#but unless something goes wrong today i should have round two up soon
alright round one is over!! give me some time to make up the new polls but round two should be up today
this one will be 1v1 and only last one day instead of one week. match ups will be randomized and i am no longer stopping people from the same book from competing against each other
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h0rnyshakespeare · 3 years
Midnight Mochi
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka
Genre: Fluff, comfort
Word Count: 1310
Warnings: Minor swearing (if I missed out on anything let me know)
A/N: If you don’t like Kacchako (as I know most of the BNHA fandom do) ignore this one, and don’t forget to send in requests!! I’m currently in season 2 of Haikyuu and I’m wondering if I should start writing for it, so feel free to send Haikyuu requests too!
“Dammit…” was all that was going through Bakugou’s mind as he made his way back to the dorms. It was late, well later than his usual bedtime, although he could really care less at that moment. “That damn Deku.”
Bakugou hated feeling like this, it was so foreign to him, and it was pissing him off. He felt exposed, vulnerable and weak despite what All Might had said to him back at the grounds. “If only I were freaking better at this. I’m so freaking stupid.” Whatever ‘this’ meant. If he was being honest, Bakugou was not sure either. All his life, he had been told how powerful his quirk was, how smart he was, how good he was at practically everything he did. All it had given him was a cocky attitude and high expectations of himself, which was not necessarily a bad thing, but also caused him to be hard on himself. All he wanted now was to get back to his room without any more distractions so he could finally have time to clear his head without anyone disturbing him or feeling even more exposed to everyone around him.
Ochako could not sleep. She expected to pass out as soon as her head hit her pillow as training had been tough today, yet so many thoughts were running through her head. Unable to toss and turn around in bed anymore, she decided to go downstairs for a warm cup of tea and maybe a leftover mochi or two from the batch Sato had made for the whole class earlier. In her defense, mochi was her favourite food, and with how much she worked today she felt that she had earned a midnight snack.
As she made her way downstairs into the kitchen, she heard someone’s footsteps and froze. A villain?
Then she saw the familiar ash-blonde hair which she knew could only belong to one person. “Bakugou-kun? What’re you still doing up past curfew? I thought you went to sleep around eight thir-”
“Uraraka. Could ask the same of you.” Ochako stopped at his voice. Uraraka? What happened to Round Face and Pink Cheeks? It was rare that Bakugou ever called someone by their actual name, if he bothered to remember it at all. It was then that Ochako got a good look at the state of him, his spiky locks all messed up, dark circles under his ruby eyes, his usual tank top in tatters, his body bruised. “I, uh, couldn’t sleep, was making some tea. Um, would you like me to make a cup for y-?” “Don’t bother yourself,” Bakugou snapped back, although his voice was devoid of his usual annoyed tone. He sounded tired, which was beginning to worry Ochako. She knew Bakugou would hate being pressed, so instead of saying anything, Ochako went back to boiling some water. When Bakugou did not leave, however, she grabbed another mug and set it next to hers.
“The hell you doing, Round Face?”
There it was. Ochako chuckled internally at the nickname. “Making tea,” she replied, not glancing his way. “I told you not to make some for me.” “Yet you didn’t leave, it would’ve been rude to make one all to myself while you just stood there.” “Tch.” Bakugou muttered under his breath but did not object, leaning onto the kitchen counter as Ochako added the teabags. He watched as she rummaged through the fridge a bit, only to bring out a box of mochi and hold it out to him. “Mochi?” “Like hell I’d be caught eating that sugary shit.” “Okay, your loss,” Ochako giggled. “Tomorrow everyone’s gonna find out that the great Bakugou Katsuki can’t handle a cute little mochi-” “Gimme that,” he said, cutting her off as he swiped the box out of her hands. “Hey, you gotta leave me some! Those are my favourite!” “Yeah, I can see the resemblance,” Bakugou replied, causing her face to turn red. “That’s… that’s pretty rude, Bakugou-kun.” “Whatever.”
They ate in silence, not that Ochako minded. She could tell that Bakugou had something on his mind and decided not to ask unless he wanted to talk about it.
“So, you couldn’t sleep, huh?”
“Yeah, haha… I think I’m turning into some sort of insomniac,” Ochako joked, although Bakugou did not seem to find it funny. “Sleep is important, dumbass. You need it. How else are ya gonna achieve your goals. hah?” “I could say the same for you,” Ochako replied. “Were you training or something at 3 a.m.? You’re all bruised and tired.” “Like hell I am, I’m fine pink cheeks, geez.” “Alright, but if you need to, I don’t know, talk to anyone, I’m here. I may not be the best person though, just letting you know.” “You need to stop doing that.” Bakugou said firmly. Ochako was confused. Had she done something wrong? “Huh? What’re you talking about, Bakugou-kun?” “I’m talking about how you always seem to degrade yourself,” he replied curtly, a slight frown on his face. Ochako’s heartbeat slightly sped up in… nervousness of being caught of her self-deprecation, but there was something else too. Whatever it was, Ochako pushed it down. He noticed?
“Whether you’re joking around or not, talking down about yourself is never healthy, you idiot. You’re worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for.” “Th-thank you, same goes for you too, you know?” “Tch, of course I freaking know, I’m the best,” he said, although Ochako noticed a slight crack in his voice. “Um, Bakugou-kun, I may be overstepping my boundaries a bit here but… are you sure you’re alright?” The silence that followed was nearly unbearable, and Ochako feared she had only made things worse. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, I’ll be going now.” As she made her way to leave, she felt him grasp her wrist. “Bakugou-kun-” “Stay,” was all he said as he slightly tugged on her wrist, causing her to fall onto him accidentally as she was not expecting him to do so. “I-I’m sorry! It was an accide-” “Just… let’s just stay like this for a while,” Ochako barely heard him mutter, the usual roughness in his voice replaced with an almost… lonely tone. Ochako had no idea what to do, so she just let him hug her, her own arms slowly making their way around his body before Bakugou suddenly seemed to realize what he was doing and quickly let go of her. “Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that without asking-” Ochako hugged him again, cutting him off. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and seeing that she made no movement to pull away, buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Tch, I’m so freaking pathetic.” He said it so quietly that Ochako would have missed it if his lips were not right next to her ear. She moved one hand upwards to stroke his hair softly.
“You’re not pathetic,” she said, gently. “I may not know what happened, but I do know you’re a great person, Bakugou-kun. You’re the best, remember?” she chuckled. “You work so hard; I just know that one day you’ll be the best hero out there. So, take your own advice and never talk down on yourself. You’re so much more than that.” Silence engulfed the small kitchen as they stayed in that position for a while, until Bakugou pulled away. “This never freaking happened, ya hear me?” he said, not a hint of malice in his words. Ochako saw a faint pink dusting his cheeks and giggled. “I won’t.” “I’ll see you around then, Round Face,” he said, making his way to leave before pausing at the doorway. “And, uh, thanks or whatever.” “Try not to get caught by Iida-kun, Bakugou-kun.” Ochako smiled back at him as she walked in the opposite direction to her dorm.
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honesthammie · 3 years
Prompt 39: Death wants you to be terrified. But the scariest thing is wanting death.
13th Doctor x female curvy reader
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Warnings: mentions of suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse, domestic abuse, fat phobia
I'm sorry for this. Its really depressing and I've been hesitant on letting you guys see it but I kinda like how it's written. I've made the abuser gender neutral as females can also be abusive. I promise the next one will be much happier!
"Come on (y/n), you can make it! Just jump across and reach for my hand. I promise you won't fall." The Doctors voice echoes across the widening canyon. If you looked down, you would only see pitch black. You didn't know how long you'd fall. Maybe this would be the perfect time to just go for it. Its not like you'd matter, you're only slowing the team down as is.
They wouldn't even be in this mess if you didn't slip and hit the world shattering drill, turning it on full blast. Unfortunately, you smashed the button making it unable to turn it off. Of course the only way you'd be able to turn it off is to actually go towards it. Everyone in the room screamed at you and some raised their tentacles to attack you if the Doctor didn't step in front of you. You know the Doctor noticed you flinching and your eyes gloss over and noticed you bracing for the impact.
You learned over the years to just accept your fate. You can't run from anyone when you weighed this much. You couldn't hide either, which often left you to just accept what was coming and hope nothing broke. Bruises were always easy to cover and so were any cuts but broken bones, that was always on display and you'd have to break your number one rule: never lie. You hated lying. The truth always comes out anyway so why hide it? If you hide it, you get punished worse anyway so why bother?
If you jumped and actually went with the team, you'd get questioned about earlier and about hesitating at jumping. But if you fell, would the Doctor miss you? As much as you hated to admit it, you were absolutely in love with the adorable alien. Why did you hate to admit it? Because she was a goddess and you were a waste of skin and bones. You weren't skinny and you didn't fit in with the team at all. You were only here out of pity.
You remember when you first met the team. You were the only person alive when they searched underneath the hotel. Even the spiders didn't want you. You were at the hotel because you heard about killer spiders and you wanted an out. You could never do it or something would come up stopping you from ending all your misery. You were the complete opposite of the Doctor. She was so brave and said whatever she wanted and didn't really care for the consequences.
You focused on the Doctors sparkling eyes. Despite the situation, she still sparkled with hope and encouragement. She wasn't upset with you. You really wished she was. This would be such an easier decision to make. Your head was pounding and your heart was going faster than her two hearts. Did you even want her upset? You couldn't tell, your head was spinning wildly, one thought going to another without a chance to process the last one.
You had come to a clear decision. You ran back and let momentum do its thing as your feet left the muddy gravel. You felt so free as you glided in the air for a few seconds. It was the most beautiful feeling. No punishment, no tears before going to sleep and no terror of going back home. Just you and gravity.
Then with a clearer mind you regretted your choice. You were horrified. You weren't ready. It wasn't time yet. Graham can't lose you. He'd only recently lost his wife. He'd feel the same as you and that thought terrified you. He'd survived cancer and gained himself a new family. He can't be like you. Ryan needed him, wether he was willing to admit that or not.
Suddenly you panicked and last minute reached your hand out hoping you'd grab something. Anything. You felt a soft warm object and latched on for dear life. You were then lifted up and onto soil. You focused on your breathing a moment and waited for your heart to calm down. You looked up and saw what, or rather who, saved you. You shouldn't have been so surprised to see the Doctors worried face above yours. She gave you a questioning look, knowing the question, you nodded your head and she straightened herself and helped you up.
"That was great (n/n)! So brave of you! Let's go gang, we've gotta turn this drill off before it splits the planet in half!" She shouted as she ran forward, seemingly knowing the way. She didn't let go of your hand until you reached the drill about 10 minutes later. You couldn't help the blushthat formed on your cheeks. The Doctor quickly opened a panel on the side of the drill.
The drill was massive, bigger than the Eiffel Tower and that what was on surface level, it went down much deeper that it had reached halfway to the liquid nitrogen that ran in this cold planet where our magma centre would be. The drill itself was purple and spherical. The panel box was the size of a human head which was about the size of the civilisations sucker pads. Inside were 3 buttons and 1 lever. You needed to type the pattern that would gain the access to the drill and force stop. If it goes wrong, it speeds up rendering this planet uninhabitable.
You watched as the Doctor quickly typed the pattern in. Red,blue,red,red,red,blue,black,black,blue. That was the pattern she quickly pressed in and held the lever down for 10 seconds. Soon the drill came to a halt and the planet was peaceful once again. You all let out a sigh of relief as it stopped.
You made your way back to the chief of the race and explained that they should dismantle and never use that drill again unless they plan to empty the panet of everything it has within. He quickly agreed and the fam made their way back to the TARDIS.
As soon as tye TARDIS was parked on the edge of your solar system, you got into your comfy clothes ready to nap or maybe play a few games to slow your adrenaline until you were tired enough for a full nights rest. You played a few rounds of uno and some poker where you used some bits of metal instead of chips. Eventually everyone had left except you and the Doctor.
You made your way to the doors of the ship and settled down just watching the stars in front of you. If the sentient machine hadn't already been aware of your darkest thought, you would have jumped out there and been amongst them. Just floating eventually turning to nothing but bones drifting, maybe to never be found. All the sights you've seen and yet this is where you were the most impressed. This was your home, your galaxy and because of all the light pollution, you had never been fully aware of how many neighbours you had because you had been literally blind. This was only stuff captured and faked and now, it's forever in your mind.
You heard movement and a shuffle next you. You knew who it was because she was the only other person awake and you knew she was going to ask and not let it drop until you tell her truth. And you were going to give her it but that doesn't mean you were ready to do so but you had to, someone had to know. Maybe you wanted help or maybe just someone to listen and know everything making you mentally naked in front of them.
The Doctor waited a few moments. She was figuring out how to word it without sounding horrible. "Is everything alright at home?" She asked her voice laced with genuine concern. "Sorry if this sounds a bit abrupt but let me explain. You've been really weird lately. You hardly speak and when you its with as few words as possible, you keep going elsewhere mentally and Rassilion forbid anyone getting angry with you! I also noticed how you hesitated today when jumping and I saw your worry and panic when you jumped. I think I know but I can't help you if you don't at least tell me what is going on! And don't change the subject or anything, just answer me please. I lo-. I can't lose you too." Her voice raised a little as she panicked just speaking about it. Halfway through she grabbed both of your hands and continued her speech.
You looked deep into her eyes for any sign of a lie but there wasn't one. Just like at the canyon, her eyes showed nothing but love. Maybe you should tell her, just her. No Yaz, no Graham and no Ryan. Just you, The Doctor and the TARDIS. You looked away for a moment as you collected your thoughts. However, as you opened your mouth and tried to speak, you found no voice. You couldn't tell her about them. Lord knows what she's capable of. But you've been looking for an out for so damn long. Maybe this is it. She's your out, no death involved.
You walked towards a panel in the console and pushed your hands inside and focused. You focused on the worst time it happened. You concentrated on the fear and everything attached. You couldn't tell her, but you could show her. The TARDIS disappeared into the vortex but didn't seem so sure on landing. She was picking it all up, she felt everything you did and she did not like going. "Please baby girl, I need her to know. I need help but I can't tell her. She's my only out that doesn't involve death and that terrifies me! Please. I understand your hesitation but she needs to see." You spoke mentally to the sentient blue box. She made a sad sound as she gently landed in the moment.
The Doctor looked at you bewildered. Her eyes were wide and her mouth agape. You walked up to her and grabbed her hand reassuringly. You led her to the doors that separated her from your darkest secret. You took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
You appeared to be in the basement of your house. You walked up the stairs and took her to a storage room where she could see it happen. You sat in silence for a few minutes only the sounds of breathing and your heartbeat could be heard.
You knew this day off by heart, it plagued your nightmares often. It all started to sweet and went sour so quickly. At this time you were currently on your way back from doing your weekly shop to Tescos making sure you didn't forget their vodka and gin on your way to pay. Thankfully, the shop was only 10 minuets away and you doubted that the TARDIS would make you wait longer than nessacary. Just as the Doctor opened her mouth to speak the door opened and in walked an 18 year old you.
You set the bags down and started sorting the items into their new places. The canned foods go in the cupboard and the meat goes into the fridge. There were loads of food and stuff to go through and place properly. After you placed the last can of baked beans into the cupboard, the door swung open, nearly breaking the door.
They came home from their dealers place early. They stunk of weed and alcohol and had a little white powder around their nose. They looked like they had a good time until they had to come home. It was their dealers birthday so he was having a brothel themed party meaning there were strippers, pole dancers and prostitutes as well. The dealer was a rich guy who practically ran this city. The cops couldn't do anything as he could always bail himself out of jail.
They looked you in your comfy clothes and scoffed. They looked angry. "Why aren't you in your normal clothes babes? I thought I told you to throw away all of that shit. Come on now. Don't tell me I wasted all my well earned money on those clothes I specifically chose for you?"
You shuddered, both in the past and now except now they only made bile rise into your throat. You were so young and vulnerable. Now you know better.
The past you quickly scampered off to get changed. After only 5 minutes you reappeared in what was sexy school girl. The blue miniskirt covered less than most underwear so you were forced to wear a thong. The shirt was a bralet that barely covered your nipples. Your hair was in pigtails and you wore thigh highs. The sight made you silently sick in your mouth. You looked pathetic and weak.
You looked at them expectingly. You were waiting for your next order from them. They seemed to drool at the sight of you. "That's better babes. Why didn't you go shopping like that? Show the world your fat ugly figure? I want you to walk out there and see that no one else wants you but here I am, loving you. I am the only one who will ever like you in the way we have now. Your lucky I've had some fun tonight. All I want is my vodka and a new blunt darling"
You quickly went and grabbed their stuff and walked towards them as they settled in front of the TV. They turned the TV on and put Love Island on. How you hated that show. It made you feel bad for being the size you are. The women on there were beautiful but you also knew that, that kind of beauty costs money. So while your partner had fun watching the show for the romance, you watched it to spot what part of them was bought and what was real. Almost all the women had fake teeth and breasts. You hated how your partner would make snide comments on how they looked compared to you.
"You should be looking like Becky ya know. Beautiful teeth, big perky tits and a fucking great ass. What do you have? Flabs!" And there was the first comment of the day. The first of 30, you counted.
"Yeah well you are fucking broke so I can't look like fucking fake ass Becky or the others!" You thought. Then the Doctor gave you a look of shock and pity and then you realised you said that aloud. Not loud enough for them to hear you but enough for the Doctor.
"Make yourself fucking useful and make me some dinner. I fancy a steak and chips." They ordered as you got up and waddled over to the kitchen. A few minutes in you realised you put too much oil in the pan for the steak but the steak was already in and cooking quick. So quick that it started to smoke just a little bit. You tried blowing it away from them before they realised that you fucked up their dinner but ut was too late. They were already on their feet a marching towards you.
"I'm so sorry. I accidentally poured too much oil in. I'm so sorry. I have a spare steak, you can have my meal for tonight, I could do with skipping a meal anyways, helps me lose weight!" Past you was panicked and present you wasn't much better. Even though you were safe from them, they still made you uneasy. If you were to ever see them again, you'd freeze. They made your blood run cold. Even their voice sent unpleasant shivers down your spine.
"You better make me another steak but I still have to punish you. You fucked up, a lesson needs to be learnt." They said scarily politely. They grabbed your left arm and marched you towards the sink. They also grabbed the burning pan and pinned you so you had no escape as they poured the boiling oil onto your skin. You knew not to scream do you bit into your other arm knowing a bite out of it is better than causing more punishments for screaming.
When they were done left to watch the TV and you knew what that meant. You had to cook the spare steak and make there meal before you can get proper treatment at the hospital. Through your tears of agony, you quickly ran your burnt and bleeding arm under the cold water of the sink. You bit deeper into your other arm and tasting blood, but thay didn't stop you until the left one had cooled down. Then you got an old shirt, ripped 2 pieces of fabric off and wrapped them around both arm Injuries. You then continued their meal.
Once they had the meal they kicked you and punched you in the stomach because the chips were slightly cold and then they drove you to the hospital as they promised. When you had left you didn't realise you had been crying until a drop fell on your arm. You walked out of the storage room and sat on the sofa, turning the TV off.
The Doctor looked shocked for a moment before walking over and kneeling in front of you. The Doctor went silent for a moment. Before she could speak, you decided to speak first.
"I couldn't tell you because I couldn't think if a nice way of telling you. I didn't want to appear weak to you." You cried as your voice cracked in the middle due to the tears and the strain. The Doctor looked at you in pity and disappointment.
"This does not make you weak. Being abused does not make you weak. Because being abused is like being tortured by someone who supposed to love you and cherish you. They are meant to protect you from danger not be the danger. I would never hurt you. I know that I put you in risky situations but believe me, I would never intentionally put you in danger. You mean too much to me" The Doctor softly spoke with tears making a little river down her soft cheeks and onto your black carpet below.
"Before I met them, I was like you or Yaz. I was so happy at everything. Very little could bring me down. But I met them and started dating them and suddenly, my world of sunshine faded to grey. There was no light. I wanted to die Doctor. When you found me at that spider hotel, I wanted to be free from them as I couldn't do it. I can't because they'd kill me. I don't want to be alive whilst I'm with them. I have so many scars from either them or me trying to end my own life and that the scariest thing. Death wants us to be terrified but wanting to die is so much more terrifying Doctor, I know that." You cried as you emptied all you could to her. The Doctor was silent for a moment, taking in everything you said. Waves of emotion flashed through her, anger, sadness, pity and something you couldn't quite place.
"You said wanted. That's past tense. You said wanted to die. What changed? What made you want to live?"
"You did. You saved me from the spiders. You gave me a temporary out of the relationship for a while. You made me smile for the first time in 3 years! You made me laugh. The world of grey is now full of sunshine and rainbows Doctor. You also saved me today. When I jumped across that canyon, I jumped to end my life. I made a mistake that nearly ended a planet! If I wasn't so fat and clumsy maybe i-"
"Don't you dare say that! You are not fat (n/n). Yes you have more plush to your body but you are not fat. I hate that word. Its such a nasty word. You are gorgeous, amazing and so brilliant. You can't see what I see and I really wished you could for just one moment. You are worthy of being loved and cared for. You are precious, rare, one of a kind. I've never met anyone like you. There's always some skinny, fake bodied and caked up women but there's no one with as much natural beauty as you! Let's get back to the TARDIS and we'll talk more when looking at the stars because I can see that being here isn't doing you any favours" The Doctor spoke with such passion that you started to believe that her words held more than those of a supporting friend would.
Once the TARDIS was parked in the Milky Way you settled by the door once again and found yourself accompanied by the sweet alien. You both sat there for a moment just content with wrapping your heads around what's just happened. You looked over to the blonde and noticed how the stars made her glow in such an ethereal way that you felt almost compelled to worship her. Maybe you should after everything she's done for you. Her eyes sparkled with si many emotions from the past senario.
"Are you still with them?"
"Why do you think I never left this place? I mean even if could, I wouldn't want to but it's mainly because if I go back home, I'll come back with more injuries. I feel safer with you. You are my sunshine and rainbows and they are my storm clouds. Whilst I'm here, I'm alive and mostly unbroken. Whilst I'm there, I'm as alive as a puppet and severely broken. I can't leave, not on my own anyway."
The Doctor looked at you in thought. "The starlight compliments you. You look so pretty and almost angelic. I just wish they never hurt my angel. My innocent angel had broken wings and I'm going to fix what the Devil broke, I promise. Just hold on, I'm going to take us somewhere."
You held the nearest crystal as the TARDIS transported you somewhere but it seemed like the sentient machine was determined to take you there as quick as she could. As you opened the doors you noticed a familiar smell of weed mixed with alcohol. You heard the familiar tune of Love Island and knew exactly where you were. You were home. The Doctor saw your hesitation and whispered softly, "I want you to pack everything you want. I've written a note for them to find. I'm going to put it on the bed. If they notice you scream for me and I'll be there. They will not hurt you much, hopefully not at all. I just need to do something in the TARDIS before I help you." She turned and left into the TARDIS and disappeared down a corridor.
The atmosphere sent chills down your spine and you were frozen. The TARDIS seemed to notice and words of encouragement were sent into your head which helped you move towards your bedroom. You quickly buy quietly opend your suitcase and started to fill it with clothing and hygiene products. As you entered the bathroom a bottle of their shampoo fell into the tub giving you away. You knew you only had so long before they came in and hurt you so you closed the door and barricaded it with whatever you could.
As you pushed the last cabinet to the pile they roared through the wooden door. "Let me in you fat dumb bitch. You've been gone for 3 weeks and you've got some balls coming back! You're lucky I haven't burned all your shit! Where have you been?"
Your heart ran at an extremely fast pace nd you knew only one person could help you now. And so you screamed her name so loud it hurt your throat bit that didn't stop you. You screamed until you heard talking. You couldn't understand what was said but suddenly a thud was heard and then silence.
"Hey Starlight! It's only me. I've taken care of them. They're not dead but in a venishion aikido. They can't move, they're paralysed. You can come out and finish packing"
You moved everything out of the door and opened it to a view you expected. The Doctor with 2 fingers to their pulse point on their neck. The Doctor smiled at when they saw you. You finished packing and zipped the bag up. Then Yaz walked in with her police uniform on and arrested them for domestic violence and many other things. Now you understood why The Doctor left, it was to get Yaz as a back up option to completely take them out of your life.
The Doctor helped open doors for you as you got your room and you set the suitcase to one side to empty another day. You both sat down on your bed. The sound was filled with nothing but 2 lifeforms breathing and the TARDIS faint buzzing. You two stayed like this, staring into each other, trying to read the others emotions. But we all know what The Doctor is like, she can't stay silent for long.
"I had to save you because as long as you were with them, you weren't ever going to be truly happy. I didn't want my big bright star to turn into a black hole, I wanted her to be a supernova. My Starlight deserves to be happy."
"You keep saying my Doctor. And you asked if I was still with them and then when I basically said yes, you quickly, as in a rush, sent us home so I could leave them. You keep saying all these things about me. You held my hand from the canyon to the drill. You are always the first to check on me and you always make sure I'm OK first even if I'm the farthest person from you! Doctor, be honest, I don't want any more bullshit. Doctor why?" You spoke softly but with determination. The Doctor blushed and shifted her gaze to the stars and quietly gulped. She knew this day would come. The day her secret was revealed. And she dreaded her answer and she dreaded your reaction. And whilst she figured out what to say, you already knew the answer.
You gently grabbed her chin and made her look at you. Once her gaze caught yours, you smiled and placed your lips to her soft ones. Quickly she caught up and kissed you back with all the love and passion she could muster. She wanted to relay that she did love you and that she would do exactly as she said earlier, she would cherish you.
As for you, you smiled. You finally had an out that didn't end in death but instead ended with the same love that you yearned for, for years.
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Warm Beers
Taglist is OPEN! Dm or comment to be added
Posting Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
This takes place before season one!
