#but to NOT want Peter not MJ to ever know or love anyone again……..
abbyromanoff · 6 months
MILF!Reader slowly realizing that her son's BFF/GF, MJ, has been flirting with her for a while now.
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PAIRINGS: MJ x reader
WARNINGS: flirting, age gaps, small angst, sexual themes but no sex, MJ being a huge flirt and tease and hot as SHITTT, milf!R, R is married but it’s not cheating…yall will get it, MJ is 19!!, think that’s it :)
You turned as you heard the door creak open and your son yelling out to you, and only seconds later he was in the kitchen with two friends you assumed were from school.
“Hey, mom! I hope it’s okay I brought some friends over, this is Ned as you already know and this is MJ, she’s new to the school.” Peter spoke, and you waved to the other boy when his name was addressed as you had already met him years earlier. He was a regular at your house as Peter was at his, but the girl was fresh. She had long curls that were slightly messy, and her outfit was more laid back like the other two.
“Hello, Ned, it’s great to see you again. And hello, MJ, it’s lovely to meet you, dear.” You felt her eyes follow up and down your body twice before a small grin fell on her face and she nodded to your greeting.
“We have a science project so we were going to go and, well, do that. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” The three began walking towards the room until you called for your son. He stopped in his tracks and told Ned to bring MJ to his room to get started before turning to your direction again.
“Just…have fun and,” You looked to where the two were, hoping they were out of ear shot before finishing your sentence. “Keep the door cracked.”
“What! I’m just saying, you’re in college now and I know kids your age like to, you know, experiment-”
“Please stop talking about sex, I promise MJ is just a friend, I don’t see her in any weird way.”
“Just keep it open a little, it’s not like I’m going to be standing there stalking you three.” He agreed before rushing off. That was the first time you had met the girl, but it would definitely not be the last. She was there for the next three days until they finished the assignment, and each day you felt her watching you like a hawk. Whenever you called them for dinner or she had to go to the bathroom, her eyes would be stuck to you as if she was glue.
You hoped it was only curious glances seeing as she refused to speak to you, but that came to be proven wrong two weeks later when she arrived again. The two boys were out and you received a knock at the door. Confused, you checked the windows before opening it and spotting the college student standing there with a bag over her shoulder. Her eyes fell to your body and that’s when you remembered the messy apron covering you that you forgot to take off.
“Oh, hey, MJ! Uh, Peter isn’t home right now, if you want I could leave a message or…” You led off, not sure what to offer as she continued to stare at you.
“I’m not here for him, I think I left my jacket here the other day and I wanted to grab it.”
“Oh, of course, yeah. Uh, come in.” You awkwardly suggested, opening the door further as she stepped in, and this marked the first time you’d ever be alone with her.
“You can look for it, I’ll just be in the kitchen.” She nodded and began slowly walking around, and it seemed as though she was examining each space the building had to offer. You continued to mix the dough in the bowl without turning, your mind so set on perfecting the consistency that you jumped when you heard her voice.
“You’re married?” She asked while holding a portrait of you smiling with a man in a wedding dress, him in a suit. You were pregnant at the time, and your bump was visibly noticeable to her and anyone who saw it.
“Uhm, yes. Yes, I am.”
“But you don’t wear a ring?” You glanced at your empty hand with tight lips, refusing to look her way and pouring the unprepped bread into a greased pan.
“No, I do not. Me and Peter’s father aren’t entirely, uh, together if you could say so.” You didn’t understand why you shared the piece of information with the young girl who you barely knew, who your son barely even knew, but you found yourself being able to share the words easily.
“But he lives here, does he not? And Peter tells me you two are together?”
“Why are you asking my son if I’m married?” You avoided the question with one, hoping to remove the pressure from your end.
“That doesn’t matter right now, I asked you first.”
“It does matter.”
“It’ll matter once you answer me.” You sighed, giving up as you set the timer on the stove and began walking towards the sink to clean your doughy hands.
“I got pregnant by a one night stand, he was that one night stand. We tried to make it work knowing we had a son on the way and even when Peter was born we were still trying, but we could never find ourselves being in love with one another. We still love each other, we’re just not in love. So instead of having a divorce, we thought it would be easier to stay together and see other people. He has a girlfriend who is okay with the situation, he often stays there or she’ll stay here, we’re actually pretty close. That way I can stay at home to care for the house and for Peter, Peter won’t need to be too affected by a divorce, and his dad can focus on his career.” MJ nodded in understanding with a hum, and unbeknownst to you, instinctively moved closer while you were still in front of the sink. You had not realized how long you had been washing your hands, being too focused on telling the story she asked for. It was only when you remembered the question you had asked her that you dried your hands and turned, only to have the girl standing only inches from you now.
“Uhm, and why- why were you asking Peter if I was married?” She smirked lowly at the thought, her free hand coming to the counter behind you while the other brushed against your hand. Her bag was gone now, and her jacket was still nowhere to be seen.
“Well, I’m interested in you. I’ve always liked, how do I put it,” She stared at your lips as your breath became uneven. You gulped, following her actions and licking your lips as you glanced upon hers.
“Older women?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Or you could say I’ve always liked more beautiful, mature women who know what the fuck they’re doing.” A small hint of red came to your cheeks and you cracked a small smile, causing the younger woman to chuckle softly.
“What about you? Have you ever thought about being with a girl?” Her thumb came to tease your lower lip, dragging it down slowly before she grasped your chin in her hold, not allowing you to look down in fear.
“I- I don’t…I don’t know.”
“That’s okay, I’d love to be your first. Do you want that? Do you want me, baby?” You nodded without a thought, fluttering your eyes shut as she leaned in to brush herself against you. You waited for the kiss you were anticipating, but it didn’t come. She was teasing you.
“MJ, please kiss me already.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” Before she could complete your request, you both heard the door open and close and jumped from one another. Your husband entered the kitchen with Peter and Ned trailing behind him, the two too engrossed in their conversation to notice the obvious elephant in the room. Your husband wasn’t however, and he hid a chuckle as he placed his suitcase on the counter.
“Hello, MJ, it’s good to see you again.”
“Hey, Mr. Parker.” He rolled his sleeves up and entered the fridge, grabbing the closest beer and taking a swig while Peter looked up at the noise.
“MJ, what are you doing here?” She shot you a glance before clearing her throat quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she met his gaze as if nothing had ever happened.
“I left my jacket, I was just looking for it.”
“Oh, did you need any help?”
“No, I found it. We’re all good, thanks though.” He didn’t question her lack of holding the said clothing, and you sighed in relief before leading the attention away from her.
“Dinner will be done soon if you boys want to head upstairs and I’ll call you down soon.” MJ was ready to leave before Peter interrupted, a hopeful grin on his face as he held the new Lego set he just purchased.
“Do you want to stay for dinner? Me and Ned were going to work on this together, but with your help it could go by a lot quicker.” You secretly wished she’d say yes seeing as the interaction you two just held was not one to be left in the dirt.
“You two are such nerds, but fine.” The three went upstairs, MJ sharing one last glance with you before turning the corner and leaving you with your husband who had a large, teasing smirk on his face.
“Really? Peter’s friend?”
“How did you know her already?”
“He introduced me to her a few weeks ago when he stopped by Claire’s to grab his binder and I was there, I just never thought she’d try to fuck my wife.” He shrugged, laughing when you groaned in annoyance and rubbed your forehead.
“I don’t know how it happened, it just did.”
“Hey, I’m not judging, I just think you need to be careful.” You bit your lip in thought at his words.
“You don’t think Peter will be mad if he finds out? And the age gap-”
“Hey, stop that. This was your exact problem when we were dating, you worry and think too much, just let it go with the flow and be mindful of him too. If he finds out and doesn’t like it, that’s when things need to end. But if you’re happy and so is she, who cares what people think.” You knew he was right, but you also knew you had always been much too scared to date while having a son. MJ was his age, how would she handle that? And what if he was mad, upset, or worse, hated you for it? You didn’t know, but you also knew you spent that whole night wishing to relive the moment when her lips brushed against yours and imagining the feeling of them touching. You knew it would be so relieving, so why couldn’t you let yourself give in?
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yuttikkele · 5 months
starring the lovely... the iconic... COFFEE BEAN GANG!!!
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These are my go-to designs for the Spider-Man characters, but I also have my own AU just for them!
When I was redesigning the Coffee Bean Gang (again), I ended up conjuring a whole new plot. So, I present to you: the Spider-Delinquents AU! I have also dubbed this universe Earth-3974.
Synopsis: The government is overly corrupt and controlling. Peter finds himself wrapped up in legal troubles and gets sent to New York’s Holly Springs Institution of Correction, or just Holly Springs Reform School, after an accident involving Oscorp, Harry Osborn, and a fist fight. There, he sees how unjust the system is, and he and his newfound friends (Harry, Gwen, MJ, and Flash) work to put a stop to it.
Under the cut I have a little backstory for each of the characters leading up to how they got sent to Holly Springs Reform School!
Peter: After a trip to Oscorp, Peter starts to feel woozy. As he’s stumbling around trying to get home, he runs into Harry Osborn, literally. Harry pushes back, and the two get into a brawl that completely destroys the location they’re at. Unable to pay his debts and marked as a troublemaker by the government, Peter is sent to Holly Springs Reform School.
Peter starts out at Midtown High, where he is, of course, bullied by Flash Thompson. He doesn't have any friends while at Midtown, not because he's a nerd, but because he has a superiority complex and thinks he's too good for the kids who have the same interests as him, and nobody likes him because of it. Actually the closest thing he has to a friend at Midtown IS Flash, yeesh. Once he gets humbled, schooled by Uncle Ben, and surrounded by the people he thought he was above, Peter learns to be a better person and actually make friends. He will now die for those friends. Also Peter has heterochromia for no reason other than it looks cool. He says he's a skater boy but homeboy has no clue how to skate.
MJ: MJ grew up with an abusive dad and an unstable mother. By the age of 5, both of her parents lost custody of her. Instead of an orphanage, the government enrolled MJ in a reform school to “prevent her from turning out like her parents.” She is the kid who has been there the longest despite doing nothing to get sent there. Since she grew up there, Holly Springs is the only place MJ knows as home.
I always see complaints about MJ adaptations and how they're so distant from how she is in the comics. WELL, sorry to all the MJ purgers, but in my AU, MJ acts the most unlike her comic book counterpart. Instead of an extroverted, smooth, cool gal who slays the day away and can get any man she wants, this MJ is a shy, clumsy weirdo with little to no social skills. Since she wasn't around her parents for too long, MJ does not fear romantic relationships; however, being raised in a reform school, MJ has problems connecting with anyone in general. She can be described as the neighbor's kid who no one wants to play with because she's weird, but she's actually really nice. She has an undying optimism and hope that even the worst people can become good. Her personality is similar to Marina lida from Splatoon if that helps get the point across. While MJ and Peter become good friends, they do not ever feel romantic attraction towards each other in this AU. MJ is, however, a chronic piner and has a huge crush, you'll never guess who.
Harry: Harry was minding his own business (actually, tending to his FATHER’S business that he was assigned to do) when all of a sudden, he’s shoved to the ground. Looking around, he finds the culprit. Surely, this guy does not know that Harry is an Osborn, and Osborns do NOT get pushed around. Harry lunges back at him, and a fight ensues. After destroying the entire location, Harry is sentenced to reform school, and while his dad could easily pay off the judge, Norman thinks this experience will make Harry into a man.
Harry is an entitled rich kid who doesn't really know how to make friends. He hasn't really had to try since he's been able to entertain himself just fine with the money he has. Harry loves his dad and tries to do everything he says, but he usually falls short of Norman Osborn's extremely high expectations. Plus, he's starting to question if everything his dad says really has any merit. Regardless, he doesn't want to let his dad down and tarnish their family name, so he'll keep trying to become the man his father always wanted him to be.
Gwen: After not getting enough attention from her dad, Gwen starts to feel a defiance toward law authorities. This defiance only grows upon learning what work keeps her dad from coming home at night. Using her intellect, Gwen commits petty crimes in abstruse ways just to mess with the cops. She becomes particularly skilled with mechanics, metalwork, and chemicals. But, even the most careful artists make mistakes, and Gwen gets caught. Her dad, who surprisingly looks sad, has no choice but to turn her in.
Gwen and Harry do NOT get along. At all. It's probably because Gwen is a goth and Harry is the textbook definition of a prep. They're forced to get along but ooooh they do not like each other. They still become great friends, but the goth vs prep hostility is always there. Gwen dates Peter in this universe, but she breaks up with him before she can die. People know not to mess with her because she is very capable (another reason why she does not die), and she WILL haunt your nightmares. Everyone finds her creepy and scary besides MJ.
Flash: Actually, Flash doesn’t attend Holly Springs Reform School. Flash goes to Midtown High, Peter’s previous school. Though Flash bullies Peter, he doesn’t actually mean him any harm. So, when Flash hears Peter is being sent to H. Springs, he’s worried he tipped Pete over the edge. This scares Flash, worried he’s become like his father, and leads to him bettering himself. Little does Flash know he’s not done with Peter just yet.
Flash won't tell anyone this, lest it tarnish his bad boy persona, but he worked hard and bought his car with his own money. Since his no-good father is out of his life, Flash realizes there is no reason for him to be like his dad and pick on others to make himself seem better, so he starts his journey of improvement. Basically, Flash is in his healing arc while everyone else is in their "going thru it" arc. Flash's healing arc is interrupted by being dragged into whatever mess the rest of the gang's got themselves into.
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chiefduckgarden · 1 year
Definitely, Jim and Pam
Summary: Part two of this thing is feeling like Jim and Pam
A/N: It took a long time to finish, but it's finally here. Thanks to all the peole who kept asking about this part two. And sorry for the waiting. This is about 10k+ words so, enjoy!
Remember this is inspired in Jim and Pam from The Office!
Los Angeles was nice.
It's been a month since you started college and you could say you had blended in pretty well.
The classes were exhausting but everything else was new and exciting for you. You felt like it was your chance for a new beginning, and you definitely needed one.
After that terrible prom night you isolated yourself for two entire weeks. No social media, no calls, no messages, no visits. You only bothered to send your application letter for college.
When you finally decided to turn on your phone again you realized some of your friends tried to reach out to you. You answered every single message, letting everyone know that you were okay. But your heart broke a little when you realized that none of those messages or missed calls were from Wanda.
And that was your breaking point. You understood that you really screwed up things with her. She wasn't even concerned about your absence, if anything you thought she was relieved that you didn't tried to talk her anymore.
For the next months you avoided anything related to Wanda. Before blocking her number you sent her one last text apologizing and explaining your reasons to go zero contact with her.
You didn't expect her to answer anyway.
Although Pietro did call you to know about how you were doing, the moment he mentioned Wanda you stopped him right away.
"Please let's not talk about her, it still hurts too much". That's what you said.
He sighed but changed the subject immediately. That's when you found out he got into a foreign university in Switzerland and that he was moving out of the country.
You smiled happily and extended your congratulations to him.
Some time later you found yourself moving to Los Angeles and starting your first year of college.
Some of your friends ended up with you there, like Kate, Peter and MJ. It was awesome to have old friends with you, but meeting new people was also exciting.
You heard from a random conversation between MJ and Peter that Wanda and Vision ended up together in NYU.
