pile, they’ve been having problems for awhile, you know that,” she hugged me, “You shouldn’t feel bad about anything, you’re just trying to get better.”
“No I- Betty it’s Peter,” I just blurt it out between sobs. It feels good to put it out there, to tell someone, but it didn’t shake the guilt at all.
“What do you mean it’s Peter?” she frowned.
“The boy, it’s Peter, I’m sorry,” I feel like a little kid, crying to their mom over a broken toy. She seemed to be in shock for a moment, “That’s why you wouldn’t tell us who?”
I nodded, “I can’t put that on him! And I feel so bad Betty, I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t feel bad, look you can’t help developing feelings for him,” she assured, “Just calm down, it’s not like you’ve ever acted on it, we all know you wouldn’t do that. And you know Peter wouldn’t want you to feel about that either. It’s okay.”
“It isn’t okay Betty! I’m dying! I’m gonna die, I don’t wanna die!” I cried into my hands, “And I just can’t get over him!”
“Yes you can,” she insisted, “Maybe it doesn’t feel like you can right now because you’re all worked up, but you can. Just take a deep breath, let’s calm down okay?”
I took a deep breath, trying to get my sobs under control, “I don’t want to get over him.”
She stayed quiet for a moment, “You have to.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
I passed right out after admitting things to Betty, and I had felt better after admitting things to her, but then I woke up coughing. And I just couldn’t stop. Water didn’t help, coughing out the flowers didn’t help, nothing helped. I’d stop for a few seconds and then it would just start right up again. I started getting lightheaded, to the point that I had to sit down. I barely even noticed when Betty entered my room. “Are you okay?” she frowned at me.
I nodded, “I’ll be okay.”
“Drink something,” she handed me my water bottle.
I shook my head and pushed it away, “I already did.”
“Drink more,” she insisted.
I took a gulp just to appease her, then a few petals fell out of my mouth and the coughing finally subsided, leaving me dizzy on my bed, “See? I’m good.”
“I think you should go see the doctor.”
I shook my head, “I’m okay.”
“It’s getting worse, you need to go in,” she insisted, “Come on, I’ll take you in.”
“Betty I’m fine.”
“Then there’s no harm in going in, just humour me okay?”
I sighed, “Fine, fine, we can go to the doctor and see that I’m still just fine.”
Part 3
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Just a Kiss- Draco Malfoy x reader
A/N:  Hey guys!  It’s been a while school has been kicking my butt and from the stress I literally broke down and cried because one of my fake nails wasn’t coming off.  So, now just like the idiot I am, I am walking around with one fake nail(on my middle finger btw) and its bright pink but the rest of my nails are bare.  Enough about my breakdowns, this story is inspired by the kdrama “Playful Kiss” which is a show I used to watch when I was younger and started watching again from nostalgia.  Anyways, I hope you guys are okay and I hope you enjoy this one! 
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The lights hanging around the school made your heart sing jingle bells as Christmas was right around the corner.  Students were bustling in the hallways, the constant chatter of people asking what the other was doing for Christmas.  The slight winter chill rose up your spine as you hugged yourself closer inside your coat.  You smiled as you saw your friends, standing near the common room opening.  Your best friend, Marissa, smiled softly as she hooked her arm into yours, “So, what are you doing for Christmas?” “Hmmmmm...I think we’re just spending it at home.  I can already smell the sweet hot chocolate with marshmallows.”  She chuckled, “Have you told Draco yet?” she asked.  Your heart skipped slightly at the mention of his name, skin flushing slightly, “No...I mean I just can’t.  I mean why would he like me?”  You had been crushing on Draco since first year and now you were in your sixth, and even after six years, you hadn’t found the courage to speak more than the simple utterances of a caveman to him.  You met him in first year when you were sitting in the library, reading a book for one of your classes.  He had come in and recognizing you from class had sat with you, asking if you could help him with something in class. After that first meeting, you met him a second time during a family dinner when Lucius Malfoy with his trophy family strolled in as your father introduced you to them.  Smiling to yourself of the memory you shook yourself from your thoughts as Marissa said, “Well, we only have one more year and then we’ll all go our separate ways.  Wouldn’t you at least want to try than never have done anything?”  You nodded as you responded, “I would like to never do anything then become a laughing stock.  I just want to spend the rest of the school year liking him from afar.”  Mariss shook her head softly, “Okay, chicken.”  Rolling your eyes softly you bumped her hip slightly, “Jerk.”  The two of you broke into giggles as you walked to your common room, ignoring the loud chatter from the crowds of students, you continued your conversation of what to do during Christmas. You were packing your items when you heard a slight pecking sound at your window.  The sound continued as you looked up, “Alright alright I’m opening the window, Frost.”  Your mother’s owl, a small winter owl which was fitting for the season, looked at you with her yellow orbs as she hopped into your room.  She cooed softly as you petted her before unwrapping the letter from her leg, “Thank you, Frost.  