#but this. this is like. a whole different ballgame. I'm writing this to get the intense feral brain gremlins OUT
imwritesometimes · 2 years
I don't even want to know what the word count is on this bâseball scene jfc 🙃
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jermer10 · 8 months
hey! :3 could you write some sniper x reader. maybe angst??? thanks <33333
TF2 working it out | sniper x reader
suggestive, gn reader | thank you sm for the ask anon!! <33333
drabbles under the cut :P
"Hey...how ya' been?" Scout awkwardly smiled at you, giving a chaste pat on your shoulder. You, truthfully, had been a mess - hair gone unbrushed, eating little to nothing, eyes red with recent tears. "I've been better." You feigned a smile, it seemed to appease the young man. "Yeah, alright, just take it easy, yeah?" He grinned, smacking your back lightly and strolling off. You were so pathetic. Three weeks ago Sniper had broken up with you after a 3 year relationship, no rhyme, no reason. It had obviously destroyed you, but living in the desert with nine emotionally repressed men gave you no space to work through it. Now, you had them one by one ask you throughout the day if you were alright, Soldier being the harshest, "WISE UP MAGGOT, WE'RE IN THE WAR ON AMERICA!" Engie being the most accommodating, soothingly rubbing your back whilst you cried your eyes out. Everyone else being awkward, but trying to help in their own ways. No sign of Sniper for a week or so, he wouldn't leave the van, wouldn't show up to grab dinner with the rest of the team, wouldn't go for after work drinks. But the battlefield? That was a different ballgame entirely. He was racking up the most kills each match, hiding in places no one could see him, no deaths, elusive, as always. That was the worst part. It seemed like the breakup hadn't affected him at all, he had always been a recluse, and now he was a better mercenary because of it. You could only feel hopeless, accumulating the least kills, dying so often you weren't even bothered to go back into the match at some point, walking off to a quiet part of the map, places where the slaughter had already passed. You sat, legs hanging over the side of one of the many wooden platforms incautiously placed next to steep drops and cliff ends. "I'm so stupid, so fucking stupid." You choked out ugly sobs, the tears burning holes in your cheeks. You had done everything for that man, you cooked for him, cleaned his van, sucked his dick, repaired his weapons, fuck, you had your whole future planned out with him after this god forsaken war was over. Things you didn't have to do. Things you wanted to do. You had tried so hard for him, accommodated him when others wouldn't have even given him a glance. Sniper had thrown it all away, he had thrown you away. You were on a battlefield, no time to grieve the loss of what you thought would be forever, no time to reconcile because he was too gutless to face you after breaking your heart. And what did you have to show for it? Your beat up face from rubbing your eyes so hard they bruised? The not so quiet sobs your roommates could hear from across the halls? You really were stupid. And you had felt worse when you felt a hand grasped shoulder, looking up you see him. "Oh my god, fuck off Mundy." You spat as aggressively as you could muster, though it did admittedly sound more desperate than aggressive. Sniper sat next to you anyway, feet dangling off of the side of the platform. An air of awkwardness hung over him, clearly he had been watching you enough to have slipped away from the fight to talk to you. "I- I'm sorry, y/n," He begun. You glanced at the man from your peripheral vision, he looked off into the distance, seemingly trying to come up with the words to say. His hands absentmindedly fidgeted with his gloves, prodding at the material and shifting himself uncomfortably. The urge to hold him overwhelmed you. The countless times you had comforted him as he suffered from some sort of anxiety attack or depressive episode, the motions were almost routine. "Ya know how I get, I overthink it. Most of the time I don't even think- I'm just- scared." His voice cracked on the last word. He was rambling, you cautiously placed your hand in his own, rubbing your thumb on the back of his. He nervously stared at your hand, and then at you. "Mundy, you really hurt me. You gave me no explanation, you ignore the team and I for weeks, and now you sit here telling me that you’re the one who’s scared? I’m scared too! I’m fucking terrified!”
You begun to cry, “I still thought that we would do this together, both of us, scared as shit and alone, but together.” You stopped yourself from saying anything more, you would have just started blabbering incoherently. Sniper grimaced, wiping away at his eyes from under his sunnies. “I know. I’m so sorry.” He sobbed himself. You looked at him, tears still rushing your face, lips trembling, hair messy, blood splatters from the previous match tracing your otherwise perfect skin.
Sniper saw every inch of you, raw. “I am so fuckin’ stupid.” He breathed out between sobs and huffs, his body language begging you for some comfort. You obliged, leaning in to hug him. He swooped you up in his grasp, breathing in your scent, grabbing in a handful of your hair, drenching your shoulder with his own mess of tears. “Where do you even go from here?” You asked yourself out loud. Sniper answered by peppering your skin with kisses, sniffling between each kiss. “Oh…” You trailed off, heart swelling with sadness, love, and a new nervous hopefulness, maybe you would be alright.
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thejockout · 2 months
As time passes and I release more files, an increasing number of people DM asking whether I'd be interested in trancing them personally. A few have even requested to do this with me as an altered commission, which they'd pay for on a regular basis as I work with them! To date, I have not said yes to anyone: and I'd like to take a minute here to explain why. If you're one of the people who's asked, offered or suggested this, don't feel bad - I've never given a stance on it. But I'm doing it here now!
Reason #1: As a subject and tist, my "field of expertise" lies in pre-made mp3s. I had my dalliances with sites like Hypnosis4Guys and a few sessions over Skype/Discord back in the day, but they were almost all disastrous. Of maybe... 8/9 separate individuals, 6 violated my set boundaries (by recording me, by jerking off when we'd established it would be a sfw session, by trying to change the topic of trance to get their own suggestions in place) and I frankly have no interest as a subject in repeating this experience. So I stick to MP3s.
But that also means that I have little practical experience of live trance work on either end; I'm sure that I could improvise some BS as well as anyone else can. I'm not so down on myself that I think I'd never figure it out. But I don't have a history with it, and I'm pretty hesitant to pick anyone as my "first subject" who'd have to sit through me fumbling my way through a few sessions before I figured it all out.
Reason #2: Compared to producing 'nosis MP3s, live trance is a whoooole different ballgame intimacy-wise. And it's one I don't feel equipped for because of how seriously I'd want to take it. Needing to provide aftercare, working with safeties, ensuring a sub's comfort and ease... these are all considerations that are uniquely challenging to account for in live trance, and ones I'm very hesitant to do with a stranger as a result. Even something as simple as needing to guarantee my internet doesn't go out, or that I don't get interrupted... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something went wrong/a subject had an abreaction when they were under for me.
Hypnosis is a tricky business, and it can dredge up unpleasant/unwanted emotions in people pretty easily if you strike the wrong chord (which, in this whole space of TF kink, is possible if not common.) I have had panic attacks a not-insignificant number of times in trance, and I know how scary it can be. I would want somebody more experienced/educated than myself to help me through it if we were trancing together.
Reason #3: To date, I don't consider I've gotten enough training to be engaging with these pseudo-therapeutic topics on a specifically one-to-one basis. I already try to step lightly around certain topics like image and self-worth in my files because I'm not a psych grad and my only "qualifications" in hypnosis or therapy are short-form courses. (I am, however, pursuing further education in hypnosis and doing a course on it right now.)
