#but with a musical instrument oh you gotta learn all these notes first and then copy a bunch of songs and it takes YEARS to even get to a
heliopixels · 1 year
Sometimes I remember that I have a guitar laying unused in the corner of my room
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lil-tachyon · 1 year
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For the last couple weeks I've been drawing logos / designs for local-ish (mostly NJ, some PA and NY) bands as warmups in the morning. Here's what I've come up with! Massive post below the break explaining each logo + where to find each band and listen to their music.
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Teenage Halloween- a staple of New Jersey basements for probably about a decade now and finally getting wider recognition in the last couple years. Pop punk / power pop with a killer horn section. First time I saw them was in New Brunswick playing with Walter Etc. and Blowout. They played a killer cover "Build Me Up Buttercup" and my wife got a black eye in the pit. Recommended tracks: "Brain Song," "666," "Clarity." Their first EP is on a separate bandcamp page btw, check it out here it's great.
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Sweet Pill - They will call themselves a Philly band but in my heart they'll always be from Glassboro. Definitely one of the more recognizable names on this list. Emo revival - early stuff is more twinkly, more recent stuff is heavier. All of it's great. Recommended tracks "Nephew," "High Hopes."
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Shark Club - Central Jersey's finest. I'm very biased because I actually know these dudes and they did the music for my wedding. Some of the best pop punk you'll hear and the nicest people you'll meet. Recommended tracks: "Game Theory," "Bill Murray," "Heavens to Betsy."
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Rest Ashore - My favorite band for the last (oh God I'm old now) eight years. From gut-wrenching emo ballads to virtuoso math-rock instrumentals they do it all. One time I got to sing vocals on "Lucy's Theme" at a house show- thank you Erica! Recommended tracks: "Hjarta," "Chinese Opera," "Devotion," "Soyuz Sweetheart." Too many bangers to name honestly, just deep dive their discography.
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Morus Alba - First band I ever went to see at a house show and still one of my absolute favorites. Their music feels like the bridge between the best pitchfork, /mu/ alt rock bands and high energy basement emo. I mean that as a compliment and I hope it comes off as one lol. I should note that since 2019 Morus Alba has morphed from a band into an experimental hip-hop project so later releases sound radically different and basically disconnected from the earlier stuff. Also my favorite release from them, Live at Isabelle's, has been scrubbed from the internet but if you'd like the files just email me. Recommended tracks: "Skyscraper," "Human Resources," "The Goodnight Waltz."
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Have a Good Season - another Jersey mainstay that's still going strong. Emo revival in their earlier releases, now with more 70s power pop influences in their newer stuff. See them live, they put on a fantastic show and usually play some great covers in addition to their original music. HaGS guys if you're reading this, please put your version of "Since You've Been Gone" online, I'm begging you. Recommended tracks: "Joseph / Shel Silverstein," (you have to listen to them together for the drop, so good) , "Gum, "Gleaux / Scab." Also, frontman Nic Palermo interviewed me once.
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Elephant Jake - If you see any of these bands live make it EJ, they put on such a damn good show. Electrifying indie punk from the Empire State. Recommended tracks: "F.D.C." "Sarah Moyer," "Goodness to Honest," and of course you gotta learn "Sebastien Bauer" for the singalongs.
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Blind Lion - Sadly one of the greats that we lost along the way. Defunct since about 2017. I only got to see them once but it was a great performance. Alongside their own stuff they played some killer covers of "Bad Moon Rising" and "Moonage Daydream." I had trouble doing a logo design for them because I actually really like the composition, if not the "Ed Hardy-ness," of their existing logo so what you see here are two separate attempts, neither of which feels entirely satisfying to me. Frontperson Larry Flately currently plays in Nematode and also handled production of Bradley Gardens joke hiphop group The Breakfast Boiz under the moniker "DJ Ova EZ." Recommended tracks: "Brumous," "Dinner."
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Fighting Seasons - A band that I sadly found out about too late (via a sticker under the bridge in my town which has since been painted over). 2010s pop punk that packs a helluva punch, especially considering that I'm pretty sure the members were high schoolers for most of the band's existence. I think some members may have gone on to form Sawce (FFO Chon, Polyphia, that type of music) but I can't remember where I read/heard that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Recommended tracks: "Fighting Seasons," "Oil on Canvas"
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Milkmen- Another fallen giant, officially disbanded in 2019. Like Morus Alba, they played the very first house show I attended and their few releases remain on constant rotation in my home. Used to put on a great show and were one of the bands I always thought would make it big until suddenly they weren't around anymore. Frontman Ben Thieberger contributed guitar and vocals to Covid quarantine project Kin if you're looking for a bit of an extra fix but beyond that I don't know what these guys are up to these days, sadly. Recommended tracks: "Ramus," "Johnny Dangerously," "how sieves catch breeze," "K.O.T.H."
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Stand and Wave - New York (now Philly) pop punkers delivering instant dopamine hits with every track. Another great live act, see them with EJ if you can! They often play shows together. Recommended tracks: "Convos," "Mrs. Dash," "Splashton Kutcher," "Michael Collins."
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My Chemical Romance - You know who they are. While I was drawing all these other logos I ran a poll on Patreon to decide which famous New Jersey band should also be graced with a drawing from me. MCR won the poll by a hefty margin so unfortunately you won't get to see me do an illegible black metal take on Hoboken's Yo La Tengo. I ended up doing two versions: the one with the halo is the first, the one with the bats was the second. I tried to do something kind of thin and elegant with the first one and I don't think it's terrible but I also wasn't quite satisfied with it. For the 2nd attempt I tried to lean into the kind of pulpy, almost horror punk aesthetic of early MCR and I think that one looks better even if it's less original.
Anyway if you took the time to read through all this, thank you very much! And please support these bands! Also If any of the links aren't working please let me know.
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radiant-cowgirl · 2 months
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A Meeting of Misguided Minds | Audio Rp | M4A
to old endings, and new beginnings (script and link to ao3 under the cut)
Read it here on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57404290
[squeaky door opens, bell jingles, door closes] [quiet instrumental music, voices, silverware clatter]
Employee: Welcome to Elysium! Oh! You’re the one who called us about the interview. I’ll go grab him for you. Do you want something to drink in the meantime? No? Okay. Two seconds!
Perseus: [footsteps] Hello! Welcome, welcome! Look at you, all prepared! I can take those for you, super star. I’m Perseus or Percy, rather. And you are? [pages flipping] Oh right, right here at the top, perfect! [laughter] Sorry, I’m a bit jumpy. I don’t do interviews like this very often, if you can’t tell and I’ve had more than enough caffeine this morning. Here, you can follow me back to the office. Thank you, Emilio! [footsteps] [door open, close, chair scraping] Make yourself comfortable. 
I gotta say, when Emilio out front said you’d called about an interview, I was a little surprised! I mean, I know we’re a registered business and all, but most of the staff either doesn’t care or doesn’t know about all that. And to be honest, I like to keep it that way, but I’m never one to turn down an opportunity to be helpful. Especially if who I’m helping is going to be a helping hand in return. [chuckle] I don’t gotta tell you how rough things are out there right now. And with my main host gone indefinitely for bereavement, we’re a little overworked and understaffed. [clears throat] Um, at any rate. [pens rattling in cup] With how Emilio described you, this interview is mainly just a formality, but you don’t mind if I take notes, right? Perfect! Let me just get sorted. [papers rustling]
Why don’t you go ahead and tell me a little about yourself. I’m sure it’s been a while since you’ve done this kind of work [chuckle] but everyone had to start somewhere. And Emilio said you had some experience in food service. For now we can keep it as personal as you like. I’ll go through your resume during the hiring process. 
[humming in agreement, recognition, pen scratching, heavy sigh] I’m so sorry to hear that. With everything that’s been going on, I can’t imagine how rough it must be, dealing with that on top of the loss of your spouse. I don’t need anything special to tell that you’ve been through the wringer lately. I can practically feel how stressful it is [sad chuckle]. And being in a completely new town, let alone state? Everything must feel so fresh and terrifying. I certainly hope the transition was easy. [soft skin-to-skin contact, patting hand] If there’s anything I can do to make this process easier, let me know. 
I remember when I first moved to California, everything was so different from how it was in the midwest. Uhuh, yeah! I spent my, uh, formative years [chuckle] bouncing around the midwest. Michigan was always my favorite. Tried university, but there weren’t any that taught what I was looking for. Everyone thought I should be learning what everyone else like me was learning, but all I really wanted to learn to do was cook. I saw how it made people happy and that’s what I wanted to do. I mean, obviously, right? [laughs] I spent some time in Chicago and I’m still not sure why those people don’t put ketchup on their hot dogs. Ketchup’s great. [clears throat] Sorry, listen to me rambling. Long story short, I understand what it’s like, moving cross-country and all. 
Honestly, if you decide that this isn’t something you want to do at all, I completely understand. There’ll always be more applicants and I’m sure there’s someone else up for the job. I’m sure you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. We’ll, of course, keep your resume on file if you decide to revisit this offer.
Ah, no, I get it! I’m the same way. Some people need to rest through their grief and others need to wrestle through it. No point in sitting around in a new home where all of your recent changes are so clearly apparent if it’s just gonna make you feel worse. If you need to work through your heartache, it might as well be through, well, working [chuckle]. 
Speaking of working, should you decide to take the job, we’ll start you out at the host stand. It’s really very easy and relaxed. We don’t take reservations and truth be told, we’re never overly busy so the most you would be doing is showing people to their seats, taking drink orders, and keeping an eye on wait times. That being said, if hosting doesn’t end up being your thing, we can move you to something else and go from there. We have the kitchen of course, as well as a fully operational bakery. We could also move you to serving, if that’s more up your alley.  
We try to rotate responsibilities every so often, just so everyone has the opportunity to hone their skills and stretch their metaphorical and physical legs [chuckle]. But if you find you’re more particular to the bakery than to hosting or hosting than to serving or anything like that, we can of course accommodate. Any questions? 
Yeah, sure. So all positions have the same starting rate which you’ll find is well above minimum wage. I prefer to keep my employees as happy and stress-free as possible. You can accept tips, but I would obviously pay you a livable wage as well. We usually ask people to donate to local charities as opposed to tipping, but there’s always the generous few who won’t take no for an answer. 
Sick days and holidays aren’t really a thing, either. We have an honor system. Basically if you’re scheduled to work, you’re getting paid for the day. If something comes up and you can’t make it, as long as you let me or your coworkers know as soon as possible, you’re getting paid for the day. If we close early or you get cut early because of how slow it is, you get paid for the full day. Holidays are the same. We’re closed on most calendar and religious holidays, but you’ll get paid regardless. Same goes for both solstices. Not sure where you fall on that spectrum, but we’re closed both days, regardless. 
And if you ever find anything to be a bit too much, we can of course work out some mental health days and vacation time for you. Any other questions?
[hums] Uhuh. So as far as uniform goes, we don’t ask much. We’ll give you a few free t-shirts and a sweatshirt when you start, but other than that, we’re really chill. Just dress in whatever’s comfortable and appropriate. If you decide you want to work in the kitchen, we do ask that you follow food safety laws, but we provide aprons and such. We also have a shoe program to keep you in something reliable and safe. Anything else?
When can you start? [laughs] I have a feeling I’m gonna like you, super star! You’re gonna fit right in. I know this must feel like such a relief, having a place to land after all the changes you’ve experienced recently. We’ve been in a bit of a slump as of late, what with everything going on. I think a fresh new face will definitely get everyone out of the rut we’ve been in. 
[papers shuffling, tapping on desk, chair scraping] I’ll admit, I was a little worried when the Department said they were gonna be sending someone down for an interview. I figured you guys were all stuffy office jockeys, especially an investigator [scoffs, chuckles]. And I know you’re gonna take the whole ‘keeping an eye on things’ seriously, but you’re just such a doll. At any rate, I’ll get all this put away and-
I’m sorry? Oh right, sorry. Yeah, DUMP said you’d be coming. Don’t worry, you didn’t surprise me or anything, dear.
Oh. Oh. You’re not from the Department? [swallows] You… don’t know what the Department is? [stammers] Oh my god. I’m gonna be in so much trouble. I should have asked for a badge and- [deep breaths, pacing footsteps] I could just…no… no no no no no, you need this job. And I think I need you too [tight laugh]. I did think you um, felt a little off, but I figured it was just the stress and the grief and… ooh sorry, I’m gonna stop talking now. 
Okay, okay, okay [grounding breath]. [To himself] This is all gonna be okay, Percy. We just need to have a chat with the hosts about communicating exactly what is said on phone calls regarding applications and interviews.
What? Oh, I’m so sorry. Please completely disregard, um, all of that? Um, it should go without saying that you definitely got the job! I mean, I already kind of implied that, but I can see how all of that could make you reconsider that assumption. You definitely got the job. I’ll call you, or would you prefer text? You know what, never mind! I’ll just text you to ask later [nervous laugh]. We’ll set up a day and time for you to get started. In the meantime, if you’ll excuse me, I now have another interview to prepare for. One much more frightening than this one [clears throat]. 
[out of breath] Please grab something to eat or drink on the way out, and please tell Emilio that I’m covering it. I’m sure these last few minutes have been equally as stressful for you as they have been for me. 
Anyways, I’m very, very excited to have you join the team, super star. I’ll walk you out [door opens, closes].
this takes place directly after the Inversion
If it wasn't totally clear the listener character (called Super Star, but will later be shortened to just Star) is an uninformed, unempowered human who called ahead about getting an interview at Elysium Eatery. They come prepared with a resume and a cover letter and dress up for the occasion. However, the speaker character, Perseus, or Percy, was expecting a different person for the interview. DUMP has been sending investigators and field officers into empowered businesses across town to keep an eye out for stray shades or any more trouble under the guise of employment at these empowered businesses. They've chosen Elysium to be one of these such businesses. It was originally supposed to be Sweetheart taking the job at Elysium, but it didn't pan out, due to Star being hired instead.
Thumbnail Template from @mokozroach
Logo and Thumbnail made on Canva
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blob-of-darkness · 8 days
Fair warning - This might not be that coherent because I didn't write it as a tumblr post, I just copy pasted the messages I sent a friend about Chants of Sennaar in the middle of the night
Learning the languages in this game is like a really big part of the game, it's even a main focus of the story, but I will be talking a lot about it so if you don't want spoilers you shouldn't tap on the readmore.
Okay so I've gotta say I love the looks of the languages
They all have their own distinct styles and small deviations in rules that make them unique
In the first level of the tower, you get the Devotees language
They're got a sign for man/human which kinda looks like an L and the signs for specific kinds of people are based off of that L
The sign for devotee is an L with a floating diamond shape - which looks really similar to their sign for god
I think it's interessting to think that the diamond shape represents the word faith, that's why it's so similar for the word god and would technically mean that DEVOTEE is FAITH HUMAN or HUMAN WHO HAS FAITH IN GOD or smth like that
Then there's a word for WARRIOR which also hat the MAN/HUMAN sign but this time instead of a floating diamond shape it has two triangle shapes like >< kind of offset next to it
I think the sharp angles and harsh look of those triangles and the way they're pointed makes it look aggressive and fitting for WARRIOR
later we also find a broken mural which depicts part of a sentence in the DEVOTEES language, a sentence in another language which I think was the BARD language and then a part in the WARRIOR language and basically you learn what that sentence in the BARD language means by cross referencing the parts of the other two languages
Most of the translation comes from the DEVOTEE language but only the word FORTRESS comes from the WARRIOR language
But we actually see part of the word for FORTRESS in the DEVOTEE language, but it is so broken that the game labels it as [INDECIPHERABLE] and doesn't let you mark the word in the notebook that your character uses in game to learn/note/unlock new words/translations
However- the reason I'm mentioning this is because from that broken part of the mural we can guess that the word for FORTRESS would look like the floating triangles from WARRIOR inside of the almost-box that presumably means PLACE
The almost-box shape shows up in other place names too
Notably the word for CEMETERY is the almost-box and the word for DEAD/DEATH inside
The CHURCH is the box with FAITH inside
at least I'm speculating it means faith
So basically CEMETARY is PLACE with DEAD inside and CHURCH is PLACE with FAITH inside
This continues also continues with GARDEN being PLACE with PLANT inside
They also have a specific sign that seems to show that something is a tool of sorts
KEY, DOOR, INSTRUMENT, POTION/FORMULA and POT all have a curved line at the side, which kinda looks like a C
KEY looks like OPEN-TOOL because it's made of OPEN and the TOOL signifier
Oh I forgot about LENS which looks like a simple drawing of an eye with the TOOL signifier
So basically Lens is EYE-TOOL
SEARCH/LOOK also has the eye drawing but with a line underneath it
The line seems to be common with verbs I think?
SEEK/WANT CREATE/MAKE LIKE/LOVE all have that line underneath
So basically SEARCH/LOOK is EYE-VERB
And I genuinely think that's neat
Oh the sign for TALK is similar to the sign that is added to MAN/HUMAN in the PREACHER word
So PREACHER is TALKING HUMAN which is funny af
The signs for ME and YOU are also with the MAN/HUMAN shape!
We're all just people :D
The word for Hello genuinely looks so mu h like a smiley in the DEVOTEE language and it's so adorableeee🥺😭❤️
Oh also the word for GO/PASS looks like a little MAN/HUMAN turned away from a PLACE with a verb-line underneath!!