All Works Master List
Warm Beers Master List
Word Count: 1808
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    Kenzie slips out of her room, quietly closing the door behind her. JJ was still asleep, cuddling into one of Kenzie's pillows with the green dinosaur squishmallow John B. gifted Kenzie last year under one arm. He looked so peaceful that Kenzie couldn't bring herself to kick him out, even though it was already eight in the morning, and she could hear her dad downstairs making breakfast.
    "Does JJ want eggs?" Shoupe asks, back turned towards Kenzie when she enters the kitchen. His daughter stops in her tracks and stares at his back. How the hell did he know? Kenzie made sure that everything was put away and that they stayed quiet all night. "You're not as sneaky as you let yourself believe, Z," Victor points out and looks at his daughter with a knowing smirk.
    "Dad, I'm so sorry," Kenzie starts to apologize, knowing she broke one of her dad's rules. Again. No boys were allowed to have sleepovers until after she was eighteen.
    "Don't apologize. I've known since the first night. If I wanted to get you in trouble, I would have," Shoupe points out, turning back to the scrambled eggs in the pan. "You're too good to that boy, you know?"
    Kenzie slides into a barstool and leans against the counter. She rolls her eyes and protests, "He just needs some extra love. You've seen the deadbeat dad he got stuck with."
    "I know. I'm just giving you shit. Now, does JJ like his eggs scrambled or over easy?" Kenzie shrugs. "You're best friends, and you don't know how he takes his eggs? Are you even best friends?" Victor jokes.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to know his damn egg order to be considered best friends. I'll demote us to acquaintances again," McKenzie sasses with a roll of her eyes. Shoupe laughs at her and dishes his eggs onto a plate.
    "You didn't want any, did you?" He asks as he takes his place next to Kenzie at the kitchen island. Kenzie shakes her head. She wasn't the biggest fan of eggs unless she was low on protein. If they had more cheese than egg, she would eat them, but the Shoupe household was out of cheese at the moment. Which Kenzie considered a crime punishable by death. "Didn't get any sleep last night?" Kenzie shakes her head again as Shoupe's phone starts to ring. He sighs when he sees the caller and answers it. McKenzie slips off her barstool and goes to grab a breakfast shake from the fridge while her dad gets called in early for work.
    He sighs and hangs up, looking at McKenzie. "I have to get going, Z. I'll see you later tonight?" Kenzie agrees and hugs her dad goodbye. He leaves the house with his plate of eggs and his ceramic coffee mug. Victor had already gotten dressed and everything he needed for his workday when he decided he had enough time for breakfast. Which, obviously, got cut short.
    Kenzie moves to the living room couch and sits on the far end, drinking her shake and scrolling through social media absentmindedly while she thinks about her plans for the day. She should probably clean up her bedroom, or she could forget that and go play with the Pouges on the water.
    She glances up from her phone when JJ sneaks downstairs, looking around for the deputy. "He's already at work, Maybank," Kenzie calls up, causing the boy to jump. She giggles and waves him over. JJ jogs over and jumps on the couch next to her. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."
    JJ rolls his eyes and slaps Kenzie's phone out of her hands. "What the hell, JJ?"
    "I wanted your attention," JJ shrugs, smiling at her innocently. "The fuckers have work today, so it's just you and me until three. So, what are the plans?" JJ asks, heading tilting. Kenzie rolls her eyes and picks her phone up from the ground.
    "Who said I wanted to hang out with you?" Kenzie jokes. JJ pouts and crosses his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. "I'm kidding, J." Kenzie laughs, pushing JJ's arm lightly. "I thought that I should clean my room but would rather play games," Kenzie suggests.
    "I say we play games all day," JJ inputs, causing Kenzie to giggle. Her eyes catch the Hello Kitty band-aid still stuck on his chin, heightening her giggles into a real laugh. "What?" JJ asks, forgetting the bandaid is stuck there.
    "You have a kitty on your face," She laughs. JJ's hand slaps the plaster and starts to giggle as well. "You look so stupid," Kenzie continues to laugh as JJ claws the Hello Kitty off of his face.
    "You're the one who forced me to wear it last night," JJ exclaims, rolling up the bloody band-aid and tossing it to the floor. "What's the plan, Ken?" He asks, trying to forget the way his heart melted when Kenzie kissed the wound late last night. It didn't mean anything - to either of them - but it was such an innocently sweet thing Kenzie always did to make JJ feel a little bit better.
    McKenzie rolls her eyes, picks up JJ's disgusting plaster between two fingers, and takes it to the kitchen trash can. "I'm always picking up after you disgusting idiots," Kenzie says, shaking her head as she walks back to the living room. JJ just smiles a Cheshire cat-type smile as he lounges on the couch. "Pick a game, Loser," Kenzie instructs as she plops down next to him.
    JJ starts up her game system and scrolls through her options before landing on a first-person shooter he knew he'd beat Kenzie at. As she takes the remote, JJ grabs her legs and sets them on his own. She squeals slightly as she gets pulled closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. When given a questioning look from Kenzie, he just shrugs and starts the game. He just needed a little extra physical love this morning.
    The two yell and push each other when the opposite kills them during their numerous rounds. Kenzie's tongue sticks out the corner of her mouth as she concentrates on the game in front of her. JJ takes notice when he glances over at her.
    Kenzie's hunched over, feet planted firmly on the ground instead of over his legs after he brutally killed her. The controller is clutched tightly in her hands as if the pressure she hit the buttons with would make the attacks hit JJ harder. Her tongue pokes out, and her eyes squint at the screen in concentration. JJ could feel his heart pick up in pace as a smirk spreads across McKenzie's face.
    "Bomb! Headshot, Maybank," Kenzie cheers, jumping up from her seat and doing a small victory dance in front of JJ. He forces the smile that creeps across his face down as Kenzie continues to dance. She was so happy that she won against JJ that she was practically glowing. Her smile spread so far across her face that her chin dimple appears.
    At this point, JJ knew there was something else besides beers and not eating causing his upset stomach. But it didn't hit him until Kenzie turned to face him, smiling wide and eyes bright, that the feeling came up, and he felt like he needed to throw up. Kenzie was one of the most beautiful people JJ's ever had the pleasure to have in his life. Both inside and out. But was he going to confront these feelings? He's JJ Maybank. Of course he won't.
    "I let you win," JJ pouts, crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch. Kenzie giggles and jumps on the couch next to him, knees tucked under her. JJ rolls his head to the side and glares at Kenzie. Her eyes glisten with victory as she stares back at the boy.
    "You didn't let me win; you got distracted," Kenzie points out. She obviously saw JJ staring and used that to her advantage. He wasn't as sneaky as he liked to think he was. Drool was practically flooding out of his mouth as he looked her over. Kenzie was a little flattered that JJ got distracted by her, but it also made her stomach clench.
    "Yeah? By what, Ken?" JJ prompts, sitting up so he's even with Kenzie. Something was yelling at him to lean in, to make a move on his best friend. JJ knew he shouldn't, but the urge to kiss those pretty pink lips grows the longer he looks at them.
    "My unfathomable beauty," Kenzie teases, leaning closer to JJ unconsciously. JJ smirks and glances down at Kenzie's lips again. They just looked so fucking kissable right now. Kenzie's tongue pokes out and licks the soft skin, egging JJ on more.
    Kenzie can feel JJ's breath fan across her face as they slowly gravitate towards each other. This was wrong on so many different levels. They were best friends, and there was the no-Pouge-on-Pouge macking rule. But being this close and this intimate was causing both teens to get upset stomachs and throw caution to the wind.
    The garage door swings open harshly, and the deputy follows soon after, carrying his empty dishes and looking around frantically for something. Kenzie jumps to the opposite side of the couch while JJ leans back into the soft sofa cushions casually. As if they weren't about to kiss.
    "What are you looking for, Dad?" Kenzie asks, scratching the back of her neck. Shoupe takes one look at the teens and rolls his eyes. They looked like love-sick puppies who longed for the other's sole attention.
    "I got to the station and realized I left my badge at home. Have you seen it?" Victor asks, still looking in the kitchen.
    "You didn't have it this morning, so it's probably still upstairs, in your room, on your dresser," Kenzie says, knowing exactly where Shoupe keeps his personal belongings. He sighs out a thank you and goes to retrieve it. The teens stay silent and avoid all eye contact.
    This had got to be the most embarrassing situation Kenzie has ever been in. It was getting hotter in the room by the second, and Kenzie and JJ continue to ignore the other's presence in stiff silence.
    Kenzie's dad yells down that he's found as he trots down the stairs. He places a quick kiss on his daughter's head and eyes JJ suspiciously before bidding his goodbyes and running out the door. The friends continue to sit in silence, staring at the floor, before Kenzie breaks the silence.
    "Are we going to talk..."
    "No," JJ answers curtly and picks up a remote. "Let's just play." Kenzie agrees silently and goes back to fighting JJ, who won't let up on the poor girl.
Taglist: @queenofallhobos @gwenlovesharrystyles @gviosca @x-lulu​ @cognacdelights​
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bbyboibinnie · 4 years
two of us
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synopsis: love is hard to come by, especially when the boy you’ve been pining over is already taken. pairing: reader x jisung  genre: fluff, angst, romance, college au  warning: explicit language/cursing wc: 2.8k
It was halfway through your senior year in high school when you two had met. This was unexpected to say the least because it was the last semester of your last year; you had no intentions of making any new friends, considering you already had a handful of people you were close with and stuck by for the last three years. It was Chan that introduced you to him. You had known Chan for awhile–he was your lab partner for two consecutive years now–and although you considered him as a friend, you had never actually hung out outside of school before, unless it was for a group project of course. However, one day he had invited you to his birthday celebration and that was the day when you met his other friends, one of them being Jisung. 
“Woah, slow down there.” His word caught you by surprise as you were stuffing cupcakes in your mouth. You didn’t really know any of Chan’s friends at the time and socializing with new people didn’t exactly come by easily for you, so you had opted to linger around the snack table instead. 
Hastily dusting the crumbs off your face, you introduced yourself, “Oh, hey. My name is y/n.”
“I’m Jisung. I think we have calculus together right?” You looked at him closely; with black hair, deep brown eyes, and round cheeks you couldn’t lie–he was pretty cute, but you shook your head in response as you didn’t recognize him.
“Ya, Jisung! Come help me set up the cake!” Another one of the boys had called out, cutting your conversation with him short.
“Keep an eye out for me in calc.” He said as he was dragged away into the kitchen.
Sure enough, he was in the same math class as you. Honestly, besides your best friend in that period, you really didn’t pay attention to the other people. After all, the class was impacted and half of them were underclassmen so why bother remembering all the names and faces? 
It was the day after the party and you looked around at everyone in the class; it only took you a moment before you spotted him in a seat two rows over. The lecture hadn’t started yet so he was talking to his friends. You didn’t feel the need to get up to go over and spark a conversation or anything, but when you two made eye contact, you gave him a quick smile before turning back to face the front board. 
For a while, you two would occasionally spare glances at each other and wave or smile if you locked eyes, but there was nothing more. It wasn’t until after the latest exam when he approached you again.
“Hey, how’d you think you did?” He asked, waiting as you finished packing up your belongings. 
“Could’ve done better. What about you?” You made your way to the door and he followed suit.
“Just hoping for that passing grade. Anyway, Chan and I were going to meet up to grab food after class today, wanna come?” You debated going with them for a second but ended up agreeing anyways. 
You didn’t know what to make of Jisung at first, considering you had only exchanged a few words, but after hanging with him, even if it was just for a few hours, you found him to be quite likable. 
From then on, he stuck around and you didn’t mind, in fact, perhaps you enjoyed his presence a lot more than you were willing to admit. 
High school came and went but you were ready to face the new challenges and opportunities that college presented. Most of your other friends had been accepted to places further away, but you had settled for community for the time being. For the most part, you were an independent person; therefore, you tried to not be clingy when your friends left to reach their own goals–you’d see them soon enough again–but you had been worried about starting this whole new chapter of your life alone, luckily for you, someone by the name of Han Jisung had enrolled right alongside you.
As days went by, you two were seen together more and more. Of course he met new people, and so did you, but it was always nice to have someone familiar to go back to and for you, that familiar face was Jisung, and for him, that person was you. 
Your majors were completely different and so were your classes, but you still spent time with him studying, ranting about professors, and passing out in each other’s rooms after staying up to finish assignments. 
“Hey, Jisung,” you whispered, trying to not startle him awake, “it’s almost midnight. You should probably head back to your place before it gets too late.” He was slumped over your desk, fingers lifelessly placed atop the keyboard of his laptop, already drifting into a deeper state of sleep. “Jisung.” You tried again, only to have him groan in response. Shaking your head, you draped a throw blanket over his figure before returning to your workload. 
It had gone on like this for weeks, months, nearly a year. One night he’d sleep over at your place and the next you’d be at his. Both of you had been accustomed to this routine now and you thought nothing of it, however, the more time you spent with him, the more you found things to like about him, and that’s what you were afraid of in the beginning–falling for him.
You were never the type to fall head over heels for anyone, all throughout elementary, middle, and high school, you only had occasional crushes but nothing significant. Yet,
there was something about him that you couldn’t shake off. Maybe it was the way he always made stupid jokes that you couldn’t help but laugh at, or perhaps it was the way he played his guitar and share the new songs he wrote with you first before anyone else got to hear them. It was the smile that reached his eyes and the way he knew you so well, like the back of his hand. It was everything. 
You didn’t expect anything more out of the platonic relationship, but you couldn’t just get rid of the feelings on demand, so you had to let them settle and hope that they’d go away eventually, of course that didn’t work. 
Just because you saw Jisung differently, didn’t mean he would have the same outlook on you. 
“What do you think would make a good first date?” Jisung had asked casually over the counter. You were currently on shift at the local boba shop and Jisung often tagged along; typically he just sat there and did his homework as he waited, but on days where store traffic was low, he would ease your boredom by talking aimlessly. This particular caught you off guard though.
“Um, I’m not sure. Why do you ask?” You said, trying to sound casual, while restocking the ingredients.
“Well, I finally managed to receive a ‘yes’ after I asked someone out earlier today.” He said, smiling to himself in satisfaction. You were shocked, but at the same time, not at all. During the twelve months or so that you’ve known him, relationships weren’t a common topic of discussion. Yes, it did come up a few times but college and just life in general was already too time consuming so you didn’t bother with relationships, and neither did he.
“Wow, I’m impressed Jisung. I didn’t think anyone would fall for a clown like you.” You teased him, hoping your disappointment wasn’t showing. You knew that it was a platonic relationship and had set no expectations, yet you still felt a wave of sadness wash over.
“Oh, haha. Seriously though, I only prepared on how to ask them out, but I didn’t think past that because I wasn’t sure I’d even make it this far.”
“In that case, why don’t you consider what the person likes and try to set up something that you both would enjoy? Personally, I don’t think you could go wrong with arcade, pizza, and boba though. I could even hook you up with a discount on the boba.” You said jokingly in an attempt to lift your mood up. 
“What would I do without you? You better keep your word about that discount though. Oh shit, I gotta head back and finish my essay, see ya y/n. Also, text me when you get back to your place!” He shouted the last part as he was in the midst of exiting and the door jingled as it shut behind him. 
So his date had gone well and now his status went from ‘single’ to ‘taken’ while you were still struggling to manage your unrequited feelings. You had accepted the situation for what it was but that didn’t make it any easier. 
Naturally as he began to split his time between his new relationship and you, the time you spent with him dwindled down. Weekly study sessions became bi-weekly, which turned into monthly events. You didn’t hold this against him though, you were glad he found someone to connect with. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late… again.” Jisung said sheepishly as he entered your room, with a backpack slung over his shoulders, messy hair, and pink marks peeking out from under his t-shirt. You were flustered at the sight, knowing that he had just come back from being with his significant other, doing who knows what. 
“Uh, it’s okay. Just–let’s just get to studying.” You preoccupied yourself with your various notes and textbooks and tried you best not to be distracted. Suddenly, somewhere along the line, tension began to build. Maybe you were just imagining it but something had shifted between you and Jisung these days, and it gave you a sense of hopelessness because there was nothing you could do about it.
More time had passed and your friendship was still afloat, but it definitely wasn’t the same as before. It seems like everything has its peak and you two have surpassed that; what goes up must come down, so it was all downhill from there. 
As his relationship became more unstable and doubts, he slowly began to make his way back to you. You should’ve been happy, even elated at this fact, but you weren’t. 
“I don’t know what happened. One minute we were fine and the next we were arguing. It’s like I am dating a different person now.” He expressed to you, once again at the boba shop you were still working at. It had actually been awhile since he came.
“Mmhhm.” You nodded wordlessly as you continued to spray down the tables with disinfectants.
“The argument was so petty, I should’ve known better than to engage in it.” The rant continued on and on and you had mindlessly agreed with everything he said, until he noticed you weren’t even paying attention.
“Y/n, are you even listening to me?” 
“Okay, then will you give me your entire life savings?”
“Y/n!” He shouted, getting up from his seat to stand directly in front of you on the other side of the counter. His loud voice startled you and you looked up, only to face a boy who was seething in anger. “Why are you blatantly ignoring me? I’m trying to rant to you and you’re not even helping.”
That was the last straw. 
“Listen, don’t come in here asking me to be your guidance counselor after cancelling our plans on dozens of occasions. Also, how could you really expect me to give you my time when you can’t even spare me a minute on any other day. You’ve been a real jerk lately and you haven’t even noticed it! I can’t believe I ever liked someone like you!” The indirect confession left your mouth before you could stop yourself, and he stood there absolutely dumbfounded. 
 That night, you immediately wanted to hide in the back of the store and hope whatever happened never happened, but you were tired of miscommunication.
“You like me?” Between the two of you, he was the one who had the courage to break the silence.
“Liked. I liked you. Past tense.”
“Do you still like me? Present tense.” 
“No, I don’t–or maybe. I don’t know right now.” You had mentally convinced yourself that you were over him, but trying to admit it out loud proved otherwise. 
“Y/n, I–” He started but you cut him off before he could finish.
“Maybe you should just go home now. I need some time to think.” He had hesitated for a moment, but eventually, he respected your wishes. 
It had been over a week, nearing two weeks, since you’ve talked to him. You already had so much on your plate with finals coming around and constantly having to work, so this was not something you wanted to deal with now, or ever actually. But closure was necessary, for you and for him, so you decided that once finals were over, you’d set things straight.
Grabbing the phone off your nightstand, scrolled through your contacts to find his name.
(11:57 PM ) 
[ you ]  hey, we should talk after finals r over
You sent the text, hoping he’d want closure as well, but minutes passed there was no response. Just when you were about to sleep, your phone vibrated.
(12:05 AM)
[ jisung ] okay, see u after finals then. gn 
You had just gotten out of your last class of the day when he came into view. Frankly, you hadn’t expected to meet up with him until later on in the day, but that was your own mistake for not specifying when or where to meet in the text. Although this had slightly caught you off guard, you couldn’t put this off forever so you made your way towards him.
It was a relatively cold day; he stood there bundled up in his hoodie and a beanie atop which tamed his hair from the strong winds. 
“Hey.” You said as you stood face to face with him.
“Hey, it’s been awhile.” He responded, eyes softening when he saw you. 
* * * 
Together, you ended up walking back to his place to talk. Nothing much was said during the trip back, besides the occasional polite small talk like “how have you been?” and “how were finals?” 
When he opened his door, you entered wearily; although you had visited his place numerous times in the past, the last time you actually came by was months ago so it felt odd to be back to place so familiar, yet foreign again. 
You were grateful for the fact that it was so warm in his apartment because the weather outside had left your body feeling numb. 
“Here, I know you get cold easily.” Jisung handed you an extra sweater he pulled from his closet and you thanked him before sliding it over your shoulders. 
The both of you just stood in his living room, no one knew what to say or how to start the conversation, but you were here now so it was time to say everything you’ve felt. With a deep breath, you began. 
“I thought I could let go of my feelings for you, but I couldn’t.” You said, focusing on the floor as you couldn’t look him in the eyes. “And I’m sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable or jeopardizes whatever is left of our friendship, but I can’t keep lying to myself anymore. If you don’t like me, then I’ll have to accept it and move on but I just had to let you kn-” 
Your spiel came to an abrupt stop when he drew you into his arms. Not knowing how to react, you were frozen from confusion and shock.
“Y/n, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?” He held you at arms length and gently titled your chin up so you could meet his gaze. “If I had known you liked me, I would’ve never looked at anyone else.”
His words were forming incoherent sentences in your head. Was this his confession? Did he feel the same way? 
He must’ve sensed your puzzlement because he smiled at you and said, “Yes dummy, I like you too.” 
Your immediate response was to smile, but then something dawned on you.
“What about your current relationship?”
“I’m no longer in a relationship. We have been broken up for nearly a month now.” 
“So what does that mean for us?” You say, almost too optimistically. And his response was to pull you in close, so close to the point where you could feel his breath fanning across your cheeks and your noses were barely touching, before closing the gap between your lips and his.
a/n: honestly, this piece is kind of all over the place since it’s my first one but hopefully more practice will make my writing better! also, this is not proofread so my apologies for any grammatical/punctuation errors. 
also here it my masterlist in case you want to read my other works!
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lunatens · 4 years
scaredy cats
requested by bea (🌱✨anon) tysm bby!! i’m sorry this took so long, i made it a lil longer to make up for it :> 
prompt: “uh...did the power just go out?”
*part of my 2 years with luna event!
word count: 2.2k
genre: fluff, high school au, childhood friends to lovers 
pairing: lee chan x gn reader
warnings: there’s a thunderstorm and the power goes out!
[you: channieeeee pls come over~]
[chan: y??]
[you: do u rlly need a reason lmao i just wanna see my bestie]
[chan: it’s raining thoooooo]
[you: so? use an umbrella it ain’t a far walk]
[chan: okok i’ll come hang out]
[chan: i’m gonna kick ur ass at super mario party tho]
[you: in your dreams ;) see u soon bby!!]
slipping your phone into your pocket, you roll off your bed and excitedly rush to your front window, pulling the blinds aside so you can have a better view of the street outside. chan wasn’t kidding, it’s raining alright—heavy torrents of rain pour from the sky, and the clouds look a bit too dark for your liking. you bite your lip guiltily, feeling a little bad that chan’s walking here in this weather. at least he only lives a block over, you think to make yourself feel better. 
chan’s been your best friend ever since he accidentally hit you in the face with a frisbee way back when you were just ten years old. your nose started bleeding, and chan panicked and tried to comfort you as he went with you to get cleaned up. even when the school nurse tried to send him back outside, he refused to leave until he knew you were okay. you tease him about this all the time, laughing at how overdramatic he was (”it was just a little nose bleed, chan” “okay but you were crying!!”) but you’re grateful for it, as you probably wouldn’t have become friends otherwise. 
you smile to yourself as you think back fondly on the memories of your childhood with chan; it won’t be long till you’re both graduating high school, and it’s hard to believe it’s been so many years since that fateful frisbee incident. you can’t help but nervously wonder what the future will bring for you and chan, but you push those thoughts aside when you see a figure running down the street trying to cover his head as he sprints through the puddles. he slows down as he reaches your house, jogging up to your front door. not even giving him the chance to knock, you open the door for chan and usher him inside quickly. 
“it’s a little wet out there,” he comments sarcastically, and a distant clap of thunder echoes through the sky as if to emphasize his point. you quickly shut the door and lock it, as if that’ll do something to keep the storm at bay. 
“yeah, no kidding, you’re dripping all over the floor,” you comment. chan pulls of his drenched shoes and opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off before he can start.
“i’ll go get you some dry clothes, stay here so you don’t get the entire house wet,” you tell him as you rush to your room to search for something chan can wear. you find a couple of his sweaters lying around, one he forgot here just last week and the other one from god knows when. you decide to keep the more recent one and give chan the older one along with a pair of your sweatpants and some warm socks.
“here, catch,” you say as you throw the clothes towards chan, who’s now standing in a large puddle in your doorway. he’s caught off guard, and the clothes hit him square in the face. 
“hey!!! i come all the way over here through a thunderstorm to see you just because you’re bored, and this is the thanks i get?” chan complains as he makes his way to your room to get changed.
“oh come on, i know you were just as bored as i was,” you tease, and chan can’t help but smile when you call him out. 
“you got me,” he responds before slipping into your room and closing the door behind him. you proceed to hook up your nintendo switch to the tv, preparing for a night of video games and maybe a movie or two. as you connect the cables, you hear your bedroom door open and chan’s soft footsteps as he goes to throw his clothes in the dryer. he returns to the living room, flopping onto the couch and grabbing a controller.
“what do you want for dinner? my parents are away for the weekend so there’s frozen pizza or….some sort of leftovers i think?” you ask chan, making your way to the kitchen.
“you’re not gonna cook for me?” chan teases, knowing you sometimes struggle to make toast. you give him a look before digging the pizza out of the freezer. you preheat the oven and place the pizza on a tray. 
“don’t forget to take the plastic off!” chan calls from the couch.
“i know, chan,” you say, but you’re glad he reminded you; that was a close one. 
two hours and a slightly overcooked frozen pizza later, you and chan are yelling at the screen as your characters pummel each other in a heated round of super smash bros. it’s still heavily raining, but the sounds of the tv drown out the steady drumming on the roof and the increasingly loud and frequent thunder. the two of you hardly notice the flashes of lightning in the now-dark sky as you focus on the tv. you’re just about to smash chan’s character to oblivion when all of a sudden everything is pitch black and a blanket of dead silence washes over the house, save for the rain on the roof.
“uh...did the power just go out?” chan asks, the two of you sitting frozen on the couch. you turn your head to look at him, although there’s really no point--you can’t see anything.
“hm, yeah i think it did,” you say. you’re trying to tease him, but you can’t hide the fear wavering in your voice. 
