#but will Flams be fine? :^)
kuberish · 8 months
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honk mimimi
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theswedishpajas · 10 months
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Have these from last night without context
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superkirbylover · 1 year
Normal peppino: Oh, I-a really don't want to-a fight, I have a business to-a run!
Pony peppino:
to be fair though i think both of them are both of these. idealy they don't want to fight people because they have a business to run, but push come to shove, if their business is threatened they WILL kill for it
in this essay this will serve as the basis as for why pony peppino absolutely despises the flim flam brothers
#ask#text#twogaydemons#looks left looks right#welcome to the tags i'm gonna ramble a little#i feel like if PT happened in MLP it would generally be the same for the most part#like i can imagine a fuckin tower made of pizza in the MLP universe you can't tell me that wouldn't happen#nobody really knows how the tower got there in both universes BUT i can see it being magic either way#magic in the human world and magic in the pony world#to elaborate though on my flim flam brother hate claim#most ponies are gullible as shit when it comes to those brothers right#i feel like there's some ponies and creatures who can spot a scam and business scheme from a mile away#peppino is one of those#granted the brothers now have like a casino so they're doing just fine thanks to capitalism but#i can still see them trying other schemes to rake in more cash and fame#but the moment they try anything pizza related peppino is going for the throat#he DESPISES them they're everything he hates#it's like how applejack hates them because they're not authentic and genuine with their practice#when they made cider for example it was more efficient but it wasn't genuine. it was just business#when the cider shit happened in ponyville i don't doubt some rumors and talks spread about it around equestria#and i can imagine him overhearing and as such just. keeping an eye on them. in case they try to go for him#that's why i think he'd beat the shit out of them the MOMENT he sees a perfect chance#ONLY IF THEY TRY ANYTHING THOUGH. if they leave him alone he'll leave them alone
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Well neat! Zan And Kirbs are gonna join the party soon!
How about an Update on The other sister and Magolor? Is Flam doing any better now?
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Flamberge: "Fran's been filling me in on what happened. Apparently Zan and Kirby are already on their way to Jambandra. Magolor offered to take us there, but Fran's worried about me getting myself hurt again. ...But I should be all better later! Then we'll show up if things get dicey. I'm not totally sure, but Magolor seems worried that some guy he used to know might be there. But, like...what're the odds of that? ...Whoever it is has got Magolor kinda freaked out, though...he doesn't wanna talk about it."
[Flamberge is awake!! She's finally available for questions now too. Only took almost a month lmao]
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astramachina · 2 years
Romanced-based publishing houses be like "we want gay shit" and then have a blacklist of like 85% of well-established queer tropes/kinks. Like what is even the point of you then.
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acab-ybara · 10 months
My like desktop version of my tumblr is probably so outdated cus I've been using the app for so long, I'll be making some changes at some point because I haven't been a die hard guzma fangirl in like ages and like, I have a new babygirl in the shape of a giant cyborg man so honestly I think I upgraded
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loriiisstuff · 4 months
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sokka x fem!reader
summary : y/n gets injured during a fight
𝐘/𝐍 watched the firey flams shoot down on her village with her friend yue not in sight
"no" she cried out a a hot rock slam onto her home "y/n come on fight" katara pulled y/n to her feet "i can't i don't want to die katara" she cried trying to pull her hand away "i'm not going to let them hurt you" katara whispered under all the yelling making y/n feel safer somehow
i guess katara had her way with people "fine...i can do it" y/n agreed running up producing water from her hand to stop one of the bolders from hitting the village
after a little bit of fighting a flamey bolder struct y/n down knocking her back scraps now formed on her smooth skin and blood coming out of her nose
"ah fuck" she scream out as a bolder lays on her leg crushing her "sokka" she yelled out but to no avail she started to get light headed
all y/n thought was the fact that this was her last moments on earth
"i have to do this sokka" yue places her hand on the boys shoulder "now go find y/n...and keep her safe" her weak body walked over to the pond dunking herself in the water "yue no there has to be a other way" sokka yelled but yue was gone
sokka didn't no how he would tell y/n
"katara where's y/n" i asked my sister who looked at me worried "i don't know last time i checked she was fighting" katara said helping someone up "i have to go find her" i said before dashing off to go find y/n
i see someone arm sticking out behind a bolder barely moving "y/n oh my god" i ran over rolling the bolder over off her legs "sokka" she mumbled before groaning as i pick her up one arm under her leg and the other on her back
y/n wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzling her head into my chest "come on lets get you some help" i whispered walking towards what was left of the village "where's yue" she asks not looking up at me "y/n...she sacrificed herself for the moon spirit" i told her waiting for her to react
our walk was silent for a moment when i heard small sniffles "its okay she did it for you" i stroked her hair slowly calming her down "im tired sokka" she mumbled pain wrapped around her voice "i know but lets get you checked out first"
a/n : hope you enjoyed this one <33
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rockermybuddie · 5 days
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Tommy x Evan “Buck”
A/n: i write a lot of Tommy and Buck. Imma write something different. Eventually.
Summary: Its Bucks off day and he decided he was going to bake some cookies and bring them to Tommy at work. When he arrives he spots Tommy talking to someone hes never seen before. Hes about to walk over to his boyfriend when the man kisses Tommy. Buck stops and turns around walking away before seeing or hearing Tommys reaction.
~Bucks POV~
I feel Tommys lips on mine as he gives me a goodbye kiss. “See you later.” He whispers. I hear the bedroom door click shut and drift back into sleeping.
When i woke up i made me some oatmeal and watched an episode of The Bachelor. When i was done i was bored. Eddie went down to Texas to vist with Christopher. I’m glad the two are making mends, i know it hurt Eddie when Chris left to live with his grandparents in Texas.
Maddie and Chim are taking a short trip to Long Beach. And Hen and Karin are dealing with the foster people to get Nia. So im out of options when it comes to hanging out with someone.
I decided im going to bake some cookies for Tommy and his station, so i get to work. I’m going to make a variety and an allergy free batch.
