#but the year it went out of business I was kinda at the age where I wasn’t old enough to get a job yet
stary-night · 2 years
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averagemrfox · 6 months
Everyday I miss Rag Shop
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uglypastels · 1 month
omg what about Logan being like the softest with a sensitive/shy reader. Idk in what context like maybe she’s just overwhelmed with life and kinda closed off in terms of voicing what’s wrong and you know he’s usually very stoic but he’s the BIGGEST softy. Totally not projecting btw.
YEsss Logan is such a fucking softie, no matter how hard he'd want to try and hide it. thank you for being my first request for this fandom i hope i can do it some justice 🫶 and pleeease, we love to project here so please, go right ahead.
warnings: darkness. anxiety. loneliness. alcohol. fem!reader. reader's mutation specified. mentions of past [implied toxic] relationship. so some angst but also bunch of fluff at the end. also please don't come for me if he's a bit out of character. this is my first time writing Logan so it will be trial and error.
~ X-Men Requests Open ~ Masterlist ~
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It was the dead of the night. Quite literally. All around you was so quiet and dark that the rest of the world might as well have ceased to exist. All you heard was the floorboards creaking under your footsteps as slivers of moonlight illuminated your path through the corridors of the mansion. It was the rare instance that you felt at peace. 
Yes, you knew almost as soon as you stepped inside the large building and saw all these mutants walking around happily and carelessly that you had found a true safe haven, and yet, months later, you still had not found your bearings. It did not help that you were not exactly in the age bracket of most of the residents here. Having the mansion double as a school meant most of the mutants were in that school-going age range, and while they were lovely (for the most part), you had no desire to befriend children. Then, those who you felt more drawn to socially, like Storm or Jean, were all apart of that special ops team, which always left them busy, if not completely absent, while away on missions. 
Thus, most of your days went by in solitude. Something you had gotten used to throughout your life. Over the years it had become natural for you to simply disappear into your surroundings. Wether you wanted to or not, people simply overlooked you. In hindsight, it explained your mutation perfectly… or was that just an aftereffect of it? You had always wondered if it was one’s personality that influenced the mutation or the other way around.
Either way, for you, it all merged into one dark abyss. 
By now, you had gotten a hang of all the floor plans of the giant building, especially the route between your room and the kitchens. 
You hadn’t checked the clock when you got out of bed, but it must have been around 2 am, if not later. You didn’t expect anyone to be up at this ungodly hour. Especially not walking out of the dark kitchen exactly as you were coming through the threshold. The two of you bump, chest to chest, and the contact immediately made you burst out in a high-pitched scream. From the other side of the impact, you heard a muffled grunt and the sound of a blade being pulled. That was enough for your flight or fight mode to activate. You almost choked on the deep breath you took. The blade swung in your direction, but it only slashed the air where you once stood. 
‘Who’s there?’ it was a male voice. Hard and deep, almost wild. In your other form, your eyes adapted much better to the dark, and so you could see him looking around himself wildly. You counted the sharp appendages in his hands— no, they were coming out of his arms— six long claw-like blades ready to impale the very first thing that’d move. 
There was no doubt about it that this must have been the infamous Logan everyone around the mansion talked about. From what you had heard, he had been away for almost a year on some top-secret assignment for the Professor, but now he had apparently returned.
And what a comeback he has made, nearly stabbing you in the hallway.
‘Who’s there?’ he repeated his question louder, still looking around.
‘Just me.’ Your voice came out as the exact opposite of his, soft and weak, and you immediately regretted your words. Just me, as if he was supposed to know what that meant.
But it must have done the trick, as Logan retracted his claws. His shoulders visibly slacked at the lack of imminent danger.
‘Well, Me, you can come out of hiding. I’m not gonna hurt ya,’ he grumbled, ‘let me just turn the light on–’ 
‘Wait!’ You squeezed your eyes shut and let the cool air of the night brush over your bare arms. When you opened them again, all you could see was Logan’s large frame standing inside the kitchen, most likely hovering over the light switch, surprised at your sudden call.
‘Sorry, you can uhm– turn the lights on now.’ And like that, with a quiet flick, the kitchen illuminated with a soft orange glow. 
Logan’s eyes were immediately on you, scanning you up and down for any sign of recognition, but you already knew there would be none. Even if he had ever seen you before, there never was.
‘Do I know you?’ he cocked his head with the question, and all you could do was shake your head. 
‘I doubt it.’ No one knew you, but that didn’t feel like a smart response.
‘Care to introduce yourself, Bub?’ He leaned against the wall with the light switch, and maybe it was his overall greatness as he practically towered over you, but you felt a rush of heat fall over your face as he looked down at you in expectance. Awkwardly, you pushed out the sounds that formed your name, with a bonus of an extended hand for him to shake. 
‘And you must be Logan, right?’
He confirmed your suspicion with a grunt as he took your hand, squeezed firmly, but not painfully, and shook it once. Then, silence fell between you. 
Two strangers who met in a complete, nearly fatal accident. It was only to be expected you would have nothing to say to one another. But you were, after all both awake this late in the night, and that was enough to compel you to talk. 
‘Couldn’t sleep?’
‘Just got back, actually.’ His eyes glanced to your side and that is when you noticed the duffel bag that lay in the corridor. Then, only when you looked back at him did you take in what he was wearing. Not the expected gym shorts or sweatpants with an old shirt. Instead, Logan was dressed in a black button-up under a dark motorcycle jacket. With that, he had a boot cut-jeans and the boots to match. From the tiny dark dotted pattern on his shoulders and the light pitter-pattering that was occurring outside, it was visible he had just come from out of the rain. 
Immediately, a parade of questions entered your mind. Where had he been? Why did he come back so late? What was he doing in the kitchen? And so much more, though none of it would leave your mouth as you doubted he would talk to you about his secret mission. 
‘You alright?’ His brows furrowed as he looked down at you, and you realised how you must have looked. Staring up at him with wide eyes, not saying a single thing. Another heat flare hit your cheeks.
‘Yeah, I’m fine.’
He cocked his head in an examinatory fashion. The disbelief evident in his eyes. 
‘You’re new here, aren’t you?’
‘Relatively,’ you shrugged. ‘Got here a few months ago.’
‘Parents kicked you out?’ He assumed the most common backstory that comes with the residents of the mansion.
‘Not exactly,’ you kept your response short. After all, you could hardly tell a stranger you just met that your boyfriend had kicked you out of your shared apartment when he found out about your genetic abnormality. You had never been sure how he would have reacted, but the events that unfolded were even beyond your imagination. But the past was the past, and you didn’t want to dwell on it. The important part was that not a day after this conversation, you were crying in your car with nowhere to go. It was by chance that weeks after your break-up/eviction, you stumbled into some other mutants who told you about the Professor. You weren’t too sure about going to seek shelter at a school of all places, but in reality, the Academy was much more than that. Though it did give you the perfect opportunity to safely train your abilities.
That and so much more was what went through your head, but you didn’t say any of that to Logan. Why would you? He didn’t know you. He didn’t care about your problems, and you didn’t blame him for it. 
On the contrary, you appreciated that he didn’t press you for more details. When you answered the way you did, he simply nodded in understanding and made his way over to the fridge. The blue glow illuminated his tense features. Strange, for a man who had been a year on the go on some secret spy adventure, you would have expected him to return at least a bit beaten up. But besides maybe some signs of a bad sleep schedule, no form of strain was visible on his face.
‘You want something?’ he looked over at you, making you realise you had been, in fact, staring and not very subtly either. 
‘I’m good, thanks.’ 
‘Suit yourself,’ he went back to inspecting the contents of the fridge before sighing with disappointment. ‘They still don’t have anything stronger around here?’
‘Oh, if you’re looking for beer–’ you walked over to a cabinet at the other end of the kitchen. You tapped a corner, and a small code pad appeared. You tapped in the code, and the cabinet opened to reveal a fully stocked mini-bar. ‘Scott had it installed over the summer,’ you explained when you saw Logan’s confused expression.
‘Explains the babyproofing.’ He walked over, and you handed him a cool bottle of beer.
‘Well, it is a school after all.’ You held in a smile as the thought occurred to you that the kids might not have been the only ones who weren’t supposed to know about the secret compartment. The rivalry between Cyclops and the Wolverine was known all too well around the whole campus, even for newcomers such as yourself.
Logan smirked, taking his beer. You were about to offer a bottle opener, but he hit the neck of the bottle against the edge of the table and with a pop and a clink, the cap came right off. 
‘Here,’ he exchanged your bottles, giving you the open one. You watched him repeat his actions with the second drink. Your eyes were still on him as he chugged down half of the beer in one go. He probably could have downed the whole thing if it wasn’t for his look down at you, most likely noticing your entranced look.
‘That staring a part of your powers, too, then?’ he commented, and the acknowledgement immediately made you turn your head in the direction of the window.
‘Sorry. I just— I tend to do that, I guess.’ You wrinkled your nose. Being on your own around so many people, you had gotten used to people watching, observing them from a distance like a show on TV that you kept on for the background noise.
‘What do you do, anyway?’ He asked bluntly, ‘I thought I had done you in good back there.’
‘You would have,’ you chuckled, remembering just how close his claws had come into contact with you. ‘It’s hard to explain. I just kind of—’ You noticed the shadow that fell over the floor from the table and lightly grazed it with the tip of your toe. With a deep breath, the world in front of you changed. Except the exact opposite was the truth. ‘Disappear.’ You finished the sentence, punctuated by your new state.
Logan’s eyes widened as you disappeared in front of his eyes. Where the shock came from, he couldn’t explain. He had encountered these sorts of mutants before. But this felt different than regular invisibility or teleportation. With his heightened senses, he could always detect those sorts of hijinks. No one ever disappeared to him. But you— as soon as you had faded away, it was as if you had completely fallen off the face of the earth. Not a single trace of you lingered behind. When you spoke, just as you had in the hallway, your voice didn’t seem to be coming from one place. It was all around him, almost like a whisper, a voice inside his own head.
With a blink of an eye, you reappeared before him. Just as you had stood there moments before.
‘There’s not really a name for this, I think; at least no one around here could come up with anything that made sense.’ Not that you had any conversations that made people interested enough to do the research. ‘But from my own understanding, I kind of become one with the shadows.’
‘And what about the light?’ he recalled your yelp when he had tried to turn on the light.
‘I merge with the dark, and so when new light sources interfere… it’s not pretty.’
Logan simply nodded as he took the last swig of his beer.
For a moment, the two of you stood there in silence, you leaning against the counter and he against the large table. 
‘You’re doing it again, Bub.’ He smirked, calling out your lost stare. 
‘Sorry,’ you hadn’t even realised you were doing it. You had just been looking around the room and may have, perhaps, accidentally lingered a look at his frame for a few seconds. And then you caught sight of his hands. More specifically, his knuckles. There was a faint pink glow on the skin, but besides that, you would never be able to tell that deadly claws could grow out from there. You blinked. ‘Sorry.’ You were doing it again. Quickly, you drank the rest of your beer. The bitter taste lingered in your throat, suffocating the burning questions that you wanted to ask.
‘Spill it out.’ He hit you by surprise with the command.
You knew there were plenty of mindreaders around, but you had not thought it was one of Logan’s abilities. ‘How did you–’
‘It’s all in your face, sweetheart. You think just ‘cause you’re quiet, you’re hard to read, don’t you.’ His assumption left you a bit stunned. It wasn’t that you had thought exactly that, but more so that you never considered that you were making any expressions that were that easy to interpret, as you never really had anyone pay that much attention to you to point it out.
 ‘If you want to say something, just say it.’ Logan said the corner of his lips lifted in a small smile. ‘If you’re wondering if it hurts,’ he looked down at his knuckles, ‘it hurts just as any other one-foot-long knife cutting through skin.’
‘That’s awful.’ You gasped, considering what it must be like to have such a mutation that inadvertently harmed you any time you used it.
‘You get used to it after a while.’ 
Another round of silence. This time, the longer it went on, the more you started thinking how you must be inconveniencing him. With the beers drank, there was little for you both to still be doing here, but also didn’t want to be rude by just up and leaving. After all, you didn’t know Logan very well. 
‘You sure you’re alright?’ He asked, coming out from behind the table.
‘Yeah.’ You tried to smile but could tell it probably did not reach your eyes. Logan moved with a sense of apprehension, unsure of how to approach you. Being a year on the road, not to mention the years of solitude before he had joined the Professor’s team, had not exactly prepared him for these kinds of situations. He didn’t know the right things to do or to say. But to you, just his presence was enough. Just him being there, talking, or in this case, just seeing you, was more than you could have asked for. ‘I’m good.’ 
And yet, ironically, though you had actually meant it for once, you really did feel alright, but something about the situation caused tears to prickle in the corners of your eyes. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation that made you overly sensitive. Or the alcohol. 
You blinked the tears away and smiled awkwardly. ‘It’s just been a long day.’ or week. Month. Year. How about your entire life?
‘Yeah, tell me about it.’ There was that quirk in his lip again, that ghost of a smile. And you couldn’t figure out if his response was just a sarcastic quip, understandably referring to his past days, which you were sure did not consist of a walk in the park. Or did he actually mean it, and he did want you to tell him more? Well, your moment of contemplation brought on another wave of silence, and the heavier it fell, the worse you felt to go back to your problems.
The sudden sound of footsteps pulled you back into your world. People must be slowly waking up; meanwhile, you hadn’t had an hour of sleep yet, and the effect of that started to hit.
‘I should— should probably go.’ You muttered, taking small steps in the direction of the door.
‘Well, the offer always stands.’ Logan followed you with his eyes, turning in his spot as you passed by him. See you around, Nightshade.’
‘What?’ the nickname caught you off-guard, stopping you in your tracks. 
‘Sorry,’ Logan winced, ‘I don’t know—’ that’s what he gets for trying to be cute. 
‘No, don’t apologise. I like it.’ Your smile finally found its full form. A “thank you” almost slipped past it, but you held yourself back. It felt too cheesy to get all sentimental about something as silly as a nickname. Especially since he didn’t know what it meant for you. He didn’t need to know didn’t think you’d ever belong amongst these people enough to get a moniker. 
And maybe it didn’t mean anything at all, maybe he had just said it as a mindless comment on your powers. Or maybe not. Maybe he had really tried hard to put that smile on your face. 
You would never know.
Unless you took that one small step. Because, of course, all you had to do was ask, just like he had told you, but maybe another time. For now, you just bid him farewell, hoping for that next opportunity to certainly come sooner than later.
the end.
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thank you for reading 💗
if you enjoyed the fic, please consider reblogging and leaving a comment. or send a message via my inbox. requests are also more than welcome. 💗
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fairlyang · 3 months
mystery girl 🕷️
w/c: 2.2K
pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. pure filth, desperate to be fucked, amazing friend shows you the way, male glory hole, choosing the thick one, age gap (20’s & 30’s), sucking dick, save a horse ride a cowboy (kinda)
a/n: bro it’s been a month since I had this idea but I was so preoccupied with the other 183749272 of my wips she was left behind🥲 but alas the reverse rookie finally (i was gonna write abt clothes but it flew past me- I was imagining a dress!)
part 1.2 — part 1.3
you were growing tired of the endless swiping on tinder and absolute douchebags you stumbled across, all that just to find someone for a small fling was way too much
at that point you’d have better luck finding someone at a bar but you also weren’t in the mood to converse with someone, especially whilst ovulating when you just needed to pounce on someone, no questions asked
so when complaining to your friends about your hungry need but lack of sex, they told you to go to a nearby sex toy store because they had gloryholes in the back. you were so stunned to even say anything because you couldn’t believe something like that even existed, let alone so close to you
one of them even offered to go with you that same night because you were already squeezing your thighs together in desperation and so you wouldn’t feel so nervous. you said yes of course and that was when she told you they also had an adult theater and you nearly fell off the couch
after a short drive of five minutes tops, you had arrived and you thought maybe you’d look around or something but nope your friend just grabbed your hand and went straight to the back. she waved at the cashier and gave him a smile, “hey al, is it busy tonight?”
al shrugged then nodded and she gave him a thumbs up before dragging you past the door and taking a right turn. “he doesn’t look like he’s meant to work here of all places.” you joke and she laughs
the man had two long braids, a tie dye shirt and what looked to be camo shorts with sandals. just absolutely random but she waved you off
“al’s cool, this is his part time-“ she utters, making you snicker
“fucked him too huh?” you tease making her roll her eyes
“and what about it?” she says playfully earning herself an eye roll
she led you the whole way through now taking a left and entering the first door, loud moans immediately being heard
“these over here are straight men and the others are gay men.” she explains and points to each section
you both walk over to the left side to where the straight guys would be and it was better quality than expected
instead of it being literal holes on walls it had a fancier getup, the men’s torsos were sticking out of a hole while laying down on some sort of table and their upper half was hidden behind black fabric. they all had pictures above their hole with a picture of their faces and their ages
“this is insane.” you mutter and she excitedly nods
“go have your pick! and don’t be afraid to be picky, choose what you need girl.” she says making you roll your eyes
she says that when there’s only two available guys anyway. There were three other guys with girls on top of them, riding away and letting out the craziest of moans
so you walk directly to the first available guy and look at his picture. a cute white guy, looked mature, thirty three years old and his name was Peter
he must’ve sensed your presence because his cock twitched. he was very long but not so thick
you preferred the girth so you went on to the one next to him and your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets
this one was fucking long and thick. so fucking thick you thought it’d be impossible to fit inside you
but anything was possible
so you looked at his picture and were pleasantly surprised to find a latino, not only that but a fine one. he was thirty four years old and his name was Miguel
how the hell both of these man were in here is beyond you but you’re so feeling so fucking lucky because Miguel’s cock was exactly what you’ve been needing
you just want to be filled to the absolute brim, feel a cock stretch you out as if it were the first time
so you climbed onto the table and Miguel’s cock also twitched out of excitement. meanwhile your friend jumped on top of Peter and was already positioning his cock to her entrance
crazy girl
you were wet but you felt like you had to be fucking drenched to be able to take him all so you scoot down his body and taking a hold of his cock. you kitten licked the tip causing for precum to leak immediately, poor guy must’ve been waiting a while..
you decide to not waste anymore time, for both your sakes and spit on it, letting it dribble down his length before stroking him with both hands. you were nearly drooling just looking at it but you couldn’t really be blamed
miguel was already moaning mainly because the girls were looking past him because he was just too thick and they couldn’t handle it. so he had to give props to his mystery girl that was hopefully going to give him a proper shot
he was already cheered up just by you knowing what you were doing. if this was all he was gonna get he’d be content with it
but you didn’t come here to please a man, that’s never top priority, top priority is taking care of yourself. though hearing his moans were just slightly changing your mind on that, you were already starting to drip through your panties
maybe it was the fact that you were only stroking him and he was moaning for you just from that, or maybe because he was a hot older man and you never had the confidence to go for men like him
definitely the latter
you figured it was enough teasing and started to take him in your mouth, or at least tried to because it was much more than you were expecting
for now you were able to take a little bit past his tip, which wasn’t too bad considering you hadn’t sucked a dick this thick and his groans weren’t exactly saying you’re doing a bad job so you continued
you started to stroke him as you tried to take more of him then pull back and going back for more. this only had him trying his hardest to not push his hips up
you bobbed your head back and forth, now able to take half of it which was for sure an accomplishment. you only prayed your pussy could do the same
he continued with his melody of grunts and groans, then some praises came along
“fuck just like that baby.”
“taking this cock so well.”
“such a good fucking girl.”
as soon as the first praise left his lips you started going faster, hearing the other two only left you moaning against him
he groaned and subconsciously lifted his hips up making you take nearly all of it
you closed your eyes and started to go lower, stroking the last bit that you couldn’t fit
you swirled your tongue against his underside as you bopped your head up and down faster resulting in him moaning even louder
at this point you were absolutely drenched and you could feel him twitch in your mouth so you fully pulled away
he thought that was it so he was preparing himself for the worst while you sat up and climbed on top of his lap, hovering over his dick as you pulled your dress up and slid your panties to the side
you lowered yourself down, grabbing his dick, and positioning it to your entrance
first you swirled the tip against your folds, just so your wetness can act as lube because you’ll need it
you then decided to grind against the entire length and it felt so amazing
you moaned and shivered as he brought a hand out just to put it on your hip, lightly squeezing the skin
finally it was time and you prayed for the best
you straightened his cock and positioned it to your entrance again, except this time you slowly were moving down. his tip alone was a painful stretch so you just stayed there biting your lip until the pain went away
it took a few more minutes before you moved down the tiniest bit. he was so much thicker than you antipciated. you thought your toys would’ve prepared you but they were to no luck helpful
you took a deep breath then let it out before going down a little more, probably not even at the half way point yet
it was starting to feel better so you brought yourself up then went down to where you could take it. you sighed after doing it again, now feeling a mix of pain and pleasure but mostly ignoring the pain
you took a good two inches when you finally felt comfortable so you went even lower, finally hitting the hallway point. “you’re doing so good baby.” he murmured, fighting back the urge to cum right then and there
you clenched against him making you both moan which was a good sign
you decided enough was enough and slammed down, whimpers escaping your lips as Miguel moaned in bliss
his hand rubbed your thigh softly as you slowly come up then slam down again. “Fuck-!“
it was now fully pleasure and you could feel him fill you entirely. his cock felt perfect inside you and you should’ve complained about your sex life sooner
you lower your body down, arching your back as you move your ass up and down. you closed your eyes and moaned every time you went all the way down
his tip was nearly grazing your sweet spot and if you went any faster both of you would be goners
but for now you took your time. it was so sensual as well as hot. Miguel had his arms behind his head just wishing he could see you. he also wanted to kiss you as he pounded into you so he could feel you moan in his mouth but it was a glory hole for a reason
you finally started moving a bit faster now, your ass smacking against his thighs each time you came down. the sounds were driving him insane
you sounded so wet and your voice was so angelic. every noise you made had him wanting to hear more of you
so he did the logical thing to be able to do that and thrusted his hips against you, taking you by surprise. he wanted to be selfish, he’s been dying to cum and you’re the first girl who dared to try his cock out today so he started to thrust his hips upwards.
he was now pounding into you as you held your position because there was no point in moving now. he groaned as he started going faster and harder, you just felt so fucking good he couldn’t help himself
he needed to have all of you so bad
he was going at such a brutal pace you thought he was going to fully come out of the hole just to fuck you properly but he didn’t
instead he took his other hand out, stopping for a solid second just to bring your ass down and wrapping his arms around you. he held on tightly and before you could object, he went back to pounding into you, no point in waiting so he went at the exact same pace again
you moaned out as he fucked you harder, the sounds from your corner being the loudest out of the whole room but you didn’t care. the sexiest man you’ve ever laid your eyes on was fucking you as if you were his to take and you weren’t going to stop him
you’ve been so desperate for a hookup like this you should’ve known to look for the older men over guys your age. of fucking course a thirty year old was gonna know what to do over someone in their twenties
you were already thinking far ahead to think any time you’re horny to just drop by since it was so close and just let him fuck you however he wants in the adult theater
but the current moment was perfect too
he was mumbling dirty nothings as he mercilessly pounded into you, feeling that familiar feeling in his abdomen already. it wasn’t his fault you had such a tight pussy that must’ve been made just for him. like a missing puzzle piece
he was a groaning mess and you could just tell that you were creaming on his dick because of how wet it sounded. “fuck please don’t stop-“
his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his grip on you loosened. he changed to now doing deeper thrusts which was a perfect switch because he was hitting your g spot with every thrust and you were feeling so close to your orgasm
you tightened around him which only made him go even faster as you both moaned for one another. that did it for him and he came inside you. you whimpered and brought your body back up just for your orgasm to hit you hard and lift your hips up as he filled you completely
your heart was racing, your body was shaking, and you just closed your eyes to calm yourself down while still having him inside you
he pumped you full and you couldn’t even be bothered to complain or fight him on it. it’s what you fucking craved and deserved so maybe you gotta thank him instead
next part
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
König is, obviously, a big little freak. Do you think he'd feel flattered/lovestruck if a cute girl stalked and was obsessed with him or would he be weirded out? I think the first: for once he gets pussy and love without having to do anything. Also it'd be kinda funny if he didn't even notice his little admirer at first cause she doesn't register as a threat and he's too busy being broody and depressed cause he's so alone (while reader is in her apartment fantasizing about their future kids and drawing little hearts on a pic of him)
Ohhh yes. König being oblivious af, thinks this is simply a joke.
It started out in school: cute little postcards that had bunnies or kittens or flowers or hearts on them, delivered to him by his mom who was smirking about how her boy had a secret admirer. There was nothing fancy scribbled on the other side, just soft, silly messages like: "I like you!" or "Your cute" or "Luv u ♡", and König saved them all.
…Until he showed the postcards to the wrong “friends”, who only made fun of them. One of the boys told him they sent those cards to him as a joke because no girl could ever want him, and König believed them. Allowed himself one, maybe two tears in solitude before he threw those cards away.
What was odd, though, was that the cards still kept coming. He always threw them in the trash, and at some point while growing up, they stopped arriving. No cats or hearts or cute mice illustrations for him anymore, just loads of video games and internet and a growing interest in war history and gym.
He didn’t think much of it after the age of 17, just went to the army to make a man out of himself. Got laid for the first time, got bullied some more, grew some muscle and grew some balls. Got kicked out of sniper training, his one and only dream, and went back home to brood for a few weeks.
That’s when he received the letter.
A 5 page love letter, written in beautiful, whimsical handwriting, smelling of something so angelic that it drove even the eternal stench of gunpowder and rust and military storage away.
König gets plunged into a whole world of soft feminine attention without even asking to, the letter now placed on his old desk that’s too small for him to sit at anymore. The fragrant sheets of paper are filled with confessions of adoration and love and… it would be a little bit creepy, were he a man who fancied so-called normal women.
He goes to the attic, searching his old cardboard boxes for the postcards to compare the handwriting, but can’t find none, remembering that yeah… he threw all of them away, didn’t he? The handwriting wouldn’t match anyway, that much he can remember, but then again it was a kid who wrote to him back then. Now, his admirer is a grown woman who apparently got back on her obsession train once he visited his childhood home after years of living abroad.
The hair on his shins, arms and at the back of his neck shoots up as he realizes some woman has a crush on him, some cute girl has been watching him since day one. Those postcards weren’t a joke, so she must have gone to the same school as him… She might be the daughter of some of their neighbors, living right next to him even now.
König goes door to door in search of her, but only wrinkly elders arrive to tell him that no, they never had a daughter or granddaughter or if they had, they have long since moved out to some big city.
He goes through the letter once again but finds no clues to who she is or where she lives. It’s just pages and pages of flattery about how he’s still the man of her dreams and so much more. How he’s even cuter now that he looks like someone pissed in his cereal. She wonders if he’s built the same everywhere, and if he is, then she should say her evening prayers… Too many impure thoughts going through her head already, why does he have to be so handsome?
König is in hell, as always, desperately trying to look for his admirer when he goes out to take the trash. Visions of some girl touching herself at the thoughts of him pester him from sunrise to sunset, and he has to take a cold shower every morning simply because one wank doesn’t seem to be enough to tame the big fellow downstairs.
He hugs his pillow and dreams of his girl, someone sweet to wrap his arms around and to protect. He fantasizes of someone cute waiting for him, someone he could surprise every time he gets home, someone adorable to eat out until they sob and squirm. Until he gets the stench of death out of his mouth…
A message arrives on his phone from an unknown number, and at first he thinks it’s spam.
But when he opens the message, he’s met with two perfect bare breasts. So fucking cute, especially when they’re accompanied by a set of fingertips grazing her soft skin; König even notices she has red nail polish on. So adorably, incredibly cute…
There comes a text that says: “I thought of sending you another postcard, big boy… But perhaps you don't care for kittens anymore. Hopefully this will do? ❤️”
There’s no face reveal, just tits and a cute female hand laid out there before him. Just a text that confirms that she’s the one. Typing a quick reply, he sends it to the unknown number: “This will more than just do 😳❤️❤️❤️”
Without thinking, like, at all, he pulls out his already hard cock and takes a hurried picture of it with a trembling hand. He usually knows better than to send a dick pic to a girl, especially after exchanging less than two sentences with them. But hey, she started this. The least he can do is give her something to pray about (and for)..
So he sends that horrid picture of his ugly cock to his cute mystery girl before she can even type a reply to the first message, and asks: “Are we praying tonight, my lady?”
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bruhnze · 2 months
Okay Miss Formal- Dr. Lucy Bronze x Reader
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A lil dancey dance with the reunited friends ^^
Summary: You're a bit of a nerd and your friends drag you along to a bar. Lucy gets dragged along to a lesbian bar in London by her new Chelsea teammates. You two hit it off. (In an alternitive world where Lucy doesn't have a girlfriend!)
Warnings: Smut (at the end)
Wordcount: about 5k
It was Saturday, after a long week of work you and some friends had gathered at your bestfriends house.
You were with about 10 people and drinks were being poured, not quite richly but enough to have taken the edge off of everyone.
After dinner there was a game thrown down on the table, with a few insisting on playing.
As the game went on and the vibes got better and better one of your friends opted some crazy idea.
''what if we go to the club we used to go to''.
''What, to ALU?''
Your friendgroup consisted of lesbians, it was the thing you all bonded over, everyone had different jobs, well most, but the consistant factor was your shared love for women.
In fact, the bar they wanted to go to was the place most of you all knew eachother from. Others had joined later, being partners to the original group of friends.
''Do you guys really want to go to that, aren't we getting a bit old for that?'' You asked, resulting in various gasps from the group.
''Y/n! we're not old!''
''omg, we are, y/n is the youngest and if she's saying that''
''nah, we're not even 35, i think we can go until we're 35''.
You laughed, you knew age was always a sensitive subject ''sorry, okay, I was just think about how there's probably such a young audience there tho, remember how young we were when we met''.
''it'll be like an aniversary thingy''
Someone laughed ''unplanned? and how long ago was that even?''
''y/n was 18 i believe, right?''
''yup'' you responded, remembering how excited you were to be finally old enough, when your bestfriend was already 19 and went every weekend.
''yeah i was 19'' your bestfriend added ''so 7 years ago guys, we've known, well most of us, known eachother for 7 years''.
Your bestfriend, who you had known basicly your whole life, had recently started dating someone seriously, after half a year she had been invited to the hangouts, you were happy everytime someone brought someone along but you couldn't help but pity yourself.
You had had one relationship in your life, the girl had been perfect, so you thought, but after a year of the relationship you had caught her cheating, it had come a surprise and you had felt stupid for a long time, that you had never noticed anything, but after that you had been done with dating.
''so we're going?''
''i guess so'' you sighed as your other friends replied with more enthousiasm.
A few miles further Chelsea had just played their first game this season, they had won and the girls wanted to go to a bar they liked, celebrating with the new signings of the club.
They called the club, asking if they could come to celebrate there and if they could close the doors for them, wanting some privacy for the big names like 'Sam Kerr' and 'Lucy Bronze'.
Because the girls were known by the owners, they'd agreed, but they had said they wouldn't kick people out, only stopping people from entering. The team had agreed.
Your group stood inside of the bar, it was kinda dead, but that was probably because you guys were quite early. Everyone spoke about the things that had changed and you all took place in the familiar spot which had been your fixed spot for about 3 years, then on and off for another year and eventually everyone had become too busy with life. Until now.
The group of friends came together once a month, those hangouts were sacret, always at someone else's house, rotating. Now the group hadn't seen each other for a while because it had just been the summer holidays and everyone went on a trip, not you, you had no one to go with anyway.
You had decided to continue working through the summer, since you got a little more money to be available during the summer, and thought you could always go on vacation, maybe just out of season, when it was cheaper.
The group had a great time at the bar, the only strange thing was that you seemed to be the only ones, you went to the bar to order some new drinks and asked the bartender, who you knew was also the owner.
"Hey, how can it be so quiet here…or does the partying start so much later these days?"
The woman laughed ''well, i closed the club actualy, just now, your group was a little early thats true but usually the club would be stamped by now''.
''closed?'' you asked ''do we-
''no its allright, i recognised your group, its nice to have yall here again, so i told them i wouldn't be forcing the people out who were allready in, but that i would close the club''
''You recognise us!'' you gasped ''really, that's so cool, did you know that we know eachother from this place? today is the 7 year aniversary, or well, we celebrate it today don't know-
''wait'' you interrupt your own ramble ''what do you mean 'them'?''
The woman smiled ''oh some football club, womens team sometimes comes here to celebrate, they're okay, some have a bit of an ego, i much prefer groups like yours, how fun 7 years! would you guys like to make a picture i can hang behind the bar?''
''yeah for sure'' your eyes search for something behind her, when you spot it you point ''look, there is a picture of our group, well most of the group''.
''really'' the woman smiles ''Jules! get over here!''
The other owner came to see why her wife had called out for her ''what's up honey, im preparing champagnes, we need to have them cold for when they- ''oh hey''.
''Hi'' you say smiling
The woman behind the bar explains and after getting the group and telling them also, there was a group picture made, with both of the owners aswell.
''So there's a bunch of footballers coming?'' a friend of yours asked.
''Yeah'' the woman who was apparently called Jules said ''but don't be afraid, if they're dicks we'll tell them off, you guys celebrate in peace okay''.
''wow, they have quite a bad rep'' you whisper to your bestfriend.
She shrugged ''i dont know, maybe, i know nothing about that world''.
''yeah me neither'' you say.
The evening continued to be very nice and about half an hour later the ladies, the so called football team, came in.
You glanced at them and didn't see anything special, other than the fact that they were wearing very nice clothes, they looked pretty normal.
Still, you couldn't help but think that things must look completely different underneath those shirts than they did on you and your friends.
Although you were not an unattractive group of friends, you were all not very sporty, most of you played sports or went to the gym, but other than that you were not really familiar with sports that were on TV, for example football, you would not know which team had just walked in, maybe if they'd been in kit you would have been able to make a slight guess, but still you opted your chances low.
The evening went on and eventually the two groups mingled with each other, played drinking games, danced and talked a bit.
You had learned that the season had just started again and that the team, Chelsea or something, had won against another club.
Someone from your group had mentioned that you were celebrating your 7 year friendship, which had started in this bar.
At that, one 'James' and a 'Sam' had said they'd have to pay for the group, as a present. A buff blonde, that was apparently the captain, whatever that was, agreed, so Chelsea took the bill for the evening.
"Don't be shy about ordering now," said a dark-haired lady who had not spoken much yet, "Chelsea can handle it."
"I don't know, Bronze," said Sam Kerr, "I think they've gone completely broke with that new deal of yours."
''Oh please, I went for a bargain, I wanted to go to Chelsea so bad''. The woman that was called Bronze said.
Everyone from the other group burst out in laughing, probably an inside joke you thought.
Someone spoke ''yes, yes Bronze, we have already accepted you, you don't have to suck up to us anymore''.
You were so curious you hadn't realised you were asking a question until you spoke ''did you come from a rivaling team?'' you asked with genuine interest.
