#but um once he's not around (in a year or two dad says‚ with his alzheimers)
deeisace · 9 months
#wh. um. fuck.#dad's told me about my nan's will#and uh.#the money goes first to my grandad's looking after obviously#but um once he's not around (in a year or two dad says‚ with his alzheimers)#then it's split between the family in percentages ive forgotten - including my mum‚ which is lovely#but basically in two/three years. i could have enough money to buy my own place.#ive no idea what my credit rating looks like in the least but i guess i have that amount of time to find out and sort it out#i imagine it's not very good - i don't have a credit card or anything like that but i haven't used my overdraft since i was at uni#but dad says i could get 60 grand! so if i buy somewhere with 60k up front and the rest as mortgage? right?#i have no clue whatsoever how to do all that stuff or even like how much furniture costs or how to choose a mattress or anything#ive never had anything like that new#so um. yeah. that's. something#i don't know what to do with it or anything. but it's a thing.#for now i need to go back and find a flat my own cs ive got like 6 weeks now to move from this place#and i have to ring the estate agent landlord people to find out if i can just move upstairs or what. cs that'd be my first choice honestly#but um. my brains gone to mush#i knew my grandparents were well-off but i didn't know it was by that much#or that id get such a high percentage - tho that's half what my dad's getting so i guess that makes sense#he says he's gonna buy a boat and go to south america#which sounds bonkers honestly like he's not a sailor whatsoever#but i guess he's a lot more sensible now he's been sober a year than he ever was when i was a kid
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writingouthere · 5 months
singlemom!reader x neighbor!sukuna. you miss having a baby and Sukuna is dying from a combination of your sexual tension, his lowkey(highkey) baby fever and the drudgery of attending a child's birthday party
cw: Sukuna's breeding kink, red flags are present and accounted for, no one gets laid tho so sad face. this actually ended up being way more sincere and heartfelt than I intended but honestly very typical of me
"Oh we're not together, Sukuna's just been letting me and Bug crash while we look for an apartment."
"Oh he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends!"
"He's actually not Bug's dad. No, no. But, they get along really well. She enjoys having someone else to hang out with aside from me, I think."
Your laughter after the last one plays on repeat as he goes to grab the two of you some refreshments. Sukuna feels like he's living the world's worst version of groundhog day, except instead of being some sad loser who relives the same day over and over, he's apparently a sad loser who is going to live the same conversation over and over again.
"Fuck this shit."
"Um, excuse me but could you watch your language. This is a kid's birthday party." Sukuna wants to ask the bitch who is correcting a grown man's language if he would mind watching his own fucking business but you seem to care about what these losers think and he won't make life difficult for you.
If he happens to step on the guy's foot as he leaves with two cups and a juice box caught in his elbow, well, his steel toed boots need the exercise.
Sukuna knew that if any of his acquaintances, he didn't have friends after all, could see him now, they would die laughing. Die ,because he would kill them for laughing, but fuck he couldn't even really blame them, even in his hypothetical.
Once upon a time, Sukuna was a feared criminal. People pissed themselves when he cornered them in a dark alley. Other bad guys would look at him and say, "wow that guy's a real piece of shit" and now look at him. Stuck at some three year old's birthday party. One more kidzpop butchering of an already shitty song away from committing another felony.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he knew he was at least getting some pussy out of it, but he had just spent the past two hours hearing you deny him to anyone who asked and it was really starting to get to him.
He knew he was being a little bitch about it, and he wasn't upset just because you weren't fucking him. He was upset that all the things you were telling people, they were technically true. He was just letting you and your daughter crash. He was just your friend, not your boyfriend. Even the comments about him not being Bug's dad, but him being positioned as some kind of really invested babysitter, those might have stung more than the ones about your relationship but you thought that was true too.
Thinking about the kid made him look for her, not that Sukuna ever wasn't aware of where you and your daughter were. It had become instinct before he was even aware of it.
Bug was laughing with some kids he recognized from daycare and others from their regular trips to the park. Her happiness was contagious and Sukuna found his lips twitching up at the ends despite his shitty mood.
Your daughter's eyes found him from across the playground. "kuna!" she called, waving her little hand at him. He waved back with his available hand and made his way towards her. She met him halfway, her little legs unsteady on the wood chips but she didn't seem to notice. She was always like that when she saw him, she ran fearlessly. Maybe she just trusted he'd catch her.
Was it so wrong of him that he didn't like the reminders she wasn't his. That it stung, not just because of his feelings but because it just couldn't be true. He might not have fathered her, but fuck anyone who said this little girl wasn't his.
"I got you a juice, you've been running around so much you gotta be thirsty."
"Not thirsty," Bug argued leaning into him. He held up his hands that were holding the grown up drinks for the two of you, and moved the package still lodged in the crease of his elbow towards the petulant toddler. "Take it, or I'll drink it."
Bug stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed it. She struggled to get the wrapping off the straw and Sukuna didn't even notice what he was doing until she had the straw stretched out towards him and he was pulling the wrapper off with his teeth. He spit it out on the ground as your daughter gave him a polite thank-you and then walked away, sipping her juice as she went to catch up with her friends.
What had become of him?
"Need a hand?" You smile at him and Sukuna hands over your cup before taking a sip of his own. There was unfortunately no alcohol in it but drinking it occupied his mouth before he acted like a pussy and asked you, "what are we?" or "should we get married?" or something equally as pathetic.
"God, I want a baby."
Sukuna almost spit out his drink but he manages to tone it down to just a little cough before turning to look at you. You don't even seem a little embarrassed which is just infuriating. Sukuna's about to make a suggestion on how he can help with that when you sigh and point to where some loser is holding their ugly baby.
"Aren't babies just the cutest, I miss when Bug was that age."
Oh, so this was just you looking at other people's red-faced brats and feeling nostalgic and was not in fact a call to action. Sukuna rolled his eyes and leaned back on the hand closest to you so he didn't touch you as he was so tempted to do these days.
"That baby, like all babies, is hideous. All they do is cry, shit themselves and vomit and I'm not even sure Bug is the exception to that and she's the best kid there is."
You look touched at his affection for your daughter but also fired up on behalf of babies everywhere.
"You can't just say a baby is hideous, Sukuna. Those are the Zenin's. Bug is friends with some of them."
"Well are the older ones cuter, because that baby looks like someone fucked one of those hairless cats."
"Sukuna!" you hiss but he sees you smile, despite yourself. "Okay, maybe that baby isn't like the cutest baby-"
You continue after smacking his arm. "But Bug was cute, okay. And I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom." You take out your phone and quickly swipe until you get to what you're looking for. "See, cute baby."
Sukuna grabs your phone and looks. It's not the first picture he's seen of a young Bug and he's taken his share of photos of her himself, but he finds himself taken in by it anyway.
It has to be a picture from when Bug was really young, she still had the scrunched up, red face that he associates with newborns. But he thinks you're right, she's still cute. He doesn't know if it's because he knows that baby will grow up to be your daughter, but he finds his thumb caressing her little baby cheeks, the wisps of hair he can see peaking out from where she's wrapped in a baby blanket. It's then he sees she's not alone in the picture and there's a different version of you holding her.
The thing that stands out to him is how tired you look. He thinks this couldn't have been too long after you gave birth but still, he wondered if you'd gotten any rest those first few months. You still didn't like talking about your ex, or the circumstances that had led you to his apartment, but Sukuna knew that chances are you were taking care of Bug single handedly and that couldn't have been easy, cutest kid or not.
"She was beautiful, she still is." He reluctantly hands the phone back to you and you look at the picture again, tears building up in your eyes.
"She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I-I wish that the circumstances were different in how I got her. Sometimes, I wonder how I'll explain everything to her when she's older. She just deserves so much better than him, you know?"
"You both do." Sukuna reaches over and brushes away one of the tears that had managed to fall down your cheek. He leaves his hand there a moment, holding your cheek in his palm, just appreciating the warmth.
"Do you want any?"
"What?" Sukuna isn't sure what you're talking about anymore. He can only see your lips right in front of him, the way that your eyelashes brush against your cheek as you blink faster and faster.
"Babies, do you want any?"
Something short circuits in Sukuna's brain and he wants to say, fuck yes.
He wants to tell you that he thinks about it every day. Every time you put Bug on your hip or send him youtube videos of hairstyles you want to try on her. Whenever it's late at night, and little feet pad out of your room and Bug asks him in the loudest whisper he's ever heard, if he can get her some water because she's so thirsty.
He thinks about it when the sun streams through the curtains of his apartment in the morning and it lights up your hair as you move throughout the kitchen, a force of nature, a creature from somewhere far too good to have ended up here with him.
He thinks about it when the three of you go out and people just assume you're a family, because of course you're a family. When you and Bug play some made up game, or Bug gets tired even though she denies it and he carries her sleeping form against his chest. When he holds her in his lap on the subway and you lean to rest your head on his shoulder and he feels like this, this is what he's always wanted.
He's not all pure and good though, because he thinks about it late at night in his bedroom too. After a day of your smiles, of seeing your thighs stretch out of those sleep shorts you started wearing when the weather warmed up, whenever he remembers the feel and smell of your panties when he's lucky enough to find a pair in the laundry basket, he thinks about how the two of you would make some really cute fucking babies.
He's imagined it a million ways. He's imagined you telling him you've gone off your birth control and you need him now after he takes you out on an anniversary dinner. Or him crowding you up against the kitchen counter and you begging him to put a baby in you.
His favorite fantasy is currently one where you get so carried away when you finally finally fuck that you don't ask him to wear a condom and he spends the whole night making sure you're nice and good and full of him and when you tell him a few weeks later you missed your period, he'll let you freak out. But then he'll tell you that he'll take good care of you, and Bug, and your soon to be little one and he'll finally have you, all of you and once you have your second, he'll knock you up again, as many times as he can because there could never be too many mini-you's running around.
At this point, Sukuna remembers he's talking to you, the real you and he swallows a few times before he speaks.
"I do," he says simply but something must show on his face because you're looking at him in a way you never have before. He hears your breath hitch and he leans in to kiss you, and you smell so good and his thoughts are consumed by the little family he just knows you're going to have when suddenly he's pelted by a variety of sharp, little objects.
Sukuna immediately holds up his arm to shield you from what he now sees is a barrage of wood chips which are being thrown at you by an army of toddlers, including your daughter.
You immediately get up and start talking to the kids about the danger of throwing what are basically large future splinters at people's faces and Sukuna is contemplating the murder of every child that isn't his own when you turn to look at him.
You're not just looking at him, you're seeing him and oh. Maybe he would be getting laid tonight, after all.
The slow burn is almost done folks.
thank you to the amazing reception to this series and the one-shot I posted(which there will be a prequel of soon!). it's literally so insane. Masterlist will be up tomorrow which I hope helps with accessibility!
edit: masterlist is up!
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ashwhowrites · 8 days
Older Eddie finding out you’re pregnant and has hard emotions over it. He’s excited but nervous because of his age and reader overhears him saying he doesn’t know if he can be a dad and you choose the ending
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Baby talk
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Eddie had his dream of having a wife and kids, but it fizzled out the older he got. It never seemed to be in his cards and he found himself okay with that. He didn't feel like he was missing out on anything. He enjoyed his life the way it was.
He had been together with Y/N for about two years. He loved that she wasn't in a rush to be married. She was young and had many years before she felt like her time was cutting short.
Y/N knew Eddie didn't have a plan in mind for having kids, and it wasn't something they talked about too much. She knew at his age, that kids were the last thing on his mind. She'd be lucky to even get a ring on her finger.
As she looked at the five pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter, she feared to tell Eddie the news.
She jumped into action as she heard his voice. Scrambling to throw the tests into the trash can. She washed off her hands by the time he made it into the doorway.
"Just using the bathroom, what's up?" She asked, a fake smile plastered on her face
"Home from work and was thinking about ordering pizza?"
"Sounds good,"
Eddie nodded and walked out of the room to call the pizza place. YN looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what the hell she was going to do.
It had been almost two months and she hadn't said a word. She dumped out the trash and tried to forget it.
But now she was sick every morning, and her emotions were all out of whack
She knew she needed to say something before she began to show. She was scared and she hated that it was her own secret. She had all this on her shoulders and needed to share the weight.
"You okay? You barely ate your dinner," Eddie said, he sat across her at the restaurant. Couples talking all around them but they sat in silence. He watched her as she slowly picked at her food. He knew something was going on. She always looked tired, he'd hear her cry all throughout the day and he spent every morning holding her hair back.
"Would you ever want kids?" She asked, finally looking up
Eddie coughed as he was caught off guard
"Um, I don't know. I guess if I'm being honest, I would live perfectly fine without them." He shrugged, "But if it was something you wanted, I'd make it work."
"Make it work?" Y/N scoffed, "What just suffer and stick around because you got trapped?"
Eddie blinked at her aggression
"I didn't say that" Eddie deflected, "I just think if it happened, it would take me a while to be good with that. I never saw myself as a dad and it would be a lot to learn."
"Would you be happy?" she asked, her stomach began to turn and she felt vomit in the back of her throat
"I don't know,"
"Well, figure it out within these next seven months." She said she watched as his eyes shot open and he looked down at her body and back up again
"You're pregnant?" He choked out
She bit her lip nervously as she nodded
"Dammit" Eddie whispered to himself as he sighed
"Dammit?" She snapped, "That is all you have to say!" She stood up and slammed down her napkin.
Eddie watched as she marched out of the restaurant. He quickly threw as much cash as he had on the table and followed after her.
The car ride was silent. Every word that left Eddie's lips was ignored. She had her arms crossed as hot anger tears rolled down her face.
Eddie pulled into his driveway and she was fast to get out of the car.
"Baby, can we please talk?" He asked once they made it through the front door
"Sleep on the couch, asshole." She spat as she yanked off her heels and walked down the hallway.
Y/N wasn't sure how long she stared at the wall in silence but she knew it had been a while
She closed her eyes when she heard the bedroom door open.
Eddie slowly lifted up the sheets and crawled into the bed
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" he whispered, he wrapped his arms around her body and pressed her into his chest. "I was caught off guard and surprised. I thought we were always safe."
"Not safe enough," she snapped. She wanted to stay mad but his arms and lips kissing up and down her neck made her melt
"I'm going to be right here the whole time. You're not alone. We will do this together."
She rolled over, tears in her eyes as she tried to find his eyes in the dark
"Good because I am really scared," she cried
"It'll be okay." He soothed, leaned in, and pecked her lips
"Here is your beer, love," Y/N said as she placed the beer on the small table
It had been a crazy few months. She was now eight months and they were preparing for their baby to arrive.
"Thank you," he said as he pecked her cheek. Then turned his attention back to painting the wall
"I think this color looks great," Y/N smiled as she rubbed her bump. The light blue brightened up the nursery in the perfect way.
"I agree. The crib and changing table will be delivered tomorrow so Wayne will be over to help out. You just stay in bed and relax." Eddie said as he set down his paintbrush and grabbed his beer.
Y/N sat in her bed as she watched TV. Wayne and Eddie were down a few doors putting together the last few touches of the nursery.
