#but their dynamic is Like That like alec needs them both but its just so its so INteresting
haomnyangz · 2 years
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Why do you want to save Jace? He’s your main competition. You may share your bed with him, but if your precious Alexander could only have one of us, who do you think he’d pick?
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lorata · 2 years
How are the D2 victors viewed by Snow if you don't mind me asking?
OK so from canon, here are the interactions that I think sum up Snow's opinions, in aggregate, the best:
from the Canon Divergence AU:
“Petra, you’re right — you’re a Victor, you won your Games like everyone else — but you’re also wrong. You are different, you are special: you admitted it yourself, you loved me. Do you understand how rare that is? You don’t hate me, you don’t fear me, you don’t even want anything from me. Not even my family gives me that. Your district puts out its perfect little soldiers, all the loyalty with just the right amount of fear and wariness. You weren’t like that. And it took so little: remember your favourite cookies, praise your strength, call you brave. It was nice to look at once thing I’d made and see some honest good, for once.”
and from the Victor Alec AU:
President Snow’s gaze sharpens. “You Victors from Two always know what to say,” he says. “Do they feed you your lines before you meet with me, or do you come so stuffed already that you can spit them out yourself?”
Alec freezes. “I’m not sure I understand the question sir,” he says, his heart thudding. [...] “I’ve only ever wanted to do what was asked of me. I would never want to displease you or the Capitol.”
“Ha!” The President grins, his teeth sharp. “Now that I believe. Run along now, enjoy the party.”
in general, I don't think Snow thinks about the D2 victors very much at all. they are "perfect, little soldiers", they do all the right things, they say all the right lines, they play their parts perfectly, they do exactly what they're told and whatever the Capitol needs them to do. occasionally they need reminders (see Lyme BOTH times her tribute wins) but apply a little pressure and they fall right back in line. politically they are important, but personally? eh. they're boring.
(what's fun to me about the Lyme situation is the first time he warns her, while Misha remains oblivious, because it's the mentor's responsibility -- but the second time he throws the threat directly at Claudius, first because he wants to scare him but also because this is the second time she's needed a warning and THAT is scarier to Lyme than letting her handle it)
the exceptions of course are Ronan, Adessa and Petra. Ronan is interesting because he made himself an ally early, and he's just smart enough to be dangerous but also too smart to do anything about it, but, you know, he could be, if he wasn't so smart, and that puts him on this weird fine line that means Snow occasionally needs to exercise his power by poisoning Ronan's cookies and watching him eat them. (I wrote this dynamic before TBOSAS and let me tell you, I am LIVING) Adessa was fun because she was smart and unafraid and macabre and she saw the world like he did (so he thought) -- but then he hurt Nero and she packed up her toys and went home. I think it honestly shocked him that she was so angry about it. and Petra, obviously, we have a whole character arc about so we're good lol.
but yeah. in general, D2 victors are boring. I think he likes to read updates on the ones on potential-treason watchlists for a bit of spicy entertainment but it's always a disappointment because they never actually DO anything (ha ha ha!)
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therealvinelle · 3 years
do you think carlisle wanted to be a dad or was dadhood thrust upon him
The latter.
He never shows any particular longing for children. When Rosalie speaks of her childlessness, she brings up Esme as one who wanted kids and is making do with the Cullens, not Esme and Carlisle. Carlisle doesn’t go full Father the way Esme does Mother, either, the parent-child dynamic that we see between Billy and Jacob or Charlie and Bella isn’t there. He treats his children like cherished and respected adults who sometimes need guidance, not quite kids. (More on this below.)
He doesn’t seem particularly drawn to kids, either, he lived in Volterra for decades yet his relationship with Alec and Jane is nonexistent, and whenever he meets up with Siobhan and Maggie (Maggie being 15) it’s Siobhan he focuses on.
Plus, and I know no one will be with me on this, but he just doesn’t have the vibe.
To backtrack a bit, how did Carlisle become the father figure in the Cullen family in the first place?
He never set out to become Edward’s father. He turned Edward because he’d grown attached to Elizabeth Masen, and she asked him to turn her son. After that, Carlisle looked at Edward as a potential vampire, and saw all the things Edward could be - a friend, a brother, or a son. He was willing to be a father, but brother or partner would have worked just fine by him as well. Edward got to choose which it would be, or rather Edward decided upon waking up: he took one look at Carlisle and said “yup, that’s my Heavenly Father”.
Then we have Rosalie, she could have been his sister, niece-but-not-daughter-figure, or friend-of-the-family-who’s-part-of-the-coven. Point being, she didn’t have to become his daughter, and yet she did. I can only assume that, like Edward, she chose it. As she found her place in the family, sister and daughter was what felt right for Rosalie in relation to Edward, Carlisle, and Esme.
Then Emmett entered the family, he was Rosalie’s husband, so son to Carlisle and Esme and brother to Edward it is. Alice and Jasper arrive, alright, guess we’re playing house! The coven leader and his mate are mother and father now.
Now, I don’t think the Cullens are secretly not a family, that the whole thing is a front brought on by contrivances. They make it clear again and again that they see each other as family, and they prove several times they’ll go to bat for Edward. And since this is a post about Carlisle I’ll stress that he even refers to newcomer Bella as being like a daughter to him.
The coven has its dysfunctions, yes, anyone who follows my blog knows that I think it’ll break up sooner or later, but that doesn’t delegitimize what they do have.
I think Carlisle is the father figure because that’s what the Cullens need him to be.
Edward was orphaned and alone in a brave new world, and immediately latched on to Carlisle. This isn’t the post to get into their relationship, suffice to say that he needs Carlisle to be his father and would not cope well with Carlisle saying “Fatherhood, huh, woof. Yeahh about that, kid...”
Of course, Carlisle thought of him as a potential son before turning him, but all the same this turned out to be what Edward needed.
Rosalie and Carlisle's relationship is also best reserved for a post of its own, but in a nutshell her parents were social climbers who viewed her beauty as their ticket up the social ladder:
“It was my mother’s job to keep our house — and myself and my two younger brothers — in spotless order. It was clear that I was both her first priority and her favorite. I didn’t fully understand at the time, but I was always vaguely aware that my parents weren’t satisfied with what they had, even if it was so much more than most. They wanted more. They had social aspirations — social climbers, I suppose you could call them. My beauty was like a gift to them. They saw so much more potential in it than I did. 
[I was] happy that my mother was proud of me and that my father liked to buy me pretty dresses. (Eclipse, page 90)
Enter then Carlisle Cullen, who has no interest in her beauty, no ambition on her behalf. He gave her this life she never wanted, yes, but in doing so he also saw something in Rosalie Hale that was worth it all, that he wanted to keep around for eternity.
Rosalie was very happy with her life, but even when reminiscing about how amazing it all was she is able to recognize that her parents loved her beauty, not so much Rosalie herself. Did she want that affection, of course, what child wouldn’t. But, I find the fact that she let Carlisle become her father telling.
I think he’s the father she wished Mr. Hale had been.
Alice is... complicated, but a big part of what she gets from being with the Cullens, from the high school routine and all the clothes, is personhood. She’s an inhuman entity with no memory of being human, and her visions make her even less connected to the physical world than other vampires are. How do you carve out a sense of self around that?
To her, performative humanity as a Cullen is just that, it’s her getting to be a person.
In that regard, having Carlisle around as a person to relate to, a father figure to give Alice Cullen the person substance, is precious.
Jasper doesn’t need a father, but he is in need of guidance and a confidante. Carlisle is implied to be this to him in Midnight Sun, when Jasper needs to be talked down from doing something rash and Alice’s response is to put him in Carlisle’s office and wait for Carlisle to come home and talk sense into him. Carlisle just smiles wryly and trots up the stairs to do what is apparently the not unheard of Jasper wrangling. I can see why the father/son thing comes naturally to them.
I think Renesmée to an extent will also fall under the umbrella of Cullens who act like baby birds around Carlisle, as explained in this post.
Emmett and Bella have no such void being filled by Carlisle. Do they see each other as family, sure, Emmett especially considering how many years they’ve been together. 
(Also, yes I’m aware I didn’t include Esme’s relationship with the kids in this post, that’s not to dismiss her but because anon didn’t ask.)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
DANI HELLO!!!!!!! How you doing babes!!! 🌻🍓
First of all, now I get why you kept on writing 70 more parts to lbaf cause finishing fics is so sad. I keep getting the urge to add more chapters to the ATW fic even though its finished and I currently have 10 WIPS lol.
Anyways, I had my day off today, so I decided to catch up on the last 3 chapters of TLND, which was a horrible decision like always. I have the big sad now I won't be able to get shit done today.
TLND Magnus is becoming my fav. There is something so soft and vulnerable about him. He feels so real and not idealised. And sure, I would like him to communicate better, but that’s easier said than done. Age doesn’t make people wiser or smarter, and stuff like communication issues aren’t something that is resolved easily. I love it when people in their 30’s and 40’s are shown with real problems and issues. He reminds me of Magnus in Peru chapter in TBC.
