#but we’re talking about the first one here i am rotating him in my mind like a 3d cow
folieadeuxdy · 8 months
it’s real john wick contemplation hours
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 5
Hello there readers. This is the new chapter, I hope you'll like it. It's a tiiny bit long though. I warned you.
Note: Violence, blood, injuries etc.
Ps: I won't be coming with a new chapter for a while because my best friend has a bachelorette party tomorrow, but I start writing the new chapter at Monday. Thanks for your patience.
Knowing I am in direct disagreement with General Melgren’s orders, I am officially objecting to the plan set forth in today’s briefing. It is not this general’s opinion that the children of the rebellion’s leaders should be forced to witness their parents’ executions. No child should watch their parent put to death.
– The Tyrrish Rebellion, an official brief for King Tauri by General Sorrengail
“Welcome to your first Battle Brief” Professor Devera says from the recessed floor of the enermous lecture hall later in the morning, a bright purple Flame Section patch on her shoulder matching her short hair perfectly. This is the only class held in the circular, tiered room that curves the entire end of the academic hall and one of only two rooms in the citadel capable of fitting every cadet. Every creaky wooden seat is full, and the senior third-years are standing against the walls behind us, but we all fit.
It’s a far cry from history last hour, where there were only three squads of first-years, but at least the first-years in our squad are all seated together. Now if I could only remember all their names.
Liam is easy to remember – he was the first who talked to me after Parapet. Somehow we became friends. But if I want to be honest, I don’t mind. He’s really kind and somehow I feel that I can trust him. It’s strange. My father always told me not to trust anyone. And despite my hatred for him, this sentence become one of the pillars which hold my life.
“In the past, riders have seldom been called into service before graduation” Professor Devera continues her mouth tensing as she paces slowly in front of a twenty-foot-high map of the Continent mounted to the back wall that’s intricately labeled with our defensive outposts along our borders. Dozens of mage lights illuminate the space, more than making up for the lack of windows and reflecting off the longsword she keeps strapped to her back.
“And if they were, they were always third-years who’d spent time shadowing forward wings, but we expect you to graduate with the full knowledge of what we’re up against. It’s not about just knowing where every wing is stationed, either.” She takes her time, making eye contact with every first-year she sees. The rank on her shoulder says captain, but I know she’ll be a major before she leaves her rotation teaching here, given the medals pinned on her chest. “You need to understand the politics of our enemies, the strategies of defending our outposts from constant attack, and have a thorough knowledge of both recent and current battles. If you cannot grasp these basic topics, then you have no business on the back of a dragon.” She arches a black brow a few shades darker than her deep-brown skin.
“No pressure” I mutter laughingly to Liam.
“The most powerful general in Navarre is your father. I think you can manage this class somehow.” He snorts.
“Hey. I’m not a genious, you know.” I whisper.
“And even humble.” He openly laughs at me. “You know all the answers in history. But I don’t think it counts if you only told me and not the teacher when he asked questions.”
“I don’t care what they think of me.” I say in a serious tone.
“This is the only class you will have every day, because it’s the only class that will matter if you’re called into service early.” Professor Devera’s gaze sweeps from left to the right and pauses on me. Her eyes flare wide for a heartbeat, but she gives an approving smile and nod before she do the same with Violet. “Because this class is taught every day and relies on the most current information, you will also answer to Professor Markham, who deserves nothing but your utmost respect.”
She waves the scribe forward, and he moves to stand next to her, the cream color of his uniform contrasting with her stark black one. He leans in when she whispers something to him, and his thick eyebrows fly high as he whips his head in my direction then he looks at Violet.
“Shit.” I mutter as I slide lower on the chair. “Why can’t I be invisible?
“You’re stand out a little bit to that.” Liam answer helpfully. “Maybe if you didn’t dye your hair, you didn’t stand out as much. I mean those silver stripes are a little bit flashy.”
“I didn’t dye my hair. It’s been like this since I was born” I answer while staring straight ahead of me. I don’t like to talk about my mother. I didn’t know her but it’s still painful beacuse of the many what ifs. What if I knew her? Would she loved me? If she were alive would I have a normal family? It’s painful.
“Oh, I see.” And he didn’t push the subject any further as if he sensed that I’m not comfortable with it.
“It is the duty of the scribes not only to study and master the past but to relay and record the present” Professor Markham says, rubbing the bridge of his bulbous nose. “Without accurate depictions of our front lines, reliable information with which to make strategic decisions, and - most importantly - veracious details to document our history for the good of future generations, we’re doomed, not only as a kingdom but as a society.”
“First topic of the day,” Professor Devera moves toward the map and flicks her hand, bringing a mage light directly over the eastern border with the Poromiel province of Braevick. “The Eastern Wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Chakir by a drift of Braevi gryphons and riders.”
Oh shit. A murmur rips through the hall.
“Naturally, some information is redacted for security purposes, but what we can tell you is that the wards faltered along the top of the Esben Mountains.” Professor Devera pulls her hands apart and the light expands, illuminating the mountains that form our border with Braevick. “Allowing the drift not only to enter Navarrian territory but for their riders to channel and wield sometime around midnight.”
My stomach sinks as a murmur rises from the cadets, especially the first-years. Dragons aren’t the only animals capable of channeling powers to their riders. Gryphons from Poromiel also share that ability, but dragons are the only ones capable of powering the wards that make all other magic but their own impossible within our borders. They’re the reason Navarre’s borders are somewhat circular - their power radiates from the Vale and can only extend so far, even with squads stationed at every outpost. Without those wards, we’re fucked. It would be open season on Navarrian villages when the raiding parties from Poromiel inevitably descend. Those greedy assholes are never content with the resources they have. They always want ours, too, and until they learn to be content with our trade agreements, we have no chance of ending conscription in Navarre. No chance of experiencing peace.
But if we’re not on high alert, then they must have gotten the wards rewoven, or at least stabilized.
“Thirty-seven civilians were killed in the attack in the hour before the squad from the Eastern Wing could arrive, but the riders and dragons managed to repel the drift.” Professor Devera finishes, folding her arms over her chest. “Based on that information, what questions would you ask?” She holds up a finger. “ I only want answers from first-years to start.”
My initial question would be why the hell the wards faltered, but it’s not like they’re going to answer a question like that in a room full of cadets with zero security clearance.
I study the map. The Esben Mountain Range is the highest along our eastern border with Braevick, making it the least likely place for an attack, especially since gryphons don’t tolerate altitude nearly as well as dragons, probably due to the fact they’re half-lion, half-eagle and can’t handle the thinner air at higher altitudes.
There’s a reason we’ve been able to fend off every major assault on our territory for the last six hundred years, and we’ve successfully defended our land in this never-ending four-hundred-year-long war. Our abilities, both lesser and signet, are superior because our dragons can channel more power than gryphons. So why attack in the mountain range?
“The only logical explanation is that they were looking for something.” I mutter to Liam.
“Are you not going to speak up in this class either?” He asks.
“Come on, first-years, show me you have more than just good balance. Show me you have the critical-thinking skills to be here.” Professor Devera demands. “It’s more important than ever that you’re ready for what’s beyond our borders.”
“Is this the first time the wards have faltered?” a first-year a couple of rows ahead asks.
Professors Devera and Markham share a look before she turns toward the cadet. “No.”
The room falls pin-drop quiet.
It’s not the first time.
Which means they were looking for something for a while? Interesting.
The girl clears her throat. “And how… often are they faltering?”
Professor Markham’s shrewd eyes narrow on her. “That’s above your pay grade, cadet.” He turns his attention to our section. “Next relevant question to the attack we’re discussing?”
“How many casualties did the wing suffer?” A first-year down the row to my right asks.
“One injured dragon. One dead rider.”
Another murmur rises from the hall. Surviving graduation doesn’t mean we’ll survive service. Most riders die before retirement age, especially at the rate riders have been falling over the last two years.
“Why would you ask that particular question?” Professor Devera asks the cadet.
“To know how many reinforcements they’ll need” he answers.
Professor Devera nods, turning toward the meekest first-year in Violet’s squad, who has his hand up, but he lowers it quickly, scrunching his dark eyebrows. “Did you want to ask a question?”
“Yes.” He nods, sending a few locks of black hair into his eyes, then shakes his head. “No. Never mind.”
“So decisive” another first-year in that squad  mocks from next to him, tilting her head as cadets laugh around them. A corner of her mouth tilts up into a smirk, and she flips her long brown hair over her shoulder in a move that’s anything but casual.
“He’s in our squad. Show some loyalty.” A third woman chastises.
“What a friendly squad. They like a big family.” I whisper to Liam.
“You’re not friendlier then them, you know.” He smirks at me.
“Maybe.” I cross my arms and turn my attention back to the class.
“If Fourth Wing is done picking at one another?” Professor Devera asks, lifting a brow.
“What altitude is the village at?” Rhiannon asks. I’m sure it was Violet’s question. She doesn’t like the attention.
Professor Devera’s eyebrows rise as she turns to Rhiannon. “Markham?”
“A little less than ten thousand feet.” he answers. “Why?”
Rhiannon darts a dose of side-eye at Violet and clears her throat. “Just seems a little high for a planned attack with gryphons.”
“It is a little high for a planned attack” Devera says. “Why don’t you tell me why that’s bothersome, Cadet Sorrengail? And maybe you’d like to ask your own questions from here on out.” She levels a stare on her
Every head in the room turns to her direction. If anyone had an inkling of doubt about who is she, it’s long gone now.
Poor Violet.
“Gryphons aren’t as strong at that altitude, and neither is their ability to channel” She says. “ It’s an illogical place for them to attack unless they knew the wards would fail, especially since the village looks to be about what…an hour’s flight from the nearest outpost?” She glances at the map. “That is Chakir right there isn’t it?”
Scribe’s training for the win.
“It is.” A corner of Professor Devera’s mouth lifts into a smirk. “Keep going with that line of thought.”
“Didn’t you say it took an hour for the squad of riders to arrive?” Her gaze narrows.
“I did.”
“Then they were already on their way,” she blurts, immediately recognizing how silly that sounds. Her cheeks heat as a mumble of laughter sounds around her.
“Yeah, because that makes sense.” Jack turns around in his seat from the front row and openly laught at her. “General Melgren knows the outcome of a battle before it happens, but even he doesn’t now when it will happen, dumbass.”
I feel the chuckling of our classmates reverberate in my bones. I can feel my rage rising.
“Fuck off, Barlowe,” Rhiannon snaps.
“I’m not the one who thinks precognition is a thing,” he retorts with a sneer. “Gods help us if that one ever gets on the back of a dragon.” Another round of laughter has her face flaming more.
“You’re so familiar with General Melgren that you know exactly what he’s able to do with his signet Barlowe?” I glare at him. “With you’re level of brain, be thankful if a dragon will choose you at Threshing, if you can make it there. It’s way above your skills to get to know the General.”
“Pff, the same goes for you girl.” Someone shouts behind me.
I glance behind me to look at that stupid man who said that. I found him. He wears a first-year emblem on his jacket, and looks like he’s in Violet’s squad.
“He’s my father, you jackass.” I glare at him.
“He doesn’t have a daughter, you liar.” He retorts.
That’s it. He’s even dumber than I thought. It’s a shame to argue with him.
“And they try to become riders. Without the knowledge what’s going around them. I pray that at least a handful of cadets be smarter than them or Navarre is lost.” I sigh in mock sympathy while I turn back. “Maybe General Melgren’s signet isn’t able to identify the when, but if you can’t understand what Cadet Sorrengail implies, then you won’t make it Threshing. I gurantee that.” I smile at Jack while my implied threat still in the air.
“That’s enough. You should know that listening to other cadet’s questions is just as important as asking.” Professor Devera says to Jack. “And Cadet Melgren you should work out that temper in the gym.”
“Oh I can’t wait the challenges Professor.” I answer while glaring daggers at Jack.
“Why do you think that way, Violet -“ Professor Markham winces. “Cadet Sorrengail?”
Nice distraction.
“Because there’s no logical way they get there within an hour of the attack unless they were already on their way” Go, Violet tell them. “It would take at least half that long to light the beacons in the range and call for help, and no full squad is sitting around just waiting to be needed. More than half those riders would have been asleep, which means they were already on their way.”
“And why would they already be on their way?” Professor Devera prods, and the light in her eyes tells me she’s right.
“Because they somehow knew the wards were breaking.” She lifts her chin
“That’s the most-“ Jack starts.
“She’s right” Professor Devera interrupts, and a hush falls over the room. “One of the dragons in the wing sensed the faltering ward, and the wing flew. Had they not, the casualties would have been far higher and the destruction of the village much worse.”
I snicker at Jack who looks completly baffled.
“Second- and third-years, take over” Professor Devera orders. “Let’s see if you can be a little more respectful to your fellow cadets.” She arches a brow at Jack as questions begin to fire off from the riders behind us.
How many riders were deployed to the site?
What killed the lone fatality?
How long did it take to clear the village of the gryphons?
Were any left alive for questioning?
I write down the important questions and answers, my mind memorizing the facts, organizing into logical sequences.
“How can you make notes when you don’t even look at the paper in front of you?” Liam wonders
“Years of practice.” I cut it short.
“What was the condition of the village?” A deep voice asks from the back of the lecture hall.
The hairs on my neck rise, my body recognizing the imminent threat behind me.
“Riorson?” Markham asks, shielding his eyes from the mage lights as he looks toward the top of the hall.
“The village.” Xaden restates. “Professor Devera said the damage would have been worse, but what was the actual condition? Was it burned? Destroyed? They wouldn’t demolish it if they were trying to establish a foothold, so the condition of the village matters when trying to determine a motive for the attack.”
Professor Devera smiles in approval. “The buildings they’d already gone through were burned, and the rest were being looted when the wing arrived.”
“They were looking for something,” Xaden says with complete conviction. “And it wasn’t riches. That’s not a gem mining district. Which begs the question, what do we have that they want so badly?”
„Wow. You said that they were searching for something too.” Liam stares at me with surprise.
„Yeah, so? It was obvious.” I blink at him.
„No. It was not. You really have a sense for it, haven’t you?” he whispers.
I just shrug, then turn back my attention to the class.
“Exactly. That’s the question.” Professor Devera glances around the room. “And that right there is why Riorson is a wingleader. You need more than strength and courage to be a good rider.”
“So what’s the answer?” a first-year to the left asks.
“We don’t know,” Professor Devera answers with a shrug. “It’s just another piece in the puzzle of why our constant bids for peace are rejected by the kingdom of Poromiel. What were they looking for? Why that village? Were they responsible for the collapse of the ward, or was it already faltering? Tomorrow, next week, next month, there will be another attack, and maybe we’ll get another clue. Go to history if you’re looking for answers. Those wars have already been dissected and examined. Battle Brief is for fluid situations. In this class, we want you to learn which questions to ask so all of you have a chance at coming home alive.” Something in her tone tells me it’s not just third-years who might be called into service this year.
After class the cadets started to flow out from the lecture hall. I packed up my things and when I turned to Liam, Professor Devera said my name.
„Cadet Melgren. For a word.”
„I think you’re in trouble.” Whispres Liam. „I’ll wait for you outside.”
I nod then turn toward the Professor.
„Yes?” I ask.
„General Melgren sent a message that he wants to speak to you after today’s classes are over.” She answers
„Understood. Where?” I ask tensly.
„In his office.”
„Then if there is nothing else, I would like to go. I have gym.”
„Yes, go ahead.” She dismisses me.
Outside of the hall I see Liam talking with Xaden at the corner of the courtyard.
That’s my luck. I have one somewhat of a friend and he’s just coincidentally a big buddy of Xaden it seems.
They must realised that I finished talking with Professor Devera beacuse they make their way to where I stand.
„Is everything all right?” Liam asks worriedly when they aprroached me.
„Yeah, she just wanted to pass on a message.” I shrug.
„A message? From who?” Xaden asks suspiciously.
„It’s not your business Riorson, but is seems that General Melgren wants to see me after classes are over.” I say with a forced smile.
„General Melgren?” He raise an eyebrow.
„You’ve got a problem with that?” I narrow my eyes at him.
„No, it’s just interesting.” He says. „But I think you don’t have time to chat with me. If I remember correctly you have gym class soon, and Professor Emetterio doesn’t like latecomers.”
„Shit. Then we should go Liam. I really don’t want to be late because of Riorson.” I fake a horrified expresson.
„Ah, and I thought we could converse once without your insults.” He smirks.
„In your dream Riorson. If you don’t like my style then you would be doing a favor for the both of us if you would avoid me in the future.” I say while grabbing Liam’s arm and start pulling him in the direction where the gym class will be.
„Then we will definitely see each other later.” He stares at me with an unreadable expression. „I almost forget. Have fun in the gym, Sunshine.” I hear him laughing.
When I try to turn around, this time Liam grabs my arm and pulles away faster.
„We need to hurry if we don’t want to end up late.” He drags me with him.
„You seriosuly knew every answer in histroy and apparently every right question to ask in Battle Brief.” I hear Rhiannon says it to Violet. Coincidentally their squad are standing behind our sparring mat. „You’re not even going to have to study for tests, are you?”
There are already two first-years on the mat from our squad. They’re evenly matched in size. One of them is Ethan whom I have seen talking to Liam. He has a rebellion relic too. I don’t remember his opponent’s name but I’m sure he’s a little less irritating than the others in our squad.
„You seem pretty calm. Are you not worried about who your opponent will be?” Liam watches me with interest shining in his eyes.
„No. I’m sure that I can beat most first-years. Quite a few have developed muscles if you look them closely. You’re one of them so I’m curious how well you can fight.” I look over him.