Once i finished i put the cookies in some boxes and loaded them into my jeep. I didnt text Tommy that i was coming because i want it to be a surprise.
When i arrived i parked my jeep and grabbed the boxes of cookies with a big smile on my face. I walked into the station and scanned the area looking for Tommy.
“Looking for Tommy?” Someone asks. “Yes.” I answer. Everyone here knows who i am. “Hes upstairs in the kitchen.” The person says. “Thanks.” I smile and make my way up the stairs.
When i get to the top i turn the corner and see Tommy talking to someone i’ve never seen before. Hes tall and skinny but well built, he has short curly blonde hair. I cant tell what color his eyes are but the way he is looking at Tommy is making me uneasy and hes standing really close to Tommy. Tommy is leaning against the counter just keeping conversation.
I was about to say his name when the guy leans forwards giving Tommy a kiss. That was all i needed to see even though thats not what i wanted to see. My heart instantly sank and i turned away and got out of there as fast as i could.
I threw the boxes of cookies in the trunk not caring if they spilled out and drove out of there as fast as I could.
I drove to my apartment because i obviously didnt want to go back to Tommys bouse where i’ve been staying at most of the time anyways.
When i walked in it was kind of cold but it didn’t bother me because i was flamming with anger. I cant believe Tommy kissed another guy. I tried not to cry but it was too hard to hold back. I really thought he was the one, that he wouldnt cheat on me. I guess i was wrong.
~Tommys POV~
Everything was going fine at work, had a few easy calls. We got a new person his name is Kaleb Green, great young kid. Hes been doing really good.
We were in the kitchen just talking about why we wanted to become a firefighter and the craziest calls we have ever been on.
“So is your locker the one with the gay pride flag on it?” He asks me. “Yes?” I answer carefully. I dont think this kid is a homophobe or anything but im alway cautious when it comes to telling people. I have no shame in being a gay man but having such a masculine job some people may see me differently.
“Thats so cool. Another gay firefighter. I’ve never met another one. I dont feel so alone now.” He says. “Oh, well actually…” i was going to tell him about Evan but before i could finish my sentence he leaned forward and kissed me. I definitely was not expecting that.
“Dude! What the hell?!” I shout shoving him off of me. “Sorry. Too far?” He stupidly asks. “Yes way too far! Plus i have a boyfriend. He happens to be a firefighter too.” I snap. “Please dont report me. I really like it here” he begs. “Too late.” I tell him walking out of the kitchen.
I walk downstairs to report him when i see a familiar grey jeep leaving the parking lot pretty fast. I hope that wasnt Evan.
“Hey Kinard, what did Evan bring you?” Steven asks from a far. “Shit” i say under my breath that was Evan and he probably saw what happened in the kitchen because i never saw him.
I was about to ask if i could handle this when a call came through. I had to push down my anger and my worries about what just happened and focus on the call. God i hope its a simple call so it goes by fast.
It was not. It was a warehouse fire and the warehouse contained toxic chemicals so everything we did had to be done carefully and correctly. It took the rest of the shift.
We finally got back to the station at 11pm. I grabbed my bag and headed straight for my truck. “Hey Kinard.” I hear Kaleb call out behind me. “Dont talk to me. You most likely just ended my relationship with Evan and he was the best thing thats ever came into my life.” I snap at him. Which I probably said too much, based off his facial expressions, but i need to talk to Evan tell him what happened and pray that he believes me. “Let me talk to him, then i’ll ask for a new placement.” Kaleb says, “let me fix this.” He adds. “No you are not talking to him and yes find a new placement. Its not going to work for you here.” I tell him throwing my bag in the truck and drove home.
When i arrive home i dont see Evans jeep which means hes not here. I dont know why i thought he would be at my house after all. I mean yeah hes been staying here most of his time anyways but this would be the last place he would come after seeing another guy kiss me.
I try calling him and texting him but hes not answering, rightfully so. I drive over to his apartment next. I see his jeep parked in its usual spot so i know hes here.
I knock on his door immediately when i arrive. No response. “Evan its me. Please can we talk?” I ask through the door loud enough he should be able to here me. After a few more moments of knocking and asking nicely I threaten to do a welfare check and kick down his door.
I then heard the sound of locks unlocking and the door opened to a cold apartment and a tall Evan with a tear stained face and a angry blank expression.
“Evan please listen, i didnt kiss him. He kissed me.”i say, this is a lot more nerve racking than i thought. Its so hard not to stutter and to hse the right wording. “I saw you Tommy.” Evans voice cracks, he walks to the other end of the table while im at the other. Hes so close but het so far.
“Evan i would never cheat on you. Please believe me. We were talking and he asked if my locker was the one with the gay pride flag. Next thing i felt his lips on mine and i pushed him away. I swear.” I tell him the whole story but i cant tell if he believes me or not.
How do you convince your partner that you aren’t cheating on them when they saw another guy kiss you? I feel like im losing him and i really dont want to.
~Bucks POV~
I listen to what Tommy is telling me and my brain is telling me not to believe him but my heart is telling me that hes telling the truth. Because Tommy is the first person to ever so me the type of personal affection, how it feels to be loved. Even though we haven’t said it yet we can feel it when we cuddle, when we get intimate, and when we say the same thing at the same time.
But in this case what do i go with my brain or my heart? Part of me wants to just believe him and go back to how things were but the other half wants to kick him out of my apartment and never talk to him again.
“Evan everyone in this situation had a misunderstanding.” Tommy says. “How am I misunderstanding this Tommy?” I ask in anger. “Okay, okah, im sorry. Wrong words here. Kaleb had a misunderstanding with what i said and he didnt let me finish talking before he kissed me. I was literally about to tell him about you when he kissed me.” Tommy explains.
“Thats what they all say.” I mumble under my breath. “Say what?” Tommy asks. “That the other person kissed them.” I answer. “Evan….” Tommy says, he can tell hes losing me.
It was quiet for a few moments as each of us trys to think of something. “I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow.” I say finally breaking the silence. “W-w-w-what?” Tommy stutters. “I said i’ll come get my stuff from your house tomorrow. While your at work so we dont see each other.” I repeat. Evans face goes into panic mode as he runs a frantic hand through his rough hair.
