#but then i remember its retail and im happy im out
honeyroastedpeanus · 10 months
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ive been reading the discworld witches series its so good
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yardofangels · 9 months
merry christmas gorgeous! how are you doing? hope you get a big ass Austrian under the tree this year! that being said, what does König think of christmas traditions? does he have a favorite? what kinds of gifts does he get?
omg merry christmas and happy holidays!!
im doing okay, so so so tired. working retail this christmas season has me DEAAADDDD
but this idea has me AAAALLLIIIIIVVVEEEEEE
unfortunately, no Austrian under my tree. devastating, really. but hopefully if there's no Austrian here, they must be with you!!
making the executive decision here to add a little smut. maybe its self indulgence, but i know some of ya'll will enjoy it, you little nasties. feel free to skip it if you like, everything non-smut related comes first!!!
könig loves christmas. perhaps it's his central european upbringing, but he finds the spirit really comforting and reminisces over all the traditions from his childhood. he's not particularly into the 'white christmas' thing, he much prefers a christmas adorned with a little sense of spooky and will relate aaaalllllll the krampus myths to you by the light of the fire. just to see if he's able to scare you because he's mean
his favourite part of christmas is the food. the warm, home-cooked meals. the spices and seasonings that have you feeling toasty and calm well after the embers die out. he is truly impressed when you make a batch of pfeffernüse, and he surprises you with a bottle of his! own! mulled! wine!
he hands it over looking so proud of himself. a big cheesy grin on his face as he's already grabbing two glasses, so he can get your reaction to a taste test.
and he of course hits the nail on the head. it's delicious. he should be proud of himself!!
as for gift-giving, he struggles a bit when getting you gifts. as per usual, christmas always sneaks up on him far too quickly, and all of a sudden there are five days till he's supposed to give you something and he hasn't thought about it, much less started shopping.
but, he pulls it off!! success!! you watch as the space under the tree slowly gets filled over the course of the week. his gifts for you finally joining your gifts for him.
he pampers you, naturally. how could he not? generally steers to all the things that are going to make you feel pretty or expensive, because he wants you to feel like you look good, too.
buys you expensive-smelling perfume he swears you mentioned in march, skin-care you might have brought up in may, a book or two he thinks you told him about in july, a pair of shoes you raved about in september, a dress he saw in november that reminded him of you, and more.
he really does stun you with how much he remembers, and the fact that he did almost matters more to you than the gifts themselves. he puts so much thought into what he gifts you, and then has the audacity to ask you if it's enough. if you like them.
you pounce on him, knocking his stupid little christmas hat off and sending him backwards, dragging you with him. you giggle and cover him in kisses, mumbling in between them how wonderful he did. that you love it. he lights up, squeezing you tighter.
he stops you for a moment, saying he has one more thing.
pulls out a little box from his pocket, and drops it into your hand. watches with delight as you pop the lid and see a customised necklace, with a little pendant that says "K." on it. you get a bit teary, and ask him why he got this in particular for you.
he tells you it's so nobody mistakes that you belong to him.
alr a bit of smut below!!
GOOOOOOOD does he love sex in december. he loves how sensitive you are to his cold hands trailing your body, he loves how hot you get when you're trapped by his body heat and the thick blankets, he loves you in those skimpy pjs that do nothing to shield you from the freezing air, he loves that you always beg him to warm you up.
but he won't just take you in the bed on the cold nights. nope. he'll have his way with you anywhere. he doesn't know what it is, but he always seems to get more horny in the cold months. he just can't help himself, he'll do it anywhere.
in the kitchen while you're cooking dinner, lifting you onto the countertop so he can bury himself in you.
on the couch in the afternoon, letting his hand slide up between your thighs, then telling you to concentrate on the movie until you cave and crawl into his lap.
in the steamy morning showers you share, claiming that your gingerbread-scented body wash makes you smell too good to resist.
all through the month, his go-to excuses are "you're cold", "i'm cold", or "it's an early present." he's almost relentless, so you come to make a guessing game out of which one it's going to be. you always tease him about it, but it's not his fault! you just keep him so warm and cozy :((
ADOOOOORES cock-warming on the particularly nippy nights, too. he promises it's for sharing body heat and that it isn't uncommon among couples in the winter where he's from. but you know that's a bold-faced lie, you see the glint in his eye. you can feel the way he throbs inside you, and clenches his jaw against the skin on your neck.
nothing confirms that he's lying more, though, than when you are gently awoken by him. you think it must be serious, because he's usually adament on not waking you up.
but you turn your head and his entire face is red, with his puppy dog eyes staring at you.
"i can't concentrate on anything else, meine liebe. you were squeezing me in your sleep. please, let me take you. you'll be even warmer with my cum in you."