„Maybe we will be paired up.” He winks at me.
„Yeah. Who knows?” I shrug, and the vest Mira made us shimmers slightly with the movement. Other than the times the scales catch the light under the camouflaging mesh, it fits right in with the tops we’d been given from central issue yesterday. All the women are dressed similarly now, though the cuts of their leathers are chosen by preference.
The guys are mostly shirtless because they think shirts give their opponent something to grab onto. Personally, I’m not arguing with their logic, just enjoying the view…respectfully, of course, which means keeping my eyes on my own squad’s mat and off the other twenty mats in the massive gym that consumes the first floor of the academic wing. One wall is made entirely of windows and doors, all left open to let in the breeze, but it’s still stiflingly hot. Sweat trickles down my spine under my vest.
There are three squads from each wing here this afternoon, and lucky me, First Wing has sent their third squads, which include Jack Barlowe, who’s been glaring at me from two mats over since I walked in.
„Stop circling each other like you’re dance partners and attack!” Professor Emetterio orders from across the mat, where Theo watches Ethan and the other guy’s match – maybe his name is Lucas? Or Luke? Something like that – with our squad executive leader, Zanaya.
Ethan launches toward Lucas – I think I will go with this name until someone tells me his name – but he ducks, sweeping out his leg and tripping Ethan. He staggers but doesn’t go down. He pivots quickly, palming a dagger in his hand.
„No blade today!” Professor Emetterio bellows from beside the mat. He’s only the fourth professor I’ve met, but he’s definitely the most intimidating. „We’re just assessing!”
Ethan grumbles and sheaths his knife just in time to deflect a right hook from Lucas.
„What about you? You don’t seem worried either.” I ask Liam as Ethan lands a jab to Lucas’s ribs.
„Shit!” He shakes his head and backs up a step. „I don’t want to hurt you.”
Lucas holds his ribs but lifts his chin. „Who said you hurt me?”
„Pulling your punches does him a disservice” Theo says, folding his arms. „The Cygnis on the northeast border aren’t going to give him any quarter if he falls from his dragon behind enemy lines, Ethan. They’ll kill him just the same.”
„Let’s go!” Lucas shouts, beckoning Ethan by curling his fingers. It’s obvious he had a proper trainig before entering the quadrant, when he slips a jab from Ethan and twists to land a quick jab to his stomach.
„I’m pretty good on the mat. My foster brother whom I grew up with taught me many things.” He answers while watching the match.
„You have a brother? I didn’t know.” I look at him.
„He’s not my brother by blood, we grew up together after the apostasy and that made us close friends. That’s why I said he’s my brother.” He shrugs. „Now watch the match.”
Apostasy is the Tyrrish term for rebellion. I rarely heard it mentioned this way.
That’s when Ethan charges Lucas taking him to the mat with enough force to make me observe him more. He’s surprisingly strong for his light build.
Lucas hooks his legs around Ethan and somehow leverages him over until he’s the one on top, landing punch after punch to the side of his face. Blood spatters the mat.
A tooth goes flying. Ouch.
„Enough!” Professor Emetterio shouts.
Lucas rolls off Ethan and stands, touching his fingers to his split lip and examining the blood, then offers his hand to help Ethan up.
He takes it.
„Zanaya, take Lucas to the healers. No reason to lose a tooth during assessment” Emetterio orders.
A couple of mats over, someone shrieks, and we all turn to look. Jack Barlowe has another first-year in a headlock. The other guy is smaller, thinner than Jack, but still has a good fifty pounds on me.
Jack yanks his arms, his hands still secure around the other man’s head.
„That guy is such an ass-„ Rhiannon starts behind us.
The sickening crack of bones breaking sounds across the gym, and the first-year goes limp in Jack’s hold.
“Sweet Malek,” I whisper as Jack drops the man to the ground. I’m starting to wonder if the god of death lives here for how often his name must be invoked.
“What did I say?” their instructor shouts as he charges onto the mat. “You broke his damned neck!”
“How was I supposed to know his neck was that weak?” Jack argues.
“Eyes forward,” Emetterio orders, but his tone is kinder than it has been as we all look away from the dead first-year. “You don’t have to get used to it,” he tells us. “But you do have to function through it. You and you.” He points to Liam and another first-year in our squad, a man with a stocky build, black hair, and angular features. Shit, I can’t remember his name. Trevor? Thomas, maybe? There are too many new people to remember who is who at this point.
Liam makes quick work of the first-year, stunning me every time he dodges a punch and lands one of his own. He’s fast, and his hits are powerful, the kind of lethal combination that will set him apart.
„Do you yield?” he asks the first-year guy when he takes him to his back, his hand stopped mid-hit just above his throat.
“No!” he shouts, hooking his legs around Liam’s and slamming him to his back. But he rolls and quickly gains his feet before putting the first-year in the same position again, this time with his boot to his neck.
“I don’t know, Thomas, you might want to yield,” Theo says with a grin. “He’s handing you your ass.”
Ah, that’s right. Thomas.
“Fuck off!” Thomas snaps, but Liam presses his boot into his throat, garbling the last word. He turns a mottled shade of red.
Yeah, Thomas has more ego than common sense.
“He yields,” Emetterio calls out, and Liam steps back, offering his hand.
Thomas takes it.
„You-” Emetterio points to one of the second-years with a rebellion relic. „And you.” His fingers swings to me.
He’s at least a head taller than me, and if the rest of his body is as toned as his arms, then I can’t let him to touch me. I need to be faster.
I nod and step onto the mat.
„You’ve got this.” Liam says, tapping my shoulder as he passes me.
„Melgren.” The man looks me over like I’m something he’s scraped off the side of his boot, narrowing his pale green eyes. „You really should dye your hair if you don’t want to stand out like this. Soon, everybody will know who is your father.”
„Never said I cared if everyone knows who my father is.” I circle the second-year on he mat.
I say while trying to distract him. General Melgren often says the minutes you let emotion enter a fight, you’ve already lost.
„You bitch” he sheethes. „Your father murdered my family.”
He lunges forward and swings wildly, and I quickly sidestep, spinning then landing a hard punch where his kidneys are located.
He grunts then turns around and we start it again. We do this for a few more rounds, and I land a few punches here and there. Always moving faster than him.
After another punch he stumbles and I kick his leg out from under him and I pin his legs down so he can’t move. That’s it when he manages to land a punch.
I can feel my head snapping to the side, my ears ringing, but I don’t move. I’ve endured worse. If I move now then he can use his legs and I will be in trouble.
I punch him in the face. When he raises his hands to protect it, he leaves defensless his neck. I hit the side of his neck causing him to be momentarily unable to breathe and he puts his hand to his neck, then I punch him in his face, and I can feel the bones breaking. I broke his nose. I hit again.
He starts coughing while his blood is dripping from his nose. He can’t do anything in this condition.
„He yields.” Emetterio calls out, and I back off from him. „Hey you” he points to another second-year „Escort him to the healers. We don’t need him bleeding all over the mat.”
I step next to Liam and a new match starts.
„Gods, Aelin. You were really scary on the mat.” Liam says looking at me. „And your face, are you all right? Want me to accompany you to the healers?”
„I won’t go the healers, Liam. I’m fine.” I look at him confused.
„What? No way. You’re bruse is already turning black. That must have hurt.” He looks at my face with concern.
„A little bit. It’s not that bad, really. I have much worse bruises when I started to train.” I try to calm him.
His eyes widen and opens his mouth to further question me when…
„Yield, Violet!” I hear Dain yells.
What? Violet? I turn around quickly and I see Violet and a pink-haired second-year on the mat. With a rebellion relic. Shit.
„She yields.” their instructor says. „That’s enough.” I hear it again – the macabre sound of snapping bone – but this time it’s hers.
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itcamefromthetoybox · 2 months
Past His Prime
Hey there, hi there, ho there! I’m back. Ended up taking a break from the blog to finish moving and just never got around to it for a while. One of those, “oh yeah, I’ll work on that tomorrow” things where I kept meaning to but kept forgetting. But yes! I am back! And on my update schedule of “when I get to it.” But what exactly dragged me back? New toys from the upcoming “Transformers: One” movie! Today, we’re going to be looking at “Transformers: One Prime Changers Optimus Prime.” How does the latest version of the Autobot leader hold up? Is he a hit or miss? And is he worth the big price tag? Let’s dive in and answer those questions!
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Now, as of this article, the movie isn’t out yet, so I can’t spoil anything or say too much about the plot or characters, other than that the movie is about Orion Pax and D-16, the best friends who will become the heroic Optimus Prime and the evil Megatron. If you don’t know who those characters are, then I am very confused as to why you’re reading a review of Transformers toys. Are you that bored at work?
Now, what is a Prime Changer? Prime Changers, basically, are the main figures of the “Transformers: One” toyline. They’re simpler than the collector-aimed “Studio Series” line, and are the off the shelf figures for kids you’d think of when you think of Transformers. No fancy gimmicks, no overly complicated transformations, just a robot that turns into something and back again.
At first look, Prime Changer Optimus Prime looks great. He’s very colorful, blocky-looking, and seems to be exactly what you think of when you think of a young, pre-war Optimus. He has all the expected Optimus details, like the smoke stacks on his shoulders, the chest window, and the wheels on his legs. He’s supposed to capture the essence of Optimus Prime, and he does. Of course, these days, that means he also takes a massive amount of inspiration from the original, G1 Optimus Prime that’s been around since the 80’s and who gets a new figure every single year with no exception, so do keep that in mind. Now, when you get a closer look, flaws become apparent. The wheels in Prime’s shoulders are a different grey than the pant on him, so they stand out like a sore thumb, which takes away from the look. Hollow areas become more noticeable, and there’s nothing particularly new or interesting to compensate for those cosmetic letdowns.
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Articulation-wise, Optimus is pretty decent. Very posable, lots of joints, just as you would expect. There’s nothing really shocking or dynamic here. Saying that a mainline Transformer is very posable is like saying ice is cold. Like, yeah, I would certainly hope so. If it wasn’t, I’d have some concerns. It’s important to note, though, that there are some limits on his poses. Optimus comes with a removable Matrix of Leadership that he can theoretically hold in his hands to recreate the classic “lighting our darkest hour” pose everyone does with the Matrix. The thing is, his big chest gets in the way of that, so he needs to hold the Matrix at about gut level. It looks a lot less impressive than you’d hope and a lot more like Optimus is rubbing it on his stomach for luck.
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Speaking of his waist area, while he does have a waist joint, his crotch design actually limits how much the waist can rotate. And by “limits,” I mean he can barely rotate. It’s kinda a letdown, because the parts are there, but the toy itself stops you from using them.
So, this is a Transformer, so let’s talk about transforming. I hated this part. It wasn’t complicated, true. It was very straightforward, with a few extra steps like rotating the arms and opening the legs, and the process integrates Prime’s ax accessory into it, so that has a place to store, which is nice. The problem is that you gotta line up some tabs just so to make sure the whole thing pegs together right, and that was a living hell. I spent more time trying to get those tabs on his legs and the holes on his back lined up than I did on any other step of the transformation. It was frustrating as hell, and I really don’t wanna do that again. Also, part of the transformation is unfolding the truck grill from behind Prime’s chest. It’s a simple process with no extra steps, but if you have short nails, it’s gonna be more of a pain than it should be. Getting the axe into position for vehicle mode takes way too much fiddling and adjusting to be worthwhile. Transforming this guy was really annoying and not all that fun. As for getting him back to robot mode, that’s a damn chore. Prime’s back piece doesn’t like doing a lot of what it’s supposed to, and parts pop off constantly. Unless you’re very careful, expect Prime’s arms, chest, and back to pop off at least once during transforming, which especially sucks because reattaching the back is a pain. It took a while before I was able to transform him even once without any issues, and I remain convinced I just got lucky.
Of course, Optimus Prime turns into a truck. It’s basically an alien version of the truck he always turns into. If you’ve seen one G1 Optimus Prime truck mode, you have a solid idea of what this dude looks like. The truck mode doesn’t roll well at all. The back wheels just barely clear the legs to roll unencumbered, to the point that if you get a figure with the molding off by even a smidge, you’re outta luck.
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Let’s talk accessories. Optimus comes with his axe, two smokestacks, and the Matrix of Leadership. The axe looks pretty good. Between the sculpting and color, it looks like a mechanical weapon charged with energy, and the sculpting and paint at the base make it look like the axe emerged from Prime’s palm.
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It fits over Prime’s hand, with a peg inside the base that Prime holds onto, The problem here is that once Prime has it, he doesn’t wanna drop it. It’s a snug fit. Too snug. The way Prime’s hands are attached to his wrists means that you need to be careful taking the axe out of his hand, or else the hand will pop off. I find that pressing against where his hand connects to his wrist helps hold the hand in place while I pull the axe off.
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Prime’s smokestacks are meh. They can be removed from his shoulders to be held as a pair of pistols that are blatantly just smokestacks in his hands. When you transform Prime, they will want to come right out of there, so keep an eye on them.
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The Matrix, though, is awful. Just, really awful. It looks and feels cheap, which is a shame considering it’s the damn Matrix of Leadership. It’s also inconsistent about staying in Prime’s chest. Sometimes, it fits pretty well. Sometimes, it feels a bit loose. But the thing I really hate about it is that its plastic and design are definitely cheap. This became clear to me the first time I transformed Prime. When transforming Prime, the instructions say you can leave the Matrix in his chest, because its storage spot is a peg on the back of his truck grill.
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The instructions are a sheet of lies. The Matrix takes up just enough space where it will get knocked out when transforming Prime, or , worse, it’ll break. The first time I transformed this figure, before I even took pictures, one of the handles on the Matrix snapped off.
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This actually revealed how cheap it was to me. See, the break was a clean break. TOO clean. It seems like the handles of the Matrix are actually separate parts that were glued onto the Matrix, and that glue’s not exactly the stuff of legends. When I looked at the break, I also noticed that it looks like the Matrix itself is actually painted over blue plastic, the same kind Prime’s axe is made of. The Matrix is very small, and the plastic is very thin, so any amount of force on it’s going to break it. Hell, the plastic is so weak and cheap that when the handle broke off, I didn’t even notice. I didn’t feel any resistance or indicator it was in the way of the transformation. It was there, and then it broke. As easy as I breathe with as little notice. If you wanna keep it safe, just take it out and set it aside, only to be used for poses.
And now, of course, the main issues I have with this figure. I know plastic’s gotten more expensive, so toy companies are cutting costs. I get that. But by God, this figure feels cheap. The plastic feels so cheap to the touch that it’s the first thing my wife commented on when she touched Prime. When you start looking him over in your hands, you notice how hollow the toy is. He LOOKS very solid and bulky, like Optimus should. This makes how light he is feel surprising, and how hollow he is feel like a letdown. Some parts, like his chest plate are thin enough that I can see the shadow of my hand on the other side. Also, he’s just so damn small, He’s frustratingly short. I’m gonna sound like an old man here, but I remember when a $20 Transformer had some size and heft to him. This Prime’s smaller than the $10 ones I had as a kid and still do have. Between the cheap plastic, the parts popping off, how hollow and short Prime is, and how easily the Matrix broke, the whole toy just feels super cheap. 
“Transformers: One Prime Changer Optimus Prime” is available at mass retail for a starting price of $20 and is aimed at ages 6 and up. Would I recommend him? Absolutely not. This is really not a good toy. The plastic feels cheap to the touch, the transformation’s a pain, parts pop off way too easily, his guns are literally just his smokestacks held at a different angle, the Matrix is small, thin, and breaks easily, his waist is impeded by his own body, and he’s just so damn short. I can’t in good consciousness tell people to spend $20 on something so damn small that doesn’t even bring anything new to the table and, if anything, is a significant downgrade from what’s come before. Like, I compared this to older figures I have. It’s literally more money for less toy. This figure was such a letdown that it made me not want to get the other Prime Changer figures. I was actually turned off from an entire series of figures because of how annoying and disappointing this one toy was. He looks good from a distance, but then you get him in your hands and all the flaws, big and small, come shining through. Definitely pass on this one. I know, I sound like an old man. “Things were so much better when I was a kid.” Well, I handed this figure and some of my older ones to my wife, someone with very little interest in Transformers, who didn’t grow up with the figures or shows and has no problem telling me when she thinks I’m completely wrong or being that old guy. She actually agreed with me completely. Compared to the older toys, this one’s really not good. It’s more money for a toy that is significantly smaller and of lower quality. I know this is what’s out there, and this is all kids and collectors have on the market, but that doesn’t mean you should throw money at something that’s clearly not good. You want a great Optimus toy? Go on eBay. There’s plenty of fantastic old Primes from past movies and shows there for decent prices that WON’T break in two seconds and actually have some size to them. Next time, who knows what we’ll be looking at! Hopefully something I don’t feel an immense case of Buyer’s Remorse over. This is JS signing off and wishing you Happy Toy Hunting!
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
@kreidemaru , you said to tell you about anything , EVEN THO THAT WAS A WHILE AGO , BUT . here you go , bc i finally thought of something . smiles and bites you bites you bites y
[also i apologize bc my thoughts are SUPER scrambled , so this probably will be difficult to read pfff /lh]
MARTIN MERTENS . yes yes , i dont know why i’m rambling about him when i could try and go off about betty , but i’m having thoughts … normally . 
OKAY . i think . i think the parallels with him are what i’m rotating . and the little details about him .
