#but then just immediately going :( knowing how much of a physical nuisance it is
heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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motheyes · 2 years
sometimes i forget how gut wrenching dysphoria can be
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dead-boys-club · 2 months
†  burnout : aizawa.
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❥ scenario: aizawa comforting his s/o ❥ i don't think burnout is a trigger but- ❥ no beta ❥ not a request.
dread. everything brought a sense of dread that you couldn't shake.
the apartment was quiet and still, the usual comforting hum of the city had turned into something grating, an overwhelming drone that added to the pressure crushing your mind. you sat on the couch, body heavy and aching with exhaustion, not only physical, but the kind that bled deep into your core, sinking into your bones. the simplest of tasks felt impossible. the signs of burnout had begun to creep up on your a few days ago, something you tried desperately to ignore, but they had taken hold.
you tried your best to push through, to hold onto your daily normalcy, but to no avail. today, the thought of getting up to even get food felt like an insurmountable task. your senses were heightened to the point they hurt; everything was too loud and too bright. the material of your shirt made you want to cry. your thoughts had turned into some vicious spiral of fatigue and frustration.
shota returned from a meeting without a sound, immediately noticing the change in your demeanor as he stepped into the living room. ever observant, he took in the way you were hunched forward, a distant, overwhelmed look in your eyes when you looked up briefly. he knew you well enough to easily recognize the signed. you weren't just having a rough day, no - he could tell it was burnout simply looking at you.
he approached, slow and quiet, not wanting to startle or overwhelm you further. he sat down, giving you enough space to not feel closed in or trapped. he just wanted you to be able to feel his presence without feeling crowded.
'hey,' he said, keeping his voice soft, the tone calm, something you always found comforting. it made you feel safe. 'you don't need to say anything, but i'm here.' he always is and it made you feel guilty.
you glanced up once more and met his gaze, the concern so clear that it made your heart ache. shota had always been your anchor, comforting you endlessly. even now, when you felt as though everything was slipping through your grasp, he was unwavering.
'i'm just.. tired,' you whispering, looking down.
with a small nod, shota reached to collect your hand softly in his, fingers lacing with your own. 'i know,' he said, thumb moving in careful circles, 'you don't have to do anything, not right now. you need to rest.. i'll take care of everything.'
his words eased your nerves and you felt a wave of relief, like the guilt of not being productive was lifted from you, knowing you weren't being seen as a nuisance. he always simply understood, like it was second nature. that understanding was what you needed.
silence fell over you as he stayed close by, offering compassion. it was comfortable and you were thankful for how easy it all felt. his presence alone was always more than enough, grounding you to reality, remembering you were never alone. you knew that with him.
after a while, he gently squeezed your hand. 'do you want to move to the bedroom? get a little more comfortable.'
the thought of moving didn't sound good, the action felt like it would be too much, your bones aching even more and so you hesitated. your hesitation was overrun by the idea of hiding in bed, away from the noise of the world. you nodded and shota stood, gingerly guiding you up to your feet along with him. he was always so careful with you, making sure you were steady.
he was slow in leading you through the apartment and to the bedroom, not wanting you to be rushed; he wanted you to go at your own pace, trying to avoid making you feel like you needed help. getting to the room, he shut the door behind you both and left your side long enough to pull the blanket back and adjust your pillows. as he guided you to sit down, you knew the way you looked up at him was pitiful, his own gaze offering nothing but love. you couldn't even begin to thank him for how he was.
'do you want me to stay?' he asked. he already knew the answer as it was generally the same but he always made sure to have open communication with you. he used moments like that to reassure you about saying what you wanted or needed.
'please?' you asked. shota didn't answered, just moved to join you in bed as you began to get comfortable. you were pulled close to his chest and his arms went around you in a tight, protective embrace. the rise and fall of his chest eased you, soaking up the warmth that radiated from his frame; it was so soothing, allowing the tension to bleed away, melting into him.
'i'm here, love,' he mumbled, lips pressing to your crown, lingering there. 'i'm not going anywhere.. just breathe and just focus on me. the world can wait.'
you did your best to ignore the burn at your waterline, eyes closing as you let his words sink in, echoing in your head. the burnout didn't go away so easily, the exhaustion still weighing heavily on you but with shota holding you, it felt at least a little more manageable. he didn't push you or pry; he never forced you to explain or played games with you and he never made you feel weak or useless due to it. he just offered his presence, his love, his support and his own strength - unconditional and unwavering, always.
you could feel the light touch of his fingertips over your shoulder, tracing shapes against the thin material of your shirt, coaxing you further into the cocoon he'd built. your breathing slowed with his own, the storm that had been raging in your mind began to calm and you were grateful, even if it only lasted a little while. in the stillness of the moment, you found solace, knowing no matter how overwhelming the world became, shota would always be there to guide you through it.
with a weak smile on your features, you tucked closer to him and dozed off. you would continue your fight later on.
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kaziee2 · 10 months
A Day with Mama Nat
Summary: Natasha gets a new surprise with her day out with you Warning: None Pairs: [Wanda x Natasha] [mom!Wandanat x baby!reader] [platonic] Words: [1.7k] [Masterlist] [Chapt 1]
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It's been exactly 2-months since Natasha saved you from the Hydra facility and since her and Wanda have fully adopted you into the family. It was a rough start at first seeing that Natasha and Wanda didn’t even know how to care for an out-of-world baby. 
It seemed the first problem they had to face related to the newly adopted baby wasn’t even you being a handful, it was Tommy and Billy. Both of them were so happy to have another sibling, and upon learning that you weren’t human, they both fought one another for holding, playing, and trying to test out your cool abilities, they wanted their own time with you and grabbed you any chance they got. 
And those times meant hearing one of them always whining and the other snitching. 
“MAMA! Tommy took (Y/n) out in the backyard when you said not to!” Billy was known for being a snitch and betraying Tommy if it meant being able to play with you. Immediately Wanda called out for Tommy to get back inside.
And with his twin brother being scolded by Wanda, he took this opportunity to snag you and bring you upstairs to your room. With already getting used to this happening almost every other week. You just enjoyed being in any of their arms. 
The second problem that they encountered was the ever annoying bothersome S.H.I.E.L.D scientist. A nuisance they wished they could ignore, questions being asked, testing every ability they could find, prodding you every chance they get to look for any kind of violent reaction for as they call “research” purposes. 
One instance that made Wanda almost go Scarlet Witch on them was most definitely when they requested Fury to do a surgical dissection on you for them to study. They insisted that with more in-depth research they can learn what species you're from or planet/world you came from. And understand how your abilities work. 
Natasha had to physically hold Wanda back from literally pouncing on them, luckily Fury disagreed, he couldn’t fathom the thought of a baby (alien or not) to be treated like an object to study. And so S.H.I.E.L.D placed an agreement to conduct more thorough experiments when you are at an older age. Natasha and Wanda seemed apprehensive at first but soon relented if it meant you were not to be disturbed in your early years. 
They didn’t want your early memories with them always going to the doctors for “check ups”, they wanted you to live a normal life until you were ready to make your own choices. You were their baby, genetics be damned.
And now you’ve officially been with the Romanoffs-Maximoffs for 6-months and the family couldn’t be happier. 
Their lives seemed to have gotten brighter ever since you came along and the boys couldn’t be anymore happy to call you their sister. You spent day and night playing with them and just enjoying their company. 
Tommy loves when you would hold onto his back while he super speeds around the neighborhood, making sure you were hidden from any watchful eyes. 
Billy on the other hand loves to levitate you off the ground and make you fly around the house, he just loves to see you smile and laugh while thinking you were supergirl (who is your recent favorite after Tommy showed you his comic collections), always trying to pose like she would while she flies. 
Though recently Both boys had to go back to school and both of them couldn’t be any more sadder than you, when you couldn’t play with them as much as before since they spent half of the day in school and when coming back home, they would do their homework (with the exception of Tommy who skips it, to play with you), who is then forced to stop playing by Natasha. 
Now is another day and Natasha decides to bring you into the tower, since she can’t leave you alone in the house. It’s been at least an hour and you’ve been eerily quiet for a baby like you and to make sure you weren’t causing any trouble, she went out to check on you, only to find you… missing!? 
She bolts out of the room and starts calling out for you, “(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Where are you, honey?! Please come to mama,” 
Figuring you must’ve teleported your way out of the room since she didn’t notice you sneaking away. Now she was running around the compound main area like a mad-man trying to find you. She didn’t want to worry Wanda, she knew if she called her regarding you, she would instantly drop the mission she is currently on. 
“Sweetie, if you come out right now, I promise we can play your favorite game,” she hopes you actually don’t come out now, even when she was desperately trying to find you. She can’t handle another spontaneous game of millisecond teleports from you, which you define as “fun”. 
Not a second after her bidding request, she spotted you floating (?) near the ceiling. She looked around to see if this was Billy doing it, but it couldn’t be him, he was at school and wouldn’t be back for another hour. And now she feels terrified, not only would this mean you have another ability, it meant much worse– and not a second later does she see you floating away and going through THE GODDAMN WALL?! WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT?!!
Natasha feels undeniable dread come over her, only now realizing she lost you again! She bolts out of the room, practically pushing anyone in the way, she listens in to your cooing and giggling to follow where you’re floating about. 
“(Y/N)! Come to mama, honey, uhh..float to mama-…maybe? I know you can do it. You don’t want mommy to see you floating about do you? And you know mama definitely doesn’t want mommy to find out too!” Natasha desperately calls, she might have to sleep on the couch if Wanda sees the predicament she’s in. 
In a sad desperate attempt she calls you again, “You don’t want to see me sleeping on the couch do you?” but your giggles fade within the building walls, her ultimately losing you. It feels as though your giggles were evil– at least in her head it sounded evil. She stopped and slumped herself against the wall ‘Oh god! What am I going to do?! How am I going to find her?! OH WHAT IF SHE HURT HERSELF!!’ Natasha’s thoughts spiraled with scenarios. 
“Well isn’t this sad sestra(sister), you lost my favorite niece,” a teasing voice is heard.
Natasha looks to her left and sees Yelena, her annoying (loveable) sister staring down at her with a sly smile, “what do you want? Can’t you see I’m wallowing in pain right now,” Natasha grumbles pulling her knees to her chest. 
