#but this show is already using its music element perfectly
jemmo · 2 years
I love that my school president almost feels like a jukebox musical. Like the music is in universe but also has these out of universe musical moments. It’s canon to the show but people that aren’t just the band sing. Music is the plot, but also the mode of storytelling. And they do it by choosing songs that lyrically fit the situation whenever there’s a moment where the plot calls for a song. I just… so many bl series have music, they use it as a theme or just include it to push the ost, but I think this show has truly nailed it. It’s like a pseudo-musical bl and I adore it
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Escapade Dance Party 2023 Writeup 2/3
Here is the playlist I ended up with this year, plus my commentary:
First Half
Good Omens | Running in the 90's by Maria Morningstar
Good Omens is so tricky. On the one hand, there are a billion fantastic vids, many with editing that's better than this one. On the other, a lot of the preferred music is syrupy and slow, and GO fans are actively seeking out vids and have already seen many of the ones intended for cons in the English-speaking world.
I wanted something high-energy to open the dance with, and this ridiculous song fit the bill. It woke people up and got them noticing the music had started.
I don't know Maria, but her channel has a bunch of things with cyrillic titles, so I'm guessing she's Russian. That meant a higher chance of this vid being new to people at Escapade.
Tubthumping by Aaronantium
To be perfectly honest, I do not care about this anime, but I was chilling with Aaron at Vidders Chat and discussing my plans, and he offered to make me a vid for his vampire fandom.
I don't generally accept premieres because it means wrangling more people and dealing with uncertainty, but Aaron suggested this song, and it's always a crowd pleaser as is the vid everyone makes to it. This fandom is also unusually perfect for said joke, featuring as it does a repeatedly dying vampire who… well… gets back up again.
Actually, despite it not being most people's fandom, I think this vid got one of the biggest laughs and reactions of anything during the party.
Kirk/Spock | I Knew You Were Trouble by mogo nit
K/S is a perennial favorite with con attendees—more TOS but AOS too. I don't recall why I was specifically looking for it this year. Probably, it ranked best out of things people mentioned on their site profiles.
This is an old-ass vid from 10 years ago, so if people have seen it, they probably haven't seen it lately. It's also a song I love, cliched though it might be for vids.
Word of Honor - Wenzhou - Hit and Run by CelestialMoonDragon
I knew I wanted to include WoH, both for its many fans and for people still dragging their feet about checking out Asian live action m/m stuff. The fandom has a wealth to choose from from vidders all over the globe. The big issue was simply finding vids that weren't too plastered with show audio.
When I heard this song choice, however, I knew it was the one. WoH has some unusual genre elements for wuxia, specifically all the central government focus where wuxia characters usually stay away from politics. The song really highlights that aspect. Those lyric matches! Genius!
【夜访吸血鬼】【莱斯特】【Young and Beautiful】献给我最心中最美艳的吸血鬼——莱斯特 by 欧阳夏右
Obviously, if I was going to celebrate the new IWTV, I couldn't leave out the old movie!
This is a brilliant song choice given what happens to Lestat. It's interesting to me how many Chinese vidders use music I know well. It's always fun to see what they do with a Western source and Western music, and I think bilibili is largely uncharted territory for most Escapade attendees.
【The Sentinel】【Jim/Blair】It's consuming me(Lash视角)美剧-哨兵 同人mv by ozakikaoru
The Sentinel still has monofannish fans, but covering it for a dance party is a pain in the butt. I generally end up scraping the depths of Bilibili, and this year was no exception…
So how excited was I to find this refreshing and freaky take! This audio is apparently from some short film and has become something of a meme amongst vidders, but I hadn't heard it before and I don't think anyone at the con had either.
It's always extra surprising and wonderful to find a more serious and darker vid for fandoms everyone associates with camp and retro cheese. The Sentinel fans I included it for were blown away too. It's apparently a pretty good representation of the episode in question.
Forever Knight Vampires | Darkness, Darkness | Gothic 90s by knightvision1228
Because I had the vampires theme, I made a huge list of vampire fandoms to try to include. Forever Knight was one of my fandoms of the 90s and very popular with het shippers and slashers alike. Finding a vid that didn't look like bad VHS transfer, however, was easier said than done.
This one won out for featuring a rare song from the FK soundtrack that was never released. The vid also showcases the main trio instead of just being Nick/Jeanette het.
Megatron x Optimus (Song: Wrecking Ball) by Mellew
We have a lot of Transformers fans, and it's always so hard to find something I can play in the dance party… well… something that's not a 10-minute compilation of explicit fan art to horny reggaeton. Personally, I'm all about that reggaeton, but I've been looking for actual shipper vids that are a little more representative and a little less likely to make the fans combust in embarrassment.
When I heard the song choice… well… no other vid could compete.
But don't let the literalism and hilarious if one-note joke fool you: this is a fantastically edited vid that makes excellent use of the song's varying tempo.
And yes, I made sure to loudly say "WHY ARE YOU ALL LAUGHING? THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS VID" as the vid started.
BakuDeku AMV - Lucky Strike by caliowl 333
Do I watch BNHA? No. Do people at the con watch BNHA? No. Do antis hate this ship? Absofuckinglutely YES!
I love stupid shonen nonsense, and this fandom provides it in spades. It took a while to find an AMV that wasn't littered with not only show audio but dubbed show audio. (What am I, an animal?!)
I also just really love this song for dance parties.
Dancing on My Own - Robyn (Izzy Hands Edit) by auxiliarywardrobe
OFMD is another tough one. It's not due to a lack of vids: if anything, there are too many. But so many aren't suitable for a dance party and many are already familiar to people.
While I did find this on AO3 (honestly nearly a requirement for finding non-show audio vids in this fandom), it hadn't gotten any attention from people I recognized as an Escapade type crowd.
I loved the indignity of pairing Izzy with this ridiculous song. OFMD was a little anodyne for me in some ways, so the sleazy obnoxiousness of Izzy is a welcome antidote to all of the fluff and angst vids about the main ship.
At the same time, I don't particularly ship Izzy with anybody. I enjoy watching him be miserable, and the song is actually quite a good lyrical match for his impotent frustration.
Do You Wanna Touch Me? [Fanvid] by resurrecho
Okay, this one is cheating on my own rules. I'm sure people had every opportunity to see it… But it's also a femslash vid that is very, very horny.
This one's for you ladies tired of ~dewy flower~ soft bullshit!
Cult of Dionysus - Leverage OT3 - Eliot/Parker/Hardison by leverage brain worms
Leverage remains a perennial favorite and the new show had attendees talking,  but people often request the same tired old vid choice. I went looking for something that hadn't been played at every con over and over.
I liked that this vid was relatively recent. The song with poly lyrics was a fun touch.
HeiHua FMV~|| Hei Ye falling for the Thorny Flower by Black Flower
When I saw this vid, I said to myself: I don't know who they are, but I ship them!
Yes, this vid is directly responsible for me watching all these DMBJ adaptations.
I knew a lot of Escapade attendees were vaguely familiar with Reunion because of Zhu Yilong, but I didn't think most had checked out the rest of DMBJ, and this vid was so diametrically opposite of both that adaptation and the vibe of the big ship that I knew I just had to include it.
But seriously, this vidder actually has an excellent grasp of narrative. Now that I've seen the show, some of this stuff is repurposed and out of context, but you wouldn't know it from the eyelines.
Cover Me - A Fanvid by TinTurtle
Ah, Pros. The Professionals has the most dedicated fans at Escapade, hands down. They keep the con afloat and keep their fandom vibrant even after decades. Finding a dance vid to include for them, however, is a bit of a trial.
Realistically, I'm never going to find a vid they haven't all seen unless I make it myself, so I look for songs with a better beat than the typical old fandom vids tend to have.
The Fanged Four - Play with Fire (BTVS/ATS) by SlayerVid
People were talking about the Buffyverse again this year. Was it an anniversary of some kind? I can't recall, but it's a big nostalgia fandom for a lot of attendees, and it's one of the bigger vampire fandoms, so I wanted to include it.
While there used to be a billion vids for Buffy and Angel, only a fraction of them are findable online now. I went hunting for something not by a con regular and with visual quality that would play okay on a projector.
This is a great song for its grinding beat, and the vid is both recent and features a variety of vampire characters.
BL | Mobu ✘ Kikuchi S2 || So What by rosenana708
I suspect I found it by looking for Kei x Yaku vids, but as soon as I spotted it, I knew it was a must-have.
Yes, this is full of stupid show audio, but too bad: Nobody at a slash or BL con should be allowed to escape without knowing that A Man Who Defies the World of BL exists.
The Locked Tomb | Fences (SPOILERS!) by peachy 💕
This fandom was the latest hot flavor for many and f/f to boot. I was skeptical about finding a vid, but what do you know!
die for you / beyond evil by butillmissyou
After being pimped in by last year's vid find, I knew I wanted to include it again.
This music grabbed me by the throat. I'd never even heard of LÉON, but the soulful sound is perfect for this fandom.
Personal Jesus by killabeez
I desperately wanted a vid to this song. The cover isn't my fave, but I couldn't turn down the combo of a vampire fandom and this classic.
True, Killa isn't exactly obscure to anyone at Escapade, but this is a relatively less seen older vid and excellently edited.
BTS Vampire FMV | Bad Things (True Blood OP) by GoldenArmy7
I'm so clever.
Yes, this is mostly here so I can follow the True Blood vid with one to the True Blood theme song. Also to inflict BTS on people.
● Ichiro + Shiro | 'dope' (KeixYaku: Dangerous Partners FMV) by xXScarshadowXx
And now some BTS music, LOL
Sadly no longer online from what I can tell
WEDNESDAY | “Sweet But Psycho” Netflix Serie [HD] by SHIK
There are like thirty vids to this fandom using this song. This one blew the others out of the water.
I'll be honest, everyone was trying to push Wednesday/Enid around the time of the con, and that ship is the most boring thing you could possibly take away from this show. I wanted a vid that showcased what's actually fun here, which is not sucking all the creepy out of an Addams Family adaptation, for fuck sake.
ALIEN SUPERSTAR | Wanda & Scarlet Witch by LittleLaceBoots
MCU is still big with attendees, but it's so sprawling that knowing what to choose is hard. I found this music choice quite interesting for how it showcases the weird schtick of this particular show.
A Cowboy's Love by lilly_the_kid
If there's one AO3 vidder I will always play, it's lilly_the_kid! I wanted something for Star Wars, and I wanted it to be slash. This classic and ridiculous vid fit the bill.
Is it appropriate for a dance party? It is IF I SAY IT IS!
Boss Bitch | Lan Wangji (陈情令 The Untamed FMV) by slowparade
Everyone vids this song, but this example is particularly great!