You can rest here for the night, I’m sure your tired, huh?”  She cooed again rubbing her head against your forearm as she pecked your hand softly as she looked for food.  Grabbing a small treat for her you sat back down near your suitcase, as you read the letter.  “My darling, I’m so sorry to say this but I have to cancel our evening plans for Christmas.  I’m needed to go on a trip for business but I’ll be back in the next week before break is over.  In the meantime, y/n, I want you to stay with Lucius and his family whilst I’m gone, they’ll take good care of you.  I’ll make sure to buy you gifts and treat you to dinner.  I love you, my sweet.  With love, dad.”  You reread the letter three more times before the words started to sink in and you felt the heaviness of the letter sink in.  Sinking your head into a nearby pillow you screamed into it, whether it was from excitement or mortification was unsure, but what you did know was that you’d be spending Christmas with Draco Malfoy and his family.  “This can’t be happening…” you muttered to yourself as Frost stared at you as if saying, “Get your shit together, you idiot.”  You laughed to yourself, looking in the mirror on your shelf, and said out loud, “Okay, y/n, it’s fine.  You’re just staying with a family friend and your long time crush just happens to live there.  You’re totally not living in a romance novel, so stop acting like the main character.”  
You finished packing before setting off to go find your best friend before you exploded with this newfound  information.  You were fast walking in the hallways, the sound of your footsteps resounding off the cold stone walls before you ran into someone’s chest.  Reaching for your head you looked up, “I’m so sorry.  Oh my god.”  You heard a soft chuckle as you looked at the person, as silver hair came into view and a pair of green eyes met yours.  “Draco…” slipped out of your mouth as your mind started to become garbled and you seemed to forget what the English language was.  He smiled down at you, “I hear we are going to be spending Christmas together.” he said finally, waving a letter in front of you, “My father says he’s prepared a room for you to stay in and wants me to guide you to where he’ll meet us at the station.”  Your mouth hanging open slightly, you gathered yourself, nodding at what he told you as you smiled, “Thank you.  It’s really nice of your family to let me intrude on your Christmas.”  “You’re not intruding.  It’ll be nice to have company besides the house elves… or at least that’s what my father says.”  You giggled softly as you nodded until you heard the soft clacking of feet behind you as you heard the familiar voice of your friend call your name out.  You were slightly disappointed that your conversation with Draco was cut short but you smiled at him.  “See you later?”  Draco nodded his reply as you walked off to go see your friend.  You were walking down the hallway and started to wonder if maybe your heart may have palpitated so much that you were having delusions because you couldn’t see your friend anywhere.  Suddenly, a hand pulled you into a corridor as you gasped out loud, getting ready to scream as your hands balled up into fists.  “Shhhhhhhhh don’t panic.”  Now, that’s not scary at all.  You thought as you as screamed, “That’s exactly the opposite of don’t panic, idiot.”  the voice said until you realized it sounded oddly familiar as you calmed down and turned your head slowly, attempting to catch your breath.  “Merlin’s balls, are you pretending to be batman now?  You almost gave me a heart attack.”  “Well, I did tell you not to panic,” she replied, giggling a little in response to you rolling your eyes.  “Why’d you pull me into this corner, Marissa?  It better be serious, I didn’t just almost die for something stupid.”  She punched your shoulder, “When am I ever doing something stupid?”  You crossed your arms softly, as you gave her a look, peeking through your lashes.  “Okay okay, but this is serious.  Why were you and Draco giggling over there?  Did you finally tell him?”  she asked, excitement bubbling through her whole body as she shook you.  “No, I didn’t tell him but I am spending Christmas with him.”  “Christmas?  With him?!”  she whisper shouted as if someone was listening.  “Yeah...my dad had business and said that Draco’s father agreed to let me spend the break with them.”  “Dear Godric, this is a sign.”  “A sign?  What are you Sherlock Holmes now?”  She rolled her eyes as she bumped your shoulder, “Oh, shut it.  I mean it’s a sign that you totally should ask him out.  I mean what’s more romantic than a white Christmas?”  she grabbed your shoulders, “During Christmas, you need to tell him after exchanging presents.  Okay, Watson.”  Chuckling you gave into her play, “Holmes, this is not a sign.  You know what’s more romantic than a white Christmas?”  Marissa shook her head softly, raising her eyebrows in response for you to continue, “Not getting rejected.”  She visibly sighed with her whole body, “My dear, lovely, wonderful friend, a great mind once said, ‘Have a little faith in yourself.’”  “Yeah, and who said that?”  Your friend did an exaggerated bow, “Me.”  “Okay, genius.  I’ll kindly decline your words of wisdom if that’s even what’d call it.”  She stuck her tongue out at you, “Well, either way, you need to write me during break and tell me if anything happens.  Okay?”  She took your arm and shook you side to side like a child begging for an extra candy bar, “Pleaseeeee, y/n.”  Pulling away you stuck your tongue out, “No, because nothing is happening.” as you quickly ran off down the hallway to escape her begging.  This was surely going to be an exciting Christmas.
