#but to then not change to 'oh so THAT'S why he has weird boundaries. yeah i too would freak out if every boundary ive ever had
hella1975 · 1 year
sometimes i think abt how the foxes still call andrew a monster even after everything with drake and his past gets revealed and i have to throw myself off a bridge a million times to cope w that. character moment that makes me want to be compressed like a wet paper bag. do any of them even THINK ABOUT IT does it even CHANGE ANYTHING FOR THEM
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saccharinescorpion · 4 months
i've been debating on whether to post about this but what the hell, it's relevant both to today's episode and the topic of people trying to smooth over the flaws of Dungeon Meshi characters.... so, uh, remember what i said yesterday about Laios forgetting the basics of human decency when interacting with Izutsumi
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i was intially worried about people reading this scene in uhh certain ways but was thankful to see most fans were chill with it... before i realized that. uh. maybe people were being a little too chill
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okay............ so,
1. for the record: i believe that it is clear from what we know about him and what we know about the entire series as a whole that, yes, Laios didn't have "untoward" intentions towards Izutsumi in this scene. there's even an aside in Izutsumi's profile in the Adventurer's Bible that says as much. he likely saw it in basically the same way Falin did when she was observing the reproductive organs of the caterpillar in that one scene. FOR THE RECORD this excuse would basically never fly in real life, but for Laios, it actually honestly makes sense... he has a habit of ignoring people's boundaries, he gets ahead of himself when it comes to learning about monsters... he didn't have bad intentions, no, but it doesn't change the fact that he's an adult man (not a [my face contorts with a great pain] "curious boy") who was being really invasive about a teenage girl's body. it was weird. it was 100% weird, lmao, i don't think fans are "lacking media literacy" by saying "uh yeah that was kind of creepy and inappropriate of Laios"
2. and i also don't think it's villifying ND people to say that. if i were to be honest, i would argue the whole "he's just a curious boy :(" thing is a lot more offensive to neurodivergent people. Laios clearly knows about the concept of bodily autonomy- he felt weird and bad about touching Marcille and Senshi in "intimate" ways just to heal them. literally one scene after this one he expresses embarassment about accidentally touching the leg of (who he thinks to be) Marcille. he very obviously possesses the capacity to understand why it would be inappropriate to observe a stranger's body like they were an animal. i can accept the explanation that his monster curiosity temporarily overpowered his "oh actually maybe i shouldn't try to get up close and person with this teenager who i literally just met," but that doesn't change that he had to be restrained from doing that. i'm not even saying he's a "bad person" or anything because of this scene- i just am baffled at the idea of fans being presented with the slightest bit of messiness (he was creepy to a young girl, however unintentionally) and jumping to try and "justify" it (he's just silly, he's socially awkward, he's autistic, he's a Curious Boy) and even mock others who rightfully point out that that was uncomfortable behavior. Laios was creepy to Izutsumi. he didn't mean to, but he did (and to be quite frank he was lucky to get off with a smack from Chilchuck and a blindfold)
3. "I would also ask" excuse me?
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 6 months
Needs Must — Rhysand x Reader
While I put the finishing touches to the next part of Bluebird, enjoy this Rhys x Reader that I got a sudden burst of inspiration to finish this morning!
Summary: War changes everything, and the human-fae war changed the trajectory of your life completely — most pointedly decimating the relations between you and those closest to you. It’s been a long while since you’ve seen your brother, Cassian, and your friends. But that’s all about to change.
Warnings: Suggestions of solicitation/sex work/brothels. Nothing else, really!
Word Count: 1.5k
Enjoy! 💕
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It’s all pointless, you think — the red velvet drapes, the burning candles, the sandalwood-scented smoke that clouds the air and creates a thick layer of fog that hovers just above the shag carpet. Pointless, because no amount of pretty décor will change Salt’s Pleasure Hall from the vacuous and miserable place it is.
Not miserable for you, no. There is no misery in the hefty sum of gold you’ll take home on a night. You are a master of pretty smiles and hooded gazes and saying all the right things that desperate, lonely males wish to hear. There is so much coin to be had in feigning interest and attraction. Bringing their fantasy to life for a night. There is talent in making them feel as though you’ve bared yourself to them, without having removed a single item of clothing.
And to think you once begged your older brother to train you, make you like him. Turn me into a weapon like you are, Cassian. We cannot change what filth sired us. But we can stamp it out from our blood and be better, be more.
And oh, he’d trained you, alright. Turned you into a weapon. Into something he was so fucking proud of. You knew the pride it had once brought him to strut around Illyrian lands with you at his side, clad in leathers just as he was, armed to the teeth just as he was. His way of showing off that he had done something good, something useful.
Oh, how things have changed. How the mighty have fallen.
For all you are confident, comfortable, used to the job you have now worked for some time, you are nervous tonight.
Tonight is different. Tonight is territory that has so far been untouched. Tonight, this room of velvet and silk and sensuality is your domain.
The Juniper Suite is part of the most expensive package that Salt’s Pleasure Hall has to offer. The package is similar to your usual night’s work in that you will smile prettily and pour drinks and ply whichever lonely male arrives with mindless conversation.
The difference is that in Juniper, those things lead to sex. And this is the first time since becoming one of Salt’s girls that you’re crossing that boundary.
So, yeah, you’re a little bit nervous. But — needs must, and all that.
With a soft sigh and butterflies dancing around in your belly, you slowly pace the circumference of the room, stopping every now and then to study the weird little trinkets that Salt has picked up over the years. A strange mishmash of things that you suppose he thinks creates a certain ambience. But tiny metal lions and old, fraying maps will be the furthest thing from your client’s thoughts when the two of you sink into the feathered sheets.
They will be here any minute, and for the first time since you started your work here, you allow yourself to wonder what they might be like. You never usually bother, because the other girls warned you on day one what to expect — that this place attracts a certain clientele, and that never wavers.
So, your guest will likely be far older than you. He will likely have dark smudges beneath his eyes and the weight of the world on his shoulders. There will likely be the faint mark of a removed wedding band on his left ring finger. He will likely want to talk to you about why he is a victim of life itself.
And you will coo sympathetically and pour him drinks, drag your hand down his arm and hold his hand. You will let him know how sorry you feel that life is so cruel to him. You will offer him the bliss of touch and feel, and make him think, for a short while, that you genuinely care about his shortcomings.
And then when he hands you the heavy pouch of coins you so desperately covet, you’ll switch it all off.
You swallow down another sigh and cross the room to the small, compact bar in the corner. You need a stiff drink yourself, something to settle your nerves—
But a knock lands on the door, and there’s no time.
For a split second, you doubt whether you can go through with this. Playing hostess for a few hours is one thing, but giving your body to a client is something you’ve never had the courage to do, despite the extra coin it would bring. But — needs must. You repeat it to yourself as you stride to the door. Needs must, needs must, needs must. You can do this.
You brace yourself, feeling suddenly too hot and sticky in the scant clothing that covers you — a pink lingerie set, barely covered by the sheer robe that sits open and threatens to slip down your arms. You are beautiful — and strong and sexy and confident. This is your body to do with whatever you want. And if this is the course you are taking, that is fine. This will be fine.
You lay your palm on the handle and yank the door open before you have to give yourself another pep talk.
But at the sight of who stands on the other side, you freeze. Your lips part in surprise.
A pep talk is not what you need — but rather a huge hole to open in the floor and swallow you down.
“What the fuck?”
It takes you a moment to realise that you’ve uttered those three words at the exact same moment your client did — Rhysand did.
He’s just like when you last saw him, but…older, now. Even though you were adults back then, too, he seems…more mature, somehow. He’s regal and stunning and night itself.
And fuck, he’s High Lord of the Night Court now.
And yet he’s ruffled, as he takes you in, gapes at you. Neither of you know what to do.
His eyes dip down to what you’re wearing, before travelling back up to your face. And he blurts, “Pixie?”
Pixie. You haven’t heard that name in years. The fond nickname that both Rhys and Azriel had coined for you, because you were so much like Cassian and yet so much smaller, a little pixie buzzing around.
But you are not her anymore. You haven’t been her since before the human-fae war. You had changed, just like the others had changed.
And the new you doesn’t need to explain to an old friend what has brought you to a pleasure hall in Sangravah. Nor does that old friend need to explain what’s brought him here, either. You owe him nothing. He owes you nothing.
But the situation is so bizarre that your mind freezes. You don’t know what to do. All you know is that you do not want to be in front of him, almost naked. You do not want to look him in the eye. The mere thought is humiliating.
So you move fast and try to slam the door shut in his face. You don’t care what kind of reprimand Salt will give you because of it.
But, of course, he is Rhysand, and may you never forget that. He’s quick as lightning, something about him always having been wildly feline. He always bested you when you sparred, always had the upper hand.
He has the upper hand now as he wedges his foot in the door and stops it from closing.
You grit your teeth, feeling just like when you used to bicker with him in Illyria as you bite out, “Move your fucking foot.”
“No,” Rhys snaps, shoving it in further. “Open the fucking—” he growls as he shoulders himself forward. “Pixie.”
“Don’t call me that. Go away—”
You’re not exactly sure what happens next. Either he loses his footing, or you do, or perhaps you both do. All you know is that the door is swinging fully open, and your balance is suddenly off, and Rhysand’s hand is gripping onto you as you fall backwards. Your attempts to right yourself are far too late and seem to make it worse. Down you go to that musty shag carpet, and down Rhysand goes with you,
Air whooshes from your lungs as he lands on top of you, far too close than is comfortable when you’re wearing so little clothing. You attempt to sit up, shove him off you.
But he holds you firm and stares at you with wide eyes. His face is inches from yours. He gives what seems to be a baffled shake of his head.
“Pix, what the fuck?” he blurts.
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devsgames · 10 months
"Playersexual" is a term I only recently learned about and it's fascinating to me. For those who don't know, it usually means a character whose sexual orientation is basically open to whatever the player happens to be playing as. Trans? Yeah they're romancible. Man? Romancible. Woman? Sure, romancible. As long as you're the player they don't really care.
I think this term, combined with playing a lotta Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield, sorta helped me come to terms with understanding why I often dislike really "open" romance systems where every character is Playersexual.
I'm a queer, bi/pansexual person, and that informs how I perceive interactions in and out of games. I totally understand the affirmation and liberation that comes with being able to romance whoever the heck you want. To some people, that's where the fun is at, and I get it. It's valid.
For me I just I feel weird when Playersexual is the orientation of characters in a game world that is also trying to get me emotionally invested. In my eyes, it tends to strip the perceived agency other characters might have; it makes them feel less like real people with wants, needs, attractions and preferences. They end up being more like a checklist or object to be interacted with until I choose all the right option and unlock the kiss or sex cutscene, or the mechanical bonus a relationship brings or whatever the case may be.
To me, characters that feel 'real' have sexual preference. Honestly I feel that if they lack that they sorta lack a fundamental element that informs them as a person and a character. Like, any queer person can tell you that when you're queer things are different. Interactions are different, how you act on the world is different, how you assess situations and the way you engage in conversations are different. Queer people interact with a predominantly straight world different than straight people do. Similarly, being a straight person in a world full of straight people affords interacting with the world fundamentally different than if you were queer. I think to say "every character is maybe queer" steamrolls this fact and sort of undermines that queer experience to an extent.
Plus I think its just like, a missed stroytelling opportunity! The straight dude turns my masc ass down because he's not interested in men? Oh hell yeah, if he's polite about it I think that's really cool! He feels like more of an actual person that way, and what might ordinarily be perceived as a 'failure to romance' feels like it could be spun into another step in our journey as friends together. Maybe we'll crack jokes about it later, or he'll have a change of heart once he gets to kmow me better. It might be awkward, but we had an experience together and set some friendly boundaries, and built an understanding. After all, people having boundaries are often what makes people people in the first place.