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tadpolesonalgae · 5 months
i truly believe that CBMTHY reader needs like a hobby like something that consumes her so fully that she forgets her grief for a short while. it could be her just experimenting with her magic like seeing how she's always so curious and all it works with her personality too! also girlie neeeds a job, money and retail therapy fr 😭 but i must say this CBMTHY 16 is like perfect?? idk the confrontation and the reader finally realizing that her actions have consequences was much needed! i hoping we get to see more growth for her like the start of it atleast, cause she's been in this depressive hellhole of hers far too long and it's make me angry at this point honestly. not at you but how she doesn't act on what she wants to do and just doesn't think things through when she actually does something, I DO see what you did with Mor there and honestly her reaction was so valid and i'm hoping that reader gets a small family that is not the IC, like found family (how nesta made friends with emerie? and gywn ? i don't remember their names lmao) but yeaah she deserves one. we already have Bas we need like 2 more people? or even 1 bro she just needs people thats not family like eris can be considered a friend but then again he's not someone she can meet regularly?? and thats fine ofcourse!
also girlie needs to find out whats in the book that eris gave, istg thats what im excited about the most! i loove the reader curious nature, imean she doesn't reallly act on it but the way she used to like read every book from the library like it was food was so relatable there is so much potential with CBMTHY and hosnestly its so well written, even when yk there are some clarifications to make you do it all too well! (taylor swift reference:))) i will not apologize for ranting because you've made it pretty clear you like reading through it all haha but es have a good day and take care!! <33 with lovee <33
‘like something that consumes her so fully’
Oh dear
‘it could be her just experimenting with her magic like seeing how she's always so curious and all it works with her personality too!’
I think we will actually have sections with that in? I don’t want to give anything away obviously because I enjoy hearing your reactions as things happen, but honestly it would probably be weird now if after reader had her ‘detonation’ moment that her magic just got left aside 😭
Well, maybe not that weird, but a little strange to not try at it at all, like you said, given reader’s curiosity :)
‘but i must say this CBMTHY 16 is like perfect??’
I need to frame this so badly my goodness 😭🧡💛
‘idk the confrontation and the reader finally realizing that her actions have consequences was much needed! i hoping we get to see more growth for her like the start of it atleast, cause she's been in this depressive hellhole of hers far too long and it's make me angry at this point honestly.’
I’m super happy you feel that way! I feel what happened with Mor was uncalled for just given reader’s situation, but at the same time I’m not sure how much I can fault Mor for it since we don’t know how deep the Eris wound goes? Naturally making the comment about “you’ll pay though, right?” was a step too far since that’s intentionally malicious? It’s not just the leash on Mor’s emotions slipping, that was a planned attack that Mor knew would hurt reader?
Whereas despite how reader’s actions hurt Mor and reader should have given it a little more thought before going to Eris—even really at the moment she picked up her pen to write back to him—her primary motive wasn’t to do it out of spite, she just needed to get away for a bit.
I think it will be fun to see how they sort it out though? Whether reader stands up to Mor or whether Mor backs off on her own? Whether other people might intervene or whether reader might go at Mor by herself?
‘but how she doesn't act on what she wants to do’
Yes! She needs something that will push her into action? Sure, you’re immortal so I guess you have all the time you could want, but do you? If reader keeps putting things off they’ll never happen :/
‘also girlie needs to find out whats in the book that eris gave, istg thats what im excited about the most!’
Yeah, I wonder what sort of helpful things Eris had in mind when giving reader that book about the topics she’s so interested in.
‘even when yk there are some clarifications to make you do it all too well! (taylor swift reference:)))’
Oh my gosh I’m not a Taylor Swift fan but I’ve heard quite a few of her song and All Too Well (10 minute version) was one I used to listen to a lot to get into the headspace for writing the initial chapters of cbmthy!! 😭
‘i will not apologize for ranting because you've made it pretty clear you like reading through it all haha but es have a good day and take care!! <33’
Ahhhh yes yes yes!!!! I love getting to talk with you so much and hearing so many viewpoints and stances—it’s so exhilarating reading through them and knowing people actually enjoy this fic that kind of happened out of nowhere, so thank you 😭🧡💛🫂🫂🫂
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hey just saw your post about losing the piss anon message, im not sure if thats me but i do remember writing an experience i had involving piss. i was at my retail job in a small shop so i was the only employee at my shift, and i need to pee so badly but there's no one to cover for me and i end up pissing in a bag except the bag had holes at the bottom and etc etc. its such a long time ago i dont remember actually sending it though. well, idk. if i am that piss anon, you can always ask me to send the story again with full detail. if im not, consider this short piss story as a consolation prize. happy holidays and i wish all the perverts a great time.
Anon this means so much to me right now, thank you. I do not think it was you because I do not recognize the story. That sounds like it fucking sucked at the time though, I’m sorry about that. Can’t think of a time I ever pissed in a bag but I believe I have in a towel and a solo cup before. The piss anon I’m thinking of sent in a few public humiliation scenarios involving CM Punk and piss right around Brawl In and they were so beautiful and refreshing. Damn shame they’re all gone, I knew I should’ve saved them somewhere else. Guess I gotta come up with new ones myself. Happy Holidays to all my perverts out there. It’s a rough time of the year for some of us.
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pantwolf · 6 months
Healing is great, and I'm making good progress
But old bones get dug up.
I'm remembering things that I locked away
Things safer to ignore.
I feel old wounds opening up, scars dissolve
So new flesh can grow.
Emotional neglect, a little here, a little there
A timer of sand.
I'm not the victim of a major crime, my cuts are small
But many makes mighty.
Each grain finds their friends against the wind
Making a mighty shifting dune.
Sometimes I feel trapped trapped by society
And me.