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qianinterprises · 4 years
Lies {Ten x Reader}
Author's Note: I wrote this in a few days and it has not been beta read so I'm more than a little sure it will have grammatical and spelling errors. I still hope you enjoy though!
Synopsis: You are hiding a big secret. A secret that, to keep hidden, you continuously lie to your boyfriend about.
Pairing: Ten x Reader
Word Count: 3600 words
Brisk, polluted air washed over the city, bringing the soft, fresh scent of morning to the land. The sun hadn’t yet risen, but the city was awake, shop owners unlocking their doors, cars stuck at traffic lights, half dressed and hung over men and women doing the walk of shame. It was the same every morning. Except, this morning, there was a slight difference.
You tugged your boyfriend's jacket tighter as a soft breeze breathed across your body. You weren’t usually awake at this hour, preferring to sleep well into the morning, but today, there was too much to think about. Too much on your mind. You’d slept as long as you could, but, for once, your boyfriend's embrace was unable to lull your racing thoughts.
Life could be complicated. Just when you were starting to enjoy it, it threw you a curveball. Typically, those curveballs somehow made everything fall into place, somehow kickstarted your life in some new, better direction. This time, life had done more than throw you a curveball. It kicked you in the crotch and spit in your cereal.
Your fingers wrapped around the cool rail of the balcony and sighed. Worries and fears rushed through your mind. How were you going to tell Ten? How were you going to tell your family and his? How did you even feel about all of this?
A hand dropped down to your stomach, still aching and cramping from the early morning sickness. Your eyes shut. This was the last thing you needed. Yet here you were.
“Are you sure? You could just be late this time,” your best friend had asked.
You weren’t. All you were certain of was it had been two weeks since you were supposed to get your period and it still hadn’t shown up. Now, you didn’t like bleeding from your lady bits, but it was always a sure sign that your uterus was perfectly unhappy without a fertilized egg nestled inside its warm walls. Without a bloody hissy fit producing a murder scene in your pants and with some sort of stomach virus churning up your guts, you were beginning to get worried.
“Have you been to the doctor?” she asked.
“Yeah right, they’d call here and Ten would somehow end up answering and find out the truth from some middle-aged balding guy instead of me!”
She raised her hands in surrender.
“Then… a drugstore test?” she asked.
“How? I’d end up using my credit card and when he pays the bill, he’d see a weird charge and ask me about it, then I’d have to tell him after he’d backed me into a corner!”
She sighed, clearly getting annoyed.
“Do you want me to get it for you?”
You paused a moment to think, a smile blossoming across your face.
“That’d be great!”
She let out a groan and slid up off the couch, grabbing her purse.
“If you are, I get to name it,” she declared before marching out of your apartment.
As her car started and back out of the driveway, you grabbed your favorite blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around you, burrowing yourself deeper into the fuzzy softness as your stomach twisted in knots. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath, praying for a good answer, but the issue was, you had no idea what answer you truly wanted.
On one hand, you loved Ten with all your heart and would jump at the chance of having a family with him. On the other, he was an idol. He was an idol in NCT no less that was constantly traveling back and forth between South Korea and China for promotions. He was busy. His career was just getting good. Something like this could, not only change your life, but alter his forever.
It hadn’t taken long for your best friend to get back from the pharmacy. It was only right down the road after all. Still, as soon as she stepped in the door, holding up a bag filled with packages of sticks that could show your future and alter your life, you tightened the blanket around you. Did you even want to know?
She sat down on the edge of the couch seeming to read your mind as she brought a hand up to softly stroke over your shoulder. Her gaze softened. You knew she understood. It wasn’t long ago that she’d also had a pregnancy scare which had resulted in simply being food poisoning.
You doubted that was the case this time.
“It’ll be better once you know. Then, there’s no longer the lingering curiosity and fear,” she encouraged softly.
She was right. You knew that, but nothing could stop the anxiety from pooling in your stomach as you cast your eyes at the shopping bag.
“How many did you get?” you asked.
