#but when ur going out of ur way to cry harassment bc someone on the internet disagreed w u. maybe its time to log off
butchladymaria · 7 months
feeling like the several year old post i made abt the specific type grhman enjoyers acting like they r being Oppressed TM bc not everyone agrees w their opinions abt him is topical again. like come on now. i feel like 99% of the reason he’s a “controversial” character is because like. you cant express even the mildest observation of nuance beyond “he was a good person with good intentions whose actions had no negative impact because everything bad that happened was somehow someone else’s fault” or god forbid misogyny w/o people acting like you shot their dog lol
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jarofstyles · 3 years
hey besties, pls do a football player Harry (soccer in case ur american lol) and physical therapist y/n !!
I know absolute shit all about football (soccer bc we are American) but we can give it a go!!! Plz don’t be mad I don’t know anything about it cause it’s ✨make believe ✨
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He was a little shit.
A beautiful, charming, irritating, little shit.
When Y/N has signed on for this team, being the medic was something she had been passionate about for years. Having her own accident and making it so she couldn’t properly play anymore, it was her mission to still be involved in the game so how. Y/N’s own injury and healing process had her become more and more interested in the profession, and here she was.
It wasn’t everything she had dreamed of, as nothing ever was, but it was good. She got to sit field-side every game, close to the action. And every injury she got first look at. She helped the guys with their stretches, their previous injuries and keeping them from Re-injuring themselves, taking care of them and making sure their physical shape was the best it could be.
In general? She was happy. But there was one man who was a thorn in her side and a pain in her crotch.
Harry Styles.
The man who decided it was his personal mission to follow her around like a puppy dog. Popping up in her singular moments of peace during game day. Texting her and asking about very, very small twists of ankles and giving her the ‘🥺 maybe you should come and look at it…’ whenever he did so.
Not to mention his complete and utter want to get into her pants.
Now it wasn’t as if she couldn’t handle a few sexual jokes. Y/N was a big girl and knew 99% of the time, the guys on the team knew their limit. And Harry? Harry, in reality, was a gentleman. Never touched her inappropriately, ever. But the problem was… she kind of wanted him to.
There was no actual clause against staff members and players being together or hooking up. Nope, just frowned upon. Maybe a slap on the wrist. However Y/N knew, she knew that the moment anyone caught wind of her potential affections for any team member or acting on it? It would end with everyone thinking she slept with them to get the job.
Y/N worked long and hard. Tireless hours for make sure these men were healthy, fit, and at their best. She wouldn’t sleep with anyone for any job, and she was actually respected by this team which was something a lot of women weren’t in this field. She could not and would not throw it away for a good dicking.
Fuck, did she want to sometimes.
Harry had these hands. The perfect hands, in her opinion. Big, strong with thinner fingers. Long fingers. A good sized palm, not overly veiny, just perfection in male hand scales. Luckily (or unluckily, whatever way you’d put it) she got to handle them often.
“S’sore today, doc.” He winced, sitting on the table in front of her. Harry’s wrist throbbed. It was rainy, and it was usually a wreck when it was the perfect condition. The ache was annoying, and he knew she had a solution.
Her lips pouted softly as she gently took the hand in place, thumbing over the part of the wrist where rhe injury had occurred. She had learned a while ago where to press, how to rub and get it to lessen before she wrapped it up. “Yeah… old injuries tend to never let you forget.” She sighed, pushing her glasses up into her hair.
Harry never could get over how fucking gorgeous Y/N was. From her nose to her lips, the pretty sparkle in her eye, the curve of her hip… he was obsessed. Not to mention the fact that she was so gentle with him. So kind and sweet, though he knew he got on her nerves with his teasing sometime. She could handle it and he always tried to watch to make sure he wasn’t going too far, but he couldn’t help it.
He was a silly boy with a bit fat crush.
Y/N didn’t bite for any of them. Everyone had attempted when she first came on, testing the waters. Her pretty face was welcome to all the blokes in the team, and there was something incredibly attractive about a woman who could heal. Nonetheless, she never gave in to anything.
In Harry’s case, he knew it was different. He could see her smile at some jokes, see her get the bumps on her skin when he brushed her a certain way. But she avoided the eye contact. Avoided the touches. And it drove him mad.
Of course she wouldn’t know he had actual feelings for him because he was a giant coward most of the time. He hid his affection in the dirty jokes and the teasing squeezes of her waist and teasing. He was a thick skinned man but a full rejection form her would hurt.
Her soft fingers gently massaged over the wrist, making him groan. His head tilted back and he let it out, hissing slightly when she pressed too hard. “Oooh, don’t worry sweetheart. Y’know I like it to hurt a little.” His wide smirk made her roll her eyes huffing under her breath.
Y/N was not having a great day. She had been harassed by an Ex all fucking night over her new job. Making all the damn assumptions that she was getting ‘trained by the team’ in a much more vulgar way, and she had cried half the night. To say she wasn’t in the mood was an understatement, but she was trying.
Harry was not what she needed today, because it made her feel worse. Her blatant attraction to him made her feel guilty. She should be professional and leave it with. The way she had squeeze her legs tighter while he groaned didn’t help her case. The ugly words of how they’ only kept her around for a potential fuck’ was ringing in her head.
Harry though, he was a little oblivious. Her hands were so talented, and he didn’t watch her face for once as she hit a good spot again and he let out another remark.
“Jesus, that’s good. Do those magic hands work everywhere?”
That was the straw that broke her. It wasn’t his fault necessarily, he was just playing. But her eyes watered, hand yanking away as she turned from him, walking over to the bench. Trying to compose herself was hard as the tears burned so hard in her eyes, hands shaking slightly.
Harry startled, not used to that. She never flinched away like that, never ignored his remark and walked away. Usually told him to fuck off, rolled her eyes, something. But the energy in the room immediately shifted and he was uncomfortable. What had happened?
Cautiously, he cleared his throat and stood up from the bench, licking over his dry lips as he spoke again. “Uh… Y/N?”
“S’all I’m good for, right?” She muttered under her breath. Frantically wiping under her eyes she tried to focus on the paper in front of her but she could feel Harry approaching.
He furrowed his brow, not sure if he heard correctly. “Wha-“
Y/N whipped around fast, eyes teary and wet. “I said, that’s all I’m good for right? Only good for my hands and sex and all that pleasure you can get from me?” She hissed. “Only good for a romp in the sheets and a pretty face to heal your wounds and put on band aids. Only good to make you get off and feel good and then what? I’m left here with nothing.”
The tears left her, her hands shaking as she grabbed her bag. Harry felt his stomach drop. Never, ever had he wanted to make her feel like that. Her crying? That wasn’t something he ever wanted to see again. He felt like he had taken a ball to the gut, hard. Those eyes he adored being full of pain, full of tears was his own personal hell.
“Y/N… wait, I’m so sorry, I didn’t-“ he tried to follow her to the door, stopping abruptly when she lifted a hand up to him. Her stomping had made him nervous. Now she was leaving without talking to him and he felt like a complete dick. It was their normal teasing, but he had crossed a line.
“Don’t. Just…. Just leave me alone. I’m going home.”
As much as Harry had wanted to chase after her, he had already made her cry once. He wasn’t risking it again.
The icky, gross feeling in his stomach followed him all day. He was gutted. Not only has he apparently crossed a line with someone he respected, he had a fucking crush on her. The man was convinced no other feeling was worse than a crush being angry at him. Even if it sounded juvenile to place it like that.
Harry liked Y/N. He never ever wanted to make her upset in any capacity, let alone feeling like a sex object or violated. He prided himself on respecting women. And he had fucking failed. He needed to make it right, and fast.
He had found her address. In her employee file, and he knew that was bad but he needed to check on her. Regardless of what happened beforehand, she was upset by him enough to leave and go home and he wanted to make sure she was genuinely okay.
It was an overstep and Harry knew it. He had to try, though.
He arrived at her door step with a box of cupcakes and some flowers. Gently kicking the floor, he heard the door open and his heart broke a little more.
Y/N standing in front of him with swollen eyes. She had been crying, seemingly a lot. And she looked upset still. Though he expected her to close the door in his face and tell him to fuck off. But she didn’t.
Instead, she broke into tears again, throwing herself into his chest. Her arms wrapping around his waist, he nearly tumbled over but righted himself as he startled. Quickly he found himself recovering, wrapping his free arm around her and holding her. He was able to maneuver slightly and drop the cupcakes on her entry table, flowers as well before having his arms free.
“Hey…. Sweetheart, what’s the matter?” He whispered softly, gently placing a hand on her back. Rubbing it up and down, letting her cry into his tee shirt. It was worrying. Whatever happened was beyond him, but he wasn’t going to let that take away from the fact he had added and made it worse.
“I’m sorry.” Her muffled response was sobbed into his shirt. “I’m sorry for yelling… and saying you thought those things, you were playing and I…” she pulled back worth tear streaked cheeks and Harry’s look of pure concern making her lip wobble. “You didn’t do it. It was… he kept sayin’ that all the team wants is in my pants, and you make me feel guilty because you’re so…. Beautiful, and I never slept with anyone to get this job! Never. And then he wouldn’t leave me alone-“ she hiccuped, looking up at Harry as he caressed the back of her head.
“Who, lovely? Who wouldn’t leave you alone?” He asked with a calm tone. Of course he wasn’t. Someone was harassing her. And Harry would fucking take care of it. It boiled his blood to think of someone making her feel less than.