“Evan please. Im telling the truth. Listen Kaleb said he will talk to you. He’ll tell you everything i just said is true.” Tommy says all in one breath trying to convince me. “Please leave Tommy.” I ask. I’ve been hurt by too many people that are supposed to love me to try again and risk getting hurt again and again and again.
“Evan, baby please.” Tommy begs. “Stop. Get out Tommy. Get out before i call the police.” I command. Tommy rubs his chin with his hand as he turns to the door. He looks back at me one more time before he forces himself out the door.
Now im all alone, again. I should just stay single the rest of my life clearly everyone is going to hurt me when i get close to them.
The next day i wait intil i know Tommy is going to be at work so i can go get my clothes from over there.
When i arrive i dont see his truck which means he went to work today. I walk up to the door and i go to type in the code to unlock the door when the door opens. I look up and see the guy from yesterday. Kaleb.
I wanted to punch the guy so bad. He messed up the one good thing i had in my life. “Evan, right?” He asks. “So you’re Tommys new side piece huh?” I snarl. “Please let me explain myself. I never ment for any of this to happen. Can we just talk?” He asks stepping aside for me to come in. I roll my eyes and walk into the house.
I took a seat at the island in the kitchen as I listened to Kaleb talk. He basically said that it was his fault that he made the move and he ruined his chance at the firehouse. He said that he’s been transferred to a new one.
“So do you believe Tommy now? That he wouldn’t cheat on you?” Kaleb asks. “He was going to come tell you instantly but we got a call. You know how it is.” “Yeah.” Is all i say. “Well i have to get going. I really hope you can forgive Tommy. He really loves you.” Kaleb says as he lets himself out.
I sat at the kitchen island with my head in my hands thinking about what to do when i saw Tommy standing in the entrance of the kitchen leaning against the wall frame.
His body language was soft and his face was filled with regret. Hearing both sides of the story and that basically Tommy was telling the truth made it a little easier to go with my heart. But still knowing another guy kissed him hurts a little.
~Tomms POV~
I stood there and watched Evan as he proceeded what Kaleb told him. I can’t believe i caved and let Kaleb talk to Evan but its the only thing I could think of that could save mine and Evans relationship.
“So its true.” Evan finally says. “Yes.” I say. “A lot of people hurt me in the last Tommy.” He says. “I know. I never wanted to be one of them.” I try to control my voice to keep it steady.
“I know.” Evan says, “it still hurts that another guy kissed you.” He says. “It wont happen again. I swear to you Evan.” I promise him. “I know.” He says, a small smile spread across my face.
I walk towards him keeping an eye on his body language. “So do you forgive me?” I ask when im standing in front of him. I feel like im shaking as i wait for an answer. “Yes.” Evan tilts his head up and makes eye contact with me.
A smile spread my face as i lifted his chin up with my finger and connected my lips to his. God it felt so good to feel his lips against mine again. “What were you bringing me yesterday?” I ask out of curiosity. “Cookies. They are spilled in the back of my jeep.” He answers. “You taste better than cookies.” I say shrugging my shoulders. He smiles at that.
“I missed you so much.” I say against his lips resting my forehead against his. “I missed you too.” He says. I cradle the back of his head with my hand as i take his mouth back into mine.
I have him back and im never letting him go again.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed the story!
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hurgablurg · 2 years
completely unironic scooby doo adaptation where the gang are all late 20′s (they all had a VERY busy post-grad decade) best friends who all met in high school and reconvened to bum around and solve mysteries across the world in a gaily painted van
dogs can talk and are legally people, have jobs and responsibilities and stuff, some just prefer to be au natural and quadrupedal while doing it, some don’t, and many more are inbetween.
sometimes the monsters are real, sometimes not, which keeps the gang and audience on their toes. an entire WoD-esque undercurrent of monsters and magic and ghouls and things eventually unfolds and comes out into the open. most common crime is still financial and property fraud. the world is otherwise identical to our own
Shaggy and Scooby are lovable hippie cowards - they bring the comic relief and handle all the physical running and wrastling and stuff, despite both being rather stringy and appearing out of shape. the events of ghoul school are canon, shaggy and scooby were gym teachers, and are family friends with some very real monsters
Daphne is a horror-mystery writer and cryptozoologist on hiatus, does all the pop-culture research and is a fine detective a la Jessica Fletcher, but isn’t all that interested in the folklore side of things. Has a thing for Velma.
Velma is a multi-PhD genius who left omnidisciplinary science behind to chase around capitalists with her high school friends following a mid-life crisis. Giant nerd and staunch skeptic who is always keen on local history and folklore, possessing fantastic reasoning skills. Is gay but oblivious.
Fred is a himbo jock and engineer, adores complexity, and the mechanical workings of traps. Is both the designated driver, the charismatic Face who schmoozes with locals, and the trapmaster. The only one allowed to swear (rarely).
Flim-Flam (gotta be a better name for him?) and Scrappy are canon, The 13 Ghosts and everything in it happened, both are grown-ass men hiding out in various locales after a heist gone bad. Sometimes they pop up and help out in mysteries.
they are all fast friends, and despite playful ribbing and genuine arguments over the paranormal and the fate of the average small town, would never dream of breaking up the gang
no unnecessary edginess or adult content, no need to completely reimagine or change them.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
So to hijack thag other anons post since you said you didn’t really know what’s going on…
Basically yesterday one or two fics by anonymous popped up on ao3. They were absolutely disgusting. They were not tagged for any trigger warnings like they should have been. And it involved children (Jee and I think one had Chris) and Tommy. And also murder. They did get tagged as buddie and BT though.