“where are you?” chan asks, voice equally fearful, and you reach out to feel for his outstretched hands in the dark. you find them, and the two of you grab onto each other and pull each other close. the room feels so empty without the bright lights from the tv and the chaotic yelling over the sounds of the game onscreen. now, there’s only the rain, louder than ever, although you swear you can hear your heartbeat out loud. 
“i think we have some candles in the basement,” you whisper.
“noooooope, you’re crazy if you think i’m going down there; it’s scary even when the lights are on,” chan replies and you feel him shake his head. “what about that scented candle i gave you for your birthday?”
“ooh, good call! it’s in my room,” you remember. “let’s go,” you say, pulling out your phone to use as a flashlight. lightning outside lights up the room for a moment, and not too long after there’s a loud clap of thunder. both you and chan let out a small shriek, feeling your grips on each other tighten. now, is your heart beating from fear of the dark and stormy night? or from the way chan holds onto you for dear life? probably a mix of both, but you choose not to think about that right now. 
“ok we’ll go on three, ready?” you say, waiting for chan’s response. you’re met with silence. “chan?”
“oh sorry, i forgot you can’t see me nodding. on three,” he confirms
“okay, one, two...three!” you count. on three, you pull chan off the couch and the two of you race hand in hand to your bedroom, guided by the bright light of your phone flashlight. you hesitantly let go of chan’s hand as you search for your candle and some matches. it doesn’t take too long to find them, and soon enough a flickering orange flame casts a faint flow around your room. you and chan climb onto your bed, you sitting up against the headboard and chan lying with his head in your lap. there’s enough light that you can now see each other’s silhouettes at least, and you look down to watch as the flame casts shadows that seem to dance across chan’s face. when did he grow up so much? you find yourself thinking, feeling like it was just yesterday the two of you were a couple of snot-nosed kids running around at recess. your fingers absentmindedly play with his hair as you’re lost in thought.
“this is kind of spooky, we should tell ghost stories!” chan suggests.
“or we could just talk and not scare ourselves into staying awake all night,” you reply.
“good idea,” he agrees, but neither of you say anything. you lie there in silence for a moment; the rain sounds a bit less violent from inside your room, and now that you can see a bit you find it’s quite a peaceful sound.
“mingyu asked me out today,” you tell chan. you’re not quite sure what possessed you to just tell him that out of the blue; you weren’t even planning on telling chan at all, but now you’ve gone and said it and you can’t take it back.
“really?? that’s great, y/n! when’s the date?”
you’re a bit disheartened at chan’s reaction; he seems genuinely excited for you, unless the shock is just masking his true feelings for now, 
“i said no.”
“what?? why??? i thought you liked him?” chan sits up at this, his head now even with yours as he looks at you in shock.
“not anymore,” you say with a shrug. your voice is quiet, unsure of where this conversation will head. 
“oh,” is all chan says. “is there...any particular reason?” he asks after a beat of silence. there’s something more in his voice now that wasn’t there before.
“i just don’t think he’s really my type,” you explain without elaborating. 
“well, what is your type if not mingyu? he’s kind, smart, beautiful, tall...he’s got it all! i mean, you’ve had a crush on him for like, a year, and he finally asked you out and you said no?” chan says in mild disbelief. 
“don’t get me wrong, mingyu’s a great guy and all, but i just-i think i realized i have feelings for someone else,” you say, voice trailing off to barely a whisper. 
“really?? who is it?” chan asks all-too-eagerly, and you start to feel doubtful he likes you back.
“it’s no one.”
“awe y/n, don’t be like that! at least give me hints?” chan asks. 
“fine,” you sigh, knowing he won’t leave it alone. “first of all, he’s annoying and loud,”
“that doesn’t sound like a crus-”
“do you want me to give you hints or not?”
“...yes please,”
“ok then shh. he’s annoying and loud, but it’s perfect because i am too so we get along really well. he’s also the most caring person i’ve ever met; i know he’d do anything for me if i asked him,” you continue, not sure how much you want to give away.
“wow, he sounds really great!” chan comments. to any other person, he’d sound excited for you, but you know him well enough to pick up on the slight disappointment in his voice, and it’s just the boost you need to keep going.
“he is; he’d even go out in a thunderstorm for me just because i said i’m bored,” you say and you turn to look at chan now. it’s too dark to read his expression, but you can see how he leans ever so closer to you. 
“now that’s some dedication, i mean he sounds flawless,” chan teases. you can hear the smile in his voice, which makes the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
“the only problem is i’m not sure if he likes me back,” you whisper, your nose brushing the tip of chan’s, and before you know it his lips are on yours in a passionate yet gentle kiss. how you’ve gone so long without kissing chan you don’t know; the years of secret feelings all finally set free in this one kiss. 
you didn’t lie about liking mingyu--you had actually thought you might’ve finally gotten over your feelings for chan and found someone else. for a couple of months it worked, and you found yourself distracted with thoughts of the tall boy instead of your best friend. but it all came crashing down when you caught the common cold the other week, and chan looked after you while you were sick--he even skipped class one day to make sure you weren’t lonely. all of your true feelings came rushing back to you, and you knew there were no hopes of losing them.
“what about now?” chan asks as he pulls away just enough to talk.
“i’m still not sure, he might have to kiss me again to convince me,” you say, unable to contain your smile. chan kisses you again, and it’s just as magical as the first time. a loud crack of thunder startles you, and you gasp as you latch onto chan, burying your face in his shoulder.
“you’re such a scaredy-cat,” he says, bringing his arms up to pull you closer.
“shut up so are you, i can hear your heart racing,” your voice is muffled by his sweater.
“maybe that’s just because of you,” he comments, stroking your hair. 
“ew,” you reply, but your heart’s not in it; you can pretend to hate how cheesy chan is all you want, but internally you love it just as much as you love every other aspect of him.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Hypocrite-Tommy Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @oldhollywoodcinema​)
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: 'Could you write a Thomas Shelby imagine where the reader gets attacked because she was helping a friend get away from a violent husband and Tommy is livid because she should have come to him and not tried to do it herself which the reader finds hypocritical since that’s Tommy’s middle name and Tommy “agrees” to let her in on plans hoping it’ll keep her from doing more dangerous things?'
I wrote a similar plot to this with Isaiah- ‘Let Me Help You!’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Abuse towards women, swearing, violence, guns, arguing, fluff
(A/N: Anna Hilt is a made up character)
I watched as Tommy was driven away from the house, waiting for the car to disappear before I gathered my things. The servants brought my coat and handbag, bringing around another car. Everything was going smoothly. I had a cover story for Tommy, which he believed, and my confidence was growing by the minute. This had to be planned for weeks, in order to not gain any suspicion. Sitting back in the car, I went over my plan in my head, ensuring that I knew what steps to take. 
“Here we are Mrs Shelby.” My chauffeur announced as we arrived, opening the door for me.
“Thank you. I shall have someone call you when my visit is over.” I said, beginning to walk away. 
After five minutes, I looked over my shoulder, checking he was gone. When everything was clear, I turned on my heel, making the half hour walk to my friend’s house. I couldn’t help that my pace was fast, brushing through the crowds with my head down, as to not bring attention upon myself. 
Anna was a dear friend of mine, someone I had only known for two years, less than other friends, but considered close anyway. And she had been stuck in a terrible marriage. Her husband, a top end business man, had married her when they were young; she didn’t understand what love was, yet she believed she felt that when looking at Victor. Obviously their families were happy, their wealthy children now marrying a wealthy suitor. Over the years Anna realised that she was stuck like most women were, and she wasn’t able to escape by herself.
“Oh, (Y/N), what a surprise!” Anna’s voice called out from across the road.
I halted in my step, trying to hide my shocked face. We weren’t supposed to be meeting like this. I still had a ten minute walk before I reached her home.
I approached her, noticing the two men beside her.“Anna, how are you? I was on my way to surprise you actually, seeing as we haven’t seen each other in such a long time.”
"Oh sorry, I've ruined it! Do join me for a walk though?"
"Yes, of course."
She linked her arm in mine, gripping onto it tightly, and I could feel fear radiating off her. The two men stayed back, allowing us to speak. They were Victor's men, meaning something was wrong and effecting the plan.
"What's wrong? Explain everything." I whispered.
"Victor had unexpected guests, a business partner was angry with a deal. He sent me out of the house, now I've got these two following me."
"Has he hurt you?"
She sighed."Not this week. But the week before was rough, business is caving in."
"We'll think of something."
We continued walking, now talking at a higher volume, though I expected the men weren't really interested in what we were saying. I needed to ensure that they didn't think we were up to something. As we headed further into town, the cafe we usually spent time at came into view, and I suddenly had an idea. Steering Anna in that direction, she didn't question me, making me glad I had her trust. I knew the owner well, another woman that knew all too well the awful side of a man. She got rid of him and was running things all by herself.
"Ah, Mrs Shelby, Mrs Hilt, I haven't had you two visit in a while." Georgia beamed as we walked inside. There was only another small group of women and a young couple sat inside.
"Apologies Georgia, we have been extremely busy." Anna smiled.
"Two separate tables please Georgia, we have some more guests for you." I asked, letting Georgia lead the way.
We kept up the normal act, ordering food and tea, chatting away like we were having a catch up. In the back of my mind, I was trying to think of a way to get these men away from us. There was no way I could get Anna away without them seeing or taking action, not here. She was supposed to have everything packed, ready to go once I got to the house. Victor wasn't supposed to be at home either. Fuck.
"Anna, I'm headed to the powder room and I haven't brought any of my powder with me, do you mind?" I announced, making eye contact with her, hoping she would understand what I was implying.
"Yes, of course. I'll come with you actually." she stood with me. As soon as we were inside the powder room, her relaxed form tensed."What are we going to do?"
"I've got a plan. But no questions, alright? You just got to follow me, literally."
She nodded.
"Can you run in those shoes?"
"Yes, just about."
"Good, cause we might need to do that."
We spent another two minutes standing there, with me explaining what we were going to do. I had no idea if it would work, though I didn't let that catch onto Anna. Peaking my head out of the door, the men had their backs to us, engrossed in their own conversation. Taking Anna's hand, I led her out of the door and quietly scurrying into the kitchens, luckily the door being right next to the powder room. The chefs looked at us, bewildered at our entrance. They were about to pipe up when I quickly pulled my gun out, silencing them. Georgia appeared from crouching on the ground, only rolling her eyes and placing her hand in her hip.
"Mrs Shelby-"
I shushed her."I have to get her out of here." I whispered.
Georgia's sassy tone disappeared, hand falling from her hip."Go out the back, this way. Once you go out of the gate, turn left down the alley way then a sharp left again. It'll take you to the old part of town, near the country lanes. Do you need me to call someone?" she ushered us through the kitchen.
"Yes my chauffeur. Tell him to park outside the post office."
"Same number?"
"Same number. And tell your workers-"
"They never saw anything."
"Thank you Georgia. Whenever you need anything, just call."
Following her instructions, we ran down the alleyways as she had said, arriving in the old town within minutes. My chauffeur wouldn't be here for at least another twenty minutes, but what were we to do till then? Unless we ducked in and out of shops, we were stuck out in the open. I pulled Anna back into the alley, catching my breath.
"(Y/N) what are we going to do?" Anna panicked.
"Just stay calm. Those men are stupid, but they'll know we sneaked out the back. Hopefully they'll get lost in the alleys for a while."
"And until then?"
"Look I..." my words drifted off as I heard a familiar voice, two familiar voices, then three.
Anna called after me as I stepped out of the alley, quickly catching up to my steps. I was relieved when I saw Arthur and John, followed by some Peaky lads. As I made my way towards them, they didn't see me until the last minute, surprised by my presence.
"Oi, what are you doing here?" John's cheeky grin came out, pulling me into a side hug.
"Is Tommy about? Thought he was conducting business today?" Arthur asked.
"He is." I replied."Is there a car near here?"
"Er, yeah. Round the corner."
"Good, mind if we take it?"
"Doesn't matter, we need it."
"(Y/N), does Tommy think you're somewhere else? Don't be getting us into trouble now!"
"Arthur, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't desperately need it."
Him and John looked at each other, before sighing."Alright, lads take the ladies to the car. We don't tell Tommy about this though, yeah?"
"Course not. Lads, we need to run."
I heard Arthur and John shout for us as we began running, the boys trying to keep up. Anna was holding my hand, almost running as fast as me. Of course Tommy would know about this, he knew everything. Just as I thought we were making the escape, that this would be all over for Anna, the two idiots guarding her had somehow circled and caught us.
"Fuck." I pulled my gun out, everyone else having one copying. It's was three to two, though we could still lose."Just let her come with me."
"We let her go, Victor kills us."
"If she goes back, Victor will kill her."
“Can’t let you do that.”
Without hesitating, I pulled the trigger though unfortunately didn’t hit either of them. I dove onto Anna, hitting the ground briefly before our instincts told us to scramble away. I covered Anna, ready to shoot again as our lads starting shooting Victor’s men. We were called over to the car, which one of the boys had somehow got to. With our heads ducked down, we sprinted to the car, Anna screaming as bullets flew everywhere. I shoved her in the back, turning around to shoot one last time before jumping in myself. Anna ducked down whilst I continued shooting out of the window, but it was hard to do so when my driver was swerving so much. As we sped away, I saw Arthur and John with the rest of the lads, running towards the source of the noise.
Shit, they were definitely going to tell Tommy.
The car sprayed up the gravel as our driver hit the brakes too hard in front of my house. Everyone remained frozen, heavy breaths escaping all of us. I opened the door, grabbing Anna's hand and pulling her with me. We (not so gracefully) walked up the driveway, pushing open one of the doors to get inside. I was still clutching onto my gun in my other hand.
"(Y/N), have you been shot?!" Anna screamed, pointing to my hip.
My hand instantly reached for that place, relaxing when it wasn't my blood."No, not me. Come on, I need a fucking drink."
Members of staff looked at me questionably, though no one dared to approach me. Anna delicately sat down on the sofa, whilst I poured us both a strong drink; I knew she didn't like whiskey, but it was what she needed right now. Her disgruntled face wasn't surprising to me. She made me laugh as she tried to sip at it.
"(Y/N), I have nothing with me." Anna sighed.
"Items don't matter."
"He's going to come after me."
"He'll have me to deal with me, a Shelby."
"I'm not sure..."
Our heads snapped to the door as it opened, and I refrained from groaning. Tommy had come in, and although to the untrained eye he looked his usual self, I could see the fire blazing behind his eyes. Swigging back my drink, I slammed down the glass, saying nothing as I walked past him and towards his office.
"Mrs Hilt." I heard Tommy begrudgingly acknowledge her before he came after me.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I sat on top of his desk, something he hated unless we were in a different mood. Once he closed the door behind him, his eyes stayed on the floor until his face was right in front of mine.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, eh?" his voice was low.
"Her husband was going to kill her." I seethed.
"Her husband is going to kill us now."
"Oh, like he's the only one trying to kill us."
"Do you want to get killed? Is that it?" Tommy raised his voice.
"I want to stop my friends from being killed."
"If you had asked me for help, I would have done just that! You can't put yourself in these situations, you're a huge target!"
"And you're not?"
"That's different."
"Why? Because you're a man? Because you're Tommy Shelby and I'm just the woman who hangs on your arm to make you look more like a normal man?"
"Fucks sake." he turned around, raising his arms before they slapped against his sides.
I hopped off the desk, storming up towards him."It's true though, isn't it? You never tell me anything, always come back hurt yet when I do it, somehow it's wrong."
"It's not the same."
"I know it's not."
"So why are you acting like this?"
"It's not an act. I know we always have targets on our heads, but what I don't know is why. I get dragged from place to place with no explanation, locked in the house for own safety, though from what, I don't know, and if there is a fall out with the family I'm the last to know. Even if I'm told something, it's never the full story."
"It's for-"
"It's for my safety, how many times have I heard that?!"
"Because it's true!" Tommy yelled at me.
"Don't you think I understand that?!" I screamed back."I know you're trying to keep me safe, but... But Tommy," I lowered my voice, slowly walking towards him,"Tommy, I am never told anything. You don't tell me anything, the servants say nothing, even the family don't speak a word. The girls have always hinted but that just blurs the picture even more. If I can understand what's going on around me, I have a better chance of knowing what's going to come next, or what I can do to help."
"You won't be helping in any business."
"That's not what I'm saying. I can help by knowing what steps to take next, where is should go in an emergency-"
"I wanted to keep you away from all that."
"And how's that going for you?"
He groaned, clearing his throat."Right, then what do you want me to do?"
"Just let me in, just enough that I understand what's going on around me."
"I don't think you want that."
"Stop telling me what I want. If you don't start telling me things, I'm just going to keep doing stupid shit like this behind your back."
Our faces were stone cold, eyes staring into each others, until I broke into a smile, giggling like a little girl. Tommy reluctantly smiled, a small chuckle escaping him.
"Fine. But some details will be spared."
"Just enough details for me. Thank you Tommy."
I pulled him down to kiss me by the back of his neck, and he wasted no time wrapping his arms around me. But I had other plans, I wasn't going to forget about this argument too quickly. As I pulled away, I hummed through my smile, his confused face watching me as I walked away.
"Don't look at me like that, we still have a guest in the house Mr Shelby."
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magicflowershop · 4 years
❁ every 12.30 pm
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➳ timeskip!sugawara x reader oneshot
➵ fluff, heart-warming, cute kids
✿ you found a cute teacher in your niece’s school, so maybe picking up a kid from school everyday isn’t such a bad idea.
❀ // hi! i’ve been gone for so long and finally i finished this after weeks of letting it rot in my drafts,, i don’t wanna delete this bc it feels like i’ll foresaken my angel Suga so here i hope you all enjoy my first oneshot :>
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word count // 3,257
of all days, you picked this day as the day to slack off.
there was no reason to doll up, you reasoned. this was your rest day. no plans were made and no places you needed to go, so you went and picked up your sister’s kid wearing your house clothes.
no biggie. a few blocks distance wouldn’t hurt your sense of insecurity. a kindergartener’s teacher also wouldn’t possibly judge how you look when you’re only out to pick a kid up from school.
today, however, was different.
everything became instinct. your fingers went up the center of your jacket, to zip it up entirely. your hands then reached down to your sweatpants, checking if you were wearing it the right way. to your hair, if there are hair strands that are where they’re supposed to be. everything became instinct so you don’t look so much like a mess
in front of this fine preschool teacher.
“i’m Futaba’s guardian.”
your throat let out the softest, shyest voice you could ever project. you found yourself shamelessly, and instinctively, acting cute in front of this fine preschool teacher. 
how else were you supposed to react? his beautiful gray hair enticed you, with a fringe softly parted on the center of his forehead. his porcelain skin that put Snow White to shame, his round, brown eyes that reflected every star in the galaxy, and his smile that could win a boxing match against the sun. not to mention, the mole under his left eye definitely hit the mark.
“good afternoon, Futaba’s guardian-san.”
hearing his voice for the first time, you’re decided. it was a crush.
perhaps it was superficial of you. you claim to fall for a guy you don’t know only for the fact you found him cute. you thought looking at him, admiring him like this was enough however when his angelic smile brightened at the sight of the children waving bye-bye to him and him waving bye-bye back. when he went down on one knee in front of your sister’s daughter, politely asking her she has to stop playing with her classmates because you have come to bring her home. when Futaba spread her arms and wrapped them around his neck, telling him a lispy see you tomorrow.
how dare you face someone like him looking like this.
on the way home, you were dead-set on asking your sister to let you bring your niece home every schoolday. seeing him once was not enough. something about him gravitated you to wanting to see more of him.
you remember the name written on his nametag when you caught the last glimpse of him. 
his name reminded you of grass fields, as it is what it meant. it was perfect for him. the aura he emitted was rather calming. people must like having him around for he’s a breath of fresh air. he really was a perfect kindergarten teacher.
“how was school, Futaba?”
your niece skipped as she walked, visibly excited to talk about her day. “it was really fun! my classmates and i had a tea party earlier! Futaba almost spilled the cup because it was too hot.”
“what about your teachers?” you wanted to smack yourself for squeezing information about a guy from your 5-year-old niece. it is a desperate move however, which else choice do you have?
“ah! Sugawara-sensei read us a beanstalk story before nappy time.” Futaba put a finger on her chin as if to think about what else happened. she had no idea how hooked she got you to listen to her story. “then, then Sugawara-sensei helped Futaba with her clay family!”
you then considered yourself lucky.
“do you like Sugawara-sensei?”
and pushed the topic about the man further, seeing the sparkles in your niece’s eyes and how she skipped even happier. “yes! yes! Futaba’s favorite teacher is Sugawara-sensei,” she declared and continued shyly. “he helped Futaba talk to her crush Kaito-kun.”
when you said you were dead-set, you are dead-set for real. what’s there to lose? kids love him, including your own niece. he’s beautiful. he has a gentle voice. he probably smells like daisies. you just have to befriend him and get to know about him some more before introducing him to your parents-
as a friend. 
“for what? did you find a cute guy there or something?”
it sucked your sister knew you too well.
that day, you invited yourself in your sister’s room the second she got home from work. the sly yet desperate move visibly annoyed the older so much that she knew you had something up your sleeve to even dare show up in her room.
“no. just that, it’s a good way to take breaks from the café. plus, i get to hang out with Futaba.” you explained as simply as you could, even though your sister literally can see right through your lies.
she hummed and replied with, “you never get out of the house unless it’s absolutely necessary. when i asked you to take Futaba home from school yesterday, you hated it because your break time from café is ruined. please. find someone else to fool, y/n.”
you soon admit that you truly are dumb. that, however, did not stop you from redeeming yourself to your sister; that being telling the truth and not exactly redeeming anything. you told her the man you set your eyes on in Futaba’s school. you jokingly told her it was love at first sight even though you never believed of something as ridiculous as such.
besides, your sister has no room to reject. you aimed at two birds with one stone. not only do you get to see more of the guy, but you will do your sister a favor of taking care of her daughter for free.
she sighed, finding no way to deny this. “i hate to say it but your timing is too good. i was thinking of finding a babysitter for Futaba since both of us are busy. but if you insist, who am i to decline?”
so this side job began the following day. 
thirty minutes spared during your break before you engage yourself to war. you decided to spend those thirty minutes to rearrange yourself. you would rather not switch into your house clothes like you did yesterday, would you? this time, you chose carefully. you didn’t want to look like a floor rag but you didn’t want to look like you went there to go on a date either. even to contemplate whether or not you must add a little more blush on your cheeks to look lively.
you changed into a casual fit. a plain shirt, denim shorts and a pair of slip-on sandals. it was an attempt to not look like you were trying too hard. not with those clean ponytail and tinted lips.
“good afternoon, i’m Futaba’s guardian.” you told yourself a good job that you remembered to greet today.
but Sugawara wasn’t the one you directed that to. 
he wasn’t around. you sneaked glances left and right to see if he was playing together with the other kids, but alas.
you walked home with Futaba, holding her hand. you try to match the child’s mood as she was very elated to talk about her day. on the other hand, you; Sugawara could have been busy. you can still see him again the following day.
the following days, you lessened your get up from your first attempt. he was present, but the greetings were the same as first day you met.
what the hell are you supposed to do now? do you start conversations? well, of course, you told yourself, since you’re the one who wants something from him. but how? what should you talk about? your day? his day? the kids? his job? what?
“thank you for taking care of Futaba.”
“hm? it is my job though.”
there goes your little motivation to initiate conversations with people you’re interested in. 
you hear him chuckle at you, which added to the embarrassment you had from your statement alone. 
today was parents’ day. the kids were asked to bring their parents to school to have a little meeting with the rest of the class. it worried you that Futaba only had you as her guardian to go with her, not her mother, but you see the kid in her high spirits since this morning you didn’t want to ruin that for her and apologize on her mother’s behalf.
you think this as you lean against the wall at the corner, until you notice Sugawara stood beside you. so much so, you spoke absent-mindedly.
you should have kept your mouth shut.
“is Futaba’s mother doing okay? we haven’t seen her since a week ago.”
or maybe you don’t have to keep your mouth shut after all. you turned to him, stunned. like, goodness, he’s starting a topic with you himself. how can you not be stunned.
“o sorry. is it a sensitive topic? i’m sorry-”
“no!” you said audibly. too audibly. you clamped your mouth, worried if you took the children’s attention away from the kids who are presenting in front. you continued in a whisper, while he still chuckled at you, “Futaba’s mom recently switched work schedules that clashes together with the kid’s school. she wasn’t allowed to take a leave today, so i’m here in her place.”
geez, were you talking too much?
“i see.”
you probably were talking too much.
“you two are siblings, no?”
“uh, yeah. we are.”
he nodded to himself, turning to the kids presenting again. a silent heave of relief escaped you while you leaned comfortably against the wall again. guess that was enough interaction for the day.
“i guess, we’ll keep seeing Futaba’s guardian-san from now on.” he gave you a gentle smile, leaning a bit closer to you from the half-feet distance.
“you don’t have to keep calling me that.”
“my apologies. what should i call you?”
“y/n-san then.”
he gave you one last boyish smile before walking off to his station.
hold up.
did he just come here to ask for your name? did he trick you into telling him your name?
you and Futaba went home happily. literally, the both of you had a great day in school. here, you were giggling like a kid who just got noticed by her crush. but you could be wrong. it’s only natural of a teacher to learn one of his student’s  guardian’s name. he cannot be interested in you. 
on the other hand, he did start a conversation with you.
don’t get ahead of yourself, you thought. you cannot help but still think about it.
the traffic lights flashed a green color.
days went on. you stayed as the one bringing your niece home safely every afternoon while the mother is busy. the relationship and trust you built with the child strengthened. your heart swell each time you see her jumping in joy whenever you show up after school. when you thought that alone will bring you happiness everyday, Sugawara greets you everyday with the same boyish smile.
each day pass, soon you become close friends. this made Futaba happy as you two are two of her favorite people.
until one day, the teacher called saying Futaba got sick.
worry engulfed you. you wondered what could’ve happened for the child to get sick, when she was fine earlier before her and her mother left together. could your sister not have noticed? or did it happen during school? more and more questions took shape as you frantically closed the café and ran to the school.
you rushed inside the nurse’s office, panting profusely. your eyes first caught your niece lying on the bed unconscious, and Sugawara sitting by the bed, placing a damp towel on her forehead.