Your felt your stomach flinch at the reminder of Vision stealing your college dream with Wanda. And you hated yourself for it. By that moment you should've been over Wanda, she didn't love you, there was no reason to grieve a love that never existed in the first place.
But you excused yourself to your friends and ran into the nearest bathroom to cry your heart out. You knew you shouldn't, but you couldn't help it.
After washing your face to prevent anyone to notice your were crying, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't keep going like that. You felt like you were a ghost: lifeless.
Wanda really hit different but you needed to change, to take control of your life again.
You knew what you needed to do.
You needed to move on from Wanda.
I know Pietro, she's great but, she's my best friend - Wanda said to her brother, tears dried all over her cheeks - I just never thought she would feel the same way. I didn't know what to say, I just wanted to run. Now I think it's all messed up, it's too late. There's nothing left to do. She probably hates me. But... I think I'm still in love with her.
Wanda had really screw things up with you.
She knew it.
She couldn't help it though, the moment you told her about your feelings she froze. She never expected that those words would ever came out from your mouth.
You loved her.
You really loved her.
How did she never notice it before?
And why did you never say anything?
She had so many questions running trough her mind.
It was prom night, she was about to leave with Vision, she wanted to stay a little longer but they were already late, you were there with Kate, she didn't even know you liked Kate, did you really like her? Why did you never mentioned it to her before? Why was she so mad when she found out?. You loved her. You loved her.
You loved her.
Maybe it was a joke.
She looked at you expecting for you to laugh and tell her it was all a joke.
But you didn't.
- Y/N... Why are you doing this? You know I... I can't, he's there and...
Vision and his parents were waiting for her. She just started walking as you kept apologizing. She felt numb through the rest of the night.
Her boyfriend and his family did the most of the talking during the dinner.
She couldn't focus on anything that wasn't you. She had just left you. Alone. You had poured you heart out for her and she left.
You probably were devastated.
But what was she supposed to do?
She really was clueless. Everything happened so fast. And for some reason she felt like she needed to stand up for Vision. But she probably got too defensive.
Oh god it was really a mess.
He was always right.
They used to have recurrent fights or disscusions because Vision felt like you liked Wanda more than just as a friend. But she always defend you from the accusations saying you were her best friend, nothing more. Maybe she tried so hard because she wanted to convince herself too.
That night she came home exhausted. She felt her body drained from any energy or motivation.
Her brother was still awake and when he heard she was back he walked to her room to ask about how her night went.
She tried to put on a brave face but the moment Pietro flashed her a warm smile she broke down in his arms crying.
She vent to her brother all night long, letting him know everything that had happened at prom with you.
He didn't seem too surprised when she mentioned your love for her. Instead he only hugged her harder.
Pietro had been there for his sister since forever, their twin bond was something sacred for them, they were each other's best friends and obviously, each other's best confident.
He could still remember when a little 10 year old Wanda confessed to him that she wanted to kiss you. Some kids at her school had have their first kiss at recess that day and Wanda wanted to have her first kiss. With you.
That conversation followed so many others about her little, pure and innocent attraction towards you.
As she grew older those confessions ceased but Pietro remained as the front row witness of your undeniable love for each other.
- What am I supposed to do Pietro? I'm just really confused.
The white-haired boy smiled kindly at her.
- What do you feel like doing? Wanda we both know very well that you used to have feelings for Y/N, let's not fool ourselves.
Her brother was right, Wanda was well aware of her old feelings for you. Although she had worked so hard to buried them in the deepest place of her heart and mind, she could still remember how it was.
Who could blame her? She thought that forget those feelings was the best decision in order to protect your friendship. She never expected that some day you would feel the same way.
But there she was. Crying in her prom dress, secured in the safety of her brother's embrace, regretting every single second of that night.
- I truly don't know what to do Pietro... I feel like such an idiot and a bad friend.
- No Wanda, you're a human, there isn't a correct way to react to this kind of situation, you act out of impulse and natural reaction, there's nothing wrong with that.
- But I feel so bad... Y/N didn't deserve that... What do I do Pietro? Tell me...
- No sestra - her brother told her with a soft voice - I know, guilt it's a tricky feeling, but you need to figure out how to solve this problem, you can take your time and think about it but in the end it's gonna be up to you... Not me, Vision or Y/N... It's your decision Wanda.
Pietro gently kissed her sister's forehead and walked back to his room.
Wanda barely slept that night, too busy thinking in every possibility.
The next morning she received a text from Vision asking how she was doing and letting her know that he was gonna post a picture of the both of them from last night. She quickly understood the not so discrete hint and also posted a picture. She didn't feel like writing any caption so she just limited herself to type a red heart emoji.
The days passed and she used any possible excuse to avoid seeing Vision. She felt so bad for him too, he was oblivious of the situation, it wasn't fair for him either that his girlfriend was having doubts about her love for him and their relationship. It wasn't fair for him that all Wanda could think about was you.
A week later she got a text message from you. The first text you had send her since prom.
She doubt about opening it or not. What if it was a letter telling her how much you hated her now, asking her to never come close to you again, that your friendship was over and from that moment on Wanda had no place in your life.
After twenty minutes of debating with herself she opened the text.
It wasn't what she expected.
The text was long, as she expected, but there wasn't any hate on it. It made her cry, the way you expressed yourself and the way you perfectly described your feelings. She felt terrible when you apologized for making her feel uncomfortable. You could never.
She would never let anyone know the content of the letter, it was something she decided to keep for herself. A secret between you and her for only your hearts to know, hence she never mentioned your text to anyone. Not even Pietro. The letter becoming the first secret between the Maximoff twins.
Wanda's life froze for days, she didn't isolate herself like you, she just felt dead-walking everywhere she went. She was physically there but her mind was somewhere else. She was thinking about you.
But your text was clear. You needed time and space away from her. It hurt like hell but she respected you decision. Even when she wasn't sure if she wanted for you to forget her.
She got accepted into NYU, just like Vision. Her family threw a party for her and for the very first time in years you weren't present in one of her celebrations. Not that Irina Maximoff didn't call you, but mostly because you politely declined her invitation making up some lame excuse, thanking her though.
Some time later she was packing her entire life in a set of gray suitcases, ready to take a flight to New York and start her new life at college with her boyfriend by her side. It sounded like a dream if you hear it that way.
But for Wanda everything was like a nightmare. NYU was her college dream just because she always thought you would be with her. She wasn't even sure of the path she was following, she didn't know if she really wanted to study there anymore.
Her relationship with Vision was fragile. Since prom night Wanda drastically changed her affection towards him. She didn't kiss him anymore, they only had been in a few two or three dates after and the PDA was completely gone.
Vision wasn't a stupid guy. He noticed this changes since the very first day, but decided to keep silence. For some reason he thought that Wanda would come around again once they were in college together.
But during the first weeks in NYU everything went downhill. They both had classes all day and different schedules, so they didn't had too much time left to spent together besides the weekends. But even those days Wanda always had an excuse to avoid any plan: homework, an exam to study for, books she had to read, etc.
Vision grew tired of it by the end of the fifth week, after Wanda had canceled him for the third time in a row. Not caring about the fact that the girl told him she needed to finish a report for one of her classes he walked straight to her dorm and knocked on her door.
- What are you doing here? Vision I told you...
- I know, I know what you said, but I'm tired of it - he interrupted her - Weeks Wanda, it's been weeks since the last time we had a date, weeks since the last time we spent time together, I don't know what's happening but I demand an explanation now...
Wanda stared at him.
- I don't know what are you talking about Vis, I have so many things to do and...
- No! - he interrupted again - This isn't something that started just now. I felt it since a long time ago - he paused for a few seconds, stepping in completely in the room closing the door for privacy -  Something happened at prom night, something changed that night... I don't know what it is but... Just tell me what is happening to us...
Wanda, who was now sat at the edge of her bed looked at him with teary eyes. She knew this had to happen at some point.
- I'm just tired Vision, I'm exhausted... - she said with trembling voice and some tears already falling on her cheeks - I'm going through so many changes in my life right now, I had this huge fight with my best friend and now we're not even talking anymore... Now I'm here in New York and I'm not even happy about it, I don't like the way my life is going right now... I'm not sure if NYU is what I really want and I'm questioning every decision I've made since the moment I decided to leave my prom party to go with you and your parents for dinner...
Vision didn't know what to respond to that. When he walked to her dorm that night he wasn't expecting this outcome.
- You wanted to stay? - he asked cautiously.
Wanda nodded.
- Why didn't you say anything then? We could've done something...
- I just thought that if told you I would've dissapoint you and your family. You are my boyfriend Vision, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the relationship... And at some point I felt like I needed to make you happy...
- But were you happy? In our relationship?
- In the beginning, yes, I was delighted with the idea of us, of you... You made me really happy Vision... But then we started having all this problems and I always felt like a was giving too much without getting anything back.
- And why did you never say anything? - he said exasperated.
Vision wasn't one of those boys who are bad boyfriends and are aware of it. He truly didn't saw any of this coming.
He listened to Wanda attentive, letting her express every single thing she had to say. And as the girl talked he realized how trash of a boyfriend he was. He was respectful and never treated her bad, but he took Wanda for granted, not being the same boyfriend she fell for at the beginning. He understood the girl's disappointment on him, and as much as he wanted there was no way to turn back time.
After forthy minutes of talking, he stood for up from his seat in her bed, hugged her one last time and started walking out of the room.
- I'm sorry I wasn't a better boyfriend, you deserve so much better, I'm sorry this didn't work out - those were his last words for her before closing the door.
Wanda remained in her place for some seconds before start crying. She called her brother, although she knew it was probably and odd time in Switzerland she didn't know what else to do or who else to call for comfort. Vision was her boyfriend after all, they had been together for almost three years and it was impossible for her not to feel a hole in her heart. That night she cried her heart out, and did not attend her classes the next day, too energy drained to take a step out of her room.
Eventually she got better. After three weeks she bounce back from the break up. Although she still had a lot of issues to deal with, she felt relieved. For some reason it felt like someone had taken away some of the weight on her shoulders. She felt lighter.
Los Angeles
You were doing a lot better. Two months after your last break down you were happier than in the earliest months of college.
You decided to focus your attention on anything else but Wanda. You started to study a lot harder, focusing more on your notes and classes, and also got yourself into a hobbie: tennis.
Kate was in the tennis team since the beginning of the year, and when you told her you were looking for extra curricular classes she suggested her club.
You used to occasionally visit her during her trainings, you already knew the coaches and the rest of the team, so you figured it wouldn't be so hard to fit in.
The coaches were happy to welcome you and a few days later after filling your proper application you were officially in. The only condition was to do some extra training for some weeks until you could keep up with the pace of some of the other new girls. You promised to train after hours until you were as good as them.
That's how you met Sharon Carter.
The first day you stayed after hours to train you noticed immediately a blond, beautiful girl who arrived at the practice court about ten minutes after the other girls left.
You didn't recognized her, she wasn't part of the team, or anyone you've seen before.
She was also surprised to see anyone staying later in the tennis court after the usual practice.
- Oh hey, hi - you said approaching to her with a kind smile.
- Hello, uhmm I'm Sharon, Sharon Carter...
- I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/LN, a pleasure... Are you new here?
She laughed a little, denying with her head.
- No, I don't study here, I'm coach Peggy's niece, she allows me to use the court sometimes after her team's practice.
- Ohh, well it's a pleasure... I'm new in the team and I need to practice more hours to keep up with the rest... So I guess you'll see me around here more often
She smiled kindly.
- That's great, it will be good to have some company.
You smiled kindly and nodded.
A month after your first encounter Sharon became one of closest friends. You two had so much in common, you liked the same kind of music and most of your favorite sitcoms were also her favorites, so naturally you spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other deeper.
She told you about her sabbatical year and how she was still thinking about what college she would go to.
Eventually you became a better tennis player, but even when the coaches told you there was no need for you keep staying after hours, you kept doing it to spend time with her. And she would visit your dorm on a daily bases after classes
When Peter, MJ and Kate got to know her they didn't hesitate to start to tease you, referring to Sharon from that moment on, as your girlfriend. You just smiled shyly denying whth your head. Of course, Sharon was beautiful, but you couldn't say you were something more than just good friends.
You wouldn't even thought of that possibility until some weeks later when she suddenly asked you out. It wasn't that explicit, but the invitation was kind of obvious.
- Do you want to do something tomorrow? Like go to see a movie or have dinner? - she asked you nervously one afternoon while you were doing homework at your dorm.
- Sure - you answered without thinking too much - Where do you wanna go?
She paused for a second and you looked at her intrigued.
- Sharon?
She looked back at you smiling shyly.
- Well, I was thinking on going to have dinner at a nice restaurant, you know I have a reservation and everything...
- Oh - you said surprised but smiling too - Like a date?
She nodded nervously.
- Yes... Like a date... Would you like to go in a date with me?
Long story short, that date was the first out of so many others that followed it right after. You had a great time with her, and the affection felt almost natural between you.
Sharon never mentioned and label for the two of you, she would only say you were dating. She probably didn't want to push you, and you were thankful for it.
But she did used to hold your hand, kiss you, take you out, wait for you after classes and open all the doors for you. And you of course, reciprocated every kind action to her. You two were basically a couple without the label.
The first vacation came sooner than you thought and you found yourself saying goodbye to Sharon with your luggage ready on your cab to take you to the airport.
- You know, you can visit me anytime - you said kissing her on the lips - If you need anything just call me okay?
She nodded and promised to visit you during your break, she would stay in Los Angeles for a while.
You knew it was a weird situation for you. Sharon was beautiful, kind, funny and you could definitely say you had feelings for her.
But deep down you knew Wanda was going to be back in town too, and you were well aware of the possibilities of you two finding each other at some places. It was impossible not to considering it was a three month break from college.
You felt you were doing a good job keeping her away from your mind. But you didn't know how it would affect your progress seeing her again. You weren't sure if she would speak to you, or if she would just pretend you didn't exist.
Being back at home was good. You had missed your parents more than you would admit, and you definitely missed your mom's meals, finally getting to eat homemade food for the first time in months.
Your first week back was calm. You stayed at home most of the time hanging wi your parents and called Shaeron every night before going to bed.
It was the very first day of your second week when everything took a turn. You were talking with your mom about college and your classes when she mentioned Wanda.
- She left college after her first three months, she's been home since then and looking for a new option.
You were surprised to hear the news. NYU was Wanda's dream since forever, and you couldn't understand why she would drop it.
- She didn't tell you? - your mom asked at your astonishment.
She never heard the story of why you and Wanda stopped talking. In fact, she didn't even know you two weren't friends anymore.
- No, we've been distant since prom, we had a fight and we just... We're not friends.
- Oh I'm sorry honey, but maybe you can talk it out with her and fix things up, you two have been best friends for so long... Don't let this ruin all those years of friendship...
You smiled sadly nodding your head, not wanting to keep discussing about it.
On wednesday you, Kate, MJ and Peter went to the theater to watch the new terror movie. They mentioned some of your old high school friends were tagging along but you never expected to see Wanda. Ever since she dated Vision she stopped going out with your group of friends.
But she was there. It felt like slow motion for you. You were already inside the the theater when she stepped in. She looked at you shyly while greeting all of your other friends, never breaking eye contact with you.
When she was in front of you she hugged you tightly.