Yelena doesn’t say anything but stares into the hallway, whistling like she would call Fanny. Natasha recognizes it and chastises her, chastising her about how you are not a dog to be just called like that. Soon enough though, Natasha hears your giggling and cooing, she sees you floating towards her, she reaches her arms out ready to cradle you in her arms– until you completely went past her and landed on Yelena’s arms. You coo and grab her hair playing with it. 
Natasha stares at her sister –completely baffled by what just happened– but she couldn’t stay shocked forever, in that moment, she stood and plucked you out of Yelena’s arms faster than the speed of flight. Checking you over, making sure that you weren’t hurt anywhere while at the same time happy tears were cascading down her cheeks. 
“Oh my sweet baby, don't you ever do that again,” your mama scolded you softly, but even then you continued to coo and babble at her occasionally grabbing her hair and tugging at it (to which she grunts but smiles anyway), not really aware of what was going on, you were just happy to be with your mama. 
Natasha continues to envelope you in her loving embrace, giving butterfly kisses and hugging you ever so delicately (even though she knows you can massacre the whole team). She adjusts you cradling you in her arms, ready to put you back in her office, “We don’t want mommy to find out that I lost you alright? And you definitely don’t want mama sleeping on the couch,” she says in a baby voice, not realizing that Yelena had slipped away when she noticed a second shadow coming up behind her sister. 
“What don’t we want mommy from finding out, hm?”
“Eep!” Natasha squeaks, terrified of looking behind her. 
“Natalia? What don’t you want me to find out?” a sharp edge to her voice, very much a contrast from her usual sweet loving voice. 
‘Oh shit first name basis, she’s dead’, “You will be dead if you don’t start facing me!” tapping one foot impatiently.
Natasha finally finds the courage to turn around to face her wife, you still continue to babble not minding the shift in the atmosphere, “My sweet love, Wanda, you’ve returned from the mission, how are you?” she tries to ease her fuming wife (feeling sweaty from how nervous she is), “Would have been doing fine, if I didn’t hear from Stark about a floating baby,” Wanda glares daggers at her, “you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” she raises her eyebrow. 
Natasha thinks of trying to play like a fool, but she knows she'll never get away with it, “A floating baby? Hmm…not that I know of.” she’s dead, why did she still bother trying. 
Wanda looked at her incredulously and before she knew it, you were out of her arms and into her wife’s; she then walked away. She couldn’t tell if she got away with it or not, but on the look on Wanda’s face it seemed maybe she got a pass. So she walked up beside her, silently following her home.
It was not alright, coming home and getting ready for bed, she thought it was fine, but… it wasn’t the moment she tried to get into bed, Wanda told her to sleep on the couch before kissing her goodnight and closing the bedroom door…with her outside of the bedroom…
Tags: @leftbailiffpeachkid @fayhar @
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kaycode1999 · 1 month
I wanted to request some head cannons or drabbles for Sun Wukong(LMK) x daughter_of_buddha!reader or just like female_gojo!reader. [ romantically ]
I think it might be funny to see how they interact since neither cares much for rules or gods. Not to mention with the whole buddha putting the golden headband on Sun Wukong thing. Ngl, I feel like they would only meet because of monkie kid( but you can make it so that they knew each other before him).Like reader is a big sister figure for MK. If they do meet and realize who the other is, I think they would fight/spar immediately and it would end up in a tie. IDK
To start off, I think the relationship would be some mix between like Flynn Rider and Rapunzel or Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago.
I do see this going one of two ways though
In the case of the character being a daughter of Buddha, I kind of think Wukong would initially transfer his negative feelings toward Buddha/Sangzang putting the pain crown on him and trapping him in insolation for 500 years onto her and similarly he would assume she is stuck up, unfeeling and snobby ( high and mighty- that kind of thing). So he'd intentionally be a teasing nuisance to her until he eventually comes to his senses and/or realizes that isn't the case.
He and the daughter of Buddha are more snarky with each other than being violent because she loves MK and feels like Wukong will not protect him and be a bad influence. Eventually the two start bonding/finding common ground over not caring about any of the celestial B.S. And shared care for MK
When he does realize she isn't what he thought, he starts to notice some weird things happening. Suddenly he finds himself getting distracted thinking about her, staring at her absent-mindedly whenever she's around, wanting to be around her, and just generally being nicer than he usually is to her and he doesn't know why
She fell first - he fell harder
The worst is when she brings her new boyfriend around. Wukong doesn't understand why but whenever he sees the guy it’s ON SIGHT.
He doesn't actually do anything but the person just makes his blood boil and anyone who knows him well enough can tell whenever the guy is around he gets quiet and pouty like a child
MK is the one who has to explain to him that what he's feeling is jealousy and that he has feelings for Buddha’s daughter
Of course he denies it. And denies it. And denies it. And denies it
That is, until she gets hurt either physically or emotionally. Seeing her in any pain would cause him to realize his feelings, and it sucks because he wants to eviscerate whatever caused it but he might not be able to depending on the circumstances. But if he CAN do something about it, believe me he’ll tear whoever or whatever hurt her to shreds
He doesn't easily admit his feelings but he does eventually
The daughter of Buddha’s character dislikes Wukong because of his past and instantly threatens him out of fear for MK’s safety and Wukong is instantly in love because he sees her as strong and beautiful
*basically this*
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Wukong constantly shamelessly and blatantly flirts with her who in turn makes it clear she dislikes him
That is, until she spends more time around him and sees how much he truly cares for MK and also gets to know him better
All of a sudden she starts noticing how attractive he is and though he does have flaws he does have a nice personality
*he fell first- she fell harder*
She is very pissed to realize she’s fallen for the monkey king at first. However, she can't keep from acting different around him because she's nervous about him finding out and he picks up on this immediately
Initially, he worries he's done something wrong or overstepped some boundary he was unaware of and so he asks about it
She denies anything being different and doesn't want to say anything to him because she believes he doesn't truly feel anything special towards her- surely he flirts with any girl he sees right?
He lets it go for a while until he can't stand it anymore and confronts her about it and that's how her feelings come out
I might do actual fanfics about this in the future but for now I just wanted to do the head cannons
P.S. Thank you! This was super fun 😊
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
i know when detective yoongi goes into heat mc's not going to be safe. 🫣🥵👀
Hmmm... 🤔
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When you wake up, you immediately sense somethings.. off about the detective.
He's barefoot, dressed comfortably rather than in his usual attire, hair a bit unkempt as he makes himself coffee at his small kitchenette. He's got his back turned towards you, and on his backside, there's a bump where you'd assume his tail might be hidden. It moves every now and then, so you're pretty sure that's what it is, underneath his sweater and cotton sweatpants.
"You're up." He comments as he looks over his shoulder a little, and your suspicions are confirmed with the way he seems a bit.. wary of you. "Dont worry. I've got good self-control." He simply says, noticing the way you seem to tense up for a moment, before he turns around. "Do you want breakfast? I can heat up my leftovers if you want them." The detective casually says, and you just hum an affirmative response.
He's clearly in his hybrid heat. So why does he seem so.. calm?
You can't help but have your interest peaked. He outright told you time and time again that basically, he could see himself get involved with you, so he must find you attractive in some way, no matter which one. So why is he so unaffected by you, neither when you're in heat, nor when he is?
And right now, you both are. Any other hybrid would be absolutely in no way capable of being this calm and collected about it.
Maybe he's just not as affected considering his situation. He didn't tell you what exactly his genetic mutation changed or altered specifically, apart from the things you can see, so there's really no telling. "You can ask, you now." He chuckles faintly, bringing a bowl of re-heated fried rice to the table, making you get up to walk closer.
You're still naturally wary of sitting down, so close to him at least. After all, he's sitting right next to you at the small kitchen table, around the corner.
"Are you.. like, not actually feeling anything?" You mumble, picking up your spoon to eat- never letting him out of sight. It's cute, in his opinion. And it also makes him rest easy to know that you're not easy prey to anyone once you both have to inevitably part ways again after everything's done.
"Oh, I am." He shakes his head, leaning back on his chair with crossed arms. He does this a lot around you. Like he's trying to shield himself from you, even though you're not doing anything. "Just.. not controlled by it."
"Huh.." you hum, eating your food. "So like-" you shove a big spoonful of food into your mouth, halfway chewing it. "-how short is your tail?" You ask him muffled, and he clicks his tongue before reaching out to flick a grain of stray rice from your lip.
"Dont eat and talk at the same time, brat." He mutters under his breath, getting up to fetch you a tissue as you sniker to yourself. You don't know why he's so amusing to you- this constant back and forth and contradicting caring behavior of him is just both hilarious and horribly endearing to you. He never acts like he doesn't care- he makes it clear at this point that he does, but something about the way he offers his kindness is just entertaining to witness.
Like he can't make up his mind if you're the biggest nuisance in his life, or the brightest addition to it.
"Answer my question-" You demand now after having swallowed, though you instantly lean back in your chair when he gets close, both arms on the backrest of it caging you in, face so close you can make out all the different specs of color in his brown cateyes.
"Since when do you call the shots in my own home, sweetheart?" He asks, and you swallow thickly- but not out of fear. Because maybe he's not that much up in his heat yet, but you very much still are- and just one more second and he's gonna know that you're very much affected by an action like this, mentally and physically. "Hm, thought so." He smirks, before finally leaving your personal bubble to wash his dishes a bit further away. Thankfully, his senses aren't probably that great.
"Oh, you might wanna go change in the bathroom." He calls out when he notices you're going to nap again after leaving your dishes for him to wash since he's busyung himself with his own right now.
"Huh? Why?" You ask a little annoyed. "I slept in this? It's no 'dirty daytime clothes', Mister Clean-freak-detective.." you mock, and he doesn't turn away from the sink as he shakes his head.
"Oh I know-" he tells you, turning off the water to dry his hands. "-and I know I said I'm not controlled by my hormones right now-" He continues, and your blood runs cold as he nonchalantly puts away the dishes he's dried. You can't see his face, but from the way he talks, you just know he's got a shit eating grin on his face.
"-But you must have a lot of faith in me, thinking I won't act out with that scent all over my bed you're sleeping in."