I read the mansion chapter and then the last one where Clary mentions that thing about being married to a Lightwood. And it’s such a hard-hitting statement. It’s such a common sentiment where people expect partners/spouses to put up with whatever shit life throws at them. Which usually comes from the idea of ‘sacrificing’ in the name of love. Like Magnus clearly went to horrible shit throughout their marriage (I’m specifically talking about outside pressure rn and not their personal issues). Magnus probably got so much shit from the media, and now that he is putting himself first, he is getting more shit. Because people just expect you to sacrifice your whole life, mental health, and every shred of sanity because you love the other person, which is absolutely crazy. It’s not realistic and is always used as an argument against the person with less power for being selfish. It’s very common in military spouses, families where one partner has to reallocate frequently. And any other relationship with power dynamics and is a very harmful idea. So I am glad that Magnus got the divorce (*sobs while typing this*).
Someone needs to protecc Rafael that boy shouldn’t have to deal with all of this. He seems like the kind of person who calls everyone out not because he wants to but because he has to. Peak eldest child syndrome identified. Also, I have a 10 step skincare routine, and I deeply respect Rafael for it. Skincare is actually a very calming experience. 10/10 recommend.
I love Magnus. He’s baby. And he clearly doesn’t know what he wants in this fic which is fine because who even knows what they want lmao. But him taking Rafael to another continent seems unfair to me- specially considering how that would impact Max. Max already feels abandoned as it is; imagine Magnus leaving the country. And I’m thinking how he must be feeling knowing Magnus didn’t go only because of Rafael (idk if Max knew about the London thing or not)- also Magnus saying “oh but Max is allowed to join me if he wants” is also a stupid statement imo like babes, your child thinks you are leaving him. He can’t be a footnote in your London plan, even if it’s temporary. (+ I feel like Alec and Rafael made some stupid deal with each other when they went to talk in the room, they are both sacrifical idiots when it comes to Magnus)
I give more flying fucks about the wet food that people leave in the sink than Shinyun.
The raisin thing made me fucking sob. I fucking hate raisins man and if I ever find someone who eats raisins for me RIP to Magnus Babe but I would simply not divorce them.
P.S. I once again repeat- I am fine with Malec divorce but MAVID ANGST is where I draw the line!!!!!
Alec after seeing Herondale-Fairchilds being happy and normal-
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okaybye 💚
I hope your week is kind to you. *holds up knife* It better be kind to you.
About the writing. Absolutely! It's so hard to let go once you've immersed yourself. Now you feel me :(
Someone once asked me which version of my fic magnus I like the most. At this time, I haven't even begun to write TLND or have the plot sorted. But I remember replying that it's TLND.
Because you are right. He is different.
He is very much the Magnus we see in TBC. The Magnus we see in TID. The Magnus who is still learning how to be an immortal. The Magnus who is better at hiding and hurting than he is at laughing and loving.
I've always thought what it would be like if Alec met that version of Magnus. Magnus who is like 20. Not 400. Their dynamics would be so different. I do think they will end up together and figure out their shit because come on it's malec.
But yeah. I love this magnus so much too. He is very close to my heart.
And about the mavid angst. Apologies in advance, I guess? 💚
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Animaniacs 2020
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(CREDIT TO @knightsweeties​ for this rendition of Gentlepenguin support her work and webcomic)
This review will be a bit different then my other reviews, where I just gush about what I saw and give the highlights.
Im going to be dividing it into several sections.
1. Overview.
2. The Good
3. The Bad
4. The Zany (How does each character compare to the original, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky and Brain.
5. Final Thoughts
With That settled, lets get to it. I’ve got Baloney in My Slacks.
Time to review the Animaniacs
1. Overview
Animaniacs 2020 is a reboot of the Original series that stopped after 1998. Now 22 years later Yakko, Wakko and Dot now face the challenge of being relevant in the age of the smart phones and absolute chaos. Can the Warner siblings show they are Zany to the max even in the chaotic year of 2020?
The interesting thing about the Animaniacs 2020 reboot is that it can be seen  as a sequel series. Since it takes place AFTER the original series.
2. The Good
Yakko, Wakko and Dot are solid. The new theme song is very fitting. 
They still make fun of all the things they should. They have good parodies, hilarious jokes, and there was not a segment that they were in that didn't give me at least a bit of a chuckle.
I was worried on what they would do with Dot, because of the trailer. Especially with cliché ‘#Feminism’ tropes being pushed. (the ones that are clear market grabs and aren't because people actually care. You know what I am talking about ). But everything was handled relatively well. In fact, Dot’s Suffrage song is one of my favorite parts of the new series. Dot was always feminist, so nothing they did was out of character for her regarding this and I am glad. Also her First Lady song was great. For the most part, Dot was phenomenal and I found myself laughing more often at her jokes more than the other two.
Yakko got some interesting character development, and even comes off as more mature. I will say
Pinky and The Brain: OMG PINKY AND THE BRAIN! I don't know how they did it, but outside of the animation improvements, these two fit SEAMLESSLY into the new age! I don't think there was a single Pinky and the Brain segment I didn't like. All of it was hilarious. Brain and Pinky’s dynamic is explored further and we even get a heart clenching back story on WHY brain wants to take over the world. 
The songs are just hilarious, and it is just as self aware as before. The meta jokes are great.
3. The Bad
Okay, so outside of the Warner siblings and Pinky and the brain. The other animated bits, where they were trying new characters.... They were lacking.
Like the contrast between those segments and the main cast are as large as night and Day.
Also, I miss a lot of the extended cast (Slappy squirrel and the hippos especially)
They have one episode that explains what happens to them (which is my personal favorite episode, especially with the plot twist that I didn't see coming).I get why some of the characters didn't come back. But you're telling me SLAPPY SQUIRREL isn't good enough for this? Bull s***
They played it very safe with this season.
That isn't bad, but its clear that in some instances they held their punches.
The show also makes it clear that this was written in 2018, not 2020.
This is a double edge sword.
On one hand, this means they don't have to be 100% on the ball with everything happening in 2020 (which is perfectly fine, I think we could all use a break from 2020) 
But on the other hand it also means you get a lot of the jokes that had been topical at the time but done to death by this year. Thankfully the jokes were still somewhat funny so it wasn't too bad, (some were hilarious) but others fell flat.
I miss Hello Nurse, but the reason she isn't in the show canonically is actually very in character (but the reason she isn't in the show in general is ANNOYING)
4. The Zany
For this I will be comparing how I feel about each of the characters and how they stack up compared to their previous iterations.
He was pretty much the same. Like I really can't distinguish much between the two. Wakko’s antics are timeless and his character was not changed much, if at all through this. So if we are giving a most in-character character for a reboot, Wakko wins.
So 1990′s Wakko = 2020′s Wakko.
This iteration of Yakko was a lot less girl crazy and more centered on his comedy. Yakko double downs on his puns and Jokes, showing that his banter is something he truly focuses on. I think the reason for this is because the show needed to tone it down. 
Yakko’s smart Alec routine felt more reminiscent of Bugs bunny rather than his traditional style. But, the change makes sense. 
Yakko’s comedic jokes are still the best and when he gets a good joke, Its hilarious.
Overall, giving Yakko more Dry humor and less gags actually did hit rather well.
So I would say
1990′s Yakko >= 2020′s Yakko. But maybe season 2 will have me change my mind.
The show has me rather split on my opinion on dot, and its not the reasons you think.
Whenever they give her a joke regarding women or anything feminist. It is handled really well and she gets the jokes great.
And her general jokes are handled well, but then there are instances where, she is just a less funny Yakko. I found some of the deliveries of jokes or bits Yakko would have done in the past and Dot just delivered them in a way so similar to Yakko, it was practically interchangeable. I think the problem also is seen in the new theme song. They changed the original lyric from “Dot is cute” to “Dot has Wit”. But they also kept Yakko’s original lyric of “Yakko yaks”. 
I still think Dot is great and I really think the reboot can help Dot shine even more, but the new show needs to find a way to differentiate Dot and Yakko’s humor more.
1990′s Dot >= 2020′s Dot. I do think that Season 2 will improve on it, but they need to be willing to push the envelop more.
Pinky and The Brain:
Perfectly captured.
Pinky and the Brain are timeless. Both of them play off of each other very well. There were instances that I found myself enjoying them more then the original. The two are able to play off of each other flawlessly and these segments of the show, they don't hold any punches.
Honestly, they are the best part of the reboot and if you could only watch one part of an episode, watch the Pinky and the Brain segments. They are the best parts 9 times out of 10.
1990′s Pinky and the Brain =< 2020′s Pinky and the Brain
Final thoughts:
Overall, I give this show 8.0 /10
I think there can be some improvement and I am sure by season 2 the show will be willing to throw more on the wall to see what sticks.
The meta jokes, the bits, the cultural jokes usually land and aside from nitpicks, the show is wonderful.
I do think there are a few things lacking but I think that it can improve more.
I can't wait to see season 2, and I will be sure to bring toast for the Baloney in their slacks.