But this is complicated because the suggestions a lot of subjects in this space want, me included, can really put you in a psychological minefield. Things like habit change, strong TF ideas, ego effects and permanent change ✨... they're closely tied to our sense of identity, self, sexuality, etc, and there IS a risk of some butterfly effect when you go plucking these strings. I'm not criticising other tists for tackling these issues/themes via live sessions. Their choices are their own, and their subjects are choosing their tists just as much as the other way around... but personally, I would feel irresponsible dipping into people's minds in that way.
But then... why are files different?
Ultimately, a file is different because it's premade; I am writing a script, I'm telling you what it contains, and it's up to you to decide if that's right for you. There is no learning on the fly what I'm speaking about (assuming you read a file description), and you've at least broadly decided you like the theme I'm exploring. After pretalks and setup, a live trance is improv; even if you're working repeatedly with a subject on their specific desires, that requires a flexibility/change that demands a lot more "Navigation" of the sub's psyche than files do. It's more involved. As I said earlier, it's more intimate. And it's a lot more responsibility.
I still try to be responsible with my files. I pay attention to safeties, ethics, etc. I am wary of encouraging irresponsible behaviours without appropriate softening, and I generally temper my own desires a little when writing to avoid causing harm inadvertently. But that same caution would make live work very challenging to do well, so I haven't yet.
Sorry for the seriousness of the post, but I figured it was worthy of a full response. Thanks for reading.
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interact-proof · 1 year
Info Masterpost
Hi everyone, you may know me from around the IF community, probably primarily from here, but you may also be familiar with some projects I've worked on as an editor (the two most prominent being @bodycountgame and @nyehilismwriting's Project Hadea) or other things I've done around the place. Regardless, it's my intention to set up a place here to provide proof-reading and other editing services in order to help people in the IF community who may struggle with doing it themselves for whatever reason (be that due to time, or difficulty, or anything else).
What's on Offer?
We all know that being an interactive fiction author is a HUGE undertaking - we're our own planners, publicists, programmers and also editors a large amount of the time - and sometimes it can be a lot to grapple with. I also know from personally interacting with a lot of authors that editing in particular can feel intimidating for people who don't do it often, and lots of people feel like they don't get it right or don't trust their own judgement with it. That's a normal feeling for anyone inexperienced in a certain skill to go through, but also it turns out that luckily, the internet exists!
For a fee, I can hopefully take some of the stress out of the process by doing copy, line or developmental editing for you, or a combination of the three in some way, shape or form. This doesn't give me any control over your work, obviously, and any suggestions that I make will be just that, suggestions - though like any editor worth their salt, I'll always do my best to explain what I'm suggesting and why, so that you can hopefully make an informed decision about what you want to do about it.
See below the cut for more information, along with pricing and some basic FAQs. Thanks for reading!
So, how does it work?
Well, it's pretty simple, really - you reach out and talk to me about what you want edited, I'll let you know how many (if any) jobs are in my queue currently, we'll confirm what the price will be, and then you decide if you want to go ahead with contracting my services. If we agree to work together, you'll sit back and relax after finishing the exhausting writing process, or, if you're really a glutton for punishment, start writing something new, and I'll do the editing. Then I'll return it to you, and send you an invoice. Easy!
I'm not going to hover over your shoulder demanding certain changes be made or be offended if you disagree with me - that's not a good editor's function, in my personal opinion. What you choose to do with my editing suggestions afterwards is entirely up to you!
What's the difference between copy editing, line editing and developmental editing?
Most people editing for themselves do all three different types of these at once, but they are actually three separate skillsets. Copy editing is another term for what's sometimes called proof-reading; basically, it's checking for spelling and grammar mistakes (including homophones and so forth) but not for other purely textual elements like ineffective word usage or weak sentence structures. Anything beyond basic grammatical correctness is covered by what's called line editing, which looks at some common things people worry about like overused words, weak metaphors or other imagery, and sentences or segments of the text that can possibly be written in a way to more effectively convey the message they're trying to get across.
Developmental editing is a whole other ballgame - this is the part that most often makes authors nervous, the act of considering the text in terms of the effectiveness of each paragraph and story beat, analysing which parts of the narrative and various character arcs are working and which aren't, and so forth. This is a type of editing that is heavy on critique, and very subjective: it's akin to the kind of feedback you might get from beta readers in many senses.
You don't have to want all three types of editing in order to contract my services for, say, just one, but developmental editing on its own will be by negotiation, and likely be an hourly fee rather than a per word cost. You also can't have line editing without copy editing, as it would be impossible to make sure it's effectively-written without making sure it's correct. (You can have copy editing without line editing, however.)
Do you accept works from people whose first language is something other than English?
Yes, this is not a mitigating factor for me. I've worked on some pieces by French- and Brazilian Portuguese-speaking authors before. My editing suggestions come with explanations of why I'm making them, so it should be clear even for ESL authors what I'm suggesting and for what reason. I'm not a translator (unless you're talking about from Akkadian or Sindarin), but as long as you're capable of having a conversation in English, we should be fine.
How should I format my files for you to work on? And how will I get them to you/receive them back?
The two most preferable options are either in a Word Document, or a GoogleDoc document, as these formats both allow me to highlight parts of the work and comment on it directly so that you can see my suggestions. Any other format will make the whole process difficult for both of us as it will require cross-referencing between your work and my responses.
It doesn't have to be formatted in any fancy way, though - as long as it's in the document and readable, even just via basic copy/paste from wherever else you write, that's fine.
We can exchange the files via email or discord, whichever makes you feel more comfortable.
Do you accept jobs unrelated to interactive fiction?
Yes! I've edited novels and short stories before as well, and done work specifically providing developmental editing on outlines so that authors can feel they have a well fleshed-out plan before they begin writing. It's just that there's not many editors out there who are familiar with the IF scene, so that's my marketing focus, so to speak.
You write using British spellings... do you know how to edit for American spellings, too?
Yes, I know how to edit for AusE and AmE as well as BrE. Many authors also use a combination of multiple spelling systems, which I can work with as long as you let me know your style and parameters.
My game is written in the style of Shakespeare... can you handle that?
Individual style, both affected and inherent, is not really a roadblock for most editors. The job of a good editor is to consider each author's personal style and make sure to respect it, rather than try to overwrite it with their own voice, so if you're writing a Tolkienian or Arthurian or epic poetry piece, I'm capable of working with that as long as you let me know what you're aiming for beforehand.
If you have a style guide with particular specifications, feel free to submit it along with your documents, and I'll abide by its specifications. I've worked on projects ranging from high fantasy to scifi to modern fiction in the past.
Can I break my writing up into multiple parts to give to you over time?
Sure! All of the interactive fiction work I've done thus far has been chapter-by-chapter, and you can break it down smaller if you like. However, I can't necessarily bring forward developmental editing concerns from one job into another at peak reliability, particularly if a long period of time has passed between the different jobs.
That's probably all for the FAQs for now - if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out and ask!
How much the editing will cost is based on the length of what you would like me to edit, split up into three length categories: under 10k words, 10k-100k words, and over 100k words. Prices are in AUD, Australian dollars. Per-word rates round up (ie., at a rate of 1c per 5 words, 6 words would incur the cost for 10 words).
Under 10,000 words
Copy editing: 1c per word.
Line editing: a flat $15 fee on top of the price of copy editing.
Developmental editing: a flat $20 fee on top of any other costs, or an hourly fee by negotiation if without the other two services.