- Hi Y/N
You reciprocated the affection dumbly.
- Hi Wanda
- How are you doing? - she asked.
- I'm good - you answered shortly, awkwardly smiling - How are you doing?... My mom told me about NYU... I'm sorry it didn't work out.
She sighed.
- Yeah well, I'm better now, I realized it wasn't what I needed or wanted and I just dropped it...
You nodded.
- I hope you find something soon, you're brilliant, any school will be lucky to have you.
She smiled.
-Thank you Y/N...
Peter said the movie was about to start and you two followed him inside.
Wanda sat two spots from you, Kate and MJ in the middle and Peter on your other side. Some of your other friends sat next to Peter.
The rest of the group probably didn't notice it, but there was a certain tension between you and Wanda through the whole movie.
She was nervous.
From the moment Kate told her you were gonna be there she imagined a thousand of different scenarios of how it would be like.
Just like you, she wasn't sure if you would speak to her. After your last message to her she didn't have any contact with you. Not even when she wanted to tell you about her situation with college.
She knew she hurt in the past, but she missed your friendship more than anything. Even though she had deeper feelings for you, she would be happy if you wanted to be her friend again.
You, on the other hand, were really confused about how you felt. You thought that you would feel anger the moment you saw her, but you just felt awkward around her. Even after she broke your heart in a thousand pieces you didn't feel mad. Maybe those months of healing really made progress in you.
When the movie finished everybody said goodbye and walked to their respective car. When you were about to leave you saw Wanda texting on her phone and walking to sit on a bench.
You wanted to just ignored her and go back home but you just couldn't. So, against any common sense you walked straight to her.
- Hey, are you going home now?
She looked at you a bit confused.
- Yeah, well I'm texting Pietro to see if he's on his way, he told me he would pick me up...
You nodded.
- Oh sure, I forgot Pietro was home too... How is he doing? - you asked.
- He's fine, he told me he's doing great at college and at the athlete team... Ohh and that he met a girl, I think her name is Monica... They've been dating for a while now..
You smiled.
- Wow, I would never imagined Pietro finally settling down... That's fantastic.
- I know, he's really happy.
There was a moment of silence interrupted by a ding on her phone.
- Dang it... - she said after reading the text.
- What's wrong?
- Pietro forgot to pick me up... He's leaving the house just now....
You looked at her texting. You knew you would probably regret your next comment but you couldn't just leave her there at a parking lot.
- Tell him not to worry, I'll take you home - you said.
She looked at you surprised.
- Really?
You smiled kindly.
- Yeah, just like the old times, let me drive you home Wanda.
She accepted and the two of you walked to your car.
You turned the music on and drove to her house. But even with the noise from the radio, it felt like there was a dead silence in the car.
After the first three minutes she finally got the courage to speak.
- So, are you doing well? How is it like living in Los Angeles?
- It's been great so far, college has been fun and I really like the city, it's amazing.
- That's great to hear Y/N, I'm really happy for you.
- Thanks.
Another moment of silence. You decided to be the one to speak this time.
- I know I said this before but I'm sorry about NYU, it must have been really difficult to take a decision like that...
Wanda sighed nodding.
- Yes, it was, but at the same time it was easy for me to understand that it wasn't something I liked, it just never felt right... The hardest part was telling my parents... That was scary.
- Yeah, I can imagine... But your parents love you, I bet they understood...
- Yes they did, although they asked me like a million times if I was sure... They even made me doubt sometimes...
You both laughed.
- Oh missed this - she said smiling.
Your laugh died and you swallowed nervously.
- What? - you asked.
She looked at you.
- Us. I miss you Y/N, so much... I miss our friendship.
You weren't expecting that answer. You didn't know what to say, although it was obvious you had miss those moments too. And it only made you feel guilty.
- Wanda... I'm sorry I ruined everything for us... I shouldn't have tell you anything that night...
You didn't look back at her, but she did look at you.
- Y/N, you didn't ruin anything... That night it was me the one that screwed up.
- No - you answered - You had a boyfriend and I was your best friend, I wasn't supposed to feel anything other than a friendship... And even if I did I should never tell you just because you were happy with Vision... I should've respected that.
Another silence.
- Can we please drive somewhere else to talk? - she asked.
-To talk? - you asked unsure of what it meant.
- Yes, I feel we need to sort this out, I really miss you Y/N... I wanna try to restore our old friendship... If you want it too, of course.
You thought about it before answering. After some seconds you changed the car direction.
- Yeah, let's talk.
You drove to a nearly park. It was getting kind of late and the place it was almost empty, just a few people walking by. Wanda found a bench for the two of you.
- I don't know what to say - you admitted nervously.
She looked at you.
- Well, first of all, I want you to know that you didn't ruin anything... I understand the reasons why you choose to cut contact with me, if anything I was the one to ruin our friendship, the way I reacted wasn't the best... I'm sorry for making you feel bad.
- Wanda...
- Let me finish - she interrupted you - I know you feel bad because you said you love me, but I want you to understand that I could have had a better reaction... Leave you alone in the hallway was the worst thing I've done.
- It's fine Wanda, you were respecting your relationship and Vision...
- I just wanted to say sorry Y/N, i wish I would had a better reaction.
You nodded.
- I appreciate your apology, but don't worry about it anymore ... I already forgive everything.
- You did? - she asked curious.
- Yes, I realized you were shocked with my confession... There was no way you would've react differently...
- Maybe it was... But there's no way to turn back time right? At least I finally got it out of my system, I wanted to apologize a long time ago.
You smiled kindly. The two of you stared at the sky in silence.
- Your text, the letter you sent me... I think I understood better after reading it... - Wanda said - Thanks for saying all of the nice stuff about me, you really are a goof friend...
- All I said was true Wanda, we've been best friends for so long I couldn't get myself to hate you.. I mean I probably felt like hating you back then, but that was probably more sadness than hate... But all the things I wrote were completely true.
She smiled and hugged you. The affection surprised you, but you just smiled and reciprocated the hug.
- So it's all good between us? - you asked - I want my best friend back.
- Yes! - she answered excited - Yes, everything is fine. 
You smiled at her.
- I'm glad.
She was bouncing her feet happily.
- Now tell everything about UCLA, how you've been doing there?
You told her everything about college, your classes, your friends, about your tennis games and everything than ran through your mind in that moment.
You mentioned Sharon briefly, not paying too much attention to the details of your relationship with her.
And the she dropped the bomb: she told you she broke up with Vision.
She explained to you her reasons to end up the relationship and you did nothing but listen.
And when she cried, telling you about her breakdown in college and the moment she decided to leave, you hold her. For a moment it truly felt like you went back in time.
You drove Wanda to her home, and she told you she would call you to make plans for the rest of the summer.
Pietro said hi from his window and you smiled at the sight of your friend.
On the way back home you smiled to yourself. You had a warm feeling on your chest and felt butterflies in your stomach.
Everything was perfect for some days. You and Wanda spent more time together, you even helped her send her application letter to different universities, including UCLA. She wasn't sure at first, but you talked wonders about the college and about how amazing it would be to have her at campus until she finally accepted. It was only a matter of time to hear back from the universities.
But the following week you noticed Peter and Kate get suspicious and secretive around you. At the beginning you thought it was a little bit odd, but then they started to laugh everytime you walked into a room.
It got to a point where the situation became unbearable.
- Okay what is happening? - you finally asked them one day before getting into the movies.
Kate looked at you nervously.
- What....What do you mean? Nothing is happening...
You looked at Peter.
- You will tell me what is happening Peter Parker... Everytime I walk into a room you two laugh and  you've been too secretive lately.
They looked at each other.
- Let's tell her Peter, she will have too know anyways - Kate said.
- Tell me what? - you asked confused - I'm not mad or anything I just want to know...
Peter sighed.
- We planned a surprise with Sharon... She's coming to visit in three days.
It ttok you a second to react, and when your brain finally understood what they just said you couldn't help but smile.
- Really? She's coming?
- Yes - Kate answered happily.
- Why didn't you tell me before? I could have help her... Does she have a flight yet? Or do you want me to...
Peter interrupted you, giggling at your excitement.
- Hey Y/N, don't worry, everything is fine and ready, she'll be here in three days, her flight lands on Saturday at noon...
You smiled again and thank them both for their help.
Wanda arrived later that afternoon. Neither of you mentioned Sharon through the whole movie, it was just when you were driving Wanda home when she noticed you were happier than other days. Peter and Kate were in the car with you too cause you asked them to go to house to arrange everything for Saturday.
- You look pretty happy today Y/N - she told you.
- Well, I feel really happy Wanda - you answered with a smile.
- Can I know why? - she asked happily too.
That's the moment it dawned to you. You never told Wanda about your relationship with Sharon. And as you were thinking of this realization, Peter was faster than you to answer to her.
- She's happy because her girlfriend is coming to visit her on Saturday - he explained.
- What?! Your girlfriend?! - she asked confused.
Wanda was shocked to say the least. You never mentioned a girlfriend on the days before, and the news hit her like a bucket of ice water. She didn't know how to feel about it.
You two were recently fixing your friendship. She didn't know if you were still having feelings for her cause she never asked you in order to not jeopardize what you had. But a girlfriend was a factor she didn't consider.
- Yes! Her name is Sharon, we've been planning this surprise for days - Kate explained.
That's when you interfiered.
- She's not my girlfriend - you said nervously looking through the mirror to see your friends - Sharon is my friend, I think I mentioned her before...
Wanda tried to remember and she slightly nodded. She remembered that name.
- So... she's not your girlfriend? - Wanda asked.
You looked at her unsure of what to say.
- Well... It's complicated, we've been dating for a few months now, but we haven't... You know... Make it official
She nodded again as she swallowed dry.
- Maybe it's time Y/N - Kate interrupted - You could ask her now that she's coming... We can help you!
Peter second Kate on the idea and they started rambling about it.
But you noticed a change in Wanda's behavior. She wasn't laughing anymore. Suddenly she got quiet.
You bumped her shoulder to caught her attention.
- Hey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my relationship with Sharon, and it's not because I didn't want to... I just forget about it to be honest, and as I said, Sharon and I... We're not officially together yet, we're just... - before you could finish your sentence she interrupted.
- Hey Y/N, it's fine, don't freak out about it... It's just it took me by surprise, but I'm happy to see you happy...
She gave you a reassuring little smile.
- Thanks for understand Wanda... It's been difficult for me to open myself to this feelings... I think it's the first time I I say I'm dating Sharon out loud.
_ I get it, it can be complicated, but don't worry Y/N, if you and Sharon are comfortable with what you have, you don't need to rush it.
You smiled and her.
_ Thank you - you said.
It looked like the conversation about Sharon died right there, but the moment Wanda stepped in her house, she walked straight to her brother's room.
- I just don't know how to feel Pietro... I'm really confuse. I know it might sound selfish to say but I can't believe she didn't tell me before about this girl.... Everything would have been different
- What would've been different? - he asked
- Well, you know, the approach with her... You know I like her Pietro, since we were little, and now that i broke up with Vision... I thought she was single... You know what I mean.
Pietro analyzed her sister's expression.
- You were expecting to date her?
She sighed.
- Well, not straighly date her but... I was expecting some sort of awakening for us... The start of something more.
Pietro looked at her worried.
- Wanda, don't joke around this... You know she loved you, but now with this new information maybe it would be better if you move cautiously... I wouldn't want for you to get hurt.
Wanda buried her head in her hands desesperatly.
- I truly believed this would be our chance... We could be something more...
- You can daydream all you want Wanda, but the truth is, she has a girlfriend now and you have to accept it. And let me be honest with you, I don't think it was correct from you to go close to her with those ulterior motives, if you wanted to date her you should have told her before offer a friendship.
- No, I truly want  to fix up our friendship, it is the most important thing for me to save. I just thought it would be nice if something else happened...
Pietro sighed.
- Well, I wish you good luck sestra, when this Sharon girl arrives  you're gonna need to find the strength to see her fooling around with Y/N, and I can tell you, it's not gonna be nice...
Wanda barely slept that night. She imaged how would it be with Sharon around. And she thought that it was probably what you felt when she started dating Vision, you had to see her with another person, basically being replaced.
Ohh, only if she knew back then about your feelings. For sure everything would be different.
And she wasn't wrong.
From the moment you picked up Sharon at the airport you two became inseparable, although she was stying at Kate's house cause she basically lived in the Bishop's mansion, so there was more than enough room for her.
Wanda told you to enjoy the first days with her alone. She said you could show her the town and explore the place together, she would tag along later.
You thought it was a good idea. But you also noticed a changed in Wanda's behavior since Peter and Kate mentioned Sharon was your girlfriend. You didn't want to speculate around her feelings, but you couldn't help but ask if she was feeling left out, or replaced. You two were recently getting close again and you didn't want anything to jinx the progress.
But no, Wanda said she wanted to be your friend again. Nothing more.
Sharon was being a delight, as always. Being with her was easy, you never had to think too much about it. And that was probably what you liked more. But now, with her in town you felt tlike something was missing. Sharon made you happy, and she was a good company, but something felt odd at the thought of being more than just... that.
However, you took her to all the fun and interesting places around, telling her a little about the local stories. Peter and Kate sometimes would go with you, but they left you alone as much as possible, totally rooting for you two.
It was on her fifth day there when you planned to visit the amusement park with Sharon, Kate, Peter, Wanda and some other friends.
Wanda was a nervous wreck to say the least. She was wondering how this new dynamic would be. She knew you would spend more time with your girlfriend, she knew you would kiss her and hols her hand and make her laugh. So she prepared herself to control any sort of jealousy reaction she could have.
But the reality hit her as soon as you parked in front of her house to pick her up. She naturally walked to the copilot seat, only to find a blonde girl already sitting there.
- Hey Wanda, this is Sharon Carter, my friend from college. Sharon this Wanda, my best friend - you made the introductions, and the two girls smiled, saying how pleasure was to meet each other.
- I guess you're having a backseat today Maximoff - Kate said, opening the door for her.
- Yeah, I guess today I will be third-wheeling you and Peter back there - Wanda replied, laughing at the guy's reaction.
You laughed at the joke too. Luckily for her you didn't noticed that the  passive aggressive answer to Kate was because she felt uncomfortable with the situation.
The rest of the days didn't turn easier for her. You would spent most of your time with Sharon, making silly jokes and fooling around.
Wanda undoubtedly felt jealous. She couldn't help it. And she hated herself for making you feel the same way when she was with Vision.
At some point she just stopped showing up for your get-togethers. She knew she was being selfish, but seeing you with Sharon was driving her mad. Everytime she tried to spend time with you, Sharon had to be there.
But her breaking point reached her on Kate's birthday party. In the middle of the reunion, Sharon's parents called her and she walked up stairs to attend the call.
Wanda found you sitting alone in the sofa and she decided to go talk to you. She was finally having your attention all to herself, you were telling her some dumb joke about ballons, a little bit flushed because of the drinks you had that night, your hair alredy a mess after dancing... She thought you looked beautiful. She tucked a hair behind your ear and you smiled sweetly at her...
It was a very cute moment, just you two talking, so close from each other. Until a pair of arms suround you from behind, you looked up from your seat on the couch and smiled at Sharon.
- Hey! Did you finished the call with your parents? - you asked her.