The brunette smiled at you ''yeah, i was with Barcelona last two seasons''.
''but isn't that like Spain?'' You asked ''how is a Spanish team playing against an English one?''.
''Guess that explains the chillness'' Sam laughed out loud ''these girls know nothing about soccer''.
Everyone laughed, your friends included.
But the brunette wanted to explain to you, she walked closer to you to explain. ''In every country-
When she began explaining you couldn't focus on her words, this woman was fit, she was mesmerizing, handsome and pretty at the same time, something about her was so-
She touched your arm lightly, while still enthusiastically explaining, making you come out of your daydream.
''so in the Champions League we won, uhm i mean, Barca won from Chelsea, but im gonna make sure Chelsea wins this time''
''wow'' you say, ''you liked it at Barca?''
''yeah, i did, the weather, the afternoon naps, but i still want to get more trophies with more clubs, so thats why i made the move, kinda''.
''Hmm, It seems like a tough profession to me, so much training, so many competitions and moving to other countries'' You contemplated.
''I guess, but it has so many good things too, like when you win something, thats just perfect, its the best feeling there is'' she said.
''i can imagine, gosh do you guys get like the silver thropies''
She chuckled ''yup, or medals, but i prefer those gold, rather than silver''.
You chuckled now too ''sadly we never get those in my field, im just 'et all.' you joked ''oh i don't know if you get that, it's-
She fake gasps ''calling me dumb?''
Your eyes widened ''no, sorry, god no, i didn't mean it-
''Im jokinnggg'' her hand touched your arm again ''i did a studies in sportsmedicine so coincidentally i got that joke, but i am probably way less smart then you are, because i wouldn't be the one publishing the papers, i just read them''.
You laughed ''yes, I do research, biomedical research, I am currently doing research within cultured blood cells, but after research, when you actually have to write the paper, that's the part that sucks the most, but i think what you have with the winning, i have with the publishing, when it's approved and gets peer reviewed, that feels very nice''.
''wow'' she said with an open mouth.
''We could probably learn eachother a lot then'' you joked ''you teach me football i teach you science, i dont know a lot on organ-level tho so don't know if it's any use to you, i more of a cell kinda girl''.
You cringed at yourself, the hot woman's silence had made you ramble. Luckily she was laughing now. ''sorry'' you said ''i don't know what i just said''.
''Nah'' the dark-haired woman said and again there was this brief touch ''i thought it was funny, and im not opposed to learning'' ''or teaching for that matter''.
''okay bet'' you challenge.
''what bet?'' she asked.
You laugh hard ''don't you know, like bet, bet, aight bet, like we will make it happen, something like that''.
She groaned ''this is not because im old, this is because i was in spain for 2 years, didn't keep up with the english language appearantly''.
''old? you can't be that old right, athletes are quite young aren't they''
''yeah i can't talk about this subject'' she said half joking half serious ''its too sensitive''.
You smiled ''what's your name then, or is that also a painfull subject''.
''Oh yeez, we haven't even introduced, im sorry for being rude, Lucy'' she reached her hand out to you.
Laughingly you shook it ''mkay miss. formal Lucy Bronze, i'm y/n''.
''actually if you insist on full name with titels'' she smirked ''its Dr. Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze MBE''
Your mouth dropped open ''your a doctor? im so sorry for that joke earlier''
She laughed ''Nah, its an honorary doctorate, but it sounds cool doesn't it''.
''Well you've had to be doing something major to recieve it so i don't want to belittle that''.
''What's your title then?''
''I'm y/n y/ln MS'' you chuckle ''one degree below you, i think maybe someday i'll do my PhD, but i have not found a subject i want to commit too yet''.
'''wow, you have your masters?''
''thats so cool''
''Yeah but lets just keep it at y/n and Lucy then, right?''
''yeah probably best''
You hadn't noticed it had gotten quite late already and some of your friends had left, aswell as some of Lucy's teammates. Lucy and you had been talking for hours appearently, because your bestfriend said her and her girlfriend were headding home and asked if you wanted to Uber with them, which had made you check you phone for the time.
''Uhm'' you said debating, you kinda wanted to stay talking with Lucy, the Lucy who had touched your arm often while talking, an act which you had returned when a subject you knew a lot about came up.
''I can Uber with her?'' Lucy offered ''eh, if you are not afraid of strangers''.
You chuckled and touched her arm again, at this point it just felt like the two of you were magnetic ''i'd like that'' you say, after that you turn to your friend ''ill call you tomorrow okay, if i don't i was killed by Dr. Bronze here''.
''Doctor? nevermind, im too tired, ill hear it tomorrow'' you friend said and gave you a hug ''mkay bye Doctor, please make sure she gets home safe for me''.
''I will'' Lucy assures your friend ''i had a good night by the way, you guys have a great friendgroup''
Your friend and her girlfriend laughed ''yeah'' the girlfriend said ''y/n is great''.
Lucy and you looked at them questioning but shrugged it off as the pair walked off.
When everyone had left and the bar was closing the two of you also walked out.
''uh i ehm, i live nearby'' Lucy said carefully ''want to walk to mine?, i could pour us one last drink?''
''mkay'' You thought about the fact you were probably gonna sleep the whole sunday and that you were happy you had this monday off.
''do you not want to? i can still order that Uber?''
''No no, i was just thinking, do you not need proper sleep as an athlete?'' you asked, without judgement. Lucy started walking and you followed the lead.
''Well'' Lucy sighed ''usually yes, but im kinda, i never sleep much, so i actually really enjoy this, i enjoy speaking to you''
'i do too, but what d'you mean not much, what's your usual then'' you were intrigued.
''Hmm, it mostly depends on my schedule of course, but i'd say 2am-7am usually''. She stated.
''oof, well you've missed your bedtime big time, and i missed mine even worse, i'm usually done for at 23pm allready'' you admitted.
''Are you tired right now?'' Lucy asked.
''Hmm, strangely i'm not, but that could be the attractive woman around, keeping me alert''. You said, realising how weak your flirting game had gotten, damn, you had been talking about science the whole evening and now you were trying to get into her panties, she was also way above your league.. your cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
Lucy grinned ''you think im attractive?'' she looked at you and noticed your blush.
''Hey'' she said, taking your hand ''i think your attractive too''.
''Thanks, sorry i haven't done this flirting thing in a long time'' you blurted out, getting even darker red, if that was even possible.
''Me neither'' she admitted ''but eitherway, what your doing is working so don't worrie''.
''is working?'' you questioned.
''Yeah being so smart and funny and looking hot'' she listed.
A small smile appeared on your face.
''and smiling so cute'' she halted and brought her hand up to your face, she caressed the corner of your mouth with her thumb, she looked at your lips, then your eyes and back at your lips.
A new wave of heath travelled to your cheeks, the blushing was a new constant factor in your life apparently.
''i'd like to kiss you'' Lucy said
''i'd like to be kissed'' you say with a husk voice.
She leaned in and slowely brought her lips to yours. Lucy tasted of alcohol, you probably did too, eventhough you hadn't drank that much, the second before you had to leave the bar, you and Lucy had downed your glasses in a second because all the talking had taken my mind off drinking.
After a couple of minutes kissing, god she was a good kisser, she broke the kiss. ''We're pretty close to mine''.
''yeah lets go then'' you say as you tried to come down from the cloud you ended up in during the kiss.
She had an appartment in the middle of London in a nice building ''nice place'' you said.
''hm, this is not mine actually, i have a dog, which is now at my moms, until i found a place with a garden, this is an Chelsea appartment'''.
''Ahh, i see, wait what kind of dog''
''Westie mix, little white doggie'' she showed you a picture ''she's really active, so cant keep her in a place like this, that wouldn't be nice, to her or to me''.
''ah what a cutie, i love dogs, i watch my parents' dog sometimes, i love him, they got him after my childhood dog died, both border collies by the way''
''ah those are the smart dogs right?''
You laughed, thinking about your parents dog ''yeah normally yes, but he is.... special''
Lucy laughed ''yeah well, mine is special too, most others of her breed aren't active at all, but she's really active, but i always say it my influence''.
You laughed ''thats a thing right, dogs looking like their owners, or the other way around,.. but i dont know what that means for my parents tho''.
She chuckled, you were happy you could atleast still make jokes, your flirting game was something else, you had to work on that because this was just emberrassing.
As the two of you had taken of your coats and walked to the kitchen she asked you what you'd like to drink.
With the drinks, just juices this time, you headed to the couch.
After you taken a sip Lucy came to sit closer to you ''you have a little" she said as her thumb stroked over your top lip.
You watched her intensly, her eyes were locked on your mouth, her thumb was now going over your bottom lip. She seemed to be debating something.
You let out a nervous chuckle and pressed a kiss to her thumb.
She smiled and retrieved her hand.
This time you initiated the kiss, leaning forward and closing the gap between you two. But you kissed her softly, wanting to keep the opportunity for her to opt out if she wanted that.
But she didnt, on the contrary, she pulled you closer. Lucy grabbed your hips and placed you on her lap, something which made you let out a little moan in the kiss.
You felt her mouth form into a smile.
"Shall we take this elsewhere?" She whispered.
"Mhmm" was the only thing you could get out, as you were already trying to stand up from her lap.
But her grip stayed on you "can i carry you" she asked with a glistering in her eyes.
You chuckled "i dont know, can you?"
She smirked as she lifted you easily, her hands now below your but, it felt nice and you were amazed by her strenght.
"Wow, so strong" you cooed, caresing her shoulders and travelling to her biceps.
Lucy tried to focus on her task of walking to the bed but could help but smirk at the praise for her muscles.
You found yourself placed on a big bed in a nice but minimalistic bedroom.
Lucy stepped away from you after having you placed carefully on her bed and took of her sweater and shirt at once.
Your mouth dropped open at the sight of the toned stomach that was now on display, you sat up and your hand streched out instinctivly only for you to quickly take it back, not knowing if it was rude.
She smiled and took your hand, placing it on her abs. "You like it?"
You chuckle shyly "yeah, its hot".
For a second you thought you could see her getting a little blush. Only for her to hit you with "Can i take your top off?"
You blushed, knowing you werent half as fit as her "you can, but dont laugh at me"
She looked you into your eyes seriously "laugh at you? God no, has anyone ever done that to you?"
"No but i have never been with someone as fit as you" you admitted shyly.
"Do you know whats funny?" Lucy asked retorically "i dont think abs are that hot, i just have them because i love the gym"
You laughed "its okay you dont have to try and make me feel better"
"Okay, but its true though, to me one of the sexiest things is women with dresses where you can see a little pouch and their hips"
You chuckled "mkay" and took your top off.
"Scrap that actually, this might be it, this is the sexiest thing" she looked at you, taking in the sight of you wearing only a skirt and a bra.
You stand up and kiss her grinning "less talking?".
She nodded in the kiss and you unzipped her pants, the pants were quite wide, so they fell to the ground after you had pulled them past her butt.
Her hand reached around you finding the zipper of your skirt on the back, you were impressed she had noticed it was at the back, it made you wonder if she had thought about undoing it earlier this evening.
You stepped out of the skirt and pulled Lucy with you, so that her back was now turned to the bed. She lets you push her on the bed and you took place sitting on her lap again.
You were happy you had made an effort this afternoon when dressing up, happy that you hadn't gone for the usual comfy underwear but was actually wearing something nice.
With one hand Lucy unhooks your bra, but she holds it and searched your eyes ''sorry should've asked first, can i take this of?''.
''mhmm definitely, can we take yours of too?'' you ask about her sportsbra, while shedding your own bra to the floor.
''ofcourse'' Lucy replies as she takes it of, when she's struggling to get it over her head you help her. Returning to kiss her when the bra was off.
You felt good, her hands on your boobs, fingers playing with your nipples, sent a wave of pleasure through your body. You lean a bit forward, grinding down on her lap.
Her hands find your sides and she flips the both of you, pinning you to the bed. Hovering over you she kissed your neck, jaw and ended at your mouth.
As the kiss deepend you squirmed below her weight, she was leaning more and more into you, pressing you into the mattress.
Her thigh searched it's way in between your own, her hand pulled one of your legs up a bit, creating more space for her to come inbetween yours.
You moaned at the pressure, you felt a little ashamed that you were already so wet and ready. She broke the kiss to look in your eyes, your vision was hazy so you couldn't make up how she was looking at you.
''can i take these off?'' Lucy asked as her fingers grazed under the top edge of your panties.
''yeah'' you whimpered breathlessly ''please''
You blinked to restore your vision, Lucy got up on her knees, you whined at the loss of the pressure but lifted your hips to let her take your panties off.
When you laid your hips back on the bed Lucy rubbed her hands along your thighs ''so pretty´´ she said.
But you were paying attention to something else; her biceps, which you now had a perfect vision of. She leaned back over you and kissed you again.
While kissing her you felt her hand travel down again, you groaned from anticipation, longing for her touch. She swiped her fingers through your folds, feeling how wet you were.
When another small moan escaped your throat you felt her smirk in the kiss, the sign of confidence made you tremble below her.
''how do you feel?'' she asked with a low voice.
Your confused by the question and you take a second to respond, it made her stop what she was doing, and she looked at you expectantly.
''y- yeah i- im good'' you swallow ''im really good Lucy''.
She smiled ''good'' she said as she slowly slid her hand back.
''this okay?''
You nod ''mhm''.
She gently pushed one finger in and hovered back over you, going in to kiss your neck. The sensation of that combined with her finger made your back arge.
After a few thrusts she gently slides a second finger in. When her thumb finds your clit and the fingers inside your curl, it doesn't take long for you to come undone.
''fuck'' you moan against her shoulder as your body shakes. Lucy kept fucking you with her fingers slowly, helping you come down from your high. As a new orgasm builds up she slows down and pulls out.
You groaned and tried to keep her close, holding her arm, but she snuck away from you and walked to the bathroom.
When she came back you look at her questioning.
''D'you want to shower with me?''
You laugh ''uhm okay, but that was kind off an abrupt ending tho, why is that?''
''yeah im sorry, i realised when i was in the bathroom that was probably a strange thing to do, but i just got in my head that i wanted to safe the rest for when i have taken you on a proper date''
''is this your way of securing dates'' you laugh ''give em a taste of what could come, luring them in''.
She was now sat besides you on the bed.
''uhm, no, i dont know, definitly a first for me, im sorry''
You chuckle.
''don't laugh at me'' Lucy said pouting unduly.
''im sorry, its just funny to me how you approach this, its okay doc, ask me, then ill come shower with ya''.
She smiled ''d'you want t'go on a date with me?''
''yeah i would like that'' you smile ''your funny''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes '''r ya mocking me now?''
You ignore her on purpose ''come on lets shower then''.
The next morning you wake up against a strangers bare chest, your face in the crook of an unfamiliar neck. Your arm was draped over an unknown toned stomach.
You breathed in their scent as you remember where you were. Exactly at the moment you remembered who you were with, you felt a soft kiss placed on your forhead.
You shifted groaning as you were waking up.
''Good morning'' a low voice with a thick northern accent said.
''How late is it?'' You asked, hiding your face deeper in her neck.
She chuckled ''10 am, your not a morning person are ya?''
you shook your head, thats when you felt your light headache ''no and drinking doesn't help either'' you groan.
She scratched your back lightly ''headache?''.
''mh no, not too bad''.
''just one more minute...''
''i just remembered you should probably text your friend by the way'' Lucy laughed ''i failed her though, you didn't get home''
You chuckle ''abducted by dr. Bronze''
That made her laugh aswell.
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enhas-pov · 1 month
Hey i was asking if u could make heeseung “My stalker “, can u add like second boy lead like jake so it be more interesting more LIKE ADD JAKE LIKE HES YN’S EX HE CAME BACK SO IT BE MORE INTERESTING LIKE HEESEUNG GETS JEALOUS HELPPP 😭 (sorry if it’s bad idea i sucks at it 😭🙏🏻)
my stalker pt.2
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summary: after heeseung successfully kidnapped reader, he practically owns her now. after being stuck in heeseung’s home for a while, he finally lets her go out with him. but what happens when they stumble upon reader’s ex boyfriend, jake?
warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, kidnapping, torture, crying, blood, gore, yandere, obsessive behavior, jealousy issues, (and probably more)
word count: 5.8k
note: thank u for the idea😭 i was stuck on what to make part 2 about, but i hope u like it!! (‼️i’ve also not read through it, so ignore any mistakes‼️)
i don’t know how long he’s held me captive for. i’ve been in here for what feels like years, but it’s probably just been a few days. he’s been coming in and out with food and a change of clothes. i have to change in front of him every time which makes me feel disgusted. he hasn’t told me his name, i don’t know his age, i don’t know how he knows all of these things about me, he’s still a complete stranger in my eyes. if he’s gonna keep me all to himself, i might as well be able to go around freely around his home right? i can’t be stuck in this basement forever. i need to convince him to let me out of here.
“sorry for late dinner. i was busy” he walked in holding a plate filled with food in his hands. he sat down next to me and placed the meal in my lap. he also sits down with me until i’m finished eating, i guess that’s kinda nice of him. in my opinion it’s better than being all alone. “can i ask you something..?” i ask nervously. he hums in response while he looks at me. “can you-“ i pause as i felt scared to ask him to let me out, what if he’ll start going mad? “don’t stop on my account. go on” i felt his hand sliding over my thigh making me even more nervous. “can you let me out of here? ..please” i could feel his eyes on me even tho i had my head lowered. “remember what i told you?” “unfortunately, i can’t trust you yet. you’ll still have to stay down here until i can” “you can trust me. please, i don’t like being here all by myself” i heard him sigh before he got back up on his feet. “sorry pretty. no can do” “but-“ “___.” the sound of his voice when he said my name, it sounded like a warning. i kept quiet as he made his way out, but he stopped at the sound of my voice again. “can i at least take a bath? i feel dirty..” he turned back around and i expected him to start yelling at me for talking again, but he actually agreed to it? “fine.. get up” i quickly stood up and walked over to him. he placed his hand in mine as he lead me out of the basement. the second we walked upstairs my eyes went straight to the windows. finally seeing daylight after being locked up for a few days felt amazing. all though, i couldn’t recognize where we were. i could see a field and that was it. when we reached the bathroom, i didn’t expect him to close the door behind him. was he gonna watch me take a bath? he’s weirder than i thought.. “are you staying?” i asked him. you could hear how nervous i was at the sound of my voice. “uhuh” i watched him cross his arms and lean against the sink. “can’t risk anything. who knows? you could try to drown yourself or maybe even jump out of that window” he said, his finger pointing at the window next to the bathtub. “i wouldn’t do that” did he really think i was gonna try and kill myself? “enough chit chatting. get undressed” he suddenly said. he was still stood watching me, it made me slightly uncomfortable. i didn’t want to get naked in front of him. “could you- can you turn around, please..?” he looked me up and down before slowly turning around, i sighed in relief when he did. i started with removing my top along with my bra and then my sweatpants along with my underwear. i sat myself down in the bathtub and immediately loved the feeling of the warm water against my skin, i had forgotten how much i missed it.
when he heard my body touch the water, he turned back around to face me. i looked up and saw him eyeing my body. he couldn’t see much since i had covered my chest with my hands and closed my legs. it was completely silent, he wasn’t saying anything and neither was i. i wanted to know more about him but i was afraid to ask. should i? the worst thing he can say is no, right? “i never got your name” i say, breaking the silence. he eyes left my body as he was now making eye contact. “why do you wanna know my name, pretty?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “i’m gonna stay here with you.. right?” he nodded, “that’s the plan” “then, i’d like to know who i’m staying with” how long would i be staying with him for tho? weeks? months? years? “i guess not knowing my name would be kinda weird. since, you know.. you’ll be staying with me forever” forever? i’m gonna be trapped in this hell hole forever? no, i refuse. i don’t even know this guy. he seems like a creep and- “heeseung” huh? “lee heeseung” heeseung. so that’s what his name is. “heeseung.. lee heeseung.. hee.. seung-“ “what are you doing?” he asked by cutting me off. “i just.. you call me pretty a lot and so- i just thought that maybe i’d.. make a nickname for you as well?” i stuttered which made a smile appear on his face. it was softer than usual. “cute” was all he said. “so what’s my nickname?” i went back to thinking of one, “maybe.. seungie?” i heard him chuckle before he shook his head. “do you not like it? i can make up a new one-“ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ “no, no. i like it” i watched him grab a towel and walk towards me with it. he turned his head, looking away from me while he held the towel out for me to grab. i stood up with water dripping from my body as i grabbed the towel out of his hand. i wrapped it around my body and stepped out of the bathtub. i brought my hand up and tapped on his shoulder, signaling for him to turn around. once he did, his eyes didn’t go straight to my body this time. maybe he wasn’t that much of a pervert as i thought. he grabbed my by my hand and walked me out of the bathroom and lead me all the way over to his bedroom. his room was huge, he even had a king sized bed. he handed me a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. “i should probably get you some new underwear..” he said while scratching the back of his neck. “this is okay for now” i reassured him. “thank you, seungie” he smiled before turning around again so that i could change into the pair of clothes he gave me. i started changing after the towel fell off my body and dropped onto the floor.
“we can try” he said out of nowhere. “what?” i asked, watching him turn around to look at me again. “you can stay up here. you’ll sleep in the same bed as me and you get to walk around the house freely” was he serious? all i wanted was to not be in that basement. i swear i’ve never been happier. “really? thank you-“ i was happy and excited until he suddenly stopped me. he placed his hand at the back of my head and pushed my face closer to his. “if you ever try to run away from me, ___. i’ll lock you in that basement forever. got it?” the fear that i didn’t notice had disappeared came right back at that moment. his words scared me, the way his voice sounded, it made me feel unsafe. i nodded slightly at his words as i was too scared to talk back to him. he smiled, patting my head before he took a few steps back. “i want you to know that i have cameras in every corner of this house, in case you were thinking of running away while i’m gone” the thought of running away actually hadn’t crossed my mind. i wouldn’t try to anyway, i’m too scared of what he’ll do to me. but what did he mean by when he’s gone? “while you’re gone?” i asked him with my eyebrows furrowed. “i usually leave the house everyday to go back to town” i knew it. when i looked out the window i wasn’t familiar with where we were. “how long does it take to get to town?” he looked at me in silence for a while, like he was debating on whether to tell me or not. “about an hour” he says. an hour? he definitely thought this through. even if i planned on escaping, there’s no chance i’d get home to safety in time before heeseung would get to me first. “get in bed. i’ll be right with you” i watched him walk out through the door and i was left alone in his bedroom. i sat myself down on his bed before moving the blanket to the side and pulling it over my body, placing my head down on the pillow after. i think the reason to why heeseung suddenly changed his mind about me not having to stay in the basement, was because i gained a little bit of his trust. if i continue being nice to him and follow his rules maybe there’s a chance i could leave the house one day. maybe i could go back to town and see my mom again, maybe even ningning? i was lost in my thoughts, but brought back quickly when i felt heeseung wrap his arms around my waist. i felt his bare chest against my back and his hot breath fanning over my neck. for some reason, the feeling was comforting. i didn’t feel scared.. i actually felt kinda safe in his arms.
i woke up the next day expecting heeseung to be asleep next to me, but to my surprise he wasn’t. i was confused, but i didn’t stress much about it since i had slept so good. i was sleeping on a hard cold floor for the past few days, finally sleeping in a bed was all i needed. i sat myself up and stretched my arms out in the air. i was about to get up before i noticed a note on the bedside table. did heeseung write it? i reached out, grabbing the note before i started reading it. “i’ve left to go back to town. i’ll be back soon, but in the meantime i expect you to be good. think of it as a test. i’ll be grading you based on the choices you make while i’m gone. i’ve also left something out for you in the kitchen” a test? he’ll be grading me? as long as i don’t try to leave everything will be fine, right? i placed the note back on the bedside table before i got up from bed, making my way over to the kitchen. i stopped in my tracks once i had entered the kitchen. i was surprised at what i saw, pancakes on a plate and a bowl of strawberries with a glass of orange juice. did he really prepare breakfast for me? i smiled before i took a seat and got right into eating. i was starving, so i couldn’t help myself. i mostly spent the rest of the day looking around the house. and i’m not gonna lie, looking through the windows made wanting to escape very tempting, but i didn’t take the chance.
what ___ didn’t know was that heeseung didn’t leave to go back to town, he was sat in his car parked not too far down the road. what was he doing? he was watching her every move through the cameras he had told her about. he wanted to know if he really could trust her, and maybe he actually could. he watched her wake up and eat the breakfast he prepared for her. she walked around the house, looked at a few stuff which didn’t bother heeseung at all. he noticed how she would stop by every window she walked past, and for a second there he thought she was planning on escaping, but she was just stood there looking out the window. he thought she’d at least open it for the fresh air, but she didn’t, and he slowly started gaining more trust for her. what heeseung couldn’t stop thinking about was last night, when ___ fell asleep. his hands would travel up and down her body, god knows how many times. he loved the feeling of his hands against her soft skin. but what heeseung couldn’t stop thinking of the most was when she would rub her ass against his bulge. he’d groan every time she did, but quite enough so he wouldn’t wake her. heeseung wanted to pull his dick out and start fucking her from behind in her sleep right there, but he managed to stop himself from doing so.
i was sat on the couch while some random movie was playing on the tv. i kept on looking at the clock as i watched the time pass by, when will heeseung come back? what a coincidence. right as i was thinking about him, i heard the front door unlock and i saw him walk in. he took his jacket off, placing it on the standing rack before he took his shoes off while i watched him patiently. he walked over to the couch where i was sat, he stood over me and looked down. i looked back up at him which made me kinda nervous since he was just standing there without saying a word. he brought his hand up next to my face and placed a strand of hair behind my ear. i gave him a small smile, he bit his lip in response. “i got you something, since you were a good girl and listened to me” he said and that’s when i noticed he was holding a jewelry box in his other hand. he sat down next to me on the couch before he placed it in my lap. at first, i thought it was the necklace he had given me that i threw away, but to my surprise it wasn’t. the second i opened it i felt tears start forming in my eyes. “how’d you get this..?” it was a necklace of mine that i lost a long time ago. it was from my mom, she gave it to me when i was a little girl and now that i’m seeing it again it’s only making me emotional. “i have my ways” he grabbed the necklace out of the jewelry box, moving my hair to the side before he helped me put it on. “thank you, seungie” my voice cracked due to the fact that i was literally about to start crying, i missed my mom. heeseung noticed i was getting upset and he seemed to actually care. “hey, don’t cry. you’re okay” i felt his hand stroking my thigh. i think he was trying to comfort me? “i want to see my mom..” i lowered my head as tears began rolling down my cheek. i only heard him let out a big sigh. he leaned back against the couch, running his hand through his hair. “___. you know i can’t allow that” he moved his hand away from my thigh and placed it on my back instead. he sat there with his leg bouncing while he was listening to my quiet sobs. “alright. listen, i’ll take you out tomorrow, yeah?” i lifted my head up, turning around to face him. “r-really..?” he cupped my face with both of his hands, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. “anything to make you happy, pretty” i took a moment to admire his features. he wasn’t bad after all, he was pretty attractive i’ll admit. but there was something about him that made me want to just.. without thinking straight, my lips were suddenly on his. i could tell he was shocked but it didn’t take long for him to start kissing me back. my hands were on his chest while his was still cupping my face. i was quick to pull away, why did i do that? “i’m sorry.. i don’t- i don’t know why i did ⠀ ⠀ that..-“ he shook his head at my words. “shh, don’t apologize” he started stroking my hair and i couldn’t help but to feel comfortable with him.
it was the next day and i was extremely excited to finally be able to leave the house. i was wearing the same clothes i wore the day heeseung took me, he had washed them for me to wear and told me he’d get me new clothes, which was nice of him. heeseung also didn’t want to leave during the daytime, he thought it’d be risky so now that it’s dark out we’re finally leaving. “you ready?” he asked me. “mhm!” he took my hand, leading me out through the front door. the second the fresh air hit me, i felt like i was alive again. he walked me to his car and opened the door for me. i got in, put my seatbelt on and so did he. heeseung was right, we had been driving for almost an hour now and during the whole ride the only thing i saw out the window were fields. i closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the seat “how long until we get there?” i asked him. “open your eyes, pretty” when i opened my eyes i looked around to see that we were finally back in town, i swear i had just closed my eyes a second ago. i wasn’t surprised when i barley saw anyone, it was late at night after all. he stopped by a convenience store before he parked the car. i was about to take my seatbelt off before he stopped me. “did i say you could get out of the car?” he said, his hand grabbing my hand that attempted to unbuckle the seatbelt. “i just thought that-“ “you’re lucky i even let you come all the way out here with me, i thought you appreciated it?” he raised his eyebrows at me, cocking his head to the side. “no, i do- i appreciate it..” i removed my hand from the seatbelt, leaning back into my seat. “good. stay here until i get back, got it?” he gripped at my chin which forced me to look at him eye to eye. i gave him a nod before he let go and got out of the car. i watched him walk into the convenience store as i was sat waiting for him to get back. was he at least gonna get me something? i should’ve asked for chocolate milk.. actually, i haven’t had sprite in a while- “___?” i jumped at the sound of knocking on the car window right next to me. who was that?
i cursed to myself when i took a closer look at the guy standing outside of heeseung’s car. “fuck.. is that jake?” jake is my ex boyfriend, i dated him for 1 year before he broke up with me. i’m not sure why he did.. i kept on waving my hand for him to leave, i didn’t want heeseung to see him trying to talk to me. “go away!” i whisper yelled at him. “what?” this guy i swear to god. i opened the door which accidentally hit him in his forehead. i closed the door behind me once i had gotten out of the car, jake mumbled an “ouch” while rubbing his forehead. “i told you to go away! are you deaf?” i tried to be quiet knowing heeseung could come out of the convenience store any second now. “where have you been? everyone’s been looking for you. i was worried” he was? i expected people to be looking for me, but i didn’t think he’d be worried about me. “i was-“ “___. i told you to stay in the car, didn’t i?” shit.. the sound of heeseung’s voice came from behind me. i felt his chest against my back as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “jake” he said. “heeseung..” do they know each other or something? “so, you left town to be with heeseung..?” jake asked me. he looked confused and weirded out, which i didn’t understand why. “i-“ i felt heeseung squeeze my hip, i don’t think he wants me to talk.. “mind your business, sim” heeseung said glaring at him. “she can talk for herself” jake said glaring right back at heeseung. what was happening? “___. let me take you home” he attempted to grab me by my arm, but heeseung slapped his hand away. “don’t fucking touch her” he warned him. “she’s not your bitch man. come on-“ the second time heeseung tried grabbing my arm, heeseung pushed me to the side and unexpectedly he threw a punch at jake. i gasped at the sudden attack, why would he do that? “heeseung!” jake was already on the ground after the first punch, it didn’t help when heeseung kept on punching him repeatedly. “please stop! seungie..?” he stopped with his fist in the air, looking down at jake. “get in the car” he growled. “but-“ he got up so fast i didn’t even have the time to process it. he grabbed me harshly by my arms and looked me dead in the eye. “i said, get in the fucking car. now” the grip he had on my arms were so strong that i thought it’d leave a bruise. without saying a word, i opened the car door and got in quickly. my heart was racing at the way he had me so scared. i heard him open the trunk, and when i looked out the window i noticed how jake’s body was gone. was heeseung..? oh god. jake wasn’t dead was he? why else would heeseung place him in the trunk? i should’ve never opened the door for jake, this is all my fault. i flinched when heeseung slammed the door open, getting in the car before slamming the door shut again. “you’re gonna fucking regret this” he mumbled loud enough for me to hear. what did he mean by that..?
“please- seungie- i’m sorry.. i didn’t mean to-“ i whimpered when my body hit the cold hard floor. i was back in the basement again, this wasn’t that i wanted. i didn’t even say anything to jake about heeseung, i didn’t even get the chance to tell him anything at all. heeseung took a good look at me before he slammed the door shut, locking me inside. i was all by myself and i hated it, there’s no way i’d gain his trust again. i felt my eyes slowly start closing by themselves, and before i knew it i was out of it.
meanwhile, heeseung had jake tied up in a chair while he was torturing him. heeseung hated jake. they used to be best friends, and jake knew about heeseung’s big crush on ___, but that didn’t stop him from dating her. all heeseung felt was rage, he wanted to just kill jake, but that would be too easy. he watched blood drip down his body as he cut him up. jake’s screams were muffled by the tape covering his mouth. “i told you to stay away from her. she’s mine” heeseung said, leaning down near jake’s tear stained face. “i’m gonna make this worse than death for you”
“wake up pretty..” huh? i struggled to open my eyes, had i just passed out? my back was hurting a lot, and so was the back of my head. when i finally opened my eyes, i saw heeseung towering over me. i reacted and sat up quickly, moving away from him. “don’t tell me you’re scared of me again. i thought you had warmed up to me? you know, since you kissed me and all” he said, crouching down in front of me. “w-what did you do.. to jake..?” i asked him, barley even able to get my words out properly. “what did i do to jake.. i don’t know. would you like to see for yourself?” he reached his hand out for me to grab as he smiled creepily down at me. i wanted to know if jake was okay, so i placed my shaky hand in his, letting him help me up and lead me out of the basement. he brought me to this room i had never seen before, i wonder how i missed it. he paused in front of the closed door before he turned to me. “i can tell you’re scared already, and i wouldn’t want to scare you even more. prepare yourself for what you’re about to see, pretty” i furrowed my eyebrows, watching him slowly open the door. heeseung let me walk in first, and the second i stepped foot in that room i looked back right away. i covered my mouth in disgust at what i had just seen. “oh my fucking god..” i mumbled to myself. heeseung ran his hands up and down my back as i practically hid my face in his chest. “told you” he said. “look at him again” he leaned down and whispered in my ear. i shook my head, feeling like i was about to throw up. “i can’t.. i- i feel sick” i said with my face still hid in his chest. “you feel sick?” he chuckled. there was blood everywhere. jake had been cut up and his wounds were so bad and graphic it made me sick to my stomach. “please.. seungie- he needs to go to a hospital” i said, looking up at heeseung who was already looking down at me. “you mean to tell me that you want him to live? after he dumped you? after he stole you from me?” he was getting angry, i could tell. “no- just, please.. i won’t do anything like that ever again, i promise. i don’t need to leave the house, i can stay in the basement, just don’t let him die- please, seungie. i don’t care because it’s jake-“ “then why do you care?” i didn’t even know what i was saying, i just kept on begging and begging without thinking. “if he dies then.. it’ll be in your hands. i don’t want them to take you away from me..” did i really mean that? i don’t know. i just needed jake to get out of here and go to a hospital. heeseung didn’t say anything, he just looked at me like he was processing what i had just said. he walked past me and made his way over to jake. i wanted to look back, but i didn’t want to see jake again. “if you tell anyone about this. i will find you and fucking kill you” i heard heeseung tell him. “pretty, will you leave the room for just a second?” he didn’t have to ask me twice, i left the room as fast as i could, leaving heeseung and jake alone. was he gonna let jake go? was he gonna kill him? was he gonna continue torturing him? i didn’t know what to think.
it had been about 30 minutes and i was anxiously sitting on heeseung’s bed. i kept on bouncing my leg as i waited and waited until i finally heard the door opening. “seungie..?” he started walking my towards me and i noticed how he had blood on his hands and his shirt. he didn’t kill jake.. did he? shit shit shit. “i did what you asked for” wait, what? “you let him go..?” he simply just nodded. i let out a sigh in relief, thank god. but wait- “you’re not gonna leave the house and you’ll stay in the basement, yeah? that’s what you promised” maybe i shouldn’t have said exactly that.. i really didn’t like being in that basement. and i’d like to leave the house once in a while, i can’t be locked up in here forever. “i know..” i said, still sat on his bed. “get up then” he took a step forward so he was stood in between my legs. “i- i wanted to sleep with you..” i slowly looked up at him and saw a smirk on his lips. “alright. i’ll let you sleep with me, but i need something from you first” he pressed my back onto the bed before he leaned down, hovering over me. his face was dangerously close to mine, and before i knew it he had smashed his lips onto mine. forget passionately, he was being really aggressive with me. i think it’s because he was still mad.
his hands travelled to the ends of my top before pulling it over my head. he unclipped my bra fast and threw it away somewhere on the floor. his hand instantly went to one of my breasts, squeezing it and rubbing my nipple with his thumb. he wrapped his mouth around my other nipple, swirling his tongue around before he bit down on it making me whimper, and he groaned when i did. his hand left my breast and instead went down to the hem of my skirt before pulling it down along with my panties, he was quick with it. i looked down to see him unbuckling his belt which made me nervous. this was gonna be my first time, and he wasn’t being very gentle. he lowered his sweatpants together with boxers revealing his huge dick that was red with pre-cum. my eyes widened at the sight of it, i wasn’t sure if i could take that, it looks like it would hurt a lot. “seungie..” “shh. don’t worry, pretty. i’ll make you feel good” he shushed me and placed a kiss on my lips. not knowing how any of this works, i thought he was gonna get right into it, but i was confused when i felt his fingers going up and down my slit. “shit.. you’re soaked. is all of this for me? hm?” i let out a “mhm” which sounded exactly like a moan. i gasped when he slipped in not one finger, but two at the same time. i arched my back and moaned when he started pumping his fingers in and out of me. “can’t even take my fingers..” he scoffed. i felt him curl his fingers as his movements started growing faster. while he was busy fingering me, he went down to kiss me again. i whined into his mouth when he slipped his tongue past my lips. i tried pulling away, i don’t know why, but it resulted in him grabbing me by my chin, forcing me to kiss him back. when i felt the heat growing in my stomach, i managed to pull away from the kiss. “i’m gonna cum..-“ he was quick to pull his fingers out of me the second i told him i was about to release. “not yet, pretty. need you to cum around my cock” he repositioned us, placing me down on his lap. he placed his arms on my waist and that’s when i remembered the blood he had on his hands. did he just finger me with jake’s blood on his fingers. i looked down at myself to see how he had smeared his blood over my chest, waist and pussy. i felt disgusted and dirty, but heeseung didn’t seem to care.