Everyone was naturally horrified and disgusted and enraged by them. Especially since it was happening along the same times as that horrible rage account in here. Well today this all happened
And this now deactivated burner account was talking to some unknown other burner account and said three well known and respected pro buddie blogs were behind it all. But of course they have no evidence. And have also of course deactivated their accounts. Buddie fans think it was BT fans once again trying to make buddie fans look bad. BT fans are accusing buddie fans of being fine letting this kind of stuff happen and yelling how once again they are victims of a horrible act. People on twitter are going at each other because a BT fan found the persons twitter account and then made the accusation that everyone that they followed (stress on the words they followed. Not the other way around. These accounts did not follow this person) was also behind the disgusting fics.
And it’s all so horrible and stupid. Like all of this because of a plot device character. And like I genuinely don’t know if it was a messed up buddie fan or a messed up Bt fan at this point that did all of this. Or even maybe a random third party person who was just bored and decided to fan the flams of a ship war in a horrible way. Now one side does have more of a history of pulling awful “gotchas” like this then the other. And again all three accounts accused are pro buddie and anti Tommy/lou blogs and there is conveniently no proof and no way to talk to the person who made the accusation so 🤷‍♂️
This got long 😅 but I agree with that anon. I hope maybe your spies can provide some insight because the blogs being accused def don’t deserve it.
Hi darling 🩷
I really did not know everything that was going on, some personal stuff made me a bit out of the loop this is wild. I'm seriously just shocked. I'm just gonna pass the information along right now, because damn.
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felixcloud6288 · 11 months
I've kept this analysis bottled up for over 10 years and no one here can stop me from sharing it.
When the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" first aired, there were a lot of comparisons between it and the episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Spongebob competed with King Neptune in a cook-off competition.
And while there are some shallow similarities - The mass-produced method won but produced a product of such inferior quality that no one wanted - this comparison does a great disservice to the episode and ignores the true lesson to be had from it.
For anyone who's never seen it before, here's the synopsis of "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000": The Apple Family is hosting their annual Apple Cider sale. Due to their production method, they are never able to keep up with demand. Then a pair of Unicorns named the Flim-Flam Brothers show up and offer to provide their Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to help resolve the Apple Family's supply issue, but they demand a service fee that is so high that the Apple Family will ultimately lose money on the deal.
When they're refused, the Flim-Flam brothers demand a competition to see who can make the most cider and the losers would have to leave Ponyville. In the end, the Flim-Flam Brothers win, but they only won because they turned off the quality control of their machine to increase production and the residents made them leave because they all hated their cider.
Now this might sound like a "quality vs quantity" story or a "buy and support local suppliers" kind of story, but here's the thing: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 actually makes good cider. At one point in the episode, Granny Smith is given a mug of their cider and you can tell by her face that it's good. So this is not a quality vs quantity conflict. It's "quality vs quality AND quantity". The Flim-Flam Brothers were offering an equally good product in a way that could also meet demand.
The actual lesson about the episode revolves around keeping the integrity of your product. When the competition started, both sides were producing quality cider through their own means and the Flim-Flams were winning by a large margin. But then Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the cast joined in to help the Apple family. And with the extra support, the Apple Family started winning the competition.
The Flim-Flam brothers then began trying to increase their own production and soon hit a giant bottleneck in the form of the quality control mechanism of their machine. And they did not hesitate to turn it off to increase production. And because of that, they were winning again.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash realized the exact same bottleneck in their production line and said they also needed to skip quality control in order to win, but Granny Smith vetoed it because she would not sacrifice the quality of their cider no matter what.
So this is a story about keeping integrity in the face of potential loss. The Apple Family refused to yield on the quality of their cider and lost the competition because of it. Meanwhile, their opponents had no such qualms and were fine with making a poor quality product if it meant greater profit.
So I guess if you want to tie the episode to anything, it's trying to say that you should support organizations that will not sacrifice quality for profit, and you should take pride in doing things the right way even if it doesn't yield the most profit.
But Applejack didn't learn anything cause she was right all along. She already knew that to begin.
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Ok, so, i might be the only one to find this funny but...could i request part 3 dio with a savage darling? Like packgod HD and groucho marx level of savagery. My mans dio is gonna be flammed hotter than back in the mansion. Wit meets wit. You don't have to, of course.
This is actually kind of funny, let’s pretend I’d be good at writing this type of darling.
Almost every other sentence that left those fragile lips of yours were snark. Oh, he’d crush anyone else’s windpipes in an instant for such dreck leaving their lips. You mention his outfit is essentially tacky, not worth a single human taking him seriously let alone any of his followers.
“I never understood being gaudy, those shoes look like they belong in some sideshow in the circus…scary vampire..pfft..” you’d say out loud.
”Your words are so cruel but meaningless in their entirety darling, vapid, superficial even, but if my garments aren’t up to your standards I’m afraid you’ll have to swallow your pride and continue tolerating it”
“Guess missing out on fashion for so long does make you lose taste” You hummed casually.
You heard a slight tsk come from the blonde’s mouth. It wasn’t out of annoyance from his inflection, but you could tell you made him think on it.
“It’s fine if you don’t understand my personal choices in what I wear, perhaps I should have you match…which I suppose would be a personal hell have such a garment fitted for your size”
“if it would set me on fire and release me from this mortal coil for your bad taste, then maybe”
There was a smirk plastered on his face, “You’d never be granted such mercy I’m afraid, for I have a way to bring you back again, and again…for you to witness what you’d call an abomination to fashion”
“Geez, you’re decent at twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your wardrobe” You clicked your tongue. “Can’t fix delusional I suppose”
“I commend your efforts at insulting me, Once I conquer the joestar bloodline, perhaps I can conquer your audacity to pick apart my appearance down to a more acceptable level”
For a moment you saw his sharp nailed hands trail down his chest. The way he was staring at you with that sharp grin, left your eyes widening in shock for a moment. There were more insults and tear downs just bubbling beneath the surface, but you decided not to say anything. He still creeped you out but if you were going to suffer at least you could attempt to annoy this monster.
….. ……
I was going to go for some kind of goofy gen z kind of humor just so Dio would be way out of his depth with trying to decipher what any of it means. While getting back handed with retorts and disses. But nah went for whatever this was. I’m trying to not be too rusty with my writing right now.