“good morning, I’m Futaba’s guardian.”
Futaba’s teacher explained the situation to you. the kids were outside playing in the playground when Sugawara saw Futaba drenched in one hidden part of the garden. you see another kid standing beside the teacher. the kid gripped the hem of his shirt tightly as if he wanted to rip it off. the scowl on his face says enough of why he was here.
“i didn’t do it.”
the teacher continued, “ever since parent’s day, apparently some students have been picking on Futaba for not having her mother around.
“i’m terribly sorry. i’ve helped Futaba in ways i can. even i wanted to call you for this, but when i told Futaba i will, she begged me not to tell you because you and her mother are both busy with work.” she nudged the kid beside her, “isn’t there something you need to tell Futaba’s guardian?”
the kid averted his eyes. you figured there was no reason squeezing an apology from stubborn children like him. you kneeled before the kid to be at the same level as his eyes.
“what’s your name?”
he spent a few seconds quivering his lips before speaking, “Sora.”
“Sora,” you held his shoulder gently, looking into his eyes. “you’re very lucky to always have your mother by your side.”
tears formed in his innocent eyes.
you went on. “always remember to tell your mom that you love her, long as you still have her around, so she will stay. okay?” you finished, smiling at him as bright as you could.
Sora erupted into tears, storming off out of the nurse’s office and yelling his apology.
“i’m sorry i didn’t mean to make him cry.” you reasoned, when you know full well you did it on purpose to put that kid into a guilt trip for messing with your niece like this. the teacher said it was fine, that she could’ve done it the same thing but a different way.
ignoring that, you turned to Sugawara, who you forgot was there the whole time, “i’m sorry for the trouble. i’ll be taking her home now.”
“i can help you bring her home.” 
Sugawara stood up from his seat. this startles you because you also forgot you had a crush on him. you try to decline his offer, reasoning that your house is nearby and that you can carry a kid no problem.
but the Futaba’s teacher helped insist, “Sugawara-sensei should help you look after Futaba… uh, y/n-san was it?” you nodded, dubiously. “it was also said by Futaba that you’re working alone in your house with no one to help you. so please.”
you couldn’t decline when you saw Sugawara already carrying the kid behind his back. so you went home together with him, big deal. you felt embarrassed after getting your background get found out like that. guess Futaba is too honest of a kid, but not honest enough to tell her family that she was bullied at school.
“here will do.”
the two of you finally stood in front of your father’s café. the walk was silent, but you believed it was enough interaction for the day once more.
“you weren’t kidding when you say it was nearby, huh?” he said, looking through the glass windows.
“well. yeah.”
“that’s too bad,” he says, still carrying the kid on his back. he looks back to you. the smile appears again, “aren’t you going to open the door?”
you unlocked the doors. then, it hit you. what did he mean by too bad?
after taking Futaba up to her room and tucking her in bed, you went back down to the café where you found Sugawara idling about. “you can rest yourself on one of the booths. let me brew a drink for you.” you took your apron and hurried behind the counter. meanwhile, the man stood up perhaps wanting to leave. 
“oh, you don’t have to make me a drink. i should be leaving.”
this confused you. really, what was that too bad for?
“you went all the way to our café. it’s only natural i made a drink for you.” you try and justify yourself. also, you already pressed the espresso machine. there’s no reason to waste a cup of espresso.
“if so, must i stay?”
this was the second to the last straw.
you stood there, one hand holding the ice scooper and the other holding a grande-sized cup, while staring at him straight into his bright eyes. those orbs must be telling you something. there should be a secret hiding within those eyes. for example, an answer to his question. 
“do you want to stay?” you first broke the gaze.
“i’m the one asking you, y/n,” he said with a chuckle. 
once again, you hesitated. “sure.”
the café flooded with silence while you made an iced latte for him. you trailed your gaze to the top of his head as he sat on one of the booths. concerns arise from the pit of your mind. nothing seemed to be happening. then, what is he here for? if he stayed, what will happen? is this all on purpose? should you put your guards up? 
are the green lights alit again?
you put the iced latte on his table when he spoke. “i’m quite worried about Futaba with what happened to her.”
“well, she did a good job hiding the truth from us.” you say as you sat across him. “she’s a strong kid. i’m more worried if she will continue hiding her pain from the people who care about her.”
maybe you shouldn’t start such a touchy subject like this, yea? Sugawara landed his eyes at you but you avoided it and stood up. you have no idea what’s going on. if anything, this is not the right context of when something will develop. both of you just brought home a sick kid, for Pete’s sake. must you really take advantage of this?
“anyway, i’ll tell my sister what happened. she can help Futaba better than i-”
“i wonder if i’ll still see you every afternoon.”
his honesty astounded you. Sugawara’s pale face flushed from shame. guess he didn’t mean to say that. this means, if you weren’t getting ahead of yourself again, it’s how he actually feels.
you tried to lessen his embarrassment, “of course you will, who else will pick Futaba up from school?” so you played dumb.
“if your sister knew about the situation, she might switch her schedule.”
what was he trying to say?
“she can’t do that easily, you know.”
“there will still be a possibility.” he rested his chin on his palm, smiling at you, “which reminds me, i have been looking for a part-time job around here. is your café looking for more workers?”
“you wanna work here?” you ask as you went and flip the sign to open, since you’re already back for work.
“sure,” he picked himself up from the booth and walked towards you. “but i think i should follow someone’s footsteps first and make an impression. you know, you’re going to be my boss. i should meet you with casual clothes, not with a track jacket, sweat pants and unkept hair. what do you think?”
you flipped the sign to close. “are you mocking someone here?”
he tried to not make himself laugh at you. “i’m just saying i shouldn’t half-ass it if i’m looking for another job, y/n.”
“doesn’t sound like you’re actually looking for another job though?” 
“i’m not,” he admitted. “i’m only looking for a reason to see you more. every 12.30 pm isn’t enough.”
the traffic lights said go. it is now 12.31 pm.
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probablyjustamagpie · 3 years
So I wrote this last October, and figured I’d share. Hope you enjoy!
The Witch’s Brew
Inkblot, my raven, perches on my shoulder as I close the door to the dorm, cooing softly to the  rhythm of my roommate’s snores from where she lays among a tangle of blankets. Our morning walk is quiet and uneventful, with the city just barely awake. The autumn air fills my lungs and I feel good despite the rather dreary weather of the morning. The rain patters gently as I walk, and I resolve to make myself a mocha when I get to the store to warm myself up.
The Witch’s Brew is only a few blocks away from the dorm, and is still technically on campus. Nora is already there when I arrive, getting the register ready. Inkblot swoops over to the ornate metal tree that many bird familiars like to inhabit when they come in. Occasionally, the odd raccoon or squirrel familiar will find their place there too.  Nora and I smile at each other, but we don’t talk much unless it’s about work.
As I’m placing the last of the blueberry muffins in the glass display case, the first of the morning coffee rush begins to trickle in. The day always starts the same way, with the early morning regulars hurrying in to get their caffeine fix, off to their office jobs. Nora and I rush to get all the orders out in time; macchiato with a luck enchantment, plain black coffee with a joy enchantment, a regular cinnamon bun, the list only goes on and on and the rain only drums harder and harder on the windows.
The morning coffee surge is still in full swing nearly an hour later, but now it's more tourists and travelers, bright eyed and bushy tailed, sometimes literally. The full moon was last night, so tired werewolves are commonplace this morning.
It’s yet another hour and a half before Micha and Cecily wander in. They'd promised that they were going to stop by, just like every week. By now it was just another part of our routine. Cecily always orders iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and two pumps of vanilla, while Micha likes to switch it up. Neither of them ever asks for an enchantment on their drink.
“What will it be, oh-indecisive-one?” I ask Micha as he stares helplessly at the menu. 
Alphonse, his familiar, peers at me from the pocket in Micha’s hoodie, before scrabbling up his arm and curling his long ferret body around Micha’s shoulders like a fluffy, living scarf.
“Uh, Chai tea? With extra cinnamon?”
“Hot or cold?” “Hot. Seems too late in the year to get it iced.”
“Lame,” interjects Cecily, “It is never too cold for iced coffee!”
“You are a living stereotype,” Micha tells her.
I make their drinks quickly, as they head off to find one of the unclaimed tables among the crowded coffee shop. The Witch’s Brew is a popular place, big windows and lots of seating, though most of it is now taken. Along one side of the main counter, there is a bar of sorts, where people can sit, order drinks, and chat with the baristas as they zip around. It’s there that Micha and Cecily inevitably find themselves..
“It’s only because we don’t want to take up a table. We definitely wouldn’t want to distract you.”
“Mmhmm, somehow I don’t believe you, Cess,” I say, handing them their drinks.
I turn back to the door in time to catch a flash of bright red hair, a smiling face, and a denim jacket coming through the glass doors. My calm demeanor cracks for a moment and I’m certain my mouth won’t close all the way.
There is one girl from school who I am absolutely terrified of talking to, and that's Blaine Rynn, the owner of that bright, soft hair, that kind and stunning smile, that fur-lined and pin-covered jacket. I’ve never seen a pride pin on it, though, and thus is the endless torment of a gay girl.
I whirl back to Micha and Cecily, who snicker. As my best friends they, of course, have been subjected to my endless pining for the one girl I can’t muster the guts to talk too. But Nora is helping someone else, and I shall never cease suffering, so I make my way to the register.
“Hello! Welcome to the Witch’s Brew, what can I get you today?” My brain goes into autopilot, and I plaster on my best customer service smile.
“I’ll get an iced caramel mocha - for here, please.”
That only reminds me of the mocha I never made this morning, and suddenly I wish I was making that instead. Nevertheless, I try to make some semblance of conversation, though my voice shakes just a little.  “Squeezing out the last few days of the season?”
“It's never too cold for iced coffee.”
I laugh a little, finally look Blaine in the eyes, and smile. Tamping down the little flare in my chest, I try to return to the task at hand. Iced coffee year-round does not mean she’s gay, despite to jokes Micha and I make.
“Anything else?” My voice comes out an octave too high.
“Uh, maybe a blueberry muffin too. Luck enchantment on the coffee, please.”
I nod, and ring her up, silent. I no longer trust my voice.
“I like your glasses by the way. They’re cute.” Blaine says, before finding a table.
“Thanks!” I say, and  in that moment, my face gets oh-so-very warm.
Her order shouldn’t take much time, but it takes longer for me to make than normal due to Micha and Cecily winking at me and making faces. The sigil for the enchantment is easy enough when I cast it on her glass, and using my magic steals something inside me, easing the stormy sea that is my stomach.
I place it delicately at her table, and she smiles so brightly when I give it to her that I almost ask her out right there, but I hold myself back. You hardly know her, Tia, I try to remind myself. Well, you know she volunteers at the aquarium, and takes bio with Iris, and that she’s a selkie. You know Blaine has the best smiles and her choppy bob is perpetually messy in a stylish way, and she always steps on the crunchy leaves, and-
I shake my head a little as I make my way back to the counter. That line of thinking never leads anywhere good.
“Have you asked her out yet?” Cecily asks.
“Just do it! What could go wrong?”
“So, so much. She could be straight, she could be homophobic, she could just plain not be interested!”
“But do you know that?” Micha adds.
“No?” I despise his voice of reason.
“Then ask!” they say at the same time.
“I - no. Too much could go wrong.”
Cecily grabs a pen from the counter, and scribbles a note on the just slightly coffee-stained napkin next to her.
He swoops over, and lands at her side.
“Give this to the selkie over in the window, please.”
In a traitorous swish of black feathers, he does. 
“Cecily!” I say, loudly enough that a patron or two gives me a look.
I look over at Blaine, who seems perplexed at the bird now trying to drop a napkin in her drink. When she grabs it though, and reads it, her face turns a light shade of pink. It's a really cute blush, in all honesty, and her freckles contrast against the red of her cheeks.
I watch as she stands up, and Inkblot flutters back to me, like he didn’t sign my death warrant. As she makes her way over, I swear someone must have done a time freeze spell, because even the rain seems to stop.
“Was this yours?”
“Yeah, the little traitor bird belongs to me.”
Blaine laughs a bit, and the full force of her smile shines on me, rendering me somewhat speechless.
“I think my luck enchantment worked. I’ll, uh, call you tonight?”
“Yeah, tonight works.” I give her a smile too, and the little flare in my chest turns to a blaze.
As Blaine walks back to her table, Micha gives me a ‘I told you so’ look, which Alphonse mimics. I can’t help but laugh at how easy and simple that was, and how light I feel now. 
“Perhaps, just maybe, I should listen to you two more often.”
Cecily and Micha leave soon after, coffee finished and homework looming,  and I find the rest of the day passes in a blur. When I leave the shop in the late afternoon, there’s a spring in my step and I practically float, despite not casting any spells. Inkblot soars above me, enjoying the clear sky. The leaves seem a little brighter in color on the few trees along the sidewalk, the sky a fresh, bright blue after the morning rain.
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Scars: Year five, Chapter six
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Implied eating disorder, swearing, violence, alcoholics, 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Did you stay for the end?
Or are you just waiting for a beginning?
Because without her, the boys fear they'll never get either. ________________________________
Lily told me to get a journal to write in.
So here we go.
Dear Diary,
Wait am I allowed to call you Y/n?
I think I would prefer that better, let me restart.
Dear Y/n,
I miss you.
I also punched James earlier.
I'm not sorry.
I can just hear you scolding me about it and I can see you asking James what he did.
I know he didn't mean to knock you out, I just... I can't help it Y/n.
It hurts too much to do anything now and now that you're in a coma I can't get my daily dose of Y/n wonderfullness. I know that that isn't a real word but I don't care.
Goodbye for now my love, Please wake up tomorrow. ________________________________
" You comin Remus?"
James leaned out of the door and looked at the boy still sitting on the windows ledge.
" Not today James... I'm not hungry."
The boy signed and moved over to where he sat, squatting next him.
" Remus you haven't eaten in three days. Y/n wouldn't want this, she would want to see you happy and with food in your stomach. Come on Re, just one meal, for Y/n at least?" _______________________________
Good morning darling,
Don't ask about the name, I'm just trying something's out for when you wake up.
Anyway, I still miss you. I miss you every waking second of the day and I miss you like the sun misses the moon at day-rise.
Sirius says I need to eat more but I think I'm fine.
I got mad at Malfoy earlier and broke his nose.
James covered for me and punched him so it would look like he did it. I'm still not sorry for punching him last week by the way if you're wondering.
Transfiguration was nice. I mean, McGonagall accidentally said your name in class when assigning partners and I had to be excused when I started to cry.
Lily's been helping me with classes and homework recently because I can't focus in class anymore without you here. Kayla actually came to our dorm earlier this week too and dropped off your trunk and other stuff. I put it all by my stuff at the end of the bed.
Sorry Love, I have to go, James just came in.
Goodbye Y/n, Wake up soon. _______________________________
Hello angel,
I know I just put an insert to this yesterday but I had something else to tell you today.
Earlier Sirius went out to do a detention and It was just James and Peter and Me in the dorm. Peter wanted me to see something outside so we went and sat on the window ledge outside of our window where Sirius goes to smoke at night.
Do you remember when we used to sit there and watch the sun go down while I held you in my arms?
Well Peter wanted to watch the sunset and I ended up crying while James and Pete sat beside me and hugged me.
James said that it's important to remember that I need to wait out for you.
I'm really starting to miss you Y/n.
Sirius says that I shouldn't be worried because he knows you're a stubborn ass who always comes back but I'm starting to doubt that.
Please come back love, I miss you ________________________________
" Remus can you put down the book for a moment?"
" Lily you're the one who told me to start it-'
" I know that Remus and you're a lot better now because of it but you also never put it down." ________________________________
Lily says I spend too much time writing to you because I write in class too sometimes.
I've only written about a third of the journal so far and it's been two weeks since you, y'know... but I think that it doesn't matter because I feel like I can talk to you all the time in here. Like I used to be able to talk to you all the time...
Of course I don't do this during my prefect rounds but I wish I could.
Goodbye button I love you, But please wake up soon. ________________________________
" Moony we won!"
" We bloody won Remus! We won!" ________________________________
Sirius and James won the Quidditch cup yesterday and made me go to the party.
I'm so sorry love.
I'm sorry...
I know you wouldn't've wanted me to drink but I did... I drank a lot.
I realized what I was doing about an hour in and went upstairs to take a shower and cry.
I really am sorry love, you hate alcohol.
I ended up wearing the last sweater of mine you wore afterwards. It still smelt like you y'know.
And I finished all my homework so I could tell you about what happened last night.
Anyway, I love you.
I want to press kisses all over your face, I wanna kiss your nose and your temple and I wanna kiss your forehead and I want to kiss your jawline again and I just wanna be able to kiss your lips again love.
Goodnight baby, Wake up soon please. _______________________________
" Come on Remus you gotta go see her. You haven't even visited the hospital wing since what happened."
" Peter I said no. How many times do I have to say it?" ______________________________
Peter got me to visit you today.
He didn't even seem affected when I cried with my head on your stomach. He just grabbed my hand and stayed with me.
I'm really glad he made me go visit you. It made me happier.
I also really miss laying in bed with you, my head on your lap or stomach or chest while you just hummed and kissed my forehead and hands and anywhere you could reach.
I Really miss those days. _____________________________
Hey Y/n!
This is Sirius, James made him start eating his lunch but he wouldn't unless one of us talked to you so here I am. When you wake up you better beat your boyfriends arse because he hasn't been eating much and he looks like he did in third year again and I know you wouldn't like that.
Speaking of your boyfriend, Remus recently got an owl telling him your mum and aunt died so we don't know who you're staying with when you wake up but I think Mrs. Potter has her hands full with both me and James so you'll probably stay with Remus.
Wait I have to give the book back to Remus. Bye sis, Love ya. _______________________________
Hi Y/n,
Your finger twitched today, I almost got my hopes up but Pomfrey said that was usual.
She made me leave to pack my things for the train tomorrow.
I won't be able to visit you over summer break and I don't think I'll be able to tell Mare and Ky and Jamal and Mum and Dad what happened to you.
Speaking of Mare, her and her girlfriend are engaged now. No actually her girlfriend is a boy now. James's parents are going to help fund the wedding whenever it comes. I love you, Please wake up before I come back to school. _______________________________
Today at home Mare was getting me to help pick the seating arrangements and she wrote your name next to mine in the first row.
That was the first time I ever cried in front of her and she didn't know what was wrong so I had to tell her what happened.
Will you wake up soon enough to go with me?
I love you Kitten, Come back to me Y/n. _______________________________
I have to babysit Ky and Jamal later tonight. Maybe I can write something new later Afterwards love. Anyways, I've a new book, Rising Stars is what it's called. Mare Recommended it to me yesterday. I think You're gonna steal it from me when wake up.
Mare's been making me eat more food. Everyone says I should eat more.
But Mare says I look more like myself now.
Love, Remus _______________________________
" Remus can we make cookies?"
The boy's head lolled back onto the couch's frame and Jamal stood on his thighs trying to get him up.
" Pretty please big brother dearest?"
The boy lifted his leg and swiftly sat up, lightly moving the children off of his body as he made to move towards his bedroom.
" Alright, the eight-year old's have it! Just let me get the book-
His sentence cut short at the sight before him.
There, standing outside the screen door of the kitchen, was Y/n.
The woman stood standing, hand in her pocket, arm in a position to knock on the door when she froze and saw Remus standing like a deer in headlights looking at her.
She looked full again.
She looked like Y/n again.
Remus was still staring at her when the two children came and mad ran out from behind him, peeking behind his figure to see who had been outside. Once Jamal and the other saw the girls face they ran for the door and pulled it open, grasping onto her fingers to pull her inside the house they were so exited.
Remus still stood there.
And yet he still stood and watched as she smiled and laughed with the two kids as they pulled her over to where he stood.
He watched as she sneakily slipped her arms under Ky's and pulled him upwards, sitting the kid on her hip as the boy started to mess with her hair.
Remus watched as she looked up at him with a wide grin that showed all her pearly-white teeth and he watched as she walked the last foot keeping them apart and grasped his jaw, pulling him into a kiss.
It took his body a moment to react before he was pulling the girl flush against him and kissing her full force, needing to feel her body, to feel proof that she was back. Just needing to feel her.
He could feel her hands move up to the collar of his shirt and he could feel her smile against his lips, breaking the kiss if only for a moment. His arms rested on the outline of her coat as he pulled it closer to his body, in turn pulling her.
Then he went back to kissing her full force again, his arms wrapped around her waist as he dipped her backwards and grinned.
" Gross."
Their heads snapped back to where Jamal and Ky stood, their noses scrunched up in disgust. Until they saw the smile on Remus's face.
They hadn't seen him smile like that in forever.
So when he went back to pull her into another kiss and when he started to pepper her face in kisses they simply looked away, not ruining the moment and intent on keeping that smile on his lips.
Remus reached behind Y/n and grasped the bag in her arm, grasping her wrist in the process and pulling her along with him to the bedroom.
" Are we still getting our cookies?"
" Yeah!" ________________________________
D'ya still hate me? 😀
Anyway- Nice reunion scene in my opinion.
I know it's not long but if you complain then I will legit show you how many fucks I give, Oh wait, I don't have any. _____________________________ Drop a vote, drink some water, eat some food, take screen breaks and remember You Are Loved! ^ - ^
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A new chapter has been posted! You can read it on A03 or below the cut!
In this chapter, Kunzite meets and confronts a familiar face from the dark past.
The next morning, Kunzite left the apartment a bit earlier than usual. He was curious to see this new cafe, and wanted to visit as a form of celebratory support. As he was already in uniform, the visit would have to be brief - probably just long enough to pick up a set of drinks for his team. 
When he arrived, the coffee shop was bustling with life. Overhead, the snazzy letters of the Dark B-ean Garden flashed in neon against a slick dark backdrop. Posters of rich, deep coffee grounds and beans hung in alternating windows. Inside, dark green flora fanned from the corners of the room, creating a warm, lush, darkly tropical environment that Kunzite assumed was an homage to the coffee’s home of origin. The establishment was filled with both students and young professionals, all chatting excitedly to one another as they admired the quality of brews on the menu.
When it was his turn at the counter, the waitress instantly recognized him. She was a tiny little thing, with a darling bob of dark hair and wide brown eyes.
“Officer Saitou!” she cheered with delight. “It’s been a long time!”
“Yes,” Kunzite nodded in response. The last time he had seen her was on that fateful day nearly half a year ago, when he had given her Izou’s practice exams to pass on. “How are you, Ueda-san?”
“I’m well, thank you,” she chirped. “What can I get for you today?”
Kunzite placed an order for five of their most expensive coffees, as well as a box of cakes. 
“Thank you,” he said, as he handed her the money. “Izou is very excited to work here.”
“You’re welcome!” she replied, punching the keys on the till with automated speed and bubbliness. “He’ll be a perfect fit here, I just know it! The assistant manager liked him immediately. In fact - oh, ...darn…”
The till seemed to jut out its drawer, but had jammed. “Sorry,” she said to Kunzite apologetically. “Please wait one moment, I have to go grab our manager. It’s a new system, I must’ve typed in something wrong.” 
“Take your time.”
As Ueda-san quickly disappeared into the backroom, Kunzite glanced around the coffee shop again. Yes, this seemed like just the right place for Izou. It was contemporary, youthful, and clearly he would be among friends and other respected peers - 
“I’m sorry to bother you, so soon after your vacation,” Ueda-san was saying sheepishly. “It was working before…”
“Don’t worry, Ueda-san,” a familiar voice floated by his ear. Kunzite’s eyes snapped wide and he jerked to face the voice’s owner. 
“I’ll take over,” the manager was saying, her voice rich but far-away. As the cash drawer discharged like a bullet, Kunzite couldn’t believe who he was seeing before him. 
Though her hair was inky black in this life, they still floated behind her in their distinct tresses, disappearing into the darkness of her clean and pressed uniform. She was smaller now than he remembered, but still remained an impressive height, even in kitten heels. It made her amber eyes almost equally level to his, and in the moment that their eyes met, Kunzite knew she had recognized him too.
“Beryl,” he said without thinking.
There was a blink, but Kunzite instantly caught the guarded clarity flash in her eyes. She placed her hand on the tray with Kunzite’s order, her shortened talons scraping firmly against the cardboard sleeves.
“Pardon me,” she said in a slow but clear voice. “I didn’t catch that. Will there be anything else, officer?”
Kunzite didn’t say anything as Ueda glanced between the two of them with some confusion. In lieu of his answer, his money swiftly disappeared into the till. His change was brought back as though nothing was out of the ordinary, and then his order was pushed towards him firmly.
“Have a good day,” was all Beryl said to him. Before he could protest, she had already looked past his shoulder. “Next.”
Kunzite knew there was nothing he could do at this moment. Heart thundering in his ears aside, he was in complete uniform, and he obviously could not interrogate her for a crime no one was even aware of.
“Officer Saitou?” Ueda was calling to him. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” Kunzite replied abruptly, picking up his items. “Good day.”
Without another word, Kunzite turned on his heel and left the establishment briskly. 
He’d catch her at a more appropriate time.
Over the next several days, Kunzite intended to catch Beryl outside her shift. It took several attempts to figure out her cadence, but eventually, on a dusky evening, Kunzite was ready. 
He was sitting in his car when he noticed the woman stepping out of the door. Now was his chance. He was out of uniform and off-duty; there would be nothing to interrupt his meeting with the woman he once followed to Hell.
As Beryl rounded the corner, Kunzite stepped out of his car, effectively blocking her path. Beryl halted immediately, but made no move to maneuver around him.