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beelzebuddy-catan · 1 year
I firmly believe that Satan and MC would be a dual income no kids couple. They'd be an amazing aunt and uncle to their nieces, nephews, and niblings. The famous couple that everyone knows and the kids idolize. They travel around the three realms (well two in Satan's case) and work as ambassadors to strengthen relationships. They spoil their niblings with gifts and stories from the three realms.
But that got me thinking about Satan as an uncle, and how amazing he'd be.
Yes, he's still the avatar of wrath and strikes fear in demons hearts.
Yes, one look at him and kids are usually terrified.
Yes, he has a habit of saying too many swear words.
But he absolutely adores his niblings. He'd destroy the three realms for them. And he loves them the way the brothers need to be loved.
Lucifer's daughter - he shows her she's not alone. That she never has to shoulder any burden by herself.
He was prepared to hate Lucifer's daughter. Any offspring of Lucifer's had to be awful. No MC, that is not an invitation to discuss his internalized problems.
Then he met her and she giggled at him. This small creature giggled at him. Beings of all ages, from all places, shrunk in fear of him. But this baby giggled at him. The only other beings who hadn't immediately cowered from him were cats and MC. Just like that, she thawed a part of his heart.
Her first words were definitely some variation of "tan-tan" and the vein in Lucifer's forehead almost popped.
She spends as much time with Satan as she can. To the point she starts acting like Satan. She got in trouble at school after yelling "well bless you" at the teacher. Obviously she learned it from Satan.
Lucifer's so proud of her. Why wouldn't he be? She's so much like Satan and he's proud of Satan. Not that he'd be able to tell him. That pride gets in the way and makes it hard for him to tell his daughter how proud he is. How much he loves her. How he's sorry when they fight.
But Satan is there. He reminds her of those things. He's not defending Lucifer, don't be stupid, he's just telling her all the things he needed to hear from Lucifer growing up.When she's older and runs away from home at some point after a fight, she ends up at Satan's door. Because when she had no where left to go, she always has him.
Because she always has a place in Satan's heart. He'll swear and yell, but it never scares her and he can never really say no to her.
Mammon's three kids - he shows them they're worth it. That they aren't a nuisance. They're someone he loves and wants in his life.
Mammon's kids gave him a headache. They were loud, troublemakers, always scheming, and he couldn't help give in to them.
They love shiny, exotic, rare things, so Satan brings them gifts from his travels. They're spoiled by him. But when he sees the way their eyes light up at some trinket from the human world, he's reminded how he's more than wrath, that he feels more than that. He's such a softie.
Mammon's taught them a lot actually (mostly related to money schemes). But he never taught the why. So Satan teaches them.
He taught them how to read someone's body language. He does love detective work. He definitely taught them Mammon’s tell. He taught them how to play their opponent not the game. He teaches them the math and physics behind billiards. Now they can hustle people like their dad, but back it up with intelligence.
Mammon has terrible money management. So Satan teaches them that too. He gets them bank accounts Mammon doesn’t know about and shows them how to balance check books. He teaches them the value of money, not just how to scam it from people, but to earn it. To be proud they earned it.
He may or may not but definitely did set up savings accounts for them for when the get older. Just in case.
And when shit hits the fan and they get them selves in too deep, their uncle Satan is there to save them.
Levi's son and daughter - he shows them they aren't trivial. That they are loved not in spite of their interests and quirks, but because of them.
Satan thought they'd be shut in's, like their dad. He thought it'd be hard to get to know them. But it wasn’t and they trust him.
They write him letters and video call him when he's travelling. He always writes back and he always saves the letters. He has a locked box where all of the letter's, drawings, writings, etc. they've given him are kept.
He has them sign every thing they create. They're practically glowing from happiness. He even has some of their art framed in the house next to his fancy expensive pieces. Occasionally, someone will ask about it and the kids overhear. And though Satan can’t see them, he knows they're there. He answers honestly, "I like beautiful things, why wouldn't I hang that up?". Maybe he says it a little bit louder than necessary, but it is true.
He learns about all their favorite things. New tv show? watched. New book or comic? Read. New music? Heard. He keeps notes of all their interests so he can make recommendations. They're always the best.
There are times when Levi is too anxious or scared to go to events. When their mom has to work or isn't able to go. Satan drops everything to be there. He knows how important it is to them. He knows Levi would go if he could, but it can be too much for him.
He dresses up with them. He doesn't care what it is. They want to be the villain? Fuck it, everyone welcome princess Satan.
He also takes them on adventures to new places. They love travelling with Satan because not only does he know so much, he lets them explore and be themselves.
He supports their interests without shaming them. He also encourages them to be okay with it. If they're shy, Satan tries to break them out of their shell. He doesn't push them or make them uncomfortable.
He's seen what that fear has done to Levi, he won't let it happen to them.
Asmo's sons - he shows them their worth isn't their looks. That they're complex beings who's beauty isn't only surface level.
He was prepared for the two to be mini Asmos. And they were, in some ways. They cared about appearances. They're charming little fuckers, getting out of trouble easily. You know when kids imitate someone flirting and grown adults/elderly women eat it up? That's them. Except it doesn't work on Satan. He grew up around Asmo, nice try.
Instead he teaches them how to win people over without looks. Like he did. So he says He teaches them to make connections. To be wise. To use their beauty as a power up or add on, not the main tool or skill.
Asmo is their father and you know their mother is equally okay a little less, but don't tell anyone as stunning. So they can be insecure. Satan reminds them of their worth.
And maybe true beauty comes from within sounds like bullshit. But he ingrains that shit in them from birth. Anyone can be pretty. Anyone can look good. The things that are imperfect, that have flaws, that have blemishes are the things people adore. Without those things, everyone would look the same.
He lets them know he sees and loves who they are, and that makes them feel beautiful. So they don't care much if other people don't agree.
Except they still do have bullies. Satan will show up if he hears anything about them being bullied. He's the avatar of wrath and he scares the living shit out of the bullies. "Say one more word and I'll make it so you never say another one." Poor kid didn't speak for a month.
Asmo had to pick up one of the kids after being bullied for wearing a dress. Satan's already booking a ticket to get home and buying a dress online. He'll fuck that kid's shit up. MC calm him down, for the love of everything holy and unholy, he might actually destroy the devildom this time.
Sometimes their parents are busy with shoots or other gigs and Satan watches them.
He hosts tea parties with them. They take that shit seriously. Barbatos is invited, but no one else. Okay sometimes MC, but that's it. And Luke if he brings snacks. But that's seriously it.
He lets them be kids. Asmo often has them acting prim and proper because that gives them the best image. They have select clothes they can wear. They have certain styles of hair they can have. But Satan let's them wear ugly clothes. The fluffy boas and cheap tiaras. He lets them run around without shoes and doesn't care if they spill things in their clothes.
They’re kids, he lets them be that way. He encourages it because sometimes Asmo forgets that not all kids love being dressed to the 9s and done up all the time. They feel supported and loved to be themselves. Not a picture of who they should be.
Beel's daughters - he shows them that they're more than a single moment or action or mistake. He shows that they can learn and grow. He teaches them how to forgive themselves when it's easier to blame themselves.
Satan didn’t connect immediately with Beel's daughters.
They had everything they needed: a dad that was there no matter what. Someone who wasn't afraid to tell them he was proud or that he loved them. Someone that made them feel valued and worthy. Someone that could protect them. And as they got older they could definitely protect themselves.
They had everything Satan wanted and needed growing up. What did they need him for?
Then he saw one of them talking to Beel after a game. She was devastated. She'd missed the goal and the team lost. And she kept blaming herself.
Beel didn't know how to comfort her. After all Beel never really learned to deal with his own guilt. He still blamed himself for a lot of things. So Satan takes her out for ice cream after and starts assistant coaching her team. He knows the game and the best strategies, why wouldn't he?
More importantly, he starts teaching his daughters that their mistakes, losses, the whole lot, they aren't them.
He knows better than anyone what it feels like to internalize something, to hate the very core of who you were or what you thought was who you were. Because sometimes one bad thing about you can feel like the only thing about you.
He knows what it's like to fight against of that feeling. He's there to remind them how to grow from that, to become better, to let it drive them, not ruin them.
Sure he yells sometimes, and swears, and gets too invested in the game, but they think it's funny. The whole team does. He makes them better because he makes them believe they can become better. Gradually the internal voice that defends these young demons against their own negative self talk sounds a lot like the the avatar of wrath.
Even when they get older and he stops coaching, he goes to every single game. He argues with the refs (and has definitely gotten in fights) but everyone is too afraid to ban him. He also brings snacks to every game. Both for the girls (and Beel of course)
Belphie's son - he shows him that the ones we love never truly leave us. That when he feels alone and scared, there's always someone watching out for him. That sometimes the monsters in the closet are our skeletons. And sometimes the skeletons in the closet are just bad dreams we can't quite shake.
The first time this kid fell asleep on Satan arm he let out an exasperated sigh and a mumbled "are you fucking kidding me?"
He complained but he doesn't actually mind. It's nice knowing there are beings out there that don't fear him. Plus the kid acts just like a cat. And Satan will sit reading for hours without moving so he's the perfect person to sleep against. Win win.
He gets really bad nightmares. Nightmares where he can't bring himself to go back to sleep. But once Belphie's asleep is so hard to wake him up and his mom works nights. So he's spent a few nights crying in his bed, too afraid to go to sleep and too afraid of what lurks in the shadows.
Satan was staying there once when he woke up to sniffling. He's never really been a deep sleeper, if he sleeps and if he's not next to MC. It took a bit of prying but eventually he opened up.
Satan had to stop himself from rolling his eyes when the kid asked him to check the closet and under the bed. But Satan did. When that's not enough for him to go back to sleep, Satan tries telling him stories that are mostly true.
"You know when your dad and uncles first came here, they were afraid of me. Do you think there could be anything in that closet that scares me?" "I used to have to check the closets for your uncle Mammon, don't tell him though. It’ll be our secret"
You know those friendship lights where you can tap the light and it changes the color of the other person's? Yeah Satan got those. Like I said, he's a light sleeper, so even if he isn't up, the change of light wakes him up. Satan always calls his nephew when he sees it change. He reads him bed time stories until he falls asleep. He started taking voice lessons so he could make it more fun.