There also doesn't seem to be a distinction between GO/PASS and COME or LEAVE
So basically GO/PASS is basically MAN/HUMAN COME/GO/LEAVE from/to PLACE
Or MAN/HUMAN doesn't stay in one PLACE
Oh also originally I guessed that the word for POTION/FORMULA meant MEDICINE because it shares a part of its picture with HELP
Actually POTION might just be what they refer to MEDICINE as so not that wrong
They also do not have a distinction between UP/GREAT
So whenever I see one of the DEVOTEES say God is great
Instead of GOD GREAT my brain goes GOD UP
Or it mixes UP and GREAT so I just read GOD GOOD
Lmao get good😎
And that's pretty much most of the DEVOTEE language
Because it's a pretty short game all things considered so we only ever learn small snippets of the language
OH but another thing
The DEVOTEE language is the only one that doesn't have any plural modifier
Like if you want to say PLANTS you just say PLANT PLANT
Or if you want to say WE you say I I
Or you (plural) (uh, y'all?) would be YOU YOU
So "The warriors closed the door/gate." would be WARRIOR WARRIOR CLOSE DOOR
There's also no conjugation or past and future tenses or anything but that's with all the languages since it's all simplified for the game
Anyway the DEVOTEE language is very down to earth, they believe in god and they're connected little people that are very down to earth and lead simple lives, so t reflects in their language
The DEVOTEE language also has very organic shapes - there's some sharp corners and some curves and everything has thick lines and looks hand drawn
Now we move on to the WARRIOR language, which in contrast is *all* sharp angles and artificially steady lines, no curves or wobbles or anything at all
Very heavy, they value duty, they don't walk - they march.
It reflects in their language too - they don't have a word for GOD but they have a word for DUTY
Here's a spreadsheet in case you wanna see what the languages look like because I've been talking a lot about them and will continue to do so but it's probably hard to visualize without having seen them
Oh and I went back to look for the post I got the spreadsheet from - it's from @asp1diske-art
Thank you for this wonderful resource/compilation, it makes it much easier to take another look at the words and their meanings and which of the languages have a translation in another of the languages!
I'm gonna be honest, despite this post being quite long already, this isn't even all my thoughts on the DEVOTEES and the DEVOTEE language and I'm pretty sure there's some stuff I haven't mentioned yet because it was the middle of the night when I wrote those text messages.
I also haven't gone back and reread anything so there's likely some spelling mistakes but whatever-! I don't care. :)
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defectedrockstar · 2 months
To Chai!
What's the best way to try and start learning an instrument, my boyfriend plays guitar and I wanna try and learn one as well, gives us something to bond over!
Also tell the others I said hi, youre all awesome!
- Ren :3
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"Aaw, that's sweet, dude. Here, let me give you a demonstration," Chai said before getting his guitar out and placing his hands in the needed position. "Alright, so the first you gotta learn is your basic chords for your guitar. It works for any type of guitar. You got A major, A 7, A minor, B 7, C major, C 7, D major, D minor, D 7, E major, E 7, E minor, F major, G major, and G 7. There are others but let's focus on the need to knows. F major is the hardest because it's one of those that really stretches your fingers apart. You can look up online for plenty of charts for any instrument. You gotta learn how your instrument works before actually playing. Then, practice the notes till you know them by heart. It might be a while before you can play a song, I'm just now imitating basic music but still need a sheet. Oh, and don't forget to stretch your hands, you're gonna be working with them a lot and you DO NOT want a cramp."
"Phew. That was a lot. Hope this helps and try to have fun with it."
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"Impressive. You could be a good music teacher, Chai. Also, hello Ren."
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"Nah, too much work."
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realized this “oh you think this scary stuff is fun you freak” leitmotif lmao
#actually i had the Second verse from brooke there in my head when i realized it i.e. the ''but creepy stuff these days'' etc line#like ''oh hey you know i think this is like the first sung Melody from the opening song in a diff key and cadence more upbeat & uptempo'#and then revisiting it i realize she first sings in the same key (or closer to it idk i can't pick a key or note out of the air) as in song#damn cut off my tag there. as in song 1....opening number titled goosebumps....like ah yeah that's clearer huh#to the point i could've realized it right away....well i don't lmfao! takes multiple listens and then i'm like ohh a musical motif boys.....#or noting repeated instrumentalizations. or hell noticing an instrumentalization for the first time lmfao#definitely caught say that uhhh in ''my story'' there's the same Music at least once as in ''the legend''#a joke or two it took me a few listens to get...was going ''huh; 'to put it baldly' is so particular lol. fun'' and in doing so got hung up#on that word choice and missed the trees of the particular wordplay joke for the forest of [distinctive word choice] or w/e lol#as in the full line is ''to put it kind of baldly your conundrum's gotten hairy'' like ah lol#zeke's bit from whodunit?.mp3 gets stuck in my head too....as that bald/hairy joke's from that song. all bangers in here#danny abosch and john maclay out here.....#anyways that ''strange as you may find it / oftentimes the one behind it / is the one you least suspect'' etc bit living in my head#goosebumps the musical#a very reasonable tag to choose for all these lol#i did also watch the Tv Episode adaptation of this book last night (learned it was on youtube b/c of trying to search for these tracks lol)#might be the first tv ep from the series i've seen in full? just didn't see any episodes & only read some of the books#read the goosebumps fan wiki summary for the book tho after trying to guess the plot here listening lol. but soph found a summary of the#musical's version which is quite close but with some changed / added elements for sure...the tv ep obv seems quite like the book too#very fun; loved the like effects and lighting and stuff. i appreciate that. the adults were going so hard and love that too. you gotta....#and the kid actors lol like brooke's actor was coming off as Earnest but zeke didn't come off that friendly ever lmao#a product of the acting simply i think. ep kicks off with cory congratulating brooke in what i honestly thought was meant as mean/sarcastic#but she's just like thanks :) like oh that was supposed to be earnest lmfao. it's fine; whaddaya gonna do. people are 8#some confusing choices like the trapdoor elevator having a switch was never Shown save for in one shot (the switch itself i mean)#like idk use that shot a couple more times lol it's just operating by magic out here....the subterranean hallway overhead lighting was cool#oh and when brian (more menacingly as per the book version going more Threatening than Poignant And Nbd We're Still Besties Byeeee) is like#going offscript i feel like cory could've gotten another line with ''that's not in the script'' vs ppl just Looking at the script like Huh?#make it clearer for us all lol....but things moved apace so i feel like if you miss details it's like well that's that#like the ending just hits like bam & i probably would've forgot the guy's name / not recognized him like ''who tf is brian again'' credits!#oh hey this is tag 30 lol. the limit. little bonus tangent....i always have em
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autistic-ranboo · 3 years
techno isnt their keyboardist. but one night niki is heading downstairs in the syndicate house (bc they all live in one house for found family reasons obviously) and hears the piano. its so loose and fluid and gorgeously haunting, and its everything theyve been trying to get ranboo to figure out. shes going to congratulate ranboo but when she walks in she sees techno instead, just absolutely flowing with the music.
mostly just schmoopy.
"i didn't know you could play," niki says, softly, startling techno out of the daze he'd fallen into.
"niki, we're literally in a band together," techno replies.
"you know what i mean, techno," niki laughs. "i didn't know you could play the piano."
"eh, it's not any harder than any other instrument," he says with a shrug. "you just gotta know which key to press."
they sit in awkward silence for a bit. techno dooesn't make a move to start playing again.
"hey, techno," niki asks, as the silence stretches in the room. "can i ask you something?"
"sure, i guess," techno says with a shrug. "as long as it's not, like, weird or anything-"
"how come you stopped?" she asks, before she can lose the nerve. "playing, i mean."
techno sighs, and niki feels like she's intruding on something that maybe she shouldn't have.
"you don't have to answer!" she quickly backtracks. "it's not a big deal or anything, techno-"
"expectations are a heavy thing," he says, staring through her at something in the distant past. "and a lot of times, you don't realize how much they weigh until you put them down."
his hand comes up and closes the lid over the keys, with that uncharacteristic gentleness that she's learning may be far less uncharacteristic than she first assumed. "i used to play competitively. won first place at every competition, got invited to play at all kinds of fancy banquets. that kind of thing. and, like, i didn't hate it, but it was always so boring. no soul, no personality. you were supposed to be a slave to a dead composer. and like- look, ok, i was absolutely a goody two-shoes back then but when i was like, i dunno, maybe sixteen or seventeen, i was invited to perform a duet with this violinist. and i hated this guy at first, all right? he kept going on about 'feeling the music' and i was like 'this is nonsense' because i was a dumb kid who thought he knew everything-"
"oh, like tommy," niki interjects, and techno bursts out wheeze-laughing.
"see, this? this is why we let you be our frontman," techno says. "people actually find your jokes funny. unlike the rest of us."
"i don't know," niki says, her own voice warmed with the bubbly laughter of late nights with good friends. "i think you can tell good jokes sometimes."
"sometimes?" techno asks, mock-offended. "i'll have you know i am the HEIGHT of comedy, all right? it's not my fault the fans don't appreciate my sense of humor!" and then he settles back into the well-worn calmness that lives on his shoulders like a comfortable, warm cloak. "but anyways, we were practising and he kept screwing around with the dynamics and the tempo and i didn't get it. i was so focused on playing the piece as written that i couldn't follow his lead. we broke to grab dinner and then came back to the practice room, and he'd hidden my sheet music. now, i had the notes memorized already, so it wasn't a big deal, but he looked at me with this smirk that was, like, 'foolish mortal, i have stolen your puny sheet music and now you must follow my lead or else'. he had secretly set up his phone to record us and then he played it back. it was the best i'd ever sounded, but i couldn't just, like, say that so i just said we sounded all right. but after the concert for the next several months it was like winning didn't mean anything anymore. but everyone was always watching, waiting for me to slip up so they could take my place. and you know i'm a little bit- just like a tiny smidge competitive sometimes- so i couldn't just lose, all right? and dropping out would've been forfeiting and that's basically the same thing."
he takes a sip of the thermos that's been sitting by his foot.
"so i won the world championship, and when they asked me to give a speech, i said, 'i quit'. and i haven't played in public since."
"that's amazing, techno," niki says. "i don't think i could've done it."
"eh," techno says with a shrug, glancing towards the cracked open door of philza and kristin's room, a soft look on his face. "i had some help."
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capt-spooki3 · 3 years
By The Witch's Grace
Route Unlocked: Wilbur
Chapter Four: One on One
A Sbi "choose your own story" fanfiction
Click here for story description
Warnings: cursing, description of anxiety, light angst, injuries, blood, talk of scars
4.7k words
Y/n stepped down the stairs on the porch, they decided on going to see what Wilbur was doing since he was sitting next to the house. As they walked down the last step, they had turned to say hello to him but Wilbur had already hopped up with the guitar in hand and a big smile on his face when he saw them.
“Hey! Uh Y/n, good morning, I was going to ask if you could help teach me guitar?” He held the instrument up in his hands, gently like he was afraid to break it. “You seem like you’d be a good teacher.”
They looked him over and couldn’t help a smile and giggle at his gentleness.
“Yeah, I would love to teach you, here let’s go to the basement. I have my music books down there and we can get started teaching you some scales.” They offered to him, walking over to guide him to the lower doors on the home, and his eyes lit up as he followed them with excitement.
“I have to warn you though, it’s been a year or two since I’ve played anything, so I might not be as great of a teacher as you think.” They said while keeping the door held open for him to walk inside after them.
“You know more than me at least. I think that will make you a fine enough teacher” He spoke with an obvious smile in his voice, closing the door so he could follow after them and stopping only when Poppy ran up to him with a loud meow so he took a couple of moments to pet her. “I gotta go, sorry sweetie.”
Y/n jogged down the stairs, glancing back to see if Wilbur was behind but heard the soft meow of Poppy and figured he was giving her attention. They walked over to the bookcase filled with music books, all of them being hand-me-downs from the old woman from town that was practically their family now. She didn’t have any children of her own so Y/n simply took up the role for her so they inherited all of the music-related things they had. She was too busy to ever use it and happily gave it away when Y/n showed interest, but not before teaching them how to play.
They hummed while looking over the books, trying to find the one they knew had beginner information in it when Wilbur hurriedly joined them downstairs. They gave him a quick glance, seeing Poppy trailing right behind and tail held up high.
“Aww… she really likes you, Wilbur.”
He glanced back at the cat and smiled. “Yeah, well I really like…” He trailed off and slowly closed his mouth, clearly regretting the words he wanted to say. “Uhm, anyway, how do you... start learning this stuff?”
Y/n grabbed a book off the shelf and turned to face him, taking slow steps toward him as they flipped through pages and glanced over them. “Well, I watched my teacher play a few songs and had her teach me how to play the songs she did. That probably isn’t the best way to learn, but I think it worked pretty well.” They shut the book with a loud thump and extended it to him.
“If you want to learn chords and stuff first though, we can do that. Just whatever you think would be easiest for you to understand.”
He quickly set down the guitar to lean against a chair then took the book from them and opened it up, looking at the pages and trying to see if anything looked familiar or if it made any sense. Of course, it didn’t. It just looked like bunches of weird words and symbols that didn’t mean anything to him.
“I think… I’d like to hear you play.” He glanced up to meet their eyes then back to the book with a laugh. “‘Cause uh, this just looks like a mess of words.”
“Fair enough,” They started as they walked over to grab the guitar from beside him. “Honestly it took me a while to understand all that musical lingo too so I don’t blame you for wanting to start here.” They plopped down in the chair that was beside his and took the small wooden pick from between the strings on the neck of the instrument and strummed a couple of times before needing to tune a few strings.
Wilbur sat down, watching them for a moment before he focused on the book and read through a few pages while Y/n got the guitar in tune. They gave it a couple more strums before nodding their head in contentment with remembering how to get it in tune and situated it on their lap so they could play.
“Okay, I think I’m all ready. So the song I’m going to play is the first one I was taught. I can’t-” They laughed out of a bit of embarrassment, putting their fingers on the right strings. “I can’t remember who wrote it, but it was called Rounds. Now let’s see here...”
(cue Rounds by The Oh Hellos)
They strummed the chords, seeming a bit unconfident as they were afraid of messing up after not playing for so long. A good few times of repeating the same lines of music, they swayed slowly from side to side as they finally got into it.
They were so busy making sure they wouldn’t mess up that they didn’t notice Wilbur, who had long abandoned the book and was sitting as close to the side of the chair nearest to them to watch. He was leaned forward but slouched a bit since he was resting on his elbows though his eyes watched their hands move to make each new bit of sound. He didn’t miss the chance to sneak glances at their face while they were completely concentrated and not worried about him.
Y/n started to hum a soft tune along with the music, to which they didn’t even notice Wilbur softly joining in with a smile. Even as they hummed louder, loudening the strums as well, he remained undetected as he harmonized with them.
They changed the chords, dying it down, and stopped humming which indicated a change to the course of the song. They let out a breath before taking in a deep one and with the final two strums, they started.
“Am I still speaking?” They straightened and flicked their attention to Wilbur who sung the words along with them, he had a soft smile and a look of pure contentment. They couldn’t help but smile a little back at him, more in surprise than anything. They had to glance back to make sure their fingering was right but looked back at him to make sure it was really him singing with them.
“Yeah, I’m long in the wind.” He dipped his head down a bit, then looked away but continued to sing. “I’ll go on and on and on again, if my chest don't cave in.”
They cut the strum short with their palm and he looked back at them, confused. “You know this song!? There’s no way.”
“Oh really? Well, what about if I…” He averted his gaze, thinking for a moment before looking back to sing again. “Be the sun as my witness! Better prophets could pen. A thousand words for every chord I could ever begin.”
“No way…”
He giggled a little at their astonishment. “That’s my favorite verse.”
"Well, now you've gotta tell me where you learned that." Y/n eyed him with a smile before turning back to the guitar as they played over some of the later parts in the song, but still casting little glances as they waited for him to speak.
"One of the maids back at the castle actually, she was like a second mother after Kristen passed, she sang that song a lot. I helped clean clothes when I wasn't on duty or training." He explained, sitting up and leaning back in the chair but still watching Y/n. "I didn’t know there was music to it though, your humming kinda shot the memory back into me."
“So you know the whole thing?”
“I believe so, why?”
They stopped playing random chords and turned their body to him so he could fully see the guitar this time. “Let’s start again. Watch my hands okay?” With a smile at him, they looked back at the strings and started the song over again but with more confidence. They tapped their foot to the beat this playthrough of the song to keep themself in time.
They played through the song flawlessly, but Wilbur was unsatisfied as he didn’t have the chords down. So they played through it again and again. By the fourth time they ended the song, Wilbur was sitting crisscrossed in the chair, hands in his hair with a confused and completely lost look on his face from not retaining any of what they played enough to try for himself. Y/n laughed to themself and stood up, stretching their body from sitting in the same position for so long.
“Okay, I have an idea if you’re comfortable with it.” They looked down to him as he messed up his hair, smoothing it all down, and watched them curiously. “I can sit on the ground with you, so it’d be easier to help, and direct your hands. We can take it chord by chord, but it’s pretty repetitive so I think you’ll do good with it.”
“Absolutely because I am so lost. Like how do you memorize this stuff? I could never.” He said while moving off the chair to sit on the rug just under the chairs.
“You’ll get it, don't worry. I swear it’s not as hard as you might think once you play enough.” They sat down right in front of him and handed him the guitar. He took it slowly and held it awkwardly, obviously very unsure of how he should be holding it. Holding back on giggling, they scooted closer and guided his hands and the instrument to its proper placements then let him get comfortable with holding it.
He glanced up at them then back down to his hands and the guitar, nodding a little bit. “Yeah… yeah, I think so.”
With that, they directed him on where to put his fingers for each chord and when he needed it, moved his hands themself or held their hand over his so he could get a feel on how to hold it. They were incredibly patient with him even with his ever so often apology for not being the fastest learner, he was trying hard to understand and remember how to play each chord they taught him. It got easier when they got into the system to teach him one chord then play the chords he knows to revise them all in a way. And after a while, he had all the needed notes down for the entire song.
“Wait, that's it? I did it?” Wilbur sat up straight and when they nodded, he gasped and smiled before moving closer so their knees were touching. “Okay, okay teach me how it goes, I’m ready!”