“look at me” he said, tapping his finger under my chin. when i looked up at him i suddenly felt his tip pressing at my entrance. his grip on my waist tightened, “you ready?” i nodded even tho i definitely wasn’t ready. “this might hurt, but you’ll be okay” i swallowed nervously before i felt him slowly pushing my hips down on his hardened length. i squeezed my eyes shut at the feeling, it was burning. i gripped onto his shoulders as my walls tightened around him. “almost there.. you’re doing so good” he whispered into my ear. god, i felt so full and he wasn’t even all the way in yet. it was definitely too much, i couldn’t handle it. “there we go. good girl” he said pressing a kiss to my cheek. i was fully sat down on his cock and he was big, way too big. “seungie, you’re too b-big..” i whimpered, hiding my face in the crook of his neck. “i know. i’ll make you feel good, yeah?” he lifted me up slowly allowing me to adjust to the overwhelming feeling. he pushed me all the way back down letting a loud moan escape from my mouth. he started bouncing me up and down, his fingers digging into my hips hard enough to bruise. he threw his head back in a groan as he snapped his hips up to meet mine. “a-ah.. seungie.. t-too much” the pain was completely gone, all i could feel was pleasure. “shit. take it” i heard him curse under his breath. he slams me down harder making all of it too much for me to handle. i bit down on his shoulder and he didn’t seem to mind, considering how he let out a moan when i did. “gonna fill you up and- shit.. so fucking tight” once again, i felt the heat growing in my stomach. the both of us let out loud pornographic moans as we both finish at the same time. i felt his warm cum filling me up, painting my insides white as i came around his cock. he pulls me in closer and places a kiss on my forehead when i tremble around him. my face still hid in his neck as i catch my breath, i feel him grab me by my chin forcing me to look at him. “you did so good, pretty” he pulled me in for a kiss, this time it was slow and passionate. with me still on top of him, sat on his cock as his cum slowly spills out of me, he lays down pulling the blanket over us. “get some rest now, okay?” i hum, placing a kiss on his neck before i drift off to sleep.
taglist: @simjungwon @flowerlvrs-blog (lmk if u want to be tagged)
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skinny dipping // theodore nott x fem reader
playlist: skinny dipping - sabrina carpenter
"itd be so nice right? if we could take it all off and just exist and skinny dip in water under the bridge"
summary: y/n and theo have known eachother their whole lives but when sorted into different houses and fears of unrequited feelings take over , they lose their bond- but not really.
no real skinny dipping just the song LMAO its metaphorical , ravenclaw reader , use of y/n , fluff , childhood friends wtih obvious feelings
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it was just any other weekend on the hogsmeade trip when you heard the barista of the small cafe you sat in call out his name.
"theo!" she said , placing down a black coffee and moving on to serve more people , but you left your eyes burning holes into the cup.
until his hand went to grab it , giving a quiet and dull thanks before moving over towards the tables , where you sat - not noticing you yet.
you quickly moved your eyes away and pretended to be busy when his body turned in your direction , your acting cut off by your name being called in a voice you could hardly recognise.
"y/n?" he said as you looked up to see him stood infront of your table.
you took your time to study his face , he looked so different it was terrifying , he wasnt the same eleven year old boy you were attached to. but you werent so suprised by how he looked , you always watched him from afar.
"hey.." you let out softly , smiling at him anxiously.
it seemed weird to be anxious around your best friend , except you werent really best friends anymore , just two stanger with memories. memories you can never forget.
"we go to the same school but ive not seen you in ages!" he said excited by your appearance.
"really cause i see you everyday" you chuckled as he laughed too , sitting in the chair in front of you.
"yeah well you know i have bad eyesight," he shrugged with a bright grin.
"how could i forget , having to read everything at a distance to you as kids was a daily occurance" you both laughed as you forget all of your past worries.
"no seriously , its really good to see you , i dont know why we stopped talking anyways!" theo smiled.
you sat in silence for a second , you knew exactly why. the second you gained feeling for theodore at the end of first year you immediatly ghosted him for the next 5 years- and here you are now , sitting opposite the boy you never really got over.
"yeah...well how are you theodore?" you gave him your best smile.
"merlin dont call me that , its theo or dory , remember the name you came up with when we were 5!" his eyes sparkled in the nostalgia.
"i still have no idea where i got that nickname from," you both laughed.
"anyways , im okay. i was having a bit of a shitty day but its better now ," he replied.
"oh really , what happened?"
"nothing just boring studying for exams and my friends were all busy, but i guess it was fate that i came in here," he grinned at you as you felt your heart melt. this was exactly why you stopped talking to him , he could make you go crazy and not even know.
"yeah , so you could run into your shy ravenclaw friend you havent talked to in 5 years," you laughed.
"5 years 1 month and 12 days," he said as your laughing ceased, "i counted the days , i....i really missed you."
your whole demanor softened as you watched him stare down at your coffees unable to hold eye contact , "theodore i wouldve talked to you sooner if you said you wanted to talk .i know i kinda iced you out but im always here."
"i know bella , i just guess something changed that day , you...changed," he said softly.
"yeah well you did too theo , not talking was best for us , we needed to grow and be our own people," you reached out to hold his hand , not realising your seperation had effected him.
"i kinda lied when i said i hadnt seen you , i...well i find you every day, to make sure youre okay," he admitted with a maroon blush across his cheeks, "i guess i hoped you looked out for me too."
"of course i did, i still do. just because we dont talk doesnt mean you arent important to me theo."
he stared into your eyes , seeing his sadness begin to fade and be replaced with a fond adoration as you gazed back in the same haze. looking at him in this way didnt help with your unrequited-
"i love you," he whispered never once breaking eye contact.
your jaw dropped in suprise , "t-theo do you mean..."
"i love you and i always have , the day you stopped talking to me i think a part of me died or something. do you not realise how my friends seem to bully everyone but you? how im at all of your quidditch pratices and games? do you not wonder why no guys approach you? they all fucking pity my unrequited pining," theodore dropped his head and let go of your hand , frustration building up.
"theo," you gained his attention as he hesitantly brought his eyes back up to meet yours , "i love you too, more than words could describe. i guess i just thought youd never like me that way so i left you alone. i couldnt deal with my own feeling and i let it out on you im sorry-"
"dont say sorry bella," he said softly as he held the side of your face , tracing his thumb across your cheek softly, "water under the bridge?"
you smiled at him , holding the hand that rested on your blushed cheek , "water under the bridge."
stream skinny dipping by sabrina carpenter
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bad268 · 2 months
Hi I loved your clingy Antonelli five and was wondering if for a part 3 based on the prema video that was on insta of kimi in the ice bath if you could do clingy kimi trying to convince reader to join him in the ice bath 😂 maybe the prema team and Toto are watching his attempt
4+1 (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader)
Clingy Antonelli Universe
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (hehe this was kinda fun thank you <3 Also on a side note, you'll never guess who works in a motorsport company now (technically)!!!)
Warnings: Aged up Kimi (Starts at Qatar)
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 2270
Summary: The 4 times Kimi tried to get you into an ice bath and the 1 time you did.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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1) Qatar 2024
The first year at a new track was always going to be difficult. There was no data to go off of. Only base it on F1 drivers and if the teams were willing to share anything.
You remembered Qatar last year. There were drivers passing out, vomiting, and needing to retire. You did not think this would be a good idea for junior drivers to race here, but that was something the FIA decided. You couldn't really argue with it. 
The sprint race was hot for you, let alone the drivers, and Kimi had to retire from the race. He was starting on the front row for the feature, so he could make up points then. The car overheated five laps before the checkered flag, and he would have fried crucial components if he had stuck it out.
The team had to help Kimi out of the car once he got back to the pitlane, and they drove him back to the support paddock where you were sitting in the Prema trailer. Anthoine sent you a quick text letting you know what was going on with Kimi and asked you to start filling an ice bath for him. Anthoine would get the ice when he brought Kimi over. 
It was something you were accustomed to at this point since you were studying to be a physical trainer. You had also seen Anthoine do it almost a gazillion times before.
You went out behind the trailer and set up the travel tub. The hose was not far, so you turned it on and threw it into the tub. You went back into the trailer because you knew there was at least a half bag of ice in the freezer from the last ice bath he took, so you took it outside to throw in the tub as well. That way, it would be cold as soon as Anthoine and Kimi arrived.
All the running around you were doing outside made you remember why you decided to stay at the trailer. The Prema trailer had air conditioning. The garages had fans, but they just blew around hot air. You purposefully did not want to be in that for the whole race, so you opted to stay in the trailer. Well, now, you’re walking around outside with no air con and no fans. You went back into the trailer, and you found a random shirt in Kimi’s backpack. 
You took it back outside and threw it into the ice bath, so it would get cold. You could put that on your neck. You were busy turning off the hose as the tub was filled, and you didn’t hear or see them pull up. You pulled the shirt out of the tub just as Kimi walked by you in his swim trunks and practically collapsed into the tub. Anthoine just laughed and went off to get the ice.
“You look like you enjoyed that,” You chuckled when Kimi brought his head back out of the water. You reach over to push some of the wet curls out of his eyes before moving your hand to cup his cheek. “Are you feeling better?”
“It would feel better if you were in here,” He kind of asked as he peaked an eye open at you just as Anthoine dumped blocks of ice into the ice bath. He shook his head with a chuckle as he left you two alone.
“I would love to, but I’ve got this now,” You answered, gesturing to the still-damp shirt across your neck. “Maybe next time.”
2) Australia 2025
The first race of the season was always your favorite, especially now that you were now practically given unrestricted access to the F1 paddock. Well, not unrestricted, but you were able to explore a bit more since Kimi was in Mercedes now.
Australia was always one of your favorite races. The atmosphere, the fans, and the weather were never too bad. Maybe it wasn’t too bad for you because you weren’t in a car with no air conditioner, driving on the limit in the heat.
You were sitting beside Kimi while he was in an ice bath, talking to Carmen while she sat next to George who was in his own ice bath. You two were walking nonsense while George was teasing Kimi who was just staring at you.
“It’s a little creepy,” George laughed, catching your attention.
“What’s creepy?” You chuckled back.
“He’s always staring at you,” George pointed out as he got out of the tub, wrapped a towel around his waist, and left with Carmen. “Get me out of here.”
“Wow, are you always staring at me? I didn’t notice,” You teased, leaning over to gently rest your head against Kimi’s shoulder.
“Maybe I’m just lost in thought,” Kimi muttered, leaning his head on top of yours.
“Penny for your thoughts,” You whispered back.
“What would it take for you to get in with me?” Kimi asked as he pulled back a little to look down at you.
“I would, but I have a meeting in 15 minutes,” You sighed, looking up at him. “I would if I could.”
“One day, I’ll get you in here with me.”
“I’m sure you will, too.”
3) Miami 2025
You weren’t ready for this one. Despite hearing from friends and knowing that Florida was humid, you did not expect it to be that bad. It was disgusting! It was pretty, but the humidity was not it. 
Kimi did well in the race, earning a respectable fourth place. He’s proving himself to be a good replacement for the seven-time World Champion. 
You hugged Kimi as soon as he entered the garage, and you walked with him toward his driver's room in the Mercedes motorhome. You conversed about the race while you walked through the paddock. All was fine until you heard a bit of commotion behind you, and you saw Kimi’s entire team running after you with a cooler of ice water. You immediately pushed yourself away from Kimi as they dumped it over his head. You still got splashed a bit, but it was not nearly as bad as Kimi. The team all laughed at how you totally threw Kimi under the bus while some of the PR team got the whole thing on video.
He turned to pout at you as he opened his arms. “Why’d you leave me?”
“I have my phone in my pocket,” You chuckled as you walked into his arms, not caring that his entire race suit was soaked with cold water. “I kinda need my phone to check in with my mom. You don’t want my mom angry at you now, right?”
“Right,” He sighed as he wrapped an arm over your shoulder as you two continued on your way to the Mercedes motorhome. “One of these days-”
“One of these days, I’ll get you in an ice bath,” You mocked, turning to look at him. “I am aware. And that day will come eventually, but that day is not today.”
4) Azerbaijan 2025
You could not understand why they moved Baku back to the hottest time of year in Azerbaijan. It made no sense to you, but again, you’re not in the FIA. They probably had a better reason for it. Or not. They’re the FIA. 
It was coming to the end of the season, and Kimi was feeling the pressure against Red Bull, Ferrari, and McLaren. He was fighting for fifth in the championship, but prior to the start of the season, you and he decided the goal was the top 15. He was more than exceeding those expectations. Max was directly competing with Charles for the championship title, Lando and Lewis were fighting for third and fourth, and Kimi was fighting Oscar for fifth. Currently, Kimi had it, but all it took was one bad weekend for the cards to completely change. 
This time, you two were back at the hotel. You’re flight to the next race would be in the morning, and you wanted to chill out in the privacy of your temporary home rather than the very public paddock. You had no real reason to want privacy. Your social battery was just dead.
“Do you want-”
“Do not ask if I want to get in an ice bath with you,” You cut Kimi off immediately. He was just walking out of the bathroom while you were almost falling asleep on the bed. Despite the fact that you two just got to the room within the past five minutes, you were ready to call it a night. You sighed, realizing what you did was mean as you looked over at him. “I didn’t mean to snap, but I will fall asleep if I lay in any body of water, regardless of the temperature.”
“I think you underestimate how awakening ice water is,” Kimi chuckled lightly as he walked up to the bed and laid on his side next to you. He propped his head up on his hand as you used his other hand to brush through your hair. “You need to get clean. You hate going to sleep after sweating all day.”
“I’ll just suffer for once,” You muttered as you started falling asleep. Kimi started moving around, collecting your things. 
“Come on,” Kimi whispered as he gently shook you awake. You opened your eyes wearily, wondering how long you were asleep. “I’m not risking you being mad at me tomorrow for letting you go to sleep sweaty.”
“I appreciate it,” You replied with a sleepy smile as you pushed yourself up and stretched before heading into the bathroom. Before you got in the shower, you peeked back into the room and saw Kimi packing up the last of your things. You got his attention, “Kimi, thank you. I owe you, so I’ll get in an ice bath with you next time, I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
+1) Qatar 2025
Now, you had experience at this point. After last year’s outing in Qatar, you were ready for it. You were wearing just about as little clothing as you could get away with, and the heat was not nearly as bad as last year. Maybe because last year, you didn’t know what to expect, and you wore jeans and a team kit. Yeah, not this time. 
The season had been long and grueling, but the second to last race was proving to be a highlight of the year. Kimi raced for his life, knowing he needed to prove he was worthy of a contract extension, and when he jumped out of his car in Parc Ferme after taking the checkered flag first, he was certainly going to be back in Mercedes for his second year. 
You were right against the barrier when Kimi jumped into the team as they all cheered for his first win, and securing of fifth place in the championship. Even if Oscar won the next race and got the fastest lap, he would not be able to catch Kimi. 
After the celebrations and post-race interviews, you two snuck off behind the Prema trailer again. You got approval from the Prema team because Kimi thought it would be funny to make you get in an ice bath in the same area he first tried. 
Kimi had coordinated with Anthoine to set it up while he walked you around the track. He had a plan, and he was going to stick to it. He distracted you as he walked you backward through the Prema trailer until you reached the stairs. 
“Don’t tell me there’s an ice bath out there,” You chuckled as you planted your feet before Kimi could move you any further. He didn’t answer you, so you knew exactly what he was doing. “Kimi, no.” 
Kimi, yes,” He laughed as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He walked straight through the door, down the stairs, and around to the back of the trailer where there was a blowup kiddie pool filled with ice. You couldn’t see it, but you saw the hose leading where Kimi was heading. You just accepted your fate at this point as Kimi stopped just before stepping in the pool and set you down on your feet. The backs of your legs could feel the coolness through the plastic, but you were ready for it. “Are you going to walk in or am I going to need to carry you in?”
“Would I like you to carry me? Yes because it’s romantic. Can I walk in on my own? Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” That was all you had to say before Kimi reached down and put his arms under your knees and behind your back, lifting you up. 
“Quick!” Someone shouted just before Kimi stepped into the water. “Smile for the camera!”
That’s when you noticed the entire Mercedes crew standing and cheering around you two. You looked up at Kimi, nodding that you had the same thoughts. You both looked directly at the cameras, faces adorned with glares and frowns, which caused the team to laugh. After a few seconds, you two could not keep straight faces as you laughed with everyone. Kimi took your distraction to step into the water and sat down with you in his lap.
“Ah, it’s so cold!” You shouted as you were caught off guard and tried to get out. “Let me go, Kimi!”
“No,” He smirked as he held you tighter. “I’ve been waiting for this moment. I’m getting at least five minutes.”
Part 5 -> (Coming Soon)
Series masterlist
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http-mianhae · 2 years
AMORTENTIA ; jeonghan
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view the whole series here!
DESCRIPTION ᝰ He was the worst of worse, how could anyone love him? Such a cold-hearted kid yet you were forced to sit next to him and as a Ravenclaw, it didn’t do you justice that all Jeonghan did was throw insults and act like a total jerk
WARNINGS ᝰ kinda enemies to lovers / dislike to like, deskmates ravenclaw!reader x slytherin!jeonghan
PAIRING ᝰ yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
WORD COUNT ᝰ 25.3k
“Yo, Y/NNNN~! Dap me up!” a too-familiar Gryffindor shrieked, hand outstretched. You narrowed your eyes down at the boy upon recognition, questioning what went down for him to be so enthusiastic in the rise of aurora.
You dapped him up anyways. Because if anything, Soonyoung was your beloved friend.
“What happened to you?”
“Huh? Nothing. Where’s your little boyfriend? Isn’t he always scurrying around you?” the boy asked, leaning oh-so-casually against the doorframe of the classroom.
“He’s literally twice your size, Soonyoung. Don’t go around calling Mingyu ‘little’,” you stated defensively, pushing through Soonyoung’s shoulder roughly to enter the DADA classroom. The over-energetic Gryffindor followed you in, a grin smacked right on his face.
“Sure. You still won’t admit that you have a thing for younger men.” he smiled.
“Come on, Soonyoung, He’s in fifth year.” It was usual for you that people would discuss the age difference between you and your honey badger boyfriend. Not that it was a bad thing, you didn’t take it as a bad thing, seeing that the age gap wasn’t illegal as such.
He was sixteen and you were sixteen, turning seventeen. So technically, you were the same age still until you were to turn seventeen in a few months time.
“He could be a younger brother,” Soonyoung said to you, not letting it go.
“You could mind your own business.”
“He could quit his Quidditch team and let us have the Quidditch Cup this year.”
You rolled your eyes, striving to find a good seat in the classroom. It didn’t support you that Soonyoung was all over you, bent over backwards to talk you into breaking up with Mingyu for Mingyu to be dismayed the days leading up to the finals of Quidditch. As much as you loved Soonyoung as a friend, you were not willing to put your relationship on the line for some Quidditch Cup. With the time he spent talking you into breaking up, he could spend on academics or even, Quidditch, for that matter.
“Hold on―why are there labels on the desks?” you noticed.
“I dunno, princess. Use those brainwit-thingies you Ravenclaws have,” he said, smiling at you like a little kid.
Frustration grew inside you as you collapsed your books on a random table. Your finger traced over the little white label plastered across the corner of the desk. “What’s going on? Is this some kind of prank, Soonyoung?”
“We’re having seating arrangements. I came here especially early to see your reaction,” he admitted, putting a hand on your shoulder lightly. Once again, you rejected him by shrugging him off. You grabbed your books up in an armful and sauntered the barren classroom, now on a hunt for your seat. If you were sitting at the back, you were obviously going to pick a dispute with Professor Lupin.
Though, you were sort of confused on the part in which Soonyoung said he was early to see your reaction. Why would he come especially early to see―
Your books dropped in a brown heap on the shiny floors of the classroom. In an instant, your eyes became wide and you could sense that there wasn’t an inch of your muscle that moved for a whole second. You wanted to believe that this was a dream (oh, please let it be a dream) so badly but your intelligence proved you wrong. Squeezing your eyes shut and taking a deep breath in and out, you opened them again.
It was still there.
Soonyoung’s laughing was heard but it seemed to be in a distance as you doubled over to pick up your books. The thought of it just made your body crash with adrenalin. You placed the heavy books back on the table one by one, an unlikable feeling settling in you. And what was even more unlikable was the fact that you were so near tears that you wanted to just disappear right then.
“I’m sorry, but it’d best be a Ravenclaw than a Gryffindor.” you heard Soonyoung said, embedding a hand on your shoulder. You wanted to shrug it off, yet was partly too shocked to even conjure that thought. “And also, you’re not far from the front of the class.”
Was he seriously trying optimism with you?
“He’s going to murder me,” you whispered coldly, hands fixed on the table as you figured out what to do. Was there anything you could do about this? You were a Ravenclaw for goodness sake, you should use that knack of a brain for something at least.
“He is not! And even if he tries to, I’m here!” Soonyoung declared just as the huge doors of the classroom open flauntingly. Your knees shook, the voices registering in your mind. You had no choice. You were to sit on this table for the rest of the god damn year and live with the fact that Yoon Jeonghan was going to be next to you.
It wasn’t that you were scared―it was more that you were a mix of annoyed and shocked for the reason being you were paired up with the most obnoxious, ungrateful brat in the world. Like there was a choice in it.
You swooped into your seat, cupping your face as your elbows held themselves on the table, sighing. The dismay was plastered on your face, signed by the eyebrow furrow.
“I’m gonna go take a seat, good luck.” He looked back nervously at the door and then left to the other side of the room. You would admit that the racing of your heart was much faster than envisioned. It was not your fault.
Those Slytherins put themselves on such a high pedestal that no other house in the year level could stand up to them. So if you were irritated at them being some sort of comical in class, you couldn’t just bark at them to shut up.
And Yoon Jeonghan. He was a sick little daddy’s boy. Stacks higher than him was basically what backed him up and you’ve seen the black card in the flesh. He wasn’t to be messed with, with all those assets and a filthy rich background. So it willed you to wonder, as soon as he saw an average-classed Ravenclaw, what would be the resolution?
You would be waiting.
It took a second for the Slytherins to realise that there were labels on the table and when they did, his group of friends began looking for where their name tags would be.
You played cool on the outside, taking away the anxiety from your face and staring straight ahead as they roamed the classroom. A piece of you was idling for Jeonghan to show up next to you. Waiting with every tiny sound of the clock’s hand passing the seconds ahead of you. Until it finally happened.
“Don’t tell me you’re sitting next to me.” His voice dragged out smoothly, yet managed to release your heart to your stomach. So maybe you were a little scared, but that didn’t mean that you were going to back down…sort of?
You turned your head to the left, seeing Jeonghan standing there with his books in hand, staring you down. Acting as if you didn’t know, you cleared your throat to attain your voice. “Yeah, you’re Jeonghan?”
“Who else would ask you that question? Aren’t you a Ravenclaw? You should know this.”
You pursed your lips together and faced the front again, praying for Lupin to arrive quicker. You didn’t want to be stuck conversing with an arrogant kid.
“Answer me.”
“I don’t think there’s a reason for me to answer that as you can see clearly that I am one.”
He scoffed, setting his books down on the table before sliding into the seat next to you. You continued to sit while facing forward. You didn’t know if it explicated that you were scared but you didn’t want it to show at all.
“I can’t believe this teacher,” he muttered to himself.
“If you have a problem with the seating arrangements, you should go speak with Professor Lupin with it because―” you began while turning to him.
“I don’t have a problem with this seating arrangement dumbass, I have a problem with you,” he answered sharply, also turning around to you with disgust painted with a sneer.
“That’s literally the same thing. Maybe you should consider thinking before speaking.” you began, but were cleanly cut off along with many other classmates and Professor Lupin’s voice came booming into the classroom. The man walked to the front with his loving greetings to the gloomy class, leaving Jeonghan powerless to act towards your rude reply.
You took pride in that as the lesson began.
“Good morning, class. Good morning, Soonyoung. As you can see, I have put you in seating arrangements. Now, I’m sure you have a lot of questions and opposes. But I have a reason for this.”
No one argued, seemingly interested as to why the ex-Gryffindor wanted to put you in seating arrangements. Though he was your favourite teacher thus far, you threatened him in your head to have a good reason.
“I noticed the social hierarchy in this year level specifically, so I would like you guys to sit around different houses just to build up that friendship a little…if you have any problems with it, though. Please do come to see me after class and we can discuss it.”
After that, Lupin started his class.
Reluctantly, you focused your eyes on the teacher, following his every word and taking notes here and there. You noticed, however, Jeonghan wasn’t paying attention a tad bit. Rather he was involved in a series of comics with his friend who was placed next to your table.
They were noisy, but you tried your best to focus on Lupin’s explanations briefly overviewing the topic of Dementors stationed on the outskirts of Hogwarts, trailing like blighted ghosts. Truthfully, you hated every inch of the boy’s presence beside you, it made you want to hit him with your massive Charms textbook more than anything.
How could he just turn completely away from the teacher and talk to his friends? He was going to be behind on work, you couldn’t imagine being behind on work with your hectic schedule. It would be a nightmare.
“Okay, so for today’s homework, I want you to answer the questions for Boggarts on page 209. Unfortunately, you must complete the questions for next week’s practical, so please do, do them…”
The bell rang, dismissing the class for the next period. You stood up and packed up your books like every student in the room, pumped for Advanced Arthimacy with your best friend.
Until the Slytherin spoke up. “Where are you going?”
“My next class?” you said.
“I need to go talk to Lupin―”
“Okay, go do that?”
You knew what he was trying to get at, but stayed fooled just for the pleasure of it and the honesty that you had another class anticipating you in literal minutes.
“You’re coming with me,” he declared grandly.
“Are you twelve? No, I have a class to get to and I―”
Jeonghan’s glare hardened, cutting you off as students rushed out of the room as if on cue by him.
You didn’t agree nor did you disagree which determined being a faulty choice made by you as Jeonghan slipped out from his desk and marched to the teacher, all high n’ mighty. You gawked with resentment screwing the back of his damned blonde head. The temptation of hexing him right then was indeed a hard one to let go of.
Despite that, you did heed that it would be embarrassing if you just left like that, so you settled your books down in the forced decision and moved to the front of the classroom to stand next to Jeonghan.
Lupin was sat at the desk when he looked at the two of you with a smile. But when he regarded that neither of you had similar expressions, he outlasted seriously.
“Is there something I can do for the two of you?”
You didn’t say anything, stubbornly gazing into the window. This was in fact a Jeonghan problem, he dragged you into it when you paid no mind―news flash, you paid tons of mind, you just didn’t act it.
He talked anyways, not requiring your cooperation a slight bit. Then, what was the point of bringing you here, if he could do everything himself? “Could you change our seating arrangements? I don’t want to sit with her.”
“What do you mean by that, Mr Yoon? I can’t just change the seats without a proper reason.” Lupin replied tensely.
It was like he doomed Jeonghan.
Jeonghan was quiet, suddenly and you predicted the anger showing on his face through a glare. Lupin continued, reeling his words in a teasing manner as he explained the reason. “An affair mayhaps that happened a long time ago between the two of you? Is that why you don’t want to sit―”
Sharply turning your head back, you gawked at your professor, offended. “What are you saying, sir?!”
“Well, was it?” he smirked at you.
“No!” Jeonghan answered this time.
“It’s not, so why are you so bothered about sitting by each other a few days a week? It’s just an hour class.”
“Fine, then. I’ll sit with her,” he grumbled.
Jeonghan whipped around and stalked off, frustration evident in the way he stopped to scoop his books into his arms and left. It happened all so quick, you only had time to part your lips in astonishment. Neither did Lupin say anything to comfort the boy. It was best to leave the aggression alone anyways.
When the door slammed hard behind the bitter Slytherin, your head returned to the teacher. Your hands urgently slammed onto the wooden table, striving for some sort of explanation on your side.
“Sir, it wasn’t my idea to come to talk to you, in case you were wondering.” you defended yourself excessively.
“I know that, L/N,” He stood up from his seat. You watched as he put a hand on your shoulder like he was going to have a deep discussion with you like he was your father. Not that you had time for that. Your next class had already begun. “Slytherins have the tendency to be full of themselves sometimes. I hope you can tolerate it, it’s a Ravenclaw’s duty to assist a Slytherin to see a different perspective.”
You laughed when the thought of showing Jeonghan the stars in the sky. You didn’t know why that was the first thought that registered in your mental process out of all likely thoughts. It would never happen even if the world was ending. Him being seen around another house was a scare for him.
“Sure, Professor Lupin.” you sarcastically answered, stepping down the narrow hallway of tables to get to grab your set of books. Smilingly, you looked back at the teacher, who smiled back, as if challenging your notion of his words.
You were off to your next class, forgetting your morning encounter.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“So you’re sitting next to him now?” Adora asked.
You nodded with a sigh, digits sweeping past the tethers of books in the library’s inner shelves. Your best friend got to know the tea when you met her in Advanced Arthimacy and now she was expanding the conversation, seeking to find a solution to the problem. She sank against the table behind her, considerably shocked about the chances of you being with Jeonghan out of all people.
“Ah, that’s going to be tiring,” she said, forcing herself off. The active Ravenclaw patted your head, clearly feeling sorry for you. Who wouldn’t feel sorry for you? You were going to live sadder after this.
“You know what’s worse? Lupin was so funny about it. He was teasing us when he asked for a change in the seating plan.” you continued, looking over at Adora with pain screwed in your eyes. “And after Jeonghan practically stormed out, he was like ’it’s a Ravenclaw’s duty to assist a Slytherin to see a broader perspective’.”
“Dude, what?!” she queried, tucking her silky auburn hair behind her ear. It sprung back to the sharpness of her cheek, honouring her facial features.
“I know!” you exclaimed to your best friend, furrowing your eyebrows. “It was so weird! I really don’t know what to do with this kid sitting next to me. You can literally feel it, like the Slytherin energy when he’s sitting next to you.”
“God.” she sighed. “That’s scary. I would not like that at all…but he’s kinda cute.”
There she goes with the teasing. It was what any best friend would’ve done in the situation anyways.
“True.” you agreed, seeing honesty in her words. Jeonghan’s face emitted prettiness, but the kind of prettiness that was unjust. It was structured but also soft, masculine but feminine in and you found it difficult not to ask for his skincare routine. Had he been in any other house, you most definitely would. “But still, I don’t want to be sitting next to him for the whole year. He’s going to make a fool out of me.”
She sighed, planting her hand on your shoulder. You reminisced that it was to soothe you from the fluttering thousand thoughts running around your mind. She was simply taking her duty as best friend to make things right.
“I know. Though, you are a Ravenclaw, just focus on your studies.”
She made it seem so easy.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Thinking it was easy but to be there in the present and acting as if everything was tight rein seemed to be a high achieving goal you set for yourself. It was achievable, but it was the direness that made you not want to even try.
By the next DADA lesson, you sat at your arranged seat, waiting for class to start as you flicked through your notes.
“Good morning, L/N.” Lupin greeted, walking past your table.
“Morning, sir.” you greeted back, not swerving your eye contact to the man.
You were a little early for class but that solely meant more revising time for you. The night before you were stuck in a rather competitive game of chess with Jeon Wonwoo that got his whole year level staying to watch. The game was played until three am, with you winning, of course, to keep the pride of your year level.
Other than that, you made a new friend and made friends with his friend Vernon. So now, not only were you and Adora not alone together all the time, you had adorable little fifth years as friends.
“We shall begin the class, how are you lot?” Lupin asked the class. They responded as you took the sign of the fact Jeonghan wasn’t next to you. You didn’t say anything about it either. He was probably late. “L/N, where’s your deskmate?”
You glanced up at the teacher. It was painful not to get mad at him, especially when knowing that Lupin was doing it on purpose.
“I don’t know, sir. Sorry.” you apologised calmly, letting the ball of fists under the table unwind to let some air into your palm.
“Strange,” Lupin commented and then, grabbed white chalk from the chalkboard to commence the lesson. A lesson he thought would begin from there. Unfortunately not.