She sighed as she grew restless, she needed to move. She climbed out of bed as fast as she could. Then walked out to the kitchen, she figured she could make lunch for the boys.
She finished the sandwiches and grabbed some beers. With her hands full, she walked to the room. But she stopped when she heard the two in a heated discussion.
"You are not walking out on her or that baby, Eddie," Wayne's voice was aggressive and stern. Y/N felt her heart drop at the thought.
"I didn't say that! I'm just fucking terrified. I'm too old to be starting over in my life. A newborn? That is a ton of work, and even more for someone who is as old as me." Eddie sighed
"I don't give a shit what age you are. Teenager, her age, or your age, doesn't matter, you are having a baby. I'm sure she's scared. And I'm sure she has been scared since she found out. She needs someone to count on, and you need to be that person. Having a kid will always be scary."
"I know! But what about when he starts school? I'm going to drop him off and be older than every dad there. I'll be a grandpa age by the time he gets into college. I don't know if I can be a dad."
"Edward quit making this about you! Who cares if you are older than the other dads. You've got an advantage. You've been working for years, probably a better income than they have. You have benefits that you can support her and your child with. You already made a fuss when she told you, don't make another scene." Wayne lectured
Eddie sat in silence and Y/N took the cue to walk in
"Lunch is served" she announced as she walked in. Acting like she didn't hear a single word.
"Thank you, dear," Wayne said as he pecked her head
"You didn't have to, you are supposed to be in bed," Eddie said as he pecked her cheek.
"I needed to move my legs," Y/N shrugged, "can I talk to you for a second?"
Eddie nodded and followed her into their bedroom
"Everything okay?" he asked as he softly touched her stomach
"Do you want to be a dad or not? Because it seemed like we figured it out and we were on the right track. And if you don't want him, you don't get me. I want this and I want us to be a family. But if you don't want that, be a man and tell me so I can figure out what I'm going to do for my child." She ranted, her arms crossed as she panted. She tried to keep her tears back.
Eddie sighed and sat on the bed. He grabbed her hand and moved her to stand between his legs. He released her hand to place both on her stomach and looked up at her
"He's our child. I am not walking away from you or him, and I never will. I know I'm all over the place, but I do want this. I'm worried about my age and how that might affect me being a good dad. I just don't want to let him down and I don't want you to regret having this magical moment with me and not someone who has a better grip on things." Eddie said
"Oh Eddie," she sighed then placed her hands on his cheeks. "You won't let him down. All you have to do is love and support him, which I know you can do. I don't want anyone else. I want this baby with you. I know you can do this. I believe in you." She leaned down and pecked his lips.
"I love you," he said against her lips
"I love you too"
And she was right. The second their baby was born, Eddie became the best dad she had ever seen. He adored Gavin, and Gavin was glued to his dad's hip. They were best friends and Y/N couldn't have been happier.
Eddie's fear never went away, but he treasured every moment he had with his family. He became a dad and he conquered it. Next, he was ready to conquer being a husband.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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youaresimplylovely · 15 days
ok no but just like imagine...
dating your dad's best friend is probably the worst idea right..? RIGHT!? wrong. it was the best.
to say your dad was unsupportive was an understatement. he could not fathom seeing his little girl be with his best friend. then again he was thankful it was not some frat college boy.
you could remember the lines your dad said when you told him and boy was it hilarious. well for you, you like to think miguel thought the same too even if he was smug looking and had a smirk on his face.
"ay por favor! There are so many boys out there cariño! and out of all of them you chose miguel!?"
"you cabron better take care of my little girl! I don't care if we have almost 20 years of friendship!" your father's voice cracked, nearly sobbing from the sight of his little girl being taken away.
honestly, your relationship with him was great. older men are so much better, it's a fact. what you didn't expect is the amount of pda and lovey dovey. not that you weren't complaining it was just damn.
somehow recently, Miguel has a latest kink as you would call it. he would wrap his arms around your body, his face burying to your neck practically sniffing you out like a dog while he fidgets one of his gadgets.
it was so cute, you loved every moment of it, till you went on a cafe. the new cafe opened across town and you and miguel wanted to try it out and yes the whole way there he was clinging on to you and sniffing and peppering kisses all over you while again tinkering one of his gadgets.
once you entered the cafe, you immediately fell in love with. who wouldn't? it was such a minimalistic but cozy vibe. you smile, looking around, your hand reaching to softly caress Miguel's face that was leaning in against your shoulder.
you totally forgot that miguel was right behind you like a puppy. and you hadn't noticed that till the cashier smiles nervously, looking at you and miguel.
a nervous chuckle comes loudly out of your mouth as you try to smile. "um, one cappuccino please and uh miggy what do you want?" you look back at miguel.
"I don't know, get whatever baby girl." he says, pressing wet kisses against your neck.
you awkwardly turn your head back forward to face the cashier. "um two sugar cookies" you grin, hastily digging through your wallet to pay. you didn't even notice that you overpaid, you just dumped cash in front of the women.
while waiting for the order to be transacted which took forever, miguel was already sat down on a table. you let out a sigh of relief, smiling happily as you see him settling down and just tinkering his gadget.
finally after so long, your order was processed. a wave of relief ran over you as you give the cashier a more genuine smile which she reciprocated. you take the receipt and shoved it somewhere deep in your pocket as you head to you and miguel's table. while you were about to sit on the chair across miguel, you felt a strong grip on your wrist and that grip tugged and pulled you into his lap.
and he was back to peppering kisses all over your neck and sniffing your lustrous hair that he fucking loved so much but hey something's new! boob grabbing. yea, you didn't expect that. though he always does it well this is a first time in public.
you swear to the heavens and earth you could feel the glaring stares of the people in the cafe. you couldn't even do anything, you just smiled nervously at the people.
"miggy, are you stressed? you seem stressed" you utter in your most gentle tone with a small pout as you look at miguel. you didn't even stop him at first as he grabs and fondles your clothed boob.
"Lyla should really fix this shit" he mumbles, eyebrows furrowed and eyes fixed to the gadget he has been tinkering for the last 10 minutes.
he didn't even notice your presence and when he did he gave you the most charming smile ever still fondling your boob. "Huh? Oh, I am baby sort of" he says as he buries his face on your neck, this time leaving hickeys all over it.
honestly the fondling wasn't so bad so you just let him be since he was stressed. then, one boob fondling turned into two boob fondling. suddenly, his two hands are now grabbing and squeezing your plush tits but hey at least he's not tinkering his gadget anymore.
"miggy... we're in public.. people are staring.." you say softly, trying your hard to stifle the moan that was almost coming out of your mouth from pleasure even if he was just touching your tits that are fully clothed.
"isn't this a stress reliever cafe baby?" he says, hands still on your tits, roughly squeezing them a bit more.
"y-y-yes b-but miggy I don't think t-this is what t-they mean by stress relieving.." you stutter, chuckling nervously as you see a group of old women staring at you two with pure disgust.
you were right but he was not letting anyone stop him from de stressing with his favorite so called 'stress balls' a.k.a your boobs. "yeah well honey they should find their own de stressers like me which are your tits hm?" he says with a wide smirk on his face as he kisses your cheek while still fondling you.
you sigh in defeat, you wanted to do something but then again you don't want to cause fuck. your boyfriend is hot.
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a/n: so not proofread T^T so sorry, literally just a random thought from my mind but hey I may or may not be starting some atsv fics! <3
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
Sight for Sore Eyes - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Summary: With both of Eddie's sons having respective issues at school, you feel more a part of the family than ever when all of the Munsons want you by their side.
Note: I thought this up in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, now here we are. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of bullying, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, dad!eddie, older!eddie
Words: 5.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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It’s family movie night in the Munson house, but unlike most other quality times with you and the boys, Eddie can’t focus on the film that’s playing on the television. Ryan brought home yet another disappointing progress report. Not only is that unusual for his eldest son, but it’s also frustrating because when Ryan comes home to do his homework, he always understands it. Be it you or Eddie who goes over it with him once he’s finished, both of you can confirm that the kid knows his stuff. So why are his grades suffering?
At first, Eddie was concerned that Ryan was being bullied. He had brought up to you the idea of teaching Ryan how to fight, but you insisted it would be better to talk to Ryan’s teacher and see if she noticed anything. Mrs. Renner told Eddie that she had not seen anything out of the ordinary, but she would keep a special eye on Ryan. After two weeks of observing Ryan and other students throughout the day, she was able to report back to Eddie that everyone seems to like Ryan and he had no problems with anyone those entire two weeks. It was a relief, but Eddie was back to square one. 
Possibilities still running through his mind like crazy, Eddie absent-mindedly rubs his thumb across the small strip of your skin exposed as your t-shirt rides up. 
“My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. For instance, my eyes can see straight through your armor. Oooh! All right, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Make a note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dis…”
The small, red dragon's rant barely registers in Eddie’s mind as his eyes trail over to Ryan, sitting on the other side of you. His son’s face is all scrunched up as he looks towards the television, his small body even leaning as forward as he can in his seat. Eddie’s brows furrow as he watches Ryan for a few moments, and the boy’s facial muscles don’t move at all.
“Uh, bud? Ry? Can you see the TV okay?” Eddie asks. 
“It’s kinda blurry, isn’t it?” Ryan asks, scrunching his face up to squint even more. “Is it ‘cause it’s an old TV?”
You swivel your head towards your boyfriend and the two of you share a knowing look. Eddie’s shoulders sag with relief, a simple solution to an issue that’s nagged at him for weeks may be within reach. 
“It’s not blurry,” Luke blurts out from his place on the floor in front of the couch. His Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle coloring book is flipped open in front of him, half colored and half covered in butter stains from the six-year-old’s fingers that keep digging into the popcorn bowl. “TV’s fine,” Luke follows up, spewing a few kernels out of his full mouth. 
Movie pushed from your mind at this new revelation you may have stumbled upon, you turn yourself on the couch to face Ryan better. Eddie adjusts his arm that was around you to simply wrap his arm around your middle and lets his fingers glide softly over the cotton of your t-shirt. 
“Um, Ryan?” you ask, watching his adorable little face as it pinches up this way and that to watch the animated singing soldiers on the television. “Where do you sit in your class?”
Now Ryan’s face just scrunches up in confusion; to him, this question came out of nowhere. 
“By the bulletin board and the bathroom key hanging on the wall. Right behind Lorraine Poe,” he says.
“Oh, sweetie, no, I meant, like, towards the front, towards the back…” you trail off. 
“Kinda middle I guess,” Ryan answers with a shrug, turning back towards the movie. 
Eddie lets out a gentle sigh and you lean your body back against his. His large, warm hand rubs over your belly for a moment as he watches his son’s profile.
“Can you see the board okay?” Eddie asks. “At school?”
“Sometimes,” Ryan answers, the song in the movie pulling most of his focus. 
“Sometimes?” his dad questions.
“Yeah. Sometimes my teacher writes so small that I can’t always see what it says, though.”
You frown and tilt your head down onto Eddie’s shoulder.
“Have any of the other kids said anything about her writing being too small?” you ask. 
“Ry?” Eddie clears his throat. “I think maybe we should take you to an eye doctor.”
This captures the eight-year-old’s attention back from the screen. He pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them. It makes your heart ache at how small and vulnerable he looks like this, the fear of going to the doctor evident on his cherubic face. 
“Why?” he asks softly. 
“Well, it sounds like you’re having trouble seeing. The board at school is blurry, the television here is blurry,” Eddie points out. 
“I don’t want to go.” Ryan shakes his head.
“Why not, sweetie?” you ask as you reach forward to move some hair off of his forehead. 
Ryan’s fingers start to fidget where they’re pressed up against his jeans and he begins to gnaw on his lower lip—a few nervous habits he picked up from his father.
“What if there’s something wrong with my eyes?” he asks in a small voice. 
“Ryan, honey.” You lean forward out of Eddie’s grip so you can wrap your arms around the eldest Munson brother. “There is nothing wrong about needing some help to see. Plenty of people do.” You hold him against your chest and rub your hand up and down his arm soothingly.
“I don’t want glasses,” he mumbles. 
Being a kid is hard enough already. Add how soft spoken Ryan is and add new glasses on top of it, and you can understand where he’s coming from. Some jerky kids might say some mean things. But that’s not a reason he shouldn’t get his eyes checked out. 
“Hmm,” you muse. “You know, I can think of a very special little boy who wears glasses. He’s probably the coolest kid there is besides you and Luke.” 
“Who?” Ryan is clearly curious, but still hesitant about where you’re going with this. 
“You don’t know?” you ask him with a smile. “You only read about him every night before you go to bed.”
Ryan gasps in delight, sitting straight up in your arms. 
“Harry Potter!” The excitement on his face has your heart gushing from the inside out.
“The Boy Who Lived!” you cheer. “He’s a super powerful wizard and he needs glasses to see.” 
A shy but genuine smile starts to appear on Ryan’s face and Eddie subtly gives your waist a small squeeze of appreciation. 
“There’s also Superman,” Eddie adds. 
“Clark Kent wears the glasses,” Luke corrects his father, eyes never leaving the TV. You do your best to hold in a giggle; wherever Eddie’s geeky knowledge ends, Luke’s begins. 
“And Clark Kent is Superman,” Eddie says, picking up a piece of popcorn and tossing it at the back of Luke’s head. 
Ryan seems more at ease now, his body posture more relaxed and less rigid as he settles back into the couch cushions. You go to snuggle back into Eddie’s side when Ryan looks up at you with those big brown eyes that are identical to his father’s and slips his small hand into yours. 
“Will you go with me?” he asks, voice soft.
You could almost cry at the question. He wants you to go with him. The love and trust he has in you in this moment of fear and uncertainty means the world to you. Eddie doesn’t miss the emotion on your face at the comfort you bring to his son. He knows he’s so lucky to have you, the woman of his dreams, but the fact that you and the kids wholeheartedly love each other as well? It’s enough to make Eddie tear up any time he thinks about it for too long.
Before you give Ryan an answer, you look at Eddie, wanting to make sure that this is okay with him and that you’re not overstepping. Eddie gives you a nod, his eyes shining with pure adoration.
“Of course I will, Ry.” You press a kiss to the top of his head, and he then lays it down on your shoulder.
“Thank you,” he answers, just loud enough for you to hear.
There’s no reason he has to thank you. This moment, this trust and love he’s giving to you as a parental-type role means the world to you. You’re clearly not the babysitter anymore—you’re their dad’s girlfriend, but a new relationship is blossoming between you and the boys as well. The strong ties that always bonded you and the kids are being bronzed, never to fray or be broken. This is starting to feel in the neighborhood of motherly and it feels more amazing than you could have imagined. 
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Ryan keeps his hand in yours the entire time you sit in the waiting room of the tiny optometrist’s office. The fact that you’re his comfort in this situation has you practically beaming enough to be one of the models on the posters that surround you of people who are overly excited to have a new pair of glasses. Ryan has always loved and felt safe with you, but this is different, and you both know it—even if neither of you know how to put it into words. 
“Ryan Munson?”
His small hand is surprisingly strong as he grips yours like a lifeline at the sound of his name. Before you stand up, you lean in to whisper in his ear.
