#but this is what you’re getting today
baggy-holmes · 1 year
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it was a beautiful day to deepen my tan lines
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hijinxinprogress · 4 months
The JL keeps trying to stop Captain Marvel from talking to the media (and it’s not working)
The jl held a meeting about marvel’s conduct with cops bc he got a little too excited and suplexed a cop completely fucking forgetting he’s a 7ft buff ass man (the video goes viral for months) and the press is having a fucking field day with this bc ‘Captain Marvel Hates The Government!’ ‘Justice League Member, Captain Marvel, Shows His True Colors…?’ ‘Fawcett Superhero Attacks Civilian!’ ‘Captain Marvel Sends Police Officer to ICU!’ ‘Philadelphia Hero Puts Public Servant In Coma’ and shit like that is on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and tabloid for the next eight months at least
so they’re like ‘hey you gotta say something! The people think you hate the us government esp the police!’ and he’s just sitting there confused before he says very slowly and clearly ‘But I do…I fucking despise them’
Barry and Hal are fucking losing it bc this is the guy that says ‘darn!’ in the heat of battle and has said on multiple occasions ‘Well, that’s not very nice, now is it?’ to opponents that destroy worlds for fun
like this guy still tries very hard not to make faces at the broccoli on his plate in front of the jl (and fails)
this guy hears a yj member or even the very adult titans cussing and going on the longest rant bc ‘I’ve not heard such foul language in all my years-!’ and what’s this ‘‘I’m an adult’ nonsense?? I’m older than Ravens grandfather 🤨 When you get to be my age-’
they’re all so pissed when they hear him cussing like a sailor playing video games on cyborgs phone the next day and he’s playing fucking temple run at that
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nico-di-genova · 4 months
Both Lance and Charles’ new race engineers realizing they thrive on praise and proceeding to utilize that to their maximum effect…you love to see it.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt:
[this is a long one please forgive me]
Bruce lied to the others about his trip through time. Not all of it! Just…one specific thing.
During the early parts of his timeline hijinks, before Tim realized Bruce was still alive, he had a bit of a respite in between his endless time jumps. (Maybe a certain ghost was helping him out.) With a fuzzy memory at best and a strange itch to investigate the unknown, Bruce had been taken in by an old couple who had no kids but wanted to pass on the family name. And who better than a thirty-something amnesiac stranger who could actually be related by blood?
Bruce, with nowhere to go, accepted his new name, grew out his hair, and quickly got accepted into college for engineering. There, he met two of his closest friends; a redheaded woman who could kick his ass and a wet chicken of a man who could also kick his ass. They both made him nostalgic for something he didn’t remember, and that made him sad sometimes, but the two were always there to cheer him up.
Years passed, and Bruce’s life moved on. He settled well into his new name, mourned his parents when the eventually passed, celebrated his wedding with the redhead, and grieved when the last of their trio fell out of touch. He had a daughter, and then a son! They were both so smart, even if they didn’t share the same passion he had for exploring the science behind the afterlife. (Something about the dead just itched his brain in an infuriating way, and Bruce wasn’t one to let sleeping dogs lie. He just had to find out why he was so obsessed with this stuff!)
Eventually, his and his wife’s research yielded results, and that’s when bits of Bruce’s former life started coming back to him. After the portal opened, he spent his days with his head in a fog, oblivious to the world around him as he struggled to continue his work.
Why did he remember a boy named Dick? Who would name their child that? And Jason…who was Jason? That name always made him sad. There were more names, more faces, but none of them were his. He could never remember what his name was supposed to be. All he had was the one his adoptive parents gave him.
His wife was worried. His daughter was struggling. And his son…his son sometimes hurt to look at. Bruce didn’t know why. He knew he was being a terrible father, but something in him wanted to cry whenever he gazed at those clear blue eyes, just like his own. His son was too smart for his own good, and realized his dad had started avoiding him.
The day his son purposely left the room so Bruce could relax was one that hurt him even now.
Time kept passing, and Bruce was becoming anxious. His brain fog was as bad as its ever been. He had constant headaches, and his hands kept twitching for nonexistent tools on his belt. Something was going to happen. Something had happened. A voice in his head told him it was all his fault.
So in an attempt to clear his head and spend more time with his family, Bruce insisted they all go to dinner at the local diner. His son invited his friends. Even better! More people meant more distractions from his messed-up thoughts. He wouldn’t spiral with the kids around.
And then something exploded.
The last thing Bruce remembered was his son’s (green??) eyes widening in fear and horror as something yanked him violently backwards. He fell farther than expected, through a portal and a green sky full of black stars. A hand tightened on the back of his jumpsuit, hauling his giant body through another portal with a roar of a motorcycle.
And then…and then…and then what?
All of a sudden, Bruce was sprawled in some mud in the middle of a forest, dizzy and coughing from the explosion’s fumes. He’s singed all over, and his ears still rang from the force of the…what happened again?
Bruce sits up, and all of a sudden, he’s in the era of the pilgrims. His memory has been wiped clean, his new name and family forgotten thanks to the hands of time. His adventures through the time stream continue, with him assuming many different identities throughout many different decades.