I feel like the last of my kind - alone
Even in the company of kin, I feel alien
But running kept me alive and going
A sprint on all fours.
Filled my time with work and school
Ignored the flame in my soul.
I was lost in the woods. No luminous moon glow.
But it turns out I wasn't alone.
In the end, I found my pack.
And they found me.
Our old new wounds will close
And we will be free.
Now we howl and play in Moon's soft glow,
And my heart beats with renewed fervor.
Yet I mourn the life I thought I had,
How could a pup have known any better?
- Felix
(Commentary under the cut)
This is about trauma, healing, and found family. Werewolves, nature, and instinct. Autism, ADHD, and unmasking.
And journies.
I have spent a very long time under the haze of dissociation, I think. I'm coming to realize that I haven't been able to actually address some of the traumatic events in my life, because they were small (but consistent) patterns, instead of a single, obvious tragedy. More importantly, they were normal. I didn't know I was hiding my fears, shame, and sadness.
I was a bullied kid. I was an outcast; I felt like there were miles between my peers and I (shoutout to my childhood friends, y'all were the Real Ones). I don't think I was actually despised by my peers, but the bullying did its job; I assumed I wasn't welcome, so I kept myself small.
My dad had cancer since I was 6, on and off for 20 years. Thankfully, it was a mildly-aggressive and very treatable cancer. It was just the background radiation of our family until COVID got him in 2020. He was as old as my peers' grandparents. Add in the chemo, and he was always tired and dozing off. But he never complained about feeling sick.
With that radiation (the radiation metaphor has like 3 levels at this point), my parents relationship strained. I was kept awake many nights by my mom yelling at my dad, them fighting about something. My mom made it sound like he was abusive or neglectful, and that he didn't treat her right. I believed her. I mostly remember my dad as detached and emotionally distant, uninvolved. One time, I told my mom that I felt like dad didn't love me. I'm sure she used that as ammo to try to get him to Step Up or Be Better or something. Either way, you can only really deliver a bullet with a gun. If she did tell him that at some point, I'm sure it killed him on the spot. I really wanted to rebuild a relationship with him. I never got the chance.
Fast forward to today, and I have little to no sense of identity. I'm in my third try at college, the first two were nonstarters. I work retail, all I've ever known. I feel lost and stuck. I don't feel welcome in the common culture.
But im starting to open my eyes. I'm starting to feel again. I'm becoming more confident, I feel better, I'm expressing myself, and I feel like I actually have agency to become who I want to be. I've been in a dark tunnel for so long that I forgot what it was like to be content and happy.
If you, dear reader, take away anything from this poem and my tale, let it be that it will get better.
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gay-yosuke · 6 months
ai ebihara? or yosuke
unfortch i dont think i know enough about ai. so yosuke it is.
favourite thing about them: i mean i guess there's a lotta favourite things ive got about him. i love how he textually struggles with depression yet always puts a smile on his face for his friends. i love how he pretends to be stupid but is actually really smart. its everything to me.
least favourite thing: yosuke brother can you stop putting your foot in your mouth? im really getting to a point where im gonna wash your stupid mouth out with junes bathroom soap. i know hes a homophobe. i know hes gay. i know he would say fag. and even if he can reclaim he doesnt .
favourite line: "Hahaaah! No one can call me a disappointment now!"
brOTP: honestly him and chie have such a fucking banger dynamic already. i love the way theyre bestie haters. i love that one is always a step away from making a slight at the other.
OTP: EVER THE CONTROVERSIAL POSTER-- its shiromura. but i still fuck with souyo of course .
random headcanon: you guys already know i make yosuke transgender and really bad at remembering when hes a guy. i also think that yosuke has chronic pain from working retail a bunch.
unpopular opinion: [biased] a lotta people dont really GET yosuke. people who think he's genuinely stupid have missed the most important part of him. that little facade he keeps up of always being the happy guy who doesnt let the horrors get to him is also super important . you have to remember yosuke's depressed. that he's doing it for everyone else.
song i associate with them: belgrade by battle tapes!
favourite picture of them: korn shiromura.
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thisdreamplace · 10 months
Hi dream. it’s 😵‍💫 anon. always a joy to look at your page. honestly, life has been sucking as usual. opportunities have arose, but nothing came of it. I actually felt worse after the opportunities. sometimes it feels like there is no hope. the hardest thing is seeing someone I care for be sad like I am. now I’m trying to manifest for her as well. it’s like you can’t escape what makes you feel terrible. ugh. even though I’m down, I don’t want this person to feel the same as me but I can’t do anything for either of us. I just remember a time of crying and then being okay because of possibility but sadly, possibility isn’t enough anymore. seeing this person hurt kind of drilled it in me that I’m here….and I don’t know a way out seriously. I’m sorry for the negativity. I’m always trauma dumping here like a fucking dumbass. the only time I feel open is when I let it all out, but a part of me feels sucky for doing so here. I hope it’s not too much, dream.