And eventually Belphie’s son stops fearing the monster's in the closet. He stops having so many nightmares.
But he always has the light plugged in. He always knows that Satan is there for him. Even if he can't see him or talk to them, Satan's with him in spirit.
Because the people we love and the ones that love us always stay with us in the ways we need.
Anyways, I'm soft for Satan, avatar of wrath, feared demon through the devildom, being a supportive and loving uncle. Here's some photos that are Uncle Satan energy:
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knullanon · 2 years
please please please please! write a continuation of the symbiotes fic where reader gets token way from knull and into the hands of anti-venom. i beg of you. 😥
a/n: anti venom will appear next chapter I promise but for now you just get the glimpse of what he's got. also sorry to that one swedish anon bc Knull is mentioned many times here. and yes it's a venom gif because theres no knull gifs so yeah 😭😭 also, please mind the tags.
REDO: Symbiotes Being Assholes Part 3
words: 2787
warnings: kidnapping, physical abuse, talk of dismemberment, arguments, probably incorrect medical treatment for the broken nose, lmk if I missed any!
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Cletus jumped up, immediately regretting it as he felt his headache arise. He leaned back, his head swirling with pain.
"What the hell...?"
Get up, Cletus! We must go, we have to move!
Ignoring the pain, Cletus got himself up and looked around. He remembered the night before- leaving the apartment, driving for a few hours...
He sobered up once he realized what had happened. He looked around, seeing if he could see you, but you were nowhere to be found. Neither was Knull.
He got up, glass crunching under his feet as he jumped over fallen shelves. He rushed outside, seeing that it was empty. Just the truck, glass, and the gas pumps.
"Fuck," he breathed out, and moved towards the truck. Carnage was yelling about every idea and curse they had, and it was becoming more of a nuisance than any help. He opened the door, seeing that nothing was taken or broken, including the keys.
He took them! We have to get them back! What are we waiting for?! Let's go!
"I know that." He grabbed the keys and got into the driver's seat. "We gotta lay low for a minute, though."
He started the truck, and started to back out into the freeway. "We can't let Knull know we might be alive, because if he figures it out, we're probably never gonna live another day."
The truck rolled forward, and Cletus hit the gas. "We need a plan, and sooner than later."
The first thing you had noticed when you woke up was how comfortable you were.
The bed you were given was the best you've ever had, even if you didn't want to admit it. There were layers of blankets and pillows stacked up on each other, and the mattress was so soft. It was like you were melting into it when you laid down.
The next thing you noticed was that your broken nose was patched up. It had bandages around it, along with some gauze. Fortunately for you, it didn't hurt that much. They must've given you something to combat it.
The room you were in was extremely spacious, and even though the bed was huge, it wasn't even taking up a third of the space. There was a vanity mirror on your left, a dresser and a door to your right, and in front of the bed was a window that stretched across the wall, with pink curtains that were pulled back. It showed a beautiful landscape of a wide farmland, with a forest to the sides and a beautiful sunrise.
You ignored all of that, though, and instead pulled the covers off of you. You got up and walked to the window. It seemed thick, not thick enough that you couldn't break it, but enough that it would have to get something big to break it. There wasn't anyone outside, either, so they would have either been in the house or somewhere else.
There wasn't anything else in the room that could help you. You found a pair of shoes and socks, but other than that, you were wearing what you were from the night beforehand. Was it the night before? You couldn't tell.
You went to open the door, finding that it was open. When you tried to open it, it made a loud creaking noise. You stopped, hearing and listening for anyone that would come by.
But nobody came.
You peaked your eyes out, seeing that there was no one there. When you opened it more, and looked the other way, no one was there. At first, you didn't want to move, in case it was some delayed reaction, and they were just behind the wall. But eventually, after a few more seconds of silence, your curiosity couldn't take it.
Making sure that you weren't making more noise, you slowly stepped out of the room before shutting the door. The hallway looked similar to the room, run down but still... homey.
Turning to the right, you decided to find the staircase since you were definitely on the second floor of the house. The hallway itself was more decorated than you originally had thought, as well. There were pictures, family photos, of an older man, probably in his late 50s, along with his wife. They both seemed very happy in the photo.
There were more photos of them, along with different awards and degrees, showing the accomplishments of the couple. You didn't give much focus to them, however, because you were already going down the stairs by the time you found the end of the hallway.
The stairs, while old, didn't make any noise when you went down them, which you were extremely thankful for. Once all the way down, you turned the corner, standing on the last step. The stairs went into a kitchen, which then led into a living room. You walked into the kitchen, looking around.
The first thing you looked for was a knife block, but either they didn't have one or they had been taken away. So, you continued opening the drawers, trying to find something to help you. Most of them were just utensils and tools, but eventually, you found the silverware drawer.
There were a few butter knives, but to the side, there were a few steak knives. You picked one up before you closed the drawer. You slid the knife into your pocket, being careful to make sure you wouldn't stab yourself by accident. When you were sure that it was secure, you moved into the next room.
The living room wasn't anything special. Two armrest chairs, a TV, and a coffee table. But there was a door on the other side.
You walked to it and turned the knob. It was unlocked, and while you wanted to run away, you again checked and made sure that there wasn't anyone outside waiting for you.
When the coast was clear, you swung the door open, and you shut it behind you. There was a little porch, and again, two chairs. Looking around, it seemed like there wasn't anything around you. No car, no buildings, just the house and the land in front of it. It must've been somewhere really remote.
Just when you were about to go back inside to see if there was anything else you could take, you smelled something. It was rotten, terrible, and even though your smell wasn't as prominent, you could tell it was from the side of the house.
Covering your nose, you walked over to the left side of the house, trying to see if the smell was from there, but there was only a few tools and some buckets
You turned towards the edge of the grass, where it was cut just enough to walk through, and the smell became more prominent. You tried to peak over the grass to see if something was there, but you couldn't see anything from where you were.
Before you could even walk to see if there was anything, you were picked up by the back of your neck and pulled off the ground. Your feet dangled while you grabbed the hand that held you, trying to pry it off.
"What are you doing?" You looked to your right to see that same symbiote from last night, Rumble? The orange streaks seemed more prominent than the previous night, probably due to the better lighting.
You continued to grab at their hand, trying to pull it off, but to no avail. Suddenly, you remembered the knife you had taken from the kitchen. You reached for your waist, only being able to pull out the knife, trying to stab the symbiote before it was grabbed and yanked away from you.
For a few seconds, you tried to pull the knife away from the symbiote but were unsuccessful. They held it above your reach, eyeing it, before they turned to you.
"Where did you get this?" When you didn't answer, they shook you harshly. "Where did you get this?"
"Fuck you."
Shaking their head, they walked back to the house while you struggled to get away. They walked all the way from the living room back to the room you were put in. They tossed you onto the bed and then slammed the door.
You rolled onto your stomach and pushed yourself up to sit. The symbiote moved towards the vanity mirror and sat on the bench. It creaked with their weight, but it held itself up.
"_____, where did you get this?" They held up the knife, pointing it towards you. You didn't respond.
It seemed to piss them off as they got up from the bench, seemingly going to lunge at you. But they stopped. They seemed to be thinking, and they sat back down. Maybe they thought it wasn't worth it?
"Look, I know that you may be a little... stressed from the recent events, but you have to be cooperative. Knull will not be as forgiving as I might be, and if he finds out you were outside... it won't be good."
Silently rolling your eyes, you pushed yourself against the wall. "Then why did he break my nose?"
They cringed for a moment but quickly composed themselves, "He did not mean it: you were simply acting out."
"Acting out? I was trying to get away from him because he grabbed me!"
Rumble hissed, whispering, "Do not raise your voice."
Before you could even answer, they continued, "_____, you must calm down before he comes back. He- urgh," they got up from his chair, and paced around for a moment.
They turned back to you, and held out the knife. "I won't tell him about this," he gestured the knife towards you, "But what I will say is this- if you continue to act out, either to me, or worse, Knull, I won't save you from the consequences. Do you understand?"
You looked at their hand, and then back to them. You remembered how worried Cletus and Carnage were about Knull, and how easily he was beaten. While Eddie nor Venom never said anything about either Carnage or Knull, you knew that it would be the same for them.
"...I understand." Rumble nodded, and began to walk out. "I'll leave you here for now: Knull will be back by noon, he should bring you lunch."
They opened the door, but they turned back to you. "I'm... sorry for shaking you. But please, next time just cooperate."
They shut the door, and you heard it lock.
You already checked the room beforehand, so you took off your shoes and socks, setting them down next to your bed. You laid down, trying to rest, while also trying to think of any way to escape.
The next few hours were just sleeping. You didn't dream at all, but when you woke up, you saw that it was probably already noon. You pulled back the covers, and noted that your shoes and socks were gone, and replaced with slippers.
You looked back to the window, trying to see if anyone was outside. You couldn't tell, so you laid back down.
While you were thinking about what to do, you heard a knock. The door opened, and you saw Knull peer inside. He smiled, and pushed open the door fully. He walked in, and you saw Rumble follow behind him.
Even though the room was huge, it looked small when Knull fully stepped inside. He looked around, humming a little tune, before he walked over to your bed and sat at the edge.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, holding a plate of food. You didn't really care about the food, though. Instead, you glared at Knull, not looking away for a moment.
You could see Rumble give you a nervous look, but you didn't give him a glance. Knull's smile faltered a little, but he held out the plate of food, trying to get you to take it.
"It won't kill you to eat." When you didn't reach out to take it, he continued, "_____, it's just meat and potatoes, how hard can that be to eat?"
While you were going to continue to ignore him, you gave a quick glance at Rumble, and the genuinely seemed worried. They were holding their hands, and their eyes, while just blank, still held some sort of warning.
I won't save you from the consequences.
You turned back to Knull, and reluctantly grabbed the plate from him. His smile returned, as he beamed at you. "Good, eat as much as you can."
He reached out to touch your face but you moved to the side. He frowned. "_____." You heard Rumble quietly protest, but you did not care.
"Why did you take me?"
Knull looked at you, and shook his head before he suddenly stood up, and yanked the plate out of your hands. He threw it at the wall, a loud crash following suit. Food and ceramic bits were all across the dresser and the wall, but he didn't seem to care and he grabbed you by your shirt and hoisted you up.