First , details about him i think are neat !!!! this isn’t canon i guess , if we’re counting canon as “directly stated” but . but i’m so confident they’re implied , it’s . it’s basically canon idk 
HE WINKS WHEN HE LIES , OR FEELS LIKE HE’S LYING . i first saw this pointed out in a video , but when you have that in mind it just ,,, grrrrr makes you wanna explode . particularly , that bit when he tells baby finn that he’d be back , then winks ?? HOLY SMOKES MAN . i think i’ve talked about this before , but i don’t think that was with the intention of lying -- i think , at that point in his life , martin was a good man who cared about finn . but , i think he probably THOUGHT he wasn’t going to come back -- most likely , due to death  ?? seeing as he was about to try his hand against the giant robot thingy in the sea . 
Alongside that , there’s more blatant spots where he winks and you could tell either way that he was lying . but , so , that makes some points where he DOESN’T wink more impactful . 
For example , when he flirts with Minerva ?? asking her out , saying he wouldn’t con her , he doesn’t wink during those bits . i like to think that means he genuinely meant what he was saying . 
Oh oh , and how he doesn’t wink when explaining those bits and pieces about finn’s backstory ?? as stressed out as he visibly was , he never tried to joke it off , and never winked . instead , he hit us with the “that’s … true” IN SUCH A PARTICULAR TONE THAT IT MAKES IT OBVIOUS TO PICK OUT THE PARALLELS IN OTHER MOMENTS . 
ON THAT NOTE . PARALLEL(S??) OF THE “THAT’S … TRUE” . when finn is having the dream , where he’s holding his baby self ??? i don’t remember what he was saying that in regards too , all i remember is being like “ohh ,, OH . OHOH.”
[I’m going based off of a slight feeling in my silly little memory hole , but ,, ?? i think fern might say “thats ,, true” in the same tone at one point ??? but that may just be my brain making things up , so ignore me if i’m wrong bc i probably am]
FINALLY . ONE LAST MARTIN PARALLEL THAT I’M MENTALL ILL-- AHEM . THAT I’M NORMAL , TOTALLY NORMAL , OVER . “three buckets” . in “three buckets” , the bit where fern is trapping finn in the dungeon ? he pushes the brick in , and , while talking with finn , says something along the lines of “you’ll be fine” , then . THEN . he winks . MARTIN MERTENS STYLE , FULLY LYING , WINK . it’s a pretty easy-to-miss bit , and maybe it’s just coincidence , but CMON . c’mooooon . c’mon . my brain says it’s not a coincidence , i don’t think it’s a coincidence 
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This is a direct follow up to story #115
“Looks like we are first again this year. Ok boy remove your shorts and get on your knees with your head bowed. I know you didn’t want to do this again, but like I told you this year is going to be different. I’m glad your balls recovered from that final night of our last year here. I’ve talked to the other guys, and we’re not doing the gang bang of a different boy slave each night. We’ve come up with something different. For starters, when we go into that beach house you will no longer be my boy or slave or any type of submissive to me….
“That’s right, I will no longer control you. When the other men show up with their boys in tow, the same thing will happen. All four couples will cease to exist. Now that doesn’t mean that you will be my equal. Good god, we both know that just isn’t possible.
“This isn’t you losing a master, rather you are gaining three. You will be required to submit to them, all of them. In turn, their slave boys will become property of the other three men. I have no say. They could beat the shit out of you, and I can't stop them. I mean they are my three best buds from our frat days. I can't tell them to stop.
“So the men that shoved needles into your balls last year, will once again own your sorry ass. Instead of just one night, you will submit to them all week. We will rotate who you sleep with and service through the night. And when you do, I am ordering you to thank them for what they did to you last year—each one. I may have absolutely zero say in anything about you during this week, but that won’t stop me from giving you orders going into all this…. Well, they won’t mind that one.
“Here’s the key to your chastity cage. Dave has already told me that you are going to cum for him right away. As much as I hate the idea of you cumming, you will not be my boy.
“Jeff has told me that he’s going to use you as his toilet. He knows I abhor full on scat, and I know he feels the same. Now I think that’s all bluff to get me riled up. But if he wants you to do a lot more than eat his dirty shithole, that’s his right as your owner.
“I don’t think it will get into extremes, as I will have access to their former boys. Then again, I didn’t think that last year would get that far, but it did. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best for you.
“Damn boy, I can’t figure you out. Your face looks terrified, and yet your tiny pecker is rock hard. Look at it. And are you leaking? Fuck yeah. You may not want to be anywhere but here over the next week, but your tiny clit wants something different.
“Before I pass you off to the guys, why don’t you eat my shithole? Last year we started the same way. If you want to play with yourself, go ahead. I’m gonna miss this tongue. Well at least for the week. When we leave here, you will be mine once again. And your tongue will once again spend every morning up my shithole.
“Well that didn’t take you long. That was what thirty seconds? That’s a fucking huge load. Dave’s not going to be happy about you having empty balls. Oh well, I would hate to be his slave. And just think, you are going to be his bed slave tonight. Oh well, that ought to cause some problems for you. You won’t be mine, so whatever.
“Let’s get into the beach house and get the grill going. Tonight’s meal is going to be fun: grilled filets, baked potatoes, and lots of grilled asparagus. With two coolers full of beer, the other three faggots will be drinking all my nasty piss. I can’t image the men doing anything less to you. A nasty nasty piss party is just the best way to start the week.”
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pepper-up-potion · 3 years
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A Telling Fortune (Dean Thomas x Gn!reader)
Summary: Dean, knowing very little about tarot, does a card reading for you.
Warnings: mention of the future and having children. Other than that it’s fluff! fluff! fluff!
Word count: 940
A/n: this idea has been brewing in my head for a while now. Unfortunately for me, I was hit with a stroke of brilliance in the middle of my class so I started writing this at the same time as taking down my class notes. Definitely not my proudest moment but I’m quite happy with the final result.
“Okay my turn.” Says Dean as he excitedly shifts in his seat and makes grabby hands at the cards.
“I didn’t know you knew how to do tarot readings.” You comment, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“There’s all sort of things you don’t know about me lovebug.” He flirts, adding a wink and a flash of his honey sweet smile.
You slide your tarot deck across the table, maintaining eye contact. “Show me what you’ve got, lovebug.” You slur the nickname, challengingly. You doubt he’ll be able to charm the cards into doing what he wants. This time he’ll actually have to work to get answers.
Dean clumsily shuffles the cards , cursing under his breath when a few fall out of his hands. He shuffles them a few more times until they straighten themselves out in his hand. He slaps the deck down on the table and slides a hand away from the deck to fan out the cards.
“Pick your fortune.” He says as if he was pitching a business deal. He once again flashes his bright smile. You think he would have a lot of success in costumer service jobs with a smile like that. Add in his good business pitching skills and you’ve got yourself a perfect candidate.
You slowly slide your hand over the cards picking the three that resonate most.
You flip them face up for both you and Dean to inspect. The three cards immediately speak to you. You catch yourself starting to analyse them and theorize their meaning. You shake your head pushing the thoughts out of your mind as you remind yourself that’s Dean’s job this time.
Dean quietly looks at the cards. He places his fingers to his chin and slides his index up and down his jaw mindlessly as he studies the details of the cards.
After a moment, Dean suddenly claps his hands and rubs them together. “Okay.” His voice sounds much too cheerful for the meaning of your cards. “You ready?” He raises his brow with his question.
You nod slowly, ready to accept your fate.
Dean points to the first card.
“This card means you’re the most beautiful human inside and out.” He declares matter-of-factly.
You knit your brows, titling your head doubtfully. “Um Dea-“
Dean waves a hand signalling you to stop talking. “Please, please no speaking during my interpretation of the cards.” He sounds so grandiose and spectacular, almost like a magician entertaining a crowd. Well, at least you can confirm it’s definitely entertaining you.
You hold back a laugh. After taking a moment to recollect yourself, you rotate your hand a couple times, signalling him to continue. “Go on love.”
Dean nods sternly. “Now, as I was saying-“ he starts with false offence.
“This card here.” He taps the second card a couple times. “This one means I am the luckiest man in the world because I am dating the most beautiful human in the world. Note the connection between this card and the other one.” You can see it written all over his face, he’s proud of the link he made between the cards even if it’s a conceivable and almost humoristic association.
You cover your smile with your hand. It’s a very cute sight to see and you just can’t help but feel giddy. Even though you know the cards aren’t saying that, Dean sounds so sure and so confident, you actually fall for it a little, let yourself get swayed. You nod, encouraging him to continue.
“This card.” He hums, picking it up and holding it out for you. “This last card is my favourite.” He peaks around the card smiling wide. “This one means we’re going to live happily ever after. You and me, maybe a couple kids, a cozy home, weekend family trips, fancy dates every Friday. We’ll even find such a great babysitter that you won’t have to worry about the kids whenever we’re out, not even for a second.” He shakes his head indisputably.
You laugh loudly, delighted that he even thought about a babysitter. Finally settling from your fit of laughs, you look back at Dean. He’s smiling at you, looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. After all the cards did say it. You were right. Dean wasn’t able to charm the cards into saying what he wanted. Though he somehow charmed you into believing they were something else.
You shake your head, unsure if you should be proud or disappointed in him. You push yourself out of your seat and lean over the table, feet dangling as you rely on your arms to propel your body further onto the table. You stop once you’re face to face with Dean.
“Thank you.” You affection as he leans forward to meet your lips. You kiss for a while with Dean’s hands in your hair and yours stabilizing under your chin, helping to keep your head propped over the table. It’s soft and slow, bubbling with love.
Finally you pull away and wiggle ungracefully off the table and back into your seat. Dean smiles, looking at you like you still somehow hold the first place spot for worlds best human even after a stun like that.
“That was sweet, but your reading wasn’t correct.” You tease, trying to diffuse the tension.
Dean scoffs, brushing you off with a hand. “You questioning the validity of my reading?”
You hum pulling the cards towards you. “Yup.” You confirm, quickly doing your own of the cards. “None of it’s true.” You confirm.
Dean leans forward, drawing your eyes towards him. “Well it’s true to me.”
General taglist: @pottahishotasf, @oliverwoodmarrymepls, @cupids-crystals,
Dean Thomas taglist: be the first one on my beloved dean’s taglist by filling out this form!
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sourwulf · 3 years
so remember when the guy at the school was holding a gun to stiles' head and scott's dad saved him? can u do something similar but this time he saves u in the same way during the whole deadpool thing? thnx
༄  word count  —  1.5k
፨  characters  —  stiles stilinski
☓  tw  —  guns, blood, death
⊹  cw  —  violence
✎  masterlist
you were currently in the girl’s locker room putting your stuff in your locker after track practice. you’d stayed a little longer to get an extra couple of miles in, and now the sun was setting, making the school dark inside.
you were standing in the shower under the hot water, letting it run over your tight and sore muscles when it suddenly went cold, making you quickly rinse your hair before tying a towel around your body, drying yourself off, and getting dressed. you pulled your hair out of the towel that was covering you a moment ago and brushed it out.
you knew scott wouldn’t be happy with you being alone — what, with all the dead pool stuff going on. you were the only human on the list, and you were worth significantly less than everyone else — seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. everyone else was over a million, but not you.
none of you knew why you were even on the list in the first place. everyone else was a werewolf, banshee, or some other kind of creature. maybe it was simply because you were friends with them, or maybe because you had information that no one wanted to get out.
either way, your friends didn’t want you getting hurt. and since you didn’t have the same abilities and powers everyone else did, you were told to always be with someone who could protect you.
and the person you were paired up with was stiles. you two weren’t super close when everything started, as you’d only been friends for a couple of weeks. but sleeping over at each others’ houses every night and spending your free time together caused you two to bond, and now you were like two peas in a pod.
but you’d finally managed to get some alone time, and you’d never been so thankful to be alone. you enjoyed spending time with stiles, but you also really liked having some time to yourself outside of class.
but when you started hearing footsteps outside the locker room, you looked over to the door. you took a few steps toward it and they stopped before retreating and going the other way. you figured it was probably just a janitor, so you turned back to go to your locker.
you stopped in your tracks, though, when you almost walked into a taller man who wasn’t there before.
you jumped backward and he just smirked at you.
“this is the girls’ locker room,” you said nervously.
“oh, i know.” you looked down to see a gun in his hand and gulped, realizing that being alone in the school probably wasn’t the best idea. it was an old revolver, one with a hammer you have to pull back to shoot. “i just figured almost eight hundred thousand dollars was worth a trip into the wrong locker room.”
he raised his weapon to point at your stomach and your eyes went wide.
“wait, you don’t have to do this. i-i’m not supernatural, i’m just a regular person. you’d just be killing a random girl.”
“the list is supernatural creatures. and you’re on it. why else would you be on it if you’re not?”
“i don’t know! i’m trying to figure it out. i swear, i’m not a werewolf, i’m not a banshee, kitsune, anything.”
you could tell he thought about it for a second. “i don’t believe you.”
“why would i lie?” he looked down at his gun then back at you. “okay good point.”
“fine. i won’t shoot you. if you tell me where your friends are.”
you sighed. “they’re in the cafeteria.” he perked up a bit. “or the library. or, actually, they may be in the gym. or they may not be here at all.”
his expression changed to that of anger, and he pointed his gun directly at your forehead, only a couple of inches from your skin.
“i’m gonna count to three, and then i’m gonna shoot you.”
you scoffed nervously. “you don’t scare me.”
he pulled back the hammer, the barrel rotating. his index finger landed on the trigger and you could feel your heart pounding.
so many thoughts raced through your mind. you recognized that you were about to die, the thought making you want to vomit. you had so many things you wanted to say to so many people that you’d never get the chance to say. you wanted to help your friends find out who the benefactor was.
and you realized you couldn’t. time seemed to slow down and you took a deep, shaky breath, closed your eyes, and let a tear fall.
then, suddenly, a loud bang. but you didn’t go down. instead, you felt liquid splatter on your face, and you flinched so hard your legs almost gave out. you opened your eyes to see the man in front of you with a hole in his forehead, and he collapsed.
you sputtered, blood droplets shooting through the air. you finally let yourself breathe, looking up to see stiles, an expression coated with just as much shock as yours.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, your voice cracking.
“lydia. she-she told me to come here.” he walked over to you and gripped your shoulders. “are you okay?”
you quickly nodded. “i’m not dead, so yeah. i’m good.”
he walked you over to the sink and pulled his jacket off, wetting the fabric and wiping your face. he didn’t speak, and you just stared at him until he was almost done.
“stiles.” he finally made eye contact with you, the look of anxiety still lace on his face. “are you okay?”
“yeah, of course,” he said unconvincingly.
“you just shot someone.” you looked over at the body and the pool of blood next to it. “you can’t possibly be okay.”
“i’d have rather shot someone than lost you.” you wanted to smirk at how cheesy that sounded, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“where’d you get the gun?”
“it’s my dad’s. he keeps it in his nightstand.”
“we should call him so he doesn’t get framed for murder.” he nodded, scrambling to pull his phone out. “wait, stiles.” you reached up and gripped his hands. he looked at you. “you can talk to me. i can imagine shooting someone in the head doesn’t just roll off the shoulders very easy.”
“we can talk about it later,” he responded softly. “i have to call my dad.”
you nodded, letting him dial his number.
someone shook you awake, your eyes shooting open. you looked around, still in the familiar sheriff’s office. you were laying on the couch by the windows, and you must’ve fallen asleep.
you’d spent a good hour answering questions with stiles, and it was well after midnight now. you looked to your side to see stiles, who was squatting next to you.
“you ready to go?” he whispered.
“what time is it?”
“almost three.”
you nodded, swinging your feet onto the floor and stretching. you followed stiles out to his jeep after saying goodnight to his dad.
sitting in the front seats, he didn’t turn on the ignition. you turned your body to face him and just waited for him to say what he was thinking about.
you raised your eyebrows. “no? no what?”
he shook his head. “you asked me if i’m okay. i’m not. i’m not okay. when you were asleep and i was waiting for my dad to tell us we could go, i just... i let myself think about it. i... i took someone’s life tonight. i shot someone in the head. i have someone’s blood on my hands. and, i would do the same thing over if i had to because i had to save you, but...” you reached over and rubbed his upper back with his hand. “i just can’t stop replaying me pulling the trigger in my head.”
“i know. i can imagine. but you didn’t really have a choice.”
he nodded. “i know.”
“he could’ve killed all of us if he was still alive. he wanted to know where you guys were. he could’ve killed scott, lydia, malia, any of you. what you did... it saved a lot of lives. maybe... if you try to think about it like that, it won’t be as hard to live with it.” he nodded again. “i mean this life... it’s not easy. we’re always under attack, trying not to die. it takes a toll. i mean, shit, i had a gun to my head tonight. because i’m worth almost a million dollars to someone that we don’t even know. i almost died because someone values money more than life. you defended me, stiles. you saved my life. you should at least be proud of that.”
“i am. i’m glad i was there. i just wish i could’ve done that without killing someone.”
“unfortunately that’s not always an option. tonight it wasn’t. he was gonna kill even more if he wasn’t killed.”
“i know.”
you weren’t sure what to say. you’d never dealt with this kind of situation before. so you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his temple, seemingly comforting him.
“wanna go back to my place?” you asked, yawning. “my mom is home.”
he nodded, and without another word, turned the key in the ignition, heading towards your house.