- Yeah... They just wanted to know about my week but a cut the call soon to be back... Did i miss anything? - she asked, looking at Wanda and you.
- No, i was just telling some jokes, and Wanda was the lucky one to hear them - you said.
Sharon hugged you tighly and Wanda wanted nothing more but dissapear.
- Oh well, i hope Wanda doesn't mind but i need to steal you for a second... there is something i wanna tell you.
Wanda denied with her head.
- Oh no, it´s alright, i was about to leave anyways... Pietro is in his way to take me home so... I should be getting ready.
You said goodbye to Wanda and followed Sharon out to the garden. Wanda remained in place, looking at your hands intertwined with Sharon as you walked out. She left the house as soon as you were out of her sight.
Sharon Carter was a very intelligent girl. Her aunt Peggy taught her to be perceptive, to pay attention to the little details, so it was no surprise to know that she almost immediately noticed the tension between you and Wanda.
She wasn't aware of the full story, she only knew that you and Wanda had a fight before leaving for the university, but it was fixed almost immediately as soon as you had the opportunity to talk about it.
But she had a feeling that there was something more than just "friendship" problems. And that feeling sting her harder the moment she saw you and Wanda talking on the couch. She was too close to your face, and the smile you were giving to her... She needed to do something.
That is the reason why, that night, she asked you to be her girlfriend. You were a bit tipsy, and the euphoria of the moment made you say yes to her right away.
It was just the next morning, when you woke up a little hangover when you realized what had happened last night. You wanted to feel happy, but something just didn't feel right.
Sharon was a great a person, and you knew she would be an amazing girlfriend but now that you were official, something felt off to you.
Perhaps it was because it took you so long to be an actual couple. However, you couldn't just go and tell her you weren't sure about being her girlfriend. You felt some sort of responsibility towards her, like you needed to respond to her feelings. You couldn't just ask her to go back to just date again.
So you got use to the idea of being girlfriends. It couldn't be that bad. At the end, you liked her, she liked you. It could actually work.
Wanda found out about your, now official, relationship a few days later. She noticed how Sharon started to use pet names with you "Babe this... Babe that". She also started to be more affectioned towards you, increasing the PDA at a hundred percent.
She cried once you confirmed it to her. Not in front of you, of course, but at the safety of her room.
She knew she didn't have any right to feel that way, but she couldn't help it. She wish it was easier to let you go.
You still tried to make time for her though, not wanting to jeopardize your just restored friendship. But Sharon always wanted to tag along in your plans. One day Wanda just stopped going out with you, avoiding any uncomfortable moment between your girlfriend and her.
You noticed this change in her behaviour, and when you expressed this concerns with Sharon, she just brush it off saying: Well, perhaps it's for the best, that way we can make more plans for the both of us.
You were confused at her answer, but you just let it go. You'll make plans with Wanda later to talk to her alone. Sharon, in the other hand, made her goal to keep you as away from Wanda as possible.
In the latest days of summer your friends planned a weekend getaway to go camping. Wanda didn't want to go, but everyone told her it would be fun. She turned down every invitation until you were the one to ask her to go. When you knocked on her door that night she didn't find the strength to say no to you. It would be just one night though.
So, there she was, walking next to Kate and Peter looking for a good place to establish the camp. You were walking some steps ahead of them with Sharon by your side, and Wanda was already regretting going.
You had planned spend time with her during the camp. That's why, the moment you found the right place, you asked Wanda to help you set up the tents, meanwhile, Kate asked Sharon to help her take out from the cars all the food they brought.
Sharon walked away, not without giving you a last glance. All she saw was Wanda smiling at you while you read the instructions for the tent.
At night, Sharon asked to talk to you in private. You had spend all the day bounding with Wanda, laughing and making jokes, and you could tell Sharon wasn't happy at all.
- I just don't understand why are you so determined on spending time with her... I'm your gilfriend and i'm here, you should be spending more time with me - she said.
- Sharon, i'm sorry if you felt left out, but Wanda is my best friend... we've been distant lately and i wanted to spend more time with her before the summer ends.. you and me, we alredy spent a lot of time together...
She sighed.
- I know baby, but she needs to understand you have a girlfriend now, that she is not your main priority anymore... Now, please, let's just go to eat some smores and have a fun night.
You just nodded and she kissed you.
You were mad at her. For some reason. Deep down in you, a tiny voice was trying to scream. And that voice was saying that Wanda would always be your main priority.
Later at night, when you found yourself unable to sleep, you sneaked out of the tent you shared with Sharon. You were surprise to find Wanda sitting next to the campfire.
- Hey... Can't sleep? - you asked to caught her attention.
She turned to look at you.
- Yeah, something like that... Kate snores - she said smiling.
- Ohh really? - you laughed - That's quite funny... So you can't sleep because of her snores?
She nodded.
- Yep, i'm kind of a light sleeper, any sound can keep me awake all night.
- Well, then i'll be glad to stay awake all night with you - you said taking a seat next to her.
- Are you sure you want to do that? - she asked- I kind of noticed that Sharon...
You interrumpted her.
- I know, but i don't care. Wanda you're my best friend, if i wanna spend time with you i will spend time with you... I'll deal with Sharon later.
Wanda felt nostalgic at your words.
- What's wrong? - you asked.
She looked at you.
- It's just that... your a better friend than i am. You have a girlfriend and still try to make time for me... i never did that back when i was with Vision.
You smiled at her words.
- Wanda... we are kind of adults now, if i kept acting like when i was in high school i would have a problem. I'm more mature now, i guess i can have a girlfriend and a best friend. You were younger and he was your first boyfriend, i now understand why you acted like that.
- This is what i'm talking about, you're a better person than me Y/N, i don't deserve you.
- Hey don't say that. You are one of the best persons i know Wanda, you can't keep punishing yourself for things you did when you were 16. Like i said the other day at the park, i forgive you, i did it a long time ago.
She looked at the sky.
- I just wish things were different. If only i could turn back time... - she said desperate.
- Wanda please stop, let's just enjoy this moment, okay?
You offered her a hug that she replied immediately. Then you just chill under the stars.
- I got into UCLA - she said out of nowhere after some minutes.
- What? - you asked excited - Are you serious?
She nodded her head smiling.
- Yes, the letter came in this morning... I got in.
- Wanda that is amazing... we will be together in college, like we always dreamed about!
You kept celebrating her for some more minutes and then you just went on talking about the campus and the city.
Wanda watched you in awe, how your eyes sparkled when you talked, the way you smiled and expressed. And she fell deeper for you. When she heard you talk about your future plans with her she couldn't help but daydream about a life by your side.
She daydreamed about living with you, being your girlfriend, marrying you, having kids with you... God, she wanted you bad.
That's why, immersed in the euphoria of the moment, the next words came out of her mouth.
- I love you so much...
And your whole world stopped right there. You stopped your explanation of why your dorm hall was the best in the campus to look at her straight in the eyes.
- What?
Wanda knew there was no turning back. She said it, and she decided to stand to her words.
- I love you so much Y/N, you really don't have and idea of how much. I love your eyes, your voice, your personality; i love your stupid jokes about life... I love how you talk, how you move, how you walk. I love how you treat me, how you protect me. I love how, despite everything i've done, you're still by my side... I think i just love everything about you.
You hear her speak and your heart beat at hundred times per second. The words you always wanted to hear, she was finally saying them.
- Wanda, what are you talking about? - you asked, still in disbelief.
The girl's heart was about to explode. But she needed to keep talking, she couldn't stopped just then.
- Y/N I don't expect you to reciprocate my feelings, not after everything I put you through... But i just need to come clean, can i be honest with you?
You nodded dumbly. You had so many questions, but you knew nothing would come out of your mouth. So you let her talk.
- Y/n i drop out off college because of you, and before you blame yourself, it was mostly because i missed you... You and i had a dream, going to NYU together was our thing, and it shouldn't have been with Vision... I guess, not only the college thing but everyhting, it was never Vision. It was you all along. You were my first love Y/N, i shouldn't have give up on you... on us. Yes, our friendship is the most important thing for me, but if we could be something more... Ughh, now things are just weird between us, and that sucks... and i miss you - she knew she was rambling, but she needed to get everything out - and now you're with someone else, and that's fine but, i just wish it was me... Because even when i made mistakes, it was always you.
When she finished talking you were loss for words. Your heart, your mind, nothing was working correctly. It was like the whole world faded because Wanda told you she loved you.
That's all your mind registered: she loved you.
- Wanda... i don't know what to say to be honest - you said.
She was a mess, her heart was beating like crazy, she was all flustered because of the nerves and her whole body was shaking. She wanted to hear your answer, but she was also afraid of what she might hear.
- I wish things were different too... - you said looking at her - You know, i'm really confuse right now. Sharon... she's someone special to me, i wouldn't want to hurt her, i guess now i understand what you felt about Vision. But, i want to be honest with you too... I don't want to lose you again, you're even more special to me... I want you to be in my life forever. It truly seems like timing never work for us, right? - you joked, making her smile a little - We can be friends Wanda, i'm really excited to be in college with you, if you want that too... I just don't want to lose you.
She started to cry.
- Oh Y/N, i would love to be in your life forever, even if you're not with me, i don't want to lose you either... Thanks for giving me a second chance.
You hugged her even tighter than before, now crying as well. You two stood there for some minutes, melting in each other's embrace. When you broke the hug you noticed it was almost 2 am, so you decided to go back to your tent, wishing her good luck with Kate's snores.
You didn't have much sleep that night though. Your mind kept you up all night.
Wanda told you she love you. She confessed her feelings for you and now it was up to you to take the chance. You looked to your side and found Sharon sleeping soundly. You knew it was unfair for her that you felt that way, but you couldn't deny your feelings: deep down you knew it was Wanda, cause it had always been Wanda.
The next morning you and your friends left the camp and went back home. Sharon noticed you were a little bit quite, but when she asked you about it you just said it was because you hadn't sleep well. Wich wasn't completely a lie.
You spent two days more with her before she flied back to Los Angeles. She was excited cause she got her acceptance letter from Princeton. You were happy for her too, but the situation made you wonder about your future with her. She wouldn't be around UCLA anymore, and that would change your whole dynamic.
She told you not to worry, kissed you one last time and went back home.
In the remaining days you prepared your luggage to return to the university.
Wanda was in some sort of trance. After you told her to be just friends she felt happy cause you would still be in her life, but she also was sad because it wasn't in the way she wanted.
When she told everything to Pietro he told her it was brave to come clean with you, but he was also worried for her sister's feelings.
- I know Y/N well enough to know she won't hurt you, but i'm worried you two are making a mistake. This whole thing of "let's just be friends" can be risky for the both of you.
She just replied:
- We're still friends and that's all that matters, we'll live our college dream together and everything will be fine.
You flied back to Los Angeles, now with Wanda and her parents.
Pietro flied back to Switzerland.
And Sharon flied to New Jersey.
The first weeks of the course went normal. Wanda loved the campus and was thrilling because you were there with her. You showed to her all of your favorite spots and you two settle a schedule to spend time together, mostly studying.
Wanda immediately felt the change from NYU. She was genuinely excited for her classes, she genuinely loved the school, she didn't have to pretend cause she felt happier.
You were happier with her there too. Although something was still feeling out of place.
You thought it was because Sharon wasn't there anymore. You used to call her every night to tell her about your day. She told you all about her campus and her program. You listened to her attentive, but she knew something was off. She could feel it too.
But both of you were too afraid to mention it.
The days passed, and everything felt like a roller coaster for you: in the day everything was exciting and brilliant because you spent it with Wanda. But at night, when you talked to Sharon over the phone, everything felt wrong. Every night you went to sleep with a pit in your stomach wondering why you couldn't be happy with Sharon, but why you felt so complete with Wanda.
Sharon Carter was a very intelligent girl. From the moment you told her Wanda was going to be with you at UCLA she knew you two were doomed. She didn't have to know your complete history with Wanda to know she was someone special for you. Someone who she couldn't compete with, cause she'll always lose to Wanda if it was up to you.
But as intelligent and perceptive as she was, she was firstly, a girl in love. So, leaving behind any insecurity, she was hoping you would chose her. That's why she tried to make things work for the two of you, for as long as she could. A month was enough to completely wear out your relationship.
As intense as her love was, she knew she couldn't alter the course of fate. She recognized that you had alredy found your way with another person, and Sharon understood that she had to let you go, accepting that this time, she couldn't change the destiny of your love.
Sharon called you, like every night. But this time there wasn't any softness in her voice. You knew, from the moment she said you needed to talk, what was the night was heading to.
The conversation was long, tired, and full of regretness. She regretted meeting you. You regretted taking it too far. Both of you regretted making each other so unhappy.
Needless to say, it wasn't an amicable breakup. She cried and you didn't stop asking for forgiveness until she said goodbye and hang up the phone.
You spent your night alone. You cried, but when the sadness left your body completely, you felt lighter. As if the crying had washed away the guilt and the weight from your soul.
The next day you told Wanda about your break up with Sharon. She asked you if you were okay and you mindelessly said yes.
- C'mon Y/N, you know you can be vulnerable with me, there's no need to put on a brave face.
You insisted that everything was fine, and after a few more attempts, she dropped the subject to avoid making you uncomfortable.
She was surprised to hear the news. Sharon seemed like a nice girl, and even when she knew she wasn't veey comfortable with your frienship, she wanted for you to be happy.
She tried to avoid having any inappropriate thoughts, but she couldn't stop herself to wonder about you and her. She knew you had just come out of a relationship, everything was still too fresh, but deep down, a flicker of hope had ignited in her.
You on the other hand was confused with yourself. You wanted to feel bad, to be sad, to grieve your relationship with Sharon. You felt like a complete idiot for not feeling bad. God, your girlfriend had broken up with you, and it had mostly been your fault, but you couldn't feel sad. After crying that first night when you broke up, you never cried again. Now what you felt was guilt for feeling nothing.
Some days later Wanda asked Pietro to call you. She was worried about you cause she thought you were keeping all your pain to yourself. So she decided to call in the big guns.
When you saw Pietro's name on the phone you were excited but a little confused. He made small talk for a while and told you about Switzerland and his girlfriend. When he finally dropped the bomb on why he called you, you couldn't say you were surprised.
- She's just worried about you Y/N.
You sighed.
- I know, but there's no need to be worried, i'm fine.
- Y/N, i'm on the other side of the world and i can tell you're not fine, i can hear ir in your voice. Wanda thinks you're keeping it all to yourself and she just wants you to have someone to talk.
You knew there was no use in trying to denied anymore. Pietro was a close friend. You grew up together as well. He was like a brother to you. That's why you decided to finally speak to him.
- It's just that... I have nothing to talk about Pietro.
You told him all your concerns about your break up with Sharon and you vent with him.
He listened to you carefully, not saying anything at first.
- Why do I feel like crap? - you asked when you finished - I really wanted this relationship to work, i felt something for Sharon, without a doubt. But when things fell apart i felt almost relived that it was over... I'm such a jerk.
- No, you're not, everyone has a way to cope, and just because you're not miserable and sulking doesn't mean you're bad, please don't torture yourself over it. You truly believed you wanted to be with her, you gave your best effort in that relatioship but you can't force yourself to love someone. Sharon was special, but maybe you tried too hard to love her. But why?