“We need to talk.”
Once resting dead-ahead, Beryl’s eyes finally shifted to rest on his face. They were unflinchingly blank, with the same cold aloofness of her monarchical past. Dark curls swayed slowly by her face as he waited for her response.
“If I answer your questions, will you leave me alone?” she asked, her voice clear and straight as it always had been.
Kunzite couldn’t promise. “That’ll depend on your answers.”
Her eyes flickered briefly as if to nearly roll them, but she swiftly retained enough composure to jerk head towards the coffee shop again. 
“My office then.” 
She swivelled on her high heels and led them back inside the establishment. Kunzite knew why. It was a safe but private meeting ground for both of them. Public enough that there was help should he cause any trouble, private enough for them to speak without attracting attention.
The colleagues all seem happy enough to see her again, if a bit puzzled. She was friendly enough with them, something Kunzite found bizarrely out of character. They disappeared quickly into the office in the back of the shop, a small, cramped room stacked with boxes and plain, uncomfortable metal chairs. A calendar hung above the mini fridge, and her desk - an ornate mahogany affair that was the only piece of furniture indicative of her past - straddled the width of the small room. It nearly bloated it.
“Let’s make this quick,” she said as the door closed, gesturing to Kunzite to sit in the chair in front of the desk. “What exactly do you want from me?” As she settled in her own seat, Kunzite couldn’t help but notice that even in a bedraggled coat and plain black uniform, she still lounged in her chair with the elegance of a queen.
“I know you have your memories,” Kunzite started. “What are your intentions here?”
Beryl arched her eyebrow, looking darkly unimpressed. “To lead a normal life, as I assume the rest of you are doing,” she replied coolly. “The life of Kurosawa Akako is very ordinary, and I intend to keep it that way.”
He didn’t believe it for an instant. “You haven’t contacted any of the others? Jadeite, Nephrite?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Even Tuxedo M-”
Beryl instantly raised her hand, and her expression swiftly turned severe. “Don’t be quick to assume my current actions based on our history, Kunzite,” she said stonily. “I will have you know I have absolutely no intentions of seeking any one of you again in this life. I have enough to focus on without troubling those who would have completely valid reasons for wanting me dead.”
Kunzite still wasn’t buying it. His blood was slowly pumping faster and faster, thrumming in his ears as he gripped the metal arm rests tightly.  “Certain feelings are hard to ignore, even in a third life,” he challenged quietly.
Her eyes, once steel, briefly flickered with…sadness? Bitterness?
“Those feelings can be overcome,” Beryl replied back softly, as a dark lock of hair fell loosely from her sharp fingers. “Even if it means cutting a part of you off to grow something new.”
Kunzite’s knuckles whitened. His grip on the metal arm rests with enough strength to warp them.
“Stay away from Zoisite,” he finally demanded, without thinking.
Unexpectedly, Beryl’s face lifted in surprise.
“I haven’t seen him,” she said, genuinely confused. “Unless-...” Beryl’s eyes glanced upon the collection of resumes that were on her desk, and one that had a little note attached to it. 
“...Kozakura Izou,” she read. “Is that what Zoisite goes by now?”
By the look on Kunzite’s face, Beryl understood she had correctly identified him, and casted a bemused smirk.
“Well, you must forgive me for not immediately recognizing his civilian name. I-zou I understand, but his surname should be Saitou if you had expected me to put two-and-two together.”
When Kunzite remained stone-faced, Beryl’s brief attempt at humor swiftly evaporated. “ Well, if that is what you wish, Kunzite, I won't have him working here." She reached forward to pull off the post-it note and scratch his name from the schedule.  “There. Will that suffice?”
Having watched her discard Zoisite’s employment so easily suddenly made Kunzite uncomfortable. Momentarily, Kunzite remembered how Izou had been excited to work here, how  it had been a good fit with university, how much more time he had been hoping this would gain him to share with Kunzite at home.
No, Kunzite ultimately decided. Better to have Izou be rejected by this job than for him to be triggered by another traumatic memory. He would understand, surely.
"That would be acceptable."
Without a moment’s hesitation, Beryl swiftly ripped Izou’s resume cleanly in half, then in quarters. The echoing tear that resounded made Kunzite’s heart unexpectedly jump.
“There,” she said, as she discarded the remaining quarters into the trash bin under the desk.  Her long fingers knitted over each other elegantly. "Will there be anything else?" 
Suddenly, Kunzite's eyes flashed up again, his defenses surged to full strength. His instincts were telling him to leap to his feet and tear this woman limb from limb. But for reasons he could not understand, isolate, or give voice to, his muscles remained frozen in time, straining for him to keep control. Beryl must have recognized this tension in him and the danger it hinted, for she faced her palm to him warningly, as if halting a rottweiler. 
"If I were you, Kunzite,” her voice dangerously slow and dark, “I’d put down any ridiculous notion of revenge you may want to extract from me. You’ll have to wait in line behind many others seeking justice by spilling my blood."
"Maybe I won't wait," Kunzite finally said, but even his own words sounded hollow to him. Beryl must have heard the same, for she scoffed.
“If this is for Zoisite’s death, may I remind you that you all knew the terms and conditions of your servitude to the Dark Kingdom. Though I was the one who delivered the final blow, your acceptance made you equally complicit.” 
“I tried to stop you,” Kunzite argued. “I-”
“Yes,” Beryl agreed. “And for all the power at your disposal to interfere, you and I both know that you hardly tried at all.”
In a flash, Kunzite flew to his feet. The chair skittered back several feet, its grating echo cutting across the cement room, as his full height towered over her.
“Don’t mistake my loyalty for agreement!” His voice was uncharacteristically loud, booming in his ears. He had never spoken to his queen with much volume, this much anger.
“I think you’re the one who’s mistaken,” Beryl replied lowly over her threaded knuckles. “That’s exactly what your loyalty meant.”
As much as Kunzite wanted to show her the full force of his disagreement, deep down he knew he could not. His muscles began slowly to atrophy, but he remained shaking his head.
"I believed in you," he whispered, lowly and bitterly. "I believed you would bring him back!"
"You have him back now, don't you?" Beryl pointed out. “Killing me in vengeance won't do anything to help secure his safety in this life."
"You are a danger to him, and I won't have you disturb us," Kunzite tried to order, but his voice was so hard and tight that he feared it would snap. "I won't risk you hurting him in this life."
At this, Beryl finally barked out a laugh of bitter, incredulous disbelief.
"Kunzite, let me make this clear to you. I'm pushing forty, single, as powerless as any of these morons underneath my roof. You think I would risk whatever scrap of peace I have left to endanger you? How foolish do you honestly think I would be?!" 
“I would see you as desperate, not foolish,” Kunzite retorted lowly. “And desperation drives us all to do dangerous things.”
At this, Beryl’s eyes narrowed. Seeing her mirth drop dead gave Kunzite a quiet sense of success, though it was short-lived.
"The only one who remains an immediate danger to Zoisite,” Beryl finally said coldly, “is you, Kunzite." 
Kunzite’s heart halted fast, and he froze. His lungs were like ice, unable to swallow or pump air to the stiffness in the rest of his limbs, or to protest otherwise. Beryl understood his silence as such.
"Unlike me, you’ve retained a position of considerable power," Beryl continued, almost a bit ironically. "So long as you wear that uniform, you will always put him at risk. Don't fool yourself into thinking I am his only threat, Kunzite. You share that responsibility just as much as I do."
As blood returned to his veins, the silence quickly flared and withered, its embers hanging like dusty air, uncomfortable and almost suffocating. Eventually Kunzite had to turn away, lest his boiling anger overtip into actions he would later regret. As he gripped the doorknob hard, it hardly registered that it trembled vaguely in his hand.
“I believed in you,” he said again, this time hardly louder than a breath. He was tired, exhausted; whatever vengeance he had experienced was now dwindling into a twisted, burnt coil of remorse and scorn. At who, he wasn’t sure. “I wasted two lives believing in you.”
Beryl’s tone was entirely unsympathetic.
“Then perhaps it’s time to believe in someone else,” she replied curtly.
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lumen-adstrum · 4 years
sylvain x reader angst to fluff please! maybe they get in a fight and before they can resolve it something happens to s/o and theres a bit of a scare and then are able to resolve things
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I tried to deliver as best I could anon, I hope you like it! 
Sylvain has never been... the easiest person to like. Many of his friends will say this with confidence, and hundreds of women would likely tell you just the same - if not insult him. Many would think that would be plenty for [Y/N] to keep their distance. However, somewhere in their daily banters of Sylvain mercilessly flirting and in turn being shut down in a witty fashion... feelings began to take root. At first, it was easy to ignore and pretend that things were fine, lunch table discussions flowed like normal despite the lingering gazes or internalized wonders of 'what ifs' and 'just maybes.'
No one tells you how quickly feelings develop, that one moment you're only noticing the small things and then it feels like only days later the mere thought of that person keeps you up at night day-dreaming in a lovesick daze. 
Knowing Sylvain, [Y/N] knows just how much of a playboy he is, they know how he strings girls along, that he can hardly remember their names at the rate he goes through them. They know this, and yet still they find themselves hopelessly gripping onto a possible future where maybe he'd settle and be loyal to them. 
With lunch hour at its busiest, people were bustling through noisily, loud chatter filled the room as people tried desperately to find their favorite dish. [Y/N] always arrived early, for the hottest plate and the best seat. Their friend, Ingrid, was usually hot on their heels, and today was no different. The usual food, the same spot, and recently the same conversation between transpired. 
"Really... [Y/N] I think you should move on." Ingrid's voice was gentle with eyes shining full of concern. "He... Isn't likely to change. You're only going to hurt yourself." She had good intentions, trying to steer them towards someone more compassionate. "Ashe is a hard worker, he's also very kind. Why don't you consider someone like him?"
Before they could even protest, a familiar voice from behind them made their heart thump wildly in their chest. "Ooh, I see. Lucky for you, I stepped in at the perfect time. Sounds like someone's lovesick." Sylvain took his usual spot across the table, for a moment they worried he had overheard the entirety of the conversation and knew just who Ingrid was referencing in the start. "Who's the guy? Dimitri? I guess girls do love a dashing type." Well... He was onto something there. Sylvain was dashing himself, a true knightly personality, and chivalrous too. Although, one could say that was all an act to get girls to fall for him, [Y/N] knew better than that. 
 "No, it's not Dimitri." [Y/N]'s response was half a sigh, poking their spoon at the peach sorbet melting in its cup. They spent the entirety of the dining hall's lunch break together with Sylvain listing off members of the Blue Lion house one by one just to receive a denial in response. 
“Oh come on [Y/N]! I’ve listed every Blue Lion student there is! You wouldn’t turn your back on us and find forbidden love in one of the other houses! ...Or would you?” Suddenly, his eyes are scrutinizing, as if to peer into the depths of their soul and pry the answer out that way. “Unless… You’ve fallen in love with me?” The words made their heart skip a beat, especially when he used that teasing tone of his. Ingrid’s worried glance to their warming face didn’t go unnoticed, and the silence that suddenly fell over the group made Sylvain reconsider the reality of that jest.
“Wait- wait. No. What happened to all that crap before? The ‘not even in your dreams Sylvain.’ This has got to be a joke. Us, together?” A joke… That was exceptionally cruel, as if [Y/N] would be so callous.
“It’s not a joke. Unlike some people, I’m genuine about my feelings and I don’t lie through my teeth to people just to break their hearts later.” Slamming their spoon on the table, [Y/N] stood from their seat just to turn their back on Sylvain and begin walking towards the exit. 
“[Y/N]!” Ingrid and Sylvain spoke in sync, one a more accusatory tone while the other held concern. “That was horrible Sylvain!” Ingrid gritted her teeth together, voice a low hiss seeing as some curious people were now eyeing down their table with the hopes of overhearing what the newest drama was about. As if they clearly didn’t know with a certain redhead being involved.
“How was that horrible?! It was a genuine question!” Truthfully, he didn’t see where he had gone wrong, it was always that way with him. Women were too complex for him to understand, and Ingrid would never tire of saying it was simply because he was an idiot. He watched in confusion as the woman stood from the table with a heated glare. “Where are you going?”
“To comfort [Y/N], and until you figure out where you went wrong, don’t even bother talking to them.” With that, Ingrid was off to search the monastery. She found them at the stables, where they met time and time again with them caring for the horses together. She wouldn’t say “I told you so.” even if it was on the tip of her tongue. Instead, Ingrid laid a comforting hand on their shoulder. As if on cue, the figure collapsed against Ingrid with a helpless sob. “Oh, come now, it’s not that bad. Now you can move on, find someone worth the trouble…”
The sound of footsteps on cobblestone made [Y/N] stand straight, quickly wiping at their eyes and trying to look presentable. “Oh, good afternoon Professor… You’re looking troubled.” At Ingrid’s observation, they lifted their head to observe Byleth, and indeed he looked troubled with his brow furrowed and a slight frown. 
“I’m afraid our mission for the month has turned dire, I need to round up a handful of students to leave immediately. Can I count on you two?” His voice was slightly sympathetic as if he knew the timing might be a slight annoyance. 
“Of course, we’ll ready the horses and meet you at the entrance.” Under new orders now, [Y/N] quickly put on their brave face and saddled up on their horse with Ingrid quick to follow. Soon, they met at the front gates of the monastery with Ashe, Dimitri, Dedue, and Mercedes. It was a small group, but all capable if instructed well. Byleth was quick to reassure them all that Catherine and Shamir would be accompanying them and at their aid. 
When Sylvain had found out about the mission, he was beside himself with worry for reasons he didn’t quite understand. “You’ve been pacing a hole in the floor for an hour Sylvain, sit down, it’s pathetic to watch.” Felix’s voice cut through with an edge to it. If anything, the swordsman was more annoyed at the fact they’d been left behind rather than worried for their classmates.
“Something has to be wrong, they should have been back by now if it was a small mission, right? Why didn’t they take all of us?” The worried fretting had Felix groan out and hold his face briefly, trying to compose his temper.
“Who knows how far out the location was, besides, the professor knows what he’s doing. Mercedes is there if anyone gets hurt.” While Felix had a point, there was still that nagging voice in the back of his head. Even Sylvain couldn’t grasp what had him so anxious, but as he glanced towards the gate, he could see the professor returning with the class. However, something was very wrong with the picture. [Y/N] didn’t sit upon their horse with a knightly air about them, instead, they were laying in a heap in Catherine’s arms. 
“Shit!” Without warning, he was out of the entrance hall and meeting them at the gates. “What happened to [Y/N]?! Are they alright?!” Catherine stepped around him quickly, a brief warning look from Shamir directed at him.
“Out of the way kid. We’re getting her to the infirmary.” 
It was Ingrid who rode up at his side, dismounting with a worried frown of her own. “[Y/N] took an arrow and fell off their horse. Mercedes closed the wound, but they hit their head pretty hard. We haven’t been able to get them to wake up, we were hoping Manuela might be able to reassure us or help in some way.”
How was it even possible? They were always so cautious and diligent on the battlefield… Sylvain was always left in awe half of the time. [Y/N] had the true makings of a vigilant knight, and while he understood everyone made mistakes… It was just unlike them. However, it didn’t take a genius to understand that their earlier conversation had affected their battle. 
“Let’s just see what Manuela has to say.” Under Ingrid’s recommendation, Sylvain followed her quickly to the infirmary where [Y/N] laid unconscious. “How do they look?” As his friend did the talking, Sylvain took a seat next to their bed, watching intently as he awaited an answer.
“Well, the poor thing fell pretty hard… They’ll wake up, but they’ll have a concussion to worry about for a while. I've asked the professor to take it easy on them for the next month.” Ingrid breathed a sigh of relief as Sylvain took their limp hand in his own. His expression was grim despite knowing they’d be okay soon enough. What if that arrow had struck them somewhere fatal, or what if they had the potential of never waking after hitting their head so hard? What if they had died before they could properly talk? They were only students, but their responsibilities put them in grave situations. This school wasn’t as lighthearted and frivolous as he had once thought.
He sat there for hours, well past the visits of their classmates and the occasional check-in from Manuela. Not once did [Y/N] stir from sleep, and briefly, he worried there was that possibility they would never wake. With a heavy sigh, he trapped their hand between both of his and brought it to his forehead in a silent prayer to the goddess. 
“[Y/N]... I wish it wasn’t like this right now… I’d rather have you mad at me in the stables than laying in this stupid infirmary bed. We’d bicker about the conversation we had earlier, neither of us would understand each other because I wouldn’t be honest about my feelings. Until eventually I’d tell you how much you mean to me and that it scares me. That I’ve never felt this way for someone before and that terrifies me.” He took in a shuddering breath, squeezing their hand just a bit tighter. “I’d tell you I love you.” His statement was hardly above a whisper.
It seemed all too unreal to him, the subtle scoff that caused Sylvain’s head to shoot up, staring at [Y/N] who laid with their brows furrowed and just a hint of a smirk tugging at their lips. “So it takes me getting hurt physically for you to confess?” Truly, he was a gawking mess now, enough to pull a laugh from his company’s lips. Sitting up from the bed, their hand brushed against his cheek gently. “Sylvain… I won’t forgive you if you hurt me like that again.” 
Instantly, his hand found their’s, holding it to his lips and kissing the tips of their fingers. “I won’t. Never again, I promise. I’ll be honest from here on out.” He meant it too. Soon he dropped their hand to instead get a good look at their face. “How do you feel? Should I get Manuela so she can make sure everything is in order? Can I get you anything?”
“Well… I could use one thing right about now.” [Y/N] mused to themselves, and Sylvain was quick to lean in closer.
“What is it? Anything, and it’s your’s.”
“A kiss.” The answer was so simple, but it was clear the male wasn’t expecting it, and just even for a moment, his face almost looked red in his shock. He didn’t stay stumped for long, leaning over the bed and closing in to press a ginger kiss on their lips.
“Ah… Young love. Such a waste.” Manuela’s dry voice caused the two to break apart with a start. “Now out! I won’t tolerate this behavior here.” The way she swatted at Sylvain with annoyance caused [Y/N] to bubble out a laugh, gently pulling on his sleeve and leaning in. 
“Oh, and one last thing… I love you too.” There was a dopey smile that spread onto his lips. As he was shooed out the door by Manuela, he stole one last glance with a promise that he would return first thing in the morning for them.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
more than once you've said "the tts fandom can't write x character, or can't write y character," but have you considered that maybe they can write them fine, you've just built up your desired interpretations of these characters? you give off this condescending attitude, like ONLY YOU can write tts characters accurately, ONLY YOU understand them, & any interpretations that don't in some way align with what you think are WRONG. this has become more apparent as you've worked through bitter snow
let’s discuss king frederic, and how he is often characterized in fanworks vs how he is characterized in the show. 
now... i think we can all agree that frederic is at best a mediocre father and a not especially good king, that in his worst moments he steps over the line into emotional abuse vis a vis his treatment of rapunzel, and that the avoidant head-in-the-sand approach he takes to the black rock problem in s1 causes widespread pain, unnecessary panic, and does not improve the situation whatsoever. 
he is widely disliked in the fandom for very good reason
however! it is difficult, though hardly impossible, to find fic where frederic acts or speaks... like frederic, for one very simple reason: the fandom, by and large, as a group, writes frederic as an angry, abusive man who blows up when he is confronted with the many, many things he does wrong. often this takes the form of a character, or characters, getting up in front of him and rattling off his list of crimes, real or perceived, followed by him basically throwing a tantrum.
canon frederic, to put it bluntly, does not do that. 
exhibit a: caine’s confrontation of frederic in before ever after.
caine sets up exactly the scenario that in the average tts fanfic would end with frederic yelling / blustering / furiously denying the accusations, plus she does it while rounding up all his guests and putting them in cage to haul them off and, presumably, kill them somewhere. like. the stakes are life or death and this is an extremely stressful situation for everyone involved.
and this is how that conversation goes down: 
FRED: Release my guests immediately!
CAINE: What’s the matter, Fred? Am I ruining your perfect day?
RAPUNZEL: ...The Duchess?
CAINE: Oh, honey. I am no Duchess.
RAPUNZEL: I don’t understand.
CAINE: Of course you wouldn’t, Rapunzel, but try to follow along. This is all your fault.
CAINE: You see, after your untimely... disappearance, your father locked up every criminal in the kingdom... including a simple petty thief. My father. I saw him thrown into a cage and hauled off like some animal, never to be seen again. So... I thought I’d come back, and return the favor. 
[the wagon rolls in]
CAINE: Load ‘em up, boys! Your turn, Your Majesty. 
[Frederic moves to shield Rapunzel; Caine snickers.]
CAINE: Oh, come on, you didn’t think we’d leave our prized pig in the pen, did you?
RAPUNZEL: [as Caine’s gang drags Frederic toward the wagon] Dad—
FREDERIC: Rapunzel, stay back. 
FREDERIC: No. There’s nothing you can do. As your father and your king, I command you to stay put. 
there are two key points that i want to make here, because they diverge significantly from the way frederic is characterized in analogous scenarios in fanfics, like, 90% of the time. 
1) fred doesn’t get angry. he doesn’t bluster or yell. he orders caine to release his guests, and when she refuses, he gets quiet. he does not interrupt caine’s rant, he does not even try to deny her accusations, and he doesn’t stomp around escalating the situation even while caine is prancing around waving a sword in his daughter’s face or literally poking him in the chest. 
he stays calm. 
2) fred’s primary, overriding concern is for rapunzel’s safety, and the safety of his guests. not his own. he does not struggle when caine’s men lead him away. he protests on behalf of his guests, but not himself, and he attempts to physically shield rapunzel from harm before he is dragged away. he doesn’t waste his breath trying to argue with caine, but he does tell rapunzel firmly not to put herself in danger trying to rescue him. 
now... there are plenty of ways to interpret why frederic behaves this way, and my personal take is certainly not the only possible one. but the behavior itself, the staying calm in the face of a crisis, while someone is in his face threatening him, his family, and his guests and making pretty charged accusation, is a) objectively playing out on the screen and b) directly at odds with the way frederic most often acts in fanfics. 
exhibit b: mood-swapped frederic blows up just like fanon frederic constantly does
and this is the only time we ever see frederic lose his temper like this in the entire series. again, this is not a matter of interpretation: this is just plainly what happens on the screen. when he is in his right mind, frederic is not a “scream accusations, whip out a sword, and impulsively declare war or attack someone because he’s mad” sort of person, and to say that he is really like that, deep down, is just as silly as trying to argue that cass really is a peppy, soft-hearted, affectionate pushover, or that eugene really is too riddled-with self-doubt and anxiety to make any decisions, or that rapunzel really is a grouchy, moody, misanthropic person. the mood potion makes everyone act like fundamentally different versions of themselves; their behavior is, literally, out of character for their normal, not high-off-their-asses-on-a-magical-potion selves. 
exhibit c: the angry mob in secrets of the sundrop
like with caine, this confrontation kicks off with a premise that should be pretty familiar to anyone who reads any fic featuring frederic at all, ie everybody is pissed at frederic and there is literally an enraged mob screaming for justice in the throne room. and that goes like this:
[everybody shouting in angry panic]
FREDERIC: People... [raising his voice to be heard] Citizens, please! Listen to me!
[Max rears and whinnies to get everyone’s attention, and the shouting dwindles away.]
FREDERIC: I will not lie to you any longer. Corona is in grave danger. The queen has been taken; over half our royal guard lie wounded; and these black rocks draw ever closer.
[the shouting begins to pick up again]
EUGENE: Uh, sir, hi, yeah—if there’s a ‘but’ in this speech, you probably want to cut to it right now. 
FREDERIC: But I look at you, and I don’t just see subjects. I see friends, family; strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other, side-by-side, and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before. As your king, your friend, and as your brother, I ask you to fight one more time. For Corona!
again, key points: 
1) frederic does not deny, bluster, shout down, or otherwise attempt to refute the basic point that he bungled the black rock situation. he did bungle it, and he knows that [this scene is preceded by him spelling out the full extent of his failures to rapunzel and openly admitting guilt]. through his behavior, he demonstrates that he accepts culpability for the situation and implicitly accepts the legitimacy of the crowd’s anger. 
2) he raises his voice only so he can be heard above the shouting, and as soon as folks quiet down, he drops to a reasonable volume again. his mood is grim, but he isn’t angry. he projects calm. 
3) eugene is nervous about frederic losing control of the crowd and accidentally causing a riot or something; frederic is not. 