“My ex.” She sniffled again, slowly calming. Harry had that quality, she thinks. “He-He broke up with me for taking the job. Said… said that I was going to be a personal whore for all of you. And not do my job.” She took a shuddery breath. It was embarrassing admitting this to him, but he had been on the receiving end for a meltdown that wasn’t his to fix.
“Well, can I tell you something?” He brought his thumb up to wipe away some of the sticky tears from her cheeks. “You arent. You’re no one’s whore. You’re a respected, talented and intelligent member of our staff. You so happen to be incredibly beautiful, which obviously makes people find you more bewitching… but I know that we all look at you as a professional talent. They may have tried their luck at the beginning but you laid down the law quickly and they all understood.” He whispered.
“Me? I was trying my luck, because you’re incredible. And I think you’re lovely. But that isn’t a conversation for now. Let’s make some tea, hm? Relax. I brought you some cupcakes. I need to properly apologize for being inappropriate to you. Regardless if it was a joke…”
He sat next to her on her couch. The poor girl was better now, washing her face and a mug of tea in hand while Harry had helped himself to a vase and put the flowers inside. Carnations. He thought they were pretty, didn’t know the name until Y/N had fawned over them.
“I’m sorry for freaking out on you.” She said softly, her big sweatshirt swallowing her up. Before Harry could interrupt, she put a finger up. “I know that you were just playing, Harry. I let you flirt with me like that. And I enjoy it.” She could feel herself get warm in the face. “If you’ve noticed, I let you get away with it. I enjoy it. And you didn’t do anything out of line. I was sensitive… I was still raw and I hadn’t had much sleep because he had blown up my phone and regardless he was telling me things he said in person over and over again. So…” Y/N shifted in her seat and used her sweater paws to bring the drink to her lips. “When you came in… I felt guilty for finding you attractive. For liking what you said to me.”
Harry sat for a moment, quiet. So she had liked it…. And felt guilty. Now knowing the context? It made sense. For the life of him he was trying not to hold in to the fact that she enjoyed it, but he couldn’t. It made him excited.
“Okay. That makes sense. Usually.. I do a better job at reading your physical cues. Sometimes I can see something isn’t the right thing to say because you’re tense already. But I was in my own world cause you were making the pain go away and I felt good. It isn’t an excuse, though.” He gently grabbed her hand once she set down her warm tee, thumbing over the knuckles.
“I felt like such a dick. I still do. You know that? And it isn’t because I’m attracted to you. But it’s because I didn’t think about the position I’m putting you in by flirting.” He moved a little closer. “I would never try and jeopardize your job. I’ve been blinded by my own feelings for a while and I was trying to feel it out but I didn’t think to think it was because someone else or a group of people would look down at you for it.” He frowned.
It was so unfair. They wouldn’t care if he slept with her. But they’d ridicule her for sleeping with him.
“I just want to let you know now as well… I wasn’t trying to come on to you to have a hookup.” He hummed. “The feelings I’ve got are genuine. Alright? They aren’t just too get into your pants. And I never want you to feel as though that’s your only purpose. Ever. You have so much worth, and while I’m positive you don’t need me to tell you that, I want tok anyways.”
He was unreal. She really thinks so. How did a man just… be like him. He was a fan favorite and had charm but behind the scenes he was even better than anything they said.
“Yeah. I think I was afraid. Because… I’m the same, you know?” She shyly admitted. “You’re charming and I didn’t want to admit I let your charm get to me, but it has. It has very much. And I like you. I don’t know what to do about it, but I think it’s only fair I admit it myself as well when you’ve put yourself out on the line.”
Harry’s grin grew, dimples pocketing in his cheeks. She liked him back. His heart was ringing in his ears, the shy little look into her eyes making him want to explode. Fucking adorable girl making him feel such intense emotions…. It was incredible.
Thank god. He thought he was going insane.
“We don’t have to do anything in the sense of our job right now. But since we both know… would you want to explore it? I would say privately. Just get to know each other better. Talk. Hang out. Cook food together… maybe kiss.” He smirked slightly at the end, making her let out a laugh. Her laugh soothed his Damn soul.
“I think I’d like that.”
Part II maybe? Who knows
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sugakuns · 4 years
[hc] kuroo, akaashi & ushijima when their relationship is accidentally outed
today is the day i try and write for ushijima and akaashi TT, please tell me if i made any of the characters too ooc!!!
→ kuroo testurō
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Okay the only reason it was outed was bc lev has a crush on you and kuroo couldn’t stand it lmao
Like you’re his s/o not lev’s so why would be put up with it
The team (besides kenma ofc, bokuto too but that’s another story) just thought you were a close childhood friend like kenma and that’s why you’d stop by after your club and wait to walk with the duo
but little did they know 👀
so one day you were waiting for kuroo outside the gym and lev and the rest stood outside with you while you were waiting
ofc lev being the airhead he is decided that this was prime time for flirting
by flirting I mean he literally just goes “you’re pretty” to ur face with his cute dumb grin
kuroo overhears and comes storming out cause he can’t stand the way lev looks at u in ur cute uniform 🥺
“Will you stop flirting with my s/o dumbass” tbh kuroo wasn’t really even trying to hide it but cause u two never kissed or anything in front of the team everyone just thought you were close
cue lev.exe stopped working
“s-s/o??” you can hear his heart snapping in half from a mile away lmao
yamamoto is screaming cuz he thought were single smh
lowkey tanaka and noya know abt u too sjsjs
y’all left them in the dust to cry cause ur sexy ass was taken by mr.smooth 🥳
→ ushijima wakatoshi
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The reason you never visited was bc tendou scared the shit out of u lmao
but alas ushijima promised to let u have a sleepover in his house so you had to wait for his practice to finish so you could go home together
tbh you debated just standing outside but everyone kept giving you strange looks so you eventually stepped in and very quietly watched from the corner
ofc washijō seen you so u were like “ushijima told me to wait for him” and lemme tell u this bitch flipped and just thought you were a fangirl and created a whole big scene
ushijima knows you’re shy (obvs) so when the old man tried to push you out while screaming he came to your rescue
“that’s my s/o” he said it in such a monotone voice like it was so obvious lmao
cue tendou wrecking havoc
he’d seen you a million times around ushijima but even the guess monster didn’t guess that you were his s/o
your face was so red because of all the attention on you and you just wanted the ground to swallow you
eventually the chaos simmered down but tendou was pissed that he couldn’t even guess 😔✊
now you’ll constantly have one of the team members watching over you in school cause ushijima ordered them too 🥴
semi was not impressed
→ keiji akaashi
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honestly you’re the only reason he survives practice
like honestly how does this man keep his patience around bokuto lmao
you planned to pop by practice and hopefully catch akaashi before you went home
um,,, that didn’t happen lmao
“Hey, hey, hey! There’s a pretty girl out here!”
oh no
he’s spotted you
“umm i came to see akaashi..” bokuto screams cause he thinks that his besties got a girl crushing on him (he was close enough lol)
since akaashi isn’t really one to share his emotions unless someone does something stupid he didn’t feel the need to share about your relationship
so rip you ig cause now you’ve got a man child harassing you
“bokuto what are you doing to (y/n)-san?”
“you’re on first name basis?!”
“well yeah, that’s kinda the whole point?”
“we’re dating?”
yk the expression calm before the storm
yeah you wanna get out of there before bokuto goes apeshit bc WHY DIDNT HE KNOW
expect bokuto to follow you on every social media that night 😌✊
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misslu999 · 2 years
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I didn’t want to post but well let’s go… because I am too scared to disturb the amazing writers on this platform… so here are the prompts (it is how we say?) I would love to see !
Amazing writers of Genshin Impact (or others but I will only tag this community) who write for reader (or btw characters) here are my ideas, feel free to use them (or not), with any genders, any characters… If you planned to use them please tag me or mention me 🥺
1) Reader die after a very big argument between their bf/gf : R (reader) and C (character) have a big fights, R flees, sleep outside of their home. They don’t talk to each other, and R decide to take a mission, do a job… unfortunately they died… What’s gonna be C reaction to this news ?
2) Character accuses Reader for something they never done : C accuses very hard the R for something very important ! Of course R didn’t do it. Fights? Break up? Free to to the writers… When C discover the truth and it’s not their s/o what’s gonna happen?
3) A follow to above or not, Reader lost trust to the character : everything is in the title, How C gonna gain, win, the truth of their crush? Lover?
4) Reader doesn’t like to be scold by the Character: R do something very reckless, dangerous, or stupid and is scold by the C. A first time it’s ok, the second? Okay too, but when it’s every day R says « If you have enough of the way I am, let’s end ur relationship » or C says « If you can’t stop being like that, let’s end it »
5) Character rejected Reader and regret it, C wants to win their crush: When R confessed their love to C, this one rejected their confession. After a while and a big distance, C regrets it, and fall in love… at the moment they want to confess, someone else is gaining the love of R. What are they gonna do to win the heart of their crush?
6) « Your job or me » : I think the title say it all! R is feeling kinda left out bc C work too much ! R have enough of this and want attention! Smut or not ?
7) Reader comes at home/job crying after being bullied : R didn’t said a single time, people harassed them, always smile, always laughing, always hiding their suffering. One day, someone say/do something very bad to R, they have enough and cry in front of C
8) Reader is shy, but isn’t scare to kill and have blood on their hands: R show a side where they are shy, doesn’t talk much, to anyone also their bf/gf but during war it’s something else… doesn’t hesitate a single time to kill, to execute who do something wrong. One day someone gonna be execute, the executioner hesitate or else, R have enough and do it in front of the C. What’s will be their reaction ? Disgust? Proud? Sadness?
