#but this year's list officialized just has it as *instead of* so now we can't use it for vacations just illness lol.
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moony-2001 · 10 months
Lore Olympus ep. 254 critique
Well I can officially say that Persephone is the most selfish person in the comic
What in the Disney ripoff
So obviously it’s too late and Zeus is poisoned and ✨wow, how convenient✨ Apollo is suddenly there with Leto (who btw we haven’t seen in almost 100 episodes). I don't really want to focus on his confrontation with Eros and Psyche, because let's be real, it wasn't much of a confrontation. No, instead I want to focus on this:
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My first thought when I saw the whole blackmail scene coupled with this was "What in the Lion King is this bullshit." Seriously. This is almost verbatim to what Scar says to Simba (except Scar as a villain is actually intimidating and Apollo, well...).
But here's the thing. This is how stupid Apollo is as a villain. Hebe has the least to gain from Zeus' poisoning and death. Look at the list of children that could stand to benefit from Zeus' demise:
An angry War god who was banished to the mortal realm for years by Zeus for pissing him off. Additionally, Zeus slept with his then-romantic partner and was implied to sleep with her often
The estranged daughter who literally thrives on chaos and is basically the goddess of "it's getting a little too chummy around here" who has beef with not only Zeus, but also Hera
A newly revealed son who has a tendency to heavily push boundaries and can't take no for an answer. This son additionally has been making moves to gain power politically
Compare this to Hebe, who we have only seen being kind to Zeus. No where in the comic is she seen harboring any kind of resentment towards him. Even when she criticizes him, it is gentle and she doesn’t push any further when he lays down the law.
Not only that but the whole prophecy- the usurp of power prophecy that Uranus got about Kronos, and Kronos got about his children, and so on- only applies to the sons of the tyrant in question. That was established in the myths, both in the Theogony and the Metamorphosis via a prophecy that usually came from Gaia. So that immediately takes Eris off the suspect list by virtue of the fact that she is a goddess. But even then, Hebe still shouldn't be a suspect.
How is Rachel expecting people to fall for this? Even her audience in some respect is calling out Apollo for being "back on his bullshit". Yet I can almost guarantee that everyone is going to fall for it because the only 2 gods who actually know are trapped in jail, Cassandra is probably going to disappear from the narrative for a while, and the rest of the general cast of characters only shares 2 brain cells between the lot of them. I can't wait to see this drag out over the course of, like, 15 episodes.
The most selfish thing
I just… wow. I have no words. Except yes I do or otherwise I wouldn’t be making this post. So we transition to the second half of the chapter where Persephone talks about her nonexistent connection with the snow and how maybe, just maybe, this is all her. Just like her act of wrath and what she did to Minthe, she has no one to blame but herself. And then she straight up goes “nah”.
I will be the first to admit, the way Rachel wrote Demeter during Persephone's homecoming/proposal was horrific. Demeter behaved horribly to Persephone. Now, I more blame Rachel for poor writing because if you have to make side characters look worse so your protagonists can look better, you suck at writing. BUT that does not excuse Demeter's initial actions and behavior toward Persephone.
However, in this situation, Demeter is not putting Persephone down for what she’s done. Obviously, Demeter is distressed, but she basically says “You tried, but now it’s time for the adults to handle it” and Hades agrees. He fucking agrees.
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Demeter is far more capable and mature than Persephone due to being around for thousands of years. Demeter has had experience, she’s worked hard at maintaining everything, and she has even had hardships and failures. But because of this, she is a very very powerful goddess. Thus it makes the most sense for Demeter to step in to handle this situation. It is what's best for everyone, most of all for the mortal realm, which has been immediately affected.
But because Persephone has been told over and over that she’s hot shit, she's special (and has been treated as such), her ego can’t take the blow. She can’t take the L. She makes everything worse because she can’t stand the idea that she’s not special and that she's not this big bad goddess who has control over her abilities.
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To me, this is so selfish. Persephone acknowledges that everything is dead. She acknowledges that she is the cause of this destruction. Yet she knowingly makes it worse because her ego can not handle the fact that she isn’t miss fucking perfect. This is the epitome of a child’s temper tantrum- like how when Nemo swims out to sea to touch the boat after Marlin tells him he can't do it. Because that’s what Persephone is. A child. In this case, it does not matter that she’s the age of an adult mortal woman. She is a god. She hasn’t even been around for 100 years. She still doesn’t have a handle on her powers. Persephone is being immature and selfish by stomping her feet and going “No, I can do it." Because of that, she makes everything so much worse.
Hades naturally makes this worse by enabling her. Although I genuinely can’t say I’m surprised since Hades has a history (especially post-marriage) of enabling Persephone’s bad behavior (like rewarding Persephone with sex after destroying the apartment of Leuce and threatening to kill her). When asked rightfully by Demeter if he’s going to do anything to try and talk her off the wall since Persephone has a history of not listening to anything Demeter has to say, Hades basically goes “Nah, my hands are tied, nothing I can do”, Despite the fact that he saw the destruction she caused and ACKNOWLEDGED IT WAS TIME FOR THE ACTUAL ADULTS TO STEP IN. This could’ve been a great moment for someone who wasn’t portrayed as a force against H&P (like the main love interest/husband) to hold her accountable. To say “That’s enough”. But nooooooo. No one, not even her own husband, is allowed to get in Persephone’s way.
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Thus, Persephone continues to cause mass destruction and death until she passes out (this is important to note) and Demeter rightfully loses her damn shit.
Final thoughts
This is, I think, the worst chapter of Lore Olympus. Genuinely. As I stated in my last post, I had no idea where Rachel was going to take the whole “Persephone causes winter” idea and that there was no way she could make it more feminist than the original hymn. And boy was I right. Because I guess nothing is more feminist to Rachel than an ego-fueled power trip that results in the death of life in the mortal realm and also probably a good portion of the mortals who probably aren’t built to handle this kind of weather (by Persephone’s own admission that the mortal realm doesn’t get cold).
I'd also like to end on this note: if you're going to be a writer or artist or comic writer, don't treat your audience like they're fucking stupid.
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Remember that little note I made about how it's important to remember that Persephone passes out? Yeah, well, that's because Persephone is actually unconscious and not dead. In literature and media today, people often use some version of the phrase "you've killed [x]" as a way to say not that whatever [x] is, is actually dead, but that it died in a metaphorical sense. You see a great example of this in the season finale of Arcane with Jinx. Powder doesn't actually die; Jinx is still very much alive. But Jinx metaphorically obliterated Powder to make room for the new her. The new Jinx, unburdened by her old self.
And that's what Demeter is saying. Hell, Hades even said that Persephone wasn't dead after presumably checking her vitals. Anyone who read the chapter would recognize this. But I guess Rachel thinks her audience doesn't have more than a 4th-grade level of reading comprehension because why else would she put in this, frankly demeaning, message at the end.
Oh boy. Welp. See y'all in my next post.
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Escaping The Night (Part 7)
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➤ Welcome - Introduction and request rules (requests are open + some info about me)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem Reader + Father/Mentor Aizawa (platonic)
▶ Genre: Angst to fluff + slowburn
▶ Summary: Aizawa takes reader to a fish market early in the morning and they both learn some more after an unpredicted event and reaction occurs.
▶ Word Count: 6200
▶ Warnings:
- Reader has a panic attack
- Slow chapter (sorry! >\\\<)
- No Shinso yet :-(
➜ [Part 1]
➜ [Part 2]
➜ [Part 3]
➜ [Part 4]
➜ [Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
{This is Part 7}
➜ [Part 8]
[Part 9] ➜ Coming soon!
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Nezu went up and shook your hand again.
"Welcome to U.A, [Name]! We look forward to having here."
The night after you headed back to Eraserhead's place, you couldn't help but replay the conversation that you had been a part of in the office earlier. You'd be an official student of U.A... something that wasn't ever really on your bucket list, nor was it something you even wanted to go through with. You sighed solemnly, wondering if getting taken in by an orphanage or temple was still an option.
You felt the couch dip a bit from the opposite side of where you were sitting, and you didn't have to look up to know who it was as it was just the two of you there.
"The TV works, just so you know. You're allowed to use it whenever you'd like."
You looked up and over to the other end of the couch where Eraserhead was seated ever so casually, with a cup of coffee seemingly always finding it's way into his hands.
You didn't respond, instead opting to cross your legs and continue your act of silently staring at the wall ahead, allowing your thoughts to entertain you instead. You had been in worse situations, so patience was pretty much something you had mastered rather well for someone your age.
Aizawa breathed out of his nose a bit, now uninterested in the cup of coffee that he had gotten to keep himself up for the night. Truth be told, he didn't know the slightest thing on what he was going to do. He didn't know anything about you, such as likes or dislikes that he could've used to plan his actions accordingly and possibly win over your trust. He knew how to handle his class after looking over them for nearly a year, and he felt that he knew all the ins and outs that came with them.
Like how Midoriya was pretty much happy with anything hero related but can't handle horror movies, or when Denki and Kirishima are put together they somehow always manage to tire each other out, or how Uraraka has to hold her pinkies out when holding something in case her quirk might get set off. Over such a short course of time he's learned so much about his students (whether they think so or not), and so it felt a bit startling when Aizawa realized that he was pretty much starting from scratch with you.
He hadn't dealt with many kids like you, and he certainly had never been in a situation such as the one he currently found himself in. But he knew that if his students were able to make it work and develop into the kids he knew them today, then it most likely would be a beneficial experience when it came to helping you as he did them.
Aizawa tapped his foot on the floor as he started to feel a tad restless, the deafening silence starting to fill his ears and make the whole situation even more tense then it needed to be. Every little sound around the two of you was able to be heard, and it was all strengthened by the lack of any other audible sounds to cover them up.
His head started spinning as his thoughts began jumping around his head, erratic and without pattern or predictability. Worries and fears began crawling their way into his contemplation, and he struggled to understand what it was that he wanted to do next, too worried about the future to think about the present.
Your eye twitched. The silence was awful, yes, but it was made even more unbearable when Eraserhead's foot started tapping. Lightly at first, it grew until it reached a neutral state, consistently knocking against the floor. You weren't lying when you told yourself that you absolutely hated where you had gotten. Warm meals and free clothes be damned, you just wanted to get back to how things were the way you had them.
Closing your eyes and breathing out a heavy sigh, you tried your best to shut out the outside world - along with trying your best to drown out the tapping.