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jungshookz · 4 years
miss cee pd i have a request!!!! how about e2l tae x y/n but they're in law school and they're always arguing and debating inside and outside of the classroom and tae being a little shit is like "you wanna kiss me so bad" and they both don't realise that there's mistletoe above them which jimin put because he was tired of watching them constantly argue and wanted to fiZzle the tension hehe and then they KITH,, i hope this isn't too long aha
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➺ pairing; kim taehyung x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! enemies to lovers!! everyone’s in law school!! mostly y/n and taehyung bickering with each other and wanting to jump each other’s bones at the same time
➺ wordcount; 4.3k
➺ what to expect; “don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.”
                                     »»————- ❄ ————-««
“-now, the particular case study that was assigned to our group involves a civil action for medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter, which means that there are seven elements that we need to hit when we’re acting out our simulation next class,” you explain, flipping to the next page of your notebook with a flick of your wrist, “firstly, the client - jimin - must be interviewed so that we may determine the facts that surround the claim/prosecution. secondly, we need to draft witness statements - from hoseok and namjoon - and assess the legal efficacy of said statements. thirdly, we must assess the propriety of police interrogation from officer jungkook of the defend-”
you pause when a crumpled piece of paper lands by your left foot and you clear your throat quietly before stepping over it and continuing to pace back and forth at the front of the classroom
your eyes skim over your scribbled words as you try to relocate your place
here we are
“-ant, seokjin, through all transcripts along with the custody record. fourthly, we move on to assessing the reports that have been produced by the forensic experts-”
another balled-up piece of paper hits your foot and your head immediately snaps upwards from your book before you twist around to face the room
“would you cut that out, please?” you snap, already feeling your blood pressure starting to rise from a single glance at taehyung’s smug face
“what? i didn’t know how else to get your attention!” he hums, his arm dangling in the air with a floppy wrist, “my arm’s been up for the past three minutes, and you would’ve known that if you didn’t have your nose buried deep in your book.”
the reminder that you wouldn’t last a day in prison keeps you from lunging forward to wrap your hands around taehyung’s neck and you press your lips together to stop yourself from saying anything too crass
the last thing you need is for some professor to walk past the classroom while you’re cussing up a storm
your self-control has really been put to the test ever since you met taehyung
after all this time, you still don’t know what the guy’s deal is
he’s been a pain in your ass since day one
and for what??
for WHAT?!
at first you just thought that being a complete prick was just his weird version of being charismatic, but then you realised that he wasn’t being charming at all and he was really, truly, genuinely being a straight-up asshole
and, for the record, you’ve tried several times in the past to try to make things better but nothing’s worked
you said that he looked nice in his suit = he told you to stop looking at him like a piece of meat
you asked him how he did on the midterm exam = he told you that it was his right to keep that piece of information private and that you were being a snake by even asking about it
you said happy birthday to him = he said, and you quote, “yeah. it was until you got here.”
the point is, you’ve waved many white flags of surrender and extended many, many olive branches to no avail
at this point you’re pretty sure taehyung just gets off on being a jerk to you
and it’s not fair because it’s literally just you that he picks on constantly
at first you thought that maybe he was just threatened by your presence because you made it pretty clear from day one that you weren’t here to play around
powerful women are intimidating!
you totally get it.
…but then you overheard him offering rosé some studying tips and you even saw him help wendy carry her books for her and everyone knows that rosé and wendy are two of the smartest girls in the class, so why wasn’t he threatened by them?
the point is, he doesn’t treat anyone else in the class like this except for you and you can’t seem to figure out why!
what makes it even more frustrating is the fact that his stupid face is very nice to look at, so whenever he’s being mean to you, your dumb girl hormones drown out the sound of his rich, honey-like voice and place floating pink hearts around his head instead
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t paying attention to you, mr. kim.” you force out before gesturing to the notebook cradled in the crook of your arm, “see, all my notes are in here and i’m just trying to make sure that i don’t miss out on any details,” you point out, “and… i thought i said to save your questions for the end, did i not?”
“did you? i guess i wasn’t listening. sorry, sweetheart.” taehyung chirps, folding his arms and leaning forward on his desk, “anyway- don’t you think it’s a little unfair that you get to play the hotshot lawyer in this simulation?”
“everyone gets a turn to be the lawyer - last week, it was jungkook. this week, it’s me. everyone gets a shot to play the hotshot lawyer because our roles rotate.” you shake your head in disagreement, “how am i being unfair?”
“you assigned yourself, like, the coolest case study.” taehyung scoffs, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms, “i mean… medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter?” his left brow arches before he turns his head slightly, “jungkook, what was your case study on again?”
“my client parked in a no-parking zone!” jungkook beams, nodding to himself, “i didn’t mind getting that case, though. it was actually pretty fu-”
“you hear that, y/n?” taehyung turns his head back to face you before gesturing behind him, “jungkook also thinks his case was boring as hell- his client parked in a no-parking zone and you get to deal with corrupt doctors and accidentally-but-not-really-accidentally-run-over-by-a-car pedestrians.”
your jaw clenches in frustration and you resist the urge to take a heel off and bash taehyung’s skull in with it
being forced to wear nice shoes to school would be so much better if you were allowed to commit cold-blooded murder with them
“well, that was last week’s case, so even if jungkook thought it was boring…” you pause, turning to set your notebook down on the front desk before twisting back around, “he’s already had his turn. and now it’s my turn!”
“you could’ve given me this case.”
“oh, please.” you snort, rolling your eyes before leaning against the front desk, “you wouldn’t have been able to handle a case this big. this has my name written all over it.”
taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes, “the only reason why it has your name written all over it was because you grabbed it with your grubby little raccoon hands before anyone else had the chance to-”
“i-!” you pinch the bridge of your nose before letting out a laugh of disbelief, “oh my god, i refuse to have this conversation with you again, taehyung- for the last time, it was a first-come-first-serve situation, and you probably could’ve gotten this case if you weren’t so busy watching netflix in class-”
“you guys-” namjoon clears his throat, his shoulders drooping when the two of you ignore him, “…never mind.”
this always happens
you guys somehow always find something to argue about no matter what
in fact, namjoon’s convinced that you guys could sit in complete and utter silence and still find something to fight over
“how long do you think the argument will last this time?” yoongi leans over, “i bet you ten bucks it’ll last longer than last week’s fight.”
“no way! last week’s fight was half an hour long-” hoseok chimes in, “…they can’t possibly argue for longer than thirty minutes… can they?”
“remember that time they fought over a sandwich?” jungkook sighs, leaning his cheek against his fist, “that was a forty minute argument.”
“they fought over a sandwich?” jimin frowns, turning to glance towards the front, “what was there to even argue about??”
“y/n said that the spread was dijon mustard and taehyung said it was horseradish mustard,” seokjin purses his lips, “…i actually ordered the same sandwich and i’m pretty sure it was just regular ol’ yellow mustard… but i’m too afraid to tell either of them they’re wrong about it.”
“oh my god-” jimin scoffs, “forty minutes arguing about mustard?? really??”
“yep! i even recorded the whole thing just because it’s actually pretty interesting listening to two people scream about mustard so passionately for so long,” jungkook pulls his phone out of his back pocket, the rest of the boys scooting in closer to his desk, “by the time we finish watching the video, they’ll… probably be done arguing with each other. maybe.”
“-ow thick is your skull, taehyung? were you dropped on your head as a baby??” you scowl, “if i was a teacher’s pet like you say i am, then i would’ve sweet-talked my way out of being in a group with you. also, you know what? i wasn’t going to bring this up, but the only reason why we’re here during christmas break is because it was your idea to practice during the holidays-”
“yeah! you get to practice your big show in a huge, empty classroom without getting nervous about someone overhearing you practice speaking in your dumb, professional lawyer voice-” taehyung gestures around at the spacious atmosphere, “if this is your way of being thankful to me, you have an awfully funny way of showing it-”
“do you know what i could be doing right now if i wasn’t here?” you scowl, placing your hands on your hips as you glare at taehyung
“hm, let me think…” he hums, leaning back against his chair before kicking his legs up onto his desk, “bending over and trying desperately to pull the fat stick out of your ass?”
jimin sits up a little straighter as he peers over the top of namjoon and seokjin’s heads to check and see if you and taehyung are done arguing yet
your ears are turning red and there’s an animalistic, frenzied look behind your eyes, so... nope. definitely not done yet.
after all this time, he still doesn’t know why you guys fight the way that you do
it’s like you enjoy pushing each other’s buttons and irritating each other until one of you inevitably snaps (you’re usually the first one to fall off the rocker because taehyung is alarmingly good at being irritating)
“ooh, hold on-” jungkook grins, pointing to the screen before whacking jimin’s arm in rapid smacks, “my favourite part is coming up, you have to pay attention-”
jimin looks away from you two and back down at the screen
“-the low acidity liquid gives dijon mustard that intensified heat and the classic pungent flavour which is very obvious in this sandwich!” you exclaim, peeling the top slice of bread off to reveal the inside, “and look at that colour! that is literally dijon mustard-”
“okay, fine! it’s dijon mustard.” taehyung responds while inspecting his nail beds
“no, you’re not listening to- wait… did you just agree with me?”
“yeah!” he sighs, crossing his arms, “the mustard used in your sandwich is dijon mustard. and also, the sky is green-”
“oh my god, you piece of-!”
jimin looks up again when he hears your voice rise a couple of octaves
this is the part of the argument when your ‘i’m-fine-don’t-touch-me-I’M-FINE’ voice comes out
“wow! you are-” you laugh, shaking your head as you lean down and place your hands flat on the surface of taehyung’s desk “you really are something else, kim taehyung. i-!”
you let out a yelp of surprise when taehyung suddenly reaches over and yanks at a section of your hair
“ow!” you whack his hand away before flicking your hair over your shoulder, “wha- what the hell was that for?!”
taehyung doesn’t flinch at your aggressive tone and he looks up at you, completely unfazed, before giving a half-hearted shrug
“it was hanging, like, right in front of me. i couldn’t not pull on it.”
“well, your tie is right there but you don’t see me reaching over and pulling on it to strangle you because it’s right in front of me-”
“oh, threatening to choke me, are we?” taehyung hums, “i’m suddenly feeling very unsafe. should i get one of the guys to call campus security for my protection, miss y/n?”
“do you guys think we should break things off?” seokjin glances over his shoulder at the escalating scene, “ideally, i’d like for this to not turn into a how to get away with murder scenario…”
jimin narrows his eyes slightly as the gears click-click-click away in his head, leaning back against his seat and reaching up to tap at his chin
there’s something about this situation that’s reminding him of something but he can’t quite put his finger on it
“oh my god, you are such a child-!”
jimin’s eyes suddenly widen in realization, a lightbulb appearing at the top of his head
does taehyung like y/n?
oh, wow
taehyung has a full-blown crush on you!
how could he not have noticed this before?!
taehyung is literally the bratty little boy pulling on your pigtails because he doesn’t know how else to get your attention on this playground!
a comment from a former conversation with you briefly flits through jimin’s mind as he continues staring at the two of you in awe
he doesn’t remember how exactly you guys started talking about it, but he does remember you saying these words to him:
“i mean… yeah. of course i think taehyung’s attractive. maybe in another universe where he’s not bullying me 24/7, i would be more open to admitting to myself that i might have a slight crush- i-i mean, i- what did we say we were going to get for lunch today?? sandwiches?? we should get sandwiches, the place is right here-”
how could he have forgotten you said that to him?!
it’s like he finally has his hands on the missing puzzle piece... and it’s up to him to finish this puzzle!
“i have a plan.” jimin whispers to himself before reaching over to grab onto jungkook’s wrist, “i know what i have to do!”
“huh?” jungkook frowns in confusion, pausing the video before looking over at him, “what are you talking about?”
“just-” jimin gets up from his seat quickly, the chair screeching against the floor, “just make sure they don’t stop arguing with each other while i’m gone because i might take a while to find what i need-”
“you know, i don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” yoongi snorts, everyone looking towards the front to see you glaring at taehyung like you want to rip his heart out of his chest and eat it raw, “check out that throbbing vein in y/n’s forehead.”
“forget about her forehead vein-” jungkook shakes his head, “has no one else noticed how tightly taehyung clenches his asscheeks whenever he’s pissed? those trousers do not hide anything.”
everyone’s eyes immediately gravitate down to taehyung’s ass, hoseok and seokjin bursting into giggles at the sight
“what the fuck is your problem?!” you scream, taehyung’s eyes widening at your sudden outburst, “you’ve treated me like shit from day one and i’ve literally done nothing wrong!”
“okay! i think we should all just take a step back and take a deep breath…” namjoon gets up from his seat slowly, “it’s getting a little intense-“
“nothing wrong?! oh yeah, because you’re little miss perfect-” taehyung spits out, “don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did!”
“what did i-!” you throw your hands up into the air, “please, i am begging you to tell me what the horrible thing is that i did that made you decide i was public enemy number one-”
“i heard you talking shit about me at the very beginning of the semester when you didn’t even know me! we’d never met and you didn’t even bother trying to get to know me before you formed your own opinion of me based on the way i looked-” taehyung snaps, “you said that i looked like an entitled, obnoxious frat-boy who didn’t even know left from right and only made it to law school because his daddy gave the school a generous donation- so if we’re really going to talk about who the real asshole is in this room, i would suggest re-evaluating-”
you feel the blood drain from your face at the reminder of what you said about taehyung on the first day of class
okay, yeah, you... might have said that stuff, but it was only because the other people you were sitting with at the time said stuff like that and... and you were so desperate to find a group of cool law-school friends that you were totally willing to say and do anything they wanted you to do or say!
it obviously didn’t work because you don’t sit with them anymore, so...
yeah, it was a bad move to talk shit about taehyung like that without even having spoken one word to him, but if this proves anything... it’s that peer pressure is dangerous!
“well, why didn’t you just-” you stammer, feeling your face starting to heat up from embarrassment, “why didn’t you just tell me about this earlier? we could’ve nipped it right in the bud-”
“i much prefer the bullying because the feeling i get after seeing the defeat in your eyes is equivalent to a full-body orgasm-”
“oh my god, you sick freak-”
“uh, you guys-” namjoon cuts in again, holding his finger up, “can i just s-”
“okay, fine!” you raise your hands in surrender, “i’m sorry, alright? i’m really sorry. what i said about you was shitty, but i don’t see how bullying me for months on end was a good solution-”
“can you two shut u-”
“oh, i never said it was a good solution, y/n,” taehyung purses his lips, “like i said - i just did it because it was fun-”
“guys, if i could just get one word in-”
“do you even realize how psychotic you sound right no-”
“HEY!” namjoon suddenly bellows, you and taehyung jumping and clamming up immediately in alarm
“what??” the two of you ask at the same time, pausing to glare at each other for a split second before looking back over at namjoon
“i…” he trails off, his eyes flickering upwards, “…know this is kind of awkward timing, but…”
you and taehyung look up simultaneously, your eyes widening to see a dinky little shrub of... mistletoe? taped at the end of a meter stick
oh no 
oh hell no
“kiss first, and then you can apologise for what was obviously a huge misunderstanding and you can apologise for being a huge prick later - pucker up, lovebirds!” jimin chirps, waving the stick a little and watching your eyes go side to side like a ping-pong ball, “don’t be shy! also, i know the mistletoe looks like a clump of grass that i tied a red ribbon around- just don’t look too closely at it-”
“ha!” you let out a laugh before shaking your head quickly, “no way! i don’t know what you people think is going on here, but it’s certainly not that- you can’t just dangle a plant over my head and force me to kiss him-”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” taehyung scoffs in offence, tilting his head upwards slightly, “anyone would be honoured to be under the mistletoe with me!”
“yeah. anyone out of their mind.”
“aw, c’mon, you guys…” hoseok pushes his bottom lip out in a pout before clasping his hands together, “kiss and make up! we all know that’s how it works. let the christmas spirit take over your bodies and fuel your weird hate-love for each othe-”
“the sooner you two kiss and make out, the sooner i can get the hell out of here,” yoongi interrupts, snapping his fingers, “c’mon! plant a fat one on each other!”
“the only reason why y/n’s getting whiney about it because she knows she’ll fall in love with me the moment she kisses me.” taehyung suddenly speaks up and you immediately look back down at him with a glare
fall in love????
with him????
it’s not going to take a single kiss to fall in love with taehyung - it’s going to take intensive exposure therapy to fall in love with him!
“don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.” you growl, smacking your hands down on taehyung’s desk so violently that it rattles beneath you
“now, now. there’s no need to lie…” taehyung chuckles lightly as he pushes his seat back slightly and rises to his feet
“i’m not lying! i don’t want to kiss you!”
“do too!”
“do not!”
“do TOO!”
“do NOT!”
“you know, you just sound like you’re trying to convince yourself that you don’t want to kiss me-”
“you’re the one who keeps pushing it-” you jab a finger into his chest, “maybe you’re the one who wants to kiss me!”
“you think i wanna kiss you?!” taehyung laughs, flicking your hand away from him, “now look who the delusional one is!”
“i thought this was supposed to fix the arguing?” seokjin mutters under his breath, jungkook offering him a shrug while keeping his eyes glued on you and taehyung
he was running out of things to watch on netflix and this makes far better entertainment
the only thing that would make this better was if you and taehyung had at it in a grimy boxing ring half-naked
“i can’t be the only one thinking that all of this could be easily fixed if they just boned each other.” jungkook snorts, the other boys turning to look at him, “…what??”
“i wouldn’t kiss you even if you were the last man on earth.” you snarl, your voice wavering slightly
“you really expect me to believe that?” taehyung tilts his head, “don’t think i didn’t catch the way your eyes just flickered down to my lips, y/n...”
you feel your heart starting to pound in your chest when he places his hands flat on the desk as well, the tips of his fingers brushing over yours
at this proximity, the little voice in the back of your head can’t help but point out how pretty taehyung’s eyes are... and how nice he smells... and how soft his lips look...