10,000 to 100,000 words
Copy editing: 1c per word for the first 10,000 words, followed by 1c per each 3 words for the remainder.
Line editing: a flat $30 fee on top of the price of copy editing.
Developmental editing: a flat $80 fee on top of any other costs, or an hourly fee by negotiation if without the other two services.
Over 100,000 words
Copy editing: 1c per word for the first 10,000 words, followed by 1c per each 3 words for the remainder, plus a flat $20 fee for each 100k words after the first (ie., 150,000 words will incur a $20 fee on top of the per-word price, while 250,000 words will incur $40).
Line editing: a flat $40 fee on top of the price of copy editing, rising incrementally per 100k words after the first (ie., 150,000 words will incur a $40 fee, while 250,000 words will incur $80).
Developmental editing: a flat $80 fee on top of any other costs, rising incrementally per 100k words after the first (ie., 150,000 words will incur an $80 fee, while 250,000 words will incur $160), or an hourly fee by negotiation if without the other two services.
If you're able to include your code with your writing (such as by viewing a proofing copy of a game via twine), and provide me with an outline of your variables and what you're using them for, I can by request check for possible errors (such as adding to a stat when it seems like it should be subtracting instead, or using a wrong or misspelled variable) for a flat fee of $80 per 100,000 words (in this case, the code is included in the wordcount, since I'll be checking it).
Outline Help
If you want me to look over an outline or plan and provide developmental feedback before you begin writing, this can be done for an hourly fee by negotiation.
Thank you again for reading! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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State of the Meunion
Heya. Lets have a conversation and catch up, shall we?
Anyway, I have been gone - to varying degrees and extents - for a while. I don't know whether that is going to change, at least not in a stable and long-term way, but I have a moment for this so I might as well use it.
This space started as a place to host my writings on hypnokink safety and community building. I don't know that most of that is as relevant as it once was, given that the community has fractured and gone to ground (mostly, I think, to Discord and other chat-based services) again in the time since I first put things up here. Back in 2016ish when I was first here (under a different, but similarly named, account), that was a big deal. I think it still needs to be a big deal as every day I see new people who seem to be interested in hypnokink but also are on the fringes of safe/healthy/sustainable practices, and so maybe could benefit from learning about them. But, also, I can't know that with certainty. Maybe this is a good point for an aside on that, so lets do that.
I always wonder when I see something #freeuseslut or #1ckyd4ddy or #goodgirl or whatever, if that is something that a person genuinely is going for or if they are kinking on the fantasy of it. Especially when I see a younger person - bear in mind I'm 40, so "younger" is to me like <25 y/o but especially <21 - posting about that it makes me wonder whether they think that is a healthy relationship style, whether they are posting that because that's what they think people want from them and they put their value as a person into being that fantasy... because that is not sustainable, not in most cases, and will cause injury in a good number of them. But, it's not my place to make people's lifestyle choices for them, so if they want to do things like that then they can. I just want them to make those decisions with a full, conscious awareness of the ramifications of those choices as they make them. Or, if they aren't really doing that, if it is just a game or an act... then that's a whole different ballgame. After all, I kink on mind control but that doesn't mean I want to take total control of someone's mind and make them into my unwilling hypnoslave. Sounds hot, sometimes, but is actually just rape and no that's not okay. Writing stories about it or whatever is all well and good, but I know that if I do anything like that it will be with the full, conscious, aware, informed consent of my partner (which does not diminish the hotness, btw). I wonder if something similar is happening there, if they are displaying the things that they think people want to see, showing sides of themselves carefully curated for their intended audience... but are really just doing the laundry or the dishes rather than masturbating furiously to all the dick pics they are undoubtedly receiving.
Yeah so I guess that's that aside. Back to the main point.
Right now I am doing... okay. Good some days, less good on others. Not really sustainably active, unfortunately. I will get active for a bit and then other things get in the way - health, life, etc - and I will drop off. I feel bad for the people that leaves on the hook, but I can't really control when that happens so there you go. That begs the question of what is going to happen with this space, though.
So, what's my plan here? Honestly I don't have one, but I can call out some goals and intentions and see how things go.
Given that I have so much trouble maintaining consistent activity, I'd like to get back to writing. That way, I can write when I can write, schedule (or queue) posts to go out, and that can be the extent of my activity. I'd like to do original art for said posts so you have something to look at beyond a wall of text, but honestly my choices there are limited (like, AI - which, yeah, I know the problems there - or stock photos of spirals and such) so I don't know if that will happen. I also want to write more on safety topics, but I feel like at this point that has been talked to death and so I might as well just write stories that weave those things in. Teaching through storytelling is a tried and true method anyway, so I might as well feature that. I also want to loop in all the other aesthetics and kinks and stuff that interests me, because - shocker I know - mind control isn't all I kink on.
Anyway, this has mostly been a vehicle for me to ramble on and ponder what I'm going to do. Since I'm done doing that, in the words of Overly Sarcastic Productions... "so... yeah."
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chickycherrycola · 6 months
🕯️ 🔪 🪲 🎨
For that writer ask heheheh 😎
From the Writer Truth or Dare game I reblogged last week ✍
*cracks knuckles* ohoho, you picked some very fun ones 😎 here we go~
🕯: on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
a solid 10/10, omg, i love editing. it's probably my favorite part of the writing process because it's the part in which I really see the story take shape, all the narrative pieces fall into place, all the little details sharpen and come into focus. I love editing so much that it's incredibly difficult for me to silence my internal editor while drafting, and that's why I write so slow... I'm definitely guilty of spending hours, days even, on refining the same paragraph or passage before my full draft is even finished 🤣 I'm just so addicted to that high feeling I get when I figure out the perfect word or phrase to make a sentence SING.
something something words are my drug of choice
🔪: what's the weirdest topic you've researched for a writing project?
ahaha oh man, i fear that my answer to this one is not going to be all that weird or interesting 😅 for King of My Heart I've done a crazy amount of research on various world monarchies, European castles and palaces, and architectural styles of the Mediterranean region. For What Happens In Vegas I spent a truly mind-boggling amount of time scouring AirBnB profiles and Google-Earth scoping various attractions on The Strip, and my phone STILL gives me ads and news alerts for the Las Vegas metropolitan area more than a year later.
now, if we're talking stuff I've researched for my NSFW fics... that's a whole different ballgame. I think that probably my research into fireplay for an as-yet-unfinished Zutara fic probably takes the cake there 😏🔥
🪲: add 50 words to your current WIP and share the paragraph here.
hehe *rubs my tiny fly hands together* what a perfect excuse to chip away at Chapter 1 of my SoMa College AU 👀
'Although the idea of forty or fifty copies of Blake and his loud blue hair and even louder personality sounds truly unbearable, Maka can’t help the smile that plays on her lips at the thought. 
“Even still,” she says. “I’ll be okay, Tsu. Promise.”
And besides, a couple of hours at a frat party will be better for her wounded heart and shattered confidence than another Friday night spent holed up in her bedroom, with nothing but her biology textbooks and bitter memories for company. 
that was technically 86 words oops
🎨: link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it.
listen.... LISTEN. @moriohpissky creates so much fantastic fanart (both from my fics and otherwise) and here you expect me to CHOOSE ONE as my favorite? impossible task tbh
okay okay, if I have to pick ONE thing - it'd be this illustration she did for King of My Heart several months ago! Because it's absolutely gorgeous, the color palette is perfect, and the whole thing is giving cover vibes 😍 if I ever were to pursue a fan-binding of KOMH (many moons from now when its finished, lol) I'd love for this piece to be on the cover, or on the title page if that isn't possible.