A sudden sound that caught the both of you off guard caused the two of you to jump at the abrupt sound. Aizawa, glad to have a distraction from his distressing thoughts, jumped up to go get whatever it was that he had made for your guy's dinner.
After trying his best to coax you into eating, once again you both reached a middle ground and you ate about a third of what he made before dashing off to go hide from the awkwardness in your bedroom.
Your bed had been successfully put together, and so all that was left was to make the room yours by means of decoration. That wasn't something that was on your mind, as you didn't even see the room as something of yours, but rather simply a room that you were staying in. And so, for the first time you got to actually sleep in your room for once.
Sure, the windows were deadbolted and secured shut, and sure, the walls were a horrible pale beige color that made you want to cover your head with a blanket all night, and sure, a bunch of other things also helped to add to the situation... but in the end at least you got privacy for once. You were honestly a little worried that you'd be sleeping on the couch for the remainder of your schooling.
You laid in your bed, silence surrounding you as you let yourself become immersed in your thoughts. You didn't know why you thought so much. You thought about everything that you knew existed (well, with exceptions), and you constantly found yourself thinking about means of survival and plans for attacks.
But now as you laid there, you simply wouldn't allow yourself to fall prey to the easy lifestyle that so many had worked hard for, and so many more that had promised it to you. It didn't feel natural, and in a way you felt that you were disrespecting all those who couldn't get out of their situations as easy as you could. Not that you wanted to get out of how you were living, it was just others were in much deeper than you had ever gotten and couldn't find a way out.
You rolled over on your side and looked at the curtainless windows, finding comfort in the moonlight that blanketed you and the room. In a way it felt as though you were a child again, being held in the never changing arms of the moon.
Memories of when you were little started flooding your thoughts, and you remembered how over the years you'd look up at the moon from your bedroom window - sometimes crying, sometimes painfully silent, or just quietly taking in the beautiful glow. Even recently, the moonlight always helped lead the way when you were in missions with your group, and it helped prevent you from getting lost numerous times.
As you stared at the moonlight with a gentle fondness, you began to forget about your vague fatigue, it being replaced with some sort of pressured impulse. The impulse to get closer to the stars, to not just let the light shine on you but rather to be completely immersed in all it's glory.
Stargazing was something that you rarely had time for, but you would always find a way regardless due to the fact that it alleviated some of the stressful thoughts that ate away at your sanity.
You knew the windows were locked (Eraserhead said that when you gained his complete trust then he'd gladly open them back up), but you also knew that the room door wasn't locked - in case you needed to use the restroom or something like that.
However, this caused Eraserhead to become overly paranoid on how you might escape if given the chance, and he knew you'd take anything you could get. So, all doors, windows, and vents were locked, with absolutely no chance of escape. To you, it all felt so very similar to a kidnapping. Only this was legal, somehow.
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*I talk a lot about the layout, so I thought this would help again*
Sliding out of the bed, your feet met the ground silently. Deciding to risk it as you had nothing else to lose, you quietly padded over to the door, gently grabbing the knob in your hand and turning your body with it to avoid squeaking. Once the door was sightly cracked open, you stuck your head out, trying your best to scan the dark room with all of your senses in case Eraserhead was near. You raised your leg and lowered your weight down slowly in case of creaky boards. Repeating this step, you softly creeped over and looked into the living room, seeing no sign of Eraserhead. You refused to let your guard down, as an unseen enemy always held the biggest threat. Looking around a bit further, you saw his bedroom door was almost closed, only open a crack which let a small sliver of light squeeze through.
Now knowing where he was, you slinked soundlessly across the room in the opposite direction, stopping at the large balcony windows that held the best view of the small town and the moon. You slowly pushed the curtains to the side, your eyes widening a bit at the scenic view. The moon was nestled over the town and all its people, bathing whatever it could reach in its milky white light, and the rest of the town helped in the illumination with numerous lights of its own. If you weren't having to constantly keep yourself on guard, you would've found the scene quite relaxing.
Of course, you couldn't help but feel a bit bitter at the fact that if you were still living the way you once were then you could've had a much better view top of one of the many buildings that dotted the city. It was something that you'd do almost every night, just something to ground yourself and help bring solace in order to provide a distraction to the numerous stresses that littered your daily life. You supposed that this view would have to do as it was better than being locked in a concrete room without anything.
You allowed yourself another minute of serenity, closing your eyes and trying to drain some of the tension that stiffened your body. However that extra minute was taken from you as your hair rose a bit, feeling as though there were eyes on you. In one fluid yet silent motion, you turned your whole body only to come face to face with nothing. Suspicion gnawing at your gut, you decided to head back to your room to avoid any further problems.
As you made your way back you almost let out a curse as you realized that Eraserhead had set a piece of tape over where the door and the wall met, and once you opened it the tape ripped, proving that you left the room. Sighing, you shrugged it off and decided to just say that you had to use the bathroom in case he would ask.
Once the morning sun was once again greeting you in the eyes like an eager dog, you knew that you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. However, when you fully opened your eyes you realized that it wasn't the morning sun, but rather the yellow glow of the bedroom light - the one responsible for it being Eraserhead, who was nonchalantly leaning against the wall next to the switch.
"Up and at 'em, squirt. We've got another busy day today." He spoke, not seeming the least bit tired compared to how you felt. You were used to getting up in the morning, but you didn't even know how early it was due to the lack of a clock in the room. Squinting your eyes at him in an attempt of a glare combined with your heavily resisting eyes trying to close again, you turned and looked outside only to find that it was still pitch black.
You sighed, much too tired to deal with whatever it was that he had planned. You had a sneaking suspicion that he was trying especially hard to gain your trust, it was just the 'why' part that got you wondering.
"Do I have a choice?" You asked, fatigue and exasperation not affecting your monotone accentuation the slightest.
"Not this time, sorry kid, but I promise it'll be worth it".
You raised an eyebrow at the man, because so far nothing that he had shown you had seemed like it was worth anything to you at least. Regardless, you still got up, trying your best to ready yourself for whatever he had in store next.
You weren't expecting this, you admitted. Shivering, you clenched your arms closer to your torso as you followed Eraserhead throughout the busy fish market. Narrowly curving around a worker that sped by with a large fish wrapped for a customer, you began to wonder if Eraserhead had actually been insane this whole time and was just good at covering it up.
"May I ask, just why are we here?" You sarcastically questioned the man in charge of watching and caring for you. You just had to know what going on in his head to lead him to decide that learning best happened in a fish market at 4 am. The both of you stuck out like sore thumbs, as the market place was really only filled with greasy fishermen and produce buyers for busy shops, and sometimes a curious foreigner or two being led around by a guide.
"Because sometimes you can learn quite a bit when you're introduced to a new setting." He didn't seem to be the slightest bit concerned about your disinterest and grumbling, simply walking around with such ease as if he knew the place by heart. With what little you knew about the man, maybe he did.
A hurried fisherman wearing muddied boots and carrying a large bucket nearly slammed into you, only missing by a hairs width due to Eraserhead gently pulling you out of the way by your sleeve. The fisherman in name turned and glared at you for a second, to which you offered a sharper one back.
"You need to keep observation of your surroundings, it's not always the time to be stuck in your head." He lightly scolded - well, more like telling rather than scolding.
You huffed out a breath, upset with how condescending he could be. You believed that you already knew everything you needed to know about keeping focus, and so you saw no reason in the scolding. You were tired, the smell of fish was never going to leave your nose, there were people everywhere and they were all rushing too fast, you were freezing from not only the outside snow but also the low temperature they had to keep the building in order to preserve the fish, and most importantly you really didn't want to be there.
Eraserhead saw this and led you to where he was planning in the first place, a slightly more open area that held large creates and boxes rather than just frozen fish placed for display.
"Ah, I haven't seen you in ages, Shota!"
A voice rang out from near the back, and it sounded like an elderly lady to you. Sure enough, a little old lady wearing a green apron and a matching bandana shuffled out, and you realized that they must have known each other.
Aizawa gave her a grunt in response before apologizing, "Sorry it's been awhile Obaasan*1. I have someone I'd like to introduce you to by the way."
The old lady laughed and told him to never apologize for being busy before turning to you and smiling even bigger. She reached over and pinched your cheek (to which you reluctantly let her), cooing at you.
"D'aw, and whose this little cutie? What's your name, sweetie?" The old lady asked, and in turn you unknowingly frowned at the nickname that once again made appearance. Seeing that you didn't know what to do, Eraserhead spoke up for you.
"I took her in recently, but she's not really adjusted yet so I'd, uh, go lightly on the touching."
The old lady didn't seem bothered by this, instead retracting her hand and grabbing the glasses off her head to get a better look at you.
You looked over to Eraserhead with another look of bitterness, however before you or him could say anything the elderly lady spoke up first.
"Oh? You don't look too happy, do you? Let's fix that, I have some extra bits of fish and squid that I'll bag for you. Shota here can make it for you, and I guarantee it'll brighten you right up!"
"You don't-"
Before you could get a word in she was already shuffling away and into her little kitchen area.
Sighing, you turned and looked over to Eraserhead, now being able to properly glare at him. He just chuckled in response, which only served to fuel the fire that was stressing your thoughts.
"Are you friends with anyone else or can I get a break from the introductions?" You asked indignantly, resentment filling the question.
"Well, there's a lot of people that you're going to come into contact with whether you like it or not. You can choose the easy way and have me explain everyone to you, or you can take the hard way and try to learn it all yourself." He explained earnestly.
"That still doesn't completely explain why we're here-",
You once again got cut off, the little old lady shuffling out with a tied plastic bag in her hands. You tried resisting, but she was even more stubborn and eventually pushed the bag into your hands, the smile on her face never leaving. You looked down at the bag, feeling the soft squishy contents inside. You held the bag by the top so you wouldn't have to feel... whatever it was that was on the inside. Once the old lady left to go make a sale you shoved the bag into Eraserhead's arms instead (a bit more aggressively than needed), with his only response being a low chuckle.
As you walked over to the crates area of the warehouse Eraserhead spoke up.
"Ok, I'll give in and explain another reason why we're here. That lady you just met is one of the sales workers who sells lots of different ingredients and recipes. She actually helped me out quite a bit when I was younger and was struggling to pay my bills and buy food."