...do you wanna kiss him?
oh, god
do you wanna kiss kim taehyung?!
no, you don’t
yes, you do
“you wanna kiss me so bad, and you know it, y/l/n.” taehyung taunts, leaning forward just a little more
at this point, your faces are merely an inch away from each other’s and it wouldn’t take much effort to just lean in and… you know.
“i hate you.”
“if you hated me so much, then you wouldn’t be making such a big deal over silly little mistletoe now, would you?” taehyung smirks, pulling away before making his way around the desk so that he can get closer to you, “you like me but you’re too much of a wimp to admit it!”
“i like you?!” you gawk, “more like you like me!”
“okay-” jimin huffs, lowering the stick before taking a step back, “i really thought this was going to work, but my arms are getting tired, so if you two aren’t going to kiss, then i- oh-” his eyes widen in surprise when you and taehyung are suddenly lunging at each other not a second later, your hands cupping his cheeks and his hands gripping your waist as you kiss far more feverishly than he thought you two would
oh my
“see, what’d i say? sexual tension!” jungkook kisses his teeth, leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms, “all that pent-up energy from arguing has led to this beautiful moment-”
“you’re an- mm- you’re an awful kisser, by the way-” taehyung mutters against your mouth, lips turning up in a boyish grin when you retaliate by shoving at his chest
“so are you!” you pull away only for taehyung to pull you right back in to press his mouth against yours again, “’m hating ehvery minute of this-”
“ah… isn’t young love sweet?” hoseok coos, jumping in his seat when taehyung suddenly shoves you up against the front desk with a thud, “so passionate!”
“okay, we’re just going to-” namjoon gets up from his seat gesturing for the boys to get up as well, “we’re happy to see that the argument has been settled!”
he hurries everyone to the front door and turns to glance over his shoulder, “when you guys are done, just… let us know! we’re going to pop over to starbucks for some hot chocolate. so... text one of us. or call! or you could use snapchat- it’s up to you, really-!”
namjoon doesn’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi’s yanking his arm and pulling him backwards, reaching over to slam the door shut
a moment of silence goes by in which everyone takes a second to process what exactly just happened
“take your shirt off-”
“you take yours off first!”
“i... can’t tell if my plan was a success or a failure.” jimin mutters to himself, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
“hey, if it makes you feel any better, at least they aren’t arguing with each other anymore!” jungkook cheers, clapping his hands quietly, “it’s a christmas miracle!”
❄️christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 🎄
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Your Ass Is Out of This World (Kelley x Reader)
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Request: alex or kelley or sonnett x reader where they've been dating for a few years R is an astronaut for NASA and she gets to go to space
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause without her, none of this would have happened. 
Kelley wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up standing next to a dive bar sipping a lukewarm beer on a Friday night. In her defense, Ali and Ashlyn had convinced her it would be fun and had promised to pay for the Uber rides both ways. It had been fun for a while, dancing with them to some old 70s songs on the light-up dance floor, but half an hour ago they had disappeared off into a hallway somewhere, and she had no intention of third-wheeling (she knew she should have convinced Alex to join them). But she also wasn’t going to leave without them, because she wasn’t convinced either of them were sober enough to take any kind of transportation safely (someone needed to be there to make sure they didn’t puke in someone’s car).
So here she was, standing by the bar waiting for her friends’ sexcapades to be over, nursing her drink. The clink of a glass settling in front of her caught her attention. She blinked at the bartender. “I didn’t order another one,” 
The man’s lips ticked up and he shrugged. “Lady on the end paid for it. Said you looked sad,” 
Kelley looked up, following the man’s eyes towards a woman standing a few seats down the bar from her. She was also standing alone but was dressed as though for a different event altogether. Kelley had embraced the 70s theme of the bar slightly, wearing a jumpsuit and a scarf around her head, but this woman had just thrown a white NASA shirt--like the one Kelley got for her little cousin at Target-- over a pair of black jeans. As she bobbed her head to the music she met Kelley’s eyes and smiled. 
Kelley took that as her invitation to approach. Kelley’s eyes traced her form, lingering on the white material. She didn’t know those came in adult sizes...
“You must be a star, I can't stop orbiting around you” Kelley smiled charmingly as she approached you, setting her beer on the bar beside you and settling in the seat to the left of yours. 
“I do believe I was the one to buy you the drink…” you said, your lips twitching as you tried to keep a serious expression. “Shouldn’t I be the one throwing pickup lines here?”
“You bought me the drink, so I get to be the one to woo you. I’m Kelley, are you from Mars? 'cuz I wanna explore you with curiosity.” Kelley said, wiggling her eyebrows at you, enjoying the light blush coloring your cheeks. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, “that was terrible. I mean really good but absolutely awful.”
“At least I got you to smile, but you still haven’t told me your name.” Kelley laughed, taking a sip of her beer. She was prepared to lay on the horrible pick up lines for your entertainment. 
“I’m Y/n,” you said, putting down your drink and holding out your hand, “pleasure.”
“They call me the milky way...Pleasure You Can't Measure,” Kelley smiled, shaking your hand as you laughed and pulling you a little closer “Why look at the moon, if I can’t touch it? Why look at your lips, if I can't kiss them,” she said, winking so you knew she was completely joking. 
“How do you know so many of these?” You said, shaking your head in awe. “ All I know off the top of my head is ‘do you work for NASA? Because you’re out of this world!’”
“Ah, a magician never reveals her secrets,” Kelley whispered conspiratoryly, bringing her hand up to cover her lips. “but my team and I have definitely had flirt offs for bonding nights,” 
“Your team?” 
“Yeah, I play soccer for the US and Washington,” She shrugged as if it wasn’t a huge accomplishment. 
Your eyes widened and you nearly spat out your drink. “Didn’t they, like, just win a World Cup?” 
“Yeah, No biggie,” Kelley said, side-eyeing you as she took another sip. 
“No biggie?  I’m surprised you don’t have a swarm of paparazzi shadowing you, that’s incredible! Weren’t the USWNT like the most successful US team in soccer?’
“Hm, there’s not enough drama for them, but we don’t mind. How about you? What do you do beautiful?” Kelley hummed. 
“Oh. I work for NASA,” you said, gesturing at the shirt. “I can’t wait to bring some of those lines back to work.”
“So do they at least give you a good choice of flavors? So you don’t get bored and stuff?” Emily asked from across the table, licking her dripping I cream cone. 
When your girlfriend decided to introduce you to the team after their match against Colombia, you were quite surprised she had chosen an ice cream shop as a venue. But with how food motivated the youngins seemed, you realized how appropriate it was. 
“I mean,” you said, your spoon suspended in the air as you blinked at Emily, “ice cream isn’t the only thing we will eat. I’m going to be on the station for like 8 months. Ice cream is not a balanced diet.”
“But it’s the only one they sell in the stores. You don’t have to lie cause the veggie lovers are here,” The defender said, leaning across the table, as though it would prevent the rest of the table from hearing her. 
“Babe, you literally love most veggies too,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, using her thumb to wipe a spot of chocolate ice cream from Emily’s nose. 
“Actually, I heard they’re a pretty good selection of dehydrated fruits and veggies and MRE’s and Tortillas and stuff. Plus I get to take a few things from home…” You mumbled, leaning back. 
She couldn’t be serious right? There was no way she thought you were supposed to sustain yourself on horrible freeze-dried dairy products for that long. Not to mention, freeze-dried ‘astronaut’ products for the most part weren’t actually possible to bring to space, with how crumbly they are. You were more likely to eat actual ice cream on the space station (less chance for an errant crumb being inhaled or destroying an important piece of equipment) than that gift shop garbage. 
“Oh yeah, MRE sounds way more likely than just eating the stuff they literally label as being for astronauts…” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “What does that even stand for? ‘Must reject Emily?”
You opened your mouth to answer, eyebrows furrowed, only for Kelley to nudge you softly. 
“It’s not worth the fight babe, trust me. Not the brightest lighthouse if you know what I mean,” Your girlfriend made a swirling motion with her finger next to her temple. 
You leaned in closer so your lips were nearly touching her ear. “She’s not serious right?” 
“I never joke about ice cream,” Emily answered seriously. 
You blinked at her, looking to your girlfriend who just shrugged and raised her eyebrows. 
“I’m, I’m not sure if they have a flavor rotation system for ice cream flavors. We haven’t been… briefed on that yet,” you nodded seriously. 
“Can you hear me?” Kelley said, tapping her fingers impatiently as your face appeared in the video call. 
“He- -utiful,” You smiled through the glitchy computer screen. Your waving was broken up like a bad claymation. You leaned in to make out the fuzzy figures standing behind your girlfriend, assuming she was at camp or something. 
Normal long distance sucked, but literally being off-planet really made things difficult. It wasn’t like Kelley could just text you when she missed you, or randomly call you when she missed you at 3 am. Sure, she could email and you made a tremendous effort to schedule calls once a month, but it was still incredibly difficult (and slightly weird that a NASA tech dude had to monitor each call to make sure the connection stayed up). And sometimes even the best video-calling technology had issues. Like today (when a giant satellite or piece of space trash would block the signal). 
“Are you hav- -un at -amp?” You asked, grabbing your floating water pouch pushing out a sip sized water drop. 
“Yeah, it’s great,” Kelley said, watching you munch on your water. When you first got on the station you sent her pictures of artwork you made out of different drops of colored water- specifically making a giant water ‘soccer ball’ for her. Then you tried to boop it around and ended up losing control, amusing all your crewmates who watched you trying not to run into too many walls. “We’re looking forward to playing against Brazil on Friday, should be brutal.” 
“We’re set to be ov- Florida on -day, so I’ll try and tune into the ga-. Catch a nice - view,” You nodded, wiggling your eyebrows (which looked more like you having a seizure due to how badly you were pixelated). 
While Kelley wasn’t entirely sure what you were saying, she went ahead and nodded. “Let me know what you think!”
“Wh- color -it are you w-ing? Y- look -uper s-xy in the -ue,” you said, floating up in a ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ pose. 
“You’re favorite one,” Kelley said, winking at you. 
“-es!!” You cheered “-ake p-ture -or -“ the screen flickered dangerously for a second. Before a wobbly picture returned. 
“Babe you’re breaking up, I can’t tell what you’re saying. Y/n. Are you there? UGh. I love you! We’ll talk soon.”
“-ove y- -oo” 
Kelley blew a slow kiss to her camera before she heard a deep voice saying “Sorry ma’am. The connection was lost. Y’all still have five minutes on your scheduled call- Want me to try calling again? See if the signal improves?”
“Yeah,” Kelley shifted, rubbing the bridge of her nose as typing sounds echoed through the speaker. How she was going to make it through four more months of this she had no idea. 
“What if like the ship was attacked by aliens or something,” Sonnett whispered from her left, staring at the blank screen with real trepidation. 
“Not possible ma’am,” she heard him laugh. “But I doubt I would have the right level of security clearance to know.”
Kelley grabbed a pen and marked a day off the calendar hanging on her wall. So much for ‘phone call with Y/n.’ She sighed. Just a few months to go. 
Gravity fucking sucked. It was disorienting and heavy and made you sick to your stomach. Space station alums always talked about re-entry and how bad that was, but you thought sitting in a NASA hospital bed while your equilibrium readjusted was way worse than your fireball craft plummeting into the ocean. 
“This fucking sucks,” You groaned, again throwing your hand over to pull out the IV. You hated how hard it was to move (and how you actually had to hold up a cup of water to get a drink but that was beside the point). 
“Whoa babe, I know you’re a little out of it right now, but that has to stay in. Just try and relax for a little while,” Kelley said, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of your knuckles. 
You frowned at her through heavy-lidded eyes. “Don’t wanna be here. Wanna be home with you.” 
“I know, but you gotta stay here until the re-entry symptoms have worn off a little more,” She said again. She knew that you weren’t going to be 100% when you stepped out of the spacecraft, but she hadn’t expected you to be so out of it. You were sick to your stomach and entirely unable to walk without assistance. 
The doctors assured her that you would be fine (residual effects from not being in gravity for so long and the impact of the landing or whatever), but it was still difficult to watch. It didn’t help that you were a horrendous patient. 
“Just watch the game. The US is even in Blue,” Kelley tried to coax. Even she was beginning to grow restless. But you couldn’t leave until you could keep down solid foods. 
“I don’t want to watch. You’re not in it,” You said, grabbing the remote from her and turning the television off. Then you tried to set the remote in the air, but instead of hovering like it should have done, it dropped to the ground. 
“Alright, commander Y/l/n. It’s dinner time,” one of the NASA hospital nurses said, bringing in a tray for you. Kelley thanked them as they left since you were too dazed to think of it.  
“God this food sucks, I hate jello ” you grumbled, lifting the spoon in front of your face (fully expecting it to float so you could take your bite) and dropping it as you want to open the pudding packet instead. “I just want a big juicy cheeseburger. With bacon and onions and-“ You trailed off, your mouth watering at the thought. You hadn’t had proper food in 8 months, and it had been your major cravings food. 
“A side of diabetes” she scoffed, picking up the discarded remote and spoon, “And are you going to keep dropping things everywhere?” She asked, carefully filling a spoon with chocolate pudding and guiding it to your mouth. 
“Fuck Newton. Things are supposed to float,” 
You loved the soft skin behind Kelley’s ear. It was so smooth, and it always smelt like a mix of her perfume, shampoo, and something inherently Kelley. It was a bonus that your exploration of the area always sent a shiver down her spine. You ran your nose along the skin there, nibbling on her ear before moving down her neck. Leaving little kisses along your path. Kelley sighed, sleepily scratching your scalp and tilting her head to the side to encourage you to continue. 
“You,” Kelley said. “ I like you.”
“Hm, I’m glad. It would be kinda scary if you were doing this with someone you didn’t like,” you mumbled against her skin, unwilling to part with it for even a moment. Kelley giggled at the tickling sensation. How you still had so much energy after you had thoroughly worn her out getting… reacquainted she would never know.
 “But what do you like most. Tell me, babe,” You said, moving your lips a little lower, towards where her shoulder and neck met. 
“I love… your ass. It’s out of this world.” She said sleepily, reaching around to grab her favorite asset of yours. 
“Well, it has been,” You laughed, pulling away reluctantly so you could look her in the eyes. 
“Shut up you goof,” She rolled her eyes, grabbing a pillow and whacking you lightly. You fell over dramatically, pulling her so she was on top of you. 
“Hm, I’m your goof,” 
“Yeah. You are. And babe?” She smiled down at you, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. 
“Hmm?” You hummed against her lips. She leaned back to look you in the eyes, one forearm across your chest and her other hand beside your head supporting her. 
“No more space travel for a while?” 
 “Pinky promise,” You said, wiggling your hand so your littlest finger connected with hers. 
“Good. I can’t believe I was dating someone from TEXAS for a while.” Kelley pretended to shudder. “Jus think, one of your coworkers might have been a Houston dash supporter!”
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hopelesslonelyghost · 3 years
I desperately need some crosshair comfort fic where they got his chip removed and she comforts him on the maurader. He feels really bad, but the reader reassured him that she loves him endlessly and she is happy to have him back.
Lots of tears and kisses and cuddles PLEASE-
I Forgive You
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crosshair x force sensitive!reader
warnings// spoilers for tbb ending (kinda sorta?), angst, not beta read
author’s note// is tied to this shot but can be read as a stand alone! and yes i did use That Scene with ahsoka and rex as inspiration. enjoy!
At first he didn’t want you anywhere near him. You didn’t blame him. To him you were a traitor to the Republic and deserved to be executed, so you kept your distance.
He was kept in binders up and was temporarily placed in Omega’s nook, for everyone’s sake.
But you could still feel his anger, his confusion coming off him in waves. You did technically go against his wish and ripped him away from the Empire.
So you meditated. More so than usual. And you tried to push the sniper out of your thoughts.
Until it was time to take Crosshair to the trashed jedi cruiser on Bracca. You were genuinely surprised to find it still intact. And so the journey to get the chip out began.
“My scanner isn’t picking up anything.”
You blanched at Tech’s observation.
You shook your head, “It can’t be. Try again.”
“We already tried twice, there isn’t anything.”
You clenched your fists, “I want to try something.”
Walking up to Crosshair’s unconscious body, you gently placed your palms on either side of his head and nodded at Tech, “Run the scanner.”
Closing your eyes, you focused, “I am one with force and the force is with me….I am one with the force and the force is with me...”
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
“There! The scanner picked up something.”
You breathed out, “Let’s get to work then.”
Seeing the Batch finally get some rest made you smile. They deserved it. You’d all been through a lot the past two rotations.
“I know you’re awake, little one.” You whispered into the room.
Omega sighed and got up from her place on the floor and walked over to you, sitting by the doorway.
“I can sense how restless you are. What’s on your mind?”
“What if…what if he doesn’t wake up? Wrecker didn’t take this long.”
Your gaze made its way over to Crosshair, “To be honest, I’m not quite sure myself.”
You turned back to her and gave her a warm smile, “But I do believe the Force.”
Omega gasped quietly, “What you did back there was so cool! Can you teach me?”
You chuckled and booped her nose, “I believe you should be sleeping. C’mon, I’ll play with your hair the way you like.”
It was chaos when he woke up. You accidentally dozed off with Omega’s head in your lap. A loud crash had you on your feet, shielding the little girl from danger.