He was shortly interrupted by a bang which could only come from behind, indicating the double oak doors to glide open, as if on command. You gripped the fresh sight of an elephantine sea of green accented figures walking in. And the way they walked, it certainly caught you in a trance for a second. So in synch and with purpose and authority. You hadn’t seen anything like it. Lupin hadn’t said anything about it either. And when you turned back to face the teacher, there wasn’t an inkling of surprise dotted on his face.
“There you are…we were all wondering where you were.” Lupin chuckled. The Slytherin didn’t participate in his laughing. Your shivers were taken note of as the room moved severely cold. It was like there were no souls, yet thousands of eyes watching at the same time.
Instead, they scattered before entering the maze of tables and walked to their assigned seat, obviously filled with hatred for the teacher. You detected instantly it was because they couldn’t be with their friends but you also saw that some Slytherins didn’t regard anger in their face.
“We had to stay back.” the boy you recalled as Junhui, the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, said.
A spark must have lit for Lupin because he straightened up. “Ah, yes. Is it because of the…incident?”
Jun nodded.
“What incident?” Soonyoung’s voice was as clear as a harmonised whistle and you crinkled your eyes, caught in cringe. He should have wished that moment he could have taken it back. Yet, he didn’t. He stared at the teacher, anticipating an answer.
He did get one, just not the one the poor kid was foreseeing.
“Stay in your lane, Gryffindor,” Jeonghan told him as he took the seat next to you, dropping his books in an untidy load on his table.
A heavy pit landed in your abdomen, somewhat feeling bad for the tiger but also feeling bad for yourself that Yoon Jeonghan had arrived and so dramatically, too. You didn’t commit to the acknowledgement of his arrival but minded your own business, the thought of getting called out was not a good one.
“Um, let’s speak to each other nicely in this classroom, shall we?” Lupin smiled.
You were funded with relaxation when the man once again swished and flicked, closing the double oak doors of the classroom. Then, he turned to the blackboard, beginning the class for the second time in five minutes. It was only moments before something started again. Honestly, you wanted an easy breezy class that would end with a nice finish.
Jeonghan started it.
“Tell your little boyfriend to stay away from us,” Jeonghan whispered.
You widened your eyes, shooting a side-eye at the boy. You thought he had no idea who you were. But then again, you were dating the Kim Mingyu, it came with a position of popularity dropped on your head like a crown.
You were deemed to be focussing on class, but the news flash caught you off guard. Suddenly, you found yourself needing to know what was happening with Mingyu and why he had gotten right into a web of troubles with the Slytherins. Because that was the last thing a Hufflepuff should be doing in this world. Messing with a Slytherin was bound to ruin a Hufflepuff’s reputation.
“What happened?” you whispered right back, your voice sadly biting the fact that you weren’t supposed to share curiosity around like that. You focussed on Lupin and leaned in a little so you could hear Jeonghan better.
“Your boyfriend picked a fight with Junhui after accusing the team of cheating in the last Quidditch match. Now tell me, do you think that just because we may come off intimidating, Slytherins will go as low as cheating?” It sounded like he was talking to Mingyu than his Ravenclaw deskmate and you were getting the feeling that the grudge dawdling his words were starting to follow you up. As if you were responsible.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” you defended Mingyu anyways.
He was the sweetest boy you ever knew of. If Mingyu ever picked a fight, there would be a valid reason for it and when there is one, he would tell you. He hasn’t told you anything yet, so you were left to assume that there was something terribly wrong going on.
“He gave Jun a blood nose, what are you talking about?”
You glanced back at the said boy. Junhui, the brunette, was sitting a few rows back, his eyes plastered on the teacher as he scribbled down notes. Abruptly, his eyes peeled off the teacher to look at you. You turned back just as quick, not wanting to catch the Slytherin’s gaze. You heard rumours about him that were far too brutal for the average ear to even hear. For Mingyu to go pick a fight with him was unbelievable. But you had perceived the bloodstains at the edge of his nostrils. They had to mean something. Your grip tightened on your quill, feathers scrunching under your grasp.
“Why are you telling me?” you asked Jeonghan, covering the shakiness in your voice. You didn’t want to falter around him, wanting to prove that you weren’t scared of a small fight. But when you recalled the way the Slytherins walked in just before, you were beginning to trail with your own doubts and worries.
“Because you’re his girlfriend, duh. You don’t ever use your brain for a Ravenclaw.”
You flashed him a glare that made him a little startled as he backed the tiniest away. “I will converse with Mingyu after.” you stated and returned your focus back to the class.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“Y/N, I swear! They cheated, I saw it with my own eyes!” your boyfriend exclaimed and you were sure if it weren’t for you questioning him, Mingyu would most likely be pulling on his hair.
The enthusiasm enraged the younger boy’s eyes. You cornered him near your common room entry on the fifth floor. In all your years of knowing Mingyu, you hadn’t seen him act like this before. It was fresh to your sights. “Okay, okay. Explain to me exactly what happened in the game.”
Mingyu sighed, looking to the ground. It was like he was trying to gather his words to talk to you. You recalled the previous Saturday game where Hufflepuffs were playing the Slytherins. You recalled that it wasn’t the nicest game in the world―insults were thrown at each other, physical abuse was involved in abundance that the game was about to be stopped halfway. If it wasn’t for the honey boy agreeing to play properly, the game would’ve been called off.
“Fine. I was flying around as one does and I had the Quaffle in my hand. Friggin’ Junhui smacked that Bludger right into me and I dropped it and―”
“That’s allowed, right?” you interrupted.
“It is, but here’s the thing. I was going to my goalpost because I got hit with the Bludger. That’s the rules, right? So I was in the middle of touching my goalpost when I saw, Tzuyu, their Chaser and Ace, push the ball into the hoops. That’s not allowed!”
You found the mistake. A deep disappointment ran through you. You were hoping that Jeonghan was wrong, hoping very hard but in the end, that is what the truth ended up being. “I know how Tzuyu is and are you sure she did that? I was near your goalpost and I―”
“Are you saying you don’t believe me?” Mingyu asked. “Or is it because she’s a girl and you’re taking sides with her because she’s a girl?”
He tilted his head to the left and it took everything in you not to smile at it. Mingyu was trying to stay serious about some Quidditch game and here you were, pursing your lips together in a straight line, seemingly thinking.
“No,” you answered, touching his arm comfortingly. Your eyes shined. “I was spectating by your goalpost and I even had binoculars with me. I saw Tzuyu hit that one goal only because the other boys were hogging the ball and that was the only time you went to touch the goalpost. What I don’t understand is the fact that she was so far away from the goalpost when she scored, you even saw that.”
It was Mingyu’s turn to purse his lips. His hair radiated under the light with elegance, almost. The Hufflepuff normally resonated with such bouncy behaviour, but today was the first time in a while you were seeing him act oh-so gloomy. As if you struck something you weren’t meant to. You understood immediately, your breath slightly hitching in your throat.
“I don’t know what to say…” he told you, looking at the ground.
“Don’t tell me you lied and went to pick a fight with them anyways,” you said, sounding more aggressive than you needed to. It was solely because you were praying in your heart that wasn’t the case. You didn’t want Mingyu to get on their bad sides, you cared for him that much.
“I did.” Mingyu answered you, laying his head in your shoulder with a plop. “I can’t even answer you, no wonder they didn’t believe me.”
“It was such a stupid lie.” you sighed, settling your hand in the tufts of his fluffy hair. You loved him and all, though at times, he would be so stupid, you wondered if it was humanly possible. “Why would you go and do that when there’s so much proof that she didn’t cheat?”
You were a little annoyed at the fact he lied. You were able to decipher why it angered the Slytherins too, it wasn’t fair on them.
“I don’t know, I was frustrated. You’re not going to tell me off?”
“Of course not, just don’t do it again, okay?”
“Okay…I have a Quidditch practice now, so I have to go,” he told you, looking up at you. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sure, be safe.”
You pecked Mingyu on the lips before turning around to go to your dorms, ending the day with the calmness that you sorted the situation out.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Only when your head hit the fluffy pillows a week later had you remembered something. You struck up immediately again, your tired eyes now as wide as an owl. Beginning to hate the way your mind worked, you stood up to your feet.
How could you forget? You were relaxing the whole day and you had the audacity to forget something as vital as that?
“You okay, Y/N?” your best friend inquired from beyond the room. She was leafing through the pages of a book, obviously tired from the way a yawn slipped through her mouth after asking.
“I said I would go get that book for Potions at the library and see? I completely forgot it.” you sighed, slipping on random slippers aggressively. You didn’t even see if you had them on right.
Adora giggled and her glance moved to the clock in the dorm. “What an idiot. Go get it quickly though, the library closes in like twenty-five minutes.”
That was sufficient to get you moving. As if there was an added force in the room, you were thrust to the door of your dorm, basically jabbing to grab the doorknob and pull aside the door. Adora’s laugh wasn’t lost in the air at your actions as you sprinted down the slim hallway where there were girls coming out and going into their dorms.
You nearly wanted to screech at all of them to get out of the way, but after discerning that it was hardly likely for you to do so, you sharpened your focus more on your way to the library. This was not easy for a Ravenclaw to do so whatsoever. Mainly when you were on the fifth floor, you had to escalade down a radical number of stairs in your pyjamas, which provoked the joints in your knees to barely stick together. Talk about disadvantage.
You were put through a rough time until you finally made it.
Accessing the library, you assuredly put your hands on your knees, breathing in and out piercingly, a punch right in your stomach. The sweat residue on your head became evidence of your hard work as you clammed for a grasp of yourself. Pushing back up, you decided to go straight into locating the book than wasting any time with your barely-jointed legs strolling.
You walked through the adventure section towards the left, before finding a table in the middle of three shelves and a comprehensive view of the lake. You were about to be distracted by the view when you skimmed your eyes back to the table, your heart almost stopping.
It had to be pure coincidence.
You stared, as did he.
The effort of running all the way to the library had doubled its results somewhat. His eyes tracked down to your feet, the book in his hand in a tight grip.
“Nice slippers.”
You looked down too and pinched your eyes shut. Please tell me I’m dreaming. No matter how hard you squeezed your eyes shut and opened them, the same vision of your dormmate’s llama slipper and your sheep one would still be below you. Shaking your head, you glanced back at the boy. He was the last person you foresaw here.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, changing. the subject. He was dressed exceptionally well, you noticed. Head to toe, clad in a nice outfit for something as plain as going to the library.
“Detention,” Jeonghan answered as you began sauntering around the area again.
“That’s stupid of me to ask,” you muttered, fingers running through the thick binds of books in a row as you turned your awareness away from him. You couldn’t forget why you came here.
Each bind came with its own texture―bamboo, silk, wood, paper and it was ascertained that each of those binds came with its own story. Soon, your fingers were brushing the wooden shelf, slowly delving into the side of the shelf and the other side.
Jeonghan’s presence simply slipped your mind like drops of quicksilver as you wandered through the quiet shelves, scanning for the title of the book. But it was nowhere to be seen. It was like you were looking for the same thing for hours and hours on end, yet came with nothing but a dead end. Surely, it was tiring you out too because you were sure that the book was here.
You had seen it before you went to have dinner and no one else in the school needs the book until your level in the latter part of the year. It didn’t fully set into you where it could be until your eyes met the authoritative figure at the counter.
You sighed and walked up to Pince, seeming very confused about the book’s whereabouts. You were hugely entwined with the fact that it had to be somewhere within the library’s walls and with your Ravenclaw knack, you weren’t far off.
Discussing the problem with the librarian, she took the big book stating all the books that have ever been borrowed in the library.
“Is it called Quick Potions, you say?” she asked, flicking through the pages. Something was telling you she was looking for the 'Q’ section to find the book’s name. And when she got nearer to the end of the book, you were told the same thing. “It has to be somewhere in here, dear. It hasn’t been checked out since last year.”
“Oh…maybe I didn’t look properly? Thanks, Madam Pince,” you said, bowing slightly to the woman.
She gave a firm smile prior to getting straight into her paperwork again. You were left with the suspicion rolling in your mind as you took another round the library, where you ascertained that you didn’t miss anything.
Nonetheless, the fact that nothing had been checked out stood out like a splinter in a knee. You looked again, skimming past Jeonghan’s table.
You shot him a brief glance, his doe eyes following the lines of the book he was reading. What was he reading anyways?
The way your body had stopped as soon as you saw the title of the book.
He looked at you.
“Why do you have that book for?”
He scrunched his nose somewhat in revulsion. You gave no heed to the action as you penetrated your sights through the front cover that was strangely familiar from the start. You just never paid much attention to it, when Jeonghan was all dressed up fancy, drawing recognition away from the tattered case the book was in.
“To read, duh.” he remarked.
For all intents and purposes, you didn’t believe that. You didn’t show it, your target shifting to the book in interest.
“I need that book,” you addressed, leaning your hands on the wooden table slowly. Just as though Jeonghan was some prey of an animal you were trying to get near.
He must’ve seen the way you were looking at that book because he shrunk it back to himself a little as you looked at him. “No way. I’m having it.”
The book proved to be of such importance to you.
“Come on, Jeonghan! At least let me write some notes on it.”
“Um, no,” he stated with sass detected in his tone. “You should’ve got it before. And why do you even need it for? We don’t do this topic until later in the year.”
He was stating the obvious.
“I’m a Ravenclaw.” was the only excuse that drew from your lips.
“Right. You lot want to impress the teacher all the time.” he insulted, sounding like he was spitting his words out almost. He needed to look for the way he said things sometimes, it would come out wrong.
“Right we do.” you agreed with a firm nod. “So give me the book.”
Hope depleted your body. The boy in front of you didn’t seem to be wanting to give you the book, neither did he want to provide an explanation as to why he needed the book. Was he trying to be ahead of class, too? You didn’t know, but what you did know was there was no point trying anymore when he was so determined in his case.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“And then I told Wonwoo to piss off.”
“Adora, shut up. You did not!”
“You bet I did. Like, do I look the type to mess around with shit like that? Absolutely not! He had me mad mad!”
“So did you get your stuff back again or what?” you pestered her, genuinely involved in what she did with the younger students of your house.
Adora, Mingyu and you were currently walking through the busy halls of Hogwarts, striving to get to your classes. Had it been that Mingyu’s class wasn’t on the way, he wouldn’t be entwined by your link of an arm as you dragged him, chattering with your best friend. You acknowledged that he was very bored and looked over at him to see what he was doing instead of listening.
Your eyes had caught a glance of something else in the short distance.
Jeonghan was standing there, with his group of friends surrounding him in a semi-circle so they were all able to face the bustling hallway. His eyes had fleeted the conversation for a mere second, darting to make contact with you.
Your body stammered, identifying crisis at its peak. If you wanted to leave without a fight starting, you had to get yourself and Mingyu out of there immediately.
“Um,” Adora perked up.
You faced her again, realising that her line of sight was stuck at the troublemaking Slytherins. You could assume that she was worried about why you were looking at one spot only. Hating that you were so obvious with it, you looked at the girl with the intention to get away quickly. Your best friend got the message and before you knew it, you were starting to walk a little faster.
“Why are we going so fast? It’s just Monday morning.” came Mingyu’s groan.
You weren’t in a desire to hear any of it. It was your responsibility to get him into that class safely. If you weren’t doing that, what kind of girlfriend, or even, senior were you?
“Ssh, child. We’re going to your class now.”
“You did not just 'child’ me,” Mingyu complained, practically jogging at the end of his hold. Was he always such a brat? No. It must’ve been the prank that his roommates did on him that had him this grumpy in the morning. He was whining about it all morning and as much as you felt bad for him that it was the result of a bad’s night sleep, you rather Mingyu’s day not get worse.
Which meant physically flinging him into the classroom.
Adora laughed at seeing that, as well as a few other members of the younger year level.
Mingyu poked his head right out of his classroom again, furrowing his eyebrows in the slightest. “What’d you do that for?”
You put on a feverish smile on your face, acting as if you do this every day for Mingyu’s sake.
“For fun. Now, get back into your class and learn a lot. I love you, okay?” you told him.
Mingyu rolled his eyes and waved you off as if you were an embarrassing mother bidding her child to school.
“Love you too.” he muttered.
Your resisted the urge to say ‘say it louder’ and walked off with Adora, acknowledging that you had settled your boyfriend. It left some time before class actually started so you and Adora were able to almost crusade to class, now speaking more freely because there was no guy there listening in on your conversation.
The two of you entered the classroom and took seats at the far left back of the classroom where you were confirmed of being able to have your own conversation as well as easy access to notes since the board was on the left. You chatted your way through minutes as other members of the class came in as well as the teacher herself.
You almost had to bite your tongue to stop talking, just because you and Adora were having that good of a conversation. The whole class beame quiet, even the Slytherins who, fortunately, don’t stand a chance in front of McGonagall. Who does, honestly?
“I can’t believe I’m only now noticing how many classes Jeonghan and I have together,” you commented briefly as your eyes stuck to the teacher instructing.
“You don’t have that many classes with him.”
“I don’t. But it’s annoying to just see his face this early in the morning if you get what I mean.” you said.
The fear of getting caught talking in one of McGonagall classes was on your back.
“I get what you mean. It’s going to be hard now, huh?”
“It is―”
“L/N, would you come hand out these worksheets for me?” The teacher manages to instruct you.
You would admit that when she had said your last name, you felt a claw in your stomach scratching you and telling you that you had done something wrong. It wasn’t until she said her full sentence, had you calmed down a little. The shock stained your face, however, quickly erupted when you got up with a nod.
Chair skidding back, you removed yourself from the prickly gap between the table and chair and got out to the front of the classroom that had broken into a set of broken whispers here and there―the class was for once, able to talk in class.
You did your dutiful task of handing out worksheets, replying to ‘thank you’s and such for one side of the classroom. As you went along the last column, dreadfully as well, because Jeonghan and his group of friends were coming up, you felt this pit drop. Just looking at his face gave this ungrateful whirr of mush in you that you wanted to splutter out, but there was no possible way of doing so. It was so hard to describe, yet so easy to express the pain he gave.
You placed down Jeonghan’s paper on his table, sensing the silence when you did so.
What? Were you not even allowed to do your own task?
You moved away quickly because you realised that the group of Slytherins were just staring.
The class continued with the agonising pain of McGonagall’s voice deliberately getting screwed in your head. As much as you loved staying on top of your work and the satisfaction of doing so, you hated when teachers would give homework.
You left the class more burdened than you were when you came in, with your best friend complaining about the workload once again.
“It’s suffocating,” she whined.
“I hate it here.”
“Let’s run away with the Dementors. Lowkey, they’re kinda fine.”
“Girl―no, you’re kinda right.” You nodded along before the two of you bid each other a goodbye as you had different classes.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“No, no. I stole your stuff because you stole my glasses.” Wonwoo argued affirmatively.
Vernon and you were shocked as you stared between the two quarrelling. How he had changed the story so drastically, you had no idea, but your were confirmative in your enthusiasm for it. As was Vernon who sat right opposite you.
Although Vernon and Wonwoo were juniors of yours, it didn’t seem that for a second that Wonwoo wanted it to be that way since he was starting to get out of line with his argument.
“Whatever it is, I am your senior,” Adora argued.
“Oh, so just because you’re my senior, you get special privileges of stealing my things?” Wonwoo asked.
“I did not steal them, I―”
You stuffed a spoonful of mashed potato into Adora’s mouth, causing Vernon to laugh. You smiled at him, glancing over at your best friend. “Eat. Or you’re going to be complaining about hungry you are all day and I don’t have time for that.”
Adora swallowed hard, her fists curled in her lap. You were her next target. If you didn’t notice right there, right then the absence of one of your textbooks on your concerning book pile, you would’ve been dead meat.
“Oh my God.” you gasped.
“What is it?” Wonwoo asked you.
You looked back at the three. “I totally forgot my Transfiguration textbook back at the classroom.”
Untangling yourself from the bench, you pursued into a run, not forgetting to turn a little to see your friends. “Take my stuff with you!”
And you were on a run; fleeting down the linear course of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables where a sea of yellow and blue punctured your eyes. Students moved out of your way once they saw you running for what appeared like your life and frankly it was. You had homework that involved the presence of that textbook.
Lucky for you, McGonagall’s classroom was on the ground floor of Hogwarts, allowing students like you easy access. You scooted through some more starving students, a few fellow Ravenclaws in your sprint prior to making it to the entrance of your destination.
Oh, you felt like you had seen the light of the day when the double doors met your eyes. A soft smile of relief sculpted your face as you pushed the door just enough for you to slide through.
“Do you think it’s funny that your grades are going down, Mr Yoon?”
Your eyes caught quite the killing scene―McGonagall stationed at the front of the classroom with Jeonghan right in front of her. She seemed as if she was ridding her heart and soul out to the boy about the importance of school and you couldn’t agree less.
Yes, scold him more.
You nearly forgot that you could be seen so you quickly slid to the back of the classroom where your textbook was waiting for you like a child waiting for their parent to pick them up from kindergarten. It was like all your sweat droplets slinked back into the pores of your skin…only for them to bleed out again.
“L/N? What are you doing here?”
You looked up at the authoritative women at the front of the classroom who shot daggers at you. You stood still for a second, before trying to explain why you were in the classroom.
“Sorry, Professor. I just left my textbook in here.” You waved up the textbook.
She nodded, letting you walk freely. “Alright. You can go, then. Now, you―”
“No, Professor. She’s here to find out why I’m in here, so later she can go talk behind my back about me.”
You stopped in your tracks and rolled back around. “What? What are you talking about?”
“Yes, what is this about, Yoon?” McGonagall asked, her eyebrow raising. If she didn’t believe it, it would only cause you luck because she was such an opinionated woman.
Jeonghan sniffled. If you believed that McGonagall was not going to fall for his lies, why were you literally shaking in your shoes? Maybe because of the known fact that Slytherins tended to have their way with things.
“She’s been doing it the last few weeks and I’ve been hearing the worst rumours about myself spread around. She keeps calling me a manwh―”
“L/N, what is this?” McGonagall interrupted.
Her eyes proved that she was in a state of anger as you stood there, a textbook in hand, deadpanned. You were staring right at Jeonghan, instead of looking at your teacher because there was a part of you that was still concocting the message. He really lied to get you in trouble and for what?
“Professor, I swear to you, he’s lying! Why would I call him such a word? I don’t even know him!”
“Of course the professor will believe you.” Jeonghan looked away, enticing an effect of devastation. “Just because I’m a male and a Slytherin for that matter, I’m expected to take these words and be okay with it. But there’s always a line, Y/N. You should understand that―”
“That’s right, L/N.” McGonagall interrupted with a firm nod.
Resentment gradually rose in you as the doe eyes of Jeonghan floated to the teacher. “I feel like it’s only fair for her to serve detention too. That way she can learn from her mistakes.”
McGonagall nodded at the liar. “I think that is fair too. Furthermore, what is even more fair is that the two of you should serve detention together and sort out this issue.”
“What?” Jeonghan and you spoke out.
Your muscles felt stiff and rigid, your throat had gone dry. There was no way that you were hauled into a lie and detention with him. This was all beginning to be a little too much for you to take in.
“I said what I said, Yoon. Apologies, but I feel like this is a situation that the two of you need to make up together or come on okay terms. I hear that you are seated together for Defence Against the Dark Arts, it will be less awkward if you talk things out.” she explained carefully, looking between the two of you.
And it was like she knew everything that was going on. You were placed in a web of lies like prey for the spider. The spider being Jeonghan. You were daunting it with all your soul already, how would you be when you actually work with him?
“No, no, I don’t think―”
“That’s the final decision. Trophy Room, Wednesday night, at nine o’clock.” McGonagall stood up and swept her books into her arms magically. She was full of authorisation as she stepped down the steps from her desk before sweeping past Jeonghan. When she walked past you, she gave you a stern glare, her square glasses glimmering under the lights.
“I don’t want to hear such things coming again. You are a well-behaved student but you also need to be well-behaved when it comes to other students. Do you understand?”
As much as you wanted to tell her it was a lie, you nodded. She had too much power and was aware of it. McGonagall left the room, closing the door behind her.
Now that it was the two of you alone, you looked up at the blonde boy. He was looking at you already.
“Why the hell did you think that was okay, Jeonghan? I do not want to waste time doing detention with you and you―”
“How was I supposed to know that hag was going to give the two of us detention?” Jeonghan asked.
“She is the head of Gryffindor house. You should know that and above all, you lied about me. You don’t even know how much I wanna hex you right now.” you said, speaking in small breaths. You knew the rage hadn’t fully settled in yet.
Jeonghan didn’t seem bothered, he acted with the thought that the whole thing wasn’t his fault.
Why was he so arrogant for? Couldn’t he just be accepting of his faults? Slytherins like Jeonghan make you think that there will never be a good Slytherin again. They were all deducted of the need to tell the truth.
“Oh, shut up,” he muttered. Jeonghan walked past you, eyes seething from the looks of it. You couldn’t bring yourself to be afraid of him anymore. His cold presence meant nothing. In that moment, you just wanted to grab him by his luscious blonde hair and tug at it until it all ripped out.
Jeonghan left the classroom, leaving you in the emptiness of it. Placing the textbook on the table, a revelation opened up―you remembered something.
“Oh my God,” you muttered out of frustration.
You had a test on Thursday.
How the hell were you going to spend the night before revising when you had detention?
You hit your head with the textbook.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“What if I just don’t show up?” you asked Adora, looking at her pitifully.
It was already Wednesday, twenty to eight and here you were, walking with your group of friends and boyfriend, dreading to see him. The last two nights ended up being full of revision because you couldn’t fully set it out over three days. Thanks to Jeonghan and his lying. You hadn’t wanted to beat someone up so badly.
He made it a point that he didn’t like you and he used that to make your life miserable. For what? Because you sat next to him in a class. You had no control over that, what were you supposed to do?
“It’s just one detention and you already know everything, babe.” Mingyu said, slinging his arm around your shoulder so casually. Even his pretty face hadn’t managed to make you comforted. “I tested you, remember?”
“Exactly.” Adora nodded, putting her hand on your head to reassure you. None of it was working.
You were scared that this one night gone would make a sacrifice.
“You’re a Ravenclaw, Y/N.” Mingyu told you. The other two juniors of yours entailed behind the two of you, quiet for their own good. You looked back at them, pitiful of yourself.
“You guys aren’t going to say anything to make me feel better?”
Wonwoo and Vernon exchanged a glance worriedly because they were put on the spot.
“Well, you’re our senior. So we don’t know what exactly to say.” Wonwoo said for the two of them as Vernon nodded along with his friend’s words. It must’ve been the fact that Mingyu was here.
Because behind closed doors, these two were the most fun you’ve known of in your life. Since Mingyu was in their year level and popular at that, it must’ve caused a margin of how much they talked. You understood that and smiled at them, despite the distasteful situation you had brought yourself into.
“Ah, babe.” Mingyu perked his head up at you, his eyes widened a little as if he remembered something.
“I-I have to be somewhere right now,” he told you urgently.
You furrowed your eyebrows wondering what it was and why he would remember it now? Like he could’ve said something about it earlier?
“Well, what is it?” you asked him.
“Um, you wouldn’t really get it now. But I’ll explain it tomorrow, okay? Good luck on your detention and test.” Mingyu quickly pecked your check, much to your distaste as you had previously mentioned your dislike towards public affection. Then, he turned around and dashed through your juniors without an apology.
You watched as the boy ran as if his life was on the line and for a second you pondered the idea if it was, then, you turned right back around, finding yourself dipped in worry and frustration once again.
“We’ve arrived,” Adora told you with a fatal sigh leaving your lips. How much you wished McGonagall would appear in front of you like a fairy and tell you that you were in luck, but there was no fairy McGonagall as you drove the doors of the Trophy Room wide open.
The dramatics of the door opening prolonged a silence that was without warning. You walked in first, the footsteps behind you reassuringly following.
He was already there.
A similar feeling of dread once again swamped inside you.
“Oh, look. You brought your stupid Ravenclaw friends with you.” Jeonghan commented, a glare that felt like it was stained on his face like turmeric to a countertop.
“You should be the last person calling them stupid.” You remarked back.
The room was silent for a second and you felt Adora’s hand on your shoulder, signalling you that your remark was a bit unexpected. You didn’t care. Watching Jeonghan’s face fall was somewhat pleasing to the eyes.
“Are you talking back to me?” Jeonghan asked.
“Yeah, I am. Because frankly, I’m starting to get sick of your rich boy attitude.”
Jeonghan didn’t say anything about it and it convinced you that you got him good. The rest of the room was quiet so you looked back at your group of friends.
“You guys can leave. I don’t want you to view this torture any longer.” You told them.
The two boys stood there for a second before Adora pushed them out. Door slamming behind them, it left only you and Jeonghan in the room and it was not the ideal environment to let two people that were on the verge of killing one another together.
Grabbing your wand out, you start to wave things out. You didn’t want to be here, neither did you want to put in the effort of cleaning up the room. The last time you checked you didn’t lie so you’re not doing the detention.
Jeonghan didn’t give you another look as he whipped out his own wand to get stuff done. The two of you were quiet with each other and there was this fine border, you saw it from the way things were going, that screamed that if someone were to talk right that second, it would break out something. Like a zit popping, an explosion that destroyed the world.
The two of you knew this deep inside and were basically playing tug-of-war in your minds, waiting for someone to say something. It was just that adrenalin rushing that made you all frustrated all over again.
“Detention with you out of all people…” Jeonghan muttered under his breath.
Your eyes darted up instantly, feeling the knot keeping the rope of sanity together break.
“You shouldn’t be complaining. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be here together. I hope you regret this for the rest of your life, Jeonghan. I have a test tomorrow and now thanks to you, I can’t revise for it.” you complained, lashing out a trophy from the cabinet. It flew in the air and into your hands for the cleaning spray and a wipe down to retrieve another layer of glossiness.
Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows at you. It seemed that no one really stood up to him, so he didn’t know what to say. Though he did know that his standards and expectations were being abolished by your comebacks.
As they should be.
“You shouldn’t be talking back to me.”
He had another one coming because your mouth opened and spat facts.
“Aw, that’s literally how communication works.” you pouted, before deadpanning at it. You flew the silver trophy right back into the cabinet and got the one adjacent to it. “I think you’re the stupid one, Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan’s grip on his trophy tightened and although it was fairly dark in the room, you were capable of seeing his veins tense. Sort of like Mingyu before a game.
“Oh, you should really shut that mouth. It’s not going to do you justice.”
You didn’t care. It showed too.
“Aw, really? How? Because I really love seeing you look so mad and do absolutely nothing about it.” You teased.
Jeonghan almost shoved the golden trophy into the cabinet. It urged no new reaction from you as you were determined to defend yourself well.
“I’ll do something for real, you dumb Ravenclaw. Don’t test me.”
“Come do it, then. Don’t tell me.” you smirked proudly.
It seemed like you snapped Jeonghan’s rope of sanity because the next thing you knew, he was walking towards you.
It was then you felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped over your head―you were enlightened as to why no one messes with him.
It’s not that he’s not use to it, it’s that he doesn’t want to make the effort to go fix the situation. This is shown through his unbothered behaviour and his lazy actions. Yoon Jeonghan was feral on the inside.
But now, you weren’t sure 'feral’ was the only way to describe it. He had his wand out and everything, you were sure he was going to murder you then.
You looked around for a possible defence for yourself. There was absolutely nothing in the stone-cold room that could pitch as a defence tool rather than your own wand.
It wasn’t until Jeonghan had reached a foot to you did you let out a loud gasp. A little away from you was a metal bucket that held all the cleaning supplies that you and Jeonghan were to use the night. It was empty when Jeonghan tripped over the bucket.
Gratitude to the fact that you were only what seemed a feet away, the only falling position had was on top of you. Though you were a Ravenclaw, it was a given you were too late in moving out of the way. Jeonghan’s body clashed against yours, causing the two of you to topple over to the stone-cold floor in a disordered pile.
The menacing Slytherin had his chest right at yours, the tension circulating one that could come off contradictory from your dispute. Your heart was shaking, beating profound in your ears as you took a glance at those ravishing doe eyes, hardly inches from you.
Light from behind had shadowed his face but you knew all too well that the look on his face could only mean that…he didn’t mean for this to happen.
However, before you could even get a word out of the, well, knotted situation, the door of the trophy room opened. You were not only weighed down by Jeonghan but also, fear.
“What in the world is going on in here?!” came the stern voice of McGonagall.
It looked wrong, you admitted it, but you required to explain yourself first. Sweet Minerva didn’t delight you with a chance.
“When I said to sort things out, I did not mean this. You children are a menace to society! Up to your feet―now!”
The two of you paused. Partly because Jeonghan was still on top of you, half his body on top while his hands held his weight up and entrapped you in between him. You felt heat rush to your face.
“Up!” the Gryffindor called.
With a glare that spoke ‘it’s all your fault’, Jeonghan got to his feet, and you clambered to yours too, a pain stretching across your shoulder blade from the knockdown.
“Another detention, both of you,” she said. “You have five more minutes in here and then you can leave.”
The way the teacher had expressed herself proved that she didn’t want to hear excuses drawing from either of you.
You pressed your lips in a firm hold and nodded at the teacher. Your head was down so you couldn’t see what your fellow classmate did, so you could only imagine that he did something that was sufficient for the teacher to leave you guys in the room.
Jeonghan shifted to the back of the room where he continued with the trophies, being somewhat louder, showing his have for the detention.
You could say the same with a bit more embarrassment.
The next five minutes were the most awkward five minutes of your life.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Fire was darting through your lips by the next afternoon, insulting everything and everyone who was in the way under your breath. You were lucky to not have DADA yet. You didn’t have it until after lunch and during lunch, you were complaining to your friends, every word dropping with no hesitation or respect for the place you were in.
“Like how do I deserve detention in the first place?” you argued.
“Wow, this is my first time seeing you bitch about a teacher,” Adora commented.
And she was quite right about that. You didn’t complain about any teacher until McGonagall’s string of stupid accusations yesterday. She didn’t give you a chance to explain, instead, she put you in another detention with him. How could you not be frustrated?
“Yeah, because it doesn’t make sense. If it was a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff teacher, they would’ve asked what happened,” you answered, the fragility gone in your voice. You proposed the subject of Minerva McGonagall with such aggression.
The bell rang, signalling your mood to get more unsatisfactory. DADA―your favourite.
You stood up, the burden coming again. You smiled sarcastically at your friends, your boyfriend not present. It was like he disappeared overnight, you haven’t seen him all day. Neither did you care very much, you had a lot on your plate at the moment and to check his whereabouts was not the top of your priority list.
“My favourite class.” you sighed.
“Just show him you’re not going to back down like everyone else in his way and he’ll treat you like an equal.” quiet Vernon spoke.
Your glance shifted to him―everyone’s glance shifted to him. He moved uncomfortably in his seat.
“Whoa, since when did you speak like that?” Wonwoo asked in utter shock.