You felt your heart racing at his question. You knew damn well why.
- I think i was afraid of what could happen if i wasn't with Sharon.
- So you used her... and don't get me wrong, it can be really fun as a distraction, but when it's over, you think about the girl you really like, the one that broke your heart. Maybe that's why you feel nothing but freedom. Now you can make your own decisions Y/N.
You ended the call a minutes later.
For some days you thought about what Pietro said. You were experiencing so many emotions that you asked Wanda to suspend you study sessions together for a few days.
Wanda thought you were taking time apart from her because of your break up. Maybe you wanted time for yourself without her.
It sucked for her cause she believed you were best friends again. But even if you weren't her best friend, she knew you would always be friends.
It was almost ironic. You two never got the timing right. She shot you down and then you did the same to her and now...
She needed to focus her attention on something else.
She sent you a text letting you know she would be at the volleyball tryouts, so if you needed anything you'll knew where to find her.
You texted her back a thumb up emoji and a happy face, wishing her good luck.
You were alone in your room when suddenly Pietro's words rang in your head: Now you can make your own decisions Y/N.
A power took over your body and you walked out of the dorm hall to go to the volleyball court. You were nervious, but you had something to do.
Wanda was talking to the volleyball coach in her office, answering some medical questions fro the formal papers, when you suddenly opened the door.
- Y/N, what are you doing here? - she asked confused.
- Hey, emm i'm sorry coach, i just have to say something...- the coach nodded at you and you looked back at Wanda - Um, are you free for dinner tonight?
- Yes - Wanda said shocked.
- All right, then it's a date... - you said smiling and closing the door to leave.
Wanda smiled like never before. She felt on cloud 9. Her face was all red and her body shaking in excitement. She looked at the coach, rememebering where she was.
- I'm sorry, what was the question? - she asked nervously.
Taglist: @justyourwritter69 @dark-hunter16 @the-mute1 @julirey06 @dupleshcpi @wizardofstories @katherinelesso @targaryenwomenshoe @snowdrop1026 @lissaaaa145 @shortyyy193 @randomnessbecausewhynot @simone8210 @newawakening9 @chasethemoon @natashamaximoff69 @justgotlizzied @cd-4848 @bluedragonlove @agentqwake @esposadejoyhuerta @nikkinss
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as it was
pairing: peter parker x sister!reader
WC: 3K
warnings: small mentions of anxiety, maybe some cursing, just no way home angst. there is no physical description of reader, so you could read this as adopted!reader or however.
summary: you feel like there’s something missing from your life when may dies. you just aren’t sure what that thing is.
A/N: i started this april 11, 2022. something just came upon me to start writing for this draft again. i dont live in nyc so ignore all directions. my own gif (that’s why it’s shit)
@alecmores my editor💗
been in the drafts since march 25
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You were sitting in front of her grave.
The cold chill of New York winter settles into your bones. The trees were barren of any leaves with autumn having left a few weeks ago, no snowfall yet thankfully. The grass has been freshly cut along with some watering causing you to sit in a bit of wet grass, at least your coat was taking the moisture.
You brought some new flowers, just some simple white roses. The other flowers have been slowly wilting since your last visit, and you never want to have dead flowers resting with Aunt May’s grave.
As you replace the flora you sit back on the ground with the wilting stems staying in your hands to keep you from fidgeting around and picking the grass as you talk to her. You try to visit once a week, but sometimes you can only come twice a month because it will just hit you really hard one day that you have no one left, no immediate family anymore. The closest you have to any type of family is Happy Hogan, MJ, and Ned, which is kind of weird because when you think of your memories that involve the three of them, something is missing, a piece of a puzzle that won’t fit in its place.
“How are you today, may?” The wind just blows the hair around your face in different directions.
“I started to work at the Peter Pan cafe with MJ. Sometimes we have shifts together, but honestly, it’s kinda rare since it doesn’t get too busy there. The boss is an older man who’s lazy and has a snippy attitude for no reason, but it's an easy job. Don’t have to worry about my anxiety kicking in.” You stared down at your gloved-covered hands that clutched your crossed legs. Your lips rolled together as you let the silence cover you, thinking of what else to mention.
“Uh… Happy. Happy- he misses you, I miss you. He- uh… he took me in, unofficially adopted me. I’m thankful for him cause if I had to do all this- this, I don’t know, just I’m thankful he took pity on me and didn’t leave me to the wolves. MJ and Ned said they would’ve taken me in, but I think they just said it out of friendliness.” You shrugged your shoulders at the thought.
You perked your head up and glanced around the cemetery. Dozens of headstones, some having more grandeur stone carvings with angels or whatever. Fallen autumn leaves tumbled and kicked across the grass, sticking to trees or headstones before a breeze pushed them away and further off. It seemed you were the only person visiting a loved one at the moment, you wished someone accompanied you, but you liked being with May by yourself.
“Oh, uh, school. Probably want to know about school. I- I- I think I’m gonna take a gap year. Process and readjust to everything and I know if I was doing school I wouldn’t give my all and I don’t want to let you down. Plus, I need money and so I’ll probably need to work a few jobs- wanna help Happy with bills so he doesn’t feel stuck with me.”
A puff of air left your lips as you rubbed your arms up and down your biceps to get a good warmth back into your bones so you could stay longer. With a lick to your lips and a furrow to your brow, you hesitantly spoke a thought that’s been sitting on your tongue for a while, only feeling brave to speak them towards May.
“Ever since you- since you left… something has felt… off. I- I don’t even know what feels off, just that I’m missing something- someone in my life. But I don’t have anyone else. Mom and dad were gone too soon for me to remember their faces, Ben passed away a few years ago and then all I had was you. May... you’ve been my mom, you are my mom. And- and when the blip happened and we came back, that was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. Feeling like you were gone for only a minute but then people are telling you that it’s been five years and half the population turned to dust… but you came back and I felt safe again. And we got back into some normal groove again. And then hearing that you got into an accident and were killed-” your throat started to choke with restrained tears, “I’ve never been more scared in my whole life.”
You let a cry free before pulling yourself back in, wanting to continue your rant, “but, what I’m trying to get at… something feels out of place. I feel like someone is missing from the giant picture, memories feel like they’ve been edited- cutting out that person from our life, my life. Memories with MJ and Ned feel weird, and memories with Happy feel weird as well. Like trying to think about how the two of you met… something is burned away. I- I don’t know, probably just trying to find something to focus on.”
Your eyes met the dark stone, the words May Parker engraved with her date of birth and death. Your shoulders sagged, you were just talking to air about a nagging thought. Should probably look into getting therapy.
“I should start heading back, Happy’s probably worried about me.” You dusted your jacket and pants clean of any grass, might have a few wet spots soaking the fabric.
You stuffed your hands into the jacket pockets and just stood, not making an effort to leave just yet. There was a crunching of leaves that soon filled the quiet and you didn’t think anything of it, it could have been another visitor or Happy who came to visit and take you home, which happened a few times already. But when you looked in your periphery, it wasn’t someone at another grave and it wasn’t Happy. It was a boy.
Out of curiosity, you turned your head enough to get a proper look at the new arrival. You eyed him from head to toe, never seeing him around before. He looked to be about your age, just a teenager. A beanie covered his head, he wore a blue puffer jacket with a few stripes at the top with simple jeans and sneakers, nothing standing out. But there was just something about him…
“How did you know May?” The mystery boy spoke. It took you off guard, “huh?” Was all that came out. He cleared his throat and jerked his chin, again, “how- uh- how did you know May?” He turned to you before turning away.
“Oh, she- she was my aunt. Well, my mom really. Lived with her when I was young.” You stopped there and it was silent. You counted to five before asking, “how did you know her? If I may ask?” Your manners popping in.
The boy was quiet, eyes set on her name. He sniffled then wet his lips, “feast. I knew her from feast. She was- she was nice, always kind to everyone. She was like the mother I never had. I’m glad you had her as family.” His voice cracked on the word family, something you noted but didn’t push for further.
“Yeah. She was always looking out for the little guys.” A smile to your lips. “Was it just the two of you?” The boy asked then backed tracked, “only if you feel comfortable saying. Sorry, it just- it just slipped.”
You looked at the boy. He wasn’t fidgeting, but you could tell from his eyes that he was nervous about something. Your eyes just wandered over him, sure it may seem rude but you couldn’t help it. It was like a magnet was pulling you and you couldn’t resist the hold it had on you. You thought about lying to this stranger, but you didn’t. “Yeah. Well, it wasn’t always just the two of us. She had a husband, his name was Ben, and he’s buried in his home state. But he got shot during a robbery about… a decade ago… blip time difference is weird.” You mumbled off, realizing he died five years ago for you but with your dusting, that added an extra five. The boy agreed with a light chuckle, it warmed you.
“What about you? Any family still with you?” Bouncing back on his question.
His eyes drooped a slight frown on his face, “uh…no. No family, just me.” His eyes caught yours before, once again, looking away. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ “Oh! No, it’s- it’s fine. I was asking the questions first anyway.”
You rolled your lips as you swayed on your feet. Neither of you decided to speak, just stood beside each other as you stared at the headstone and listened to the leaves falling. You wanted to look at the boy again but withheld yourself from doing so.
“I should- I should head home. But it was nice to meet you…” you trailed off hoping he’ll present his name. “Peter… Peter Parker.” He held a smile at the last name.
“Huh, funny coincidence. I’m (Y/n), Parker obviously.” You bid Peter a smile goodbye and turned your back to make your walk to the subway.
“Hey! Uh (Y/n)!” You heard the shouts and the crunching of leaves beneath his feet as he hurried to catch up with you. You stopped your steps and looked at Peter as he stopped a few steps away.
“Do you… do you take the subway?” “Yeah…”
“Do you mind if I walk you? I just- I would just feel a lot better knowing you made it safely plus I think May would… sorry- sorry. Only if you want, of course, I mean you just met me and-“
You stepped closer and touched his arm, “hey, it’s fine. I would like the company. Plus, it’s just the subway, you’re not walking me to the front door.” You shrugged at the end before nodding your head to the iron gates.
The two of you traveled down the busy and packed streets of New York. Shifting and turning your bodies so you didn’t bump into anyone, especially someone who wasn’t in the right mood that day. The walking was quiet at first, two strangers who just met and didn’t know what boundaries were already drawn. You kept making glances at Peter beside you before looking away, at the sky or the buildings around you.
“Are you in school?” Peter was the first to ask, once again. You were thankful he took the first steps.
“Oh, well I’m eighteen so I’m about to graduate high school. And I was planning to go to college, out of state or in state, not sure. But after May… I’m taking a gap year. Want to get my bearings first before I focus back on school… How’s your academic future?” You eyed him as he watched you talk.
“Uh, well I’m eighteen as well. And something happened during the school year so I kinda have to start senior year over again. I was planning to go to MIT for college, but that’ll just have to wait.” He scratched his nose before stuffing his hand back into his jacket pocket.
“Another coincidence. Two of my friends are going.” You saw the smile Peter tried to hide from your comment.
“Do you have a job, Mr. Parker?” Already giving joking nicknames.
You didn’t notice the stiffness to his shoulders or the sadness that glazed over his eyes before stuttering, “uh, I’ve applied to a- a few different jobs. Kinda hard- not a high school graduate so my options are limited. Gotta look for the desperate places.”
“But those are kinda sketchy. Not the safest.”
His attention was on you, “yeah, well, I can handle myself.” He nudged your arm and pulled a smile from you as you shook your head. “What about you? Any sketchy jobs?”
“Not sketchy, just boring and quiet. I work at a small café with my friend. An easy job since I have anxiety.” You keep your answers vague with enough detail.
Silence came back around. Cars honking and people talking to each other or over the phone. Couples holding hands or looped around each other.
“Anyone special in your life?” Was your first question to come to mind.
You weren’t sure if the flush was due to the low temperature or the abrupt question towards Peter, who’s still a stranger, about if he was seeing someone.
“No, no. I- I had someone, but she left me. For the best, I think.”
“Why is that? Secretly with the mob or something?”
He laughed, “Nah, nothing like that. Just… I'm broken and a mess. Don’t want her dealing with… all that.” He made a circling hand gesture. You just hummed.
You weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings so you didn’t see the group of kids running and pushing into everyone coming your way. So with a tight hold on your bicep and a yank, you yelped and looked around. Peter pulled you behind him and you followed his eyes as you watched the kids pass as they shouted and yelled.
“Stupid kids.” You muttered before continuing your walk. “Thank you, for pulling me.” “Oh, it’s nothing.”
You were only a block or two away from a station.
“What about you?” “What about me?” “Anyone special?” He had a playful tone to his words. You just shrugged your shoulders.
“I’ve never been anyone’s first choice. I stick more to the shadows anyway, used to get bullied, so I keep my head down and mouth closed,” you looked to see if he was listening, and he was, “also, I’m kinda a hopeless romantic. Romance books, love songs; especially Taylor Swift's love songs, and a few rom-coms. Anyway, what I’m saying is that, no. No one special, probably not for a while. But maybe that’s okay, maybe I’ll find ‘the one’ when it’s time.”
Peter didn’t respond to your words. You smacked a hand over your face.
“What? What’s-“ “I just spilled my random thoughts to you, who’s still a stranger.”
You pulled your hand away and ran your fingers through your hair before moving it to your pocket for warmth. You looked at Peter and you were just full-on staring, eyes roving over his side profile or his face if he looked your way before facing forward. A tilt of your head came up.
“You know… maybe it wasn’t a coincidence.” You kept looking at Peter. “What wasn’t?” His eyes were on his feet.
“Meeting each other.” And you looked away just as Peter almost tried over his feet even as he watched every step. You kept walking, not aware of the cogs turning in Peter’s mind as he processed your words.
“What- What do you mean? How isn’t this a coincidence? I think it was just lucky timing.”
You threw a hand out as you talked, “What I mean is… maybe May sent you this way. Two people she knew and cared about, both lonely and without a family around. Plus come on, your last name is Parker. That's just crazy. I don’t know, just- it’s just crazy!”
You smiled at the boy as you crossed the street and walked down the crowded and smelly stairs leading to the subway. You checked to see if Peter was still with you and when you saw he was pushed back by a few people, you moved to the side and waited for him to meet your side. You flashed a smile when he reappeared and you both continued on your walk toward the entrances. You checked to see if any cops were around and seeing none you hopped over the spinning entrance, Peter a second behind.
“What train do you take?” “A train, you?” “F for me.”
You thought this meant that the two of you would split up, but Peter walked with you and stayed by your side as you waited for your train to arrive. You checked your pockets to make sure you had your phone, wallet, keys, and headphones, along with your taser and pepper spray that Happy bought for you. You texted Happy that you were waiting for your train and should be home within the hour.
After about thirty-five minutes you heard the screeching of wheels on tracks and saw the lights glow into the station. You turned to Peter with a smile, “well, looks like my ride's here.” He nodded at your words and he opened his mouth and then closed it. You stayed back seeing if he’ll say the words on his mind.
As the train got closer and he didn’t say anything you decided to be the first to speak. “Would it be okay if I get your number? I- I know we just met, but… you seem like a good friend.” You cringed a bit, it was almost like a terrible pickup line. And you weren’t hitting on him, it just felt gross to even think that.