HOO BOY THIS GOT LONG! If you read all that, thank you - and thanks for playing BCB!
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sunsetcannon · 8 months
The Red Soul Trait.
Hell with it, I'mma post my UT headcanon here. Specifically in regards to the Red Soul. Sure there's the "Ballgame" joke and the classic of Determination. Yet there's a certain other thing I personally have in mind in what it could be called, one that can be used as synonym for Determination but at the same time not directly tied to Perseverance. I like to think that it's called "The Soul of Will." as in the will to go on, or one's will to live or to do something. It wouldn't surprise me if the idea has already been in circulation or if the name is already taken but I'll clarify more under the cut here to avoid clogging stuff up, hear me out if you want.
Ok so, Frisk/Your willpower, depending how the story depends it in terms of writing and if the player can be inserted in, is what keeps driving them forward throughout the underground no matter what, even gathering through their determination to deny even death. It's what gives them the ability to muscle through the likes of monsters such as Undyne, Asgore, hell even Asriel/Flowey. You can still argue that it's technically synonym for Perseverance, but I feel like raw Willpower would be different enough to stand on it's own. After all DT is apart of all human souls at their core, while other traits still do exist with Justice having Kindness, and Kindness having Integrity, all of them have Determination in some way outright which is why I believe Will or Willpower could be a more fitting name for the red soul. Raw Willpower may beat out Perseverance just enough just due to the fact that most of the time, a person's will is usually one of the last things to break, a person's will to survive no matter the circumstance. This also makes it ironic in Deltarune, where it isn't Kris's will, but your own. Kris is forced to follow your will throughout the entirety of the game, only getting what say they have through how they choose to say things, how they do actions, and of course when they straight up tear out the soul out of their own chest.
What makes things more interesting is Chara, who is implied to have the red soul despite no true presence of the player like with Frisk and Kris. Their own will is completely uncontrolled by any outside force, there is no player interference for them, only their pure will, which is what matters the most when they finally "pick up the knife" at the end of the genocide route where their will ends up erasing what is left in the timeline. However with the equal amount of will put into saving their brother with giving the player and Frisk access to their memories in the Pacifist ending. This doesn't mean that they can not be influenced, you are still the one to end up driving them into lashing out, and you are still the one who can help them heal. Will could also explain why the red soul is as "malleable" as it is, easily switching between the other traits as the game mechanics paired with the monsters' magic. However it seems like if put into more practice it can change unprompted, as we see in Spamton Neo's fight where it can switch into Justice unprompted by any phone like in Undertale. It could stand for the player's will, Frisk's will, however you may view it, but that's personally what I think. At the end of the day this is just generally a headcanon, but I tried to cover all questions that I could with this, of course there may be something I missed, I'm not perfect. I'd like to hear input from others in the fandom who may end up reading through this whole thread at some point!
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zhuzhudushu · 2 years
hi! could I ask about how you would write the characters for the name "zhou yuze", as well as pronunciation?
Well, I have no way of knowing what characters are for "yuze". There are way too many possible character combinations. 周 zhōu is a very common surname. (Unless is this a famous name and I'm just a dumbass? Lmao)
As for pronunciation, the closest English equivalent to "zhou" would be "Joe" haha
"yu" is a singular vowel sound that does not exist in English. It's the vowel /y/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). "ze" is also not pronounced the way you would expect and is a harder "z" than what we produce in English and the vowel is more like "uh."
(This is of course ignoring tones, which is a whole different thing)
I guess if you're gonna pronounce it with English sounds, the closest we could get would sound like "Joe You Zuh" lmao even writing it sounds dumb to me. If you want to pronounce it accurately you would need to watch some videos on Mandarin pronunciation.
I would recommend these pinyin breakdown videos by Yoyo Chinese.
As for writing the characters, that's a WHOLE 'nother ballgame, friend. It takes literally months of studying to understand Chinese stroke order. But here is a video on the stroke order for 周 Zhōu specifically, to give you a taste of how to write it.
Hope this was helpful! If you know the characters for the person's name, I'd be more than happy to break it down further :P
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honeysuckle-venom · 3 years
I’m very weirded out and concerned about this whole “reality shifting” thing. I first heard people joking about it several months ago and didn’t really pay attention. But recently on one of my blogs we got a teenage follower who claims they regularly reality shift, and then today I was scrolling through fanfics and came across one where the 16 year old author claims to be telling the story of what happened when they reality shifted. And that’s really concerning to me? Like I thought it was mostly a joke but apparently there are real teenagers who are really believing this stuff and I think it’s probably super dangerous??? I know I can’t help everyone and me going and saying, “Hey I don’t think you’re reality shifting, I think you need to see a therapist” to a random internet teenager is not something I should do but also I find this really disturbing and concerning.
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Hi!! Thank u so much for following me back, you’re the coolest❤️ I was wondering if you could write headcanons for being Joe Cabot’s daughter and Eddie’s younger sister dating Vic. Thank you so much in advance!!!💞
Hello @scarletcountesss! You're welcome for the follow, thank you for requesting and keeping up with my chaotic bin on fire of a blog here! I can totally do these headcanons, this is such a great idea! Sorry it took so long, I hope it wasn't an inconvenience to you. Colds suck, oh my god. But I'm totally living for this idea, so I'm gonna get right into it! Thanks again for requesting and being so patient with me! You rock!
FANDOM: Reservoir Dogs 
GENRE: Requested Headcanons, romantic relationship, light smut, and AU!
SYNOPSIS: You’re the youngest of the Cabot family dating Vic Vega/Mr. Blonde and it is certainly interesting!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: AFAB! reader, innuendo in one headcanon, and romantic relationship!
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So right off the bat, your dad and brother are extremely protective of you in every single way possible and in every area of your life. You literally cannot do much for yourself without them fussing so much over the supposed ‘risks’ involved. This had led you to be irate with them, but you know that the intention is good. 
It would be different if you were a boy, but because you’re female, it’s a whole other ballgame. Joe recognizes this more so than even Eddie. He raised you gently but firmly, doting on you constantly. And he teaches your brother manners towards you, that you are a young lady and thus must be treated with high regard. Some of the worst trouble Eddie’s ever gotten into was because he was short, abrasive, or cruel to you. Joe cuts no corners, nobody’s about to hurt his baby girl. 
Say what you want about the Cabot men, but they do know how to properly handle a girl. 
It became more difficult when you grew up, especially in the teenage years when boys began to show you romantic affection. Joe wasn’t against you having a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter, instead he’s wary like a guard dog. He was the more relaxed one, it was Eddie who was the high strung one. Eddie “bitch slap” Cabot ( that’s my nod to @eddiecabotsmile LOL ) would grill, bully, threaten, and at worst, put a bullet in your beau at the slightest provocation and misstep. It’s a bloody affair being his sister. 
However, when you met Vic Vega, everything changed. You both were attracted to each other from the very first encounter, sensing that you two were meant to be a couple. The chemistry was tangible, potent enough that Joe understood what was happening. And he wasn’t unhappy about it, quite the opposite! He loves Blondie like a second son and couldn’t have picked a better man for you to date. Vic’s trustworthy, upstanding, and has you in good hands. It reminds him of his first wife, who is yours and Eddie’s mother, and whom he was just as madly in love with. So, your daddy just lets the relationship bloom on its own. 