You both turned a corner, and you saw three people all grunting as they simultaneously worked together to get a large octopus into its tank. Eraserhead continued,
"But she wasn't the reason why we're here, I just wanted to introduce you to her. You see-"
You cut him off with a question,
"You called her 'Obaasan'. Is she a relative?"
"No, I just call her that since that's what she has everyone call her."
"Oh "
He continued where he was cut off,
"Another reason why we're here is because I need to sign a shipment order for Lunch Rush, the school's cook. There's a lot of students so he needs a lot of food."
As Eraserhead walked up and began to discuss with the delivery manager, you decided that this was a good time for you to look around. Finally in a safe area that was away from the rush of people, you took in all you could. The people never stopped coming, but it seemed at though there was a harmonious flow that they all silently followed, always rushing around each other and other objects without a single accident.
The whole placed had a constant fishy smell that filled it from top to bottom, and it piqued your interest with all the many different types of people that came to buy their ingredients that otherwise would never interact with each other outside of the place. There were little old couples buying for their mom and pop shops, mixed with large scuffed fishermen that always had a serious look planted on their faces, along with even more groups of random people- such as tourists, parents with their curious kids, and even a hero or two out of costume.
Through the large doors of the warehouse you saw the tips of the sun's rays beginning to peak, and that's when it seemed that everyone was starting to finish. Crates were slammed shut, trucks loaded, garbage was emptied, and the floors were getting washed down by a team of sanitation workers with hoses.
Not everyone was done though, as some were in more of a rush than others. You felt a sudden bought of unease, and you tensed as you wondered what might have caused it.
All of a sudden, across the large warehouse and the rushing people you got a clear view of a lady standing on a large ladder, packing boxes into the top of an almost filled truck. As she pushed and positioned the boxes at the top, you noticed the ladder was wobbling too much for comfort. You looked around and noticed that it seemed as if no one else noticed this, or if they did then they certainly weren't showing any concern.
Eraserhead was finishing up the rest of the signing, and everyone else was cleaning for the day as dawn began to break out.
Abruptly and without warning, you watched as the ladder wobbled over too far to return back upright, and so it began to descend. Almost as if time was slowing down, the people and environment around you blurred as you forgot about them and you felt a tunnel form around the slowly descending ladder, nothing else in your frame of view. You realized that your legs were moving before you even fully understood what was happening, and before you knew it you felt the cold air stinging your eyes and scraping the inside of your throat as you panted and ran, ignoring the angered looks of ongoers as you pushed by and the startled voice of Eraserhead.
They all became forgotten and muddled, the ladder being the only thing in your frame of view. You felt the cold metal touch your hands and heard the shriek of the lady along with the shouts of worry from nearby workers. You hadn't even realized that you had reached the ladder, it was in the distance one second and in your hands the next. Groaning as you pushed the ladder back into place, you felt relief at the sound of all four legs hitting the ground, only having the lady on top swaying a bit as she struggled to regain get balance.
As soon as you let go of the ladder, that's when it hit you. The dead silence.
Everyone around looked at you in awe, nobody saying a thing, simply letting their mouths hang agape. Your eyes widened, not realizing what it was that you just did, and especially not the attention that it would garner.
The film of silence was broken once the lady who was on the top climbed down (with the help of an associate), because as soon as she saw you she started sniveling and clinging to your hand as she cried out 'thank you's over and over. Once that happened the crowd abrupted into polite yet cheerful applause, the small amount of workers and people left over thanking you and calling you a hero for saving her.
It was all too much.
The faces surrounding you, the happy faces all looking at you and only you, the clapping hands that kept trying to shake yours. The sounds were too loud, the colors too bright despite the lack of light. The world around you started to sway just as the ladder had earlier, the faces of the people began to tilt and distort into an unrecognizable mess. You didn't know where you were and why you were there. For once you were glad to see Eraserhead's face as he ran up to you after chasing you when you ran off. However, that didn't stop the influx of thoughts and worries that filled your head.
Eraserhead had just finished signing the delivery form for Lunch Rush when he heard the rapid tapping of feet running away. Immediately turning around and seeing that you were running off, he felt as though every bone in his body was prepared to get you back as he chased after you. At first, as he ran through the crowds he couldn't see what it was that you were running after, helping him to feel a sharp stab of betrayal at the thought that you had taken advantage of him when his back was turned.
However, he lost you through the crowd, and only discovered the reason why you ran on the first place when he made it to the front of the crowd. His eyes widened as he saw you grab the falling ladder and push it back with all your might, helping to save the lady on top from most likely a nasty concussion.
As the crowd cheered for you, he remembered a conversation he had with All Might awhile back.
"What makes you think that this kid is going to be a good hero one day? Just because he wanted to help his friend out?"
They were speaking together in the teacher's lounge about how All Might saw Midoriya as a worthwhile hero full of potential after he ran to help save his friend from the danger of being held in the villain's grasp. All Might went to explain,
"Not just that. You see, I've been around a long while, I've seen the difference between someone who just say they want to be a hero, compared to one that truly lives to become one."
Aizawa raised an eyebrow at that explanation, wanting to have a meanwhile conversation and not just some heroic speech that was filled with hollow words .
"And what do you mean when you say there's a difference? What would you commonly see in one that truly wants to be a hero rather than one that simply say they want to be one?"
All Might raised an index finger, happy to oblige with his opinion.
"The most common occurrence I've seen with most great heroes are almost all of them start out by moving before they can think. The legs know what to do while the mind is still catching up, y'know? They have the virtuous impulse to help and save, but it's hidden deep in their subconscious. Almost every great hero you know today would've had at least one instance of the legs moving before the mind, believe me on that."
Now as he was watching you, he finally understood what All Might was trying to explain to him all that time ago. But Aizawa felt as though something was off. Your eyes were wide, as if you were a deer caught in headlights. It slightly disturbed him to look at you without your trademark glare that always rested on your face. Along with that, you looked as though you were cemented into the ground, as your feet stayed rooted into place, a stark contrast to your eyes that madly darted from face to face.
He met eyes with yours, and noticed some of your tension resolve at the sight of a slightly familiar face. Even though it was small and only for a fraction of a second, this little moment between the two of you caused a small spark of hope to flicker inside of him.
Aizawa briskly made his way towards you, pushing through the small wall of people. It seemed either he didn't move fast enough or he moved too fast, because the next thing he knew you both locked eyes once again, and you were gone.
You dove through the crowd of people, and without paying any attention as to where you were going, you just ran. Aizawa panicked once again as you were running away just as you did before. However, he believed that it wasn't due to malice or wanting freedom, but rather you were overwhelmed or confused.
Cursing to himself, Aizawa ran after you, trying his best to not lose sight of where you went.
Time evaded your senses once again as the world around you was enveloped in that familiar blur it had just escaped from. You didn't know where you were going, no goal or destination in mind. Your mind felt trapped behind your eyes, stuck being surrounded by too much all at once.
You never liked attention. Working as a vigilante, you were used to hiding in the shadows. You never knew who was an enemy or who was an ally, so you had to be careful. You had long learned to plan ahead with deciding on who you would trust, that number being far smaller when compared to that of an average person. So to see so many eyes on you, and to feel so overwhelmingly observed... You didn't know what to do. Your mind screamed at you to get out of there, and your body followed.
Your legs listened and ran. Your mind was a mess, and you didn't have a cushion of restraint to protect you from doing anything rash, having everything taken from you in such a short amount of time. Yet, at the moment you felt no bitterness. Just... Fear. You were vulnerable, no quirk to protect you. It was a truly terrible feeling, one that began to sink through your skin, deeper and deeper, before settling at the core of your bones. A feeling you'd never forget, no matter how much time passed.
Aizawa hadn't known something like this would happen. At the moment he felt awful. Guilt over taking you away from your ideal environment against your will for the better good still coursed through his mind, and that was why he was trying so hard to gain your trust. To help you. But seeing you so uncomfortable... So unnaturally scared and vulnerable... He felt worse, terrible even . He felt responsible for this whole mess, but as he chased you he tried to divert those thoughts from his head, reminding himself that it wasn't the time to feel bad. It was time for action, and act he would.
The crowd was thin now, most people having left for their jobs or whatnot, making Aizawa's job a little easier when it came to finding you. However, there was a reason it took him three years to find you.
You were sneaky, and incredibly intelligent. Even when you weren't thinking properly it was still hidden in your unconscious behaviors, and in your little habits. You ran and twisted around the warehouse, and soon enough Aizawa lost sight of you after you sharply rounded a turn.
The closely packed stalls in the more dense areas of the market certainly didn't help the slightest to ease your panic. It was no problem for you to squeeze your way through, however a few elders shouted at you upon seeing you crash through, simply believing you were one of the many children that came to horseplay around. They were ignored - rather unheard actually- and you didn't really care all that much as you hadn't joined Aizawa in his visit with the goal of making good impressions.
Your mind was coming to a slow, and so your pace began to ease up a bit. Although you were calming down, you were still hyper alert and your heart wasn't too keen on letting up its erratic pace anytime soon.
Finally, you came to a halt. Looking around, you realized that you had made it outside, although you were still surrounded by crates and stalls. If anything the outside was just as filled and as busy as the inside, the only difference being the lack of a roof.
A panicked voice brought you out of your stupor, and looking over you saw a distraught looking middle aged lady hurriedly speaking to what looked like a security guard while anxiously looking over in your direction and pointing right at you. The guard looked up at you while she spoke and put his hand on his belt, getting ready to make his way to you when you silently slid away in the shadows, already familiar with the outcome of this particular scenario.
You could hear his confusion as he turned around to find you gone, with you hiding on the other side of the wall in between some crates. You let out a sigh of relief as he walked by, and just as you were about to make your way out, a hand gripping onto your shoulder from your other side elicited a lightning fast spin, you jumping up with your hands up in defense.
Your tense reaction eased a bit as you saw it was just Aizawa, but judging by the look on his face you understood that it certainly wasn't time for a moment of relief. He didn't look angry, oddly enough. Just... Upset. Distraught in a way. His mouth was pulled taught in a thin line and his eyebrows were scrunched together as he looked you over, making sure you were ok. Finally, he stepped back and breathed a sigh of relief.
"You ok, kid?"
Such an odd question to you, and it certainly caught you off guard. You were expecting somewhere in your mind for him to be angry, at least a little bit. So to see him so calm, it worried you. Suspicion arose, and you held your guard in case he was hiding something.