4) instead of denying the crowd’s anger, frederic tries to reframe the problem for them: yes, things are bad, but they are strong and brave and we can all work together to put things right. he doesn’t shout them down; he seeks to inspire them. 
and 5) when frederic says “we face a danger,” he means that. the very next thing he does after giving this speech is go straight to the frontlines to fight in the same battle he’s asking everyone else to join in. he's not asking them to do anything he isn’t willing to do himself. 
which... i would argue even more than the caine confrontation in BEA, is diametrically opposed to the way the typical fanon frederic would respond to an angry mob situation, because the typical fanon frederic is a very angry, aggressive man, and that... simply isn’t who frederic is. he’s calm, he’s knows how to work a crowd, he knows how to use his authority to achieve his goals without browbeating or threatening. 
even when he does get angry—such as his instinctive reaction to arianna’s kidnapping, when he jumps first to “we will invade old corona”—he doesn’t yell or stomp around or throw tantrum. he gets stiff and rather cold and makes an impulsive judgment call... but then he takes some time to brood by himself, calms down, talks things out with rapunzel, admits his failures, and doesn’t follow through with the impulsive order he made in the heat of the moment. 
like... flat out, he is not an angry man.
and it’s frustrating, when i go to read fanfic and frederic is overwhelmingly characterized as this hapless angry shouty abusive person, because it is breathtakingly far removed from how he acts in canon, and i like frederic as a character. i find him very interesting, and it’s not fun to read fics where everything that makes him interesting is taken away and replaced with this sort of one-note Shouty Angry King/Bad Dad Whom Everyone Hates. and that applies, unfortunately, to a very large number of the types of fics i like to read (namely, long canon exploratory or canon divergent fics, etc)
i am perfectly happy to read interpretations of the tts characters that do not mesh well, or are even wholly incompatible with, my own. 
but i do expect, as a minimum, characters to behave more or less the way they behave in canon unless there is a clear reason for them to be different. i expect varian to be nerdy and chaotic and a bit of a disaster, for example. i expect adira to be aloof, blunt, and perhaps a touch arrogant. i expect cassandra to be ambitious and frustrated and prone to self-sabotage and envy. i expect lance to be laid back and eugene to be a bit vain. i expect the captain to be gruff and very tight-laced. and i expect frederic to act like a politician who is in control of his feelings but sort of cowardly at heart, because that’s how frederic acts in the show. 
i hold myself to these standards too. a ton of my editing process is “hm does this character really talk like this? is this how they would react to this situation?” and then going through and rewatching scenes or whole episodes and trying to find roughly analogous emotional beats or situations to sort of gauge whether i’m hitting the mark or not; it’s very difficult and i work hard on it and do not always succeed... and this does make me a bit picky about characterization in fics i’m reading, yeah, because it’s... always at the forefront of my mind. and then yes i post about it here, because this is the hyperfixation landfill where i dump my tts-adjacent thoughts. 
of course, you’re welcome to unfollow me if you do not enjoy reading what i post. it’s important to curate an online experience that you enjoy! if my general demeanor irritates you, you don’t need to inflict yourself with it.
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
Float Down
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    ✰ pairing: Namjoon x Reader
    ✰ setting: College AU
    ✰ word count: 9.8 k
    ✰ Part of the Weather Series
    ✰ warnings: explicit language, smut (Oral (f), daddy kink, spanking)
    ✰ Playlist available in series masterlist
    ✰ summary: ❝Working in the library gave you free printing and lots of time with Kim Namjoon❞
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     There's something magical about walking outside in the fall. The way the leaves look as they fall to the sidewalks transports you to your own movie set where you, the reluctant lead, discover things about yourself as the cold air sets in. You almost gag for even thinking something so corny.
     It's true though. You never mind walking to work in the Fall, even though you are the only one unlucky enough to be scheduled for the morning shift at your schools academic center in the library. Everyone else had said they were unavailable at this time. You loved money too much to turn it down.
     The leaves are just starting to change colors now, and in your opinion they never stay this way long enough. It was only the other day your best friend Mia posted a selfie with her first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season, but soon all of the leaves would be gone.
     Each year it feels like this time moves too quickly, but it truly feels like you just moved back onto campus the other day. Sometimes you wonder if you're taking advantage of these years enough. You know the answer is no, it's in your nature to sit back and let the world move around you and then one day wonder where all the time went.
     But for now you don't want to think about that. You refuse to think about the falling leaves and how they mark the passage of time and the circle of life. It's too early to have your first existential crisis of the day. Instead you think about how pretty they are. Bright orange, yellow, and red. Pretty.
     You love the smell of shallow thoughts and repressed emotions in the morning.
     You're not surprised to find him sitting by your desk when you get there. The only other person insane enough to already be up and thinking about his life is Namjoon, and as usual he is already in the library. Without fail, he's always in the library when you are, either studying, tutoring, or waiting to talk to the director of subject tutoring as he must be doing now since he's waiting at your desk. If there's anyone who isn't letting a moment go by without ceasing it, it's Namjoon. You often wonder what that's like. You think you should ask him, but you never do.
     "Good morning," you said, slipping your backpack off of your shoulders and sitting behind the desk. You clock in as Namjoon echoes your greeting back to you.
     "Meeting with Dean?" you asked, looking up at him long enough to catch his nod of affirmation.
     "He always gets mad at me for scheduling meetings this early in the morning but it's the only free time I have."
     "Have you considered not doing everything?"
     "Ah," Namjoon said laughing a little. "Not doing all the things? I wasn't aware that was even possible."
     "You should try slacking off like the rest of us, it's been working okay for the centuries this institution has stood."
     "'Slacking off,' says the girl here in the library with me on a Friday morning."
     "I'm getting paid to basically do my homework," you shrugged, pulling out your planner. "The illusion of being busy with all the lack of responsibility I like."
     "Modesty," he said, looking past you as Dean's office opened behind you. "You should take the credit you deserve sometimes."
     You don't respond as he walks past you into Dean's office, mostly because you're not sure how to. Maybe he was right about taking credit for things, as you can't even find it in yourself to agree with him. Then again, he was wrong. You were basically getting paid to do your homework. The rest of the building was lifeless as Dean closed his office door. It was just you, your homework, and your supervisor whenever she decided to show up today. Everyone in the academic office took it upon themselves to come in whenever the wanted on Fridays. No one ever came looking for them early in the morning after Thirsty Thursday's anyways.
     It was what you liked most about this job, it was stress-free and gave you your own paid study hall. That and you got free printing for technically working for the library.
     Your uneventful work day, leads to an uneventful afternoon class, that has you getting home at 6:00pm like ever other Friday, and as usual you want nothing more than to crawl into bed and hibernate for the weekend.
     However, as always your roommate Dami has other plans.
     "Jackson's having a party at his and we're going," she said as soon as you opened the door to your shared apartment.
     "Let the record state that I never got asked if I had plans," you said, setting your backpack down on the kitchen table.
     "Let the record state," Mia said, sitting up on the couch so that she could see you, "that you never have plans with anyone besides us anyways."
     "The jury should note that I'm offended," you said, mock gasping as you fell onto the couch beside Mia. "You're supposed to band together with me in introvertedness against the great extroverted one," you said pointing to Dami.
     "I want to get twisted," she responded, sticking her tongue out at you and laughing.
     "I work," you whined. "I'm a single mother of two," you said motioning between your friends.
     Dami leaned towards you, excitement on her face. "All the more reason to come out with us tonight."
     "Like that one Melissa McCarthy movie," Mia said.
     "Are you comparing to a recently divorced middle-aged woman?"
     "You started it," Mia said, holding her hands up in defense.
     Hours later you find yourself stuffed into a skirt that just barely fits, but makes your ass look good, and Dami's handiwork on your face, which always makes you look unlike yourself but in a good way you think. Not that you normally is bad, it's just not something that makes people stop and comment. You prefer it that way.
     Dami's boyfriend, Jackson, almost never goes to frat parties. It's why he rents the off-campus house he and some of his friends live in. He's always been anti-fraternity, something to do with his brother and hazing, so his place has always been the go-to for those who don't want to deal with greek life. You've always preferred his place to the other's Dami drags you. You could feel comfortable in any room at his house, no short dress or boob shirt required.
     For those less cultured or male in the audience, a boob shirt is like a regular shirt, but it shows off your boobs.
     Unless of course, it was a night like tonight, where Dami insisted on dressing you like one her dolls. You might not need the shirt skirt, but you certainly were wearing it.
     Truly the best part of Dami's boyfriend's place was the used-to-be stray cat that now lives there.
     Mary Jane.
     She was a simple woman, bring her food, and you could pet her. Bring a treat? You might as well take her home with you, because you're her new best friend.
     So you do the rounds, following Dami and Mia around the party and saying hi to your mutual friends, but you always keep in mind that you know exactly where Jackson keeps the cat treats. When you pass by the kitchen the first time, you resist the urge to go grab them, because it's too early and Dami and Mia will absolutely call you out on ignoring everyone.
     But that's exactly what you want to do, so 30 minutes later when you pass by again, you turn into the kitchen, grab the treats from the top shelf of the cabinet on the right, and make your way upstairs.
     You'd already scouted the downstairs as you walked through the party and Mary Jane was no where to be seen. Not surprising, she usually didn't like to be around the large crowd of people.
     You finally find her at the end of the upstairs hallway, in one of the other housemates rooms. You hesitate for a moment, because it's not Jackson's and it's not Mark's, the only other room you've been invited into to for the sole purpose of playing Mario Kart a few weeks ago.
     You decide to head inside anyways, and ask for forgiveness instead of permission, because the promise of solitude and cat cuddles is more than enough to push aside your inhibitions.
     She hesitates at first, but after you present the bag of treats to her she's hooked. She purrs with delight as you feed her the treats and comes to rest on your lap as you sit on the floor leaned up against the foot of the bed. Alcohol has always had a specific sleep-inducing effect on you, and you can feel it happening as your eyes feel heavy and close just as the door to the room opens.
     It takes a moment for you to turn and see who has come to potentially kick you out, but your eyes go wide as you realize who it is.
     "Oh," Namjoon said as you looked at each other.
     "Cat," you said pointing at Mary Jane.
     "You think that argument will hold up in court?" he asked walking further into the room.
    "I might need a few more words, but I have proof," you said holding up the bag of treats, causing Mary Jane to jump from your lap towards them, scratching your leg as she does so.
     You curse as your hand moves to the wound, looking down at the surface level scratches she's caused.
     "Oh my god, are you okay?" Namjoon asked, moving quickly to your side.
     "Yeah," you assured him quickly. "It's not even bleeding that much."
    "That much," he echoed with wide eyes. "Here let me get you a band-aid or something."
     You watched silently as he stood up and left the room, your heart doing this weird flippy-thing you couldn't describe. You knew Namjoon and nothing about him offering to help you was surprising.
    That was the thing about Namjoon. He was kind of perfect. You knew from your own job that he worked harder than anyone else you knew. He was handsome and kind and he smiled at you like you mattered.
     You didn't give into any delusions that he would like you back. He could have literally anyone.
    Once he walked back into the room, a band-aid in hand, you've managed to convince your heart to calm down. Namjoon was nice to everyone. He would get a band-aid for anyone.
     "She doesn't know her own strength," he joked, as he also handed you a cotton ball. "Peroxide," he answered, before you could ask.
    He sort of awkwardly, looks at the scratches on your thigh, before clearing his throat, and moving to sit beside you on the floor. Once you finish cleaning the area and applying the bandage, you look up at him. He's been watching your work, offering a small smile as his eyes meet yours.
     "I was just going to watch a movie and drink alone," he said, reaching over into the fridge by his bed and pulling out two beers. "You could join me if you wanted to."
     "Oh, I don't want to barge in," you said, shaking your head and moving to stand.
     "You already did that," he laughs, handing the beer to you. "Seriously, neither of us want to be at the actual party, but drinking alone seems sad."
     "Are you sure?" you asked, still not sitting down all the way.
     He looked back at you, his same kind smile making your knees a little weak. "Definitely."
     "Okay," you said, sitting down and twisting the top off of the beer.
     "Great," he said, moving grabbing the remote off of the TV stand. "How do you feel about the Nightmare Before Christmas?"
     "I feel great about it," you responded, just as Mary Jane came walking back to you.
     Namjoon laughed as she curled up into your lap again. She almost seems apologetic as she avoids the bandaged area.
     And as the two of you sit in silence, drinking and watching the movie together, you can't help but think about how nice it all is. How you wouldn't mind doing this more often. How Namjoon makes the party seem so far yet at the same time right here as just the two of you.
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     College often feels like living from one weekend to the next. The weeks blend together as the two days you have off move too quickly.
    You get to skip the parties the following weekend, but only because the three of you have plans to go the pumpkin patch. Dami planned it at the beginning of the year, specifically for her three best girls and her best boy.
     Jackson pretend to hate when she called him that.
     However, at some point it became a roommate outing, meaning Jackson's roommates also tagged along. Which means that Namjoon was there as well.
     It's becoming increasingly normal to see him, but something about your time together last weekend has you feeling butterflies in your chest as you see him walk over with Jackson and Mark.
    Somehow you manage to fall into step with him like a normal person, as your friends walk ahead of you, goofing off together.
    "How was your math test?" Namjoon asked, to which you had to maintain your composure and not freak out a little because he remembered you had a test after he saw you studying in the library.
     "Good," you said, nodding your head while you mentally screamed. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
    "That's always good," he said, nodding his head as well.
     Dami yells something about the corn maze as she motions for everyone to follow her and heads into it.
     You and Namjoon share a look before following after your friends. You can hear them ahead of you laughing and carrying on, but you make no effort to catch up. You notice that Namjoon doesn't either.
     "Do you like fall?" he asked, as you turned left down a path that seemed promising. "Like do you enjoy things like this."
     "Yeah," you said, coming to stop at another intersection. "I mostly like that I'm not sweating all of the time now and the world is prettier."
    "Yeah," Namjoon said motioning for you to go right. "I mean it's pretty messed up that we think trees are prettier when they're dying, but I get it."
     "The trees aren't dying, they're just sleeping."
     "Sleeping," he laughs, as you come to another intersection. "I've never head anyone put it like that."
     "If they died they wouldn't get new leaves in the Spring."
     "Just a flesh wound then," he added.
    "You like Monty Python?" you asked, following him as he took the path straight ahead of you two.
     "Yeah, I mean, that's the only movie of their's I've seen, but I liked it," Namjoon stopped at yet another intersection, looking both ways and then at you. "They get points for actually making it hard," he laughed, motioning for you to follow him as he turns right down a new path.
     You feel a sense of freedom as the two of you finally stumble out of the maze. Dami and Jackson laugh as you practically run to catch up with your friends.
     "I thought we were goners," you said, dramatically as Dami threw an arm over your shoulders.
     "Two of the smartest people i know and they can't get out of a corn maze," Dami laughs, pulling you into her side. "Come on, let's get cider and donuts before picking out our children."
     "Pumpkins," Jackson says, running to catch up with the two of you as you walk towards the concessions stand. "We're getting pumpkins, not children."
     "Men," Dami said, rolling her eyes. "Always afraid of commitment."
     "Not Namjoon," Mark said, earning a punch in the arm from his friend. "He was like this close to proposing to his girlfriend last year."
     "Awh, Namjoon," Dami said. "That's sweet."
     "Tell them what you wanted to be when you grew up," Mark said causing Namjoon to stare back at him blankly.
     "Far away from you, sounds good now."
     "I'm just kidding man," he said as you all finally made it to the food truck and began ordering.
     Namjoon looks far away as the group sits down at a picnic table and starts to eat. As everyone talks and laughs together, Namjoon's heart doesn't seem in it. You don't know why you care, it's like no one else in the group does, but you can't stop watching him, wondering if you should say something.
     You don't, and by the time all of you get in the back of the truck to go pick your pumpkins, Namjoon seems back to his regular self.
     "A boy and a girl," Dami said as she and Jackson held up two of the largest pumpkins in the patch. "What should we name them baby?" she teases as Jackson shakes his head and begins to walk away from her.
     "Gourdon and Autumn," you offer, earning a squeal from you friend.
     "Your mind is so powerful," she said as she sat her pumpkin down.
     "There's no way you guys are getting those back to the tractor," Mia says as she watches Jackson struggle to carry both of them after Dami dumped Autumn or maybe it was Gourdon off on him as well.
     "I can handle it," he grunted, earning a cheer of support from Dami.
     You have no trouble at all walking back to the tractor, as you hold in your hands one of the smaller pumpkins. Small enough to fit on your desk, though a part of you knew Dami would want them out in the common space of your apartment all together. You want it there so you can look at it while you do your work. A reminder that school might suck but Fall certainly doesn't.
     Namjoon must think something similar as he sits down next to you on a hay bale in the back of the wagon being pulled by the tractor.
     "You know it's pay by the pound, right?" Namjoon said as he took in the sheer size of Jackson and Dami's pumpkins, which the former did manage to get into the back of the wagon.
     "It's what?" Jackson said, his face falling in disbelief as Dami leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
     "I love you, baby," she said, patting the pumpkin in her lap.
     "I love you too," Jackson sighed, shaking his head.
     You tried hard to hold in your laughter as the look on Dami's face confirmed your suspicions. She hadn't been talking to Jackson. Namjoon shook silently besides you as well, shooting a knowing glance your way, meant only for the two of you.
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     Despite the rush of school, time also seems to move slower somehow. Everyone seems to stop and look up and realize the leaves are falling. Or maybe that's just you as you walk to work the following Monday.
     It should be a crime to work open on Monday. It was specifically cruel and unusual punishment for a procrastinator like you that obviously waited until the last moment Sunday night to finish your work.
     You're not sure who in their right mind would want to be at the academic center this early on a Monday anyways.
     Your hypothetical is answered as you see Namjoon sitting across from your desk once you walk into the library.
     "Have you heard of sleep?" you asked, as you took your backpack off and sat down.
     "Sleep?" he mused, looking up at the ceiling. "I haven't heard that name in years," he continued, pretending to smoke a cigarette.
     "Sleep and I are in a meaningful, long-term relationship," you laughed, as you confirmed that Dean wasn't in yet for his meeting with Namjoon.
     Of course he's late. Of course you don't mind. Though you do envy him a little bit. You like seeing Namjoon, but as previously stated. You've been loving sleep for longer than this little crush you have.
    "How's your pumpkin doing?" he asked, breaking the momentary silence that had fallen between the two of you.
    "Happy, healthy, living in a loving and warm environment," you said, pulling out your phone to show him a picture of the gourd sitting on your desk. You and your friends had a carving party the night before, and your's now had a smiling face to confirm your previous statement of happiness.
    "You did a good job," he said, handing your phone back to you. "Mine will remain uncarved for the aesthetic," he said. "And by the aesthetic I mean the total lack of artistic talent I have and my inability to wield a knife without injuring myself or others."
    You laughed as he winced at his own words. It was endearing to image Namjoon hopelessly trying to put a face on his pumpkin.
    "Seriously," he continued. "I barely wanted to get the pumpkin, but it seemed to be the only reason to actually go to a pumpkin patch."
    "Well don't forget the impossibly hard maze and the apple cider," you said, smiling wide.
    "And the company," he added, looking somehow deeper into your eyes. It made you feel vulnerable in front of him, so you quickly busied yourself with something on your desk to look away.
    "Namjoon," Dean said as he approached the academic center. "Sorry, I'm late."
    "It's okay," Namjoon said, standing up to greet his boss. "I'm getting used to it."
    "Don't say that too loud," Dean laughed, clapping Namjoon on the back. "I'll be out of work if anyone important hears."
    Namjoon looked at you as the two of them walked into his office, and you couldn't be sure, but it seemed to say you had heard it and you were important. Then again, Namjoon always had a way of making people feel important. It was probably just your imagination.
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   "No cats at this house," Namjoon said as you followed Dami into the kitchen.
    You found yourself yet again dragged out by your friends to the latest party, this one at a fraternity this time. You were content to stick to their side all night until you finally got the liquid courage to branch out. Now, however, you figured there was someone else you might want to stick with for the night. He had a way of doing that. Of making you want to orbit him like he was the sun.
     "Are you calling her a cat?" Dami asked, pushing you lightly behind her back as if she was trying to protect you.
     "No," Namjoon quickly said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just meant Mary Jane."
     "You want to smoke?" Someone you didn't know spoke up, motioning down the hall. "Brad's room."
     "No, the cat," he said, not looking in that guy's direction his focus completely on you.
    "I got it," you said laughing and giving him a thumbs up.
    Namjoon was like that, he could make a situation that would make you want the ground to open up and swallow you whole seem outright adorable. As he looked back at you, you could almost believe he meant for that confusion to happen. He was so sure of himself; you wished you could be the same.
    "I could smoke," Dami said, turning to you and Mia.
    "I could sit beside you while you smoke," Mia said with a shrug, turning to you.
    "I could not think of anything less inviting," you said, earning a laugh from Namjoon.
    "I could take her off your hands," he said to Dami, who raised an eyebrow at him, before giving you the same skeptical look.
    "Oh," she said, face breaking into a smile. "That would be so very kind of you, Namjoon," she said, pushing you towards him, causing you to stumble awkwardly.
    Namjoon's hands shot up as if he was ready to catch you. You tried not to think about how it made your heart dance.
    "We'll meet up with you later," Mia called to you as her and Dami quickly made their way out of the Kitchen and down the hall.
     You and Namjoon say nothing, as the party sounds around you, the two of you standing far enough a part to seem like you might not even be talking to each other. Well the distance between you and the sheer lack of talking. It was as if the two of you no longer remembered how to behave like normal humans as soon as your friends disappeared. Maybe you did. Maybe that's why you had wanted to stay with them all night.
    "You want to get some air?" Namjoon asked, finally breaking the silence and the tension between the two of you.
    There must be some part of your brain dedicated to the silence because you only nod your head in response. Namjoon must not mind, or at least you hope he doesn't, because he smiles in response and motions for you to follow him out the door in the kitchen to the patio behind the house. You're the only two crazy enough to go outside in the chill of the night, but you don't mind it after the absolute furnace that results from a mass of college kids trying to fit in one house.
    "I like these parties in theory," Namjoon said, as the two of you sat on the steps of the patio. "The extrovert in me is like 'yay people' and then I get here and realize I don't want to dance, I'm horrible at pong, and talking is nearly impossible."
    "I don't even really like them in theory," you said, laughing a little. "But I do want to be a good upstanding member of this college community, and my friends like to go out."
    "I kind of figured after I found you breaking and entering," he laughed.
    "I cannot be held responsible for what happens when I find a cat," you said, holding your hands up in surrender.
    "It's okay," he said, his eyes seeming to reflect the stars as he smiled at you. "I'm glad you broke in to my room."
    "See Namjoon," you said, looking away so that you didn't melt right then and there. "It's that type of naivety that's going to allow me to rob you in the near future."
    "Go ahead," he said, laughing loudly. "Enjoy the $20 in my bank account."
    You shook your head in disbelief as you looked back up at him. "Never mind. Next time I break into your room, I'll leave behind $10. Don't spend it all at once."
    "I've tried to convince Jackson that our house should have a philanthropy like all of the fraternities. It's called the Kim Namjoon fund and it will help this poor college boy realize his dreams or finally ordering something other than the value menu at McDonald's."
    "Hold your horses," you said, looking at him seriously. "Don't set your sights too high, Namjoon. You only be disappointed when you can't reach them."
    Namjoon laughs heartily beside you, just as a strong breeze sends a chill down your spine. You weren't exactly dressed to be spending long periods of time outside.
    "Oh my god," he said, taking his bomber jacket off. "My mom would be so ashamed of me," he said holding the jacket out towards you. "Please, put this on."
    You consider turning it down, why should he get cold instead of you? But as you look at his long sleeve shirt that he had on under the jacket, you decide you really have no other choice than to take it because a) his mom would be ashamed of him otherwise and b) Cardi B is a liar, hoes absolutely do get cold.
    "Thank you so much," you said as you quickly put the jacket on, your body instantly feeling relief as you were covered from the elements.
    "Of course," he said, smiling as he leaned back against the patio. "We could also head inside if you want."
      "No," you said, a little too quickly. "I like being away from it all."
      "Me too," he said, nodding his head as he looked up at the sky. "Do you ever look up at the stars and think about how we're a part of all that?"
     "No," you said looking up, "but you're right. How does that make me fell small and important all at once?"
    Namjoon chuckled as you felt him turn to look at you. "Just because something is small doesn't mean it isn't important."
    "That's what he said," you said, your straight face breaking into a small smile as Namjoon laughed loudly beside you.
    "I was making a deep and meaningful statement," he said, smiling widely as you turned to look at him.
    "Yeah," you said smiling back. "Just because I made a dick joke doesn't mean it wasn't meaningful? Small dick slander has got to end."
    "Rights for small dicks," he agreed, as he turned to look back at the stars, the smile on his face never leaving.
   You watched him instead, thinking that you might risk hypothermia just to see the way he examined the world. He was right, you thought. Namjoon might just be one of billions of people in a galaxy bigger than you could ever conceptualize, but he was important. He was like lightening in a bottle, the kind of person that only happened ever so often, and you thought that maybe you were important too, since the universe gave you these moments with him.
    You knew just as you admired him admiring the stars that he would be burned in your brain forever. You'd see him on the news someday, having made the world a better place, and you would tell your hypothetical kids, or your hypothetical cats, whichever outcome was more realistic, that you knew him. That one night you got to look at the stars together and consider your place in the universe.
   And that you knew none of it really mattered as long as right here and now your place in the universe was right beside him.
    Hours later as you and Namjoon catch the bus home, you almost feel your heart missing him already. You don't talk as you sit side by side, but you don't feel the same tension from earlier. You feel at ease beside him, a type of peace that could only come from seeing the stars inside of each other.
    And when he asks you if you want to study at the Starbucks on campus the next day, you feel your heart dance with glee at seeing him again. At meeting each other star to star again.
    You say yes, because there's really no other option. You wonder if his gravity will ever stop pulling you in. You wonder if you want it to. You know that you don't.
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    He's a fucking literature student.
    It's not fair, he shouldn't be allowed to sit in the cafe with his worn book and coffee, with his glasses slightly fallen down on his nose. But yet, he just gets to do that, sitting across from you with the most insane amount of gravity you've ever experienced in his presence.
    You try to focus on your articles, you really do, but you keep having to reread paragraphs as his very existence keeps distracting you.
    You think its really unfair that he showed up late, meaning you really had no chance to compose yourself as he just waltzed in with his hair tousled and his oversized denim jacket like has no clue how good he looks.
    Your only solace is that you weren't actively drinking your coffee when he sat down or your surely would have choked and embarrassed yourself.
    He probably knows the Hiemlich and would have saved your life, causing one of the cute baristas to thank him for saving your life, and they would fall in love and live their perfect life.
    You hate this hypothetical barista. You kind of hate Namjoon for making you feel this way. You also most certainly do not.
    "Have you ever read a book and just internally screamed at how stupid the characters are being?"
     You think that right now you're screaming at yourself for the same thing.
    "Yeah," you said, looking up from your article. "I hate when authors make girls act emotionally instead of logically. Like I'm supposed to believe the female leader of a revolution would let her feelings jeopardize the movement?"
    "Isn't that just human of her?"