“Five. Just to be certain,” she said softly.
With a nod and a deep breath, you reached for the bag still resting in her hand. You carried it to the bathroom, locking the door. You knew she wouldn’t barge in on you, but as shuddered breaths fell from your lips, you knew you needed to do this next part completely alone.
You unpackaged each of the tests and lined them up in an easily accessible row.
Eight minutes later, you sat on the bathroom floor, back pressed against the door as your eyes sharply watched the timer on your phone count down. Your chest clenched at the last few seconds before it dinged in your hand, signaling time was up. The tests were ready and, once you looked at the results, you would finally have answers, answers you possibly didn’t want.
“Deep breaths, (y/n),” you whispered to yourself.
You shut your timer off and eased yourself off the floor, hands trembling as you reached for the closest plastic stick. What were you even hoping for?
Your fingers closed around the plastic and your eyes closed, breath becoming shallow. Just a few more seconds. Few more seconds of ignorant bliss before you would be forced to learn the truth.
You swallowed a lump in your throat and opened your eyes, two pink lines on the stick greeting you.
The test fell from your hands as your body crumpled to the ground, tears spilling from your eyes and cascading down your face.
“(y/n)?” your best friend asked.
You didn’t respond. Your body shuddered as silent sobs racked through your body. It wasn’t that you weren’t happy or that you’d never dreamed of having a family, you just never expected it to happen like this, especially when you could not only ruin your life, but the life of a child and your boyfriends.
It was a few extra minutes before you were finally able to pull yourself off the floor and unlock the door. Your best friend gaped at your teary eyes, face etched with worry, but she opened her arms and you dropped into them, wrapping your arms around her tightly and clinging to her.
“It… It was… p-positive,” you stammered.
She squeezed you tightly, hands rubbing up and down your back.
“I’m pregnant…”
By sheer luck, Ten hadn’t come home that night, choosing to stay at the WayV dorm with Hendery and Xiaojun who, according to Ten, were distraught and upset that they didn’t get to see Ten every day anymore.
His absence had allowed you time to dispose of the tests, all of which read positive, burying them in the trash and making a mental note to take the trash out the next day. You’d also had time to calm yourself down enough to make a decision.
Getting rid of the baby wasn’t an option. You loved children. You’d always loved the prospects of having a child. Even if Ten wanted nothing to do with you or the child, you were not going to simply get rid of it. If he left and you decided you couldn’t do it on your own, you would check yourself into a facility that would help you and give the baby up for adoption. If you thought you could handle it, you would raise your own child. Because no matter what Ten said, you still had your own choices to make.
That night, you had settled down with a sappy romance movie and a bowl of ice cream, curled up in one of Ten’s shirts in bed, preparing to tell him the next day.
However, that day would never come.
As the next day rolled around, you had put off telling him and, as the days ticked by, you kept making excuses not to. Pretty soon, you’d hit the three month mark with a healthy baby and your flat stomach was starting to expand. You’d always worn baggier shirts so, covering up wasn’t a big deal, but the constant sickness and cravings were getting harder to hide.
Arms wrapped around your waist, causing you to jump, thoughts evaporating into the chilly air.
“What are you doing up so early?” he whispered sleepily against your ear, a chill running down your spine.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you calmly responded.
He hummed against your ear and squeezed you a little closer. You winced as his arms tightened around your stomach.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head.
“I’m still getting over this virus, I guess,” you lied.
Ten was an attentive man, so when he noticed how often you were getting sick, in the mornings specifically, he had immediately asked you about it. Being on the spot and not quite ready to tell him the truth, you’d lied that you’d been hanging around a friend with the stomach virus and they must have given it to you. He had bought it, insisting that you go to the doctor if it got worse, but you had declined. Now, weeks after you’d first lied, as your sickness continued, Ten was becoming more freaked out, begging you to go to the hospital, convinced that you were dying.
Not wanting to admit that you’d been lying, and slightly concerned that, even three months into your pregnancy, you were still getting sick, you had waited until Ten was doing promotions before going to your doctor.
“It’s nice to see you again, Ms. (y/l/n), how have you been feeling?” your doctor, Dr. Byun asked, taking a seat on the plush stool by the laptop.
“I’ve been alright. Just concerned. I know I’m around three months, but I would have thought the morning sickness would have ceased by now…”
He let out a hum and pulled your chart up on your laptop.
“Your last check-up was two weeks ago. Did they do an ultrasound? I’m not seeing it in here.”
You shook your head.
“Alright, so that’s the first step. I will tell you that morning sickness at three months usually goes away, but it is completely common and natural for some women to experience sickness well after that,” he responded.