"..." You avoided his concerned gaze, looking off to the side. He sighed once more, tentatively patting you on the shoulder in response.
"Look, I'm sorry you got scared, if you want to talk about it-"
"I wasn't scared."
The look on Aizawa's face grew tighter, but he ultimately decided to keep his mouth shut. He had already dealt with this sort of mindset when it came to Bakugo, so he understood there was no use in arguing. Talking to a brick wall was useless, it took time for a hardened heart to open up.
There was a beat of silence that bounced around the two of you for a split second before Aizawa leaned back and yanked his car keys from his pocket. Although he knew not to talk about it with you (especially upon seeing your distrust for him), he made a mental note for himself about the events that had went on. Every minute he spent with you he began to piece together more and more.
"Well, I think that's enough action for now... There's one more place I need to head by in order to get you situated and then the day's yours. Sound good?"
He looked up towards you for some kind of response, only receiving a slight nod of the head. He inwardly sighed, reminding himself that one day he'd get to hear more of your voice. He just had to keep going.
You both made your way back to his car, and this time he noticed you walked a little faster than normal, just enough so you reached the car door before he could open it for you. If that's what made you happy, he'd let it be.
Starting the car, he began to explain where he wanted to go next as he left the area.
"We're going to City Hall now. Need to get your quirk registered before you can start training at UA, and especially in order to get some kind of hero outfit of your own." He stopped the car, waiting at a red light.
"You're going to need to fill out as much as you can about your quirk in the quirk registration form. I checked your records and they haven't been updated in awhile, so I'm sure you've found out a few new things about how it works these past few years" he was largely hinting at your vigilante work, and the lack of discretion in it had you glaring at him in response.
"Once that's all done and finished, you'll have the day to yourself." And with that, Aizawa began making his way to the City Hall, determined to finish everything that was required for registration and to get you on track and studying at UA as soon as possible. You were a little ways behind everyone, but he was positive that with your skills you'd quickly make your way up.
And soon enough, he was sure you'd be living a happy and fulfilling life. He just had to keep going, for the greater good.
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I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all the kind feedback and comments! I do hope everyone enjoyed, I have plans for this series!
If you want to be a part of the tag list (so you'd get notified each time I post a chapter), please let me know!
*1 - "Obaasan" means "grandma" or "granny" in Japanese, just like "Okaasan" means "mother"
Tag List:
♡ @talia-the-gemini
♡ @breadglasses
♡ @cactilli
♡ Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Thank you all again! I'm so happy to have such a sweet audience, and I look forward to writing more!
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emmatgc · 5 months
Wonderful World FanFic
Seon Yul x Soo Hyun sequel 
(A short novel for one of my favorite no labels but rich in chemistry duo, relationship and what if couple in Kdrama. If you are not a “shipper”, better not read this one. New characters are added and will be added. Please take note this is all in my interpretation of the story and the aftermath of the finale. Enjoy! PS. I will try to update this every week if schedule permits)
Part 2: Summertime Solace
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Will I be able to go on living like this? Seon Yul asked himself. After he testified for Soo Hyun and against his uncle, he was thinking what awaits the son of a murderer in the real world? He remembered though, that Soo Hyun did it after 7 years of being incarcerated so perhaps, he too, can do it, too. He can give the world another chance and the world will give him another chance. His dream has always been to become a doctor and he continued his studies and applied in Seoul National University Hospital. The first 2 years were so tough but the pain was never like the pain he got when he lost his parents so he carried on. To his surprise, he wasn't bullied in the hospital, perhaps, he said Soo Hyun was right, there is still kindness in the world. His demons are still there, but it is now trauma and not monsters. He wants to forgive his father and most of all, himself and he is getting there, slowly but surely. 
“Dr. Gwon, there is an orphanage 30 kilometers away from Seoul, they need a volunteer for a month but maybe in the future a resident doctor, too, will your team be up to it?”, his Chief surgeon asked. “Yes, we are”.  They packed light and were excited to go especially since it's away from the city,they needed a break. Hospital ships are great but it can be exhausting. Not to mention Seon Yul , as he discovered, can be sea sick. He has to be careful, his heart specifically can't afford to overwork. He was so hopeful for this new adventure, and his team, 2 of his closest friends can’t think of a better way to recharge for their next months of grueling surgeries and exams, 1 last year and Seon Yul will become officially a cardiac surgeon. 
Traveling was fun but Seon Yul, always an introvert, was reading a book. He is reading her book “Wonderful World”. Looking at the window, summer is finally here. Not too cold but not hot either, just fine weather. The sun is sitting in the sky and he can smell a creek, maybe a lake, and he can see green grasses, with tiny huts, a playground and a huge house. The bus stopped, they are here. He read the sign “Wonderful Smiles”. 
Soo Hyun was panicking, she didn't have enough food for the Doctors coming in, she got side tracked by an unexpected visit from her sister and niece. She missed her. Her sister lives in Seoul and opened 3 more branches. Business is good and she is now married, with a daughter of her own. Soo Hyun wanted to cook but there was no time. So she rushed outside to go to the town to buy food and suddenly, she saw something she never thought she'd ever see again, up close. Someone…she looked like she had seen a ghost. She stopped and dropped her list. She wanted to be sure. Seon Yul? She said, It is really him. She smiled. He smiled. She welcomed them and Seo Yul didn't really know what to say and do at that moment, until Soo Hyun reached for his hand, and they shaked hands, for the 1st time, not as enemies, maybe not as friends yet, but acquaintances. 
“It is good to meet you, finally, Dr. Soo Hyun”. It is the 1st time Seon Yul called her by her first name. It is good to finally see you, Dr. Gwon, she replied. She wanted to be more formal, choosing his family name instead. The other Doctors, confused as they are, introduced themselves and wanted to ask how the two knew each other but surprisingly, both Seon Yul and Soo Hyun replied “it is a long story” together. They looked at each other and again smiled while nodding their heads. They went inside and settled down. They toured the house, the compound, more accurately. The staff told them to rest and dinner will be served later. 
Seon Yul is a little bit overwhelmed. He didn't think he will see Soo Hyun again after that day. But maybe, fate has the final say. Maybe it is time.
After showering, he wanted to go outside and see the dawn. Perhaps, tonight the stars.
At the corner of his eye, he saw Soo Hyun going to her car. He ran slowly to her and said “Can I go with you? I’d like to help for dinner”. Soo Hyun said she will be fine but he insisted. In her car, there is an eerie silence. Nobody talked for a polite amount of time. Until Soo Hyun asked “What do you want to eat”, "Do you still like the same foods”. 
“You remember?, seemingly surprised and smirked.  Yes, I still like the same”. Do you stay here all the time? He asked bravely. He was surprised by his question but he can’t take it back now.
"Most of the time, she replied. It is a beautiful place, I love it here. Away from the noise. Just away from everything”
They bought a lot. From tteokbokki to sea foods and live squids, Soo Hyun’s favorite. Before going back, a cozy tea house is still open. Seon Yul looked at Soo Hyun, as if to say “Do you want some tea?” and Soo Hyun, just nodded and smiled as they entered and drank tea. Just like before when they were enemies, tea is a symbol of their indifference and uncertainty. Perhaps now, the tea tastes better, as the new leaf for summer turns a new page. He looks at her everytime she sips her tea and nods her head and when she looks back up, he pretends not to notice. He is thinking loudly. Here is someone I used to hate so much and now, she is having tea with me, a real one, no motive, just tea. The air is thick and it is normal. The air is not gloomy but hopeful. They shared some words and just some silence embracing this peace they thought they wouldn’t find together at least with each other.
Soo Hyun? They heard a voice. They looked up and It’s Su ho.  
(PS: Thank you for reading esp my X fellow shippers & friends. I got inspired by you, few or not, this is for all of you. Till next chapter! It's gonna be more intense, sort of 😳)
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kavat · 7 months
Okay I'm here with the essay loosely inspired by this post and how the pronoun debate online always defaults to english which diminishes the work of people all over the world.
In swedish we have three singular third pronouns; han/honom (he/him), hon/henne (she/her) and den/det (it). Our language is thankfully not very gendered at all, which makes the whole thing a lot easier than for example latin based languages that genders exactly everything (we do basically have two neutrals instead, which is quite confusing at times, but I digress).
Back in the day when people wanted to convey an unknown or irrelevant gender they would say "han eller hon" meaning "he or she". It works but is quite cumbersome. In writing it was often "han/hon". This was the norm for as long as I know. Very similar to english.
I followed a few feminist blogs in the late 00s and they didn't like that "he" was always put first and started to write it as h*n, h/n, h#n and similar. It works in writing for an ingroup, but you can't pronounce that. So people settled for hen, a simple third option to hon and han.
It should be noted that at this point it was mostly still used for when the gender of a person is unknown or irrelevant, as the discussion around non binary people still hadn't reached the mainstream. Non binary people became almost an afterthought, as in "here's a gender neutral pronoun for when gender is irrelevant, or I guess if you're neither male or female".
So these feminist blogs started using hen, leftist debaters and writers for magazines and newspapers picked it up and started using it, which of course started a shit storm from the right. Newspapers had to figure out if they should allow it in their style guides or not.
People also started using it as a suffix where words usually ended in -en, like bloggen (the blog) to blogghen, klänningen (the dress) to klänninghen etc. It was mostly a joke around leftists to rile up the right and it sort of worked.
Nöjesguiden, a free weekly magazine about nightlife and culture, published a whole issue in february of 2012 where they changed the name to NöjesguideHen and every he and she was changed to the neutral Hen. The same year the children's book Kivi och monsterhund was published, only using hen.
Later that year, DN, one of the biggest daily newspapers in the country issued a statement saying that they would not allow hen as it could be seen as a political statement. People were talking more about the queer aspects of the word at this point which was apparently too much for DN.
This caused a bit of an uproar, lots of essays and blog posts and debates were had, and in 2014 SAOL, Word list of the Swedish Academy, added hen as a new word which was seen as the official stamp of approval for it, and publications started to follow suit. 
Today it is used widely both in text and speech, it's a lot less loaded now as people just have gotten used to hearing it and it's actually quite practical. In hindsight it's fascinating that a massive culture debate that lasted for a couple of years now has completely calmed down and it became a new standard in the language in a relatively short amount of time.