Your protective stance wavered when you realized that Crosshair was staring right at you. He looked around the room and glared at his brothers, who had also woken up at the commotion. Their guns drawn and pointed at him, you were so caught up looking at his face you failed to see he had reached for his sniper and was pointing it at your chest.
You raised your hands in surrender, “We’re not here to hurt you.”
“How can I trust you?”
“Hunter.” You looked at the Sergeant, “Give us a few minutes?”
He nodded, “We’ll be right outside.”
The batch shuffled their way out, Omega gripping your hand and squeezing it before letting go.
“You can lower your gun now.”
“You took me!”
Lowering your hands, you tucked them to your sides, “I did what I had to do.”
“I told you that I had removed my chip!” Cross snarled.
“And as it turns out, you lied!”
“How could you have possibly known I was lying?”
“Because the Crosshair I know would never willingly side with the Empire. We all know it!”
A few tense seconds passed before he lowered his gun and dropped it to the floor. Relief overwhelmed you, but you didn’t care. You had him back.
For days Crosshair wouldn’t speak to you. Would only grunt in response to anything you had to say. Back in Ord Mantell, Crosshair decided to stay behind instead of joining you all at Cid’s.
Halfway to the parlor you stopped in the middle of the street and looked back at the way you came from.
“You should go. You both need to talk.”
You looked back at Echo and nodded, “Tell the others?”
He nodded and you turned back to make your way to the Marauder.
“Weren’t you supposed to be at Cid’s?”
You crossed your arms and leaned against the Marauder's door. If you wanted to speak with him, you had to make sure he didn’t try escaping.
“I had more important things to do.”
Crosshair cocked an eyebrow, “Oh?”
Defeated, you relaxed and slumped a little, “You’ve been ignoring me.”
He tsk’ed and plucked the toothpick from between his lips and flicked it off somewhere into the ship.
“I’m not doing this.”
You rolled your eyes and walked up right in front of where he was sitting, “That’s too bad. We are doing this.”
You reached up to place a palm on his cheek, to which he promptly turned away from, “Talk to me, Cross. It’s impossible for me to ignore what you’re feeling. So please, talk to me.”
He stood up abruptly, forcing you to take a few steps back. And then some more when you realized he was stalking towards you, “What do you want me to say? Huh?! That I feel terrible after trying to kill you? That all I could think about was how much you deserved to die?!”
He stopped once your back hit a nearby wall.
“You should hate me.”
Your eyes softened and this time when you reached up to caress him, let you.
“I could never hate you, Cross. Never.”
His eyes widened and glossed over with unspoken emotion. He didn’t have to tell you what he felt at that moment. You could feel it.
“I know that wasn’t you back there. I did what I did because I love you.”
You pressed your forehead against his, “I forgive you. Always.”
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 years
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
This story takes place during the summer of 1987. It’s the time of the Cold War, and heavy metal, and Just Say No.
Ten chapters, each with a specific song as its soundtrack.
I’m so excited to finally share it with you.
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Also posted at AO3
Chapter 3: Dancing On Glass
I've been through hell // And I'm never goin' back // To dancing on glass // Going way too fast...
Need one more rush // Then I know, I know I'll stop // One extra push // Last trip to the top...
Soundtrack: “Dancing On Glass,” Mötley Crüe, 1987 [click here to listen]
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Three P.M.
Claire’s hands wrapped around the hard sides of the plastic chair, holding herself upright, watching about two dozen fellow patients? inmates? addicts? shuffle into the room.
Two people stood at the door – greeting others as they entered, handing out small packets of tissues and bottles of Coke.
Today’s facilitator – a middle-aged, bearded man – stood to one side, chatting with a few people.
Claire startled – and turned to her right to see Jamie slide into the chair beside her.
“How’s it going today? Day two, right?”
She nodded. “Met with my therapist this morning.”
“That’s great! Who’ve you got?”
Jamie cracked open a bottle. “Oh, she’s great. Been here a long time. She’s married to the director – did you know that?”
Claire’s eyebrows raised. “No, but that’s really interesting.”
Jamie gulped about half the bottle in one shot. “Yeah. We owe everything to them.”
“Yeah, well. I got assigned to dinner set-up duty.”
He beamed. “Great! I’ve been on that rotation for the last few weeks. I’ll show you all the ropes.”
“Few weeks? How long have you been here, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He set down his Coke. “I don’t. And I’ve been here eight weeks. The best eight weeks of my fucked-up life.”
“Don’t say that,” she chided. “Surely everything can’t be so terrible.”
He stared at her for a long moment.
“It can be, if you were the reason why a sold-out European tour couldn’t happen, and it cost your backers and buddies tens of millions of dollars, and it pissed off countless thousands of fans.”
Now the greeters took their seats within the circle.
“Couldn’t, or didn’t?” Claire hoped her words were gentle, but when her head split with pain like this she could never tell. “And what do you mean by ‘tour’?”
His eyes narrowed. “Couldn’t. My manager said I’d come back from Europe in a body bag. He’s a bloodsucker but he had enough sense to not kill the golden goose.” He finished his Coke in one long gulp – flexing the tattoos swirling on his forearm and elbow. “And I’m a professional musician – in case you couldn’t guess from the way I look.”
“I see.”
He grinned. “How about that – someone who doesn’t recognize me.”
She folded her hands in her lap, closing her eyes against the pain, so desperately wanting to disappear. “I guess between medical school, and being a surgeon, and my ex-husband…and the pills…there are a lot of things I haven’t paid attention to.”
“Hey.” Softly he reached out to touch her knee – and she looked up at him.
“I’m not making fun of you, Claire. It’s just…I don’t know. Refreshing.”
She smiled tightly.
The facilitator clapped his hands. “Everyone – are we ready?”
People around the circle nodded, and the man sat down in the last empty chair.
“Great. Well, hi everyone. For those of you who don’t know me – I’m Murtagh. Been clean for just about eleven years now. Before that I spent a small fortune that I didn’t have – ”
“ – on enough blow to kill an elephant,” Jamie and several others chorused.
Murtagh smiled. “Wiseasses. Now – today’s topic is: clarity.”
“Can you be more specific?” A heavyset, bearded man across the circle piped up.
“You mean – provide more clarity?” Geneva snickered from somewhere near Jamie.
“Easy,” Murtagh interjected. “And yes, Rupert, of course. What I mean is: something I hear a lot from people here is that being away from substances gives them clarity for the first time in years. Clarity of thoughts – meaning, you’re logical and rational. Clarity of judgment – meaning, you feel like you are empowered to make good decisions. And overall, clarity to step away from all the bullshit that the substances made you do, or made it easier for you to do, and say – damn, what the hell was I doing?”
Across the circle, Rupert nodded. “OK. Oh – hi everyone, I’m Rupert, and I’m an alcoholic. Yeah – I can definitely relate. I wanted to not have clarity, so that I didn’t have to think about how much I was screwing up my job, and my marriage.”
“Good,” Murtagh praised. “And now that you can’t avoid it – how do you feel?”
Rupert stroked his thick beard. “Like shit. I love Scarlet so much, and I fucked it all up. I understand that now.”
“I feel the same way,” Jamie added. “Hi, I'm Jamie, and I'm an alcoholic, too. I drank because I’ve always felt so responsible for everything going on in my band – because I’m the guy that brought us together, and I’m the guy who writes the songs, and I’m the guy who’s across the table from the record company executives, advocating on our behalf.” He bounced a long, thin, jean-clad leg rapidly up and down. “I felt like I was being used, and that I was the only one who cared. I felt that really clearly. So I drank to…to avoid that clarity.”
Claire carefully watched the others around the circle. What Jamie was sharing could make any one of them a quick buck – all it would take was one phone call to a tabloid. But everyone was listening raptly – clearly thinking about parallels in their own lives – and it began to dawn on her that Jamie had one thing she didn’t have much of for herself: respect.
“And then when I drank, I’d just get really mean,” he continued. “I’d say things to rile up my drummer. I had a fling with my manager’s girlfriend, just to fuck with him. And yeah, I’d destroy hotel rooms.”
“Your reaction was to want to hurt people,” Murtagh said gently. “You had had clarity – clarity that you were shouldering too much, for too many people – and you reacted by wanting to push them away.”
“Yeah.” Claire spoke without thinking. “Um – hi everyone, I’m Claire, and I’m addicted to pills. Halcions, mostly.”
“Oh, those are the best,” a woman to Claire’s left remarked.
“Hey – no positive talk,” Murtagh interjected. “You know better than that, Letitia.”
Letitia huffed.
Murtagh turned back to face Claire. “Tell us more, Claire, if you’re comfortable?”
Now that she’d started, she couldn’t stop. “I was – am – a trauma surgeon for an emergency room. I love it – I love the adrenaline of it, and of course being able to help people on the worst day of their lives. I love being able to heal people. But…but it’s pretty heavy stuff. People die, no matter how hard you try to save them. People wake up and they’re not happy that they don’t have a leg anymore – and I say, would you rather be dead?”
“And you wanted to get away from that?” Jamie asked gently.
She closed her eyes. “I had to have clarity to do my job properly – it’s hard to describe, but it’s like having a laser focus on what’s in front of you. Getting in the zone. Shutting out everything else. And then when it’s all done – I would crash. The whole world would come rushing back, and I’d be covered in someone else’s blood and barely able to sit down before I had to work on the next person. That was so, so hard to deal with.”
“I understand.” Claire opened her eyes – it was an older man speaking right next to Jamie. “Hi everyone – I’m Ned, I’m a lawyer and crack addict, and there are a lot of jokes I’m sure you could make based on that.”
Claire managed a small smile.
“I’m a defense attorney – I’m that guy you see on TV arguing in a courtroom and presenting to a jury. I totally get what Claire said, because I needed to have that kind of really focused clarity, too. It was kind of like acting – I had to remember my argument, and I had to present it to the jury, and I had to pick up on cues from them to see how well I was doing. And then afterward I’d just crash. But I still had to have energy to prep for the next day, and that’s where Miss Crack came in.”
“So what I’m hearing is that clarity is something you already had – and then you turn to substances to get away from it.” Murtagh folded his arms. “Because it’s hard to flip that ‘off’ switch. And then eventually, the substances change from being something to take a vacation from that clarity, to completely blocking out that clarity altogether.”
“Exactly.” It was easier for Claire to focus on Murtagh than the sea of faces surrounding her. “And it’s a deliberate choice. I’m sure, Ned and Rupert and Jamie, that you deliberately sought out something to prevent that clarity. I know I did – I wrote the prescriptions for the pills that I consumed.”
Rupert nodded. “The bottle didn’t pick itself up and pour the liquor down my throat. And you’re right, Claire – at first, at least, it was a conscious decision. Until it became something I had to depend on.”
“I think that there are ways for this to happen more positively.” A woman seated beside Rupert quietly spoke. “Oh – hi, everyone, I’m Marsali, and I’m an alcoholic. What I mean is, there are ways to flip that ‘off’ switch that aren’t so…destructive. You can go for a run. Listen to music. Cook a meal. Watch a movie. Make love to your significant other.”
Murtagh nodded. “Marsali brings up a good point here. I’ll repeat something that I’ve already told many of you before, because it bears repeating. Substance addiction is addiction, first and foremost. All of us are here because our brains are hard-wired for addiction. We can’t change that. But we can change what it is that we’re addicted to.”
“Like what?” Letitia had calmed down a bit, but clearly she was skeptical.
“Whatever works for you,” Murtagh shrugged. “Jiu Jitsu. Flower Arranging. Reading. Playing the drums. Writing. Riding motorcycles. Not all addictions are bad – we just need to find the addictions that help us, and don’t hurt us or the people around us.”
Everyone’s heads nodded in agreement, quietly reflecting.
“So – that’s my homework assignment for all of you.” Murtagh pulled a small spiral notebook from his pocket, flipped to a fresh page, and began scribbling in it. “To think about the thing that you can become positively addicted to. Something you already enjoy, or something you’ve never done before. But I hope that even just thinking about it will give you focus. Improve your clarity.”
“Got it,” Ned said quietly.
Murtagh flipped back to an earlier page in his notebook. “Now – I have here my notes from the last time I facilitated Group. OK if I start going around and asking people for follow-up thoughts to those? Rupert?”
Rupert nodded, and began to speak.
“Facilitators take turns hosting Group every fourth day.” Claire started a bit, but held steady as Jamie leaned in close, spoke quietly into her ear. “We talk about things, and we’re assigned homework, and then the next time the facilitator is back we talk about it.”
“Thanks,” Claire murmured.
Jamie didn’t pull away. “If you ever just want to talk…”
She swallowed. “Thanks. I do. I just – it’s a lot to process.”
“It is. But you’ll get there. Talk more at our dinner prep.”
With that he pulled back, and a low buzz settled somewhere between Claire’s ears as the people around her chimed in to the conversation.
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fullbusterfantasmic · 3 years
Love Potion ♋️ Chapter 4.7
Rated M
It’s all NSFW (As it should be)
1,933 words
A/N: The first position mentioned is called the butterfly or some shit (maybe?) idfk but I like it, & the second is the reverse cowgirl. Formatting is wonky, I know please look past it.
🌬Gray’s POV
The shine her eyes had held has begun to rapidly be overtaken as the (e/c) darkens, while she beckons me closer.
Her mouth is right beside my ear as she says;
“Ravish me...lay your claim on me...let every touch from you send me reeling, and begging for more...show me everything you’ve imagined doing to me and lastly...share every feeling you’ve kept hidden from me”.
The intense requests she made ignites a fire somewhere within me. Flames are rapidly consuming the protective layers of ice I’d long ago placed over my heart. Barriers erected after Deliora’s first attack, reinforced following the death of Ur...gone in an instant. Her tongue runs along the outer shell of my ear, lips placing a kiss to my temple. Pulling away, she then collapses back onto the pillows behind her, now surveying me through darkened, heavily lidded eyes.
My teeth clench as the familiar darkness begins to surface and my internal struggle begins. She asked for it....so why not give it to her? I shouldn’t...I....I’m ready to...no I NEED to let her in that now open space within my heart, within my very barren soul.
You don’t know what you do to me...
✨Your Pov
Im nervous...
I may have asked too much, it was too soon for me to come on so strongly! He still has yet to look at me, and his long bangs obscure his eyes from view.
“Gray I-“
I began to try and retract my previous statement but he interupts me. “From the very first moment I laid eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen....and the most dangerous...” he moves out from between my legs, motioning for me to lay on my side. “ I knew if I got close to you I’d end up falling for you and that would put you at risk...”. One of his legs now rest underneath mine and my other rests over the top of his.
“Try as I might, I couldn’t force myself to get or stay away from you; somehow we always end up spending time together” he pauses, pressing a kiss to my temple before continuing; “ -and now we’re here...”.
The room is growing colder once more, goosebumps cover my exposed flesh and I lightly begin to shiver. My entire body is shaking by the time his voice reaches my ear; “With all that being said...I’m done explaining myself, and I’m done talking”.
“Now I’m going to fuck you senseless, this entire town will know you’re mine by sunrise” The vow is whispered to me in such an intimate way, it has my internal walls fluttering, before clenching around nothing. That is soon remedied; A surprised turned pleasurable cry slips out from between my lips as Gray effortlessly slides into me.
This position is a first for me, and experiencing it with this god like man...Said position has quickly become a “10 out of 10, must do again”. He holds my body so closely against his, and somehow those skilled fingers are still roaming up and down my sides. Occasionally pausing their ministrations to ghost across my chest or rub tantalizing circles Into my clit. The angle in which he thrusts into me puts the head of his cock in the perfect position to hit my G-spot each and every time he bottoms out.
The whole “I’m finished talking now” line was absolute bullshit! As soon the smug Ice mage was balls deep inside me, did the sinful whispers begin. Dear God! That deep husky voice alternating between uttering the most endearing things, having my eyes growing wet with tears. Only to make a flawless transition into speaking the most obscene and sensual promises (or threats), have my face continuing to burn red.
I was an absolute wreck.
“You should see yourself right now...Completely fucked out of your mind, slobbering all over, and tear stains coating your cheeks...yet still so breathtaking”. My enthralled lover may no longer be whispering, but the chill of his breath on my neck is still ever present. I don’t speak, I knew my ability of coherent speech had vanished long ago.
Gray doesn’t need my words to go off of now, not when my breath hitches and my body jerks involuntarily. “This one will be....number four right?” He sounds so proud. That wasn’t really a question, and I wouldn’t of answered it even if I could have.
As much as I craved release, my pride urged me to deny it. A small voice inside my head is saying; “Ignore the relentless tingling of your clit, the tight wound knot in your stomach, the pressure from that magnificent cock sinking itself into your deepest depths...”.
Dammit ___________, get it together!
You are a proud Fairy Tail mage; A living embodiment of strength, determination, and destroyer of adversity! You’ve let this man turn you into putty within his hands, he thinks he owns you! Now it’s time for you to reclaim your pride and turn the tables on him!
Who am I kidding?
🌬Grays POV
“Holding back now are we?”
I can’t help but tease her when she’s trying so hard to hide the fact that I have her teetering on the edge of bliss. She lets out and annoyed huff and I poke one of her inflated cheeks, making sure my cock is buried inside of her as far as it can go.
“You take my cock so well baby, you’re already starting to shape to me on the inside...you’ll be my perfect little cock sleeve in no time” I murmured before giving her another nice dark love bite to match the one on the other side of her neck. “I know you want to drench my cock some more” my ice coated finger flicks against her clit before circling over it.