You let out a sigh. Ten would never buy it if you told him your throwing up was completely normal. But you nodded and he stepped from the room to get a nurse to set up an ultrasound.
After the ultrasound, Dr. Byun came back, holding his notes.
“It looks like everything is normal. It’s possible that the baby is simply rejecting some of the nutrients given. I know oftentimes during pregnancy, the baby craves sweets, junk-food, or other things, but I would recommend trying to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. This will help give the baby nutrients and hopefully quell the sickness. However, I am going to send your blood-work to the labs and see if there is anything else going on.”
That had been a week ago and still, even with extra vegetables and well-balanced meals, the sickness persisted, and with it, grew Ten’s worry.
“Maybe I should take you to the hospital if it keeps getting worse,” he suggested, mumbling against your ear.
You shook your head.
“I trust Dr. Byun. He says it can be normal when the ba- I mean, when the immune system needs a little extra nutrients,” you answered.
He didn’t respond for a long moment, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Did Dr. Byun ever call you back with your bloodwork results?” he asked.
You shook your head. It was the truth. Sort of.
You really did feel bad for lying to him. It never was your intention, but the longer you kept your secret, the harder it got to tell him. Part of you wished you’d just come clean the day he’d gotten home so, you’d at least know how he felt and whether or not you’d be doing it alone. The other part of you was terrified the moment you told him that you’d be giving him up.
He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, lips touching your skin in a soft kiss that made you shudder in his arms.
“I love you,” he whispered against your skin.
Your heart melted. If he truly loved you, would he stay? Would he understand why you lied? Would he accept you and the baby as his?
Suddenly, you felt brave enough to come clean. No matter what, you were confident that love would prevail.
“Ten I-”
You were cut off as his phone began to ring.
He sighed, letting his head drop onto your shoulder before reaching into his pajamas pants to retrieve his phone.
You couldn’t hear who was on the other end, but it was definitely Kun or their manager.
“Now?” he asked.
His nose crinkled in annoyance.
“But (y/n)’s still sick!”
A huff fell from his lips.
“Fine,” he growled into the receiver, hanging up the phone and shoving it back into his pocket, eyes fixing hard on the railing.
“I have to go. Some stupid radio show decided last minute they want us there and we can’t get out of it now,” he grumbled.
You turned around, your courage disappearing as you placed a soft hand on his cheek.
“It’s alright baby. Go, I’ll be here when you get back,” you spoke softly.
He leaned his cheek against your hand, leaning his face closer to press a gentle kiss to your wrist. Butterflies erupted in your stomach.
“I’ll be home after lunch,” he promised.
With that, he hurried back inside.
You watched him disappear into your shared bedroom before facing the city again. The sun was now almost all the way over the horizon.
Would Ten still kiss you like that if he knew?
Your heart clinched heavily in your chest.
Would you be able to live without him if he left?
Ten’s POV
Something wasn’t right. Ten knew that. What he didn’t know was what. (Y/n) had been sick for several weeks and, despite her reassurance that everything was “normal” and “fine,” he couldn’t shake the notion that you were lying about something.
As his car pulled up to the WayV dorm where their manager would be picking them up, he glanced down at his phone. He had been expecting to see you in his background, smiling blissfully, looking as radiant and beautiful as ever by the lake they’d visited over the summer, right before you’d gotten sick. What he saw instead was himself, grinning and holding a small cupcake with purple icing, a single lit candle waiting to be blown out. The picture you’d taken on his birthday.
Confused, he turned the phone over in his hand and shook his head in minor annoyance at the cute little stickers of Ten and the other members of WayV stuck on the clear phone case. Your phone case.
He must have accidentally taken your phone rather than his own in his rush to get dressed and get to the dorm.
A small laugh bubbled to his throat. He knew getting matching phones and phone cases would end up being a bad idea, but you had insisted.
The phone vibrated in his hand and he laughed as his own name popped onto the screen.
From Ten<3: Babe, you took my phone instead :D
Ten shook his head.
To Ten<3: guess you’ll have to forward me updates from everyone today!
From Ten<3: Or I could keep them all to myself and “forget” to tell you
He sent back a laughing emoji and stuffed the phone back in his pocket. He stepped out of his car as the large van meant to take them to the radio show pulled up. He waved to the manager driving and laughed to himself as YangYang led the way sprinting from the building, Lucas and Hendery hot on his heels.
It was in the middle of the show that Ten felt the phone buzzing in his pocket. As Lucas energetically retold the story of how he’d managed to pull off a prank on Kun and WinWin, Ten discreetly pulled the phone from his pocket. Dr. Byun flashed across the screen and Ten’s heart quickened. On one hand, he wanted to respect your privacy and not answer the call. On the other, he desperately wanted some answers.