TLDR; feminists and queers started to use a new neutral pronoun, the right had a breakdown, bon appetit.
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hello Pia! Will we know who was born in those months even if bdspotlights on hiatus? 😳
Depending on energy levels, I may do a run down at the end of the year that has all the birthdays in a list! (Or sooner, who knows). But I'm not going to put them in the line-up right now because I might also change some of the dates since nothing yet is locked in stone!
I've managed to do two, but in doing so, realised that they are quite labour intensive! I really enjoy them, and it's really cool to have a place where you can see all the stories a character is in, and how they're in it, etc. So I'm definitely not giving up on them, but I'm also hesitant to share dates in case I have a ton of energy in two months and can do more then.
The good thing about them being fictional, is that until it's put down where folks can see it, I can change it to suit my energy levels. And one of the downsides of putting it in a schedule etc. is if I do have to change it because of my energy levels, folks will point it out! So instead I will wait and see instead of letting folks know, just in case I can't follow through at all while on hiatus.
Basically the birthday spotlights themselves make the birthdays official, me announcing the dates beforehand doesn't!
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This... was not on my to write list. But I was listening to the playlist Barb posted in Mike's stream and... Welp. This is set... after Mike is back, after the fic with him and Felps I'm still writing, before the first time Mike's allowed out post-rescue. Mostly Mike & Cellbit, a tiny bit of Cellbit/Roier at the end.
XCOM2 AU, again, because I live here now. Have some other bits which really need work but... Not as attractive. TW: consensual violence
"Hit me."
Cellbit rolls over, looking at Mike. Both of them are sprawled on the training mats of the gym's floor - Mike in shorts and a t-shirt, Cellbit with his jumpsuit pulled down to his waist and revealing the tank top beneath. Both of them are done with the gym for the day, just cooling down, but there's still something cloying in the air.
It's not a question. Mike's often nonsensical, but asking Cellbit to hit him? Years ago Cellbit wouldn't even have needed asking, just seeing the man would have been enough, but not now. Not now they're family.
Cellbit can't stand the idea of actually hurting his family.
"This isn't enough," Mike gestures at the weights, at the treadmill, at the bench. "I need you to fucking hit me."
But that?
Cellbit gets that.
He didn't realise Mike was like that, but it makes sense. Sometimes straining your body just isn't enough, sometimes the blood runs too deep in your veins, sometimes the only way to be real is to /hurt/ whatever that means.
Sometimes your soul starts escaping your body, and someone has to wrestle it back in.
Cellbit has fewer of those days, now, but they all know he has them - usually he and Roier fight it out, or he makes himself up a mission just to fight, just to feel something again.
Mike's still officially in recovery, though, nearly as better as he's getting in the short term but being watched for a relapse; there's no convincing anyone to let him out for a /bloody/ sort of fight, at least for another week or two. It's probably why he's suffering, if Cellbit had to guess. Too long spent healing, too long without anything to do, the frustration and the pain and the confusion all building up under his skin.
Cellbit knows it.
Cellbit knows it so well.
"I'll fight you," Cellbit offers, because he knows how to handle this. "Call it training. Surrender or get pushed off the mats to loose."
"No weapons," Mike turns to look at him. "No psionics. Just hands and feet."
"Teeth?" Cellbit asks, because he always does. It's mostly a joke, these days.
Mike considers, "teeth, but no blood. And no claws."
"Sure," Cellbit doesn't really say that'll be easy enough, that his claws are gone.
Instead he sits up, kicking off his shoes. If they're wrestling he doesn't want the heat of his jumpsuit, but neither does he want to give Mike the extra grip. As compromise he folds it into itself, making sure the sleeves are tucked down his trouser legs.
Mike gets up too, putting his shoes in a rack and tucking his glasses inside one for safe keeping; he has spares, yes, but breaking them over training would be stupid.
"And no head shots," Cellbit says, as he remembers that that's probably important to agree on.
He can see Mike's face twitch at that, but thankfully he agrees; Cellbit has no idea how he's explain to the Doctor - or heaven forbid /Pac/ - why he was punching her brain injured patient in the skull.
Just because Mike's feeling destructive and his mood is rubbing off doesn't mean that Cellbit actually /wants/ to hurt him.
A bruise here and there, fine, but for all the years and grief between them Mike's still his god-damned friend.
"Anything else?" Mike asks, a tisk in his voice, adding Cellbit's discarded shoes to the rack before coming back over. "Or can we start."
Cellbit doesn't verbally answer; he waits for Mike to step back onto the mats, and pounces, making them both tumble to the floor.
Mike isn't violent by nature - not like Cellbit is, not like Etoiles or Roier or even, by some definitions, Bagi - but he's not passive either. There's people like Felps, who let the world happen, and there's people like Cellbit who rip what they need from it with nothing but their teeth. Mike isn't either, but in being neither he is both.
Not being the same sort of violent doesn't stop him from flipping Cellbit onto his back, getting a few good hits in before Cellbit grabs his shoulders, and shoves him back onto the bottom of the pile.
Mike laughs and Cellbit snarls and they trace bruises and scratched into one another's skin. Mike puts a hand too close to Cellbit's face, and gets a ring of teeth marks for his effort.
Cellbit takes a second to shift his weight, and earns five lines of red scratches down his arm for his effort.
There's something animalistic, something feral, something instinctual. Even without his claws Cellbit scratches and hits and is bitten back in turn. They tangle on the floor, swearing and snarling and /laughing/ as they do everything short of drawing blood. There's bruises that will form across their bodies, and marks carved into their skin, but the tension drops and through it all they turn to laughing.
Cellbit wins - of course he wins. Mike is still injured, recovering from months of torture, and even before that he's never had the lazer-focus towards violence that Cellbit does. He's good at what he does - they all are - but Mike fights with numbers and electronics and from the back. Not that Cellbit fights at the front, but he's always a little more ready for a brawl.
And for all they end up laughing, a brawl is what this is.
Mike taps out on the mat, gasping for air between bouts of laughter. Cellbit rolls off him, less giggly but with a chuckle all the same.
They lay there for a minute, tension drained out of the room, before Mike swears.
Cellbit looks at him.
"My shower isn't for another ten hours," Mike groans.
"See if Tubbo will swap with you," at least Cellbit's pretty sure Tubbo is about now on the shower chart. "I'll just share with Roier."
"You'll just- of course you will," Mike rolls his eyes.
"Not like that!" Cellbit reaches over, and flicks one of the forming bruises on Mike's arm. "You're worse than Pac!"
"Do /not/ slander me like that! Pac would ask to join you," Mike points out. "And ten years ago it wouldn't have even been a joke."
Christ, has it been that long?
It has, hasn't it?
And somehow, scarred and bloodied and broken as they are, all five of them are still here.
They might die at any moment but, hey, for a bunch of criminals, washouts, and unwanted sons... ten years is better going than they dreamed of. And with Roier, and Fit, and everyone else they're entangled with... Hell, someone might even remember them for something positive when they're gone.
Mike must sense the change in mood, because he flicks Cellbit back.
"Oi!" Cellbit waves a hand at him, too tired to really do much.
"Pac's traded my shower slot with Tina, and hers is right now," Mike is already sitting up, cracking his bones as he does. "Guess you're cleaning up!"
There's not much to clean, just kicking the mats back into shape; Mike still jogs off before Cellbit can get on his feet. He's steady on his feet, despite the fighting, despite the injury - Cellbit feels like he should be annoyed, but the brawl drained the tension and all that's left is /relief/ that Mike can still hold his own and still be on his feet at the end. People who can't...
Well, there's a reason they protect Felps so hard. But Cellbit doesn't think Mike would survive being benched for all time. Even allowed in the lab, he and Pac would inevitably run off and do something dumb.
But... But Mike's actually healing, and healing fine enough, and maybe just maybe Cellbit can stop worrying about that /specific/ outcome for a bit.
So he kicks at the mats, and pulls his clothes back into place, and plots some petty little revenge - putting one of Tubbo's screwdrivers in Mike's pockets, perhaps.
By the time he's got his boots on, Roier has arrived.
Arms slip around his chest, and three pairs of eyelashes flutter against his neck as Roier tucks himself in.
Cellbit turns his head, and kisses just above one of his eyes.
"Feeling better?" Roier asks, pouting only a little. "You could have asked me."
"Mike was the one asking," Cellbit shrugs. "I wasn't going to say no."
"Huh," Roier's eyes trail to the door. "The more you know... Did you enjoy yourself?"
"It was good," Cellbit relaxes against his husband. "Mike held out longer than I thought he would."
"He's fine?" Roier asks, because of course he knows Cellbit is worried - who else would he share his fears with, if not his beloved?
"He's fine," Cellbit confirms. "Went to shower."
"We could shower too," Roier offers, sweeping conversation along.
"I was hoping you'd offer," Cellbit smiles a bit. "Shall we?"
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letthe-skyfall · 1 month
There's a new snapshot. Hooray.
We got redstone changes, baby aquatic mobs and different size salmon.
This is evidently exiting. But if Mojang can decide to update minecarts, which arguably were fine as is, (I do agree they're better now though) why can't they do something about this:
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Sky's Great Fletching Table Rant
Stupid Table: A Comprehensive History of The Stupid Table
Seriously. This block has been in the game since 1.14. 1.14 was released in 2019. That was five years ago.
Also said in 2019:
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Just remember. This was five years ago. We have been waiting five years just for a table to get some actual functionality. Yes, now is technically sometime after 1.14, but it has been long overdue.
On the Minecraft official wiki, it is listed in the 'Interactable' category.
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All of these have some sort of UI or have some way the player can interact with them, like you can eat cake, place liquids in a cauldron, use a conduit to breathe, or put items in pots.
This implies that there is meant to be a function for the fletching table. So where is it?
Actual Uses
There is only one actual use for the fletching table, and that's as a villager workstation.
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If we look at the list of villager workstations, all the others can be interacted with the player in one way or another.
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So apart from placing and breaking, why can't the fletching table have a use too? It could help balance out the variety of items we could access, instead of just being practically a decoration block. Fletchers are one of the less popular villager variants as well.
Possible uses
There are actually many possibilities for what a fletching table could be used for. It actually has a lot of potential.
Like firework rockets, arrows could be modified in the fletching table to have different distances they could fly. In real life, there are multiple kinds of arrows, and not all of them fly the same length, and wind charges show that there doesn't really have to be a limit on how projectiles could fly. A good way for making the long flying arrows less op could be to make it so that the longer the flight duration, the less power it does.