“Yeah, yeah. I’d love to have a friend.” Peter stopped your worrying thoughts. You passed him your phone and then he passed it back before pulling his out and showing a text on his home screen.
You started towards the open doors and passed the rushing people and with a quick turn, you called out to Peter and he looked your way waiting to hear what you needed to say before you let the subway whisks you away.
“Stop by feast when you can. We can always use the extra hands and May would be thankful.” And before you got any reply you walked further into the metal tub and took a seat, sticking an earbud in and pressing play on an album you’ve had on repeat.
Already planning to visit May tomorrow after your morning shift to talk about your new friend. And Peter would keep watch from a distance and when you left he would speak with May quietly. Promising her that he’ll keep you safe and be your friend, maybe not your brother never again, only in his mind.
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ᴍᴇᴀɴᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴀᴛ…
Pairing: Sambucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes) 
Summary: The world is ending. Love is dead and lives are being destroyed. Anyway, here’s two guys.
Bingo Fill: ‘Meanwhile, On the Boat…’ on my ‘Vacation’ card for @sambuckylibrary’s sambucky summer bingo!
Warnings: minor character death, grief, sadness, themes of fear, Thomas the train.
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Loki stood there, not sure what to say. Mobius..didn’t recognize him? This man—this man who had stuck his neck out for Loki, who had known basically every details of Loki’s existence—didn’t recognize him? 
He glanced out the large glass window at the statues of the Timekeepers. Except—it wasn’t the usual statue that stood there. It was He Who Remains—Kang. 
What was going on?
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Bucky whistled as he worked with Sam. He tightened some bolts and held some nails. Sam told stories about his childhood—the goofy things, like when he took care of a stray cat for a solid three years. 
Bucky couldn’t help but wonder if somehow Sam was trying to allude to Bucky being like the stray cat. 
He didn’t really wanna unpack that. 
“You’re doing it wrong.” Bucky commented as he glanced at Sam, who was hunched over a bolt. 
“What? No, I’m not.” Sam huffed. 
“Yeah, you are. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. You’re loosening it.” 
“No—“ Sam looked down at what he was doing before chuckling to himself. “Man..” 
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Wanda brushed her thumb against Vision cheek. She had just said goodbye to her boys—forever. Though the entire purpose of the Hex was to reverse death—it seemed like it only ended in it. 
“Well say hello again,” she whispered, knowing that if she attempted to speak any louder she would burst into tears. Her eyes were watering already. 
Vision was already beginning to fade away. And with him, her entire life. Everything she could’ve had—gone.
And merely a few moments later, it would be true. And she was alone. Again.
Seeing the concrete slabs where her future home had previously been made it all feel real. Because it was real. Deep inside her, she knew it was real. 
She knew this town would be better without her. The people would recover. The police would leave. Monica would move on. And she wasn’t worried about Agatha. As long as Wanda was alive, Agatha couldn’t hurt anyone ever again.
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“Do you boys want pizza or burgers for dinner?” Sarah asked, looking between Sam and Bucky and her two sons. 
“Pizza!” The boys cheered, somehow perfectly synchronized. Sam looked to Bucky, who shrugged. Sam took a moment to assess whether or not it was a case of ‘Bucky still struggles to make choices and just doesn’t know what to do’ or ‘Bucky genuinely doesn’t have a preference’. Seemingly satisfied by whatever he’d seen from Bucky, Sam nodded. 
“I’m good with pizza,” he grinned.
Sarah nodded. “Perfect. Pizza it is.” 
“I wanted pizza too, thanks for asking.” Sam groaned dramatically.
“Oh, hush, you big baby. I know you. I know you would want pizza, especially since I’m getting it from Luis’s shop.” Sarah smiled, looking back as she walked towards her phone to..pre-order the pizza or whatever. Bucky wasn��t entirely sure.
“Yeah, but it’s the principle of it.” Sam grumbled. 
Bucky watched, a warm feeling in his chest.
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After returning from Aunt May’s grave, he stopped in the coffee shop MJ worked at. He glanced at his two best friends—at his girlfriend and his brother, both talking about the college they were all meant to go to together. He stands awkwardly as he orders his plain coffee—he doesn’t even like plain, hot coffee. But if this is the closest he’ll ever get to be with them again, so be it. 
“No, just..coffee.” He says, his voice more rough and emotional than he wanted it to be. 
He could tell MJ and Ned. He knows he could. He doubts MJ would believe him, but Ned would be easy to convince. Ned—Peter could just say something that only Ned’s closest friend would know. And that would work. Surely. 
But he knows better than that. J. Jonah Jameson had said it himself: everyone who’s close to Spider-Man gets hurt. And Peter knows it. 
So maybe awkwardly ordering coffee he doesn’t like will be enough. And maybe he’ll just have to be okay with it.
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“You need more t-shirts.” Sam said suddenly as he and Bucky continued working on the boat. 
“What?” Bucky gave him a disagreeing look. 
“I haven’t seen you wear a t-shirt this entire time. I know it’s hot as hell down here, and everyone in town knows you’re sweating. Your stench is like a blanket over the entire state.” Sam snickered. Bucky just rolled his eyes.
“That was..that was real mature, Samuel.”
“And I know you only using my full name ‘cause Sarah said it. But your middle name is literally Buchanan.” Sam shot back, a playful grin on his face. “Who names their kid James Buchanan? Shit, are you named after a president?” Sam’s brows furrowed as he noticed it.
“Okay, Samuel Thomas.” Bucky grumbled, adjusting the way he positioned his left hand to hold the nail. “Who are you? Thomas the train?” 
“I—how do you know about Thomas the Train?” Sam paused what he was doing, looking up at Bucky.
“Not this again.” Bucky rubbed his face with his right hand, feigning annoyance even as he held another nail for Sam. 
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Yelena stood across from Clint, her eyes watering. “If I had been there, I could’ve done something, I could’ve stopped her—“ she began to spiral.
Clint shook his head. “Nothing was gonna stop her, ‘Lena. You know Natasha.” He said, his voice rough. His whole body ached. He couldn’t wait to go home. He didn’t wanna think about this, but part of him knew it was closure. For both himself and Yelena.
She let out a small squeak, accompanied by a few small sobs. 
“She made her choice,” he continued. “Now we’ve just gotta find a way to live with that.” 
“I loved her so much,” Yelena sniffled. Clint felt a familiar burning in his eyes, a lump in his throat. 
He looked up, nodding. “I know. Me too.” 
He looked down at his knees, before he noticed she was walking towards him. 
He heard her gun click. He silently sent an apology to his wife. And his children. Shit. His children. 
He glanced up at his soon-to-be-killer. Just to see that she had extended her hand to him. 
He took it, holding it for a moment as he gathered himself enough to stand up. 
He stood before her, looking down at her tear-stained face. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. She looked up at him, a sad, and silent rage in her eyes. She said nothing, merely turning around and walking away.
He supposed there was some sort of closure in that, too.
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“What are we gonna do about Karli?” Bucky asked as he continued to paint even streaks across the surface. 
“I don’t know.” Sam answered, his brows furrowed. “Walker fucked up. Badly.” Sam doesn’t miss how Bucky bristles at the mention of the man. 
“Understatement of the year,” he grunted. 
“Right. Well, until we have a lead, there’s not much we can do.” Sam explains.
Bucky is silent at that.
“I’ve got Torres looking for those already.” Sam says, and he watches as Bucky nods in approval. 
“I can practically already read that cyborg brain of yours.” Sam jokes. 
Bucky mutters something under his breath, but it’s clear he doesn’t take offense to the slight tease.
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Wanda collapsed to the floor, her wet cheeks and small sobs showing how distraught she was. Her terrified sons—no, they weren’t her sons at all—watched from the rubble of their home. It reminded her of her own childhood; the day her parents died. 
She was a monster. That was the truth. What had she done? 
She killed so many at Kamar-Taj, all of the Illuminati, and even all of the fighting with Stephen Strange. She had done nothing but destroy. Not to mention what she had intended to do to America Chavez. She traumatized her own—she traumatized children. 
What had she done?
The other Wanda, the bloody, beaten version of herself, crept toward her cautiously, ignoring the cries and pleas from her children. 
Wanda stood in front of the Scarlet Witch, before cupping her face gently. 
“Know that they’ll be loved,” was all she said. Her eyes were kind, understanding almost. It made sense, considering they had shared a consciousness for the majority of the day. Of course she had seen the Witch’s  thoughts. 
The Scarlet Witch let out another small sob as Wanda backed away and America began to close the portal. She knew what she had to do.
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“Where the hell did you even find this stuff?” Bucky asked as he duct-taped the mat to the tree.
“Sarah had some old junk in the attic. I have no idea why she even had these, but she said we could use them.” Sam said from another tree, his own roll of tape in his hand.
Bucky nodded, amused. 
“Ignoring my own deep love for the environment, I think she’d actually kill us if we ruined these trees.” Sam said sarcastically. 
Bucky chuckled, moving on to another tree.
“Okay, how the hell are you doing this so fast?” 
“Genius and finesse.” Bucky snickered as he walked past Sam. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Sam huffed. 
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graphics by @saradika-graphics
[bingo masterlist]
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winniethewife · 10 months
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together (Peter B. Parker x Reader)
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Words: 718
She opened the door, the rain was pouring down, there he was Peter B. Parker her best friend since the beginning of high school. Standing in the pouring rain.
“Peter? Are you insane? Come inside. Please.”
“Thanks, I-I didn’t know what to do. Where to go…”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve had a really, really weird day.” He goes to tell her about being pulled to another universe and Miles, Gwen, Penni, Noir, Porker, all of it. She sat there a little off kilter, sure she was one of the few who knew he was Spiderman but this… even this was weird for them.
“But I think I want to try to get back with MJ have kids you know, remind her how it used to be…” He smiles at her and she smiles. She knows how much Peter Loves MJ and that’s why she never said anything all these years about her feelings for him.
“Just tell her how you must've lost your mind. How it’s always been her and you would do anything to have her back.” She tried to smile at him as genuinely as possible, which probably looked pretty normal to him by now.
“You always knew exactly what to say. You are the best.” He gives her a hug and she lets the smile fall from her face as she buried her face in his shoulder, holding him close for just a moment longer.
“You’d do the same for me Peter.” She says quietly, wishing for once she could be selfish. They sat and talked for a long time, eventually she got out a bottle of wine and they had a couple glasses. She didn’t think about how handsy she gets when wine drunk. Her head resting in Peter’s lap as they laugh and joke around. She takes his hand in hers and starts to play with his fingers in quiet contemplation.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Peter asked, confused as to why she had suddenly gone quiet
“Peter…I want you for worse or for better…You’ve been the only guy on my mind since we met. I Just…I never wanted to tell you because, you always pick MJ. Always, But…I would wait for ever and ever for you to give me a chance.” She say this so honestly and but also drunkenly. He’s speechless, probably for the first time in his life. He used his free hand to caress her face. Has she really been hiding this all this time?
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” He asked softly as her caresses her face. He doesn’t know how to feel. It was always MJ. He’s loved her for a long time, since the minute he met MJ. But looking at his best friend, he wonders, is he making the right choice.
“I don’t know… It was always MJ…I didn’t want to ruin your life… you were always so happy together, and when you got divorced I wanted to give you space…and now, you’re going back to her…and I don't want you to go” She said not looking in his eye, Only looking at his hand in hers. Peter takes her chin in his hand and turns her face to look at him, Hazelnut eyes looking into hers.
“Say it…say you want me…” He murmured
“I want you Peter. I’ve never wanted anyone else.” She didn’t sound so drunk this time. He pulls her up into an embrace burying his face in her shoulder. He takes in her scent. If he wanted to get back with MJ, why was this so tempting? She pressed a soft kiss on his neck, she knew he probably would still go back to her in the end, but it was hard to resist it.
“I…I shouldn’t” He tries to reason with himself
“One night Peter…you can go back to her in the morning. You’ll get the girl…She won’t know.” She whispers in his ear, before kissing his neck again.
“You deserve better…you deserve more” His voice is sad, his best friend was in love with him, and he might just take advantage of that. She moves to look him in the eye, her hands on either side of his face.
“Please…. Say you want me.” She leans in closer to him
“I want you” he closed the distance.
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
another time, a different place (I have loved you before)
I’m intrigued 👀👀
( ☆ω☆ )
The first chapter is up even though I only have a very rough not quite 5k written so far, which is something I haven't done since my very first fic ever so like heeheehoo hope it works out, but I want to make sure I actually write it bc every time I rediscover this wip I fall in love with the premise all over again. It's gonna be a biggun tho I fear *sigh*
It's an endgame fix it fic! Featuring a fresh outta the soul stone Peter and (although he doesn't remember him) Harley. There are lots of flashbacks to Harley and Peter's time in the soul stone, but neither of them remember it, they just have strange dreams they don't quite remember and a lot of deja vu when they interact.
The MOst Fun THing for me right now is the dissonance between soul stone Harley (a joy! a delight even!) and present day Harley (what crawled up his butt and died??) and the most difficult thing about it is, due to forces outside my control (the mcu timeline) they're high schoolers 😒 which is fine I just am tired of writing high schoolers. Basically the timeline thing is specifically designed to torture me you don't even KNOW what I mean but someday you will and we'll all look back at this post and go sarah wtf why didn't you just go full au so you could age them up and not have to-- THAT"S NOT THE POINT!!
Anyway! Here's Peter being a grump, Harley being a dick, and Flash being obnoxiously attention-starved <3
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MJ squints at him. “How do you guys know each other?”
Harley weighs Ned and MJ with a look. “Depends. How much do you know about your lunch buddy’s nighttime pastime?”
“Not here,” Peter snaps. Then he adds, because how could he not, “They know more than you.”
Harley tips his head and, curious, looks at Ned and MJ anew. “Huh.”
“Wait, how much does he know?” Ned demands.
“Later.” Peter looks around, but no one seems to be listening. On the other side of the room, Flash is telling anyone who will listen about his spring break plans in Norway. He pushes away his crumb covered tray and skewers a glare on Harley. “Why are you here?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, because you live in Tennessee?”
Harley pops a torn off chunk of greasy bread in his mouth and says, “I live in New York.”
“Since when?”
“Since I moved here. What’s with the interrogation? Pepper thought you’d be excited.”
“Ohh,” Ned interjects. His expression compresses into a pitying wince. “Did you know Mr. Stark, too?”
“Not h—,” A hard thump on Peter’s back interrupts his repeated warning.
“Are you still still peddling that tall tale, Penis?”
He grits his teeth and doesn't turn around. “Go away, Flash.”
Flash straddles the bench beside him and raises his voice. “Wow, the man’s dead and you’re still trying to ride his coat tails. What’s it like to be that desperate to be someone important?”
“Fuck off, Flash,” MJ says with a note of warning.
He puts up his palms and gets louder. “Honest question! I have no idea what it’s like to be a poor nothing orphan who has to make believe he’s a hero to justify the drain he is on society and his family. Well, what’s left of his family anyway.”
He was concentrating so hard on not letting his irritation show that he missed Harley getting to his feet and rounding the table. But there’s no way anyone could miss him hauling back a fist and planting it square in Flash’s mouth.