I like aspects of The Untamed a lot. Sadly, those aspects do not include the central ship. I'm always on the hunt for vids that actually work for me. This take on Lan Wangji is hilarious.
Geraskier - Fine By Me by CainnetreIt delights me to find vids to other versions of popular canons. This is such a classic slash vid. It's not particularly danceable, but it's so fun that I wanted to include it, so it needed to go at the end of a section. It's the kind of song you wave your beer around to.
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super-hero-confessions · 10 months
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i really wish more homewell shippers or the boys fandom that use/like homewell type elements like the "good boy" or "sweet boy" stuff were at least more aware of the fact that homewell is a case of grooming--an obvious one--that is not portrayed as sexy. the actor and actress are sexy, don't get it twisted. but the show itself ain't subtle at all.
think of how creepy and uncomfortable literally every scene is made to be between them. not an undertone, they specifically do not play music or adjust the ambiance in a lighthearted or loving way. and sometimes even have sounds echoing eerily, specifically to make it gross and awkward.
i'm already not one for a partner pretending to be a parent, but remember how homelander was supposed to be about eight-fucking-teen in diabolical and how she was teasing him--someone she'd clearly known since he was a child and had acted as a mother figure for--and manipulating him? yeah that. that's textbook grooming. she flat out gave him the mommy issues and kink.
noir enabled the bullshit but holy hell madelyn was so much worse.
this isn't even to say that people shouldn't have fun with shipping or kinks, but just... be aware? please. i've seen too many people up and go "look how much we use homelander's literal victimhood and grooming against him to infantilize and abuse him more while pretending its just so hot and not in the slightest problematic! isn't he so cute?" with their fics or art which let me be clear. would be perfectly fine if they didn't then try to be "holier than thou" about it.
and i don't mean that lightly, i mean it very obviously shows. there are tons of people out there with kinks for control and powerplay, dom, sub, the whole shebang. myself included! i get that homelander is an extremely tantalizing and polarizing character for that and fandom can be competitive.
what i don't get is how so many of the people who get off to the idea of further caging in a character who's been caged and controlled his whole life and making whump of him can be so blissfully unaware that their kink isn't any better or healthy than the ones that let homelander let loose to go full abusive monster or are closer to canon.
or up and try to say it somehow is.
it is straight up getting off to the idea of homelander being forced to relive his childhood trauma and exploitive grooming from vought, with a new lover. except things somehow turn out better??? leik bitch what!? you can't be serious. we saying repeated abuse from the "right" person a.k.a. vought 2.0 the trauma bond reignited somehow makes a victim better???
fine, have the kink. but you can't seriously think that's less toxic than wanting him to be set free no matter how awful that may be for everyone else.
they're both toxic.
y ' a l l.
i have literally seen people trying to say butcher's toxic masculinity hang ups are a reason he would never bottom when him and homelander have the e x a c t same toxic masculinity hang ups. they are both giant insecure cunts who have trouble with vulnerability and became sadistic sociopaths because of abuse, that is the point.
the whole point of this show is to exemplify deeply problematic things and showcase how society and people are so desensitized to those things that they either don't matter to us, slip through the cracks, or shine a light on the hypocrisy of it all. with a few nasty jokes here and there. and for some of you in fandom it sincerely is flying way over your heads like i can't.
you cannot be that dumb i just you can't. please.
like homewell, like top "less alpha than raynor" butcher, indulge in toxic kinks. just try to be aware instead of hypocritical. the show is trying to teach us some things and i think they're worth picking up.
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
Yeah, she’s lucky, but is she a star?
Katherine St. Asaph: I too enjoy "Boy's a liar Pt. 2" and Des'ree's "You Gotta Be." [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Apparently, this samples both "Sailing" by Christopher Cross and "Can't Let Go" by Linda Király. It's also liquid drum and bass. Excuse me... *leaves blurb to listen underneath an oil drum, waits for 5 minutes before realizing it is empty, thinks of actually analyzing the song, remembers the 2nd line of the chorus, shrugs awkwardly, keeps listening* [8]
Ian Mathers: YouTube comments section absolutely undefeated: I scroll down and the first thing I see is "Love the Chistopher [sp] Cross vibe going." I do get where they're coming from (WhoSampled tells me it's Linda Király instead), but if I didn't like "Lucky" what a weirdly specific diss that could be. The song always seems to be a step away from going full depressive breakcore to me, and I mean that as a compliment. [8]
Hannah Jocelyn: "Can't Let Go" is a lost gem from the late 2000s: too sparse to stand among Darkchild's best productions (unless you're listening to the Radio Edit W/ Guitars [sic]), but Linda Király sings the fuck out of it. Elementary-school Hannah was obsessed with the song: melodrama perfect for a 4th grader grieving her first unrequited crush. I smiled big when I heard that piano show up in "Lucky", but I kept waiting for this song to explode the way "Can't Let Go" does in its chorus and it just... doesn't. Instead, it stays in a quiet register, de Casier not even phased by the breakbeats skittering around her. The production is excellent, even if I'm already getting a bit sick of the drum and bass revival, but there's no catharsis beneath the smooth synth pads and frenzied percussion. The actual song's sophistication is captivating in its own right, but the blunt force melodrama of the original is missed. [7]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Erika de Casier throws the entire kitchen at us on “Lucky.” Between the Linda Király sample, the stuttering drums, the bass hits, the synths, and the laughs, her vocals are often overpowered. There’s logic to contrasting the busy production with her serene vocal performance, and it does prove very effective when the waves break in the chorus. However, when every element is bouncing off the walls at once in a drum and bass-inflected surge, it’s easy to lose track of the main melodic line. [5]
Jacob Satter: de Casier's wrapped-in-velvet vocal style brings to mind pop stars who have found ways to repurpose their delicacy as stridency (Nelly Furtado), as a firm corset of gossamer support (Coco O), as an internal monologue set free (Cleo Sol), as coyly kitsch confessional (Clairo). de Casier checks a few of these boxes -- she seems content to hold the center, to be simply present in "Lucky's" swirl of juddering trap, SOPHIE-esque squeaks, and music-box nostalgia. Her patience and clarity elevate near-house muzak into something distinctly, warmly human. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Somehow even more gloriously energized than the singles off Sensational – the drums feel like hail falling on a sunny day, melting immediately on contact with the song's surface. Thanks to the great NewJeans convergence event we talked a lot last year about de Casier as a songwriter, but "Lucky" is a fine reintroduction to her power as a performer: that opening laugh, the way she says "Whoa," even the slight lift as she sings "lucky" for the second time on the chorus. It's all finesse, a highlight reel of perfectly struck moments that make the ordinary trappings of "Lucky" into something sublime. [8]
Dorian Sinclair: There's a tedious kind of social media post I'm sure we've all seen, where someone posts a lyric sheet from the '70s or '80s next to a modern one (I've most often seen it with Beyoncé's "Run the World (Girls)") to make some point about The Decline of Music Today. The lyrics for "Lucky" could make an appearance in one of those posts, but the song itself makes clear why the core argument the posts are making is nonsense. Sure, repeating the line "another night" 23 times in a 3 1/2-minute song looks lazy on paper, but in practice? Hearing de Casier's intonation changing, the piano shifting under her, the backing vocals slipping in and out of the mix? It's beautiful! And it's not beautiful in spite of the repetition of the lyrics, but because of them. "Lucky" is swoonily, overwhelmingly romantic, and getting that impact with such a deliberately restrictive set of tools takes a hell of a lot of skill. [8]
Isabel Cole: Retro vibes — not just the tinkling piano of the sample, but a particular unabashed sweetness in both content and melody that seems less in fashion than it once was — run through just the right amount of champagne-bubble glitchiness to make it feel up to date, but not in an ostentatious way. More love songs should draw attention to the erotic potential of being a good listener. [8]
Kayla Beardslee: “Lucky” is so delicate and conversational that at times you almost forget you’re listening to a song. Erika de Casier is one of few artists who can turn that into a good thing -- embraced by the glimmering piano line (even as it shifts focus away from the lyrics), she concentrates on feelings forming and drifting by like clouds in the sky so the rest of us don't have to, so that we can lay back instead and just feel. [8]
Will Adams: The liquid drum and bass revival of recent tends to have a winking cutesyness about it (see the de Casier-penned "Super Shy" as but one example). It's fun to listen to, but "Lucky" pushes beyond that to reveal something darker. The arrangement is in standard skitter mode with twinkling pianos, but throughout are throbbing beat rolls, glitches, and haunting exhalations, as if the song is threatening to crumble at any moment. Even the outro -- an emotional tug of war between repeated lines "another night" and "too fast" -- forgoes a standard fade out in favor of increased distortion and tactile whispers. Behind the timid smile, a more raw emotion bubbles up to the surface. [8]
Leah Isobel: Last year, I ended a friendship that I'd had for almost a decade. I had always known it would happen one way or another: either by the slow drift that accompanies physical or emotional distance, or by sharper, more sudden means. I chose the latter option, releasing myself from what would have been years of confused and angry longing. I'm proud of that choice. Yet, I still reminisce about what I thought our relationship was, and who I thought we both were -- to each other, to ourselves. The intensity of feeling that characterized my experience of the relationship made me feel fragile, girlish. Of course it wasn't sustainable. But it was thrilling to see how long we could sustain it; how much I could take from them while minimizing myself; how much I could give to them without them asking for any of it. How many times we could go out together, dancing, drinking, smoking, laughing on the street. On "Lucky," Erika repeats "Another night" over and over and over, each repetition surprising for the sheer fact of its existence. It's not about what's in the future, but the shock of the present staying present: day after day morphing into a zoetroped sequence of images, cycling but not moving, time itself standing still due to the horrible electricity of one-sided love. [7]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: A lot of people in my close friend group shit on Erika de Casier, constantly pointing out that she’s a mediocre singer with unimaginative toplines. And yes, they were not slow to mention that this sounds like Des’ree’s “You Gotta Be” over a skittering beat that wouldn’t even turn heads a couple decades ago. But even though I can recognize their disdain, what keeps me coming back to de Casier’s work is the way her productions are integral to the emotional trajectory of her lyrics. You don’t understand this song without hearing that cackle and those sci-fi synths, which capture the anxiety and blissed-out possibilities of lasting romance. Indeed, this is the same artist who wrote NewJeans’ “Super Shy,” eager to define the complexities of a crush with a polysemic phrase. “I need ya another night” is repeated so often that it becomes a musical Rorschach test. Is it sweet and honest? Too forward and desperate? A sign of confidence? Of insecurity? Love will make your head spin, making you feel like all these things could be true. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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protect-namine · 2 months
final performance thoughts (kisa's route) and I guess just overall thoughts on the game.
the thing is, I did expect the final arc to be a bit (thematically) underwhelming because it's hard to follow up oh rama havenna when both the play and the lead up to it was perfectly executed. and I mean, I was right, but I'm still a little bit disappointed lol. I see what ishida and towada wanted to do with the "jack jeanne" role, and I was really hoping it would land hard during kisa's route. it didn't hurt the game, but it also just. could've been more.
some thoughts on sissia of the central nation:
great music, probably has some of the best costumes for the cast. jj being a visual novel definitely removes some of the showmanship but I understand how sissia would be amazing to see live. it's like if you watch a mix of the greatest showman and les miserables. the border performance is like if a circus performed on the barricade from les mis.