9) Reader wake up a full berserker mode when someone hurt them or someone important in front of them: Title say it all, you know the shounen protagonist showing their full power when someone it hurt or crying? Well that’s ur R!
10) ⚠️smut ⚠️ Reader says they want to have a threesome to the Character : R says they had a dream where R is between their bf/gf and someone else to the C. What if this dream became true?
Alright that is! I wanted to write more but well… I will if they are working and writers are using them! After the « : » is optional, so feel free to write like you want ! Headcanons ? Story? Don’t know any other terms…
If you write some of them for me 🥺🥺 you gonna be an angel 😇 ! I would to see with a f/gn reader with Jean/Sara/Eula or Yae :3 ❤️❤️ (order by preference) ! If they are some writers who recognize me (?) hello to you!
If you did like my prompt idea, you would like to see me write those stuff for genshin or other community just fav, retweet, comment or mention me ! (#Misslu999)
Big love to you all ❤️❤️
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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benreyplush · 4 years
ok so
benny is some sort of benrey clone after some weird shit happened when benrey was defeated and made his way back into gordon’s games like payday 2.
he somehow got into terraria and has no memory of black mesa or who he was even based off of. he barely remembers his name and all it came out to him was “benny”
he’s also freakishly tall
when jack (the world’s guide) found him, he was very quiet and seemingly apathetic about his surroundings. didn’t really talk much and jack thought he was an enigma for a while. he did his usual and helped him begin his life there.
but then benny started doing some weird shit that jack wasnt prepared for. enemies couldn’t hurt him. he could freeze time. destroy and create items indefinitely. he has no idea what benny is and the order of the guide never talked about anything like this so obviously he’s very freaked out at first
slowly benny starts remembering some of his old personality and would say things that make 0 sense to jack. jack doesn’t know what “poggers” means.
eventually benny remembers a lot of it and actually feels kinda sad. like he feels like he has to be this “benrey” but he doesnt want to be. hes different.
and jack tells him he’s not benrey. he became his own thing and that was good! and he doesnt have to be like him. benny was very relieved by this and sorta became his own thing. like he was still like benrey but less of an asshole and really just goofed around. he still found himself harassing the new npcs that move in but he never harasses jack. he likes jack.
jack says he wont call him benrey. to him, he’s benny. and benny really appreciates it.
jack always wondered what benny meant by “self aware” when he talked about his memories. benny talked about the “npc ai just getting a mind of their own” and said when he joined this new world, it must have turned everyone in terraria self aware like in half life. so thats cool.
eventually jack like. realizes he might have a lil crush on benny and feels bad about it. because he knows his fate is to be sacrificed in the end and he doesnt wanna grow too close to benny.
but inevitably they end up together and jack is starting to question if he needs to die. like originally he came to terms with it a long time ago but now he’s actually reconsidering??? wow! they have at least one argument when jack actually sits him down and explains the wall of flesh thing.
at some point jack convinces benny to take him on an adventure and they end up in the underworld. jack’s plan was to go through with the sacrifice and almost succeeded but benny grabbed him and told him not to do that again. and jack was like “you have to let me do this” and benny was like “no dude i love u” and then they kissed and it was like. the first time either of them have kissed anyone ever but it was still nice.
and jack is like “ok actually i want to live with you forever lets go home” but a demon appears when they arent paying attention and attacks them and jack gets knocked into the lava and the wall of flesh is summoned. and benny is devastated. 
when thats over a new guide shows up but benny wants nothing to do with him bc he is not jack. and benny is mad at himself bc he can freeze time, control enemy spawn rates n shit but he cant bring ppl back to life and he feels worthless about it
so the rest of the story is about benny having to move on and accept his death :(
so its a sad story 
but here’s some nice things
benny knows the sweet voice still and uses it on jack all the time. it was confusing to them both when he did it the first time. eventually jack gets used to it and actually really likes it. 
jack is supposed to be the helpful npc so he usually keeps himself together but as he grows closer to benny his emotions start coming out more and whenever he’s stressed he can just look at benny and say “sweet voice pls” and benny calms him down with it. benny also uses it to get jack to sleep (”blue and red means its time for bed :)” ) because normally he shouldnt have to but being self aware is tiring.
oh also whenever jack gets burns from the voodoo dolls in the underworld, benny heals them with the sweet voice healing beam :). benny has no idea how he keeps getting burned and eventually just assumes its bc of the furnace and is like “bro stop shoving ur hands in the furnace lol” and jack cant bring himself to tell him the truth so he just goes with it.
benny was the first to confess and he did it by serenading jack with the worst guitar playing that jack has ever heard <3 but it still made him smile. i know he really had to think about it before accepting it bc wall of flesh, can’t get too close, blah blah blah.
plus idk how relationships work in the order of the guide. he probably really didnt expect to get into a relationship and the new guide that comes along probably found it super strange.
anyway this is a lot of text wow im gonna just add on to the post as i think of shit but if u read all of this i am in love with u
after defeating the moon lord, either the order of the guide or maybe even the spirits of terraria herself brings jack back because benny deserves that after saving all of them.
so benny notices the new guide is gone and was like “weird but whatever” and then he hears someone call out to him. he’s like “ugh what” and turns and its jack and he like. drops his weapon in his hand in shock and takes his eye mask and helmet off to see him properly. like he isnt sure if he’s dreaming or not.
and then he runs to him and grabs him and he’s real holy fuck. so he’s overjoyed and both of them fucking cry (first time jack actually sees ben cry ever!!!) and they kiss n shit and its incredible the end. since the world has been saved, the two live a more domestic life and benny is like “we’re never going to the underworld again ever and also im going to be around u a lot bc i missed u so much and i cant lose u again” so he’s extra clingy but jack is so happy to be back with him that he doesnt care!!!!!
also funny fact but the mechanic was the first npc to move in with them and (i think her name was shayna in my world. will change it if not) was overly annoyed at their constant sappiness before jack was killed. ben was extra affectionate to jack around her bc he likes annoying ppl (except for jack). but when jack comes back from the dead, she still acts annoyed but she’s actually relieved to see benny happy again.
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edengarden · 4 years
hey man when you have the time can i pwetty pwease get a music matchup!
3 positive traits of mine areeee: brave, resilient and friendly!
3 negatives are: obnoxious, stubborn, extremely distrusting
my hobbies include: true crime, baking, reading and crying over video games
my music taste is mostly rock, other close faves are metal, punk, folk anything super upbeat but depressing and indie! though as for most people im open to all kinds too uwu oh and i know its not a genre itself but im also a huge sucker for songs where the singers get so into singing they have that kind of loud yell/growl in some parts of it? i ascend to another realm when i hear it tbh, sorry if thats like incomprehensible orz
what i look for is kindness, sincerity, humour and passion tbh
things i dont like in people are mostly just genuinely mean people who feel the need to put others down. not in a joking friend asshole way but in a genuinely malicious way. cant stand em, i can will and have gotten into fights with these ppl. why be mean when u can be... nice and help ppl and make them smile like... i just dont get it.
my big three star signs are taurus sun, cancer moon and pisces rising. idk jackshit abt but ppl call me baby bc of it and i am NOT a baby! i may look like a blue haired version of the aDAM vine guy but!! im not baby, i am bastard if anything.
im also an entp-t if that uhhh helps.
fun facts about myself, uh im super good at reading people irl, im a human lie detector and it freaks people out. this uh.. does make me have trust issues.
i once got into a fight in a library with a group of people bc they were blackmailing one of my friends. i subsequently got kicked out but! i did win and my friend wasn't harassed by those ppl ever since.
oh im rly good with animals, i have a reputation where i live for taking in animals and helping them find their homes!
im very loud and stupid, it bewilders people how stupid i am. ironically ive got medals for academics. you wouldnt think that of someone who quire literally kept pushing a pull door in front of three people and proceeded to say "damn :/ i think this door is stuck" and then immediately have one of those people silently pull the door open and... man you can imagine the faces they all gave me. orz.
ooookie dokie i think thats it! sorry if this was too much! if you want me to elaborate or need any help deciphering my bullshit ill call myself 💥anon and ill try to help anyway i can
anyway thanks for your time i hope you have a fantastic day!
Also, you sound like a MOOD. I’m a Taurus sun too UwU
I’d match you up with Semi!
Okay I know this sounds like a rough match but listen, listen... your taste in hobbies and music is IMMACULATE to him. Kudos to you, he respects the fricken drip.
I can also very easily see you two cuddled up on the couch late at night and watching buzzfeed unsolved?? Like that’s your ideal date??
And Semi finds your “stupidity” so endearing?? For some reason?? Like yea he’s gonna scold you for trying to push a “pull” door but oh my god he can’t believe that you’re the same person who’s acing all their classes, it’s mind-boggling. You’re his little phenomenon.
Semi will always go to you when he gets song inspo. Whether it’s lyrics or instrumental, he wants your opinion on the matter even if you’re not that music oriented. The only thing is he might get a bit shy showing his work to you if you’re mentioned in the lyrics or if it’s obvious that the song is about you. Please praise the poor boy he’ll deny it but he’s melting and/or blushing. If he manages to get some funky growl vocals or instrumentals, or REALLY good chords and dissonance and you react in any way (whether it be a gasp or a literal pterodactyl screech), he’s gonna feel so proud omg omg from now on his goal is to get that reaction from you as often as possible.