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His Name is Ester and He thinks it's funny when he scares people and he's also gay
Sooo Any of That ring a Bell? Cause He's currently Dangling Fluff by a yarn whip and Hyness is... Panicking... to put it Lightly...
Zan let out an annoyed sigh.
Zan: "...Of course. Kirby, I'm going to need you to hold on tight."
Kirby: "...Why, poyo?"
Zan: "...Because I'm charging up this Warp Star so we get there faster."
Kirby: "Wha--"
[tw//potential eyestrain]
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Zan's hands began to spark rapidly, and she gripped onto the Warp Star with all her might. This caused electricity to flow through it, powering it up and...it went zooming through space at a (literally) lightning-fast pace.
[Looks like they'd be arriving at Jambandra sooner than expected thanks to the speed boost.]
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Part 13 Enies Lobby
The Straw Hats make it to Enies Lobby to save Robin, Franky and Reader, (During the trip Franky tells Reader about his past and about his Mentor Tom) with Spadam planning to bring her to Marine HQ, (Giving him a higher position of power) as he tries to convince her that he’s a ‘Hero’ and Nico Robin’s a ‘Devil’, (Along with ‘Cutty Flam’ Franky and the ‘Monster Fishman’, Tom) he thinks she’ll believe him since kids are ‘stupid’, however she calls him a ‘Liar’, (She may be naive, but she can tell good people from bad people, no matter how well they hide it) calling Spadam the ‘True Villain’, making Franky laugh, only for Reader to get slapped by Spadam, enraging Robin and Franky
You can choose if Reader is with Robin being taken to the Gates of Justice or is with Lucci and helps Luffy in his fight with her power being seen in action (She’s hugging Luffy’s back tightly with her horn flaring up, allowing him to use 2nd and 3rd Gear even more effectively) but Luffy makes sure to thank Reader and gives her his Straw Hat as a promise that he’ll save her and Robin from this terrible place
When everyone gets to escape, Reader jumps in Luffy’s arms and cries as they’re escaping on the Merry (She has sparkly eyes after learning Grandma Kokoro is a Mermaid) who came to save them, however they have to put Merry to Rest, crying as they all think about the great memories they had on that ship (It’s just as hard on Reader because the Going Merry was the first place she ever got to call ‘Home’, and made a lot of happy memories) with everyone tearfully saying goodbye as they head back to Water 7
I like to think Robin used Clutch on Spadam even harder and broke his spine into a few more pieces because of what he did to Reader (Don’t anger Robin, especially when she’s Mama Robin)
-You stirred after about an hour or so and you immediately heard Robin, “Y/N!” your eyes opened to see both her and Franky staring down at you in worry.
-You were still on the train, as CP9 had taken the three of you, leaving Usopp and Sanji behind, and as you sat up, you winced, feeling a pain on your upper temple, lifting a hand to feel some bandages.
-Franky grinned, patting the top of your head, “You took a tumble then took a nap- but you’ll be just fine Y/N!” you looked up at him, as he was new, but you didn’t feel afraid of him, giving him a small smile.
-They did their best, keeping you calm, with Franky telling you about his past, with his mentor, Tom, who, with his help as well as others like Iceburg, created the Sea Train, which made your eyes sparkle brightly.
-Franky told you that his real name was Cutty Flam but changed it to Franky after his ‘death’ trying to save Tom and Franky, for the first time, had to deal with you crying.
-Robin thought it was rather cute, seeing Franky on his belly, to bring himself down to your level, trying to calm you down, panicking.
-As you arrived at Enies Lobby, Robin spoke to you before CP9 came in, “Y/N, I need you to be brave and stay close to me, okay?” you were scared but gave her a small nod, holding onto her robe as the three of you were led out.
-You didn’t like Spandam, he was a bad person, this you could tell as he was walking towards the three of you, mocking Franky first before shooting him.
-You gasped, “Franky!” before seeing that he was mostly all right, tears in your eyes before Spandam turned to you and Robin, sneering at Robin, “The Devil Child herself- to think you would be so easy to capture- and you as well, little Y/N! You’re going to make a lot of people very happy, including me! That promotion is mine!”
-You were confused, head tilting to the side, “Promotion? What’s that?” he grinned, thinking you were a foolish child, “Whoever in the marines deliver you to headquarters will get an increase on their rank, which means more power and money! You’ll help me do that right- I’ll put in a good word for you because you brought in this evil woman and that reckless and violent man! They’re bad people Y/N- come over here with me!”
-You glared, looking like an angry kitten, “Robin isn’t evil! And Franky was nice to me! You’re a bad man!” CRACK!
-Spandam, not liking that you were talking back, backhanded you across the face, sending you to the ground with a sharp cry. Franky screamed out your name from his spot on the ground, bound in chains, while Robin was quickly by your side, “Y/N!”
-You sniffled, holding your cheek as she helped you sit up before Kalifa grabbed you, holding you in her arms while Robin was put into chains herself, sealing her Devil Fruit abilities.
-You were quickly in tears, now scared before Spandam ordered Robin to be taken immediately to the Gates of Justice to be executed.
-You were stunned, eyes wide in fear before Kalifa passed you to Spandam, who was happy that you were now quiet, even if it was due to fear, and you left Franky behind, seeing him staring up at the two of you, unable to do anything.
-Your head was ringing from the slap, making you kind of dizzy, so you didn’t realize you were at the top of the stairs at the Gates of Justice until Spandam sat you down and you immediately fell to your rear.
-Robin dropped to her knees as you scrambled over to her, hugging her around her waist, she could see that you were trembling, scared as the other Straw Hats arrived, standing across the way, here to save you and Robin both.
-You then heard Luffy, “Say you want to live!!” tears hit your cheeks and you looked up, seeing Robin in tears, “I WANT TO LIVE!!” you turned, seeing Luffy grin before they charged in, including that masked man, Sogeking.
-CP9 went on the attack, just leaving Spandam, who quickly turned, rage in his eyes, “You’re not taking my glory away from me!” he drew his sword, preparing to strike Robin down then take you, but not before ordering a Buster Call, something Robin looked terrified to hear about.