“I’m going to be right next to you the whole time. I promise.”
The words have Ryan loosening his vice grip just enough that you’re able to feel your fingers again. The two of you are led into a small office that has model after model of the human eye and a large chair directly in the middle of the room.
“You must be Ryan,” the doctor says as he steps into the office and shuts the door behind him. He’s an attractive man with a kind smile, right around Eddie’s age. “I’m Dr. Barnes. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Ryan gives him a nervous smile as he climbs into the large chair. “Nice to meet you too.”
You take a seat in a yellow hard plastic chair near the door and the doctor turns around to introduce himself to you as well. After he shakes your hand, his attention goes back to his patient.
“Tell me a little bit about what’s been going on with your eyes, Ryan,” Dr. Barnes says as he sits down on a rolling stool. 
The boy shifts in the large chair, the nervousness still very prevalent. “Um, well I-I haven’t been able to see the board very good at school. A-And at home the TV is all blurry.”
“Well, we definitely have to fix that!” Dr. Barnes says with a sympathetic sigh. “Gotta be able to do your work at school and then come home and watch cartoons. It’s a good thing your mom brought you in.”
You freeze, half a sputter coming from out of your mouth because you don’t know what to say. It’s a logical assumption on the doctor’s part, but if you let it slip by without correcting him will Ryan think that’s weird? If you correct the doctor will Ryan take that as meaning you don’t want to be called his mother? Or would Ryan feel like you’ve crossed a boundary if you just go on letting Dr. Barnes think that you’re his mom?
“She’s the best,” Ryan says, saving you from speaking at all. The anxiety immediately leaves your body at his words. The way Ryan smiles at you from his chair while the doctor sets things up has your heart soaring. His look practically says, yeah, I said you’re my mom because that’s what I want.
Somehow you manage to keep it together without crying—you’ll do that in front of Eddie later. Dr. Barnes turns out the main lights and puts a focused light on an eye chart just above your head. You watch as he tests Ryan’s vision by looking at different charts and signs full of numbers and letters of all sizes before he lowers the phoropter in front of the eight-year-old’s face. Ryan almost goes cross eyed trying to look at the machine as it gets closer to him, and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Okay, I’m gonna show you two different lenses and you tell me which one is clearer while looking at that chart. Sound good?” Dr. Barnes asks.
“Uh huh,” Ryan says as tries to find the right angle to look into the machine. His voice is much steadier now. 
“One or two?”
Multiple strengths are tried out and it seems like Dr. Barnes asks Ryan to pick between “one and two” about a million times. Even you’re getting fidgety in your seat by the end of it, so you can only imagine how antsy Ryan is. 
It was pretty evident to you that Ryan would end up needing glasses, but the little boy looks less than thrilled when the two of you head back out into the main area so you can find some frames.
After spotting a few pairs that he likes, Ryan starts to find it fun, seeing which ones look better on him and which ones make him look silly. In the end, he settles on two different sets of frames—which Eddie already said he’s cool with because he’d bet good money that one pair would either get lost or broken before the year is out. 
As you’re paying, Dr. Barnes makes sure the copy of Ryan’s prescription is all filled out before he hands it to you. The paperwork comes with a smoldering smile from the optometrist, and as flattering as it may be, it still makes you feel a tad awkward.
“I suppose I’ll see you back here in a few weeks, huh?” Dr. Barnes asks, directing the question at you instead of Ryan.
“Oh,” you say, caught off guard by the flirting. You look down and shake your head, but you see your ringless hand and understand why the man probably thinks you’re a single mom. “His dad,” you start, wrapping your arm around Ryan’s shoulders, “he, um, my boyfriend will probably be the one coming here to pick up the glasses with Ryan.”
“Ah,” Dr. Barnes says with a nod. “I guess I’ll see you soon then, Ryan.”
You look down to see Ryan squeezing his lips together, trying not to laugh as he nods his affirmation. He clearly understands what just happened and his expression makes it difficult for you to keep your laughter held in as well. 
The glasses will be ready in about two weeks and the little Munson doesn’t seem bothered by the fact that he has to wear them anymore. 
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After the eye doctor, you take Ryan out for lunch at Schoop's Hamburgers, just the two of you. Both of you order milkshakes and you hold a finger up to your cold lips.
“Don’t tell Luke or your dad, they’ll be so jealous!”
Ryan just giggles and takes another sip of his strawberry shake while trailing an “X” over his heart with his right index finger. 
“Daddy’s taking me to pick the glasses up?” Ryan asks as you’re throwing away your garbage.
“Maybe,” you admit with a shrug. “Depends on our schedules that week. But I have a feeling your dad will want to be the one to take you.”
“Because the doctor wanted to kiiiiiiss you?” Ryan asks in a mischievous little voice that you’d expect from Luke more than him.
“Yes,” you acquiesce with a chuckle. “But I’m sure he’s just as excited to see what your new glasses look like.” But it’ll definitely be mostly about Doctor McFlirty, you think.  
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When you get home, Eddie’s at the kitchen table, looking over some bills. As soon as you and Ryan walk through the door, Eddie pushes it to the side and stands up.
“Hey, how’d the appointment go?” Eddie looks back and forth from you to Ryan, not sure which one of you will speak first. 
“He did great,” you tell Eddie, throwing a wink Ryan’s way.
“I picked out some glasses and they’ll be ready in two weeks!” he proudly tells his dad. Then his eyes light up and he lets out a small giggle. “And the doctor wanted to steal your girlfriend, Daddy.”
“What?” Eddie’s immediately defensive and looks towards you, eyebrows raised.
You can’t help but giggle right alongside Ryan at Eddie’s expression. “He tried flirting with me, but I told him I was with you.”
“He was bummed,” Ryan adds.
“I’m taking you to pick those glasses up,” Eddie tells his son, jabbing his thumb into his t-shirt clad chest. 
“You were right!” Ryan says with a laugh, looking over at you. 
“Do I know your Dad or what?” you ask as the two of you high five one another. 
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A couple of weeks later, the glasses are finally in. Eddie takes Ryan by the office after he gets off work to go pick them up. 
The smell of roasting garlic fills the air as you make dinner and Luke is watching television when they get home. Ryan bounces in, excited about his new glasses. There’s a proud gleam in his eye as he stands in the middle of the entryway, taking in the view of the apartment clearly for the first time in a while.
“Let me see, let me see!” you say as you step out of the kitchen. “Aw, Ry! They look even better than the display ones you tried on at the store!”
The rectangular black frames complement his dark eyes and honey brown hair. You’re overcome with how handsome of a young man your little Ryan is turning into. 
Luke kneels on the couch cushion and turns around to see his brother. 
“Lemme see.”
Ryan does a one-eighty to show his little brother. All Luke does is give him a thumbs up before he goes back to watching The Fairly Odd Parents.
“It feels kind of funny,” Ryan tells you, rubbing his left eye beneath the glasses. You can already see fingerprint smudges on the lenses and you’re grateful you remembered to buy lens cleaning cloths the last time you went grocery shopping. “What does? What feels funny?” you ask.
“Seeing things that are far away!” he says, both excitement and a slight bit of irritation in his usually calm tone. “Almost makes me a little dizzy.”
“Doctor said that’s normal,” Eddie says, resting his hands on his son’s shoulders. “Your eyes will get used to them real quick, then it won’t feel that way.” He raises an eyebrow and looks at you. “And this doctor also seemed a bit nervous around me.” 
You giggle and bound over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “He’s threatened by what a wonderful, sexy man you are.”
“Gross,” Luke mumbles from the couch.
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Soda almost sprays out of your nose at Eddie’s story about a difficult customer who came into work this morning, when one of his co-workers pops his head into the breakroom.
“Hey, Eddie,” he says, rubbing a hand over his bald head, leaving small streaks of grime behind. “There’s a phone call for you.”
“Oh, okay,” Eddie says. He crumples up the tin foil you brought his sandwich in and tosses it in the large trashcan behind him. Not in a particular hurry, Eddie stands up and stretches his arms over his head. He smirks and presses a quick kiss to your lips when he sees you checking him out. Your gaze continues to look him up and down as he takes the few steps over to the phone on the wall. 
“Hello?” Eddie asks.
The chicken sandwich lying on the table in front of you looked good when you first arrived to have lunch with your boyfriend, but now that you’re full it looks as if it’s taunting you. Crinkling fills the room as you pack it back up in its foil. Just as you’re lifting your can of diet Dr. Pepper to your lips, Eddie’s face clouds with worry and he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“Yeah, uh, I’ll be right there,” he says into the phone. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, slipping your leftovers into your large black purse. As Eddie hangs the phone back up, you walk over to stand at his side, careful of getting your clothes dirtied by his coveralls.
Instead of answering you, Eddie lets out another sigh and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Gimme a second, baby.”
You watch, confused, as Eddie steps across the hall into his boss’s office. There seems to be a short, quick conversation before your boyfriend comes back out and slips his hand into yours.
“It was the school,” Eddie tells you as he leads you towards the exit and out into the parking lot.
“Are the boys okay?” you ask, feeling your heart rate pick up as you walk briskly towards his truck. 
“Luke’s in the principal’s office,” Eddie tells you with an agitated huff. “He got into a fight.”
“He what?” Your eyes almost pop out of your head. “Is he okay?”
“Just a little banged up, according to the principal,” Eddie says as he opens the passenger side door for you. 
“Poor baby.”
Long strides lead Eddie around his truck, and he situates himself in the driver’s seat. He gives a humorless chuckle as he starts the engine.
“Wayne wasn’t fucking kidding when he said Luke is a little version of me.”
“First of all, we all say that,” you tell him. “Second of all, you fought at school?”
“Oh, baby,” Eddie says with a soft laugh as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road. “Remind me to tell you some stories when we get home.”
When you get to the school, you and Eddie practically jump out of the truck and head towards the building. Once you’re both inside, you feel rough calloused fingers tangle with your own. His eyes are straight ahead but you can tell Eddie’s nerves are on edge as he gives your hand a soft squeeze.
Luke is sitting on the bench outside of the principal’s office, his legs dangling over the edge, swinging back and forth. He’s watching his black and white sneakers disappear beneath the wooden seat before reappearing again, taking no notice of you coming down the hall. Only his profile is visible from the angle you’re approaching from. 
“Luke,” Eddie says as the two of you walk up to him.
The young boy jumps off the bench and turns to face the two of you. You’re startled to see his eye already bruised and purpling, along with a small cut on his bottom lip. There’s the instinct to pull him into your arms and take care of him and tell him it’s all going to be okay. But Luke’s grinning up at the pair of you; a stark contrast to the evidence of the brawl on his face.
“Oh, hi! They told me they called Daddy, but I didn’t know both of you were coming!” The excitement on his face to see both of you is adorable yet seems out of place since he must know he’s going to get in trouble. 
“Luke, what happened?” Eddie asks at the same time that you ask, “Are you okay?”
“M’fine,” Luke answers your question with a shrug. “My hand hurts more than anything.” The boy cradles his right hand against his chest and it’s the first time you see his scraped and bruised knuckles.
“What happened?” Eddie asks again, this time with less patience. 
Luke’s eyebrows furrow, a little “v” creasing his forehead. The pride from the fight vanishes from his eyes as he recalls the situation. 
“Stupid Trevor Brown opened his big fat mouth on the playground!” Luke says sternly, even louder than he usually is. “He said to Brandon Simpson that Ryan’s glasses made him look like a loser.”
“So you hit him?” Eddie asks.
“No, I told him he better shut his damn—uh, dang mouth. Trevor just laughed and said Ryan was a nerd! Then I hit him.”
Eddie sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as he squeezes his eyes closed. Secretly, he’s proud of his son for sticking up for his brother, but he has to compose himself so he can tell Luke he shouldn’t have done that. The paradox of being a parent.
“Luke, you should have told a teacher instead,” Eddie tells him. “Hitting someone is not the way to shut them up.”
“Well, punching him in the mouth did the trick,” Luke points out. 
You try not to laugh, covering it up with a cough. Eddie’s better at keeping himself composed but you know he would be grinning if he could.
A door squeaks open and the principal steps out of his office with another young boy, a huge bruise blooming on his jaw and dried blood caked under his nose. Luke definitely came out the winner of the fight. 
“You sit here and wait for your mom now, Trevor,” Principal Andrews says, gesturing to the bench Luke was just sitting on. “Ah, Mr. Munson. Thank you for coming.”
“And this is his girlfriend!” Luke announces proudly, coming to stand in front of you. The small boy is wiggling his way out of any trouble with you by seeming so thrilled to have you there and showing you off proudly.
Eddie nods his head at the principal, ignoring Luke, and shakes the man’s hand. You gently pat Luke’s curls, hoping he takes the hint to shut up.
“I’m sorry for the trouble,” Eddie says, and you silently wonder how many times Wayne had to say that to Eddie’s principal growing up. “This one is in for it, I’ll tell you that.” Eddie nods his head towards Luke. “Can someone just let Ryan know Luke won’t be on the bus coming home?”
“Of course,” Principal Andrews says. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Luke. We’ll be better behaved then, won't we?”
Luke turns to head down the hall without answering, but Eddie grabs the back of his t-shirt and pulls him back. He puts his hands on Luke’s shoulders and spins him around until he’s facing the principal again.
“Luke,” Eddie warns him.
“Yes, Principal Andrews,” Luke says in a monotone, eyes on the shiny white linoleum tile below his sneakers. Deciding he’s done with talking, he slips his smaller hand into yours, deciding he’d rather hold your hand than his father’s right now.
“Thanks again, Principal Andrews,” Eddie says before the three of you walk down the hallway towards the exit.
It’s utterly silent until you get into Eddie’s truck. You’re not sure what to say, because this is between father and son. Eventually, you decide you’ll just be a referee if it comes to that. 
Eddie silently pulls the truck out of the parking lot and starts to head home.
“Luke,” Eddie finally says after seven minutes of terse silence. It feels like he’s said his son’s name about a hundred times already today. “I don’t like that you hit someone. But I am proud of you for sticking up for your brother.”
In the rearview mirror, Eddie can see how Luke grins at that, which makes Eddie smile in turn. 
“I wasn’t gonna let those buttheads talk that way about my brother,” Luke says. “I know I’m not s’posed to hit—I do. But if someone says something about a person I love, I just get so mad, and it comes out all violent.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie mumbles under his breath, loud enough for only you to hear. “He is my mini-me.”
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When you get home, you take Luke into the bathroom so you can clean up and bandage his wounds. His knuckles are still sore and stinging when you finish, so he sits on the couch with a bag of frozen corn on them. Eddie plops down next to him as you lean against the wall between the bathroom and living room, wiping off some antibacterial ointment that you accidentally got on your own hands.
“You know I have to punish you, right?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks down at his youngest son. 
“I know,” Luke says with a sigh. 
“I want you to go in your room until dinner time. Try and work on your homework if your hand starts to feel any better. And no dessert after dinner tonight.”
“And then?” Luke asks, looking up at his dad nervously, afraid of how long he’s going to be grounded.
“And then tomorrow you wake up, get ready for school, and keep being a wonderful brother.”