Thank god semi isn’t a “I’ll hold ur flower bby you go beat up the assholes” type of boyfriend bc you’d get in trouble so often?? I think Semi would cut the bullshit and remind you that getting hurt over that isn’t worth it. He’ll physically hold you back if he needs, I swear. But usually, he’s got the words necessary to explain to you that no, throwing hands in this situation will not improve it at all so please don’t go punch a nazi in the face you can just film it and call the person out so that the world can see. Semi’ll help you find out who they are and together you’ll report them to their workplace and have them fired. Semi will teach you the ways of cunning revenge.
- Sons of the Silent Age, David Bowie (THE EMOTIONS THE EMOTIONS THE EM- Semi practically mastered that song because the two of you sing it so often)
- The Dogs of War, Pink Floyd
- Owner of a Lonely Heart, Yes
- Money, Money, Money, Meryl Streep, Julie Walters & Christine Baranski (the growl you’ll love the growl and so does Semi)
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 6 Love Victor live reaction:
- i’m stressed over the physical stuff i already feel some shit gonna happen this ep about it and he’s gonna backtrack💀
- omg Mia def ain’t happy about something rip. Once the water is clear with them they are gonna be fucking best friends i know it. She’s like Simon’s Leah.
-ik i don’t like Andrew and I don’t mean to be biased but??? Isn’t Andre making off color comments about Mia’s sexual life... harassment!????? They are fucking sophomores in high school anyways can everyone on this episode take a chill pill christ.
- okayokay i feel like they are babies bc i’m in my 20s but i had friends sexually active at 16 (altho they also in part had trauma). So.... teens have sex and i’m not gonna be weirded out about all these babies talking about sex I promise 😭
- to any high schooler reading this: being sexually active as long as it is 1) safe 2) consensual 3) and with someone YOUR AGE and not creepy out of high school people is absolutely fine!!! But TALK ABOUT IT before doing it. Don’t invite your partners over expecting shit. TALK ABOUT IT. TALK. ABOUT. IT. AND BE HONEST IN THOSE CONVERSATIONS AND RESPECT IF YOUR PARTNER ISN’T READY THE SAME WAY THEY SHOULD RESPECT IF YOU AREN’T READY. TRYING TO CONVINCE SOMEONE AND NAGGING UNTIL THEY AGREE ISN’T CONSENT EITHER!!!!!!
- back to Love Victor lmao. BITCH WHAT DO YOU MEAN BACK WHEN I WAS FIGURING THINGS OUT AND YOU SAID GIRLS PLURAL??? YOU A SOPHOMORE AJDJDJDJDJD these babies BE having sex omg i feel like such a grandma im shocked😭😭😭😭 i feel like im so used to watching sexually active seniors or juniors even in HS shows. This is good tho. Teens be having sex and is good a show that has actors with according age (same age as the characters and not 25 year olds) discussion sex in a healthy manner and their sexualities. Im shocked but also happy. I never get weirded out in other shows bc the actors are so grown.
- Benji’s bf looked so disappointed 😤😤 baby Benji deserves better smh he even put lights all over 🥺
- Mia girl u can’t be angry u guys hadn’t even talked about it!!! COMMUNICATE WITH UR PARTNERS BEFORE EXPECTING SEX
- everyone can say what they want about Felix but he’s def the most mature one. He’s right, I don’t think Victor has anything to apologize for. Sex shouldn’t be expexted at all if there have no been any conversations about it beforehand. ESPECIALLY if they haven’t even french kissed yet.
- omg Benji fuck this guy😭 gays overDO anniversaries what do u mean he won’t even care!??? At least do it bc ur bf clearly cares im crying fuck this guyyyyy
-omg this guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 bitch i get ur point but go feel joy hold ur bf’s hand and celebrate damn. Also.... lowkey how come these topics didn’t come up before?? Like at least on Valentines day or something???
- omg lake wtf?? He can like her without wanting sex jesus christ this is a conversation they never had and if he isn’t ready that’s valid. Christ.
- nah imma repeat for any young person who might read this: is NOT cruel if you aren’t ready. You SHOULDN’T expext sex without a conversation first (no matter the age or whether or nor u are a virgin), and not being ready has NOTHING to do with whether they like you or not. These things are complex and everyone should be on the same page period. No one has the right to be mad at another person if they aren’t ready.
- now im uncomfortable by them kissing bc he’s doing it out of guilt💀 i hate it here
- Felix is so cute🥺 i want a 21 year old Felix who respects everyone🥺🥺🥺🥺
- yes felix! But also no felix! U deserve better than to be a secret!!!
- the ep ending with him and Benji?? Amazing writing and foreshadowing damn
-ik this was supposed to be a suprise but i think it was obvious. Is a lil annoying to me she realizes she might still be into Andrew bc Victor won’t have sex with her. On one had is like, she feels the sexual chemistry isn’t there (and thats bc he gay) and she’s right. On another, Victor could totally be into her like that and simply not ready and is unfair she gets angry or nostalgic for past relationships simply bc her current partner isn’t ready for physical shit yet. But again, her not feeling the chemistry is important and valid too. She’s ultimately gonna end up with Andrew that feels obvious to me too even if its not this season. What makes me wonder is, after her and victor become friends once he is out and the fix their shit, and she gets with Andrew, how is Andrew and Victor’s relationship gonna look like?? Bc they aren’t even close to being friends lmao
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ikiruwill · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE ;   mun & muse - meme .
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
my muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless 
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
how strictly do you follow canon?  i try to follow canon as much as possible for shinji in nge. for rebuild, mostly, only bc nge is my main version of shinji. it’s been a while since i read the manga, and there’s definitely stuff to like about it, but imo sadamoto’s writing there isn’t as good as anno’s is in nge ( and rebuild... to an extent ), so i’d probably end up changing some details for manga!shinji with whatever headcanons if i wrote him more often / went into depth about things? but it’s still interesting to see how different shinji and kaworu ( + other characters ) are in the manga, and new dynamics can be fun!!
SELL YOUR MUSE! aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.    lemme try and sell you nge first unless you’ve already sold your soul to it LOL join me.... tldr it’s a classic anime and still relevant today despite it being like 24 years old ( with tons of merch now most i would shamelessly buy ). there’s so many characters that feel real and human in nge. hideaki anno poured too much of his heart and soul into it, the reflections of himself and his personal feelings feel very raw. i could also try to sell you like every nge character bc they’re all so well written but mha;lskdjf on to the last point. being the main character for eva, shinji is iconic too... he’s among the best leads i’ve seen in anime. most critics will agree and have agreed with this for decades ( if you only ask me, he’s number one for everything bc i’m biased af ❤ ). i talk too much about how he’s bby / cute and does his best, but probably not enough about how flawed he is as a person too, his deeper wants and needs, and when those things go horribly wrong. the duality is really what makes shinji complex and human. also bonus points!! he’s frequently scored at the top for fav anime characters in japan since ‘95 in newtype and stuff n_n
now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting ( even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think? ).    next to louder and more colourful characters like asuka, for example, shinji can come off as quiet and boring ( especially compared to traditional hot blooded mecha protagonists in general ). shinji isn’t a genius or leader. he’s super passive, introverted, shy, and bad at fun conversations. he saves the world and tries to do the right thing, so by definition, he’s a hero--- but he’s also just a boy who’s gone through a lot. he has a lot of depth and hidden anger / feelings in general, but it would take a lot for him ( i.e. pressure, circumstances ) to express that outwardly--- daily shinji isn’t really like that. fandom wise, i think shinji recently came in 4th in the NHK eva popularity contest, so that’s pretty good, people do like him there. kawoshin is also as popular as ever ( and i’ve also seen more shinji fans in the western side too ). meanwhile old nge fandom be like ‘shinji u loser get in the fucking robot!!!111 ur surrounded by hot chicks every single day and still cry wow’ but that’s more like an ironic meme nowadays LOL
what inspired you to rp your muse?    i finally watched eva properly like two years ago?? ( too late 4 kawoshin 2015 fandom q-q ) it was good so i sold my soul to it and shinji mhasdflkj
what keeps your inspiration going?    eva being my fav anime and shinji my fav character, seeing fanworks of eva, and ofc everyone who interacts with me here on my blog q-q bless u and thank u
some more personal questions for the mun .
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO ( sometimes )
do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
do you think a lot about your muse during the day?  YES / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO ( sort of?? )
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?    yes to respectful and constructive criticism!! but i’m still pretty circumstantial about it for my comfort ( just to avoid random ppl being rude etc ), so i think i’d prefer to reblog a meme for that and / or ask for opinions and tips from my mutuals!
do you like questions, which help you explore your character?    yesss, i think most of us would love that n_n both unprompted and reblogged memes work for me
if someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?    i’m a private blog, so if it’s more of a plot based headcanon that a mutual wanted to discuss for fun and in a friendly way, then ok! i think there’d be room for constructive discussion there ( ah yes eva and its 24 years of pepe silvia meme.png complex lore discussion still going strong ) 
if someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  similar to the above and the constructive criticism thing, i’ll only care / be open to discussing that kinda stuff if we’re mutuals and if you’ve seen eva, etc. 
if someone really hates your character, how do you take it?    as seriously as a funny meme when it comes to randos LOL buuuut long answer too: i’ve also seen passionately mean spirited, usually terrible and equally as unironic takes about shinji on the internet bc that’s the internet sometimes rip. this version of hate is more annoying and can suck just to look at, especially if it gets lots of attention in the form of agreement ( it usually makes me think, did we even watch the same show ). but also arguing endlessly with whoever wrote it / believes it would suck even more ( being a waste of time for one ). i guess that’s one reason why i care more about the personal safe space i’m trying to create on my dashboard etc. and people have very different opinions about anything in general. but basically, in general, this: if someone hates x or y fictional character with such a burning passion, and they won’t be satisfied unless they try to convince others to hate them too, or say that fans of x or y character are bad people irl and belittle said fans for it on their own time ( or openly harass those fans ), and if they’re crusading this idea, constantly?? block, blacklist, report for harassment if noted, filter it out--- it’s definitely better to stay away from that kind of negativity ( also bc it’s absurd and necessary ). i question anyone who finds joy / importance in trying to police the content and comfort of others, but i also know that they wouldn’t have fun hanging out with me LOL kaworu vc surround yourself with people who love shinji ikari 
are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?    sure, once in a while is fine, especially if i made a typo or something that makes the context or anything confusing / unclear!
do you think you are easy going as a mun?    i try to be!! despite that longer rant just now mhas;ldkfj thanks for reading this far if you still are LOL 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
tagged by: @skyvar​ aka the creator n_n thank you omg?? this was awesome!! tagging: if you wanna!