I’m just babbling but I went black friday shopping. I kind of found out that I have been buying shit for a second of relief. I get happy that I have something to look forward to. is it retail therapy?? I bought some skincare products so hopefully they work out. for some reason, every time I do skincare, everything just sits there on top of my skin or it burns. like damn 💀
this entire message seems like I roller coaster like you started off sad and then straight into skincare lol? I guess I feel lighter after releasing my words. right now I’m about to go stuff my entire face with leftover Thanksgiving food. happy Thanksgiving btw if you celebrate it. if you do celebrate it, did you do anything? any black friday shopping? it’s really hard not to fall victim to sales 🥲🤣
hiiiii my lovely 😵‍💫 anon <3
its never too much, so don't worry. it saddens me to read how you've been feeling though, especially in regards to your friend. its lovely you want to help them, but truly, you deserved to be help first in your life. you've gotta make sure you're good, then you're best able to help others too.
dont feel too bad about shopping like that. literally, a lot of us has been there. i literally had a shopping addiction a couple of years ago, without realizing it. luckily, i was able to get out of it. hahah so really, its just one of them things sometimes. lol theres nothing wrong w a lil retail therapy though, i mean why not treat yourself ? i hope the skincare works out <3 any product recs ??
and thank you <3 i hope you had a great thanksgiving !! i just spent the time with friends and family, and actually had one of the best thanksgivings i've had in a while hehe and i made a new friend ! i did go black friday shopping, but i mainly shopped deals online which have ~finally~ started arriving recently and i love them sm. youre so right tho, but i was like hey i could def use some things and the deals truly were irresistable in that moment LOL
anyway, i hope youre feeling better now and im glad youre able to come here and vent, and leave yourself feeling lighter in that moment ! <3
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butchyena · 2 years
idk why im so shy about saying it but i got my last job back, at the metaphysical store, the one i had to leave because of covid and stay gone from because i got so sick and then moved across town. theyre opening a new spot 6 minutes from my apartment. i had not spoken to the owner since mid 2020 but when i hit him up he held no ill will for me leaving, and was more than excited to see me again and offer me a job. im working double shifts rn to help the new spot get ready to open. i spoke to him yesterday and im already working! he hired me on the spot, and today as i was working i remembered how good he is at communicating, how clearly he lays out his wishes. any idea i came to him with he accepted, him and i are very similarly minded when it comes to organization, and since i have way more retail experience than him, he trusts me. he TRUSTS me. he’s not shy or cagey or passive aggressive, he hears me out when i justify my actions and its quick and easy to find compromise. i missed the energy, truly, and im happy to be back. its an environment much more conducive to creativity and just. being able to breathe.
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sesaxton · 2 years
We All Need A Little Christmas cheer
Sitting here in Starbucks after a very stressful few months sipping out of a holiday cup. Only retail stores show any sign of Christmas. Yes I know it is only November but what is wrong with celebrating for two months? Its acceptable for Halloween why not for Christmas? Christmas has always been my favorite time a year. A whole new excitement comes with it and a warm happy feeling. With so much bad stuff always happening I need Christmas.
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We had to make some temporary changes in my life that has added a whole new kind of stress and depression on me. I feel like I am constantly going with no end in site. My beautiful baby thinks 5/6 am is morning even though it is still dark. If she sleeps all night I cant protest to that. I pick her up and she hugs me with her sweet little arms then I give her a bottle before her puree breakfast with a side of berries. My husband will get up a bit later to feed the dogs and get ready for work. He will take the baby after he is ready so I can eat breakfast and get dressed for the day. After im ready he will kiss us both and head out for the day. My baby girl loves him so much and he is such an amazing dad. The bond those two have bring tears to my eyes.
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Then I go on with my day, trying to entertain a 8 month old all the while trying to teach her new things and keep her from screaming for no reason other than she likes to scream. I am lucky if I get laundry started before he comes back home. I put a Christmas movie on in the background as she isn't interested in tv yet. It calms me a bit. I usually have the baby fed, bathed and ready for bed before my husband returns. He takes over after he winds down and he gets her to bed for the night. We are a great team. I have just been so overwhelmed; by not only this routine (Which I know it doesn't sound like much) but by other things going on in the background I wont post for privacy reasons. So many things going on I have a constant headache and a feeling that the walls are closing in on me. Today my husband let me take a mental health day. Sadly nothing is going how I want it to and I feel more defeated. I probably need to mediate again but its tricky to find the time and a quiet place to do it. So this brings me back to Christmas the one thing I can hold onto.
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One of the great feelings I remember as a child or even a teen is the warm feeling at home. The warmth from the fireplace, the soft glow of the Christmas tree and the smell of fresh cookies being made. One of the cats curled up next to the fireplace and does the little mrrr when it sees me and lets me pet its soft fur. The warm heat on my face as I admire the tree I helped decorate. Each ornament had a special story or place in our hearts. Under the tree a ton of gifts carefully wrapped by my mother and put out too early because that's what we do. Later that night we would put on a Christmas movie we would all agree upon and laugh at the jokes we have heard a million times. My family that is what makes my Christmas magical. It is hard to always have ones that don't understand that. My ex and my new husband their Christmases weren't as magical and they didn't get or give gifts like mine did. (not that it is about gifts at all. However my mom and mine love language is gift giving).
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So if all I have is Christmas then I will celebrate the best I can with the little I have. Christmas has done me good and I will keep it all year long!
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Once i beat skies of arcadia I’m not making this list anymore, just going with da vibes.