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Thots on a figure skating au??? 🅱️lease
hmmmmmmm ok so disclaimer that i know nothing about figure skating so i'm just making up whatever
you got me in a difficult position here cuz on the one hand, i'd love for magnus to be a trainer/coreographer. i think it suits him wonderfully and that while obviously he is great at dancing and loves it, i think that he's more on the creative side of things, you know? so i could imagine something like figure skater alec and trainer magnus. and like alec is a shadowhunter so of course that demands a high level of control over your body that is similar to a figure skater's
but at the same time its funny to me to try to imagine alec figure skating when hes a fucking giant like that because like hes so big?? and when ur big like that ur kind of like... mandatorily graceless and clumsy to a degree methinks (not in a like oh hes always tripping and blushing way, more like the "you're on my leg, you asshole" blooper), because things aren't made for you. like really its an actual matter of accessibility sometimes, especially if you actually have the proportions of a real person like alec does (well, except for the yaoi mcfuckhands. they look big even compared to the rest of his ridiculous body he just b standing there and im like christ edward fingerhands we get it) cuz then Everything Is Bigger Than It Should ya feel
so yeah i can't really imagine alec in like, spandex being all graceful and shit, but at the same time rationally i could imagine that for his character, but also no. so i can't really go with that idea without laughing
but also i can't imagine him as a trainer/coreographer and i don't know who the fuck else is involved with figure skating anyway so is alec like, the janitor or some shit???? some fucking basketball player who sees him at the olympics??? lord help me i have no idea
OK SO IT'S BEEN LIKE 5 MONTHS SINCE I FIRST PUT THE FIRST PART OF THIS ANSWER IN MY DRAFTS (rip anon im so sorry) and i THINK i got it!!! alec could be like, the uhh personal trainer? physical trainer? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN like the one dedicated to making sure the figure skater's body is. capable of. dancing. idk how to explain it but you do get it don't you??? ok
i'm mostly going off my dancing experience here (i had dance classes for like, 10 years of my life, and ugh i miss it) and like besides dancing you always have to train like lifting and doing localized training and stuff because you can't really dance if you don't have strength and flexibility and stamina and all that stuff. the only time i would willingly work out was for dancing lmao especially when i was in my hiphop crew. anyway
and while for me the one responsible for that part of training was the same person as my teacher/coreographer (or when i was doing hiphop it was just. on me to do that lmao but i'm not complaining) i figure when you're a professional and not just a dumb kid that's probably two different people, right? if not it is now. idc
i could go with figure skater magnus and trainer alec but also im really feeling the dynamics of coreographer magnus and trainer alec? like it'd be cute/funny to see them trying to work together for that ya know. so sorry that this feels less like a figure skating au especially since it took me so long to answer it but aaa
but also i mean as a coreographer magnus would have to know how to do it obviously so you would most definitely get a figure skating magnus. alec going to close up the gym and seeing magnus practicing by himself just for fun, anyone? and magnus looks gorgeous as ever way more gorgeous than whoever they're coaching but that's just alec's opinion and magnus kind of stops like "oh, i didn't know you were here" and alec's like "oh oops. anyway keep going you're great at this" and magnus feels a little self conscious but soon he gets lost in it again because really he loves doing this and alec is just appreciating the artwork :)
ANYWAY the dynamics of trainer and coreographer are fun. magnus showing up to alec like "hey alec so i need some heavy lifting on them arms cuz meliorn [idk i don't have any better ideas for who they could be coaching] is gonna carry an elephant onstage" and alec is like "uhh" and meliorn is like "a fake elephant" and alec is like "i mean good but i still have questions"
and magnus is like "obviously we would never use trained elephants, the way they are treated is inhumane" and alec is like "you're completely right but also that's your only worry when it comes to meliorn carrying a real elephant?" and magnus is like "i'm sure you could pull it off ;) you're the best after all" and alec gives him that amused smile
advantages of meliorn: they don't care about the flirting anyway since they are literally Like That too
also magnus and alec working out together off the clock, some ogling on both sides and just generally funny competitive shenanigans. especially cuz like magnus is hella fit but alec works in that stupid gym so he knows what he's about. and alec's all smug about it like "i can lift more than you :)" and magnus is like "oh yeah? let's see how you do in the ring" "no" "yes" "no" "why, can you not do it?" "yes. i know my limits" "well that's too bad... because you're going in anyway"
cue alec falling on his face probably but also like goddamn it he's competitive and he's not gonna let magnus have too much of a win so he tries his best rip. anyway then we probably get some hip touching bullshit when magnus tries to explain it to him and magnus is flirting the whole time and alec's laughing and it's sweet
i have half a mind to make up some angsty backstory about how magnus used to be a figure skater too and his partner was (you'll never guess it) camille and then she pulled the rug from under him and he kinda left the competitions altogether for a while. and then he came back as a coreographer (listen, he loves to dance, but creating is one of his favorite parts and he was always involved in coreographing anyway. his old coreographer and him were always having a blast and camille did not like it) and this is kinda his debut as a coreographer at some big shot competition idk and he just feels like he has so much to prove?
lol bonus camille's new coreographer is lorenzo so the hating magnus squad is in thick against him and it's a whole thing you know
OH MEGA ANGSTY camille got him out of the competition because she outed him as trans and he was declassified because something something transphobic bullcrap so he wasn't allowed anymore. i assume this was like right after they won because of course she wouldn't compromise herself, or maybe it was at the beginning/pre-stages of the championship so she had time to find a new partner. yeah that last one and then she won with the coreography that he had helped them create. im saying she did that because he broke up with her finally after years of abuse both in work and out of it so she did that as revenge or to make sure he couldn't have his passion anymore. and it took magnus years to build himself back up as a coreographer this time because transphobia (and racism) in the market but guess what? he is extremely smart and talented and creative so now he is back at the championship and he wants to show the world what they have been missing on
hmmmmm also i implied this is in pairs since magnus and camille used to be one so i think meliorn's pair would probably be izzy and maybe that's why alec's involved? like he was already a personal trainer or whatever which his parents were fine with even though it's not of course as grand as they would've liked (meaning they were total asses about it) but when izzy decided to go into sports/art they lost their shit and didn't want to support her so, you know, alec did and became her trainer. which is just as well because he is the best so like, deal with it. not saying they like kicked her out or anything (esp cuz i imagine part of alec's reasoning is that izzy stood by him when he came out and if they didn't kick him out over being gay they wouldn't kick her out over being a skater but y'know) but they definitely wouldn't support her so they both also feel like they have a lot to prove
lol me: i have half a mind to make this angsty. also me: paragraphs and paragraphs of angsty backstory
anyway they win obviously idk what to tell you they just do cuz we stan talent. camille is second for maximum drama and vengeance, the lightwoods try to get the spotlight once izzy wins and she and alec tell them to fuck off, they advocate for specific rules prohibiting ppl to declassify trans ppl over being trans and that's all i have tbh
sorry it took so long to answer daiudsauihda but i hope that outline is at least interesting for you!
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vol. 1
Media AU
Society Rules by @Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright [it is apparently based on films i’ve never heard of - The Philadelphia Story / High Society - which does not make it any less entertaining. malec are childhood friends, who had a falling out 5 years ago, and now Magnus is back from London to interrupt Lightwood wedding, aka the social event of the season]
Making my way to you by @asharee_arie [woah, what was that??? is the correct answer “a perfect fanfic”?? what a muthafuckin delight, where has this gem been hiding this whole time??? i was on the floor, rolling around and squealing like a newborn piglet. Intended as some kind of Office AU, this piece does not necessarily follow the outline, but who cares, when the story, and characters, and author’s style are all that perf??? i am in luv]
Mistletoe and Margaritas by @nevermetawolf [this is legendary, and i mean, muthafuckin epic - Office AU so authentic you’d feel it in yo old bones... author calls it a crack fic, although it was anything but!!! major must read for those, who’s ever loved office, allllllll the kudos]
Once Upon a Time in the Clouds by @Fatale (femme) [one of my all-time fav authors, every time i come by a piece i have not read yet, is like a huge YAY, what a talent. so this piece is an AU of something called “sky high”, which i have no idea about, but luved it nevertheless, Alec is born to a family of Supers, and is going to school for children with superpowers, but he himself is yet to manifest any.]
Quite Magical by @lorenzobane [Hogwarts AU, and what an adorable thing it was! granted, i’ve never actually read any of HP books, this was such a delight though... alec is bad at potions, and magnus has to tutor him *wink*]
Chef AU
the way to a chef’s heart by @lecrit [okay, the GIANT SMILE one’s face acquires when one finds out there is a new lecrit fic ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ was reading it, and legitimately squealing like a feral piglet all the way through, cause i fucking luv every single word this woman writes, is like a tiny endorphin explosions in my brain. i know am a hopeless fangirl, but i’ll die on this hill. the way she gets malec, and every variation of them in her works just makes me go (❁´◡`❁) every. single. time.]
kids in the kitchen by @perpetual_journey [cuteness personified, malec are both chefs, and magnus is a single father of max and rafe, and go and read ittttttttt, its that soft content we all need in our lives sometimes]
Knives at the Ready by @harrysglasses [restaurant AU, that is supposed to be a malec rendition of Burnt (am guessing it’s a movie...?), and what a sweet treat it was! i liked author’s style, this is the kind of smooth, unproblematic content one would require to take repose from all the heart-clenching longing i’ve been reading lately... delightful piece to ease thy soul]
Single Parent AU
I Knew From the First Time by @KlaineJane [emmm, excuse you, dear author, who gave you the right to use Rafe and Max to get to my heart, and be generally so fucking cute??? Alec is a single dad of both rascals, that has a meeting with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and Chairman meets new friends]
And Then I Met You by @everydayfandom [malec are single parents of max and rafe respectively, and alec gets called in to school about the accident max was involved in...who doesn’t luv them some gud ol’ sweet piece of kidfic? those are like a soothing baths for your soul, and lightwood-bane kids are incapable of being anything less than extremely adorable in any interpretation, so]
College AU
Don’t say goodnight by @alistoney [this the kinda lighthearted content i am always here for - College AU]
One year and a bottle of whiskey by @CryptidBane [yassssss, yet another version of the College AU, but with malec as both clueless and pining professors, this type of fic i can read endlessly]
All is Fair in Love and War by @LadyOxymoron [aaaaaaaa, what was this adorableness *major heart-eyes* what a piece, mashallah, college professors AU, where magnus is new in town, and malec is engaging in an elaborate prank war, which, undoubtedly, is nothing more than a prolonged foreplay (c), what a gem]
Canon Divergence
oh, i’ve waited for you by @manticoremoons [so, the fic is happening a little bit further in a timeline, than the books or the series, and Alec is around 30, and... married to Lydia. i know, i know, it almost stopped me from proceeding, and boi am i glad it hasn’t completely, cause it is a damn good piece!]
