#but they're way more obsessed with each other
demonadelem · 2 days
Phoenix and Edgeworth's actual canon dynamic in the games is everyone sees Edgeworth as this super smart intimidating hyper-competent prosecutor but Pheonix sees him as this kinda pathetic dorky wet cat and puts up with him as such. With alot of fond eyerolls at Edgeworth's utter ridiculousness he's usually right. Phoenix is 100% convinced that Edgeworth needs him but really Phoenix enjoys his company.
On Edgeworth's end, he treats Phoenix as if he's the dumb goofy one in the dynamic (he is) but inside he worships the ground he walks on and is the only force on the earth that could compel him to break the law.
Fanon rewrites Phoenix the most to make them more compatible because from the outset he does seem distant but I really don't think that's the case. They accept each other for who they are and work around each other's flaws while leaving room to grow.
They're mutually obsessed with each other in a way that inspires the both of them to be better and their relationship is built on a foundation of trust that makes them willing to give up control to the other. Phoenix and Edgeworth love each other, that's that.
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volturissideslut · 1 day
Hello. Can youwrite lovesick Volturi Kings ? Please
Just gonna do Caius for now, if you want more just send another req <3
𝕮𝖆𝖎𝖚𝖘 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
Lovesick Caius who becomes a fool for you. Yes he has a couple millenias worth of experience, and yet he still feels like a teen in love whenever he's with you. It's that never ending giddy feeling in which you consume all his thoughts. What should he wear to see you? What flowers might you want? How is your day going? Did you like that book he recommended? You plague his mind in a way nothing ever has and his stomach is in his throat when he's with you. I think your husband has a bit of a crush on you.
Lovesick Caius who loves to kiss your cheeks. Human or vampire he'll hold your chin with his fingers and just peck at them or maybe even give them a little nibble. He's obsessed with them really, nosing them, pinching them, squishing them, and holding them. They're just his favourite part of your face. And if you have dimples then you'll never escape him. He makes it his life's mission to make you smile just so he can see them. There is something just so intimate about how he holds your face.
Lovesick Caius who learns new things just so he can teach you. You mentioned an interest in pottery? He's never done it before because it just wasn't something he wanted to do, but he'll go and take secret classes or teach himself when you're not there just so he can teach you. He would do just about anything - scratch that - he would do absolutely anything to have you look up at him with that impressed admiration. He'd learn a language, skill, or anything you want just for the way you look at him when he offers to help.
Lovesick Caius who would bend over backwards for you, who would go to many lengths to keep you satisfied and smiling. No price is too much for him, money or other, even when you insist you don't need whatever it was. Tickets, jewels, the head of whoever upset you on a silver platter? This vampire really knows no bounds.
Lovesick Caius who loves his down time with you. To be sat in front of a fire in an empty room, you laid on him or vice versa, a wine glass filled with blood in each of your hands (or the best of wines if you are still human). To talk with you, to lay with you, or to have soft and gentle touches shared between you. It's his idea of a perfect time when he is all consumed with quiet and you. Could it get much better than this?
Lovesick Caius who goes on a rampage if there was any harm brought to even a single hair on your head, guard be damned your HIS mate. And especially good luck to whoever it was if they are not a member, they have their death sentence coming. HE genuinely loves you so much and it takes everything in him to not hyperventilate even as a vampire when even the most minor of things happens to you. He physically feels a piece of himself die when you cry.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 days
Society if Seska was obsessed with B'Elanna as well as Chakotay and they tied her betrayal of the Maquis into Tuvok's betrayal of the Maquis and we got to see what B'Elanna & Chakotay's differing feelings on each of those betrayals was. I'm picturing Seska has them captured somewhere and they're trying to get out without resorting to some violence Seska wants them to. (Psychological torture* is a great way to get people on your side, so say the Cardassians). Absolutely no input from the others during their scenes, it's all them. I want to see more of B'Elanna & Chakotay's friendship/backstory as well as their relationships with Seska. What do they think of violence (systematically, in general, as a means to an end)? What counts as violence? What do they think of the Maquis? What are their morals and how do they differ? What do they think of each other? Also in this au Seska 100% offers B'Elanna, in honeyed tones, the chance to reconstruct her face so she looks entirely Human. Wasn't that what you've wanted all your life~? *I imagine that this is a torment, it's unclear whether what they're doing is having any impact on the outside world at all. Is this real? A simulation? Are their sacrifices actually sacrifices? [Tying, perhaps, into the feeling that maybe their time in the Maquis was useless as they were fighting against two different governments and ended up here, essentially forced to be Starfleet. How do they feel about Starfleet? The crew? Why did they choose to be in the Maquis?] <- Ending does not definitively answer these questions but says that if there is hope there's an obligation to fight for it and if there is injustice, violence from a so-called 'higher power', there is an obligation to fight against it. (Star Trek would NEVER allow this 'higher power' to be Starfleet but OH WELL)
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mistfallengw2 · 11 hours
This is about to get rambly, but I headcanon that queerness is a completely normal fact of life in Tyria and that no one really bats an eye about whatever floats your boat, be it gender identity or who you want relationships with.
