#but when its the ridiculous agendas people are pushing that you side with but two days later flip on your head and go actually hes fine
santicazorla · 8 months
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illogicallyx · 9 months
Hey! You can ignore if this makes you uncomfortable but I was seeing your asks on my dash and couldn’t help because what if Nanami with a young reader? The way Nanami is with yuuji is canon, same age gap and everything. How do you think that would be?
hey nonie!!! it doesn't make me uncomfortable aghh i live for platonic rls with my fav characters more than romantic ones (shhh dont tell anyone its a secret)
i will be writing this with a fem!reader in mind i hope you dont mind that <3
sorry in advance for pushing my Nanami Girl Dad agenda here but i very much believe he is like a dad to you!
blame his age or just the realization how fickle life is but he will be so much softer with you like he gives you soft smiles and cracks jokes with you to the point when yuji sees this he gets a lil jealous bc "nanami???? u never did that for me >:(" but there's no accusation in the statement he likes this side of nanami that you bring out — no matter how surprising it was for him and for others
it was surprising for nanami too
i love thinking how yuji and you would have like "beef" between u two where he complains to nanami abt u and he's like 🤷🏻‍♂️ and you stick ur tongue at yuji to which he pouts bc what is this special treatment but its all jokes
idk why but i loveee the idea of nanami with a clumsy reader like i can 😔😔😔😔 i know he will bend down and do ur laces for u while u are forgetful abt them bc u are too busy talking to notice
i love the idea of his mentee eating his ear off OEKFKDKDK imagine like staying in his office sitting on the couch talking abt ur fav shows and books like he's ur bestie while he makes coffee for himself and he is listening intently to you, nodding when appropriate, raising his eyebrows at ridiculous theories of ur fav media that u read online and giving his own input as to what he thinks
i personally like to believe he would love to talk with you bc u are emotionally intelligent and he even opens up but like not in a way that he uses you as his therapist no no but like he loves listening to ur input over trivial things in life like why people behave a certain way, why money is so important and etc etc yk
but like he still treats u like the kid you are doe i love the idea of him taking u to get ur fav snacks after a mission and giving u headpats while telling u that u did a good job
and when u become a second year or leave his mentorship do not expect a change in this routine doe bc ur bond with him is too strong to just stop after <3
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coffeeman777 · 13 days
hi pastor kreg! i have two questions.
can you explain the Isreali-Hamas war a bit? because the news and the media are so conflicting about everything. I know its not a black and white issue, and on the one hand, I agree with Isreal in the fact that they were the ones who gave up their land for the Palestinian people in the first place, and Hamas attacked first. I understand that the Isreali government feels like it has to push back harder than it ever has before, because it is such a small, young nation, and they KNOW that their persecution will not stop because the Bible (both old and new Testments) say so (not to mention that there are a slew of countries whose agenda is to destroy Isreal). but on the other hand, there is so much news about Isreal doing horrific things, like rumors of death camps and hurting civilians. and that Hamas, the terrorist organization, is not the same as Palestine, but Palestine has also *allowed* them to take over their country politically, economically, and socially. I just don't know what or who to believe, and what other gray areas I need to consider in my choices.
i keep getting asks to support Gazan refugees. like on the one hand, OF COURSE I support all of the civilians who have nothing to do with this! but by giving them support, whether financially or just by posting about it, I support ALL of their agenda to free Palestine, which I am pretty sure in don't agree with, but I'm not positive yet. so far ive just been not answering these asks but they're getting harder to ignore, especially when a lot of my mutuals do support Palestine. not in a ultra crazy way like most do, but they're just reposting some of the expose stuff.
im just having a hard time with answers (cause a lot of these people don't know what they are talking about) and wanted some sort of advice. thanks.
So, I'm very much on Israel's side in this whole thing. To state it simply, Hamas has been attacking and killing innocent Israelis for decades. Their goal is the complete eradication of Israel. Hamas isn't interested in peace or a two state solution; they want Israel gone, wiped off the map.
Hamas terrorists are cowards. When they attack Israel, they run and hide behind women and children to prevent Israel from retaliating. They whine and cry to the leftist media about how horrible Israel is and generate ridiculous anti-Israel propaganda. So many times, desiring not to kill innocent civilians and being under the weight of intense pressure from the international community, Israel has backed off and let Hamas go. Hamas then regroups, stockpiles weapons, makes new plans, and attacks Israel again. This cycle has been going on for as long as I can remember.
On October 7th, Hamas invaded Israel and butchered a huge number of innocent Israelis, raped many Israeli women, took a bunch of hostages, and even shot and beheaded Israeli babies. This was by far the worst Hamas attack in recent history. Israel said enough is enough, we're taking Hamas out and rescuing our people who were kidnapped. Hamas has done the same thing they always do, but this time Israel isn't backing down. And they shouldn't. Israel has a right to exist in their own land and defend themselves.
Israel is doing everything they possibly can to save civilians in Gaza. All the stuff you hear about death camps and the like is completely false. If Israel wanted to kill everyone in Gaza, including civilians, they could easily do it. They could glass the whole Gaza strip if they wanted, kill every living thing there. But they haven't done that, and they won't. Israel has continually put their own people at risk to provide help to the Palestinian civilians. But they're committed to bringing Hamas down. They have to be.
It is heartbreaking that innocents have died in this conflict, but their blood is on Hamas, not Israel. Even after everything, Israel has offered numerous ceasefire agreements to Hamas, but Hamas has rejected them all. If Hamas would release the Israeli captives and surrender, the fight would be over tomorrow. But Hamas won't play ball. Israel has no choice.
I don't believe anything I hear in the news from leftist outlets. I don't believe the horrible things they're saying about Israel, because in my experience, it's always half truths spun to make Israel look bad, or else just outright lies about what's happening. The same sort of tactics the leftist media uses to discredit and attack conservatives here in America.
As for supporting refugees, if it can't be done without also supporting the anti-Israel propaganda, then I wouldn't do it. Seek the Lord about other ways you can help.
I hope this post is useful to you. My personal conviction is to stay on Israel's side and be a blessing to the Jewish people as much as possible. I think this is the correct position for all Christians to take.
Take care, be blessed!
I apologize, I forgot to make a correction. I'm not actually a pastor, just an ordained minister. The difference is that, while I have credentials to preach and teach, I'm not serving as the head of any congregation of Christians.
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allastoredeer · 1 month
Archangel anon again! Im back with more tower-thieving shenanigans!
Alrighty, some of the things you said about Alastor retaliating against Gabe got ME thinking about GABE'S response to AL'S response, along with Lucifer's response to both.
Initially, Lucifer is actually on Alastor's side. He believes that his brother is being ridiculous, even for Gabe, and tries to talk sense into him through the radio tower door, but to no avail. Unfortunately, Alastor has become increasingly agitated by this point, and since he can't get to Gabriel himself to rip him a new one, he ends up taking his frustrations out on Lucifer and snapping at him instead.
Lucifer, unsurprisingly, takes exception to this.
After being on the receiving end of Alastor's ire, Luci's like ".....Welp" before vanishing from Al's side. Next thing we know, there's suddenly a new voice accompanying Gabe's on the radio. Cut to the inside of the radio tower where both Gabe AND Luci are sitting side-by-side, now working together as co-hosts to form a pettiness-fueled brotherly aliance.
They're decked-out in tacky Hawaiian print shirts over graphic tee's with radio/deer related puns across the front, topped off with goofy sunglasses and the biggest shit-eating grins. At least one of them is wearing one of those soda-drinking hats. In between taking calls from Sinners and playing Hell's Top 100, Gabe and Luci banter back and forth in loud gameshow voices about the most inane shit, sporadically dropping random soundbites from the soundboard Gabe was foolish enough to let Luci be in charge of (most morning-zoo radio shows have at least two co-hosts anyway so this actually fits).
At this point, Alastor has had ENOUGH and has gone all "Of course you know, this means war..." grabbing the megaphone you mentioned and taking to the streets. Now, I can't help but wonder how much luck Al will have getting people on his side when the majority of Sinners seem like they'd be the type to be easily swayed by Gabe's charms. Remember, apparently one of the more popular programs in the Pride Ring is a show called "Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister. So What?" That leads me to believe Gabe's hokey moring-zoo show would actually be quite popular among Pentagram City's inhabitants.
It would also be dificult for Alastor to push his 'Heaven's trying to silence us' agenda, when Gabe is broadcasting a phone number that any Sinner can call and have their voices heard all throughout the Pride Ring. Which would also put them in direct contact with Gabe himself. And again, Gabe is charming as all get out when he wants to be. Considering how much trouble Charlie had convincing anyone to fight against the Exorcists, Al's going to have his work cut out for him gathering support.
His best bet for allies would probably be the citizens of Cannabal Town. They (mostly) all already like him, and he could call in a favor from Rosie. Though I like the idea of Susan actually despising Gabe's show and this being one of the ONLY instances she and Alaster are 100% on the save wavelength.
👁️👁️ Its the Alastor and Susan team-up for me. By GOD, what an unhinged, unstoppable duo.
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faroreswinds · 2 years
The lore is actively contradictory on all side so just ignore it and go for what the narrative is trying to tell you. It seems to me that the people who wrote scripts and the people who wrote the background details are two different groups anyway. So Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude all agree that the Church should go and the only reason Dimitri doesn't help them is because Dimitri is afraid of the consequences of turning his back on Rhea rather than anything else. So yeah, the Church has to go and that's okay. That was kind of the thrust in original Houses except rather than the Church needing to go, it was that the Church needed to be reformed under Godleth's watch along with all of Fodlan
The lore is actively contradictory on all side so just ignore it and go for what the narrative is trying to tell you. It seems to me that the people who wrote scripts and the people who wrote the background details are two different groups anyway.
What? No, that's... that's not how it works.
When you build a world and have a narrative to tell, you damn make sure it all makes sense. This isn't a new game studio that is getting its feet wet in story-telling. This is a big-name development company with lots of experience under their belt.
You cannot just take an established story with an established message, freshen it up a little, and pump it back in with your new message without some serious overhaul. You need new lore! New establishing histories! You know, for things to make sense.
Hopes is a narrative branching off of an already pre-established world. You cannot just say "Well, Houses wanted me to realize the Church wasn't perfect but not evil either" and THEN turn around and have a different story but in the same world say "but this one says it needs to die".
Both Hopes and Houses exist with the exact same histories, they are not exclusive to each other. So they need to line up and make sense.
I don't care if there were two different people who wrote the scripts. They do have quality control, it's not like the different groups aren't chatting with each other. They either didn't put enough care into it or just didn't care at all. OR, the lead dev had an agenda to push of his own, which he sort of admitted in an interview? Like, compare his interview with the Houses' lead dev. It's basically:
Houses' lead dev: "Yeah, so, we wanted a twist so we made your girl lord the bad guy."
Hopes' lead dev: I thought Edelgard was the hero because she united everyone.
Obviously I'm paraphrasing here but that was the impression I got from them.
If you want me to believe your message, then you damn better use your medium to prove it to me accordingly. Other stories get shit on for bad story telling for the exact same reason.
Imagine if Lord of the Rings told us the Ring was evil but then we only ever see it sit there and look shiny the entire story. Or that Sauron is the Dark Lord but then we only ever see him giving children candy and caring for baby chickens. That's essentially what Hopes did.
Or like... Rings of Power. Rings of Power is essentially to Lord of the Rings what Three Hopes is to Three Houses. And the Rings of Power shits all over Lord of the Rings world-building with ridiculous stuff, like changing the lore of mithril, changing the lore of Galadriel, changing the lore of Sauron, changing the lore of.... fucking everything.
And now it doesn't fit with Lord of the Rings at all unless you've only ever seen the movies, and even then it's bad.
the only reason Dimitri doesn't help them is because Dimitri is afraid of the consequences of turning his back on Rhea rather than anything else.
That was one reason, not the only reason. He listed quite a few other reasons too, like
My people are pious and will not accept a new church by force
My rule is on a thin knife and rejecting the Church after they helped us will make my people doubt me even more
If we accept the new Church then we are essentially accepting Empire rule.
The world needs stability first before we make sweeping reforms
Lots of people will die this way
It's disingenuous to suggest that Dimitri fears the consequences of turning his back on Rhea specifically. It makes it sound like he fears Rhea's retaliation, rather than the very real and honestly understandable reason that his nation is very unstable right now due to recent events.
That was kind of the thrust in original Houses except rather than the Church needing to go, it was that the Church needed to be reformed under Godleth's watch along with all of Fodlan
So then, if that's true, then Hopes isn't using Houses' worldbuilding and is using their own to justify their own personal message rather than the original source material.
Which is a big no-no for a spin-off game designed for fans.
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Hello!!! I love your new event and wanted to put ina. Request please heh
Could I request a poison to love potion (angst to comfort) with unicorn hair, flower crown, and will-O-wisp? Could I please request it for Ran Haitani Love your writing, thank u so much 🥺🥰
Hi, thank you for being so sweet; you saying you enjoy my writing? Absolutely made my day ♡
The choice of ingredients here was very fun for me to work with and gave me major Ran brainrot, so I hope you´re proud of yourself; I have to admit though, it did not turn out as poisonous as I planned, hopefully, you can enjoy your potion nonetheless ✧.*
As always a little bit of feedback is appreciated <3
Tempted to order your own potion? Check out my Special Valentine´s Day Offer ♡
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Let me show you
ingredients: unicorn hair, flower crown and will-o-wisp combined in a poison and its antidote
pairing: pre-timeskip!ran x gn!reader
warnings: insecurities (mostly about appearance), alcohol consumption, swearing like twice, assault and mentions of violence
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The reflection staring back at you looked just as miserable on the outside as you felt on the inside. You´d spent the last two hours trying to get ready, putting on outfit after outfit, just to rip them off with a groan not a second later. Not even your “get ready with me” playlist could get you in the mood as you pulled on the hem of the top that looked so gorgeous in the changing room before letting out a deep sigh.
Normally, you´d just call it quits and stay in but you knew your best friend, Ran Haitani, would throw an insufferable tantrum if you stood him up again. In fact, you almost couldn´t go a second of the last week without him chewing your ear off about you not showing up to their most recent party.
Honestly, you and Ran were an odd pair and you knew people were talking about the notorious criminal ruling Roppongi and little Miss goody-two-shoes. It actually started when Ran was assigned a tutor because of his many absent days and you just happened to be top of the class, which in your opinion was really just a fluke but it wasn´t like your teacher cared about that. Besides, he probably thought you´d be a positive influence for Ran.
Turns out, his determination to be a menace in more than one way was ridiculously stronger than your will to resist him, a fact that was apparent from the first time you met. You´d searched him out to work out a convenient time for both of you and against all your expectations, he actually entertained you and agreed to meet you in the library the following Saturday.
Giving you another once-over, Ran leaned down with his head right next to your ear and let out a low chuckle “Can´t wait for our date, doll.” When he straightened back up, he sent you one last wink and was off, all the while never dropping the self-assured grin, that was both insanely attractive and infuriatingly annoying.
You thought it suited him rather well, half of the time wanting to kiss him stupid and the other half wanting to punch him square in the face. Alas, neither ever happened and while you were getting closer over time, your relationship stagnated at him flirting jokingly and you blushing furiously anyway, which in turn just made him coo at “how cute” you were being, occasionally pinching your reddened cheeks. It was harmless fun but you sure resented the way he made your heart flutter so effortlessly and it certainly didn´t help that he was easy on the eyes too. Yet, you decided early on not to act on your feelings because he was Ran Haitani and playing in a completely different league, so you buried your feelings deep down and just continued to tutor him, not making any effort to move your relationship in a different direction.
The universe, however, seemed to have different plans and pushed its agenda on you as you were walking home after a late-night grocery run one night. You were too busy trying not to drop any of the bags you were holding to notice the figure walking on the other side of the street and it was too late when the man had his hand wrapped around the strands of your hair.
“I´d hate to hurt you, so you´re going to be good and give me all your money and that watch you´re wearing, right?” His voice sounded like someone was grinding a block of concrete on a cheese grater and he pulled on your locks harder when you didn´t move, completely frozen in shock.
As you were descending into a state of panic, your mind spiralling directly to the worst-case scenarios of how this could end, mentally scolding yourself for going out this late, a younger, smoother voice rang out.
“I wouldn´t do that if I was you. Unless you have a death wish, of course.” From the way you were facing, you couldn´t see him but you would´ve recognised Ran´s voice everywhere and you’d never been happier to hear it.
“What do you want, brat? Can´t you see ´m busy here?” Wincing as he gave your roots an even harsher tug, one of your bags tumbled onto the ground.
“Fine, have it your way then. But just for the record, I tried being nice, don´t forget that.” The normally playful tone of his voice was replaced by something darker, colder. Then, the strain on your scalp stopped, leaving the affected area throbbing. Still stuck in place by fear alone, you didn´t turn around when you heard multiple nasty cracks followed by a muffled scream and finally a dull thud. When Ran moved into your line of view, your knees buckled under the wave of relief washing over you.
“Woah, easy there”, he said, steadying you with two hands placed on your shoulders. When he thought you´d be able to stand on your own, he tilted your head up by placing his index finger under your chin. “You okay? He didn´t hurt you, did he?”
“No, I´m fine, just a bit spooked.” You didn´t trust your voice to hold steady, so it came out as a mere whisper. “Thanks, Ran.”
“No need to thank me, doll. After all, I can´t have anyone hurting my precious tutor, now, can I?”, he chuckled. “Alright, let´s get these home. Next time, you wanna go shopping, just call me. I´m sure I don´t have to lecture you on all the dangerous people lurking around at night.”
“Very funny, Haitani.”
Ever since then, you started hanging out outside of your little “study dates” as Ran liked to call your tutoring sessions. Against all odds, you´d become rather inseparable and your new best friend was all about you coming out of your comfort zone. That was how you found yourself in front of a door that was already vibrating from the bass of the loud music, not really knowing whether to knock or to ring or whatever you were supposed to do. As if someone read your mind, the door was swung open full force and you were greeted by the girl you guessed was the host.
“Oh hey, uhh, (y/n), right? Your Ran´s friend, yeah? Come in.” She waved you in after glancing over you once with a raised brow. “Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen. No idea where Ran´s though.”
You thanked her and began your search through the house already reeking of sweat and cheap booze. Luckily, you didn´t have to look for him very long, as always, he attracted a crowd like a lamp would moths. Your chest tightened at the way girls were eyeing him up, laughing obnoxiously at whatever he was saying and taking every chance to run their hands up his arm. Even the boys around him were vying for his attentions, others standing off to the side, staring him down in either jealousy or interest.
The worst part was, you couldn´t even fault them for it either. There was no denying that Ran was ridiculously good-lucking and charming without seeming to try. On top of that, he had the same allure and temptation that made people swoon over the bad boy in a book or movie.
Your breath caught in your throat though when you saw Ran had followed your advice and put his hair up in a high ponytail, looking unfairly more gorgeous than usual. At least you were helping other people look better even if I didn´t extend onto yourself. That thought could only console you for so long though and before you knew it your hands were unconsciously messing with your own hair.
Not wanting to measure up with any of them, you made a quiet retreat into the kitchen, where you met Rindou, who you inevitably bonded with too. You wouldn´t call yourselves best buds but he was cool with you and didn´t seem to mind when you came over to see Ran, which was a whole lot more progress than most people made with the younger Haitani.
You made a bit of small-talk as you filled your very cliché red solo cups and you were about to follow Rindou out the kitchen when two arms draped over your shoulders from behind, full weight being leant onto you.