So when I play a character and a game tells me everyone in a game is queer, then I'm either lead to believe 1) my character is incredibly charismatic (trust me, that's not usually the case) 2) queerness doesnt exist as a concept in this universe (weird in its own way and also usually not true) 3) eh i dunno we didn't think about it too much just choose someone as a partner already (boooo!).
Look if everyone in my party has strong opinions about me pickpocketing someone and stealing 5 bucks from them, I'd expect them to have opinions about who they share a bedroll with >:(
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self-indulgent-devils · 2 months
PLEASE jax and chubby reader hcs thank you
Oh hell yeah!
Jax x Chubby Reader headcanons
Things will be gender neutral. May switch between using they and you for referring to reader. Will be sfw with some minor implications otherwise. But nothing explicit.
💜Jax x Chubby Reader Headcanons💜
Jax seeing you for the first time and instantly feeling something he's not used to. There's just something about you he likes (it's cause you're chubby and he adores that shit.) Instantly he loves to mess with you right away. Messing with your head, trying to freak you out, oh how he loves seeing your reactions. Especially if you're someone that does react to it like Ragatha or Gangle. If you're someone that doesn't react, it just means he has to try harder and he does enjoy a challenge.
Jax secretly glancing at your body every single time he can. You look so squishy and huggable. He doesn't care about personal space so any time he wraps an arm around you or squishes your chubby tummy or your thighs or your fat arms, it seems relatively normal. Because it's him just trying to mess with you, right? Meanwhile inside he's savoring the feeling of it. If he could bring you back to his room and just hold you next to him in his bed, he would. But he's not going to let that show. He's the asshole that hates everyone and he doesn't need anyone seeing how he really feels.
Even though he hides it as just enjoying messing with you, he ends up getting pretty close with you. If he is able to make you laugh then it makes him swoon even more. Seeing that smile on your chubby face and your belly move as you laugh. It is like heaven to him.
If you're the type to be his partner in crime, he will absolutely fucking love it. Usually no one is into his little tricks and pranks and jokes. It's weird at first to him, but he's happy to have it. He's even willing to share the keys he has for everywhere with you. It also lets him have a perfect excuse of inviting you over to his room or even forcibly inviting himself to stay the night in your room.
Jax doesn't really do boundaries. He doesn't really care. So he will love to feel you all over whenever he wants. If you react to it then he'll just love to see the way you react. Especially if you're someone insecure about being chubby/fat since we can't always help it. He will love to tease and make you all insecure for his own enjoyment. When secretly, he absolutely adores you and sees no reason why you should feel bad. It doesn't matter what other people think so why do you care when it's not even their body? He can't understand it one bit.
If it ever became serious that you were fucked up over how your body looks, he would feel so fucking guilty. He'd probably start leaving secret notes and other things to make sure you're still caring for yourself. Even if there's no need to eat, he will share food as if making sure you're going to eat right. Last thing he'd ever want is to see you abstract or hate yourself. He'd even lay off the jokes about your body as soon as he sees how serious it's getting. Of course it won't be obvious, but he'll even include little jokes that encourage you about your body. Things like "You have the body to take on the world" "Bigger is better, right?" "You don't really have that body, do you? I'm sure some random person out there will love it." It can sound mean or like another mockery of you being bigger, but he's just trying to make it not obvious that he's genuinely wanting you to feel better after his cruel jokes putting you down. After all, if anything changed with your body (if that were even possible in the circus) or if you abstracted because of him making fun of your body, he has no idea what he would do. Though no one will ever obviously know how he feels.
Imagine if you're someone that can see through him. Oh he would hate that, but it would also only make him love you even more. Someone that sees him and understands him even when he does so well at hiding it all, at pretending he doesn't care and hates everyone, at feeling like nothing matters with them trapped here. It'll send him into a spiral for a bit. Often messing with you even more and especially getting to squeeze and hug and feel your body more. Because to him, that chubbiness is a comfort. Like hugging a stuffed animal. It feels soft and safe. Even if it's for a few seconds while messing with you, it makes him feel better. He cannot understand how someone can see through him and understand him. It makes him so uneasy so he will overcompensate with his jokes and pranks and apathy to hide it even more. Not that you couldn't obviously tell what was going on anyway.
Secretly he's there wishing to spend every night with you. Doing whatever he wanted. He would love to see your body in its glory. It's not fair that he can only admire it from afar or the few times he grabs you and makes it seem like he's just messing with you. Sometimes if you're a heavy sleeper, he'll sneak into your room just to curl up and hold you for a bit. But he has to make sure you're not going to wake up. He just needs to feel you. Sometimes he'll always move some clothing just to see, run his hands over your most fatty areas, even squish your chubby face. But he won't risk it too much and will quickly leave back to his own room. His mind filled with how it felt to see you and feel you. Using that to be able to fall asleep at night while hugging a pillow.
It isn't likely he would ever confess honestly. But if you can manage to form a friendship with him or be the one to confess first, you have a chance.
If he were to confess though, he'd do it in private and probably at night when others are asleep. He may enter your room as you sleep then wake you up and tell you he has something he wants to talk to you about. Or he'll leave some surprise gifts in your room. Even if he weren't going to confess, he'd probably leave you a Jax plushie to have. Especially if you're someone that loves plushies. He'd also find other things you like and enjoy and secretly give them to you. It's obvious enough it's from him, but he may not outright ever say it. Still, you could probably tell.
If things get serious about your body again and you feel uncomfortable especially being the only chubby person at the circus, Jax would try to come see you at night. He'd enter your room or if you've just been in there for days, he's going to unlock your door and go in. He'll try to joke a bit and explore your room, go through your drawers and closet, touch every little thing in there. But if he sees his jokes aren't working then he knows he's gotta be serious. He makes you swear to not tell anyone else in the circus. Before telling you how he feels and that he finds you beautiful. Every little thing that he loves about you and how beautiful your body is. How much he loves someone chubby and loved you the moment you appeared here in the circus.
Now for when you're actually dating. He'll eventually not care who knows. They're better off knowing that you belong to HIM. He can be jealous and possessive, but usually doesn't have to worry as long as he can mark you.
He will love to hold you close and will almost always demand to sleep in your room or have you sleep in his room.
He would love to feed you at each of the meals especially if you're embarrassed or flustered by it.
He would love it if he can make you all embarrassed and flustered with his love. Especially if you're more easily embarrassed about being held or touched or kissed or anything.
He would love for you to sit on his lap. Feeling your bigger body against his thin and sleek body as his big cartoon hands run over your body, squeezing your fat, nuzzling his face into you and breathing in your scent, playing with hair if you have any, feeling every possible inch of you. He would fucking adore it. He loves feeling your weight on him.
Jax would absolutely adore taking your clothes. Especially if you have shirts. He would love to just be wearing one of your shirts that's too big for his very thin body. He loves the fact that you're opposites in body, especially since he's cartoonishly thin and also flat. Plus if you ever don't wanna share a bed then he'll just take a shirt to wear and snuggle in. It'll feel like he has you with him. Like you're hugging him.
No matter what you'd be like, he'd love you. Tall, short, super fat, just slightly chubby, no matter where the fat really shows, no matter what your form would look like in the circus, he would love you. Jax is only picky about one thing and that's if they can catch his interest. You can do that so there's no worries he'd absolutely love you. That and he definitely loves someone bigger. The size differences especially with his form in the circus is heavenly to him. Even in the real world it was like that, but he can't really remember that so he only has the circus for context.
He loves to be able to pick you up with his cartoonish strength. Holding you close, carrying you around, being able to move your body easily, pin you against the wall or the bed or a couch or anything. Jax would love to be able to do that. Doesn't matter if you're taller than him too, he will absolutely still do that to you and act like a dominant bitch because he can. Especially if you're someone that's flustered by it or you're taken aback by it. The embarrassment and look of shock on your fucking gorgeous chubby face will always make his heart pound. And he would absolutely kiss you right then if you'd let him.
Being able to kiss you while you're sitting on him, laying on top of him, him holding you, him trapping or pinning you somewhere would make him feel so fucking happy. Being able to love you while he can have you there in his arms or against him is the absolute best. Once you're actually dating, he will always make it clear that you're sexy and gorgeous as fuck and he will love you for it no matter what. And that your body is exactly what he loves about you.
It's not likely anyone in the circus would make you feel like shit for your weight or body. Really, Jax is the only one that would do that. But if someone ever came along that made you feel like shit, he would probably get into an actual fight. And then take you back to his room and spend the entire time doing anything he can to make sure that you KNOW you're fucking perfect and he would never want you any other way unless it was your fucking choice, coming from a genuine place and not just cause you're being shamed for it. You're his chubby bunny (regardless of if you have a bunny form or not, he calls you that) and he won't let anyone ruin that for him or you. And he will spend the whole time loving you and your body as if you were a god he was worshipping.
It's not often Jax gets close to anyone, but no matter what you're like, you can manage to make him swoon. It may take a bit to get to dating him, especially if you're not someone that can take the lead, but you already have his heart. Whether you know it or not. And even if he's hiding how he feels, one day he's gonna make you his. No one else in the circus can have you. And if there were ever a way to escape, Jax would hope like hell that he could find you again and hope that you'd like him too. Cause things would be different if you guys could ever leave. But for now in the circus, he has eternity with you. And that's what he fucking loves. An eternity with his chubby bunny. You make the circus better for him. He's gonna make sure you never abstract and nothing ever happens to you. Cause Jax loves you and your fantastically beautiful chubby body.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
heyyy i love your writing and your imagines i was thinking a headcanon of the tmr boys with fem reader of how clingy they are with their girlfriends and maybe including smut
Absolutely, I can. Though, no Newt here as he is confirmed to be gay by James Dashner and I am uncomfortable and don't agree with changing that (I have made this clear on my blog too and there is more information regarding this in my masterlist lol.)
But for all the other boys- absolutely.
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SUMMARY: See above. Established relationships.
WARNINGS: Sexual themes and spicey content, inappropriate language, possessiveness and clingy behaviour.
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Thomas moves fast, he always has done ever since he arrived, so he isn't exactly clingy.
It doesn't help when he becomes a Runner.
But he is observant.
With his rapid incline of a controversial nature, spending time with you is less frequent than he would want it to be. But he's always got his eye on you whenever he's in the Glade.
Recklessness is not foreign to him and he gets shit done.
But when he is with you, he always stands close, hand hooked on your belt straps, hands interlocked, your head resting on his shoulder.
He likes to make sure he knows you're taken, but he isn't possessive.
He doesn't have time to be possessive but he doesn't need to be. You can take care of yourself.
And he trusts you.
Though when someone does flirt with you, he is known to grab your hand and lead you away.
Making out in the Deadheads is a common occurrence.
Thomas doesn't want to take anything too far so you normally end up taking the lead in more intimate encounters.
Unless he's jealous.
He can be needy and bold after seeing another Glader looking at you, finally gaining some dominance and turning you into putty in his hands.
These moments are normally few and far between because people know better, but you do enjoy seeing this side to him, though you'd never admit it.
Oh, God. Where to start?
Like Thomas, Minho is busy and probably one of the most stressed out people in the Glade.
He could literally die every day he goes to work.
So, yeah, stressful.
Which means that his moments with you are precious and he takes every opportunity he can to be around you.
If the Doors are closed, Minho is with you.
People are weirded out when he isn't.
"Where's your guard dog?"
His love language is absolutely physical touch.
He would absolutely always be touching you. His hand on your waist, standing behind you and hugging you, pulling you closer to him whenever he deems necessary.
Possessiveness is almost second nature to him. Anyone that so much as looks at you for too long ends up on Minho's radar.
Minho is big on making sure you're comfortable, but he is also more forceful and dominant.
He's easy to rile up. In more ways than one.