“Hah!” she shrieks at the frozen contact to her bundle of nerves, involuntarily jerking and in turn slamming her hips backwards, burying my dick inside her once more. The tip of my head just barely makes contact with her cervix, and then her walls suddenly contract, clamping down around me. I have to give every effort to not paint them white as not only her ecstatic wail reaches my ears, but I look down just in time to see her lightly spritz the hand id been using to play with her clit.
For a moment my brain begins to short circuit, and then it just shuts down completely.
✨ Your POV
That was....incredible.
Several minutes pass with my mind reeling from the intense orgasm I’d just experienced. It’s like I’m drunk, but not from the alcohol I’d consumed earlier. Drunk from the dopamine flooding my brain, and my heart swelling with overwhelming feelings of love. Love....love for the man currently sharing my bed.  Before I can turn to Gray and embarrass myself with a bunch of post orgasm love drunk rambling, I remember something....oh my god.
I sober up and am slammed back into reality almost instantly. My face begins to burn and I Stifle a cry of humiliation as I realize; I’d just squirted all over his hand! That’s never happened to me before! Gray hasn’t said one word...he’s been silent since it happened! He probably has a look of disgust on his face, I can’t bring myself to look and see.
I try to move,, intent on getting away to take refuge on the other side of the bed. His arms immediately constrict around me, “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t going anywhere!”.  Suddenly he’s flat on his back keeping a firm grip on my hips as I’m forced to straddle him. Glancing over my shoulder I see the proud smirk he’s wearing, then he speaks; “Never had a girl do that before...I like it” giving me a wink afterwards. “Sh-Shut u-up” I mumble as I return my gaze to the wall in front of me, breathing deeply in attempt to calm my palpitating heart.
“Y’know normally I’d give you a little break but... I can’t...not after seeing you do that” he pauses, and I can’t see his eyes roaming over my back side, but I feel his hands slide down from my hips. Then a sharp SMACK resounds around the room, followed by my startled gasp. “Ride me...now!” a fierce growl preludes another sharp smack to my other ass cheek.
I don’t even bother to stop the excited shake that over takes my body, the sudden change into this demanding demeanor is thrilling! Keeping my back to him, I’m quick to position myself over his length and begin to sink down on it. The soft mewl I emit is drowned out by a hiss as the tip of his dick slips between my lips. “That’s it...good girl” he praises as he begins to rub out the red marks on my ass.
Eager to please I get straight to work.
Albeit a bit awkward at first, but Im able to get a steady rhythm going in no time. “So much better than in my dreams...fuckin’ hell __________ your ass is perfect! Yeah that’s it babe, bounce it just like that” Gray mumbles appreciatively, completely enamored with the sight in front of him. “Dream about me often do you?” I tease, throwing him a smug glance over my shoulder. “More often than I’d ever care to admit, now turn around and face me would you?.
I do as he asked, rotating my body to face him. He gently pulls me down towards him and I stop short, my face now inches above his own. My stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies at the sudden closeness. Unsure of what to do I quietly whisper an awkward sounding “Hi”. A wide grin appears on his face as he responds; “Hi” followed quickly by a chuckle at my sudden awkwardness.
Now we’re both smiling at each other like complete dorks, and I’m compelled to lean forward and kiss him. I resume my ride as his tongue curls around mine, quickly losing myself in the passion of this moment. Gray is quick to pick up the slack, thrusting his hips upward each time mine sink down. The atmosphere in the bedroom has changed, we both feel it. When I say his name again it comes out in a breathy whine.
His eyes reflect an emotion I’ve never seen in them before and his tone is gentle when he says “I know baby, hold on just a little longer for me”. Strong arms wind themselves tighter around me, drawing my body in as close as possible as he speeds up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to feel you gush all over my cock when I finally get to cum inside you” his lips are on mine again, kissing me passionately while bouncing me up and down on his cock.“That okay with you baby? Do you want me to fill up this tight little cunt?”
My confession comes out quick and shameless; “Yes! God there’s nothing I want more right now, I’ve wanted that for ages!”.
“Tell me, who do you belong to now snowflake?”
“YOU! I belong to you now Gray”
“Tell me you need me”
“I need you, I never want to be without you, so please just-“
“Tell me...” he pauses, placing a hand on my cheek and staring into my eyes.
“Tell me you love me”.
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bakusdumptruck · 4 years
Bakusquad Crack Post
Sup bitches 🤩how’s your day been? hope its been good! Anywayyy i was listening to a “Rolling joints with Sero Hanta” playlist and this popped up in my mind sooo here’s a little Bakusquad scenario 😏
Pairing: aged up Bakusquad x GN Y/n
Warnings: Use of marijuana, swearing, injuries
Summary: A smoke session with the babes turned into a chaotic mess 
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Ights sluts lets get into it 😈
Sero Hanta is the stoner of the group. Period. 
He taught everyone how to roll up just incase he was too high to function and wanted to smoke more
One night he texted the gc asking if everyone wanted to have a smoke sesh before they had to study for exams 
You all agreed and went over to his dorm together
All except Bakugou.
He called all of you “idiots” and “dumbasses” for getting faded before studying, but all Sero had to say for him to come was
“Ight bakubro, if you can’t handle it you could’ve said that instead of making excuses 🤷🏻‍♂️”
Bakugou showed up within 5 minutes.
Once everyone was together, tape boy had everything set up
There were 4 joints lined up, hella snacks, drinks, video games, and movies
He even had the LED a n d Galaxy lights on
Lordy it was gonna be a long ass night
You know how I said Sero is the stoner? yup uhuh he got the MF GAS.
The rotation was Bakugou, Kiri, You, Mina, Denki, then Sero
You all have a high tolerance so after you saw Bakugou coughing up a fucking lung, yall knew you were in trouble
Everyone coughed... except Sero. He just busted a lung laughing💀
So the joint is finished and you’re all feeling fuzzy
yes you’re high, BUT its not enough to get you guys staring at the wall thinking about space and aliens
Just high enough where time is slowed down and your body feels light
Denki randomly shouted to play video games and everyone agreed
Guess what you’re playing 👀
Ju-on. The fucking grudge game. 
Why did Denki choose this game? oh he just wanted to see if it’d be a scarier experience if you’re all faded
It was 😃
Kiri volunteered to play the first stage to show off his Manliness 😤
So there he goes walking into the abandoned building 
yall know how you can use another wii remote to trigger jumpscares? 
yeahhhh Kiri didn’t know about it... and Bakugou was in charge of that
Everyone was chillin, lowkey feeling at edge to prepare themselves for anything about to pop up
Here comes the scene where he opens the door and scary bitch is on the other side waiting to grab him 
K: “Uhhhh this doesn’t feel right... am I supposed to go this way?
B: “No shit dumbass, its telling you go that way isn’t it? What are you scared or something 😏 I thought you were too manly for this game”
K: “I-I’m not scared... just making s-sure.”
M: “Hehe you’re stuttering kiri”
K: “...I’m just cold”
Right before he grabbed the door handle (I kinda forgot how the game went oops 😅) bakubitch tiggered a jumpscare
K: “Okay here I g- what the fuck 😃”
It didn’t work.
K: “Oh that wasn’t too bad! The games gonna have to try harder if it wants to scare m- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
Scary bitch popped up outta no where and grabbed him
Kiri accidentally punched Denki in the face 🙃
yeahhh so thats how the game ended 😭
Denki was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell just happened and why everyone was laughing at him
D: *in his head* “I just got punched square in the face 😃 and they’re laughing at me 😃 This is fine. 😃”
K: “B-bro are you okay 😭 iM sorry AHAsh its- its just everyone was screaming and AhahhAHAHA IM SORRY 😭”
Sero let him start the second rotation as an apology for laughing instead of checking up on him 
Honestly yall don’t know if you can go on to the third
Everyone was hella faded at this point
Eyes red, dry mouths, and hungry stomachs
Mina ordered TacoBell knowing everyone was gonna want to eat more than the snacks and you all sat on the floor munching away
You all started talking about stupid stuff:
S: “So like... what happens when we get scared half to death twice”
M: “👁👄👁”
B: “👁👄👁”
D: “👁👄👁”
Y: “👁👄👁”
K: “👁👄👁”
D: “I’ve been scared half to death multiple times... im fucking immortal.”
After a few more high conversations Mina suggests to make tiktoks 
Have yall seen the tiktok where Mina and Y/n do the trend where they wink at the camera and all the boys are watching and Baku comes up to kiss Y/n? 
yup you do that BUT
When Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and went in for the kiss he missed and fell flat on his face 💀
*Cue everyone falling on their asses crying*
Best believe the tiktok went viral 🤩
After the third joint yall decided that the room was too suffocating and went out for a walk 
It didn’t seem like a bad idea... until you all got outside
Denki and Sero were singing “Milkshake” at the top of their lungs while wall twerking on the trees
Kiri and Bakugo were racing to see who’s the fastest but kept tripping over their own feet
You and Mina were recording everything those dumbasses were doing.
All of a sudden yall found yourselves in a clear area a bit far from the dorms
Bakugou laid in the grass staring up at the stars and you all joined getting into a little cuddle pile
At this point the effects of the joints hit at once and everyone was out of their heads
They felt like their spirits were floating out of their bodies
M: “...did you guys hear that”
All: “yes”
M: “should we go check it out?”
B: “Hell yeah. What if it’s a villain? I bet I can beat their ass in less than a second”
Y: “First, thats literally impossible. Second, We can barely fucking move. How do you expect us to fight a villain 🙂”
A Nomu popped up in front of you
D: “Uhhh aye Bakubro... you think you can beat his ass in less than a second?”
Y/n: *shoots up on their feet then falls over immediately* “DAMNIT I CAN’T STAND UP STRAIGHT WHAT DO WE DO”
Everyone started to use their quirks
Sero shot tape to the nomu
Denki sent 1 millions volts
Mina just kept shooting acid out
Kiri hardened up and threw punches like his life depend on it
Bakugou was screaming “die” and kept exploding shit
and You were also using your quirk to the best of your ability
K: *heavy breathing* “guys... i think we got it”
B: “Ofc we did... we literally went bat shit crazy on it”
When the smoke cleared it was still standing in front of you guys... unharmed...
you all started running back to the dorms
well, tried running back to the dorms
Everyone was bumping into each other and tripping
Denki ended up facetiming Aizawa in hopes that he would help
A: “Denki, its 4am what do you w-”
A: “... did you say you were high?”
The nomu caught him.
A: “Denki... Kaminari... hello?... *sigh* you guys are gonna be the death of me.”
You all ended up getting knocked out by the nomus and taken to the League of Villains hideout 
B: “...Never thought i’d be here again”
S: “ I still have the last joint in my pocket... ya’ll wanna smoke?”
Dabi and Shiggy stared at him like he was crazy but agreed anyway 🤪who’s gonna pass up a free joint? not them. 
So everyone got high again and chilled until the Pro Hero’s saved your asses :)
Oh and also don’t think Aizawa let you guys off the hook. 
You all got house arrest and extra BRUTAL lessons for the next 2 months 
The End :)
Yeahhh idk what this was but I hope you all enjoyed it!! I really wanted to write something angsty but as I was writing I couldn’t take myself seriously and ended up making jokes 😭
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Are We There Yet?
Bodhi Rook x gender neutral reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: suggestive content
A/N: This is a birthday surprise for my bestie @zinzinina​​​​ that the lovely @mandaloriandin​​​​ and I created, but anyone can read this if they want to!
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You weren't sure how many days you had been cramped up in the small ship with Bodhi. You were never good at keeping track of time in hyperspace — that was Bodhi's area of expertise, not yours. But you weren’t dumb; it was no coincidence that Bodhi took you on this little trip days before your birthday. You just weren't sure how many rotations were left before the big day — not with time seemingly dragging on as you stared out into the blue haze of hyperspace.
Bodhi greeted you with a smile as you approached the cockpit and sat in the copilot's seat beside him. He looked a lot happier here with you. He loved fighting for the Rebellion, but sometimes even the toughest fighters needed a break from it all. However, in war, a break was hard to come by. So he was taking a huge risk by 'borrowing’ this small ship to take you on what he described as an 'impromptu getaway.'
You knew there was nothing impromptu about it. Bodhi was not really the spontaneous type, and you knew he wouldn't desert the Rebellion when they needed him most. He must have planned this, and you were willing to bet credits that Cassian or Jyn helped him commandeer the ship too. You played along when he tried to write the trip off as nothing out of the ordinary. There wasn't much Bodhi could do to surprise you — not with constantly being on the Rebellion’s schedule. So you were happy to pretend his little plan had gone unnoticed if it made him feel like he was actually going to surprise you for your birthday.
Even without the element of surprise, you were still excited to see where he was taking you. You wouldn't have expected the trip would take this long, but then again, you assumed he had to find a destination left untouched by the Empire — something which was unfortunately becoming harder and harder to do nowadays.
"You're going to ask me again, aren't you?" Bodhi broke the comfortable silence in the cockpit, and you cracked a grin upon hearing his words.
"It's what you get for dragging me away from my comfy bunk back at the base."
"You and I both know those bunks are lousy."
You shrugged your shoulders, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing too much. The entire crew had a running joke about the way Bodhi bemoaned the rock-hard bunks the Rebellion was infamous for. The first week he had spent there, he wouldn't stop complaining that even the cold-hearted Imperials gave them more comfortable beds than that. He only stopped his whining when Cassian teased, "We're rebels, Bodhi. We can’t afford luxurious beds." Your crew never let him live it down, but you knew he loved joking around with you about anything, even if it was at his expense sometimes.
"Alright, go ahead." Bodhi surrendered with a playful sigh. "Ask me."
You chuckled and got up from your seat so you could sit on his lap. If you were going to harass him for the rest of the trip, you might as well do it with his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Are we there yet?" You whined, putting on your best mock pout to drive the point home.
It was probably the 20th time you had asked him the silly question, as if he could just pull you out of hyperspace and arrive at the destination instantly. But this time, he seemed to do just that. He reached past your back and pulled at the controls, effectively bringing the ship out of hyperspace and stopping in front of a large, green planet. You glanced over your shoulder to look out the viewport and gasped at how beautiful it looked even from all the way out here in space.
"We're here," Bodhi responded with a grin. "It's been four standard rotations since we left, love. Which means… Happy birthday."
He looked almost bashful now, clearing his throat nervously as you snuggled closer to his chest.
"Thank you, Bodhi," you whispered before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. He leaned into your touch, his lips seeking yours out before you indulged him and deepened the kiss as a way to show your gratitude. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, happy in each other's embrace and far from the dangers of the war. Then he pulled away from you, eager to show you exactly where he had brought you.
The trip down to the planet's surface was exciting enough on its own, and you had barely made it through the atmosphere. You had never seen a planet crawling with so much life before. You were used to desert planets, having been born on one in the Outer Rim and sent on missions to some of the most dreadful dirtballs. As Bodhi expertly landed the ship in a clearing among the tall trees, you gaped at how beautiful everything looked. You weren’t sure if he had brought you to this specific spot on purpose, but past the trees, you could see a large river leading to a waterfall. You heard Bodhi chuckle from his seat beside you, drawing you back to reality before you turned to see his shy smile.
Your eyes welled with happy tears, amazed that he was even able to find such a lovely place that wasn’t under Imperial rule. “You did all this just for my birthday?”
Bodhi shrugged, acting as humble as ever. “It’s your first birthday with me, so I thought I’d make it special. We could all use one happy day during a time like this.”
He looked down at the controls of the ship, unable to hold your loving gaze for too long. No matter how much you reassured him how much he meant to you, he always felt a little shy bringing up the fight against the Empire because of the part he had played in it before defecting. You reached forward to tilt his chin up so he’d look at you.
“Thank you for bringing me here, love.” You brushed your lips against his again, helping him relax against you before you pulled away with a smile. “So, are we going to explore?”
Bodhi helped you pack some food and other necessities before the two of you made the short trek to the waterfall you had seen. Once you got past the trees, your jaw dropped at the sight of the crystal-clear water tumbling down the cliffside into the large pool of water below. There was just enough space for you and Bodhi to sit near the water and eat the food you had brought along with you. He helped you lay a blanket on the lush grass, his hands knocking against yours every once in a while as if he was a shy schoolboy trying to show you he had feelings for you. It was something so small, but somehow, the innocent gesture still left you flustered and yearning to feel more of him.
You felt at ease with Bodhi, able to talk to him about anything while the two of you ate together. You liked the way he watched you with rapt attention as you rambled on about whatever was on your mind. He always gave you the attention you deserved, filing away whatever information you shared for days like this, when he wanted to surprise you with something or show you he cared. He was everything you could ask for in a friend and in a partner. And as you stared at your gorgeous surroundings, you felt so grateful to have met the pilot.
“So… have you enjoyed your birthday so far?” Bodhi asked hesitantly, as if there was any way you could possibly say “no” after everything he had done.
You bit your lip and scooted closer to him so that you could wrap your arms around his body in a tight hug. “This is more than I could have ever asked for, love. I can’t thank you enough for it.”
He kissed your forehead and caressed you with feather-light touches. “I wish it could always be like this. You deserve so much more than the galaxy has to offer.”
Bodhi’s soft confession made your heart beat faster, and you wanted to tell him the same thing. But you were never good at receiving compliments, especially when they were spoken with such adoration. Instead, you wanted to show your feelings through actions.
You pulled yourself from Bodhi’s warm embrace and tugged on his arm to pull him to his feet. “You’ve treated me so wonderfully today,” you said with a glint in your eye. “Now I want to show you how grateful I am for such a lovely gift.”