“First you stand me up more times than I want to count and now you´re cheating on me with my brother, doll”, Ran accused, dropping his head on yours.
“Excuse me, I did no such thing. Besides, you looked busy, didn´t want to intrude.” Your voice carried more of a sting than you liked. You knew Ran was just your friend and it wasn´t your place to get jealous in the first place but you couldn´t help it when you saw all these perfect people throwing themselves at him. The thought alone made bile rise up, acid settling on your vocal cords, hating the way they looked like they actually belonged next to him.
“Hey now, you´re not intruding when you´re the one I wanna talk to. When whatever-her-name-is told me you were here, I was actually relieved to ditch the others, okay?” Then he spun you around and, just like when he first met you, he looked you up and down before wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Don´t you look stunning? Trying to impress someone perhaps?”
Shrinking away, your arms immediately tried to shield you from his intense lilac gaze as heat shot up your neck. “No, I´m not. I´m only here so you wouldn´t be all sulky again. Last time was insufferable.”
“Oh, so you only came and dressed up for me? Now you´re flattering me too much, (y/n). Don´t understand me wrong though, I don´t mind one bit.” His voice dropped lower at the last sentence and you´d be lying if you said it didn´t get your heart racing.
Your little one-on-one was cut short though when some dude called Ran over to play truth or dare and by default, he grabbed your hand to pull you along and down next to him. The game was rather uneventful for you, the bottle only landing on you once and even then, your question was uninspired and nobody was really listening to your answer anyway, just wanting to move on to someone interesting. Deep in your gut, the sinking feeling you experienced before coming over, returned and you couldn´t decide what was worse; having everyone scrutinise you or being completely ignored.
For a while, you watched as everyone was having fun, egging each other on to do more and more outrageous dares and spilling spicier truths than the round before. You, however, were merely an expandable decoration and, instead of making you more confident, the alcohol just brought back your earlier state of mind. At one point, the girl sitting between Ran and her boyfriend was dared to kiss one of the people next to her and for a couple of tense seconds, it seemed as though she might actually choose Ran. And for you, that was the straw that broke the camel´s back.
Wordlessly, you stood up, doubting anyone would even notice your absence and made your way over to the porch. Why were you upset? You knew this was going to happen. So, what made you think you could compare with all these people and their glowing faces, toned bodies and charming personalities? You were only Ran´s plus one. Naturally, nobody was going to flat out deny one of the popular Haitani brothers; that didn´t mean you were welcomed though. Who were you kidding? Nobody wanted you there. Maybe you should just go home again. Letting out a breath you didn´t even notice holding, you leaned against the railing staring at nowhere, in particular, fresh air helping clear your head.
You downright jumped out of your skin, when you felt a jacket being draped over your shoulders. Whipping your head to the side, you came face to face with the only person who had paid you any attention the whole night. Besides Rindou, that is.
“Relax, it´s just me.”
“Ran? What are you doing here? Shouldn´t you be inside with the others?”
Poking your forehead with his index finger, he rolled his eyes. “When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours? I invited you here because I actually want to spend time with you, dummy. Besides, I couldn´t go through with my dare inside.”
“Why not?” you inquired, rubbing the spot where his finger was just a couple seconds ago.
“I was supposed to kiss the most attractive person at the party but they just happened to have run away that very moment. And since I can´t turn down a perfectly good dare, I guess I had to go and find them,” he contemplated, placing his elbows on the railing and his head in his open palm.
“And you really think they´d be out here? I think it´s more likely they just went to the kitchen to get a new drink”, you said. If you hadn´t stared straight ahead again, you would´ve caught the incredulous look Ran shot you.
“You know,” he stated, voice flat, “for someone who´s tutoring me, you´re unbelievably dense.”
“Excuse you? What´s that supposed to mean?” Indignation carrying in your raised voice. He groaned, sliding a hand down his face.
“Do I really have to spell it out for you? Fine. It´s you, (y/n), you´re obviously the most attractive person here. And before you can accuse me of lying, yes, I mean it.” Just like that night where he saved you, he held your chin between his index finger and thumb, tilting your head up so you´d look at him. “So, are you helping me with this dare or do I have to announce my defeat?”
Licking your lips, you swallowed heavily as you caught his eyes darting down to track the movement. You squirmed in your spot, eyes blown wide and resembling more a deer in headlights than the most attractive person at this party.
“Why me though? Everyone else-“
“How often do I have to tell you? I don´t care about anyone else. Even my brother noticed and that means something. Everyone else is fucking boring but you´re so adorable, from the way you bite your lip while concentrating to how you grip my sleeve if you spot a cute dog. If I didn´t think it would´ve scared you away, I´d have done this a lot sooner, believe me.” His other hand was gliding down your side, stopping at your waist and inching you ever so slightly closer.
As much as you wanted to pull away and melt into a little puddle of embarrassment, it was physically impossible. This is what you had daydreamed about more often than you´d like to admit, immediately pushing the pictures in your mind away, ashamed that you saw your friend this way. But you couldn´t deny wishing for a scenario like this to play out, no matter how unrealistic it seemed.
“Ran, are you sure this is really what you want?” Searching his expression for something, anything, that would show him regretting this but ended up not finding a single trace of it. He responded by gently lifting your arm over his shoulder, hand immediately returning to your hip once he was sure you were comfortable with this change in position.
“Come on, (y/n), you´ve got the beauty and the brains, so you must´ve figured it out by now, too. What do you think why I even agreed to this whole tutoring shit in the first place? I´ll give you a hint: It´s not because I care about my grades or what the teachers think of me.”
There was something about the way his thumb was tracing along your bottom lip before settling over your cheekbone that pulled you in some sort of daze. Your breath came out more shallowly and your heart was pounding so loudly against your rib cage he had to hear it too. Barely being able to make out his next words over the sound of your blood pulsing, you focused solely on his warm hand moving to cup the back of your neck, thumb now mapping out the space behind your ear. The pads of your fingers hesitantly played with the hair in his nape that fell out his ponytail; second hand joining the first, exploring the smooth skin under his collar where you knew a part of his tattoo was.
“Fuck, I don´t think you know what you´re doing to me, pretty. Please let me show you.” His hypnotic eyes met yours and, as he was waiting for your approval, he leaned in so that your noses were almost touching.
When he was graced with the slight nod of your head and a breathy “yes please”, he wasted no time sealing your lips. Against what you might have thought, Ran was very gentle with the way he delicately moved against you. Well, at least until he tightened his grip on your hips, pulling you flush against him, and tangled his hand in your hair to angle your face in order to deepen the kiss, pulling a surprised moan from you.
Parting from you just enough so that you could catch your breath, his eyes were more hooded than usual, studying the expression on your face attentively.
“You have no idea how long I´ve been waiting for this.” You hummed in agreement as he pulled his jacket tighter around your shoulders again, still too out of it to come up with anything remarkably more intelligent.
“Why don´t we ditch this lame party and I show you in more detail just what´s so captivating about you; sound good, doll?”
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themollyjay · 3 years
The Myths of Forced Diversity and Virtue Signaling.
In my novel Mail Order Bride, the three main characters are a lesbian and two agendered aliens.  In my novel Scatter, the main character is a lesbian, the love interest is a pansexual alien, and the major side characters include a half Cuban, half black Dominican lesbian, a Chinese Dragon, a New York born Jewish Dragon, and a Transgender Welsh Dragon.  In my novel The Master of Puppets, the Main Characters are a lesbian shapeshifting reptilian alien cyborg and a half black, half Japanese lesbian.  The major side characters include three gender fluid shapeshifting reptilian alien cyborgs, and a pansexual human.  In my novel Transistor, the main character is a Trans Lesbian, the love interest is a Half human/Half Angel non-observant Ethiopian Jew, and the major side characters include a Transgender Welsh Dragon (the same one from Scatter), a Transgender woman, a Latino Lesbian, an autistic man, three Middle Eastern Arch Angels, and a hive mind AI with literally hundreds of genders.  In my novel The Inevitable singularity, one of the main characters is a lesbian, another has a less clearly defined sexuality but she is definitely in love with the lesbian, and the third is functionally asexual due to a vow of chastity she takes very seriously.  The major side characters include a straight guy from a social class similar to the Dalit (commonly known as untouchables) in India, a bisexual woman, a man who is from a race of genetically modified human/frog hybrids, and a woman from a race of genetically modified humans who are bred and sold as indentured sex workers.
Why am I bringing all of this up?  Well, first, because it’s kind of cool to look at the list of different characters I’ve created, but mostly because it connects to what I want to talk about today, which should be obvious from the title of the essay.  The concepts of ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’.
For those who aren’t familiar with these terms, they’re very closely related concepts.  ‘Forced Diversity’ is the idea that characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males are only ever included in a story because of outside pressure from some group (usually called Social Justice Warriors, or The Woke Brigade or something similar) to meet some nebulous political agenda.  The caveat to this is, of course, that you can have a women/women present as long as they are hot, don’t make any major contributions to the resolution of the plot, and the hero/heroes get to fuck them before the end of the story. ‘Virtue Signaling’, according to Wikipedia, is a pejorative neologism for the expression of a disingenuous moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character.
The basic argument is that Forced Diversity is a form of virtue signaling.  That no one would ever write characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males because they want to.  They only do it to please the evil SJW’s who are somehow both so powerful that they force everybody to conform to their desires, yet so irrelevant that catering to them dooms any creative project to financial failure via the infamous ‘go woke, go broke’ rule.
What the people who push this idea of Forced Diversity tend to forget is that we exist at a point in time when creators actually have more creative freedom than are any other people in history.  Comic writers can throw up a website and publish their work as a webcomic without having to go through Marvel, DC or one of the other big names, or get a place in the dying realm of the news paper comics page.  Novelists can self-publish with fairly little upfront costs, musicians can use places like YouTube and Soundcloud to get their work out without having to worry about music publishers.  Artists can hock their work on twitter and tumblr and a dozen other places. Podcasts are relatively cheap to make, which has opened up a resurgence in audio dramas.  Even the barrier to entry for live action drama is ridiculously low.
So, in a world where creators have more freedom than ever before, why would they choose to people their stories with characters they don’t want there?  The answer, of course, is that they wouldn’t.  Authors, comic creators, indie film creators and so on aren’t putting diverse characters into their stories because they are being forced to. They’re putting diverse characters into their stories because they want to.  Creators want to tell stories about someone other than the generically handsome hypermasculine cisgendered heterosexual white males that have been the protagonists of so many stories over the years that we’ve choking on it. A lot of times, creators want to tell stories about people like themselves.  Black creators want to tell stories about the black experience. Queer creators want to tell stories about the queer experience.
I’m an autistic, mentally ill trans feminine abuse survivor.  Every day, I get up and I struggle with PTSD, with an eating disorder, with severe body dysmorphia, with anxiety and depression and just the reality of being autistic and transgender.  I deal with the fact that the religious community I grew up in views me as an abomination, and genuinely believes I’m going to spend eternity burning in hell.  I deal with the fact that people I’ve known for decades, even members of my own family, regularly vote for politician who publicly state that they want to strip me of my civil rights because I’m queer.  I’m part of a community that experiences a disproportionately high murder and suicide rate.  I’ve spent multiple years of my life deep in suicidal depression, and to this day, I still don’t trust myself around guns.
As a creator, I want to talk about those issues.  I want to deal with my life experiences.  I want to create characters that embody and express aspects of my lived experience and my day-to-day reality.  No one is forcing me to put diversity into my books.  I try to include Jewish characters as often as I can because there have been a number of important Jewish people in my life.  I include queer people because I’m queer and the vast majority of friends I interact with on a regular basis are queer.  I include people with mental illnesses and trauma because I am mentally ill and have trauma, and I know a lot of people with mental illnesses and trauma.  My work may be full of fantastical elements, aliens and dragons and angels and superheroes and magic and ultra-high technology and AI’s and talking cats and robot dogs and shape shifters and telepaths and all sorts of other things, but at the core of the stories is my own lived experience, and neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males are vanishingly rare in that experience.
Now, I can hear the comments already.  The ‘okay, maybe that’s true for individual creators, but what about corporate artwork?’.   Maybe not in those exact words, but you get the idea.
The thought here is that corporations are bowing to social pressure to include characters who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males, and that is somehow bad. But here’s the thing. Corporations are going to chase the dollars.  They aren’t bowing to social pressure.  There’s no one holding a gun to some executive’s head saying, “You must have this many diversity tokens in every script.”  What is happening is that corporations are starting to clue into the fact that people who aren’t neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white males have money.  They are putting black characters in their shows and movies because black people watch shows and spend money on movies.  They are putting queer people in shows and movies because queer people watch shows and spend money on movies.  They are putting women in shows and movies because women watch shows and spend money on movies.
No one is forcing these companies to do this.  They are choosing to do it, the same way individual creators are choosing to do it.  In the companies’ cases the choices are made for different reasons.  It’s not because they are necessarily passionate about telling stories about a particular experience, but because they want to create art to be consumed by the largest audience possible, which means that they have to expand their audience beyond the neurotypical cisgendered heterosexual white male by including characters from outside of that demographic.
And the reality is, the cries of ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ almost always come from within that demographic.  Note the almost.  There are a scattering of individuals from outside that demographic which do subscribe to the ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ myths, but that is a whole other essay.  However, within that demographic, lot of the people who cry about ‘forced diversity’ see media and content as a Zero-Sum game.  The more that’s created for other people, the less that is created for them.
In a way, they’re right. There are only so many slots for TV shows each week, there are only so many theaters, only so much space on comic bookshelves and so on.  But at the end of the day, its literally impossible for them to consume all the content that’s being produced anyway.  So, while there is, theoretically less content for them to consume, as a practical matter it’s a bit like someone who is a meat eater going to a buffet with two hundred items, and then throwing a tantrum because five of the items happen to be vegan.
The worst part is, if they could let go of how wound up they are about the ‘forced diversity’ and ‘virtue signaling’ they could probably enjoy the content that’s produced for people other than them.  I mean, I’m a pasty ass white girl, and I loved Black Panther.
So, to wrap out, creators, make what you want to make, and ignore anyone who cries about forced diversity or virtue signaling.  And to people who are complaining about forced diversity and virtue signaling, I want to go back to the buffet metaphor.  You need to relax.  Even if there are a few vegan options on the buffet, you can still get your medium rare steak, or your chicken teriyaki or whatever it is you want.  Or, maybe, just maybe, you could give the falafel a try. That shit is delicious.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
So if deancaswedding is the blue hump and theirlovewasreal is the pink hump, what is the little green hump? (Also, when u said Neilson accounts 1 for 1000, do u mean 1000 tweets =1 person in the metrics or every 1 tweet is counted as 1000 ppl?)
That was Charmed.
No, 1000 to 1 means that Nielsen generally takes a tweet as worth 1000 viewers, it’s the super streamlined version of it.
Think of it like this, last Thursday by the end of the night, Walker had like 16.7K tweets or something once they all trickled in within hours. Walker had about 1.7Million viewers. 16.7K x 1000 = about 1.7M give or take.
It’s a rough art, not an absolute law or anything. But you’ll find it generally translates pretty well, because in a way it also ends up being their online advertising too for more viewership. *jazz hands*
So by standard of about 50K tweets x 1000 you’ve got about 50 million. Which... actually isn’t ridiculous, because SPN has dozens of millions of digital calls. I mean they’ve lost some of those millions since the finale (general reminder to stop streaming any CW show on any official/paid platform, including Netflix, CW, Amazon etc)
Reminder to continue to kick CW in the ass like that. You guys just saw your impact. You know what your reach was?
Tumblr media
Twitter has about 30M accounts. Literally like 1/4 of all twitter saw that. 1/4 of the social media world had it in their eyes. AND FRANKLY MOST ACCOUNTS ARE IDLE, THERE’S ABOUT 8 MILLION ACTIVE ONES
Imagine if you guys found a way to get together--like we were trying, before bloggers with agendas tried to make everyone scatter by spreading profuse lies about smaller bloggers making efforts--and use that reach to let that many people know they should stop streaming on the CW/Netflix/Etc with a coordinated message? Imagine if you got half the social media world to drop it on its ass? More than already did?
Mind you SPN was considered at 77x franchiseability/trend/watch level compared to the average TV show (GOT was like 227 or some shit for an idea). Now SPN is down to 34x. Still high? Sure. Also dropped in half basically. Or more realistically lost about a third of its digital watching overall.
Get all their content hit like that.  Don’t let it go back up. Coordinate with every GC and server you have and continue to kick them in the pants.
Also right now even if your friends won’t be in for the PERMANENT boycott haul, at least get them to immediately drop all watches in February, then in May, live or stream both. Just... convince them. They can catch up a month later. It’s a sweeps thing.
And it’s why the CW is gonna be in some shit because they weren’t expecting Walker to be clocking a low 0.21 THIS soon. It’s all they have until the end of February where they set up their big premieres for one day. Walker’s performance is their “highest” to try to cling on to 0.21 during sweeps to sell their ad space with everything else like 0.12-0.19. It’s why Jared’s also been popping on to livetweet--the digital side of sweeps.
What y’all just did was took one giant titanic shit all over their star product’s value level and that’s why they’re salty and spamming inboxes.
I’ve said it before--the only group I haven’t been able to vertically scale meaningful impact into the GA are the wincel-brand bronlies. The only time my SPN ratings were off was when I tried to vertically integrate their impact/protest of tombstone into the audience the same way as everyone else was integrated for influence/ad response/impact and guess what--I under-speculated Tombstone by about 0.04 points, which was the value I had given them by scaling up (as opposed to something like a realistic 0.01 impact lol-- less really.)
You can, for example, scale them up into the current Walker show-- but you can only scale up the interest as “Jared invested fans watching for Jared, mostly women, mostly 35-49”, and generally not “rolls themselves up in tinfoil and lives in spn_goss spreading conspiracies and hates Misha Collins and Destiel”. So sure. They’re probably, in that essence, giving Walker about 0.04. That’s a 0.04 they’ll probably never lose for that reason. But they have to worry about like 0.28 other points in the 25-54 age demographic, or the 18-34 just bottoming out (it’s already down to 0.09, even with the two dem overlaps).
Those same numbers made them furious because I pointed out at that time, Cas himself gave a 0.03 boost and Destiel advertisement per episode gave an extra 0.03 boost, based not only episode to episode but season averages--I ran charts based on it and completely removed special episodes like Scoobynatural so they couldn’t cry that was the reason. 
The same people calling you a minority or wtfever are the same dipshits that episodes bounce UP every time they boycott because they can’t even make a dip. There’s like like 400-- 200 of them that are casual level antis, 150 strongly opinionated but really just still vaguely out there, and like 40-50 core noisemakers.
There are literally. Millions. of Destiel fans in the GA. This idea of a monolithic, completely DeanCas blind GA that hates all’y’all? Completely made up. Certain people just profit off of keeping the myth alive: antis that want you to have to take them or their arguments seriously; blogs that want you to argue for certain points or had certain demands they wanted to feed you to “convince” the GA of anything. Like sure there’s homophobes in the world but they won’t just stop being assholes at a magic landmark I promise, if events haven’t proven that yet. But every single census has put y’all in the majority, ratings scaling has put y’all in the majority, the fact that you can trend things at the drop of a hat WITHOUT official support keeps you in the majority (when’s the last national trend you saw for J2-Only fuckbuckets that didn’t involve something like Walker livetweeting for Walker to push up numbers? That’s right, never.)