-You were scared, not wanting to move, as you knew this man would hurt Robin- you felt your heartbeat in your ears as he got closer, going to grab you to get to her.
-You clenched your eyes shut, turning quickly, “Don’t hurt my mama!!” WHACK!!!!!
-Robin was stunned, eyes wide as you leapt up, taking your lesson from Nami to heart, and you headbutted Spandam hard in his groin.
-The scream he let out was unearthly, falling back as he clutched at himself and you grabbed the ring of keys he had, quickly rushing to Robin to unlock her shackles.
-You were trying not to fumble, feeling scared as Spandam was now mad, trying to get to his feet, tears in your eyes and as he grabbed his sword, you heard the click of the shackles, and instantly Robin had a hold of him with her abilities.
-Robin turned to you with a sweet smile, “Close your eyes and cover your ears for a moment.” You nodded and did as you were told as Robin turned, her sweet smile not falling as a murderous aura surrounded her and while blocked, you heard Spandam screaming out in pain as she broke every bone in his body, payback for putting his hands on you.
-You then heard, “Robin! Y/N!” you looked up with a smile on your face, “Luffy!” and Robin smiled as well before her smile fell, seeing Rob Lucci, now a jaguar, chasing after him.
-Franky arrived and grabbed Robin, going to grab you as well, to get out of the area, as Luffy was going to go wild, “We need to get out of here! That Buster Call is arriving!”
-You didn’t run to him however, you ran to Luffy, leaping onto his back as you saw that he was injured, pushing his body to the limit and your horn flared to life.
-Luffy instantly felt his strength and stamina returning and he grinned, punching his fist into his hand, “Thank you Y/N! I’ll treat you to something tasty after this!” you nodded, remaining silent as Luffy was able to go above and beyond his abilities, taking on Rob Lucci at full strength.
-As the fight drew to an end, Luffy made sure you were safe, holding you close as you were now panting hard, a fever taking control before he heard a voice telling him to jump.
-Down in the ocean, you both saw Merry there, looking like it was on her last legs, but there nonetheless and he shouted at everyone to get to the ship.
-Now resting, you felt your fever slowly leaving as you landed on Merry,  your home, before you saw Kokoro again and your eyes went huge, “A mermaid?!” while others weren’t pleased seeing that Kokoro was a mermaid, like Sanji, who just cried, you were sparkly eyed, completely entranced.
-Once safely back in Water 7, Nami helped patch you up, your family all furious that you had been injured, hit by a grown man. Robin was sitting next to you, “Y/N- who taught you to go after a man’s jewels?” you tilted your head to the side, “Men have jewels?”
-After scolding Robin, thinking she was tainted you, you beamed when Nami asked if you hit someone between the legs, “I did! He was going to hurt Mama Robin so I jumped up and headbutted him!” everyone except Robin turned white before many were yelling at Nami for teaching you that before she yelled back, “She needs to be safe!”
-You cried as you saw Usopp back, hugging him close, “I missed you!!” he smiled, hugging you close before you leaned back, seeing Sogeking’s slingshot and your eyes widened before smiling, “Did Mr. Sogeking give that to you?”
-You were so cute- you had no idea that Usopp and Sogeking were the same person, but Usopp wasn’t going to tell you that, “He did! He told me to use it to keep you safe.”
-You smiled up at him before tears welled in your eyes, “I wish I could have said goodbye to him. He was nice- like you, big brother!” Usopp was now panicking, unsure if he should go and change to make you happy again, much to Zoro and Sanji’s amusement.
-You hugged Luffy close who was also in tears as Merry, your home- the first place you ever called home and were happy to do, was in flames, burning it. All the memories, both the good and the bad, on Merry, were memories that were important to you, and to see that home go up in flames, you couldn’t stop crying.
-You were in awe of the new ship, Going Sunny, or just Sunny for short, your eyes sparkling like Luffy’s, Usopp’s, and Chopper’s, as you wanted to explore this massive ship.
-Sanji was given the task of showing you around and while you were in the galley, Sanji heard Franky screaming in pain and he peeked out, his unlit cigarette falling from his lips, seeing what Robin was doing.
-You heard Franky in pain, and you gasped, thinking he was being attacked, “We have to go help Franky!” Sanji just held you close, keeping you from going outside, “He’ll be okay- he’s just being disciplined.” You tilted your head to the side, “Like when you catch Luffy sneaking food?” he chuckled, ruffling your hair gently, “Exactly!”
-Franky couldn’t help but cry into his elbow loudly when you were told that Franky was joining the crew and your eyes lit up, “Really? I’m so happy!!” before hugging his leg. You were really too cute!!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"HIT THE MAN WHO REPEATED A TAUNT," Toronto Star. January 16, 1913. Page 17. --- Foreman Resented Remark With Blows, and Pays a Fine for Doing So. ---- CASES IN POLICE COURT ---- Macedonians Fined for Supplying Liquor to a Youth of Fourteen. ---- A dispute as to whether or not Herman Torman should go to work ended in the Police Court to-day in a charge of aggravated assault, laid by Torman, against Wm. Briggs, foreman at the Standard Sanitary Company's factory, Lansdowne and Royce avenue. Briggs did not deny blows, but as Torman had been the bearer of an unpleasant taunt to him, from former associates in Pittsburg, the charge was reduced to common assault, followed by a $5 fine.
Flim-Flammer Sentenced. Twice Sidney Smith, colored, worked his bill-switching successfully, back in December, and now he goes to jail for sixty days. The men beaten out of $5 each were H. Hanna, 106 Spadina avenue and G. Miller. 336 Queen east. Smith's system was to walk into a store, make a five or ten-cent purchase, present a ten-dollar bill, and when change was brought he would ask for a return of the bill, saying he had found the proper change. The bill would be returned. Smith would hand back the change, but not before he had slipped a $5 bill from the bottom.
Accused of Theft. Matthew Weisley, of Leonard avenue. employe of the Vokes Hardware Co., of 68 King street west, was committed for trial, charged with the theft of $40 worth of locks, hinges, brassware, etc., from his employers.