I'm sure ishida and towada was itching to write a greater message with sissia but they're at least aware that they're writing an otome game lol
I think because all the actors have already gone through their character development in previous arcs, the rehearsals seemed a bit too easy? sissia rehearsals have to accommodate seven routes, so I imagine there are individual conflicts in each LI route. but when it comes to kisa's route, neji didn't really give anyone a challenging role. I realize that my favorite element of the story is when actors struggle to connect with their character, and there wasn't much of that in kisa's route. and because kisa's route focuses on sissia's relationship with the kielce troupe instead of individuals, there is a loss of intimate character moments that usually make neji's plays so good
the conflict was more around quartz vs amber. it's nice, but man I kinda wish the winter performance rehearsals was saved for the final performance because having neji give every single quartz member challenging roles to overcome for the finale with the help of kisa acting as the glue that keeps them together? and them winning because of it? feels like a better way to show that "gear" metaphor they love to use
but I also prefer that mitsuki was the one doing that during the winter performance, so idk. I get it
(watsonian) you know, I was gonna say that I can't believe that neji thinks sissia is one of his best plays when oh rama havenna exists, but actually, that's very in character lmao. neji himself didn't understand what made oh rama havenna entertaining. he's a writer whose inspiration can sometimes work on a deeply unconscious level sometimes.
I also just realized what else was lacking in kisa's route. I wish there was more improv!!! every quartz play has an improv scene that's designed to go straight to the actor's heart. sure, sou did improvise his monologue and kisa did tsuki's line at the beginning, but it's not the saaaame. it's not the same as figaro riling up charles riling up mary, or rukiora/mitsuki's "that applies to you too", or neji and kisa reworking mukai's characterization the day before the performance without telling anybody. I wish someone had thrown an improv scene at sissia. or even better, maybe kisa met eyes with chui in the audience and went off-script.
I like the exploration of gender expression in the game, so I was disappointed that they didn't really do more with the jack jeanne role. they SAY it's a revolutionary concept in univeil but like. there isn't anything in the script in kisa's route that really highlights how she's neither/both jack or/and jeanne. again, doesn't really hurt the game and its overarching themes, but it just could've been more. it could've landed harder. maybe it's highlighted more in the other routes though (I have high hopes for mitsuki to at least touch on this), so we'll see.
the closest we get is mitsuki and mare's commentary on it, as well as the audience's, but like. that's outside perspective. the actual play itself doesn't really do anything about it? neither does kisa's voice acting lend itself to being ambiguous about gender, which was supposedly the goal. if anything, it was closer to her voice acting as maiden. I thought her voice acting for chicchi and charles were closer to what the jack jeanne role intended, but that's just me
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but!! for all the finale lacked, chui made up for all of it. which is ironic, but really, there's like so many things going on with the neji/kisa/chui dynamic on a relationship and theme level. love whatever's going on with them. I am petitioning for sui ishida to write a side story where they're all amber students
anyway, kisa is a great protagonist and I'm really glad all her lines are voice acted because I don't actually self-insert that much in these games. going through the other routes will be painful because this is 80% common route, but I am also so glad the common route is long but sprinkled with a lot of flavor text (I finished one route and I've only gone through 21% of the text). very slow burn. I'm also the kind of person who usually would just do 1-2 routes and move on, but because the common route is so long, all of the characters have endeared themselves to me, so now I do want to go through all the routes. amazing.
but I have to make the executive decision to do neji and mitsuki's route last because if I finish them first, I really will probably not do anyone else's routes. to me, neji is the deuteragonist of the game even if he's not intended to be.
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cidthesquid · 3 months
My First Look At: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+
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If anyone here has been wondering what's been eating up all my free time recently, it's been this game.. "Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+" I don't know if I've mentioned this here, but my three favorite game types are actually ARPGs, Fighting Games and Rhythm games! And now I've found a really fun Rhythm game with Fashion elements!
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Clearing songs, and improving your scores gets you points that you can use to unlock new outfits for the various characters, and there are a TON of choices:
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Not only that, but you can even mix and match outfits and hair styles, to find something you think suits the look better.
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(This changes the hair, and some face features such as makeup)
You'll have multiple accessory slots as well, and you can attach one item in each spot to further customize your look:
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(Some of these are very silly, But they're fun to try out!)
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I'ts really fun to try out various custom outfits when playing songs! You only get 4 'Custom slots' but for songs that have multiple singers, you'll be able to edit all of them, still only taking up a single slot.
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The game only has one standard 'mode', with a few difficulty options. But you'll also have the option to practice specific parts, or you can watch a 'music video' of the song, where it plays its self with the hud removed. (show in the above gif)
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As for the characters... I was never much of a miku fan before, Only hearing a few songs in other games, I never sought out her content. And while I won't break down all the characters, I will talk about my impressions of Hatsune Miku.
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One game is not much to go on, but she definitely feels like one of those “Universal Appeal” characters, I'm by no means bother by that. But it just means they can't really give her any kind of personality,
On the other hand, it is nice to know that means they don't simply confine her to sticking with one style for her songs.
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The game offers a wide range of Vocaloid music, each with a (swappable) lead singer.
And even though Miku's song's are mostly cute and up beat, there are a few edgier and slightly darker ones too. So I'd argue my opinion of Miku has improved overall, as before, I'd really only hear her more popular hits in 'Taiko no Tasujin', and just seeing her posted everywhere as gifs and avatars, I'm not sure if I'd call myself a 'huge Miku fan' but I am enjoying this game.
-- And, as for what character I played the most.. Well, If you've followed my content for any amount of time, You probably already know what type of characters I generally gravitate to:
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It looks like Meiko is supposed to be the 'Cool Girl'/Mature Character, But much of her outfit selection feels a bit off to me:
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(sorry for the small preview, it's just for reference) It looks like they wanted to give here the tomboy style personality, but they don't really have any outfits that match that, (...Okay, maybe I'm just projecting the personality I want on to her, but the But this game does not really give you a whole lot to go on..) Lots of 'cute' outfits, with only a few mature ones thrown in, (And some of the mature ones honestly feel a little generic) And then there's stuff like these, feels like the start of a good outfit, but then goes a little off the rails... (they look way too busy)
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I have no problems with offering revealing outfits as an option, I've play games using some myself. But I just don't personally find these visually appealing. It really feels like they were too afraid to branch out with her outfit styles I really feel they should have given her better variety, or at least a specific style that stood out more from the rest. I'm not even sure what's going on with here 'modern' outfit (left) I feel they could have used some of the cool designs from luka (right)
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But anyways, I really don't know anything about Vocaloid culture, maybe I missed the point, and this all perfectly fits Meiko's personality, IDK, (let me know in the comments) ..But I still work have preferred more options. --- Anyway, I've still been having a blast playing this game! and even though the fashion elements are fairly light, I still enjoyed them. Oh and just as a disclaimer, I was using a few QOL mods in this post, So be aware that some things (like having English subs) may be different from the vanilla game! Anyways, thanks for reading! (comments/constructive criticism is always welcome!)
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elevenwav · 2 years
Shin Megami Tensei IV has my favorite videogame soundtrack of all time
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Heavy Spoilers for Shin Megami Tensei IV ahead, proceed only if you have beat the game.
"hi! this essay was in my draft for almost an year left unfinished so......I decided to post it without finishing it completely because I think it's pretty good and I want people to see it already lol. I may write a continuation for this analysis in the future bc I still want to conclude my thoughts but for now I hope u like it!" -elise realizing she left this in her drafts
It was long overdue that I wanted to talk about the music in this game.
Shin Megami Tensei IV’s soundtrack was a huge surprise to me – such as the game itself. It is initially presented as a more medieval-like world, set in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, which it didn’t bother me initially, just didn’t surprised me at first glance – but when its true colors started to show up – I realized it was something special. It borrows from my particular impressions, I didn’t pay attention to the music initially, such as the ‘Main Theme’, and ‘Premonition’, only noticing about the more fitting tracks for the medieval world, such as ‘Aquila Statue Plaza’ and ‘K’s Tavern’. Although ‘Self’ was able to make me immersed on the intro sequence, but not exactly foreshadowing the iconic and unique mixture of futuristic technology with the occult aesthetic that the series is known for – and what I would find out about just later. My experience with the MegaTen series until that point was Persona 3, Persona 4, and a little bit of Devil Survivor – and as much as these games has some of its dark moments – Shin Megami Tensei IV surprised me, because I honestly didn’t knew anything about that game and mainline SMT in general, I wasn’t that much aware about the setting and aesthetic – I only knew about the Order and Chaos philosophical conflict. I was initially playing the game as just one more regular medieval RPG – that unawareness really helped me to being immersed on what would come after.
The musical tension of facing a Boss
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The end of the first chapter with Issachar and the Minotaur shown me the first impression of one of its unique aspects; the Boss Themes. Both Battle B1, the Mid-Boss Theme, and Battle B2, the Major-Boss Theme, just caught me completely off-guard, feeling dangerous, futuristic sounding-like, and at first glance; uncomfortable. Most things until that point presented the game with a specific aesthetic, and then had a tonal shift for me. As much as the game foreshadowed its more futuristic tech-based stuff, such as the AI Burroughs, I didn’t actually realized it, the game still didn’t caught my attention that much yet. When I listened to Battle B1 – I was, no joke – SUPER scared, as much as this sounds funny. The tone of the story at this point was already making me realize its true colors, I was completely set on the mood, so when the revelation of Issachar happened, I was feeling so, SO uncomfortable, and I loved it. At the time, I was playing the game on my Nintendo 3DS at a bus trip, at 3AM with everyone sleeping, everything but my 3DS’ screen was pitch black, and my headphones on a fairly good volume.