If I had a ring of infinite wishing, I’d wish everyone looked critically at this information and then had an awakening that this underdog idea of Destiel Vision magically stopping in fandom spaces when MOST OF YOU CAME INTO FANDOM SPACES BECAUSE YOU SAW DESTIEL IN THE SHOW, and this GA that unilaterally hates you-- like
Guys-- what do you think it means that even with a bunch of Destiel fans still streaming or rewatching, that even with all of that, SPN has dropped viewing/streaming tiers and lost more than half its franchiseability rating since that ending? Really?
Again: now imagine if you convinced all your friends to do the same, spread the same, trend the same.
Nuke the CW. All their shows.
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - Chapter Eight: Mad to Live, Mad to Talk
The eighth instalment of my Chishiya x OC/reader fic - you can find it here on AO3 too. 
Thank you to the people who always leave likes and comments, seeing/reading them honestly makes my day :) xx
As for what I mentioned in my last update, I’ll add the references as a chapter at the end of the fic (because some of them will give away spoilers!)
Speaking of spoilers, you guys probably connected some dots (a la hoodie)
Sorry, I'll stop talking - enjoy!
The drawl of his voice stretched like a lifeline, pulling me back to myself. Back to the bar.
Chishiya was slouched against the counter, idly watching the scene before him. His eyes dropped to the gun, before rising to meet mine. There was nothing in them, not amusement, not even cruelty. Nothing. They were emptier and darker than they’d ever been. And yet at that moment, I had never been more overjoyed to see him.
‘You should probably put that thing away,’ he said. ‘Hatter won’t be too happy if you start messing with her. He’s got high expectations of her.’
The man pushed the gun further into my skin, sending bursts of anxiety through me. I didn’t want him to pull the trigger accidentally. If he shot me in the stomach, it’d be a slow, painful death.
‘You know Chishiya, I’m pretty sick of you interfering all the time. You should stay out of militant business.’
Chishiya eyed the man with disinterest. ‘Militant business. It’s fascinating what you guys do. You take out the trash and dish out the sentence, but you never check the evidence.’
‘What the hell are you talking about?’ the man snarled. ‘Just shut up and stay out of this.’
‘What I’m saying is that you never bother checking to see if the ‘traitors’ are actually traitors. It’s surprisingly easy to slip a few cards into someone else’s room.’
The tension peaked, and I winced as the fingers around my wrist tightened painfully. Then just as quickly, he released me. He hissed a spew of threats in Chishiya’s face, then stormed off. I hadn’t understood a word, but either way, Chishiya was completely unbothered.
Now that we were alone, he barely even spared me a glance. I half-wondered why he was here. He wouldn’t have come to the bar just to help me. But I also couldn’t picture him as a drunk. As if to answer all the questions floating around in my head, Chishiya signalled to the bartender and said two words.
‘お水をください’ Water, please.
Knowing him, he’d say that alcohol clouds your mind and dulls your rational thinking skills. The bartender set the glass on the counter, but Chishiya didn’t walk away, but sipped his water.
‘Thanks,’ I muttered, although helping me was likely never on his agenda. ‘I’m guessing stuff like that’s pretty common around here.’
‘Well, there are only three rules,’ he said. With one side glance, he zeroed in on the hoodie Kuina had given me. ‘Right now, you’re not allowed to go roaming the city alone because you’re still new, and that makes you a liability. But the next time you’re in a game, you’ll be paired with one of the executives, or someone else with a high rank. If you ask, they’ll go with you to find new clothes.’
I didn’t know how he knew the hoodie wasn’t mine. But I had given up trying to figure out how Chishiya’s mind works.
Before I could ask, he spoke, catching me off guard once again. ‘Come on, Kuina’s waiting for us.’
That night, I had found out that Kuina and Chishiya were actually friends. Sort of. It was hard to tell. They hung around together and joked like friends, but instinctively I could tell that Kuina didn’t completely trust him. The days passed quickly, and despite the obvious tension between the militants and the other executives, I found myself actually enjoying it. It was hard not to, with hot water and all.
I spent my days pestering Chishiya to teach me Japanese properly (which he never did). And Kuina and I would chat about the real world. She told me about her mother’s sickness, and how she was desperate to get back to the old world so she could look after her properly. But when she asked about my own life, I filtered a lot of things out. I explained how I was visiting Japan with my brother, and how I had been trying to learn Japanese on and off for a few years just so that I could visit. But when it came to my personal life, I just couldn’t bring myself to talk about it.
‘話せば長くなる,’ I told her. It’s a long story.
The days seemed to dry up under the heat of the sun, and sure enough, my visa was due to expire.
Sitting cross-legged on my bed under the late afternoon rays, I couldn’t help but feel apprehensive after my last game… my first Hearts game… meeting Niragi and Aguni… the laser tag guns… the ball pit… the teenage girl. It had all collected into one big mass, and my throat tightened at the thought of the blood, the darkness.
No, I tried to tell myself. It’s different now. We’ll be put into teams, and I won’t be alone. We’ll clear the games together.
With slightly more resolve than before, I climbed off the bed and quietly left my room, only my stomach dropped when I saw the nasty surprise waiting for me on the other side of the door.
Niragi was leaning against the opposite wall, and the moment I exited, he shot me a grin. I had no idea what he was doing there, probably militant business, so I nodded at him in acknowledgement, then headed down the hall. I knew something was seriously wrong when I heard his footsteps stalking behind me.
‘Niragi,’ I greeted him.
‘Shorty,’ he replied, now walking beside me. ‘You really shouldn’t ignore people, you know. It’s rude as fuck.’
What does he want with me of all people?
‘私を待っているとは知らなかった,’ I told him honestly. I didn’t know you were waiting for me.
‘Ch, as if. I waited there for half an hour. Where the hell are you off to anyway?’
I held out my bandaged arm. ‘これがまだ痛い。だから医療室ではアンに会う.’ This still hurts, so I’m meeting An in the medical room.
Overall, it had healed pretty well. But after the laser tag game, and being kidnapped by militants, the wound had partially re-opened again.
‘I’ll go with you.’
My gut instinct was telling me to run away, far away.
We turned a corner, stopping in front of the elevators. When the doors pinged open, the group of girls inside immediately stopped talking once they laid eyes on us. They darted out of the elevator, leaving it empty for Niragi and I to enter. I tried not to feel nervous around him. If he wanted me dead, he’d have just shot me already, so it couldn’t be that.
‘どうして待っていた?’ I asked, slowly. How come you were waiting?
Asking Niragi questions felt like a life-or-death situation. Last time I was rude to him he kicked me in the spine. The man was like a loaded gun; he had to be handled with care.
However, he didn’t reply, and the lingered between us until the elevator stopped at the basement floor. We headed down a long, dark hallway, with exposed cables and pipes suspended from the ceiling. This was starting to feel like a really, really bad idea. Seeing the medical room door, I sped up instinctively, but Niragi’s hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back and yanking me around. The movement sent shooting pains down through my injured arm.
‘Chishiya,’ Niragi said, eyes glinting with malice. ‘You’ve become pretty chummy with him recently.’
Wait… what?
‘That’s not…’ I hated the way my voice stuttered. ‘そうじゃない.’ That’s not it….
He clearly wasn’t buying it. ‘Tell me what he’s up to. He’s an arrogant little shit and I know he’s up to something.’
Niragi’s grip was too tight, way too tight, and I could barely think straight through the pain. ‘違うよ,’ I insisted. You’re wrong.
‘Am I? I don’t think so, Shorty. You’d better tell me now before I put a bullet in you.’
I didn’t know whether I was scared or annoyed. My heart hammered in my chest, but I was getting pretty sick of his ridiculous questions. I tore away from his hold, inspecting the sleeve for any spots of blood that could’ve seeped through.
‘Stop doing that! クイナのパーカーを台無しにしたくない.’ I don’t want to ruin Kuina’s hoodie.
His brow furrowed a little at this, but I ignored it. Someone like him probably didn’t care about getting blood on his clothes.
I didn’t know how to say what I meant in Japanese, so all I could do was tell him in English. ‘You’re right about one thing. Chishiya’s awful. But you’re wrong about everything else. He can’t stand the sight of me, except when he’s watching me suffer. So even if he did have some kind of plan hatched up, he wouldn’t bother telling me.’
Niragi pulled away and stood up fully. Despite his visible irritation, he was listening all the same.
Perhaps he knows a little bit of the language?
‘And even then,’ I continued, ‘if he was planning something, why would he bother? You know as well as anyone he’s just in this for his own survival and being here at the Beach is his best shot. It wouldn’t make sense.’
A dangerous look worked its way onto his features. I thought right then and there that he’d attack me, kick me with his boot like he’d done before. But he did the exact opposite. With one hand, he twirled his fingers in a strand of my hair, before softly tucking it behind my ear.
I held my breath as he leaned in. ‘Everything you just said,’ he whispered, ‘is complete bullshit.’
Then pulling away quicker than I could flinch, he readjusted his rifle on his shoulder and took off back down the hall. Then he suddenly stopped, as if remembering something, and looked at me over his shoulder.
‘That hoodie you’re wearing… it’s Chishiya’s.’
I must’ve looked like I’d seen a ghost, because when I finally entered the medical room, An immediately asked me if I was feeling ill. I tried telling her that I was perfectly fine, but she insisted on taking a bunch of tests to make sure I wasn’t going into septic shock. I couldn’t tell her that it was closer to actual shock.
Even when I finally left the medical room, I still couldn’t shake it off. Except now, the surprise had worn away, leaving sheer humiliation in its place.
Did Kuina steal it from his room?  
When he met me at the bar, he must’ve seen it and wondered where I’d gotten it from. And when he had mentioned asking one of the executives to go shopping with me… he had probably assumed I’d been in his room and taken it.
Oh god…
I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I wanted to scream and tell him I’m sorry. I wanted to rip the hoodie off and push it as far away from me as I could. But I couldn’t. I still didn’t feel comfortable being so exposed.
‘It’s fine,’ I tried to convince myself, ‘everything’s fine.’ I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.
My visa’s due to expire tonight, so I can get a new one for myself. I’ll just explain everything to him. It’s almost game time anyway, so he might be in the lobby.
As the elevator doors opened, I wiped any tears away with my hands, careful not to dirty the sleeves, and headed to the lobby. It was packed with Beach residents, either wishing their friends luck or preparing for the games ahead. I found the little table at the front and took the slip of paper with my name on it.
Group Two.
Then I stepped back, leaning against the wall as my eyes searched the crowds. Sure enough, I spotted a white hood, the thin tendrils of grey-blond hair visible beneath. I waited until he took his slip of paper before I stepped forward.
But there was no need. His eyes locked onto mine from across the room, as if he had clocked onto my presence immediately without showing it. He trudged through the masses, coming to a stop in front of me. I couldn’t help but rub my arms nervously.
‘I’m sorry,’ I blurted out, ‘Kuina gave me this hoodie, and I assumed it was hers and that she was letting me use it. But I just found out from Niragi that it’s actually yours. I didn’t steal it or anything, and I’ve definitely never been in your room. I’m so sorry, I had no idea.’
Chishiya didn’t seem surprised at all, or if he was, he was an expert at hiding it. ‘I know,’ he said, at last. ‘You couldn’t have known where my room was anyway.’
Thinking about it, he had a point. When I started wearing this, I hadn’t even left my own room, so I couldn’t have been in Chishiya’s.
‘I guess you’re right.’
I felt his warmth against my side as he leaned on the wall next to be me. ‘But what I told you at the bar that night still stands,’ he said. ‘Tonight, you’ll get the chance to go looking for any clothes or personal items you want.’
‘Once I get some of my own clothes, I’ll wash this and give it back to you, I promise’ I told him. ‘I just need to find out who the executive in my group is.’
‘It’s me.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Because the executives create the groups,’ he said. ‘And I happen to be supervising you. Normally, when a new member arrives, we do an aptitude test. We observe them in a game to test their abilities, but I’ve already vouched for your abilities, and there were only two executives with an expiring visa.’
‘That’s….’ I trailed off, then something clicked. ‘Wait, who was the other executive?’
Ignoring my question, he went on. ‘Since I’ve already seen your abilities, your only test will be to survive. If you can do that, I’ll go with you to get whatever supplies you need.’
I tried to keep the smile from my face, but I couldn’t hold it back. ‘Sounds like a deal.’
‘Time for the games!’ a voice called out, excitedly, and the whole room erupted into cheers. The masses of Beach members piled through the doors, trying to find their assigned cars and groups.
At the same time, I hadn’t moved at all. I couldn’t keep my eyes from Chishiya’s. He was looking back into mine with that same calculating emptiness. I could see the cogs turning, but I didn’t know what they were turning for.
Then as quickly as it happened, the moment was gone as he left, disappearing into the crowd.
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aerielz · 3 years
Oh please could you do “just take my hand” for j/d?
Last one was so angsty I decided this one would be just straight up post-canon fluff!
The night is cold, but pleasant, and he’s enjoying himself, which is not as much of a rare occurrence as it used to be. Relaxing still doesn't come naturally, and Josh figures perhaps it never will. But he’s learned to push aside the press, and the threats, and the pressure, and congress. It's there, in his pocket, a phone call away. But for now, it is tame.
At this moment all that worries him is the air of amused understanding Toby has about him.
Donna walks ahead of them, almost bouncing on her feet, leading the way across Central Park to some place Josh’s not sure what it is, and Toby watches as her giddy form guides them to… wherever. He keeps glancing between the two of them, something clearly on his mind.
Up until Josh can’t take it anymore.
“What?,” he asks, eyes darting to Donna, mirroring Toby, as some structure starts to become clear.
Toby just shakes his head.
“I’m just surprised you’re okay with this.”
Josh shrugs, legitimately confused. “With what?”
“You really don’t know,” Toby lets out a genuine laugh, “Your obliviousness truly is dumbfounding.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?,” he answers, just in time to look up and see what it is that they’ve been approaching all along. “Oh.”
They catch up to Donna at the edge of an ice skating rink, as she’s hooking her thumb over her shoulder to indicate the both of them to the woman behind the counter.
“Oh,” he repeats.
It’s a big and loud place, not packed, by any means, but it is tourist season: there's enough of a crowd inside the rink to lose someone in, and families and couples stand outside, too, just as entertained to watch as the ones inside are to skate. The harsh lights that light up the attraction mark a big spot in the night, making it stand out from a great distance.
It’s an impressive feat that he managed to completely miss it.
“Why did you think we were coming to the Park at this hour?,” Toby asks.
Josh takes a second. Shrugs. “Sightseeing?”
“Without an agenda…? Her?,” he points to Donna.
If she’s offended by the take, she doesn’t let it show. Donna doesn’t even turn around — she just hands the woman in front of her a few bills and thanks her when she motions for them to enter a waiting area.
Toby follows Donna into it, and Josh stays where he is, brow furrowed in a grimace.
He opens his mouth to protest, but closes it immediately.
If he thinks about it, it was rather obvious, wasn’t it? It’s entirely expected that she’d drag them into this along with her — it’s Donna, they’re in New York in the middle of winter and she’s asked him for skis that one Christmas, for crying out loud —, it’s not like it’s a stretch.
If it’s her leading the way, he’ll follow. He doesn’t care where they’re going anymore. But it’s not his blind trust in her that takes him further this time, it’s her excitement about the whole thing. There’s something different about it, something he can’t quite grasp. Josh can understand how he got himself into this position. What he can’t understand is why, when he looks at her, he sees her face light up like Time Square.
She sits down at the bench and takes off her boots to put on the skates with an ease that spells practice, and Josh observes her motions, a tad mesmerized, following suit even if the familiarity in her gestures is something he can't copy. It’s just tying a shoe, but he feels like he’s fumbling.
Donna enters the rink tentatively, but quickly glides away from the edge, gaining an easy confidence in her footing far faster than Josh would think was possible. She’s out a few feet, being soon joined by Toby, before realizing he’s not beside her. She angles her body sideways and skids to a halt, looking back to wait for him.
It's his first mistake, really — having waited for her to look back. He should've just gotten it over with while she was distracted, but, alas, now he has a proper audience.
Josh takes his first steps into the ice with way too much confidence and both his legs decide to go opposite ways, sending his butt to the ground.
Donna’s eyes widen. She tries very hard not to smile.
(And fails.)
“Oh my god, you can’t ice skate,” Donna glides back to the entrance and bends down to help him get on his feet, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You were making it seem easy, I thought it couldn't be that hard."
"You've never done this before?,” Toby says from beside Donna.
Josh shrugs, taking Donna's hand.
"I don’t understand, you're from Connecticut.”
"What, and that’s a requirement, now?,” He has a good grip on Donna's hand, but he can't decide how exactly to stand up. Josh tries putting both his legs under himself, and they won't stay put where he wants them, sliding everywhere no matter what he does, “Jesus, why do people think this is fun?!"
“I don't know, I’m having quite a lot of fun,” Donna teases.
“Yes, but you're a sadist,” he replies.
“She's a masochist, is what she is,” Toby chimes in, taking enough pity on him to help, “Nothing else explains willingly being around you for this long.”
With Toby pulling him by his other hand Josh finally finds enough purchase on the ice to more of less stabilize himself on the blades.
It's a fragile balance. To say the least.
“Oh, god, I’m gonna die,” he all but gasps, tightening his grip on Toby's and Donna's arms, “I’m gonna die or— or— I’ll fall again and then someone’s gonna go over my fingers and. I don’t know, chop them off. Look at these things, they're deadly.”
“They're rentals, they're blunter than Lou on a Friday night at the podium,” Donna remarks.
Josh looks at her, “Bringing Lou into this will not make me feel any safer.”
“What were you doing your entire childhood?,” Toby asks.
“That’s just sad.”
“Yeah, well, I know that now.”
“It takes a while to get used to it, but it's not that hard,” Donna says, “Just… baby steps.”
Both Donna and Toby let go of Josh and he stays upright, which, as far as the three of them are concerned, looks like progress.
He tries to take a step and his balance fails him, again, having him make a wild grab at whatever’s closest.
He ends up throwing his entire weight on Toby, who says, “Or perhaps just… try to stay upright for a couple minutes, you know, get used to that.”
“Well, you do it, then, if it's so easy.”
“I am doing it, in fact my ability to stay on top of ice skates is the only thing separating you from certain death, right now.”
“God, you’re both insufferable,” Donna complains.
Josh disengages his grip on Toby’s arm and defiantly leans away, falling to the other side, instead, to the safety of the rails, “—I'll need five minutes tops, you'll see, I'll be skating circles around you—”
“You wanna spend the time we have on ice arguing, fine,” Donna continues, “I'm gonna try something else.”
“—I'm adaptable, it's my whole thing. Tell him, Donna.”
He turns to her for support and it's just in time to see her floating away from them.
The annoyance he feels at the insignificant betrayal doesn't survive watching her as she skates, though.
Most of the people doing rounds around them look clumsy and unsure on the ice, but Donna looks like she’s home. There’s a unique freedom to her movements, a confidence, that looks good on her. She has the turn of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, like she does when she convinces senators to shut up and listen, but it’s lighter, here. She leans her body away from the railing to take a turn and it’s almost like there’s not a single tense muscle on her body, like she’s gliding without any effort.
Josh stays where he is, gripping the guard rail with both his hands, watching dumbly as she does not much else then make a full turn around the rink. When she’s not too far away from where she started, Donna diverts to the center of the ice, where there’s no one and the ice is even. She brings her feet closer together and her arms closer to her chest, which sends her body into a slow spin around its own axis. It’s not fast, but it’s graceful, and she looks focused on her own movements, enjoying each second, purpose behind every move — like when she kisses him, when she unbuttons his shirt, when she’s drawing her own name out of his lips.