If you were in shock, how would Wonwoo, his friend for a long time, be? You shook your head, clearing the air so that none of you would be late to your classes.
“Thanks, Vernon. I’ll do that.”
You grabbed your books from the small coffee table that was in the middle of the seance of armchairs and then shuffled out of the library with the rest of the students that were on their way to their fifth-period classes. It was an ill-fated, but a known fact that the three of them coincidentally had a vacant period and yours was after this DADA class.
He was already there when you had walked into class, on time, rather than early because of your grudge towards the Gryffindor head. You took your seat, not endorsing him.
It went on and you were sure that the air clouded between you and Jeonghan proclaimed to the whole class. Something about them whispering about the no recognition of the other showed. It was like you wanted it to show that you weren’t going to back down from his words because you were still mad at the test.
Oh, the test.
It didn’t go well at all. But at least you answered all the questions.
“Yo, my favourite Ravenclaw. Got a quill I could borrow? Kinda lost mine on the way here.”
The point that you knew Soonyoung was too dumb to read the mood made you glare at him more.
His eyes widened a little, accentuating his adorable features. “I-I mean―”
You cut him off with a sigh, clutching the spare peacock quill and delivering it to him. He muttered gratitude before leaving, pacing quick to his seat as you had anticipated. Since Soonyoung came, you sensed a simmer down In the atmosphere.
Jeonghan broke the tense silence.
“Have you said anything to your boyfriend yet?”
“What do you mean?” You didn’t face him, you were writing on the worksheet Lupin had given out earlier in the class. You noticed that Jeonghan’s was blank. He must’ve been going through some thinking time.
“Oh, you must’ve told him about how we Slytherins are…”
“No.” you replied. “What are you talking about?”
It had to be the way you said it because Jeonghan had straightened up. You finally looked at him, blonde hair shining under the light of the classroom to find out what he was trying to tell you.
Jeonghan appeared pissed.
You continued, Vernon’s voice stuck in your head like glue.
“You have too much Slytherin pride. Do you think I would actually go run my mouth about you to everyone? Sure, I’m concerned for him and that the irrelevancy of him going to pick a fight is prominent but at the same time, I wouldn’t go talk about you to him.”
He was quiet.
You’d never seen anything like it.
From what you viewed afar, Jeonghan was the type to fight back straight away but for once, he was silent, his lips loosely closed. He was examining your face.
It still made you doubt the lingering impression of whether someone hadn’t stood up to him or was he just observing?
“And as much as I hate sitting with you, I complain more about the situation than you.” you continued.
It was a lie.
Everything that left your lips was Jeonghan this, Jeonghan that.
“Sure you do, dumbass. Now give me the answers to this.” He motioned towards his blank worksheet. What was he doing?
You sighed, furrowing your eyebrows. “You’ve been copying every single one of my worksheets, Yoon Jeonghan. Why are you asking suddenly?”
It seemed that the air was clearing. It was much to your disappointment, but you couldn’t bring yourself to make it heavy again.
A giggle left him, one that felt a little too innocent to be Jeonghan. “You noticed?”
“Yeah, I did and not only that, Lupin let me know too that our worksheets are too vaguely similar.”
He smirked. “What’s the point of doing work when I already have a sweet Ravenclaw sitting next to me doing it for me?”
The word ’sweet’ coming from him stuck longer in your head than Vernon’s encouragement.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The last detention with your enemy consisted of cleaning the Charms classroom, the following week. It was evident that both you and Jeonghan just wanted to get it over and done with. And you did. Without blaming each other, without talking much.
It was like for once, things were on par with either of you and you treated each other as equals rather than wanting to rip the other’s hair out. Supposedly, you would assume that it was the class where he asked for your answers that kinda released some pressure between the two of you from the night in the Trophy Room.
McGonagall came in after everything was done and dusted to give the two of you a speech.
“I don’t want to hear any name-calling or anything else like that, you hear me?”
You didn’t suppress your eye roll. Instant regret flourished through you.
“Young lady, you did not just roll your eyes at me,” she said, fairly disturbed.
You didn’t say anything as you were meddled by Jeonghan’s laughing.
“Is this funny to you, Mr Yoon?”
“A little.”
She made an offended sound, placing her hands on her hips. Then, she shook her head. “Thank God, I don’t have the two of you anymore for detention. Off you go now.”
The two of you spun around and left the classroom, leaving the teacher in her own thoughts.
It made you wonder, what does the woman even think of besides the fact that she’s a Transfiguration teacher? Does anything that doesn’t match the solidness of a rock go through her head? It was something you were far too afraid to ask but eagerly wanted to know the answer to.
Among the silence outside the Charms classroom, you let out a heavy sigh.
Jeonghan snapped.
“Thank God, I don’t have to be doing two horrendous tasks at the same time. Cleaning is enough, but looking at your face and cleaning―”
“Why would you look at my face while cleaning?” you cleanly interrupted.
It went horribly cold.
Your eyes widened a little, realising what you said. You were tired, both of you were tired―in short, you didn’t need to say that.
“I’m going back to my dorms,” you muttered, heading down the hallway. You didn’t want to anticipate in the reaction. But before you did leave, words slipped out of your mouth that couldn’t help themselves. “Hope your bedbugs eat you alive.”
He didn’t hesitate.
“Hope both sides of your pillow are warm, love!”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The next class with Jeonghan proved to be rather interesting. Besides the fact that Soonyoung came over a couple of times to ask you questions about the work, which Lupin didn’t see as he had his own errands to run during class time. You didn’t fully understand what was going on in him, he was quite tired-looking.
Almost as if a Dementor had absorbed the life out of him.
Anyways, Soonyoung came to ask another question.
“What’s the answer?”
You leaned forward to the parchment, reading to where he was pointing.
What happens when a prisoner escapes from Azkaban and what is it?
You rolled your eyes. “We just went over it, but it’s the Dementor’s Kiss. So essentially, it’s when the Dementor sucks out a person’s soul and it’s used as a sentence for those who attempt to escape Azkaban…you got that?”
You turned to Jeonghan to see him scribbling it down.
"Yup,” he muttered.
The past two times that Soonyoung came over, the Slytherin found it easy to just copy what you said aloud to the simplest questions. He wasn’t surprised you caught him in the act of doing so either.
“Thanks, Y/N!” the Gryffindor exclaimed, closing his eyes and smiling. Then, he went back to his arranged seat across the room. You looked back at your work, all finished.
Jeonghan opened a conversation, appealing to your boredom. But it wasn’t quite the expected.
“You and your boyfriend don’t seem as close anymore.”
You looked at him, his blonde locks falling perfectly near his eyes. He was really, such a beauty. “What are you talking about?”
A part of you understands what he’s getting at but the other part tells you, why is it his business?
“I just don’t see you two hanging out often anymore.”
“This bothers you because…?”
“It doesn’t.” he replied, the quill in his hand falling flat to the parchment, prior to him continuing, “Just an observation. Like I’d give a care for your life.”
You smirked. “Mhm, you sound like you are, Jeonghan.”
“You think I would just hover around a middle-class Ravenclaw girl?”
You stopped.
The words bled an unexpected pain and you could see that his face twitched a little when you paused.
“You did not just call me a middle-class girl,” you said, standing up. Your hands pushed into the wooden table as your desk chair scraped back. It alerted some members of the classroom to look at you.
“I did.” he said calmly, face not wavering from it’s blankness
Alas, his predatory pride couldn’t help but come back again.
“Jeonghan, you do realise no one likes you because of how you speak to others?! Your friends only want to be with you because of your wealth, okay? It spoiled you into thinking you have real friends and that you can make fun of other people’s financial issues. It’s seriously not cool…you should really think about how fortunate you are instead of coming at people who are less fortunate!”
You didn’t know how the words spilled out, but you were glad they did. Who had given him this much confidence? Why didn’t anyone put him into place? Jeonghan needed to understand that not everyone may have gone through the same treatment as him.
He was advantageous and as much as he did call you a middle-class girl, he didn’t have any authority of making himself look like the bigger person because of his financial issue.
Murmurs broke out subsequent to your outburst.
“Y/N, detention,” Lupin said.
“W-What?!” You yelled, your frustration yet to back down. How many teachers were just giving detention without knowing anything about the situation? It was seriously getting out of hand. “I didn’t do anything, sir. He was the one that―”
“How can you raise your voice in a quiet working environment? Do you see anyone else making noise?”
Unbelievable. There was no way people were ganging up on you, now were they?
You sat back down to your seat, Jeonghan letting out a chuckle at your misfortune. It wasn’t funny, neither was it anything close to fair.
Devising a plan in your head, it was all set to go once the bell rang. You waited. Waited until all the students left the classroom before you made your way to the front where the teacher sat. You needed to give this one a lecture, the teachers at this school were starting to get on your nerves one by one.
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked as if everything was okay and he did not just give you a detention for standing up for yourself.
“Why would you give me detention? I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Lupin laughed.
You felt humiliated at that point. It wasn’t suggested to be funny. Were you that much of a laughing stock for the world? Jeonghan, Lupin, who else?
“I know, I know. I was just playing with the two of you―it was a joke.”
You crossed your arms together, the racing heart unable to move to its original speed. “Sir, It’s not funny. I’ve already ended up with two detentions because of that boy. You’ve already put me next to him and that itself is torture, let’s just leave it at that.”
Lupin opened his mouth to speak, maybe to comfort you but you weren’t into it. Your mood was just ruined for the day. There was literally no one that could make you feel better.
You dismissed yourself from the empty classroom, a cloud parading over your head when you bumped into someone.
Seriously? Who else was going to try messing with you today?
There he was. Your boyfriend.
Actually in person to see you.
"You came at the right time. I’ve just had the worst day ever.”
“Really? Oh, I’m so sorry, babe. You’re lucky though! I came here wondering, do you wanna go on a date today?”
That in itself had made the clouds go away and a smile came onto your face. Finally, someone could make your day better than ruin it all.
“Yeah, I would really like that.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The Three Broomsticks was a common place for couples of Hogwarts to go. You discerned it whenever you would be talking to your friends that had a significant other. You would guess it was because of the mature feelings that would surround the restaurant from the decorations to the people that attended it.
You couldn’t catch first to third years there much. So when you and Mingyu went in there thanks to your more senior rights of visiting Hogsmeade late at night, you guys were feeling comfortable in the atmosphere.
“Well, look who it is, my favourite couple,” Rosemerta said, with a smile that was so big and beautiful you wouldn’t miss it for the world. She was always so optimistic, it was wondered by many how it was humanly possible. The owner pulled out her notepad and pen, “What can I get for you today?”
You glanced at Mingyu and then ordered what you wanted. He ordered his food too and the woman went away, complimenting the two of you once again.
A conversation was then taken away by Mingyu. It’s been a while since you were able to talk to the other. But that didn’t stop chaos from happening.
Mingyu’s eyes shifted to the left when he had stopped abruptly in his words.
“Uh-oh,” Mingyu whispered.
“What?” you asked, deeply hoping it wasn’t another excuse for him to leave again.
Instantly you felt the hope turn into an unquestionable rage that could rake this whole restaurant into chaos. Yoon Jeonghan and his delinquent friends were sat a table away from the two of you.
If it wasn’t for the people sitting at the table in between yours and Jeonghan’s party, you would’ve said something about it and caused chaos anyways.
What he said last time had wound buried inside you and articulated some sort of extreme hatred for him. To the point where you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore neither could you bring yourself to want to see him ever.
It was damaging that you were stuck sitting next to him.
Time went on on your date and you did your best to ignore Jeonghan and his friends that were laughing often. It was a restaurant, had they no respect?
Soon, the people that were seated in between the two of you left and that was enough for you and Jeonghan to turn around and lock eyes immediately.
You wish you could tell him that your boyfriend did actually care for you and was close to you but due to what he said earlier, you didn’t think that would be likely of happening.
“I really don’t want them to be here,” you told the honey-badger as you looked back at him.
He nodded, understandingly as the Slytherins roared with laughter again.
“I get it. Jun keeps looking at me. It’s a little uncomfortable.” Mingyu admitted.
A little silence flew by and you opened your mouth to suggest to leave when suddenly, a splat knocked you on your shoulder. You gasped and turned to your right to see a strawberry shortcake splat right on you. Your eyes directed upwards to meet with the Slytherin boys who were laughing again.
Jeonghan was too.
“Yoon Jeonghan!” you bellowed, knowing it had to be him. It seemed as if a rope broke because of him―the only thing keeping you sane in the restaurant and he had to go ahead and destroy that. “You better come here and clean this up!”
Mingyu seized a napkin from the stack on the table, leaning over your empty plates to reach your top but you put a hand up at him, still looking at Jeonghan. He sought to avoid eye contact, but even that didn’t allow his friends from letting it go. They were thorough in teasing him, something that you pronounced of his deserving.
“Yah!” he told them, striving not to break into another stream of laughter. “You can bet on my father’s black card that I’m not going there to clean up a prissy little middle-class girl.”
The way those words rolled off his tongue felt a little too natural for your liking. The Slytherins laughed again and Jun smacked his friend on the back. “Go! You’re the one who did it! Look at how mad she is!”
“Y/N, don’t do anything you’re going to regret.” Mingyu warned you patiently. He had fear screwed in both his eyes and you found that rather annoying, seeing that he was the one that willingly went to pick a fight with them.
You had about enough of everyone right that second, that you whipped around to look at Mingyu. “Oh, shut the hell up, Mingyu. You can’t say shit when you lost the fight anyways!”
Jeonghan’s table heard.
You knew when they all went silent.
You squeezed your eyes shut when you heard them all laugh again at what you said. It was an impressed and shocked roar of laughter and agreement that went past all of them and you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Mingyu. You did not just embarrass him in front of all those Slytherins, did you?
“No, that’s not what I meant!” you tried, but failed, shaking your head. “Yoon Jeonghan, come clean this up.”
“Yeah, Jeonghan.”
“Go clean it up, Jeonghan.”
“You’re the one who made the mess.”
His friends chirped him, aggravating him. But what was surprising was the random push Junhui gave him, urging him to go towards your table. Now that he was already up, he was left with no choice. Jeonghan walked towards you, surrendering.
Turning back to your seat, you waited for him to clean up his mess.
“Oohhhh~” his friends continued. They were contributing too much to this and in front of your boyfriend. You felt bad enough just looking at his face. The tips of his ears turned red and you were divulged into knowing the pain he must be experiencing because of these green-robed students.
Jeonghan’s napkins became an endless pile of cream as he wiped them off your bare shoulder. You kinda froze, letting him do his work in shame. His friends were too loud for your liking.
His fingers scraped past your bare shoulder, cool and relaxed as they touched by the off-shoulder material you were wearing. Jeonghan laughed again at something his friend from the other table.
“Shut up, Junhui!”
“Done…you act like too much of a princess for someone who wears something this cheap.” he commented. His finger casually glided into the sleeve of the material that started at your forearm and he playfully pulled it back.
A knot appeared In your stomach.
Mingyu was watching too. You looked up at Jeonghan, wanting to telepathically choke him to death.
“Go away, Jeonghan.”
He let it go, the elastic strap coolly hitting your skin again.
“Whatever you say, princess.” And he walked away to his seat.
You wanted to get up and get back at him but Mingyu reached for you over the table, in attempts of calming you down. You regretted dissing him earlier, so you took it as a way to repay him―by calming down.
“Let’s just go,” Mingyu instructed.
You nodded.
Thanks to Jeonghan, what was expected to be a perfect date became completely imperfect. In all honesty, you desired to spend as much time with Mingyu as possible, fill the long night with pleasant memories because you don’t get to see each other a lot during the week. The one time you wanted to live in a little bubble with just the two of you for a few hours was the time Jeonghan came to deflate it.
Mingyu and you weren’t quick to give up though―the two of you paid Rosemerta and walked, seeing snow fall in blankets over the ground. It was probably past eight-thirty and the coldness of the winter hugged the two of you together.
You reached for Mingyu’s arm, coincidentally, he put on his jacket. Pursing your lips together, you acted as if it never happened and decided to venture down the lone lanes of Hogsmeade.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked.
“I wanna walk around…there’s nothing much to do this late anyways,” you answered with a sigh that breathed out white smoke. Though you weren’t able to see that due to the darkness.
Mingyu and you walked along the snowy path, talking about random things as time flew. Because of the dark, you couldn’t see where you were going and soon you ended up down a small hill with a wired fence that felt a little too familiar to your liking.
“Holy, are we―”
“The Shrieking Shack.” you interrupted, seeing the other side of the fence.
It was far into the distance, yet noticeable. You didn’t mind it much, turning around to incline against the tall fence. The path back to Hogsmeade was next to you but for now, you needed to enjoy the time you had with Mingyu. Your eyes found his and you smiled, feeling the comfort that normally drew from him. Although, this time, it felt less.
You blamed it on the distance and how you couldn’t see him in the dark, but there was something about looking at his face that didn’t bring you the same satisfaction as it used to. Why? You asked yourself.
Was it a once in a while thing?
You furrowed your eyebrows as he looked over at you, hands stuffed in his pockets instead of holding you like the night was meant for. Why were you so far apart?
“Is it hard with Jeonghan?” Mingyu questioned you.
“Not just hard, I just feel so much worse when I’m with him. He’s always doing something to make the mood worse.” you said with an annoyed sigh. You did not want to be talking about him now.
All you wanted was for Mingyu to hold you, kiss you but he was just standing there and asking questions. You didn’t know how to tell him how awkward this was making it between the two of you.
“Can’t you ask the teacher to move seats?”
“I did, but he refused. Mingyu, I―”
Mingyu and you both jumped, profanities leaving your lips in an instant. The hairs on your skin raised far quicker than it did when you stepped outside to come to Hogsmeade. Right on the other side of you appeared Vernon and someone else you failed to recognise. A drop of a cloak gave the answer away as to what they were doing.
“Who are you?!”
“Mingyu, calm down. It’s just Vernon,” you said, laughing. “What are you doing here? Who’s this?”
“Ah, I was bored so me and Chan decided to sneak out. But you know how fifth years aren’t supposed to go into Hogsmeade unless they’re with a senior, so we sneaked out.”
“Chan?” Your eyesight moved to the boy standing next to him and your mouth simply dropped to the ground. “The Chosen One, Lee Chan?”
“That would be me.”
“I never expected for this day to come.” you sighed, feeling your heartbeat quicken. Admittedly, it’s the quickest your heart had beaten this whole date because of Mingyu’s distance. Mingyu was also shocked as he took in the sight of the shorter boy as if succumbed in the shock.
You had another question coming for Vernon. “How about Adora? She could’ve taken you, Chan and Wonwoo.”
Vernon sighed and he rolled his eyes. “You’re not going to believe this but they were too busy studying together.”
You tilted your head in confusion.
“Wonwoo and Adora…”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Every single second accumulated by the next DADA lesson made you want to hit your head on the nearest wall. The tension, Lupin talking, his fingers tapping on the table made you a ball of frustration, to say the least. You wished for it to go away.
But alas, you were stuck there, sweat sticking to your forehead in a thick layer and your legs jiggling under the table. Why was the class taking forever? Why was one simple hour taking so long to complete itself?
"―and I hope that all of you are writing this down as I speak to you?” Lupin asked, suggestively hinting that notes should be taken in the lesson. You were stress-scribbling everything he was saying, if not, repeating some of the words.
You hadn’t seen such rubbish on parchment in your life, it hurt your eyes from just looking.
“Except, Mr Yoon, of course. What makes you exceptionally different that you don’t have to be taking notes?” Lupin asked, his tone laced with sarcasm.
“I didn’t bring a quill,” Jeonghan answered.
Your eyes burned at the spare quill on top of your pile of books―the same one that Soonyoung had asked to borrow a week ago, it seems.
“Unprepared?…there’s not much we can do about it, can we?” Lupin said, strolling back and forth in a little circle. The whole class had tuned their attention towards Jeonghan, except you. You were attented to the teacher.
“Except we could ask our deskmate if we could borrow their pen.”
Your heart plunged into your stomach. It felt like the world had crumpled into you and you were the last person standing right that moment. A fake, but a tense smile passed across the features as you met a couple of glances from your classmates. They were amazed at how rough yet smartly Lupin played his cards.
The influential desire you and you would assume, Jeonghan had to play those cards right back were a slim chance, nearly none. You picked at the skin on your palm under the table, telling yourself not to fidget at the moment but it didn’t do you any justice that you were put in the spotlight.
“Fine.” Jeonghan replied to the annoying teacher, “Y/N, can I borrow your quill?”
Jeonghan took o polite voice, one that was fake as your smile previously.
“Sure, Jeonghan.” you awkwardly answered, looking at the boy daringly.
But it was that moment where you should’ve known that what hit you were a feeling quite different from what you would feel when you looked at someone you hated.
It was amazement that flooded your body for a second, taking every space inside you as you found yourself staring at his eyes. They looked the same, but you never really noticed how pretty they looked.
What the hell is going on?
Like the whole of your body went into dysfunction, you couldn’t find yourself breaking eye contact. He kept it going too. Suddenly, it didn’t matter that your class was still looking into the drama, anticipating for Jeonghan to pick up the quill from his mortal enemy’s book pile. But they would be rather startled to find that they were staring at each other, or at least you were.
You couldn’t help it. The doe-sleepy look, plus, the eye bags that stood out made you stare. It had to be the newly added eye bags that still burned with the same ember of fiery hate that made you pause that second extra.
Jeonghan’s hand roughly scrolled to the top of your book pile and picked up the peacock quill. Just as quick as it happened, it felt painfully slow. It was like time stopped for a second even. How dare he touch your quill? You saved up for it to look pretty on the pile of books you take to lessons and he just roughly grabbed you.
Wait until you roughly grab his throat.
The regret still stuck to you like super glue. You banged your head on your textbook when people left the classroom, appearing dazed at the thought of his eyes.
“What is wrong with me?” you groaned, grabbing at your scalp for some sort of moral support but none arrived. You collapsed back onto the book pile once again, left in a confusing dark.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
When you came to the library, you expected some quiet and peace but that was far from what you got instead. You got loudness that even Pince wasn’t able to pipe down and that proved to be deteriorating to your study time. You kept at it though, moving down the worksheet from Charms at a God-level speed. Your quill moved with fluidity, a smile on your face at every satisfying answer that came, until, of course, you were interrupted.
You looked up, taken aback slightly. Then, you search around and to your luck, the library was quite full and there was no other space except at your little table that had space for four.
“Are you Ravenclaws always hogging this space?” Junhui asked as he drew back the chair opposite you.
Still slightly in shock, you managed to pull in a few words, smartly. “You are stating the obvious. This is our natural habitat.”
Jun rolled his eyes, taking out the same worksheet as you from his Charms textbook. You didn’t find him to be the type to do his homework, he and Jeonghan skip classes at times.
You don’t mind him either, understanding the importance. You did your homework, proud that you were getting your stuff done today. You might go pay a visit to Mingyu if you had time to spare. So for the time being, you would just complete your homework and then―
“Do you have a crush on Jeonghan?”
The quill on your worksheet stopped writing ink bleeding through the parchment as you glanced up at the Slytherin in pure disgust. “I have a boyfriend.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
I don’t?
Why were you thinking this over?
“No, I don’t like Jeonghan. Why would I like Jeonghan out of everyone that exists?” The way Jun was asking you this―there had to be a reason. Had it been the time you were constrained to spend with his best friend or how you communicated with no chill? You were confused, yet sort of understood where he was coming from.
“You suit him, that’s all.” Jun shrugged.
You laughed. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, I’m serious.”
You shook your head and placed your quill down, demanding to know where he was coming from. “Why are you saying this all of a sudden?”
Jun sighed. “I don’t really seem the type to care about people―”
“You don’t.” you agreed.
He squinted his eyes sarcastically at you and continued with what he was saying, his finger swiping across one of your many books set on the table. “We grew up together, I know what’s best for him and I think rather than having a girl that wants his money, he should have someone smart and to keep him grounded.”
To say you were shocked that Junhui would be saying this was the least―you were mortified. The brunette didn’t give any type of sentiment as long as you’ve been in his residence. It was rather aggression that Jun designated towards others and now you felt sort of enlightened and shocked you were perceiving this side of him. Although, you felt the uncomfortable aspect of it too. You didn’t expect him to pour out his feelings like that.
“What are you telling me to do? Break up with my boyfriend?” you said, trying to make a joke out of it.
He was serious though. The boy didn’t falter from his point of view. He shrugged.
“Look, I―” you began, but was intervened by him.
Junhui locked eyes with you and you felt the seriousness coming from those half-closed eyes. “It might be because we’re in completely different houses. But if a Slytherin were to choose which house they would want to be acquainted with, it’s most definitely Ravenclaw…it’s just my opinion.”
You nodded, looking back at your work, trailing over the many answers. You were reminded about how Jeonghan would copy your homework last minute nearly every lesson and you wouldn’t have a choice but to let him because you didn’t want a fight to start in class.
“I respect your opinion and I really wish I could help you right now but I think you understand the situation yourself.” you smiled. And instead of making a joke out of it, you tried to comfort Junhui out of it.
They were really close to each other. Talk about bro-code.
“Jun? What are you doing here with her?” All your tension was back. This is why the two of you shouldn’t be together.
“Shut up, Jeonghan.” you told him, looking over at him. He was standing behind Jun’s chair as Jun stayed quiet, not responding to your fights. He’s never been that way between you and Jeonghan and you realised at that moment, this was the reason. He wanted the two of you to be together.
If he was going as far as desiring another girl for his best friend who was from another house, it genuinely showed how much he cared for Jeonghan. It reminded you of you and Adora―how you would do anything for each other.
It kind of comforted you knowing they were close like that.
“Say, you’ve gotten a little too much these days for a Ravenclaw,” he commented harshly. You noticed no use of the 'middle-class girl’.
You rolled your eyes. “You’ve gotten too prideful of yourself if you think I’m just going to let you be rude to me.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
DADA was starting to become boring.
Lupin didn’t give any extensions for the inquisitive Ravenclaws, explaining that you didn’t need it. You tried to look for more extensions but truth be told, you’ve done everything possible for the topic. So by the next lesson, you were just sitting there with nothing to do.
Reading random things in your textbook didn’t dare give the same fulfilment as doing actual work on the things you reviewed.
“Hey, give me the answer to this question.”
Looking over a little above your book, you whispered harshly: “The answer is B. Stop asking me.”
“It doesn’t matter how many times I ask, your smartass always answers.” he chuckled quietly. You rolled your eyes and paid attention to your book, wanting to doubt the false accusations but they weren’t false accusations if you thought about it yourself. You gave him the answer regardless.
“You’re late, Junhui!” Lupin called, the boy entering the classroom.
Nothing new, you noted.
“I was held back by Professor Snape.” Jun excused, his footsteps echoing the quiet classroom.
He’s always held back by Snape. You were starting to think it was a little lie he would implore whenever he came to class late. But who would know? Snape always defended the Slytherins.
You felt a small shift from your side, you looked over. Junhui had sneaked over when Lupin returned his shift to his papers on his desk. Jun bent down beside Jeonghan’s table, locking eyes with you for a second, before going by his best friend’s ear and muttering something. You didn’t trouble yourself trying to listen, flicking through the pages of your book for something you haven’t read yet.
However, the definite: “What?” coming from Jeonghan reached you.
You minded your own business, grasping the boy would make a fuss if you didn’t. But the whispering became more jarring.
“I’m sorry.” you heard Junhui. Did they mess something up? Your mind wandered anyways.
“Just…go back to your seat,” Jeonghan instructed his best friend.
The next few moments were sat in silence. You couldn’t help but think something had gone wrong because the silence between the two of you was so awkward, unlike how it would be most of the time. It made you realise your talking terms with the Slytherin. If it wasn’t something serious Jun had said to him, he would be back to bother you for answers but Jeonghan hadn’t touched his quill.
“I’m redoing the roll since some of you came late to class. Soonyoung?”
“Junhui? Just arrived…Shawn? No…? Jeonghan?”
He didn’t answer.
“Jeonghan? I swear I saw him today―”
With no substitute, you nudged Jeonghan with your elbow without looking at him.
“Oh, here,” he said, passively. Something was wrong for sure.
The roll finished soon and Lupin was back at his table, seemingly marking tests as the students did their work. But Jeonghan hadn’t touched his quill. You were concerned and it worried you too much to concentrate on your reading.
Finally, you put a hand on his arm. “Hey…you good?”
Jeonghan shoved your hand away firmly. Your eyes widened at the reaction and you hesitantly looked over. You had to arrest the gasp coming halfway up your throat to prevent a murder from happening within the walls of the DADA classroom.
There was no way you were witnessing this yourself.
Jeonghan had his head hanging low, but even then, you could see it yourself. The tears.
They were rolling down in heavy beads, almost not seen.
What were you supposed to do?
You already made it awkward by freezing upon their existence. It was literally like a slap in the face as your eyes enlarged. Another side of you softened.
Jun must’ve told him something that happened at home. How? You didn’t know yet, but you felt as if it was critical that Jeonghan was okay.
“I got you, okay?” you said softly, routing out your wand and bringing over the tissue box at the front desk of the class. Then, with the brilliant wits of your Ravenclaw self, you pulled out a bunch of tissues and stuffed them with no hesitance on Jeonghan’s face. He shot you a glare from half his face and red eyes but you only nodded at him in reassurance. He took the tissues from your wand’s grip and tousled them onto his face like you instructed through the nod.
You put a hand on his shoulder and got up, shouting. “Professor! Jeonghan’s got a bloody nose!”
Lupin stood up quick to see the ‘pitiful’ boy beside you that supposedly had a bloody nose. “Go to the infirmary quickly! I don’t want any bloody kids in my class!”
You nodded and patted Jeonghan with the same hand and the other hand to motion him off his seat. Whispers broke out in the classroom, Lupin dismissing them. “Don’t fret. It’s just a bloody nose.”
“You were the one that was worrying, sir.” Soonyoung teased, tending at the teacher.
You pronounced yourself grateful as you crossed over Jeonghan’s chair and followed him to the exit of the classroom. You got to see Lupin’s face that was dying of hesitance as the class broke out into merriment. He hadn’t known how to respond to Soonyoung’s facts.
You rolled around just in time to see Jeonghan disappear through the doors and hurried to accompany him. Your smile disappeared as quick as it came. Outside the classroom, you found him walking ahead, soft sniffles emitting from the poor boy. Still having no inkling what happened, you dashed forwards to be by his side.
You knew you weren’t meant to be the person comforting him. In fact, you would be the last on his list. So, why this? You couldn’t help seeing him cry like that for some reason.
The sensitiveness that emptied the Slytherin was difficult to see.
You stayed withdrawn by his side, letting him morph himself into the bundle of tissues provided in his favour. Your hands crossed in front of you, fidgeting slightly to foresee how things will turn out.
“Why’d you take me out?” Jeonghan asked as you turned around the corners in the hallway.
“I was just worried. Didn’t want to ruin your rep or anything.”
Jeonghan lifted his face slightly from the tissues and looked over at you, seemingly scanning your face. And then, he was back at the tissues. “Like you would care about that.”
He stopped walking, taking a rest at a wall. His shoulder dug into the solidness as he peered down, refusing to look at you. You sighed, being patient with him. The solitary excuse he had was that he was crying, you were going to respect that this time. “Hey Jeonghan, news flash. Not everyone is like you, okay?
He didn’t say anything. Alternatively, he let the quietness coiled itself into the conversation. Jeonghan sniffled a little, his nose growing a rosy pink. Whatever it was that was going on, there was an intimation of curiosity running in your body to know what it was that made the great rich boy, cry.
It only took time for him to reveal it himself.
“…my dog just passed away…”
Once more, you were submerged into astonishment. Your lips parted to say your apologies and pay immediate respects but he cut you off, looking at you fiercely. Tears were at the brim of pouring again.
“And if you’re looking at me like I’m weak or something, don’t even because―”
“I’m not,” you answered. “How does Junhui know though?”
He let out a sigh, the force in his face releasing. Neither of you suspected to be here at such a depressing time but here you were.
“I didn’t open any letters from my family the last few days. So Junhui’s mum told him to tell me.”
You nodded inaudibly and then slinked down the walls. Jeonghan gazed at you weirdly. You just patted the spot next to you. He wasn’t going to have it if you were all generously comforting him, he wanted to be treated like an equal because to him, you were merely a scum. You recognised that Jeonghan didn’t want to be treated nicely by ‘scum’.
Jeonghan sat down beside you. You looked ahead at the other wall, fading in its colour of beige. The embers of torchlight shone amongst the cloudy hallway with its breaks of windows and walls. You felt like you could feel the heat from those torches, but it wasn’t exactly the case. It was rather the distance between you and Jeonghan that you were met with.
“Cry it out,” you told Jeonghan. “I’m not going to judge you.”
He stared at you, asking with his eyes if you were teasing him. You didn’t say anything, rather, you looked back at him with the same neutral look in your eyes. You were still unsure whether it was good to say something comforting or not.
Jeonghan turned around and buried his face in the tissues and the light sobs soon resonated. You tilted back upon the wall, waiting for him to finish. A hand soon found itself on his back, this time he did not restrict it.
You couldn’t believe he wasn’t restricting it.
“What was your dog’s name?”
“Charlie…my little sister named her,” he said and you found the smile on his face that shone like the sun after a huge storm.
You were warm. “How old was she?”
“She was going to be fourteen next week.”
You moved your hand from Jeonghan, scrunching your face at the sad news. “Ah, that must hurt then. I’m sorry…for your loss.”
“Is this your way of making fun of me?” Jeonghan questioned abruptly. It took a second to register in your mind―what he said.
You snapped at him. “No! Why would I use such a thing against you?!”
Jeonghan also turned to face you, calm even though you were going to scream at his accusations. “Just joking, chill.”
“I can’t believe you’re joking at a time like this.” you huffed. “Your dog literally died.”
You rolled your eyes away from his face that caught a delicate smile. A smile that represented that he was already getting over it. He chuckled again. “You know, you’re kinda cute when you’re all riled up.”
Bewilderment severed a cord inside you. You fastened your head at him the second time to see something else instead. A tall kid walking down the hallway.
“Y/N?” Mingyu asked before you could barely register his presence.
“Oh, this isn’t going to look good.” you whispered to Jeonghan, waving at Mingyu. He didn’t respond, it only meant that you were alone for this.
You got to your feet, Jeonghan followed you up. Realising then was a renowned mistake―what could you do? It was already too late to cover it up.
“Y/N, what are you doing here? Don’t you have―what’s he doing here?” Mingyu’s words were sharp, sudden from the Hufflepuff.
Since when did he act like this? He never addressed you like that? You had many questions during that moment, but it was challenging for you to get an answer when you didn’t want anything to start neither did you want allegations flying around. It was better for things to be left as they were, particularly when you and Jeonghan weren’t at each other’s throat for once.
“Are you skipping with him?“ Mingyu interrogated you.
You gasped. “What? No! Mingyu, stop. It’s not that big of a deal. We’re just in the same class.”
