#but this is by and large my own opinion
musette22 · 6 months
I’m sorry Minnie, this is a long one but I need to discuss with someone my thoughts about Seb’s latest casting as Trump.
The only way I’m seeing this work out is if they lean heavily into the comedy aspect of a dramatic comedy. I don’t know if you’ve seen Taika W’s Jojo Rabbit, but they make Hitler seem completely ridiculous.
If they don’t, I think it’s a serious ( & potentially dangerous mistake). Because no matter how many bad things they show the character doing, he will still seem aspirational to some & sympathetic to most. Look at movies like The wolf of Wall Street where Leo DiCaprio played Jordan Belfort - a categorically awful person- but you come away from watching that movie thinking what a badass or feeling sympathy for him. Look at Pam&Tommy, Sebastian himself made a sexist, wife beater with anger issues seem likeable, yes he’s troubled & clearly has issues, but you don’t hate him. But at least Tommy & Jordan are currently out of the spotlight aren’t politicians.
Imagine if they announced that Ryan Gosling was playing young Putin, we’d all be rightly horrified. It’s the same thing, you shouldn’t be giving unnecessary attention to current political figures. Trumps running for president ffs
If this is anything but a straight satire then I really hope as a fandom we can put our love of Seb aside and not give this narcissistic man a spotlight . I can just see Trump at rallies bragging that he’s getting a movie made about him and they’ve hired a good looking young actor to play him. It makes me feel ill.
Hi there, anon. Thanks for your ask. I'll be honest: I share your concerns. I'm not thrilled about this casting news at all. I heard some rumours to this effect on Tuesday but I still hoped it might not be about Sebastian's project, but apparently it is.
Fortunately, all signs point to this movie being critical of Trump, and not at all in support of him, but even if that's the case, the concerns you raise are still valid. However sure I am that Sebastian would never have any part in any Trump propaganda, and that he sees this as an opportunity to work with people he admires and tell a good story, which additionally criticises Trump, I still wish he hadn't taken this part. I personally agree that the less attention given to that cretin the better. Trump does NOT need any more publicity, good or bad. And the timing of this project is worrying too, imo.
I personally have no desire to see a movie about Trump - I already know everything I need to know about him as well as how I feel about him - and I have no desire to see Sebastian play Trump and forever associate the two. Even though I'm sure they'll 'uglify' him for this part, Sebastian is still Sebastian (i.e. charming and likeable irl), which I think is an issue in this case.
So as things stand now, I don't think I'll be seeing this movie when it comes out. We'll have to wait and see if perhaps it might turn out to be heavily satirical or something, but I'm not sure it will be. Only time will tell, I guess. Let's hope Sebastian knows what he's doing with this one, for all of our sakes, but for his own as well.
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goobygnarp · 2 months
#good grief im gettin a lil tired of seeing 'DONT DO THIS' kinda art videos#i very much understand its a youtube thing and that clickbait names and thumbs get the views and attention needed#but it doesnt mean it doesnt annoy me or that I cant be annoyed by it#sometimes i just see it in tutorial pictures too#but the large DONTS with red Xs near the supposed ''wrong'' way of drawing is so demotivating#people start and draw in many ways than one#its what makes art their own#but when videos or tutorial posts are made and show the ''WRONG'' way to go about it#its like scolding the new artist or long time artist with that style that they're doing it wrong and that its bad#no matter the intention its not the way to go about helping artists learn to draw#and in my personal opinion#the click bait ''DONT DO THIS WHEN DRAWING'' thing is what keeps me from actually watching the vids#i get theyre probably helpful but i don't like that I have to feel some NEED or DESIRE to click on a vid cause I feel like I did a thing#wrong or that i never should have done it at all#i wish i could see more 'here are some tips that helped me#kinda vids cause yes i would love to learn what helped you rather than being or feeling wronged for drawing in a way that isn't theirs#im rambling but i have been seeing a lot of 'DONT DO THIS' NEVER DO THIS' 'IF YOURE DOING THIS STOP NOW' kinda art vids#im speakin for myself here#but im an artist sifting through art youtube or spaces always willing to learn new ways of improving my art#i dont need to feel click baited like the next 3am don't this kid to learn how to improve my inking skills#if it was more a 'this is my personal preference and I wanna share it with my audience and maybe teach some things' kinda vid#id watch that too#but im just so tired of seeing art youtube going down this need to tell folks 'YOURE DOING IT ALL WRONG. THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY"
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So, Canada has decided to stop sending arms to Israel after an NDP motion. The Liberals made major amendments to it so as to firmly condemn Hamas as well. It's kind of a mixed bag. Honestly, it's naive of me but I didn't expect there would still be so much outrage, even if the motion did call for an acknowledgement of Palestine as a state. All the Conservatives voted against it - to be fair, some of them wanted to wait for the motion to be passed because the amendments were super last minute and the Bloc Quebecois were annoyed that because of this there wasn't a French translation.