The memories of being Jack Fenton don’t return to him until he’s back in 2004, once again in his own time and living as Bruce Wayne. A glowing green sticky note informs him that “The Nasty Burger Incident” had just occurred. His “other self” just had his ass dragged to another era, so the time loop would continue.
It also informed him that he had an orphaned son crying for him at Bruce’s own grave.
Well, his forgotten son (that sounded bad, even to him) was supposed to be about fourteen now, right? Bruce hopes he doesn’t have to fight anyone for custody.
#pondhead blurbs#danny phantom#dpxdc#writing prompt#‘Alfred get the Guy’#‘you haven’t even left the house today’#‘my dad senses are tingling and I may need to fistfight another billionaire so have the Other Guy on standby as well’#Bruce becomes Jack Fenton#he went to college and literally built a life for himself at the same time ‘Bruce Wayne’ existed#‘Jack’ just never watched the news#clockwork had to make sure Danny existed so guess what! you’re the son of the bat happy birthday#the nasty burger incident happens but in the two seconds it took to kill everyone#Johnny 13 dragged his ass to another era#he was ordered to by clockwork#I have zero clue how old Bruce was during his timeline shenanigans and idk when it took place either#just work with me on this#please I am begging you#he only got his memories back when the time matches up with Jack Fenton’s ‘death’#Danny loses his dad and then gets him back in the span of 24 hours but now his dad is a billionaire??#well he gets to watch Bruce fistfight Vlad for custody and then stop him from killing clockwork#cause how DARE Clockwork just make him FORGET an entire family he had???#morally grey clockwork#Danny is trying really hard not to become Dan and Bruce is trying really hard to explain this to his other kids#‘no this one is ACTUALLY mine’#‘yes I know I was a teen in Europe when the wedding would have happened’#again don’t know the dc timeline just work with me here#please don’t ask me to continue this I will cry#if someone else does I’d be happy to read it though :))
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
I am genuinely terrified of what you are capable of ma'am.
I hope that those plans will make us more normal about this story...
.......I hope.
Good day/night
So Normal :)
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
You know that saying about how moles and freckles are places where your soulmate liked to kiss you in your past life? Imagine your f/o taking every chance they get to kiss you on those exact spots. Having them sneak a quick peck to the area and seeing them smile to themselves against the skin before they pull away. Them kissing an area where there are a lot of marks over and over again, as if they’re trying to appreciate each and every one. Them grabbing your hand and lifting it to their lips to kiss any spots there, or having them roll up your sleeve to peck any marks, having them sit in front of you to kiss any along your legs… just your f/o making sure you know they love kissing you on those specific spots <3
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hawkeyeslaughter · 8 months
i think the thing i really do love and enjoy about henry probably most is that he genuinely tries to understand people . i think the obvious example is how he treats klinger , he doesn’t write him off or anything , he just simply understands the fact that ( at least early seasons klinger ) is simply doing what he can to get out on a section - eight . and he does the same thing with hawkeye , when hawkeye is upset ( sometimes you hear the bullet and sticky wicket , off the top of my head ) . he doesn’t get impatient or angry with hawk when he knows something is genuinely wrong , he talks to him to try to understand why hawkeye is acting like this . or in doctor pierce and mr hyde , when he literally asks trapper , “ why does he do these things , mcintyre ? “ he’s not asking just to ask , it’s genuine . why does he do it ? and you know it’s not just with people he likes . although he does love hawkeye and trapper and klinger and radar etc . etc , but he even does it with frank and margaret . even if it’s really obvious from his demeanor before frank and/or margaret even talk to him that he definitely won’t agree with whatever it is that they have to say , he still hears them out . i mean , yes , he has to , but there’s something else to it . he does what he can to talk frank off the ledge and actually find out and understand what it is that hawkeye and trapper did to upset him and if it’s really anything worth getting that worked up over . it’s a very little detail but it’s a very important one , i feel like .
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catofoldstones · 1 year
Saying that Sansa’s rest of the plot is in the Vale is like saying Arya’s rest of of the plot is in Braavos. Hope that helps.
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dear-ao3 · 8 months
lando norris sir it is nOT EVEN YOUR SEASON TO BE SILLY???!!!
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once you realize that life really isn’t that serious, it gets so much better. like im serious. im well aware there are a million posts and sayings just like this, but it’s true. I used to be so crippled by the worry of what other people thought of me (granted i still struggle at times) but once you realize that nothing matters. it’s so freeing. like yeah. maybe that person thinks you dress weird. or that you have a funny hairstyle. or a million other things. who cares??? you’re never gonna see them again! you get one life! live it! be weird! be yourself! be authentic! who cares?? once i started looking at life as this one experience, i wanted it to be a great one. no more caring what other people think. doing things because i want to and because i like them. someone thinks my plushies are childish? who cares? they make me happy. they’re mine. i love them. why should someone else dictate what i do with my life. it’s mine for a reason. i don’t tell you what to do with yours, don’t tell me what to do with mine. once you start living like you’re stuck in a studio ghibli movie, life gets 100% more bearable, enjoyable even. i used to be stuck in such a self-deprecating, depressing, anxious cycle. now? yeah i still have those moments, but they’re smaller and more manageable. because i know. life is full of so many beautiful things. and if i need to indulge in my inner child to get through the day, then i will. i implore you. do the same.