I also feel like I’ve fully lost my drive/interest to collect games anymore. 
I think my collecting energy has long since shifted and has been in a way better place than it once was seeming like it would be so overall I am happy but it mostly just boils down to me really owning most of what id care to own and play at this rate
I’m still going to refill the gameeye app and back it up proper on my new phone this time, but on my wish list im really going to lean into only listing out games I know I’d want to try out someday and really play from start to finish. Beyond that I need to be aware of conserving the space I have right now and making sure to not keep excess, because that’s not gonna be any easier when I move. It’s weird, really weird, because I still love games but my energy around them has mega shifted and being on the other side of that feels nice but as a result I feel a weird emptiness
Wonder what type of retail therapy ill invest in next, or maybe I won’t? I really don’t know what to do lol
Don’t 100% remember when I made this post but it was probably in that October depresso haze, I’m generally better right now sans the regular ebbs and flows. Despite all that, I think I mostly still stand by it, maybe more positively, im still gonna collect games once my income bounces back and that loan forgiveness hits but I do stick to my collecting being more mellow now. I do want to finish refilling the game eye but also my physical hard copies are going to be few and far between as far as what I do and don’t buy
I know I used to keep my game eye wishlists with RPGs intact as well but there’s so many fucking RPGs out there. I can’t play them all. Gonna be doing a big overhaul as far as making sure its truly a most wanted list and not just most wanted + bells and whistles
Other wise im happy with gaming and i dont plan on doing a yearly to play list like i had for awhile, i think just poking games on the shelf out is fun. We’ll see once I finish skies. This last list was daunting that’s for sure but hey at least I’m sticking to it
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fwizard · 4 years
I have come up with a fairly successful script for encountering people without masks at work and thought I’d share it in case anyone is like me and benefits from preparing for situations like this:
1. The Encounter
“Hi there! Do you have a mask with you today?”
Sometimes this is all I need to say to people who try to walk in without one. Most of the time its people who honestly have forgotten it in their car and holler something like ‘OH MY GOD IM SORRY’ as they run to go get it. A very polite, cheery way of saying “where the fuck is your mask”
2. The Medical Exemption
“If you are unable to wear a mask we would be happy to assist you with a curbside order.”
Important to note here that despite there truly being no real medical reason you can’t wear one, some people really think they can’t. I find these people tend to haul ass into the store too fast for you to get them right then and there. At this point I’m basically just trying to get them out of the store ASAP. If they have a list of things, offer to get them for them if they just wait outside. The idea here is to get them to realize it’s either curbside or Leave. A polite way of saying “Get out.“ It has to be a hard yes or no option. Which leads me to
3. Resistance
This is when your maskless person, waffling, will try to say something along the lines of “I just have a few things!” or “I’ll just be a minute!”
Not today ma’am!
I’ll be honest and say I haven’t gotten to this point yet- 90% of people I encounter have honestly forgotten, or I haven’t been prepared enough to really fight to get someone to do Curbside- in those cases I’ve just tried to get that person out of the store as fast as I can. Usually has just involved me running around the store, grabbing all their things for them and immediately cashing them out. Which is why I’ve been thinking about my scripts, and this is what I have so far:
“If you insist on shopping in person with us, we must ask that you wear a mask within our store.”
This is giving them the hard yes or no option again. More convincing might be needed:
“I understand that you cannot wear a mask, however bylaw officers have been spotted in our area and we risk being fined if they catch us breaking lockdown laws.”
For my location, very true! Maybe not for yours. We currently have a mandatory mask rule in place and businesses are being fined for not following covid guidelines. This gets the fire off you (big scary retail person not letting little ol’ sick shopper shop!! how awful) and will hopefully make this person realize that  their not following rules could get others in trouble. 
“I understand that you cannot wear a mask, however we have employees working today that are immunocompromised. We would really prefer to assist you with a curbside order for their safety and yours.”
>though I have not used this yet, I am not above lying like this to get someone in a mask
>I am past the point of feeling guilty for emotionally manipulating someone into a mask if I have to
>people are dying
> oh yeah and. its not safe for them either to be without a mask!
>also! may not actually be a lie for you!
The idea behind these statements is basically to try and give myself/others an easy to remember script when encountering people w/o masks thats purposefully hard to argue with. In an ideal situation the person will cave in and wear a mask or do a curbside purchase, but i’ve found being prepared with things to say has definitely made me feel a lot more confident about approaching people in my store
anyway if anyone else has lines that have worked for u please add on!
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Had 2 really positive LGBTQIA2s+ experiences today at work.
(Context: I work in retail, am out at work, and wear pride and he/him pronoun pins on my apron)
The first experience happened before my lunch. A mother and her son (about elementary school years old) were buying some stuff and I noticed the son was wearing a rainbow Pride shirt. I thought it was cool to see a kid as young as he was wearing something like that so I told him “Nice Shirt.” Just to be casual. The boy thanked me and the mother said, “everyone in his school got one.” And the boy nodded and added, “Its important!” And I wanted to cry. Instead I just smiled, nodded, and said, “Yes it is. Its very important.” And bid them a good rest of their day.