“Okay! Okay,” They stopped to giggle and thought for a second to make sure they told him the right notes.
The song slowly came together, it was slower than it should be played and he messed up quite a bit but none of it discouraged him. Wilbur never once got frustrated and would just silently correct himself and look for affirmation that he did well. And once he got comfortable with the song and played through it completely, Y/n sang softly to put it all together. Needless to say, he got distracted by them and when he tried to recover, fumbled with the strings and grew flustered by his obvious nervousness. 
He let out a soft sigh, staring at the strings and very clearly thinking or seeming like he wanted to speak.
“Are you okay?” They leaned down to get into his view to which he looked at them and back at the guitar, smiling with a little laugh.
“Yeah, yeah I was just thinking… you know if you were a musical term, I think melody would fit you best.”
“You think?” He nodded confidently. “Well explain then, why would I be the melody?”
“Well truthfully, you just remind me of music. Like the parts of it that can be addicting but also more soothing than anything else, even the part of it that moves you to your core.” He met their eyes, holding the contact as he tipped his head to the side. “Yeah… just the embodiment of music. But if you were to fit somewhere specifically it would be the melody.”
They opened their mouth to ask him another question so he could talk about this more, but the sound of the front door opening and closing caught both of their attention with Phil’s voice following after.
“Y/n? Wilbur?”
“Down here!” Y/n called, leaning back to look over at the stairs. Phil made his way down the stairs and stalled as he looked over the scene of the two but just smiled.
“Hey, I’m going to start cooking. You two take a break and come help me, alright?” He told them before heading back up the stairs. Poppy, who had been fast asleep in one of the plush chairs, had perked up when hearing Phil and jumped off and ran past Y/n and Wilbur to follow him upstairs. They both put away the couple of things they got out before walking upstairs and to the kitchen.
“But seriously Wilbur, you’re doing really well. You kept going strong no matter how many times you messed up. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you Y/n, maybe I’ll get better than you.” He teased, shoving them lightly with his shoulder and earning a shove right back before they walked ahead of him to see Phil. He was already busy dicing an onion with some meat already cooking.
Phil looked back when the two approached him but quickly turned back to watch his hands. “What were you two up to? It looked like you were teaching Wilbur guitar.”
“They were and I have to say,” Wilbur leaned on the counter beside Phil. “I think I’m doing pretty well. In all honesty, I think I might be a melomaniac.” He looked over at Y/n and looked them up and down with a smile, but turned back to Phil and talked about whenever he found interesting from learning to play the guitar as if what he did never happened. 
“Come on, just look through it with me please!!” Wilbur begged Y/n, walking around in front of them to stop them from walking out the door as he held a thick book in hand.
The whole morning he had been trying to get Y/n to tell him what their favorite song was and as soon as he got the dreaded ‘I don’t know’ he raced to find the biggest music book he could so they could find one to show him. They were supposed to go practice magic with Phil as soon as they were done eating and didn’t want to leave him waiting any longer than they had to.
“I’m sorry, I can’t right now. Look I will once I’m done I promise!” They pushed his arm gently to get him to move, but all they got was a pout out of him. They rolled their eyes and sighed, taking a step back. “Okay um, I remember a song in one of those books. It was one of my favorites to play. Uh, one of the lines was… ‘days fade into a watercolor blur’ but I can't remember the name right now, can I go?”
“Yes! Absolutely, thank you my melody, I hope your magic lessons go well!” He patted their back before he raced off past them and assumably down to the basement, leaving them very caught off guard.
“Melody..?” They stood there thinking for a moment, but shook it off and headed out of the door to find Phil. He said he’d be sitting with the chickens that morning so obviously, that was their first place to look. Just as expected, he was sitting in the dirt with a rooster in his lap and a few of the rooster’s hens hanging around. Phil glanced up and when noticing Y/n he smiled and waved them over.
“Hey! Sorry, I meant to be here sooner but Wilbur was insistent that I show him my favorite song from my music books.” They explained, walking slower when they neared Phil as to not disturb the chickens and sat down in front of him.
He chuckled and watched the rooster as he pets him. “That’s quite alright mate. He’s really taken a  liking to you, I’m sure you’ve already been able to tell though.” He just smiled fondly, taking in a deep breath. “He never has been one for keeping his feelings hidden away, just like with Sally, the poor boy wears his heart on his sleeve. I bet he doesn’t even realize, he probably thinks he’s being so sly.”
Y/n laughed a little bit at his assessment. Phil was spot on, but after raising someone it wouldn’t be too hard to know all about them. They reached out when a hen came out to them and stroked the side of her face with their finger. “He’s sweet though, I didn’t expect him to be so eager to take up all my time.”
“Well…” They looked up at Phil when he trailed off then followed his eyes when he looked over to the house. They then noticed Technoblade sitting beside the house, obviously meditating. “In case you get tired of Will, you can always go give Techno some company. I think he’d like your presence.” Turning back to Phil, he watched them with a hopeful expression but dropped it when they just stared at him. He slowly got up, giving the rooster time to hop off his lap.
“You don’t have to for my sake, I just think it would do him good to have a partner- er uh-” He stopped, fumbling over words a little bit. “I mean- like a friend. A companion. But choose who you wish! I’m not picking sides here.” A blatant lie. They couldn’t help but laugh at him.
Y/n stood up, assuming Phil wanted to move somewhere else. “Of course, Of course. I think it would be hard to get tired of him though.” They watched the hen they were giving attention peck around on the ground near their feet. “He’s giving me a new found passion for music because of his excitement towards it, it’s refreshing.”
He chuckled softly, walking past them and patting their shoulder. They turned to follow him and stayed quiet while they walked slightly behind him but at his side. He stopped at the tree line and looked in, seeming a bit lost in thought, and turned to them after a moment.
“Y/n, would you mind telling me about the eye?”
They went quiet, not sure how to respond as the light heartedness of the situation was stripped from them at the mention. Instead, they looked down at the necklace which forever hung around their neck. At this point, it felt more like something chaining them down than a tool to help them be a better mage like they hoped it would be. “Where do I even start?” They tried to laugh off the lump rising in their throat but looking up and meeting Phil’s worried expression just made tears prick their eyes. He took a step closer to them, but they took a few back in response. “No, no I’m fine just… I’m okay.” They kept their eyes on the ground, sniffling as they felt a tear run down their cheek.
“Mate, we don’t have to talk about it if it’s hard to.” Phil said softly, keeping his distance from them.
“It just… made me realize how afraid it made me. It's…” They looked up suddenly, still having tears in their eyes. “Phil, it’s taken over me. It’s- it’s possessed me! I was so scared when it happened. I mean it has only happened twice but what happens when it does again!? I don’t- I-I don’t know…” Their breaths got caught in their throat and they took short shuddering gasps trying their hardest to contain it and not break down. Not here, not in front of someone they just started to know and trust. They felt their legs start to get weak and their vision was nothing but a blur from the tears.
Phil grabbed ahold of their arms and they met his eyes, now noticing how hard they were breathing. He pulled them in and hugged them tightly to which they held onto him, using him as a solid form to help them ground themself again. They mumbled small things about how scary it was to wake up halfway down their forest path to town and how they could feel the evilness of the eye right before it took over. He stayed quiet and listened to them, rubbing their back slowly once they had calmed down a little.
They took a deep breath and rested their forehead against his shoulder. Finally releasing a little bit of the pent-up fear and anxiety that was building up around the eye had lifted the static that festered in their chest. “Phil…” Y/n said quietly as they slowly pulled away from him though they kept their eyes averted away. “Is there anything I can do to get rid of this?”
“I…” He started but trailed off. It was clear he was clueless, still, he cleared his throat and reached over to rub their arm comfortingly. “I’ll figure something out. I promise.” They looked back at him and he smiled at them which finally earned a small smile in return. “Do you still want to learn some magic? I know some music-related spells.” When their eyes lit up a bit, he chuckled and took a seat on the ground, ushering them to join him.
Y/n spent most of the day outside with Phil. He taught them little spells and tricks to incorporate magic into their music, he sang a few songs as a way to show them and it turned out he had a rather nice voice. A few times when they got caught up in emotions, he offered fatherly advice and joked with them to lighten the mood. He was quickly growing to be like the father they never had… or at least remembered having. It was until he was in the middle of meditating with them that Tommy came up to them, he was dirty and holding onto his forearm with a bit of blood that was seeping through his fingers. Y/n saw him first as they opened an eye when hearing footsteps approaching them. He kept his eyes on the ground, clearly trying to make it seem like he didn’t have tears in his eyes.
They jumped up and ran over to him, startling Phil who finally noticed his son. “Oh, Tommy what happened!?” They reached over to look at his arm, he pulled away at first and they looked at him. He met their eyes and sniffled again, finally letting his arm go to show them a deep cut that was actively bleeding. “Oh my gosh, are you okay? You’re not hurt anywhere else are you?” They asked him while taking off the cloth they were using as a belt and wrapped it around his arm to help maintain the bleeding and checked him over right after. Phil was beside them now, looking Tommy over while he stared at the ground.
“I didn’t think the sheep could actually be that scary, I-” He hiccuped a little, squeezing his eyes shut to stop himself from crying more but they fell anyway. It seemed that getting hurt overwhelmed him. Phil brushed some of his hair back and softly consoled him to calm him down. It took a moment, but he started talking again. “I was messing with them and tried getting on one’s back, it bucked me off and that upset a few of them and they ran at me. I was running away and tried jumping over the fence and that… obviously didn’t go well for me.”
“Aw… yeah it’s barbed wire. Let’s get you inside, I can help you clean this-”
“It’ll take too long, it’ll get infected if we let it be.” Phil butted in and moved Y/n’s hands off of Tommy’s arm. He undid the cloth that was thoroughly bloody now and gave it back to Y/n. He gently put his hand over the cut and kept it there as it glowed a soft white, within no time he took it away and the wound had closed up enough that it wasn’t open. “You’ll still need to clean it but-”
“Oooh! It’s been forever since you’ve done that, that was so cool!” Tommy said excitedly, his eyes and nose were still a little red from crying, but he was smiling and looking at Phil with bright eyes like he wasn’t upset just a second ago. “Can you do that again?”
“Wha- no! You’d have to get hurt again for me to do that- and do not go get trampled by the sheep or some shit.” He sighed, lightly laughing. “You little shit- are you alright though? You’re not hurt anywhere else right?”
Tommy shook his head and looked down at his arm, wiping away some of the half-dried blood that only smeared more from the blood on his hand. “I probably have some bruises, but now I just smell like shit.” Phil laughed and went around him, patting his back and pushing him forward to get him to start walking back to the house to which Y/n followed right beside.
Techno seemed to know something was up as he put down the wooden staff he was training with and hurried over to the three of them. “Did something happen?” He immediately noticed the blood on Tommy and grabbed his shoulder to stop him and looked him over.
“He’s fine, mate, don’t worry. I healed him up, he’s okay.” Phil said in a hurry to cure Techno’s worry. 
“Haha yeah bitch, now I’ll have a badass scar like you.” Tommy said with a smug look, but Techno just rolled his eyes and gave him a little shove.
“It’s only badass if you have a cool story behind it.” He corrected and held his head up to look down at his brother. “What’s your super cool story behind it?”
Tommy puffed his chest out and stood tall to try and seem as big as Technoblade. “Yeah, well I had to fight off all the sheep in the pastu-”
“Okay! Nope, inside with you!” Y/n grabbed his arm and pulled him away and toward the steps of the porch. “You two can continue your little… whatever this is inside, you need to get cleaned up.”
He groaned and made a face at them. “Yeah okay, MOM.” He snickered and rushed inside with Phil following after with a smile. They followed the two, watching Techno jog over to grab the staff he left before he started walking back to the house.
Y/n grabbed herbs and soap once they got into the house and helped Tommy clean himself up before they sent him off to bathe. They washed the blood off of their belt the best they could before they went back downstairs to put away their things by themself before hearing a knock on the wall. Turning around, there was Wilbur beside the stairs watching them.
“Hey there.” He started with a bit of a smile and walked over to them to watch where they were putting everything. “Um, once you’re done, want to come see what I’ve learned today?” He watched them expectantly and they couldn’t help a smile. They reached into a barrel and pulled out two apples, throwing one to him without warning though he still caught it.
“Yeah, let’s go. Bet you’re still not as good as me.” They walked past him and nudged him with their shoulder playfully. He chuckled and followed behind with a poke to their arm.
“Mmm yeah we’ll see about that, won’t we”
@can-i-fangirl-yet @spitrot @sproudi @omgthatonenerd06 @acemt @wahman @m-etr3m8 @pog-sad-muffin @quiche-inoya @lea-the-foxe @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @smolspoopy @confused-soot @p1gst3p @silvemistxe33 @cl0udy-grey @sweetchillipeppers @sharpcheese @aplaintart @thegeekisheere @vampirestrawberries @ishouldhavegonetobedsixhoursago @butter-lunch @logsteadshir3 @perytavern @sourparrot @childaintit @aikochan4859 @lukathecrime @fallxnly @novelist2 @ahmya-4 @little-gremlin-in-the-walls @supersecretsmutandco @the-flowerghost @cawcaw-pretty-thing @l1ttlepup1 @elias-code @ineedsomeconfidence @danielles-artroom @pineapple-banana-pie @ohnosiren @azilne @simp-of-newyork @shiroships @spac3goblyn @dominickle @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks @theseventhreincarnation
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waveypedia · 3 years
New Days
Rymin Week Day 4: Off the Train
1 2 5 6 7
Contrary to popular belief (his parents), Min-Gi is not a morning person.
He’d trained himself into getting up and going to bed early, first at his parents’ insistence, then as a necessary skill for all the classes he was taking in high school (Gotta make that college application shine!). Yet given the choice, he would happily stay up all night and wake up extremely late.
On the train, all of Min’s obligations and restrictions suddenly vanished. Although his schedule was primarily dictated by not dying, which led him to sleep and wake up at odd hours (and telling time on the train is a complicated task anyways), he started sleeping in later and later. Now that he’s off the train, and most of his days consist of driving, songwriting, and practicing, he’s free to wake up as late as he wishes.
It’s why he finds himself slowly slipping into the world of wakefulness one unassuming Thursday morning. The van is already moving, as per usual - Ryan doesn’t mind the quiet mornings as Min sleeps away. Golden rays of sunlight peak through the van’s windows.
In the driver’s seat, Ryan is spotlighted in one. The sun’s brilliant hues turn his brown hair into shades of tree bark and make his soft skin glow. He’s beautiful.
Ryan is a morning person, in contrast to Min, but he would very much like to be a night person. They’ve spent ages lamenting the fateful injustice. Unlike Min, who used to force himself to go to bed early even if it meant lying awake in the dark for hours, Ryan chooses to just run on little sleep. He’d go out and party and/or perform all night, crash for a few hours, and wake up at his usual time.
He’s been getting better, though. Just like Min, they’ve both been making bounds of progress now that they’re off the train and free from restrictions. Every time Ryan goes to bed at a decent hour, it eases the worry in Min’s heart.
They’re both doing so much better now. Min never thought he’d be grateful for getting spontaneously kidnapped by a magical death train, but he and Ryan are so much happier now than they’d ever thought they’d be.
Ryan glances over, smiling fondly. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
It’s a running joke between them, one that started way back on the train with Kez, but Min’s heart never fails to make a little jump whenever Ryan calls him beauty.
“Morning,” Min replies, stretching. He digs around in a bag at his feet. “Did you move the songbook?”
“Yeah, I was working on it earlier,” Ryan says. He jerks a thumb behind him without taking his eyes off the road. “I left some new lyrics and chords for you to look over.”
Min smiles. “Thanks.” Following Ryan’s directions, he grabs the songbook, a blue pencil, and his coveted mini-synth. Items in hand, he carefully slips into the passenger’s seat and buckles up.
Ryan shoots him a quick grin and turns his music off so Min can write.
For the next few hours, they stay as they are - Ryan keeps them on track to their next gig, while Min tackles the lines Ryan wrote earlier. It was a bit of a learning curve, figuring out how to write songs together, when they first started out. Ryan only knew chords and tablature, while Min only knew notated music from his viola days. Now, though, a couple months into their journey, they’ve worked out a good system. Whoever comes up with lyrics or a melody first (usually lyrics, and usually Ryan) will pen it along with any chords or notes they can think of. The other will look it over, edit it, and add the missing element. It usually makes for a solid first draft.
Min twirls the pencil in his hand. Blue. His favorite color. Ryan usually writes in a red pencil, from a set of colored pencils he stole from his younger brother before leaving. It makes contributions easy to distinguish when writing and editing.
Every so often, while Min looks over Ryan’s ideas, he’ll pull out his mini-synth and tap out a melody. Both of them find it easier to create melodies with an instrument in hand. Min may not play his mini-synth on stage like Ryan plays his guitar, but it still makes him happy to play it regularly. Not as a toy, not as something he has to hide from his boss and his parents, but as a genuine instrument.
As he writes and plays, Ryan listens. He keeps his attention on the road and map, but chimes in every so often with little affirmations and suggestions.
“Is that a D?” Ryan muses. “Under a G?”
Min thumbs the corner of the page. “Yeah, I think it sounds cool. Thoughts?”
Ryan graces him with a patented Ryan Akagi grin, all teeth. “I like it! I’ll look it over when you drive.” Ryan squeezes his fists on the steering wheel. “I’m really glad we’re working together, Min. This is way better than anything I’ve written solo.”
Min ducks his head, cheeks flushing. “Oh- Uh- I like writing with you too,” he replies. “
In the afternoon, they pull over and Min takes the wheel. Sometimes at this time they stop for food - they’ve made it their mission to catalogue all the small restaurants across Canada and America on the way to New York for future reference. But today Ryan got a late start on driving because he was songwriting (“Inspiration strikes when it strikes, Min! Who am I to deny my muses?” Never mind that Ryan is uncharacteristically close-lipped about what/who said muses even are), so they eat separately in the car. They step out to stretch for a minute, and Min hands over the songbook and food. Then they’re off again.