“We’re going to take a quick break! We’ll be right back!” the host said over the speaker.
That was all the answer Ten needed to hear.
He clicked the green answer button and pressed his phone to his ear, quickly making his way out of the room before anyone could question him.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Byun, is Ms. (y/l/n) nearby?” he asked.
“She isn’t but I’m her boyfriend. I can take a message.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Ten knew he shouldn’t have said them, but part of him couldn’t help being curious, his gut too filled with worry to think rationally.
“I’m calling to let her know we got her results back. Her sickness is being caused by an anemia that sometimes has the effect on women carrying children. The fetus isn’t getting enough protein nutrients. We’d recommend she eat more red meat and add anemia vitamins to her prenatal vitamins. If the sickness doesn’t stop in two weeks, she should come back in for another visit,” he said.
The phone dropped from Ten’s hand, hitting the floor hard. His eyes were wide, hands shaking. His left knee gave out first, buckling beneath his weight. He clutched the wall for support.
Kun’s voice barely reached his ears as his heart pounded.
The leaders arms wrapped around Ten’s middle, leading him to lean against him as Kun held him up.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok? Are you feeling faint?”
Ten didn’t answer. His eyes were fixed on a spot on the wall.
Pregnant. That’s why you kept throwing up…
Your POV
The moment you’d noticed you were left with Ten’s phone, anxiety pooled in your stomach. You had no idea when Dr. Byun was going to call or whether Ten would answer. Dr. Byun telling Ten the truth was not exactly the best way for him to find out. Especially since you’d been lying to him.
The minute the door to your shared apartment flew open, slamming hard against the wall, your hands began to shake.
“Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me?!” he snapped as soon as he rounded the corner.
His face was red with anger, a sight you weren’t used to seeing. Ten didn’t get angry a lot. And when he did, he often had good outlets, like dance, to vent his anger.
He yanked your phone out of his pocket and threw it on the couch, making you flinch.
“You lied to me! For months! Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” he seethed.
Yours eyes glazed as they met his, tears gathering, but you blinked, refusing to let them fall when his anger was your fault to begin with.
“I-I… I was afraid… I didn’t want to lose you…”
As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you wanted to take them back. His face fell. His arms tumbled precariously to his side. Tears gathered in his own eyes, escaping and cascading slowly down his face.
Ten didn’t cry often. His pride prevented it. Watching his shoulders begin to tremble and shake had guilt gripping at your heart tightly.
“Did I not prove my love to you enough?” he asked, voice stammering.
You stared at him for a moment before sliding yourself off the couch and wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders.
“I know you love me baby. But… your career… I was afraid you’d leave me… leave us… because I was holding you back from this…”
It was a long moment before he responded.
His hands cupped your face gently, brushing away the tears you hadn’t realized were beginning to fall.
“My career is important. I love being in WayV, but you always come first. And now, you and the baby come first,” he spoke softly.
He trailed his hand down to softly rest it on your stomach. A water smile spread across your face.
“You’re going to have to do a lot of the parenting alone. So I’ll understand if you want to leave me to find the baby a father that will be there to help you. Otherwise, I’m with you all the way.”
You brought your gaze to his, searching his eyes for jokes or laughter. Finding none, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you.
“Our baby could have no better father than you,” you whispered softly.
He pressed his lips delicately to yours, drawing you in closer and holding you against him.
“I love you,” he whispered. “Both of you.”
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saladejin · 4 years
Body Pillow
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Taehyung x Reader requested by anon (May) | 27.) First cuddle
Warnings: Literally fluff and gentle pining, drunken shenanigans 
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: This is poorly edited, oh god. 
I give up on trying to teach myself what a drabble is, because idk if I’ll ever understand what it means to write a DRABBLE. Anyway this is hella overdue but I’m still working on these cuddle prompts! Hope anonnie May is still around to read this horrible mess 🥺💕
<< prompt list >>
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Wow, you were getting sleepy.
It was the alcohol, no doubt about it, but for some reason this time getting tipsy felt a little different. Usually you were quite reserved and withdrawn when mixing alcohol and social interactions, but tonight it was just you, your roommate Jimin and his close group of friends having a pizza night in.
Well, after half a year of getting to know them they'd fast become friends of yours as well, but they were still a pack of loud, goofy college boys that drove you mad with their testosterone stink 90% of the time. You really did have to take them in small doses to begin with, but all seven were amazingly driven people through and through. You loved them for it, and honestly sometimes you really just needed to be in their presence to relax and de-stress.
Like right now, actually. 