Labels are just vague descriptors for those who want to say “that specific thing” in fewer words. To an average person in Tyria it's like finding out there's a word specifically for “person who eats just vanilla and chocolate ice cream” and just going “oh cool that's me”, but they're rarely used in general conversation unless that becomes the topic of discussion and thus not known by many. Due to it being so normal, there might still be some general genuine ignorance about queer identities one hasn't experienced within their own social bubble, but it's not seen a big deal, while actually "challenging" others' existence is seen as a pretty scummy thing to do.
That said, of course different races and cultures had their own words for certain things and slightly different points of view: charr and asura are more culturally used to temporary/open relationships and even polyamory, due to their societal structure and lack of "marriage" in the human sense of the word; humans and charr are under societal pressure to procreate no matter who you're sharing beds with, because of their wartime circumstances; gender matters little in general, and gender-based discrimination is a thing only in specific instances/communities, usually in more "traditional" settings and often in negative ways, like the Sons of Svanir and the old Flame Legion; humans are the ones who most obsess about marriage, though often for reasons beyond simple romance; norn don't care who wants to smooch/marry who, as long as they're worthy of each other; sylvari are still relatively new to life, so they've been the more open ones so far; etc.
Also also, I headcanon that the Tyria Pride event is a minor festival that originated in Lion's Arch not long after its first reconstruction under Cobiah Marriner.
It's not known how it started exactly, but at first it was just a “let's celebrate different races working together as one" kind of event, rowdy, very pirate-y and held in the taverns and ships across town with little fanfare and plenty of drinking, and it became a recurring thing. Then, smaller celebrations of love started getting lumped in as couples (especially mixed ones, as Lion's Arch was the first place that officially recognized them) chose to get married at the same time of those events, and eventually it evolved and consolidated into an annual event sponsored by the city.
As the event grew in popularity, even non-residents wanted to join the celebrations, but only in recent decades it turned into a march across Tyria. First it started as independent groups in major cities (primarily Rata Sum, Hoelbrak and Divinity's Reach) organized themselves to follow merchant routes towards Lion's Arch, as their journeys evolved into smaller celebrations of their own before the big one at their destination. While unofficial, the numbers of participants in these extra marches swelled each and every year, and eventually they were counted as part of the event by most. Then, after the treaty was stipulated between the Legions and Ebonhawke, a big collective effort was made to connect all of those marches into a single one and extend it so that the event could start in the human city, and it got consolidated after the Pact's victory against Zhaitan proved once more the strength of all races working together.
Tyria Pride is still a minor festival by Tyrian standards, but even if not all can join the weeks of marching and partying across Tyria, it remains the biggest celebration of love in all of its forms and across all barriers.