Mingyu wasn’t having it for some reason. The male treated you with such caution like you were a prized possession. But all of that was gone as soon as it came to Jeonghan. Mingyu was mad.
“Sure, just tell me to calm down. It makes everything better, doesn’t it? You would doubt it too if you were in my position. One minute you hate him and the next you guys are skipping class together.”
You were aghast by his behaviour. Out of everyone you knew, you didn’t expect Mingyu to interrogate you like that. It was out of line.
“Stop looking at her like that,” Jeonghan told him when he was borderline glaring at you.
“You. Don’t tell me what to do―”
“Mingyu, seriously. You’re getting out of hand. I literally can’t speak to him? He’s in my year level, we sit together, we have the same classes. How am I not supposed to communicate with him?”
“Whatever you say. Because for me it looks like a completely different story,” Mingyu said, shoving past the both of you. He didn’t want to talk to you and it hurt that he was the one that wasn’t willing to listen to you. “Have fun.”
Jeonghan and you stood there, watching the tall boy walk down the hallway in absolute shock. You never saw this day come. The most mellow boy that ever existed was the one telling you off.
“Aren’t you going to follow him?” Jeonghan asked.
“It’s not my job to. He should be trusting me.”
You guys baked in the quietness, your eyes scrutinizing Mingyu’s back. Jeonghan used the time to get rid of the stray tears on his face.
“All of this…don’t think I’m suddenly going to be nice to you or something.”
You weren’t in the very mindset to think about what and what not Jeonghan wasn’t going to do. So you replied simply to him. “I’m not.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Rushing was something you hated to do. It was proved so when a week later, you were rushing around the dorm with your best friend, the two of you, off timing for once in your school years. Your alarm rang late and because Adora was a deep sleeper, what you would do normally was get ready first and then wake her up so that she can get ready.
You were close like that. Though, this one time, your alarm hadn’t sounded and the others in your dorm began to get troubled and woke the two of you up.
“I’m so sorry!” you apologised, almost wanting to cry. What was worse was that the two of you had a test for Muggle Studies first period. It was unfortunate that your day had to start with sprints and worries.
The two of you were already worried about the test, it seemed that this poured more salt into the growing wound.
“If we get to the Hall now and grab something small, we’ll be five minutes early to class.” Adora dismissed, before waving at a non-existent fly. “Don’t be sorry, you goose! You didn’t do anything wrong!”
The guilt continued to sink into you as you ran through the nearly empty common room. Students must be finishing with their breakfasts and getting to their classes but you and Adora were only getting to the Hall. You second-guessed Adora’s estimate of getting to the Hall, but you did stay persistent in trying as you followed her out the door and down the hallway jammed with students getting to classes.
Lucky for them they were all extremely early for class.
It sucked that the Ravenclaw dorm was on the fifth floor too, it was unimaginable how many steps you had to take at this hour. Your hand flung to Adora’s shoulder when you felt that you were going to lose her in the crowd and she was assuring in the way she grabbed onto your arm and lurched your forward, winning profanities from the students that were bumped into.
“Stop running!” you heard a teacher yell.
It was far from getting you to stop on the staircase almost tripping and toppling you into the branches of auburn hair in front of you.
Until you were stuck.
A guy had bumped into you from behind as you were running, nearly knocking you off your balance, thanks to the jumpy feeling settling into you since the morning. You parted your lips to say something.
Adora, you and the guy snapped your head behind you, in time to see something startling. Jeonghan…and his group of friends walking through the crowd with luxury (they were practically giving them way) as he looked at the guy. You couldn’t believe this.
“Why’d you bump into her?” he questioned the guy.
It was hard to ignore the nudge from Adora. It was screaming with questions, you couldn’t face her.
The guy looked down to his feet and then bowed at you promptly. “I’m sorry, ma’am.” And he pushed past you to get down the remaining stairs. You were about to go as well when the Slytherins didn’t let you without another ounce of surprise that morning.
“Why are you rushing so much?”
You furrowed your eyebrows tensely. “We haven’t eaten anything and we have a test first period.”
“Ah, that’s all?”
What was up with him? You nodded. “Why are you asking so many—“
Jeonghan whipped out his wand and swished and flicked. You assumed you were getting a live demo from Flitwick from the elegance that departed Jeonghan’s wrist. His other Slytherin friends were questioning his behaviour.
“Why are you talking to Ravenclaws?”
You heard draw from one of their lips but Jeonghan ignored it. Subsequent to his elegance, his best friend’s bag lifted in the slightest and rattled, gaining attention. Out came two packets of pumpkin pasties.
"Hey! Jeonghan!” Jeonghan didn’t mind him as his other friends got a hold of the grabby Junhui. Jeonghan turned to you more seriously, his eyes not wavering with any source of pity of such.
“It’s not much but you best get early to your classroom.”
The pumpkin pasties floated over to you, Jun trying to grab at them but failing miserably. You believed your inside warmed up yet not having a single bite of the sweet pumpkin pasties. The shock had taken some time to indulge you. Instead, you were thankful for the gesture by Jeonghan. Until you held your pumpkin pasty in your hand.
Adora was dead silent, letting you talk. She wasn’t involved, you didn’t blame her.
However, you had a choice and it was limited. Accept it and be early to class, don’t accept it and eat at the Great Hall and be late to class or don’t accept it and starve during the test, ultimately, failing from zero concentration. You were choosing the best option.
You were still in surprise. Maybe this was just repayment for last week’s assistance of comfort.
“Jeonghan, I—“
“Just go do your test.” he sighed, placing his hands on his waist.
You nodded and sent him a small smile. He didn’t smile back, you weren’t expecting him to. He already saved you enough.
“Come on, Adora.” You gestured the evidently nervous Adora and hiked back up all the stairs. This time, the two of you weren’t rushing, rather walking upstairs, waiting for the perfect time to talk about it. It wasn’t until the two of you entered your empty classroom that were you allowed to speak freely without the sound of other students near.
“Mingyu doesn’t seem like a dick, but up close he is. Jeonghan seems like a dick, but up close he isn’t,” Adora concluded.
“How do you draw to that conclusion?”
“Unless you have another opinion, Ms L/N,” Adora smirked, finding a spot on top of the back row table. Her approach was insightful, you admitted and you didn’t affirm offence in how she described Mingyu the d-word. Jeonghan helping you out was really a blessing, you believed. You were able to make it to class twenty minutes earlier.
You grabbed your pumpkin pasty wrapper as well as your best friend’s and made your way to the front of the classroom.
“I don’t have anything to say,” you told her truthfully.
“Hey, it’s just like Junhui said. Maybe the two of you are meant for each other. If he can see it, I can too.”
“You guys are so not playing matchmaker right now.” you gasped, watching as the orange wrappers swirl before taking a dip into the empty garbage liner.
“We should be. Have you sorted your stuff out with Mingyu?” Adora asked you.
You walked back through the tangle of tables and sat on top of the table in front of Adora’s. She twirled around so she could see you and the disappointing look your face gave away. “No. It’s been like this for the past week. If I see him in the hallway, I don’t even wave.”
“Sounds like a red flag to me. Even the overall jealousy.”
You didn’t doubt her. She wasn’t wrong that it was a bad indication of how Mingyu got angry easily.
“What do you think I should do?”
The auburn-haired girl pursed her lips. “I don’t know. I strongly believe that you and Jeonghan are a much better match. After you told me what Jun said at the library, it’s been on my mind.”
“Why, though?” you asked softly.
It didn’t make sense—before this, you and Jeonghan wanted to blow each other up. There were people that think that you would actually look good together. You could understand Junhui’s belief in keeping his best friend grounded but how did Adora think you would benefit from a relationship with Jeonghan?
“Not only will you guys look cuter but Jeonghan is also a lot more emotionally available for you than Mingyu. He fits with your time schedule so you’ll get to see him more often.”
How were you taking all of this in? It was like you were actually reflecting the differences between your boyfriend and Jeonghan for a second as if they were two different pairs of shoes you really wanted to wear for one outfit. You shook your head. “Enough. Now test me on technology evolution with Muggles.”
Even if Adora stopped talking, the topic of Jeonghan lingered in your mind.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“How do you think school is going for you guys?” It was more of a question you wanted to ask yourself because of the deepness of homework you were sinking in. Almost brutal to the touch, you hoped that your juniors were going through something easy.
“It’s starting to get harder,” Vernon admitted, filling in another blank on his worksheet.
You nodded and turned to Wonwoo for an answer but before you could, you caught something beside his head that sauntered in through the library doors.
“Mingyu,” Vernon stated for you.
You pursed your lips, seeing another girl, seemingly his year level next to him. They were laughing and chatting. Wonwoo had turned around to catch the honey boy walk in and the world had slowed. A pain slashed into your heart, ridiculing you at the sight.
“Who’s she?” You asked the boys more than yourself.
But all Vernon could do was shrug. Wonwoo, however, answered for you. “She’s one of Mingyu’s friends. They’ve been hanging out for a while together.”
“For a while, as in?”
“Since you guys stopped talking to one another,” Wonwoo told you. He must’ve known that was enough to cut the ties between the two of you, because the next minute, you were yelling for Mingyu from across the room. He caught your eye in a second as if knowing that you were where you were. You wouldn’t be caught surprised if he did, he was sly like that.
Mingyu walked over with the girl, who confusedly looked between you and Mingyu.
“You wanna talk?”
Mingyu looked at you blankly, “Sure.”
With that, he followed you out the door of the library, completely quiet and trying so hard to diminish the awkwardness between the two of you but there was proven to be no way. You and him were going to be like this until the problems themselves diminish.
The outside of the library had no trace of people or soul so you started talking immediately. You knew he was trying to get you back for what happened.
“Look.” You began. “I wasn’t trying to make you mad or anything, the other day. You know that’s definitely not my intention.”
Mingyu sighed. “No, it’s just that I was hurt that you would hang out with the guy that I fought with. It felt like you were on his side or something.”
You shook your head. He got the wrong idea. Completely. “Jeonghan was just going through a hard time and I brought him out of the class, that was it. And besides, there were no sides at all, neither was Jeonghan the one you were fighting. You’re just in the wrong with them.”
“It’s the same thing. He was still threatening me for his best friend and you know how that made me feel?” He was starting to show aggression, far from how a normal Hufflepuff would’ve handled the situation. You didn’t want to anyone thinking that you were in the wrong for something that wasn’t even your fault.
“Okay, thinking rationally, this whole thing was your fault, to begin with as you admitted to cheating―”
“So you go hang around with him?”
You took in a deep breath and let it out, estimating the stress would just air itself out. But another glance at Mingyu proved the exact opposite. “I told you we weren’t hanging and even if we were, it’s bound to happen. Not only are we in the same year level, but we also have some classes together and seating arrangements. Of course, I’m going to have to talk to him and he’s actually kinda okay. Maybe if you didn’t mess things up, he wouldn’t have gone hard on you.”
Your past self wouldn’t have guessed you would come to this stage in your life. Your past would rather die than see the day you defend the Slytherin.
“You complained yourself that he wasn’t nice and he annoyed―”
Mingyu stumbled forwards, his eyes widening. The Hufflepuff riled back to his straight posture, turning to the side to see who it was. It happened to be the very person you were discussing. It gave you a sickening vibe that things were about to turn ugly. You wished for an escape.
“What?” Mingyu asked.
“Stop messing around with her. I can see how much she doesn’t wanna be here from all the way down there.” Jeonghan pointed down the hallway.
He was right, but you couldn’t not defend Mingyu. “Hey, Jeonghan! It’s not like―”
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, dumbass. You’re still in a relationship with this cheater. If he’s cheating in Quidditch, imagine how he’d cheat on―”
Mingyu snapped. He grabbed Jeonghan’s collar in a fistful, causing adrenalin to shoot down your veins, worrying resting at your temple. It seemed that your endless worries were starting to prove the bottomlessness it really was. Why was this happening to you?
Jeonghan’s smirk wasn’t missed as he was hoisted in the air by your boyfriend and you could only assume that this was a bad sign. You didn’t want anything bad happening so you quickly grabbed onto Mingyu, pulling him away.
“Stop, Mingyu!”
He looked over at you, fingers opening to let down Jeonghan who fell gracefully to his feet. His intention was to trigger Mingyu and obtain some sort of victory from it―that was one way to assume Jeonghan’s doings.
“Y/N.” Mingyu pressed on, looking over at you sharply. “You choose me or him.”
“Hey, stop it.” you began, the anger starting to drive into you too. He wasn’t the only one that can show frustration. “This is not like some movie, okay? This is real life and we need to sort our situations sensibly.”
He didn’t talk, simply gawked at what you said. You stared back, just because you didn’t expect this quiet of a reaction from the determined boyfriend. Jeonghan, on the other hand, didn’t miss with a small giggle leaving his lips.
“Fine.” he stated. “I see how it is.”
Mingyu turned around and walked down the hallway. You watched for a few seconds, turning around too, deciding whether it would be the right decision to follow along. The boy was immensely immature, but simultaneously, you were filled with a need to stick to your spot on the ground, determining your dominance in the fight. You weren’t going to let him get away with something this silly.
But when a laugh left Jeonghan and his group of his friends, a sad sigh drew from your lips.
“Mingyu!” you yelled.
He didn’t stop walking.
“I’ll be back,” you said to the Slytherins before running down the hallway, in the attempt of seeking attention from your boyfriend again.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Your lips melded together perfectly into a rushing heated kiss. Back pressed against the wall, you found your hands pressed on Mingyu’s nape as he placed your hands on your waist.
“Oh my God, we haven’t done this in ages,” he said, pulling out at last.
You leaned your head back, catching your breath from the kiss. It wasn’t every day that you would be kissed like that from Mingyu, especially these days where all it seemed to be was bickering with one another or excuses of not meeting up with each other. Mainly Mingyu since he didn’t want to break the rules by sneaking out in the middle of the night.
“I missed it,” you replied with a sigh, feeling relief that the two of you were able to sort out your issues a few hours ago.
“Me too…we gotta go now,” Mingyu said, patting your shoulder. You wished it wasn’t time though. Something about having the satisfaction of his lips back on your mouth was somewhat urging you to ask him to stay back, but you couldn’t.
There was an invisible barrier blocking you from asking the Hufflepuff such an easy question. You were his girlfriend after all, not some random stranger. But the barrier was there and it was telling you not to cross it.
“Sure.” A brief glance into his eyes displayed tension that you couldn’t get past, however, you ignored it and walked down the hallway. Mingyu and you were somehow quiet on the way back to your dormitory as if the make out didn’t just happen. You were in your own headspace, thinking that you were starting to lose touch with Mingyu.
Ever since the incident a few days back, he’s been acting weird. Like he doesn’t want to talk to you much even though you have reconciled your issues.
“Emma!” Mingyu suddenly exclaimed, causing your head to lift up. Your eyes went comically wide, seeing the same girl that was with him when he came into the library on the day of the near-fight with Jeonghan. You squinted, double-checking but there was no doubt. It was the same junior girl that you saw last time.
She had a big grin on her face as she made her way towards the two of you, with you standing there awkwardly.
“Oh, hey, Mingyu. I was looking for you all around the common room! We need to work on the project today and try and finish it off.”
Were you not there?
You cleared your throat, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Project? Do you guys need any help? Because I can be of assistance.”
Mingyu smiled at you tensely. “Ah, no…we’re okay, we’re nearly done. anyways”
You nodded and smiled back, biting the tension away. You didn’t want to be there anymore, a distaste in seeing the two. Like you didn’t like Mingyu anymore.“Okay, why don’t you go, then? I’m sure you guys need to finish it off before the due date so I’m going to go now―”
“Are you sure?”
“Sure! Good night, Mingyu…and Emma.”
You turned around and walked away, a confused feeling stuck in your chest as you did. You’ve never done that before, why were you doing it? You recollected those days when you used to be jealous of girls that talk to him so brazenly and you would no doubt tell it to Mingyu.
You headed back to your dorm, putting your mind off things. It was pretty easy as the first thing you saw was Adora about to throw hands at Wonwoo.
You stepped in fast, grabbing her off of the poor kid.
"Girl, you better get off me or you’re going to get it too!” she exclaimed. The threat was evident in her voice but didn’t scare you, to say the least. The two of you were used to threatening each other in a way it became the norm.
“Shut the hell up and sort issues out without violence, dumbass.”
Adora paused, coming back to her senses and thank God for that too. You wouldn’t want to live for the day that she struck a punch at Wonwoo, that would be too painful.
“What were you guys were doing anyway?”
“We were discussing―”
“Arguing.” Vernon interrupted cleanly.
“Discussing,” Wonwoo argued. “We were discussing what we were going to do while you were gone.”
“We’re going to go to the library.” Adora answered with a shrug. You walked around the girl and claimed the seat next to her. “Just to hang out and stuff.”
“Wow, I should’ve just stayed with Mingyu,” you said sarcastically.
The three dropped their jaws to the ground, cooking in your comment. You laughed, realising how what you said cut a wound intensely to your friendship.
“No, no! I meant that he was at the library doing a project so I should’ve stayed there if you all were going to go there anyway.” you explained, a hand going to Vernon’s shoulder. They all sang with an understanding tone.
“Really thought you were betraying us like that.” Wonwoo put his hand to his chest, breathing out a relieved sigh.
“Of course not! Now, how long are we going to stay here? Let’s go.” The three of them got up along with you, exiting the Ravenclaw dorm hastily to enjoy the Friday night. Walking in the hallway, their voices echoed throughout.
To be frank, Adora and you were basked in more entertainment when you started talking with Vernon and Wonwoo. Whether it’d be Wonwoo and Adora fighting just for the fun of it or you and Vernon having to get those two back to the dorms because they’ve fallen asleep by each other’s side again after endless arguments―you counted it all as your entertainment.
There was something special of a sort between you and your friends and you were forever cherishing in that. Especially as you walked to the library, you and Vernon exchanged smiles at seeing your friends bicker again.
If you and Jeonghan weren’t enemies, these two definitely were. Arriving at the library, Vernon cut them off.
“I need to show you guys this comic I saw the other day.” He grabbed both Adora and Wonwoo’s wrist and then paused, regarding that he wasn’t holding you too. He pouted a little.
You shook your head and smiled. “It’s fine. I’ll go look at the 'romance’ section anyways.”
“Need to find more erotica? I can hel―”
Adora used her free hand to ball into a fist and hit Wonwoo on the head. His head fell a little. “You idiot. How dare you ask that question to her? She has a boyfriend!”
“Okay, so? It’s only human nature to read what is erotic. Therefore, I’m not asking her anything wrong.”
“Therefore, I’m not asking anything wrong―shut up before I smack you silly. Y/N, listen to me. Go look at all the erotica you like, but don’t take advice from him. Even I know better erotica.” Adora said, pointing sharply at Wonwoo like he was something disgusting under her shoe.
You raised your eyebrows with Vernon. Wonwoo defended himself nicely. “I know better erotica than you―”
“No, you don’t. Don’t argue with me, Four Eyes!”
“I can show you better erotica,” he said to her.
All four of you paused in your respective positions at Wonwoo’s words. Did he just say what you thought he said? Even Vernon let go of Wonwoo to place his hand on his mouth.
“Yo, Wonwoo~ Are you trying to tell her something?” you teased. It was your turn to get hit by Adora. “Ow!”
“Don’t joke like that. I would never do anything like―”
“Wonwoo, don’t you think a great erotica story would be one where you’re doing Adora and you take off your glasses and put it on her. Then, you compliment―”
“Enough. Go read your damn erotica!” Adora said, shoving you out of the way.
Vernon and you erupted with laughter. “I said I was going to look at romance, not erotica. There’s no erotica section in a school. You two started this!”
They tried to argue with you but you were already on your way to the other side of the library.
The rest of them were off to the other side of the library, apparently looking at the comics. You didn’t bother them, on your way to the romance section like you said you were, finding fascination in the particular enemies-to-lovers trope.
“Are you sure she won’t come here?”
“I’m sure. She’s too stupid to even realise that I’m cheating on her.”
“Mhm,” she giggled, looping her arm around his neck. Her lips were nearing closer to him. “Thank God.”
You were frozen, captivated wrongly in the scene your eyes fled to. Particularly noting that it was happening right at the end of the last romance aisle. You felt as if someone had ripped out your heart and stomped on it and that person being Mingyu had caused tears to run freely down your face as you stood there. Just watching.
Funny how merely seconds ago you were joking with your friends and now this.
Body against body, you were met with betrayal. The girl you suspected was actually with him, kissing him so passionately. Mingyu had never done that with you. You were almost discreet of showing public display of affection, it hurt to see that he was open with someone else.
You couldn’t see it any longer. Turning around, you exited the library, allowing the tears to run loose. If Vernon and Wonwoo weren’t there, you would’ve gone to confide Adora straightaway and she would’ve given him all she had but they were there and you were alone. It would be embarrassing to go tell her that now, so you escaped the claws of the self-delusional way of a cheap thrill Mingyu had.
He didn’t see you either.
You looked down even though there weren’t any students that passed the hall at this hour.
Some assignment, he said.
Not only had he lied but he was making out with another girl in the library and in the romance section. You wished to bleach your eyes as the scene refreshed and replayed in your mind like some kind of heated drama.
All you could keep asking yourself was why?
Why were you so easily fooled? You bumped hard into someone.
“Dude, what the hell―dumbass? It’s you?”
You looked up at him as if you were strong and proud of your tears and least to say, he was quite still to see you in tears.
“Yeah, it’s me, everyone’s favourite dumbass. The one that’s so easy to fool because she’s such a dumbass.” you laughed half-heartedly, before sinking your face into your palms again. The sadness came out behind all the anger stored in you. It was like you had so much anger that the way that Jeonghan was in front of you in such a moment, didn’t seem to phase you.
“What happened to you?” he asked, more aggression in his voice than was relevant.
“No, don’t speak to me. I’m a dumbass. Dumbasses don’t know how to speak for themselves.”
Jeonghan held onto your wrist, pulling back an arm to reveal your crying face. You looked to the ground, feeling his stare penetrate through your skull, prompting your heart to go wild at how he was the one that found you out of all people. But with the way that he was staring at you, you found the care that came through it. Like he was waiting for you to explain.
“Right now, as of nine-thirty-one pm, Mingyu is making out with another girl and what did I do? Walked right out and acted as if I didn’t see anything? Yeah, I did. That was me.”
“He did not.”
Jeonghan overlooked your ignorantly sarcastic behaviour, focussing more on the fact that Mingyu cheated on you.
“He did.” you nodded, smiling.
Jeonghan’s grip on your arm got tighter as if bringing you back to your ground. The tears stopped for a whole second.
“Ah, ah!”
“Oh, sorry.” He let your arm fling to your side, then he proceeded to question you. “How could you just walk out like that?”
The way in which he asked the question seethed with toxin.
“Because I’m a dumbass.”
Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows, his hands placing themselves on his waist. Never in a million years, you would expect Jeonghan to be here when your heart was at stake.
“You dumbass! You know I didn’t mean that! Ugh, just, come on!”
“No. I’m not going back in there!” you yelled arrogantly as he got a grip of your forearm again. He needed to get his anger issues consulted because if he was going on like this, everyone was going to be insulted profoundly.
“Um, yes. You are. Because you’re a dumbass that speaks up for herself. Don’t let anyone step all over you.” Jeonghan turned around, leading the way towards the library.
Instead of objectifying, you proceeded with caution, watching as his face contorted into frustration of some sort. You were seeing a new side of Jeonghan―a preventive side. Why was he helping you out? What happened to his Slytherin class? He held himself up so greatly to the point that you assumed you would never see the day he would be helpful to you in some way.
And yet here he was, dragging you back into the library to stand up for yourself.
He kicked open the library, making you jump in your skin. You didn’t bother trying to tell him where Mingyu was because he was dragging you through the aisles (left, right, up, down) until he finally met the romance section and your doom.
And to your great horror, he was still there.
“Yah, Kim Mingyu!”
Mingyu snapped his attention away to you, his eyes widening at seeing you and Jeonghan there. A dreadful pit dropped into your stomach. Jeonghan pushed you forwards.
You really didn’t want to do this.
But after seeing that girl, Emma, rolling her eyes, it made you more mad.
“What is this, Mingyu? What are you doing?”
Mingyu pushed Emma out of the way, walking down the aisle towards you.
“No. Don’t even come here.” You stood there, wiping away the last tears with your sleeve, glaring at Mingyu. “Breaking my trust was one thing, but being a coward and telling me about it, pushed the line. The least you could’ve done was be honest about it. But you didn’t.”
“Babe. Let me explain.”
You looked away. “Jeonghan, I can’t even look at his face anymore. If you let me stay here any longer, I might actually damage his face for life.”
Jeonghan sniggered beside you and then nodded. “So no slap or…?”
“Not feeling it.” you sighed, placing your hands on your hips. Looking at Mingyu’s face for a longer time made you realise that you weren’t so mad anymore. It must’ve been the distance that separated the two of you the past few days but somehow wounding into your night, looking at him only concluded disappointment in your heart.
It was kind of an annoyance that it would happen on such a good day, so as you and Jeonghan left the library together, with no signs of your friends (they were probably riddled into a good comic), you were alone.
“Come on.” Jeonghan stated, grabbing the sleeve of your top.
“No.” You shook your arm, hoping that he would let go but Jeonghan stuck to you like super glue. “I’m going back to my dorm.”
“And do what? Cry for the rest of the night and then act like nothing was ever wrong…? Exactly. Come with me,”
A final tear slipped down your face loosely, not emitting any particular emotion. It just came down itself without being asked to.
“Where are we going?”
“Shut up.” was all Jeonghan said as he pulled you down the hallway. You might as well be an inanimate object from the way things were going. The pull was strong and you could’ve said anything to it, but you didn’t. Partly, you knew that Jeonghan was trying to help and him helping was better than spending a night alone with tears running down your face crazily. When Jeonghan brought you outside the castle, you were beginning to dispute his actions, wondering if he was purposely doing this so you guys get in trouble.
“How about the Dementors?” you asked, feeling a bold shiver run down your spine as you hiked the fresh grass patches. The sound of waves crashing slowly onto the shore of the lake resonated the night, along with branches swaying. The night was bright, notably because of the white moonlight that decided to stripe against you and Jeonghan.
“What about them?”
You rolled your eyes at him, acknowledging there wouldn’t be a way out of this. He had let go by now and the two of you were finding a spot amongst the field.
“Here.” you motioned, slinking down into a sitting position. By now, all tears were dispersed from your space. You were indulged in relaxing your body against the night’s sways. Jeonghan sat next to you.
The silence bathed in itself, the calm yet rough wind delivering cool air to your body. That’s what you liked about nights. Not only was it a perfect time to study, but the cool breeze from opening your window in the slightest also delivered satisfactory cool air. Jeonghan bringing you here could only mean he enjoyed it similarly.
“You’re not crying anymore,” he noted.
You nodded, folding your knees to your chest habitually. “We weren’t doing as well anyways. I don’t wanna cry for him too. He didn’t trust me and ended up breaking my trust…God, I didn’t even expect this.”
Jeonghan converted his shift towards the Black Lake.
“I’m not the best to comfort, however, he is such a big asshole for doing that to you.” Jeonghan said.
And that in itself was able to soothe your racing heart, calming down the nerves that came from the cheating incident.
“Geez, I didn’t expect you out here out of all people when things turn bad.” became the only way you could reply. You really didn’t know what else to say.
“Me neither.” Jeonghan agreed.
You shook your head, another important thought slipping into your head, one that was staying in your mind like an undefeated fire, soon taking over every single part of your brain. Every time you had spare time, your mind would aimlessly wander to this question.
Of course, as a Ravenclaw, you had not one, but variants of answers in which Jeonghan could answer―carefully analysed and thought of too but it was the best to hear from him.
“How come you’re talking to me now? Don’t you Slytherins hate everyone except your kind?” You made sure to sound doubtful about him so that he would answer properly.
“You’re okay.”
“I’m okay?” you scoffed, turning your head towards the pretty boy. He was still busy examining nothing in the lake. The night was light, but when it came to the Black Lake’s side, nothing shone over there. It was concealed. “What’s not okay?”
“That you’re not a Slytherin.” he answered, his own smile on his face. You laughed along, finding truth in his voice. You liked that he was truthful, unlike some people.
You sat for a while, admiring the lake’s beauty even though it was quite dark for the eyes to adjust to. Being with Jeonghan made it better. You were smiling too instead of having a glare around him. It was like a miracle.
“You know something, Jeonghan?”
“You’re more tolerable than I expected these days.”
“Hm, why do you say that?” His voice had gone one octave lower, making you look over at him. Jeonghan seemed tired, though you couldn’t exactly tell.
“Because…because you’re being nice for once.”
“Or maybe…you’re into me,” Jeonghan smirked.
Your eyes widened, heart racing as you captured a glance of his eyes. They seemed only half-open and doe-shaped. God had given him sexy and cute in one person, you couldn’t take it anymore. Just looking at him made you want to hit your head on the wall, making you question your own morals.
You just got out of a relationship, why were you already looking at him like a next target? But your mouth had answered before you could.
“Maybe I am.”
Jeonghan chuckled. “You know that would make you equally as bad as Mingyu?”
“No.” you told him, shaking your head. “I’m not in a relationship, I can say what I want.”
“But technically, you must’ve been thinking about this for a while before telling me,” he said. You had an answer for everything.
“Or I could’ve just found you attractive?”
“Or you just never wanted to admit it before because it would’ve made things awkward between us?”
Scratch that. Jeonghan always had an answer for everything. You looked away with a smile, prompting a giggle from the boy. There was no arguing with him.
“There’s no beating you.” you sighed.
“Glad you admit it.”
“I hate that you’re being nice, though. Since when were you nice?”
“I don’t like seeing you be nice too, love.” he admitted, the ‘love’ getting you to zip your mouth so quickly. The first time he called you that, you didn’t feel anything. But now there was this rumbling feeling inside you that caused your body to heat up in the cold night. There was no other explanation for this.
“I’d take you on a date…”
You whipped your head back at him.
“But―” Jeonghan’s perspective darted to your lips. “I’d rather we wait it out a little.”
“I was going to say that anyways.” you said. “I don’t want a relationship right now. Besides, we never got to know each other properly. Let’s do that.”
Jeonghan nodded. “So you actually have feelings for me?”
“Do you?”
“You caught me there.” he smiled. You waited a brief second for him to answer. He didn’t. Your heart was pounding in your ears.
“So you do?”
He nodded.
“For how long?”
The night’s breeze quickened, your eyes following the stars up. You could see a Dementor in the distance. It didn’t scare you much, to say the least, it was more like you were used to seeing it there, flying around lonely. If Jeonghan hadn’t found you in tears, you would’ve felt like a Dementor. All lonely.
“Last week.”
“All the tension finally got to you.” you commented.
“It did.”
When you were first seated with Jeonghan, you imagined stargazing to get along, you didn’t expect it to actually happen. Lupin’s plan to make your year level mingle with each other with something as simple as a seating plan was coming into reality.
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pedroslittlelady · 11 months
Just You & Me, Darlin'
joel miller x f!reader (18+)
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A/N: OMG Okay, I'm actually doing this! I'm posting something for the first time in over 4 years and I'm super nervous. Pedro Pascal just has me by the titties, and so do all of you wonderful writers and artists I've been so inspired by, so here is my little contribution 🫣💕
You can also read this on my ao3 if you prefer 😊
summary: When Tommy returns to the QZ without you, Joel is both terrified and furious but he’s determined to get you back safe no matter what.
tags/warnings: 18+ Explicit | Minors Do Not Interact Please! no use of y/n, boston qz, fluff, hurt/comfort, mention of suicidal thoughts, slight exhibitionism, explicit smut, unprotected piv, no description of female reader, other than joel can pick you up and kinda implied age gap, squirting, emotional sex, unbeta'd, use of pet names (sweetheart, baby, darlin', baby girl). oh and you're both super in love so :) I think that's it.
word count: 5.9k
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Joel’s heart was fluttering within his chest, nerves and excitement flooding him as he made his way up the steps of his apartment building. If all had gone well, you were due back from the week-long smuggling run outside of the QZ today, and he had been stuck on work duty for most of it. 
He hadn’t been able to go with you since someone had needed to stay back and protect their store of goods and ration cards from being stolen in their absence, they’d learned this the hard way. 
And in his mind he’d drawn the short straw.
Joel would much rather be out there with you than stuck here wondering if you were okay. Here, he was unable to do anything if something went wrong but he knew you, the little hell-raiser that you were could definitely handle yourself. 
The both of you had agreed when you first started sleeping together that it shouldn’t mess with the business, it gave you all a more comfortable life in the QZ than most got to have after all. 
Even after falling hard for one another following the sharing of your past within whispered cuddles post sex, you both still tried to keep the business professional and that meant trusting one another to watch your own and your partners’ backs. 
As he entered his apartment he was surprised to see Tommy sitting on his couch with his head in his hands. 
Joel’s stomach dropped at the sight, he already knew something was wrong. Heart breaking into a gallop against his sternum he quickly scanned the apartment, the open layout giving him a view of the whole room and you were nowhere in sight.
Joel's hands tightened into fists, his jaw tensing in anger and fear as he focused his intense gaze on his little brother who was now worrying his lip.
“Where is she,” Joel stated more than questioned in his deep southern timbre, his voice thick with emotion. Anger, fear, anguish and dread were all suddenly clogging up his throat. He swallowed to keep it contained, needing to keep his head on straight right now.
“I don’t know brother,” Tommy responded, guilt and slight fear painted his features as he looked up at his older brother.
“The hell do you mean you don’t know?” Joel growled as he prowled closer to his brother who quickly stood from his slumped position. “I trusted you to watch her back, to keep her safe for me!” Joel couldn’t control himself, the emotions from the thought of losing you, of never seeing you again were too much to handle and he grabbed his brother by the neck of his jacket and shook him.
“The deal went bad! Me and Tess got separated from her!” Tommy quickly explained, his hands gripping onto Joel's shaking wrists. “We tried to find her but… shit man, things are more fucked up out there than ever. We were hoping she’d made it back here.”
Joel pushed his brother away from him, afraid he would start swinging. Rage and fear consumed him, tightening his heaving chest as he ran his hands through his greying hair. He quickly stalked over to his weapons stash beneath the floorboards while vile images of you being scared and hurt, being taken by sex traffickers and all manner of other atrocities he’d seen and heard about over all his years surviving in this hell were flooding his mind.
If it was the last thing he did, he’d find you himself and bring you home. The thought of never finding you was unspeakable and he quickly pushed that horrible scenario out of his mind. But then another took its ugly place as he quickly grabbed his go bag; what if he found you dead or dying?
Well that would be the end, wouldn’t it?
He paused before looking at his little brother, standing before him paler than he’d seen him in a long time. Exhaustion was dragging Tommy down and Joel knew that he and Tess had done the best they could to find you; they loved you too.
“I’ll find her and bring her back,” Joel stated.
“I’ll come with-”
“No… thank you, but no. You're exhausted, you’ll just slow me down. If I don’t come back… then I…,” Joel trailed off as he watched anguish and fear become apparent on his little brother's face.