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seokjxnnie · 4 years
hi i see that you've been to a couple bts concerts! can you describe what it was like seeing them irl? and what the process was like the day of? thank you so much ^0^
hi love! thx so much for ur patience, sorry i wasn’t on all day yesterday to answer u! i’m going to walk u thru everything i can remember about each concert, so i’m putting it under a break bc it gets long!
bts love yourself in LA 2018: A  M E S S! this was my first bts concert and also my first big concert outside of my own city (vancouver) so idk if staples centre was just incredibly disorganized or if this was the normal concert experience LOL and sorry if i come off as judgy but ngl it was was a very unpleasant up to the point of the actual show bc a lot of the fans (plus their parents??!!!) were so hostile LMAO
my friend and i had GA floor tickets. a lot of ppl who had GA camped outside the venue for days straight leading up to the concert, and even tho the venue said they didn’t allow camping and wouldn’t hold the campers’ place in line, they went back on their word and did anyway (which in retrospect i don’t blame them bc i think the campers would’ve started an all out war if the venue actually followed thru on that rule). so early morning on the day of (7-8am) the venue staff numbered the campers’ hands with sharpies so that it would count as their position in line, but when everyone lined up to get their wristbands for GA, not everyone in that lineup had camped so a lot (not all) of the campers got rly aggressive and wanted to check everyone’s hands. if they found someone without a number they’d bully that person to leave the lineup and go to the end. a lot of those aggressors were like young teenagers and their parents either came to keep them company as they lined up or they were attending the concerts themselves, and some of those parents would assist their child in harassing other ppl and then played victim when the news crew came around which was w i l d to me. but i think that behaviour was eventually curbed bc a lot of other ppl in line like spoke back and stood up against their hostility. oh also! while in this lineup, several black range rovers in a row drove past us and into the venue, so we were pretty sure the boys were in those cars.
anyway, that lineup was to get into a section of venue to get official wristbands that would hold ur position in line for GA later at the concert. this took a few hours. but at the same time (a little later in the morning ~10-11am) the lineup for merch opened up elsewhere a the venue and if i remember correctly, things sold out rly quick. i luckily had other friends attending the concert, but they had seated tickets so didn’t have to line up for GA wristbands like me, so they were able to line up and get merch for us. once GA ppl got their wristbands, we were free to go and were to return to the venue 1-2 hrs before the concert start, unless u won soundcheck then you’d be let in sometime in the afternoon to see the boys. u were also able to stick around and line up for the photobooth but we were exhausted from everything so we left.
it was a pleasant experience after that. we went home and took a nap and hydrated and got ready for the concert LOL in the evening when GA ppl came back to line up for the show, our wristbands were numbered as our position in line so we ordered ourselves with the help of the staff and waited in line outside the venue for a couple hrs. we weren’t allowed to bring in anything more than a small bag. everyone around us was nice, a lot of ppl were handing out free merch that they made! then we were let in one at a time with a security check at the door, and after that we’d rush into the arena to secure a good view. i was around #~250 and still i stood like 2nd row from the extended stage. it was an amazing view when the boys were on the extended stage, bc they were a couple arms length away and we were in the splash zone when yoongi tossed his water bottle around during tear. i also remember jimin being super interactive and flirty with the fans around the extended stage too. but i will say it’s impossible to see anything when they’re on the mainstage (esp when ur short like me), so i was watching them from the screens a lot. i think joon took someone’s phone and recorded himself on with it too! again, everyone around us were super nice and caring, telling ppl not to push each other and comforting each other as we sobbed throughout. a tall girl standing in front of me asked me if i could see and would try to tilt her shoulders in a way that open up my view which was v sweet but i told her dw just enjoy urself!
ofc the boys were amazing - as amazing as u would expect and them some! they sounded so amazing live that i literally had to ask myself several times during the concert if they were lipsyncing. they were incredibly fun, great onstage energy, and very interactive! sososo much prettier in real life too.
bts speak yourself in chicago 2019: this was undeniably a greater experience all around. this was the stadium tour, so floor seats were seated and numbered, which eliminated the whole terrible camping/lining up experience and everyone just had to come a little early to seat themselves before the show. also, merch sales were offered for 3 days: the day prior to day1 of the concert, day1 before the concert, and day2 before the concert. from my knowledge they didn’t sell out either so all around it felt way more organized, which might’ve just been bc the capacity was going to be 3x greater (soldier field was ~60k and staples centre was ~20k) and they were prepared for that. there was also a photobooth but i think it was only open to certain ppl that won a ticket or smth idr :///
my friend and i didn’t get floor seats this time bc not only did they almost all sold out immediately, but we kind of wanted a view of everything unlike in LA. in LA even tho bts was right there when they were on the extended stage, we couldn’t see anything when they were on the mainstage. so this time we sat in the seated section near like the cat walk and ~10 rows up, and bc the stadium was so huuuge bts was still pretty small but at least i could see all their performances no matter which stage they were on. so, we got merch the day before which was an easy breezy and much quicker process, and got into the stadium ~1 hr before the concert. u were also only allowed to bring in a small transparent bag, but i just brought my phone, a credit card, and an ID in my pockets. also! before the concert, we saw who we thought was txt standing at the very top balcony of the stadium, which we later confirmed in a bangtan bomb/episode!
bc it was an open stadium and chicago had cooler weather around that time which was even chillier at night IT WAS SO COLD. it had been raining all day but thankfully it stopped before the concert started and the stage was cleared so the boys wouldn’t slip (and thank god bc i was so worried about that). joon even said smth along the lines of “hey guys it’s meant to be, it was raining all day until we got together 🥰” and i hmmmmmmmmmmmm :’(((((((( but during their performances i didn’t even notice the cold (even tho my hands and feet no longer felt attached to my body) bc they were so amazing and i was crying too hard!!!
i have to say even tho they had already set a pretty high bar for the energy i expected from them, they even exceeded it this time round. i think they were super excited and proud to do their first stadium tour :’) they had learned a lot of english to share with us during their introductions, between their songs, and in their goodbyes. their production was crazy as you might’ve seen in fancams: an all out set for dionysus, huge bouncy castles for anpanman, and jungkook was on a fucking zipline for euphoria LOL
it was an amazing unparalleled experience and i hope u get to experience it too some day anon! i hoped that helped and sorry it was so long and i probs told u way more than what u were looking for LMAO but lmk if u have any other questions i can answer!! ty!!!!