It takes a minute, but a smile slowly spreads to Luke’s face as he realizes there’s no punishment besides the minor consequences he’ll have to endure tonight.
“Now, go on. Get to your room,” Eddie says.
Luke gets up and heads towards the hallway before stopping and turning back to face his father.
“Don’t tell Ryan what happened, okay?” Luke says, wincing at the chill from the vegetable bag against his scrapes. “I don’t want him to know that someone said mean things about him.”
“I won’t tell him,” Eddie assures his son. Luke turns back towards the hallway, but Eddie calls him and he faces his dad again. “You’re a really good brother. Ryan is very lucky to have you, and I know he’d have your back too. I’m very lucky.”
“Aww, Dad,” Luke says, wrinkling up his nose. “So mushy. But… I know I’m lucky too. Always felt that having you and Ryan. Never with Mom though. But now I got someone pretty cool who loves me like I’m her kid and that’s even better.”
Luke continues down to his room and Eddie is filled with the overwhelming feeling of love. Love from the kind words from Luke—which are rare within themselves–the love that his two sons have for one another and that special bond, and love at the fact that Luke recognizes that you love him and Ryan as if they’re your own children. You practically see them that way anyway. 
You walk in from where you’re holding up the wall, emotional yourself over Luke’s words, and take a seat next to your boyfriend on the couch.
“How ya feeling?” you ask, bringing your hand up to play with one of Eddie’s stray curls.
“I’m so fucking proud of my son,” Eddie admits with a hushed laugh. “I know I had to tell him the whole ‘violence isn’t the answer’ spiel, but I would’ve done the exact same thing that he did. When I was a kid or even now.” 
“He’s such a good brother,” you say, an adoring grin on your face as well. 
Eddie wraps his arm around you, and you snuggle into his side.
“So, I believe you had some stories to tell me?” You tilt your head up to smirk at your boyfriend. 
Eddie chuckles and gives a shake of his head. “Oh, you better buckle up, princess. I’ve got some wild tales.”
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fanficgirl429 · 7 months
Mike has feelings for you (fluff)
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Prompt: During a family get together, your best friend Mike reveals that he has feelings for you
Pairing: Mike Schmidt x Reader
The front door slammed shut behind Abby, who was outside playing with a few kids from the neighborhood. Your best friend was standing in the doorway of the living room, leaning against the door frame. 
“Do you want to come tonight?” you ask him. 
He walks over to where you're standing and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Do I want to come where?”
“To my grandparents for dinner. It’s Sunday.”
Every Sunday, you had dinner with your extended family. Your dad’s side of the family was large and everyone was close. Mike and Abby used to come most Sunday’s but once Mike had gotten a job as a security officer at the mall, he had to work most Sunday’s. Every now and then Abby would join you but it had been a while since either of them had come. 
You enjoyed it when they both came and Mike liked to see Abby having fun with kids her own age. Abby went to school with a few of your younger cousins and she enjoyed playing with them. 
“Yea, we can come,” Mike answers. 
The large house was filled with your family as you, Mike, and Abby walk inside. Instantly your younger cousins spot Abby and pull her away to go play with them in the basement. Mike laces his fingers with yours as you guide him to the kitchen where you mom, grandmother, and aunt are gathered. 
They all greet you and Mike and you don’t miss the glance of your mothers eyes as she looks down at yours and Mike’s hands still laced together. 
Mike and you had been best friends since elementary school and she always said that one day you and Mike would get married. You were constantly telling her no that would never happen but over the years, your feelings for Mike had changed. When you once had seen him as your best friend, you now had fallen in love with him. You weren’t sure when your feelings had changed but they had never disappeared. The two of you were always touching each other but it had always been platonic. 
“Come on,” you say and lead Mike into the living room, where the majority of your family is. 
The two of you are greeted by everyone and it seems as if a few people are more excited to see Mike than they are to see you. Your family had always loved Mike and were always telling you to bring him with you when you visited. 
After dinner was done, you and Mike went your separate ways for a bit. He went into the living room to watch football while you helped clear the table and wash the dishes. 
“So when are you and Mike going to make it official?” your cousin, Lacy, asks you. 
You let out a laugh at her question. “Um never.”
Lacy shakes her head, disappointed by your answer. “It’s going to happen.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Did you not see the way he was looking at you all through dinner? Damn, if I had someone that looked at me like that, I would never let him go!”
“He did not look at me the whole time,” you counter. 
“He did! Whenever you were talking, he was looking across the table at you and whenever you laughed, his eyes lit up. That boy is completely in love with you.” 
You look across the room at your best friend, who is currently mesmerized by the large tv screen. He must feel you looking because his brown eyes meet yours and gives you a soft smile. 
Lacy notices the interaction and whispers, “I told you,” before turning back to load the dishwasher. 
When the table is all cleared, you stay in the kitchen talking to your mom, grandmother, Lacy, and a few aunts. Occasionally you glance over at Mike to make sure he is doing is ok. Abby has been in the basement with your cousins and you know that she is not going to want to leave. Hopefully the two of them can come over most Sundays. It was a good way to get the two of them (especially Mike) out of their house. 
Two strong hands grip your shoulders and turn around to see Mike standing behind you. 
“Hey,” you greet him. 
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “Just wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing.” 
He squeezes your shoulders while he talks to your aunts. 
When the conversation grows quiet, you stand up from the table. “Want to go outside?” you ask him quietly. 
You loved hanging out with your family but after a while, you needed a few minutes to yourself. 
Mike follows you out the front door and onto the large wrap around porch. You place your hands on the railing and look out across the large yard. A short distance away is a small pond with a dock. During the summer, the pond was home to a family of ducks and you have memories of sitting at the water's edge watching the ducklings swim across the pond.  
Mike stands next to you, his fingers grazing yours. “My family keeps telling me how glad they are that you and Abby came,” you tell him. 
Mike smiles. “I’m glad we came too.”
Its silent for a few moments and a cool breeze blows, causing goosebumps to scatter across your skin. You let out a small shiver and Mike instantly notices. He pulls off his black hoodie and hands it to you without saying a word. You pull the sweatshirt on and Mike takes a step towards you. He moves behind you and pulls you against him, his arms wrapping around your stomach. 
His body heat makes you instantly warm and you lean your back against him, relaxing your body. 
“So I was talking to Lacy,” he begins. 
“Oh god. What did she have to say?”
If it was anything like the conversation you had with your, youre not sure you want to hear what he has to say. 
“She kept asking," So when are you and Y/N going to be official?” he tells you. 
You let out a laugh and bury your face in your hands. “I had a very similar conversation with her.” 
Mike laughs. “Did you?” 
“Yes! She was like ‘Mike’s into you. He couldn’t take his eyes of you during dinner, blah blah blah.’” 
Mike sighs. “Well she's not wrong,” he says, quietly. 
You're surprised by Mike’s comment. You turn around and look at him. He doesn’t loosen his grip around your waist as his brown eyes bore into yours. 
“What are you saying?” you ask him. 
Mike moves his hand up to your cheek and gently pushes a few strands of hair behind your ear. A slight blush reddens your cheek from his gesture. 
“I’m 100% into you,” he says. 
“I’m into you,” he says, slowly. 
Instead of saying anything in return, you stand on your tiptoes and press your lips against his. He tastes like the beer that he had drunk earlier as his lips move against yours. 
After a few moments, Mike pulls away but presses his forehead against yours. 
“What if we keep this between us for a few days?” he says. 
You think about his offer for a minute. “Just a few days,” you respond before pressing your lips back to his. 
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
Just Take It Prequel | Jungkook's Point of View
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Summary: Jungkook fell first but when exactly did he fall? Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.6k~ Warnings: Not suggestive language but something hinting at sexual activities lmao you'll see a/n: So I got this request a while ago but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to go but I hope you guys like it! Barely edited per usual but again I would just prefer to get it out lmao (lemme know if you want a full prequel in the reader's pov 👀) Drabble requested by @turn02 💜 (sorry it took so long but hopefully it answered your questions)
"You're home early!" I say watching as Jina walks inside but she has another girl trailing in behind her that I've never seen before.
"Yeah they cancelled class and so I invited y/n to come over and study instead" she says, letting this girl I now know to be y/n pass by.
She looks back to watch Jina lock the door and then turns back towards the house, her jaw dropping from seeing the sheer size of it.
I chuckle from her cute reaction but compose myself once her eyes land on me. "Dad this is y/n, y/n this is my dad" Jina says, walking her over to say hi.
"You have a beautiful home Mr. Jeon" she says and the melodic sound of her voice makes me hum unconsciously in delight before clearing my throat to respond.
"Thank you darling I appreciate that. Please make yourself at home and you girls let me know if you need anything" I say, glancing over at Jina for a second before my vision focuses back on y/n.
"Fell free to call me Jungkook if you'd like, there's no need to be so formal with me" I say, lowering my voice slightly towards the end making her eyes widen slightly, nodding her head before responding.
"Thank you Mr. Jeon um- sorry I mean Jungkook" she stumbles over her words which makes her seem even more adorable than she already is.
Jina's eyes ping pong between the two of us before letting out a big sigh and pulling on her arm to drag her upstairs. "Come on, let's go study in my room" she groans and y/n stumbles for a bit before looking back over towards me.
"Thank you again!" she says quickly and I smile at her and give her a slight nod, enjoying watching her slightly panicked nature.
"Have fun you two!" I call after them and watch until Jina shuts her door behind them.
I chuckle to myself thinking about our little interaction, mumbling 'cute' under my breath before continuing onto my intended route to the kitchen.
I hope I'll get to see more of her, she seems like she would be a good influence on Jina and I'm quiet fond of her already.
"Dad y/n's leaving" I hear Jina call out from where I am in my study and I make my way out to bid farewell.
"It was nice to meet you Mr. Jeon" she says politely and I raise a brow slightly making her stumble to change it again. "I mean Jungkook. Thank you for letting me come over" she continues as she stands near the door.
"Of course darling, come back anytime" I say and Jina clears her throat before any other words can be said and opens the door wide, waiting for y/n to make her way out.
"I'll walk you to you out" Jina says and y/n waves awkwardly while walking out, turning back only for a moment and catching my glance before Jina closes the door behind them.
A couple moments later I hear a car engine turn over which I assume is hers and the soft rumble of it trails off until my attention is turned back towards Jina walking through the door and slamming it behind her.
"I may have money to pay for damages young lady but you don't" I say, crossing my arms over my chest but she rolls her eyes in response.
"Why were you being so weird today?" she asks, mirroring my posture and cocking a brow at me. She really is my daughter isn't she.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say, turning around and walking to the kitchen to start making dinner with her trudging behind me, taking a seat at the island in the middle of it.
"Dad" she whines and I know it's best to just wrap this conversation up than drag it out.
"Jina I was just being friendly. I do admit I found her to be quite adorable but I know she's your friend so you have nothing to worry about" I say, turning back towards her and making sure she knows that I truly mean it.
"Good! She has a boyfriend anyways" she says once I've turned back around and it takes everything in me to not show how tense that's made me. I may not go for her but the thought of other men around her already bothers me.
"Noted" I mumble under my breath and as soon as I place a pot on the stovetop to start boiling water for pasta she's already complaining.
"Can we get pizza instead? I've been craving it for like the past three days" I take a deep breath and decide to give in since I did kinda sorta flirted with her friend.
"Pepperoni alright?" I say while placing that pot back in it's home. "Yes please!" she says and jumps off the stool and runs upstairs.
Two years later at y/n's birthday getaway
"You guys headed headed off to the beach?" I question, looking up and seeing the three of them dressed in their swimsuits with Jared carrying the beach bag.
"Yeah actually do you think you could take a picture of us? I wanna make sure to get some nice pictures since it's y/n's birthday trip" Jina says and Jared whispers something in y/n's ear making her laugh but I can tell it's not genuine. Something's wrong.
"Sure" I say, getting off the couch and follow them outside, grabbing Jina's phone when they've found a good spot so they can take it with the ocean in the background.
"Alright one, two, three" I say, counting down and taking a few landscape and portrait pictures but clench my jaw once I've seen how Jared is sliding his hand further and further down y/n's waist until it's on her ass.
She stiffens once he's chanced squeezing it and calls it, ending our little photo shoot. 
She pries Jared's hand off her and turns around to go back in the house saying something along the lines that she needed to go grab something. As she walks past me I can see how flushed her cheeks are but not in a good way, bewilderment written all over her face and I follow her inside after having given Jina her phone back, making sure to glare at Jared before I do.
He scoffs at me before walking over to Jina where she's checking out the pictures and picking the best one. His demeanor noticeably shifts to an irritated once he sees his girlfriend's reactions to his not so subtle touches. Scoffing and no doubt cursing her for being such a prude in his eyes.
I walk over to where she has her hands gripping the sink, her back facing me and her shoulders tensed. I would kill him if I could, seeing how upset he's made her again.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, full well knowing it's not and noticing that she's put some sort of wrap around her waist. No doubt in an effort to cover up this sorry excuse for swimwear.
She takes in a deep breath, nodding and wiping off the tears that had started to prickle in the corner of her eyes, clearing her throat before responding.
"Yeah everything's totally fine just wanted to grab some water bottles before we head out" she says, opening the fridge next to her and grabbing a few.
I decide to not push the subject further so I don't make her even more uncomfortable than she already is, remembering to keep an eye on Jared instead. 
"Do you know what you'd like to eat tonight? I can book a reservation if you'd like" I offer, changing the subject and hopefully getting her mind off of what just happened. "Would you mind making something? You know I really love your cooking" she says, turning around to face me while placing the waters on the island that separates us. 
She looks up at me but quickly turns her eyes back down to the bottles, shy from making such an adorable request. "Sure darling, what would you like?" I question and I can see the wheels turning in her head trying to narrow it down to one thing. 
"Surprise me?" she finally says, looking up at me with a slight blush on her face and it takes every fiber of my being to hold myself back from kissing her, or worse, having her on her knees looking up at me with that oh so innocent expression. 
I clear my throat after having left too much of a lull in the conversation and acquiesce her request. "I'll have it ready at eight" I respond and she brightens up at my answer, nodding her head before grabbing the water bottles and runs out the backdoor to the beach. 
"Thank you Mr. Jeon!" she says excitedly and when watch her go she turns around and gives me a bit of a smile again. "I mean, Jungkook" she teases and laughs when she sees me cock a brow at her after the words have left her mouth. 
She's really testing my willpower these days but the worst thing is is that she has absolutely no clue. 
Two years later...
"Dad I'm home and y/n's here too" I hear Jina call out and smile to myself before leaving my office and walk out to greet them. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I question but I know the answer. "Because I'm your daughter. Do I really have to warn you or did you not want me here?" she asks, arms crossed over her chest as I do the same, throwing the fault on me. 
I watch her for a few seconds while y/n closes the door behind her and takes off her shoes with one thing in particular catching my eye. 
"Did I miss something?" I ask, looking from one to the other. "What do you mean?" y/n asks, looking confused as ever. "Anything new happen?" I try, seeing if rephrasing the question will clue her in but it doesn't work. 