As much as I liked the regular battle themes, Battle B1 had a lot of elements that were able to perfectly fit the atmosphere of facing a demonic entity, and, in that specifically on that moment, someone that was once your best friend. The song is composed on a minor key, associated with melancholy, sorrow, but in that case, danger and urgency. The instrument that composes the melody on the intro is a Chime, in a fairly low octave, which is something not expected when using this instrument, making it sound eerie and uncanny. Right after followed by a saw-wave synthesizer on the main melody, the synth itself isn’t uncanny, but yet fierce, the melody itself ends up takes the role on making it sound imposing and eerie. Then a 303 sounding-like Synth steals the show on the main melody, people often call it ‘boing-boing’, which is quite fitting for how it sounds, that sound makes the song feel otherworldly, and again, really uncanny. The very last section takes everything back to the saw-wave synth, but now on a very slow, but imposing chord. Then the loop ends.
It has lots of things that I love about music, such as heavily Synth-based instruments, evoking both a retro style and a really amazing ambience to the streets of that post-apocalyptic Tokyo. With that said, what I loved the most about that soundtrack is that it had such a consistent identity of its own, with at the same time being so diverse, it manages to be both catchy, and musically complex in a way that I really admire, with simple compositions, but really creative and unique arrangements, made with a very wide range of different Synths and electronic instruments in general.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Can You Get Recipes On Echo Show
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Hey everyone! Have you ever wanted to try a new recipe but weren’t sure how to go about it? I certainly have. Well, now with the Amazon Echo Show, all of your cooking dreams can come true! With this device, you can get access to thousands of recipes from around the world - without even having to leave your kitchen. In this article, we’ll be discussing whether or not you can get recipes on an Echo Show and what other features are available for cooks like us. So let’s dive right in! Maybe You Also Like: - Can You Get Recipes From Spring Baking Championship - Can You Halve a Cake Recipe? Baking Measurement Tips - Can You Patent A Drink Recipe What Is The Amazon Echo Show? The Amazon Echo Show is a voice-activated smart speaker device with an integrated screen. It allows users to do many of the same things as other Echo devices, like playing music and setting reminders, but also adds visual elements to the experience. With its 7" touchscreen display, it can show you lyrics for songs or images related to the weather forecast when asked. Plus, Alexa’s new interactive interface makes asking questions easier than ever before. You can now use voice commands to ask about specific topics, such as sports scores or recipes, and get detailed answers from Alexa directly on your Echo Show's screen without having to search through webpages yourself. The larger 10" HD display available on some models gives even more vivid visuals that are perfect for watching videos or browsing photos. Whether you're looking for a hands-free way to control your home entertainment system or just need an extra helping hand in the kitchen, the Amazon Echo Show has something for everyone! How To Access Recipes On The Echo Show Now that you know what the Amazon Echo Show is, let's explore how to access recipes on it. With an Echo Show in your kitchen, you can get step-by-step cooking instructions for any recipe by just asking Alexa. All you have to do is say "Alexa, show me a recipe." and she'll bring up a video from YouTube or AllRecipes showing exactly how it should be done. You can also ask questions while watching the video if there's something you don't understand. The Echo Show isn't just good for individual recipes either; if you're looking for meal planning ideas or tips on different cooking techniques, then Alexa has got your back once again! Just tell her "Alexa, teach me about meal planning" or "Alexa, give me some advice on grilling," and she'll respond with helpful videos full of useful information. Whether you're a novice cook or experienced chef, the Echo Show will help you take your culinary skills to the next level. Using the Amazon Echo Show in your kitchen gives you easy access to hundreds of recipes and various cooking tutorials without ever having to leave home. From learning new dishes to mastering classic ones, this device makes it easier than ever before to learn more about food and expand your culinary repertoire. So why not take advantage of all its features today? What Types Of Recipes Are Available? Yes, you can get recipes on Echo Show! It's a great way to access meal ideas and cooking tips with just the sound of your voice. You can find all sorts of delicious dishes from around the world that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. The possibilities are endless when it comes to finding recipes for Echo Show. Whether you're looking for a quick weeknight dinner or something more elaborate, there is bound to be a recipe that fits the bill perfectly. From classic comfort foods like mac & cheese to exotic dishes like Thai curry, there's something for everyone right at your fingertips. Echo Show also makes it easy to save favorite recipes so you don't have to search again each time. Plus, if you're stuck in a rut and need some inspiration, Alexa will suggest new recipes based on what ingredients you already have in your kitchen. With Echo Show, making tasty meals has never been easier! Additional Features Of The Echo Show The Echo Show is an amazing device that provides users with access to numerous recipes. It offers a hands-free cooking experience, which allows you to listen and follow instructions while carrying out other tasks at the same time. What's more, it also supports recipe sharing among different Echo devices so that multiple people can work on one recipe simultaneously. Another great feature of the Echo Show is its visual step-by-step guidance for certain types of recipes such as baking cakes or cookies. This makes it easier for novice cooks who may not be familiar with all the steps involved in preparing a dish. In addition, Alexa can provide helpful tips throughout your cooking process by providing additional information about ingredients and techniques. Furthermore, Echo Show has built-in timers so you don't have to worry about forgetting when something needs to come out of the oven or off the stovetop. You can even set up reminders to take items out of the fridge before they go bad! The convenience and ease this device brings to your kitchen make it perfect for anyone looking to spice up their meals without having to do all the work themselves. Is The Echo Show Worth The Investment? I'm sure you've seen the Echo Show around and thought to yourself, is it really worth the investment? Well, I can tell you from personal experience that it absolutely is! The cooking experience on this device has totally changed my meal planning. With just a few simple voice commands, I can access hundreds of recipes right at my fingertips. The technology behind the Echo Show completely eliminates any guesswork in the kitchen. It's able to set timers for me so that I don't have to keep checking back with whatever dish I'm making. Plus, its step-by-step instructions make it incredibly easy to follow along with any recipe without having to pause or rewind a video tutorial. Aside from its convenience factor, what really stands out is how interactive the device is. Through Alexa’s advanced technology, users are able to ask questions about different dishes and get answers almost instantaneously – which makes cooking much more efficient and enjoyable overall! All in all, if you're looking for an amazing way to improve your culinary skills then you won't regret investing in an Echo Show. Frequently Asked Questions How Easy Is It To Use The Echo Show? Using the Echo Show to cook up a tasty meal is super easy! With just your voice, you can get cooking tips and plan meals with ease. Whether you're looking for inspiration or need some help getting started, Alexa has your back. Plus, it's convenient since all the information you need is right at your fingertips. So if you want to start making delicious dishes in no time, give the Echo Show a try - you won't regret it! Can Recipes Be Shared On The Echo Show? Yes, you can share recipes on the Echo Show! This is great for those who need help with time management or cooking methods. It's also super easy to use - all you have to do is ask Alexa a question and she'll give you an answer. Plus, if you're having trouble finding what you're looking for, just say "Alexa, show me recipes" and she'll display them right in front of you. So no matter how busy your day gets, you'll always be able to whip up something delicious with ease using the Echo Show. Does The Echo Show Have Voice Commands? Yes, the Echo Show has voice commands! With its powerful voice recognition technology, you can use your voice to ask Alexa for cooking tips or other helpful information. You'll get a response right away with visual and audio feedback. Plus, you don't have to worry about typing in anything - just talk and let Alexa do the work for you. Are Echo Show Recipes Customizable? Yes, you can customize recipes on Echo Show! You'll get access to a ton of delicious recipes and cooking tips that you can use for meal planning. Plus, the Echo Show makes it easy to create your own custom recipe with its intuitive user interface. With just a few taps, you can easily search for ingredients and add them to your recipe list. So go ahead and start creating some amazing dishes today with the help of your Echo Show! Is There A Limit To The Number Of Recipes That Can Be Stored On The Echo Show? When it comes to the Echo Show, there's no limit to how many recipes you can store! You could easily create a database of cooking tips and meal plans that you can look through whenever you need some inspiration. It's perfect for anyone who loves trying out new recipes but doesn't want to have to fumble around searching through cookbooks or websites every time they get hungry. Conclusion Yes, you can get recipes on the Echo Show! It's a great way to share your favorite recipes with family and friends. The voice commands make it easy for anyone in the household to access recipes quickly and efficiently. Plus, you can customize each recipe to suit your tastes - so no two meals have to be the same. And there is no limit to the number of recipes that you can store on the Echo Show, making it an invaluable resource for any kitchen enthusiast. So go ahead, get cooking – with help from Alexa and your Echo Show! If you're looking for more delicious recipes to try, be sure to check out The Disney Chef's recipe categories! Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like a cake recipe, something savory like a chicken or pork recipe, or something fresh like a vegetable or seafood recipe, there's something for everyone. And if you're a meat-lover, don't forget to check out the beef recipes category for hearty and satisfying meals. With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite recipe to add to your collection. Read the full article
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Music Monday: 4 Music Tracks of the Week!