The second experience was right as we were closing. An older man was buying a few things and just as I rang up the first item, he said he wanted to ask me something. It took him about 20 or so seconds but he managed to get out, “I dont want to offend you, but me and my son were in a little while back and we were just confused. Are you a boy or a girl?” He was kinda stuttering but was genuinely asking and I was a little caught off guard but all to happy to reply, “Im a boy. I was born a girl but Im transitioning into a boy.” The man nodded and said something I dont quite remember but it was along the lines of, “Oh okay. Stuff like that isnt taught or talked about at all and so we just dont really know anything about that.” And I smiled and told him I was all to happy to tell him about being Trans and explain stuff cause I love talking about the community. The man nodded again and almost shyly asked what exactly ‘Transitioning’ was and if it was mental, physical, or both. I once again happily explained my own experiences (briefly cause didnt want to go into personal details) and the man nodded again. Our conversation kinda came to an end because I had to finish ringing his stuff through and we were closing, but Im so happy I was able to help, for lack of a better word, enlighten someone about the awesome queer community and it just made my night.
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zhuhongs · 3 years
oh god i honestly could cry rn im just so tired of everything. like it rlly Is August and im sick of being brave (rant incoming)
okay so like first thing rlly is this fucking job. like god i... its about equal the amt of money i make there plus one day at m/rshalls versus if i worked at marshalls my normal amt. so like... ok. and then theres just the sheer amout of atuff i need to do to prep for that job that i just dont get compensated for and like i still do the same amt as the other teachers but get paid less and have less hours. like What... why. and then theres just. the stress of the job bc i need to learn how to teach all year long and keep up the energy and i just. i cant do it. i dint think I'll be happy doing it. like rlly i may give it a month and its Not The Job For Me.. like. I'm rlly convinced. i remember snth myanager way e said to me before i trained someone and he said "you need to make sure they get it from the start bc if theyre lost at the beginning, theyre gonna be lost the entire time up until they leave." and thats how i feel abt this job. theyve lost me since the first day of training. rlly. i feel lost. and im gonna communicate that. and then i have this whole deal with my car that makes me want to cry on the spot. like its 1.3k to fix my car. and i font really understand why at all. like ik ive neglected it and that theres issues with it. but idk how it amts to that much. according to the technician, my engine mounts are all broken so my engine is shaking when u start it which us a huge issue and could cause the engine to explode p much if i dont do anything. and im just. okay well i gotta fix it. but jesus christ do i want to cry. its an used car i got a horrible deal on and i. i dont know if its worth ut. its nit fully paid off even so i cant sell it or trade it in i think and i just. i dont know what to do. i have the money for it. thank god. but still thatd be around half of my bank account. and i just paid my tuition and we just moved so money is tight on my mom and my rent goes up and i start in person classes so ill be spending a ton in gas and im just freaked out. and taking this job is honestly like a slight cut in my salary bc its pays biweekly and its like fjfjdjdjshfhdjsjsjs. im just trying to make good decisions for the long term so i dont burn out and nothing looks like its a good investment and i just wanna cry and my mom doesnt want to help me or even talk abt it bc shes also miserable and overworked. and also gets mad at me for overthinking but i cant help it. i dont want to live like i used to live when i could barely make ends meet. it was miserable and i dont want to ve miserable. i thought wverything was starting to look up but no its not!!! its rlly not!! idk how im gonna end up saving to build back up my savings (bc i have a feeling that the way im living rn will be unsustainable and ill be broke soon bc of rent and car payments and school) or how im gonna find a satisfying job after i graduate and im gonna cry. im gonna fucking cry. i. literally crying. i dont know what i want to do. i dont rlly want to teach or do art. and i sure as hell dont want to stay in retail and i know i dont need to have it figured put rn. im 21 with a job, a car, and a BA in progress. im doing really well but all i have is me bc my family cant support me. they have to support themselves so i have to be doing well!! i cant live otherwise. i just want the right answers and i dont know. like do i stick it out here and gain experience? but for what?!! i dont want to stay in this field. i just. i dont kniw. i dont know. i just want to be happy and i probably never shouldve taken the job bc i know ill hate leaving once i start bc ill feel bad for the kids. but its not my fault but i. but i. god. I dont want to be brave. i want to have everything figured out.
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Eleventh Day of Twelve - A Tired but Treasured Day
A/N - Look at that! We are second from the end! Thank you to all the comments and love! Really appreciate it, it's been a long week!
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Read previous drabbles below.
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You walked into the office clinging to your cup of coffee. It felt like you were just here and you were, only five hours ago. This time however it was your own doing. You'd found a tiny shred of evidence to go on and had to follow it before the trail went cold. Then it lead to Gibbs and Nick finding the killer in a warehouse in town and bringing him in at just after 0100. You didn't finish interrogating until 0200 and it was now 0730. Coffee, coffee needed to be pumped into you to wake up this morning and a constant flow throughout the day would be required.
To your delight there was a hot cup sitting on your desk as you walked into the bullpen. No note so you assumed this time it wasn't from your gift giver. Day 11 and no one had spilled the beans or gone looking at the cameras like they wanted to on day one.
"Gibbs dropped it off about five minutes ago before he went down to get a report from Kasie who wasn't pleased to be called in so early." Ellie explained while leaning back in her chair and sipping her coffee. "He brought one for all of us."