Ryan makes a few more edits with his red pencil, but they always collaborate on the second pass. At both of their insistence, they have to wait until one of them isn’t driving to truly discuss it. Min thought he might have to put his foot down on this, but Ryan was insistent - he’s an experienced driver and knows far to well just how dangerous and difficult driving is.
The afternoon passes without much fanfare. Min keeps his eyes on the road while Ryan edits and eventually breaks out his guitar. The highway is long, flat, and unassuming. Few other cars pass them.
It’s for that exact reason Ryan gets an idea that is both brilliant and stupid.
“Min. Min. Minminminminminmi-”
“What.” A feeling of dread washes over Min before the words are even out of Ryan’s mouth.
Ryan grins toothily at him. “I’m gonna stick my head out the window.”
Min chokes on air., surprised. “Wh- Ryan. Why would you want to do that? Didn’t you have enough thrills on the death train?”
“Eh,” Ryan says, shrugging. “I’ve always wanted to do it, but i couldn’t exactly do it while driving when I was touring alone. Besides, my parents would never let me.”
“For good reason,” Min grumbles, but in his gut he knows Ryan’s already won.
Ryan frowns at him. “Look, I’m not stupid. I’ll be careful. I won’t lean so far out of the car that I’ll fall. I’ll come back in if there are more cars or it looks like I might hit something.”
“Or if we start turning,” Min warns.
Ryan’s replying smile is blinding. “Does that mean it’s a yes from you?”
Min rolls his eyes. “Just try not to die. If I show up to the venue with only half the band, the manager won’t be happy with me.”
“Yes!” Ryan punches his fist in the air and dances triumphantly - or, he dances as much as one can while sitting in the seat of a moving van.
Ryan rolls down the window and sticks his head out. He’s crouching on the seat, half-standing, in order to fully fit through the window. His upper body is out of the car. His arms wave and flail, making his jacket sleeves flutter even more violently in the wind.
Min starts to shout a warning, to yell about safety precautions, to give into the panic in his heart and yell get down, but the words die in his throat the minute he lays eyes on Ryan’s face.
Ryan is joyful. Euphoric. Happy. He has always been a smiley person, but times where he is truly, unadulteredly happy are rarer than you’d think. Here, riding half-outside of the van while they drive to their fame and dreams, he seems truly free.
Min smiles. God, he loves that man.
Ryan glances back, the light reflecting off his glasses, and flashes Min an adrenaline-fueled grin and a shaky thumbs up. His ankles wobble a bit. Before Min realizes what he’s doing, he reaches out and grabs Ryan for support.
Ryan’s mouth drops open in a small ‘o’. Min moves to take his hand back, but before he can, Ryan twists and reaches back inside the car to grab Min’s wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
Min freezes.
Ryan is smiling, more bashful and careful now than before. He’s still happy, but… nervous? Anxious? 
Min’s heart flutters. He manages to smile back.
“I got you,” he says, although it comes out as a whisper.
“O-oh,” Ryan whispers. His eyes are wide and soft. “I… thank you, Min.”
Min ducks his head awkwardly. “You’re welcome.”
The rest of the drive is quiet. It’s not awkward, but it’s not as comfortable and natural as it usually would be.
Something has changed.
Min grips the wheel tighter and stares down the road, for a lack of real target. If looks could kill, the road would be up in flames. 
It’s… confusing. He’s not sure why a change in their dynamic is so upsetting and off-putting. He and Ryan have gone through so many changes over the years, and they’ve always been able to come back to themselves in the end.
Besides, it’s not like they had an argument. Or even a misunderstanding. All they did was hold onto each other to keep balance. Why does this feel so monumental?
Min chances a glance away from the road to look at Ryan. He’s curled up in the passenger seat (because Ryan seems incapable of sitting normally when he’s not driving) with his guitar. The songbook, flipped open to their latest draft, is balanced precariously on Ryan’s knee. He’s bent over to read it accurately, which must be difficult, especially in the dim light. But he seems to be managing. He’s humming softly to himself, almost too quiet for Min to catch it. As he’s focused on the road (no matter how much he wants to listen to Ryan’s ethereal yet natural and homey singing) the melody floats in and out of focus. Ryan is also plucking at his guitar, playing mostly individual notes instead of chords. It’s calming and comforting, not to mention beautiful. If Min weren’t driving, he might just fall right asleep. Even though he’s the one playing, Ryan seems drowsy as well, judging by the way he’s leaning against the back of the seat.
As they draw closer to their destination, Ryan seems to consciously shake himself into wakefulness. He sits up and puts the songbook away to focus fully on his guitar. As Min pulls off the highway and navigates the city streets, Ryan tunes his guitar and warms up. 
They run through a couple vocal exercises together, practicing harmonies and lyrics as well as warm-ups. Min is a bit shaky since he’s focused on the road, but he and Ryan know their songs by heart, and the warm-up does the job. He’s still a bit jittery as he pulls into the venue parking lot, but that’s normal. He hasn’t quite shaken his stage fright yet, but as long as he has Ryan at his side, he’s able to perform. More than that, he has fun performing.
Besides, Ryan confided in him a while back, before their first real show. “You’re not the only one with stage fright, Min,” he’d confessed. “Yeah, I love it, and the adrenaline basically cancels out the fear, but it’s still there. You just have to go for it.”
Min had felt comforted enough to perform with that, with the admission that even the seemingly-fearless Ryan Akagi, who’d always seemed more at home on a stage than at his actual home got stage fright. But then Ryan had hesitated, glanced down, and taken Min’s hand. Min’s heart had nearly stuttered to a stop in his chest. He almost missed what Ryan said next.
“Besides, it doesn’t matter if you get stage fright or not,” Ryan had said cheerfully, too cheerfully, although Min barely noticed. “All that really matters is if you enjoy what you’re doing. It’s more admirable to conquer your fear in order to chase your dreams than to not have fear.”
Min had smiled back, shaky but euphoric. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, not unlike how he felt onstage. “That’s very profound.”
Ryan had laughed and squeezed his hand. “Eh, I have a lot of experience. Listen to me, I’m the master!”
The mood subtly shifted with the joke, and suddenly they were laughing and Ryan let go of his hand and they were pushing the synthesizer on stage and it was all a blur from there until the curtain went down and Ryan was squealing and hugging him and picking him up and screaming We did it! You did it!
What a first show.
Min shakes himself back to reality and pulls into the venue parking lot. Ryan jumps out of the van before Min is fully parked, despite Min’s loud protests. He rolls his eyes and lets Ryan run ahead anyway.
While Ryan gets checked in with the manager, Min parks and unloads Barold and the rest of their equipment (which is pretty much just Barold now, since Ryan took his guitar with him in his haste). He heads inside, he and Ryan set up, and then they’re standing onstage behind a lowered curtain, waiting in darkness and silence for their cue.
Suddenly, Ryan turns around and flashes Min a thumbs-up and a bright smile. It’s more jerky and jittery than usual, probably because of the nerves and adrenaline. He seems a little more on edge today, though. 
“We’re gonna do great!” Ryan promises, grinning.
Min smiles back. “We’re gonna do rad,” he replies. The tension between them dissipates, and the curtain goes up. Ryan turns toward the crowd, beaming his particular I’m-on-stage-but-I’m-really-enjoying-myself smile, and greets them. The crowd goes wild.
Energy floods Min’s body, and he grins back at the crowd. Ryan counts them off, and they burst into their opening number with the power and passion it requires. The crowd screams, but Min can barely hear them over the music and Ryan’s voice.
He’s living. Far more than he ever was before.
They both are.
After the show is a blur of chatting with audience members, grabbing something to eat, and scheduling another show. By the time they head to the hotel, Min’s exhausted. But he dutifully puts all the equipment in their hotel room and locks up the van before he collapses into bed.
Ryan is already in their room when Min comes in. He’s sitting on the bed, facing away from the door, with his hands on his lap. Most striking is the absence of his guitar. Ryan may have been playing all day, but it’s rare for him to be without his instrument and yet so still like this.
Ryan, to his core, is always moving. Even when he’s not physically moving, he’s always singing, humming, thinking. Yet now, he sits in absolute stillness.
“Ryan?” Min whispers. His voice is quieter than he intended, but Ryan jumps at it all the same.
When he turns, he’s smiling disarmingly, but it’s too wide and shaky to be natural. Ryan may have convinced someone else with that expression, but Min knows him too well to be fooled.
Min strides into the room with three short steps, locking the door behind him. He stops in front of Ryan, so close their knees are almost brushing. Ryan blushes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I- Nothing.” Ryan won’t meet his gaze.
Min scowls. “Come on, Ryan. Aren’t we past this? Didn’t the train teach us not to do all this not-talking crap?”
Ryan flinches. “I- Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m just… thinking.”
“About what?” Min finally moves, stepping around Ryan to sit on the bed beside him. He takes care to keep his voice soft and gentle. He doesn’t want to scare Ryan again. Whatever’s going on seems to have him skittish all of a sudden.
Ryan bites his lip. “Min, I… you know I care about you, right?”
Min blinks, surprised. “Of course I do.” Hesitantly, he reaches out to take Ryan’s hand, running his thumb over Ryan’s knuckles. “I care about you too.”
Ryan blushes. His cheeks are nearly scarlet right now. Min’s a bit too tired to unpack that all on his own right now, but he knows it means something. It spurs him on, gives him a burst of courage and energy in the adrenaline crash phase after a show. “I’m glad we’re-” He’s about to say friends, but the word dies on his lips. Suddenly, it feels all wrong, but he can’t put his finger on why.
Slowly, Ryan turns to face him. His eyes are wide and anxious, his lips slightly parted, but there’s a set determination in him that shows in his face. He reaches out to take Min’s other hand, and… leans in closer.
Min finds himself leaning in simultaneously. Soon they’re close enough Min can feel Ryan’s breath on his lips. It’s hot in more ways than one.
Oh. Oh.
So that’s why today, Ryan’s hand on his wrist, the trusting and yet shocked expression of his, felt so weird and so right at the same time.
Their eyes meet. A silent exchange passes between them.
Do you want to do this?
Yes. Do you?
If asked after, Min couldn’t say if he initiated it or if Ryan did.
All he knows is the gap between them is now nonexistent, and Ryan’s lips are on his, and suddenly it’s everything he’s ever wanted.
The kiss is slow. Hesitant. Exploring new territory, figuring out boundaries. But it’s not awkward.
No, they are Ryan and Min, Min and Ryan, Chicken Choice Judy, and they have come much too far to be awkward. They’ve been building towards this moment since they first met, even if they didn’t know it.
It feels like a found puzzle piece of himself Min didn’t even realize he was missing. Now, he is complete. Now, they are complete.
Now, they are both truly living their lives to the fullest.
this fic is just: *headcanon* *headcanon* *headcanon* *hea-
oh man i almost didn't finish this one in time. it's still the 12th here, though (by a couple hours!), so i'm good! it's hard to write a full one-shot every day, but i've already come farther than i thought i would! i told myself i would finish this today, and i did! i also told myself i would finish the week and my remaining prompts, and i will. :)
title is from new days by dreamcatcher. that's the second time i've used it as a title but the last one was for a zine fic so i can get away with using it here, lol. i really love that song, so that's why. the lyrics translation are absolutely nothing like this, but for some reason it gives off road trip vibes (at least to me), so it works really well for this particular piece!
okay confession time: i think this is the first kiss scene i've ever written lol. i was writing it and i was like "hey wait a minute i have no clue what i'm doing have i done this before??? i don't think so???" it didn't help that i didn't intend to write a kiss scene, but i got to the place where i'd intended to end it and it felt like the natural progression. i'm gonna go research good kiss writing after this. i would've done it while i was writing, but i didn't want to post this any later than i had to
i have a bunch of infinity train snippets and wips i wrote right after book 4 aired and my interest in the show peaked, and i really thought i had something that would fit well for off the train but i guess i didn't?? maybe i just daydreamed it and never actually penned it skfhksl. so i was kind of flying by the seat of my pants for this one. i think it's my favorite of rymin week so far though! it was also the most fun to write. i really love introspective pieces. ryan and min off the train, after their relationship is repaired, when they're in a much better place and truly happy with each other, is also my favorite time in their lives to explore. they're so much happier and healthier, and they can truly start to explore themselves and realize their dreams.
if you have a piano or something on hand you should play the d and g notes together. they sound heavenly. in choir two years ago we had that chord and i have never forgotten it because i love it so much.
if you ever wanna talk infinity train, writing, these amazing characters, or really anything hmu here on my tumblr or twitter! thank you for reading, and please leave a reblog/like/comment if you enjoyed it!
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hologramband · 4 years
The Hollywood Ghost Club p1
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(gif by me) 
Luke x Reader
Word Count: 3k
A/N: In this chapter I reference the song “Welcome to Wonderland,” By Anson Seabra, and yes it was partly a tiktok trend a few months ago but I really liked the idea of having it work here. Anyways give it a listen while you read for a fun time and let me know what you think! (I rly love feedback 🥺)
Link to the pre-Summary thing (x)
It was a busy day at the club, Caleb had more than the usual number of new additions to the club so you had to spend most of your day running around and getting the rooms ready. 
This is the most stressful part of the incoming process, but the one that you thought was the most important. 
Coming to terms with your death and realizing that you will be living in this hotel for the rest of your undead-life is hard to grasp, and it seems to be taken a little easier when the room is nice and cozy looking, with little welcome notes and words of encouragement from you saying they can reach out whenever they need. 
That was your goal, to make sure that they had someone, who had their best interest at heart, to be there when they felt low, or needed help. It’s what you thought you had in Caleb, only to find out just how wrong you were. 
Caleb wanted power, that’s the only reason he was so sweet to you when you got here. He saw the potential you had and wanted to get his hands on you so you wouldn’t use your powers against him. 
As soon as you found out what he was doing, you made a vow to not let him do it to anyone else, if they had powers like yours, you couldn’t let him get his hands on them. 
You had just just finished setting up the last room when you heard the familiar sound of wheels on carpet around the corner from where you were. 
“Willey, I told you not in the hotel! You’re gonna tear up the carpet!” you scolded as you rolled your eyes. 
Willey came into view and you could tell something had happened, his smile was unusually wide at the moment.
“You know the boy I was telling you about? The cute ghost I ran into the other day? He and his band want to talk to you, they want help understanding their ghost stuff, and I mentioned you, so uh.. I’m bringing them over this afternoon!” He rushed everything out in one breath and started jumping up and down in excitement. 
You smiled at his actions and shook your head,
“You seem to really like this boy, don’t you?” You eyed him and giggled as he started to blush. 
“I should be done with my incomings by 1:30 if you want to bring them then, and Caleb should be out until show time this evening so we should be good on that front. I’m excited to meet them.” You smile and look at the boy in front of you get worked up again. 
“Oh, (y/n) you’ll love them! They are so much fun, Reggie can be a little slow sometimes, but I can see you really getting along with Luke, he has some similar attitudes that you do, and then Alex, ugh what’s not to like about him?” Willey was falling into a daze and you placed your hand on his shoulder to bring him out of it. 
“It’s gonna be great, but I do have some newbys to welcome before you bring them here, so I gotta get going, see ya later!” You smile and walk away towards the entrance gate. 
Welcoming the new ghost was both rewarding and tiresome, you did what you could to make each person feel welcomed and at home, but some guests were harder than others. 
“Okay, (y/n), we’ve got one more, she should be here in 5 or so minutes. Here’s the profile you asked for!” One of the other ghosts, Kendra, said as she handed you a folder with some basic information on the new ghost. 
Kendra didn’t have powers like yours, but she wanted to help you in any way she could, it was her idea to start collecting data on the new ghosts for you to use to make this an easier process. 
You opened the file and your mouth dropped in shock, tears prickling behind your eyes. 
“Kendra,” You gasped out and she came back and looked at the file with you, “she’s, she is only 6 years old.” You shook your head to get your thoughts straight. 
“Okay, we’re going big for this one. Get some of the dancers for tonight down here in fancy dress, I have an idea.” You decided and she nodded. 
You don’t typically do anything more than hand a personalized welcome bag to the new ghosts or give them a small memento to help them feel like they were in a new home. 
You have never had someone as young as her, this child died at such a vulnerable age, what could Caleb want with such a young ghost? 
You were in the middle of rushing to set things up when you heard the voices of Willey and some other boys coming your way. Checking your watch you realized it was 1:30 and these were probably the boys that he wanted you to meet. 
“(Y/n)!” Willey called and his face fell when he saw your expression, then looking around and saw other ghosts rushing to clear the space. 
“What’s going on? Did something happen?” He continued and grabbed your arm to stop your movements. 
All you had to do was hand him the file and he understood. You turned your attention to the group on boys that came with Willey. 
“Hi guys, I promise I’ll have a more formal introduction in a bit, but right now I really need your help, you sing right?”
The group nodded and you stepped into action. With a snap of your fingers you had changed them all into suits that resembled something out of the “Alice in Wonderland” movie, as that was your goal. 
“Woah,” The blonde boy took a step back and looked up to Willey to see him poofing into a similar style outfit, “Look, not that I mind an outfit change, but what’s going on?” He asked. 
“My job here is to welcome new additions to the club we belong to, I play a somewhat vital part of making the transition from life to death a little easier for those struggling to accept it,” you took a breath as the next part still made you feel a variety of emotions, “We have a new ghost that is coming any minute now that dies last night, she was only 6 years old. I can’t even imagine what she is going through or what she is thinking so this is going to be the most magical and happy welcome I have ever put on.” 
The boys all had a sad look in their eyes, looking at each other and nodding, solidifying their decision to help you with this process. 
Willey handed you back the folder and squinted his eyes, noticing the dim color in your own. 