Hey There Demons, It’s Me (Your Dream Boyfriend) by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how many recs of this author can i make, without being deemed obsessed? cause y’all should go and read every single thing they wrote, stat. this adorableness is outta this world, literally - magnus’ summoning went sideways, and the loft ends up populated with the teenage ghost-demon, who is very clearly enamored with alexander... all kinds of fluff ensue]
Something Else verse by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [maybe it’s my fever talking, but i am such a sucker for memory loss AUs, and SH fandom has the richest canon base for those, yay! this time, it’s an AU verse after 3x10: rather than asking for his magic, Asmodeus curses magnus by taking away memories from everyone who’s ever loved him, in exchange for freeing jace from lilith’s thrall... oh, what a beautiful and delicious angst ensues]
Home by @otppurefuckingmagic [waaaaaaaaat... *sits with her mouth open* how did you....? how did he...? damnnnnnnnnn you authors in this fandom, stop being so talented!!!! this is uncannily brilliant]
I’ll hold on until you’re home by @alistoney [how dare you sir, right in the feels... the missing scene in the midst of 3x18/3x19, when magnus realizes what his idiot of a boyfriend has done, and confronts him about the Asmodeus deal]
First time for everything by @nebulein [“Nowhere in a Shadowhunters’ job description does it read ‘must look adorable while infatuated with the local High Warlock’.” - series of firsts written with such tenderness and adoration for characters, that it warms your heart while reading, - it shows how much the author cares for them. it is not finished, but whatever has already been written, is gold]
Fake dating AU
The Great Repression by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [although it might not be exactly my regular cup of tea, i still appreciate this author’s style so damn much, and the way they do malec dynamic overall, so it’s here. magnus is a camboy, and alec is hired to protect him from a stalker]
Friends to lovers
Family is Family by @hexicity [my brains are fried by the covid, so any coherent rec would be unlikely right about now, but the softness of this <333 alec sees an ad about a free room, and when he moves in, he finds way more, than he bargained for... gave me a bit of a “happy, shiny people everywhere” vibe, and that’s an automatic rec in my books, so]
Spinning Around In Circles by @lemonoclefox [my fav friends to lovers/mutual pining trope, here you are, and what a pretty pretty wrapper are you wearing - absolutely amazing interpretation of a trope, that seems to has been done to death, and yet here i am, never able to get enough of it <3]
If it walks like a duck by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [this. i was reading this. and after every single word. all i wanted to do was get down on one knee and propose to this person. i dunno who the hell you is, but.... how did you do this? it was... another level of fanfiction.]
Neighbors AU
Meow 17:1 Love Thy Neighbor by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn [again, not a fan of drabbles, but who could resist such softness??? Neighbors AU, where Chairman takes some lessons he learnt from “Parent trap” to heart, and alec is a stumbling mess, but he gets shit done, kudossssssss]
Various AU mix
Solid courage by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how goddamn CUTE was dat???? answer - the cutest. mashallah people in this fandom can write]
Paper Love by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [it would not be an exaggeration to admit i thoroughly fell in love with this author’s style, i mean, all and every version of their malec is all kinds of awesome. this one is no exception - catarina works in the library, and malec have to take madzie out to a coffee shop, cause their obnoxious flirting is too loud for the quaint environment of catarina’s workplace.... it’s tiny and so so sooooooo sweet]
make no bones by @ohfreckle [yaaaaaaaaay, what a cutie, tiny preciousness about magnus having an awful day and taking it out on a no-good useless building super, simply delightful]
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuary_for_all [Alec works in IT firm, and accidentally sends someone else’s dick pick to his boss, whom he has a crush on... do i need to say more]
shadows in moonlight by @kaeg [damnnnnnn, son, that was a ride!! something exquisitely soulful, tender and so, so poetic... young malec meet in summer vacation home, and it will take your breath away in the best way possible... warning, it is unfinished, but whatever was written, is absolute preciousness]
For the Love of the Game by @TicklemyPickle [Hockey AU, where malec were childhood friends, but had a falling out, and were not in touch for the last 7 years, until magnus gets traded in to alec’s team... i was somewhat unsure about reccing this, as some of the choices author made regarding their dynamic did not exactly resonate with me, but decided to go on, because, god as my witness, one thing this world definitely needs more of - is malec Hockey AUs, word upppp]
Love Is A Gamble by @la-muerta [i myself do not completely understand, why has it taken me so long to get to the “The importance of elsewhere” author’s most famous piece, but i finally have, it was amazeballs, like, the world-building...? off the charts. the language, the moral struggle, what a gem. alec is a grumpy and surely sheriff *duh!!!* of a tiny town, and magnus strolls in being all... well, magnus-y, and opens a gambling house, the potential!!! anyway, i highly doubt this piece needs recs, so imma zip it]
@ohprongs [this author has too many tiny pieces i like to name them individually, but as far as reccing goes, they should def be mentioned here for their effortless, seamless style, and clear love for the characters in all interpretations, that simply shines through all and any AUs they choose to put malec in]
special mention:
@theleftboobgrabber [i wasn’t aware that at this stage it was still possible to come by someone like this. the author, who’s style would impress me so. that unbelievably glorious Mafia AU, absolutely delightful and literally perfect My mama don’t like you series, and something that went straight to my top-5 - MI6 AU ohhhhh, that MI6 AU... i have no coherent words to express the depths of my appreciation, this is unbelievable fucking talent for writing malec]
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
If you feel so inclined I would LOVE to hear more about your thoughts on heist movies (my favourite genre too!). Do you have a favourite?
why thank you! long story short the heist is the BEST genre and has the potential for a lot of fun and also if the story decides to go there, social commentary, but the heist is also a trick to pull off and takes a certain degree of skill! 
on a craft level, a heist is interesting because it’s pure, contained narrative. i’m sure there are literary fiction type heists out there, but on the whole the heist is the genre that strips all pretensions bare and reveals the bare bones of the story. plotting is KEY. the heist pushes all the elements of techniquie- plot, timing, rising tension, information and its release- straight to the center, often in extremely practical ways I.E we’re all in this One Building together and need to get this One THings. we’ve all seen bad heist movies before, and we’ve enjoyed them, but we’ve also Known they were bad or at least unfeasible, because it was pushed right into the open. (doesn’t stop them from Fun)
leigh bardugo aka MASTER of this genre said in an interview once i think that a heist is all about the timed release of information, which. yes. heists are ALL ABOUT tension and reveals, and a good heist writer is good at tightly controlling the rise and fall of tension based on their manipulation of the situation 
i LOVE genre fiction and am a massive Genre Fiction Defender, because i think sometimes authors can do their best work within the conventions and general plot outlines that a genre can provide. and a heist is both a fairly set and adaptable genre that can be outwardly applied to others, as well. a heist too can sit anywhere on the goofy to grimdark, and is also often blended the crime movie or organised crime movie (often the Set Up/antagonist). finally i think there’s a bit of a distinction within a heist movie- between a Heist (aka an organised plan to steal something in secret, generally) and a Con (a plan specifically revolving around Playing people). arguably the best of the genre Combine the two to maximise different kinds of storytelling and tension. the problems facing the heist tend to be physical, scientific or practical - an uncrackable safe, guard dogs, lazer-eyed alligators, etc, whereas the problems of the COn are human- finding the mark, the mark’s soft spots, and of course, the internality of the grifter(s) trying to work the mark. the COn aspect can be a really fascinating insight into human psychology. 
there’s also just an endless amount you can do with having people pretending to be other people to Get Something DOne and how that can be used to explore themes like class and privilidge.... 
which segues into my next point that a heist DOESN’T have to be subversive or NECESSARILY interested in wealth redistrubution and rob-the-rich-give-to-the-poor (although some of the best written ones are the ones where this is the case IMHO). BUT. the writer has to be aware those tensions exist, even subliminally! they have to underpin the structure of the novel. arguably, along with the organised crime genre, a heist is interesting for the extreme economic cross section of society it often contains - characters who have been struggling or down on their luck their whole lives in some ways engaging with or pretending to be the nobility or wealthy. a good visual heist often exploits this visually. 
the final point is that a multi-person heist often needs a good sense of interpersonal dynamics between the heist crew who you know, like all human being under pressure ESPECIALLY human beings who might not know each other and have prison/lives on the line, may not get along all that well 
so. it’s a pile up here. good plotting. good timing. PRESSURe. class. human psychology. very few heists have ALL these elements, but i’d argue that to tick, a good heist needs at least some of them. 
a lot of my favorites aren’t movies at all! 