"Christmas miracles do happen." Nick grinned, dropping his small cup in the trash. "Done."
"It's not a race. You just slugged all your energy for the next three hours."
"Oh please, I've stayed up later and come to work more tired before. Remember the November incident." He waved off.
"I still feel hungover from it." Ellie grumbled, scrunching her nose at the memory of Tequila.
"Please don't remind me." Tim groaned. "Plus I'm not allowed anymore Tequila, Delilah's orders."
"She may be on to something." You ran your hand through your hair, smirking at the banter. Turning on your computer for the day, you saw the next gift hanging from your desk lamp. It was beautiful, a little teddy bear carved out of marble with a shimmering purple and green crown sitting on its head.
"Day 11, the gift giver strikes again." You rolled your eyes at Nick's words while holding the Christmas decoration in your hand, running your thumb over the intricate detail.
It was sweet, a cute addition to your small Christmas tree at home. You'd put it up on December one. That was your tradition and some years it didn't seem worth it but you made the effort. Being alone on Christmas sucked, there was no way around it but this year you were making an effort to not sulk about it. The secret gift giver certainly lifted the spirit as well.
Your tree wasn't over the top but a nice addition to your home. This would fit perfectly front and centre and you made sure of it.
The day was relatively easy. The office banter keeping the spirits going with a good supply of caffeine. It was really just a lot of paper work and then you were set free around mid afternoon to try and have that weekend off. This time Vance made sure the team wouldn't be called in. There were other agents to take the call after all.
You'd missed Jack most of the day and didn't want to interrupt her as she was head deep in evals for the end of year. Instead you decided to shoot her a text when you got home.
- Just wanted to say have a good weekend. Didn't want to interrupt your head mojo.
You knew she'd get a kick out of it and you weren't mistaken.
- Head mojo hey? Smarty in the evening just like you said. Missed you today, didn't realise how many evals I still had to do before I went on my trip. Now I'm back logged and still at work.
It was just hitting 1830 which was a late one for Jack on a Friday. She was always hurrying along at the end of the week to make sure by the time 1700 hit she was out the door.
- I hope you are either finishing for the evening or planning on having dinner while you work. It's getting late, Jack.
- No need to worry about little old me. I need to get these done, I'll grab a bite later. Enjoy your night.
An idea popped to mind, you grabbed your coat and car keys and headed back out into the snowfall with your blue scarf still wrapped around your neck.
Thankfully, you weren't too far from the Navy yard and the Diner was just a five minute detour on the route. You called ahead so the food was ready when you got there and still warm when you knocked on her door.
"Come in, y/n."
You huffed, opening the door. "Now how could you possibly know it was me?"
Jack was sitting on her couch, shoes off, legs crossed and glasses tugging her hair back and sitting on her head. "You didn't reply, you always reply. And you care too much." She got up, placing her laptop on the coffee table and walking up to you.
Those were a lot of compliments you weren't entirely prepared for. You thought Jack was the one that cared a lot, but never too much. "I think I care just the right amount but I can eat this all by myself if you'd prefer?" You smirked, pretending to walk back out but Jack caught your arm.
"I didn't mean it like that. I lo-ike that you care so much." She ran her hand up and down your arm a few times before dropping it away. Her warm comforting smile turned into a cute frown. "And don't you dare walk out on me now that youve made all this effort to come here." She took a deep breath in. "Is that two cheeseburgers and fries?"
The frown and the way her nose twitched at the smell was completely adorable. "With a side of gravy. Wasn't sure if you liked it on your fries or not." You shrugged, missing the soft and loving look Jack gave, you walked past her and sat at one end of the couch, unpacking the bag of food. "Come, sit." You urged, patting the spot beside you as she just stood there and watched.
With a soft smile curving her lips, she came around after a beat and sat exactly where you said to. She took the small pot of gravy and poured it over her fries before pouring the rest over yours. "Thank you."
You bumped her shoulder lightly. "Anytime. Can't have Jack Sloane Hangry and loose in DC." That got you a slap on the knee but it was worth it as her hand soothed the spot she hit and stayed there for a while until it was time to eat.
"Didn't mean to ruin your Friday night plans either." She took a huge bite of the burger.
Between bites you managed an answer, "You mean my big watching The Holiday movie while eating a cup of noodles or the one where I go to sleep at 7pm because im living on about four hours sleep right now."
Skipping over how tired you were she jumped at the mention of the movie. "That's my favourite Christmas movie! It's got the best of both worlds! The sun of LA and the cold winter wonderland of the UK. God, I haven't watched that in years! My mum and I went to the movies to watch it and then every Christmas after we'd watch it together, some people had Love Actually, we had The Holiday. Guess I stopped watching when mum passed." She ate a few more fries. "Wow, Jack, way to ruin the good mood. Sorry. Got lost for a moment there."
You liked it when she rambled. She always would say so many interesting things and you just loved to hear her voice. You prayed the day never came when you wouldn't hear it anymore. "Don't apologize-" You held up your hand to stop her from butting in. "- And, no it's not because of Gibbs silly rule. I enjoy hearing about your past about things you love or did. The Holiday is a sweet movie, my must watch in December along with The Grinch, Home Alone and many more. I try my best to keep the holiday spirits up when I'm by myself for them which has been the last many."