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Adam Humphries, the music editor at WhatsOn, presents you with recently released, upbeat music. Put these on your playlist and dance the rest of the week away. Here is the week's top playlist! Young Bedford rapper JUNIOR - breaks through into new creative territory for a deeper "Connection"! He may well be only 25, and he may well have not entered into your musical consciousness yet but JUNIOR is already been tipped for the big time. Even 6 Music and GRM Daily have had a taste of his music. James Watkinson, better known by his stage name is like what Marshal Bruce Mathers III was to American Hip-hop when he first debuted on the scene, a breath of fresh air and didn't hesitate to shake things up and experiment. And that's exactly what JUNIOR's doing. Noe Watkinson, who's not been on the scene for any more than just a small handful of years, has the voice and talent of a Rapper who's been in the mainstream for more than a decade. https://open.spotify.com/track/3sRPWMmouhLtUw6gFtQUEK?si=5H-Gc1dQTUyH4ePWIK6F-Q&utm_source=copy-link Now I am amongst the masses who haven't ever heard of this guy yet but after listening to a minute and a half of Connection I was completely enticed by the sounds. A superb concoction of hip-hop, tribal, and beats with Watkins rap right over it. Fantastic and definitely gets all the notes you'd need for a rap track https://youtu.be/V7Sr06AxlJY Midnight Juggernauts - Shadows Released back in 2007 by Midnight Juggernauts, Shadows is a prime example of one of those songs that did have a lot of potential upon its release but sadly was overlooked and didn't get nearly as much attention as it actually deserved. Shadows were featured in the band's album, Dystopia. The video was a great fit for Juggernauts’ sound as it had a paranormal Sci-Fi feel to it which fitted in perfectly with the group's electronic sound. https://youtu.be/RiydUx0mQag Lyrically, the words have a bizarre out-of-this-world, timeless element within as it's about things that hide within the shadows when they arrive and messages left in the past that get answered in the future. The vocals from the trio fit with the vibe of the sound as they're not aggressive, instead, it's soft and takes a casual pace. The video the band put together for this has a creative element in that they've mixed the usage of CGI and real moving film. The final effect has that paranormal/Sci-Fi vibe to it which fits in perfectly with the band's style and sound. The Other Tribe - Skirts Hailing all the way from Bristol, this six-piece released Skirts way back in 2012. In all fairness it did receive attention, not a vast amount but some. What's great about this single is that it showed us that Other Tribe wasn’t 'just another band'. But that they had the potential to become something bigger than what they could actually have been. Shame really. Skirts had that summer festival vibe to it as it was one of those tracks. Also which would probably have got people going at a festival. Something else that both the song and band did for music. It was that you could also dance to indie music, not just mosh and raise your arm too. https://youtu.be/COqltYFleuQ Barmy they may have been but the video was definitely an artistic and barmy one. And yes it had the summer festival vibe to it. What definitely came to my attention was the creativity and individuality within the group's dynamics. Mixing visual art and music together. The lyrics have that feel-good factor and you can easily sing along to them. And is about being impressed by that one person who fascinates you White Town - Your Woman Released back in the 90s from the Women in Technology. Your Woman was something of a breath of fresh air when it was produced. And as it was a mixture of retro meets modern dance sounds. It's something which hadn't been heard in the mainstream during the Britpop indie era. Jyoti Prakash Mishra who is the musical maestro behind the one-man band. White Town had been working in music since 1989. And he had released his debut album Socialism, Sexism and Sexuality three years prior to Women in Technology. Jyoti aka White Town demonstrated his creative side. And when putting the song together as he told the story about a troubled relationship between couples. The irony being he's going from the female perspective. Notably, he sings the song in a low tone https://youtu.be/lVL-zZnD3VU The video for this was something of creative genius. Since it has elements of retro in terms of the style with storytelling. Also, it was made in black and white which wasn't a regular thing back then. The video follows the story of a relationship in which the female makes decisions about her life by following actual signposts showing various paths. Your Woman was shot in Derby City Centre which is where Jyoti comes from Read the full article
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John Coltrane - "Giant Steps" Jazz Play Along (sheet music)
John Coltrane - "Giant Steps" Jazz Play Along
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Coltrane Giant Steps
Giant Steps is a John Coltrane composition that quickly became famous among jazz musicians, but more as an obstacle course than jam session material. It was actually the same role that Cherokee had once played among the bebop musicians of the early 1940s, a piece that served to weed out musicians who weren't up to the demands of modern jazz. Writer and historian Ted Gioia summed this up perfectly by quoting that Gian Steps is a Cherokee on anabolics. The song belongs to the album of the same name and Coltrane's fifth studio album as leader, his first recording for Atlantic Records, recorded between May and December 1959, coinciding with the dates on which Coltrane participated in the classic Kind of Blue by Miles Davis. . This is how history is written, surprising, right? During this recording, Coltrane breaks with the usual procedure of doing a maximum of two or three takes per song, needing between five and ten takes for the final result to be to his liking. In addition, Coltrane tried different rhythm sections for the recording, which gives us an idea of ​​his obsession and perfectionism. One way or another, Giant Steps is his album, the album for his loved ones. All the songs are his own compositions and show his gratitude towards his family and musician friends, with whom he was in absolute complicity. Mr PC is dedicated to double bass player Paul Chambers, and Naima, Cousin Mary or Syeeda's Song Flute, to his wife and daughter. Returning to the theme and looking at the harmonic progression, Coltrane used elements that other musicians had used previously, as an example the bridge of Have You Met Miss Jones, a classic theme composed by Richard Rodgers in 1937. It seems that Tommy Flanagan, pianist on Coltrane's first and only recording of the theme, was baffled by such a harmonic "ballot". It's understandable. Although it is also fair to say that during the 80s, Flanagan made several recordings of Gian Steps, showing that he had already had time to study the subject. Coltrane put into practice here some improvisational patterns that he seemed to have devised beforehand. Various motifs and groups of four notes (permutations) that can be heard clearly and repeatedly in his solo. There are those who maintain the thought that more than a song, Giant Steps is an exercise that Coltrane developed as part of the rigorous musical training that he imposed on himself, an exercise that once mastered he took off. Beyond this assessment, it is true that he rarely interpreted it again. We cannot and should not forget this composition, since every self-respecting jazz musician should improvise on it, standing up to the harmonic flow plotted by Coltrane. In 2004, it was one of fifty recordings chosen that year by the Library of Congress to be added to the National Recording Registry. It attained gold record status in 2018, having sold 500,000 copies. Two tracks, "Naima" and "Syeeda's Song Flute", are respectively named after Coltrane's wife at the time and her daughter, whom he adopted. A third, "Mr. P.C.", takes its name from the initials of bassist Paul Chambers, who played on the album. A fourth, "Cousin Mary", is named in honor of Mary Lyerly, Coltrane's younger cousin. Personnel Musicians John Coltrane – tenor saxophone Tommy Flanagan – piano Wynton Kelly – piano on "Naima" Paul Chambers – bass Art Taylor – drums Jimmy Cobb – drums on "Naima" Cedar Walton – piano on "Giant Steps" and “Naima" alternate versions Lex Humphries – drums on "Giant Steps" and “Naima" alternate versions Read the full article
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pleasenahas · 2 years
Free youtube intro templates maker
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Free youtube intro templates maker for free#
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You can now upload on your channel all your free YouTube templates. You will get in no time a high-quality image or video ready to be posted on your channel. You can even play around with the layout! Although, we’ve put everything in a strategic position to make sure it looks clean and beautiful!. You can upload or drag-and-drop your own images. You can change any of the imagery for one of your own or look for another in our image/video library. Make all kinds of adjustments to your templates. Remember any template you choose can be completely tweaked to ensure your own design. Think about what you want to communicate. Start with an Awesome TemplateĬhoose something that represents you and your channel. The best part is that all the hard work is already done, we do it for you! Let’s take a closer look: 1. All you have to do is choose a template that goes with your style and customize it! You can basically customize everything: add your own images, videos, type your texts, change fonts and music, and even animations! This way you can be 100% sure you are using an original design. You don’t need any special design skills to create awesome branding assets for your channel.
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Get inspired with the following free YouTube banners and choose a template that goes perfectly with the style of your channel!įree YouTube Thumbnail How to Make Your Own YouTube Templates for Free Your channel art should represent your channel’s theme, style, and your own brand of course! It is your presentation card so it must look awesome! Free YouTube Banner Templates to Get Inspired You can add your latest video art, a special offer, your newest merch, latest announcement, or anything you want to highlight for a few days. Free YouTube Channel ArtĪdding a custom YouTube banner is super important to make your channel look stylish. So without further ado, let’s go to all the YouTube free templates you will be needing to customize your channel into a professional-looking one! 1. YouTube is an excellent platform to make business and share your interests with the world! You can make a channel to show off your knowledge on any topic, share your blog with viewers, and talk about anything you like! In other words, share valuable content with your followers. Mockup ft a MacBook surrounded by photography equipment YouTube Free Templates Free YouTube Templates for Every Style
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The tool is simple and quick to use.Looking for free YouTube templates ? You’ve come to the right place! By branding your YouTube channel you can add your personality and style to make your vlog or stream channel way more interesting! Give it your very own style, make it look professional from the beginning, brand it, and make it really different from the rest of the streamers. The free version of the site processes videos with a watermark and comes with 500MB of storage. There is a huge variety of intro templates available at the site that can be customized as needed by changing the photos, graphics, music, text, and other elements. This is a popularly used online tool that lets you create interesting videos including intros and can also be used for website designing, logo designing, and ore. If you are looking for more online options check the below-listed tools popular in the category. Other 8 Free Intro Makers for Your Reference There is also n option to upload it to the device, Vimeo, and YouTube if needed. Next, tap o the Export button and select the format in which you want to save the video. Check the changes from the Preview window if they are fine. You can also personalize and customize the added video by dragging it to the timeline and then editing its text and other elements. Once done, click on the OK button to confirm. Choose from the available templates and make the needed changes. To use the template, you need to move the video to the Timeline and then select Text/Credit from the menu bar and then select the option of Opener. Next, you can make the intros by either using the built-in templates or personalizing the video by yourself. Next, click on the Import Media File Here or the Import button to browse and load the local video from which you wish to create an intro. Select the ratio aspect and then click on the New Project option from the main interface.
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Download, install, and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Steps to create intro video using Wondershare Filmora
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Chinese pop sensation, LAY (Lay Zhang) delivers a brand new music video today, Veil, the focus track from his upcoming EP, West. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of LAY’s debut as an artist, the superstar will be doing live shows overseas before making his way to North America. Concerts in Malaysia and Singapore to be held next month have been announced as part of his global “Grand Line 2: Infinite Lands”. Also set, is an appearance as a headlining act on November 26 at the Live Nation mega-festival MetaMoon, taking place at Barclays Center.
Watch the video here:
The music video perfectly plays on the already dreamlike quality of the track. It starts out on a bustling street as the sounds of the erhu begin to permeate. Suddenly, the dancer appears and as Mahjong pieces fly in the air, we are transported into a dream. Viewers are then greeted with the artist dancing lively to match the restless trap beat. Eventually, the global star literally does ‘illuminate the room’ as the visuals change with vibrant lights and more stunning choreography. The dreamlike aspects remain throughout the video as we jump between various scenes including a brightly lit city street and a serene forest until the video ends with a return to reality.
LAY has been on a whirlwind the last two years after joining forces with Steve Aoki and will.i.am for the 2020 hit cross-cultural collaboration Love You More, reaching #1 on the QQ Music China chart. He then released a string of hits with an album, an EP, cross-genre collaborations and solo singles overseas further propelling his international star power. LAY’s most recent release was a global collaboration with American hip-hop artist 24kGoldn on the single Dawn to Dusk, which received over 2 million streams on Spotify alone. He has been and continues to be a household name in Asia. In 2020, LAY released the hit album LIT and its title track of the same name. The digital album made over 30 million yuan in just 7 minutes 19 seconds after its release on QQ Music in China. In 2021, he released an EP EAST on his birthday that featured his renowned “M-POP” style telling a story of spiritual growth in his career using oriental elements and symbolic identities.
The Chinese icon is one of the most beloved stars in the region with a loyal and highly engaged 51 million followers on Weibo and over 14.1 million followers on Instagram. As a solo artist, LAY’s career has skyrocketed from tremendous success becoming the highest-ranked Mando-pop star on Billboard 200 chart and the first Chinese artist to enter the iTunes Top 60 in the U.S. with his third solo album NAMANANA. Outside of music, he is a powerhouse in the acting world of TV and film, hosted multiple top-rated reality shows in Asia and is one of the most awarded artists in China.