- six of crows duology leigh bardugo - this series really got popular on tumblr, and it’s very simple as to why- it’s fucking great. seriously. like the hunger games, it’s one of those ya series i reread this summer and was reminded how well it stands up. (i wouldn’t read the grisha trilogy it intersects with until after, it is not NEARLY as good.) SOC works due to how well bardugo understands her characters, both in terms of internality and the wider political/social/cultural trends of the early industrial fake!amsterdam world they life in and importantly how the external and internal interact, and manages five and then six distinctive POV’s of a heist team MASTERFULLY. (no one in it is like vaguely a teenager is my only serious criticism). takes a while to get going but a knockout of a series. 
(they’re making a tv series of it which mixes it in with a bunch of other content LOOSING the tight “nothing including but the plot-necessary and yet richly detailed” writing that made it in the first place. but. whatever 
- leverage 
the heartwarming series about a team of crooks becoming a Family and dealing with individual trauma while starting to To Good and rob the rich to give to the poor in the aftermath of the 2009 financial crisis! genuinely one of the best shows i’ve ever seen, the plot of the week was always really entertaining and fun but the show did an admirable job of running a good course and finishing in a good place with serious character development in a satisfying way! i especially love the female characters in this one (hats off to inej and nina of six of crows too tho!!! love them) including a very well-written woman in her 40′s and an autistic woman coming into herself while being a baddass thief. and alec hardison is just. the best EVER 
- “time heist” - season 8 of doctor who 
this is just one episode and it’s very classic goofy WHO BUT! i think it manages in 45 minutes to be both a goofy fun alien time and a genuine homage to the genre that has some good reveals 
- timeless is NOT a heist show blatantly but in the way they used time travel there was often examples of Good Heist Writing 
- arguably, though not as a WHOLE, parts Rogue One
the locke lamora series, by scott lynch- 
these are LONG but they are FUN 
ocean’s 8 is also FUN 
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Back with the Pack by majesticduxk
Haikyuu!! || Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto/everyone, everyone/everyone || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 5,591 words || WIP
Summary: Bokuto’s pack was the best. He loved all of them enough to not want to drag them down. So, over the course of a few months, he started to cut ties, until all he’s caught out and Kuroo drags him home – to claim him properly.
Other tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Bokuto Koutarou, Alpha Kuroo Tetsurou, Alpha Akaashi Keiji, self sacrificing Bokuto, pack alpha Kuroo
Cookies and Hot Cocoa by wonderfulmax90
Harry Potter || Charlie Weasley/Neville Longbottom || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,098 words || Complete
Summary: Wherein Charlie and Neville discuss dragons, family and aromanticism
And like the cat I have nine times to die by treefrogie84
Leverage, The Old Guard || Nicky/Joe, Parker/Eliot/Alec || Teen & up || Graphic descriptions of violence || 52,372 words || Complete
Summary: Parker and Eliot are on a date when the TV above the bar announces that Stephen Merrick is dead. Its the how that catches both of them off guard, and splits them apart, scrambling for answers. Eliot runs back to the family he walked out on centuries ago, Parker goes searching for someone else who can do what she can do. And Alec is just confused and bereft, wondering why both his partners disappeared on him.
Other tags: Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Torture, Quynh comes back, none of them should ever be left alone
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 1) by tryslora
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || M/F/F (Shane/Pels/Jess) || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 4,081 / 4,081 words || WIP
Summary: Pels is home for spring break, which would be great if this were a house she'd ever lived in before.
Other tags: Magic, College, Guardian Angel, Ghosts, Soulmarks
Not Your Guardian Angel (chapter 2) by tryslora
As Above || 3,256 / 7,337 words || WIP
Summary: Pels needs to waste some time while waiting for Cheyenne. Coffee and conversation make for a surprising way to do it.
When Edom Descends (Remix) - chapter 3 by hermit9
Shadowhunters || Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland || Explicit || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 17,430 words || WIP
Summary: Magnus kills Jonathan Morganstern during one to one combat in the heart of Alicante. He did it for all the right reasons. Living with the consequences of his choices is another matter.
Other tags: BAMF Magnus Bane, Angst, Assumed Character Death, Possession, Grieving, Malec turning to Malace, Soul Bond, Smut, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Song Remains the Same by treefrogie84
Supernatural || none || General || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 900 words || Complete
Summary: The heaven he deserves. With John and Mary over yonder and Cas... not here and... The heaven he deserves, with his bloody hands and weapons. Cas lied. He really isn't any more than Daddy's blunt instrument, and weapons don't get to rest.
Other tags: Post-Canon, after 15.20, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Not A Fix-It, mcd aftermath, Afterlife, Hurt No Comfort, Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues
Sex on the Beach by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Castiel || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,085 words || Complete
Summary: Dean has a standing appointment at a random beach with his boyfriend Cas.
Other tags: Beach Sex, Trope Reversal, Caecilian Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Public Sex, Blowjobs, Double Penetration, Tentacles, consectacles, handjobs, Magic Realism
Loving You by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cain || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,407 words || Complete
Summary: Five times Dean only thinks that he loves Cain, and one time he actually says it out loud.
Other tags: Praise Kink, Soft sex, Established Relationship, Caring Cain, 5+1 Fic,  Dean thinking he loves Cain, vs Dean saying he loves Cain
Looking Out, Looking In by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Benny, Castiel/Jimmy, Dean/Benny/Castiel/Jimmy (implied) || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,912 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Benny are living together in an apartment building, and they quickly realise that some people are better at closing curtains than others…
Other tags: Incest Kink, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Cas and Jimmy are twins, Twincest, Polyamory, Frottage, Rutting, Whipping, Bondage, Implied Eventual Foursome
Made In A Hollywood Basement by treefrogie84
Supernatural, Wayward Sisters || Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum || Teen & up || Major Character Death || 1,132 words || Complete
Summary: Jack may have defanged Chuck and put the world back to rights, but there's always another battle brewing. Jody and Donna decide its better to just cut the whole train off at the pass... in November 2005.
Other tags: Post-episode 15.19, preventing one apocalypse and causing another, don't talk to me about the physics of this
The Camp Experience by Im_Tytastic
Teen Wolf || Derek Hale/Jordan Parrish || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 5,224 words || Complete
Summary: Jordan's first summer camp, and the camp that changed everything.
Other tags: Teenagers, Meeting each other after a long time, Summer Camp, Teen Derek Hale, Teen Jordan Parrish, Teen Derek is cocky and arrogant, Internalized Homophobia, Crushes, Angst, Derek Hale is a Softie, Religious Conflict, Author is not Christian
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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ingravinoveritas · 4 years
Out of all the people David and Michael have worked with, who do think they have the best chemistry with, other than each other? (I just noticed how I worded it like that question David got asked at that convention)
Ha! I know exactly the question you are referring to, Anon, and now I feel legally obligated to post this:
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That being said...the question you pose is an interesting one. What David and Michael have with each other is so unique and powerful that by comparison, nothing else quite touches that same height. But I do think they have absolutely had great chemistry with some of their other co-stars, so I will list a few here, with my reasoning as to why. And off we go!
1. Catherine Tate. Fair disclaimer: I haven’t seen much Doctor Who and only a little bit of CT as Donna Noble. But everything else I have seen David and Catherine in has been fantastic, and they are hilarious together. I get a very “bratty brother and no-nonsense sister” and/or “boss lady straight girl and her chaotic bisexual BFF” vibe from them, which allows them to rib each other mercilessly. I particularly love them as Benedick and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, David’s appearance as a teacher to CT’s Lauren on The Catherine Tate Show and of course, the very, very Glaswegian and very, very gay Ghost of Christmas Present in Nan’s Christmas Carol.
2. Olivia Colman. Broadchurch is, without question, a heart-shatteringly brilliant show, and that is in no small part due to David and Olivia. To have two people carry a show like that for several years demands a chemistry between the lead actors that can sustain that dynamic (one example is David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in The X-Files). David and Olivia play off each other perfectly as Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller, and I love the contrast between the combative relationship their characters have on the show and how warm and lovely they are with each other in real life, in interviews and such. 
3. John Barrowman. John is, of course, a walking, talking charm machine--both in real life and as Captain Jack Harkness. Again, I haven’t seen much DW, but they both seem to bring out the best in each other when they’re in scenes together, to make the material they’re performing come alive. And of course, there is no shortage of David and John flirting in real life (hello, SDCC 2009 kiss), but I love the connection they share with their Scottishness, and how John says they “talk Scottish to each other” when they are together (meaning he uses his real Glaswegian accent). So lovely. HONORABLE MENTION GOES TO: Billie Piper as Rose Tyler in DW.
1.Lizzy Caplan. I discovered Masters Of Sex last year and promptly binge-watched the entire show. The relationship between Bill and Virginia is so complex and nuanced, and you absolutely need two actors who can build and sustain that, which Michael and Lizzy did in spades--not to mention their melt-the-screen hot sex scenes, which are also filled with layers and emotion. You can choreograph sex scenes and plan movements and maneuvers, but you can’t teach the look Michael and Lizzy had in their eyes when they touched each other. And Michael and Lizzy’s chemistry is palpable, both on the show and in the interviews they did together during its run.
2. Tom Payne. I wavered back and forth between choosing Tom and Bellamy Young, but I feel that Michael has had more scenes with Tom, and consequently more time to create that relationship. Again, the relationship between Martin Whitly and Malcolm is deeply layered and complex, and emotionally fraught (which is a nice way of saying “fucked up”), but Michael and Tom manage to play off each other beautifully and the energy between them crackles the air whenever they are acting together. Like David and John, Michael and Tom seem to bring out the best in each other and elevate the other’s acting in any scene they share. Amazing.