“(Y/n), how much magic have you used today?” He went to grab your face to look closer but you poofed away, knowing he wouldn’t like what he saw. 
“I’m fine, just follow my lead and, well, catch me when I finish.” You smirk and snap your fingers, causing the room to change from the open ballroom to the looks of an open field with trees and small flowers. 
Hearing a small knock on the door you smile big, 
“Here we go,” you clap your hands and the music starts, the melody of “Welcome to Wonderland” flowing from the band. 
The girl walked in and you smiled and sang the first few lines of the song, opening your arms wide and gesturing to the scene around you. 
“Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all, Potions and pastries that make you grow tall” 
You snapped your fingers again and a tray of drinks and small snacks that the young girl liked appeared beside her, she grabbed one of each and looked back at you. 
You squatted beside her and motioned to the rest of the room,
“Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk” You sang again, allowing her to take in the many sights that the room held. 
“Welcome to Wonderland look where you're at, maddest of hatters, the Cheshire Cat, magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks” As these words were sung you motioned some of the actors to skip out and do a small show of dancing and fun. 
You grabbed the small girls hands and spun her into a dance of your own. 
“Dancing through a dream, underneath the stars, laughing 'til the morning comes. Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart. Oh, Wonderland I love.” 
You take a step back and bow to the child while signing the next line, taking her  hand  directly after.
”Welcome to Wonderland, I'll be your guide. Holding your hand under sapphire skies” 
With another snap of your fingers you change the ceiling to appear a deep blue, with lots of small stars peeking through, pointing out a shooting star to the girl.
“Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk, Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go?” 
You lead the girl down a path where you see Willey and the boys wait, instruments in hand, ready for their cue. 
“There's a tea party along down the road, make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song” You sang, then the boys launched into a slight solo that you all danced around to. 
“Dancing through a dream, underneath the stars, laughing 'til the morning comes”
While this part played out,  you put fireworks in the sky and had everyone come back out to dance with you. You kept snapping your fingers, using more and more of your limited magic to make this the most magical moment for the child. 
You look down and see her eyes gleaming back up at you, bringing a warmth to your chest. 
Knowing you had to wrap this up, you start snapping closer to the girl's head, making her sleepy, and filling her mind with warm and happy thoughts. 
“If this was a dream, then at least I've got memories for when morning comes.” 
You continue the snaps, feeling your magic fading with each one, leaning on a chair for support. You’ve learned in the past that your magic seems to be directly linked to your energy levels, so you knew you had a short amount of time left before you collapsed, so you gave this last part your all. 
 “Now that I must leave with a heavy heart, Oh, Wonderland I love.”
You smiled at the girl as she fell asleep in your arms. You quickly handed her off to Kendra to take her to her room, which you quickly poofed the snacks and other goodies to so she had them when she woke up. 
Knowing this place needed to be spotless before Caleb came back, you used the last of your power to clap and the room put itself back together. 
Directly after you felt your knees start to buckle and you gasped as you started to fall, but knew you wouldn’t hit the ground. 
Within an instant Willey had caught you and poofed you over to a couch where you could rest. 
“That was AMAZING!” the dark haired boy exclaimed, “I do have a question… were those bunny people real?” he moved in closer, “where did you send them?” he had his eyebrows scrunched and was looking at you very seriously. 
“Ah, you must be Reggie,” you laughed, then looked at the blonde boy, “and Alex, I've heard alot about you,” this caused both him and Willey to blush, “and I guess that makes you Luke.” you turned to the brunette, meeting his gaze. He smiled in return and then coughed to break eye contact.
“Ehm, yeah. So, you’ve got some serious power, what you did for that girl, that was truly amazing.” Luke looked around and back to you. “Are you okay though? You look, um…”
“Dim? Yeah, she doesn’t know how to limit herself,” Willey handed you a glass of water, “She has some limitations to how much she can use at once, and then when she succeeds, this happens.” 
You roll your eyes at Willey and take a sip of the water. 
“I’m fine, really, I’ll gain my energy back soon enough,” You brush off the worry and try to change the subject, “So, Willey was telling me you guys had questions?” 
The boys looked between each other and back at you. 
“Well, there's this one girl who can see us, and then when we play music with her everyone can see us perform. We are trying to figure out if there's a way that we can be seen even when we aren’t playing?” Luke stepped forward to ask. 
You tried to hide the shock on your face when Luke said they could be seen, if Caleb knew about this then he’d mark them, so you tried to steer away from that. 
“So there’s nothing I can think of right now, but I can definitely keep my ears open to see if anyone else has ideas. Who is this girl that can see you?” You responded after a bit. 
“Oh! Julie! She’s great, so is her dad, he’s really good at taking pictures and stuff, and her brother-” Reggie got cut off by Alex putting his hand over his mouth.
“Dude, she asked about Julie, not her family tree. Julie was cleaning out her mom’s studio when she found an old CD of ours, when she played it we kinda, just, fell into her life.” He explained. 
“Did you guys die recently?” Taking a once over at what they were wearing you knew they hadn’t, but wanted to give them a chance to explain. 
“We died in ‘95. Uh, an accident of sorts…” Luke scratched the back of his head. 
“We ate bad street dogs.” Reggie dead panned and Luke turned to him in annoyance. 
“DUDE! Not everyone needs to know.” He threw his hand to his forehead as you giggled, then launched into a cough fit. 
“Ah, little bird, why so weak?” Your eyes shot open and met a matching scared expression from Willey. 
You shot to your feet, mustering all the power you could into holding a strong stature. 
“Caleb! I thought you were out until the show tonight?” You questioned.
“Finished early,” he traced a finger under your chin so he could look in your eyes, “why so dull?” 
You gulped and planted a smile on your face.
“Just welcoming today's batch, it can really take it out of me,” you turned to Willey and motioned with your gaze to take the boys away, but sadly not quick enough. 
“Ahh, and who do we have here?” You close your eyes and try to think of something, Willey speaking first. 
“Just some ghosts I met, we were just going,” He tried pushing them away but before they could get out Caleb called them back. 
“Oh, don’t rush on my account! Please, stay for my show tonight, or if you have to go, at least come back for it?” He clapped his hands together and you felt a burn start on your wrist, and his gaze shifted to you. 
“(Y/n) is performing tonight, she’d just love it if you boys could join.” He smiled down at you and the burn intensified.
“Ah, um, yeah! You guys should definitely come back!” You faked a smile and looked back at Caleb. 
“Uh,” Luke started, smiling as he switched his gaze from Caleb to you, “We have a gig at 9, but I’m sure we could swing by for a bit, I’d love to see you again.” He looked at his band mates and they shrugged. 
You winced when he mentioned they were playing tonight, knowing Caleb would ask you about it later, and you couldn’t lie to him, the mark made sure of that.
“Excellent, I look forward to getting to know you boys tonight.” Caleb smiled and started to walk away, but turned at the last second, “(Y/n), darling, can you meet me in my office after you show the gentlemen out?” 
You nodded and he continued on his way, as soon as he was out of sight you turned to Willey. 
“Um, I guess I’m gonna go talk to him, but uh, wanna meet me in my dressing room later?” You prayed he knew what you meant, you guys had to talk about how to go about this situation. 
If you tried telling the boys not to come, you would get shocked, same if you tried to warn them, it was a lose-lose situation. 
Willey nodded and turned to the boys, all of them about to start leaving when Luke turned to you quickly, 
“See you later (y/n)! Can’t wait to see you perform!” He smiled wide at you and you couldn’t help the grin that broke on your face. 
You waved as you watched them leave, the smile falling off your face as they disappeared, knowing what was coming next.  
You slowly walked towards Caleb's office, delaying what was inevitably about to happen. 
Eventually, your walk came to an end, you raised your hand to knock, but before you could, the door opened on its own, Calebs voice speaking from within. 
“Ah, my little songbird, nice of you to join me.” He smiled a wicked smile and the door closed behind you. 
“So, tell me about these boys.” 
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demonslayerimagines · 4 years
Moshimoshi~ I'd like to request gakuen au Zenitsu confessing to S/O which belongs to the music club (and likes him back) Thank you in advance and have a nice day uwu
Oooh! I just learned about the Gakuen AU! Pretty interesting!
~ Mod Nezuko 🌸
Gakuen!Zenitsu confessing to S/O from the music club
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It was March 20th as Zenitsu woke up to the sound of his blaring alarm. Zenitsu rubbed his face with a groan, but quickly got up. Today was a special day for him. It was the last week of the second semester. It was also the day that Zenitsu was going to confess his feelings to his friend, Y/N. The two went to Kimetsu Academy and were in the same homeroom. Y/N introduced themselves to him and the two became close. Eating lunch together everyday and walking home together.
Zenitsu showers and puts on his uniform neatly, being part of the morals committee means he has to be neat. He ate breakfast and started to walk to the academy pretty early. He had to come in early to make sure everyone had their uniform on correctly. Not the most glamorous club, but it kept him busy. The morning was chilly, but the sun shone brightly. The trees were slightly blooming, showing the first signs of spring. Zenitsu sighed, gripping his bag while thinking about Y/N and how he was going to tell them.
Y/N was pretty popular in class, a good role model for others. They were part of the music club, a club Zenitsu would’ve joined if he could. Zenitsu had great hearing and could actually play the shamisen, plus if he joined he could spend more time with Y/N. Zenitsu sighed dreamily, Y/N always stood up for him against people that made fun of him. Being the president of the moral compass committee didn’t make him popular, and he was afraid of delinquents in class. Y/N was brave and gave him at least a little courage when they were around. Zenitsu knew that they had admirers. Better people than him...
Zenitsu shook his head and slapped his cheeks. No! He couldn’t think like that! He loved Y/N and he was going to get them alone so he could yell his feelings to Y/N! Zenitsu got to the front gate of the academy and stood near the gate. He removed his clipboard from his school bag and got ready for the day.
Zenitsu had been standing at the gate for about an hour. He expected for Y/N to be here by now. He planned on confessing to them right before school starts, but it was almost time for class now. Zenitsu started to bite the nail on his thumb in nervousness.
“Zenitsu!” Y/N called out, running up the path to the gates. Their uniform was clean and tidy, but seemed to be rushed to put on. They stopped in front of Zenitsu, a bit out of breath. “Y-Y/N! Are you ok?!” Zenitsu yelled, getting looks from some of the other late students. “Y-Yes! I woke up late a-and had to rush!” Y/N breathed out. Zenitsu stared at them, even seeing them disheveled, he was so in love with Y/N. He knew that after this semester, the two of them might not be in the same class anymore and he’d be losing his chance!
“Y/N, I have something I need to say-“ Zenitsu began, but was interrupted by Inosuke running like a wild animal and pushing Zenitsu to the side. Inosuke was a usual late troublemaker that caused Zenitsu a lot of issues. Zenitsu fell over with a thud. “HEY! Watch where you’re going Inosuke!” Y/N yelled at the strange boy and then helped Zenitsu up, “Oh! It’s almost time for class! Come on Zenitsu!” Zenitsu sighed, his unspoken words heavy in his chest.
It had been a whole day and Zenitsu had no chance to tell Y/N how he felt! It was so frustrating! During class, Zenitsu tried passing a note to Y/N, but it ended up in Inosuke’s hands! He tried to bring it up during lunch, but Tanjiro and Nezuko decided to join the two of them! Finally, during the cleaning period, Zenitsu went to approach Y/N and slipped on a wet floor in front of them. He had to go to the infirmary.
School had ended and Zenitsu was patrolling the halls, making sure that students were going to their club activities and not loitering around. Zenitsu had been walking up and down the hall with the music room for about thirty minutes now. He was listening to their club activity as they played folk songs and sang. He could hear Y/N’s voice singing the loudest and the most beautiful out of all of them. Angelic during the high notes and impressive during low notes. Zenitsu wanted to listen to that voice all day. He had to do this, his feelings had been weighing him down all day! After they were finished, he would tell Y/N when everyone else left.
Zenitsu jumped when the door suddenly opened, he had been thinking there for a while. Students began to leave, some waving towards Zenitsu. Zenitsu pushed past though and saw Y/N putting some of the instruments away. “Y/N! Um...Cleaning up?” Zenitsu muttered, unsure on how to start this. “Oh yes, it’s my turn for today. We can walk home together in a minute though, ok?” Y/N answered, seemingly oblivious to his nervousness. Zenitsu noticed that no one else was left in the club room. He took the moment to close the sliding door to the room. He cleared his throat and stepped forward.
Before Zenitsu could open his mouth, Y/N smiles and looked at him, “Zenitsu, I want to thank you” Zenitsu was stopped in his tracks, “Th-Thank me? For what?” Y/N played with their hair and stepped over to him, the light coming through the window shining off them, “Well, my day started off really bad. I was late and almost got knocked over by Inosuke, but you were always there for me. Class was class, but Tanjiro said that you really made his day. Then we had lunch with our friends! Finally, you got me out of cleaning when I got to take you to the nurses office! You really made today better” Zenitsu was stunned, his awful day really made Y/N happy. They appreciated him for being him.
Zenitsu took a deep breath, looking into Y/N’s eyes, “I love you, Y/N. I love your singing voice and I always want to hear it. Even more than that, I love being your friend and I never want that to end!”
Y/N looked at him with a smile and dreamy look in their eyes. They leaned in and whispered, “I accept,” Zenitsu’s face turned red as Y/N kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand, “Now, come on, silly! We gotta get home!”
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carnationcreation · 4 years
reggie x bandmember!rapper!reader
where the reggie has a crush on reader and tries to win them over.
just a suggestion
TITLE: Distractions (JATP Reggie x bandmember!reader)
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Request: Yes!
Prompt/summary:  Reggie has a crush on the lyricist behind the bands raps and verses and he’s trying desperately to win her over
Word Count: 1,614
Authors note: I don’t really know too much about rap so I decided to relate it more to music but she still basis her lyrics in rap so I hope this is okay!
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 Being the newest member to the band left me under a lot of pressure, I had to switch between different instruments and learn the parts in case something happened to one of the members so I could go on in their place. So I was like an understudy for the Phantoms as well as one of their lyricists. If Luke or Julie were having trouble getting inspiration they’d come to me and I’d help them work their way through their writers block by making them listen to famous rappers like Tupac and Eminem. After a while their minds would be focusing on the rhythms and the melodies instead of just words, because you can’t have a good song unless it flows like a stream. 
The problem that seemed to keep arising was Reggie trying to get my attention. 
“(Y/n) watch!” Reggie said before he swung his bass over his back making it loop around so he could catch it again.
“That’s cool Reg but we’re supposed to be working,” I responded before turning back to my notebook on top of the piano, missing Reggie’s pouting face.
He was so sweet to me, but sometimes his antics would interfere with my work. I knew he wasn’t trying to be annoying but after a long day of learning songs and writing with Julie it can feel like he’s just trying to distract me just because he can.
“Alright so then there’s a key change up to a D major,” Julie said as she played the chord effortlessly on the piano, “And then I’m thinking Luke will come in on the melody-”
“(Y/n) look what I made you!” Reggie said running up to the piano, he placed a piece of paper in my hand, looking at me expectantly. I smiled at the picture of a hand turkey colored in with different colored crayons.
“Wow, thank you Reggie,” I said and turned back to the piano with Julie.
“He really doesn’t stop does he?” she said quietly.
I nodded, “It’s endearing most of the time but right now I just really want to get this done.”
“I need a line right here, I just can’t get it right.”
Julie and I continued writing, even leaving me a space to do some free verse that acts as a counter melody as well as to pick up the tempo for the final chorus. It wasn’t too long after that when Reggie tapped me on the shoulder.
“What Reggie?” I said annoyed.
“Oh,” Reggie said, “I wanted to ask if you were ready for our bass lesson but I’ll wait.”
My face softened as I saw the time on my watch, “I’m sorry Reg I lost track of time.”
He nodded and led me over to the stools he had set up, I grabbed his bass out of the stand and plugged it up to the amp beside the piano.
“I’m sorry I annoy you all the time,” Reggie said quietly.
“What do you mean Reggie?”
He sighed, “I just want to talk to you all the time I just forget that you’re doing important stuff for the band.”
I smiled, “Reggie you could never annoy me, or at least not to the point where I wouldn’t like you.”
“So you really did like my hand turkey?”
I laughed, “Yes Reggie I promise I really did.”
Reggie grinned widely and pulled me into a tight hug making me giggle.
“Are you gonna keep it?”
I picked up the paper and walked over to the piano where my binder full of song lyrics and sheet music sat, I slid the paper into the front clear pouch on the binder so everyone could see the turkey right on the front of the binder.
Reggie threw his hands up in the air, “Yay!”
“Alright we seriously have to get to work now,” I laughed.
After a sold out concert at the Orpheum the night before Julie decided we should take the day off and have a movie marathon. Julie picked out the first 3 and chose all disney movies. We were watching the Little Mermaid when I started to feel myself getting mind numbingly bored from having to sit still on the couch next to Reggie and a sleeping Alex. I reached down to my feet and into my backpack to pull out my binder to scribble a few lyric ideas down before I forget them.
“What are you doing?” I heard Reggie whisper.
“Writing down some lyrics,” I said.
He scoffed, “Do you ever stop working?”
“Do you ever stop trying to get my attention?” I tease him with a smirk.
“Whatever, but you should take a break. It’s our day off you shouldn’t be working.”
“Depends on what you want to call working. Lyrics are just part of my thoughts for most of the day, I’m much more productive writing down wording and rhymes and beats from my head that can be molded into a new song otherwise I’d just forget them and be frustrated when I don’t have anything new.”
“Well, I guess I think about bass lines a lot so I see what you mean,” Reggie shrugged.
We sat quietly for a few minutes, as the credits started to roll I looked over to see Luke picking up Julie to take her to bed as she had fallen asleep. Alex stirred and stood up before walking outside to the studio. I’m assuming he went to sleep on the couch in there. 