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cs-discourse · 5 years
Breaking Down Clowns' Posts: Episode One with Mochi
let's get into a Breakdown, shall we? my interpretations are in bold :) 
I’m fucking over this mewlin bullshit. Idc what kind of hate I’m going to get over this because obviously nobody is allowed to have beliefs contrary to your own anymore. to start off, saying "idc what kind of hate i'm going to get over this" before saying something defending a terrible opinion is a bad thing to do, just sayin. you saying "because obviously nobody..." makes it seem like you're annoyed with us being upset over transphobia! that's just my interpretation, but it'd bc a shame if you were :) because our opinion is valid and mewlin's transphobic opinions are not. anyways, if the beliefs you hold could potentially harm somebody/a community, they aren't valid whatsoever. let's put it this way (thank u alcides for saying this): bigoted people vote for bigoted opinions. bigoted opinions lead to bigoted laws, and these laws will harm people's lives & affect the choices they are able to make. also, blatant transphobia is so different from a VALID opposing belief such as preferring winter over summer. transphobia kills. favorite seasons don't. But anyways. Y’all need to laY oFF. Mewlin is a person, just like you and I. She thinks, eats, and breathes. nice to know she's living-- what exactly does this have to do with the point you're trying to make? homophobes think, eat, and breathe. racists, eat, think, and breathe. i could go on! She doesn’t deserve even a fraction of this harassment. are you sure...?? not even.... 1/100th of it? god, i can't believe a transphobe would actually DESERVE harassment!! the audacity!!! you should never be harassed for holding an opinion that harms someone's life! (extreme sarcasm, if you couldn't tell!) I get it, her beliefs are upsetting to you. thank you for stating the obvious! why wouldn't we be upset with a transphobe? Obviously I don’t agree with her beliefs, I think transphobia is nasty. i mean if my friend was a transphobe i'd fucking run from them but u do u boo BUT that doesn’t make her a bad person. You hear me? YOUR BELIEFS DONT DEFINE YOU. i've had to repeat something along the lines of this statement many times but i'll say it again: if your beliefs harm other people, then that's all people will define you with. Mewlin is a sweet, kind, supportive person with some controversial beliefs. some....? controversial beliefs? transphobia isn't even controversial ur either a terrible person or ur not. I’m not saying you have to love her, you can hate her with every ounce of your being, but keep it to your damn self! if u love her, keep it to your damn self! look what you've done by posting this. you've prompted a response from myself & many others. I don’t expect trans people to be all buddy buddy with her, or even cis people. But you have no right to dehumanize her the way you’ve been. i mean..... isn't she dehumanizing trans people by saying they're invalid & wrong....... :0c When she had her moments of saying nasty things, SHE DIDN’T KNOW BETTER. When she was called out, she stopped! did she really? Doesn’t erase what she said but it doesn’t mean she had bad intentions. i distinctly remember her defending her use of the word (tw!!) tr*p so like. ok You guys are so out to get her that you don’t realize she’s a person too. A person with emotions and a life to live. when are u going to stop using the "shes a person!!!" argument... zzzzzzz How do you think she feels reading about you all calling her disgusting and telling her she has no rights to this or that or even at all? i would hope she feels regret for her transphobic actions and that's all. Mewlin is truly a sweet, generous person. She gives people things out of the kindness of her heart. She’s gifted me a kalon and some edits, not to clear her name or to prove anything, but because she wanted to. what point are you trying to prove??? this is like saying a bully is a good person bc they're nice to their friends?? Have you ever considered that maybe her pfp on discord is that pride icon jish made because she wants to express her support?? okay... and? someone who's bi (assuming she's using the bi pride one) can still be transphobic lmao. Sure, she’s had her moments, but maybe she’s getting better. if she's getting better, i'd like to personally hear from her & not one of her friends. Maybe the pride icon is her way of trying to open up a little bit, and hey, she knows I’m a genderfluid lesbian and she’s never said a word to me about it. good for u!! must be because you're friends w her. she must be desperate to hold onto the few people who manage to ignore her bigoted opinions! Grow the fuck up and learn to either keep your mouth shut or GET OVER IT. Bitching about it on this blog for months is only keeping you angry and upsetting Mewlin more. i'm pretty sure people have the right to defend their identities & like. we would stay quiet if mewlin didn't continue to clown around This is counterproductive!! Yeah, you hate her. Woohoo!! You get a gold star! omg, thank u!!!! Now move on and do something with your life that isn’t obsessing over one person who is MISERABLE because of you. She is getting nasty dms all the time that are really upsetting to her all because you guys think it’s a fun idea to harrass her more. ok i haven't DMed her so i really don't have an opinion on that but., it's not like we're 'harassing' her without being provoked?? all of this drama starts with her & her bigoted statements/actions CS is supposed to be a fun, enjoyable game for everyone. It’s supposed to be a safe space. Lay off already and let her enjoy her safe space like you all get to as well. the problem with the last statement is that we don't get to truly enjoy this 'safe space' if transphobes like her are making trans people uncomfortable, afraid, and upset so like. Ok She’s not hurting anyone! really? she's not hurting anyone? If her existence makes you THAT uncomfortable, fucking block her and go. already have, luv xx I’m over it! I’m done reading the hate she gets on here and getting dms from my upset or even terrified friend because of what people said to/about her. are u trying to get us to sympathize w a transphobe..?? im confused. Imagine if it were you. i mean. if you read the salt blog last year it Was me so uhhhhh. what's your point?? i know i fucked up but it seems like all mewlin is doing is crying despite causing Imagine if it were your friend. i'm not friends with transphobes so i can't relate! There’s this DBT skill called radical acceptance. It’s where you recognize that it is what it is. You cannot change it so rather than sitting in your misery and spreading it around, simply accept that’s what it is and keep going with your life. Try it, it actually works pretty well. Radically accept that when it comes down to it, you can’t change her. So accept how she is and move on. are u asking people to accept that someone on what's supposed to be a safe space is a transphobe...??? Okay, I’m done rambling now. I’ve said my piece, I’m ready for the hate to come pouring in 👌
with this closing statement: it's 1am and i'm tired so! this is monky brain typing. i really don't have sympathy for mewlin whatsoever so like i really don't care if she gets upset over my response bc it's nowhere near compared to what trans people have to go through so :) my final words are: fuck mewlin and anybody who likes her despite her invalid shitty opinions.
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thezfc · 5 years
@anon who is against zawe and was raped, all forms of sexual assault or manipulation is wrong. Once you start saying that what she has to deal thru isn’t “enough” or that they should go cry you river is bad. Bc then ppl can say “You were raped? Oh cry me a river I was raped every day for years and years how dare you cry about one time you were. Or even I was beaten and raped” don’t stop women talking out about sexual assault ur fighting against urself too! She may have not experienced what 1/2
  2/2 what you went through but what she is going thru isn’t invalid and many many women have experienced it in her line of work and good for her for speaking up about it and giving other women courage about it. Her speaking about that doesn’t take away from what you went thru. But you talking shit about her for speaking up does take away from the movement and is wrong. Someone will always have it worse then you and that doesn’t make what someone else went thru worse. Obviously I’m not saying 2/3      
3/3 that rape is compared to what she went thru exactly and I realize it may come across that way but my point is that just bc you went thru something worse doesn’t make her speaking up bad. Would you want someone who is being harassed to stay quiet bc “they weren’t raped” or would you want them to speak up about it and bring awareness to that particular topic. Or in ur opinion at what point when experiencing  harassment are they able to “cry a river”  
      4/4 why not praise zawe for speaking out about this and using her privilege to do good? Even tho we may not see it many actresses are blacklisted for speaking out even in 2019 although we may think that we’re so progressive that it’s not true but it is. So instead of complaining about Women in positions of privileged speaking out against things you find trivial focus on all the women speaking out on things that you find worthy and stop complaining about things you find trivial but others wouldn't. Rant over sorry but that anon pissed me off.                                
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mingyaus · 6 years
entrepreneurs au | the flowers pt. 2
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Inspired by this
U don’t have to, but u should read the flowers first bc this is set in that au
Ur a college student who frequents the block where the flower shop is located
(btw that block is owned by landlord seokjin and all the other bts boys have shops in that block).
Usually u just pass by after stopping by ur fave clothing/thrift shop owned by tae and joon, but one day ur like “I deserve a break fr studying, so imma look at some flowers.” Jungkook is off doin something else + it’s off season, so yoongs is the only one in the shop
He’s like “uh r u looking for anything in particular”
“nope just taking a break and looking at flowers”
“break fr what? U don’t look like u work here”
“nah I’m a college student”
”oo cooL. What u studying?”
“[insert major here]”
“at Local University that Focuses on Your Field of Study?”
“wow that’s such a cool school. I probs would’ve studied at plant focused school if such a thing existed”
“How’s school at Local University?”
“Just a lotta studying”
“aW that sucks, u wanna flower? Maybe it’ll motivate u”
“sure *blushies bc he’s being so nice*”
yoongs picks out that cute rose for u.
U: “how much is it?”
“On the house. Ik how rough college can b sometimes, then life hits and then ur doing work in some research lab that u hate–but enough abt me. I don’t wanna stress u w my probs”
“Aw no pls keep talking. It’s a nice distraction”
^then sugay just talks abt everything that happened in the og au
And you’re like “woW what a dude” but in ur head. Then you have to leave bc it’s gonna get dark soon, but then Namjoon happens
U see, u and Namjoon have a something something going on, aka joon is always flirting w u when u go to his shop, but it’s really weird cuz he never actually asks u out or do anything more than flirting so u don’t really know how he feels and whenever u try to initiate something w him he plays it off cool
Aka that one time u asked if he wanted to go to jimin’s bakery w u and he was like “uH nah. I gotta do some stuff w tae...for the shop, yes. Sorry, and I hope I’m not giving u the wrong impression bc I’m not looking for a relationship rn”
AND THEn the next time u come in the boi flirts w u again, so u just start flirting w him and y’all have this weird friendship where u flirt all the time
It’s like Garcia and Morgan in criminal minds
So yaH. Yoongs is walking u out of the shop, and joon is closing up his shop (sweeping the front, locking the doors type of stuff) AND HE SEES YOONGS HAND U A flower.
Joon literally yells across the parking lot (the flower shop and joon’s shop face each other) “HEy, y/n, r u cheating on me?!”
Yoongs is shaken cuz he rarely interacts w joon, and yoongs whispers a quick goodbaiiiii to u before running back into his shop
Suga may seem like an aggressive man bc of his cool rapping skills and savage words, but he’s really just a pacifist deep down inside
So joon finishes locking up his shop, and you’re just standing there a little shaken holding ur flower. Ur stressed abt school and now stressed bc rm has never flirted this aggressively before
Joon marches across the lot and yoongs is abt to flip his sign to the closed side when joon throws the flower shop door open, finds the same rose yoongs chose for you and slams it on the counter and is like “imma buy this, little boi”
And yoongs is just staring at joon w a slightly afraid but mostly judgy face and is like “ok it’ll b $****” (like I’m censoring the money amount bc yoongs likes to keep his prices private, something abt competition mixed w the patriot act. Sometimes idk what’s up w this guy)
And as yoongs is getting change, etc. he’s like “ya know one time I saw ur paperwork on seokjin’s desk and saw ur bday and I know ur younger than me, so b more respectful, boi.”
Rm isn’t letting up and keeps on a hard face “okay. Sure.”
Yoongs hands over the rose and joon mumbles “thanks hyung” before exiting the shop
You’ve been outside this whole time just standing there thinking abt how weird this is and considering ending ur odd friendship w joon bc wtf was that
And joon comes out and smirks and winks is like “take this flower instead. It’s better. I swear”
U: “Uh it’s the same flower”
Joon: “Shhhhhhhh, but it’s from me, ya boy, so it’s better.”