I guess it's a step in the right direction. I think it's still weak but you can read more on it here.
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
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northern-passage · 1 year
i went through the whole merry search on your account and i can't believe people used to hate her? how do you not love a messy bitch who starts drama.............
sooo true, anon. unfortunately we live in a world where people hate women 😔 but i will say you're right, it's gotten a lot better recently. i think it has to do with a combination of me really curating my audience over the past year, and in general things are very different now compared to when i started in 2020. more genderlocked companions, more trans characters, and it's pretty common now for games to have poly romance options, as well as love interests that will pursue other characters if the player doesn't show interest in them. (the last 2 being things people really hated Merry for in the beginning)
people definitely still don't like it, but i think they are more of a loud minority now than the loud majority like they were previously. which has been a really nice change to see :-)
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obessivedork · 1 month
So I live in a hazy bubble and somehow managed to entirely forget there was a TV show happening but if you're just finding The Fallout Series big friendly hugs to you <3 I have thoughts and opinions™ and complaints because no piece of art is objectively perfect but welcome to one of my favourite things ever! :)
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warlenys · 5 months
every time davina mccall got injured my mum said “excellent!!”
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area51-escapee · 9 days
I really, really hate the fact that people are using minorities within the U.S. to try and guilt people into voting for Biden. I hate that when you criticize him or just state you won’t vote for him people always want to come back with “oh so you hate minorities? You hate transgender people? You think kids belong in cages?????”. Don’t you fucking dare use the suffering of actual people to try and garner support for that man, you don’t get to just ignore that immigrants are still being detained at the border, that he decided to continue with the fucking wall, that immigrants, even U.S. born Latinos are still being treated as fucking criminals. You don’t get to ignore that he’s done nothing to protect the transgender community from absolutely vile transphobic laws, you don’t get to ignore the suffering of these communities until it’s suddenly convenient for you. Police brutality has only gotten worse, nobody can afford to fucking live, Covid is still killing and disabling people every fucking day, you can’t just ignore these things because Biden is president. Nobody thinks Trump is going to be “better”, but we recognize that Biden is fucking wretched both domestically and internationally, we recognize that things are already so fucking bad it’s going to be real hard to make anything worse, sometimes it feels like the only thing that’ll end up changing if Trump wins the election is that you fuckers will suddenly speak up about all these issues again just because you can blame it solely on Trump now.
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haemosexuality · 5 months
i feel like im probably gonna be talking about this a lot here since i cant talk to Her about it and it really is bothering me so much
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Goal, dedicate my life and research profession to proving that humans aren't special in really any way socially, behaviorally, and mentally and we really gotta stop acting like we are the Superior Being because we exploit each other and lost sight of the peace and simplicity of life in favor of greed and excess
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
Well in the end it comes down to recognizing when you can’t have a good faith conversation. I can understand the arguments being made and where it comes from but I fundamentally disagree with some of the foundations of these beliefs and will not budge. Nuance necessitates some alignment, I think.
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sbrn10 · 8 months
Me about 50% of the time I am wading through publicly searchable CR-related tags: for the love of god, can people be. Like. Normal about anything?
Also me the rest of the time: *not at all normal about CR*
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sooooo……. there’s some ConversationTM* going around the theology (and adjacent) girlies tonight and it’s got me very intrigued—are there really more options than just Calvinist/Arminian?? bc I’ve always been raised with this idea that those are The Two Options regarding salvation theology and how exactly it all plays out. but apparently that’s…. not the case??
Iwill add that yes, Molinism is a thing that exists, and I know of exactly one guy who’s a theologian and philosopher and who believes in that lol. it’s not exactly a super common alternative to the others. and then I do believe Catholics have a slightly separate view as well, but I’m mainly just talking about soteriology within Protestant theology here anyway.
*(I won’t say ‘DiscourseTM’ bc that seems more antagonistic than what I’m seeing around here rn; everything seems to be in good faith and just for the sake of pointing out minor discrepancies atm)
#I will add that I’ve largely been raised in Baptist churches but my family is… not really that#we’re definitely a bit more wesleyanish in our theology#and that’s what I’ve always been taught at home from my own parents#but I definitely was also always under the impression (and I think my parents may be as well) that Calvinism/Arminianism is like. a binary.#you are one or the other. and there are levels within each. but there aren’t really any third options. all denominations trace back there.#(tbh this is a huge reason why I desperately wish I had been given better theological training when I was younger#because suddenly I’m an adult and quite set in my views and opinions theology and also have a long-standing Fite Me sort of mentality#towards Bible teachers in general due to some very unethical ones we encountered a Lot throughout my childhood#and a tendency to want to die on the smallest and most arbitrary theological hills imaginable#AND an extremely strong adherence to a set of theological tenets that… I am recently discovering possibly aren’t at all what the people who#taught them to me thought they were…#so like. now in a lot of ways it feels like I’m basically having to unlearn and relearn a bunch of extremely basic stuff about all this#while also dealing with the constant fear of ‘giving up’ and either leaving the faith entirely or embracing a completely foreign brand#that’s not at all what I was raised with and still do hold to be true and accurate and good)#gurt says stuff#theology#religon#christianity#faith#knitting circle
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falled-over · 7 months
i feel physically ill whenever i have to defend my opinion
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tactfulsaboteur · 9 months
every time i see somebody using a swear or making an even slightly inappropriate or hurtful joke in the family group chat i remember how some people don't have to turn off three quarters of their personality to interact with their family. wacky. how does it feel to live like that
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verycoolsnails · 6 months
3 Effitibe methods to calm down :
1. Pet the kity
2. Hear the kity purr<3333
3. Watch the kity smile reallyyyyyyyy wide :D
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ducktracy · 2 years
Idk how influential you are on the LT fandom on a Whole but you definitely inspired me to check out the originals, and especially appreciate Porky/Daffies more. It helps that my favorite short for years was Yankee Doodle Daffy!