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
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elvisqueso · 5 months
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Love me, love my raccoon [Part 3/3]:
—Meeko's new favorite human <3
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misticfog · 8 months
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I was watching let's plays and reaching conclusions
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possamble · 2 months
realizing im kind of a weirdo about laios and marcille
#possramble#ignore this im just babbling but#the thing is that like. i don't ship laios and marcille together. their relationship is so so important to me in that laios comphets himsel#and THINKS that he might be in love with her but he isn't and that's my insane obsession#platonic soulmates for real but they're so sweet together that i fully expect them to be shipped together#like i get it. that's almost the appeal for me. if dungeon meshi were any other series there'd be an epilogue where they get married#convention dictates that they're meant to be together as the male protagonist and his beloved female deuteragonist#but dungeon meshi DOESNT do that and i love it so fucking much they're the comphet besties ever for my strange little brain#like if i ever did an arranged marriage au it would absolutely be laios and marcille having a platonic political marriage and then just#the most insane mutual pining with marcille and falin while laios and marcille struggle their way into becoming best friends#the imagery of the king and his beautiful court mage being tender to each other and everyone thinking they're in love is like catnip to me#like yeah they'd be like that and have no idea people think they should be together and the subversion makes me so obsessed#the more people ship them romantically. the more i enjoy their platonic dynamic it's like some sort of weird comphet fetishism idk#people think they're in love and im outside the window like YES... YES!!!#but also the second i see stuff of them kissing on the mouth or fucking im like oh god no i went too deep in here i gotta get out#don't wanna see that. i'll go feral over the idea of laios and marcille being arm-in-arm like king and queen but they would not fuck.#i want marcille to be his default comphet beard and dance partner/plus one at official royal events but they're not kissing.#she's there on his arm because he's scared of the other noble women tryna get him and being a baby about it#and people see them muttering to each other and laughing and generally being very sweet and think that they're dating but they're not.#she's actually covered in hickies from falin underneath her dress and is gonna get dragon dicked right after the party is over#like she's in her bedroom and falin's helping her take her ridiculous dress off while listening to her complain about politics#and falin is the person she goes home to the person she falls asleep to and wakes up with#they're a triad of utter devotion to each other but only farcille's side of the triangle is romantic#it's almost like an open secret because they're not trying to hide it at all but people assume and are surprised to find out#like people are so right about her relationship with the toudens but with the siblings' roles switched#love of her life & irreplaceable life companion. does anyone get it#anyway. i don't know what's wrong with me#it bothers me that they're not the undisputed most popular het ship for marcille on ao3#it's unnatural. marcille being paired with any other man should be a fringe case.
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itsjaywalkers · 8 months
talking to mil today about iwtywmm jeggy i've come to the conclusion that not only they're that kind of couple who's very annoying about pda but they also have to be touching at All Times
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bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
i think about this daily. btw
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alchemiclee · 8 months
I hate that whenever there's a gay ship, people immediately het-ify it. people are so obsessed with making one the "man" and one the "woman" when that's completely unnecessary, because they are both the man or the woman. It's extremely annoying. these people will completely mischaracterize a character to fit into their stupid little het roles they force on them.
for example, you don't need to make one man the "wife" and feminized him to the extreme and fit him in a traditional "woman" role so the other man can be the big strong masculine manly man. they can both be masculine or both be feminine or both be both at the same time! they do NOT need to be gendered opposites to fit het roles. crazy, I know! it's like no one considers it a possibility! or sees how good it can be to have them be equals without gendered nonsense.
when there's a gay relationship, you have the perfect opportunity for the couple to stand on equal ground. they get to be equals who are just as strong and just as soft as each other. there's no faulty power dynamics where one is above the other (because let's face it, society unfortunately deems masculinity > femininity). one doesn't need to protect the other. they can protect themsleves, fight aide by side as equals. one doesn't do all the housework. they share that duty equally. one isn't weak and pretty, while they other strong and manly. they both are strong and pretty, or masculine and weak at the same time.
equal relationships are amazing and need to be explored more and appreciated. there can be more understanding and working together. i'm bad at explaining what I mean, but I prefer these equal relationships over forcing them into opposite roles to mirror het relationships, which are usually extremely unbalanced and unequal. especially because these not het relationships! so why must they look like one? they can and should look different! so why does literally every shipper and writer out there make them so het coded?
I don't understand why people do this. do they actually believe all romantic relationships must mimic het ones to exist and thrive and purposely force that on them? or have they genuinely just not fathamed that they can be different and dont need to follow the expected het standards?
I wonder, it feels like no one actually knows how non-het relationships are meant to be and how they could work, since het ones are always forced down our throats since birth. it becomes The Standard that everyone thinks they must follow. maybe it's all people know since they don't see any other possibilities. their preferred dynamics for their ships are what we are taught and nothing different, because they don't know it can be different. i also think people might be obsessed with that whole "opposites attract" trope. but that opposite doesn't have to be the traditional het-fueld feminine vs masculine or wife vs husband characteristics. it can be other personality things like one is loud and one is quiet, one is dumb and one is overly smart, one is rich and one poor, etc. it doesn't have to be masculine vs feminine!