He has his ways of making sure everyone- and I mean everyone -knows who you picked.
And why.
The Gladers are haunted by the load noises coming from his hut during the night.
He often leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest area and the bruises on your wrists often raise eyebrows throughout the Glade.
Not that anyone has the balls to comment, though.
Personally, I can't see Gally being a clingy dude.
He wants to be the tough guy that people fear, and always hanging off of his girlfriend is going to kill that vibe.
That doesn't mean he isn't possessive, though.
He'd definitely get into fights and scraps because someone decided to flirt with you.
There's been several times that he's kicked the ever-living shit out of someone because they wouldn't respect your boundaries.
He tends to observe from a distance, and somehow always appears whenever someone pushes it.
It's like he appears out of thin air to bestow the wrath of a thousand suns onto whatever poor soul happens to have your attention for a second.
He might not be clingy in the public eye, but in private is a different story.
He loves cuddling.
Like the man has a problem.
He loves feeling your skin and having you in his arms. He becomes like a puppy desperate for attention whenever the two of you are alone.
You adore seeing this side to him.
He is a secret simp.
And God forbid you break up and tell someone.
You wouldn't. But still.
Even when it comes to sex, he becomes a gentle giant in your presence.
He cares for your needs and wants before he even considers his own satisfaction.
The other boys often wonder why you picked him and what you see in the glorified bully.
But you know why.
And that's all that matters.
In short, yes, Frypan is clingy.
The lovable cook isn't scared to show how much everyone means to him, and you are no exception
He spends every second of every day talking to you or thinking about you.
The day you started dating everyone was complaining that dinner wasn't cooked in time.
He often sneaks away from the kitchen to visit you at your job.
This causes problems on both parts and Alby has shouted at you multiple times for it.
He's such a sweet heart and loves making you little meals and sweet foods for you to sneakily eat whilst at work
You get the best of Frypan's meals. He makes sure to give you the best bits.
He can be insecure.
Fry doesn't think he's attractive and has some self-esteem issues, especially when he compares himself to Minho and the other Runners.
He knows you love him though. He has no doubt about that.
Similar to Gally, he basically worships you in the bedroom.
He doesn't even care about his own pleasure as long as his girl is happy.
Since he's completely inexperienced (they all are, I know) he's eager to learn and listen to you and your body more than anything.
He would do anything for you.
He's a precious love-struck boy who is also hilarious and well meaning.
You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.
Alby is obviously not clingy.
He's always preoccupied, but he's also just not that kind of person.
Of course, he looks after you and goes easier on you than the other Gladers, but you barely see him until you're going to bed together.
He doesn't need to be concerned either.
You're dating the leader- the only person in the entire Glade that everyone listens to.
The Gladers don't dare try anything with you.
Most of them don't even talk to you.
It's safer that way.
On the one occasion that someone did flirt with you, they were put in the Slammer for a week.
Newt found it funny.
Alby isn't really a passionate person either.
But when you get him going?
There's no stopping him.
He's in charge. Always. And he knows how to get what he wants.
He'll have your legs shaking and gasping for air before he's even taken any clothes off.
Being with the big boss has its perks, I guess.
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Some more headcanons for my boys. Keep the requests coming, I love seeing you guys enjoy my writing- it brings me so much joy.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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shv2 · 2 months
Long post, any commentary welcome
Okay confession time: I disliked Wander for years and now I'm realising that the only problem I have with him is that he is not called out on his bullshit/mistakes when it's really important.
I just feel like he is only shown as being in the wrong about small things. "He wants to help too much, even if people don't want it! He ignores his health to help others!"
But these are laughably small. Remindes me of when a person makes a character but they don't want to gives them any actual flaws so it's just "They are too kind/smart/etc".
Main problem (for me) is that Wander actually has big, intresting flaws with his character. But they are not explored. I cannot treat the episode about him trying to help people that are fine when. Everything else. I'm going to give 2 main examples that give me the most discomfort. You can skip if you understand.
1. Constant invasion of boundaries, to the point where "when he is a villain he deserves it" doesn't personally work for me. The entire fremergency episode.. Also the one where he and hater sang on stage. Why is he so weird about unconsious/not fully there Hater. He immediately makes him do/say things (in public or even on camera) that he would not say usually. Imagine someone you know is drunk so you take them in a public place to act like you are close while your buddy is filming that. I get Hater is a villain but damn... I'm not asking for a big callout or anything, can we at least not do the "it's so sad that he has to return :(" thing in the end.. Wander overstepping everyone's boundaries is so consistent it's a character trait, but it's mostly played for laughs/ignored/endorsed. It's not only villains... I remember this one animatic (scrapped/after credit scene, don't remember) where he pets Sylvia and his hand goes down to her tail so she has to physically stop him. Also a lot of other minor stuff, but.. I feel like this is more glaring than "oh he's just too sweet and kind".
2. The entire dominator.. Thing. Wander sees a trolley problem with the entire galaxy vs dominator (+hater stops being a villain), and decides he wants to save everyone. No matter how right you think he was, he did not achieve what he wanted. Dominator did not change. Hater did, but not complitely. But innocent people died. We can't just ignore that Hater has the power to stop Dominator, and one of the main reasons he didn't was because Wander was helping him out with Dominator. Look at Hater's face when Dominator laughs at his confession. He's not even surprised. He would 100% give up sooner if Wander wasn't hyping him up so much. Wander actually made sure that the only person capable of defeating Dominator was peaceful towards her for as long as he could. How many people lost their homes/died while him and Hater were busy with their crap? Again, I know this is a children's show. And yes, Wander is presented as being wrong, but un a really weird way. It's more about Dominator than her victims. It's more "Not everyone wants to change/be your friend/some people are just enemies" etc. The show shows (haha) that Wander was wrong, but the consequences are not in the picture. There are 2 elements to what happened: "Wander made the wrong call and many wrong decisions, AND many people died/lost their homes because of his decisions". The show only talks about the first part. It almost makes it look like if Dominator actually agreed to become friends, everything else would become okay.
Every time I rewatched the show I was thinking "Oh, yeah, this guy let countless people die because he wanted to solve the situation 100% ethically and gets away with it. Oh, he is very touchy without consent. Oh, he doesn't listen to his best friend and almost gets her killed. Oh, oh. Fuck this guy".
Now I think that it would be fine if it was adressed. There is no need to reduce/ignore his mistakes. Half of the main cast are villains (I personally consider (Wander, Sylvia, Hater and Peepers the main 4, people still love them. I love them! Not only that, we have Brad Starlight that satirises traditional heroes. Why doesn't the show apply at least some critical thinking towards Wander? Also, Sylvia is a hero too! She was a bounty hunter, she has anger management problems (where she is implied to hurt people in the way that a family friendly show can show (ep about the race)), she often "learns her lesson" if Wander is right.
Another thing.
Episodes where Wander is wrong are weirdly disconnected from the rest of the show in my opinion. At least it feels like it. It feels like tonal whiplash. One episode, Wander does something wrong - it's fine/haha funny. Other episode, Wander is W R O N G and needs to learn his lesson, also everything is extremely more on the nose. Try watching "The Fremergency Fronfract" right after "The Helper". Throughout 8 years I saw several people that had an opinion that these episodes felt really out of character for Wander, and I can understand where they are coming from. In my opinion, it's not Wander as a character, it's the lens through which we see him. Swapping from uncritical acceptance to critique feels unnatural to me.
Thinking of alternative scenarios/fanfiction makes me like Wander so much more. I think I can actually appreciate the guy so much more now. Everything I wrote was prompted by RWBY (+rewritten), because main team has the same problems Wander has times 1000.
I do hope that in season 3 they planned to explore Wander more (I remember seeing some tweets about it being the case), but I think that there is no way to adress this in season 3 without making it disconnect in many ways in some way from season 1 and 2.
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the-way-astray · 2 months
you asked so here:
if sophie were to reject keefe, how would you write that?
that's an interesting idea, for sure. i'm nowhere near a writer, so this isn't actually a fic or a piece of one or anything. but i think it'd all have to do with why sophie was rejecting keefe more so than the rejection itself.
like i've pointed out in my rant, keefe has this notion in his head that he and sophie will inevitably end up together someday. i don't want to call keefe a nice guy, but he's definitely headed in that direction. he seems to think that sophie needs him and only him when she's upset, even when she tells him the exact opposite. then he projects what he thinks she needs onto her and fulfills that projection. all of this would be tied up in the way he eventually confesses to her/asks her out, in my opinion.
i think his confession would probably start off with some good old boundary breaching. sophie would want to be alone (for some reason), and he would insist on staying with her to "comfort" her or something. maybe they start talking about relationships and sophie gets all weird emotionally because fitz is still on her mind. so then naturally keefe prods her and prods her about what's wrong until she spills. she (truthfully) says she's just a little sad at the way her relationship with fitz ended and (since i'm writing this, i would make sophie accept her half of the blame with the breaking down of their relationship, something she never does in canon) tells keefe she wishes she was a better girlfriend but also that she wished fitz had been a bit more understanding of her choice. but she says it visibly annoyedly, you know, since keefe literally forces the answer out of her.
oblivious to this somehow, i think keefe would jump in with a classic "you'll always have a choice with me" sort of line (conveniently ignoring the part where sophie acknowledges she shares part of the blame). and sophie, being her oblivious self (not that that's a bad thing or anything like that, just saying that's what she is), would brush it off. but i think sophie would be in an irritated mood because keefe just breached her boundaries. she'd mutter something like "oh yeah, because i had such a choice in telling you that?" or something. not loud enough to like. commit to the consequences of keefe hearing that, but she is frustrated and needs an outlet so she just sort of says that.
keefe would then be like, "but you're the one who told me" and sophie would be like "yeah, because you wouldn't leave me alone". and i think keefe would be all "yeah, you needed an outlet, something was clearly wrong" and i honestly think sophie would just accept that. because keefe has done this so many times, so what's one more time? she's been sort of broken down by his constant breaching of boundaries, and now it's just. normal for her. she tries to move past it by changing the subject but keefe senses she's still annoyed and jumps in with a classic "pathetic attempt at a subject change, foster". but then he tries to soften his behavior with a sort of "relationships are my forte, you know" except more intense. and i think he would mistake sophie's anxiety-mood-shift as a sign to keep going.
so then i think he would confess then. and i think sophie would not know what to say for a few seconds, because this is so awkward and she doesn't like him (assuming that's the reason she's rejecting him) and sophie doesn't do well in awkward situations. so she's panicking, which keefe is sensing, but he can't tell whether it's the good sort of panic or not. so he just sits there.
and i think that's the moment it would all click for sophie. the way he always breaches her boundaries to get what he wants, the way he always extorts her personal feelings out of her, the way he only does something for her when he thinks it will be good for her instead of listening to her, and oh, the fact that he's only here right now because he wouldn't listen to her when she told him she didn't want company. and keefe would feel the mood shift from panic to anger.
so i think she would tell him all that. and she would ask him why the heck she would ever want to date someone that doesn't even respect her enough to trust that she knows what she wants. and i think that's how she would end up rejecting keefe (if i wrote them). by like. basically calling him out on all his shitty behavior.
i'll definitely give keefe this, though, he's not the type to push once someone outright rejects him (so he's above the bar that's in hell). so once sophie turns him down that'd be the end of that for him. he'd definitely respect that. but i think he'd be internally . . . weird. i think he'd definitely act a little cold to sophie because like i said, he's had this assumption that sophie will end up with him one day fueling his entire relationship with her (which is a bit creepy, but whatever). once that's gone, and his creepy assumption is proved wrong, he'd be a tad disdainful toward sophie for not living up to his made-up image of her. i do think he'd (for some time) feel kind of lost. sophie's half his identity, so what's he going to do now that he knows she's not like what he constructed in his head?
he's left to grapple with his flaws and realizes hey, there's something wrong with me. he goes on a long journey and fixes himself, apologizes to sophie, becomes her friend for real, and is all the better for it.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
rory and dean, part three: we’re really just fucking kidding ourselves at this point, or why rory does not deserve 99% of the blame for this disaster
So, OG Gilmore Girls fans may recall that Dean Forester’s ill-advised marriage to his rebound girlfriend was actually an attempt to write him off the show. Jared had filmed a pilot for a Young Macgyver show (you can watch most of it online here), but the WB ultimately passed so we (and Rory) were stuck with Dean for another year and a half. One wonders what would have happened if they hadn’t passed. Would we never have heard from Dean again? Would ASP have roped him into a few guest appearances anyway and attempted to do the same storyline? Would they just have gotten Milo to guest star for season four? Would Rory have run away with Jess in that scenario? Who knows.