AWWWWWWWWW THIS IS SO SWEET THAT IS 100% MY GOAL THANK YOU!! you don’t know HOW much this means to me!
i tend to stay away from fandom spaces/don’t consider myself a part of the fandom, so quite honestly your guess is as good as mine—i HOPE people think of me or associate me with these cartoons HAHAHAHA but 100%, my goal is to spread the joy of the originals and shed a light onto the people who made them and how their experiences and input inform the cartoons as a whole, and maybe how our perceptions of these shorts and characters have changed as time has gone on…
there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy the franchise, but i really do think it is a more fulfilling experience to Experience The Originals for yourself. i really enjoy talking about cartoons that are given less love from a mainstream angle and that 100% includes the Porkies and Daffies (and is also why i’m so adamant about spreading The Porky Gospel; he gets such a bad rap and is so underappreciated and every person i’ve spread my gospel about him to seems to really like or appreciate himself after HAHAHA. Daffy will always be my #1 favorite but he doesn’t really suffer from this, though i absolutely think his ‘40s persona gets a lot of misunderstanding as well)
THIS REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME GENUINELY. making the plunge and checking out the cartoons is the best decision i’ve ever made. there’s a lot of rightful hesitancy to be had since there are SO many cartoons and it’s hard to find a starting point (and not to mention the many, many, many, many aspects that have aged poorly and/or were poor to begin with), but i can’t begin to tell you how fulfilling this experience has been.
so, if anyone who’s following me is cautious about making the plunge, i encourage you to give the originals a chance, ESPECIALLY if you’re into more modern LT media to familiarize yourself with the source material. you absolutely do not have to be a nut like me and watch every single in chronological order, but these cartoons are so ingrained and formative in the animation landscape today that i think anyone with an interest in animation should definitely give them a chance. and, if you’re a bit of a history nut like me, it’s very fun to see the evolution of culture as a whole as the years go on… radios evolve into TVs, the rambunctious attitudes of the shorts during the war years take a more domestic turn after the war, celebrity references depend on the decade, even the stylings of music, and of course the art styles of the shorts themselves… it’s so fascinating from a multitude of reasons. i really can’t tell you how happy i am to hear this (and Yankee Doodle Daffy is a GREAT favorite to have!)
#i’ve never fit particularly well with fandom spaces because i’m a bit of a contrarian and very stubborn/dedicated to my points of view and#often times they’re viewpoints or interests not largely reciprocated by other people and so i just really enjoy marching to the beat of my#own drum. i don’t go in tags or look up fanart or anything like that#not that that’s a good or bad thing but i feel the originals as a whole are undercirculated in fandom spaces or misinterpreted/viewed with a#very fandom centric point of mind if that makes sense. and while there isn’t anything wrong with that i personally encourage people to seek#out the real thing and frame their experiences from and opinions from that because sometimes a game of telephone happens if you know what i#mean. like i’ve seen people say Bugs Bunny was 100% intended as a gay icon in good faith and that’s just blatantly false. i WISH the#intentions were in good faith and he 100% is a gay icon but… these cartoons were made by people who made fairy jokes and described their#units as being filled with ‘drunks and queers’. i’m 100% for reclamation but i think it’s ignorant to assume they weren’t laughing AT us#while making those jokes… and i guess that’s just my issue with fandom as a whole with that sort of misinterpretation.#not at all trying to be like ‘i’m better than you because i watch the originals’ FAR FROM IT i don’t think i’m better than anyone at all but#i do tend to wish people would watch the originals more and familiarize themselves with them because i feel so much more fulfilled as a#result and i want others to experience that same joy#AHHHHHH i’m sorry i hope this doesn’t sound preachy or egotistical i’m in too deep i don’t wanna come off as the fun police or like I Am A#Genius You Are Doing It Wrong way. i’m digging myself in a hole here and gotta stop but basically thank you#anonymous#asks#long post
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