"I enjoy hearing you talk too." She smiled, taking a massive bite of her burger and filling up her cheeks.
There was no silence after that. The evals were put to the side and you talked for what seemed like hours. Talking about childhood Christmas' and silly stories to cringe worthy dating moments over this time of year. It wasn't until you couldn't keep your mouth shut from yawning that you said good night around 2300.
"Sorry you didn't get your evals done." You sing over the roof of your car as Jack unlocked her Mini.
"Don't be. I'm happy to come in tomorrow because tonight was fun!" Her genuine smile told you that she wasn't lying. You could read people pretty well and most times Jack Sloane was an enigma to you but right now you knew she was telling the truth.
"Good night, Jack."
She opened her car door before adding. "Enjoy your movie!"
You yawned with a laugh. "You're kidding right? I'm going to sleep, I'll watch it tomorrow now."
"Fair, good night y/n. Sweet Dreams!"
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Who doesn't want this to end? Me. But I also maybe, slightly want a break from writing every day. It's been fun but tiring. I've enjoyed it a lot though! I love this time of year, if only I wasn't working in retail.
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darkatsumu · 4 years
congratulations on your milestone love <33 may i please participate in your match up event?
i applied for the job because i needed the extra cash to support my retail therapy </3(or maybe just therapy).
i don't have much experience and i'm actually really shy with customers especially men because they scare me but i would like to think that i have the balls to work up some courage to be bolder than usual. mostly because the pay is good and i get the job done. it takes time for me to get comfortable so i will definitely have a specific favourite to be around especially if they make me feel safe (bonus points if they're hot). i get drunk on male validation. its like crack to me. so its a great opportunity for me to feed into the male gaze during work hours and be sapphic outside (i say this as if im not interested in men too).
i am not at all familiar with volleyball and i totally suck at playing it. i had to play it as a compulsory sport in highschool but now thats long gone. i cant remember shit. i've also never watched a game in my life. by choice.
i have b cup titties but i have the ass and thighs to make up for it, i swear. i have a great smile thanks to braces that are now long gone. i'm also 5'4" 💀 not to mention my personality because thats what matters right? aha ha
i would say i like to flirt by being either being an asshole or just total heart eyes. no in between. it also depends on who im flirting with.
thank you so much for this and i hope its not too much love!! im so happy and proud of you for accomplishing a milestone!! you deserve all the love and more!! once again, congratulations <33 mwah mwah kith kith
my my my, if you’re gonna flirt like an asshole might as well point it towards Suna Rintarou. He might not make you feel entirely safe, let’s be honest about that, but he likes to think that he’s helping you out of your shell. Comments on your small tits, even tries to piss you off with those comments yet the moment you turn on him, he’s staring right down at your ass. talk about boy logic. be an asshole to him. 
“Your ass is practically hanging out.” He states, leaning his head over as if he’d get a better view, “if you wanted my attention, you could have just said so.” 
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giri-giri-waifu · 3 years
lemme do a funny little rant here:
My boss just pulled me into the office to look at a review we received while I was on register. The problem? A customer gave the company a 5/10 rating (bwah bwah bwahhhh). His only comment/reasoning?: 'The cashier didn't look happy' No comment on anything else. Not store cleanliness, stock, my mannerisms, how I spoke, nothing. Just "I didnt look happy".
kshshdksjhdkdkdjhsjs Y'all. I-----
News flash: I never look happy. This is just my face. Idk what to fuckin tell you. 🤷‍♀️ Im not gonna raise my voice 5 octaves and squint my eyes into a smile just so you know for sure this 5 minute interaction isn't hostile or whatever fucking reason people like this have to complain as they do. Jfc. 🙄 Also, like Im wearing a mask!?!!? Idk who came up with the thought that being extra bubbly and fake while speaking to someone is the only good customer service. Being proffesional/monotone/not bubbly/expressionless does not equal bad customer service and some people really need to get that through their heads.
I dont remember who tf I even rang up that would even react that way- could've been anybody. (My point: People that do this shit are not memorable but for some reason me not smiling or not kissing your ass while I bag your items was so offensive that you took time out of your day to leave a 'bad review'). I want to ask these people who give 'bad ratings'- Would you be happy standing at a register repeating the same bullshit line to people; asking for their phone number for a rewards program and scanning and bagging items, while half the time customers don't listen/pay attention anyways! Thats not a fun job! Why tf should we be smiling? Don't even get me started on 'Well customer service---- its your job--- if you don't like it then---- ehhehehehheh shut up. Go do a cashier or any other retail job for 8 hours- reminding people that we ARE still in a pandemic and that NO we don't have control over manufacturer's product or why we aren't receiving everything at this time and smile the whole time. Go ahead.
Fuck you.
And just for an added bonus: Im not a cashier. I was covering someone's lunch. And anyways these kinds of ratings don't affect retail workers like people think it does or want it to. STOP. What are they trying to accomplish? Why are they so concerned that they took the time out of their day to rate an entire shopping trip based on how happy the cashier looked. Give me a fucking break. Get a damn hobby.
Buy your shit and go. And if you're the kind of person who does this shit, do everyone a favor and just order online and do curbside next time. People that do this shit seem like the most miserable fucking people. Customers aren't special. smdh.
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