Anyway, let’s revisit the issue of Dean vs Jess at the end of season four, after Rory rejects Jess’s plea to run away with him
RORY: Anyway, I left the pub, got back to my dorm, and Jess was there. LANE: What did he want? RORY: He wanted me to come away with him. LANE: Oh, my God! What did you say? RORY: I said -- I don't know. It was so weird. He was just... Jess. I mean, he shows up out of no where with this crazy proposal. It was awful. LANE: It doesn't sound awful. RORY: What are you talking about? Jess bailed on me twice. LANE: I know, but how incredibly romantic to have this guy show up out of the blue and want to take you away with him. RORY: When I first met Jess, I thought, "What could be better than this? He's smart, good taste in books and music, so cute." But Jess is great one minute and then the next - you know, as far as I know, I could have said yes, packed my bag, and by the time I got to the car, he would have changed his mind. LANE: It's part of why he's cute. He's unpredictable. RORY: I guess. You know, when I was with Dean, I always knew that no matter what happened, he would be there. LANE: Dean was very dependable. RORY: It was more than that. He's -- well, he was so... um, I was safe, and he was so nice to me. LANE: He really loved you. RORY: I think I really blew it there, you know? I didn't appreciate it. LANE: Every girl has to fall for a bad boy. It's the rule. It's the reason so many accountants eventually get married.
While this fits nicely with my headcanon that Dave eventually became an accountant, that is neither here nor there. I think this is the only time Rory really is shown processing the breakup with Jess until he shows up again in season 6 and how it led her to the Dean disaster, because as schmoopy as she gets about Dean in the twelve hours or so after she sleeps with him, it’s clear that she’s mostly looking for affirmation and stability, and not to get dragged down by feelings she can’t trust or control.
And of course, she had pretty much zero boundaries with Dean prior to this: crying on his shoulder, haranguing him about not going to college, knowing that Lindsay wouldn’t approve of him hanging out with her at night and doing it anyway. Who was going to tell her she shouldn’t do that, after the example her parents set for her over and over? Anyway. Moving on.
So, let’s go over Dean’s seduction technique, which mostly involves him lying his ass off.
DEAN: It's not working with Lindsay. I can't make it work. I've tried. RORY: Are you sure? Because I've heard that the first two years of marriage are the hardest. DEAN: We're not happy. She's not happy, and I can't make her happy. RORY: I can't imagine that. DEAN: It was a mistake, and I know that now. From the very beginning, it wasn't - RORY: Wasn't what? DEAN: It wasn't... RORY: Maybe you could, um, go see a counselor or go away together. DEAN: No, it's just -- it's over. We both feel it. I know we both feel it. RORY: You and Lindsay? DEAN: Yeah, me and Lindsay. RORY: You both feel it's over? DEAN: I tried. We tried. RORY: Well, if it's over, I'm sorry. DEAN: You are? RORY: I'm sorry you're not happy. DEAN: I'll be happy again. Things happen for a reason, right?
Not to completely absolve Rory for all of this as she definitely should have gone on more than Dean’s word, but he absolutely lied to her face after she gave him three chances in a row to come clean. He made sure to follow her to her house, where she would be alone, and manipulated her into having sex with him. Yet somehow Rory is shamed for being the seductress who tempted him into breaking his vows.
Let’s move on to Lorelai, who is actually speaking sense on matters of morality, for once.
LORELAI: But he's married. RORY: You don't understand the situation. LORELAI: Is he still married? RORY: Yes, but - LORELAI: Then I understand the situation. RORY: It's not working out between them. They're not happy. LORELAI: Oh, Rory. RORY: He tried the best he could, but it didn't work. It's over. LORELAI: [ Sighs ] He told you that? RORY: Yes. LORELAI: He told you he's leaving her? RORY: Well - LORELAI: He told you he's moving out, they're getting divorced, he's got a lawyer, they've divided up the monster-truck season tickets? RORY: We didn't get around to discussing everything.
Yeah, Rory, because he lied and told you exactly what he needed to so that you would fuck him. He never actually made any steps towards leaving his wife, and he won’t until he’s forced to,
RORY: He's not a married guy. He's Dean -- my Dean.
LORELAI: He's not your Dean. He's Lindsay's Dean. You're the other woman. RORY: I told you, it's over. LORELAI: It's not over until he's out of the house with the ring off. RORY: He took the ring off. LORELAI: Oh, my God, I don't believe this. RORY: He's in love with me, not Lindsay. LORELAI: Does Lindsay know that? RORY: She's not good for him, okay? She lets him quit school and work himself to death and - LORELAI: No, Rory, uh-uh, you can't be one of those girls who blames the wife for forcing the husband to cheat.
Funny how Lorelai was exactly like that when Christopher was having problems with Sherry and not only slept with him before he had moved out or officially broken up with her, but bragged about it to Sookie, paraded him all around Stars Hollow, and let everyone she knew about their burgeoning relationship, including her parents. It would be strange if that happened to come up again, right?
LORELAI: This is your first time. It's just not the way your first time was supposed to be. RORY: Oh, and how was my first time supposed to be? LORELAI: Well, first of all, it was supposed to be in a retirement home. And secondly, ideally, it was supposed to be with someone single. RORY: My first time was with someone sweet and kind who loves me. LORELAI: I didn't raise you to be like this. I didn't raise you to be the kind of girl who sleeps with someone else's husband. RORY: You slept with dad when he was with Sherry. LORELAI: He wasn't married to Sherry. RORY: He was engaged, and she was pregnant. LORELAI: So, this is all my fault? I set one crappy example for you, and you have no choice but to follow in my footsteps?
They’re basically one of those old anti-drug PSAs. I learned it from watching you!
I mean, it’s not like Lorelai badgered and pressured Rory into staying with Dean when her attention drifted to Jess and constantly argued for his innate superiority over and over and over.....oh wait, she totally did that. It’s not like Lorelai failed to sit Rory down at some point and explain that the reason their hearts got broken over Christopher not breaking up with his girlfriend is because sometimes when you sleep with other people’s boyfriends, they opt not to choose you in the end. Oh, wait, she didn’t do that, either, because he was her Christopher and they’ve always been connected. So she’s completely entitled to not take any responsibility for that situation and try to vandalize the other woman’s bathroom at her baby shower because she was jealous.
So, let’s just say I kind of understand why Rory gives Lorelai the cold shoulder here. Who is she to lecture, given her track record? And we know it’s only going to get worse.
Before we move on from this, though...
RORY: He was my boyfriend first! LORELAI: But you dumped him! You rejected him! You picked someone else!
Okay, technically it was Dean that dumped her (apparently I am the only one who remembers this) but as much as Rory pretends that Dean was the perfect boyfriend, both of them are significantly overidealizing the halcyon days of their early relationship. They were together for three months, and only reconcile when Rory is badgered into saying that she loves him: then it’s a few more months until Jess shows up and Rory loses almost all interest in Dean whatsoever. So the perfect love that they claim to want to relive never really existed.
Okay, let’s move on to how Dean actually treats his wife he claims to Rory he was completely in the process of breaking up with prior to him boinking his ex.
Upon learning that Lindsay had committed the unpardonable sin of answering her husband’s phone:
DEAN: I mean, you know it's my phone, Lindsay. This isn't your phone. I mean, who was it? LINDSAY: I don't know. They hung up. DEAN: So you didn't take a message? LINDSAY: I told you -- they hung up. DEAN: So, great, uh, you're just answering my phone and not taking messages? That's great, Lindsay. LINDSAY: Dean, wh-- DEAN: Taylor calls on this phone, and Tom. I mean, this phone is for business, okay? That's why I have it! LINDSAY: Fine. DEAN: What if Tom called, and he had an extra shift for me tomorrow, huh? I mean he calls to tell me, and you answer, and he thinks maybe he doesn't have the right number, and he hangs up, and then I just lose out, which means we lose out. God, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious. LINDSAY: I don't want to fight. We always fight. I won't answer your phone anymore. I was asleep. I didn't think. I'm sorry, okay?
Jeebus, she completely sounds like a battered wife here. What a prince Dean is, huh? And yeah, Dean completely doesn’t sound like someone who’s trying really hard to cover his tracks.
Let’s move on. Rory overhears Lindsay trying to prepare dinner in the hopes of smoothing things over with Dean, and she finally accepts that Dean has not left his wife and at this point likely has no intentions to. She writes a break-up letter for Lorelai to deliver to him.
LORELAI: It's a letter for you from Rory. DEAN: What happened? Where is she? LORELAI: Just take the letter. DEAN: She went to Europe, right? Miss Patty said she went to Europe. What happened? What's she doing there? Who is she with? LORELAI: Dean. DEAN: When's she getting back? LORELAI: Soon. Just take it. DEAN: Where is she? LORELAI: Europe. DEAN: With who? LORELAI: Her grandmother. Look, take it. DEAN: No. Why did she go? Whose idea was it? LORELAI: That doesn't matter. DEAN: It does.
Dean, are you still married? Then it’s none of your business who Rory is with. Fuck off, sir. You have no right to ask anything of her.
Lindsay finds the letter and finally gives Dean a small taste of what he deserves.
LINDSAY: I hate you, Dean! I hate everything! DEAN: Let's just talk. LINDSAY: I don't want to talk! I don't want you here! DEAN: I'm sorry, okay? LINDSAY: Sorry? DEAN: Yes, because it'll never happen again.
Sure sounds like a guy who really, really wants to leave his marriage and totally didn’t feed Rory a bunch of bullshit to get her to do what he wants.
Lindsay kicks Dean out and her mom and Lorelai have a blowout in the middle of the street while their kids stand by silently like the teenage girls that they still are.
MRS. LISTER: You! You should be ashamed of yourself -- what you did! LORELAI: Just wait. MRS. LISTER: What did she ever do to you, huh? How did she hurt you? Why are you doing this? LORELAI: Theresa, please. Calm down. MRS. LISTER: Calm down? My little girl has to come home and find your heinous letter in Dean's jacket. LORELAI: Listen, we're in the street -- MRS. LISTER: You little monster! LORELAI: Hey! Pull back, lady! MRS. LISTER: There aren't hundreds of other boys in the world? You have to go after her husband? LORELAI: Okay, stop attacking my daughter right now. You're upset, I get it, but you do not do this. MRS. LISTER: She slept with my son-in-law. She broke up a marriage. Are you proud? LORELAI: She did not break up a marriage. MRS. LISTER: What do you know of this? LORELAI: Enough. I know Rory. MRS. LISTER: All I know is that now my Lindsay is devastated, Dean is back with his parents, lives are destroyed, and you and your daughter can go to hell!
Okay, first of all, this was a predictable end result when two teenagers who don’t know each other that well decide to get married at the age of eighteen. Why did their parents, especially Lindsay’s mother encourage this? And what the fuck is up with blaming Rory for the situation completely? No, she shouldn’t have done it, but Dean is the one who decided to marry Lindsay. He’s the one that decided to cheat. He’s the one that decided to lie to both of them. He is not an innocent bystander. 