“Come on,” Reggie said, standing up.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
He smiled, “To get your thoughts on something else for a while.”
He grabbed my hand and led me out the front door, we walked out of Julie’s house and down the street. We finally hit main street and he pulled me over to a street vendor selling hotdogs and grabbed two for us before sitting down on a bench to eat.
“I’m surprised after how you died you still want to eat these,” I laughed.
“As long as it’s not from the back of a car I think I’ll be fine, they’re good!” he said before biting into his, “So what kind of lyrics were you writing down?”
I pulled my backpack off my shoulder and pulled out the binder, Reggie smiled and pointed at the hand turkey that was still on the front.
“Skies grew darker,
Current swept you out,
Inside this Eden,
No one hears us shout.”
“That’s kinda depressing,” Reggie said.
I laughed and tucked it back into my bag and put it at our feet.
“So those lyrics are just constantly in your head?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess where I’ve read and written so much poetry and listened to so much music all the time it’s just something that comes naturally to me,” I shrugged.
“Can I read through them?”
“You can read through it any time you want Reggie,” I said, I finished up my hotdog and crumpled up the wrapper.
“Really?” he asked.
I giggled, “Yes Reggie I trust you with my deepest, most depressing lyrics.”
He laughed and grabbed both of our wrappers and walked over to the trash can with me tagging closely behind him. 
“I gotta head home, it’s starting to get late,” I said.
Looked at his watch, “Oh yeah, I’ll walk you home.”
“You don’t have to.”
Reggie scoffed sarcastically, “Can’t let a pretty lady walk home in the dark.”
I took his arm in mine, “What a gentleman.”
We walked down main street and finally turned to the street that led into my neighborhood. Reggie stopped and pointed at random things he saw along the way, and when he wasn’t doing that he was singing songs and dancing to them while walking along beside me trying to get me to laugh.
“Reggie quiet down my parents are gonna hear and ask why I’m outside with a boy.”
“Not just any boy, a formerly dead boy,” Reggie smirked.
“Shhh!” I stepped up to the gate and unlatched it, letting him and I into the garden.
“Come on (y/n). What if we rewrite the stars!” Reggie sang. 
I rolled my eyes, “I shouldn’t have shown you that movie.”
“It’s catchy!” he said.
“Reggie,” I said grabbing his arm lightly and making him face me, “please be quiet for a minute.”
Reggie nodded but still giggled as I pulled out my house key and he followed me on to the porch.
“I had fun Reggie, this gave me more song ideas.”
“Well that’s good at least,” Reggie smiled, “can I drag you out tomorrow to annoy you some more?”
“For the last time Reg, you’re not annoying,” I giggled.
“If you say so,” Reggie said as he turned to walk away.
“Reggie?” I said. He turned around and I placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
Reggie smiled widely and grabbed my waist, pulling me in and kissing me on the lips this time. After a second we pulled away, “So, tomorrow?”
I smiled and shook my head, “Pick me up in the morning, and bring your skateboard.”
He grinned and turned. He ran down the steps and out onto the street, eventually tripping over the shoelaces of his converse and falling to the ground, “I’m okay!” 
I laughed and turned to unlock the door. When I got to my room and pulled out my binder to put on my bed I began to mumble to myself, what if we rewrite the stars.
The rest of the night was filled with the memories of the night replaying in my head and the lyrics that poured out of them and on to the paper. 
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @peachyxdream @catieiscute2001 @me-myself-and-my-oboe
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quillsandtypos · 4 years
Ours Stars Collided- Part 2
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Summary: As our reader, a musically gifted high school junior, navigates life she realizes not everything goes as planned. She didn't plan on getting close with Julie's band. But not any band, her band is made up of ghosts. But is the afterlife enough to keep her feelings in check towards the main guitarist?
Words: 3.8k
Pairing: luke patterson x reader
Warnings: none
“Hey, you ready?” you asked.
“Yeah, just let me grab my stuff,” Julie answered.
She pulled the emoji covered backpack out of her locker and shut it.
“Alright, you ready?” she questioned, as she let you lead the way.
“Yes, and no,” you said, with a nervous smile.
She placed her hand on your shoulder. “You got this, besides, you’re in good hands with Luke,” she reassured you.
“No doubt about that, it’s just a matter of whether I’ll embarrass myself or not.”
She smiled genuinely at you. “You got this, trust me.”
You held the door open for her.
“That car is yours, right?” She pointed across the parking lot.
“Yep, that’s the one.”
You unlocked it and threw your bag in the back, before getting into the drivers side.
“Alright, whatcha wanna listen to?”
Julie paused in thought before hesitantly asking, “You know who Lizzo is right?”
“Oh my god yes! You listen to her too?” you excitedly asked.
“Yes! How could you not listen to Lizzo!”
“Lizzo it is then!”
The first song was Soulmate, followed by Tempo which the two of you practically yelled, and the third song was Like a Girl. When Truth Hurts came on you both gasped and made eye contact through wide eyes.
Soon enough your sound system was blaring through the car and the two of you were belting the lyrics.
“Help you witchya career just a little,” you sang. Then you pointed to Julie to take the next part.
“You supposed to hold me down but you holding me back and that’s the sound of me not calling you back!” Julie was somewhere in between belting and yelling and still managing to sound good.
Then the both of you took the chorus. “Why men great till they gotta be great, don’t text me tell it straight to my face!
You were both animatedly pumping your fists with bright smiles as you finally rolled into her driveway.
Julie opened the studio doors to the boys all sitting there, ready to go. “Well you guys certainly look like you were having fun,” Reggie commented, smiling.
“We did,” you agreed.
“But now it means that break time is over for you guys,” Julie teased them.
Alex had already poofed over to the drums before she said anything.
“Yes ma’am!” Reggie said, getting off the couch.
Luke had a playful smile on his face. “We were the ones working on a new song, so I think that means the break is up for you,” he teased.
You couldn’t help but notice their closeness in that moment, you tried not to; but a small part of you couldn’t help but wish that was you.
Julie just rolled her eyes at him and walked to her piano to put her bag down. And just like that the moment was over.
After you and Julie had settled in and warmed up your voices and practiced a bit with your instruments, you figured you should probably figure out what you were doing.
“So do you guys want me to sing, or play, or listen?” you asked.
They all looked over at you, but Luke was the first to speak. “I can show y/n a couple of the songs with her while you guys run through Bright. Then we can see how she fits into that?” Luke brainstormed.
He held eye contact with you for a few moments before shifting to his other bandmates to gage their reactions.
“Sure! Sounds good to me,” Alex offered.
“Yeah you guys can go sit up in the loft if you want, just so you won’t be distracted by us,” Julie suggested.
“Yeah, sure, come on newbie, let’s see what you got, shall we?” He gestured to the stairs, and allowed you to go first.
“Don’t you already know what I’ve got since you technically already heard me play?” you said, as you ascended the stairs with your guitar.
“Yeah, but that one doesn’t technically count since it wasn’t in here,” he argued.
You paused and turned around, as you desperately tried to fight the smile forming on your lips. “Well technically you shouldn’t break into someone’s room and watch them play without knowing, so,” you trailed off.
“And to think I wanted you to be in the band,” he tutted, with no malice in his voice.
You couldn’t hide the grin on your face now, so you instead choose to plop down on the floor and start on your guitar.
“Alright I’m gonna show you the first couple chords that I have for Bright,” he explained as his fingers effortly slid across his guitar. You watched as he repeated it a couple times before joining him.
He looked up at you as he continued to play. “You’re a fast learner,” he commented.
“Eh, I’m just a visual learner.”
“That must help, I mean with the music school that you and Julie go to. It must be easier to learn things,” he guessed. He continued watching you play.
“Well I mean yes, I go to the same school as Julie but I’m not in the music program,” you admitted.
Luke abruptly stopped playing. “What?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t able to get in.” You were getting somewhat embarrassed.
“Seriously?” he asked in disbelief.
“Seriously,” you confirmed.
“How could they not let you in? I mean you obviously belong there,” he insisted. He sounded slightly upset about the situation.
“There are plenty of people in that school that are much better than me Luke, trust me,” you reassured him.
He leaned forward slightly which forced you to make eye contact with him. He looked quite somber but his eyes seemed to reflect a sort of light; it was as if he was looking through your soul with how intense his gaze was. “I doubt that,” he said.
You nervously swallowed and hoped he didn’t notice. “Thank you,” you uttered quietly, though it did not obstruct the feeling in your voice.
“You’re welcome.” His gaze tore away from yours. You were half relieved and half disappointed.
“So you ready to learn the rest of the song?” He said, breaking the rest of the momentary silence in the loft.
“Whenever you are.”
“Is she show ready?” Julie asked as you walked back down the steps twenty minutes later.
“I think she can manage,” you responded. You sounded more confident than you felt.
“Alright, let’s start Bright from the top. Y/n I want you to sing the chorus, pre-chorus, the second verse and then out to the end of the song, except for the bridge. Luke I’m gonna have you not sing, just for this one. And I will sing the intro, chorus, pre-chorus, the bridge, and verse one. Y/n just sing on this one, we’re not gonna add your guitar yet,” she explained.
You were glad she had a plan, so you at least knew what you were doing. You attempted to shake out your nerves a little bit and Julie gave you a thumbs up from her piano.
She started her intro and of course she sounded amazing. Luckily, you had listened to their song before so you knew when you needed to come in.
“Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump, together I think that we can make it
Come on let’s run”
The guys joined in with their instruments as the two of you reached the chorus. You started to relax through the chorus until you remembered that you would be singing on your own in a couple seconds. Pulling up your previous lesson from Luke in your mind, you tried to remember how high he had you sing it, it wasn’t quite Julie’s level but it was definitely higher than his. You once again made eye contact with Luke who mouthed ‘you got this’ with a determined look on his face. You heard the drums starting to quiet slightly and you knew you were up.
“In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground I’m marching on”
You were once again back with Julie’s voice as she came to stand beside you. You turned to face one another and sang with a harmony you were quite certain you hadn’t heard before. She was practically glowing with happiness and you couldn’t help but reflect that same joy on your own face.
As her individual part finished up again the two of you sung the final parts of the song as you went low on the last bright as she sung her iconic high note. The music faded and you couldn’t help but cheer a little bit.
Julie pulled you into a tight hug. “See I told you you’d be amazing!”
You returned the hug. “Thank you, but you should seriously hear yourself. You are so talented.”
“She’s right y/n you sounded really good,” commented Alex from the back; Reggie nodded in agreement.
“Thanks Alex,” you replied. A small smile was on your face and a certain amount of heat was creeping up to your cheeks from the levels of attention on you.
Luckily, Julie quickly took it off of you. This time she was going to have you play a version of Luke’s part on the guitar but complimented it as he sang; which you were grateful for because it meant you could take a background seat for a minute.
Julie started up on her piano again. This time you were waiting for the chorus to start, and as it did you almost forgot what you were doing when Luke started singing. Sure you had heard him sing this song in full once before. But damn could that boy sing.
It wasn’t until the chorus hit that things started to go wrong for you. You once again couldn’t help but notice their closeness, or the way they looked at each other. You continued on playing but you would be lying if you said it was with the same energy you had minutes ago.
The final chorus hit and your face had fallen all the way from buzzing with joy to mopey. You noticed Reggie creeping up from your right and your spirits were slightly raised as you watched him awkwardly wink at you and walk over to finish the rest of the song with you. For a second he made you forget all about your moment of sadness. As you finished up the last of the chords with each other you ended up back to back towards the end of it, for dramatic effect. Alex laughed as the song ended and he noticed the stance you and Reggie had chosen.
“What?” Reggie grinned.
“That was awesome!” you yelled, high fiving him
“Yeah it was!” he said, mirroring your enthusiasm.
“Ya know I think she’ll fit in quite nicely,” Luke observed. You could’ve sworn you saw him smirk and his eyes move slightly, but it was only for a moment.
Julie smiled in a slightly mischievous way. “I think she will too,” Julie agreed, as if you weren’t in the room listening to their conversation.
“You guys know I’m right here right?” you quipped from the other side of the room.
“Yeah I know, but I have a LOT of homework so we gotta wrap this up.”
“I can do that!” You raced over to the couch to get your stuff.
“Gentleman and Julie, it was lovely playing with you and I will see you all tomorrow,” you said as you waved goodbye. They all waved back as you pulled out of her driveway.
It turned out that heavy homework wednesdays were becoming a thing for Julie because in the following week she was told she wasn’t allowed to have band practice until her homework was done. She said something about her dad not being too happy about her staying up till twelve doing it. Though Julie didn’t sound so happy about it either, for obvious reasons; but she did of course want to have band practice, so she promised all of you she would be done as quick as possible. But she still needed a ride home, and Flynn’s house was on the way to your house, so you offered to drive her too.
Flynn called shotgun which Julie groaned about, but she took the back. You turned on Lizzo before putting the park in reverse to get out of the parking lot and driving off.
“So how is your new spot in the phantoms going?” Flynn asked.
“I would say pretty good, but I’ll let Julie answer that one.”
“She’s doing really well, her and Luke have really figured out how to compliment one another on the guitars, and she gets along great with all of them,” Julie responded.
“Well I think they might, maybe, just maybe, be keeping you,” Flynn told you, sarcastically.
“Thank god they are, I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t," you worried aloud.
“Probably would’ve still thought you were insane,” Flynn suggested with a shrug.
“Harsh! But, yeah, probably,” you admitted, laughing a little bit, and the other two joined you.
“At least now I can get people off my back about me and Luke,” Julie spoke. Flynn pointed at her in acknowledgement.
Now that peaked your interest. “What?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.
Julie casually waved you off. “Oh just people thinking Luke and I are together.”
You thought you were going to jump up and down from excitement, “Wait, you guys aren’t together?” You hoped you didn’t sound as excited as you felt.
Julie had a borderline concerned look on her face. “Ohhhhh definitely not, we are just friends, and neither of us want to be anything more. I mean don’t get me wrong, I see the appeal, but he’s not my type,” she explained.
“Yeah cause her type is Nick,” Flynn sang, snapping her fingers.
Suddenly a lightbulb clicked. “Was that the guy you were talking to by your locker the day Luke saw me?”
Julie facepalmed in embarrassment. “Yes.”
“See she’s not even denying it,” Flynn pointed out.
“That’s true,” you agreed, looking through your rear mirror at your bandmate.
Flynn's face suddenly turned from mischievous evil to somehow even more evil. “Though I mean we could instead talk about how you obviously think Luke is cute.”
Now that took you by surprise. “I do not!” you insisted.
Flynn’s eyes got slightly larger with her raised eyebrows and she pursed her lips. “Okay so we’re lying now?” she teased.
Julie laughed before slamming her hand over her mouth. “Flynn stop, if she says she doesn’t like him then she doesn’t.”
“Thank you Julie.” You specifically enunciated Julie and Flynn stuck her tongue out at you. And just as she did you turned onto Julie’s road.
You waved goodbye to Julie, wishing her luck with her homework. And then went to drop Flynn off before arriving home yourself.
You rummaged through the fridge to find something and you managed to settle on an orange before also finding hummus and pretzels.
You sat down in your empty kitchen and took a bite of a hummus covered pretzel, and realize you forgot to get water. You turned around to come face to face with Luke…. again.
“HOLY SHIT!” you yelled. It wasn’t your first time but it didn’t mean it wasn’t just as scary.
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, not looking very sorry at all.
“You have got to stop doing that.” You walked past him and by that you mean you accidentally walked through him. You turned back to him for a moment to see if he was okay but he seemed to be looking at you curiously so you assumed he was fine.
“No promises, remember? It’s kinda a ghost thing,” he reminded you as he followed you around your kitchen.
“Okay well what do you and your ghost thing want?” you asked, immediately regretting your choice of words. You could practically feel his smirk from behind you.
“Did you just-” he started but you cut him off.
“Nope, no, no I didn’t. What do you want Luke?” You were trying to pivot and luckily, he took the bait.
“Well, can you come to the studio?” he asked.
“Yes, I was already going to be coming there later.” You were getting slightly confused.
“No, I mean like now,” Luke explained.
“Why?” you asked, finally sitting back down with your water.
“We’re bored,” he confessed, slouching on your table.
“You came here to tell me you’re bored?” you giggled.
“Well I guess technically, yes, so can you come?” he impatiently asked. He just looked restless. Though you supposed being in a garage for a large majority of your day and only having two other people to talk to would do that to a person, or ghost in this case. But unfortunately, you still couldn’t come.
“Sorry Luke, I already told my parents I would be leaving later tonight, and I don’t wanna have to switch plans on them,” you apologized.
“Oh come on, your parents aren’t even home,” he pointed out.
“I’m well aware, but I try to keep my promises to them,” you defended. Though he looked so goddamn cute at the moment you could feel your will power breaking.
“It’ll be fun!” he promised. He must’ve known that his smile could get to you because when you looked at him you swore it had grown three sizes.
“Tempting, but I’m gonna have to pass.”
“Please?” he asked. You looked him in the eyes, which was a big mistake because he was giving you a puppy face. I mean it’s not like you already thought he was cute, but this? This was on a whole nother level. His lips were in a slight pout as his head was tilted doward just a smidge, and his blue eyes mocked sadness, in a way that was just unbearable.
“Okay, okay, fine,” you agreed, you tried to sound annoyed but it didn’t work in the slightest.
“Yes!” he shouted.
“Just let me grab my keys, wait, can you even go in a car?” Could he even get in the car? Could he get in the car, and then his physical state or lack thereof, could suddenly go away and he wouldn’t be sitting in the car anymore? But Luke’s voice interrupted your hypotheticals.
“How about I just meet you there?” Luke suggested.
“Good idea,” you agreed.
Ten minutes later you had pulled up to Julie’s house and entered the studio. “Oh hey Reggie,” you greeted, taking a seat on the couch.