“Joel. Don’t. Please, brother,” Tommy begged, already knowing where Joel’s head was at.
“I can’t…” Joel felt his voice break as tears flooded his vision, blurring the image of his baby brother walking towards him. 
Next thing Joel knew, his brother's arms were around him and Joel let himself feel the rare embrace for just a moment. He and his brother had never been the most affectionate with each other even before the outbreak, so the fact his brother was hugging him so tightly told him Tommy knew exactly what you meant to him. How could he not, with how blatant the two of you were with your lovesick need for each other. You had become his whole world, a quick spiral into passionate need that seemed to drive the two of you from the very moment you became one when he took you on that dirty warehouse floor three years earlier.
His head dipped to Tommy’s shoulder as silent tears rolled down his cheeks and into his patchy beard, into that place where you always kissed him, as if that spot had been made just for you. A place to kiss and lick and nibble like you loved to do when you both were intimate, which was basically whenever you were in the same room as one another, everyone else be damned.
Would Joel ever feel that again? Had you both made all the memories together that you ever would? The last time he saw you flashed in his mind, replacing the ugly panicked images from before. You’d smiled up at him, arms wrapped around one another, foreheads pressed together as you whispered your ‘see you laters’ - never ‘goodbyes’ - to each other, while Tess and Tommy looked on and rolled their eyes in annoyance at your overt pda.
The Joel of before had never been one for public displays of affection, to the point where one woman had broken things off with him because she’d said he was cold, that he didn’t care enough about her. He’d realised later on that she had probably been right. More conscious of how much affection he was giving in front of others than he should have been.
Now though, with you these last few years? Joel didn’t give a single fuck what people thought of how he held your hand, kissed you, sat you on his lap as he made deals with all kinds of people. He loved when you’d do the same, when you would kiss him in that spot that was surely made purely for your mouth while you rolled your hips against his hardening cock. The greedy eyes of lowlifes watching on in pure jealousy of how unashamed you were with showing everyone how wanton you could get for him. His precious little hell-raiser.
Shit, he’d fucked you outside before and hadn’t cared who’d heard. It had actually turned him on to know the residents had heard your desperate and lustful cries as you let him take you from behind in an alleyway between two apartment buildings. Anyone could’ve looked out and seen how Joel Miller got to have you be his, the most vicious beauty in all of Boston, submitting to him, belonging to him.
Joel quickly pulled away from Tommy before he got too emotional about how this day had turned into a fucking real life nightmare. 
As he strode towards his apartment door with his go bag on his back and his weapons tucked away on his person, he rubbed the tears from his eyes and face. He couldn’t look back at Tommy so he roughly pulled open the door and walked out with a quickly uttered, “see you brother.”
While descending to street level Joel struggled to get his emotions under control. It had been a long time since he had cried, since he had felt this scared and helpless, but he pushed through and began to formulate a plan on how he would get out of the QZ through a smuggler tunnel they had created two years ago. Then he would find you so he could bring you home, safe and sound.
There was no other option he would let himself consider from here on out, he needed to focus on his current mission.
Joel steeled himself as he walked out of the apartment building and turned right to head to the closest smuggling route out of the QZ. As he looked up to assess his surroundings he was stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of you standing in front of him.
His eyes widened in shock as you stood before him, a shaky vulnerable look on your pretty as sin face. Joel choked on your name in disbelief and before he knew it his hands were grasping your cheeks and his lips were crushing against yours in a desperate kiss.
He pulled away from your tight embrace to quickly gasp, “What the hell happened, baby?” Before he kissed you again and again and again. So relieved to feel you alive and whole in his arms once more.
But then worry clouded his mind; the look on your face as you saw him notice you replayed in his mind.
Joel once again pulled away from the desperate kisses you both were sharing to truly look into your wide teary eyes.
“Are… are you okay, sweetheart? Are you hurt? Let me see you,” Joel pleaded in a vulnerable whisper. He reluctantly pulled further away so he could assess you until you spoke for the first time since your reunion.
“I’m okay Joel, baby. I’m okay I promise!” You gasped as Joel began to pull up your sleeves and the hem of your shirt to see your slightly bruised and cut skin, clearly searching for a fatal wound like a bite that he thankfully would not find.
“Joel!” You shouted to get his attention, uncaring of the passers-by on the busy street taking notice of your desperate interaction.
Joel stopped his searching as you placed your hands on his cheeks and gave a soft smile when you saw the fear in his eyes recede into a warm relieved look of love that always made your chest flutter in unbelievable happiness, like butterflies bursting with life within you. You had never expected to get to this point with anyone, let alone the cold standoffish brute Joel Miller who had barely seemed to tolerate you the first few weeks after your initial meeting. 
To have this big, dangerous, sometimes scary but protective man look at you like you were his whole world was intoxicating. No wonder you could never keep your hands off of him. 
It had started after the first time you’d fucked, and that’s all it had been meant to be. A desperate fuck after a near death experience, both of you alone and thankful to be alive. You had exchanged no words but a heady look and before you’d known what was happening he was kissing into your mouth before pinning you onto the hard dirty floor and fucking you silly.
You knew he’d been sleeping with Tess at the time, although it wasn’t serious, and you had slipped into Tommy’s bed once or twice, but for years you had respected Joel’s leadership and strength, and of course enjoyed admiring how handsome he really was, but you both had never been particularly close, until then.
After, you had both agreed it wouldn’t happen again. You reluctantly agreed with him even though your legs had felt like jelly after the best orgasms you’d ever been given, having never before been fucked like Joel Miller liked to fuck. 
It happened again of course, the very next night when you took a chance and slipped into his room and cot. He hadn’t said a thing against it, only a cocky, “can’t get enough huh, hell-raiser?” 
After you sucked him to full hardness he’d let you ride him as fast or slow as you wanted while he just watched you. In the wake of your first orgasm Joel had snapped and took control once more by putting you on your back and practically folding you in half. He’d fucked you so hard you’d screamed your pleasure, so loud you had only realised afterward that Tommy and Tess must have been 100% aware of what was happening. But you’d come so hard you’d squirted all over Joel and made a complete mess, but you had seen in Joel’s eyes how much he’d absolutely loved it.
There was no talk of it never happening again after that, only an acknowledgement that business came first. A few months into your arrangement he began cuddling you after sex, asking you not to leave his bed in the sweetest whisper against the back of your head. You had agreed, threading your fingers through his and nodding with a simple, “yes Joel.”
And you hadn’t left, you both barely let the other out of your lovesick sight as you basically moved in with him. Tess and Tommy quickly moved out so they didn’t have to listen to the both of you ‘fucking every goddamn day.’
“I’m fine baby, I promise. Okay?” You kissed Joel softly bringing you back to the present, his arms tightening around you.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if… fuck, I thought you were-” Joel was crushing you against him, lips brushing yours as he spoke. A tremble was in his voice, one you’ve come to know more over the years as he opened up to you about things from his past.
“I’m right here darlin’, right where I’m supposed to be,” you gently spoke while running your hands through his salt and pepper curls. The action always calmed him down.
“I love you so goddamn much, hell-raiser.” Joel smiled against your lips before kissing you again. You chuckled, feeling tears gather in your eyes at the silly pet name he’d given you after your first chaotic introduction years ago which involved you wielding a couple molotov cocktails. The first of many pet names he graced you with, but definitely your favourite.
“I love you too, big guy.”
Your back gently hit the apartment building as Joel increased the pressure of your kisses, a desperation taking over you both as the feeling of being reunited after a close call washed over you once again.
Joel hiked your leg up and ground his hardened cock against your rapidly soaking pussy making you gasp at the sting of pain the suddenness of your arousal wrought as it travelled deep into your rapidly warming core.
“Joel,” you panted into his mouth as he licked at your tongue before sucking it into his mouth with a growl of need you felt emanating from his belly which was pressed tight against yours.
“Fuck, need inside your tight little cunt right now, darlin’,” Joel rumbled before he hastily began to undo your jeans, his lips carving a wet path across your cheek and down your tilting neck. He bit you quick and hard there, marking you; claiming you. You gasped, your arousal seeping from your desperately empty channel and trickling into your panties as you tilted your hips against his rock hard cock.
Joel slipped his thick fingers into your wet slit making you moan into his mouth.
“Get a room,” you heard someone mutter as they walked past. Joel growled before pulling away to glare fiercely at the man who suddenly blanched before quickly scurrying away at the sight of Joel hovering over you with a murderous look in his eyes. 
You giggled at the interaction, drawing his attention back to you, his eyes softening at your mischievous smirk.
“Take me to bed, big guy. Remind me who I belong to,” you murmured before biting your lower lip in anticipation as Joel's eyes turned blacker than the deepest cavern within the fathomless ocean.
He grabbed you by the back of the neck and began to steer you back into the apartment building and up the stairs. You could feel his eyes on your ass before a slap landed there making you squeak excitedly. “Hurry the fuck up, darlin’,” Joel growled with a squeeze to your right cheek making you skip up the stairs quicker, panties practically drenched now.
The next second he was pushing open your apartment door, throwing off his bag and flipping you around to face him so he could kiss you hungrily once more. His thick tongue probed every part of your mouth, overwhelming you. You whimpered, your hands caressing through his hair to scratch gently at his scalp.
His grip on your thighs suddenly let you know what he was about to do and you braced your hands on his broad shoulders as he quickly hoisted you up, your legs wrapping around his hips. You both groaned and panted into one another's mouth at the feel of being pressed together.
You stilled when you heard the clearing of a throat. Joel groaned in annoyance as your lips separated wetly.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt,” Tommy said before covering a slight laugh with a cough, Joel glowered. “But I’m really glad you're okay, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Tommy. I appreciate it.” You smiled, so glad to see him safe and sound too. You told him this and questioned where Tess was and he informed you that she was just fine also.
“I just wanted to say-” Tommy started to speak.
“Enough said,” Joel growled. “Talk later. We're busy, brother.” Joel raised his brows clearly unabashed at being caught in this position by his baby brother.
“Jeez, alright lover boy-” Tommy rolled his eyes.
“I swear to God Tommy if you don’t get the fuck out of here now I’ll-”
“Okay okay! We’ll catch up later, Christ.” Tommy shook his head but you could see he wasn’t truly annoyed by the relieved look on his face.
As Tommy made his way to the door, a smirk was painted on his handsome face. Joel just pierced him with a frustrated and grumpy glare, you couldn’t help but snort softly while still being held up in his strong arms.
“See you later Tommy, and tell Tess thanks as well when you see her,” you quickly uttered before you forgot all about Tess and Tommy in just a few seconds.
“Will do, sweetheart. See you later. You too, Romeo.” Tommy laughed before darting out the door as fast as he could once he’d heard Joel’s growl of annoyance.
“C’mon baby,” you murmured in his ear before sucking the lobe into your mouth bringing his attention back to you, his eyes softening once more. “Need to feel your big cock inside me, I feel so empty.” You pouted playfully even though you could still feel some of the adrenaline and fear from your near miss swarming inside you. 
You had very nearly not made it home to him and that thought made your heart jump and your hold on your lover tighten. You didn’t know if you could hold back on the avalanche of feeling you knew was headed your way.
“Poor baby,” Joel responded as he carried you to your bed and laid you down, his back not being able to hold you up for much longer, not if he was going to fuck you like you both needed after today. “Don’t you worry darlin’, I got you.”
Joel stood before you and began to remove the various weapons from his body, his dark intense gaze never leaving you as you began to writhe in need.
“Hurry Joel,” you whimpered, a desperation taking over now that you weren’t in his arms anymore. You felt tears gather in your eyes at just how lucky you were to be back here with him, safe and sound. You couldn’t hold back a hiccupping sob threatening to escape you.
Joel took notice and quickly hovered over you, one hand on your hip, the other palming your cheek and wiping a tear away. “You're okay now, baby. I got you.” He kissed your forehead and you could hear him inhale your scent as he did.
“Joel.” You murmured, feeling a little overwhelmed. You needed to release these emotions, and Joel was the best at giving you just what you needed, what you both needed.
“I know, sweetheart. I know,” Joel murmured, his own gaze tear filled meeting yours before he pressed his lips to yours for a desperate kiss. You struggled to keep up with his kisses at first but then he was scraping his teeth down your jaw and sucking on your neck.
You bucked your hips up against him, his leg slipping between yours so you could grind on him. You whimpered, needing his bare skin to be slick against yours as you once again fitted together so perfectly. 
You needed the intimacy and the vulnerability of being beneath his broad form as he fucked you deep and hard, imprinting himself within you forever.
As if Joel had read your mind, he pulled back from nuzzling between your breasts, his big strong hands grasped the collar of your shirt and ripped it down the middle in one go.
You gasped at the action, at the grimace of need on his face as he began to manhandle you in a desperate need to get you naked beneath him. You unhooked your bra as he roughly pulled down your jeans and panties in one go, snarling in annoyance when your boots hampered his mission.
As soon as you were bare Joel was back on the bed and spreading your legs up and wide so he could see your perfectly soaked little cunt fluttering needily around nothing. Fuckin’ Heaven right there, he thought to himself as he dragged his eyes up your heaving belly and chest to see you biting your lip, small hands fisting the sheets beneath you.
“Please Joel, want you naked against me,” you practically begged, pupils blown out, eyes still glistening. He knew from your reaction something had scared you, probably a moment of terror in thinking you weren’t going to make it back to him in one piece or at all. The idea of that being a very real possibility that could have happened shook him to his core and he quickly tore off his clothes, not wanting to be away from your touch for longer than necessary.
He began to kiss every scrape and bruise as he made his way up your chest. Soon his eyes were looking deep into your soft gaze, your arms and legs wrapping around him and he knew he was finally home. He brushed his nose along yours, both his hands tunnelling into your pretty hair as he gazed down at you.
“You and me, darlin’, that’s all I need. Just you, I fuckin’ love you, you drive me goddamn insane with it, you know that?” His gaze was soft but intense, his words rumbled out of his pouty lips.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your own hands rubbing his back soothingly before sliding up his neck and into his hair. “But I feel the same.”
“Don’t be sorry, darlin’. You’re the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time. Just scares the hell outta me,” he nearly choked on his words before burying his face into the sexy slope of your neck, inhaling your heavenly scent. “Can’t lose you, baby.”
“I’m right here, not losing me, Joel,” you responded softly before kissing his scarred temple.
Joel slowly lowered his hips as he lifted his head to kiss you, his weeping cock covering your pussy, soaking him even further. Normally Joel would prepare you, stretch you with his thick fingers and make you come on his tongue but from the way you were mewling and moving against him he knew you both needed to become one right now. Besides, you had told him plenty of times how you liked the slight pain his cock created when it stretched your little hole open, the  girth of him too wide to fit comfortably at first.
You both angled your hips, well versed in the best way to slot together hands free. Your breath hitched when the crown of his twitching cock popped inside you.
“So fuckin’ tight and wet for me, baby girl.”
“Joel,” you whimpered against his lips before your hips pushed against him, sliding more of him within your aching heat.
He stared into your watery eyes as he gripped your hip with a bruising grasp and began to push into your tightness. He loved watching the way your mouth opened into a little ‘o’ shape and the space between your brows creased cutely in pain.
“Takin’ my cock so well, you precious little fuckin’ thing,” Joel growled as he bottomed out causing you to gasp. Your perfect cunt clenching around him was like nothing he’d ever felt before. 
Your breasts heaved against his chest as he let you adjust to the stretch of him for a moment. But he had little patience right now, so he soon pulled back making you whimper sweetly and he kissed into your mouth soothingly before he moved his hand to the back of your neck and held it tightly.
Pulling back from the kiss he quickly punched his hips down and forward, slamming deep inside you and causing your body to jolt from the force, his hands holding you steady. You weren’t going anywhere.
The squeak you let out was choked off when he did it again, and again. The soundtrack to your desperate love making became the wet slapping of skin on skin, the gasps of pleasure and the cries of pain as you melded together as one. Sweaty skin sliding against hardened nipples and harsh gasps were shared as he rhythmically pounded you into the mattress
“Joel, Joel, oh God Joel don’t stop!” you pleaded wide eyes staring up at his fervent expression as he gazed down at you.
“Fuck! That’s it baby, take my cock.” Joel grimaced in pleasure.
“Please, baby. Go faster!” You yelped as his hips smacked against you, his heavy balls soaked from your arousal.
He granted your plea, arching his back so he could suck on your tight nipples, hands grasping under and over your shoulders as he began to piston sharply within you, pulling you onto his thick cock.
“Yes yes yes, gonna come,” you suddenly gasped and Joel knew it was true by how your tight little pussy started fluttering around his shaft, sucking him deep.
“Come all over me, baby girl,” he whispered against your parted lips, sweat building between you as you both moved in sync, chasing that beautiful euphoria he always granted you.
You had been feeling it build within you so deeply, you knew you were about to crest that tremendous wave of pleasure you associated with Joel and how he always spoiled you rotten when you made love. It hit deep and sharp, making you arch your back and cry out against his lips as your pussy clutched so tightly to him, never wanting him to stop or leave your most vulnerable place that he always cherished.
It caught your breath as you ascended into ecstasy, all you could do was whimper against his plush lips as you came. His hips stuttered as you tightened, unable to keep up the pace at how tightly you were grasping at him. Nails scraping his back, legs spreading further, toes curling against his thick thighs.
“Good girl, baby,” he practically whimpered as you came around him. “That’s my good girl. Fuck, I love you,” Joel growled while he quickened his pace again, the ache in his lower back completely ignored. He sat up a bit, lifted your legs so they fell over the bend in his elbows before planting his hands on the bed.
You were practically folded in half, completely dazed from that intense orgasm as he manoeuvred you however he liked. You loved when he treated you like his precious little fuck doll. 
“Oh my God, baby,” you gasped, just watching as his hulking form rose above you, his dark desperate eyes dragging from your own eyes to your bouncing breasts as he started pumping his cock into you once more. The generous crown of his cock repeatedly hit that amorous spot deep inside you that only Joel could locate.
His stare was fixated on where you were joined together as he continued to thrust, slowing a little to admire it. “Sweet little pussy is creaming all over my dick, fuck!” Joel couldn’t take his eyes away from it, your abused hole flushed with arousal and soaked with your mingling desire. “God damn, baby girl. You can really take some cock, huh?”
All you could do was whimper at the vision he made above you, greedy lustful stare focused on your needy hole stretched around the wide circumference of his wet cock pumping inside you. The broad expanse of his tanned slick shoulders, the strength of his hands as they wrapped his calloused fingers around your hips, angling them perfectly. He sat up, his knees bracketing your ass and you quickly pressed your hands up behind you knowing exactly what was coming. Your heart jumped in your chest, you loved to watch him above you like this; using you, loving you so deeply and harshly.
“Gonna cum so deep inside your cunt, baby girl. Never gonna be rid of me,” Joel growled before rolling his hips into you, knowingly hitting that special place inside you that usually had you squirting all over him. 
He never forgot that moment you’d shared with one another. Only your second time together and he had given it to you so good it was probably one of his proudest moments, his ego getting a huge boost that had been well needed at the time. 
You had been so shocked and loud, you’d practically screamed at the sensation, shivering so vulnerably beneath him afterward it had stuck deep inside his chest afterward. It had pushed him to coo to you softly at your little whimpers, telling you that you were okay, that you had been so sexy and beautiful for him.
His hips were rolling and thrusting into you making you moan and stare up at him in awe. This man was all fucking yours.
“Mine, Joel. You’re mine.”
“Yeah, baby. All yours, this cock is all yours. And who does this pussy belong to, hmm?” he questioned with a smirk as he stared down into your wide eyes as his hips picked up the pace, you continuing to reciprocate his movements like a well choreographed dance.
“Yours, my pussy’s all yours. No one else's, baby.”
“Good girl,” Joel praised before leaning over  you, his pretty lips pressing into yours, widening your mouth and swiping his tongue against yours as your pussy flooded his cock and balls creating a slapping sound that made you whimper and blush.
“Always so fuckin’ wet for me. Ain’t ya, sweetheart,” Joel groaned. “Fuckin’ love you.”
“Love you too, now fill me up, baby. Please!” You gasped against him, your foreheads now pressed against one another, mouths sharing harsh breaths. 
You braced against the headboard with one hand while moving the other to his curly hair desperately seeking purchase as your arousal grew once more. Core warming and tightening in an impending orgasm and when he shifted your position so he could press against your clit and urethra with his fingers your stomach jumped, knowing exactly what he wanted from you.
“Oh Joel,” you whined.
“Yeah baby, drench me please,” Joel encouraged and you began to flutter around the precise pumping of his twitching cock within your sensitive walls.
It hit you suddenly, your back arched with a quick scream of pleasure and the overstimulation that you associated with squirting. Joel groaned in pleasure as you burst with feeling.
“Atta fuckin’ girl, baby! That’s it, shit I’m gonna come,” Joel gasped as you soaked him, a vision beneath him, sweat slicked tits bouncing, mouth agape in a shout of intense pleasure and eyes practically rolling into the back of your head.
Joel's hips stuttered, his balls tightening even more as he felt his pleasure travel from deep within his core, up to the swollen tip of his cock. “Fuck, baby,” Joel whimpered into your neck as he began to spurt his come deep into your womb, hips stuttering and grinding against yours with the need to stuff you full of his cum.
“Yes, Joel,” you whimpered as you felt him empty himself within you. You nudged his head as he did, wanting to see his handsome face in pleasure. He lifted and looked down at you, cum still spilling, overflowing you and trickling down your ass. “That’s it, baby. Fill me up good. I want all your cum,” you whispered softly as you gazed up at him. His face was so vulnerable and needy in that moment you couldn’t help but clench around him once more.
His balls had emptied with each ejection of his cum inside you, hips finally stilling as his cock became oversensitized to the stimulation still happening.
“Easy, baby girl. Easy.” Joel chuckled as he fell against you, completely spent before kissing you so softly that your heart jumped. “You think I can go again at my age?”
“You think I can go again after that?” You giggled breathily, completely satisfied. The impending avalanche of emotions purged from you in pleasure by your lover.
“Yeah, baby. Don’t doubt yourself.” Joel rubbed his nose against yours affectionately, a small grin on his face, eyes as soft as chocolate ice-cream.
“Then you don’t doubt yourself either.”
“I know my limits and my back is shot, darlin',” Joel grumbled in annoyance, his softly grinning face turning so grumpily pouty you couldn’t help but melt, you loved that you got to see this side of him that he unveiled to no one else but you. He really was all yours.
“Oh, poor baby,” you whispered to him before nudging him to the side so he could rest flat on the mattress, his softened dick slipping out of you with a flood of his cum which tickled your still trembling thighs. You definitely planned on giving him another back massage as soon as you both got some sleep, he had fucked you so perfectly; hard and loving. He certainly deserved it. “Rest now, we’re together and that’s all that matters.”
Joel sighed as he settled into the admittedly uncomfortable bed, but with you snuggling up against his chest he had no complaints.
“I don’t want you goin’ out there without me anymore, okay? Fuck the business, you’re more important.”
You looked up at him “As long as you don’t go out there without me either, we’re more important,” you agreed with a sigh of relief.
“Just you and me, darlin’. That’s all I need,” Joel assured you.
You snuggled deeper into his strong arms, a warm sense of safety and love blanketing your heart as his arms tightened and his lips kissed the top of your head with a mumbled, “Love you, hell-raiser.”
You kissed his chest before replying, “Love you too, big guy.”
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A/N: Thank you to any of you who made it to the end of this, I hope you enjoyed it! Please consider reblogging and/or commenting to help this little story of mine find new readers💕😘
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ynscrazylife · 2 months
Eek! Yay!
So since I'm just a few episodes ahead I'm just going to keep it kind of vague. What do you think of a younger sister whose just a little younger than Sam? Dean practically raising her and so they're super close but when Sam leaves for college their dad decides that maybe the hunter life isn't the best for his daughter so he leaves her behind with a family friend. Imagine the angst and abandonment issues (def not me) like after Dean picks up Sam he tracks down his younger sister he hasn't seen in like a year and she just never gave up hunting so now she's actually pretty good at it? Can you imagine how awkward that reunion would be?? Maybe they're hunting down a monster together or something??
Sorry, this isn't exactly a scenario so much as my own personal idea for a backstory? I don't know but if you like it or you want something else let me know cause there's tons more that are similar or completely different from this one 😏
Great minds think alike cause I kinda had an idea in mind where Dean and Sam meet up with their sister through a hunt! This is a little different than what you put in the ask tho, so I hope that’s alright. I also feel like there is enough for a part 2 so I could end up adding to this! And this would be a fun OC concept to make 👀 if anyone wants that.
a reunion for the ages (dean & sam winchester x sister!reader)
The thing that makes this entire situation, what your life has become, so backwards and twisted is that at first, you didn’t actually want to hunt. You wanted to go to college, like Sam. You weren’t even that much younger than him and in his first year, he seemed to love it. But when your time rolled around, you didn’t get into Stanford.
Yes, there were other colleges that accepted you, but you really wanted to be with your big brother. The rejection hit you hard and as a result (and needing a distraction), you threw yourself into hunting. You became careless and reckless and instead of talking with you about it, your dad made a decision for you: that you weren’t cut out for hunting. He left you and took Dean with him.
When Dean realized what was going on, he of course tried to stop his dad. They got into a pretty bad fight over it. But he was a stubborn man and he refused to go back for you. Dean tried calling you, but thinking that he was in on it with Dad, you refused to pick up. You kept in touch with Sam for a little while, but the both of you got busy as time went on, and the weekly calls stopped.
A few years later, Dean and Sam have hit the road, intent on finding Dad. The backseat of the Impala, which was usually occupied by you, is empty.
“I thought if I gave you some time you might bring it up yourself, but dude, are we picking up Y/N or not?” Sam asks finally, no longer wanting to beat around the bush about it. He knows about Dad and Dean leaving you behind, but assumes that at some point you would’ve made up with them.
“She shouldn’t be involved in this,” Dean says resolutely, keeping his eye on the road ahead, firmly gripping the steering wheel.
“You had no problem involving me in this,” Sam points out, trying not to sound upset over it. There was a small part of him that wonders if he hadn’t gone with Dean, would he’ve been able to save Jess? Still, he knows that he went willingly, and that he could’ve said no.
“You know how to hunt and fight. The last time I saw Y/N hunt . . . Trust me, it didn’t go well,” Dean mutters, definitely not in the mood to have this conversation.
“Shouldn’t we at least let her know what’s going on with Dad?” Sam suggests, now more curious about what happened between you and Dean and Dad. You never gave many details about it.
“Have at it, if she’ll pick up,” Dean says, throwing one hand in the air. He’s trying to play it off as if he doesn’t care, but he does. He misses you.
Sam tries but, as Dean predicted, you don’t answer. Over the next couple days, they get wrapped up into a case where they suspect an angry ghost is the perpetrator, going after the people that they blame for their death. Thankfully they’re able to find the object that the ghost is attached to, a music box. What they don’t expect, however, is to be dealing with a ghost possessing someone. It’s a chef, to be exact, which leads them to their current situation: fighting the possessed chef in his kitchen.
“Sam, a little help here?!” Dean yells, fist-fighting the enraged chef, who looks a little ridiculous in his white chef’s hat.
“I don’t have any iron! Or salt!” Sam yells back, rummaging through his bag in search of something, anything, that might help.
Suddenly, someone runs into the room from behind the guy and jumps on his back. It’s a woman, with a bat in her hand. As the guy stumbles back, she hits him in the head repeatedly, until the guy throws her off his back and onto the table. The woman smacks him again with the bat, then gets salt from out of her pocket, and throws it at him. The ghost is expelled from his body and he drops to the floor.
Dean and Sam exchange looks, wondering who the hell she is.
The ghost isn’t done yet, though. It lifts the woman into the air and lets her drop onto the table, which cracks. She falls onto the floor and the ghost lunges for her, disappearing and now possessing her. Dean and Sam prepare themselves for another fight, only to both freeze when the woman stands up and turns around.
It’s their sister. Their little sister, who’s meant to be enjoying a hunt-free life. There’s a gash on her forehead which is leaking blood down her face and within seconds, she’s lunging at Sam.
He falls back, not sure what to do. If this were anyone else being possessed, he’d fight back, but he doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Y/N, Y/N, c’mon!” He yells, doing his best to dodge your hits.
Dean runs around and grabs you in a bear-hug, pinning your arms to your sides. He drags you back, even as you thrash. “Get some salt, Sam!” He says, struggling to manage you.
“I told you, I don’t have any!” Sam repeats, frustrated.
“It’s a KITCHEN!” Dean practically screams.
While Sam looks for salt, you twist out of Dean’s arms. The two of you go at it but eventually, Dean’s able to get you down on the ground. He feels bad about pressing his knee on your abdomen, holding your arms down, but he has to keep you there.
“I found a salt shaker,” Sam says, kneeling down by your head. “We gotta destroy the music box, though, before the ghost possesses one of us.”
“Alright, do it, but give me the salt,” Dean says, moving your arms above your head and holding your wrists with one hand. With his other, he takes the salt and has to pry your jaw open to pour the salt in your mouth.
You cough and splutter, but Dean forces your mouth to close until you’ve swallowed the salt. Finally, the ghost leaves your body. Dean throws the salt shaker to Sam, who salts the music box before chucking it into the oven.
“Alright, Y/N, we gotta go,” Dean says, throwing one of your arms over his shoulders and pulling you to your feet.
All you can do is lean against him and mumble your brother’s name, your head spinning.
Sam grabs the chef and the four of you stumble out the back exit. Sam lays the chef on the ground and calls the fire department, then you guys make your getaway in Dean’s car.
“I’m staying with her,” Sam decides, sitting in the backseat with you while Dean starts to drive.
“Sam . . . Dean? What’re you doing here?” You ask as Sam tends to your head with the first aid kit that they keep in the car. You can hardly believe that you’re really with your brothers again.
“Could ask you the same question, kid. Sammy and I were hunting that ghost,” Dean says, speeding up a little to get to the motel faster.
“So was I,” you say. Your head feels far too heavy to hold up on your own right now so you let it lean against Sam’s shoulder.
“What?” The brothers ask in unison. They weren’t sure what answer they were expecting but it wasn’t that.
“Been hunting ever since you and Dad left, Dean,” you tell them. Even though you are in pain, you don’t miss the beat of silence that follows.
“You were pretty good back there,” Sam compliments, ruffling your hair a bit. With your head wound bandaged up, he slings his arm around you for the rest of the drive.
Dean is quiet, his fingers thumping against the steering wheel, until the three of you arrive at the motel. Sam helps you out and lays you down on his bed. “I’ll be right back, gonna get you an ice pack,” he says, going to the mini ridge.
Dean sits across from you on his own bed, sighing. “How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Like I got thrown onto a table . . . Oh wait, I did,” you answer sarcastically, mustering up a smile.
Sam returns, giving you the ice pack and then sitting next to Dean. He glances between his siblings, sensing some tension. “Do you two need to . . . Talk or something?” He asks.
“You’ve really been hunting this whole time?” Dean asks you, still in a bit of disbelief.
You nod. “I got my act together after Dad . . . After you and Dad left. I wanted to prove him wrong,” you explain, shrugging. “Where is he, anyway?”
Sam and Dean exchange a look. “We don’t know. We’ve been hunting and hoping to find him in the process,” Sam says.
You nod slowly. Your dad taking off isn’t that uncommon, but it is uncommon to see your brothers hunting together. “I’ll get out of your hair soon,” you mumble, not sure that they wanted you around.
“Woah, wait. There’s no rush. Sam was right, you were pretty good back there . . . We could use your help,” Dean says. He’s not going to let you go so easily this time around.
“Really?” You say, a little surprised. You sit up in bed, taking the ice pack off your forehead.
“Yes. And keep that on,” Dean says quickly, taking the ice pack from you and pressing it to your wound himself. He moves to sit down next to you, making you roll your eyes, but you don’t argue. It’s kinda nice to have him helping you out, he’s always been protective over you and Sam.
“The Three Musketeers, all back together again,” Sam jokes, just to annoy you both.
“Is it too late to back out now?” You ask.
“Yes,” the brothers say. You’re in too deep now, Dean and Sam aren’t letting you go again.
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Satoru Gojo with a younger sister that awakens her full potential
WARNINGS!!: tiny spoilers for season 2?? swearing, and bloody descriptions!!
A/N: I honestly kinda wrote this idea for myself cuz I couldn’t find any other writings like this😒
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 • Alrighty, so you were basically born with the Limitless technique, just like your older brother Satoru Gojo.
 • Too bad you didn’t get the Six Eyes!! :(
 • Anyway so you enrolled in Jujutsu High when you became of age and became a sorcerer blah blah you know where this is going
 • Gojo was just minding his business, y’know, teaching his beloved students like it was any other day.
 • That’s when he was informed to go to the scene of his younger sister’s mission and immediately thought to himself “wtf”
 • He knew that his sister could hold her own so why in hell would someone need him there?
 • Either way, he still went to check it out— only to see you covered in.. whoever’s blood, uniform looser on your body, hair unkempt as you stared at your trembling and blood soaked hand, mumbling aloud about cursed energy and your technique or something.
 • Gojo felt himself get almost instant flashbacks of his own similar experience against Toji Fushiguro— that day only making him feel uneasy.
 • By the looks of it, you hadn’t even noticed him yet which honestly.. kinda surprised him.
 • He knew you both possessed the same technique, figuring that you would be ecstatic when you found out what it could benefit you with, but being surprised when you instead found yourself struggling to control it.
 • That’s when Gojo realized how high the cursed energy was in the vicinity, unusually stronger than your average power level.
 • He knew you were strong but.. this was another level..
 • “Y/n? You okay there?” Gojo questioned, standing his ground and not bothering to take any steps closer.
 • “Okay?.. I’m better than okay, that’s for sure!” You replied, your giddy sounding voice louder in volume.
 • Gojo knew something was wrong already, just at the sound of your tone.
 • “I finally understand that damn technique we share!.. isn’t that great, Satoru?!”
 • “Yeah, sure.. just calm down and we can get you back to the school, ‘kay?”
 • You laugh in amusement, creepily staring at him as you did so.
 • “You don’t understand.. do you?..” you ask, your question obviously rhetorical.
 • You then started blabbing on about how different, yet similar you guys were until.. everything went black.
 • Gojo watched in slight concern as you lost consciousness, finding your rambling to contain no meaning.
 • Once you woke up in the infirmary, you find your fellow first years and your older brother by your side.
 • They hadn’t even noticed you woke up as you tried to eavesdrop on their hushed conversation, your brain only hearing muffled words that you couldn’t even make out before feeling your eyelids becoming heavy again.
 • And thus, you were out..
 • p.s. Gojo definitely told the first years about your awakening. Yuji finding it cool, Nobara finding it creepy, and Megumi left with not being able to see you the same.
THANKS FOR READINGG!! I honestly haven’t written anything in awhile so I’m happy that this spark kind of renewed in me! :D
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transmascanakin · 2 months
Varmibros AU explained.!