Bodhi watched with wide eyes as you quickly shed yourself of your clothes, and you chuckled at the way he looked at you as if he had never seen you naked before. Another tug of his arm had him stumbling closer to you, and you pressed yourself against him so he could feel your soft skin beneath his fingertips.
“Take off your clothes, Bodhi. I want to take a swim with you.” You nodded your head in the direction of the clear pool, eager to feel how soothing the water would be. “I think there’s still one more thing we have left to do to celebrate my birthday, don’t you?”
Happy birthday, Sam!! Kylie and I hope you enjoyed this sweet fluff with Bodhi!
Fill out this form to be on my tag list!
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veorlian · 3 years
sacred rituals
for @kanejweek day 5: love (atypical affection & domesticity)
pairing: Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
rating: T (they're talking about murder)
set a few weeks pre-canon so only minimal spoilers!
read it on ao3 here
Kaz rarely spent time on the main floor of the Slat unless he had to. He didn’t want the Dregs getting the wrong idea; he wasn’t their friend. Kaz Brekker wasn’t anyone’s friend.
Instead, he spent most of the time in his office, when he wasn’t walking the uneven streets of the Barrel. It was quiet, far removed from the raucous laughter and fighting and close quarters that generally filled the Slat. It was mostly warm, and mostly dry. Generally, everyone left him alone, and that was the way he preferred it.
Almost everyone.
The fact of the matter was this: Kaz preferred solitude, but he always kept his window open. Even on cold nights, when the wind chilled to the bone. Nights like this one. It was a kind of standing invitation, although he would never admit that. It was an invitation that was nearly always accepted.
He glanced down at the papers on his desk, and he felt the air shift almost imperceptibly.
“Hello Inej,” Kaz said, not looking up from his ledgers. The Wraith moved silently into the room, tugging down her hood.
“How do you do that?” she asked, not for the first time. His eyes flicked to hers before looking away.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he said. “Now, what did you find?”
She didn’t respond right away. Instead, she shrugged off her cloak and moved closer to the fire, stoking it from where it had burned down. Kaz pointedly did not pay attention to the way the firelight danced along her hair, the graceful movements of her hands as she warmed them.
“I checked every inch of the washroom, and I don’t have the faintest idea how they pulled it off,” Inej said. “It’s more secure than most mercher safes, from what I’ve seen. No trick tiles, no removable mirror, no vents. The only way in or out is the drain pipes, and I doubt anyone’s managed to train rat assassins.”
“If it was possible, I’d have done it by now,” Kaz replied. Inej snorted, and Kaz’s heart stuttered briefly.
“So that rules out rodent killers, then,” she said wryly. “Floor plan?”
“No trap doors, no secret entrances. No way in or out other than the front door.”
“The locked front door,” Inej finished. “You’d have to walk through walls to get in there. Maybe we’re looking for something otherworldly. Ketterdam’s got no shortage of ghosts.”
“None of whom can hold a knife,” he pointed out. “Present company excepted, of course.”
“Got any theories?” she asked.
He shrugged. “A thousand. None likely.”
“Tell me,” she said. She settled down next to the fire and took out her knives, one by one. There were three new ones, he noted. Soon enough he wouldn’t have to worry about her being injured at all — she was effectively wearing chainmail. Not that he spent time worrying that she’d be injured.
Kaz unfurled the floor plan on his desk and motioned for her to come look. Inej only raised a dark eyebrow.
“I’m half-frozen, Kaz. I’m not getting up until I thaw out,” she said.
“I don’t pay you to relax,” he replied, but he moved over to the fire and set the blueprints down between them. Inej leaned forward, tugging the paper towards her. Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked more closely.
“Where were the guards positioned?” she asked.
“Here, and here.” Kaz used a pencil to mark down the locations. “The main event was taking place here, and there were people with a view of the door here, here, and over there.” He sketched out the lines of sight, and made a note of the guard rotation.
“Whoever it was, they certainly didn’t make it easy for us,” she murmured.
"I doubt they had us in mind when they made the plan," he said dryly.
"Do you share your rapier wit with everyone, or am I the only one that has to suffer it?" she asked, not looking up from the blueprints.
“I notice you haven't offered any suggestions," he said. "Giving up already, Wraith?”
Her eyes met his, holding his gaze for a moment. “If I figure it out first, I expect waffles.”
He couldn’t help the wry smile that flickered across his face. “Dream on, Inej.”
She had perfected the art of silence, and she didn’t make a sound as she looked over the blueprints. The only sounds Kaz could hear were the gentle crackle of the fire and muffled fighting in the distance, filtering in through the open window. He looked everywhere in the room except at her.
“Alright,” she said at last. “Venomous snakes.”
He must have heard her wrong. “Venomous snakes?”
“Trained venomous snakes. Send them up through the drain pipes, they bite the victim, and then they’re well on their way before anyone’s the wiser.”
“There were no bites reported by my source,” Kaz said.
“That doesn’t mean there weren’t any. You know the coroners of Ketterdam aren’t renowned for their attention to detail. And if someone paid them to look the other way…” she let the sentence hang in the air a moment.
“Corruption and bribery? Awfully cynical of you,” he drawled. “What ever would your Saints say?”
She scoffed. “Moral posturing? From you?”
“Me? I’m a pillar of the community. Never set a foot wrong in my life,” he said, entirely deadpan. The look on her face was something that he might well treasure for years.
“Do you think I’m right or not?” she asked exasperatedly. Kaz shook his head, running a hand through his uneven hair to hide the small smile on his face. He realized with a jolt that he was having fun. It wasn’t a feeling he was familiar with.
“All the pressure coming down from the top brass on this one, I doubt that kind of detail would be left out,” he said.
“And what’s your brilliant suggestion, Kaz?” she shot back. Good question, he thought.
“Easy. They bribed the guards and re-locked the door on the way out.” As he said it, he knew that it was weak. A rookie tactic, not something you’d pull to assassinate a high-ranking politician.
“Too risky,” Inej said, confirming his own thoughts. “Too many people there, and there’s no guarantee the guards wouldn’t sell them out. Like you said, too much pressure from the top brass.”
“I’m open to other ideas,” he replied, crossing his arms. Inej shrugged.
“Maybe he killed himself?”
“No weapons found. It’s like you’re not taking this seriously.”
“Still better than ‘they bribed all the guards and re-locked the door at a crowded political event,’” she said, in a passable impersonation of his voice.
They tossed ideas back and forth, each more unlikely than the last. Inej cleaned her knives, quietly setting each down next to her. The fire slowly burned down, casting long shadows across his office. At some point, Inej went to grab some food from the kitchen downstairs. She brought a mug of hot, bitter coffee and set it down next to him.
“Why, thank you, Inej,” she said, in that same rough impersonation of his voice. “How considerate of you to enable my caffeine addiction. So thoughtful and kind of you, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Why would I bother thanking you when you do it for me?” Kaz asked dryly. Inej flashed a rude gesture in his direction before tucking into her dinner.
“It has to have been a Grisha,” Kaz said thoughtfully.
“I’m eating, Kaz, wait a minute,” Inej said around a mouthful of food. She looked pointedly at the second plate she’d brought up. “And it wouldn’t do you any harm to eat something other than coffee.”
Kaz narrowed his eyes at her, but he picked up the food all the same. They were quiet for a few minutes. When she’d finished, Inej shut her eyes and leaned back against the wall. There was a pause, long enough that Kaz began to wonder if she’d fallen asleep.
“That’s not how Grisha work,” she said at last.
“We’ve ruled out every other option,” Kaz argued.
“If Nina or Jesper could pull off something like this, we’d know about it,” she replied.
“And they’re the experts?”
“Certainly more than you are.”
“...I suppose.”
Inej raised an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Is Kaz Brekker admitting that I’m right?”
“Don’t push your luck, Wraith,” he warned. Her smile widened, and Kaz felt dizzy looking at her. He focused on his too-bitter coffee instead. He heard her let out a sigh.
“I don’t like this, Kaz,” she murmured. “If there’s someone this dangerous out there, I want to know who they are and what they're after.”
He risked a glance at her. The candlelight haloed her face in a way that bordered on angelic. He wondered — not for the first time — if her hair was as soft as it looked.
“I'm sure we'll find out. Someone with this kind of power won’t stop at one hit. I know I wouldn’t.” His voice was calm, but she was right. Anyone that could walk through walls was a very real threat, if only because they were competition.
“Should I go back to have a second look?” she asked. Kaz shook his head.
“If there was a way to crack this, we would’ve figured it out. The truth will come out sooner or later. This city leaks information like a sieve.”
They wouldn’t learn how it had been done for a few weeks. But by then, of course, they had other things to worry about.
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snelbz · 4 years
Light Up the Ice - Chapter 9
A/N: Well. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’m sorry, guys, but this story just...wasn’t coming to me for a while. But now we’re back and I am so excited. Since it has been over a year and a half since I updated this one, please forgive us if there are a few details that aren’t perfect from the first chapters. Feels good to be writing my babies again.
Written with @tacmc.
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Rowan woke up to the smell of cooking bacon and fresh coffee and he sighed contentedly. It had been two days since the hit that put him out of commission. He was hoping the rest and relaxation he’d enjoyed with his girlfriend would handle it, but it seemed that his body was protesting its natural healing process.
He groaned as he rolled out of Aelin’s bed, smiling when he found Lumi curled up in the hoodie he’d left in her chair in the corner. After giving her a scratch behind the ears, though the cat pretended he didn’t exist, he padded out into the living room, finding Aelin at the stove quietly humming to herself.
“Good morning,” he said, yawning as he pulled out a bar stool and sat down.
Aelin turned, and he was once agIn floored by how gorgeous she was, straight out of bed. That first night, when the fire alarms had pulled them all from sleep, he’d been convinced she’d scrambled to do her makeup before coming out onto the lawn. Waking up next to her two days in a row had proven to him that she was naturally beautiful and he couldn’t help but stare.
“Good morning,” she smiled and set a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. “Hurting today?”
“Aye,” he said, stretching his arms in the air. He felt every muscle tense in his upper body and before he could say the words, Aelin beat him to it.
“I think you need to give the team trainer a call today,” she said, placing a plate full of bacon on the counter next to her.
Rowan stared at it, wanting to reach over and snag a piece, but was fairly sure she’d catch him when he grunted in pain trying to lift it. Plus, she was dumping nearly a dozen eggs into a skillet to scramble, so he was hoping she’d be feeding him soon enough. He nodded. “I was going to do that today. I was texting with him last night and he said he and the massage therapist could come here today.”
Aelin smiled. “That would be perfect. I have to go
to work in about an hour, so I’ll feel better knowing someone is here with you.”
He rolled his eyes. “You do know I’m a grown man, right? Lived on my own for about seven years?”
Aelin stuck out her tongue and continued cooking at the stove, before setting a plate down in front of him piled high with eggs, hashbrowns and crispy bacon.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” He asked, as she slid onto the stool next to him.
She smirked and said, “Once or twice, but don’t worry. I’ve got a drunk voicemail to listen to if I ever forget.”
She winked and Rowan felt his cheeks heat, but regardless, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead and began to eat.
After his second full helping breakfast, Aelin got Rowan set up on the couch, babying him the entire time, much to his dismay, and he sent a text to the trainer asking him to call him when he got to the arena that morning. Aelin was getting ready and Rowan was playing NHL on his Xbox when the trainer finally called him back.
“Hey, man,” Rowan answered, pausing the game and propping the phone between his ear and shoulder.
Dorian’s voice came through the receiver. “How ya feeling?”
Rowan groaned as he rotated one of his shoulders. “Like I got hit by a truck.”
With a snort, Dorian chuckled. “Have you seen most of the Pirates’ team? They’re ridiculous; all of them are huge, freaks of nature. Rolfe is no exception.”
With a nod, Rowan cringed. He hadn’t realized the captain of the Skull’s Bay Pirates had been the one to lay the hit on him. “Well, whenever you and Sorscha have time, I’d appreciate it if you could make a house call.” There was silence on the other side of the line. “Dor?”
“Sorscha’s last day was Thursday of last week, I had no clue you didn’t know,” he explained. “The new therapist started yesterday.”
“Oh.” Sorscha had been the team’s massage therapist for years and Rowan vaguely remembered rumors that she’d be leaving them. He just never had them confirmed. “That’s fine, how’s the new guy?”
“She is...a piece of work,” Dorian admitted with a sigh. “You’ll meet her when we come by. You free for us to head that way?”
“Yeah, man, the sooner you get me back in working order, the sooner I can get back on the ice,” Rowan replied, debating on saying something about the home game they had that night.
With a chuckle, Dorian said, “Don’t even think about it, man. You’re not playing tonight. We’ll leave in just a bit and see you soon.”
The call ended and Rowan dropped his phone on the couch. He looked at the clock and hollered, “What time are you off tonight, Ace?”
She poked her head out of her bedroom and said, “Four o’clock, why?”
“Wanna go to the game with me?”
Aelin blinked at him. “You aren’t playing, Ro.”
“No,” he said, standing and stretching - and groaning. “But we can go sit in the player’s box and watch.”
“You want to sit next to me for an entire hockey game and hear my commentary?” She asked, grinning.
Rowan’s grin matched hers as he held out a hand, stepping towards her. She placed her hand in his and he gently pulled her towards him. “I promise I won’t be thinking too much about the game with you there with me.”
Aelin ran her palms down Rowan’s chest. “Well, that’s a tough argument.”
Rowan’s grin widened as he leaned down to kiss her. “You’ll go with me then?”
Aelin nibbled on her lip as she nodded. “If you get your ass on the couch and promise to take it easy today.”
He groaned softly. “Fine. If that’s what it takes.”
“Thank you,” she said, rising up on her toes to kiss him once more and turning back to finish getting ready. “You also have to make an appointment with your trainer.”
“He’s on his way with the sports therapist now,” Rowan said, watching her walk back to her room, enjoying every step she took. He really did try to focus on more than just her ass, but the leggings she wore weren’t helping his cause. When she looked back at him as she paused in the doorway, he had just enough time that she didn’t catch him - not that he thought she’d mind.
“Looks like we’ve got a game to go to then,” she winked, and disappeared into the bedroom.
About thirty minutes after Aelin left for the café, Rowan’s phone rang. “Hey, man. You here?”
His trainer and friend’s usually cheery voice was distinctly pissy. “Open up, Whitethorn. I’ve been knocking on your door for two minutes.”
“Oh, shit.” Rowan was up on his feet with a quiet grunt and ran to the door throwing it open. Dorian stood in front of his own apartment door, down the hall. He called, “Sorry, man, I’m staying with my girlfriend.”
Dorian’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re Aelin’s boyfriend?”
Rowan paused and blinked. “Uh, aye? You know her?”
“I grew up with her, we’ve been friends for years,” Dorian said, the light tone returning. “I told the therapist your apartment number and she’s grabbing her table from the car. I should probably call her-.”
“No, it’s fine, I need to grab a few things from my place anyways,” he shrugged, grabbing his keys off the small table by the door. “We can set up in there so I don’t have to move Aelin’s furniture around.”
Dorian snorted. “Good call.”
Rowan unlocked his apartment and let Dorian in, turning on the lights and carefully moving things out of the way. Painfully.
He grabbed one of his least destroyed game worn jerseys and tossed it over his shoulder. He very much wanted to see her wearing it. “Aelin’s coming to the game tonight,” he said, grinning.
Dorian shook his head and chuckled. “I don’t even know who she is anymore.”
Rowan’s grin only widened.
“Hey, uh, can I come in and see Fleetfoot?” Dorian asked, looking out toward the hallway.
Rowan blinked and said, “I mean, sure.”
They headed back down the hall to Aelin’s apartment, leaving Rowan’s door open for the therapist to carry her gear in. As soon as they entered the apartment, Fleetfoot was bounding towards Dorian, excited like Rowan had never seen her.
Glancing up at Rowan while he rubbed her belly, Dorian grinned. “I gave her to Aelin our junior year of college. I promised if she got all A’s on her finals, I’d get her puppy. Guess who got straight A’s the entire semester?”
Rowan couldn’t help but laugh, smiling and shaking his head. “Sounds about right.”
Dorian’s phone chimed and he stood, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “Oh she’s all set up and ready for you. Just head back down here when you’re done and we’ll talk about getting you on the ice again.”
“Aye, sounds good,” Rowan said and left, heading for his own apartment. The door was shut now, but he assumed it was just for privacy. He’d had to get sports massages before. They were basically a glorified regular massage. They focused on specific muscles groups, some quite intimate and quite awkward, but for the most part the etiquette was the same.
A dim room, quiet music or white noise of some sort, a special table covered in a white sheet, and the fact that you typically undress and are under just a towel.
Suddenly, Rowan froze with his hand halfway extended toward his doorknob, as he realized he was about to essentially be naked, alone in his apartment, with a woman he’d never met, as she rubbed her hands all over his body.
He’d had to get sports massages before. Just never while he’d had a girlfriend.
Maybe he should ask Dorian to come in and talk while she worked on him.
With a sigh, Rowan realized he was overthinking things. This was her job and he was judging her before he’d even met her. She was probably extremely professional and he was worrying for no reason.
With a shake of his head, he entered his apartment and asked, “Hello?”
A young woman rounded the corner, wiping her damp hands on a paper towel. Her long, black hair was braided back, and by the time her obsidian eyes met Rowan’s, he was frozen in place. For a moment, she didn’t react, and Rowan couldn’t breathe.
And then her eyes lit up and a small grin spread on her thin, red lips. His blood ran cold. He swallowed. “Maeve. What...the hell are you doing here?”
“Ah, Rowan Whitethorn,” she cooed. “We meet again.”
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