“Oh hi y/n! Are you here to practice with us, or? Not that I mind you being here,” he quickly stammered out.
“It’s fine, you’re okay Reggie, I know I’m not usually here unless it’s for practice. But yeah, I’m just here to hang out.”
“Oh, cool!”
“So where’s everybody else?” you asked.
“Well I think Alex is with Willie and I’m actually not sure where Luke is,” he answered.
“I wonder wh-” you started, but you had a feeling that someone had landed beside you.
Which, of course Luke had, and practically right on time too.
“Sorry, I was just checking on Julie and seeing how much homework she has,” Luke explained.
“How’s it looking?” you asked.
“Not so great, she still has a lot left to go,” Luke admitted.
You shrugged. “Well I’ve got nowhere to be.”
And for the next two hours or so the three of you sat there and talked about all sorts of things, from mundane things, to really deep things, to things they missed the most about being alive. Which mostly consisted of food, not that you blamed them.
Soon enough Luke went to go check up on Julie again.
“Are you cold?” Reggie asked you.
“No,” you lied.
“Dude, I can see you, you’re literally shivering.”
“Yeah, I forgot to grab a jacket before I left my house,” you admitted.
“Here-” he threw a jacket at you, “wear this one, it’s nice and warm.”
“Reggie you really don’t have to-” you started, but he insisted; and you were pretty cold so you gave in.
In a couple of minutes Luke returned to the same spot.
“How’s it looking now?” you asked.
“I don’t think she’s gonna,” Luke suddenly stopped mid sentence to glance over at you, “nice jacket y/n.” For whatever reason, he had a very interesting look on his face, to say the least.
“Thanks, Reggie lent it to me.”
“Oh is that so?” he asked, now turning to look at Reggie, who looked slightly frightened.
“Um, yes?” you said, though it was more of a question.
Luke turned to you, “Y/n?”
“Yeah?” you responded.
“You know that’s my jacket right?” he asked.
Now you also turned to stare down Reggie, “What was your intent with this-”
“Wait what’s his full first name?” you asked Luke in a whisper.
“Reginald,” he whispered back.
“What was your intent with this Reginald?” you asked.
“I have no idea what you guys are talking about,” Reggie said, looking up at the ceiling.
Luke took one step towards him and Reggie yelped before poofing out.
“Why does he keep offering up your stuff?” you laughed.
He scoffed, “I wish I knew.” It seemed like he did know but you weren’t going to press him on it.
“Oh, here, you can have your jacket back now.” You awkwardly handed it over to him.
“Oh, thanks. You did look good in it though, by the way,” he casually mentioned.
You were pretty sure your brain just shut down for a couple seconds. “What?” you asked, you were still working to catch up with what just happened.
“I said, you looked good in it,” he repeated, as his voice was becoming soft and slightly deeper.
“Thanks,” you managed to mumble out. But meanwhile you thought your face was on fire.
“Oh also you might wanna head home, Julie said she’s not gonna be able to practice tonight,” he mentioned.
“I probably should, but hey, I’ll see you tomorrow!” you yelled as you left the studio.
“See ya!” he yelled and waved.
By the time you got home there was a note on the kitchen table, ‘Don’t worry I cleared it with Luke this time -signed Reggie’ and next to the note sat the jacket. You laughed quietly to yourself before taking the note and the jacket upstairs with you.
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jusvibbbin · 3 years
Darling Duet
Harry Kim x Reader
//My first anonymous request! Enjoy!
Watching Harry play was amazing. The way he sat straight up in his chair. The laser focus he used to read the music on the stand. How his lips clasped the mouthpiece, firm yet soft. You wondered just how soft his lips were. You had admired him from a far for several months now, talking to him on occasion, but never more than a few minutes. To say you were smitten would be an understatement. 
(Y/N)! What is wrong with you? Pay attention to the concert!
As Harry finished his concerto, you and the rest of the audience stood and clapped for him. Tom began to hoot and holler much to B’Elanna’s embarrassment as everyone chuckled. Harry took a bow and the after-concert party moved into the mess hall.
The night was marked with toasts and small talk, and though you enjoyed having a night to relax, you were acutely aware of the fluttering in your stomach every time you stole a glance at the ship’s clarinetist. Not to mention the intense heat that lit your face on fire when you caught him looking back at you. After this happened once or twice, the dark haired ensign made his way over to you, accepting praise from everyone as he went.
“Hey, music man! Finally got some time away from your adoring fans?” As soon as you said it, you cringed a bit. 
I’ve got to sound ridiculous. Why can’t I just relax?
“Time away? Are you not one of my adoring fans?” Harry asked innocently enough, but the comment caught the attention of Tom, who slowly edged closer to eavesdrop.
You blushed slightly, and feeling a little brave you said, “Of course I am. You could say I’m your biggest fan.”
You’re so dorky but maybe it’s working.
Harry laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Glad to know I have such a sweetheart for a fan.”
You froze. You had no idea what to say. Every time you started to get comfortable talking to Harry, you clammed up. You must’ve turned beet red because Tom swooped in to congratulate Harry and told him the captain wanted to talk to him. Harry waved a small goodbye and you returned his weakly before starting to leave the mess hall with Tom on your heels.
“(Y/N), wait up!” Tom was jogging now to catch up to you as you speed walked to your quarters. As you reached the door, Tom grabbed your arm.
“Hey! What happened to you?”
You pulled your arm away from him gently and sighed. 
“Damn… You got it bad huh?” Tom started to chuckle to himself
“Come on, it’s not funny! I don’t know how to act around Harry. He smiles at me and I feel like I’m gonna pass out! How do I get him to realize how I feel if I can’t say anything?” You covered your mouth after you finished your rant and waited for what Tom had to say. He was Harry’s best friend after all.
“I saw the way you looked at him while he played. You were enthralled!” Then Tom’s eyes lit up and he grinned at you.
Uh oh…
“Can you play an instrument?”
You shook your head.
Tom put his hand thoughtfully on his chin and hummed quietly. 
“How would you feel about learning one?” he asked excitedly. And you couldn’t help but feel as excited as he looked. Tom suggesting you express yourself through music? It was genius, and very personal to Harry. 
But what the hell am I gonna play?
Tom seemed to read your mind as he said, “I’ve heard the flute sounds very good with the clarinet. And I’d be willing to donate my replicator rations to such a noble cause.”
You smiled and shook Tom’s hand. You were going to be a flutist. 
Learning the flute proved to be much more difficult than you and Tom first thought. Even with the professional holo-programs and access to extensive databases, you were still having trouble. You decided to turn to the only person that could help you.
“Ah, Ensign (Y/N)! What can I do for you?” the Doctor asked as you walked into sickbay.
“Hi Doc. I was hoping I could call on your expertise as a musician and see if you could help me with some music. I can hold a note, sort of, and my fingering has been getting a lot better but I just can’t seem to get it down.”
As you spoke, the Doctor wasted no time pulling another chair into his office and sitting down across from it.
“I would be delighted to assist you! Finally someone around here appreciates my talents.” 
For the next two weeks, you and the Doctor worked tirelessly to get your playing greatly improved. But at the start of your third week, the Doctor surprised you. You walked into sickbay to find none other than Ensign Harry Kim with his ever shiny clarinet. 
“So this is your student.” Harry smiled at you and you tried to hide your panic with a little laugh. 
“(Y/N), while I am very well equipped to assist you in your music theory, I think that Harry might be a better teacher when it comes to playing. It is true, I am a great musician, but I prefer to sing and I’m positive that your flute would be much improved with his experience playing a more... tangible instrument.”
Oh jeez. There goes my secret plan.
“Shall we get started?” Harry asked as he gestured to the door. You nodded and threw the Doctor a look you knew he wouldn’t understand.
Harry led you down the corridor as you tried to figure out where you were going. He slowed down to walk next to you and looked at your case.
“Flute, huh? I didn’t know you were interested in music.”
“The flute is new but I’ve always wanted to learn something.” You could feel yourself starting to turn a bit flushed.
“That’s great! I hope you don’t mind switching teachers. To be completely honest, I’ve never really taught anyone before.”
“I’m sure you’ll be amazing, Harry.” You said as you smiled at him. 
“Thanks (Y/N),” he said gratefully. “Here we are.”
He stopped in front of quarters you had never been to before. 
Are we going into his quarters!? I don’t know if I can do this.
As you internally panicked, Harry started to set up chairs and music stands before looking back at you standing in the doorway.
“Uh, (Y/N)? Are you going to come in?”
You pushed down your nerves and stepped inside, the door whooshing shut behind you as you sat down in one of the chairs.
“Alright, now lets see your playing position.”
“(Y/N) that was really good! I’m impressed with how far you come in such a short time!” Harry flashed you an elated smile as you blushed looking down at your flute. Harry was right, you were doing excellent. Once he helped you with your embouchure and taught you how to hold the flute in a relaxed, but proper way, you were playing with ease. 
The two of you had also gotten extremely close over the couple of months you had been playing, often getting dinner in the mess hall afterward and talking about what your lives back on Earth had been like. Harry told you about his family and how much he missed them and you told him about missing your own family and the garden you had started working on before getting assigned to Voyager. Other people had noticed how much time you were spending together and you both were often embarrassed when someone asked how long you’d been dating.
As time went on, pushing down your feelings was getting more and more difficult. You were starting to worry if you’d be able to ever tell Harry how you felt. You talked to Tom and he told you to make your move tonight.
“Tonight?” you asked incredulously. “I don’t know if I’m ready!”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re never gonna be ready! You just gotta have that quick burst of bravery and be honest!”
You thought about what Tom had said as you walked back to your quarters after lunch. Maybe Tom had a point and you should just do it. But you couldn’t stop wondering if you should wait a little longer. 
No… Let’s go for it!
Making up your mind (after going back and forth a bit more), you told Harry to meet you in your quarters once his shift was over. He happily agreed and you went to prepare with the couple hours you had.
The door chimed, signaling your time was up. You sat down in front of your music stand and smoothed out your clothes. Once you were presentable you told the door to let Harry in.
The moment he entered, you began to play your flute. He stood there, caught off guard for a moment, then he slowly sat down on your couch and closed his eyes to listen to you play. After picking up some extra theory lessons with the Doctor, you decided to write Harry a song expressing how deeply you felt about him. As you spent more time together your song had only got more emotional and beautiful. You let the Doctor look at it but refused to play it for anyone but Harry. It was far too special and personal to show to someone else. 
You had practiced for about a month now and it sounded good. Sure you stumbled a bit at certain parts and you were feeling a little light-headed, but Harry didn’t seem to care. The look on his face said it all: relaxed, happy and a bit surprised at the impromptu concert. 
Once you finished, Harry stood and clapped. You felt your cheeks begin to heat up as he walked over and picked up your piece. 
“You wrote this?” he asked, looking at the hand-written notes on the paper. “A bit old-fashioned, isn’t it?”
“It makes it more meaningful I think,” you said quietly.
He eventually stopped looking at the music itself to read the title. ‘A Heart for Harry: One Romantic Movement.’ Harry’s eyes locked with yours and that was enough for you to shoot up and push him quickly out the door. You leaned back against it and took a deep breath. You heard him shift on his feet for a moment or two before his footsteps receded down the corridor. You immediately regretted it.
Why did I do that!?! I have got to be the most awkward person in the galaxy. 
You sat on your couch and went over the moment in your head. The way he listened to you play. How impressed he looked when he saw you had written it yourself. His face when he realized the song was for him. 
He looked… Confused? Appalled? ...Happy?
You tried to replicate his face in your mind but you had been blinded by your shyness and you had no idea how he really reacted. That was ten times worse than not knowing. You laid down, remaining on the couch, wondering what in the world you were going to do now.
You awoke to your comm badge pinging and you quickly shot up. Were you late for a shift? A quick query to the computer erased that worry from your mind. It was 0100 and you had this particular day off. So who could this be in the middle of the night?
Hesitantly, you answered, “Yes?”
“(Y/N), I’m sorry if I woke you but I need you to meet me in Holodeck One,” Harry’s voice came softly over the comm system. You sat there for a moment before telling him you’d be there in five minutes. 
You ordered the computer to turn the lights up in the bathroom, quickly washing your face and fixing your slight bedhead. You squeezed your hands into fists and they felt clammy. You wondered what the hell you were walking into as you left your quarters and headed towards the holodeck.
You got to the doors and as they whooshed open the scent of fresh flowers hit you. You were standing at the entrance to a gorgeous garden, filled with flowers from all over Earth and various other planets. There was a narrow cobblestone path that led deeper into it and you cautiously walked down it. As you went further and further, you began to hear music. 
It almost sounds like… my song!
You quickened your pace on the winding path and soon you were in a clearing. And there, in the middle of it, was Harry Kim and his clarinet, playing a spectacular harmony to your song. You stood there as he reached the finale and he let the last note hang in the air for a few moments before putting his instrument down. 
Harry walked over to you, gingerly grabbing your face and kissing you. It was gentle, and his lips were softer than you imagined. But there was a passion behind it too, as one hand dropped to your waist and another went to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss before he pulled away. You stood there panting slightly, with your hands resting on his chest and his eyes looking sweetly into yours.
“You don’t ever have to be nervous or embarrassed around me. I feel the same way about you, I have for a while.” 
You had barely recovered from the kiss before his confession took you by surprise. Harry Kim had liked you the whole time and you had no idea? You started to laugh and he joined you, never once letting go of you. 
“Computer, add a flute, a chair and a music stand,” Harry said. As the computer materialized these things, he led you to the chair and you sat down to play your song together. A sweet duet to start off a budding romance. 
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Parallels | Chapter 4
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist! | Parallels Masterlist
Characters: OC! Violet Grace Dawson, Luke Patterson, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, Flynn nolastname, Willie nolastname, Nick Danforth-Evans, Dirty Candy 
Guideline: Sunset Universe is the universe in which Sunset Curve is famous and Violet is friends with Carrie, Julie and Flynn. Candy Universe is the universe in which Dirty Candy is more famous and Sunset Curve has broken up. 
Song(s) used: Clued Up - Little Mix 
Warnings: none
Words:  2,845
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It was almost midnight when the two girls collapsed on the floor of the dance studio after having rehearsed every single Dirty Candy song at least twice. Violet had almost gotten everything down. 
“Will you tell me more about the other universe?” Carrie asked as she stared at the off-white ceiling overhead. 
Violet turned her head a little to look at her best friend before facing the ceiling too. “Where should I start?” 
“Are we friends?” Carrie questioned without missing a beat. 
“Yeah, we’re best friends with Julie and Flynn. We spend most days in Julie’s garage, making music. We wrote at least a dozen songs together, I believe.” Violet smiled at the memory of them writing their first song together just a few years ago. It was one of their proudest moments together. 
Carrie then sat up straight, the movement capturing Violet’s attention. “Will you show me one?” she asked, and Violet shot up into the seating position too. “Please?” 
Violet’s eyes darted across the room where she found a bunch of instruments stalled. With a smile, she got up and made a beeline for the acoustic guitar in the corner before returning and sitting down opposite of Carrie. 
After having tuned the guitar to her liking, Violet placed her fingers on the correct strings and started playing. An upbeat melody chimed through the room seconds before Violet’s voice followed. 
“Hey, yeah, no, oh, oh, yeah, mmm” Listen, I used to dress like everybody else I wanted to just blend in They told me no, keep my dreams on the low Told me I'd never win, yeah I love to be different Guard up to opinions then let 'em in Tear me down, wanna see me drown Like being happy is such a sin, uh-huh”
Violet looked up for a second to find Carrie watching her with the softest smile on her face, the way Carrie always looked at her. It made her feel at home. 
“And now I'm older, it's never over It don't stop affecting me, the world keeps testing me I'm getting on track with every knock back On a bad day, I just gotta stay, stay, stay, stay”
Violet’s voice grew stronger as she lapsed into the chorus with Carrie watching her intently. 
“I stay clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty, sometimes it's pain Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh, woah C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
She slowed it down again, her voice mellowing out during the second verse. 
“Invisible, I feel like I'm forgotten Do you even notice me? Yeah Work myself up, let the nerves take over How I feel isn't what you see I need control, don't know how to let it go I need to learn to let it be, yeah Gotta remember nothing lasts forever So I'm just happy being me, oh-oh”
“And when I'm older, it's never over It don't stop affecting me, the world keeps testing me I'm staying on track with every knock back On a bad day, I just gotta stay, stay, stay, stay”
“I stay clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty, sometimes it's pain Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
To Violet’s surprise, Carrie joined in during the post-chorus, which caused a wide, genuine smile to fall on Violet’s lips as the two voices blended together. For a moment, it was like nothing had changed and she was still in her own universe. 
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh, woah C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
“I will never run, never run from a lesson I will never hide, never hide from the present All the ups and the downs All the heres and the nows, oh Everything I face, no, it's never forgotten 'Cause every single day is a chance I can blossom All the ups and the downs Yeah, I'm living right now, hey”
“Mmm, I'm living right now, yeah Aah, one, two, three!”
A giggle escaped Carrie’s lips before she tried her hardest to sing along with Violet. It ended up with her just echoing some of the words, but it added a certain quality to the song that Violet really digged. 
“I'm c-c-clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty (beauty, no), sometimes it's pain (pain) Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain (oh, sometimes it's rain) I'm c-c-clued up (up) and now I'm ready Just make the best of what you have”
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh, oh, oh I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have Beauty, but sometimes it's pain, mmh Sometimes it's sunshine, sometimes it's rain”
The last notes echoed through the space as the song came to an end, and made room for Carrie’s clapping and giggling. 
“That sounded great! Did you write this one?” she asked, intrigued to hear more about this universe of Violet’s. 