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shae-la-hyene · 2 years
10 animated intros that slap you off your feet
(part of my ongoing war against stupid MsMojo top ten videos)
10 Robin Hood
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For an old one, this intro is memorable, mainly because it's hilarious. Good way to actually introduce every character which are not recognizable (because they're animals). Back then the intros where mostly just names and credits on an artsy background, not super imaginative. But this one has that music that is just so good, especially sped up at 175% and the visual gags are on point. I'm biased because I'm a furry, but Robin Hood's intro holds a dear place in my heart.
9 Dinosaure
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There's just something about the narrative of this one... It has the same vibe as the journey of Moses' basket on the Nile in The Prince of Egypt, but longer and just... wickedly interesting. You discover a whole world and it's thrilling. Also the music, the soliloquy... I just like it.
8 Mulan
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This is an Aesthetic. The ink on paper making clouds is just *chef kiss* it's so beautiful. But what I love most is the dark atmosphere of Shanyu arriving on the Wall, the knowledge that the guard there was most definitely going to die and used his last moments to light the fire, for something far bigger than him. And the lighting of the fires one by one, almost as good as the lighting of the beacons in Lotr 3, but it did its job : we're shaken. A war started and we are perfectly aware of that fact. It's dark and serious and beautiful and scary. Mulan's intro is not joking around, it needs you here and now, because people are in danger and this is war. You chill out instantly. It's a good preparation for when all songs stopped after they discover all the dead bodies. This is serious. This is war.
7 Beauty and the Beast
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THE fairy tale intro. None nailed it as well before, and none did since. Everything is here : the velvety voice narrating the beginning of the tale (ok Cinderella was good too for that but the voice just didn't have the same emotional impact), the tragic backstory, the gorgeous settings of old stones, forest, stream and roses bushes, the evil enchantress, the cursed prince, the visual elements... And those stained glass... Man nobody forgot Beauty and the Beast's stained glass. They set the aesthetic the same way Sleeping Beauty's tapestry art was announced right away. And the symbolism of the statues becoming gargoyles and... Damn everything in this is so perfect... They couldn't have done it better and I'm so so grateful.
6 Aladdin
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Depending on the dubbing version, the lyrics of Arabian Nights vary to more or less dirty. I love it. For a long time, I was able to recite completely the seller's speech that follows the song. I wonder if I still can... Probably. My memory has weird priorities. But anyway. The colors are of this are fucking gorgeous. The animators LOVED the desert, and it fucking shows. You can feel the burning sand under your feet, the suffocating air all around you, you are blinded by the sun and you're THERE. That songs is like a crooked finger, inviting us deep into a world that smells of spices and heavy fabrics. This is one of those intros that just say 'come, follow me, so I can whisper you a story around a fire, and we can only follow. Again, it sets the scene perfectly, we know exactly where we are, what we are going to see, what world we are entering, and we know there are gonna be jokes that shouldn't be in a kids movie.
5 Shrek
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'someBODY' is what I saved that gif as, which is the reason I struggled to find it again, but no regret because it's still making me laugh. I love Shrek so damn much, and every single second of it. But we must admit that the intro slapped. The song is like 63% of it, but we do already have the laugh, the very clear setting, the 'aww' moment of the tale just... broken beyond repair when Shrek wiped his ass with it... The hilarious disgust of seeing his 'hygiene' routine. And yet we get why he loves his little life in his little swamp. It's homey, it's his, it appeals to the deep rooted wish we all have at least sometimes to live in a cottage with a garden and a fireplace and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist. If I was an ogre, I would totally want that life. Since I'm mostly human I want actual toothpaste but apart from that, it checks out.
4 The Prince of Egypt
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Deliver us is sooooo beautiful. So heartbreaking too, leaving a bitter taste in our mouth, and the kind of rage in the face of injustice that makes us want to go to war. Slavery, the physical reality of it, is revolting, as it always should be, and is very rarely depicted like that. But not for The Prince of Egypt. His animators aren't fucking pussies and they'll talk about what people don't want to hear. They were slaves. They were pushing through in abused malnourished bodies, under the very real threat of whips, and they will do what no living being should have to do. All for the glory of a Pharaoh that doesn't care about any of them. The voice of the singers is bitter, tired, with an anger thinned by time. There's no escape from that, but faith.
The love of a mother that is ready to do anything for the hope that her child will be okay, it always rings true and deep. Seeing her baby drift away is the hardest thing she'll ever do, but she has no other choice, she does it for a feeble hope. It's the kind of strength that you won't see on a battlefield, but has more impact on life and the world than a thousand warriors. Then seeing the basket go through every danger the Nile can hold is terrifying, especially lived through the eyes of his sister, hope becomes thinner and thinner and you're ready for that thread to snap, but it doesn't, it's stronger than it looks, and eventually hope, and the basket's content, lives on to see another story start.
3 Tarzan
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So many emotions in so little time... We asked Phil Collins to make the songs for Tarzan he said 'hold my beer'. He didn't have to go that hard, but he did it, he did it for us. It SLAPS HARD, man. Slaps you across the face and leave you in tears. There's the fear, then the hope, the determination, the euphoria, the happiness, and then it crashes down with terror and despair and a heartbreak so sudden you didn't saw it coming. By the time you realize the baby gorilla is dead, it's only two minutes in but your world had shaken on its ground. And can we talk about THE BEST TRANSITION EVER, when the leopard's eyes were replaced by the sun, then the moon ? Damn that was powerful... What happens in the end, is the best narrative representation of 'what is grief if not love persevering ?' She had love left to give, and she'd fight to have someone to give it to. Also I really really love the way they drew 'Tarzan' as if carved into stone, illuminated by torchs, with the drums it has that Jumanji vibe that I loooove.
2 The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
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I love this so much, man... Sometimes I just play the movie just for the first few minutes, for the chill, the powerful ring of the bells, the chorus that fill your chest with strength and passion. I could talk for hours about that song, but I'll try to keep it short. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is the source of my deep love for Gregorian Chorus. That story, movie or book, is the reason I went to see Notre-Dame when they rang the bells again after years of silence, went just for it. Every time I go to Paris, a few hours are spent just standing there, looking at her, or sitting on her benches, and just loving her. Notre-Dame is home. Please, please, listen to it in french. A lot of songs from that movie are good in english but they are 'oh fuck me' moaning level in french. I'm not even kidding. The Bells is one of them. The intensity of that whole song and scene is just overwhelming, I don't think I've ever felt like that with any other piece of media. One of the few animates movies that went as hard as showing us a cold blooded murder, on screen, within the first five minutes. That's ballsy. The BANG when the screen shifts to show us the towers peeking above the clouds are like a jumpscare, but good. The love for the mundane setting of old Paris, the tale told by a gypsy joker, the puppets and theatre decor, the amazed faces of the children, and then boom, the dark backstory starts. The cruel intervention of faceless soldiers, the cold demeanor of Frollo, almighty on his hard horse, with a face that says he doesn't allow any mercy. I've been obsessed with the gesture of the soldier's hand locking the handcuffs, it's just so fluid and beautiful and final, like sealing a tomb. Then the chase, with the chorus that speeds up to an out of breath fear and rage. Them reaching their peak as Frollo totally planned on killing a baby on screen after killing his mother, it escalates quickly and frankly you thought he was going to do it. The snow... Then the lighting flash effect as the image of Clopin and the priest alternate, and you know those children in front of Clopin are having the time of their lives because he's one hell of a story teller... That transition of him using the curtain as cape... The silouhette effect of Quasimodo growing up in the tower and then. Then it's the moment that breaks you. The chorus reaching the biggest peak with a light escalation, Clopin singing off the top of his lungs, Quasimodo ringing the bells in time with it, with all the strength of his crooked body, each pull taking his whole body with it, each ring of the bells shaking the ground you stand on. There's the strength of Quasimodo's body in that moment. Forced out of deformed limbs, built up from years and years pulling on ropes and moving steel monsters, claiming a story that isn't pretty but that is his.
Sorry. I rambled. I really love it. In case you couldn't say.
Honorable mentions
Wall-e : because the reality of what the world has become and why it ended up like that comes crashing down on you on a cheery music and you can't really justify any thought of 'it's not that bad'.
1 The Lion King
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Few things can actually beat the Bells, that's true, but I can guarantee that there is NOTHING IN THE WORLD that can beat the energy that the Lion King introduction has, or the impact it has on someone when they come back to see it as an adult remastered in a cinema, eyes glued to the screen as all the children in the theater go 'ooooooohhhh' and they smile, knowing it was going to stay in those kids' mind forever. Again, Disney animators LOVE african deserts, and I can't really blame them. That gives us a color palette to drool at, full of fire and heat and baked earth. Makes every shadow so much more powerful. Every time a sun ray pierces through the clouds to the ground, I can't help but think of this song. That very powerful moment that made every pet cat in the world HATE disney with all their cat heart. It is super weird but there is something shaking and sobering in seeing a giraffe bow. This is a ceremony, a very important one, a ritual as old as time as just as important. You can't just... not be there for it. The first series of frames, showing all the animals travel from everywhere, they are all masterpieces that would just deserve prices on their own (I use all of them as wallpapers because I can) and they're all in succession, one after the other, and there's no way you're still breathing by then. Seeing The Story of Life for the very first time is an experience, one that changes you and that you never truly forget.
Also see : Top ten Villain songs, Top ten sad songs, Top ten romantic songs, Top ten intros that slap, Top ten pretty songs, Top ten not-that-bad sequel, Top ten worse sequels, Top five terrifying villains
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Covered in blood...
so I found a sick new photo of Alastor and just had to do something with it it drives me fucking INSANE so this shit ain’t gonna be as fluffy, nah, it’s gonna be rather dark. Still gonna have some fluff tho mostly hurt/comfort bc its me and the hell do you actually freaking expect?
graphic and bloody pics/vids (like Yuri’s death in DDLC) get me really worked up in a really strange way so ya I need some serious fucking help 
With this pic, I will be making this have slightly yandere elements, but it’s just really dark. I usually write fluff, and with me being me, I don’t get scared easily so my rating of whether some shit story is worthy of being horror is really kinda fucked up.
BTW i say some harsh shit at the end, and if you believe any of it seriously, and not in a joking matter, than I’d advise you to seek help, I don’t want someone dead cuz of my story unless its metaphorical death or I kill you by my own hand. But seriously, if you believe those things not in a joking matter, seek help.