The comparison is a little out of place, and makes him blush, but the truth is that Josh knows her joy like he knows his own. Both are, after all, intimately connected. So as he watches Donna’s happiness from afar, he lets himself feel it, too.
His mouth hangs open, when she comes closer to where he is with Toby.
"How did you—” he says, a dumb smile on his face, “How come I didn’t know you could do that?”
He sounds giddy, almost innocent in his laughter. Donna’s cheeks burn red with the effort and the effect of his gaze.
She shrugs, and turns around to face him, ”You never asked.”
“I’ve known you for eleven years. We’ve been married for two of those, how come I didn’t know you can figure skate, this is ridiculous.”
“I can’t figure skate, Josh, it's just really basic stuff.”
“You should’ve shown me this when we met, I’d have married you on the spot.”
“Would’ve shaved off six months tops,” Toby chimes in.
“I’m serious.”
“We work every waking hour, Josh, not a lot of skate rinks open at three in the morning in DC.”
“We met in New Hampshire, there’d have been a lake. Or. Something.”
“I’m sorry, I’m... processing.”
“It’s not anything impressive.”
“From where I’m standing it looks pretty fucking impressive.”
“Can't believe I'm saying this,” Toby says, “But I'm with Josh in this one.”
“You're not helping, Toby. C'mon, it's really easy,” she extends Josh a hand, “I’ll show you.”
“No, I,” Josh gives her a nervous laugh, “I think I’m fine here.”
“Come on,” she insists, “Take my hand.”
He’s curious enough to consider, but, still… “You really think that’s a good idea?”
“You wanted to be a ballerina, there has to be some sort of body awareness in you.”
“You do know I never took a single ballet class, right.”
“Just take my hand,” she insists, “You’re gonna be fine.”
“Yes, take her hand, Josh,” Toby says, and his is the face of a man who knows he's about to have an inordinate amount of fun at the expense of someone else. “You're going to be absolutely fine.”
Josh gives him a look, to which Toby's smile just widens.
That silent and childish challenge is more than enough to convince Josh to actually do it. He takes a deep breath and leans away from the railing, taking both of Donna's hands, one in each of his.
“Oh, god.”
Donna brings him closer to her and grips him at the elbows, so they're more safely linked. She sinks the brakes in the ice and pushes back and takes him with her when she slides back.
“Oh, god. Oh, God, Oh god,” Josh keeps saying.
“You’re stiff as a plank, you’re gonna break something,” she says, laughing.
“Oh, God, I’m gonna break something.”
“No — oh my god — here, just—,” Donna takes one of her hands away from his elbow.
“Shh, just calm down. Look here, look at me,” she says, gently laying her hand over his cheek, “Josh?”
He looks up, locking his eyes to hers.
“Just keep looking at me, okay?”
He nods, a bit frantic.
“Just relax, honey,” she says, moving her thumb over his skin.
It’s like each stroke removes something from him, something that should never have been there in the first place. The tension in his jaw instantly vanishes. He breathes a little slower.
Donna smiles, her eyes still on his, and slides her hand down, over his neck. He releases the tightness there, too.
They’ve been here before, they both have this program down pat.
When he had panic attacks in the middle of the night, a decade ago, she’d calm him down like this. She couldn’t call him honey back then, and he didn’t know she tasted just as sweet, but the routine is the same. It's Donna gliding her fingers over his skin, giving him something to focus on, taking him out of his head.
Following this practiced dance of their own creation, Donna’s hand slide down again to his chest, his heart right below her palm under layers of clothing. Josh’s entire upper body relaxes.
Less rigid, he feels less like he’s about to topple over. He can focus on the cutting winter wind on his face instead, then; and this nice sensation under his feet that's almost like floating, which is the closest he'll ever be to flying.
It's a clumsy taste of a freedom she knows a lot better than him, yes. But a taste of it, regardless.
He feels more stable, more confident, and she notices it.
Josh is not paying attention to it enough to know how she does it, but whatever it is, it sends them both spinning, like she did before. It feels good. He can almost pretend he knows what he’s doing. Josh laughs, and he's not sure why, or where it came from, but he knows it's the right thing to be doing right now.
Snow starts to fall over them, showering them in white very lightly; very slowly. Flakes dust Donna’s hair and the harsh white lights of the rink hit her from behind and cast a halo around her frame — she looks downright angelical, it’s absolutely ludicrous. He can't stop smiling.
When they come to a halt, Josh pulls her closer, touching his forehead to hers.
He thought the ridiculous part of being in love with her had been over years ago. So naive of him.
“Not so bad, huh?,” she whispers.
Her nose is cold when he kisses it. Her lips too. He lingers, her face touching his, and feels the space between them warming up.
“You’re both disgusting.” Toby screams from not very far.
Donna kisses him, this time, and he takes her bottom lip between his. There's nothing else beside the feeling of her, then, that tentative way Donnatella Moss— not being a fan of this sort of public display of affection — nibbles at his own lips, as if she doesn't have his ring around her finger.
Josh never feels his phone vibrating in the pocket of his coat. Not then, and not five minutes later when it rings again.
He’ll only remember it exists after he takes it out of his pocket when they're back in Toby’s guest room. Donna is pulling a fluffy, horrid, Christmas sweater over her tank top when he notices the screen cracked beyond repair.
“That wasn't like that this morning, was it?,” she asks, noticing it too.
“Yeah, no. I think repeatedly falling on my butt this evening has something to do with it, though.”
“There has to be some place that can get it fixed, we can ask Toby.”
He thumbs the glass and watches the mess of lines and lights flicker under the pressure. There's nothing recognizable coming through.
He shrugs. “You know how the Secret Service is with these things.”
Donna comes behind him to put her arms around his midriff, watching him play with the useless cellphone over his shoulder.
“What if it's some sort of national emergency?,” she asks.
“Sam would've called you and asked for me,” he says, “Or just let you solve it. God knows by now everyone knows you can do this better than me.”
“Damn right I do,” she plays along, kissing the nape of his neck and getting a hum of appreciation out of him, “But, seriously, honey—”
“It's our weekend off,” Josh says, turning around to pull her into his arms properly, “I have other priorities.”
He can tell she's trying to hide her relief, but Donna melts against him, a little, and a smile tug at the corner of her lips as she rests both her hands against his chest. He can still feel the lightness of watching her do spirals or swizzles or whatever-the-hell-those-were-called — can still taste that freedom he found in her smile.
(A couple of years in, but they’re both still getting used to this. To the enormity of this thing they do, and the things they’re building together, which, somehow, feel bigger.)
“I'll get it fixed when we come back home,” he tells her. Donna nods, fits herself in his embrace. “And then we'll find you some skates, and a rink, and you'll show me exactly what it is that you've been hiding from me all these years.”
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Laito pt. 2
Rating: NSFW | PG-17 (language, sexual content)
Word Count: 2,721
Pairing: Laito x Yuki (m/m)
ღ Yuki is roped into attending a Masquerade after being kicked out by Laito. However, that might not be so bad if Laito attends as well. ღ
Mun Yu: We made it to the second wave of LEM. I hope you all enjoyed the set up, and are ready for the main event. Our Lunar Eclipse is in full swing as the masquerade beings. These chapters will be longer.
Additionally: I would love to thank @dialovers-translations for translating the Ayato and Laito versus CD which show cased them during the Lunar Eclipse. It helped me greatly to write his personality.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another with stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All types of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host is of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it was not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, an invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his offspring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening.
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How did this happen? Yuki couldn’t help but wonder as he stood in an unfamiliar ballroom. No longer in the apartment he and Laito shared, Yuki was at – what he was told – the true home of Dr. Reinhart’s friend. Given a room to stay in, and clothes to change into, Yuki was being forced to attend some kind of ball that the master of the house was hosting.
It had been a little under a week since Laito kicked him out. Yuki didn’t know what to do. He was lucky that Dr. Reinhart had given him a cell phone to contact him with, should anything happen. The good Doctor was kind enough to find Yuki a new place to stay, though it was a very strange place.
Yuki hadn’t really left his given room since arriving, being too depressed to leave. A beautiful woman kept checking in on him, Yuki could only assume she was the Master’s wife. She was really nice. Which only made him feel worse, since he was in no state to replay her kindness. It wasn’t until just last night she came in with a long dress, and explained to him that he would be attending the Masquerade being held.
Yuki tried to protest, but there was something… compelling about how she spoke. He didn’t even mind that they wanted him to wear a dress. She had even gotten him a wig, just like the one Laito used to have him wear – though this one was styled for the event. Yuki couldn’t help but feel uneasy about doing this, but something was screaming at him to comply.
So now here he was, dressed in a green, floral dress. A long blonde wig, framing around his face – which was now covered by a mask decorated green with butterflies. Yuki felt slightly more at ease, knowing that nobody would recognize him with the mask on. Or at least he hoped. When he first got into the room, everything was so terrifying. However, after some encouragement from that woman, Yuki felt strangely calm.
The normal urge to run and hide was gone, and he felt confident enough to stay in the ballroom. There were a lot of people, most of them were ridiculously beautiful. It was kind of strange seeing so many in one place. Although, all of them had a certain air – something that Yuki could only compare to that of Laito. In fact the entire estate felt like it was in another world. Yuki couldn’t quite explain the feeling, but it made him rather uneasy. Like he didn’t belong here.
As he stood rather off to the side of the dance floor, some men would come up to speak with him. Each wanting a dance, but Yuki would always turn them down – surprised he could even muster up the words to do so. He may be forced to attend, but that didn’t mean he had to dance. Or at least that was how he felt before he saw a familiar face.
Through the crowded room, Yuki could see a couple of people he knew. Ayato and Yuko. Kanato and Yuuki. Even Reiji was there. Seeing all of them made his heart race. Not for any sense of nostalgia – but for the hope that- if they were here, then maybe… With that half thought, Yuki started moving about the room. They were here. Which meant he had to be here. Laito had to be somewhere. Even if he was mad at Yuki. Even if he really did hate him. If he could just see him. Just like always. Seeing him. Being around him. That was enough.
Yuki couldn’t stop those thoughts from screaming in his mind as he searched – almost frantically – for his beloved senpai. “Excuse me, Miss?” A sudden voice snapped him into reality as he searched, now at the other side of the ballroom. Yuki looked up to see a rather tall – or at least taller than him- young man. He didn’t look scary- apart from his size. “Sorry to startle you… I… Well I had thought you were waiting for someone, but perhaps… would you like to dance with me?”
In a quick response, Yuki almost rejected him. That was until his eyes locked onto the one thing he had been searching for. Dressed in a white suite, complimented by a matching fedora, a stunning broach on his tie, and a Golden Mask. Yuki would recognize Laito in anything – or at least, he hoped. He was across the room, speaking to another woman. The urge to run to him was overwhelming. As he reached out a hand to call out – the strange gentleman before him took his hand. “Ah! Thank you! Let’s go onto the floor.”
Yuki was unable to protest, as the man wrapped his other arm around his waist, and led him onto the dance floor. Yuki wanted to move away, but there were too many people around. There was no choice but to go along with it. As the music played, the man led Yuki in a dance – of which he had no coordination for – Yuki’s eyes searched for Laito once again. Everything felt blurred, as the man twirled and moved Yuki’s body through the dance.
It was almost nauseating. Faces all whooshing past, all wearing masks. Every now and again he felt like he saw Laito, but in a flash he was gone. Again and Again. His piercing eyes seemed to tease him as they locked in and out of focus. It was almost enough to bring Yuki to tears. He felt sick. Felt anxious. Alone. Whatever confidence he had before, was all but gone now. All he wanted was to be saved from this. Saved from this dance. Saved from this place. Saved from himself.
Just as he was about to cry out, a force pulled him. Not the partner that was dragging him about the dance floor. Someone else, a different hand, lifting him away. Yuki’s heart skipped a beat as he looked towards his rescuer. Met with emerald, the bright lighting from the room seemed to cause this person to glow. “My my… will you follow me anywhere, nfu?”
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Tears fell from Yuki’s eyes as his savior freed him from the endless dance. “Senpai…!” His voice cried out as they moved quickly from the floor. Past the crowds. Out of the room.
Yuki felt like he was flying. Once again, Laito was saving him. Yuki couldn’t help but curse his heart as it raced. This hope - faith - that Laito cared… he just couldn’t control himself. No matter how many times he was pushed away, the smallest thing brought him back. The unending admiration. The desire. Love. Yuki’s emotions swirled inside, and no matter how any rational thought tried to talk him out of it, he couldn’t stop.
The two of them moved through the expanding castle, though Yuki knew not how Laito was navigating it. Eventually they came to a room, and Laito moved them both inside. Yuki was somewhat tossed inside, causing him to trip on his dress. Luckily he was able to catch himself on a rather large piano. The instrument protested with a loud thump, and the rustling of keys.
“Be careful with that Stalker-kun.” Laito’s voice sounded hollow. The vampire did not bother to help Yuki regain his footing. Instead move to sit at the grand piano. “This was one of my first, you’ll break her, poor old thing.”
Yuki lifted his dress out from under his foot, and steadied himself. “Sorry…” His voice trembled as he tried to take in everything that had just happened. The two were silent towards one another. Laito playing with the dust that had gathered on the piano keys. Yuki staring down at his hands, clasping them together against his dress.
He wanted to speak. Wanted to thank Laito for saving him, though he knew to Laito that wasn’t the case. What could he say at this moment? He hadn’t seen Laito since he’d closed the door in his face. Sure there were probably millions of things to say, but at this moment, Yuki couldn’t think of any. He couldn’t even bring himself to look anywhere but at his hands.
“I didn’t think it was you at first.” Laito’s voice finally broke through the silence. “Why would my Stalker be here of all places? Especially after I had just told him to get lost.” He continued, playing random keys, seeming to be testing the sound. “Yet, here you are. Dressed as you are. Did you know I was coming? You were there for the message, such a creepy Stalker you are, listening in on my private conversations.”
Yuki’s heart thumped in his ear while Laito spoke to him. He honestly had no clue. Vaguely he could recall Laito being upset about something from that last evening, but nothing else. “N-No… Senpai I had no idea-"
Laito interrupts Yuki’s words by banging on a few keys together. “Ah~ It’s not good to lie Stalker-kun – or should I call you my Bitch-chan now? You put that on for this? Was that man the one who asked you to? Did you cry for him like you always did whenever I had you wear something like that?”
Yuki was confused by Laito’s words. That man… meaning the one he was dancing with? He didn’t even know his name, let alone would dress like this for him. “N-No Senpai, I don’t even know-" Yuki finally raised his head to look over at Laito, and was at a loss for words by his facial expression. It was unfamiliar.
Laito stands and removes the mask which was covering his face, placing it on the hood of the piano. Without a word, he moves over to Yuki, pinning him in. Leaning over him, Laito places one hand behind Yuki, while the other clears the long hair from his neck. Before Yuki could even process, Laito’s fangs pierced his throat.
Yuki winces slightly, he couldn’t recall the last time Laito fed on him. Since before they moved out. Months. Even though it hurt, Yuki couldn’t help but feel happy. If this was all he was good for, Yuki wouldn’t mind – so long as he was able to stay. Without thinking, Yuki’s hands grabbed onto Laito’s arms.
“Hmm… What's this? You want me to stop?” Laito murmured against the now leaking wound in Yuki’s neck. Almost too quickly, Yuki shook his head, tears already in the corner of his eyes. “Nfu~ Laito-kun is in a bad mood… So I won’t be gentle.” Laito’s voice had started with a reminiscent tone that he always has, but it ended quite seriously.
Yuki could feel the blood rush from his body. Almost like it too was drawn to Laito. Want to be with him. The normally lewd vampire fed quietly, aside from the gulps and soft sighs for air. Yuki worried if his blood was no longer pleasing. Just as he was about to ask, Laito drew up for some air.
“Haa~ it’s no good! What am I to do?” He asks looking up, rather than at Yuki. He moves his tongue over the different holes now on Yuki’s neck. “This blood… it’s simply too good~ Mmh…” Yuki’s face lights up at Laito’s words.
“… Ahh When I saw someone else with you it did something.” Laito says biting on the other side of Yuki’s neck. “… I was so angry, but so excited. Aha… perhaps it’s that moon making me so agitated.” Laito peers passed Yuki through a rather large window.
In somewhat of a daze, Yuki looks up at Laito, then turns to look at the moon as well. “… It’s so big…” He says softly. The smaller male was starting to feel weak, but the moon was rather impressive. It was on full display, and tainted in the color of the sun.
Laito laughs a little, grabbing Yuki’s face, to have him face back towards him. “Nfu, now you allow the moon to tempt you away from me~? Naughty Stalker-kun…” Laito moves his hand up Yuki’s face to cause the mask he had been wearing all this time to fall to the ground.
Yuki looked up at Laito, his face flushed from both the blood loss and the affections from the vampire. He was so happy at that moment. All of the hardship. It didn’t matter. Laito praised him. Laito saved him. In this moment, there was nothing else. “… Senpai… I-" Laito covers Yuki’s lips with a finger.
“Tonight I’ll place my mark all over you.” He says moving his hands down to pull the shoulder straps of Yuki’s dress. “This strange feeling… I can’t fight it. So you’ll indulge with me, right? Stalker-kun, nfu~”
Yuki’s eyes widened at Laito’s words. It had been so long since he had given him any type of affection. All of his emotions came rushing forward. Before he could fully realize what he was doing, his lips were on Laito’s. Smooshed together in a rather sloppy union. Just as quickly as it began, Yuki pulled back in a panic. “S-S-S-S-Sorry! I just… ! You were-! I thought-!”
Before Yuki would retreat back into himself, Laito grabs his face and pulls him back into a deeper kiss. This time, dominating the smaller males mouth. Moving his tongue forcefully, wrestling Yuki into easy submission. It was similar to a predator grabbing, wrestling, pinning, and devouring its prey.
Yuki’s mind races with a number of thoughts and emotions, but they all just circle back to Laito. His scent. Touch. Taste. Oddly like iron? Was he actually enjoying this? Did he really want him? Even if it was the moon, he didn’t care. At this moment, Laito was kissing him. Not some random woman.
As Laito finally allowed Yuki a break for air, the human felt his legs grow weak. His body nearly fell back onto the long forgotten piano. Laito moves quickly to sink his fangs back into Yuki’s neck, creating two new holes. Marks of ownership. Yuki’s body seemed to react on it’s own, as his hands moved through Laito’s hair. His voice fills the room, with soft whimpers of pain and moans of pleasure.
“S-Senpai…! It’s too… Aahn!” Yuki's heart raced. This was all too much to handle. Yet he forced himself to stay awake. If he passed out, hell, even if he blinked, he felt like all of these would come to an end. “Mm… So deep… your fangs…”
“Ahaa…" Laito moans, taking a moment to swallow. “Stalker-kun … feel me more-!” He says, moving to bite into Yuki’s exposed shoulder. “Nfufufu… you’ll be covered in my marks… Haahn…” Laito rips the the right strap of Yuki’s dress completely off. The loose fabric falls, revealing Yuki’s lithe, very male chest. “...Oh… I had almost forgotten…” Laito pulls back to get a full view of what lay before him.
Yuki, a panting, hot mess, looks up at Laito. His arms on reflex move up to shield his face. His face, as red as the blood dripping from his neck and shoulder. His small body trembling; from the intense pain and pleasure. “S-Senpai… don’t… stop, please…” His voice was just as loose as his body looked. Fighting his natural instinct to curl up in a ball, Yuki moves the strap from his other shoulder. The dress fell to the floor, leaving him bare in only a pair of boxer briefs.