"The ring y/n" Jina says and y/n's eyes widen. "Oh! Yeah um, Jared proposed last week" she says, holding out her hand and showing me the ring with a pitiful excuse for a diamond on top. "Wow, congratulations" I say, grabbing onto her hand and mustering as much sincerity as I possibly can, knowing that things aren't turning out the way that I thought they would.
"I was kinda surprised since we hadn't really spoken about marriage but I guess he's ready for that next big step" she says nervously and I nod my head. "Are you ready?" I chance and she looks at me with a confused expression. "Excuse me?" she asks, clearly wanting to know the reasoning behind why I would ask that.
"Are you ready to take that next big step in your relationship? I mean you're both so young and freshly graduated" I start off and she tilts her head, still not sure as to why I would be worried about something like this. 
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into doing this so soon" I say softly and she nods her head and looks down, letting me know that I've tapped into something that she's been struggling with. "Just take time to think about it. You've got your whole life ahead of you" I say, squeezing her hand and she squeezes it back, taking me by surprise but I welcome it nonetheless. 
"So next order of business" Jina changing the subject, making me let go of y/n's hand, forgetting that Jina had been standing there this whole time. "I told y/n that I would ask you if we could hold her engagement party here. So can we?" she questions, her mood somewhat off today but I pay no mind and agree to it for y/n's sake. 
"Sure, anything you need" I respond, looking straight at her and seeing her demeanor is very much still drooping from the words I said just moments ago. "Great I'll start planning things out and get the ball rolling" Jina says and leaves y/n and I standing there as she wanders around the house. 
"I hope I didn't overstep" I start out and she shakes her head and looks up at me. "No you didn't I've just been asking myself the same thing" she admits exactly what I had seen written all over her body language. 
"I know you guys have been together ever since I met you but remember, quantity of time doesn't necessarily equal quality of time" I say and place a hand on her shoulder before turning to go. 
"Let me know if you need anything. I'll just be in my office" I say and make a quick escape while she mutters a soft 'okay' in response. 
'She's actually gonna marry him? Him? You've got to be joking. Dating him is bad enough but I thought he was just gonna be some trashy college boyfriend that she would eventually break up with. What about him is even worth marrying?' I ask myself, pacing back and forth in my office while I try to burn off some steam to keep the anger that's bubbling inside of me at bay.
Going round and round in my head, trying to find a reason as to why she would be doing this I come up with a total of zero, or at least none that makes sense enough to want to commit to spending your life with someone like him. 
Who would want to marry a man like that?
A man who lusts over you but swears he loves you. A man who pushes your clear boundaries and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. A man that touches you inappropriately in public when you've told him to stop. 
Over the last four years I've known them I've noticed that she acts more uncomfortable when he's around. She's so much more vibrant and carefree when she's here on her own so why would she she ever want to be with someone that takes away from that? I just don't understand it and I never will. 
The real question is, why am I obsessing over this? 
Yes she's adorable, that's something that I've thought from the beginning though. She's also insanely attractive, seeing how grown up she looks now going from a shy little second year college student to being two years post graduation with a good head on her shoulder and dreams and ambitions. 
Where as Jared barely graduated, isn't even close to being employed anywhere where he can use the degree he had studied for and still has that stupid frat boy mentality. 
When I look at the two of them I just see clear opposites and I think in this situation the fact that opposites have attracted is going to be the cause of her downfall. 
I don't want her to end up having kids with this deadbeat and having to deal with a husband that over sexualizes her and leaves her to work, take care of the kids, cook and clean. Because without a doubt that's the kind of husband he would be to her.
I must just care for her wellbeing since I've known her for so long. 
People have mistaken her for my daughter on occasion if I happen to take her and Jina somewhere and it just makes me cringe every time I hear it. 
She's not my daughter. She's anything but my daughter. Yes she's my daughter's friend and we've become somewhat close and I care about her but she is not my daughter. 
Maybe the reason I'm so bothered by everything about this is that I've started to develop feelings for her. 
Thinking back and remembering all of the good times we've had together it seems like I've liked her for a while now. I could even love her but it looks like I won't be able to explore those feelings anymore with this all happening.
It's just my luck that I start to figure it out right before she marries him.  
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astrophileous · 9 months
Derek becomes a girl dad and he teaches little bug to talk to his baby sister in bug's growing belly before he goes to sleep!!
I'd like to thank you for coming forward with this concept 'cause I'm going feRAL just thinking about it 🙏 I imagine Little Bug is around 3 here??? I kid you not I even googled about how a 3-year-old talks for this one 😭
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You had woken up the moment you heard the sound of your bedroom door opening.
After dinner, you had promptly retired to your bedroom to rest your aching feet and stiff back. Your words of protest fell on deaf ears as Derek insisted on taking care of the mess in the kitchen and dining room, while your son was all too eager to lend a helping hand towards his father. They conspired to kick you out of the kitchen before you could even reach the sink, claiming that The Morgan Boys had everything under control and that your help was not needed. You had clutched your chest in a feigned hurt when your son pointed that out.
You knew you must have dozed off after getting settled on the bed, somewhere in the middle of reading the 400-something pages of a romance novel that JJ had demanded you to read. The familiar pitter patter of tiny feet that your ears had caught was followed by much heavier footsteps. There was no mistaking the presence of your husband and son within the four walls of your bedroom, especially with the sound of their loud whispers as the two conversed among themseleves as if they were the only two people who held the secret of the universe.
"Mommy is sleeping, Little Bug," you heard Derek say. It took nearly every willpower you had to keep your eyes completely shut.
"Mommy sleepy?"
"Yeah, buddy. Mommy can't say goodnight because she's sleeping," Derek explained. "Would you like to say goodnight to your baby sister instead?"
You heard your son gasp. "Baby sister?"
"Yes, Little Bug. C'mere."
You felt the bed dip underneath your fingers before a familiar warmth that you recognized as Derek's pressed against your right thigh. Not five seconds later, you felt another weight--much lighter this time--settled against the left side of your body.
"Careful, buddy. Be gentle, 'aight?" Derek warned. "Here, place your hands right here."
Mere moments later, you felt small hands roaming the expanse of your 18-week bump. Even with your eyes closed, you could still imagine the adorable curiosity in your son's eyes as he inspected your belly, along with the way his eyebrows would crease in the same manner as his father did whenever he was lost in deep thought. The urge to see your toddler's expression alone almost compelled you to open your eyes, but you were curious to see where this whole ordeal would eventually lead to, so you forced them to stay shut as you attempted to control your breathing.
"That's your baby sister in there, Little Bug," Derek said. You could nearly hear the smile in his voice.
"Sister?" Your son rubbed his palms around your bump. "Baby Bug?"
Something churned in your chest at the nickname that your son had just given for your unborn daughter.
"What do you wanna say to her, buddy?"
"Um, is it hot here? I hope it's not hot. You can't sleep when it's hot."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
"Go on," Derek urged.
"I wait for you to get out. We play when you get out." You felt your son hugging your bump after that, before leaving a kiss on top of it through the clothes you were wearing. "I love you, Baby Bug. Sweet dreams."
You listened as your husband and son exited the room, leaving you once again alone in the solitude. When you opened your eyes, you realized that tears had begun to pool on your waterline, and they ran down your cheeks like a summer rain, orchestrated by the trainwreck that your hormons had become.
By the time Derek returned to your bedroom, you were a plight of shaking shoulders and ferocious sobs.
"Bug?" Derek's eyes and voice were laden with concern as he rushed over to your side. "Hey, hey. What's going on? Talk to me."
You collapsed into Derek's embrace, your tears forming a wet patch on his shoulder as you mumbled your answer incoherently to his shirt.
"What?" Derek pulled back just the tiniest bit to look at your face, his eyes still worried and his arms still caging you as he asked, "What did you say, Bug? I can't hear you."
"H-He--" sob, "--he called h-her--" sob, sob, "--B-Baby Bug..."
Derek frowned.
You proceeded to fall back into his arms.
"You're crying because our son called his sister Baby Bug?"
He felt you nod against his chest.
Derek smiled.
He had nothing to worry about.
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bimbobaggins69 · 5 months
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬.
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𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a new life in a seemingly nice town sounds appealing, doesn’t it? But what happens when that nice town has a dark past; and some things you think are real, are just a figment of your imagination…or are they?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: modern setting, small mention of dying, angst, cliffhanger.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this whole idea came about from the books ‘scary stories to tell in the dark’ (which were my fav as a kid), it’s so different from my usual stuff so i hope you enjoy the little switch up (: thank you to my lovely betas @xxhellfirebunnyxx & @stveharringtn <3 totally set this up for a part two with possible smut, maybe? in the wise words of Dolly: ‘give us your ghost cock, Edward!’
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
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The red and green leaves crunch under the soles of your mary janes as you walk through forest hills trailer park, your new place of residence. You send a quick message to the group chat that you have with your cousins, who you're on your way to meet at a new bar in town. A slight chill runs through your body when you make it to the rickety bench bus stop that sits desolated in front of the trailer park entrance. 
You had moved to Hawkins a couple months ago on a whim, to be near your cousins who you’ve had a close relationship with since you were a toddler, despite only seeing them once a year or on the occasional social media posts. You had moved with only a year of savings and nothing else to your name. Luckily your aunt had a realtor friend who helped you buy a trailer, which was about the only thing with a cheap enough down payment for you to afford. You found a job at Hawkins middle school as a teacher's aide to Hailey Sinclare who you've become good friends with in the short time span.
The breeze picks up, kicking you out of your reverie and making you wiggle uncomfortably as the old wood digs into your black nylon tights, you lift each thigh to look for any snags in the fabric but before you can fully asses them, you hear footsteps and the loud crunch of leaves moving closer towards you– a gasp leaves your lips as you whip your head around looking for other signs of life. The sun is setting on the horizon and the only thing that surrounds you are the leafless scads of trees from the eerie woods.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The voice of a young man utters from behind you, seemingly coming out of nowhere. 
“Oh, um its- its fine.” You murmur as he comes into view, you haven't seen him around but that's not saying much considering you've only moved here two months ago.
His long shoulder length waves sway with the breeze, and his big brown eyes seem to bore into your soul, making you swallow harshly before your head lowers. You begin staring at your black shoes, checking them over for scuffs, as if that was something you actually cared about.
“So where are you headed, lookin’ so pretty?” He asks with a half smirk, all the while placing his jean jacket that is embellished with an array of patches and buttons over the bench. Most of the bands were ones your dad listened to so in turn you grew to love. You were surprised to not find one single patch or button of a more modern band, but figured he must love the old stuff, that’s respectable. 
“I’m meeting my cousins at some bar in town.” You say with a gesture of your hand in the wrong direction, not yet accustomed to where town is or where the leaving hawkins sign sits, which happens to be in opposite directions. 
He smirks as if he realizes you don't belong here, and a feeling of embarrassment heats your soft cheeks. 
“Sounds fun.” Is all he says as he kicks at some rocks and leaves with his dirty reeboks. 
“Where are you headed?” You ask, feeling a pull to keep the conversations going with this stranger. 
“Oh ya know? Wherever.” Is all he divulges with a shrug of his shoulders, you nod in faux understanding, even if a million questions begin to rack your brain. Maybe he wants to appear mysterious, he wouldn't be the first guy to try that out on you.
He pulls a cigarette from behind his ear and fishes a lighter out of his pocket, lighting the tobacco stick before offering it to you. You decline, a part of you is surprised he doesn't vape like the majority of today’s youth. The smell brings a sense of nostalgia to you, remembering the times you’d climb into your grandpa's lap when you were a kid while he smoked his cigarettes and drank his coffee. 
“What's your name?” He asks as his eyes continue to graze over you. 
You tell him, but find yourself unable to meet his eyes. Something about his big chocolate orbs make goosebumps travel along your already chilled skin.
“And yours?” You question with a tremulous edge. 
“Eddie.” He answers before flicking the half smoked cigarette into the overgrown grass, beneath your feet.
“You live here, Eddie?” You ask curiously. 
“Sure do, lot 15, been here almost all my life.” He hums, before a vibration in your back pocket startles you out of your stupor.
You quickly pull it out, smiling at the text message your cousin Bella sent you. 
“Whoa…what is that?” The boy you now know as Eddie, says with an astonished lilt. 
“What’s what?” You shriek as if he was gonna point out some type of bug species that had somehow found its way into your hair or on your body.
“That thing in your hands.” He says pointedly.
“Oh, uh this is my phone?” You can't help the questioning tone that slips past your lips. 
“Phone? Like you can call people on that?” He still sounds astonished as if he's never seen an iphone before, which living in this century is close to impossible; unless he was amish but from the look of him, you found that highly unlikely. 
Before you could answer his unusual question, the loud brakes of a bus pulls up alongside the bench. Eddie quickly stands, throwing you one more questioning look before he begins walking towards the open doors. 
“Well, see ya around sweetheart.” He announces, before throwing you a wink and stepping up onto the platform of the bus that was headed in the opposite direction in which you needed to go. 
“See ya.” You murmur back with a smile. 
The wind picks up as the bus begins to drive off, leaving you to cross your arms over your exposed chest. Something out of your peripheral captures your attention, and you quickly realize Eddie had left his vest thrown over the bench. You yank it off and stand up, ready to run towards the bus to retrieve it. But the bus’s tail lights can now barely be made out in the fog, too far for you to catch up with on foot. You huff and throw the vest over your frame, the added layer brings a desired warmth to your body. You sit back down, the bench squeaks underneath you as the sun begins settling deeper over Hawkins, bringing with it an unsettling feeling to your gut.
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The bus pulled up ten minutes after Eddie had left. You made it to the bar to meet your cousins an hour late but had a great time with them nonetheless. Drinks and shots were passed around, you had danced your ass off having the time of your life, something that hasn't happened in what feels like forever. 
Being closer to the city, you were able to take an uber back home all the while Eddie’s vest continued to adorn your figure. His brown eyes, ringed fingers and boyish smile stayed in the back of your mind the entire night, and a part of you couldn’t wait to return it to him. 
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You wake up the next morning on a mission, drinking your cup of joe and eating your avocado toast, before you shower and slip on a pretty flowy dress with your platform doc martens, hair styled and light makeup applied. 
You realize as you walk the trailer park with his vest in hand, that he lives on the other side of you. Lot 15 comes into view and you see an old red truck that looks like it hasn’t been driven in years, parked next to a new silver prius. The steps are falling apart and the couch sitting on the porch sags, with stains and cigarette burns. 
You knock on the dingy front door, before you bring your slumped shoulders up while pushing your chest out in an attempt to look more confident, even as your heart thumps behind your rib cage.
A middle aged woman answers the door with a small smile—
“Hello, can I help you with something?” She asks sweetly. 
The beep of a machine captures your attention and you find yourself looking past the ladies shoulder into the living room, where an older man is lying in a hospital bed, sitting in front of an old television set that's playing cowboy westerns.
“Yeah, um Is Eddie here?” You ask timidly.
“I’m sorry, who?” The woman's eyes are wide as she looks you over, eyes almost as big as saucers when she notices the vest in your arms.