3. Stephen Fry. So this might seem like an unusual choice, but Michael was so beautiful and perfect as Robbie Ross in Wilde, and threw himself so fully into the role and into loving Stephen as Oscar Wilde. It’s extraordinary to think that his first sex scene ever was with Stephen--in contrast to the wealth of experience he later had when acting opposite Lizzy in MoS--but the scene in Wilde is so good because of that chemistry between them. And they both speak so warmly of each other in real life (and of the filming of that scene), which is just adorable.
HONORABLE MENTION GOES TO: Bellamy Young as Jessica Whitly in PS.
So, those are my picks for who I think David and Michael have the best chemistry with, outside of each other. I hope this answers your question, Anon. Thanks for writing in! x
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
City of Bones thoughts
I finally got City of Bones the other day and my scattered thoughts (tagging @repulsolife who wanted to know my thoughts):
I didn’t think Clary was a Mary Sue. People who slammed the series kept insisting she was one because she was so “speshul” with runes, but I’ve stopped caring about hating female characters based on special abilities since the realisation that people worship special male characters like Luke Skywalker but slam girls for the same reasons.
And on that note, I really like Clary. I resonated with her and how she felt like she didn’t fit in either world. I was reminded of Percy Jackson from when I read The Lightning Thief: both are kids shoved into a deadly world that wants to kill them while losing their mothers in the process after said mothers tried to keep them away, both meet a cute and highly skilled blonde with a painful past who are prickly with them at first but then slowly warm to them (Jace and Annabeth), both are powerful and have latent abilities that they need to learn to use, etc.
(Except I’ve seen a lot more scorn directed at Clary than Percy but that’s a story for another day)
Like, she makes mistakes and has flaws that are actually mistakes and flaws. She runs headlong into dangerous situations and ignores the advice of people telling her not to, and she genuinely gets her and others around her into trouble because of it. She has insecurities. She was so damn hurtful to Alec and was way out of line to weaponise his crush against him, but I also understood where she was coming from and that it wasn’t just a tantrum. I do like her overall.
Can’t stand Jace. I know he has a Tragic Backstory and he’s just Insufferably Smug As A Mask, but he annoyed me from the moment I saw him. I honestly wondered wtf Clary saw in him, even after all the times he opened up to her.
Simon was hilarious but even he got annoying when it came to the love triangle. I was expecting Isabelle to eventually return his crush and have the dynamic of the Hot Girl and the Nerdy Boy, so it was a little refreshing for Simon to realise that what he was feeling was shallow infatuation and have that help him see just why he liked Clary. A lot of these “I’ve been in love with you for years” crushes are just...there, but I genuinely enjoyed the rapport between Clary and Simon, and I could see why Simon was crushing on her, even if it got annoying.
Hated the love triangle. Hated it. I’ve never liked them in the first place but it honestly detracted from the story for me. I wanted to find out more about Jocelyn and Valentine and the Cup and angels and demons and the world in general without having the damn love triangle intrude on everything every time Jace and Simon were on the page. The dick-measuring contest got old fast.
I feel like people who complain about Clary being oblivious and how could she not have noticed Simon was crushing on her because it was so obvious have never heard of us aroaces. Her not catching on was very real for me.
The Clary/Jace relationship was a bit...sudden. Like, I know it’s taken half the book, but it’s only been a few days in the actual story and then they’re making out. Idk, maybe it’s just me being too aro for all this. I might grow to like it as it’s fleshed out but for now, it’s way shallow and idk what Clary sees in Jace and why Jace is into her in return. I would’ve liked for the first kiss stage to happen in a later book, but I know in passing about the upcoming relationship drama, so...I guess.
Isabelle was cool. She was pretty obviously the Designated Hot And Quirky Female Friend, but I still liked her. And I liked that she wasn’t outright rude to Clary or basically pitted against her in a catty bitchfight; each girl had their insecurities and projected onto each other, but they weren’t nasty to each other like Rosalie was to Bella in Twilight.
Alec was okay. He obviously had a Painful Past too, but I didn’t really feel either way about him. I guess because he’s not Jace, so we’re not meant to root for the Hot Bad Boy in the same way with Alec. I did love how he was explicitly gay in a book that came out when explicit queer rep was a pipe dream (like 2007 or something), especially in YA literature. And him getting flustered with Magnus was hilarious.
Magnus was a gem. I could immediately see why he’s a popular character.
It’s a bit of a slow book but maybe that’s just because it’s the introductory one and has to set up an entire world. I did enjoy it, though, and I’m glad I decided to check it out for myself instead of just going off everyone else’s whining.
It was very refreshing to have something other than Christianity validated, because so much of this genre heavily relies on crosses and Christian imagery, and one of the issues I’ve had in my own writing is wanting to write about angels and demons without them being Christian.
Definitely a family reveal worthy of “I am your father” but it was kind of ruined for me because I know in passing what actually happens later on. I did like how good Valentine was at emotionally manipulating Jace and how he knew exactly what to say, and I did feel for Jace even though I’m still ehhh about him.
Loved the Clary-Isabelle ending. So much better to see girls getting along and trying to navigate a girl-girl friendship than seeing them at each other’s throats for a boy. Also helped that there was nothing romantic between Isabelle and Jace.
Also like how Alec’s softened now. He really is likeable and I want to read more about him.
I liked it. It wasn’t my favourite book in the world, but it was a good introduction and I do want to keep reading, so I guess the book succeeded in its mission. I’m just bitter that I didn’t let myself get into this years ago because of internalised misogyny. Definitely going to start ‘City of Ashes’ at some point over the next few days.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Thoughts on Jagnus?
Thanks for playing! <3
And goodness gracious, even on a platonic level, the show did them DIRTY.
Magnus, canon love interest of the guy Jace shares a soul with and we don’t like.. .get any bonding? Even though both sides should have investment in getting to know the other?
Not even just in a fanfiction tropey way. HOW do you literally only show one (1) scene of them together when they lived together for like a season. You had the perfect set-up to establish their dynamic.
And that is STILL not mentioning all of the PARALLELS - shit father, mother committed suicide, both traumatized by finding a parent dead, both using unhealthy coping mechanisms and too much sarcasm and snark to keep people at arm’s length, both struggling with accepting love, both having magically glowing golden eyes (something that really stands out for me considering how important it seems to Magnus that he never met anyone with eyes like his).
(And talking about eyes, I can not neglect to mention the fact that Magnus, in book-canon, has a weakness for blue eyes. And Jace, in show-canon, has blue eyes. FATE? YES INDEED.)
And me aside, the show needed it. The show was so overly focused on romance and just completely neglects platonic dynamic and this was one where the circumstances offered it on a silver fucking platter, both a reason for them to bond and an opportunity to, and still nothing. Deadass this show’s biggest failing was that it didn’t even try despite all the potential it had.
Moving on.
THE BOOKS THOUGH. Jagnus is gonna be what actually makes me read the rest of those books, because regardless of how little, the first book at least gave me SOMETHING.
Their banter when they first met gives me life. My OTP tag for them - keep it in your pants - is... literally... the first thing Magnus says to Jace in canon? About Jace’s stele but how do you turn that into an innuendo? HOW am I supposed to not read that as flirting?
Everyone going to Magnus for the first time is entirely a Jagnus interaction. Alec’s in the background and speaks like once. Izzy is off getting drunk with Simon. Clary is being sad. Magnus and Jace are circling each other like wild cats and I am living for it. (Still salty that the show turned the narrative on that just completely around.)
And in the end of the first book Magnus just... gives... Jace a flying motorbike. Jace, specifically, and only Jace. That’s where Jace got his flying motorbike in the book, because Magnus gave it to him. For free. As a gift. Saying it just “takes up space” because it’s parked outside the loft but you could literally just remove it from there with a wave of your hand or gift it to the guy who’s supposed to be your endgame romance but you chose to turn it into a gift. For Jace. HOW AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO SHIP THEM.
Seriously how did anyone read City of Bones and read Jace and Alec fanboying about flying motorbikes like excited children, talking about how both ALWAYS wanted one and then there is this rich warlock and he just gives one to Jace and... you didn’t end up shipping them? That’s just weak.
Having read only the first book, I am already very optimistic that the books will provide me with more canon Jagnus interactions than the show did in its run.
I love them. I love them very dearly. They are my TOTP. My Truest OTP.
Ask Me My Thoughts On [insert whatever you want here]!  
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Oh my god! Please extend on the htgawm au or cast tsc characters as htgawm charcters.
I can already see Alastair as Connor, Thomas as Oliver, Grace as Michaela and obviously Charles as Aiden (even though he isn't that important, that conversation between Michaela and Connor is too iconic to not include him). Because of this, we will also get a Grace and Alastair dynamic which will be interesting to see.
I am kinda confused on the other characters. I can kind of see Maryse and Robert as Annalise and Sam, but then it makes Robert's canon development seem futile so I don't wanna do that. Also, now that I think about it, just because Maryse and Robert have the whole cheating arc, doesn't really make them similar to Annalise and Sam.
So, please help with the characters. You can choose characters from any timeline. It would be interesting to the character dynamic since characters from tmi and tda have never met characters from tid and tlh and Its interesting to imagine how they would get along and what their friendship would be like.