Laito’s eyes widened, taking in this new view before him. “... The moons must truly be toying with me. Even now it is compelling me to devour you…” Yuki could feel Laito’s eyes looking over every inch of him. No feminie clothes to hide the truth. No mask to hide behind. With that thought, Yuki felt a rush of adrenaline. A sense of confidence, to go for this moment.
Before Laito could say anything more, Yuki moved back against the piano. Using the little strength he could muster, he pulls himself onto the large instrument. “You can… have all of me…” Yuki’s voice is quiet, as it took all his confidence to simply expose himself. “... I… belong to you… Senpai please…” He looks up at his beloved, “... don’t leave again…”
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 TO BE CONTINUED ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Hidden Agenda (Tom Holland)
A/N: ITS ABOUT FUCKING DAMN TIME LOL. Christmas was almost a month ago now but ha, better late than never right? no? okay, sorry heh. At least it’s long-er right? still no? yup. Anyhow! I hope you guys enjoy this one! x
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You were planning on spending Christmas alone but Tom presses that you spend it with him and his family instead. He just so happen to “forget” to mention it to them that you were just his best friend, and not his girlfriend.
Warnings: Nada but my usual typos
Word Count: 8.1k+
Masterlist in Bio
"Bye guys. I'll see you all soon." Tom bid his last goodbyes as you waited just by the door of a mutual friend's house, the party still in full swing but the two of you have already decided to call it a night.
"Let's just walk yeah?" He turned to you with a smile, offering his arm for you to hold, which you did, gladly.
It was the 23rd of December and the city of London was still as alive as ever, given the fact that it was nearing midnight. The wind was cold with a sprinkle of snow here and there, coating the streets lightly with white. People were all bundled up in layers as they walked under numerous twinkling lights, small chatter and laughs echoing about with the hum of the carols that each open store plays, and nothing could ever scream Christmas more than this.
"You're going back home tomorrow right?" Tom asked, your bodies close together, side by side in an attempt to stay warm. "Nope." You simply answered, not even bothering to give any further details. You didn't have to.
"You're still not in good terms with them?" You shook your head no, sparing Tom a glance to see a frown written on those lips. He didn't need to tell you who he meant since you already know 'them' means your family. You two are close, so naturally, you tell him everything. Well, most of everything.
"What're your plans for Christmas then?"
You shrugged, sighing as you shot him a small smile. "I don't know. I'll probably just stay back at the flat and watch a movie, order take out and eat ice cream. Maybe wear a Christmas hat and jumper for it to be special and not just my typical night." You joked, but Tom lips didn't even twitch as he only stared at you with furrowed brows, frown still intact.
"What, alone?" You looked at him curiously, the concern written on his face only growing to which you only responded with a small nod. "Well, yeah—"
"Yeah, that's not happening." Tom scoffed with a shake of his head. You turned your head fully to look at him confused. "What'd you mean?"
"You're spending Christmas with me."’
He stated casually, almost bluntly as if he didn't have any plans for the holidays whatsoever, his voice firm in a way to tell you that he's already made up his mind.
"You're going to be with your family Tom." You stated, as a matter of fact, since he has already told you what he was doing tomorrow, so him spending Christmas with you doesn't exactly add up. Tom only squared his shoulders, eyes looking straight to avoid your confused gaze.
It took you a minute to understand what he was trying to say, his proposition slowly registering in your brain before you halted your movements, stopping right in front of him to try and get your point across. "No no no, I'm not going to crash your holiday plans with your family Tom. I'm going to be fine at the flat."
Tom only raised his one messy brow, hands in the pockets of his coat and when he gets in this stance, you know very well that he was ready to argue. "Well, I sure as hell won't let you spend Christmas alone Y/N."
You crossed your arms over your chest to counter him, a frown on your lips as you are not exactly keen on being an intruder to a family celebration, especially if it was this last minute. "I'm not just showing up uninvited, I really don't want to invade."
Tom only chuckled, walking closer to you with a reassuring smile, the corner of his eyes crinkling as his hands landed on your shoulder comfortingly. "You won't. I'll text mum a heads up and we'll go down there together. Trust me, they'd be glad to have you. They've been dying to meet you."
Granted, you haven't met the Hollands.
You've known Tom for so long but you still have yet to meet his family. It was a case of your busy schedule combined with his that you haven't had the chance to go whenever an opportunity pops up. You have met Harry since he's with Tom mostly, but that's about it. So going with him at their house during Christmas, with it a very last minute plan, it was making you a bit nervous, and by a bit, you mean a lot.
You pouted at him, still a bit wary of this idea of his. "Are you a hundred percent sure they won't mind?" Tom flashed you that charming grin, all confident and bright, the one that never fails to make your heart flutter even if you so badly don't want it to. "Completely sure."
"But Tom—"
"Y/N, I really don't want you to spend Christmas alone and we can stay out here in the cold and argue for as long as you want, or you could just say yes right now and spare us the time because you very well know I don't easily back down." He cuts you off with a knowing smile, arms all crossed over his chest to let you know that he was up for the challenge, just like he always is.
You groaned with a roll of your eyes because you just know, deep in your bones, that you weren't getting your way with this, especially when it was crystal clear that he's already made up his mind. He would just keep pushing until you say yes, or either way, he'll drag you down there no questions asked.
Thomas Holland is just stubborn that way.
"Glad to see that you care about how I spend my holidays." You grumbled, your heart fluttering at his concern of not wanting you to spend Christmas all by yourself, a glimmer of hope shining through, your mind playing its daydream as to why that could be.
"I'm your best friend, of course I care." And just like that, the small hope was snuffed out seconds later, a light sting in your heart that you tried your hardest to ignore, but you also can't say you aren't used to it by now.
You shook your head with a timid smile to mask what you truly felt about his statement, letting out a sigh as you looked at the boy in front of you who sported an all-too proud grin on his face. Of course he knows he's winning this. "Fine, fine, I'll go. But you'll come with me early tomorrow for a last minute Christmas shopping. I don't want to show up empty handed."
Tom's face lit up like a Christmas tree at that, his smile only getting wider as he offered you his arm again. Even if you wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug smirk of his, you took his arm nonetheless, a small chuckle escaping out of the boy as he wholeheartedly agreed.
*     *     *
To say you were nervous would be an understatement.
Your hands were clammy, your heartbeat rapid, and if the look on your face wasn't an enough dead giveaway, your not-so-steady breathing would surely do the trick.
Tom was right beside you as you two walk up to their front door, and he can practically see you physically shake with nerves. You can feel his eyes bore a whole on the side of your head, a look of concern but mostly amusement written on his face.
"Hey, you're going to be fine. I'm sure they'll like you. There's no need to be nervous Y/N." He chuckled, swinging his arm over your shoulder as he pulled you in for a side hug. You only nodded with a sigh, Tom squeezing your arm in comfort as he placed a soft kiss on top of your head.
It was so funny, borderline hilarious how anxious you were feeling on meeting his family. The excitement is there of course but this nagging voice inside your head just seems to overpower everything. It was somewhat of a want for them to approve of you and like you in a way, which doesn't even make any sense or prove any point as to why you want their approval. The thought was just ridiculous given the fact that you aren't even his girlfrien—
"Y/N! Hello darling, nice to finally meet you."
Too caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that you've already reached the door, a lovely woman was standing right in front of you as she opened it wider and pulled you in for a warm and welcoming hug. "Nice to finally meet you too Mrs. Holland." You greeted with a bright smile once you pulled away, her hands grabbing yours as she gave it a squeeze.
"Oh please, call me Nikki. I've heard so much about you already since Tom just won't shut up. He's quite fond of you this boy, I mean it is the first time he's ever brought a girlfriend home."
Your eyes widened in shock once your brain processed the word, your head slowly, almost dramatically turning to look at a red-faced Tom as you try and find some kind of explanation. He met your eyes briefly before he shook his head, your brows furrowing even more when he turned back to his mother, cleared his throat and only said, "Mum it's cold out here."
"Oh! My bad, come in, make yourself at home sweets." You weren't given the time to ask Tom questions as you were ushered inside seconds later. The confusion only consumed you more the longer you wonder as to why Tom didn't bother and correct his mother.
What on earth is this boy doing?
"Look who's here." Nikki announced the moment you reached the living room where most of his family was situated. The loud chime of her voice made three sets of eyes turn to you, all faces sporting wide grins that did nothing but made you feel at ease and comfortable in so little time. Tessa was quick to run and jump at Tom, his voice raising an octave as he greeted his precious girl. You, on the other hand, turned towards the sound of your name.
"Y/N! Glad to see you again." Harry was the first one to stand up and greet you with a warm hug. "Hi Harry, how are you?" You grinned, ruffling his mesh of curls that only made him chuckle. "Never better."
His twin brother, Sam, was the next to introduce himself followed by their youngest, cute little Paddy, freckles and all.
"Ah, so this is the girl Tom won't stop talking about." You felt your cheeks heat up at the sentence, turning around to see Tom's father walk in just seconds later.
"Hello Mr. Holland." You ignored Tom and turned to the father of the family with a sweet smile, in which he returned graciously.
"That's too formal love, just call me Dom." He greeted with a warm hug. Once you pulled away, you caught a glimpse of Tom just watching with a sheepish grin on his lips, making the confusion in your brain grow even more.
You felt really flattered by the fact that Tom has told his family about you. It makes you feel, somewhat special in a way but of course, being as guarded as yourself, you tried your best not to think much about it. You are pretty sure he's talk about all his friends to his family in the same way he talks about you.
Though you are still very curious as to why Tom's mother thought you're his girlfriend, because that's just far from the truth. But it seems like you can't get him alone to ask. That or he's purposefully avoiding you and your questions, you don't know which is which as of yet.
"Oh Tom, I'll help you with your stuff. I believe you two are sleeping in the guest bedroom." Dom butted in and gave Tom's shoulder a pat. He was about to walk out of the room but your voice stopped him.
"We will be sharing a bedroom?" The words slipped out your mouth before you could even stop it, your brows knitted together, your eyes searching Tom's to which he avoided so evidently. "Well, you two are together and I do trust Tom not to do any funny business." Dom simply said, playfulness laced in his tone.
Well, guess that makes it that most, if not all of his family think you're his girlfriend.
"Seriously Dad?" Tom groaned, palm rubbing on his red face, you found it quite adorable if being honest, maybe even more if you weren't raking your brain for answers as to what the hell is going on.
Dom only chuckled as he gave Tom's shoulder a squeeze. "I'm just messing with you. Come on son, your bags won't carry themselves upstairs." Tom nodded with a sigh. He only spare you a quick glance, shooting you a shy smile with his cheeks all flushed and pink.
You were waiting, just waiting for him to say something, to tell his dad that you weren't together, to correct him too but it never came. It was like he wants them to think that you are in fact together, which isn't the case at all, and you could only think as to why.
Well you're not correcting them either.
Huh, touché.
Of course a part of you was enjoying the moment, you've had feeling for Tom for a while now. With him being so sweet, kind and caring with a side of charm, talent and sexiness, how can you not? So his family thinking that you're his girlfriend? It was pure bliss.
You do hate the way it makes you feel hopeful though. Hopeful that there was something more about this, feelings wise. But you just know he doesn't. If the countless of girls he's been pining for wasn't enough proof, then him saying that he doesn't feel anything for you to Harrison, was.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation that night, you just happened to walk in his living room to hear your name, and you got hooked.
"Don't believe anything they tell you." Tom warned playfully, his voice taking you out of your train of thoughts. You furrowed your brows at him confused to which he only gestured behind you, his finger pointed accusingly at his brothers. You turned around to see all three boys smiling innocently at you, though the mischievous glints in their eyes says otherwise.
Oh you were getting some good gossip tonight.
"Come on Tom, how bad can it be?"
*     *     *
Your laugh was the first thing Tom heard when he walked back inside the living room, a smile making its way onto his lips to see you glowing with joy. Even more so when he saw Tessa situated comfortably on your lap, the precious dog looking up at you sweetly as she listens to whatever you were saying, the way your hand stroked the back of her ear was enough to make her stay right where she is.
The sight alone melted Tom's heart ten times over.
"What are the four of you talking about?" He asked with a brow raise, his brothers looking at you and then back at him before stifling out little chuckles. "What are you telling her boys?" Tom presses even more, dread slowly consuming him on the thought of what his brothers could've spilt this time.
"Don't worry Tom, they're just confirming what I already know." You responded with a wide grin, leaning back on the couch, all calm and smug.
"And that is?"
"That you're really stupid, especially with girls. God the things that you've done." You answered nonchalantly, shaking your head at him teasingly. Tom's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as a number of horrible and embarrassing stories crossed his mind and he was sure the boys told you one, if not all of those said stories.
"Whoops time to check the turkey." Sam was quick to stand and exit the room, chuckles coming out of him to which Tom could only do nothing but watch him disappear.
"I'll help and set the table. Paddy come on." And just like that all three boys were out of sight, leaving you with a curious yet adorably embarrassed Tom. "Seriously, what did they tell you?" You stifled out a laugh at his distressed state, Tom only jutting out his bottom lip in response as he slowly made his way to stand in front of you.
"It's nothing. Just things you did when you were younger. They quite exposed you if I'm being honest but nothing too bad." You answered to try and reassure him, but still, Tom wasn't having it, but he also knows you weren't going to tell him anytime soon either so he decided to just let it go, even if it was bugging him a lot.
"Wow, we just got here and you've already taken over my family." Tom sighed as he plopped beside you on the couch, his eyes glancing down at the dog who rested soundly on your lap, not even bothered by Tom's presence. "You too Tess? This is just outrageous." He protested, arm resting just behind you as he shot you a playful glare, bottom lip all jutted out and you couldn't help but laugh. You shrugged with a wide and proud grin of your own. "What can I say, I am quite the charm."
"Yup, you definitely are." Tom whispered under his breath but he doesn't really realize most of the time when he's speaking out loud, so of course, you heard.
There was a slight change in his tone, a difference in the way he said it that made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire, a certain look on his face that made your brain grow curios but your heart grow hopeful.
Silence rang in the air as none of you decided to speak after that. Tom knows you heard what he just said, the faint blush in his cheeks just screams it, and it was only a matter of seconds for it to grow awkward until you realized that you've got your own questions for him.
"Tom, why does your whole family think that I'm your girl—"
"I got the yearbook!" Paddy came out of nowhere with a toothy grin, book in hand to which you assumed was Tom's, judging by the way he groaned in utter dismay. "You guys really love to embarrass me."
Paddy only giggled as he made his way beside you, handing you the yearbook to which you thanked him for. You turned to Tom to see another mortified look on his face, and you could do nothing but laugh at his reaction. A smirk was plastered on your lips, all teasing and smug as you patted his leg in feign support.
"Hey, that's what brothers are for."
*     *     *
Dinner was well underway.
The beautiful sound of laughter accompanied by the glorious and delicious smell of the full plates made you feel all warm as you look around the dining table surrounded by a happy family. Tom was sat right beside you, eyes all crinkled as he tried to contain his amusement at bay due to something his Dad had said.
You were holding your end of the conversation as well as his family asks you whatever question they had in mind. It was the typical ones, what you do with work and school, favorite marvel movie – not choosing Spider-Man just to get on Tom's nerves – the usual jazz. Nothing was out of the ordinary until Tom did something cute from the outside looking in, but questionable to you.
"Hey, look at me." He mumbled as he patted your arm softly, making you stop your conversation with Sam to turn and look at your best friend. "Hmm?" You hummed, Tom only smiling at you as his hand took hold of your chin to keep your head in place. The middle of your brows creased, your heartbeat picking up its pace as you stared right at Tom's brown orbs all confused, but you didn't have to ask no more as he brought his napkin up to gently, almost lovingly wipe the gravy that was on the corner of your lips.
"There." Tom flashed you one last smile before turning back to his Dad as if it was nothing, him missing the way you let out the breath you were holding as you tried your best to keep the butterflies from causing any more havoc.
"You two are such an adorable couple." Your head snap back at Nikki who had such a proud grin on her face, looking at you and Tom so adoringly and you didn't want to be the one to ruin it for her, so you just smiled at her shyly, your cheeks all hot as you looked at Tom with the corner of your eyes, the boy still oblivious of the consequences of his actions.
It was such a mundane thing, what Tom just did, and he's done it before too, but somehow, in front of his family, it felt like there was some hidden agenda to it, and you suddenly felt uneasy.
*     *     *
The festivity was now moved back to the living room, the main lights now dimmed replaced by the glow of the Christmas tree as the TV played Elf. Everyone was scattered everywhere with the young boys on the floor wrapped in big and soft comforters, both parents cuddled on the edge of the couch, while you and Tom sat next to each other on the other end.
You tried your best to focus on the movie, but it was becoming a hard task as your mind processed other things instead. Along with Tom's arm resting over your shoulder, pulling you closer and closer to his side as his fingers played with the ends of your hair? It wasn't easy to stay focused.
Even more so when he—out of nowhere—turned his head to place a soft kiss on your forehead, his lips gentle against your skin as it lingers for more seconds than normal. Your eyes snapped up to meet his to which he was quick to avoid as his brown orbs were back on the television. You were staring at him intently, only breaking your gaze once you caught Dom and Nikki whispering in each other's ear, not so discreetly pointing at the two of you.
You placed your eyes back on Tom, your brows furrowing in concentration and curiosity as if you'll find answers on the dips and valleys of his face.
What is this boy trying to prove? Does he actually have a hidden agenda?
Tom tore his eyes from the TV screen to look down at you seconds later once he felt your burning glare on him. "What're you staring at?" He mumbled, the smirk on his lips slowly growing as you only rolled your eyes at him and stayed quiet, looking down at your hands once you felt your cheeks heat up.
And here you were, back on your never ending train of thoughts, more fuel added to the fire when Nikki and Dom bid their goodnights, the phrase "love birds" thrown about to which you and Tom only responded with timid smiles, the boy beside you still not bothering to correct them at all.
That's when the theory as to why finally hits you.
Everything could be just a big misunderstanding but a part of you can't help but think that maybe the reason why Tom has been acting the way he is the moment you arrived at their doorstep, is to actually make his family think that you are in fact his girlfriend.
Maybe his family has been pestering him to get a girlfriend to the point where it was getting on his nerves. Maybe this has been his plan all along the moment he invited you to spend Christmas with him, to show off to his family so that they'll stop asking questions, so that they can finally stop pressing about his love life. If so, then that would absolutely suck.
A heads up would have been slightly better because if that really was the case, then you just feel utterly used and downright played.
And just like that your mood was quick to switch.
"I think I'll go and get some sleep too." You grumbled as you pulled away from his grasp. You were fast to stand to your full height that it made the middle of Tom's brows crease with worry. "You alright?"
You flashed him a tight-lipped smile, avoiding his eyes as much as possible as you nodded. "Yeah, just tired."
Tom had his thinking face for a second, the one he wears whenever he suspects that you weren't exactly telling him the truth. You were glad though that, that said face only lasted a few seconds. "Okay, I'll be right up in a few."
Once you've said goodnight to the boys, you were quick to turn on your heel as you rushed upstairs, shutting the bedroom door behind you with a long sigh.
You were going to make the most of your time alone, to think and to breathe at least, to have a much needed space given the fact that Tom would most likely show up in a couple minutes and there would be nowhere to escape him.
Perks of sharing a bedroom. Sarcasm greatly intended.
*     *     *
Lying down alone in bed has always been one of your places to think, or in this case, overthink.