“Eddie; long hair, brown eyes, rings on his fingers, owns this vest.” You say as you lift the gramnet closer towards her, revealing the big dio patch that’s sewn on in the back, 
“I’m sorry, is this some kind of joke?” She says with a bewildered expression.
“A joke? Why would this be a joke? Is Eddie here or not?” You slightly snap as your patience begins to wear thin.
“Sweetheart, Eddie Munson died in an earthquake thirty seven years ago.”
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corvidcrossbow · 19 days
~•♡•~ Total Eclipse Of The Heart
➳ Summary: You take Daryl to watch the 2017 solar eclipse (Daryl x GN!Reader)
➳ Setting: Southern Virginia, August 21st, 2017 (in the 6 year timeskip in season 9)
➳ Word count: 1.6k
➳ C/W: Nothing
➳ A/N: Simple thing cuz I hated Leah watching something as special as the eclipse w/ Daryl in the show cuz I DO NOT LIKE her ass so I rewrote it cuz I believe there's few things more bonding than watching an eclipse with someone. Whippin out the dad music reference on this one. (I am working on reqs! I just have training for my job which my boss very reassuringly dubbed “bootcamp” and health shit is beating my ass I need to call like 3 specialty clinics again um 🗿)
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“Ya ever gon’ tell me where we goin'?”
“Nope. Almost there,” You replied, a cheeky grin on your face as you swiveled your head back to glance at Daryl who sat behind you on his motorcycle. You'd dragged him out of his guilt-ridden solitude in the forest and demanded he get on, saying you needed to show him something and would not be taking ‘nah’ for an answer. You'd been driving southwest for nearly two hours now, headed towards something specific.
Daryl had little sense of the date, having spent nearly the last 3 ½ years out in the woods, wrapped up in his search for Rick. You stayed with him from time to time, Carol checking in as well, but he was too stubborn to go home with either of you no matter how many times you urged it. Even if he knew the day, you weren't sure he'd even know why it was special.
You, however, had been tracking the calendar and lunar cycles, and kept one specific date and pattern in your mind for the last 7 years; August 21st, 2017. You remembered ages ago, reading on science forums and listening to programs on the television, that today, the paths of the moon and the sun would perfectly align and grace a total solar eclipse across the entirety of the United States.
Your lives were such shit in so many ways: flesh eating, rotting corpses snarling after you at every second, run in after run in with malicious and corrupt people and groups, the lack of food, water, shelter and security, so many people gone – and that didn't include everything from before the dead reawoke. And with Daryl unadmittably depressed after the bridge, you would've done anything to show him there were other things in life to focus on. To live for.
So you left Alexandria early in the morning, found Daryl's camp, and forced him to join you. At first he'd thought something godawful had once again disturbed the communities, so bad you couldn’t tell him. But when you started driving the opposite direction, he grew confused and repeatedly asked what was going on, yet you never gave him an answer. Still, he trusted it was important – trusted you – and let you lead him.
You pulled off the side of the road, powering down the engine and putting up the kickstand, sliding off and stepping to walk into the forest. You'd gone further down into Virginia, knowing that was closer to totality. It wouldn't be complete, but the distance made a difference. “Alright, c'mon.”
Daryl grabbed your wrist, tugging you back and catching your attention, his eyebrows narrowed. “Really? Tha hell's s’all this? Ya haul me'ah hundred miles away tah walk in tha damn forest?”
“Ya spend all your time in a forest anyway, Dixon.” His expression hardered a little, and you sighed. “Please just follow me. I promise you, it's worth it.”
He looked over the features of your face, judging the sentiment they conveyed, and after a moment let you go. You were already here, no point in going back now. As you spun back around, he begrudgingly trailed after you.
You scanned the environment as you went, stopping near an opening in the canopy of trees that gave view to the sky. You could tell by the slanting of shadows and the slightly abnormal shape of light above you that the process had already begun, all that was left was to observe. So you set your bag down and sat, motioning for Daryl to as well.
“Thi'sa picnic or sum?” He questioned, grunting a little as he unsurely slung his belongings off his shoulder to the ground and did the same, settling beside you.
“Could be, I do have some food.” He didn't seem amused. “But no, not a picnic. You know what the day is? Any idea why it's meaningful?”
“Ts'summer, kno’ tha’. M'ah supposed tah kno’?”
“Maybe, I don't expect you to. Here.” You twisted and opened your bag, reaching for a welding mask you'd brought along and passed it to him. “Look at the sun.”
The archer eyed the facial shield, then you, but listened and held it to his face before shifting his gaze up. He squinted, taking sight of the arc carving that ate into the historically circular form of the burning celestial body. And you explained; “It's August 21st… 2017.”
He had to think for a bit. “Tha eclipse?” He lowered the mask and peered back at you. Memories lodged deep in the layers of his mind sparked; learning about eclipses way back in highschool and hearing his teacher mention it, then the annular one in ‘94 and seeing pictures plastered all over the news where they discussed the future.
“Yeah, thought we should see it. It'll look better down here, not perfect, but still… and the lens on that is dark enough it shouldn't hurt our eyes,” You answered, taking your own look before laying back and using your bag as a pillow. It wasn't particularly comfortable, but that's roughly the last thing you cared about right now.
He couldn't help but just stare for a minute, studying how nonchalant you were about everything. How you'd so easily removed him from his rut when so many other attempts had failed, even with his cluelessness around your intentions – like some larger force took hold and finally willed him to break his destructive routine.
Daryl sprawled out next to you on the forest floor, trading the welding shield back and forth over the course of the next half hour, as well as a piece of paper to see the casted geometry. You both watched as more and more of the sun was etched away, taking mental images each time and comparing the new form to the old. It was mostly quiet, lost in similar awe but varying thoughts. You inched closer every time it was his turn, assuming he noticed but didn't point it out.
“Y'know… total solar eclipses are meant to be when the deities and energies fuse, just as the paths do. A window for opportunities and transformation… time for change,” You commented, recalling all people said about the symbolism of such an event. He gave an ‘Mm’, just so you knew he'd heard you, but paid more attention to the progression in the ethers.
The world around you began to rapidly darken, a sliver of orange glow visible in the makeshift glasses. Knowing it was close, you slid your left palm into his right, weaving fingers together, and he returned the hold, still remaining absorbed in the view.
The moon crossed over the sun – at least as best it would from your vantage point; golden rays illuminating around solid black. As Daryl's eyes locked on the sky, taking it all in, yours locked on him, choosing to watch him over a potentially once in a lifetime occurrence. He lowered the mask to briefly see it fully, now reaching for the sheet.
He looked at peace, maybe for the first time in his life: the constant storm of thoughts that persistently clouded his mind finally parting, even if for just a small moment. You witnessed the glitter of genuine emotion return to his blue's, something you'd feared was so long abandoned it may have been forgotten. Rich browns of his wavy hair glowed iridescent auburns when shimmers of sunlight peeked through the leaves, perfectly complementing everything about his being.
You knew you each needed that change.
“I love you.”
He took a second, making sure the sound of your voice was real and not crafted by his own imagination. His head turned, somewhat staggered to find your eyes already meeting his. It was impossible to rip away, your visions warping together as you seemed to merge, entranced by the little crescents that reflected on each other's irises. His free hand ditched the paper and reached over as he partly rolled to his side.
“For a long time.”
In fluid movements, Daryl's calloused fingers smoothed across the delicate skin on your cheek, leaning in and bringing you to him in a longing kiss. You didn't entirely expect it, although you didn't expect anything in particular at all, too unsure of how he'd react. But you pushed back against him, deepening the kiss and paying no thought to anything beside how it felt to finally overlap with him – till he broke away.
“I love ya too,” He mused, accent thickening in the confession. When you opened your mouth to continue, he shut you up with another peck and angled your face straight above. “Watch. M'not bein’ tha reason ya miss this.”
Words could wait, but the eclipse would not. So you obliged, cuddling closer to him and squeezing his hand as birds and insects sung in a concerned ensemble triggered by the daylight's disappearance.
The tranquility was eerie, a sensation mostly left in the rubble of society and replaced by prevalent chaos. You wondered if the feeling was shared elsewhere; at home with everyone in Alexandria, with survivors across the entire rest of the country. Maybe those who didn't know thought the holy spirit was returning to rescue your raptured souls. Did the walkers pause to look too? Everything so out of the ordinary it caught their attention?
But none of that mattered to you, because you had it here. And you basked in it with the one person you'd always hoped you would've.
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©corvidcrossbow 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified or adapted to other platforms. My work may be translated only if asked and with proof of given consent.
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madebyrolo · 5 months
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Placeholder - Jacob Black x reader
One shot
Inspired by the Radiohead song “India Rubber”
Y/n has had a crush on Jacob since middle school, entering high school they start to get closer but then Bella his longtime crush comes back to town.
comment Bella slander I love it but #teamedward #jacobishotter
*not proof read or edited*
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Did it all for you to say, you never wanted me that way.
I’ve had the biggest crush on Jacob ever since middle school. We were at La push and him and his friends were playing soccer and 12 year me went crazy for some reason. We went to school together but it wasn’t easy being friends with your crush. It wasn’t until summer before freshmam year once we started getting closer. He got a car and he would give me rides to school. Those school rides turned into hangouts.
First he brought his friends along, we would go get pizza, go to the arcade, bowling or the beach. Though it wasn’t until the fall when it would he just us two. He called them friend dates although I would wanted it to be more.
Then came spring. The daughter of Chief Swan came back in town. Jacob and Bella were best friends when they were young cause of their dads. Bella was 2 years older than him. She was 17 now and he was 15 and a lot has changed since she’s was last here. Jacob had a crush on Bella it wasn’t hard to tell. As soon as he heard the news from his dad that Bella was back in town he started spending time with her, catching up and trying to be the best friends they used to be.
Now the dogs have had their meat, I think I’ll go plug in the mains.
He and the rest of the boys went back to school on the rez too so she hardly saw him and now she was forced to ride the bus. With that Jacob and y/n daily hangs out turned to after school only. But sometimes he would cancel cause and she quotes “reconnecting with Bella” so now it was weekend only.
Soon the summer came around and Bella got a boyfriend and basically kicked Jacob to the curb. Now y/n had her Jacob back. They caught up after her time was stolen by Bella and Jacob acted like nothing happened. The same cycle happened again. Hanging out as a group, then alone, then Bella. Everyday, after school, weeekend only, then cancelations.
It was fall and Bella broke up with Edward. Jacob was back to following her around like a lost puppy. Y/n noticed Bella was treating Jacob like a place holder and y/n didn’t like it. Even though it pains her that Jacob has feeling for Bella, doesn’t mean she can play with him all she wants. She know he’s wrapped around her finger and she takes advantage of that.
Jacob was blinded by love, although he knew that he was temporary to her, he loved that he was at least hers for while. Edward leaving Bella in emotional mess was the shitiest thing he’s done but Jacob took it as an opportunity to swoop in and take Bella for himself. So he went to the one person he knew for advice, y/n. He pulled up to her house and texted her he was outside.
Y/n excited that Jacob wanted to hang out because it’s been weeks since they’ve did. She excitedly put her shoes on and headed out her door. Once she got in the car she was ready to list some ideas for what they could do but before Jacob ask her what set her down an emotional spiral.
“Y/n I need help” he turned to her
“Yea what’s up.”
“I wanna make Bella a little basket because she’s been really upset with her breakup”
Of course it’s for Bella y/n thought
“Uh sure”
“Okay what would you if you were going though a heartbreak ?”
“Um well candy always a good one, you can put in her favorites. I love gummy worms-”
“Bella hates them, she thinks they’re too chewy” he cut her off
“Um well like I said her favorites. I candle and a nice soft cute blanket. Maybe something sentimental between you guys of some thing” y/n told him
“Yes the sentimental things that’s good!”
There was silence between them
“Y/n Im gonna be honest with you, I feel comfortable and trust you enough to say this” he said with a deep breath
“I have feelings for Bella and I want to ask her out” yup and there it is. Her heart sunk. Y/n always knew but now that she has the confirmation makes it worse.
“I never felt this way about anyone before. She’s perfect, everything I want in someone. She’s self preserved, she’s smart and-”
Y/n couldn’t keep listening to him. He was praising her. He was in love with her. Every word he said she could hear the “love” in his voice. It was soul crushing. The boy she loved was in love with someone els. She always thought she would’ve ended up with him, she was so positive. They were close, she finally had him all too herself once he stopped inviting his friends. But then a Bella came. Bella, Bella, Bella all about her.
She snapped out of her emotions trying not to tear up infront of him but once she heard the sentence she broke.
“ I love her y/n.”
With that she couldn’t stay silent anymore.
I tumble like a clown. Before your baying hounds. I suffocated myself into your hands.
“Enough Jake, I’ve had enough! Can’t you see she’s doesn’t care about you? She’s using you. She’s waiting for Edward to come back you’re just a placeholder, it’s been like this since last year?! Once she met him she left you. She’s in love with him not you, she loves the attention she gets not you, she loves the “security” she gets from you not you! She knows you won’t leave cause you’ve been obsessed with her ever since you were younger. she loves the idea of you not you. you know she’ll never stop loving Edward but you don’t wanna admit it!!” y/n yells at him.
Jacob has tears slowing filling up his eye, his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel out of anger. He knows it’s the truth.
“Get out.” he says calmly trying not to lose his temper.
“Just know with me you’ll never be a burden. You wouldn’t be 1 or 2 in my life, you’ll be my life.” y/n says as she slams the door. Jacob speeds off.
Time skip 2 years.
Who would’ve guess Edward came back. Bella and them are graduating and everyone in school got an invite to the Cullens graduation party. Even though Y/n somewhat resented Bella even though she’s with Edward. Her crush on Jacob died out but you never really get over your first love. She decided to go to the party because a party’s a party.
It was 8pm and y/n was the party. She was hanging out with her friends now and the newly seniors while she was a newly junior. They were drinking, singing terribly and playing truth or dare. Y/n gets up to get a refill feeling a bit tipsy but she’s not wasted. As shes in the kitchen she runs into an old friend. Jacob.
When you spare your make up smile, im instantly your biggest fan.
He looks at with the most innocent smile acting like they’re fall out never happened. It’s been 2 years. They’re 16 now and they grown into their more mature selfs (and body’s) Jacob obviously spoke up first
“You look nice” he said staring at her.
“Thanks you too” she replied sipping her drink.
How was I supposed to know that you’ve practice it before.
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lingering-42-long · 4 months
König as a Dad Dabble
König x female reader
Just a little dabble nothing much. Who should I do next?
Warnings: none
-Finding out you were pregnant-
You knew König and you wanted kids, but not this early. You two had just gotten home from your honeymoon, now you were standing in the bathroom, holding 2 pregnancy tests, both reading the +…positive. You didn’t know how to feel, if you should be crying from panic or overjoyed. You thought the birth control would be effective enough, that and you didn’t think your body could be able to produce a baby, you had Polycystic disease, it greatly reduced your chances of having a child. You had this talk with him, König knew, he loved you with or without a functioning uterus.