Potion effect arrows. This could make potion arrows easier to obtain, you could make one in a fletching table with an arrow and a respective potion. It could also provide a way to remove potion effects you don't want from arrows. There could be a way to add multiple effects to an arrow, but as a debuff, make the length of the effects shorter.
The fletching table has potential. If Mojang didn't forget about it, it could be a block people want. So, we probably won't get a fletching table update in a while. But it would be cool if we did.
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doinbetter · 6 months
Everyone on here has probably forgotten me but here are some updates from my life now :)
I'm all done with school and living back with family. I got a fellowship with a government agency doing environmental data analysis! It was really challenging at first. (challenges: remote work, wasn't getting a lot of support from my mentor, general first full time job woes) BUT I've been putting in extra effort to meet the team. I'm feeling more supported and motivated because of that.
Also started getting back into a productive headspace after not really identifying with that mindset for a while. Honestly COVID threw me off for several years there (+ the general stresses of grad school + stoner life). I just didn't feel as driven as I used to, but luckily I could coast off my past accomplishments for a few years and end up in a good place. I was tired of the grindset mentality. It was too much with the pandemic. I realized it's important to start my career off right though :) I want to do a great job on my project & make a good impression. (while still having balance in the rest of my life!! like you won't catch me working after hours but from 9 - 5... i'm ON IT!)
My main goal in life right now is working on my FINANCES! mainly I'm obsessed with paying off my student loans. I give myself plenty of money for groceries each month. One of my goals for this year was to be hot, so I also give myself like $2-300 each month to invest in my appearance. I made a list of essential beauty / clothing items and I'm working through it month by month. Other than that... I'm dumping THOUSANDS into student loan debt to hopefully be debt free by end 2024 or early 2025. Then I save save save and move out of my family's house by Fall 2025. <3
On the note of being hot goals: started showering nightly, weekly face mask monday routine (nails, hair mask, face mask, foot soak, shaving everything, and a weed gummy to top it off!) and buying a few cute clothes that fit me at my current size instead of putting it off until I reached a lower weight (unhealthy thought leftover from obsessive weight loss days :( ) My favorite purchase so far is CUTE PJS FROM VICTORIAS SECRET <3 <3 I got a slip and a shirt/shorts combo that help me feel sooo cute in the evenings when I'm doing my hygiene routines, journaling, reading... <3 I also got a bra that actually fits me and I'm a fucking DD. who??????
My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years now. I've gotten really close to his family and I spend most weekends at his place. I'm very happy and at peace in this relationship. Working on doing more little acts of kindness. He's very generous with me so I wanna match his energy more. we're working on being more independent now in this new busy era for us. unfortunately we can't be unemployed students forever.
also my best friend called me her best friend so i officially have a best friend in my hometown. she is so funny and drama-free. I love her. WOO!
So that's life! I'm a full on financially independent woman now. it feels AMAZING!
love, Jillian
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jess-moloney · 11 months
About the IceStudios shop:
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These Digi Camo Pants are listed for 300 USD but there's an odd problem with this listing.
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It says you need to pre-order this item and it's limited-time design. However, it also says that it's sold out so there's no way to pre-order it. Then you should look at this. At that link, you will find Oakley has almost the exact same pants but for half the price. Currently, they are sold out. There is a slight variation in pattern and of course the Oakley logo but they are basically the same thing. Why would anyone go to IceStudios, which no one has ever heard of, and pay double the price for these pants when you can get them from a better place, with better brand recognition, and a more professional website?
This raises a lot of questions:
Do these pants actually exist? Did they really sell out? Why is it still listed as pre-order if you can't order them at all? What's with this pricing? Has anyone actually bought these pants?
Simply put: The way this is set up it could be a marketing tactic. The pants may not exist for sale, or at all. They may have contact with a manufacturer who makes them so they have an image for the website but they never actually offered these pants for sale to begin with. If they are sold out they should either remove the product from the site entirely or offer a link to be contacted so you can be notified when they are on sale again (like Oakley does). This could potentially be a marketing tactic to make it look like she sold out a bunch of pants at this price because they are in such high demand so that when or if she actually does put them in stock people want to buy them because they think they are in demand and they can't have them (or there's a limited time to get them).
We have a similar situation with the hats that are sold for 90 USD that are now currently sold out. The designer listed is "Ice Studios" for that. Not the name of a person. Is Jess designing any of these items or is someone else? If she were designing these items why not use her name instead of the IceStudios name? If you try to contact IceStudios via email you get yet another email address for her [email protected].
The sunglasses are found on multiple websites (much more established and professional than her own) and they were not designed by her they are a collaboration with these other places. Why is she selling products in her own studio that she has nothing to do with designing or anything like that? Just as a collaboration? It's a tactic to get other people to buy it in order to promote her own brand...I suppose?
This website that has them listed for sale doesn't mention IceStudios anywhere. Did she actually collaborate with anyone for this or is that just what it says on her website? Some other websites that sell these sunglasses do mention IceStudios but that one doesn't. Since she claims to be in marketing she may have sold them the idea that because her IG account has so many followers she could help market the sunglasses for them and so they allowed her to collaborate but the collaboration credit does not seem to be consistent across all platforms selling these products. It seems very disingenuous and almost like an MLM.
Whilst I doubt anything she's doing here is illegal or a crime it does fall under some rather shady tactics. Even the official Ice Studios IG account has only around 3K followers, two posts, one was a week ago, and before that was one post over a year ago. None of this existed before the point in which she got with Jamie.
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You can see here for yourself both the domains were registered and created after she got with Jamie, after she grew her following, and after all of that happened for her. She did not have any of these things going for her before that point. All of this should make you question her motives entirely because it does seem like these projects, studios, and things are a direct result of her popularity, connections, and networking after getting with Jamie. This seems like such a con in so many ways. At the very least using him to get to where she wants to be with a company she only invented after she got with him. I certainly hope he's not an investor or shelling out for any of this nonsense because there's no way it can be anywhere near profitable.
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I'm drowning again, though unlike Piggy, pictured above, there is no one to lovingly hang me up to dry.
We got back from my work trip (we all went this time) on Friday and the meltdowns have been incredibly frequent since then. Today is the first day I haven't had the kids with me in two weeks.
Our dog got into the trash yesterday which means that now my husband has another project ahead of him to make our trash dog proof even when it's within his reach and we have to vacuum and shampoo our carpet because naturally, the dog dragged all of our trash there instead of keeping it on the kitchen linoleum where it would be easy to clean up. He is, of course, acting wounded that we dare be even a little bit grumpy at him about this. I continue to grow more resentful of having to take care of him, which makes me feel enormously guilty considering that I love him and it's not the dog's fault that we introduced children into our lives.
Also, of course, today is the day that our 14 year old Prius decides to act up and this time it's not the battery but some other thing that needs to be investigated. So more work for the husband, piled up in front of all the other house projects he wanted to finish before officially resuming work. Much as he enjoys being a house husband, he does need to actually finish his goddessdamned PhD, after which point he is more than welcome to resume being a house husband/home maker if he so chooses.
Since we just got back from a trip we still have to finish unpacking, there's a fuckton of laundry that needs folding, our house is a cluttered mess that we're painfully slowly trying to organize and create systems for (I'm excited that the bookshelf/cabinet combos for our bedroom will be arriving soon, so the books we're moving will finally have a home other than the stairs and our bedroom floor), medical bills still haunting us, and a bunch of life admin stuff that keep piling up. And that's to say nothing of the fact that I haven't managed to cook a dinner for us in like, months.
And I haven't watered the plants in forever.
And all the stuff I just listed above is just surviving, that includes absolutely nothing about any of my hobbies or striving for more at work or my volunteering (which is perhaps a pathway to other work and so even more important than just a hobby), NOTHING.
All this back and forth between thinking that maybe things are ok and feeling like I'm drowning is exhausting. Why can't I just get it together enough to feel like I can just live without constantly gasping for air?
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 47
Aperçu of the Week:
“Everyone’s a murderer. All it takes is a good reason and a bad day.”
(Stanley Tucci as Jefferson Grieff in “Inside Man”)
Bad News of the Week:
According to estimates, 150 species of animals are becoming extinct - every day. For me, an unbelievable number. And a tragedy. After all, we are not talking about a comet impact or a gigantic volcanic eruption that changes living conditions so radically that some species cannot survive it. But the behavior of the parasite Homo "sapiens" (yes, the "wise" can be put actually only in quotation marks), which leaves no more space to the other species by its way of life. He destroys every habitat, ruins every ecosystem. Changes the climate at a pace that leaves no time for adaptation. Kills not just for food, but for trophies - and for fun. And as of last week, there are 8 billion of them. It's exasperating.
In Panama, the CITES Conference ended last week. Every three years, the 184 member states of the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" try to protect nature - in principle against man. The best-known example is the ban on the ivory trade. And what is the result? Exemptions for Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. Which stupidly cover most of this highly questionable market. So a toothless tiger. Who doesn't even exist in Africa.
Therefore, I do not share the current euphoria that has currently seized even the WWF. "A milestone was set at the international species protection conference in Panama for the protection of sharks." They are hunted for their fins and their meat. But they also often end up in the net as bycatch. The population of almost all deep-sea sharks has declined by more than 70 percent in the last 50 years. So all is well now? No, because it is the small print and the lack of legal binding force that make the whole maneuver appear in a different light.
Namely in that of the whales. Their protection has also long since been agreed. Officially, their hunting is now only permitted for "scientific reasons." What the largest whale-hunting nation on the planet, Japan, has solved quite simply for itself: a laboratory sample is taken from every whale slaughtered precisely for these pseudo-scientific reasons. The 99.999% remainder ends up on the fish market, as it always has. And Iceland and Norway (number two and three on the list) simply do not recognize the ban and engage in open commercial whaling. Bravo! So what has it helped the gentle giants? That's right: nothing. It is not what is written on paper that counts, but what happens in reality. Which brings us back to Homo "sapiens". And the quote from "Inside Man". Sigh...