You were drunker than usual, and it all had to do with the fact that you were relaxed. Carefree and laughing up a storm with the boys as they joked and hollered over whatever video game or story was being played out. For the first time in a while ... you could simply chill.
Yeah, chill out. Not zone the hell out.
You blinked harshly, eyes coming back into focus as a hand waved in front of your face cautiously, and all of a sudden a handsome view leaned into your field of vision. "Hellooo? You're so fucked honey." Taehyung chuckled, eyes crinkling in amusement as he shared a glance with Yoongi behind him.
"I'm- no way," you huffed, trying to downplay the way your cheeks were heating up at his proximity by slapping his hand away.
"Okay, but you're getting there." Yoongi stepped forward and nudged Taehyung back to reach for your plastic cup. "We know you're not used to having this much so just slow down, alright?"
Any other day you would've been frustrated at how the two boys seemed to baby you, but it was clear by their smiles that they were also getting some enjoyment out of it. In all honesty, you were having a great time and you had to admit that ruining it all by blacking out or making a mess was the last thing you wanted to do.
You'd still only known them all for a few months, so you didn't want to somehow damage the already comfortable relationships you'd built in such a short time.
"Okay, you're right." You let Yoongi lift the drink away from you, trying not to smile when Taehyung lightly chuckled again at the way you swayed in your seat. The other boys were already getting loud once more as Jungkook overtook Jimin in Mario Kart, the whooping and shouts of anger mostly coming from the remaining onlookers, Hobi, Namjoon and Seokjin.
You grabbed another slice of pizza from the table and stepped around Taehyung to reclaim your spot next to Jimin, feeling the younger's eyes burn into your back the entire way.
Thankfully, Yoongi and Tae had forced you to take a break at the perfect moment, because you were really feeling buzzed now. It was an oddly euphoric sensation, feeling the world spin ever so slightly with laughter falling from your lips for barely any reason at all. Why hadn't you done this with them sooner?
"A package? Well it's not for me..."
Your eyes flew open upon hearing Jimin hum from the front door, lightly slurred tone curious and confused. The rest of you who were gathered in the living room fell quiet as the murmurs of conversation between him and the delivery man came to an end.
There’s a package at the door?
Then your brain cells finally kicked into gear, because oh … it was also your door.
"Wait, it's mine then." You shakily tried to put your glass of water on the table to get up, and Namjoon tutted in disapproval while darting out a hand to steady your drunk form as you rose. The faces of the other boys swam in your vision for a moment since you'd been sitting down for what felt like ages, and it was genuinely hard not to snort out a laugh at the sight of Jungkook having six eyes.
"What is it?" Jimin asked as he rounded the corner with a large plastic parcel in hand, his plump cheeks very pink from the liquor and blown out cutely. Your focus came crashing back to the mysterious parcel in his small hands.
You tried to scour the corners of your buzzing mind but couldn't remember what you'd bought online for the life of you. You gently took the package from your roommate and squinted down at your name written on the label, earning muffled sounds of amusement from the rest of the guys watching you attempt to read. "I seriously forgot, but anyway let me open it..."
"Uh uh, no way," a scolding tone came from behind you when you reached for the scissors on the kitchen benchtop. You squeaked in surprise when Taehyung yanked them away from your grasp, and he darted to the side playfully before you could even think of chasing him up.
"Yeah, if anyone it'll be Tae using the scissors since he hasn't even had a drink." Hoseok laughed, poking your cheek when you grumbled and pouted.
The others went back to the game playing on the TV while you, Taehyung and Jimin stood around to open the package. It was incredibly soft underneath the plastic wrapping, and the more that was peeled away the more you remembered your spontaneous buy.
"Oh!" You pulled up the massive lump of lime green and white cotton, the largest smile breaking out onto your flushed face. "It's the wearable blanket I wanted!"
"Wearable ... what now?" Yoongi murmured from his spot on the couch.
"Blanket," you finished, and threw the long, heavy bundle of soft material over your head. It acted as a hoodie of sorts, only oversized to the absolute max. The warm buttery feeling of the wool against your skin had you melting on the spot in the best possible way.
"What's it like?" Taehyung murmured quietly when your eyes began to flutter shut in ecstasy, any hint of the chill in the air vanishing in an instant. He seemed to be gripped in a childlike fascination for how truly extra the item of clothing - or blanket? - was. You tried not to flush even more when he stepped closer to gently pinch some of the material between his long fingers, large wonderful eyes widening at the feeling.
"So soft, and warm," you hummed in response to his question, stepping away from him to sink back into the couch now that you were quite literally drowning in fluffy blanket-like fabric. Your hazy mind could barely comprehend anything that was happening around you now that you were reaching peak levels of comfort.