Now here you are in your shared bathroom holding the tests. A huge blessing, your mom would say, but right now you were scared. Not at König’s reaction, but leaving the freedom that you once had… You shook your head, this baby is a blessing, to beat the odds, you weren’t going to walk alone in this journey. You had an amazing husband, friends, and loving family on both sides to help and you and your husband on this journey. It was going to be tough but life was never meant to be easy.
“Min Engel! I’m back” You could hear the door shut followed by the heavy footsteps and the bags of groceries being placed on what you presumed to be the kitchen counter. Your mind raced as you were trying to figure out what or how you should address this. With a heavy sigh, you just simply grabbed the pregnancy tests and place the mayonnaise Ziploc bag. You wanted to tell him now, you need to know how he felt you needed comfort because you weren’t even sure what emotion to play or to feel.
Carefully making your way downstairs and placed the two tests in your back pocket as you walked over to give your husband a hug. König had really mellowed out for the three years he knew you. Everybody knew him as standoffish, quiet, sociably awkward. His team knew him for being aggressive, demanding, proud, and bold. But slowly they started to see the change, And soon he had completely been mellowed out. He was still as demanding and aggressive on the battlefield by those urges, to prove that he was better than the best pet seem to dwindle to mirror, shrugs of the shoulder and more compliments on those who beat him. In the civilian lifestyle, he was a lot more calm, less jumpy, and 1000 times more sweet.
When he saw you, he couldn’t help but smile you pulled him out of a dark moment in his life, and he cannot be more happier. That is why he called you his angel because he swore you came from heaven just to bless him with your presence. “ Ah how are you?” He drew you into a big bear hug and kissed you tenderly. He blue-grey eyes sparkled as he stroked the side of your cheek. “Um well.” You sighed, now nervous. “Ummm here” you handed him the pregnancy tests. He took them and frowned a little in concentration. Then his widened and shot his head up to look at you “Is this for real?!?” He was breathing heavily looking back at you then at the tests “Please don’t joke.”
“I’m not” you shook your head, “we are going to be parents.” König grinned like a mad man as he scooped you up into his arms and laughed as he held you tight. “Ah min Engel! This is the best news I could ever ask for!” He was swinging you around and kissing all over your face. “You’re beautiful, stunning, just…. Min scatz.” He cooed as he sat you down back on the ground, then he noticed the uncertainty in your eyes. “Whats wrong? Dont you want a baby with me?” He asked. His question made you break down crying. “I-I don’t know what I want! I want one but not this early! I love you but I don’t feel fit to be a mom. I’m selfish! I just want my freedom!” König, without second thought, brought you into another hug, this one being gentle and comforting. “Oh my beautiful. Your not selfish, your right it is too early but we can make do. I promise you can do whatever you need to do and I’ll look after the baby. I never want you to be tied down.” He stroked your head as he picked you up and carried you to the couch, right now u needed to cuddle and be reassured that everything was going to be ok.
After 20 minutes of solid crying, you finally calmed down. “Fell better?” He asked soothingly. You just nodded and kissed him. “I’m sorry-“
“don’t be, there is nothing for you to apologize for.” König smiled at you.
“You promise not to leave me?”
“Never in a million years.”
-Finding out the gender-
“Ok miss the gel is going to be a bit cold.” The doctor informed as the blue goo was placed over your four month belly. König never left your side. He had become more protective of you and baby proofed the house well before they arrived, this in turn meant you were not allowed to do much. After an argument with him, he realized he was suffocating you and did back down quite enough, but he still hung around just close enough to be there for you.
Right now he was hunched over in the seating chair next to your bed as you both watched the screen. The doctor was showing you all the signs that it was a healthy pregnancy, and the baby was…. Wait… the doctor paused and looked at the screen again before chuckling “You two are having twins!”
T-Twins?!? Your mind went blank, you had two babies in you, made by the love of you and your husband… and the 8 rounds of beer… but that was beside the point. Two beautiful babies that would look like a perfect mix between you and König. A small smile spread. “What gender are they.” You felt your husband’s hands clasp your own as he waited to know the results. “You got… 2 girls.” The doctor smiled at the happy couple. “Girls?! Min gött. Now I have to boyfriend proof the house.” You laughed at his dismay, you knew König would love his babies no matter what gender they were. He was very happy that his two beautiful girls were healthy. He reached over and gave you a big kiss. “Thank you. Thank you for making my life better.”
-König Bulking up-
As you were nearing your due date König that surprisingly gained weight as well. Apparently this was normal and very common in dad’s as their bodies were also preparing for their children. a trait that many had as the mothers near the end of their term men prepare their bodies to deal with the long nights and short amount of sleep. Their bodies naturally start bulking up on fat. by all means not fat, but you could definitely tell that he was a lot more squishier to sleep at night than he previously was. He was still as strong as a bull though.
Because he had bulked up quite a bit a lot of times while you were struggling in your sleep at night he would turn himself into your personal body pillow and reposition himself so that you would be a little bit more comfortable. A lot of times he would even hold your belly for you, whether you were sitting down and reading or watching TV or cooking in the kitchen, he would come up behind you and gently lift your belly up, which always made you feel instant relief.
He knew the pregnancy was tough on you, emotionally and physically. He was willing to put overtime to make sure that you were as comfortable as could be. In his eyes, this was the least that he could do. You weren’t ready to have a kid, but he kind of was. So he saw as his responsibility to make sure that you had the easiest pregnancy.
Right now you were snuggling with him on the couch as he was gently massaging your belly. He could feel the little girls kicking around in your stomach. He smiled and gave your head a Gentle kiss as he continued on massaging your belly. He was proud that he was able to provide for you. He was proud to know that he was the one that you chose to marry, he was proud to be the one that could give you children. This pride made him extremely happy. He couldn’t wait to share this life with you.
-After the birth-
König and you were staying in the hospital for a few days as your body was recovering from the C-section. Because of how big your babies were, they had to be removed by C-section in order to be a safe delivery. König hold onto your hand. Just the doctors opened you up and had your kids come out of the skylight. The healing was quite painful, but thankfully you had amazing family and friends to come and help with the preparations. Königs mom and dad made food to store in the freezer so all you had to do was just pull it out reheat it and eat. Both you and your husband’s friends had all brought gifts to your baby shower that you had a few weeks prior, some of them also brought food to be stored.
Right now you and König we’re both together as you were feeding your daughters. It was hard to accept the fact that these two beautiful angels came from you and your husband. They look so much like him. They had the same crinkle around their eyes, the same tuft of blonde hair, those beautiful eyes that reflected in the same way his did.
As you were feeding one, König was holding the other and gently rubbing her little head and giving her forehead gentle kisses. He was talking to her in German. Smiling and giving her more little kisses.
Once you were done you handed off the fed baby to get the other one from his arms. A very careful swap. Soon you have the other one in your arms as she quickly latched onto your breast and began sucking away. “They suck harder than you do” you teased at your husband as he turned the bright red in the face. “ not in front of them!”
“ oh, please! They’re not gonna remember this”
“ they might!”
“ ever since you saw that one episode from Sheldon your paranoid about the kids knowing their life at an early age”
You couldn’t help yourself but smile at him. During this time he had really dug in deep. he made sure that you and the girls were comfortable and taken care of. No matter what he would always watch over his family. Give them everything that he could offer. And strive to be the best husband and father in the world. He didn’t need much all he needed. Was you and his little girls.
-König and the Crotch Goblins-
“Min shatz! meine kleinen Käfer! I’m home!” he called from the door as he took his boots off. The next thing he knew he was being tackled by two three-year-old girls, who decided to sneak around the corner to bring attack him. “Ahhh nooo!!!! The evil goblins got me!!! Ahhhh! If only there was an angel to save me~” he called loud enough for you to hear, but of course you had to laugh, “This time you’re gonna have to save yourself. Your angel is busy.”
“What?! Nooo!!” he let himself fall to the ground as the girls began to climb all over him. They were very active they were always causing mischief.
You walked over to see all three of them on the floor in the living room as the kids began to pin him down as best as they could. You rubbed your now three month belly. Pregnant again with your third child.
“If the little goblins let me up I can watch a tv show with you.” he bribed the girls as they quickly got off of him, eager to please, and more eager to watch their favorite shows with him.
Before they join them in their activities, he got himself off the floor and kissed you gently. “how are you and the baby?” he asked always attentive to your needs.
“ we’re doing good” you smiled as you felt his hand lower down to your slightly bulging stomach. it was still relatively flat but he could feel a difference.
” I don’t know how you do it but you become more beautiful as each day passes.” he gave you a gentle kiss. “ let me finish dinner for you. I want you off your feet. You’ve been on it all day I’ve got it.”
You obliged. Your feet were hurting and you honestly did want to rest. So you took the place of your husband watched a TV show with the girls as König went into the kitchen to finish what was left for dinner prep. This was the life that he wanted, and he would never trade it for anything in the world.
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auras-moonstone · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ don’t blame me for what you made me do
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 1.6K
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: gf!ethan landry x gf!fem!carpenter!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: y/n is finally able to get revenge on her sisters when the bailey family reaches out to her to ask her to join the plan.
ᡣ𐭩 contents/warnings: implied character death. murder. family issues. bonding over shared issues. fluff.
ᡣ𐭩 author’s note: on sunday it was scream 6’s anniversary and it made me miss that era sm😫 the fandom is so dead, especially the ethan/jack one.
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y/n had always felt like an outsider in her own family. her mom’s favorites had always been sam and tara. and y/n went under her radar, the curse of the middle child, they say. and then there were her sisters, who she was also not very close with. despite having only one year difference with tara, the youngest sibling had a better relationship with sam, so y/n was also left alone in the sibling department. she only had her dad, who used to be her entire world until he packed his bags and left her behind. and it was all because of sam carpenter.
revenge is a dish best served cold, they say. and after years of waiting, the opportunity came to y/n. it actually knocked on the door of her new apartment in new york city.
“um, hello? can i help you?” the girl asked confused, seeing three strangers standing before her. one was a man around his forties, then there was a tall boy with curly hair and a red-haired girl with green eyes.
“hi, y/n carpenter, right?” the man said.
“yeah… do i know you?” y/n asked, a tad creeped out.
“no, but you knew my son, richie.”
richie, the man who used to date sam and then try to kill her. the man who tied y/n up and hid her in a closet, telling her she was going to be okay. murdering her was never in richie’s plan, and it still confused the hell out of her.
y/n’s eyes widened. “yes. i’m really sorry about what happened.”
“thank you.” the man gave her a small smile. “my name is wayne bailey, these are my children, quinn and ethan.” his two kids waved at her and she smiled in response. “do you think we could talk for a few minutes? i have something to say that might interest you.”
she reluctantly let them in, and wayne started telling her about what richie told them. how he noticed the tension between her and her sisters, how he could see the resentment in her eyes everytime she looked at sam, how sometimes they became murderous too.
“i don’t know what to tell you… what’s this all about? why are you here?”
“you see, y/n, your sister murdered my son. the light of my life, and i want her to pay. and by what richie told me, i think that’s what you want too.”
that captured her interest. “sam is the reason my dad—the only person i was close with in that damn family—left. so, whatever you have planned, count me in.”
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“are you okay?” y/n asked ethan, who looked very deep in thought as they entered the dorms building. they had just came from a meeting at wayne’s house, and ethan had been dead silent the whole way back home.
“i just… aren’t you scared? that things won’t work out and we might end like every other ghostface?” ethan was very expressive when he talked, he talked with his whole body, especially his hands. the maniac hand movement showed y/n that he was very anxious about the whole thing.
during the time she had spent with the baileys, she had reached a conclusion—wayne and quinn were all for revenge, it was clear they were furious with sam. and ethan, although he truly loved his brother and hated sam for what she did, was in on the plan for the mere purpose of pleasing his dad.
richie had been the favorite, and ethan wanted so bad for his father to see him like he once saw his brother that he was willing to sacrifice his life for it. y/n understood that feeling of wanting to belong more than anyone else, which was why she had connected with ethan in a way she never thought would be possible.
they became each other’s comfort, each other’s safe place when things got overwhelming. it really sucked to fake being wary of him, to act like she was trying to keep her distance because—like the rest of the group—she didn’t trust the new members, when it reality she just wanted to wrap her arms around his frame.
“i won’t let anything happen to you. even if i have to take a knife to the heart to make sure you get out of this alive, i’ll do it. i can promise you that.”
ethan shook his head. “but that’s exactly what i’m worried about. something happening to you. the thought of getting out of this without you… fuck, that can’t happen, y/n.”
y/n had seen ethan being vulnerable, he let himself be like that around her, but this was the first time she had seen him cry. it was a sight she never wanted to see again.
she carefully brush his tears away. “okay, then we’ll have each other’s back, okay? please don’t cry, you’re killing me.”
“i’m sorry, i’m just really scared.” he hid his face on the crook of her neck and took deep breaths to stop the tears.
“don’t be sorry. never apologise for feeling, especially to me. it just makes me sad to see your pretty eyes with tears, but i get what you say.”
“i don’t want to go back to the group.” he pouted.
y/n chuckled then checked her smartwatch. “it’s late. chad might wonder where you are.”
ethan groaned. “i don’t care. i’ll tell him i was at study group. can i stay here for a bit?”
“you’re a little obsessed with my presence, landry.” she joked.
“and what if i am?” he said before letting out a nervous laugh.
y/n took him in. his strong arm was settled on the back of the couch, right next to her head. his temple was resting on his closed hand and he was staring intently at her with those killer deep brown eyes. he was so beautiful and she was so weak when it came to him. and fuck if his full lips didn’t look so inviting.
her index finger lifted and it was soon tracing the shape of his lips. they felt as soft as his cute curls. “then we’d be on the same page. because i’m a little obsessed with you.”
ethan’s arm left the back of the couch to end up around the back of y/n’s neck, pulling her close. her shaky hand found its way to his hard chest, right where she could feel the thunderous beats of his heart, which only became more erratic when their lips finally met.
“mmmh, wanted it so bad.” he said between kisses. “we’re not going back to being just friends right? because i can’t handle that.”
“are you out of your mind? no way. you’re mine and i get to kiss you whenever i want. well, whenever i can.”
“yours. fuck, that sounds so good.” he hummed contently. “it’s going to be so hard to hold back from you.”
“but then, when we finally get to release the tension, it’s going to be so good, don’t you think?” she smirked.
“you drive me insane.”
“right back at you, pretty boy. i don’t think you realize how powerful those puppy eyes of yours are.”
ethan’s blood rushed to his cheeks and y/n giggled like a schoolgirl. her chest felt like busting. she was finally happy. truly. the 6 foot two brunet boy lying beneath her was her one source of happiness, and she was not going to let anything take him away from her.
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y/n stood in her ghostface costume in front of her sisters. she was practically bouncing on her feet, excited to reveal herself and see the look on the girls’ faces. ethan, who had already shown his face, had the biggest smile. y/n was so adorable he had to close his hands in a fist to fight the temptation of bringing her into his arms.
“ready for the last surprise?.” wayne asked.
“come on, babe.” ethan squeezed her waist and y/n took the mask off. her sisters stepped back in shock, faces tinted with hurt.
“how could you?” tara spat as tears fell from her eyes.
y/n rolled her eyes. “oh, cry me a river.”