Eddie was overjoyed that Vic might be his brother-in-law some time soon, but less thrilled that his baby sister was going to be in a romantic relationship. He just worries for you, what dating or marriage would do to you and your sibling relationship. Deep down he’s anxious about losing you for some inexplicable reason--though he will never admit that to anybody but himself. Whatever he can do to keep you safe seems the best option. Yet, when he sees how happy you are with Vic, something stirs within him that he can only identify as joy. Happiness that you are happy and fulfilled. 
Lots of dates with Vic in which your dad and brother tag along. Be it one of the nightclubs or steakhouses Joe owns or one of Blondie’s biker haunts, you four always manage to have a great time dancing, drinking, and eating to your heart’s content like royalty. 
Joe and Eddie continuing to shower you in gifts, with the addition of Vic’s presents too. Really, you are spoiled by their tokens. Blondie loves nothing more than seeing you in a dress he bought you and your neck dripping with fancy diamonds from his affections. You’re a classy girl, and he figures that a classy girl like you deserves special treatment. 
You are definitely concerned when Eddie and Vic pull jobs with the other Dogs. Things could go sour very quickly. God forbid if something were to befall your brother and boyfriend. Just the thought is enough to make you sick with worry. Luckily you have your daddy to put you at ease. He’s not about to let anything happen to his son and best man/future son-in-law. You know this, which reassures you. 
I had to put something along the lines of innuendo in this headcanon set, because we know that Blonde is a lusty little shit, a closet freak. Skip this one if you are uncomfortable with implied smut! When you’re around your brother and dad, any sexual attention is kept under the radar as much as possible for Vic. This is him we’re talking about after all, ha ha. Anyways, Eddie is certainly not a fan when he accidentally catches you two making out, presumably about to take it a step further. He whines and gags about it, being the drama queen he is. 
All good now for you to look, if you skipped from above!
Vic loves you and your family too, feeling fortunate to even be apart of it in the way he is. And you love him more than anything, living for him every single day of your life. Eddie and Joe are just thrilled that Blonde’s apart of the family now, something that should have been coming for awhile! 
I am so sorry if these weren’t great, please do let me know and I can totally fix them to suit your needs! Thank you so much for requesting again @scarletcountesss, I super appreciate you and your support, kindness, and friendship! You rock! And that goes for all of you, of course! More requests will be released soon, I promise! Stay tuned, and have a great Easter weekend everyone, if you celebrate it! Ciao!
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erikaqueenpauline · 2 years
I'm starting this post for like the third time hoping dumb ass Tumblr doesn't say 'oops something went wrong' and delete everything I wrote. continuing on about dextromethorphan, I have to tell you about the 4th plateau. 4th plateau dxm tripping (for most people anything north of 1000mg would be edging into this territory) is some serious shit not to be toyed around with or attempted on a whim. I have had some mystical, spiritual nirvana like experiences in the 4th plateau and on the other hand I've accidentally gotten trapped there and experienced hellish terrifying madness. I have ended up in jail cells and psych wards fucking with the 4th plateau, this is not something to be taken lightly. you experience total annihilation of all familiar constructs and tethers you're just adrift in the white blank abyss outside everything you can't tell what's real you don't know if you're on drugs or if things have always been this way and always will be forever ... like I said it can be terrifying or super sublime, it will make you reconsider every preconceived notions and belief you had, seeing everything from an emotionless objective outside viewpoint. proceed with caution lil dextronaut, tread carefully 4th plateau can be belief-shattering, life altering. you can also recall repressed memories in 4th plateau (maybe even 3rd) which can be really traumatic and huge. I definitely have experience with that phenomenon.
other dxm wisdom I bestow onto you 😁... lots of people like "triple C's" or coricidin cough and cold - I don't fuck with that shit cuz the chlorpheniramine weirds up the high too much... idk how to explain it but throw in that (also psychoactive) extra ingredient and it's a whole different ballgame. you get real fucked up but it's not for me any more. that being said, I ALWAYS take diphenhydramine (benadryl) with my dex, anywhere between 4 and 10 25mg pills depending on how fucked up I'm trying to get. dph is also an SSRI and an anticholinergic deliriant hallucinogen, frankly it's straight up dangerous, much more so than dxm. causes heart rhythm problems and convulsions and shit if you take too much - it enhances the dxm high to me, gives it a little more euphoria and body high and edging into visual hallucinations (esp higher amounts) but it also makes me fucking RETARDED in a way dxm alone does not, like seriously slow and simple in the head like counting things is hard lol ... so not something you want to do when you need to be functional, only good for being extremely fucked up listening to music and watching visualizers. 😄 also causes shaky hands, dry mouth, poor motor skills you walk like your drunk all teeter tottery and shit. so if you're gonna try adding in dph just know a little goes a long ways and your kinda playing with a live cobra that can turn on you. IMPORTANT: THE TRIP LOG. something I started doing long ago and follow religiously is I keep a designated little notebook where everytime I take a dose of dxm or dph (I include all psychoactive substances) I write down exactly how much I took and at what time. this is very helpful for when you're like "hmm I don't feel that high, I'm gonna take some more" if you look at the trip log and see it's only been 45mins since you took a dose of dxm you know to wait another 15mins or so for that to kick in before you go taking more shit, you feel me. it helps to know dxm hydrobromide takes about an hour to kick in, Mucinex about an hour and a half and delsym about two to two and a half hours. diphenhydramine takes about 45 minutes. you should generally always do these drugs on an empty stomach, food slows down the absorption and you won't get as high and it'll take longer. so if you know you're gonna trip don't eat anything heavy beforehand. and if you were wondering yes just swallow the syrup or pills, dxm and dph cannot be injected snorted or smoked. use caution when mixing dxm and THC you will get WAY more fucked up than either substance alone. alcohol and dxm is a good way to end up puking esp if you tend to have a weak stomach, products with guaifinesin extra prone to make you nauseated and or puke.
causes heart rate to be very elevated like 140 just sitting there not doing anything. if you have a weak heart don't use. for some reason extended use causes (at least for me) super low blood glucose levels, just found this out recently - to combat this drink regular (sugary) soda. dxm abuse can very often cause urinary retention! (doubly so if mixing in dph) - I cannot tell you how many times I've gone to ER in severe discomfort with liters of piss in my bladder completely unable to urinate, get bladder scanned and then catheter in the urethra, I have done this so many times it's not even fucking funny. over the years have learned some ways to cope with that (limiting fluid intake before and during trip, moderating dosage, tricks to coax the urine out of me) but seriously this can be unpleasant if you drink too much liquids and are on a high dose of dxm.
chronic extended abuse like I do causes other problems like digestive tract issues, short term memory loss (amnesia like a motherfucker), falling out and having convulsions and splitting your fucking face open, all sorts of fun adventures like that. so yeah dxm can be a powerful tool to recall repressed memories, cope with trauma, shake off outmoded beliefs, etc but not when you do it every fucking day all day, then you're just a fucking vegetable doing nothing and going nowhere. I'm trying to get clean off this shit and get back to recording my music. aight that's all for now got shit to do - Erika aka Queen Pauline
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 4 (Bucky Barnes au)
“And if you're feeling lonely you should tell me
Before this ends up as another memory”
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A week. You'd met Bucky a week earlier and still hadn't forgotten the feeling of his arm on your back, the deepness of his voice and the blue of his eyes. How could you? You were trying to spend as much time with Darren as you could, but he was hardly ever home.  When he wasn't working, he was meeting one friend or another to watch a baseball game. You had been married for one week, and this was your seventh day alone in your apartment.