(disclaimer, not saying masculine vs feminine ships are all bad/shouldn't be done ever. but it doesn't need to be 100% of the time either 😅 can't think of one ship people dont do this with lol)
#cant even say its only het shippers because lgbt shippers do it too#i enjoy the ships i see more as equals. like cynonari and xingyue for example#first ones that came to mine lol#everyone feminizes the shit out of nari calling him cynos wide constantly but they're both strong leader types with a soft side#wife*#THEYRE SO EQUAL???? AND THAT MAKES THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO STRONG????#then xingyue is funny because ive seen people frame BOTH yingxing and dan feng as the “wife” at different times. proof theyre equals!#maybe not proof lmao but you cant say the arrogant craftsman and proud dragon arent equals who get along super well#they arent het opposites at all imo. not even close#i just really enjoy balanced equals over unbalanced opposites. because the feminine is always seen as lesser and weaker than the masculine#and that always bothers me a lot lmao#im probably the minority here. im giving benefit of the doubt that people just never thought about it and do what theyre taught#but if everyone actually orefers this and its on purpose.......please reconsider 🤣#prefers*#lee text#lee rambles#gay#lgbtq#gay ships#one relationship i felt was presented as equals (from best of my memory) was korrasami#they balance each other out and i see them as equals. one doesn't lead over the other. they're both leaders in their own ways. and carers#one reason i dont date is because most people are ovsessed with this unbalance opposite gender roles thing and i cant stand it lmao#obsessed* am tired of tag typos i miss until after i hit enter hfhfhdhdjdjsjs#this was long and rambly but i suddenly had many feelings and needed to say them#*
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ruvviks · 10 days
the way i need to write about roksana so bad
#personal#i could write a book about that woman i love her so much#her story is so so similar to vitali but from a different perspective but like. they're the same person to a degree#even her arc with like. cutting her hair short and bleaching it. that's LITERALLY what vitali did as well#obviously vitali is a guy but he was a daughter once. both him and roksana went through the same thing and went insane about it#+ roksana's weird obsession with mikhail which has stayed around all those years because she sees him as like. a symbol of freedom#because vitali was always with him and loved him etc etc. all of that made roksana love him too?? if that makes sense??#parasocial relationship with your older brother's bestie. because it's the only thing she's ever known. i need to chew on glass#and the way she feels like it's her responsibility to carry the burdens of her family because her older brothers both left#so she feels like she has to stick around and clean up the remaining messes to have some sort of semblance of a family again#but her parents are out for revenge and her mother has given up and her father is still trying. there's the whole affair thing with ravager#roksana has infiltrate vitali's office and of course she goes to do that. but with her own agenda in it all#trying to get closer to mikhail again as if she will succeed this time and finally get that freedom she's always longed for#and then she realizes that it was never about finding someone to run away with. it has to come from within yourself#and then she leaves. and she leaves so far that no one knows where she went for a good amount of years#AND IT'S SO INSANE TO ME. she did not have to go through any of that#and maybe if she and vitali had talked more and had tried to understand each other more they could've helped each other#instead of just. become strangers. while being quite literally EXACTLY the same. GOD!
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forcebookish · 9 months
pretty sure when new viewers who have no connection to the current fandom or even fans revisiting it in a year or two come back to only friends, they're all gonna be rooting for topmew
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xlillilith · 8 months
gwen n miles are actually forced as hell ngl
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
.........................................................................do I really want to write Ricky/Christian??
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
kinda curious how Damian/Javier would be.
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shipping bingo
now we're getting into the crack-ish ships! let's see, do i think they would work? well definitely not in canon, but let's thing about a scenario where they do meet.
despite the apparent surface similarities (both being protagonists, orphaned at a young age, prodigies in sword skills at a very young age), they're very different people. javier is loyal to a fault to his lord and despises the idea of helping for money, thinking it's his duty to help selflessly whenever possible even at the risk of his own life and even when it means abandoning his own young master (once he's out of danger tbf). damian on the other hand doesn't initially believe on being loyal for loyalty's sake, has no real interest on being a hero, he's there to do his job and expects to be paid accordingly, although he does take his job very seriously.
but. once you start digging even deeper, you also can start seeing the things they do have in common. like for example, how they both start to thaw to their respective masters once they see them helping others, making it clear how at their core they both feel strongly about helping those in need. how they both hold their duty above almost anything else, reproaching themselves when they perceive they failed to protect those under his care. how once someone gets their loyalty, they get it unconditionally, being willing to follow that person to the end of the wold and back, not even hesitating on giving their life for them if necessary.
so in an scenario where they do meet, i can see them butting heads at the beginning, not really trusting each other as they do not understand where the other is coming from (javier thinking working for money is no real loyalty, damian thinking working out of loyalty holds no real security), but after they start to know each other they could start to see how at their core they're more similar than they thought.
it would take a truly horrendous amount of time to get them to talk to each other tho, they're both drier than a rock when not with their respective isekai'd little guy.
they would put the slow in slow burn to shame. like melting ice glaciers with these two.
send me a ship!
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