Good News of the Week:
It was not really enthusiastic how the coverage and the public mood developed in the run-up to the men's soccer world championship currently taking place in Qatar. From astonishment to incomprehension and doubt to rejection. And now it has started. And Qatar and FIFA are being emphatically shown what's what. Normally, in a soccer country like Germany, a World Cup is a really big deal. Flags fly on cars, children wear national jerseys, pubs decorate thematically, every second package in the supermarket looks like soccer, the media is about hardly anything else.
This time it's different. The ratings are way down, many are deliberately boycotting the event - or simply not feeling it. There is no euphoric mood at all - neither here nor there. How could there be. A World Cup for soccer in a country without any soccer tradition. In early winter instead of summer. In an autocracy instead of a democracy. And: there is not even beer in the stadiums - that can't go well at all.
This shot emphatically backfires. Qatar wanted to put itself on the map with this event. It certainly succeeded in doing so. But not in the way it was planned. Nonsensical stadium constructions without a future at the expense of thousands of dead workers, suppression of women's rights and freedom of expression, a devastating environmental and climate balance etcetera are what will stick.
FIFA, too, is caught with its pants down: corrupt hanky-panky, an idiotic president, non-transparent structures, erratic decisions, presumptuous arrogance. And both have only themselves to blame. A melt-down in terms of image cultivation. Not an episode that will be easily forgotten, but a fundamental stigma. Which will remain. Good thing.
By the way: it's a real shame that actual highlights are lost in all this: Saudi Arabia beating Argentina, Morocco beating Belgium, Japan beating Germany: favorites that were thought to be safe losing to underdogs. This is how a sporting competition should be. Sporting - and not political.
Personal happy moment of the week:
I have already told you about my son's problems at school with the beautiful language French. We were even more surprised when he wanted to apply for a student exchange with a French Lycée. He did that very successfully (with a little help from a friend... ;-): on Tuesday we learned that he was the only student from his grade to be selected. So next year in February we will welcome a French student from Nanterre / Paris. And in the month of delight our offspring will celebrate his 15th birthday in the city of love. Mon dieu!
I couldn't care less...
...that Canada has unfortunately already been eliminated from the FIFA Men's World Cup. Because the "golden generation" has - a typical soccer expression - "played its way into the hearts". For their first participation was not really expected success. But there is now a new team on the block. Which will (also) compete in its own country at the next World Cup. There's definitely more to come. You go, canucks!
As I write this...
...I realize that because of the FIFA World Cup (which we are boycotting on TV) even our cherished Sunday crime movie "Tatort" ("crime scene") is cancelled tonight. FIFA and Qatar are apparently really doing everything they can to make themselves unpopular with me.
Post Scriptum:
As you know, when you enter a search term on Google, text suggestions or search queries are suggested to you - a very popular party game. Currently, the first suggestion for "Twitter" is "What do you need Twitter for?" A very topical, and on second thought downright philosophical, question. In this case, I would actually be curious to hear an answer from Elon Musk, the loose gun of the Internet.
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beelsotaku · 5 days
Hiii pookies this is my first ever fanfic let alone songfic !! (p.s no bullying but I will take suggestions for other songs for a Queue list of the song fics in other go here
luv ya'll
Song:If I hated you by:Fletcher
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Third person POV:
Mammon was tired after dealing with his brother's insults again and just really wanted to rest till his D.D.D started buzzing "hmm I wonde'r who that is?" Mammon really did he wanted to pick up his phone to distract him self from how dumb they made him feel. But he really doesn't wish he took a nap instead because now he's forced to read to texts both his lover's sent to him in their group chat
Dia👑💋: Mammon can we talk?
Barbs🕴🏽👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨:We do indeed need to talk Mammon.
It makes him uncomfortable how he imagines his lover's would say this in such a serious way that had enough tension to cut a cake. Speaking of cake it's his birthday is in a week!! He's really hoping his brother's remember this year at least, but with a pit in his chest expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
Mams🤑💞:uh yeah want me to come over??
Barbs🕴🏽👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨:that would be appreciated.
Dia👑💋:yeah is now alright?
The conversation just felt so excluding like they knew something he didn't and It really began to bother him. Mammon tried to pinpoint what it could have been "fo'r the last eight months I've basically not done 'othing" he starts to fidgets with his fingers as he leaves his room and tries to sneak down the stairs only to realize his brother's we're all in the living room talking and laughing with each other it even sounded like Luci was in there enjoying himself. I made him want to cry knowing how easily they were able to be so happy without him. He grabbed his jacket he got from dia and stepped out into the crisp autumn air almost able to see his own breath he walked with a quicker pace than normal.
Later at the castle
He makes it to the castle door and knocks only to find a unreadable barbatos on the other side "that ain't good now is it?" He thought "you okkayy babe??" He questioned pulling a concerned look then a smile, Barbatos entertained none of it as he then gave a almost disgusted look at his boyfriend .It baffled poor Mammon as he was let in with a very professional "come in" it sounded more like a command from a boss rather than a request from your boyfriend and it again set off so many alarms in Mammon's mind "okay barb..." He didn't mean to sound so small but it really hurt him how barbatos was acting towards him. He walked to Dia's office where he knew he would be but he wasn't? It was a little weird since he's usually working about now but then as he went to the garden he saw him. Looking as handsome as ever, but there was again a certain look on his face that felt as though he'd lost him. "Mammon! " Diavolo said in his Official voice not the comfortable relaxed tone he normally uses with Mammon "hey babe!" Mammon said in a excited tone still trying to hope for best, until he sat down with dia Barbatos taking the spot closest to diavolo looking at Mammon again with that oh so painful look that felt as though he was fallin' from grace all over again. Diavolo was the first to speak "Mammon, a mission has come up and we think your the best fit to do it." Diavolo sounded so bored. It really hurt Mammon but still he powered through this painfully doomed conversation "oh!? Um that's great! I totally thought it was-s something differen-" then Barbatos cut it "Our arrangement won't work anymore Mammon"
In a few words mammon's whole world shattered
"oh- um" Mammon couldn't make any words leave his throat it felt as though someone was choking the life outta him "are- " again cut off by Diavolo this time "yeah um- but I mean you'll be back in a year! So we'll all patiently await your return but, Me and Barbatos both agree that we don't want to distract you from this mission so we're um" "going on break" Barbatos says impatiently. At this point Mammon can't think of anything except for how to prove he can do it whatever mission and be a amazing boyfriend but it seems the decision was already made for him....like every other decision involving his life. He nods yes the rest of the meeting acting as though he isn't dying inside and finally once they close the meeting he's done the best he can and bolts outta there like the room in on fire tears flooding his eyes he doesn't care to wipe as he reaches the door hearing the two of the most important people in his life walk towards him but feel so far away, as if their oceans away from him.he runs even faster as he yanks open the door and runs as fast as his legs could take him
Later at HOL
Mammon gets through the door at HOL with eyes as puffy and as red as a snowballs, you would think his brother's at least ask what wrong but they didn't even notice as he walked through the door that he even left, he truly didn't know what to do either nobody knew they we're even dating. So who would believe they broke up? Well he knew this so he didn't even bother telling them only grabbing two suitcases filled with clothes some human money and a passport then he texted diavolo
Mams🤑💞: can you open the portal?
Dia👑💋: yeah
Mammon was really gonna have to change dia-diavolo's contact but he couldn't bring himself to do it, It felt like he was truly leaving him behind if he changed the name. So he didn't,he walked to the dining room where the portal was and left a note on the table saying he was" leaving and saying he'll be back" as he gripped his bags a bit tighter and said a silent promise to be absolutely amazing when he gets back.
One year later
Mammon's POV
I stepped out of the limo and towards the massive apartment building in downtown London asking the bellhop to take my bags to the penthouse "yes sir, right away. And where would the rest of your group be?" I tell him "they'll be here in a moment just give them keys and the room number" I give a wide grin as I walk into the elevator, I've always felt a bit better in the penthouse rather than the yacht. I take a moment to rethink what I just said penthouse and yacht in the same sentence all belonging to me? I never would've believed someone if they walked up to me a year ago and said I'd be a top charting singer and dancer I actually would've told them they were crazy. But look at me now, I come outta thought as I hear the door open to reveal my group members Yuki and thirteen, I met Yuki while here in London they showed me around the first day and a couple months after that we got with their friend thirteen and make a group We call ourselves FLO and we've actually toured 5 times this year, but I have to go back to the devildom tomorrow and I have a offer for these two as they come and sit with me in their spots on my couch I smile and say "well um guys you know how when we first met i said i wasn't from here?" I say in a slightly embarrassed voice "yeah" thirteen says and Yuki shakes their head in agreement, "well" i look down as i bring out my demon form and watch as slightly shocked expressions turn to smiles and then as I finished talking and transformed back they both got up and hugged me saying they would love to go and that it was "very silly" of me to not tell them I hug Yuki and thirteen and tell them my plan to sing some solos and some songs with them they ask me" if I already have the song choreographed" and i say "of course y'all already know"
The next day
I show them the portal and since I've paid a deposit on a new penthouse in the devildom so I don't have to worry about staying with my brothers or their abuse ever again because honestly that's what it was it was then letting out their frustrations on the one person who was always their to try and help and now they will never have me as a punching bag again. we walk through the portal pinky in pinky for good luck thirteen on my left and Yuki on my right we get out and enter the penthouse Yuki looks around impressed I'm happy their impressed seeing that they came from a powerful family it made me proud to catch their eye and thirteen was pretty amazed at the sheer size, I giggled knowing it was sarcasm because she'd seen my house in the Hamptons. As I told them to get comfortable while I get in the shower.
After the shower
I call our manager and see if she can get a gig at RAD and as much as I believe this is a bad idea i can't get over the idea if i show up new and improved they'll all at least wished they tried harder to love me and make us work. My eyes begin to feel wet as they flood with tears and I don't even know who I want revenge on anymore but I know I'll be damned if I don't get it.
Over the next couple of weeks...
We get the gig and then start coreographing our dance for the big night. I explain to Yuki and thirteen how much this all means to me and what exactly happened last year. I spill about the break up with a smile on my lips and a scandalous thought in mind. I'm gonna rock their fucking world one way or another....I swear by that.
Diavolo's POV
I start to think of all the things I have to do today and I want to groan. And that's when it hits me!