"Why are you acting so difficult? I saved you, I'm bringing you to a better life and all you can do is act like a brat."
"Why did you take me?" You could see him get irate when you repeated yourself, and he was about to do something to you, but suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder.
"_____ is simply worried, they're not in the right of mind-"
Knull dropped you, letting you fall to the bed, and lunged towards Rumble. They tried to dodge, but were unsuccesful. Knull backhanded them, hitting them across the room and through the window. Glass shattered everywhere, and you heard Rumble hit the ground below the room. What was with Knull and throwing people through windows?
While you tried to peek over to see if they were ok, Knull marched over to the broken window. "You will not interfere with this!" He pointed down, probably to Rumble, before he turned back and walked to you.
He kneeled, grabbing your face before you could stop him. He rubbed his thumbs across your cheeks, and he embraced you in a hug.
"_____, I love you very much, you are very dear to me. You are my baby, and you will have everything you will ever ask for once you are ready. But..."
"The next time you run away like you did this morning, I will cut off your legs and make sure you never leave me again."
You were silent, trying not to show your fear. He gave you a kiss on your forehead, smiled and stood up. He walked to the door, saying, "I will see you tonight. Fix your attitude by then."
He stopped and turned to the window, yelling out "Rumble, replace that window before tonight."
He slammed the door behind you, and you were left shaking, as you wondered what you were going to do.
By the time you were getting ready for bed, Rumble had finally fixed your window by having another symbiote in the nearby city get a new window panel for him. He had let Knull be in charge of giving you your dinner, as he did not want another window to be replaced.
They were just getting down from putting it in place when they heard something from behind them. They turned around, seeing nothing. They looked closer, and saw an outline of someone in the trees.
"Who's there?"
A voice shushed them. "Be quiet."
Just before Rumble could attack them, the stranger put their hands up. "I am not here to fight you, but I need you to listen to me."
Rumble scoffed. "Why should I trust you?"
"Because I know that you feel somewhat bad for _____. I have a way to get them out."
Rumble did not falter in their stance, but they were intrigued. "How can a human defeat a god?"
"Oh please, I'm not that human."
The figure stepped out, and Rumble realized they were another symbiote. A white and black one, and while they looked familiar, they couldn't remember who it was.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Anti-Venom, I am a... offspring of Venom. I have a proposition for you, that I think you would benefit greatly from."
Rumble considered his options. He gave a glance to the window, knowing Knull was either still there or was somewhere in the house.
"Let's find somewhere more private, yes?" Anti-Venom smiled, it's teeth glinting in the light.
Rumble relaxed, and fully turned to Anti-Venom, nodding. "You have one chance."
Anti-Venom chuckled. "That will be all I need."
I was rereading the previous parts and got inspired to write this. I hope y'all like it tho because this was fun to write, love you guys sm <3
also yes Anti-Venom will appear next chapter dw I just feel like I'm not giving anyone in the story any dialogue so I wanna work on that
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cowboy-kidd · 3 months
Joker & Puppy Pet Regressor Headcannons
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notes: hi anon!! I accidentally deleted your ask trying to make everything look pretty for you + technical difficulties ...never doing things like this on my phone AGAIN. I think you’re talking about the 2004-2007 The Batman (my fav) if not! I can always write another one with specifications, n i’m sorry if I assumed wrong 🥲. Anyways, thank you for your persistence and patience 🫶🏾
Creds: x - x - x
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Lots of physical affection when you’re with him 
likes when he’s sitting down and you put your head in his lap
loves carding his hand through your hair and messing it up 
cuddling with you is the bane of his existence- he likes to run his hands up and down your back and just feel your warmth in his hands 
a complete suck up, you have him wrapped so tight around your little paw - “oh my cute little pup you’re just the most adorablest ever i can never get enough of you I love you so much!!” and then he proceeds to nuzzle your face a lot 
threatens somebody to make you a customized collar and tag- the collar is green and purple with hints of red so it “doesn’t look like a bedazzled christmas tree..” (his words) - the tag has your name, title, and a possible phone number to reach Joker but that doesn’t really matter because there’s a tracker implanted inside of it…
He just likes knowing that something or someone belongs to him, a loyal, lifelong companion that he may or may not commit heinous crimes with (he would never subject you to the horrors of what he does for work- “you’re much too precious for mamas work little one, i don’t want your pretty fur dirtied..”) 
Loves maintenancing you. Although sometimes he has to…employ other people to help make sure you’re all in order and smelling of blueberries and mint (his favorite scent apart from the gallons of versace and gucci scents he bathes himself in) - (even though this joker looks like he hasn’t had a bath in days i think he’s actually a clean freak and just likes to come off as dirty for his public “image” as a nuisance to society (trademark) and a general disgrace to the human race…) 
Before getting you he actually bathes in gucci and versace scents. After getting you he only does one or two spritzes around his wrists because you're sensitive to strong smells and like to nuzzle his neck. 
His eyes go soft when he takes you guys out to go eyeshopping at stores. When he sees you jump from paw to paw with this glittery look in your eyes he can’t help but go to that very same store and take the toys you were looking at and a couple others he thinks you’d like - (read: he likes.) - it’s just too cute when you finally have them and you're jumping up and down and spinning in circles and wagging your tail, he feels accomplished..like a good dad or something.
Therefore he’s always showering you with praise or toys- “Puppy!~ I got you a surprise!!! Come out, come out wherever you are!!” 
Loves playing silly games with you- chess, cards, hide n’ seek- and when he can’t play with you he forces Punch & Judy too- since they’re virtually indestructible you guys play rough. 
Oh man when you’re hurt he’s hurt and whoever hurt you is gonna get hurt too…
He hears you whining from the next room and immediately he’s at your side trying all the tactics and hacks to make everything better. He’s shushing you and trying to get you to calm down only to realize you're covered in sweat and your temperature is above average. Immediately he calls up a doc but the one he has on speed dial only does cosmetics. The clown paces at the end of your bed, watching you uncomfortable and overheated is the worst pain he could imagine, there has to be a solution, a quick and easy one that can help soothe whatever sickness you have. He’s never been sick before and therefore doesn’t know how to care for you the right way…solution: kidnap Batman’s personal doctor! 
I mean obviously Leslie Tompkins is going to treat you you’ve done nothing wrong and if Batman is being treated by her then obviously she’s the best in the business…the only way he knows is because he tailed her home and when she opened the door Batman was there…he KNEW there was some affiliation between the two. 
So he sends Punch & Judy on the job, he gives them detailed instructions so their mission could not possibly fail while he wades at your bedside. Pacing, checking your temperature back to back or just sitting and zoning out, waiting for you to wake up or for Leslie, Punch, and Judy to walk through the door. 
After what feels like years the door is knocked on- a rhythmic sound that gently pulls the clown from his thoughts. Leslie Thompkins and Batman push through…Punch and Judy following behind them dutifully. The sick softness of the room dissipates as a thick tension comes in clouds and the clown's expression turns from melancholic to incredulous. His mind runs through thousands of possibilities as to why there is a Batman walking through his house- in his BEDROOM looking seemingly worried at the sick pup tossing and turning on the bed. Yet he can’t seem to come up with one good idea as to why he’s here. Quickly, he turns around in his chair, hitting Judy and Punch with a stare that renders the entire room frozen. 
“Judy…Punch..” He starts out in his usual voice but there’s a baritone in it that he only takes when he’s plotting world domination in Gotham. “Why is there a Bat in my room?” Both scramble to offer him an excuse but he only holds up his hand after a minute of their muttering. Then the Bat himself speaks up. - “I wouldn’t let them take Dr. Thompkins without me, they said it was a health emergency.” 
The clown pinches the bridge of his nose and Batman isn’t sure if this is genuine or just the Joker being the Joker. He concludes it’s genuine when the person in the bed whimpers and Joker is at their side, shushing them and carding his hand through their hair. Whispering sweet things into their ear and placing a hand on their head only to pull back as if burned. He can see the sweat on the clown's brow as he bites his cheek and looks at Dr. Thompkins, his eyes completely ignoring the dark figure in the room in favor of business rather than rivalry...and woah that is an entire switch up from the Joker he knows.
The clown switches from his position on the floor for an upright but slightly bent posture. “Dr. Thompkins, I need your help.” he says it uneasily, as if the words were foreign on his tongue, and for all Batman knows, they might as well be. 
For the next 48 hours Dr. Thompkins works and schools the clown on how to take care of you when you’re sick. Judy & Punch go off somewhere and Batman fades into the background, he disappears when the sun rises but always comes back at dawn. A looming reminder that Leslie Thompkins is under his protection and Joker under his dutiful watch.
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notes: thank you for sending in requests!! i’m so grateful for you nonnie!! 🫶🏾
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
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fallrimxreader · 2 years
How would companions react to John Wick as SS?
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(Warning! Mentions/scenes of extreme violence because it's John Wick.)
Cait: She's got the biggest crush almost immediately after meeting John. He's handsome so that's the first tick on the list of good qualities. He's also kind and considerate.
One day they get into a fight with some raiders and John takes them out bare handed, using his suit jacket to confuse the raiders and obscure their vision as he punches them. He then puts his jacket back on like it's not covered in blood. Cait's heart flutters like mad.
"Damn darlin'. You really know how to show a girl a good time." She asks him to teach her how to fight as good as him, since she usually just uses a gun. He's happy to show her and together they become and unstoppable, deadly team.
Curie: She enjoyed how kindly he spoke to her and how he was happy to help. She found him very dashing and such a delightful person. Then they get into their first fight. Ghouls start to attack them, so John grabs a steel bar from the road and proceeds to beat them with it. With the final ghoul he sticks the bar through the ghouls chest and sticks into into the wall. John turns around the find Curie covering her eyes.
"My apologies, that was just a bit much for me monsieur. I never thought I'd see such things outside." Curie never experienced much violence in her vault. It takes some time for her to get use to more physical violence. For a while John just uses guns to attack so that Curie is more at ease and doesn't have to witness anything too bad. She is grateful for how kind John is, so decides to stick by him. For his personality she can get used to his extreme fighting techniques.
Codsworth: He finds John very polite and a pleasure to work with. So it was a complete surprise to see him take out enemies with such violence. How could someone so nice be so deadly?