    You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. "I guess I just have the sort of mentality where if something needs to get done you have to do it. Like if I was in the zombie apocalypse, right? I wouldn't just sit around and hope things worked out. But that's always how female characters are written. The boys go out and fight the zombies and the girls help everyone else remember humanity. And then they die to make the male character realize something."
    "That's called fridging," Namjoon said, nodding his head. "It's when a female character only serves the purpose of dying so that the male character avenges her."
    "Whatever it's called, it drives me up a wall."
    "Me too," he agreed, looking back down at his book.
     You each go back to your school work, though Namjoon seems to be fairing better than you. Probably has something to do with the inability to be distracted by himself.
    As you reach for your coffee, Namjoon reaches for his own, and for the briefest moment, your hands touch. You quickly move your hand away, and try not to notice the way Namjoon smiles to himself as he goes back to his book.
    You spend the rest of your time together wondering what might have happened if you hadn't pulled away. If maybe Namjoon wanted to hold your hand just as badly as you wanted to hold his.
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     "No," Dami said, as you tried to sneak down the hallway to your room. "Absolutely not. You are going to watch this movie with us."
     "Mia," you whined, as your other friend walked by you towards the couch.
     "You can leave after the movie," she said, smiling as she sat down by Dami.
     "The two of you want me to be perpetually exhausted by social interaction."
     "Better to trick you into liking us," Mia said, as you fell back onto the couch beside her.
     "It's a deadly loop," you said, resting your head on her shoulder. "I get exhausted from the social interaction you force on me, and then I'm too exhausted to say no the next time."
     "And we get to enjoy your presence even more," Mia said, resting her head on top of your's.
     "Besides," Dami said, causing you and Mia to turn and look at her. "Namjoon's going to be here," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
     You felt your face heat up as both her and Mia gave you knowing looks. "Stop that now, or I will throw myself into the television."
    "Dramatic," Mia said.
    "Effective," you replied.
    "Please," Dami said, pulling Hulu up. "We're going to watch Corpse Bride and it's going to be great."
    "Jackson's really going to think you're dropping hints," Mia said, to which you nodded your head in agreement.
    "Who says I'm not?" Dami said, never looking away from the television.
    "Oh, it's like that?" Mia said, looking at you with a smile. "I have never felt more single in my life."
    "They're so in love it makes me sick," you agreed, earning a small laugh from Dami.
    "Then be sick," she said, smiling in a way that let you know she was proud of herself.
    "I'm happy for you," Mia said, leaning back into the couch.
    "Agreed," you said, copying her movements.
    "You better be," Dami said, walking to the kitchen and opening up a pack of microwave popcorn. "You're my friends for Pete's sake."
    "Who's Pete? Is he single?" Mia said, laughing at her own joke.
    The movie itself was relatively uneventful. You felt at ease with Jackson's apartment, and no one said anything when Namjoon sat near you on the other couch. You were thankful for the space between the two of you and for Mia because it allowed you to remember how normal people were supposed to watch movies.
    Though you did find yourself watching Namjoon instead of the movie at times. You tried not to smile too widely when Namjoon mouthed along to the vow scene. You made a mental note to tell him that you had always thought people should say that at weddings instead of the traditional ones. When you had first seen the movie you were struck by how romantic they were. It was exactly how you wanted someone to love you.
    To light the way in the darkness of your life. To fill your cup and lift you up.
    You wondered if he felt the same way.
    When the movie finishes, Dami and Jackson announce that not only is the night not over, but everyone is required to get shit-faced together. You consider taking Mia up on her earlier offer and going to bed, but something about Namjoon pouring himself a beer has you accepting the glass of wine Dami hands you.
    Kings. That's what Jackson and Dami finally agree on playing.
    "We should all get to know each other better," Dami said, holding your gaze for long enough that you feel the heat return to your face.
    "You're just nosey," Mia replied, causing the room to echo with laughter as Dami nodded her head in agreement.
    Dami draws the first card and frowns as she reveals that she's pulled a 6. "Sorry ladies," she said as she toasted to you and Mia who took the first drinks of the night.
    Mia is the last person to touch the ground three cards later when Mark draws a 4.
    You actually find yourself having fun, which is a reminder of why you let yourself be bullied into these things. Dami and Mia usually have your best interest at heart.
    You feel your face heat up when Namjoon draws an ace meaning he's in the hot seat and everyone gets to ask him whatever they want. You like to think Dami and Mia wouldn't embarrass you, but you also know there's a chance they do.
   "When did you lose your virginity?" Dami asks, right out the gate, causing Mia to howl with laughter.
   "We apologize, Namjoon. We can't be held responsible for her," Mia said.
   Namjoon laughed lightly, nodding at Mia. "Sixteen," he replied.
   "Was it your last girlfriend?" Jackson asked, earning a nod of support from Dami.
   "He gets me," she said, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "We're here for the tea, goddamnit."
   "Cruel, but yes," he said, nodding.
   Everyone turned to look at you as it became your turn. You felt yourself go wide-eyed at their stares and you hesitantly turned towards Namjoon.
    "What's your favorite color?" you asked, earning a groan from Dami and Jackson.
    "Boring," Jackson said.
    "Too easy," Dami agreed, earning a high-five from her boyfriend.
    "I've been liking green lately," he said, smiling at you.
    "I'm not as nice," Mark said as he leaned forward for his turn. "Were you really going to marry your ex?"
    "You suck," Namjoon said, elbowing Mark.
    "You can drink instead," Mia offered.
    "No, it's okay," he said, shaking his head. "You know, you could just ask me that normally," he said to Mark.
    "Felt too personal before. Especially after what happened."
    "What happened?" Dami whispered loudly.
    Namjoon laughed sort of low and without humor. "Probably would have married her if she hadn't cheated on me, yeah."
    "Why would you bring that up?" Dami said, pointing a finger at Mark. "This is supposed to be fun sex questions not depressing trauma questions."
   Namjoon snorted. "Someone ask a fun sex question, quick."
   "What's the weirdest place you've had sex?" Mia said quickly.
   "My car," he said, smiling. "Not that weird but it's what I have to offer."    
   "Nice," Mia said, giving Namjoon a fist-bump.
   The game continues and just like the last time Mark brought it up, Namjoon seems far away. You hate her, you don't know her, but you hate her. Maybe for what she did, but definitely for the way she keeps stealing him from you without even being there. You wonder how it's possible to miss someone sitting right next to you, but you do. And when he finally returns as Mark breaks the seal on the can of beer in front of you, you can't help but smile.
    Namjoon seems pleased that his friend has to chug the cheap beer and you get it.
    Your friends decide to turn on the music and have a small party of their own as the alcohol buzzes through your veins. You're watching Mia dance on the coffee table when Namjoon gets up from the couch and heads down the hallway of your apartment. Mia only raises an eyebrow as you stand up as well, following him out of the living room. You find him stood between your bedroom door and the bathroom, leaning back against the wall and scrolling through his phone.
    "Are you okay?" you asked, as you approached him.
    He smiled as he looked up at you. "Yeah, totally."
    "Are you sure? You seemed far away earlier."
    "Yeah," he said, nodding his head. "Sometimes I have these thoughts that won't go away, you know? That kind of brought them back, but I'm okay, really."
    "So, you're in the hallway because you're totally fine?"
    "Yeah," he smiled. "Just wanted a moment of silence, or as close as I could get without literally leaving the apartment."
    "Okay," you said, nodding your head as you leaned against the wall with him.
    "Thanks for checking on me," he said, pausing for a moment. "It means a lot."
    "Of course," you said, looking up at him. "No offense, but I think Mark's a dick."
    "He is a dick, but he's also not," he laughed. "That doesn't make sense, but it also makes total sense if you know him."
    "I'll take your word for it."
    You stand there in silence, thoughts swirling around your head that feel more fluid and ready to spill out of you as the alcohol breaks down the walls in your brain.
    "Can I be a dick?" you asked, looking down at your hands.
    "Well, if you really put your mind to it," he laughed.
    "No, I mean," you shook your head, before looking back up at him. "Can I ask you a question that might be out of line?"
    "Sure," he said, giving you a small smile. "At least it isn't in front of a small group of friends who will now pity me for answering it."
    "No one pities you."
    "So why did you come check on me like a kicked puppy?" he asked. "I'm not mad, I just mean it kind of confirms you feel bad for me. Poor Namjoon his ex-girlfriend cheated on him and he loved her so much."
    "Do you still love her?"
    "Was that your out-of-line question?"
    Namjoon nodded his head, as he looked away from you and up at the ceiling. "Do we ever stop loving people? I don't know, I think I'll always love her. That's what it's like to be alive I suppose."
    "I wouldn't know," you said, looking down at your feet.
    "It hurts like hell," he said, still looking at you, though you didn't move to meet his gaze. "I wish I could stop loving her, but I can't. Maybe that sounds horrible to you and like you never want to feel that way, but it's worth it. What it felt like to love her and to be loved back by her was worth this pain now."
    You nod your head as your friends cheer with glee from the living room. You know it shouldn't, but it hurts to hear him say that. You almost regret asking him if he still loved her, but you also find peace in at least knowing that she still holds a place in his heart.
    And as you ponder his words you think he's right, the hurt of knowing she holds a place in his heart while he holds one in your's, hurts like hell, but standing by him in the hallway, yet again being sucked into his gravity, is worth it.
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     "You know," Namjoon said as the two of you left the library together after your shift. "Fall goes away too quickly."
     "One moment the leaves are turning bright colors, and the next they're gone and everything's grey."
     "That's life," you said, kicking your feet among the leaves as you walk. "There's color and then grey, but one day there will be color again."
     "I wish it could always be color," he said, laughing a little. "But everything goes I guess."
    The two of you ride the bus together in comfortable silence. You've become to this routine, looking forward to the next time you get to listen to Namjoon theorize about the universe and then just sitting together in the comfort of each other's presence. It's almost enough. It's almost all you want from him. You try to forget the other things you want. The things that seem unrealistic with each passing day.
   You get off at your stop with a slight nod to him. This is always your least favorite part. The having to leave him. You've become so used to having him in your life, to having his light shine on you, that you spend the time a part hoping for when you'll see him again.
    As you walk to your apartment, you make a mental note of the next time you'll see him at work tomorrow. You wonder if that's what your life has become, moments with Namjoon and moments without. You almost start to pity yourself, the girl hopelessly in love with her friend, when you hear footsteps running towards you.
    As you turn around, you nearly jump as you realize Namjoon is running towards you. You can only gawk at him as you stop walking to let him catch up with you.
     "Are we color or grey?" he asked, panting a little as he stood before you.
     "What?" you asked looking at him with wide eyes.
     "You’re my color, am I yours?"
    And you think your heart might burst from your chest as the sound of it pounds in your ears. It takes you a moment to make sense of his words. To convince yourself it's not a dream, though it plays out like the ones you've had since meeting him.
     "Yes," you said in a small voice, almost as if you're afraid any louder and you'd break the moment.
     "Yes?" he repeated, a look of disbelief on his face. "Yes," he said again more certain this time, as he lightly grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you into a kiss. “Be gentle with me,” he breathed.
     “Always,” you assured him, pulling him in for another kiss.
     And as the leaves fell around the two of you, so could you feel yourself falling.
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     "Cuffing season," Namjoon muses as he sits next to you on the couch, your legs thrown across his lap. You look up at him with a hum in response.
     "Dami captioned this photo of us, 'cuffing season,'" he elaborated, turning the phone towards you.
      You and Namjoon have been on a few dates and are 'practically official' as Dami says. Thought neither you nor Namjoon has said such a thing. You don't have an issue with lack of clarification. You're just happy to selfishly soak up all of the time you can with him. To hold his hand at the coffee shop instead of recoiling in fear like before.
    There's no need to rush things. Things feel slower in the Fall.
     "I've always hated that term," he continued. "I don't want you to feel cuffed to me. I want you to want to be with me."
    You think that you could never feel cuffed to him. That being with him is a dream you thought might never be realized.
     "I do," you assured him, setting your book down in your lap. "You know that right?"
     "Sometimes my brain does this fun thing," he said, laughing a little. "Where it convinces me nothing good could ever happen to me, so this must not be real."
    You don't have to ask. You know it's the same reason he looks far away sometimes.
    "It's real," you said, grabbing his hand in yours and caressing it lightly.
    He looked down at where your hands connected, sighing softly. "I'm falling for you," he said, his gaze serious. "Pun intended."
     "Falling Season would have been a better caption," you reply laughing as you move to kiss his cheek.
     "So you're falling for me too," he asked, smiling.
     "Helplessly," you responded, moving so that you straddled his lap.
     "Perfect," he said, before leaning in and kissing you.
     You and Namjoon seemingly cannot keep your hands off of each other, and the rate from which kissing Namjoon turns into the two of you groping each other and frantically ripping each other's clothes off is the proof of it.
    It happens like this every time, one kiss turns into you grinding your hips into his, turns into his hands gripping tightly at your ass, which turns to you pulling yourself as close to him as possible.
    You kiss him like you want to lose yourself in him, because you think you do. You think if it was possible for two bodies to literally become one, you would want to meld with him, but instead you settle for the figurative combination instead, throwing your head back in delight as he begins kissing down your neck, a smile on his lips as he presses a kiss to the space between your breasts.
    His hands find their way under the dress you're wearing, and in one movement they work your dress over your head, your arms leaving him only long enough to take it off.
    "Wait," Namjoon said, as your hands played with the hem of his shirt. "We're in your fucking living room," he laughed, his head falling against your chest. He places another kiss between your breasts, before lightly patting your ass to get up.
    "Room now," he said, as you stood up.
    "Sir, yes sir," you said, earning a serious look from him.
    "More of a daddy guy myself," he said as he followed you to your room.
    "No, you are not," you said, turning to him with wide eyes as he set the door behind him.
    "What's the matter, baby girl?" he said, smiling as he moved you towards the bed. "Tell daddy what's wrong?"
    "You're really into that?" you asked again, as he pushed your shoulder lightly so that you were sitting on the edge of your bed.
    "I'm really into that..." he said, looking at you expectantly.
    You stared back at him, confused until you realized what he was going for.
    "You're really into that, daddy?" you asked, causing him to smile widely.
    "You'll be the death of me," he said, leaning down to kiss you.
    "Daddy?" you said, finding it not as foreign on your lips as you had expected.
    He hummed in response, leaning in to kiss you again.
    "Don't you think I've been a good girl?" you asked, potentially as surprised with yourself as Namjoon looks at your question. "Don't you think I deserve a reward?" 
     "I should have known you'd use it against me," he laughed before kissing you on the forehead. "But you have been a good girl," he said. "The best girl."
    "Your best girl," you echoed, shameless, spreading your legs for him to stand between them.
    "My only girl," he said, looking you deep into your soul as if to answer the question that hung unanswered between the two of you.
    "A girl only has one daddy," you said, to which Namjoon shook his head.
    "Don't be heteronormative, _____."
    "Hey," you said, pushing him back as he tried to kiss you again. "I'm trying to do this for you, don't woke my daddy speak."
    "You're daddy speak?" he laughed.
    "It's your kink," you said, as he motioned for you to move further onto the bed. "If you really want to be woke about this, call me mommy," you said, settling against your head board.
    "Absolutely not," he said taking his shirt off. "Do you want me to call you mommy?" he said, raising an eyebrow.
    "No, I kind of hate it."
    "Do you hate calling me daddy?" he asked as he stepped out of his pants.
    "No," you said as he got on the bed and positioned himself above you. "I like that you like when I say it."
    "I like you," he said, kissing you again.
    "I like you too," you said as he kissed his way down your body.
    "You're good for me," he said, his fingers running under the band of your panties. "Good to me."
    "You're good for me too," you agreed, as he kissed your clit over your underwear. "Fuck, that's good for me too," you said.
    "Good girls don't curse," he said, looking up at you.
    "Namjoon," you said, earning a raised eyebrow. "Daddy," you corrected.
    "Yes?" he said, pulling your underwear off of you.
    "I can't be blamed for the way you make me feel."
    "I make you feel like cursing?" he chuckled.
    "Yes," you said, as he softly ran a finger up your slit. "So good, I have no choice but to curse."
    "Try harder," he said. "You're a good girl, right?"
    "Yes, daddy," you said, causing him to smile wickedly at you.
    "Good," he said, replacing his finger with his tongue as he began rewarding you.
    "You're playing dirty," you said, instead of the curses that wanted to fall from your mouth as he sucked at your clit.
    "Should I stop?" he asked, looking up at you and winking.
    "No, please don't stop," you said, running your fingers through his hair. "Daddy," you added once you realized he was waiting to hear that.
    "You can handle it," he smile, before licking your core again.
    As his tongue lapped circles at your clit, he pressed one finger inside of you, smiling up at you as a moan left your lips.
    By the time he added a second finger, you could feel your high approaching, the waves of you euphoria crashing over you as he once again sucked your clit into his mouth.
    "Best girl," he said, as he moved up your body and kissed you passionately.
    The two of you became a mess of limbs as your lips danced together and as Namjoon pulled away to put on a condom, you couldn't help but smile widely at him.
    "What?" he asked, laughing a little.
    "I really like you," you said, earning a kiss from him.
    "I already told you I'm falling for you, baby girl," he said pressing a kiss to your nose as well.
    "I like hearing you say it though."
    "Then I won't stop," he said, running his cock along your folds.
    "Daddy," you said, earning another wicked grin. "don't tease."
    "Whatever you say," he said, sinking into you with a low groan.
    "Fuck," you said, causing Namjoon to raise an eyebrow.
    "That won't do," he said, pulling out of you. "Hands and knees, now."
    "Yes, daddy," you said, quickly moving to your position.
    His large hands rubbed soothing circles into your ass, and before you could truly process what would happen, his right came down hard against you.
    "Fuck," you said, your back arching at the pleasure that came with the pain.
    "Again?" he asked, rubbing another circle of where he had just spanked you. "Maybe this one will get the message across?"
    This time as he slapped you, you held back the curse that wanted to fall from your lips, your pussy clenching as the pain seemed to travel straight to it.
    "That's better," he said, leaning down to kiss the afflicted area. "What do you think? Do you need one more?"
    "I'll be good, daddy," you said, your core aching to be filled by him.
    "I know you will, baby," he said, running his cock along your folds again.
    And as he sank into you, your hips move back to take him all in. You were greedy for him and you weren't ashamed of it. Everything about him made you feel good and you couldn't get enough.
    "You always feel so good," he said rocking into you. "Like your pussy was made for me."
    "It was," you agreed, a moan falling from your lips as well.
    "Always so good to me," he said, breathing heavily as he set a rough pace.
    Your words turned into moans as the two of you chased your highs. Namjoon's hand moved beneath you, to rub at your clit as he announced his own released was approaching.
    "Come on," he said, slapping at your ass again. "Be a good girl and cum for daddy."
    "Namjoon," you said, you face falling into your pillows as you felt the cord in your abdomen grow tighter. "Don't stop, please."
    "Anything for you," he said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he angled himself deeper into you.
    You moaned his name again as you felt yourself unravel, your head spinning as you came again, the two of you moaning loudly as he came moments later.
    He kissed every inch of your body near him as the two of you came down from your highs. And as the both of your fell deep into your bed, you found his gravity once again as he pulled you into him, the two of you lying on your sides facing each other.
    He seemed to glow as you watched him break into a wide smile.
    "I swear to God," you heard Mia yell moments later as the two of you just lie in the silence together. "Dami or _____, whichever one of you is stripping in the living room, if you fucked on this couch I will murder you."
   "Looks like I saved your life," Namjoon laughed as you buried your face in his neck out of embarrassment.
   As he pulled you into a kiss, the room seemed to fill with color, even as the world outside was cold and grey. You weren't naive enough to think it would always be this way, to think that you'd never have bad days with Namjoon. But you hoped there would be more color than grey.  That the winter of your relationship would always be the shortest. As he kissed you again and again you were crazy enough to hope for it forever.
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© gimmeyoon — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or translation onto other sites even with proper credit given is not permitted.
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sushiandstarlight · 4 years
“Cookies”: NaNoWriMo 30 Days of Prompts
Today’s Prompt
Read this story on AO3
Summary: I’ve started a sequel to Of All The Beds In All The Hotels In All The World!  A Christmas Holiday special.  I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to have read my Too Many Beds fic first, but it will give you a better understanding of where the characters stand and who my original characters are.
Rated: G, for now.  I will warn if the rating changes.
This post will include the first 3 chapters because they’re short and I don’t think each one needs it’s own post (also I have had a long day and I’m zonked).
The call came from Gladys two weeks before Christmas. Crowley answered the phone, startled to see the number. She had given it to him before they left the little Bed and Breakfast- “in case you ever need to talk, dear”- and he had dutifully put it in his mobile while she watched. He thought he might call again in the spring to book a getaway. What he wasn't expecting was for her to call him.
“Gladys is everything alright?” He could hear the edge in his own voice, if anything was wrong he would be there in an instant to make it right. He wasn't exactly sure when Gladys and Edie had become his to protect, but apparently they were.
“Oh, Crowley, good!” She didn't sound like someone in deep distress. He felt his hackles settle a little. “How are my boys?”
“B-boys... Oh, we're fine.”
“Glad to hear it, glad to hear it,” there was a pause, “Look, I've got myself in to a bit of pickle over here and I wondered if you boys might be able to help me. Unless you've got your own holiday plans.”
“Not a big Christmas fan, me. Aziraphale's got the tree up and he keeps secreting away so I know there are gifts happening.”
“Tell me you got him something, too.”
Crowley was silent.
“Crowley.” Her voice was stern. He had never had a real parent. Not one that spoke with him like that, anyway. And yet, her tone managed to reach inside him and pull out the truth. It wasn't the first time she'd done that and, though he didn't know how it worked, he doubted it would be the last.
“I have, I'm just a bit nervous about it, is all.”
“Oh, I'm sure he'll love whatever you give him. It's from you, after all.”
“Yeah, let's hope.”
There was another pause. This was why Crowley preferred texting.
“So, I know I said we're fine and we are,” Gladys took the conversation back to it's origin, “but Edie's son has taken ill and she's busy tending to him...”
“I'm sorry to hear that.”
“Yes, but you see, we signed up for the bake sale here in town over a month ago and I'm afraid I don't think I can do it all myself.”
“Your grandson?”
“He's never been interested in baking, Crowley.”
“The breakfast ladies?”
“They've all signed up, too. They have their own baked goods to make,” Gladys sighed and it sounded to Crowley to be a little put on, “I can tell them that I'll make what I can make, I suppose. Any amount that goes to the charity will help.”
There was a silence and Crowley swore he could hear her smirking. He let it drag on for another few seconds.
“What charity?” He put his face in his hand. He was being suckered by a little old lady in a bed and breakfast out in the country. He could feel it happening just as surely as anything. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
“The orphanage a couple towns over. Their heater has been limping along for a couple years now, but I don't think it'll keep through this one. Those poor dears. But, we're going to raise the money to have the furnace replaced.”
“With a bake sale.”
“What better way is there?” How could someone's eyes twinkle through a mobile phone? That was impossible. He was losing it. He nearly suggested an online campaign. There were plenty of people who would open their wallets for cold children this time of year. But, he doubted Gladys even owned a computer.
“I can be there by tomorrow night.”
“Oh, do bring Aziraphale, too.”
“I think he has plans here in the city, Gladys.”
“I think he probably has plans to be wherever you are, Crowley. Ask him. Maybe he would like to get away with you to the country side.”
“I'll have a room made up for you, dear. For both of you. Best room we have. Our honeymoon suit.”
Crowley choked and coughed awkwardly.
“All that means is it's a bit bigger, dear, don't get your knickers in a twist.”
“Sure.” His voice did not squeak, it really didn't.
“And it's got a nice, big bath tub,” Her voice was doing that thing where he could hear the twinkle in her eye again, so weird, “big enough to share.”
“Alright then,” his voice had now definitely risen in pitch, “So, I'll talk to Aziraphale and you'll see one or both of us tomorrow night.”
“Oh, thank you, dear,” she sounded relieved at least, even for her meddling, “I really do appreciate the help. Time was, I might've tried to do it all on my own... But, wisdom tells you when you need a little help.”
“Sure, Gladys.”
“Bye-bye! Can't wait to see my boys.”
“See you soon.” Crowley swiped the phone to hang up and sat and stared at it. Time was, he might've tried to get out of this. Surely, there was an excuse somewhere. But, well, Gladys had wormed her way into his heart like a spindly vine, hadn't see? She was largely responsible for his current happiness. He owed her a lot. Maybe everything. What were a few days baking cookies, anyway? They could be back here by Christmas and his plans wouldn't have to change.
He dropped the subject over breakfast the next morning, suddenly.
“Gladys called me last night.”
“Gladys... oh, from the Inn?”
“How many Gladys' do you know?”
“I'm not sure, I've never done an inventory. I would have to consult my rolodex.”
“Roll- Of course, of course you have one. You're you.”
“No need to get snippy,” Aziraphale took a sip of his coffee that was more like cocoa than anything else and Crowley could see him hiding a smile, but he let it go, “I mean, how much more prying can the women do? I suppose she could ask if we're married yet.”
Crowley choked spectacularly on the black coffee he had been drinking, only narrowly keeping from spraying the table and the angel across from him.
“Alright there?”
“Fine,” Crowley wheezed and set his coffee down, thinking perhaps it was best to not try that again during this conversation, “No, she wasn't mettling. Well, no, I'm sure she was because that's who she is.” Now he wondered. But, what could she be up to? She couldn't know.
“What was the reason for her call then?”
“She needs our help- well, my help.”
“Which is it?”
“She asked me, but she told me to invite you.”
“Hmm!” Aziraphale winked at him. Crowley wondered if perhaps they had all got together to test him.
“You don't have to come. I can drive over this afternoon and help her with her cookies and then drive back when we're finished. Our plans don't have to change. You can stay here.”