(P.S: I am sorry if I'm getting too excited, but htgawm is one of my all time favorite shows and tsc is one of my favorite book series, so I am getting very pumped up)
Okay this took me way too long to figure out cause htgatwm character dynamics are messy af. I couldn't put all the characters from different trilogies together. But how about this?
What if we make Annalise...Jocelyn?
The tmi gang kills 'Valentine/Sam' without knowing he is a piece of shit.
Clary can be Bonnie and Frank can be Sebastian (big ew - the plot needs to change but I feel like the dynamics work. The two of them being closest to Jocelyn/Annalise
Jace can be Asher. Checks out.
Izzy can be Laurel. Yes????
I would love to see Maia as Michaela. The power this two women hold oof.
Also, Luke is Nate!!! IT WORKS.
I think Magnus and Alec work perfectly as Connor and Oliver. They are both soft ships and must be protected at all costs. Also we know Magnus saves the gang's ass all the time just like Oliver.
why the fuck is this actually coming together imma stop now bye
Edit - just realised I forgot fucking Wes lmao. SIMON? I GUESS? CAUSE CANONICALLY DIES?
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tomiyeee · 3 years
2, 5, 7, 13, 17, and 20 (you gave me so many lol)
under cut cuz it’s long(er than usual)
2) What do you like most about the series?
hm. if im honest, im not entirely sure! i think at least part of what got me hooked and why the series has remained so entertaining for me is just the sheer ridiculousness of it. the faces and animations, the whole concept of an ancient alien race whose society revolves around racing cars...it’s great! i don’t mean this in a bad way or that i dont take any fan content seriously, i just find it amusing looking at my content of it and thinking “man. this from a kids’ show about cars.” makes it much easier to enjoy what i make and not take it all too seriously. im just here to have fun!
5) Favorite & least favorite car(s)?
mm i answered already but i realize those were only acceleracers cars sooo…
fav: markie’s stingray..i always say this but it’s vanilla flavored..it’s so pretty
least fav: gosh all these cars are so ugly it’s hard to pick just one...i’ll just go by teams lol
wave rippers - alec’s truck is so bulky and ugly and boring *graffiti’s on it in vr chat*
street breed - side draft is such a stupid name
road beasts - moto-crossed. what the fuck?
dune ratz - kadeem i love you but...sir ur car…
scorchers - red baron. the fucking. driver has to bend over just to see out the vehicle, how is this a car
7) Favorite scene or line?
vert house scene in BP. i’ve probably watched/listened to BP at least twice as many times as any of the other movies. nolo isn’t in this scene but i like vert too and he looked cute and had nice voice acting so it’s in second place. what can i say, i cant stand action and eating lunch in the cafeteria and talking to ur dad at home is about as far from action as you can get :)
13) What ships do you like (if any)?
i have them all listed on my blog but i wanna talk about some of em that have been on my mind a lot anyway:
vertnolo - tbh i can’t see either of them being very romantic, esp with each other. they aren’t so much boyfriends as they are just friends who like to kiss lol. this ship is almost purely self-indulgence which im a little embarrassed about sometimes but hghhh. i love vert and i love nolo and instead of loving both of them individually, why not love two boys with one ship? :)
banjee/kadeem - they had very cute exchanges in world race and i would’ve loved to see more of them!
banjee/ez/skeet - damn banjee how come i let you have two boyfriends AND a girlfriend? they seem to be canonically very good friends, and i love the idea of the three of them getting into trouble together...or rather banj/ez getting into trouble and skeet being reluctantly dragged along. he seems the least willing to break rules but they are all ride or die for each other
tork/tone - this may not have worked out in canon and there’s not much to work off of there anyway in terms of dynamic so i don’t draw it much, but rival team leaders are always an interesting ship in my experience lol. plus they both desperately needed some character development so hey they have that in common!
dad wheeler/tezla/gelorum - the dilf/gilf/milf dynamic. they are all exes.
lani/vert and karma/nolo - platonically, they both feel like they have a sibling-like dynamic and their aesthetics fit together very nicely. vert and lani have some stuff in common and get along fairly well and karma seems to look after nolo quite a bit. i don’t have a lot of solid ideas for either of them, but seeing/thinking about them interacting makes me really happy :D
17) If you could design a realm of your own what sort of theme would it have?
well i’ve already answered for my flower/forest/fairy-themed aesthetic and fish and stars are already taken...what other aesthetics do i have..?
this is very vague but i really like seeing vibrant pink color palettes. im better at designing stuff thru drawing than text but i dont feel like drawing rn so ig just something that looks like either this warm pink sort of palette or this purple-ish one. like a sort of..sunset realm? not sure about the track or obstacles, i just want it to be pink and pretty. ooh or a crystalline realm!! maybe even combine the two!
20) What would you like to see/have seen in a continuation?
i want the drivers to beat the shit out of tezla. i really loved the parts of ult race where the two teams worked together and made amends, but it’s sad that we didn’t get to see much of that dynamic until the very end, especially since it’s kinda drowned out by all the action (i get it’s the finale, but also...i hate action). i would love to have seen more of those new relationships and how they would work out in different situations. like more of what we got to see of the characters’ interactions throughout the series, only this time its without them all being ~2 secs away from strangling each other.
the characters working together and building completely new dynamics between each other as the series progresses..maybe certain characters become unexpected but very good friends whose personalities complement each other in unexpected ways! maybe there are new conflicts that arise between the characters that stem from their personalities/backgrounds/etc. themselves rather than some arbitrary team rivalry! ooohh there’s just so much potential here!!
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story -Part Fourteen
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 Submitted by @blackroses91​
Five Favourite Stories: 
In the Sin Bin by @otppurefuckingmagic
What I love about this fic is how real and honest the characters are. Magnus and Alec didn’t like one another at the start but working with one another they came to know that there was more underneath the surface. As a reader, you are able to feel what they are feeling as if you are them and it’s a beautiful thing. 
“In a cascade of consequences that couldn’t be undone, Alec’s actions had dredged years’ worth of heartbreak and painful memories to the surface for Magnus. Lost loves, an abusive childhood, a journey halfway around the world seeking escape…. Normally, guilt would’ve overtaken Alec, but guilt was selfish. How Alec felt right now came secondary. In this moment, Magnus needed to know someone cared for him. That Alec cared for him.” 
I love fics that show Alec’s love for Magnus and Magnus’s love for Alec but what I like about this quote is how Alec knew what he had done affected Magnus and how he wanted Magnus to know that someone cared for him. That literally made me cry. I just love how the author is able to balance both characters’ stories in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the reader. 
I See You in the Dark by @sfjessii​
This is one of the first fics I have read in the Malec fandom. There are some deep emotional and honest feelings in this one that makes you want to give the characters a hug and shelter them from all the evils in the world. Alec and Magnus’s love is so strong they struggle to deal with it sometimes and it is amazing to see how in each chapter they do. Really it’s a very deep and emotional fic when you put everything together. 
“Our feelings just aren't so extreme, not consuming to a point of being destructive. I don't mean that in a bad way, for your bond with Magnus to be even stronger than your Parabatai one, I think it has to be. But it makes it much harder, and you're both suffering a lot more, and you need to work even more on not letting something like this damage you. You both love so deeply and completely... you need to find a healthy balance to not smother each other, and right now all you're both going through is making it even more difficult. But if any couple can make it, it's the two of you.” She smiles softly, trying to make him more confident.”
In this quote, I love how Izzy describes the love that Alec and Magnus have for one another. I feel that you can feel this throughout the whole fic and not in a bad way. From chapter 26, where this is from, you can see how Magnus and Alec work for their relationship and try to balance everything else around them and that is a beautiful thing to read! 
 The Drive of Life Series  by @little-fandom​ (contains 2 stories We Only See as Far as the Headlights and We Take a Way Back for a Better Future)
This fic is special to me for the simple fact that I can relate to both characters in different ways. For me, it’s therapeutic and I don’t know, it somehow makes me feel heard. This fic is all about acceptance, learning to trust, to love, and just learning to forgive yourself for mistakes and healing from tragedies. It’s beautifully written and it’s real at its core! The quotes below speak to a little I have mentioned and I love how Alec and Magnus both accepted one another regardless of what happened in the past or present.
“I love you.” He repeats slowly. “And I can’t just sit here, and listen to you rumbling about how no one will ever love you, because I’m here. And I love you, so much. No matter what you did in the past, I know you. The real you, and you’re the kind, selfless, caring man I fell in love with. I don’t care, about who you were, I care about who you are now.” 
“I trust you.” He speaks, his voice quiet, but more than enough for Alec to hear. “And I will share everything with you. Even the darkest parts of my past, because I know you won’t judge. And I’m not going anywhere too. I love you, Alexander, and I think I have for a very long time.”
Love is not a Victory March by @lecrit​ and j_writes
I needed a box of kleenex for this fic because of how raw the emotions are in this! Anyone who knows me knows I love angsty fics that dwell in reality and this had it. Magnus and Alec resemble what couples can go through after being together for years when a tragedy strikes or when they drift apart. It shows how a couple has to start at the bottom and work their way back to one another through communication and simple gestures. It’s beautifully written! 