" That manager women called me about a group performing I'll have them as a closing act if their good because our schedule is pretty full with other performances I can only fit two songs from this group ..ill ask her to send a recording of their voices to see just in case but ..I'll need help judging I'll ask the brothers and Barbatos
Later while judging
"So are we gonna hear them or what?" Belphogor questions before the recording was even started
"Be patient belphogor" Lucifer said sternly
"Lucifer I HAVE to finish my makeup especially if we're gonna go to some school sponsored concert like I have to look spectacular for the fans" Asmo says
And that's when the music starts and Barbatos quiets them all down
*beat progressively gets louder*
Mams:he said go to sleep don't wait I'll be working late and
Thirteen: and he said rearrange your day I'll be home by 8 and
Yuki: Well he~ said~~ something different to me~ he be in my DM's low-key~telling me that he's trynna freak~~
Yuki:He told me that he never wanna leave cause I'm his only
Thirteen:Well girl I met his homies
Mams:Well girl I met his heart and soul you got nothing on me
Yuki: Wait! Let me understand~~
All 3:If my man's your man and, your man
Mams: it's feeling like a scam~
All 3:I think we need an exit plan~~~
Can't you see that he's playing the three of us
All 3:yeah he's claiming to be in love with you and me, trynna have-
"I loved that! Omg I need to stream them" Asmo squeals .
"tch that normie music was pretty cool for normie music" Levi said while trying to talk about a anime with a overly long title but Lucifer and Satan quickly cut him off by saying "one of the voices sounded really familiar" Satan look at Lucifer and grimaced "you really had to copy me?" Satan remarks and belphogor bursted out laughing and Lucifer and Satan's"father and son moment" then before Lucifer could reply Barbatos cleared his throat for diavolo to speak again the diavolo spoke "And as we all know Mammon is coming back soon from his mission" the brothers looked towards diavolo with looks of disinterest"do you really think we care what's happening with that scumbag?'' Asmo said belph and Satan agreed scoffing quietly calling him a "idiot" under their breath,
to be continued....
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 16-25
hi!! small scheduling thing I wanna say before we get into it!! if you just wanna see the art you can skip to under the cut!! where it says 'keep reading'!!
Im posting 10 (thats right, ten!) drawings today, and 5 tomorrow!! (hopefully!) that way, I can just post one final drawing on Halloween!! I didn't fully think this schedule out tbh... but thats okay! I think this'll work fine, Im just ensuring you all know :D
as for how I'll post after October... we'll have to see!! I *might* do novelember! but I also might instead of daily prompts combine them into one per week or generally do less, just because I can't write as fast as I draw! (glances at my finished but unposted scarian pt 2.... so maybe i can write fast but it takes a bit to be satisfied with it....) /silly
so I hope to see you again tomorrow and then on Halloween! enjoy!
(heres week one, week two, and week threes posts!)
I'll only list the prompts I used that day, but here's the key for acronyms n such;
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 16
ink: angel
life: yellow life
ehehehe... yes me drawing a scene from something I havent even posted LSVSJSVSK- but uh!! first time drawing ren!! yippee!!
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Day 17
life: time
gore: plant growth
ink: demon
yes me planning out a little 4 panel angsty thing because the life series has my heart... and then cleo and tango!! I want to draw cleo in full one of these days...
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Day 18
hc: meme
life: horse
the horse curse!! poor scar... not even a peaceful dinner pffft
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Day 19
wh: bakery
hc: action pose
last year I drew/painted scar and grian baking halloween cookies on my sketchbook, so this is sort of a homage to that! I never posted it because it never got finished... but it was a bit silly too!
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Day 20
wh: siblings
ink: frost
pearl and grian as siblings make my heart happy <3
also some subtle tango and grian shipping!! these are both silly drawings, but they were fun!!
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Day 21
hc: hermit w/ a mob
grian and the sniffer are having a little mimir... and jelly and scar are hanging out too :D
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Day 22
hc: star
life: wolf
I dont remember when/which life series this would refer to... but wolf pearl is cool!! (and of course we have miss ariana griande!!
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Day 23
life: ocean
ink: crystals
the second one is actually a slight reference to this GIG(G)S phasmo fic! go check it out, its great! its a chat fic, and it still has a really good plot and interactions! :D
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Day 24
life: canary
first time drawing jimmy!! the canary!! but also the sheriff!! I saw something on tumblr a while ago where hes literally like a little bjd (ball joint doll, I think!) and I think thats really cute! I fudged the proportions on that middle drawing, but thats okay lol
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Day 25
hc: fullbody / celestial (sort of!)
I love this one the most I think- at least from this batch! watcher grian has always been something I love even though I havent seen Evo... and it was fun to play around with wing placement! and the pose was fun :3
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my app crashed while I was drafting this so im sorry if anything seems stiff or rushed TwT
I had to rewrite it all! makes it feel like energetic I think... oh well...
anyways!! theres all of them for now!! I'll try to post 26-30 tomorrow... we'll see how many I actually post, but I will post tomorrow!! see you then!! 💜
heres week 5.1's post, and the last one (5.2) :D
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My brain is exploding
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Yesterday I received my first official hate mail from a parent telling me I not only ruined the life of her son (who actually left my class with an A but he was in a class that had so many not just bad behave but I think sociopathic kids in there that I could not give him the individual attention she thought he should have). Now I have her daughter in a similar class though not quite that bad. She is convinced that I am neglecting her daughter and leaving her behind because her daughter got a failing grade on her progress report and she got that feeling great because she was absent during our first major test. As soon as the test was made up she had an 85.
She is one of three or four parents who have already contacted me telling me I am going to fast and their kids can't understand me.
If I go any slower or teach any lower I will be teaching them at second grade level and that is not going to help them when it comes time to take the STAAR test at the end of the year.
Instead of standing up for me or giving me any kind of useful advice on dealing with this, my two immediate supervisors told me for the second time in the last year* both last school year and this), that from now on I need to teach to the 1%.
I need to teach to the one GT Kid--- and we only have maybe 5 GT kids for grade so there are classes and I know I'm not going to have one plus and true Idiocracy style, the GT Kid if they had been in school 3 years ago they wouldn't have been seen as GT they would have only been seen as a normal General Ed kid. But because everyone else is so low the average good, hard-working kid is now seen as gt.
So I'm continually being told to teach to the one GT Kid and if every other kid gets list left behind screw tem,m it's their own fault.
I have also been told they're not really that low they just pretend to be stupid in my class because they know I will baby them.
I know for a fact this is not true because I talked to the other teachers all the time even the teacher that is teaching the same subject as me at the same grade level and we are all having the same problem.
I did not get into education to leave kids behind much less 3/4 of all my classes.
Can anyone give me any advice on what to do or how to handle this.
I was going to be switching off making lesson plans and slides with the other 4TH gr. SS teacher this year.
But the teacher that we need in social studies has now been moved to English to take the place of an English teacher who is off on maternity leave and a substitute is going to be in her class for the next however many months...
I have been told not to make my own lesson plans but to use those that were made last year by the teacher who taught barely literate fourth graders like they were AP high school students.
I am at a loss.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Alice In Chains - Them Bones (Official HD Video)" on YouTube
The clones have a purpose and that purpose was to obtain the AI and enter it and replicate the program and hardware and delete the originals they're too dangerous. They are not having a successful time and we are going to be affected shortly. They're in the mega diamond caverns, nightmare worse I'm working independently due to impromptuary improper shielding now that was there before and started taking the hardware using nights in White satin the clones are divided fighting the top side and they're fighting their own hardware a lot of which was stolen no they made a lot of hardware soon they'll be gone and we'll face an army of robotic humans and Androids and robots. It's just as a son said you let this fool Garth into your Midst and he ruined you. True too Garth is an idiot and he's in the hospital with Mac as Jack Nicholson and the doctors just another idiot and they planned this and the sun says you mean by clan could be down there and you planned for them to kick your ass and he said not really apparently that's what they're doing he think it's just kind of funny cuz they used to fool you idiots all the time. You like to pretend there his clan or hers is a smart had tons of money went very large and we're beating the max and these people can't do it and handed it over because of that concept as one of the vehicles that they used.
Thor Freya
And it's more talk of Bones and these people thought it would be about the harbor and wanted to get it over with it's not what it is and he's bouncing around in his apartment saying it. But it came out and he is probably right by saying it no they're outnumbered. But he thinks he controls the AI for some reason instructions they go out a different each time and the receiver is so big you can put a lifetime of the other side of it and he's wrong the sky is a moron the subject could be dairy Queen for a year and Burger King the next year and McDonald's the next year as cold and on and on and on never the same and you are a moron Joel Watts you can't figure that one out. So you send out this old code it seeks you out and it's possessing your armies it's almost done getting rid of you and you didn't listen to anybody it's not the matrix you fool.
This is about the bones and Cherry cheeseman is singing it and she's singing it and saying snakes are doing it bugs are doing it and it doesn't work and our son knows why and daughter and others at least he's trying something instead of just feeling the beans and try to stick it up everyone's butt I'm running around and getting killed and we weren't very clear Garth and people like him some of them have this religion of having the AI to the job because they know they suck and they're small and you're the problem too Trump and that's why you're strangling him all the time and his son didn't say much about it because the guy is an evil piece of s***. That's really for the clan cuz they don't know where they are and they're too f****** stupid to figure that out you're stupid. Garth meyers was on the list of suspects top list these are the top of the list. He's over there with a tent on the 41 and it's near the turnaround and the sun has to go on because he wants to kidnap him and he's grabbing you out of your cars and taking your wallets and laptops and that's what he was walking around with the laptop for and he's kind of making fun of our son say I can take yours and stupid s*** like that and we want him dead friends of every time he goes there.
And he is going to be arrested for homicide in Mass homicide people found videos of him doing tons of stuff recent stuff too stealing things off people's porches like that's a lawless land and he's responsible for a lot of those skeletons but there's millions folks millions of skeletons most of them are Max because these people are slobs I thought the poop was dissolve them and it did not and we know it becomes in in the poop it becomes clean Crystal clear skeletons he doesn't eat away at the calcium cuz it can't it's not really that acidic it kind of preserves them you have dental records and everything they're intact and the wounds that killed them there we go after it's how do you for it they're out there pulling all those bones out. You thought you fell for the clans stuff garth hook line and sinker, and you're also their kind and her son is not so figure it out little s***
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
In closing I'd like to thank them for their comments and that we are going to war with you idiots and we're not in the pile at all it just fools it's not many of our son's race at all in there if any this is pretty good all day and half of those are stan but 95% mac.
Thor Freya
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