PROBABLY NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER 18 (even tho I am under 18 LMFAO-)
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You stood up, admiring your own work of the bodies. They were torn open, their intestines were used as party streamers, lining the tree branches and coiled perfectly around the trunks. Considering how short human intestines actually are, there was a shit ton of blood on your hands tonight. the organs, well, you had eaten a good portion of them. You see, this spree was originally from your hunger, but you saw this perfect opening when you saw the party. There was music, lights, there was everything. You never knew festivities like this could happen in Hell, so you crashed it. First you made them immobile by different means for most, so no one could run away. Then, you had slowly and dilibrately torn them open, one by one, but keeping them alive still. You had cut some, butchered and maimed others, and literally made some look like fucking ragdolls. And all the while, what scared them the most, wasn’t the fear of death, or the pain.
It was the look of pure joy in your eyes. The look of a sadist, a look of complete bloodlust in your eyes.
Now, this was far from rare or even different in Hell, but this didn’t stop their fear. You could feel it radiating off of them in waves. You could smell it in the air.
And man, did it smell good
It made you want more, it made you hungrier than you already were. You wanted a feast. And what better way then some kid’s party? Such a wide range of different textures and feels, different tastes and screams. 
Now, there was nothing left of what used to be a joyful event besides bodies and pools of blood. 
So much blood.
It was intoxicating.
You were high off of the rush, the screams, and their pain. You stood there, a wide smile on your face. You derived almost a sexual pleasure from this; it felt so good. Oh, how you’ve missed this. It’s been so long since you’ve done yourself like this. You finally figured you’ve been standing for long enough and walked away from the forest, flipping them off before vanishing completely from sight. You didn’t even bother to wash the blood off of you, and wandered around pentagram city with a dreamy look, covered in blood. Other demons flashed glances that showed all different types of emotion. Some with a wanting look (you ignored their dirty comments), some with worry, but the most dominant was fear. Some even ran away from you, causing a smile so wide it beat an adreniline junky on a roller coaster. How lucky you happened to run into someone, knocking you on to your butt. You glared.
“Wow, had to ruin my mood, didn’t you?” You got up, brushing yourself off. When you looked up, you actually saw an old friend of yours, Alastor.
“Why hello there, my dear, why are you covered in blood?” You smiled once more at this, knowing that he knew perfectly well why you looked the way you currently did.
“Oh, nothing really. Just had a little meal. You know how eating fresh meat gets.” You smiled sadistically, you voice soft and luring. It almost seemed innocent, and this made the deer smile wider.
“Well, I must say, you must have truly outdone yourself this time; you look astonishing!” He twirled you around, making you blush modestly.
“Aww shucks, come on. I’m not that beautiful.”
“No, you’re right; you’re more beautiful than words can even describe. You must have been hungry.” He chuckled. “How beautiful one can look, covered in blood.”
“I suppose I have to admit it; I was drop-dead starving, and you know the mess I make of things.” You chuckled. This was the kind of flirty af relationship you had the the all powerful radio demon, even if he wasn’t much for intimacy at all. You still found it baffling though, how his simple, inside-joke compliments worked their way into your heart without a hitch.
“My my, do you always just wait and wait until you can’t hold your hunger back anymore? That’s really not a good thing to do, despite the eerie beauty you have, covered in blood as you are.” He said. You nodded.
“I don’t really have much food, not edible food anyways. I have to feed on animals and demons, and animals are pretty scarce in these parts, and demons well, that’s pretty self-explanitory.” You chuckled sheepishly. He nodded.
“Well, how about you stay with me? It’s certainly better unintentionally starving yourself.” He offered, his voice as charming as ever. How could you say no to an offer like that? You caved with a sigh.
“I guess. Don’t treat me like I’m a child though; I hate playing the defenceless animal.” You put your hand on his chest and pushed him a little bit, and somehow failed to notice the blush he felt creep to his cheeks.
soon goodbye, but now love-
Here you were. You had Alastor tired and breathless, on his knees in front of you. You smiled, crazed. You weren’t thinking straight. You had gotten so used to caging your hunger that when he tried to give you actual food, you tried to hunt him. You finally realized why you did that to yourself. Because, you didn’t want to overeat, and no matter what, whether you’re hungry or not, you have to hunt occasionally. You live for the chase, the rush, the blood. you craved it all. You couldn’t live without seeing it, tasting it’s sweet, yet bitter and metallic taste. If you couldn’t hunt, you’d end up cutting yourself. 
Right as you were about to kill him, he chuckled when you took a step closer, making you tilt your head like a confused animal. Suddenly, you were held captive by one of Alastor’s shadows, unable to move. He had you mouth covered too, preventing you from yelling or anything. He clapped.
“Well, well, well, darling. That was such a fun game, but nothing can last forever, now can it? Oh, don’t look at me like that.” He said. Suddenly, you were unconcious.
When you woke up, you were laying on the bed of that place Alastor usually stayed at, where he let you live, in the little room be let you borrow.
Where you betrayed him.
You tried to eat him.
You were a monster.
You shook your head at the flood of thoughts and painful memories made tears gather behind your eyes. You were thankful for the dark scenery. It was easier to hide your tears, as you couldn’t stop them from sliding down your face. You heard footsteps enter the room and quickly wiped your face, looking away. You couldn’t stand to look at Alastor after what you’d done.
“Hey, darling, look at me. Are you hurt?” He asked, trying to turn your face towards him. You resisted his sweet touch and turned away from him.
“You shouldn’t have brought me here. I’ll only hurt you again. It’s all I ever do.” You growled, clutching your chest. He touched your arm gingerly, making you flinch. All you wanted was for him to hurt you, so you could feel your punishment and never do that again. But no matter what, Alastor refused to hurt you, whereas you had hurt him badly. He was covered in deep cuts and discolored bruises, while the only “injuries” that you had were minor scrapes. You felt guilty, like you deserved to be tossed out onto the road, beaten and abused. You probably did. 
But all you got from the ruthless Radio Demon were gentle pats, and little head rubs, like a cat. As much as you loved it. You didn’t deserve it. You didn’t deserve any of this. Yet you got it anyways, so much so that you felt like a thief, taking all of the affection from one who needs to way more than you do, taking and taking from a supply that will never run dry. Until... until he grows tired of you. Until he leaves you. That was the thought that scared you the most. The day he up and left you, having had enough of your bullshit. You didn’t want him to leave, but knew if you never learned any control that is what would happen. Hell, it’d probably happen either way, how could anyone love a monster like you? The thought made you want to curl up and die already, so you didn’t have to live in fear of the day he’d leave.
Little did you know though, that day would never come. 
Who else would the radio demon turn to? You were his best friend, save for Rosie, and you were the most entertaining demon or even person that he’d met in years! So what if you got a little reckless and hurt him? He could understand the crave, the need, the hunger for a good hunt! Hell, he lived for the chase, just like you!!!! Now, what he could never understand about you is how you didn’t understand this at all! It was preposterous! Insane! Yet it was sadly true. Oh, how he wished he could tell you how you were deserving of all you had, no, how you deserved more than what you had, but every time he opened his mouth with the intention to inform you, he could never find the words.
Rosie had said it was love one night, while they sipped tea, a usual meeting for a couple of old friends like them. He had nearly choked, but quickly regained his composure and denied this. 
What a stubborn man he was.
He refused to change his ways, believing what he believed with no one daring to tell him different. Well, besides a fellow overlord, or a either incredibly brave or stupid demon who overheard him once. That was the end of him. It was just then you had entered the area, and started laughing. Laughing like it was the funniest thing you’ve ever seen, even though you were stocked up always with amazing jokes. It made Alastor happy, the way you laughed like that. Sometimes he even wondered if there really was a god above, or blessings, or unearthly wonders. Whatever it was that caused you to come into his life. He didn’t really mind though. In fact, he loved that you were a part of his life. He just didn’t know what he’d do if you were gone.
He couldn’t live without you.
“I can’t live without you-” He spoke quietly under his breath, making you look up at him with red eyes.
“Yes you can. All I’ve ever done is hurt those close to me, as if even knowing me was too close. You don’t need someone like me in your life. I’m bad for you.” You shook your head, but Alastor chuckled sadly.
“Maybe I don’t need you, but I want you. If you’re bad for me, you’re so nice. It’s like a drug almost, and I never want you to go.” He pulled you close to him, almost like a “cuddle” as you refered to it as both of you despised touch. As much a you wanted to pull away, you let him rock you side to side, too tired to resist. All that was left of you at the moment was a shell of a body controlled by a clouded weary mind. Eventually you drifted off to sleep, muttering apoligies and phrases like “I lve you”, not having any control of yourself as the lure of sleep reeled you in, making you shut down for the night.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Stranger In The Crowd
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having recently ended the process of moving, Y/N is rightfully very tired but also very excited for the new chapter of her life. Funnily enough, this new chapter includes a newly formed long distance friendship/crush with a very special person from San Diego.
Requested by @boiled-onionrings Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request and I’m really sorry you’ve had to wait so long for it to be posted but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
I let out a heavy sigh, relieved to finally be at home after such a long day of standing around in the Georgia heat with only a thin layer of fabric to protect my eyes and head from the scorching sun. Yeah, anyone who says that tent did well at protecting everyone under it today is nothing but a liar. I was in a short, strapless white summer dress, the fabric of which barely had any weight and consistency to provide heat of its own yet I still damn near melted. Ok, I’ll admit, some of the roasting heat probably came from the energy and force I put into singing the songs of my band’s new album ‘Starting At The End’. 
The mini concert we held in this large open field was meant as an introduction to the city of Savannah where all the band members - myself included - are actually from but we all moved to the West Coast to pursue our music career. And now that we’ve grown, and the majority of us are married, one of us is a father now as well, we’ve decided to return to our hometown. The decision was so spontaneous and was executed so quickly due to no one objecting to it that it still hasn’t me that I’m no longer in LA. The heat isn’t helping my ‘processing’ process but I’ll get to it eventually. Do I miss LA though? Not sure I do - I think I more miss the people I was closer to while I was there.
Suddenly, as if perfectly timed, my phone dings, notifying me that I’ve received a message. I don’t have to look to know it’s from - there’s only one person I actively text and his name is....
C ~ Your virtual buddy Corpse here, making sure you didn’t die of a heatstroke today. If you did indeed survive, just reply to this message, if not....don’t do anything, I guess.
I can’t help but giggle at the sight of the message. I promised Corpse I’d text him after the concert to let him know I was ok, but the even dragged out for longer than anticipated so I’m guessing he got worried.
How cute.
Me ~ Alive and well, but I do feel like a popped tire of an overloaded truck. Hope that’s a visually appealing description
Corpse and I met on the charity livestream Jacksepticeye organized and invited our band to so we could play Among Us with some of the best gamers and streamers on the internet. It was a huge honor and a ton of fun, definitely an event I’d like to repeat in the near future because I had such a good time and I know all my bandmates did too. We all got acquainted and even became official friends with the gamers that were practically our hosts, Corpse becoming the closest friends I’d earn. That livestream happened months ago and we still text just as consistently.