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beauspot · 2 years
thoughts after i saw black panther wakanda forever again.
firstly queen ramonda’s muscles in this movie were crazy 😭 i don’t even think i noticed it the first time. all of the women in the dora looked strong as hell and beautiful i’m obsessed. since we’ve introduced ironheart and we’re supposed to be getting a tv show(?) i hope happy and her get involved and it would be hilarious if she becomes friends with peter and mj but mj has no idea who peter is but riri does(and she’s the only one who does).
the fight scenes in this movie are so good, like some of the best in the mcu, there’s less cuts and the use of slowmo especially in scenes with the water makes them so gorgeous.
the black and gold in shuri’s black panther suit represents her brother and tradition and the vengeance of her cousin n’jadaka.
why does m’baku challenge for the thrown? with him in this movie it feels off for him to do it for selfish reasons maybe shuri asked him too.
i know the romance plot was scrapped because of test audiences but to me(this is MY OPINION 😒) the romance would have made their ultimate rift so much weightier. what if they had at the end of her tour simply had namor tell her they were more alike than anyone else he had ever encountered and asked for her hand BEFORE asking her to burn the world or if he asked for her hand in order for the scientist to be returned and she said yes. to then be drawn out of the water and have his people killed so he turns around and kills her mother and the final fight hits so much harder.
shuri not only doesn’t kill him because of his people but because some part of her does love him. this is not me negating the relationship they already have, it’s beautiful whether they ever are romantically involved or not i just think it would enhance the story.
also it’s been bothering me but shuri is not 19 and i keep seeing people say she is. she was 19 before the blip friends 😭 in universe it’s been 6 years since the first black panther.
another thing that bothers me is people fully missing the point of the talokanil as antagonists. yes they are the villains of the movie but they are not. VILLAINS. their goal is the same as the wakandans. to protect their home. over the years this goal has been warped by grief and anger and it’s completely understandable. people who look like them have been enslaved and beaten and killed and the surface countries have made it very clear they desire vibranium to control the world. not to help it. hate him if you want but namor is right. the world will turn on wakanda and the only ally they have is talokan.
The core of this movie and honestly black panther as a series is the way black people and other poc are so focused on hating one another, a hatred that was taught to divide us when killmonger, and t’challa, and namor, and shuri, are not enemies. they are victims namor and killmonger understood that better than t’challa and shuri because they’d seen first hand how the world treats people who look like them. Now obviously they could have gone about it another way, a better way but don’t misconstrue that to mean killmonger OR namor were wrong, they weren’t.
i’m very excited about phase 5 moving forward and i can’t wait to see these characters again even though I know it’ll be awhile. shuri will probably be in the next avengers and i have no idea when namor will be back. i hope we get this movie on streaming soon so i can analyze it more closely
OH LAST THING. i see what y’all were talking about with okoye and attuma and i totally agree lol
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aluveras · 2 years
Not too much fun!
Peter parker x Female reader
A/n: I wanna clarify that all my female reader fics and male reader (if i make them) are trans friendly since i see =trans people as the gender they identify as, if its not trans friendly (use of genitilia for example but you can just imagine you had ur surgery) i'll say it in the fic.
Warnings: suggestive content, fluff, may being a character i enjoy way too much.
Word count: 1.2k
‘’Can you be any more obsessed bro?’’
Pete whips his head over to Ned. He could barely hear him over the crowd of people in the cafeteria.
‘’What? I’m not obsessed what are you talking about?’’
‘’Hey, it’s fine I get it. She’s absolutely gorgeous.’’
‘’Tell me something new’’ Peter answers dreamily while his chin rests on his hand.
‘’You guys are weirdos.’’ MJ says out of nowhere
‘’Yeah, well you sit with weirdos.’’ Peter says back immediately.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’That sounded a lot less pathetic when I thought of it...’’
‘’Yeah that’s with most of what you say I think.’’ Ned answers
‘’Ned come on dude, you’re supposed to be on my side.’’
Too focused on the conversation Peter all of a sudden felt his peter ting-  Spider sense, sensing in a very weird way.
‘’Hey Peter.’’
There you were. The most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, jaw dropping girl he had ever seen.
Ned shoved him to say something.
‘’H-hey Y-Y/n’’ You giggle at his stutter and he swears he is ascending into heaven hearing that sound.
‘’I was wondering if you could help me with the decathlon practice,  I don’t really know anyone on the team and you seem nice. And I’ve seen you in class you’re in incredibly smart. So could you help me?’’
This is a dream. It has to be, he thinks.
‘’If you don’t want to you can say so, it’s okay. ‘’ you say because of his silence.  A hint of disappointment in your voice
‘’No! I would love to!’’ Peter squeaked, immediately cringing at how he said it.
Ned and even MJ can’t help but chuckle a little, neither can you.
‘’Okay great! At your place after school today?’’
‘’Yeah, I’ll walk with you to my place if you don’t mind?’’
‘’That would be great! Thank you.’’
You walk away with a big smile and so does peter as he watches you until you’re out of frame.
- after school –
You walk up to Peter at the entrance of the school.
He feels you coming and turns around quickly, his cheeks already starting to blush                                                    at seeing how beautiful you look.
‘’Hey Pete! Ready to go?’’ if he wasn’t blushing already he sure as hell was now that you used a nickname for him.
‘’Yeah just follow me!’’
-After walking for a bit you arrived at his apartment-
As he allowed you to step in you immediately saw and smelled a cloud of smoke and a middle aged woman cooking…or at least trying to. As she turned around you made eye contact and her face immediately lit up.
‘’Peter! Who is this beautiful young lady?!’’
‘’May, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my aunt May.’’ He said happily finally getting to introduce you to his aunt who he has been ranting about you to.
‘’Hello miss Parker, it’s nice to meet you!’’
‘’It’s May to you sweetie and it is lovely meeting you! I’ve been waiting for this ever since peter couldn’t stop talking about you.’’
‘’She’s joking!’’ Peter says quickly
‘’I don’t talk about you at all! Well that’s not true, I don’t never mention you or pretend you don’t exist or something I just-‘’
Peter was cut off by your laugh, he wish he could have that his alarm in the morning. That would make him wake up and make sure he hears it again. (he means the waking up part in a good way)
‘’It’s okay Peter, if it makes you feel better I talk a lot about you too’’ You smirk.
Peter starts blushing like crazy as he clears his throat and says,
‘’So we’re gonna go study together in my room, if that’s okay?’’
‘’Yes of course, have fun…’’
You and Peter walk to his room and just before he closes his door you hear May say,
‘’But not too much fun!’’
‘’May! Really?!’’ Peter whines
‘’Sorry, I had to!’’
As you sit by Peters bed and he sits next to you, you finally start to realize what you’re gonna do.
You’ve been having this crush on Peter for a while now, you kept seeing him stare and somewhere along the way when he wasn’t staring at you, you would stare at him.                                                             You waited for him to do something but he just never did, just kept staring and never doing anything.
So one day when you had enough of the waiting you decided to form a plan.                                               You didn’t even need help for school, it was just a perfect plan to hang out with Peter and tell him how you feel. Though when you sat there, you couldn’t even think about actually doing it.
There were times while working you two looked into each other eyes and didn’t even say anything, it would feel like the time stopped and all that there was Peter and this feeling. This feeling. A feeling that is hard to describe but so pleasing.
A warmth in your chest, a smile that you can’t hide because it’s just so strong. Your heart going faster than ever and your hands shaking like crazy. Your brain could barely focus on anything other than his eyes.
‘’Y/n?’’ Peter says softly.
‘’Hm?’’ you hum also softly.
Then Peters body works faster than his brain and he just leans in. And you meet him halfway.
As your lips softly meet, the feeling is stronger than it’s ever been. As you depart you are both blushing insanely.
‘’Thank you.’’ Peter says
‘’Thank you?’’ You giggle
‘’For letting me kiss you! And not getting mad that I didn’t ask before.’’
‘’Peter, I wanted to kiss you and you gave me enough time to pull away, don’t worry.’’
You start to full on laugh now.
‘’Hey! Don’t laugh I was really nervous.’’
‘’I know, so was i!’’
‘’What! Why? I’m just Peter, a lonely nerd.’’
‘’You’re not lonely! You have Ned and MJ plus I like that your nerdy, I want a hot nerdy boyfriend!’’
You immediately regretted saying that.
‘’Not that I expected you to now immediately be my boyfriend! If you don’t want that then that’s fine.’’ You just wanted to disappear. (Like peter did in infinity way)
‘’I would actually…love to be your boyfriend…’’ Peter says softly
‘’Well then…’’ there was a silence which you expected to be awkward, but you just stared into each other eyes comfortably.
‘’Can I-‘’ He clears his throat before speaking again. ‘’Maybe kiss you again?’’
You giggle.
‘’We’re together now Pete, you don’t have to ask.’’ You laugh
And by that Peter (surprisingly easy to you) lifts you up a bit and makes sure you straddle him comfortably.
‘’Wow, who knew Peter had such mo-‘’ and before you could finish your lips were in a heated make out sesh with peters.
Just as he slips in his tongue into your mouth and he leaves a long groan, the door swings open.
And there stands a shocked and happy May.
‘’You got the girl!..’’ and quickly after that she says ‘’but I meant the not too much fun part not until your further into the relationship!’’
You laugh as Peter whines again ‘’May!’’
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Y’all ever though Jacob was “cringe” because all attention was directed to Tom and Z? All the questions were focused on them, all the camera time was focused on them—even all the interviews we’ve seen has basically just been them and Ned was a main character until it shifted towards MJ and Peter’s story. These actors don’t get paid for movie promotion, he probably thought “what’s the point?” And decided he was gonna act weird up until the third movie. But again, we don’t actually know cause we weren’t there and we’re not their friends
Naaa I just think that's just how he is girl lol 😆 😂
Look, let's be honest, Jacob was just happy (and basically LUCKY) to be there lol. 😅 I really don't think he was thinking all that deeply about it lol.
Tbh they could have just done interviews with TZ alone for FFH, but since I suspect they were either already broken up by that point or super close to it (it's obvious when you look back that they were having issues), maybe the studios didn't force them to do interviews alone together for that tour for that reason. Who knows?
IF Jacob's main goal is to be a serious actor, he would have been smart to take his job seriously.... no matter who was getting the attention. He has to know that he's already limited in getting parts/roles in Hollywood just simply due to a few factors (short, bald, was overweight, no real acting experience or training), so imo, that's not the time to slack off. Sometimes, you just need to work with what you've got. There's a place for everyone in Hollywood... although limited for some. The Rock, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, etc... they all used to do other things and are now pretty well-established actors even despite their very distinct looks.
I personally never got the impression JB was ever jealous of the attention that TZ received, but I can see him getting kinda tired of fans trying to use him to get more info on Tomdaya or Tom. 🙄 That would get annoying for ANYONE I feel.
Yet, at the same time, I kinda always got the impression that he sort of liked the attention he was getting, and would kind of play into the fact that he was close to Tom and Zendaya. I'm just being honest. 🤷🏾‍♀️ #realtalk
Over time, I just think he was basically wanting to kind of divorce himself a little bit from the "trio" and be his own person (which is smart!). But being jealous?? Naaahhh.... I just don't see that. He and TZ may not be besties, but they're def close friends imo. It's hard to feel jealousy towards someone you truly love imo. Love is not jealous....
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Hello!! I was wonder what you think about NWH? If you have seen it. Have a nice day.
hi! thank you for the question!
i hope I'll not get a lot of hate for this, but I'm not really a big fan of that movie. I wouldn't say it's the worst movie marvel has ever made, but it's not the masterpiece everyone says.
I don't have a lot to say about the plot. It's simple and not sophisticated, there are some plot holes but honestly they are present in every marvel movie . One thing I didn't understand is why Peter and Strange didn't talk APPROPRIATELY before the spell. You're telling me that Strange, a man who is a lot conscious and always careful with every plan he makes, didn't even bothered to ask Peter "hey do you want everyone to forget who you are or you want your friends to remember it?". Strange isn't a fool, I can't believe he didn't think about it before making that spell. Or maybe, he didn't even tried to convince him to do something else or make another plan. But okay, they needed a plot and even if it's poor I can go for it.
What I cannot go for it is the fact that nostalgia carried this movie. Without Andrew and Tobey, this movie would be nothing. Marvel does a lot of this lately: they make movies/shows and they make cameos to make people watch it because you know that fans will love every second of it and will concentrate only on the cameos, not the plot. That's not how you write movies. You cannot treat your fans like this, you just want to make your bag full of money and don't care about the plot or the characters.
Yes, the characters.
Honestly May's death was...rushed. We didn't see Uncle Ben in the MCU, but we know that he was there and that Peter became spiderman because of him. So what was the point in May's death? To hear the famous "with great powers comes great responsibilities" quote? We didn't need that because we already knew that Peter felt a lot of responsibility on his shoulder. We knew it from civil war, where he said to Tony that he has to do something because If he didn't help anyone with the powers he had, it would be his fault if bad things happened; We also knew it after Tony's death. Peter lived with the constant feeling that he had to be like Tony, while blaming himself for his mentor's death. What was the sense to make May say it? He already knew he had a lot of responsibility.
Another thing I want to say is how they treated Tony. In Far from home we see Peter grieving him through all the movie, he misses his father figure and now he has to live without him. Idk how Marvel thinks grief works, but nwh Peter and ffh Peter are not the same person. I can't believe he didn't mentioned him not either once. They completely erased Tony's influence in Peter's life and I'm like...what? Marvel took the little kids on twitter pressed about Tony too seriously.
And what can I say about the end... it sucked. No, i don't feel happy seeing Peter swinging though new york knowing he now has no one.
I can't see this as a new start because this is not the Moment Peter became spiderman.
Peter was already spiderman, homecoming proved that when we saw Peter learning he didn't need the suit to be a hero. He lost Ben, he blamed him self for that, he already felt the pain every other spidermen felt. There was no point in Peter losing everyone so that he could understand what being Spiderman means, because he already knew.
(IMO the spell doesn't make sense... why strange didn't go with the original spell? If he made everyone forget about Spiderman, the villains from other universes wouldn't come neither. In this movie Strange was literally dumb to agree with every nonsense plan of Peter)
I don't have a lot else to say, because I refuse to watch this movie ever again. They ruined Peter's character, and if what I heard from Spiderman 4 rumours is true... then they will have ruined him even more: They want Gwen to be the new love interest of Peter, but that doesn't make any sense. Peter decided to not tell the truth to MJ because he didn't wanted to Risk her life again, BUT he's willing to risk another life all over again? No i cannot accept that.
MCU really said fuck off and decided to bet everything on the cameos
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sdentii · 1 year
Okay so I know we’re all mad at Peter B. for not helping Miles enough (only yet, I sincerely hope) during the whole ordeal, but I just can’t bring myself to actually hold it against him..
He’s one of the oldest, most experienced spiders, he has seen all the horrors that the job comes with, he’s barely scraping by money-wise, and he’s growing old and tired. He drinks l Miguel’s words and clings to them because if all of his misery was supposed to happen, then that makes it somewhat easier because it’s all out of Peter’s control, and there’s countless people out there that understand him, that share his pain.
He tries his best to see things positively and he tells Miles so: “bad things happen, but good things happen too.”