The charge originated when Constable Eakins found a peddlar staggering under a heavily roaded bag in Leonard avenue.
"I fancied it might be lead pipe," the officer stated, "but it wasn't. The peddlar gave Weisley's address as the place of purchase."
Liquor Given to Boy. Macedonians at 120 Spadina avenue began a birthday festival on Sunday morning, and ended in the police court, charged with supplying liquor to a minor. They were Antonio and John Oriss, the boy who drank being aged fourteen. Antonio settled for both by a fine of $10 and costs.
Just on Suspicion. The fact that George Clarke was seen too often about Jacob Davis clothing store at 326 Queen street west. from where a pair of trousers disappeared, led to his arrest on a charge of theft. As Clarke denied it, he remains in custody a week. Putting grocery collections in his pocket and blaming short returns on tardy customers, is the charge against Albert Smart, brought back from Sea- grave yesterday by Detective Armstrong. Smart was employed as driver for the J. W. Sweet grocery at Carlton and Sackville streets. Evidence will be taken on the 20th.
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sseen11 · 2 years
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AkiXreader!! word count: 2k.392 warning: (NSFW)smut 18+
a/n; I- he is so fine I just had to
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Aki's fingers gently left the black Jacket, then slaying it after his shoulder and leaving it abandoned on the table near by the door of his room.
"Aki sir!" His shoulders stiffend, blades at guard before recognizing your voice and calming down internally.
Aki smiles. "You don't have to call me that anymore."
You hop in front of him, hands clasped behind your back and skin covered with a light sleep gown. Head leaning upwards, you grin up at his form.
"I like the way it sounds." You say, honestly. It did, it matched him, all office and heavy work on load shoulders. 
He left it at that, eyes dropping a bit in exhaustion as he worked with the belt below his waist, few noises of fidgeting with metal heard in the dark quiet room. Your eyes shifted there, darkening. 
"You look tired." You state, almost bitting your lip.
He nods "It was busy." His hands rise up to hang his belt on one of the hangers against the wall. He also shucks out his cig packet, letting them rest on the table. 
You notice the tension in his body, muscles shifting now and then, seen from the thin white shirt over his chest. You creep towards him, standing right in front. His eyes narrow. Your arms raises, placed softly on his chest and running up to take the head of his tie. You loosen it, wriggling it left and right to smoothly slide it wide enough, circling it out of his head.
Aki's breath shakes, stilling for a moment before inhaling again. You bite your lip. His eyes watch you and this time, he slumps down with a sharp breath, head coming to rest on your shoulder. You freeze a second then hold his arms. 
Aki's eyes drop fully, letting you unbutton the top button on his shirt, going lower and then with heavy trouble hauling it off him. His heart skips. You trial the tip of your fingers around his neck, brushing along his hair. Chuckling, you let out his hair, flinging the hairband somewhere near and immediately tangling your hands in his hair. A little too silky and soft.
"Hey. . .Um" you hesitate. "Can we?" 
Your whisper makes him swallow, though he hums, the sound vibrating over your neck to run a chill down your spine. With your palm around his head, you lean it back up to met his lips with your own. 
As most, it's smoke and ashes that you taste at first, fading away to leave your tongue with his saliva. Not the best, but you have gotten used to it and it wasn't surprising. Very unhealthy but he just wouldn't stop. 
Your mouth moves furiously while aki's lips lazily try to move with yours. The connection slips, lips clumsy and mouth panting on the others face. It grew louder with each skate of your fingers on his chest, running up and down. 
It was finally for sake that he placed his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to walk backwards towards the bed. You moan. His lips center around yours. Head falling on the mattress, you first fiddle with your own gown, aki hovering over you as you do so. Warmth creeps up your neck. 
"Here." He says, reaching behind your supported form to unzip the zipper and making it easier to let it out. 
You flash him a smile, pecking his lips and going in again for a Kiss, letting your tongue explore his insides and clash with his own. His tongue pushes down own yours, not even trying but somehow able to take control and flip the situation. He moans. You touch him some more, matching the speed of every drag of his tongue.
Aki's own hands wander down your waist, rubbing the bare skin there and eventually going lower to dig his fingers on your hips. You are already hot within, stomach burning with a flamming fire. 
He keeps kissing you, on the mouth, face, neck, down your collabone and as much as that makes you arc, you are desperate for his heat inside you. 
"Can we-" you are breathing heavily. "Can you please just,-" you stop yourself with a Moan. 
"Yeayea." Aki's breathing trembles whilst he leaned forward to kiss you again before kneeling on either side of your thighs. You were already bare. That was easy. All he had to do was unzip his own pants and go inside you. It was troublesome though, muscles tired but cock desperate. With great bothersome, he is leaning over you again, mouth open and layed on the side of your throat. He licks, bites, gently at first to get you worked up. You already are, helping him line up with you but it ends with a fierce grind of his cock on your bare clit. 
It makes you gasp out a whimper, fingers eagerly going around his shoulders. "Aki sir, please." You beg him. You are not sure to what. You want him to shove himself in you but it's impossible with each roll of your hips impulsively rubbing on his length. 
Aki's head spins, fog taking over that your voice is a million distance apart for a hot moment and he is back in your arms throughout each lift of your hips. 
Then suddenly, when he is supporting himself to get ready, your entrance meets the tip of his cock in a aimless rub. 
"Y/n." He groans out your name, right by your near and making a knot tighten in your gut. And you are moving inside him as he twitches, wanting to feel every drag of his cock around your walls.
Aki's bottom lip Is between his teeth, head buried on the crook of your neck. You were letting out random babbles, shifting underneath him to fast for him to catch on. His muscles for surely broke the tight held strain, letting you do the lead. 
Your attention diverts to his mouth on you, legs failing underneath his thighs. Peering at his flushed face once, though it's covered half way due to his medium length hair. The slight light from outside brings the blue highlights in the color, almost majestic along with his eyes when his head raises and eyes opening to kiss you on the forehead. You can't help but smile, feeling warm inside for two clear reasons. 