“why would you do this? is this all because of him?” sam pointed her head at ethan. “what? you fell in love and he brainwashed you into becoming a killer?”
“do you think i’m stupid? of course not.” she scoffed. “i mean, i did fall in love with him, but that’s besides the point. they came to my door a few days after we moved.” and she told them how she came to work with the baileys. “i waited years, and now… i can finally make you two pay for how shitty you’d always made me feel.”
“what are you talking about? we’re your sisters, y/n.”
y/n glared at tara. “you have some fucking nerve. you’ve always made me feel neglected, until sam left town. we started to bond, but as soon as she was back… you forgot about me. how can you even say you’re my sister?” she yelled in anger. ethan took her hand in comfort. “and you?” she looked at sam. “you’re the reason my dad left, and i swear to god i’m going to show you exactly how badly that hurt.”
“you crazy bitch. you’re insane.” tara screamed at her.
ethan slashed her stomach in fury. “watch your fucking mouth when you talk to my girlfriend!”
“let’s just get over with this. y/n deserves a break.” quinn said.
the carpenters sure put up a fight, y/n was the one who got most of the wounds, but they had managed to succeed. wayne and quinn left to take care of gale and mindy while ethan stay behind taking care of his girlfriend.
“are you feeling alright?”
“don’t worry, eth. they’re bad, but not that bad. i’ll for sure live.” she reassured him. “we made it. i told you we would.”
“you did.” he laughed, and then hugged her tightly. “you scared me so much, though. i really thought i’d lost you when i saw you lying on the ground.”
“i could never leave you.” she brushed her nose against his and whispered against his lips, “i love you. thanks for walking into my life.”
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daytaker · 5 months
Hello! I’ve viewed your blog a few times and i really really like the way that you write, so when I learned that asks were i couldn’t help but make a request. Can we get some headcaons of the brothers meeting MC’s family for the first time and already Mama MC doesn’t like any of them because “they took away her baby.” Sorry if this is a little cringe.
But of course!
(Part 2: The Dateables + Luke)
"Mom, Dad, meet seven of my boyfriends."
...is what you want to say, but you know better than to panic your parents and fluster your totally platonic demon friends at a time like this.
And what a time it is. Here you are, surrounded by your parents, an aunt, your grandpa, and your sister, trying to calm your mother down from yet another diatribe about how you can't just get up and leave for a year---I mean, God, the police were looking for you! The police! You realize we thought they'd find your body in the woods somewhere? How could you do this to us?!---when suddenly:
Knock, knock. Knock knock knock knock knock knock. Thud. Thud. Thud.
"MC! Hey MC!"
"Mammon, if they hear you, you'll ruin the surprise!"
You and your relatives stare at the door. Then they all look at you. You give an awkward smile.
"Just give me a minute... I think those are some friends of mine..."
You really wish you lived somewhere besides a one bedroom apartment, but honestly, impossible in this economy. So you don't have anywhere remotely private to tell the brothers to scatter until the dust clears. In fact, the instant you open the door, Asmodeus flings his arms around you and kisses you on the cheek---in full view of your family, mind you!---and Beel shoves a box of half-eaten chocolates into your hand. Then seven voices are all clamoring for your attention at once on one end, and another five behind you. There are thirteen individuals in this tiny apartment, you realize, and you don't even have enough seats for your family to all sit. Your sister's seated on the floor.
"Heyyyyy guys, now's....not a great time...." A smile is plastered to your face as you tip your head in the direction of your extremely concerned parents. "And...seriously? It hasn't been two weeks yet."
Mammon looks confused, then indignant. "What? ...Hey, what the hell? You're already makin' new friends?! We really that replaceable?!"
Lucifer, who stands in the back holding a balloon bouquet with a jarringly serious expression on his face, speaks up. "I believe those are MC's relatives, Mammon. It seems we came at an inopportune time after all."
"Relatives?!" Asmo and Mammon hurry on over to give them all a good look-over, the others curiously observing.
"You're MC's mom, aren't you! Oh, MC! I see where you get your cheekbones!" Asmo gushes as your mother stares at him like he's from another planet. Which he sort of is, in a sense.
"MC? Who are these people?" your grandpa asks with bewilderment and not a small amount of concern.
"They're, um..."
"They're hot." Your sister waves her fingers at the group, and you wish you had perma-died in that attic.
You need to explain yourself quickly. On the spot. You'd already told your family you'd had a bit of a quarter-life crisis and gone backpacking across the country for the year, working through the mental collapse that living in the 21st century inevitably caused, so you ride off of that. These are a ragtag bunch you met on the road, you explain. You'd spent the better part of last year roughing it from the hills of Kentucky to the forests of Washington with these guys, and you'd become incredibly close as a result. You'd lived together, laughed together, loved together, and some of them even tried to kill you on a few occasions.
("'Tried'?" mutters Satan, and Belphie gives him a death glare.)
Under the leadership of the charismatic eldest brother, Lucifer, you'd become so close that it felt as if your very souls were somehow tethered---
"I'm sorry, 'Lucifer'?" Your mom has had just about enough of this. She approaches you with a look of heartbreaking concern in her eyes and cups your face. "....Baby, did you join a cult?"
"Who does she think she is, callin' 'em that?" seethes Mammon under his breath.
"Mammon, she's my MOM."
"Alright, I think I've seen enough." Dad gets up and eyes the boys sternly. "I dunno what you've been doing with my child, but it's gonna stop, you understand? I've got a homicide detective on speed dial because of you clowns."
"Is this where they get their assertiveness from?" speculated Levi to Beel, who simply shrugged.
"Listen, I think you're all just...misunderstanding each other!" Son of Gardonus, where are you even supposed to start? You grab the nearest demon---
(Individual brothers are below the cut!)
"This is Lucifer."
He gives you a look that says 'you really are as stupid as I've sometimes feared'. Why didn't you come up with a fake name?
"That was a joke."
Good, things are still salvageable.
"Because following his instructions is a lot like being in Hell."
He hates you.
"If that's the devil, then call me a sinner," your aunt says, sipping her third glass of wine.
"His real name is Boris."
He hates you so much.
"Pretty well-dressed for a man who spent a year on the road," observes your Mom with undisguised distrust. "Let me guess: while you were out gathering food and panhandling to survive, he stayed indoors doing whatever the hell he felt like doing, and at the end of the day, you'd take everything you'd earned and hand it over to him, and he'd toss you some pittance in return."
"How does she know that?!" Mammon gasps.
You try explaining to your mom that there was no cult, but she hushes you remorselessly.
You beg Lucifer with your eyes not to kill your entire family please. It seems to work.
"Mammon, these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Mammon. Mammon, say hello."
"Hello. Agh! Dammit! You're really gonna use that now?!"
Oops. Pact magic. It can be a little unpredictable at times. You ruffle his hair apologetically.
The two of you were pretty much inseparable over the last year, you explain. "Best buds, pretty much." He was the first of the group you got close with. Mammon seems extremely proud of this.
"Please tell me 'best bud' isn't a euphemism, MC." Your dad gives you a pleading look. "I don't know how many more surprises I can take today." You two seem far too affectionate and touchy-feely for his liking.
Your sister grins at him from her seat on the floor, which seems to embarrass and confuse him tremendously. He's refusing to look at her. Poor guy. The two of you do look a lot alike...
"This is Levi."
"Ah, that almost sounds like a normal name. Why Leh-vee, though? Why don't you pronounce it LEE-vie?
"It's short for Leviathan," he says before you can stop him.
Your sister starts cackling and Levi is very embarrassed and indignant but mostly confused.
"Is this like a cult thing?" your aunt asks. "Naming everyone after biblical demons?" She nods and raises her eyebrows, impressed, and lifts her glass in Lucifer's direction.
"And you've been out roughing it in the great outdoors?" your grandpa asks.
"Yes, he has."
"Hmm...." Grandpa stares at Levi without a word, and your sister cackles again, and Levi looks like he'll either start bawling or go full demon and kill everybody in a sort of panicked rage. You return him to his brothers.
"This is---"
"I'm Derek. Nice to meet you."
You side-eye Satan. Apparently he was not taking any risks of you straight up calling him 'Satan' in front of everyone.
Your sister and aunt both look disappointed by this name, which seems to please Satan a whole lot.
"So," your mom says, thinking this little introduction has gotten off to way too friendly a start, "you're another one of MC's... 'friends', are you?"
"Yep," you say, refusing to acknowledge that there was any innuendo to read into.
"How the hell did you get wrapped up in a cult, Derek?" your aunt asks incredulously. "You look like you came straight from a prep school... Or the Ivies, or something. Kid, let me tell you what." She points a finger at Satan without giving him an opportunity to respond. "Let me tell you, you're gonna kick yourself when you're old and ugly and you realize you wasted your time in a cult looking like you were headed to a game of polo."
"You should've given yourself a cool name like those other guys," your sister throws in.
"Guys, please."
"What? At least the other guys had character. Lucifer, the sexy vampire prince, or something. Mammon, the... Is he a himbo or a bad boy?" ("A himbo," you confirm.) "Mammon, the hellish himbo! Leviathan, a literal fish out of water! But him? This guy's just Derek from IT." Your sister blows a raspberry and gives a thumb down. "Next."
Behind you, you hear Lucifer mutter, "Mammon. Levi. Hold Satan back."
"This is Asmo. Please don't tear him a new one, he's---"
Your sister shakes her head. "I would NEVER. This guy looks like so much fun. Like, I'm getting shopping all day, clubbing all night vibes, am I right?"
Asmo winks at your sister, and she blushes. She blushes. You're in awe.
"Hellooooo~! I'm Asmodeus, and it's wonderful to meet you all!"
"You're the one that kissed my grandchild," Grandpa recalls, raising an accusatory finger at him.
"But MC loves when I give them kisses! Surely you all understand, right?"
Motherfucker, Asmo just charmed your family.
"This is Beel. Beel, this is...everyone."
"Hi. Good to meet you." Beel is very polite, if a bit uncomfortable.
"Well aren't you a drink of water and a half." You hate your aunt so much sometimes.
Beel frowns. "I'd rather have something a little more filling than water."
You see a look in your aunt's eyes and you jump before she has the chance to strike.
"If you say you're on the menu, Aunt Gina, I swear--"
"What's 'Beel' short for?" your mom asks sternly.
"Beelzebub," Beel answers with an adorable but also infuriating level of innocence.
Your sister is cackling again.
Hey, where'd Belphie go?
You look around, confused.
Oh. He wandered to your room while everyone was distracted.
He's sleeping on your bed, hugging your pillow. And drooling on it.
Your relatives stand behind you, observing the scene somberly.
"What's he on?" asks your sister in a whisper. "Like... he's definitely on something, right?"
"Freeloader. That goes for the whole lot of 'em. At least this one is honest about it. Just walks in and treats the place like it's his." Your dad is very annoyed.
"He's got narcolepsy," you insist. You don't know enough about narcolepsy to be sure if that seems like a reasonable excuse, but you're counting on your family not knowing either.
"How the hell did you all get around with a narcoleptic?" your aunt asks, elbowing Lucifer in the ribs. "Hah! Oh, MC, sweetie, I need a refill."
When you manage to get the brothers out of your apartment, you turn around and face your family. They're staring at you.
Your sister breaks the silence. "So like... how many of them have you--?"
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garfieldblunt · 2 months
Normal Javier Escuella HC because I said so
Let’s start with some cute ones :)
He’s got an ugly little giggle - he goes "hehhakbfeakjf" then blushes and twirls his hair
I feel like he’s really really clumsy
A lot of people say he’s a romantic, but the way he’s so awkward at the bar in chapter two tells me other wise
“Yes… uh he is a um…. *pussy* cat..????” Man has no idea what a pussy cat is and it’s so cute and silly
He’s definitely a nervous kisser when there’s people around - in private he is so lovey and romantic
Something about him tells me he has separation anxiety
Javier is probably a little ditzy on his own time
I just love imagining the “Big Mexican Badass who could kill you with one look” also picks flowers in his own time
He takes such good care of Boaz I just know it
Javier definitely forages for food, one of his little missions is for you to get him more Oleander Sage, He knows his foliage
Javier might be fierce and fiery, but I just know he's such a gentle lover
Now for the not cute ones :(
I feel like we all agree that Javier got rid of his guitar once the band broke up
HOWEVER I believe that it was an accident - either he left it at camp while in a rush leaving for Mexico
OR it fell off the horse while he rode away and it broke while it crashed, forcing Javier to leave it behind
He cut his hair because it was the one thing that kept him close to everyone else in the gang
Someone pointed this out to me, and I hate them for life (jk jk) - but I totally agree that Javier had no idea that the gang was splitting up until it actually happened
I know he spend 3/11 or so years just crying and probably blaming himself
I think Javier kept tabs on John - He says "I HOPE YOU AND YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN ROT IN HELL"
Either I think too much or somehow Javier knew about John's Daughter who died from being sick
I genuinely think that Javier thought he and John were still close enough to actually be brothers still
These make me sad :(
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bitchinbarzal · 4 months
the other woman | mat & mama
you’d had the best weekend with the kids and mat. It was nice to get away from being “doc” to just being a mom and wife.
you were on day two, standing at the end of the carpet waiting for mat to finish his interviews while wyatt slept soundly on your shoulder.
he finally made it to you, taking wyatt from you to give your arms a break.
the kids were all on a sugar high, antsy and looking around for the next thing to do. Bailey had run off, not wearing his cochlear so you chased after him, bringing him back to the family giggling.
Your spot now taken by a woman you didn’t recognise. Before you could introduce yourself you heard her say
“Oh she’s gotten so big! I remember when you were just a baby” a tickling a now wide awake Wyatt’s belly.
You frowned “and how do you know Wyatt?” You asked, taking the baby from her dad.
Mat and the woman looked at one another, Mathew considerably nervous looking “We um-“
“Molly used to come to daddy’s house!” Ryder, ever the one to throw dad under the bus. Mathew closed his eyes and sighed.
“Yeah this is Molly.. she’s a reporter for the league we went out once or twice last year” Mathew explains while Molly stands looking uncomfortable.
You smile “Well it was nice to meet you Molly”
“Likewise…” she trails “I’m gonna go” and takes off into the crowd to interview someone else.
You look at Mat who has those puppy dog eyes “Babe…”
“C’mon guys let’s go see the mascot’s! Uncle Jack told me they’re playing musical chairs” you exclaim, plastering on a fake smile to distract the kids from the obvious tension.
Before you could walk very far Mathew grabbed your waist “Hey! Don’t walk away-“
“You slept with her, didn’t you?” You ask, tears lining your eyes.
Mat couldn’t lie, not to you “Yes… we were separated though!”
“So all that shit about wanting to work on our marriage, how I was your only girl… that was all a lie? You just can’t seem to keep your hands off girls at your work”
“Hey, that’s not fair!”
“No Mathew what isn’t fair is you never telling me that! That I was at home worrying about my job, our kids and our marriage while you were out finding them a new mom?!”
He looks hurt “It wasn’t like that! Lets not forget you drafted the divorce papers”
And one last stab at his heart
“And I wish I hadn’t thrown them out now”
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