Later on, Rory tries to comfort Dean over what has happened.
DEAN: No. It's not a stupid question. Um...let's see. How do I feel? Actually...I feel like an idiot. RORY: Why? DEAN: Why? Because I was married, …Rory. Married. And I threw it all away for someone who dumped me once and then just bailed on me. RORY: I didn't just bail. I -- DEAN: I hurt everybody. I hurt Lindsay, I hurt her parents, I hurt my parents, and now I'm back at home, and you're in Europe with your grandmother. And what the hell was I thinking? I mean, what am I doing? What's wrong with me?
I mean, the correct answer here is that everything is wrong with you, Dean, but....in the first place, Rory didn’t dump you, second of all, and she “bailed” because you lied and had no intention of leaving your wife in the first place. Take responsibility for your own actions, my man.
Rory and Dean eventually date for a month or so. Dean dumps her again because he realizes they have nothing in common. Does he take any steps towards moving on with his life and taking responsibility for his own mistakes? 
DEAN: Your situation is no different from mine. Buddy. LUKE: I've got work to do. DEAN: Then go. They want more than this. Don't you see that? And all you are is this. LUKE: Rory was a kid, Dean. She grew up. She moved on. Accept it. DEAN: You accept it. This town, it's all you are, and it's not enough. She's going to get bored, and you can't take her anywhere. You're here forever. LUKE: It's different. DEAN: It's not different. You and me. Same thing.
Bear in mind this episode takes place in April and Dean dumped Rory the previous November, and yet he’s still bitter, still projecting onto Luke, and still completely blaming Rory for all of his own decisions. He was the one who dumped her the first two times. He was the one that got into a fight with Jess on her behalf. He was the one who proposed to Lindsay to get her to forget about it. He was the one who got married despite his reservations. He was the one who lied to Rory so that she would have sex with him. He was the one who refused to leave his wife. And oh yeah....he was the one who dumped Rory a third time.
That’s the last we see of Dean for eleven years until he shows up in the revival and actually seems emotionally stable for a change.
Somehow Rory gets the brunt of the blame for all of this, but she wasn’t in this alone. I do think she was scared into this by Jess showing up, and if he had any sort of explanation or apology for her either of the times he showed up, she probably wouldn’t have been so vulnerable to the affirmation that Dean offered her. Then she could have had a disappointing first experience with Marty as an alternative.
Which still would have been an improvement over the horror of that Candyman song.
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undergaunts · 2 months
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Call Me Baby (Chapter 2) (Chapter 1 here)
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt (Modern!AU)
Summary: The text chat logs between Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during their 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts. (or Sebastian and Ominis can't bear to be apart for longer than 5 minutes, so spend their entire summer, winter and spring breaks texting and calling each other)
Rating: Teen & Up (this will go up in the next chapter!)
Word count: 6.4k
Recommended to read on AO3 as the layout is better but it’s also below the cut <3
July 1st, 6:14pm
sebastian changed their name to ss
July 2nd, 10:02am
Hello Sebastian. I just wanted to let you know I have one of your books. You’d left it in Transfiguration so Professor Weasley gave it to me. I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen. I’ll pass it on to Anne when we get back to school. 
From anne ^_^ to Ominis
July 4th, 11:07am
anne ^_^
has he responded yet? 
No. I’m not surprised.
anne ^_^
to be honest me neither.
he’s such an idiot, I’m sorry. 
It isn’t your fault, Anne. We both know how he can be when he’s upset. 
anne ^_^
yeah but to go like, what, 3 months now? hardly talking to you is SO weird.
he gets annoyed and is super stubborn a lot but to go this long being the way he is is just off
It is how it is, I suppose. I can only see that he felt we were pushing boundaries too far and had to take a step back.
anne ^_^
but not like this, and what do you mean? 
After we changed our display names, apparently several of our classmates contacted him asking if we were dating, or assuming we were. We do - did - spend a lot of time together, but the name change was purely a joke. I think it may have had more consequences than expected for Sebastian. 
anne ^_^
but he was the one who told you to do it, no?
anne ^_^
so why was it too far?
I think it was more the questions of us being a couple. It’s a preposterous idea but if pushed too far, some people may believe it and unfortunately people did. I think he’s really just wanted to distance himself from me to prove it wasn’t true. 
anne ^_^
hmm. i just can’t see that being the issue though
he’s always been so touchy feely with you, just changing your names and having people ask if you’re dating doesn’t seem like something he’d just stop being your friend over.
and you never argued?
Oh, we argued. A fair amount. But not recent to our last conversation. 
anne ^_^
and he didnt say anything to you over the phone or anything?
No. Truly, Anne, I believe my theory wholeheartedly. And it’s fine. I still have you. I hope, at least. 
anne ^_^
oh ominis, always!
but he’s been really cold to me too, so i think there’s more going on. I’m certain it’s not just what you think. give me a couple days to try and speak to him, ok?
let me know if you want to talk at any point <3
Of course. Thank you :)
from anne ^_^ to ss
July 5th, 11:15am
anne ^_^
where r u?
anne ^_^ 
smh where r u
anne ^_^
ffs seb
do i need to ask a third time
on a walk it’s a nice day
anne ^_^
ok but where
gods anne do u want me to just send my location or something ?!
anne ^_^
really?? look i just want to be alone today ok
anne ^_^
uve wanted to be alone everyday for like 3 months
im good company, what can i say
anne ^_^
not the way uve been moping about ur not. me and ominis r really worried abt u
whats he got to do with it?
anne ^_^
everything???? he’s ur best friend and suddenly u act like u wld rather try to tame 50 graphorns at once than be around him.
look we r just worried ok? just want to know whats going on
anne im fine. look im just trying to come to terms with some things and id rather do it alone
anne ^_^
what? ur dramatic ass honestly
like what?
like leaving hogwarts next year 
and stuff
anne ^_^
so u ignore ur favourite thing about it ?!
what? hes not
there r other things i like way more than him
anne ^_^
such as ???!!
since the moment u met ominis u havent shut up about him, u used to wake up everyday at school and the first thing u would do would be go and wake him up because u didnt want to do anything without him
i mean just this last year u spent 24/7 with him at hogwarts and then u get home aND CONTINUE TO TALK TO HIM 24/7
and i know u didnt have an argument or anything, all that happened was that people thought u were dating for like 5 minutes and then u stop talking 
like if it wasn’t so insane to suggest id swear u were in love with him and people worked it out before u which made u work it out so now u cant deal with being around him and dont want to talk to anyone in case they mention him LOL
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
oh seb
im sorry i didnt mean to laugh i really didnt think
oh please come back home :( or at least tell me where u r. i dont wanna do this over text :(
id much rather text, i think i would cry in person
anne ^_^
:( ok
im really sorry, i wish u wouldve told me
i knew u loved him i just didnt realise in that way
i mean ok maybe i sort of did if i guessed that but Gods seb :(
yeah i guess everyone sort of knew before me then? which has been the craziest thing
when everyone was sending me messages asking if we were dating i was so confused cos the whole name thing was clearly a joke, then it hit me like a tonne of bricks and i realised it just wasn’t. i dont think it’s ever been a joke. like ive told people no no it was a joke stop acting weird
but the only one acting weird is me
anne ^_^
seb :(
i cant imagine how uve been feeling
i wish u wouldve told me at least, even if u werent totally sure i could’ve helped, i couldve still supported u
im sorry, genuinely, its just been hard
i mean i assumed i only liked girls for my whole life, and i do, i think they’re pretty and stuff but then i realised every girl ive ever dated ive ditched to be with him? and when i have gone on a date ive just talked about him.
all i do is think about him
ive kept rereading our texts and merlin all i do is flirt, badly but still
it’s just so stupid 
fuck sorry it’s all sort of just coming out
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
coming out, literally
LMAO thanks i laughed out loud for probs the first time in months
anne ^_^
sorry haha i didn’t mean to cut u off please continue
no it’s ok
hes my best friend and ive ruined it by being in love, and then ive ruined it even more by just not talking to him. ugh I just...what do i even do? u kno he messaged me the other day and it made me cry. i was sitting on a rock by the lake crying like a loser. like wtf. i still haven’t replied
anne ^_^
i think he just wants u back. he really misses u. honestly he won’t admit it because hes sort of just accepted u hate him 
and u know how proper he is haha but he’s devastated
u think?
anne ^_^
r u dumb?
don’t answer tht. of course he is. ur literally his best friend. his entire world. he loves u
it might not be in the way u want but he would die for u I reckon. PLEASE talk to him :( Ik it’s going to be hard but ur best friends at the end of the day, to throw it all away would be silly
i know ur right. if i reply to him i might vomit
anne ^_^
worth it please?
let me think. but i probably will at some point. ur right. he is my best friend first
gods im sorry
anne ^_^
don’t need to apologise to me but i think u should apologise to him
yeah i will
thank u
anne ^_^
love u. come back home ??
love u 2. i will soon
anne ^_^
From anne ^_^ to Ominis
July 5th 2:43pm
anne ^_^
so news - he’s ok, he’s just dumb. he’s gonna message you soon
Just dumb? I’m not sure I know what you mean. But I’m glad he’s well. 
anne ^_^
ah i’m not sure how i could explain it. it’s not really my thing to explain, but hopefully he will. well, he better or I’ll whack him over the head
Could you do that anyway?
anne ^_^
LOL tempting
Well thank you Anne.  I’m glad you got to the bottom of it, even if you won’t tell me!
anne ^_^
promise he will, one way or another. either he will or ive got a good sized book on magical beasts that might get his brain into working order 
Haha. I shall look out for his message then. Thank you again. 
anne ^_^
no problem. speak soon :)
From Ominis to ss
July 2nd, 10:02am
Hello Sebastian. I just wanted to let you know I have one of your books. You’d left it in Transfiguration so Professor Weasley gave it to me. I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen. I’ll pass it on to Anne when we get back to school. 
July 6th, 4:37am
hi thank you that means a lot
sorry i didnt respond sooner
u can pass it on to me if it’s easier
Good morning Sebastian. I think I shall do that then. Thank you. 
kewl. sweet. sounds good
so are you
how have you
look im really sorry for acting the way i did recently. i know it probably seemed like i was angry at u but I wasnt, i was just going through something and i got a bit weird. but ive realised im stupid and im so sorry
i understand if u don’t want to talk to me anymore. i really do miss you. cutting you out like that was really horrible. ur my best friend and im really sorry :(
I wish you would’ve spoken to me, Sebastian. If you were going through something - whatever it is - you know I’m here for you. Just like you’ve always been there for me. We can still speak about it, if you would like, but there’s no pressure. You don’t need to apologise. But I would like to go back to how things were, if possible? 
And you are also my best friend, by the way. You know I’m not one for sentimentality, but it’s true. 
im honoured
sentimentominis haha
it’s really not important, im over it now
ok not really but
i would love to go back to how it was
but I love.
would u hate me if.
ive really missed u dude 
And I you. Let’s put it behind us. But only if you promise not to shut me out again like that. Agreed?
agreed :D
July 8th, 10:52am
morning :)
Good morning. 
how u?
Well. My mother, father and sister had gone to visit my brother for a fortnight, so I have the entire place to myself for the next five days. How are you?
im good :) that’s cool haha why didnt u get dragged along?
They left just before I returned from Hogwarts, thankfully. I may actually use their absence to my advantage this afternoon and choose a book from my father’s study. I’m not often allowed in there you see. 
damn u sooooo rebellious 
well i guess u acc r with not being a bigot and stuff lol.
but i go looking for treasure in catacombs in the middle of the night and u go borrow a book from ur dad
One must start somewhere. With your influence I may start a criminal trading ring. 
wht wld u trade?
Books, of course. The first book traded will be the one I pilfer from my father. The rest will then follow. 
can i join?