U: “Uh okay.”
So now you’re standing there holding one flower in both of ur hands, and the sun is at that annoying level where it keeps getting in ur eyes and ur the one facing the sun. Fortunately yoongs comes out a few awk secs later and his 5’ 8” tall head is big enough to block the sun.
thanks, GOD, for making this man’s head the right size and shape to cover up the sun at this exact moment in time
Yah Yoongi is basically the sun now
Yoongs *ignoring rm w his body language*: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a bf” 
U: “I don’t. That’s just joon, my friend”
Yoongs: “But u talk to him like he’s ur bf.”
U: “ yah it’s this whole confusing thing. Pls ignore joon.”
Sugay: *glares at joon* “stop harassing her”
Joon: *hands up and genuine oops covering mouth face* “shoot man, sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to harass u”
Yu: “oh yeah that was harassment kinda, but I mean I reciprocated it so it kinda wasn’t really harassment, like it was consensual harassing, basically teasing, but thanks, Yoongs for enlightening me”
U: *looks at joon* “so r we buds or were u actually jealous?”
Joon: *scratches neck* “uh...yah we’re friends, but I enjoy being in this sarcastic not-relationship flirtationship w u”
Yoongs: “Well y’all can keep that up but imma ask Y/N out rn”
u: *jilted + school stressed + friendship stress + suitor stress, so tears slowly begin to form in ur eyes*
Yoongs and joon r broing out and making up for their weird fight earlier and r doing a bro hug when Yoongs sees u crying
Yoongs kinda just stops in the middle of the hug and stares at u, he’s kinda shocked.
Joon turns and looks at u and is like “Omg, r u crying”
Ur like “yah” and then u receive a nice big group hug fr the boys and then realize the rose thorns r piercing into ur palms and suddenly joon and Yoongs have ur blood on their backs and they’re like “oh shoot” and help u get inside yoongs’ shop where suga sanitizes ur hands and bandaids them up while joon is making some tea in the back
Yoongi is whispering “so when do u wanna go out?”
Ur still sniffling and can’t rlly talk and say something abt finals coming up soon
Sugay: “after finals?”
U: “yah. After finals”
“I’ll call u tho”
“Yes pls”
And joon comes out w some tea and then drives both of u (Jk usually drives Yoongs home bc yoongs shares a car w his roommate and jjk and myg r neighbors, live in the same apartment complex. So yah Yoongs took the bus to work)
Joon drives both of u home and u listen to some good soothing winky face bops (think u by primary or any dean-like song or zion t) on the way back and u and Yoongs r in the back seat holding hands and when u arrive at ur apartment rm is like “next time one of u sit in the front, I feel like an Uber driver”
U: “weren’t u actually an Uber driver once”
Rm: “actually I still am,but for the one time I’m actually not getting paid to drive I’d appreciate having someone shotgun.”
Yoongs: “oK I’ll move to the front”
Rm *smirks*: “thx bro”
And Yoongs opens the door to let u out and he walks u to ur dorm and he’s like “inch resting night “
U: “Yah”
Myg: “I’ll call u, ok? Don’t b too stressed” and he pulls the two roses fr behind his back and hands them to u “use these to remind u to chill, k?”
U: “K.”
U hug Yoongs then u say goodbye and u peek out ur window to see Yoongs get into Rm’s car but in the back seat and you can see Yoongs laughing fr inside and his smile is as bright as the sun and rm’s just sighing his face dull like the night sky
And they’re ur sun and moon, two nice dudes making ur life better than before.
Omg that’s a crap ending, I was Trying to b poetic but nah I’m not rlly
our masterlist
a(dmin ayeee)/n: lol the gif is rm checking out y/n and yoongi’s dms 5 weeks later. haH. btw this was originally written in an instagram dm conversation. tbh i prefer lyft. there’s a yoongi lyft driver au that should be written soon. 
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crying-saeyoung · 7 years
Hi! Can you write fluffy headcanons with jealous RFA and Vanderwood (he's cool)? Perhaps someone was flirting with MC?
sorry this took so long to write! and also, please look at my rules before requesting. I don’t know how to add a link in my description, but I did say to look at my hashtag RULES. please do so in the future. -Green
-you two were out together just window shopping 
-eventually you made it in a comic shop and you had accidentally split up because of your different interests 
-which Yoosung was okay with because it was a small shop and you were really just an isle or two away
-while he was looking at LOLOL merch, he found a small figurine that he remembers is from one of your favorite shows! 
-he knows he can’t buy it, but he wants to show it to you!! 
-so he grabs the box with the figure in it and looks around for you 
-he sees you with a big book in your hands, trying to read (or just ignore without being too rude) while a tall man loomed over you and continued to talk to you 
-his cheeks get really red and he literally starts to pout 
-before he solves the issue, he walks over and buys the item 
-he wasn’t before but GOD he needs some leverage so he does 
-yoosung takes the figure out and then jogs over to you, proudly holding it in the air
-”MC!! look!!! :DD” 
-you look up from the book and you squeal at what he’s holding 
-”Yoosung!! Oh my gosh, did you buy that??”
-yes of course, he replies, bc u r the best gf ever 
-he gives it to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, then looks at the book you have
-it’s an LOLOL guide that shows concept art and how to get all the special armor 
-”awww!! we had the same idea!” 
-honestly you two just start being really cute right in front of this dude. 
-yoosung just slowly and surely. shoves this guy away 
-you totally notice but don’t say anything until later 
-by saying something you give him a big ol kiss on the lips 
-he giggles
-both of you are out at the park 
-because nothing is better than the park!!! 
-they’re perfect for Saeyoung
-he’s chasing you around the playground, and you’re screaming and giggling 
-it’s honestly really cute and he can’t help but lag in his running because he could ANNIHILATE YOU if he wanted but you’re too cute he just wants to keep hear you laughing
-eventually he ducks under the slide so you can’t see him and waits until you’ve stopped running so he can. SNEAk ATTACK 
-everything was going according to plan. your back turned toward him, looking around, you’re on the tips of ur toes, and ur a giggling mess 
-except. he. was not a part of his plan?
-honestly who hits on people at a park 
-when he sees this dude come up and just start flirting right away he’s like MC RUN AWAY???
-but you’re too out of it to notice so you just kind of dismiss it while looking for Saeyoung
-so he continues with his plan and sneaks up on you
-picks you up from behind and spins u!!! 
-you are YELLING 
-this dude is also yelling
-saeyoung is LAUGhiNG,,, it’s so f u nn y??/
-eventually he’ll put you down and then just kiss you all over your face 
-then turn to the guy and be like “oh who r u” 
-the dude just walks away. 
-mission accomplished 
-you convinced Jumin to go on. a normal date
-where you both weren’t super dressed up and eating 100$ meals 
-instead you got him into some casual clothes, and you brought him into town 
-he was totally out of his element and super weirded out by the commoners 
-so he’s stuck to you like glue. you are his only light in this mess. 
-but he won’t complain because you’re having a lot of fun so he tries to relax and enjoy everything like you are
-while it’s not to the same extent, he does start having some fun 
-but fun drops all the way when he sees how. rude??? all the dudes are ?
-he swears that he saw someone slap your ass but you keep denying it 
-he don’t believe u.,,,
-now you two are together just looking at the city lights and walking hand in hand
-not as many people are out and it’s not a shady place, so Jumin is actually pretty relaxed 
-but then.
-t h e  nn,,,,
-a man comes up and like. slaps your ass
-but like. really fucking hard guys
-you stumble in your place 
- OH  H E LL N O
-jumin doesn’t even think about it he grabs this guy and SHOVES HIM INTO THE BUILDING NEAR U GUYS
-starts chewing this guy out. doesn’t punch him or anything just yells at him and venting about how commoners are the worst people to exist 
-and guys jumin is really intimidating so this guy looks like he’s going to cry 
-you start to feel bad because he looks so scared so you have to drag Jumin back and tell the rude asshole to scram 
-and then jumin. oh my god guys 
-once this guy leaves, Jumin slaps him SO HARD ON THE ASS THAT YOU Can HEAR IT and the guy runs the FUCk away
-it’s the best night of your LIFE 
-mmm coffee dates!! 
-the best
-you both treat yourselves to this really expensive coffee house and Jaehee looks like she’s in heaven 
-it’s been 10 minutes and she still can’t decide what drink she wants
-so you left her and explored the shop a bit 
-it’s really a cute place! and they got a little library! 
-you read a little, when someone walks up to you
-you think it’s Jaehee so you’re about to greet her with a smile when you see it’s actually a dude
-o h,,
-woops. you apologize and he laughs 
-why he laughing?? 
-you’re super awkward so you can’t bring yourself to leave as this dude tries to charm and get to know you 
-eventually Jaehee knows what she wants and looks around at her spot for you
-sees you and the dude
-but she really doesn’t want to make a scene so she calls your name
-”MC!! Honey, I know what I want now! I miss you dearly so come here so I can give you a kiss??”
-that is SO EMBARRASSING for her to say… but she can’t help it she just wants the dude to get the hint and leave u alone
-he does, thank god
-and you take that offer Jaehee gave you, gladly ;0
-you’re at his play!! 
-unfortunately you’re sitting alone, but you’re so happy to see him play!
-but since you’re alone, this guy next to you is totally chatting up during the whole play and you have no way to escape
-during intermission, you quickly leave with the excuse you have to use the bathroom
-oops, when u come out there’s the dude
-was he waiting for you to come out?