“They fought for all the wrong reasons, feared loneliness and despair for terrible ones, but they found the right ones to stay, the ones that matter and that feel like a whole other world under Magnus’ fingertips, the gold of Alec’s wedding band made slightly rougher by the years, just like them. They don’t have the innocence of their first days anymore, and they have long lost the youthfulness of the love they shared. Instead, it grew stronger with every hardship, deeper with every obstacle, and although Magnus is certain there will be more to come, more fights to fight, more shattered hopes and more struggles they can’t have control over, in this moment in time, this awakened dream they can claim for themselves, he knows one thing with absolute certainty: Tonight, they won.”
This quote speaks to everything that Alec and Magnus had to go through to reach a place of balance that’s full of love and happiness, to overcome something that divided them thinking it would never happen. They never gave up and that takes strength. I think it takes a lot of strength to work through a relationship and it takes communication and this fic showed that through Alec and Magnus. 
A Tiny Spark by @magicandarchery​
Can I say this is one of those fics that just stays with you and you can’t get over how beautifully written it is? This is another fic that feels so real and grounded in reality. Those types of stories are the ones I love the most. In this one Magnus and Alec balance one another. There is no give or take and there is communication between them. I just love how all the characters are supportive of one another and how there is this little family dynamic between them all. Through everything that Magnus and Alec have been through their love for one another outweighs everything and the quote below speaks to it and I don’t need to add more. 
“The steel that goes into the fire is always stronger when it’s taken from it. It’s not the same as it was when it went in. It becomes malleable with the heat and the flame, and can be changed and shaped into whatever it will eventually become. But it’s stronger. Alec and I are no different.”
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UWU I'm in the mood for some Raphael talk, I love the headcanon you've talked about in the chat about Raphael tolerating Alec only because he makes his dad happy (which is so damn valid of him), and it's one of my most fave things do you have more slightly silly headcanons about it?
you really want me to be beaten up huh may. you want them to come for me again. you want to ruin my life
okay disclaimer Alec stans pwease dont hate me uwu I'm not saying i hate Alec I'm saying that i dont think Raphael would vibe with him. especially after the whole punch which I'll never get over cuz like i KNOW rationally that alec didnt have the full story and if izzy was hurt and sitting beside a white shadowhunter he would go there and beat them up all the same cuz alec's like this, but I'm still upset eidndidjdid my boy doesnt deserve this okay
anyway with that being said
i dont think its Raphael like, genuinely hating him as much as them having nothing in common besides their mutual love for Magnus and desire to see him happy. so Raphael can tolerate him fine, but he's not exactly dying to be best friends. besides, alec's like, all of the most annoying things about shadowhunters (all serious, never fucking relaxes, must have a weapon close at all times, doesn't understand food, doesn't listen to music, doesnt-) that arent like straight up nazist bigotry. so hes just like. ugh. whatever. I'm here for Magnus. leave pls
i can absolutely see that tbh Raphael just goes to their house and is all like "Alec leave i want to talk to Magnus" and alec's like "this is my house?" and raphael's like "and?" and alec's like "Fine, ill take a walk. Magnus, Raphael is here." but he also kisses Magnus goodbye in front of Raphael because he can, in fact, be an ass
also i know i told u about that already but Raphael lowkey challenges him every time like. he'll come by Magnus' and bring food, and of course theres food for 3 because Raphael is not gonna be that rude and he doesn't want to make Magnus feel like Raphael wants him to choose between Raphael and Alec. Alec makes Magnus happy and Raphael would never want to make Magnus feel like his love or presence in his life is conditional. Plus, he doesn't actually hate him. Just a little.
anyway so he brings the food and he's like (clearly judgemental tone) "i brought hot sauce because i figured Alec doesn't usually eat spicy food" and he's obviously correct, Alec had never eaten anything with season in his life before he met Magnus, much less pepper. he's the kind of ultimate, boss-level gringo who puts salt on his food when he's feeling adventurous
so Raphael sits down and puts the food on his plate and he pours hot sauce into his plate while making unwavering eye contact with Alec (yeah raphael can eat in this because he deserves it and i said so) and it's an obvious challenge and it evidently works because Alec 1- is competitive, and 2- actually wants Raphael's respect because he knows how important he is to Magnus. so he takes the salsa from Raphael and starts pouring it too while maintaining eye contact right back, jaw clenched in challenge, looking all serious and Magnus is like "children, please" and raphael's all like "oh no no no, let him" but Alec considers that a win because Raphael is clearly trying to contain a smile and thats the first step to winning him over
so anyway Alec sweats and grimaces through the whole meal, cuz like, look yes he may have pain tolerance because he's a shadowhunter but he's also the bitch who reacted to taking a sip of beer like someone had farted on his face. he can't hide his reactions for shit, but fuck if he doesn't lick the plate clean (not literally like gross) and doesn't shed a single tear, even as he clearly can't keep his eyes open with the effort
Magnus is like "Alexander, you dont have to do this" and alec's like "(eyes squeezed shut, grimacing, drenched in sweat) do what? this is very good" and Raphael is smiling into his plate even as Magnus shoots him dirty looks
then Alec is like "i won. i ate it all" and Raphael is like "(looking at his red sweaty face and puffy eyes) really?"
also look ill always love the hc that Raphael resents Alec for his height and Alec doesnt even notice. Raphael is not short, god damn it, hes 175! thats TEN whole centimeters above the mexican average! he was the tallest boy in Guadalajara! RAPHAEL IS TALL, OKAY
EXCEPT everyone in the goddamn shadow world is apparently a god damn giant. Its humiliating enough that Magnus is 180. but Magnus is his dad, so whatever. but Alec is FUCKING 190. no one needs that much tall. no one! Raphael went from being the tallest boy in the neighborhood to the shortest, and boy he is so not pleased about it
but Alec has no idea because who cares? (Raphael. Raphael cares. deeply. he cares so much) it's not even good to be that tall, he keeps banging his head on things. so there will be moments like. Raphael is standing in front of the bookshelf, seeming very focused. Alec shrugs, figures he's looking for something, and puts the book he was going to put there up. Raphael shoots him a dirty look that might as well be a stab, and Alec's like ???????? did i disrupt you? sorry? and Raphael just crosses his arms like "you didnt do anything, i dont know what you're talking about"
in reality the shelf was too high up because Magnus adjusted his shelves to his and Alec's height, and Raphael refused to stand on his tiptoes or god forbid, a stool, to grab his book, so he was just glaring at the shelf until the book came to him or something. and when Alec put the book up he was mad cuz Alec could reach it fjdndid
later Alec tells Magnus about it like "i dont get what i did. is he just that private?" and Magnus is like "hmm. i have no idea, darling" but next time Raphael comes, the shelves have been spelled to adjust to the book picker's height
also this always makes me think of that scene in hsm where zeke tries to talk to sharpay and she goes "evaporate, tall person!" and leaves and i love that mental image tbh
also like. eventually Alec apologizes for the punching thing (look. look. Im still salty and Raphael deserves it okay) and Raphael is like. moved because something deep inside of him still believed it was his fault and he was a monster, and it's. nice. and Alec kind of extends his arms and Raphael is like "dont think so" and crosses his arms and Alec kind of very very slowly lifts his arm and pats Raphael's head once and Raphael wants to scream and Alec looks very awkward and sheepish and Magnus bursts out laughing
(Raphael doesnt mind, though, because Magnus is genuinely so happy all day that they had a good interaction. so happy. and Raphael thinks, okay, this is okay. it's good if it makes Magnus happy.)
(Magnus also pats his head and plays with his hair, but its okay because Magnus has always done that and Raphael doesnt mind. only from him though. and raphael's partners. but anyway)
plus whenever Magnus is like, upset, or sick or something, theyre like. an unit. because for all they have no common interests they do think very alike (autistic solidarity i guess) and are very practical when it comes to taking care of others, and they both just. adore Magnus, okay. so Raphael will arrive, make Magnus soup. while he makes soup, Alec stays with him and takes his temperature. once Raphael is back with the soup, Alec goes out to buy medicine, and Raphael stays with him to make him company. and so on. at some point Alec is almost falling asleep by Magnus' side and Raphael taps his shoulder and points to the chair nearby, and Alec nods and dozes off for a while. then its the other way around. Magnus isnt seriously sick, of course, but he doesn't usually get sick so it's an event, plus they're both Like This. and for all the grief they give each other, they trust each other to take care of Magnus. theres no argument about that
(Magnus was resting, but he did see some of these moments, and smiled a bit to himself before dozing off again)
also Raphael and Ragnor gave Alec the ultimate shovel talk (Ragnor doesn't trust anyone after Camille, and while neither do cat and dot, they were more chill), but it lowkey backfired because they were like "if you ever hurt him, we'll remove your kneecaps" and Alec was like "(nodding seriously) thats fair"
also i know we've talked about this already but i also love the idea that Raphael goes to their house and is all absentmindedly like "hm can i have some coffee" and alec's like "sure, ill make it :) you stay here and talk to Magnus" and when Alec comes back he hands Raphael his coffee in a "best. bonus son. ever" mug and then he leans back against the wall, sipping his own coffee from his "world's #1 stepdad" mug that he bought himself, trying to hide his shit eating grin, and Raphael scowls and deliberately holds it so his hand covers the words, and Magnus laughs and his eyes shine as he sips his tea.
(later, Raphael is like. guess me and lightwood have a dynamic now. gross. but he still rolls with it)
in short Raphael and Alec being little shits to each other but still building something of a relationship for Magnus and always taking care of him..... ultimate trope
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