You were torn, still not clear as to what you'd conclude this situation to be. If you've just made a big deal out of the whole situation when it wasn't at all; or that there's definitely something going on and you just know nothing about it. But either way, you can't help but be hurt.
You could try and pretend to actually be his girlfriend and just live in the moment, this has been your dream for so long after all. But you also can't stop thinking about how you're playing yourself if you do exactly that.
If you let him use you for his own gain, then you're just setting yourself for heartbreak in the future.
Your feelings for Tom shouldn't in anyway make him have a pass on lying. What you feel for him should never make him able to get away with everything, especially with the risk of him taking advantage of it. Maybe he knows what you feel, maybe he doesn't, but that still doesn't give him any right to drag you into whatever he's planning without confronting you about it first.
It could've made a difference if he talked to you about it, asked this whole thing as a favor instead of just playing you right into his trap.
Could this actually be the reason why he suddenly thought about bringing you home with him? If so, then he probably doesn't care if you were to spend Christmas all alone.
You were hurt for sure, but you were also very angry, hence why you aren't fully rational with the situation at hand.
You and Tom have never slept in the same room ever before. Same house sure, all the sleepovers can vouch for that, but you've always had your own space whenever that happens. You two have shared a few clothes, and a few stuff but none of you has crossed too much into the other's personal space. Being best friends, it has its perks but it also has boundaries for it to stay that way, which is why you also have never shared a bed.
You weren't exactly sure if you're ready to make tonight the first, especially with the whole 'his family thinks you're his girlfriend' thing going on. You also weren't sure if your heart could really take it, being so near to him in an almost, too intimate setting with your emotions and all.
Having feelings for your best friend is stressful as fuck.
As much as you want him to sleep on the floor, you couldn't find it in you to let it happen. You were definitely mad at him, but just because, you still couldn't let him sleep on the cold, hard floor. So, you opted on placing a pillow in the middle of the bed, a make-shift wall to separate your side and his. It wasn't much, but it was something at least, a needed distance for you not to cross dangerous territory.
The things you do to spare your heart.
You were staring straight at the cream-colored walls, gears in your mind still turning when you heard the door open and then shut, the lock clicking just seconds later, but you stayed still, no movement, no noise.
It was a few minutes of him doing whatever it was he was doing as he walked around the room, into the bathroom and back. You couldn't see him as you tried and pretended to be asleep, your eyes faintly closed; only hearing his footsteps coming closer until you felt the other side of the bed dip. You can definitely feel his eyes on you, just staring, observing, and he was silent for a moment, until he lets out a deep sigh.
Tom knows you, of course he wasn't falling for your little act. "I know you're still awake."
"Oh yay, do you want a cookie for noticing?" You grumbled, still not bothering to turn around. Your back was facing him, but you can just picture him running a hand over his head, a little frustrated maybe, but nothing you can't handle.
"Are you mad at me?" You couldn't help but roll your eyes, your snark getting the best of you because he knows what's been happening the moment you two arrived, so it's only fair that he comes clean with it. "I don't know Tom, should I be mad at you?"
"I don't know too Y/N but judging by this barrier? You definitely are."
You couldn't stop your eyes from rolling again, just out of habit, even though he can't see it. You didn't even try to hide your annoyance as you exclaimed enthusiastically. "Great job! You want another cookie?"
"Y/N, stop with the damn cookies and just tell me what's up." You can hear it in his voice that he was getting riled up, and you want nothing more than to annoy the living daylights out of him, but when he gets heated, you tend to feed off of it too.
"Fine. I'll tell you alright." You tore the blankets off of you in haste, standing back on your bare feet as you glared at Tom who was sat across you, frown written on his lips with a little hint of annoyance still present all over his face.
You crossed your arms over your chest in mere attempt to look intimidating, trying your hardest to not get too distracted since the fucker didn't even have the decency to put a shirt on. "Maybe you should've given me a heads up when you're going to use me as a decoy girlfriend to appease your family."
Tom's face visibly softened at your words, a sigh was heard from him as he lowered his head to avoid your eyes. You stayed quiet and just waited for him to say something, it was after the count of ten—in your head of course—when he looked back up at you with an expression you can't quite read.
"Look, mum just assumed that you are. I definitely am not using you as decoy and I didn't tell them that you're my girlfriend." He reasoned, nervous hand coming up to rub on his shoulder, unconsciously flexing his bicep along the way and you hate how one little thing could affect you so much. You took a breath, replaying that you're mad at him over and over inside your head.
It was rare for Tom to ever lie, and when he does—in most cases—you would be the first to notice. He wasn't lying sure, but you still weren't convinced that he was telling you the full truth.
"But you didn't correct them and say that I'm just your best friend either." You pointed out as you narrowed your eyes at the boy. It was clear in the way he looked away that he was cornered, no more cards to show except for one that Tom wasn't ready to play just yet. Lying wasn't an option either so he tried to shift the conversation instead. "Well, neither did you."
You blinked, completely taken aback by his choice of tone, an accusing one that is. "Oh don't you dare try and pin this on me now Thomas."
Tom knew that his whole name coming out of your lips was warning enough, but being the idiot that he is, of course he decided to poke his head inside his ass some more instead of just being straight up and honest with you. "I'm just saying, you could've told them we weren't together but you didn't so this isn't all on me."
The glint in your eyes made Tom swallow the lump in his throat. But when you spoke with gritted teeth, that's when he knew he might actually have screwed things up. "Unbelievable. You knew how nervous I was to meet your family! How could I ever possibly tell them off? Fuck it, you know what? Don't bother me until you're ready to tell me the truth."
"If you do as much as cross the tip of your finger over this pillow I'm going to end you." The threat in your voice was clear and Tom could do nothing more but watch as you climb back in bed, pulling the covers over you rather harshly as you kept your back turned on him.
He laid himself down with a deep sigh, both hands finding its way on the back of his head as he stared up at the ceiling, stealing glances at your form every now and then. His frown only got deeper as the clock ticked by with you still paying him no mind. The silence in the air grew longer, even deafening to the point that it was driving him nuts.
Tom was well aware that you were still up because your breathing wasn't as steady as it should be when you're actually asleep. He knows you like the back of his hand, just as you do about him. Your every quirk, every habit, he notices every single one of them. It was easy for him to know what's been bothering you—well, in most days—and it's definitely easy for him to notice if you're pretending to be asleep, especially if he was just so close.
You had every right to be upset because he was so obviously beating around the bush. He knew fully well how much you hated it when someone isn't being completely truthful right up to your face or otherwise. To add to that, he just had to get in your nerves some more by pushing some of the blame on you too.
Tom wanted nothing more than to smack himself upside the head. He does deserve it.
But one thing for sure was that he shouldn't let this argument reach the morning. He just has to suck it up, gather all the courage he could muster and tell you the whole and honest truth, no matter the consequences. Even if he was putting your friendship at risk.
Slowly, Tom sat up as he leaned back on his arms, eyes casted at the girl who lay just beside him. "Y/N?" Silence. "I know you're still up." More silence.
Come on Tom, you can do better than that.
Swinging his legs off the bed, he stood fully up, quietly rounding the corner and walking towards your side. Tom was right when he suspected that you weren't asleep when you moved quiet abruptly. It was like your motion sensors were on high alert as you were quick to turn around before he could even reach you, keeping your back on him to purposely avoid him.
Crouching down so that he was almost the same level as the bed, Tom lifted a hand up to poke your arm gently, and when you didn't swat him away, he took that as a good sign.
"Y/N, just hear me out please." Tom softly cooed, finger running up and down your arm with a feather-like touch, soothing away your anger in mere seconds. He couldn't stop his smile from growing when he felt you slowly relax, and Tom knew it was only a matter of time before you finally give in. He always took so much pride on how you can't resist him for far too long.
"What do you want?" You grumbled, still not going through the hassle of turning to face him, but only because you know how close he just is. If you did as much as roll on your other side, your face would only be an inch or two from his own, and you aren't sure if your heart can handle that proximity.
"Just want to talk." You spared him a glance over your shoulder, seeing nothing but puppy-dog eyes staring right back at you with his full pout in play. "Please?" Tom added, and all you could do was groan in utter defeat, just knowing that he won't stop unless you talk to him. His stubbornness is one of the reasons why you're here, right at their house during Christmas, in the very first place.
You sat up and moved back until you were near the headboard, crossing your legs as you watch him sit on the space in front of you, right in arms-length.
Tom stared at you for a moment, head tilted to the side with a look you can't quite comprehend, but it did bring that certain flutter you feel in your heart whenever he looks at you, but this time, more intense. Even more so when he suddenly whispered, almost like a breath, his voice soft and gentle, tone laced in pure endearment when he said:
"God you're beautiful."
The warmth in your heart was quick to rise and spread to your cheeks. You willed yourself to think nothing more of his comment than just a poor attempt to distract you. "Tom, spill."
Tom shook his head with a shy chuckle, eyes casted down for a quick second before it was back on yours. "Right uhm, first off, I promise you, I didn't plan this at all. I was just as shocked as you were when mum called you my girlfriend. This was never my reason as to why I invited you here in the first place. And second..."
Trailing off his sentence, Tom slowly moved closer towards you. The sudden change in the atmosphere only made your heartbeat quicken, and when he reached out to take both of your hands in his, all your nerves were on an all-time high. "I didn't correct them and say that you're my best friend and that we're not together or that you're not my girlfriend because... I was uhm, because I really want, no, I don't want you to be." Tom's voice faded as he spoke the last part of his sentence that you didn't quite catch what he said nor did you understand. His eyes were now casted down at his fingers that were gently fiddling with yours, nervousness very clear in his touch.
You furrowed your brows at him, frown on your lips as you softly said. "You're not making any sense." This made Tom throw his head back with a groan, hands letting go of yours as he rubbed them on his face frustratedly. His eyes were shut tight as he mumbled to himself, but the fact that he was so close, you still heard it nonetheless. "Dammit why am I so bad at this?"
"Tom, why didn't you tell them I'm not your girlfriend?" You asked to try and pry the answer out of him, asking him the question that's been hanging over your heads the moment you arrived. Both his arms fell limp on his sides, and when his eyes met yours with a different glimmer coating them, you were nowhere near prepared by his confession.
"Because I enjoyed it okay? I liked the way it sounded when mum called you my girlfriend. I felt so happy just seeing you get along with my brothers instantly, even when the only thing they did was embarrass me. And when you didn't say anything? I was taking every chance that I could to soak it in while it's still there, to pretend to be your boyfriend because maybe it's the only chance that I'll ever get, even if it's not real." You stared at him in shock, words stuck in your throat as your brain still tried to process what you're actually hearing.
Tom's heart was hammering against his chest, loud and fast as he leaned closer, his shaking hand reaching out to hold your face, palm soft against your cheek, thumb stroking your skin ever so gently.
Your eyes blinked as if his touch brought you out of your thoughts. Confusion was written all across your features, a nervous chuckle escaping Tom as he continued, heart and soul poured into his words. "I was enjoying the moment because I don't want you to be just my best friend anymore Y/N, I want you to be more than that. I've had feelings for you for so long now and seeing you tonight with my family only just confirmed that I am hopelessly and deeply in love with you."
You shook your head at him, eyes closing as you tried to get a hold of your sanity, still unable to believe the actual words that came out of his mouth. Because Tom telling you that he loves you? Your best friend? The person who you've been in love with after all this time? It just seems too good to be true. "Don't even try and lie to me Tom."
"Why would I lie to you about this?"
"I heard you telling Harrison you didn't have feelings for me." The slight shake in your voice made Tom's heart ache a little. You were doubtful and Tom knows it's because you were scared of that he was just telling you this just because. He understands why, he knows about your past relationship, of course he understands. But he could never, in a million years lie to you. He never would.
"I was in denial because you don't feel the same way and knowing Harrison, he was for sure going to say something to you if I admitted to him my feelings then. I was scared that it'll ruin our friendship and fuck, maybe I just did right now and I'm just—"
"What makes you think I don't feel the same way?" You cut him off, so many mixed emotions rushing through you in a span of a minute. You were still suspicious, that’s what so much heartbreak can do to you, but that only starts to fade away once you think about who's in front of you. You trust Tom with everything that you are, and that always outweighs every doubt in your mind.
"Because when you—wait, does that mean what I think it means?" The realization that grew on Tom's face made him look ten times more adorable, hopeful eyes looking at you with that bright, charming smile slowly making an appearance.
You bit the insides of your cheeks to stop yourself from grinning, wearing the best poker face that you could to try and seem unfazed. You weren't giving him the satisfaction just yet. "Tom, answer my question."
He shook his head no with a sheepish grin. "But your question is suggestive. Why would you ask me that question if—"
"Yes, I'm in love with you too, you idiot."
Tom was quick to shush your giggles as he pressed his lips against yours, his hand finding its way on the back of your neck to keep your head in place. The kiss was everything you could have ever imagined it to be, so much longing and passion poured into it that it could only make your head spin and your heart grow.
You were consumed in nothing but bliss as his mouth molded yours, his hand finding your waist as he gently pushed you down until you laid flat on your back. Tom situated himself between your legs as soon as you wrapped them around his waist, your arms snaking around his neck to pull him even closer, a soft groan leaving him at the feeling of so little space between you two.
"You have no idea how long I've been daydreaming about this..." Tom whispered, his lips leaving yours as he slowly trailed down, placing a peck on your chin before his lips found its way down your neck. "...about kissing you..." You gasped as he gently nibbled on the skin, trailing even further down to your collarbone as he softly growled. "...all of you."
"I think I do." You breathe out, hand running up and down the back of his neck as he continued to litter you with kisses, some gentle, some... not so much. "Yeah?" The grin in his voice was clear as day as he looked at you through his lashes with a dark glint in his eyes, his hands sneaking under your shirt, fingertips touching you in a way that made goosebumps erupt on your skin.
"Hmm, I've been doing the same." You hummed. Tom's lips hurriedly made its way back on yours as he kissed you hungrily this time, teeth nibbling at your bottom lip before his tongue slipped its way in your mouth. You ran your hands down his bare torso, feeling every bit of muscle, from pecks to abs. It was ridiculous how your simple touch could turn Tom on so much, the blood rushing down that made his sweatpants grow tighter. "I wanna love on you."
You let out a soft moan when he suddenly rutted his hips once, only once to tease you and to tell you just how much he wants you. But as much as you want him too, you couldn't seem to forget about where exactly you two are. "Not tonight Holland. Your parents are right downstairs and your brothers are right across the hall."
Tom only chuckled lowly at that, burying his face back on the crook of your neck as he nipped at your soft spot, earning a gasp from you. "Guess we have to stay quiet then."
"Tempting, but I don't think I can, especially when it's you." You admitted coyly, Tom pulling away at your words as he supported himself on his forearms, eyebrow raised at you with the cockiest grin you've seen him wear. "Oh? Is that so?"
"So next time?" You smiled at him shyly, heat coating your cheeks as you brought a hand up to cup his face. Tom chuckled with a nod, leaning towards your touch like a puppy as he hummed. "Whatever you want love."
He pulled away from your grasp as he sat up, the sudden absence of his touch making your frown. Tom only flashed you a reassuring smile, grabbing the pillow-barrier just beside you and throwing it across the room, the space on the bed now bigger than before. "Won't be needing that anymore." His comment earned a hearty laugh from you, the sound melting Tom's heart as he looked down at you with pure adoration.
"You, my love, are the Best Christmas gift ever." Tom sighed as he leaned down to place a sweet kiss on your lips, snuggling himself back in your arms, face buried in the crook of your neck with an awfully wide smile that he can't seem to wipe off, not that he was complaining.
"Great, because I actually forgot to buy you anything." You teased, hand running up and down his bare back to which Tom could only sigh in pure content. "That's alright, you are more than enough."
"God you're such a cheese ball."
"I've finally got you after so fucking long, my cheesiness isn't going to run out anytime soon darling."
And after a few more giggles, teasing comments, lots of kisses with a sprinkle of 'I love you's here and there, the two you slowly drifted off with smiles on your faces, happy and grateful to be finally in each other's arms.
Christmas at the Holland's went way better than you thought it would.
Like & Reblog if you enjoyed and let me know what you think! <3
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
High School Musical feels to me like a very gay narrative, and doing a close reading reveals this fact. Long post ahead, with analysis of lyrics and story beats that contribute to a queer reading of the story
Basically, Troy is the repressed gay who hides in the closet, and Gabriella is the outcast nerd who is just discovering the gay, never knowing before then how she doesn't fit in. She talks about how she has been outcast before, because she was different. While in and of itself this is not particularly specific to the queer experience, Gabriella’s journey of becoming comfortable in her skin is prevalent to the story and a queer reading of HSM. Likewise, Troy’s growth in his confidence to do what he wants even though it’s easier and more comfortable to bow to societal pressure is also queer in its telling.
In "Start of Something New,” they both have that realization that this thing they're feeling is so right for them, they feel a belonging. :It feels so right/to be here with you” and “I feel in my heart/the start of something new” seems less to me an anthem for love at first sight and more simply the recognition of this feeling of attraction to someone - and despite Troy and Gabriella being ostensibly cishet, the combination of this song and the use of drama/the arts as a stand in for homosexuality in this reading make it feel as though both are nervous but excited in discovering their queerness - another interesting thing is that each of the love songs in HSM are gender neutral, and thus play the same if sung by two people of the same gender as by a hetero couple.
This moment is a growth for Gabriella’s queer journey - prior to the song, she is nervous and afraid to socialize, but afterwards she is open and excited to discuss with Troy their experience and be friendly. Troy is a little more closed-off, foreshadowing his journey of trying to stay in the closet - he makes a point of saying how this was something he’s never done before and is not a typical part of his character.
They meet later, and Gabriella's a little more confident, although not technically "out" yet - she doesn’t hide her interest in the “singing thing” and though she doesn’t want to be seen as the Freaky Math Girl, she does have no qualms about showing off her intelligence in class. Basically, despite this being a new territory for her, she is more comfortable in her skin. Troy, meanwhile, basically thinks about his gay experience but hides back in the comfortable closet, returning to being a jock’s jock and ridiculing Ryan and Sharpay, the story’s flamboyant representations of the “out” gays.
Ryan and Sharpay are interesting villains, and they read to me as what might be termed the LGBT+ gatekeepers, since we have drama/the arts as our allegorical stand-in for the queer community. Ryan and Sharpay are unapologetically gay, but they are also used to the ostracism they recieve and thus as a reaction, they have become fiercely protective of their safe space - Sharpay’s fear of the musical being taken over here reads as the worry of LGBT spaces being co-opted and appropriated by cishet people and thus returning them to marginalization.
The song "What I've Been Looking For" is a big jazzy pop number for out gays Ryan and Sharpay, further referencing their absolute comfort in who they are. However, when Troy and Gabriella sing it, it's a soft romantic ballad because they're still on the journey to discovery of their queerness. The lyrics are really gay in "thought I was alone/with no one to hold/but you were always there beside me" - the song is about finding a love when you thought you never could, and if that doesn't scream gay I don't know what does. Despite Kelsi’s insistence that Troy and Gabriella’s way is how it is “supposed” to be sung, the song works just as well as a hopeful romantic tune about the future as it does a celebration of finding acceptance of any kind, even platonic. Again there’s a reference to “this feeling like no other” - this song follows up “Start of Something New” as a continuation of the journey to self-acceptance, and speaks of finding comfort in the experience of meeting those like oneself -  “I never had someone/that knows me like you do/they way you do.”