-you’re seriously getting creeped out so you text Zen to come out of backstage
-he does as fast as he can, even tho he isn’t allowed to but he loves you so he doesn’t care
-as soon as he sees this dude and how uncomfortable Zen totally is like. OK. i know what i must do
-quickly swipes up next to you and places an arm around your waist. 
-he tries to keep himself together but on the inside he is suffering while he shakes this guys hand
-”you called me over, is something wrong babe?” he asks you and purposefully kisses u on the cheek so this guy knows you are taken 
-”he.. well, he followed and waited for me to come out of the bathroom..” 
-long story short: the dude is kicked out for harassment 
-you think it’s a little bit of a stretch… but seeing Zen so flustered and worked up makes it totally worth it. 
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veritiy-blog · 7 years
alright y’all, it’s a-me, alley ( ur admin !! ) here to introduce myself and my darling peach verity. i’ve been wanting to sit down and do this but the main always wants to be hella active exactly when i don’t need it to lol. anyways! here we go.
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we can start off with me i guess, tho there’s not much to say because my life is extremely boring right now bc summer break. basically i’m a twenty year old college student who has no idea what her life even is anymore but lol let’s go with the flow !!
i was originally part of an rp like this on another site but everyone let it die and i love it so i reformed it and made it my own here on tumblr. i’ve of course brought my beautiful verity along with it because i’m in love with playing her and i really hope you guys enjoy her as well !! she basically has most of claire’s backstory if you’ve seen the show, but she’s definitely her own person.
she was born and raised in sydney, australia to a low-income household and single mother.
she began to work dead-end minimum wage jobs after high school and eventually fell in love with one of the guys she started dating. one day she found out she was pregnant, and they both decided that she would move in and they would to try and be parents. it did not go well.
her boyfriend abandoned her a few months in saying that he no longer thought he could a be a father, kicking her out and leaving her on her own. this left verity devastated and she had no choice but to move back in with her mother who was not very happy about the pregnancy.
a friend convinced her to go see a psychic to try and get some answers about her future, saying that he was the real deal. the first reading did not go well and the man refused to continue. she eventually returned and insisted on another psychic reading, the man telling her that she had to be the one to raise the child, even calling and harassing her continuously about it.
she didn’t listen and decided to give her child up for adoption to a couple but changed her mind at the last minute. she returned to the psychic once again and he seemingly changed his mind as well, saying that she needed to give her child to someone in los angeles.
she is 8 months pregnant now.
this was her first flight and she was very nervous but also excited.
she is a very naive and hopeful person which often gets her in trouble. she automatically thinks that everyone is good, even after facing harshness in her past.
sort of makes the best of being on the island, often found smiling and doing whatever she can to make other people happy. she doesn’t often complain and finds the best in everything.
pretty childish and gentle in nature with a straight up pure spirit tbh. she just thinks the world and everything in it is so wonderful. she never really questions anything or anyone and just accepts them for the way they are and smiles about it.
she’s very sensitive tho and will secretly cry if you hurt her feelings. she doesn’t block off her emotions and lets them run free for the most part; it depends.
probs the type to wander off into the jungle looking at pretty things and making everyone wonder where she went off to and if she’s dead. they would be like ‘where is verity????’ and all along she’s sitting at a waterfall and putting pretty flowers in her hair.
if there is any harm done to someone she cares about, she can quickly go into protection mode. if people were fighting she would honestly prob throw herself in between them despite being pregnant. maybe even throw a strong punch at someone who is just being straight up mean and cry/apologize about it afterwards because she feels terrible.
her love and care runs deep if she likes you. she very much puts other people in front of herself - a bit too much.
loves music and singing tbh. can often be found humming while doing things.
her Aesthetic™ is sitting on the beach with a smile, her ponytail, and hella baby belly.
craves stuff sometimes and wishes she had someone to cuddle with and rub her back but never says anything and just keeps being optimistic. she’s lowkey lonely though and hurt because of what her ex did to her.
is sort of terrified about having to give birth on the island and being a mother. she is beginning to have nightmares and panic attacks about it.
she honestly needs people to just care about her?? she’s had a rough past and just needs to put all of her love into people and for someone to reciprocate. but no doubt there’s probably also people who thinks she’s just stupid and careless and are mean to her, but she tends to avoid making enemies with anyone in general.
love her, she is a literal flower.
lemme know if you’d like to get into any plotting! my brain is super jumbled right now because i feel rushed to turn my attention back to the main, but i’ll be around!
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vivicnism-blog · 7 years
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did i just see (EMILY RATAJKOWSKI) walking down sixth street ?! oh, wait, it’s just (VIVIAN KILINSKI), the (24) year old (CIS FEMALE) (STRIPPER) who has a reputation for being (EMPOWERING & HONEST) but (COLD & STUBBORN). let’s hope (SHE) prepared to take on the wild ride that is austin, texas. / (chloe, 18,she/her, cst)
*guess whos back by eminen plays* guess who’s back, back again, shady’s back, tell a friend.
alright i’ll stop. Anyways, it’s chloe, (i play my other bby elliot) with another gut-wrenching character. vivian is a revolution and gonna take austin by storm. jk she just wants to be left alone, but plot twist she’s problematic as heck !! we’ll get into that in a bit...
no one really calls her vivian unless ur sharon (and no one is sharon but sharon, so back tf up m8) everyone just calls her vi or viv or if ur her brothers, v-dizzle. 
born in pheonix, aizona, vi was born to stanley and amanda kilinski. mandy was a nice jewish girl from the bronx who had moved to arizona for college. stan was a straight up army man, discipline to the core. they were married and popped out four kids, then when vivian was 2, her mother filed for divorce and went back to new york. the kids stayed with dad tho! whether that was best or not, you can decide.
mom came around for like, holidays, and called on birthdays. they were so dramatically apart, though, it was difficult. their father was a well-payed realtor. mom, though, worked in a bakery as far as she remembers.
now, viv was rlly young when her parents split, so all she’s known is just having her dad around. it was tougher for her brothers though. ernest was the oldest, and he always took it hard. which causes an issue for later. u will see
dad loved the italian culture. since he was straight up polish, his parents having fled after the second war, he didn’t really get it until he was in his own house. The family took vacations every other year to florence, dad cooked weekly dinners of different italian cuisine. and always drank italian wine. so what did good old stan do ??
married an italian woman of course !
and in short, god bless sharon banchi.
vivian was about 7 when they were properly married. they’d met on one of their family vacations and did that whole long distance thing for a while. Sharon came from a vineyard and a family of money, so she’d visit yearly. Eventually she just moved in. she was beautiful, and younger than their father (not by much, but she had youthful skin and he was a single father of four, so he always looked older)
ernest and norman, the two oldest, hated her. always playing pranks and shunning her son marco (who just about the same age as vi-- they quickly became friends)
but fun fact daddy was in the army for years and took non of their shit !! discipline and respect was vvv important in the kilinski house !! 
anyways, boring fam shit over. sharon’s cool, marco’s a bro, vivian has a family finally. and it’s a high fucking testosterone house okay !!
she was !!! raised !!! to !! suppress !! feelings !!! bc crying’s not manly. real men don’t cry. vivian was raised to be a real man ok !!
*sidenote: the only time you’ll see our girl follow rules is in that house it’s all straight poster and ‘yes sir’s there. but fuck the rest of yall.
this is already getting so long i do apologize
but high school was kinda rough. u know, she was a babe, she was loud and rlly stood her ground. boys followed her and she was like ??? never ?? really ?? into it ??
but she kissed one in a movie theater sophomore year so people would stop talking
didn’t date anyone until people started whispering midway through junior year. She let joey truman fuck her at jessica abernathy’s winter party. it sucked. but at least they stopped calling her a d*ke
this is never something vivian really thought about. she never gave herself the option to explore the possibility of liking girls because it was so OUTRAGEOUS that she’d simply stop at the rapid heartbeats she got from kelly welch, the flyer on her cheer team. 
after high school, she was going to college at university of pheonix. just to mostly get her generals. she had no idea what she wanted to do, or what she liked. 
but her creepy brother’s friend could hook her up with a /real/ nice job. which, sounded terrible, but her dad was hounding her ass about getting a job and making money and had to move out by the end of the month so to stripping she went.
it’s real awful she hated it. but hey, it made really good money and her student loans went down. 
so she graduated with a bachelors in business and marketing. had no idea what to do with it. she was still stripping. and honestly, she didn’t want to have to start over, you know ? she had a nice fucking place and could afford real nice clothes and jewlery. when u make bank, it’s hard to give it up
the actual job sucked tho. with all the control and harassment and vi hatd her body most of the time and worked until her core felt like it was going to burn but her lady friens said her abs were sick so bonus, right ??
but oh no, then SHE came along
oh ya it’s one of /those/ plots
she was tall and beautiful and talked to vivian like a real human being and then also put her in her fucking place. she was an angel. a true grace of god. vivian was absolutely in love with her and this girl knew it. this girl took vivian by the strand of her hair and dragged her along for the best, gayest ride ever. sexually liberating, emotionally freeing, viv finally saw that she wasn’t a sexual and emotional void. like she could feel something for someone. 
so they had a huge fight, people were starting to find out. before it could get back to her dad or her brothers, vivian stomped on her heart and ran away
TO AUSTIN. WHERE SHE STILL STRIPS. bc she likes diamonds. and also kind of hates herself so getting that self loathing validation help her thrive. so she thinks.
and she’s still deep deep in the closet
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