It's only when he hisses as you start to clench around him when his shaft struggles inside you. It makes you whine low in your throat, chest heaving up and down quite rapidly. 
Aki leaned back to get a hold of your knees, spreading them apart more and having more access to you. The movement makes you grunt, head pressing hard on the sheets underneath you. He pulls out. You whimper. His palm rubs your stomach, soothing the overloaded tightening. You can't help but wrinkle the bed sheets under you more, sometimes gripping and other time scratching, Aki apparently too lean back for you to hold him tight.
This time, he thrusts into you a little rougher, the gentleness a long last fairytale. It makes you lay on the edge of your burning coil though it makes him moan loudly with heavy breaths following behind. You are no different, your hips lift to meet him in a deeper state, back arching with each time you tighten in pain and pleasure. 
With the way you are reacting, Aki is concerned, not surprised but still worried. You are aware of him holding back, not giving you all of him and every time you are trying to wrap him around your cunt, he hitches back the slightest at your desperate attempts. 
You cry out breathlessly, eyes barely open but enough to give him a pleading look. 
"Please." You try, one hand reaching down your stomach to rub at your own clit. It's not enough, doesn't feel as good as when he does. 
"More more, please- just-," you whine out, trying to gather heat inside you but you are annoyed and frustrated, can't help but just beg for a hard shove of his dick inside you. The more you touch yourself, it makes you sexually exhausted, sweat rolling down your forehead and on the sheets under your back.
Aki's cock twitches at your craving but his brows frown but he helps you by reaching a hand under where yours is, replacing your thumb and rubbing it back and forth on your clit. Finally. You moan, a trembling cry jerking out of you. 
"Yes, yes-," you cut yourself with a groan. "Faster. Faster." You urge him on, hands and hips not sure what to do, they are in there control, reacting to every touch on you from him. 
As much as it makes Aki moan quietly, He frowns though accepting your request and applying pressure, going faster and touching just the right way on your clit and folds. 
"I don't want to hurt you." He says, watching you struggle against the over sensation. It makes his hand almost reach to rub on his cock. 
You are barely understanding his words, mind blanked and your heartbeat heard clearly in your ear, replacing the loud breaths from before. But his still too gentle hands is not helping you and your thighs rub together around his hands impulsively. He grips them again, tighter than before and something about him handling you makes you moan, eyes rolling back. 
You respond with a loud whimper. "Can you cum inside me?" You ask instead, letting your mouth run on its own. And just in case, "please, I want you to cum inside me like before. Please please." 
It breaks him, your wants not helping his situation and This time, Aki can't help but rub a palm down his cock, teasing the tip and pumping himself once before leaning down and stop your open mouth. His lips closes over you, moving in a circling motion, your body replying with a pleased moan at each sync.  
You are rubbing on him again, apparently you are very sensitive because it makes you break apart from him and struggle to catch your breath. 
Fucking finally, Aki thrusts in you once more, a start but enough to make you almost scream in over pleasure. You are letting out praises on how you feel, making him blush. He does it again, and once more. You choke on a sob. His hands are spreading your legs as far, the chill air spraying between your legs not helping your delicately desperate state. 
Aki moans, light sweet sound, his head coming down to muffle his sounds in your mouth. That was a mess. Both your teeth clash, tongue barely holding up to brush it against the other. You are panting in his mouth and he is panting in yours. Your movement makes his cock slip now and then, the drag on your wall and drag on more of his prominent veins making you bubble out a half scream and half cry. He cries out your name, barely able to hold down your hips. 
You are getting the best of him and when you wind your arm around his neck to hold something, it breaks his composure, hips snapping in a flash on you, so suddenly you jolt underneath him, the back of your foot dragging on the sheets. Your cunt wraps tightly around his length, taking all of him with pleasured whines. It feels so great, to have him stuff you full and it's so blissful that you are cumming around him, covering his cock in your slick.
Aki groans at the heat, now more warm and slipper inside you, your hips shift. He grunts, whispering your name in your ear over and over. It doesn't make things easier to calm down your desire. 
"Good good. You are so good-" he gasps softly. Your clench at the praise, feeling so good everywhere. You are left sweating with pleading moans. 
You almost scream when he pulls out, leaning back to get a break. Your fingers are clawing on the sheets, eventually slowing down in tiresome. Your legs fail beside him. Though your hands reach down to pleasure your left desire, it meets with with his cock. Doesn't matter, your grip it tight, control slipping out. Your eyes are closed shut as you squeeze his cock. 
Aki's eyes widen, hand coming on his mouth to clasp the loud sounds escaping his mouth. It comes in a deep groan, eyes rolling back. You pump in his achingly hard dick. His shoulders drop in sensation, fingers twitching. 
Your fingers hardly press on his tip. Your palm trace on the odd texture. Before long, Aki is coming in your hand wrapped around him. The substance is blocked from going everywhere because of your hand. You and him moan at once. The hot cool liquid covers yours entire palm, hand deciding to rub his bare cock with it. It feels so good having it in your hands, holding it securely in you. 
Aki's mind is blowing, not sure where to focus but your touch feels so wonderful on his cock that his hair are sticking to his face, feeling so hot all over. When your hands slips from his shaft in tiresome, you leave it at that. The both of you are breathing heavily to catch their breath. Aki recovers first, leaning down to lay on your side, still breathing just a bit unevenly. 
His hot breath fans on your skin. You are left whining at the frustration and sweatiness you feel, face scrunched up in pure annoyance. 
After what definitely seemed a while, Aki leans on his elbow, getting hold of your slicked hand on your stomach. He smiles softly. "Let's get you cleaned up." You look at him, a little lower and the slicked hand comes down to brush against his also slicked cock. "We." You correct him, lazily passing him a grin. 
He inhaled a sharp breath, blue crystals playing at amusement and mouth playing at a sigh. 
You laugh at him, hugging his front in a affectionate touch. Your heart flutters.
Aki is frozen for the shortest second before relaxing in your arms and humming a pleased sound. He can't help but let his heart melt after skipping a beat. It warms him inside, making him happier than the events that took place.
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