(aka the au where Chris Varmitech is a detective whos hired by Martin to solve the case of his missing brother)
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The whole thing begins with the Varmitech family, who have been villains for generations and generations. The family is cultishly obsessed with villainy and anyone who doesnt follow the tradition is pushed out of the family, who will later seek revenge on the outcast, and this is how the kidnapping of Chris happened. Generations ago the Kratt family were also Varmitechs, until someone broke out of the cycle, broke contact with the family, changed their name and lived a normal life which of course angered the Varmitechs to no end. The responsibilty of taking revenge on the Kratts fell on Zachs mom, Ivette Varmitech, who decided to take the family's youngest son and raise him as their own to set their bloodline back on the track of villiany.
(i am honestly not a huge fan of this part of the plot idk the kratts and varmitechs being related is so weird but I dont really have a better reason for why theyd take Chris so! This remains for now)
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From the Kratts point of view Chris just goes missing mysteriously and no search party or investigator can turn him up. His case goes cold too fast and it really strains their small family. Martin, who was really close with his little brother is forced to grow up alone, being left with the lingering feeling of emptiness (wow thats really deep. !!)
Meanwhile Chris is hidden from public eye until around his teen years, with the excuse of his unstable mental state (which is actually kinda true cause like. Taking a 3 year from his family is traumatic even if you brainwash him into thinking those memories arent real) and at around the age of 17 he starts to join Zach on smaller villain missions but these are just some easier robberies. Hes actually fairly good at stealing and being stealthy but when Zach invented some more serious stuff and began using animals to power his inventions it disgusted him, and he grew even more distant with Zach, and also started putting less effort into anything he had to do as a villain, especially after he had to take a more aggressive role, fighting off and distracting anyone who tries to stop Zach (this is when he starts using the Zach-bot looking costume that hides his identity. The vest also gives him 2 robotic arms) and this is how he gets to know the tortuga crew, who are extremely similar to their canon versions, with the absence of Chris of course. (The crew knows Zach has a brother but dont know that hes behind the mask of his right hand-man who they nicknamed the crawler)
Anyways, unlike Zach, Chris' main focus is not the villain business. He became a detective, as this is like the only thing his parents let him do that he actually loves. But one day, he gets a strange call. Martin Kratt, one of his brother's biggest enemies, a man that he himself had to face many times in his villain disguise, wants Chris to take on the case of his missing brother. Hes immediately suspicious, thinking its just a coverup and Martin actually wants to get some information about Zach or something, but after meeting up with Martin he realises hes very serious about wanting to hire him to do the investigation. He looks at the unsolved case of Chris Kratt, a 3 year old who went missing without barely any trace almost 20 years ago, and despite knowing that he probably wont be able to turn up anything new for Martin, whos convinced that against all odds his brother is still alive, Chris decides to take the case.
Martin is quick to help Chris in the investigation, and he is surprised to discover that the detective is the opposite of Zach in a lot of ways. Unlike his brother, Chris seems to love animals and has a respectable knowledge about them, and just like Martin, he also has his experience with complicated familial relationships, and the two of them grow close while digging themselves deep into the investigation. (And yeah maybe Chris reminds him of his brother, maybe he just wants to protect Chris from his dubious brother and parents, or maybe he feels connected to him in a way he cant name)
Meanwhile Chris faces the internal struggle of wanting to stay friends with Martin, but also knowing that hes secretly the villain who Martin has to fight every now and then, and he feels extremely guilty for decieving him, but hes too scared to tell him because of his major abandonment issues, but he also cant stop being a villain due to the pressure his family puts on him. So now he has to miraculously solve the case of Martins brother, while he actively tries to keep his identity a secret, and tries to avoid Zach, whos always happy to remind him that no matter how morally superior Chris feels hes still lying to the tortuga crew and that he better stop this little game of his before their parents find out, or before the crew discover his identity...
(If anyone has any questions for the au feel free to drop them in my ask box .!!)
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devils-little-sista · 10 months
Let’s be honest here. Percabeth is the only canon couple that is actually going to last a life time.
Most of these types of couples in the YA genres wouldn’t last a year.
Solangelo wouldn’t even last 6 months (there are many reasons it won’t last any significant amount of time I could go on for years and years so I’ll skip that part. Theyll grow apart and never talk again and almost forget each other. Once in a blue moon Nico will think of Will and think if he was normal they might have lasted. Will occasionally thinks of Nico and wishes he could’ve understood Nico better. They are not endgame. They are not significant in any way.
Jasiper wouldn’t last a year. Piper gets some therapy and does some soul searching and realizes it was just Heras spell and comphet and she likes girls. She breaks up with Jason. Jason is confused and heartbroken cause he thought things were going so well. Piper explains and Jason totally understands and is supportive but still heartbroken because he really did fall in love with her after the war. They still love each other platonically. Always thinking about each other They may take a little time apart from each other after they breakup (a couple months) but I think they would grow back together as best friends after Jason’s heart heals. They’ll be friends well into their adult years. They might travel in different directions eventually but they still catch up every couple of years or so.
Frazel would last until their young adult years and then they realize they want to figure who they are outside of each other and maybe see other people cause they were both so young when they got together. They’re curious and want to try new things and see the world from an individuals point of view. But they stay best freinds forever through everything. Their platonic bond is one that could never be separated by space and could never be broken by time. Neither of them could picture their life without the other. Platonically codependency. They still go everywhere together. Just not as a couple. They’re still enjoying their individual lives and experiences. And then when they’re middle aged and thinking about retiring in a couple years they fall back in love with each other and get married and happily ever after.
Caleo wouldn’t last a year. And the worst part is they don’t even technically break up. Calypso just gets really busy with everything else in her life and looses interest in Leo and she feels bad about it. She’s doesn’t break up with him because she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings. So she just kinda strings him along for the second 6 months of their relationship. And of course Leo knows something is up and is upset and keeps trying to spend more time with her and talk things through but Calypso just brushes him off always saying she’s too busy maybe another time and eventually just drops off the face of the earth and moves on with her life. Leo always wondered where she went and who she’s hanging out with and what kind of adventures she’s going on without him. Leo really did love her. And she was just temporarily hyper fixated on him.
In cannon Percabeth is endgame in every sense of the word. (Fannon can make that and all of the above change and be different of course but I’m talking about all of this in a cannon sense)
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Snack Pack nsfw
I have given birth
This is the longest smut I've ever written, and probably the best writing I've done yet thanks to @sophiacloud28's guidance (thank you fren <3)
Plz enjoy
Rise Leo (aged up 23-25) x reader
warnings: smut, fluff, established relationship (friendship), friends to lovers, fingering, oral (giving and receiving), choking (kinda, not really) p in v sex, aged up turts, reader is stubborn
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I noted the page number on my novel, setting the book down on the arm of my couch as I picked up the phone from its resting place on the small coffee table. My eyes squinted at the screen, the light jarring after reading for so long. 
Neon Leon: Movie night tonight? You bring the snacks.
I smiled at the invite and shifted the device in my hand to type out a response, but before I could, the phone buzzed again. 
Neon Leon: Besides yourself
My hand flew to my mouth to stifle a squawk as the phone slipped to the floor, the pink in my cheeks hot to the touch as my mind raced.
Did he know? No. He’s too dense. 
I huffed as I shook my head, picking the device back up from the carpet. I tried to ignore the flutter in my chest as I read the text over again. 
Besides yourself. 
I messaged him back, hands shaking. 
Y: What. 
Neon Leon: Bring those gummy bears you brought last time.
He was just trying to get a rise out of me, like always. Ass. 
Y: I’m busy. 
Neon Leon: Yeah…right. 
A few minutes went by, and I stared at the phone as he typed, then deleted his message several times. 
Neon Leon: Please? We can even watch one those bad movies you like so much
Neon Leon: I’m so bored. And wayyy more interesting than your book 
I rolled my eyes. 
He knew me so well. 
Y: Fine, jerk. I’ll be there at 8. 
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I tossed my phone back on the table before going back to my novel. I could barely focus on the words on the page as my mind buzzed, now completely distracted around my friend’s smug, handsome face as I read the same paragraph over and over again.
Is he playing with me?
I had always wondered if Leo had an idea about my feelings for him; we had been friends since we were teens and my ridiculous crush had only gotten worse over the years- as much as I had tried to hide it from him. I just never wanted to admit it out loud; he would be insufferable if he knew. 
And if he didn’t feel the same, it would ruin our friendship in ways that would never recover. 
I tried to stuff those feelings deep down, where they would never see the light of day, but sometimes his teasing was so much that I couldn’t hide the blush on my face as he pushed the line, toying with me, which only encouraged him. 
That..That…little shit.
Sighing, I plopped my book on my face and let my hands fall onto the couch cushions next to me as I closed my eyes, his smug face painted in the darkness behind my lids. I could picture the curve of his shoulders, his lips tilted in that smile as he gave a snarky comment to his twin,  his eyes glancing in my direction, shining…
He’s such a jerk. 
I pried the book off my face and glanced at the clock on the bookshelf. 
I had two hours.
I could definitely get myself together, pick out a stunning outfit, and get down to the lair by then. 
If he wanted to tease me like this, push the envelope; two could play at that game. 
“Okay, Leo. I’ll bring the snacks.” 
I looked at my reflection in my compact mirror, checking my makeup and hair once more before giving myself a flirty wink and slipping the small item back into my bag as I entered the lair. 
I looked good. 
The low cut shirt and jeans I had chosen were casual enough to look innocent, but perfectly highlighted my features and gave my curves that extra boost. It was the whole look together that really made it stand out from how I normally dressed around the gang.  
I flicked my hair over my shoulder as I walked in. 
That little shit was not going to know what hit him. 
As I strode past the living room, I almost didn’t register a choked noise to my left as I walked by.
I turned at the sound, spotting Donatello at the kitchen counter, coffee mug in hand.
“Oh…hey.” I offered him a small wave, my shoulders hunching as I realised how ridiculous I must look. 
He wiped the liquid from his chin and plastron, chuckling to himself. “...Hello and… good evening to you as well.” His eyes gave me a slow up and down before returning to my face, a smug look gracing his own. “Something fun planned, I take it?”
The heat shot to my face. “Ah, just a movie night. The usual.” I turned to leave. 
“Uh huh, sure” He sighed as he took a sip from the steaming mug, eyes rolling over the rim. “Well, have fun with that.” 
As my steps echoed down the hall, I could hear his muttered words follow me. 
“.. both.. delusional.” 
Leo’s door was shut, soft light shining from the frosted glass windows, and the nerves suddenly caught up with me as my hand lifted to knock on the metal. 
What if he laughs at me? He’s been with so many women, he’d never be interested. 
I shook my head, clearing it of the thoughts creeping in as I breathed out sharply. 
That wasn’t the point. I just wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine. 
My knuckles rapped loudly on the door. 
“Come iiiin.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he sing-songed a muffled welcome. I lifted the handle and slid it over the track, steeling myself for revenge as it opened. 
The low light from his lamp casted a soft glow on my exposed skin as I stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind me, leaning back on the metal. 
Leo laid on his bed, eyes on his phone as he sprawled out lazily, arm draped over the pillow pile arranged for movie night. He tilted his face up to me, smile slowly fading into a look of shock as his phone dropped to the floor with a soft thunk.
He was frozen in place as he stared openly, surprise coloring his features as I felt his eyes drag over my figure before settling on my face. I smirked at him and let his own signature snark roll off my tongue. 
“I wasn’t sure what snacks you meant, so I brought some different options.” I raised an eyebrow as he blinked back at me, still speechless. I lifted the bag up from my shoulder, offering it to him. 
I chuckled under my breath as I watched him lay there, unmoving, until the rustling plastic seemed to shake him back to reality as he sat up.
“Huh? Oh…yeah.” He mumbled under his breath as he lifted a hand to his snout, closing his eyes for a moment as he breathed out sharply. 
When he reopened them, he flashed me a smile; but a wary look glistened over his eyes.
“You…ah…you really got dressed up for movie night, huh?” 
I shrugged my shoulders. “I figured why not, I rarely look nice anymore.” 
He nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer, but the guarded look didn’t leave his eyes. Leo leaned over to pick up his remote, flipping it in his hands as he stood. 
“So, I was thinking we could watch Scary Movie? That’s one of your favorites, right?” He turned to the tv, flipping through the channels, and shot me an eyebrow over his shell. “And don’t worry, I’m here if you get scared, quierda.” 
I rolled my eyes at him as I sat down on his bed, tossing the bag of snacks on the floor and scooting back into his pile of pillows against the wall. “Yeah. Right. It’s not actually scary, Nardo.”
He wasn’t going to get to me, I thought to myself. Not this time. 
Even if he was being really thoughtful right now. 
I watched his shoulders tense at my sarcasm as he stood at the side of the bed, flicking through the streaming channels that Donnie had hooked up to everyone’s rooms years ago. 
Finally finding it, he turned on the flick and flopped into the space next to me as he tossed the remote to his nightstand. He scooted in with a practiced ease, sliding in behind me so I could lean back against his plastron, so close and so far from each other- like we always do on movie nights. 
But this time felt different. 
I felt his chest rise and fall behind me, his breath heavy over my shoulder as the movie started on the screen. He cleared his throat softly, and I turned my head slightly to look up at him. 
“Do you need something? I can grab the snacks if you want.”
"No..ah, that’s not..” His voice trailed off as his eyes flicked down to my chest for a moment, his tongue dragging on his lip as his eyes slowly looked back up to mine. 
He cleared his throat again, and looked back to the screen.
I smirked to myself, looking back at the movie, satisfied to have finally won our little battle of wills. 
Maybe he’d think twice about teasing me again. 
As the flick played and the characters were introduced, I felt his arm move behind me, slowly lifting around the pillows as it settled gently over my shoulders. The hard shell of his chest against my back grounded me as my thoughts drifted, his breath on the shell of my ear just enough to send tingling sensations down my spine. 
I loved being this close to him, even if it broke my heart at the end of the night when I went to bed alone. The countless nights I had spent, staring into the darkness, seeing his smile float through my dreams as I fought through the tears. 
For all his flirting, he never meant any of it. 
It was just a game to him. 
A shriek from the screen jolted me back to the present, and he chuckled at me as I settled comfortably against him again. After a few minutes, I noticed a nimble finger as it started to trace slow circles on my shoulder, his eyes still glued to the screen. 
The blush crept into my face as I felt him lean in closer, breath hot against my neck. 
"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He whispers against my skin. I can feel his heart pounding behind me, the rhythm betraying his casual tone. "Like, for example, the reason why you look so…." 
My breath hitched in my throat at his words, his voice husking over my skin and causing a chill to seep through to my veins. I turned over my shoulder again to look up at him, blush on my cheeks and surprise coloring my features.
His eyes searched mine, looking for something as his fingers gripped my shoulder lightly.
“Look so what?”
He huffed behind me, looking back at the screen, not really watching the movie as his grip on my arm tightened.
 “What are you playing at, querida.” 
I bit my lip, moving a hand to his thigh as I started tracing slow, languid circles absentmindedly on his leg, my fingertips gently brushing over his grey joggers. 
“What…what do you mean, Leo?”
His leg tensed under my fingers as he swallowed hard, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
"Well," he started, voice barely audible. "I mean..." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I know we’ve always been just friends, but..." Leo's voice dropped lower, huskier. "I don’t think I can take this anymore..." He trailed off, his eyes darkening as he watched my fingers swirl patterns on his clothed thigh. 
“...Leo..” I breathed his name, more like a prayer than anything else. 
Don’t say it. 
Don’t break my heart. 
"I want you." He admitted, his gaze intense as his eyes flick back up to mine. “If you want me too.” 
I paused, chewing on his question and wondering if he’s really willing to push the joke this far...or if he’s serious.
 “And if I said that I did? What..” A sultry look darkened my eyes as we stared each other down. “What would you do then, Leo?” 
My fingers searched a little higher on his thigh, and I could hear his breath hitch behind me. 
He leaned in closer, his breath hot against my ear as his lips brushed against the skin. "If you did..." He whispered, his voice low. "I would make sure you never forget tonight." 
His hand moved to my hip, pulling me closer to him. "I've been waiting for this a long time, hermosa." He whispered, his fingers gripping lightly at the flesh of my hip as he pulled me closer to him. "I would worship every inch of you." His words are heavy with lust, dripping as they roll off his tongue. 
He released my hip and turned my head gently towards his; his lips hovering just centimeters from mine. "But only if you're finally ready to admit that you want me." 
My eyes widen at his words, gaze landing to rest on his mouth as he waits for my answer. His thumb stroked my jaw where it rested against my face, and I flicked my eyes back up to his as he stared at me. 
My heart thumps in my throat, pulse raging as I look at him. 
I can’t hide it anymore. 
“I…I want you, Leo.” 
His eyes blazed as the words rolled off my tongue, and he chuckled lowly before leaning in, closing the distance between us and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. His pout was softer than I imagined, pressing into mine with urgency and need as he cupped my face in his hand. 
He gently nipped at my bottom lip before diving in deeper, tongue intertwining with mine in a dance of soft pants and hums as his kiss overwhelmed me like a wave against the shore. 
My body hummed with the electricity of his lips against mine; his soft skin scrubbing over mine with such intensity I could feel myself shudder in his grip, each holding onto the other for dear life as passion gave way to gnawing hunger.  
His arm moved from my waist, hand groping and searching lower and lower until it rested at my inner thigh. Heat pooled in my center as he slowly traced his hand further down, lightly pressing his hand against my clothed center. I whimpered into his mouth at the pressure, my hand lifting from his leg to his face as I squirmed in his hands. 
I felt him grin against my lips as my noises reached him, his fingers moving with purposeful strokes over my clothed center, the jeans just enough of a barrier to make my head dizzy. 
Leo broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my neck, and nipped at the sensitive skin there as he spoke softly. 
“You have no idea how long I wanted to touch you like this, querida.” He murmured, heavy and slurred. His other hand moved to cup my breast, kneading it gently through my shirt. "Do you want me to keep going?" His breath is sharp against my neck; the heat everywhere and inescapable but so addictive. 
I nod against him as his fingers slipped beneath my jeans, and brushed at the bare skin above my lace underwear. He nipped at my neck as his hand slid under the fabric, and I sighed softly into his touch as he dipped into my folds, rubbing against my clit as his other hand gripped at my chest. 
“..you’re so wet, damn baby..” His voice sounded like it came from the clouds, so lost in the moment himself. 
His fingers continued to glide over the sensitive nub, teasing me a bit longer before sliding down to gently circle my entrance. I could feel the slick coat his fingers, making the erotic sounds echo as the movie continued on, completely forgotten. 
 "Y..yes...pl-please..fuck-" My hands gripped at his skin, so desperate for the pressure he was teasing me with. I could feel myself melting into his hands like putty, brain turning to mush as he explored and toyed with me.
His kiss was hot at my neck, yet cool instantly as air rasps over freshly kissed skin. He bit into my neck gently, chuckling darkly as I whimpered in his hands, more curses pouring from my lips as I trembled into his touch. 
"Such a dirty mouth," He teased as he withdrew his teeth from my flesh, his voice low as his hand shifted in my jeans. "But I think I like it." His fingers slid into me slowly, thrusting in and stretching as I panted and moaned softly in his arms. 
He kept his movements deliberate and slow as his fingers thrusted into me, and as he did he shifted his thumb to circle over my clit, swirling around the nub as he watched my face contort with pleasure from his spot behind me. 
I mewled softly as his hands brought me to new heights, finally filling the ache that had been gnawing at me for so long. I gripped his mask tails as he thrust those agile fingers into me, panting in pleasure and barely able to form a response. 
My eyes rolled back in my head, and I bit my lip to hold back a scream. 
A smirk snuck back onto Leo’s face as my words turned into unintelligible sounds of pleasure, my body writhing under his skillful touch. He increased his pace, his thumb pressing harder against my clit as I keened at the pressure. 
"Do you want more, preciosa?" He asked as his pout brushed against my cheek, voice dripping with confidence. "Because I can give you more." Leo nipped at my earlobe before sucking on it gently. 
My moan sounded like I was gasping for air as he licked at my ear, the sensations overwhelming as he’s everywhere on me, all at once. It felt like his hands were caressing every inch of skin, nowhere left undiscovered. He’s under my skin, in my veins, and it felt so good.  
I nodded as he let go of my ear with a swipe of his tongue, humming approvingly. His fingers thrusted harder into me, curling slightly, while his thumb continued its relentless assault on my clit.
 I can feel my body tensing, my walls clamping down around his fingers. 
His hand snaked up from my breast to my throat, briefly putting pressure there as he continued to tease my clit with his thumb, fingers curled deep inside me. 
As his hand wrapped around my throat, he leaned in, breath hot against my cheek. 
"That's right, baby, cum for me." He growled, and his tone shot a thrill through me to my core.  
He released my throat, giving me space to breathe as he watched my face contort in pleasure. I could hear him churr softly, the sound vibrating through his chest as he continued to turn me to putty in his hands. 
I turned my head to kiss him, pulling his face down to mine desperately as I came undone on his hand; the pleasure a blinding wave as it crashed over me and I moaned loudly into his mouth. 
Leo swallowed my cries of pleasure as I trembled in his arms, aftershocks of my orgasm tensing over my body as he slowly swept his thumb over my swollen clit, gently milking the last of my climax before pulling his hand out of my jeans. He brought his glistening fingers to his lips, swiping his tongue over them as he looked down at me with a cocky look on his face. 
“You okay, hermosa?”
My face flushed as I panted, eyes glazed with lust as I looked back up at him. 
What just happened.
He smiled down at me, eyeridge raised. 
“Sorry, I guess I was getting a little hungry.” 
This cocky mother-fucker. 
I blinked slowly at Leo as he licked the slick from his fingers, watching me pant against his chest as the flush left my face. 
He grinned down at me, and I turned back to the movie as I bit my lip, frustrated. 
That had just happened. What I had always hoped would happen. 
And it meant nothing to him.  
Leo. Fucking Leo. 
He won. 
Or at least, I thought he had, until I shifted against him and felt his cock pulse at my back. 
I shifted my hips again, curious to see if that was really what I had felt, and he audibly groaned at the friction, and shot a hand out to still my hips. 
“Careful, querida.” His voice was a gritted growl as he fingers dug into my skin, and I knew in that moment I had the upper hand again. 
I turned slightly, looking up at him through my lashes demurely and feigning innocence. 
“You okay, Leo?”
He narrowed his eyes at me, but released his death grip with a snort and looked back at the tv screen. 
When he looked away, I sat up to turn around in his lap, and slid my knees under me as I kneeled between his legs. 
His breath hitched in his throat as he stared down at me, eyes wide. 
I slid my fingers slowly up his thigh to the waistband of his joggers, a seductive smile painted on my lips as I watched him swallow hard, eyes darting to stare at my hand. 
“I guess I might want a little snack too…” I can hear my voice purr as the words rolled off my tongue, seductive and lustful. “But…if you don’t want me to…”
His eyes flicked back up to mine quickly, jaw set hard. 
“No, hermosa…trust me, I want you to…” His voice trailed off, something holding him back. “I just…ah..”
My eyes took on a mischievous glint as my fingertips slid just over the waistband of his pants. He breathed in sharply, eyes darting back to my hand before flicking up to my face. 
Why was he being so cautious? It’s not like he’s never done this before.
“Then sit back, Leon. Relax.”
He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips, but the caution still in his eyes as he leaned back against the pillows behind him. 
As he relaxed a little, I slid my hands to the waistband and tugged gently. He lifted his hips slightly, helping me pull off the grey joggers, revealing his hard, throbbing length as it laid on his plastron. 
I couldn’t hide my surprise at his size as I brushed a fingertip over his length, ripping a shudder from him. 
“Well, I can see why your ego’s so the size of Wall Street.” I can’t help the chuckle that left my lips as I gripped his length in my hand gently, his cock twitching in my palm as he groaned softly at the pressure.
I took his length in my hands as I gave him a sultry look, my eyes locking with his as I leaned down and placed a feather light kiss to the tip of his cock.
I steeled my resolve to get him back for moments earlier; he was going to be putty in my hands by the time I was done with him. 
 "You're bigger than I imagined."
I could hear his breath hitch as my tongue slid out, swirling over the tip before I gave his length another pump with my hand. He tensed as I took him in my mouth, tongue swirling as I bobbed my head down as far as I could go, coming back up for air with a popping sound. 
"F-f..fuck…you...you can take y-your time.., preciosa." He drawled, words slurred as his gaze was glued to my mouth.
I placed another feather light kiss at the head of his cock, holding back a grin as he whimpered in my hands. 
Who’s winning now, Leon. 
I could hear and feel him groan as I wrapped my mouth around him, my tongue teasing as I swirled and licked at him. His voice was strained as my head bobbed up and down, my mouth warm, wet, and ringing the most delicious sounds from him as I dragged my tongue up his length. 
He threaded his fingers through my hair, guiding my movements slightly as he thrusted shallowly into my mouth, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. 
It was a pretty picture, seeing him like this. 
"Does it feel good, Leon?" I asked as I paused briefly over him, eyebrow raised in a mischievous smile.
I didn’t give him time to answer, as I took his length as deep as I could down my throat. I felt his legs tense as I held him there, fighting the gag, and he groaned loudly, his grip on my hair tightening as the heat slid over him. 
I came off of him with a popping sound, and wiped at the line of spit from my lips as I looked at him and pumped my hand on his length, and repeated what he said to me earlier. 
"Do you want more, Leo?" My eyes took on a sultry look as I leaned down and slid my tongue up and down his length again. "Cause I can give you more."
His eyes narrowed as he watched me take him into my mouth again, his hips bucking slightly as my tongue swirled around him. His hands tightened in my hair, guiding my movements faster, deeper. He groaned, the sound almost a low growl. 
He pulled me off of him for a moment by my hair, panting heavily as he looked down at me, eyes dark and blown wide with lust.
 "Not yet," He huffed, chest heaving as he tried to calm himself down. "I want to see you cum for me again."
 He pulled me to him, capturing my lips in a searing kiss, his tongue tangling with mine as he guided me to lay down on my back. The sudden gentleness brought a flutter to my chest, as his hand tenderly laid my head down on his pillows. He leaned over me, fingers gripping my shirt, as he deepened the kiss and painted his tongue inside my mouth. 
With a swift move, he lifted my shirt over my head, revealing my breasts nestled in my lace bra before him. I gasped at the movement, but the look in his eyes settled any shock I felt. 
He stared down at me, gaze hungry as he snaked a hand to my back, undoing the clasp quickly with one hand. The offensive fabric was flung somewhere across the room as Leo's gaze lingered on my bare chest, taking in the sight, the dusky rose of my nipples hardening in the cool air of his room. 
He leaned down, as if drawn to me, capturing one between his teeth and giving it a gentle tug, and a choked whimper ripped from my throat at the sensation. 
A hand slid down my stomach, tracing the curve of my waist until he reached the button of my jeans. With a flick of his wrist he undid it, and then slowly dragged the fabric down my legs, revealing the lacy lingerie I had worn for confidence. I could feel a low rumble from his chest vibrate through me. 
 "Fuck, you're beautiful," He whispered, his words syrupy as he trailed kisses along my chest, nipping lightly before moving to lavish attention on my other breast.
His fingers dipped under the lace, teasing at the wetness there before slipping inside my panties again and finding my nub, circling it lazily as he continued to swipe his tongue at my breast. I panted his name softly, mewling as he toyed with me. 
I gasped against him as he licked more deliberately at my breasts, but didn’t linger long, his face leaving my chest as he moved down my body, his hands slowly started to pull my lace panties down my legs.
Leo smirked up at me when he noticed that I had shaved. 
"Planning something, were we?" He raised a brow ridge at me, a chuckle on his lips as he settled back between my legs, underwear discarded. I blushed as he kissed the inside of my thigh, bodies now completely bare before each other. 
"I..I mean..I just wanted...I-I wanted to be prepared in case..."
His eyes sparkled with amusement as the blush swept over my face and chest, embarrassment coloring my features. 
"In case what, hermosa?" He teased, his breath tickling the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh as he moved his face closer to my center. "In case you got to have your way with me?" 
He chuckled softly, leaning in to place a feather-light kiss right above my clit, making me squirm as I cried out at the sensation.
"Don’t be embarrassed, quierda," He chided, his voice dropping an octave as he flicked his tongue out swipe at my center. "I'm just glad you finally got over yourself." 
His hands slid under my thighs, spreading my legs wider before him. 
I tried to ask him what he meant, but his tongue on my core stopped any thought I had. 
I mewled as it slid in between my folds, licking at my clit and swirling against the sensitive nub. My hips jolted, and his grip tightened around me as he continued to tease me with his flexible tongue. 
"No moving, preciosa." He murmured, breath sending shivers up my spine as it husked over my clit.
I gripped the sheets over my head as I trembled in his hold. 
Holy shit. 
He started to lap faster at my clit, more insistent; his fingers gripped my thighs tightly as he flicked and swirled his tongue at my center. He looked up at me through his mask, watching my face contort with pleasure as my breath came in short pants and huffs. 
"That's it, hermosa," He panted encouragingly against my wet heat. "Let go for me, baby." He pressed two fingers inside me, curling it just right, hitting my G-spot as he continued to lick and suck at the swollen, sensitive nub. 
I panted his name as his fingers fucked into me, the sensations overwhelming and turning my brain to mush again. His tongue kept the pace at my clit, building at the pressure as it crested inside me. 
In seconds I was moaning his name loudly, trying not to scream, as his fingers pumped into me and I came apart in his hands. 
His tongue kept swiping at my center as I rode out the waves of pleasure, twitching, until he slowly withdrew his hand and leaned back, looking down at me with a satisfied smirk and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"I told you I could make you feel good, preciosa." His tone cocky as he licked his lips clean of my arousal. "And that was just the appetizer." He stood up, towering over me from the foot of the bed, his hard cock bouncing against his plastron at the movement as he watched my breathing return to normal. 
"Ready for the main course?" 
A fucked out look glazed over my eyes as I gazed up at him, a vision of sex appeal towering over me.
I bit my lip.  "You’re such a cocky asshole, you know that?" 
He smiled as he crawled over me, legs slotting between mine as he took me in his arms and kissed me deeply, sweetly, as our tongues danced languidly. 
He broke the kiss briefly as he rested his forehead on mine.  “You love it.” 
I giggled in his arms, nodding, and his lips crashed back into mine, mouths and tongues meeting and parting like waves as I’m swept out to sea under him; where I’ve always wanted to be. Leo groaned into the kiss, his cock twitching against my body as his hips ground into mine, both of us desperate for each other.
He broke away for a moment to look into my eyes, his own filled with something warm and bubbling as he takes in the flush on my face, the way my chest heaves against his. 
He leaned down, nuzzling into my neck, nipping at the skin gently, ripping a shiver straight to my core as he whispered hotly in my ear.
“Have I told you how much hearing you moan my name turns me on?" 
He reached down between us, aligning his cock with my entrance, and slowly pushed his length in.
A strangled wail flew from my lips as he sheathed himself fully inside me with one fluid motion, filling me so completely that I had no conscious thought left in my mind but him. 
He started to move, setting a slow pace at first, but soon picked up speed, his hips snapping against mine as each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through us both, the sounds of skin slapping against shell drowning out the movie on his small tv.  
He panted next to me, voice ragged as he thrusted into me. His hands rested at either side of my head, so all I could see was Leo, Leo, Leo. 
I breathed his name like it was holding me to this world as he fucked me into his bed, my nails clawing at his shoulders as my eyes rolled back in pleasure. He was so deep inside me; I felt so full, like he was in the back of my throat with every thrust. 
"Fuck, you feel so good baby. Just like I thought you would-" He grunted, thrusting harder as the bed rocked underneath us. 
I could hear myself moaning and panting into his shoulder, but all I could feel was his thick cock thrusting into me, fucking my brains out.
"I...hnnngh….”  I tried to answer him, but couldn’t manage words. 
As he picked up speed again, shifting his hips for a different angle, he rammed harder into me as I gasped into the skin of his arm. I could feel the pressure building, felt another orgasm close as he continued hitting against that spongy spot deep inside.  
"That's it, quierda. Let go for me," he encouraged, huffing into my ear as his voice strained with his own efforts. I could feel his legs tense against mine, and wondered if he was close too. 
The pressure released like a flood, fast and wild, blinding heat taking over as I started to come apart once more, my body convulsing around him as I came on his cock as his hips bucked roughly into me. I screamed his name, voice shattered and strained like broken glass. 
He followed me over the edge, his own release exploding from him in a torrent of ecstasy. He buried his face in my neck, biting down as I felt the heat seep into my veins, melting into me in a thick, syrupy feeling of need. 
When he finally pulled out, he collapsed beside me, panting heavily. Leo wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close as he tried to catch his breath. The room was spinning, and I felt like I was vibrating into his embrace.
"I can’t believe we’ve missed out on that for years," he murmured, pressing a kiss to my temple. 
I chuckled with him, but the sound grew quiet as my smile started to fade, as I realised what this might mean. 
What this might end. 
I can’t lose him. 
I lifted my head back, turning so I could look him in the eyes. 
His gaze was drowsy as he looked down at me, a blissful look still smeared on his face as he propped his head up with an arm. 
I almost don’t want to ask him. 
But I have to. 
“...Are…are we…do you..” My breath caught in my throat as I chewed on my words, eyes darting down to a scar on his plastron. “...are you going to act like this never happened tomorrow?”
I saw his chest heave as he froze in place on the bed, arms tensing around me as the silence grew deafening between us. 
I closed my eyes, the weight settling on my chest as I came to terms with the quiet. I moved from his arms, and turned to get up from the bed before his hand shot out to stop me. 
“No. Not ever. I..” His voice was shaky as I turned back to look at him, and he took me in his arms in one quick motion, wrapping me completely into his embrace and pulling me down into his lap. “..I..want this, whatever this is..with you.”
He’s messing with me.
He didn’t mean it. 
I choked back the lump in my throat. “Do you mean it, Leo.”
He looked down at me, eyes misty, and cupped my face gently in his hands as he pulled me in for a soft kiss. 
His lips anchored me to him as the ache in my heart threatened to pull me out from shore, the everything that I had ever dreamed now right here at my fingertips, pouring his love into each sweet kiss at my lips. 
He pulled back to hold my face in his hands. 
“I’ve wanted this since I was a teenager in love with you.” His thumb brushed over my cheek. “You were just too stubborn to admit it, and I didn’t want to lose our friendship.” 
The tears rolled down my face now, fat and wet as he pulled me into his chest, laying us both back down onto the pillow pile as his arms tightened around my trembling body. 
“Yeah…” I sniffled. “I guess I was a little stubborn about my feelings.” 
Leo chuckled, his laugh echoing around the small room. “Who knew that all it would take was a lame pick up line.” 
I pinched his leg, earning a yelp. 
“Watch it.”
tags: @thelaundrybitch @sophiacloud28 @zombiesnips-blog @4evrdreamin5
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