“Get’cha Head in the Game” is here to show the environment Troy lives in - he’s being constantly pressured, and the song is fast paced and imperative. It also provides a contrast in lyric theme, referring to the “head” instead of feelings and heart. Troy’s tonal shift in the middle of the song where he sings about his heart feels like now that he’s had this gay experience and knows this truth about himself, he can’t go back fully into the closet.
The posting of the callback list feels very much to me like Troy and Gabriella being publically outed as queer. When Troy and Gabriella are "outed," there is a reaction of support and others "coming out" in solidarity, but those voices are shouted down by those seeking not to upset the status quo. The song is chaotic and loud, with walls being broken down and students from different groups merging - Chad mentions later in dialogue that the social hierarchy is breaking down. Interestingly enough, despite the general tone of the song being disapproving and admonishing, everybody joins in the dance and shows support, until Sharpay literally shouts everybody down. This kinda feels to me like saying that the majority of people would be accepting and tolerant, except for a minority of vocal voices who dominate the conversation and push their agenda of hatred.
Homophobic Chad manipulates Troy back into the closet to protect the status quo, and a heartbroken Gabriella sings about how she "thought [he was her] fairy tale," and that really says to me like a gay thinking they've found a relationship only to be heartbroken by realizing the person was straight or too closeted to continue on. She “confused [her] feelings with the truth” and thought “[he] felt it too,” but luckily the ensuing fallout of Gabriella and Troy forced apart and into their respective closets makes their straight friends realize their horrible mistake and do their best to repent, becoming “allies” to them.
“Bop To the Top” is just a fun number, again showcasing Ryan and Sharpay as confident in who they are. However, the interesting part is that Ryan and Sharpay’s world is breaking down around them as well, just as it is for the straight people. Sharpay snaps at Zeke because she can’t quite comprehend this guy from the straight side reaching out to befriend someone of the queer set, and her walls go up. In her own way, she’s trying to restore order as well - however instead of forcing Troy and Gabriella apart, she instead tries to make it so they must prove their commitment to one side or the other - making it so that their activities with their friends take place at the same time as the callback - basically a choice between their closets or the queer community, but with the help of their allies, Troy and Gabriella bring everything crashing together - though the straight majority floods the theater, they do so in support of the community she has protected. At this moment, Gabriella and Troy have overcome the external queer-phobia.
And then the big emotional number at the audition, "Breaking Free," really feels gay to me, in that the song is about the world trying to tear this couple apart but with their faith in each other and themselves, they can rise to new heights. The verses each feel like an anthem to a queer experience in fighting against societal pressure and having confidence in who you are. “The world can see us/in a way that’s different than who we are” is about the pressure to conform to gender and sexuality norms, “but your faith, it gives me strength/strength to believe” they can break free and be themselves. In particular the bridge where they sing "more than you/more than me/not a want/but a need" gives me "born this way" vibes and describes the need to be who you are even when others might not understand. And yet, even in all of this, they are supported and tolerated - the audience dances in the seats and claps to the beat and supports them.
And then "We're All In This Together" is of course the fantasy of tolerance and overcoming bigotry within and without the LGBT community, where everyone is singing together in harmony, where there is nothing but acceptance of the differences that make us all special and unique, with the recognition that we are all human. 
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Saving Face
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Tom Branson x Reader
Words: 2580
Part One of Two
Summary: Married for nearly a year, the reader and her husband return to her home and family for a dinner at her sister’s invitation. Tom faces judgment and becomes a point of ridicule. Everything halts when the reader falls deathly ill. 
Notes: This one is definitely hard to write, but you know me I love putting my favorite boys through hell. I love Sybil and Tom, but I really want to write some imagines for him, so in this case, Sybil is just the supportive sister. I hope you enjoy! I also decided to make him a journalist in this since that’s what he does when he goes back to Ireland. (P.S. This was getting insanely long, so I split it into two parts!)
You could tell he was nervous by the way he wrung his hands as you walked. The house had never been more intimidating than it was at this moment. You took one of your husband’s hands in yours and gave him a small reassuring smile. 
“She said we would be welcome.” You reminded him, though you also feared that your sister had been too optimistic in her letter. 
“Maybe she’s forgotten how it was when we left.” He argued, looking up at the grand estate that he had once been a servant to. 
“They don’t hate us, Tom.” He gave you a look. 
“They don’t hate you.” You sighed, pausing halfway up the path to the door. It had been almost a year now that you had been at Downton. Almost a year without seeing your family. But it had also been almost a year since you’d married the love of your life. 
“I’m sure there will be other guests at dinner tonight, as well as tomorrow,” You started slowly. “And while my family has hopefully adjusted, others will not have.” You knew how some of the other women in society could be. They made Mary look like the goddess of hospitality. Surely, Sybil wouldn’t have invited them, but that didn’t mean that your grandmother wouldn’t. 
“I have somewhat prepared myself for this.” He laughed humorously. Your fingers gently grazed his cheek as you made sure his hair was in place. The first face to greet you was at least a friendly one. Sybil burst out the door before you even had the chance to ring. 
“It’s so good of you to come!” She exclaimed, wrapping you in a tight hug. This of course was much warmer than a traditional English greeting, but Sybil was anything but traditional. She turned to Tom, her smile welcoming and kind. “I know this must be strange for you, but it means so much to me that you’re here.” He gave her a small nod. 
“We wouldn’t miss it, m’lady.” He tried to expel any expression of nervousness from his face, but his smile was still an uneasy one. At least he had an ally in Sybil. You took his arm and Sybil led you into the house. You thought you would feel some great sense of nostalgia. The feeling of being home again after so long. But stepping into the grand entrance only made you realize that anywhere would be home so long as you were by his side. 
Servants scurried around you, some slowing down to gawk. Tom avoided their gaze. You hadn’t even thought how strange it would be for him to be served by the people that he once worked with. Mr. Carson was quick to shoo them all away, but their stares lingered in Tom’s thoughts. 
“They are expecting you in the drawing room, Lady Y/N.” Mr. Carson kept his tone neutral, though you could sense his disapproval. He was one of the most offended by your match with Tom, not that he’d ever told you. You knew it was his love of the family that drove his opposition, but you found yourself still wishing for his approval. Sybil paused at the door. 
“Are you ready?” Her concern was sincere which made Tom feel a little better. 
“I suppose it’s too late to turn around and run.” He whispered in your ear, making you laugh. 
“I’m afraid so.” With a nod of permission from you, Sybil instructed the footman to open the door. The room was lively with conversation until the moment you stepped inside. Your heart pounded, feeling every person’s eyes staring at you. You were right. It wasn’t just your family. Your grandmother must have invited the Winstons- a family of women your age she’d been trying to persuade you and Sybil to befriend for years. You’d both always found them haughty and arrogant. They definitely weren’t the first family you’d have chosen to introduce Tom to, but you refused to fear them. 
Tom lingered in the doorway, regretting ever getting on that train. It wasn’t that he was afraid for his own pride, but for yours. To see you ashamed of him would surely be his undoing. You turned back to him with a look of more adoration than he felt he deserved. When you held out your hand, he didn’t hesitate to take it, fully stepping into the room. 
Your mother was the first to approach you, taking your hands in hers with a smile. 
“How was the journey, dear?” She asked. There was an awkwardness to her tone, but not a hostile one. 
“It was lovely.” You left out the part about the train car being a bit crowded. Not riding first class was something you still had to get used to. There was a child who freely ran around the car and forgot to cover his mouth when he coughed. A small annoyance amongst a thousand other happy memories. Falling asleep on Tom’s shoulder or feeling his finger trace the lines on your palm while you stared out the window watching the world go by. You felt his hand tighten its grip on yours when your mother turned to him. 
“I trust your occupation in Ireland has been going well?” 
“The editor I’ve been writing for seems to think I have potential.” He knew it must sound so ridiculous to someone of her stature. You put a hand on his arm and gave him a smile brighter than the sun. 
“Tom is being modest, mama.” You beamed. “Mr. Byrne tells me he doesn’t know what he’d do without him. He loves Tom’s ideals and thoughts for a new future.” You heard a giggle from across the room. Abigail Winston tried to conceal her smirk by bringing her fingers to her lips. She was by far the vilest of the girls and you expected she was thinking of plenty of ways to humiliate you and your husband. 
You couldn’t help but notice the way your father avoided your gaze. While you didn’t elope, the blessing he gave Tom was a reluctant one. You had given him very little choice and you knew that it was only by your mother’s insistence that he allow you to marry. Thankfully, Matthew was quick to strike a conversation with Tom. Matthew seemed to be another friend Tom could rely upon. After all, before learning of his inheritance, Matthew was a simple lawyer. 
Carson announced that dinner was ready and everyone filed into the dining room. Tom sat to your right and Mary took the seat to your left. Of every person there, perhaps you feared her the most. Your relationship was complicated, to say the least, and when you left to marry Tom, you knew that she disapproved. When you were a young girl, you idolized your eldest sister and losing her respect had hurt you greatly. 
“I hope you’re ready to face the wolves.” She said, quietly enough that only you would hear. You glanced at her, allowing your nervousness to show. 
“I just wish I could make him feel like he’s not below us.” He barely touched his food, taking only the smallest bites in fear of looking improper. 
“That may be difficult considering he used to work for us.” You gave her a look. 
“I don’t think we are above anyone who has worked or currently works for us, Mary.” She chuckled at your defensive tone. 
“I know that’s what you believe, dear, but I’m afraid I’m not the one you have to convince.” She nodded her head towards Abigail and her sister Margaret, both gossiping and giggling like school children. 
“Tell us, Sybil has it been a strange adjustment?” Margaret began. “You kept so busy as a nurse during the war and now things have settled down.” 
“I do my part where I can.” She put on a gratuitous smile and you envied her ability to maintain so hospitable. “I don’t think I could ever go back to what it was like before the war. Too many things have changed.” 
“Indeed.” Margaret agreed, her gaze sliding over to you. “So many things have changed.” You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, suddenly feeling very warm. You motioned over to Mr. Carson. 
“Could you possibly move the candelabra?” You asked quietly. He gave you a strange look. 
“Are you feeling alright, my lady?” He looked genuinely worried, which caught Tom’s attention. 
“What’s wrong?” Your husband asked. You laughed as though they were both being silly. 
“I’m afraid my dress is a little heavy for the weather and I’m getting a little warm, that’s all.” You assured them. Mr. Carson removed the burning candles, but you felt little relief. You felt sweat bead across your forehead, but dabbing it with a handkerchief would draw too much attention. 
“Lady Y/N,” Abigail stared you down with a cold gaze, “Or is it Mrs. Branson now? I never asked which you preferred.” Her words were civilized, but her tone was accusatory and cruel. Your lips stretched into a tight smile. 
“You may call me whatever you like.” She leaned over to her sister but made sure you could still hear. 
“Perhaps she wishes to be called ‘Lassie’.” They shared a laugh before she continued. “I meant to ask you where you get your shoes?” 
“My what?” It was such an odd question considering she had beyond the means to find suitable footwear. 
“I couldn’t help but notice how your shoes are in perfect condition.” By the smug smile on her face, you knew what direction she was taking this. “I’m afraid mine wear out terribly quickly with all of the walking I do to get to and from town. Wouldn’t you agree, Margaret.” Her sister nodded with an amused glint in her eye. 
“Abigail, I’m sure you’re boring the gentlemen with such talk.” Lord Winston scolded, but she had an agenda she fully intended to keep. 
“Then again, I suppose not all of us have chauffeurs that are so eager to please.” 
You pushed away from the table so suddenly that it made you dizzy. The plates rattled from the force of your motion and the entire room went deadly silent. The men in the room were too baffled by the unexpected motion that they seemed to forget to stand with you. Abigail’s face twisted with wicked triumph .
“Oh dear, I do hope I haven’t offended you.” 
“If you’ll excuse me, I think I need to step out for some fresh air.” You muttered, rushing out of the room. Tom and Sybil were quick to follow while the rest of the party sat in shocked silence. 
“I’m sorry if this seems rude, but I’m quite frankly surprised that she brought him here.” Margaret noted, snickering at her sister’s comment. 
“Must you both be so wretched?” Mary blurted and joined her sister to chase you. 
“My love, slow down. Please.” Tom urged you, but you were out the door without a second thought. 
“We’re going home.” You fervently tried to brush the tears as they fell. Your blood felt as if it were boiling and even the brisk night air failed to cool you. 
“Y/N wait!” Sybil pleaded, Mary catching up behind her. “We’ll ask them to leave. I didn’t wish them to be here anyway, but please don’t go like this.” 
“I’ll gladly throw Abigail out myself.” Mary added. You were almost surprised to see her taking your side but you were too emotional to care. 
“I can’t do this.” You stopped and turned to them, the tears on your cheeks glistening in the moonlight. Tom could feel his heart crack seeing you like this. You saw the hurt in his expression and knew he thought this was his fault. But he couldn’t be more wrong. “I cannot play this game anymore. I refuse to dance around my feelings for the sake of keeping face. I thought I’d escaped all of the fake smiles and forced politeness, but life with Tom has made me forget how horrible it all is.” 
“Honestly, Y/N, what did you expect to happen?” Mary exasperated. 
“Mary.” Sybil gasped. 
“Things have changed, Y/N.” Mary stepped towards you. “You made a choice and you knew the consequences. You chose a life of love, but it is also an uneven path to follow. I’ve always respected your courage, don’t disappoint me now by running away.” You softened. She respected you? Tom placed a hand on your cheek, his eyes grounding you enough to stop your hysterics. 
“My darling, if you want to go now, we’ll go.” He gave you a reassuring smile. “But I can face them if you can.” The heat spreading through your body was becoming unbearable and your head grew dizzier every second. Your breathing became short and labored.
“Tom, I-” Before you could finish, your legs gave out beneath you. 
Tom rushed to catch you and Sybil leapt into action. With one arm holding you upright, his other hand gently patted your cheek, trying to rouse you. 
“Y/N? Love, wake up.” He looked up at Sybil. “What’s happened?” Sybil touched her hand to your forehead and quickly drew away. 
“She’s burning up, we have to get her inside.” He scooped you up in his arms and the two practically sprinted inside. 
Mary was frozen for a moment as they ran past her back into the house. Y/N had looked rather ill at dinner, but surely she was just overwhelmed. Mary’s thoughts went to Lavinia and an icy fear ran through her. 
“Somebody help!” Tom shouted upon getting inside. Servants gathered around with a chorus of gasps and Sybil began giving them orders. 
“We should take her upstairs,” She instructed. “Thomas, fetch me a bowl of cold water and a cloth. Mr. Carson, try and fetch Dr. Clarkson.” 
“Yes, my lady.” Mr. Carson’s eyes followed Tom and the worry in his expression was clear. 
“What’s happening?” Matthew appeared from the dining room, the rest of the party soon filing out behind him. 
“Y/N’s fainted.” Mary said solemnly, taking her fiance’s hand. “Sybil says she has a fever.” Everyone watched as Tom carried you up the stairs, Cora making her way to the front of the group. 
“My girl.” She exclaimed, following Sybil and Tom. Abigail turned to her sister. 
“And here I thought Irish women were supposed to have thick skins.” Mary would have lunged at them had Matthew not stood in her way. 
“Just ignore them darling.” He sighed. 
Upstairs was a flurry of movement from servants bringing Sybil supplies. They’d instructed Tom to the room you were meant to stay in and Sybil helped him remove the heavy dress from your frame. Male servants hesitated as they came in. Even catching a glimpse of you in your undergarments was a scandal. Tom seemed to notice their surprised stares and shifted so that he was shielding you from their view. 
“Don’t just stand there.” Sybil exclaimed. “Help Thomas get the ice water and someone find out if Mr. Carson has contacted Dr. Clarkson.” 
“Come on, love.” Tom brought your fingers up to his lips. “Open your eyes for me.” He couldn’t breathe. It was like the rest of the world was a complete blur. People bustled around as shapes around him. The only clear thing was you. The panicked tears came without warning. “Please, love. Please wake up.” 
The first thing you heard was his voice.
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years
Descent: Chapter 3
Pairing: Leon x Reader
Leon only thought he was the most powerful trainer in Galar...
He never battled you though.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
So I was trying to find a badass gif... there are none our boy is a floof. I gave up and used the most ridiculous one I could find. Enjoy!
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Chapter 3: Off with Her Head
The smirk on your lips is almost sinister as you regard the groaning Leon across from you. You delicately sip your coffee while Leon lays face down on the kitchen table. Who would have thought that the Unbeatable Champion Leon is a lightweight? It had only taken a shot and a couple of beers for Leon to be tipsy and yet the moment that Miles bought the whole bar another round ‘in honor of his new friend Leon’ you knew this would be it. That final shot had knocked the former champion out. You had struggled to get him back to your car since he was practically dead weight at that point. Also, very affectionate… Apparently, Leon is a very affectionate drunk and had it been anyone other than Leon latching onto you for hugs and cuddles you would have thought there was a hidden agenda. But honestly, you just believed that Leon enjoyed affection and you weren’t that mad at how his solid body had felt pressed against you last night. You won’t tell him that though. 
His hair is mussed up from the number of times he’s run his fingers through it. Another groan escapes his lips as you push the pain killers and water closer to him, the sound of the glass on the table apparently too much for him to bear. 
“You have a surprisingly low tolerance for someone of your height and build.”
You hear him grumble something incoherent under his breath in annoyance, but you pay him no mind. 
“You need to deal with yourself Ace, we have training to do!” You sing the last part loudly, mostly just to snicker at the groan of pain and the light thud of his head hitting the table again. You laugh outright when the thud is followed by curses. 
“Language, Mr. Former Champ! You wouldn’t want your fan club to hear such profanities come from such a pretty mouth.”
You glance over your shoulder to see the scowl on his lips and his glare. You send him a sly smile in answer before you head out of the room, “Be in the car in twenty minutes!” you call over your shoulder as you do. 
You hear a sigh from the kitchen and repress your giggle as you head to your room to get ready. Having not known where Leon lives, you had just simply brought him home with you and laid him out in your guest bedroom. You would be annoyed at the late start if not for the glee you got from Leon’s hangover. 
At half-past noon with a greasy breakfast sandwich in Leon’s hand and a warning that he will promptly be kicked out of your car if he throws up, you head down the road. Leon is wearing a pair of dark shades to protect his eyes from the bright light and despite your amusement at the situation and desire to torment him more with loud music, you need him to be able to focus, so the car ride to the training ground is mostly silent. Once there Leon seems to be feeling better now that he has eaten and taken some medication. You hand him a bag filled with supplies and a large water bottle. 
“Where are we going?” he asks, clearly not trusting you after the events of the night before. 
“There’s a mountain over there that we will be climbing.” Glancing over at the peak in the distance he groans as he regards it. 
“I’m not sure I’m up for this today…”
“Well I’m very sorry his highness got shit faced last night, but you should have stopped if you didn’t know your limit.”
Leon looks affronted before conceding that you are right. He hangs his head down in defeat before he takes the bag you gave him and puts it on his back. His team is strapped to his belt and once he seems ready you head off down the path towards the mountain.
“Do you have any other Pokemon other than the team you showed in the championships?” The question is innocent in and of itself but he seems suspicious. 
“A few others why?”
“You need some variety in your team. One of the reasons you are at a disadvantage is that everyone already knows your team. You should have a few that you rotate out so there is a surprise every once in a while.”
“What about your team?” he asks suddenly. 
“What about my team?” you ask glancing over your shoulder at him. 
“What Pokemon do you have?” he asks curiously. 