The place you and Darren lived in was small and you had given your best to make it feel like a welcoming home. From green plants to scented candles and beautiful artwork, everything was meant to make any visitor feel welcomed and cozy. Your favourite thing was obviously the couch and beanbag chairs : they were all dark grey and the fabric gave them the impression of a cloud. Not that it mattered to your husband, though... You sighed as you got up from your couch and put your coffee cup on the kitchen counter. Taking out your phone out of your back pocket, you stopped for a moment, biting your cheek. Should you...call him? No. It was too soon and you  hadn't  heard from him at all since the wedding. Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Scratch that: it was probably a terrible idea.  You decided to call Steve instead, hoping he would have some work for you at the compound. You  had already helped out a lot, especially in terms of scientific development. You and Bruce Banner were currently working on a tissue-repairing  technology. It was a work in progress and Banner didn't have much time for it, but you always tried to make yourself useful: there was always an agent who needed a wound to be stitched.
"Y/n? Hi! How's the married life going?" Your heart warmed up as soon as you heard Steve's voice on the phone.
"Hi, uh... Good, thanks. Do you need my help at the compound?" you asked.
"No, not really. I mean, you always find ways to help, of course, but we thought you'd like a week or two, you know." He paused. "Don't you have a honeymoon to go to?"
"Darren's too busy with work. He said we'd go when he gets a week off, which is...not right now. So do you need me there?"
Your friend took a moment to answer. "Yeah, we always need you. Do you want me to send a car?"
"Yeah, Darren took ours and I don't think a taxi can take me there. Thanks, Stevie! See you soon."
"Okay, the car will be at your place in an hour. See ya!"
Hanging up the phone, you already felt better than five minutes earlier. Going to the compound meant working, for sure, but it also meant you got to see and spend time with Wanda, joke around with Sam or just chit chat with Bruce. You could say the compound was like your second home, now.  After a quick shower and changing into some jeans and t-shirt, you deemed yourself ready to go and packed your backpack – no, a handbag was not enough to carry your multiple notebooks and pens.
You scrolled on your phone to make time pass faster and when the bell rang, you furrowed your brows. Drivers usually honked and didn't bother ringing the doorbell. You went to the interphone and pressed the speaker.
"Who's there?"
You heard what sounded like the end of a throat-clearing noise. "It's Bucky. Steve asked me to pick you up."
Your lips froze and your brain stopped functioning correctly for a second. Who? What? Why?
"I'll be down in a sec," you ended up saying, acting as composed as possible.
'Damn you, Steve.' You did want to see Bucky, but time to prepare for the occasion would've been better. Last time he saw you, you were wearing a pretty dress and your hair was done and...shit. You quickly ran your brush through your hair, hoping it would make it better, before thinking of how ridiculous you sounded: why would Bucky care about how you looked, and – more importantly – why would you ?
When you found yourself down in the entrance hall, you caught a glimpse of Bucky through the glazed door. He seemed to be carrying something. You opened the door and greeted him with  a smile.
"I didn't know you'd be the one coming,"  you noted, trying to figure out whether he enjoyed being here or not.
He shrugged and looked at the floor.  "Steve apparently had no one available so...he asked me. Ready?" He handed you what he'd be holding the whole time and...
"A helmet? Why would I- Oh. You don't have a car,  do you?"
Bucky let out a laugh. As brief as it was, you couldn't help but swoon. You looked up and smiled back. "What's so funny?"
"You don't like bikes?" he asked, raising a brow.
"No, I just... They're not as safe as a car. "
"It's safe with me, I promise. Come."
You followed him with a grin as he placed his helmet over his long hair and you tried to strap yours on, fiddling with your fingers.
"Let me help." You almost stopped breathing when his fingers brushed against your chin as he attached the helmet's straps. "Okay, we  should go now."
You nodded and sat behind him, unsure of where to place your arms. "Hum..."
Bucky gently seized your wrists and brought them on his stomach. "Just hold on here." You  felt his back tense as you joined your hands on his body. You hadn't been this close to him since you'd met. Your own body's reaction was to nestle against Bucky's. Whether you wanted to feel safe on this bike or you just needed him to be close, you had no clue. Bucky started the engine, made sure you were holding on tight and started driving through the streets. The wind on your exposed skin made you shiver and after ten minutes or so, you felt comfortable enough to rest your chin on Bucky's back, right behind his shoulder.
Something in the way Bucky drove and took his turns made you think he was  used to go faster. Was he slowing down for you?
"Are you going slower than usual?" you yelled behind him.
Turning his head around would've been too dangerous so he nodded.
"Don't hold yourself back for me then, I'm not a kid!"
His shoulders moving hinted at a laugh as the motorbike sped up. It only made you cling harder to him and when you arrived at the compound half an hour later, you realised  you were smiling too hard for your own good.
"You screamed", he said in a soft voice, a smile floating on his lips.
"No, I did not."
"Yeah, you did."
You  shook your head and tried putting on a serious face as you saw Wanda coming to you. You didn't want her to tease you about your – probably  – huge smile. By the look in her eyes, you could tell she'd obviously busted you. She hurried towards you and hugged you tight.
"I'm so happy to see you," she breathed. "Are you here to work with Bruce?"
"Yeah, or just help around." You lowered your voice. "I needed to get away from home for the day."
Your sister gave you a confused stare before she understood. "Oh. He's working too much again?"
"Yeah. I guess staying home with his now-wife is too much to ask." You looked away for a second. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be bitter."
Bucky got off of the bike as well and stopped next to you, as if waiting for something. He must've spotted the interrogation in your eyes because he gestured to your head.
"The helmet," he explained. "I don't think you wanna wear that all day."
You chuckled. "No, I don't." You struggled once again with the straps and when Bucky unstrapped them for you, the same shiver as earlier ran down your spine. "Thanks for the ride," you added as he walked away to the building. He waved at you and nodded, smiling a little less brightly than he did in front of your house.
"That was some tension I just saw there," Wanda remarked. "Were you even able to keep your hands off him on that bike?"
"What? I'm just asking. Isn't he your soulmate or something?"
You ran your hand through your ruffled hair and gave her a disapproving look.
"You"re the one who told me soulmates could very well be friends," you argued. "And you  shouldn't be encouraging me down that road. I'm married, in case you forgot."
"Yeah, to a man who didn't even booked a honeymoon."
"He's busy," you said, looking away from your sister. Finding excuses for Darren was easy. Selling them to your sister was a whole different ballgame.
"Not to me, y/n. You should tell him you want to go!"
"Yeah, maybe tonight." You started walking to the compound. "I need to talk to Bruce about our last meeting. I'll see you later."
Wanda shook her head before going the other way, towards the gardens. You loved your sister, obviously, and she meant the world to you. However, when she was seeing right through your lies and excuses like she'd just been, it always drove you mad at yourself. Sure, you were in love with Darren and he'd never been mean to you, but you knew perfectly you didn't have to take all of his shit. You could feel he was taking you for granted, and you decided that had to change. If you didn't start fighting for your own wellbeing, you knew Wanda would. You weren't eager to witness such events.