Violet smiled and placed the guitar next to her before answering. “Actually, you did…” 
Carrie’s eyes widened. “I did? Y-you mean your Carrie doesn’t sing about being popular and being the best at everything like I do?!” The girl was baffled at the idea that there were other subjects to write about than just popularity. 
“You should try it sometime,” Violet told her with a smile. “I’m sure you got something great in you. If Carrie from my universe can do it, then so can you.” 
“Sounds like a pretty good universe you lived in,” it sounded from the other side of the room and it didn’t sound like Carrie’s voice, whatsoever. Violet and Carrie turned their heads to find Bobby in the doorway. 
Violet smiled. “Actually, it was just okay. I don’t see you that often…” Bobby tilted his head a little before walking closer towards the girls. “What happened to Sunset Curve here? In my universe, they’re pretty big and touring the country at this very moment…” 
“We, uhm, we split up…” Bobby replied with a tinge of sadness in his voice. 
“What happened?” 
Bobby heaved in a deep breath before joining the girls on the floor. “Creative differences. I wanted to be famous, Luke was in it to prove to his parents he could make a career out of it, Alex just wanted to work out his frustrations and Reggie was just in it because his friends were…” 
“Oh, that sounds pretty terrible. Where are they now?” 
The boy shrugged. “Luke plays football, Reggie is focusing on his studies and Alex only has time for Willie.” 
“Who’s Willie?” Violet wanted to know, having never heard of the boy before. 
“Alex’s boyfriend,” Carrie replied, “And they’re the cutest couple on earth, I swear to God!” 
Violet’s eyes widened. “I knew Alex was gay. I swear the whole dating-a-different-girl-every-night was just a publicity stunt!” The Wilson siblings shot the girl a questioning look. “It’s a long story… But Alex is gay! Yay!” She excitedly clapped her hands, making the two teenagers in front of her chuckle. 
“So, any clue how we’re gonna get you back?” Carrie asked then. 
Violet smirked, “You already sick of me, Wilson?” Carrie’s mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. “I’m kidding. But no, I’ve got no clue whatsoever… There must be a reason why I’ve been brought here, right?” 
“I mean, you did tell me you wished someone would believe in me,” Bobby muttered, his voice laced with hurt and betrayal. 
Violet’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry about that, Bobby… I’m sure I didn’t mean it…” 
The three kids let the words settle in their brain before the three of them burst out into laughter. That sounded weird, even considering the situation. 
For the rest of the night, the three of them brainstorm together, trying to figure out what reason could be behind the switch. There had to be a reason for her to suddenly show up here. It had to mean something. 
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Determinedly, Violet stormed through the hallway towards where she last saw Julie, Flynn and Carrie. They were still at Julie’s locker and, like they had many times before, immediately shut up. This time, Violet ignored it and instead came straight to the point. 
“What’s this?” she asked and showed the girls the picture she had made of the news article in the trophy case. “This isn’t right! Sunset Curve broke up a year ago!” 
Just as the words left her mouth, a girl Violet could recognize from miles away walked her way. She had a strut in her step and her long, black hair swooshed behind her with every swaying step she took. 
“Kayla!” Violet called out and when her friend turned around, her face screamed disgust. 
“What do you want?” she asked, her tone laced with annoyance. 
Violet’s eyes flicked from Kayla to Carrie and back. Kayla and Carrie weren’t friends here. And neither were Violet and Kayla. Dirty Candy wasn’t a thing in this universe. Though the logo on Kayla’s badge that was pinned to her jean jacket said differently. 
“Nothing – N-nevermind.” Violet turned back to the girls she was previously talking to. “Does Dirty Candy exist?” she asked in a hushed voice. 
“Yeah,” Carrie replied, the volume of her voice matching Violet’s. “It’s Kayla’s. She created the band with Dana, Cynthia and Sophia.” 
Violet blinked a few times, trying to process all the information. “Dana’s in the band?” she whispered, and neither of the girls were sure if she was talking to them or not. “Dana got kicked out of Dirty Candy… Our Dirty Candy.” She said that last part to Carrie. 
“Vi, we were never in Dirty Candy…” Carrie told her with furrowed eyebrows. 
Julie lifted her hand to Violet’s arm. “Are you certain about that universe thing?” 
“Yes!” Violet groaned. “This isn’t the world I’m used to living in. In my world, Carrie and I are in Dirty Candy and we haven’t spoken in over a year since your mother died.” She pointed at Carrie first, then gestured to the two other girls before her gaze landed on Julie. 
Julie’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Her mother really did know more, she was certain of it. There was something she was hiding and Julie had to find out what it was. But first, she wanted to know more about this universe Violet seemed to come from. 
She grabbed Violet’s hand and dragged her towards the empty music room at the back of the school where no one ever came. This used to be Sunset Curve’s rehearsal space during their free periods and  now, Julie used it to work on her music when the girls couldn’t help. 
“Tell us more about that universe of yours,” Julie demanded as she hopped onto a desk in the corner. Her eyes flicked to the other two girls, searching for their approval before adding, “We wanna know everything.” 
“So, in my universe, your mother passed away. She got ill, really ill and after she passed, you lost your love for music. You didn’t sing a note for a year and we kinda lost each other. Carrie and I started to spend more time together afterwards and eventually created Dirty Candy. We grew our band with Cynthia, Sophia and Kayla, and became more and more popular the more we performed at school and at Chubbie’s pizzeria.” 
Carrie’s eyes twinkled at the idea of forming a band with her best friends, though she couldn’t quite see how she could start a band without Flynn and Julie. There was no Carrie and Violet without Flynn and Julie, or any other way around. 
“You have a Chubbie’s too?” Flynn questioned, earning a glare from Carrie and Julie. 
“That’s your question?” Julie shot back, shaking her head. She then turned back to Violet. “Continue, please.” 
Violet chuckled a little. “Besides rehearsals for Dirty Candy, I mostly hang out at Carrie’s where Bobby mostly mopes around because he doesn’t have any friends since Sunset Curve split up.” 
“Why’d they split?” Carrie wanted to know. 
“I don’t know, some drama, I guess? I don’t really pay much attention to him, to be honest.” A soft laugh escaped Violet’s mouth at the thought of teasing Bobby to the fullest with all her stupid pranks and witty comebacks during rehearsals. 
“Why’d you switch places with our Violet?” Julie then queried. 
Violet shrugged. “If only I knew that… The blogpost I found doesn’t really give a theory about why people switch places with their parallel self. It just – happened, I guess?” 
Julie mulled the answer over in her head whilst her teeth dug into her bottom lip in thought. She knew she could ask her mother about all of this. She had to know something about it. There had to be more that she could tell them. 
“I think there’s someone who can help us,” she muttered and jumped back on her feet. Her three friends followed behind her until they reached the street and they were on their way to Julie’s house. Their last period was a free period, so it wouldn’t really matter that they left school early. It was something they did quite often to go and jam in Julie’s garage. 
“Mom?” Julie called out as the girls entered the house. “Mom! You home?” 
Rose entered the hallway from the living room with a wide smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes that Violet hadn’t seen in years. The girl’s eyes widened upon seeing the curly-headed woman. She was alive. Alive and well and right in front of her. 
“You– you’re alive… Miss Molina… You’re alive. You’re actually–” Violet let out a surprised chuckle whilst tears pooled in her eyes. “You’re actually alive…” she breathed. 
Rose’s eyes darted from Violet to her daughter and the other girls before landing back on Violet. A light behind her eyes flicked on, signalling at the resemblance of the situation she had found herself in years ago. 
“I know what’s going on here,” Rose mumbled before heading into the kitchen. The girls exchanged glances before following the Latina woman. Violet and Julie took a seat at the table, opposite where Rose had taken a seat, while Carrie leaned against the counter where Flynn hoisted herself onto. 
With the girls’ expectant eyes on her, Rose heaved in a deep breath. “You’ve switched universes, haven’t you?” was the first question she asked. “You fainted and woke up in a world where you know the people but they lead completely different lives?” 
Violet’s mouth dropped, her eyes flicking to the other girls before focusing back on Rose. “Y-yes, that’s… That’s exactly what happened.” 
Rose smiled faintly. “I got myself in the same situation…” she admitted. “I was eighteen at the time and I had told my boyfriend at the time that I wished I lived in a world where he wasn’t such a jerk. Next thing I knew, I fainted and woke up in a world where my boyfriend was gay and my friends led completely different lives from mine. I was in a band, Rose and The Petal Pushers, and we were pretty famous there. All my other friends either didn’t talk to me anymore or were in my band.” 
Carrie and Violet exchanged a quick glance. That sounded an awful lot like them. 
“How did you get back here?” Flynn questioned from her spot on the counter. 
Fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, Rose continued. “There’s this unfinished business I had to complete in that world and the Rose I knew had to do the same in mine. My unfinished business was getting Rose and The Petal Pushers in a band while the other Rose had to help find my boyfriend’s way out of the closet…” she smiled at the memory that floated back to the surface. “Aside from marriage and having two beautiful children–” she tucked a strand of Julie’s hair behind her ear with a smile, “The switch was the biggest adventure of my entire life.” 
“Wow, mom,” breathed Julie. 
Violet nodded her head, “That’s a crazy story, miss Molina.” 
Rose scoffed and reached for Violet’s hand. “Please, you call me Rose in this universe.” 
A smile landed on Violet’s cheeks. “Thanks for the reassuring story, Rose.” 
“I hope it calms your nerves and worries about all of this.” 
“It definitely does.”  
Rose smiled before patting the girl’s hand. “So,” she said, “What’s your unfinished business?” 
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
Cold Ice & Warm Hearts~
ꕥPosted: 12/24/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Christmas Imagine, Fluff
ꕥPairing: FemReader! x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: 1.8k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I’ve been watching a shit ton of ice skating videos lately so this is the result lol
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Ice skating was my favorite part of the holiday season without a doubt. I was always able to skate more around December since I had a month off from college, which was fantastic. Not to mention that more people would skate than usual, meaning the more people I could teach to skate, feeling pride swell in my chest as I saw them improve.
I was recently gifted a pair of beautiful white ice skates by one of my friends as an early Christmas present. Although the holiday was right around the corner, she said she just couldn’t wait to give them to me, knowing how much I needed new skates.
“You’re completely wearing out your old ones,” She told me, “These will treat you much better.”
Although I very much loved my old pair, I had to admit she had a point. The laces were tearing and the soles were wearing down, making it very difficult to skate without having to stop and adjust them every few seconds.
Tonight I was walking to the outdoor skating rink only a few blocks from my apartment. I lived in a relatively busy city so I expected many people to be there, but I never minded that. It made me happy to see so many enjoying it.
As I walked with my ice skates, my mind wandered. It had been a few months since I last skated and I had been dying to get back. I was slightly nervous; however. I always was if I hadn’t skated in a while. Part of me worried that I would fall as often as I did when I began or forget how to skate all together.
I sat on the benches next to the rink to put my skates on when a deep, attractive laugh caught my attention. I turned my head to the right of the rink, observing the young man it came from. He was about average height and had one of the most endearing smiles I had ever seen. His dark brown hair swayed in the wind as he slightly picked up speed. His long, tan jacket looked warm and for a brief moment I had to refrain myself from thinking about how it would feel to cuddle up next to him.
He was surrounded by four other men, some obviously more skilled than others, but he, himself, wasn’t bad at all. He could skate relatively well and I wondered if he grew up skating like I did. Or maybe he was a natural talent?
His build was strong. I could tell that even with the several layers he was wearing. He certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes, to say the least.
One of the men near him stumbled and fell, the others laughing while the man wearing the tan jacket helped him up, a slight smile on his face but still expressing concern.
He seems kind.
I shook myself from my thoughts and tied the soft white laces of my skates. There were more people on the rink than I expected and it made me smile. Maybe some would find passion in it like I did.
I stepped out on the ice and made several strides, feeling silly for being nervous before. Ice skating was so ingrained in me that I had no reason to be. I moved to the rhythm of the Christmas music playing overhead and felt the world fading away. My worries, fears, stressors—all of it—melted from me as I made laps around the rink, occasionally adding a spin or two.
I was only slightly aware of the people looking in my direction and the gasps in awe being directed towards me. Because honestly, it didn’t matter. I never cared much for the compliments. Sure they were nice, but I skated for myself. To improve myself, not to impress others. Although, perhaps tonight I had a  motive to impress a certain man. Only perhaps.
I slowed down to look at the sky above me. The lights surrounding the rink only a slight distraction from the twinkling stars.
How gorgeous.
Smiling to myself I leisurely spun around, eyes still locked on the sky. I didn’t need to constantly look at the ice to keep my balance. It took some practice, but it became second nature to keep my balance no matter where I was looking.
The slight disappointment I had from being interrupted only lasted for a few seconds until I saw the man I had been admiring in front of me. I blinked a few times, his handsome features up close catching me off guard.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where did you learn to skate like that?”
A wide smile spread across my face at his question, “I grew up skating. I practiced nearly every weekend.”
He nodded, “That’s impressive. Think you could teach me?”
“Teach you what exactly? You seem to have a good grasp on skating already.”
He chuckled and looked down, confidence faltering for only a moment, his gummy smile emerging, “Okay if I’m being honest, that was my best attempt to ask if you’d like to skate with me.”
I raised a brow and looked over to his friends who were giggling in our direction until they were caught off guard by my gaze, quickly averting their eyes.
“Do your friends have anything to do with this?”
“I mean, I suppose a little. I wanted to approach you so they encouraged me. It wasn’t a dare or anything like that if you were wondering.”
“That’s cute of them.” I cocked my head for a moment, “I don’t mind, but are you sure you can keep up? I can’t promise I’ll slow down for you.”
“I can certainly try.”
I nodded and skated off, not waiting for him to join by my side, but knowing he would, and he eventually did.
“So,” I began, “May I have your name?”
“That would probably be useful information, yes.” He laughed, “I’m Jongho. What’s yours?”
I introduced myself and he nodded, a slight smile still on his face.
“You’re really attractive, you know that?”
He flushed, “Wow. Are you always this blunt?”
“Usually,” I shrugged.
“I admire that. I am too, most of the time.”
“Yeah?” I skated slightly ahead of him, turning around and skating backwards, still facing him, “You give off the vibe that you would be.”
His eyes became playful, “What other vibes do I give off?”
“Hmm. You look strong, so maybe you work in construction? Or some other profession that requires physical strength,” I raised my hand to my chin, “Also, I feel like you play an instrument. Maybe you sing? Either way I think you’re musically inclined.”
“You’re wrong with the profession. I’m a college student but I’m on a dance team so it requires strength. Plus I just like working out. You were right about the singing, though. It’s a hobby of mine.”
Jongho once again smiled, but it quickly disappeared and his eyes widened. He reached out towards me grabbing my arms and pulling me close.
“What are you-”
A little girl skated past us at a fast speed, right where I had been before.
My heart was racing, almost to the point of not being able to form words, but I had to thank him, “Oh my gosh thank you.”
“Hey it’s no problem.”
I noticed how close we were, my hands placed on his chest with his arms locked on my back. All at once I felt as if my breath had been taken from me as I looked into his dark eyes. I felt myself being drawn to him, unknowingly leaning in closer.
And then he let me go, skating away from me, “Are you gonna catch up?”
I brought my hands to my cheeks, feeling their heat before shaking it off and skating next to him.
Jongho looked in my direction when I reached his side, “Your cheeks are awfully pink, darling. Are you feeling cold?”
His cocky voice and the pet name caught me off guard and I looked anywhere but him, trying to avoid eye contact.
“Oh don’t get shy now. What happened to the blunt and confident girl I met earlier?”
“She’s blushing right now. And feeling nervous because she thought you were going to kiss her.”
He titled his head, “Did she want that happen?”
“She might have...” I bit my bottom lip and nodded, “She did.”
“Well you’ve gotta take me out to dinner first.” He laughed, “But, I might make an exception for you. On one condition.”
“Which is?”
I noticed he stopped skating and I stopped as well, curious as to what he might want.
“I want to go on a date with you.”
I narrowed my eyes, “You aren’t a player, are you?”
“No, not at all!” Jongho raised his hands in defense, “I just think you’re really beautiful and I’d like to get to know you better.”
I giggled at the compliment, feeling shy, “In that case, I agree to all terms and conditions.”
“Come here, then.”
I skated slightly closer to him, placing my hands on his warm cheeks as I felt his hands rest on my hips.
“I haven’t kissed anyone in a hot minute.” I confessed.
“That makes two of us,” Were his last words as he placed his lips on mine. His lips felt so warm and inviting and only until that moment did I realize how badly I had wanted to kiss him. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him harder, leaving me breathless. Too soon we pulled apart, eyes finding the other’s.
Jongho’s gummy smile appeared and I felt my heart skip. The cheer of several men brought me back to my surroundings.
“Yeah,” Jongho rubbed his neck, looking in their direction, “They’re a bit crazy but you get used to them.”
“I’d like to.”
His eyes warmed and he took my by the hand, “So when are you free? I know a great restaurant that just opened up a week ago. We’ll have to hurry though, Christmas is right around the corner and I’m sure we won’t be able to get in for the next few days.”
“Oh yeah? How about this Friday?”
“What’s your favorite flower?”
I furrowed my brows, “Why?”
“Well if you think that I’m going to show up at your place without bringing you flowers, you’re sadly mistaken.”
I bit my lip again and looked down at the ice, “I tend to like peonys.”
We exchanged numbers and said goodbye far too early for my liking, but his friends began to complain about being hungry, and he caved.
Watching Jongho walk away I decided to head back home. Originally I planned on skating for a while after, but I couldn't seem to concentrate with all the butterflies in my stomach.
Not even halfway back to my apartment I received a text from Jongho, making me smile. 
‘Don’t forget our date!’ He wrote.
‘I’ll be looking forward to it :)’
The butterflies in my stomach returned. Feeling childish with these new emotions, I skipped the rest of the way home with a smile on my face. All but holding my breath for the next time I would see him.
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