"Could you perhaps tone down the violence Sir? I'm glad you're getting things done, but it is starting to upset my circuitry a little." Codsworth then makes an obvious gag sound. John finds this entertaining, he agrees and tones down the violence to just guns. He'll use knives if an enemy gets a bit too close though.
Dogmeat: John Wick gives the best belly rubs, so this makes Dogmeat very happy. He's a good leader and protects Dogmeat so he will follow John to the end of the world.
Danse: When he first met John he wasn't expecting much. John was soft spoken, and gentle. But Danse tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and tagged along for a mission. Then Danse watched John use one axe to take out a tower of super mutants. Danse is just in complete awe.
"My goodness soldier. What kind of training have you had?" Danse enjoys fighting alongside John because he is efficient, and only uses extreme force when necessary. He also asks John for some shooting lessons. John is a master of headshots and Danse thinks he could learn some things from John.
Deacon: John was able to spot Deacon immediately when he started to follow him. None of Deacons disguises work on John. Deacon was going to wait a little longer before taking John to the Railroad, but he's impressed that John recognized him so took him sooner than planned. Deacon decides to tag along after hearing some rumors that John was a machine in the battle field. Finally he gets to see the rumors were right. John takes out a pack of raiders with a brick attached to a rope, and Deacon just watches on the sidelines.
"I'm not sure if I should kiss your ass because I respect you or because you terrify me. Maybe a bit of both." John laughs and pats Deacons shoulder. Deacon makes a promise to never get on Johns bad side.
Hancock: John Wick enters Goodneighbour, and before Hancock can get a chance to stab the guy that's being a nuisance, John puts the guy into a choke hold and puts him to sleep. Hancock is seriously impressed and a little scared.
"Man, you just gave yourself one hell of a first impression. I think we are going to get along just fine." Hancock likes John, he's a good guy. A little violent but that never stopped Hancock. He likes joining him on quests and just admiring the way John Wick fights. Hancock starts to make a list of all the different ways John can kill a guy.
MacCready: John Wick entered the back room of The Third Rail and watched two goonheads threaten MacCready. John listened to MacCready's story and offered to help him take out the people who were bothering him. Together they make their way to the Gunners hide out.
"Wait here." John said. MacCready was confused but did as he was told.
John then proceeded to take out the entire gang of Gunners, single handedly, using a mixture of guns and throwing knives. When he returned MacCready was dumbstruck, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"I mean you didn't have to go that hard but I appreciate it nonetheless." No one has ever taken out a gang for MacCready before. From that point on he is super loyal to John. He also really enjoys how soft spoken John is, they get along quite well.
Piper: "Well look at you Mr. Dapper." She comments seeing him for the first time outside Diamond city. She thinks he's too nice and quiet and is definitely going to get crushed by this dangerous world. So she offers to tag along with him. Then they get into a fight and she watches John take out some ghouls using his belt. Piper is shocked, and reminds herself to never judge by appearances again. If John does something a little too violent for her she'll turn away. But otherwise she is fine tagging along. It's the commonwealth she's seen some worse things.
Preston: He was happy to accept help from anyone, even this new guy coming along in a nice suit. After John helped out a bunch of settlements Preston decided he wanted to tag along with him. They get into a fight with some raiders and start a gun fight as normal. Then one raider gets too close, John breaks the raiders arm, steals his knife and throws it into another raiders eye. Preston has to try very hard not to throw up. After that Preston doesn't follow John anymore.
Valentine: Nick was pleased to be rescued. He admired his savior in their nice, though a little bloodied, suit. The pair make their way through the goons in the tunnels and finally get face to face with Skinny Malone. John is more of a quiet guy so Nick does most the talking. When Skinny Malone makes the orders to shoot John is already ahead. He takes out Darla and the goons in the back with his gun. With only Skinny left he finds he's out of ammo. John tackles Skinny to the ground and with ease and hits his head to the floor.
"That's a bit much don't you think?" Nick comments while grimacing, he knows violence is often necessary to survive in this world. But he doesn't think it needs to be so severe. Nick let's John know he isn't keen on the extreme methods he takes, which John takes into consideration. John doesn't really want to fight and only does it to survive, so he does tone down and tries to only focus on using close combat in really desperate times. Nick appreciates this.
Strong: He likes John a lot. Any time John takes out a raider in a particularly violent way Strong applauds him.
"Human fight good. Human would make good super mutant." Strong said, giving John the best compliment Strong could think of.
X6-88: He is incredibly happy that he gets to work with John. John Wick is smart, thorough, and gets the job done efficiently. Everything X6 could possibly want in a leader. The way John can take out a whole group of raiders with one pistol, all headshots. Well X6 is probably his biggest fan. He likes that John is very no nonsense, he wants to know what the job is so he can get it done and move to the next one. This is the way X6-88 likes to work and the fact that John is the same makes X6 happy.
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lilicannotfly · 3 months
reece's (in)formal introduction
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meet reece! || they.them || 20-21 years
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Galère exists in a fantastical universe set in the future. Boats have gone back to their original forms as they were simply superior.
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"You could never know that, though. You just said so."
. . . ๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭ ⭑|⤵ . . .
Reece is an easy-going person, though they are extremely cautious, known to count all exits the moment they enter any room. Being the type of person people simply tell things to, they always feel as though they know too much about those around them, and often do not know how to interact with them normally, and many have noted that the awkward air about them contrasts with the gracefulness with which they move.
Reece is an enby in their early-twenties of average height and an even more average build, with russet coloured skin covered in downy hair. Thier face is adorned with a bumped nose paired with wide-set, rounded-almond eyes bordered with thick white lashes-their close friends say they put to mind faux grass and an energy of shaky liquid confidence. Their lips would appear picture perfect if not for the chain coming out of them, connecting from the back of their lower canines to a magical mark on the back of their neck, usually covered by their long, silky ebony-coloured hair. Their ears are pierced on the lobes, and there is a healed over piercing on the inner part of their right ear. They are extremely light on their feet.
. . .
Reece was born in a small, unnamed town a day's travel away from Town of Eve during a historic blizzard. They were raised by their grandparents, who were fairly wealthy and gave them whatever they wanted or needed, with the exception of information about their parents.
In the days nearing their sixteenth birthday, the entire town had it's eyes on them-they were about to become an adult, to choose their destiny (and, some hoped, give up this "foolish notion of being nonbinary")-so imagine the shock that went through the town when, after mysteriously staying inside for a week, they appeared with a strange chain coming out their mouth! It restricted their speech, and hating the way it rounded out their words, they stopped talking as much, retreating into themself.
With their sixteenth birthday celebration not happening at all, about six months later, their grandparents helped them set up a slightly less (but still very much) extravagant ball, set to happen outside, under the beautiful summer sunset. One of their friends was set to help them get ready for it, and as she was pinning up their hair, she froze. She recognized the mark on the back of their neck, and simply told them they were in a terrible danger. Unamused (and already quite stressed) they urged her not to joke around like that, yet she insisted that she was serious, and sat them down to tell them about HE of H.
They fled that afternoon, leaving the small town behind them without any goodbyes, running on with nothing but directions to the closest docks. Two days later, they got there, ducking into the first ship she saw and hiding in a cupboard, eating small fruit bars that they hoped the people on the ship wouldn't miss.
This ship just so happened to be the Tell Mother, and they were almost immediately found by Landyn, who was extremely annoyed at having another person to take care of. Captain Darius has a policy to never turn away any seeking refuge, and it was for this reason alone that she didn't turn them away, instead offering them room and board in return for them helping out around the ship. They had less than no boating skills and strange ways of doing things, and this bothered Landyn further.
Eventually, as Reece started getting along with the other people around the ship, Landyn started to warm up to them, and they ended up good friends and minor nuisances to everyone else on the ship.
They also became close with the main fighter on the ship, M, as M also bears the mark of HE. M attempted to help them get over their fear of water (it did not work) and taught them most of the things they know about working around the ship.
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They do odd jobs about the ship with Landyn, though they mainly do laundry (mending, cleaning, making, etc).
. . . ✒ They enjoy creating art, and the general process of putting their thoughts and feelings to paper. Because of this appreciation of creation, Landyn taught them how to sew, and they make their pocket change by selling clothes they made. The only clothes they have that they didn't make was the outfit they were supposed to wear to their birthday gala (which they can't wear anymore), a hoodie and pants gifted by Landyn, and a shawl from their grandmother.
. . . ✒ They spent much of their early childhood trying to figure out who their parents were. Every time they were caught trying to research it, their grandparents would punish them. The closest they ever got was finding a star shaped earring in a lockbox that belonged to one of their parents. They pierced their own ears specifically so that they could wear those earrings, and they do so at any opportunity.
. . . ✒ With much reason to be worried about people finding them, they rarely leave the ship except for when Landyn convinces them to, and never for too long.
. . . ✒ They almost chose the name Navier because they thought it sounded pretty and they thought it would be easier to learn because it started with the same letter as their deadname, but it simply did not fit. They still contemplate it, but they don't really have the time to think about it in depth.
. . . ✒ They hate ice cream with a passion.
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lgbtiba · 1 year
Bagina/shyduo (cubitos ofc) AU where the jailsquad + Bagi are Federation experiments but different and Bagi and Tina become friends as kids but get completely separated until now
Bagi is more like Bluebird AU kinda thing but not quite. Bagi, Baghera and Jaiden had different treatments; Jaiden was basically treated like a princess, spoiled, always reassured that the Federation is her family and such, until she grows up and becomes a Federation employee;Baghera was just brutally experimented on, so inhuman and hurtful (my headcanon) she completely blocked it out of her mind when she escaped; Bagi was given material things, a cat to keep her company, a tree house, candy, a child's dream life, but always very detached yk? Treated like nothing but a subject, the employees never spoke to her no matter how much she talked to them, she called them her "family" even though she wasn't attached or cared for by them at all.
Jailsquad were completely different, they were just given rooms, if they wanted food and water they had to complete puzzles and challanges, like the jail ordeal but on a much smaller scale. A vibe like Portal, with the physical and mental challanges. Sometimes a few of them in a group and sometimes individual
Every time Tubbo starts his he tries to somehow find a way to sneak out, one of times he does where Tina just happened to be with him, she encounters a girl she hasn't seen before, carrying an orange cat around. Bagi, who at this point has never met another kid her age, is ecstatic to be friends while a shy Tina is freaking out, she gives her candy (wich Tina has never had before), talks all about her animals and stuff that she likes until Tina gets pulled away for escaping.