As if waiting for his moment to shine, your Gengar, Akuma, breaks free from his Pokeball and grins deviously at Leon. 
Leon grins as he regards your oldest friend, “Your partner is a Gengar?” he asks happily. 
You smirk as you gaze down at him fondly, “It is, Akuma has been with me for a long time. Isn’t that right Aku?” you ask him in a sweet voice. Akuma giggles but leans happily against you, demanding affection. Resting your hand on the top of his head he happily reaches up and takes your hand. 
The two of you happily make your way down the trail and once you get to an open field you release the rest of your team. Leon’s eyes widen at them and their obvious adoration for you. A Salazzle with a healthy glow to her scales slides up to him first in curiosity, cocking her head from one side to the other. Next, a Toxtricity comes lumbering up behind the Salazzle with a confident smirk on his face followed closely by a curious Nidoqueen. The rest of your team is sticking close to your side and consists of a Toxapex and Dragalge. The Toxapex clearly wants nothing to do with him and the Dragalge looks like it wants to attack him, but doesn’t by wrapping itself around its trainer as a sign of protection. 
Leon looks only mildly uncomfortable as he regards the Pokemon around him, “Don’t worry… they all really are quite dangerous, but very well trained.”
He sends you an unamused look as he watches the group of poison type Pokemon inspect him. When they are happy that he is of no threat to their beloved trainer they leave him alone and meander back to your side. 
“Why don’t you release your team as well? They need the exercise, this is for them after all,” you encourage as you tilt your head with a smirk. 
He nods, suddenly looking very serious before unleashing his team, first Charizard followed by Aegislash, Dragapult, Haxorus, Seismitoad, and Rhyperior. And despite how serious he is about training you can see how he loves and cares for his team. His team regards you and yours curiously if not a little warily. You notice how his Charizard seems to almost hover over him in concern. 
“Let’s go,” you say calmly as you turn to head through the field as you make your way to the mountain in the distance. Glancing over your shoulder you check to make sure they are following you. His Dragapult glides up next to you to tentatively inspect you only to be met with a hiss from Lady, your Salazzle. The Dragapult merely narrows his eyes and hisses right back. There is a roar from Charizard and Dragapult answers by floating back over to his team. 
“So you have a poison type team? Why poison?” he asks as his long strides brought him in line with you. 
“They are underappreciated but dangerous. Honestly, most people shun them because they are scared or intimidated.”
“Isn’t that why you choose them? They are intimidating?” 
“Nope… Aku was my first friend and everyone was always so scared of him when we were younger even though he was the best friend I could have asked for. The other kids wouldn’t let us play with them and when he evolved into a Haunter, it only got worse.”
Leon nods, “I see…so what did you do?”
You shrugged, “I decided that I was going to train and one day I found Sahara and Tsar. They were so cute and tiny at the time.”
“Sahara and Tsar?” he asks in confusion. 
Your Nidoqueen lets out a roar before quieting and you chuckle at her antics, “Tsar is her mate, my Nidoking.”
His eyes widen, “You have one of each?”
You nod as Sahara nuzzles your shoulder. With a giggle, you swat her away and all of a sudden you aren’t the feared High Queen of an underground organization, you’re just a trainer with her team. Leon shakes his head trying to get that image out of his mind. He can’t forget who you really are, but despite his musings, he can’t help but see you in a slightly different light. 
You both battle your way up the mountain and allow Leon to take the lead. He grows stronger with each battle but you can tell he’s holding back. 
“What’s the problem?” you ask as you regard him skeptically. 
“Is this really going to help?” he asks as he turns towards you his own brand of skepticism in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” you square your stance and cross your arms. 
“What makes this training any different than what I do already?”
“It’s probably not,” you answer calmly. 
“Then what’s the point?”
“Precisely. What is the point?” you ask.
He furrows his brows as he regards you, “To get stronger.”
“Nope. You’re already strong, you lack some stamina, but not much really. You’ve lost something though. What is it?”
He scoffs and his fists go to his hips, “You mean my title?”
“Something more important than your title.”
He frowns, “I don’t understand.”
“We are out here to find what you’ve lost,” you tilt your head as you regard him.
He grits his teeth, “The only thing that I’ve lost is my title and I’m not going to get it back out here.”
“Are you angry you’ve lost it?” you ask cooly.
He narrows his eyes, “What I’m feeling is none of your business.”
“So you are…” you murmur softly.
He looks away from you, avoiding your eyes.
“Did you know that Akuma chose me as his trainer? I was pretty isolated when I was kid, I didn’t have friends and my family didn’t really have time for me. It was all about the business,” you begin to pace back and forth in front of him as the memories flood your mind. “I would wander off and be gone for hours and no one would even know I was gone. There was an old cottage on the property and I would play inside and around it. One day there was a Gastly hiding in the shadows. He was scared and alone. No one wanted a creepy ghost type just like no one wanted to have anything to do with the little girl who lived in the house at the end of the road.”
“Why are you telling me this?” he asks in confusion. 
“Because that day a little unwanted Gastly followed a little unwanted girl home and they were never alone again. Akuma has been my partner since I was a child just like I’m sure that Charizard has been there for you. Right now you need to find what you’ve lost and only you know what that is.”
“I told you! I lost my title.”
“Your title isn’t who you are. Try again.”
“Fine! If you’re so smart let’s battle!”
“You won’t win,” you say calmly.
“You don’t know that.”
“I do,” you say simply before you turn and walk away. “You aren’t ready to battle me.”
The ride back to your home is silent as Leon fumes beside you. You roll your eyes before you go into your house and come out with an egg. 
“What’s this?” Leon asks as you hand it to him. 
“It’s an egg and your new means of training,” you say calmly, leaning against the car that Leon has yet to get out of. 
“You want me to raise an egg as training?” he asks incredulously. 
“Yes, you will know soon enough,” you murmur cryptically as you get back into the driver’s seat to take him home.  
“I don’t get it…” he murmurs gazing down at the egg in his lap. 
“You have lost something, Leon, and that egg will help you find it.”
“How?” he snaps, annoyed with you.
“If I simply tell you the lesson you will learn nothing.”
He glares over at you but keeps silent the rest of the way.
“Oh, by the way…” you say as he’s about to get out of the car, “You should pack tonight.”
“We’re going on a bit of an adventure.”
Leon blinks at you in confusion, “Absolutely not.”
He gets out of the car and gathers his things before shutting the door. .
You roll down the window to continue your conversation, slight annoyance in your voice at his behavior, “Be packed tomorrow morning, or be unprepared because we’re going.”
“Where are we going?!” he yells through the window as you roll it up.
“You’ll see,” you say with a Cheshire grin.
The next morning dawns and with a frustrated growl you bang on Leon’s door. You know he keeps denying your calls and quite frankly you are not having it. Walking up to the door you simply pick the lock on the door and walk right in. 
“You would think the Ex-Champion would have a better security system…” you murmur to yourself right as Charizard rounds the corner looking as fierce as ever. The moment he sees it’s just you, his fire dies and looks more tired than anything. Vaguely you wonder how worried he is for his trainer. 
“He’s not ready is he?” you ask the large fire lizard.
He just shakes his head before leading you into the next room. You see a lump under the covers of a king sized bed with long purple hair flowing out of the top. You can’t help but think it looks a bit lonely. Such a large bed, but so empty. 
“Come on, Leon,” you say in annoyance, “we have a plane to catch,”
He rolls over and blinks in annoyance at you, “I’m not getting on a plane with you.”
You roll your eyes, “And why not?”
“Because I don’t trust you. You run an underground ring of illegal Pokemon dealing.”
“Do you know who I sell those illegal Pokemon to? Your friends. I’ve made more deliveries to the people in this very apartment complex than you care to know about. The elite of Galar want what they want.”
“I don’t believe you…” he practically pouts, but you can tell that he knows. 
“Listen Big Boy… You can either accept that you have made this choice, or deny it. I don’t care either way. What I do care about is my team and my reputation. You have put yourself as well as my team in danger and I expect you to do the big boy thing and deal with it. Now get up, we’re going to Kalos.”
You turn and head out the door before you hear his questions. You glance over your shoulder as a singular ‘why’ floats from the room. 
“Because you need to see more of the world.”
“I’ve seen the world!” he pouts as he stumbles out of his bedroom and into the living area. You head towards his kitchen and start rummaging through his cabinets.
“What are you doing?” he asks mildly offended that you are just looking through his things, even if it is just his kitchen. 
“Coffee, I would assume you would like some before we head out, perhaps breakfast as well.”
He looks less offended at your answer, probably because you were going to feed him, and directs you to his coffee and the green protein infused smoothie he usually drinks for breakfast. 
“So much kale…” you murmur as you stuff hand-fulls into the blender and roll your eyes at the noise the high powered contraception makes.
Leon emerges with his bag packed looking far more put together than he did an hour ago. 
“You never answered my question about why we are going to Kalos.”
“I have business and you have training,” you say putting your sunglasses on and heading towards your car. He follows along reluctantly before he throws his duffle bag into your back seat, his team strapped securely to his belt. 
The tower in Lumiose city reaches up to the sky and for the first time you watch Leon forget about being a Champion or not being a Champion. He’s just being Leon. 
“You’re welcome to wander the city and explore while I get some work done. Do you want to grab dinner when I’m finished?”
“You don’t want me to go with you?”
“No, you don’t want to go with me,” you say with a smirk, “Just enjoy the day, we’ve got some training to do tomorrow.”
“What training is that?” he asks absentmindedly as he regards the shops and restaurants around him. 
“I’m taking you to a battle mansion, you’ll love it.”
“Really?” he asks, whipping his head around to face you, excitement in his eyes. You just nod with a smirk on your face as you leave him to his devices. 
Walking down the streets of Lumiose city, you come to a cafe where you are to meet your contact. Negotiations are underway to set up a group in Kalos. Certain pokemon were in high demand that are native to this region. You order a coffee and sit down at one of the tables. A few moments later a man sits down across from you, his own beverage in his hand. 
“(Y/N), I presume?” he speaks lowly a confident smirk on his lips. You narrow your eyes.
“Follow me, the boss is waiting for you.”
You nod before you get up and follow him into the back room where a man with blonde hair and striking green eyes awaits you. He’s wearing a silvery gray suit with a deep green dress shirt, the buttons around the collar unbuttoned and displaying a toned chest. Just enough to tease you. 
“Jean, I presume?” you ask your hand gripping Aku’s Pokeball in case you need him.
“No need to be so tense! Have a seat, I love lunches with beautiful women,” he says with a smirk and flirtatious wink. 
You don’t relax as you take a seat across from him and cock your head to one side, “you say that like you don’t have them often.”
“Often enough, but none quite as exquisite as you,” he purrs, offering you a bit of the food that was prepared beforehand. You know better than to eat what is before you though. 
You smile sweetly before you fix him with a look, “Down to business.”
“I was hoping for a chance to get to know you.”
“There will be plenty of time for that after I’ve heard your proposal,” your tone is light and airy, amicable, but you know how the game works. 
The male before you narrows his eyes minutely before he smirks, “Of course, business before pleasure, a lady after my own heart. I propose we open trade routes specifically for Litleos and Flabebe. My team will gather them in exchange for Dreepy and Applin.”
You cock your head to the side, “I don’t believe that’s a fair trade, Dreepy and Applin are significantly harder to find, especially Dreepy whereas both Litleo and Flabebe are almost common.”
“The heart wants what the heart wants and the hearts of Kalos want Applin and Dreepy,” he says with a shrug, as if it is entirely out of his hands.
“It sounds to me as if I would be getting the short end of the stick, Applin and Rookidee are moreso on par with your request.”
“And of Dreepy?”
“If you want Dreepys you will need to give me something better than Flabebe. I am already able to source them Alola.”
He scowls before his tone lightens, “What about Mega Evolutions?”
“What about them?” you ask flatly, acting far more bored than you actually are. 
“You can Mega Evolve your Pokemon anytime and anywhere, there are no restrictions unlike your region’s Dynamax….”
“Go on…”
“With my help you could be uncontested.”
“Are you saying you will outfit me and my team with Mega evolution equipement?”
“Your partner is a Gengar correct? Think of the power he could have…” You do consider it. You’ve heard of the power that Pokemon that have the ability to mega evolve have. Such power...
“How many Dreepy do you want for this power?”
“One hundred,” he says without flinching. 
“I will consider your proposition and get back to you within the week. I need to take it to my associates.”
“Of course!”
“I will be off then,” you say as you move to get up.
“What of your lunch?” he asks good naturedly. 
“I have someone waiting for me so I really must be off.”
“Well he is very lucky then…”
You regard the man in front of you for a moment, vaguely wondering his intentions. With a single line he has made you suspicious. 
“Indeed,” you say with a saccharine smile.
Leaving the cafe you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong and when you are cornered in an alleyway by the lackeys of the very man you had just spoken with you aren’t surprised. There are five of them each with their pokemon at the ready to take you on. You regard the lackeys with boredom rather than fear. As if you haven’t been ambushed before, such amateurs. 
“It’s nothing personal,” comes a voice from the rooftop, “your associates are merely more cooperative.” 
Glancing up you see Jean standing there gazing down at you with a wicked smirk.
“Oh? You’ve spoken to my associates?”
“Our agreement was as many Dreepy as I would like if I could get rid of their boss. I fully expected you to be dead by now my dear.”
You roll your eyes and with a flash, Akuma is standing by your side looking all the more menacing as he regards his opponents. 
“You know what to do,” you say without even blinking. 
Akuma giggles before he seemingly vanishes into thin air, the sound of yelps and cries of pain assault your ears as Akuma in a single blow takes out his opponents.
“I didn’t become who I am by being easy to kill, you’ll have to do better.”
“How is this for better?” he unleashes a Houndoom and with a glow of the jewel around his neck he mega evolves. 
You curse under your breath as you regard the fiery dog before you. 
“Akuma! Destiny Bond!” Akuma nods before he glows a deep purple. 
Houndoom rushes forward landing a solid hit on Akuma who just grins and bears the pain. You grit your teeth as the Houndoom effortlessly throws Akuma away. He hits the wall before he falls to the ground. He weakly stands up before hypnotizing the Pokemon before him. Houndoom shakes his head trying to rid himself of the drowsiness, but fails and falls into a deep sleep. 
“Nightmare then Hex,” you say glaring up at Jean. 
He smirks at you as Akuma unleashes the attacks unto the dark type pokemon. It doesn’t do much damage but the moment that Houndoom wakes up you know it’s over. He unleashes one more attack that sends Akuma to the ground and due to the bond forged between the two of them, Houndoom falls as well. 
“Very good…” purrs Jean, “You do live up to your reputation. Let’s see how well you do with my Garchomp.”
Garchomp roars as he lands before you, you pull your Dragalge, Silette, and ready her for battle. 
“Do you think your little barnacle can defeat me?”
“You made a mistake siding against me,” you say calmly, ”I’m going to show you how.”
The battle is over before it’s even really begun and you know for a fact that Jean relies entirely on Mega Evolution. Once his mega evolved Pokemon has been defeated the rest of his team crumble like cake. You climb the stairs on the fire escape to reach the top of the building where Jean is standing, still shocked at what just happened. You hold out your hand and he glares at you in defiance. 
“I want the band.”
“How dare you-”
A deep growl from Moxy, your Salazzle, has him handing over the band and you look at it curiously before you tuck it away. 
“Who are you working with? Who wanted me dead?” you more so in annoyance than fear. 
He smirks before he shrugs carelessly, “They called themselves Diamond and Clubs, they intended to pay me handsomely to take you out when they found out that you were coming for a meeting in Kalos with me.”
“I’m keeping the band as your payment for losing to me. I will give you fifty Dreepy each for Gengarite, Beedrillite and Venusaurite.”
“Your allies have turned against you, how do I know you can hold up your end of the bargain?”
“I have two hundred Dreepy waiting to be moved as we speak. I am the only one with access to the system housing them and my personal team is loyal. Whatever they hoped to pay you, I can pay more.”
“They said you were lethal, I didn’t think you would be this ruthless as well…”
“If I wasn’t dangerous, they wouldn't be trying to kill me…”
“Touché,” he says with a smirk, “I need an hour then we meet at the tower for the exchange.”
Once you are alone in a small department store you quickly head to the changing room and change your clothes and shoes. You heal your pokemon in preparation for what is to come and quickly make your way to where you are to meet Leon. 
You see his long purple hair and head towards him, grabbing his arm you pull him along beside you, “Change of plan.”
“Clubs and Diamond are trying to kill me so we have a short amount of time to gather supplies and get to a safe house.”
“Kill you!?” he exclaims. 
“Keep your voice down! I have an exchange to make, then we get out of here.”
“How are you so calm?!” 
“Panicking will do nothing. We have to get to safety, they know about you so we need to stick together and get somewhere safe. I just need you to trust me on this.”
He looks serious as he nods at you.
At the base of the tower, Jean is leaning casually against it as you walk up to him. Leon is about a hundred feet away watching the whole exchange in fear. You hold out your hand and he places the bag in it with the Mega stones you asked for. You nod in acceptance as you hand him the code to the storage unit. He checks it before he nods at you. 
“I hope we can do business in the future,” he says, pulling you hand up to his lips for a kiss. 
“You tried to kill me…”
“Business,” he says with a shrug, “And a grave mistake obviously…” 
“Obviously,” your voice gives nothing away as you gaze at him coldly. 
He merely smiles pleasantly at you before you turn on your heel and walk away. A shout from Leon has you casually snapping your fingers. Hemlock, your Vileplume which was happily hiding amongst the flowers unleashes a stun spore into the air as you casually put on a gas mask. Several people, including Jean fall to the ground paralyzed. 
“Thanks for the Mega Stones, your treachery will not be forgotten.”
You hear a wait leave his lips as you just roll your eyes, “In fact,” you say as you casually walk up to him ignoring the screams of the people around you, “I’ll take these.” You flip him over and pull another mega band from his wrist and upon further inspection pull a bag of mega stones out, “for payment.”
His eyes widen as you show him what you have taken before you quickly pull out a Pokeball and release a Weezing. 
“Smokescreen,” you say as you step into the fog. 
The entirety of the park has been thrown into chaos and if it wasn’t for the Pokemon dealers being arrested for theft then you would have had more problems to deal with. 
“What happened?!” Leon asks as he dutifully looks away as you change from the clothes you had been wearing before you hand them Moxy so she can burn them. They are ashes in the wind in a moment. You put on a charming sundress and glasses as well as a bright blonde wig. Leon stops when he turns to look at you in the cheery yellow dress as you smirk at him. 
“Close your mouth, Leon, you’ll attract Cutiefly,” you tilt your head to the side, “Unless that’s your intention?”
He glares half heartedly at you before he crosses his arms with a huff.
“Oh stop will you? Everything is fine!”
“He had a gun, he tried to kill you.”
You fix him with a steady look, “I knew what his intentions were the entire time, but we needed these,” you say holding up the bag of mega stones. 
“What are they?” he asks, taking the bag from you. 
“Mega stones, there is one for Charizard and Garchomp.”
“Huh? I don’t want these! They are stolen!”
You tilt your head, “You’re going to need them for protection and we need to get out of Kalos as fast as possible.”
He clenches his teeth as he thinks over the situation, the stress clear on his handsome face, “fine…” he concedes finally. 
You hand him the band and dig out the stones before you hand them to him. 
“You better buckle up Ace, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”
Notes: I hope you enjoyed this! It turned out much longer than expected but I doubt anyone's complaining! Please drop some love and tell me your thoughts! A thank you to my Betas Pluto and Serene!
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