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tommystummy · 4 months
I would say it’s unrealistic to write a fic where Chris comes home after the summer only to find out Buck and Tommy have moved in but then I remembered Eddie canonically asked Marisol to move in within a week of Chris being out of town
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gatesofember · 1 year
I came up with an idea for a fic that I’m calling the six seeds au
Will is a dumbass and skips off to the underworld alone to bring Jason back for Nico. he can’t bring Jason back but he strikes a deal with Hades that will link his soul to Jason’s and partially bind him to the underworld, so Will spends six months of the year in the underworld while Jason is in the world of the living, then they switch for the next six months. so, similar to Persephone. or Dumuzid and Geshtinanna in Mesopotamian mythology. Will eats six pomegranate seeds to seal the deal, hence the name of the au.
now obviously this whole “I only get to see Will and Jason for half the year and never at the same time” thing wouldn’t be ideal for Nico and of course he’s upset with Will for doing something so reckless and sacrificial. but the real problem is that Will cannot survive in the underworld. it’s draining him more and more every day. there’s no way he’s even going to make it to the end of his first six months. and since his soul is now tied to Jason’s, this means that Jason is dying, too.
so Nico has to march up to his dad like “hey wtf” and Hades might regret not taking into consideration that Will’s a little Sun baby and can’t survive in the underworld and he might feel bad for doing this to his son so he might let slip that maybe a certain cure (one Nico may be familiar with) could break Will from the vow to stay in the underworld for half the year.
so now Jason and Nico have to go on a quest to get the physician’s cure. and Jason is dying because Will is dying. also maybe Will is sometimes in Jason’s head adding commentary through their soul bond because I think that would be funny.
and uhhh yeah that’s all I’ve got for now but idk I think this fic sounds fun so maybe I’ll come back to this
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metalop0d · 6 months
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Ikkan I apologize for de-uglying you and also committing twink death
Anyway. Alexa play heavy metal lover by lady Gaga
If you can tell idk where the fucj to put the stupid tentacle shines no you can’t yo can’t tell haaaahaa (idk how lighting works bare with me)
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borom1r · 2 months
ok so I looked up "I saw the tv glow" on wikipedia because I suck, and while I don't understand being transgender as an internal process, I did see that the director intentionally cast the two actors from Pete and Pete in the film and that's one of the first non-baby shows I remember watching! I was so happy for the actors! Pete and Pete is cult. I think it would do great as a resurgence but there's like a licensing issue with season three!!!
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they need more respect on their name, this show was a gateway drug into daria and shit. which i've never seen. but!
i have never seen Pete and Pete but in looking up ISTTG on wikipedia i discovered the dad was fucking Fred Durst?????? hello??? my guy????? iconic of him
and ofc Johnny’s mom is played by the actress who played Tara in BtVS
it’s definitely very intentional casting all around
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compacflt · 1 year
what are bradley’s earliest memories of ice and mav? the bits of his perspective on them that you’ve written are so fascinating
fairly unsurprising answer but: ice: when he came to see Carole to apologize for killing goose in ch 2 of wwgattai (sets the tone of their relationship)
mav: something very benign like mav doing magic tricks for him as a little little kid. you know how your earliest memories are always a little fuzzy and always afternoon sunshine? imagine a desaturated maverick sitting crosslegged in the grass in pale afternoon southern california sunshine showing Bradley how he can detach his thumb from his hand and then put it back again. no blood, no bone, no pain, and he’s got this daredevil grin like he’s enjoying separating his thumb from his hand. can’t see his eyes behind his aviators. the best magicians are the ones who can make even their pain disappear. or, playing “got your nose,” holding Bradley’s nose up so he can see it right in front of his very eyes, NO PAIN!, and then making it disappear. “where’d your nose go, Gosling? oh, my gosh, I lost your nose!! how’re you gonna smell? i bet you’re gonna smell bad. get it? get it? —here it is, i found it, don’t worry, it’s all good!” and putting his nose back so everything’s ok. that’s Bradley’s earliest memory of mav.
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goldensunset · 2 years
pla was like hey what if you got sent back in time to a world where a bunch of people hate you for existing and think you must be evil and force you to perform herculean tasks daily just to be tolerated except there’s this one guy who seems to genuinely like you and he thinks it’s really cool that you’re an outsider from another world and he’s there for you in your worst moment when no one else is brave enough to help and then later after it’s all been resolved you find out that this entire mess was his fault in the first place he’s the reason that you’re here he’s the reason that the world was ending and you got blamed for all of that and he turns on you suddenly and reveals he was just using you to achieve his own selfish goal and after you put a stop to him he curses you for being an outsider sent here just to stop him and now suddenly he genuinely hates you more than anyone else because it has dawned on him that you are the epitome of all that he wishes he could be
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