You’re my partner in this, so of course.
what kind of partner?
of course, travelling all over the country
All over the world. On the run, mostly from my father for stealing that first book, but from all of the people we’ve swindled as well. It’s just the two of us, versus everyone else. 
gods i love
Haha r u drunk?
No. It seems like I should be though, doesn’t it?
yes lol
so if ur home alone
ok crazy question, ik what ur probably gonna say but ill ask anyway - if ur on ur own why don’t i come over?
i mean i don’t have to come to the mAnOr but maybe we could walk around ur village or smth
it cant be that bad can it lol, i don’t have to stay over or anything, just might be nice to see u :)
I’d like that. 
really???? sure????????
My house isn’t the nicest, I must forewarn you. It’s very old and rather grim and I’m certain is falling apart in places. It might be better to stay away from it, but I could probably at least show you the outside. 
don’t care, have you seen mine lmao, me and anne literally had to nail the window closed because it just wouldn’t shut. trust me idc
Mine may be worse than that. How does tomorrow around eleven sound?
:D, yes perfect can’t wait 
Wonderful. I look forward to it. 
July 9th, 11:43pm
ik ur probably asleep but i just wanted to say i had so much fun today. ur house is so big haha im not susprised u used to get lost as a kid. but thank u for letting me see it and see u mostly
sleep well baby boy :)
July 12th, 5:18am
ss changed their display name to SEB!
Good morning. Did you sleep well? You were up early. 
kinda, someone has a rooster in the village so it woke me up bright and early lol there’s already plans to start a riot i think
Well we can’t have that. Sebastian Sallow needs his beauty sleep. 
oh you think im. so you do think im
im slowly growing uglier day by day as the rooster grows stronger, feeding off my youth 
Ah, I actually don’t think it’s possible, your beauty is eternal, you see, but without any sleep you will not have the strength to fight back against the evil rooster and prevent it from world domination. 
fuck so you do think im
swear ur drunk again haha
I think it’s the fact I’m not having to deal with my mother and father, combined with the varying chemicals I’m certain are in the water here that are getting me ‘high’. 
oh jeez haha srs? maybe u should come stay with me again then
No. Well, there could be, but I don’t think that’s why I’m acting strange. I think I’m just happy to be talking to you again, in all honesty. :)
what happened to Mr I’m-Not-One-For-Sentimentality?
It seems I’ve grown soft, doesn’t it?
is there another reason other than just
yea it’s weird!!
I shall stop then. 
no i love
no i like this Ominis :)
If you’re sure. 
totally, but i wasnt joking about u coming to stay again. could come stay the last 2 weeks again if u wanted
or even longer, up to u
I’ll ask my father. But I would like that. I enjoyed last year, a lot. 
me too, and this is our last summer at school so we should make the most of it!
You’re right. I’ll see what I can do. 
lmk wen u kno
Will do. <3
July 16th, 10:32pm
Would you like hear about my horrendous day?
do tell. hold on
ok, i have a cup of tea and some biscuits so im ready to listen lol
I was very rudely awoken this morning by my sister, rather than the usual house elf, and ushered downstairs to where my entire family were huddled in the drawing room, as if someone had passed away. You see, apparently, after someone had tipped him off, my father had found out that the girl Marvolo was to marry was not pureblood at all!
whaaaat really?
Well, according to them, not pure enough. On her Mother’s side, her great, great grandmother was actually muggle-born. Which means her great, great, great grandparents were muggles. 
oh my hahahahahahahaah oh i bet theyr all fuming
That’s putting it lightly. Apparently the mother had not even told her husband or daughter about this until very recently, but they were still determined to go ahead with this marriage.
Of course my father and brother were out for blood. More so than ever before. Imagine what would’ve happened if the Gaunt name was tarnished by a minuscule percentage of muggle blood! And, God forbid, if she and Marvolo had ever had children, an even smaller percentage, ruining millennia of perfection!
oh this is brilliant, i can imagine u standing there smiling the whole time
I certainly would’ve, however we were then rushed to Paris by floo to call the whole thing off, if you can even describe it as ‘calling it off’. I wouldn’t have wished the sounds on my worst enemy, Sebastian. 
all 5 of u??? wtf wait what happened, sorry i thought this was a funny story
Thankfully I didn’t have to partake in anything this time around. Not like before. My sister made sure of that, I thank the gods for her. I know my mother wasn’t happy I didn’t stay to ‘help protect the Gaunt name’ as she put it. All I know was as soon as the doors closed, I’ve never heard sounds like it. And they tried to fight back. Of course they would, they’re wizards, not muggles, they’re not as easy to break. It was horrible. I hate them, this is so fucked up. Gods. I just 
Ominis r u home? R u ok????
I’m home now, yes. I’m sorry. Saying it out loud has made me realise just what happened. It was utterly awful. 
can i call?
SEB is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 3hr, 11min
July 17th, 1:59am
Thank you. For staying so long. You must go rest now, especially if that rooster is still about. 
it is still here lol but idc, i wld stay on the phone all day with u if u wanted me to, ur so so undeserving of all this shit. u have done nothing wrong ok? ever. plz dont blame urself
ur so important to me. i promise this time next year u will be out of there. i will do whatever it takes. 
ur my
ur my baby boy and i love u lots
Thank you. I’m sorry. 
Love you too. 
i just read those messages again, and i mean it. I love you, Ominis. Like, full homo haha
i genuinely meant it when I said I love you, did you?
i love you in a gay way btw
marry me?
im not ever going to send any of these messages so idk why im even typing
July 19th, 10:33am
Hi. Hope you slept well. Can we call when you're available?
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 2hr 42mins
July 20th, 11:21am
Good morning. Are you free to talk?
yea !!! 
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 3hr, 29mins
July 21st, 12:22pm
Ominis is calling SEB!
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 2min
July 22nd, 11:15am
Call me when ur around
Ominis is calling SEB!
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 19min
July 23rd, 10:48am
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 57min
July 24th, 5:01pm
going for a walk can call?
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 5hr 51min
oh damn haha new record didn’t even realise
we were on the phone for almost 6 hours
Merlin, really? What on Earth do we even talk about?
absolutely nothing. it’s great
At this rate we won’t have anything to talk about when we get back to Hogwarts. 
but u know we will. we could easily break that record tomorrow 
and the day after
and the day after that
I think you are right. It’s a wonder I’m not sick of you. 
i love
same here
somehow I forgot to ask but did u ask ur dad if u can come stay solomon doesn’t care, he was like ‘ur almost 18 do what u want’
Ah, no, not yet. He and Marvolo are, well, honestly, I have no idea what they are doing. As you well know I’ve spent most of my time in my room talking to you. I’m just trying to keep out of the way as I usually do. But when I’ve tried to speak to him he has mostly brushed me off. Again, as he usually does. 
I’ll try again at some point. There’s nothing more I want to do than to come and stay with you, but you know how my family can be. 
yea that’s cool dude, whenever u can, if u can
anne keeps asking me about us
anne keeps asking like when is ominis coming and im like idk lay off!! lmao
I’m clearly a wanted man. 
yeah i want u so bad u don’t even kno lol imagine if i sent that
it’s our last summer at school, we wanna hang out with u :)
Soon. Promise.
fingers and toes and arms and legs and eyes and wands all crossed  <3
July 30th, 7:54am
How would you feel about me staying for a month?
overjoyed, ecstatic, thrilled, etc etc
My father pretty much said I could come for as long as I wanted. Not in so many words, but I think he’s far too focused on other things at the moment to worry about what I’m doing with myself. 
Are you busy this afternoon?
That is what I meant by this afternoon. Would that be ok? I’d wait another day or two but I don’t think I really can. Haha. 
please come whenever
come now !!
Are you certain?
Super certain. I can’t wait to see you. 
:) I’ll pack my things. I’ll let you know when I’m coming. 
i’ll let anne and solomon know haha brb
anne’s really excited!! solomon got annoyed i woke him up hahaha but he doesn’t care he’s probably gonna be off somewhere in a few days anyway so
ahhhhh this is great news to wake up to, can’t wait to see u baby boy it feels like forever. only 3 weeks but 
On my way Sweetheart. <3
December 23rd, 6:33pm
SEB! changed their display name to sebauble
hello lovely
did u get back ok?
Yes, thank you. Thank you to you, Anne and Solomon for having me. I’m sorry I had to return back home so soon. I would’ve liked to have stayed for the entirety of the break and not miss Christmas with you. 
But I suppose there is New Years, at least. 
ik :( sucks
i don’t get ur family, one year they don’t care if ur there or not the next you HAVE to come home
so strange
but yeah new years woo woo
It’s not as if we really celebrate the holiday. There’s a meal in the evening, but we usually spend the days to ourselves, gather in silence to eat and then return to our rooms. 
It’s certainly not a traditional Christmas. 
damn gaunts bunch of weirdos haha
Careful, I’m still a Gaunt whether I like it or not. 
no no i like to think of u as a sallow
my husb
like my brother
I told you, don’t call me your brother. 
Or sister, before you start. 
fine, but ur still a sallow in my eyes
How so? As your husband? Do I marry in to the Sallow name? Or is it just an honorary title?
oh fuck did u
yes just marry me
merlin did u just
yes u can be my husband
hm it would solve lots of problems
no gaunt surname, no dealing with ur family, im a pureblood so they wouldn’t care, u could live here, wouldn’t have to be married off to someone you hate
what say u
marry me baby?
shit I’m only joking
no I’m not
I thought you’d never ask! Haha. 
Or I could just marry Anne. Be a modern gentleman and take her name. 
yeah that could work too
we would have to see if she would agree though
I’m sure she would. I’m certainly the better choice than half the boys in our year. And we are already great friends, it seems like a good match!
please don’t be in love with my sister i would die
Is this ur way of telling me u want to date anne or something haha
Oh absolutely not, Sebastian!
No offence to her, but Anne is not quite my type. I thought we were joking?
thank Merlin
wait so
Haha yeah i am lol
so what is ur type then lol
i shouldn’t have sent that fuck
Oh, er, I don’t really know. I haven’t put much thought into it. 
just enough to know def not my sister then
lol poor Anne
I suppose so.
So like
if u had to date someone in our year who would it be
How do u even know what ur type is when u can’t see
Is it just personality? face feel?
you’ve felt my face before, did u like it?
I really haven’t put much thought into it.
ok but u must like someone right ?
or have in the past
u seem to get on with poppy quite well
and there’s that girl in 6th who is always nice to u and she’s pretty fit, kinda boring but
Look, Sebastian, I don’t know and I don’t really want to talk about this. We haven’t before, and I don’t particularly want to start now.
i won’t bring it up again
i was just being nosy
Let’s just leave it. I’ve got to go for supper anyway. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
im a fucking idiot
now u hate me
ok, sorry
speak tomorrow
December 24th, 1:37pm
Good evening. Sorry for not getting in contact with you sooner. I’ve been rather busy today. 
it’s ok!!
i thought u might be annoyed at me
did u do anything fun?
My dear Aunt Noctua has come for Christmas. It was why my parents demanded me home, so I forgive them now. Haha. 
I’ve spent a long time talking to her today. She doesn’t often visit anymore so it has been a pleasure to be in her company again. 
ahh that’s cute im glad she’s there !!!
how is she
Very busy, as always. She was telling my sister and I multiple stories of her childhood with my father. He used to be quite kind, surprisingly. He wasn’t there to hear, though, or I fear how he would’ve reacted. 
Indeed. He used to read her stories to help her fall asleep when they were both young. Unfortunately the weight of the Gaunt name and the expectations from my grandfather soon caught up to him and, well, you know the rest. 
that sucks
is she staying long?
Only until Boxing Day. Then she’s back to her travels.
ah that’s a shame
but at least u get to see her
makes up for u not being here tomorrow haha
Yes, I suppose it does. 