From then on, Tina always stalls the time she spends on the facility in-between tests to meet with Bagi, while Bagi herself just keeps asking the employees that acompany to let her stay there, she even comes up with excuses as to why despite them not seeming to care at all, just doing what she asks in the most distant way possible. They keep at it for a while until Bag starts planning to secretly break Tina out (because in her mind she isn't trapped at all), Tina is hesitant to defy them but she trusts Bagi more than anyone, they swore to always protect eachother so it'll probably be fine, right?
Except the Feds immediately catch wind of it and put Tina on a "break", wich means staying locked in her room for months, being given food from time to time. Meanwhile Bagi gets any memories of Tina completely erased (it gives her her first bit of hair dyed, wich s almost completely white by the time she's an adult).
When Tina's break is over, they purposefuly set her free to go find Bagi, and when she does, Bagi doesn't know who she is at all. Tina thinks she forgot completely on her own, that she was so unimportant to Bagi that being a away for a while could get her to forget their friendship.
From that point on, the Feds never take Bagi there again, just in case. Tina keeps sneaking out everytime to look for her, and never sees her friend again. Again, Tina thinks Bagi just doesn't care to go there anymore, but some part of her still wants to see her so much, she looks for her every single day for years. Until it's time for the final test, all of the jailsquad's memories are erased, replaced by fake lifes they never lived.
Bagi the entire time since has been a nuisance to the Federation, getting brainwashed so many times, it ends with total amnesia, only knowing her name and that she loves animals.
Also, you know how Bagi says she hasn't practiced her english in 10 years? What if the in-character reason is because she hasn't spoken to Tina for 10 years?
What if the reason her diaries were written in english is because deep down she was hoping Tina would find them, without even remembering her?
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d1xkrider · 2 years
Blood sucker
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Vampire hunter Black! gn reader x Vampire Angel Devil
warnings. (Some warnings are serious others are just things I want people to know).
cursing(not as much),
you rip your arrow out of the young vampire's ribs and clutch its heart in between your fingers. “You are such a nuisance.” Annoyed you sighed placing the arrow back in your stack. You start to walk over to your motorcycle but realize something’s off. “Boring. How quickly you notice things truly upsets me.” The voice groaned. It was a vampire with gorgeous pale skin, red hair, a white turtle neck, and black pants but no shoes? His lashes flutter somehow his precence made you feel cautious but entertained. This guy... what does he want from you?
He was floating in the air admiring the anger in your eyes and rotating himself to be set on the dirt floor. “Relax, I’m not planning on killing you.” He reassured but that didn't stop you from gripping your dagger tightly. "You know you can't kill me with that. Even if you try, trust me. Many before you have died looking as determined as you." I swiftly throw my dagger and immediately like reflex grab my arrow ready to attack. Instead, he pushes my arm again deflecting my move and seeing past my fast reflexes, I was fast
but he is much faster.
My back collapses onto the hard dirt floor. As i gasp at the sudden feeling his knee pierces right into my abdomen making me unable to move anywhere.
"You know. Im, not one to go out of my way to do anything slightly physical. Blinking itself is such a pain." He spoke in a soft voice ignoring my grunts of resistance. "But I have been watching you for a while. And I must say I am rather interested in you."
He pulls my hands above my head and intertwines them as he eyes me. He leans in as his hair covered my face. He was so close that his breath hits my nose., Blood. the smell of blood and a hint of mint I smelt. I wasn't disgusted by this scent but felt that I was weakened by a lot, this man as small as a car door is straddling me like some weakling holding me down with ease. I hated it, I hated feeling weak, I have felt weak and belittled by these species for as long as I can remember. No more. I cannot stand it. I refuse to believe I am being handled like this.
Make it stop. Please make it stop.
"Your heart...It sped up. Why is that so?" He questioned. He waits for my answer but I do not speak. I cannot let it hear the tremble in my voice. I couldn't let him know this bone-crushing position hurts even when he does he has no proof. I can't cry. I am a proud Vampire killer and we do not tremble or cry to no one.
The gorgeous blood-sucking creature uses this moment to pierce his nails into the back of my palms with the hope of hearing my voice but I do not give him that privilege.
"Even when you can feel your blood leaking out of you you still manage to stay silent, so amusing you are." I could hear the glee in his voice but his face is stone cold with curiosity within his eyes. "I have been following you for quite some time now. I was curious on how you could keep on going, when you have lost so much."
He spoke like he knew me. Like he knew everything that has led up for me to become a vampire hunter. Deaths, sacrifices, betrayal, and being used. His face is so hard to read making me turn my head away from his demanding stare. "Uh uh face me. I want to see how you react to my words." He lets go of one of my hands and forces my head back into place.
"Why me." I forced. His eyes brighten. He lifts himself off me giving me an opening. I kick his stomach as hard as I could and pull myself back and away from him. My legs felt weak like I hit a wall of bricks. The man holds his stomach unfazed and sighs. "I knew you were going to do that." He shakes his head. "Im going to fucking kill you!" I screamed taking out a large red faded dagger. "Can't you see? You cannot kill me." He starts to take a few steps forward ignoring my poor attempts at leaping at him and stabbing. "I can hear your thoughts y'know." He deflects my moves and slams my head against a tree making me twist up in rage. "Your heartbeat is so emotional and loud." He grabs my wrist and forces me onto the same tree and just stays there. I struggled for so long, that I felt exhausted. His face made me so angry and the way he speaks so monotone. I just couldn't.
I stop moving completely. "I want to know one thing and one thing only." He whispered.
"And what the fuck is it?" I spat.
"Why do you try so hard to live. When there is nothing for you to go back to."
I didn't know how to reply to what he said. Since he was correct, nothing is waiting for me anymore. But my will to live still is within me. He stares at me waiting for an answer, any answer. His lips quiver and his eyes dart to every discoloration, bruise, hair, and mark on my face. I gulp the lump that has formed within my throat hard. "I don't know," I said. He stares at me for a little longer and grits his teeth together.
"They gotta be around here somewhere!" I heard many voices at the entrance of the forest and a sigh of relief. "These fuckers take so long to save one of their own," I said. When I looked back at the redhead he had vanished without a trace. I stand up holding the parts that hurt and try to make it out of the forest Blood drips from my body and I groan every time I take a step. Birds flutter and branches broke. commotion getting louder and louder and-
"Holy shit what happened to you?!" A man asked with expensive body gear at each part of his body.
"Vampires," I replied before collapsing into a deep sleep.
Even though I have been saved, the ache did not leave my heart. I still felt hopeless, lost, and weak.
The more I think about what happened the more it affected how I lived. How could I let such a blood-hungry animal speak about me in such interest?
and why do i long to speak to him again.....
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queenofnohr · 1 year
could you do #s 4, 6, 19, 37, and 48 for the classic Ajax/Moros? whichever ones vibe the most, if that's too many at once lmao
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
Ajax loves Moros' long long Heian noblewoman-length hair the most. The reason is that Moros usually shoves it into his robes and keeps his hood up so...... Being able - being allowed - to see his hair was one of the first clear tip offs that Moros did indeed trust Ajax beyond anything
As for Moros. He loves Ajax's cock the most. IM KIDDING. Maybe. In truth, I think he loves Ajax's hands the most. Hands firm yet gentle. Hands that caress dying flowers and try to bring them back to life. Hands that pluck the petals off living flowers as if playing a game of loves me, loves me not. Hands that press flowers into books to preserve them dead. Practiced hands that help him comb his long, long hair. Trembling hands that once stroked the side of his cheek, each millimeter of movement lost, yet so very intentional, before warm lips covered his own. Practiced hands pinning his wrists, bunching up the hem of his robes around his hips, furtive and needy and wanting. Hands he doesn't see reach for him when his back is turned, never quite touching. Hands so much bigger than his and he doesn't realize it because Ajax knows better than to capture Moros' hands in his.
(the rest of it is under a cut for length)
6. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
They're actually around each other 90% of the time so it's difficult to name something that reminds them of one another since they's nothing to be reminded about but....... hm.
For Ajax it's probably styling his own hair. While he helps Moros with his hair, Moros doesn't help Ajax with his but...... Ajax eventually grows his hair out to be more like Moros. So combing and styling his long mass of hair, he can't help but smile a little in embarrassment, when he thinks about why exactly he grew it so long
For Moros, it's probably when he has to go through his morning routine and Ajax isn't there. Since early on as a disciple, Ajax helped his shishou with getting ready in the morning, gradually getting more and more duties (such as brushing out his hair while Moros did paperwork) and so when Ajax is actually absent (usually on Azem duty) he finds the weight of the hole in his routine insufferable.
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
Hmmmmmmm this is a tough one because while I don't think they actively lie, their relationship is built on some degree of dishonesty with regard to their feelings.......
I think Ajax lies a lot. I think he makes up dumb, obvious, lies about things that don't matter and says them just to get a rise out of Moros, at least in their later years, wherein Ajax already holds the title of Azem. I think earlier, when he was a starry-eyed disciple, he'd lie about the things others were saying about Moros, telling Moros how brilliant everyone thinks - or should think - he is. Of course, Moros sees through those lies immediately......... Then, of course, Ajax lies about his feelings. Acting like Moros is a nagging nuisance, calling him an overbearing old man, etc......... I don't know if he'd directly lie about his love for Moros, but that's also because Moros would never ever ever ask him about his feelings, so there's nothing to lie about. But in any case. That's why his tag is "he makes up things he would never say. he says them quietly." he lies and lies and makes up ridiculous things but he's also, in his own way, the most sincere person you'll ever meet. underneath the paint, he's quietly saying "I love you" where no one can hear, with every breath he takes.
Moros............. he doesn't actively lie, he's just not honest with his feelings.
37. Have they ever hurt each other on accident?
Only if you count their dishonesty with their feelings leading them to have this aching in their heart for one another that they will never ever ever clarify because it's the only way they know how to live 😭 then they accidentally hurt each other all the time. little hurts like papercuts that can do without a band-aid but ever seek the fluttering "get better" kiss.