--- Just finished writing part 7, so here's part 4 for you! I hope you still like this story :) Your likes really make me smile throughout the day ehe
Tell me if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02
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jamzandbamz · 2 years
Live recap: overall, I feel like very little was actually discussed. I felt somewhat disconnected, but I'm not trying to burst his bubble lol. 💌 I've organized it a lil differently bc there was a lot of repetition lol
(Note-- check the ****'d bit for my theory on why he's talking this way lol could be dead wrong tho)
-They're uploading the edited version on Monday morning (to yt I believe)
-The energy was unlike anything I've seen from him. The bottom line I'm getting is that he is basically high on romance. He repeated many, many, many times throughout the 2 hours that:
He is a new man, a *grown* man (so many times), he's "matured decades in past week," "a lot has changed in the past week," feels like he's outgrowing the boys (kinda laughed after), not doing house music intros, that he's "liberated," "more open minded," that "material items mean nothing," "there will be no more cursing on the show," no more dick pics, this is the "new me," that he's high on life, "I'm in control of my mind," not on drugs. Over and over. It was the entire theme. He was very uninterested in the questions. I could go on lol
-worth saying that he kept repeating "Anything that can be fixed with medication can be fixed with meditation" 🤣 even when he called his parents later, did it again
-sunglasses on the whole time
-All the comments in the chat were this: idk how to react to this version of Jeff, this is crazy, cult is gonna unionize and walk out, Jeff this is too calm, he's so zen he's not even letting us bully him, anyone else confused
-even kyle said "idk what going on anymore"
-and even Steven was like "I'm scared right now" 🤣🤣
-so he basically/clearly attributes these changes to the girl he's seeing. He said "I have a woman in my life now who's teaching me to lead a holistic lifestyle," they meditated together (he didnt like it initially), he only uses hydroflasks now
-he attempted two meditations LIVE y'all haha 😶‍🌫️☁️☁️
- "Ok I'll be honest, I knew the girl, that I met, already for years"
-when asked for info about his coachella fling, he said: "It wasn't a fling, it's still going on"
-not bf/gf "yet"
-****(me wondering: if it's the girl who is older than him (??), maybe that's why he brought up maturity/being mature/being grown up so much?)
-basically she is Mexican, reads books in the park, is athletic (he didn't sound overly convincing), hikes, has a sense of humor, doesn't watch YouTube, doesn't know what Patreon is/something like that
-said, "Maybe I'll come back with a whole diff attitude" next week, maybe this is a phase, he's regurgitating a lot of what he's hearing on a meditation app so it might be a new ballgame next week
-called his mom, told her about this girl bc he hadn't talked to her. Kept saying that he's going to have kids with her, multiple times! Like, delivering the baby in a "bathtub in his house."
-Something even about her being the "love of my life" but it was vague, hard to read the tone
-at one point said he wanted to be open about everything, then later said that he's thinking about not sharing any of this stuff, "live my life in private"
--------- everything else unrelated to girl:
-Tossing and turning at night, hallucinating?, hard to sleep w/o ambien, melatonin gives him nightmares
-Jorge Janko gave Steve advice to not overstep. Steven barely spoke tho 🥺
-said his "biggest flex in life is that my parents are proud of me" (pointed to awards to show they didn't matter)
-❗️Going to NY next week, doing pop up shops with the products in stores, with the crew, "signing autographs" 🤣🤣
-"Johnny depp" came on lol, with the hair part, mustache, jewelry...it was Ryan, i barely paid attention, comments were "SCAM FM" "cap fm" and "I cant"
-Initially thought poop on bed situation was hot (girls who are nuts), but basically not any more..
-when asked about his new motivation, "whats next" bc of this girl, he said: Writing! He wants to write a book, turn it into a show (not like mike's/jail) it'll be a self-help book. 💗💗🤧 Also still into youtube ufc/boxing/mma anything (starting to get jokey)
-Hung out w Vince the other night
-Thinks girls hit him up bc they want to fix him (mental problems)
More was said but these are the most, most relevant!! 💗💗💗
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kifu · 3 years
I'm about a third of the way through Transformers MTMTE and RiD, right before the Dark Cybertron arc.
I have thoughts now. I know they're vastly different than pre-MTMTE. Kinda want to see if they change again. This writing is brilliant, however. Right up my alley. I love this so much more than I could love my X-Men, and the X-Men got me through a lot.
Chromedome: the best. A sad, lovable not-so-squish that sometimes tries really hard and other times succumbs to self-indulgences. I've apparently had a thing for emotionally struggling queers lately, and CD is RIGHT up there at the tippy top. He also scares me, because I just feel like he's not gonna stick around for that much longer.
Rodimus: he pisses me right the fuck off. Self-absorbed despite what he tells himself. He's killed a LOT of bots off second hand and even though he's told Magnus he's going to make it up to his crew, I've yet to see him actually make a change. His recklessness is not cute.
Drift: such cute. How can one so covered in the proverbial lifeblood of others be so damn innocent? Tries too hard with next to no acknowledgement. Was pissed at Rodimus for making Drift take the blame for Overlord, but then I switched to pissed at Rodimus for LETTING Drift take the blame. CD gives me squishy protection feels, but Drift is a whole different ballgame of feels. I miss him in the story.
Ultra Magnus: totally didn't expect to not hate him. That's a surprise. Still, dude needs to get a grip.
Swerve: this guy reminds me of the depressed kids that cover it up with extra humor and no one knows that it's depression until it kills them. He must have a real friend and be protected at all costs.
Whirl: this maniac certain gives the place some spice, that is for sure. He's very much starting to grow on me.
Cyclonus: tough guy with a cracking shell (thanks to Tailgate). Perfect. Let them be gay.
Tailgate: also tries too hard. He may be a liar, but he's so damn earnest.
Skids: honestly super confusing. I generally like him, but I swear he's a different personality every time he gets a little bit of writing attention. Sure, even he doesn't know what's going on in his head, but still.
Brainstorm: I need more. I know there's more of Brainstorm out there and I just haven't gotten there yet. But his banter is just top notch. Kinda wondering who lets him go unattended.
Rung: how on earth he accidentally becomes the center of everything, I don't know, but it's a wonderful trend. I'd like to keep that from ending.
Prowl: I fucking hate him. The most. I'm sure a lot of this is due to CD putting him in an awful light and what's his face (I'll probably remember his name after posting this) taking Prowl for a fucking joyride there for a long time, but I still hate him. He could be a supercomputer and not be a totalitarian piece of shit.
Arcee: despite letting Prowl kinda take her wheel, she's actually been a joyful homicidal addition. Did not enjoy her when her sole purpose was to kill Jhiaxus, but now that that's secondary? Much better.
Bumblebee: piece of shit. Absolute hypocrite. Hate him. Getting progressively more pissed that he's basically the poster child for TF.
Orion Pax/Optimus: really couldn't care less for him.
Wheeljack: I had minimal feelings toward him until not-Prowl shot him through the spark. But, like, he was kind of the only thing holding Prowl back from coaxing Bee into a massive power trip.
Blurr: fantastic character. I love that he has the steel to tell Prowl and Bee to fuck off, but enough empathy to still try and help his friends because it's ACTUALLY the right thing to do. Need more Blurr.