“Do you want me to stay here?”
“Do you want some time away? Maybe we've been spending too much time together,” Aziraphale was staring at him with an alarming amount of earnestness, “It's okay if you want to go away for a bit. I'll miss you, of course, but I won't take it personally.” He reached across the table and squeezed Crowley's hand.
“Don't be absurd.”
“I wasn't!”
“Angel, I-” and he cut himself off suddenly, looking down at the table and taking a deep breath before looking back up, “I want you to come. If you want to come, that is.”
“It's settled then,” Aziraphale took a tiny bite of the scone on his plate, “I can't wait to eat her scones, so much better- real butter, I think that's the key.”
“We'll be baking cookies, though, I'm not sure there'll be time for scones.”
“There will be scones,” he patted his lips free of crumbs.
“How... How can you know that?”
“Because she knows I'm coming round.”
Crowley narrowed his eyes. This smelled like a conspiracy.
“She likes me Crowley, you know that.”
Crowley kept staring.
“Dear, she likes me because I make you happy. You're the favorite. Don't get all... bothered.”
Crowley nabbed the last bit of scone off his plate and popped it in his mouth just to watch his angel fluster and fume.
“Rude... Demon.”
“As charged!” Crowley smirked, rising and offering his elbow, “I'm packed. I'll take you to yours so you can pack, too.
“Thank you,” Aziraphale let him lead the way out of the café.
“You're welcome. I know I'm in for a sit and wait.”
“Rude, again!”
Crowley opened and shut the passenger door of the Bentley, chuckling. Maybe they were conspiring. Or maybe it was Pick On Crowley day. Either way, he would have his fun, too.
Crowley was right in the end. He sat for over an hour, staring at the Christmas tree- “oh, Crowley, it's OUR Christmas tree now!”- while he waited for Aziraphale to finish packing. He should have given him a luggage limit, he thought belatedly.
Two suitcases and a leather duffle bag appeared on the floor by his feet and Aziraphale descended the stairs.
“We aren't going to be there very long.”
“You're not sure how long we're going to be there.”
“I said we'd be back before Christmas.”
“Are you sure of that?” Aziraphale was standing in front of him now, hands on his hips. Crowley pressed his lips together. He didn't know if he wanted to bop him on the nose or kiss him.
“As charged,” Aziraphale sing-songed, picking up the duffle and heading for the door, “you coming?”
Crowley muttered and picked up the two suitcases, following him out.
“These are books.”
“Of course they are.”
“'Of course they are...' Aren't you going to help with the cookies? You bake now.”
“I bake cakes.”
“Cakes, cookies, what difference is it?” Crowley shut the luggage into the Bentley and ushered him to the passenger door, opening it for him.
“They are completely different things,” Aziraphale sat down primly. Crowley shut the door on him. He'd be squawking by the time he sat down inside, but in the moment it had been satisfying. The Universe was definitely testing him.
Aziraphale was quiet when he slid in beside him. Crowley turned the car on and edged out into the street before hitting the gas.
“I can help.”
“Neh, you don't have to.”
“I could be moral support.”
“Gladys and I can handle it, you can just relax and read.”
“Do you mean that? You can change your mind, you know.”
“Nah, you just have a couple days off your feet, eh?” He slid his hand over the angel's knee and gave it a squeeze.
“How did she manage to twist your arm into doing this, anyway?” Aziraphale's hand was over his, warm and soft. Crowley felt himself relaxing by degrees. This wouldn't be so bad, not with his angel along for the ride. Even if he didn't have the foggiest idea how to make cookies, either.
“Oh, oh dear.”
“Cold ones.”
“My goodness. She did lay it on thick.”
This was most certainly a trap. A cozy little trap. And he was driving right into it.
Can I get, he thought, a wahoo?
Chapter 4 Now Up!
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Kara and Lena go the same self-laundry place and Lena takes Kara’s clothes off the washer, puts her clothes in and leaves Kara’s on the floor. Later, they confront each other. (You can find it on AO3 but for some reason the link doesn’t work when I put it here 😅)
It had been an extremely difficult and exhausting day for Kara. She woke up late, realizing the phone charger was plugged in her phone but not in the actual plug on the wall, which meant her alarm didn’t ring, resulting in her sleeping in. Honestly, it wasn’t the first time she’d done something like this. In fact, she’s been doing similar things for about a month now.
She used her super speed to shower and get dressed but she really couldn’t afford to take her time to eat and enjoy a good cup of coffee, which was what really was frustrating about waking up late.
Deciding to fly to work today, she took off from her window and into the sky, already feeling the cool breeze relax her a bit. But it didn’t last long. As soon as she set foot in her office, Snapper barged in and told her off for being late (again). Kara pretended to listen to him and after a while he left with a glare accompanied with a scoff. She was finally left alone to finish a fluff piece about this cat breed that apparently had no fur on them? Don’t get her wrong, she loved animals but she was more of a dog person. Plus, cats in general were scary. She was a bit intimidated but she would never admit that out loud.
Several robberies (some with hostages), three fires, two alien attacks, some death glares from Snapper and only five pancakes later, she found herself leaving the Catco building. Greeting some of her co-workers goodnight, she set off to that self-laundry place she heard of from Alex. She sneezed on her washing machine a few days ago and froze it and she hadn’t gotten the chance to replace it with everything going on.
Alex keeps telling her that she needs to be a little more organized, but can you really blame her? She has two jobs she has to balance and a very demanding stomach that has to be filled every hour or so. It’s not her fault she sometimes forgets things. Or break some other things. Or cry when she sees dogs running, with their cute little ears bouncing up and down. But that’s irrelevant.
So anyway, tonight was the perfect night for laundry. The perfect way to end such a day. Honestly, the only good thing about this situation was getting food while she waited for the clothes to finish being washed. But food made everything better for Kara so it wasn’t that bad. It could be worse.
Somewhere not really afar, Lena was sat in her office. It was nearing 8 o’ clock at night and she was still working. Her day hadn’t been any better. She spent it in meetings with white, rich, sexist men who were looking down on her for deciding to take over Luthor-Corp, L-Corp now. God, they think they know everything, even how the tech that she herself developed works! It truly is infuriating.
It takes years of practice to master self-control at such level and in times like these, she thanks Lillian and her stupid grin for teaching her how to keep a neutral expression and not start throwing punches.
And like all this wasn’t enough, her heel broke. In the middle of her walking. She almost fell straight down her face but thankfully she caught herself just on time. But then she realized that what she had held onto was the shelf where she stores all her drinks. It broke and everything fell down (including her). Thank God she was alone.
Needless to say, her office still smells like whiskey. Anyway, she had to wear her sneakers for the rest of the day.
She also had to do laundry. She couldn’t escape it this time with some poor excuse she usually makes up. It needed to be done or she wouldn’t have clean clothes for tomorrow. Sighing, she decided it was best to leave work.
She exited her building and began walking to the self-laundry place she bought a few months ago. Yes, she bought it. It wasn’t like she tried to get closer to a very pretty girl who worked there and whom she helplessly crushed on or something like that. No, it’s nothing like that (even though Lena cried like a baby when she found out that said girl decided to move cities with her boyfriend).
Lena was a Luthor and Luthors are business people with no feelings and own multiple companies and make even more money. At least, that’s what she tells herself when she feels embarrassed of her decision. Nevertheless, she never had the heart to sell it. She’s become friends with an old man whom she regularly bumped into there. And by friends, she means that he was kind enough to smile at her or even make small talk.
But this very situation right now? It was literally a nightmare.
A fashion nightmare, to be specific. Another reason why everyone looked at her weird. She was a Luthor which meant that pretty much everyone judged her for her family’s doing but now, although she hates to admit it, she can understand why people looked at her direction. I mean, it’s not every day you run into a very rich CEO wearing her usual expensive blouse, paired with an also very expensive skirt and… running shoes. They just don’t go with the outfit. At all.
After a few agonizing minutes, she reached the laundry place. Greeting the old man, she rounded the corner and went to her washing machine only to find out that it was already being used. Looking around, she didn’t see anyone.
“Um, excuse me, have you seen…”
But her words died in her throat when she turned around and realized that she was talking to herself. The old man must have left.
She waited for about ten minutes before she started getting irritated. I mean, this was her washing machine. There literally was a sign that wrote “Lena Luthor’s, Do Not Use” at the top of the machine. Didn’t that person notice it? Wait, was it too small? Maybe she should get it replaced.
But it wasn’t small and anyone could see it. Laughing bitterly, she thinks to herself that this must be another man’s doing. One who is rude and disrespectful towards all women. She could just use another washer, truth be told, but she was done being patient with people who did not seem to have some common sense and were always looking for trouble.
Slamming her purse on the bench she is currently sitting, she stops the washer.
“If you want to be a disrespectful asshole, I can be an even worse one” she murmurs to herself.
She gathered all the stranger’s clothes and dumped them on the floor. She instantly felt bad but, oh well, too late now, what’s done is done. She loaded her own clothes in and started the machine.
The small screen read one hour before it finished, which gave her a little time to go and find a good book in the library. After that, she would definitely return. She has to see that idiot’s face when he realizes what’s been done.
Meanwhile, Kara was getting something to eat. Everything was finally organized. Her clothes were being washed and would be finished in a little while, she was now buying food to eat and she still had time for a good bath and a movie when she goes home. Alex would be proud.
She went for potstickers of course and almost swallowed them whole without chewing them first. It was just so satisfying to be able and treat yourself after a hard day. Her night was a hundred percent better that her day. After relaxing with the help of three more potsticker orders, she decided to leave the restaurant, leaving a small tip for the waiter she had become great friends with.  
Scratching her skin in thought, she chose donuts for desert. Then, she would go straight to the laundry place because she must have taken a bit more time than she initially intended.
She  ended up getting ice-cream too. Three scoops.
But no one could prepare her for what she saw upon entering. She almost dropped her food.
Her poor clothes laid down and wet in the middle of the floor. The washer she had put her clothes in was working but apparently somebody else’s clothes were inside. It didn’t take her long to realize what had happened.
How could people be so cruel? She works so hard to keep everyone safe and they treat her like this. They don’t know she’s Supergirl so it doesn’t really count but still. Has she done so little to show everyone that you should treat others with respect, even if you don’t know them? And besides, it’s not like it has a name written on it or something, this is a public place! Anyone can use whichever they want! (Unless it is already working, obviously!)
At that moment, her eyes begin to water. Her vanilla ice-cream, long forgotten starts to melt and droplets fall onto the floor making it dirty.
This was when Lena returned from the bookstore. Kara of course heard her and turned around and almost forgot about all her problems, including wet and still dirty clothes.
Wow. This was all Kara could think. This woman is gorgeous; long, dark brown hair, almost black, neated in a very elegant bun revealing her sharp jawline, her eyes were piercing green. They reminded her of kryptonite. She was wearing a blue, long-sleeved blouse that showed off her cleavage just the right amount and a pencil skirt that hugged her in all the right places, revealing her curvy figure. She was absolutely breathtaking. (Although something was terribly wrong with her choice of footwear).
The woman looked oddly familiar, though she couldn’t put her finger on it. Was she a model?
On the other hand, the sight of this, very attractive might she add, woman broke Lena’s heart. So it wasn’t some arrogant man. This woman seems small and sweet and kind-hearted and judging by the tears in her eyes and the two very full bags of donuts she is carrying along with some ice-cream which is slowly melting in her hand, she never meant any harm.
Lena almost started crying with her.
Her blonde hair fell down her shoulders in soft curls that made her want to run her hand through it, just to see if it was as soft as it looked like. She could tell her eyes were blue even behind the pair of glasses and were a bit glassy from the tears. They matched the pale blue sweater she wore, which was tacked in a pair of pants. She was adorable.
Yes, Lena was now officially the worst citizen in this planet. In the entire universe.
Kara is still standing there, ice-cream melting in her hand, staring at the woman.
“Umm… hello” the woman says, giving an end to the awkward silence.
“Hi…” Kara replies. “Are you the one who got my clothes out of the washer?” she asks suddenly a bit angry.
“W-what? No, I don’t… Okay, yes I am.” Lena replies. Her first instinct was to dodge the question but really, it was no use. They were the only people in the room.
“Why would you do that?” Kara asks, sniffing her nose. Her night was going so well up until this point.
“Well why would you use my washing machine when you could have easily used another one?” the other woman says while raising her voice a little.
“Your washing machine?” Kara asks with a scoff “Your washing machine? Does it have your name written on it? Have you bought-”
“Actually yes, it does have my name, right on top of it.” Lena interrupts “I also own this place” she adds powerfully, looking at the other woman straight in the eye. (She really does have pretty eyes).
Kara whips her head at the machine’s direction and sees a (rather huge) sign that reads “Lena Luthor’s, Do Not Use”. Crap. This is Lena Luthor. The Lena Luthor? That’s why she looked so familiar! So, the washer was hers and she was right after all… Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she turned around to face the woman once again.
“Well, I’m sorry I used it I honestly didn’t see the sign, but this doesn’t justify why you went and threw all my clothes on the floor.” Kara says, a little steadier and more confident this time.
Now it’s Lena’s turn to be taken aback. Of all the things she expected, this wasn’t one of them. The blonde didn’t even seem fazed by her last name. She expected an outburst of hate, worst case scenario she could have gotten stoned by the donuts she was caring.
“I waited for you but you were taking too long so this seemed like the most logical thing to do.” Lena says emotionless.
“And what was the least logical thing? Just use another darn washer?” the blonde emphasizes taking a few steps towards Lena while also making some motions with her arms.
Lena cringed a bit as drops of now fully melted ice-cream landed all over the floor and one on her shoe too, forming a perfect white circle on her black sneakers. She took a few steps back, mainly to prevent more ice-cream from showering her.
Wait, who uses the word darn nowadays?
“Look who’s talking! You are supposed to be here when the machine is working, but instead you got up and left! And I was kind enough to wait for you too, but as I said, you took too long.”
Now Lena is angry. Who does she think this woman is? Just because she’s-
Her thoughts were interrupted by the washer when all of a sudden, it started making some weird noises. Few seconds later, water came out from under it (along with some smoke from the top of it), making the floor all wet.
“Oh my God now you broke it too!” Lena shouts frustrated with how her night is going.
“I broke it? If I remember correctly it is you who started it the last time before it broke!” Kara shouts equally as loud as Lena.
Lena chooses not to reply. Partly because she is too irritated to function and partly because the woman is right, she couldn’t have broken it. Now she just stares blankly at the washing machine trying to figure out what’s wrong with it.
“A tube must be leaking somewhere inside it” Lena diagnoses.
“I said a tube must be leaking somewhere inside this thing.” she repeats.
Deciding that she will have to wear the same clothes tomorrow, she gets up and takes her phone, ready to take over the situation and solve this problem.
At the same time, Kara looks at the mess she’s made with her ice-cream. She could clean it… or she could also just leave it as it is. No, that wouldn’t be nice… Rejecting her last thought, she digs into her purse and finds some baby wipes. She briefly hears the woman speak on the phone with a plumper about the leak. Well, she did say she’s the boss, she’d better act like it. But Alex didn’t mention that Lena Luthor was the owner. Maybe she didn’t know it.
As she was about to get on her knees, the other woman speaks up.
“What are you doing?”
“Um… Trying to clean up?” she says, stating the obvious.
“You don’t have to. I’ll have someone take care of it.”
“Are you sure?” she blinks. “It wouldn’t take more than five minutes” she tries to argue.
“Yes, you don’t have to.”
Putting the baby wipes back in her purse (after cleaning her hands), she picks her clothes off the floor and puts them in another washing machine. She can feel the woman’s eyes on her the whole time. What’s her problem now? Can’t she do laundry like a regular person?
“What?” she asks flatly.
The woman, Lena, laughs a little without answering. Ignoring her, she makes sure everything is good to go and presses the start button. Then, she collapses on one of the benches, sighing deeply.
Lena silently observes the blonde from her spot. She’s really pretty and she seems masculine. She slaps herself internally.
“No, bad Lena” she mumbles. Oh great, now she’s talking to herself and as if she were a dog. She’s going insane. What’s next? Following Lex’s paths and losing all of her hair? She shivered at the thought.
She copies the other woman and starts unloading her clothes off the now broken washing machine and puts them in the one next to it. The whole time she does this, she’s thinking of how badly she behaved. She’s the boss, she should be good with her clients! They’re giving their money to her!
And more specifically, this woman who is sitting right there (and is probably watching me this whole time oh God oh God please don’t embarrass yourself), who was kind enough and didn’t leave after the freaking boss dumped her clothes on the floor, who was considerate enough and offered to clean up her ice-cream that she herself ruined.
She has to do something. She is Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp, a multi-billion company. She is a genius and more importantly, she is a good person. And she is going to prove it right now.
“I’m sorry”
“I’m sorry,” she states again more loudly and clearly. Seeing she has all the woman’s attention, she continues “I apologize for my previous actions, it wasn’t fair of me to do what I did. It was unacceptable, especially when such behavior is initiated from a person of authority. I let personal reasons cloud my judgement and I guarantee you that it shall not be repeated. I offer you one year of free subscription as a way of saying sorry ” she finishes her little speech with a small, true smile, one not a lot of people have the privilege to witness.
Kara just sits there and blinks. Okay, she did not expect that. That woman seemed so full of herself.
“Umm… wow… Th-thank you for.. for your words. I should apologize too. I should have been more observant. My sister always tells me to be a bit more… put together and I had a really, really bad day today so your words right now mean the world to me, you have no idea, but I couldn’t possibly accept your offer. It’s simply too much. I’m about to get my own washer actually sometime during next week. I just came her today because it… also broke, somehow, I’ll get out of your hair soon, I promise and I am rumbling again I am so sorry.”
Great, she managed to embarrass herself to Lena Luthor. Why couldn’t she just be like her alter-ego once in her life? Wait, was that a giggle she heard? At least she made her laugh. That’s something.
“Well, I’m a bit saddened by the fact that I will not be seeing you around for long.” She did not mean to flirt, why did she flirt? This isn’t going the way she planned it in her head.
“Haha, I’m not sure I’ll be any good news for the place. It’s only my first time here and there’s already a broken washer and the floor is sticky and full of my ice-cream so…”
Lena laughed at her response but decided to put an end to their conversation. Had the conditions been different, she would attempt some small talk, but she was too exhausted and tired to do anything but sit and stare at the wall.
At the other end of the room, Kara is sat at a bench and her donuts are all she can think about. They must be at the perfect temperature right now. She can smell them from inside the bags and they make her mouth water. However, it would be rude not to offer Lena one.
“Hey Lena, um… you do eat donuts right?” she asks gesturing at the bag she’s holding.
“Well, I am human.” Lena replies smiling from her seat.
Kara, like the gentlewoman she is, gets up and offers her the bag so she can choose.
“These are simple, just some sugar on top of them, these are so good, they have marshmallows on top as you can see and chocolate on the inside, but these, oh these are my favorite, the ultimate best. I’m telling you, you haven’t put anything better in your mouth” she explains to Lena. Realizing what she just said, she starts blushing. Oh Rao.
“Hmmm… I think I’ll try… this one. This seems good.” Lena says while examining it in her hand.
“Ah, good choice! I promise you, you will not be let down.” Kara states grinning.
“Thank you…”
“Oh, right, my name is Kara, God where are my manners.” Kara says in a rush while offering her hand to Lena.
But Lena’s hands are both dirty with chocolate so she ends up shaking her elbow instead.
So now they wait for the washers to finish while sitting next to each other. Kara offers Lena another donut but Lena kindly declines, so she ends up eating everything else on her own.
It’s late and both women can’t wait to go home. Kara doesn’t have time for the movie she wanted to watch and Lena is too tired to answer emails instead of going straight to bed. It’s already eleven at night and the city has quieted down. Less cars honking, less motorbikes revving to disturb Kara’s sensitive ears and Lena’s headache.
Kara wishes she could speak to Lena a bit more. She seems like a very interesting woman. She is a Luthor so that means that whatever she’s doing is immediately written in magazines. It’s easy to follow her scientific progress and with some more digging, she’s sure she can find some other facts about the woman sitting next to her.
But she doesn’t want to stalk her, it doesn’t feel right.
This woman deserves more. She is not sure if she is able to give it to her. After all, a Super and a Luthor? But she is willing to try. She can tell the woman is tired by her body language and her heartbeat and she has a sudden urge to make her pain go away, even if it’s just a little.
They have much in common actually. Both carry the weight of the world on their shoulders- Kara with being Supergirl and Lena with her technology that saves thousands of lives. Both betrayed by family, Lena left with a broken name, Kara with a broken planet and both with broken hearts. Both were adopted, despite the fact that clearly Kara had more luck than Lena in this part. The list can go on.
They didn’t start off very well, truth be told, but the start of a journey doesn’t determine its end. And Kara has hope.
But what was she supposed to say? Hi, it looks like you could use a friend and I’m available? That’s rude. She doesn’t even know if the other woman wants to be friends with her. Maybe she could ask what happened to her shoes. Surely, she couldn’t have worn sneakers with this outfit. But what if she did? Lena could get offended if she asked something like this.
Kara opted for silence. It was the safest.
Soon enough, the washers dinged signalizing that they are finished. The women stand up half-heartedly and go get their clothes. In a little while, they will be on her own again.
Ten minutes later, they exit together the (now a bit ruined) shop and Lena turns to Kara.
“So… again, I’m sorry for what I did. Please, do consider my offer of one-year free subscription, it is the least I can do. And thank you for the donut; you were right it was delicious.” Lena states with a tired smile.
“Apology accepted, we were both at fault back there. And I’m sorry too. Um… I will consider your offer although I suppose I won’t need it cause I’m buying a new washer. And you’re welcome. For the donut.” Kara ends grinning.
“Are you on foot?” Lena asks tilting her head a bit.
“Oh no I flew to work today… on-on a bus. Yeah on a bus. Aha. Yup. Definitely. Why?”
“My driver is about to come pick me up and I was wondering if you want me to drop you off somewhere since it’s gotten quiet late.” Lena says while switching her weight from one foot to the other.
“Oh no I wouldn’t want to get you out of your way. I’ll be fine honestly, it’s not the first time. My sister, Alex, she works for the FBI and she has taught me a trick or two so I’ll be absolutely fine, I promise haha, no biggie… and I’m also a good runner I’m sure I can escape any situation and I will uhh… I’ll just stop talking right now…” Kara shut her mouth embarrassed of her word vomit once again. She planned on flying home tonight because firstly, she doesn’t have a car and secondly, even if she did, she flew to work in the morning too.
“I don’t want anything bad happen to you. You may be able to protect yourself from a human mugger but what if an alien decides to show up? It’s a risk I’m not willing to take.”
“Right… because aliens are dangerous and could… seriously injure me... because I’m a human and I most certainly not indestructible.” Kara tries hard not to cringe at this conversation right now. She can hear Alex laughing in the distance somewhere in the DEO.
“Of course not, unless you’re Supergirl,” Lena stares for a moment “but even if you were I would still offer you a ride. I imagine flying must be tiring”
“Haha,” Kara fakes a laugh (horribly too) “I wouldn’t know since I’m not her.” She hasn’t hoped for call from Alex so badly before.
Thankfully, a nice black car with tinted windows pulls up in front of them interrupting their conversation and Kara has to stop her jaw from crashing onto the floor. She’s not a big fan of cars but man is she shocked. Of course Lena Luthor would drive something like this. Why is she even surprised?
“The offer still stands” Lena now fully turns to her.
“Which one?” Kara jokes.
“Both” Lena replies elegantly. How can she be so graceful all the time?
“Well since you asked so nicely I will not decline being taken home” Kara beams.
“Excellent” the other woman smiles back, her eyes wrinkling a bit.
Lena moves forward and opens the door for Kara. Mumbling a shy ‘thank you’, Kara gets in and tries not to gasp. The car is very clean and tidy, too clean and tidy. She almost asks if she’s allowed to sit or if they want her to float instead so that she doesn’t dirty the seats (don’t worry, she stops herself just on time).
The car ride was silent and lasted only fifteen minutes before the driver pulled up in front of Kara’s building.
“Thank you for the ride and for the- for everything actually. Thank you” Kara smiles, expressing her gratitude. She swallows her disappointment and grits her teeth. Why is she such a coward? She’s fought the deadliest of aliens, yet she’s afraid to... do something, anything regarding the green-eyed woman. Just say that she’d like to see her again. Anything! “Goodnight Lena.”
As she is about to get out of the car, Lena speaks up.
“Wait, Kara!” Oh Rao, did I forget something? My purse, my phone, does my cape show?
“Yes?” Kara replies a bit too eagerly.
“I was wondering if maybe… you know… if I could have your number? I really liked the donut you gave me and I would like to buy one myself. I could give you a call and you could tell me where I could find the shop? We can visit it together too if you want? I could also buy you some ice-cream since I pretty much ruined it.” Lena suggests, betrayed by her trembling voice.
“YES! I mean yes, yeah, why not. Sure, we can arrange that.” Kara almost shouts.
“Good!” Kara’s face is about to tear in half because of how hard she is smiling. “Okay goodnight!”
“Wait Kara, you never gave me your number!” Lena says in a rush.
“Oh right, sorry!” Getting inside the car once again, Lena handed her her phone and Kara, careful not to break the screen from her nerves, typed in her number.
“There you go! I saved myself as ‘Kara the donut girl’ in case you forget who Kara is” she says, handing the phone back to Lena.
“That would be impossible; you’re a hard one to forget. In a good way.” Lena adds hurriedly.
“Well, for the hundredth time in a span of half an hour, goodnight” laughing, she slowly backed away from the car and to her front door.
“Goodnight Kara” Lena smiles for one last time before she shuts the door and the car starts moving.
Kara sighs happily and turns so she can enter her building. That night, she slept better than any other night since she can remember. The next morning, she woke up in time and even smiled at Snapper. Needless to say, she had donuts for lunch.
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