He has seen so much, has had so much to grieve, and then Miles happened. And he found happiness, found a reason to fight again. Found the strength to lift himself up and fix his life, and suddenly he has MJ again and a daughter. And then he finds out that he has a place he belongs to, together with all the other spiders out there. And then he’s told that he can’t go see his kid, Miles, for some reason we still don’t know but Peter trusts Miguel to be ordering him from a good place. He has faith in Miguel as a fellow spider, a fellow dad.
And then Miles finds his way to them and Peter is so happy but he still trusts Miguel to be the one in the right. He has seen what a canon disruption can do, in Miguel’s case, and doesn’t want that to happen to anyone, especially not Miles.
He tries to make Miles understand but he also tries to have Miguel be more gentle with the teen, and to not tell him all the mean stuff Miguel ends up spitting out during the train sequence. He is trying to keep the peace and have everyone get along, because this is the happiest he’s ever been. He has support, friends, a family, and has a part in some big business that helps universes. Because he’s Spiderman, and helping others is what he does best.
And look- I get it. He should have done more for Miles, especially because Miles has already proven him wrong during itsv. I wanted him to do more.
But being proven wrong once doesn’t cancel out all the other stuff that Peter has seen and done. He has lived a life of tragedies and is fully convinced that that’s how it has to go, that they don’t have a choice. That they are doomed by the narrative, no matter how hard they try. So sometimes it’s best to give up, because fighting it won’t change things anyway, or it will change them for worse.
And now it’s up to Miles to prove him wrong again.
Peter clearly loves the kid, but his judgment is still clouded by Miguel’s words. Yet he doesn’t resent Miles for wanting to try, for rebelling, for webbing him up and escaping. He is just convinced it won’t work, no matter how hard Miles tries.
Peter is resigned to the fate he’s been handed. He is tired and resigned and loss is so present in his life that he can’t even see beyond it, can’t even imagine that there could be something better, that he has settled for a life of sacrifices and pain.
And while one time is maybe not enough to change Peter’s views, hopefully his affection for Miles will be enough to make him fight for him instead of persuading him out of his goals.
(That, and hopefully this newer generation of spiders will set him straight. They are rebelling against the canon both for themselves and Miles, I think Peter just has to open his eyes and trust them a little more.)
(I have incredibly high hopes for him, and would low-key love to see him fight Miguel to buy the others some time or similar stuff. I’m gonna be honest and say that I really really love Peter and thus I want him to redeem himself and fix his relationship with Miles and Gwen, so I’m trying to read him in a “he doesn’t know any better” light. I want him to start knowing and doing better, or so help me god-)
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spidey-bie · 1 year
Have a spider-sona. Wanted to share. The kinda "rule" for them is to not be like spider-man. As far and different from spiderman to keep the message that anyone can wear the mask. For a franchise that says that, until the spiderverse comics came out, WHICH WAS INCREDIBLY RECENTLY BY THE FUCKING WAY. FOR A GUY WHO HAD BEEN GOING AROUND WITH DEADPOOL FOR 70 YEARS AND BEEN AROUND LONGER THEN FUCKING THAT. There were only copy and pasted peter parker white male middle aged men with bad relationships, or miles morales that wasn't given enough spotlight. Hate it, let's try something fucking new.
Gwen Stacy is different in many universes but there's one consistency, They're always the goddamn love interest or they're not there at all to put in Mj. They're always straight cis-white women with middle-class standings. Let's be clear, This Gwen Stacy is a native american, Non-binary, and very sick of everyone's shit for longer then they will ever admit. Gwen Stacy is Aromantic. Gwen Stacy didn't come from a cop family, and they don't like them either.
"Gwen Stacy" chose the name Moxie, because the prowler gave it to them and Moxie is finally fucking glad to have someone around who sees what's inside of them for fucking once, instead of their academic career or "beauty." Moxie wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider. Moxie had a lab accident in one of her mother's workplaces with a condensed vial of radiated pink crab spider DNA from an experimental research program. The plan of this program was to test and see if they could produce enough spider-silk across a series of species via genetic selection. It was shut down due to health risks.
Realizing that they were changing was a slow process because they were already going through puberty. Once they realized, they shut down completely. To realize that you just got stuck with a health issue that there is no fucking cure for is traumatic. There's something I would like to highlight when talking about spiderman, when you change because of radiation taking apart the caps on the end of your dna strands, you don't pick the genes or even know if they're compatible. They just are there, and if they fuck you that's what happens. If you suddenly get high blood pressure or seizures, nobody can cure that anytime in your life time. It's like getting hit by a fucking truck, and laying on the side of road not knowing if you'll ever walk again or even get to see the ride to the hospital. It's scary, it makes you angry that it happened, and Gwen Stacy snapped like a twig mentally at this challenge. Everything that they ever thought was important, suddenly didn't matter anymore. They only thought of all those wasted years, and suddenly they couldn't be the gifted kid anymore. They were still their parent's child, and they sucked it up and kept going on even if it felt like they couldn't breath anymore.
The first thing that Moxie remembers after realizing their sense of identity is dead, is colour. All around them, all the time. Then, it was how easy it was to paint. Suddenly, they couldn't even put a paintbrush down. The first time they painted, they didn't stop until they ran out of things to put paint on. Walls, floor, ceiling. Their parents weren't happy, and understandably banned paint from the house. Having lived by someone else's rules for so long the ability to express was so overwhelming it was like needing to breath. They were 14. They continued living in this image, they went back to being a gifted kid, at 16 they went to college early. It was a goddamn blessing and the birth of their vigilante days. It felt like freedom to finally be away. It practically was. They said that they were going into an engineering program at a small-town foggy river town that was well-known for it's well-maintained ecosystem and as an extension, research and scientific hot-spots. The college was well funded, and what Moxie didn't tell them, was that it was also funded in it's art's program. Moxie went into art, lying about going into engineering.
The prowler is their guardian. Too young to be completely alone, and too independent to stay anywhere close enough for their parents to be able to easily come by; (A bit of resentment here, Moxie doesn't keep contact after college.) They trusted Aaron with the job. Moxie thrived, Like a sunflower finally getting a goddamn drop of water, they grew like a weed. They couldn't put down a brush. They might not have started at the same time as the other kids, but they practiced and put so much love into everything they created. They thrived.
"The pink painter" is the same of a vigilante that later resurfaced after stopping a false arrest/police brutality incident. The "Pink" part started from the Pink crab spiders vemon, which brings paralysis in things twice as big as them. They have no webs, they have their strength. They have the ability to fight things bigger then them, (Actual fact on real life pink crab spiders) the ability to splatoon themselves into colours and seemingly teleport, and a shit ton of rage. They find passion in everything they see, they graffiti and paint, tattoo, and anything that they can do to get creativity out. They run at 11, with an academically accurate, cold and distant dialect. They can't stop.
The basis of their story also comes with like, 60% of their villains ending up in a found family situation. 60% because you can't be friends or save everyone.
I love passion and drive for that you obviously have for Moxie. You're so right about how people like to portray Gwen Stacy. She's always a catalyst for someone never truly her own character. She exists for Peter to fall for her and then inevitably die so that Peter can either grow as Spiderman or get with MJ.
But Moxie is such a breath of fresh air (ASPEC OCS FTW). They're so interesting as a character. Like this sounds like a character I'd sit for days trying to pick apart and analyze. ALSO LOVE THE SPIDER FACTS AND INFORMATION. I love spiders sm.
Just say the words found family and you've already got me. If you ever develop them further or wanna share more about Moxie. Just feel free to send me an ask. I'm heavily invested in them now 😂
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Top 5 of 2022
What are your top five favorite creations you produced in 2022? It can be art, writing, gif sets, video editing, or any other form of creative expression. Take this opportunity to highlight your best work! Then tag five others so that they can share the love as well!!
im late but thank u for the tag @jenniboo311!!! love u lots
5.  fic: and it sounds just like a song 
I know this was technically started in 2021, but i finished it in 2022 sooo
but yes a very fun fic to write and to reread!! an idea for another part to this has also been rattling around in my head
4.  nsfw art: oh, you give me sweet relief
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this was my first spicy art and im so proud of it!! 
3.  fic:  yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too
i love dad peter/ mom mj and this fic i wrote w marie has a very special place in my heart!! 
2.  fic: you're a part-time lover (and a full-time friend)
again, something i started in 2021, but finished in 2022. specifically, the confession in the bathtub!!!
1. fic:  Prelude to Peace
One of the two times i’ve cried writing smut lmao one of my favorite lines i’ve ever written comes from this fic, too !!
tagging: anyone who is also late like me and wants to do it fdjklsafjds
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
SDAU-Outside Your Station, Chapter 4
Word Count: 1.1k
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Peter felt like he was on cloud nine when MJ returned carrying just a few backs.  It seemed like a simple enough shopping trip, but there was something alight in him over the fact that this woman, this alpha that he barely knew seemed to already be caring for him the way that he’d always pictured an alpha should.
“Alpha!” He took a deep breath in and his eyes widened as the scents of honeysuckle and jasmine filled his nostrils, “y-your scent.”
She smiled as she set the bags on his desk, “I figured that I should take the patch off because it would take about an hour to work…I’m guessing that you like it.”
“Very floral,” he commented kindly, “I-I didn’t expect that…from an alpha…do-do you like the way I smell?”
“Let me see,” she said curiously.  Peter felt anxiety bubbling up in his chest as she stalked towards him and leaned over his frame.  Her nose brushes along the inside of his throat and he shivered.  She inhaled deeply and there was the slightest rumble that passed her lips.  Her hands reached down to the bed and she clutched the sheets gently on either side of him.  Her lips grazed over his neck and Peter began to chitter while she started nuzzling his throat, scent-marking him, “you smell sweet…too sweet…do you feel warm?”
Peter nodded mindlessly, ignoring how ever since that morning he’d been wanting to take more and more of his clothes off.  Sweat collected at his hairline.  Her hand slid up the back of his neck and ran over his soft hair.  She sighed, pulling away from him, the softest of tugs to his hair causing him to look at her.  He held back the moan while his cock sprang to life, pushing against the sleep pants he’d been wearing.
“I-I’m a little warm.”
“Your pupils are dilated, you’re at the head of it, aren’t you?”
Peter swallowed, nodding along, “y-yes.”
“Show me your nest, omega…”
Peter moaned as she whispered it against his lips.  He leaned forward, wanting to taste her.  Wanting to be wrapped up in her safety as an alpha.
“Show me your nest, omega…let me see what you’ve built for us.”
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 “No, really.  I-I don’t think it’s just a phase…Tony, you need to help me find her…”
“No can do, kid.  I already did you the favor by asking around,” Tony shrugged, “and Mike checked in with Kitten.  She stopped seeing guys…right?”
Kitten shook her head, “I don’t want to be involved in this…as a favor to MJ…I agreed to not talk about it with you guys…”
“No even me?”
“Especially you,” she giggled, looking at her mate, “You’ve got the biggest mouth out of anyone I know.”
“A mouth I know you love having attached to your-OW.  Hey, what the hell baby?”
“We’re around your brothers,” she smirked, tossing the spatula back into the sink full of soapy water, “Peter…she’s not seeing anyone…”
“Way to not get involved!” Tony pointed out
“But if she’s not seeing anyone, why did she stop talking to me all of a sudden?  I know that we really connected,” Peter frowned, his heart breaking over the fact that he hadn’t been able to see MJ in weeks, “she didn’t just disappear into thin air.  MJ wouldn’t do that.  Not to me.  Not after everything we talked about.”
“Sometimes you don’t know with some people, kid…it’s a lesson to take and learn from.”
Peter’s eyes shifted between Tony and Kitten.  He was desperately hoping to hear her say more, coming to her friend’s aid, but she stayed silent, finishing the dishes from this morning.  Peter sighed again, “Tony, you don’t get it…I-I love her.”
“She was the first girl you were with, Parker,” Tony chuckled as he rolled his eyes, “of course you think you loved her.”
“I really do…” Peter frowned, “you don’t get it, Tony…you really don’t.  MJ is a good alpha.  We talked about everything under the sun.  She wouldn’t just abandon me.”
“Take the hint, kid.  She ghosted you…you had some great rebound sex and she moved on…”
“She wasn’t trying to be a hooker forever!” Mike added in, his arm wrapping around his mate while she finished up the remaining dishes.  Peter’s heart ached, watching his frat brother with the love of his life. 
“If it makes you feel any better…she didn’t leave town,” Kitten added in, “I-I don’t know where she’s staying now…and I haven’t heard from her in a few days…but I know she’s close by…”
“How do you know.”
Kitten huffed, “if I give you an address you have to promise me that you won’t tell her I told you…but I know where she’s working now.”
“I’d do anything to see her again, Kitten.”
Mike took a step closer and gave a small snort.  Kitten giggled, “easy there you needy dragon…he didn’t mean it like that…”
“Mine…” Mike grumbled playfully.
“He’s trying to get to another woman, I hardly doubt it that he meant it like that.”
“I just want to see MJ…that’s it.”
“The art gallery a few blocks off campus.  She works there now…”
Peter felt his heart lifting, “she got a job there?”
“Yeah…apparently she took your advice and showed her portfolio to the owner…he hired her on as someone who puts together the showings.”
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MJ was nothing short of shocked when she smelled him. 
Weeks ago, she’d left without a trace. 
Moved out of the pimp’s place that she’d stayed in for the past few years. 
Got some dingy little apartment under her real name. 
Even got a job working as a curator for an art gallery. 
And it was all thanks to Peter.
“Can I be honest…really honest?”
“Yes,” Peter smiled, watching her sketch out the latest little bit of scenery while they laid in the quad together, “I would love for you to tell me why you haven’t bothered to apply yourself in a field that you love.”
“I don’t think I’m good enough,” she admitted, “for any of it.”
Peter’s brow furrowed, “what are you talking about alpha?  Your art work is amazing!”
“You really think?”
“Yeah!” he smiled, “you should do it, MJ.  You should apply for that position!  Show them all what you’re made of…”
“I told you that you could do it…”
She stared at him, disbelief crossing her features, while her omega held a bouquet of flowers close against himself.  She felt the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, “Peter…wh-what are you doing here?”
“Being there for you, alpha…I knew you could do it…”
“Oh Peter…”
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abcd-em · 2 years
One line, any fic
Tagged by @seek--rest
Tagging: @anarchyduck @spiderman-homecomeme & anyone else that's want to do it
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
Mover Awayer
It starts with a reminder of just how intertwined they are.
Braving this free fall
“I told them to shove off.” Her gaze refocused back on the phone. “Well, not in so many words. More respectful, but. I don’t really care how it looks. I’m with you, Jones.”
Everybody Talks
He's nothing but a stranger. Somebody she once knew and hearing him so close just emphasises that - familiar and yet not.
Just close your eyes
His face is still covered and people know for certain, Spider-Man is here.
Don't ever say too much
He’s not just her boyfriend, but a man who understands so much what it’s like to have every part of their life under scrutiny – who had then sacrificed that very name just to protect the same people who’d been talking about him.
Catch me in the air
MJ says that parenthood has made him too sappy.
Found myself running home
MJ’s name repeating on loop in time to the rhythm of his heart.
These nostalgic hues
Peter just wants to spend this final summer evening wishing them well.
Glowing Review
She is utterly terrified about this all, but she won’t let that stop her because he says things like this, and he tells her he loves her and how he always will and she believes him.
There are constants
“We were friends of Spider-Man. I think it’s maybe time we take that title up again?”
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