Taehyung followed you down, and you vaguely registered the dip in the couch cushion as he perched himself next to you. Your eyes were closed in pure bliss, but the brief aroma of his lavender lotion swimming around your head told you it was him. You could never mistake this addicting scent; you'd grown to like it way too much in these past few months.
Too bad you were too inebriated to really act on your small crush now, considering he was literally sitting beside you and giving his full, undivided attention for the first time ... ever, actually.
The following hour flew by, but you were still completely lost in the softness of your toasty hoodie-blanket hybrid. There was no doubt that the novelty would last a long time yet, seeing how Jimin would whine out of jealousy every ten minutes or so until you finally caved, letting him have a 'turn' for an entire 60 seconds before demanding it back.
It was cold, and you were a cuddly drunk...
As the boys continued with their game, you soon felt a slight pressure rest on your shoulder ever so slightly. You cracked one eye open to see a mop of black curls out of the corner of your eye, but the haziness flooding your brain meant you couldn't really feel as flustered as you would've - say a few hours ago.
Taehyung's fingers still fiddled with the thick fabric of your blanket-sleeve, but you could barely feel his touch through the sheer amount of wool in between your arm and his hand. Something about that bugged you, but you couldn't muster the energy to think any harder at this point.
"It's the softest thing I've ever felt," he commented, a small smile evident in the way his tone tapered off into a chuckle.
You sighed and sunk further into the bed of cotton surrounding you. "Yeah, won't last long though considering how much I'm gonna use it during winter. Make the most of it while you can, Tae."
His lips parted in slight shock. "Can I?" the boy asked in a low tone, but for what exactly you still weren't quite sure. You turned your head and blinked open both eyes drowsily, grateful that you'd managed to sober up enough by now that there weren't two of him floating around beside you.
Well, more like on you at this point. You took a quick glance at everyone else to see if they were aware, but nobody was looking, and you were sure nobody would even care. Taehyung was quite touchy with his friends and you'd definitely seen it on multiple occasions, but never with you.
Not yet anyway.
He seemed to take your pause as hesitation rather than confusion. "You just look so huggable all wrapped up in it. I wanna know if it's as warm as it looks, but it's okay I can give you some room." His eyes flickered away from your face for the first time and you instantly felt the absence of his lively gaze.
He wants to hug me!?
"No Taetae c'mon." You allowed the nickname you'd always wanted to use break free - a slip the tongue thanks to the alcohol coursing through your system - and opened up your arms to invite him closer. You watched his eyes light up again like a million stars in the night sky.
"Really?" He giggled, and the sound was so adorable paired with the way his lips formed that box-like shape as he smiled, but he spared you no time for a response.
You felt the air forcefully leave your lungs when he crawled over into your heavily padded arms, his own then wrapping themselves around your waist which was swathed in mounds of cotton. You could feel the way he gently buried his face into a place near your chest. Oh God, did he just nuzzle his way in even further?
Where did he end, and you begin? Your drunken mind couldn't really focus on one singular thought, but somehow you were even comfier than before. You brought your arms back down to rest around his broad shoulders and decided to savour this moment, because you sure as hell weren't going to be able to look him in the eye after tonight.
You weren’t even that close. You being nothing more than his best friend’s roommate, and him a newfound friend you might be harbouring the tiniest crush on, but tonight was different.
"So warm..." he murmured and tightened the hold of his arms, though now you wished you could feel more skin and less wool. You imagined what it might feel like, just you and him and nothing but a normal layer of clothes separating you as you cuddled on the couch. It caused a pleased sigh to float from your lips, and you heard Taehyung let out an amused chuckle in tandem.
Could he be thinking something similar? Hopefully?
"I guess I must feel like a massive teddy bear to you," you managed to say without slurring your words, too drunk on the feeling of warmth and comfort and blossoming affection shrouding your mind.
"Damn right you do, sweetheart."
Even in the midst of all the liquid courage circulating your body you felt your heart skip a beat at the deep, relaxed tone of his voice, not to mention the pet-name. He sat up straighter and pulled you along with him, the expression on his face completely blissed out as he hugged you tighter to his frame. You could feel your heart hammering away in your chest, and just hoped to God there was enough fabric there to muffle the clamour.
There you both sat, locked together and bundled up in the mounds of cotton that was your wearable blanket, all until you drifted off to the best drunk sleep you’d ever had. It was the first of many cuddles you would share, unbeknownst to you at the time, but with a giggling Seokjin using his phone to take a blurry video of you both and a snickering Jimin egging him on, it was easy to see how one thing would lead to another the next day.
Sometimes, it appeared the key to winning over a man's heart was to not only become a body pillow, but become his body pillow. 
Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.
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