C ~ Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean. Anyway, as to not exhaust you further to force you into typing, how about you send me pictures to sum up your thoughts and emotions and plans for the evening
This is OUR THING trademark, mine and Corpse’s and no one can take it away from us. It’s a significant element of our friendship that enables us both to understand one another when one of us feels the way I described in my message - a popped tire or a deflated balloon. I’m usually the exhausted one - blame the many shows we do and the many meet-and-greets we organize for our lovely fans. It’s the type of exhaustion none of the band members mind at all, but we definitely need some time to recover from it.
As I go to sit down on my couch, the flower crown I’ve been wearing slips off the top of my head, falling on the floor, creating a soft noise that attracts the attention of one of my many cats - Sasha. She’s the youngest and most curious kitty in the family, always protected by the other four - Luna, Cassie, Silver and Lynn. Those four are far lazier and a lot more disinterested in comparison to Sasha who immediately runs over to see what’s fallen.
I smile to myself, taking the flower crown and undoing it to lessen it by a few stems to make it smaller, all the while being watched by the curious Sasha whose interest is rewarded in the end when I put the now adorably tiny flower crown on her head.
While she still hasn’t shaken the thing off I manage to snap a pic which I send to Corpse who opens it mere seconds after it was delivered. 
C ~ Sasha’s pulling off your aesthetic better than you. Sorry, someone had to let you know
I burst out laughing for two reasons - 1.The message itself, damn it! It’s hilarious; 2. Corpse has learnt the name of each one of my cats and never mixes them up - not even Luna and Lynn who look almost identical. That amount of attention to detail is astonishing and very meaningful to me, it genuinely warms my heart and that may or may not be dramatic but it’s definitely not exaggerated.
Me ~ You think I haven’t caught on yet? 
C ~ Well, if it makes you feel any better you pull off my aesthetic better than I do
He’s referring to the e-girl look I did for one show the band had in downtown LA one night. I was drunk and looking forward to trying new things so I improvised the hell out of my outfit but I apparently looked presentable enough to leave a good impression on Corpse despite the pic I sent him being a bit blurry and being a mirror selfie in the bathroom of the very bar we were performing in. It goes without saying that the mirror was dirty too - had a bunch of writing on it which Corpse said only added to the aesthetic. Looking back on it now I kinda agree, and luckily so did the fans in the comments of that same photo when I posted it on Instagram.
Me ~ Means a lot actually. Nowhere near enough to aid the burn of having a cat pull off cottagecore better than I do, but still helps XD
As if sensing that we’re talking about her, Sasha hops on the couch, poking her head over my phone to look down at the screen.
Now this is gonna be golden.
I take a selfie with my phone in my lap, the camera capturing both me and Sasha at a rather unflattering angle which has me losing my mind laughing when I send the picture to Corpse who immediately sends back a string of cry-laughing emojis.
C ~ I can’t tell which one of you is cuter
Me ~ If that was a compliment, I gotta say I appreciate it greatly
C ~ Just telling the truth ;)
It’s times like these that the butterflies in my stomach remind me just why I’ve started catching feelings for this man despite all the distance between us and despite barely knowing him - he knows me more than I know him but I don’t mind it, oddly enough.
I’m fond of our connection and though I sometimes dream of something more, I’m also content with what we already have considering that ‘something more’ seems rather unattainable as of now.
My phone dings again, clearing the fog of thoughts and presenting me with a new message from Corpse.
C ~ Oh, by the way, look what I got....
That message is followed up by a picture of a ticket. A plane ticket to Georgia! 
While I’m still busy stomaching this and dealing with my quickly rising excitement, he sends another message.
C ~ I hope to catch a The Silver Rays concert while I’m there. Heard they had an adorable frontwoman ;)
My breath catches in my throat as a wide grin spreads across my face. The thought of having Corpse so close to me sends those aforementioned butterflies in my stomach into a raving mood and they practically explode my insides with excitement and joy like I’ve never felt it before. I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that we’re about to go from having an entire country between us, to being just some ways away - him in the audience and me on stage without a single clue of who to look for. That’s part of the excitement though, I guess, part of the guessing game that’s gonna make our meeting all the more interesting.
He’ll be a stranger in the crowd and I’ll be a performer on a stage - seemingly two people who have no relation whatsoever. But damn does it go beyond that: No one has to know how hard I’m falling for that stranger in the crowd.
Me ~ I’ve heard so too, can’t confirm it though
If this is gonna be a guessing game, I’ll flip the tables a bit - I won’t take any guesses. I’ll let the answer come to me. I’ll give the first move over to the stranger in the crowd, let’s see what he does.
C ~ I’ll check and let you know, don’t worry
Not worried whatsoever, Corpsie. I’m not worried at all.
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professorjaskier · 3 years
Just the Way You Are (A Geraskier Fic)
Hi y'all! This is my second submission for @thewitcherbog's bingo event! The prompt was getting caught in the rain. Thanks to @sulkyshengshou for beta reading. Hope you enjoy!
CW: Sexual innuendos and musical numbers
A03 link here
Geralt grumbled under his breath as yet another taxi passed him by, sending a wave of water splashing onto his previously dry body. He sighed and folded up his umbrella that had proven helpless against the onslaught.
“Oh, come on Geralt, let’s just start walking. We’ll make it home faster walking than waiting for a cab at this rate.”
Geralt whipped around, the wet tendrils of his hair slapping against his face. He glared at his husband who stood underneath the theater’s overhang, perfectly dry and put together.
“But your clothes—” Geralt protested, knowing that Jaskier was wearing one of his favorite silk shirts.
“Darling,” Jaskier interrupted, running out from under the roof, frantically gesturing to the umbrella Geralt held in his hand. Geralt frantically fumbled with it, trying to put it up before Jaskier plastered himself to his side. If his clothes got soaked, his husband would be a nightmare. “That’s what umbrellas are for.”
At that moment, a gale of wind swept through the street, turning their umbrella inside out and leaving them to the mercy of the elements.
They were silent for a moment, blinking slowly as the rain soaked through both of their clothes. The silence was broken by peals of laughter. Geralt turned to find his husband bent over, hands on his knees as he laughed hysterically. Something had to be wrong. His husband would never laugh about the destruction of his clothes.
Jaskier stood up, took in Geralt’s wide eyes, and shrugged with a playful smirk on his face. “Well, I guess we’re already wet. Might as well walk.”
Geralt blinked, placing a hand on Jaskier’s forehead. He wasn’t feverish. Something else must be wrong. “But your clothes. They’ll get ruined.”
Jaskier snorted and brushed his wet hair out of his eyes. “Geralt, this shirt is a bit tight anyways. I got it back in college.”
Geralt grumbled, gathering Jaskier into his arms, frowning when he felt Jaskier shivering against him. “I think you look beautiful.”
Geralt felt Jaskier smile against the crook of his neck. “I know you do. Doesn’t make it less true that the shirt is tight.”
He couldn’t argue with that logic. Giving Jaskier one last squeeze, he left one hand on Jaskier’s hip and started leading them in the direction of their apartment. It was too cold for them to stay outside for long. Jaskier was still shivering against him, burrowing closer to Geralt to leech what warmth he could provide.
“That was a nice show,” Geralt said, trying to take his husband’s mind off of the cold surrounding them.
“Y-Yes it was, wasn’t it? I’ve always loved musicals,” Jaskier stuttered, the shivers wracking through his body interrupting the rhythm of his words.
“No. Really?” Geralt glanced over, using all of his strength to keep a straight face. He was rewarded with a light swat on the shoulder for his efforts.
“Yes, really. Honestly, Geralt, you’re so mean to your cold, tired husband. Here I am, shivering, and you mock me!”
Geralt knew his husband was joking about mocking him, the smirk on his handsome face making it even more apparent, but he was being truthful about the cold. Something would have to be done about that. An idea in place, Geralt guided Jaskier under the awning in front of a florist shop, wrapping his arms around his husband’s waist.
“I know a way we can keep warm,” Geralt murmured into Jaskier’s ear, pleased to find a flush working its way onto the brunette’s cheeks.
“Hmmm, so do I.”
Geralt grinned, dipping down to capture Jaskier’s lips with his own. There was nothing he loved more than kissing his husband. Of course the sex was great too, but the simplicity of feeling Jaskier’s mouth move against his own made him feel safe. It felt like home.
Jaskier grinned into the kiss and lightly pushed him away. “I had another idea.”
Geralt blanched. “Jaskier, we are in public—”
Jaskier laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling in delight. “No! We aren’t in college anymore, darling. I was thinking something more like this.”
Suddenly, Jaskier sprinted out into the rain and launched himself onto the nearest lamppost. As he leaned out from the post, one hand keeping him aloft, he began to sing.
I’m singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I’m happy again.
“Jaskier, it’s still pouring, you’re just going to get even wetter.”
Geralt watched in fond amusement as his husband ignored him and continued to sing and dance to the classic song, moving down the street towards their apartment with a smile on his face. With a sigh, Geralt moved out from underneath the sanctuary he’d found and followed Jaskier down the street. When he finally caught up with Jaskier, the brunette turned around and smiled.
“Dance with me.”
It was such a simple request, one that Geralt knew he would bend to eventually, but not immediately.
“Come on, Geralt! A review, three words or less.”
Geralt smiled at those familiar words, the one’s Jaskier had spoken to him the night they’d met. Although his love for the younger man had grown since then, he knew Jaskier would understand his grumpiness. He always had.
“Not that song.”
Geralt watched as Jaskier spluttered at the response, offended at the slight against the classic musical. Before Jaskier could go on a rant, Geralt pulled Jaskier flush against him and started to hum their wedding song as they swayed in the empty street.
Geralt felt Jaskier pull himself closer and start to sing the chorus.
I don’t want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are
As the song came to a close, they stayed there swaying together to the beat of the rain hitting the pavement. It might have been cold, but Geralt felt a tiny warmth in the pit of his stomach.
God, he loved this man.
Finally, Jaskier pulled away, still staying in the circle of Geralt’s arms, and quirked his head to the side. “Well, I certainly feel warmer now.”
Geralt hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to Jaskier’s soaked hair. “Maybe we can head home and try out my idea of keeping warm.”
Jaskier chuckled, grabbing his hand and dragging them towards their apartment, with a twinkle in his blue eyes.
“Darling, I thought you’d never ask.”
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
@comfyswitcherblanketfort @kuripon @dapandapod@officerjennie@jaskierswolf @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @bi-aragorn @fontegagrilledcheese @alllthequeenshorses @stonedstargazer666 @artrealla
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