Megatron: while I love the idea behind the decepticons and would totally align myself with that idea initially, Megatron is truly too much. I hate egomaniacs.
Shockwave: now THIS character - while confusing as fuck because his storyline is not the same as anyone else - is also TERRIFYING as fuck. The fuck yo feelings vibe, probably because all of his have been stripped away from him by force, is a perfect deadly edge that just make his interactions great. He's great. Though I will admit that I wish as time went on, he strayed away from Jhiaxus instead of deferring back to him millions of years later.
Soundwave: holy shit is he a mess. Just - a disaster child. Also, fandlore made him out to be way more dangerous than he typically exhibits, but maybe I'm not far enough along to realize how bad he can be? Because all I see is someone poorly scheming from the background and barely managing to keep his composure. Like, I could have SO MUCH FUN with him with fanfic, and I love reading Soundwave fics, but seriously, canonically from start to where he's at now, he's just a fucking mess. Truly think he only got as far as he is now because Ravage, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw took pity on him and because Soundwave was the one that planted Megatron's grandeur idea in his brain module and then Soundwave for some reason failed to think about defecting. Soundwave's logic is not sound. But also, my introduction to him was through Prime, and that rendition was top notch. It's just idw RiD that he's class A disaster.
Starscream: tuly couldn't care much less for him, either. His snark is good, but his traitorous yet plothole-ridden schemes fall short of exciting.
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poppyiisms-blog · 5 years
hello, everyone! my name is rhiannon & i'm twenty-two years old & from the eastern timezone!!! i'm currently starting my first semester at college, my second degree, and i'm super nervous!!! but when i'm not studying, i'm writing my heart out or spending time outside (bc i loooove the sunshine). i'm just returning to tumblr rp after switching to forums a few years ago, but i'm excited to make some friends & write with everyone! pls feel free to plot with me via im or discord.
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♡ introducing poppy miller, the vigorous ♡
BORN AND RAISED TO HOLLYWOOD HOUSEHOLD NAMES, poppy miller became comfortable with cameras at a very young age. of course, her birth was all for show, organized strictly for the purpose of publicity. the miller’s have always craved attention, as fame literally runs in their family. with a few cousins who fled the hollywood life, the miller surname is dedicated to hollywood. her father – george miller – a seasoned producer and cinematographer, and her mother – penelope miller – an award winning actress.
poppy was raised by a rotation of individuals, but very rarely was it her parents. dad was writing films that never seemed to end, and mom was landing film after film after film. in diapers, poppy was too much to handle when her parents were working and as left in the hands of a string of nannies.
she was given the best education there was to offer and took full advantage of it. with a blair waldorf esqe demeanor she excelled at overpriced private institutions.
her acting career was both paid and worked for. george would buy poppy anything in the world to keep her mouth shut & listen, so when she begged to attend the best acting school, poppy got what poppy wanted.
julliard was hard. getting in was easy because of her name, but keeping her spot was a whole different ballgame. the challenge of conforming herself into someone who knew what she was doing was not easy, but allowed poppy to access skills she’d never had before. she came out thriving.
she’s starred in various films and has recently shifted to a tv series. poppy’s very serious about her work (just as serious as she is about clubs on the weekend). she’s like a bitter wine; you handle her or you don’t.
TW: DRUGS!!!! poppy’s mother is a huge name in hollywood. her fame so large, for the ten years or so, she’s struggled with addiction and essentially a downward spiral of everything. as of more recently, she filed for divorce and fled, focusing on her love for drugs over her love for acting. her mom’s downfall is something that has been extremely public and pushed poppy very close to the edge. she’s following very closely in her mom’s footsteps and the public isn’t sure if it’s who she is, or simply to spite her father.
she’s always been bitter and judgmental, only surrounding herself around people with money & stature, but lately her attitude has been out of control. she isn’t happy unless she’s playing a role or trying to piss her father off by making the front page of the tmz website. it’s the little things.
wanted connections
bratpack (0/4) ♡ i imagine that poppy has about for individuals she considers her best friends. whether it's genuine or all for show, she needs her friends to go out with and cause absolute chaos. poppy is v much a party girl and v much a bitch, so i'd imagine her bratpack have somewhat privileged attitudes as well.
public enemies ♡ poppy is a hellfire and has definitely gone 100000% public with rivalries. i would love for her to have people she's battled it out with to be a part of her life. whether it was over an ex, or maybe a lost part, poppy is #petty and definitely gets a thrill out of calling people out on the internet. attention is something she craves, even if it's negative.
flings & things ♡ a 100000% serial dater. poppy can't settle down, because when she has someone - there's always someone she wants more, or at least, makes herself think she wants more.
bad breakup ♡ i'd love for poppy to have a pretty rough breakup connection? this i would hate to dictate, but if anyone would like to set something up on this side of the spectrum i'd be more than excited!!
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Whenever you finish writing a chapter and begin editing, do you go on to add extra scenes and keep writing. Or once you enter the editing stage, do you stop writing?
My creative writing prof always told me that editing was for removing unnecessary parts of a story rather than adding to it. Personally, whenever I write and then edit, I find myself almost writing an additional chapter's worth of scenes.
If I go back to write more scenes that's writing, not editing. I think it can get out of control letting the editing mindset become writing so I try to delineate the two. That is definitely a thing that happens to me, by the way lol.
Like full disclosure: sometimes I hate looking at a thing and I stop editing. That's it. I get bored and I don't want to do it. It's not perfect by any means
I'm definitely by no means speaking from the angle of being a good writer, and I also write fic habitually so the craft of it is somewhat of a different ballgame (e.g. there are things I try to keep tonally consistent to the source material, whereas original work I let myself be more weird), but that's generally speaking my attitude. When I'm editing I'm trying to cut down and fix tempo. I have edited a lot of poetry and editing poetry is mostly just listening (for me) so that's how I treat this. Reading aloud is especially useful.
But yeah I find it can disrupt the editing if I begin to add too many new things in. Generally I am only trying to find what I have already written and bring it out - I call that 'pearling' lol. I think of it like adding pearls to embroidery.
If you find that switching between writing and editing and comprehensive edits works for you, then just do that. The thing that can happen though is that when I'm catching errors towards the end, it's always the stuff I recently added in that's suffering from issues. So generally if I start editing -> writing, I restart editing. I edit parts of a chapter as I go, admittedly, but once I've finished writing the whole thing I begin over again.
I hope I'm not talking myself up, I'm aware of the weaknesses of my own writing lol. But yeah I am mostly an intuitive learner and I go with gut instinct and what sounds right.
I've also workshopped a fair bit of work and so that can be refreshing to hear it from someone else and also think about historic criticisms I have received (or indeed what works).
I wasn't a creative writing major (archaeology), but I took a lot of subjects in it mostly because a) it does interest me as a hobby, b) I think training the ear for euphony is actually very helpful for translation skills (e.g. Greek) c) also on that front generally the history of poetry, narrative and narrative craft interests me. I had some good tutors. Very encouraging for sophisticating your own style and process. Though I did have that tutor who insisted I couldn't write a science fiction short story because it's not real literature. That was funny. Like bizarre and made up. I was legiterally like 'wtf' especially because the history of short fiction is like, half the history of science fiction. Lol
Good luck with your writing! Go with your gut!
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