Well, not entirely. I’d much rather be with you, Anne and Noctua. That would be a much more pleasant Christmas. 
maybe one day :)
I’m sorry for the way I reacted yesterday. 
oh about the
no, i should be sorry. i was prying.
Not at all. We’re best friends, I think it’s perfectly normal to talk about things like that. Especially at our age.
i know we dont really
it’s just
im in love with y
we have almost finished school and u have never gone on a date or anything 
and don’t say no girls would date u cos they totally would
I think that’s where the issue may lie. 
I think my issue here is er the girls. 
oh right 
none of them are taking ur fancy 
idk if u gave that 6th year a chance she might be alright 
or just date me lol
That’s really not what I’m trying to say.
ok then i don’t get it
Merlin’s beard Sebastian I thought you were intelligent. Do I really have to spell it out?
I don’t like girls. I don’t want to date girls. They’re perfectly fine and I’m sure are very pretty, and actually I have been asked out before and didn’t tell you because I never went.
Because I like boys. 
And I’m sorry I never told you but it’s just something I’ve had to keep to myself for a long time because I just never knew how to bring it up. 
I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable now, I really hope it doesn’t. You’re the first person I’ve told. 
Well don’t just keep saying oh, say something, anything, I beg of you. 
me too, i like boys too, i like girls as well but i really like boys, i mean u boys, u r a boy and i like u, i love u actually, fuck sake
Ominis, it took me a long time to see it, but I’ve been in love with you for years, you’re the person I want to spend every waking moment with and talk to about everything and oh gods i can’t do it
Are you typing? Can you just respond please, other than just sorry?
dude i
that’s cool!!!
u should’ve told me before
didn’t need to keep this kind of secret
i would’ve set u up lol
With someone from our school? Disgusting, the lot of them. Filthy, smelly boys. 
even me?
then how do u kno u even like boys???
Well. That’s a good question. It’s just something I know, I suppose. Yep, that’s it, definitely. 
oh no no no no no no no no please say no
…oh i see right through u
there IS someone u like
Alright. Maybe. 
But don’t go pushing me, I’m not going to tell you. 
fuck fuck fuck fuck just kill me
tell me who it is now, ill kill them
i wont. thats what the amortentia is for
i’ll get u to smell it, tell me what u smell and then ill work it out
im very smart
You’d have to torture that out of me, Sebastian. 
if it gets u on a date with someone then itll be worth it >:)
That’s the other issue. I don’t think this person is interested in boys. 
At all. 
I have to know now
let me help
I think we should really leave it.
only because im nice and respectful of ur privacy
sometimes lol
but if u need my help
i am here
Thank you. I mean it, for not hating me. For being supportive. 
ur my best friend
why would i hate u over this? don’t be daft
i could never hate u baby
in fact i
:) Thank you. 
Well, I should go wallow in my own self pity now, it’s been a long day. I’ll talk to you in the morning?
speak tomorrow
sleep well
love u
Love you too.
December 25th, 9:31am
I’m awake! 
Merry Christmas Sebastian :)
Don’t forget to open the gift I got you. 
And the one for Anne, too. 
oh dude thank you
i fucking love it
just what i wanted
Is it the right one?
super cool
i wanted this quidditch jumper for forever 
so thank you
it’s perfect 
i just saw
Hahahahah even more perfect 
I’m so glad you like it. I had to get Anne’s help. Did she like her gift?
hold on
yes she loves it thank you
she said ‘id been wanting this diary for ages, thank you ominis, u really shouldn’t have’
u need to stop being so generous dude
im sorry i couldn’t really afford to get u anything
I just want to make you happy, it’s not about getting anything in return, honestly. 
I’m glad she likes it. Merry Christmas to you both. 
check ur bag
just check it
What is this? 
did u open it?
No, what have you done?
open it
I’ve opened it. It feels like a photo frame. What is it?
so if u run ur hands over the whole thing it u should be able to feel some bits feel different to the other bits
Yes, I can feel that. Some bits are raised and other bits aren’t. 
its basically a picture with the outlines raised up so you can feel it. sort of like a drawing but u can trace over it so u can ‘see’ it
What’s it a picture of?
from mine and anne's birthday party
idk if u remember
she took the picture outside the dorm
i think we were both drunk but yeah
i just loved the picture
and wanted u to see it somehow
Oh Sebastian. 
is it any good?
can u sort of feel it?
im on the left side and ur on the right 
if it’s no good u don’t have to keep it
This is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received. 
This is the most thoughtful, amazing thing I’ve ever been given. I can’t believe it. You shouldn’t have spent the money on me. 
as u said earlier ‘i just want to make u happy’
Sebastian. You’ve made me cry. 
don’t cry :(
You idiot. I’m not sad. I just cannot believe someone has done something this wonderful for me. And for you to be the one to do it, well, is not surprising but.
I don’t think I can thank you enough. 
I love you.
i love you too so much
But probably not in the way I love you. 
Gods, I apologise, I didn’t mean to send that. Stupid phone.
Please ignore that message. How do you delete a message? I can’t delete the message, why won’t it delete it? Oh it’s still listening to me, for fuck
Please Sebastian, please ignore it. I think it must’ve heard me wrong or something, I’m sorry.
Just ignore it, I can’t delete it for some stupid reason but you’ve already seen it anyway so it doesn’t
I apologise. I don’t understand why it listens to me sometimes and then doesn’t the other. 
I hate these stupid things.
Just forget it. 
do you
are you in love with me or something?
I said just ignore it. Please. 
no, just tell me
are you?
when u said there’s someone u like yesterday
did u mean me?
Sebastian, please.
tell me
u have to tell me
I’m begging u
I can’t do this Sebastian
please because if i say i feel the same way and u say u were joking i think i would die
You feel the same way?
i do
ominis please
im stupidly desperately in love with you and i truthfully have no idea for how long but all i know is that i love you with every fibre of my being and i spend every second without u wishing i was with u and every second with u wishing i was closer to u
all the times I’ve called you baby and perfect and gorgeous i was never joking
please tell me u weren’t joking
I wasn’t joking. I didn’t mean to send it but I am serious. 
Are you serious?
ofc i am 
i swear
I love you Ominis
Can I call?
Ominis is calling sebauble
Call accepted
14 notes · View notes
transingthoseformers · 11 months
Sometimes, I crave a very specific version of Rodiclash in which Thunderclash is absolutely obsessed with Rodimus, like borderline Yandere in old school animes, but is self-aware enough to know he should not be doing the creepy stuff he desperately wants like locking Rodimus up in a room away from everyone who "doesn't appreciate him" and worshipping him.
He actually has similar vibes to Tarn but is better at hiding it.
Rodimus's feelings about him aren't entirely jealousy/feeling threatened, but picking up on the mask of non-threatening Thunderclash was carefully keeping up. Their first meeting, Hot Rod called him out on forcing a smile, and Thunderclash at first didn't like him and actually hated him a bit for both his attitude, seeing through him, and all the Emptions. Slowly, though, he grew to appreciate the fact Hot Rod/Rodimus fully picked up on his real feelings and began to admire him, though Rodimus didn't pick up on the sincere change of feeling.
His agreement with the mutiny was meant to only have Megatron left and that's why he was furious with Getaway.
In Bad Ending, he manages to convince Rodimus to go off with him and it is fulfilling or bordwring on his fondest dreams and Rodimus picks up on this and realizes "holy shit Thunders wants me" and teases him about it starting up a not-quite toxic relationship that involves a lot of Rodimus having to set firm boundaries but also being way too willing, Thunderclash's, who is trying to keep some self restraint, opinion.
Drift hears about this and gets distressed because Ratchet is fully aware of both Thunderclash's crush and obsessive nature, and he is fully prepared to give him a threat.
Rodimus breaks them up and says "yeah he knows" about some of Thunderclash's more "innocuous" obsessive habits, like reading all his mail or preparing all of his food or "the watching him recharge thing", which makes Drift beep in distress.
He is very much going: "NO, RODIMUS THAT IS NOT SAFE SANE OR NORMAL!".
And Rodimus shrugs and says he is fully aware of what is going on and is okay with it before pausing looking at the camera and telling Thunderclash to "turn them off now because this is a private-private" conversation and Thunderclash reluctantly does because he Trusts Rodimus won't actually leave him if Drift shares the slightest interest while Drift is horrified.
Rodimus is actually improving, and Thunderclash is being more openly vicious when it comes to him. Especially in his defense. He may have had a lot of jeaslousy about Drift, Megatron, and Minimus. Drift makes a lot of distressed beeps and glares anytime Thunderclash is nearby.
In the Good Ending, Drift is deliberately blocking Thunderclash's courting attempts, with obvious faked innocence, until Thunderclash sabotages a mission to get Rodimus and him stuck together a while butbthen gets tongue tied until Rodimus starts talking to him of his own choice asking about "his weird thing with Drift". Rodimus is strangely delighted that Drift is the only person he shows outward disdain for and thinks its funny. He also states, not asks, that Thunderclash really does like him now. This flusters Thunderclash and Rodimus looks amused and invotes him to watch a movie together.
They still end up together but with Ratchet there to help them get a more steady relationship and without some of the rougher start they had in BE.
Drift is suffering.
Interesting situation comparing it to Tarn
ohhhoh so Roddie knows something. He doesn't know what this something is, but it's something
I can just imagine the blowout when Thunders realizes Getaway used him and this isn't what he wanted
Ooo on it finally clicking for Rodders? Of course Rodimus would consider this a win
roddie bae your amica and Amica in law are concerned about you
Interesting that Ratchet knows well of Thunderclash's tendency to be obsessive, has he seen others™️?
Rodimus that is not innocuous
oh rodimus
Thunderclash no—
So for the good ending Drift noticed i-fucking-mmediately
Makes sense he wouldn't like Drift and Roddie finds this somewhat hilarious
In general just poor Drift wow
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arundolyn · 11 months
Why do you think Blazblue made Celica both the Sister who raised the siblings, AND some weird time travel love interest for Ragna? Did they just shoehorn Ragna into phase shift and that dynamic just got so popular they shoved it into Chronophantasma? Did they think Ragna’s development needed to be with his family but they have their own plots so they make Celica into the Sister, but NEVER have the characters piece it together ON SCREEN in a way that changes their dynamic?
i kept meaning to answer this and forgetting bc my brain has been soup for the past like WEEK but oh my god its so weird. its very blatantly both trying to give him relevance in a side material and also tie the side material into the main story better and make it plot relevant in chronophantasma all at the same time and it just falls flat horribly and comes off severely contrived. that entire scene in cp would be so extremely improved if rather than sending ragna back in time via the cauldron he just like. idk the boundary can do a lot of shit we dont even know about. it'd be a hell of a lot better if bloodedge was a completely separate guy so that negates the weirdness of celica's attraction to him then vs now and solves the like... what. 5 separate goddamn paradoxes the existence of bloodedge as a character separate from ragna causes? the LEAST of which is where his jacket and sword come from. blazblue loves its recursive paradoxical time loops so much.
making celica the sister is such a weird can of worms that honestly would be fine IF they didnt make her also have a crush on him in her chronophantasma body. thats the fuckin odd part. sure she doesnt have the memories of the now-dead nun that raised ragna and his siblings BUT it still feels weird because don't he AND jin during the whole takemikazuchi disaster at the climax of chronophantasma look at her and recognize that it's the sister and then just like.. its left at that. ragna never acted particularly romantically toward her in the first place thank god but her lack of awareness of the situation is the weirdest part. hes his usual trying-to-be-aloof-on-purpose self about it and when kokonoe blackmails him into celica tagging along with him its literally just. "you cant fight dumbass stay behind me" thats it. yeah she doesnt know and all and remembers him-as-bloodedge from her time that she had a crush on but like. she doesnt.. have to be unaware. its a really weird plot contrivance that doesnt sit right to just have another love interest that comes off really weirdly not only for the story but for the fuckin guy writing it
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
Yeah if it’s legit I still think how he acted over the years towards a/c is weird, but maybe he changed his mind, maybe somehow he decided that them being a couple completes the message of their story, idk! I don’t mind admitting I was wrong. I just wish he wasn’t so sanctimonious and cold to his gay fans/people who see A/C as gay.