38. Have they ever hurt each other deliberately?
Mmmmmm. Ajax........ Well it's sort of a borderline case. But.
Ajax was originally supposed to be the heart of Zodiark. He volunteers to sacrifice himself for the greater good. This is who Aias' martyrdom complex stems from, after all.
That, of course, means abandoning Moros.
And he leaves. Without looking back, he tells Moros this is something he has to do. To protect Moros. To protect the world he loves, that Moros loves, that he wants Moros to continue to live in.
On some level he knows this will hurt Moros. He doesn't know it will hurt Moros more than anything he's ever experienced in his long long life. He just...... doesn't believe he's that important to the man beyond being someone who can fulfill his desires. Or that because of Moros' principles, he will come to accept Ajax's fate like any other because he must know, with how his student is, that it is an inevitability.
Of course, this doesn't actually come to pass. Halfway into it, Ajax feels that if he does this - if he martyrs himself like this - it won't be as simple as returning to the lifestream and coming back to Moros in another form to love him once again. He feels that he can't just...... abandon him, even though he feels it is his duty as Azem to do this thing. So he gives up his duty to the people, to the greater good, for the sake of one man.
Elidibus, who in turn looked up to Ajax with starry eyes, ends up taking his place instead, happy to walk in Ajax's shoes (which makes everything else that comes after intensely heartbreaking for the two)
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal?
I mean Moros brought Ajax home
I dunno if either of them would bring home an animal just because it's homeless buuuuuuuuuut. Injured animals. A bird with a broken wing. That sort of thing....... I feel like is a very Ajax thing to do. Moros probably scoffs at Ajax how interfering with the natural order of things - the predestined fate - but Ajax takes his shishou's philosophy a step further and believes that for predestined fate to come true, one must make every effort they can to ensure a truly fated end.
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
qrow x “Lieutenant”  ( @slaughtermachine​ ) [tw: nudity, suggestive]
He comes here when he needs peace... he doesn’t see why he shouldn’t allow himself the luxury of a longass shower here and there.
Eventually, the sensation that he’s being watched gets to him so much that he finally turns his head... Just some birds, though. Nothing to worry about.
beady red eyes tilt to and fro as qrow takes in the sight...
He comes here when he needs peace.
He’d been personally involved with mapping out the Mountain Glenn site and nearby areas. Safety and running water would be brushed off as impossibilities to anyone with less knowledge of the area than him. And now that he’s alone, he doesn’t see why he shouldn’t allow himself the luxury of a longass shower here and there.
The running water was his haven. He got to be out of dirty, sweaty clothes and discard his mask, and think over things he normally didn’t spare time for, inbetween making himself almost obsessively clean. Total privacy, and given that it was away from an encampment or headquarters, he also didn’t have to deal with people complaining about how much time he spent in the wet box.
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That nuisance is traded for the wariness of the wilderness, and eventually the sensation that he’s being watched gets to him so much that he finally turns his head, baring teeth and prepared to kill anyone that caught sight of him unmasked.
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Just some birds, though. Nothing to worry about.
helpful birds, to qrow at least. amazing what information he could get from the dance of nature when he took to wings instead of words. this particular family of corvids had been populating this area of mountain glenn for generations. apparently so had a good few of the local grimm. qrow didn’t know whether that meant actual generations of grimm somehow, or whether the same ones had been around. …it’s a rough and simple translation.
the patriarch caws on a high branch, an alert of the man returned to their presence, threat of a predator.
qrow takes it as opportunity to end the conversation, not wear out his welcome, and get a closer look at what’s got them all riled up. hopping from his perch to soar down with a tap of talons on the open ceramic tile wall outside of the stall, he suddenly remembers what this building actually is.
hello there handsome.
beady red eyes tilt to and fro as qrow takes in tight muscles, dark ink, and chiseled lines tucked down into barely a towel. something in his bird brain says to fly, but something stirring in his human brain glues him firmly to the spot. scars of a body mean little when his man form shares the same, and all of that distracts for a moment before qrow catches the facial scarring, apparent and angry in a way that clutches in hollow ribs; even another moment before he can tell the difference between disfiguration and glare.
silent blinks process, looking back in feigned innocence and ignorance, and in the span of those seconds the angry face softens. yes, good, of course, nothing but a harmless bird here, sir.
clearly, this person had been through some shit. qrow can sympathize. maybe a smile could help bring something better out of that face? (or if nothing else, extends qrow’s showtime for some serious eye candy)
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a small rattle warms up his throat while shiny feathers fluff, and qrow twists and bends his neck to scrape a black beak against mortar.
then, he lets out the unmistakable sound of a wolf whistle.
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He was just turning around, ready to go collect his clothes, when he hears it. He whirls around so fast that his towel nearly slips, looking for who had made that sound, brain firing on all cylinders and body ready for a fight.
No one’s there.
His eyes are wide and searching, and his teeth are bared, the way they always were when ready to tear into somebody–verbally or physically. The lack of an immediate target stops him short, but he knows there must be one, somewhere in those trees. It’s some mix of rage and rapidly burgeoning humiliation he feels. No way any of the green upstarts at the Fang would be so bold as to do this. Is there someone here he didn’t see when he arrived? Maybe one of Cinder’s ballsy, harebrained associates?
“…Who’s there?!”
His demand goes unanswered but for a flock of birds flying away in alarm, which only makes him nervous. He had expected some sort of stifled laughter. That had been a whistle he heard, right? His eyes settle on the only thing left, a small black bird with red eyes, probably a crow or a raven. One of those carrion-feeders that wasn’t easy to scare, he supposed. Could birds imitate human sounds…?
…Maybe he should just leave. He didn’t have anything on him, and though he could handle himself without his chainsaw, he didn’t much care for violence in his present state anyway. Too vulnerable.
mis-aimed Misfortune nearly gives qrow even more of an eyeful, and definitely causes him to hop and fluff up on the spot. that voice sounds ready and willing to knock someone right out, and his stance backs it up. only his scars looked angry before, but now his whole face does.
qrow doesn’t rush away with his companions; instead, his whole body shakes, audibly fluttering out the sudden stress in the way creatures do, trying to de-escalate. for every bit of aggression the man holds, qrow lets go his own defenses (no ego and less body to protect in this form); that had not gone as planned.
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but he’s not scared, not threatened. not like this.
so, in all of qrow’s glory and experience of if at first you don’t succeed… he tries again.
mocking laughter expected a hidden source doesn’t come, but the black bird does tilt his head in mischief and silent amusement; he waits, making sure he has the man’s attention, trying to convince him of how he should feel, too… and whistles yet again; and just for show of reckless, half mindless, wild creature abandon, he hops along the wall, continuing to repeat it, mixed with a regular cheeping caw or two.
For quite a long moment, he’s staring right at the guilty bird, feeling the sort of blank ‘processing’ kind of emptiness in his brain that tended to precede–yep, there it was. Feeling like an idiot. For all that he should be relieved, and he is, he knows he’s just made a fool of himself, threatening a bird out in the middle of nowhere over nothing.
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He closes his eyes and sighs, turning his back on the edge of the woods. He’d better just get his things and get the work he needed to do here done. The benefit of being under the radar was supposed to be a little bit less alertness and paranoia, but fuck it, seems like that’s not a defect he’s getting rid of that easily. …Maybe he’ll put his mask on, just in case.
“Go! Get out of here, shoo!”
He doesn’t wait to see if the bird was successfully sent fluttering away, rather turning on his heel and returning to his little encampment. Damn it, god fucking damn it. Now he can’t shake the feeling of being watched, even though he knows he isn’t. He feels like he needs another shower–no, no, what he needs is to just get to work. He can relax when he’s asleep tonight. Or dead, really.
Fuckin’ animals…
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vampstel · 2 years
How world traveling works for Kyo, huh?
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Well it's a complicated process that takes long to get the hand how, that's why Kyo doesn't completely control it. They might be in the middle of a physical fight and get slightly too frightened and in the blink of an eye they'd be at the next world, for now it works mainly by instinct which is why they're still in they world of teyvat, because Albedo always manages to calm them down before it goes to that (half assuming that it's what causes it with what Kyo told him) and because they're genuinely trying their best with what the book they have tells them. Their book has everything about learning but little to nothing about controlling it. They would definitely seek guidance to the traveller to understand how their world traveling works, but being from different worlds may have consequences on the travelling. Also I have not mentioned it before but if Kyo stays one species or one form for too long, they might become that species forever so they often practice shape shifting at least once or twice a week to make sure it doesn't happen and they're able to shift in case of a need to run away. They really don't want albedo to see them in that state though because they're scared he'll find it gross or see them as only an experiment but they will voice those worries and it'll get sorted out eventually. BY THE WAY- they still have trauma and pretends to believe in divinities in the scare of being thrown away again, except they don't really pretend in teyvat because they minute the say Venti (after seeing a statue of the seven + the statue before the cathedral) they knew the gods were actually real people in teyvat, only leaving them with relief that if they believe, they'll believe in real gods and real people. They also met with Xiao once, they almost got killed because they were shape shifted as a hillichurl but managed to shift back before Xiao killed them though they immediately forgave him and asked him to learn them how to use the spear because he was "so freaking awesome" when he did it and he looked "badass as hell" but Xiao only answered by leaving because he is Xiao you know-- Kyo still fanboys over him though and they one day want to be as great as him...
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I'm pretty much done here, I don't have any more idea on what to tell you
Ahh, so Kyo world travels by instinct. I can see how much of a nuisance that can be to control… if I were them, I would be swapping worlds in milliseconds. Also, Kyo having to practice shifting once or twice a week so they don’t stay in one form makes so much sense?? And I really like that??
I was going to ask you about what they feel about Teyvat and its deities, but completely forgot oops so thank you for feeding my curiosity. Being an atheist from a different world (and being punished for it, no less) and being transported to a new one where it’s confirmed to have gods sounds like a very fun ride /s
Can’t imagine how that can possibly mentally mess up their mind. Oh my god (no pun intended)
And their encounter with Xiao 😭😭😭 I can imagine Xiao just walking away as if nothing happened. He probably didn’t know what to say because 1. Kyo’s a species shifter and he almost killed them and 2. Kyo was fanboying over him regardless of the fact he almost killed them
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