I think it’s possible he changed his mind. We don’t know what conversations regarding the direction of A/C’s relationship he had with Terry, it’s possible that they planned for it to be romantic. Watching season 1, I can’t help but feel like it’s only natural for their story to be one of star-crossed-lovers, especially because of music and acting choices. Maybe he felt that too. And I’d be happy to say I was wrong about him.
That doesn’t change how poorly he’s handled the gendie homophobia, and how baity he’s been. And like you said, how weird he’s been towards fans who ship A/C and see them as gay. He clearly looks down on us and I don’t think that’s a way to treat fans who are supporting your work.
I think it’s possible he’s the type of homophobe that has little issue with same sex attraction, but has an issue with putting a name to it. Because once you use the word gay or homosexual, you’ve explicitly named something that has strict boundaries. It seems a lot of “progressives” have a problem with that, which is why the word “queer” has been forced on us—to broaden things and make sexuality vague.
In other words, many people don’t care if two men kiss. They do care if they have to think that those men might be homosexual, and have to confront what homosexuality means.
Neil has said all along “they’re in love, they’re just not gay”, which really reeks of this attitude. It’s okay if you’re in love with someone of the same sex…you just can’t be gay.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually does give a kiss scene, but rationalises it with “oh but they aren’t gay, they’re anything but that”.
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Not me continuously forgetting that Vaporwave was the original creator of Streaker and Vole and not Guillotine
Somehow, all the credit got shifted over to Guillotine and I don't even know how 😭
I can remember pretty much every part of Vaporwave's development, but I can't even remember where Guillotine came from, he just dropped in and started stealing Vaporwave's personality XDXDXD
Everyone thinks all the weird, dangerous stuff that comes out of Sector 59 (Guillotine and Vaporwave's section in Station 5, aka the science section) is from Guillotine, but they're actually from Guillotine and Vaporwave! XDXDXDXD
o eiriogejorf This is the first instance of Guillotine
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Yeah, I have no fucking idea where he came from XDXDXDXD
OH MY FUCKING GOD, I switched their positions eirjfoaiejrfoajer freaking Wave is the muse now oeijioejrfergjlakfjaiejrogj
This is why you check back with your notes, kids
Hahaha absolutely loving how they went from possibly neighbors to married XD
What's with Guillotine and heads?????
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I suspect this is bc I couldn't think of a face for him, lmao
I completely forgot there's an entire sector of unhinged science mechs on Station 5 that Streaker and Vole volunteer to be crash-test dummies for aoierjgoiaejr the only reason these little maintenance drones have so much weaponry on them is bc they keep the experiments oaejirgjiaejr it's like free samples! XD
Anyway, I need to work on making Vaporwave unhinged again
Oh, I think I found where Guillotine started becoming "designated danger mech"
he went from
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Hahaha, mech just has a "dangerous things" obsession that's evolved into "murder is pretty" hehehehehe
Hahahah only notes I have on Vaporwave's loose screws are his love of hacking and programming and his low impulse control (see him immediately agreeing to fuck with scaplets' programming to completely change their nature)
Oh yeah, I can see why this mech would land himself in Station 5. Some mech makes a joke about reprogramming someone annoying, Vaporwave takes it seriously and actually does it and when he's confronted, he doesn't understand why what he did was wrong
Hahaha oh my god, this man has no boundaries XDXDXDXD He only follows the rules so he can't be punished any further
HAHAHAHAHH Fuck, Guillotine and Vaporwave having free reign together would be a fucking mess XDXDXD Guillotine would say "I wanna collect that guy's head!" and Vaporwave would say "Ok, I'll cover your back so we don't get in trouble" HAHAHAHAHA
Vaporwave is so much more prone to directed violence (violence with intent: Protective, he's just got a goal, etc)
Oh my god, Guillotine fell in love with Vaporwave bc he's ridiculously aggressive XDXDXDDXD Most of the time Vaporwave seems nice and mild-mannered, but something gets in his way and it's instant hands XDXDXD
Guillotine wouldn't even say "I wanna collect that guy's head" he would say something like "Wow, that guy's head would look nice on a shelf *wistfully thinks about his weird ass collection of heads that aren't from murder victims*" and Vaporwave would be like "Ok," and fucking gift him the guy's head bc they're friends HAHAHAHAHAHH
He wouldn't do that if they were a stationer though bc they'd get in a lot of trouble
They're terrible, your honor, I love them 💖
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angie-j-kay · 1 year
Okay, here are my takes from Barbenheimer, and the messages the movies seem to be pushing:
Spoilers under the cut.
If you're autistic, have anxiety, or are generally sensitive to loud scary noises, be warned that this might set you off. This was very much a horror movie, disguised as a historical thing. Also, Christopher Nolan music is Christopher Nolany. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
The great horror wasn't that the people involved were monsters, it was that they were just people. ANYONE handed enough fear and desperation risks becoming this. Yes, even you.
If the monster feels really, really bad about it after, is he still a monster? (Answer: YES, but you still paid to see this movie so now you're culpable too.)
A discussion of how responsible scientists are for what the powerful and cruel do with their inventions.
Ian Malcolm in the first Jurassic Park movie was right. "You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop and think if you should!"
Hey, it's that actor I had such a crush on when I was 14 and wow, he got old, and OH SHIT I'M OLD TOO... It doesn't matter which actor I'm talking about, MOST of them were that actor to someone or other.
Florence Pugh has nice tits, and Robert Downey Jr. should play more villains. Also, David Krumholz is slowly turning into Alfred Molina.
Spoiler alert: BOOM.
Men suck.
Barbie: This one's gonna get me SO MUCH HATE, because y'all love Barbie, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
They told me it was an empowering movie for women and girls to watch. I went through the whole thing, and was rather insulted by this claim. Yeah, the idea of "women can be whatever we want" was repeated over and over, but the actual movie showed very little of that. Only the DOLLS got to be what they wanted, not the "Real Women."
Barbie not having a vagina is played for laughs, and the first thing that happens when she becomes a Real Woman (Yes, this is a plot point.) is... going to the gynecologist, with her new vagina and uterus. The Mattel board meeting actually had a man ask "I'm a man with no power, does that make me a woman?" How Tumblr hasn't caught the transphobia there is beyond me.
Ha ha, pregnant Midge! Loved that!
Feminism is important, because the patriarchy hurts... Ken. And the other Kens. Look, I get that this plot point was aimed SOLELY at the men who were watching this movie, trying to force them to imagine the role reversal and see how awful it is, but it doesn't change the fact that the main plot point of a supposedly feminist movie was clearly targeted at men. Like... come on.
Why is Will Ferrel here? You could have replaced him with a broken lamp in the corner and the movie would have been just fine.
I can't think of a single time that Barbie invited Ken's company. He pursued her, and she tolerated him because that was just sort of her role and she felt she had to. He respected none of her boundaries, just constantly tried to push past them. Then when he went full incel to the point of violence (Yes, I count brainwashing and enslavement as violence and you should too.) and she defeated him, he threw a screaming, public, self-hatred tantrum until SHE was apologising to HIM and consoling HIM, just a few minutes of screen time after a rant about how unfair it is that women are held responsible for men's bad behavior.
Ruth - "I can't let you become a real woman without you understanding what that means." Ruth - shows a montage of babies and motherhood, with some random crap tacked on the end in hopes that we won't notice that.
Being vocally angry about the patriarchy, racism, and enforced femininity is for dumb, angry teenagers with daddy issues who don't know anything about anything, and growing up into REAL feminism involves pink dresses.
The Velveteen Rabbit walked so that Weird Barbie could somersault while doing the splits.
I did cry when Barbie saw the old woman for the first time and called her beautiful. That was nice.
The boy bands of the early 2000s are finally explained.
The only way out of the patriarchy is by women talking to each other and working together, then... men saying they're sorry and totally promising never to do that again. Because that always works.
I mean, the movie wasn't terrible. It just wasn't made for feminists. It was made to get men angry enough to go see the movie so they'd have something to make angry podcasts about, in hopes that a few of them would start to think about what garbage they're spewing. Also, to sell toys, Hummers and Birkenstocks.
Also, I'm not sure this was Greta Gerwig's fault. This whole thing reeks of studio meddling.
OH, and men suck.
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just-aro · 2 years
Hello! Sorry to bother your day
but I'm starting to question myself if I am aromantic.
I know you saw so many of these so I apologize for that. And this will be a long one
It all started with my male classmate in 7th grade. We have been talking since the start of the pandemic and I really really like him and I thought I have a crush on him. But until that night changes everything... He confessed to me and my stomach dropped. (Literally, my stomach dropped and I need to poop). I was panicking and feeling uncomfortable in the inside so I rejected him and then we didn't talk for months (this happened on March 01, 2020). And then we started talking a year later and then I realized I don't have romantic attraction for him but I keep denying it so I forced myself to like him but when I did it, I feel I wanted to vomit. And there are times that he asked me to be his girlfriend (even though I rejected him) 3 times now and every time he tells me that I get disgusted and uncomfortable. So now we're still talking to each other but rarely.
Then the next one is a guy friend from elementary who I thought I have a crush on(again). When I was a kid, I really don't care if my crush doesn't like me or rejects me or he has a relationship with someone I just don't get it as a kid like why do people get hurt by that? Until this day I still don't get it. During my first year of high school, I found out that my friends have made so many crushes throughout their lives and I only made one(but that one just ended a month later). So yeah I'm questioning.
Thank you for reading this and sorry for this long thing hehe bye!
I want to start off by acknowledging that I am an internet stranger. I don't know you, and I can't tell you what label to identify with. that said, this sounds like an experience of an aromantic person. You may find it useful to learn about alterous/queerplatonic attraction (a good resource linked here!) and consider those past "crushes" in that light, or as a desire for a close(r) friendship in some sense.
Your experience in dating sounds nothing like that of someone who actually likes someone romantically. "Forcing yourself" to like someone does not, and will not, ever mean you are experiencing romantic attraction. Feeling your stomach drop, feeling the need to vomit, feeling disgusted and uncomfortable - those are all physical symptoms of anxiety, and your body's way of saying "Stop! I don't like this!".
It sounds like that former friend that keeps asking you out has no interest in respecting your boundaries. I would strongly advise, in no uncertain terms, communicating that "If you do not stop asking me out, I am going to stop talking to you." If it happens again, you need to enforce that boundary. Telling someone to stop is stating your boundary, and enforcing it is the follow through - block or mute all digital communication, avoid him in person, things like that.
A note on internet safety and details - you don't need to include specific grades, ages, or dates in these asks. Those only serve as personally identifying information, and quickly let me estimate your age, and frankly, combined with the overall detail you went into in this ask - that you are in some way fairly insecure and hoping for validation in many ways. I know most adults spout weird, garbage nonsense about internet safety - but knowing that you are young and insecure, even if as an anonymous ask, makes you the ideal target for genuine groomers.
The ask is anonymous, but it takes very little effort to create a dialogue, and build up to "oh we should just DM" - and now your account is known. Not to mention that pairing this information with, for example, an IP address, general location, any of that?
I don't want to be an annoying adult, but I say this as someone who's a young adult: you could safely send this ask by removing details. "From speaking with my friends, I have less crushes than they do. I'm also not really upset when they don't work out. When a guy asked me out, I felt disgusted and physically sick. I tried to force myself to like him, but I never stopped feeling sick." - for example.
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